diff --git a/code.js b/code.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2172836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code.js
@@ -0,0 +1,139421 @@
+function __cons(t, a) {
+ return eval("new t(" + a.map(function(t, e) {
+ return "a[" + e + "]"
+ }).join(",") + ")")
+var Laya = window.Laya = function(t, e) {
+ var i = {
+ __internals: [],
+ __packages: {},
+ __classmap: {
+ Object: Object,
+ Function: Function,
+ Array: Array,
+ String: String
+ },
+ __sysClass: {
+ object: "Object",
+ array: "Array",
+ string: "String",
+ dictionary: "Dictionary"
+ },
+ __propun: {
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ __presubstr: String.prototype.substr,
+ __substr: function(t, e) {
+ return 1 == arguments.length ? i.__presubstr.call(this, t) : i.__presubstr.call(this, t, e > 0 ? e : this.length + e)
+ },
+ __init: function(t) {
+ t.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.__init$ && t.__init$()
+ })
+ },
+ __isClass: function(t) {
+ return t && (t.__isclass || t == Object || t == String || t == Array)
+ },
+ __newvec: function(t, e) {
+ var i = [];
+ i.length = t;
+ for (var n = 0; n < t; n++)
+ i[n] = e;
+ return i
+ },
+ __extend: function(t, e) {
+ function n() {
+ i.un(this, "constructor", t)
+ }
+ for (var a in e)
+ if (e.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
+ var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, a)
+ , s = r.get
+ , o = r.set;
+ s || o ? s && o ? Object.defineProperty(t, a, r) : (s && Object.defineProperty(t, a, s),
+ o && Object.defineProperty(t, a, o)) : t[a] = e[a]
+ }
+ n.prototype = e.prototype,
+ t.prototype = new n,
+ i.un(t.prototype, "__imps", i.__copy({}, e.prototype.__imps))
+ },
+ __copy: function(t, e) {
+ if (!e)
+ return null;
+ t = t || {};
+ for (var i in e)
+ t[i] = e[i];
+ return t
+ },
+ __package: function(e, n) {
+ if (!i.__packages[e]) {
+ i.__packages[e] = !0;
+ var a = t
+ , r = e.split(".");
+ if (r.length > 1)
+ for (var s = 0, o = r.length - 1; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = a[r[s]];
+ a = l || (a[r[s]] = {})
+ }
+ a[r[r.length - 1]] || (a[r[r.length - 1]] = n || {})
+ }
+ },
+ __hasOwnProperty: function(t, e) {
+ function i(t, e) {
+ if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e.prototype, t))
+ return !0;
+ var n = e.prototype.__super;
+ return null == n ? null : i(t, n)
+ }
+ return e = e || this,
+ Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) || i(t, e.__class)
+ },
+ __typeof: function(t, e) {
+ if (!t || !e)
+ return !1;
+ if (e === String)
+ return "string" == typeof t;
+ if (e === Number)
+ return "number" == typeof t;
+ if (e.__interface__)
+ e = e.__interface__;
+ else if ("string" != typeof e)
+ return t instanceof e;
+ return t.__imps && t.__imps[e] || t.__class == e
+ },
+ __as: function(t, e) {
+ return this.__typeof(t, e) ? t : null
+ },
+ __int: function(t) {
+ return t ? parseInt(t) : 0
+ },
+ interface: function(e, n) {
+ i.__package(e, {});
+ var a = i.__internals
+ , r = a[e] = a[e] || {
+ self: e
+ };
+ if (n) {
+ var s = n.split(",");
+ r.extend = [];
+ for (c = 0; c < s.length; c++) {
+ var o = s[c];
+ a[o] = a[o] || {
+ self: o
+ },
+ r.extend.push(a[o])
+ }
+ }
+ for (var l = t, h = e.split("."), c = 0; c < h.length - 1; c++)
+ l = l[h[c]];
+ l[h[h.length - 1]] = {
+ __interface__: e
+ }
+ },
+ class: function(e, n, a, r) {
+ if (a && i.__extend(e, a),
+ n)
+ if (i.__package(n, e),
+ i.__classmap[n] = e,
+ n.indexOf(".") > 0) {
+ if (0 == n.indexOf("laya.")) {
+ var s = n.split(".");
+ r = r || s[s.length - 1],
+ i[r] && console.log("Warning!,this class[" + r + "] already exist:", i[r]),
+ i[r] = e
+ }
+ } else
+ "Main" == n ? t.Main = e : (i[n] && console.log("Error!,this class[" + n + "] already exist:", i[n]),
+ i[n] = e);
+ var o = i.un
+ , l = e.prototype;
+ o(l, "hasOwnProperty", i.__hasOwnProperty),
+ o(l, "__class", e),
+ o(l, "__super", a),
+ o(l, "__className", n),
+ o(e, "__super", a),
+ o(e, "__className", n),
+ o(e, "__isclass", !0),
+ o(e, "super", function(t) {
+ this.__super.call(t)
+ })
+ },
+ imps: function(t, e) {
+ function n(t) {
+ var e, r;
+ if ((e = i.__internals[t]) && (a[t] = !0,
+ r = e.extend))
+ for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ n(r[s].self)
+ }
+ if (!e)
+ return null;
+ var a = t.__imps || i.un(t, "__imps", {});
+ for (var r in e)
+ n(r)
+ },
+ superSet: function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.prototype["_$set_" + i];
+ a && a.call(e, n)
+ },
+ superGet: function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.prototype["_$get_" + i];
+ return n ? n.call(e) : null
+ },
+ getset: function(t, e, n, a, r) {
+ t ? (a && (e["_$GET_" + n] = a),
+ r && (e["_$SET_" + n] = r)) : (a && i.un(e, "_$get_" + n, a),
+ r && i.un(e, "_$set_" + n, r)),
+ a && r ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
+ get: a,
+ set: r,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ }) : (a && Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
+ get: a,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ r && Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
+ set: r,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ }))
+ },
+ static: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i += 2)
+ "length" == e[i] ? t.length = e[i + 1].call(t) : function() {
+ var n = e[i]
+ , a = e[i + 1];
+ Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
+ get: function() {
+ return delete this[n],
+ this[n] = a.call(this)
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ delete this[n],
+ this[n] = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ })
+ }()
+ },
+ un: function(t, e, n) {
+ return n || (n = t[e]),
+ i.__propun.value = n,
+ Object.defineProperty(t, e, i.__propun),
+ n
+ },
+ uns: function(t, e) {
+ e.forEach(function(e) {
+ i.un(t, e)
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ return t.console = t.console || {
+ log: function() {}
+ },
+ t.trace = t.console.log,
+ Error.prototype.throwError = function() {
+ throw arguments
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "fixed", {
+ enumerable: !1
+ }),
+ i
+}(window, document);
+!function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns,
+ i.static,
+ i.class,
+ i.getset,
+ i.__newvec
+}(window, document, Laya),
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset;
+ i.__newvec;
+ i.interface("laya.runtime.IMarket"),
+ i.interface("laya.filters.IFilter"),
+ i.interface("laya.display.ILayout"),
+ i.interface("laya.resource.IDispose"),
+ i.interface("laya.runtime.IPlatform"),
+ i.interface("laya.resource.IDestroy"),
+ i.interface("laya.runtime.IConchNode"),
+ i.interface("laya.filters.IFilterAction"),
+ i.interface("laya.runtime.ICPlatformClass"),
+ i.interface("laya.resource.ICreateResource"),
+ i.interface("laya.runtime.IConchRenderObject"),
+ i.interface("laya.runtime.IPlatformClass", "laya.runtime.IPlatform");
+ var s = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return a(e, "laya.utils.RunDriver"),
+ e.pixelRatio = -1,
+ e._charSizeTestDiv = null,
+ e.now = function() {
+ return Date.now()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getWindow = function() {
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getPixelRatio = function() {
+ if (e.pixelRatio < 0) {
+ var t = O.context
+ , i = t.backingStorePixelRatio || t.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || t.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || t.msBackingStorePixelRatio || t.oBackingStorePixelRatio || t.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
+ (e.pixelRatio = (O.window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / i) < 1 && (e.pixelRatio = 1)
+ }
+ return e.pixelRatio
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getIncludeStr = function(t) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createShaderCondition = function(t) {
+ var e = "(function() {return " + t + ";})";
+ return i._runScript(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fontMap = [],
+ e.measureText = function(t, i) {
+ var n = e.hanzi.test(t);
+ if (n && e.fontMap[i])
+ return e.fontMap[i];
+ var a = O.context;
+ a.font = i;
+ var r = a.measureText(t);
+ return n && (e.fontMap[i] = r),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getWebGLContext = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.beginFlush = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.endFinish = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.addToAtlas = null,
+ e.flashFlushImage = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.drawToCanvas = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = bt.create("2D")
+ , o = new B(i,n,s);
+ return k.renders[e]._fun(t, o, a, r),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createParticleTemplate2D = null,
+ e.createGLTextur = null,
+ e.createWebGLContext2D = null,
+ e.changeWebGLSize = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ e.createRenderSprite = function(t, e) {
+ return new k(t,e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createFilterAction = function(t) {
+ return new w
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createGraphics = function() {
+ return new f
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function(t) {
+ A._context.ctx.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cancelLoadByUrl = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.clearAtlas = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.isAtlas = function(t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addTextureToAtlas = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.getTexturePixels = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.skinAniSprite = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.update3DLoop = function() {}
+ ,
+ n(e, ["hanzi", function() {
+ return this.hanzi = new RegExp("^[一-龥]$")
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , o = (r(1, i, "alertGlobalError", null, function(t) {
+ var e = 0;
+ O.window.onerror = t ? function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ e++ < 5 && r && alert("出错啦,请把此信息截图给研发商\n" + t + "\n" + r.stack || r)
+ }
+ : null
+ }),
+ i.init = function(t, e, n) {
+ for (var a = [], r = 2, s = arguments.length; r < s; r++)
+ a.push(arguments[r]);
+ if (!i._isinit) {
+ ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice || (ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice = i._arrayBufferSlice),
+ i._isinit = !0,
+ O.__init__(),
+ R.__init__(),
+ f.__init__(),
+ i.timer = new q,
+ i.scaleTimer = new q,
+ i.loader = new ot,
+ Z.__init__();
+ for (var r = 0, o = a.length; r < o; r++)
+ a[r].enable && a[r].enable();
+ return u.__init__(),
+ _.__init__(),
+ P.__init__(),
+ V.beginCheck(),
+ i._currentStage = i.stage = new yt,
+ i.stage.conchModel && i.stage.conchModel.setRootNode(),
+ i.getUrlPath(),
+ i.render = new A(0,0),
+ i.stage.size(t, e),
+ k.__init__(),
+ g.__init__(),
+ y.instance.__init__(i.stage, A.canvas),
+ xt.__init__(),
+ T.autoStopMusic = !0,
+ E.__init__(),
+ A.canvas
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getUrlPath = function() {
+ var t = O.window.location
+ , e = t.pathname;
+ e = ":" == e.charAt(2) ? e.substring(1) : e,
+ N.rootPath = N.basePath = N.getPath("file:" == t.protocol ? e : t.protocol + "//" + t.host + t.pathname)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._arrayBufferSlice = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new Uint8Array(this,t,e - t)
+ , n = new Uint8Array(i.length);
+ return n.set(i),
+ n.buffer
+ }
+ ,
+ i._runScript = function(t) {
+ return O.window["e" + String.fromCharCode(118) + "al"](t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.stage = null,
+ i.timer = null,
+ i.scaleTimer = null,
+ i.loader = null,
+ i.version = "",
+ i.render = null,
+ i._currentStage = null,
+ i._isinit = !1,
+ i.MiniAdpter = {
+ init: function() {
+ t.navigator && t.navigator.userAgent && t.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MiniGame") > -1 && console.error("请先引用小游戏适配库laya.wxmini.js,详细教程:https://ldc.layabox.com/doc/?nav=zh-ts-5-0-0")
+ }
+ },
+ n(i, ["conchMarket", function() {
+ return this.conchMarket = t.conch ? conchMarket : null
+ }
+ , "PlatformClass", function() {
+ return this.PlatformClass = t.PlatformClass
+ }
+ ]),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "Config"),
+ t.WebGLTextCacheCount = 500,
+ t.atlasEnable = !1,
+ t.showCanvasMark = !1,
+ t.animationInterval = 50,
+ t.isAntialias = !1,
+ t.isAlpha = !1,
+ t.premultipliedAlpha = !0,
+ t.isStencil = !0,
+ t.preserveDrawingBuffer = !1,
+ t
+ }())
+ , l = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._events = null
+ }
+ var e;
+ a(t, "laya.events.EventDispatcher");
+ var i = t.prototype;
+ return i.hasListener = function(t) {
+ return !!(this._events && this._events[t])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.event = function(t, e) {
+ if (!this._events || !this._events[t])
+ return !1;
+ var i = this._events[t];
+ if (i.run)
+ i.once && delete this._events[t],
+ null != e ? i.runWith(e) : i.run();
+ else {
+ for (var n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ r && (null != e ? r.runWith(e) : r.run()),
+ r && !r.once || (i.splice(n, 1),
+ n--,
+ a--)
+ }
+ 0 === i.length && this._events && delete this._events[t]
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return this._createListener(t, e, i, n, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.once = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return this._createListener(t, e, i, n, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._createListener = function(t, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === s && (s = !0),
+ s && this.off(t, i, n, r);
+ var o = e.create(i || this, n, a, r);
+ this._events || (this._events = {});
+ var l = this._events;
+ return l[t] ? l[t].run ? l[t] = [l[t], o] : l[t].push(o) : l[t] = o,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ i.off = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ !this._events || !this._events[t])
+ return this;
+ var a = this._events[t];
+ if (null != i)
+ if (a.run)
+ e && a.caller !== e || a.method !== i || n && !a.once || (delete this._events[t],
+ a.recover());
+ else {
+ for (var r = 0, s = 0, o = a.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = a[s];
+ l ? !l || e && l.caller !== e || l.method !== i || n && !l.once || (r++,
+ a[s] = null,
+ l.recover()) : r++
+ }
+ r === o && delete this._events[t]
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ i.offAll = function(t) {
+ var e = this._events;
+ if (!e)
+ return this;
+ if (t)
+ this._recoverHandlers(e[t]),
+ delete e[t];
+ else {
+ for (var i in e)
+ this._recoverHandlers(e[i]);
+ this._events = null
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ i._recoverHandlers = function(t) {
+ if (t)
+ if (t.run)
+ t.recover();
+ else
+ for (var e = t.length - 1; e > -1; e--)
+ t[e] && (t[e].recover(),
+ t[e] = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.isMouseEvent = function(e) {
+ return t.MOUSE_EVENTS[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ rightmousedown: !0,
+ rightmouseup: !0,
+ rightclick: !0,
+ mousedown: !0,
+ mouseup: !0,
+ mousemove: !0,
+ mouseover: !0,
+ mouseout: !0,
+ click: !0,
+ doubleclick: !0
+ },
+ t.__init$ = function() {
+ Object.defineProperty(laya.events.EventDispatcher.prototype, "_events", {
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0
+ }),
+ e = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, n, a)
+ }
+ a(e, "", h);
+ return e.prototype.recover = function() {
+ this._id > 0 && (this._id = 0,
+ e._pool.push(this.clear()))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ e._pool.length ? e._pool.pop().setTo(t, i, n, a) : new e(t,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._pool = [],
+ e
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , h = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.once = !1,
+ this._id = 0,
+ void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ this.setTo(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Handler");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setTo = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return this._id = t._gid++,
+ this.caller = e,
+ this.method = i,
+ this.args = n,
+ this.once = a,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.run = function() {
+ if (null == this.method)
+ return null;
+ var t = this._id
+ , e = this.method.apply(this.caller, this.args);
+ return this._id === t && this.once && this.recover(),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.runWith = function(t) {
+ if (null == this.method)
+ return null;
+ var e = this._id;
+ if (null == t)
+ var i = this.method.apply(this.caller, this.args);
+ else
+ i = this.args || t.unshift ? this.args ? this.method.apply(this.caller, this.args.concat(t)) : this.method.apply(this.caller, t) : this.method.call(this.caller, t);
+ return this._id === e && this.once && this.recover(),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ return this.caller = null,
+ this.method = null,
+ this.args = null,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recover = function() {
+ this._id > 0 && (this._id = 0,
+ t._pool.push(this.clear()))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ t._pool.length ? t._pool.pop().setTo(e, i, n, a) : new t(e,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._pool = [],
+ t._gid = 1,
+ t
+ }()
+ , c = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._texture = null,
+ this._fontCharDic = {},
+ this._fontWidthMap = {},
+ this._complete = null,
+ this._path = null,
+ this._maxWidth = 0,
+ this._spaceWidth = 10,
+ this._padding = null,
+ this.fontSize = 12,
+ this.autoScaleSize = !1,
+ this.letterSpacing = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.display.BitmapFont");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.loadFont = function(t, e) {
+ this._path = t,
+ this._complete = e,
+ i.loader.load([{
+ url: this._path,
+ type: "xml"
+ }, {
+ url: this._path.replace(".fnt", ".png"),
+ type: "image"
+ }], h.create(this, this.onLoaded))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onLoaded = function() {
+ this.parseFont(st.getRes(this._path), st.getRes(this._path.replace(".fnt", ".png"))),
+ this._complete && this._complete.runWith(this._texture ? this : null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.parseFont = function(t, e) {
+ if (null != t && null != e) {
+ this._texture = e;
+ var i = t.getElementsByTagName("info");
+ if (!i[0].getAttributeNode)
+ return this.parseFont2(t, e);
+ this.fontSize = parseInt(i[0].getAttributeNode("size").nodeValue);
+ var n = i[0].getAttributeNode("padding").nodeValue.split(",");
+ this._padding = [parseInt(n[0]), parseInt(n[1]), parseInt(n[2]), parseInt(n[3])];
+ var a;
+ a = t.getElementsByTagName("char");
+ var r = 0;
+ for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = a[r]
+ , o = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue)
+ , l = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("xoffset").nodeValue) / 1
+ , h = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("yoffset").nodeValue) / 1
+ , c = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("xadvance").nodeValue) / 1
+ , _ = new L;
+ _.x = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("x").nodeValue),
+ _.y = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("y").nodeValue),
+ _.width = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("width").nodeValue),
+ _.height = parseInt(s.getAttributeNode("height").nodeValue);
+ var u = ct.create(e, _.x, _.y, _.width, _.height, l, h);
+ this._maxWidth = Math.max(this._maxWidth, c + this.letterSpacing),
+ this._fontCharDic[o] = u,
+ this._fontWidthMap[o] = c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.parseFont2 = function(t, e) {
+ if (null != t && null != e) {
+ this._texture = e;
+ var i = t.getElementsByTagName("info");
+ this.fontSize = parseInt(i[0].attributes.size.nodeValue);
+ var n = i[0].attributes.padding.nodeValue.split(",");
+ this._padding = [parseInt(n[0]), parseInt(n[1]), parseInt(n[2]), parseInt(n[3])];
+ var a = t.getElementsByTagName("char")
+ , r = 0;
+ for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = a[r].attributes
+ , o = parseInt(s.id.nodeValue)
+ , l = parseInt(s.xoffset.nodeValue) / 1
+ , h = parseInt(s.yoffset.nodeValue) / 1
+ , c = parseInt(s.xadvance.nodeValue) / 1
+ , _ = new L;
+ _.x = parseInt(s.x.nodeValue),
+ _.y = parseInt(s.y.nodeValue),
+ _.width = parseInt(s.width.nodeValue),
+ _.height = parseInt(s.height.nodeValue);
+ var u = ct.create(e, _.x, _.y, _.width, _.height, l, h);
+ this._maxWidth = Math.max(this._maxWidth, c + this.letterSpacing),
+ this._fontCharDic[o] = u,
+ this._fontWidthMap[o] = c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCharTexture = function(t) {
+ return this._fontCharDic[t.charCodeAt(0)]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ if (this._texture) {
+ for (var t in this._fontCharDic) {
+ var e = this._fontCharDic[t];
+ e && e.destroy()
+ }
+ this._texture.destroy(),
+ this._fontCharDic = null,
+ this._fontWidthMap = null,
+ this._texture = null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setSpaceWidth = function(t) {
+ this._spaceWidth = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCharWidth = function(t) {
+ var e = t.charCodeAt(0);
+ return this._fontWidthMap[e] ? this._fontWidthMap[e] + this.letterSpacing : " " == t ? this._spaceWidth + this.letterSpacing : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getTextWidth = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++)
+ e += this.getCharWidth(t.charAt(i));
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getMaxWidth = function() {
+ return this._maxWidth
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getMaxHeight = function() {
+ return this.fontSize
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s, o = this.getTextWidth(t), l = 0;
+ "center" === a && (l = (r - o) / 2),
+ "right" === a && (l = r - o);
+ for (var h = 0, c = 0, _ = t.length; c < _; c++)
+ (s = this.getCharTexture(t.charAt(c))) && (e.graphics.drawTexture(s, i + h + l, n),
+ h += this.getCharWidth(t.charAt(c)))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , _ = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.alpha = 1,
+ this.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollRect = null,
+ this.blendMode = null,
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._tf = t._TF_EMPTY
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.display.css.Style");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getTransform = function() {
+ return this._tf
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTransform = function(e) {
+ this._tf = "none" !== e && e ? e : t._TF_EMPTY
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTranslateX = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.translateX = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTranslateY = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.translateY = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setScaleX = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.scaleX = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setScale = function(e, i) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.scaleX = e,
+ this._tf.scaleY = i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setScaleY = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.scaleY = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setRotate = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.rotate = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setSkewX = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.skewX = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setSkewY = function(e) {
+ this._tf === t._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.skewY = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ this.scrollRect = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.render = function(t, e, i, n) {}
+ ,
+ e.getCSSStyle = function() {
+ return tt.EMPTY
+ }
+ ,
+ e._enableLayout = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "scaleX", function() {
+ return this._tf.scaleX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setScaleX(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "transform", function() {
+ return this.getTransform()
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setTransform(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "translateX", function() {
+ return this._tf.translateX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setTranslateX(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "translateY", function() {
+ return this._tf.translateY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setTranslateY(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "scaleY", function() {
+ return this._tf.scaleY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setScaleY(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "block", function() {
+ return 0 != (1 & this._type)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "skewY", function() {
+ return this._tf.skewY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setSkewY(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "rotate", function() {
+ return this._tf.rotate
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setRotate(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "skewX", function() {
+ return this._tf.skewX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.setSkewX(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "paddingLeft", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "paddingTop", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "absolute", function() {
+ return !0
+ }),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t._TF_EMPTY = new d,
+ t.EMPTY = new t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.EMPTY = null,
+ t._TF_EMPTY = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , u = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._weight = 0,
+ this._decoration = null,
+ this._text = null,
+ this.indent = 0,
+ this._color = H.create(t.defaultColor),
+ this.family = t.defaultFamily,
+ this.stroke = t._STROKE,
+ this.size = t.defaultSize,
+ e && e !== t.EMPTY && e.copyTo(this)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.display.css.Font");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.set = function(t) {
+ this._text = null;
+ for (var e = t.split(" "), i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ switch (a) {
+ case "italic":
+ this.italic = !0;
+ continue;
+ case "bold":
+ this.bold = !0;
+ continue
+ }
+ a.indexOf("px") > 0 && (this.size = parseInt(a),
+ this.family = e[i + 1],
+ i++)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toString = function() {
+ return this._text = "",
+ this.italic && (this._text += "italic "),
+ this.bold && (this._text += "bold "),
+ this._text += this.size + "px " + this.family
+ }
+ ,
+ e.copyTo = function(e) {
+ e._type = this._type,
+ e._text = this._text,
+ e._weight = this._weight,
+ e._color = this._color,
+ e.family = this.family,
+ e.stroke = this.stroke != t._STROKE ? this.stroke.slice() : t._STROKE,
+ e.indent = this.indent,
+ e.size = this.size
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "password", function() {
+ return 0 != (1024 & this._type)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._type |= 1024 : this._type &= -1025
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color.strColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._color = H.create(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "italic", function() {
+ return 0 != (512 & this._type)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._type |= 512 : this._type &= -513
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "bold", function() {
+ return 0 != (2048 & this._type)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._type |= 2048 : this._type &= -2049
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "weight", function() {
+ return "" + this._weight
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = 0;
+ switch (t) {
+ case "normal":
+ break;
+ case "bold":
+ this.bold = !0,
+ e = 700;
+ break;
+ case "bolder":
+ e = 800;
+ break;
+ case "lighter":
+ e = 100;
+ break;
+ default:
+ e = parseInt(t)
+ }
+ this._weight = e,
+ this._text = null
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "decoration", function() {
+ return this._decoration ? this._decoration.value : "none"
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = t.split(" ");
+ switch (this._decoration || (this._decoration = {}),
+ e[0]) {
+ case "_":
+ this._decoration.type = "underline";
+ break;
+ case "-":
+ this._decoration.type = "line-through";
+ break;
+ case "overline":
+ this._decoration.type = "overline";
+ break;
+ default:
+ this._decoration.type = e[0]
+ }
+ e[1] && (this._decoration.color = H.create(e)),
+ this._decoration.value = t
+ }),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t.EMPTY = new t(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.EMPTY = null,
+ t.defaultColor = "#000000",
+ t.defaultSize = 12,
+ t.defaultFamily = "Arial",
+ t.defaultFont = "12px Arial",
+ t._STROKE = [0, "#000000"],
+ t._ITALIC = 512,
+ t._PASSWORD = 1024,
+ t._BOLD = 2048,
+ t
+ }()
+ , d = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.translateX = 0,
+ this.translateY = 0,
+ this.scaleX = 1,
+ this.scaleY = 1,
+ this.rotate = 0,
+ this.skewX = 0,
+ this.skewY = 0
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.display.css.TransformInfo"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , f = function() {
+ function e() {
+ if (this._one = null,
+ this._cmds = null,
+ this._render = this._renderEmpty,
+ A.isConchNode) {
+ this._nativeObj = new t._conchGraphics,
+ this.id = this._nativeObj.conchID
+ }
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.Graphics");
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function() {
+ this.clear(),
+ this._graphicBounds && this._graphicBounds.destroy(),
+ this._graphicBounds = null,
+ this._vectorgraphArray = null,
+ this._sp && (this._sp._renderType = 0),
+ this._sp = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clear = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1);
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ if (t) {
+ var a = this._one;
+ if (this._cmds) {
+ for (n = this._cmds.length,
+ i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ !(a = this._cmds[i]) || a.callee !== A._context._drawTexture && a.callee !== A._context._drawTextureWithTransform || (a[0] = null,
+ e._cache.push(a));
+ this._cmds.length = 0
+ } else
+ a && (!a || a.callee !== A._context._drawTexture && a.callee !== A._context._drawTextureWithTransform || (a[0] = null,
+ e._cache.push(a)))
+ } else
+ this._cmds = null;
+ if (this._one = null,
+ this._render = this._renderEmpty,
+ this._sp && (this._sp._renderType &= -514),
+ this._repaint(),
+ this._vectorgraphArray) {
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = this._vectorgraphArray.length; i < n; i++)
+ K.getInstance().deleteShape(this._vectorgraphArray[i]);
+ this._vectorgraphArray.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearBoundsCache = function() {
+ this._graphicBounds && this._graphicBounds.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._initGraphicBounds = function() {
+ this._graphicBounds || (this._graphicBounds = new p,
+ this._graphicBounds._graphics = this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._repaint = function() {
+ this._clearBoundsCache(),
+ this._sp && this._sp.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._isOnlyOne = function() {
+ return !this._cmds || 0 === this._cmds.length
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getBounds = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this._initGraphicBounds(),
+ this._graphicBounds.getBounds(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getBoundPoints = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this._initGraphicBounds(),
+ this._graphicBounds.getBoundPoints(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addCmd = function(t) {
+ this._cmds = this._cmds || [],
+ t.callee = t.shift(),
+ this._cmds.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setFilters = function(t) {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._setFilters, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawTexture = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ void 0 === o && (o = 1),
+ !t || o < .01)
+ return null;
+ a || (a = t.sourceWidth),
+ r || (r = t.sourceHeight),
+ o = o < 0 ? 0 : o > 1 ? 1 : o;
+ var l = !A.isWebGL && (O.onFirefox || O.onEdge || O.onIE || O.onSafari) ? .5 : 0
+ , h = a / t.sourceWidth
+ , c = r / t.sourceHeight;
+ if (a = t.width * h,
+ r = t.height * c,
+ t.loaded && (a <= 0 || r <= 0))
+ return null;
+ i += t.offsetX * h,
+ n += t.offsetY * c,
+ this._sp && (this._sp._renderType |= 512);
+ var _;
+ return i -= l,
+ n -= l,
+ a += 2 * l,
+ r += 2 * l,
+ e._cache.length ? ((_ = e._cache.pop())[0] = t,
+ _[1] = i,
+ _[2] = n,
+ _[3] = a,
+ _[4] = r,
+ _[5] = s,
+ _[6] = o) : _ = [t, i, n, a, r, s, o],
+ _.callee = s || 1 != o ? A._context._drawTextureWithTransform : A._context._drawTexture,
+ null != this._one || s || 1 != o ? this._saveToCmd(_.callee, _) : (this._one = _,
+ this._render = this._renderOneImg),
+ t.loaded || t.once("loaded", this, this._textureLoaded, [t, _]),
+ this._repaint(),
+ _
+ }
+ ,
+ n.cleanByTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ !t)
+ return this.clear();
+ if (this._one && this._render === this._renderOneImg) {
+ n || (n = t.sourceWidth),
+ a || (a = t.sourceHeight);
+ var r = n / t.sourceWidth
+ , s = a / t.sourceHeight;
+ n = t.width * r,
+ a = t.height * s,
+ e += t.offsetX * r,
+ i += t.offsetY * s,
+ this._one[0] = t,
+ this._one[1] = e,
+ this._one[2] = i,
+ this._one[3] = n,
+ this._one[4] = a,
+ this._repaint()
+ } else
+ this.clear(),
+ t && this.drawTexture(t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawTextures = function(t, e) {
+ t && this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawTextures, [t, e])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fillTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = "repeat"),
+ t) {
+ var o = [t, e, i, n, a, r, s || M.EMPTY, {}];
+ t.loaded || t.once("loaded", this, this._textureLoaded, [t, o]),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._fillTexture, o)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._textureLoaded = function(t, e) {
+ e[3] = e[3] || t.width,
+ e[4] = e[4] || t.height,
+ this._repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fillCircle = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ i.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas = !1;
+ var o = new Float32Array(2 * (s + 1))
+ , l = new Float32Array(2 * (s + 1))
+ , h = new Uint16Array(3 * s)
+ , c = 2 * Math.PI / s
+ , _ = 0;
+ o[0] = n,
+ o[1] = a,
+ l[0] = n / i.width,
+ l[1] = a / i.height;
+ for (var u = 2, d = 0; d < s; d++) {
+ var f = r * Math.cos(_) + n
+ , p = r * Math.sin(_) + a;
+ o[u] = f,
+ o[u + 1] = p,
+ l[u] = f / i.width,
+ l[u + 1] = p / i.height,
+ _ += c,
+ u += 2
+ }
+ for (u = 0,
+ d = 0; d < s; d++)
+ h[u++] = 0,
+ h[u++] = d + 1,
+ h[u++] = d + 2 >= s + 1 ? 1 : d + 2;
+ this.drawTriangles(i, t, e, o, l, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawTriangles = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === o && (o = 1),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context.drawTriangles, [t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h])
+ }
+ ,
+ n._saveToCmd = function(t, e) {
+ return this._sp && (this._sp._renderType |= 512),
+ null == this._one ? (this._one = e,
+ this._render = this._renderOne) : (this._sp && (this._sp._renderType &= -2),
+ this._render = this._renderAll,
+ 0 === (this._cmds || (this._cmds = [])).length && this._cmds.push(this._one),
+ this._cmds.push(e)),
+ e.callee = t,
+ this._repaint(),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clipRect = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._clipRect, [t, e, i, n])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fillText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === s && (s = 0),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._fillText, [t, e, i, n || u.defaultFont, a, r])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fillBorderText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._fillBorderText, [t, e, i, n || u.defaultFont, a, r, s, o])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.strokeText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._strokeText, [t, e, i, n || u.defaultFont, a, r, s])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.alpha = function(t) {
+ t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._alpha, [t])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setAlpha = function(t) {
+ t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._setAlpha, [t])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.transform = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._transform, [t, e, i])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.rotate = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._rotate, [t, e, i])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.scale = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._scale, [t, e, i, n])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.translate = function(t, e) {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._translate, [t, e])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.save = function() {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._save, [])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.restore = function() {
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._restore, [])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.replaceText = function(t) {
+ this._repaint();
+ var e = this._cmds;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var i = e.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
+ if (this._isTextCmd(e[i].callee))
+ return e[i][0].toUpperCase ? e[i][0] = t : e[i][0].setText(t),
+ !0
+ } else if (this._one && this._isTextCmd(this._one.callee))
+ return this._one[0].toUpperCase ? this._one[0] = t : this._one[0].setText(t),
+ !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n._isTextCmd = function(t) {
+ return t === A._context._fillText || t === A._context._fillBorderText || t === A._context._strokeText
+ }
+ ,
+ n.replaceTextColor = function(t) {
+ this._repaint();
+ var e = this._cmds;
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = e.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
+ this._isTextCmd(e[i].callee) && (e[i][4] = t,
+ e[i][0].toUpperCase || (e[i][0].changed = !0));
+ else
+ this._one && this._isTextCmd(this._one.callee) && (this._one[4] = t,
+ this._one[0].toUpperCase || (this._one[0].changed = !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadImage = function(t, e, n, a, r, s) {
+ function o(t) {
+ t && (l.drawTexture(t, e, n, a, r),
+ null != s && s.call(l._sp, t))
+ }
+ var l = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0);
+ var c = st.getRes(t);
+ c ? o(c) : i.loader.load(t, h.create(null, o), null, "image")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._renderEmpty = function(t, e, i, n) {}
+ ,
+ n._renderAll = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ for (var a, r = this._cmds, s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++)
+ (a = r[s]).callee.call(e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._renderOne = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._one.callee.call(e, i, n, this._one)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._renderOneImg = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._one.callee.call(e, i, n, this._one),
+ 2305 !== t._renderType && (t._renderType |= 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawLine = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1);
+ var s = 0;
+ A.isWebGL && (s = K.getInstance().getId(),
+ null == this._vectorgraphArray && (this._vectorgraphArray = []),
+ this._vectorgraphArray.push(s));
+ var o = r % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5
+ , l = [t + o, e + o, i + o, n + o, a, r, s];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawLine, l)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawLines = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1);
+ var r = 0;
+ if (i && !(i.length < 4)) {
+ A.isWebGL && (r = K.getInstance().getId(),
+ null == this._vectorgraphArray && (this._vectorgraphArray = []),
+ this._vectorgraphArray.push(r));
+ var s = a % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5
+ , o = [t + s, e + s, i, n, a, r];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawLines, o)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawCurves = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1);
+ var r = [t, e, i, n, a];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawCurves, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawRect = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === s && (s = 1);
+ var o = r ? s / 2 : 0
+ , l = r ? s : 0
+ , h = [t + o, e + o, i - l, n - l, a, r, s];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawRect, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawCircle = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1);
+ var s = a ? r / 2 : 0
+ , o = 0;
+ A.isWebGL && (o = K.getInstance().getId(),
+ null == this._vectorgraphArray && (this._vectorgraphArray = []),
+ this._vectorgraphArray.push(o));
+ var l = [t, e, i - s, n, a, r, o];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawCircle, l)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawPie = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ void 0 === o && (o = 1);
+ var l = s ? o / 2 : 0
+ , h = s ? o : 0
+ , c = 0;
+ A.isWebGL && (c = K.getInstance().getId(),
+ null == this._vectorgraphArray && (this._vectorgraphArray = []),
+ this._vectorgraphArray.push(c));
+ var _ = [t + l, e + l, i - h, n, a, r, s, o, c];
+ _[3] = J.toRadian(n),
+ _[4] = J.toRadian(a),
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawPie, _)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawPoly = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1);
+ var s = 0
+ , o = !1;
+ A.isWebGL && (s = K.getInstance().getId(),
+ null == this._vectorgraphArray && (this._vectorgraphArray = []),
+ this._vectorgraphArray.push(s),
+ o = !(i.length > 6));
+ var l = a ? r % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5 : 0
+ , h = [t + l, e + l, i, n, a, r, s, o];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawPoly, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawPath = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = [t, e, i, n, a];
+ this._saveToCmd(A._context._drawPath, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "cmds", function() {
+ return this._cmds
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._sp && (this._sp._renderType |= 512),
+ this._cmds = t,
+ this._render = this._renderAll,
+ this._repaint()
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ if (A.isConchNode) {
+ for (var t = laya.display.Graphics.prototype, e = O.window.ConchGraphics.prototype, i = ["clear", "destroy", "alpha", "rotate", "transform", "scale", "translate", "save", "restore", "clipRect", "blendMode", "fillText", "fillBorderText", "_fands", "drawRect", "drawCircle", "drawPie", "drawPoly", "drawPath", "drawImageM", "drawLine", "drawLines", "_drawPs", "drawCurves", "replaceText", "replaceTextColor", "_fillImage", "fillTexture", "setSkinMesh", "drawParticle", "drawImageS"], n = 0, a = i.length; n <= a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ t[r] = e[r]
+ }
+ t._saveToCmd = null,
+ e.drawImageS && (t.drawTextures = function(t, e) {
+ if (t && t.loaded && t.bitmap && t.source) {
+ var i = t.uv
+ , n = t.bitmap.width
+ , a = t.bitmap.height;
+ this.drawImageS(t.bitmap.source, i[0] * n, i[1] * a, (i[2] - i[0]) * n, (i[5] - i[3]) * a, t.offsetX, t.offsetY, t.width, t.height, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ t.drawTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 1),
+ t)
+ if (t.loaded) {
+ if (t.loaded && t.bitmap && t.source && (n || (n = t.sourceWidth),
+ a || (a = t.sourceHeight),
+ s = s < 0 ? 0 : s > 1 ? 1 : s,
+ n = n - t.sourceWidth + t.width,
+ a = a - t.sourceHeight + t.height,
+ !(n <= 0 || a <= 0))) {
+ e += t.offsetX,
+ i += t.offsetY;
+ var o = t.uv
+ , l = t.bitmap.width
+ , h = t.bitmap.height;
+ this.drawImageM(t.bitmap.source, o[0] * l, o[1] * h, (o[2] - o[0]) * l, (o[5] - o[3]) * h, e, i, n, a, r, s),
+ this._repaint()
+ }
+ } else
+ t.once("loaded", this, function() {
+ this.drawTexture(t, e, i, n, a, r)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fillTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = "repeat"),
+ t && t.loaded) {
+ var o, l = A._context.ctx, h = t.bitmap.width, c = t.bitmap.height, _ = t.uv;
+ o = t.uv != ct.DEF_UV ? l.createPattern(t.bitmap.source, r, _[0] * h, _[1] * c, (_[2] - _[0]) * h, (_[5] - _[3]) * c) : l.createPattern(t.bitmap.source, r);
+ var u = 0
+ , d = 0;
+ s && (e += s.x % t.width,
+ i += s.y % t.height,
+ u -= s.x % t.width,
+ d -= s.y % t.height),
+ this._fillImage(o, e, i, u, d, n, a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._cache = [],
+ e
+ }()
+ , p = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._cacheBoundsType = !1
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.display.GraphicsBounds");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.destroy = function() {
+ this._graphics = null,
+ this._temp = null,
+ this._rstBoundPoints = null,
+ this._bounds = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.reset = function() {
+ this._temp && (this._temp.length = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getBounds = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ (!this._bounds || !this._temp || this._temp.length < 1 || t != this._cacheBoundsType) && (this._bounds = L._getWrapRec(this.getBoundPoints(t), this._bounds)),
+ this._cacheBoundsType = t,
+ this._bounds
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getBoundPoints = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ (!this._temp || this._temp.length < 1 || t != this._cacheBoundsType) && (this._temp = this._getCmdPoints(t)),
+ this._cacheBoundsType = t,
+ this._rstBoundPoints = J.copyArray(this._rstBoundPoints, this._temp)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getCmdPoints = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ var i, n = A._context, a = this._graphics.cmds;
+ if (i = this._temp || (this._temp = []),
+ i.length = 0,
+ a || null == this._graphics._one || (t._tempCmds.length = 0,
+ t._tempCmds.push(this._graphics._one),
+ a = t._tempCmds),
+ !a)
+ return i;
+ var r;
+ (r = t._tempMatrixArrays).length = 0;
+ var s = t._initMatrix;
+ s.identity();
+ for (var o, l, h = t._tempMatrix, c = NaN, _ = NaN, u = NaN, d = NaN, f = NaN, p = NaN, m = 0, g = a.length; m < g; m++)
+ if ((o = a[m]).callee)
+ switch (o.callee) {
+ case n._save:
+ case 7:
+ r.push(s),
+ s = s.clone();
+ break;
+ case n._restore:
+ case 8:
+ s = r.pop();
+ break;
+ case n._scale:
+ case 5:
+ h.identity(),
+ h.translate(-o[2], -o[3]),
+ h.scale(o[0], o[1]),
+ h.translate(o[2], o[3]),
+ this._switchMatrix(s, h);
+ break;
+ case n._rotate:
+ case 3:
+ h.identity(),
+ h.translate(-o[1], -o[2]),
+ h.rotate(o[0]),
+ h.translate(o[1], o[2]),
+ this._switchMatrix(s, h);
+ break;
+ case n._translate:
+ case 6:
+ h.identity(),
+ h.translate(o[0], o[1]),
+ this._switchMatrix(s, h);
+ break;
+ case n._transform:
+ case 4:
+ h.identity(),
+ h.translate(-o[1], -o[2]),
+ h.concat(o[0]),
+ h.translate(o[1], o[2]),
+ this._switchMatrix(s, h);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ case 24:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]), s);
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ s.copyTo(h),
+ h.concat(o[4]),
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]), h);
+ break;
+ case n._drawTexture:
+ l = o[0],
+ e ? o[3] && o[4] ? t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4]), s) : (l = o[0],
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1], o[2], l.width, l.height), s)) : (c = (o[3] || l.sourceWidth) / l.width,
+ _ = (o[4] || l.sourceHeight) / l.height,
+ u = c * l.sourceWidth,
+ d = _ * l.sourceHeight,
+ f = l.offsetX > 0 ? l.offsetX : 0,
+ p = l.offsetY > 0 ? l.offsetY : 0,
+ f *= c,
+ p *= _,
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1] - f, o[2] - p, u, d), s));
+ break;
+ case n._fillTexture:
+ o[3] && o[4] ? t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4]), s) : (l = o[0],
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1], o[2], l.width, l.height), s));
+ break;
+ case n._drawTextureWithTransform:
+ var y;
+ o[5] ? (s.copyTo(h),
+ h.concat(o[5]),
+ y = h) : y = s,
+ e ? o[3] && o[4] ? t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4]), y) : (l = o[0],
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1], o[2], l.width, l.height), y)) : (l = o[0],
+ c = (o[3] || l.sourceWidth) / l.width,
+ _ = (o[4] || l.sourceHeight) / l.height,
+ u = c * l.sourceWidth,
+ d = _ * l.sourceHeight,
+ f = l.offsetX > 0 ? l.offsetX : 0,
+ p = l.offsetY > 0 ? l.offsetY : 0,
+ f *= c,
+ p *= _,
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[1] - f, o[2] - p, u, d), y));
+ break;
+ case n._drawRect:
+ case 13:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]), s);
+ break;
+ case n._drawCircle:
+ case n._fillCircle:
+ case 14:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, L._getBoundPointS(o[0] - o[2], o[1] - o[2], o[2] + o[2], o[2] + o[2]), s);
+ break;
+ case n._drawLine:
+ case 20:
+ t._tempPoints.length = 0;
+ var v = NaN;
+ v = .5 * o[5],
+ o[0] == o[2] ? t._tempPoints.push(o[0] + v, o[1], o[2] + v, o[3], o[0] - v, o[1], o[2] - v, o[3]) : o[1] == o[3] ? t._tempPoints.push(o[0], o[1] + v, o[2], o[3] + v, o[0], o[1] - v, o[2], o[3] - v) : t._tempPoints.push(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]),
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, t._tempPoints, s);
+ break;
+ case n._drawCurves:
+ case 22:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, x.I.getBezierPoints(o[2]), s, o[0], o[1]);
+ break;
+ case n._drawPoly:
+ case n._drawLines:
+ case 18:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, o[2], s, o[0], o[1]);
+ break;
+ case n._drawPath:
+ case 19:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, this._getPathPoints(o[2]), s, o[0], o[1]);
+ break;
+ case n._drawPie:
+ case 15:
+ t._addPointArrToRst(i, this._getPiePoints(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4]), s)
+ }
+ return i.length > 200 ? i = J.copyArray(i, L._getWrapRec(i)._getBoundPoints()) : i.length > 8 && (i = I.scanPList(i)),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e._switchMatrix = function(t, e) {
+ e.concat(t),
+ e.copyTo(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getPiePoints = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = t._tempPoints;
+ t._tempPoints.length = 0,
+ s.push(e, i);
+ var o = (r - a) % (2 * Math.PI) / 10
+ , l = NaN
+ , h = a;
+ for (l = 0; l <= 10; l++)
+ s.push(e + n * Math.cos(h), i + n * Math.sin(h)),
+ h += o;
+ return s
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getPathPoints = function(e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = t._tempPoints;
+ a.length = 0,
+ n = e.length;
+ var r;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ (r = e[i]).length > 1 && (a.push(r[1], r[2]),
+ r.length > 3 && a.push(r[3], r[4]));
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._addPointArrToRst = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0);
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0;
+ for (o = i.length,
+ s = 0; s < o; s += 2)
+ t._addPointToRst(e, i[s] + a, i[s + 1] + r, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._addPointToRst = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = M.TEMP;
+ a.setTo(e || 0, i || 0),
+ n.transformPoint(a),
+ t.push(a.x, a.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._tempPoints = [],
+ t._tempMatrixArrays = [],
+ t._tempCmds = [],
+ n(t, ["_tempMatrix", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix = new S
+ }
+ , "_initMatrix", function() {
+ return this._initMatrix = new S
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , m = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.events.Event");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setTo = function(t, e, i) {
+ return this.type = t,
+ this.currentTarget = e,
+ this.target = i,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.stopPropagation = function() {
+ this._stoped = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "stageY", function() {
+ return i.stage.mouseY
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "charCode", function() {
+ return this.nativeEvent.charCode
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "touches", function() {
+ var t = this.nativeEvent.touches;
+ if (t)
+ for (var e = i.stage, n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = t[n]
+ , s = M.TEMP;
+ s.setTo(r.clientX, r.clientY),
+ e._canvasTransform.invertTransformPoint(s),
+ e.transform.invertTransformPoint(s),
+ r.stageX = s.x,
+ r.stageY = s.y
+ }
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "keyLocation", function() {
+ return this.nativeEvent.keyLocation
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "ctrlKey", function() {
+ return this.nativeEvent.ctrlKey
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "altKey", function() {
+ return this.nativeEvent.altKey
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "shiftKey", function() {
+ return this.nativeEvent.shiftKey
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "stageX", function() {
+ return i.stage.mouseX
+ }),
+ t.EMPTY = new t,
+ t.MOUSE_DOWN = "mousedown",
+ t.MOUSE_UP = "mouseup",
+ t.CLICK = "click",
+ t.RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN = "rightmousedown",
+ t.RIGHT_MOUSE_UP = "rightmouseup",
+ t.RIGHT_CLICK = "rightclick",
+ t.MOUSE_MOVE = "mousemove",
+ t.MOUSE_OVER = "mouseover",
+ t.MOUSE_OUT = "mouseout",
+ t.MOUSE_WHEEL = "mousewheel",
+ t.ROLL_OVER = "mouseover",
+ t.ROLL_OUT = "mouseout",
+ t.DOUBLE_CLICK = "doubleclick",
+ t.CHANGE = "change",
+ t.CHANGED = "changed",
+ t.RESIZE = "resize",
+ t.ADDED = "added",
+ t.REMOVED = "removed",
+ t.DISPLAY = "display",
+ t.UNDISPLAY = "undisplay",
+ t.ERROR = "error",
+ t.COMPLETE = "complete",
+ t.LOADED = "loaded",
+ t.PROGRESS = "progress",
+ t.INPUT = "input",
+ t.RENDER = "render",
+ t.OPEN = "open",
+ t.MESSAGE = "message",
+ t.CLOSE = "close",
+ t.KEY_DOWN = "keydown",
+ t.KEY_PRESS = "keypress",
+ t.KEY_UP = "keyup",
+ t.FRAME = "enterframe",
+ t.DRAG_START = "dragstart",
+ t.DRAG_MOVE = "dragmove",
+ t.DRAG_END = "dragend",
+ t.ENTER = "enter",
+ t.SELECT = "select",
+ t.BLUR = "blur",
+ t.FOCUS = "focus",
+ t.VISIBILITY_CHANGE = "visibilitychange",
+ t.FOCUS_CHANGE = "focuschange",
+ t.PLAYED = "played",
+ t.PAUSED = "paused",
+ t.STOPPED = "stopped",
+ t.START = "start",
+ t.END = "end",
+ t.ENABLE_CHANGED = "enablechanged",
+ t.ACTIVE_IN_HIERARCHY_CHANGED = "activeinhierarchychanged",
+ t.COMPONENT_ADDED = "componentadded",
+ t.COMPONENT_REMOVED = "componentremoved",
+ t.LAYER_CHANGED = "layerchanged",
+ t.HIERARCHY_LOADED = "hierarchyloaded",
+ t.RECOVERED = "recovered",
+ t.RELEASED = "released",
+ t.LINK = "link",
+ t.LABEL = "label",
+ t.FULL_SCREEN_CHANGE = "fullscreenchange",
+ t.DEVICE_LOST = "devicelost",
+ t.MESH_CHANGED = "meshchanged",
+ t.MATERIAL_CHANGED = "materialchanged",
+ t.WORLDMATRIX_NEEDCHANGE = "worldmatrixneedchanged",
+ t.ANIMATION_CHANGED = "animationchanged",
+ t.TRIGGER_ENTER = "triggerenter",
+ t.TRIGGER_STAY = "triggerstay",
+ t.TRIGGER_EXIT = "triggerexit",
+ t.TRAIL_FILTER_CHANGE = "trailfilterchange",
+ t.DOMINO_FILTER_CHANGE = "dominofilterchange",
+ t
+ }()
+ , g = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.events.Keyboard"),
+ t.NUMBER_0 = 48,
+ t.NUMBER_1 = 49,
+ t.NUMBER_2 = 50,
+ t.NUMBER_3 = 51,
+ t.NUMBER_4 = 52,
+ t.NUMBER_5 = 53,
+ t.NUMBER_6 = 54,
+ t.NUMBER_7 = 55,
+ t.NUMBER_8 = 56,
+ t.NUMBER_9 = 57,
+ t.A = 65,
+ t.B = 66,
+ t.C = 67,
+ t.D = 68,
+ t.E = 69,
+ t.F = 70,
+ t.G = 71,
+ t.H = 72,
+ t.I = 73,
+ t.J = 74,
+ t.K = 75,
+ t.L = 76,
+ t.M = 77,
+ t.N = 78,
+ t.O = 79,
+ t.P = 80,
+ t.Q = 81,
+ t.R = 82,
+ t.S = 83,
+ t.T = 84,
+ t.U = 85,
+ t.V = 86,
+ t.W = 87,
+ t.X = 88,
+ t.Y = 89,
+ t.Z = 90,
+ t.F1 = 112,
+ t.F2 = 113,
+ t.F3 = 114,
+ t.F4 = 115,
+ t.F5 = 116,
+ t.F6 = 117,
+ t.F7 = 118,
+ t.F8 = 119,
+ t.F9 = 120,
+ t.F10 = 121,
+ t.F11 = 122,
+ t.F12 = 123,
+ t.F13 = 124,
+ t.F14 = 125,
+ t.F15 = 126,
+ t.NUMPAD = 21,
+ t.NUMPAD_0 = 96,
+ t.NUMPAD_1 = 97,
+ t.NUMPAD_2 = 98,
+ t.NUMPAD_3 = 99,
+ t.NUMPAD_4 = 100,
+ t.NUMPAD_5 = 101,
+ t.NUMPAD_6 = 102,
+ t.NUMPAD_7 = 103,
+ t.NUMPAD_8 = 104,
+ t.NUMPAD_9 = 105,
+ t.NUMPAD_ADD = 107,
+ t.NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 111,
+ t.NUMPAD_ENTER = 108,
+ t.SEMICOLON = 186,
+ t.EQUAL = 187,
+ t.COMMA = 188,
+ t.MINUS = 189,
+ t.PERIOD = 190,
+ t.SLASH = 191,
+ t.BACKQUOTE = 192,
+ t.LEFTBRACKET = 219,
+ t.BACKSLASH = 220,
+ t.QUOTE = 222,
+ t.ALTERNATE = 18,
+ t.BACKSPACE = 8,
+ t.CAPS_LOCK = 20,
+ t.COMMAND = 15,
+ t.CONTROL = 17,
+ t.DELETE = 46,
+ t.ENTER = 13,
+ t.ESCAPE = 27,
+ t.PAGE_UP = 33,
+ t.PAGE_DOWN = 34,
+ t.END = 35,
+ t.HOME = 36,
+ t.LEFT = 37,
+ t.UP = 38,
+ t.RIGHT = 39,
+ t.DOWN = 40,
+ t.SHIFT = 16,
+ t.SPACE = 32,
+ t.TAB = 9,
+ t.INSERT = 45
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.events.KeyBoardManager"),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t._addEvent("keydown"),
+ t._addEvent("keypress"),
+ t._addEvent("keyup")
+ }
+ ,
+ t._addEvent = function(t) {
+ O.document.addEventListener(t, function(e) {
+ laya.events.KeyBoardManager._dispatch(e, t)
+ }, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._dispatch = function(e, n) {
+ if (t.enabled) {
+ t._event._stoped = !1,
+ t._event.nativeEvent = e,
+ t._event.keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode,
+ "keydown" === n ? t._pressKeys[t._event.keyCode] = !0 : "keyup" === n && (t._pressKeys[t._event.keyCode] = null);
+ for (var a = i.stage.focus && null != i.stage.focus.event && i.stage.focus.displayedInStage ? i.stage.focus : i.stage, r = a; r; )
+ r.event(n, t._event.setTo(n, r, a)),
+ r = r.parent
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.hasKeyDown = function(e) {
+ return t._pressKeys[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._pressKeys = {},
+ t.enabled = !0,
+ n(t, ["_event", function() {
+ return this._event = new m
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , y = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.events.KeyLocation"),
+ t.STANDARD = 0,
+ t.LEFT = 1,
+ t.RIGHT = 2,
+ t.NUM_PAD = 3
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.mouseX = 0,
+ this.mouseY = 0,
+ this.disableMouseEvent = !1,
+ this.mouseDownTime = 0,
+ this.mouseMoveAccuracy = 2,
+ this._stage = null,
+ this._target = null,
+ this._lastMoveTimer = 0,
+ this._isLeftMouse = !1,
+ this._eventList = [],
+ this._touchIDs = {},
+ this._id = 1,
+ this._tTouchID = 0,
+ this._event = new m,
+ this._matrix = new S,
+ this._point = new M,
+ this._rect = new L,
+ this._prePoint = new M,
+ this._curTouchID = NaN
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.events.MouseManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.__init__ = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this._stage = e;
+ var a = this
+ , r = this._eventList;
+ i.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
+ if (t.enabled)
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && (O.onIE || e.preventDefault(),
+ r.push(e),
+ a.mouseDownTime = O.now())
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && (e.preventDefault(),
+ r.push(e),
+ a.mouseDownTime = -O.now())
+ }, !0),
+ i.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
+ if (t.enabled) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var i = O.now();
+ if (i - a._lastMoveTimer < 10)
+ return;
+ a._lastMoveTimer = i,
+ r.push(e)
+ }
+ }, !0),
+ i.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && r.push(e)
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("mouseover", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && r.push(e)
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && (r.push(e),
+ t._isFirstTouch || xt.isInputting || e.preventDefault(),
+ a.mouseDownTime = O.now())
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
+ t.enabled ? (t._isFirstTouch || xt.isInputting || e.preventDefault(),
+ t._isFirstTouch = !1,
+ r.push(e),
+ a.mouseDownTime = -O.now()) : n._curTouchID = NaN
+ }, !0),
+ i.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && (e.preventDefault(),
+ r.push(e))
+ }, !0),
+ i.addEventListener("touchcancel", function(e) {
+ t.enabled ? (e.preventDefault(),
+ r.push(e)) : n._curTouchID = NaN
+ }, !0),
+ i.addEventListener("mousewheel", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && r.push(e)
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", function(e) {
+ t.enabled && r.push(e)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.initEvent = function(t, e) {
+ this._event._stoped = !1,
+ this._event.nativeEvent = e || t,
+ this._target = null,
+ this._point.setTo(t.pageX || t.clientX, t.pageY || t.clientY),
+ this._stage._canvasTransform.invertTransformPoint(this._point),
+ this.mouseX = this._point.x,
+ this.mouseY = this._point.y,
+ this._event.touchId = t.identifier || 0,
+ this._tTouchID = this._event.touchId;
+ var i;
+ (i = v.I._event)._stoped = !1,
+ i.nativeEvent = this._event.nativeEvent,
+ i.touchId = this._event.touchId
+ }
+ ,
+ e.checkMouseWheel = function(t) {
+ this._event.delta = t.wheelDelta ? .025 * t.wheelDelta : -t.detail;
+ for (var e = v.I.getLastOvers(), i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ a.event("mousewheel", this._event.setTo("mousewheel", a, this._target))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMouseMove = function(t) {
+ v.I.onMouseMove(t, this._tTouchID)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMouseDown = function(t) {
+ if (xt.isInputting && i.stage.focus && i.stage.focus.focus && !i.stage.focus.contains(this._target)) {
+ var e = i.stage.focus._tf || i.stage.focus
+ , n = t._tf || t;
+ n instanceof laya.display.Input && n.multiline == e.multiline ? e._focusOut() : e.focus = !1
+ }
+ v.I.onMouseDown(t, this._tTouchID, this._isLeftMouse)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMouseUp = function(t) {
+ v.I.onMouseUp(t, this._tTouchID, this._isLeftMouse)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.check = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._point.setTo(e, i),
+ t.fromParentPoint(this._point),
+ e = this._point.x,
+ i = this._point.y;
+ var a = t.scrollRect;
+ if (a && (this._rect.setTo(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height),
+ !this._rect.contains(e, i)))
+ return !1;
+ if (!this.disableMouseEvent) {
+ if (t.hitTestPrior && !t.mouseThrough && !this.hitTest(t, e, i))
+ return !1;
+ for (var r = t._childs.length - 1; r > -1; r--) {
+ var s = t._childs[r];
+ if (!s.destroyed && s.mouseEnabled && s.visible && this.check(s, e, i, n))
+ return !0
+ }
+ }
+ var o = !(!t.hitTestPrior || t.mouseThrough || this.disableMouseEvent) || this.hitTest(t, e, i);
+ return o ? (this._target = t,
+ n.call(this, t)) : n === this.onMouseUp && t === this._stage && (this._target = this._stage,
+ n.call(this, this._target)),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ e.hitTest = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = !1;
+ if (t.scrollRect && (e -= t.scrollRect.x,
+ i -= t.scrollRect.y),
+ t.hitArea instanceof laya.utils.HitArea)
+ return t.hitArea.isHit(e, i);
+ if (t.width > 0 && t.height > 0 || t.mouseThrough || t.hitArea)
+ if (t.mouseThrough)
+ n = t.getGraphicBounds().contains(e, i);
+ else {
+ var a = this._rect;
+ t.hitArea ? a = t.hitArea : a.setTo(0, 0, t.width, t.height),
+ n = a.contains(e, i)
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.runEvent = function() {
+ var e = this._eventList.length;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var i, n = 0, a = 0, r = 0; n < e; ) {
+ var s = this._eventList[n];
+ switch ("mousemove" !== s.type && (this._prePoint.x = this._prePoint.y = -1e6),
+ s.type) {
+ case "mousedown":
+ this._touchIDs[0] = this._id++,
+ t._isTouchRespond ? t._isTouchRespond = !1 : (this._isLeftMouse = 0 === s.button,
+ this.initEvent(s),
+ this.check(this._stage, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, this.onMouseDown));
+ break;
+ case "mouseup":
+ this._isLeftMouse = 0 === s.button,
+ this.initEvent(s),
+ this.check(this._stage, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, this.onMouseUp);
+ break;
+ case "mousemove":
+ Math.abs(this._prePoint.x - s.clientX) + Math.abs(this._prePoint.y - s.clientY) >= this.mouseMoveAccuracy && (this._prePoint.x = s.clientX,
+ this._prePoint.y = s.clientY,
+ this.initEvent(s),
+ this.check(this._stage, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, this.onMouseMove));
+ break;
+ case "touchstart":
+ t._isTouchRespond = !0,
+ this._isLeftMouse = !0;
+ var o = s.changedTouches;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = o.length; a < r; a++)
+ i = o[a],
+ (t.multiTouchEnabled || isNaN(this._curTouchID)) && (this._curTouchID = i.identifier,
+ this._id % 200 == 0 && (this._touchIDs = {}),
+ this._touchIDs[i.identifier] = this._id++,
+ this.initEvent(i, s),
+ this.check(this._stage, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, this.onMouseDown));
+ break;
+ case "touchend":
+ case "touchcancel":
+ t._isTouchRespond = !0,
+ this._isLeftMouse = !0;
+ var l = s.changedTouches;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = l.length; a < r; a++)
+ if (i = l[a],
+ t.multiTouchEnabled || i.identifier == this._curTouchID) {
+ this._curTouchID = NaN,
+ this.initEvent(i, s);
+ this.check(this._stage, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, this.onMouseUp) || this.onMouseUp(null)
+ }
+ break;
+ case "touchmove":
+ var h = s.changedTouches;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = h.length; a < r; a++)
+ i = h[a],
+ (t.multiTouchEnabled || i.identifier == this._curTouchID) && (this.initEvent(i, s),
+ this.check(this._stage, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, this.onMouseMove));
+ break;
+ case "wheel":
+ case "mousewheel":
+ case "DOMMouseScroll":
+ this.checkMouseWheel(s);
+ break;
+ case "mouseout":
+ v.I.stageMouseOut();
+ break;
+ case "mouseover":
+ this._stage.event("mouseover", this._event.setTo("mouseover", this._stage, this._stage))
+ }
+ n++
+ }
+ this._eventList.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.enabled = !0,
+ t.multiTouchEnabled = !0,
+ t._isTouchRespond = !1,
+ t._isFirstTouch = !0,
+ n(t, ["instance", function() {
+ return this.instance = new t
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , v = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.preOvers = [],
+ this.preDowns = [],
+ this.preRightDowns = [],
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this._lastClickTime = 0,
+ this._event = new m
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.events.TouchManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._clearTempArrs = function() {
+ t._oldArr.length = 0,
+ t._newArr.length = 0,
+ t._tEleArr.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getTouchFromArr = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ n = e.length;
+ var a;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ if ((a = e[i]).id == t)
+ return a;
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeTouchFromArr = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ e[i].id == t && e.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createTouchO = function(t, e) {
+ var i;
+ return i = W.getItem("TouchData") || {},
+ i.id = e,
+ i.tar = t,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMouseDown = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ this.enable) {
+ var a, r, s;
+ a = this.getTouchFromArr(i, this.preOvers),
+ s = this.getEles(e, null, t._tEleArr),
+ a ? a.tar = e : (r = this.createTouchO(e, i),
+ this.preOvers.push(r)),
+ O.onMobile && this.sendEvents(s, "mouseover", i);
+ var o;
+ o = n ? this.preDowns : this.preRightDowns,
+ (a = this.getTouchFromArr(i, o)) ? a.tar = e : (r = this.createTouchO(e, i),
+ o.push(r)),
+ this.sendEvents(s, n ? "mousedown" : "rightmousedown", i),
+ this._clearTempArrs()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.sendEvents = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0);
+ var n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ a = t.length,
+ this._event._stoped = !1;
+ var r;
+ r = t[0];
+ var s;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++) {
+ if ((s = t[n]).destroyed)
+ return;
+ if (s.event(e, this._event.setTo(e, s, r)),
+ this._event._stoped)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getEles = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (i ? i.length = 0 : i = []; t && t != e; )
+ i.push(t),
+ t = t.parent;
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.checkMouseOutAndOverOfMove = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ i != e) {
+ var a, r, s = 0, o = 0;
+ if (i.contains(e))
+ r = this.getEles(e, i, t._tEleArr),
+ this.sendEvents(r, "mouseover", n);
+ else if (e.contains(i))
+ r = this.getEles(i, e, t._tEleArr),
+ this.sendEvents(r, "mouseout", n);
+ else {
+ (r = t._tEleArr).length = 0;
+ var l;
+ l = this.getEles(i, null, t._oldArr);
+ var h;
+ h = this.getEles(e, null, t._newArr),
+ o = l.length;
+ var c = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < o; s++) {
+ if (a = l[s],
+ (c = h.indexOf(a)) >= 0) {
+ h.splice(c, h.length - c);
+ break
+ }
+ r.push(a)
+ }
+ r.length > 0 && this.sendEvents(r, "mouseout", n),
+ h.length > 0 && this.sendEvents(h, "mouseover", n)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMouseMove = function(e, i) {
+ if (this.enable) {
+ var n, a;
+ (n = this.getTouchFromArr(i, this.preOvers)) ? (this.checkMouseOutAndOverOfMove(e, n.tar),
+ n.tar = e,
+ a = this.getEles(e, null, t._tEleArr)) : (a = this.getEles(e, null, t._tEleArr),
+ this.sendEvents(a, "mouseover", i),
+ this.preOvers.push(this.createTouchO(e, i))),
+ this.sendEvents(a, "mousemove", i),
+ this._clearTempArrs()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getLastOvers = function() {
+ return t._tEleArr.length = 0,
+ this.preOvers.length > 0 && this.preOvers[0].tar ? this.getEles(this.preOvers[0].tar, null, t._tEleArr) : (t._tEleArr.push(i.stage),
+ t._tEleArr)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.stageMouseOut = function() {
+ var t;
+ t = this.getLastOvers(),
+ this.preOvers.length = 0,
+ this.sendEvents(t, "mouseout", 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMouseUp = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ this.enable) {
+ var a, r, s, o, l, h = 0, c = 0, _ = O.onMobile;
+ r = this.getEles(e, null, t._tEleArr),
+ this.sendEvents(r, n ? "mouseup" : "rightmouseup", i);
+ var u;
+ if (u = n ? this.preDowns : this.preRightDowns,
+ a = this.getTouchFromArr(i, u)) {
+ var d = !1
+ , f = O.now();
+ if (d = f - this._lastClickTime < 300,
+ this._lastClickTime = f,
+ e == a.tar)
+ l = r;
+ else
+ for (s = this.getEles(a.tar, null, t._oldArr),
+ (l = t._newArr).length = 0,
+ c = s.length,
+ h = 0; h < c; h++)
+ o = s[h],
+ r.indexOf(o) >= 0 && l.push(o);
+ l.length > 0 && this.sendEvents(l, n ? "click" : "rightclick", i),
+ n && d && this.sendEvents(l, "doubleclick", i),
+ this.removeTouchFromArr(i, u),
+ a.tar = null,
+ W.recover("TouchData", a)
+ } else
+ ;(a = this.getTouchFromArr(i, this.preOvers)) && _ && ((l = this.getEles(a.tar, null, l)) && l.length > 0 && this.sendEvents(l, "mouseout", i),
+ this.removeTouchFromArr(i, this.preOvers),
+ a.tar = null,
+ W.recover("TouchData", a)),
+ this._clearTempArrs()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._oldArr = [],
+ t._newArr = [],
+ t._tEleArr = [],
+ n(t, ["I", function() {
+ return this.I = new t
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , b = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._action = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.filters.Filter");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.filters.IFilter": !0
+ }),
+ e.callNative = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return -1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "action", function() {
+ return this._action
+ }),
+ t.BLUR = 16,
+ t.COLOR = 32,
+ t.GLOW = 8,
+ t._filterStart = null,
+ t._filterEnd = null,
+ t._EndTarget = null,
+ t._recycleScope = null,
+ t._filter = null,
+ t._useSrc = null,
+ t._endSrc = null,
+ t._useOut = null,
+ t._endOut = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , w = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.data = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.filters.ColorFilterAction");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.filters.IFilterAction": !0
+ }),
+ e.apply = function(t) {
+ var e = t.ctx.ctx
+ , i = t.ctx.ctx.canvas;
+ if (0 == i.width || 0 == i.height)
+ return i;
+ for (var n, a = e.getImageData(0, 0, i.width, i.height), r = a.data, s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s += 4)
+ n = this.getColor(r[s], r[s + 1], r[s + 2], r[s + 3]),
+ 0 != r[s + 3] && (r[s] = n[0],
+ r[s + 1] = n[1],
+ r[s + 2] = n[2],
+ r[s + 3] = n[3]);
+ return e.putImageData(a, 0, 0),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getColor = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = [];
+ if (this.data._mat && this.data._alpha) {
+ var r = this.data._mat
+ , s = this.data._alpha;
+ a[0] = r[0] * t + r[1] * e + r[2] * i + r[3] * n + s[0],
+ a[1] = r[4] * t + r[5] * e + r[6] * i + r[7] * n + s[1],
+ a[2] = r[8] * t + r[9] * e + r[10] * i + r[11] * n + s[2],
+ a[3] = r[12] * t + r[13] * e + r[14] * i + r[15] * n + s[3]
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , x = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.maths.Arith"),
+ t.formatR = function(t) {
+ return t > Math.PI && (t -= 2 * Math.PI),
+ t < -Math.PI && (t += 2 * Math.PI),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isPOT = function(t, e) {
+ return t > 0 && 0 == (t & t - 1) && e > 0 && 0 == (e & e - 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setMatToArray = function(t, e) {
+ t.a,
+ t.b,
+ t.c,
+ t.d,
+ t.tx,
+ t.ty,
+ e[0] = t.a,
+ e[1] = t.b,
+ e[4] = t.c,
+ e[5] = t.d,
+ e[12] = t.tx,
+ e[13] = t.ty
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._controlPoints = [new M, new M, new M],
+ this._calFun = this.getPoint2
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.maths.Bezier");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._switchPoint = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._controlPoints.shift();
+ i.setTo(t, e),
+ this._controlPoints.push(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getPoint2 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._controlPoints[0]
+ , n = this._controlPoints[1]
+ , a = this._controlPoints[2]
+ , r = Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * i.x + 2 * t * (1 - t) * n.x + Math.pow(t, 2) * a.x
+ , s = Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * i.y + 2 * t * (1 - t) * n.y + Math.pow(t, 2) * a.y;
+ e.push(r, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getPoint3 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._controlPoints[0]
+ , n = this._controlPoints[1]
+ , a = this._controlPoints[2]
+ , r = this._controlPoints[3]
+ , s = Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * i.x + 3 * n.x * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * a.x * t * t * (1 - t) + r.x * Math.pow(t, 3)
+ , o = Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * i.y + 3 * n.y * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * a.y * t * t * (1 - t) + r.y * Math.pow(t, 3);
+ e.push(s, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.insertPoints = function(t, e) {
+ var i = NaN
+ , n = NaN;
+ for (n = 1 / (t = t > 0 ? t : 5),
+ i = 0; i <= 1; i += n)
+ this._calFun(i, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getBezierPoints = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 5),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 2);
+ var n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ if ((a = t.length) < 2 * (i + 1))
+ return [];
+ var r;
+ switch (r = [],
+ i) {
+ case 2:
+ this._calFun = this.getPoint2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this._calFun = this.getPoint3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return []
+ }
+ for (; this._controlPoints.length <= i; )
+ this._controlPoints.push(new M);
+ for (n = 0; n < 2 * i; n += 2)
+ this._switchPoint(t[n], t[n + 1]);
+ for (n = 2 * i; n < a; n += 2)
+ this._switchPoint(t[n], t[n + 1]),
+ n / 2 % i == 0 && this.insertPoints(e, r);
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["I", function() {
+ return this.I = new t
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , I = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.maths.GrahamScan"),
+ t.multiply = function(t, e, i) {
+ return (t.x - i.x) * (e.y - i.y) - (e.x - i.x) * (t.y - i.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.dis = function(t, e) {
+ return (t.x - e.x) * (t.x - e.x) + (t.y - e.y) * (t.y - e.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getPoints = function(e, i, n) {
+ for (void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ t._mPointList || (t._mPointList = []); t._mPointList.length < e; )
+ t._mPointList.push(new M);
+ return n || (n = []),
+ n.length = 0,
+ i ? t.getFrom(n, t._mPointList, e) : t.getFromR(n, t._mPointList, e),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFrom = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ t.push(e[n]);
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFromR = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ t.push(e.pop());
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.pListToPointList = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1);
+ var n = 0
+ , a = e.length / 2
+ , r = t._getPoints(a, i, t._tempPointList);
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ r[n].setTo(e[n + n], e[n + n + 1]);
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.pointListToPlist = function(e) {
+ var i, n = 0, a = e.length, r = t._temPList;
+ for (r.length = 0,
+ n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ i = e[n],
+ r.push(i.x, i.y);
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scanPList = function(e) {
+ return J.copyArray(e, t.pointListToPlist(t.scan(t.pListToPointList(e, !0))))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scan = function(e) {
+ var i, n, a, r = 0, s = 0, o = 0, l = e.length, h = {};
+ for ((n = t._temArr).length = 0,
+ r = (l = e.length) - 1; r >= 0; r--)
+ a = (i = e[r]).x + "_" + i.y,
+ h.hasOwnProperty(a) || (h[a] = !0,
+ n.push(i));
+ for (l = n.length,
+ J.copyArray(e, n),
+ r = 1; r < l; r++)
+ (e[r].y < e[o].y || e[r].y == e[o].y && e[r].x < e[o].x) && (o = r);
+ for (i = e[0],
+ e[0] = e[o],
+ e[o] = i,
+ r = 1; r < l - 1; r++) {
+ for (o = r,
+ s = r + 1; s < l; s++)
+ (t.multiply(e[s], e[o], e[0]) > 0 || 0 == t.multiply(e[s], e[o], e[0]) && t.dis(e[0], e[s]) < t.dis(e[0], e[o])) && (o = s);
+ i = e[r],
+ e[r] = e[o],
+ e[o] = i
+ }
+ if (n = t._temArr,
+ n.length = 0,
+ e.length < 3)
+ return J.copyArray(n, e);
+ for (n.push(e[0], e[1], e[2]),
+ r = 3; r < l; r++) {
+ for (; n.length >= 2 && t.multiply(e[r], n[n.length - 1], n[n.length - 2]) >= 0; )
+ n.pop();
+ e[r] && n.push(e[r])
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t._mPointList = null,
+ t._tempPointList = [],
+ t._temPList = [],
+ t._temArr = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , C = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.maths.MathUtil"),
+ t.subtractVector3 = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0] = t[0] - e[0],
+ i[1] = t[1] - e[1],
+ i[2] = t[2] - e[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lerp = function(t, e, i) {
+ return t * (1 - i) + e * i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scaleVector3 = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0] = t[0] * e,
+ i[1] = t[1] * e,
+ i[2] = t[2] * e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lerpVector3 = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t[0]
+ , r = t[1]
+ , s = t[2];
+ n[0] = a + i * (e[0] - a),
+ n[1] = r + i * (e[1] - r),
+ n[2] = s + i * (e[2] - s)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lerpVector4 = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t[0]
+ , r = t[1]
+ , s = t[2]
+ , o = t[3];
+ n[0] = a + i * (e[0] - a),
+ n[1] = r + i * (e[1] - r),
+ n[2] = s + i * (e[2] - s),
+ n[3] = o + i * (e[3] - o)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.slerpQuaternionArray = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o, l, h, c, _, u = t[e + 0], d = t[e + 1], f = t[e + 2], p = t[e + 3], m = i[n + 0], g = i[n + 1], y = i[n + 2], v = i[n + 3];
+ return (l = u * m + d * g + f * y + p * v) < 0 && (l = -l,
+ m = -m,
+ g = -g,
+ y = -y,
+ v = -v),
+ 1 - l > 1e-6 ? (o = Math.acos(l),
+ h = Math.sin(o),
+ c = Math.sin((1 - a) * o) / h,
+ _ = Math.sin(a * o) / h) : (c = 1 - a,
+ _ = a),
+ r[s + 0] = c * u + _ * m,
+ r[s + 1] = c * d + _ * g,
+ r[s + 2] = c * f + _ * y,
+ r[s + 3] = c * p + _ * v,
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getRotation = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return Math.atan2(n - e, i - t) / Math.PI * 180
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortBigFirst = function(t, e) {
+ return t == e ? 0 : e > t ? 1 : -1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortSmallFirst = function(t, e) {
+ return t == e ? 0 : e > t ? -1 : 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortNumBigFirst = function(t, e) {
+ return parseFloat(e) - parseFloat(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortNumSmallFirst = function(t, e) {
+ return parseFloat(t) - parseFloat(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortByKey = function(e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0);
+ var a;
+ return a = i ? n ? t.sortNumBigFirst : t.sortBigFirst : n ? t.sortNumSmallFirst : t.sortSmallFirst,
+ function(t, i) {
+ return a(t[e], i[e])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , S = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this.inPool = !1,
+ this.bTransform = !1,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ this.a = t,
+ this.b = e,
+ this.c = i,
+ this.d = n,
+ this.tx = a,
+ this.ty = r,
+ this._checkTransform()
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.maths.Matrix");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.identity = function() {
+ return this.a = this.d = 1,
+ this.b = this.tx = this.ty = this.c = 0,
+ this.bTransform = !1,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e._checkTransform = function() {
+ return this.bTransform = 1 !== this.a || 0 !== this.b || 0 !== this.c || 1 !== this.d
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTranslate = function(t, e) {
+ return this.tx = t,
+ this.ty = e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.translate = function(t, e) {
+ return this.tx += t,
+ this.ty += e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.scale = function(t, e) {
+ this.a *= t,
+ this.d *= e,
+ this.c *= t,
+ this.b *= e,
+ this.tx *= t,
+ this.ty *= e,
+ this.bTransform = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotate = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.cos(t)
+ , i = Math.sin(t)
+ , n = this.a
+ , a = this.c
+ , r = this.tx;
+ this.a = n * e - this.b * i,
+ this.b = n * i + this.b * e,
+ this.c = a * e - this.d * i,
+ this.d = a * i + this.d * e,
+ this.tx = r * e - this.ty * i,
+ this.ty = r * i + this.ty * e,
+ this.bTransform = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.skew = function(t, e) {
+ var i = Math.tan(t)
+ , n = Math.tan(e)
+ , a = this.a
+ , r = this.b;
+ return this.a += n * this.c,
+ this.b += n * this.d,
+ this.c += i * a,
+ this.d += i * r,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.invertTransformPoint = function(t) {
+ var e = this.a
+ , i = this.b
+ , n = this.c
+ , a = this.d
+ , r = this.tx
+ , s = e * a - i * n
+ , o = a / s
+ , l = -i / s
+ , h = -n / s
+ , c = e / s
+ , _ = (n * this.ty - a * r) / s
+ , u = -(e * this.ty - i * r) / s;
+ return t.setTo(o * t.x + h * t.y + _, l * t.x + c * t.y + u)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transformPoint = function(t) {
+ return t.setTo(this.a * t.x + this.c * t.y + this.tx, this.b * t.x + this.d * t.y + this.ty)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transformPointN = function(t) {
+ return t.setTo(this.a * t.x + this.c * t.y, this.b * t.x + this.d * t.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transformPointArray = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = t.length, n = 0; n < i; n += 2) {
+ var a = t[n]
+ , r = t[n + 1];
+ e[n] = this.a * a + this.c * r + this.tx,
+ e[n + 1] = this.b * a + this.d * r + this.ty
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transformPointArrayScale = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = t.length, n = 0; n < i; n += 2) {
+ var a = t[n]
+ , r = t[n + 1];
+ e[n] = this.a * a + this.c * r,
+ e[n + 1] = this.b * a + this.d * r
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getScaleX = function() {
+ return 0 === this.b ? this.a : Math.sqrt(this.a * this.a + this.b * this.b)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getScaleY = function() {
+ return 0 === this.c ? this.d : Math.sqrt(this.c * this.c + this.d * this.d)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.invert = function() {
+ var t = this.a
+ , e = this.b
+ , i = this.c
+ , n = this.d
+ , a = this.tx
+ , r = t * n - e * i;
+ return this.a = n / r,
+ this.b = -e / r,
+ this.c = -i / r,
+ this.d = t / r,
+ this.tx = (i * this.ty - n * a) / r,
+ this.ty = -(t * this.ty - e * a) / r,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTo = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ return this.a = t,
+ this.b = e,
+ this.c = i,
+ this.d = n,
+ this.tx = a,
+ this.ty = r,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.concat = function(t) {
+ var e = this.a
+ , i = this.c
+ , n = this.tx;
+ return this.a = e * t.a + this.b * t.c,
+ this.b = e * t.b + this.b * t.d,
+ this.c = i * t.a + this.d * t.c,
+ this.d = i * t.b + this.d * t.d,
+ this.tx = n * t.a + this.ty * t.c + t.tx,
+ this.ty = n * t.b + this.ty * t.d + t.ty,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.scaleEx = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.a
+ , n = this.b
+ , a = this.c
+ , r = this.d;
+ 0 !== n || 0 !== a ? (this.a = t * i,
+ this.b = t * n,
+ this.c = e * a,
+ this.d = e * r) : (this.a = t * i,
+ this.b = 0 * r,
+ this.c = 0 * i,
+ this.d = e * r),
+ this.bTransform = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotateEx = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.cos(t)
+ , i = Math.sin(t)
+ , n = this.a
+ , a = this.b
+ , r = this.c
+ , s = this.d;
+ 0 !== a || 0 !== r ? (this.a = e * n + i * r,
+ this.b = e * a + i * s,
+ this.c = -i * n + e * r,
+ this.d = -i * a + e * s) : (this.a = e * n,
+ this.b = i * s,
+ this.c = -i * n,
+ this.d = e * s),
+ this.bTransform = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var e = t.create();
+ return e.a = this.a,
+ e.b = this.b,
+ e.c = this.c,
+ e.d = this.d,
+ e.tx = this.tx,
+ e.ty = this.ty,
+ e.bTransform = this.bTransform,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.copyTo = function(t) {
+ return t.a = this.a,
+ t.b = this.b,
+ t.c = this.c,
+ t.d = this.d,
+ t.tx = this.tx,
+ t.ty = this.ty,
+ t.bTransform = this.bTransform,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toString = function() {
+ return this.a + "," + this.b + "," + this.c + "," + this.d + "," + this.tx + "," + this.ty
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ if (!this.inPool) {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ this.inPool = !0,
+ e._length || (e._length = 0),
+ e[e._length++] = this,
+ this.a = this.d = 1,
+ this.b = this.c = this.tx = this.ty = 0,
+ this.bTransform = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mul = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.a
+ , a = t.b
+ , r = t.c
+ , s = t.d
+ , o = t.tx
+ , l = t.ty
+ , h = e.a
+ , c = e.b
+ , _ = e.c
+ , u = e.d
+ , d = e.tx
+ , f = e.ty;
+ return 0 !== c || 0 !== _ ? (i.a = n * h + a * _,
+ i.b = n * c + a * u,
+ i.c = r * h + s * _,
+ i.d = r * c + s * u,
+ i.tx = h * o + _ * l + d,
+ i.ty = c * o + u * l + f) : (i.a = n * h,
+ i.b = a * u,
+ i.c = r * h,
+ i.d = s * u,
+ i.tx = h * o + d,
+ i.ty = u * l + f),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mul16 = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.a
+ , a = t.b
+ , r = t.c
+ , s = t.d
+ , o = t.tx
+ , l = t.ty
+ , h = e.a
+ , c = e.b
+ , _ = e.c
+ , u = e.d
+ , d = e.tx
+ , f = e.ty;
+ return 0 !== c || 0 !== _ ? (i[0] = n * h + a * _,
+ i[1] = n * c + a * u,
+ i[4] = r * h + s * _,
+ i[5] = r * c + s * u,
+ i[12] = h * o + _ * l + d,
+ i[13] = c * o + u * l + f) : (i[0] = n * h,
+ i[1] = a * u,
+ i[4] = r * h,
+ i[5] = s * u,
+ i[12] = h * o + d,
+ i[13] = u * l + f),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mulPre = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ var l = t.a
+ , h = t.b
+ , c = t.c
+ , _ = t.d
+ , u = t.tx
+ , d = t.ty;
+ return 0 !== i || 0 !== n ? (o.a = l * e + h * n,
+ o.b = l * i + h * a,
+ o.c = c * e + _ * n,
+ o.d = c * i + _ * a,
+ o.tx = e * u + n * d + r,
+ o.ty = i * u + a * d + s) : (o.a = l * e,
+ o.b = h * a,
+ o.c = c * e,
+ o.d = _ * a,
+ o.tx = e * u + r,
+ o.ty = a * d + s),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mulPos = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ var l = t.a
+ , h = t.b
+ , c = t.c
+ , _ = t.d
+ , u = t.tx
+ , d = t.ty;
+ return 0 !== h || 0 !== c ? (o.a = e * l + i * c,
+ o.b = e * h + i * _,
+ o.c = n * l + a * c,
+ o.d = n * h + a * _,
+ o.tx = l * r + c * s + u,
+ o.ty = h * r + _ * s + d) : (o.a = e * l,
+ o.b = i * _,
+ o.c = n * l,
+ o.d = a * _,
+ o.tx = l * r + u,
+ o.ty = _ * s + d),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.preMul = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.a
+ , a = t.b
+ , r = t.c
+ , s = t.d
+ , o = e.a
+ , l = e.b
+ , h = e.c
+ , c = e.d
+ , _ = e.tx
+ , u = e.ty;
+ return i.a = o * n,
+ i.b = i.c = 0,
+ i.d = c * s,
+ i.tx = _ * n + t.tx,
+ i.ty = u * s + t.ty,
+ 0 === l && 0 === h && 0 === a && 0 === r || (i.a += l * r,
+ i.d += h * a,
+ i.b += o * a + l * s,
+ i.c += h * n + c * r,
+ i.tx += u * r,
+ i.ty += _ * a),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.preMulXY = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.a
+ , r = t.b
+ , s = t.c
+ , o = t.d;
+ return n.a = a,
+ n.b = r,
+ n.c = s,
+ n.d = o,
+ n.tx = e * a + t.tx + i * s,
+ n.ty = i * o + t.ty + e * r,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function() {
+ var e = t._cache
+ , i = e._length ? e[--e._length] : new t;
+ return i.inPool = !1,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.EMPTY = new t,
+ t.TEMP = new t,
+ t._cache = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , M = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.x = t,
+ this.y = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.maths.Point");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setTo = function(t, e) {
+ return this.x = t,
+ this.y = e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.distance = function(t, e) {
+ return Math.sqrt((this.x - t) * (this.x - t) + (this.y - e) * (this.y - e))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toString = function() {
+ return this.x + "," + this.y
+ }
+ ,
+ e.normalize = function() {
+ var t = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
+ if (t > 0) {
+ var e = 1 / t;
+ this.x *= e,
+ this.y *= e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.TEMP = new t,
+ t.EMPTY = new t,
+ t
+ }()
+ , L = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this.x = t,
+ this.y = e,
+ this.width = i,
+ this.height = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.maths.Rectangle");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setTo = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return this.x = t,
+ this.y = e,
+ this.width = i,
+ this.height = n,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.copyFrom = function(t) {
+ return this.x = t.x,
+ this.y = t.y,
+ this.width = t.width,
+ this.height = t.height,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.contains = function(t, e) {
+ return !(this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) && (t >= this.x && t < this.right && e >= this.y && e < this.bottom)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.intersects = function(t) {
+ return !(t.x > this.x + this.width || t.x + t.width < this.x || t.y > this.y + this.height || t.y + t.height < this.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.intersection = function(e, i) {
+ return this.intersects(e) ? (i || (i = new t),
+ i.x = Math.max(this.x, e.x),
+ i.y = Math.max(this.y, e.y),
+ i.width = Math.min(this.right, e.right) - i.x,
+ i.height = Math.min(this.bottom, e.bottom) - i.y,
+ i) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.union = function(e, i) {
+ return i || (i = new t),
+ this.clone(i),
+ e.width <= 0 || e.height <= 0 ? i : (i.addPoint(e.x, e.y),
+ i.addPoint(e.right, e.bottom),
+ this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function(e) {
+ return e || (e = new t),
+ e.x = this.x,
+ e.y = this.y,
+ e.width = this.width,
+ e.height = this.height,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toString = function() {
+ return this.x + "," + this.y + "," + this.width + "," + this.height
+ }
+ ,
+ e.equals = function(t) {
+ return !(!t || t.x !== this.x || t.y !== this.y || t.width !== this.width || t.height !== this.height)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addPoint = function(t, e) {
+ return this.x > t && (this.width += this.x - t,
+ this.x = t),
+ this.y > e && (this.height += this.y - e,
+ this.y = e),
+ this.width < t - this.x && (this.width = t - this.x),
+ this.height < e - this.y && (this.height = e - this.y),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getBoundPoints = function() {
+ var e = t._temB;
+ return e.length = 0,
+ 0 == this.width || 0 == this.height ? e : (e.push(this.x, this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y, this.x, this.y + this.height, this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height),
+ e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.isEmpty = function() {
+ return this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "right", function() {
+ return this.x + this.width
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "bottom", function() {
+ return this.y + this.height
+ }),
+ t._getBoundPointS = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t._temA;
+ return r.length = 0,
+ 0 == n || 0 == a ? r : (r.push(e, i, e + n, i, e, i + a, e + n, i + a),
+ r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getWrapRec = function(e, i) {
+ if (!e || e.length < 1)
+ return i ? i.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0) : t.TEMP.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ i = i || new t;
+ var n, a, r, s, o, l = e.length, h = M.TEMP;
+ for (r = o = -(a = s = 99999),
+ n = 0; n < l; n += 2)
+ h.x = e[n],
+ h.y = e[n + 1],
+ a = a < h.x ? a : h.x,
+ s = s < h.y ? s : h.y,
+ r = r > h.x ? r : h.x,
+ o = o > h.y ? o : h.y;
+ return i.setTo(a, s, r - a, o - s)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.EMPTY = new t,
+ t.TEMP = new t,
+ t._temB = [],
+ t._temA = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , T = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.media.SoundManager"),
+ r(1, t, "useAudioMusic", function() {
+ return t._useAudioMusic
+ }, function(e) {
+ t._useAudioMusic = e,
+ t._musicClass = e ? et : null
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "autoStopMusic", function() {
+ return t._autoStopMusic
+ }, function(e) {
+ i.stage.off("blur", null, t._stageOnBlur),
+ i.stage.off("focus", null, t._stageOnFocus),
+ i.stage.off("visibilitychange", null, t._visibilityChange),
+ t._autoStopMusic = e,
+ e && (i.stage.on("blur", null, t._stageOnBlur),
+ i.stage.on("focus", null, t._stageOnFocus),
+ i.stage.on("visibilitychange", null, t._visibilityChange))
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "muted", function() {
+ return t._muted
+ }, function(e) {
+ e != t._muted && (e && t.stopAllSound(),
+ t.musicMuted = e,
+ t._muted = e)
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "musicMuted", function() {
+ return t._musicMuted
+ }, function(e) {
+ e != t._musicMuted && (e ? (t._tMusic && t._musicChannel && !t._musicChannel.isStopped ? t._musicChannel.pause() : t._musicChannel = null,
+ t._musicMuted = e) : (t._musicMuted = e,
+ t._tMusic && t._musicChannel && t._musicChannel.resume()))
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "soundMuted", function() {
+ return t._soundMuted
+ }, function(e) {
+ t._soundMuted = e
+ }),
+ t.addChannel = function(e) {
+ t._channels.indexOf(e) >= 0 || t._channels.push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.removeChannel = function(e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (i = t._channels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ t._channels[i] == e && t._channels.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.disposeSoundIfNotUsed = function(e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (i = t._channels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (t._channels[i].url == e)
+ return;
+ t.destroySound(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._visibilityChange = function() {
+ i.stage.isVisibility ? t._stageOnFocus() : t._stageOnBlur()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._stageOnBlur = function() {
+ t._isActive = !1,
+ t._musicChannel && (t._musicChannel.isStopped || (t._blurPaused = !0,
+ t._musicChannel.pause())),
+ t.stopAllSound(),
+ i.stage.once("mousedown", null, t._stageOnFocus)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._recoverWebAudio = function() {
+ at.ctx && "running" != at.ctx.state && at.ctx.resume()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._stageOnFocus = function() {
+ t._isActive = !0,
+ t._recoverWebAudio(),
+ i.stage.off("mousedown", null, t._stageOnFocus),
+ t._blurPaused && t._musicChannel && t._musicChannel.isStopped && (t._blurPaused = !1,
+ t._musicChannel.resume())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.playSound = function(e, n, a, r, s) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 0),
+ !t._isActive || !e)
+ return null;
+ if (t._muted)
+ return null;
+ if (t._recoverWebAudio(),
+ (e = N.formatURL(e)) == t._tMusic) {
+ if (t._musicMuted)
+ return null
+ } else {
+ if (A.isConchApp) {
+ var o = J.getFileExtension(e);
+ if ("wav" != o && "ogg" != o)
+ return alert("The sound only supports wav or ogg format,for optimal performance reason,please refer to the official website document."),
+ null
+ }
+ if (t._soundMuted)
+ return null
+ }
+ var l;
+ O.onMiniGame || (l = i.loader.getRes(e)),
+ r || (r = t._soundClass),
+ l || ((l = new r).load(e),
+ st.cacheRes(e, l));
+ var h;
+ return (h = l.play(s, n)) ? (h.url = e,
+ h.volume = e == t._tMusic ? t.musicVolume : t.soundVolume,
+ h.completeHandler = a,
+ h) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.destroySound = function(t) {
+ var e = i.loader.getRes(t);
+ e && (st.clearRes(t),
+ e.dispose())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.playMusic = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ e = N.formatURL(e),
+ t._tMusic = e,
+ t._musicChannel && t._musicChannel.stop(),
+ t._musicChannel = t.playSound(e, i, n, t._musicClass, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.stopSound = function(e) {
+ e = N.formatURL(e);
+ var i, n = 0;
+ for (n = t._channels.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
+ (i = t._channels[n]).url == e && i.stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.stopAll = function() {
+ t._tMusic = null;
+ var e = 0;
+ for (e = t._channels.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
+ t._channels[e].stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.stopAllSound = function() {
+ var e, i = 0;
+ for (i = t._channels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ (e = t._channels[i]).url != t._tMusic && e.stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.stopMusic = function() {
+ t._musicChannel && t._musicChannel.stop(),
+ t._tMusic = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setSoundVolume = function(e, i) {
+ if (i)
+ i = N.formatURL(i),
+ t._setVolume(i, e);
+ else {
+ t.soundVolume = e;
+ var n, a = 0;
+ for (a = t._channels.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
+ (n = t._channels[a]).url != t._tMusic && (n.volume = e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setMusicVolume = function(e) {
+ t.musicVolume = e,
+ t._setVolume(t._tMusic, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setVolume = function(e, i) {
+ e = N.formatURL(e);
+ var n, a = 0;
+ for (a = t._channels.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
+ (n = t._channels[a]).url == e && (n.volume = i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.musicVolume = 1,
+ t.soundVolume = 1,
+ t.playbackRate = 1,
+ t._useAudioMusic = !0,
+ t._muted = !1,
+ t._soundMuted = !1,
+ t._musicMuted = !1,
+ t._tMusic = null,
+ t._musicChannel = null,
+ t._channels = [],
+ t._autoStopMusic = !1,
+ t._blurPaused = !1,
+ t._isActive = !0,
+ t._soundClass = null,
+ t._musicClass = null,
+ t.autoReleaseSound = !0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , E = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ var i;
+ return a(e, "laya.net.LocalStorage"),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e._baseClass || (e._baseClass = i,
+ i.init()),
+ e.items = e._baseClass.items,
+ e.support = e._baseClass.support
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setItem = function(t, i) {
+ e._baseClass.setItem(t, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getItem = function(t) {
+ return e._baseClass.getItem(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setJSON = function(t, i) {
+ e._baseClass.setJSON(t, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getJSON = function(t) {
+ return e._baseClass.getJSON(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeItem = function(t) {
+ e._baseClass.removeItem(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ e._baseClass.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._baseClass = null,
+ e.items = null,
+ e.support = !1,
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ i = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return a(e, ""),
+ e.init = function() {
+ try {
+ e.items = t.localStorage,
+ e.setItem("laya", "1"),
+ e.removeItem("laya"),
+ e.support = !0
+ } catch (t) {}
+ e.support || console.log("LocalStorage is not supprot or browser is private mode.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setItem = function(t, i) {
+ try {
+ e.support && e.items.setItem(t, i)
+ } catch (t) {
+ console.warn("set localStorage failed", t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getItem = function(t) {
+ return e.support ? e.items.getItem(t) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setJSON = function(t, i) {
+ try {
+ e.support && e.items.setItem(t, JSON.stringify(i))
+ } catch (t) {
+ console.warn("set localStorage failed", t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getJSON = function(t) {
+ return JSON.parse(e.support ? e.items.getItem(t) : null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeItem = function(t) {
+ e.support && e.items.removeItem(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ e.support && e.items.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.items = null,
+ e.support = !1,
+ e
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , D = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.net.ResourceVersion"),
+ t.enable = function(e, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 2),
+ laya.net.ResourceVersion.type = a,
+ i.loader.load(e, h.create(null, t.onManifestLoaded, [n]), null, "json"),
+ N.customFormat = t.addVersionPrefix
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onManifestLoaded = function(e, i) {
+ t.manifest = i,
+ e.run(),
+ i || console.warn("资源版本清单文件不存在,不使用资源版本管理。忽略ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND错误。")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addVersionPrefix = function(e) {
+ return t.manifest && t.manifest[e] ? 2 == t.type ? t.manifest[e] : t.manifest[e] + "/" + e : e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.manifest = null,
+ t.type = 1
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.fontName = null,
+ this.complete = null,
+ this.err = null,
+ this._fontTxt = null,
+ this._url = null,
+ this._div = null,
+ this._txtWidth = NaN,
+ this._http = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.net.TTFLoader");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.load = function(t) {
+ this._url = t;
+ var e = t.split(".ttf")[0].split("/");
+ this.fontName = e[e.length - 1],
+ O.window.conch ? this._loadConch() : O.window.FontFace ? this._loadWithFontFace() : this._loadWithCSS()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._loadConch = function() {
+ this._http = new rt,
+ this._http.on("error", this, this._onErr),
+ this._http.on("complete", this, this._onHttpLoaded),
+ this._http.send(this._url, null, "get", "arraybuffer")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._onHttpLoaded = function(t) {
+ O.window.conch.setFontFaceFromBuffer(this.fontName, t),
+ this._clearHttp(),
+ this._complete()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clearHttp = function() {
+ this._http && (this._http.off("error", this, this._onErr),
+ this._http.off("complete", this, this._onHttpLoaded),
+ this._http = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._onErr = function() {
+ this._clearHttp(),
+ this.err && (this.err.runWith("fail:" + this._url),
+ this.err = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._complete = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._complete),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._checkComplete),
+ this._div && this._div.parentNode && (this._div.parentNode.removeChild(this._div),
+ this._div = null),
+ this.complete && (this.complete.runWith(this),
+ this.complete = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._checkComplete = function() {
+ s.measureText("LayaTTFFont", this._fontTxt).width != this._txtWidth && this._complete()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._loadWithFontFace = function() {
+ var t = new O.window.FontFace(this.fontName,"url('" + this._url + "')");
+ O.window.document.fonts.add(t);
+ var e = this;
+ t.loaded.then(function() {
+ e._complete()
+ }),
+ t.load()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._createDiv = function() {
+ this._div = O.createElement("div"),
+ this._div.innerHTML = "laya";
+ var t = this._div.style;
+ t.fontFamily = this.fontName,
+ t.position = "absolute",
+ t.left = "-100px",
+ t.top = "-100px",
+ O.document.body.appendChild(this._div)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._loadWithCSS = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = O.createElement("style");
+ e.type = "text/css",
+ O.document.body.appendChild(e),
+ e.textContent = "@font-face { font-family:'" + this.fontName + "'; src:url('" + this._url + "');}",
+ this._fontTxt = "40px " + this.fontName,
+ this._txtWidth = s.measureText("LayaTTFFont", this._fontTxt).width;
+ var n = this;
+ e.onload = function() {
+ i.timer.once(1e4, n, t._complete)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.timer.loop(20, this, this._checkComplete),
+ this._createDiv()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._testString = "LayaTTFFont",
+ t
+ }())
+ , N = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._url = null,
+ this._path = null,
+ this._url = t.formatURL(e),
+ this._path = t.getPath(e)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.net.URL");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return r(0, e, "path", function() {
+ return this._path
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "url", function() {
+ return this._url
+ }),
+ t.formatURL = function(e, i) {
+ if (!e)
+ return "null path";
+ if (e.indexOf(":") > 0)
+ return e;
+ null != t.customFormat && (e = t.customFormat(e, i));
+ var n = e.charAt(0);
+ if ("." === n)
+ return t.formatRelativePath((i || t.basePath) + e);
+ if ("~" === n)
+ return t.rootPath + e.substring(1);
+ if ("d" === n) {
+ if (0 === e.indexOf("data:image"))
+ return e
+ } else if ("/" === n)
+ return e;
+ return (i || t.basePath) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.formatRelativePath = function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.split("/"), i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ ".." == e[i] && (e.splice(i - 1, 2),
+ i -= 2);
+ return e.join("/")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isAbsolute = function(t) {
+ return t.indexOf(":") > 0 || "/" == t.charAt(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getPath = function(t) {
+ var e = t.lastIndexOf("/");
+ return e > 0 ? t.substr(0, e + 1) : ""
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getPathcaps = function(t) {
+ var e = t.indexOf("/");
+ if (e > 0) {
+ var i = t.substr(0, e);
+ return "v" == i[0] && i.indexOf(".") > 0 && ("a" == i[i.length - 1] || "w" == i[i.length - 1]) ? this.getPath(t.substr(e + 1)) : this.getPath(t)
+ }
+ return this.getPath(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFileName = function(t) {
+ var e = t.lastIndexOf("/");
+ return e > 0 ? t.substr(e + 1) : t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.version = {},
+ t.basePath = "",
+ t.rootPath = "",
+ t.customFormat = function(e) {
+ var i = t.version[e];
+ return !A.isConchApp && i && (e += "?v=" + i),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , A = function() {
+ function e(t, n) {
+ function a() {
+ i.stage._loop(),
+ O.window.requestAnimationFrame(a)
+ }
+ this._timeId = 0;
+ var r = e._mainCanvas.source.style;
+ r.position = "absolute",
+ r.top = r.left = "0px",
+ r.background = "#000000",
+ e._mainCanvas.source.id = "layaCanvas";
+ var s = laya.renders.Render.isWebGL;
+ e._mainCanvas.source.width = t,
+ e._mainCanvas.source.height = n,
+ s && e.WebGL.init(e._mainCanvas, t, n),
+ O.container.appendChild(e._mainCanvas.source),
+ (e._context = new B(t,n,s ? null : e._mainCanvas)).ctx.setIsMainContext(),
+ O.window.requestAnimationFrame(a),
+ i.stage.on("visibilitychange", this, this._onVisibilitychange)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.renders.Render");
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._onVisibilitychange = function() {
+ i.stage.isVisibility ? 0 != this._timeId && O.window.clearInterval(this._timeId) : this._timeId = O.window.setInterval(this._enterFrame, 1e3)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._enterFrame = function(t) {
+ i.stage._loop()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(1, e, "context", function() {
+ return e._context
+ }),
+ r(1, e, "canvas", function() {
+ return e._mainCanvas.source
+ }),
+ e._context = null,
+ e._mainCanvas = null,
+ e.WebGL = null,
+ e.isConchNode = !1,
+ e.isConchApp = !1,
+ e.isConchWebGL = !1,
+ e.isWebGL = !1,
+ e.is3DMode = !1,
+ e.optimizeTextureMemory = function(t, e) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ t.ConchRenderType = t.ConchRenderType || 1,
+ t.ConchRenderType |= t.conch ? 4 : 0,
+ e.isConchNode = 5 == (5 & t.ConchRenderType),
+ e.isConchApp = 4 == (4 & t.ConchRenderType),
+ e.isConchWebGL = 6 == t.ConchRenderType
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , B = function() {
+ function t(e, i, n) {
+ this.x = 0,
+ this.y = 0,
+ this._drawTexture = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0].loaded && this.ctx.drawTexture(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillTexture = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0].loaded && this.ctx.fillTexture(i[0], i[1] + t, i[2] + e, i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawTextureWithTransform = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0].loaded && this.ctx.drawTextureWithTransform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], t, e, i[6])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillQuadrangle = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.fillQuadrangle(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawRect = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.ctx;
+ null != i[4] && (n.fillStyle = i[4],
+ n.fillRect(t + i[0], e + i[1], i[2], i[3], null)),
+ null != i[5] && (n.strokeStyle = i[5],
+ n.lineWidth = i[6],
+ n.strokeRect(t + i[0], e + i[1], i[2], i[3], i[6]))
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawPie = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.ctx;
+ A.isWebGL && n.setPathId(i[8]),
+ n.beginPath(),
+ A.isWebGL ? (n.movePath(i[0] + t, i[1] + e),
+ n.moveTo(0, 0)) : n.moveTo(t + i[0], e + i[1]),
+ n.arc(t + i[0], e + i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]),
+ n.closePath(),
+ this._fillAndStroke(i[5], i[6], i[7], !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._clipRect = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.clipRect(t + i[0], e + i[1], i[2], i[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillRect = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.fillRect(t + i[0], e + i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawCircle = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this.ctx;
+ A.isWebGL && a.setPathId(n[6]),
+ X.drawCall++,
+ a.beginPath(),
+ A.isWebGL && a.movePath(n[0] + e, n[1] + i),
+ a.arc(n[0] + e, n[1] + i, n[2], 0, t.PI2),
+ a.closePath(),
+ this._fillAndStroke(n[3], n[4], n[5], !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillCircle = function(e, i, n) {
+ X.drawCall++;
+ var a = this.ctx;
+ a.beginPath(),
+ a.fillStyle = n[3],
+ a.arc(n[0] + e, n[1] + i, n[2], 0, t.PI2),
+ a.fill()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._setShader = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.setShader(i[0])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawLine = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.ctx;
+ A.isWebGL && n.setPathId(i[6]),
+ n.beginPath(),
+ n.strokeStyle = i[4],
+ n.lineWidth = i[5],
+ A.isWebGL ? (n.movePath(t, e),
+ n.moveTo(i[0], i[1]),
+ n.lineTo(i[2], i[3])) : (n.moveTo(t + i[0], e + i[1]),
+ n.lineTo(t + i[2], e + i[3])),
+ n.stroke()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawLines = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.ctx;
+ A.isWebGL && n.setPathId(i[5]),
+ n.beginPath(),
+ t += i[0],
+ e += i[1],
+ A.isWebGL && n.movePath(t, e),
+ n.strokeStyle = i[3],
+ n.lineWidth = i[4];
+ var a = i[2]
+ , r = 2
+ , s = a.length;
+ if (A.isWebGL)
+ for (n.moveTo(a[0], a[1]); r < s; )
+ n.lineTo(a[r++], a[r++]);
+ else
+ for (n.moveTo(t + a[0], e + a[1]); r < s; )
+ n.lineTo(t + a[r++], e + a[r++]);
+ n.stroke()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawLinesWebGL = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.drawLines(t + this.x + i[0], e + this.y + i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawCurves = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.drawCurves(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._draw = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0].call(null, this, t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._transformByMatrix = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.transformByMatrix(i[0])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._setTransform = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.setTransform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._setTransformByMatrix = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.setTransformByMatrix(i[0])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._save = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.save()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._restore = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._translate = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.translate(i[0], i[1])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._transform = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.translate(i[1] + t, i[2] + e);
+ var n = i[0];
+ this.ctx.transform(n.a, n.b, n.c, n.d, n.tx, n.ty),
+ this.ctx.translate(-t - i[1], -e - i[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._rotate = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.translate(i[1] + t, i[2] + e),
+ this.ctx.rotate(i[0]),
+ this.ctx.translate(-t - i[1], -e - i[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._scale = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.translate(i[2] + t, i[3] + e),
+ this.ctx.scale(i[0], i[1]),
+ this.ctx.translate(-t - i[2], -e - i[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._alpha = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.globalAlpha *= i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ this._setAlpha = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.globalAlpha = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillText = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.fillText(i[0], i[1] + t, i[2] + e, i[3], i[4], i[5])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._strokeText = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.strokeText(i[0], i[1] + t, i[2] + e, i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillBorderText = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.fillBorderText(i[0], i[1] + t, i[2] + e, i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._blendMode = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ this._beginClip = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.beginClip && this.ctx.beginClip(t + i[0], e + i[1], i[2], i[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._setIBVB = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.setIBVB(i[0] + t, i[1] + e, i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._fillTrangles = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.fillTrangles(i[0], i[1] + t, i[2] + e, i[3], i[4])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawPath = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.ctx;
+ A.isWebGL && n.setPathId(-1),
+ n.beginPath(),
+ t += i[0],
+ e += i[1],
+ A.isWebGL && n.movePath(t, e);
+ for (var a = i[2], r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = a[r];
+ switch (o[0]) {
+ case "moveTo":
+ A.isWebGL ? n.moveTo(o[1], o[2]) : n.moveTo(t + o[1], e + o[2]);
+ break;
+ case "lineTo":
+ A.isWebGL ? n.lineTo(o[1], o[2]) : n.lineTo(t + o[1], e + o[2]);
+ break;
+ case "arcTo":
+ A.isWebGL ? n.arcTo(o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]) : n.arcTo(t + o[1], e + o[2], t + o[3], e + o[4], o[5]);
+ break;
+ case "closePath":
+ n.closePath()
+ }
+ }
+ var l = i[3];
+ null != l && (n.fillStyle = l.fillStyle,
+ n.fill());
+ var h = i[4];
+ null != h && (n.strokeStyle = h.strokeStyle,
+ n.lineWidth = h.lineWidth || 1,
+ n.lineJoin = h.lineJoin,
+ n.lineCap = h.lineCap,
+ n.miterLimit = h.miterLimit,
+ n.stroke())
+ }
+ ,
+ this.drawPoly = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.drawPoly(t + this.x + i[0], e + this.y + i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawPoly = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.ctx
+ , a = i[2]
+ , r = 2
+ , s = a.length;
+ if (A.isWebGL)
+ for (n.setPathId(i[6]),
+ n.beginPath(),
+ t += i[0],
+ e += i[1],
+ n.movePath(t, e),
+ n.moveTo(a[0], a[1]); r < s; )
+ n.lineTo(a[r++], a[r++]);
+ else
+ for (n.beginPath(),
+ t += i[0],
+ e += i[1],
+ n.moveTo(t + a[0], e + a[1]); r < s; )
+ n.lineTo(t + a[r++], e + a[r++]);
+ n.closePath(),
+ this._fillAndStroke(i[3], i[4], i[5], i[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawSkin = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i[0];
+ if (n) {
+ var a = this.ctx;
+ n.render(a, t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ this._drawParticle = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.drawParticle(t + this.x, e + this.y, i[0])
+ }
+ ,
+ this._setFilters = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.setFilters(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n ? this.ctx = n.getContext("2d") : (n = bt.create("3D"),
+ this.ctx = s.createWebGLContext2D(n),
+ n._setContext(this.ctx)),
+ n.size(e, i),
+ this.canvas = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.renders.RenderContext");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.destroy = function() {
+ this.canvas && (this.canvas.destroy(),
+ this.canvas = null,
+ this.ctx = null),
+ this.ctx && (this.ctx.destroy(),
+ this.ctx = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ t.loaded && this.ctx.drawTexture(t, e, i, n, a, this.x, this.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._drawTextures = function(t, e, i) {
+ i[0].loaded && this.ctx.drawTextures(i[0], i[1], t + this.x, e + this.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTextureWithTransform = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ t.loaded && this.ctx.drawTextureWithTransform(t, e, i, n, a, r, this.x, this.y, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillQuadrangle = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this.ctx.fillQuadrangle(t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawCanvas = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this.ctx.drawCanvas(t, e + this.x, i + this.y, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawRect = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1);
+ var s = this.ctx;
+ s.strokeStyle = a,
+ s.lineWidth = r,
+ s.strokeRect(t + this.x, e + this.y, i, n, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._fillAndStroke = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !1);
+ var a = this.ctx;
+ null != t && (a.fillStyle = t,
+ A.isWebGL ? a.fill(n) : a.fill()),
+ null != e && i > 0 && (a.strokeStyle = e,
+ a.lineWidth = i,
+ a.stroke())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clipRect = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.ctx.clipRect(t + this.x, e + this.y, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillRect = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this.ctx.fillRect(t + this.x, e + this.y, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawCircle = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1),
+ X.drawCall++;
+ var s = this.ctx;
+ s.beginPath(),
+ s.strokeStyle = a,
+ s.lineWidth = r,
+ s.arc(e + this.x, i + this.y, n, 0, t.PI2),
+ s.stroke()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTriangles = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (A.isWebGL)
+ this.ctx.drawTriangles(i[0], t + i[1], e + i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7], i[8], i[9]);
+ else {
+ var n = i[5]
+ , a = 0
+ , r = n.length
+ , s = this.ctx;
+ for (a = 0; a < r; a += 3) {
+ var o = 2 * n[a]
+ , l = 2 * n[a + 1]
+ , h = 2 * n[a + 2];
+ s.drawTriangle(i[0], i[3], i[4], o, l, h, i[6], !0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillCircle = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ X.drawCall++;
+ var r = this.ctx;
+ r.beginPath(),
+ r.fillStyle = a,
+ r.arc(e + this.x, i + this.y, n, 0, t.PI2),
+ r.fill()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setShader = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.setShader(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawLine = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1);
+ var s = this.ctx;
+ s.beginPath(),
+ s.strokeStyle = a,
+ s.lineWidth = r,
+ s.moveTo(this.x + t, this.y + e),
+ s.lineTo(this.x + i, this.y + n),
+ s.stroke()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ this.ctx.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transformByMatrix = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.transformByMatrix(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTransform = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this.ctx.setTransform(t, e, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTransformByMatrix = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.setTransformByMatrix(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.save = function() {
+ this.ctx.save()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function() {
+ this.ctx.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.translate = function(t, e) {
+ this.ctx.translate(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transform = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this.ctx.transform(t, e, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotate = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.rotate(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.scale = function(t, e) {
+ this.ctx.scale(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.alpha = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.globalAlpha *= t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setAlpha = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.globalAlpha = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ this.ctx.fillWords(t, e, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillBorderWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this.ctx.fillBorderWords(t, e, i, n, a, r, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this.ctx.fillText(t, e + this.x, i + this.y, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.strokeText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this.ctx.strokeText(t, e + this.x, i + this.y, n, a, r, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.blendMode = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.flush = function() {
+ this.ctx.flush && this.ctx.flush()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addRenderObject = function(t) {
+ this.ctx.addRenderObject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.beginClip = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.ctx.beginClip && this.ctx.beginClip(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.endClip = function() {
+ this.ctx.endClip && this.ctx.endClip()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillTrangles = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.ctx.fillTrangles(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i.length > 4 ? i[4] : null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.PI2 = 2 * Math.PI,
+ t
+ }()
+ , k = function() {
+ function t(e, i) {
+ switch (this._next = i || t.NORENDER,
+ e) {
+ case 0:
+ return void (this._fun = this._no);
+ case 1:
+ return void (this._fun = this._image);
+ case 2:
+ return void (this._fun = this._alpha);
+ case 4:
+ return void (this._fun = this._transform);
+ case 8:
+ return void (this._fun = this._blend);
+ case 16:
+ return void (this._fun = this._canvas);
+ case 64:
+ return void (this._fun = this._mask);
+ case 128:
+ return void (this._fun = this._clip);
+ case 256:
+ return void (this._fun = this._style);
+ case 512:
+ return void (this._fun = this._graphics);
+ case 2048:
+ return void (this._fun = this._childs);
+ case 1024:
+ return void (this._fun = this._custom);
+ case 513:
+ case 517:
+ return void (this._fun = this._image2);
+ case 32:
+ return void (this._fun = b._filter);
+ case 69905:
+ return void (this._fun = t._initRenderFun)
+ }
+ this.onCreate(e)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.renders.RenderSprite");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.onCreate = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e._style = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ t._style.render(t, e, i, n);
+ var a = this._next;
+ a._fun.call(a, t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._no = function(t, e, i, n) {}
+ ,
+ e._custom = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ t.customRender(e, i, n);
+ var a = t._style._tf;
+ this._next._fun.call(this._next, t, e, i - a.translateX, n - a.translateY)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clip = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this._next;
+ if (r != t.NORENDER) {
+ var s = e._style.scrollRect;
+ i.ctx.save(),
+ i.ctx.clipRect(n, a, s.width, s.height),
+ r._fun.call(r, e, i, n - s.x, a - s.y),
+ i.ctx.restore()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._blend = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._style;
+ a.blendMode && (e.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = a.blendMode);
+ var r = this._next;
+ r._fun.call(r, t, e, i, n),
+ e.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"
+ }
+ ,
+ e._mask = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._next;
+ a._fun.call(a, t, e, i, n);
+ var r = t.mask;
+ r && (e.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in",
+ (r.numChildren > 0 || !r.graphics._isOnlyOne()) && (r.cacheAsBitmap = !0),
+ r.render(e, i - t.pivotX, n - t.pivotY)),
+ e.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"
+ }
+ ,
+ e._graphics = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._style._tf;
+ t._graphics && t._graphics._render(t, e, i - a.translateX, n - a.translateY);
+ var r = this._next;
+ r._fun.call(r, t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._image = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._style;
+ e.ctx.drawTexture2(i, n, a._tf.translateX, a._tf.translateY, t.transform, a.alpha, a.blendMode, t._graphics._one)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._image2 = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._style._tf;
+ e.ctx.drawTexture2(i, n, a.translateX, a.translateY, t.transform, 1, null, t._graphics._one)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._alpha = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a;
+ if ((a = t._style.alpha) > .01 || t._needRepaint()) {
+ var r = e.ctx.globalAlpha;
+ e.ctx.globalAlpha *= a;
+ var s = this._next;
+ s._fun.call(s, t, e, i, n),
+ e.ctx.globalAlpha = r
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._transform = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e.transform
+ , s = this._next;
+ r && s != t.NORENDER ? (i.save(),
+ i.transform(r.a, r.b, r.c, r.d, r.tx + n, r.ty + a),
+ s._fun.call(s, e, i, 0, 0),
+ i.restore()) : s._fun.call(s, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._childs = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._style
+ , r = a._tf;
+ if (i = i - r.translateX + a.paddingLeft,
+ n = n - r.translateY + a.paddingTop,
+ a._calculation) {
+ var s = t._getWords();
+ if (s) {
+ var o = a;
+ o && (o.stroke ? e.fillBorderWords(s, i, n, o.font, o.color, o.strokeColor, o.stroke) : e.fillWords(s, i, n, o.font, o.color, "none" != o.textDecoration && o.underLine ? 1 : 0))
+ }
+ }
+ var l, h = t._childs, c = h.length;
+ if (t.viewport || t.optimizeScrollRect && t._style.scrollRect) {
+ var _ = t.viewport || t._style.scrollRect
+ , u = _.x
+ , d = _.y
+ , f = _.right
+ , p = _.bottom
+ , m = NaN
+ , g = NaN;
+ for (y = 0; y < c; ++y)
+ (l = h[y]).visible && (m = l._x) < f && m + l.width > u && (g = l._y) < p && g + l.height > d && l.render(e, i, n)
+ } else
+ for (var y = 0; y < c; ++y)
+ (l = h[y])._style.visible && l.render(e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._canvas = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._$P.cacheCanvas;
+ if (a) {
+ "bitmap" === a.type ? X.canvasBitmap++ : X.canvasNormal++;
+ var r = a.ctx;
+ if (t._needRepaint() || !r)
+ this._canvas_repaint(t, e, i, n);
+ else {
+ var s = a._cacheRec;
+ e.drawCanvas(r.canvas, i + s.x, n + s.y, s.width, s.height)
+ }
+ } else
+ this._next._fun.call(this._next, t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._canvas_repaint = function(t, e, n, a) {
+ var r = t._$P.cacheCanvas
+ , s = this._next;
+ if (r) {
+ var o, l, h, c, _ = r.ctx, u = t._needRepaint() || !_, d = r.type;
+ if ("bitmap" === d ? X.canvasBitmap++ : X.canvasNormal++,
+ u) {
+ r._cacheRec || (r._cacheRec = new L);
+ var f, p;
+ A.isWebGL && "bitmap" !== d ? r._cacheRec.setTo(-t.pivotX, -t.pivotY, 1, 1) : ((c = t.getSelfBounds()).x = c.x - t.pivotX,
+ c.y = c.y - t.pivotY,
+ c.x = c.x - 16,
+ c.y = c.y - 16,
+ c.width = c.width + 32,
+ c.height = c.height + 32,
+ c.x = Math.floor(c.x + n) - n,
+ c.y = Math.floor(c.y + a) - a,
+ c.width = Math.floor(c.width),
+ c.height = Math.floor(c.height),
+ r._cacheRec.copyFrom(c)),
+ c = r._cacheRec;
+ var m = A.isWebGL ? 1 : O.pixelRatio * i.stage.clientScaleX
+ , g = A.isWebGL ? 1 : O.pixelRatio * i.stage.clientScaleY;
+ if (!A.isWebGL) {
+ var y, v = 1, b = 1;
+ for (y = t; y && y != i.stage; )
+ v *= y.scaleX,
+ b *= y.scaleY,
+ y = y.parent;
+ A.isWebGL ? (v < 1 && (m *= v),
+ b < 1 && (g *= b)) : (v > 1 && (m *= v),
+ b > 1 && (g *= b))
+ }
+ if (t.scrollRect) {
+ var w = t.scrollRect;
+ c.x -= w.x,
+ c.y -= w.y
+ }
+ if (f = c.width * m,
+ p = c.height * g,
+ l = c.x,
+ h = c.y,
+ A.isWebGL && "bitmap" === d && (f > 2048 || p > 2048))
+ return console.warn("cache bitmap size larger than 2048,cache ignored"),
+ r.ctx && (W.recover("RenderContext", r.ctx),
+ r.ctx.canvas.size(0, 0),
+ r.ctx = null),
+ void s._fun.call(s, t, e, n, a);
+ _ || (_ = r.ctx = W.getItem("RenderContext") || new B(f,p,bt.create("AUTO"))),
+ _.ctx.sprite = t,
+ (o = _.canvas).clear(),
+ (o.width != f || o.height != p) && o.size(f, p),
+ "bitmap" === d ? o.context.asBitmap = !0 : "normal" === d && (o.context.asBitmap = !1);
+ var x;
+ if (1 != m || 1 != g) {
+ var I = _.ctx;
+ I.save(),
+ I.scale(m, g),
+ !A.isConchWebGL && A.isConchApp && (x = t._$P.cf) && I.setFilterMatrix && I.setFilterMatrix(x._mat, x._alpha),
+ s._fun.call(s, t, _, -l, -h),
+ I.restore(),
+ A.isConchApp && !A.isConchWebGL || t._applyFilters()
+ } else
+ I = _.ctx,
+ !A.isConchWebGL && A.isConchApp && (x = t._$P.cf) && I.setFilterMatrix && I.setFilterMatrix(x._mat, x._alpha),
+ s._fun.call(s, t, _, -l, -h),
+ A.isConchApp && !A.isConchWebGL || t._applyFilters();
+ t._$P.staticCache && (r.reCache = !1),
+ X.canvasReCache++
+ } else
+ l = (c = r._cacheRec).x,
+ h = c.y,
+ o = _.canvas;
+ e.drawCanvas(o, n + l, a + h, c.width, c.height)
+ } else
+ s._fun.call(s, t, _, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ var e, i = 0, n = 0;
+ for (e = s.createRenderSprite(69905, null),
+ n = t.renders.length = 4096,
+ i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ t.renders[i] = e;
+ t.renders[0] = s.createRenderSprite(0, null),
+ function(e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ n |= e[a],
+ t.renders[n] = i
+ }([1, 512, 4, 2], new t(1,null)),
+ t.renders[513] = s.createRenderSprite(513, null),
+ t.renders[517] = new t(517,null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._initRenderFun = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e._renderType;
+ (t.renders[r] = t._getTypeRender(r))._fun(e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getTypeRender = function(t) {
+ for (var e = null, i = 2048; i > 1; )
+ i & t && (e = s.createRenderSprite(i, e)),
+ i >>= 1;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.IMAGE = 1,
+ t.ALPHA = 2,
+ t.TRANSFORM = 4,
+ t.BLEND = 8,
+ t.CANVAS = 16,
+ t.FILTERS = 32,
+ t.MASK = 64,
+ t.CLIP = 128,
+ t.STYLE = 256,
+ t.GRAPHICS = 512,
+ t.CUSTOM = 1024,
+ t.CHILDS = 2048,
+ t.INIT = 69905,
+ t.renders = [],
+ t.NORENDER = new t(0,null),
+ t
+ }()
+ , R = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._repaint = !1
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.resource.Context");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.replaceReset = function() {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ i = t.replaceKeys.length;
+ var n;
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ n = t.replaceKeys[e],
+ this[t.newKeys[e]] = this[n]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.replaceResotre = function() {
+ this.__restore(),
+ this.__reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setIsMainContext = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.drawTextures = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ X.drawCall += e.length / 2;
+ for (var a = t.width, r = t.height, s = 0, o = e.length; s < o; s += 2)
+ this.drawTexture(t, e[s], e[s + 1], a, r, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawCanvas = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ X.drawCall++,
+ this.drawImage(t.source, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillRect = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ X.drawCall++,
+ a && (this.fillStyle = a),
+ this.__fillRect(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ X.drawCall++,
+ arguments.length > 3 && null != n && (this.font = n,
+ this.fillStyle = a,
+ this.textAlign = r,
+ this.textBaseline = "top"),
+ this.__fillText(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillBorderText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ X.drawCall++,
+ this.font = n,
+ this.fillStyle = a,
+ this.textBaseline = "top",
+ this.strokeStyle = r,
+ this.lineWidth = s,
+ this.textAlign = o,
+ this.__strokeText(t, e, i),
+ this.__fillText(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.strokeText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ X.drawCall++,
+ arguments.length > 3 && null != n && (this.font = n,
+ this.strokeStyle = a,
+ this.lineWidth = r,
+ this.textAlign = s,
+ this.textBaseline = "top"),
+ this.__strokeText(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transformByMatrix = function(t) {
+ this.transform(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.tx, t.ty)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTransformByMatrix = function(t) {
+ this.setTransform(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.tx, t.ty)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clipRect = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ X.drawCall++,
+ this.beginPath(),
+ this.rect(t, e, i, n),
+ this.clip()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ X.drawCall++;
+ var o = t.uv
+ , l = t.bitmap.width
+ , h = t.bitmap.height;
+ this.drawImage(t.source, o[0] * l, o[1] * h, (o[2] - o[0]) * l, (o[5] - o[3]) * h, e + r, i + s, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTextureWithTransform = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ X.drawCall++;
+ var h = t.uv
+ , c = t.bitmap.width
+ , _ = t.bitmap.height;
+ this.save(),
+ 1 != l && (this.globalAlpha *= l),
+ r ? (this.transform(r.a, r.b, r.c, r.d, r.tx + s, r.ty + o),
+ this.drawImage(t.source, h[0] * c, h[1] * _, (h[2] - h[0]) * c, (h[5] - h[3]) * _, e, i, n, a)) : this.drawImage(t.source, h[0] * c, h[1] * _, (h[2] - h[0]) * c, (h[5] - h[3]) * _, e + s, i + o, n, a),
+ this.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTexture2 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ var l = o[0];
+ if (l.loaded && l.bitmap && l.source) {
+ X.drawCall++;
+ var h = 1 !== r;
+ if (h) {
+ var c = this.globalAlpha;
+ this.globalAlpha *= r
+ }
+ var _ = l.uv
+ , u = l.bitmap.width
+ , d = l.bitmap.height;
+ a ? (this.save(),
+ this.transform(a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d, a.tx + t, a.ty + e),
+ this.drawImage(l.source, _[0] * u, _[1] * d, (_[2] - _[0]) * u, (_[5] - _[3]) * d, o[1] - i, o[2] - n, o[3], o[4]),
+ this.restore()) : this.drawImage(l.source, _[0] * u, _[1] * d, (_[2] - _[0]) * u, (_[5] - _[3]) * d, o[1] - i + t, o[2] - n + e, o[3], o[4]),
+ h && (this.globalAlpha = c)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ if (!o.pat) {
+ if (t.uv != ct.DEF_UV) {
+ var l = new bt("2D");
+ l.getContext("2d"),
+ l.size(t.width, t.height),
+ l.context.drawTexture(t, 0, 0, t.width, t.height, 0, 0),
+ t = new ct(l)
+ }
+ o.pat = this.createPattern(t.bitmap.source, r)
+ }
+ var h = e
+ , c = i
+ , _ = 0
+ , u = 0;
+ s && (h += s.x % t.width,
+ c += s.y % t.height,
+ _ -= s.x % t.width,
+ u -= s.y % t.height),
+ this.translate(h, c),
+ this.fillRect(_, u, n, a, o.pat),
+ this.translate(-h, -c)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTriangle = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ var l = t.bitmap
+ , h = l.source
+ , c = t.width
+ , _ = t.height
+ , u = l.width
+ , d = l.height
+ , f = i[n] * u
+ , p = i[a] * u
+ , m = i[r] * u
+ , g = i[n + 1] * d
+ , y = i[a + 1] * d
+ , v = i[r + 1] * d
+ , b = e[n]
+ , w = e[a]
+ , x = e[r]
+ , I = e[n + 1]
+ , C = e[a + 1]
+ , S = e[r + 1];
+ if (o) {
+ var M = (b + w + x) / 3
+ , L = (I + C + S) / 3
+ , T = b - M
+ , E = I - L
+ , D = Math.sqrt(T * T + E * E);
+ b = M + T / D * (D + 1),
+ I = L + E / D * (D + 1),
+ E = C - L,
+ w = M + (T = w - M) / (D = Math.sqrt(T * T + E * E)) * (D + 1),
+ C = L + E / D * (D + 1),
+ E = S - L,
+ x = M + (T = x - M) / (D = Math.sqrt(T * T + E * E)) * (D + 1),
+ S = L + E / D * (D + 1)
+ }
+ this.save(),
+ s && this.transform(s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.tx, s.ty),
+ this.beginPath(),
+ this.moveTo(b, I),
+ this.lineTo(w, C),
+ this.lineTo(x, S),
+ this.closePath(),
+ this.clip();
+ var N = 1 / (f * y + g * m + p * v - y * m - g * p - f * v)
+ , A = b * y + g * x + w * v - y * x - g * w - b * v
+ , B = f * w + b * m + p * x - w * m - b * p - f * x
+ , k = f * y * x + g * w * m + b * p * v - b * y * m - g * p * x - f * w * v
+ , R = I * y + g * S + C * v - y * S - g * C - I * v
+ , P = f * C + I * m + p * S - C * m - I * p - f * S
+ , O = f * y * S + g * C * m + I * p * v - I * y * m - g * p * S - f * C * v;
+ this.transform(A * N, R * N, B * N, P * N, k * N, O * N),
+ this.drawImage(h, t.uv[0] * u, t.uv[1] * d, c, _, t.uv[0] * u, t.uv[1] * d, c, _),
+ this.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.flush = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ n && (this.font = n),
+ a && (this.fillStyle = a);
+ this.textBaseline = "top",
+ this.textAlign = "left";
+ for (var s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = t[s];
+ if (this.__fillText(l.char, l.x + e, l.y + i),
+ 1 === r) {
+ var h = l.height
+ , c = .5 * l.style.letterSpacing;
+ c || (c = 0),
+ this.beginPath(),
+ this.strokeStyle = a,
+ this.lineWidth = 1,
+ this.moveTo(e + l.x - c + .5, i + l.y + h + .5),
+ this.lineTo(e + l.x + l.width + c + .5, i + l.y + h + .5),
+ this.stroke()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillBorderWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ n && (this.font = n),
+ a && (this.fillStyle = a),
+ this.textBaseline = "top",
+ this.lineWidth = s,
+ this.textAlign = "left",
+ this.strokeStyle = r;
+ for (var o = 0, l = t.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var h = t[o];
+ this.__strokeText(h.char, h.x + e, h.y + i),
+ this.__fillText(h.char, h.x + e, h.y + i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ this.clearRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height),
+ this._repaint = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawCurves = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.beginPath(),
+ this.strokeStyle = i[3],
+ this.lineWidth = i[4];
+ var n = i[2];
+ t += i[0],
+ e += i[1],
+ this.moveTo(t + n[0], e + n[1]);
+ for (var a = 2, r = n.length; a < r; )
+ this.quadraticCurveTo(t + n[a++], e + n[a++], t + n[a++], e + n[a++]);
+ this.stroke()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function(t) {
+ var e = laya.resource.Context.prototype;
+ if (!(t = t || CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype).inited) {
+ t.inited = !0,
+ t.__fillText = t.fillText,
+ t.__fillRect = t.fillRect,
+ t.__strokeText = t.strokeText;
+ ["drawTextures", "drawTriangle", "fillWords", "fillBorderWords", "setIsMainContext", "fillRect", "strokeText", "fillTexture", "fillText", "transformByMatrix", "setTransformByMatrix", "clipRect", "drawTexture", "drawTexture2", "drawTextureWithTransform", "flush", "clear", "destroy", "drawCanvas", "fillBorderText", "drawCurves"].forEach(function(i) {
+ t[i] = e[i]
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.replaceCanvasGetSet = function(t, e) {
+ var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);
+ if (!i || !i.configurable)
+ return !1;
+ var n, a = {};
+ for (n in i)
+ "set" != n && (a[n] = i[n]);
+ var r = i.set;
+ return a.set = function(t) {
+ r.call(this, t);
+ var e = this.getContext("2d");
+ e && "__reset"in e && e.__reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t, e, a),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.replaceGetSet = function(e, i) {
+ var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, i);
+ if (!n || !n.configurable)
+ return !1;
+ var a, r = {};
+ for (a in n)
+ "set" != a && (r[a] = n[a]);
+ var s = n.set
+ , o = "___" + i + "__";
+ return t.newKeys.push(o),
+ r.set = function(t) {
+ t != this[o] && (this[o] = t,
+ s.call(this, t))
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(e, i, r),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._default = new t,
+ t.newKeys = [],
+ n(t, ["replaceKeys", function() {
+ return this.replaceKeys = ["font", "fillStyle", "textBaseline"]
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , P = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._id = 0,
+ this._name = null,
+ this._resources = null,
+ this._memorySize = 0,
+ this._garbageCollectionRate = NaN,
+ this._isOverflow = !1,
+ this.autoRelease = !1,
+ this.autoReleaseMaxSize = 0,
+ this._id = ++t._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this._name = e || "Content Manager",
+ t._isResourceManagersSorted = !1,
+ this._memorySize = 0,
+ this._isOverflow = !1,
+ this.autoRelease = !1,
+ this.autoReleaseMaxSize = 536870912,
+ this._garbageCollectionRate = .2,
+ t._resourceManagers.push(this),
+ this._resources = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.resource.ResourceManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.resource.IDispose": !0
+ }),
+ e.getResourceByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._resources[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getResourcesLength = function() {
+ return this._resources.length
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addResource = function(t) {
+ t.resourceManager && t.resourceManager.removeResource(t);
+ return -1 === this._resources.indexOf(t) && (t._resourceManager = this,
+ this._resources.push(t),
+ this.addSize(t.memorySize),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeResource = function(t) {
+ var e = this._resources.indexOf(t);
+ return -1 !== e && (this._resources.splice(e, 1),
+ t._resourceManager = null,
+ this._memorySize -= t.memorySize,
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.unload = function() {
+ for (var t = this._resources.slice(0, this._resources.length), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ t[e].destroy()
+ }
+ t.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.dispose = function() {
+ if (this === t._systemResourceManager)
+ throw new Error("systemResourceManager不能被释放!");
+ t._resourceManagers.splice(t._resourceManagers.indexOf(this), 1),
+ t._isResourceManagersSorted = !1;
+ for (var e = this._resources.slice(0, this._resources.length), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ n.resourceManager.removeResource(n),
+ n.destroy()
+ }
+ e.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addSize = function(t) {
+ t && (this.autoRelease && t > 0 && this._memorySize + t > this.autoReleaseMaxSize && this.garbageCollection((1 - this._garbageCollectionRate) * this.autoReleaseMaxSize),
+ this._memorySize += t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.garbageCollection = function(t) {
+ var e = this._resources;
+ (e = e.slice()).sort(function(t, e) {
+ if (!t || !e)
+ throw new Error("a或b不能为空!");
+ return t.released && e.released ? 0 : t.released ? 1 : e.released ? -1 : t._lastUseFrameCount - e._lastUseFrameCount
+ });
+ for (var i = X.loopCount, n = 0, a = e.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = e[n];
+ if (!(i - r._lastUseFrameCount > 1))
+ return void (this._memorySize >= t && (this._isOverflow = !0));
+ if (r.releaseResource(),
+ this._memorySize < t)
+ return void (this._isOverflow = !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "name", function() {
+ return this._name
+ }, function(e) {
+ !e && "" === e || this._name === e || (this._name = e,
+ t._isResourceManagersSorted = !1)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "memorySize", function() {
+ return this._memorySize
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "systemResourceManager", function() {
+ return t._systemResourceManager
+ }),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t.currentResourceManager = t.systemResourceManager
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getLoadedResourceManagerByIndex = function(e) {
+ return t._resourceManagers[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getLoadedResourceManagersCount = function() {
+ return t._resourceManagers.length
+ }
+ ,
+ t.recreateContentManagers = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ for (var i = t.currentResourceManager, n = 0; n < t._resourceManagers.length; n++) {
+ t.currentResourceManager = t._resourceManagers[n];
+ for (var a = 0; a < t.currentResourceManager._resources.length; a++)
+ t.currentResourceManager._resources[a].releaseResource(e),
+ t.currentResourceManager._resources[a].activeResource(e)
+ }
+ t.currentResourceManager = i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.releaseContentManagers = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ for (var i = t.currentResourceManager, n = 0; n < t._resourceManagers.length; n++) {
+ t.currentResourceManager = t._resourceManagers[n];
+ for (var a = 0; a < t.currentResourceManager._resources.length; a++) {
+ var r = t.currentResourceManager._resources[a];
+ !r.released && r.releaseResource(e)
+ }
+ }
+ t.currentResourceManager = i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._uniqueIDCounter = 0,
+ t._isResourceManagersSorted = !1,
+ t._resourceManagers = [],
+ n(t, ["_systemResourceManager", function() {
+ return this._systemResourceManager = new t("System Resource Manager")
+ }
+ , "currentResourceManager", function() {
+ return this.currentResourceManager = t._systemResourceManager
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , O = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.system.System"),
+ t.changeDefinition = function(t, e) {
+ i[t] = e;
+ var n = t + "=classObj";
+ i._runScript(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ A.isConchApp && (conch.disableConchResManager(),
+ conch.disableConchAutoRestoreLostedDevice())
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function n() {}
+ return a(n, "laya.utils.Browser"),
+ r(1, n, "pixelRatio", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/6.0(Linux; Android 6.0; HUAWEI NXT-AL10 Build/HUAWEINXT-AL10)") > -1 ? 2 : s.getPixelRatio()
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "height", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ (i.stage && i.stage.canvasRotation ? n.clientWidth : n.clientHeight) * n.pixelRatio
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "clientWidth", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n.window.innerWidth || n.document.body.clientWidth
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "window", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n._window
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "clientHeight", function() {
+ n.__init__();
+ var t = n.window.innerHeight || n.document.body.clientHeight || n.document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ , e = n.document.getElementById("dmm_ntgnavi");
+ return e && (t -= e.getBoundingClientRect().height),
+ t
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "width", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ (i.stage && i.stage.canvasRotation ? n.clientHeight : n.clientWidth) * n.pixelRatio
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "container", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n._container || ((n._container = n.createElement("div")).id = "layaContainer",
+ n.document.body.appendChild(n._container)),
+ n._container
+ }, function(t) {
+ n._container = t
+ }),
+ r(1, n, "document", function() {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n._document
+ }),
+ n.__init__ = function() {
+ if (!n._window) {
+ n._window = s.getWindow(),
+ n._document = n.window.document,
+ n._window.addEventListener("message", function(t) {
+ laya.utils.Browser._onMessage(t)
+ }, !1),
+ n.document.__createElement = n.document.createElement,
+ t.requestAnimationFrame = t.requestAnimationFrame || t.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || t.mozRequestAnimationFrame || t.oRequestAnimationFrame || t.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(e) {
+ return t.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)
+ }
+ ;
+ var i = t.document.body.style;
+ i["-webkit-user-select"] = "none",
+ i["-webkit-tap-highlight-color"] = "rgba(200,200,200,0)",
+ n.userAgent = n.window.navigator.userAgent,
+ n.onIOS = !!(n.u = n.userAgent).match(/\(i[^;]+;(U;)? CPU.+Mac OS X/),
+ n.onMobile = n.u.indexOf("Mobile") > -1,
+ n.onIPhone = n.u.indexOf("iPhone") > -1,
+ n.onMac = n.u.indexOf("Mac OS X") > -1,
+ n.onIPad = n.u.indexOf("iPad") > -1,
+ n.onAndroid = n.u.indexOf("Android") > -1 || n.u.indexOf("Adr") > -1,
+ n.onWP = n.u.indexOf("Windows Phone") > -1,
+ n.onQQBrowser = n.u.indexOf("QQBrowser") > -1,
+ n.onMQQBrowser = n.u.indexOf("MQQBrowser") > -1 || n.u.indexOf("Mobile") > -1 && n.u.indexOf("QQ") > -1,
+ n.onIE = !!n.window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject"in n.window,
+ n.onWeiXin = n.u.indexOf("MicroMessenger") > -1,
+ n.onPC = !n.onMobile,
+ n.onSafari = n.u.indexOf("Safari") > -1,
+ n.onFirefox = n.u.indexOf("Firefox") > -1,
+ n.onEdge = n.u.indexOf("Edge") > -1,
+ n.onMiniGame = n.u.indexOf("MiniGame") > -1,
+ n.onLimixiu = n.u.indexOf("limixiu") > -1,
+ n.httpProtocol = "http:" == n.window.location.protocol,
+ n.onMiniGame && null == n.window.focus && console.error("请先初始化小游戏适配库,详细教程https://ldc.layabox.com/doc/?nav=zh-ts-5-0-0"),
+ n.webAudioEnabled = !!(n.window.AudioContext || n.window.webkitAudioContext || n.window.mozAudioContext),
+ n.soundType = n.webAudioEnabled ? "WEBAUDIOSOUND" : "AUDIOSOUND",
+ nt = n.webAudioEnabled ? at : et,
+ n.webAudioEnabled && at.initWebAudio(),
+ et._initMusicAudio(),
+ n.enableTouch = "ontouchstart"in t || t.DocumentTouch && e instanceof DocumentTouch,
+ t.focus(),
+ T._soundClass = nt,
+ T._musicClass = et,
+ A._mainCanvas = A._mainCanvas || bt.create("2D"),
+ n.canvas || (n.canvas = bt.create("2D"),
+ n.context = n.canvas.getContext("2d"))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onMessage = function(t) {
+ if (t.data && "size" == t.data.name) {
+ if (n.window.innerWidth = t.data.width,
+ n.window.innerHeight = t.data.height,
+ n.window.__innerHeight = t.data.clientHeight,
+ !n.document.createEvent)
+ return void console.warn("no document.createEvent");
+ var e = n.document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
+ return e.initEvent("resize", !1, !1),
+ void n.window.dispatchEvent(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createElement = function(t) {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n.document.__createElement(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getElementById = function(t) {
+ return n.__init__(),
+ n.document.getElementById(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeElement = function(t) {
+ t && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.now = function() {
+ return s.now()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._window = null,
+ n._document = null,
+ n._container = null,
+ n.userAgent = null,
+ n.u = null,
+ n.onIOS = !1,
+ n.onMac = !1,
+ n.onMobile = !1,
+ n.onIPhone = !1,
+ n.onIPad = !1,
+ n.onAndroid = !1,
+ n.onWP = !1,
+ n.onQQBrowser = !1,
+ n.onMQQBrowser = !1,
+ n.onSafari = !1,
+ n.onFirefox = !1,
+ n.onEdge = !1,
+ n.onIE = !1,
+ n.onWeiXin = !1,
+ n.onMiniGame = !1,
+ n.onLimixiu = !1,
+ n.onPC = !1,
+ n.httpProtocol = !1,
+ n.webAudioEnabled = !1,
+ n.soundType = null,
+ n.enableTouch = !1,
+ n.canvas = null,
+ n.context = null,
+ n.__init$ = function() {}
+ ,
+ n
+ }())
+ , U = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._xd_ = !0,
+ this._allocated_ = 8,
+ this._pos_ = 0,
+ this._length = 0,
+ t ? (this._u8d_ = new Uint8Array(t),
+ this._d_ = new DataView(this._u8d_.buffer),
+ this._length = this._d_.byteLength) : this.___resizeBuffer(this._allocated_)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Byte");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.___resizeBuffer = function(t) {
+ try {
+ var e = new Uint8Array(t);
+ null != this._u8d_ && (this._u8d_.length <= t ? e.set(this._u8d_) : e.set(this._u8d_.subarray(0, t))),
+ this._u8d_ = e,
+ this._d_ = new DataView(e.buffer)
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw "___resizeBuffer err:" + t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getString = function() {
+ return this.rUTF(this.getUint16())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFloat32Array = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t + e;
+ i = i > this._length ? this._length : i;
+ var n = new Float32Array(this._d_.buffer.slice(t, i));
+ return this._pos_ = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUint8Array = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t + e;
+ i = i > this._length ? this._length : i;
+ var n = new Uint8Array(this._d_.buffer.slice(t, i));
+ return this._pos_ = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getInt16Array = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t + e;
+ i = i > this._length ? this._length : i;
+ var n = new Int16Array(this._d_.buffer.slice(t, i));
+ return this._pos_ = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFloat32 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 4 > this._length)
+ throw "getFloat32 error - Out of bounds";
+ var t = this._d_.getFloat32(this._pos_, this._xd_);
+ return this._pos_ += 4,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFloat64 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 8 > this._length)
+ throw "getFloat64 error - Out of bounds";
+ var t = this._d_.getFloat64(this._pos_, this._xd_);
+ return this._pos_ += 8,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeFloat32 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 4),
+ this._d_.setFloat32(this._pos_, t, this._xd_),
+ this._pos_ += 4
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeFloat64 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 8),
+ this._d_.setFloat64(this._pos_, t, this._xd_),
+ this._pos_ += 8
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getInt32 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 4 > this._length)
+ throw "getInt32 error - Out of bounds";
+ var t = this._d_.getInt32(this._pos_, this._xd_);
+ return this._pos_ += 4,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUint32 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 4 > this._length)
+ throw "getUint32 error - Out of bounds";
+ var t = this._d_.getUint32(this._pos_, this._xd_);
+ return this._pos_ += 4,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeInt32 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 4),
+ this._d_.setInt32(this._pos_, t, this._xd_),
+ this._pos_ += 4
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeUint32 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 4),
+ this._d_.setUint32(this._pos_, t, this._xd_),
+ this._pos_ += 4
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getInt16 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 2 > this._length)
+ throw "getInt16 error - Out of bounds";
+ var t = this._d_.getInt16(this._pos_, this._xd_);
+ return this._pos_ += 2,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUint16 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 2 > this._length)
+ throw "getUint16 error - Out of bounds";
+ var t = this._d_.getUint16(this._pos_, this._xd_);
+ return this._pos_ += 2,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeUint16 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 2),
+ this._d_.setUint16(this._pos_, t, this._xd_),
+ this._pos_ += 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeInt16 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 2),
+ this._d_.setInt16(this._pos_, t, this._xd_),
+ this._pos_ += 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUint8 = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 1 > this._length)
+ throw "getUint8 error - Out of bounds";
+ return this._d_.getUint8(this._pos_++)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeUint8 = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 1),
+ this._d_.setUint8(this._pos_, t),
+ this._pos_++
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getUInt8 = function(t) {
+ return this._d_.getUint8(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getUint16 = function(t) {
+ return this._d_.getUint16(t, this._xd_)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getMatrix = function() {
+ return new S(this.getFloat32(),this.getFloat32(),this.getFloat32(),this.getFloat32(),this.getFloat32(),this.getFloat32())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rUTF = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = this._pos_ + t, n = 0, a = String.fromCharCode, r = this._u8d_; this._pos_ < i; )
+ (n = r[this._pos_++]) < 128 ? 0 != n && (e += a(n)) : e += a(n < 224 ? (63 & n) << 6 | 127 & r[this._pos_++] : n < 240 ? (31 & n) << 12 | (127 & r[this._pos_++]) << 6 | 127 & r[this._pos_++] : (15 & n) << 18 | (127 & r[this._pos_++]) << 12 | r[this._pos_++] << 6 & 127 | 127 & r[this._pos_++]),
+ 0;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCustomString = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = 0, n = 0, a = String.fromCharCode, r = this._u8d_; t > 0; )
+ if ((n = r[this._pos_]) < 128)
+ e += a(n),
+ this._pos_++,
+ t--;
+ else
+ for (i = n - 128,
+ this._pos_++,
+ t -= i; i > 0; )
+ n = r[this._pos_++],
+ e += a(r[this._pos_++] << 8 | n),
+ i--;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ this._pos_ = 0,
+ this.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__getBuffer = function() {
+ return this._d_.buffer
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeUTFBytes = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = (t += "").length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = t.charCodeAt(e);
+ n <= 127 ? this.writeByte(n) : n <= 2047 ? (this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 2),
+ this._u8d_.set([192 | n >> 6, 128 | 63 & n], this._pos_),
+ this._pos_ += 2) : n <= 65535 ? (this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 3),
+ this._u8d_.set([224 | n >> 12, 128 | n >> 6 & 63, 128 | 63 & n], this._pos_),
+ this._pos_ += 3) : (this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 4),
+ this._u8d_.set([240 | n >> 18, 128 | n >> 12 & 63, 128 | n >> 6 & 63, 128 | 63 & n], this._pos_),
+ this._pos_ += 4)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeUTFString = function(t) {
+ var e = this.pos;
+ this.writeUint16(1),
+ this.writeUTFBytes(t);
+ var i = this.pos - e - 2;
+ if (i >= 65536)
+ throw "writeUTFString byte len more than 65536";
+ this._d_.setUint16(e, i, this._xd_)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.readUTFString = function() {
+ return this.readUTFBytes(this.getUint16())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUTFString = function() {
+ return this.readUTFString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.readUTFBytes = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = -1),
+ 0 == t)
+ return "";
+ var e = this.bytesAvailable;
+ if (t > e)
+ throw "readUTFBytes error - Out of bounds";
+ return t = t > 0 ? t : e,
+ this.rUTF(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUTFBytes = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = -1),
+ this.readUTFBytes(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeByte = function(t) {
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + 1),
+ this._d_.setInt8(this._pos_, t),
+ this._pos_ += 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.readByte = function() {
+ if (this._pos_ + 1 > this._length)
+ throw "readByte error - Out of bounds";
+ return this._d_.getInt8(this._pos_++)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getByte = function() {
+ return this.readByte()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ensureWrite = function(t) {
+ this._length < t && (this._length = t),
+ this._allocated_ < t && (this.length = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.writeArrayBuffer = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ e < 0 || i < 0)
+ throw "writeArrayBuffer error - Out of bounds";
+ 0 == i && (i = t.byteLength - e),
+ this.ensureWrite(this._pos_ + i);
+ var n = new Uint8Array(t);
+ this._u8d_.set(n.subarray(e, e + i), this._pos_),
+ this._pos_ += i
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "buffer", function() {
+ var t = this._d_.buffer;
+ return t.byteLength == this.length ? t : t.slice(0, this.length)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "endian", function() {
+ return this._xd_ ? "littleEndian" : "bigEndian"
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._xd_ = "littleEndian" == t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "length", function() {
+ return this._length
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._allocated_ < t ? this.___resizeBuffer(this._allocated_ = Math.floor(Math.max(t, 2 * this._allocated_))) : this._allocated_ > t && this.___resizeBuffer(this._allocated_ = t),
+ this._length = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "pos", function() {
+ return this._pos_
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._pos_ = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "bytesAvailable", function() {
+ return this._length - this._pos_
+ }),
+ t.getSystemEndian = function() {
+ if (!t._sysEndian) {
+ var e = new ArrayBuffer(2);
+ new DataView(e).setInt16(0, 256, !0),
+ t._sysEndian = 256 === new Int16Array(e)[0] ? "littleEndian" : "bigEndian"
+ }
+ return t._sysEndian
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BIG_ENDIAN = "bigEndian",
+ t.LITTLE_ENDIAN = "littleEndian",
+ t._sysEndian = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , V = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.CacheManager"),
+ t.regCacheByFunction = function(e, i) {
+ t.unRegCacheByFunction(e, i);
+ var n;
+ n = {
+ tryDispose: e,
+ getCacheList: i
+ },
+ t._cacheList.push(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.unRegCacheByFunction = function(e, i) {
+ var n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (a = t._cacheList.length,
+ n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ if (t._cacheList[n].tryDispose == e && t._cacheList[n].getCacheList == i)
+ return void t._cacheList.splice(n, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.forceDispose = function() {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = t._cacheList.length;
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ t._cacheList[e].tryDispose(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.beginCheck = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 15e3),
+ i.timer.loop(e, null, t._checkLoop)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.stopCheck = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(null, t._checkLoop)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._checkLoop = function() {
+ var e = t._cacheList;
+ if (!(e.length < 1)) {
+ var i = O.now()
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (a = n = e.length; n > 0 && (t._index++,
+ t._index = t._index % a,
+ e[t._index].tryDispose(!1),
+ !(O.now() - i > t.loopTimeLimit)); )
+ n--
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.loopTimeLimit = 2,
+ t._cacheList = [],
+ t._index = 0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , F = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.ClassUtils"),
+ t.regClass = function(e, i) {
+ t._classMap[e] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getRegClass = function(e) {
+ return t._classMap[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getInstance = function(e) {
+ var i = t.getClass(e);
+ return i ? new i : (console.warn("[error] Undefined class:", e),
+ null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByJson = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ "string" == typeof e && (e = JSON.parse(e));
+ var s = e.props;
+ if (!i && !(i = r ? r.runWith(e) : t.getInstance(s.runtime || e.type)))
+ return null;
+ var o = e.child;
+ if (o)
+ for (var l = 0, h = o.length; l < h; l++) {
+ var c = o[l];
+ if ("render" !== c.props.name && "render" !== c.props.renderType || !i._$set_itemRender)
+ if ("Graphic" == c.type)
+ t.addGraphicsToSprite(c, i);
+ else if (t.isDrawType(c.type))
+ t.addGraphicToSprite(c, i, !0);
+ else {
+ var _ = t.createByJson(c, null, n, a, r);
+ "Script" == c.type ? _.hasOwnProperty("owner") ? _.owner = i : _.hasOwnProperty("target") && (_.target = i) : "mask" == c.props.renderType ? i.mask = _ : i.addChild(_)
+ }
+ else
+ i.itemRender = c
+ }
+ if (s)
+ for (var u in s) {
+ var d = s[u];
+ "var" === u && n ? n[d] = i : d instanceof Array && "function" == typeof i[u] ? i[u].apply(i, d) : i[u] = d
+ }
+ return a && e.customProps && a.runWith([i, e]),
+ i.created && i.created(),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addGraphicsToSprite = function(e, i) {
+ var n;
+ if ((n = e.child) && !(n.length < 1)) {
+ var a;
+ a = t._getGraphicsFromSprite(e, i);
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ e.props && (r = t._getObjVar(e.props, "x", 0),
+ s = t._getObjVar(e.props, "y", 0)),
+ 0 != r && 0 != s && a.translate(r, s);
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ for (l = n.length,
+ o = 0; o < l; o++)
+ t._addGraphicToGraphics(n[o], a);
+ 0 != r && 0 != s && a.translate(-r, -s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addGraphicToSprite = function(e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !1);
+ var a;
+ a = n ? t._getGraphicsFromSprite(e, i) : i.graphics,
+ t._addGraphicToGraphics(e, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getGraphicsFromSprite = function(t, e) {
+ var i;
+ if (!t || !t.props)
+ return e.graphics;
+ var n;
+ switch (n = t.props.renderType) {
+ case "hit":
+ case "unHit":
+ var a;
+ e.hitArea || (e.hitArea = new j),
+ (a = e.hitArea)[n] || (a[n] = new f),
+ i = a[n]
+ }
+ return i || (i = e.graphics),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getTransformData = function(e) {
+ var i;
+ (e.hasOwnProperty("pivotX") || e.hasOwnProperty("pivotY")) && (i = i || new S).translate(-t._getObjVar(e, "pivotX", 0), -t._getObjVar(e, "pivotY", 0));
+ var n = t._getObjVar(e, "scaleX", 1)
+ , a = t._getObjVar(e, "scaleY", 1)
+ , r = t._getObjVar(e, "rotation", 0);
+ t._getObjVar(e, "skewX", 0),
+ t._getObjVar(e, "skewY", 0);
+ return 1 == n && 1 == a && 0 == r || ((i = i || new S).scale(n, a),
+ i.rotate(.0174532922222222 * r)),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._addGraphicToGraphics = function(e, i) {
+ var n;
+ if (n = e.props) {
+ var a;
+ if (a = t.DrawTypeDic[e.type]) {
+ var r;
+ r = i;
+ var s, o = t._getParams(n, a[1], a[2], a[3]);
+ ((s = t._tM) || 1 != t._alpha) && (r.save(),
+ s && r.transform(s),
+ 1 != t._alpha && r.alpha(t._alpha)),
+ r[a[0]].apply(r, o),
+ (s || 1 != t._alpha) && r.restore()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._adptLineData = function(t) {
+ return t[2] = parseFloat(t[0]) + parseFloat(t[2]),
+ t[3] = parseFloat(t[1]) + parseFloat(t[3]),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t._adptTextureData = function(t) {
+ return t[0] = st.getRes(t[0]),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t._adptLinesData = function(e) {
+ return e[2] = t._getPointListByStr(e[2]),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isDrawType = function(e) {
+ return "Image" != e && t.DrawTypeDic.hasOwnProperty(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getParams = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0);
+ var r;
+ (r = t._temParam).length = i.length;
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0;
+ for (o = i.length,
+ s = 0; s < o; s++)
+ r[s] = t._getObjVar(e, i[s][0], i[s][1]);
+ t._alpha = t._getObjVar(e, "alpha", 1);
+ var l;
+ return (l = t._getTransformData(e)) ? (n || (n = 0),
+ l.translate(r[n], r[n + 1]),
+ r[n] = r[n + 1] = 0,
+ t._tM = l) : t._tM = null,
+ a && t[a] && (r = t[a](r)),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getPointListByStr = function(t) {
+ var e, i = 0, n = 0;
+ for (n = (e = t.split(",")).length,
+ i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ e[i] = parseFloat(e[i]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getObjVar = function(t, e, i) {
+ return t.hasOwnProperty(e) ? t[e] : i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._temParam = [],
+ t._classMap = {
+ Sprite: "laya.display.Sprite",
+ Text: "laya.display.Text",
+ Animation: "laya.display.Animation",
+ Skeleton: "laya.ani.bone.Skeleton",
+ Particle2D: "laya.particle.Particle2D",
+ div: "laya.html.dom.HTMLDivElement",
+ p: "laya.html.dom.HTMLElement",
+ img: "laya.html.dom.HTMLImageElement",
+ span: "laya.html.dom.HTMLElement",
+ br: "laya.html.dom.HTMLBrElement",
+ style: "laya.html.dom.HTMLStyleElement",
+ font: "laya.html.dom.HTMLElement",
+ a: "laya.html.dom.HTMLElement",
+ "#text": "laya.html.dom.HTMLElement"
+ },
+ t.getClass = function(e) {
+ var n = t._classMap[e] || e;
+ return "string" == typeof n ? i.__classmap[n] : n
+ }
+ ,
+ t._tM = null,
+ t._alpha = NaN,
+ n(t, ["DrawTypeDic", function() {
+ return this.DrawTypeDic = {
+ Rect: ["drawRect", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["width", 0], ["height", 0], ["fillColor", null], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 1]]],
+ Circle: ["drawCircle", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["radius", 0], ["fillColor", null], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 1]]],
+ Pie: ["drawPie", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["radius", 0], ["startAngle", 0], ["endAngle", 0], ["fillColor", null], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 1]]],
+ Image: ["drawTexture", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["width", 0], ["height", 0]]],
+ Texture: ["drawTexture", [["skin", null], ["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["width", 0], ["height", 0]], 1, "_adptTextureData"],
+ FillTexture: ["fillTexture", [["skin", null], ["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["width", 0], ["height", 0], ["repeat", null]], 1, "_adptTextureData"],
+ FillText: ["fillText", [["text", ""], ["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["font", null], ["color", null], ["textAlign", null]], 1],
+ Line: ["drawLine", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["toX", 0], ["toY", 0], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 0]], 0, "_adptLineData"],
+ Lines: ["drawLines", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["points", ""], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 0]], 0, "_adptLinesData"],
+ Curves: ["drawCurves", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["points", ""], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 0]], 0, "_adptLinesData"],
+ Poly: ["drawPoly", [["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["points", ""], ["fillColor", null], ["lineColor", null], ["lineWidth", 1]], 0, "_adptLinesData"]
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , H = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ if (this._color = [],
+ "string" == typeof e) {
+ this.strColor = e,
+ null === e && (e = "#000000"),
+ "#" == e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substr(1));
+ var i = e.length;
+ if (3 == i || 4 == i) {
+ for (var n = "", a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ n += e[a] + e[a];
+ e = n
+ }
+ var r = this.numColor = parseInt(e, 16);
+ if (8 == e.length)
+ return void (this._color = [parseInt(e.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255, ((16711680 & r) >> 16) / 255, ((65280 & r) >> 8) / 255, (255 & r) / 255])
+ } else
+ r = this.numColor = e,
+ this.strColor = J.toHexColor(r);
+ this._color = [((16711680 & r) >> 16) / 255, ((65280 & r) >> 8) / 255, (255 & r) / 255, 1],
+ this._color.__id = ++t._COLODID
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.Color"),
+ t._initDefault = function() {
+ t._DEFAULT = {};
+ for (var e in t._COLOR_MAP)
+ t._SAVE[e] = t._DEFAULT[e] = new t(t._COLOR_MAP[e]);
+ return t._DEFAULT
+ }
+ ,
+ t._initSaveMap = function() {
+ t._SAVE_SIZE = 0,
+ t._SAVE = {};
+ for (var e in t._DEFAULT)
+ t._SAVE[e] = t._DEFAULT[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e) {
+ var i = t._SAVE[e + ""];
+ return null != i ? i : (t._SAVE_SIZE < 1e3 || t._initSaveMap(),
+ t._SAVE[e + ""] = new t(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ t._SAVE = {},
+ t._SAVE_SIZE = 0,
+ t._COLOR_MAP = {
+ white: "#FFFFFF",
+ red: "#FF0000",
+ green: "#00FF00",
+ blue: "#0000FF",
+ black: "#000000",
+ yellow: "#FFFF00",
+ gray: "#AAAAAA"
+ },
+ t._DEFAULT = t._initDefault(),
+ t._COLODID = 1,
+ t
+ }()
+ , G = (function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._values = [],
+ this._keys = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Dictionary");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ e.set = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.indexOf(t);
+ i >= 0 ? this._values[i] = e : (this._keys.push(t),
+ this._values.push(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.indexOf = function(t) {
+ var e = this._keys.indexOf(t);
+ return e >= 0 ? e : (t = "string" == typeof t ? Number(t) : "number" == typeof t ? t.toString() : t,
+ this._keys.indexOf(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get = function(t) {
+ var e = this.indexOf(t);
+ return e < 0 ? null : this._values[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.remove = function(t) {
+ var e = this.indexOf(t);
+ return e >= 0 && (this._keys.splice(e, 1),
+ this._values.splice(e, 1),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ this._values.length = 0,
+ this._keys.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "values", function() {
+ return this._values
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "keys", function() {
+ return this._keys
+ })
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.ratio = .92,
+ this.maxOffset = 60,
+ this._dragging = !1,
+ this._clickOnly = !0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Dragging");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.start = function(t, e, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ void 0 === l && (l = .92),
+ this.clearTimer(),
+ this.target = t,
+ this.area = e,
+ this.hasInertia = n,
+ this.elasticDistance = e ? a : 0,
+ this.elasticBackTime = r,
+ this.data = s,
+ this._disableMouseEvent = o,
+ this.ratio = l,
+ 1 != t.globalScaleX || 1 != t.globalScaleY ? this._parent = t.parent : this._parent = i.stage,
+ this._clickOnly = !0,
+ this._dragging = !0,
+ this._elasticRateX = this._elasticRateY = 1,
+ this._lastX = this._parent.mouseX,
+ this._lastY = this._parent.mouseY,
+ i.stage.on("mouseup", this, this.onStageMouseUp),
+ i.stage.on("mouseout", this, this.onStageMouseUp),
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.loop)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearTimer = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.loop),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove),
+ this._tween && (this._tween.recover(),
+ this._tween = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.stop = function() {
+ this._dragging && (y.instance.disableMouseEvent = !1,
+ i.stage.off("mouseup", this, this.onStageMouseUp),
+ i.stage.off("mouseout", this, this.onStageMouseUp),
+ this._dragging = !1,
+ this.target && this.area && this.backToArea(),
+ this.clear())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.loop = function() {
+ var t = this._parent.getMousePoint()
+ , e = t.x
+ , n = t.y
+ , a = e - this._lastX
+ , r = n - this._lastY;
+ if (this._clickOnly) {
+ if (!(Math.abs(a * i.stage._canvasTransform.getScaleX()) > 1 || Math.abs(r * i.stage._canvasTransform.getScaleY()) > 1))
+ return;
+ this._clickOnly = !1,
+ this._offsets || (this._offsets = []),
+ this._offsets.length = 0,
+ this.target.event("dragstart", this.data),
+ y.instance.disableMouseEvent = this._disableMouseEvent,
+ this.target._set$P("$_MOUSEDOWN", !1)
+ } else
+ this._offsets.push(a, r);
+ 0 === a && 0 === r || (this._lastX = e,
+ this._lastY = n,
+ this.target.x += a * this._elasticRateX,
+ this.target.y += r * this._elasticRateY,
+ this.area && this.checkArea(),
+ this.target.event("dragmove", this.data))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.checkArea = function() {
+ if (this.elasticDistance <= 0)
+ this.backToArea();
+ else {
+ if (this.target.x < this.area.x)
+ var t = this.area.x - this.target.x;
+ else
+ t = this.target.x > this.area.x + this.area.width ? this.target.x - this.area.x - this.area.width : 0;
+ if (this._elasticRateX = Math.max(0, 1 - t / this.elasticDistance),
+ this.target.y < this.area.y)
+ var e = this.area.y - this.target.y;
+ else
+ e = this.target.y > this.area.y + this.area.height ? this.target.y - this.area.y - this.area.height : 0;
+ this._elasticRateY = Math.max(0, 1 - e / this.elasticDistance)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.backToArea = function() {
+ this.target.x = Math.min(Math.max(this.target.x, this.area.x), this.area.x + this.area.width),
+ this.target.y = Math.min(Math.max(this.target.y, this.area.y), this.area.y + this.area.height)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onStageMouseUp = function(t) {
+ if (y.instance.disableMouseEvent = !1,
+ i.stage.off("mouseup", this, this.onStageMouseUp),
+ i.stage.off("mouseout", this, this.onStageMouseUp),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.loop),
+ !this._clickOnly && this.target)
+ if (this.hasInertia) {
+ this._offsets.length < 1 && this._offsets.push(this._parent.mouseX - this._lastX, this._parent.mouseY - this._lastY),
+ this._offsetX = this._offsetY = 0;
+ for (var e = this._offsets.length, n = Math.min(e, 6), a = this._offsets.length - n, r = e - 1; r > a; r--)
+ this._offsetY += this._offsets[r--],
+ this._offsetX += this._offsets[r];
+ this._offsetX = this._offsetX / n * 2,
+ this._offsetY = this._offsetY / n * 2,
+ Math.abs(this._offsetX) > this.maxOffset && (this._offsetX = this._offsetX > 0 ? this.maxOffset : -this.maxOffset),
+ Math.abs(this._offsetY) > this.maxOffset && (this._offsetY = this._offsetY > 0 ? this.maxOffset : -this.maxOffset),
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.tweenMove)
+ } else
+ this.elasticDistance > 0 ? this.checkElastic() : this.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.checkElastic = function() {
+ var t = NaN
+ , e = NaN;
+ if (this.target.x < this.area.x ? t = this.area.x : this.target.x > this.area.x + this.area.width && (t = this.area.x + this.area.width),
+ this.target.y < this.area.y ? e = this.area.y : this.target.y > this.area.y + this.area.height && (e = this.area.y + this.area.height),
+ isNaN(t) && isNaN(e))
+ this.clear();
+ else {
+ var i = {};
+ isNaN(t) || (i.x = t),
+ isNaN(e) || (i.y = e),
+ this._tween = Y.to(this.target, i, this.elasticBackTime, z.sineOut, h.create(this, this.clear), 0, !1, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.tweenMove = function() {
+ this._offsetX *= this.ratio * this._elasticRateX,
+ this._offsetY *= this.ratio * this._elasticRateY,
+ this.target.x += this._offsetX,
+ this.target.y += this._offsetY,
+ this.area && this.checkArea(),
+ this.target.event("dragmove", this.data),
+ (Math.abs(this._offsetX) < 1 && Math.abs(this._offsetY) < 1 || this._elasticRateX < .5 || this._elasticRateY < .5) && (i.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove),
+ this.elasticDistance > 0 ? this.checkElastic() : this.clear())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ if (this.target) {
+ this.clearTimer();
+ var t = this.target;
+ this.target = null,
+ this._parent = null,
+ t.event("dragend", this.data)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }())
+ , z = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.Ease"),
+ t.linearNone = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * t / n + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.linearIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * t / n + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.linearInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * t / n + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.linearOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * t / n + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.bounceIn = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return n - t.bounceOut(a - e, 0, n, a) + i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.bounceInOut = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return e < .5 * a ? .5 * t.bounceIn(2 * e, 0, n, a) + i : .5 * t.bounceOut(2 * e - a, 0, n, a) + .5 * n + i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.bounceOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= n) < 1 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * t * t) + e : t < 2 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75) + e : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375) + e : i * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.backIn = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = 1.70158),
+ i * (t /= n) * t * ((a + 1) * t - a) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.backInOut = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = 1.70158),
+ (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * (t * t * ((1 + (a *= 1.525)) * t - a)) + e : i / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * ((1 + (a *= 1.525)) * t + a) + 2) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.backOut = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = 1.70158),
+ i * ((t = t / n - 1) * t * ((a + 1) * t + a) + 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.elasticIn = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 0);
+ var o;
+ return 0 == e ? i : 1 == (e /= a) ? i + n : (s || (s = .3 * a),
+ !r || n > 0 && r < n || n < 0 && r < -n ? (r = n,
+ o = s / 4) : o = s / t.PI2 * Math.asin(n / r),
+ -r * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * a - o) * t.PI2 / s) + i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.elasticInOut = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 0);
+ var o;
+ return 0 == e ? i : 2 == (e /= .5 * a) ? i + n : (s || (s = a * (.3 * 1.5)),
+ !r || n > 0 && r < n || n < 0 && r < -n ? (r = n,
+ o = s / 4) : o = s / t.PI2 * Math.asin(n / r),
+ e < 1 ? r * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * a - o) * t.PI2 / s) * -.5 + i : r * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * a - o) * t.PI2 / s) * .5 + n + i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.elasticOut = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 0);
+ var o;
+ return 0 == e ? i : 1 == (e /= a) ? i + n : (s || (s = .3 * a),
+ !r || n > 0 && r < n || n < 0 && r < -n ? (r = n,
+ o = s / 4) : o = s / t.PI2 * Math.asin(n / r),
+ r * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin((e * a - o) * t.PI2 / s) + n + i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.strongIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * (t /= n) * t * t * t * t + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.strongInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * t * t * t * t * t + e : .5 * i * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.strongOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * ((t = t / n - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sineInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return .5 * -i * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / n) - 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sineIn = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return -n * Math.cos(e / a * t.HALF_PI) + n + i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sineOut = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return n * Math.sin(e / a * t.HALF_PI) + i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quintIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * (t /= n) * t * t * t * t + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quintInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * t * t * t * t * t + e : .5 * i * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quintOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * ((t = t / n - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quartIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * (t /= n) * t * t * t + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quartInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * t * t * t * t + e : .5 * -i * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quartOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return -i * ((t = t / n - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.cubicIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * (t /= n) * t * t + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.cubicInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * t * t * t + e : .5 * i * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.cubicOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * ((t = t / n - 1) * t * t + 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quadIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * (t /= n) * t + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quadInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * t * t + e : .5 * -i * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quadOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return -i * (t /= n) * (t - 2) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.expoIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return 0 == t ? e : i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / n - 1)) + e - .001 * i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.expoInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return 0 == t ? e : t == n ? e + i : (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + e : .5 * i * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * --t)) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.expoOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return t == n ? e + i : i * (1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t / n)) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.circIn = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return -i * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= n) * t) - 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.circInOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return (t /= .5 * n) < 1 ? .5 * -i * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + e : .5 * i * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.circOut = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / n - 1) * t) + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.HALF_PI = .5 * Math.PI,
+ t.PI2 = 2 * Math.PI,
+ t
+ }()
+ , j = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._hit = null,
+ this._unHit = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.HitArea");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.isHit = function(e, i) {
+ return !!t.isHitGraphic(e, i, this.hit) && !t.isHitGraphic(e, i, this.unHit)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.contains = function(t, e) {
+ return this.isHit(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "hit", function() {
+ return this._hit || (this._hit = new f),
+ this._hit
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._hit = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "unHit", function() {
+ return this._unHit || (this._unHit = new f),
+ this._unHit
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._unHit = t
+ }),
+ t.isHitGraphic = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (!n)
+ return !1;
+ var a;
+ if (!(a = n.cmds) && n._one && ((a = t._cmds).length = 1,
+ a[0] = n._one),
+ !a)
+ return !1;
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ s = a.length;
+ var o;
+ for (r = 0; r < s; r++)
+ if (o = a[r]) {
+ var l = A._context;
+ switch (o.callee) {
+ case l._translate:
+ case 6:
+ e -= o[0],
+ i -= o[1]
+ }
+ if (t.isHitCmd(e, i, o))
+ return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isHitCmd = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (!n)
+ return !1;
+ var a = A._context
+ , r = !1;
+ switch (n.callee) {
+ case a._drawRect:
+ case 13:
+ t._rec.setTo(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3]),
+ r = t._rec.contains(e, i);
+ break;
+ case a._drawCircle:
+ case a._fillCircle:
+ case 14:
+ r = (e -= n[0]) * e + (i -= n[1]) * i < n[2] * n[2];
+ break;
+ case a._drawPoly:
+ case 18:
+ e -= n[0],
+ i -= n[1],
+ r = t.ptInPolygon(e, i, n[2])
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.ptInPolygon = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a;
+ (a = t._ptPoint).setTo(e, i);
+ var r = 0
+ , s = NaN
+ , o = NaN
+ , l = NaN
+ , h = NaN
+ , c = 0;
+ c = n.length;
+ for (var _ = 0; _ < c; _ += 2)
+ if (s = n[_],
+ o = n[_ + 1],
+ l = n[(_ + 2) % c],
+ h = n[(_ + 3) % c],
+ o != h && !(a.y < Math.min(o, h) || a.y >= Math.max(o, h))) {
+ (a.y - o) * (l - s) / (h - o) + s > a.x && r++
+ }
+ return r % 2 == 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cmds = [],
+ n(t, ["_rec", function() {
+ return this._rec = new L
+ }
+ , "_ptPoint", function() {
+ return this._ptPoint = new M
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , W = (function() {
+ function t(e, i, n, a) {
+ this.char = e,
+ this.charNum = e.charCodeAt(0),
+ this._x = this._y = 0,
+ this.width = i,
+ this.height = n,
+ this.style = a,
+ this.isWord = !t._isWordRegExp.test(e)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.HTMLChar");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.display.ILayout": !0
+ }),
+ e.setSprite = function(t) {
+ this._sprite = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getSprite = function() {
+ return this._sprite
+ }
+ ,
+ e._isChar = function() {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getCSSStyle = function() {
+ return this.style
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "width", function() {
+ return this._w
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._w = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "x", function() {
+ return this._x
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._sprite && (this._sprite.x = t),
+ this._x = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "y", function() {
+ return this._y
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._sprite && (this._sprite.y = t),
+ this._y = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "height", function() {
+ return this._h
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._h = t
+ }),
+ t._isWordRegExp = new RegExp("[\\w.]","")
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Log"),
+ t.enable = function() {
+ t._logdiv || (t._logdiv = O.window.document.createElement("div"),
+ O.window.document.body.appendChild(t._logdiv),
+ t._logdiv.style.cssText = "pointer-events:none;border:white;overflow:hidden;z-index:1000000;background:rgba(100,100,100,0.6);color:white;position: absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:50%;height:50%;")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.toggle = function() {
+ var e = t._logdiv.style;
+ "1px" == e.width ? e.width = e.height = "50%" : e.width = e.height = "1px"
+ }
+ ,
+ t.print = function(e) {
+ t._logdiv && (t._count >= t.maxCount && t.clear(),
+ t._count++,
+ t._logdiv.innerText += e + "\n",
+ t._logdiv.scrollTop = t._logdiv.scrollHeight)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear = function() {
+ t._logdiv.innerText = "",
+ t._count = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._logdiv = null,
+ t._count = 0,
+ t.maxCount = 20
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Mouse"),
+ r(1, t, "cursor", function() {
+ return t._style.cursor
+ }, function(e) {
+ t._style.cursor = e
+ }),
+ t.hide = function() {
+ "none" != t.cursor && (t._preCursor = t.cursor,
+ t.cursor = "none")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.show = function() {
+ "none" == t.cursor && (t.cursor = t._preCursor ? t._preCursor : "auto")
+ }
+ ,
+ t._preCursor = null,
+ n(t, ["_style", function() {
+ return this._style = O.document.body.style
+ }
+ ])
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.Pool"),
+ t.getPoolBySign = function(e) {
+ return t._poolDic[e] || (t._poolDic[e] = [])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearBySign = function(e) {
+ t._poolDic[e] && (t._poolDic[e].length = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.recover = function(e, i) {
+ i.__InPool || (i.__InPool = !0,
+ t.getPoolBySign(e).push(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getItemByClass = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t.getPoolBySign(e)
+ , a = n.length ? n.pop() : new i;
+ return a.__InPool = !1,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getItemByCreateFun = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t.getPoolBySign(e)
+ , a = n.length ? n.pop() : i();
+ return a.__InPool = !1,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getItem = function(e) {
+ var i = t.getPoolBySign(e)
+ , n = i.length ? i.pop() : null;
+ return n && (n.__InPool = !1),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t._poolDic = {},
+ t.InPoolSign = "__InPool",
+ t
+ }())
+ , X = (function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.sign = null,
+ this.maxCount = 1e3
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.PoolCache");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ e.getCacheList = function() {
+ return W.getPoolBySign(this.sign)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.tryDispose = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ (e = W.getPoolBySign(this.sign)).length > this.maxCount && e.splice(this.maxCount, e.length - this.maxCount)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addPoolCacheManager = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 100);
+ var n;
+ (n = new t).sign = e,
+ n.maxCount = i,
+ V.regCacheByFunction(J.bind(n.tryDispose, n), J.bind(n.getCacheList, n))
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.Stat"),
+ r(1, t, "onclick", null, function(e) {
+ t._sp && t._sp.on("click", t._sp, e),
+ t._canvas && (t._canvas.source.onclick = e,
+ t._canvas.source.style.pointerEvents = "")
+ }),
+ t.show = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ !A.isConchApp || A.isConchWebGL ? (A.isConchWebGL || O.onMiniGame || O.onLimixiu || (t._useCanvas = !0),
+ t._show = !0,
+ t._fpsData.length = 60,
+ t._view[0] = {
+ title: "FPS(Canvas)",
+ value: "_fpsStr",
+ color: "yellow",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ t._view[1] = {
+ title: "Sprite",
+ value: "_spriteStr",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ t._view[2] = {
+ title: "DrawCall",
+ value: "drawCall",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ t._view[3] = {
+ title: "CurMem",
+ value: "currentMemorySize",
+ color: "yellow",
+ units: "M"
+ },
+ A.isWebGL ? (t._view[4] = {
+ title: "Shader",
+ value: "shaderCall",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ A.is3DMode ? (t._view[0].title = "FPS(3D)",
+ t._view[5] = {
+ title: "TriFaces",
+ value: "trianglesFaces",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ t._view[6] = {
+ title: "treeNodeColl",
+ value: "treeNodeCollision",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ t._view[7] = {
+ title: "treeSpriteColl",
+ value: "treeSpriteCollision",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ }) : (t._view[0].title = "FPS(WebGL)",
+ t._view[5] = {
+ title: "Canvas",
+ value: "_canvasStr",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ })) : t._view[4] = {
+ title: "Canvas",
+ value: "_canvasStr",
+ color: "white",
+ units: "int"
+ },
+ t._useCanvas ? t.createUIPre(e, i) : t.createUI(e, i),
+ t.enable()) : O.window.conch.showFPS && O.window.conch.showFPS(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createUIPre = function(e, i) {
+ var n = O.pixelRatio;
+ t._width = 130 * n,
+ t._vx = 75 * n,
+ t._height = n * (12 * t._view.length + 3 * n) + 4,
+ t._fontSize = 12 * n;
+ for (var a = 0; a < t._view.length; a++)
+ t._view[a].x = 4,
+ t._view[a].y = a * t._fontSize + 2 * n;
+ t._canvas || ((t._canvas = new bt("2D")).size(t._width, t._height),
+ (t._ctx = t._canvas.getContext("2d")).textBaseline = "top",
+ t._ctx.font = t._fontSize + "px Sans-serif",
+ t._canvas.source.style.cssText = "pointer-events:none;background:rgba(150,150,150,0.8);z-index:100000;position: absolute;direction:ltr;left:" + e + "px;top:" + i + "px;width:" + t._width / n + "px;height:" + t._height / n + "px;"),
+ t._first = !0,
+ t.loop(),
+ t._first = !1,
+ O.container.appendChild(t._canvas.source)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createUI = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t._sp
+ , a = O.pixelRatio;
+ n || (n = new ut,
+ (t._leftText = new gt).pos(5, 5),
+ t._leftText.color = "#ffffff",
+ n.addChild(t._leftText),
+ (t._txt = new gt).pos(80 * a, 5),
+ t._txt.color = "#ffffff",
+ n.addChild(t._txt),
+ t._sp = n),
+ n.pos(e, i);
+ for (var r = "", s = 0; s < t._view.length; s++) {
+ r += t._view[s].title + "\n"
+ }
+ t._leftText.text = r;
+ var o = 138 * a
+ , l = a * (12 * t._view.length + 3 * a) + 4;
+ t._txt.fontSize = t._fontSize * a,
+ t._leftText.fontSize = t._fontSize * a,
+ n.size(o, l),
+ n.graphics.clear(),
+ n.graphics.setAlpha(.5),
+ n.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, o, l, "#999999"),
+ n.graphics.setAlpha(1),
+ t.loop()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.enable = function() {
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, t, t.loop)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.hide = function() {
+ t._show = !1,
+ i.timer.clear(t, t.loop),
+ t._canvas && O.removeElement(t._canvas.source)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear = function() {
+ t.trianglesFaces = t.drawCall = t.shaderCall = t.spriteCount = t.spriteRenderUseCacheCount = t.treeNodeCollision = t.treeSpriteCollision = t.canvasNormal = t.canvasBitmap = t.canvasReCache = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.loop = function() {
+ t._count++;
+ var e = O.now();
+ if (!(e - t._timer < 1e3)) {
+ var i = t._count;
+ if (t.FPS = Math.round(1e3 * i / (e - t._timer)),
+ t._show) {
+ t.trianglesFaces = Math.round(t.trianglesFaces / i),
+ t._useCanvas ? (t.drawCall = Math.round(t.drawCall / i) - 2,
+ t.shaderCall = Math.round(t.shaderCall / i),
+ t.spriteCount = Math.round(t.spriteCount / i) - 1) : (t.drawCall = Math.round(t.drawCall / i) - 2,
+ t.shaderCall = Math.round(t.shaderCall / i) - 4,
+ t.spriteCount = Math.round(t.spriteCount / i) - 4),
+ t.spriteRenderUseCacheCount = Math.round(t.spriteRenderUseCacheCount / i),
+ t.canvasNormal = Math.round(t.canvasNormal / i),
+ t.canvasBitmap = Math.round(t.canvasBitmap / i),
+ t.canvasReCache = Math.ceil(t.canvasReCache / i),
+ t.treeNodeCollision = Math.round(t.treeNodeCollision / i),
+ t.treeSpriteCollision = Math.round(t.treeSpriteCollision / i);
+ var n = t.FPS > 0 ? Math.floor(1e3 / t.FPS).toString() : " ";
+ t._fpsStr = t.FPS + (t.renderSlow ? " slow" : "") + " " + n,
+ t._spriteStr = t.spriteCount + (t.spriteRenderUseCacheCount ? "/" + t.spriteRenderUseCacheCount : ""),
+ t._canvasStr = t.canvasReCache + "/" + t.canvasNormal + "/" + t.canvasBitmap,
+ t.currentMemorySize = P.systemResourceManager.memorySize,
+ t._useCanvas ? t.renderInfoPre() : t.renderInfo(),
+ t.clear()
+ }
+ t._count = 0,
+ t._timer = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.renderInfoPre = function() {
+ if (t._canvas) {
+ var e = t._ctx;
+ e.clearRect(t._first ? 0 : t._vx, 0, t._width, t._height);
+ for (var i = 0; i < t._view.length; i++) {
+ var n = t._view[i];
+ t._first && (e.fillStyle = "white",
+ e.fillText(n.title, n.x, n.y, null, null, null)),
+ e.fillStyle = n.color;
+ var a = t[n.value];
+ "M" == n.units && (a = Math.floor(a / 1048576 * 100) / 100 + " M"),
+ e.fillText(a + "", n.x + t._vx, n.y, null, null, null)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.renderInfo = function() {
+ for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t._view.length; i++) {
+ var n = t._view[i]
+ , a = t[n.value];
+ "M" == n.units && (a = Math.floor(a / 1048576 * 100) / 100 + " M"),
+ "K" == n.units && (a = Math.floor(a / 1024 * 100) / 100 + " K"),
+ e += a + "\n"
+ }
+ t._txt.text = e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.FPS = 0,
+ t.loopCount = 0,
+ t.shaderCall = 0,
+ t.drawCall = 0,
+ t.trianglesFaces = 0,
+ t.spriteCount = 0,
+ t.spriteRenderUseCacheCount = 0,
+ t.treeNodeCollision = 0,
+ t.treeSpriteCollision = 0,
+ t.canvasNormal = 0,
+ t.canvasBitmap = 0,
+ t.canvasReCache = 0,
+ t.renderSlow = !1,
+ t.currentMemorySize = 0,
+ t._fpsStr = null,
+ t._canvasStr = null,
+ t._spriteStr = null,
+ t._fpsData = [],
+ t._timer = 0,
+ t._count = 0,
+ t._view = [],
+ t._fontSize = 12,
+ t._txt = null,
+ t._leftText = null,
+ t._sp = null,
+ t._show = !1,
+ t._useCanvas = !1,
+ t._canvas = null,
+ t._ctx = null,
+ t._first = !1,
+ t._vx = NaN,
+ t._width = 0,
+ t._height = 100,
+ t
+ }())
+ , q = (function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._strsToID = {},
+ this._idToStrs = [],
+ this._length = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.StringKey");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ e.add = function(t) {
+ var e = this._strsToID[t];
+ return null != e ? e : (this._idToStrs[this._length] = t,
+ this._strsToID[t] = this._length++)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getID = function(t) {
+ var e = this._strsToID[t];
+ return null == e ? -1 : e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getName = function(t) {
+ var e = this._idToStrs[t];
+ return null == e ? void 0 : e
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._delta = 0,
+ this.scale = 1,
+ this.currFrame = 0,
+ this._mid = 1,
+ this._map = [],
+ this._laters = [],
+ this._handlers = [],
+ this._temp = [],
+ this._count = 0,
+ this.currTimer = this._now(),
+ this._lastTimer = this._now(),
+ this._init()
+ }
+ var e;
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Timer");
+ var n = t.prototype;
+ return n._init = function() {
+ i.timer && i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._now = function() {
+ return Date.now()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function() {
+ if (this.scale <= 0)
+ this._lastTimer = this._now();
+ else {
+ var t = this.currFrame = this.currFrame + this.scale
+ , e = this._now();
+ this._delta = (e - this._lastTimer) * this.scale;
+ var i = this.currTimer = this.currTimer + this._delta;
+ this._lastTimer = e;
+ var n = this._handlers;
+ for (this._count = 0,
+ s = 0,
+ o = n.length; s < o; s++)
+ if (null !== (l = n[s]).method) {
+ var a = l.userFrame ? t : i;
+ if (a >= l.exeTime)
+ if (l.repeat)
+ if (l.jumpFrame)
+ for (; a >= l.exeTime; )
+ l.exeTime += l.delay,
+ l.run(!1);
+ else
+ l.exeTime += l.delay,
+ l.run(!1),
+ a > l.exeTime && (l.exeTime += Math.ceil((a - l.exeTime) / l.delay) * l.delay);
+ else
+ l.run(!0)
+ } else
+ this._count++;
+ (this._count > 30 || t % 200 == 0) && this._clearHandlers();
+ for (var r = this._laters, s = 0, o = r.length - 1; s <= o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s];
+ null !== l.method && (this._map[l.key] = null,
+ l.run(!1)),
+ this._recoverHandler(l),
+ s === o && (o = r.length - 1)
+ }
+ r.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearHandlers = function() {
+ for (var t = this._handlers, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = t[e];
+ null !== n.method ? this._temp.push(n) : this._recoverHandler(n)
+ }
+ this._handlers = this._temp,
+ this._temp = t,
+ this._temp.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._recoverHandler = function(e) {
+ this._map[e.key] == e && (this._map[e.key] = null),
+ e.clear(),
+ t._pool.push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._create = function(i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ if (!a)
+ return s.apply(r, o),
+ null;
+ if (l) {
+ var h = this._getHandler(r, s);
+ if (h)
+ return h.repeat = n,
+ h.userFrame = i,
+ h.delay = a,
+ h.caller = r,
+ h.method = s,
+ h.args = o,
+ h.exeTime = a + (i ? this.currFrame : this.currTimer + this._now() - this._lastTimer),
+ h
+ }
+ return h = t._pool.length > 0 ? t._pool.pop() : new e,
+ h.repeat = n,
+ h.userFrame = i,
+ h.delay = a,
+ h.caller = r,
+ h.method = s,
+ h.args = o,
+ h.exeTime = a + (i ? this.currFrame : this.currTimer + this._now() - this._lastTimer) + 1,
+ this._indexHandler(h),
+ this._handlers.push(h),
+ h
+ }
+ ,
+ n._indexHandler = function(t) {
+ var e = t.caller
+ , i = t.method
+ , n = e ? e.$_GID || (e.$_GID = J.getGID()) : 0
+ , a = i.$_TID || (i.$_TID = 1e5 * this._mid++);
+ t.key = n + a,
+ this._map[t.key] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.once = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this._create(!1, !1, t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loop = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1);
+ var s = this._create(!1, !0, t, e, i, n, a);
+ s && (s.jumpFrame = r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.frameOnce = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this._create(!0, !1, t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.frameLoop = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this._create(!0, !0, t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.toString = function() {
+ return "callLater:" + this._laters.length + " handlers:" + this._handlers.length + " pool:" + t._pool.length
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clear = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._getHandler(t, e);
+ i && (this._map[i.key] = null,
+ i.key = 0,
+ i.clear())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clearAll = function(t) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._handlers.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._handlers[e];
+ n.caller === t && (this._map[n.key] = null,
+ n.key = 0,
+ n.clear())
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getHandler = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t ? t.$_GID || (t.$_GID = J.getGID()) : 0
+ , n = e.$_TID || (e.$_TID = 1e5 * this._mid++);
+ return this._map[i + n]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.callLater = function(i, n, a) {
+ if (null == this._getHandler(i, n)) {
+ if (t._pool.length)
+ var r = t._pool.pop();
+ else
+ r = new e;
+ r.caller = i,
+ r.method = n,
+ r.args = a,
+ this._indexHandler(r),
+ this._laters.push(r)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.runCallLater = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._getHandler(t, e);
+ i && null != i.method && (this._map[i.key] = null,
+ i.run(!0))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.runTimer = function(t, e) {
+ this.runCallLater(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "delta", function() {
+ return this._delta
+ }),
+ t._pool = [],
+ t.__init$ = function() {
+ e = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.key = 0,
+ this.repeat = !1,
+ this.delay = 0,
+ this.userFrame = !1,
+ this.exeTime = 0,
+ this.caller = null,
+ this.method = null,
+ this.args = null,
+ this.jumpFrame = !1
+ }
+ a(t, "");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.clear = function() {
+ this.caller = null,
+ this.method = null,
+ this.args = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.run = function(t) {
+ var e = this.caller;
+ if (e && e.destroyed)
+ return this.clear();
+ var i = this.method
+ , n = this.args;
+ t && this.clear(),
+ null != i && (n ? i.apply(e, n) : i.call(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }())
+ , Y = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.gid = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.Tween");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.to = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ return void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ this._create(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, !0, !1, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.from = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ return void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ this._create(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, !1, !1, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._create = function(e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ if (!e)
+ throw new Error("Tween:target is null");
+ this._target = e,
+ this._duration = a,
+ this._ease = r || n.ease || t.easeNone,
+ this._complete = s || n.complete,
+ this._delay = o,
+ this._props = [],
+ this._usedTimer = 0,
+ this._startTimer = O.now(),
+ this._usedPool = c,
+ this._delayParam = null,
+ this.update = n.update;
+ var u = e.$_GID || (e.$_GID = J.getGID());
+ return t.tweenMap[u] ? (l && t.clearTween(e),
+ t.tweenMap[u].push(this)) : t.tweenMap[u] = [this],
+ _ ? o <= 0 ? this.firstStart(e, n, h) : (this._delayParam = [e, n, h],
+ i.scaleTimer.once(o, this, this.firstStart, this._delayParam)) : this._initProps(e, n, h),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.firstStart = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._delayParam = null,
+ t.destroyed ? this.clear() : (this._initProps(t, e, i),
+ this._beginLoop())
+ }
+ ,
+ e._initProps = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n in e)
+ if ("number" == typeof t[n]) {
+ var a = i ? t[n] : e[n]
+ , r = i ? e[n] : t[n];
+ this._props.push([n, a, r - a]),
+ i || (t[n] = a)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._beginLoop = function() {
+ i.scaleTimer.frameLoop(1, this, this._doEase)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._doEase = function() {
+ this._updateEase(O.now())
+ }
+ ,
+ e._updateEase = function(e) {
+ var i = this._target;
+ if (i) {
+ if (i.destroyed)
+ return t.clearTween(i);
+ var n = this._usedTimer = e - this._startTimer - this._delay;
+ if (!(n < 0)) {
+ if (n >= this._duration)
+ return this.complete();
+ for (var a = n > 0 ? this._ease(n, 0, 1, this._duration) : 0, r = this._props, s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s];
+ i[l[0]] = l[1] + a * l[2]
+ }
+ this.update && this.update.run()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.complete = function() {
+ if (this._target) {
+ i.scaleTimer.runTimer(this, this.firstStart);
+ for (var t = this._target, e = this._props, n = this._complete, a = 0, r = e.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var s = e[a];
+ t[s[0]] = s[1] + s[2]
+ }
+ this.update && this.update.run(),
+ this.clear(),
+ n && n.run()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.pause = function() {
+ i.scaleTimer.clear(this, this._beginLoop),
+ i.scaleTimer.clear(this, this._doEase),
+ i.scaleTimer.clear(this, this.firstStart);
+ var t = NaN;
+ (t = O.now() - this._startTimer - this._delay) < 0 && (this._usedTimer = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setStartTime = function(t) {
+ this._startTimer = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ this._target && (this._remove(),
+ this._clear())
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clear = function() {
+ this.pause(),
+ i.scaleTimer.clear(this, this.firstStart),
+ this._complete = null,
+ this._target = null,
+ this._ease = null,
+ this._props = null,
+ this._delayParam = null,
+ this._usedPool && (this.update = null,
+ W.recover("tween", this))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recover = function() {
+ this._usedPool = !0,
+ this._clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._remove = function() {
+ var e = t.tweenMap[this._target.$_GID];
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ if (e[i] === this) {
+ e.splice(i, 1);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restart = function() {
+ if (this.pause(),
+ this._usedTimer = 0,
+ this._startTimer = O.now(),
+ this._delayParam)
+ i.scaleTimer.once(this._delay, this, this.firstStart, this._delayParam);
+ else {
+ for (var t = this._props, e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) {
+ var a = t[e];
+ this._target[a[0]] = a[1]
+ }
+ i.scaleTimer.once(this._delay, this, this._beginLoop)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.resume = function() {
+ this._usedTimer >= this._duration || (this._startTimer = O.now() - this._usedTimer - this._delay,
+ this._delayParam ? this._usedTimer < 0 ? i.scaleTimer.once(-this._usedTimer, this, this.firstStart, this._delayParam) : this.firstStart.apply(this, this._delayParam) : this._beginLoop())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "progress", null, function(t) {
+ var e = t * this._duration;
+ this._startTimer = O.now() - this._delay - e
+ }),
+ t.to = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ return void 0 === s && (s = 0),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = !0),
+ W.getItemByClass("tween", t)._create(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, !0, l, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.from = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ return void 0 === s && (s = 0),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = !0),
+ W.getItemByClass("tween", t)._create(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, !1, l, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearAll = function(e) {
+ if (e && e.$_GID) {
+ var i = t.tweenMap[e.$_GID];
+ if (i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ i[n]._clear();
+ i.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear = function(t) {
+ t.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearTween = function(e) {
+ t.clearAll(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.easeNone = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return i * t / n + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.tweenMap = {},
+ t
+ }()
+ , J = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.utils.Utils"),
+ t.toRadian = function(e) {
+ return e * t._pi2
+ }
+ ,
+ t.toAngle = function(e) {
+ return e * t._pi
+ }
+ ,
+ t.toHexColor = function(t) {
+ if (t < 0 || isNaN(t))
+ return null;
+ for (var e = t.toString(16); e.length < 6; )
+ e = "0" + e;
+ return "#" + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getGID = function() {
+ return t._gid++
+ }
+ ,
+ t.concatArray = function(t, e) {
+ if (!e)
+ return t;
+ if (!t)
+ return e;
+ var i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ t.push(e[i]);
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearArray = function(t) {
+ return t ? (t.length = 0,
+ t) : t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.copyArray = function(t, e) {
+ if (t || (t = []),
+ !e)
+ return t;
+ t.length = e.length;
+ var i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ t[i] = e[i];
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getGlobalRecByPoints = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r;
+ r = new M(e,i),
+ r = t.localToGlobal(r);
+ var s;
+ return s = new M(n,a),
+ s = t.localToGlobal(s),
+ L._getWrapRec([r.x, r.y, s.x, s.y])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getGlobalPosAndScale = function(e) {
+ return t.getGlobalRecByPoints(e, 0, 0, 1, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.bind = function(t, e) {
+ return t.bind(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.measureText = function(t, e) {
+ return s.measureText(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.updateOrder = function(t) {
+ if (!t || t.length < 2)
+ return !1;
+ for (var e, i = 1, n = 0, a = t.length, r = NaN; i < a; ) {
+ for (e = t[n = i],
+ r = t[n]._zOrder; --n > -1 && t[n]._zOrder > r; )
+ t[n + 1] = t[n];
+ t[n + 1] = e,
+ i++
+ }
+ var s = e.parent.conchModel;
+ if (s)
+ if (null != s.updateZOrder)
+ s.updateZOrder();
+ else {
+ for (i = 0; i < a; i++)
+ s.removeChild(t[i].conchModel);
+ for (i = 0; i < a; i++)
+ s.addChildAt(t[i].conchModel, i)
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transPointList = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = 0
+ , a = t.length;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n += 2)
+ t[n] += e,
+ t[n + 1] += i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.parseInt = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = O.window.parseInt(t, e);
+ return isNaN(i) ? 0 : i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFileExtension = function(e) {
+ t._extReg.lastIndex = e.lastIndexOf(".");
+ var i = t._extReg.exec(e);
+ return i && i.length > 1 ? i[1].toLowerCase() : null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getTransformRelativeToWindow = function(t, e, n) {
+ var a = i.stage
+ , r = laya.utils.Utils.getGlobalPosAndScale(t)
+ , s = a._canvasTransform.clone()
+ , o = s.tx
+ , l = s.ty;
+ s.rotate(-Math.PI / 180 * i.stage.canvasDegree),
+ s.scale(i.stage.clientScaleX, i.stage.clientScaleY);
+ var h = i.stage.canvasDegree % 180 != 0
+ , c = NaN
+ , _ = NaN;
+ h ? (c = n + r.y,
+ _ = e + r.x,
+ c *= s.d,
+ _ *= s.a,
+ 90 == i.stage.canvasDegree ? (c = o - c,
+ _ += l) : (c += o,
+ _ = l - _)) : (c = e + r.x,
+ _ = n + r.y,
+ c *= s.a,
+ _ *= s.d,
+ c += o,
+ _ += l);
+ var u = NaN
+ , d = NaN;
+ return h ? (u = s.d * r.height,
+ d = s.a * r.width) : (u = s.a * r.width,
+ d = s.d * r.height),
+ {
+ x: c,
+ y: _,
+ scaleX: u,
+ scaleY: d
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fitDOMElementInArea = function(e, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ e._fitLayaAirInitialized || (e._fitLayaAirInitialized = !0,
+ e.style.transformOrigin = e.style.webKittransformOrigin = "left top",
+ e.style.position = "absolute");
+ var l = t.getTransformRelativeToWindow(n, a, r);
+ e.style.transform = e.style.webkitTransform = "scale(" + l.scaleX + "," + l.scaleY + ") rotate(" + i.stage.canvasDegree + "deg)",
+ e.style.width = s + "px",
+ e.style.height = o + "px",
+ e.style.left = l.x + "px",
+ e.style.top = l.y + "px"
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isOkTextureList = function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ return !1;
+ var e, i = 0, n = t.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ if (!(e = t[i]) || !e.source)
+ return !1;
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isOKCmdList = function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ return !1;
+ var e, i, n = 0, a = t.length, r = A._context;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ switch ((e = t[n]).callee) {
+ case r._drawTexture:
+ case r._fillTexture:
+ case r._drawTextureWithTransform:
+ if (!(i = e[0]) || !i.source)
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._gid = 1,
+ t._pi = 180 / Math.PI,
+ t._pi2 = Math.PI / 180,
+ t._extReg = /\.(\w+)\??/g,
+ t.parseXMLFromString = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ if (t = t.replace(/>\s+<"),
+ (e = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(t, "text/xml")).firstChild.textContent.indexOf("This page contains the following errors") > -1)
+ throw new Error(e.firstChild.firstChild.textContent);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , K = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.useDic = {},
+ this.shapeDic = {},
+ this.shapeLineDic = {},
+ this._id = 0,
+ this._checkKey = !1,
+ this._freeIdArray = [],
+ A.isWebGL && V.regCacheByFunction(J.bind(this.startDispose, this), J.bind(this.getCacheList, this))
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.VectorGraphManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getId = function() {
+ return this._id++
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addShape = function(t, e) {
+ this.shapeDic[t] = e,
+ this.useDic[t] || (this.useDic[t] = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addLine = function(t, e) {
+ this.shapeLineDic[t] = e,
+ this.shapeLineDic[t] || (this.shapeLineDic[t] = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getShape = function(t) {
+ this._checkKey && null != this.useDic[t] && (this.useDic[t] = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.deleteShape = function(t) {
+ this.shapeDic[t] && (this.shapeDic[t] = null,
+ delete this.shapeDic[t]),
+ this.shapeLineDic[t] && (this.shapeLineDic[t] = null,
+ delete this.shapeLineDic[t]),
+ null != this.useDic[t] && delete this.useDic[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCacheList = function() {
+ var t, e = [];
+ for (t in this.shapeDic)
+ e.push(this.shapeDic[t]);
+ for (t in this.shapeLineDic)
+ e.push(this.shapeLineDic[t]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.startDispose = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ for (e in this.useDic)
+ this.useDic[e] = !1;
+ this._checkKey = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.endDispose = function() {
+ if (this._checkKey) {
+ var t;
+ for (t in this.useDic)
+ this.useDic[t] || this.deleteShape(t);
+ this._checkKey = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getInstance = function() {
+ return t.instance = t.instance || new t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.instance = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Z = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._obj = null,
+ this._obj = t.supportWeakMap ? new O.window.WeakMap : {},
+ t.supportWeakMap || t._maps.push(this)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.WeakObject");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.set = function(e, i) {
+ if (null != e)
+ if (t.supportWeakMap) {
+ var n = e;
+ "string" != typeof e && "number" != typeof e || (n = t._keys[e]) || (n = t._keys[e] = {
+ k: e
+ }),
+ this._obj.set(n, i)
+ } else
+ "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? this._obj[e] = i : (e.$_GID || (e.$_GID = J.getGID()),
+ this._obj[e.$_GID] = i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get = function(e) {
+ if (null == e)
+ return null;
+ if (t.supportWeakMap) {
+ var i = "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? t._keys[e] : e;
+ return i ? this._obj.get(i) : null
+ }
+ return "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? this._obj[e] : this._obj[e.$_GID]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.del = function(e) {
+ if (null != e)
+ if (t.supportWeakMap) {
+ var i = "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? t._keys[e] : e;
+ if (!i)
+ return;
+ this._obj.delete(i)
+ } else
+ "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? delete this._obj[e] : delete this._obj[this._obj.$_GID]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.has = function(e) {
+ if (null == e)
+ return !1;
+ if (t.supportWeakMap) {
+ var i = "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? t._keys[e] : e;
+ return this._obj.has(i)
+ }
+ return "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? null != this._obj[e] : null != this._obj[this._obj.$_GID]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ (t.supportWeakMap = null != O.window.WeakMap) || i.timer.loop(t.delInterval, null, t.clearCache)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearCache = function() {
+ for (var e = 0, i = t._maps.length; e < i; e++) {
+ t._maps[e]._obj = {}
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.supportWeakMap = !1,
+ t.delInterval = 3e5,
+ t._keys = {},
+ t._maps = [],
+ n(t, ["I", function() {
+ return this.I = new t
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Q = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.id = NaN,
+ this.save = [],
+ this.toUpperCase = null,
+ this.changed = !1,
+ this._text = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.utils.WordText");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setText = function(t) {
+ this.changed = !0,
+ this._text = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toString = function() {
+ return this._text
+ }
+ ,
+ e.charCodeAt = function(t) {
+ return this._text ? this._text.charCodeAt(t) : NaN
+ }
+ ,
+ e.charAt = function(t) {
+ return this._text ? this._text.charAt(t) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "length", function() {
+ return this._text ? this._text.length : 0
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , $ = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._bits = 0,
+ this._displayedInStage = !1,
+ this._parent = null,
+ this.conchModel = null,
+ this.name = "",
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._childs = e.ARRAY_EMPTY,
+ this._$P = e.PROP_EMPTY,
+ this.timer = i.scaleTimer,
+ this.conchModel = A.isConchNode ? this.createConchModel() : null
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.Node", l);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._setBit = function(t, e) {
+ if (1 == t) {
+ this._getBit(t) != e && this._updateDisplayedInstage()
+ }
+ e ? this._bits |= t : this._bits &= ~t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getBit = function(t) {
+ return 0 != (this._bits & t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setUpNoticeChain = function() {
+ this._getBit(1) && this._setUpNoticeType(1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setUpNoticeType = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ for (e._setBit(t, !0),
+ e = e.parent; e; ) {
+ if (e._getBit(t))
+ return;
+ e._setBit(t, !0),
+ e = e.parent
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.on = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return "display" !== t && "undisplay" !== t || this._getBit(1) || this._setUpNoticeType(1),
+ this._createListener(t, e, i, n, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.once = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return "display" !== t && "undisplay" !== t || this._getBit(1) || this._setUpNoticeType(1),
+ this._createListener(t, e, i, n, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createConchModel = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this._destroyed = !0,
+ this._parent && this._parent.removeChild(this),
+ this._childs && (t ? this.destroyChildren() : this.removeChildren()),
+ this._childs = null,
+ this._$P = null,
+ this.offAll(),
+ this.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroyChildren = function() {
+ if (this._childs)
+ for (var t = this._childs.length - 1; t > -1; t--)
+ this._childs[t].destroy(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChild = function(t) {
+ if (!t || this.destroyed || t === this)
+ return t;
+ if (t.zOrder && this._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ t._parent === this) {
+ var i = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ i !== this._childs.length - 1 && (this._childs.splice(i, 1),
+ this._childs.push(t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, this._childs.length - 1)),
+ this._childChanged())
+ } else
+ t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t),
+ this._childs === e.ARRAY_EMPTY && (this._childs = []),
+ this._childs.push(t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, this._childs.length - 1),
+ t.parent = this,
+ this._childChanged();
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChildren = function(t) {
+ for (var e = arguments, i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; )
+ this.addChild(e[i++])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChildAt = function(t, i) {
+ if (!t || this.destroyed || t === this)
+ return t;
+ if (t.zOrder && this._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ i >= 0 && i <= this._childs.length) {
+ if (t._parent === this) {
+ var n = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ this._childs.splice(n, 1),
+ this._childs.splice(i, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, i)),
+ this._childChanged()
+ } else
+ t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t),
+ this._childs === e.ARRAY_EMPTY && (this._childs = []),
+ this._childs.splice(i, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, i),
+ t.parent = this;
+ return t
+ }
+ throw new Error("appendChildAt:The index is out of bounds")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getChildIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._childs.indexOf(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getChildByName = function(t) {
+ var e = this._childs;
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ if (a.name === t)
+ return a
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._get$P = function(t) {
+ return this._$P[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n._set$P = function(t, i) {
+ return this.destroyed || (this._$P === e.PROP_EMPTY && (this._$P = {}),
+ this._$P[t] = i),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getChildAt = function(t) {
+ return this._childs[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setChildIndex = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._childs;
+ if (e < 0 || e >= i.length)
+ throw new Error("setChildIndex:The index is out of bounds.");
+ var n = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ if (n < 0)
+ throw new Error("setChildIndex:node is must child of this object.");
+ return i.splice(n, 1),
+ i.splice(e, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, e)),
+ this._childChanged(),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._childChanged = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n.removeChild = function(t) {
+ if (!this._childs)
+ return t;
+ var e = this._childs.indexOf(t);
+ return this.removeChildAt(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeSelf = function() {
+ return this._parent && this._parent.removeChild(this),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildByName = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getChildByName(t);
+ return e && this.removeChild(e),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildAt = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getChildAt(t);
+ return e && (this._childs.splice(t, 1),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeChild(e.conchModel),
+ e.parent = null),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildren = function(t, i) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 2147483647),
+ this._childs && this._childs.length > 0) {
+ var n = this._childs;
+ if (0 === t && i >= s) {
+ var a = n;
+ this._childs = e.ARRAY_EMPTY
+ } else
+ a = n.splice(t, i - t);
+ for (var r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++)
+ a[r].parent = null,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeChild(a[r].conchModel)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.replaceChild = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._childs.indexOf(e);
+ return i > -1 ? (this._childs.splice(i, 1, t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(e.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, i)),
+ e.parent = null,
+ t.parent = this,
+ t) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateDisplayedInstage = function() {
+ var t;
+ t = this;
+ var e = i.stage;
+ for (this._displayedInStage = !1; t; ) {
+ if (t._getBit(1)) {
+ this._displayedInStage = t._displayedInStage;
+ break
+ }
+ if (t == e || t._displayedInStage) {
+ this._displayedInStage = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ t = t.parent
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setDisplay = function(t) {
+ this._displayedInStage !== t && (this._displayedInStage = t,
+ t ? this.event("display") : this.event("undisplay"))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._displayChild = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t._childs;
+ if (i)
+ for (var n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ r._getBit(1) && (r._childs.length > 0 ? this._displayChild(r, e) : r._setDisplay(e))
+ }
+ t._setDisplay(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.contains = function(t) {
+ if (t === this)
+ return !0;
+ for (; t; ) {
+ if (t.parent === this)
+ return !0;
+ t = t.parent
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.timerLoop = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ this.timer.loop(t, e, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.timerOnce = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this.timer._create(!1, !1, t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.frameLoop = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this.timer._create(!0, !0, t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.frameOnce = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this.timer._create(!0, !1, t, e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clearTimer = function(t, e) {
+ this.timer.clear(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "numChildren", function() {
+ return this._childs.length
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "parent", function() {
+ return this._parent
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._parent !== t && (t ? (this._parent = t,
+ this.event("added"),
+ this._getBit(1) && (this._setUpNoticeChain(),
+ t.displayedInStage && this._displayChild(this, !0)),
+ t._childChanged(this)) : (this.event("removed"),
+ this._parent._childChanged(),
+ this._getBit(1) && this._displayChild(this, !1),
+ this._parent = t))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "displayedInStage", function() {
+ return this._getBit(1) ? this._displayedInStage : (this._setUpNoticeType(1),
+ this._displayedInStage)
+ }),
+ e.ARRAY_EMPTY = [],
+ e.PROP_EMPTY = {},
+ e
+ }()
+ , tt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._bgground = null,
+ this._border = null,
+ this._rect = null,
+ this.underLine = 0,
+ this.lineHeight = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._padding = e._PADDING,
+ this._spacing = e._SPACING,
+ this._aligns = e._ALIGNS,
+ this._font = u.EMPTY,
+ this._ower = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.css.CSSStyle", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.destroy = function() {
+ this._ower = null,
+ this._font = null,
+ this._rect = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.inherit = function(t) {
+ this._font = t._font,
+ this._spacing = t._spacing === e._SPACING ? e._SPACING : t._spacing.slice(),
+ this.lineHeight = t.lineHeight
+ }
+ ,
+ i._widthAuto = function() {
+ return 0 != (262144 & this._type)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.widthed = function(t) {
+ return 0 != (8 & this._type)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculation = function(t, e) {
+ function i(t, e, i) {
+ return t * i[0] + e * i[1] + i[2]
+ }
+ function n(t) {
+ var e = r.width
+ , n = a.width;
+ s.width && (a.width = i(e, n, s.width)),
+ s.height && (a.height = i(e, n, s.height)),
+ s.left && (a.x = i(e, n, s.left)),
+ s.top && (a.y = i(e, n, s.top))
+ }
+ if (e.indexOf("%") < 0)
+ return !1;
+ var a = this._ower
+ , r = a.parent
+ , s = this._rect;
+ null === s && (r._getCSSStyle()._type |= 524288,
+ r.on("resize", this, n),
+ this._rect = s = {
+ input: {}
+ });
+ var o = e.split(" ");
+ return o[0] = parseFloat(o[0]) / 100,
+ 1 == o.length ? o[1] = o[2] = 0 : (o[1] = parseFloat(o[1]) / 100,
+ o[2] = parseFloat(o[2])),
+ s[t] = o,
+ s.input[t] = e,
+ n(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.heighted = function(t) {
+ return 0 != (8192 & this._type)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.size = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._ower
+ , n = !1;
+ -1 !== t && t != this._ower.width && (this._type |= 8,
+ this._ower.width = t,
+ n = !0),
+ -1 !== e && e != this._ower.height && (this._type |= 8192,
+ this._ower.height = e,
+ n = !0),
+ n && (i._layoutLater(),
+ 524288 & this._type && i.event("resize", this))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getAlign = function() {
+ return this._aligns[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getValign = function() {
+ return this._aligns[1]
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getCssFloat = function() {
+ return 0 != (32768 & this._type) ? 32768 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._createFont = function() {
+ return 4096 & this._type ? this._font : (this._type |= 4096,
+ this._font = new u(this._font))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.render = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.width
+ , r = t.height;
+ i -= t.pivotX,
+ n -= t.pivotY,
+ this._bgground && null != this._bgground.color && e.ctx.fillRect(i, n, a, r, this._bgground.color),
+ this._border && this._border.color && e.drawRect(i, n, a, r, this._border.color.strColor, this._border.size)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getCSSStyle = function() {
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cssText = function(t) {
+ this.attrs(e.parseOneCSS(t, ";"))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.attrs = function(t) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = t[e];
+ this[n[0]] = n[1]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setTransform = function(t) {
+ "none" === t ? this._tf = _._TF_EMPTY : this.attrs(e.parseOneCSS(t, ","))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.translate = function(t, e) {
+ this._tf === _._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.translateX = t,
+ this._tf.translateY = e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.scale = function(t, e) {
+ this._tf === _._TF_EMPTY && (this._tf = new d),
+ this._tf.scaleX = t,
+ this._tf.scaleY = e
+ }
+ ,
+ i._enableLayout = function() {
+ return 0 == (2 & this._type) && 0 == (4 & this._type)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "block", t.prototype._$get_block, function(t) {
+ t ? this._type |= 1 : this._type &= -2
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "valign", function() {
+ return e._valigndef[this._aligns[1]]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._aligns === e._ALIGNS && (this._aligns = [0, 0, 0]),
+ this._aligns[1] = e._valigndef[t]
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", null, function(t) {
+ if (this._type |= 8192,
+ "string" == typeof t) {
+ if (this._calculation("height", t))
+ return;
+ t = parseInt(t)
+ }
+ this.size(-1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "width", null, function(t) {
+ if (this._type |= 8,
+ "string" == typeof t) {
+ var e = t.indexOf("auto");
+ if (e >= 0 && (this._type |= 262144,
+ t = t.substr(0, e)),
+ this._calculation("width", t))
+ return;
+ t = parseInt(t)
+ }
+ this.size(t, -1)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "fontWeight", function() {
+ return this._font.weight
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().weight = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "left", null, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ower;
+ if ("string" == typeof t) {
+ if ("center" === t ? t = "50% -50% 0" : "right" === t && (t = "100% -100% 0"),
+ this._calculation("left", t))
+ return;
+ t = parseInt(t)
+ }
+ e.x = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_translate", null, function(t) {
+ this.translate(t[0], t[1])
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "absolute", function() {
+ return 0 != (4 & this._type)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "top", null, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ower;
+ if ("string" == typeof t) {
+ if ("middle" === t ? t = "50% -50% 0" : "bottom" === t && (t = "100% -100% 0"),
+ this._calculation("top", t))
+ return;
+ t = parseInt(t)
+ }
+ e.y = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "align", function() {
+ return e._aligndef[this._aligns[0]]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._aligns === e._ALIGNS && (this._aligns = [0, 0, 0]),
+ this._aligns[0] = e._aligndef[t]
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "bold", function() {
+ return this._font.bold
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().bold = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "padding", function() {
+ return this._padding
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._padding = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leading", function() {
+ return this._spacing[1]
+ }, function(t) {
+ "string" == typeof t && (t = parseInt(t + "")),
+ this._spacing === e._SPACING && (this._spacing = [0, 0]),
+ this._spacing[1] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "lineElement", function() {
+ return 0 != (65536 & this._type)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._type |= 65536 : this._type &= -65537
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "cssFloat", function() {
+ return 0 != (32768 & this._type) ? "right" : "left"
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.lineElement = !1,
+ "right" === t ? this._type |= 32768 : this._type &= -32769
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "textDecoration", function() {
+ return this._font.decoration
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().decoration = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "whiteSpace", function() {
+ return 131072 & this._type ? "nowrap" : ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ "nowrap" === t && (this._type |= 131072),
+ "none" === t && (this._type &= -131073)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "background", null, function(t) {
+ t ? (this._bgground || (this._bgground = {}),
+ this._bgground.color = t,
+ this._ower.conchModel && this._ower.conchModel.bgColor(t),
+ this._type |= 16384,
+ this._ower._renderType |= 256) : this._bgground = null
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "wordWrap", function() {
+ return 0 == (131072 & this._type)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._type &= -131073 : this._type |= 131072
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "color", function() {
+ return this._font.color
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().color = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "password", function() {
+ return this._font.password
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().password = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "backgroundColor", function() {
+ return this._bgground ? this._bgground.color : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ "none" === t ? this._bgground = null : (this._bgground || (this._bgground = {}),
+ this._bgground.color = t),
+ this._ower.conchModel && this._ower.conchModel.bgColor(t),
+ this._ower._renderType |= 256
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "font", function() {
+ return this._font.toString()
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().set(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "weight", null, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().weight = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "letterSpacing", function() {
+ return this._spacing[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ "string" == typeof t && (t = parseInt(t + "")),
+ this._spacing === e._SPACING && (this._spacing = [0, 0]),
+ this._spacing[0] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "fontSize", function() {
+ return this._font.size
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().size = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "italic", function() {
+ return this._font.italic
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().italic = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "fontFamily", function() {
+ return this._font.family
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().family = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "stroke", function() {
+ return this._font.stroke[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().stroke === u._STROKE && (this._font.stroke = [0, "#000000"]),
+ this._font.stroke[0] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "strokeColor", function() {
+ return this._font.stroke[1]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._createFont().stroke === u._STROKE && (this._font.stroke = [0, "#000000"]),
+ this._font.stroke[1] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "border", function() {
+ return this._border ? this._border.value : ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ if ("none" != t) {
+ this._border || (this._border = {}),
+ this._border.value = t;
+ var e = t.split(" ");
+ if (this._border.color = H.create(e[e.length - 1]),
+ 1 == e.length)
+ return this._border.size = 1,
+ void (this._border.type = "solid");
+ var i = 0;
+ e[0].indexOf("px") > 0 ? (this._border.size = parseInt(e[0]),
+ i++) : this._border.size = 1,
+ this._border.type = e[i],
+ this._ower._renderType |= 256
+ } else
+ this._border = null
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "borderColor", function() {
+ return this._border && this._border.color ? this._border.color.strColor : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? (this._border || (this._border = {
+ size: 1,
+ type: "solid"
+ }),
+ this._border.color = null == t ? null : H.create(t),
+ this._ower.conchModel && this._ower.conchModel.border(this._border.color.strColor),
+ this._ower._renderType |= 256) : this._border = null
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "position", function() {
+ return 4 & this._type ? "absolute" : ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ "absolute" == t ? this._type |= 4 : this._type &= -5
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "display", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case "":
+ this._type &= -3,
+ this.visible = !0;
+ break;
+ case "none":
+ this._type |= 2,
+ this.visible = !1,
+ this._ower._layoutLater()
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "paddingLeft", function() {
+ return this.padding[3]
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "paddingTop", function() {
+ return this.padding[0]
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_scale", null, function(t) {
+ this._ower.scale(t[0], t[1])
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_rotate", null, function(t) {
+ this._ower.rotation = t
+ }),
+ e.parseOneCSS = function(t, i) {
+ for (var n, a = [], r = t.split(i), s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s]
+ , h = l.indexOf(":")
+ , c = l.substr(0, h).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ if (0 != c.length) {
+ var _ = l.substr(h + 1).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
+ , u = [c, _];
+ switch (c) {
+ case "italic":
+ case "bold":
+ u[1] = "true" == _;
+ break;
+ case "line-height":
+ u[0] = "lineHeight",
+ u[1] = parseInt(_);
+ break;
+ case "font-size":
+ u[0] = "fontSize",
+ u[1] = parseInt(_);
+ break;
+ case "padding":
+ (n = _.split(" ")).length > 1 || (n[1] = n[2] = n[3] = n[0]),
+ u[1] = [parseInt(n[0]), parseInt(n[1]), parseInt(n[2]), parseInt(n[3])];
+ break;
+ case "rotate":
+ u[0] = "_rotate",
+ u[1] = parseFloat(_);
+ break;
+ case "scale":
+ n = _.split(" "),
+ u[0] = "_scale",
+ u[1] = [parseFloat(n[0]), parseFloat(n[1])];
+ break;
+ case "translate":
+ n = _.split(" "),
+ u[0] = "_translate",
+ u[1] = [parseInt(n[0]), parseInt(n[1])];
+ break;
+ default:
+ (u[0] = e._CSSTOVALUE[c]) || (u[0] = c)
+ }
+ a.push(u)
+ }
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ e.parseCSS = function(t, i) {
+ for (var n; null != (n = e._parseCSSRegExp.exec(t)); )
+ e.styleSheets[n[1]] = e.parseOneCSS(n[2], ";")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.EMPTY = new e(null),
+ "letter-spacing": "letterSpacing",
+ "line-spacing": "lineSpacing",
+ "white-space": "whiteSpace",
+ "line-height": "lineHeight",
+ "scale-x": "scaleX",
+ "scale-y": "scaleY",
+ "translate-x": "translateX",
+ "translate-y": "translateY",
+ "font-family": "fontFamily",
+ "font-weight": "fontWeight",
+ "vertical-align": "valign",
+ "text-decoration": "textDecoration",
+ "background-color": "backgroundColor",
+ "border-color": "borderColor",
+ float: "cssFloat"
+ },
+ e._parseCSSRegExp = new RegExp("([.#]\\w+)\\s*{([\\s\\S]*?)}","g"),
+ e._aligndef = {
+ left: 0,
+ center: 1,
+ right: 2,
+ 0: "left",
+ 1: "center",
+ 2: "right"
+ },
+ e._valigndef = {
+ top: 0,
+ middle: 1,
+ bottom: 2,
+ 0: "top",
+ 1: "middle",
+ 2: "bottom"
+ },
+ e.styleSheets = {},
+ e.ALIGN_RIGHT = 2,
+ e._CSS_BLOCK = 1,
+ e._DISPLAY_NONE = 2,
+ e._ABSOLUTE = 4,
+ e._WIDTH_SET = 8,
+ e._PADDING = [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ e._RECT = [-1, -1, -1, -1],
+ e._SPACING = [0, 0],
+ e._ALIGNS = [0, 0, 0],
+ e.ADDLAYOUTED = 512,
+ e._NEWFONT = 4096,
+ e._HEIGHT_SET = 8192,
+ e._BACKGROUND_SET = 16384,
+ e._FLOAT_RIGHT = 32768,
+ e._LINE_ELEMENT = 65536,
+ e._NOWARP = 131072,
+ e._WIDTHAUTO = 262144,
+ e._LISTERRESZIE = 524288,
+ e
+ }(_)
+ , et = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.url = null,
+ this.audio = null,
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.h5audio.AudioSound", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.dispose = function() {
+ var t = e._audioCache[this.url];
+ t && (t.src = "",
+ delete e._audioCache[this.url])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.load = function(t) {
+ function i() {
+ a(),
+ s.loaded = !0,
+ s.event("complete")
+ }
+ function n() {
+ r.load = null,
+ a(),
+ s.event("error")
+ }
+ function a() {
+ r.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", i),
+ r.removeEventListener("error", n)
+ }
+ t = N.formatURL(t),
+ this.url = t;
+ var r;
+ if (t == T._tMusic ? (e._initMusicAudio(),
+ (r = e._musicAudio).src != t && (e._audioCache[r.src] = null,
+ r = null)) : r = e._audioCache[t],
+ r && r.readyState >= 2)
+ this.event("complete");
+ else {
+ r || (t == T._tMusic ? (e._initMusicAudio(),
+ r = e._musicAudio) : r = O.createElement("audio"),
+ e._audioCache[t] = r,
+ r.src = t),
+ r.addEventListener("canplaythrough", i),
+ r.addEventListener("error", n);
+ var s = this;
+ this.audio = r,
+ r.load ? r.load() : n()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.play = function(t, i) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ !this.url)
+ return null;
+ var n;
+ if (!(n = this.url == T._tMusic ? e._musicAudio : e._audioCache[this.url]))
+ return null;
+ var a;
+ a = W.getItem("audio:" + this.url),
+ A.isConchApp ? a || ((a = O.createElement("audio")).src = this.url) : this.url == T._tMusic ? (e._initMusicAudio(),
+ (a = e._musicAudio).src = this.url) : a = a || n.cloneNode(!0);
+ var r = new dt(a);
+ return r.url = this.url,
+ r.loops = i,
+ r.startTime = t,
+ r.play(),
+ T.addChannel(r),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "duration", function() {
+ var t;
+ return (t = e._audioCache[this.url]) ? t.duration : 0
+ }),
+ e._initMusicAudio = function() {
+ e._musicAudio || (e._musicAudio || (e._musicAudio = O.createElement("audio")),
+ A.isConchApp || O.document.addEventListener("mousedown", e._makeMusicOK))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._makeMusicOK = function() {
+ O.document.removeEventListener("mousedown", e._makeMusicOK),
+ e._musicAudio.src ? e._musicAudio.play() : (e._musicAudio.src = "",
+ e._musicAudio.load())
+ }
+ ,
+ e._audioCache = {},
+ e._musicAudio = null,
+ e
+ }()
+ , it = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.url = null,
+ this.loops = 0,
+ this.startTime = NaN,
+ this.isStopped = !1,
+ this.completeHandler = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.SoundChannel", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.play = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.stop = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.pause = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.resume = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.__runComplete = function(t) {
+ t && t.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "volume", function() {
+ return 1
+ }, function(t) {}),
+ r(0, i, "position", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "duration", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , nt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.Sound", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.load = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.play = function(t, e) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.dispose = function() {}
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "duration", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , at = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.url = null,
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.audioBuffer = null,
+ this.__toPlays = null,
+ this._disposed = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.webaudio.WebAudioSound", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.load = function(t) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (t = N.formatURL(t),
+ this.url = t,
+ this.audioBuffer = e._dataCache[t],
+ this.audioBuffer)
+ this._loaded(this.audioBuffer);
+ else if (e.e.on("loaded:" + t, this, this._loaded),
+ e.e.on("err:" + t, this, this._err),
+ !e.__loadingSound[t]) {
+ e.__loadingSound[t] = !0;
+ var n = new O.window.XMLHttpRequest;
+ n.open("GET", t, !0),
+ n.responseType = "arraybuffer",
+ n.onload = function() {
+ i._disposed ? i._removeLoadEvents() : (i.data = n.response,
+ e.buffs.push({
+ buffer: i.data,
+ url: i.url
+ }),
+ e.decode())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onerror = function(t) {
+ i._err()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.send()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._err = function() {
+ this._removeLoadEvents(),
+ e.__loadingSound[this.url] = !1,
+ this.event("error")
+ }
+ ,
+ i._loaded = function(t) {
+ this._removeLoadEvents(),
+ this._disposed || (this.audioBuffer = t,
+ e._dataCache[this.url] = this.audioBuffer,
+ this.loaded = !0,
+ this.event("complete"))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._removeLoadEvents = function() {
+ e.e.off("loaded:" + this.url, this, this._loaded),
+ e.e.off("err:" + this.url, this, this._err)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.__playAfterLoaded = function() {
+ if (this.__toPlays) {
+ var t, e = 0, i = 0;
+ i = (t = this.__toPlays).length;
+ var n;
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ (n = t[e])[2] && !n[2].isStopped && this.play(n[0], n[1], n[2]);
+ this.__toPlays.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.play = function(t, e, i) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ i = i || new ft,
+ this.audioBuffer || this.url && (this.__toPlays || (this.__toPlays = []),
+ this.__toPlays.push([t, e, i]),
+ this.once("complete", this, this.__playAfterLoaded),
+ this.load(this.url)),
+ i.url = this.url,
+ i.loops = e,
+ i.audioBuffer = this.audioBuffer,
+ i.startTime = t,
+ i.play(),
+ T.addChannel(i),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ i.dispose = function() {
+ this._disposed = !0,
+ delete e._dataCache[this.url],
+ delete e.__loadingSound[this.url],
+ this.audioBuffer = null,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.__toPlays = []
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "duration", function() {
+ return this.audioBuffer ? this.audioBuffer.duration : 0
+ }),
+ e.decode = function() {
+ e.buffs.length <= 0 || e.isDecoding || (e.isDecoding = !0,
+ e.tInfo = e.buffs.shift(),
+ e.ctx.decodeAudioData(e.tInfo.buffer, e._done, e._fail))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._done = function(t) {
+ e.e.event("loaded:" + e.tInfo.url, t),
+ e.isDecoding = !1,
+ e.decode()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._fail = function() {
+ e.e.event("err:" + e.tInfo.url, null),
+ e.isDecoding = !1,
+ e.decode()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._playEmptySound = function() {
+ if (null != e.ctx) {
+ var t = e.ctx.createBufferSource();
+ t.buffer = e._miniBuffer,
+ t.connect(e.ctx.destination),
+ t.start(0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._unlock = function() {
+ e._unlocked || (e._playEmptySound(),
+ "running" == e.ctx.state && (O.document.removeEventListener("mousedown", e._unlock, !0),
+ O.document.removeEventListener("touchend", e._unlock, !0),
+ e._unlocked = !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.initWebAudio = function() {
+ "running" != e.ctx.state && (e._unlock(),
+ O.document.addEventListener("mousedown", e._unlock, !0),
+ O.document.addEventListener("touchend", e._unlock, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._dataCache = {},
+ e.buffs = [],
+ e.isDecoding = !1,
+ e._unlocked = !1,
+ e.tInfo = null,
+ e.__loadingSound = {},
+ n(e, ["window", function() {
+ return this.window = O.window
+ }
+ , "webAudioEnabled", function() {
+ return this.webAudioEnabled = e.window.AudioContext || e.window.webkitAudioContext || e.window.mozAudioContext
+ }
+ , "ctx", function() {
+ return this.ctx = e.webAudioEnabled ? new (e.window.AudioContext || e.window.webkitAudioContext || e.window.mozAudioContext) : void 0
+ }
+ , "_miniBuffer", function() {
+ return this._miniBuffer = e.ctx.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050)
+ }
+ , "e", function() {
+ return this.e = new l
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , rt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._responseType = null,
+ this._data = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._http = new O.window.XMLHttpRequest
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.net.HttpRequest", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.send = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = "get"),
+ void 0 === n && (n = "text"),
+ this._responseType = n,
+ this._data = null;
+ var r = this
+ , s = this._http;
+ if (s.open(i, t, !0),
+ a)
+ for (var o = 0; o < a.length; o++)
+ s.setRequestHeader(a[o++], a[o]);
+ else
+ A.isConchApp || (e && "string" != typeof e ? s.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") : s.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
+ s.responseType = "arraybuffer" !== n ? "text" : "arraybuffer",
+ s.onerror = function(t) {
+ r._onError(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onabort = function(t) {
+ r._onAbort(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onprogress = function(t) {
+ r._onProgress(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onload = function(t) {
+ r._onLoad(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.send(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onProgress = function(t) {
+ t && t.lengthComputable && this.event("progress", t.loaded / t.total)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onAbort = function(t) {
+ this.error("Request was aborted by user")
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onError = function(t) {
+ this.error("Request failed Status:" + this._http.status + " text:" + this._http.statusText)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onLoad = function(t) {
+ var e = this._http
+ , i = void 0 !== e.status ? e.status : 200;
+ 200 === i || 204 === i || 0 === i ? this.complete() : this.error("[" + e.status + "]" + e.statusText + ":" + e.responseURL)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.error = function(t) {
+ this.clear(),
+ this.event("error", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.complete = function() {
+ this.clear();
+ var t = !0;
+ try {
+ "json" === this._responseType ? this._data = JSON.parse(this._http.responseText) : "xml" === this._responseType ? this._data = J.parseXMLFromString(this._http.responseText) : this._data = this._http.response || this._http.responseText
+ } catch (e) {
+ t = !1,
+ this.error(e.message)
+ }
+ t && this.event("complete", this._data instanceof Array ? [this._data] : this._data)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ var t = this._http;
+ t.onerror = t.onabort = t.onprogress = t.onload = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "url", function() {
+ return this._http.responseURL
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "http", function() {
+ return this._http
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "data", function() {
+ return this._data
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , st = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._data = null,
+ this._class = null,
+ this._url = null,
+ this._type = null,
+ this._cache = !1,
+ this._http = null,
+ this._customParse = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.net.Loader", l);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.load = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ this._url = t,
+ 0 === t.indexOf("data:image") ? this._type = i = "image" : (this._type = i || (i = this.getTypeFromUrl(t)),
+ t = N.formatURL(t)),
+ this._cache = n,
+ this._data = null,
+ !r && e.loadedMap[t])
+ return this._data = e.loadedMap[t],
+ this.event("progress", 1),
+ void this.event("complete", this._data);
+ if (a && e.setGroup(t, a),
+ null != e.parserMap[i])
+ return this._customParse = !0,
+ void (e.parserMap[i]instanceof laya.utils.Handler ? e.parserMap[i].runWith(this) : e.parserMap[i].call(null, this));
+ if ("image" === i || "htmlimage" === i || "nativeimage" === i)
+ return this._loadImage(t);
+ if ("sound" === i)
+ return this._loadSound(t);
+ if ("ttf" === i)
+ return this._loadTTF(t);
+ var s;
+ switch (i) {
+ case "atlas":
+ case "plf":
+ s = "json";
+ break;
+ case "font":
+ s = "xml";
+ break;
+ case "pkm":
+ s = "arraybuffer";
+ break;
+ default:
+ s = i
+ }
+ e.preLoadedMap[t] ? this.onLoaded(e.preLoadedMap[t]) : (this._http || (this._http = new rt,
+ this._http.on("progress", this, this.onProgress),
+ this._http.on("error", this, this.onError),
+ this._http.on("complete", this, this.onLoaded)),
+ this._http.send(t, null, "get", s))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getTypeFromUrl = function(t) {
+ var i = J.getFileExtension(t);
+ return i ? e.typeMap[i] : (console.warn("Not recognize the resources suffix", t),
+ "text")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._loadTTF = function(t) {
+ t = N.formatURL(t);
+ var e = new D;
+ e.complete = h.create(this, this.onLoaded),
+ e.load(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._loadImage = function(t) {
+ function i() {
+ n.onload = null,
+ n.onerror = null,
+ delete e.imgCache[t]
+ }
+ t = N.formatURL(t);
+ var n, a = this, r = function() {
+ i(),
+ a.onLoaded(n)
+ }, s = function() {
+ i(),
+ a.event("error", "Load image failed")
+ };
+ "nativeimage" === this._type ? ((n = new O.window.Image).crossOrigin = "",
+ n.onload = r,
+ n.onerror = s,
+ n.src = t,
+ e.imgCache[t] = n) : new It.create(t,{
+ onload: r,
+ onerror: s,
+ onCreate: function(i) {
+ n = i,
+ e.imgCache[t] = i
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n._loadSound = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ i.offAll()
+ }
+ var i = new T._soundClass
+ , n = this;
+ i.on("complete", this, function() {
+ e(),
+ n.onLoaded(i)
+ }),
+ i.on("error", this, function() {
+ e(),
+ i.dispose(),
+ n.event("error", "Load sound failed")
+ }),
+ i.load(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onProgress = function(t) {
+ "atlas" === this._type ? this.event("progress", .3 * t) : this.event("progress", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onError = function(t) {
+ this.event("error", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onLoaded = function(t) {
+ var i = this._type;
+ if ("plf" == i)
+ this.parsePLFData(t),
+ this.complete(t);
+ else if ("image" === i) {
+ var n = new ct(t);
+ n.url = this._url,
+ this.complete(n)
+ } else if ("sound" === i || "htmlimage" === i || "nativeimage" === i)
+ this.complete(t);
+ else if ("atlas" === i) {
+ if (!t.src && !t._setContext) {
+ if (!this._data) {
+ if (this._data = t,
+ t.meta && t.meta.image)
+ for (var a = t.meta.image.split(","), r = this._url.indexOf("/") >= 0 ? "/" : "\\", s = this._url.lastIndexOf(r), o = s >= 0 ? this._url.substr(0, s + 1) : "", l = 0, h = a.length; l < h; l++)
+ a[l] = o + a[l];
+ else
+ a = [this._url.replace(".json", ".png")];
+ a.reverse(),
+ t.toLoads = a,
+ t.pics = []
+ }
+ return this.event("progress", .3 + 1 / a.length * .6),
+ this._loadImage(a.pop())
+ }
+ if (this._data.pics.push(t),
+ this._data.toLoads.length > 0)
+ return this.event("progress", .3 + 1 / this._data.toLoads.length * .6),
+ this._loadImage(this._data.toLoads.pop());
+ var _ = this._data.frames
+ , u = this._url.split("?")[0]
+ , d = this._data.meta && this._data.meta.prefix ? this._data.meta.prefix : u.substring(0, u.lastIndexOf(".")) + "/"
+ , f = this._data.pics
+ , p = N.formatURL(this._url)
+ , m = e.atlasMap[p] || (e.atlasMap[p] = []);
+ m.dir = d;
+ var g = 1;
+ if (this._data.meta && this._data.meta.scale && 1 != this._data.meta.scale) {
+ g = parseFloat(this._data.meta.scale);
+ for (var y in _) {
+ var v = _[y]
+ , b = f[v.frame.idx ? v.frame.idx : 0]
+ , w = N.formatURL(d + y);
+ b.scaleRate = g,
+ e.cacheRes(w, ct.create(b, v.frame.x, v.frame.y, v.frame.w, v.frame.h, v.spriteSourceSize.x, v.spriteSourceSize.y, v.sourceSize.w, v.sourceSize.h)),
+ e.loadedMap[w].url = w,
+ m.push(w)
+ }
+ } else
+ for (y in _)
+ b = f[(v = _[y]).frame.idx ? v.frame.idx : 0],
+ w = N.formatURL(d + y),
+ e.cacheRes(w, ct.create(b, v.frame.x, v.frame.y, v.frame.w, v.frame.h, v.spriteSourceSize.x, v.spriteSourceSize.y, v.sourceSize.w, v.sourceSize.h)),
+ e.loadedMap[w].url = w,
+ m.push(w);
+ delete this._data.pics,
+ this.complete(this._data)
+ } else if ("font" == i) {
+ if (!t.src)
+ return this._data = t,
+ this.event("progress", .5),
+ this._loadImage(this._url.replace(".fnt", ".png"));
+ var x = new c;
+ x.parseFont(this._data, t);
+ var I = this._url.split(".fnt")[0].split("/")
+ , C = I[I.length - 1];
+ gt.registerBitmapFont(C, x),
+ this._data = x,
+ this.complete(this._data)
+ } else if ("pkm" == i) {
+ var S = It.create(t, this._url)
+ , M = new ct(S);
+ M.url = this._url,
+ this.complete(M)
+ } else
+ this.complete(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.parsePLFData = function(t) {
+ var i, n, a;
+ for (i in t)
+ switch (a = t[i],
+ i) {
+ case "json":
+ case "text":
+ for (n in a)
+ e.preLoadedMap[N.formatURL(n)] = a[n];
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (n in a)
+ e.preLoadedMap[N.formatURL(n)] = a[n]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.complete = function(t) {
+ this._data = t,
+ this._customParse ? this.event("loaded", t instanceof Array ? [t] : t) : (e._loaders.push(this),
+ e._isWorking || e.checkNext())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.endLoad = function(t) {
+ t && (this._data = t),
+ this._cache && e.cacheRes(this._url, this._data),
+ this.event("progress", 1),
+ this.event("complete", this.data instanceof Array ? [this.data] : this.data)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "url", function() {
+ return this._url
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "data", function() {
+ return this._data
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "cache", function() {
+ return this._cache
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ e.checkNext = function() {
+ e._isWorking = !0;
+ for (var t = O.now(); e._startIndex < e._loaders.length; )
+ if (O.now(),
+ e._loaders[e._startIndex].endLoad(),
+ e._startIndex++,
+ O.now() - t > e.maxTimeOut)
+ return console.warn("loader callback cost a long time:" + (O.now() - t) + " url=" + e._loaders[e._startIndex - 1].url),
+ void i.timer.frameOnce(1, null, e.checkNext);
+ e._loaders.length = 0,
+ e._startIndex = 0,
+ e._isWorking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearRes = function(t, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ t = N.formatURL(t);
+ var n = e.getAtlas(t);
+ if (n) {
+ for (var a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var s = n[a]
+ , o = e.getRes(s);
+ delete e.loadedMap[s],
+ o && o.destroy(i)
+ }
+ n.length = 0,
+ delete e.atlasMap[t],
+ delete e.loadedMap[t]
+ } else {
+ var l = e.loadedMap[t];
+ l && (delete e.loadedMap[t],
+ l instanceof laya.resource.Texture && l.bitmap && l.destroy(i))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearTextureRes = function(t) {
+ t = N.formatURL(t);
+ var e = laya.net.Loader.getAtlas(t);
+ if (e && e.length > 0)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ (n = laya.net.Loader.getRes(e[i])) && n.bitmap && (A.isConchApp && !A.isConchWebGL ? n.bitmap.source.releaseTexture && n.bitmap.source.releaseTexture() : null == n.bitmap._atlaser && n.bitmap.releaseResource(!0))
+ }
+ else {
+ var n = laya.net.Loader.getRes(t);
+ n && n.bitmap && (A.isConchApp && !A.isConchWebGL ? n.bitmap.source.releaseTexture && n.bitmap.source.releaseTexture() : null == n.bitmap._atlaser && n.bitmap.releaseResource(!0))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRes = function(t) {
+ return e.loadedMap[N.formatURL(t)]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getAtlas = function(t) {
+ return e.atlasMap[N.formatURL(t)]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cacheRes = function(t, i) {
+ t = N.formatURL(t),
+ null != e.loadedMap[t] ? console.warn("Resources already exist,is repeated loading:", t) : e.loadedMap[t] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setGroup = function(t, i) {
+ e.groupMap[i] || (e.groupMap[i] = []),
+ e.groupMap[i].push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearResByGroup = function(t) {
+ if (e.groupMap[t]) {
+ var i = e.groupMap[t]
+ , n = 0
+ , a = i.length;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ e.clearRes(i[n]);
+ i.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TEXT = "text",
+ e.JSON = "json",
+ e.XML = "xml",
+ e.BUFFER = "arraybuffer",
+ e.IMAGE = "image",
+ e.SOUND = "sound",
+ e.ATLAS = "atlas",
+ e.FONT = "font",
+ e.TTF = "ttf",
+ e.PLF = "plf",
+ e.PKM = "pkm",
+ e.typeMap = {
+ png: "image",
+ jpg: "image",
+ jpeg: "image",
+ txt: "text",
+ json: "json",
+ xml: "xml",
+ als: "atlas",
+ atlas: "atlas",
+ mp3: "sound",
+ ogg: "sound",
+ wav: "sound",
+ part: "json",
+ fnt: "font",
+ pkm: "pkm",
+ ttf: "ttf",
+ plf: "plf"
+ },
+ e.parserMap = {},
+ e.groupMap = {},
+ e.maxTimeOut = 100,
+ e.loadedMap = {},
+ e.preLoadedMap = {},
+ e.atlasMap = {},
+ e._loaders = [],
+ e._isWorking = !1,
+ e._startIndex = 0,
+ e.imgCache = {},
+ e
+ }()
+ , ot = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.retryNum = 1,
+ this.retryDelay = 0,
+ this.maxLoader = 5,
+ this._loaders = [],
+ this._loaderCount = 0,
+ this._resInfos = [],
+ this._infoPool = [],
+ this._maxPriority = 5,
+ this._failRes = {},
+ e.__super.call(this);
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._maxPriority; t++)
+ this._resInfos[t] = []
+ }
+ var r;
+ a(e, "laya.net.LoaderManager", l);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.create = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ if (void 0 === r && (r = 1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !0),
+ t instanceof Array) {
+ var l = t
+ , c = l.length
+ , _ = 0;
+ if (i)
+ var u = h.create(i.caller, i.method, i.args, !1);
+ for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) {
+ var f = l[d];
+ "string" == typeof f && (f = l[d] = {
+ url: f
+ }),
+ f.progress = 0
+ }
+ for (d = 0; d < c; d++) {
+ f = l[d];
+ var p = i ? h.create(null, function(t, e) {
+ t.progress = e;
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0; n < c; n++)
+ i += l[n].progress;
+ var a = i / c;
+ u.runWith(a)
+ }, [f], !1) : null
+ , m = i || e ? h.create(null, function(t, i) {
+ _++,
+ t.progress = 1,
+ _ === c && e && e.run()
+ }, [f]) : null;
+ this._create(f.url, m, p, f.clas || n, f.params || a, f.priority || r, s, f.group || o)
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ return this._create(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._create = function(t, n, a, r, s, o, l, c) {
+ void 0 === o && (o = 1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = !0);
+ var _ = N.formatURL(t)
+ , u = this.getRes(_);
+ if (u)
+ !u.hasOwnProperty("loaded") || u.loaded ? (a && a.runWith(1),
+ n && n.run()) : n && i.loader._createListener(t, n.caller, n.method, n.args, !0, !1);
+ else {
+ var d = J.getFileExtension(t)
+ , f = e.createMap[d];
+ if (!f)
+ throw new Error("LoaderManager:unknown file(" + t + ") extension with: " + d + ".");
+ r || (r = f[0]);
+ var p = f[1];
+ "atlas" == d ? this.load(t, n, a, p, o, l) : (r === ct && (p = "htmlimage"),
+ (u = r ? new r : null).hasOwnProperty("_loaded") && (u._loaded = !1),
+ u._setUrl(t),
+ c && u._setGroup(c),
+ this._createLoad(u, t, h.create(null, function(e) {
+ u && !u.destroyed && e && u.onAsynLoaded.call(u, t, e, s),
+ n && n.run(),
+ i.loader.event(t)
+ }), a, p, o, !1, c, !0),
+ l && this.cacheRes(_, u))
+ }
+ return u
+ }
+ ,
+ s.load = function(t, n, a, s, o, l, h, c) {
+ var _ = this;
+ if (void 0 === o && (o = 1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = !0),
+ void 0 === c && (c = !1),
+ t instanceof Array)
+ return this._loadAssets(t, n, a, s, o, l, h);
+ var u = st.getRes(t);
+ if (null != u)
+ i.timer.frameOnce(1, null, function() {
+ a && a.runWith(1),
+ n && n.runWith(u),
+ _._loaderCount || _.event("complete")
+ });
+ else {
+ var d = e._resMap[t];
+ d ? (n && d._createListener("complete", n.caller, n.method, n.args, !1, !1),
+ a && d._createListener("progress", a.caller, a.method, a.args, !1, !1)) : ((d = this._infoPool.length ? this._infoPool.pop() : new r).url = t,
+ d.type = s,
+ d.cache = l,
+ d.group = h,
+ d.ignoreCache = c,
+ n && d.on("complete", n.caller, n.method, n.args),
+ a && d.on("progress", a.caller, a.method, a.args),
+ e._resMap[t] = d,
+ o = o < this._maxPriority ? o : this._maxPriority - 1,
+ this._resInfos[o].push(d),
+ this._next())
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ s._createLoad = function(t, n, a, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ var u = this;
+ if (void 0 === l && (l = 1),
+ void 0 === h && (h = !0),
+ void 0 === _ && (_ = !1),
+ n instanceof Array)
+ return this._loadAssets(n, a, s, o, l, h, c);
+ var d = st.getRes(n);
+ if (null != d)
+ i.timer.frameOnce(1, null, function() {
+ s && s.runWith(1),
+ a && a.runWith(d),
+ u._loaderCount || u.event("complete")
+ });
+ else {
+ var f = e._resMap[n];
+ f ? (a && f._createListener("complete", a.caller, a.method, a.args, !1, !1),
+ s && f._createListener("progress", s.caller, s.method, s.args, !1, !1)) : ((f = this._infoPool.length ? this._infoPool.pop() : new r).url = n,
+ f.clas = t,
+ f.type = o,
+ f.cache = h,
+ f.group = c,
+ f.ignoreCache = _,
+ a && f.on("complete", a.caller, a.method, a.args),
+ s && f.on("progress", s.caller, s.method, s.args),
+ e._resMap[n] = f,
+ l = l < this._maxPriority ? l : this._maxPriority - 1,
+ this._resInfos[l].push(f),
+ this._next())
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ s._next = function() {
+ if (!(this._loaderCount >= this.maxLoader)) {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._maxPriority; t++)
+ for (var e = this._resInfos[t]; e.length > 0; ) {
+ var i = e.shift();
+ if (i)
+ return this._doLoad(i)
+ }
+ this._loaderCount || this.event("complete")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._doLoad = function(t) {
+ function e(e) {
+ i.offAll(),
+ i._data = null,
+ i._customParse = !1,
+ n._loaders.push(i),
+ n._endLoad(t, e instanceof Array ? [e] : e),
+ n._loaderCount--,
+ n._next()
+ }
+ this._loaderCount++;
+ var i = this._loaders.length ? this._loaders.pop() : new st;
+ i.on("complete", null, e),
+ i.on("progress", null, function(e) {
+ t.event("progress", e)
+ }),
+ i.on("error", null, function(t) {
+ e(null)
+ });
+ var n = this;
+ i._class = t.clas,
+ i.load(t.url, t.type, t.cache, t.group, t.ignoreCache)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._endLoad = function(t, n) {
+ var a = t.url;
+ if (null == n) {
+ var r = this._failRes[a] || 0;
+ if (r < this.retryNum)
+ return console.warn("[warn]Retry to load:", a),
+ this._failRes[a] = r + 1,
+ void i.timer.once(this.retryDelay, this, this._addReTry, [t], !1);
+ console.warn("[error]Failed to load:", a),
+ this.event("error", a)
+ }
+ this._failRes[a] && (this._failRes[a] = 0),
+ delete e._resMap[a],
+ t.event("complete", n),
+ t.offAll(),
+ this._infoPool.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addReTry = function(t) {
+ this._resInfos[this._maxPriority - 1].push(t),
+ this._next()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clearRes = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ st.clearRes(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getRes = function(t) {
+ return st.getRes(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cacheRes = function(t, e) {
+ st.cacheRes(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clearTextureRes = function(t) {
+ st.clearTextureRes(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setGroup = function(t, e) {
+ st.setGroup(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clearResByGroup = function(t) {
+ st.clearResByGroup(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clearUnLoaded = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._maxPriority; t++) {
+ for (var i = this._resInfos[t], n = i.length - 1; n > -1; n--) {
+ var a = i[n];
+ a && (a.offAll(),
+ this._infoPool.push(a))
+ }
+ i.length = 0
+ }
+ this._loaderCount = 0,
+ e._resMap = {}
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cancelLoadByUrls = function(t) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)
+ this.cancelLoadByUrl(t[e])
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cancelLoadByUrl = function(t) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._maxPriority; i++)
+ for (var n = this._resInfos[i], a = n.length - 1; a > -1; a--) {
+ var r = n[a];
+ r && r.url === t && (n[a] = null,
+ r.offAll(),
+ this._infoPool.push(r))
+ }
+ e._resMap[t] && delete e._resMap[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._loadAssets = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !0);
+ for (var o = t.length, l = 0, c = 0, _ = [], u = !0, d = 0; d < o; d++) {
+ var f = t[d];
+ "string" == typeof f && (f = {
+ url: f,
+ type: n,
+ size: 1,
+ priority: a
+ }),
+ f.size || (f.size = 1),
+ f.progress = 0,
+ c += f.size,
+ _.push(f);
+ var p = i ? h.create(null, function(t, e) {
+ if (null != i) {
+ t.progress = e;
+ for (var n = 0, a = 0; a < _.length; a++) {
+ var r = _[a];
+ n += r.size * r.progress
+ }
+ var s = n / c;
+ i.runWith(s)
+ }
+ }, [f], !1) : null
+ , m = e || i ? h.create(null, function(t, i) {
+ l++,
+ t.progress = 1,
+ i || (u = !1),
+ l === o && e && e.runWith(u)
+ }, [f]) : null;
+ this.load(f.url, m, p, f.type, f.priority || 1, r, f.group || s)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cacheRes = function(t, e) {
+ st.cacheRes(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._resMap = {},
+ n(e, ["createMap", function() {
+ return this.createMap = {
+ atlas: [null, "atlas"]
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ r = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.url = null,
+ this.type = null,
+ this.cache = !1,
+ this.group = null,
+ this.ignoreCache = !1,
+ this.clas = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ return a(e, "", l),
+ e
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , lt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ t || (t = [.3, .59, .11, 0, 0, .3, .59, .11, 0, 0, .3, .59, .11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]),
+ this._mat = new Float32Array(16),
+ this._alpha = new Float32Array(4);
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0, a = 0; a < 20; a++)
+ a % 5 != 4 ? this._mat[i++] = t[a] : this._alpha[n++] = t[a];
+ this._action = s.createFilterAction(32),
+ this._action.data = this
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.filters.ColorFilter", b);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.filters.IFilter": !0
+ }),
+ n.callNative = function(t) {
+ t._$P.cf = this;
+ t.conchModel && t.conchModel.setFilterMatrix && t.conchModel.setFilterMatrix(this._mat, this._alpha)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "type", function() {
+ return 32
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "action", function() {
+ return this._action
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ht = (function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ this._endian = null,
+ this._stamp = NaN,
+ this._socket = null,
+ this._connected = !1,
+ this._addInputPosition = 0,
+ this._input = null,
+ this._output = null,
+ this.timeout = 0,
+ this.objectEncoding = 0,
+ this.disableInput = !1,
+ this._byteClass = null,
+ this.protocols = [],
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._byteClass = n || U,
+ this.endian = "bigEndian",
+ this.timeout = 2e4,
+ this._addInputPosition = 0,
+ t && i > 0 && i < 65535 && this.connect(t, i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.net.Socket", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.connect = function(t, e) {
+ var i = "ws://" + t + ":" + e;
+ i = "https:" == O.window.location.protocol ? "wss://" + t + ":" + e : "ws://" + t + ":" + e,
+ this.connectByUrl(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.connectByUrl = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ null != this._socket && this.close(),
+ this._socket && this.cleanSocket(),
+ this.protocols && 0 != this.protocols.length ? this._socket = new O.window.WebSocket(t,this.protocols) : this._socket = new O.window.WebSocket(t),
+ this._socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer",
+ this._output = new this._byteClass,
+ this._output.endian = this.endian,
+ this._input = new this._byteClass,
+ this._input.endian = this.endian,
+ this._addInputPosition = 0,
+ this._socket.onopen = function(t) {
+ e._onOpen(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._socket.onmessage = function(t) {
+ e._onMessage(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._socket.onclose = function(t) {
+ e._onClose(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ this._socket.onerror = function(t) {
+ e._onError(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cleanSocket = function() {
+ try {
+ this._socket.close()
+ } catch (t) {}
+ this._connected = !1,
+ this._socket.onopen = null,
+ this._socket.onmessage = null,
+ this._socket.onclose = null,
+ this._socket.onerror = null,
+ this._socket = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.close = function() {
+ if (null != this._socket)
+ try {
+ this._socket.close()
+ } catch (t) {}
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onOpen = function(t) {
+ this._connected = !0,
+ this.event("open", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onMessage = function(t) {
+ if (t && t.data) {
+ var e = t.data;
+ if (this.disableInput && e)
+ this.event("message", e);
+ else {
+ this._input.length > 0 && this._input.bytesAvailable < 1 && (this._input.clear(),
+ this._addInputPosition = 0);
+ var i = this._input.pos;
+ !this._addInputPosition && (this._addInputPosition = 0),
+ this._input.pos = this._addInputPosition,
+ e && ("string" == typeof e ? this._input.writeUTFBytes(e) : this._input.writeArrayBuffer(e),
+ this._addInputPosition = this._input.pos,
+ this._input.pos = i),
+ this.event("message", e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onClose = function(t) {
+ this._connected = !1,
+ this.event("close", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onError = function(t) {
+ this.event("error", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.send = function(t) {
+ this._socket.send(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.flush = function() {
+ if (this._output && this._output.length > 0) {
+ var t;
+ try {
+ this._socket && this._socket.send(this._output.__getBuffer().slice(0, this._output.length))
+ } catch (e) {
+ t = e
+ }
+ this._output.endian = this.endian,
+ this._output.clear(),
+ t && this.event("error", t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "input", function() {
+ return this._input
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "output", function() {
+ return this._output
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "connected", function() {
+ return this._connected
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "endian", function() {
+ return this._endian
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._endian = t,
+ null != this._input && (this._input.endian = t),
+ null != this._output && (this._output.endian = t)
+ }),
+ e.LITTLE_ENDIAN = "littleEndian",
+ e.BIG_ENDIAN = "bigEndian"
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.worker = null,
+ e.__super.call(this);
+ var t = this;
+ this.worker = new O.window.Worker(e.workerPath),
+ this.worker.onmessage = function(e) {
+ t.workerMessage(e.data)
+ }
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.net.WorkerLoader", l);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.workerMessage = function(t) {
+ if (t)
+ switch (t.type) {
+ case "Image":
+ this.imageLoaded(t);
+ break;
+ case "Msg":
+ this.event("image_msg", t.msg)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.imageLoaded = function(t) {
+ if (t && t.buffer && t.buffer.length < 10)
+ return e._enable = !1,
+ this._myTrace("buffer lost when postmessage ,disable workerloader"),
+ this.event(t.url, null),
+ void this.event("image_err", t.url + "\n" + t.msg);
+ if (!t.dataType)
+ return this.event(t.url, null),
+ void this.event("image_err", t.url + "\n" + t.msg);
+ var i, n, a;
+ switch (t.dataType) {
+ case "buffer":
+ (a = (n = (i = new bt("2D")).source.getContext("2d")).createImageData(t.width, t.height)).data.set(t.buffer),
+ i.size(a.width, a.height),
+ n.putImageData(a, 0, 0),
+ i.memorySize = 0;
+ break;
+ case "imagedata":
+ n = (i = new bt("2D")).source.getContext("2d"),
+ a = t.imagedata,
+ i.size(a.width, a.height),
+ n.putImageData(a, 0, 0),
+ a = t.imagedata,
+ i.memorySize = 0;
+ break;
+ case "imageBitmap":
+ a = t.imageBitmap,
+ A.isWebGL ? i = a : (n = (i = new bt("2D")).source.getContext("2d"),
+ i.size(a.width, a.height),
+ n.drawImage(a, 0, 0),
+ i.src = t.url)
+ }
+ A.isWebGL && (i = new laya.webgl.resource.WebGLImage(i,t.url)),
+ this.event(t.url, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._myTrace = function(t) {
+ var e = arguments
+ , i = []
+ , n = 0
+ , a = e.length;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ i.push(e[n]);
+ this.event("image_msg", i.join(" "))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.loadImage = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ (e = {}).type = "load",
+ e.url = t,
+ this.worker.postMessage(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._loadImage = function(t) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (!e._enable || t.toLowerCase().indexOf(".png") < 0)
+ e._preLoadFun.call(i, t);
+ else {
+ t = N.formatURL(t);
+ var n = function(a) {
+ laya.net.WorkerLoader.I.off(t, i, n),
+ a ? i.onLoaded(a) : e._preLoadFun.call(i, t)
+ };
+ laya.net.WorkerLoader.I.on(t, i, n),
+ laya.net.WorkerLoader.I.loadImage(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(1, e, "enable", function() {
+ return e._enable
+ }, function(t) {
+ e.disableJSDecode && !O.window.createImageBitmap || (e._enable = t) && null == e._preLoadFun && (e._enable = e.__init__())
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ return null == e._preLoadFun && (!!O.window.Worker && (e._preLoadFun = st.prototype._loadImage,
+ st.prototype._loadImage = e.prototype._loadImage,
+ e.I || (e.I = new e),
+ !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.workerSupported = function() {
+ return !!O.window.Worker
+ }
+ ,
+ e.IMAGE_LOADED = "image_loaded",
+ e.IMAGE_ERR = "image_err",
+ e.IMAGE_MSG = "image_msg",
+ e.I = null,
+ e._preLoadFun = null,
+ e._enable = !1,
+ e.workerPath = "libs/worker.js",
+ e.disableJSDecode = !0
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._$1__id = ++e._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this.__loaded = !0,
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._referenceCount = 0,
+ e._idResourcesMap[this.id] = this,
+ this._released = !0,
+ this.lock = !1,
+ this._memorySize = 0,
+ this._lastUseFrameCount = -1,
+ P.currentResourceManager && P.currentResourceManager.addResource(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.resource.Resource", l);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.resource.ICreateResource": !0,
+ "laya.resource.IDispose": !0
+ }),
+ n._setUrl = function(t) {
+ if (this._url !== t) {
+ var i;
+ this._url && ((i = e._urlResourcesMap[this._url]).splice(i.indexOf(this), 1),
+ 0 === i.length && delete e._urlResourcesMap[this._url]),
+ t && ((i = e._urlResourcesMap[t]) || (e._urlResourcesMap[t] = i = []),
+ i.push(this)),
+ this._url = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getGroup = function() {
+ return this._group
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setGroup = function(t) {
+ if (this._group !== t) {
+ var i;
+ this._group && ((i = e._groupResourcesMap[this._group]).splice(i.indexOf(this), 1),
+ 0 === i.length && delete e._groupResourcesMap[this._group]),
+ t && ((i = e._groupResourcesMap[t]) || (e._groupResourcesMap[t] = i = []),
+ i.push(this)),
+ this._group = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addReference = function() {
+ this._referenceCount++
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeReference = function() {
+ this._referenceCount--
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearReference = function() {
+ this._referenceCount = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._endLoaded = function() {
+ this.__loaded = !0,
+ this.event("loaded", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.recreateResource = function() {
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.activeResource = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this._lastUseFrameCount = X.loopCount,
+ !this._destroyed && this.__loaded && (this._released || t) && this.recreateResource()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.releaseResource = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ !(!t && this.lock) && (!(this._released && !t) && (this.disposeResource(),
+ this._released = !0,
+ this._lastUseFrameCount = -1,
+ this.event("released", this),
+ !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ throw new Error("Resource: must override this function!")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function() {
+ if (!this._destroyed) {
+ null !== this._resourceManager && this._resourceManager.removeResource(this),
+ this._destroyed = !0,
+ this.lock = !1,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ delete e._idResourcesMap[this.id];
+ var t;
+ this._url && ((t = e._urlResourcesMap[this._url]) && (t.splice(t.indexOf(this), 1),
+ 0 === t.length && delete e._urlResourcesMap[this.url]),
+ st.clearRes(this._url),
+ this.__loaded || s.cancelLoadByUrl(this._url)),
+ this._group && ((t = e._groupResourcesMap[this._group]).splice(t.indexOf(this), 1),
+ 0 === t.length && delete e._groupResourcesMap[this.url])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.completeCreate = function() {
+ this._released = !1,
+ this.event("recovered", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.dispose = function() {
+ this.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "memorySize", function() {
+ return this._memorySize
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = t - this._memorySize;
+ this._memorySize = t,
+ this.resourceManager && this.resourceManager.addSize(e)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_loaded", null, function(t) {
+ this.__loaded = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "loaded", function() {
+ return this.__loaded
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "id", function() {
+ return this._$1__id
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "group", function() {
+ return this._getGroup()
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setGroup(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "resourceManager", function() {
+ return this._resourceManager
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "url", function() {
+ return this._url
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "released", function() {
+ return this._released
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "referenceCount", function() {
+ return this._referenceCount
+ }),
+ e.getResourceByID = function(t) {
+ return e._idResourcesMap[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getResourceByURL = function(t, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ e._urlResourcesMap[t][i]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getResourceCountByURL = function(t) {
+ return e._urlResourcesMap[t].length
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroyUnusedResources = function(t) {
+ var i;
+ if (t) {
+ var n = e._groupResourcesMap[t];
+ if (n)
+ for (var a = n.slice(), r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++)
+ (i = a[r]).lock || 0 !== i._referenceCount || i.destroy()
+ } else
+ for (var o in e._idResourcesMap)
+ (i = e._idResourcesMap[o]).lock || 0 !== i._referenceCount || i.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._uniqueIDCounter = 0,
+ e._idResourcesMap = {},
+ e._urlResourcesMap = {},
+ e._groupResourcesMap = {},
+ e
+ }())
+ , ct = function(e) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ this.offsetX = 0,
+ this.offsetY = 0,
+ this.sourceWidth = 0,
+ this.sourceHeight = 0,
+ this._w = 0,
+ this._h = 0,
+ this._uvID = 0,
+ this._atlasID = -1,
+ this.scaleRate = 1,
+ n.__super.call(this),
+ t && null != t._addReference && t._addReference(),
+ this.setTo(t, e)
+ }
+ a(n, "laya.resource.Texture", l);
+ var o = n.prototype;
+ return o._setUrl = function(t) {
+ this.url = t
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setTo = function(e, i) {
+ if (e instanceof t.HTMLElement) {
+ var a = bt.create("2D", e);
+ this.bitmap = a
+ } else
+ this.bitmap = e;
+ if (this.uv = i || n.DEF_UV,
+ e) {
+ this._w = e.width,
+ this._h = e.height,
+ this.sourceWidth = this.sourceWidth || this._w,
+ this.sourceHeight = this.sourceHeight || this._h,
+ this._loaded = this._w > 0;
+ var r = this;
+ if (this._loaded)
+ s.addToAtlas && s.addToAtlas(r);
+ else {
+ var o = e;
+ o instanceof laya.resource.HTMLImage && o.image && o.image.addEventListener("load", function(t) {
+ s.addToAtlas && s.addToAtlas(r)
+ }, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.active = function() {
+ this.bitmap && this.bitmap.activeResource()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.destroy = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this.bitmap && this.bitmap.referenceCount > 0) {
+ var e = this.bitmap;
+ t ? (A.isConchApp && e.source && e.source.conchDestroy && this.bitmap.source.conchDestroy(),
+ this.bitmap = null,
+ e.dispose(),
+ e._clearReference()) : (e._removeReference(),
+ 0 == e.referenceCount && (A.isConchApp && e.source && e.source.conchDestroy && this.bitmap.source.conchDestroy(),
+ this.bitmap = null,
+ e.dispose())),
+ this.url && this === i.loader.getRes(this.url) && i.loader.clearRes(this.url, t),
+ this._loaded = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.load = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._loaded = !1,
+ t = N.customFormat(t);
+ var i = this.bitmap || (this.bitmap = It.create(t));
+ i && i._addReference();
+ var n = this;
+ i.onload = function() {
+ i.onload = null,
+ n._loaded = !0,
+ e.sourceWidth = e._w = i.width,
+ e.sourceHeight = e._h = i.height,
+ n.event("loaded", this),
+ s.addToAtlas && s.addToAtlas(n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.addTextureToAtlas = function(t) {
+ s.addTextureToAtlas(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.getPixels = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (A.isConchApp) {
+ var a = this.bitmap;
+ if (a.source && a.source.getImageData) {
+ var r = a.source.getImageData(t, e, i, n)
+ , o = new Uint8Array(r);
+ return Array.from(o)
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ if (A.isWebGL)
+ return s.getTexturePixels(this, t, e, i, n);
+ O.canvas.size(i, n),
+ O.canvas.clear(),
+ O.context.drawTexture(this, -t, -e, this.width, this.height, 0, 0);
+ return O.context.getImageData(0, 0, i, n).data
+ }
+ ,
+ o.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e) {
+ e && e._addReference(),
+ this.setTo(e, this.uv)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, o, "source", function() {
+ return this.bitmap ? (this.bitmap.activeResource(),
+ this.bitmap.source) : null
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "loaded", function() {
+ return this._loaded
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "released", function() {
+ return !this.bitmap || this.bitmap.released
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "width", function() {
+ return this._w ? this._w : this.uv && this.uv !== n.DEF_UV ? (this.uv[2] - this.uv[0]) * this.bitmap.width : this.bitmap.width
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._w = t,
+ this.sourceWidth || (this.sourceWidth = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "repeat", function() {
+ return !A.isWebGL || !this.bitmap || this.bitmap.repeat
+ }, function(t) {
+ t && A.isWebGL && this.bitmap && (this.bitmap.repeat = t,
+ t && (this.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas = !1))
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "height", function() {
+ return this._h ? this._h : this.uv && this.uv !== n.DEF_UV ? (this.uv[5] - this.uv[1]) * this.bitmap.height : this.bitmap.height
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._h = t,
+ this.sourceHeight || (this.sourceHeight = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "isLinearSampling", function() {
+ return !A.isWebGL || 9728 != this.bitmap.minFifter
+ }, function(t) {
+ !t && A.isWebGL && (t || -1 != this.bitmap.minFifter || -1 != this.bitmap.magFifter || (this.bitmap.minFifter = 9728,
+ this.bitmap.magFifter = 9728,
+ this.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas = !1))
+ }),
+ n.moveUV = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < 8; n += 2)
+ i[n] += t,
+ i[n + 1] += e;
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.create = function(t, e, i, a, r, o, l, h, c) {
+ void 0 === o && (o = 0),
+ void 0 === l && (l = 0),
+ void 0 === h && (h = 0),
+ void 0 === c && (c = 0);
+ var _ = t instanceof laya.resource.Texture
+ , u = _ ? t.uv : n.DEF_UV
+ , d = _ ? t.bitmap : t
+ , f = s.isAtlas(d);
+ if (f) {
+ var p = d._atlaser
+ , m = t._atlasID;
+ if (-1 == m)
+ throw new Error("create texture error");
+ d = p._inAtlasTextureBitmapValue[m],
+ u = p._inAtlasTextureOriUVValue[m]
+ }
+ var g = new n(d,null);
+ d.width && e + a > d.width && (a = d.width - e),
+ d.height && i + r > d.height && (r = d.height - i),
+ g.width = a,
+ g.height = r,
+ g.offsetX = o,
+ g.offsetY = l,
+ g.sourceWidth = h || a,
+ g.sourceHeight = c || r;
+ var y = 1 / d.width
+ , v = 1 / d.height;
+ e *= y,
+ i *= v,
+ a *= y,
+ r *= v;
+ var b = g.uv[0]
+ , w = g.uv[1]
+ , x = g.uv[4]
+ , I = g.uv[5]
+ , C = x - b
+ , S = I - w
+ , M = n.moveUV(u[0], u[1], [e, i, e + a, i, e + a, i + r, e, i + r]);
+ g.uv = [b + M[0] * C, w + M[1] * S, x - (1 - M[2]) * C, w + M[3] * S, x - (1 - M[4]) * C, I - (1 - M[5]) * S, b + M[6] * C, I - (1 - M[7]) * S],
+ f && g.addTextureToAtlas();
+ var L = d.scaleRate;
+ return L && 1 != L ? (g.sourceWidth /= L,
+ g.sourceHeight /= L,
+ g.width /= L,
+ g.height /= L,
+ g.scaleRate = L,
+ g.offsetX /= L,
+ g.offsetY /= L) : g.scaleRate = 1,
+ g
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createFromTexture = function(t, e, i, a, r) {
+ var s = t.scaleRate;
+ 1 != s && (e *= s,
+ i *= s,
+ a *= s,
+ r *= s);
+ var o = L.TEMP.setTo(e - t.offsetX, i - t.offsetY, a, r)
+ , l = o.intersection(n._rect1.setTo(0, 0, t.width, t.height), n._rect2);
+ if (!l)
+ return null;
+ var h = n.create(t, l.x, l.y, l.width, l.height, l.x - o.x, l.y - o.y, a, r);
+ return h.bitmap._removeReference(),
+ h
+ }
+ ,
+ n.DEF_UV = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
+ n.INV_UV = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+ n._rect1 = new L,
+ n._rect2 = new L,
+ n
+ }()
+ , _t = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._labelDic = null,
+ this._tweenDic = {},
+ this._tweenDataList = [],
+ this._endTweenDataList = null,
+ this._currTime = 0,
+ this._lastTime = 0,
+ this._startTime = 0,
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._gidIndex = 0,
+ this._firstTweenDic = {},
+ this._startTimeSort = !1,
+ this._endTimeSort = !1,
+ this._loopKey = !1,
+ this.scale = 1,
+ this._frameRate = 60,
+ this._frameIndex = 0,
+ this._total = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ var n;
+ a(e, "laya.utils.TimeLine", l);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.to = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ this._create(t, e, i, n, a, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.from = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ this._create(t, e, i, n, a, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._create = function(t, e, i, a, r, s) {
+ var o = W.getItemByClass("tweenData", n);
+ return o.isTo = s,
+ o.type = 0,
+ o.target = t,
+ o.duration = i,
+ o.data = e,
+ o.startTime = this._startTime + r,
+ o.endTime = o.startTime + o.duration,
+ o.ease = a,
+ this._startTime = Math.max(o.endTime, this._startTime),
+ this._tweenDataList.push(o),
+ this._startTimeSort = !0,
+ this._endTimeSort = !0,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ s.addLabel = function(t, e) {
+ var i = W.getItemByClass("tweenData", n);
+ return i.type = 1,
+ i.data = t,
+ i.endTime = i.startTime = this._startTime + e,
+ this._labelDic || (this._labelDic = {}),
+ this._labelDic[t] = i,
+ this._tweenDataList.push(i),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ s.removeLabel = function(t) {
+ if (this._labelDic && this._labelDic[t]) {
+ var e = this._labelDic[t];
+ if (e) {
+ var i = this._tweenDataList.indexOf(e);
+ i > -1 && this._tweenDataList.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ delete this._labelDic[t]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.gotoTime = function(t) {
+ if (null != this._tweenDataList && 0 != this._tweenDataList.length) {
+ var e, i;
+ for (var n in this._firstTweenDic)
+ if (i = this._firstTweenDic[n])
+ for (var a in i)
+ i.diyTarget.hasOwnProperty(a) && (i.diyTarget[a] = i[a]);
+ for (n in this._tweenDic)
+ (e = this._tweenDic[n]).clear(),
+ delete this._tweenDic[n];
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._gidIndex = 0,
+ this._currTime = t,
+ this._lastTime = O.now();
+ var r;
+ null == this._endTweenDataList || this._endTimeSort ? (this._endTimeSort = !1,
+ this._endTweenDataList = r = this._tweenDataList.concat(),
+ r.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.endTime > e.endTime ? 1 : t.endTime < e.endTime ? -1 : 0
+ })) : r = this._endTweenDataList;
+ for (var s, o = 0, l = r.length; o < l; o++)
+ if (0 == (s = r[o]).type) {
+ if (!(t >= s.endTime))
+ break;
+ this._index = Math.max(this._index, o + 1);
+ var c = s.data;
+ if (s.isTo)
+ for (var _ in c)
+ s.target[_] = c[_]
+ }
+ for (o = 0,
+ l = this._tweenDataList.length; o < l; o++)
+ 0 == (s = this._tweenDataList[o]).type && t >= s.startTime && t < s.endTime && (this._index = Math.max(this._index, o + 1),
+ this._gidIndex++,
+ (e = W.getItemByClass("tween", Y))._create(s.target, s.data, s.duration, s.ease, h.create(this, this._animComplete, [this._gidIndex]), 0, !1, s.isTo, !0, !1),
+ e.setStartTime(this._currTime - (t - s.startTime)),
+ e._updateEase(this._currTime),
+ e.gid = this._gidIndex,
+ this._tweenDic[this._gidIndex] = e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.gotoLabel = function(t) {
+ if (null != this._labelDic) {
+ var e = this._labelDic[t];
+ e && this.gotoTime(e.startTime)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.pause = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._update)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.resume = function() {
+ this.play(this._currTime, this._loopKey)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.play = function(t, e) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ this._tweenDataList) {
+ if (this._startTimeSort) {
+ this._startTimeSort = !1,
+ this._tweenDataList.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.startTime > e.startTime ? 1 : t.startTime < e.startTime ? -1 : 0
+ });
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._tweenDataList.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = this._tweenDataList[n];
+ if (null != r && 0 == r.type) {
+ var s = r.target
+ , o = s.$_GID || (s.$_GID = J.getGID())
+ , l = null;
+ null == this._firstTweenDic[o] ? ((l = {}).diyTarget = s,
+ this._firstTweenDic[o] = l) : l = this._firstTweenDic[o];
+ for (var h in r.data)
+ null == l[h] && (l[h] = s[h])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "string" == typeof t ? this.gotoLabel(t) : this.gotoTime(t),
+ this._loopKey = e,
+ this._lastTime = O.now(),
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._update = function() {
+ if (this._currTime >= this._startTime) {
+ if (!this._loopKey) {
+ for (var t in this._tweenDic)
+ (a = this._tweenDic[t]).complete();
+ return this._complete(),
+ void this.pause()
+ }
+ if (this._complete(),
+ !this._tweenDataList)
+ return;
+ this.gotoTime(0)
+ }
+ var e = O.now()
+ , i = e - this._lastTime
+ , n = this._currTime += i * this.scale;
+ this._lastTime = e;
+ for (t in this._tweenDic)
+ (a = this._tweenDic[t])._updateEase(n);
+ var a;
+ if (0 != this._tweenDataList.length && this._index < this._tweenDataList.length) {
+ var r = this._tweenDataList[this._index];
+ n >= r.startTime && (this._index++,
+ 0 == r.type ? (this._gidIndex++,
+ (a = W.getItemByClass("tween", Y))._create(r.target, r.data, r.duration, r.ease, h.create(this, this._animComplete, [this._gidIndex]), 0, !1, r.isTo, !0, !1),
+ a.setStartTime(n),
+ a.gid = this._gidIndex,
+ this._tweenDic[this._gidIndex] = a,
+ a._updateEase(n)) : this.event("label", r.data))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._animComplete = function(t) {
+ this._tweenDic[t] && delete this._tweenDic[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._complete = function() {
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ ,
+ s.reset = function() {
+ var t;
+ if (this._labelDic)
+ for (t in this._labelDic)
+ delete this._labelDic[t];
+ for (t in this._tweenDic)
+ this._tweenDic[t].clear(),
+ delete this._tweenDic[t];
+ for (t in this._firstTweenDic)
+ delete this._firstTweenDic[t];
+ if (this._endTweenDataList = null,
+ this._tweenDataList && this._tweenDataList.length) {
+ var e = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ for (n = this._tweenDataList.length,
+ e = 0; e < n; e++)
+ this._tweenDataList[e] && this._tweenDataList[e].destroy()
+ }
+ this._tweenDataList.length = 0,
+ this._currTime = 0,
+ this._lastTime = 0,
+ this._startTime = 0,
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._gidIndex = 0,
+ this.scale = 1,
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._update)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function() {
+ this.reset(),
+ this._labelDic = null,
+ this._tweenDic = null,
+ this._tweenDataList = null,
+ this._firstTweenDic = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "index", function() {
+ return this._frameIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._frameIndex = t,
+ this.gotoTime(this._frameIndex / this._frameRate * 1e3)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "total", function() {
+ return this._total = Math.floor(this._startTime / 1e3 * this._frameRate),
+ this._total
+ }),
+ e.to = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ return void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ (new e).to(t, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.from = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ return void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ (new e).from(t, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ n = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.type = 0,
+ this.isTo = !0,
+ this.startTime = NaN,
+ this.endTime = NaN,
+ this.target = null,
+ this.duration = NaN,
+ this.ease = null,
+ this.data = null
+ }
+ a(t, "");
+ return t.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ this.target = null,
+ this.ease = null,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.isTo = !0,
+ this.type = 0,
+ W.recover("tweenData", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , ut = function(e) {
+ function o() {
+ this._transform = null,
+ this._tfChanged = !1,
+ this._x = 0,
+ this._y = 0,
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._repaint = 1,
+ this._mouseEnableState = 0,
+ this._zOrder = 0,
+ this._graphics = null,
+ this._renderType = 0,
+ this._optimizeScrollRect = !1,
+ this._texture = null,
+ this.mouseThrough = !1,
+ this.autoSize = !1,
+ this.hitTestPrior = !1,
+ this.viewport = null,
+ o.__super.call(this),
+ this._style = _.EMPTY
+ }
+ a(o, "laya.display.Sprite", e);
+ var l = o.prototype;
+ return i.imps(l, {
+ "laya.display.ILayout": !0
+ }),
+ l.createConchModel = function() {
+ return new ConchNode
+ }
+ ,
+ l.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this._releaseMem(),
+ e.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._style && this._style.destroy(),
+ this._transform && this._transform.destroy(),
+ this._transform = null,
+ this._style = null,
+ this._graphics = null
+ }
+ ,
+ l.updateZOrder = function() {
+ J.updateOrder(this._childs) && this.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ l.reCache = function() {
+ this._$P.cacheCanvas && (this._$P.cacheCanvas.reCache = !0),
+ this._repaint = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ l.setBounds = function(t) {
+ this._set$P("uBounds", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.getBounds = function() {
+ return this._$P.mBounds || this._set$P("mBounds", new L),
+ L._getWrapRec(this._boundPointsToParent(), this._$P.mBounds)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.getSelfBounds = function() {
+ return this._$P.uBounds ? this._$P.uBounds : (this._$P.mBounds || this._set$P("mBounds", new L),
+ L._getWrapRec(this._getBoundPointsM(!1), this._$P.mBounds))
+ }
+ ,
+ l._boundPointsToParent = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1);
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ this._style && (e = this._style._tf.translateX,
+ i = this._style._tf.translateY,
+ t = t || 0 !== this._style._tf.rotate,
+ this._style.scrollRect && (e += this._style.scrollRect.x,
+ i += this._style.scrollRect.y));
+ var n = this._getBoundPointsM(t);
+ if (!n || n.length < 1)
+ return n;
+ if (8 != n.length && (n = t ? I.scanPList(n) : L._getWrapRec(n, L.TEMP)._getBoundPoints()),
+ !this.transform)
+ return J.transPointList(n, this._x - e, this._y - i),
+ n;
+ var a = M.TEMP
+ , r = 0
+ , s = n.length;
+ for (r = 0; r < s; r += 2)
+ a.x = n[r],
+ a.y = n[r + 1],
+ this.toParentPoint(a),
+ n[r] = a.x,
+ n[r + 1] = a.y;
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ l.getGraphicBounds = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this._graphics ? this._graphics.getBounds(t) : L.TEMP.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ l._getBoundPointsM = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this._$P.uBounds)
+ return this._$P.uBounds._getBoundPoints();
+ if (this._$P.temBM || this._set$P("temBM", []),
+ this.scrollRect) {
+ var e = J.clearArray(this._$P.temBM)
+ , i = L.TEMP;
+ return i.copyFrom(this.scrollRect),
+ J.concatArray(e, i._getBoundPoints()),
+ e
+ }
+ for (var n, a, r, s = this._graphics ? this._graphics.getBoundPoints() : J.clearArray(this._$P.temBM), o = 0, l = (r = this._childs).length; o < l; o++)
+ (n = r[o])instanceof laya.display.Sprite && 1 == n.visible && (a = n._boundPointsToParent(t)) && (s = s ? J.concatArray(s, a) : a);
+ return s
+ }
+ ,
+ l.getStyle = function() {
+ return this._style === _.EMPTY && (this._style = new _),
+ this._style
+ }
+ ,
+ l.setStyle = function(t) {
+ this._style = t
+ }
+ ,
+ l._adjustTransform = function() {
+ this._tfChanged = !1;
+ var t, e = this._style._tf, i = e.scaleX, n = e.scaleY;
+ if (e.rotate || 1 !== i || 1 !== n || e.skewX || e.skewY) {
+ (t = this._transform || (this._transform = S.create())).bTransform = !0;
+ var a = .0174532922222222 * (e.rotate - e.skewX)
+ , r = .0174532922222222 * (e.rotate + e.skewY)
+ , s = Math.cos(r)
+ , o = Math.sin(r)
+ , l = Math.sin(a)
+ , h = Math.cos(a);
+ return t.a = i * s,
+ t.b = i * o,
+ t.c = -n * l,
+ t.d = n * h,
+ t.tx = t.ty = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return this._transform && this._transform.destroy(),
+ this._transform = null,
+ this._renderType &= -5,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ l.pos = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ this._x !== t || this._y !== e) {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ return this;
+ if (i) {
+ this._x = t,
+ this._y = e,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.pos(this._x, this._y);
+ var n = this._parent;
+ n && 0 === n._repaint && (n._repaint = 1,
+ n.parentRepaint()),
+ this._$P.maskParent && 0 === this._$P.maskParent._repaint && (this._$P.maskParent._repaint = 1,
+ this._$P.maskParent.parentRepaint())
+ } else
+ this.x = t,
+ this.y = e
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ l.pivot = function(t, e) {
+ return this.pivotX = t,
+ this.pivotY = e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ l.size = function(t, e) {
+ return this.width = t,
+ this.height = e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ l.scale = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1);
+ var n = this.getStyle()
+ , a = n._tf;
+ if (a.scaleX != t || a.scaleY != e) {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ return this;
+ if (i) {
+ n.setScale(t, e),
+ this._tfChanged = !0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.scale(t, e),
+ this._renderType |= 4;
+ var r = this._parent;
+ r && 0 === r._repaint && (r._repaint = 1,
+ r.parentRepaint())
+ } else
+ this.scaleX = t,
+ this.scaleY = e
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ l.skew = function(t, e) {
+ return this.skewX = t,
+ this.skewY = e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ l.render = function(t, e, i) {
+ X.spriteCount++,
+ k.renders[this._renderType]._fun(this, t, e + this._x, i + this._y),
+ this._repaint = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ l.drawToCanvas = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (A.isConchNode) {
+ var a = bt.create("2D");
+ return new B(t,e,a).ctx.setCanvasType(1),
+ this.conchModel.drawToCanvas(a.source, i, n),
+ a
+ }
+ return s.drawToCanvas(this, this._renderType, t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.customRender = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._renderType |= 1024
+ }
+ ,
+ l._applyFilters = function() {
+ if (!A.isWebGL) {
+ var t;
+ if ((t = this._$P.filters) && !(t.length < 1))
+ for (var e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)
+ t[e].action.apply(this._$P.cacheCanvas)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ l._isHaveGlowFilter = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ if (this.filters)
+ for (t = 0; t < this.filters.length; t++)
+ if (8 == this.filters[t].type)
+ return !0;
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ if (this._childs[t]._isHaveGlowFilter())
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ l.localToGlobal = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ !0 === e && (t = new M(t.x,t.y));
+ for (var n = this; n && n != i.stage; )
+ t = n.toParentPoint(t),
+ n = n.parent;
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ l.globalToLocal = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ e && (t = new M(t.x,t.y));
+ for (var n = this, a = []; n && n != i.stage; )
+ a.push(n),
+ n = n.parent;
+ for (var r = a.length - 1; r >= 0; )
+ t = (n = a[r]).fromParentPoint(t),
+ r--;
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ l.toParentPoint = function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ return t;
+ t.x -= this.pivotX,
+ t.y -= this.pivotY,
+ this.transform && this._transform.transformPoint(t),
+ t.x += this._x,
+ t.y += this._y;
+ var e = this._style.scrollRect;
+ return e && (t.x -= e.x,
+ t.y -= e.y),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ l.fromParentPoint = function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ return t;
+ t.x -= this._x,
+ t.y -= this._y;
+ var e = this._style.scrollRect;
+ return e && (t.x += e.x,
+ t.y += e.y),
+ this.transform && this._transform.invertTransformPoint(t),
+ t.x += this.pivotX,
+ t.y += this.pivotY,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ l.on = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return 1 !== this._mouseEnableState && this.isMouseEvent(t) ? (this.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this._setBit(2, !0),
+ this._parent && this._$2__onDisplay(),
+ this._createListener(t, i, n, a, !1)) : e.prototype.on.call(this, t, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.once = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return 1 !== this._mouseEnableState && this.isMouseEvent(t) ? (this.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this._setBit(2, !0),
+ this._parent && this._$2__onDisplay(),
+ this._createListener(t, i, n, a, !0)) : e.prototype.once.call(this, t, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ l._$2__onDisplay = function() {
+ if (1 !== this._mouseEnableState) {
+ var t = this;
+ for (t = t.parent; t && 1 !== t._mouseEnableState && !t._getBit(2); )
+ t.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ t._setBit(2, !0),
+ t = t.parent
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ l.loadImage = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ return void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ this.graphics.loadImage(t, e, i, n, a, function(t) {
+ s.destroyed || (s.size(e + (n || t.width), i + (a || t.height)),
+ s.repaint(),
+ r && r.runWith(t))
+ }),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ l.repaint = function() {
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.repaint && this.conchModel.repaint(),
+ 0 === this._repaint && (this._repaint = 1,
+ this.parentRepaint()),
+ this._$P && this._$P.maskParent && this._$P.maskParent.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ l._needRepaint = function() {
+ return 0 !== this._repaint && this._$P.cacheCanvas && this._$P.cacheCanvas.reCache
+ }
+ ,
+ l._childChanged = function(t) {
+ this._childs.length ? this._renderType |= 2048 : this._renderType &= -2049,
+ t && this._get$P("hasZorder") && i.timer.callLater(this, this.updateZOrder),
+ this.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ l.parentRepaint = function() {
+ var t = this._parent;
+ t && 0 === t._repaint && (t._repaint = 1,
+ t.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ ,
+ l.startDrag = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 300),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = .92),
+ this._$P.dragging || this._set$P("dragging", new G),
+ this._$P.dragging.start(this, t, e, i, n, a, r, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.stopDrag = function() {
+ this._$P.dragging && this._$P.dragging.stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ l._releaseMem = function() {
+ if (this._$P) {
+ var t = this._$P.cacheCanvas;
+ t && t.ctx && (W.recover("RenderContext", t.ctx),
+ t.ctx.canvas.size(0, 0),
+ t.ctx = null);
+ var e = this._$P._filterCache;
+ e && (e.destroy(),
+ e.recycle(),
+ this._set$P("_filterCache", null)),
+ this._$P._isHaveGlowFilter && this._set$P("_isHaveGlowFilter", !1),
+ this._$P._isHaveGlowFilter = null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ l._setDisplay = function(t) {
+ t || this._releaseMem(),
+ e.prototype._setDisplay.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.hitTestPoint = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.globalToLocal(M.TEMP.setTo(t, e));
+ t = i.x,
+ e = i.y;
+ return (this._$P.hitArea ? this._$P.hitArea : this._width > 0 && this._height > 0 ? L.TEMP.setTo(0, 0, this._width, this._height) : this.getSelfBounds()).contains(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.getMousePoint = function() {
+ return this.globalToLocal(M.TEMP.setTo(i.stage.mouseX, i.stage.mouseY))
+ }
+ ,
+ l._getWords = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ l._addChildsToLayout = function(t) {
+ var e = this._getWords();
+ if (null == e && 0 == this._childs.length)
+ return !1;
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ t.push(e[i]);
+ return this._childs.forEach(function(e, i, n) {
+ e._style._enableLayout() && e._addToLayout(t)
+ }),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ l._addToLayout = function(t) {
+ this._style.absolute || (this._style.block ? t.push(this) : this._addChildsToLayout(t) && (this.x = this.y = 0))
+ }
+ ,
+ l._isChar = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ l._getCSSStyle = function() {
+ return this._style.getCSSStyle()
+ }
+ ,
+ l._setAttributes = function(t, e) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case "x":
+ this.x = parseFloat(e);
+ break;
+ case "y":
+ this.y = parseFloat(e);
+ break;
+ case "width":
+ this.width = parseFloat(e);
+ break;
+ case "height":
+ this.height = parseFloat(e);
+ break;
+ default:
+ this[t] = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ l._layoutLater = function() {
+ this.parent && this.parent._layoutLater()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, l, "optimizeScrollRect", function() {
+ return this._optimizeScrollRect
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._optimizeScrollRect != t && (this._optimizeScrollRect = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.optimizeScrollRect(t))
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "customRenderEnable", null, function(t) {
+ if (t && (this._renderType |= 1024,
+ A.isConchNode)) {
+ o.CustomList.push(this);
+ var e = new bt("2d");
+ e._setContext(new CanvasRenderingContext2D),
+ this.customContext = new B(0,0,e),
+ e.context.setCanvasType && e.context.setCanvasType(2),
+ this.conchModel.custom(e.context)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "cacheAsBitmap", function() {
+ return "none" !== this.cacheAs
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.cacheAs = t ? this._$P.hasFilter ? "none" : "normal" : "none"
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "cacheAs", function() {
+ return null == this._$P.cacheCanvas ? "none" : this._$P.cacheCanvas.type
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._$P.cacheCanvas;
+ if (t !== (e ? e.type : "none")) {
+ if ("none" !== t)
+ this._getBit(1) || this._setUpNoticeType(1),
+ e || (e = this._set$P("cacheCanvas", W.getItemByClass("cacheCanvas", Object))),
+ e.type = t,
+ e.reCache = !0,
+ this._renderType |= 16,
+ "bitmap" == t && this.conchModel && this.conchModel.cacheAs(1),
+ this._set$P("cacheForFilters", !1);
+ else if (this._$P._mask)
+ ;
+ else if (this._$P.hasFilter)
+ this._set$P("cacheForFilters", !0);
+ else {
+ if (e) {
+ var i = e;
+ i && i.ctx && (W.recover("RenderContext", i.ctx),
+ i.ctx.canvas.size(0, 0),
+ i.ctx = null),
+ W.recover("cacheCanvas", e)
+ }
+ this._$P.cacheCanvas = null,
+ this._renderType &= -17,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.cacheAs(0)
+ }
+ this.repaint()
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "zOrder", function() {
+ return this._zOrder
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._zOrder != t && (this._zOrder = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.setZOrder && this.conchModel.setZOrder(t),
+ this._parent && (t && this._parent._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ i.timer.callLater(this._parent, this.updateZOrder)))
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "rotation", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.rotate
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this.getStyle();
+ if (e._tf.rotate !== t) {
+ e.setRotate(t),
+ this._tfChanged = !0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.rotate(t),
+ this._renderType |= 4;
+ var i = this._parent;
+ i && 0 === i._repaint && (i._repaint = 1,
+ i.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "width", function() {
+ return this.autoSize ? this.getSelfBounds().width : this._width
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._width !== t && (this._width = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.size(t, this._height),
+ this.repaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "x", function() {
+ return this._x
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._x !== t) {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ return;
+ this._x = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.pos(t, this._y);
+ var e = this._parent;
+ e && 0 === e._repaint && (e._repaint = 1,
+ e.parentRepaint()),
+ this._$P.maskParent && 0 === this._$P.maskParent._repaint && (this._$P.maskParent._repaint = 1,
+ this._$P.maskParent.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "globalScaleY", function() {
+ for (var t = 1, e = this; e && e !== i.stage; )
+ t *= e.scaleY,
+ e = e.parent;
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "hitArea", function() {
+ return this._$P.hitArea
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._set$P("hitArea", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "staticCache", function() {
+ return this._$P.staticCache
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._set$P("staticCache", t),
+ t || this.reCache()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "texture", function() {
+ return this._texture
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._texture != t && (this._texture = t,
+ this.graphics.cleanByTexture(t, 0, 0))
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "y", function() {
+ return this._y
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._y !== t) {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ return;
+ this._y = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.pos(this._x, t);
+ var e = this._parent;
+ e && 0 === e._repaint && (e._repaint = 1,
+ e.parentRepaint()),
+ this._$P.maskParent && 0 === this._$P.maskParent._repaint && (this._$P.maskParent._repaint = 1,
+ this._$P.maskParent.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "height", function() {
+ return this.autoSize ? this.getSelfBounds().height : this._height
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._height !== t && (this._height = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.size(this._width, t),
+ this.repaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "blendMode", function() {
+ return this._style.blendMode
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.getStyle().blendMode = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.blendMode(t),
+ t && "source-over" != t ? this._renderType |= 8 : this._renderType &= -9,
+ this.parentRepaint()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "scaleX", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.scaleX
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this.getStyle();
+ if (e._tf.scaleX !== t) {
+ e.setScaleX(t),
+ this._tfChanged = !0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.scale(t, e._tf.scaleY),
+ this._renderType |= 4;
+ var i = this._parent;
+ i && 0 === i._repaint && (i._repaint = 1,
+ i.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "scaleY", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.scaleY
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this.getStyle();
+ if (e._tf.scaleY !== t) {
+ e.setScaleY(t),
+ this._tfChanged = !0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.scale(e._tf.scaleX, t),
+ this._renderType |= 4;
+ var i = this._parent;
+ i && 0 === i._repaint && (i._repaint = 1,
+ i.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "stage", function() {
+ return i.stage
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "skewX", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.skewX
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this.getStyle();
+ if (e._tf.skewX !== t) {
+ e.setSkewX(t),
+ this._tfChanged = !0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.skew(t, e._tf.skewY),
+ this._renderType |= 4;
+ var i = this._parent;
+ i && 0 === i._repaint && (i._repaint = 1,
+ i.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "scrollRect", function() {
+ return this._style.scrollRect
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.getStyle().scrollRect = t,
+ this.repaint(),
+ t ? (this._renderType |= 128,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.scrollRect(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height)) : (this._renderType &= -129,
+ this.conchModel && (o.RUNTIMEVERION < "0.9.1" ? this.conchModel.removeType(64) : this.conchModel.removeType(128)))
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "skewY", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.skewY
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this.getStyle();
+ if (e._tf.skewY !== t) {
+ e.setSkewY(t),
+ this._tfChanged = !0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.skew(e._tf.skewX, t),
+ this._renderType |= 4;
+ var i = this._parent;
+ i && 0 === i._repaint && (i._repaint = 1,
+ i.parentRepaint())
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "transform", function() {
+ return this._tfChanged ? this._adjustTransform() : this._transform
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tfChanged = !1,
+ this._transform = t,
+ t && (this._x = t.tx,
+ this._y = t.ty,
+ t.tx = t.ty = 0,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.transform(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, this._x, this._y)),
+ t ? this._renderType |= 4 : (this._renderType &= -5,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeType(4)),
+ this.parentRepaint()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "pivotX", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.translateX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.getStyle().setTranslateX(t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.pivot(t, this._style._tf.translateY),
+ this.repaint()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "pivotY", function() {
+ return this._style._tf.translateY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.getStyle().setTranslateY(t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.pivot(this._style._tf.translateX, t),
+ this.repaint()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "alpha", function() {
+ return this._style.alpha
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._style && this._style.alpha !== t && (t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ this.getStyle().alpha = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.alpha(t),
+ 1 !== t ? this._renderType |= 2 : this._renderType &= -3,
+ this.parentRepaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "visible", function() {
+ return this._style.visible
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._style && this._style.visible !== t && (this.getStyle().visible = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.visible(t),
+ this.parentRepaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "graphics", function() {
+ return this._graphics || (this.graphics = s.createGraphics())
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._graphics && (this._graphics._sp = null),
+ this._graphics = t,
+ t ? (this._renderType &= -2,
+ this._renderType |= 512,
+ t._sp = this,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.graphics(this._graphics)) : (this._renderType &= -513,
+ this._renderType &= -2,
+ this.conchModel && (o.RUNTIMEVERION < "0.9.1" ? this.conchModel.removeType(256) : this.conchModel.removeType(512))),
+ this.repaint()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "filters", function() {
+ return this._$P.filters
+ }, function(t) {
+ t && 0 === t.length && (t = null),
+ this._$P.filters != t && (this._set$P("filters", t ? t.slice() : null),
+ A.isConchApp && (this.conchModel && (o.RUNTIMEVERION < "0.9.1" ? this.conchModel.removeType(16) : this.conchModel.removeType(32)),
+ this._$P.filters && 1 == this._$P.filters.length && this._$P.filters[0].callNative(this)),
+ A.isWebGL && (t && t.length ? this._renderType |= 32 : this._renderType &= -33),
+ t && t.length > 0 ? (this._getBit(1) || this._setUpNoticeType(1),
+ A.isWebGL && 1 == t.length && t[0]instanceof laya.filters.ColorFilter || ("bitmap" != this.cacheAs && (A.isConchNode || (this.cacheAs = "bitmap"),
+ this._set$P("cacheForFilters", !0)),
+ this._set$P("hasFilter", !0))) : (this._set$P("hasFilter", !1),
+ this._$P.cacheForFilters && "bitmap" == this.cacheAs && (this.cacheAs = "none")),
+ this.repaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "parent", e.prototype._$get_parent, function(t) {
+ i.superSet($, this, "parent", t),
+ t && this._getBit(2) && this._$2__onDisplay()
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "mask", function() {
+ return this._$P._mask
+ }, function(t) {
+ t && this.mask && this.mask._$P.maskParent || (t ? (this.cacheAs = "bitmap",
+ this._set$P("_mask", t),
+ t._set$P("maskParent", this)) : (this.mask && this.mask._set$P("maskParent", null),
+ this._set$P("_mask", t),
+ this.cacheAs = "none"),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.mask(t ? t.conchModel : null),
+ this._renderType |= 64,
+ this.parentRepaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "mouseEnabled", function() {
+ return this._mouseEnableState > 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._mouseEnableState = t ? 2 : 1
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "globalScaleX", function() {
+ for (var t = 1, e = this; e && e !== i.stage; )
+ t *= e.scaleX,
+ e = e.parent;
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "mouseX", function() {
+ return this.getMousePoint().x
+ }),
+ r(0, l, "mouseY", function() {
+ return this.getMousePoint().y
+ }),
+ o.fromImage = function(t) {
+ return (new o).loadImage(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.CustomList = [],
+ n(o, ["RUNTIMEVERION", function() {
+ return this.RUNTIMEVERION = t.conch ? conchConfig.getRuntimeVersion().substr(conchConfig.getRuntimeVersion().lastIndexOf("-") + 1) : ""
+ }
+ ]),
+ o
+ }($)
+ , dt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._audio = null,
+ this._onEnd = null,
+ this._resumePlay = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._onEnd = J.bind(this.__onEnd, this),
+ this._resumePlay = J.bind(this.__resumePlay, this),
+ t.addEventListener("ended", this._onEnd),
+ this._audio = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.h5audio.AudioSoundChannel", it);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.__onEnd = function() {
+ if (1 == this.loops)
+ return this.completeHandler && (i.timer.once(10, this, this.__runComplete, [this.completeHandler], !1),
+ this.completeHandler = null),
+ this.stop(),
+ void this.event("complete");
+ this.loops > 0 && this.loops--,
+ this.startTime = 0,
+ this.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.__resumePlay = function() {
+ this._audio && this._audio.removeEventListener("canplay", this._resumePlay);
+ try {
+ this._audio.currentTime = this.startTime,
+ O.container.appendChild(this._audio),
+ this._audio.play()
+ } catch (t) {
+ this.event("error")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function() {
+ this.isStopped = !1;
+ try {
+ this._audio.playbackRate = T.playbackRate,
+ this._audio.currentTime = this.startTime
+ } catch (t) {
+ return void this._audio.addEventListener("canplay", this._resumePlay)
+ }
+ T.addChannel(this),
+ O.container.appendChild(this._audio),
+ "play"in this._audio && this._audio.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function() {
+ this.isStopped = !0,
+ T.removeChannel(this),
+ this.completeHandler = null,
+ this._audio && ("pause"in this._audio && A.isConchApp && this._audio.stop(),
+ this._audio.pause(),
+ this._audio.removeEventListener("ended", this._onEnd),
+ this._audio.removeEventListener("canplay", this._resumePlay),
+ O.onIE || this._audio != et._musicAudio && W.recover("audio:" + this.url, this._audio),
+ O.removeElement(this._audio),
+ this._audio = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.pause = function() {
+ this.isStopped = !0,
+ T.removeChannel(this),
+ "pause"in this._audio && this._audio.pause()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resume = function() {
+ this._audio && (this.isStopped = !1,
+ T.addChannel(this),
+ "play"in this._audio && this._audio.play())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "position", function() {
+ return this._audio ? this._audio.currentTime : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "duration", function() {
+ return this._audio ? this._audio.duration : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "volume", function() {
+ return this._audio ? this._audio.volume : 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._audio && (this._audio.volume = t)
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ft = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.audioBuffer = null,
+ this.gain = null,
+ this.bufferSource = null,
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._volume = 1,
+ this._startTime = 0,
+ this._pauseTime = 0,
+ this._onPlayEnd = null,
+ this.context = at.ctx,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._onPlayEnd = J.bind(this.__onPlayEnd, this),
+ this.context.createGain ? this.gain = this.context.createGain() : this.gain = this.context.createGainNode()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.webaudio.WebAudioSoundChannel", it);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.play = function() {
+ if (T.addChannel(this),
+ this.isStopped = !1,
+ this._clearBufferSource(),
+ this.audioBuffer) {
+ var t = this.context
+ , e = this.gain
+ , i = t.createBufferSource();
+ this.bufferSource = i,
+ i.buffer = this.audioBuffer,
+ i.connect(e),
+ e && e.disconnect(),
+ e.connect(t.destination),
+ i.onended = this._onPlayEnd,
+ this.startTime >= this.duration && (this.startTime = 0),
+ this._startTime = O.now(),
+ this.gain.gain.value = this._volume,
+ 0 == this.loops && (i.loop = !0),
+ i.playbackRate.value = T.playbackRate,
+ i.start(0, this.startTime),
+ this._currentTime = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.__onPlayEnd = function() {
+ if (1 == this.loops)
+ return this.completeHandler && (i.timer.once(10, this, this.__runComplete, [this.completeHandler], !1),
+ this.completeHandler = null),
+ this.stop(),
+ void this.event("complete");
+ this.loops > 0 && this.loops--,
+ this.startTime = 0,
+ this.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearBufferSource = function() {
+ if (this.bufferSource) {
+ var t = this.bufferSource;
+ t.stop ? t.stop(0) : t.noteOff(0),
+ t.disconnect(0),
+ t.onended = null,
+ e._tryCleanFailed || this._tryClearBuffer(t),
+ this.bufferSource = null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._tryClearBuffer = function(t) {
+ if (O.onMac)
+ try {
+ t.buffer = at._miniBuffer
+ } catch (t) {
+ e._tryCleanFailed = !0
+ }
+ else
+ try {
+ t.buffer = null
+ } catch (t) {
+ e._tryCleanFailed = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function() {
+ this._clearBufferSource(),
+ this.audioBuffer = null,
+ this.gain && this.gain.disconnect(),
+ this.isStopped = !0,
+ T.removeChannel(this),
+ this.completeHandler = null,
+ T.autoReleaseSound && i.timer.once(5e3, null, T.disposeSoundIfNotUsed, [this.url], !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.pause = function() {
+ this.isStopped || (this._pauseTime = this.position),
+ this._clearBufferSource(),
+ this.gain && this.gain.disconnect(),
+ this.isStopped = !0,
+ T.removeChannel(this),
+ T.autoReleaseSound && i.timer.once(5e3, null, T.disposeSoundIfNotUsed, [this.url], !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resume = function() {
+ this.startTime = this._pauseTime,
+ this.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "position", function() {
+ return this.bufferSource ? (O.now() - this._startTime) / 1e3 + this.startTime : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "duration", function() {
+ return this.audioBuffer ? this.audioBuffer.duration : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "volume", function() {
+ return this._volume
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.isStopped || (this._volume = t,
+ this.gain.gain.value = t)
+ }),
+ e._tryCleanFailed = !1,
+ e
+ }()
+ , pt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._w = 0,
+ this._h = 0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.resource.Bitmap", ht);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return r(0, i, "width", function() {
+ return this._w
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", function() {
+ return this._h
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "source", function() {
+ return this._source
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , mt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.loop = !1,
+ this.wrapMode = 0,
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._count = 0,
+ this._isPlaying = !1,
+ this._labels = null,
+ this._isReverse = !1,
+ this._frameRateChanged = !1,
+ this._controlNode = null,
+ this._actionName = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._interval = o.animationInterval,
+ this._setUpNoticeType(1)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.AnimationPlayerBase", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.play = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ this._isPlaying = !0,
+ this.index = "string" == typeof t ? this._getFrameByLabel(t) : t,
+ this.loop = e,
+ this._actionName = i,
+ this._isReverse = 1 == this.wrapMode,
+ this.interval > 0 && this.timerLoop(this.interval, this, this._frameLoop, null, !0, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getFrameByLabel = function(t) {
+ var e = 0;
+ for (e = 0; e < this._count; e++)
+ if (this._labels[e] && this._labels[e].indexOf(t) >= 0)
+ return e;
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._frameLoop = function() {
+ if (this._isReverse) {
+ if (this._index--,
+ this._index < 0) {
+ if (!this.loop)
+ return this._index = 0,
+ this.stop(),
+ void this.event("complete");
+ 2 == this.wrapMode ? (this._index = this._count > 0 ? 1 : 0,
+ this._isReverse = !1) : this._index = this._count - 1,
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ } else if (this._index++,
+ this._index >= this._count) {
+ if (!this.loop)
+ return this._index--,
+ this.stop(),
+ void this.event("complete");
+ 2 == this.wrapMode ? (this._index = this._count - 2 >= 0 ? this._count - 2 : 0,
+ this._isReverse = !0) : this._index = 0,
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ this.index = this._index
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setControlNode = function(t) {
+ this._controlNode && (this._controlNode.off("display", this, this._checkResumePlaying),
+ this._controlNode.off("undisplay", this, this._checkResumePlaying)),
+ this._controlNode = t,
+ t && t != this && (t.on("display", this, this._checkResumePlaying),
+ t.on("undisplay", this, this._checkResumePlaying))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setDisplay = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._setDisplay.call(this, e),
+ this._checkResumePlaying()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._checkResumePlaying = function() {
+ this._isPlaying && (this._controlNode.displayedInStage ? this.play(this._index, this.loop, this._actionName) : this.clearTimer(this, this._frameLoop))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.stop = function() {
+ this._isPlaying = !1,
+ this.clearTimer(this, this._frameLoop)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addLabel = function(t, e) {
+ this._labels || (this._labels = {}),
+ this._labels[e] || (this._labels[e] = []),
+ this._labels[e].push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeLabel = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ if (this._labels)
+ for (var e in this._labels)
+ this._removeLabelFromLabelList(this._labels[e], t)
+ } else
+ this._labels = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i._removeLabelFromLabelList = function(t, e) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ t[i] == e && t.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.gotoAndStop = function(t) {
+ this.index = "string" == typeof t ? this._getFrameByLabel(t) : t,
+ this.stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._displayToIndex = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ this.stop(),
+ this._labels = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "interval", function() {
+ return this._interval
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._interval != t && (this._frameRateChanged = !0,
+ this._interval = t,
+ this._isPlaying && t > 0 && this.timerLoop(t, this, this._frameLoop, null, !0, !0))
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "isPlaying", function() {
+ return this._isPlaying
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "index", function() {
+ return this._index
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._index = t,
+ this._displayToIndex(t),
+ this._labels && this._labels[t])
+ for (var e = this._labels[t], i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ this.event("label", e[i])
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "count", function() {
+ return this._count
+ }),
+ e
+ }(ut)
+ , gt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._clipPoint = null,
+ this._currBitmapFont = null,
+ this._text = null,
+ this._isChanged = !1,
+ this._isColorChanged = !1,
+ this._textWidth = 0,
+ this._textHeight = 0,
+ this._lines = [],
+ this._lineWidths = [],
+ this._startX = NaN,
+ this._startY = NaN,
+ this._lastVisibleLineIndex = -1,
+ this._words = null,
+ this._charSize = {},
+ this.underline = !1,
+ this._underlineColor = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.overflow = e.VISIBLE,
+ this._style = new tt(this),
+ this._style.wordWrap = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.Text", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._lines = null,
+ this._words && (this._words.length = 0,
+ this._words = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getBoundPointsM = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1);
+ var e = L.TEMP;
+ return e.setTo(0, 0, this.width, this.height),
+ e._getBoundPoints()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getGraphicBounds = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1);
+ var e = L.TEMP;
+ return e.setTo(0, 0, this.width, this.height),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getCSSStyle = function() {
+ return this._style
+ }
+ ,
+ s.lang = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ if (t = e.langPacks && e.langPacks[t] ? e.langPacks[t] : t,
+ arguments.length < 2)
+ this._text = t;
+ else {
+ for (var u = 0, d = arguments.length; u < d; u++)
+ t = t.replace("{" + u + "}", arguments[u + 1]);
+ this._text = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._isPassWordMode = function() {
+ var t = this._style.password;
+ return "prompt"in this && this.prompt == this._text && (t = !1),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getPassWordTxt = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ e = "";
+ for (var i = t.length; i > 0; i--)
+ e += "●";
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ s.renderText = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.graphics;
+ i.clear(!0);
+ var n = (this.italic ? "italic " : "") + (this.bold ? "bold " : "") + this.fontSize + "px " + (O.onIPhone ? laya.display.Text._fontFamilyMap[this.font] || this.font : this.font);
+ O.context.font = n;
+ var a = this.padding
+ , r = a[3]
+ , s = "left"
+ , o = this._lines
+ , l = this.leading + this._charSize.height
+ , h = this._currBitmapFont;
+ h && (l = this.leading + h.getMaxHeight());
+ var c = a[0];
+ if (!h && this._width > 0 && this._textWidth <= this._width && ("right" == this.align ? (s = "right",
+ r = this._width - a[1]) : "center" == this.align && (s = "center",
+ r = .5 * this._width + a[3] - a[1])),
+ this._height > 0) {
+ var _ = this._textHeight > this._height ? "top" : this.valign;
+ "middle" === _ ? c = .5 * (this._height - e * l) + a[0] - a[2] : "bottom" === _ && (c = this._height - e * l - a[2])
+ }
+ var u = this._style;
+ if (h && h.autoScaleSize)
+ var d = h.fontSize / this.fontSize;
+ if (this._clipPoint)
+ if (i.save(),
+ h && h.autoScaleSize) {
+ var f = 0
+ , p = 0;
+ f = this._width ? this._width - a[3] - a[1] : this._textWidth,
+ p = this._height ? this._height - a[0] - a[2] : this._textHeight,
+ f *= d,
+ p *= d,
+ i.clipRect(a[3], a[0], f, p)
+ } else
+ i.clipRect(a[3], a[0], this._width ? this._width - a[3] - a[1] : this._textWidth, this._height ? this._height - a[0] - a[2] : this._textHeight);
+ var m = u.password;
+ "prompt"in this && this.prompt == this._text && (m = !1);
+ for (var g = 0, y = 0, v = Math.min(this._lines.length, e + t) || 1, b = t; b < v; b++) {
+ var w, x = o[b];
+ if (m) {
+ var I = x.length;
+ x = "";
+ for (var C = I; C > 0; C--)
+ x += "●"
+ }
+ if (g = r - (this._clipPoint ? this._clipPoint.x : 0),
+ y = c + l * b - (this._clipPoint ? this._clipPoint.y : 0),
+ this.underline && this.drawUnderline(s, g, y, b),
+ h) {
+ var S = this.width;
+ h.autoScaleSize && (S = this.width * d),
+ h.drawText(x, this, g, y, this.align, S)
+ } else
+ A.isWebGL ? (this._words || (this._words = []),
+ (w = this._words.length > b - t ? this._words[b - t] : new Q).setText(x)) : w = x,
+ u.stroke ? i.fillBorderText(w, g, y, n, this.color, u.strokeColor, u.stroke, s) : i.fillText(w, g, y, n, this.color, s)
+ }
+ if (h && h.autoScaleSize) {
+ var M = 1 / d;
+ this.scale(M, M)
+ }
+ this._clipPoint && i.restore(),
+ this._startX = r,
+ this._startY = c
+ }
+ ,
+ s.drawUnderline = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._lineWidths[n];
+ switch (t) {
+ case "center":
+ e -= a / 2;
+ break;
+ case "right":
+ e -= a
+ }
+ i += this._charSize.height,
+ this._graphics.drawLine(e, i, e + a, i, this.underlineColor || this.color, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.typeset = function() {
+ if (this._isChanged = !1,
+ this._isColorChanged && (this._isColorChanged = !1,
+ this._currBitmapFont)) {
+ var t = parseInt(this.color.substring(1), 16)
+ , i = new lt([((16711680 & t) >> 16) / 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((65280 & t) >> 8) / 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (255 & t) / 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
+ this.filters = [i]
+ }
+ if (!this._text)
+ return this._clipPoint = null,
+ this._textWidth = this._textHeight = 0,
+ void this.graphics.clear(!0);
+ O.context.font = this._getCSSStyle().font,
+ this._lines.length = 0,
+ this._lineWidths.length = 0,
+ this._isPassWordMode() ? this.parseLines(this._getPassWordTxt(this._text)) : this.parseLines(this._text),
+ this.evalTextSize(),
+ this.checkEnabledViewportOrNot() ? this._clipPoint || (this._clipPoint = new M(0,0)) : this._clipPoint = null;
+ var n = this._lines.length;
+ if (this.overflow != e.VISIBLE) {
+ var a = this.overflow == e.HIDDEN ? Math.floor : Math.ceil;
+ n = Math.min(n, a((this.height - this.padding[0] - this.padding[2]) / (this.leading + this._charSize.height)))
+ }
+ var r = this.scrollY / (this._charSize.height + this.leading) | 0;
+ this.renderText(r, n),
+ this.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.evalTextSize = function() {
+ var t = NaN
+ , e = NaN;
+ t = Math.max.apply(this, this._lineWidths),
+ e = this._currBitmapFont ? this._lines.length * (this._currBitmapFont.getMaxHeight() + this.leading) + this.padding[0] + this.padding[2] : this._lines.length * (this._charSize.height + this.leading) + this.padding[0] + this.padding[2],
+ t == this._textWidth && e == this._textHeight || (this._textWidth = t,
+ this._textHeight = e,
+ this._width && this._height || this.conchModel && this.conchModel.size(this._width || this._textWidth, this._height || this._textHeight))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.checkEnabledViewportOrNot = function() {
+ return this.overflow == e.SCROLL && (this._width > 0 && this._textWidth > this._width || this._height > 0 && this._textHeight > this._height)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.changeText = function(t) {
+ this._text !== t && (this.lang(t + ""),
+ this._graphics && this._graphics.replaceText(this._text) || this.typeset())
+ }
+ ,
+ s.parseLines = function(t) {
+ var i = this.wordWrap || this.overflow == e.HIDDEN;
+ if (i)
+ var n = this.getWordWrapWidth();
+ if (this._currBitmapFont)
+ this._charSize.width = this._currBitmapFont.getMaxWidth(),
+ this._charSize.height = this._currBitmapFont.getMaxHeight();
+ else {
+ var a = O.context.measureText(e._testWord);
+ A.isConchApp && 0 === a.width && 0 === a.height && (a = O.context.measureText("W")),
+ this._charSize.width = a.width,
+ this._charSize.height = a.height || this.fontSize
+ }
+ for (var r = t.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n"), s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s];
+ i ? this.parseLine(l, n) : (this._lineWidths.push(this.getTextWidth(l)),
+ this._lines.push(l))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.parseLine = function(t, i) {
+ O.context;
+ var n, a = this._lines, r = 0, s = NaN, o = NaN, l = 0;
+ if ((s = this.getTextWidth(t)) <= i)
+ return a.push(t),
+ void this._lineWidths.push(s);
+ s = this._charSize.width,
+ 0 == (r = Math.floor(i / s)) && (r = 1),
+ o = s = this.getTextWidth(t.substring(0, r));
+ for (var h = r, c = t.length; h < c; h++)
+ if (s = this.getTextWidth(t.charAt(h)),
+ (o += s) > i)
+ if (this.wordWrap) {
+ var _ = t.substring(l, h);
+ if (_.charCodeAt(_.length - 1) < 255 ? (n = /(?:\w|-)+$/.exec(_)) && (h = n.index + l,
+ 0 == n.index ? h += _.length : _ = t.substring(l, h)) : e.RightToLeft && (n = /([\u0600-\u06FF])+$/.exec(_)) && (h = n.index + l,
+ 0 == n.index ? h += _.length : _ = t.substring(l, h)),
+ a.push(_),
+ this._lineWidths.push(o - s),
+ l = h,
+ !(h + r < c)) {
+ a.push(t.substring(l, c)),
+ this._lineWidths.push(this.getTextWidth(a[a.length - 1])),
+ l = -1;
+ break
+ }
+ h += r,
+ o = s = this.getTextWidth(t.substring(l, h)),
+ h--
+ } else if (this.overflow == e.HIDDEN)
+ return a.push(t.substring(0, h)),
+ void this._lineWidths.push(this.getTextWidth(a[a.length - 1]));
+ this.wordWrap && -1 != l && (a.push(t.substring(l, c)),
+ this._lineWidths.push(this.getTextWidth(a[a.length - 1])))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getTextWidth = function(t) {
+ return this._currBitmapFont ? this._currBitmapFont.getTextWidth(t) : O.context.measureText(t).width
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getWordWrapWidth = function() {
+ var t = this.padding
+ , e = NaN;
+ return (e = this._currBitmapFont && this._currBitmapFont.autoScaleSize ? this._width * (this._currBitmapFont.fontSize / this.fontSize) : this._width) <= 0 && (e = this.wordWrap ? 100 : O.width),
+ e <= 0 && (e = 100),
+ e - t[3] - t[1]
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getCharPoint = function(t, e) {
+ this._isChanged && i.timer.runCallLater(this, this.typeset);
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._lines, r = 0, s = 0, o = a.length; s < o; s++) {
+ if (n += a[s].length,
+ t < n) {
+ var l = s;
+ break
+ }
+ r = n
+ }
+ var h = (this.italic ? "italic " : "") + (this.bold ? "bold " : "") + this.fontSize + "px " + this.font;
+ O.context.font = h;
+ var c = this.getTextWidth(this._text.substring(r, t));
+ return (e || new M).setTo(this._startX + c - (this._clipPoint ? this._clipPoint.x : 0), this._startY + l * (this._charSize.height + this.leading) - (this._clipPoint ? this._clipPoint.y : 0))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "width", function() {
+ return this._width ? this._width : this.textWidth + this.padding[1] + this.padding[3]
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._width && (i.superSet(ut, this, "width", t),
+ this.isChanged = !0)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "textWidth", function() {
+ return this._isChanged && i.timer.runCallLater(this, this.typeset),
+ this._textWidth
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "height", function() {
+ return this._height ? this._height : this.textHeight + this.padding[0] + this.padding[2]
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._height && (i.superSet(ut, this, "height", t),
+ this.isChanged = !0)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "textHeight", function() {
+ return this._isChanged && i.timer.runCallLater(this, this.typeset),
+ this._textHeight
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "padding", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().padding
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().padding = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "bold", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().bold
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().bold = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "text", function() {
+ return this._text || ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._text !== t && (this.lang(t + ""),
+ this.isChanged = !0,
+ this.event("change"))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "color", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().color
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().color != t && (this._getCSSStyle().color = t,
+ this._isChanged || !this._graphics || this._currBitmapFont ? (this.isChanged = !0,
+ this._isColorChanged = !0) : this._graphics.replaceTextColor(this.color))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "font", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().fontFamily
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._currBitmapFont && (this._currBitmapFont = null,
+ this.scale(1, 1)),
+ e._bitmapFonts && e._bitmapFonts[t] && (this._currBitmapFont = e._bitmapFonts[t]),
+ this._getCSSStyle().fontFamily = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "fontSize", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().fontSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().fontSize = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "italic", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().italic
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().italic = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "align", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().align
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().align = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "valign", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().valign
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().valign = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "wordWrap", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().wordWrap
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().wordWrap = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "leading", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().leading
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().leading = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "bgColor", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().backgroundColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().backgroundColor = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "borderColor", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().borderColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().borderColor = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "stroke", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().stroke
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().stroke = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "strokeColor", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().strokeColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().strokeColor = t,
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "isChanged", null, function(t) {
+ this._isChanged !== t && (this._isChanged = t,
+ t && i.timer.callLater(this, this.typeset))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "scrollX", function() {
+ return this._clipPoint ? this._clipPoint.x : 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (!(this.overflow != e.SCROLL || this.textWidth < this._width) && this._clipPoint) {
+ t = t < this.padding[3] ? this.padding[3] : t;
+ var i = this._textWidth - this._width;
+ t = t > i ? i : t;
+ var n = this._height / (this._charSize.height + this.leading) | 1;
+ this._clipPoint.x = t,
+ this.renderText(this._lastVisibleLineIndex, n)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "scrollY", function() {
+ return this._clipPoint ? this._clipPoint.y : 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (!(this.overflow != e.SCROLL || this.textHeight < this._height) && this._clipPoint) {
+ t = t < this.padding[0] ? this.padding[0] : t;
+ var i = this._textHeight - this._height
+ , n = (t = t > i ? i : t) / (this._charSize.height + this.leading) | 0;
+ this._lastVisibleLineIndex = n;
+ var a = 1 + (this._height / (this._charSize.height + this.leading) | 0);
+ this._clipPoint.y = t,
+ this.renderText(n, a)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "maxScrollX", function() {
+ return this.textWidth < this._width ? 0 : this._textWidth - this._width
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "maxScrollY", function() {
+ return this.textHeight < this._height ? 0 : this._textHeight - this._height
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "lines", function() {
+ return this._isChanged && this.typeset(),
+ this._lines
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "underlineColor", function() {
+ return this._underlineColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._underlineColor = t,
+ this._isChanged = !0,
+ this.typeset()
+ }),
+ e.registerBitmapFont = function(t, i) {
+ e._bitmapFonts || (e._bitmapFonts = {}),
+ e._bitmapFonts[t] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.unregisterBitmapFont = function(t, i) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ e._bitmapFonts && e._bitmapFonts[t]) {
+ var n = e._bitmapFonts[t];
+ i && n.destroy(),
+ delete e._bitmapFonts[t]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTextRightToLeft = function() {
+ var t;
+ (t = O.canvas.source.style).display = "none",
+ t.position = "absolute",
+ t.direction = "rtl",
+ A._mainCanvas.source.style.direction = "rtl",
+ laya.display.Text.RightToLeft = !0,
+ O.document.body.appendChild(O.canvas.source)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.supportFont = function(t) {
+ O.context.font = "10px sans-serif";
+ var e = O.context.measureText("abcji").width;
+ O.context.font = "10px " + t;
+ var i = O.context.measureText("abcji").width;
+ return console.log(e, i),
+ e !== i
+ }
+ ,
+ e._testWord = "游",
+ e.langPacks = null,
+ e.VISIBLE = "visible",
+ e.SCROLL = "scroll",
+ e.HIDDEN = "hidden",
+ e.CharacterCache = !0,
+ e.RightToLeft = !1,
+ e._bitmapFonts = null,
+ n(e, ["_fontFamilyMap", function() {
+ return this._fontFamilyMap = {
+ "报隶": "报隶-简",
+ "黑体": "黑体-简",
+ "楷体": "楷体-简",
+ "兰亭黑": "兰亭黑-简",
+ "隶变": "隶变-简",
+ "凌慧体": "凌慧体-简",
+ "翩翩体": "翩翩体-简",
+ "苹方": "苹方-简",
+ "手札体": "手札体-简",
+ "宋体": "宋体-简",
+ "娃娃体": "娃娃体-简",
+ "魏碑": "魏碑-简",
+ "行楷": "行楷-简",
+ "雅痞": "雅痞-简",
+ "圆体": "圆体-简"
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(ut)
+ , yt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.focus = null,
+ this.designWidth = 0,
+ this.designHeight = 0,
+ this.canvasRotation = !1,
+ this.canvasDegree = 0,
+ this.renderingEnabled = !0,
+ this.screenAdaptationEnabled = !0,
+ this._screenMode = "none",
+ this._scaleMode = "noscale",
+ this._alignV = "top",
+ this._alignH = "left",
+ this._bgColor = "black",
+ this._mouseMoveTime = 0,
+ this._renderCount = 0,
+ this._frameStartTime = NaN,
+ this._isFocused = !1,
+ this._isVisibility = !1,
+ this._scenes = null,
+ this._frameRate = "fast",
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.offset = new M,
+ this._canvasTransform = new S,
+ this._previousOrientation = O.window.orientation;
+ var t = this;
+ this.transform = S.create(),
+ this._scenes = [],
+ this.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.hitTestPrior = !0,
+ this.autoSize = !1,
+ this._displayedInStage = !0,
+ this._isFocused = !0,
+ this._isVisibility = !0;
+ var i = O.window
+ , n = this;
+ i.addEventListener("focus", function() {
+ t._isFocused = !0,
+ n.event("focus"),
+ n.event("focuschange")
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("blur", function() {
+ t._isFocused = !1,
+ n.event("blur"),
+ n.event("focuschange"),
+ n._isInputting() && (xt.inputElement.target.focus = !1)
+ });
+ var a = "visibilityState"
+ , r = "visibilitychange"
+ , s = i.document;
+ void 0 !== s.hidden ? (r = "visibilitychange",
+ a = "visibilityState") : void 0 !== s.mozHidden ? (r = "mozvisibilitychange",
+ a = "mozVisibilityState") : void 0 !== s.msHidden ? (r = "msvisibilitychange",
+ a = "msVisibilityState") : void 0 !== s.webkitHidden && (r = "webkitvisibilitychange",
+ a = "webkitVisibilityState"),
+ i.document.addEventListener(r, function() {
+ "hidden" == O.document[a] ? n._setStageVisible(!1) : n._setStageVisible(!0)
+ }),
+ i.document.addEventListener("qbrowserVisibilityChange", function(t) {
+ n._setStageVisible(!t.hidden)
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("resize", function() {
+ var e = O.window.orientation;
+ null != e && e != t._previousOrientation && n._isInputting() && (xt.inputElement.target.focus = !1),
+ t._previousOrientation = e,
+ n._isInputting() || n._resetCanvas()
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener("orientationchange", function(t) {
+ n._resetCanvas()
+ }),
+ this.on("mousemove", this, this._onmouseMove),
+ O.onMobile && this.on("mousedown", this, this._onmouseMove)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.Stage", t);
+ var o = e.prototype;
+ return o._setStageVisible = function(t) {
+ this._isVisibility != t && (this._isVisibility = t,
+ this._isVisibility || this._isInputting() && (xt.inputElement.target.focus = !1),
+ this.event("visibilitychange"))
+ }
+ ,
+ o._isInputting = function() {
+ return O.onMobile && xt.isInputting
+ }
+ ,
+ o._changeCanvasSize = function() {
+ this.setScreenSize(O.clientWidth * O.pixelRatio, O.clientHeight * O.pixelRatio)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._resetCanvas = function() {
+ if (this.screenAdaptationEnabled) {
+ var t = A._mainCanvas;
+ t.source.style;
+ t.size(1, 1),
+ i.timer.once(100, this, this._changeCanvasSize)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setScreenSize = function(t, e) {
+ var i = !1;
+ if ("none" !== this._screenMode) {
+ if (i = (t / e < 1 ? "vertical" : "horizontal") !== this._screenMode) {
+ var n = e;
+ e = t,
+ t = n
+ }
+ }
+ this.canvasRotation = i;
+ var a = A._mainCanvas
+ , r = a.source.style
+ , o = this._canvasTransform.identity()
+ , l = this._scaleMode
+ , h = t / this.designWidth
+ , c = e / this.designHeight
+ , _ = this.designWidth
+ , u = this.designHeight
+ , d = t
+ , f = e
+ , p = O.pixelRatio;
+ switch (this._width = this.designWidth,
+ this._height = this.designHeight,
+ l) {
+ case "noscale":
+ h = c = 1,
+ d = this.designWidth,
+ f = this.designHeight;
+ break;
+ case "showall":
+ h = c = Math.min(h, c),
+ _ = d = Math.round(this.designWidth * h),
+ u = f = Math.round(this.designHeight * c);
+ break;
+ case "noborder":
+ h = c = Math.max(h, c),
+ d = Math.round(this.designWidth * h),
+ f = Math.round(this.designHeight * c);
+ break;
+ case "full":
+ h = c = 1,
+ this._width = _ = t,
+ this._height = u = e;
+ break;
+ case "fixedwidth":
+ c = h,
+ this._height = u = Math.round(e / h);
+ break;
+ case "fixedheight":
+ h = c,
+ this._width = _ = Math.round(t / c);
+ break;
+ case "fixedauto":
+ t / e < this.designWidth / this.designHeight ? (c = h,
+ this._height = u = Math.round(e / h)) : (h = c,
+ this._width = _ = Math.round(t / c))
+ }
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.size(this._width, this._height),
+ h *= this.scaleX,
+ c *= this.scaleY,
+ 1 === h && 1 === c ? this.transform.identity() : (this.transform.a = this._formatData(h / (d / _)),
+ this.transform.d = this._formatData(c / (f / u)),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.scale(this.transform.a, this.transform.d)),
+ a.size(_, u),
+ s.changeWebGLSize(_, u),
+ o.scale(d / _ / p, f / u / p),
+ "left" === this._alignH ? this.offset.x = 0 : "right" === this._alignH ? this.offset.x = (t - d) / p : this.offset.x = .5 * (t - d) / p,
+ "top" === this._alignV ? this.offset.y = 0 : "bottom" === this._alignV ? this.offset.y = (e - f) / p : this.offset.y = .5 * (e - f) / p;
+ var m = O.document.getElementById("dmm_ntgnavi");
+ m && (this.offset.y += m.getBoundingClientRect().height),
+ this.offset.x = Math.round(this.offset.x),
+ this.offset.y = Math.round(this.offset.y),
+ o.translate(this.offset.x, this.offset.y),
+ this.canvasDegree = 0,
+ i && ("horizontal" === this._screenMode ? (o.rotate(Math.PI / 2),
+ o.translate(e / p, 0),
+ this.canvasDegree = 90) : (o.rotate(-Math.PI / 2),
+ o.translate(0, t / p),
+ this.canvasDegree = -90)),
+ o.a = this._formatData(o.a),
+ o.d = this._formatData(o.d),
+ o.tx = this._formatData(o.tx),
+ o.ty = this._formatData(o.ty),
+ r.transformOrigin = r.webkitTransformOrigin = r.msTransformOrigin = r.mozTransformOrigin = r.oTransformOrigin = "0px 0px 0px",
+ r.transform = r.webkitTransform = r.msTransform = r.mozTransform = r.oTransform = "matrix(" + o.toString() + ")",
+ o.translate(parseInt(r.left) || 0, parseInt(r.top) || 0),
+ this.visible = !0,
+ this._repaint = 1,
+ this.event("resize")
+ }
+ ,
+ o._formatData = function(t) {
+ return Math.abs(t) < 1e-6 ? 0 : Math.abs(1 - t) < .001 ? t > 0 ? 1 : -1 : t
+ }
+ ,
+ o.getMousePoint = function() {
+ return M.TEMP.setTo(this.mouseX, this.mouseY)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.repaint = function() {
+ this._repaint = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.parentRepaint = function() {}
+ ,
+ o._loop = function() {
+ return this.render(A.context, 0, 0),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o._onmouseMove = function(t) {
+ this._mouseMoveTime = O.now()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.getTimeFromFrameStart = function() {
+ return O.now() - this._frameStartTime
+ }
+ ,
+ o.render = function(e, n, a) {
+ if ("sleep" === this._frameRate && !A.isConchApp) {
+ var r = O.now();
+ if (!(r - this._frameStartTime >= 1e3))
+ return;
+ this._frameStartTime = r
+ }
+ if (this._renderCount++,
+ A.isFlash && this.repaint(),
+ this._style.visible) {
+ this._frameStartTime = O.now();
+ var o = "slow" !== ("mouse" === this._frameRate ? this._frameStartTime - this._mouseMoveTime < 2e3 ? "fast" : "slow" : this._frameRate)
+ , l = this._renderCount % 2 == 0;
+ if (X.renderSlow = !o,
+ o || l || A.isConchApp) {
+ X.loopCount++,
+ y.instance.runEvent(),
+ i.timer._update(),
+ s.update3DLoop();
+ var h, c = 0, _ = 0;
+ if (A.isConchNode)
+ for (c = 0,
+ _ = this._scenes.length; c < _; c++)
+ (h = this._scenes[c]) && h._updateSceneConch();
+ else
+ for (c = 0,
+ _ = this._scenes.length; c < _; c++)
+ (h = this._scenes[c]) && h._updateScene();
+ if (A.isConchNode) {
+ var u = ut.CustomList;
+ for (c = 0,
+ _ = u.length; c < _; c++) {
+ var d = u[c];
+ d.customRender(d.customContext, 0, 0)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ A.isConchNode || this.renderingEnabled && (o || !l || A.isConchWebGL) && (A.isWebGL ? (e.clear(),
+ t.prototype.render.call(this, e, n, a),
+ X._show && X._sp && X._sp.render(e, n, a),
+ s.clear(this._bgColor),
+ s.beginFlush(),
+ e.flush(),
+ s.endFinish(),
+ K.instance && K.getInstance().endDispose()) : (s.clear(this._bgColor),
+ t.prototype.render.call(this, e, n, a),
+ X._show && X._sp && X._sp.render(e, n, a)))
+ } else
+ this._renderCount % 5 == 0 && (X.loopCount++,
+ y.instance.runEvent(),
+ i.timer._update())
+ }
+ ,
+ o._requestFullscreen = function() {
+ var t = O.document.documentElement;
+ t.requestFullscreen ? t.requestFullscreen() : t.mozRequestFullScreen ? t.mozRequestFullScreen() : t.webkitRequestFullscreen ? t.webkitRequestFullscreen() : t.msRequestFullscreen && t.msRequestFullscreen()
+ }
+ ,
+ o._fullScreenChanged = function() {
+ i.stage.event("fullscreenchange")
+ }
+ ,
+ o.exitFullscreen = function() {
+ var t = O.document;
+ t.exitFullscreen ? t.exitFullscreen() : t.mozCancelFullScreen ? t.mozCancelFullScreen() : t.webkitExitFullscreen && t.webkitExitFullscreen()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, o, "clientScaleX", function() {
+ return this._transform ? this._transform.getScaleX() : 1
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "desginHeight", function() {
+ return console.debug("desginHeight已经弃用,请使用designHeight代替"),
+ this.designHeight
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "frameRate", function() {
+ return this._frameRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._frameRate = t,
+ A.isConchApp)
+ switch (this._frameRate) {
+ case "slow":
+ O.window.conch && O.window.conchConfig.setSlowFrame && O.window.conchConfig.setSlowFrame(!0);
+ break;
+ case "fast":
+ O.window.conch && O.window.conchConfig.setSlowFrame && O.window.conchConfig.setSlowFrame(!1);
+ break;
+ case "mouse":
+ O.window.conch && O.window.conchConfig.setMouseFrame && O.window.conchConfig.setMouseFrame(2e3);
+ break;
+ case "sleep":
+ O.window.conch && O.window.conchConfig.setLimitFPS && O.window.conchConfig.setLimitFPS(1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Stage:frameRate invalid.")
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "clientScaleY", function() {
+ return this._transform ? this._transform.getScaleY() : 1
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ this.designWidth = t,
+ i.superSet(ut, this, "width", t),
+ i.timer.callLater(this, this._changeCanvasSize)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "alignH", function() {
+ return this._alignH
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._alignH = t,
+ i.timer.callLater(this, this._changeCanvasSize)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "isFocused", function() {
+ return this._isFocused
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ this.designHeight = t,
+ i.superSet(ut, this, "height", t),
+ i.timer.callLater(this, this._changeCanvasSize)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "transform", function() {
+ return this._tfChanged && this._adjustTransform(),
+ this._transform = this._transform || S.create()
+ }, t.prototype._$set_transform),
+ r(0, o, "isVisibility", function() {
+ return this._isVisibility
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "desginWidth", function() {
+ return console.debug("desginWidth已经弃用,请使用designWidth代替"),
+ this.designWidth
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "scaleMode", function() {
+ return this._scaleMode
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._scaleMode = t,
+ i.timer.callLater(this, this._changeCanvasSize)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "alignV", function() {
+ return this._alignV
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._alignV = t,
+ i.timer.callLater(this, this._changeCanvasSize)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "bgColor", function() {
+ return this._bgColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bgColor = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.bgColor(t),
+ A.isWebGL && (t ? e._wgColor = H.create(t)._color : O.onMiniGame || (e._wgColor = null)),
+ O.onLimixiu ? e._wgColor = H.create(t)._color : A.canvas.style.background = t || "none"
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "mouseX", function() {
+ return Math.round(y.instance.mouseX / this.clientScaleX)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "mouseY", function() {
+ return Math.round(y.instance.mouseY / this.clientScaleY)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "screenMode", function() {
+ return this._screenMode
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._screenMode = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "visible", t.prototype._$get_visible, function(t) {
+ if (this.visible !== t) {
+ i.superSet(ut, this, "visible", t);
+ A._mainCanvas.source.style.visibility = t ? "visible" : "hidden"
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "fullScreenEnabled", null, function(t) {
+ var e = O.document
+ , i = A.canvas;
+ t ? (i.addEventListener("mousedown", this._requestFullscreen),
+ i.addEventListener("touchstart", this._requestFullscreen),
+ e.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged),
+ e.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged),
+ e.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged),
+ e.addEventListener("msfullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged)) : (i.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._requestFullscreen),
+ i.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._requestFullscreen),
+ e.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged),
+ e.removeEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged),
+ e.removeEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged),
+ e.removeEventListener("msfullscreenchange", this._fullScreenChanged))
+ }),
+ e.SCALE_NOSCALE = "noscale",
+ e.SCALE_EXACTFIT = "exactfit",
+ e.SCALE_SHOWALL = "showall",
+ e.SCALE_NOBORDER = "noborder",
+ e.SCALE_FULL = "full",
+ e.SCALE_FIXED_WIDTH = "fixedwidth",
+ e.SCALE_FIXED_HEIGHT = "fixedheight",
+ e.SCALE_FIXED_AUTO = "fixedauto",
+ e.ALIGN_LEFT = "left",
+ e.ALIGN_RIGHT = "right",
+ e.ALIGN_CENTER = "center",
+ e.ALIGN_TOP = "top",
+ e.ALIGN_MIDDLE = "middle",
+ e.ALIGN_BOTTOM = "bottom",
+ e.SCREEN_NONE = "none",
+ e.SCREEN_HORIZONTAL = "horizontal",
+ e.SCREEN_VERTICAL = "vertical",
+ e.FRAME_FAST = "fast",
+ e.FRAME_SLOW = "slow",
+ e.FRAME_MOUSE = "mouse",
+ e.FRAME_SLEEP = "sleep",
+ n(e, ["_wgColor", function() {
+ return this._wgColor = [0, 0, 0, 1]
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(ut)
+ , vt = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.url = null,
+ this._channel = null,
+ this._tar = null,
+ this._playEvents = null,
+ this._stopEvents = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.visible = !1,
+ this.on("added", this, this._onParentChange),
+ this.on("removed", this, this._onParentChange)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.media.SoundNode", ut);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._onParentChange = function() {
+ this.target = this.parent
+ }
+ ,
+ i.play = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ isNaN(t) && (t = 1),
+ this.url && (this.stop(),
+ this._channel = T.playSound(this.url, t, e))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.stop = function() {
+ this._channel && !this._channel.isStopped && this._channel.stop(),
+ this._channel = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setPlayAction = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ this[i] && t && (n ? t.on(e, this, this[i]) : t.off(e, this, this[i]))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setPlayActions = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ t && e) {
+ var a = e.split(",")
+ , r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ for (s = a.length,
+ r = 0; r < s; r++)
+ this._setPlayAction(t, a[r], i, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "playEvent", null, function(t) {
+ this._playEvents = t,
+ t && this._tar && this._setPlayActions(this._tar, t, "play")
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "target", null, function(t) {
+ this._tar && (this._setPlayActions(this._tar, this._playEvents, "play", !1),
+ this._setPlayActions(this._tar, this._stopEvents, "stop", !1)),
+ this._tar = t,
+ this._tar && (this._setPlayActions(this._tar, this._playEvents, "play", !0),
+ this._setPlayActions(this._tar, this._stopEvents, "stop", !0))
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "stopEvent", null, function(t) {
+ this._stopEvents = t,
+ t && this._tar && this._setPlayActions(this._tar, t, "stop")
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._src = null,
+ this._onload = null,
+ this._onerror = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.resource.FileBitmap", pt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return r(0, i, "src", function() {
+ return this._src
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._src = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "onload", null, function(t) {}),
+ r(0, i, "onerror", null, function(t) {}),
+ e
+ }())
+ , bt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._is2D = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this);
+ var n = this;
+ if (this._source = this,
+ "2D" === t || "AUTO" === t && !A.isWebGL) {
+ this._is2D = !0,
+ this._source = i || O.createElement("canvas"),
+ this._w = this._source.width,
+ this._h = this._source.height;
+ var a = this;
+ a.getContext = function(t, e) {
+ if (n._ctx)
+ return n._ctx;
+ var i = n._ctx = n._source.getContext(t, e);
+ return i && (i._canvas = a,
+ A.isFlash || O.onLimixiu || (i.size = function(t, e) {}
+ )),
+ i
+ }
+ }
+ this.lock = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.resource.HTMLCanvas", pt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.clear = function() {
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function() {
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.destroy(),
+ this._ctx = null,
+ laya.resource.Resource.prototype.destroy.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.release = function() {}
+ ,
+ i._setContext = function(t) {
+ this._ctx = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getContext = function(t, i) {
+ return this._ctx ? this._ctx : this._ctx = e._createContext(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getMemSize = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.size = function(t, e) {
+ (this._w != t || this._h != e || this._source && (this._source.width != t || this._source.height != e)) && (this._w = t,
+ this._h = e,
+ this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4,
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.size(t, e),
+ this._source && (this._source.height = e,
+ this._source.width = t))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getCanvas = function() {
+ return this._source
+ }
+ ,
+ i.toBase64 = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (this._source)
+ if (A.isConchApp && this._source.toBase64)
+ this._source.toBase64(t, e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = this._source.toDataURL(t, e);
+ i.call(this, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "context", function() {
+ return this._ctx
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "asBitmap", null, function(t) {}),
+ e.create = function(t, i) {
+ return new e(t,i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TYPE2D = "2D",
+ e.TYPE3D = "3D",
+ e._createContext = null,
+ e
+ }()
+ , wt = (function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ throw e.__super.call(this),
+ new Error("不允许new!")
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.resource.HTMLSubImage", pt),
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ return void 0 === l && (l = !1),
+ new e(t,i,n,a,r,s,o,l)
+ }
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._frames = null,
+ this._url = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._setControlNode(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.Animation", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ n.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this.stop(),
+ laya.display.Sprite.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._frames = null,
+ this._labels = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ i && this._setFramesFromCache(i, n),
+ this._isPlaying = !0,
+ this.index = "string" == typeof t ? this._getFrameByLabel(t) : t,
+ this.loop = e,
+ this._actionName = i,
+ this._isReverse = 1 == this.wrapMode,
+ this._frames && this.interval > 0 && this.timerLoop(this.interval, this, this._frameLoop, null, !0, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setFramesFromCache = function(t, i) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ this._url && (t = this._url + "#" + t),
+ t && e.framesMap[t]) {
+ var n;
+ return (n = e.framesMap[t])instanceof Array ? (this._frames = e.framesMap[t],
+ this._count = this._frames.length) : (n.nodeRoot && (e.framesMap[t] = this._parseGraphicAnimationByData(n),
+ n = e.framesMap[t]),
+ this._frames = n.frames,
+ this._count = this._frames.length,
+ this._frameRateChanged || (this._interval = n.interval),
+ this._labels = this._copyLabels(n.labels)),
+ !0
+ }
+ return i && console.log("ani not found:", t),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n._copyLabels = function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ return null;
+ var e;
+ e = {};
+ var i;
+ for (i in t)
+ e[i] = J.copyArray([], t[i]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n._frameLoop = function() {
+ this._style.visible && this._style.alpha > .01 && t.prototype._frameLoop.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._displayToIndex = function(t) {
+ this._frames && (this.graphics = this._frames[t])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clear = function() {
+ this.stop(),
+ this.graphics = null,
+ this._frames = null,
+ this._labels = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadImages = function(t, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ this._url = "",
+ this._setFramesFromCache(i) || (this.frames = e.framesMap[i] ? e.framesMap[i] : e.createFrames(t, i)),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadAtlas = function(t, n, a) {
+ function r(i) {
+ t === i && (s.frames = e.framesMap[a] ? e.framesMap[a] : e.createFrames(t, a),
+ n && n.run())
+ }
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ this._url = "";
+ var s = this;
+ return s._setFramesFromCache(a) || (st.getAtlas(t) ? r(t) : i.loader.load(t, h.create(null, r, [t]), null, "atlas")),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadAnimation = function(t, e, n) {
+ this._url = t;
+ return this._actionName || (this._actionName = ""),
+ this._setFramesFromCache("") ? (this._setFramesFromCache(this._actionName, !0),
+ this.index = 0,
+ e && e.run()) : !n || st.getAtlas(n) ? this._loadAnimationData(t, e, n) : i.loader.load(n, h.create(this, this._loadAnimationData, [t, e, n]), null, "atlas"),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n._loadAnimationData = function(t, n, a) {
+ function r(i) {
+ if (st.getRes(i) && t === i) {
+ var a;
+ if (e.framesMap[t + "#"])
+ o._setFramesFromCache(s._actionName, !0),
+ s.index = 0,
+ s._checkResumePlaying();
+ else {
+ var r = o._parseGraphicAnimation(st.getRes(t));
+ if (!r)
+ return;
+ var l, h = r.animationList, c = 0, _ = h.length;
+ for (c = 0; c < _; c++)
+ a = h[c],
+ e.framesMap[t + "#" + a.name] = a,
+ l || (l = a);
+ l && (e.framesMap[t + "#"] = l,
+ o._setFramesFromCache(s._actionName, !0),
+ s.index = 0),
+ s._checkResumePlaying()
+ }
+ n && n.run()
+ }
+ }
+ var s = this;
+ if (!a || st.getAtlas(a)) {
+ var o = this;
+ st.getRes(t) ? r(t) : i.loader.load(t, h.create(null, r, [t]), null, "json"),
+ st.clearRes(t)
+ } else
+ console.warn("atlas load fail:" + a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseGraphicAnimation = function(t) {
+ return Ct.parseAnimationData(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseGraphicAnimationByData = function(t) {
+ return Ct.parseAnimationByData(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "frames", function() {
+ return this._frames
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._frames = t,
+ t && (this._count = t.length,
+ this._isPlaying ? this.play(this._index, this.loop, this._actionName) : this.index = this._index)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "autoPlay", null, function(t) {
+ t ? this.play() : this.stop()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "source", null, function(t) {
+ t.indexOf(".ani") > -1 ? this.loadAnimation(t) : t.indexOf(".json") > -1 || t.indexOf("als") > -1 || t.indexOf("atlas") > -1 ? this.loadAtlas(t) : this.loadImages(t.split(","))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "autoAnimation", null, function(t) {
+ this.play(0, !0, t, !1)
+ }),
+ e.createFrames = function(t, i) {
+ var n, a, r = 0, o = 0;
+ if ("string" == typeof t) {
+ var l = st.getAtlas(t);
+ if (l && l.length)
+ for (n = [],
+ r = 0,
+ o = l.length; r < o; r++)
+ (a = new s.createGraphics).drawTexture(st.getRes(l[r]), 0, 0),
+ n.push(a)
+ } else if (t instanceof Array)
+ for (n = [],
+ r = 0,
+ o = t.length; r < o; r++)
+ (a = new s.createGraphics).loadImage(t[r], 0, 0),
+ n.push(a);
+ return i && (e.framesMap[i] = n),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearCache = function(t) {
+ var i, n = e.framesMap, a = t + "#";
+ for (i in n)
+ i !== t && 0 != i.indexOf(a) || delete e.framesMap[i]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.framesMap = {}
+ }(mt),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._targetDic = null,
+ this._animationData = null,
+ this._animationNewFrames = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ null == e._sortIndexFun && (e._sortIndexFun = C.sortByKey("index", !1, !0))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.FrameAnimation", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._setUp = function(t, e) {
+ for (var n = "fast" == i.stage.frameRate ? 60 : 30, a = n / e.frameRate, r = 0; r < e.nodes.length; r++) {
+ var s = e.nodes[r].keyframes;
+ for (var o in s)
+ for (var l = s[o], h = 0; h < l.length; h++)
+ l[h].index = Math.floor(l[h].index * a + .5)
+ }
+ this._labels = null,
+ this._animationNewFrames = null,
+ this._targetDic = t,
+ this._animationData = e,
+ this.interval = 1e3 / n,
+ e.parsed ? (this._count = e.count,
+ this._labels = e.labels,
+ this._animationNewFrames = e.animationNewFrames) : (this._animationNewFrames = [],
+ this._calculateDatas()),
+ e.parsed = !0,
+ e.labels = this._labels,
+ e.count = this._count,
+ e.animationNewFrames = this._animationNewFrames
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clear = function() {
+ t.prototype.clear.call(this),
+ this._targetDic = null,
+ this._animationData = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._displayToIndex = function(t) {
+ if (this._animationData) {
+ t < 0 && (t = 0),
+ t > this._count && (t = this._count);
+ var e = this._animationData.nodes
+ , i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ this._displayNodeToFrame(e[i], t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._displayNodeToFrame = function(t, e, i) {
+ i || (i = this._targetDic);
+ var n = i[t.target];
+ if (n) {
+ var a, r, s, o = t.frames, l = t.keys, h = 0, c = l.length;
+ for (h = 0; h < c; h++)
+ s = (r = o[a = l[h]]).length > e ? r[e] : r[r.length - 1],
+ n[a] = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculateDatas = function() {
+ if (this._animationData) {
+ var t, e = this._animationData.nodes, i = 0, n = e.length;
+ for (this._count = 0,
+ i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ t = e[i],
+ this._calculateNodeKeyFrames(t);
+ this._count += 1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculateNodeKeyFrames = function(t) {
+ var i, n, a = t.keyframes, r = t.target;
+ t.frames || (t.frames = {}),
+ t.keys ? t.keys.length = 0 : t.keys = [],
+ t.initValues || (t.initValues = {});
+ for (i in a)
+ n = a[i],
+ t.frames[i] || (t.frames[i] = []),
+ this._targetDic && this._targetDic[r] && (t.initValues[i] = this._targetDic[r][i]),
+ n.sort(e._sortIndexFun),
+ t.keys.push(i),
+ this._calculateNodePropFrames(n, t.frames[i], i, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resetToInitState = function() {
+ if (this._targetDic && this._animationData) {
+ var t, e, i = this._animationData.nodes, n = 0, a = i.length;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ if (t = i[n],
+ e = t.initValues) {
+ var r = this._targetDic[t.target];
+ if (r) {
+ var s;
+ for (s in e)
+ r[s] = e[s]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculateNodePropFrames = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = 0
+ , r = t.length - 1;
+ for (e.length = t[r].index + 1,
+ a = 0; a < r; a++)
+ this._dealKeyFrame(t[a]),
+ this._calculateFrameValues(t[a], t[a + 1], e);
+ 0 == r && (e[0] = t[0].value,
+ this._animationNewFrames && (this._animationNewFrames[t[0].index] = !0)),
+ this._dealKeyFrame(t[a])
+ }
+ ,
+ n._dealKeyFrame = function(t) {
+ t.label && "" != t.label && this.addLabel(t.label, t.index)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculateFrameValues = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a = 0, r = t.index, s = e.index, o = t.value, l = e.value - t.value, h = s - r;
+ if (s > this._count && (this._count = s),
+ t.tween)
+ for (null == (n = z[t.tweenMethod]) && (n = z.linearNone),
+ a = r; a < s; a++)
+ i[a] = n(a - r, o, l, h),
+ this._animationNewFrames && (this._animationNewFrames[a] = !0);
+ else
+ for (a = r; a < s; a++)
+ i[a] = o;
+ this._animationNewFrames && (this._animationNewFrames[t.index] = !0,
+ this._animationNewFrames[e.index] = !0),
+ i[e.index] = e.value
+ }
+ ,
+ e._sortIndexFun = null,
+ e
+ }(mt))
+ , xt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._focus = !1,
+ this._multiline = !1,
+ this._editable = !0,
+ this._restrictPattern = null,
+ this._type = "text",
+ this._prompt = "",
+ this._promptColor = "#A9A9A9",
+ this._originColor = "#000000",
+ this._content = "",
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._maxChars = 1e5,
+ this._width = 100,
+ this._height = 20,
+ this.multiline = !1,
+ this.overflow = gt.SCROLL,
+ this.on("mousedown", this, this._onMouseDown),
+ this.on("undisplay", this, this._onUnDisplay)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.Input", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.setSelection = function(t, e) {
+ this.focus = !0,
+ laya.display.Input.inputElement.selectionStart = t,
+ laya.display.Input.inputElement.selectionEnd = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onUnDisplay = function(t) {
+ this.focus = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMouseDown = function(t) {
+ this.focus = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s._syncInputTransform = function() {
+ var t = this.nativeInput
+ , n = J.getTransformRelativeToWindow(this, this.padding[3], this.padding[0])
+ , a = this._width - this.padding[1] - this.padding[3]
+ , r = this._height - this.padding[0] - this.padding[2];
+ A.isConchApp ? (t.setScale(n.scaleX, n.scaleY),
+ t.setSize(a, r),
+ t.setPos(n.x, n.y)) : (e.inputContainer.style.transform = e.inputContainer.style.webkitTransform = "scale(" + n.scaleX + "," + n.scaleY + ") rotate(" + i.stage.canvasDegree + "deg)",
+ t.style.width = a + "px",
+ t.style.height = r + "px",
+ e.inputContainer.style.left = n.x + "px",
+ e.inputContainer.style.top = n.y + "px")
+ }
+ ,
+ s.select = function() {
+ this.nativeInput.select()
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setInputMethod = function() {
+ e.input.parentElement && e.inputContainer.removeChild(e.input),
+ e.area.parentElement && e.inputContainer.removeChild(e.area),
+ e.inputElement = this._multiline ? e.area : e.input,
+ e.inputContainer.appendChild(e.inputElement),
+ gt.RightToLeft && (e.inputElement.style.direction = "rtl")
+ }
+ ,
+ s._focusIn = function() {
+ laya.display.Input.isInputting = !0;
+ var t = this.nativeInput;
+ this._focus = !0;
+ var e = t.style;
+ e.whiteSpace = this.wordWrap ? "pre-wrap" : "nowrap",
+ this._setPromptColor(),
+ t.readOnly = !this._editable,
+ A.isConchApp && (t.setType(this._type),
+ t.setForbidEdit(!this._editable)),
+ t.maxLength = this._maxChars;
+ this.padding;
+ if (t.type = this._type,
+ t.value = this._content,
+ t.placeholder = this._prompt,
+ i.stage.off("keydown", this, this._onKeyDown),
+ i.stage.on("keydown", this, this._onKeyDown),
+ i.stage.focus = this,
+ this.event("focus"),
+ O.onPC && t.focus(),
+ !O.onMiniGame) {
+ this._text;
+ this._text = null
+ }
+ this.typeset(),
+ t.setColor(this._originColor),
+ t.setFontSize(this.fontSize),
+ t.setFontFace(O.onIPhone ? gt._fontFamilyMap[this.font] || this.font : this.font),
+ A.isConchApp && t.setMultiAble && t.setMultiAble(this._multiline),
+ e.lineHeight = this.leading + this.fontSize + "px",
+ e.fontStyle = this.italic ? "italic" : "normal",
+ e.fontWeight = this.bold ? "bold" : "normal",
+ e.textAlign = this.align,
+ e.padding = "0 0",
+ this._syncInputTransform(),
+ !A.isConchApp && O.onPC && i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._syncInputTransform)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setPromptColor = function() {
+ (e.promptStyleDOM = O.getElementById("promptStyle")) || ((e.promptStyleDOM = O.createElement("style")).setAttribute("id", "promptStyle"),
+ O.document.head.appendChild(e.promptStyleDOM)),
+ e.promptStyleDOM.innerText = "input::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {color:" + this._promptColor + "}input:-moz-placeholder, textarea:-moz-placeholder {color:" + this._promptColor + "}input::-moz-placeholder, textarea::-moz-placeholder {color:" + this._promptColor + "}input:-ms-input-placeholder, textarea:-ms-input-placeholder {color:" + this._promptColor + "}"
+ }
+ ,
+ s._focusOut = function() {
+ laya.display.Input.isInputting = !1,
+ this._focus = !1,
+ this._text = null,
+ this._content = this.nativeInput.value,
+ this._content ? (i.superSet(gt, this, "text", this._content),
+ i.superSet(gt, this, "color", this._originColor)) : (i.superSet(gt, this, "text", this._prompt),
+ i.superSet(gt, this, "color", this._promptColor)),
+ i.stage.off("keydown", this, this._onKeyDown),
+ i.stage.focus = null,
+ this.event("blur"),
+ A.isConchApp && this.nativeInput.blur(),
+ O.onPC && i.timer.clear(this, this._syncInputTransform)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onKeyDown = function(t) {
+ 13 === t.keyCode && (O.onMobile && !this._multiline && (this.focus = !1),
+ this.event("enter"))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.changeText = function(e) {
+ this._content = e,
+ this._focus ? (this.nativeInput.value = e || "",
+ this.event("change")) : t.prototype.changeText.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "color", t.prototype._$get_color, function(t) {
+ this._focus && this.nativeInput.setColor(t),
+ i.superSet(gt, this, "color", this._content ? t : this._promptColor),
+ this._originColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "inputElementYAdjuster", function() {
+ return console.warn("deprecated: 由于即使设置了该值,在各平台和浏览器之间也不一定一致,inputElementYAdjuster已弃用。"),
+ 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ console.warn("deprecated: 由于即使设置了该值,在各平台和浏览器之间也不一定一致,inputElementYAdjuster已弃用。")
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "multiline", function() {
+ return this._multiline
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._multiline = t,
+ this.valign = t ? "top" : "middle"
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "maxChars", function() {
+ return this._maxChars
+ }, function(t) {
+ t <= 0 && (t = 1e5),
+ this._maxChars = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "text", function() {
+ return this._focus ? this.nativeInput.value : this._content || ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(gt, this, "color", this._originColor),
+ t += "",
+ this._focus ? (this.nativeInput.value = t || "",
+ this.event("change")) : (this._multiline || (t = t.replace(/\r?\n/g, "")),
+ this._content = t,
+ t ? i.superSet(gt, this, "text", t) : (i.superSet(gt, this, "text", this._prompt),
+ i.superSet(gt, this, "color", this.promptColor)))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "nativeInput", function() {
+ return this._multiline ? e.area : e.input
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "prompt", function() {
+ return this._prompt
+ }, function(t) {
+ !this._text && t && i.superSet(gt, this, "color", this._promptColor),
+ this.promptColor = this._promptColor,
+ this._text ? i.superSet(gt, this, "text", this._text == this._prompt ? t : this._text) : i.superSet(gt, this, "text", t),
+ this._prompt = gt.langPacks && gt.langPacks[t] ? gt.langPacks[t] : t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "focus", function() {
+ return this._focus
+ }, function(t) {
+ var i = this.nativeInput;
+ this._focus !== t && (t ? (i.target ? i.target._focusOut() : this._setInputMethod(),
+ i.target = this,
+ this._focusIn()) : (i.target = null,
+ this._focusOut(),
+ O.document.body.scrollTop = 0,
+ i.blur(),
+ A.isConchApp ? i.setPos(-1e4, -1e4) : e.inputContainer.contains(i) && e.inputContainer.removeChild(i)))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "restrict", function() {
+ return this._restrictPattern ? this._restrictPattern.source : ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? ((t = "[^" + t + "]").indexOf("^^") > -1 && (t = t.replace("^^", "")),
+ this._restrictPattern = new RegExp(t,"g")) : this._restrictPattern = null
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "editable", function() {
+ return this._editable
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._editable = t,
+ A.isConchApp && e.input.setForbidEdit(!t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "promptColor", function() {
+ return this._promptColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._promptColor = t,
+ this._content || i.superSet(gt, this, "color", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().password = "password" == t,
+ this._type = t,
+ A.isConchApp && this.nativeInput.setType(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "inputElementXAdjuster", function() {
+ return console.warn("deprecated: 由于即使设置了该值,在各平台和浏览器之间也不一定一致,inputElementXAdjuster已弃用。"),
+ 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ console.warn("deprecated: 由于即使设置了该值,在各平台和浏览器之间也不一定一致,inputElementXAdjuster已弃用。")
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "asPassword", function() {
+ return this._getCSSStyle().password
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._getCSSStyle().password = t,
+ this._type = "password",
+ console.warn('deprecated: 使用type="password"替代设置asPassword, asPassword将在下次重大更新时删去'),
+ this.isChanged = !0
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e._createInputElement(),
+ O.onMobile && A.canvas.addEventListener(e.IOS_IFRAME ? O.onMiniGame ? "touchend" : "click" : "touchend", e._popupInputMethod)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._popupInputMethod = function(t) {
+ if (laya.display.Input.isInputting) {
+ laya.display.Input.inputElement.focus()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._createInputElement = function() {
+ e._initInput(e.area = O.createElement("textarea")),
+ e._initInput(e.input = O.createElement("input")),
+ (e.inputContainer = O.createElement("div")).style.position = "absolute",
+ e.inputContainer.style.zIndex = 1e5,
+ O.container.appendChild(e.inputContainer),
+ e.inputContainer.setPos = function(t, i) {
+ e.inputContainer.style.left = t + "px",
+ e.inputContainer.style.top = i + "px"
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._initInput = function(t) {
+ var i = t.style;
+ i.cssText = "position:absolute;overflow:hidden;resize:none;transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;-moz-transform-origin:0 0;-o-transform-origin:0 0;",
+ i.resize = "none",
+ i.backgroundColor = "transparent",
+ i.border = "none",
+ i.outline = "none",
+ i.zIndex = 1,
+ t.addEventListener("input", e._processInputting),
+ t.addEventListener("mousemove", e._stopEvent),
+ t.addEventListener("mousedown", e._stopEvent),
+ t.addEventListener("touchmove", e._stopEvent),
+ t.setFontFace = function(e) {
+ t.style.fontFamily = e
+ }
+ ,
+ A.isConchApp || (t.setColor = function(e) {
+ t.style.color = e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setFontSize = function(e) {
+ t.style.fontSize = e + "px"
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ e._processInputting = function(t) {
+ var e = laya.display.Input.inputElement.target;
+ if (e) {
+ var i = laya.display.Input.inputElement.value;
+ e._restrictPattern && (i = i.replace(/\u2006|\x27/g, ""),
+ e._restrictPattern.test(i) && (i = i.replace(e._restrictPattern, ""),
+ laya.display.Input.inputElement.value = i)),
+ e._text = i,
+ e.event("input")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._stopEvent = function(t) {
+ "touchmove" == t.type && t.preventDefault(),
+ t.stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TYPE_TEXT = "text",
+ e.TYPE_PASSWORD = "password",
+ e.TYPE_EMAIL = "email",
+ e.TYPE_URL = "url",
+ e.TYPE_NUMBER = "number",
+ e.TYPE_RANGE = "range",
+ e.TYPE_DATE = "date",
+ e.TYPE_MONTH = "month",
+ e.TYPE_WEEK = "week",
+ e.TYPE_TIME = "time",
+ e.TYPE_DATE_TIME = "datetime",
+ e.TYPE_DATE_TIME_LOCAL = "datetime-local",
+ e.TYPE_SEARCH = "search",
+ e.input = null,
+ e.area = null,
+ e.inputElement = null,
+ e.inputContainer = null,
+ e.confirmButton = null,
+ e.promptStyleDOM = null,
+ e.inputHeight = 45,
+ e.isInputting = !1,
+ e.stageMatrix = null,
+ n(e, ["IOS_IFRAME", function() {
+ return this.IOS_IFRAME = O.onIOS && O.window.top != O.window.self
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(gt)
+ , It = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._recreateLock = !1,
+ this._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ this._enableMerageInAtlas = !0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._init_(t, i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.resource.HTMLImage", vt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._init_ = function(t, e) {
+ this._src = t,
+ this._source = new O.window.Image,
+ e && (e.onload && (this.onload = e.onload),
+ e.onerror && (this.onerror = e.onerror),
+ e.onCreate && e.onCreate(this)),
+ 0 != t.indexOf("data:image") && (this._source.crossOrigin = ""),
+ t && (this._source.src = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if ("" === this._src)
+ throw new Error("src no null!");
+ if (this._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ this._source) {
+ if (this._recreateLock)
+ return;
+ this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4,
+ this._recreateLock = !1,
+ this.completeCreate()
+ } else {
+ this._recreateLock = !0;
+ var e = this;
+ this._source = new O.window.Image,
+ this._source.crossOrigin = "",
+ this._source.onload = function() {
+ if (e._needReleaseAgain)
+ return e._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ e._source.onload = null,
+ void (e._source = null);
+ e._source.onload = null,
+ e.memorySize = t._w * t._h * 4,
+ e._recreateLock = !1,
+ e.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._source.src = this._src
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._recreateLock && (this._needReleaseAgain = !0),
+ this._source && (this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onresize = function() {
+ this._w = this._source.width,
+ this._h = this._source.height
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "onload", null, function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._onload = t,
+ this._source && (this._source.onload = null != this._onload ? function() {
+ e.onresize(),
+ e._onload()
+ }
+ : null)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "onerror", null, function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._onerror = t,
+ this._source && (this._source.onerror = null != this._onerror ? function() {
+ e._onerror()
+ }
+ : null)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "enableMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._enableMerageInAtlas
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enableMerageInAtlas = t,
+ A.isConchApp && this._source && (this._source.enableMerageInAtlas = t)
+ }),
+ e.create = function(t, i) {
+ return new e(t,i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ct = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._target = null,
+ this._playEvents = null,
+ this._initData = {},
+ this._aniKeys = null,
+ this._effectClass = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.display.EffectAnimation", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._onOtherBegin = function(t) {
+ t != this && this.stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addEvent = function() {
+ this._target && this._playEvents && (this._setControlNode(this._target),
+ this._target.on(this._playEvents, this, this._onPlayAction))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onPlayAction = function() {
+ this.play(0, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.play = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ this._target && (this._target.event("effectanimationbegin", [this]),
+ this._recordInitData(),
+ laya.display.AnimationPlayerBase.prototype.play.call(this, t, e, i, n))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._recordInitData = function() {
+ if (this._aniKeys) {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ e = this._aniKeys.length;
+ var i;
+ for (t = 0; t < e; t++)
+ i = this._aniKeys[t],
+ this._initData[i] = this._target[i]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._displayToIndex = function(t) {
+ if (this._animationData) {
+ t < 0 && (t = 0),
+ t > this._count && (t = this._count);
+ var e = this._animationData.nodes
+ , i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (n = n > 1 ? 1 : n,
+ i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ this._displayNodeToFrame(e[i], t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._displayNodeToFrame = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (this._target) {
+ var n;
+ n = this._target;
+ var a, r, s, o, l = t.frames, h = t.keys, c = 0, _ = h.length;
+ o = t.secondFrames;
+ var u, d, f, p, m = 0;
+ for (c = 0; c < _; c++)
+ r = l[a = h[c]],
+ -1 == (m = o[a]) ? s = this._initData[a] : e < m ? (f = (d = t.keyframes[a])[0]).tween ? (null == (u = z[f.tweenMethod]) && (u = z.linearNone),
+ p = d[1],
+ s = u(e, this._initData[a], p.value - this._initData[a], p.index)) : s = this._initData[a] : s = r.length > e ? r[e] : r[r.length - 1],
+ n[a] = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateNodeKeyFrames = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._calculateNodeKeyFrames.call(this, e);
+ var i, n, a, r = e.keyframes;
+ e.target;
+ a = {},
+ e.secondFrames = a;
+ for (i in r)
+ (n = r[i]).length <= 1 ? a[i] = -1 : a[i] = n[1].index
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "target", function() {
+ return this._target
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._target && this._target.off("effectanimationbegin", this, this._onOtherBegin),
+ this._target = t,
+ this._target && this._target.on("effectanimationbegin", this, this._onOtherBegin),
+ this.addEvent()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "playEvent", null, function(t) {
+ this._playEvents = t,
+ t && this.addEvent()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "effectData", null, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e;
+ (e = t.animations) && e[0] && (this._setUp({}, e[0]),
+ e[0].nodes && e[0].nodes[0] && (this._aniKeys = e[0].nodes[0].keys))
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "effectClass", null, function(t) {
+ if (this._effectClass = F.getClass(t),
+ this._effectClass) {
+ var e;
+ if (e = this._effectClass.uiView) {
+ var i;
+ (i = e.animations) && i[0] && (this._setUp({}, i[0]),
+ i[0].nodes && i[0].nodes[0] && (this._aniKeys = i[0].nodes[0].keys))
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ e.EffectAnimationBegin = "effectanimationbegin"
+ }(wt),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.animationList = null,
+ this.animationDic = null,
+ this._nodeList = null,
+ this._nodeDefaultProps = null,
+ this._gList = null,
+ this._nodeIDAniDic = {},
+ this._rootNode = null,
+ this._nodeGDic = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ var i;
+ a(e, "laya.utils.GraphicAnimation", t);
+ var r = e.prototype;
+ return r._parseNodeList = function(t) {
+ this._nodeList || (this._nodeList = []),
+ this._nodeDefaultProps[t.compId] = t.props,
+ t.compId && this._nodeList.push(t.compId);
+ var e = t.child;
+ if (e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ this._parseNodeList(e[i])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r._calGraphicData = function(t) {
+ if (this._setUp(null, t),
+ this._createGraphicData(),
+ this._nodeIDAniDic) {
+ var e;
+ for (e in this._nodeIDAniDic)
+ this._nodeIDAniDic[e] = null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r._createGraphicData = function() {
+ var t = []
+ , e = 0
+ , i = this.count
+ , n = this._animationNewFrames;
+ n || (n = []);
+ var a;
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ !n[e] && a || (a = this._createFrameGraphic(e)),
+ t.push(a);
+ this._gList = t
+ }
+ ,
+ r._createFrameGraphic = function(t) {
+ var i = s.createGraphics();
+ return e._rootMatrix || (e._rootMatrix = new S),
+ this._updateNodeGraphic(this._rootNode, t, e._rootMatrix, i),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ r._updateNodeGraphic = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1);
+ var r, s = (r = this._nodeGDic[t.compId] = this._getNodeGraphicData(t.compId, e, this._nodeGDic[t.compId])).alpha * a;
+ if (!(s < .01)) {
+ r.resultTransform || (r.resultTransform = S.create());
+ var o;
+ o = r.resultTransform,
+ S.mul(r.transform, i, o);
+ var l;
+ r.skin && (l = this._getTextureByUrl(r.skin)) && (o._checkTransform() ? (n.drawTexture(l, 0, 0, r.width, r.height, o, s),
+ r.resultTransform = null) : n.drawTexture(l, o.tx, o.ty, r.width, r.height, null, s));
+ var h;
+ if (h = t.child) {
+ var c = 0
+ , _ = 0;
+ for (_ = h.length,
+ c = 0; c < _; c++)
+ this._updateNodeGraphic(h[c], e, o, n, s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r._updateNoChilds = function(t, e) {
+ if (t.skin) {
+ var i = this._getTextureByUrl(t.skin);
+ if (i) {
+ var n = t.transform;
+ n._checkTransform();
+ !n.bTransform ? e.drawTexture(i, n.tx, n.ty, t.width, t.height, null, t.alpha) : e.drawTexture(i, 0, 0, t.width, t.height, n.clone(), t.alpha)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r._updateNodeGraphic2 = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n;
+ if (n = this._nodeGDic[t.compId] = this._getNodeGraphicData(t.compId, e, this._nodeGDic[t.compId]),
+ t.child) {
+ var a = n.transform;
+ a._checkTransform();
+ var r = !1
+ , s = !1;
+ s = (r = !a.bTransform) && (0 != a.tx || 0 != a.ty);
+ var o = !1;
+ (o = a.bTransform || 1 != n.alpha) && i.save(),
+ 1 != n.alpha && i.alpha(n.alpha),
+ r ? s && i.translate(a.tx, a.ty) : i.transform(a.clone());
+ var l;
+ l = t.child;
+ var h;
+ if (n.skin && (h = this._getTextureByUrl(n.skin)) && i.drawTexture(h, 0, 0, n.width, n.height),
+ l) {
+ var c = 0
+ , _ = 0;
+ for (_ = l.length,
+ c = 0; c < _; c++)
+ this._updateNodeGraphic2(l[c], e, i)
+ }
+ o ? i.restore() : r ? s && i.translate(-a.tx, -a.ty) : i.transform(a.clone().invert())
+ } else
+ this._updateNoChilds(n, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ r._calculateNodeKeyFrames = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._calculateNodeKeyFrames.call(this, e),
+ this._nodeIDAniDic[e.target] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ r.getNodeDataByID = function(t) {
+ return this._nodeIDAniDic[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ r._getParams = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e._temParam;
+ r.length = i.length;
+ var s = 0
+ , o = i.length;
+ for (s = 0; s < o; s++)
+ r[s] = this._getObjVar(t, i[s][0], n, i[s][1], a);
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ r._getObjVar = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
+ var r = t[e];
+ return i >= r.length && (i = r.length - 1),
+ t[e][i]
+ }
+ return a.hasOwnProperty(e) ? a[e] : n
+ }
+ ,
+ r._getNodeGraphicData = function(t, n, a) {
+ a || (a = i.create()),
+ a.transform ? a.transform.identity() : a.transform = S.create();
+ var r = this.getNodeDataByID(t);
+ if (!r)
+ return a;
+ var s = r.frames
+ , o = this._getParams(s, e._drawTextureCmd, n, this._nodeDefaultProps[t])
+ , l = o[0]
+ , h = NaN
+ , c = NaN
+ , _ = o[5]
+ , u = o[6]
+ , d = o[13]
+ , f = o[14]
+ , p = o[7]
+ , m = o[8]
+ , g = o[9]
+ , y = o[11]
+ , v = o[12];
+ h = o[3],
+ c = o[4],
+ 0 != h && 0 != c || (l = null),
+ -1 == h && (h = 0),
+ -1 == c && (c = 0);
+ var b;
+ a.skin = l,
+ a.width = h,
+ a.height = c,
+ l && ((b = this._getTextureByUrl(l)) ? (h || (h = b.sourceWidth),
+ c || (c = b.sourceHeight)) : console.warn("lost skin:", l, ",you may load pics first")),
+ a.alpha = o[10];
+ var w;
+ w = a.transform,
+ 0 != d && (_ = d * h),
+ 0 != f && (u = f * c),
+ 0 == _ && 0 == u || w.translate(-_, -u);
+ var x = null;
+ if (g || 1 !== p || 1 !== m || y || v) {
+ (x = e._tempMt).identity(),
+ x.bTransform = !0;
+ var I = .0174532922222222 * (g - y)
+ , C = .0174532922222222 * (g + v)
+ , M = Math.cos(C)
+ , L = Math.sin(C)
+ , T = Math.sin(I)
+ , E = Math.cos(I);
+ x.a = p * M,
+ x.b = p * L,
+ x.c = -m * T,
+ x.d = m * E,
+ x.tx = x.ty = 0
+ }
+ return x && (w = S.mul(w, x, w)),
+ w.translate(o[1], o[2]),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ r._getTextureByUrl = function(t) {
+ return st.getRes(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.setAniData = function(t, i) {
+ if (t.animations) {
+ this._nodeDefaultProps = {},
+ this._nodeGDic = {},
+ this._nodeList && (this._nodeList.length = 0),
+ this._rootNode = t,
+ this._parseNodeList(t);
+ var n, a = {}, r = [], s = t.animations, o = 0, l = s.length;
+ for (o = 0; o < l; o++)
+ if (n = s[o],
+ this._labels = null,
+ (!i || i == n.name) && n) {
+ try {
+ this._calGraphicData(n)
+ } catch (t) {
+ console.warn("parse animation fail:" + n.name + ",empty animation created"),
+ this._gList = []
+ }
+ var h = {};
+ h.interval = 1e3 / n.frameRate,
+ h.frames = this._gList,
+ h.labels = this._labels,
+ h.name = n.name,
+ r.push(h),
+ a[n.name] = h
+ }
+ this.animationList = r,
+ this.animationDic = a
+ }
+ e._temParam.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r.parseByData = function(t) {
+ var e, i;
+ e = t.nodeRoot,
+ i = t.aniO,
+ delete t.nodeRoot,
+ delete t.aniO,
+ this._nodeDefaultProps = {},
+ this._nodeGDic = {},
+ this._nodeList && (this._nodeList.length = 0),
+ this._rootNode = e,
+ this._parseNodeList(e),
+ this._labels = null;
+ try {
+ this._calGraphicData(i)
+ } catch (t) {
+ console.warn("parse animation fail:" + i.name + ",empty animation created"),
+ this._gList = []
+ }
+ var n = t;
+ return n.interval = 1e3 / i.frameRate,
+ n.frames = this._gList,
+ n.labels = this._labels,
+ n.name = i.name,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ r.setUpAniData = function(t) {
+ if (t.animations) {
+ var e, i = {}, n = [], a = t.animations, r = 0, s = a.length;
+ for (r = 0; r < s; r++)
+ if (e = a[r]) {
+ var o = {};
+ o.name = e.name,
+ o.aniO = e,
+ o.nodeRoot = t,
+ n.push(o),
+ i[e.name] = o
+ }
+ this.animationList = n,
+ this.animationDic = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r._clear = function() {
+ if (this.animationList = null,
+ this.animationDic = null,
+ this._gList = null,
+ this._nodeGDic) {
+ var t, e;
+ for (t in this._nodeGDic)
+ (e = this._nodeGDic[t]) && e.recover()
+ }
+ this._nodeGDic = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.parseAnimationByData = function(t) {
+ e._I || (e._I = new e);
+ var i;
+ return i = e._I.parseByData(t),
+ e._I._clear(),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.parseAnimationData = function(t) {
+ e._I || (e._I = new e),
+ e._I.setUpAniData(t);
+ var i;
+ return i = {},
+ i.animationList = e._I.animationList,
+ i.animationDic = e._I.animationDic,
+ e._I._clear(),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e._drawTextureCmd = [["skin", null], ["x", 0], ["y", 0], ["width", -1], ["height", -1], ["pivotX", 0], ["pivotY", 0], ["scaleX", 1], ["scaleY", 1], ["rotation", 0], ["alpha", 1], ["skewX", 0], ["skewY", 0], ["anchorX", 0], ["anchorY", 0]],
+ e._temParam = [],
+ e._I = null,
+ e._rootMatrix = null,
+ n(e, ["_tempMt", function() {
+ return this._tempMt = new S
+ }
+ ]),
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ i = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.skin = null,
+ this.transform = null,
+ this.resultTransform = null,
+ this.width = NaN,
+ this.height = NaN,
+ this.alpha = 1
+ }
+ a(t, "");
+ return t.prototype.recover = function() {
+ this.skin = null,
+ this.width = 0,
+ this.height = 0,
+ this.alpha = 1,
+ this.transform && (this.transform.destroy(),
+ this.transform = null),
+ this.resultTransform && (this.resultTransform.destroy(),
+ this.resultTransform = null),
+ W.recover("GraphicNode", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function() {
+ return W.getItemByClass("GraphicNode", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(wt));
+ i.__init([l, ot, A, O, q, E, _t, Ct])
+}(window, document, Laya),
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns,
+ i.static;
+ var n = i.class;
+ i.getset,
+ i.__newvec;
+ new (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return n(t, "LayaMain"),
+ t
+ }())
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = (i.__newvec,
+ laya.utils.Browser)
+ , o = (laya.events.Event,
+ laya.events.EventDispatcher)
+ , l = laya.resource.HTMLImage
+ , h = laya.utils.Handler
+ , c = laya.display.Input
+ , _ = laya.net.Loader
+ , u = laya.net.LocalStorage
+ , d = (laya.maths.Matrix,
+ laya.renders.Render)
+ , f = laya.utils.RunDriver
+ , p = laya.media.SoundChannel
+ , m = laya.media.SoundManager
+ , g = laya.net.URL
+ , y = laya.utils.Utils
+ , v = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return a(e, "laya.wx.mini.MiniAdpter"),
+ e.getJson = function(t) {
+ return JSON.parse(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.init = function(n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ !(e._inited || (e._inited = !0,
+ (e.window = t).navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MiniGame") < 0))) {
+ e.isZiYu = a,
+ e.isPosMsgYu = n,
+ e.EnvConfig = {};
+ try {
+ laya.webgl.resource.WebGLCanvas.premulAlpha = !0
+ } catch (t) {}
+ e.isZiYu || (b.setNativeFileDir("/layaairGame"),
+ b.existDir(b.fileNativeDir, h.create(e, e.onMkdirCallBack))),
+ e.systemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync(),
+ e.window.focus = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.getUrlPath = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.window.logtime = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.window.alertTimeLog = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.window.resetShareInfo = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.window.CanvasRenderingContext2D = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = e.window.wx.createCanvas().getContext("2d").__proto__,
+ e.window.document.body.appendChild = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt = 0,
+ f.getPixelRatio = e.pixelRatio,
+ e._preCreateElement = s.createElement,
+ s.createElement = e.createElement,
+ f.createShaderCondition = e.createShaderCondition,
+ y.parseXMLFromString = e.parseXMLFromString,
+ c._createInputElement = x._createInputElement,
+ e.EnvConfig.load = _.prototype.load,
+ _.prototype.load = C.prototype.load,
+ _.prototype._loadImage = w.prototype._loadImage,
+ I.__init__(),
+ u._baseClass = I
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getUrlEncode = function(t, e) {
+ return -1 != t.indexOf(".fnt") ? "utf8" : "arraybuffer" == e ? "" : "ascii"
+ }
+ ,
+ e.downLoadFile = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = ""),
+ void 0 === n && (n = "ascii");
+ b.getFileInfo(t) ? null != i && i.runWith([0]) : b.downLoadFile(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.remove = function(t, e) {
+ b.deleteFile("", t, e, "", 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeAll = function() {
+ b.deleteAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.hasNativeFile = function(t) {
+ return b.isLocalNativeFile(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFileInfo = function(t) {
+ return b.getFileInfo(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFileList = function() {
+ return b.filesListObj
+ }
+ ,
+ e.exitMiniProgram = function() {
+ e.window.wx.exitMiniProgram()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onMkdirCallBack = function(t, e) {
+ t || (b.filesListObj = JSON.parse(e.data))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.pixelRatio = function() {
+ if (!e.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt)
+ try {
+ return e.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt = e.systemInfo.pixelRatio,
+ e.systemInfo.pixelRatio
+ } catch (t) {}
+ return e.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createElement = function(i) {
+ if ("canvas" == i) {
+ var n;
+ return 1 == e.idx ? e.isZiYu ? (n = sharedCanvas).style = {} : n = t.canvas : n = t.wx.createCanvas(),
+ e.idx++,
+ n
+ }
+ if ("textarea" == i || "input" == i)
+ return e.onCreateInput(i);
+ if ("div" == i) {
+ var a = e._preCreateElement(i);
+ return a.contains = function(t) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ a.removeChild = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ a
+ }
+ return e._preCreateElement(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onCreateInput = function(t) {
+ var i = e._preCreateElement(t);
+ return i.focus = x.wxinputFocus,
+ i.blur = x.wxinputblur,
+ i.style = {},
+ i.value = 0,
+ i.parentElement = {},
+ i.placeholder = {},
+ i.type = {},
+ i.setColor = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.setType = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.setFontFace = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.addEventListener = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.contains = function(t) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeChild = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createShaderCondition = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ return function() {
+ return e[t.replace("this.", "")]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.EnvConfig = null,
+ e.window = null,
+ e._preCreateElement = null,
+ e._inited = !1,
+ e.systemInfo = null,
+ e.isZiYu = !1,
+ e.isPosMsgYu = !1,
+ e.autoCacheFile = !0,
+ e.minClearSize = 5242880,
+ e.parseXMLFromString = function(e) {
+ var i;
+ e = e.replace(/>\s+<");
+ try {
+ i = (new t.Parser.DOMParser).parseFromString(e, "text/xml")
+ } catch (t) {
+ throw "需要引入xml解析库文件"
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.idx = 1,
+ n(e, ["nativefiles", function() {
+ return this.nativefiles = ["layaNativeDir", "wxlocal"]
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , b = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.wx.mini.MiniFileMgr"),
+ t.isLocalNativeFile = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = v.nativefiles.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (-1 != t.indexOf(v.nativefiles[e]))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFileInfo = function(e) {
+ var i = e.split("?")[0]
+ , n = t.filesListObj[i];
+ return null == n ? null : n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.read = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = "ascill"),
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = "");
+ var o;
+ o = "" == a || -1 == a.indexOf("http://") && -1 == a.indexOf("https://") ? e : t.getFileNativePath(e),
+ t.fs.readFile({
+ filePath: o,
+ encoding: i,
+ success: function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([0, t])
+ },
+ fail: function(e) {
+ e && "" != a ? t.downFiles(a, i, n, a, r, s) : null != n && n.runWith([1])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.downFiles = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = "ascii"),
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = "");
+ t.wxdown({
+ url: e,
+ success: function(e) {
+ 200 === e.statusCode && t.readFile(e.tempFilePath, i, n, a, r, s)
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ }).onProgressUpdate(function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([2, t.progress])
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.readFile = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = "ascill"),
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = ""),
+ t.fs.readFile({
+ filePath: e,
+ encoding: i,
+ success: function(s) {
+ -1 != e.indexOf("http://") || -1 != e.indexOf("https://") ? (v.autoCacheFile || r) && t.copyFile(e, a, n, i) : null != n && n.runWith([0, s])
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ t && null != n && n.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.downOtherFiles = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = ""),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ t.wxdown({
+ url: e,
+ success: function(e) {
+ 200 === e.statusCode && ((v.autoCacheFile || a) && -1 == n.indexOf("wx.qlogo.cn") ? t.copyFile(e.tempFilePath, n, i) : null != i && i.runWith([0, e.tempFilePath]))
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ null != i && i.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.downLoadFile = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === a && (a = "ascii"),
+ "image" == i || "sound" == i ? t.downOtherFiles(e, n, e, !0) : t.downFiles(e, a, n, e, !0, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.copyFile = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = "");
+ var r = e.split("/")
+ , s = r[r.length - 1]
+ , o = (i.split("?")[0],
+ t.getFileInfo(i))
+ , l = t.getFileNativePath(s)
+ , h = t.getCacheUseSize();
+ o ? o.readyUrl != i ? t.fs.getFileInfo({
+ filePath: e,
+ success: function(e) {
+ h + 4194304 + e.size >= 52428800 && (e.size > v.minClearSize && (v.minClearSize = e.size),
+ t.onClearCacheRes()),
+ t.deleteFile(s, i, n, a, e.size)
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ }) : null != n && n.runWith([0]) : t.fs.getFileInfo({
+ filePath: e,
+ success: function(r) {
+ h + 4194304 + r.size >= 52428800 && (r.size > v.minClearSize && (v.minClearSize = r.size),
+ t.onClearCacheRes()),
+ t.fs.copyFile({
+ srcPath: e,
+ destPath: l,
+ success: function(e) {
+ t.onSaveFile(i, s, !0, a, n, r.size)
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onClearCacheRes = function() {
+ var e = v.minClearSize
+ , i = [];
+ for (var n in t.filesListObj)
+ i.push(t.filesListObj[n]);
+ t.sortOn(i, "time", 16);
+ for (var a = 0, r = 1, s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = i[r];
+ if (a >= e)
+ break;
+ a += o.size,
+ t.deleteFile("", o.readyUrl)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortOn = function(t, e, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ 16 == i ? t.sort(function(t, i) {
+ return t[e] - i[e]
+ }) : 18 == i ? t.sort(function(t, i) {
+ return i[e] - t[e]
+ }) : t.sort(function(t, i) {
+ return t[e] - i[e]
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFileNativePath = function(t) {
+ return laya.wx.mini.MiniFileMgr.fileNativeDir + "/" + t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.deleteFile = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0);
+ var s = t.getFileInfo(i)
+ , o = t.getFileNativePath(s.md5);
+ t.fs.unlink({
+ filePath: o,
+ success: function(s) {
+ var o = "" != e;
+ if ("" != e) {
+ var l = t.getFileNativePath(e);
+ t.fs.copyFile({
+ srcPath: e,
+ destPath: l,
+ success: function(r) {
+ t.onSaveFile(i, e, o, a, n, r.size)
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([1, t])
+ }
+ })
+ } else
+ t.onSaveFile(i, e, o, a, n, r)
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {}
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.deleteAll = function() {
+ var e = [];
+ for (var i in t.filesListObj)
+ e.push(t.filesListObj[i]);
+ for (var n = 1, a = e.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = e[n];
+ t.deleteFile("", r.readyUrl)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onSaveFile = function(e, i, n, a, r, o) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ void 0 === o && (o = 0);
+ var l = e.split("?")[0];
+ if (null == t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize && (t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize = 0),
+ n) {
+ t.getFileNativePath(i);
+ t.filesListObj[l] = {
+ md5: i,
+ readyUrl: e,
+ size: o,
+ times: s.now(),
+ encoding: a
+ },
+ t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize = parseInt(t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize) + o,
+ t.writeFilesList(l, JSON.stringify(t.filesListObj), !0),
+ null != r && r.runWith([0])
+ } else if (t.filesListObj[l]) {
+ var h = parseInt(t.filesListObj[l].size);
+ t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize = parseInt(t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize) - h,
+ delete t.filesListObj[l],
+ t.writeFilesList(l, JSON.stringify(t.filesListObj), !1),
+ null != r && r.runWith([0])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.writeFilesList = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.fileNativeDir + "/" + t.fileListName;
+ t.fs.writeFile({
+ filePath: a,
+ encoding: "utf8",
+ data: i,
+ success: function(t) {},
+ fail: function(t) {}
+ }),
+ !v.isZiYu && v.isPosMsgYu && wx.postMessage({
+ url: e,
+ data: t.filesListObj[e],
+ isLoad: "filenative",
+ isAdd: n
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getCacheUseSize = function() {
+ return t.filesListObj && t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize ? t.filesListObj.fileUsedSize : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.existDir = function(e, i) {
+ t.fs.mkdir({
+ dirPath: e,
+ success: function(t) {
+ null != i && i.runWith([0, {
+ data: JSON.stringify({})
+ }])
+ },
+ fail: function(e) {
+ -1 != e.errMsg.indexOf("file already exists") ? t.readSync(t.fileListName, "utf8", i) : null != i && i.runWith([1, e])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.readSync = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = "ascill"),
+ void 0 === a && (a = "");
+ var r, s = t.getFileNativePath(e);
+ try {
+ r = t.fs.readFileSync(s, i),
+ null != n && n.runWith([0, {
+ data: r
+ }])
+ } catch (t) {
+ null != n && n.runWith([1])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setNativeFileDir = function(e) {
+ t.fileNativeDir = wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.filesListObj = {},
+ t.fileNativeDir = null,
+ t.fileListName = "layaairfiles.txt",
+ t.ziyuFileData = {},
+ t.loadPath = "",
+ t.NUMERIC = 16,
+ n(t, ["fs", function() {
+ return this.fs = wx.getFileSystemManager()
+ }
+ , "wxdown", function() {
+ return this.wxdown = wx.downloadFile
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , w = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.wx.mini.MiniImage");
+ return t.prototype._loadImage = function(e) {
+ if (v.isZiYu)
+ t.onCreateImage(e, this, !0);
+ else {
+ var i = !1;
+ if (b.isLocalNativeFile(e)) {
+ if (-1 != e.indexOf("http://") || -1 != e.indexOf("https://"))
+ if ("" != b.loadPath)
+ e = e.split(b.loadPath)[1];
+ else {
+ var n = "" != g.rootPath ? g.rootPath : g.basePath;
+ "" != n && (e = e.split(n)[1])
+ }
+ } else
+ i = !0,
+ e = g.formatURL(e);
+ b.getFileInfo(e) ? t.onCreateImage(e, this, !i) : -1 != e.indexOf("http://") || -1 != e.indexOf("https://") ? v.isZiYu ? t.onCreateImage(e, this, !0) : b.downOtherFiles(e, new h(t,t.onDownImgCallBack,[e, this]), e) : t.onCreateImage(e, this, !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onDownImgCallBack = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ n ? i.onError(null) : t.onCreateImage(e, i, !1, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onCreateImage = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ function a() {
+ h.onload = null,
+ h.onerror = null,
+ delete e.imgCache[t]
+ }
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = "");
+ var r;
+ if (v.autoCacheFile)
+ if (i)
+ r = t;
+ else if ("" != n)
+ r = n;
+ else {
+ var o = b.getFileInfo(t).md5;
+ r = b.getFileNativePath(o)
+ }
+ else
+ r = i ? t : n;
+ null == e.imgCache && (e.imgCache = {});
+ var h, c = function() {
+ a(),
+ e._url = g.formatURL(e._url),
+ e.onLoaded(h)
+ }, _ = function() {
+ a(),
+ e.event("error", "Load image failed")
+ };
+ "nativeimage" == e._type ? ((h = new s.window.Image).crossOrigin = "",
+ h.onload = c,
+ h.onerror = _,
+ h.src = r,
+ e.imgCache[t] = h) : new l.create(r,{
+ onload: c,
+ onerror: _,
+ onCreate: function(i) {
+ h = i,
+ e.imgCache[t] = i
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , x = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return a(e, "laya.wx.mini.MiniInput"),
+ e._createInputElement = function() {
+ c._initInput(c.area = s.createElement("textarea")),
+ c._initInput(c.input = s.createElement("input")),
+ c.inputContainer = s.createElement("div"),
+ c.inputContainer.style.position = "absolute",
+ c.inputContainer.style.zIndex = 1e5,
+ s.container.appendChild(c.inputContainer),
+ c.inputContainer.setPos = function(t, e) {
+ c.inputContainer.style.left = t + "px",
+ c.inputContainer.style.top = e + "px"
+ }
+ ,
+ i.stage.on("resize", null, e._onStageResize),
+ wx.onWindowResize && wx.onWindowResize(function(e) {
+ t.dispatchEvent && t.dispatchEvent("resize")
+ }),
+ m._soundClass = S,
+ m._musicClass = S;
+ var n = v.systemInfo.model
+ , a = v.systemInfo.system;
+ -1 != n.indexOf("iPhone") && (s.onIPhone = !0,
+ s.onIOS = !0,
+ s.onIPad = !0,
+ s.onAndroid = !1),
+ -1 == a.indexOf("Android") && -1 == a.indexOf("Adr") || (s.onAndroid = !0,
+ s.onIPhone = !1,
+ s.onIOS = !1,
+ s.onIPad = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._onStageResize = function() {
+ i.stage._canvasTransform.identity().scale(s.width / d.canvas.width / f.getPixelRatio(), s.height / d.canvas.height / f.getPixelRatio())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.wxinputFocus = function(t) {
+ var e = c.inputElement.target;
+ e && !e.editable || (v.window.wx.offKeyboardConfirm(),
+ v.window.wx.offKeyboardInput(),
+ v.window.wx.showKeyboard({
+ defaultValue: e.text,
+ maxLength: e.maxChars,
+ multiple: e.multiline,
+ confirmHold: !0,
+ confirmType: "done",
+ success: function(t) {},
+ fail: function(t) {}
+ }),
+ v.window.wx.onKeyboardConfirm(function(t) {
+ var i = t ? t.value : "";
+ e.text = i,
+ e.event("input"),
+ laya.wx.mini.MiniInput.inputEnter()
+ }),
+ v.window.wx.onKeyboardInput(function(t) {
+ var i = t ? t.value : "";
+ e.multiline || -1 == i.indexOf("\n") ? (e.text = i,
+ e.event("input")) : laya.wx.mini.MiniInput.inputEnter()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.inputEnter = function() {
+ c.inputElement.target.focus = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.wxinputblur = function() {
+ e.hideKeyboard()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.hideKeyboard = function() {
+ v.window.wx.offKeyboardConfirm(),
+ v.window.wx.offKeyboardInput(),
+ v.window.wx.hideKeyboard({
+ success: function(t) {
+ console.log("隐藏键盘")
+ },
+ fail: function(t) {
+ console.log("隐藏键盘出错:" + (t ? t.errMsg : ""))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , I = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.wx.mini.MiniLocalStorage"),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t.items = t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setItem = function(t, e) {
+ wx.setStorageSync(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getItem = function(t) {
+ return wx.getStorageSync(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setJSON = function(e, i) {
+ t.setItem(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getJSON = function(e) {
+ return t.getItem(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.removeItem = function(t) {
+ wx.removeStorageSync(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear = function() {
+ wx.clearStorageSync()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getStorageInfoSync = function() {
+ try {
+ var t = wx.getStorageInfoSync();
+ return console.log(t.keys),
+ console.log(t.currentSize),
+ console.log(t.limitSize),
+ t
+ } catch (t) {}
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.support = !0,
+ t.items = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , C = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.wx.mini.MiniLocation"),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ v.window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = t.getCurrentPosition,
+ v.window.navigator.geolocation.watchPosition = t.watchPosition,
+ v.window.navigator.geolocation.clearWatch = t.clearWatch
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getCurrentPosition = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n;
+ (n = {}).success = function(e) {
+ null != t && t(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fail = e,
+ v.window.wx.getLocation(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.watchPosition = function(e, n, a) {
+ t._curID++;
+ var r;
+ return r = {},
+ r.success = e,
+ r.error = n,
+ t._watchDic[t._curID] = r,
+ i.timer.loop(1e3, null, t._myLoop),
+ t._curID
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearWatch = function(e) {
+ delete t._watchDic[e],
+ t._hasWatch() || i.timer.clear(null, t._myLoop)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._hasWatch = function() {
+ var e;
+ for (e in t._watchDic)
+ if (t._watchDic[e])
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t._myLoop = function() {
+ t.getCurrentPosition(t._mySuccess, t._myError)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._mySuccess = function(e) {
+ var i = {};
+ i.coords = e,
+ i.timestamp = s.now();
+ var n;
+ for (n in t._watchDic)
+ t._watchDic[n].success && t._watchDic[n].success(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._myError = function(e) {
+ var i;
+ for (i in t._watchDic)
+ t._watchDic[i].error && t._watchDic[i].error(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._watchDic = {},
+ t._curID = 0
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.wx.mini.MiniAccelerator", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.on = function(i, n, a, r) {
+ return t.prototype.on.call(this, i, n, a, r),
+ e.startListen(this.onDeviceOrientationChange),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ i.off = function(i, n, a, r) {
+ return void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ this.hasListener(i) || e.stopListen(),
+ t.prototype.off.call(this, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ try {
+ var t;
+ if (!(t = laya.device.motion.Accelerator))
+ return;
+ t.prototype.on = e.prototype.on,
+ t.prototype.off = e.prototype.off
+ } catch (t) {}
+ }
+ ,
+ e.startListen = function(t) {
+ if (e._callBack = t,
+ !e._isListening) {
+ e._isListening = !0;
+ try {
+ wx.onAccelerometerChange(e.onAccelerometerChange)
+ } catch (t) {}
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.stopListen = function() {
+ e._isListening = !1;
+ try {
+ wx.stopAccelerometer({})
+ } catch (t) {}
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onAccelerometerChange = function(t) {
+ var i;
+ (i = {}).acceleration = t,
+ i.accelerationIncludingGravity = t,
+ i.rotationRate = {},
+ null != e._callBack && e._callBack(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._isListening = !1,
+ e._callBack = null
+ }(o),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.wx.mini.MiniLoader", o);
+ return e.prototype.load = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1);
+ if (this._url = t,
+ 0 === t.indexOf("data:image") ? this._type = i = "image" : this._type = i || (i = this.getTypeFromUrl(t)),
+ this._cache = n,
+ this._data = null,
+ !r && _.loadedMap[g.formatURL(t)])
+ return this._data = _.loadedMap[g.formatURL(t)],
+ this.event("progress", 1),
+ void this.event("complete", this._data);
+ if (null != _.parserMap[i])
+ return this._customParse = !0,
+ void (_.parserMap[i]instanceof laya.utils.Handler ? _.parserMap[i].runWith(this) : _.parserMap[i].call(null, this));
+ var s = v.getUrlEncode(t, i)
+ , o = y.getFileExtension(t);
+ if (-1 != e._fileTypeArr.indexOf(o))
+ v.EnvConfig.load.call(this, t, i, n, a, r);
+ else {
+ if (v.isZiYu && b.ziyuFileData[t]) {
+ var l = b.ziyuFileData[t];
+ return void this.onLoaded(l)
+ }
+ if (b.getFileInfo(t)) {
+ var c = b.getFileInfo(t);
+ c.encoding = null == c.encoding ? "ascii" : c.encoding,
+ b.readFile(t, c.encoding, new h(e,e.onReadNativeCallBack,[s, t, i, n, a, r, this]), t)
+ } else {
+ if (b.isLocalNativeFile(t))
+ return void b.read(t, s, new h(e,e.onReadNativeCallBack,[s, t, i, n, a, r, this]));
+ var u = t;
+ -1 != (t = g.formatURL(t)).indexOf("http://") || -1 != t.indexOf("https://") ? v.EnvConfig.load.call(this, u, i, n, a, r) : b.readFile(t, s, new h(e,e.onReadNativeCallBack,[s, t, i, n, a, r, this]), t)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onReadNativeCallBack = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === o && (o = 0),
+ o)
+ 1 == o && v.EnvConfig.load.call(s, e, i, n, a, r);
+ else {
+ var h;
+ h = "json" == i || "atlas" == i ? v.getJson(l.data) : "xml" == i ? y.parseXMLFromString(l.data) : l.data,
+ !v.isZiYu && v.isPosMsgYu && "arraybuffer" != i && wx.postMessage({
+ url: e,
+ data: h,
+ isLoad: "filedata"
+ }),
+ s.onLoaded(h)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_fileTypeArr", function() {
+ return this._fileTypeArr = ["png", "jpg", "bmp", "jpeg", "gif"]
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }())
+ , S = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._sound = null,
+ this.url = null,
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.readyUrl = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.wx.mini.MiniSound", o);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.load = function(t) {
+ t = g.formatURL(t),
+ this.url = t,
+ this.readyUrl = t,
+ e._audioCache[this.readyUrl] ? this.event("complete") : v.autoCacheFile && b.getFileInfo(t) ? this.onDownLoadCallBack(t, 0) : v.autoCacheFile ? b.downOtherFiles(t, h.create(this, this.onDownLoadCallBack, [t]), t) : this.onDownLoadCallBack(t, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onDownLoadCallBack = function(t, i) {
+ if (i)
+ this.event("error");
+ else {
+ var n;
+ if (v.autoCacheFile) {
+ var a = b.getFileInfo(t).md5;
+ n = b.getFileNativePath(a),
+ this._sound = e._createSound(),
+ this._sound.src = this.url = n
+ } else
+ this._sound = e._createSound(),
+ this._sound.src = t;
+ this._sound.onCanplay(e.bindToThis(this.onCanPlay, this)),
+ this._sound.onError(e.bindToThis(this.onError, this))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onError = function(t) {
+ try {
+ console.log("-----1---------------minisound-----id:" + e._id),
+ console.log(t)
+ } catch (t) {
+ console.log("-----2---------------minisound-----id:" + e._id),
+ console.log(t)
+ }
+ this.event("error"),
+ this._sound.offError(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onCanPlay = function() {
+ this.loaded = !0,
+ this.event("complete"),
+ e._audioCache[this.readyUrl] = this,
+ this._sound.offCanplay(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.play = function(t, i) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0);
+ var n;
+ if (this.url == m._tMusic ? (e._musicAudio || (e._musicAudio = e._createSound()),
+ n = e._musicAudio) : n = e._audioCache[this.readyUrl] ? e._audioCache[this.readyUrl]._sound : e._createSound(),
+ v.autoCacheFile && b.getFileInfo(this.url)) {
+ var a = b.getFileInfo(this.url).md5;
+ n.src = this.url = b.getFileNativePath(a)
+ } else
+ n.src = this.url;
+ var r = new M(n,this);
+ return r.url = this.url,
+ r.loops = i,
+ r.loop = 0 === i,
+ r.startTime = t,
+ r.play(),
+ m.addChannel(r),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.dispose = function() {
+ var t = e._audioCache[this.readyUrl];
+ t && (t.src = "",
+ t._sound && (t._sound.destroy(),
+ t._sound = null,
+ t = null),
+ delete e._audioCache[this.readyUrl])
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "duration", function() {
+ return this._sound.duration
+ }),
+ e._createSound = function() {
+ return e._id++,
+ v.window.wx.createInnerAudioContext()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.bindToThis = function(t, e) {
+ return t.bind(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._musicAudio = null,
+ e._id = 0,
+ e._audioCache = {},
+ e
+ }()
+ , M = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._audio = null,
+ this._onEnd = null,
+ this._miniSound = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._audio = t,
+ this._miniSound = i,
+ this._onEnd = e.bindToThis(this.__onEnd, this),
+ t.onEnded(this._onEnd)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.wx.mini.MiniSoundChannel", p);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.__onEnd = function() {
+ if (1 == this.loops)
+ return this.completeHandler && (i.timer.once(10, this, this.__runComplete, [this.completeHandler], !1),
+ this.completeHandler = null),
+ this.stop(),
+ void this.event("complete");
+ this.loops > 0 && this.loops--,
+ this.startTime = 0,
+ this.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function() {
+ this.isStopped = !1,
+ m.addChannel(this),
+ this._audio.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function() {
+ this.isStopped = !0,
+ m.removeChannel(this),
+ this.completeHandler = null,
+ this._audio && (this._audio.pause(),
+ this._audio.offEnded(null),
+ this._audio = null,
+ this._miniSound = null,
+ this._onEnd = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.pause = function() {
+ this.isStopped = !0,
+ this._audio.pause()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resume = function() {
+ this._audio && (this.isStopped = !1,
+ m.addChannel(this),
+ this._audio.play())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "autoplay", function() {
+ return this._audio.autoplay
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._audio.autoplay = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "position", function() {
+ return this._audio ? this._audio.currentTime : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "duration", function() {
+ return this._audio ? this._audio.duration : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "loop", function() {
+ return this._audio.loop
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._audio.loop = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "volume", function() {
+ return this._audio ? this._audio.volume : 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._audio && (this._audio.volume = t)
+ }),
+ e.bindToThis = function(t, e) {
+ return t.bind(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = i.__newvec
+ , o = laya.maths.Arith
+ , l = laya.maths.Bezier
+ , h = laya.resource.Bitmap
+ , c = laya.utils.Browser
+ , _ = laya.utils.Byte
+ , u = laya.utils.Color
+ , d = (laya.filters.ColorFilter,
+ i.Config)
+ , f = laya.resource.Context
+ , p = (laya.events.Event,
+ laya.filters.Filter)
+ , m = laya.display.Graphics
+ , g = laya.resource.HTMLCanvas
+ , y = (laya.utils.HTMLChar,
+ laya.resource.HTMLImage)
+ , v = laya.resource.HTMLSubImage
+ , b = (laya.utils.Handler,
+ laya.net.Loader,
+ laya.maths.Matrix)
+ , w = laya.maths.Point
+ , x = laya.maths.Rectangle
+ , I = laya.renders.Render
+ , C = (laya.renders.RenderContext,
+ laya.renders.RenderSprite)
+ , S = laya.resource.Resource
+ , M = laya.resource.ResourceManager
+ , L = laya.utils.RunDriver
+ , T = laya.display.Sprite
+ , E = laya.display.Stage
+ , D = laya.utils.Stat
+ , N = laya.utils.StringKey
+ , A = (laya.display.css.Style,
+ laya.system.System)
+ , B = laya.display.Text
+ , k = laya.resource.Texture
+ , R = (laya.display.css.TransformInfo,
+ laya.net.URL,
+ laya.utils.Utils)
+ , P = laya.utils.VectorGraphManager;
+ laya.utils.WordText;
+ i.interface("laya.webgl.shapes.IShape"),
+ i.interface("laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit"),
+ i.interface("laya.webgl.text.ICharSegment"),
+ i.interface("laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData"),
+ i.interface("laya.webgl.resource.IMergeAtlasBitmap"),
+ i.interface("laya.filters.IFilterActionGL", "laya.filters.IFilterAction");
+ var O = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.filters.webgl.FilterActionGL");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.filters.IFilterActionGL": !0
+ }),
+ e.setValue = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.setValueMix = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.apply3d = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.apply = function(t) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "typeMix", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , U = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.shader.ShaderValue"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , V = function() {
+ function t(t, e, n) {
+ this._atlasID = 0,
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._texCount = 0,
+ this._rowInfo = null,
+ this._cells = null,
+ this._failSize = new i,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this._cells = null,
+ this._rowInfo = null,
+ this._init(t, e),
+ this._atlasID = n
+ }
+ var e, i;
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasGrid");
+ var n = t.prototype;
+ return n.getAltasID = function() {
+ return this._atlasID
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setAltasID = function(t) {
+ t >= 0 && (this._atlasID = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addTex = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._get(e, i);
+ return 0 == n.ret ? n : (this._fill(n.x, n.y, e, i, t),
+ this._texCount++,
+ n)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._release = function() {
+ null != this._cells && (this._cells.length = 0,
+ this._cells = null),
+ this._rowInfo && (this._rowInfo.length = 0,
+ this._rowInfo = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._init = function(t, i) {
+ if (this._width = t,
+ this._height = i,
+ this._release(),
+ 0 == this._width)
+ return !1;
+ this._cells = new Uint8Array(this._width * this._height * 3),
+ this._rowInfo = s(this._height);
+ for (var n = 0; n < this._height; n++)
+ this._rowInfo[n] = new e;
+ return this._clear(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._get = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new H;
+ if (t >= this._failSize.width && e >= this._failSize.height)
+ return i;
+ for (var n = -1, a = -1, r = this._width, s = this._height, o = this._cells, l = 0; l < s; l++)
+ if (!(this._rowInfo[l].spaceCount < t))
+ for (var h = 0; h < r; ) {
+ var c = 3 * (l * r + h);
+ if (0 != o[c] || o[c + 1] < t || o[c + 2] < e)
+ h += o[c + 1];
+ else {
+ n = h,
+ a = l;
+ for (var _ = 0; _ < t; _++)
+ if (o[3 * _ + c + 2] < e) {
+ n = -1;
+ break
+ }
+ if (!(n < 0))
+ return i.ret = !0,
+ i.x = n,
+ i.y = a,
+ i;
+ h += o[c + 1]
+ }
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ n._fill = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this._width
+ , s = this._height;
+ this._check(t + i <= r && e + n <= s);
+ for (var o = e; o < n + e; ++o) {
+ this._check(this._rowInfo[o].spaceCount >= i),
+ this._rowInfo[o].spaceCount -= i;
+ for (var l = 0; l < i; l++) {
+ var h = 3 * (t + o * r + l);
+ this._check(0 == this._cells[h]),
+ this._cells[h] = a,
+ this._cells[h + 1] = i,
+ this._cells[h + 2] = n
+ }
+ }
+ if (t > 0)
+ for (o = 0; o < n; ++o) {
+ var c = 0;
+ for (l = t - 1; l >= 0 && 0 == this._cells[3 * ((e + o) * r + l)]; --l,
+ ++c)
+ ;
+ for (l = c; l > 0; --l)
+ this._cells[3 * ((e + o) * r + t - l) + 1] = l,
+ this._check(l > 0)
+ }
+ if (e > 0)
+ for (l = t; l < t + i; ++l) {
+ for (c = 0,
+ o = e - 1; o >= 0 && 0 == this._cells[3 * (l + o * r)]; --o,
+ c++)
+ ;
+ for (o = c; o > 0; --o)
+ this._cells[3 * (l + (e - o) * r) + 2] = o,
+ this._check(o > 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._check = function(t) {
+ 0 == t && console.log("xtexMerger 错误啦")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clear = function() {
+ this._texCount = 0;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._height; t++)
+ this._rowInfo[t].spaceCount = this._width;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._height; e++)
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._width; i++) {
+ var n = 3 * (e * this._width + i);
+ this._cells[n] = 0,
+ this._cells[n + 1] = this._width - i,
+ this._cells[n + 2] = this._width - e
+ }
+ this._failSize.width = this._width + 1,
+ this._failSize.height = this._height + 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init$ = function() {
+ e = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.spaceCount = 0
+ }
+ return a(t, ""),
+ t
+ }(),
+ i = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.width = 0,
+ this.height = 0
+ }
+ return a(t, ""),
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , F = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._currentAtlasCount = 0,
+ this._maxAtlaserCount = 0,
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._gridSize = 0,
+ this._gridNumX = 0,
+ this._gridNumY = 0,
+ this._init = !1,
+ this._curAtlasIndex = 0,
+ this._setAtlasParam = !1,
+ this._atlaserArray = null,
+ this._needGC = !1,
+ this._setAtlasParam = !0,
+ this._width = t,
+ this._height = e,
+ this._gridSize = i,
+ this._maxAtlaserCount = n,
+ this._gridNumX = t / i,
+ this._gridNumY = e / i,
+ this._curAtlasIndex = 0,
+ this._atlaserArray = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasResourceManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setAtlasParam = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if (1 == this._setAtlasParam)
+ return t._sid_ = 0,
+ this._width = e,
+ this._height = i,
+ this._gridSize = n,
+ this._maxAtlaserCount = a,
+ this._gridNumX = e / n,
+ this._gridNumY = i / n,
+ this._curAtlasIndex = 0,
+ this.freeAll(),
+ !0;
+ throw console.log("设置大图合集参数错误,只能在开始页面设置各种参数"),
+ -1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.pushData = function(e) {
+ var i = e.bitmap
+ , n = -1
+ , a = null
+ , r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = this._atlaserArray.length; r < s && (o = (this._curAtlasIndex + r) % s,
+ a = this._atlaserArray[o],
+ -1 == (n = a.findBitmapIsExist(i))); r++)
+ ;
+ if (-1 != n) {
+ var l = a.InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue[n];
+ return p = l[0],
+ m = l[1],
+ a.addToAtlas(e, p, m),
+ !0
+ }
+ this._setAtlasParam = !1;
+ for (var h = Math.ceil((e.bitmap.width + 2) / this._gridSize), c = Math.ceil((e.bitmap.height + 2) / this._gridSize), _ = !1, u = 0; u < 2; u++) {
+ var d = this._maxAtlaserCount;
+ for (r = 0; r < d; r++) {
+ o = (this._curAtlasIndex + r) % d,
+ this._atlaserArray.length - 1 >= o || this._atlaserArray.push(new Lt(this._gridNumX,this._gridNumY,this._width,this._height,t._sid_++));
+ var f = this._atlaserArray[o]
+ , p = 0
+ , m = 0
+ , g = f.addTex(1, h, c);
+ if (g.ret) {
+ p = g.x * this._gridSize + 1,
+ m = g.y * this._gridSize + 1,
+ i.lock = !0,
+ f.addToAtlasTexture(i, p, m),
+ f.addToAtlas(e, p, m),
+ _ = !0,
+ this._curAtlasIndex = o;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (_)
+ break;
+ this._atlaserArray.push(new Lt(this._gridNumX,this._gridNumY,this._width,this._height,t._sid_++)),
+ this._needGC = !0,
+ this.garbageCollection(),
+ this._curAtlasIndex = this._atlaserArray.length - 1
+ }
+ return _ || console.log(">>>AtlasManager pushData error"),
+ _
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addToAtlas = function(t) {
+ laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasResourceManager.instance.pushData(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.garbageCollection = function() {
+ if (!0 === this._needGC) {
+ for (var t = this._atlaserArray.length - this._maxAtlaserCount, e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ this._atlaserArray[e].dispose(),
+ console.log("AtlasResourceManager:Dispose the inner Atlas。");
+ console.log(">>>>altas garbageCollection =" + t),
+ this._atlaserArray.splice(0, t),
+ this._needGC = !1
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.freeAll = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._atlaserArray.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._atlaserArray[t].dispose();
+ this._atlaserArray.length = 0,
+ this._curAtlasIndex = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getAtlaserCount = function() {
+ return this._atlaserArray.length
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getAtlaserByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._atlaserArray[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ r(1, t, "instance", function() {
+ return t._Instance || (t._Instance = new t(laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasResourceManager.atlasTextureWidth,laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasResourceManager.atlasTextureHeight,16,laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasResourceManager.maxTextureCount)),
+ t._Instance
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "enabled", function() {
+ return d.atlasEnable
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "atlasLimitWidth", function() {
+ return t._atlasLimitWidth
+ }, function(e) {
+ t._atlasLimitWidth = e
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "atlasLimitHeight", function() {
+ return t._atlasLimitHeight
+ }, function(e) {
+ t._atlasLimitHeight = e
+ }),
+ t._enable = function() {
+ d.atlasEnable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._disable = function() {
+ d.atlasEnable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t.atlasTextureWidth = 2048,
+ t.atlasTextureHeight = 2048,
+ t.maxTextureCount = 6,
+ t.atlasLimitWidth = 512,
+ t.atlasLimitHeight = 512
+ }
+ ,
+ t._atlasLimitWidth = 0,
+ t._atlasLimitHeight = 0,
+ t.gridSize = 16,
+ t.atlasTextureWidth = 0,
+ t.atlasTextureHeight = 0,
+ t.maxTextureCount = 0,
+ t._atlasRestore = 0,
+ t._sid_ = 0,
+ t._Instance = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , H = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.x = 0,
+ this.y = 0,
+ this.ret = !1,
+ this.ret = !1,
+ this.x = 0,
+ this.y = 0
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.atlas.MergeFillInfo"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , G = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.BlendMode"),
+ t._init_ = function(e) {
+ t.fns = [t.BlendNormal, t.BlendAdd, t.BlendMultiply, t.BlendScreen, t.BlendOverlay, t.BlendLight, t.BlendMask, t.BlendDestinationOut],
+ t.targetFns = [t.BlendNormalTarget, t.BlendAddTarget, t.BlendMultiplyTarget, t.BlendScreenTarget, t.BlendOverlayTarget, t.BlendLightTarget, t.BlendMask, t.BlendDestinationOut]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendNormal = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 771)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendAdd = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 772)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendMultiply = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(774, 771)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendScreen = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendOverlay = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 769)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendLight = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendNormalTarget = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 771)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendAddTarget = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 772)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendMultiplyTarget = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(774, 771)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendScreenTarget = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendOverlayTarget = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 769)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendLightTarget = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(1, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendMask = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(0, 770)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.BlendDestinationOut = function(t) {
+ t.blendFunc(0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.activeBlendFunction = null,
+ t.NAMES = ["normal", "add", "multiply", "screen", "overlay", "light", "mask", "destination-out"],
+ t.TOINT = {
+ normal: 0,
+ add: 1,
+ multiply: 2,
+ screen: 3,
+ lighter: 1,
+ overlay: 4,
+ light: 5,
+ mask: 6,
+ "destination-out": 7
+ },
+ t.NORMAL = "normal",
+ t.ADD = "add",
+ t.MULTIPLY = "multiply",
+ t.SCREEN = "screen",
+ t.LIGHT = "light",
+ t.OVERLAY = "overlay",
+ t.DESTINATIONOUT = "destination-out",
+ t.fns = [],
+ t.targetFns = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , z = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._color = u.create("black"),
+ this.setValue(t)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.DrawStyle");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setValue = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ if ("string" == typeof t)
+ return void (this._color = u.create(t));
+ if (t instanceof laya.utils.Color)
+ return void (this._color = t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.reset = function() {
+ this._color = u.create("black")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.equal = function(t) {
+ return "string" == typeof t ? this._color.strColor === t : t instanceof laya.utils.Color && this._color.numColor === t.numColor
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toColorStr = function() {
+ return this._color.strColor
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e) {
+ if (e) {
+ var i;
+ if ("string" == typeof e ? i = u.create(e) : e instanceof laya.utils.Color && (i = e),
+ i)
+ return i._drawStyle || (i._drawStyle = new t(e))
+ }
+ return laya.webgl.canvas.DrawStyle.DEFAULT
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["DEFAULT", function() {
+ return this.DEFAULT = new t("#000000")
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , j = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._x = 0,
+ this._y = 0,
+ this.dirty = !1,
+ this.offset = 0,
+ this.count = 0,
+ this.geoStart = 0,
+ this.tempArray = [],
+ this.closePath = !1,
+ this.geomatrys = [];
+ bt.mainContext;
+ this.ib = Qt.create(35048),
+ this.vb = $t.create(5)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.Path");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.addPoint = function(t, e) {
+ this.tempArray.push(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getEndPointX = function() {
+ return this.tempArray[this.tempArray.length - 2]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getEndPointY = function() {
+ return this.tempArray[this.tempArray.length - 1]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.polygon = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s;
+ return this.geomatrys.push(this._curGeomatry = s = new Nt(t,e,i,n,a,r)),
+ n || (s.fill = !1),
+ void 0 == r && (s.borderWidth = 0),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setGeomtry = function(t) {
+ this.geomatrys.push(this._curGeomatry = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawLine = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r;
+ return this.closePath ? this.geomatrys.push(this._curGeomatry = r = new Dt(t,e,i,n,a)) : this.geomatrys.push(this._curGeomatry = r = new Et(t,e,i,n,a)),
+ r.fill = !1,
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.update = function() {
+ var t = this.ib._byteLength
+ , e = this.geomatrys.length;
+ this.offset = t;
+ for (var i = this.geoStart; i < e; i++)
+ this.geomatrys[i].getData(this.ib, this.vb, this.vb._byteLength / 20);
+ this.geoStart = e,
+ this.count = (this.ib._byteLength - t) / pt.BYTES_PIDX
+ }
+ ,
+ e.reset = function() {
+ this.vb.clear(),
+ this.ib.clear(),
+ this.offset = this.count = this.geoStart = 0,
+ this.geomatrys.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recover = function() {
+ this._curGeomatry = null,
+ this.vb.destory(),
+ this.vb = null,
+ this.ib.destory(),
+ this.ib = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , W = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveBase");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData": !0
+ }),
+ e.isSaveMark = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function(e) {
+ this._dataObj[this._valueName] = this._value,
+ t._cache[t._cache._length++] = this,
+ this._newSubmit && (e._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ e._renderKey = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._createArray = function() {
+ var t = [];
+ return t._length = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t._init = function() {
+ var e = t._namemap = {};
+ return e[1] = "ALPHA",
+ e[2] = "fillStyle",
+ e[8] = "font",
+ e[256] = "lineWidth",
+ e[512] = "strokeStyle",
+ e[8192] = "_mergeID",
+ e[1024] = e[2048] = e[4096] = [],
+ e[16384] = "textBaseline",
+ e[32768] = "textAlign",
+ e[65536] = "_nBlendType",
+ e[1048576] = "shader",
+ e[2097152] = "filters",
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.save = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if ((e._saveMark._saveuse & i) !== i) {
+ e._saveMark._saveuse |= i;
+ var r = t._cache
+ , s = r._length > 0 ? r[--r._length] : new t;
+ s._value = n[s._valueName = t._namemap[i]],
+ s._dataObj = n,
+ s._newSubmit = a;
+ var o = e._save;
+ o[o._length++] = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache = laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveBase._createArray(),
+ t._namemap = t._init(),
+ t
+ }()
+ , X = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._clipRect = new x
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveClipRect");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData": !0
+ }),
+ e.isSaveMark = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function(e) {
+ e._clipRect = this._clipSaveRect,
+ t._cache[t._cache._length++] = this,
+ this._submitScissor.submitLength = e._submits._length - this._submitScissor.submitIndex,
+ e._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ e._renderKey = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.save = function(e, i) {
+ if (131072 != (131072 & e._saveMark._saveuse)) {
+ e._saveMark._saveuse |= 131072;
+ var n = t._cache
+ , a = n._length > 0 ? n[--n._length] : new t;
+ a._clipSaveRect = e._clipRect,
+ e._clipRect = a._clipRect.copyFrom(e._clipRect),
+ a._submitScissor = i;
+ var r = e._save;
+ r[r._length++] = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_cache", function() {
+ return this._cache = W._createArray()
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , q = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._contextX = 0,
+ this._contextY = 0,
+ this._clipRect = new x,
+ this._rect = new x,
+ this._matrix = new b
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveClipRectStencil");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData": !0
+ }),
+ e.isSaveMark = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function(e) {
+ ct.restore(e, this._rect, this._saveMatrix, this._contextX, this._contextY),
+ e._clipRect = this._clipSaveRect,
+ e._curMat = this._saveMatrix,
+ e._x = this._contextX,
+ e._y = this._contextY,
+ t._cache[t._cache._length++] = this,
+ e._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE
+ }
+ ,
+ t.save = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c) {
+ if (262144 != (262144 & e._saveMark._saveuse)) {
+ e._saveMark._saveuse |= 262144;
+ var _ = t._cache
+ , u = _._length > 0 ? _[--_._length] : new t;
+ u._clipSaveRect = e._clipRect,
+ u._clipRect.setTo(o, l, h, c),
+ e._clipRect = u._clipRect,
+ u._rect.x = n,
+ u._rect.y = a,
+ u._rect.width = r,
+ u._rect.height = s,
+ u._contextX = e._x,
+ u._contextY = e._y,
+ u._saveMatrix = e._curMat,
+ e._curMat.copyTo(u._matrix),
+ e._curMat = u._matrix,
+ u._submitStencil = i;
+ var d = e._save;
+ d[d._length++] = u
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_cache", function() {
+ return this._cache = W._createArray()
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Y = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._saveuse = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveMark");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData": !0
+ }),
+ e.isSaveMark = function() {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function(e) {
+ e._saveMark = this._preSaveMark,
+ t._no[t._no._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Create = function(e) {
+ var i = t._no
+ , n = i._length > 0 ? i[--i._length] : new t;
+ return n._saveuse = 0,
+ n._preSaveMark = e._saveMark,
+ e._saveMark = n,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_no", function() {
+ return this._no = W._createArray()
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , J = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._matrix = new b
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveTransform");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData": !0
+ }),
+ e.isSaveMark = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function(e) {
+ e._curMat = this._savematrix,
+ t._no[t._no._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.save = function(e) {
+ var i = e._saveMark;
+ if (2048 != (2048 & i._saveuse)) {
+ i._saveuse |= 2048;
+ var n = t._no
+ , a = n._length > 0 ? n[--n._length] : new t;
+ a._savematrix = e._curMat,
+ e._curMat = e._curMat.copyTo(a._matrix);
+ var r = e._save;
+ r[r._length++] = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_no", function() {
+ return this._no = W._createArray()
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , K = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.canvas.save.SaveTranslate");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.canvas.save.ISaveData": !0
+ }),
+ e.isSaveMark = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.restore = function(e) {
+ e._curMat;
+ e._x = this._x,
+ e._y = this._y,
+ t._no[t._no._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.save = function(e) {
+ var i = t._no
+ , n = i._length > 0 ? i[--i._length] : new t;
+ n._x = e._x,
+ n._y = e._y;
+ var a = e._save;
+ a[a._length++] = n
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_no", function() {
+ return this._no = W._createArray()
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Z = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.target = null,
+ this.repaint = !1,
+ this._width = NaN,
+ this._height = NaN,
+ this._sp = null,
+ this._clipRect = new x
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.resource.RenderTargetMAX");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setSP = function(t) {
+ this._sp = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.size = function(t, e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this._width !== t || this._height !== e ? (this.repaint = !0,
+ this._width = t,
+ this._height = e,
+ this.target ? this.target.size(t, e) : this.target = Pt.create(t, e),
+ this.target.hasListener("recovered") || this.target.on("recovered", this, function(t) {
+ i.timer.callLater(n._sp, n._sp.repaint)
+ })) : this.target.size(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._flushToTarget = function(t, e) {
+ if (!e._destroy) {
+ var i = yt.worldScissorTest
+ , n = yt.worldClipRect;
+ yt.worldClipRect = this._clipRect,
+ this._clipRect.x = this._clipRect.y = 0,
+ this._clipRect.width = this._width,
+ this._clipRect.height = this._height,
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !1,
+ bt.mainContext.disable(3089);
+ var a = yt.worldAlpha
+ , r = yt.worldMatrix4
+ , s = yt.worldMatrix
+ , o = yt.worldFilters
+ , l = yt.worldShaderDefines;
+ if (yt.worldMatrix = b.EMPTY,
+ yt.restoreTempArray(),
+ yt.worldMatrix4 = yt.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY,
+ yt.worldAlpha = 1,
+ yt.worldFilters = null,
+ yt.worldShaderDefines = null,
+ Rt.activeShader = null,
+ e.start(),
+ d.showCanvasMark ? e.clear(0, 1, 0, .3) : e.clear(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ t.flush(),
+ e.end(),
+ Rt.activeShader = null,
+ yt.worldAlpha = a,
+ yt.worldMatrix4 = r,
+ yt.worldMatrix = s,
+ yt.worldFilters = o,
+ yt.worldShaderDefines = l,
+ yt.worldScissorTest = i,
+ i) {
+ var h = yt.height - n.y - n.height;
+ bt.mainContext.scissor(n.x, h, n.width, n.height),
+ bt.mainContext.enable(3089)
+ }
+ yt.worldClipRect = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.flush = function(t) {
+ this.repaint && (this._flushToTarget(t, this.target),
+ this.repaint = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTo = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ t.drawTexture(this.target.getTexture(), e, i, n, a, 0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ this.target && (this.target.destroy(),
+ this.target = null,
+ this._sp = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Q = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.ALPHA = 1,
+ this.shaderType = 0,
+ this.defines = new Tt
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.Shader2D");
+ return t.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ this.defines = null,
+ this.filters = null,
+ this.glTexture = null,
+ this.strokeStyle = null,
+ this.fillStyle = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/ColorFilter_ps_uniform.glsl", "uniform vec4 colorAlpha;\nuniform mat4 colorMat;"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/ColorFilter_ps_logic.glsl", "mat4 alphaMat =colorMat;\n\nalphaMat[0][3] *= gl_FragColor.a;\nalphaMat[1][3] *= gl_FragColor.a;\nalphaMat[2][3] *= gl_FragColor.a;\n\ngl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * alphaMat;\ngl_FragColor += colorAlpha/255.0*gl_FragColor.a;\n"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/GlowFilter_ps_uniform.glsl", "uniform vec4 u_color;\nuniform float u_strength;\nuniform float u_blurX;\nuniform float u_blurY;\nuniform float u_offsetX;\nuniform float u_offsetY;\nuniform float u_textW;\nuniform float u_textH;"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/GlowFilter_ps_logic.glsl", "const float c_IterationTime = 10.0;\nfloat floatIterationTotalTime = c_IterationTime * c_IterationTime;\nvec4 vec4Color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\nvec2 vec2FilterDir = vec2(-(u_offsetX)/u_textW,-(u_offsetY)/u_textH);\nvec2 vec2FilterOff = vec2(u_blurX/u_textW/c_IterationTime * 2.0,u_blurY/u_textH/c_IterationTime * 2.0);\nfloat maxNum = u_blurX * u_blurY;\nvec2 vec2Off = vec2(0.0,0.0);\nfloat floatOff = c_IterationTime/2.0;\nfor(float i = 0.0;i<=c_IterationTime; ++i){\n\tfor(float j = 0.0;j<=c_IterationTime; ++j){\n\t\tvec2Off = vec2(vec2FilterOff.x * (i - floatOff),vec2FilterOff.y * (j - floatOff));\n\t\tvec4Color += texture2D(texture, v_texcoord + vec2FilterDir + vec2Off)/floatIterationTotalTime;\n\t}\n}\ngl_FragColor = vec4(u_color.rgb,vec4Color.a * u_strength);\ngl_FragColor.rgb *= gl_FragColor.a;"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/BlurFilter_ps_logic.glsl", "gl_FragColor = blur();\ngl_FragColor.w*=alpha;"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/BlurFilter_ps_uniform.glsl", "uniform vec4 strength_sig2_2sig2_gauss1;\nuniform vec2 blurInfo;\n\n#define PI 3.141593\n\n//float sigma=strength/3.0;//3σ以外影响很小。即当σ=1的时候,半径为3\n//float sig2 = sigma*sigma;\n//float _2sig2 = 2.0*sig2;\n//return 1.0/(2*PI*sig2)*exp(-(x*x+y*y)/_2sig2)\n//float gauss1 = 1.0/(2.0*PI*sig2);\n\nfloat getGaussian(float x, float y){\n return strength_sig2_2sig2_gauss1.w*exp(-(x*x+y*y)/strength_sig2_2sig2_gauss1.z);\n}\n\nvec4 blur(){\n const float blurw = 9.0;\n vec4 vec4Color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n vec2 halfsz=vec2(blurw,blurw)/2.0/blurInfo; \n vec2 startpos=v_texcoord-halfsz;\n vec2 ctexcoord = startpos;\n vec2 step = 1.0/blurInfo; //每个像素 \n \n for(float y = 0.0;y<=blurw; ++y){\n ctexcoord.x=startpos.x;\n for(float x = 0.0;x<=blurw; ++x){\n //TODO 纹理坐标的固定偏移应该在vs中处理\n vec4Color += texture2D(texture, ctexcoord)*getGaussian(x-blurw/2.0,y-blurw/2.0);\n ctexcoord.x+=step.x;\n }\n ctexcoord.y+=step.y;\n }\n return vec4Color;\n}"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/ColorAdd_ps_uniform.glsl", "uniform vec4 colorAdd;\n"),
+ Yt.addInclude("parts/ColorAdd_ps_logic.glsl", "gl_FragColor = vec4(colorAdd.rgb,colorAdd.a*gl_FragColor.a);\ngl_FragColor.xyz *= colorAdd.a;");
+ var t, e;
+ t = "attribute vec4 position;\nattribute vec2 texcoord;\nuniform vec2 size;\n\n#ifdef WORLDMAT\nuniform mat4 mmat;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 v_texcoord;\nvoid main() {\n #ifdef WORLDMAT\n vec4 pos=mmat*position;\n gl_Position =vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,pos.z,1.0);\n #else\n gl_Position =vec4((position.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-position.y/size.y)*2.0,position.z,1.0);\n #endif\n \n v_texcoord = texcoord;\n}",
+ e = 'precision mediump float;\n//precision highp float;\nvarying vec2 v_texcoord;\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nuniform float alpha;\n#include?BLUR_FILTER "parts/BlurFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\n#include?COLOR_FILTER "parts/ColorFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\n#include?GLOW_FILTER "parts/GlowFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\n#include?COLOR_ADD "parts/ColorAdd_ps_uniform.glsl";\n\nvoid main() {\n vec4 color= texture2D(texture, v_texcoord);\n color.a*=alpha;\n color.rgb*=alpha;\n gl_FragColor=color;\n #include?COLOR_ADD "parts/ColorAdd_ps_logic.glsl"; \n #include?BLUR_FILTER "parts/BlurFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n #include?COLOR_FILTER "parts/ColorFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n #include?GLOW_FILTER "parts/GlowFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n}',
+ Yt.preCompile2D(0, 1, t, e, null),
+ t = "attribute vec4 position;\nuniform vec2 size;\nuniform mat4 mmat;\nvoid main() {\n vec4 pos=mmat*position;\n gl_Position =vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,pos.z,1.0);\n}",
+ e = 'precision mediump float;\nuniform vec4 color;\nuniform float alpha;\n#include?COLOR_FILTER "parts/ColorFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\nvoid main() {\n\tvec4 a = vec4(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);\n\ta.w = alpha;\n\ta.xyz *= alpha;\n\tgl_FragColor = a;\n\t#include?COLOR_FILTER "parts/ColorFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n}',
+ Yt.preCompile2D(0, 2, t, e, null),
+ t = "attribute vec4 position;\nattribute vec3 a_color;\nuniform mat4 mmat;\nuniform mat4 u_mmat2;\nuniform vec2 u_pos;\nuniform vec2 size;\nvarying vec3 color;\nvoid main(){\n vec4 tPos = vec4(position.x + u_pos.x,position.y + u_pos.y,position.z,position.w);\n vec4 pos=mmat*u_mmat2*tPos;\n gl_Position =vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,pos.z,1.0);\n color=a_color;\n}",
+ e = "precision mediump float;\n//precision mediump float;\nvarying vec3 color;\nuniform float alpha;\nvoid main(){\n\t//vec4 a=vec4(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1);\n\t//a.a*=alpha;\n gl_FragColor=vec4(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha);\n\tgl_FragColor.rgb*=alpha;\n}",
+ Yt.preCompile2D(0, 4, t, e, null),
+ t = "attribute vec4 position;\nattribute vec2 texcoord;\nuniform vec2 size;\n\n#ifdef WORLDMAT\nuniform mat4 mmat;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 v_texcoord;\nvoid main() {\n #ifdef WORLDMAT\n vec4 pos=mmat*position;\n gl_Position =vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,pos.z,1.0);\n #else\n gl_Position =vec4((position.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-position.y/size.y)*2.0,position.z,1.0);\n #endif\n \n v_texcoord = texcoord;\n}",
+ e = '#ifdef FSHIGHPRECISION\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n//precision highp float;\nvarying vec2 v_texcoord;\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nuniform float alpha;\nuniform vec4 u_TexRange;\nuniform vec2 u_offset;\n#include?BLUR_FILTER "parts/BlurFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\n#include?COLOR_FILTER "parts/ColorFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\n#include?GLOW_FILTER "parts/GlowFilter_ps_uniform.glsl";\n#include?COLOR_ADD "parts/ColorAdd_ps_uniform.glsl";\n\nvoid main() {\n vec2 newTexCoord;\n newTexCoord.x = mod(u_offset.x + v_texcoord.x,u_TexRange.y) + u_TexRange.x;\n newTexCoord.y = mod(u_offset.y + v_texcoord.y,u_TexRange.w) + u_TexRange.z;\n vec4 color= texture2D(texture, newTexCoord);\n color.a*=alpha;\n gl_FragColor=color;\n #include?COLOR_ADD "parts/ColorAdd_ps_logic.glsl"; \n #include?BLUR_FILTER "parts/BlurFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n #include?COLOR_FILTER "parts/ColorFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n #include?GLOW_FILTER "parts/GlowFilter_ps_logic.glsl";\n}',
+ Yt.preCompile2D(0, 256, t, e, null),
+ t = "attribute vec2 position;\nattribute vec2 texcoord;\nattribute vec4 color;\nuniform vec2 size;\nuniform float offsetX;\nuniform float offsetY;\nuniform mat4 mmat;\nuniform mat4 u_mmat2;\nvarying vec2 v_texcoord;\nvarying vec4 v_color;\nvoid main() {\n vec4 pos=mmat*u_mmat2*vec4(offsetX+position.x,offsetY+position.y,0,1 );\n gl_Position = vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,pos.z,1.0);\n v_color = color;\n v_color.rgb *= v_color.a;\n v_texcoord = texcoord; \n}",
+ e = "precision mediump float;\nvarying vec2 v_texcoord;\nvarying vec4 v_color;\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nuniform float alpha;\nvoid main() {\n\tvec4 t_color = texture2D(texture, v_texcoord);\n\tgl_FragColor = t_color.rgba * v_color;\n\tgl_FragColor *= alpha;\n}",
+ Yt.preCompile2D(0, 512, t, e, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , $ = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._value = 0,
+ this._name2int = t,
+ this._int2name = e,
+ this._int2nameMap = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shader.ShaderDefines");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.add = function(t) {
+ return "string" == typeof t && (t = this._name2int[t]),
+ this._value |= t,
+ this._value
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addInt = function(t) {
+ return this._value |= t,
+ this._value
+ }
+ ,
+ e.remove = function(t) {
+ return "string" == typeof t && (t = this._name2int[t]),
+ this._value &= ~t,
+ this._value
+ }
+ ,
+ e.isDefine = function(t) {
+ return (this._value & t) === t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getValue = function() {
+ return this._value
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setValue = function(t) {
+ this._value = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toNameDic = function() {
+ var e = this._int2nameMap[this._value];
+ return e || t._toText(this._value, this._int2name, this._int2nameMap)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._reg = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ i[t] = e,
+ n[e] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ t._toText = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i[t];
+ if (n)
+ return n;
+ for (var a = {}, r = 1, s = 0; s < 32 && !((r = 1 << s) > t); s++)
+ if (t & r) {
+ var o = e[r];
+ o && (a[o] = "")
+ }
+ return i[t] = a,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._toInt = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = t.split("."), n = 0, a = 0, r = i.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var s = e[i[a]];
+ if (!s)
+ throw new Error("Defines to int err:" + t + "/" + i[a]);
+ n |= s
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , tt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.mVBBuffer = null,
+ this.mIBBuffer = null,
+ this.mVBData = null,
+ this.mIBData = null,
+ this.mEleNum = 0,
+ this.mTexture = null,
+ this.transform = null,
+ this._vs = null,
+ this._ps = null,
+ this._indexStart = -1,
+ this._verticles = null,
+ this._uvs = null,
+ this._tempMatrix = new b
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.skinAnishader.SkinMesh");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.init = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (i)
+ this._vs = i;
+ else {
+ this._vs = [];
+ var a = e.width
+ , r = e.height;
+ this._vs.push(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ this._vs.push(a, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ this._vs.push(a, r, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ this._vs.push(0, r, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ }
+ n ? this._ps = n : (t._defaultPS || (t._defaultPS = []).push(0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2),
+ this._ps = t._defaultPS),
+ this.mVBData = new Float32Array(this._vs),
+ this.mIBData = new Uint16Array(this._ps.length),
+ this.mIBData.start = -1,
+ this.mEleNum = this._ps.length,
+ this.mTexture = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.init2 = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this.transform && (this.transform = null),
+ i ? this._ps = i : (this._ps = [],
+ this._ps.push(0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2)),
+ this._verticles = n,
+ this._uvs = a,
+ this.mEleNum = this._ps.length,
+ this.mTexture = t,
+ (I.isConchNode || I.isConchApp) && (this._initMyData(),
+ this.mVBData = new Float32Array(this._vs))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._initMyData = function() {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 4 * this._verticles.length;
+ this._vs = t._tempVS;
+ var a = !1;
+ if (I.isConchNode || I.isConchApp ? (this._vs.length = n,
+ a = !0) : this._vs.length < n && (this._vs.length = n,
+ a = !0),
+ t._tVSLen = n,
+ a)
+ for (; e < n; )
+ this._vs[e] = this._verticles[i],
+ this._vs[e + 1] = this._verticles[i + 1],
+ this._vs[e + 2] = this._uvs[i],
+ this._vs[e + 3] = this._uvs[i + 1],
+ this._vs[e + 4] = 1,
+ this._vs[e + 5] = 1,
+ this._vs[e + 6] = 1,
+ this._vs[e + 7] = 1,
+ e += 8,
+ i += 2;
+ else
+ for (; e < n; )
+ this._vs[e] = this._verticles[i],
+ this._vs[e + 1] = this._verticles[i + 1],
+ this._vs[e + 2] = this._uvs[i],
+ this._vs[e + 3] = this._uvs[i + 1],
+ e += 8,
+ i += 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getData2 = function(e, i, n) {
+ this.mVBBuffer = e,
+ this.mIBBuffer = i,
+ this._initMyData(),
+ e.appendEx2(this._vs, Float32Array, t._tVSLen, 4),
+ this._indexStart = i._byteLength;
+ var a;
+ (a = t._tempIB).length < this._ps.length && (a.length = this._ps.length);
+ for (var r = 0, s = this._ps.length; r < s; r++)
+ a[r] = this._ps[r] + n;
+ i.appendEx2(a, Uint16Array, this._ps.length, 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getData = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (this.mVBBuffer = t,
+ this.mIBBuffer = e,
+ t.append(this.mVBData),
+ this._indexStart = e._byteLength,
+ this.mIBData.start != i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._ps.length; n < a; n++)
+ this.mIBData[n] = this._ps[n] + i;
+ this.mIBData.start = i
+ }
+ e.append(this.mIBData)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.render = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (I.isWebGL && this.mTexture) {
+ t._renderKey = 0,
+ t._shader2D.glTexture = null,
+ et.getInstance().addSkinMesh(this);
+ var n = rt.createShape(t, this.mIBBuffer, this.mVBBuffer, this.mEleNum, this._indexStart, Ct.create(512, 0));
+ this.transform || (this.transform = b.EMPTY),
+ this.transform.translate(e, i),
+ b.mul(this.transform, t._curMat, this._tempMatrix),
+ this.transform.translate(-e, -i);
+ var a = n.shaderValue
+ , r = a.u_mmat2 || yt.getMatrArray();
+ yt.mat2MatArray(this._tempMatrix, r),
+ a.textureHost = this.mTexture,
+ a.offsetX = 0,
+ a.offsetY = 0,
+ a.u_mmat2 = r,
+ a.ALPHA = t._shader2D.ALPHA,
+ t._submits[t._submits._length++] = n
+ } else
+ I.isConchApp && this.mTexture && (this.transform || (this.transform = b.EMPTY),
+ t.setSkinMesh && t.setSkinMesh(e, i, this._ps, this.mVBData, this.mEleNum, 0, this.mTexture, this.transform))
+ }
+ ,
+ t._tempVS = [],
+ t._tempIB = [],
+ t._defaultPS = null,
+ t._tVSLen = 0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , et = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.ib = null,
+ this.vb = null;
+ bt.mainContext;
+ this.ib = Qt.create(35048),
+ this.vb = $t.create(8)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.skinAnishader.SkinMeshBuffer");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.addSkinMesh = function(t) {
+ t.getData2(this.vb, this.ib, this.vb._byteLength / 32)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.reset = function() {
+ this.vb.clear(),
+ this.ib.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getInstance = function() {
+ return t.instance = t.instance || new t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.instance = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , it = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ this.r0 = 0,
+ this.fill = !0,
+ this.r1 = Math.PI / 2,
+ void 0 === l && (l = 0),
+ this.x = t,
+ this.y = e,
+ this.width = i,
+ this.height = n,
+ this.edges = a,
+ this.color = r,
+ this.borderWidth = s,
+ this.borderColor = o
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shapes.BasePoly");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.shapes.IShape": !0
+ }),
+ e.getData = function(t, e, i) {}
+ ,
+ e.rebuild = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.setMatrix = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.needUpdate = function(t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.sector = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.x
+ , a = this.y
+ , r = this.edges
+ , s = (this.r1 - this.r0) / r
+ , o = this.width
+ , l = this.height
+ , h = this.color
+ , c = (h >> 16 & 255) / 255
+ , _ = (h >> 8 & 255) / 255
+ , u = (255 & h) / 255;
+ t.push(n, a, c, _, u);
+ for (var d = 0; d < r + 1; d++)
+ t.push(n + Math.sin(s * d + this.r0) * o, a + Math.cos(s * d + this.r0) * l),
+ t.push(c, _, u);
+ for (d = 0; d < r; d++)
+ e.push(i, i + d + 1, i + d + 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createLine2 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s, o, l, h, c, _, u, d, f, p, m, g, y, v, b, w, x, I, C, S, M = t.concat(), L = a, T = this.borderColor, E = (T >> 16 & 255) / 255, D = (T >> 8 & 255) / 255, N = (255 & T) / 255, A = M.length / 2, B = n, k = i / 2;
+ l = M[0],
+ h = M[1],
+ p = l - (c = M[2]),
+ f = (f = -(h - (_ = M[3]))) / (S = Math.sqrt(f * f + p * p)) * k,
+ p = p / S * k,
+ L.push(l - f + this.x, h - p + this.y, E, D, N, l + f + this.x, h + p + this.y, E, D, N);
+ for (var R = 1; R < A - 1; R++)
+ l = M[2 * (R - 1)],
+ h = M[2 * (R - 1) + 1],
+ c = M[2 * R],
+ _ = M[2 * R + 1],
+ u = M[2 * (R + 1)],
+ d = M[2 * (R + 1) + 1],
+ p = l - c,
+ g = c - u,
+ b = (-(f = (f = -(h - _)) / (S = Math.sqrt(f * f + p * p)) * k) + l) * (-(p = p / S * k) + _) - (-f + c) * (-p + h),
+ I = (-(m = (m = -(_ - d)) / (S = Math.sqrt(m * m + g * g)) * k) + u) * (-(g = g / S * k) + _) - (-m + c) * (-g + d),
+ C = (y = -p + h - (-p + _)) * (x = -m + c - (-m + u)) - (w = -g + d - (-g + _)) * (v = -f + c - (-f + l)),
+ Math.abs(C) < .1 ? (C += 10.1,
+ L.push(c - f + this.x, _ - p + this.y, E, D, N, c + f + this.x, _ + p + this.y, E, D, N)) : (((s = (v * I - x * b) / C) - c) * (s - c) + ((o = (w * b - y * I) / C) - _) + (o - _),
+ L.push(s + this.x, o + this.y, E, D, N, c - (s - c) + this.x, _ - (o - _) + this.y, E, D, N));
+ l = M[M.length - 4],
+ h = M[M.length - 3],
+ p = l - (c = M[M.length - 2]),
+ f = (f = -(h - (_ = M[M.length - 1]))) / (S = Math.sqrt(f * f + p * p)) * k,
+ p = p / S * k,
+ L.push(c - f + this.x, _ - p + this.y, E, D, N, c + f + this.x, _ + p + this.y, E, D, N);
+ var P = r;
+ for (R = 1; R < P; R++)
+ e.push(B + 2 * (R - 1), B + 2 * (R - 1) + 1, B + 2 * R + 1, B + 2 * R + 1, B + 2 * R, B + 2 * (R - 1));
+ return L
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createLine = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.concat()
+ , r = t
+ , s = this.borderColor
+ , o = (s >> 16 & 255) / 255
+ , l = (s >> 8 & 255) / 255
+ , h = (255 & s) / 255;
+ a.splice(0, 5);
+ var c, _, u, d, f, p, m, g, y, v, b, w, x, I, C, S, M, L, T, E, D = a.length / 5, N = n, A = i / 2;
+ u = a[0],
+ d = a[1],
+ v = u - (f = a[5]),
+ y = (y = -(d - (p = a[6]))) / (E = Math.sqrt(y * y + v * v)) * A,
+ v = v / E * A,
+ r.push(u - y, d - v, o, l, h, u + y, d + v, o, l, h);
+ for (var B = 1; B < D - 1; B++)
+ u = a[5 * (B - 1)],
+ d = a[5 * (B - 1) + 1],
+ f = a[5 * B],
+ p = a[5 * B + 1],
+ m = a[5 * (B + 1)],
+ g = a[5 * (B + 1) + 1],
+ v = u - f,
+ w = f - m,
+ C = (-(y = (y = -(d - p)) / (E = Math.sqrt(y * y + v * v)) * A) + u) * (-(v = v / E * A) + p) - (-y + f) * (-v + d),
+ L = (-(b = (b = -(p - g)) / (E = Math.sqrt(b * b + w * w)) * A) + m) * (-(w = w / E * A) + p) - (-b + f) * (-w + g),
+ T = (x = -v + d - (-v + p)) * (M = -b + f - (-b + m)) - (S = -w + g - (-w + p)) * (I = -y + f - (-y + u)),
+ Math.abs(T) < .1 ? (T += 10.1,
+ r.push(f - y, p - v, o, l, h, f + y, p + v, o, l, h)) : (((c = (I * L - M * C) / T) - f) * (c - f) + ((_ = (S * C - x * L) / T) - p) + (_ - p),
+ r.push(c, _, o, l, h, f - (c - f), p - (_ - p), o, l, h));
+ u = a[a.length - 10],
+ d = a[a.length - 9],
+ v = u - (f = a[a.length - 5]),
+ y = (y = -(d - (p = a[a.length - 4]))) / (E = Math.sqrt(y * y + v * v)) * A,
+ v = v / E * A,
+ r.push(f - y, p - v, o, l, h, f + y, p + v, o, l, h);
+ var k = this.edges + 1;
+ for (B = 1; B < k; B++)
+ e.push(N + 2 * (B - 1), N + 2 * (B - 1) + 1, N + 2 * B + 1, N + 2 * B + 1, N + 2 * B, N + 2 * (B - 1));
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createLoopLine = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = t.concat()
+ , o = a || t
+ , l = this.borderColor
+ , h = (l >> 16 & 255) / 255
+ , c = (l >> 8 & 255) / 255
+ , _ = (255 & l) / 255;
+ s.splice(0, 5);
+ var u = [s[0], s[1]]
+ , d = [s[s.length - 5], s[s.length - 4]]
+ , f = d[0] + .5 * (u[0] - d[0])
+ , p = d[1] + .5 * (u[1] - d[1]);
+ s.unshift(f, p, 0, 0, 0),
+ s.push(f, p, 0, 0, 0);
+ var m, g, y, v, b, w, x, I, C, S, M, L, T, E, D, N, A, B, k, R, P = s.length / 5, O = n, U = i / 2;
+ y = s[0],
+ v = s[1],
+ S = y - (b = s[5]),
+ C = (C = -(v - (w = s[6]))) / (R = Math.sqrt(C * C + S * S)) * U,
+ S = S / R * U,
+ o.push(y - C, v - S, h, c, _, y + C, v + S, h, c, _);
+ for (var V = 1; V < P - 1; V++)
+ y = s[5 * (V - 1)],
+ v = s[5 * (V - 1) + 1],
+ b = s[5 * V],
+ w = s[5 * V + 1],
+ x = s[5 * (V + 1)],
+ I = s[5 * (V + 1) + 1],
+ S = y - b,
+ L = b - x,
+ D = (-(C = (C = -(v - w)) / (R = Math.sqrt(C * C + S * S)) * U) + y) * (-(S = S / R * U) + w) - (-C + b) * (-S + v),
+ B = (-(M = (M = -(w - I)) / (R = Math.sqrt(M * M + L * L)) * U) + x) * (-(L = L / R * U) + w) - (-M + b) * (-L + I),
+ k = (T = -S + v - (-S + w)) * (A = -M + b - (-M + x)) - (N = -L + I - (-L + w)) * (E = -C + b - (-C + y)),
+ Math.abs(k) < .1 ? (k += 10.1,
+ o.push(b - C, w - S, h, c, _, b + C, w + S, h, c, _)) : (((m = (E * B - A * D) / k) - b) * (m - b) + ((g = (N * D - T * B) / k) - w) + (g - w),
+ o.push(m, g, h, c, _, b - (m - b), w - (g - w), h, c, _));
+ r && (e = r);
+ var F = this.edges + 1;
+ for (V = 1; V < F; V++)
+ e.push(O + 2 * (V - 1), O + 2 * (V - 1) + 1, O + 2 * V + 1, O + 2 * V + 1, O + 2 * V, O + 2 * (V - 1));
+ return e.push(O + 2 * (V - 1), O + 2 * (V - 1) + 1, O + 1, O + 1, O, O + 2 * (V - 1)),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , nt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.shapes.Earcut"),
+ t.earcut = function(e, i, n) {
+ n = n || 2;
+ var a = i && i.length
+ , r = a ? i[0] * n : e.length
+ , s = t.linkedList(e, 0, r, n, !0)
+ , o = [];
+ if (!s)
+ return o;
+ var l, h, c, _, u, d, f;
+ if (a && (s = t.eliminateHoles(e, i, s, n)),
+ e.length > 80 * n) {
+ l = c = e[0],
+ h = _ = e[1];
+ for (var p = n; p < r; p += n)
+ u = e[p],
+ d = e[p + 1],
+ u < l && (l = u),
+ d < h && (h = d),
+ u > c && (c = u),
+ d > _ && (_ = d);
+ f = 0 !== (f = Math.max(c - l, _ - h)) ? 1 / f : 0
+ }
+ return t.earcutLinked(s, o, n, l, h, f),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.linkedList = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s, o;
+ if (r === t.signedArea(e, i, n, a) > 0)
+ for (s = i; s < n; s += a)
+ o = t.insertNode(s, e[s], e[s + 1], o);
+ else
+ for (s = n - a; s >= i; s -= a)
+ o = t.insertNode(s, e[s], e[s + 1], o);
+ return o && t.equals(o, o.next) && (t.removeNode(o),
+ o = o.next),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.filterPoints = function(e, i) {
+ if (!e)
+ return e;
+ i || (i = e);
+ var n, a = e;
+ do {
+ if (n = !1,
+ a.steiner || !t.equals(a, a.next) && 0 !== t.area(a.prev, a, a.next))
+ a = a.next;
+ else {
+ if (t.removeNode(a),
+ (a = i = a.prev) === a.next)
+ break;
+ n = !0
+ }
+ } while (n || a !== i);return i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.earcutLinked = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ if (e) {
+ !o && s && t.indexCurve(e, a, r, s);
+ for (var l, h, c = e; e.prev !== e.next; )
+ if (l = e.prev,
+ h = e.next,
+ s ? t.isEarHashed(e, a, r, s) : t.isEar(e))
+ i.push(l.i / n),
+ i.push(e.i / n),
+ i.push(h.i / n),
+ t.removeNode(e),
+ e = h.next,
+ c = h.next;
+ else if ((e = h) === c) {
+ o ? 1 === o ? (e = t.cureLocalIntersections(e, i, n),
+ t.earcutLinked(e, i, n, a, r, s, 2)) : 2 === o && t.splitEarcut(e, i, n, a, r, s) : t.earcutLinked(t.filterPoints(e, null), i, n, a, r, s, 1);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isEar = function(e) {
+ var i = e.prev
+ , n = e
+ , a = e.next;
+ if (t.area(i, n, a) >= 0)
+ return !1;
+ for (var r = e.next.next; r !== e.prev; ) {
+ if (t.pointInTriangle(i.x, i.y, n.x, n.y, a.x, a.y, r.x, r.y) && t.area(r.prev, r, r.next) >= 0)
+ return !1;
+ r = r.next
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isEarHashed = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e.prev
+ , s = e
+ , o = e.next;
+ if (t.area(r, s, o) >= 0)
+ return !1;
+ for (var l = r.x < s.x ? r.x < o.x ? r.x : o.x : s.x < o.x ? s.x : o.x, h = r.y < s.y ? r.y < o.y ? r.y : o.y : s.y < o.y ? s.y : o.y, c = r.x > s.x ? r.x > o.x ? r.x : o.x : s.x > o.x ? s.x : o.x, _ = r.y > s.y ? r.y > o.y ? r.y : o.y : s.y > o.y ? s.y : o.y, u = t.zOrder(l, h, i, n, a), d = t.zOrder(c, _, i, n, a), f = e.nextZ; f && f.z <= d; ) {
+ if (f !== e.prev && f !== e.next && t.pointInTriangle(r.x, r.y, s.x, s.y, o.x, o.y, f.x, f.y) && t.area(f.prev, f, f.next) >= 0)
+ return !1;
+ f = f.nextZ
+ }
+ for (f = e.prevZ; f && f.z >= u; ) {
+ if (f !== e.prev && f !== e.next && t.pointInTriangle(r.x, r.y, s.x, s.y, o.x, o.y, f.x, f.y) && t.area(f.prev, f, f.next) >= 0)
+ return !1;
+ f = f.prevZ
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.cureLocalIntersections = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e;
+ do {
+ var r = a.prev
+ , s = a.next.next;
+ !t.equals(r, s) && t.intersects(r, a, a.next, s) && t.locallyInside(r, s) && t.locallyInside(s, r) && (i.push(r.i / n),
+ i.push(a.i / n),
+ i.push(s.i / n),
+ t.removeNode(a),
+ t.removeNode(a.next),
+ a = e = s),
+ a = a.next
+ } while (a !== e);return a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.splitEarcut = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = e;
+ do {
+ for (var l = o.next.next; l !== o.prev; ) {
+ if (o.i !== l.i && t.isValidDiagonal(o, l)) {
+ var h = t.splitPolygon(o, l);
+ return o = t.filterPoints(o, o.next),
+ h = t.filterPoints(h, h.next),
+ t.earcutLinked(o, i, n, a, r, s),
+ void t.earcutLinked(h, i, n, a, r, s)
+ }
+ l = l.next
+ }
+ o = o.next
+ } while (o !== e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.eliminateHoles = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r, s, o, l, h, c = [];
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ o = i[r] * a,
+ l = r < s - 1 ? i[r + 1] * a : e.length,
+ (h = t.linkedList(e, o, l, a, !1)) === h.next && (h.steiner = !0),
+ c.push(t.getLeftmost(h));
+ for (c.sort(t.compareX),
+ r = 0; r < c.length; r++)
+ t.eliminateHole(c[r], n),
+ n = t.filterPoints(n, n.next);
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.compareX = function(t, e) {
+ return t.x - e.x
+ }
+ ,
+ t.eliminateHole = function(e, i) {
+ if (i = t.findHoleBridge(e, i)) {
+ var n = t.splitPolygon(i, e);
+ t.filterPoints(n, n.next)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.findHoleBridge = function(e, i) {
+ var n, a = i, r = e.x, s = e.y, o = -1 / 0;
+ do {
+ if (s <= a.y && s >= a.next.y && a.next.y !== a.y) {
+ var l = a.x + (s - a.y) * (a.next.x - a.x) / (a.next.y - a.y);
+ if (l <= r && l > o) {
+ if (o = l,
+ l === r) {
+ if (s === a.y)
+ return a;
+ if (s === a.next.y)
+ return a.next
+ }
+ n = a.x < a.next.x ? a : a.next
+ }
+ }
+ a = a.next
+ } while (a !== i);if (!n)
+ return null;
+ if (r === o)
+ return n.prev;
+ var h, c = n, _ = n.x, u = n.y, d = 1 / 0;
+ for (a = n.next; a !== c; )
+ r >= a.x && a.x >= _ && r !== a.x && t.pointInTriangle(s < u ? r : o, s, _, u, s < u ? o : r, s, a.x, a.y) && ((h = Math.abs(s - a.y) / (r - a.x)) < d || h === d && a.x > n.x) && t.locallyInside(a, e) && (n = a,
+ d = h),
+ a = a.next;
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.indexCurve = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e;
+ do {
+ null === r.z && (r.z = t.zOrder(r.x, r.y, i, n, a)),
+ r.prevZ = r.prev,
+ r.nextZ = r.next,
+ r = r.next
+ } while (r !== e);r.prevZ.nextZ = null,
+ r.prevZ = null,
+ t.sortLinked(r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sortLinked = function(t) {
+ var e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h = 1;
+ do {
+ for (i = t,
+ t = null,
+ r = null,
+ s = 0; i; ) {
+ for (s++,
+ n = i,
+ o = 0,
+ e = 0; e < h && (o++,
+ n = n.nextZ); e++)
+ ;
+ for (l = h; o > 0 || l > 0 && n; )
+ 0 !== o && (0 === l || !n || i.z <= n.z) ? (a = i,
+ i = i.nextZ,
+ o--) : (a = n,
+ n = n.nextZ,
+ l--),
+ r ? r.nextZ = a : t = a,
+ a.prevZ = r,
+ r = a;
+ i = n
+ }
+ r.nextZ = null,
+ h *= 2
+ } while (s > 1);return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.zOrder = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return t = 32767 * (t - i) * a,
+ e = 32767 * (e - n) * a,
+ t = 16711935 & (t | t << 8),
+ t = 252645135 & (t | t << 4),
+ t = 858993459 & (t | t << 2),
+ t = 1431655765 & (t | t << 1),
+ e = 16711935 & (e | e << 8),
+ e = 252645135 & (e | e << 4),
+ e = 858993459 & (e | e << 2),
+ e = 1431655765 & (e | e << 1),
+ t | e << 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getLeftmost = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = t;
+ do {
+ e.x < i.x && (i = e),
+ e = e.next
+ } while (e !== t);return i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.pointInTriangle = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ return (a - s) * (e - o) - (t - s) * (r - o) >= 0 && (t - s) * (n - o) - (i - s) * (e - o) >= 0 && (i - s) * (r - o) - (a - s) * (n - o) >= 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isValidDiagonal = function(e, i) {
+ return e.next.i !== i.i && e.prev.i !== i.i && !t.intersectsPolygon(e, i) && t.locallyInside(e, i) && t.locallyInside(i, e) && t.middleInside(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.area = function(t, e, i) {
+ return (e.y - t.y) * (i.x - e.x) - (e.x - t.x) * (i.y - e.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.equals = function(t, e) {
+ return t.x === e.x && t.y === e.y
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersects = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return !!(t.equals(e, i) && t.equals(n, a) || t.equals(e, a) && t.equals(n, i)) || t.area(e, i, n) > 0 != t.area(e, i, a) > 0 && t.area(n, a, e) > 0 != t.area(n, a, i) > 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPolygon = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e;
+ do {
+ if (n.i !== e.i && n.next.i !== e.i && n.i !== i.i && n.next.i !== i.i && t.intersects(n, n.next, e, i))
+ return !0;
+ n = n.next
+ } while (n !== e);return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.locallyInside = function(e, i) {
+ return t.area(e.prev, e, e.next) < 0 ? t.area(e, i, e.next) >= 0 && t.area(e, e.prev, i) >= 0 : t.area(e, i, e.prev) < 0 || t.area(e, e.next, i) < 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.middleInside = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = !1
+ , a = (t.x + e.x) / 2
+ , r = (t.y + e.y) / 2;
+ do {
+ i.y > r != i.next.y > r && i.next.y !== i.y && a < (i.next.x - i.x) * (r - i.y) / (i.next.y - i.y) + i.x && (n = !n),
+ i = i.next
+ } while (i !== t);return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.splitPolygon = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new at(t.i,t.x,t.y)
+ , n = new at(e.i,e.x,e.y)
+ , a = t.next
+ , r = e.prev;
+ return t.next = e,
+ e.prev = t,
+ i.next = a,
+ a.prev = i,
+ n.next = i,
+ i.prev = n,
+ r.next = n,
+ n.prev = r,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.insertNode = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = new at(t,e,i);
+ return n ? (a.next = n.next,
+ a.prev = n,
+ n.next.prev = a,
+ n.next = a) : (a.prev = a,
+ a.next = a),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.removeNode = function(t) {
+ t.next.prev = t.prev,
+ t.prev.next = t.next,
+ t.prevZ && (t.prevZ.nextZ = t.nextZ),
+ t.nextZ && (t.nextZ.prevZ = t.prevZ)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.signedArea = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ for (var a = 0, r = e, s = i - n; r < i; r += n)
+ a += (t[s] - t[r]) * (t[r + 1] + t[s + 1]),
+ s = r;
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , at = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this.i = null,
+ this.x = null,
+ this.y = null,
+ this.prev = null,
+ this.next = null,
+ this.z = null,
+ this.prevZ = null,
+ this.nextZ = null,
+ this.steiner = null,
+ this.i = t,
+ this.x = e,
+ this.y = i,
+ this.prev = null,
+ this.next = null,
+ this.z = null,
+ this.prevZ = null,
+ this.nextZ = null,
+ this.steiner = !1
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.shapes.EarcutNode"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , rt = (function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this.lineWidth = t,
+ this.lineColor = e,
+ this.lineAlpha = i,
+ this.fillColor = n,
+ this.fillAlpha = a,
+ this.shape = s,
+ this.fill = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shapes.GeometryData");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ e.clone = function() {
+ return new t(this.lineWidth,this.lineColor,this.lineAlpha,this.fillColor,this.fillAlpha,this.fill,this.shape)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getIndexData = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getVertexData = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ this.shape = null
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ if (t instanceof Float32Array)
+ this.points = t;
+ else if (t instanceof Array) {
+ t.length;
+ this.points = new Float32Array(t)
+ }
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.shapes.Vertex");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.shapes.IShape": !0
+ }),
+ e.getData = function(t, e, i) {}
+ ,
+ e.needUpdate = function(t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rebuild = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.setMatrix = function(t) {}
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1e4),
+ this._renderType = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.Submit");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ e.releaseRender = function() {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ e[e._length++] = this,
+ this.shaderValue.release(),
+ this._vb = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderType = function() {
+ return this._renderType
+ }
+ ,
+ e.renderSubmit = function() {
+ if (0 === this._numEle)
+ return 1;
+ var t = this.shaderValue.textureHost;
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.source;
+ if (!t.bitmap || !e)
+ return 1;
+ this.shaderValue.texture = e
+ }
+ this._vb.bind_upload(this._ib);
+ var i = bt.mainContext;
+ return this.shaderValue.upload(),
+ G.activeBlendFunction !== this._blendFn && (i.enable(3042),
+ this._blendFn(i),
+ G.activeBlendFunction = this._blendFn),
+ D.drawCall++,
+ D.trianglesFaces += this._numEle / 3,
+ i.drawElements(4, this._numEle, 5123, this._startIdx),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ var e = t.RENDERBASE = new t(-1);
+ e.shaderValue = new Ct(0,0),
+ e.shaderValue.ALPHA = -1234
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createSubmit = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ null == n && ((n = s._selfVb || (s._selfVb = $t.create(-1))).clear(),
+ a = 0),
+ s._ib = i,
+ s._vb = n,
+ s._startIdx = a * pt.BYTES_PIDX,
+ s._numEle = 0;
+ var o = e._nBlendType;
+ s._blendFn = e._targets ? G.targetFns[o] : G.fns[o],
+ s.shaderValue = r,
+ s.shaderValue.setValue(e._shader2D);
+ var l = e._shader2D.filters;
+ return l && s.shaderValue.setFilters(l),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createShape = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ o._ib = i,
+ o._vb = n,
+ o._numEle = a,
+ o._startIdx = r,
+ o.shaderValue = s,
+ o.shaderValue.setValue(e._shader2D);
+ var l = e._nBlendType;
+ return o._blendFn = e._targets ? G.targetFns[l] : G.fns[l],
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.TYPE_2D = 1e4,
+ t.TYPE_CANVAS = 10003,
+ t.TYPE_CMDSETRT = 10004,
+ t.TYPE_CUSTOM = 10005,
+ t.TYPE_BLURRT = 10006,
+ t.TYPE_OTHERIBVB = 10009,
+ t.TYPE_PRIMITIVE = 10010,
+ t.TYPE_RT = 10011,
+ t.TYPE_BLUR_RT = 10012,
+ t.TYPE_TARGET = 10013,
+ t.TYPE_CHANGE_VALUE = 10014,
+ t.TYPE_SHAPE = 10015,
+ t.TYPE_TEXTURE = 10016,
+ t.RENDERBASE = null,
+ t._cache = (t._cache = [],
+ t._cache._length = 0,
+ t._cache),
+ t
+ }())
+ , st = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.fun = null,
+ this.args = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitCMD");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ e.renderSubmit = function() {
+ return this.fun.apply(null, this.args),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.releaseRender = function() {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ e[e._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ return n.fun = i,
+ n.args = e,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache = (t._cache = [],
+ t._cache._length = 0,
+ t._cache),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ot = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.variables = {}
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitCMDScope");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getValue = function(t) {
+ return this.variables[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addValue = function(t, e) {
+ return this.variables[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setValue = function(t, e) {
+ return this.variables.hasOwnProperty(t) ? this.variables[t] = e : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ for (var t in this.variables)
+ delete this.variables[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recycle = function() {
+ this.clear(),
+ t.POOL.push(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function() {
+ var e = t.POOL.pop();
+ return e || (e = new t),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.POOL = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , lt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.offset = 0,
+ this.startIndex = 0,
+ this._mat = b.create()
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitOtherIBVB");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ e.releaseRender = function() {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ e[e._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 10009
+ }
+ ,
+ e.renderSubmit = function() {
+ var e = this._shaderValue.textureHost;
+ if (e) {
+ var i = e.source;
+ if (!e.bitmap || !i)
+ return 1;
+ this._shaderValue.texture = i
+ }
+ this._vb.bind_upload(this._ib);
+ var n = yt.worldMatrix4
+ , a = b.TEMP;
+ b.mulPre(this._mat, n[0], n[1], n[4], n[5], n[12], n[13], a);
+ var r = yt.worldMatrix4 = t.tempMatrix4;
+ r[0] = a.a,
+ r[1] = a.b,
+ r[4] = a.c,
+ r[5] = a.d,
+ r[12] = a.tx,
+ r[13] = a.ty,
+ this._shader._offset = this.offset,
+ this._shaderValue.refresh(),
+ this._shader.upload(this._shaderValue),
+ this._shader._offset = 0;
+ var s = bt.mainContext;
+ return G.activeBlendFunction !== this._blendFn && (s.enable(3042),
+ this._blendFn(s),
+ G.activeBlendFunction = this._blendFn),
+ D.drawCall++,
+ D.trianglesFaces += this._numEle / 3,
+ s.drawElements(4, this._numEle, 5123, this.startIndex),
+ yt.worldMatrix4 = n,
+ Rt.activeShader = null,
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === h && (h = 0);
+ var c = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ c._ib = n,
+ c._vb = i,
+ c._numEle = a,
+ c._shader = r,
+ c._shaderValue = s;
+ var _ = e._nBlendType;
+ switch (c._blendFn = e._targets ? G.targetFns[_] : G.fns[_],
+ h) {
+ case 0:
+ c.offset = 0,
+ c.startIndex = l / (pt.BYTES_PE * i.vertexStride) * 1.5,
+ c.startIndex *= pt.BYTES_PIDX;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ c.startIndex = o,
+ c.offset = l
+ }
+ return c
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache = (t._cache = [],
+ t._cache._length = 0,
+ t._cache),
+ t.tempMatrix4 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ t
+ }()
+ , ht = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.submitIndex = 0,
+ this.submitLength = 0,
+ this.context = null,
+ this.clipRect = new x,
+ this.screenRect = new x
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitScissor");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ e._scissor = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = yt.worldMatrix4
+ , r = a[0]
+ , s = a[5];
+ if (t = t * r + a[12],
+ e = e * s + a[13],
+ i *= r,
+ n *= s,
+ i < 1 || n < 1)
+ return !1;
+ var o = t + i
+ , l = e + n;
+ t < 0 && (t = 0,
+ i = o - t),
+ e < 0 && (e = 0,
+ n = l - e);
+ var h = yt.worldClipRect;
+ if (t = Math.max(t, h.x),
+ e = Math.max(e, h.y),
+ i = Math.min(o, h.right) - t,
+ n = Math.min(l, h.bottom) - e,
+ i < 1 || n < 1)
+ return !1;
+ var c = yt.worldScissorTest;
+ return this.screenRect.copyFrom(h),
+ h.x = t,
+ h.y = e,
+ h.width = i,
+ h.height = n,
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !0,
+ e = yt.height - e - n,
+ bt.mainContext.scissor(t, e, i, n),
+ bt.mainContext.enable(3089),
+ this.context.submitElement(this.submitIndex, this.submitIndex + this.submitLength),
+ c ? (e = yt.height - this.screenRect.y - this.screenRect.height,
+ bt.mainContext.scissor(this.screenRect.x, e, this.screenRect.width, this.screenRect.height),
+ bt.mainContext.enable(3089)) : (bt.mainContext.disable(3089),
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !1),
+ h.copyFrom(this.screenRect),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._scissorWithTagart = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (i < 1 || n < 1)
+ return !1;
+ var a = t + i
+ , r = e + n;
+ t < 0 && (t = 0,
+ i = a - t),
+ e < 0 && (e = 0,
+ n = r - e);
+ var s = yt.worldClipRect;
+ if (t = Math.max(t, s.x),
+ e = Math.max(e, s.y),
+ i = Math.min(a, s.right) - t,
+ n = Math.min(r, s.bottom) - e,
+ i < 1 || n < 1)
+ return !1;
+ var o = yt.worldScissorTest;
+ return this.screenRect.copyFrom(s),
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !0,
+ s.x = t,
+ s.y = e,
+ s.width = i,
+ s.height = n,
+ e = yt.height - e - n,
+ bt.mainContext.scissor(t, e, i, n),
+ bt.mainContext.enable(3089),
+ this.context.submitElement(this.submitIndex, this.submitIndex + this.submitLength),
+ o ? (e = yt.height - this.screenRect.y - this.screenRect.height,
+ bt.mainContext.scissor(this.screenRect.x, e, this.screenRect.width, this.screenRect.height),
+ bt.mainContext.enable(3089)) : (bt.mainContext.disable(3089),
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !1),
+ s.copyFrom(this.screenRect),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.renderSubmit = function() {
+ return this.submitLength = Math.min(this.context._submits._length - 1, this.submitLength),
+ this.submitLength < 1 || this.clipRect.width < 1 || this.clipRect.height < 1 ? this.submitLength + 1 : (this.context._targets ? this._scissorWithTagart(this.clipRect.x, this.clipRect.y, this.clipRect.width, this.clipRect.height) : this._scissor(this.clipRect.x, this.clipRect.y, this.clipRect.width, this.clipRect.height),
+ this.submitLength + 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.releaseRender = function() {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ e[e._length++] = this,
+ this.context = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e) {
+ var i = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ return i.context = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache = (t._cache = [],
+ t._cache._length = 0,
+ t._cache),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ct = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.step = 0,
+ this.blendMode = null,
+ this.level = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ e.renderSubmit = function() {
+ switch (this.step) {
+ case 1:
+ this.do1();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.do2();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.do3();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.do4();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.do5();
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.do6();
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.do7();
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ this.do8()
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.releaseRender = function() {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ e[e._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do1 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.enable(2960),
+ t.clear(1024),
+ t.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1),
+ t.stencilFunc(514, this.level, 255),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7682)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do2 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.stencilFunc(514, this.level + 1, 255),
+ t.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7680)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do3 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7680),
+ t.clear(1024),
+ t.disable(2960)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do4 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ 0 == this.level && (t.enable(2960),
+ t.clear(1024)),
+ t.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1),
+ t.stencilFunc(519, 0, 255),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7682)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do5 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.stencilFunc(514, this.level, 255),
+ t.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7680)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do6 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ G.targetFns[G.TOINT[this.blendMode]](t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do7 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7683)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.do8 = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0),
+ t.stencilFunc(514, this.level, 255),
+ t.stencilOp(7680, 7680, 7680)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.restore = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s;
+ if (e._renderKey = 0,
+ t._mask > 0 && t._mask--,
+ 0 == t._mask)
+ s = laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil.create(3),
+ e.addRenderObject(s),
+ e._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE;
+ else {
+ s = laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil.create(7),
+ e.addRenderObject(s);
+ var o = e._vb;
+ o._byteLength;
+ if (mt.fillRectImgVb(o, null, i.x, i.y, i.width, i.height, k.DEF_UV, n, a, r, 0, 0)) {
+ e._shader2D.glTexture = null;
+ var l = e._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(e, e._ib, o, (o._byteLength - 64) / 32 * 3, Ct.create(2, 0));
+ l.shaderValue.ALPHA = 1,
+ e._submits[e._submits._length++] = l,
+ e._curSubmit._numEle += 6,
+ e._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE
+ } else
+ alert("clipRect calc stencil rect error");
+ s = laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil.create(8),
+ e.addRenderObject(s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.restore2 = function(e, i) {
+ var n;
+ e._renderKey = 0,
+ t._mask > 0 && t._mask--,
+ 0 == t._mask ? (n = laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil.create(3),
+ e.addRenderObject(n),
+ e._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE) : (n = laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil.create(7),
+ e.addRenderObject(n),
+ e._submits[e._submits._length++] = i,
+ n = laya.webgl.submit.SubmitStencil.create(8),
+ e.addRenderObject(n))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e) {
+ var i = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ return i.step = e,
+ 5 == e && ++t._mask,
+ i.level = t._mask,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache = (t._cache = [],
+ t._cache._length = 0,
+ t._cache),
+ t._mask = 0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , _t = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._renderType = 0,
+ this._vb = null,
+ this._ib = null,
+ this._startIdx = 0,
+ this._numEle = 0,
+ this.shaderValue = null,
+ this.blendType = 0,
+ this.proName = null,
+ this.scope = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitTarget");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ e.renderSubmit = function() {
+ this._vb.bind_upload(this._ib);
+ var t = this.scope.getValue(this.proName);
+ return t && (this.shaderValue.texture = t.source,
+ this.shaderValue.strength && !this.shaderValue.blurInfo && (this.shaderValue.blurInfo = [t.width, t.height]),
+ this.shaderValue.upload(),
+ this.blend(),
+ D.drawCall++,
+ D.trianglesFaces += this._numEle / 3,
+ bt.mainContext.drawElements(4, this._numEle, 5123, this._startIdx)),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.blend = function() {
+ if (G.activeBlendFunction !== G.fns[this.blendType]) {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.enable(3042),
+ G.fns[this.blendType](t),
+ G.activeBlendFunction = G.fns[this.blendType]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.releaseRender = function() {
+ var e = t._cache;
+ e[e._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t._cache._length ? t._cache[--t._cache._length] : new t;
+ return o._ib = i,
+ o._vb = n,
+ o.proName = s,
+ o._startIdx = a * pt.BYTES_PIDX,
+ o._numEle = 0,
+ o.blendType = e._nBlendType,
+ o.shaderValue = r,
+ o.shaderValue.setValue(e._shader2D),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache = (t._cache = [],
+ t._cache._length = 0,
+ t._cache),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ut = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._sourceStr = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.text.CharSegment");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.webgl.text.ICharSegment": !0
+ }),
+ e.textToSpit = function(t) {
+ this._sourceStr = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getChar = function(t) {
+ return this._sourceStr.charAt(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCharCode = function(t) {
+ return this._sourceStr.charCodeAt(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.length = function() {
+ return this._sourceStr.length
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , dt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ var e;
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.text.DrawText"),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t._charsTemp = new Array,
+ t._drawValue = new e,
+ t._charSeg = new ut
+ }
+ ,
+ t.customCharSeg = function(e) {
+ t._charSeg = e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getChar = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = Wt.createOneChar(e, n);
+ return -1 != i && (t._charsCache[i] = a),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._drawSlow = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, d, f, p) {
+ var m, g, y = t._drawValue.value(s, l, h, c, d, f, p), v = 0, b = 0, w = t._charsTemp, x = 0, I = NaN;
+ if (a)
+ for (w.length = a.length,
+ v = 0,
+ b = a.length; v < b; v++)
+ I = (g = a[v]).charNum + y.txtID,
+ w[v] = m = t._charsCache[I] || t.getChar(g.char, I, y),
+ m.active();
+ else {
+ var C = n instanceof laya.utils.WordText ? n.toString() : n;
+ if (B.CharacterCache) {
+ t._charSeg.textToSpit(C);
+ var S = t._charSeg.length();
+ for (w.length = S,
+ v = 0,
+ b = S; v < b; v++)
+ I = t._charSeg.getCharCode(v) + y.txtID,
+ w[v] = m = t._charsCache[I] || t.getChar(t._charSeg.getChar(v), I, y),
+ m.active(),
+ x += m.cw
+ } else
+ w.length = 0,
+ (m = t.getChar(C, -1, y)).active(),
+ x += m.cw,
+ w[0] = m
+ }
+ var M = 0;
+ null !== o && "left" !== o && (M = -("center" == o ? x / 2 : x));
+ var L, T, E = NaN, D = 0;
+ if (a)
+ for (v = 0,
+ b = w.length; v < b; v++)
+ (m = w[v]).isSpace || (g = a[v],
+ E = m.borderSize,
+ L = m.texture,
+ i._drawText(L, _ + M + g.x * d - E, u + g.y * f - E, L.width, L.height, r, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ else {
+ for (v = 0,
+ b = w.length; v < b; v++)
+ (m = w[v]).isSpace || (E = m.borderSize,
+ L = m.texture,
+ i._drawText(L, _ + M - E, u - E, L.width, L.height, r, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ e && ((T = e[D++]) || (T = e[D - 1] = []),
+ T[0] = L,
+ T[1] = M - E,
+ T[2] = -E)),
+ M += m.cw;
+ e && (e.length = D)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._drawFast = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ for (var r, s, o = 0, l = t.length; o < l; o++)
+ (r = (s = t[o])[0]).active(),
+ e._drawText(r, n + s[1], a + s[2], r.width, r.height, i, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.drawText = function(e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, f) {
+ if (void 0 === f && (f = 0),
+ !(n && 0 === n.length || a && 0 === a.length)) {
+ var p = r.a
+ , m = r.d;
+ (0 !== r.b || 0 !== r.c) && (p = m = 1);
+ var g = 1 !== p || 1 !== m;
+ if (g && i.stage.transform) {
+ var y = i.stage.transform;
+ g = y.a === p && y.d === m
+ } else
+ g = !1;
+ if (g) {
+ var v = (r = r.copyTo(It._tmpMatrix)).tx
+ , b = r.ty;
+ r.scale(1 / p, 1 / m),
+ r._checkTransform(),
+ _ *= p,
+ u *= m,
+ _ += v - r.tx,
+ u += b - r.ty
+ } else
+ p = m = 1;
+ if (a)
+ t._drawSlow(null, e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, p, m, f);
+ else {
+ if (null === n.toUpperCase) {
+ var w = p + 1e5 * m
+ , x = n;
+ return void (x.changed || x.id !== w ? (x.id = w,
+ x.changed = !1,
+ t._drawSlow(x.save, e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, p, m, f)) : t._drawFast(x.save, e, r, _, u))
+ }
+ var I = n + s.toString() + l + h + c + p + m + o
+ , C = t._textsCache[I];
+ B.CharacterCache ? C ? t._drawFast(C, e, r, _, u) : (t._textsCache.__length || (t._textsCache.__length = 0),
+ t._textsCache.__length > d.WebGLTextCacheCount && ((t._textsCache = {}).__length = 0,
+ t._curPoolIndex = 0),
+ t._textCachesPool[t._curPoolIndex] ? (C = t._textsCache[I] = t._textCachesPool[t._curPoolIndex],
+ C.length = 0) : t._textCachesPool[t._curPoolIndex] = C = t._textsCache[I] = [],
+ t._textsCache.__length++,
+ t._curPoolIndex++,
+ t._drawSlow(C, e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, p, m, f)) : t._drawSlow(C, e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, p, m, f)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._charsTemp = null,
+ t._textCachesPool = [],
+ t._curPoolIndex = 0,
+ t._charsCache = {},
+ t._textsCache = {},
+ t._drawValue = null,
+ t.d = [],
+ t._charSeg = null,
+ t.__init$ = function() {
+ e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "");
+ return t.prototype.value = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this.font = e,
+ this.fillColor = i,
+ this.borderColor = n,
+ this.lineWidth = a,
+ this.scaleX = r,
+ this.scaleY = s,
+ this.underLine = o;
+ var l = e.toString() + r + s + a + i + n + o;
+ return this.txtID = t._keymap[l],
+ this.txtID || (this.txtID = 1e-7 * ++t._keymapCount,
+ t._keymap[l] = this.txtID),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear = function() {
+ t._keymap = {},
+ t._keymapCount = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t._keymap = {},
+ t._keymapCount = 1,
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , ft = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._size = 14,
+ this._italic = -2,
+ t._cache2 = t._cache2 || [],
+ this.setFont(e || "14px Arial")
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.text.FontInContext");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setFont = function(e) {
+ var i = t._cache2[e];
+ if (i)
+ this._words = i[0],
+ this._size = i[1];
+ else {
+ this._words = e.split(" ");
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._words.length; n < a; n++)
+ if (this._words[n].indexOf("px") > 0) {
+ this._index = n;
+ break
+ }
+ this._size = parseInt(this._words[this._index]),
+ t._cache2[e] = [this._words, this._size]
+ }
+ this._text = null,
+ this._italic = -2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getItalic = function() {
+ return -2 === this._italic && (this._italic = this.hasType("italic")),
+ this._italic
+ }
+ ,
+ e.hasType = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._words.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (this._words[e] === t)
+ return e;
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeType = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._words.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (this._words[e] === t) {
+ this._words.splice(e, 1),
+ this._index > e && this._index--;
+ break
+ }
+ this._text = null,
+ this._italic = -2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.copyTo = function(t) {
+ return t._text = this._text,
+ t._size = this._size,
+ t._index = this._index,
+ t._words = this._words.slice(),
+ t._italic = -2,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toString = function() {
+ return this._text ? this._text : this._text = this._words.join(" ")
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "size", function() {
+ return this._size
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._size = t,
+ this._words[this._index] = t + "px",
+ this._text = null
+ }),
+ t.create = function(e) {
+ var i = t._cache[e];
+ return i || (i = t._cache[e] = new t(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.EMPTY = new t,
+ t._cache = {},
+ t._cache2 = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , pt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.utils.CONST3D2D"),
+ t.defaultMatrix4 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ t.defaultMinusYMatrix4 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ t.uniformMatrix3 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
+ t._TMPARRAY = [],
+ t._OFFSETX = 0,
+ t._OFFSETY = 0,
+ n(t, ["BYTES_PE", function() {
+ return this.BYTES_PE = Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
+ }
+ , "BYTES_PIDX", function() {
+ return this.BYTES_PIDX = Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , mt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.utils.GlUtils"),
+ t.make2DProjection = function(t, e, i) {
+ return [2 / t, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2 / e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 / i, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fillIBQuadrangle = function(t, e) {
+ if (e > 65535 / 4)
+ throw Error("IBQuadrangle count:" + e + " must<:" + Math.floor(65535 / 4));
+ e = Math.floor(e),
+ t._resizeBuffer(6 * (e + 1) * 2, !1),
+ t.byteLength = t.bufferLength;
+ for (var i = t.getUint16Array(), n = 0, a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i[n++] = 4 * a,
+ i[n++] = 4 * a + 2,
+ i[n++] = 4 * a + 1,
+ i[n++] = 4 * a,
+ i[n++] = 4 * a + 3,
+ i[n++] = 4 * a + 2;
+ return t.setNeedUpload(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.expandIBQuadrangle = function(e, i) {
+ e.bufferLength >= 6 * i * 2 || t.fillIBQuadrangle(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mathCeilPowerOfTwo = function(t) {
+ return t--,
+ t |= t >> 1,
+ t |= t >> 2,
+ t |= t >> 4,
+ t |= t >> 8,
+ t |= t >> 16,
+ ++t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fillQuadrangleImgVb = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ var l = 16 + (t._byteLength >> 2);
+ t.byteLength = l << 2;
+ var h = t.getFloat32Array();
+ h[(l -= 16) + 2] = a[0],
+ h[l + 3] = a[1],
+ h[l + 6] = a[2],
+ h[l + 7] = a[3],
+ h[l + 10] = a[4],
+ h[l + 11] = a[5],
+ h[l + 14] = a[6],
+ h[l + 15] = a[7];
+ var c = r.a
+ , _ = r.b
+ , u = r.c
+ , d = r.d;
+ if (1 !== c || 0 !== _ || 0 !== u || 1 !== d) {
+ r.bTransform = !0;
+ var f = r.tx + s
+ , p = r.ty + o;
+ h[l] = (n[0] + e) * c + (n[1] + i) * u + f,
+ h[l + 1] = (n[0] + e) * _ + (n[1] + i) * d + p,
+ h[l + 4] = (n[2] + e) * c + (n[3] + i) * u + f,
+ h[l + 5] = (n[2] + e) * _ + (n[3] + i) * d + p,
+ h[l + 8] = (n[4] + e) * c + (n[5] + i) * u + f,
+ h[l + 9] = (n[4] + e) * _ + (n[5] + i) * d + p,
+ h[l + 12] = (n[6] + e) * c + (n[7] + i) * u + f,
+ h[l + 13] = (n[6] + e) * _ + (n[7] + i) * d + p
+ } else
+ r.bTransform = !1,
+ e += r.tx + s,
+ i += r.ty + o,
+ h[l] = e + n[0],
+ h[l + 1] = i + n[1],
+ h[l + 4] = e + n[2],
+ h[l + 5] = i + n[3],
+ h[l + 8] = e + n[4],
+ h[l + 9] = i + n[5],
+ h[l + 12] = e + n[6],
+ h[l + 13] = i + n[7];
+ return t._upload = !0,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fillTranglesVB = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = (t._byteLength >> 2) + n.length;
+ t.byteLength = o << 2;
+ var l = t.getFloat32Array();
+ o -= n.length;
+ for (var h = n.length, c = a.a, _ = a.b, u = a.c, d = a.d, f = 0; f < h; f += 4)
+ if (l[o + f + 2] = n[f + 2],
+ l[o + f + 3] = n[f + 3],
+ 1 !== c || 0 !== _ || 0 !== u || 1 !== d) {
+ a.bTransform = !0;
+ var p = a.tx + r
+ , m = a.ty + s;
+ l[o + f] = (n[f] + e) * c + (n[f + 1] + i) * u + p,
+ l[o + f + 1] = (n[f] + e) * _ + (n[f + 1] + i) * d + m
+ } else
+ a.bTransform = !1,
+ e += a.tx + r,
+ i += a.ty + s,
+ l[o + f] = e + n[f],
+ l[o + f + 1] = i + n[f + 1];
+ return t._upload = !0,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.copyPreImgVb = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t._byteLength >> 2;
+ t.byteLength = n + 16 << 2;
+ for (var a = t.getFloat32Array(), r = 0, s = n - 16; r < 4; r++)
+ a[n] = a[s] + e,
+ ++s,
+ a[++n] = a[s] + i,
+ ++s,
+ a[++n] = a[s],
+ ++s,
+ a[++n] = a[s],
+ ++n,
+ ++s;
+ t._upload = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fillRectImgVb = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u) {
+ void 0 === u && (u = !1);
+ var d, f, p, m, g, y, v, b, w, x, I, C, S, M, L, T, E = 1, D = o.a, N = o.b, A = o.c, B = o.d, k = e && e.width < 99999999;
+ if (1 !== D || 0 !== N || 0 !== A || 1 !== B ? (o.bTransform = !0,
+ 0 === N && 0 === A && (E = 23,
+ w = a + i,
+ x = r + n,
+ d = D * i + (I = o.tx + l),
+ p = D * w + I,
+ f = B * n + (C = o.ty + h),
+ m = B * x + C)) : (E = 23,
+ o.bTransform = !1,
+ p = (d = i + o.tx + l) + a,
+ m = (f = n + o.ty + h) + r),
+ k && (g = e.x,
+ y = e.y,
+ v = e.width + g,
+ b = e.height + y),
+ 1 !== E) {
+ if (Math.min(d, p) >= v)
+ return !1;
+ if (Math.min(f, m) >= b)
+ return !1;
+ if (Math.max(p, d) <= g)
+ return !1;
+ if (Math.max(m, f) <= y)
+ return !1
+ }
+ var R = t._byteLength >> 2;
+ t.byteLength = R + 16 << 2;
+ var P = t.getFloat32Array();
+ switch (P[R + 2] = s[0],
+ P[R + 3] = s[1],
+ P[R + 6] = s[2],
+ P[R + 7] = s[3],
+ P[R + 10] = s[4],
+ P[R + 11] = s[5],
+ P[R + 14] = s[6],
+ P[R + 15] = s[7],
+ E) {
+ case 1:
+ I = o.tx + l,
+ C = o.ty + h;
+ var O = D * i
+ , U = A * n
+ , V = B * n
+ , F = N * i
+ , H = D * (w = a + i)
+ , G = A * (x = r + n)
+ , z = B * x
+ , j = N * w;
+ u ? (S = O + U + I,
+ L = Math.round(S) - S,
+ M = V + F + C,
+ T = Math.round(M) - M,
+ P[R] = S + L,
+ P[R + 1] = M + T,
+ P[R + 4] = H + U + I + L,
+ P[R + 5] = V + j + C + T,
+ P[R + 8] = H + G + I + L,
+ P[R + 9] = z + j + C + T,
+ P[R + 12] = O + G + I + L,
+ P[R + 13] = z + F + C + T) : (P[R] = O + U + I,
+ P[R + 1] = V + F + C,
+ P[R + 4] = H + U + I,
+ P[R + 5] = V + j + C,
+ P[R + 8] = H + G + I,
+ P[R + 9] = z + j + C,
+ P[R + 12] = O + G + I,
+ P[R + 13] = z + F + C);
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ u ? (S = d + c,
+ L = Math.round(S) - S,
+ M = f,
+ T = Math.round(M) - M,
+ P[R] = S + L,
+ P[R + 1] = M + T,
+ P[R + 4] = p + c + L,
+ P[R + 5] = f + T,
+ P[R + 8] = p + L,
+ P[R + 9] = m + T,
+ P[R + 12] = d + L,
+ P[R + 13] = m + T) : (P[R] = d + c,
+ P[R + 1] = f,
+ P[R + 4] = p + c,
+ P[R + 5] = f,
+ P[R + 8] = p,
+ P[R + 9] = m,
+ P[R + 12] = d,
+ P[R + 13] = m)
+ }
+ return t._upload = !0,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fillLineVb = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ var h = .5 * o
+ , c = t._fillLineArray
+ , _ = -(a - s)
+ , u = n - r
+ , d = Math.sqrt(_ * _ + u * u);
+ _ /= d,
+ u /= d,
+ _ *= h,
+ u *= h,
+ c[0] = n - _,
+ c[1] = a - u,
+ c[4] = n + _,
+ c[5] = a + u,
+ c[8] = r + _,
+ c[9] = s + u,
+ c[12] = r - _,
+ c[13] = s - u,
+ l && l.transformPointArray(c, c);
+ var f = 16 + (e._byteLength >> 2);
+ return e.byteLength = f << 2,
+ e.insertData(c, f - 16),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._fillLineArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ t
+ }()
+ , gt = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.utils.MatirxArray"),
+ t.ArrayMul = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (e)
+ if (i)
+ for (var a = NaN, r = NaN, s = NaN, o = NaN, l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ a = e[l],
+ r = e[l + 4],
+ s = e[l + 8],
+ o = e[l + 12],
+ n[l] = a * i[0] + r * i[1] + s * i[2] + o * i[3],
+ n[l + 4] = a * i[4] + r * i[5] + s * i[6] + o * i[7],
+ n[l + 8] = a * i[8] + r * i[9] + s * i[10] + o * i[11],
+ n[l + 12] = a * i[12] + r * i[13] + s * i[14] + o * i[15];
+ else
+ t.copyArray(e, n);
+ else
+ t.copyArray(i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.copyArray = function(t, e) {
+ if (t && e)
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ e[i] = t[i]
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._stride = 0,
+ this.vertNum = 0,
+ this.indexNum = 0,
+ this._applied = !1,
+ this._vb = null,
+ this._ib = null,
+ this._vao = null,
+ this._attribInfo = null,
+ this._quadNum = 0,
+ this.canReuse = !1,
+ this._stride = t,
+ this._vb = new $t(t,35048),
+ e && this._vb._resizeBuffer(e, !1),
+ this._ib = new Qt,
+ i && this._ib._resizeBuffer(i, !1)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.utils.Mesh2D");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.cloneWithNewVB = function() {
+ var e = new t(this._stride,0,0);
+ return e._ib = this._ib,
+ e._quadNum = this._quadNum,
+ e._attribInfo = this._attribInfo,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneWithNewVBIB = function() {
+ var e = new t(this._stride,0,0);
+ return e._attribInfo = this._attribInfo,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getVBW = function() {
+ return this._vb.setNeedUpload(),
+ this._vb
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getVBR = function() {
+ return this._vb
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getIBR = function() {
+ return this._ib
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getIBW = function() {
+ return this._ib.setNeedUpload(),
+ this._ib
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createQuadIB = function(t) {
+ this._quadNum = t,
+ this._ib._resizeBuffer(6 * t * 2, !1),
+ this._ib.byteLength = this._ib.bufferLength;
+ for (var e = this._ib.getUint16Array(), i = 0, n = 0, a = 0; a < t; a++)
+ e[i++] = n,
+ e[i++] = n + 2,
+ e[i++] = n + 1,
+ e[i++] = n,
+ e[i++] = n + 3,
+ e[i++] = n + 2,
+ n += 4;
+ this._ib.setNeedUpload()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setAttributes = function(t) {
+ if (this._attribInfo = t,
+ this._attribInfo.length % 3 != 0)
+ throw "Mesh2D setAttributes error!"
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getEleNum = function() {
+ return this._ib.getBuffer().byteLength / 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.releaseMesh = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.clearVB = function() {
+ this._vb.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._gvaoid = 0,
+ t
+ }())
+ , yt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.utils.RenderState2D"),
+ t.getMatrArray = function() {
+ return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mat2MatArray = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e
+ , a = i;
+ return a[0] = n.a,
+ a[1] = n.b,
+ a[2] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[2],
+ a[3] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[3],
+ a[4] = n.c,
+ a[5] = n.d,
+ a[6] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[6],
+ a[7] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[7],
+ a[8] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[8],
+ a[9] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[9],
+ a[10] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[10],
+ a[11] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[11],
+ a[12] = n.tx,
+ a[13] = n.ty,
+ a[14] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[14],
+ a[15] = t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY[15],
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.restoreTempArray = function() {
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY[0] = 1,
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY[1] = 0,
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY[4] = 0,
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY[5] = 1,
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY[12] = 0,
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY[13] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear = function() {
+ t.worldScissorTest = !1,
+ t.worldShaderDefines = null,
+ t.worldFilters = null,
+ t.worldAlpha = 1,
+ t.worldClipRect.x = t.worldClipRect.y = 0,
+ t.worldClipRect.width = t.width,
+ t.worldClipRect.height = t.height,
+ t.curRenderTarget = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._MAXSIZE = 99999999,
+ t.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ t.worldMatrix4 = t.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY,
+ t.worldAlpha = 1,
+ t.worldScissorTest = !1,
+ t.worldFilters = null,
+ t.worldShaderDefines = null,
+ t.curRenderTarget = null,
+ t.width = 0,
+ t.height = 0,
+ n(t, ["worldMatrix", function() {
+ return this.worldMatrix = new b
+ }
+ , "worldClipRect", function() {
+ return this.worldClipRect = new x(0,0,99999999,99999999)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , vt = function() {
+ function t(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ function s(t) {
+ var i = []
+ , n = new e(i);
+ return o._compileToTree(n, t.split("\n"), 0, i, r),
+ n
+ }
+ var o = this
+ , l = c.now();
+ this._VS = s(i),
+ this._PS = s(n),
+ this._nameMap = a,
+ c.now() - l > 2 && console.log("ShaderCompile use time:" + (c.now() - l) + " size:" + i.length + "/" + n.length)
+ }
+ var e, i;
+ a(t, "laya.webgl.utils.ShaderCompile");
+ var r = t.prototype;
+ return r._compileToTree = function(i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o, l, h, c, _, u, d, f = 0, p = 0, m = 0, g = 0;
+ for (p = a; p < n.length; p++)
+ if (!((h = n[p]).length < 1) && 0 !== (f = h.indexOf("//"))) {
+ if (f >= 0 && (h = h.substr(0, f)),
+ o = d || new e(r),
+ d = null,
+ o.text = h,
+ o.noCompile = !0,
+ (f = h.indexOf("#")) >= 0) {
+ for (c = "#",
+ g = f + 1,
+ m = h.length; g < m; g++) {
+ var y = h.charAt(g);
+ if (" " === y || "\t" === y || "?" === y)
+ break;
+ c += y
+ }
+ switch (o.name = c,
+ c) {
+ case "#ifdef":
+ case "#ifndef":
+ if (o.src = h,
+ o.noCompile = null != h.match(/[!&|()=<>]/),
+ o.noCompile ? console.log("function():Boolean{return " + h.substr(f + o.name.length) + "}") : (u = h.replace(/^\s*/, "").split(/\s+/),
+ o.setCondition(u[1], "#ifdef" === c ? 1 : 2),
+ o.text = "//" + o.text),
+ o.setParent(i),
+ i = o,
+ s)
+ for (u = h.substr(g).split(t._splitToWordExps3),
+ g = 0; g < u.length; g++)
+ (h = u[g]).length && (s[h] = !0);
+ continue;
+ case "#if":
+ if (o.src = h,
+ o.noCompile = !0,
+ o.setParent(i),
+ i = o,
+ s)
+ for (u = h.substr(g).split(t._splitToWordExps3),
+ g = 0; g < u.length; g++)
+ (h = u[g]).length && "defined" != h && (s[h] = !0);
+ continue;
+ case "#else":
+ o.src = h,
+ l = (i = i.parent).childs[i.childs.length - 1],
+ o.noCompile = l.noCompile,
+ o.noCompile || (o.condition = l.condition,
+ o.conditionType = 1 == l.conditionType ? 2 : 1,
+ o.text = "//" + o.text + " " + l.text + " " + o.conditionType),
+ o.setParent(i),
+ i = o;
+ continue;
+ case "#endif":
+ l = (i = i.parent).childs[i.childs.length - 1],
+ o.noCompile = l.noCompile,
+ o.noCompile || (o.text = "//" + o.text),
+ o.setParent(i);
+ continue;
+ case "#include":
+ u = t.splitToWords(h, null);
+ var v = t.includes[u[1]];
+ if (!v)
+ throw "ShaderCompile error no this include file:" + u[1];
+ if ((f = u[0].indexOf("?")) < 0) {
+ o.setParent(i),
+ h = v.getWith("with" == u[2] ? u[3] : null),
+ this._compileToTree(o, h.split("\n"), 0, r, s),
+ o.text = "";
+ continue
+ }
+ o.setCondition(u[0].substr(f + 1), 1),
+ o.text = v.getWith("with" == u[2] ? u[3] : null);
+ break;
+ case "#import":
+ _ = (u = t.splitToWords(h, null))[1],
+ r.push({
+ node: o,
+ file: t.includes[_],
+ ofs: o.text.length
+ });
+ continue
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((l = i.childs[i.childs.length - 1]) && !l.name) {
+ r.length > 0 && t.splitToWords(h, l),
+ d = o,
+ l.text += "\n" + h;
+ continue
+ }
+ r.length > 0 && t.splitToWords(h, o)
+ }
+ o.setParent(i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.createShader = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = {}
+ , a = "";
+ if (t)
+ for (var r in t)
+ a += "#define " + r + "\n",
+ n[r] = !0;
+ var s = this._VS.toscript(n, [])
+ , o = this._PS.toscript(n, []);
+ return (i || Yt.create)(a + s.join("\n"), a + o.join("\n"), e, this._nameMap)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._parseOne = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = {
+ type: t.shaderParamsMap[n[a + 1]],
+ name: n[a + 2],
+ size: isNaN(parseInt(n[a + 3])) ? 1 : parseInt(n[a + 3])
+ };
+ return s && ("attribute" == r ? e.push(o) : i.push(o)),
+ ":" == n[a + 3] && (o.type = n[a + 4],
+ a += 2),
+ a += 2
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addInclude = function(e, n) {
+ if (!n || 0 === n.length)
+ throw new Error("add shader include file err:" + e);
+ if (t.includes[e])
+ throw new Error("add shader include file err, has add:" + e);
+ t.includes[e] = new i(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.preGetParams = function(e, i) {
+ var n = [e, i]
+ , a = {}
+ , r = []
+ , s = []
+ , o = {}
+ , l = [];
+ a.attributes = r,
+ a.uniforms = s,
+ a.defines = o;
+ for (var h = 0, c = 0, _ = 0; _ < 2; _++) {
+ n[_] = n[_].replace(t._removeAnnotation, "");
+ var u, d = n[_].match(t._reg);
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = d.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var f = d[h];
+ if ("attribute" == f || "uniform" == f)
+ h = t._parseOne(r, s, d, h, f, !0);
+ else {
+ if ("#define" == f) {
+ l[f = d[++h]] = 1;
+ continue
+ }
+ if ("#ifdef" == f) {
+ o[u = d[++h]] = o[u] || [];
+ for (h++; h < c; h++)
+ if ("attribute" == (f = d[h]) || "uniform" == f)
+ h = t._parseOne(r, s, d, h, f, l[u]);
+ else if ("#else" == f)
+ for (h++; h < c; h++)
+ if ("attribute" == (f = d[h]) || "uniform" == f)
+ h = t._parseOne(r, s, d, h, f, !l[u]);
+ else if ("#endif" == f)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.splitToWords = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i, n, a = [], r = -1, s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; s++)
+ if (i = t.charAt(s),
+ " \t=+-*/&%!<>()'\",;".indexOf(i) >= 0) {
+ if (r >= 0 && s - r > 1 && (n = t.substr(r, s - r),
+ a.push(n)),
+ '"' == i || "'" == i) {
+ var l = t.indexOf(i, s + 1);
+ if (l < 0)
+ throw "Sharder err:" + t;
+ a.push(t.substr(s + 1, l - s - 1)),
+ s = l,
+ r = -1;
+ continue
+ }
+ "(" == i && e && a.length > 0 && (n = a[a.length - 1] + ";",
+ "vec4;main;".indexOf(n) < 0 && (e.useFuns += n)),
+ r = -1
+ } else
+ r < 0 && (r = s);
+ return r < o && o - r > 1 && (n = t.substr(r, o - r),
+ a.push(n)),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.IFDEF_NO = 0,
+ t.IFDEF_YES = 1,
+ t.IFDEF_ELSE = 2,
+ t._removeAnnotation = new RegExp("(/\\*([^*]|[\\r\\\n]|(\\*+([^*/]|[\\r\\n])))*\\*+/)|(//.*)","g"),
+ t._reg = new RegExp("(\".*\")|('.*')|([#\\w\\*-\\.+/()=<>{}\\\\]+)|([,;:\\\\])","g"),
+ t._splitToWordExps = new RegExp("[(\".*\")]+|[('.*')]+|([ \\t=\\+\\-*/&%!<>!%(),;])","g"),
+ t.includes = {},
+ n(t, ["shaderParamsMap", function() {
+ return this.shaderParamsMap = {
+ float: 5126,
+ int: 5124,
+ bool: 35670,
+ vec2: 35664,
+ vec3: 35665,
+ vec4: 35666,
+ ivec2: 35667,
+ ivec3: 35668,
+ ivec4: 35669,
+ bvec2: 35671,
+ bvec3: 35672,
+ bvec4: 35673,
+ mat2: 35674,
+ mat3: 35675,
+ mat4: 35676,
+ sampler2D: 35678,
+ samplerCube: 35680
+ }
+ }
+ , "_splitToWordExps3", function() {
+ return this._splitToWordExps3 = new RegExp("[ \\t=\\+\\-*/&%!<>!%(),;\\|]","g")
+ }
+ ]),
+ t.__init$ = function() {
+ e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.childs = [],
+ this.text = "",
+ this.parent = null,
+ this.name = null,
+ this.noCompile = !1,
+ this.includefiles = null,
+ this.condition = null,
+ this.conditionType = 0,
+ this.useFuns = "",
+ this.z = 0,
+ this.src = null,
+ this.includefiles = t
+ }
+ a(t, "");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setParent = function(t) {
+ t.childs.push(this),
+ this.z = t.z + 1,
+ this.parent = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setCondition = function(t, e) {
+ t && (this.conditionType = e,
+ t = t.replace(/(\s*$)/g, ""),
+ this.condition = function() {
+ return this[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ this.condition.__condition = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toscript = function(e, i) {
+ return this._toscript(e, i, ++t.__id)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._toscript = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (this.childs.length < 1 && !this.text)
+ return e;
+ e.length;
+ if (this.condition) {
+ var n = !!this.condition.call(t);
+ if (2 === this.conditionType && (n = !n),
+ !n)
+ return e
+ }
+ if (this.text && e.push(this.text),
+ this.childs.length > 0 && this.childs.forEach(function(n, a, r) {
+ n._toscript(t, e, i)
+ }),
+ this.includefiles.length > 0 && this.useFuns.length > 0)
+ for (var a, r = 0, s = this.includefiles.length; r < s; r++)
+ this.includefiles[r].curUseID != i && (a = this.includefiles[r].file.getFunsScript(this.useFuns)).length > 0 && (this.includefiles[r].curUseID = i,
+ e[0] = a + e[0]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__id = 1,
+ t
+ }(),
+ i = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.script = null,
+ this.codes = {},
+ this.funs = {},
+ this.curUseID = -1,
+ this.funnames = "",
+ this.script = e;
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0, a = 0; ; ) {
+ if ((i = e.indexOf("#begin", i)) < 0)
+ break;
+ for (a = i + 5; ; ) {
+ if ((a = e.indexOf("#end", a)) < 0)
+ break;
+ if ("i" !== e.charAt(a + 4))
+ break;
+ a += 5
+ }
+ if (a < 0)
+ throw "add include err,no #end:" + e;
+ n = e.indexOf("\n", i);
+ var r = t.splitToWords(e.substr(i, n - i), null);
+ "code" == r[1] ? this.codes[r[2]] = e.substr(n + 1, a - n - 1) : "function" == r[1] && (n = e.indexOf("function", i),
+ n += "function".length,
+ this.funs[r[3]] = e.substr(n + 1, a - n - 1),
+ this.funnames += r[3] + ";"),
+ i = a + 1
+ }
+ }
+ a(e, "");
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.getWith = function(t) {
+ var e = t ? this.codes[t] : this.script;
+ if (!e)
+ throw "get with error:" + t;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getFunsScript = function(t) {
+ var e = "";
+ for (var i in this.funs)
+ t.indexOf(i + ";") >= 0 && (e += this.funs[i]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , bt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.WebGL"),
+ t._uint8ArraySlice = function() {
+ for (var t = this.length, e = new Uint8Array(this.length), i = 0; i < t; i++)
+ e[i] = this[i];
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t._float32ArraySlice = function() {
+ for (var t = this.length, e = new Float32Array(this.length), i = 0; i < t; i++)
+ e[i] = this[i];
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t._uint16ArraySlice = function(t) {
+ var e, i = arguments, n = 0, a = 0;
+ if (0 === i.length)
+ for (n = this.length,
+ e = new Uint16Array(n),
+ a = 0; a < n; a++)
+ e[a] = this[a];
+ else if (2 === i.length) {
+ var r = i[0]
+ , s = i[1];
+ if (s > r)
+ for (n = s - r,
+ e = new Uint16Array(n),
+ a = r; a < s; a++)
+ e[a - r] = this[a];
+ else
+ e = new Uint16Array(0)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.expandContext = function() {
+ var t = f.prototype
+ , e = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
+ e.fillTrangles = t.fillTrangles,
+ Jt.__int__(null),
+ e.setIBVB = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === l && (l = 0),
+ void 0 === h && (h = 0),
+ null === i && (this._ib = this._ib || Qt.QuadrangleIB,
+ i = this._ib,
+ mt.expandIBQuadrangle(i, n._byteLength / 64 + 8)),
+ this._setIBVB(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fillTrangles = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._curMat = this._curMat || b.create(),
+ this._vb = this._vb || $t.create(),
+ this._ib || (this._ib = Qt.create(),
+ mt.fillIBQuadrangle(this._ib, s / 4));
+ var r = this._vb
+ , s = n.length >> 4;
+ mt.fillTranglesVB(r, e, i, n, a || this._curMat, 0, 0),
+ mt.expandIBQuadrangle(this._ib, r._byteLength / 64 + 8);
+ var o = new Ct(1,0);
+ o.textureHost = t;
+ var l = new Zt("attribute vec2 position; attribute vec2 texcoord; uniform vec2 size; uniform mat4 mmat; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { vec4 p=vec4(position.xy,0.0,1.0);vec4 pos=mmat*p; gl_Position =vec4((pos.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-pos.y/size.y)*2.0,pos.z,1.0); v_texcoord = texcoord; }","precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texcoord; uniform sampler2D texture; void main() {vec4 color= texture2D(texture, v_texcoord); color.a*=1.0; gl_FragColor= color;}");
+ r._vertType = 3,
+ this._setIBVB(e, i, this._ib, r, 6 * s, a, l, o, 0, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.enable = function() {
+ if (c.__init__(),
+ I.isConchApp && !I.isConchWebGL)
+ return L.skinAniSprite = function() {
+ return new tt
+ }
+ ,
+ t.expandContext(),
+ !1;
+ if (L.getWebGLContext = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webkit-3d", "moz-webgl"], n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ try {
+ e = t.getContext(i[n], {
+ stencil: d.isStencil,
+ alpha: d.isAlpha,
+ antialias: d.isAntialias,
+ premultipliedAlpha: d.premultipliedAlpha,
+ preserveDrawingBuffer: d.preserveDrawingBuffer
+ })
+ } catch (t) {}
+ if (e)
+ return e
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ null == (t.mainContext = L.getWebGLContext(I._mainCanvas)))
+ return !1;
+ if (I.isWebGL)
+ return !0;
+ y.create = function(t, e) {
+ return new te(t,e)
+ }
+ ,
+ v.create = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ return new qt(t,e,i,n,a,r,s)
+ }
+ ,
+ I.WebGL = t,
+ I.isWebGL = !0,
+ dt.__init__(),
+ L.createRenderSprite = function(t, e) {
+ return new St(t,e)
+ }
+ ,
+ L.createWebGLContext2D = function(t) {
+ return new It(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ L.changeWebGLSize = function(t, e) {
+ laya.webgl.WebGL.onStageResize(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ L.createGraphics = function() {
+ return new xt
+ }
+ ;
+ var e = L.createFilterAction;
+ return L.createFilterAction = e || function(t) {
+ return new Mt
+ }
+ ,
+ L.clear = function(t) {
+ yt.worldScissorTest && laya.webgl.WebGL.mainContext.disable(3089);
+ var e = I.context.ctx
+ , i = 0 == e._submits._length || d.preserveDrawingBuffer ? u.create(t)._color : E._wgColor;
+ i && e.clearBG(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]),
+ yt.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ L.addToAtlas = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ var n = t.bitmap;
+ I.optimizeTextureMemory(t.url, t) ? i.__typeof(n, "laya.webgl.resource.IMergeAtlasBitmap") && n.allowMerageInAtlas && n.on("recovered", t, t.addTextureToAtlas) : n.enableMerageInAtlas = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ L.isAtlas = function(t) {
+ return t instanceof laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasWebGLCanvas
+ }
+ ,
+ F._enable(),
+ L.beginFlush = function() {
+ for (var t = F.instance, e = t.getAtlaserCount(), i = 0; i < e; i++) {
+ var n = t.getAtlaserByIndex(i).texture;
+ n._flashCacheImageNeedFlush && L.flashFlushImage(n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ L.drawToCanvas = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ (i <= 0 || n <= 0) && console.log("[error] canvasWidth and canvasHeight should greater than zero"),
+ a -= t.x,
+ r -= t.y,
+ i |= 1,
+ n |= 1,
+ a |= 1,
+ r |= 1;
+ var s = Pt.create(i, n, 6408, 5121, 0, !1);
+ s.start(),
+ s.clear(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ I.context.clear(),
+ C.renders[e]._fun(t, I.context, a, yt.height - n + r),
+ I.context.flush(),
+ s.end();
+ var o = s.getData(0, 0, i, n);
+ if (s.recycle(),
+ o.byteLength == i * n * 4) {
+ var l = new jt;
+ l._canvas = c.createElement("canvas"),
+ l.size(i, n);
+ var h = l._canvas.getContext("2d");
+ c.canvas.size(i, n);
+ var _ = c.context
+ , u = _.createImageData(i, n);
+ return u.data.set(new Uint8ClampedArray(o.buffer)),
+ l._imgData = u,
+ _.putImageData(u, 0, 0),
+ h.save(),
+ h.translate(0, n),
+ h.scale(1, -1),
+ h.drawImage(c.canvas.source, 0, 0),
+ h.restore(),
+ l
+ }
+ console.log("drawToCanvas error: w:" + i + ",h:" + n + ",datalen:" + o.byteLength)
+ }
+ ,
+ L.createFilterAction = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 32:
+ e = new Mt
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ L.addTextureToAtlas = function(t) {
+ t._uvID++,
+ F._atlasRestore++,
+ t.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas && F.instance.addToAtlas(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ L.getTexturePixels = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ I.context.ctx.clear();
+ var r = new T;
+ r.graphics.drawTexture(t, -e, -i);
+ var s = Pt.create(n, a);
+ s.start(),
+ s.clear(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ r.render(I.context, 0, 0),
+ I.context.ctx.flush(),
+ s.end();
+ for (var o = s.getData(0, 0, n, a), l = [], h = 0, c = a - 1; c >= 0; c--)
+ for (var _ = 0; _ < n; _++)
+ h = 4 * (c * n + _),
+ l.push(o[h]),
+ l.push(o[h + 1]),
+ l.push(o[h + 2]),
+ l.push(o[h + 3]);
+ return l
+ }
+ ,
+ L.skinAniSprite = function() {
+ return new tt
+ }
+ ,
+ g.create = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new jt;
+ return i._imgData = e,
+ i.flipY = !1,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ p._filterStart = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.getValue("bounds")
+ , s = Pt.create(r.width, r.height);
+ if (s.start(),
+ s.clear(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ t.addValue("src", s),
+ t.addValue("ScissorTest", yt.worldScissorTest),
+ yt.worldScissorTest) {
+ var o = new x;
+ o.copyFrom(i.ctx._clipRect),
+ t.addValue("clipRect", o),
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !1,
+ laya.webgl.WebGL.mainContext.disable(3089)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ p._filterEnd = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.getValue("bounds");
+ t.getValue("src").end();
+ var s = Pt.create(r.width, r.height);
+ s.start(),
+ s.clear(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ t.addValue("out", s),
+ e._set$P("_filterCache", s),
+ e._set$P("_isHaveGlowFilter", t.getValue("_isHaveGlowFilter"))
+ }
+ ,
+ p._EndTarget = function(t, e) {
+ t.getValue("src").recycle();
+ t.getValue("out").end();
+ if (t.getValue("ScissorTest")) {
+ yt.worldScissorTest = !0,
+ laya.webgl.WebGL.mainContext.enable(3089),
+ e.ctx.save();
+ var i = t.getValue("clipRect");
+ e.ctx.clipRect(i.x, i.y, i.width, i.height)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ p._useSrc = function(t) {
+ var e = t.getValue("out");
+ e.end(),
+ (e = t.getValue("src")).start(),
+ e.clear(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ p._endSrc = function(t) {
+ t.getValue("src").end()
+ }
+ ,
+ p._useOut = function(t) {
+ var e = t.getValue("src");
+ e.end(),
+ (e = t.getValue("out")).start(),
+ e.clear(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ p._endOut = function(t) {
+ t.getValue("out").end()
+ }
+ ,
+ p._recycleScope = function(t) {
+ t.recycle()
+ }
+ ,
+ p._filter = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._next;
+ if (a) {
+ var r = t.filters
+ , s = r.length;
+ if (1 == s && 32 == r[0].type)
+ return e.ctx.save(),
+ e.ctx.setFilters([r[0]]),
+ a._fun.call(a, t, e, i, n),
+ void e.ctx.restore();
+ var o, l, h = ot.create(), c = w.TEMP, _ = e.ctx._getTransformMatrix(), u = b.create();
+ _.copyTo(u);
+ var d = 0
+ , f = 0
+ , m = !1
+ , g = t._$P._filterCache ? t._$P._filterCache : null;
+ if (!g || t._repaint) {
+ m = t._isHaveGlowFilter(),
+ h.addValue("_isHaveGlowFilter", m),
+ m && (d = 50,
+ f = 25),
+ (l = new x).copyFrom(t.getSelfBounds()),
+ l.x += t.x,
+ l.y += t.y,
+ l.x -= t.pivotX + 4,
+ l.y -= t.pivotY + 4;
+ var y = l.x
+ , v = l.y;
+ if (l.width += d + 8,
+ l.height += d + 8,
+ c.x = l.x * u.a + l.y * u.c,
+ c.y = l.y * u.d + l.x * u.b,
+ l.x = c.x,
+ l.y = c.y,
+ c.x = l.width * u.a + l.height * u.c,
+ c.y = l.height * u.d + l.width * u.b,
+ l.width = c.x,
+ l.height = c.y,
+ l.width <= 0 || l.height <= 0)
+ return;
+ g && g.recycle(),
+ h.addValue("bounds", l);
+ var I = st.create([h, t, e, 0, 0], p._filterStart);
+ e.addRenderObject(I),
+ e.ctx._renderKey = 0,
+ e.ctx._shader2D.glTexture = null;
+ var C = t.x - y + f
+ , S = t.y - v + f;
+ a._fun.call(a, t, e, C, S),
+ I = st.create([h, t, e, 0, 0], p._filterEnd),
+ e.addRenderObject(I);
+ for (var M = 0; M < s; M++) {
+ 0 != M && (I = st.create([h], p._useSrc),
+ e.addRenderObject(I),
+ o = Ct.create(1, 0),
+ b.TEMP.identity(),
+ e.ctx.drawTarget(h, 0, 0, l.width, l.height, b.TEMP, "out", o, null, G.TOINT.overlay),
+ I = st.create([h], p._useOut),
+ e.addRenderObject(I));
+ r[M].action.apply3d(h, t, e, 0, 0)
+ }
+ I = st.create([h, e], p._EndTarget),
+ e.addRenderObject(I)
+ } else {
+ if ((m = !!t._$P._isHaveGlowFilter && t._$P._isHaveGlowFilter) && (d = 50,
+ f = 25),
+ (l = t.getBounds()).width <= 0 || l.height <= 0)
+ return;
+ l.width += d,
+ l.height += d,
+ c.x = l.x * u.a + l.y * u.c,
+ c.y = l.y * u.d + l.x * u.b,
+ l.x = c.x,
+ l.y = c.y,
+ c.x = l.width * u.a + l.height * u.c,
+ c.y = l.height * u.d + l.width * u.b,
+ l.width = c.x,
+ l.height = c.y,
+ h.addValue("out", g)
+ }
+ i = i - f - t.x,
+ n = n - f - t.y,
+ c.setTo(i, n),
+ u.transformPoint(c),
+ i = c.x + l.x,
+ n = c.y + l.y,
+ o = Ct.create(1, 0),
+ b.TEMP.identity(),
+ e.ctx.drawTarget(h, i, n, l.width, l.height, b.TEMP, "out", o, null, G.TOINT.overlay),
+ I = st.create([h], p._recycleScope),
+ e.addRenderObject(I),
+ u.destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ Float32Array.prototype.slice || (Float32Array.prototype.slice = t._float32ArraySlice),
+ Uint16Array.prototype.slice || (Uint16Array.prototype.slice = t._uint16ArraySlice),
+ Uint8Array.prototype.slice || (Uint8Array.prototype.slice = t._uint8ArraySlice),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onStageResize = function(e, i) {
+ null != t.mainContext && (t.mainContext.viewport(0, 0, e, i),
+ yt.width = e,
+ yt.height = i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onInvalidGLRes = function() {
+ F.instance.freeAll(),
+ M.releaseContentManagers(!0),
+ t.doNodeRepaint(i.stage),
+ t.mainContext.viewport(0, 0, yt.width, yt.height),
+ i.stage.event("devicelost")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.doNodeRepaint = function(e) {
+ 0 == e.numChildren && e.repaint();
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.numChildren; i++)
+ t.doNodeRepaint(e.getChildAt(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.init = function(e, i, n) {
+ t.mainCanvas = e,
+ g._createContext = function(t) {
+ return new It(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ jt._createContext = function(t) {
+ return new It(t)
+ }
+ ;
+ var a = laya.webgl.WebGL.mainContext;
+ if (null != a.getShaderPrecisionFormat) {
+ var r = a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(35633, 36338)
+ , s = a.getShaderPrecisionFormat(35632, 36338);
+ t.shaderHighPrecision = !(!r.precision || !s.precision)
+ } else
+ t.shaderHighPrecision = !1;
+ if (t.compressAstc = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"),
+ t.compressAtc = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc"),
+ t.compressEtc = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc"),
+ t.compressEtc1 = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"),
+ t.compressPvrtc = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"),
+ t.compressS3tc = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"),
+ t.compressS3tc_srgb = a.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb"),
+ a.deleteTexture1 = a.deleteTexture,
+ a.deleteTexture = function(t) {
+ t == wt.curBindTexValue && (wt.curBindTexValue = null),
+ a.deleteTexture1(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.onStageResize(i, n),
+ null == t.mainContext)
+ throw new Error("webGL getContext err!");
+ A.__init__(),
+ F.__init__(),
+ Tt.__init__(),
+ rt.__init__(),
+ It.__init__(),
+ Ct.__init__(),
+ Q.__init__(),
+ Jt.__int__(a),
+ G._init_(a),
+ I.isConchApp && conch.setOnInvalidGLRes(t.onInvalidGLRes)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.compressAstc = null,
+ t.compressAtc = null,
+ t.compressEtc = null,
+ t.compressEtc1 = null,
+ t.compressPvrtc = null,
+ t.compressS3tc = null,
+ t.compressS3tc_srgb = null,
+ t.mainCanvas = null,
+ t.mainContext = null,
+ t.antialias = !0,
+ t.shaderHighPrecision = !1,
+ t._bg_null = [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ t
+ }()
+ , wt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.webgl.WebGLContext"),
+ t.UseProgram = function(e) {
+ return t._useProgram !== e && (bt.mainContext.useProgram(e),
+ t._useProgram = e,
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setDepthTest = function(e, i) {
+ i !== t._depthTest && (t._depthTest = i,
+ i ? e.enable(2929) : e.disable(2929))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setDepthMask = function(e, i) {
+ i !== t._depthMask && (t._depthMask = i,
+ e.depthMask(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setDepthFunc = function(e, i) {
+ i !== t._depthFunc && (t._depthFunc = i,
+ e.depthFunc(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setBlend = function(e, i) {
+ i !== t._blend && (t._blend = i,
+ i ? e.enable(3042) : e.disable(3042))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setBlendFunc = function(e, i, n) {
+ (i !== t._sFactor || n !== t._dFactor) && (t._sFactor = i,
+ t._dFactor = n,
+ e.blendFunc(i, n))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setCullFace = function(e, i) {
+ i !== t._cullFace && (t._cullFace = i,
+ i ? e.enable(2884) : e.disable(2884))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setFrontFace = function(e, i) {
+ i !== t._frontFace && (t._frontFace = i,
+ e.frontFace(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.bindTexture = function(e, i, n) {
+ e.bindTexture(i, n),
+ t.curBindTexTarget = i,
+ t.curBindTexValue = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 16384,
+ t.POINTS = 0,
+ t.LINES = 1,
+ t.LINE_LOOP = 2,
+ t.LINE_STRIP = 3,
+ t.TRIANGLES = 4,
+ t.ZERO = 0,
+ t.ONE = 1,
+ t.SRC_COLOR = 768,
+ t.SRC_ALPHA = 770,
+ t.DST_ALPHA = 772,
+ t.DST_COLOR = 774,
+ t.FUNC_ADD = 32774,
+ t.BLEND_EQUATION = 32777,
+ t.FUNC_SUBTRACT = 32778,
+ t.BLEND_DST_RGB = 32968,
+ t.BLEND_SRC_RGB = 32969,
+ t.BLEND_DST_ALPHA = 32970,
+ t.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA = 32971,
+ t.CONSTANT_COLOR = 32769,
+ t.CONSTANT_ALPHA = 32771,
+ t.BLEND_COLOR = 32773,
+ t.ARRAY_BUFFER = 34962,
+ t.STREAM_DRAW = 35040,
+ t.STATIC_DRAW = 35044,
+ t.DYNAMIC_DRAW = 35048,
+ t.BUFFER_SIZE = 34660,
+ t.BUFFER_USAGE = 34661,
+ t.FRONT = 1028,
+ t.BACK = 1029,
+ t.CULL_FACE = 2884,
+ t.FRONT_AND_BACK = 1032,
+ t.BLEND = 3042,
+ t.DITHER = 3024,
+ t.STENCIL_TEST = 2960,
+ t.DEPTH_TEST = 2929,
+ t.SCISSOR_TEST = 3089,
+ t.SAMPLE_COVERAGE = 32928,
+ t.NO_ERROR = 0,
+ t.INVALID_ENUM = 1280,
+ t.INVALID_VALUE = 1281,
+ t.OUT_OF_MEMORY = 1285,
+ t.CW = 2304,
+ t.CCW = 2305,
+ t.LINE_WIDTH = 2849,
+ t.CULL_FACE_MODE = 2885,
+ t.FRONT_FACE = 2886,
+ t.DEPTH_RANGE = 2928,
+ t.DEPTH_FUNC = 2932,
+ t.STENCIL_FUNC = 2962,
+ t.STENCIL_FAIL = 2964,
+ t.STENCIL_REF = 2967,
+ t.STENCIL_BACK_FUNC = 34816,
+ t.STENCIL_BACK_FAIL = 34817,
+ t.STENCIL_BACK_REF = 36003,
+ t.VIEWPORT = 2978,
+ t.SCISSOR_BOX = 3088,
+ t.PACK_ALIGNMENT = 3333,
+ t.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 3379,
+ t.SUBPIXEL_BITS = 3408,
+ t.RED_BITS = 3410,
+ t.GREEN_BITS = 3411,
+ t.BLUE_BITS = 3412,
+ t.ALPHA_BITS = 3413,
+ t.DEPTH_BITS = 3414,
+ t.STENCIL_BITS = 3415,
+ t.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D = 32873,
+ t.SAMPLE_BUFFERS = 32936,
+ t.SAMPLES = 32937,
+ t.DONT_CARE = 4352,
+ t.FASTEST = 4353,
+ t.NICEST = 4354,
+ t.BYTE = 5120,
+ t.UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121,
+ t.SHORT = 5122,
+ t.UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123,
+ t.INT = 5124,
+ t.UNSIGNED_INT = 5125,
+ t.FLOAT = 5126,
+ t.ALPHA = 6406,
+ t.RGB = 6407,
+ t.RGBA = 6408,
+ t.LUMINANCE = 6409,
+ t.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = 32819,
+ t.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 = 32820,
+ t.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 = 33635,
+ t.FRAGMENT_SHADER = 35632,
+ t.VERTEX_SHADER = 35633,
+ t.SHADER_TYPE = 35663,
+ t.DELETE_STATUS = 35712,
+ t.LINK_STATUS = 35714,
+ t.VALIDATE_STATUS = 35715,
+ t.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS = 35718,
+ t.CURRENT_PROGRAM = 35725,
+ t.NEVER = 512,
+ t.LESS = 513,
+ t.EQUAL = 514,
+ t.LEQUAL = 515,
+ t.GREATER = 516,
+ t.NOTEQUAL = 517,
+ t.GEQUAL = 518,
+ t.ALWAYS = 519,
+ t.KEEP = 7680,
+ t.REPLACE = 7681,
+ t.INCR = 7682,
+ t.DECR = 7683,
+ t.INVERT = 5386,
+ t.INCR_WRAP = 34055,
+ t.DECR_WRAP = 34056,
+ t.VENDOR = 7936,
+ t.RENDERER = 7937,
+ t.VERSION = 7938,
+ t.NEAREST = 9728,
+ t.LINEAR = 9729,
+ t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S = 10242,
+ t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T = 10243,
+ t.TEXTURE_2D = 3553,
+ t.TEXTURE = 5890,
+ t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP = 34067,
+ t.TEXTURE0 = 33984,
+ t.TEXTURE1 = 33985,
+ t.TEXTURE2 = 33986,
+ t.TEXTURE3 = 33987,
+ t.TEXTURE4 = 33988,
+ t.TEXTURE5 = 33989,
+ t.TEXTURE6 = 33990,
+ t.TEXTURE7 = 33991,
+ t.TEXTURE8 = 33992,
+ t.TEXTURE9 = 33993,
+ t.TEXTURE10 = 33994,
+ t.TEXTURE11 = 33995,
+ t.TEXTURE12 = 33996,
+ t.TEXTURE13 = 33997,
+ t.TEXTURE14 = 33998,
+ t.TEXTURE15 = 33999,
+ t.TEXTURE16 = 34e3,
+ t.TEXTURE17 = 34001,
+ t.TEXTURE18 = 34002,
+ t.TEXTURE19 = 34003,
+ t.TEXTURE20 = 34004,
+ t.TEXTURE21 = 34005,
+ t.TEXTURE22 = 34006,
+ t.TEXTURE23 = 34007,
+ t.TEXTURE24 = 34008,
+ t.TEXTURE25 = 34009,
+ t.TEXTURE26 = 34010,
+ t.TEXTURE27 = 34011,
+ t.TEXTURE28 = 34012,
+ t.TEXTURE29 = 34013,
+ t.TEXTURE30 = 34014,
+ t.TEXTURE31 = 34015,
+ t.ACTIVE_TEXTURE = 34016,
+ t.REPEAT = 10497,
+ t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071,
+ t.MIRRORED_REPEAT = 33648,
+ t.FLOAT_VEC2 = 35664,
+ t.FLOAT_VEC3 = 35665,
+ t.FLOAT_VEC4 = 35666,
+ t.INT_VEC2 = 35667,
+ t.INT_VEC3 = 35668,
+ t.INT_VEC4 = 35669,
+ t.BOOL = 35670,
+ t.BOOL_VEC2 = 35671,
+ t.BOOL_VEC3 = 35672,
+ t.BOOL_VEC4 = 35673,
+ t.FLOAT_MAT2 = 35674,
+ t.FLOAT_MAT3 = 35675,
+ t.FLOAT_MAT4 = 35676,
+ t.SAMPLER_2D = 35678,
+ t.SAMPLER_CUBE = 35680,
+ t.COMPILE_STATUS = 35713,
+ t.LOW_FLOAT = 36336,
+ t.MEDIUM_FLOAT = 36337,
+ t.HIGH_FLOAT = 36338,
+ t.LOW_INT = 36339,
+ t.MEDIUM_INT = 36340,
+ t.HIGH_INT = 36341,
+ t.FRAMEBUFFER = 36160,
+ t.RENDERBUFFER = 36161,
+ t.RGBA4 = 32854,
+ t.RGB5_A1 = 32855,
+ t.RGB565 = 36194,
+ t.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 33189,
+ t.STENCIL_INDEX = 6401,
+ t.STENCIL_INDEX8 = 36168,
+ t.DEPTH_STENCIL = 34041,
+ t.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 = 36064,
+ t.NONE = 0,
+ t.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL = 37440,
+ t._useProgram = null,
+ t._depthTest = !0,
+ t._depthMask = !0,
+ t._blend = !1,
+ t._cullFace = !1,
+ t.curBindTexTarget = null,
+ t.curBindTexValue = null,
+ n(t, ["_depthFunc", function() {
+ return this._depthFunc = 513
+ }
+ , "_sFactor", function() {
+ return this._sFactor = 1
+ }
+ , "_dFactor", function() {
+ return this._dFactor = 0
+ }
+ , "_frontFace", function() {
+ return this._frontFace = 2305
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , xt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.display.GraphicsGL", m);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.setShader = function(t) {
+ this._saveToCmd(I.context._setShader, [t])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setIBVB = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._saveToCmd(I.context._setIBVB, [t, e, i, n, a, r])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.drawParticle = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = L.createParticleTemplate2D(i);
+ n.x = t,
+ n.y = e,
+ this._saveToCmd(I.context._drawParticle, [n])
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , It = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._x = 0,
+ this._y = 0,
+ this._id = ++e._COUNT,
+ this._path = null,
+ this._drawCount = 1,
+ this._maxNumEle = 0,
+ this._clear = !1,
+ this._isMain = !1,
+ this._atlasResourceChange = 0,
+ this._submits = null,
+ this._curSubmit = null,
+ this._ib = null,
+ this._vb = null,
+ this._nBlendType = 0,
+ this._saveMark = null,
+ this._shader2D = null,
+ this.meshlist = [],
+ this.mId = -1,
+ this.mHaveKey = !1,
+ this.mHaveLineKey = !1,
+ this.mX = 0,
+ this.mY = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._width = 99999999,
+ this._height = 99999999,
+ this._clipRect = e.MAXCLIPRECT,
+ this.mOutPoint,
+ this._canvas = t,
+ e._contextcount++,
+ I.isFlash ? (this._ib = Qt.create(35044),
+ mt.fillIBQuadrangle(this._ib, 16)) : this._ib = Qt.QuadrangleIB,
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ var s;
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.canvas.WebGLContext2D", f);
+ var o = e.prototype;
+ return o.setIsMainContext = function() {
+ this._isMain = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.clearBG = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = bt.mainContext;
+ a.clearColor(t, e, i, n),
+ a.clear(16384)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getSubmits = function() {
+ return this._submits
+ }
+ ,
+ o._releaseMem = function() {
+ if (this._submits) {
+ this._curMat.destroy(),
+ this._curMat = null,
+ this._shader2D.destroy(),
+ this._shader2D = null;
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._submits._length; t < e; t++)
+ this._submits[t].releaseRender();
+ this._submits.length = 0,
+ this._submits._length = 0,
+ this._submits = null,
+ this._curSubmit = null,
+ this._path && this._path.recover(),
+ this._path = null,
+ this._other && (this._other.font = null),
+ this._save = null,
+ this._vb && (this._vb.releaseResource(),
+ this._vb.destroy(),
+ this._vb.destory(),
+ this._vb = null)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.destroy = function() {
+ --e._contextcount,
+ this.sprite = null,
+ this._releaseMem(),
+ this._targets && this._targets.destroy(),
+ this._targets = null,
+ this._canvas = null,
+ this._ib && this._ib != Qt.QuadrangleIB && this._ib.releaseResource()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.clear = function() {
+ this._submits || (this._other = s.DEFAULT,
+ this._curMat = b.create(),
+ this._vb = $t.create(-1),
+ this._submits = [],
+ this._save = [Y.Create(this)],
+ this._save.length = 10,
+ this._shader2D = new Q,
+ this._triangleMesh = kt.getAMesh()),
+ this._vb.clear(),
+ this._targets && (this._targets.repaint = !0),
+ this._other = s.DEFAULT,
+ this._clear = !0,
+ this._repaint = !1,
+ this._drawCount = 1,
+ this._renderKey = 0,
+ this._other.lineWidth = this._shader2D.ALPHA = 1,
+ this._nBlendType = 0,
+ this._clipRect = e.MAXCLIPRECT,
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ this._shader2D.glTexture = null,
+ this._shader2D.fillStyle = this._shader2D.strokeStyle = z.DEFAULT;
+ for (var t = 0, i = this._submits._length; t < i; t++)
+ this._submits[t].releaseRender();
+ this._submits._length = 0,
+ this._curMat.identity(),
+ this._other.clear(),
+ this._saveMark = this._save[0],
+ this._save._length = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.size = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._width != t || this._height != e)
+ if (0 == t || 0 == e) {
+ 0 != this._vb._byteLength && (this._width = t,
+ this._height = e,
+ this._vb.clear(),
+ this._vb.upload());
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._submits._length; i < n; i++)
+ this._submits[i].releaseRender();
+ this._submits.length = 0,
+ this._submits._length = 0,
+ this._curSubmit = null,
+ this._path && this._path.recover(),
+ this._path = null,
+ this.sprite = null,
+ this._targets && this._targets.destroy(),
+ this._targets = null
+ } else
+ this._width = t,
+ this._height = e,
+ this._targets && this._targets.size(t, e),
+ this._canvas.memorySize -= this._canvas.memorySize;
+ 0 === t && 0 === e && this._releaseMem()
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getTransformMatrix = function() {
+ return this._curMat
+ }
+ ,
+ o.translate = function(t, e) {
+ 0 === t && 0 === e || (K.save(this),
+ this._curMat.bTransform && (J.save(this),
+ this._curMat.transformPointN(w.TEMP.setTo(t, e)),
+ t = w.TEMP.x,
+ e = w.TEMP.y),
+ this._x += t,
+ this._y += e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.save = function() {
+ this._save[this._save._length++] = Y.Create(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.restore = function() {
+ var t = this._save._length;
+ if (!(t < 1))
+ for (var e = t - 1; e >= 0; e--) {
+ var i = this._save[e];
+ if (i.restore(this),
+ i.isSaveMark())
+ return void (this._save._length = e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o._fillText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === h && (h = 0);
+ var c = this._shader2D
+ , _ = this._curSubmit.shaderValue
+ , d = a ? ft.create(a) : this._other.font;
+ if (F.enabled)
+ c.ALPHA !== _.ALPHA && (c.glTexture = null),
+ dt.drawText(this, t, e, this._curMat, d, l || this._other.textAlign, r, s, o, i, n, h);
+ else {
+ this._shader2D.defines.getValue();
+ var f = r ? u.create(r)._color : c.colorAdd;
+ c.ALPHA === _.ALPHA && f === c.colorAdd && _.colorAdd === c.colorAdd || (c.glTexture = null,
+ c.colorAdd = f),
+ dt.drawText(this, t, e, this._curMat, d, l || this._other.textAlign, r, s, o, i, n, h)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._fillText(null, t, e, i, n, a, null, -1, null, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillBorderWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._fillBorderText(null, t, e, i, n, a, r, s, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._fillText(t, null, e, i, n, a, null, -1, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.strokeText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._fillText(t, null, e, i, n, null, a, r || 1, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillBorderText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this._fillBorderText(t, null, e, i, n, a, r, s, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._fillBorderText = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ if (!F.enabled)
+ return this._fillText(t, i, n, a, r, null, o, l || 1, h),
+ void this._fillText(t, i, n, a, r, s, null, -1, h);
+ var c = this._shader2D
+ , _ = this._curSubmit.shaderValue;
+ c.ALPHA !== _.ALPHA && (c.glTexture = null);
+ var u = r ? (e._fontTemp.setFont(r),
+ e._fontTemp) : this._other.font;
+ dt.drawText(this, t, i, this._curMat, u, h || this._other.textAlign, s, o, l || 1, n, a, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillRect = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this._vb;
+ if (mt.fillRectImgVb(r, this._clipRect, t, e, i, n, k.DEF_UV, this._curMat, this._x, this._y, 0, 0)) {
+ this._renderKey = 0;
+ var s = this._shader2D.fillStyle;
+ a && (this._shader2D.fillStyle = z.create(a));
+ var o = this._shader2D
+ , l = this._curSubmit.shaderValue;
+ if (o.fillStyle !== l.fillStyle || o.ALPHA !== l.ALPHA) {
+ o.glTexture = null;
+ var h = this._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(this, this._ib, r, (r._byteLength - 64) / 32 * 3, Ct.create(2, 0));
+ h.shaderValue.color = o.fillStyle._color._color,
+ h.shaderValue.ALPHA = o.ALPHA,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = h
+ }
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6,
+ this._shader2D.fillStyle = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillTexture = function(t, e, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ if (t.loaded && t.bitmap && t.source) {
+ var h = this._vb
+ , c = t.bitmap.width
+ , _ = t.bitmap.height
+ , u = t.uv
+ , d = o.x % t.width
+ , f = o.y % t.height;
+ if (c != l.w || _ != l.h) {
+ if (!l.w && !l.h)
+ switch (l.oy = l.ox = 0,
+ s) {
+ case "repeat":
+ l.width = a,
+ l.height = r;
+ break;
+ case "repeat-x":
+ l.width = a,
+ f < 0 ? t.height + f > r ? l.height = r : l.height = t.height + f : (l.oy = f,
+ t.height + f > r ? l.height = r - f : l.height = t.height);
+ break;
+ case "repeat-y":
+ d < 0 ? t.width + d > a ? l.width = a : l.width = t.width + d : (l.ox = d,
+ t.width + d > a ? l.width = a - d : l.width = t.width),
+ l.height = r;
+ break;
+ default:
+ l.width = a,
+ l.height = r
+ }
+ l.w = c,
+ l.h = _,
+ l.uv = [0, 0, l.width / c, 0, l.width / c, l.height / _, 0, l.height / _]
+ }
+ if (e += l.ox,
+ n += l.oy,
+ d -= l.ox,
+ f -= l.oy,
+ mt.fillRectImgVb(h, this._clipRect, e, n, l.width, l.height, l.uv, this._curMat, this._x, this._y, 0, 0)) {
+ this._renderKey = 0;
+ var p = Bt.create(this, this._ib, h, (h._byteLength - 64) / 32 * 3, Ct.create(256, 0));
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = p;
+ var m = p.shaderValue;
+ m.textureHost = t;
+ var g = u[0] * c
+ , y = u[1] * _
+ , v = (u[2] - u[0]) * c
+ , b = (u[5] - u[3]) * _
+ , w = -d / c
+ , x = -f / _;
+ m.u_TexRange[0] = g / c,
+ m.u_TexRange[1] = v / c,
+ m.u_TexRange[2] = y / _,
+ m.u_TexRange[3] = b / _,
+ m.u_offset[0] = w,
+ m.u_offset[1] = x,
+ F.enabled && !this._isMain && p.addTexture(t, (h._byteLength >> 2) - 16),
+ this._curSubmit = p,
+ p._renderType = 10017,
+ p._numEle += 6
+ }
+ } else
+ this.sprite && i.timer.callLater(this, this._repaintSprite)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setShader = function(t) {
+ W.save(this, 1048576, this._shader2D, !0),
+ this._shader2D.shader = t
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setFilters = function(t) {
+ W.save(this, 2097152, this._shader2D, !0),
+ this._shader2D.filters = t,
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ this._renderKey = 0,
+ this._drawCount++
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._drawTextureM(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, null, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.addTextureVb = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._curSubmit._vb || this._vb
+ , a = n._byteLength >> 2;
+ n.byteLength = a + 16 << 2;
+ for (var r = n.getFloat32Array(), s = 0; s < 16; s += 4)
+ r[a++] = t[s] + e,
+ r[a++] = t[s + 1] + i,
+ r[a++] = t[s + 2],
+ r[a++] = t[s + 3];
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6,
+ this._maxNumEle = Math.max(this._maxNumEle, this._curSubmit._numEle),
+ n._upload = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.willDrawTexture = function(t, e) {
+ if (!(t.loaded && t.bitmap && t.source))
+ return this.sprite && i.timer.callLater(this, this._repaintSprite),
+ 0;
+ var n = t.bitmap
+ , a = n.id + this._shader2D.ALPHA * e + 10016;
+ if (a == this._renderKey)
+ return a;
+ var r = this._shader2D
+ , s = r.ALPHA
+ , o = this._curSubmit.shaderValue;
+ r.ALPHA *= e,
+ this._renderKey = a,
+ this._drawCount++,
+ r.glTexture = n;
+ var l = this._vb
+ , h = null
+ , c = l._byteLength / 32 * 3;
+ return h = Bt.create(this, this._ib, l, c, Ct.create(1, 0)),
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = h,
+ h.shaderValue.textureHost = t,
+ h._renderType = 10016,
+ h._preIsSameTextureShader = 10016 === this._curSubmit._renderType && r.ALPHA === o.ALPHA,
+ this._curSubmit = h,
+ r.ALPHA = s,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawTextures = function(t, n, a, r) {
+ if (t.loaded && t.bitmap && t.source) {
+ var s = this._clipRect;
+ if (this._clipRect = e.MAXCLIPRECT,
+ this._drawTextureM(t, n[0], n[1], t.width, t.height, a, r, null, 1)) {
+ if (this._clipRect = s,
+ D.drawCall++,
+ !(n.length < 4)) {
+ for (var o = this._curSubmit._vb || this._vb, l = this._curMat.a, h = this._curMat.d, c = 2, _ = n.length; c < _; c += 2)
+ mt.copyPreImgVb(o, (n[c] - n[c - 2]) * l, (n[c + 1] - n[c - 1]) * h),
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6;
+ this._maxNumEle = Math.max(this._maxNumEle, this._curSubmit._numEle)
+ }
+ } else
+ alert("drawTextures err")
+ } else
+ this.sprite && i.timer.callLater(this, this._repaintSprite)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._drawTextureM = function(t, e, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ if (!t.loaded || !t.source)
+ return this.sprite && i.timer.callLater(this, this._repaintSprite),
+ !1;
+ var c = this._curSubmit._vb || this._vb
+ , _ = t.bitmap;
+ e += s,
+ n += o,
+ this._drawCount++;
+ var u = _.id + this._shader2D.ALPHA * h + 10016;
+ if (u != this._renderKey) {
+ this._renderKey = u;
+ var d = this._curSubmit.shaderValue
+ , f = this._shader2D
+ , p = f.ALPHA;
+ f.ALPHA *= h,
+ f.glTexture = _;
+ var m = this._vb
+ , g = null
+ , y = m._byteLength / 32 * 3;
+ g = Bt.create(this, this._ib, m, y, Ct.create(1, 0)),
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = g,
+ g.shaderValue.textureHost = t,
+ g._renderType = 10016,
+ g._preIsSameTextureShader = 10016 === this._curSubmit._renderType && f.ALPHA === d.ALPHA,
+ this._curSubmit = g,
+ c = this._curSubmit._vb || this._vb,
+ f.ALPHA = p
+ }
+ return !!mt.fillRectImgVb(c, this._clipRect, e, n, a || t.width, r || t.height, t.uv, l || this._curMat, this._x, this._y, 0, 0) && (F.enabled && !this._isMain && this._curSubmit.addTexture(t, (c._byteLength >> 2) - 16),
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6,
+ this._maxNumEle = Math.max(this._maxNumEle, this._curSubmit._numEle),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._repaintSprite = function() {
+ this.sprite && this.sprite.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ o._drawText = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ var c = t.bitmap;
+ this._drawCount++;
+ var _ = c.id + this._shader2D.ALPHA + 10016;
+ if (_ != this._renderKey) {
+ this._renderKey = _;
+ var u = this._curSubmit.shaderValue
+ , d = this._shader2D;
+ d.glTexture = c;
+ var f = this._vb
+ , p = null
+ , m = f._byteLength / 32 * 3;
+ (p = F.enabled ? Bt.create(this, this._ib, f, m, Ct.create(1, 0)) : Bt.create(this, this._ib, f, m, Kt.create()))._preIsSameTextureShader = 10016 === this._curSubmit._renderType && d.ALPHA === u.ALPHA,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = p,
+ p.shaderValue.textureHost = t,
+ p._renderType = 10016,
+ this._curSubmit = p
+ }
+ t.active();
+ var g = this._curSubmit._vb || this._vb;
+ mt.fillRectImgVb(g, this._clipRect, e + s, i + o, n || t.width, a || t.height, t.uv, r || this._curMat, this._x, this._y, l, h, !0) && (F.enabled && !this._isMain && this._curSubmit.addTexture(t, (g._byteLength >> 2) - 16),
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6,
+ this._maxNumEle = Math.max(this._maxNumEle, this._curSubmit._numEle))
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawTextureWithTransform = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ if (s) {
+ var c = this._curMat
+ , _ = this._x
+ , u = this._y;
+ (0 !== o || 0 !== l) && (this._x = o * c.a + l * c.c,
+ this._y = l * c.d + o * c.b),
+ s && c.bTransform ? (b.mul(s, c, e._tmpMatrix),
+ (s = e._tmpMatrix)._checkTransform()) : (this._x += c.tx,
+ this._y += c.ty),
+ this._drawTextureM(t, i, n, a, r, 0, 0, s, h),
+ this._x = _,
+ this._y = u
+ } else
+ this._drawTextureM(t, i, n, a, r, o, l, null, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillQuadrangle = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this._curSubmit
+ , s = this._vb
+ , o = this._shader2D
+ , l = r.shaderValue;
+ if (this._renderKey = 0,
+ t.bitmap) {
+ var h = t.bitmap;
+ o.glTexture == h && o.ALPHA === l.ALPHA || (o.glTexture = h,
+ (r = this._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(this, this._ib, s, s._byteLength / 32 * 3, Ct.create(1, 0))).shaderValue.glTexture = h,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = r),
+ mt.fillQuadrangleImgVb(s, e, i, n, t.uv, a || this._curMat, this._x, this._y)
+ } else
+ r.shaderValue.fillStyle && r.shaderValue.fillStyle.equal(t) && o.ALPHA === l.ALPHA || (o.glTexture = null,
+ (r = this._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(this, this._ib, s, s._byteLength / 32 * 3, Ct.create(2, 0))).shaderValue.defines.add(2),
+ r.shaderValue.fillStyle = z.create(t),
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = r),
+ mt.fillQuadrangleImgVb(s, e, i, n, k.DEF_UV, a || this._curMat, this._x, this._y);
+ r._numEle += 6
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawTexture2 = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ if (0 != s) {
+ var h = this._curMat;
+ if (this._x = t * h.a + i * h.c,
+ this._y = i * h.d + t * h.b,
+ r && (h.bTransform || r.bTransform ? (b.mul(r, h, e._tmpMatrix),
+ r = e._tmpMatrix) : (this._x += r.tx + h.tx,
+ this._y += r.ty + h.ty,
+ r = b.EMPTY)),
+ 1 !== s || o) {
+ var c = this._shader2D.ALPHA
+ , _ = this._nBlendType;
+ this._shader2D.ALPHA = s,
+ o && (this._nBlendType = G.TOINT(o)),
+ this._drawTextureM(l[0], l[1] - n, l[2] - a, l[3], l[4], 0, 0, r, 1),
+ this._shader2D.ALPHA = c,
+ this._nBlendType = _
+ } else
+ this._drawTextureM(l[0], l[1] - n, l[2] - a, l[3], l[4], 0, 0, r, 1);
+ this._x = this._y = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawCanvas = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.context;
+ if (this._renderKey = 0,
+ r._targets)
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = At.create(r, 0, null),
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ r._targets.drawTo(this, e, i, n, a);
+ else {
+ var s = this._submits[this._submits._length++] = At.create(r, this._shader2D.ALPHA, this._shader2D.filters)
+ , o = n / t.width
+ , l = a / t.height
+ , h = s._matrix;
+ this._curMat.copyTo(h),
+ 1 != o && 1 != l && h.scale(o, l);
+ var c = h.tx
+ , _ = h.ty;
+ h.tx = h.ty = 0,
+ h.transformPoint(w.TEMP.setTo(e, i)),
+ h.translate(w.TEMP.x + c, w.TEMP.y + _),
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE
+ }
+ d.showCanvasMark && (this.save(),
+ this.lineWidth = 4,
+ this.strokeStyle = r._targets ? "yellow" : "green",
+ this.strokeRect(e - 1, i - 1, n + 2, a + 2, 1),
+ this.strokeRect(e, i, n, a, 1),
+ this.restore())
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawTarget = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === h && (h = -1);
+ var c = this._vb;
+ if (mt.fillRectImgVb(c, this._clipRect, e, i, n, a, l || k.DEF_UV, r || this._curMat, this._x, this._y, 0, 0)) {
+ this._renderKey = 0;
+ this._shader2D.glTexture = null;
+ this._curSubmit.shaderValue;
+ var _ = this._curSubmit = _t.create(this, this._ib, c, (c._byteLength - 64) / 32 * 3, o, s);
+ _.blendType = -1 == h ? this._nBlendType : h,
+ _.scope = t,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = _,
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.mixRGBandAlpha = function(t) {
+ return this._mixRGBandAlpha(t, this._shader2D.ALPHA)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._mixRGBandAlpha = function(t, e) {
+ var i = (4278190080 & t) >>> 24;
+ return 0 != i ? i *= e : i = 255 * e,
+ 16777215 & t | i << 24
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawTriangles = function(t, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ if (!t.loaded || !t.source)
+ return this.sprite && i.timer.callLater(this, this._repaintSprite),
+ !1;
+ this._drawCount++;
+ t.bitmap;
+ var u = this._mixRGBandAlpha(4294967295, h)
+ , d = (r.length,
+ o.length);
+ this._renderKey = -1;
+ var f = this._curSubmit = Bt.create(this, this._triangleMesh.getIBR(), this._triangleMesh.getVBR(), this._triangleMesh.indexNum, Ct.create(1, 0));
+ return f.shaderValue.textureHost = t,
+ f._renderType = 10016,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = f,
+ l ? (e._tmpMatrix.a = l.a,
+ e._tmpMatrix.b = l.b,
+ e._tmpMatrix.c = l.c,
+ e._tmpMatrix.d = l.d,
+ e._tmpMatrix.tx = l.tx + n,
+ e._tmpMatrix.ty = l.ty + a,
+ b.mul(e._tmpMatrix, this._curMat, e._tmpMatrix)) : (e._tmpMatrix.a = this._curMat.a,
+ e._tmpMatrix.b = this._curMat.b,
+ e._tmpMatrix.c = this._curMat.c,
+ e._tmpMatrix.d = this._curMat.d,
+ e._tmpMatrix.tx = this._curMat.tx + n,
+ e._tmpMatrix.ty = this._curMat.ty + a),
+ this._triangleMesh.addData(r, s, o, e._tmpMatrix, u, this),
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += d,
+ this._maxNumEle = Math.max(this._maxNumEle, this._curSubmit._numEle),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.transform = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ J.save(this),
+ b.mul(b.TEMP.setTo(t, e, i, n, a, r), this._curMat, this._curMat),
+ this._curMat._checkTransform()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setTransformByMatrix = function(t) {
+ t.copyTo(this._curMat)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.transformByMatrix = function(t) {
+ J.save(this),
+ b.mul(t, this._curMat, this._curMat),
+ this._curMat._checkTransform()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.rotate = function(t) {
+ J.save(this),
+ this._curMat.rotateEx(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.scale = function(t, e) {
+ J.save(this),
+ this._curMat.scaleEx(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.clipRect = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (0 != this._curMat.b || 0 != this._curMat.c) {
+ this._renderKey = 0;
+ var a = ct.create(4);
+ this.addRenderObject(a);
+ var r = this._vb
+ , s = r._byteLength >> 2;
+ if (mt.fillRectImgVb(r, null, t, e, i, n, k.DEF_UV, this._curMat, this._x, this._y, 0, 0)) {
+ this._shader2D.glTexture = null;
+ var o = this._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(this, this._ib, r, (r._byteLength - 64) / 32 * 3, Ct.create(2, 0));
+ o.shaderValue.ALPHA = 1,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = o,
+ this._curSubmit._numEle += 6
+ } else
+ alert("clipRect calc stencil rect error");
+ var l = ct.create(5);
+ this.addRenderObject(l);
+ var h = r.getFloat32Array()
+ , c = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(h[s + 0], h[s + 4]), h[s + 8]), h[s + 12])
+ , _ = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(h[s + 0], h[s + 4]), h[s + 8]), h[s + 12])
+ , u = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(h[s + 1], h[s + 5]), h[s + 9]), h[s + 13])
+ , d = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(h[s + 1], h[s + 5]), h[s + 9]), h[s + 13]);
+ q.save(this, l, t, e, i, n, c, u, _ - c, d - u),
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE
+ } else {
+ i *= this._curMat.a,
+ n *= this._curMat.d;
+ var f = w.TEMP;
+ this._curMat.transformPoint(f.setTo(t, e)),
+ i < 0 && (f.x = f.x + i,
+ i = -i),
+ n < 0 && (f.y = f.y + n,
+ n = -n),
+ this._renderKey = 0;
+ var p = this._curSubmit = ht.create(this);
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = p,
+ p.submitIndex = this._submits._length,
+ p.submitLength = 9999999,
+ X.save(this, p);
+ var m = this._clipRect
+ , g = m.x
+ , y = m.y
+ , v = f.x + i
+ , b = f.y + n;
+ g < f.x && (m.x = f.x),
+ y < f.y && (m.y = f.y),
+ m.width = Math.min(v, g + m.width) - m.x,
+ m.height = Math.min(b, y + m.height) - m.y,
+ this._shader2D.glTexture = null,
+ p.clipRect.copyFrom(m),
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setIBVB = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c) {
+ if (void 0 === l && (l = 0),
+ void 0 === h && (h = 0),
+ void 0 === c && (c = 0),
+ null === i) {
+ if (I.isFlash) {
+ var _ = n;
+ _._selfIB || (_._selfIB = Qt.create(35044)),
+ _._selfIB.clear(),
+ i = _._selfIB
+ } else
+ i = this._ib;
+ mt.expandIBQuadrangle(i, n._byteLength / (4 * n.vertexStride * 4))
+ }
+ if (!o || !s)
+ throw Error("setIBVB must input:shader shaderValues");
+ var u = lt.create(this, n, i, a, s, o, l, h, c);
+ r || (r = b.EMPTY),
+ r.translate(t, e),
+ b.mul(r, this._curMat, u._mat),
+ r.translate(-t, -e),
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = u,
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ this._renderKey = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.addRenderObject = function(t) {
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fillTrangles = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this._curSubmit
+ , s = this._vb
+ , o = this._shader2D
+ , l = r.shaderValue
+ , h = n.length >> 4
+ , c = t.bitmap;
+ this._renderKey = 0,
+ o.glTexture == c && o.ALPHA === l.ALPHA || ((r = this._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(this, this._ib, s, s._byteLength / 32 * 3, Ct.create(1, 0))).shaderValue.textureHost = t,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = r),
+ mt.fillTranglesVB(s, e, i, n, a || this._curMat, this._x, this._y),
+ r._numEle += 6 * h
+ }
+ ,
+ o.submitElement = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._submits;
+ for (e < 0 && (e = i._length); t < e; )
+ t += i[t].renderSubmit()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.finish = function() {
+ bt.mainContext.finish()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.flush = function() {
+ var t = Math.max(this._vb._byteLength / 64, this._maxNumEle / 6) + 8;
+ if (t > this._ib.bufferLength / 12 && mt.expandIBQuadrangle(this._ib, t),
+ !this._isMain && F.enabled && F._atlasRestore > this._atlasResourceChange) {
+ this._atlasResourceChange = F._atlasRestore;
+ for (var e = this._submits, i = 0, n = e._length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ 10016 === a.getRenderType() && a.checkTexture()
+ }
+ }
+ this.submitElement(0, this._submits._length),
+ this._path && this._path.reset(),
+ et.instance && et.getInstance().reset();
+ var r = 0;
+ for (i = 0,
+ r = this.meshlist.length; i < r; i++) {
+ var s = this.meshlist[i];
+ s.canReuse ? s.releaseMesh() : s.destroy()
+ }
+ return this.meshlist.length = 0,
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ this._renderKey = 0,
+ this._triangleMesh = kt.getAMesh(),
+ this.meshlist.push(this._triangleMesh),
+ this._submits._length
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setPathId = function(t) {
+ if (this.mId = t,
+ -1 != this.mId) {
+ this.mHaveKey = !1;
+ var e = P.getInstance();
+ e.shapeDic[this.mId] && (this.mHaveKey = !0),
+ this.mHaveLineKey = !1,
+ e.shapeLineDic[this.mId] && (this.mHaveLineKey = !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.movePath = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = e;
+ t = this._curMat.a * i + this._curMat.c * n + this._curMat.tx,
+ e = this._curMat.b * i + this._curMat.d * n + this._curMat.ty,
+ this.mX += t,
+ this.mY += e
+ }
+ ,
+ o.beginPath = function() {
+ var t = this._getPath();
+ t.tempArray.length = 0,
+ t.closePath = !1,
+ this.mX = 0,
+ this.mY = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.closePath = function() {
+ this._path.closePath = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.fill = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1);
+ var e = this._getPath();
+ this.drawPoly(0, 0, e.tempArray, this.fillStyle._color.numColor, 0, 0, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.stroke = function() {
+ var t = this._getPath();
+ if (this.lineWidth > 0) {
+ if (-1 == this.mId)
+ t.drawLine(0, 0, t.tempArray, this.lineWidth, this.strokeStyle._color.numColor);
+ else if (this.mHaveLineKey) {
+ var e = P.getInstance().shapeLineDic[this.mId];
+ e.rebuild(t.tempArray),
+ t.setGeomtry(e)
+ } else
+ P.getInstance().addLine(this.mId, t.drawLine(0, 0, t.tempArray, this.lineWidth, this.strokeStyle._color.numColor));
+ t.update();
+ var i = [this.mX, this.mY]
+ , n = rt.createShape(this, t.ib, t.vb, t.count, t.offset, Ct.create(4, 0));
+ n.shaderValue.ALPHA = this._shader2D.ALPHA,
+ n.shaderValue.u_pos = i,
+ n.shaderValue.u_mmat2 = yt.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = n,
+ this._renderKey = -1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.line = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this._curSubmit
+ , o = this._vb;
+ if (mt.fillLineVb(o, this._clipRect, t, e, i, n, a, r)) {
+ this._renderKey = 0;
+ var l = this._shader2D
+ , h = s.shaderValue;
+ l.strokeStyle === h.strokeStyle && l.ALPHA === h.ALPHA || (l.glTexture = null,
+ (s = this._curSubmit = rt.createSubmit(this, this._ib, o, (o._byteLength - 64) / 32 * 3, Ct.create(2, 0))).shaderValue.strokeStyle = l.strokeStyle,
+ s.shaderValue.mainID = 2,
+ s.shaderValue.ALPHA = l.ALPHA,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = s),
+ s._numEle += 6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.moveTo = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0);
+ var n = this._getPath();
+ if (i) {
+ var a = t
+ , r = e;
+ t = this._curMat.a * a + this._curMat.c * r,
+ e = this._curMat.b * a + this._curMat.d * r
+ }
+ n.addPoint(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.lineTo = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0);
+ var n = this._getPath();
+ if (i) {
+ var a = t
+ , r = e;
+ t = this._curMat.a * a + this._curMat.c * r,
+ e = this._curMat.b * a + this._curMat.d * r
+ }
+ n.addPoint(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawCurves = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.setPathId(-1),
+ this.beginPath(),
+ this.strokeStyle = i[3],
+ this.lineWidth = i[4];
+ var n = i[2];
+ t += i[0],
+ e += i[1],
+ this.movePath(t, e),
+ this.moveTo(n[0], n[1]);
+ for (var a = 2, r = n.length; a < r; )
+ this.quadraticCurveTo(n[a++], n[a++], n[a++], n[a++]);
+ this.stroke()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.arcTo = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ if (-1 == this.mId || !this.mHaveKey) {
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = this._getPath();
+ this._curMat.copyTo(e._tmpMatrix),
+ e._tmpMatrix.tx = e._tmpMatrix.ty = 0,
+ e._tempPoint.setTo(h.getEndPointX(), h.getEndPointY()),
+ e._tmpMatrix.invertTransformPoint(e._tempPoint);
+ var c = e._tempPoint.x - t
+ , _ = e._tempPoint.y - i
+ , u = Math.sqrt(c * c + _ * _);
+ if (!(u <= 1e-6)) {
+ var d = c / u
+ , f = _ / u
+ , p = n - t
+ , m = a - i
+ , g = p * p + m * m
+ , y = Math.sqrt(g);
+ if (!(y <= 1e-6)) {
+ var v = p / y
+ , b = m / y
+ , w = d + v
+ , x = f + b
+ , I = Math.sqrt(w * w + x * x);
+ if (!(I <= 1e-6)) {
+ var C = w / I
+ , S = x / I
+ , M = Math.acos(C * d + S * f)
+ , L = Math.PI / 2 - M
+ , T = (u = r / Math.tan(L)) * d + t
+ , E = u * f + i
+ , D = Math.sqrt(u * u + r * r)
+ , N = t + C * D
+ , A = i + S * D
+ , B = 0
+ , k = 0
+ , R = 0;
+ if (d * b - f * v >= 0) {
+ var P = (B = 2 * L) / e.SEGNUM;
+ k = Math.sin(P),
+ R = Math.cos(P)
+ } else
+ P = (B = 2 * -L) / e.SEGNUM,
+ k = Math.sin(P),
+ R = Math.cos(P);
+ o = this._curMat.a * T + this._curMat.c * E,
+ l = this._curMat.b * T + this._curMat.d * E,
+ o == this._path.getEndPointX() && l == this._path.getEndPointY() || h.addPoint(o, l);
+ var O = T - N
+ , U = E - A;
+ for (s = 0; s < e.SEGNUM; s++) {
+ var V = O * R + U * k
+ , F = -O * k + U * R;
+ o = V + N,
+ l = F + A,
+ t = this._curMat.a * o + this._curMat.c * l,
+ l = i = this._curMat.b * o + this._curMat.d * l,
+ (o = t) == this._path.getEndPointX() && l == this._path.getEndPointY() || h.addPoint(o, l),
+ O = V,
+ U = F
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.arc = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ if (void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !0),
+ -1 != this.mId) {
+ var o = P.getInstance().shapeDic[this.mId];
+ if (o && this.mHaveKey && !o.needUpdate(this._curMat))
+ return;
+ t = 0,
+ e = 0
+ }
+ var l = 0
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0
+ , _ = 0
+ , u = 0
+ , d = 0
+ , f = 0
+ , p = 0;
+ if (h = a - n,
+ r)
+ if (Math.abs(h) >= 2 * Math.PI)
+ h = 2 * -Math.PI;
+ else
+ for (; h > 0; )
+ h -= 2 * Math.PI;
+ else if (Math.abs(h) >= 2 * Math.PI)
+ h = 2 * Math.PI;
+ else
+ for (; h < 0; )
+ h += 2 * Math.PI;
+ c = h / (p = i < 101 ? Math.max(10, h * i / 5) : i < 201 ? Math.max(10, h * i / 20) : Math.max(10, h * i / 40)) / 2,
+ _ = Math.abs(4 / 3 * (1 - Math.cos(c)) / Math.sin(c)),
+ r && (_ = -_);
+ var m = this._getPath()
+ , g = NaN
+ , y = NaN;
+ for (f = 0; f <= p; f++)
+ l = n + h * (f / p),
+ u = t + Math.cos(l) * i,
+ d = e + Math.sin(l) * i,
+ s && (g = u,
+ y = d,
+ u = this._curMat.a * g + this._curMat.c * y,
+ d = this._curMat.b * g + this._curMat.d * y),
+ u == this._path.getEndPointX() && d == this._path.getEndPointY() || m.addPoint(u, d);
+ u = t + Math.cos(a) * i,
+ d = e + Math.sin(a) * i,
+ s && (g = u,
+ y = d,
+ u = this._curMat.a * g + this._curMat.c * y,
+ d = this._curMat.b * g + this._curMat.d * y),
+ u == this._path.getEndPointX() && d == this._path.getEndPointY() || m.addPoint(u, d)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.quadraticCurveTo = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = l.I
+ , r = i
+ , s = n;
+ i = this._curMat.a * r + this._curMat.c * s,
+ n = this._curMat.b * r + this._curMat.d * s,
+ r = t,
+ s = e,
+ t = this._curMat.a * r + this._curMat.c * s,
+ e = this._curMat.b * r + this._curMat.d * s;
+ for (var o = a.getBezierPoints([this._path.getEndPointX(), this._path.getEndPointY(), t, e, i, n], 30, 2), h = 0, c = o.length / 2; h < c; h++)
+ this.lineTo(o[2 * h], o[2 * h + 1], !1);
+ this.lineTo(i, n, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.rect = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._other = this._other.make(),
+ this._other.path || (this._other.path = new j),
+ this._other.path.rect(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.strokeRect = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = .5 * a;
+ this.line(t - r, e, t + i + r, e, a, this._curMat),
+ this.line(t + i, e, t + i, e + n, a, this._curMat),
+ this.line(t, e, t, e + n, a, this._curMat),
+ this.line(t - r, e + n, t + i + r, e + n, a, this._curMat)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.clip = function() {}
+ ,
+ o.drawPoly = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ this._renderKey = 0,
+ this._shader2D.glTexture = null;
+ var o = this._getPath();
+ if (-1 == this.mId)
+ o.polygon(t, e, i, n, a || 1, r);
+ else if (this.mHaveKey) {
+ var l = P.getInstance().shapeDic[this.mId];
+ l.setMatrix(this._curMat),
+ l.rebuild(o.tempArray),
+ o.setGeomtry(l)
+ } else {
+ var h = o.polygon(t, e, i, n, a || 1, r);
+ P.getInstance().addShape(this.mId, h),
+ h.setMatrix(this._curMat)
+ }
+ o.update();
+ var c, _ = [this.mX, this.mY];
+ if (c = rt.createShape(this, o.ib, o.vb, o.count, o.offset, Ct.create(4, 0)),
+ c.shaderValue.ALPHA = this._shader2D.ALPHA,
+ c.shaderValue.u_pos = _,
+ c.shaderValue.u_mmat2 = yt.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = c,
+ a > 0) {
+ if (this.mHaveLineKey) {
+ var u = P.getInstance().shapeLineDic[this.mId];
+ u.rebuild(o.tempArray),
+ o.setGeomtry(u)
+ } else
+ P.getInstance().addShape(this.mId, o.drawLine(t, e, i, a, r));
+ o.update(),
+ (c = rt.createShape(this, o.ib, o.vb, o.count, o.offset, Ct.create(4, 0))).shaderValue.ALPHA = this._shader2D.ALPHA,
+ c.shaderValue.u_mmat2 = yt.EMPTYMAT4_ARRAY,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = c
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.drawParticle = function(t, e, i) {
+ i.x = t,
+ i.y = e,
+ this._submits[this._submits._length++] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getPath = function() {
+ return this._path || (this._path = new j)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, o, "globalCompositeOperation", function() {
+ return G.NAMES[this._nBlendType]
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = G.TOINT[t];
+ null == e || this._nBlendType === e || (W.save(this, 65536, this, !0),
+ this._curSubmit = rt.RENDERBASE,
+ this._renderKey = 0,
+ this._nBlendType = e)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "strokeStyle", function() {
+ return this._shader2D.strokeStyle
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shader2D.strokeStyle.equal(t) || (W.save(this, 512, this._shader2D, !1),
+ this._shader2D.strokeStyle = z.create(t))
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "globalAlpha", function() {
+ return this._shader2D.ALPHA
+ }, function(t) {
+ (t = Math.floor(1e3 * t) / 1e3) != this._shader2D.ALPHA && (W.save(this, 1, this._shader2D, !0),
+ this._shader2D.ALPHA = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "asBitmap", null, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ if (this._targets || (this._targets = new Z),
+ this._targets.repaint = !0,
+ !this._width || !this._height)
+ throw Error("asBitmap no size!");
+ this._targets.setSP(this.sprite),
+ this._targets.size(this._width, this._height)
+ } else
+ this._targets = null
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "fillStyle", function() {
+ return this._shader2D.fillStyle
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shader2D.fillStyle.equal(t) || (W.save(this, 2, this._shader2D, !1),
+ this._shader2D.fillStyle = z.create(t))
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "textAlign", function() {
+ return this._other.textAlign
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._other.textAlign === t || (this._other = this._other.make(),
+ W.save(this, 32768, this._other, !1),
+ this._other.textAlign = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "lineWidth", function() {
+ return this._other.lineWidth
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._other.lineWidth === t || (this._other = this._other.make(),
+ W.save(this, 256, this._other, !1),
+ this._other.lineWidth = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "textBaseline", function() {
+ return this._other.textBaseline
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._other.textBaseline === t || (this._other = this._other.make(),
+ W.save(this, 16384, this._other, !1),
+ this._other.textBaseline = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "font", null, function(t) {
+ t != this._other.font.toString() && (this._other = this._other.make(),
+ W.save(this, 8, this._other, !1),
+ this._other.font === ft.EMPTY ? this._other.font = new ft(t) : this._other.font.setFont(t))
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ s.DEFAULT = new s
+ }
+ ,
+ e._tempPoint = new w,
+ e._SUBMITVBSIZE = 32e3,
+ e._MAXSIZE = 99999999,
+ e._RECTVBSIZE = 16,
+ e.MAXCLIPRECT = new x(0,0,99999999,99999999),
+ e._COUNT = 0,
+ e._tmpMatrix = new b,
+ e.SEGNUM = 32,
+ e._contextcount = 0,
+ n(e, ["_fontTemp", function() {
+ return this._fontTemp = new ft
+ }
+ , "_drawStyleTemp", function() {
+ return this._drawStyleTemp = new z(null)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ s = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.lineWidth = 1,
+ this.path = null,
+ this.textAlign = null,
+ this.textBaseline = null,
+ this.font = ft.EMPTY
+ }
+ a(t, "");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.clear = function() {
+ this.lineWidth = 1,
+ this.path && this.path.clear(),
+ this.textAlign = this.textBaseline = null,
+ this.font = ft.EMPTY
+ }
+ ,
+ e.make = function() {
+ return this === t.DEFAULT ? new t : this
+ }
+ ,
+ t.DEFAULT = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ct = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this.size = [0, 0],
+ this.alpha = 1,
+ this.ALPHA = 1,
+ this.subID = 0,
+ this._cacheID = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.defines = new Tt,
+ this.position = e._POSITION,
+ this.mainID = t,
+ this.subID = i,
+ this.textureHost = null,
+ this.texture = null,
+ this.fillStyle = null,
+ this.color = null,
+ this.strokeStyle = null,
+ this.colorAdd = null,
+ this.glTexture = null,
+ this.u_mmat2 = null,
+ this._cacheID = t | i,
+ this._inClassCache = e._cache[this._cacheID],
+ t > 0 && !this._inClassCache && (this._inClassCache = e._cache[this._cacheID] = [],
+ this._inClassCache._length = 0),
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.Value2D", U);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.setValue = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.refresh = function() {
+ var t = this.size;
+ return t[0] = yt.width,
+ t[1] = yt.height,
+ this.alpha = this.ALPHA * yt.worldAlpha,
+ this.mmat = yt.worldMatrix4,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ i._ShaderWithCompile = function() {
+ return Yt.withCompile2D(0, this.mainID, this.defines.toNameDic(), this.mainID | this.defines._value, Zt.create)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._withWorldShaderDefines = function() {
+ var t = yt.worldShaderDefines
+ , e = Yt.sharders[this.mainID | this.defines._value | t.getValue()];
+ if (!e) {
+ var i, n, a = {};
+ i = this.defines.toNameDic();
+ for (n in i)
+ a[n] = "";
+ i = t.toNameDic();
+ for (n in i)
+ a[n] = "";
+ e = Yt.withCompile2D(0, this.mainID, a, this.mainID | this.defines._value | t.getValue(), Zt.create)
+ }
+ var r = yt.worldFilters;
+ if (!r)
+ return e;
+ for (var s, o = r.length, l = 0; l < o; l++)
+ (s = r[l]) && s.action.setValue(this);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.upload = function() {
+ var t = yt;
+ this.alpha = this.ALPHA * t.worldAlpha,
+ yt.worldMatrix4 !== yt.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY && this.defines.add(128),
+ bt.shaderHighPrecision && this.defines.add(1024);
+ var e, i = t.worldShaderDefines ? this._withWorldShaderDefines() : Yt.sharders[this.mainID | this.defines._value] || this._ShaderWithCompile();
+ this.size[0] = t.width,
+ this.size[1] = t.height,
+ this.mmat = t.worldMatrix4,
+ Rt.activeShader !== i ? (i._shaderValueWidth !== t.width || i._shaderValueHeight !== t.height ? (i._shaderValueWidth = t.width,
+ i._shaderValueHeight = t.height) : e = i._params2dQuick2 || i._make2dQuick2(),
+ i.upload(this, e)) : (i._shaderValueWidth !== t.width || i._shaderValueHeight !== t.height ? (i._shaderValueWidth = t.width,
+ i._shaderValueHeight = t.height) : e = i._params2dQuick1 || i._make2dQuick1(),
+ i.upload(this, e))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setFilters = function(t) {
+ if (this.filters = t,
+ t)
+ for (var e, i = t.length, n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ (e = t[n]) && (this.defines.add(e.type),
+ e.action.setValue(this))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ this.defines.setValue(this.subID)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.release = function() {
+ this._inClassCache[this._inClassCache._length++] = this,
+ this.fillStyle = null,
+ this.strokeStyle = null,
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._initone = function(t, i) {
+ e._typeClass[t] = i,
+ e._cache[t] = [],
+ e._cache[t]._length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e._POSITION = [2, 5126, !1, 4 * pt.BYTES_PE, 0],
+ e._TEXCOORD = [2, 5126, !1, 4 * pt.BYTES_PE, 2 * pt.BYTES_PE],
+ e._initone(2, Vt),
+ e._initone(4, Gt),
+ e._initone(256, Ft),
+ e._initone(512, Ut),
+ e._initone(1, Ht),
+ e._initone(65, Kt),
+ e._initone(9, Ht)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i) {
+ var n = e._cache[t | i];
+ return n._length ? n[--n._length] : new e._typeClass[t | i](i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._POSITION = null,
+ e._TEXCOORD = null,
+ e._cache = [],
+ e._typeClass = [],
+ e.TEMPMAT4_ARRAY = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ e
+ }()
+ , St = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.utils.RenderSprite3D", C);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.onCreate = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 8:
+ return void (this._fun = this._blend);
+ case 4:
+ return void (this._fun = this._transform)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._mask = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r, s, o = this._next, l = t.mask;
+ if (l) {
+ i.ctx.save();
+ var h = i.ctx.globalCompositeOperation
+ , c = new x;
+ if (c.copyFrom(l.getBounds()),
+ c.width = Math.round(c.width),
+ c.height = Math.round(c.height),
+ c.x = Math.round(c.x),
+ c.y = Math.round(c.y),
+ c.width > 0 && c.height > 0) {
+ var _ = t._style._tf
+ , u = ot.create();
+ u.addValue("bounds", c),
+ r = st.create([u, i], laya.webgl.utils.RenderSprite3D.tmpTarget),
+ i.addRenderObject(r),
+ l.render(i, -c.x, -c.y),
+ r = st.create([u], laya.webgl.utils.RenderSprite3D.endTmpTarget),
+ i.addRenderObject(r),
+ i.ctx.save(),
+ i.clipRect(n - _.translateX + c.x, a - _.translateY + c.y, c.width, c.height),
+ o._fun.call(o, t, i, n, a),
+ i.ctx.restore(),
+ s = ct.create(6),
+ h = i.ctx.globalCompositeOperation,
+ s.blendMode = "mask",
+ i.addRenderObject(s),
+ b.TEMP.identity();
+ var d = Ct.create(1, 0)
+ , f = k.INV_UV
+ , p = c.width
+ , m = c.height;
+ (c.width < 32 || c.height < 32) && ((f = e.tempUV)[0] = 0,
+ f[1] = 0,
+ f[2] = c.width >= 32 ? 1 : c.width / 32,
+ f[3] = 0,
+ f[4] = c.width >= 32 ? 1 : c.width / 32,
+ f[5] = c.height >= 32 ? 1 : c.height / 32,
+ f[6] = 0,
+ f[7] = c.height >= 32 ? 1 : c.height / 32,
+ c.width = c.width >= 32 ? c.width : 32,
+ c.height = c.height >= 32 ? c.height : 32,
+ f[1] *= -1,
+ f[3] *= -1,
+ f[5] *= -1,
+ f[7] *= -1,
+ f[1] += 1,
+ f[3] += 1,
+ f[5] += 1,
+ f[7] += 1),
+ i.ctx.drawTarget(u, n + c.x - _.translateX, a + c.y - _.translateY, p, m, b.TEMP, "tmpTarget", d, f, 6),
+ r = st.create([u], laya.webgl.utils.RenderSprite3D.recycleTarget),
+ i.addRenderObject(r),
+ (s = ct.create(6)).blendMode = h,
+ i.addRenderObject(s)
+ }
+ i.ctx.restore()
+ } else
+ o._fun.call(o, t, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._blend = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._style
+ , r = this._next;
+ a.blendMode ? (e.ctx.save(),
+ e.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = a.blendMode,
+ r._fun.call(r, t, e, i, n),
+ e.ctx.restore()) : r._fun.call(r, t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._transform = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.transform
+ , r = this._next;
+ if (a && r != C.NORENDER) {
+ var s = e.ctx;
+ t._style;
+ a.tx = i,
+ a.ty = n;
+ var o = s._getTransformMatrix()
+ , l = o.clone();
+ b.mul(a, o, o),
+ o._checkTransform(),
+ a.tx = a.ty = 0,
+ r._fun.call(r, t, e, 0, 0),
+ l.copyTo(o),
+ l.destroy()
+ } else
+ r._fun.call(r, t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.tmpTarget = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.getValue("bounds")
+ , n = Pt.create(i.width, i.height);
+ n.start(),
+ n.clear(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ t.addValue("tmpTarget", n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.endTmpTarget = function(t) {
+ t.getValue("tmpTarget").end()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recycleTarget = function(t) {
+ t.getValue("tmpTarget").recycle(),
+ t.recycle()
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["tempUV", function() {
+ return this.tempUV = new Array(8)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Mt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.data = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.filters.webgl.ColorFilterActionGL", O);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.filters.IFilterActionGL": !0
+ }),
+ n.setValue = function(t) {
+ t.colorMat = this.data._mat,
+ t.colorAlpha = this.data._alpha
+ }
+ ,
+ n.apply3d = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.getValue("bounds")
+ , s = Ct.create(1, 0);
+ s.setFilters([this.data]);
+ var o = b.TEMP;
+ o.identity(),
+ i.ctx.drawTarget(t, 0, 0, r.width, r.height, o, "src", s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Lt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._atlasCanvas = null,
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey = null,
+ this._inAtlasTextureBitmapValue = null,
+ this._inAtlasTextureOriUVValue = null,
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesKey = null,
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, r),
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey = [],
+ this._inAtlasTextureBitmapValue = [],
+ this._inAtlasTextureOriUVValue = [],
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesKey = {},
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue = [],
+ this._atlasCanvas = new zt,
+ this._atlasCanvas._atlaser = this,
+ this._atlasCanvas.width = n,
+ this._atlasCanvas.height = a,
+ this._atlasCanvas.activeResource(),
+ this._atlasCanvas.lock = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.atlas.Atlaser", V);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.computeUVinAtlasTexture = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = F.atlasTextureWidth
+ , r = F.atlasTextureHeight
+ , s = i / a
+ , o = n / r
+ , l = (i + t.bitmap.width) / a
+ , h = (n + t.bitmap.height) / r
+ , c = t.bitmap.width / a
+ , _ = t.bitmap.height / r;
+ t.uv = [s + e[0] * c, o + e[1] * _, l - (1 - e[2]) * c, o + e[3] * _, l - (1 - e[4]) * c, h - (1 - e[5]) * _, s + e[6] * c, h - (1 - e[7]) * _]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.findBitmapIsExist = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof laya.webgl.resource.WebGLImage) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.url
+ , n = this._InAtlasWebGLImagesKey[i || e.id];
+ if (n)
+ return n.offsetInfoID
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addToAtlasTexture = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t instanceof laya.webgl.resource.WebGLImage) {
+ var n = t
+ , a = n.url;
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesKey[a || n.id] = {
+ bitmap: t,
+ offsetInfoID: this._InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue.length
+ },
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue.push([e, i])
+ }
+ this._atlasCanvas.texSubImage2D(e, i, t.atlasSource),
+ t.clearAtlasSource()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addToAtlas = function(t, e, i) {
+ t._atlasID = this._inAtlasTextureKey.length;
+ var n = t.uv.slice()
+ , a = t.bitmap;
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey.push(t),
+ this._inAtlasTextureOriUVValue.push(n),
+ this._inAtlasTextureBitmapValue.push(a),
+ this.computeUVinAtlasTexture(t, n, e, i),
+ t.bitmap = this._atlasCanvas
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._inAtlasTextureKey.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey[t].bitmap = this._inAtlasTextureBitmapValue[t],
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey[t].uv = this._inAtlasTextureOriUVValue[t],
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey[t]._atlasID = -1,
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey[t].bitmap.lock = !1,
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey[t].bitmap.releaseResource();
+ this._inAtlasTextureKey.length = 0,
+ this._inAtlasTextureBitmapValue.length = 0,
+ this._inAtlasTextureOriUVValue.length = 0,
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesKey = null,
+ this._InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.dispose = function() {
+ this.clear(),
+ this._atlasCanvas.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue", function() {
+ return this._InAtlasWebGLImagesOffsetValue
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "texture", function() {
+ return this._atlasCanvas
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "inAtlasWebGLImagesKey", function() {
+ return this._InAtlasWebGLImagesKey
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Tt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this, e.__name2int, e.__int2name, e.__int2nameMap)
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.ShaderDefines2D", $),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.reg("TEXTURE2D", 1),
+ e.reg("COLOR2D", 2),
+ e.reg("PRIMITIVE", 4),
+ e.reg("GLOW_FILTER", 8),
+ e.reg("BLUR_FILTER", 16),
+ e.reg("COLOR_FILTER", 32),
+ e.reg("COLOR_ADD", 64),
+ e.reg("WORLDMAT", 128),
+ e.reg("FILLTEXTURE", 256),
+ e.reg("FSHIGHPRECISION", 1024)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.reg = function(t, i) {
+ $._reg(t, i, e.__name2int, e.__int2name)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toText = function(t, e, i) {
+ return $._toText(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toInt = function(t) {
+ return $._toInt(t, e.__name2int)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TEXTURE2D = 1,
+ e.COLOR2D = 2,
+ e.PRIMITIVE = 4,
+ e.FILTERBLUR = 16,
+ e.COLORADD = 64,
+ e.WORLDMAT = 128,
+ e.FILLTEXTURE = 256,
+ e.SKINMESH = 512,
+ e.__name2int = {},
+ e.__int2name = [],
+ e.__int2nameMap = [],
+ e
+ }()
+ , Et = (function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, n, a, 40, r, s, o)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shapes.Ellipse", it)
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._points = [],
+ this.rebuild(n),
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, 0, 0, 0, r, a, r, 0)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shapes.Line", it);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.rebuild = function(t) {
+ var e = t.length;
+ e != this._points.length && (this.mUint16Array = new Uint16Array(6 * (e / 2 - 1)),
+ this.mFloat32Array = new Float32Array(5 * e)),
+ this._points.length = 0;
+ for (var i = NaN, n = NaN, a = -1, r = -1, s = t.length / 2, o = 0; o < s; o++)
+ i = t[2 * o],
+ n = t[2 * o + 1],
+ (Math.abs(a - i) > .01 || Math.abs(r - n) > .01) && this._points.push(i, n),
+ a = i,
+ r = n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getData = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = []
+ , a = [];
+ this.borderWidth > 0 && this.createLine2(this._points, n, this.borderWidth, i, a, this._points.length / 2),
+ this.mUint16Array.set(n, 0),
+ this.mFloat32Array.set(a, 0),
+ t.append(this.mUint16Array),
+ e.append(this.mFloat32Array)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }())
+ , Dt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._points = [];
+ for (var s = NaN, o = NaN, l = -1, h = -1, c = n.length / 2 - 1, _ = 0; _ < c; _++)
+ s = n[2 * _],
+ o = n[2 * _ + 1],
+ (Math.abs(l - s) > .01 || Math.abs(h - o) > .01) && this._points.push(s, o),
+ l = s,
+ h = o;
+ s = n[2 * c],
+ o = n[2 * c + 1],
+ l = this._points[0],
+ h = this._points[1],
+ (Math.abs(l - s) > .01 || Math.abs(h - o) > .01) && this._points.push(s, o),
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, 0, 0, this._points.length / 2, 0, a, r)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shapes.LoopLine", it);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.getData = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (this.borderWidth > 0) {
+ for (var n = this.color, a = (n >> 16 & 255) / 255, r = (n >> 8 & 255) / 255, s = (255 & n) / 255, o = [], l = 0, h = 0, c = [], _ = Math.floor(this._points.length / 2), u = 0; u < _; u++)
+ l = this._points[2 * u],
+ h = this._points[2 * u + 1],
+ o.push(this.x + l, this.y + h, a, r, s);
+ this.createLoopLine(o, c, this.borderWidth, i + o.length / 5),
+ t.append(new Uint16Array(c)),
+ e.append(new Float32Array(o))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.createLoopLine = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ t.length;
+ var s = t.concat()
+ , o = a || t
+ , l = this.borderColor
+ , h = (l >> 16 & 255) / 255
+ , c = (l >> 8 & 255) / 255
+ , _ = (255 & l) / 255
+ , u = [s[0], s[1]]
+ , d = [s[s.length - 5], s[s.length - 4]]
+ , f = d[0] + .5 * (u[0] - d[0])
+ , p = d[1] + .5 * (u[1] - d[1]);
+ s.unshift(f, p, 0, 0, 0),
+ s.push(f, p, 0, 0, 0);
+ var m, g, y, v, b, w, x, I, C, S, M, L, T, E, D, N, A, B, k, R, P = s.length / 5, O = n, U = i / 2;
+ y = s[0],
+ v = s[1],
+ S = y - (b = s[5]),
+ C = (C = -(v - (w = s[6]))) / (R = Math.sqrt(C * C + S * S)) * U,
+ S = S / R * U,
+ o.push(y - C, v - S, h, c, _, y + C, v + S, h, c, _);
+ for (var V = 1; V < P - 1; V++)
+ y = s[5 * (V - 1)],
+ v = s[5 * (V - 1) + 1],
+ b = s[5 * V],
+ w = s[5 * V + 1],
+ x = s[5 * (V + 1)],
+ I = s[5 * (V + 1) + 1],
+ S = y - b,
+ L = b - x,
+ D = (-(C = (C = -(v - w)) / (R = Math.sqrt(C * C + S * S)) * U) + y) * (-(S = S / R * U) + w) - (-C + b) * (-S + v),
+ B = (-(M = (M = -(w - I)) / (R = Math.sqrt(M * M + L * L)) * U) + x) * (-(L = L / R * U) + w) - (-M + b) * (-L + I),
+ k = (T = -S + v - (-S + w)) * (A = -M + b - (-M + x)) - (N = -L + I - (-L + w)) * (E = -C + b - (-C + y)),
+ Math.abs(k) < .1 ? (k += 10.1,
+ o.push(b - C, w - S, h, c, _, b + C, w + S, h, c, _)) : (((m = (E * B - A * D) / k) - b) * (m - b) + ((g = (N * D - T * B) / k) - w) + (g - w),
+ o.push(m, g, h, c, _, b - (m - b), w - (g - w), h, c, _));
+ r && (e = r);
+ var F = this.edges + 1;
+ for (V = 1; V < F; V++)
+ e.push(O + 2 * (V - 1), O + 2 * (V - 1) + 1, O + 2 * V + 1, O + 2 * V + 1, O + 2 * V, O + 2 * (V - 1));
+ return e.push(O + 2 * (V - 1), O + 2 * (V - 1) + 1, O + 1, O + 1, O, O + 2 * (V - 1)),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Nt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._points = null,
+ this._start = -1,
+ this._repaint = !1,
+ this.earcutTriangles = null,
+ this._mat = b.create(),
+ this._points = n.slice(0, n.length),
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, 0, 0, this._points.length / 2, a, r, s)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shapes.Polygon", it);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.rebuild = function(t) {
+ this._repaint || (this._points.length = 0,
+ this._points = this._points.concat(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setMatrix = function(t) {
+ t.copyTo(this._mat)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.needUpdate = function(t) {
+ return this._repaint = this._mat.a == t.a && this._mat.b == t.b && this._mat.c == t.c && this._mat.d == t.d && this._mat.tx == t.tx && this._mat.ty == t.ty,
+ !this._repaint
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getData = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a = 0, r = this._points, s = 0;
+ if (this.mUint16Array && this.mFloat32Array && this._repaint) {
+ if (this._start != i) {
+ for (this._start = i,
+ n = [],
+ s = this.earcutTriangles.length,
+ a = 0; a < s; a++)
+ n.push(this.earcutTriangles[a] + i);
+ this.mUint16Array = new Uint16Array(n)
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._start = i,
+ n = [];
+ var o = []
+ , l = []
+ , h = this.color
+ , c = (h >> 16 & 255) / 255
+ , _ = (h >> 8 & 255) / 255
+ , u = (255 & h) / 255;
+ for (s = Math.floor(r.length / 2),
+ a = 0; a < s; a++)
+ o.push(this.x + r[2 * a], this.y + r[2 * a + 1], c, _, u),
+ l.push(this.x + r[2 * a], this.y + r[2 * a + 1]);
+ for (this.earcutTriangles = nt.earcut(l, null, 2),
+ s = this.earcutTriangles.length,
+ a = 0; a < s; a++)
+ n.push(this.earcutTriangles[a] + i);
+ this.mUint16Array = new Uint16Array(n),
+ this.mFloat32Array = new Float32Array(o)
+ }
+ t.append(this.mUint16Array),
+ e.append(this.mFloat32Array)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , At = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._matrix = new b,
+ this._matrix4 = pt.defaultMatrix4.concat(),
+ e.__super.call(this, 1e4),
+ this.shaderValue = new Ct(0,0)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitCanvas", rt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.renderSubmit = function() {
+ if (this._ctx_src._targets)
+ return this._ctx_src._targets.flush(this._ctx_src),
+ 1;
+ var t = yt.worldAlpha
+ , e = yt.worldMatrix4
+ , i = yt.worldMatrix
+ , n = yt.worldFilters
+ , a = yt.worldShaderDefines
+ , r = this.shaderValue
+ , s = this._matrix
+ , o = this._matrix4
+ , l = b.TEMP;
+ return b.mul(s, i, l),
+ o[0] = l.a,
+ o[1] = l.b,
+ o[4] = l.c,
+ o[5] = l.d,
+ o[12] = l.tx,
+ o[13] = l.ty,
+ yt.worldMatrix = l.clone(),
+ yt.worldMatrix4 = o,
+ yt.worldAlpha = yt.worldAlpha * r.alpha,
+ r.filters && r.filters.length && (yt.worldFilters = r.filters,
+ yt.worldShaderDefines = r.defines),
+ this._ctx_src.flush(),
+ yt.worldAlpha = t,
+ yt.worldMatrix4 = e,
+ yt.worldMatrix.destroy(),
+ yt.worldMatrix = i,
+ yt.worldFilters = n,
+ yt.worldShaderDefines = a,
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.releaseRender = function() {
+ var t = e._cache;
+ this._ctx_src = null,
+ t[t._length++] = this
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 10003
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a = e._cache._length ? e._cache[--e._cache._length] : new e;
+ a._ctx_src = t;
+ var r = a.shaderValue;
+ return r.alpha = i,
+ r.defines.setValue(0),
+ n && n.length && r.setFilters(n),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ e._cache = (e._cache = [],
+ e._cache._length = 0,
+ e._cache),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Bt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._preIsSameTextureShader = !1,
+ this._isSameTexture = !0,
+ this._texs = new Array,
+ this._texsID = new Array,
+ this._vbPos = new Array,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1e4),
+ e.__super.call(this, t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.submit.SubmitTexture", rt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.releaseRender = function() {
+ var t = e._cache;
+ t[t._length++] = this,
+ this.shaderValue.release(),
+ this._preIsSameTextureShader = !1,
+ this._vb = null,
+ this._texs.length = 0,
+ this._vbPos.length = 0,
+ this._isSameTexture = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addTexture = function(t, e) {
+ this._texsID[this._texs.length] = t._uvID,
+ this._texs.push(t),
+ this._vbPos.push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.checkTexture = function() {
+ if (this._texs.length < 1)
+ this._isSameTexture = !0;
+ else {
+ var t = this.shaderValue.textureHost.bitmap;
+ if (null !== t)
+ for (var e = this._vb.getFloat32Array(), i = 0, n = this._texs.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this._texs[i];
+ a.active();
+ var r = a.uv;
+ if (this._texsID[i] !== a._uvID) {
+ this._texsID[i] = a._uvID;
+ var s = this._vbPos[i];
+ e[s + 2] = r[0],
+ e[s + 3] = r[1],
+ e[s + 6] = r[2],
+ e[s + 7] = r[3],
+ e[s + 10] = r[4],
+ e[s + 11] = r[5],
+ e[s + 14] = r[6],
+ e[s + 15] = r[7],
+ this._vb.setNeedUpload()
+ }
+ a.bitmap !== t && (this._isSameTexture = !1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.renderSubmit = function() {
+ if (0 === this._numEle)
+ return e._shaderSet = !1,
+ 1;
+ var t = this.shaderValue.textureHost;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.source;
+ if (!t.bitmap || !i)
+ return e._shaderSet = !1,
+ 1;
+ this.shaderValue.texture = i
+ }
+ this._vb.bind_upload(this._ib);
+ var n = bt.mainContext;
+ if (G.activeBlendFunction !== this._blendFn && (n.enable(3042),
+ this._blendFn(n),
+ G.activeBlendFunction = this._blendFn),
+ D.drawCall++,
+ D.trianglesFaces += this._numEle / 3,
+ this._preIsSameTextureShader && Rt.activeShader && e._shaderSet ? Rt.activeShader.uploadTexture2D(this.shaderValue.texture) : this.shaderValue.upload(),
+ e._shaderSet = !0,
+ this._texs.length > 1 && !this._isSameTexture)
+ for (var a = t.bitmap, r = 0, s = Rt.activeShader, o = 0, l = this._texs.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var h = this._texs[o];
+ h.bitmap === a && o + 1 !== l || (s.uploadTexture2D(h.source),
+ n.drawElements(4, 6 * (o - r + 1), 5123, this._startIdx + 6 * r * pt.BYTES_PIDX),
+ a = h.bitmap,
+ r = o)
+ }
+ else
+ n.drawElements(4, this._numEle, 5123, this._startIdx);
+ return 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = e._cache._length ? e._cache[--e._cache._length] : new e;
+ null == n && ((n = s._selfVb || (s._selfVb = $t.create(-1))).clear(),
+ a = 0),
+ s._ib = i,
+ s._vb = n,
+ s._startIdx = a * pt.BYTES_PIDX,
+ s._numEle = 0;
+ var o = t._nBlendType;
+ s._blendFn = t._targets ? G.targetFns[o] : G.fns[o],
+ s.shaderValue = r,
+ s.shaderValue.setValue(t._shader2D);
+ var l = t._shader2D.filters;
+ return l && s.shaderValue.setFilters(l),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ e._cache = (e._cache = [],
+ e._cache._length = 0,
+ e._cache),
+ e._shaderSet = !0,
+ e
+ }()
+ , kt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this, laya.webgl.utils.MeshTexture.const_stride, 0, 0),
+ this.canReuse = !0,
+ this.setAttributes(laya.webgl.utils.MeshTexture._fixattriInfo)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.utils.MeshTexture", gt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.addData = function(t, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ for (var o = t.length / 2, l = this._vb.needSize(o * e.const_stride) >> 2, h = this._vb.getFloat32Array(), c = 0, _ = 0; _ < o; _++) {
+ var u = t[c]
+ , d = t[c + 1]
+ , f = u * a.a + d * a.c + a.tx
+ , p = u * a.b + d * a.d + a.ty;
+ h[l++] = f,
+ h[l++] = p,
+ h[l++] = i[c],
+ h[l++] = i[c + 1],
+ c += 2
+ }
+ this._vb.setNeedUpload();
+ var m = this.vertNum;
+ if (m > 0) {
+ (o = n.length) > e.tmpIdx.length && (e.tmpIdx = new Uint16Array(o));
+ for (var g = 0; g < o; g++)
+ e.tmpIdx[g] = n[g] + m;
+ this._ib.appendU16Array(e.tmpIdx, n.length)
+ } else
+ this._ib.append(n);
+ this._ib.setNeedUpload(),
+ this.vertNum += o,
+ this.indexNum += n.length
+ }
+ ,
+ i.releaseMesh = function() {
+ this._vb._byteLength = 0,
+ this._ib._byteLength = 0,
+ this.vertNum = 0,
+ this.indexNum = 0,
+ laya.webgl.utils.MeshTexture._POOL.push(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function() {
+ this._ib.destroy(),
+ this._vb.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getAMesh = function() {
+ return laya.webgl.utils.MeshTexture._POOL.length ? laya.webgl.utils.MeshTexture._POOL.pop() : new e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.const_stride = 16,
+ e._POOL = [],
+ n(e, ["_fixattriInfo", function() {
+ return this._fixattriInfo = [5126, 2, 0, 5126, 2, 8]
+ }
+ , "tmpIdx", function() {
+ return this.tmpIdx = new Uint16Array(4)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Rt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.lock = !0
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.BaseShader", S),
+ e.activeShader = null,
+ e.bindShader = null,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Pt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._svWidth = NaN,
+ this._svHeight = NaN,
+ this._preRenderTarget = null,
+ this._alreadyResolved = !1,
+ this._looked = !1,
+ this._surfaceFormat = 0,
+ this._surfaceType = 0,
+ this._depthStencilFormat = 0,
+ this._mipMap = !1,
+ this._repeat = !1,
+ this._minFifter = 0,
+ this._magFifter = 0,
+ this._destroy = !1,
+ void 0 === n && (n = 6408),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 5121),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 34041),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = -1),
+ void 0 === h && (h = -1),
+ this._type = 1,
+ this._w = t,
+ this._h = i,
+ this._surfaceFormat = n,
+ this._surfaceType = a,
+ this._depthStencilFormat = r,
+ I.isConchWebGL && 34041 === this._depthStencilFormat && (this._depthStencilFormat = 33189),
+ this._mipMap = s,
+ this._repeat = o,
+ this._minFifter = l,
+ this._magFifter = h,
+ this._createWebGLRenderTarget(),
+ this.bitmap.lock = !0,
+ e.__super.call(this, this.bitmap, k.INV_UV)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.resource.RenderTarget2D", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.resource.IDispose": !0
+ }),
+ n.getType = function() {
+ return this._type
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getTexture = function() {
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.size = function(t, e) {
+ this._w == t && this._h == e || (this._w = t,
+ this._h = e,
+ this.release(),
+ 0 != this._w && 0 != this._h && this._createWebGLRenderTarget())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.release = function() {
+ this.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.recycle = function() {
+ e.POOL.push(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.start = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ return this._preRenderTarget = yt.curRenderTarget,
+ yt.curRenderTarget = this,
+ t.bindFramebuffer(36160, this.bitmap.frameBuffer),
+ this._alreadyResolved = !1,
+ 1 == this._type && (t.viewport(0, 0, this._w, this._h),
+ this._svWidth = yt.width,
+ this._svHeight = yt.height,
+ yt.width = this._w,
+ yt.height = this._h,
+ Rt.activeShader = null),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clear = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1);
+ var a = bt.mainContext;
+ a.clearColor(t, e, i, n);
+ var r = 16384;
+ switch (this._depthStencilFormat) {
+ case 33189:
+ r |= 256;
+ break;
+ case 36168:
+ r |= 1024;
+ break;
+ case 34041:
+ r |= 256,
+ r |= 1024
+ }
+ a.clear(r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.end = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ t.bindFramebuffer(36160, this._preRenderTarget ? this._preRenderTarget.bitmap.frameBuffer : null),
+ this._alreadyResolved = !0,
+ yt.curRenderTarget = this._preRenderTarget,
+ 1 == this._type ? (t.viewport(0, 0, this._svWidth, this._svHeight),
+ yt.width = this._svWidth,
+ yt.height = this._svHeight,
+ Rt.activeShader = null) : t.viewport(0, 0, i.stage.width, i.stage.height)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getData = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = bt.mainContext;
+ a.bindFramebuffer(36160, this.bitmap.frameBuffer);
+ if (!(36053 === a.checkFramebufferStatus(36160)))
+ return a.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ null;
+ var r = new Uint8Array(this._w * this._h * 4);
+ return a.readPixels(t, e, i, n, this._surfaceFormat, this._surfaceType, r),
+ a.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ this._destroy || (this._loaded = !1,
+ this.bitmap.offAll(),
+ this.bitmap.disposeResource(),
+ this.bitmap.dispose(),
+ this.offAll(),
+ this.bitmap = null,
+ this._alreadyResolved = !1,
+ this._destroy = !0,
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.dispose = function() {}
+ ,
+ n._createWebGLRenderTarget = function() {
+ this.bitmap = new Xt(this.width,this.height,this._surfaceFormat,this._surfaceType,this._depthStencilFormat,this._mipMap,this._repeat,this._minFifter,this._magFifter),
+ this.bitmap.activeResource(),
+ this._alreadyResolved = !0,
+ this._destroy = !1,
+ this._loaded = !0,
+ this.bitmap.on("recovered", this, function(t) {
+ this.event("recovered")
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "surfaceFormat", function() {
+ return this._surfaceFormat
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "magFifter", function() {
+ return this._magFifter
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "surfaceType", function() {
+ return this._surfaceType
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "mipMap", function() {
+ return this._mipMap
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "depthStencilFormat", function() {
+ return this._depthStencilFormat
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "minFifter", function() {
+ return this._minFifter
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "source", function() {
+ return this._alreadyResolved ? i.superGet(k, this, "source") : null
+ }),
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 6408),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 5121),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 34041),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = -1),
+ void 0 === h && (h = -1);
+ var c = e.POOL.pop();
+ return c || (c = new e(t,i)),
+ c.bitmap && c._w == t && c._h == i && c._surfaceFormat == n && c._surfaceType == a && c._depthStencilFormat == r && c._mipMap == s && c._repeat == o && c._minFifter == l && c._magFifter == h || (c._w = t,
+ c._h = i,
+ c._surfaceFormat = n,
+ c._surfaceType = a,
+ c._depthStencilFormat = r,
+ I.isConchWebGL && 34041 === c._depthStencilFormat && (c._depthStencilFormat = 33189),
+ c._mipMap = s,
+ c._repeat = o,
+ c._minFifter = l,
+ c._magFifter = h,
+ c.release(),
+ c._createWebGLRenderTarget()),
+ c
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TYPE2D = 1,
+ e.TYPE3D = 2,
+ e.POOL = [],
+ e
+ }(k)
+ , Ot = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._glBuffer = null,
+ this._buffer = null,
+ this._bufferType = 0,
+ this._bufferUsage = 0,
+ this._byteLength = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ e._gl = bt.mainContext
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.utils.Buffer", S);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._bind = function() {
+ this.activeResource(),
+ e._bindActive[this._bufferType] !== this._glBuffer && (34962 === this._bufferType && (e._bindVertexBuffer = this._glBuffer),
+ e._gl.bindBuffer(this._bufferType, e._bindActive[this._bufferType] = this._glBuffer),
+ Rt.activeShader = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._glBuffer || (this._glBuffer = e._gl.createBuffer()),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._glBuffer && (bt.mainContext.deleteBuffer(this._glBuffer),
+ this._glBuffer = null),
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "bufferUsage", function() {
+ return this._bufferUsage
+ }),
+ e._gl = null,
+ e._bindActive = {},
+ e._bindVertexBuffer = null,
+ e._enableAtributes = [],
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ut = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.texcoord = null,
+ this.offsetX = 300,
+ this.offsetY = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this, 512, 0);
+ var i = 8 * pt.BYTES_PE;
+ this.position = [2, 5126, !1, i, 0],
+ this.texcoord = [2, 5126, !1, i, 2 * pt.BYTES_PE],
+ this.color = [4, 5126, !1, i, 4 * pt.BYTES_PE]
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.skinAnishader.SkinSV", Ct),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Vt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this, 2, 0),
+ this.color = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.Color2dSV", Ct);
+ return e.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
+ t.fillStyle && (this.color = t.fillStyle._color._color),
+ t.strokeStyle && (this.color = t.strokeStyle._color._color)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ft = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.u_colorMatrix = null,
+ this.strength = 0,
+ this.colorMat = null,
+ this.colorAlpha = null,
+ this.u_TexRange = [0, 1, 0, 1],
+ this.u_offset = [0, 0],
+ this.texcoord = Ct._TEXCOORD,
+ e.__super.call(this, 256, 0)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.FillTextureSV", Ct);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.setValue = function(t) {
+ this.ALPHA = t.ALPHA,
+ t.filters && this.setFilters(t.filters)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ this.texture = null,
+ this.shader = null,
+ this.defines.setValue(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ht = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.u_colorMatrix = null,
+ this.strength = 0,
+ this.blurInfo = null,
+ this.colorMat = null,
+ this.colorAlpha = null,
+ this.texcoord = Ct._TEXCOORD,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ e.__super.call(this, 1, t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.TextureSV", Ct);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.setValue = function(t) {
+ this.ALPHA = t.ALPHA,
+ t.filters && this.setFilters(t.filters)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ this.texture = null,
+ this.shader = null,
+ this.defines.setValue(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Gt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.a_color = null,
+ this.u_pos = [0, 0],
+ e.__super.call(this, 4, 0),
+ this.position = [2, 5126, !1, 5 * pt.BYTES_PE, 0],
+ this.a_color = [3, 5126, !1, 5 * pt.BYTES_PE, 2 * pt.BYTES_PE]
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.PrimitiveSV", Ct),
+ e
+ }()
+ , zt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._atlaser = null,
+ this._flashCacheImage = null,
+ this._flashCacheImageNeedFlush = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasWebGLCanvas", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.recreateResource = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext
+ , e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , n = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(t, 3553, e),
+ t.texImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, this._w, this._h, 0, 6408, 5121, null),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, 33071),
+ i && n && wt.bindTexture(t, i, n),
+ this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4,
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._source && (bt.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.texSubImage2D = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (I.isFlash) {
+ this._flashCacheImage || (this._flashCacheImage = y.create(""),
+ this._flashCacheImage._image.createCanvas(this._w, this._h));
+ var n = i.bitmapdata;
+ this._flashCacheImage._image.copyPixels(n, 0, 0, n.width, n.height, t, e),
+ this._flashCacheImageNeedFlush || (this._flashCacheImageNeedFlush = !0)
+ } else {
+ var a = bt.mainContext
+ , r = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , s = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(a, 3553, this._source),
+ I.isConchWebGL ? (i !== ConchTextCanvas && (t - 1 >= 0 && a.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, t - 1, e, 6408, 5121, i),
+ t + 1 <= this._w && a.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, t + 1, e, 6408, 5121, i),
+ e - 1 >= 0 && a.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, t, e - 1, 6408, 5121, i),
+ e + 1 <= this._h && a.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, t, e + 1, 6408, 5121, i)),
+ a.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, t, e, 6408, 5121, i)) : (a.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ t - 1 >= 0 && a.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, t - 1, e, 6408, 5121, i),
+ t + 1 <= this._w && a.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, t + 1, e, 6408, 5121, i),
+ e - 1 >= 0 && a.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, t, e - 1, 6408, 5121, i),
+ e + 1 <= this._h && a.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, t, e + 1, 6408, 5121, i),
+ a.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, t, e, 6408, 5121, i),
+ a.pixelStorei(37441, !1)),
+ r && s && wt.bindTexture(a, r, s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.texSubImage2DPixel = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = bt.mainContext
+ , s = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , o = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(r, 3553, this._source);
+ var l = new Uint8Array(a.data);
+ I.isConchWebGL ? r.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, t, e, i, n, 6408, 5121, l) : (r.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ r.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, t, e, i, n, 6408, 5121, l),
+ r.pixelStorei(37441, !1)),
+ s && o && wt.bindTexture(r, s, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ this._w = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ this._h = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(h)
+ , jt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.flipY = !0,
+ this.alwaysChange = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.resource.WebGLCanvas", h);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.getCanvas = function() {
+ return this._canvas
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function() {
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.destroy(),
+ this._ctx = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setContext = function(t) {
+ this._ctx = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getContext = function(t, i) {
+ return this._ctx ? this._ctx : this._ctx = e._createContext(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.size = function(t, e) {
+ this._w == t && this._h == e || (this._w = t,
+ this._h = e,
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.size(t, e),
+ this._canvas && (this._canvas.height = e,
+ this._canvas.width = t))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activeResource = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this._source || this.recreateResource()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this.createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._source && !this.iscpuSource && (bt.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ this._canvas;
+ var i = this._source = t.createTexture();
+ this.iscpuSource = !1;
+ var n = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , a = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(t, 3553, i),
+ t.pixelStorei(37440, this.flipY ? 1 : 0),
+ I.isConchWebGL ? t.texImage2DEx(e.premulAlpha, 3553, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._imgData) : (e.premulAlpha && t.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ t.texImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._imgData),
+ e.premulAlpha && t.pixelStorei(37441, !1)),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, 33071),
+ t.pixelStorei(37440, 0),
+ this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4,
+ n && a && wt.bindTexture(t, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.reloadCanvasData = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ if (!this._source)
+ throw "reloadCanvasData error, gl texture not created!";
+ var i = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , n = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(t, 3553, this._source),
+ I.isConchWebGL ? t.texImage2DEx(e.premulAlpha, 3553, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._imgData) : (e.premulAlpha && t.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ t.texImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._imgData),
+ e.premulAlpha && t.pixelStorei(37441, !1)),
+ t.pixelStorei(37440, 0),
+ i && n && wt.bindTexture(t, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.texSubImage2D = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = bt.mainContext
+ , a = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , r = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(n, 3553, this._source),
+ I.isConchWebGL ? n.texSubImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, e, i, 6408, 5121, t._source) : (n.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ n.texSubImage2D(3553, 0, e, i, 6408, 5121, t._source),
+ n.pixelStorei(37441, !1)),
+ a && r && wt.bindTexture(n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.toBase64 = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = null;
+ this._canvas && (n = this._canvas.toDataURL(t, e)),
+ i.call(this, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "context", function() {
+ return this._ctx
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "source", function() {
+ return this.alwaysChange && this.reloadCanvasData(),
+ this._source
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "asBitmap", null, function(t) {
+ this._ctx && (this._ctx.asBitmap = t)
+ }),
+ e._createContext = null,
+ e.premulAlpha = !1,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Wt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this.CborderSize = 12,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.char = t,
+ this.isSpace = " " === t,
+ this.xs = i.scaleX,
+ this.ys = i.scaleY,
+ this.font = i.font.toString(),
+ this.fontSize = i.font.size,
+ this.fillColor = i.fillColor,
+ this.borderColor = i.borderColor,
+ this.lineWidth = i.lineWidth,
+ this.underLine = i.underLine;
+ var n, a = I.isConchApp;
+ a ? ((n = ConchTextCanvas)._source = ConchTextCanvas,
+ n._source.canvas = ConchTextCanvas) : n = c.canvas.source,
+ this.canvas = n,
+ this._enableMerageInAtlas = !0,
+ this._ctx = a ? n : this.canvas.getContext("2d", void 0);
+ var r = R.measureText(this.char, this.font);
+ this.cw = r.width * this.xs,
+ this.ch = (r.height || this.fontSize) * this.ys,
+ this.onresize(this.cw + 2 * this.CborderSize, this.ch + 2 * this.CborderSize),
+ this.texture = new k(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.resource.WebGLCharImage", h);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.webgl.resource.IMergeAtlasBitmap": !0
+ }),
+ n.active = function() {
+ this.texture.active()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.recreateResource = function() {
+ var t = I.isConchApp;
+ if (this.onresize(this.cw + 2 * this.CborderSize, this.ch + 2 * this.CborderSize),
+ this.canvas && (this.canvas.height = this._h,
+ this.canvas.width = this._w),
+ t) {
+ var e = this.fontSize;
+ 1 == this.xs && 1 == this.ys || (e = parseInt(e * (this.xs > this.ys ? this.xs : this.ys) + ""));
+ var i = "normal 100 " + e + "px Arial";
+ this.borderColor && (i += " 1 " + this.borderColor),
+ this._ctx.font = i,
+ this._ctx.textBaseline = "top",
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this.fillColor,
+ this._ctx.fillText(this.char, this.CborderSize, this.CborderSize, null, null, null)
+ } else {
+ if (this._ctx.save(),
+ this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.cw + 2 * this.CborderSize, this.ch + 2 * this.CborderSize),
+ this._ctx.font = this.font,
+ B.RightToLeft && (this._ctx.textAlign = "end"),
+ this._ctx.textBaseline = "top",
+ this._ctx.translate(this.CborderSize, this.CborderSize),
+ 1 == this.xs && 1 == this.ys || this._ctx.scale(this.xs, this.ys),
+ this.fillColor && this.borderColor ? (this._ctx.strokeStyle = this.borderColor,
+ this._ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth,
+ this._ctx.strokeText(this.char, 0, 0, null, null, 0, null),
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this.fillColor,
+ this._ctx.fillText(this.char, 0, 0, null, null, null)) : -1 === this.lineWidth ? (this._ctx.fillStyle = this.fillColor ? this.fillColor : "white",
+ this._ctx.fillText(this.char, 0, 0, null, null, null)) : (this._ctx.strokeStyle = this.borderColor ? this.borderColor : "white",
+ this._ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth,
+ this._ctx.strokeText(this.char, 0, 0, null, null, 0, null)),
+ this.underLine) {
+ this._ctx.lineWidth = 1,
+ this._ctx.strokeStyle = this.fillColor,
+ this._ctx.beginPath(),
+ this._ctx.moveTo(0, this.fontSize + 1);
+ var n = this._ctx.measureText(this.char).width + 1;
+ this._ctx.lineTo(n, this.fontSize + 1),
+ this._ctx.stroke()
+ }
+ this._ctx.restore()
+ }
+ this.borderSize = this.CborderSize,
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onresize = function(t, e) {
+ this._w = t,
+ this._h = e,
+ this._allowMerageInAtlas = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clearAtlasSource = function() {}
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "allowMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._allowMerageInAtlas
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "atlasSource", function() {
+ return this.canvas
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "enableMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._enableMerageInAtlas
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enableMerageInAtlas = t
+ }),
+ e.createOneChar = function(t, i) {
+ return new e(t,i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Xt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 6408),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 5121),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 34041),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = -1),
+ void 0 === h && (h = 1),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._w = t,
+ this._h = i,
+ this._surfaceFormat = n,
+ this._surfaceType = a,
+ this._depthStencilFormat = r,
+ I.isConchWebGL && 34041 === this._depthStencilFormat && (this._depthStencilFormat = 33189),
+ this._mipMap = s,
+ this._repeat = o,
+ this._minFifter = l,
+ this._magFifter = h
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.resource.WebGLRenderTarget", h);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.recreateResource = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ this._frameBuffer || (this._frameBuffer = t.createFramebuffer()),
+ this._source || (this._source = t.createTexture());
+ var e = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , i = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(t, 3553, this._source),
+ t.texImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, this._w, this._h, 0, this._surfaceFormat, this._surfaceType, null);
+ var n = this._minFifter
+ , a = this._magFifter
+ , r = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , s = o.isPOT(this._w, this._h);
+ if (s ? (this._mipMap ? -1 !== n || (n = 9987) : -1 !== n || (n = 9729),
+ -1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, n),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, a),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, r),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, r),
+ this._mipMap && t.generateMipmap(3553)) : (-1 !== n || (n = 9729),
+ -1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, n),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, a),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, 33071)),
+ t.bindFramebuffer(36160, this._frameBuffer),
+ t.framebufferTexture2D(36160, 36064, 3553, this._source, 0),
+ this._depthStencilFormat)
+ switch (this._depthStencilBuffer || (this._depthStencilBuffer = t.createRenderbuffer()),
+ t.bindRenderbuffer(36161, this._depthStencilBuffer),
+ t.renderbufferStorage(36161, this._depthStencilFormat, this._w, this._h),
+ this._depthStencilFormat) {
+ case 33189:
+ t.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, 36096, 36161, this._depthStencilBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 36168:
+ t.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, 36128, 36161, this._depthStencilBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 34041:
+ t.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, 33306, 36161, this._depthStencilBuffer)
+ }
+ t.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ e && i && wt.bindTexture(t, e, i),
+ t.bindRenderbuffer(36161, null),
+ s && this._mipMap ? this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4,
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._frameBuffer && (bt.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ bt.mainContext.deleteFramebuffer(this._frameBuffer),
+ bt.mainContext.deleteRenderbuffer(this._depthStencilBuffer),
+ this._source = null,
+ this._frameBuffer = null,
+ this._depthStencilBuffer = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "depthStencilBuffer", function() {
+ return this._depthStencilBuffer
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "frameBuffer", function() {
+ return this._frameBuffer
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , qt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this.offsetX = 0,
+ this.offsetY = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.repeat = !0,
+ this.mipmap = !1,
+ this.minFifter = -1,
+ this.magFifter = -1,
+ this.atlasImage = s,
+ this.canvas = t,
+ this._ctx = t.getContext("2d", void 0),
+ this._w = a,
+ this._h = r,
+ this.offsetX = i,
+ this.offsetY = n,
+ this.src = o,
+ this._enableMerageInAtlas = !0,
+ F.enabled && this._w < F.atlasLimitWidth && this._h < F.atlasLimitHeight ? this._allowMerageInAtlas = !0 : this._allowMerageInAtlas = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.resource.WebGLSubImage", h);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.webgl.resource.IMergeAtlasBitmap": !0
+ }),
+ n.size = function(t, e) {
+ this._w = t,
+ this._h = e,
+ this._ctx && this._ctx.size(t, e),
+ this.canvas && (this.canvas.height = e,
+ this.canvas.width = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.recreateResource = function() {
+ this.size(this._w, this._h),
+ this._ctx.drawImage(this.atlasImage, this.offsetX, this.offsetY, this._w, this._h, 0, 0, this._w, this._h),
+ this._allowMerageInAtlas && this._enableMerageInAtlas ? this.memorySize = 0 : this.createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ var t = bt.mainContext;
+ if (!this.canvas)
+ throw "create GLTextur err:no data:" + this.canvas;
+ var e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , n = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ wt.bindTexture(t, 3553, e),
+ I.isConchWebGL ? t.texImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this.canvas) : (t.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ t.texImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this.canvas),
+ t.pixelStorei(37441, !1));
+ var a = this.minFifter
+ , r = this.magFifter
+ , s = this.repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , l = o.isPOT(this.width, this.height);
+ l ? (this.mipmap ? -1 !== a || (a = 9987) : -1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ -1 !== r || (r = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, r),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, a),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, s),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, s),
+ this.mipmap && t.generateMipmap(3553)) : (-1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ -1 !== r || (r = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, a),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, r),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, 33071)),
+ i && n && wt.bindTexture(t, i, n),
+ this.canvas = null,
+ l && this.mipmap ? this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ F.enabled && this._allowMerageInAtlas || !this._source || (bt.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clearAtlasSource = function() {}
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "allowMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._allowMerageInAtlas
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "atlasSource", function() {
+ return this.canvas
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "enableMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._allowMerageInAtlas
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._allowMerageInAtlas = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Yt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ if (this._curActTexIndex = 0,
+ this.tag = {},
+ this._program = null,
+ this._params = null,
+ this._paramsMap = {},
+ this._offset = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ !t || !i)
+ throw "Shader Error";
+ this._id = ++e._count,
+ this._vs = t,
+ this._ps = i,
+ this._nameMap = a || {},
+ null != n && (e.sharders[n] = this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.Shader", Rt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._compile(),
+ this.completeCreate(),
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ bt.mainContext.deleteShader(this._vshader),
+ bt.mainContext.deleteShader(this._pshader),
+ bt.mainContext.deleteProgram(this._program),
+ this._vshader = this._pshader = this._program = null,
+ this._params = null,
+ this._paramsMap = {},
+ this.memorySize = 0,
+ this._curActTexIndex = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._compile = function() {
+ if (this._vs && this._ps && !this._params) {
+ this._reCompile = !0,
+ this._params = [];
+ var t = [this._vs, this._ps]
+ , i = bt.mainContext;
+ if (this._program = i.createProgram(),
+ this._vshader = e._createShader(i, t[0], 35633),
+ this._pshader = e._createShader(i, t[1], 35632),
+ i.attachShader(this._program, this._vshader),
+ i.attachShader(this._program, this._pshader),
+ i.linkProgram(this._program),
+ !I.isConchApp && !i.getProgramParameter(this._program, 35714))
+ throw i.getProgramInfoLog(this._program);
+ var n, a = 0, r = 0, s = 0;
+ for (s = I.isConchApp ? i.getProgramParameterEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", 35721) : i.getProgramParameter(this._program, 35721),
+ a = 0; a < s; a++) {
+ var o = null;
+ n = {
+ vartype: "attribute",
+ glfun: null,
+ ivartype: 0,
+ attrib: o = I.isConchApp ? i.getActiveAttribEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", a) : i.getActiveAttrib(this._program, a),
+ location: i.getAttribLocation(this._program, o.name),
+ name: o.name,
+ type: o.type,
+ isArray: !1,
+ isSame: !1,
+ preValue: null,
+ indexOfParams: 0
+ },
+ this._params.push(n)
+ }
+ var l = 0;
+ for (l = I.isConchApp ? i.getProgramParameterEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", 35718) : i.getProgramParameter(this._program, 35718),
+ a = 0; a < l; a++) {
+ var h = null;
+ h = I.isConchApp ? i.getActiveUniformEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", a) : i.getActiveUniform(this._program, a),
+ (n = {
+ vartype: "uniform",
+ glfun: null,
+ ivartype: 1,
+ attrib: o,
+ location: i.getUniformLocation(this._program, h.name),
+ name: h.name,
+ type: h.type,
+ isArray: !1,
+ isSame: !1,
+ preValue: null,
+ indexOfParams: 0
+ }).name.indexOf("[0]") > 0 && (n.name = n.name.substr(0, n.name.length - 3),
+ n.isArray = !0,
+ n.location = i.getUniformLocation(this._program, n.name)),
+ this._params.push(n)
+ }
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = this._params.length; a < r; a++)
+ if (n = this._params[a],
+ n.indexOfParams = a,
+ n.index = 1,
+ n.value = [n.location, null],
+ n.codename = n.name,
+ n.name = this._nameMap[n.codename] ? this._nameMap[n.codename] : n.codename,
+ this._paramsMap[n.name] = n,
+ n._this = this,
+ n.uploadedValue = [],
+ "attribute" !== n.vartype)
+ switch (n.type) {
+ case 5124:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform1iv : this._uniform1i;
+ break;
+ case 5126:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform1fv : this._uniform1f;
+ break;
+ case 35664:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform_vec2v : this._uniform_vec2;
+ break;
+ case 35665:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform_vec3v : this._uniform_vec3;
+ break;
+ case 35666:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform_vec4v : this._uniform_vec4;
+ break;
+ case 35678:
+ n.fun = this._uniform_sampler2D;
+ break;
+ case 35680:
+ n.fun = this._uniform_samplerCube;
+ break;
+ case 35676:
+ n.glfun = i.uniformMatrix4fv,
+ n.fun = this._uniformMatrix4fv;
+ break;
+ case 35670:
+ n.fun = this._uniform1i;
+ break;
+ case 35674:
+ case 35675:
+ default:
+ throw new Error("compile shader err!")
+ }
+ else
+ n.fun = this._attribute
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getUniform = function(t) {
+ return this._paramsMap[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i._attribute = function(t, e) {
+ var i = bt.mainContext
+ , n = Ot._enableAtributes
+ , a = t.location;
+ return n[a] || i.enableVertexAttribArray(a),
+ i.vertexAttribPointer(a, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4] + this._offset),
+ n[a] = Ot._bindVertexBuffer,
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1f = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e ? (bt.mainContext.uniform1f(t.location, i[0] = e),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1fv = function(t, e) {
+ if (e.length < 4) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform1fv(t.location, e),
+ i[0] = e[0],
+ i[1] = e[1],
+ i[2] = e[2],
+ i[3] = e[3],
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform1fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec2 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform2f(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec2v = function(t, e) {
+ if (e.length < 2) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform2fv(t.location, e),
+ i[0] = e[0],
+ i[1] = e[1],
+ i[2] = e[2],
+ i[3] = e[3],
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform2fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform3f(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3v = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform3fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform4f(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2], i[3] = e[3]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4v = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform4fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniformMatrix2fv = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniformMatrix2fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniformMatrix3fv = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniformMatrix3fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniformMatrix4fv = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniformMatrix4fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1i = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e ? (bt.mainContext.uniform1i(t.location, i[0] = e),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1iv = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform1iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_ivec2 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform2i(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_ivec2v = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform2iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3i = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform3i(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3vi = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform3iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4i = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (bt.mainContext.uniform4i(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2], i[3] = e[3]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4vi = function(t, e) {
+ return bt.mainContext.uniform4iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_sampler2D = function(t, i) {
+ var n = bt.mainContext
+ , a = t.uploadedValue;
+ return null == a[0] ? (a[0] = this._curActTexIndex,
+ n.uniform1i(t.location, this._curActTexIndex),
+ n.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[this._curActTexIndex]),
+ wt.bindTexture(n, 3553, i),
+ this._curActTexIndex++,
+ 1) : (n.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[a[0]]),
+ wt.bindTexture(n, 3553, i),
+ 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_samplerCube = function(t, i) {
+ var n = bt.mainContext
+ , a = t.uploadedValue;
+ return null == a[0] ? (a[0] = this._curActTexIndex,
+ n.uniform1i(t.location, this._curActTexIndex),
+ n.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[this._curActTexIndex]),
+ wt.bindTexture(n, 34067, i),
+ this._curActTexIndex++,
+ 1) : (n.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[a[0]]),
+ wt.bindTexture(n, 34067, i),
+ 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._noSetValue = function(t) {
+ console.log("no....:" + t.name)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadOne = function(t, e) {
+ this.activeResource(),
+ wt.UseProgram(this._program);
+ var i = this._paramsMap[t];
+ i.fun.call(this, i, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadTexture2D = function(t) {
+ D.shaderCall++;
+ var e = bt.mainContext;
+ e.activeTexture(33984),
+ wt.bindTexture(e, 3553, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.upload = function(t, e) {
+ Rt.activeShader = Rt.bindShader = this,
+ this._lastUseFrameCount === D.loopCount || this.activeResource(),
+ wt.UseProgram(this._program),
+ this._reCompile ? (e = this._params,
+ this._reCompile = !1) : e = e || this._params;
+ bt.mainContext;
+ for (var i, n, a = e.length, r = 0, s = 0; s < a; s++)
+ null !== (n = t[(i = e[s]).name]) && (r += i.fun.call(this, i, n));
+ D.shaderCall += r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadArray = function(t, e, i) {
+ Rt.activeShader = this,
+ Rt.bindShader = this,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ wt.UseProgram(this._program);
+ this._params;
+ for (var n, a, r = 0, s = e - 2; s >= 0; s -= 2)
+ (a = this._paramsMap[t[s]]) && null != (n = t[s + 1]) && (i && i[a.name] && i[a.name].bind(),
+ r += a.fun.call(this, a, n));
+ D.shaderCall += r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getParams = function() {
+ return this._params
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getShader = function(t) {
+ return e.sharders[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return new e(t,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.withCompile = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ if (n && e.sharders[n])
+ return e.sharders[n];
+ var r = e._preCompileShader[2e-4 * t];
+ if (!r)
+ throw new Error("withCompile shader err!" + t);
+ return r.createShader(i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.withCompile2D = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ if (a && e.sharders[a])
+ return e.sharders[a];
+ var s = e._preCompileShader[2e-4 * t + i];
+ if (!s)
+ throw new Error("withCompile shader err!" + t + " " + i);
+ return s.createShader(n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addInclude = function(t, e) {
+ vt.addInclude(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.preCompile = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 2e-4 * t;
+ e._preCompileShader[r] = new vt(r,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.preCompile2D = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = 2e-4 * t + i;
+ e._preCompileShader[s] = new vt(s,n,a,r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._createShader = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.createShader(i);
+ return t.shaderSource(n, e),
+ t.compileShader(n),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e._TEXTURES = [33984, 33985, 33986, 33987, 33988, 33989, 33990, , 33991, 33992],
+ e._count = 0,
+ e._preCompileShader = {},
+ e.SHADERNAME2ID = 2e-4,
+ e.sharders = (e.sharders = [],
+ e.sharders.length = 32,
+ e.sharders),
+ n(e, ["nameKey", function() {
+ return this.nameKey = new N
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Jt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._maxsize = 0,
+ this._upload = !0,
+ this._uploadSize = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.lock = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.utils.Buffer2D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.needSize = function(t) {
+ var e = this._byteLength;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = this._byteLength + t;
+ i <= this._buffer.byteLength || this._resizeBuffer(i << 1, !0),
+ this._byteLength = i
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ i._bufferData = function() {
+ this._maxsize = Math.max(this._maxsize, this._byteLength),
+ D.loopCount % 30 == 0 && (this._buffer.byteLength > this._maxsize + 64 && (this.memorySize = this._buffer.byteLength,
+ this._buffer = this._buffer.slice(0, this._maxsize + 64),
+ this._checkArrayUse()),
+ this._maxsize = this._byteLength),
+ this._uploadSize < this._buffer.byteLength && (this._uploadSize = this._buffer.byteLength,
+ Ot._gl.bufferData(this._bufferType, this._uploadSize, this._bufferUsage),
+ this.memorySize = this._uploadSize),
+ Ot._gl.bufferSubData(this._bufferType, 0, this._buffer)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._bufferSubData = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ this._maxsize = Math.max(this._maxsize, this._byteLength),
+ D.loopCount % 30 == 0 && (this._buffer.byteLength > this._maxsize + 64 && (this.memorySize = this._buffer.byteLength,
+ this._buffer = this._buffer.slice(0, this._maxsize + 64),
+ this._checkArrayUse()),
+ this._maxsize = this._byteLength),
+ this._uploadSize < this._buffer.byteLength && (this._uploadSize = this._buffer.byteLength,
+ Ot._gl.bufferData(this._bufferType, this._uploadSize, this._bufferUsage),
+ this.memorySize = this._uploadSize),
+ e || i) {
+ var n = this._buffer.slice(e, i);
+ Ot._gl.bufferSubData(this._bufferType, t, n)
+ } else
+ Ot._gl.bufferSubData(this._bufferType, t, this._buffer)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._checkArrayUse = function() {}
+ ,
+ i._bind_upload = function() {
+ return !!this._upload && (this._upload = !1,
+ this._bind(),
+ this._bufferData(),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._bind_subUpload = function(t, e, i) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ !!this._upload && (this._upload = !1,
+ this._bind(),
+ this._bufferSubData(t, e, i),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._resizeBuffer = function(t, e) {
+ if (t < this._buffer.byteLength)
+ return this;
+ if (this.memorySize = t,
+ e && this._buffer && this._buffer.byteLength > 0) {
+ var i = new ArrayBuffer(t);
+ new Uint8Array(i).set(new Uint8Array(this._buffer), 0),
+ this._buffer = i
+ } else
+ this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(t);
+ return this._checkArrayUse(),
+ this._upload = !0,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ i.append = function(t) {
+ this._upload = !0;
+ var e, i = 0;
+ i = t.byteLength,
+ t instanceof Uint8Array ? (this._resizeBuffer(this._byteLength + i, !0),
+ e = new Uint8Array(this._buffer,this._byteLength)) : t instanceof Uint16Array ? (this._resizeBuffer(this._byteLength + i, !0),
+ e = new Uint16Array(this._buffer,this._byteLength)) : t instanceof Float32Array && (this._resizeBuffer(this._byteLength + i, !0),
+ e = new Float32Array(this._buffer,this._byteLength)),
+ e.set(t, 0),
+ this._byteLength += i,
+ this._checkArrayUse()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.appendU16Array = function(t, e) {
+ this._resizeBuffer(this._byteLength + 2 * e, !0);
+ for (var i = new Uint16Array(this._buffer,this._byteLength,e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
+ i[n] = t[n];
+ this._byteLength += 2 * e,
+ this._checkArrayUse()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.appendEx = function(t, e) {
+ this._upload = !0;
+ var i = 0;
+ i = t.byteLength,
+ this._resizeBuffer(this._byteLength + i, !0),
+ new e(this._buffer,this._byteLength).set(t, 0),
+ this._byteLength += i,
+ this._checkArrayUse()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.appendEx2 = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ this._upload = !0;
+ var a, r = 0;
+ r = i * n,
+ this._resizeBuffer(this._byteLength + r, !0),
+ a = new e(this._buffer,this._byteLength);
+ var s = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < i; s++)
+ a[s] = t[s];
+ this._byteLength += r,
+ this._checkArrayUse()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getBuffer = function() {
+ return this._buffer
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setNeedUpload = function() {
+ this._upload = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getNeedUpload = function() {
+ return this._upload
+ }
+ ,
+ i.upload = function() {
+ var t = this._bind_upload();
+ return Ot._gl.bindBuffer(this._bufferType, null),
+ Ot._bindActive[this._bufferType] = null,
+ Rt.activeShader = null,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.subUpload = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0);
+ var n = this._bind_subUpload();
+ return Ot._gl.bindBuffer(this._bufferType, null),
+ Ot._bindActive[this._bufferType] = null,
+ Rt.activeShader = null,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ t.prototype.disposeResource.call(this),
+ this._upload = !0,
+ this._uploadSize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ this._byteLength = 0,
+ this._upload = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "bufferLength", function() {
+ return this._buffer.byteLength
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "byteLength", null, function(t) {
+ this._byteLength !== t && (t <= this._buffer.byteLength || this._resizeBuffer(2 * t + 256, !0),
+ this._byteLength = t)
+ }),
+ e.__int__ = function(t) {
+ Qt.QuadrangleIB = Qt.create(35044),
+ mt.fillIBQuadrangle(Qt.QuadrangleIB, 16)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.FLOAT32 = 4,
+ e.SHORT = 2,
+ e
+ }(Ot)
+ , Kt = (function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.u_blurX = !1,
+ this.u_color = null,
+ this.u_offset = null,
+ this.u_strength = NaN,
+ this.u_texW = 0,
+ this.u_texH = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this, 9)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.GlowSV", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.setValue = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.setValue.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ t.prototype.clear.call(this)
+ }
+ }(Ht),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this, 64),
+ this.defines.add(64)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.TextSV", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.release = function() {
+ e.pool[e._length++] = this,
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function() {
+ t.prototype.clear.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function() {
+ return e._length ? e.pool[--e._length] : new e(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.pool = [],
+ e._length = 0,
+ e
+ }(Ht))
+ , Zt = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ this._params2dQuick1 = null,
+ this._params2dQuick2 = null,
+ this._shaderValueWidth = NaN,
+ this._shaderValueHeight = NaN,
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, n, a)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.shader.d2.Shader2X", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.upload2dQuick1 = function(t) {
+ this.upload(t, this._params2dQuick1 || this._make2dQuick1())
+ }
+ ,
+ i._make2dQuick1 = function() {
+ if (!this._params2dQuick1) {
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._params2dQuick1 = [];
+ for (var t, e = this._params, i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ t = e[i],
+ (I.isFlash || "size" !== t.name && "position" !== t.name && "texcoord" !== t.name) && this._params2dQuick1.push(t)
+ }
+ return this._params2dQuick1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ t.prototype.disposeResource.call(this),
+ this._params2dQuick1 = null,
+ this._params2dQuick2 = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.upload2dQuick2 = function(t) {
+ this.upload(t, this._params2dQuick2 || this._make2dQuick2())
+ }
+ ,
+ i._make2dQuick2 = function() {
+ if (!this._params2dQuick2) {
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._params2dQuick2 = [];
+ for (var t, e = this._params, i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ t = e[i],
+ (I.isFlash || "size" !== t.name) && this._params2dQuick2.push(t)
+ }
+ return this._params2dQuick2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return new e(t,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(Yt)
+ , Qt = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._uint8Array = null,
+ this._uint16Array = null,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 35044),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._bufferUsage = t,
+ this._bufferType = 34963,
+ I.isFlash || (this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.utils.IndexBuffer2D", Jt);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._checkArrayUse = function() {
+ this._uint8Array && (this._uint8Array = new Uint8Array(this._buffer)),
+ this._uint16Array && (this._uint16Array = new Uint16Array(this._buffer))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getUint8Array = function() {
+ return this._uint8Array || (this._uint8Array = new Uint8Array(this._buffer))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getUint16Array = function() {
+ return this._uint16Array || (this._uint16Array = new Uint16Array(this._buffer))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destory = function() {
+ this._uint16Array = null,
+ this._uint8Array = null,
+ this._buffer = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.QuadrangleIB = null,
+ e.create = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 35044),
+ new e(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , $t = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._floatArray32 = null,
+ this._vertexStride = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._vertexStride = t,
+ this._bufferUsage = i,
+ this._bufferType = 34962,
+ I.isFlash || (this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8)),
+ this.getFloat32Array()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.utils.VertexBuffer2D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.getFloat32Array = function() {
+ return this._floatArray32 || (this._floatArray32 = new Float32Array(this._buffer))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.bind = function(t) {
+ t && t._bind(),
+ this._bind()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.insertData = function(t, e) {
+ this.getFloat32Array().set(t, e),
+ this._upload = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.bind_upload = function(t) {
+ t._bind_upload() || t._bind(),
+ this._bind_upload() || this._bind()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._checkArrayUse = function() {
+ this._floatArray32 && (this._floatArray32 = new Float32Array(this._buffer))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ t.prototype.disposeResource.call(this);
+ var e = Ot._enableAtributes;
+ if (!I.isConchWebGL)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ bt.mainContext.disableVertexAttribArray(i),
+ e[i] = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destory = function() {
+ this._byteLength = 0,
+ this._upload = !0,
+ this._buffer = null,
+ this._floatArray32 = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "vertexStride", function() {
+ return this._vertexStride
+ }),
+ e.create = function(t, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = 35048),
+ new e(t,i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(Jt)
+ , te = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ if (this._format = 0,
+ this._mipmap = !1,
+ this._allowMerageInAtlas = !1,
+ this._enableMerageInAtlas = !1,
+ this.repeat = !1,
+ this._image = null,
+ this.minFifter = 0,
+ this.magFifter = 0,
+ void 0 === n && (n = 6408),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i),
+ this._format = n,
+ this._mipmap = a,
+ this.repeat = !1,
+ this.minFifter = -1,
+ this.magFifter = -1,
+ "string" == typeof t)
+ this._url = t,
+ this._src = t,
+ this._image = new c.window.Image,
+ i && (i.onload && (this.onload = i.onload),
+ i.onerror && (this.onerror = i.onerror),
+ i.onCreate && i.onCreate(this)),
+ this._image.crossOrigin = t && 0 == t.indexOf("data:") ? null : "",
+ t && (this._image.src = t);
+ else if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
+ this._src = i,
+ this._url = this._src;
+ var r = new _(t);
+ r.readUTFBytes(4),
+ r.readUTFBytes(2),
+ r.getInt16();
+ r.endian = "bigEndian",
+ this._w = r.getInt16(),
+ this._h = r.getInt16();
+ r.getInt16(),
+ r.getInt16();
+ this._image = new Uint8Array(t,r.pos),
+ this._format = bt.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL,
+ F.enabled && this._w < F.atlasLimitWidth && this._h < F.atlasLimitHeight ? this._allowMerageInAtlas = !0 : this._allowMerageInAtlas = !1
+ } else
+ this._src = i,
+ this._url = this._src,
+ this._image = t.source || t,
+ this.onresize();
+ this._$5__enableMerageInAtlas = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.webgl.resource.WebGLImage", y);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.webgl.resource.IMergeAtlasBitmap": !0
+ }),
+ n._init_ = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ n._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ if (!this._image)
+ throw "create GLTextur err:no data:" + this._image;
+ var t = bt.mainContext
+ , e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = wt.curBindTexTarget
+ , n = wt.curBindTexValue;
+ if (wt.bindTexture(t, 3553, e),
+ I.isConchWebGL)
+ switch (this._format) {
+ case 6408:
+ t.texImage2DEx(!0, 3553, 0, this._format, 6408, 5121, this._image);
+ break;
+ case bt.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL:
+ t.compressedTexImage2D(3553, 0, this._format, this._w, this._h, 0, this._image)
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (t.pixelStorei(37441, !0),
+ this._format) {
+ case 6408:
+ t.texImage2D(3553, 0, this._format, 6408, 5121, this._image);
+ break;
+ case bt.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL:
+ t.compressedTexImage2D(3553, 0, this._format, this._w, this._h, 0, this._image)
+ }
+ t.pixelStorei(37441, !1)
+ }
+ var a = this.minFifter
+ , r = this.magFifter
+ , s = this.repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , l = o.isPOT(this._w, this._h);
+ l ? (this.mipmap ? -1 !== a || (a = 9987) : -1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ -1 !== r || (r = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, a),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, r),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, s),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, s),
+ this.mipmap && t.generateMipmap(3553)) : (-1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ -1 !== r || (r = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10241, a),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10240, r),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(3553, 10243, 33071)),
+ i && n && wt.bindTexture(t, i, n),
+ this._image.onload = null,
+ this._image = null,
+ l && this.mipmap ? this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : this.memorySize = this._w * this._h * 4,
+ this._recreateLock = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.recreateResource = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (null != this._src && "" !== this._src)
+ if (this._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ this._image) {
+ if (this._recreateLock)
+ return;
+ this._allowMerageInAtlas && this._$5__enableMerageInAtlas ? (this.memorySize = 0,
+ this._recreateLock = !1) : this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ } else {
+ this._recreateLock = !0;
+ var e = this;
+ this._image = new c.window.Image,
+ this._image.crossOrigin = 0 == this._src.indexOf("data:") ? null : "",
+ this._image.onload = function() {
+ if (e._needReleaseAgain)
+ return e._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ e._image.onload = null,
+ void (e._image = null);
+ e._allowMerageInAtlas && e._enableMerageInAtlas ? (t.memorySize = 0,
+ t._recreateLock = !1) : e._createWebGlTexture(),
+ e.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ this._image.src = this._src
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._recreateLock && (this._needReleaseAgain = !0),
+ this._source && (bt.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this._image = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onresize = function() {
+ this._w = this._image.width,
+ this._h = this._image.height,
+ F.enabled && this._w < F.atlasLimitWidth && this._h < F.atlasLimitHeight ? this._allowMerageInAtlas = !0 : this._allowMerageInAtlas = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clearAtlasSource = function() {
+ this._image = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "format", function() {
+ return this._format
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "enableMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._$5__enableMerageInAtlas
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._$5__enableMerageInAtlas = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "mipmap", function() {
+ return this._mipmap
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "allowMerageInAtlas", function() {
+ return this._allowMerageInAtlas
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "atlasSource", function() {
+ return this._image
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "onload", null, function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._onload = t,
+ this._image && (this._image.onload = null != this._onload ? function() {
+ e.onresize(),
+ e._onload()
+ }
+ : null)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "onerror", null, function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._onerror = t,
+ this._image && (this._image.onerror = null != this._onerror ? function() {
+ e._onerror()
+ }
+ : null)
+ }),
+ e
+ }();
+ i.__init([dt, V, It, vt])
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = i.__newvec
+ , o = laya.maths.Bezier
+ , l = laya.utils.Browser
+ , h = laya.utils.Byte
+ , c = (laya.events.Event,
+ laya.events.EventDispatcher)
+ , _ = laya.display.Graphics
+ , u = laya.resource.HTMLCanvas
+ , d = laya.utils.Handler
+ , f = laya.net.Loader
+ , p = laya.maths.MathUtil
+ , m = laya.maths.Matrix
+ , g = (laya.display.Node,
+ laya.maths.Point,
+ laya.maths.Rectangle)
+ , y = laya.renders.Render
+ , v = (laya.renders.RenderContext,
+ laya.resource.Resource)
+ , b = laya.utils.RunDriver
+ , w = laya.display.Sprite
+ , x = laya.utils.Stat
+ , I = laya.resource.Texture
+ , C = laya.net.URL
+ , S = laya.utils.Utils
+ , M = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.nodes = null,
+ this.name = null,
+ this.playTime = NaN,
+ this.bone3DMap = null,
+ this.totalKeyframeDatasLength = 0
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.AnimationContent"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , L = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.parentIndex = 0,
+ this.parent = null,
+ this.keyframeWidth = 0,
+ this.lerpType = 0,
+ this.interpolationMethod = null,
+ this.childs = null,
+ this.keyFrame = null,
+ this.playTime = NaN,
+ this.extenData = null,
+ this.dataOffset = 0
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.AnimationNodeContent"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , T = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.AnimationParser01"),
+ t.parse = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.__getBuffer()
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , c = 0
+ , _ = e.readUTFString();
+ t._aniClassName = _;
+ var u, d = e.readUTFString().split("\n"), f = e.getUint8(), p = e.getUint32(), m = e.getUint32();
+ p > 0 && (u = i.slice(p, m));
+ var g = new h(u);
+ for (m > 0 && (t._publicExtData = i.slice(m, i.byteLength)),
+ t._useParent = !!e.getUint8(),
+ t._anis.length = f,
+ n = 0; n < f; n++) {
+ var y = t._anis[n] = new M;
+ y.nodes = new Array;
+ var v = y.name = d[e.getUint16()];
+ t._aniMap[v] = n,
+ y.bone3DMap = {},
+ y.playTime = e.getFloat32();
+ var b = y.nodes.length = e.getUint8();
+ for (y.totalKeyframeDatasLength = 0,
+ a = 0; a < b; a++) {
+ var w = y.nodes[a] = new L;
+ w.childs = [];
+ var x = e.getInt16();
+ x >= 0 && (w.name = d[x],
+ y.bone3DMap[w.name] = a),
+ w.keyFrame = new Array,
+ w.parentIndex = e.getInt16(),
+ -1 == w.parentIndex ? w.parent = null : w.parent = y.nodes[w.parentIndex],
+ w.lerpType = e.getUint8();
+ var I = e.getUint32();
+ g.pos = I;
+ var C = w.keyframeWidth = g.getUint16();
+ if (y.totalKeyframeDatasLength += C,
+ 0 === w.lerpType || 1 === w.lerpType)
+ for (w.interpolationMethod = [],
+ w.interpolationMethod.length = C,
+ r = 0; r < C; r++)
+ w.interpolationMethod[r] = it.interpolation[g.getUint8()];
+ null != w.parent && w.parent.childs.push(w);
+ var S = e.getUint16();
+ S > 0 && (w.extenData = i.slice(e.pos, e.pos + S),
+ e.pos += S);
+ var T = e.getUint16();
+ w.keyFrame.length = T;
+ var E, D = 0;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = T; r < s; r++) {
+ if (E = w.keyFrame[r] = new Z,
+ E.duration = e.getFloat32(),
+ E.startTime = D,
+ 2 === w.lerpType) {
+ E.interpolationData = [];
+ var N = e.getUint8()
+ , A = 0;
+ switch (A = e.getFloat32()) {
+ case 254:
+ for (E.interpolationData.length = C,
+ c = 0; c < C; c++)
+ E.interpolationData[c] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 255:
+ for (E.interpolationData.length = C,
+ c = 0; c < C; c++)
+ E.interpolationData[c] = 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (E.interpolationData.push(A),
+ l = 1; l < N; l++)
+ E.interpolationData.push(e.getFloat32())
+ }
+ }
+ for (E.data = new Float32Array(C),
+ o = 0; o < C; o++)
+ E.data[o] = e.getFloat32(),
+ E.data[o] > -1e-8 && E.data[o] < 1e-8 && (E.data[o] = 0);
+ D += E.duration
+ }
+ E.startTime = y.playTime,
+ w.playTime = y.playTime,
+ t._calculateKeyFrame(w, T, C)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , E = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.AnimationParser02"),
+ t.READ_DATA = function() {
+ t._DATA.offset = t._reader.getUint32(),
+ t._DATA.size = t._reader.getUint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ for (var e = t._BLOCK.count = t._reader.getUint16(), i = t._BLOCK.blockStarts = [], n = t._BLOCK.blockLengths = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i.push(t._reader.getUint32()),
+ n.push(t._reader.getUint32())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ var e = t._reader.getUint32()
+ , i = t._reader.getUint16()
+ , n = t._reader.pos;
+ t._reader.pos = e + t._DATA.offset;
+ for (var a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ t._strings[a] = t._reader.readUTFString();
+ t._reader.pos = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.parse = function(e, i) {
+ t._templet = e,
+ t._reader = i;
+ i.__getBuffer();
+ t.READ_DATA(),
+ for (var n = 0, a = t._BLOCK.count; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i.getUint16()
+ , s = t._strings[r]
+ , o = t["READ_" + s];
+ if (null == o)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + r + " " + s);
+ o.call()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_ANIMATIONS = function() {
+ var e = t._reader
+ , i = e.__getBuffer()
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = e.getUint16()
+ , l = [];
+ for (l.length = o,
+ n = 0; n < o; n++)
+ l[n] = it.interpolation[e.getByte()];
+ var h = e.getUint8();
+ for (t._templet._anis.length = h,
+ n = 0; n < h; n++) {
+ var c = t._templet._anis[n] = {};
+ c.nodes = new Array;
+ var _ = c.name = t._strings[e.getUint16()];
+ t._templet._aniMap[_] = n,
+ c.bone3DMap = {},
+ c.playTime = e.getFloat32();
+ var u = c.nodes.length = e.getInt16();
+ for (c.totalKeyframeDatasLength = 0,
+ a = 0; a < u; a++) {
+ var d = c.nodes[a] = {};
+ d.keyframeWidth = o,
+ d.childs = [];
+ var f = e.getUint16();
+ f >= 0 && (d.name = t._strings[f],
+ c.bone3DMap[d.name] = a),
+ d.keyFrame = new Array,
+ d.parentIndex = e.getInt16(),
+ -1 == d.parentIndex ? d.parent = null : d.parent = c.nodes[d.parentIndex],
+ c.totalKeyframeDatasLength += o,
+ d.interpolationMethod = l,
+ null != d.parent && d.parent.childs.push(d);
+ var p = e.getUint16();
+ d.keyFrame.length = p;
+ var m = null
+ , g = null;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = p; r < s; r++) {
+ (m = d.keyFrame[r] = {}).startTime = e.getFloat32(),
+ g && (g.duration = m.startTime - g.startTime);
+ var y = t._DATA.offset
+ , v = e.getUint32()
+ , b = 4 * o
+ , w = i.slice(y + v, y + v + b);
+ m.data = new Float32Array(w),
+ g = m
+ }
+ m.duration = 0,
+ d.playTime = c.playTime,
+ t._templet._calculateKeyFrame(d, p, o)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._templet = null,
+ t._reader = null,
+ t._strings = [],
+ n(t, ["_BLOCK", function() {
+ return this._BLOCK = {
+ count: 0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_DATA", function() {
+ return this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , D = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.ani.AnimationState"),
+ t.stopped = 0,
+ t.paused = 1,
+ t.playing = 2
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.root = null,
+ this.parentBone = null,
+ this.length = 10,
+ this.transform = null,
+ this.inheritScale = !0,
+ this.inheritRotation = !0,
+ this.rotation = NaN,
+ this.resultRotation = NaN,
+ this.d = -1,
+ this._tempMatrix = null,
+ this._sprite = null,
+ this.resultTransform = new J,
+ this.resultMatrix = new m,
+ this._children = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.Bone");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setTempMatrix = function(t) {
+ this._tempMatrix = t;
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = this._children.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._children[e].setTempMatrix(this._tempMatrix)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.update = function(t) {
+ this.rotation = this.transform.skX;
+ var e;
+ if (t)
+ e = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(),
+ m.mul(e, t, this.resultMatrix),
+ this.resultRotation = this.rotation;
+ else if (this.resultRotation = this.rotation + this.parentBone.resultRotation,
+ this.parentBone)
+ if (this.inheritRotation && this.inheritScale)
+ e = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(),
+ m.mul(e, this.parentBone.resultMatrix, this.resultMatrix);
+ else {
+ var i = this.parentBone
+ , n = NaN
+ , a = NaN
+ , r = NaN
+ , s = this.parentBone.resultMatrix;
+ e = this.resultTransform.getMatrix();
+ var o = s.a * e.tx + s.c * e.ty + s.tx
+ , l = s.b * e.tx + s.d * e.ty + s.ty
+ , h = new m;
+ this.inheritRotation ? (n = Math.atan2(i.resultMatrix.b, i.resultMatrix.a),
+ a = Math.cos(n),
+ r = Math.sin(n),
+ h.setTo(a, r, -r, a, 0, 0),
+ m.mul(this._tempMatrix, h, m.TEMP),
+ m.TEMP.copyTo(h),
+ e = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(),
+ m.mul(e, h, this.resultMatrix),
+ this.resultTransform.scX * this.resultTransform.scY < 0 && this.resultMatrix.rotate(.5 * Math.PI),
+ this.resultMatrix.tx = o,
+ this.resultMatrix.ty = l) : (this.inheritScale,
+ e = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(),
+ m.TEMP.identity(),
+ m.TEMP.d = this.d,
+ m.mul(e, m.TEMP, this.resultMatrix),
+ this.resultMatrix.tx = o,
+ this.resultMatrix.ty = l)
+ }
+ else
+ (e = this.resultTransform.getMatrix()).copyTo(this.resultMatrix);
+ var c = 0
+ , _ = 0;
+ for (c = 0,
+ _ = this._children.length; c < _; c++)
+ this._children[c].update()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.updateChild = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._children.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._children[t].update()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setRotation = function(t) {
+ this._sprite && (this._sprite.rotation = 180 * t / Math.PI)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.updateDraw = function(e, n) {
+ t.ShowBones && !t.ShowBones[this.name] || (this._sprite ? (this._sprite.x = e + this.resultMatrix.tx,
+ this._sprite.y = n + this.resultMatrix.ty) : (this._sprite = new w,
+ this._sprite.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 5, "#ff0000"),
+ this._sprite.graphics.drawLine(0, 0, this.length, 0, "#00ff00"),
+ this._sprite.graphics.fillText(this.name, 0, 0, "20px Arial", "#00ff00", "center"),
+ i.stage.addChild(this._sprite),
+ this._sprite.x = e + this.resultMatrix.tx,
+ this._sprite.y = n + this.resultMatrix.ty));
+ var a = 0
+ , r = 0;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = this._children.length; a < r; a++)
+ this._children[a].updateDraw(e, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addChild = function(t) {
+ this._children.push(t),
+ t.parentBone = this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.findBone = function(t) {
+ if (this.name == t)
+ return this;
+ var e, i, n = 0, a = 0;
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = this._children.length; n < a; n++)
+ if (e = this._children[n],
+ i = e.findBone(t))
+ return i;
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.localToWorld = function(t) {
+ var e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1];
+ t[0] = e * this.resultMatrix.a + i * this.resultMatrix.c + this.resultMatrix.tx,
+ t[1] = e * this.resultMatrix.b + i * this.resultMatrix.d + this.resultMatrix.ty
+ }
+ ,
+ t.ShowBones = {},
+ t
+ }())
+ , N = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.parent = null,
+ this.attachmentName = null,
+ this.srcDisplayIndex = -1,
+ this.type = "src",
+ this.templet = null,
+ this.currSlotData = null,
+ this.currTexture = null,
+ this.currDisplayData = null,
+ this.displayIndex = -1,
+ this._diyTexture = null,
+ this._parentMatrix = null,
+ this._resultMatrix = null,
+ this._replaceDic = {},
+ this._curDiyUV = null,
+ this._curDiyVS = null,
+ this._skinSprite = null,
+ this.deformData = null,
+ this._mVerticleArr = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.BoneSlot");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.showSlotData = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.currSlotData = t,
+ e && (this.displayIndex = this.srcDisplayIndex),
+ this.currDisplayData = null,
+ this.currTexture = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.showDisplayByName = function(t) {
+ this.currSlotData && this.showDisplayByIndex(this.currSlotData.getDisplayByName(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.replaceDisplayByName = function(t, e) {
+ if (this.currSlotData) {
+ var i = 0;
+ i = this.currSlotData.getDisplayByName(t);
+ var n = 0;
+ n = this.currSlotData.getDisplayByName(e),
+ this.replaceDisplayByIndex(i, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.replaceDisplayByIndex = function(t, e) {
+ this.currSlotData && (this._replaceDic[t] = e,
+ this.displayIndex == t && this.showDisplayByIndex(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.showDisplayByIndex = function(t) {
+ if (null != this._replaceDic[t] && (t = this._replaceDic[t]),
+ this.currSlotData && t > -1 && t < this.currSlotData.displayArr.length) {
+ if (this.displayIndex = t,
+ this.currDisplayData = this.currSlotData.displayArr[t],
+ this.currDisplayData) {
+ var e = this.currDisplayData.name;
+ this.currTexture = this.templet.getTexture(e),
+ this.currTexture && 0 == this.currDisplayData.type && this.currDisplayData.uvs && (!y.isConchApp || y.isConchApp && w.RUNTIMEVERION > "0.9.15") && (this.currTexture = this.currDisplayData.createTexture(this.currTexture))
+ }
+ } else
+ this.displayIndex = -1,
+ this.currDisplayData = null,
+ this.currTexture = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.replaceSkin = function(t) {
+ this._diyTexture = t,
+ this._curDiyUV && (this._curDiyUV.length = 0),
+ this.currDisplayData && this._diyTexture == this.currDisplayData.texture && (this._diyTexture = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setParentMatrix = function(t) {
+ this._parentMatrix = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.draw = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1),
+ (null != this._diyTexture || null != this.currTexture) && null != this.currDisplayData || this.currDisplayData && 3 == this.currDisplayData.type) {
+ var r = this.currTexture;
+ this._diyTexture && (r = this._diyTexture);
+ var s;
+ switch (this.currDisplayData.type) {
+ case 0:
+ if (e) {
+ var o = this.getDisplayMatrix();
+ if (this._parentMatrix) {
+ var l = !1;
+ if (o) {
+ m.mul(o, this._parentMatrix, m.TEMP);
+ var h;
+ if (n ? (null == this._resultMatrix && (this._resultMatrix = new m),
+ h = this._resultMatrix) : h = new m,
+ !y.isWebGL && this.currDisplayData.uvs || y.isWebGL && this._diyTexture && this.currDisplayData.uvs) {
+ var c = t._tempMatrix;
+ c.identity(),
+ this.currDisplayData.uvs[1] > this.currDisplayData.uvs[5] && (c.d = -1),
+ this.currDisplayData.uvs[0] > this.currDisplayData.uvs[4] && this.currDisplayData.uvs[1] > this.currDisplayData.uvs[5] && (l = !0,
+ c.rotate(-Math.PI / 2)),
+ m.mul(c, m.TEMP, h)
+ } else
+ m.TEMP.copyTo(h);
+ l ? e.drawTexture(r, -this.currDisplayData.height / 2, -this.currDisplayData.width / 2, this.currDisplayData.height, this.currDisplayData.width, h) : e.drawTexture(r, -this.currDisplayData.width / 2, -this.currDisplayData.height / 2, this.currDisplayData.width, this.currDisplayData.height, h)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (n ? (null == this._skinSprite && (this._skinSprite = t.createSkinMesh()),
+ s = this._skinSprite) : s = t.createSkinMesh(),
+ null == s)
+ return;
+ var _;
+ if (null == this.currDisplayData.bones) {
+ var u = this.currDisplayData.weights;
+ this.deformData && (u = this.deformData);
+ var d;
+ this._diyTexture ? (this._curDiyUV || (this._curDiyUV = []),
+ 0 == this._curDiyUV.length && (this._curDiyUV = K.getRelativeUV(this.currTexture.uv, this.currDisplayData.uvs, this._curDiyUV),
+ this._curDiyUV = K.getAbsoluteUV(this._diyTexture.uv, this._curDiyUV, this._curDiyUV)),
+ d = this._curDiyUV) : d = this.currDisplayData.uvs,
+ this._mVerticleArr = u;
+ this.currDisplayData.triangles.length;
+ _ = this.currDisplayData.triangles,
+ s.init2(r, null, _, this._mVerticleArr, d);
+ var f = this.getDisplayMatrix();
+ if (this._parentMatrix && f) {
+ m.mul(f, this._parentMatrix, m.TEMP);
+ var p;
+ n ? (null == this._resultMatrix && (this._resultMatrix = new m),
+ p = this._resultMatrix) : p = new m,
+ m.TEMP.copyTo(p),
+ s.transform = p
+ }
+ } else
+ this.skinMesh(i, s, a);
+ e.drawSkin(s);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (n ? (null == this._skinSprite && (this._skinSprite = t.createSkinMesh()),
+ s = this._skinSprite) : s = t.createSkinMesh(),
+ null == s)
+ return;
+ this.skinMesh(i, s, a),
+ e.drawSkin(s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.skinMesh = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a = this.currTexture, r = this.currDisplayData.bones;
+ this._diyTexture ? (a = this._diyTexture,
+ this._curDiyUV || (this._curDiyUV = []),
+ 0 == this._curDiyUV.length && (this._curDiyUV = K.getRelativeUV(this.currTexture.uv, this.currDisplayData.uvs, this._curDiyUV),
+ this._curDiyUV = K.getAbsoluteUV(this._diyTexture.uv, this._curDiyUV, this._curDiyUV)),
+ n = this._curDiyUV) : n = this.currDisplayData.uvs;
+ var s, o, l = this.currDisplayData.weights, h = this.currDisplayData.triangles, c = 0, _ = 0, u = 0, d = NaN, f = NaN, p = 0, m = 0, g = [], y = 0, v = 0;
+ if (this.deformData && this.deformData.length > 0) {
+ var b = 0;
+ for (y = 0,
+ v = r.length; y < v; ) {
+ for (u = r[y++] + y,
+ c = 0,
+ _ = 0; y < u; y++)
+ o = t[r[y]],
+ d = l[p] + this.deformData[b++],
+ f = l[p + 1] + this.deformData[b++],
+ m = l[p + 2],
+ c += (d * o.a + f * o.c + o.tx) * m,
+ _ += (d * o.b + f * o.d + o.ty) * m,
+ p += 3;
+ g.push(c, _)
+ }
+ } else
+ for (y = 0,
+ v = r.length; y < v; ) {
+ for (u = r[y++] + y,
+ c = 0,
+ _ = 0; y < u; y++)
+ o = t[r[y]],
+ d = l[p],
+ f = l[p + 1],
+ m = l[p + 2],
+ c += (d * o.a + f * o.c + o.tx) * m,
+ _ += (d * o.b + f * o.d + o.ty) * m,
+ p += 3;
+ g.push(c, _)
+ }
+ this._mVerticleArr = g,
+ s = h,
+ e.init2(a, null, s, this._mVerticleArr, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawBonePoint = function(t) {
+ t && this._parentMatrix && t.drawCircle(this._parentMatrix.tx, this._parentMatrix.ty, 5, "#ff0000")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getDisplayMatrix = function() {
+ return this.currDisplayData ? this.currDisplayData.transform.getMatrix() : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getMatrix = function() {
+ return this._resultMatrix
+ }
+ ,
+ e.copy = function() {
+ var e = new t;
+ return e.type = "copy",
+ e.name = this.name,
+ e.attachmentName = this.attachmentName,
+ e.srcDisplayIndex = this.srcDisplayIndex,
+ e.parent = this.parent,
+ e.displayIndex = this.displayIndex,
+ e.templet = this.templet,
+ e.currSlotData = this.currSlotData,
+ e.currTexture = this.currTexture,
+ e.currDisplayData = this.currDisplayData,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createSkinMesh = function() {
+ return y.isWebGL || y.isConchApp ? b.skinAniSprite() : y.isWebGL ? null : at.useSimpleMeshInCanvas ? new nt : new et
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempMatrix", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix = new m
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , A = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.mesh = null,
+ this.transform = null,
+ this.context = null,
+ this.mode = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.canvasmesh.CanvasMeshRender");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.renderToContext = function(t) {
+ this.context = t.ctx || t,
+ this.mesh && (0 == this.mode ? this._renderWithIndexes(this.mesh) : this._renderNoIndexes(this.mesh))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._renderNoIndexes = function(t) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = t.vertices.length / 2
+ , n = 0;
+ for (e = 0; e < i - 2; e++)
+ n = 2 * e,
+ this._renderDrawTriangle(t, n, n + 2, n + 4)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._renderWithIndexes = function(t) {
+ var e = t.indexes
+ , i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i += 3) {
+ var a = 2 * e[i]
+ , r = 2 * e[i + 1]
+ , s = 2 * e[i + 2];
+ this._renderDrawTriangle(t, a, r, s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._renderDrawTriangle = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this.context
+ , r = t.uvs
+ , s = t.vertices
+ , o = t.texture
+ , l = o.bitmap
+ , h = l.source
+ , c = o.width
+ , _ = o.height
+ , u = l.width
+ , d = l.height
+ , f = NaN
+ , p = NaN
+ , m = NaN
+ , g = NaN
+ , y = NaN
+ , v = NaN;
+ if (t.useUvTransform) {
+ var b = t.uvTransform;
+ f = (r[e] * b.a + r[e + 1] * b.c + b.tx) * u,
+ p = (r[i] * b.a + r[i + 1] * b.c + b.tx) * u,
+ m = (r[n] * b.a + r[n + 1] * b.c + b.tx) * u,
+ g = (r[e] * b.b + r[e + 1] * b.d + b.ty) * d,
+ y = (r[i] * b.b + r[i + 1] * b.d + b.ty) * d,
+ v = (r[n] * b.b + r[n + 1] * b.d + b.ty) * d
+ } else
+ f = r[e] * u,
+ p = r[i] * u,
+ m = r[n] * u,
+ g = r[e + 1] * d,
+ y = r[i + 1] * d,
+ v = r[n + 1] * d;
+ var w = s[e]
+ , x = s[i]
+ , I = s[n]
+ , C = s[e + 1]
+ , S = s[i + 1]
+ , M = s[n + 1];
+ if (t.canvasPadding > 0) {
+ var L = t.canvasPadding
+ , T = t.canvasPadding
+ , E = (w + x + I) / 3
+ , D = (C + S + M) / 3
+ , N = w - E
+ , A = C - D
+ , B = Math.sqrt(N * N + A * A);
+ w = E + N / B * (B + L),
+ C = D + A / B * (B + T),
+ A = S - D,
+ x = E + (N = x - E) / (B = Math.sqrt(N * N + A * A)) * (B + L),
+ S = D + A / B * (B + T),
+ A = M - D,
+ I = E + (N = I - E) / (B = Math.sqrt(N * N + A * A)) * (B + L),
+ M = D + A / B * (B + T)
+ }
+ if (a.save(),
+ this.transform) {
+ var k = this.transform;
+ a.transform(k.a, k.b, k.c, k.d, k.tx, k.ty)
+ }
+ a.beginPath(),
+ a.moveTo(w, C),
+ a.lineTo(x, S),
+ a.lineTo(I, M),
+ a.closePath(),
+ a.clip();
+ var R = 1 / (f * y + g * m + p * v - y * m - g * p - f * v)
+ , P = w * y + g * I + x * v - y * I - g * x - w * v
+ , O = f * x + w * m + p * I - x * m - w * p - f * I
+ , U = f * y * I + g * x * m + w * p * v - w * y * m - g * p * I - f * x * v
+ , V = C * y + g * M + S * v - y * M - g * S - C * v
+ , F = f * S + C * m + p * M - S * m - C * p - f * M
+ , H = f * y * M + g * S * m + C * p * v - C * y * m - g * p * M - f * S * v;
+ a.transform(P * R, V * R, O * R, F * R, U * R, H * R),
+ a.drawImage(h, o.uv[0] * u, o.uv[1] * d, c, _, o.uv[0] * u, o.uv[1] * d, c, _),
+ a.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , B = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.texture = null,
+ this.uvs = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
+ this.vertices = [0, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100],
+ this.indexes = [0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2],
+ this.uvTransform = null,
+ this.useUvTransform = !1,
+ this.canvasPadding = 1
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.canvasmesh.MeshData");
+ return t.prototype.getBounds = function() {
+ return g._getWrapRec(this.vertices)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , k = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.skinName = null,
+ this.deformSlotDataList = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.DeformAniData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , R = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.deformSlotDisplayList = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.DeformSlotData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , P = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.boneSlot = null,
+ this.slotIndex = -1,
+ this.attachment = null,
+ this.deformData = null,
+ this.frameIndex = 0,
+ this.timeList = [],
+ this.vectices = [],
+ this.tweenKeyList = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.DeformSlotDisplayData");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.binarySearch1 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = t.length - 2;
+ if (0 == n)
+ return 1;
+ for (var a = n >>> 1; ; ) {
+ if (t[Math.floor(a + 1)] <= e ? i = a + 1 : n = a,
+ i == n)
+ return i + 1;
+ a = i + n >>> 1
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.apply = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ t += .05,
+ !(this.timeList.length <= 0)) {
+ var n = 0;
+ if (!(t < this.timeList[0])) {
+ var a = this.vectices[0].length
+ , r = []
+ , s = this.binarySearch1(this.timeList, t);
+ if (this.frameIndex = s,
+ t >= this.timeList[this.timeList.length - 1]) {
+ var o = this.vectices[this.vectices.length - 1];
+ if (i < 1)
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ r[n] += (o[n] - r[n]) * i;
+ else
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ r[n] = o[n];
+ this.deformData = r
+ } else {
+ this.tweenKeyList[this.frameIndex];
+ var l = this.vectices[this.frameIndex - 1]
+ , h = this.vectices[this.frameIndex]
+ , c = this.timeList[this.frameIndex - 1]
+ , _ = this.timeList[this.frameIndex];
+ i = this.tweenKeyList[s - 1] ? (t - c) / (_ - c) : 0;
+ var u = NaN;
+ for (n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ u = l[n],
+ r[n] = u + (h[n] - u) * i;
+ this.deformData = r
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , O = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.time = NaN,
+ this.drawOrder = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.DrawOrderData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , U = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.intValue = 0,
+ this.floatValue = NaN,
+ this.stringValue = null,
+ this.time = NaN
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.EventData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , V = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._targetBone = null,
+ this._bones = null,
+ this._data = null,
+ this.name = null,
+ this.mix = NaN,
+ this.bendDirection = NaN,
+ this.isSpine = !0,
+ this._sp = null,
+ this.isDebug = !1,
+ this._data = t,
+ this._targetBone = e[t.targetBoneIndex],
+ this.isSpine = t.isSpine,
+ null == this._bones && (this._bones = []),
+ this._bones.length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, n = t.boneIndexs.length; i < n; i++)
+ this._bones.push(e[t.boneIndexs[i]]);
+ this.name = t.name,
+ this.mix = t.mix,
+ this.bendDirection = t.bendDirection
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.IkConstraint");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.apply = function() {
+ switch (this._bones.length) {
+ case 1:
+ this._applyIk1(this._bones[0], this._targetBone.resultMatrix.tx, this._targetBone.resultMatrix.ty, this.mix);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.isSpine ? this._applyIk2(this._bones[0], this._bones[1], this._targetBone.resultMatrix.tx, this._targetBone.resultMatrix.ty, this.bendDirection, this.mix) : this._applyIk3(this._bones[0], this._bones[1], this._targetBone.resultMatrix.tx, this._targetBone.resultMatrix.ty, this.bendDirection, this.mix)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._applyIk1 = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e.parentBone
+ , s = 1 / (r.resultMatrix.a * r.resultMatrix.d - r.resultMatrix.b * r.resultMatrix.c)
+ , o = i - r.resultMatrix.tx
+ , l = n - r.resultMatrix.ty
+ , h = (o * r.resultMatrix.d - l * r.resultMatrix.c) * s - e.transform.x
+ , c = (l * r.resultMatrix.a - o * r.resultMatrix.b) * s - e.transform.y
+ , _ = Math.atan2(c, h) * t.radDeg - 0 - e.transform.skX;
+ e.transform.scX < 0 && (_ += 180),
+ _ > 180 ? _ -= 360 : _ < -180 && (_ += 360),
+ e.transform.skX = e.transform.skY = e.transform.skX + _ * a,
+ e.update()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.updatePos = function(t, e) {
+ this._sp && this._sp.pos(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._applyIk2 = function(e, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ if (0 != o) {
+ var l = e.resultTransform.x
+ , h = e.resultTransform.y
+ , c = e.transform.scX
+ , _ = e.transform.scY
+ , u = n.transform.scX
+ , d = 0
+ , f = 0
+ , p = 0;
+ c < 0 ? (c = -c,
+ d = 180,
+ p = -1) : (d = 0,
+ p = 1),
+ _ < 0 && (_ = -_,
+ p = -p),
+ u < 0 ? (u = -u,
+ f = 180) : f = 0;
+ var m = n.resultTransform.x
+ , g = NaN
+ , y = NaN
+ , v = NaN
+ , b = e.resultMatrix.a
+ , x = e.resultMatrix.c
+ , I = e.resultMatrix.b
+ , C = e.resultMatrix.d
+ , S = Math.abs(c - _) <= 1e-4;
+ S ? (y = b * m + x * (g = n.resultTransform.y) + e.resultMatrix.tx,
+ v = I * m + C * g + e.resultMatrix.ty) : (g = 0,
+ y = b * m + e.resultMatrix.tx,
+ v = I * m + e.resultMatrix.ty),
+ this.isDebug && (this._sp || (this._sp = new w,
+ i.stage.addChild(this._sp)),
+ this._sp.graphics.clear(),
+ this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(a, r, 15, "#ffff00"),
+ this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(y, v, 15, "#ff00ff")),
+ e.setRotation(Math.atan2(v - e.resultMatrix.ty, y - e.resultMatrix.tx));
+ var M = e.parentBone;
+ b = M.resultMatrix.a,
+ x = M.resultMatrix.c,
+ I = M.resultMatrix.b;
+ var L = 1 / (b * (C = M.resultMatrix.d) - x * I)
+ , T = a - M.resultMatrix.tx
+ , E = r - M.resultMatrix.ty
+ , D = (T * C - E * x) * L - l
+ , N = (E * b - T * I) * L - h
+ , A = ((T = y - M.resultMatrix.tx) * C - (E = v - M.resultMatrix.ty) * x) * L - l
+ , B = (E * b - T * I) * L - h
+ , k = Math.sqrt(A * A + B * B)
+ , R = n.length * u
+ , P = NaN
+ , O = NaN;
+ if (S) {
+ var U = (D * D + N * N - k * k - (R *= c) * R) / (2 * k * R);
+ U < -1 ? U = -1 : U > 1 && (U = 1),
+ O = Math.acos(U) * s,
+ b = k + R * U,
+ x = R * Math.sin(O),
+ P = Math.atan2(N * b - D * x, D * b + N * x)
+ } else {
+ var V = (b = c * R) * b
+ , F = (x = _ * R) * x
+ , H = D * D + N * N
+ , G = Math.atan2(N, D)
+ , z = -2 * F * k
+ , j = F - V;
+ if ((C = z * z - 4 * j * (I = F * k * k + V * H - V * F)) > 0) {
+ var W = Math.sqrt(C);
+ z < 0 && (W = -W);
+ var X = (W = -(z + W) / 2) / j
+ , q = I / W
+ , Y = Math.abs(X) < Math.abs(q) ? X : q;
+ Y * Y <= H && (E = Math.sqrt(H - Y * Y) * s,
+ P = G - Math.atan2(E, Y),
+ O = Math.atan2(E / _, (Y - k) / c))
+ }
+ var J = 0
+ , K = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ , Z = 0
+ , Q = 0
+ , $ = 0
+ , tt = 0
+ , et = 0
+ , it = 0;
+ (C = (T = k + b) * T) > tt && ($ = 0,
+ tt = C,
+ et = T),
+ (C = (T = k - b) * T) < K && (J = Math.PI,
+ K = C,
+ Z = T);
+ var nt = Math.acos(-b * k / (V - F));
+ (C = (T = b * Math.cos(nt) + k) * T + (E = x * Math.sin(nt)) * E) < K && (J = nt,
+ K = C,
+ Z = T,
+ Q = E),
+ C > tt && ($ = nt,
+ tt = C,
+ et = T,
+ it = E),
+ H <= (K + tt) / 2 ? (P = G - Math.atan2(Q * s, Z),
+ O = J * s) : (P = G - Math.atan2(it * s, et),
+ O = $ * s)
+ }
+ var at = Math.atan2(g, m) * p
+ , rt = e.resultTransform.skX;
+ (P = (P - at) * t.radDeg + d - rt) > 180 ? P -= 360 : P < -180 && (P += 360),
+ e.resultTransform.x = l,
+ e.resultTransform.y = h,
+ e.resultTransform.skX = e.resultTransform.skY = rt + P * o,
+ rt = n.resultTransform.skX,
+ (O = ((O + at) * t.radDeg - 0) * p + f - (rt %= 360)) > 180 ? O -= 360 : O < -180 && (O += 360),
+ n.resultTransform.x = m,
+ n.resultTransform.y = g,
+ n.resultTransform.skX = n.resultTransform.skY = n.resultTransform.skY + O * o,
+ e.update()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._applyIk3 = function(e, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ if (0 != o) {
+ var l = NaN
+ , h = NaN
+ , c = n.resultMatrix.a * n.length
+ , _ = n.resultMatrix.b * n.length
+ , u = c * c + _ * _
+ , d = Math.sqrt(u)
+ , f = e.resultMatrix.tx
+ , p = e.resultMatrix.ty
+ , m = n.resultMatrix.tx
+ , g = n.resultMatrix.ty
+ , y = m - f
+ , v = g - p
+ , b = y * y + v * v
+ , x = Math.sqrt(b)
+ , I = (y = a - e.resultMatrix.tx) * y + (v = r - e.resultMatrix.ty) * v
+ , C = Math.sqrt(I);
+ if (d + x <= C || C + d <= x || C + x <= d) {
+ var S = NaN;
+ m = f + (S = d + x <= C ? 1 : -1) * (a - f) * x / C,
+ g = p + S * (r - p) * x / C
+ } else {
+ var M = (b - u + I) / (2 * I)
+ , L = Math.sqrt(b - M * M * I) / C
+ , T = f + y * M
+ , E = p + v * M
+ , D = -v * L
+ , N = y * L;
+ s > 0 ? (m = T - D,
+ g = E - N) : (m = T + D,
+ g = E + N)
+ }
+ l = m,
+ h = g,
+ this.isDebug && (this._sp || (this._sp = new w,
+ i.stage.addChild(this._sp)),
+ this._sp.graphics.clear(),
+ this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(f, p, 15, "#ff00ff"),
+ this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(a, r, 15, "#ffff00"),
+ this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(l, h, 15, "#ff00ff"));
+ var A = NaN;
+ A = Math.atan2(h - e.resultMatrix.ty, l - e.resultMatrix.tx),
+ e.setRotation(A);
+ var B;
+ (B = t._tempMatrix).identity(),
+ B.rotate(A),
+ B.scale(e.resultMatrix.getScaleX(), e.resultMatrix.getScaleY()),
+ B.translate(e.resultMatrix.tx, e.resultMatrix.ty),
+ B.copyTo(e.resultMatrix),
+ e.updateChild();
+ var k = NaN;
+ k = Math.atan2(r - h, a - l),
+ n.setRotation(k);
+ var R;
+ (R = t._tempMatrix).identity(),
+ R.rotate(k),
+ R.scale(n.resultMatrix.getScaleX(), n.resultMatrix.getScaleY()),
+ R.translate(l, h),
+ B.copyTo(n.resultMatrix),
+ n.updateChild()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["radDeg", function() {
+ return this.radDeg = 180 / Math.PI
+ }
+ , "degRad", function() {
+ return this.degRad = Math.PI / 180
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix = new m
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , F = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.targetBoneName = null,
+ this.bendDirection = 1,
+ this.mix = 1,
+ this.isSpine = !0,
+ this.targetBoneIndex = -1,
+ this.boneNames = [],
+ this.boneIndexs = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.IkConstraintData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , H = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.MeshTools"),
+ t.findEdge = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0);
+ var n = 0
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0;
+ for (a = t.length,
+ r = -1,
+ n = 0; n < a; n += 2)
+ (r < 0 || i == t[r + e] < t[n + e]) && (r = n);
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.findBestTriangle = function(e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ i = t.findEdge(e, 1, !0);
+ var n = 0;
+ n = t.findEdge(e, 1, !1);
+ var a = 0;
+ a = t.findEdge(e, 0, !0);
+ var r = 0;
+ r = t.findEdge(e, 0, !1);
+ var s;
+ return s = t._bestTriangle,
+ s.length = 0,
+ s.push(a, r),
+ s.indexOf(i) < 0 && s.push(i),
+ s.indexOf(n) < 0 && s.push(n),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ t.solveMesh = function(e, i) {
+ (i = i || []).length = 0;
+ var n;
+ n = e.uvs;
+ var a;
+ a = e.vertices;
+ var r, s, o = 0, l = 0, h = 0;
+ o = (s = t.findBestTriangle(n))[0],
+ l = s[1],
+ h = s[2],
+ t._absArr.length = 0;
+ return t.isNormalUV(e.texture.uv) && t.adptTexture(e),
+ r = t.solvePoints(e.texture.uv, n[o], n[o + 1], n[l] - n[o], n[l + 1] - n[o + 1], n[h] - n[o], n[h + 1] - n[o + 1], t._absArr),
+ t.transPoints(r, a[o], a[o + 1], a[l] - a[o], a[l + 1] - a[o + 1], a[h] - a[o], a[h + 1] - a[o + 1], i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.findWrapRect = function(e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ i = t.findEdge(e, 1, !0);
+ var n = 0;
+ n = t.findEdge(e, 1, !1);
+ var a = 0;
+ a = t.findEdge(e, 0, !0);
+ var r = 0;
+ r = t.findEdge(e, 0, !1);
+ var s = NaN;
+ s = e[a];
+ var o = NaN;
+ o = e[r];
+ var l = NaN;
+ l = e[i + 1];
+ var h = NaN;
+ return [o, h = e[n + 1], s - o, l - h]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.adptTexture = function(e) {
+ var i;
+ i = t.findWrapRect(e.uvs);
+ var n, a, r = (n = e.texture).width, s = n.height;
+ a = I.create(n, i[0] * r, i[1] * s, i[2] * r, i[3] * s),
+ e.texture = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isNormalUV = function(t) {
+ return 0 == t[0] && 0 == t[1] && 1 == t[4] && 1 == t[5]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.solvePoints = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ l = l || [];
+ var h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ c = e.length;
+ var _;
+ for (h = 0; h < c; h += 2)
+ _ = t.solve2(e[h], e[h + 1], i, n, a, r, s, o),
+ l.push(_[0], _[1]);
+ return l
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transPoints = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ l = l || [];
+ var h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ c = e.length;
+ for (h = 0; h < c; h += 2)
+ t.transPoint(e[h], e[h + 1], i, n, a, r, s, o, l);
+ return l
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transPoint = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ var h = NaN
+ , c = NaN;
+ return h = i + a * t + s * e,
+ c = n + r * t + o * e,
+ (l = l || []).push(h, c),
+ l
+ }
+ ,
+ t.solve2 = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c) {
+ void 0 === h && (h = !1),
+ c = c || [];
+ var _ = NaN
+ , u = NaN;
+ if (0 == r)
+ return t.solve2(e, i, n, a, o, l, r, s, !0, c);
+ var d = NaN
+ , f = NaN;
+ return d = e - n,
+ f = i - a,
+ u = (f - d * s / r) / (l - o * s / r),
+ _ = (d - u * o) / r,
+ h ? c.push(u, _) : c.push(_, u),
+ c
+ }
+ ,
+ t.solve = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ return t.solve2(e.x, e.y, i.x, i.y, n.x, n.y, a.x, a.y)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._bestTriangle = [],
+ t._absArr = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , G = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.target = null,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.bones = null,
+ this.position = NaN,
+ this.spacing = NaN,
+ this.rotateMix = NaN,
+ this.translateMix = NaN,
+ this._debugKey = !1,
+ this._spaces = null,
+ this._segments = [],
+ this._curves = [],
+ this.data = t,
+ this.position = t.position,
+ this.spacing = t.spacing,
+ this.rotateMix = t.rotateMix,
+ this.translateMix = t.translateMix,
+ this.bones = [];
+ for (var i = this.data.bones, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ this.bones.push(e[i[n]])
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.PathConstraint");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.apply = function(t, e) {
+ if (this.target) {
+ var i = this.translateMix
+ , n = this.translateMix
+ , a = n > 0
+ , r = this.data.spacingMode
+ , s = "length" == r
+ , o = this.data.rotateMode
+ , l = "tangent" == o
+ , h = "chainScale" == o
+ , c = []
+ , _ = this.bones.length
+ , u = l ? _ : _ + 1
+ , d = [];
+ this._spaces = d,
+ d[0] = this.position;
+ var f = this.spacing;
+ if (h || s)
+ for (var p = 0, m = u - 1; p < m; ) {
+ var g = this.bones[p]
+ , y = g.length
+ , v = y * g.resultMatrix.a
+ , b = y * g.resultMatrix.b;
+ y = Math.sqrt(v * v + b * b),
+ h && (c[p] = y),
+ d[++p] = s ? Math.max(0, y + f) : f
+ }
+ else
+ for (p = 1; p < u; p++)
+ d[p] = f;
+ var w = this.computeWorldPositions(this.target, t, e, u, l, "percent" == this.data.positionMode, "percent" == r);
+ if (this._debugKey) {
+ for (p = 0; p < w.length; p++)
+ e.drawCircle(w[p++], w[p++], 5, "#00ff00");
+ var x = [];
+ for (p = 0; p < w.length; p++)
+ x.push(w[p++], w[p++]);
+ e.drawLines(0, 0, x, "#ff0000")
+ }
+ var I = w[0]
+ , C = w[1]
+ , S = this.data.offsetRotation
+ , M = "chain" == o && 0 == S
+ , L = NaN;
+ for (p = 0,
+ L = 3; p < _; p++,
+ L += 3) {
+ (g = this.bones[p]).resultMatrix.tx += (I - g.resultMatrix.tx) * i,
+ g.resultMatrix.ty += (C - g.resultMatrix.ty) * i;
+ var T = (v = w[L]) - I
+ , E = (b = w[L + 1]) - C;
+ if (h && 0 != (y = c[p])) {
+ var D = (Math.sqrt(T * T + E * E) / y - 1) * n + 1;
+ g.resultMatrix.a *= D,
+ g.resultMatrix.c *= D
+ }
+ if (I = v,
+ C = b,
+ a) {
+ var N = g.resultMatrix.a
+ , A = g.resultMatrix.c
+ , B = g.resultMatrix.b
+ , k = g.resultMatrix.d
+ , R = NaN
+ , P = NaN
+ , O = NaN;
+ R = l ? w[L - 1] : 0 == d[p + 1] ? w[L + 2] : Math.atan2(E, T),
+ R -= Math.atan2(B, N) - S / 180 * Math.PI,
+ M && (P = Math.cos(R),
+ O = Math.sin(R),
+ I += ((y = g.length) * (P * N - O * B) - T) * n,
+ C += (y * (O * N + P * B) - E) * n),
+ R > Math.PI ? R -= 2 * Math.PI : R < -Math.PI && (R += 2 * Math.PI),
+ R *= n,
+ P = Math.cos(R),
+ O = Math.sin(R),
+ g.resultMatrix.a = P * N - O * B,
+ g.resultMatrix.c = P * A - O * k,
+ g.resultMatrix.b = O * N + P * B,
+ g.resultMatrix.d = O * A + P * k
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.computeWorldVertices2 = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o, l, h = e.currDisplayData.bones, c = e.currDisplayData.weights, _ = e.currDisplayData.triangles, u = 0, d = 0, f = 0, p = 0, m = 0, g = 0, y = 0, v = 0, b = 0, w = 0, x = 0;
+ if (null != h) {
+ for (u = 0; u < n; u += 2)
+ d += (p = h[d]) + 1,
+ f += p;
+ var I = i;
+ for (m = s,
+ g = 3 * f; m < a; m += 2) {
+ for (y = 0,
+ v = 0,
+ p = h[d++],
+ p += d; d < p; d++,
+ g += 3) {
+ o = I[h[d]].resultMatrix,
+ b = c[g],
+ w = c[g + 1];
+ var C = c[g + 2];
+ y += (b * o.a + w * o.c + o.tx) * C,
+ v += (b * o.b + w * o.d + o.ty) * C
+ }
+ r[m] = y,
+ r[m + 1] = v
+ }
+ } else {
+ _ || (_ = c),
+ e.deformData && (_ = e.deformData);
+ var S;
+ if (S = e.parent,
+ i)
+ for (x = i.length,
+ u = 0; u < x; u++)
+ if (i[u].name == S) {
+ l = i[u];
+ break
+ }
+ var M;
+ l && (M = l.resultMatrix),
+ M || (M = t._tempMt);
+ var L = M.tx
+ , T = M.ty
+ , E = M.a
+ , D = M.b
+ , N = M.c
+ , A = M.d;
+ for (l && (A *= l.d),
+ d = n,
+ m = s; m < a; d += 2,
+ m += 2)
+ b = _[d],
+ w = _[d + 1],
+ r[m] = b * E + w * D + L,
+ r[m + 1] = -(b * N + w * A + T)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.computeWorldPositions = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ t.currDisplayData.bones,
+ t.currDisplayData.weights,
+ t.currDisplayData.triangles;
+ var o = []
+ , l = 0
+ , h = t.currDisplayData.verLen
+ , c = this.position
+ , _ = this._spaces
+ , u = []
+ , d = []
+ , f = h / 6
+ , p = -1
+ , m = NaN
+ , g = 0
+ , y = 0
+ , v = NaN
+ , b = NaN
+ , w = NaN
+ , x = NaN;
+ if (f--,
+ h -= 4,
+ this.computeWorldVertices2(t, e, 2, h, o, 0),
+ this._debugKey)
+ for (l = 0; l < o.length; )
+ i.drawCircle(o[l++], o[l++], 10, "#ff0000");
+ u = o,
+ this._curves.length = f;
+ var I = this._curves;
+ m = 0;
+ var C = u[0]
+ , S = u[1]
+ , M = 0
+ , L = 0
+ , T = 0
+ , E = 0
+ , D = 0
+ , N = 0
+ , A = NaN
+ , B = NaN
+ , k = NaN
+ , R = NaN
+ , P = NaN
+ , O = NaN
+ , U = NaN
+ , V = NaN
+ , F = 0;
+ for (l = 0,
+ F = 2; l < f; l++,
+ F += 6)
+ M = u[F],
+ L = u[F + 1],
+ T = u[F + 2],
+ E = u[F + 3],
+ P = 2 * (A = .1875 * (C - 2 * M + T)) + (k = .09375 * (3 * (M - T) - C + (D = u[F + 4]))),
+ O = 2 * (B = .1875 * (S - 2 * L + E)) + (R = .09375 * (3 * (L - E) - S + (N = u[F + 5]))),
+ U = .75 * (M - C) + A + .16666667 * k,
+ V = .75 * (L - S) + B + .16666667 * R,
+ m += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ U += P,
+ V += O,
+ P += k,
+ O += R,
+ m += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ U += P,
+ V += O,
+ m += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ U += P + k,
+ V += O + R,
+ m += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ I[l] = m,
+ C = D,
+ S = N;
+ if (r && (c *= m),
+ s)
+ for (l = 0; l < n; l++)
+ _[l] *= m;
+ var H = this._segments
+ , G = 0
+ , z = 0;
+ for (l = 0,
+ g = 0,
+ y = 0,
+ z = 0; l < n; l++,
+ g += 3)
+ if (b = _[l],
+ c += b,
+ (v = c) < 0)
+ this.addBeforePosition(v, u, 0, d, g);
+ else if (v > m)
+ this.addAfterPosition(v - m, u, h - 4, d, g);
+ else {
+ for (; ; y++)
+ if (x = I[y],
+ !(v > x)) {
+ 0 == y ? v /= x : v = (v - (w = I[y - 1])) / (x - w);
+ break
+ }
+ if (y != p) {
+ p = y;
+ var j = 6 * y;
+ for (C = u[j],
+ S = u[j + 1],
+ M = u[j + 2],
+ L = u[j + 3],
+ T = u[j + 4],
+ E = u[j + 5],
+ P = 2 * (A = .03 * (C - 2 * M + T)) + (k = .006 * (3 * (M - T) - C + (D = u[j + 6]))),
+ O = 2 * (B = .03 * (S - 2 * L + E)) + (R = .006 * (3 * (L - E) - S + (N = u[j + 7]))),
+ U = .3 * (M - C) + A + .16666667 * k,
+ V = .3 * (L - S) + B + .16666667 * R,
+ G = Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ H[0] = G,
+ j = 1; j < 8; j++)
+ U += P,
+ V += O,
+ P += k,
+ O += R,
+ G += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ H[j] = G;
+ U += P,
+ V += O,
+ G += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ H[8] = G,
+ U += P + k,
+ V += O + R,
+ G += Math.sqrt(U * U + V * V),
+ H[9] = G,
+ z = 0
+ }
+ for (v *= G; ; z++)
+ if (x = H[z],
+ !(v > x)) {
+ 0 == z ? v /= x : v = z + (v - (w = H[z - 1])) / (x - w);
+ break
+ }
+ this.addCurvePosition(.1 * v, C, S, M, L, T, E, D, N, d, g, a || l > 0 && 0 == b)
+ }
+ return d
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addBeforePosition = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e[i]
+ , s = e[i + 1]
+ , o = e[i + 2] - r
+ , l = e[i + 3] - s
+ , h = Math.atan2(l, o);
+ n[a] = r + t * Math.cos(h),
+ n[a + 1] = s + t * Math.sin(h),
+ n[a + 2] = h
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addAfterPosition = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e[i + 2]
+ , s = e[i + 3]
+ , o = r - e[i]
+ , l = s - e[i + 1]
+ , h = Math.atan2(l, o);
+ n[a] = r + t * Math.cos(h),
+ n[a + 1] = s + t * Math.sin(h),
+ n[a + 2] = h
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addCurvePosition = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ 0 == t && (t = 1e-4);
+ var u = t * t
+ , d = u * t
+ , f = 1 - t
+ , p = f * f
+ , m = p * f
+ , g = f * t
+ , y = 3 * g
+ , v = f * y
+ , b = y * t
+ , w = e * m + n * v + r * b + o * d
+ , x = i * m + a * v + s * b + l * d;
+ h[c] = w,
+ h[c + 1] = x,
+ h[c + 2] = _ ? Math.atan2(x - (i * p + a * g * 2 + s * u), w - (e * p + n * g * 2 + r * u)) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.NONE = -1,
+ t.BEFORE = -2,
+ t.AFTER = -3,
+ n(t, ["_tempMt", function() {
+ return this._tempMt = new m
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , z = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.target = null,
+ this.positionMode = null,
+ this.spacingMode = null,
+ this.rotateMode = null,
+ this.offsetRotation = NaN,
+ this.position = NaN,
+ this.spacing = NaN,
+ this.rotateMix = NaN,
+ this.translateMix = NaN,
+ this.bones = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.PathConstraintData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , j = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.slotArr = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.SkinData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , W = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.attachmentName = null,
+ this.type = 0,
+ this.transform = null,
+ this.width = NaN,
+ this.height = NaN,
+ this.texture = null,
+ this.bones = null,
+ this.uvs = null,
+ this.weights = null,
+ this.triangles = null,
+ this.vertices = null,
+ this.lengths = null,
+ this.verLen = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.SkinSlotDisplayData");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.createTexture = function(t) {
+ return this.texture ? this.texture : (this.texture = new I(t.bitmap,this.uvs),
+ this.uvs[0] > this.uvs[4] && this.uvs[1] > this.uvs[5] ? (this.texture.width = t.height,
+ this.texture.height = t.width,
+ this.texture.offsetX = -t.offsetX,
+ this.texture.offsetY = -t.offsetY,
+ this.texture.sourceWidth = t.sourceHeight,
+ this.texture.sourceHeight = t.sourceWidth) : (this.texture.width = t.width,
+ this.texture.height = t.height,
+ this.texture.offsetX = -t.offsetX,
+ this.texture.offsetY = -t.offsetY,
+ this.texture.sourceWidth = t.sourceWidth,
+ this.texture.sourceHeight = t.sourceHeight),
+ y.isWebGL || this.uvs[1] > this.uvs[5] && (this.texture.offsetY = this.texture.sourceHeight - this.texture.height - this.texture.offsetY),
+ this.texture)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.destory = function() {
+ this.texture && this.texture.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , X = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.displayArr = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.SlotData");
+ return t.prototype.getDisplayByName = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this.displayArr.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (this.displayArr[e].attachmentName == t)
+ return e;
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , q = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._data = null,
+ this._bones = null,
+ this.target = null,
+ this.rotateMix = NaN,
+ this.translateMix = NaN,
+ this.scaleMix = NaN,
+ this.shearMix = NaN,
+ this._temp = s(2, 0),
+ this._data = t,
+ null == this._bones && (this._bones = []),
+ this.target = e[t.targetIndex];
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = t.boneIndexs.length; i < n; i++)
+ this._bones.push(e[t.boneIndexs[i]]);
+ this.rotateMix = t.rotateMix,
+ this.translateMix = t.translateMix,
+ this.scaleMix = t.scaleMix,
+ this.shearMix = t.shearMix
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.TfConstraint");
+ return t.prototype.apply = function() {
+ for (var t, e = this.target.resultMatrix.a, i = this.target.resultMatrix.b, n = this.target.resultMatrix.c, a = this.target.resultMatrix.d, r = 0, s = this._bones.length; r < s; r++) {
+ if (t = this._bones[r],
+ this.rotateMix > 0) {
+ var o = t.resultMatrix.a
+ , l = t.resultMatrix.b
+ , h = t.resultMatrix.c
+ , c = t.resultMatrix.d
+ , _ = Math.atan2(n, e) - Math.atan2(h, o) + this._data.offsetRotation * Math.PI / 180;
+ _ > Math.PI ? _ -= 2 * Math.PI : _ < -Math.PI && (_ += 2 * Math.PI),
+ _ *= this.rotateMix;
+ var u = Math.cos(_)
+ , d = Math.sin(_);
+ t.resultMatrix.a = u * o - d * h,
+ t.resultMatrix.b = u * l - d * c,
+ t.resultMatrix.c = d * o + u * h,
+ t.resultMatrix.d = d * l + u * c
+ }
+ if (this.translateMix && (this._temp[0] = this._data.offsetX,
+ this._temp[1] = this._data.offsetY,
+ this.target.localToWorld(this._temp),
+ t.resultMatrix.tx += (this._temp[0] - t.resultMatrix.tx) * this.translateMix,
+ t.resultMatrix.ty += (this._temp[1] - t.resultMatrix.ty) * this.translateMix,
+ t.updateChild()),
+ this.scaleMix > 0) {
+ var f = Math.sqrt(t.resultMatrix.a * t.resultMatrix.a + t.resultMatrix.c * t.resultMatrix.c)
+ , p = Math.sqrt(e * e + n * n)
+ , m = f > 1e-5 ? (f + (p - f + this._data.offsetScaleX) * this.scaleMix) / f : 0;
+ t.resultMatrix.a *= m,
+ t.resultMatrix.c *= m,
+ f = Math.sqrt(t.resultMatrix.b * t.resultMatrix.b + t.resultMatrix.d * t.resultMatrix.d),
+ p = Math.sqrt(i * i + a * a),
+ m = f > 1e-5 ? (f + (p - f + this._data.offsetScaleY) * this.scaleMix) / f : 0,
+ t.resultMatrix.b *= m,
+ t.resultMatrix.d *= m
+ }
+ if (this.shearMix > 0) {
+ l = t.resultMatrix.b,
+ c = t.resultMatrix.d;
+ var g = Math.atan2(c, l);
+ (_ = Math.atan2(a, i) - Math.atan2(n, e) - (g - Math.atan2(t.resultMatrix.c, t.resultMatrix.a))) > Math.PI ? _ -= 2 * Math.PI : _ < -Math.PI && (_ += 2 * Math.PI),
+ _ = g + (_ + this._data.offsetShearY * Math.PI / 180) * this.shearMix,
+ m = Math.sqrt(l * l + c * c),
+ t.resultMatrix.b = Math.cos(_) * m,
+ t.resultMatrix.d = Math.sin(_) * m
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Y = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.name = null,
+ this.targetIndex = 0,
+ this.rotateMix = NaN,
+ this.translateMix = NaN,
+ this.scaleMix = NaN,
+ this.shearMix = NaN,
+ this.offsetRotation = NaN,
+ this.offsetX = NaN,
+ this.offsetY = NaN,
+ this.offsetScaleX = NaN,
+ this.offsetScaleY = NaN,
+ this.offsetShearY = NaN,
+ this.boneIndexs = []
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.TfConstraintData"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , J = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.skX = 0,
+ this.skY = 0,
+ this.scX = 1,
+ this.scY = 1,
+ this.x = 0,
+ this.y = 0,
+ this.skewX = 0,
+ this.skewY = 0,
+ this.mMatrix = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.ani.bone.Transform");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.initData = function(t) {
+ void 0 != t.x && (this.x = t.x),
+ void 0 != t.y && (this.y = t.y),
+ void 0 != t.skX && (this.skX = t.skX),
+ void 0 != t.skY && (this.skY = t.skY),
+ void 0 != t.scX && (this.scX = t.scX),
+ void 0 != t.scY && (this.scY = t.scY)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getMatrix = function() {
+ var t;
+ return (t = this.mMatrix ? this.mMatrix : this.mMatrix = new m).identity(),
+ t.scale(this.scX, this.scY),
+ (this.skewX || this.skewY) && this.skew(t, this.skewX * Math.PI / 180, this.skewY * Math.PI / 180),
+ t.rotate(this.skX * Math.PI / 180),
+ t.translate(this.x, this.y),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.skew = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = Math.sin(i)
+ , a = Math.cos(i)
+ , r = Math.sin(e)
+ , s = Math.cos(e);
+ return t.setTo(t.a * s - t.b * n, t.a * r + t.b * a, t.c * s - t.d * n, t.c * r + t.d * a, t.tx * s - t.ty * n, t.tx * r + t.ty * a),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , K = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.bone.UVTools"),
+ t.getRelativeUV = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t[0]
+ , a = t[2] - t[0]
+ , r = t[1]
+ , s = t[5] - t[1];
+ i || (i = []),
+ i.length = e.length;
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ l = i.length;
+ var h = 1 / a
+ , c = 1 / s;
+ for (o = 0; o < l; o += 2)
+ i[o] = (e[o] - n) * h,
+ i[o + 1] = (e[o + 1] - r) * c;
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getAbsoluteUV = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (0 == t[0] && 0 == t[1] && 1 == t[4] && 1 == t[5])
+ return i ? (S.copyArray(i, e),
+ i) : e;
+ var n = t[0]
+ , a = t[2] - t[0]
+ , r = t[1]
+ , s = t[5] - t[1];
+ i || (i = []),
+ i.length = e.length;
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ for (l = i.length,
+ o = 0; o < l; o += 2)
+ i[o] = e[o] * a + n,
+ i[o + 1] = e[o + 1] * s + r;
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Z = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.startTime = NaN,
+ this.duration = NaN,
+ this.interpolationData = null,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.nextData = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.KeyFramesContent"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Q = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ani.math.BezierLerp"),
+ t.getBezierRate = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = t._getBezierParamKey(i, n, a, r)
+ , o = 100 * s + e;
+ if (t._bezierResultCache[o])
+ return t._bezierResultCache[o];
+ var l = t._getBezierPoints(i, n, a, r, s)
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ for (c = l.length,
+ h = 0; h < c; h += 2)
+ if (e <= l[h])
+ return t._bezierResultCache[o] = l[h + 1],
+ l[h + 1];
+ return t._bezierResultCache[o] = 1,
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getBezierParamKey = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return 100 * (100 * (100 * (100 * t + e) + i) + n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getBezierPoints = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ if (t._bezierPointsCache[r])
+ return t._bezierPointsCache[r];
+ var s;
+ s = [0, 0, e, i, n, a, 1, 1];
+ var l;
+ return l = (new o).getBezierPoints(s, 100, 3),
+ t._bezierPointsCache[r] = l,
+ l
+ }
+ ,
+ t._bezierResultCache = {},
+ t._bezierPointsCache = {},
+ t
+ }()
+ , $ = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._templet = null,
+ this._currentTime = NaN,
+ this._currentFrameTime = NaN,
+ this._playStart = NaN,
+ this._playEnd = NaN,
+ this._playDuration = NaN,
+ this._overallDuration = NaN,
+ this._stopWhenCircleFinish = !1,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime = NaN,
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = NaN,
+ this._currentAnimationClipIndex = 0,
+ this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0,
+ this._paused = !1,
+ this._cacheFrameRate = 0,
+ this._cacheFrameRateInterval = NaN,
+ this._cachePlayRate = NaN,
+ this._fullFrames = null,
+ this.isCache = !0,
+ this.playbackRate = 1,
+ this.returnToZeroStopped = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._currentAnimationClipIndex = -1,
+ this._currentKeyframeIndex = -1,
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._overallDuration = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ this._stopWhenCircleFinish = !1,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime = 0,
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = -1,
+ this._cachePlayRate = 1,
+ this.cacheFrameRate = 60,
+ this.returnToZeroStopped = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.AnimationPlayer", c);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.resource.IDestroy": !0
+ }),
+ n._onTempletLoadedComputeFullKeyframeIndices = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._templet === i && this._cachePlayRate === t && this._cacheFrameRate === e && this._computeFullKeyframeIndices()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._computeFullKeyframeIndices = function() {
+ for (var t = this._fullFrames = [], e = this._templet, i = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate, n = 0, a = e.getAnimationCount(); n < a; n++) {
+ for (var r = [], s = 0, o = e.getAnimation(n).nodes.length; s < o; s++) {
+ for (var l = e.getAnimation(n).nodes[s], h = Math.floor(l.playTime / i + .01), c = new Uint16Array(h + 1), _ = -1, u = 0, d = l.keyFrame.length; u < d; u++) {
+ var f = l.keyFrame[u]
+ , p = f.startTime
+ , m = p + f.duration + i;
+ do {
+ for (var g = Math.floor(p / i + .5), y = _ + 1; y < g; y++)
+ c[y] = u;
+ _ = g,
+ c[g] = u,
+ p += i
+ } while (p <= m)
+ }
+ r.push(c)
+ }
+ t.push(r)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onAnimationTempletLoaded = function() {
+ this.destroyed || this._calculatePlayDuration()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculatePlayDuration = function() {
+ if (0 !== this.state) {
+ var t = this._templet.getAniDuration(this._currentAnimationClipIndex);
+ 0 === this._playEnd && (this._playEnd = t),
+ this._playEnd > t && (this._playEnd = t),
+ this._playDuration = this._playEnd - this._playStart
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setPlayParams = function(t, e) {
+ this._currentTime = t,
+ this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.max(Math.floor(this.currentPlayTime / e + .01), 0),
+ this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex * e
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setPlayParamsWhenStop = function(t, e) {
+ this._currentTime = t,
+ this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.max(Math.floor(t / e + .01), 0),
+ this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex * e,
+ this._currentAnimationClipIndex = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {
+ if (-1 !== this._currentAnimationClipIndex && !this._paused && this._templet && this._templet.loaded) {
+ var e = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate
+ , i = 0;
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount !== x.loopCount && (i = t * this.playbackRate,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime += i);
+ var n = this.playDuration;
+ if (0 !== this._overallDuration && this._elapsedPlaybackTime >= this._overallDuration || 0 === this._overallDuration && this._elapsedPlaybackTime >= n)
+ return this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(n, e),
+ void this.event("stopped");
+ if (i += this._currentTime,
+ n > 0)
+ if (i >= n)
+ do {
+ if (i -= n,
+ this._stopWhenCircleFinish)
+ return this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(n, e),
+ this._stopWhenCircleFinish = !1,
+ void this.event("stopped");
+ i < n && (this._setPlayParams(i, e),
+ this.event("complete"))
+ } while (i >= n);
+ else
+ this._setPlayParams(i, e);
+ else {
+ if (this._stopWhenCircleFinish)
+ return this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(n, e),
+ this._stopWhenCircleFinish = !1,
+ void this.event("stopped");
+ this._currentTime = this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0,
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._destroy = function() {
+ this.offAll(),
+ this._templet = null,
+ this._fullFrames = null,
+ this._destroyed = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 2147483647),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ !this._templet)
+ throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:templet must not be null,maybe you need to set url.");
+ if (i < 0 || n < 0 || a < 0)
+ throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:overallDuration,playStart and playEnd must large than zero.");
+ if (0 !== a && n > a)
+ throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:start must less than end.");
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._currentFrameTime = 0,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime = 0,
+ this.playbackRate = e,
+ this._overallDuration = i,
+ this._playStart = n,
+ this._playEnd = a,
+ this._paused = !1,
+ this._currentAnimationClipIndex = t,
+ this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0,
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = x.loopCount,
+ this.event("played"),
+ this._templet.loaded ? this._calculatePlayDuration() : this._templet.once("loaded", this, this._onAnimationTempletLoaded),
+ this._update(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.playByFrame = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 2147483647),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 30);
+ var s = 1e3 / r;
+ this.play(t, e, i, n * s, a * s)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ t ? (this._currentTime = this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0,
+ this._currentAnimationClipIndex = -1,
+ this.event("stopped")) : this._stopWhenCircleFinish = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "playEnd", function() {
+ return this._playEnd
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "templet", function() {
+ return this._templet
+ }, function(t) {
+ 0 === !this.state && this.stop(!0),
+ this._templet !== t && (this._templet = t,
+ t.loaded ? this._computeFullKeyframeIndices() : t.once("loaded", this, this._onTempletLoadedComputeFullKeyframeIndices, [this._cachePlayRate, this._cacheFrameRate]))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "playStart", function() {
+ return this._playStart
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "playDuration", function() {
+ return this._playDuration
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "state", function() {
+ return -1 === this._currentAnimationClipIndex ? 0 : this._paused ? 1 : 2
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentKeyframeIndex", function() {
+ return this._currentKeyframeIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "overallDuration", function() {
+ return this._overallDuration
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentFrameTime", function() {
+ return this._currentFrameTime
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentAnimationClipIndex", function() {
+ return this._currentAnimationClipIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentPlayTime", function() {
+ return this._currentTime + this._playStart
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "cachePlayRate", function() {
+ return this._cachePlayRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._cachePlayRate !== t && (this._cachePlayRate = t,
+ this._templet && (this._templet.loaded ? this._computeFullKeyframeIndices() : this._templet.once("loaded", this, this._onTempletLoadedComputeFullKeyframeIndices, [t, this._cacheFrameRate])))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "cacheFrameRate", function() {
+ return this._cacheFrameRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._cacheFrameRate !== t && (this._cacheFrameRate = t,
+ this._cacheFrameRateInterval = 1e3 / this._cacheFrameRate,
+ this._templet && (this._templet.loaded ? this._computeFullKeyframeIndices() : this._templet.once("loaded", this, this._onTempletLoadedComputeFullKeyframeIndices, [this._cachePlayRate, t])))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentTime", null, function(t) {
+ if (-1 !== this._currentAnimationClipIndex && this._templet && this._templet.loaded) {
+ if (t < this._playStart || t > this._playEnd)
+ throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:value must large than playStartTime,small than playEndTime.");
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = x.loopCount;
+ var e = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate;
+ this._currentTime = t,
+ this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.max(Math.floor(this.currentPlayTime / e), 0),
+ this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex * e
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "paused", function() {
+ return this._paused
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._paused = t,
+ t && this.event("paused")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "cacheFrameRateInterval", function() {
+ return this._cacheFrameRateInterval
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , tt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ y.isConchNode && (this.drawSkin = function(t) {
+ t.transform || (t.transform = m.EMPTY),
+ this._addCmd([t]),
+ this.setSkinMesh && this.setSkinMesh(t._ps, t.mVBData, t.mEleNum, 0, t.mTexture, t.transform)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.GraphicsAni", _);
+ return e.prototype.drawSkin = function(t) {
+ var e = [t];
+ this._saveToCmd(y._context._drawSkin, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function() {
+ return e._caches.pop() || new e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recycle = function(t) {
+ t.clear(),
+ e._caches.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._caches = [],
+ e
+ }()
+ , et = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.mesh = new B
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.bone.canvasmesh.SkinMeshCanvas", A);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.init2 = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this.transform && (this.transform = null);
+ var r;
+ i ? r = i : (r = []).push(0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2),
+ this.mesh.texture = t,
+ this.mesh.indexes = r,
+ this.mesh.vertices = n,
+ this.mesh.uvs = a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.render = function(t, i, n) {
+ this.mesh.texture && (this.transform ? (this.transform.translate(i, n),
+ this.renderToContext(t),
+ this.transform.translate(-i, -n)) : (this.transform = e._tempMatrix,
+ this.transform.identity(),
+ this.transform.translate(i, n),
+ this.renderToContext(t),
+ this.transform.translate(-i, -n),
+ this.transform = null))
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_tempMatrix", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix = new m
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , it = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._aniMap = {},
+ this.unfixedLastAniIndex = -1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._anis = new Array
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.AnimationTemplet", v);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.parse = function(t) {
+ var e = new h(t);
+ this._aniVersion = e.readUTFString(),
+ T.parse(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculateKeyFrame = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.keyFrame;
+ n[e] = n[0];
+ for (var a = 0; a < e; a++) {
+ var r = n[a];
+ r.nextData = 0 === r.duration ? r.data : n[a + 1].data
+ }
+ n.length--
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = new h(e);
+ switch (this._aniVersion = n.readUTFString(),
+ this._aniVersion) {
+ case "LAYAANIMATION:02":
+ E.parse(this, n);
+ break;
+ default:
+ T.parse(this, n)
+ }
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._aniVersion = null,
+ this._anis = null,
+ this._aniMap = null,
+ this._publicExtData = null,
+ this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes = null,
+ this.unfixedCurrentTimes = null,
+ this.unfixedKeyframes = null,
+ this._aniClassName = null,
+ this._animationDatasCache = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAnimationCount = function() {
+ return this._anis.length
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAnimation = function(t) {
+ return this._anis[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAniDuration = function(t) {
+ return this._anis[t].playTime
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getNodes = function(t) {
+ return this._anis[t].nodes
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getNodeIndexWithName = function(t, e) {
+ return this._anis[t].bone3DMap[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getNodeCount = function(t) {
+ return this._anis[t].nodes.length
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getTotalkeyframesLength = function(t) {
+ return this._anis[t].totalKeyframeDatasLength
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getPublicExtData = function() {
+ return this._publicExtData
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAnimationDataWithCache = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ if (a) {
+ var r = a[t];
+ return r ? r[n] : null
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setAnimationDataWithCache = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e[i] || (e[i] = {});
+ (r[t] || (r[t] = []))[n] = a
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getOriginalData = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ for (var s = this._anis[t].nodes, o = 0, l = 0, h = s.length, c = 0; l < h; l++) {
+ var _, u = s[l];
+ _ = u.keyFrame[n[l][a]],
+ u.dataOffset = c;
+ var d = r - _.startTime
+ , f = u.lerpType;
+ if (f)
+ switch (f) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ for (o = 0; o < u.keyframeWidth; )
+ o += u.interpolationMethod[o](u, o, i, c + o, _.data, d, null, _.duration, _.nextData);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ var p = _.interpolationData
+ , m = p.length
+ , g = 0;
+ for (o = 0; o < m; ) {
+ var y = p[o];
+ switch (y) {
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+ o += e.interpolation[y](u, g, i, c + g, _.data, d, null, _.duration, _.nextData, p, o + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ o += e.interpolation[y](u, g, i, c + g, _.data, d, null, _.duration, _.nextData)
+ }
+ g++
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (o = 0; o < u.keyframeWidth; )
+ o += u.interpolationMethod[o](u, o, i, c + o, _.data, d, null, _.duration, _.nextData);
+ c += u.keyframeWidth
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getNodesCurrentFrameIndex = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._anis[t].nodes;
+ t !== this.unfixedLastAniIndex && (this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes = new Uint32Array(i.length),
+ this.unfixedCurrentTimes = new Float32Array(i.length),
+ this.unfixedLastAniIndex = t);
+ for (var n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ for (e < this.unfixedCurrentTimes[n] && (this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[n] = 0),
+ this.unfixedCurrentTimes[n] = e; this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[n] < r.keyFrame.length && !(r.keyFrame[this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[n]].startTime > this.unfixedCurrentTimes[n]); )
+ this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[n]++;
+ this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[n]--
+ }
+ return this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getOriginalDataUnfixedRate = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this._anis[t].nodes;
+ t !== this.unfixedLastAniIndex && (this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes = new Uint32Array(a.length),
+ this.unfixedCurrentTimes = new Float32Array(a.length),
+ this.unfixedKeyframes = s(a.length),
+ this.unfixedLastAniIndex = t);
+ for (var r = 0, o = 0, l = a.length, h = 0; o < l; o++) {
+ var c = a[o];
+ for (n < this.unfixedCurrentTimes[o] && (this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[o] = 0),
+ this.unfixedCurrentTimes[o] = n; this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[o] < c.keyFrame.length && !(c.keyFrame[this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[o]].startTime > this.unfixedCurrentTimes[o]); )
+ this.unfixedKeyframes[o] = c.keyFrame[this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[o]],
+ this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[o]++;
+ var _ = this.unfixedKeyframes[o];
+ c.dataOffset = h;
+ var u = n - _.startTime;
+ if (c.lerpType)
+ switch (c.lerpType) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ for (r = 0; r < c.keyframeWidth; )
+ r += c.interpolationMethod[r](c, r, i, h + r, _.data, u, null, _.duration, _.nextData);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ var d = _.interpolationData
+ , f = d.length
+ , p = 0;
+ for (r = 0; r < f; ) {
+ var m = d[r];
+ switch (m) {
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+ r += e.interpolation[m](c, p, i, h + p, _.data, u, null, _.duration, _.nextData, d, r + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ r += e.interpolation[m](c, p, i, h + p, _.data, u, null, _.duration, _.nextData)
+ }
+ p++
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (r = 0; r < c.keyframeWidth; )
+ r += c.interpolationMethod[r](c, r, i, h + r, _.data, u, null, _.duration, _.nextData);
+ h += c.keyframeWidth
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._LinearInterpolation_0 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ var c = 0 === o ? 0 : r / o;
+ return i[n] = (1 - c) * a[e] + c * l[e],
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e._QuaternionInterpolation_1 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ var c = 0 === o ? 0 : r / o;
+ return p.slerpQuaternionArray(a, e, l, e, c, i, n),
+ 4
+ }
+ ,
+ e._AngleInterpolation_2 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._RadiansInterpolation_3 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._Matrix4x4Interpolation_4 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ for (var c = 0; c < 16; c++,
+ e++)
+ i[n + c] = a[e] + r * s[e];
+ return 16
+ }
+ ,
+ e._NoInterpolation_5 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ return i[n] = a[e],
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e._BezierInterpolation_6 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c) {
+ return void 0 === c && (c = 0),
+ i[n] = a[e] + (l[e] - a[e]) * Q.getBezierRate(r / o, h[c], h[c + 1], h[c + 2], h[c + 3]),
+ 5
+ }
+ ,
+ e._BezierInterpolation_7 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c) {
+ return void 0 === c && (c = 0),
+ i[n] = h[c + 4] + h[c + 5] * Q.getBezierRate((.001 * r + h[c + 6]) / h[c + 7], h[c], h[c + 1], h[c + 2], h[c + 3]),
+ 9
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.interpolation = [e._LinearInterpolation_0, e._QuaternionInterpolation_1, e._AngleInterpolation_2, e._RadiansInterpolation_3, e._Matrix4x4Interpolation_4, e._NoInterpolation_5, e._BezierInterpolation_6, e._BezierInterpolation_7],
+ e
+ }()
+ , nt = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.isCached = !1,
+ this.canvas = null,
+ this.tex = null,
+ this.rec = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.bone.canvasmesh.CacheAbleSkinMesh", et);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.getCanvasPic = function() {
+ var t = new u("2D")
+ , i = t.getContext("2d");
+ this.rec = this.mesh.getBounds(),
+ t.size(this.rec.width, this.rec.height);
+ var n;
+ return n = this.transform,
+ this.transform = e.tempMt,
+ this.transform.identity(),
+ this.transform.translate(-this.rec.x, -this.rec.y),
+ this.renderToContext(i),
+ this.transform.translate(+this.rec.x, +this.rec.y),
+ this.transform = n,
+ new I(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.render = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.mesh.texture && (this.isCached || (this.isCached = !0,
+ this.tex = this.getCanvasPic()),
+ this.transform ? (this.transform.translate(e, i),
+ this._renderTextureToContext(t),
+ this.transform.translate(-e, -i)) : (this.transform = et._tempMatrix,
+ this.transform.identity(),
+ this.transform.translate(e, i),
+ this._renderTextureToContext(t),
+ this.transform.translate(-e, -i),
+ this.transform = null))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderTextureToContext = function(t) {
+ this.context = t.ctx || t,
+ t.save();
+ var e;
+ if (e = this.tex,
+ this.transform) {
+ var i = this.transform;
+ t.transform(i.a, i.b, i.c, i.d, i.tx, i.ty)
+ }
+ this.rec = this.mesh.getBounds(),
+ t.translate(this.rec.x, this.rec.y),
+ t.drawTexture(e, 0, 0, e.width, e.height, 0, 0),
+ t.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["tempMt", function() {
+ return this.tempMt = new m
+ }
+ ])
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.cacheOK = !1,
+ this.cacheCmdOK = !1,
+ this.transformCmds = [],
+ this.drawCmds = [],
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.tempMesh = new B
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.bone.canvasmesh.SimpleSkinMeshCanvas", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.init2 = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ t.prototype.init2.call(this, e, i, n, a, r),
+ this.cacheOK = !1,
+ this.cacheCmdOK = !1,
+ this.transformCmds.length = 6,
+ this.drawCmds.length = 9
+ }
+ ,
+ i.renderToContext = function(t) {
+ if (this.context = t.ctx || t,
+ this.mesh) {
+ if (this.mesh.uvs.length <= 8)
+ return void (0 == this.mode ? this._renderWithIndexes(this.mesh) : this._renderNoIndexes(this.mesh));
+ this.cacheOK || (this.tempMesh.texture = this.mesh.texture,
+ this.tempMesh.uvs = this.mesh.texture.uv,
+ this.tempMesh.vertices = H.solveMesh(this.mesh, this.tempMesh.vertices),
+ this.cacheOK = !0),
+ 0 == this.mode ? this._renderWithIndexes(this.tempMesh) : this._renderNoIndexes(this.tempMesh)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderWithIndexes = function(t) {
+ if (this.cacheCmdOK)
+ this.renderByCache(t);
+ else {
+ var e = t.indexes
+ , i = 0
+ , n = e.length;
+ for (n > 1 && (n = 1),
+ i = 0; i < n; i += 3) {
+ var a = 2 * e[i]
+ , r = 2 * e[i + 1]
+ , s = 2 * e[i + 2];
+ this._renderDrawTriangle(t, a, r, s)
+ }
+ this.cacheCmdOK = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderDrawTriangle = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this.context
+ , r = t.uvs
+ , s = t.vertices
+ , o = t.texture
+ , l = o.bitmap
+ , h = l.source
+ , c = o.width
+ , _ = o.height
+ , u = l.width
+ , d = l.height
+ , f = NaN
+ , p = NaN
+ , m = NaN
+ , g = NaN
+ , y = NaN
+ , v = NaN;
+ if (t.useUvTransform) {
+ var b = t.uvTransform;
+ f = (r[e] * b.a + r[e + 1] * b.c + b.tx) * u,
+ p = (r[i] * b.a + r[i + 1] * b.c + b.tx) * u,
+ m = (r[n] * b.a + r[n + 1] * b.c + b.tx) * u,
+ g = (r[e] * b.b + r[e + 1] * b.d + b.ty) * d,
+ y = (r[i] * b.b + r[i + 1] * b.d + b.ty) * d,
+ v = (r[n] * b.b + r[n + 1] * b.d + b.ty) * d
+ } else
+ f = r[e] * u,
+ p = r[i] * u,
+ m = r[n] * u,
+ g = r[e + 1] * d,
+ y = r[i + 1] * d,
+ v = r[n + 1] * d;
+ var w = s[e]
+ , x = s[i]
+ , I = s[n]
+ , C = s[e + 1]
+ , S = s[i + 1]
+ , M = s[n + 1]
+ , L = 1 / (f * y + g * m + p * v - y * m - g * p - f * v)
+ , T = w * y + g * I + x * v - y * I - g * x - w * v
+ , E = f * x + w * m + p * I - x * m - w * p - f * I
+ , D = f * y * I + g * x * m + w * p * v - w * y * m - g * p * I - f * x * v
+ , N = C * y + g * M + S * v - y * M - g * S - C * v
+ , A = f * S + C * m + p * M - S * m - C * p - f * M
+ , B = f * y * M + g * S * m + C * p * v - C * y * m - g * p * M - f * S * v;
+ if (this.transformCmds[0] = T * L,
+ this.transformCmds[1] = N * L,
+ this.transformCmds[2] = E * L,
+ this.transformCmds[3] = A * L,
+ this.transformCmds[4] = D * L,
+ this.transformCmds[5] = B * L,
+ this.drawCmds[0] = h,
+ this.drawCmds[1] = o.uv[0] * u,
+ this.drawCmds[2] = o.uv[1] * d,
+ this.drawCmds[3] = c,
+ this.drawCmds[4] = _,
+ this.drawCmds[5] = o.uv[0] * u,
+ this.drawCmds[6] = o.uv[1] * d,
+ this.drawCmds[7] = c,
+ this.drawCmds[8] = _,
+ a.save(),
+ this.transform) {
+ var k = this.transform;
+ a.transform(k.a, k.b, k.c, k.d, k.tx, k.ty)
+ }
+ a.transform.apply(a, this.transformCmds),
+ a.drawImage.apply(a, this.drawCmds),
+ a.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.renderByCache = function(t) {
+ var e = this.context;
+ if (e.save(),
+ this.transform) {
+ var i = this.transform;
+ e.transform(i.a, i.b, i.c, i.d, i.tx, i.ty)
+ }
+ e.transform.apply(e, this.transformCmds),
+ e.drawImage.apply(e, this.drawCmds),
+ e.restore()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(et))
+ , at = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._templet = null,
+ this._player = null,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._boneMatrixArray = [],
+ this._lastTime = 0,
+ this._currAniName = null,
+ this._currAniIndex = -1,
+ this._pause = !0,
+ this._aniClipIndex = -1,
+ this._clipIndex = -1,
+ this._skinIndex = 0,
+ this._skinName = "default",
+ this._aniMode = 0,
+ this._graphicsCache = null,
+ this._boneSlotDic = null,
+ this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic = null,
+ this._boneSlotArray = null,
+ this._index = -1,
+ this._total = -1,
+ this._indexControl = !1,
+ this._aniPath = null,
+ this._texturePath = null,
+ this._complete = null,
+ this._loadAniMode = 0,
+ this._yReverseMatrix = null,
+ this._ikArr = null,
+ this._tfArr = null,
+ this._pathDic = null,
+ this._rootBone = null,
+ this._boneList = null,
+ this._aniSectionDic = null,
+ this._eventIndex = 0,
+ this._drawOrderIndex = 0,
+ this._drawOrder = null,
+ this._lastAniClipIndex = -1,
+ this._lastUpdateAniClipIndex = -1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ t && this.init(t, i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.bone.Skeleton", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.init = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ if (1 == e)
+ for (this._graphicsCache = [],
+ i = 0,
+ n = t.getAnimationCount(); i < n; i++)
+ this._graphicsCache.push([]);
+ if (this._yReverseMatrix = t.yReverseMatrix,
+ this._aniMode = e,
+ this._templet = t,
+ this._player = new $,
+ this._player.cacheFrameRate = t.rate,
+ this._player.templet = t,
+ this._player.play(),
+ this._parseSrcBoneMatrix(),
+ this._boneList = t.mBoneArr,
+ this._rootBone = t.mRootBone,
+ this._aniSectionDic = t.aniSectionDic,
+ t.ikArr.length > 0)
+ for (this._ikArr = [],
+ i = 0,
+ n = t.ikArr.length; i < n; i++)
+ this._ikArr.push(new V(t.ikArr[i],this._boneList));
+ if (t.pathArr.length > 0) {
+ var a, r;
+ null == this._pathDic && (this._pathDic = {});
+ var s;
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = t.pathArr.length; i < n; i++)
+ a = t.pathArr[i],
+ r = new G(a,this._boneList),
+ (s = this._boneSlotDic[a.name]) && ((r = new G(a,this._boneList)).target = s),
+ this._pathDic[a.name] = r
+ }
+ if (t.tfArr.length > 0)
+ for (this._tfArr = [],
+ i = 0,
+ n = t.tfArr.length; i < n; i++)
+ this._tfArr.push(new q(t.tfArr[i],this._boneList));
+ if (t.skinDataArray.length > 0) {
+ var o = this._templet.skinDataArray[this._skinIndex];
+ this._skinName = o.name
+ }
+ this._player.on("played", this, this._onPlay),
+ this._player.on("stopped", this, this._onStop),
+ this._player.on("paused", this, this._onPause)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.load = function(t, e, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this._aniPath = t,
+ this._complete = e,
+ this._loadAniMode = n,
+ i.loader.load([{
+ url: t,
+ type: "arraybuffer"
+ }], d.create(this, this._onLoaded))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onLoaded = function() {
+ var t = f.getRes(this._aniPath);
+ if (null != t) {
+ var e;
+ (e = rt.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._aniPath]) ? e.isParseFail ? this._parseFail() : e.isParserComplete ? this._parseComplete() : (e.on("complete", this, this._parseComplete),
+ e.on("error", this, this._parseFail)) : ((e = new rt)._setUrl(this._aniPath),
+ rt.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._aniPath] = e,
+ e.on("complete", this, this._parseComplete),
+ e.on("error", this, this._parseFail),
+ e.isParserComplete = !1,
+ e.parseData(null, t))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseComplete = function() {
+ var t = rt.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._aniPath];
+ t && (this.init(t, this._loadAniMode),
+ this.play(0, !0)),
+ this._complete && this._complete.runWith(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseFail = function() {
+ console.log("[Error]:" + this._aniPath + "解析失败")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onPlay = function() {
+ this.event("played")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onStop = function() {
+ var t, e = this._templet.eventAniArr[this._aniClipIndex];
+ if (e && this._eventIndex < e.length)
+ for (; this._eventIndex < e.length; this._eventIndex++)
+ (t = e[this._eventIndex]).time >= this._player.playStart && t.time <= this._player.playEnd && this.event("label", t);
+ this._eventIndex = 0,
+ this._drawOrder = null,
+ this.event("stopped")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onPause = function() {
+ this.event("paused")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseSrcBoneMatrix = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (e = this._templet.srcBoneMatrixArr.length,
+ t = 0; t < e; t++)
+ this._boneMatrixArray.push(new m);
+ if (0 == this._aniMode)
+ this._boneSlotDic = this._templet.boneSlotDic,
+ this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic = this._templet.bindBoneBoneSlotDic,
+ this._boneSlotArray = this._templet.boneSlotArray;
+ else {
+ null == this._boneSlotDic && (this._boneSlotDic = {}),
+ null == this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic && (this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic = {}),
+ null == this._boneSlotArray && (this._boneSlotArray = []);
+ var i, n, a = this._templet.boneSlotArray;
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = a.length; t < e; t++)
+ i = a[t],
+ null == (n = this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic[i.parent]) && (this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic[i.parent] = n = []),
+ this._boneSlotDic[i.name] = i = i.copy(),
+ n.push(i),
+ this._boneSlotArray.push(i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._emitMissedEvents = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0);
+ var n = this._templet.eventAniArr[this._player.currentAnimationClipIndex];
+ if (n) {
+ var a, r = 0, s = 0;
+ for (s = n.length,
+ r = i; r < s; r++)
+ (a = n[r]).time >= this._player.playStart && a.time <= this._player.playEnd && this.event("label", a)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ !(this._pause || t && this._indexControl)) {
+ var e = this.timer.currTimer
+ , i = this._player.currentKeyframeIndex
+ , n = e - this._lastTime;
+ if (t ? this._player._update(n) : i = -1,
+ this._lastTime = e,
+ this._player && (this._index = this._clipIndex = this._player.currentKeyframeIndex,
+ !(this._index < 0 || n > 0 && this._clipIndex == i && this._lastUpdateAniClipIndex == this._aniClipIndex))) {
+ this._lastUpdateAniClipIndex = this._aniClipIndex,
+ i > this._clipIndex && 0 != this._eventIndex && (this._emitMissedEvents(this._player.playStart, this._player.playEnd, this._eventIndex),
+ this._eventIndex = 0);
+ var a, r = this._templet.eventAniArr[this._aniClipIndex];
+ r && this._eventIndex < r.length && ((a = r[this._eventIndex]).time >= this._player.playStart && a.time <= this._player.playEnd ? this._player.currentPlayTime >= a.time && (this.event("label", a),
+ this._eventIndex++) : this._eventIndex++);
+ var s;
+ if (0 == this._aniMode) {
+ if (s = this._templet.getGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, this._clipIndex))
+ return void (this.graphics != s && (this.graphics = s));
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ for (l = this._clipIndex; !this._templet.getGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, l - 1) && l > 0; )
+ l--;
+ if (l < this._clipIndex)
+ for (o = l; o < this._clipIndex; o++)
+ this._createGraphics(o)
+ } else if (1 == this._aniMode) {
+ if (s = this._getGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, this._clipIndex))
+ return void (this.graphics != s && (this.graphics = s));
+ for (l = this._clipIndex; !this._getGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, l - 1) && l > 0; )
+ l--;
+ if (l < this._clipIndex)
+ for (o = l; o < this._clipIndex; o++)
+ this._createGraphics(o)
+ }
+ this._createGraphics()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._createGraphics = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = -1),
+ -1 == t && (t = this._clipIndex);
+ var e, i = t * this._player.cacheFrameRateInterval, n = this._templet.drawOrderAniArr[this._aniClipIndex];
+ if (n && n.length > 0)
+ for (this._drawOrderIndex = 0,
+ e = n[this._drawOrderIndex]; i >= e.time && (this._drawOrder = e.drawOrder,
+ this._drawOrderIndex++,
+ !(this._drawOrderIndex >= n.length)); )
+ e = n[this._drawOrderIndex];
+ var a;
+ 0 == this._aniMode || 1 == this._aniMode ? this.graphics = tt.create() : this.graphics instanceof laya.ani.GraphicsAni ? this.graphics.clear() : this.graphics = tt.create(),
+ a = this.graphics;
+ var r = this._templet.getNodes(this._aniClipIndex);
+ this._templet.getOriginalData(this._aniClipIndex, this._curOriginalData, this._player._fullFrames[this._aniClipIndex], t, i);
+ var s, o, l, c, _ = this._aniSectionDic[this._aniClipIndex], u = 0, d = 0, f = 0, p = 0, g = 0, y = this._templet.srcBoneMatrixArr.length;
+ for (d = 0,
+ g = _[0]; d < y; d++)
+ c = this._boneList[d],
+ l = this._templet.srcBoneMatrixArr[d],
+ c.resultTransform.scX = l.scX * this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ c.resultTransform.skX = l.skX + this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ c.resultTransform.skY = l.skY + this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ c.resultTransform.scY = l.scY * this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ c.resultTransform.x = l.x + this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ c.resultTransform.y = l.y + this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ 8 === this._templet.tMatrixDataLen && (c.resultTransform.skewX = l.skewX + this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ c.resultTransform.skewY = l.skewY + this._curOriginalData[u++]);
+ var v, b = {}, w = {};
+ for (g += _[1]; d < g; d++)
+ b[(v = r[d]).name] = this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ w[v.name] = this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++];
+ var x = {}
+ , I = {};
+ for (g += _[2]; d < g; d++)
+ x[(v = r[d]).name] = this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ I[v.name] = this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ this._curOriginalData[u++];
+ if (this._pathDic) {
+ var C;
+ for (g += _[3]; d < g; d++)
+ if (v = r[d],
+ C = this._pathDic[v.name]) {
+ switch (new h(v.extenData).getByte()) {
+ case 1:
+ C.position = this._curOriginalData[u++];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ C.spacing = this._curOriginalData[u++];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ C.rotateMix = this._curOriginalData[u++],
+ C.translateMix = this._curOriginalData[u++]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._yReverseMatrix ? this._rootBone.update(this._yReverseMatrix) : this._rootBone.update(m.TEMP.identity()),
+ this._ikArr) {
+ var S;
+ for (d = 0,
+ g = this._ikArr.length; d < g; d++)
+ S = this._ikArr[d],
+ x.hasOwnProperty(S.name) && (S.bendDirection = x[S.name]),
+ I.hasOwnProperty(S.name) && (S.mix = I[S.name]),
+ S.apply()
+ }
+ if (this._pathDic)
+ for (var M in this._pathDic)
+ (C = this._pathDic[M]).apply(this._boneList, a);
+ if (this._tfArr) {
+ for (d = 0,
+ p = this._tfArr.length; d < p; d++)
+ this._tfArr[d].apply()
+ }
+ for (d = 0,
+ p = this._boneList.length; d < p; d++)
+ if (c = this._boneList[d],
+ o = this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic[c.name],
+ c.resultMatrix.copyTo(this._boneMatrixArray[d]),
+ o)
+ for (f = 0,
+ g = o.length; f < g; f++)
+ (s = o[f]) && s.setParentMatrix(c.resultMatrix);
+ var L, T = {}, E = this._templet.deformAniArr;
+ if (E && E.length > 0) {
+ if (this._lastAniClipIndex != this._aniClipIndex)
+ for (this._lastAniClipIndex = this._aniClipIndex,
+ d = 0,
+ g = this._boneSlotArray.length; d < g; d++)
+ (s = this._boneSlotArray[d]).deformData = null;
+ var D = E[this._aniClipIndex];
+ L = D.default,
+ this._setDeform(L, T, this._boneSlotArray, i);
+ var N;
+ for (N in D)
+ "default" != N && N != this._skinName && (L = D[N],
+ this._setDeform(L, T, this._boneSlotArray, i));
+ L = D[this._skinName],
+ this._setDeform(L, T, this._boneSlotArray, i)
+ }
+ var A, B, k;
+ if (this._drawOrder)
+ for (d = 0,
+ g = this._drawOrder.length; d < g; d++)
+ A = b[(s = this._boneSlotArray[this._drawOrder[d]]).name],
+ B = w[s.name],
+ isNaN(B) || (a.save(),
+ a.alpha(B)),
+ isNaN(A) || -2 == A || (this._templet.attachmentNames ? s.showDisplayByName(this._templet.attachmentNames[A]) : s.showDisplayByIndex(A)),
+ T[this._drawOrder[d]] ? (k = T[this._drawOrder[d]],
+ s.currDisplayData && k[s.currDisplayData.attachmentName] ? s.deformData = k[s.currDisplayData.attachmentName] : s.deformData = null) : s.deformData = null,
+ isNaN(B) ? s.draw(a, this._boneMatrixArray, 2 == this._aniMode) : s.draw(a, this._boneMatrixArray, 2 == this._aniMode, B),
+ isNaN(B) || a.restore();
+ else
+ for (d = 0,
+ g = this._boneSlotArray.length; d < g; d++)
+ A = b[(s = this._boneSlotArray[d]).name],
+ B = w[s.name],
+ isNaN(B) || (a.save(),
+ a.alpha(B)),
+ isNaN(A) || -2 == A || (this._templet.attachmentNames ? s.showDisplayByName(this._templet.attachmentNames[A]) : s.showDisplayByIndex(A)),
+ T[d] ? (k = T[d],
+ s.currDisplayData && k[s.currDisplayData.attachmentName] ? s.deformData = k[s.currDisplayData.attachmentName] : s.deformData = null) : s.deformData = null,
+ isNaN(B) ? s.draw(a, this._boneMatrixArray, 2 == this._aniMode) : s.draw(a, this._boneMatrixArray, 2 == this._aniMode, B),
+ isNaN(B) || a.restore();
+ 0 == this._aniMode ? this._templet.setGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, t, a) : 1 == this._aniMode && this._setGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, t, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setDeform = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (t) {
+ var a, r, s, o = 0, l = 0, h = 0;
+ if (t)
+ for (o = 0,
+ l = t.deformSlotDataList.length; o < l; o++)
+ for (a = t.deformSlotDataList[o],
+ h = 0; h < a.deformSlotDisplayList.length; h++)
+ s = i[(r = a.deformSlotDisplayList[h]).slotIndex],
+ r.apply(n, s),
+ e[r.slotIndex] || (e[r.slotIndex] = {}),
+ e[r.slotIndex][r.attachment] = r.deformData
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAnimNum = function() {
+ return this._templet.getAnimationCount()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAniNameByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._templet.getAniNameByIndex(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getSlotByName = function(t) {
+ return this._boneSlotDic[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showSkinByName = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.showSkinByIndex(this._templet.getSkinIndexByName(t), e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showSkinByIndex = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._boneSlotArray.length; i++)
+ this._boneSlotArray[i].showSlotData(null, e);
+ if (this._templet.showSkinByIndex(this._boneSlotDic, t, e)) {
+ var n = this._templet.skinDataArray[t];
+ this._skinIndex = t,
+ this._skinName = n.name
+ }
+ this._clearCache()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showSlotSkinByIndex = function(t, e) {
+ if (0 != this._aniMode) {
+ var i = this.getSlotByName(t);
+ i && i.showDisplayByIndex(e),
+ this._clearCache()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showSlotSkinByName = function(t, e) {
+ if (0 != this._aniMode) {
+ var i = this.getSlotByName(t);
+ i && i.showDisplayByName(e),
+ this._clearCache()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.replaceSlotSkinName = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (0 != this._aniMode) {
+ var n = this.getSlotByName(t);
+ n && n.replaceDisplayByName(e, i),
+ this._clearCache()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.replaceSlotSkinByIndex = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (0 != this._aniMode) {
+ var n = this.getSlotByName(t);
+ n && n.replaceDisplayByIndex(e, i),
+ this._clearCache()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setSlotSkin = function(t, e) {
+ if (0 != this._aniMode) {
+ var i = this.getSlotByName(t);
+ i && i.replaceSkin(e),
+ this._clearCache()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearCache = function() {
+ if (1 == this._aniMode)
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._graphicsCache.length; t < e; t++) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._graphicsCache[t].length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this._graphicsCache[t][i];
+ a != this.graphics && tt.recycle(a)
+ }
+ this._graphicsCache[t].length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !0),
+ this._indexControl = !1;
+ var s = -1
+ , o = NaN;
+ if (o = e ? 2147483647 : 0,
+ "string" == typeof t)
+ for (var h = 0, c = this._templet.getAnimationCount(); h < c; h++) {
+ var _ = this._templet.getAnimation(h);
+ if (_ && t == _.name) {
+ s = h;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ s = t;
+ s > -1 && s < this.getAnimNum() && (this._aniClipIndex = s,
+ (i || this._pause || this._currAniIndex != s) && (this._currAniIndex = s,
+ this._curOriginalData = new Float32Array(this._templet.getTotalkeyframesLength(s)),
+ this._drawOrder = null,
+ this._eventIndex = 0,
+ this._player.play(s, this._player.playbackRate, o, n, a),
+ r && this._templet.showSkinByIndex(this._boneSlotDic, this._skinIndex),
+ this._pause && (this._pause = !1,
+ this._lastTime = l.now(),
+ this.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update, null, !0)),
+ this._update()))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function() {
+ this._pause || (this._pause = !0,
+ this._player && this._player.stop(!0),
+ this.timer.clear(this, this._update))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.playbackRate = function(t) {
+ this._player && (this._player.playbackRate = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.paused = function() {
+ this._pause || (this._pause = !0,
+ this._player && (this._player.paused = !0),
+ this.timer.clear(this, this._update))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resume = function() {
+ this._indexControl = !1,
+ this._pause && (this._pause = !1,
+ this._player && (this._player.paused = !1),
+ this._lastTime = l.now(),
+ this.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update, null, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getGrahicsDataWithCache = function(t, e) {
+ return this._graphicsCache[t][e]
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setGrahicsDataWithCache = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._graphicsCache[t][e] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._templet = null,
+ this._player && this._player.offAll(),
+ this._player = null,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._boneMatrixArray.length = 0,
+ this._lastTime = 0,
+ this.timer.clear(this, this._update)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "url", function() {
+ return this._aniPath
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.load(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "index", function() {
+ return this._index
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.player && (this._index = t,
+ this._player.currentTime = 1e3 * this._index / this._player.cacheFrameRate,
+ this._indexControl = !0,
+ this._update(!1))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "total", function() {
+ return this._templet && this._player ? this._total = Math.floor(this._templet.getAniDuration(this._player.currentAnimationClipIndex) / 1e3 * this._player.cacheFrameRate) : this._total = -1,
+ this._total
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "templet", function() {
+ return this._templet
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "player", function() {
+ return this._player
+ }),
+ e.useSimpleMeshInCanvas = !1,
+ e
+ }(w)
+ , rt = (function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._start = 0,
+ this._Pos = 0,
+ this._data = null,
+ this._curIndex = 0,
+ this._preIndex = 0,
+ this._playIndex = 0,
+ this._playing = !1,
+ this._ended = !0,
+ this._count = 0,
+ this._ids = null,
+ this._loadedImage = {},
+ this._idOfSprite = null,
+ this._parentMovieClip = null,
+ this._movieClipList = null,
+ this._labels = null,
+ this.basePath = null,
+ this._atlasPath = null,
+ this._url = null,
+ this._isRoot = !1,
+ this._completeHandler = null,
+ this._endFrame = -1,
+ this.interval = 30,
+ this.loop = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._ids = {},
+ this._idOfSprite = [],
+ this._reset(),
+ this._playing = !1,
+ this._parentMovieClip = t,
+ t ? (this._isRoot = !1,
+ this._movieClipList = t._movieClipList,
+ this._movieClipList.push(this)) : (this._movieClipList = [this],
+ this._isRoot = !0,
+ this._setUpNoticeType(1))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.swf.MovieClip", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this._clear(),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setDisplay = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._setDisplay.call(this, e),
+ this._isRoot && this._$3__onDisplay(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._$3__onDisplay = function(t) {
+ t ? this.timer.loop(this.interval, this, this.updates, null, !0) : this.timer.clear(this, this.updates)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.updates = function() {
+ if (!this._parentMovieClip) {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (e = this._movieClipList.length,
+ t = 0; t < e; t++)
+ this._movieClipList[t] && this._movieClipList[t]._update()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addLabel = function(t, e) {
+ this._labels || (this._labels = {}),
+ this._labels[e] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeLabel = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ if (!this._labels)
+ for (var e in this._labels)
+ if (this._labels[e] === t) {
+ delete this._labels[e];
+ break
+ }
+ } else
+ this._labels = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function() {
+ if (this._data && this._playing) {
+ if (this._playIndex++,
+ this._playIndex >= this._count) {
+ if (!this.loop)
+ return this._playIndex--,
+ void this.stop();
+ this._playIndex = 0
+ }
+ if (this._parse(this._playIndex),
+ this._labels && this._labels[this._playIndex] && this.event("label", this._labels[this._playIndex]),
+ -1 != this._endFrame && this._endFrame == this._playIndex) {
+ if (this._endFrame = -1,
+ null != this._completeHandler) {
+ var t = this._completeHandler;
+ this._completeHandler = null,
+ t.run()
+ }
+ this.stop()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function() {
+ this._playing = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.gotoAndStop = function(t) {
+ this.index = t,
+ this.stop()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clear = function() {
+ if (this.stop(),
+ this._idOfSprite.length = 0,
+ !this._parentMovieClip) {
+ this.timer.clear(this, this.updates);
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (e = this._movieClipList.length,
+ t = 0; t < e; t++)
+ this._movieClipList[t] != this && this._movieClipList[t]._clear();
+ this._movieClipList.length = 0
+ }
+ this._atlasPath && f.clearRes(this._atlasPath);
+ var i;
+ for (i in this._loadedImage)
+ this._loadedImage[i] && (f.clearRes(i),
+ this._loadedImage[i] = !1);
+ this.removeChildren(),
+ this.graphics = null,
+ this._parentMovieClip = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.loop = e,
+ this._playing = !0,
+ this._data && this._displayFrame(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._displayFrame = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = -1),
+ -1 != t && (this._curIndex > t && this._reset(),
+ this._parse(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._reset = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ t && 1 != this._curIndex && this.removeChildren(),
+ this._preIndex = this._curIndex = -1,
+ this._Pos = this._start
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parse = function(t) {
+ var i, n, a, r = 0, s = 0, o = 0, l = !1, h = this._idOfSprite, c = this._data;
+ for (this._ended && this._reset(),
+ c.pos = this._Pos,
+ this._ended = !1,
+ this._playIndex = t,
+ this._curIndex > t && t < this._preIndex && (this._reset(!0),
+ c.pos = this._Pos); this._curIndex <= t && !this._ended; )
+ switch (c.getUint16()) {
+ case 12:
+ if (r = c.getUint16(),
+ s = this._ids[c.getUint16()],
+ this._Pos = c.pos,
+ c.pos = s,
+ 0 == (o = c.getUint8())) {
+ var _ = c.getUint16();
+ if (!(n = h[r])) {
+ n = h[r] = new w;
+ var u = new w;
+ u.loadImage(this.basePath + _ + ".png"),
+ this._loadedImage[this.basePath + _ + ".png"] = !0,
+ n.addChild(u),
+ u.size(c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32());
+ var d = c._getMatrix();
+ u.transform = d
+ }
+ n.alpha = 1
+ } else
+ 1 == o && ((i = h[r]) || (h[r] = i = new e(this),
+ i.interval = this.interval,
+ i._ids = this._ids,
+ i.basePath = this.basePath,
+ i._setData(c, s),
+ i._initState(),
+ i.play(0)),
+ i.alpha = 1);
+ c.pos = this._Pos;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ var f = h[c.getUint16()];
+ f && (this.addChild(f),
+ f.zOrder = c.getUint16(),
+ l = !0);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ (f = h[c.getUint16()]) && f.removeSelf();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ h[c.getUint16()][e._ValueList[c.getUint16()]] = c.getFloat32();
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ h[c.getUint16()].visible = c.getUint8() > 0;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ var p = (n = h[c.getUint16()]).transform || m.create();
+ p.setTo(c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32()),
+ n.transform = p;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ h[c.getUint16()].setPos(c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32());
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ h[c.getUint16()].setSize(c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32());
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ h[c.getUint16()].alpha = c.getFloat32();
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ h[c.getUint16()].setScale(c.getFloat32(), c.getFloat32());
+ break;
+ case 98:
+ a = c.getString(),
+ this.event(a),
+ "stop" == a && this.stop();
+ break;
+ case 99:
+ this._curIndex = c.getUint16(),
+ l && this.updateZOrder();
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ this._count = this._curIndex + 1,
+ this._ended = !0,
+ this._playing && (this.event("enterframe"),
+ this.event("end"),
+ this.event("complete")),
+ this._reset(!1)
+ }
+ this._playing && !this._ended && this.event("enterframe"),
+ this._Pos = c.pos
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setData = function(t, e) {
+ this._data = t,
+ this._start = e + 3
+ }
+ ,
+ n.load = function(t, e, n) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ this._url = t = C.formatURL(t),
+ e && (this._atlasPath = n || t.split(".swf")[0] + ".json"),
+ this.stop(),
+ this._clear(),
+ this._movieClipList = [this];
+ var a;
+ a = [{
+ url: t,
+ type: "arraybuffer"
+ }],
+ this._atlasPath && a.push({
+ url: this._atlasPath,
+ type: "atlas"
+ }),
+ i.loader.load(a, d.create(this, this._onLoaded))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onLoaded = function() {
+ var t;
+ (t = f.getRes(this._url)) ? (this.basePath = this._atlasPath ? f.getAtlas(this._atlasPath).dir : this._url.split(".swf")[0] + "/image/",
+ this._initData(t)) : this.event("error", "file not find")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._initState = function() {
+ this._reset(),
+ this._ended = !1;
+ var t = this._playing;
+ for (this._playing = !1,
+ this._curIndex = 0; !this._ended; )
+ this._parse(++this._curIndex);
+ this._playing = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._initData = function(t) {
+ this._data = new h(t);
+ var e = 0
+ , i = this._data.getUint16();
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ this._ids[this._data.getInt16()] = this._data.getInt32();
+ this.interval = 1e3 / this._data.getUint16(),
+ this._setData(this._data, this._ids[32767]),
+ this._initState(),
+ this.play(0),
+ this.event("loaded"),
+ this._parentMovieClip || this.timer.loop(this.interval, this, this.updates, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.playTo = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._completeHandler = i,
+ this._endFrame = e,
+ this.play(t, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "index", function() {
+ return this._playIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._playIndex = t,
+ this._data && this._displayFrame(this._playIndex),
+ this._labels && this._labels[t] && this.event("label", this._labels[t])
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "count", function() {
+ return this._count
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "playing", function() {
+ return this._playing
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "url", null, function(t) {
+ this.load(t)
+ }),
+ e._ValueList = ["x", "y", "width", "height", "scaleX", "scaleY", "rotation", "alpha"]
+ }(w),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._mainTexture = null,
+ this._textureJson = null,
+ this._graphicsCache = [],
+ this.srcBoneMatrixArr = [],
+ this.ikArr = [],
+ this.tfArr = [],
+ this.pathArr = [],
+ this.boneSlotDic = {},
+ this.bindBoneBoneSlotDic = {},
+ this.boneSlotArray = [],
+ this.skinDataArray = [],
+ this.skinDic = {},
+ this.subTextureDic = {},
+ this.isParseFail = !1,
+ this.yReverseMatrix = null,
+ this.drawOrderAniArr = [],
+ this.eventAniArr = [],
+ this.attachmentNames = null,
+ this.deformAniArr = [],
+ this._isDestroyed = !1,
+ this._rate = 30,
+ this.isParserComplete = !1,
+ this.aniSectionDic = {},
+ this._skBufferUrl = null,
+ this._textureDic = {},
+ this._loadList = null,
+ this._path = null,
+ this.tMatrixDataLen = 0,
+ this.mRootBone = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr = [],
+ this.mBoneArr = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ani.bone.Templet", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.loadAni = function(t) {
+ this._skBufferUrl = t,
+ i.loader.load(t, d.create(this, this.onComplete), null, "arraybuffer")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onComplete = function(t) {
+ if (this._isDestroyed)
+ this.destroy();
+ else {
+ var e = f.getRes(this._skBufferUrl);
+ e ? (this._path = this._skBufferUrl.slice(0, this._skBufferUrl.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/",
+ this.parseData(null, e)) : this.event("error", "load failed:" + this._skBufferUrl)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.parseData = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 30),
+ !this._path && this.url && (this._path = this.url.slice(0, this.url.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/"),
+ this._mainTexture = t,
+ this._mainTexture && y.isWebGL && t.bitmap && (t.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas = !1),
+ this._rate = i,
+ this.parse(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.buildArmature = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ new at(this,t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.parse = function(i) {
+ t.prototype.parse.call(this, i),
+ this._endLoaded(),
+ this._aniVersion != e.LAYA_ANIMATION_VISION && (console.log("[Error] 版本不一致,请使用IDE版本配套的重新导出" + this._aniVersion + "->" + e.LAYA_ANIMATION_VISION),
+ this._loaded = !1),
+ this.loaded ? this._mainTexture ? this._parsePublicExtData() : this._parseTexturePath() : (this.event("error", this),
+ this.isParseFail = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseTexturePath = function() {
+ if (this._isDestroyed)
+ this.destroy();
+ else {
+ var t = 0;
+ this._loadList = [];
+ var e, n = new h(this.getPublicExtData()), a = 0, r = 0, s = 0, o = n.getInt32(), l = n.readUTFString(), c = l.split("\n");
+ for (t = 0; t < o; t++)
+ e = this._path + c[2 * t],
+ l = c[2 * t + 1],
+ n.getFloat32(),
+ n.getFloat32(),
+ a = n.getFloat32(),
+ r = n.getFloat32(),
+ s = n.getFloat32(),
+ isNaN(s) ? 0 : s,
+ s = n.getFloat32(),
+ isNaN(s) ? 0 : s,
+ s = n.getFloat32(),
+ isNaN(s) ? a : s,
+ s = n.getFloat32(),
+ isNaN(s) ? r : s,
+ -1 == this._loadList.indexOf(e) && this._loadList.push(e);
+ i.loader.load(this._loadList, d.create(this, this._textureComplete))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._textureComplete = function() {
+ for (var t, e, i = 0, n = this._loadList.length; i < n; i++)
+ e = this._loadList[i],
+ t = this._textureDic[e] = f.getRes(e),
+ y.isWebGL && t && t.bitmap && (t.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas = !1);
+ this._parsePublicExtData()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parsePublicExtData = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (t = 0,
+ a = this.getAnimationCount(); t < a; t++)
+ this._graphicsCache.push([]);
+ var r = !1;
+ r = "Dragon" != this._aniClassName;
+ var s, o, l = new h(this.getPublicExtData()), c = 0, _ = 0, u = 0, d = 0, f = 0, p = 0, g = 0, y = 0, v = 0, b = l.getInt32(), w = l.readUTFString(), x = w.split("\n");
+ for (t = 0; t < b; t++) {
+ if (s = this._mainTexture,
+ o = this._path + x[2 * t],
+ w = x[2 * t + 1],
+ null == this._mainTexture && (s = this._textureDic[o]),
+ !s)
+ return this.event("error", this),
+ void (this.isParseFail = !0);
+ c = l.getFloat32(),
+ _ = l.getFloat32(),
+ u = l.getFloat32(),
+ d = l.getFloat32(),
+ v = l.getFloat32(),
+ f = isNaN(v) ? 0 : v,
+ v = l.getFloat32(),
+ p = isNaN(v) ? 0 : v,
+ v = l.getFloat32(),
+ g = isNaN(v) ? u : v,
+ v = l.getFloat32(),
+ y = isNaN(v) ? d : v,
+ this.subTextureDic[w] = I.create(s, c, _, u, d, -f, -p, g, y)
+ }
+ this._mainTexture = s;
+ var C, S = l.getUint16();
+ for (t = 0; t < S; t++)
+ (C = []).push(l.getUint16()),
+ C.push(l.getUint16()),
+ C.push(l.getUint16()),
+ C.push(l.getUint16()),
+ this.aniSectionDic[t] = C;
+ var M, L, T, E, A, B = l.getInt16(), V = {};
+ for (t = 0; t < B; t++)
+ M = new D,
+ 0 == t ? A = M : M.root = A,
+ M.d = r ? -1 : 1,
+ T = l.readUTFString(),
+ E = l.readUTFString(),
+ M.length = l.getFloat32(),
+ 1 == l.getByte() && (M.inheritRotation = !1),
+ 1 == l.getByte() && (M.inheritScale = !1),
+ M.name = T,
+ E && ((L = V[E]) ? L.addChild(M) : this.mRootBone = M),
+ V[T] = M,
+ this.mBoneArr.push(M);
+ this.tMatrixDataLen = l.getUint16();
+ var H, G = l.getUint16(), q = Math.floor(G / this.tMatrixDataLen), K = this.srcBoneMatrixArr;
+ for (t = 0; t < q; t++)
+ (H = new J).scX = l.getFloat32(),
+ H.skX = l.getFloat32(),
+ H.skY = l.getFloat32(),
+ H.scY = l.getFloat32(),
+ H.x = l.getFloat32(),
+ H.y = l.getFloat32(),
+ 8 === this.tMatrixDataLen && (H.skewX = l.getFloat32(),
+ H.skewY = l.getFloat32()),
+ K.push(H),
+ (M = this.mBoneArr[t]).transform = H;
+ var Z, Q = l.getUint16(), $ = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < Q; t++) {
+ for (Z = new F,
+ $ = l.getUint16(),
+ e = 0; e < $; e++)
+ Z.boneNames.push(l.readUTFString()),
+ Z.boneIndexs.push(l.getInt16());
+ Z.name = l.readUTFString(),
+ Z.targetBoneName = l.readUTFString(),
+ Z.targetBoneIndex = l.getInt16(),
+ Z.bendDirection = l.getFloat32(),
+ Z.mix = l.getFloat32(),
+ Z.isSpine = r,
+ this.ikArr.push(Z)
+ }
+ var tt, et = l.getUint16(), it = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < et; t++) {
+ for (tt = new Y,
+ it = l.getUint16(),
+ e = 0; e < it; e++)
+ tt.boneIndexs.push(l.getInt16());
+ tt.name = l.getUTFString(),
+ tt.targetIndex = l.getInt16(),
+ tt.rotateMix = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.translateMix = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.scaleMix = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.shearMix = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.offsetRotation = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.offsetX = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.offsetY = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.offsetScaleX = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.offsetScaleY = l.getFloat32(),
+ tt.offsetShearY = l.getFloat32(),
+ this.tfArr.push(tt)
+ }
+ var nt, at = l.getUint16(), rt = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < at; t++) {
+ for ((nt = new z).name = l.readUTFString(),
+ rt = l.getUint16(),
+ e = 0; e < rt; e++)
+ nt.bones.push(l.getInt16());
+ nt.target = l.readUTFString(),
+ nt.positionMode = l.readUTFString(),
+ nt.spacingMode = l.readUTFString(),
+ nt.rotateMode = l.readUTFString(),
+ nt.offsetRotation = l.getFloat32(),
+ nt.position = l.getFloat32(),
+ nt.spacing = l.getFloat32(),
+ nt.rotateMix = l.getFloat32(),
+ nt.translateMix = l.getFloat32(),
+ this.pathArr.push(nt)
+ }
+ var st, ot, lt, ht, ct = 0, _t = 0, ut = 0, dt = NaN, ft = 0, pt = l.getInt16();
+ for (t = 0; t < pt; t++) {
+ var mt = l.getUint8()
+ , gt = {};
+ this.deformAniArr.push(gt);
+ for (var yt = 0; yt < mt; yt++)
+ for ((st = new k).skinName = l.getUTFString(),
+ gt[st.skinName] = st,
+ ct = l.getInt16(),
+ e = 0; e < ct; e++)
+ for (ot = new R,
+ st.deformSlotDataList.push(ot),
+ _t = l.getInt16(),
+ i = 0; i < _t; i++)
+ for (lt = new P,
+ ot.deformSlotDisplayList.push(lt),
+ lt.slotIndex = l.getInt16(),
+ lt.attachment = l.getUTFString(),
+ ut = l.getInt16(),
+ n = 0; n < ut; n++)
+ for (1 == l.getByte() ? lt.tweenKeyList.push(!0) : lt.tweenKeyList.push(!1),
+ dt = l.getFloat32(),
+ lt.timeList.push(dt),
+ ht = [],
+ lt.vectices.push(ht),
+ ft = l.getInt16(),
+ a = 0; a < ft; a++)
+ ht.push(l.getFloat32())
+ }
+ var vt, bt, wt = l.getInt16(), xt = 0, It = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < wt; t++) {
+ for (xt = l.getInt16(),
+ vt = [],
+ e = 0; e < xt; e++) {
+ for ((bt = new O).time = l.getFloat32(),
+ It = l.getInt16(),
+ i = 0; i < It; i++)
+ bt.drawOrder.push(l.getInt16());
+ vt.push(bt)
+ }
+ this.drawOrderAniArr.push(vt)
+ }
+ var Ct, St, Mt = l.getInt16(), Lt = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < Mt; t++) {
+ for (Lt = l.getInt16(),
+ Ct = [],
+ e = 0; e < Lt; e++)
+ (St = new U).name = l.getUTFString(),
+ St.intValue = l.getInt32(),
+ St.floatValue = l.getFloat32(),
+ St.stringValue = l.getUTFString(),
+ St.time = l.getFloat32(),
+ Ct.push(St);
+ this.eventAniArr.push(Ct)
+ }
+ var Tt = l.getInt16();
+ if (Tt > 0)
+ for (this.attachmentNames = [],
+ t = 0; t < Tt; t++)
+ this.attachmentNames.push(l.getUTFString());
+ var Et, Dt, Nt = l.getInt16();
+ for (t = 0; t < Nt; t++)
+ (Et = new N).name = l.readUTFString(),
+ Et.parent = l.readUTFString(),
+ Et.attachmentName = l.readUTFString(),
+ Et.srcDisplayIndex = Et.displayIndex = l.getInt16(),
+ Et.templet = this,
+ this.boneSlotDic[Et.name] = Et,
+ null == (Dt = this.bindBoneBoneSlotDic[Et.parent]) && (this.bindBoneBoneSlotDic[Et.parent] = Dt = []),
+ Dt.push(Et),
+ this.boneSlotArray.push(Et);
+ var At, Bt, kt, Rt = l.readUTFString().split("\n"), Pt = 0, Ot = l.getUint8(), Ut = 0, Vt = 0, Ft = 0, Ht = 0, Gt = 0, zt = 0, jt = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < Ot; t++) {
+ for ((At = new j).name = Rt[Pt++],
+ Ut = l.getUint8(),
+ e = 0; e < Ut; e++) {
+ for ((Bt = new X).name = Rt[Pt++],
+ Et = this.boneSlotDic[Bt.name],
+ Vt = l.getUint8(),
+ i = 0; i < Vt; i++) {
+ if (kt = new W,
+ this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr.push(kt),
+ kt.name = Rt[Pt++],
+ kt.attachmentName = Rt[Pt++],
+ kt.transform = new J,
+ kt.transform.scX = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.transform.skX = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.transform.skY = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.transform.scY = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.transform.x = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.transform.y = l.getFloat32(),
+ Bt.displayArr.push(kt),
+ kt.width = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.height = l.getFloat32(),
+ kt.type = l.getUint8(),
+ kt.verLen = l.getUint16(),
+ (B = l.getUint16()) > 0)
+ for (kt.bones = [],
+ n = 0; n < B; n++) {
+ var Wt = l.getUint16();
+ kt.bones.push(Wt)
+ }
+ if ((Ft = l.getUint16()) > 0)
+ for (kt.uvs = [],
+ n = 0; n < Ft; n++)
+ kt.uvs.push(l.getFloat32());
+ if ((Ht = l.getUint16()) > 0)
+ for (kt.weights = [],
+ n = 0; n < Ht; n++)
+ kt.weights.push(l.getFloat32());
+ if ((Gt = l.getUint16()) > 0)
+ for (kt.triangles = [],
+ n = 0; n < Gt; n++)
+ kt.triangles.push(l.getUint16());
+ if ((zt = l.getUint16()) > 0)
+ for (kt.vertices = [],
+ n = 0; n < zt; n++)
+ kt.vertices.push(l.getFloat32());
+ if ((jt = l.getUint16()) > 0)
+ for (kt.lengths = [],
+ n = 0; n < jt; n++)
+ kt.lengths.push(l.getFloat32())
+ }
+ At.slotArr.push(Bt)
+ }
+ this.skinDic[At.name] = At,
+ this.skinDataArray.push(At)
+ }
+ 1 == l.getUint8() ? (this.yReverseMatrix = new m(1,0,0,-1,0,0),
+ A && A.setTempMatrix(this.yReverseMatrix)) : A && A.setTempMatrix(new m),
+ this.showSkinByIndex(this.boneSlotDic, 0),
+ this.isParserComplete = !0,
+ this.event("complete", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getTexture = function(t) {
+ var e = this.subTextureDic[t];
+ return e || (e = this.subTextureDic[t.substr(0, t.length - 1)]),
+ null == e ? this._mainTexture : e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showSkinByIndex = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ e < 0 && e >= this.skinDataArray.length)
+ return !1;
+ var n, a, r = 0, s = 0, o = this.skinDataArray[e];
+ if (o) {
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = o.slotArr.length; r < s; r++)
+ (a = o.slotArr[r]) && (n = t[a.name]) && (n.showSlotData(a, i),
+ i && "undefined" != n.attachmentName && "null" != n.attachmentName ? n.showDisplayByName(n.attachmentName) : n.showDisplayByIndex(n.displayIndex));
+ return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getSkinIndexByName = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this.skinDataArray.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (this.skinDataArray[e].name == t)
+ return e;
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getGrahicsDataWithCache = function(t, e) {
+ return this._graphicsCache[t][e]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setGrahicsDataWithCache = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._graphicsCache[t][e] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function() {
+ this._isDestroyed = !0;
+ var t;
+ for (var i in this.subTextureDic)
+ (t = this.subTextureDic[i]) && t.destroy();
+ for (i in this._textureDic)
+ (t = this._textureDic[i]) && t.destroy();
+ for (var n = 0, a = this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr.length; n < a; n++)
+ this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr[n].destory();
+ this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr.length = 0,
+ this.url && delete e.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this.url],
+ laya.resource.Resource.prototype.destroy.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getAniNameByIndex = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getAnimation(t);
+ return e ? e.name : null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "rate", function() {
+ return this._rate
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._rate = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(it))
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = (i.__newvec,
+ laya.utils.Browser,
+ laya.display.css.CSSStyle)
+ , o = laya.utils.ClassUtils
+ , l = (laya.events.Event,
+ laya.utils.HTMLChar)
+ , h = laya.net.Loader
+ , c = (laya.display.Node,
+ laya.maths.Rectangle)
+ , _ = laya.renders.Render
+ , u = (laya.renders.RenderContext,
+ laya.renders.RenderSprite,
+ laya.display.Sprite)
+ , d = laya.utils.Stat
+ , f = laya.display.Text
+ , p = laya.resource.Texture
+ , m = laya.net.URL
+ , g = laya.utils.Utils
+ , y = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.html.utils.HTMLParse"),
+ t.parse = function(e, i, n) {
+ i = (i = "" + (i = i.replace(/
/g, "
")) + "").replace(t.spacePattern, t.char255);
+ var a = g.parseXMLFromString(i);
+ t._parseXML(e, a.childNodes[0].childNodes, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._parseXML = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ if (i.join || i.item)
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; ++r)
+ t._parseXML(e, i[r], n, a);
+ else {
+ var l, h;
+ if (3 == i.nodeType) {
+ var c;
+ return void (e instanceof laya.html.dom.HTMLDivElement ? (null == i.nodeName && (i.nodeName = "#text"),
+ h = i.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+ (c = i.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")).length > 0 && (l = o.getInstance(h)) && (e.addChild(l),
+ l.innerTEXT = c.replace(t.char255AndOneSpacePattern, " "))) : (c = i.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")).length > 0 && (e.innerTEXT = c.replace(t.char255AndOneSpacePattern, " ")))
+ }
+ if ("#comment" == (h = i.nodeName.toLowerCase()))
+ return;
+ if (l = o.getInstance(h)) {
+ (l = e.addChild(l)).URI = n,
+ l.href = a;
+ var _ = i.attributes;
+ if (_ && _.length > 0)
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = _.length; r < s; ++r) {
+ var u = _[r]
+ , d = u.nodeName
+ , f = u.value;
+ l._setAttributes(d, f)
+ }
+ t._parseXML(l, i.childNodes, n, l.href)
+ } else
+ t._parseXML(e, i.childNodes, n, a)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.char255 = String.fromCharCode(255),
+ t.spacePattern = / | /g,
+ t.char255AndOneSpacePattern = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(255) + "|(\\s+)","g"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , v = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.html.utils.Layout"),
+ t.later = function(e) {
+ null == t._will && (t._will = [],
+ i.stage.frameLoop(1, null, function() {
+ if (!(t._will.length < 1)) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t._will.length; e++)
+ laya.html.utils.Layout.layout(t._will[e]);
+ t._will.length = 0
+ }
+ })),
+ t._will.push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.layout = function(e) {
+ if (!e || !e._style)
+ return null;
+ if (0 == (512 & e._style._type))
+ return null;
+ e.getStyle()._type &= -513;
+ var i = t._multiLineLayout(e);
+ return _.isConchApp && e.layaoutCallNative && e.layaoutCallNative(),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._multiLineLayout = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ E.y = S,
+ S += E.h + d,
+ 0 == E.h && (S += p),
+ E.mWidth = A,
+ A = 0,
+ E = new b,
+ T.push(E),
+ E.h = 0,
+ C = 0,
+ B = !0,
+ D = !1
+ }
+ if (f.RightToLeft)
+ return t._multiLineLayout2(e);
+ var n = new Array;
+ e._addChildsToLayout(n);
+ var a, r, s, o, l, h = 0, c = n.length, _ = e._getCSSStyle(), u = _.letterSpacing, d = _.leading, p = _.lineHeight, m = _._widthAuto() || !_.wordWrap, g = m ? 999999 : e.width, y = (e.height,
+ 0), v = _.italic ? _.fontSize / 3 : 0, w = _._getAlign(), x = _._getValign(), I = 0 !== x || 0 !== w || 0 != p, C = 0, S = 0, M = 0, L = 0, T = new Array, E = T[0] = new b, D = !1, N = !1;
+ E.h = 0,
+ _.italic && (g -= _.fontSize / 3);
+ var A = 0
+ , B = !0;
+ for (h = 0; h < c; h++)
+ if (null != (a = n[h]))
+ if (B = !1,
+ a instanceof laya.html.dom.HTMLBrElement)
+ i(),
+ E.y = S;
+ else {
+ if (a._isChar()) {
+ if ((o = a).isWord)
+ D = N || "\n" === o.char,
+ E.wordStartIndex = E.elements.length;
+ else {
+ if (T.length > 0 && C + M > g && E.wordStartIndex > 0) {
+ var k = 0;
+ k = E.elements.length - E.wordStartIndex + 1,
+ E.elements.length = E.wordStartIndex,
+ h -= k,
+ i();
+ continue
+ }
+ D = !1,
+ A += o.width
+ }
+ M = o.width + u,
+ L = o.height,
+ N = !1,
+ (D = D || C + M > g) && i(),
+ E.minTextHeight = Math.min(E.minTextHeight, a.height)
+ } else
+ l = a,
+ s = (r = a._getCSSStyle()).padding,
+ 0 === r._getCssFloat() || (I = !0),
+ D = N || r.lineElement,
+ M = l.width * l._style._tf.scaleX + s[1] + s[3] + u,
+ L = l.height * l._style._tf.scaleY + s[0] + s[2],
+ N = r.lineElement,
+ (D = D || C + M > g && r.wordWrap) && i();
+ E.elements.push(a),
+ E.h = Math.max(E.h, L),
+ a.x = C,
+ a.y = S,
+ C += M,
+ E.w = C - u,
+ E.y = S,
+ y = Math.max(C + v, y)
+ }
+ else
+ E.wordStartIndex = E.elements.length;
+ if (S = E.y + E.h,
+ I) {
+ var R = 0
+ , P = g;
+ for (m && e.width > 0 && (P = e.width),
+ h = 0,
+ c = T.length; h < c; h++)
+ T[h].updatePos(0, P, h, R, w, x, p),
+ R += Math.max(p, T[h].h + d);
+ S = R
+ }
+ return m && (e.width = y),
+ S > e.height && (e.height = S),
+ [y, S]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._multiLineLayout2 = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ T.y = C,
+ C += T.h + d,
+ 0 == T.h && (C += f),
+ T.mWidth = N,
+ N = 0,
+ T = new b,
+ L.push(T),
+ T.h = 0,
+ I = 0,
+ A = !0,
+ E = !1
+ }
+ var n = new Array;
+ e._addChildsToLayout(n);
+ var a, r, s, o, l, h = 0, c = n.length, _ = e._getCSSStyle(), u = _.letterSpacing, d = _.leading, f = _.lineHeight, p = _._widthAuto() || !_.wordWrap, m = p ? 999999 : e.width, g = (e.height,
+ 0), y = _.italic ? _.fontSize / 3 : 0, v = 2 - _._getAlign(), w = _._getValign(), x = 0 !== w || 0 !== v || 0 != f, I = 0, C = 0, S = 0, M = 0, L = new Array, T = L[0] = new b, E = !1, D = !1;
+ T.h = 0,
+ _.italic && (m -= _.fontSize / 3);
+ var N = 0
+ , A = !0;
+ for (h = 0; h < c; h++)
+ if (null != (a = n[h]))
+ if (A = !1,
+ a instanceof laya.html.dom.HTMLBrElement)
+ i(),
+ T.y = C;
+ else {
+ if (a._isChar()) {
+ if ((o = a).isWord)
+ E = D || "\n" === o.char,
+ T.wordStartIndex = T.elements.length;
+ else {
+ if (L.length > 0 && I + S > m && T.wordStartIndex > 0) {
+ var B = 0;
+ B = T.elements.length - T.wordStartIndex + 1,
+ T.elements.length = T.wordStartIndex,
+ h -= B,
+ i();
+ continue
+ }
+ E = !1,
+ N += o.width
+ }
+ S = o.width + u,
+ M = o.height,
+ D = !1,
+ (E = E || I + S > m) && i(),
+ T.minTextHeight = Math.min(T.minTextHeight, a.height)
+ } else
+ l = a,
+ s = (r = a._getCSSStyle()).padding,
+ 0 === r._getCssFloat() || (x = !0),
+ E = D || r.lineElement,
+ S = l.width * l._style._tf.scaleX + s[1] + s[3] + u,
+ M = l.height * l._style._tf.scaleY + s[0] + s[2],
+ D = r.lineElement,
+ (E = E || I + S > m && r.wordWrap) && i();
+ T.elements.push(a),
+ T.h = Math.max(T.h, M),
+ a.x = I,
+ a.y = C,
+ I += S,
+ T.w = I - u,
+ T.y = C,
+ g = Math.max(I + y, g)
+ }
+ else
+ T.wordStartIndex = T.elements.length;
+ if (C = T.y + T.h,
+ x) {
+ var k = 0
+ , R = m;
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = L.length; h < c; h++)
+ L[h].updatePos(0, R, h, k, v, w, f),
+ k += Math.max(f, L[h].h + d);
+ C = k
+ }
+ for (p && (e.width = g),
+ C > e.height && (e.height = C),
+ h = 0,
+ c = L.length; h < c; h++)
+ L[h].revertOrder(m);
+ return [g, C]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._will = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , b = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.x = 0,
+ this.y = 0,
+ this.w = 0,
+ this.h = 0,
+ this.wordStartIndex = 0,
+ this.minTextHeight = 99999,
+ this.mWidth = 0,
+ this.elements = new Array
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.html.utils.LayoutLine");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.updatePos = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o, l = 0;
+ this.elements.length > 0 && (l = (o = this.elements[this.elements.length - 1]).x + o.width - this.elements[0].x);
+ var h = 0
+ , c = NaN;
+ 1 === a && (h = (e - l) / 2),
+ 2 === a && (h = e - l),
+ 0 === s || 0 != r || (r = 1);
+ for (var _ = 0, u = this.elements.length; _ < u; _++) {
+ var d = (o = this.elements[_])._getCSSStyle();
+ switch (0 !== h && (o.x += h),
+ d._getValign()) {
+ case 0:
+ o.y = n;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ var f = 0;
+ 99999 != this.minTextHeight && (f = this.minTextHeight);
+ var p = (f + s) / 2;
+ p = Math.max(p, this.h),
+ c = (laya.html.dom.HTMLImageElement,
+ n + p - o.height),
+ o.y = c;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ o.y = n + (s - o.height)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.revertOrder = function(t) {
+ var e;
+ if (this.elements.length > 0) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ for (n = this.elements.length,
+ i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ (e = this.elements[i]).x = t - e.x - e.width
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , w = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.URI = null,
+ this._href = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._text = e._EMPTYTEXT,
+ this.setStyle(new s(this)),
+ this._getCSSStyle().valign = "middle",
+ this.mouseEnabled = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLElement", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.layaoutCallNative = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ if (this._childs && (t = this._childs.length) > 0)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ this._childs[e].layaoutCallNative && this._childs[e].layaoutCallNative();
+ var i = this._getWords();
+ i ? laya.html.dom.HTMLElement.fillWords(this, i, 0, 0, this.style.font, this.style.color, this.style.underLine) : this.graphics.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.appendChild = function(t) {
+ return this.addChild(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getWords2 = function() {
+ var t = this._text.text;
+ if (!t || 0 === t.length)
+ return null;
+ var e, i, n = 0, a = 0;
+ if (this._text.drawWords)
+ i = this._text.drawWords;
+ else {
+ for (a = (e = t.split(" ")).length - 1,
+ i = [],
+ n = 0; n < a; n++)
+ i.push(e[n], " ");
+ a >= 0 && i.push(e[a]),
+ this._text.drawWords = i
+ }
+ var r = this._text.words;
+ if (r && r.length === i.length)
+ return r;
+ null === r && (this._text.words = r = []),
+ r.length = i.length;
+ var s, o = this.style, h = o.font;
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ s = g.measureText(i[n], h);
+ var c = r[n] = new l(i[n],s.width,s.height || o.fontSize,o);
+ if (c.char.length > 1 && (c.charNum = c.char),
+ this.href) {
+ var _ = new u;
+ this.addChild(_),
+ c.setSprite(_)
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getWords = function() {
+ if (!f.CharacterCache)
+ return this._getWords2();
+ var t = this._text.text;
+ if (!t || 0 === t.length)
+ return null;
+ var e = this._text.words;
+ if (e && e.length === t.length)
+ return e;
+ null === e && (this._text.words = e = []),
+ e.length = t.length;
+ for (var i, n = this.style, a = n.font, r = 0, s = t.length; r < s; r++) {
+ i = g.measureText(t.charAt(r), a);
+ var o = e[r] = new l(t.charAt(r),i.width,i.height || n.fontSize,n);
+ if (this.href) {
+ var h = new u;
+ this.addChild(h),
+ o.setSprite(h)
+ }
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showLinkSprite = function() {
+ var t = this._text.words;
+ if (t)
+ for (var e, i, n = [], a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
+ i = t[a],
+ (e = new u).graphics.drawRect(0, 0, i.width, i.height, "#ff0000"),
+ e.width = i.width,
+ e.height = i.height,
+ this.addChild(e),
+ n.push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._layoutLater = function() {
+ var t = this.style;
+ 512 & t._type || (t.widthed(this) && (this._childs.length > 0 || null != this._getWords()) && t.block ? (v.later(this),
+ t._type |= 512) : this.parent && this.parent._layoutLater())
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setAttributes = function(e, i) {
+ switch (e) {
+ case "style":
+ return void this.style.cssText(i);
+ case "class":
+ return void (this.className = i)
+ }
+ t.prototype._setAttributes.call(this, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.updateHref = function() {
+ if (null != this._href) {
+ var t = this._getWords();
+ if (t)
+ for (var e, i, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ (i = (e = t[n]).getSprite()) && (i.size(e.width, e.height),
+ i.on("click", this, this.onLinkHandler))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onLinkHandler = function(t) {
+ switch (t.type) {
+ case "click":
+ for (var e = this; e; )
+ e.event("link", [this.href]),
+ e = e.parent
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.formatURL = function(t) {
+ return this.URI ? m.formatURL(t, this.URI ? this.URI.path : null) : t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "href", function() {
+ return this._href
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._href = t,
+ null != t && (this._getCSSStyle().underLine = 1,
+ this.updateHref())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "color", null, function(t) {
+ this.style.color = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "onClick", null, function(t) {
+ i._runScript("fn=function(event){" + t + ";}"),
+ this.on("click", this, void 0)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "id", null, function(t) {
+ I.document.setElementById(t, this)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "innerTEXT", function() {
+ return this._text.text
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.text = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "style", function() {
+ return this._style
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "text", function() {
+ return this._text.text
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._text == e._EMPTYTEXT ? this._text = {
+ text: t,
+ words: null
+ } : (this._text.text = t,
+ this._text.words && (this._text.words.length = 0)),
+ _.isConchApp && this.layaoutCallNative(),
+ this._renderType |= 2048,
+ this.repaint(),
+ this.updateHref()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "parent", t.prototype._$get_parent, function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof laya.html.dom.HTMLElement) {
+ var e = t;
+ this.URI || (this.URI = e.URI),
+ this.style.inherit(e.style)
+ }
+ i.superSet(u, this, "parent", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "className", null, function(t) {
+ this.style.attrs(I.document.styleSheets["." + t])
+ }),
+ e.fillWords = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ t.graphics.clear();
+ for (var o = 0, l = e.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var h = e[o];
+ t.graphics.fillText(h.char, h.x + i, h.y + n, a, r, "left", s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._EMPTYTEXT = {
+ text: null,
+ words: null
+ },
+ e
+ }(u)
+ , x = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.style.lineElement = !0,
+ this.style.block = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLBrElement", w)
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.contextHeight = NaN,
+ this.contextWidth = NaN,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.style.block = !0,
+ this.style.lineElement = !0,
+ this.style.width = 200,
+ this.style.height = 200
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLDivElement", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.appendHTML = function(t) {
+ y.parse(this, t, this.URI),
+ this.layout()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addChildsToLayout = function(t) {
+ var e = this._getWords();
+ if (null == e && 0 == this._childs.length)
+ return !1;
+ e && e.forEach(function(e) {
+ t.push(e)
+ });
+ for (var i = !0, n = 0, a = this._childs.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = this._childs[n];
+ i ? i = !1 : t.push(null),
+ r._addToLayout(t)
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addToLayout = function(t) {
+ this.layout()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.layout = function() {
+ if (this.style) {
+ this.style._type |= 512;
+ var t = v.layout(this);
+ if (t) {
+ this._$P.mHtmlBounds || this._set$P("mHtmlBounds", new c);
+ var e = this._$P.mHtmlBounds;
+ e.x = e.y = 0,
+ e.width = this.contextWidth = t[0],
+ e.height = this.contextHeight = t[1],
+ this.setBounds(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "height", function() {
+ return this._height ? this._height : this.contextHeight
+ }, t.prototype._$set_height),
+ r(0, n, "innerHTML", null, function(t) {
+ this.destroyChildren(),
+ this.appendHTML(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", function() {
+ return this._width ? this._width : this.contextWidth
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = !1;
+ e = 0 === t ? t != this._width : t != this.width,
+ i.superSet(w, this, "width", t),
+ e && this.layout()
+ }),
+ e
+ }(w))
+ , I = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.all = new Array,
+ this.styleSheets = s.styleSheets,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLDocument", w);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.getElementById = function(t) {
+ return this.all[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setElementById = function(t, e) {
+ this.all[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["document", function() {
+ return this.document = new e
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }();
+ (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._tex = null,
+ this._url = null,
+ this._renderArgs = [],
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.style.block = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLImageElement", w);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._addToLayout = function(t) {
+ !this._style.absolute && t.push(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.render = function(t, e, i) {
+ !this._tex || !this._tex.loaded || !this._tex.loaded || this._width < 1 || this._height < 1 || (d.spriteCount++,
+ this._renderArgs[0] = this._tex,
+ this._renderArgs[1] = this.x,
+ this._renderArgs[2] = this.y,
+ this._renderArgs[3] = this.width || this._tex.width,
+ this._renderArgs[4] = this.height || this._tex.height,
+ t.ctx.drawTexture2(e, i, this.style.translateX, this.style.translateY, this.transform, this.style.alpha, this.style.blendMode, this._renderArgs))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.layaoutCallNative = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ if (this._childs && (t = this._childs.length) > 0)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ this._childs[e].layaoutCallNative && this._childs[e].layaoutCallNative()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "src", null, function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var t = i._style;
+ t.widthed(i) || i._tex.width,
+ t.heighted(i) || i._tex.height;
+ t.widthed(i) || i._width == i._tex.width || (i.width = i._tex.width,
+ i.parent && i.parent._layoutLater()),
+ t.heighted(i) || i._height == i._tex.height || (i.height = i._tex.height,
+ i.parent && i.parent._layoutLater()),
+ _.isConchApp && (i._renderArgs[0] = i._tex,
+ i._renderArgs[1] = i.x,
+ i._renderArgs[2] = i.y,
+ i._renderArgs[3] = i.width || i._tex.width,
+ i._renderArgs[4] = i.height || i._tex.height,
+ i.graphics.drawTexture(i._tex, 0, 0, i._renderArgs[3], i._renderArgs[4])),
+ i.repaint(),
+ i.parentRepaint()
+ }
+ var i = this;
+ if (t = this.formatURL(t),
+ this._url != t) {
+ this._url = t;
+ var n = this._tex = h.getRes(t);
+ n || (this._tex = n = new p,
+ n.load(t),
+ h.cacheRes(t, n)),
+ n.loaded ? e() : n.on("loaded", null, e)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ )(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.type = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.visible = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLLinkElement", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._onload = function(t) {
+ switch (this.type) {
+ case "text/css":
+ s.parseCSS(t, this.URI)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "href", t.prototype._$get_href, function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ t = this.formatURL(t),
+ this.URI = new m(t);
+ var i = new h;
+ i.once("complete", null, function(t) {
+ e._onload(t)
+ }),
+ i.load(t, "text")
+ }),
+ e._cuttingStyle = new RegExp("((@keyframes[\\s\\t]+|)(.+))[\\t\\n\\r\\s]*{","g")
+ }(w),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.visible = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLStyleElement", t);
+ r(0, e.prototype, "text", t.prototype._$get_text, function(t) {
+ s.parseCSS(t, null)
+ })
+ }(w),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._getCSSStyle().valign = "middle"
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.html.dom.HTMLIframeElement", t);
+ r(0, e.prototype, "href", t.prototype._$get_href, function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ t = this.formatURL(t);
+ var i = new h;
+ i.once("complete", null, function(i) {
+ var n = e.URI;
+ e.URI = new m(t),
+ e.innerHTML = i,
+ !n || (e.URI = n)
+ }),
+ i.load(t, "text")
+ })
+ }(x)
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = (i.__newvec,
+ laya.webgl.canvas.BlendMode)
+ , o = (laya.events.Event,
+ laya.resource.HTMLCanvas)
+ , l = laya.utils.Handler
+ , h = laya.webgl.utils.IndexBuffer2D
+ , c = (laya.net.Loader,
+ laya.maths.MathUtil)
+ , _ = laya.maths.Matrix
+ , u = laya.renders.Render
+ , d = (laya.renders.RenderContext,
+ laya.renders.RenderSprite,
+ laya.webgl.shader.Shader)
+ , f = laya.display.Sprite
+ , p = laya.utils.Stat
+ , m = laya.resource.Texture
+ , g = laya.utils.Utils
+ , y = laya.webgl.shader.d2.value.Value2D
+ , v = laya.webgl.utils.VertexBuffer2D
+ , b = laya.webgl.WebGL
+ , w = (laya.webgl.WebGLContext,
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._frameTime = 0,
+ this._emissionRate = 60,
+ this._emissionTime = 0,
+ this.minEmissionTime = 1 / 60,
+ this._particleTemplate = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.particle.emitter.EmitterBase");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.start = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 2147483647),
+ 0 != this._emissionRate && (this._emissionTime = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.stop = function() {
+ this._emissionTime = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clear = function() {
+ this._emissionTime = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.emit = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.advanceTime = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ this._emissionTime -= t,
+ !(this._emissionTime < 0 || (this._frameTime += t,
+ this._frameTime < this.minEmissionTime)))
+ for (; this._frameTime > this.minEmissionTime; )
+ this._frameTime -= this.minEmissionTime,
+ this.emit()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "particleTemplate", null, function(t) {
+ this._particleTemplate = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "emissionRate", function() {
+ return this._emissionRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ t <= 0 || (this._emissionRate = t,
+ t > 0 && (this.minEmissionTime = 1 / t))
+ }),
+ t
+ }())
+ , x = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.position = null,
+ this.velocity = null,
+ this.startColor = null,
+ this.endColor = null,
+ this.sizeRotation = null,
+ this.radius = null,
+ this.radian = null,
+ this.durationAddScale = NaN,
+ this.time = NaN
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.particle.ParticleData"),
+ t.Create = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = new t;
+ r.position = i,
+ c.scaleVector3(n, e.emitterVelocitySensitivity, t._tempVelocity);
+ var s = c.lerp(e.minHorizontalVelocity, e.maxHorizontalVelocity, Math.random())
+ , o = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
+ t._tempVelocity[0] += s * Math.cos(o),
+ t._tempVelocity[2] += s * Math.sin(o),
+ t._tempVelocity[1] += c.lerp(e.minVerticalVelocity, e.maxVerticalVelocity, Math.random()),
+ r.velocity = t._tempVelocity,
+ r.startColor = t._tempStartColor,
+ r.endColor = t._tempEndColor;
+ var l = 0;
+ if (e.disableColor)
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ r.startColor[l] = 1,
+ r.endColor[l] = 1;
+ else if (e.colorComponentInter)
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ r.startColor[l] = c.lerp(e.minStartColor[l], e.maxStartColor[l], Math.random()),
+ r.endColor[l] = c.lerp(e.minEndColor[l], e.maxEndColor[l], Math.random());
+ else
+ c.lerpVector4(e.minStartColor, e.maxStartColor, Math.random(), r.startColor),
+ c.lerpVector4(e.minEndColor, e.maxEndColor, Math.random(), r.endColor);
+ r.sizeRotation = t._tempSizeRotation;
+ var h = Math.random();
+ r.sizeRotation[0] = c.lerp(e.minStartSize, e.maxStartSize, h),
+ r.sizeRotation[1] = c.lerp(e.minEndSize, e.maxEndSize, h),
+ r.sizeRotation[2] = c.lerp(e.minRotateSpeed, e.maxRotateSpeed, Math.random()),
+ r.radius = t._tempRadius;
+ var _ = Math.random();
+ r.radius[0] = c.lerp(e.minStartRadius, e.maxStartRadius, _),
+ r.radius[1] = c.lerp(e.minEndRadius, e.maxEndRadius, _),
+ r.radian = t._tempRadian,
+ r.radian[0] = c.lerp(e.minHorizontalStartRadian, e.maxHorizontalStartRadian, Math.random()),
+ r.radian[1] = c.lerp(e.minVerticalStartRadian, e.maxVerticalStartRadian, Math.random());
+ var u = e.useEndRadian;
+ return r.radian[2] = u ? c.lerp(e.minHorizontalEndRadian, e.maxHorizontalEndRadian, Math.random()) : r.radian[0],
+ r.radian[3] = u ? c.lerp(e.minVerticalEndRadian, e.maxVerticalEndRadian, Math.random()) : r.radian[1],
+ r.durationAddScale = e.ageAddScale * Math.random(),
+ r.time = a,
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempVelocity", function() {
+ return this._tempVelocity = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ , "_tempStartColor", function() {
+ return this._tempStartColor = new Float32Array(4)
+ }
+ , "_tempEndColor", function() {
+ return this._tempEndColor = new Float32Array(4)
+ }
+ , "_tempSizeRotation", function() {
+ return this._tempSizeRotation = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ , "_tempRadius", function() {
+ return this._tempRadius = new Float32Array(2)
+ }
+ , "_tempRadian", function() {
+ return this._tempRadian = new Float32Array(4)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , I = (function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._templet = null,
+ this._timeBetweenParticles = NaN,
+ this._previousPosition = null,
+ this._timeLeftOver = 0,
+ this._tempVelocity = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this._tempPosition = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this._templet = t,
+ this._timeBetweenParticles = 1 / e,
+ this._previousPosition = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.particle.ParticleEmitter");
+ t.prototype.update = function(t, e) {
+ if ((t /= 1e3) > 0) {
+ c.subtractVector3(e, this._previousPosition, this._tempVelocity),
+ c.scaleVector3(this._tempVelocity, 1 / t, this._tempVelocity);
+ for (var i = this._timeLeftOver + t, n = -this._timeLeftOver; i > this._timeBetweenParticles; )
+ n += this._timeBetweenParticles,
+ i -= this._timeBetweenParticles,
+ c.lerpVector3(this._previousPosition, e, n / t, this._tempPosition),
+ this._templet.addParticleArray(this._tempPosition, this._tempVelocity);
+ this._timeLeftOver = i
+ }
+ this._previousPosition[0] = e[0],
+ this._previousPosition[1] = e[1],
+ this._previousPosition[2] = e[2]
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.textureName = null,
+ this.textureCount = 1,
+ this.maxPartices = 100,
+ this.duration = 1,
+ this.ageAddScale = 0,
+ this.emitterVelocitySensitivity = 1,
+ this.minStartSize = 100,
+ this.maxStartSize = 100,
+ this.minEndSize = 100,
+ this.maxEndSize = 100,
+ this.minHorizontalVelocity = 0,
+ this.maxHorizontalVelocity = 0,
+ this.minVerticalVelocity = 0,
+ this.maxVerticalVelocity = 0,
+ this.endVelocity = 1,
+ this.minRotateSpeed = 0,
+ this.maxRotateSpeed = 0,
+ this.minStartRadius = 0,
+ this.maxStartRadius = 0,
+ this.minEndRadius = 0,
+ this.maxEndRadius = 0,
+ this.minHorizontalStartRadian = 0,
+ this.maxHorizontalStartRadian = 0,
+ this.minVerticalStartRadian = 0,
+ this.maxVerticalStartRadian = 0,
+ this.useEndRadian = !0,
+ this.minHorizontalEndRadian = 0,
+ this.maxHorizontalEndRadian = 0,
+ this.minVerticalEndRadian = 0,
+ this.maxVerticalEndRadian = 0,
+ this.colorComponentInter = !1,
+ this.disableColor = !1,
+ this.blendState = 0,
+ this.emitterType = "null",
+ this.emissionRate = 0,
+ this.sphereEmitterRadius = 1,
+ this.sphereEmitterVelocity = 0,
+ this.sphereEmitterVelocityAddVariance = 0,
+ this.ringEmitterRadius = 30,
+ this.ringEmitterVelocity = 0,
+ this.ringEmitterVelocityAddVariance = 0,
+ this.ringEmitterUp = 2,
+ this.gravity = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.minStartColor = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]),
+ this.maxStartColor = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]),
+ this.minEndColor = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]),
+ this.maxEndColor = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]),
+ this.pointEmitterPosition = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.pointEmitterPositionVariance = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.pointEmitterVelocity = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.pointEmitterVelocityAddVariance = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.boxEmitterCenterPosition = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.boxEmitterSize = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.boxEmitterVelocity = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.boxEmitterVelocityAddVariance = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.sphereEmitterCenterPosition = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.ringEmitterCenterPosition = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]),
+ this.positionVariance = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0])
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.particle.ParticleSetting"),
+ t.checkSetting = function(e) {
+ var i;
+ for (i in t._defaultSetting)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) || (e[i] = t._defaultSetting[i])
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_defaultSetting", function() {
+ return this._defaultSetting = new t
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , C = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.settings = null,
+ this.texture = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.particle.ParticleTemplateBase");
+ return t.prototype.addParticleArray = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , S = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.u_Duration = NaN,
+ this.u_EndVelocity = NaN,
+ this.u_Gravity = null,
+ this.a_Position = null,
+ this.a_Velocity = null,
+ this.a_StartColor = null,
+ this.a_EndColor = null,
+ this.a_SizeRotation = null,
+ this.a_Radius = null,
+ this.a_Radian = null,
+ this.a_AgeAddScale = NaN,
+ this.gl_Position = null,
+ this.v_Color = null,
+ this.oSize = NaN,
+ this._color = new Float32Array(4),
+ this._position = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.particle.particleUtils.CanvasShader");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getLen = function(t) {
+ return Math.sqrt(t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1] + t[2] * t[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ComputeParticlePosition = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position[0] = t[0],
+ this._position[1] = t[1],
+ this._position[2] = t[2];
+ var a = this.getLen(e)
+ , r = a * n + (a * this.u_EndVelocity - a) * n * n / 2
+ , s = NaN;
+ s = this.getLen(e);
+ var o = 0;
+ for (3,
+ o = 0; o < 3; o++)
+ this._position[o] = this._position[o] + e[o] / s * r * this.u_Duration,
+ this._position[o] += this.u_Gravity[o] * i * n;
+ var l = c.lerp(this.a_Radius[0], this.a_Radius[1], n)
+ , h = c.lerp(this.a_Radian[0], this.a_Radian[2], n)
+ , _ = c.lerp(this.a_Radian[1], this.a_Radian[3], n)
+ , u = Math.cos(_) * l;
+ return this._position[1] += Math.sin(_) * l,
+ this._position[0] += Math.cos(h) * u,
+ this._position[2] += Math.sin(h) * u,
+ new Float32Array([this._position[0], this._position[1], 0, 1])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ComputeParticleSize = function(t, e, i) {
+ return c.lerp(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ComputeParticleRotation = function(t, e) {
+ return t * e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ComputeParticleColor = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._color;
+ return c.lerpVector4(t, e, i, n),
+ n[3] = n[3] * i * (1 - i) * (1 - i) * 6.7,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clamp = function(t, e, i) {
+ return t < e ? e : t > i ? i : t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getData = function(t) {
+ t *= 1 + this.a_AgeAddScale;
+ var e = this.clamp(t / this.u_Duration, 0, 1);
+ this.gl_Position = this.ComputeParticlePosition(this.a_Position, this.a_Velocity, t, e);
+ var i = this.ComputeParticleSize(this.a_SizeRotation[0], this.a_SizeRotation[1], e)
+ , n = this.ComputeParticleRotation(this.a_SizeRotation[2], t);
+ this.v_Color = this.ComputeParticleColor(this.a_StartColor, this.a_EndColor, e);
+ var a = new _
+ , r = NaN;
+ r = i / this.oSize * 2,
+ a.scale(r, r),
+ a.rotate(n),
+ a.setTranslate(this.gl_Position[0], -this.gl_Position[1]);
+ var s = NaN;
+ return s = this.v_Color[3],
+ [this.v_Color, s, a, this.v_Color[0] * s, this.v_Color[1] * s, this.v_Color[2] * s]
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , M = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.maxIndex = 0,
+ this.cmds = null,
+ this.id = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.particle.particleUtils.CMDParticle");
+ return t.prototype.setCmds = function(t) {
+ this.cmds = t,
+ this.maxIndex = t.length - 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , L = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.particle.particleUtils.PicTool"),
+ t.getCanvasPic = function(t, e) {
+ t = t.bitmap;
+ var i = new o("2D")
+ , n = i.getContext("2d");
+ i.size(t.width, t.height);
+ var a = e >> 16 & 255
+ , r = e >> 8 & 255
+ , s = 255 & e;
+ if (u.isConchApp && n.setFilter(a / 255, r / 255, s / 255, 0),
+ n.drawImage(t.source, 0, 0),
+ !u.isConchApp) {
+ for (var l = n.getImageData(0, 0, i.width, i.height), h = l.data, c = 0, _ = h.length; c < _; c += 4)
+ 0 != h[c + 3] && (h[c] *= a / 255,
+ h[c + 1] *= r / 255,
+ h[c + 2] *= s / 255);
+ n.putImageData(l, 0, 0)
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getRGBPic = function(e) {
+ return [new m(t.getCanvasPic(e, 16711680)), new m(t.getCanvasPic(e, 65280)), new m(t.getCanvasPic(e, 255))]
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , T = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.setting = null,
+ this._posRange = null,
+ this._canvasTemplate = null,
+ this._emitFun = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.template = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.particle.emitter.Emitter2D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.emit = function() {
+ t.prototype.emit.call(this),
+ null != this._emitFun && this._emitFun()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getRandom = function(t) {
+ return (2 * Math.random() - 1) * t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.webGLEmit = function() {
+ var t = new Float32Array(3);
+ t[0] = this.getRandom(this._posRange[0]),
+ t[1] = this.getRandom(this._posRange[1]),
+ t[2] = this.getRandom(this._posRange[2]);
+ var e = new Float32Array(3);
+ e[0] = 0,
+ e[1] = 0,
+ e[2] = 0,
+ this._particleTemplate.addParticleArray(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.canvasEmit = function() {
+ var t = new Float32Array(3);
+ t[0] = this.getRandom(this._posRange[0]),
+ t[1] = this.getRandom(this._posRange[1]),
+ t[2] = this.getRandom(this._posRange[2]);
+ var e = new Float32Array(3);
+ e[0] = 0,
+ e[1] = 0,
+ e[2] = 0,
+ this._particleTemplate.addParticleArray(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "template", function() {
+ return this._particleTemplate
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._particleTemplate = t,
+ t || (this._emitFun = null,
+ this.setting = null,
+ this._posRange = null),
+ this.setting = t.settings,
+ this._posRange = this.setting.positionVariance,
+ this._particleTemplate instanceof laya.particle.ParticleTemplate2D ? this._emitFun = this.webGLEmit : this._particleTemplate instanceof laya.particle.ParticleTemplateCanvas && (this._canvasTemplate = t,
+ this._emitFun = this.canvasEmit)
+ }),
+ e
+ }(w)
+ , E = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._vertices = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._floatCountPerVertex = 29,
+ this._firstActiveElement = 0,
+ this._firstNewElement = 0,
+ this._firstFreeElement = 0,
+ this._firstRetiredElement = 0,
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._drawCounter = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.settings = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.particle.ParticleTemplateWebGL", C);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.initialize = function() {
+ this._vertices = new Float32Array(this.settings.maxPartices * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4);
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.settings.maxPartices; e++) {
+ var i = Math.random()
+ , n = this.settings.textureCount ? 1 / this.settings.textureCount : 1
+ , a = NaN;
+ for (a = 0; a < this.settings.textureCount && !(i < a + n); a += n)
+ ;
+ t = e * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4,
+ this._vertices[t + 0 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 0] = -1,
+ this._vertices[t + 0 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 1] = -1,
+ this._vertices[t + 0 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 2] = 0,
+ this._vertices[t + 0 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 3] = a,
+ this._vertices[t + 1 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 0] = 1,
+ this._vertices[t + 1 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 1] = -1,
+ this._vertices[t + 1 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 2] = 1,
+ this._vertices[t + 1 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 3] = a,
+ this._vertices[t + 2 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 0] = 1,
+ this._vertices[t + 2 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 1] = 1,
+ this._vertices[t + 2 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 2] = 1,
+ this._vertices[t + 2 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 3] = a + n,
+ this._vertices[t + 3 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 0] = -1,
+ this._vertices[t + 3 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 1] = 1,
+ this._vertices[t + 3 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 2] = 0,
+ this._vertices[t + 3 * this._floatCountPerVertex + 3] = a + n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.loadContent = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.update = function(t) {
+ this._currentTime += t / 1e3,
+ this.retireActiveParticles(),
+ this.freeRetiredParticles(),
+ this._firstActiveElement == this._firstFreeElement && (this._currentTime = 0),
+ this._firstRetiredElement == this._firstActiveElement && (this._drawCounter = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.retireActiveParticles = function() {
+ for (var t = this.settings.duration; this._firstActiveElement != this._firstNewElement; ) {
+ var e = this._firstActiveElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4
+ , i = e + 28
+ , n = this._currentTime - this._vertices[i];
+ if ((n *= 1 + this._vertices[e + 27]) + 1e-4 < t)
+ break;
+ this._vertices[i] = this._drawCounter,
+ this._firstActiveElement++,
+ this._firstActiveElement >= this.settings.maxPartices && (this._firstActiveElement = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.freeRetiredParticles = function() {
+ for (; this._firstRetiredElement != this._firstActiveElement; ) {
+ if (this._drawCounter - this._vertices[this._firstRetiredElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4 + 28] < 3)
+ break;
+ this._firstRetiredElement++,
+ this._firstRetiredElement >= this.settings.maxPartices && (this._firstRetiredElement = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addNewParticlesToVertexBuffer = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.addParticleArray = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._firstFreeElement + 1;
+ if (i >= this.settings.maxPartices && (i = 0),
+ i !== this._firstRetiredElement) {
+ for (var n = x.Create(this.settings, t, e, this._currentTime), a = this._firstFreeElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4, r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 4; s < 3; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.position[s];
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 7; s < 3; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.velocity[s];
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 10; s < 4; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.startColor[s];
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 14; s < 4; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.endColor[s];
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 18; s < 3; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.sizeRotation[s];
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 21; s < 2; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.radius[s];
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = 23; s < 4; s++)
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + o + s] = n.radian[s];
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + 27] = n.durationAddScale,
+ this._vertices[a + r * this._floatCountPerVertex + 28] = n.time
+ }
+ this._firstFreeElement = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , D = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._ready = !1,
+ this.textureList = [],
+ this.particleList = [],
+ this.pX = 0,
+ this.pY = 0,
+ this.activeParticles = [],
+ this.deadParticles = [],
+ this.iList = [],
+ this._maxNumParticles = 0,
+ this.textureWidth = NaN,
+ this.dTextureWidth = NaN,
+ this.colorChange = !0,
+ this.step = 1 / 60,
+ this.canvasShader = new S,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.settings = t,
+ this._maxNumParticles = t.maxPartices,
+ this.texture = new m,
+ this.texture.on("loaded", this, this._textureLoaded),
+ this.texture.load(t.textureName)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.particle.ParticleTemplateCanvas", C);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._textureLoaded = function(t) {
+ this.setTexture(this.texture),
+ this._ready = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clear = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this.deadParticles.length = 0,
+ this.activeParticles.length = 0,
+ this.textureList.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setTexture = function(t) {
+ this.texture = t,
+ this.textureWidth = t.width,
+ this.dTextureWidth = 1 / this.textureWidth,
+ this.pX = .5 * -t.width,
+ this.pY = .5 * -t.height,
+ this.textureList = e.changeTexture(t, this.textureList),
+ this.particleList.length = 0,
+ this.deadParticles.length = 0,
+ this.activeParticles.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._createAParticleData = function(t, e) {
+ this.canvasShader.u_EndVelocity = this.settings.endVelocity,
+ this.canvasShader.u_Gravity = this.settings.gravity,
+ this.canvasShader.u_Duration = this.settings.duration;
+ var i;
+ i = x.Create(this.settings, t, e, 0),
+ this.canvasShader.a_Position = i.position,
+ this.canvasShader.a_Velocity = i.velocity,
+ this.canvasShader.a_StartColor = i.startColor,
+ this.canvasShader.a_EndColor = i.endColor,
+ this.canvasShader.a_SizeRotation = i.sizeRotation,
+ this.canvasShader.a_Radius = i.radius,
+ this.canvasShader.a_Radian = i.radian,
+ this.canvasShader.a_AgeAddScale = i.durationAddScale,
+ this.canvasShader.oSize = this.textureWidth;
+ var n = new M
+ , a = 0
+ , r = this.settings.duration / (1 + i.durationAddScale)
+ , s = [];
+ for (a = 0; a < r; a += this.step)
+ s.push(this.canvasShader.getData(a));
+ return n.id = this.particleList.length,
+ this.particleList.push(n),
+ n.setCmds(s),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addParticleArray = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._ready) {
+ var i;
+ this.particleList.length < this._maxNumParticles ? (i = this._createAParticleData(t, e),
+ this.iList[i.id] = 0,
+ this.activeParticles.push(i)) : this.deadParticles.length > 0 && (i = this.deadParticles.pop(),
+ this.iList[i.id] = 0,
+ this.activeParticles.push(i))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.advanceTime = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ this._ready) {
+ var e, i = this.activeParticles, n = this.deadParticles, a = 0, r = i.length, s = 0, o = this.iList;
+ for (a = r - 1; a > -1; a--)
+ (s = o[(e = i[a]).id]) >= e.maxIndex ? (s = 0,
+ i.splice(a, 1),
+ n.push(e)) : s += 1,
+ o[e.id] = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.render = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._ready && (this.activeParticles.length < 1 || this.textureList.length < 2 || (this.settings.disableColor ? this.noColorRender(t, e, i) : this.canvasRender(t, e, i)))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.noColorRender = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a, r = this.activeParticles, s = 0, o = r.length, l = NaN, h = this.pX, c = this.pY, _ = 2 * -h, u = 2 * -c, d = 0, f = (this.textureList,
+ this.iList), p = NaN;
+ for (t.translate(e, i),
+ p = t.ctx.globalAlpha,
+ s = 0; s < o; s++)
+ d = f[(n = r[s]).id],
+ (a = n.cmds[d]) && ((l = a[1]) <= .01 || (t.setAlpha(p * l),
+ t.drawTextureWithTransform(this.texture, h, c, _, u, a[2], 1)));
+ t.setAlpha(p),
+ t.translate(-e, -i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.canvasRender = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a, r, s = this.activeParticles, o = 0, l = s.length, h = this.pX, c = this.pY, _ = 2 * -h, u = 2 * -c, d = 0, f = this.textureList, p = this.iList, m = NaN;
+ for (t.translate(e, i),
+ m = t.ctx.globalAlpha,
+ r = t.ctx.globalCompositeOperation,
+ t.blendMode("lighter"),
+ o = 0; o < l; o++)
+ d = p[(n = s[o]).id],
+ (a = n.cmds[d]) && (a[1] <= .01 || (t.save(),
+ t.transformByMatrix(a[2]),
+ a[3] > .01 && (t.setAlpha(m * a[3]),
+ t.drawTexture(f[0], h, c, _, u)),
+ a[4] > .01 && (t.setAlpha(m * a[4]),
+ t.drawTexture(f[1], h, c, _, u)),
+ a[5] > .01 && (t.setAlpha(m * a[5]),
+ t.drawTexture(f[2], h, c, _, u)),
+ t.restore()));
+ t.setAlpha(m),
+ t.translate(-e, -i),
+ t.blendMode(r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.changeTexture = function(t, e, i) {
+ return e || (e = []),
+ e.length = 0,
+ i && i.disableColor ? e.push(t, t, t) : g.copyArray(e, L.getRGBPic(t)),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , N = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._vertexBuffer2D = null,
+ this._indexBuffer2D = null,
+ this.x = 0,
+ this.y = 0,
+ this._blendFn = null,
+ this._startTime = 0,
+ this.sv = new A,
+ e.__super.call(this, t);
+ var n = this;
+ i.loader.load(this.settings.textureName, l.create(null, function(t) {
+ t.bitmap.enableMerageInAtlas = !1,
+ n.texture = t
+ })),
+ this.sv.u_Duration = this.settings.duration,
+ this.sv.u_Gravity = this.settings.gravity,
+ this.sv.u_EndVelocity = this.settings.endVelocity,
+ this._blendFn = s.fns[t.blendState],
+ this.initialize(),
+ this._vertexBuffer = this._vertexBuffer2D = v.create(-1, 35048),
+ this._indexBuffer = this._indexBuffer2D = h.create(35044),
+ this.loadContent()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.particle.ParticleTemplate2D", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0
+ }),
+ n.getRenderType = function() {
+ return -111
+ }
+ ,
+ n.releaseRender = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.addParticleArray = function(e, i) {
+ e[0] += this.x,
+ e[1] += this.y,
+ t.prototype.addParticleArray.call(this, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadContent = function() {
+ for (var t = new Uint16Array(6 * this.settings.maxPartices), e = 0; e < this.settings.maxPartices; e++)
+ t[6 * e + 0] = 4 * e + 0,
+ t[6 * e + 1] = 4 * e + 1,
+ t[6 * e + 2] = 4 * e + 2,
+ t[6 * e + 3] = 4 * e + 0,
+ t[6 * e + 4] = 4 * e + 2,
+ t[6 * e + 5] = 4 * e + 3;
+ this._indexBuffer2D.clear(),
+ this._indexBuffer2D.append(t),
+ this._indexBuffer2D.upload()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addNewParticlesToVertexBuffer = function() {
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.clear(),
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.append(this._vertices);
+ var t = 0;
+ this._firstNewElement < this._firstFreeElement ? (t = 4 * this._firstNewElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4,
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.subUpload(t, t, t + 4 * (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstNewElement) * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4)) : (t = 4 * this._firstNewElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4,
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.subUpload(t, t, t + 4 * (this.settings.maxPartices - this._firstNewElement) * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4),
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && (this._vertexBuffer2D.setNeedUpload(),
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.subUpload(0, 0, 4 * this._firstFreeElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 4))),
+ this._firstNewElement = this._firstFreeElement
+ }
+ ,
+ n.renderSubmit = function() {
+ if (this.texture && this.texture.loaded) {
+ if (this.update(i.timer.delta),
+ this.sv.u_CurrentTime = this._currentTime,
+ this._firstNewElement != this._firstFreeElement && this.addNewParticlesToVertexBuffer(),
+ this.blend(),
+ this._firstActiveElement != this._firstFreeElement) {
+ b.mainContext;
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.bind(this._indexBuffer2D),
+ this.sv.u_texture = this.texture.source,
+ this.sv.upload(),
+ this._firstActiveElement < this._firstFreeElement ? b.mainContext.drawElements(4, 6 * (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstActiveElement), 5123, 6 * this._firstActiveElement * 2) : (b.mainContext.drawElements(4, 6 * (this.settings.maxPartices - this._firstActiveElement), 5123, 6 * this._firstActiveElement * 2),
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && b.mainContext.drawElements(4, 6 * this._firstFreeElement, 5123, 0)),
+ p.drawCall++
+ }
+ this._drawCounter++
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.blend = function() {
+ if (s.activeBlendFunction !== this._blendFn) {
+ var t = b.mainContext;
+ t.enable(3042),
+ this._blendFn(t),
+ s.activeBlendFunction = this._blendFn
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.dispose = function() {
+ this._vertexBuffer2D.dispose(),
+ this._indexBuffer2D.dispose()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.activeBlendType = -1,
+ e
+ }(E)
+ , A = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.a_CornerTextureCoordinate = [4, 5126, !1, 116, 0],
+ this.a_Position = [3, 5126, !1, 116, 16],
+ this.a_Velocity = [3, 5126, !1, 116, 28],
+ this.a_StartColor = [4, 5126, !1, 116, 40],
+ this.a_EndColor = [4, 5126, !1, 116, 56],
+ this.a_SizeRotation = [3, 5126, !1, 116, 72],
+ this.a_Radius = [2, 5126, !1, 116, 84],
+ this.a_Radian = [4, 5126, !1, 116, 92],
+ this.a_AgeAddScale = [1, 5126, !1, 116, 108],
+ this.a_Time = [1, 5126, !1, 116, 112],
+ this.u_CurrentTime = NaN,
+ this.u_Duration = NaN,
+ this.u_Gravity = null,
+ this.u_EndVelocity = NaN,
+ this.u_texture = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, 0, 0)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.particle.shader.value.ParticleShaderValue", y);
+ return e.prototype.upload = function() {
+ this.refresh(),
+ e.pShader.upload(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["pShader", function() {
+ return this.pShader = new B
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , B = (function(e) {
+ function n(t) {
+ this._matrix4 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ this._particleTemplate = null,
+ this._canvasTemplate = null,
+ this._emitter = null,
+ this.autoPlay = !0,
+ n.__super.call(this),
+ t && this.setParticleSetting(t)
+ }
+ a(n, "laya.particle.Particle2D", e);
+ var s = n.prototype;
+ s.load = function(t) {
+ i.loader.load(t, l.create(this, this.setParticleSetting), null, "json")
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setParticleSetting = function(e) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (!e)
+ return this.stop();
+ if (I.checkSetting(e),
+ t.ConchParticleTemplate2D && !u.isWebGL || (this.customRenderEnable = !0),
+ u.isWebGL)
+ this._particleTemplate = new N(e),
+ this.graphics._saveToCmd(u.context._drawParticle, [this._particleTemplate]);
+ else {
+ if (u.isConchApp && t.ConchParticleTemplate2D) {
+ this._particleTemplate = new ConchParticleTemplate2D;
+ var a = this;
+ return i.loader.load(e.textureName, l.create(null, function(t) {
+ a._particleTemplate.texture = t,
+ a._particleTemplate.settings = e,
+ u.isConchNode ? a.graphics.drawParticle(a._particleTemplate) : a.graphics._saveToCmd(u.context._drawParticle, [n._particleTemplate])
+ })),
+ this._emitter = {
+ start: function() {}
+ },
+ this.play = this._particleTemplate.play.bind(this._particleTemplate),
+ this.stop = this._particleTemplate.stop.bind(this._particleTemplate),
+ void (this.autoPlay && this.play())
+ }
+ this._particleTemplate = this._canvasTemplate = new D(e)
+ }
+ this._emitter ? this._emitter.template = this._particleTemplate : this._emitter = new T(this._particleTemplate),
+ this.autoPlay && (this.emitter.start(),
+ this.play())
+ }
+ ,
+ s.play = function() {
+ this.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._loop)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.stop = function() {
+ this.timer.clear(this, this._loop)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._loop = function() {
+ this.advanceTime(1 / 60)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.advanceTime = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ this._canvasTemplate && this._canvasTemplate.advanceTime(t),
+ this._emitter && this._emitter.advanceTime(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.customRender = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (u.isWebGL) {
+ this._matrix4[0] = t.ctx._curMat.a,
+ this._matrix4[1] = t.ctx._curMat.b,
+ this._matrix4[4] = t.ctx._curMat.c,
+ this._matrix4[5] = t.ctx._curMat.d,
+ this._matrix4[12] = t.ctx._curMat.tx,
+ this._matrix4[13] = t.ctx._curMat.ty;
+ this._particleTemplate.sv.u_mmat = this._matrix4
+ }
+ this._canvasTemplate && this._canvasTemplate.render(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this._particleTemplate instanceof laya.particle.ParticleTemplate2D && this._particleTemplate.dispose(),
+ e.prototype.destroy.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "url", null, function(t) {
+ this.load(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "emitter", function() {
+ return this._emitter
+ })
+ }(f),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this, e.vs, e.ps, "ParticleShader")
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.particle.shader.ParticleShader", d),
+ n(e, ["vs", function() {
+ return this.vs = "attribute vec4 a_CornerTextureCoordinate;\nattribute vec3 a_Position;\nattribute vec3 a_Velocity;\nattribute vec4 a_StartColor;\nattribute vec4 a_EndColor;\nattribute vec3 a_SizeRotation;\nattribute vec2 a_Radius;\nattribute vec4 a_Radian;\nattribute float a_AgeAddScale;\nattribute float a_Time;\n\nvarying vec4 v_Color;\nvarying vec2 v_TextureCoordinate;\n\nuniform float u_CurrentTime;\nuniform float u_Duration;\nuniform float u_EndVelocity;\nuniform vec3 u_Gravity;\n\n#ifdef PARTICLE3D\n uniform mat4 u_WorldMat;\n uniform mat4 u_View;\n uniform mat4 u_Projection;\n uniform vec2 u_ViewportScale;\n#else\n uniform vec2 size;\n uniform mat4 mmat;\n uniform mat4 u_mmat;\n#endif\n\nvec4 ComputeParticlePosition(in vec3 position, in vec3 velocity,in float age,in float normalizedAge)\n{\n\n float startVelocity = length(velocity);//起始标量速度\n float endVelocity = startVelocity * u_EndVelocity;//结束标量速度\n\n float velocityIntegral = startVelocity * normalizedAge +(endVelocity - startVelocity) * normalizedAge *normalizedAge/2.0;//计算当前速度的标量(单位空间),vt=v0*t+(1/2)*a*(t^2)\n \n vec3 addPosition = normalize(velocity) * velocityIntegral * u_Duration;//计算受自身速度影响的位置,转换标量到矢量 \n addPosition += u_Gravity * age * normalizedAge;//计算受重力影响的位置\n \n float radius=mix(a_Radius.x, a_Radius.y, normalizedAge); //计算粒子受半径和角度影响(无需计算角度和半径时,可用宏定义优化屏蔽此计算)\n float radianHorizontal =mix(a_Radian.x,a_Radian.z,normalizedAge);\n float radianVertical =mix(a_Radian.y,a_Radian.w,normalizedAge);\n \n float r =cos(radianVertical)* radius;\n addPosition.y += sin(radianVertical) * radius;\n\t\n addPosition.x += cos(radianHorizontal) *r;\n addPosition.z += sin(radianHorizontal) *r;\n \n #ifdef PARTICLE3D\n position+=addPosition;\n return u_Projection*u_View*u_WorldMat*(vec4(position, 1.0));\n #else\n addPosition.y=-addPosition.y;//2D粒子位置更新需要取负,2D粒子坐标系Y轴正向朝上\n position+=addPosition;\n return vec4(position,1.0);\n #endif\n}\n\nfloat ComputeParticleSize(in float startSize,in float endSize, in float normalizedAge)\n{ \n float size = mix(startSize, endSize, normalizedAge);\n \n\t#ifdef PARTICLE3D\n //Project the size into screen coordinates.\n return size * u_Projection[1][1];\n\t#else\n\t return size;\n\t#endif\n}\n\nmat2 ComputeParticleRotation(in float rot,in float age)\n{ \n float rotation =rot * age;\n //计算2x2旋转矩阵.\n float c = cos(rotation);\n float s = sin(rotation);\n return mat2(c, -s, s, c);\n}\n\nvec4 ComputeParticleColor(in vec4 startColor,in vec4 endColor,in float normalizedAge)\n{\n\tvec4 color=mix(startColor,endColor,normalizedAge);\n //硬编码设置,使粒子淡入很快,淡出很慢,6.7的缩放因子把置归一在0到1之间,可以谷歌x*(1-x)*(1-x)*6.7的制图表\n color.a *= normalizedAge * (1.0-normalizedAge) * (1.0-normalizedAge) * 6.7;\n \n return color;\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n float age = u_CurrentTime - a_Time;\n age *= 1.0 + a_AgeAddScale;\n float normalizedAge = clamp(age / u_Duration,0.0,1.0);\n gl_Position = ComputeParticlePosition(a_Position, a_Velocity, age, normalizedAge);//计算粒子位置\n float pSize = ComputeParticleSize(a_SizeRotation.x,a_SizeRotation.y, normalizedAge);\n mat2 rotation = ComputeParticleRotation(a_SizeRotation.z, age);\n\t\n #ifdef PARTICLE3D\n\tgl_Position.xy += (rotation*a_CornerTextureCoordinate.xy) * pSize * u_ViewportScale;\n #else\n mat4 mat=u_mmat*mmat;\n gl_Position=vec4((mat*gl_Position).xy,0.0,1.0);\n\tgl_Position.xy += (rotation*a_CornerTextureCoordinate.xy) * pSize*vec2(mat[0][0],mat[1][1]);\n gl_Position=vec4((gl_Position.x/size.x-0.5)*2.0,(0.5-gl_Position.y/size.y)*2.0,0.0,1.0);\n #endif\n \n v_Color = ComputeParticleColor(a_StartColor,a_EndColor, normalizedAge);\n v_TextureCoordinate =a_CornerTextureCoordinate.zw;\n}\n\n"
+ }
+ , "ps", function() {
+ return this.ps = "#ifdef FSHIGHPRECISION\nprecision highp float;\n#else\nprecision mediump float;\n#endif\n\nvarying vec4 v_Color;\nvarying vec2 v_TextureCoordinate;\nuniform sampler2D u_texture;\n\nvoid main()\n{\t\n\tgl_FragColor=texture2D(u_texture,v_TextureCoordinate)*v_Color;\n\tgl_FragColor.xyz *= v_Color.w;\n}"
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }())
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(global, undefined) {
+ "use strict";
+ !function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(i) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ return a || t[i][0].call(a = e[i] = {
+ exports: {}
+ }, n, a, a.exports),
+ a.exports
+ }
+ var a = global.protobuf = n(i[0]);
+ "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define(["long"], function(t) {
+ return a.util.Long = t,
+ a.configure(),
+ a
+ }),
+ "object" == typeof module && module && module.exports && (module.exports = a)
+ }({
+ 1: [function(t, e, i) {
+ e.exports = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = [], n = 2; n < arguments.length; )
+ i.push(arguments[n++]);
+ var a = !0;
+ return new Promise(function(n, r) {
+ i.push(function(t) {
+ if (a)
+ if (a = !1,
+ t)
+ r(t);
+ else {
+ for (var e = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; )
+ e.push(arguments[i++]);
+ n.apply(null, e)
+ }
+ });
+ try {
+ t.apply(e || this, i)
+ } catch (t) {
+ a && (a = !1,
+ r(t))
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 2: [function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i;
+ n.length = function(t) {
+ var e = t.length;
+ if (!e)
+ return 0;
+ for (var i = 0; --e % 4 > 1 && "=" === t.charAt(e); )
+ ++i;
+ return Math.ceil(3 * t.length) / 4 - i
+ }
+ ;
+ for (var a = new Array(64), r = new Array(123), s = 0; s < 64; )
+ r[a[s] = s < 26 ? s + 65 : s < 52 ? s + 71 : s < 62 ? s - 4 : s - 59 | 43] = s++;
+ n.encode = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n, r = [], s = 0, o = 0; e < i; ) {
+ var l = t[e++];
+ switch (o) {
+ case 0:
+ r[s++] = a[l >> 2],
+ n = (3 & l) << 4,
+ o = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ r[s++] = a[n | l >> 4],
+ n = (15 & l) << 2,
+ o = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ r[s++] = a[n | l >> 6],
+ r[s++] = a[63 & l],
+ o = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return o && (r[s++] = a[n],
+ r[s] = 61,
+ 1 === o && (r[s + 1] = 61)),
+ String.fromCharCode.apply(String, r)
+ }
+ ;
+ n.decode = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n, a = i, s = 0, o = 0; o < t.length; ) {
+ var l = t.charCodeAt(o++);
+ if (61 === l && s > 1)
+ break;
+ if ((l = r[l]) === undefined)
+ throw Error("invalid encoding");
+ switch (s) {
+ case 0:
+ n = l,
+ s = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ e[i++] = n << 2 | (48 & l) >> 4,
+ n = l,
+ s = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e[i++] = (15 & n) << 4 | (60 & l) >> 2,
+ n = l,
+ s = 3;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ e[i++] = (3 & n) << 6 | l,
+ s = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if (1 === s)
+ throw Error("invalid encoding");
+ return i - a
+ }
+ ,
+ n.test = function(t) {
+ return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(t)
+ }
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 3: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ function t() {
+ for (var e = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; )
+ e.push(arguments[n++]);
+ var u = a.apply(null, e)
+ , d = c;
+ if (i.length) {
+ var f = i[i.length - 1];
+ r.test(f) ? d = ++c : l.test(f) && ++d,
+ o.test(f) && !o.test(u) ? (d = ++c,
+ _ = !0) : _ && h.test(f) && (d = --c,
+ _ = !1),
+ s.test(u) && (d = --c)
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < d; ++n)
+ u = "\t" + u;
+ return i.push(u),
+ t
+ }
+ for (var e = [], i = [], c = 1, _ = !1, u = 0; u < arguments.length; )
+ e.push(arguments[u++]);
+ return t.str = function(t) {
+ return "function" + (t ? " " + t.replace(/[^\w_$]/g, "_") : "") + "(" + e.join(",") + ") {\n" + i.join("\n") + "\n}"
+ }
+ ,
+ t.eof = function(e, i) {
+ "object" == typeof e && (i = e,
+ e = undefined);
+ var a = t.str(e);
+ n.verbose && console.log("--- codegen ---\n" + a.replace(/^/gm, "> ").replace(/\t/g, " "));
+ var r = Object.keys(i || (i = {}));
+ return Function.apply(null, r.concat("return " + a)).apply(null, r.map(function(t) {
+ return i[t]
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; )
+ e.push(arguments[i++]);
+ if (i = 0,
+ t = t.replace(/%([dfjs])/g, function(t, n) {
+ switch (n) {
+ case "d":
+ return Math.floor(e[i++]);
+ case "f":
+ return Number(e[i++]);
+ case "j":
+ return JSON.stringify(e[i++]);
+ default:
+ return e[i++]
+ }
+ }),
+ i !== e.length)
+ throw Error("argument count mismatch");
+ return t
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var r = /[{[]$/
+ , s = /^[}\]]/
+ , o = /:$/
+ , l = /^\s*(?:if|}?else if|while|for)\b|\b(?:else)\s*$/
+ , h = /\b(?:break|continue)(?: \w+)?;?$|^\s*return\b/;
+ n.sprintf = a,
+ n.supported = !1;
+ try {
+ n.supported = 1 === n("a", "b")("return a-b").eof()(2, 1)
+ } catch (t) {}
+ n.verbose = !1
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 4: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this._listeners = {}
+ }
+ e.exports = n,
+ n.prototype.on = function(t, e, i) {
+ return (this._listeners[t] || (this._listeners[t] = [])).push({
+ fn: e,
+ ctx: i || this
+ }),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.off = function(t, e) {
+ if (t === undefined)
+ this._listeners = {};
+ else if (e === undefined)
+ this._listeners[t] = [];
+ else
+ for (var i = this._listeners[t], n = 0; n < i.length; )
+ i[n].fn === e ? i.splice(n, 1) : ++n;
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.emit = function(t) {
+ var e = this._listeners[t];
+ if (e) {
+ for (var i = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; )
+ i.push(arguments[n++]);
+ for (n = 0; n < e.length; )
+ e[n].fn.apply(e[n++].ctx, i)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 5: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i) {
+ return "function" == typeof e ? (i = e,
+ e = {}) : e || (e = {}),
+ i ? !e.xhr && r && r.readFile ? r.readFile(t, function(a, r) {
+ return a && "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest ? n.xhr(t, e, i) : a ? i(a) : i(null, e.binary ? r : r.toString("utf8"))
+ }) : n.xhr(t, e, i) : a(n, this, t, e)
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(1)
+ , r = t(6)("fs");
+ n.xhr = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = new XMLHttpRequest;
+ n.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (4 !== n.readyState)
+ return undefined;
+ if (0 !== n.status && 200 !== n.status)
+ return i(Error("status " + n.status));
+ if (e.binary) {
+ var t = n.response;
+ if (!t) {
+ t = [];
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.responseText.length; ++a)
+ t.push(255 & n.responseText.charCodeAt(a))
+ }
+ return i(null, "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(t) : t)
+ }
+ return i(null, n.responseText)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.binary && ("overrideMimeType"in n && n.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"),
+ n.responseType = "arraybuffer"),
+ n.open("GET", t),
+ n.send()
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 1: 1,
+ 6: 6
+ }],
+ 6: [function(require, module, exports) {
+ function inquire(moduleName) {
+ try {
+ var mod = eval("quire".replace(/^/, "re"))(moduleName);
+ if (mod && (mod.length || Object.keys(mod).length))
+ return mod
+ } catch (t) {}
+ return null
+ }
+ module.exports = inquire
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 7: [function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i
+ , a = n.isAbsolute = function(t) {
+ return /^(?:\/|\w+:)/.test(t)
+ }
+ , r = n.normalize = function(t) {
+ var e = (t = t.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/")).split("/")
+ , i = a(t)
+ , n = "";
+ i && (n = e.shift() + "/");
+ for (var r = 0; r < e.length; )
+ ".." === e[r] ? r > 0 && ".." !== e[r - 1] ? e.splice(--r, 2) : i ? e.splice(r, 1) : ++r : "." === e[r] ? e.splice(r, 1) : ++r;
+ return n + e.join("/")
+ }
+ ;
+ n.resolve = function(t, e, i) {
+ return i || (e = r(e)),
+ a(e) ? e : (i || (t = r(t)),
+ (t = t.replace(/(?:\/|^)[^/]+$/, "")).length ? r(t + "/" + e) : e)
+ }
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 8: [function(t, e, i) {
+ e.exports = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i || 8192
+ , a = n >>> 1
+ , r = null
+ , s = n;
+ return function(i) {
+ if (i < 1 || i > a)
+ return t(i);
+ s + i > n && (r = t(n),
+ s = 0);
+ var o = e.call(r, s, s += i);
+ return 7 & s && (s = 1 + (7 | s)),
+ o
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 9: [function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i;
+ n.length = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)
+ (i = t.charCodeAt(n)) < 128 ? e += 1 : i < 2048 ? e += 2 : 55296 == (64512 & i) && 56320 == (64512 & t.charCodeAt(n + 1)) ? (++n,
+ e += 4) : e += 3;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.read = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (i - e < 1)
+ return "";
+ for (var n, a = null, r = [], s = 0; e < i; )
+ (n = t[e++]) < 128 ? r[s++] = n : n > 191 && n < 224 ? r[s++] = (31 & n) << 6 | 63 & t[e++] : n > 239 && n < 365 ? (n = ((7 & n) << 18 | (63 & t[e++]) << 12 | (63 & t[e++]) << 6 | 63 & t[e++]) - 65536,
+ r[s++] = 55296 + (n >> 10),
+ r[s++] = 56320 + (1023 & n)) : r[s++] = (15 & n) << 12 | (63 & t[e++]) << 6 | 63 & t[e++],
+ s > 8191 && ((a || (a = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, r)),
+ s = 0);
+ return a ? (s && a.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, r.slice(0, s))),
+ a.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, r.slice(0, s))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.write = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n, a, r = i, s = 0; s < t.length; ++s)
+ (n = t.charCodeAt(s)) < 128 ? e[i++] = n : n < 2048 ? (e[i++] = n >> 6 | 192,
+ e[i++] = 63 & n | 128) : 55296 == (64512 & n) && 56320 == (64512 & (a = t.charCodeAt(s + 1))) ? (n = 65536 + ((1023 & n) << 10) + (1023 & a),
+ ++s,
+ e[i++] = n >> 18 | 240,
+ e[i++] = n >> 12 & 63 | 128,
+ e[i++] = n >> 6 & 63 | 128,
+ e[i++] = 63 & n | 128) : (e[i++] = n >> 12 | 224,
+ e[i++] = n >> 6 & 63 | 128,
+ e[i++] = 63 & n | 128);
+ return i - r
+ }
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 10: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(e, i) {
+ if (a || (a = t(34)),
+ !(e instanceof a))
+ throw TypeError("type must be a Type");
+ if (i) {
+ if ("function" != typeof i)
+ throw TypeError("ctor must be a function")
+ } else
+ i = n.generate(e).eof(e.name);
+ i.constructor = n,
+ (i.prototype = new r).constructor = i,
+ s.merge(i, r, !0),
+ i.$type = e,
+ i.prototype.$type = e;
+ for (var o = 0; o < e.fieldsArray.length; ++o)
+ i.prototype[e._fieldsArray[o].name] = Array.isArray(e._fieldsArray[o].resolve().defaultValue) ? s.emptyArray : s.isObject(e._fieldsArray[o].defaultValue) && !e._fieldsArray[o].long ? s.emptyObject : e._fieldsArray[o].defaultValue;
+ var l = {};
+ for (o = 0; o < e.oneofsArray.length; ++o)
+ l[e._oneofsArray[o].resolve().name] = {
+ get: s.oneOfGetter(e._oneofsArray[o].oneof),
+ set: s.oneOfSetter(e._oneofsArray[o].oneof)
+ };
+ return o && Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, l),
+ e.ctor = i,
+ i.prototype
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a, r = t(21), s = t(36);
+ n.generate = function(t) {
+ return s.codegen("p")("if(p){")("for(var ks=Object.keys(p),i=0;i>>0", n, n);
+ break;
+ case "int32":
+ case "sint32":
+ case "sfixed32":
+ t("m%s=d%s|0", n, n);
+ break;
+ case "uint64":
+ l = !0;
+ case "int64":
+ case "sint64":
+ case "fixed64":
+ case "sfixed64":
+ t("if(util.Long)")("(m%s=util.Long.fromValue(d%s)).unsigned=%j", n, n, l)('else if(typeof d%s==="string")', n)("m%s=parseInt(d%s,10)", n, n)('else if(typeof d%s==="number")', n)("m%s=d%s", n, n)('else if(typeof d%s==="object")', n)("m%s=new util.LongBits(d%s.low>>>0,d%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s)", n, n, n, l ? "true" : "");
+ break;
+ case "bytes":
+ t('if(typeof d%s==="string")', n)("util.base64.decode(d%s,m%s=util.newBuffer(util.base64.length(d%s)),0)", n, n, n)("else if(d%s.length)", n)("m%s=d%s", n, n);
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ t("m%s=String(d%s)", n, n);
+ break;
+ case "bool":
+ t("m%s=Boolean(d%s)", n, n)
+ }
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (e.resolvedType)
+ e.resolvedType instanceof s ? t("d%s=o.enums===String?types[%d].values[m%s]:m%s", n, i, n, n) : t("d%s=types[%d].toObject(m%s,o)", n, i, n);
+ else {
+ var a = !1;
+ switch (e.type) {
+ case "uint64":
+ a = !0;
+ case "int64":
+ case "sint64":
+ case "fixed64":
+ case "sfixed64":
+ t('if(typeof m%s==="number")', n)("d%s=o.longs===String?String(m%s):m%s", n, n, n)("else")("d%s=o.longs===String?util.Long.prototype.toString.call(m%s):o.longs===Number?new util.LongBits(m%s.low>>>0,m%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s):m%s", n, n, n, n, a ? "true" : "", n);
+ break;
+ case "bytes":
+ t("d%s=o.bytes===String?util.base64.encode(m%s,0,m%s.length):o.bytes===Array?Array.prototype.slice.call(m%s):m%s", n, n, n, n, n);
+ break;
+ default:
+ t("d%s=m%s", n, n)
+ }
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ var r = i
+ , s = t(15)
+ , o = t(36);
+ r.fromObject = function(t) {
+ var e = t.fieldsArray
+ , i = o.codegen("d")("if(d instanceof this.ctor)")("return d");
+ if (!e.length)
+ return i("return new this.ctor");
+ i("var m=new this.ctor");
+ for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
+ var r = e[a].resolve()
+ , l = o.safeProp(r.name);
+ r.map ? (i("if(d%s){", l)('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', l)("throw TypeError(%j)", r.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s={}", l)("for(var ks=Object.keys(d%s),i=0;i>>3){");
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
+ var l = t._fieldsArray[i].resolve()
+ , h = l.resolvedType instanceof r ? "uint32" : l.type
+ , c = "m" + o.safeProp(l.name);
+ e("case %d:", l.id),
+ l.map ? (e("r.skip().pos++")("if(%s===util.emptyObject)", c)("%s={}", c)("var k=r.%s()", l.keyType)("r.pos++"),
+ s.basic[h] === undefined ? e('%s[typeof k==="object"?util.longToHash(k):k]=types[%d].decode(r,r.uint32())', c, i) : e('%s[typeof k==="object"?util.longToHash(k):k]=r.%s()', c, h)) : l.repeated ? (e("if(!(%s&&%s.length))", c, c)("%s=[]", c),
+ (a.compat || l.packed) && s.packed[h] !== undefined && e("if((t&7)===2){")("var c2=r.uint32()+r.pos")("while(r.pos>> 0, (e.id << 3 | 4) >>> 0) : t("types[%d].encode(%s,w.uint32(%d).fork()).ldelim()", i, n, (e.id << 3 | 2) >>> 0)
+ }
+ function a(t, e) {
+ return t.id - e.id
+ }
+ function r(t) {
+ var e, i = l.codegen("m", "w")("if(!w)")("w=Writer.create()"), h = t.fieldsArray;
+ r.compat && (h = h.slice().sort(a));
+ for (f = 0; f < h.length; ++f) {
+ var c = h[f].resolve()
+ , _ = r.compat ? t._fieldsArray.indexOf(c) : f;
+ if (!c.partOf) {
+ var u = c.resolvedType instanceof s ? "uint32" : c.type
+ , d = o.basic[u];
+ e = "m" + l.safeProp(c.name),
+ c.map ? (i("if(%s&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", e, c.name)("for(var ks=Object.keys(%s),i=0;i>> 0, 8 | o.mapKey[c.keyType], c.keyType),
+ d === undefined ? i("types[%d].encode(%s[ks[i]],w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim().ldelim()", _, e) : i(".uint32(%d).%s(%s[ks[i]]).ldelim()", 16 | d, u, e),
+ i("}")("}")) : c.repeated ? c.packed && o.packed[u] !== undefined ? i("if(%s&&%s.length&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", e, e, c.name)("w.uint32(%d).fork()", (c.id << 3 | 2) >>> 0)("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", e)("w.%s(%s[i])", u, e)("w.ldelim()")("}") : (i("if(%s!==undefined&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", e, c.name)("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", e),
+ d === undefined ? n(i, c, _, e + "[i]") : i("w.uint32(%d).%s(%s[i])", (c.id << 3 | d) >>> 0, u, e),
+ i("}")) : (c.required || (c.long ? i("if(%s!==undefined&&%s!==null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j))", e, e, c.name) : c.bytes || c.resolvedType && !(c.resolvedType instanceof s) ? i("if(%s&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j))", e, c.name) : i("if(%s!==undefined&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j))", e, c.name)),
+ d === undefined ? n(i, c, _, e) : i("w.uint32(%d).%s(%s)", (c.id << 3 | d) >>> 0, u, e))
+ }
+ }
+ for (var f = 0; f < t.oneofsArray.length; ++f) {
+ var p = t._oneofsArray[f];
+ i("switch(%s){", "m" + l.safeProp(p.name));
+ for (var m = 0; m < p.fieldsArray.length; ++m) {
+ var u = (c = p.fieldsArray[m]).resolvedType instanceof s ? "uint32" : c.type
+ , d = o.basic[u];
+ e = "m" + l.safeProp(c.name),
+ i("case%j:", c.name),
+ d === undefined ? n(i, c, t._fieldsArray.indexOf(c), e) : i("w.uint32(%d).%s(%s)", (c.id << 3 | d) >>> 0, u, e),
+ i("break")
+ }
+ i("}")
+ }
+ return i("return w")
+ }
+ e.exports = r,
+ r.compat = !0;
+ var s = t(15)
+ , o = t(35)
+ , l = t(36)
+ }
+ , {
+ 15: 15,
+ 35: 35,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 15: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i) {
+ if (a.call(this, t, i),
+ e && "object" != typeof e)
+ throw TypeError("values must be an object");
+ if (this.valuesById = {},
+ this.values = Object.create(this.valuesById),
+ this.comments = {},
+ e)
+ for (var n = Object.keys(e), r = 0; r < n.length; ++r)
+ this.valuesById[this.values[n[r]] = e[n[r]]] = n[r]
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(24);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Enum";
+ var r = t(36);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return new n(t,e.values,e.options)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return {
+ options: this.options,
+ values: this.values
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.add = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (!r.isString(t))
+ throw TypeError("name must be a string");
+ if (!r.isInteger(e))
+ throw TypeError("id must be an integer");
+ if (this.values[t] !== undefined)
+ throw Error("duplicate name");
+ if (this.valuesById[e] !== undefined) {
+ if (!this.options || !this.options.allow_alias)
+ throw Error("duplicate id");
+ this.values[t] = e
+ } else
+ this.valuesById[this.values[t] = e] = t;
+ return this.comments[t] = i || null,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.remove = function(t) {
+ if (!r.isString(t))
+ throw TypeError("name must be a string");
+ var e = this.values[t];
+ if (e === undefined)
+ throw Error("name does not exist");
+ return delete this.valuesById[e],
+ delete this.values[t],
+ delete this.comments[t],
+ this
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 24: 24,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 16: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i, n, r, s) {
+ if (l.isObject(n) ? (s = n,
+ n = r = undefined) : l.isObject(r) && (s = r,
+ r = undefined),
+ a.call(this, t, s),
+ !l.isInteger(e) || e < 0)
+ throw TypeError("id must be a non-negative integer");
+ if (!l.isString(i))
+ throw TypeError("type must be a string");
+ if (n !== undefined && !h.test(n = n.toString().toLowerCase()))
+ throw TypeError("rule must be a string rule");
+ if (r !== undefined && !l.isString(r))
+ throw TypeError("extend must be a string");
+ this.rule = n && "optional" !== n ? n : undefined,
+ this.type = i,
+ this.id = e,
+ this.extend = r || undefined,
+ this.required = "required" === n,
+ this.optional = !this.required,
+ this.repeated = "repeated" === n,
+ this.map = !1,
+ this.message = null,
+ this.partOf = null,
+ this.typeDefault = null,
+ this.defaultValue = null,
+ this.long = !!l.Long && o.long[i] !== undefined,
+ this.bytes = "bytes" === i,
+ this.resolvedType = null,
+ this.extensionField = null,
+ this.declaringField = null,
+ this._packed = null
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(24);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Field";
+ var r, s = t(15), o = t(35), l = t(36), h = /^required|optional|repeated$/;
+ Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, "packed", {
+ get: function() {
+ return null === this._packed && (this._packed = !1 !== this.getOption("packed")),
+ this._packed
+ }
+ }),
+ n.prototype.setOption = function(t, e, i) {
+ return "packed" === t && (this._packed = null),
+ a.prototype.setOption.call(this, t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return new n(t,e.id,e.type,e.rule,e.extend,e.options)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return {
+ rule: "optional" !== this.rule && this.rule || undefined,
+ type: this.type,
+ id: this.id,
+ extend: this.extend,
+ options: this.options
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolve = function() {
+ if (this.resolved)
+ return this;
+ if ((this.typeDefault = o.defaults[this.type]) === undefined) {
+ r || (r = t(34));
+ var e = this.declaringField ? this.declaringField.parent : this.parent;
+ if (this.resolvedType = e.lookup(this.type, r))
+ this.typeDefault = null;
+ else {
+ if (!(this.resolvedType = e.lookup(this.type, s)))
+ throw Error("unresolvable field type: " + this.type + " in " + e);
+ this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[Object.keys(this.resolvedType.values)[0]]
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.options && this.options.default !== undefined && (this.typeDefault = this.options.default,
+ this.resolvedType instanceof s && "string" == typeof this.typeDefault && (this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[this.typeDefault])),
+ !this.options || this.options.packed === undefined || !this.resolvedType || this.resolvedType instanceof s || delete this.options.packed,
+ this.long)
+ this.typeDefault = l.Long.fromNumber(this.typeDefault, "u" === this.type.charAt(0)),
+ Object.freeze && Object.freeze(this.typeDefault);
+ else if (this.bytes && "string" == typeof this.typeDefault) {
+ var i;
+ l.base64.test(this.typeDefault) ? l.base64.decode(this.typeDefault, i = l.newBuffer(l.base64.length(this.typeDefault)), 0) : l.utf8.write(this.typeDefault, i = l.newBuffer(l.utf8.length(this.typeDefault)), 0),
+ this.typeDefault = i
+ }
+ return this.map ? this.defaultValue = l.emptyObject : this.repeated ? this.defaultValue = l.emptyArray : this.defaultValue = this.typeDefault,
+ a.prototype.resolve.call(this)
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 15: 15,
+ 24: 24,
+ 34: 34,
+ 35: 35,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 17: [function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e.exports = t(18);
+ n.build = "light",
+ n.load = function(t, e, i) {
+ return "function" == typeof e ? (i = e,
+ e = new n.Root) : e || (e = new n.Root),
+ e.load(t, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadSync = function(t, e) {
+ return e || (e = new n.Root),
+ e.loadSync(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.encoder = t(14),
+ n.decoder = t(13),
+ n.verifier = t(39),
+ n.converter = t(12),
+ n.ReflectionObject = t(24),
+ n.Namespace = t(23),
+ n.Root = t(29),
+ n.Enum = t(15),
+ n.Type = t(34),
+ n.Field = t(16),
+ n.OneOf = t(25),
+ n.MapField = t(20),
+ n.Service = t(32),
+ n.Method = t(22),
+ n.Class = t(10),
+ n.Message = t(21),
+ n.types = t(35),
+ n.util = t(36),
+ n.ReflectionObject._configure(n.Root),
+ n.Namespace._configure(n.Type, n.Service),
+ n.Root._configure(n.Type)
+ }
+ , {
+ 10: 10,
+ 12: 12,
+ 13: 13,
+ 14: 14,
+ 15: 15,
+ 16: 16,
+ 18: 18,
+ 20: 20,
+ 21: 21,
+ 22: 22,
+ 23: 23,
+ 24: 24,
+ 25: 25,
+ 29: 29,
+ 32: 32,
+ 34: 34,
+ 35: 35,
+ 36: 36,
+ 39: 39
+ }],
+ 18: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ a.Reader._configure(a.BufferReader),
+ a.util._configure()
+ }
+ var a = i;
+ a.build = "minimal",
+ a.roots = {},
+ a.Writer = t(40),
+ a.BufferWriter = t(41),
+ a.Reader = t(27),
+ a.BufferReader = t(28),
+ a.util = t(38),
+ a.rpc = t(30),
+ a.configure = n,
+ a.Writer._configure(a.BufferWriter),
+ n()
+ }
+ , {
+ 27: 27,
+ 28: 28,
+ 30: 30,
+ 38: 38,
+ 40: 40,
+ 41: 41
+ }],
+ 19: [function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e.exports = t(17);
+ n.build = "full",
+ n.tokenize = t(33),
+ n.parse = t(26),
+ n.common = t(11),
+ n.Root._configure(n.Type, n.parse, n.common)
+ }
+ , {
+ 11: 11,
+ 17: 17,
+ 26: 26,
+ 33: 33
+ }],
+ 20: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i, n, r) {
+ if (a.call(this, t, e, n, r),
+ !s.isString(i))
+ throw TypeError("keyType must be a string");
+ this.keyType = i,
+ this.resolvedKeyType = null,
+ this.map = !0
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(16);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "MapField";
+ var r = t(35)
+ , s = t(36);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return new n(t,e.id,e.keyType,e.type,e.options)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return {
+ keyType: this.keyType,
+ type: this.type,
+ id: this.id,
+ extend: this.extend,
+ options: this.options
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolve = function() {
+ if (this.resolved)
+ return this;
+ if (r.mapKey[this.keyType] === undefined)
+ throw Error("invalid key type: " + this.keyType);
+ return a.prototype.resolve.call(this)
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 16: 16,
+ 35: 35,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 21: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var e = Object.keys(t), i = 0; i < e.length; ++i)
+ this[e[i]] = t[e[i]]
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(36);
+ n.encode = function(t, e) {
+ return this.$type.encode(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.encodeDelimited = function(t, e) {
+ return this.$type.encodeDelimited(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.decode = function(t) {
+ return this.$type.decode(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.decodeDelimited = function(t) {
+ return this.$type.decodeDelimited(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.verify = function(t) {
+ return this.$type.verify(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.from = n.fromObject = function(t) {
+ return this.$type.fromObject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.toObject = function(t, e) {
+ return this.$type.toObject(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toObject = function(t) {
+ return this.$type.toObject(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return this.$type.toObject(this, a.toJSONOptions)
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 22: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i, n, s, o, l) {
+ if (r.isObject(s) ? (l = s,
+ s = o = undefined) : r.isObject(o) && (l = o,
+ o = undefined),
+ e !== undefined && !r.isString(e))
+ throw TypeError("type must be a string");
+ if (!r.isString(i))
+ throw TypeError("requestType must be a string");
+ if (!r.isString(n))
+ throw TypeError("responseType must be a string");
+ a.call(this, t, l),
+ this.type = e || "rpc",
+ this.requestType = i,
+ this.requestStream = !!s || undefined,
+ this.responseType = n,
+ this.responseStream = !!o || undefined,
+ this.resolvedRequestType = null,
+ this.resolvedResponseType = null
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(24);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Method";
+ var r = t(36);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return new n(t,e.type,e.requestType,e.responseType,e.requestStream,e.responseStream,e.options)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return {
+ type: "rpc" !== this.type && this.type || undefined,
+ requestType: this.requestType,
+ requestStream: this.requestStream,
+ responseType: this.responseType,
+ responseStream: this.responseStream,
+ options: this.options
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolve = function() {
+ return this.resolved ? this : (this.resolvedRequestType = this.parent.lookupType(this.requestType),
+ this.resolvedResponseType = this.parent.lookupType(this.responseType),
+ a.prototype.resolve.call(this))
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 24: 24,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 23: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t) {
+ if (!t || !t.length)
+ return undefined;
+ for (var e = {}, i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)
+ e[t[i].name] = t[i].toJSON();
+ return e
+ }
+ function a(t, e) {
+ s.call(this, t, e),
+ this.nested = undefined,
+ this._nestedArray = null
+ }
+ function r(t) {
+ return t._nestedArray = null,
+ t
+ }
+ e.exports = a;
+ var s = t(24);
+ ((a.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)).constructor = a).className = "Namespace";
+ var o, l, h = t(15), c = t(16), _ = t(36);
+ a.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return new a(t,e.options).addJSON(e.nested)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.arrayToJSON = n,
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "nestedArray", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._nestedArray || (this._nestedArray = _.toArray(this.nested))
+ }
+ }),
+ a.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return {
+ options: this.options,
+ nested: n(this.nestedArray)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.addJSON = function(t) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var e, i = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < i.length; ++n)
+ e = t[i[n]],
+ this.add((e.fields !== undefined ? o.fromJSON : e.values !== undefined ? h.fromJSON : e.methods !== undefined ? l.fromJSON : e.id !== undefined ? c.fromJSON : a.fromJSON)(i[n], e));
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.get = function(t) {
+ return this.nested && this.nested[t] || null
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.getEnum = function(t) {
+ if (this.nested && this.nested[t]instanceof h)
+ return this.nested[t].values;
+ throw Error("no such enum")
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.add = function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof c && t.extend !== undefined || t instanceof o || t instanceof h || t instanceof l || t instanceof a))
+ throw TypeError("object must be a valid nested object");
+ if (this.nested) {
+ var e = this.get(t.name);
+ if (e) {
+ if (!(e instanceof a && t instanceof a) || e instanceof o || e instanceof l)
+ throw Error("duplicate name '" + t.name + "' in " + this);
+ for (var i = e.nestedArray, n = 0; n < i.length; ++n)
+ t.add(i[n]);
+ this.remove(e),
+ this.nested || (this.nested = {}),
+ t.setOptions(e.options, !0)
+ }
+ } else
+ this.nested = {};
+ return this.nested[t.name] = t,
+ t.onAdd(this),
+ r(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.remove = function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof s))
+ throw TypeError("object must be a ReflectionObject");
+ if (t.parent !== this)
+ throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
+ return delete this.nested[t.name],
+ Object.keys(this.nested).length || (this.nested = undefined),
+ t.onRemove(this),
+ r(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.define = function(t, e) {
+ if (_.isString(t))
+ t = t.split(".");
+ else if (!Array.isArray(t))
+ throw TypeError("illegal path");
+ if (t && t.length && "" === t[0])
+ throw Error("path must be relative");
+ for (var i = this; t.length > 0; ) {
+ var n = t.shift();
+ if (i.nested && i.nested[n]) {
+ if (!((i = i.nested[n])instanceof a))
+ throw Error("path conflicts with non-namespace objects")
+ } else
+ i.add(i = new a(n))
+ }
+ return e && i.addJSON(e),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.resolveAll = function() {
+ for (var t = this.nestedArray, e = 0; e < t.length; )
+ t[e]instanceof a ? t[e++].resolveAll() : t[e++].resolve();
+ return this.resolve()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.lookup = function(t, e, i) {
+ if ("boolean" == typeof e && (i = e,
+ e = undefined),
+ _.isString(t) && t.length) {
+ if ("." === t)
+ return this.root;
+ t = t.split(".")
+ } else if (!t.length)
+ return this;
+ if ("" === t[0])
+ return this.root.lookup(t.slice(1), e);
+ var n = this.get(t[0]);
+ if (n)
+ if (1 === t.length) {
+ if (!e || n instanceof e)
+ return n
+ } else if (n instanceof a && (n = n.lookup(t.slice(1), e, !0)))
+ return n;
+ return null === this.parent || i ? null : this.parent.lookup(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.lookupType = function(t) {
+ var e = this.lookup(t, o);
+ if (!e)
+ throw Error("no such type");
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.lookupService = function(t) {
+ var e = this.lookup(t, l);
+ if (!e)
+ throw Error("no such service");
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.lookupEnum = function(t) {
+ var e = this.lookup(t, h);
+ if (!e)
+ throw Error("no such enum");
+ return e.values
+ }
+ ,
+ a._configure = function(t, e) {
+ o = t,
+ l = e
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 15: 15,
+ 16: 16,
+ 24: 24,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 24: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ if (!r.isString(t))
+ throw TypeError("name must be a string");
+ if (e && !r.isObject(e))
+ throw TypeError("options must be an object");
+ this.options = e,
+ this.name = t,
+ this.parent = null,
+ this.resolved = !1,
+ this.comment = null,
+ this.filename = null
+ }
+ e.exports = n,
+ n.className = "ReflectionObject";
+ var a, r = t(36);
+ Object.defineProperties(n.prototype, {
+ root: {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = this; null !== t.parent; )
+ t = t.parent;
+ return t
+ }
+ },
+ fullName: {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = [this.name], e = this.parent; e; )
+ t.unshift(e.name),
+ e = e.parent;
+ return t.join(".")
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ throw Error()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onAdd = function(t) {
+ this.parent && this.parent !== t && this.parent.remove(this),
+ this.parent = t,
+ this.resolved = !1;
+ var e = t.root;
+ e instanceof a && e._handleAdd(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onRemove = function(t) {
+ var e = t.root;
+ e instanceof a && e._handleRemove(this),
+ this.parent = null,
+ this.resolved = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolve = function() {
+ return this.resolved ? this : (this.root instanceof a && (this.resolved = !0),
+ this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.getOption = function(t) {
+ return this.options ? this.options[t] : undefined
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.setOption = function(t, e, i) {
+ return i && this.options && this.options[t] !== undefined || ((this.options || (this.options = {}))[t] = e),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.setOptions = function(t, e) {
+ if (t)
+ for (var i = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < i.length; ++n)
+ this.setOption(i[n], t[i[n]], e);
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var t = this.constructor.className
+ , e = this.fullName;
+ return e.length ? t + " " + e : t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._configure = function(t) {
+ a = t
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 25: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i) {
+ if (Array.isArray(e) || (i = e,
+ e = undefined),
+ r.call(this, t, i),
+ e !== undefined && !Array.isArray(e))
+ throw TypeError("fieldNames must be an Array");
+ this.oneof = e || [],
+ this.fieldsArray = []
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ if (t.parent)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.fieldsArray.length; ++e)
+ t.fieldsArray[e].parent || t.parent.add(t.fieldsArray[e])
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var r = t(24);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "OneOf";
+ var s = t(16);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return new n(t,e.oneof,e.options)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return {
+ oneof: this.oneof,
+ options: this.options
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.add = function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof s))
+ throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
+ return t.parent && t.parent !== this.parent && t.parent.remove(t),
+ this.oneof.push(t.name),
+ this.fieldsArray.push(t),
+ t.partOf = this,
+ a(this),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.remove = function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof s))
+ throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
+ var e = this.fieldsArray.indexOf(t);
+ if (e < 0)
+ throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
+ return this.fieldsArray.splice(e, 1),
+ (e = this.oneof.indexOf(t.name)) > -1 && this.oneof.splice(e, 1),
+ t.partOf = null,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onAdd = function(t) {
+ r.prototype.onAdd.call(this, t);
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.oneof.length; ++e) {
+ var i = t.get(this.oneof[e]);
+ i && !i.partOf && (i.partOf = this,
+ this.fieldsArray.push(i))
+ }
+ a(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onRemove = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i = 0; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
+ (e = this.fieldsArray[i]).parent && e.parent.remove(e);
+ r.prototype.onRemove.call(this, t)
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 16: 16,
+ 24: 24
+ }],
+ 26: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t) {
+ return null === t ? null : t.toLowerCase()
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i) {
+ function L(t, e, i) {
+ var n = a.filename;
+ return i || (a.filename = null),
+ Error("illegal " + (e || "token") + " '" + t + "' (" + (n ? n + ", " : "") + "line " + X.line() + ")")
+ }
+ function T() {
+ var t, e = [];
+ do {
+ if ('"' !== (t = q()) && "'" !== t)
+ throw L(t);
+ e.push(q()),
+ K(t),
+ t = J()
+ } while ('"' === t || "'" === t);return e.join("")
+ }
+ function E(t) {
+ var e = q();
+ switch (n(e)) {
+ case "'":
+ case '"':
+ return Y(e),
+ T();
+ case "true":
+ return !0;
+ case "false":
+ return !1
+ }
+ try {
+ return function(t, e) {
+ var i = 1;
+ "-" === t.charAt(0) && (i = -1,
+ t = t.substring(1));
+ var a = n(t);
+ switch (a) {
+ case "inf":
+ return i * (1 / 0);
+ case "nan":
+ return NaN;
+ case "0":
+ return 0
+ }
+ if (m.test(t))
+ return i * parseInt(t, 10);
+ if (y.test(a))
+ return i * parseInt(t, 16);
+ if (b.test(t))
+ return i * parseInt(t, 8);
+ if (x.test(a))
+ return i * parseFloat(t);
+ throw L(t, "number", e)
+ }(e, !0)
+ } catch (i) {
+ if (t && C.test(e))
+ return e;
+ throw L(e, "value")
+ }
+ }
+ function D(t, e) {
+ var i, n;
+ do {
+ !e || '"' !== (i = J()) && "'" !== i ? t.push([n = N(q()), K("to", !0) ? N(q()) : n]) : t.push(T())
+ } while (K(",", !0));K(";")
+ }
+ function N(t, e) {
+ var i = n(t);
+ switch (i) {
+ case "max":
+ return 536870911;
+ case "0":
+ return 0
+ }
+ if ("-" === t.charAt(0) && !e)
+ throw L(t, "id");
+ if (g.test(t))
+ return parseInt(t, 10);
+ if (v.test(i))
+ return parseInt(t, 16);
+ if (w.test(t))
+ return parseInt(t, 8);
+ throw L(t, "id")
+ }
+ function A() {
+ if (H !== undefined)
+ throw L("package");
+ if (H = q(),
+ !C.test(H))
+ throw L(H, "name");
+ tt = tt.define(H),
+ K(";")
+ }
+ function B() {
+ var t, e = J();
+ switch (e) {
+ case "weak":
+ t = z || (z = []),
+ q();
+ break;
+ case "public":
+ q();
+ default:
+ t = G || (G = [])
+ }
+ e = T(),
+ K(";"),
+ t.push(e)
+ }
+ function k() {
+ if (K("="),
+ j = n(T()),
+ !($ = "proto3" === j) && "proto2" !== j)
+ throw L(j, "syntax");
+ K(";")
+ }
+ function R(t, e) {
+ switch (e) {
+ case "option":
+ return O(t, e),
+ K(";"),
+ !0;
+ case "message":
+ return function(t, e) {
+ var i = q();
+ if (!I.test(i))
+ throw L(i, "type name");
+ var r = new o(i);
+ if (r.comment = Z(),
+ r.filename = a.filename,
+ K("{", !0)) {
+ for (; "}" !== (e = q()); ) {
+ var s = n(e);
+ if (!R(r, e))
+ switch (s) {
+ case "map":
+ !function(t) {
+ K("<");
+ var e = q();
+ if (f.mapKey[e] === undefined)
+ throw L(e, "type");
+ K(",");
+ var i = q();
+ if (!C.test(i))
+ throw L(i, "type");
+ K(">");
+ var n = q();
+ if (!I.test(n))
+ throw L(n, "name");
+ n = et(n),
+ K("=");
+ var r = new h(n,N(q()),e,i)
+ , s = X.line();
+ r.comment = Z(),
+ r.filename = a.filename,
+ F(r),
+ r.comment || (r.comment = Z(s));
+ t.add(r)
+ }(r);
+ break;
+ case "required":
+ case "optional":
+ case "repeated":
+ P(r, s);
+ break;
+ case "oneof":
+ !function(t, e) {
+ var i = q();
+ if (!I.test(i))
+ throw L(i, "name");
+ i = et(i);
+ var n = new c(i)
+ , r = X.line();
+ if (n.comment = Z(),
+ n.filename = a.filename,
+ K("{", !0)) {
+ for (; "}" !== (e = q()); )
+ "option" === e ? (O(n, e),
+ K(";")) : (Y(e),
+ P(n, "optional"));
+ K(";", !0)
+ } else
+ K(";"),
+ n.comment || (n.comment = Z(r));
+ t.add(n)
+ }(r, s);
+ break;
+ case "extensions":
+ D(r.extensions || (r.extensions = []));
+ break;
+ case "reserved":
+ D(r.reserved || (r.reserved = []), !0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!$ || !C.test(e))
+ throw L(e);
+ Y(e),
+ P(r, "optional")
+ }
+ }
+ K(";", !0)
+ } else
+ K(";");
+ t.add(r)
+ }(t, e),
+ !0;
+ case "enum":
+ return function(t, e) {
+ var i = q();
+ if (!I.test(i))
+ throw L(i, "name");
+ var r = new _(i);
+ if (r.comment = Z(),
+ r.filename = a.filename,
+ K("{", !0)) {
+ for (; "}" !== (e = q()); )
+ "option" === n(e) ? (O(r, e),
+ K(";")) : function(t, e) {
+ if (!I.test(e))
+ throw L(e, "name");
+ var i = e;
+ K("=");
+ var n = N(q(), !0)
+ , a = X.line();
+ t.add(i, n, Z()),
+ F({}),
+ t.comments[i] || (t.comments[i] = Z(a))
+ }(r, e);
+ K(";", !0)
+ } else
+ K(";");
+ t.add(r)
+ }(t, e),
+ !0;
+ case "service":
+ return function(t, e) {
+ if (e = q(),
+ !I.test(e))
+ throw L(e, "service name");
+ var i = new u(e);
+ if (i.comment = Z(),
+ i.filename = a.filename,
+ K("{", !0)) {
+ for (; "}" !== (e = q()); ) {
+ var r = n(e);
+ switch (r) {
+ case "option":
+ O(i, r),
+ K(";");
+ break;
+ case "rpc":
+ !function(t, e) {
+ var i = e
+ , r = q();
+ if (!I.test(r))
+ throw L(r, "name");
+ var s, o, l, h;
+ K("("),
+ K("stream", !0) && (o = !0);
+ if (!C.test(e = q()))
+ throw L(e);
+ s = e,
+ K(")"),
+ K("returns"),
+ K("("),
+ K("stream", !0) && (h = !0);
+ if (!C.test(e = q()))
+ throw L(e);
+ l = e,
+ K(")");
+ var c = new d(r,i,s,l,o,h)
+ , _ = X.line();
+ if (c.comment = Z(),
+ c.filename = a.filename,
+ K("{", !0)) {
+ for (; "}" !== (e = q()); ) {
+ var u = n(e);
+ switch (u) {
+ case "option":
+ O(c, u),
+ K(";");
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw L(e)
+ }
+ }
+ K(";", !0)
+ } else
+ K(";"),
+ c.comment || (c.comment = Z(_));
+ t.add(c)
+ }(i, r);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw L(e)
+ }
+ }
+ K(";", !0)
+ } else
+ K(";");
+ t.add(i)
+ }(t, e),
+ !0;
+ case "extend":
+ return function(t, e) {
+ var i = q();
+ if (!C.test(i))
+ throw L(i, "reference");
+ if (K("{", !0)) {
+ for (; "}" !== (e = q()); ) {
+ var a = n(e);
+ switch (a) {
+ case "required":
+ case "repeated":
+ case "optional":
+ P(t, a, i);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!$ || !C.test(e))
+ throw L(e);
+ Y(e),
+ P(t, "optional", i)
+ }
+ }
+ K(";", !0)
+ } else
+ K(";")
+ }(t, e),
+ !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ function P(t, e, i) {
+ var r = q();
+ if ("group" !== r) {
+ if (!C.test(r))
+ throw L(r, "type");
+ var s = q();
+ if (!I.test(s))
+ throw L(s, "name");
+ s = et(s),
+ K("=");
+ var h = new l(s,N(q()),r,e,i)
+ , c = X.line();
+ h.comment = Z(),
+ h.filename = a.filename,
+ F(h),
+ h.comment || (h.comment = Z(c)),
+ !$ && h.repeated && h.setOption("packed", !1, !0),
+ t.add(h)
+ } else
+ !function(t, e) {
+ var i = q();
+ if (!I.test(i))
+ throw L(i, "name");
+ var r = p.lcFirst(i);
+ i === r && (i = p.ucFirst(i));
+ K("=");
+ var s = N(q())
+ , h = new o(i);
+ h.group = !0,
+ h.comment = Z();
+ var c = new l(r,s,i,e);
+ h.filename = c.filename = a.filename,
+ K("{");
+ for (; "}" !== (W = q()); )
+ switch (W = n(W)) {
+ case "option":
+ O(h, W),
+ K(";");
+ break;
+ case "required":
+ case "optional":
+ case "repeated":
+ P(h, W);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw L(W)
+ }
+ K(";", !0),
+ t.add(h).add(c)
+ }(t, e)
+ }
+ function O(t, e) {
+ var i = K("(", !0)
+ , n = q();
+ if (!C.test(n))
+ throw L(n, "name");
+ i && (K(")"),
+ n = "(" + n + ")",
+ e = J(),
+ S.test(e) && (n += e,
+ q())),
+ K("="),
+ U(t, n)
+ }
+ function U(t, e) {
+ if (K("{", !0))
+ do {
+ if (!I.test(W = q()))
+ throw L(W, "name");
+ "{" === J() ? U(t, e + "." + W) : (K(":"),
+ V(t, e + "." + W, E(!0)))
+ } while (!K("}", !0));
+ else
+ V(t, e, E(!0))
+ }
+ function V(t, e, i) {
+ t.setOption && t.setOption(e, i)
+ }
+ function F(t) {
+ if (K("[", !0)) {
+ do {
+ O(t, "option")
+ } while (K(",", !0));K("]")
+ }
+ return K(";"),
+ t
+ }
+ e instanceof s || (i = e,
+ e = new s),
+ i || (i = a.defaults);
+ for (var H, G, z, j, W, X = r(t), q = X.next, Y = X.push, J = X.peek, K = X.skip, Z = X.cmnt, Q = !0, $ = !1, tt = e, et = i.keepCase ? function(t) {
+ return t
+ }
+ : function(t) {
+ return t.substring(0, 1) + t.substring(1).replace(M, function(t, e) {
+ return e.toUpperCase()
+ })
+ }
+ ; null !== (W = q()); ) {
+ switch (n(W)) {
+ case "package":
+ if (!Q)
+ throw L(W);
+ A();
+ break;
+ case "import":
+ if (!Q)
+ throw L(W);
+ B();
+ break;
+ case "syntax":
+ if (!Q)
+ throw L(W);
+ k();
+ break;
+ case "option":
+ if (!Q)
+ throw L(W);
+ O(tt, W),
+ K(";");
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (R(tt, W)) {
+ Q = !1;
+ continue
+ }
+ throw L(W)
+ }
+ }
+ return a.filename = null,
+ {
+ package: H,
+ imports: G,
+ weakImports: z,
+ syntax: j,
+ root: e
+ }
+ }
+ e.exports = a,
+ a.filename = null,
+ a.defaults = {
+ keepCase: !1
+ };
+ var r = t(33)
+ , s = t(29)
+ , o = t(34)
+ , l = t(16)
+ , h = t(20)
+ , c = t(25)
+ , _ = t(15)
+ , u = t(32)
+ , d = t(22)
+ , f = t(35)
+ , p = t(36)
+ , m = /^[1-9][0-9]*$/
+ , g = /^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/
+ , y = /^0[x][0-9a-f]+$/
+ , v = /^-?0[x][0-9a-f]+$/
+ , b = /^0[0-7]+$/
+ , w = /^-?0[0-7]+$/
+ , x = /^(?!e)[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[e][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/
+ , I = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/
+ , C = /^(?:\.?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)+$/
+ , S = /^(?:\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)+$/
+ , M = /_([a-z])(?=[a-z]|$)/g
+ }
+ , {
+ 15: 15,
+ 16: 16,
+ 20: 20,
+ 22: 22,
+ 25: 25,
+ 29: 29,
+ 32: 32,
+ 33: 33,
+ 34: 34,
+ 35: 35,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 27: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ return RangeError("index out of range: " + t.pos + " + " + (e || 1) + " > " + t.len)
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ this.buf = t,
+ this.pos = 0,
+ this.len = t.length
+ }
+ function r() {
+ var t = new c(0,0)
+ , e = 0;
+ if (!(this.len - this.pos > 4)) {
+ for (; e < 3; ++e) {
+ if (this.pos >= this.len)
+ throw n(this);
+ if (t.lo = (t.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * e) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t
+ }
+ return t.lo = (t.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos++]) << 7 * e) >>> 0,
+ t
+ }
+ for (; e < 4; ++e)
+ if (t.lo = (t.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * e) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if (t.lo = (t.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0,
+ t.hi = (t.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >> 4) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if (e = 0,
+ this.len - this.pos > 4) {
+ for (; e < 5; ++e)
+ if (t.hi = (t.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * e + 3) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t
+ } else
+ for (; e < 5; ++e) {
+ if (this.pos >= this.len)
+ throw n(this);
+ if (t.hi = (t.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * e + 3) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t
+ }
+ throw Error("invalid varint encoding")
+ }
+ function s(t, e) {
+ return (t[e - 4] | t[e - 3] << 8 | t[e - 2] << 16 | t[e - 1] << 24) >>> 0
+ }
+ function o() {
+ if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
+ throw n(this, 8);
+ return new c(s(this.buf, this.pos += 4),s(this.buf, this.pos += 4))
+ }
+ e.exports = a;
+ var l, h = t(38), c = h.LongBits, _ = h.utf8, u = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(t))
+ return new a(t);
+ throw Error("illegal buffer")
+ }
+ : function(t) {
+ if (Array.isArray(t))
+ return new a(t);
+ throw Error("illegal buffer")
+ }
+ ;
+ a.create = h.Buffer ? function(t) {
+ return (a.create = function(t) {
+ return h.Buffer.isBuffer(t) ? new l(t) : u(t)
+ }
+ )(t)
+ }
+ : u,
+ a.prototype._slice = h.Array.prototype.subarray || h.Array.prototype.slice,
+ a.prototype.uint32 = function() {
+ var t = 4294967295;
+ return function() {
+ if (t = (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if (t = (t | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if (t = (t | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 14) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if (t = (t | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 21) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if (t = (t | (15 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0,
+ this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
+ return t;
+ if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len)
+ throw this.pos = this.len,
+ n(this, 10);
+ return t
+ }
+ }(),
+ a.prototype.int32 = function() {
+ return 0 | this.uint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.sint32 = function() {
+ var t = this.uint32();
+ return t >>> 1 ^ -(1 & t) | 0
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.bool = function() {
+ return 0 !== this.uint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.fixed32 = function() {
+ if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
+ throw n(this, 4);
+ return s(this.buf, this.pos += 4)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.sfixed32 = function() {
+ if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
+ throw n(this, 4);
+ return 0 | s(this.buf, this.pos += 4)
+ }
+ ;
+ var d = "undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? function() {
+ var t = new Float32Array(1)
+ , e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer);
+ return t[0] = -0,
+ e[3] ? function(i, n) {
+ return e[0] = i[n],
+ e[1] = i[n + 1],
+ e[2] = i[n + 2],
+ e[3] = i[n + 3],
+ t[0]
+ }
+ : function(i, n) {
+ return e[0] = i[n + 3],
+ e[1] = i[n + 2],
+ e[2] = i[n + 1],
+ e[3] = i[n],
+ t[0]
+ }
+ }() : function(t, e) {
+ var i = s(t, e + 4)
+ , n = 2 * (i >> 31) + 1
+ , a = i >>> 23 & 255
+ , r = 8388607 & i;
+ return 255 === a ? r ? NaN : n * (1 / 0) : 0 === a ? 1.401298464324817e-45 * n * r : n * Math.pow(2, a - 150) * (r + 8388608)
+ }
+ ;
+ a.prototype.float = function() {
+ if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
+ throw n(this, 4);
+ var t = d(this.buf, this.pos);
+ return this.pos += 4,
+ t
+ }
+ ;
+ var f = "undefined" != typeof Float64Array ? function() {
+ var t = new Float64Array(1)
+ , e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer);
+ return t[0] = -0,
+ e[7] ? function(i, n) {
+ return e[0] = i[n],
+ e[1] = i[n + 1],
+ e[2] = i[n + 2],
+ e[3] = i[n + 3],
+ e[4] = i[n + 4],
+ e[5] = i[n + 5],
+ e[6] = i[n + 6],
+ e[7] = i[n + 7],
+ t[0]
+ }
+ : function(i, n) {
+ return e[0] = i[n + 7],
+ e[1] = i[n + 6],
+ e[2] = i[n + 5],
+ e[3] = i[n + 4],
+ e[4] = i[n + 3],
+ e[5] = i[n + 2],
+ e[6] = i[n + 1],
+ e[7] = i[n],
+ t[0]
+ }
+ }() : function(t, e) {
+ var i = s(t, e + 4)
+ , n = s(t, e + 8)
+ , a = 2 * (n >> 31) + 1
+ , r = n >>> 20 & 2047
+ , o = 4294967296 * (1048575 & n) + i;
+ return 2047 === r ? o ? NaN : a * (1 / 0) : 0 === r ? 5e-324 * a * o : a * Math.pow(2, r - 1075) * (o + 4503599627370496)
+ }
+ ;
+ a.prototype.double = function() {
+ if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
+ throw n(this, 4);
+ var t = f(this.buf, this.pos);
+ return this.pos += 8,
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.bytes = function() {
+ var t = this.uint32()
+ , e = this.pos
+ , i = this.pos + t;
+ if (i > this.len)
+ throw n(this, t);
+ return this.pos += t,
+ e === i ? new this.buf.constructor(0) : this._slice.call(this.buf, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.string = function() {
+ var t = this.bytes();
+ return _.read(t, 0, t.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.skip = function(t) {
+ if ("number" == typeof t) {
+ if (this.pos + t > this.len)
+ throw n(this, t);
+ this.pos += t
+ } else
+ do {
+ if (this.pos >= this.len)
+ throw n(this)
+ } while (128 & this.buf[this.pos++]);return this
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.skipType = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ this.skip();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.skip(8);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.skip(this.uint32());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ for (; ; ) {
+ if (4 == (t = 7 & this.uint32()))
+ break;
+ this.skipType(t)
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.skip(4);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error("invalid wire type " + t + " at offset " + this.pos)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ a._configure = function(t) {
+ l = t;
+ var e = h.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber";
+ h.merge(a.prototype, {
+ int64: function() {
+ return r.call(this)[e](!1)
+ },
+ uint64: function() {
+ return r.call(this)[e](!0)
+ },
+ sint64: function() {
+ return r.call(this).zzDecode()[e](!1)
+ },
+ fixed64: function() {
+ return o.call(this)[e](!0)
+ },
+ sfixed64: function() {
+ return o.call(this)[e](!1)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 38: 38
+ }],
+ 28: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t) {
+ a.call(this, t)
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(27);
+ (n.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = n;
+ var r = t(38);
+ r.Buffer && (n.prototype._slice = r.Buffer.prototype.slice),
+ n.prototype.string = function() {
+ var t = this.uint32();
+ return this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + t, this.len))
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 27: 27,
+ 38: 38
+ }],
+ 29: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t) {
+ s.call(this, "", t),
+ this.deferred = [],
+ this.files = []
+ }
+ function a() {}
+ function r(t, e) {
+ var i = e.parent.lookup(e.extend);
+ if (i) {
+ var n = new c(e.fullName,e.id,e.type,e.rule,undefined,e.options);
+ return n.declaringField = e,
+ e.extensionField = n,
+ i.add(n),
+ !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var s = t(23);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Root";
+ var o, l, h, c = t(16), _ = t(15), u = t(36);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ return e || (e = new n),
+ t.options && e.setOptions(t.options),
+ e.addJSON(t.nested)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolvePath = u.path.resolve,
+ n.prototype.load = function t(e, i, n) {
+ function r(t, e) {
+ if (n) {
+ var i = n;
+ if (n = null,
+ _)
+ throw t;
+ i(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ function s(t, e) {
+ try {
+ if (u.isString(e) && "{" === e.charAt(0) && (e = JSON.parse(e)),
+ u.isString(e)) {
+ l.filename = t;
+ var n, a = l(e, c, i), s = 0;
+ if (a.imports)
+ for (; s < a.imports.length; ++s)
+ (n = c.resolvePath(t, a.imports[s])) && o(n);
+ if (a.weakImports)
+ for (s = 0; s < a.weakImports.length; ++s)
+ (n = c.resolvePath(t, a.weakImports[s])) && o(n, !0)
+ } else
+ c.setOptions(e.options).addJSON(e.nested)
+ } catch (t) {
+ r(t)
+ }
+ _ || d || r(null, c)
+ }
+ function o(t, e) {
+ var i = t.lastIndexOf("google/protobuf/");
+ if (i > -1) {
+ var a = t.substring(i);
+ a in h && (t = a)
+ }
+ if (!(c.files.indexOf(t) > -1))
+ if (c.files.push(t),
+ t in h)
+ _ ? s(t, h[t]) : (++d,
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ --d,
+ s(t, h[t])
+ }));
+ else if (_) {
+ var o;
+ try {
+ o = u.fs.readFileSync(t).toString("utf8")
+ } catch (t) {
+ return void (e || r(t))
+ }
+ s(t, o)
+ } else
+ ++d,
+ u.fetch(t, function(i, a) {
+ --d,
+ n && (i ? e ? d || r(null, c) : r(i) : s(t, a))
+ })
+ }
+ "function" == typeof i && (n = i,
+ i = undefined);
+ var c = this;
+ if (!n)
+ return u.asPromise(t, c, e, i);
+ var _ = n === a
+ , d = 0;
+ u.isString(e) && (e = [e]);
+ for (var f, p = 0; p < e.length; ++p)
+ (f = c.resolvePath("", e[p])) && o(f);
+ return _ ? c : (d || r(null, c),
+ undefined)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.loadSync = function(t, e) {
+ if (!u.isNode)
+ throw Error("not supported");
+ return this.load(t, e, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolveAll = function() {
+ if (this.deferred.length)
+ throw Error("unresolvable extensions: " + this.deferred.map(function(t) {
+ return "'extend " + t.extend + "' in " + t.parent.fullName
+ }).join(", "));
+ return s.prototype.resolveAll.call(this)
+ }
+ ;
+ var d = /^[A-Z]/;
+ n.prototype._handleAdd = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof c)
+ t.extend === undefined || t.extensionField || r(0, t) || this.deferred.push(t);
+ else if (t instanceof _)
+ d.test(t.name) && (t.parent[t.name] = t.values);
+ else {
+ if (t instanceof o)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.deferred.length; )
+ r(0, this.deferred[e]) ? this.deferred.splice(e, 1) : ++e;
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.nestedArray.length; ++i)
+ this._handleAdd(t._nestedArray[i]);
+ d.test(t.name) && (t.parent[t.name] = t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._handleRemove = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof c) {
+ if (t.extend !== undefined)
+ if (t.extensionField)
+ t.extensionField.parent.remove(t.extensionField),
+ t.extensionField = null;
+ else {
+ var e = this.deferred.indexOf(t);
+ e > -1 && this.deferred.splice(e, 1)
+ }
+ } else if (t instanceof _)
+ d.test(t.name) && delete t.parent[t.name];
+ else if (t instanceof s) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.nestedArray.length; ++i)
+ this._handleRemove(t._nestedArray[i]);
+ d.test(t.name) && delete t.parent[t.name]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._configure = function(t, e, i) {
+ o = t,
+ l = e,
+ h = i
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 15: 15,
+ 16: 16,
+ 23: 23,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 30: [function(t, e, i) {
+ i.Service = t(31)
+ }
+ , {
+ 31: 31
+ }],
+ 31: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i) {
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");
+ a.EventEmitter.call(this),
+ this.rpcImpl = t,
+ this.requestDelimited = Boolean(e),
+ this.responseDelimited = Boolean(i)
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(38);
+ (n.prototype = Object.create(a.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = n,
+ n.prototype.rpcCall = function t(e, i, n, r, s) {
+ if (!r)
+ throw TypeError("request must be specified");
+ var o = this;
+ if (!s)
+ return a.asPromise(t, o, e, i, n, r);
+ if (!o.rpcImpl)
+ return setTimeout(function() {
+ s(Error("already ended"))
+ }, 0),
+ undefined;
+ try {
+ return o.rpcImpl(e, i[o.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](r).finish(), function(t, i) {
+ if (t)
+ return o.emit("error", t, e),
+ s(t);
+ if (null === i)
+ return o.end(!0),
+ undefined;
+ if (!(i instanceof n))
+ try {
+ i = n[o.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](i)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return o.emit("error", t, e),
+ s(t)
+ }
+ return o.emit("data", i, e),
+ s(null, i)
+ })
+ } catch (t) {
+ return o.emit("error", t, e),
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ s(t)
+ }, 0),
+ undefined
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.end = function(t) {
+ return this.rpcImpl && (t || this.rpcImpl(null, null, null),
+ this.rpcImpl = null,
+ this.emit("end").off()),
+ this
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 38: 38
+ }],
+ 32: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ r.call(this, t, e),
+ this.methods = {},
+ this._methodsArray = null
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ return t._methodsArray = null,
+ t
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var r = t(23);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Service";
+ var s = t(22)
+ , o = t(36)
+ , l = t(30);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new n(t,e.options);
+ if (e.methods)
+ for (var a = Object.keys(e.methods), r = 0; r < a.length; ++r)
+ i.add(s.fromJSON(a[r], e.methods[a[r]]));
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, "methodsArray", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._methodsArray || (this._methodsArray = o.toArray(this.methods))
+ }
+ }),
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ var t = r.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
+ return {
+ options: t && t.options || undefined,
+ methods: r.arrayToJSON(this.methodsArray) || {},
+ nested: t && t.nested || undefined
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.get = function(t) {
+ return this.methods[t] || r.prototype.get.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolveAll = function() {
+ for (var t = this.methodsArray, e = 0; e < t.length; ++e)
+ t[e].resolve();
+ return r.prototype.resolve.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.add = function(t) {
+ if (this.get(t.name))
+ throw Error("duplicate name '" + t.name + "' in " + this);
+ return t instanceof s ? (this.methods[t.name] = t,
+ t.parent = this,
+ a(this)) : r.prototype.add.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.remove = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof s) {
+ if (this.methods[t.name] !== t)
+ throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
+ return delete this.methods[t.name],
+ t.parent = null,
+ a(this)
+ }
+ return r.prototype.remove.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.create = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = new l.Service(t,e,i), a = 0; a < this.methodsArray.length; ++a)
+ n[o.lcFirst(this._methodsArray[a].resolve().name)] = o.codegen("r", "c")("return this.rpcCall(m,q,s,r,c)").eof(o.lcFirst(this._methodsArray[a].name), {
+ m: this._methodsArray[a],
+ q: this._methodsArray[a].resolvedRequestType.ctor,
+ s: this._methodsArray[a].resolvedResponseType.ctor
+ });
+ return n
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 22: 22,
+ 23: 23,
+ 30: 30,
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 33: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t) {
+ return t.replace(_, function(t, e) {
+ switch (e) {
+ case "\\":
+ case "":
+ return e;
+ default:
+ return u[e] || ""
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ return Error("illegal " + t + " (line " + m + ")")
+ }
+ function i(e) {
+ return t.charAt(e)
+ }
+ function a(e, i) {
+ g = t.charAt(e++),
+ v = m;
+ for (var n = t.substring(e, i).split(h), a = 0; a < n.length; ++a)
+ n[a] = n[a].replace(l, "").trim();
+ y = n.join("\n").trim()
+ }
+ function _() {
+ if (b.length > 0)
+ return b.shift();
+ if (w)
+ return function() {
+ var i = "'" === w ? o : s;
+ i.lastIndex = f - 1;
+ var a = i.exec(t);
+ if (!a)
+ throw e("string");
+ return f = i.lastIndex,
+ u(w),
+ w = null,
+ n(a[1])
+ }();
+ var l, h, _, d, g;
+ do {
+ if (f === p)
+ return null;
+ for (l = !1; c.test(_ = i(f)); )
+ if ("\n" === _ && ++m,
+ ++f === p)
+ return null;
+ if ("/" === i(f)) {
+ if (++f === p)
+ throw e("comment");
+ if ("/" === i(f)) {
+ for (g = "/" === i(d = f + 1); "\n" !== i(++f); )
+ if (f === p)
+ return null;
+ ++f,
+ g && a(d, f - 1),
+ ++m,
+ l = !0
+ } else {
+ if ("*" !== (_ = i(f)))
+ return "/";
+ g = "*" === i(d = f + 1);
+ do {
+ if ("\n" === _ && ++m,
+ ++f === p)
+ throw e("comment");
+ h = _,
+ _ = i(f)
+ } while ("*" !== h || "/" !== _);++f,
+ g && a(d, f - 2),
+ l = !0
+ }
+ }
+ } while (l);var y = f;
+ r.lastIndex = 0;
+ if (!r.test(i(y++)))
+ for (; y < p && !r.test(i(y)); )
+ ++y;
+ var v = t.substring(f, f = y);
+ return '"' !== v && "'" !== v || (w = v),
+ v
+ }
+ function u(t) {
+ b.push(t)
+ }
+ function d() {
+ if (!b.length) {
+ var t = _();
+ if (null === t)
+ return null;
+ u(t)
+ }
+ return b[0]
+ }
+ var f = 0
+ , p = (t = t.toString()).length
+ , m = 1
+ , g = null
+ , y = null
+ , v = 0
+ , b = []
+ , w = null;
+ return {
+ next: _,
+ peek: d,
+ push: u,
+ skip: function(t, i) {
+ var n = d();
+ if (n === t)
+ return _(),
+ !0;
+ if (!i)
+ throw e("token '" + n + "', '" + t + "' expected");
+ return !1
+ },
+ line: function() {
+ return m
+ },
+ cmnt: function(t) {
+ var e;
+ return t === undefined ? e = v === m - 1 && y || null : (y || d(),
+ e = v === t && "/" === g && y || null),
+ e && (g = y = null,
+ v = 0),
+ e
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e.exports = a;
+ var r = /[\s{}=;:[\],'"()<>]/g
+ , s = /(?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)")/g
+ , o = /(?:'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)')/g
+ , l = /^ *[*/]+ */
+ , h = /\n/g
+ , c = /\s/
+ , _ = /\\(.?)/g
+ , u = {
+ 0: "\0",
+ r: "\r",
+ n: "\n",
+ t: "\t"
+ };
+ a.unescape = n
+ }
+ , {}],
+ 34: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ r.call(this, t, e),
+ this.fields = {},
+ this.oneofs = undefined,
+ this.extensions = undefined,
+ this.reserved = undefined,
+ this.group = undefined,
+ this._fieldsById = null,
+ this._fieldsArray = null,
+ this._oneofsArray = null,
+ this._ctor = null
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ return t._fieldsById = t._fieldsArray = t._oneofsArray = t._ctor = null,
+ delete t.encode,
+ delete t.decode,
+ delete t.verify,
+ t
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var r = t(23);
+ ((n.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Type";
+ var s = t(15)
+ , o = t(25)
+ , l = t(16)
+ , h = t(20)
+ , c = t(32)
+ , _ = t(10)
+ , u = t(21)
+ , d = t(27)
+ , f = t(40)
+ , p = t(36)
+ , m = t(14)
+ , g = t(13)
+ , y = t(39)
+ , v = t(12);
+ n.fromJSON = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new n(t,e.options);
+ i.extensions = e.extensions,
+ i.reserved = e.reserved;
+ for (var a = Object.keys(e.fields), _ = 0; _ < a.length; ++_)
+ i.add((void 0 !== e.fields[a[_]].keyType ? h.fromJSON : l.fromJSON)(a[_], e.fields[a[_]]));
+ if (e.oneofs)
+ for (a = Object.keys(e.oneofs),
+ _ = 0; _ < a.length; ++_)
+ i.add(o.fromJSON(a[_], e.oneofs[a[_]]));
+ if (e.nested)
+ for (a = Object.keys(e.nested),
+ _ = 0; _ < a.length; ++_) {
+ var u = e.nested[a[_]];
+ i.add((u.id !== undefined ? l.fromJSON : u.fields !== undefined ? n.fromJSON : u.values !== undefined ? s.fromJSON : u.methods !== undefined ? c.fromJSON : r.fromJSON)(a[_], u))
+ }
+ return e.extensions && e.extensions.length && (i.extensions = e.extensions),
+ e.reserved && e.reserved.length && (i.reserved = e.reserved),
+ e.group && (i.group = !0),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperties(n.prototype, {
+ fieldsById: {
+ get: function() {
+ if (this._fieldsById)
+ return this._fieldsById;
+ this._fieldsById = {};
+ for (var t = Object.keys(this.fields), e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) {
+ var i = this.fields[t[e]]
+ , n = i.id;
+ if (this._fieldsById[n])
+ throw Error("duplicate id " + n + " in " + this);
+ this._fieldsById[n] = i
+ }
+ return this._fieldsById
+ }
+ },
+ fieldsArray: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._fieldsArray || (this._fieldsArray = p.toArray(this.fields))
+ }
+ },
+ oneofsArray: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._oneofsArray || (this._oneofsArray = p.toArray(this.oneofs))
+ }
+ },
+ ctor: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._ctor || (this._ctor = _(this).constructor)
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ if (t && !(t.prototype instanceof u))
+ throw TypeError("ctor must be a Message constructor");
+ t.from || (t.from = u.from),
+ this._ctor = t
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ var t = r.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
+ return {
+ options: t && t.options || undefined,
+ oneofs: r.arrayToJSON(this.oneofsArray),
+ fields: r.arrayToJSON(this.fieldsArray.filter(function(t) {
+ return !t.declaringField
+ })) || {},
+ extensions: this.extensions && this.extensions.length ? this.extensions : undefined,
+ reserved: this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : undefined,
+ group: this.group || undefined,
+ nested: t && t.nested || undefined
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.resolveAll = function() {
+ for (var t = this.fieldsArray, e = 0; e < t.length; )
+ t[e++].resolve();
+ var i = this.oneofsArray;
+ for (e = 0; e < i.length; )
+ i[e++].resolve();
+ return r.prototype.resolve.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.get = function(t) {
+ return this.fields[t] || this.oneofs && this.oneofs[t] || this.nested && this.nested[t] || null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.add = function(t) {
+ if (this.get(t.name))
+ throw Error("duplicate name '" + t.name + "' in " + this);
+ if (t instanceof l && t.extend === undefined) {
+ if (this._fieldsById ? this._fieldsById[t.id] : this.fieldsById[t.id])
+ throw Error("duplicate id " + t.id + " in " + this);
+ if (this.isReservedId(t.id))
+ throw Error("id " + t.id + " is reserved in " + this);
+ if (this.isReservedName(t.name))
+ throw Error("name '" + t.name + "' is reserved in " + this);
+ return t.parent && t.parent.remove(t),
+ this.fields[t.name] = t,
+ t.message = this,
+ t.onAdd(this),
+ a(this)
+ }
+ return t instanceof o ? (this.oneofs || (this.oneofs = {}),
+ this.oneofs[t.name] = t,
+ t.onAdd(this),
+ a(this)) : r.prototype.add.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.remove = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof l && t.extend === undefined) {
+ if (!this.fields || this.fields[t.name] !== t)
+ throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
+ return delete this.fields[t.name],
+ t.parent = null,
+ t.onRemove(this),
+ a(this)
+ }
+ if (t instanceof o) {
+ if (!this.oneofs || this.oneofs[t.name] !== t)
+ throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
+ return delete this.oneofs[t.name],
+ t.parent = null,
+ t.onRemove(this),
+ a(this)
+ }
+ return r.prototype.remove.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.isReservedId = function(t) {
+ if (this.reserved)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.reserved.length; ++e)
+ if ("string" != typeof this.reserved[e] && this.reserved[e][0] <= t && this.reserved[e][1] >= t)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.isReservedName = function(t) {
+ if (this.reserved)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.reserved.length; ++e)
+ if (this.reserved[e] === t)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.create = function(t) {
+ return new this.ctor(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.setup = function() {
+ for (var t = this.fullName, e = [], i = 0; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
+ e.push(this._fieldsArray[i].resolve().resolvedType);
+ return this.encode = m(this).eof(t + "$encode", {
+ Writer: f,
+ types: e,
+ util: p
+ }),
+ this.decode = g(this).eof(t + "$decode", {
+ Reader: d,
+ types: e,
+ util: p
+ }),
+ this.verify = y(this).eof(t + "$verify", {
+ types: e,
+ util: p
+ }),
+ this.fromObject = this.from = v.fromObject(this).eof(t + "$fromObject", {
+ types: e,
+ util: p
+ }),
+ this.toObject = v.toObject(this).eof(t + "$toObject", {
+ types: e,
+ util: p
+ }),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.encode = function(t, e) {
+ return this.setup().encode(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.encodeDelimited = function(t, e) {
+ return this.encode(t, e && e.len ? e.fork() : e).ldelim()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.decode = function(t, e) {
+ return this.setup().decode(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.decodeDelimited = function(t) {
+ return t instanceof d || (t = d.create(t)),
+ this.decode(t, t.uint32())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.verify = function(t) {
+ return this.setup().verify(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.fromObject = function(t) {
+ return this.setup().fromObject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.from = n.prototype.fromObject,
+ n.prototype.toObject = function(t, e) {
+ return this.setup().toObject(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 10: 10,
+ 12: 12,
+ 13: 13,
+ 14: 14,
+ 15: 15,
+ 16: 16,
+ 20: 20,
+ 21: 21,
+ 23: 23,
+ 25: 25,
+ 27: 27,
+ 32: 32,
+ 36: 36,
+ 39: 39,
+ 40: 40
+ }],
+ 35: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = {};
+ for (e |= 0; i < t.length; )
+ n[s[i + e]] = t[i++];
+ return n
+ }
+ var a = i
+ , r = t(36)
+ , s = ["double", "float", "int32", "uint32", "sint32", "fixed32", "sfixed32", "int64", "uint64", "sint64", "fixed64", "sfixed64", "bool", "string", "bytes"];
+ a.basic = n([1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2]),
+ a.defaults = n([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, "", r.emptyArray, null]),
+ a.long = n([0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 7),
+ a.mapKey = n([0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2], 2),
+ a.packed = n([1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
+ }
+ , {
+ 36: 36
+ }],
+ 36: [function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e.exports = t(38);
+ n.codegen = t(3),
+ n.fetch = t(5),
+ n.path = t(7),
+ n.fs = n.inquire("fs"),
+ n.toArray = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ if (t)
+ for (var i = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < i.length; ++n)
+ e.push(t[i[n]]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ;
+ var a = /\\/g
+ , r = /"/g;
+ n.safeProp = function(t) {
+ return '["' + t.replace(a, "\\\\").replace(r, '\\"') + '"]'
+ }
+ ,
+ n.ucFirst = function(t) {
+ return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substring(1)
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 3: 3,
+ 38: 38,
+ 5: 5,
+ 7: 7
+ }],
+ 37: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ this.lo = t >>> 0,
+ this.hi = e >>> 0
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var a = t(38)
+ , r = n.zero = new n(0,0);
+ r.toNumber = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r.zzEncode = r.zzDecode = function() {
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ r.length = function() {
+ return 1
+ }
+ ;
+ var s = n.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+ n.fromNumber = function(t) {
+ if (0 === t)
+ return r;
+ var e = t < 0;
+ e && (t = -t);
+ var i = t >>> 0
+ , a = (t - i) / 4294967296 >>> 0;
+ return e && (a = ~a >>> 0,
+ i = ~i >>> 0,
+ ++i > 4294967295 && (i = 0,
+ ++a > 4294967295 && (a = 0))),
+ new n(i,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.from = function(t) {
+ if ("number" == typeof t)
+ return n.fromNumber(t);
+ if (a.isString(t)) {
+ if (!a.Long)
+ return n.fromNumber(parseInt(t, 10));
+ t = a.Long.fromString(t)
+ }
+ return t.low || t.high ? new n(t.low >>> 0,t.high >>> 0) : r
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toNumber = function(t) {
+ if (!t && this.hi >>> 31) {
+ var e = 1 + ~this.lo >>> 0
+ , i = ~this.hi >>> 0;
+ return e || (i = i + 1 >>> 0),
+ -(e + 4294967296 * i)
+ }
+ return this.lo + 4294967296 * this.hi
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toLong = function(t) {
+ return a.Long ? new a.Long(0 | this.lo,0 | this.hi,Boolean(t)) : {
+ low: 0 | this.lo,
+ high: 0 | this.hi,
+ unsigned: Boolean(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ var o = String.prototype.charCodeAt;
+ n.fromHash = function(t) {
+ return t === s ? r : new n((o.call(t, 0) | o.call(t, 1) << 8 | o.call(t, 2) << 16 | o.call(t, 3) << 24) >>> 0,(o.call(t, 4) | o.call(t, 5) << 8 | o.call(t, 6) << 16 | o.call(t, 7) << 24) >>> 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.toHash = function() {
+ return String.fromCharCode(255 & this.lo, this.lo >>> 8 & 255, this.lo >>> 16 & 255, this.lo >>> 24, 255 & this.hi, this.hi >>> 8 & 255, this.hi >>> 16 & 255, this.hi >>> 24)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.zzEncode = function() {
+ var t = this.hi >> 31;
+ return this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ t) >>> 0,
+ this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ t) >>> 0,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.zzDecode = function() {
+ var t = -(1 & this.lo);
+ return this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ t) >>> 0,
+ this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ t) >>> 0,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.length = function() {
+ var t = this.lo
+ , e = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0
+ , i = this.hi >>> 24;
+ return 0 === i ? 0 === e ? t < 16384 ? t < 128 ? 1 : 2 : t < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : e < 16384 ? e < 128 ? 5 : 6 : e < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : i < 128 ? 9 : 10
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 38: 38
+ }],
+ 38: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = Object.keys(e), a = 0; a < n.length; ++a)
+ t[n[a]] !== undefined && i || (t[n[a]] = e[n[a]]);
+ return t
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ if (!(this instanceof e))
+ return new e(t,i);
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
+ get: function() {
+ return t
+ }
+ }),
+ Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, e) : Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", {
+ value: (new Error).stack || ""
+ }),
+ i && n(this, i)
+ }
+ return (e.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = e,
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
+ get: function() {
+ return t
+ }
+ }),
+ e.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.name + ": " + this.message
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }
+ var r = i;
+ r.asPromise = t(1),
+ r.base64 = t(2),
+ r.EventEmitter = t(4),
+ r.inquire = t(6),
+ r.utf8 = t(9),
+ r.pool = t(8),
+ r.LongBits = t(37),
+ r.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [],
+ r.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {},
+ r.isNode = Boolean(global.process && global.process.versions && global.process.versions.node),
+ r.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(t) {
+ return "number" == typeof t && isFinite(t) && Math.floor(t) === t
+ }
+ ,
+ r.isString = function(t) {
+ return "string" == typeof t || t instanceof String
+ }
+ ,
+ r.isObject = function(t) {
+ return t && "object" == typeof t
+ }
+ ,
+ r.Buffer = function() {
+ try {
+ var t = r.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
+ return t.prototype.utf8Write ? t : null
+ } catch (t) {
+ return null
+ }
+ }(),
+ r._Buffer_from = null,
+ r._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null,
+ r.newBuffer = function(t) {
+ return "number" == typeof t ? r.Buffer ? r._Buffer_allocUnsafe(t) : new r.Array(t) : r.Buffer ? r._Buffer_from(t) : "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? t : new Uint8Array(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.Array = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array,
+ r.Long = global.dcodeIO && global.dcodeIO.Long || r.inquire("long"),
+ r.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/,
+ r.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/,
+ r.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/,
+ r.longToHash = function(t) {
+ return t ? r.LongBits.from(t).toHash() : r.LongBits.zeroHash
+ }
+ ,
+ r.longFromHash = function(t, e) {
+ var i = r.LongBits.fromHash(t);
+ return r.Long ? r.Long.fromBits(i.lo, i.hi, e) : i.toNumber(Boolean(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.merge = n,
+ r.lcFirst = function(t) {
+ return t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.substring(1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.newError = a,
+ r.ProtocolError = a("ProtocolError"),
+ r.oneOfGetter = function(t) {
+ for (var e = {}, i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)
+ e[t[i]] = 1;
+ return function() {
+ for (var t = Object.keys(this), i = t.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
+ if (1 === e[t[i]] && this[t[i]] !== undefined && null !== this[t[i]])
+ return t[i]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.oneOfSetter = function(t) {
+ return function(e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)
+ t[i] !== e && delete this[t[i]]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.lazyResolve = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i)
+ for (var n = Object.keys(e[i]), a = 0; a < n.length; ++a) {
+ for (var r = e[i][n[a]].split("."), s = t; r.length; )
+ s = s[r.shift()];
+ e[i][n[a]] = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.toJSONOptions = {
+ longs: String,
+ enums: String,
+ bytes: String
+ },
+ r._configure = function() {
+ var t = r.Buffer;
+ t ? (r._Buffer_from = t.from !== Uint8Array.from && t.from || function(e, i) {
+ return new t(e,i)
+ }
+ ,
+ r._Buffer_allocUnsafe = t.allocUnsafe || function(e) {
+ return new t(e)
+ }
+ ) : r._Buffer_from = r._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 1: 1,
+ 2: 2,
+ 37: 37,
+ 4: 4,
+ 6: 6,
+ 8: 8,
+ 9: 9
+ }],
+ 39: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n(t, e) {
+ return t.name + ": " + e + (t.repeated && "array" !== e ? "[]" : t.map && "object" !== e ? "{k:" + t.keyType + "}" : "") + " expected"
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i, a) {
+ if (e.resolvedType)
+ if (e.resolvedType instanceof s) {
+ t("switch(%s){", a)("default:")("return%j", n(e, "enum value"));
+ for (var r = Object.keys(e.resolvedType.values), o = 0; o < r.length; ++o)
+ t("case %d:", e.resolvedType.values[r[o]]);
+ t("break")("}")
+ } else
+ t("var e=types[%d].verify(%s);", i, a)("if(e)")("return%j+e", e.name + ".");
+ else
+ switch (e.type) {
+ case "int32":
+ case "uint32":
+ case "sint32":
+ case "fixed32":
+ case "sfixed32":
+ t("if(!util.isInteger(%s))", a)("return%j", n(e, "integer"));
+ break;
+ case "int64":
+ case "uint64":
+ case "sint64":
+ case "fixed64":
+ case "sfixed64":
+ t("if(!util.isInteger(%s)&&!(%s&&util.isInteger(%s.low)&&util.isInteger(%s.high)))", a, a, a, a)("return%j", n(e, "integer|Long"));
+ break;
+ case "float":
+ case "double":
+ t('if(typeof %s!=="number")', a)("return%j", n(e, "number"));
+ break;
+ case "bool":
+ t('if(typeof %s!=="boolean")', a)("return%j", n(e, "boolean"));
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ t("if(!util.isString(%s))", a)("return%j", n(e, "string"));
+ break;
+ case "bytes":
+ t('if(!(%s&&typeof %s.length==="number"||util.isString(%s)))', a, a, a)("return%j", n(e, "buffer"))
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function r(t, e, i) {
+ switch (e.keyType) {
+ case "int32":
+ case "uint32":
+ case "sint32":
+ case "fixed32":
+ case "sfixed32":
+ t("if(!util.key32Re.test(%s))", i)("return%j", n(e, "integer key"));
+ break;
+ case "int64":
+ case "uint64":
+ case "sint64":
+ case "fixed64":
+ case "sfixed64":
+ t("if(!util.key64Re.test(%s))", i)("return%j", n(e, "integer|Long key"));
+ break;
+ case "bool":
+ t("if(!util.key2Re.test(%s))", i)("return%j", n(e, "boolean key"))
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ e.exports = function(t) {
+ for (var e = o.codegen("m")('if(typeof m!=="object"||m===null)')("return%j", "object expected"), i = 0; i < t.fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
+ var l = t._fieldsArray[i].resolve()
+ , h = "m" + o.safeProp(l.name);
+ l.map ? (e("if(%s!==undefined){", h)("if(!util.isObject(%s))", h)("return%j", n(l, "object"))("var k=Object.keys(%s)", h)("for(var i=0;i>> 7 | t.hi << 25) >>> 0,
+ t.hi >>>= 7;
+ for (; t.lo > 127; )
+ e[i++] = 127 & t.lo | 128,
+ t.lo = t.lo >>> 7;
+ e[i++] = t.lo
+ }
+ function h(t, e, i) {
+ e[i++] = 255 & t,
+ e[i++] = t >>> 8 & 255,
+ e[i++] = t >>> 16 & 255,
+ e[i] = t >>> 24
+ }
+ e.exports = r;
+ var c, _ = t(38), u = _.LongBits, d = _.base64, f = _.utf8;
+ r.create = _.Buffer ? function() {
+ return (r.create = function() {
+ return new c
+ }
+ )()
+ }
+ : function() {
+ return new r
+ }
+ ,
+ r.alloc = function(t) {
+ return new _.Array(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ _.Array !== Array && (r.alloc = _.pool(r.alloc, _.Array.prototype.subarray)),
+ r.prototype.push = function(t, e, i) {
+ return this.tail = this.tail.next = new n(t,e,i),
+ this.len += e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ (o.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).fn = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (; t > 127; )
+ e[i++] = 127 & t | 128,
+ t >>>= 7;
+ e[i] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.uint32 = function(t) {
+ return this.len += (this.tail = this.tail.next = new o((t >>>= 0) < 128 ? 1 : t < 16384 ? 2 : t < 2097152 ? 3 : t < 268435456 ? 4 : 5,t)).len,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.int32 = function(t) {
+ return t < 0 ? this.push(l, 10, u.fromNumber(t)) : this.uint32(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.sint32 = function(t) {
+ return this.uint32((t << 1 ^ t >> 31) >>> 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.uint64 = function(t) {
+ var e = u.from(t);
+ return this.push(l, e.length(), e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.int64 = r.prototype.uint64,
+ r.prototype.sint64 = function(t) {
+ var e = u.from(t).zzEncode();
+ return this.push(l, e.length(), e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.bool = function(t) {
+ return this.push(s, 1, t ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.fixed32 = function(t) {
+ return this.push(h, 4, t >>> 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.sfixed32 = r.prototype.fixed32,
+ r.prototype.fixed64 = function(t) {
+ var e = u.from(t);
+ return this.push(h, 4, e.lo).push(h, 4, e.hi)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.sfixed64 = r.prototype.fixed64;
+ var p = "undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? function() {
+ var t = new Float32Array(1)
+ , e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer);
+ return t[0] = -0,
+ e[3] ? function(i, n, a) {
+ t[0] = i,
+ n[a++] = e[0],
+ n[a++] = e[1],
+ n[a++] = e[2],
+ n[a] = e[3]
+ }
+ : function(i, n, a) {
+ t[0] = i,
+ n[a++] = e[3],
+ n[a++] = e[2],
+ n[a++] = e[1],
+ n[a] = e[0]
+ }
+ }() : function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (n && (t = -t),
+ 0 === t)
+ h(1 / t > 0 ? 0 : 2147483648, e, i);
+ else if (isNaN(t))
+ h(2147483647, e, i);
+ else if (t > 3.4028234663852886e38)
+ h((n << 31 | 2139095040) >>> 0, e, i);
+ else if (t < 1.1754943508222875e-38)
+ h((n << 31 | Math.round(t / 1.401298464324817e-45)) >>> 0, e, i);
+ else {
+ var a = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2);
+ h((n << 31 | a + 127 << 23 | 8388607 & Math.round(t * Math.pow(2, -a) * 8388608)) >>> 0, e, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ r.prototype.float = function(t) {
+ return this.push(p, 4, t)
+ }
+ ;
+ var m = "undefined" != typeof Float64Array ? function() {
+ var t = new Float64Array(1)
+ , e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer);
+ return t[0] = -0,
+ e[7] ? function(i, n, a) {
+ t[0] = i,
+ n[a++] = e[0],
+ n[a++] = e[1],
+ n[a++] = e[2],
+ n[a++] = e[3],
+ n[a++] = e[4],
+ n[a++] = e[5],
+ n[a++] = e[6],
+ n[a] = e[7]
+ }
+ : function(i, n, a) {
+ t[0] = i,
+ n[a++] = e[7],
+ n[a++] = e[6],
+ n[a++] = e[5],
+ n[a++] = e[4],
+ n[a++] = e[3],
+ n[a++] = e[2],
+ n[a++] = e[1],
+ n[a] = e[0]
+ }
+ }() : function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (n && (t = -t),
+ 0 === t)
+ h(0, e, i),
+ h(1 / t > 0 ? 0 : 2147483648, e, i + 4);
+ else if (isNaN(t))
+ h(4294967295, e, i),
+ h(2147483647, e, i + 4);
+ else if (t > 1.7976931348623157e308)
+ h(0, e, i),
+ h((n << 31 | 2146435072) >>> 0, e, i + 4);
+ else {
+ var a;
+ if (t < 2.2250738585072014e-308)
+ h((a = t / 5e-324) >>> 0, e, i),
+ h((n << 31 | a / 4294967296) >>> 0, e, i + 4);
+ else {
+ var r = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2);
+ 1024 === r && (r = 1023),
+ h(4503599627370496 * (a = t * Math.pow(2, -r)) >>> 0, e, i),
+ h((n << 31 | r + 1023 << 20 | 1048576 * a & 1048575) >>> 0, e, i + 4)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ r.prototype.double = function(t) {
+ return this.push(m, 8, t)
+ }
+ ;
+ var g = _.Array.prototype.set ? function(t, e, i) {
+ e.set(t, i)
+ }
+ : function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)
+ e[i + n] = t[n]
+ }
+ ;
+ r.prototype.bytes = function(t) {
+ var e = t.length >>> 0;
+ if (!e)
+ return this.push(s, 1, 0);
+ if (_.isString(t)) {
+ var i = r.alloc(e = d.length(t));
+ d.decode(t, i, 0),
+ t = i
+ }
+ return this.uint32(e).push(g, e, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.string = function(t) {
+ var e = f.length(t);
+ return e ? this.uint32(e).push(f.write, e, t) : this.push(s, 1, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.fork = function() {
+ return this.states = new function(t) {
+ this.head = t.head,
+ this.tail = t.tail,
+ this.len = t.len,
+ this.next = t.states
+ }
+ (this),
+ this.head = this.tail = new n(a,0,0),
+ this.len = 0,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.reset = function() {
+ return this.states ? (this.head = this.states.head,
+ this.tail = this.states.tail,
+ this.len = this.states.len,
+ this.states = this.states.next) : (this.head = this.tail = new n(a,0,0),
+ this.len = 0),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.ldelim = function() {
+ var t = this.head
+ , e = this.tail
+ , i = this.len;
+ return this.reset().uint32(i),
+ i && (this.tail.next = t.next,
+ this.tail = e,
+ this.len += i),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.finish = function() {
+ for (var t = this.head.next, e = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), i = 0; t; )
+ t.fn(t.val, e, i),
+ i += t.len,
+ t = t.next;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ r._configure = function(t) {
+ c = t
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 38: 38
+ }],
+ 41: [function(t, e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ r.call(this)
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i) {
+ t.length < 40 ? s.utf8.write(t, e, i) : e.utf8Write(t, i)
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ var r = t(40);
+ (n.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor = n;
+ var s = t(38)
+ , o = s.Buffer;
+ n.alloc = function(t) {
+ return (n.alloc = s._Buffer_allocUnsafe)(t)
+ }
+ ;
+ var l = o && o.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && "set" === o.prototype.set.name ? function(t, e, i) {
+ e.set(t, i)
+ }
+ : function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t.copy)
+ t.copy(e, i, 0, t.length);
+ else
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; )
+ e[i++] = t[n++]
+ }
+ ;
+ n.prototype.bytes = function(t) {
+ s.isString(t) && (t = s._Buffer_from(t, "base64"));
+ var e = t.length >>> 0;
+ return this.uint32(e),
+ e && this.push(l, e, t),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.string = function(t) {
+ var e = o.byteLength(t);
+ return this.uint32(e),
+ e && this.push(a, e, t),
+ this
+ }
+ }
+ , {
+ 38: 38,
+ 40: 40
+ }]
+ }, {}, [19])
+}("object" == typeof window && window || "object" == typeof self && self || this),
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = (i.__newvec,
+ laya.display.Animation)
+ , o = (laya.utils.Browser,
+ laya.utils.ClassUtils)
+ , l = laya.filters.ColorFilter
+ , h = laya.utils.Ease
+ , c = laya.events.Event
+ , _ = (laya.events.EventDispatcher,
+ laya.display.css.Font)
+ , u = laya.display.FrameAnimation
+ , d = laya.display.Graphics
+ , f = laya.utils.Handler
+ , p = laya.display.Input
+ , m = laya.net.Loader
+ , g = (laya.display.Node,
+ laya.maths.Point)
+ , y = laya.maths.Rectangle
+ , v = laya.renders.Render
+ , b = laya.display.Sprite
+ , w = laya.display.Text
+ , x = laya.resource.Texture
+ , I = laya.utils.Tween
+ , C = laya.utils.Utils
+ , S = laya.utils.WeakObject;
+ i.interface("laya.ui.IItem"),
+ i.interface("laya.ui.ISelect"),
+ i.interface("laya.ui.IRender"),
+ i.interface("laya.ui.IComponent"),
+ i.interface("laya.ui.IBox", "IComponent");
+ var M = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.top = NaN,
+ this.bottom = NaN,
+ this.left = NaN,
+ this.right = NaN,
+ this.centerX = NaN,
+ this.centerY = NaN,
+ this.anchorX = NaN,
+ this.anchorY = NaN
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.ui.LayoutStyle"),
+ n(t, ["EMPTY", function() {
+ return this.EMPTY = new t
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , L = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ui.Styles"),
+ t.labelColor = "#000000",
+ t.buttonStateNum = 3,
+ t.scrollBarMinNum = 15,
+ t.scrollBarDelayTime = 500,
+ n(t, ["defaultSizeGrid", function() {
+ return this.defaultSizeGrid = [4, 4, 4, 4, 0]
+ }
+ , "labelPadding", function() {
+ return this.labelPadding = [2, 2, 2, 2]
+ }
+ , "inputLabelPadding", function() {
+ return this.inputLabelPadding = [1, 1, 1, 3]
+ }
+ , "buttonLabelColors", function() {
+ return this.buttonLabelColors = ["#32556b", "#32cc6b", "#ff0000", "#C0C0C0"]
+ }
+ , "comboBoxItemColors", function() {
+ return this.comboBoxItemColors = ["#5e95b6", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#8fa4b1", "#ffffff"]
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , T = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.ui.UIUtils"),
+ t.fillArray = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.concat();
+ if (e)
+ for (var a = e.split(","), r = 0, s = Math.min(n.length, a.length); r < s; r++) {
+ var o = a[r];
+ n[r] = "true" == o || "false" != o && o,
+ null != i && (n[r] = i(o))
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.toColor = function(t) {
+ return C.toHexColor(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.gray = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ i ? t.addFilter(e, t.grayFilter) : t.clearFilter(e, l)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addFilter = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.filters || [];
+ i.push(e),
+ t.filters = i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clearFilter = function(t, e) {
+ var n = t.filters;
+ if (null != n && n.length > 0) {
+ for (var a = n.length - 1; a > -1; a--) {
+ var r = n[a];
+ i.__typeof(r, e) && n.splice(a, 1)
+ }
+ t.filters = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getReplaceStr = function(e) {
+ return t.escapeSequence[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.adptString = function(e) {
+ return e.replace(/\\(\w)/g, t._getReplaceStr)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getBindFun = function(e) {
+ var n = t._funMap.get(e);
+ if (null == n) {
+ var a = '"' + e + '"'
+ , r = "(function(data){if(data==null)return;with(data){try{\nreturn " + (a = a.replace(/^"\${|}"$/g, "").replace(/\${/g, '"+').replace(/}/g, '+"')) + "\n}catch(e){}}})";
+ n = i._runScript(r),
+ t._funMap.set(e, n)
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["grayFilter", function() {
+ return this.grayFilter = new l([.3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])
+ }
+ , "escapeSequence", function() {
+ return this.escapeSequence = {
+ "\\n": "\n",
+ "\\t": "\t"
+ }
+ }
+ , "_funMap", function() {
+ return this._funMap = new S
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , E = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "UIConfig"),
+ t.touchScrollEnable = !0,
+ t.mouseWheelEnable = !0,
+ t.showButtons = !0,
+ t.popupBgColor = "#000000",
+ t.popupBgAlpha = .5,
+ t.closeDialogOnSide = !0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , D = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.autoCacheCmd = !0,
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._source = null,
+ this._sizeGrid = null,
+ this._isChanged = !1,
+ this._offset = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.AutoBitmap", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this),
+ this._source = null,
+ this._sizeGrid = null,
+ this._offset = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setChanged = function() {
+ this._isChanged || (this._isChanged = !0,
+ i.timer.callLater(this, this.changeSource))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeSource = function() {
+ this._isChanged = !1;
+ var t = this._source;
+ if (t && t.bitmap) {
+ var i = this.width
+ , n = this.height
+ , a = this._sizeGrid
+ , r = t.sourceWidth
+ , s = t.sourceHeight;
+ if (!a || r === i && s === n)
+ this.cleanByTexture(t, this._offset ? this._offset[0] : 0, this._offset ? this._offset[1] : 0, i, n);
+ else {
+ t.$_GID || (t.$_GID = C.getGID());
+ var o = t.$_GID + "." + i + "." + n + "." + a.join(".");
+ if (C.isOKCmdList(S.I.get(o)))
+ return void (this.cmds = S.I.get(o));
+ this.clear();
+ var l = a[0]
+ , h = a[1]
+ , c = a[2]
+ , _ = a[3]
+ , u = a[4]
+ , d = !1;
+ if (i == r && (_ = h = 0),
+ n == s && (l = c = 0),
+ _ + h > i) {
+ var f = i;
+ d = !0,
+ i = _ + h,
+ this.save(),
+ this.clipRect(0, 0, f, n)
+ }
+ _ && l && this.drawTexture(e.getTexture(t, 0, 0, _, l), 0, 0, _, l),
+ h && l && this.drawTexture(e.getTexture(t, r - h, 0, h, l), i - h, 0, h, l),
+ _ && c && this.drawTexture(e.getTexture(t, 0, s - c, _, c), 0, n - c, _, c),
+ h && c && this.drawTexture(e.getTexture(t, r - h, s - c, h, c), i - h, n - c, h, c),
+ l && this.drawBitmap(u, e.getTexture(t, _, 0, r - _ - h, l), _, 0, i - _ - h, l),
+ c && this.drawBitmap(u, e.getTexture(t, _, s - c, r - _ - h, c), _, n - c, i - _ - h, c),
+ _ && this.drawBitmap(u, e.getTexture(t, 0, l, _, s - l - c), 0, l, _, n - l - c),
+ h && this.drawBitmap(u, e.getTexture(t, r - h, l, h, s - l - c), i - h, l, h, n - l - c),
+ this.drawBitmap(u, e.getTexture(t, _, l, r - _ - h, s - l - c), _, l, i - _ - h, n - l - c),
+ d && this.restore(),
+ this.autoCacheCmd && !v.isConchApp && S.I.set(o, this.cmds)
+ }
+ this._repaint()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawBitmap = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 0),
+ a < .1 || r < .1 || (!t || e.width == a && e.height == r ? this.drawTexture(e, i, n, a, r) : this.fillTexture(e, i, n, a, r))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clear = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.clear.call(this, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._sizeGrid
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._sizeGrid = t,
+ this._setChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", function() {
+ return this._width ? this._width : this._source ? this._source.sourceWidth : 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._width != t && (this._width = t,
+ this._setChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", function() {
+ return this._height ? this._height : this._source ? this._source.sourceHeight : 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._height != t && (this._height = t,
+ this._setChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "source", function() {
+ return this._source
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? (this._source = t,
+ this._setChanged()) : (this._source = null,
+ this.clear())
+ }),
+ e.getTexture = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ n <= 0 && (n = 1),
+ a <= 0 && (a = 1),
+ t.$_GID || (t.$_GID = C.getGID());
+ var r = t.$_GID + "." + e + "." + i + "." + n + "." + a
+ , s = S.I.get(r);
+ return s && s.source || (s = x.createFromTexture(t, e, i, n, a),
+ S.I.set(r, s)),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(d)
+ , N = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.UIEvent", c),
+ e.SHOW_TIP = "showtip",
+ e.HIDE_TIP = "hidetip"
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._comXml = null,
+ this._dataSource = null,
+ this._toolTip = null,
+ this._tag = null,
+ this._disabled = !1,
+ this._gray = !1,
+ this.layoutEnabled = !0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._layout = M.EMPTY,
+ this.preinitialize(),
+ this.createChildren(),
+ this.initialize()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Component", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.ui.IComponent": !0
+ }),
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._dataSource = this._layout = null,
+ this._tag = null,
+ this._toolTip = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.preinitialize = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.initialize = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.callLater = function(t, e) {
+ i.timer.callLater(this, t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.runCallLater = function(t) {
+ i.timer.runCallLater(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.commitMeasure = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.changeSize = function() {
+ this.event("resize")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getLayout = function() {
+ return this._layout === M.EMPTY && (this._layout = new M),
+ this._layout
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setLayoutEnabled = function(t) {
+ this._layout && this._layout.enable != t && (this._layout.enable = t,
+ this.on("added", this, this.onAdded),
+ this.on("removed", this, this.onRemoved),
+ this.parent && this.onAdded())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onRemoved = function() {
+ this.parent.off("resize", this, this.onCompResize)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAdded = function() {
+ this.parent.on("resize", this, this.onCompResize),
+ this.resetLayoutX(),
+ this.resetLayoutY()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onCompResize = function() {
+ this._layout && this._layout.enable && (this.resetLayoutX(),
+ this.resetLayoutY())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resetLayoutX = function() {
+ var t = this._layout;
+ if (isNaN(t.anchorX) || (this.pivotX = t.anchorX * this.width),
+ this.layoutEnabled) {
+ var e = this.parent;
+ e && (isNaN(t.centerX) ? isNaN(t.left) ? isNaN(t.right) || (this.x = Math.round(e.width - this.displayWidth - t.right + this.pivotX * this.scaleX)) : (this.x = Math.round(t.left + this.pivotX * this.scaleX),
+ isNaN(t.right) || (this.width = (e._width - t.left - t.right) / (this.scaleX || .01))) : this.x = Math.round(.5 * (e.width - this.displayWidth) + t.centerX + this.pivotX * this.scaleX))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resetLayoutY = function() {
+ var t = this._layout;
+ if (isNaN(t.anchorY) || (this.pivotY = t.anchorY * this.height),
+ this.layoutEnabled) {
+ var e = this.parent;
+ e && (isNaN(t.centerY) ? isNaN(t.top) ? isNaN(t.bottom) || (this.y = Math.round(e.height - this.displayHeight - t.bottom + this.pivotY * this.scaleY)) : (this.y = Math.round(t.top + this.pivotY * this.scaleY),
+ isNaN(t.bottom) || (this.height = (e._height - t.top - t.bottom) / (this.scaleY || .01))) : this.y = Math.round(.5 * (e.height - this.displayHeight) + t.centerY + this.pivotY * this.scaleY))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onMouseOver = function(t) {
+ i.stage.event("showtip", this._toolTip)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onMouseOut = function(t) {
+ i.stage.event("hidetip", this._toolTip)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "displayWidth", function() {
+ return this.width * this.scaleX
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", function() {
+ return this._width ? this._width : this.measureWidth
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._width != t && (this._width = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.size(this._width, this._height),
+ this.callLater(this.changeSize),
+ !this._layout.enable || isNaN(this._layout.centerX) && isNaN(this._layout.right) && isNaN(this._layout.anchorX) || this.resetLayoutX())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ this.commitMeasure();
+ for (var e = this.numChildren - 1; e > -1; e--) {
+ var i = this.getChildAt(e);
+ i.visible && (t = Math.max(i.x + i.width * i.scaleX, t))
+ }
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "displayHeight", function() {
+ return this.height * this.scaleY
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", function() {
+ return this._height ? this._height : this.measureHeight
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._height != t && (this._height = t,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.size(this._width, this._height),
+ this.callLater(this.changeSize),
+ !this._layout.enable || isNaN(this._layout.centerY) && isNaN(this._layout.bottom) && isNaN(this._layout.anchorY) || this.resetLayoutY())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", function() {
+ return this._dataSource
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t;
+ for (var e in this._dataSource)
+ this.hasOwnProperty(e) && "function" != typeof this[e] && (this[e] = this._dataSource[e])
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scaleY", t.prototype._$get_scaleY, function(t) {
+ i.superGet(b, this, "scaleY") != t && (i.superSet(b, this, "scaleY", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeSize),
+ this._layout.enable && this.resetLayoutY())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ this.commitMeasure();
+ for (var e = this.numChildren - 1; e > -1; e--) {
+ var i = this.getChildAt(e);
+ i.visible && (t = Math.max(i.y + i.height * i.scaleY, t))
+ }
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scaleX", t.prototype._$get_scaleX, function(t) {
+ i.superGet(b, this, "scaleX") != t && (i.superSet(b, this, "scaleX", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeSize),
+ this._layout.enable && this.resetLayoutX())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "top", function() {
+ return this._layout.top
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.top && (this.getLayout().top = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutY()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bottom", function() {
+ return this._layout.bottom
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.bottom && (this.getLayout().bottom = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutY()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "left", function() {
+ return this._layout.left
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.left && (this.getLayout().left = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutX()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "right", function() {
+ return this._layout.right
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.right && (this.getLayout().right = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutX()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "centerX", function() {
+ return this._layout.centerX
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.centerX && (this.getLayout().centerX = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutX()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "centerY", function() {
+ return this._layout.centerY
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.centerY && (this.getLayout().centerY = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutY()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "anchorX", function() {
+ return this._layout.anchorX
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.anchorX && (this.getLayout().anchorX = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutX()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "anchorY", function() {
+ return this._layout.anchorY
+ }, function(t) {
+ t != this._layout.anchorY && (this.getLayout().anchorY = t,
+ this._setLayoutEnabled(!0)),
+ this.resetLayoutY()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "tag", function() {
+ return this._tag
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tag = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "toolTip", function() {
+ return this._toolTip
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._toolTip != t && (this._toolTip = t,
+ null != t ? (this.on("mouseover", this, this.onMouseOver),
+ this.on("mouseout", this, this.onMouseOut)) : (this.off("mouseover", this, this.onMouseOver),
+ this.off("mouseout", this, this.onMouseOut)))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "comXml", function() {
+ return this._comXml
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._comXml = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "gray", function() {
+ return this._gray
+ }, function(t) {
+ t !== this._gray && (this._gray = t,
+ T.gray(this, t))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "disabled", function() {
+ return this._disabled
+ }, function(t) {
+ t !== this._disabled && (this.gray = this._disabled = t,
+ this.mouseEnabled = !t)
+ }),
+ e
+ }(b))
+ , A = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.lockLayer = null,
+ this.popupEffect = function(t) {
+ t.scale(1, 1),
+ I.from(t, {
+ x: i.stage.width / 2,
+ y: i.stage.height / 2,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, 300, h.backOut, f.create(this, this.doOpen, [t]))
+ }
+ ,
+ this.closeEffect = function(t, e) {
+ I.to(t, {
+ x: i.stage.width / 2,
+ y: i.stage.height / 2,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, 300, h.strongOut, f.create(this, this.doClose, [t, e]))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.maskLayer = new b,
+ this.popupEffectHandler = new f(this,this.popupEffect),
+ this.closeEffectHandler = new f(this,this.closeEffect),
+ this.mouseEnabled = this.maskLayer.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.zOrder = 1e3,
+ i.stage.addChild(this),
+ i.stage.on("resize", this, this._onResize),
+ E.closeDialogOnSide && this.maskLayer.on("click", this, this._closeOnSide),
+ this._onResize(null)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.DialogManager", b);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._closeOnSide = function() {
+ var t = this.getChildAt(this.numChildren - 1);
+ t instanceof laya.ui.Dialog && t.close("side")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setLockView = function(t) {
+ this.lockLayer || (this.lockLayer = new B,
+ this.lockLayer.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.lockLayer.size(i.stage.width, i.stage.height)),
+ this.lockLayer.removeChildren(),
+ t && (t.centerX = t.centerY = 0,
+ this.lockLayer.addChild(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onResize = function(t) {
+ var e = this.maskLayer.width = i.stage.width
+ , n = this.maskLayer.height = i.stage.height;
+ this.lockLayer && this.lockLayer.size(e, n),
+ this.maskLayer.graphics.clear(),
+ this.maskLayer.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, e, n, E.popupBgColor),
+ this.maskLayer.alpha = E.popupBgAlpha;
+ for (var a = this.numChildren - 1; a > -1; a--) {
+ var r = this.getChildAt(a);
+ r.popupCenter && this._centerDialog(r)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._centerDialog = function(t) {
+ t.x = Math.round((i.stage.width - t.width >> 1) + t.pivotX),
+ t.y = Math.round((i.stage.height - t.height >> 1) + t.pivotY)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.open = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ e && this._closeAll(),
+ t.popupCenter && this._centerDialog(t),
+ this.addChild(t),
+ (t.isModal || this._$P.hasZorder) && this.timer.callLater(this, this._checkMask),
+ i && null != t.popupEffect ? t.popupEffect.runWith(t) : this.doOpen(t),
+ this.event("open")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.doOpen = function(t) {
+ t.onOpened()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.lock = function(t) {
+ this.lockLayer && (t ? this.addChild(this.lockLayer) : this.lockLayer.removeSelf())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.close = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ i && null != t.closeEffect ? t.closeEffect.runWith([t, e]) : this.doClose(t, e),
+ this.event("close")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.doClose = function(t, e) {
+ t.removeSelf(),
+ t.isModal && this._checkMask(),
+ t.closeHandler && t.closeHandler.runWith(e),
+ t.onClosed(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.closeAll = function() {
+ this._closeAll(),
+ this.event("close")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._closeAll = function() {
+ for (var t = this.numChildren - 1; t > -1; t--) {
+ var e = this.getChildAt(t);
+ e && null != e.close && this.doClose(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getDialogsByGroup = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ var n = this.getChildAt(i);
+ n && n.group === t && e.push(n)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.closeByGroup = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ var n = this.getChildAt(i);
+ n && n.group === t && (n.close(),
+ e.push(n))
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n._checkMask = function() {
+ this.maskLayer.removeSelf();
+ for (var t = this.numChildren - 1; t > -1; t--) {
+ var e = this.getChildAt(t);
+ if (e && e.isModal)
+ return void this.addChildAt(this.maskLayer, t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , B = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Box", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.ui.IBox": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t;
+ for (var e in t) {
+ var i = this.getChildByName(e);
+ i ? i.dataSource = t[e] : this.hasOwnProperty(e) && "function" != typeof this[e] && (this[e] = t[e])
+ }
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , k = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this.toggle = !1,
+ this._bitmap = null,
+ this._text = null,
+ this._strokeColors = null,
+ this._state = 0,
+ this._selected = !1,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._autoSize = !0,
+ this._sources = null,
+ this._clickHandler = null,
+ this._stateChanged = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._labelColors = L.buttonLabelColors,
+ this._stateNum = L.buttonStateNum,
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ this.skin = t,
+ this.label = i
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Button", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(s, {
+ "laya.ui.ISelect": !0
+ }),
+ s.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(),
+ this._text && this._text.destroy(e),
+ this._bitmap = null,
+ this._text = null,
+ this._clickHandler = null,
+ this._labelColors = this._sources = this._strokeColors = null
+ }
+ ,
+ s.createChildren = function() {
+ this.graphics = this._bitmap = new D
+ }
+ ,
+ s.createText = function() {
+ this._text || (this._text = new w,
+ this._text.overflow = w.HIDDEN,
+ this._text.align = "center",
+ this._text.valign = "middle",
+ this._text.width = this._width,
+ this._text.height = this._height)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.initialize = function() {
+ 1 !== this._mouseEnableState && (this.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this._setBit(2, !0)),
+ this._createListener("mouseover", this, this.onMouse, null, !1, !1),
+ this._createListener("mouseout", this, this.onMouse, null, !1, !1),
+ this._createListener("mousedown", this, this.onMouse, null, !1, !1),
+ this._createListener("mouseup", this, this.onMouse, null, !1, !1),
+ this._createListener("click", this, this.onMouse, null, !1, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onMouse = function(t) {
+ if (!1 !== this.toggle || !this._selected)
+ return "click" === t.type ? (this.toggle && (this.selected = !this._selected),
+ void (this._clickHandler && this._clickHandler.run())) : void (!this._selected && (this.state = e.stateMap[t.type]))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.changeClips = function() {
+ var t = m.getRes(this._skin);
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.sourceWidth
+ , i = t.sourceHeight / this._stateNum;
+ t.$_GID || (t.$_GID = C.getGID());
+ var n = t.$_GID + "-" + this._stateNum
+ , a = S.I.get(n);
+ if (C.isOkTextureList(a) || (a = null),
+ a)
+ this._sources = a;
+ else {
+ if (this._sources = [],
+ 1 === this._stateNum)
+ this._sources.push(t);
+ else
+ for (var r = 0; r < this._stateNum; r++)
+ this._sources.push(x.createFromTexture(t, 0, i * r, e, i));
+ S.I.set(n, this._sources)
+ }
+ this._autoSize ? (this._bitmap.width = this._width || e,
+ this._bitmap.height = this._height || i,
+ this._text && (this._text.width = this._bitmap.width,
+ this._text.height = this._bitmap.height)) : this._text && (this._text.x = e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.changeState = function() {
+ this._stateChanged = !1,
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeClips);
+ var t = this._state < this._stateNum ? this._state : this._stateNum - 1;
+ this._sources && (this._bitmap.source = this._sources[t]),
+ this.label && (this._text.color = this._labelColors[t],
+ this._strokeColors && (this._text.strokeColor = this._strokeColors[t]))
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setStateChanged = function() {
+ this._stateChanged || (this._stateChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changeState))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "labelStrokeColor", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.strokeColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.strokeColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeClips),
+ this._text ? Math.max(this._bitmap.height, this._text.height) : this._bitmap.height
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._skin != t && (this._skin = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeClips),
+ this._setStateChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "state", function() {
+ return this._state
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._state != t && (this._state = t,
+ this._setStateChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "text", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "stateNum", function() {
+ return this._stateNum
+ }, function(t) {
+ "string" == typeof t && (t = parseInt(t)),
+ this._stateNum != t && (this._stateNum = t < 1 ? 1 : t > 3 ? 3 : t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeClips))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "strokeColors", function() {
+ return this._strokeColors ? this._strokeColors.join(",") : ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._strokeColors = T.fillArray(L.buttonLabelColors, t, String),
+ this._setStateChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelColors", function() {
+ return this._labelColors.join(",")
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelColors = T.fillArray(L.buttonLabelColors, t, String),
+ this._setStateChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeClips),
+ this._autoSize ? this._bitmap.width : (this.runCallLater(this.changeState),
+ this._bitmap.width + (this._text ? this._text.width : 0))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "label", function() {
+ return this._text ? this._text.text : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ (this._text || t) && (this.createText(),
+ this._text.text != t && (t && !this._text.parent && this.addChild(this._text),
+ this._text.text = (t + "").replace(/\\n/g, "\n"),
+ this._setStateChanged()))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "selected", function() {
+ return this._selected
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selected != t && (this._selected = t,
+ this.state = this._selected ? 2 : 0,
+ this.event("change"))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelPadding", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.padding.join(",")
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.padding = T.fillArray(L.labelPadding, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelSize", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.fontSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.fontSize = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelStroke", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.stroke
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.stroke = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelBold", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.bold
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.bold = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelFont", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.font
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.font = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "labelAlign", function() {
+ return this.createText(),
+ this._text.align
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.align = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "clickHandler", function() {
+ return this._clickHandler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._clickHandler = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._bitmap.sizeGrid ? this._bitmap.sizeGrid.join(",") : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bitmap.sizeGrid = T.fillArray(L.defaultSizeGrid, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "width", t),
+ this._autoSize && (this._bitmap.width = t,
+ this._text && (this._text.width = t))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "height", t),
+ this._autoSize && (this._bitmap.height = t,
+ this._text && (this._text.height = t))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t ? this.label = t + "" : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "iconOffset", function() {
+ return this._bitmap._offset ? this._bitmap._offset.join(",") : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bitmap._offset = t ? T.fillArray([1, 1], t, Number) : []
+ }),
+ n(e, ["stateMap", function() {
+ return this.stateMap = {
+ mouseup: 0,
+ mouseover: 1,
+ mousedown: 2,
+ mouseout: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , R = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ this._sources = null,
+ this._bitmap = null,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._clipX = 1,
+ this._clipY = 1,
+ this._clipWidth = 0,
+ this._clipHeight = 0,
+ this._autoPlay = !1,
+ this._interval = 50,
+ this._complete = null,
+ this._isPlaying = !1,
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._clipChanged = !1,
+ this._group = null,
+ this._toIndex = -1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ this._clipX = i,
+ this._clipY = n,
+ this.skin = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Clip", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, !0),
+ this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(),
+ this._bitmap = null,
+ this._sources = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.dispose = function() {
+ this.destroy(!0),
+ i.loader.clearRes(this._skin)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.graphics = this._bitmap = new D
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onDisplay = function(t) {
+ this._isPlaying ? this._displayedInStage ? this.play() : this.stop() : this._autoPlay && this.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeClip = function() {
+ if (this._clipChanged = !1,
+ this._skin) {
+ var t = m.getRes(this._skin);
+ t ? this.loadComplete(this._skin, t) : i.loader.load(this._skin, f.create(this, this.loadComplete, [this._skin]))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadComplete = function(t, e) {
+ if (t === this._skin && e) {
+ var i = this._clipWidth || Math.ceil(e.sourceWidth / this._clipX)
+ , n = this._clipHeight || Math.ceil(e.sourceHeight / this._clipY)
+ , a = this._skin + i + n
+ , r = S.I.get(a);
+ if (C.isOkTextureList(r) || (r = null),
+ r)
+ this._sources = r;
+ else {
+ this._sources = [];
+ for (var s = 0; s < this._clipY; s++)
+ for (var o = 0; o < this._clipX; o++)
+ this._sources.push(x.createFromTexture(e, i * o, n * s, i, n));
+ S.I.set(a, this._sources)
+ }
+ this.index = this._index,
+ this.event("loaded"),
+ this.onCompResize()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.play = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = -1),
+ this._isPlaying = !0,
+ this.index = t,
+ this._toIndex = e,
+ this._index++,
+ i.timer.loop(this.interval, this, this._loop),
+ this.on("display", this, this._onDisplay),
+ this.on("undisplay", this, this._onDisplay)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._loop = function() {
+ this._style.visible && this._sources && (this._index++,
+ this._toIndex > -1 && this._index >= this._toIndex ? this.stop() : this._index >= this._sources.length && (this._index = 0),
+ this.index = this._index)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stop = function() {
+ this._isPlaying = !1,
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._loop),
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setClipChanged = function() {
+ this._clipChanged || (this._clipChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changeClip))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "interval", function() {
+ return this._interval
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._interval != t && (this._interval = t,
+ this._isPlaying && this.play())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._skin != t && (this._skin = t,
+ t ? this._setClipChanged() : this._bitmap.source = null)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sources", function() {
+ return this._sources
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._sources = t,
+ this.index = this._index,
+ this.event("loaded")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "clipX", function() {
+ return this._clipX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._clipX = t || 1,
+ this._setClipChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "clipY", function() {
+ return this._clipY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._clipY = t || 1,
+ this._setClipChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "total", function() {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeClip),
+ this._sources ? this._sources.length : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "clipWidth", function() {
+ return this._clipWidth
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._clipWidth = t,
+ this._setClipChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._bitmap.sizeGrid ? this._bitmap.sizeGrid.join(",") : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bitmap.sizeGrid = T.fillArray(L.defaultSizeGrid, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "group", function() {
+ return this._group
+ }, function(t) {
+ t && this._skin && m.setGroup(this._skin, t),
+ this._group = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "clipHeight", function() {
+ return this._clipHeight
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._clipHeight = t,
+ this._setClipChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "width", t),
+ this._bitmap.width = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "height", t),
+ this._bitmap.height = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeClip),
+ this._bitmap.width
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeClip),
+ this._bitmap.height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "index", function() {
+ return this._index
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._index = t,
+ this._bitmap && this._sources && (this._bitmap.source = this._sources[t]),
+ this.event("change")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "autoPlay", function() {
+ return this._autoPlay
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._autoPlay != t && (this._autoPlay = t,
+ t ? this.play() : this.stop())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "isPlaying", function() {
+ return this._isPlaying
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._isPlaying = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t && Math.floor(t) == t || "string" == typeof t ? this.index = parseInt(t) : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bitmap", function() {
+ return this._bitmap
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , P = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.changeHandler = null,
+ this._gridSize = 11,
+ this._bgColor = "#ffffff",
+ this._borderColor = "#000000",
+ this._inputColor = "#000000",
+ this._inputBgColor = "#efefef",
+ this._colorPanel = null,
+ this._colorTiles = null,
+ this._colorBlock = null,
+ this._colorInput = null,
+ this._colorButton = null,
+ this._colors = [],
+ this._selectedColor = "#000000",
+ this._panelChanged = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.ColorPicker", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._colorPanel && this._colorPanel.destroy(e),
+ this._colorButton && this._colorButton.destroy(e),
+ this._colorPanel = null,
+ this._colorTiles = null,
+ this._colorBlock = null,
+ this._colorInput = null,
+ this._colorButton = null,
+ this._colors = null,
+ this.changeHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._colorButton = new k),
+ this._colorPanel = new B,
+ this._colorPanel.size(230, 166),
+ this._colorPanel.addChild(this._colorTiles = new b),
+ this._colorPanel.addChild(this._colorBlock = new b),
+ this._colorPanel.addChild(this._colorInput = new p)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initialize = function() {
+ this._colorButton.on("click", this, this.onColorButtonClick),
+ this._colorBlock.pos(5, 5),
+ this._colorInput.pos(60, 5),
+ this._colorInput.size(60, 20),
+ this._colorInput.on("change", this, this.onColorInputChange),
+ this._colorInput.on("keydown", this, this.onColorFieldKeyDown),
+ this._colorTiles.pos(5, 30),
+ this._colorTiles.on("mousemove", this, this.onColorTilesMouseMove),
+ this._colorTiles.on("click", this, this.onColorTilesClick),
+ this._colorTiles.size(20 * this._gridSize, 12 * this._gridSize),
+ this._colorPanel.on("mousedown", this, this.onPanelMouseDown),
+ this.bgColor = this._bgColor
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onPanelMouseDown = function(t) {
+ t.stopPropagation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changePanel = function() {
+ this._panelChanged = !1;
+ var t = this._colorPanel.graphics;
+ t.clear(),
+ t.drawRect(0, 0, 230, 166, this._bgColor, this._borderColor),
+ this.drawBlock(this._selectedColor),
+ this._colorInput.borderColor = this._borderColor,
+ this._colorInput.bgColor = this._inputBgColor,
+ this._colorInput.color = this._inputColor,
+ (t = this._colorTiles.graphics).clear();
+ for (var e = [0, 3355443, 6710886, 10066329, 13421772, 16777215, 16711680, 65280, 255, 16776960, 65535, 16711935], i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ for (var n = 0; n < 20; n++) {
+ var a = 0;
+ a = 0 === n ? e[i] : 1 === n ? 0 : 51 * (((3 * i + n / 6) % 3 << 0) + 3 * (i / 6 << 0)) << 16 | n % 6 * 51 << 8 | (i << 0) % 6 * 51;
+ var r = T.toColor(a);
+ this._colors.push(r);
+ var s = n * this._gridSize
+ , o = i * this._gridSize;
+ t.drawRect(s, o, this._gridSize, this._gridSize, r, "#000000")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onColorButtonClick = function(t) {
+ this._colorPanel.parent ? this.close() : this.open()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.open = function() {
+ var t = this.localToGlobal(new g)
+ , e = t.x + this._colorPanel.width <= i.stage.width ? t.x : i.stage.width - this._colorPanel.width
+ , n = t.y + this._colorButton.height;
+ n = n + this._colorPanel.height <= i.stage.height ? n : t.y - this._colorPanel.height,
+ this._colorPanel.pos(e, n),
+ this._colorPanel.zOrder = 1001,
+ i._currentStage.addChild(this._colorPanel),
+ i.stage.on("mousedown", this, this.removeColorBox)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.close = function() {
+ i.stage.off("mousedown", this, this.removeColorBox),
+ this._colorPanel.removeSelf()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeColorBox = function(t) {
+ this.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onColorFieldKeyDown = function(t) {
+ 13 == t.keyCode && (this._colorInput.text ? this.selectedColor = this._colorInput.text : this.selectedColor = null,
+ this.close(),
+ t.stopPropagation())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onColorInputChange = function(t) {
+ this._colorInput.text ? this.drawBlock(this._colorInput.text) : this.drawBlock("#FFFFFF")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onColorTilesClick = function(t) {
+ this.selectedColor = this.getColorByMouse(),
+ this.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onColorTilesMouseMove = function(t) {
+ this._colorInput.focus = !1;
+ var e = this.getColorByMouse();
+ this._colorInput.text = e,
+ this.drawBlock(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getColorByMouse = function() {
+ var t = this._colorTiles.getMousePoint()
+ , e = Math.floor(t.x / this._gridSize)
+ , i = Math.floor(t.y / this._gridSize);
+ return this._colors[20 * i + e]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.drawBlock = function(t) {
+ var e = this._colorBlock.graphics;
+ e.clear();
+ var i = t || "#ffffff";
+ e.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 20, i, this._borderColor),
+ t || e.drawLine(0, 0, 50, 20, "#ff0000")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeColor = function() {
+ var t = this.graphics;
+ t.clear();
+ var e = this._selectedColor || "#000000";
+ t.drawRect(0, 0, this._colorButton.width, this._colorButton.height, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setPanelChanged = function() {
+ this._panelChanged || (this._panelChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changePanel))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "inputBgColor", function() {
+ return this._inputBgColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._inputBgColor = t,
+ this._setPanelChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedColor", function() {
+ return this._selectedColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selectedColor != t && (this._selectedColor = this._colorInput.text = t,
+ this.drawBlock(t),
+ this.changeColor(),
+ this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this._selectedColor),
+ this.event("change", c.EMPTY.setTo("change", this, this)))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._colorButton.skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._colorButton.skin = t,
+ this.changeColor()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bgColor", function() {
+ return this._bgColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bgColor = t,
+ this._setPanelChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "borderColor", function() {
+ return this._borderColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._borderColor = t,
+ this._setPanelChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "inputColor", function() {
+ return this._inputColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._inputColor = t,
+ this._setPanelChanged()
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , O = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._visibleNum = 6,
+ this._button = null,
+ this._list = null,
+ this._isOpen = !1,
+ this._itemSize = 12,
+ this._labels = [],
+ this._selectedIndex = -1,
+ this._selectHandler = null,
+ this._itemHeight = NaN,
+ this._listHeight = NaN,
+ this._listChanged = !1,
+ this._itemChanged = !1,
+ this._scrollBarSkin = null,
+ this._isCustomList = !1,
+ this.itemRender = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._itemColors = L.comboBoxItemColors,
+ this.skin = t,
+ this.labels = i
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.ComboBox", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._button && this._button.destroy(e),
+ this._list && this._list.destroy(e),
+ this._button = null,
+ this._list = null,
+ this._itemColors = null,
+ this._labels = null,
+ this._selectHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._button = new k),
+ this._button.text.align = "left",
+ this._button.labelPadding = "0,0,0,5",
+ this._button.on("mousedown", this, this.onButtonMouseDown)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._createList = function() {
+ this._list = new q,
+ this._scrollBarSkin && (this._list.vScrollBarSkin = this._scrollBarSkin),
+ this._setListEvent(this._list)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setListEvent = function(t) {
+ this._list.selectEnable = !0,
+ this._list.on("mousedown", this, this.onListDown),
+ this._list.mouseHandler = f.create(this, this.onlistItemMouse, null, !1),
+ this._list.scrollBar && this._list.scrollBar.on("mousedown", this, this.onScrollBarDown)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onListDown = function(t) {
+ t.stopPropagation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollBarDown = function(t) {
+ t.stopPropagation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onButtonMouseDown = function(t) {
+ this.callLater(this.switchTo, [!this._isOpen])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeList = function() {
+ this._listChanged = !1;
+ var t = this.width - 2
+ , e = this._itemColors[2];
+ this._itemHeight = this._itemSize + 6,
+ this._list.itemRender = this.itemRender || {
+ type: "Box",
+ child: [{
+ type: "Label",
+ props: {
+ name: "label",
+ x: 1,
+ padding: "3,3,3,3",
+ width: t,
+ height: this._itemHeight,
+ fontSize: this._itemSize,
+ color: e
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ this._list.repeatY = this._visibleNum,
+ this._list.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onlistItemMouse = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.type;
+ if ("mouseover" === i || "mouseout" === i) {
+ if (this._isCustomList)
+ return;
+ var n = this._list.getCell(e);
+ if (!n)
+ return;
+ var a = n.getChildByName("label");
+ a && ("mouseover" === i ? (a.bgColor = this._itemColors[0],
+ a.color = this._itemColors[1]) : (a.bgColor = null,
+ a.color = this._itemColors[2]))
+ } else
+ "click" === i && (this.selectedIndex = e,
+ this.isOpen = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.switchTo = function(t) {
+ this.isOpen = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeOpen = function() {
+ this.isOpen = !this._isOpen
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeItem = function() {
+ if (this._itemChanged = !1,
+ this._listHeight = this._labels.length > 0 ? Math.min(this._visibleNum, this._labels.length) * this._itemHeight : this._itemHeight,
+ !this._isCustomList) {
+ var t = this._list.graphics;
+ t.clear(),
+ t.drawRect(0, 0, this.width - 1, this._listHeight, this._itemColors[4], this._itemColors[3])
+ }
+ var e = this._list.array || [];
+ e.length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._labels.length; i < n; i++)
+ e.push({
+ label: this._labels[i]
+ });
+ this._list.height = this._listHeight,
+ this._list.array = e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeSelected = function() {
+ this._button.label = this.selectedLabel
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onStageMouseWheel = function(t) {
+ this._list && !this._list.contains(t.target) && this.removeList(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeList = function(t) {
+ i.stage.off("mousedown", this, this.removeList),
+ i.stage.off("mousewheel", this, this._onStageMouseWheel),
+ this.isOpen = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "selectedIndex", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selectedIndex != t && (this._selectedIndex = t,
+ this._labels.length > 0 ? this.changeSelected() : this.callLater(this.changeSelected),
+ this.event("change", [c.EMPTY.setTo("change", this, this)]),
+ this._selectHandler && this._selectHandler.runWith(this._selectedIndex))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this._button.height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._button.skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.skin != t && (this._button.skin = t,
+ this._listChanged = !0)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this._button.width
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "width", t),
+ this._button.width = this._width,
+ this._itemChanged = !0,
+ this._listChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedLabel", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex > -1 && this._selectedIndex < this._labels.length ? this._labels[this._selectedIndex] : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = this._labels.indexOf(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labels", function() {
+ return this._labels.join(",")
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labels.length > 0 && (this.selectedIndex = -1),
+ t ? this._labels = t.split(",") : this._labels.length = 0,
+ this._itemChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "height", t),
+ this._button.height = this._height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectHandler", function() {
+ return this._selectHandler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selectHandler = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "visibleNum", function() {
+ return this._visibleNum
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._visibleNum = t,
+ this._listChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelBold", function() {
+ return this._button.text.bold
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.text.bold = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "itemColors", function() {
+ return String(this._itemColors)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._itemColors = T.fillArray(this._itemColors, t, String),
+ this._listChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "itemSize", function() {
+ return this._itemSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._itemSize = t,
+ this._listChanged = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollBar", function() {
+ return this.list.scrollBar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "isOpen", function() {
+ return this._isOpen
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._isOpen != t)
+ if (this._isOpen = t,
+ this._button.selected = this._isOpen,
+ this._isOpen) {
+ this._list || this._createList(),
+ this._listChanged && !this._isCustomList && this.changeList(),
+ this._itemChanged && this.changeItem();
+ var e = this.localToGlobal(g.TEMP.setTo(0, 0))
+ , n = e.y + this._button.height;
+ n = n + this._listHeight <= i.stage.height ? n : e.y - this._listHeight,
+ this._list.pos(e.x, n),
+ this._list.zOrder = 1001,
+ i._currentStage.addChild(this._list),
+ i.stage.once("mousedown", this, this.removeList),
+ i.stage.on("mousewheel", this, this._onStageMouseWheel),
+ this._list.selectedIndex = this._selectedIndex
+ } else
+ this._list && this._list.removeSelf()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._scrollBarSkin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._scrollBarSkin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._button.sizeGrid
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.sizeGrid = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "button", function() {
+ return this._button
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "list", function() {
+ return this._list || this._createList(),
+ this._list
+ }, function(t) {
+ t && (t.removeSelf(),
+ this._isCustomList = !0,
+ this._list = t,
+ this._setListEvent(t),
+ this._itemHeight = t.getCell(0).height + t.spaceY)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t && Math.floor(t) == t || "string" == typeof t ? this.selectedIndex = parseInt(t) : t instanceof Array ? this.labels = t.join(",") : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelColors", function() {
+ return this._button.labelColors
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.labelColors != t && (this._button.labelColors = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelPadding", function() {
+ return this._button.text.padding.join(",")
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.text.padding = T.fillArray(L.labelPadding, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelSize", function() {
+ return this._button.text.fontSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.text.fontSize = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelFont", function() {
+ return this._button.text.font
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.text.font = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "stateNum", function() {
+ return this._button.stateNum
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._button.stateNum = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , U = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.rollRatio = .95,
+ this.changeHandler = null,
+ this.scaleBar = !0,
+ this.autoHide = !1,
+ this.elasticDistance = 0,
+ this.elasticBackTime = 500,
+ this.upButton = null,
+ this.downButton = null,
+ this.slider = null,
+ this._scrollSize = 1,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._thumbPercent = 1,
+ this._target = null,
+ this._lastPoint = null,
+ this._lastOffset = 0,
+ this._checkElastic = !1,
+ this._isElastic = !1,
+ this._value = NaN,
+ this._hide = !1,
+ this._clickOnly = !0,
+ this._offsets = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._showButtons = E.showButtons,
+ this._touchScrollEnable = E.touchScrollEnable,
+ this._mouseWheelEnable = E.mouseWheelEnable,
+ this.skin = t,
+ this.max = 1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.ScrollBar", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.stopScroll(),
+ this.target = null,
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this.upButton && this.upButton.destroy(e),
+ this.downButton && this.downButton.destroy(e),
+ this.slider && this.slider.destroy(e),
+ this.upButton = this.downButton = null,
+ this.slider = null,
+ this.changeHandler = null,
+ this._offsets = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this.slider = new V),
+ this.addChild(this.upButton = new k),
+ this.addChild(this.downButton = new k)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initialize = function() {
+ this.slider.showLabel = !1,
+ this.slider.on("change", this, this.onSliderChange),
+ this.slider.setSlider(0, 0, 0),
+ this.upButton.on("mousedown", this, this.onButtonMouseDown),
+ this.downButton.on("mousedown", this, this.onButtonMouseDown)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onSliderChange = function() {
+ this._value != this.slider.value && (this.value = this.slider.value)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onButtonMouseDown = function(t) {
+ var e = t.currentTarget === this.upButton;
+ this.slide(e),
+ i.timer.once(L.scrollBarDelayTime, this, this.startLoop, [e]),
+ i.stage.once("mouseup", this, this.onStageMouseUp)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.startLoop = function(t) {
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.slide, [t])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.slide = function(t) {
+ t ? this.value -= this._scrollSize : this.value += this._scrollSize
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onStageMouseUp = function(t) {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.startLoop),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.slide)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeScrollBar = function() {
+ this.upButton.visible = this._showButtons,
+ this.downButton.visible = this._showButtons,
+ this._showButtons && (this.upButton.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$up.png"),
+ this.downButton.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$down.png")),
+ this.slider.isVertical ? this.slider.y = this._showButtons ? this.upButton.height : 0 : this.slider.x = this._showButtons ? this.upButton.width : 0,
+ this.resetPositions(),
+ this.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeSize = function() {
+ t.prototype.changeSize.call(this),
+ this.repaint(),
+ this.resetPositions(),
+ this.event("change"),
+ this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this.value)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resetPositions = function() {
+ this.slider.isVertical ? this.slider.height = this.height - (this._showButtons ? this.upButton.height + this.downButton.height : 0) : this.slider.width = this.width - (this._showButtons ? this.upButton.width + this.downButton.width : 0),
+ this.resetButtonPosition()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.resetButtonPosition = function() {
+ this.slider.isVertical ? this.downButton.y = this.slider.y + this.slider.height : this.downButton.x = this.slider.x + this.slider.width
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setScroll = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeSize),
+ this.slider.setSlider(t, e, i),
+ this.slider.bar.visible = e > 0,
+ !this._hide && this.autoHide && (this.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onTargetMouseWheel = function(t) {
+ this.value -= t.delta * this._scrollSize,
+ this.target = this._target
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onTargetMouseDown = function(t) {
+ this._clickOnly = !0,
+ this._lastOffset = 0,
+ this._checkElastic = !1,
+ this._lastPoint || (this._lastPoint = new g),
+ this._lastPoint.setTo(i.stage.mouseX, i.stage.mouseY),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove),
+ I.clearTween(this),
+ i.stage.once("mouseup", this, this.onStageMouseUp2),
+ i.stage.once("mouseout", this, this.onStageMouseUp2),
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.loop)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loop = function() {
+ var t = i.stage.mouseY
+ , e = i.stage.mouseX;
+ if (this._lastOffset = this.isVertical ? t - this._lastPoint.y : e - this._lastPoint.x,
+ this._clickOnly) {
+ if (!(Math.abs(this._lastOffset * (this.isVertical ? i.stage._canvasTransform.getScaleY() : i.stage._canvasTransform.getScaleX())) > 1))
+ return;
+ this._clickOnly = !1,
+ this._offsets || (this._offsets = []),
+ this._offsets.length = 0,
+ this._target.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ !this.hide && this.autoHide && (this.alpha = 1,
+ this.visible = !0),
+ this.event("start")
+ }
+ this._offsets.push(this._lastOffset),
+ this._lastPoint.x = e,
+ this._lastPoint.y = t,
+ 0 !== this._lastOffset && (this._checkElastic || (this.elasticDistance > 0 ? this._checkElastic || 0 == this._lastOffset || (this._lastOffset > 0 && this._value <= this.min || this._lastOffset < 0 && this._value >= this.max ? (this._isElastic = !0,
+ this._checkElastic = !0) : this._isElastic = !1) : this._checkElastic = !0),
+ this._isElastic ? this._value <= this.min ? this.value -= this._lastOffset * Math.max(0, 1 - (this.min - this._value) / this.elasticDistance) : this._value >= this.max && (this.value -= this._lastOffset * Math.max(0, 1 - (this._value - this.max) / this.elasticDistance)) : this.value -= this._lastOffset)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onStageMouseUp2 = function(t) {
+ if (i.stage.off("mouseup", this, this.onStageMouseUp2),
+ i.stage.off("mouseout", this, this.onStageMouseUp2),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.loop),
+ !(this._clickOnly && this._value >= this.min && this._value <= this.max))
+ if (this._target.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this._isElastic)
+ this._value < this.min ? I.to(this, {
+ value: this.min
+ }, this.elasticBackTime, h.sineOut, f.create(this, this.elasticOver)) : this._value > this.max && I.to(this, {
+ value: this.max
+ }, this.elasticBackTime, h.sineOut, f.create(this, this.elasticOver));
+ else {
+ if (!this._offsets)
+ return;
+ this._offsets.length < 1 && (this._offsets[0] = this.isVertical ? i.stage.mouseY - this._lastPoint.y : i.stage.mouseX - this._lastPoint.x);
+ for (var e = 0, n = Math.min(this._offsets.length, 3), a = 0; a < n; a++)
+ e += this._offsets[this._offsets.length - 1 - a];
+ if (this._lastOffset = e / n,
+ (e = Math.abs(this._lastOffset)) < 2)
+ return void this.event("end");
+ e > 60 && (this._lastOffset = this._lastOffset > 0 ? 60 : -60);
+ var r = Math.round(Math.abs(this.elasticDistance * (this._lastOffset / 240)));
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.tweenMove, [r])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.elasticOver = function() {
+ this._isElastic = !1,
+ !this.hide && this.autoHide && I.to(this, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 500),
+ this.event("end")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.tweenMove = function(t) {
+ this._lastOffset *= this.rollRatio;
+ var e = NaN;
+ if (t > 0 && (this._lastOffset > 0 && this.value <= this.min ? (this._isElastic = !0,
+ e = .5 * -(this.min - t - this.value),
+ this._lastOffset > e && (this._lastOffset = e)) : this._lastOffset < 0 && this.value >= this.max && (this._isElastic = !0,
+ e = .5 * -(this.max + t - this.value),
+ this._lastOffset < e && (this._lastOffset = e))),
+ this.value -= this._lastOffset,
+ Math.abs(this._lastOffset) < 1) {
+ if (i.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove),
+ this._isElastic)
+ return void (this._value < this.min ? I.to(this, {
+ value: this.min
+ }, this.elasticBackTime, h.sineOut, f.create(this, this.elasticOver)) : this._value > this.max ? I.to(this, {
+ value: this.max
+ }, this.elasticBackTime, h.sineOut, f.create(this, this.elasticOver)) : this.elasticOver());
+ this.event("end"),
+ !this.hide && this.autoHide && I.to(this, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 500)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stopScroll = function() {
+ this.onStageMouseUp2(null),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove),
+ I.clearTween(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this.slider.isVertical ? 100 : this.slider.height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._skin != t && (this._skin = t,
+ this.slider.skin = this._skin,
+ this.callLater(this.changeScrollBar))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "max", function() {
+ return this.slider.max
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.slider.max = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "showButtons", function() {
+ return this._showButtons
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._showButtons = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeScrollBar)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this.slider.isVertical ? this.slider.width : 100
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "min", function() {
+ return this.slider.min
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.slider.min = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "value", function() {
+ return this._value
+ }, function(t) {
+ t !== this._value && (this._value = t,
+ this._isElastic || (this.slider._value != t && (this.slider._value = t,
+ this.slider.changeValue()),
+ this._value = this.slider._value),
+ this.event("change"),
+ this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this._value))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "isVertical", function() {
+ return this.slider.isVertical
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.slider.isVertical = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this.slider.sizeGrid
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.slider.sizeGrid = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollSize", function() {
+ return this._scrollSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._scrollSize = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t ? this.value = Number(t) : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "thumbPercent", function() {
+ return this._thumbPercent
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeScrollBar),
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeSize),
+ t = t >= 1 ? .99 : t,
+ this._thumbPercent = t,
+ this.scaleBar && (this.slider.isVertical ? this.slider.bar.height = Math.max(this.slider.height * t, L.scrollBarMinNum) : this.slider.bar.width = Math.max(this.slider.width * t, L.scrollBarMinNum))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "target", function() {
+ return this._target
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._target && (this._target.off("mousewheel", this, this.onTargetMouseWheel),
+ this._target.off("mousedown", this, this.onTargetMouseDown)),
+ this._target = t,
+ t && (this._mouseWheelEnable && this._target.on("mousewheel", this, this.onTargetMouseWheel),
+ this._touchScrollEnable && this._target.on("mousedown", this, this.onTargetMouseDown))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "hide", function() {
+ return this._hide
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._hide = t,
+ this.visible = !t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "touchScrollEnable", function() {
+ return this._touchScrollEnable
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._touchScrollEnable = t,
+ this.target = this._target
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "mouseWheelEnable", function() {
+ return this._mouseWheelEnable
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._mouseWheelEnable = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "tick", function() {
+ return this.slider.tick
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.slider.tick = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , V = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.changeHandler = null,
+ this.isVertical = !0,
+ this.showLabel = !0,
+ this._allowClickBack = !1,
+ this._max = 100,
+ this._min = 0,
+ this._tick = 1,
+ this._value = 0,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._bg = null,
+ this._progress = null,
+ this._bar = null,
+ this._tx = NaN,
+ this._ty = NaN,
+ this._maxMove = NaN,
+ this._globalSacle = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.skin = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Slider", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._bg && this._bg.destroy(e),
+ this._bar && this._bar.destroy(e),
+ this._progress && this._progress.destroy(e),
+ this._bg = null,
+ this._bar = null,
+ this._progress = null,
+ this.changeHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ s.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._bg = new F),
+ this.addChild(this._bar = new k)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.initialize = function() {
+ this._bar.on("mousedown", this, this.onBarMouseDown),
+ this._bg.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid = "4,4,4,4,0",
+ this._progress && (this._progress.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid),
+ this.allowClickBack = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onBarMouseDown = function(t) {
+ this._globalSacle || (this._globalSacle = new g),
+ this._globalSacle.setTo(this.globalScaleX || .01, this.globalScaleY || .01),
+ this._maxMove = this.isVertical ? this.height - this._bar.height : this.width - this._bar.width,
+ this._tx = i.stage.mouseX,
+ this._ty = i.stage.mouseY,
+ i.stage.on("mousemove", this, this.mouseMove),
+ i.stage.once("mouseup", this, this.mouseUp),
+ i.stage.once("mouseout", this, this.mouseUp),
+ this.showValueText()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.showValueText = function() {
+ if (this.showLabel) {
+ var t = laya.ui.Slider.label;
+ this.addChild(t),
+ t.textField.changeText(this._value + ""),
+ this.isVertical ? (t.x = this._bar.x + 20,
+ t.y = .5 * (this._bar.height - t.height) + this._bar.y) : (t.y = this._bar.y - 20,
+ t.x = .5 * (this._bar.width - t.width) + this._bar.x)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.hideValueText = function() {
+ laya.ui.Slider.label && laya.ui.Slider.label.removeSelf()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.mouseUp = function(t) {
+ i.stage.off("mousemove", this, this.mouseMove),
+ i.stage.off("mouseup", this, this.mouseUp),
+ i.stage.off("mouseout", this, this.mouseUp),
+ this.sendChangeEvent("changed"),
+ this.hideValueText()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.mouseMove = function(t) {
+ var e = this._value;
+ this.isVertical ? (this._bar.y += (i.stage.mouseY - this._ty) / this._globalSacle.y,
+ this._bar.y > this._maxMove ? this._bar.y = this._maxMove : this._bar.y < 0 && (this._bar.y = 0),
+ this._value = this._bar.y / this._maxMove * (this._max - this._min) + this._min,
+ this._progress && (this._progress.height = this._bar.y + .5 * this._bar.height)) : (this._bar.x += (i.stage.mouseX - this._tx) / this._globalSacle.x,
+ this._bar.x > this._maxMove ? this._bar.x = this._maxMove : this._bar.x < 0 && (this._bar.x = 0),
+ this._value = this._bar.x / this._maxMove * (this._max - this._min) + this._min,
+ this._progress && (this._progress.width = this._bar.x + .5 * this._bar.width)),
+ this._tx = i.stage.mouseX,
+ this._ty = i.stage.mouseY;
+ var n = Math.pow(10, (this._tick + "").length - 1);
+ this._value = Math.round(Math.round(this._value / this._tick) * this._tick * n) / n,
+ this._value != e && this.sendChangeEvent(),
+ this.showValueText()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.sendChangeEvent = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = "change"),
+ this.event(t),
+ this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this._value)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setBarPoint = function() {
+ this.isVertical ? this._bar.x = Math.round(.5 * (this._bg.width - this._bar.width)) : this._bar.y = Math.round(.5 * (this._bg.height - this._bar.height))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.changeSize = function() {
+ t.prototype.changeSize.call(this),
+ this.isVertical ? this._bg.height = this.height : this._bg.width = this.width,
+ this.setBarPoint(),
+ this.changeValue()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setSlider = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._value = -1,
+ this._min = t,
+ this._max = e > t ? e : t,
+ this.value = i < t ? t : i > e ? e : i
+ }
+ ,
+ s.changeValue = function() {
+ var t = Math.pow(10, (this._tick + "").length - 1);
+ this._value = Math.round(Math.round(this._value / this._tick) * this._tick * t) / t,
+ this._value = this._value > this._max ? this._max : this._value < this._min ? this._min : this._value;
+ var e = this._max - this._min;
+ 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ this.isVertical ? (this._bar.y = (this._value - this._min) / e * (this.height - this._bar.height),
+ this._progress && (this._progress.height = this._bar.y + .5 * this._bar.height)) : (this._bar.x = (this._value - this._min) / e * (this.width - this._bar.width),
+ this._progress && (this._progress.width = this._bar.x + .5 * this._bar.width))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onBgMouseDown = function(t) {
+ var e = this._bg.getMousePoint();
+ this.isVertical ? this.value = e.y / (this.height - this._bar.height) * (this._max - this._min) + this._min : this.value = e.x / (this.width - this._bar.width) * (this._max - this._min) + this._min
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return Math.max(this._bg.height, this._bar.height)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._skin != t) {
+ this._skin = t,
+ this._bg.skin = this._skin,
+ this._bar.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$bar.png");
+ var e = this._skin.replace(".png", "$progress.png");
+ m.getRes(e) && (this._progress || (this.addChild(this._progress = new F),
+ this._progress.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid,
+ this.setChildIndex(this._progress, 1)),
+ this._progress.skin = e),
+ this.setBarPoint(),
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "allowClickBack", function() {
+ return this._allowClickBack
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._allowClickBack != t && (this._allowClickBack = t,
+ t ? this._bg.on("mousedown", this, this.onBgMouseDown) : this._bg.off("mousedown", this, this.onBgMouseDown))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "max", function() {
+ return this._max
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._max != t && (this._max = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return Math.max(this._bg.width, this._bar.width)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tick", function() {
+ return this._tick
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tick != t && (this._tick = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._bg.sizeGrid
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bg.sizeGrid = t,
+ this._bar.sizeGrid = t,
+ this._progress && (this._progress.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "min", function() {
+ return this._min
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._min != t && (this._min = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "value", function() {
+ return this._value
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._value != t) {
+ var e = this._value;
+ this._value = t,
+ this.changeValue(),
+ this._value != e && this.sendChangeEvent()
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t ? this.value = Number(t) : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "bar", function() {
+ return this._bar
+ }),
+ n(e, ["label", function() {
+ return this.label = new H
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , F = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._bitmap = null,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._group = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.skin = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Image", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, !0),
+ this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(),
+ this._bitmap = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.dispose = function() {
+ this.destroy(!0),
+ i.loader.clearRes(this._skin)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.graphics = this._bitmap = new D,
+ this._bitmap.autoCacheCmd = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setSource = function(t, e) {
+ t === this._skin && e && (this.source = e,
+ this.onCompResize())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "source", function() {
+ return this._bitmap.source
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bitmap && (this._bitmap.source = t,
+ this.event("loaded"),
+ this.repaint())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "string" == typeof t ? this.skin = t : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this._bitmap.height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._skin != t || !this.source)
+ if (this._skin = t,
+ t) {
+ var e = m.getRes(t);
+ e ? (this.source = e,
+ this.onCompResize()) : this.source = null
+ } else
+ this.source = null
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "group", function() {
+ return this._group
+ }, function(t) {
+ t && this._skin && m.setGroup(this._skin, t),
+ this._group = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._bitmap.sizeGrid ? this._bitmap.sizeGrid.join(",") : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bitmap.sizeGrid = T.fillArray(L.defaultSizeGrid, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this._bitmap.width
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "width", t),
+ this._bitmap.width = 0 == t ? 1e-7 : t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "height", t),
+ this._bitmap.height = 0 == t ? 1e-7 : t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , H = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._tf = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ void 0 === t && (t = ""),
+ _.defaultColor = L.labelColor,
+ this.text = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Label", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._tf = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._tf = new w)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeText = function(t) {
+ this._tf.changeText(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "padding", function() {
+ return this._tf.padding.join(",")
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.padding = T.fillArray(L.labelPadding, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bold", function() {
+ return this._tf.bold
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.bold = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "align", function() {
+ return this._tf.align
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.align = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "text", function() {
+ return this._tf.text
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.text != t && (t && (t = T.adptString(t + "")),
+ this._tf.text = t,
+ this.event("change"),
+ this._width && this._height || this.onCompResize())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "italic", function() {
+ return this._tf.italic
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.italic = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "wordWrap", function() {
+ return this._tf.wordWrap
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.wordWrap = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "font", function() {
+ return this._tf.font
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.font = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t ? this.text = t + "" : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "color", function() {
+ return this._tf.color
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.color = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "valign", function() {
+ return this._tf.valign
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.valign = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "leading", function() {
+ return this._tf.leading
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.leading = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "fontSize", function() {
+ return this._tf.fontSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.fontSize = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bgColor", function() {
+ return this._tf.bgColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.bgColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "borderColor", function() {
+ return this._tf.borderColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.borderColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "stroke", function() {
+ return this._tf.stroke
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.stroke = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "strokeColor", function() {
+ return this._tf.strokeColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.strokeColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "textField", function() {
+ return this._tf
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this._tf.width
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this._tf.height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", function() {
+ return this._width || this._tf.text ? i.superGet(N, this, "width") : 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "width", t),
+ this._tf.width = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", function() {
+ return this._height || this._tf.text ? i.superGet(N, this, "height") : 0
+ }, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "height", t),
+ this._tf.height = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "overflow", function() {
+ return this._tf.overflow
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.overflow = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "underline", function() {
+ return this._tf.underline
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.underline = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "underlineColor", function() {
+ return this._tf.underlineColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.underlineColor = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , G = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.changeHandler = null,
+ this._bg = null,
+ this._bar = null,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._value = .5,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.skin = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.ProgressBar", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._bg && this._bg.destroy(e),
+ this._bar && this._bar.destroy(e),
+ this._bg = this._bar = null,
+ this.changeHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._bg = new F),
+ this.addChild(this._bar = new F),
+ this._bar._bitmap.autoCacheCmd = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeValue = function() {
+ if (this.sizeGrid) {
+ var t = this.sizeGrid.split(",")
+ , e = Number(t[3])
+ , i = Number(t[1])
+ , n = (this.width - e - i) * this._value;
+ this._bar.width = e + i + n,
+ this._bar.visible = this._bar.width > e + i
+ } else
+ this._bar.width = this.width * this._value
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this._bg.height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._skin != t && (this._skin = t,
+ this._bg.skin = this._skin,
+ this._bar.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$bar.png"),
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this._bg.width
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "height", t),
+ this._bg.height = this._height,
+ this._bar.height = this._height
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bar", function() {
+ return this._bar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "value", function() {
+ return this._value
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._value != t && (t = t > 1 ? 1 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
+ this._value = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue),
+ this.event("change"),
+ this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(t))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bg", function() {
+ return this._bg
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._bg.sizeGrid
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bg.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(N, this, "width", t),
+ this._bg.width = this._width,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t ? this.value = Number(t) : i.superSet(N, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ e
+ }(N)
+ , z = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._tipBox = null,
+ this._tipText = null,
+ this._defaultTipHandler = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._tipBox = new N,
+ this._tipBox.addChild(this._tipText = new w),
+ this._tipText.x = this._tipText.y = 5,
+ this._tipText.color = e.tipTextColor,
+ this._defaultTipHandler = this._showDefaultTip,
+ i.stage.on("showtip", this, this._onStageShowTip),
+ i.stage.on("hidetip", this, this._onStageHideTip),
+ this.zOrder = 1100
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.TipManager", N);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ n._onStageHideTip = function(t) {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._showTip),
+ this.closeAll(),
+ this.removeSelf()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onStageShowTip = function(t) {
+ i.timer.once(e.tipDelay, this, this._showTip, [t], !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._showTip = function(t) {
+ if ("string" == typeof t) {
+ var e = String(t);
+ Boolean(e) && this._defaultTipHandler(e)
+ } else
+ t instanceof laya.utils.Handler ? t.run() : "function" == typeof t && t.apply();
+ i.stage.on("mousemove", this, this._onStageMouseMove),
+ i.stage.on("mousedown", this, this._onStageMouseDown),
+ this._onStageMouseMove(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onStageMouseDown = function(t) {
+ this.closeAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onStageMouseMove = function(t) {
+ this._showToStage(this, e.offsetX, e.offsetY)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._showToStage = function(t, e, n) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0);
+ var a = t.getBounds();
+ t.x = i.stage.mouseX + e,
+ t.y = i.stage.mouseY + n,
+ t.x + a.width > i.stage.width && (t.x -= a.width + e),
+ t.y + a.height > i.stage.height && (t.y -= a.height + n)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.closeAll = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._showTip),
+ i.stage.off("mousemove", this, this._onStageMouseMove),
+ i.stage.off("mousedown", this, this._onStageMouseDown),
+ this.removeChildren()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.showDislayTip = function(t) {
+ this.addChild(t),
+ this._showToStage(this),
+ i._currentStage.addChild(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._showDefaultTip = function(t) {
+ this._tipText.text = t;
+ var n = this._tipBox.graphics;
+ n.clear(),
+ n.drawRect(0, 0, this._tipText.width + 10, this._tipText.height + 10, e.tipBackColor),
+ this.addChild(this._tipBox),
+ this._showToStage(this),
+ i._currentStage.addChild(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "defaultTipHandler", function() {
+ return this._defaultTipHandler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._defaultTipHandler = t
+ }),
+ e.offsetX = 10,
+ e.offsetY = 15,
+ e.tipTextColor = "#ffffff",
+ e.tipBackColor = "#111111",
+ e.tipDelay = 200
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._idMap = null,
+ this._aniList = null,
+ this._watchMap = {},
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ var r;
+ a(e, "laya.ui.View", B);
+ var l = e.prototype;
+ return l.createView = function(t) {
+ if (t.animations && !this._idMap && (this._idMap = {}),
+ e.createComp(t, this, this),
+ t.animations) {
+ var i, n, a = [], r = t.animations, s = 0, o = r.length;
+ for (s = 0; s < o; s++) {
+ switch (i = new u,
+ n = r[s],
+ i._setUp(this._idMap, n),
+ this[n.name] = i,
+ i._setControlNode(this),
+ n.action) {
+ case 1:
+ i.play(0, !1);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i.play(0, !0)
+ }
+ a.push(i)
+ }
+ this._aniList = a
+ }
+ this._width > 0 && null == t.props.hitTestPrior && !this.mouseThrough && (this.hitTestPrior = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.onEvent = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ l.loadUI = function(t) {
+ var i = e.uiMap[t];
+ i && this.createView(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this._aniList && (this._aniList.length = 0),
+ this._idMap = null,
+ this._aniList = null,
+ this._watchMap = null,
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.destroy.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ l.changeData = function(t) {
+ var e = this._watchMap[t];
+ if (e) {
+ console.log("change", t);
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ e[i].exe(this)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._regs = function() {
+ for (var t in e.uiClassMap)
+ o.regClass(t, e.uiClassMap[t])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createComp = function(t, n, a, r) {
+ if (!(n = n || e.getCompInstance(t)))
+ return console.warn("can not create:" + t.type),
+ null;
+ var s = t.child;
+ if (s)
+ for (var l = n instanceof laya.ui.List, h = 0, c = s.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var _ = s[h];
+ if (!n.hasOwnProperty("itemRender") || "render" != _.props.name && "render" !== _.props.renderType)
+ if ("Graphic" == _.type)
+ o.addGraphicsToSprite(_, n);
+ else if (o.isDrawType(_.type))
+ o.addGraphicToSprite(_, n, !0);
+ else {
+ if (l) {
+ var u = []
+ , d = e.createComp(_, null, a, u);
+ u.length && (d._$bindData = u)
+ } else
+ d = e.createComp(_, null, a, r);
+ "Script" == _.type ? ("owner"in d ? d.owner = n : "target"in d && (d.target = n),
+ "copydata"in d && (d.copydata = t),
+ n.scriptMap || (n.scriptMap = {}),
+ n.scriptMap[_.props.runtime] = d) : "mask" == _.props.renderType || "mask" == _.props.name ? n.mask = d : d instanceof laya.display.Sprite && n.addChild(d)
+ }
+ else
+ n.itemRender = _
+ }
+ var f = t.props;
+ for (var p in f) {
+ var m = f[p];
+ e.eventDic[p] ? m && a && n.on(p, a, a.onEvent, [m]) : e.setCompValue(n, p, m, a, r)
+ }
+ return i.__typeof(n, "laya.ui.IItem") && n.initItems(),
+ t.compId && a && a._idMap && (a._idMap[t.compId] = n),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setCompValue = function(t, n, a, s, l) {
+ if ("string" == typeof a && a.indexOf("${") > -1) {
+ if (e._sheet || (e._sheet = o.getClass("laya.data.Table")),
+ !e._sheet)
+ return void console.warn("Can not find class Sheet");
+ if (l)
+ l.push(t, n, a);
+ else if (s) {
+ -1 == a.indexOf("].") && (a = a.replace(".", "[0]."));
+ var h = new r(t,n,a);
+ h.exe(s);
+ for (var c, _, u = a.replace(/\[.*?\]\./g, "."); null != (c = e._parseWatchData.exec(u)); ) {
+ for (var d = c[1]; null != (_ = e._parseKeyWord.exec(d)); ) {
+ var f = _[0]
+ , p = s._watchMap[f] || (s._watchMap[f] = []);
+ p.push(h),
+ e._sheet.I.notifer.on(f, s, s.changeData, [f])
+ }
+ (p = s._watchMap[d] || (s._watchMap[d] = [])).push(h),
+ e._sheet.I.notifer.on(d, s, s.changeData, [d])
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ("var" === n && s)
+ s[a] = t;
+ else if ("onClick" == n) {
+ var m = i._runScript("(function(){" + a + "})");
+ t.on("click", s, m)
+ } else
+ t[n] = "true" === a || "false" !== a && a
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCompInstance = function(t) {
+ var n, a = t.props ? t.props.runtime : null;
+ return n = a ? e.viewClassMap[a] || e.uiClassMap[a] || i.__classmap[a] : e.uiClassMap[t.type],
+ t.props && t.props.hasOwnProperty("renderType") && "instance" == t.props.renderType ? n.instance : n ? new n : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.regComponent = function(t, i) {
+ e.uiClassMap[t] = i,
+ o.regClass(t, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.regViewRuntime = function(t, i) {
+ e.viewClassMap[t] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.uiMap = {},
+ e.viewClassMap = {},
+ e._sheet = null,
+ n(e, ["uiClassMap", function() {
+ return this.uiClassMap = {
+ ViewStack: tt,
+ LinkButton: k,
+ TextArea: ht,
+ ColorPicker: P,
+ Box: B,
+ Button: k,
+ CheckBox: j,
+ Clip: R,
+ ComboBox: O,
+ Component: N,
+ HScrollBar: Y,
+ HSlider: K,
+ Image: F,
+ Label: H,
+ List: q,
+ Panel: J,
+ ProgressBar: G,
+ Radio: Q,
+ RadioGroup: ot,
+ ScrollBar: U,
+ Slider: V,
+ Tab: lt,
+ TextInput: it,
+ View: e,
+ VScrollBar: et,
+ VSlider: nt,
+ Tree: $,
+ HBox: rt,
+ VBox: st,
+ Sprite: b,
+ Animation: s,
+ Text: w,
+ FontClip: X
+ }
+ }
+ , "eventDic", function() {
+ return this.eventDic = {
+ mousedown: !0,
+ mouseup: !0,
+ mousemove: !0,
+ mouseover: !0,
+ mouseout: !0,
+ click: !0,
+ doubleclick: !0,
+ rightmousedown: !0,
+ rightmouseup: !0,
+ rightclick: !0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_parseWatchData", function() {
+ return this._parseWatchData = /\${(.*?)}/g
+ }
+ , "_parseKeyWord", function() {
+ return this._parseKeyWord = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?:(?:\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)+)/g
+ }
+ ]),
+ e.__init$ = function() {
+ e._regs(),
+ r = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this.comp = null,
+ this.prop = null,
+ this.value = null,
+ this.comp = t,
+ this.prop = e,
+ this.value = i
+ }
+ a(t, "");
+ return t.prototype.exe = function(t) {
+ var e = T.getBindFun(this.value);
+ this.comp[this.prop] = e.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }())
+ , j = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.CheckBox", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.preinitialize = function() {
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.preinitialize.call(this),
+ this.toggle = !0,
+ this._autoSize = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initialize = function() {
+ t.prototype.initialize.call(this),
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.align = "left",
+ this._text.valign = "top",
+ this._text.width = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "boolean" == typeof t ? this.selected = t : "string" == typeof t ? this.selected = "true" === t : i.superSet(k, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ e
+ }(k)
+ , W = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._space = 0,
+ this._align = "none",
+ this._itemChanged = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.LayoutBox", B);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.addChild = function(t) {
+ return t.on("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setItemChanged(),
+ laya.display.Node.prototype.addChild.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onResize = function(t) {
+ this._setItemChanged()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addChildAt = function(t, e) {
+ return t.on("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setItemChanged(),
+ laya.display.Node.prototype.addChildAt.call(this, t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeChild = function(t) {
+ return t.off("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setItemChanged(),
+ laya.display.Node.prototype.removeChild.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeChildAt = function(t) {
+ return this.getChildAt(t).off("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setItemChanged(),
+ laya.display.Node.prototype.removeChildAt.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.refresh = function() {
+ this._setItemChanged()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.changeItems = function() {
+ this._itemChanged = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.sortItem = function(t) {
+ t && t.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.y - e.y
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setItemChanged = function() {
+ this._itemChanged || (this._itemChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changeItems))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "space", function() {
+ return this._space
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._space = t,
+ this._setItemChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "align", function() {
+ return this._align
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._align = t,
+ this._setItemChanged()
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , X = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._valueArr = null,
+ this._indexMap = null,
+ this._sheet = null,
+ this._direction = "horizontal",
+ this._spaceX = 0,
+ this._spaceY = 0,
+ this._align = "left",
+ this._wordsW = 0,
+ this._wordsH = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ t && (this.skin = t),
+ i && (this.sheet = i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.FontClip", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.createChildren = function() {
+ this._bitmap = new D,
+ this.on("loaded", this, this._onClipLoaded)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onClipLoaded = function() {
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeValue = function() {
+ if (this._sources && this._valueArr) {
+ this.graphics.clear(!0);
+ var t;
+ if (t = this._sources[0]) {
+ var e = "horizontal" === this._direction;
+ e ? (this._wordsW = this._valueArr.length * (t.sourceWidth + this.spaceX),
+ this._wordsH = t.sourceHeight) : (this._wordsW = t.sourceWidth,
+ this._wordsH = (t.sourceHeight + this.spaceY) * this._valueArr.length);
+ var i = 0;
+ if (this._width)
+ switch (this._align) {
+ case "center":
+ i = .5 * (this._width - this._wordsW);
+ break;
+ case "right":
+ i = this._width - this._wordsW;
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = 0
+ }
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._valueArr.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = this._indexMap[this._valueArr.charAt(n)];
+ this.sources[r] && (t = this.sources[r],
+ e ? this.graphics.drawTexture(t, i + n * (t.sourceWidth + this.spaceX), 0, t.sourceWidth, t.sourceHeight) : this.graphics.drawTexture(t, 0 + i, n * (t.sourceHeight + this.spaceY), t.sourceWidth, t.sourceHeight))
+ }
+ this._width || (this.resetLayoutX(),
+ this.callLater(this.changeSize)),
+ this._height || (this.resetLayoutY(),
+ this.callLater(this.changeSize))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this._valueArr = null,
+ this._indexMap = null,
+ this.graphics.clear(!0),
+ this.removeSelf(),
+ this.off("loaded", this, this._onClipLoaded),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "sheet", function() {
+ return this._sheet
+ }, function(t) {
+ t += "",
+ this._sheet = t;
+ var e = t.split(" ");
+ this._clipX = String(e[0]).length,
+ this.clipY = e.length,
+ this._indexMap = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._clipY; i++)
+ for (var n = e[i].split(""), a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++)
+ this._indexMap[n[a]] = i * this._clipX + a
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(R, this, "height", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "direction", function() {
+ return this._direction
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._direction = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "value", function() {
+ return this._valueArr ? this._valueArr : ""
+ }, function(t) {
+ t += "",
+ this._valueArr = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(R, this, "width", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "spaceX", function() {
+ return this._spaceX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._spaceX = t,
+ "horizontal" === this._direction && this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "spaceY", function() {
+ return this._spaceY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._spaceY = t,
+ "horizontal" !== this._direction && this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "align", function() {
+ return this._align
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._align = t,
+ this.callLater(this.changeValue)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureWidth", function() {
+ return this._wordsW
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "measureHeight", function() {
+ return this._wordsH
+ }),
+ e
+ }(R)
+ , q = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.selectHandler = null,
+ this.renderHandler = null,
+ this.mouseHandler = null,
+ this.selectEnable = !1,
+ this.totalPage = 0,
+ this._content = null,
+ this._scrollBar = null,
+ this._itemRender = null,
+ this._repeatX = 0,
+ this._repeatY = 0,
+ this._repeatX2 = 0,
+ this._repeatY2 = 0,
+ this._spaceX = 0,
+ this._spaceY = 0,
+ this._array = null,
+ this._startIndex = 0,
+ this._selectedIndex = -1,
+ this._page = 0,
+ this._isVertical = !0,
+ this._cellSize = 20,
+ this._cellOffset = 0,
+ this._isMoved = !1,
+ this.cacheContent = !1,
+ this._createdLine = 0,
+ this._cellChanged = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._cells = [],
+ this._offset = new g
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.List", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.ui.IRender": !0,
+ "laya.ui.IItem": !0
+ }),
+ n.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ this._content && this._content.destroy(t),
+ this._scrollBar && this._scrollBar.destroy(t),
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._content = null,
+ this._scrollBar = null,
+ this._itemRender = null,
+ this._cells = null,
+ this._array = null,
+ this.selectHandler = this.renderHandler = this.mouseHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._content = new B)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollStart = function() {
+ this._$P.cacheAs || (this._$P.cacheAs = i.superGet(B, this, "cacheAs")),
+ i.superSet(B, this, "cacheAs", "none"),
+ this._scrollBar.once("end", this, this.onScrollEnd)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollEnd = function() {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "cacheAs", this._$P.cacheAs)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removePreScrollBar = function() {
+ var t = this.removeChildByName("scrollBar");
+ t && t.destroy(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeCells = function() {
+ if (this._cellChanged = !1,
+ this._itemRender) {
+ this.scrollBar = this.getChildByName("scrollBar");
+ var t = this._getOneCell()
+ , e = t.width + this._spaceX || 1
+ , i = t.height + this._spaceY || 1;
+ this._width > 0 && (this._repeatX2 = this._isVertical ? Math.round(this._width / e) : Math.ceil(this._width / e)),
+ this._height > 0 && (this._repeatY2 = this._isVertical ? Math.ceil(this._height / i) : Math.round(this._height / i));
+ var n = this._width ? this._width : e * this.repeatX - this._spaceX
+ , a = this._height ? this._height : i * this.repeatY - this._spaceY;
+ this._cellSize = this._isVertical ? i : e,
+ this._cellOffset = this._isVertical ? i * Math.max(this._repeatY2, this._repeatY) - a - this._spaceY : e * Math.max(this._repeatX2, this._repeatX) - n - this._spaceX,
+ this._isVertical && this._scrollBar ? this._scrollBar.height = a : !this._isVertical && this._scrollBar && (this._scrollBar.width = n),
+ this.setContentSize(n, a);
+ var r = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY
+ , s = (this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX) + (this._scrollBar ? 1 : 0);
+ this._createItems(0, r, s),
+ this._createdLine = s,
+ this._array && (this.array = this._array,
+ this.runCallLater(this.renderItems))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getOneCell = function() {
+ if (0 === this._cells.length) {
+ var t = this.createItem();
+ if (this._offset.setTo(t.x, t.y),
+ this.cacheContent)
+ return t;
+ this._cells.push(t)
+ }
+ return this._cells[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ n._createItems = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._content
+ , a = this._getOneCell()
+ , r = a.width + this._spaceX
+ , s = a.height + this._spaceY;
+ if (this.cacheContent) {
+ var o = new B;
+ o.cacheAsBitmap = !0,
+ o.pos((this._isVertical ? 0 : t) * r, (this._isVertical ? t : 0) * s),
+ this._content.addChild(o),
+ this._content.optimizeScrollRect = !0,
+ n = o
+ } else {
+ for (var l = [], h = this._cells.length - 1; h > -1; h--) {
+ var c = this._cells[h];
+ c.removeSelf(),
+ l.push(c)
+ }
+ this._cells.length = 0
+ }
+ for (var _ = t; _ < i; _++)
+ for (var u = 0; u < e; u++)
+ (a = l && l.length ? l.pop() : this.createItem()).x = (this._isVertical ? u : _) * r - n.x,
+ a.y = (this._isVertical ? _ : u) * s - n.y,
+ a.name = "item" + (_ * e + u),
+ n.addChild(a),
+ this.addCell(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createItem = function() {
+ var t = [];
+ if ("function" == typeof this._itemRender)
+ var e = new this._itemRender;
+ else
+ e = z.createComp(this._itemRender, null, null, t);
+ if (0 == t.length && e._watchMap) {
+ var i = e._watchMap;
+ for (var n in i)
+ for (var a = i[n], r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = a[r];
+ t.push(s.comp, s.prop, s.value)
+ }
+ }
+ return t.length && (e._$bindData = t),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addCell = function(t) {
+ t.on("click", this, this.onCellMouse),
+ t.on("rightclick", this, this.onCellMouse),
+ t.on("mouseover", this, this.onCellMouse),
+ t.on("mouseout", this, this.onCellMouse),
+ t.on("mousedown", this, this.onCellMouse),
+ t.on("mouseup", this, this.onCellMouse),
+ this._cells.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initItems = function() {
+ if (!this._itemRender && null != this.getChildByName("item0")) {
+ this.repeatX = 1;
+ var t = 0;
+ t = 0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < 1e4; e++) {
+ var i = this.getChildByName("item" + e);
+ {
+ if (!i)
+ break;
+ this.addCell(i),
+ t++
+ }
+ }
+ this.repeatY = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setContentSize = function(t, e) {
+ this._content.width = t,
+ this._content.height = e,
+ (this._scrollBar || 0 != this._offset.x || 0 != this._offset.y) && (this._content.scrollRect || (this._content.scrollRect = new y),
+ this._content.scrollRect.setTo(-this._offset.x, -this._offset.y, t, e),
+ this._content.scrollRect = this._content.scrollRect),
+ this.event("resize")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onCellMouse = function(t) {
+ "mousedown" === t.type && (this._isMoved = !1);
+ var e = t.currentTarget
+ , i = this._startIndex + this._cells.indexOf(e);
+ i < 0 || ("click" === t.type || "rightclick" === t.type ? this.selectEnable && !this._isMoved ? this.selectedIndex = i : this.changeCellState(e, !0, 0) : "mouseover" !== t.type && "mouseout" !== t.type || this._selectedIndex === i || this.changeCellState(e, "mouseover" === t.type, 0),
+ this.mouseHandler && this.mouseHandler.runWith([t, i]))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeCellState = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.getChildByName("selectBox");
+ n && (this.selectEnable = !0,
+ n.visible = e,
+ n.index = i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeSize = function() {
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.changeSize.call(this),
+ this.setContentSize(this.width, this.height),
+ this._scrollBar && this.callLater(this.onScrollBarChange)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollBarChange = function(t) {
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeCells);
+ var e = this._scrollBar.value
+ , i = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY
+ , n = this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX
+ , a = Math.floor(e / this._cellSize);
+ if (this.cacheContent)
+ s = n + 1,
+ this._createdLine - a < s && (this._createItems(this._createdLine, i, this._createdLine + s),
+ this.renderItems(this._createdLine * i, 0),
+ this._createdLine += s);
+ else {
+ var r = a * i
+ , s = 0;
+ if (r > this._startIndex) {
+ s = r - this._startIndex;
+ var o = !0
+ , l = this._startIndex + i * (n + 1);
+ this._isMoved = !0
+ } else
+ r < this._startIndex && (s = this._startIndex - r,
+ o = !1,
+ l = this._startIndex - 1,
+ this._isMoved = !0);
+ for (var h = 0; h < s; h++) {
+ if (o) {
+ var c = this._cells.shift();
+ this._cells[this._cells.length] = c;
+ var _ = l + h
+ } else
+ c = this._cells.pop(),
+ this._cells.unshift(c),
+ _ = l - h;
+ var u = Math.floor(_ / i) * this._cellSize;
+ this._isVertical ? c.y = u : c.x = u,
+ this.renderItem(c, _)
+ }
+ this._startIndex = r,
+ this.changeSelectStatus()
+ }
+ var d = this._content.scrollRect;
+ this._isVertical ? (d.y = e - this._offset.y,
+ d.x = -this._offset.x) : (d.y = -this._offset.y,
+ d.x = e - this._offset.x),
+ this._content.scrollRect = d
+ }
+ ,
+ n.posCell = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._scrollBar) {
+ var i = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY
+ , n = (this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX,
+ Math.floor(e / i) * this._cellSize);
+ this._isVertical ? t.y = n : t.x = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeSelectStatus = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._cells.length; t < e; t++)
+ this.changeCellState(this._cells[t], this._selectedIndex === this._startIndex + t, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.renderItems = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ for (var i = t, n = e || this._cells.length; i < n; i++)
+ this.renderItem(this._cells[i], this._startIndex + i);
+ this.changeSelectStatus()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.renderItem = function(t, e) {
+ this._array && e >= 0 && e < this._array.length ? (t.visible = !0,
+ t._$bindData ? (t._dataSource = this._array[e],
+ this._bindData(t, this._array[e])) : t.dataSource = this._array[e],
+ this.cacheContent || this.posCell(t, e),
+ this.hasListener("render") && this.event("render", [t, e]),
+ this.renderHandler && this.renderHandler.runWith([t, e])) : (t.visible = !1,
+ t.dataSource = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._bindData = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = t._$bindData, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n++]
+ , s = i[n++]
+ , o = i[n]
+ , l = T.getBindFun(o);
+ r[s] = l.call(this, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.refresh = function() {
+ this.array = this._array
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getItem = function(t) {
+ return t > -1 && t < this._array.length ? this._array[t] : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeItem = function(t, e) {
+ t > -1 && t < this._array.length && (this._array[t] = e,
+ t >= this._startIndex && t < this._startIndex + this._cells.length && this.renderItem(this.getCell(t), t))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setItem = function(t, e) {
+ this.changeItem(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addItem = function(t) {
+ this._array.push(t),
+ this.array = this._array
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addItemAt = function(t, e) {
+ this._array.splice(e, 0, t),
+ this.array = this._array
+ }
+ ,
+ n.deleteItem = function(t) {
+ this._array.splice(t, 1),
+ this.array = this._array
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getCell = function(t) {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeCells),
+ t > -1 && this._cells ? this._cells[(t - this._startIndex) % this._cells.length] : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.scrollTo = function(t) {
+ if (this._scrollBar) {
+ var e = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY;
+ this._scrollBar.value = Math.floor(t / e) * this._cellSize
+ } else
+ this.startIndex = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.tweenTo = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 200),
+ this._scrollBar) {
+ var n = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY;
+ I.to(this._scrollBar, {
+ value: Math.floor(t / n) * this._cellSize
+ }, e, null, i, 0, !0)
+ } else
+ this.startIndex = t,
+ i && i.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setCellChanged = function() {
+ this._cellChanged || (this._cellChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changeCells))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.commitMeasure = function() {
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeCells)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "cacheAs", t.prototype._$get_cacheAs, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "cacheAs", t),
+ this._scrollBar && (this._$P.cacheAs = null,
+ "none" !== t ? this._scrollBar.on("start", this, this.onScrollStart) : this._scrollBar.off("start", this, this.onScrollStart))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "content", function() {
+ return this._content
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ t != this._height && (i.superSet(B, this, "height", t),
+ this._setCellChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "itemRender", function() {
+ return this._itemRender
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._itemRender != t) {
+ this._itemRender = t;
+ for (var e = this._cells.length - 1; e > -1; e--)
+ this._cells[e].destroy();
+ this._cells.length = 0,
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "vScrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._scrollBar ? this._scrollBar.skin : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._removePreScrollBar();
+ var e = new et;
+ e.name = "scrollBar",
+ e.right = 0,
+ t && " " != t && (e.skin = t),
+ this.scrollBar = e,
+ this.addChild(e),
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "page", function() {
+ return this._page
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._page = t,
+ this._array && (this._page = t > 0 ? t : 0,
+ this._page = this._page < this.totalPage ? this._page : this.totalPage - 1,
+ this.startIndex = this._page * this.repeatX * this.repeatY)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "hScrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._scrollBar ? this._scrollBar.skin : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._removePreScrollBar();
+ var e = new Y;
+ e.name = "scrollBar",
+ e.bottom = 0,
+ t && " " != t && (e.skin = t),
+ this.scrollBar = e,
+ this.addChild(e),
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "repeatX", function() {
+ return this._repeatX > 0 ? this._repeatX : this._repeatX2 > 0 ? this._repeatX2 : 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._repeatX = t,
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollBar", function() {
+ return this._scrollBar
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._scrollBar != t && (this._scrollBar = t,
+ t && (this._isVertical = this._scrollBar.isVertical,
+ this.addChild(this._scrollBar),
+ this._scrollBar.on("change", this, this.onScrollBarChange)))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ t != this._width && (i.superSet(B, this, "width", t),
+ this._setCellChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "repeatY", function() {
+ return this._repeatY > 0 ? this._repeatY : this._repeatY2 > 0 ? this._repeatY2 : 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._repeatY = t,
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "spaceX", function() {
+ return this._spaceX
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._spaceX = t,
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "spaceY", function() {
+ return this._spaceY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._spaceY = t,
+ this._setCellChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedIndex", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selectedIndex != t && (this._selectedIndex = t,
+ this.changeSelectStatus(),
+ this.event("change"),
+ this.selectHandler && this.selectHandler.runWith(t),
+ this.startIndex = this._startIndex)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedItem", function() {
+ return -1 != this._selectedIndex ? this._array[this._selectedIndex] : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = this._array.indexOf(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "length", function() {
+ return this._array ? this._array.length : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selection", function() {
+ return this.getCell(this._selectedIndex)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = this._startIndex + this._cells.indexOf(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "startIndex", function() {
+ return this._startIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._startIndex = t > 0 ? t : 0,
+ this.callLater(this.renderItems)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "array", function() {
+ return this._array
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeCells),
+ this._array = t || [];
+ var e = this._array.length;
+ if (this.totalPage = Math.ceil(e / (this.repeatX * this.repeatY)),
+ this._selectedIndex = this._selectedIndex < e ? this._selectedIndex : e - 1,
+ this.startIndex = this._startIndex,
+ this._scrollBar) {
+ this._scrollBar.stopScroll();
+ var i = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY
+ , n = this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX
+ , a = Math.ceil(e / i);
+ (this._cellOffset > 0 ? this.totalPage + 1 : this.totalPage) > 1 ? (this._scrollBar.scrollSize = this._cellSize,
+ this._scrollBar.thumbPercent = n / a,
+ this._scrollBar.setScroll(0, (a - n) * this._cellSize + this._cellOffset, this._scrollBar.value),
+ this._scrollBar.target = this._content) : (this._scrollBar.setScroll(0, 0, 0),
+ this._scrollBar.target = this._content)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t && Math.floor(t) == t || "string" == typeof t ? this.selectedIndex = parseInt(t) : t instanceof Array ? this.array = t : i.superSet(B, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "cells", function() {
+ return this.runCallLater(this.changeCells),
+ this._cells
+ }),
+ e
+ }(B)
+ , Y = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.HScrollBar", t);
+ return e.prototype.initialize = function() {
+ t.prototype.initialize.call(this),
+ this.slider.isVertical = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(U)
+ , J = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._content = null,
+ this._vScrollBar = null,
+ this._hScrollBar = null,
+ this._scrollChanged = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.width = this.height = 100
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Panel", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._content && this._content.destroy(t),
+ this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.destroy(t),
+ this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.destroy(t),
+ this._vScrollBar = null,
+ this._hScrollBar = null,
+ this._content = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroyChildren = function() {
+ this._content.destroyChildren()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ laya.display.Node.prototype.addChild.call(this, this._content = new B)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChild = function(t) {
+ return t.on("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setScrollChanged(),
+ this._content.addChild(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onResize = function() {
+ this._setScrollChanged()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChildAt = function(t, e) {
+ return t.on("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setScrollChanged(),
+ this._content.addChildAt(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChild = function(t) {
+ return t.off("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setScrollChanged(),
+ this._content.removeChild(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildAt = function(t) {
+ return this.getChildAt(t).off("resize", this, this.onResize),
+ this._setScrollChanged(),
+ this._content.removeChildAt(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildren = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 2147483647);
+ for (var i = this._content.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--)
+ this._content.removeChildAt(i);
+ return this._setScrollChanged(),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getChildAt = function(t) {
+ return this._content.getChildAt(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getChildByName = function(t) {
+ return this._content.getChildByName(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getChildIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._content.getChildIndex(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeScroll = function() {
+ this._scrollChanged = !1;
+ var t = this.contentWidth || 1
+ , e = this.contentHeight || 1
+ , i = this._vScrollBar
+ , n = this._hScrollBar
+ , a = i && e > this._height
+ , r = n && t > this._width
+ , s = a ? this._width - i.width : this._width
+ , o = r ? this._height - n.height : this._height;
+ i && (i.x = this._width - i.width,
+ i.y = 0,
+ i.height = this._height - (r ? n.height : 0),
+ i.scrollSize = Math.max(.033 * this._height, 1),
+ i.thumbPercent = o / e,
+ i.setScroll(0, e - o, i.value)),
+ n && (n.x = 0,
+ n.y = this._height - n.height,
+ n.width = this._width - (a ? i.width : 0),
+ n.scrollSize = Math.max(.033 * this._width, 1),
+ n.thumbPercent = s / t,
+ n.setScroll(0, t - s, n.value))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeSize = function() {
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.changeSize.call(this),
+ this.setContentSize(this._width, this._height)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setContentSize = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._content;
+ i.width = t,
+ i.height = e,
+ i.scrollRect || (i.scrollRect = new y),
+ i.scrollRect.setTo(0, 0, t, e),
+ i.scrollRect = i.scrollRect
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollBarChange = function(t) {
+ var e = this._content.scrollRect;
+ if (e) {
+ var i = Math.round(t.value);
+ t.isVertical ? e.y = i : e.x = i,
+ this._content.scrollRect = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.scrollTo = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.vScrollBar && (this.vScrollBar.value = e),
+ this.hScrollBar && (this.hScrollBar.value = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.refresh = function() {
+ this.changeScroll()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollStart = function() {
+ this._$P.cacheAs || (this._$P.cacheAs = i.superGet(B, this, "cacheAs")),
+ i.superSet(B, this, "cacheAs", "none"),
+ this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.once("end", this, this.onScrollEnd),
+ this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.once("end", this, this.onScrollEnd)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onScrollEnd = function() {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "cacheAs", this._$P.cacheAs)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setScrollChanged = function() {
+ this._scrollChanged || (this._scrollChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changeScroll))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "numChildren", function() {
+ return this._content.numChildren
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "hScrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._hScrollBar ? this._hScrollBar.skin : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ null == this._hScrollBar && (laya.display.Node.prototype.addChild.call(this, this._hScrollBar = new Y),
+ this._hScrollBar.on("change", this, this.onScrollBarChange, [this._hScrollBar]),
+ this._hScrollBar.target = this._content,
+ this._setScrollChanged()),
+ this._hScrollBar.skin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "contentWidth", function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._content.numChildren - 1; e > -1; e--) {
+ var i = this._content.getChildAt(e);
+ t = Math.max(i.x + i.width * i.scaleX, t)
+ }
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "contentHeight", function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._content.numChildren - 1; e > -1; e--) {
+ var i = this._content.getChildAt(e);
+ t = Math.max(i.y + i.height * i.scaleY, t)
+ }
+ return t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "width", t),
+ this._setScrollChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "hScrollBar", function() {
+ return this._hScrollBar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "content", function() {
+ return this._content
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "height", t),
+ this._setScrollChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "vScrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._vScrollBar ? this._vScrollBar.skin : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ null == this._vScrollBar && (laya.display.Node.prototype.addChild.call(this, this._vScrollBar = new et),
+ this._vScrollBar.on("change", this, this.onScrollBarChange, [this._vScrollBar]),
+ this._vScrollBar.target = this._content,
+ this._setScrollChanged()),
+ this._vScrollBar.skin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "vScrollBar", function() {
+ return this._vScrollBar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "cacheAs", t.prototype._$get_cacheAs, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "cacheAs", t),
+ this._$P.cacheAs = null,
+ "none" !== t ? (this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.on("start", this, this.onScrollStart),
+ this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.on("start", this, this.onScrollStart)) : (this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.off("start", this, this.onScrollStart),
+ this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.off("start", this, this.onScrollStart))
+ }),
+ e
+ }(B)
+ , K = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t),
+ this.isVertical = !1
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.ui.HSlider", V),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Z = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this.selectHandler = null,
+ this._items = null,
+ this._selectedIndex = -1,
+ this._skin = null,
+ this._direction = "horizontal",
+ this._space = 0,
+ this._labels = null,
+ this._labelColors = null,
+ this._labelFont = null,
+ this._labelStrokeColor = null,
+ this._strokeColors = null,
+ this._labelStroke = NaN,
+ this._labelSize = 0,
+ this._labelBold = !1,
+ this._labelPadding = null,
+ this._labelAlign = null,
+ this._stateNum = 0,
+ this._labelChanged = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.skin = i,
+ this.labels = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.UIGroup", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.ui.IItem": !0
+ }),
+ n.preinitialize = function() {
+ this.mouseEnabled = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._items && (this._items.length = 0),
+ this._items = null,
+ this.selectHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addItem = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0);
+ var i = t
+ , n = this._items.length;
+ if (i.name = "item" + n,
+ this.addChild(i),
+ this.initItems(),
+ e && n > 0) {
+ var a = this._items[n - 1];
+ "horizontal" == this._direction ? i.x = a.x + a.width + this._space : i.y = a.y + a.height + this._space
+ } else
+ e && (i.x = 0,
+ i.y = 0);
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ n.delItem = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0);
+ var i = this._items.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 != i) {
+ var n = t;
+ this.removeChild(n);
+ for (var a = i + 1, r = this._items.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var s = this._items[a];
+ s.name = "item" + (a - 1),
+ e && ("horizontal" == this._direction ? s.x -= n.width + this._space : s.y -= n.height + this._space)
+ }
+ if (this.initItems(),
+ this._selectedIndex > -1) {
+ var o = 0;
+ o = this._selectedIndex < this._items.length ? this._selectedIndex : this._selectedIndex - 1,
+ this._selectedIndex = -1,
+ this.selectedIndex = o
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initItems = function() {
+ this._items || (this._items = []),
+ this._items.length = 0;
+ for (var t = 0; t < 1e4; t++) {
+ var e = this.getChildByName("item" + t);
+ if (null == e)
+ break;
+ this._items.push(e),
+ e.selected = t === this._selectedIndex,
+ e.clickHandler = f.create(this, this.itemClick, [t], !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.itemClick = function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setSelect = function(t, e) {
+ this._items && t > -1 && t < this._items.length && (this._items[t].selected = e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createItem = function(t, e) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeLabels = function() {
+ if (this._labelChanged = !1,
+ this._items)
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0, i = this._items.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._items[e];
+ this._skin && (n.skin = this._skin),
+ this._labelColors && (n.labelColors = this._labelColors),
+ this._labelSize && (n.labelSize = this._labelSize),
+ this._labelStroke && (n.labelStroke = this._labelStroke),
+ this._labelStrokeColor && (n.labelStrokeColor = this._labelStrokeColor),
+ this._strokeColors && (n.strokeColors = this._strokeColors),
+ this._labelBold && (n.labelBold = this._labelBold),
+ this._labelPadding && (n.labelPadding = this._labelPadding),
+ this._labelAlign && (n.labelAlign = this._labelAlign),
+ this._stateNum && (n.stateNum = this._stateNum),
+ this._labelFont && (n.labelFont = this._labelFont),
+ "horizontal" === this._direction ? (n.y = 0,
+ n.x = t,
+ t += n.width + this._space) : (n.x = 0,
+ n.y = t,
+ t += n.height + this._space)
+ }
+ this.changeSize()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.commitMeasure = function() {
+ this.runCallLater(this.changeLabels)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setLabelChanged = function() {
+ this._labelChanged || (this._labelChanged = !0,
+ this.callLater(this.changeLabels))
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "labelStrokeColor", function() {
+ return this._labelStrokeColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelStrokeColor != t && (this._labelStrokeColor = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._skin != t && (this._skin = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedIndex", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selectedIndex != t && (this.setSelect(this._selectedIndex, !1),
+ this._selectedIndex = t,
+ this.setSelect(t, !0),
+ this.event("change"),
+ this.selectHandler && this.selectHandler.runWith(this._selectedIndex))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labels", function() {
+ return this._labels
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._labels != t) {
+ if (this._labels = t,
+ this.removeChildren(),
+ this._setLabelChanged(),
+ this._labels)
+ for (var e = this._labels.split(","), i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this.createItem(this._skin, e[i]);
+ a.name = "item" + i,
+ this.addChild(a)
+ }
+ this.initItems()
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "strokeColors", function() {
+ return this._strokeColors
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._strokeColors != t && (this._strokeColors = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelColors", function() {
+ return this._labelColors
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelColors != t && (this._labelColors = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelStroke", function() {
+ return this._labelStroke
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelStroke != t && (this._labelStroke = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelSize", function() {
+ return this._labelSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelSize != t && (this._labelSize = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "stateNum", function() {
+ return this._stateNum
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._stateNum != t && (this._stateNum = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelBold", function() {
+ return this._labelBold
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelBold != t && (this._labelBold = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelFont", function() {
+ return this._labelFont
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelFont != t && (this._labelFont = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "labelPadding", function() {
+ return this._labelPadding
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._labelPadding != t && (this._labelPadding = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "direction", function() {
+ return this._direction
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._direction = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "space", function() {
+ return this._space
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._space = t,
+ this._setLabelChanged()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "items", function() {
+ return this._items
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selection", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex > -1 && this._selectedIndex < this._items.length ? this._items[this._selectedIndex] : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = this._items.indexOf(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t && Math.floor(t) == t || "string" == typeof t ? this.selectedIndex = parseInt(t) : t instanceof Array ? this.labels = t.join(",") : i.superSet(B, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ e
+ }(B)
+ , Q = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._value = null,
+ void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Radio", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._value = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.preinitialize = function() {
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.preinitialize.call(this),
+ this.toggle = !1,
+ this._autoSize = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.initialize = function() {
+ t.prototype.initialize.call(this),
+ this.createText(),
+ this._text.align = "left",
+ this._text.valign = "top",
+ this._text.width = 0,
+ this.on("click", this, this.onClick)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onClick = function(t) {
+ this.selected = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "value", function() {
+ return null != this._value ? this._value : this.label
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._value = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(k)
+ , $ = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._list = null,
+ this._source = null,
+ this._renderHandler = null,
+ this._spaceLeft = 10,
+ this._spaceBottom = 0,
+ this._keepStatus = !0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.width = this.height = 200
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Tree", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.ui.IRender": !0
+ }),
+ n.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ laya.ui.Component.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._list && this._list.destroy(t),
+ this._list = null,
+ this._source = null,
+ this._renderHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._list = new q),
+ this._list.renderHandler = f.create(this, this.renderItem, null, !1),
+ this._list.repeatX = 1,
+ this._list.on("change", this, this.onListChange)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onListChange = function(t) {
+ this.event("change")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getArray = function() {
+ var t, e = [];
+ for (var i in this._source)
+ t = this._source[i],
+ this.getParentOpenStatus(t) && (t.x = this._spaceLeft * this.getDepth(t),
+ e.push(t));
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getDepth = function(t, e) {
+ return void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ null == t.nodeParent ? e : this.getDepth(t.nodeParent, e + 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getParentOpenStatus = function(t) {
+ var e = t.nodeParent;
+ return null == e || !!e.isOpen && (null == e.nodeParent || this.getParentOpenStatus(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.renderItem = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.dataSource;
+ if (i) {
+ t.left = i.x;
+ var n = t.getChildByName("arrow");
+ n && (i.hasChild ? (n.visible = !0,
+ n.index = i.isOpen ? 1 : 0,
+ n.tag = e,
+ n.off("click", this, this.onArrowClick),
+ n.on("click", this, this.onArrowClick)) : n.visible = !1);
+ var a = t.getChildByName("folder");
+ a && (2 == a.clipY ? a.index = i.isDirectory ? 0 : 1 : a.index = i.isDirectory ? i.isOpen ? 1 : 0 : 2),
+ this._renderHandler && this._renderHandler.runWith([t, e])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onArrowClick = function(t) {
+ var e = t.currentTarget.tag;
+ this._list.array[e].isOpen = !this._list.array[e].isOpen,
+ this.event("open"),
+ this._list.array = this.getArray()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setItemState = function(t, e) {
+ this._list.array[t] && (this._list.array[t].isOpen = e,
+ this._list.array = this.getArray())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fresh = function() {
+ this._list.array = this.getArray(),
+ this.repaint()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.parseXml = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a, r = t.childNodes, s = r.length;
+ if (!n) {
+ a = {};
+ var o, l = t.attributes;
+ for (var h in l) {
+ var c = (o = l[h]).nodeName
+ , _ = o.nodeValue;
+ a[c] = "true" == _ || "false" != _ && _
+ }
+ a.nodeParent = i,
+ s > 0 && (a.isDirectory = !0),
+ a.hasChild = s > 0,
+ e.push(a)
+ }
+ for (var u = 0; u < s; u++) {
+ var d = r[u];
+ this.parseXml(d, e, a, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.parseOpenStatus = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ if (a.isDirectory)
+ for (var r = 0, s = t.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = t[r];
+ if (o.isDirectory && this.isSameParent(o, a) && a.label == o.label) {
+ a.isOpen = o.isOpen;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.isSameParent = function(t, e) {
+ return null == t.nodeParent && null == e.nodeParent || null != t.nodeParent && null != e.nodeParent && (t.nodeParent.label == e.nodeParent.label && this.isSameParent(t.nodeParent, e.nodeParent))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.filter = function(t) {
+ if (Boolean(t)) {
+ var e = [];
+ this.getFilterSource(this._source, e, t),
+ this._list.array = e
+ } else
+ this._list.array = this.getArray()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getFilterSource = function(t, e, i) {
+ i = i.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ var n;
+ for (var a in t)
+ !(n = t[a]).isDirectory && String(n.label).toLowerCase().indexOf(i) > -1 && (n.x = 0,
+ e.push(n)),
+ n.child && n.child.length > 0 && this.getFilterSource(n.child, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "spaceBottom", function() {
+ return this._list.spaceY
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._list.spaceY = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "keepStatus", function() {
+ return this._keepStatus
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._keepStatus = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "itemRender", function() {
+ return this._list.itemRender
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._list.itemRender = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "array", function() {
+ return this._list.array
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._keepStatus && this._list.array && t && this.parseOpenStatus(this._list.array, t),
+ this._source = t,
+ this._list.array = this.getArray()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "mouseHandler", function() {
+ return this._list.mouseHandler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._list.mouseHandler = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ this._dataSource = t,
+ i.superSet(B, this, "dataSource", t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "source", function() {
+ return this._source
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollBar", function() {
+ return this._list.scrollBar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "list", function() {
+ return this._list
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._list.vScrollBarSkin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._list.vScrollBarSkin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "renderHandler", function() {
+ return this._renderHandler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._renderHandler = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedIndex", function() {
+ return this._list.selectedIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._list.selectedIndex = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "spaceLeft", function() {
+ return this._spaceLeft
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._spaceLeft = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedItem", function() {
+ return this._list.selectedItem
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._list.selectedItem = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "width", t),
+ this._list.width = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(B, this, "height", t),
+ this._list.height = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "xml", null, function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ this.parseXml(t.childNodes[0], e, null, !0),
+ this.array = e
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedPath", function() {
+ return this._list.selectedItem ? this._list.selectedItem.path : null
+ }),
+ e
+ }(B)
+ , tt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._items = null,
+ this._selectedIndex = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._setIndexHandler = f.create(this, this.setIndex, null, !1)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.ViewStack", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.ui.IItem": !0
+ }),
+ n.setItems = function(t) {
+ this.removeChildren();
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = t[i];
+ a && (a.name = "item" + e,
+ this.addChild(a),
+ e++)
+ }
+ this.initItems()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addItem = function(t) {
+ t.name = "item" + this._items.length,
+ this.addChild(t),
+ this.initItems()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initItems = function() {
+ this._items = [];
+ for (var t = 0; t < 1e4; t++) {
+ var e = this.getChildByName("item" + t);
+ if (null == e)
+ break;
+ this._items.push(e),
+ e.visible = t == this._selectedIndex
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setSelect = function(t, e) {
+ this._items && t > -1 && t < this._items.length && (this._items[t].visible = e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setIndex = function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "dataSource", t.prototype._$get_dataSource, function(t) {
+ if (this._dataSource = t,
+ "number" == typeof t && Math.floor(t) == t || "string" == typeof t)
+ this.selectedIndex = parseInt(t);
+ else
+ for (var e in this._dataSource)
+ this.hasOwnProperty(e) && (this[e] = this._dataSource[e])
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selectedIndex", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._selectedIndex != t && (this.setSelect(this._selectedIndex, !1),
+ this._selectedIndex = t,
+ this.setSelect(this._selectedIndex, !0))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "selection", function() {
+ return this._selectedIndex > -1 && this._selectedIndex < this._items.length ? this._items[this._selectedIndex] : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.selectedIndex = this._items.indexOf(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "items", function() {
+ return this._items
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "setIndexHandler", function() {
+ return this._setIndexHandler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setIndexHandler = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(B)
+ , et = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.ui.VScrollBar", U),
+ e
+ }()
+ , it = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._bg = null,
+ this._skin = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ void 0 === t && (t = ""),
+ this.text = t,
+ this.skin = this.skin
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.TextInput", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.preinitialize = function() {
+ this.mouseEnabled = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._bg && this._bg.destroy(),
+ this._bg = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.createChildren = function() {
+ this.addChild(this._tf = new p),
+ this._tf.padding = L.inputLabelPadding,
+ this._tf.on("input", this, this._onInput),
+ this._tf.on("enter", this, this._onEnter),
+ this._tf.on("blur", this, this._onBlur),
+ this._tf.on("focus", this, this._onFocus)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onFocus = function() {
+ this.event("focus", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onBlur = function() {
+ this.event("blur", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onInput = function() {
+ this.event("input", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onEnter = function() {
+ this.event("enter", this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initialize = function() {
+ this.width = 128,
+ this.height = 22
+ }
+ ,
+ n.select = function() {
+ this._tf.select()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setSelection = function(t, e) {
+ this._tf.setSelection(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "text", t.prototype._$get_text, function(t) {
+ this._tf.text != t && (t += "",
+ this._tf.text = t,
+ this.event("change"))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "bg", function() {
+ return this._bg
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.graphics = this._bg = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "inputElementYAdjuster", function() {
+ return this._tf.inputElementYAdjuster
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.inputElementYAdjuster = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "multiline", function() {
+ return this._tf.multiline
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.multiline = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "skin", function() {
+ return this._skin
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._skin != t && (this._skin = t,
+ this._bg || (this.graphics = this._bg = new D),
+ this._bg.source = m.getRes(this._skin),
+ this._width && (this._bg.width = this._width),
+ this._height && (this._bg.height = this._height))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "sizeGrid", function() {
+ return this._bg && this._bg.sizeGrid ? this._bg.sizeGrid.join(",") : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._bg || (this.graphics = this._bg = new D),
+ this._bg.sizeGrid = T.fillArray(L.defaultSizeGrid, t, Number)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "inputElementXAdjuster", function() {
+ return this._tf.inputElementXAdjuster
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.inputElementXAdjuster = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(H, this, "width", t),
+ this._bg && (this._bg.width = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(H, this, "height", t),
+ this._bg && (this._bg.height = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "editable", function() {
+ return this._tf.editable
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.editable = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "restrict", function() {
+ return this._tf.restrict
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.restrict = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "prompt", function() {
+ return this._tf.prompt
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.prompt = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "promptColor", function() {
+ return this._tf.promptColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.promptColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "maxChars", function() {
+ return this._tf.maxChars
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.maxChars = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "focus", function() {
+ return this._tf.focus
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.focus = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "type", function() {
+ return this._tf.type
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.type = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "asPassword", function() {
+ return this._tf.asPassword
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tf.asPassword = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(H)
+ , nt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.ui.VSlider", V),
+ e
+ }()
+ , at = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.popupCenter = !0,
+ this.closeHandler = null,
+ this.popupEffect = null,
+ this.closeEffect = null,
+ this.group = null,
+ this.isModal = !1,
+ this._dragArea = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Dialog", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.initialize = function() {
+ this.popupEffect = e.manager.popupEffectHandler,
+ this.closeEffect = e.manager.closeEffectHandler,
+ this._dealDragArea(),
+ this.on("click", this, this._onClick)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._dealDragArea = function() {
+ var t = this.getChildByName("drag");
+ t && (this.dragArea = t.x + "," + t.y + "," + t.width + "," + t.height,
+ t.removeSelf())
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onClick = function(t) {
+ var e = t.target;
+ if (e)
+ switch (e.name) {
+ case "close":
+ case "cancel":
+ case "sure":
+ case "no":
+ case "ok":
+ case "yes":
+ this.close(e.name)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.show = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this._open(!1, t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.popup = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this._open(!0, t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._open = function(t, i, n) {
+ e.manager.lock(!1),
+ this.isModal = t,
+ e.manager.open(this, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onOpened = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.close = function(t, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ e.manager.close(this, t, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onClosed = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._onMouseDown = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getMousePoint();
+ this._dragArea.contains(e.x, e.y) ? this.startDrag() : this.stopDrag()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "dragArea", function() {
+ return this._dragArea ? this._dragArea.toString() : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = T.fillArray([0, 0, 0, 0], t, Number);
+ this._dragArea = new y(e[0],e[1],e[2],e[3]),
+ this.on("mousedown", this, this._onMouseDown)
+ } else
+ this._dragArea = null,
+ this.off("mousedown", this, this._onMouseDown)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "isPopup", function() {
+ return null != this.parent
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "zOrder", t.prototype._$get_zOrder, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(z, this, "zOrder", t),
+ e.manager._checkMask()
+ }),
+ r(1, e, "manager", function() {
+ return e._manager = e._manager || new A
+ }, function(t) {
+ e._manager = t
+ }),
+ e.setLockView = function(t) {
+ e.manager.setLockView(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.lock = function(t) {
+ e.manager.lock(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.closeAll = function() {
+ e.manager.closeAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getDialogsByGroup = function(t) {
+ return e.manager.getDialogsByGroup(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.closeByGroup = function(t) {
+ return e.manager.closeByGroup(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.CLOSE = "close",
+ e.CANCEL = "cancel",
+ e.SURE = "sure",
+ e.NO = "no",
+ e.OK = "ok",
+ e.YES = "yes",
+ e._manager = null,
+ e
+ }(z)
+ , rt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.HBox", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.sortItem = function(t) {
+ t && t.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.x - e.x
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeItems = function() {
+ this._itemChanged = !1;
+ for (var t = [], e = 0, i = 0, n = this.numChildren; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this.getChildAt(i);
+ a && a.layoutEnabled && (t.push(a),
+ e = this._height ? this._height : Math.max(e, a.height * a.scaleY))
+ }
+ this.sortItem(t);
+ var r = 0;
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = t.length; i < n; i++)
+ (a = t[i]).x = r,
+ r += a.width * a.scaleX + this._space,
+ "top" == this._align ? a.y = 0 : "middle" == this._align ? a.y = .5 * (e - a.height * a.scaleY) : "bottom" == this._align && (a.y = e - a.height * a.scaleY);
+ this.changeSize()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ this._height != t && (i.superSet(W, this, "height", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeItems))
+ }),
+ e.NONE = "none",
+ e.TOP = "top",
+ e.MIDDLE = "middle",
+ e.BOTTOM = "bottom",
+ e
+ }(W)
+ , st = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.VBox", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.changeItems = function() {
+ this._itemChanged = !1;
+ for (var t = [], e = 0, i = 0, n = this.numChildren; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this.getChildAt(i);
+ a && a.layoutEnabled && (t.push(a),
+ e = this._width ? this._width : Math.max(e, a.width * a.scaleX))
+ }
+ this.sortItem(t);
+ var r = 0;
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = t.length; i < n; i++)
+ (a = t[i]).y = r,
+ r += a.height * a.scaleY + this._space,
+ "left" == this._align ? a.x = 0 : "center" == this._align ? a.x = .5 * (e - a.width * a.scaleX) : "right" == this._align && (a.x = e - a.width * a.scaleX);
+ this.changeSize()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ this._width != t && (i.superSet(W, this, "width", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeItems))
+ }),
+ e.NONE = "none",
+ e.LEFT = "left",
+ e.CENTER = "center",
+ e.RIGHT = "right",
+ e
+ }(W)
+ , ot = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.RadioGroup", Z);
+ return e.prototype.createItem = function(t, e) {
+ return new Q(t,e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , lt = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.Tab", Z);
+ return e.prototype.createItem = function(t, e) {
+ return new k(t,e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , ht = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._vScrollBar = null,
+ this._hScrollBar = null,
+ void 0 === t && (t = ""),
+ e.__super.call(this, t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.TextArea", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.destroy(),
+ this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.destroy(),
+ this._vScrollBar = null,
+ this._hScrollBar = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initialize = function() {
+ this.width = 180,
+ this.height = 150,
+ this._tf.wordWrap = !0,
+ this.multiline = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onVBarChanged = function(t) {
+ this._tf.scrollY != this._vScrollBar.value && (this._tf.scrollY = this._vScrollBar.value)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onHBarChanged = function(t) {
+ this._tf.scrollX != this._hScrollBar.value && (this._tf.scrollX = this._hScrollBar.value)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.changeScroll = function() {
+ var t = this._vScrollBar && this._tf.maxScrollY > 0
+ , e = this._hScrollBar && this._tf.maxScrollX > 0
+ , i = t ? this._width - this._vScrollBar.width : this._width
+ , n = e ? this._height - this._hScrollBar.height : this._height
+ , a = this._tf.padding || L.labelPadding;
+ this._tf.width = i,
+ this._tf.height = n,
+ this._vScrollBar && (this._vScrollBar.x = this._width - this._vScrollBar.width - a[2],
+ this._vScrollBar.y = a[1],
+ this._vScrollBar.height = this._height - (e ? this._hScrollBar.height : 0) - a[1] - a[3],
+ this._vScrollBar.scrollSize = 1,
+ this._vScrollBar.thumbPercent = n / Math.max(this._tf.textHeight, n),
+ this._vScrollBar.setScroll(1, this._tf.maxScrollY, this._tf.scrollY),
+ this._vScrollBar.visible = t),
+ this._hScrollBar && (this._hScrollBar.x = a[0],
+ this._hScrollBar.y = this._height - this._hScrollBar.height - a[3],
+ this._hScrollBar.width = this._width - (t ? this._vScrollBar.width : 0) - a[0] - a[2],
+ this._hScrollBar.scrollSize = Math.max(.033 * i, 1),
+ this._hScrollBar.thumbPercent = i / Math.max(this._tf.textWidth, i),
+ this._hScrollBar.setScroll(0, this.maxScrollX, this.scrollX),
+ this._hScrollBar.visible = e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.scrollTo = function(t) {
+ this.commitMeasure(),
+ this._tf.scrollY = t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "scrollY", function() {
+ return this._tf.scrollY
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "width", t.prototype._$get_width, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(it, this, "width", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeScroll)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "hScrollBar", function() {
+ return this._hScrollBar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "height", t.prototype._$get_height, function(t) {
+ i.superSet(it, this, "height", t),
+ this.callLater(this.changeScroll)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "maxScrollX", function() {
+ return this._tf.maxScrollX
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "vScrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._vScrollBar ? this._vScrollBar.skin : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ null == this._vScrollBar && (this.addChild(this._vScrollBar = new et),
+ this._vScrollBar.on("change", this, this.onVBarChanged),
+ this._vScrollBar.target = this._tf,
+ this.callLater(this.changeScroll)),
+ this._vScrollBar.skin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "hScrollBarSkin", function() {
+ return this._hScrollBar ? this._hScrollBar.skin : null
+ }, function(t) {
+ null == this._hScrollBar && (this.addChild(this._hScrollBar = new Y),
+ this._hScrollBar.on("change", this, this.onHBarChanged),
+ this._hScrollBar.mouseWheelEnable = !1,
+ this._hScrollBar.target = this._tf,
+ this.callLater(this.changeScroll)),
+ this._hScrollBar.skin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "vScrollBar", function() {
+ return this._vScrollBar
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "maxScrollY", function() {
+ return this._tf.maxScrollY
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scrollX", function() {
+ return this._tf.scrollX
+ }),
+ e
+ }(it);
+ !function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._uiView = null,
+ this.isCloseOther = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.ui.AsynDialog", at);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.createView = function(t) {
+ this._uiView = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i._open = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.isModal = t,
+ this.isCloseOther = e,
+ at.manager.lock(!0),
+ this._uiView ? this.onCreated() : this.onOpen()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onCreated = function() {
+ this.createUI(),
+ this.onOpen()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.createUI = function() {
+ laya.ui.View.prototype.createView.call(this, this._uiView),
+ this._uiView = null,
+ this._dealDragArea()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onOpen = function() {
+ at.manager.open(this, this.isCloseOther),
+ at.manager.lock(!1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.close = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ at.manager.close(this),
+ this.onClose()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onClose = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ laya.ui.View.prototype.destroy.call(this, t),
+ this._uiView = null,
+ this.onDestroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onDestroy = function() {}
+ }();
+ i.__init([z])
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e, i) {
+ i.un,
+ i.uns;
+ var n = i.static
+ , a = i.class
+ , r = i.getset
+ , s = i.__newvec
+ , o = (laya.ani.AnimationContent,
+ laya.ani.AnimationPlayer)
+ , l = (laya.ani.AnimationState,
+ laya.ani.AnimationTemplet)
+ , h = laya.maths.Arith
+ , c = laya.webgl.atlas.AtlasResourceManager
+ , _ = laya.webgl.shader.BaseShader
+ , u = laya.utils.Browser
+ , d = laya.webgl.utils.Buffer
+ , f = laya.utils.Byte
+ , p = (laya.ani.bone.canvasmesh.CacheAbleSkinMesh,
+ laya.utils.ClassUtils)
+ , m = i.Config
+ , g = (laya.events.Event,
+ laya.events.EventDispatcher)
+ , y = laya.utils.Handler
+ , v = laya.net.Loader
+ , b = laya.net.LoaderManager
+ , w = laya.maths.MathUtil
+ , x = laya.display.Node
+ , I = laya.renders.Render
+ , C = (laya.renders.RenderContext,
+ laya.renders.RenderSprite,
+ laya.webgl.utils.RenderState2D)
+ , S = laya.resource.Resource
+ , M = laya.utils.RunDriver
+ , L = (laya.webgl.shader.Shader,
+ laya.webgl.utils.ShaderCompile)
+ , T = laya.display.Sprite
+ , E = laya.utils.Stat
+ , D = laya.utils.StringKey
+ , N = (laya.display.css.Style,
+ laya.resource.Texture,
+ laya.net.URL)
+ , A = laya.utils.Utils
+ , B = laya.webgl.WebGL
+ , k = laya.webgl.WebGLContext;
+ laya.webgl.canvas.WebGLContext2D;
+ i.interface("laya.d3.core.IClone"),
+ i.interface("laya.d3.graphics.IVertex"),
+ i.interface("laya.d3.core.render.IUpdate"),
+ i.interface("laya.d3.core.scene.ITreeNode"),
+ i.interface("laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable");
+ var R = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.animation.AnimationClipParser01"),
+ t.READ_DATA = function() {
+ t._DATA.offset = t._reader.getUint32(),
+ t._DATA.size = t._reader.getUint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ for (var e = t._BLOCK.count = t._reader.getUint16(), i = t._BLOCK.blockStarts = [], n = t._BLOCK.blockLengths = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i.push(t._reader.getUint32()),
+ n.push(t._reader.getUint32())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ var e = t._reader.getUint32()
+ , i = t._reader.getUint16()
+ , n = t._reader.pos;
+ t._reader.pos = e + t._DATA.offset;
+ for (var a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ t._strings[a] = t._reader.readUTFString();
+ t._reader.pos = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.parse = function(e, i) {
+ t._animationClip = e,
+ t._reader = i;
+ i.__getBuffer();
+ t.READ_DATA(),
+ for (var n = 0, a = t._BLOCK.count; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i.getUint16()
+ , s = t._strings[r]
+ , o = t["READ_" + s];
+ if (null == o)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + r + " " + s);
+ o.call()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_ANIMATIONS = function() {
+ var e, i = 0, n = 0, a = t._reader, r = a.__getBuffer(), s = [], o = a.getUint8();
+ for (s.length = o,
+ i = 0; i < o; i++)
+ s[i] = a.getUint16();
+ var l = []
+ , h = a.getUint16();
+ for (l.length = h,
+ i = 0; i < h; i++)
+ l[i] = a.getFloat32();
+ var c = t._animationClip;
+ c.name = t._strings[a.getUint16()];
+ var _ = c._duration = a.getFloat32();
+ c.islooping = !!a.getByte(),
+ c._frameRate = a.getInt16();
+ var u = a.getInt16()
+ , d = c._nodes = new Array;
+ d.length = u;
+ (c._publicClipDatas = []).length = u;
+ var f = c._nodesMap = {}
+ , p = 0
+ , m = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < u; i++) {
+ e = d[i] = new F;
+ var g = a.getUint16()
+ , y = e.path = [];
+ for (y.length = g,
+ n = 0; n < g; n++)
+ y[n] = t._strings[a.getUint16()];
+ var v = y.join("/")
+ , b = f[v];
+ b || (f[v] = b = []),
+ b.push(e);
+ var w = a.getInt16();
+ -1 !== w && (e.componentType = t._strings[w]);
+ var x = U._propertyIndexDic[t._strings[a.getUint16()]];
+ if (null == x)
+ throw new Error("AnimationClipParser01:unknown property name.");
+ var I = x < 4
+ , C = !I || I && "" === y[0];
+ e._cacheProperty = C,
+ C ? p++ : m++,
+ e.propertyNameID = x;
+ var S = s[a.getUint8()];
+ e.keyFrameWidth = S / 4;
+ var M = e.keyFrames = []
+ , L = M.length = a.getUint16()
+ , T = null
+ , E = NaN;
+ for (n = 0; n < L; n++) {
+ var D = M[n] = new V;
+ E = D.startTime = l[a.getUint16()];
+ var N = a.pos;
+ D.inTangent = new Float32Array(r.slice(N, N + S)),
+ a.pos += S,
+ N = a.pos,
+ D.outTangent = new Float32Array(r.slice(N, N + S)),
+ a.pos += S,
+ N = a.pos,
+ D.data = new Float32Array(r.slice(N, N + S)),
+ a.pos += S,
+ T && (T.next = D,
+ T.duration = E - T.startTime),
+ T = D
+ }
+ D.next = null,
+ D.duration = _ - E
+ }
+ var A = c._nodeToCachePropertyMap = new Int32Array(u)
+ , B = c._cachePropertyMap = new Int32Array(p)
+ , k = c._unCachePropertyMap = new Int32Array(m);
+ for (p = m = 0,
+ i = 0; i < u; i++)
+ (e = d[i])._cacheProperty ? (A[i] = p,
+ B[p++] = i) : k[m++] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._animationClip = null,
+ t._reader = null,
+ t._strings = [],
+ n(t, ["_BLOCK", function() {
+ return this._BLOCK = {
+ count: 0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_DATA", function() {
+ return this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , P = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.animation.AnimationClipParser02"),
+ t.READ_DATA = function() {
+ t._DATA.offset = t._reader.getUint32(),
+ t._DATA.size = t._reader.getUint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ for (var e = t._BLOCK.count = t._reader.getUint16(), i = t._BLOCK.blockStarts = [], n = t._BLOCK.blockLengths = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i.push(t._reader.getUint32()),
+ n.push(t._reader.getUint32())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ var e = t._reader.getUint32()
+ , i = t._reader.getUint16()
+ , n = t._reader.pos;
+ t._reader.pos = e + t._DATA.offset;
+ for (var a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ t._strings[a] = t._reader.readUTFString();
+ t._reader.pos = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.parse = function(e, i) {
+ t._animationClip = e,
+ t._reader = i;
+ i.__getBuffer();
+ t.READ_DATA(),
+ for (var n = 0, a = t._BLOCK.count; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i.getUint16()
+ , s = t._strings[r]
+ , o = t["READ_" + s];
+ if (null == o)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + r + " " + s);
+ o.call()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_ANIMATIONS = function() {
+ var e, i = 0, n = 0, a = t._reader, r = a.__getBuffer(), s = [], o = a.getUint8();
+ for (s.length = o,
+ i = 0; i < o; i++)
+ s[i] = a.getUint16();
+ var l = []
+ , h = a.getUint16();
+ for (l.length = h,
+ i = 0; i < h; i++)
+ l[i] = a.getFloat32();
+ var c = t._animationClip;
+ c.name = t._strings[a.getUint16()];
+ var _ = c._duration = a.getFloat32();
+ c.islooping = !!a.getByte(),
+ c._frameRate = a.getInt16();
+ var u = a.getInt16()
+ , d = c._nodes = new Array;
+ d.length = u;
+ (c._publicClipDatas = []).length = u;
+ var f = c._nodesMap = {}
+ , p = 0
+ , m = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < u; i++) {
+ e = d[i] = new F;
+ var g = a.getUint16()
+ , y = e.path = [];
+ for (y.length = g,
+ n = 0; n < g; n++)
+ y[n] = t._strings[a.getUint16()];
+ var v = y.join("/")
+ , b = f[v];
+ b || (f[v] = b = []),
+ b.push(e);
+ var w = a.getInt16();
+ -1 !== w && (e.componentType = t._strings[w]);
+ var x = U._propertyIndexDic[t._strings[a.getUint16()]];
+ if (null == x)
+ throw new Error("AnimationClipParser02:unknown property name.");
+ var I = x < 4
+ , C = !I || I && "" === y[0];
+ e._cacheProperty = C,
+ C ? p++ : m++,
+ e.propertyNameID = x;
+ var S = s[a.getUint8()];
+ e.keyFrameWidth = S / 4;
+ var M = e.keyFrames = []
+ , L = M.length = a.getUint16()
+ , T = null
+ , E = NaN;
+ for (n = 0; n < L; n++) {
+ var D = M[n] = new V;
+ E = D.startTime = l[a.getUint16()];
+ var N = a.pos;
+ D.inTangent = new Float32Array(r.slice(N, N + S)),
+ a.pos += S,
+ N = a.pos,
+ D.outTangent = new Float32Array(r.slice(N, N + S)),
+ a.pos += S,
+ N = a.pos,
+ D.data = new Float32Array(r.slice(N, N + S)),
+ a.pos += S,
+ T && (T.next = D,
+ T.duration = E - T.startTime),
+ T = D
+ }
+ D.next = null,
+ D.duration = _ - E
+ }
+ var A = a.getUint16();
+ for (i = 0; i < A; i++) {
+ var B = new O;
+ B.time = a.getFloat32(),
+ B.eventName = t._strings[a.getUint16()];
+ var k, R = a.getUint16();
+ for (R > 0 && (B.params = k = []),
+ n = 0; n < R; n++) {
+ switch (a.getByte()) {
+ case 0:
+ k.push(!!a.getByte());
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ k.push(a.getInt32());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ k.push(a.getFloat32());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ k.push(t._strings[a.getUint16()]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("unknown type.")
+ }
+ }
+ c.addEvent(B)
+ }
+ var P = c._nodeToCachePropertyMap = new Int32Array(u)
+ , H = c._cachePropertyMap = new Int32Array(p)
+ , G = c._unCachePropertyMap = new Int32Array(m);
+ for (p = m = 0,
+ i = 0; i < u; i++)
+ (e = d[i])._cacheProperty ? (P[i] = p,
+ H[p++] = i) : G[m++] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._animationClip = null,
+ t._reader = null,
+ t._strings = [],
+ n(t, ["_BLOCK", function() {
+ return this._BLOCK = {
+ count: 0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_DATA", function() {
+ return this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , O = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.time = NaN,
+ this.eventName = null,
+ this.params = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.animation.AnimationEvent"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , U = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._childs = [],
+ this.transform = new Qe(this)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.animation.AnimationNode");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.addChild = function(t) {
+ t._parent = this,
+ t.transform.setParent(this.transform),
+ this._childs.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeChild = function(t) {
+ var e = this._childs.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== e && this._childs.splice(e, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getChildByName = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._childs.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._childs[e];
+ if (n.name === t)
+ return n
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getChildByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._childs[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getChildCount = function() {
+ return this._childs.length
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e.name = this.name;
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._childs.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this._childs[i]
+ , r = a.clone();
+ e.addChild(r);
+ var s = a.transform
+ , o = r.transform;
+ o.setLocalPosition(s.getLocalPosition()),
+ o.setLocalRotation(s.getLocalRotation()),
+ o.setLocalScale(s.getLocalScale()),
+ o._localRotationEuler = s._localRotationEuler,
+ o._setWorldMatrixIgnoreUpdate(s.getWorldMatrix())
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("localPosition", t._getLocalPosition, t._setLocalPosition),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("localRotation", t._getLocalRotation, t._setLocalRotation),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("localScale", t._getLocalScale, t._setLocalScale),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("localRotationEuler", t._getLocalRotationEuler, t._setLocalRotationEuler),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("particleRender.sharedMaterial.tintColor", t._getParticleRenderSharedMaterialTintColor, t._setParticleRenderSharedMaterialTintColor),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.tilingOffset", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.albedoColor", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.tilingOffset", t._getSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset, t._setSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.albedoColor", t._getSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo, t._setSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.albedo", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.albedo", t._getSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo, t._setSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.intensity", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialIntensity, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialIntensity),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.alpha", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlpha, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlpha),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.alphaColor", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlphaColor, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlphaColor),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseColor", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseColor, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseColor),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolve", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolve, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolve),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolveSpeed", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveSpeed, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveSpeed),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.mMultiplier", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialMMultiplier, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialMMultiplier),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseScrollSpeedX", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedX, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedX),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseScrollSpeedY", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedY, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedY),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.secondScrollSpeedX", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedX, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedX),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.secondScrollSpeedY", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedY, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedY),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.detailTilingOffset", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDetailTilingOffset, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDetailTilingOffset),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolveTilingOffset", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveTilingOffset, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveTilingOffset),
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty("meshRender.sharedMaterial.maskTilingOffset", t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialMaskTilingOffset, t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialMaskTilingOffset)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.registerAnimationNodeProperty = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (t._propertyIndexDic[e])
+ throw new Error("AnimationNode: this propertyName has registered.");
+ t._propertyIndexDic[e] = t._propertyIDCounter,
+ t._propertyGetFuncs[t._propertyIDCounter] = i,
+ t._propertySetFuncs[t._propertyIDCounter] = n,
+ t._propertyIDCounter++
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getLocalPosition = function(t, e) {
+ return t ? t.transform.getLocalPosition() : e._transform.localPosition.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setLocalPosition = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t)
+ t.transform.setLocalPosition(i);
+ else {
+ var n = e._transform
+ , a = n.localPosition;
+ a.elements = i,
+ n.localPosition = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getLocalRotation = function(t, e) {
+ return t ? t.transform.getLocalRotation() : e._transform.localRotation.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setLocalRotation = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t)
+ t.transform.setLocalRotation(i);
+ else {
+ var n = e._transform
+ , a = n.localRotation;
+ a.elements = i,
+ n.localRotation = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getLocalScale = function(t, e) {
+ return t ? t.transform.getLocalScale() : e._transform.localScale.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setLocalScale = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t)
+ t.transform.setLocalScale(i);
+ else {
+ var n = e._transform
+ , a = n.localScale;
+ a.elements = i,
+ n.localScale = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getLocalRotationEuler = function(t, e) {
+ return t ? t.transform.getLocalRotationEuler() : e._transform.localRotationEuler.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setLocalRotationEuler = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t)
+ t.transform.setLocalRotationEuler(i);
+ else {
+ var n = e._transform
+ , a = n.localRotationEuler;
+ a.elements = i,
+ n.localRotationEuler = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.tilingOffset.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.tilingOffset.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).tilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.tilingOffset = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).tilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.tilingOffset = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.albedoColor.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.albedoColor.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).albedoColor).elements = i,
+ n.albedoColor = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).albedoColor).elements = i,
+ n.albedoColor = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.tilingOffset.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.tilingOffset.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialTilingOffset = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.skinnedMeshRender.material).tilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.tilingOffset = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.skinnedMeshRender.material).tilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.tilingOffset = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.albedoColor.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterial.albedoColor.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setSkinnedMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlbedo = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.skinnedMeshRender.material).albedoColor).elements = i,
+ n.albedoColor = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.skinnedMeshRender.material).albedoColor).elements = i,
+ n.albedoColor = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getParticleRenderSharedMaterialTintColor = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.particleRender.sharedMaterial.tintColor.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.particleRender.sharedMaterial.tintColor.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setParticleRenderSharedMaterialTintColor = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.particleRender.material).tintColor).elements = i,
+ n.tintColor = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.particleRender.material).tintColor).elements = i,
+ n.tintColor = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlphaColor = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.alphaColor.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.alphaColor.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlphaColor = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).alphaColor).elements = i,
+ n.alphaColor = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).alphaColor).elements = i,
+ n.alphaColor = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseColor = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseColor.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseColor.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseColor = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).baseColor).elements = i,
+ n.baseColor = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).baseColor).elements = i,
+ n.baseColor = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolve = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolve : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolve
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolve = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.dissolve = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.dissolve = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveSpeed = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolveSpeed : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolveSpeed
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveSpeed = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.dissolveSpeed = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.dissolveSpeed = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialMMultiplier = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.mMultiplier : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.mMultiplier
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialMMultiplier = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.mMultiplier = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.mMultiplier = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedX = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseScrollSpeedX : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseScrollSpeedX
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedX = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.baseScrollSpeedX = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.baseScrollSpeedX = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedY = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseScrollSpeedY : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.baseScrollSpeedY
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialBaseScrollSpeedY = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.baseScrollSpeedY = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.baseScrollSpeedY = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedX = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.secondScrollSpeedX : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.secondScrollSpeedX
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedX = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.secondScrollSpeedX = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.secondScrollSpeedX = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedY = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.secondScrollSpeedY : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.secondScrollSpeedY
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialSecondScrollSpeedY = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.secondScrollSpeedY = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.secondScrollSpeedY = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlpha = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.alpha : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.alpha
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialAlpha = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.alpha = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.alpha = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialIntensity = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.intensity : 0
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.intensity
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialIntensity = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t) {
+ var n = t.transform._entity;
+ n && (n.owner.meshRender.material.intensity = i[0])
+ } else
+ e.meshRender.material.intensity = i[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDetailTilingOffset = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.detailTilingOffset.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.detailTilingOffset.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDetailTilingOffset = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).detailTilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.detailTilingOffset = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).detailTilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.detailTilingOffset = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveTilingOffset = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolveTilingOffset.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.dissolveTilingOffset.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialDissolveTilingOffset = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).dissolveTilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.dissolveTilingOffset = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).dissolveTilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.dissolveTilingOffset = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMeshRenderSharedMaterialMaskTilingOffset = function(t, e) {
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.transform._entity;
+ return i ? i.owner.meshRender.sharedMaterial.maskTilingOffset.elements : null
+ }
+ return e.meshRender.sharedMaterial.maskTilingOffset.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ t._setMeshRenderSharedMaterialMaskTilingOffset = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = t.transform._entity;
+ r && ((a = (n = r.owner.meshRender.material).maskTilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.maskTilingOffset = a)
+ } else
+ (a = (n = e.meshRender.material).maskTilingOffset).elements = i,
+ n.maskTilingOffset = a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._propertyIDCounter = 0,
+ t._propertyIndexDic = {},
+ t._propertySetFuncs = [],
+ t._propertyGetFuncs = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , V = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.startTime = NaN,
+ this.inTangent = null,
+ this.outTangent = null,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.duration = NaN,
+ this.next = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.animation.Keyframe"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , F = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._cacheProperty = !1,
+ this.path = null,
+ this.componentType = null,
+ this.propertyNameID = 0,
+ this.keyFrameWidth = 0,
+ this.defaultData = null,
+ this.keyFrames = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.animation.KeyframeNode"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , H = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._tempVector30 = new Be,
+ this._tempVector31 = new Be,
+ this._tempVector32 = new Be,
+ this._a = new Be,
+ this._b = new Be,
+ this._c = new Be,
+ this._d = new Be
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.glitter.SplineCurvePositionVelocity");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.Init = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ t.cloneTo(this._d),
+ e.cloneTo(this._c),
+ Be.scale(t, 2, this._a),
+ Be.scale(i, 2, this._tempVector30),
+ Be.subtract(this._a, this._tempVector30, this._a),
+ Be.add(this._a, e, this._a),
+ Be.add(this._a, n, this._a),
+ Be.scale(i, 3, this._b),
+ Be.scale(t, 3, this._tempVector30),
+ Be.subtract(this._b, this._tempVector30, this._b),
+ Be.subtract(this._b, n, this._b),
+ Be.scale(e, 2, this._tempVector30),
+ Be.subtract(this._b, this._tempVector30, this._b)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Slerp = function(t, e) {
+ Be.scale(this._a, t * t * t, this._tempVector30),
+ Be.scale(this._b, t * t, this._tempVector31),
+ Be.scale(this._c, t, this._tempVector32),
+ Be.add(this._tempVector30, this._tempVector31, e),
+ Be.add(e, this._tempVector32, e),
+ Be.add(e, this._d, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , G = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._datas = null,
+ this._w = 0,
+ this._h = 0,
+ this._minHeight = NaN,
+ this._maxHeight = NaN,
+ this._datas = [],
+ this._w = t,
+ this._h = e,
+ this._minHeight = i,
+ this._maxHeight = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.HeightMap");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._inBounds = function(t, e) {
+ return t >= 0 && t < this._h && e >= 0 && e < this._w
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getHeight = function(t, e) {
+ return this._inBounds(t, e) ? this._datas[t][e] : NaN
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "width", function() {
+ return this._w
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "height", function() {
+ return this._h
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "maxHeight", function() {
+ return this._maxHeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "minHeight", function() {
+ return this._minHeight
+ }),
+ t.creatFromMesh = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ for (var r = [], s = [], o = e.getSubMeshCount(), l = 0; l < o; l++) {
+ for (var h = e.getSubMesh(l), c = h._getVertexBuffer(), _ = c.getData(), u = [], d = 0; d < _.length; d += c.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4) {
+ var f = new Be(_[d + 0],_[d + 1],_[d + 2]);
+ u.push(f)
+ }
+ r.push(u);
+ var p = h._getIndexBuffer();
+ s.push(p.getData())
+ }
+ var m = e.boundingBox
+ , g = m.min.x
+ , y = m.min.z
+ , v = m.max.x
+ , b = m.max.z
+ , w = m.min.y
+ , x = m.max.y
+ , I = v - g
+ , C = b - y
+ , S = a.elements[0] = I / (i - 1)
+ , M = a.elements[1] = C / (n - 1)
+ , L = new t(i,n,w,x)
+ , T = t._tempRay
+ , E = T.direction.elements;
+ E[0] = 0,
+ E[1] = -1,
+ E[2] = 0;
+ var D = x + .1;
+ T.origin.elements[1] = D;
+ for (var N = 0; N < n; N++) {
+ var A = y + N * M;
+ L._datas[N] = [];
+ for (var B = 0; B < i; B++) {
+ var k = g + B * S
+ , R = T.origin.elements;
+ R[0] = k,
+ R[2] = A;
+ var P = t._getPosition(T, r, s);
+ L._datas[N][B] = P === Number.MAX_VALUE ? NaN : D - P
+ }
+ }
+ return L
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromImage = function(e, i, n) {
+ for (var a = e.width, r = e.height, s = new t(a,r,i,n), o = (n - i) / 254, l = e.getPixels(), h = 0, c = 0; c < r; c++)
+ for (var _ = s._datas[c] = [], u = 0; u < a; u++) {
+ var d = l[h++]
+ , f = l[h++]
+ , p = l[h++]
+ , m = l[h++];
+ _[u] = 255 == d && 255 == f && 255 == p && 255 == m ? NaN : (d + f + p) / 3 * o + i
+ }
+ return s
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getPosition = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = Number.MAX_VALUE, a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ for (var r = e[a], s = i[a], o = 0; o < s.length; o += 3) {
+ var l = r[s[o + 0]]
+ , h = r[s[o + 1]]
+ , c = r[s[o + 2]]
+ , _ = qe.rayIntersectsTriangle(t, l, h, c);
+ !isNaN(_) && _ < n && (n = _)
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempRay", function() {
+ return this._tempRay = new Ne(new Be,new Be)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , z = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._visible = !0,
+ this._nonRigidbodyOffset = 0,
+ this._colliders = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.Layer");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._binarySearchIndex = function() {
+ for (var e = 0, i = t._collsionTestList.length - 1, n = 0; e <= i; ) {
+ n = Math.floor((e + i) / 2);
+ var a = t._collsionTestList[n];
+ if (a == this._number)
+ return n;
+ a > this._number ? i = n - 1 : e = n + 1
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addCollider = function(e) {
+ 0 === this._colliders.length && t._collsionTestList.splice(this._binarySearchIndex(), 0, this._number),
+ e._isRigidbody ? (this._colliders.unshift(e),
+ this._nonRigidbodyOffset++) : this._colliders.push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._removeCollider = function(e) {
+ var i = this._colliders.indexOf(e);
+ i < this._nonRigidbodyOffset && this._nonRigidbodyOffset--,
+ this._colliders.splice(i, 1),
+ 0 === this._colliders.length && t._collsionTestList.splice(t._collsionTestList.indexOf(this._number), 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "number", function() {
+ return this._number
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "visible", function() {
+ return this._visible
+ }, function(e) {
+ this._visible = e,
+ t._visibleLayers = e ? t._visibleLayers | this.mask : t._visibleLayers & ~this.mask
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "mask", function() {
+ return this._mask
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "visibleLayers", function() {
+ return t._visibleLayers
+ }, function(e) {
+ t._visibleLayers = e;
+ for (var i = 0, n = t._layerList.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = t._layerList[i];
+ a._visible = 0 != (a._mask & t._visibleLayers)
+ }
+ }),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t._layerList.length = 31;
+ for (var e = 0; e < 31; e++) {
+ var i = new t;
+ t._layerList[e] = i,
+ 0 === e ? (i.name = "Default Layer",
+ i.visible = !0) : (i.name = "Layer-" + e,
+ i.visible = !1),
+ i._number = e,
+ i._mask = Math.pow(2, e)
+ }
+ t.currentCreationLayer = t._layerList[0]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getLayerByNumber = function(e) {
+ if (e < 0 || e > 30)
+ throw new Error("无法返回指定Layer,该number超出范围!");
+ return t._layerList[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getLayerByName = function(e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++)
+ if (t._layerList[i].name === e)
+ return t._layerList[i];
+ throw new Error("无法返回指定Layer,该name不存在")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isVisible = function(e) {
+ return 0 != (e & t._currentCameraCullingMask & t._visibleLayers)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._layerList = [],
+ t._visibleLayers = 2147483647,
+ t._collsionTestList = [],
+ t._currentCameraCullingMask = 2147483647,
+ t.maxCount = 31,
+ t.currentCreationLayer = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , j = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._time = NaN,
+ this._minCount = 0,
+ this._maxCount = 0,
+ this._time = t,
+ this._minCount = e,
+ this._maxCount = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.Burst");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._time = this._time,
+ e._minCount = this._minCount,
+ e._maxCount = this._maxCount
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "minCount", function() {
+ return this._minCount
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "maxCount", function() {
+ return this._maxCount
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , W = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._color = null,
+ this.enbale = !1,
+ this._color = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.ColorOverLifetime");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this._color.cloneTo(e._color),
+ e.enbale = this.enbale
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t;
+ switch (this._color.type) {
+ case 0:
+ t = J.createByConstant(this._color.constant.clone());
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t = J.createByGradient(this._color.gradient.clone());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t = J.createByRandomTwoConstant(this._color.constantMin.clone(), this._color.constantMax.clone());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t = J.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._color.gradientMin.clone(), this._color.gradientMax.clone())
+ }
+ var e = new this.constructor(t);
+ return e.enbale = this.enbale,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , X = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._emissionRate = 0,
+ this._bursts = null,
+ this.enbale = !1,
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this.emissionRate = 10,
+ this._bursts = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.Emission");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0,
+ "laya.resource.IDestroy": !0
+ }),
+ e._destroy = function() {
+ this._bursts = null,
+ this._destroyed = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getBurstsCount = function() {
+ return this._bursts.length
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getBurstByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._bursts[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addBurst = function(t) {
+ var e = this._bursts.length;
+ if (e > 0)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)
+ this._bursts[i].time > t.time && this._bursts.splice(i, 0, t);
+ this._bursts.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeBurst = function(t) {
+ var e = this._bursts.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== e && this._bursts.splice(e, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeBurstByIndex = function(t) {
+ this._bursts.splice(t, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearBurst = function() {
+ this._bursts.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e._bursts;
+ i.length = this._bursts.length;
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._bursts.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ r ? this._bursts[n].cloneTo(r) : i[n] = this._bursts[n].clone()
+ }
+ e._emissionRate = this._emissionRate,
+ e.enbale = this.enbale
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "emissionRate", function() {
+ return this._emissionRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t < 0)
+ throw new Error("ParticleBaseShape:emissionRate value must large or equal than 0.");
+ this._emissionRate = t
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , q = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._constant = 0,
+ this._overTime = null,
+ this._constantMin = 0,
+ this._constantMax = 0,
+ this._overTimeMin = null,
+ this._overTimeMax = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.FrameOverTime");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._type = this._type,
+ e._constant = this._constant,
+ this._overTime.cloneTo(e._overTime),
+ e._constantMin = this._constantMin,
+ e._constantMax = this._constantMax,
+ this._overTimeMin.cloneTo(e._overTimeMin),
+ this._overTimeMax.cloneTo(e._overTimeMax)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "frameOverTimeData", function() {
+ return this._overTime
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constant", function() {
+ return this._constant
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "frameOverTimeDataMin", function() {
+ return this._overTimeMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMin", function() {
+ return this._constantMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "frameOverTimeDataMax", function() {
+ return this._overTimeMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMax", function() {
+ return this._constantMax
+ }),
+ t.createByConstant = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._constant = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByOverTime = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 1,
+ i._overTime = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstant = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 2,
+ n._constantMin = e,
+ n._constantMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoOverTime = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 3,
+ n._overTimeMin = e,
+ n._overTimeMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Y = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._separateAxes = !1,
+ this._constant = NaN,
+ this._constantSeparate = null,
+ this._gradient = null,
+ this._gradientX = null,
+ this._gradientY = null,
+ this._gradientZ = null,
+ this._gradientW = null,
+ this._constantMin = NaN,
+ this._constantMax = NaN,
+ this._constantMinSeparate = null,
+ this._constantMaxSeparate = null,
+ this._gradientMin = null,
+ this._gradientMax = null,
+ this._gradientXMin = null,
+ this._gradientXMax = null,
+ this._gradientYMin = null,
+ this._gradientYMax = null,
+ this._gradientZMin = null,
+ this._gradientZMax = null,
+ this._gradientWMin = null,
+ this._gradientWMax = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientAngularVelocity");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._type = this._type,
+ e._separateAxes = this._separateAxes,
+ e._constant = this._constant,
+ this._constantSeparate.cloneTo(e._constantSeparate),
+ this._gradient.cloneTo(e._gradient),
+ this._gradientX.cloneTo(e._gradientX),
+ this._gradientY.cloneTo(e._gradientY),
+ this._gradientZ.cloneTo(e._gradientZ),
+ e._constantMin = this._constantMin,
+ e._constantMax = this._constantMax,
+ this._constantMinSeparate.cloneTo(e._constantMinSeparate),
+ this._constantMaxSeparate.cloneTo(e._constantMaxSeparate),
+ this._gradientMin.cloneTo(e._gradientMin),
+ this._gradientMax.cloneTo(e._gradientMax),
+ this._gradientXMin.cloneTo(e._gradientXMin),
+ this._gradientXMax.cloneTo(e._gradientXMax),
+ this._gradientYMin.cloneTo(e._gradientYMin),
+ this._gradientYMax.cloneTo(e._gradientYMax),
+ this._gradientZMin.cloneTo(e._gradientZMin),
+ this._gradientZMax.cloneTo(e._gradientZMax)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradientZ", function() {
+ return this._gradientZ
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constant", function() {
+ return this._constant
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradient", function() {
+ return this._gradient
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "separateAxes", function() {
+ return this._separateAxes
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantSeparate", function() {
+ return this._constantSeparate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientX", function() {
+ return this._gradientX
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientY", function() {
+ return this._gradientY
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientW", function() {
+ return this._gradientW
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMin", function() {
+ return this._constantMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMax", function() {
+ return this._constantMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientWMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientWMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMinSeparate", function() {
+ return this._constantMinSeparate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMaxSeparate", function() {
+ return this._constantMaxSeparate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientXMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientXMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientXMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientXMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientWMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientWMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientYMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientYMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientYMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientYMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientZMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientZMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientZMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientZMax
+ }),
+ t.createByConstant = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._separateAxes = !1,
+ i._constant = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByConstantSeparate = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._separateAxes = !0,
+ i._constantSeparate = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByGradient = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 1,
+ i._separateAxes = !1,
+ i._gradient = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByGradientSeparate = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = new t;
+ return r._type = 1,
+ r._separateAxes = !0,
+ r._gradientX = e,
+ r._gradientY = i,
+ r._gradientZ = n,
+ r._gradientW = a,
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstant = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 2,
+ n._separateAxes = !1,
+ n._constantMin = e,
+ n._constantMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstantSeparate = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 2,
+ n._separateAxes = !0,
+ n._constantMinSeparate = e,
+ n._constantMaxSeparate = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoGradient = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 3,
+ n._separateAxes = !1,
+ n._gradientMin = e,
+ n._gradientMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoGradientSeparate = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ var h = new t;
+ return h._type = 3,
+ h._separateAxes = !0,
+ h._gradientXMin = e,
+ h._gradientXMax = i,
+ h._gradientYMin = n,
+ h._gradientYMax = a,
+ h._gradientZMin = r,
+ h._gradientZMax = s,
+ h._gradientWMin = o,
+ h._gradientWMax = l,
+ h
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , J = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._constant = null,
+ this._constantMin = null,
+ this._constantMax = null,
+ this._gradient = null,
+ this._gradientMin = null,
+ this._gradientMax = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientColor");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._type = this._type,
+ this._constant.cloneTo(e._constant),
+ this._constantMin.cloneTo(e._constantMin),
+ this._constantMax.cloneTo(e._constantMax),
+ this._gradient.cloneTo(e._gradient),
+ this._gradientMin.cloneTo(e._gradientMin),
+ this._gradientMax.cloneTo(e._gradientMax)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradient", function() {
+ return this._gradient
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constant", function() {
+ return this._constant
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMin", function() {
+ return this._constantMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMax", function() {
+ return this._constantMax
+ }),
+ t.createByConstant = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._constant = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByGradient = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 1,
+ i._gradient = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstant = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 2,
+ n._constantMin = e,
+ n._constantMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoGradient = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 3,
+ n._gradientMin = e,
+ n._gradientMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , K = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._alphaCurrentLength = 0,
+ this._rgbCurrentLength = 0,
+ this._alphaElements = null,
+ this._rgbElements = null,
+ this._alphaElements = new Float32Array(8),
+ this._rgbElements = new Float32Array(16)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientDataColor");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.addAlpha = function(t, e) {
+ this._alphaCurrentLength < 8 ? (6 === this._alphaCurrentLength && 1 !== t && (t = 1,
+ console.log("GradientDataColor warning:the forth key is be force set to 1.")),
+ this._alphaElements[this._alphaCurrentLength++] = t,
+ this._alphaElements[this._alphaCurrentLength++] = e) : console.log("GradientDataColor warning:data count must lessEqual than 4")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addRGB = function(t, e) {
+ this._rgbCurrentLength < 16 ? (12 === this._rgbCurrentLength && 1 !== t && (t = 1,
+ console.log("GradientDataColor warning:the forth key is be force set to 1.")),
+ this._rgbElements[this._rgbCurrentLength++] = t,
+ this._rgbElements[this._rgbCurrentLength++] = e.x,
+ this._rgbElements[this._rgbCurrentLength++] = e.y,
+ this._rgbElements[this._rgbCurrentLength++] = e.z) : console.log("GradientDataColor warning:data count must lessEqual than 4")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ e._alphaCurrentLength = this._alphaCurrentLength;
+ var a = e._alphaElements;
+ for (a.length = this._alphaElements.length,
+ i = 0,
+ n = this._alphaElements.length; i < n; i++)
+ a[i] = this._alphaElements[i];
+ e._rgbCurrentLength = this._rgbCurrentLength;
+ var r = e._rgbElements;
+ for (r.length = this._rgbElements.length,
+ i = 0,
+ n = this._rgbElements.length; i < n; i++)
+ r[i] = this._rgbElements[i]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "alphaGradientCount", function() {
+ return this._alphaCurrentLength / 2
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "rgbGradientCount", function() {
+ return this._rgbCurrentLength / 4
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Z = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._currentLength = 0,
+ this._elements = null,
+ this._elements = new Float32Array(8)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientDataInt");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.add = function(t, e) {
+ this._currentLength < 8 ? (6 === this._currentLength && 1 !== t && (t = 1,
+ console.log("Warning:the forth key is be force set to 1.")),
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = t,
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = e) : console.log("Warning:data count must lessEqual than 4")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._currentLength = this._currentLength;
+ var i = e._elements;
+ i.length = this._elements.length;
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._elements.length; n < a; n++)
+ i[n] = this._elements[n]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradientCount", function() {
+ return this._currentLength / 2
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Q = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._currentLength = 0,
+ this._elements = null,
+ this._elements = new Float32Array(8)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientDataNumber");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.add = function(t, e) {
+ this._currentLength < 8 ? (6 === this._currentLength && 1 !== t && (t = 1,
+ console.log("GradientDataNumber warning:the forth key is be force set to 1.")),
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = t,
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = e) : console.log("GradientDataNumber warning:data count must lessEqual than 4")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getKeyByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._elements[2 * t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getValueByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._elements[2 * t + 1]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getAverageValue = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._currentLength - 2; t < e; t += 2) {
+ this._elements[t + 1];
+ this._elements[t + 3],
+ this._elements[t + 2] - this._elements[t]
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._currentLength = this._currentLength;
+ var i = e._elements;
+ i.length = this._elements.length;
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._elements.length; n < a; n++)
+ i[n] = this._elements[n]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradientCount", function() {
+ return this._currentLength / 2
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , $ = (function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._currentLength = 0,
+ this._elements = null,
+ this._elements = new Float32Array(12)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientDataVector2");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.add = function(t, e) {
+ this._currentLength < 8 ? (6 === this._currentLength && 1 !== t && (t = 1,
+ console.log("GradientDataVector2 warning:the forth key is be force set to 1.")),
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = t,
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = e.x,
+ this._elements[this._currentLength++] = e.y) : console.log("GradientDataVector2 warning:data count must lessEqual than 4")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._currentLength = this._currentLength;
+ var i = e._elements;
+ i.length = this._elements.length;
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._elements.length; n < a; n++)
+ i[n] = this._elements[n]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradientCount", function() {
+ return this._currentLength / 3
+ })
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._separateAxes = !1,
+ this._gradient = null,
+ this._gradientX = null,
+ this._gradientY = null,
+ this._gradientZ = null,
+ this._constantMin = NaN,
+ this._constantMax = NaN,
+ this._constantMinSeparate = null,
+ this._constantMaxSeparate = null,
+ this._gradientMin = null,
+ this._gradientMax = null,
+ this._gradientXMin = null,
+ this._gradientXMax = null,
+ this._gradientYMin = null,
+ this._gradientYMax = null,
+ this._gradientZMin = null,
+ this._gradientZMax = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientSize");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.getMaxSizeInGradient = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0
+ , i = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ switch (this._type) {
+ case 0:
+ if (this._separateAxes) {
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientX.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientX.getValueByIndex(t));
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientY.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientY.getValueByIndex(t))
+ } else
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradient.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradient.getValueByIndex(t));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this._separateAxes ? (i = Math.max(this._constantMinSeparate.x, this._constantMaxSeparate.x),
+ i = Math.max(i, this._constantMinSeparate.y),
+ i = Math.max(i, this._constantMaxSeparate.y)) : i = Math.max(this._constantMin, this._constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (this._separateAxes) {
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientXMin.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientXMin.getValueByIndex(t));
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientXMax.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientXMax.getValueByIndex(t));
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientYMin.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientYMin.getValueByIndex(t));
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientZMax.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientZMax.getValueByIndex(t))
+ } else {
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientMin.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientMin.getValueByIndex(t));
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._gradientMax.gradientCount; t < e; t++)
+ i = Math.max(i, this._gradientMax.getValueByIndex(t))
+ }
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._type = this._type,
+ e._separateAxes = this._separateAxes,
+ this._gradient.cloneTo(e._gradient),
+ this._gradientX.cloneTo(e._gradientX),
+ this._gradientY.cloneTo(e._gradientY),
+ this._gradientZ.cloneTo(e._gradientZ),
+ e._constantMin = this._constantMin,
+ e._constantMax = this._constantMax,
+ this._constantMinSeparate.cloneTo(e._constantMinSeparate),
+ this._constantMaxSeparate.cloneTo(e._constantMaxSeparate),
+ this._gradientMin.cloneTo(e._gradientMin),
+ this._gradientMax.cloneTo(e._gradientMax),
+ this._gradientXMin.cloneTo(e._gradientXMin),
+ this._gradientXMax.cloneTo(e._gradientXMax),
+ this._gradientYMin.cloneTo(e._gradientYMin),
+ this._gradientYMax.cloneTo(e._gradientYMax),
+ this._gradientZMin.cloneTo(e._gradientZMin),
+ this._gradientZMax.cloneTo(e._gradientZMax)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradientZ", function() {
+ return this._gradientZ
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradient", function() {
+ return this._gradient
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "separateAxes", function() {
+ return this._separateAxes
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMin", function() {
+ return this._constantMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientX", function() {
+ return this._gradientX
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientY", function() {
+ return this._gradientY
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMax", function() {
+ return this._constantMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMinSeparate", function() {
+ return this._constantMinSeparate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMaxSeparate", function() {
+ return this._constantMaxSeparate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientXMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientXMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientXMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientXMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientYMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientYMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientYMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientYMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientZMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientZMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientZMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientZMax
+ }),
+ t.createByGradient = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._separateAxes = !1,
+ i._gradient = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByGradientSeparate = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = new t;
+ return a._type = 0,
+ a._separateAxes = !0,
+ a._gradientX = e,
+ a._gradientY = i,
+ a._gradientZ = n,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstant = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 1,
+ n._separateAxes = !1,
+ n._constantMin = e,
+ n._constantMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstantSeparate = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 1,
+ n._separateAxes = !0,
+ n._constantMinSeparate = e,
+ n._constantMaxSeparate = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoGradient = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 2,
+ n._separateAxes = !1,
+ n._gradientMin = e,
+ n._gradientMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoGradientSeparate = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = new t;
+ return o._type = 2,
+ o._separateAxes = !0,
+ o._gradientXMin = e,
+ o._gradientXMax = i,
+ o._gradientYMin = n,
+ o._gradientYMax = a,
+ o._gradientZMin = r,
+ o._gradientZMax = s,
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }())
+ , tt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._constant = null,
+ this._gradientX = null,
+ this._gradientY = null,
+ this._gradientZ = null,
+ this._constantMin = null,
+ this._constantMax = null,
+ this._gradientXMin = null,
+ this._gradientXMax = null,
+ this._gradientYMin = null,
+ this._gradientYMax = null,
+ this._gradientZMin = null,
+ this._gradientZMax = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.GradientVelocity");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._type = this._type,
+ this._constant.cloneTo(e._constant),
+ this._gradientX.cloneTo(e._gradientX),
+ this._gradientY.cloneTo(e._gradientY),
+ this._gradientZ.cloneTo(e._gradientZ),
+ this._constantMin.cloneTo(e._constantMin),
+ this._constantMax.cloneTo(e._constantMax),
+ this._gradientXMin.cloneTo(e._gradientXMin),
+ this._gradientXMax.cloneTo(e._gradientXMax),
+ this._gradientYMin.cloneTo(e._gradientYMin),
+ this._gradientYMax.cloneTo(e._gradientYMax),
+ this._gradientZMin.cloneTo(e._gradientZMin),
+ this._gradientZMax.cloneTo(e._gradientZMax)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "gradientZ", function() {
+ return this._gradientZ
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constant", function() {
+ return this._constant
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientXMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientXMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMin", function() {
+ return this._constantMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientX", function() {
+ return this._gradientX
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientY", function() {
+ return this._gradientY
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientXMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientXMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMax", function() {
+ return this._constantMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientYMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientYMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientYMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientYMax
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientZMin", function() {
+ return this._gradientZMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "gradientZMax", function() {
+ return this._gradientZMax
+ }),
+ t.createByConstant = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._constant = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByGradient = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = new t;
+ return a._type = 1,
+ a._gradientX = e,
+ a._gradientY = i,
+ a._gradientZ = n,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstant = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 2,
+ n._constantMin = e,
+ n._constantMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoGradient = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = new t;
+ return o._type = 3,
+ o._gradientXMin = e,
+ o._gradientXMax = i,
+ o._gradientYMin = n,
+ o._gradientYMax = a,
+ o._gradientZMin = r,
+ o._gradientZMax = s,
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , et = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._angularVelocity = null,
+ this.enbale = !1,
+ this._angularVelocity = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.RotationOverLifetime");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this._angularVelocity.cloneTo(e._angularVelocity),
+ e.enbale = this.enbale
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t;
+ switch (this._angularVelocity.type) {
+ case 0:
+ t = this._angularVelocity.separateAxes ? Y.createByConstantSeparate(this._angularVelocity.constantSeparate.clone()) : Y.createByConstant(this._angularVelocity.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t = this._angularVelocity.separateAxes ? Y.createByGradientSeparate(this._angularVelocity.gradientX.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientY.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientZ.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientW.clone()) : Y.createByGradient(this._angularVelocity.gradient.clone());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t = this._angularVelocity.separateAxes ? Y.createByRandomTwoConstantSeparate(this._angularVelocity.constantMinSeparate.clone(), this._angularVelocity.constantMaxSeparate.clone()) : Y.createByRandomTwoConstant(this._angularVelocity.constantMin, this._angularVelocity.constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t = this._angularVelocity.separateAxes ? Y.createByRandomTwoGradientSeparate(this._angularVelocity.gradientXMin.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientYMin.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientZMin.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientWMin.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientXMax.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientYMax.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientZMax.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientWMax.clone()) : Y.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._angularVelocity.gradientMin.clone(), this._angularVelocity.gradientMax.clone())
+ }
+ var e = new this.constructor(t);
+ return e.enbale = this.enbale,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "angularVelocity", function() {
+ return this._angularVelocity
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , it = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.randomDirection = !1
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.BaseShape");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e._getShapeBoundBox = function(t) {
+ throw new Error("BaseShape: must override it.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getSpeedBoundBox = function(t) {
+ throw new Error("BaseShape: must override it.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.generatePositionAndDirection = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ throw new Error("BaseShape: must override it.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._calculateProceduralBounds = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._getShapeBoundBox(t);
+ var n = t.min
+ , a = t.max;
+ Be.multiply(n, e, n),
+ Be.multiply(a, e, a);
+ var r = new be(new Be,new Be);
+ this.randomDirection ? (r.min = new Be(-1,-1,-1),
+ r.max = new Be(1,1,1)) : this._getSpeedBoundBox(r);
+ var s = new be(new Be,new Be)
+ , o = s.min
+ , l = s.max;
+ Be.scale(r.min, i.y, o),
+ Be.scale(r.max, i.y, l),
+ Be.add(t.min, o, o),
+ Be.add(t.max, l, l),
+ Be.min(t.min, o, t.min),
+ Be.max(t.max, o, t.max);
+ var h = new be(new Be,new Be)
+ , c = h.min
+ , _ = h.max;
+ Be.scale(r.min, i.x, c),
+ Be.scale(r.max, i.x, _),
+ Be.min(h.min, _, o),
+ Be.max(h.min, _, l),
+ Be.min(t.min, o, t.min),
+ Be.max(t.max, o, t.max)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t.enable = this.enable
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , nt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.ShapeUtils"),
+ t._randomPointUnitArcCircle = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e.elements
+ , a = NaN;
+ a = i ? i.getFloat() * t : Math.random() * t,
+ n[0] = Math.cos(a),
+ n[1] = Math.sin(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomPointInsideUnitArcCircle = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = i.elements;
+ t._randomPointUnitArcCircle(e, i, n);
+ var r = NaN;
+ r = n ? Math.pow(n.getFloat(), .5) : Math.pow(Math.random(), .5),
+ a[0] = a[0] * r,
+ a[1] = a[1] * r
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomPointUnitCircle = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = NaN;
+ n = e ? e.getFloat() * Math.PI * 2 : Math.random() * Math.PI * 2,
+ i[0] = Math.cos(n),
+ i[1] = Math.sin(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomPointInsideUnitCircle = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e.elements;
+ t._randomPointUnitCircle(e);
+ var a = NaN;
+ a = i ? Math.pow(i.getFloat(), .5) : Math.pow(Math.random(), .5),
+ n[0] = n[0] * a,
+ n[1] = n[1] * a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomPointUnitSphere = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = NaN
+ , a = NaN;
+ e ? (n = i[2] = 2 * e.getFloat() - 1,
+ a = e.getFloat() * Math.PI * 2) : (n = i[2] = 2 * Math.random() - 1,
+ a = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2);
+ var r = Math.sqrt(1 - n * n);
+ i[0] = r * Math.cos(a),
+ i[1] = r * Math.sin(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomPointInsideUnitSphere = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e.elements;
+ t._randomPointUnitSphere(e);
+ var a = NaN;
+ a = i ? Math.pow(i.getFloat(), 1 / 3) : Math.pow(Math.random(), 1 / 3),
+ n[0] = n[0] * a,
+ n[1] = n[1] * a,
+ n[2] = n[2] * a
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomPointInsideHalfUnitBox = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements;
+ e ? (i[0] = e.getFloat() - .5,
+ i[1] = e.getFloat() - .5,
+ i[2] = e.getFloat() - .5) : (i[0] = Math.random() - .5,
+ i[1] = Math.random() - .5,
+ i[2] = Math.random() - .5)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , at = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._size = null,
+ this.enbale = !1,
+ this._size = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.SizeOverLifetime");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this._size.cloneTo(e._size),
+ e.enbale = this.enbale
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t;
+ switch (this._size.type) {
+ case 0:
+ t = this._size.separateAxes ? $.createByGradientSeparate(this._size.gradientX.clone(), this._size.gradientY.clone(), this._size.gradientZ.clone()) : $.createByGradient(this._size.gradient.clone());
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t = this._size.separateAxes ? $.createByRandomTwoConstantSeparate(this._size.constantMinSeparate.clone(), this._size.constantMaxSeparate.clone()) : $.createByRandomTwoConstant(this._size.constantMin, this._size.constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t = this._size.separateAxes ? $.createByRandomTwoGradientSeparate(this._size.gradientXMin.clone(), this._size.gradientYMin.clone(), this._size.gradientZMin.clone(), this._size.gradientXMax.clone(), this._size.gradientYMax.clone(), this._size.gradientZMax.clone()) : $.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._size.gradientMin.clone(), this._size.gradientMax.clone())
+ }
+ var e = new this.constructor(t);
+ return e.enbale = this.enbale,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "size", function() {
+ return this._size
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , rt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._constant = NaN,
+ this._constantMin = NaN,
+ this._constantMax = NaN
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.StartFrame");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._type = this._type,
+ e._constant = this._constant,
+ e._constantMin = this._constantMin,
+ e._constantMax = this._constantMax
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "constant", function() {
+ return this._constant
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "type", function() {
+ return this._type
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMin", function() {
+ return this._constantMin
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "constantMax", function() {
+ return this._constantMax
+ }),
+ t.createByConstant = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i._type = 0,
+ i._constant = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByRandomTwoConstant = function(e, i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ return n._type = 1,
+ n._constantMin = e,
+ n._constantMax = i,
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , st = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._frame = null,
+ this._startFrame = null,
+ this.tiles = null,
+ this.type = 0,
+ this.randomRow = !1,
+ this.rowIndex = 0,
+ this.cycles = 0,
+ this.enableUVChannels = 0,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.tiles = new Ae(1,1),
+ this.type = 0,
+ this.randomRow = !0,
+ this.rowIndex = 0,
+ this.cycles = 1,
+ this.enableUVChannels = 1,
+ this._frame = t,
+ this._startFrame = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.TextureSheetAnimation");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this.tiles.cloneTo(e.tiles),
+ e.type = this.type,
+ e.randomRow = this.randomRow,
+ this._frame.cloneTo(e._frame),
+ this._startFrame.cloneTo(e._startFrame),
+ e.cycles = this.cycles,
+ e.enableUVChannels = this.enableUVChannels,
+ e.enable = this.enable
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t;
+ switch (this._frame.type) {
+ case 0:
+ t = q.createByConstant(this._frame.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t = q.createByOverTime(this._frame.frameOverTimeData.clone());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t = q.createByRandomTwoConstant(this._frame.constantMin, this._frame.constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t = q.createByRandomTwoOverTime(this._frame.frameOverTimeDataMin.clone(), this._frame.frameOverTimeDataMax.clone())
+ }
+ var e;
+ switch (this._startFrame.type) {
+ case 0:
+ e = rt.createByConstant(this._startFrame.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ e = rt.createByRandomTwoConstant(this._startFrame.constantMin, this._startFrame.constantMax)
+ }
+ var i = new this.constructor(t,e);
+ return this.tiles.cloneTo(i.tiles),
+ i.type = this.type,
+ i.randomRow = this.randomRow,
+ i.cycles = this.cycles,
+ i.enableUVChannels = this.enableUVChannels,
+ i.enable = this.enable,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "frame", function() {
+ return this._frame
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startFrame", function() {
+ return this._startFrame
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ot = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._velocity = null,
+ this.enbale = !1,
+ this.space = 0,
+ this._velocity = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.VelocityOverLifetime");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this._velocity.cloneTo(e._velocity),
+ e.enbale = this.enbale,
+ e.space = this.space
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t;
+ switch (this._velocity.type) {
+ case 0:
+ t = tt.createByConstant(this._velocity.constant.clone());
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t = tt.createByGradient(this._velocity.gradientX.clone(), this._velocity.gradientY.clone(), this._velocity.gradientZ.clone());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t = tt.createByRandomTwoConstant(this._velocity.constantMin.clone(), this._velocity.constantMax.clone());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t = tt.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._velocity.gradientXMin.clone(), this._velocity.gradientYMin.clone(), this._velocity.gradientZMin.clone(), this._velocity.gradientXMax.clone(), this._velocity.gradientYMax.clone(), this._velocity.gradientZMax.clone())
+ }
+ var e = new this.constructor(t);
+ return e.enbale = this.enbale,
+ e.space = this.space,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "velocity", function() {
+ return this._velocity
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , lt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleData"),
+ t._getStartLifetimeFromGradient = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 1, n = t.gradientCount; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = t.getKeyByIndex(i);
+ if (a >= e) {
+ var r = t.getKeyByIndex(i - 1)
+ , s = (e - r) / (a - r);
+ return w.lerp(t.getValueByIndex(i - 1), t.getValueByIndex(i), s)
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleData: can't get value foam startLifeTimeGradient.")
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomInvertRoationArray = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = NaN;
+ n ? (n.seed = a[6],
+ r = n.getFloat(),
+ a[6] = n.seed) : r = Math.random(),
+ r < i ? (e[0] = -t[0],
+ e[1] = -t[1],
+ e[2] = -t[2]) : (e[0] = t[0],
+ e[1] = t[1],
+ e[2] = t[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ t._randomInvertRoation = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = NaN;
+ return i ? (i.seed = n[6],
+ a = i.getFloat(),
+ n[6] = i.seed) : a = Math.random(),
+ a < e && (t = -t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.create = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.autoRandomSeed
+ , r = e._rand
+ , s = e._randomSeeds;
+ switch (e.startColorType) {
+ case 0:
+ var o = e.startColorConstant.elements;
+ t.startColor[0] = o[0],
+ t.startColor[1] = o[1],
+ t.startColor[2] = o[2],
+ t.startColor[3] = o[3];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ a ? w.lerpVector4(e.startColorConstantMin.elements, e.startColorConstantMax.elements, Math.random(), t.startColor) : (r.seed = s[3],
+ w.lerpVector4(e.startColorConstantMin.elements, e.startColorConstantMax.elements, r.getFloat(), t.startColor),
+ s[3] = r.seed)
+ }
+ var l = e.colorOverLifetime;
+ if (l && l.enbale) {
+ var h = l.color;
+ switch (h.type) {
+ case 0:
+ t.startColor[0] = t.startColor[0] * h.constant.x,
+ t.startColor[1] = t.startColor[1] * h.constant.y,
+ t.startColor[2] = t.startColor[2] * h.constant.z,
+ t.startColor[3] = t.startColor[3] * h.constant.w;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ var c = NaN;
+ a ? c = Math.random() : (r.seed = s[10],
+ c = r.getFloat(),
+ s[10] = r.seed);
+ var _ = h.constantMin
+ , u = h.constantMax;
+ t.startColor[0] = t.startColor[0] * w.lerp(_.x, u.x, c),
+ t.startColor[1] = t.startColor[1] * w.lerp(_.y, u.y, c),
+ t.startColor[2] = t.startColor[2] * w.lerp(_.z, u.z, c),
+ t.startColor[3] = t.startColor[3] * w.lerp(_.w, u.w, c)
+ }
+ }
+ var d = t.startSize;
+ switch (e.startSizeType) {
+ case 0:
+ if (e.threeDStartSize) {
+ var f = e.startSizeConstantSeparate;
+ d[0] = f.x,
+ d[1] = f.y,
+ d[2] = f.z
+ } else
+ d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = e.startSizeConstant;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (e.threeDStartSize) {
+ var p = e.startSizeConstantMinSeparate
+ , m = e.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate;
+ a ? (d[0] = w.lerp(p.x, m.x, Math.random()),
+ d[1] = w.lerp(p.y, m.y, Math.random()),
+ d[2] = w.lerp(p.z, m.z, Math.random())) : (r.seed = s[4],
+ d[0] = w.lerp(p.x, m.x, r.getFloat()),
+ d[1] = w.lerp(p.y, m.y, r.getFloat()),
+ d[2] = w.lerp(p.z, m.z, r.getFloat()),
+ s[4] = r.seed)
+ } else
+ a ? d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = w.lerp(e.startSizeConstantMin, e.startSizeConstantMax, Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[4],
+ d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = w.lerp(e.startSizeConstantMin, e.startSizeConstantMax, r.getFloat()),
+ s[4] = r.seed)
+ }
+ var g = e.sizeOverLifetime;
+ if (g && g.enbale && 1 === g.size.type) {
+ var y = g.size;
+ if (y.separateAxes)
+ a ? (d[0] = d[0] * w.lerp(y.constantMinSeparate.x, y.constantMaxSeparate.x, Math.random()),
+ d[1] = d[1] * w.lerp(y.constantMinSeparate.y, y.constantMaxSeparate.y, Math.random()),
+ d[2] = d[2] * w.lerp(y.constantMinSeparate.z, y.constantMaxSeparate.z, Math.random())) : (r.seed = s[11],
+ d[0] = d[0] * w.lerp(y.constantMinSeparate.x, y.constantMaxSeparate.x, r.getFloat()),
+ d[1] = d[1] * w.lerp(y.constantMinSeparate.y, y.constantMaxSeparate.y, r.getFloat()),
+ d[2] = d[2] * w.lerp(y.constantMinSeparate.z, y.constantMaxSeparate.z, r.getFloat()),
+ s[11] = r.seed);
+ else {
+ var v = NaN;
+ a ? v = w.lerp(y.constantMin, y.constantMax, Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[11],
+ v = w.lerp(y.constantMin, y.constantMax, r.getFloat()),
+ s[11] = r.seed),
+ d[0] = d[0] * v,
+ d[1] = d[1] * v,
+ d[2] = d[2] * v
+ }
+ }
+ var b = i.renderMode;
+ if (1 !== b)
+ switch (e.startRotationType) {
+ case 0:
+ if (e.threeDStartRotation) {
+ var x = e.startRotationConstantSeparate
+ , I = t._tempVector30.elements;
+ t._randomInvertRoationArray(x.elements, I, e.randomizeRotationDirection, a ? null : r, s),
+ t.startRotation[0] = I[0],
+ t.startRotation[1] = I[1],
+ t.startRotation[2] = 4 !== b ? -I[2] : I[2]
+ } else
+ t.startRotation[0] = t._randomInvertRoation(e.startRotationConstant, e.randomizeRotationDirection, a ? null : r, s);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (e.threeDStartRotation) {
+ var C = e.startRotationConstantMinSeparate
+ , S = e.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate
+ , M = t._tempVector30.elements;
+ a ? (M[0] = w.lerp(C.x, S.x, Math.random()),
+ M[1] = w.lerp(C.y, S.y, Math.random()),
+ M[2] = w.lerp(C.z, S.z, Math.random())) : (r.seed = s[5],
+ M[0] = w.lerp(C.x, S.x, r.getFloat()),
+ M[1] = w.lerp(C.y, S.y, r.getFloat()),
+ M[2] = w.lerp(C.z, S.z, r.getFloat()),
+ s[5] = r.seed),
+ t._randomInvertRoationArray(M, M, e.randomizeRotationDirection, a ? null : r, s),
+ t.startRotation[0] = M[0],
+ t.startRotation[1] = M[1],
+ t.startRotation[2] = 4 !== b ? -M[2] : M[2]
+ } else
+ a ? t.startRotation[0] = t._randomInvertRoation(w.lerp(e.startRotationConstantMin, e.startRotationConstantMax, Math.random()), e.randomizeRotationDirection, a ? null : r, s) : (r.seed = s[5],
+ t.startRotation[0] = t._randomInvertRoation(w.lerp(e.startRotationConstantMin, e.startRotationConstantMax, r.getFloat()), e.randomizeRotationDirection, a ? null : r, s),
+ s[5] = r.seed)
+ }
+ switch (e.startLifetimeType) {
+ case 0:
+ t.startLifeTime = e.startLifetimeConstant;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t.startLifeTime = t._getStartLifetimeFromGradient(e.startLifeTimeGradient, e.emissionTime);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ a ? t.startLifeTime = w.lerp(e.startLifetimeConstantMin, e.startLifetimeConstantMax, Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[7],
+ t.startLifeTime = w.lerp(e.startLifetimeConstantMin, e.startLifetimeConstantMax, r.getFloat()),
+ s[7] = r.seed);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ var L = e.emissionTime;
+ a ? t.startLifeTime = w.lerp(t._getStartLifetimeFromGradient(e.startLifeTimeGradientMin, L), t._getStartLifetimeFromGradient(e.startLifeTimeGradientMax, L), Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[7],
+ t.startLifeTime = w.lerp(t._getStartLifetimeFromGradient(e.startLifeTimeGradientMin, L), t._getStartLifetimeFromGradient(e.startLifeTimeGradientMax, L), r.getFloat()),
+ s[7] = r.seed)
+ }
+ switch (e.startSpeedType) {
+ case 0:
+ t.startSpeed = e.startSpeedConstant;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ a ? t.startSpeed = w.lerp(e.startSpeedConstantMin, e.startSpeedConstantMax, Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[8],
+ t.startSpeed = w.lerp(e.startSpeedConstantMin, e.startSpeedConstantMax, r.getFloat()),
+ s[8] = r.seed)
+ }
+ var T = e.textureSheetAnimation;
+ if (T && T.enable) {
+ var E = T.tiles
+ , D = E.x
+ , N = E.y
+ , A = 1 / D
+ , B = 1 / N
+ , k = 0
+ , R = T.startFrame;
+ switch (R.type) {
+ case 0:
+ k = R.constant;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ a ? k = w.lerp(R.constantMin, R.constantMax, Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[14],
+ k = w.lerp(R.constantMin, R.constantMax, r.getFloat()),
+ s[14] = r.seed)
+ }
+ var P = T.frame;
+ switch (P.type) {
+ case 0:
+ k += P.constant;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ a ? k += w.lerp(P.constantMin, P.constantMax, Math.random()) : (r.seed = s[15],
+ k += w.lerp(P.constantMin, P.constantMax, r.getFloat()),
+ s[15] = r.seed)
+ }
+ var O = 0;
+ switch (T.type) {
+ case 0:
+ O = Math.floor(k / D);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ T.randomRow ? a ? O = Math.floor(Math.random() * N) : (r.seed = s[13],
+ O = Math.floor(r.getFloat() * N),
+ s[13] = r.seed) : O = T.rowIndex
+ }
+ var U = Math.floor(k % D);
+ (t.startUVInfo = t.startUVInfo)[0] = A,
+ t.startUVInfo[1] = B,
+ t.startUVInfo[2] = U * A,
+ t.startUVInfo[3] = O * B
+ } else
+ (t.startUVInfo = t.startUVInfo)[0] = 1,
+ t.startUVInfo[1] = 1,
+ t.startUVInfo[2] = 0,
+ t.startUVInfo[3] = 0;
+ switch (e.simulationSpace) {
+ case 0:
+ var V = n.position.elements;
+ t.simulationWorldPostion[0] = V[0],
+ t.simulationWorldPostion[1] = V[1],
+ t.simulationWorldPostion[2] = V[2];
+ var F = n.rotation.elements;
+ t.simulationWorldRotation[0] = F[0],
+ t.simulationWorldRotation[1] = F[1],
+ t.simulationWorldRotation[2] = F[2],
+ t.simulationWorldRotation[3] = F[3];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleMaterial: SimulationSpace value is invalid.")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.startLifeTime = NaN,
+ t.startSpeed = NaN,
+ n(t, ["_tempVector30", function() {
+ return this._tempVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempQuaternion", function() {
+ return this._tempQuaternion = new Ee
+ }
+ , "startColor", function() {
+ return this.startColor = new Float32Array(4)
+ }
+ , "startSize", function() {
+ return this.startSize = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ , "startRotation", function() {
+ return this.startRotation = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ , "startUVInfo", function() {
+ return this.startUVInfo = new Float32Array(4)
+ }
+ , "simulationWorldPostion", function() {
+ return this.simulationWorldPostion = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ , "simulationWorldRotation", function() {
+ return this.simulationWorldRotation = new Float32Array(4)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ht = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._tempInt0 = 0,
+ this._tempInt1 = 0,
+ this._tempUint0 = 0,
+ this._tempUint1 = 0,
+ this._tempUint2 = 0,
+ this._tempUint3 = 0,
+ this._tempUint4 = 0,
+ this._tempUint5 = 0,
+ this._tempUint6 = 0,
+ this._tempUint7 = 0,
+ this._tempNumver0 = NaN,
+ this._tempNumver1 = NaN,
+ this._tempNumver2 = NaN,
+ this._tempNumver3 = NaN,
+ this._floatSizePerVer = 7,
+ this._defaultBufferSize = 600 * this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this._vb = null,
+ this._posInVBData = 0,
+ this._ib = null,
+ this._posInIBData = 0,
+ this._primitiveType = NaN,
+ this._hasBegun = !1,
+ this._numVertsPerPrimitive = 0,
+ this._camera = null,
+ this._sharderNameID = 0,
+ this._shader = null,
+ this._shaderCompile = null,
+ this._vbData = new Float32Array(this._defaultBufferSize),
+ this._ibData = new Uint16Array(this._defaultBufferSize),
+ this._spriteShaderValue = new Fe,
+ this._vb = Yi.create(t._vertexDeclaration, this._defaultBufferSize / this._floatSizePerVer, 35048),
+ this._ib = qi.create("ushort", this._defaultBufferSize, 35048),
+ this._sharderNameID = Oi.nameKey.getID("LINE"),
+ this._shaderCompile = ci._preCompileShader[this._sharderNameID]
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.PhasorSpriter3D");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.line = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return this._hasBegun && 1 === this._primitiveType || this.drawLinesException(),
+ (this._posInVBData + 2 * this._floatSizePerVer > this._vbData.length || this._posInIBData + 2 > this._ibData.length) && this.flush(),
+ this._tempUint0 = this._posInVBData / this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this.addVertex(t.x, t.y, t.z, e.x, e.y, e.z, e.w),
+ this.addVertex(i.x, i.y, i.z, n.x, n.y, n.z, n.w),
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint0, this._tempUint0 + 1),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.circle = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ for (this._hasBegun && 1 === this._primitiveType || this.drawLinesException(),
+ this._tempUint0 = 2 * e,
+ (this._posInVBData + this._tempUint0 * this._floatSizePerVer > this._vbData.length || this._posInIBData + 2 * this._tempUint0 > this._ibData.length) && this.flush(),
+ this._tempUint1 = this._posInVBData / this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this._tempNumver0 = 0,
+ this._tempInt0 = 0; this._tempNumver0 < 6.2832; this._tempNumver0 = this._tempNumver0 + 3.1416 / e,
+ this._tempInt0++)
+ this.addVertex(Math.sin(this._tempNumver0) * t, Math.cos(this._tempNumver0) * t, 0, i, n, a, r),
+ 0 === this._tempInt0 ? this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1) : this._tempInt0 === this._tempUint0 - 1 ? (this._tempUint2 = this._tempUint1 + this._tempInt0,
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint2, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint1)) : (this._tempUint2 = this._tempUint1 + this._tempInt0,
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint2, this._tempUint2));
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.plane = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ return this._hasBegun && 4 === this._primitiveType || this.drawTrianglesException(),
+ (this._posInVBData + 4 * this._floatSizePerVer > this._vbData.length || this._posInIBData + 6 > this._ibData.length) && this.flush(),
+ this._tempNumver0 = n / 2,
+ this._tempNumver1 = a / 2,
+ this._tempUint0 = this._posInVBData / this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this.addVertex(t - this._tempNumver0, e + this._tempNumver1, i, r, s, o, l),
+ this.addVertex(t + this._tempNumver0, e + this._tempNumver1, i, r, s, o, l),
+ this.addVertex(t - this._tempNumver0, e - this._tempNumver1, i, r, s, o, l),
+ this.addVertex(t + this._tempNumver0, e - this._tempNumver1, i, r, s, o, l),
+ this._tempUint1 = this._tempUint0 + 1,
+ this._tempUint2 = this._tempUint0 + 2,
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint0, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint0 + 3),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.box = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ return this._hasBegun && 4 === this._primitiveType || this.drawTrianglesException(),
+ (this._posInVBData + 8 * this._floatSizePerVer > this._vbData.length || this._posInIBData + 36 > this._ibData.length) && this.flush(),
+ this._tempNumver0 = n / 2,
+ this._tempNumver1 = a / 2,
+ this._tempNumver2 = r / 2,
+ this._tempUint0 = this._posInVBData / this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this.addVertex(t - this._tempNumver0, e + this._tempNumver1, i + this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t + this._tempNumver0, e + this._tempNumver1, i + this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t - this._tempNumver0, e - this._tempNumver1, i + this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t + this._tempNumver0, e - this._tempNumver1, i + this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t + this._tempNumver0, e + this._tempNumver1, i - this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t - this._tempNumver0, e + this._tempNumver1, i - this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t + this._tempNumver0, e - this._tempNumver1, i - this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t - this._tempNumver0, e - this._tempNumver1, i - this._tempNumver2, s, o, l, h),
+ this._tempUint1 = this._tempUint0 + 1,
+ this._tempUint2 = this._tempUint0 + 2,
+ this._tempUint3 = this._tempUint0 + 3,
+ this._tempUint4 = this._tempUint0 + 4,
+ this._tempUint5 = this._tempUint0 + 5,
+ this._tempUint6 = this._tempUint0 + 6,
+ this._tempUint7 = this._tempUint0 + 7,
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint0, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint6),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cone = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ for (this._hasBegun && 4 === this._primitiveType || this.drawTrianglesException(),
+ (this._posInVBData + (2 * i + 2) * this._floatSizePerVer > this._vbData.length || this._posInIBData + 6 * i > this._ibData.length) && this.flush(),
+ this._tempUint0 = this._posInVBData,
+ this._tempUint1 = this._posInVBData / this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this._tempNumver0 = 2 * Math.PI / i,
+ this.addVertexIndex(0, e, 0, n, a, r, s, this._tempUint0),
+ this.addVertexIndex(0, 0, 0, n, a, r, s, this._tempUint0 + this._floatSizePerVer),
+ this._tempInt0 = 2,
+ this._tempNumver1 = 0,
+ this._tempInt1 = 0; this._tempInt1 < i; this._tempInt1++)
+ this._tempNumver2 = Math.cos(this._tempNumver1),
+ this._tempNumver3 = Math.sin(this._tempNumver1),
+ this.addVertexIndex(t * this._tempNumver2, 0, t * this._tempNumver3, n, a, r, s, this._tempUint0 + this._tempInt0 * this._floatSizePerVer),
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1, this._tempUint1 + this._tempInt0),
+ this._tempInt1 == i - 1 ? this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1 + 2) : this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1 + this._tempInt0 + 1),
+ this.addVertexIndex(t * this._tempNumver2, 0, t * this._tempNumver3, n, a, r, s, this._tempUint0 + (this._tempInt0 + i) * this._floatSizePerVer),
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1 + 1),
+ this._tempInt1 == i - 1 ? this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1 + i + 2) : this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1 + this._tempInt0 + i + 1),
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint1 + this._tempInt0 + i),
+ this._tempInt0++,
+ this._tempNumver1 += this._tempNumver0;
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.boundingBoxLine = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ return this._hasBegun && 1 === this._primitiveType || this.drawLinesException(),
+ (this._posInVBData + 8 * this._floatSizePerVer > this._vbData.length || this._posInIBData + 48 > this._ibData.length) && this.flush(),
+ this._tempUint0 = this._posInVBData / this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this.addVertex(t, a, r, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(n, a, r, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t, e, r, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(n, e, r, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(n, a, i, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t, a, i, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(n, e, i, s, o, l, h),
+ this.addVertex(t, e, i, s, o, l, h),
+ this._tempUint1 = this._tempUint0 + 1,
+ this._tempUint2 = this._tempUint0 + 2,
+ this._tempUint3 = this._tempUint0 + 3,
+ this._tempUint4 = this._tempUint0 + 4,
+ this._tempUint5 = this._tempUint0 + 5,
+ this._tempUint6 = this._tempUint0 + 6,
+ this._tempUint7 = this._tempUint0 + 7,
+ this.addIndexes(this._tempUint0, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint4, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint1, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint0, this._tempUint5, this._tempUint2, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint3, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint6, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint7, this._tempUint2),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addVertex = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ return this._hasBegun || this.addVertexIndexException(),
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData] = t,
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData + 1] = e,
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData + 2] = i,
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData + 3] = n,
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData + 4] = a,
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData + 5] = r,
+ this._vbData[this._posInVBData + 6] = s,
+ this._posInVBData += this._floatSizePerVer,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addVertexIndex = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ return this._hasBegun || this.addVertexIndexException(),
+ this._vbData[o] = t,
+ this._vbData[o + 1] = e,
+ this._vbData[o + 2] = i,
+ this._vbData[o + 3] = n,
+ this._vbData[o + 4] = a,
+ this._vbData[o + 5] = r,
+ this._vbData[o + 6] = s,
+ (o += this._floatSizePerVer) > this._posInVBData && (this._posInVBData = o),
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addIndexes = function(t) {
+ var e = arguments;
+ this._hasBegun || this.addVertexIndexException();
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ this._ibData[this._posInIBData] = e[i],
+ this._posInIBData++;
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.begin = function(t, e) {
+ return this._hasBegun && this.beginException0(),
+ 1 !== t && 4 !== t && this.beginException1(),
+ this._primitiveType = t,
+ this._camera = e,
+ this._hasBegun = !0,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.end = function() {
+ return this._hasBegun || this.endException(),
+ this.flush(),
+ this._hasBegun = !1,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.flush = function() {
+ 0 !== this._posInVBData && (this._ib.setData(this._ibData),
+ this._vb.setData(this._vbData),
+ this._vb._bind(),
+ this._ib._bind(),
+ this._shader = this._shaderCompile.withCompile(0, 0, 0),
+ this._shader.bind(),
+ this._shader.uploadAttributes(t._vertexDeclaration.shaderValues.data, null),
+ this._spriteShaderValue.setValue(1, this._camera.projectionViewMatrix.elements),
+ this._shader.uploadSpriteUniforms(this._spriteShaderValue.data),
+ E.drawCall++,
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(this._primitiveType, this._posInIBData, 5123, 0),
+ this._posInIBData = 0,
+ this._posInVBData = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addVertexIndexException = function() {
+ throw new Error("请先调用begin()函数")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.beginException0 = function() {
+ throw new Error("调用begin()前请确保已成功调用end()!")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.beginException1 = function() {
+ throw new Error("只支持“LINES”和“TRIANGLES”两种基元!")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.endException = function() {
+ throw new Error("调用end()前请确保已成功调用begin()!")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawLinesException = function() {
+ throw new Error("您必须确保在此之前已调用begin()且使用“LINES”基元!")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.drawTrianglesException = function() {
+ throw new Error("您必须确保在此之前已调用begin()且使用“TRIANGLES”基元!")
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(28,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector4",1)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ct = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._id = 0,
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._mainSortID = 0,
+ this._render = null,
+ this._sprite3D = null,
+ this._material = null,
+ this._renderObj = null,
+ this._staticBatch = null,
+ this._tempBatchIndexStart = 0,
+ this._tempBatchIndexEnd = 0,
+ this._canDynamicBatch = !1,
+ this._shaderValue = null,
+ this._onPreRenderFunction = null,
+ this._id = ++t._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this._canDynamicBatch = !0,
+ this._shaderValue = new Fe
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.render.RenderElement");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getDynamicBatchBakedVertexs = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._renderObj._getVertexBuffer(t), i = e.getData().slice(), n = e.vertexDeclaration, a = n.getVertexElementByUsage(0).offset / 4, r = n.getVertexElementByUsage(3).offset / 4, s = this._sprite3D.transform, o = s.worldMatrix, l = s.rotation, h = n.vertexStride / 4, c = 0, _ = i.length; c < _; c += h) {
+ var u = c + a
+ , d = c + r;
+ Ke.transformVector3ArrayToVector3ArrayCoordinate(i, u, o, i, u),
+ Ke.transformVector3ArrayByQuat(i, d, l, i, d)
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getBakedIndices = function() {
+ return this._renderObj._getIndexBuffer().getData()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._destroy = function() {
+ this._staticBatch && this._staticBatch._manager._garbageCollection(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "renderObj", function() {
+ return this._renderObj
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._renderObj !== t && (this._renderObj = t)
+ }),
+ t._uniqueIDCounter = 0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , _t = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._id = 0,
+ this._needSort = !1,
+ this._renderElements = null,
+ this._renderableRenderObjects = null,
+ this._dynamicBatchCombineRenderElements = null,
+ this._finalElements = null,
+ this._scene = null,
+ this._id = ++t._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this._needSort = !1,
+ this._scene = e,
+ this._renderElements = [],
+ this._renderableRenderObjects = [],
+ this._dynamicBatchCombineRenderElements = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.render.RenderQueue");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._sortOpaqueFunc = function(t, e) {
+ if (t._render && e._render) {
+ var i = t._material.renderQueue - e._material.renderQueue;
+ return 0 === i ? t._render._distanceForSort - e._render._distanceForSort : i
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._sortAlphaFunc = function(t, e) {
+ if (t._render && e._render) {
+ var i = t._material.renderQueue - e._material.renderQueue;
+ return 0 === i ? e._render._distanceForSort - t._render._distanceForSort : i
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._begainRenderElement = function(t, e, i) {
+ return !!e._beforeRender(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._sortAlpha = function(e) {
+ t._cameraPosition = e,
+ this._finalElements.sort(this._sortAlphaFunc)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._sortOpaque = function(e) {
+ t._cameraPosition = e,
+ this._finalElements.sort(this._sortOpaqueFunc)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._preRender = function(t) {
+ this._finalElements = this._renderElements.concat(this._dynamicBatchCombineRenderElements)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._render = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i, n, a, r, s, o, l = E.loopCount, h = this._scene, c = t.camera, _ = (c.id,
+ !1), u = 0, d = this._finalElements.length; u < d; u++) {
+ var f, p, m, g = this._finalElements[u];
+ if (null != g._onPreRenderFunction && g._onPreRenderFunction.call(g._sprite3D, t),
+ 0 === g._type) {
+ if (t.owner = m = g._sprite3D,
+ t.renderElement = g,
+ m._preRenderUpdateComponents(t),
+ f = g.renderObj,
+ p = g._material,
+ this._begainRenderElement(t, f, p)) {
+ if (i = f._getVertexBuffers(),
+ n = f._getVertexBuffer(0),
+ a = n.vertexDeclaration,
+ r = t._shader = p._getShader(h._shaderDefineValue, a.shaderDefineValue, m._shaderDefineValue),
+ _ = r.bind() || l !== r._uploadLoopCount,
+ i) {
+ if (r._uploadVertexBuffer !== i || _) {
+ for (var y = 0; y < i.length; y++) {
+ var v = i[y];
+ r.uploadAttributesX(v.vertexDeclaration.shaderValues.data, v)
+ }
+ r._uploadVertexBuffer = i
+ }
+ } else
+ (r._uploadVertexBuffer !== n || _) && (r.uploadAttributes(a.shaderValues.data, null),
+ r._uploadVertexBuffer = n);
+ (r._uploadScene !== h || _) && (r.uploadSceneUniforms(h._shaderValues.data),
+ r._uploadScene = h),
+ (c !== r._uploadCamera || r._uploadSprite3D !== m || _) && (r.uploadSpriteUniforms(m._shaderValues.data),
+ r._uploadSprite3D = m),
+ (c !== r._uploadCamera || _) && (r.uploadCameraUniforms(c._shaderValues.data),
+ r._uploadCamera = c),
+ (r._uploadMaterial !== p || _) && (p._upload(),
+ r._uploadMaterial = p),
+ s !== p ? (p._setRenderStateBlendDepth(),
+ p._setRenderStateFrontFace(e, m.transform),
+ s = p,
+ o = m) : o !== m && (p._setRenderStateFrontFace(e, m.transform),
+ o = m),
+ f._render(t),
+ r._uploadLoopCount = l
+ }
+ m._postRenderUpdateComponents(t)
+ } else if (2 === g._type) {
+ g.renderObj;
+ t.owner = m = g._sprite3D,
+ t.renderElement = g,
+ t._batchIndexStart = g._tempBatchIndexStart,
+ t._batchIndexEnd = g._tempBatchIndexEnd,
+ f = g.renderObj,
+ p = g._material,
+ this._begainRenderElement(t, f, p) && (a = (n = f._getVertexBuffer(0)).vertexDeclaration,
+ _ = (r = t._shader = p._getShader(h._shaderDefineValue, a.shaderDefineValue, m._shaderDefineValue)).bind() || l !== r._uploadLoopCount,
+ (r._uploadVertexBuffer !== n || _) && (r.uploadAttributes(a.shaderValues.data, null),
+ r._uploadVertexBuffer = n),
+ (r._uploadScene !== h || _) && (r.uploadSceneUniforms(h._shaderValues.data),
+ r._uploadScene = h),
+ (c !== r._uploadCamera || r._uploadSprite3D !== m || _) && (r.uploadSpriteUniforms(m._shaderValues.data),
+ r._uploadSprite3D = m),
+ (c !== r._uploadCamera || _) && (r.uploadCameraUniforms(c._shaderValues.data),
+ r._uploadCamera = c),
+ (r._uploadMaterial !== p || _) && (p._upload(),
+ r._uploadMaterial = p),
+ s !== p ? (p._setRenderStateBlendDepth(),
+ p._setRenderStateFrontFace(e, m.transform),
+ s = p,
+ o = m) : o !== m && (p._setRenderStateFrontFace(e, m.transform),
+ o = m),
+ f._render(t),
+ r._uploadLoopCount = l)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._renderShadow = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i, n, a, r, s, o = E.loopCount, l = this._scene, h = t.camera, c = !1, _ = 0, u = this._finalElements.length; _ < u; _++) {
+ var d, f, p, m = this._finalElements[_];
+ 0 === m._type && (t.owner = p = m._sprite3D,
+ e || p._projectionViewWorldUpdateCamera === h && p._projectionViewWorldUpdateLoopCount === E.loopCount || (p._render._renderUpdate(t._projectionViewMatrix),
+ p._projectionViewWorldUpdateLoopCount = E.loopCount,
+ p._projectionViewWorldUpdateCamera = h),
+ t.renderElement = m,
+ p._preRenderUpdateComponents(t),
+ d = m.renderObj,
+ f = m._material,
+ this._begainRenderElement(t, d, null) && (n = (i = d._getVertexBuffer(0)).vertexDeclaration,
+ c = (a = t._shader = f._getShader(l._shaderDefineValue, n.shaderDefineValue, p._shaderDefineValue)).bind() || o !== a._uploadLoopCount,
+ (a._uploadVertexBuffer !== i || c) && (a.uploadAttributes(n.shaderValues.data, null),
+ a._uploadVertexBuffer = i),
+ (h !== a._uploadCamera || a._uploadSprite3D !== p || c) && (a.uploadSpriteUniforms(p._shaderValues.data),
+ a._uploadSprite3D = p),
+ (h !== a._uploadCamera || c) && (a.uploadCameraUniforms(h._shaderValues.data),
+ a._uploadCamera = h),
+ (a._uploadMaterial !== f || c) && (f._upload(),
+ a._uploadMaterial = f),
+ a._uploadRenderElement,
+ r !== f ? (f._setRenderStateFrontFace(!1, p.transform),
+ r = f,
+ s = p) : s !== p && (f._setRenderStateFrontFace(!1, p.transform),
+ s = p),
+ d._render(t),
+ a._uploadLoopCount = o),
+ p._postRenderUpdateComponents(t))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clearRenderElements = function() {
+ this._dynamicBatchCombineRenderElements.length = 0,
+ this._renderElements.length = 0,
+ this._needSort = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addRenderElement = function(t) {
+ this._renderElements.push(t),
+ this._needSort = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addDynamicBatchElement = function(t) {
+ this._dynamicBatchCombineRenderElements.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ t._uniqueIDCounter = 0,
+ t._cameraPosition = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , ut = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._staticBatch = null,
+ this._batchIndexStart = 0,
+ this._batchIndexEnd = 0,
+ this._viewMatrix = null,
+ this._projectionMatrix = null,
+ this._projectionViewMatrix = null,
+ this._viewport = null,
+ this._shader = null,
+ this.elapsedTime = NaN,
+ this.scene = null,
+ this.owner = null,
+ this.renderElement = null,
+ this.camera = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.core.render.RenderState"),
+ t.clientWidth = 0,
+ t.clientHeight = 0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , dt = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._exactBox = null,
+ this._relaxBox = null,
+ this._scene = null,
+ this._parent = null,
+ this._currentDepth = 0,
+ this._boundingSphere = new xe(new Be,0),
+ this._corners = [new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be],
+ this._boundingBoxCenter = new Be,
+ this._children = s(8),
+ this._objects = [],
+ this._tempBoundBoxCorners = [new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be],
+ this._scene = t,
+ this._currentDepth = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.scene.OctreeNode");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.scene.ITreeNode": !0
+ }),
+ e.init = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new Be
+ , n = new Be;
+ Be.scale(e, -.5, i),
+ Be.scale(e, .5, n),
+ Be.add(i, t, i),
+ Be.add(n, t, n),
+ this.exactBox = new be(i,n),
+ this.relaxBox = new be(i,n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addTreeNode = function(t) {
+ 1 === Ie.boxContainsBox(this._relaxBox, t.boundingBox) ? this.addNodeDown(t, 0) : this.addObject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addChild = function(e) {
+ var i = this._children[e];
+ if (null == i) {
+ i = new t(this._scene,this._currentDepth + 1),
+ this._children[e] = i,
+ i._parent = this,
+ Be.subtract(this._exactBox.max, this._exactBox.min, t.tempSize),
+ Be.multiply(t.tempSize, t._octreeSplit[e], t.tempCenter),
+ Be.add(this._exactBox.min, t.tempCenter, t.tempCenter),
+ Be.scale(t.tempSize, .25, t.tempSize);
+ var n = new Be
+ , a = new Be;
+ Be.subtract(t.tempCenter, t.tempSize, n),
+ Be.add(t.tempCenter, t.tempSize, a),
+ i.exactBox = new be(n,a),
+ Be.scale(t.tempSize, t.relax, t.tempSize);
+ var r = new Be
+ , s = new Be;
+ Be.subtract(t.tempCenter, t.tempSize, r),
+ Be.add(t.tempCenter, t.tempSize, s),
+ i.relaxBox = new be(r,s)
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addObject = function(t) {
+ t._treeNode = this,
+ this._objects.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.removeObject = function(t) {
+ if (t._treeNode != this)
+ return console.log("OctreeNode::removeObject error"),
+ !1;
+ var e = this._objects.indexOf(t);
+ return -1 !== e && (this._objects.splice(e, 1),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clearObject = function() {
+ this._objects.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addNodeUp = function(t, e) {
+ this._parent && 1 !== Ie.boxContainsBox(this._exactBox, t.boundingBox) ? this._parent.addNodeUp(t, e - 1) : this.addNodeDown(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addNodeDown = function(t, e) {
+ if (e < this._scene.treeLevel) {
+ var i = this.inChildIndex(t.boundingBoxCenter)
+ , n = this.addChild(i);
+ 1 === Ie.boxContainsBox(n._relaxBox, t.boundingBox) ? n.addNodeDown(t, ++e) : this.addObject(t)
+ } else
+ this.addObject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.inChildIndex = function(t) {
+ return 4 * (t.z < this._boundingBoxCenter.z ? 0 : 1) + 2 * (t.y < this._boundingBoxCenter.y ? 0 : 1) + (t.x < this._boundingBoxCenter.x ? 0 : 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.updateObject = function(t) {
+ 1 === Ie.boxContainsBox(this._relaxBox, t.boundingBox) ? (this.removeObject(t),
+ t._treeNode = null,
+ this.addNodeDown(t, this._currentDepth)) : this._parent && (this.removeObject(t),
+ t._treeNode = null,
+ this._parent.addNodeUp(t, this._currentDepth - 1))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cullingObjects = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = this._scene._dynamicBatchManager;
+ for (r = 0,
+ o = this._objects.length; r < o; r++) {
+ var c = this._objects[r];
+ if (z.isVisible(c._owner.layer.mask) && c.enable) {
+ if (e && (E.treeSpriteCollision += 1,
+ 0 === t.containsBoundSphere(c.boundingSphere)))
+ continue;
+ c._renderUpdate(a),
+ c._distanceForSort = Be.distance(c.boundingSphere.center, n) + c.sortingFudge;
+ var _ = c._renderElements;
+ for (s = 0,
+ l = _.length; s < l; s++) {
+ var u = _[s]
+ , d = u._staticBatch;
+ if (d && d._material === u._material)
+ d._addBatchRenderElement(u);
+ else {
+ var f = u.renderObj;
+ f.triangleCount < 10 && 1 === f._vertexBufferCount && f._getIndexBuffer() && u._material.renderQueue < 2 && u._canDynamicBatch && !c._owner.isStatic ? h._addPrepareRenderElement(u) : this._scene.getRenderQueue(u._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(u)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
+ var p = this._children[r];
+ if (null != p) {
+ var m = e;
+ if (e) {
+ var g = t.containsBoundBox(p._relaxBox);
+ if (E.treeNodeCollision += 1,
+ 0 === g)
+ continue;
+ m = 2 === g
+ }
+ p.cullingObjects(t, m, i, n, a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cullingShadowObjects = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ this._scene._dynamicBatchManager;
+ for (r = 0,
+ o = this._objects.length; r < o; r++) {
+ var h = this._objects[r];
+ if (h.castShadow && z.isVisible(h._owner.layer.mask) && h.enable) {
+ if (i && 0 === t[0].containsBoundSphere(h.boundingSphere))
+ continue;
+ for (var c = 1, _ = t.length; c < _; c++) {
+ var u = e[c - 1];
+ if (0 !== t[c].containsBoundSphere(h.boundingSphere)) {
+ var d = h._renderElements;
+ for (s = 0,
+ l = d.length; s < l; s++)
+ u._addRenderElement(d[s])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
+ var f = this._children[r];
+ if (null != f) {
+ var p = i;
+ if (i) {
+ var m = t[0].containsBoundBox(f._relaxBox);
+ if (0 === m)
+ continue;
+ p = 2 === m
+ }
+ f.cullingShadowObjects(t, e, p, n, a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cullingShadowObjectsOnePSSM = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = e[0]
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ for (o = 0,
+ h = this._objects.length; o < h; o++) {
+ var _ = this._objects[o];
+ if (_.castShadow && z.isVisible(_._owner.layer.mask) && _.enable) {
+ if (n && 0 === t.containsBoundSphere(_.boundingSphere))
+ continue;
+ _._renderUpdate(i);
+ var u = _._renderElements;
+ for (l = 0,
+ c = u.length; l < c; l++)
+ s._addRenderElement(u[l])
+ }
+ }
+ for (o = 0; o < 8; o++) {
+ var d = this._children[o];
+ if (null != d) {
+ var f = n;
+ if (n) {
+ var p = t.containsBoundBox(d._relaxBox);
+ if (0 === p)
+ continue;
+ f = 2 === p
+ }
+ d.cullingShadowObjectsOnePSSM(t, e, i, f, a, r)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.renderBoudingBox = function(t) {
+ this._renderBoudingBox(t);
+ for (var e = 0; e < 8; ++e) {
+ var i = this._children[e];
+ i && i.renderBoudingBox(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.buildAllChild = function(t) {
+ if (t < this._scene.treeLevel)
+ for (var e = 0; e < 8; e++) {
+ this.addChild(e).buildAllChild(t + 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._renderBoudingBox = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "exactBox", function() {
+ return this._exactBox
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._exactBox = t,
+ Be.add(t.min, t.max, this._boundingBoxCenter),
+ Be.scale(this._boundingBoxCenter, .5, this._boundingBoxCenter)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "relaxBox", function() {
+ return this._relaxBox
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._relaxBox = t,
+ t.getCorners(this._corners),
+ xe.createfromPoints(this._corners, this._boundingSphere)
+ }),
+ t.debugMode = !1,
+ t.relax = 1.15,
+ t.CHILDNUM = 8,
+ n(t, ["tempVector0", function() {
+ return this.tempVector0 = new Be
+ }
+ , "tempSize", function() {
+ return this.tempSize = new Be
+ }
+ , "tempCenter", function() {
+ return this.tempCenter = new Be
+ }
+ , "_octreeSplit", function() {
+ return this._octreeSplit = [new Be(.25,.25,.25), new Be(.75,.25,.25), new Be(.25,.75,.25), new Be(.75,.75,.25), new Be(.25,.25,.75), new Be(.75,.25,.75), new Be(.25,.75,.75), new Be(.75,.75,.75)]
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ft = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.scene.SceneManager")
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._r = NaN,
+ this._g = NaN,
+ this._b = NaN,
+ this._a = NaN,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ this._r = t,
+ this._g = e,
+ this._b = i,
+ this._a = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.Color", null, "Color$1");
+ return t.prototype.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t._r = this._r,
+ t._g = this._g,
+ t._b = this._b,
+ t._a = this._a
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["RED", function() {
+ return this.RED = new t(1,0,0,1)
+ }
+ , "GREEN", function() {
+ return this.GREEN = new t(0,1,0,1)
+ }
+ , "BLUE", function() {
+ return this.BLUE = new t(0,0,1,1)
+ }
+ , "CYAN", function() {
+ return this.CYAN = new t(0,1,1,1)
+ }
+ , "YELLOW", function() {
+ return this.YELLOW = new t(1,.92,.016,1)
+ }
+ , "MAGENTA", function() {
+ return this.MAGENTA = new t(1,0,1,1)
+ }
+ , "GRAY", function() {
+ return this.GRAY = new t(.5,.5,.5,1)
+ }
+ , "WHITE", function() {
+ return this.WHITE = new t(1,1,1,1)
+ }
+ , "BLACK", function() {
+ return this.BLACK = new t(0,0,0,1)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , pt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._mode = 0,
+ this._colorKeys = null,
+ this._alphaKeys = null,
+ this.index = 0,
+ this._colorKeyData = new Float32Array(40),
+ this._alphaKeyData = new Float32Array(20),
+ this._colorKeys = [],
+ this._alphaKeys = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.Gradient");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.setKeys = function(t, e) {
+ this._colorKeys = t,
+ this.index = 0;
+ for (var i, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var a = (i = t[n]).color;
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = a._r,
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = a._g,
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = a._b,
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = i.time
+ }
+ this._alphaKeys = e,
+ this.index = 0;
+ for (var r, s = 0; s < e.length; s++)
+ r = e[s],
+ this._alphaKeyData[this.index++] = r.alpha,
+ this._alphaKeyData[this.index++] = r.time
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = this.colorKeys
+ , a = [];
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = n.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var r = new gt;
+ n[e].cloneTo(r),
+ a.push(r)
+ }
+ var s = this.alphaKeys
+ , o = [];
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = s.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var l = new mt;
+ s[e].cloneTo(l),
+ o.push(l)
+ }
+ t.setKeys(a, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "mode", function() {
+ return this._mode
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._mode = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "colorKeys", function() {
+ return this._colorKeys
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._colorKeys = t,
+ this.index = 0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ var i = t[e]
+ , n = i.color;
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = n._r,
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = n._g,
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = n._b,
+ this._colorKeyData[this.index++] = i.time
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "alphaKeys", function() {
+ return this._alphaKeys
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._alphaKeys = t,
+ this.index = 0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ var i = t[e];
+ this._alphaKeyData[this.index++] = i.alpha,
+ this._alphaKeyData[this.index++] = i.time
+ }
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , mt = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._alpha = NaN,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this._alpha = t,
+ this._time = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.GradientAlphaKey");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t.alpha = this.alpha,
+ t.time = this.time
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "alpha", function() {
+ return this._alpha
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._alpha = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._time = t
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , gt = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._color = null,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this._color = t || new ft,
+ this._time = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.GradientColorKey");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ this.color.cloneTo(t.color),
+ t.time = this.time
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._color = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._time = t
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , yt = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.GradientMode"),
+ t.Blend = 0,
+ t.Fixed = 1
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.TextureMode"),
+ t.Stretch = 0,
+ t.Tile = 1
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.time = NaN,
+ this.inTangent = NaN,
+ this.outTangent = NaN,
+ this.value = NaN
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.module.TrailKeyFrame");
+ return t.prototype.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t.time = this.time,
+ t.inTangent = this.inTangent,
+ t.outTangent = this.outTangent,
+ t.value = this.value
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }())
+ , vt = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._id = 0,
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._camera = null,
+ this._vertexBuffers = null,
+ this._verticesCount = 0,
+ this._virtualVerticesCount = 0,
+ this._maxVerticesCount = 256,
+ this._vertices1 = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer1 = null,
+ this._floatCountPerVertices1 = 8,
+ this._verticesIndex1 = 0,
+ this._everyAddVerticeCount1 = 0,
+ this._delLength = 0,
+ this._vertices2 = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer2 = null,
+ this._floatCountPerVertices2 = 1,
+ this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime = null,
+ this._VerticesToTailLength = null,
+ this._everyVertexToPreVertexDistance = null,
+ this._pointe = null,
+ this._pointAtoBVector3e = null,
+ this._isStart = !1,
+ this._isFinish = !1,
+ this._isDead = !1,
+ this._curtime = NaN,
+ this._curDisappearIndex = 0,
+ this._lastPosition = new Be,
+ this._curPosition = new Be,
+ this._delVector3 = new Be,
+ this._lastFixedVertexPosition = new Be,
+ this._pointAtoBVector3 = new Be,
+ this._pointA = new Be,
+ this._pointB = new Be,
+ this._owner = e,
+ this._id = t.renderElementCount++,
+ 0 == this._id ? e._owner.transform.position.cloneTo(this._lastPosition) : e._curSubTrailFinishPosition.cloneTo(this._lastPosition),
+ this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime = [],
+ this._VerticesToTailLength = new Float32Array(this._maxVerticesCount),
+ this._everyVertexToPreVertexDistance = new Float32Array(this._maxVerticesCount),
+ this._vertices1 = new Float32Array(this._maxVerticesCount * this._floatCountPerVertices1),
+ this._vertices2 = new Float32Array(this._maxVerticesCount * this._floatCountPerVertices2),
+ this._vertexBuffer1 = new Yi(bt.vertexDeclaration1,this._maxVerticesCount,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer2 = new Yi(bt.vertexDeclaration2,this._maxVerticesCount,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffers = [],
+ this._vertexBuffers.push(this._vertexBuffer1),
+ this._vertexBuffers.push(this._vertexBuffer2)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.TrailRenderElement");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0
+ }),
+ e._updateTrail = function() {
+ this._everyAddVerticeCount1 = 0,
+ this._isStart || this._addTrailByFirstPosition(this._lastPosition, this._curPosition),
+ this._addTrailByNextPosition(this._curPosition),
+ this._vertexBuffer1.setData(this._vertices1, this._verticesIndex1, this._verticesIndex1, this._everyAddVerticeCount1),
+ this._verticesIndex1 += this._everyAddVerticeCount1,
+ this._curPosition.cloneTo(this._lastPosition),
+ 2 == this._virtualVerticesCount && (this._verticesIndex1 -= 2 * this._floatCountPerVertices1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addTrailByFirstPosition = function(t, e) {
+ Be.subtract(e, t, this._delVector3),
+ Be.cross(this._delVector3, this._camera.forward, this._pointAtoBVector3),
+ Be.normalize(this._pointAtoBVector3, this._pointAtoBVector3),
+ Be.scale(this._pointAtoBVector3, this._owner.widthMultiplier / 2, this._pointAtoBVector3),
+ this._updateVerticesByPosition(t),
+ t.cloneTo(this._lastFixedVertexPosition),
+ this._verticesCount += 2,
+ this._curtime = this._owner._hasLifeSubTrail ? this._owner._curSubTrailFinishCurTime : this._owner._curtime,
+ this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime.push(this._curtime),
+ this._isStart = !0,
+ this._owner._hasLifeSubTrail = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addTrailByNextPosition = function(t) {
+ Be.subtract(t, this._lastFixedVertexPosition, this._delVector3),
+ Be.cross(this._delVector3, this._camera.forward, this._pointAtoBVector3),
+ Be.normalize(this._pointAtoBVector3, this._pointAtoBVector3),
+ Be.scale(this._pointAtoBVector3, this._owner.widthMultiplier / 2, this._pointAtoBVector3),
+ this._delLength = Be.scalarLength(this._delVector3),
+ this._delLength - this._owner.minVertexDistance >= Ce.zeroTolerance ? (this._owner._trailTotalLength += this._delLength,
+ this._owner._trailSupplementLength = 0,
+ this._updateVerticesByPosition(t),
+ t.cloneTo(this._lastFixedVertexPosition),
+ this._verticesCount += 2,
+ this._virtualVerticesCount = 0,
+ this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime.push(this._owner._curtime),
+ this._verticesCount == this._maxVerticesCount && this._onTrailRenderElementFinish()) : (this._owner._trailSupplementLength = this._delLength,
+ this._updateVerticesByPosition(t),
+ this._virtualVerticesCount = 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._updateVerticesByPosition = function(t) {
+ this._pointe = t.elements,
+ this._pointAtoBVector3e = this._pointAtoBVector3.elements,
+ this._curtime = this._owner._curtime,
+ this._owner._hasLifeSubTrail && 0 == this._isStart && (this._pointe = this._owner._curSubTrailFinishPosition.elements,
+ this._pointAtoBVector3e = this._owner._curSubTrailFinishDirection.elements,
+ this._curtime = this._owner._curSubTrailFinishCurTime),
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointe[0],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointe[1],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointe[2],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = -this._pointAtoBVector3e[0],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = -this._pointAtoBVector3e[1],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = -this._pointAtoBVector3e[2],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._curtime,
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = 1,
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointe[0],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointe[1],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointe[2],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointAtoBVector3e[0],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointAtoBVector3e[1],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._pointAtoBVector3e[2],
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = this._curtime,
+ this._vertices1[this._verticesIndex1 + this._everyAddVerticeCount1++] = 0,
+ this._VerticesToTailLength[this._verticesCount / 2] = this._owner._trailTotalLength + this._owner._trailSupplementLength,
+ 0 == this._owner._trailSupplementLength ? this._everyVertexToPreVertexDistance[this._verticesCount / 2] = this._delLength : this._everyVertexToPreVertexDistance[this._verticesCount / 2] = this._isStart ? this._owner._trailSupplementLength : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._updateVertexBuffer2 = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = (this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount) / 2; i < n; i++)
+ e = 0 == this._owner.textureMode ? (this._VerticesToTailLength[i] - this._owner._trailDeadLength) / (this._owner._trailTotalLength + this._owner._trailSupplementLength - this._owner._trailDeadLength) : this._owner._trailTotalLength + this._owner._trailSupplementLength - this._VerticesToTailLength[i],
+ this._vertices2[t++] = 1 - e,
+ this._vertices2[t++] = 1 - e;
+ this._vertexBuffer2.setData(this._vertices2, 0, 0, this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._onTrailRenderElementFinish = function() {
+ this._lastFixedVertexPosition.cloneTo(this._owner._curSubTrailFinishPosition),
+ this._pointAtoBVector3.cloneTo(this._owner._curSubTrailFinishDirection),
+ this._owner._curSubTrailFinishCurTime = this._owner._curtime,
+ this._isFinish = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._updateDisappear = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (t = this._curDisappearIndex,
+ e = (this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount) / 2; t < e; t++)
+ this._owner._curtime - this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime[t] >= this._owner.time + Ce.zeroTolerance && (this._curDisappearIndex++,
+ this._owner._trailDeadLength += this._everyVertexToPreVertexDistance[this._curDisappearIndex],
+ this._curDisappearIndex >= (this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount) / 2 && (this._isDead = !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._camera = t.camera,
+ null != this._camera && (this._owner._owner.transform.position.cloneTo(this._curPosition),
+ !this._isDead && (this._verticesCount < this._maxVerticesCount ? (this._owner._isStart || (this._owner._owner.transform.position.cloneTo(this._lastPosition),
+ this._owner._isStart = !0),
+ Be.equals(this._lastPosition, this._curPosition) || this._updateTrail()) : this._isFinish && (this._isFinish = !1,
+ this._owner._curSubTrailFinished = !0),
+ this._verticesCount > 0) && (this._updateVertexBuffer2(),
+ this._updateDisappear(),
+ !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._render = function(t) {
+ this._isDead || (B.mainContext.drawArrays(5, 2 * this._curDisappearIndex, this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount - 2 * this._curDisappearIndex),
+ console.log(2 * this._curDisappearIndex, this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount - 2 * this._curDisappearIndex),
+ E.drawCall++,
+ E.trianglesFaces += this._verticesCount + this._virtualVerticesCount - 2 * this._curDisappearIndex - 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 === t ? this._vertexBuffer1 : 1 === t ? this._vertexBuffer2 : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return this._vertexBuffers
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.reActivate = function() {
+ this._id = laya.d3.core.trail.TrailRenderElement.renderElementCount++,
+ this._isStart = !1,
+ this._isFinish = !1,
+ this._isDead = !1,
+ this._verticesCount = 0,
+ this._virtualVerticesCount = 0,
+ this._verticesIndex1 = 0,
+ this._delLength = 0,
+ this._curDisappearIndex = 0,
+ this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime = [],
+ this._owner._curSubTrailFinishPosition.cloneTo(this._lastPosition)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._destroy = function() {
+ this._vertexBuffer1.dispose(),
+ this._vertexBuffer2.dispose(),
+ this._vertices1 = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer1 = null,
+ this._vertices2 = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer2 = null,
+ this._vertexBuffers = null,
+ this._everyGroupVertexBirthTime = null,
+ this._VerticesToTailLength = null,
+ this._everyVertexToPreVertexDistance = null,
+ this._lastPosition = null,
+ this._curPosition = null,
+ this._delVector3 = null,
+ this._lastFixedVertexPosition = null,
+ this._pointAtoBVector3 = null,
+ this._pointe = null,
+ this._pointAtoBVector3e = null,
+ this._pointA = null,
+ this._pointB = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return this._vertexBuffers.length
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ t.renderElementCount = 0,
+ t
+ }()
+ , bt = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.core.trail.VertexTrail");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration1", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration2", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration2
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration1", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration1 = new Mt(32,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",41), new Lt(24,"single",33), new Lt(28,"single",40)])
+ }
+ , "_vertexDeclaration2", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration2 = new Mt(4,[new Lt(0,"single",38)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , wt = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._vertexDeclaration = null,
+ this._vertexDatas = null,
+ this._indexDatas = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = 0,
+ this._currentCombineIndexCount = 0,
+ this._combineRenderElements = null,
+ this._materials = null,
+ this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets = null,
+ this._merageElements = null,
+ this._combineRenderElementPool = null,
+ this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex = 0,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = 0,
+ this._currentCombineIndexCount = 0,
+ this._combineRenderElements = [],
+ this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets = [],
+ this._materials = [],
+ this._merageElements = [],
+ this._combineRenderElementPool = [],
+ this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex = 0,
+ this._vertexDeclaration = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.DynamicBatch");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0
+ }),
+ e._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 === t ? this._vertexBuffer : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getCombineRenderElementFromPool = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._combineRenderElementPool[this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex++];
+ return n || (this._combineRenderElementPool[this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex - 1] = n = new ct,
+ n._sprite3D = new gn),
+ n._sprite3D._render._renderUpdate(i),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getRenderElement = function(e, i, n) {
+ this._vertexDatas || (this._vertexDatas = new Float32Array(this._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4 * t.maxVertexCount),
+ this._indexDatas = new Uint16Array(t.maxIndexCount),
+ this._vertexBuffer = Yi.create(this._vertexDeclaration, t.maxVertexCount, 35048),
+ this._indexBuffer = qi.create("ushort", t.maxIndexCount, 35048)),
+ this._merageElements.length = 0;
+ for (var a = 0, r = 0, s = 0, o = this._combineRenderElements.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = this._combineRenderElements[s]
+ , h = l.getDynamicBatchBakedVertexs(0)
+ , c = l.getBakedIndices()
+ , _ = l._sprite3D.transform._isFrontFaceInvert
+ , u = a / (this._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4)
+ , d = r
+ , f = d + c.length;
+ l._tempBatchIndexStart = d,
+ l._tempBatchIndexEnd = f,
+ this._indexDatas.set(c, r);
+ var p = 0;
+ if (_)
+ for (p = d; p < f; p += 3) {
+ this._indexDatas[p] = u + this._indexDatas[p];
+ var m = this._indexDatas[p + 1]
+ , g = this._indexDatas[p + 2];
+ this._indexDatas[p + 1] = u + g,
+ this._indexDatas[p + 2] = u + m
+ }
+ else
+ for (p = d; p < f; p += 3)
+ this._indexDatas[p] = u + this._indexDatas[p],
+ this._indexDatas[p + 1] = u + this._indexDatas[p + 1],
+ this._indexDatas[p + 2] = u + this._indexDatas[p + 2];
+ r += c.length,
+ this._vertexDatas.set(h, a),
+ a += h.length
+ }
+ for (this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertexDatas),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(this._indexDatas),
+ this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex = 0,
+ s = 0,
+ o = this._materials.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var y = this._getCombineRenderElementFromPool(e, i, n);
+ y._type = 2,
+ y._staticBatch = null,
+ y.renderObj = this;
+ var v = this._combineRenderElements[this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets[s]]._tempBatchIndexStart
+ , b = s + 1 === this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets.length ? r : this._combineRenderElements[this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets[s + 1]]._tempBatchIndexStart;
+ y._tempBatchIndexStart = v,
+ y._tempBatchIndexEnd = b,
+ y._material = this._materials[s],
+ this._merageElements.push(y)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addCombineRenderObjTest = function(e) {
+ var i = e.renderObj
+ , n = this._currentCombineIndexCount + i._getIndexBuffer().indexCount;
+ return !(this._currentCombineVertexCount + i._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount > t.maxVertexCount || n > t.maxIndexCount)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addCombineRenderObj = function(t) {
+ var e = t.renderObj;
+ this._combineRenderElements.push(t),
+ this._currentCombineIndexCount = this._currentCombineIndexCount + e._getIndexBuffer().indexCount,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = this._currentCombineVertexCount + e._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addCombineMaterial = function(t) {
+ this._materials.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addMaterialToRenderElementOffset = function(t) {
+ this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clearRenderElements = function() {
+ this._combineRenderElements.length = 0,
+ this._materials.length = 0,
+ this._materialToRenderElementsOffsets.length = 0,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = 0,
+ this._currentCombineIndexCount = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addToRenderQueue = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._getRenderElement(e, i, n);
+ for (var a = 0, r = this._materials.length; a < r; a++)
+ t.getRenderQueue(this._materials[a].renderQueue)._addDynamicBatchElement(this._merageElements[a])
+ }
+ ,
+ e._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._render = function(t) {
+ var e = t._batchIndexEnd - t._batchIndexStart;
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, e, 5123, 2 * t._batchIndexStart),
+ E.drawCall++,
+ E.trianglesFaces += e / 3
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return 1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer.indexCount / 3
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "combineRenderElementsCount", function() {
+ return this._combineRenderElements.length
+ }),
+ t.maxVertexCount = 2e4,
+ t.maxIndexCount = 4e4,
+ t.maxCombineTriangleCount = 10,
+ t
+ }()
+ , xt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._dynamicBatches = null,
+ this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements = null,
+ this._dynamicBatches = {},
+ this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.DynamicBatchManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getDynamicBatch = function(t, e) {
+ var i, n = t.id.toString() + e;
+ return this._dynamicBatches[n] ? i = this._dynamicBatches[n] : this._dynamicBatches[n] = i = new wt(t),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e._garbageCollection = function() {
+ for (var t in this._dynamicBatches)
+ 0 === this._dynamicBatches[t].combineRenderElementsCount && delete this._dynamicBatches[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addPrepareRenderElement = function(t) {
+ this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._finishCombineDynamicBatch = function(e) {
+ this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements.sort(t._sortPrepareDynamicBatch);
+ for (var i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c = -1, _ = !0, u = 0, d = -1, f = 0, p = this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements.length; f < p; f++) {
+ var m = (s = this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements[f]).renderObj._getVertexBuffer(0).vertexDeclaration
+ , g = n !== m;
+ g && (u = 0,
+ n = m);
+ var y = u !== c;
+ if (y && (c = u),
+ (g || y) && (o = this.getDynamicBatch(m, u),
+ i = null),
+ _)
+ if (o._addCombineRenderObjTest(s)) {
+ if (r = s._material,
+ i !== r)
+ l && (e.getRenderQueue(h._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(h),
+ l = null,
+ h = null,
+ d = -1),
+ l = r,
+ d = o.combineRenderElementsCount,
+ h = s,
+ i = r;
+ else if (l) {
+ var v = h.renderObj
+ , b = s.renderObj;
+ v._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount + b._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount > wt.maxVertexCount || v._getIndexBuffer().indexCount + b._getIndexBuffer().indexCount > wt.maxIndexCount ? (e.getRenderQueue(h._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(h),
+ l = r,
+ d = o.combineRenderElementsCount,
+ h = s) : (o._addCombineMaterial(l),
+ o._addMaterialToRenderElementOffset(d),
+ o._addCombineRenderObj(h),
+ l = null,
+ h = null,
+ d = -1,
+ o._addCombineRenderObj(s))
+ } else
+ o._addCombineRenderObj(s);
+ _ = !0
+ } else
+ l && (e.getRenderQueue(h._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(h),
+ l = null,
+ h = null,
+ d = -1),
+ u++,
+ _ = !1;
+ else
+ a = this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements[f - 1],
+ o._addMaterialToRenderElementOffset(o.combineRenderElementsCount),
+ i = a._material,
+ o._addCombineMaterial(i),
+ o._addCombineRenderObj(a),
+ _ = !0,
+ i !== (r = s._material) ? (l = r,
+ d = o.combineRenderElementsCount,
+ h = s) : o._addCombineRenderObj(s),
+ i = r
+ }
+ l && (e.getRenderQueue(h._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(h),
+ l = null,
+ h = null,
+ d = -1),
+ this._prepareDynamicBatchCombineElements.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clearRenderElements = function() {
+ for (var t in this._dynamicBatches)
+ this._dynamicBatches[t]._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addToRenderQueue = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ for (var a in this._dynamicBatches) {
+ var r = this._dynamicBatches[a];
+ r.combineRenderElementsCount > 0 && r._addToRenderQueue(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.dispose = function() {
+ this._dynamicBatches = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._sortPrepareDynamicBatch = function(t, e) {
+ return t._mainSortID - e._mainSortID
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , It = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.FrustumCulling"),
+ t.renderShadowObjectCulling = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ for (r = 0,
+ o = i.length; r < o; r++) {
+ var h = i[r];
+ h && h._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ var c, _, u, d = t._cullingRenders;
+ if (a > 1) {
+ for (r = 0,
+ o = t._cullingRendersLength; r < o; r++)
+ if ((c = d[r]).castShadow && z.isVisible(c._owner.layer.mask) && c.enable)
+ for (var f = 1, p = e.length; f < p; f++)
+ if (_ = i[f - 1],
+ 0 !== e[f].containsBoundSphere(c.boundingSphere))
+ for (s = 0,
+ l = (u = c._renderElements).length; s < l; s++)
+ _._addRenderElement(u[s])
+ } else
+ for (r = 0,
+ o = t._cullingRendersLength; r < o; r++)
+ if ((c = d[r]).castShadow && z.isVisible(c._owner.layer.mask) && c.enable && 0 !== e[0].containsBoundSphere(c.boundingSphere))
+ for (c._renderUpdate(n),
+ _ = i[0],
+ s = 0,
+ l = (u = c._renderElements).length; s < l; s++)
+ _._addRenderElement(u[s])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.renderShadowObjectCullingOctree = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ for (var r = 0, s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = i[r];
+ o && o._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ a > 1 ? t.treeRoot.cullingShadowObjects(e, i, !0, 0, t) : t.treeRoot.cullingShadowObjectsOnePSSM(e[0], i, n, !0, 0, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.renderObjectCulling = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = 0
+ , c = e._quenes
+ , _ = e._dynamicBatchManager
+ , u = e._cullingRenders;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = c.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var d = c[s];
+ d && d._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ var f = Ct._staticBatchManagers;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = f.length; s < o; s++)
+ f[s]._clearRenderElements();
+ _._clearRenderElements();
+ var p = i.transform.position;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = e._cullingRendersLength; s < o; s++) {
+ var m = u[s];
+ if (z.isVisible(m._owner.layer.mask) && m.enable && 0 !== t.containsBoundSphere(m.boundingSphere) && m._renderUpdate(r)) {
+ m._distanceForSort = Be.distance(m.boundingSphere.center, p) + m.sortingFudge;
+ var g = m._renderElements;
+ for (l = 0,
+ h = g.length; l < h; l++) {
+ var y = g[l]
+ , v = y._staticBatch;
+ if (v && v._material === y._material)
+ v._addBatchRenderElement(y);
+ else {
+ var b = y.renderObj;
+ b.triangleCount < 10 && 1 === b._vertexBufferCount && b._getIndexBuffer() && y._material.renderQueue < 2 && y._canDynamicBatch && !m._owner.isStatic ? _._addPrepareRenderElement(y) : e.getRenderQueue(y._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(y)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = f.length; s < o; s++)
+ f[s]._addToRenderQueue(e, n, a, r);
+ _._finishCombineDynamicBatch(e),
+ _._addToRenderQueue(e, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.renderObjectCullingOctree = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = e._quenes
+ , h = e._dynamicBatchManager;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = l.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var c = l[s];
+ c && c._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ var _ = Ct._staticBatchManagers;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = _.length; s < o; s++)
+ _[s]._clearRenderElements();
+ for (h._clearRenderElements(),
+ e._cullingRenders.length = 0,
+ e.treeRoot.cullingObjects(t, !0, 0, i.transform.position, r),
+ s = 0,
+ o = _.length; s < o; s++)
+ _[s]._addToRenderQueue(e, n, a, r);
+ h._finishCombineDynamicBatch(e),
+ h._addToRenderQueue(e, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.renderObjectCullingNoBoundFrustum = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = t._quenes
+ , c = t._dynamicBatchManager
+ , _ = t._cullingRenders;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = h.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var u = h[r];
+ u && u._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ var d = Ct._staticBatchManagers;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = d.length; r < s; r++)
+ d[r]._clearRenderElements();
+ c._clearRenderElements();
+ var f = e.transform.position;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = t._cullingRendersLength; r < s; r++) {
+ var p = _[r];
+ if (z.isVisible(p._owner.layer.mask) && p.enable) {
+ p._renderUpdate(a),
+ p._distanceForSort = Be.distance(p.boundingSphere.center, f) + p.sortingFudge;
+ var m = p._renderElements;
+ for (o = 0,
+ l = m.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var g = m[o]
+ , y = g._staticBatch;
+ if (y && y._material === g._material)
+ y._addBatchRenderElement(g);
+ else {
+ var v = g.renderObj;
+ v.triangleCount < 10 && 1 === v._vertexBufferCount && v._getIndexBuffer() && g._material.renderQueue < 2 && g._canDynamicBatch && !p._owner.isStatic ? c._addPrepareRenderElement(g) : t.getRenderQueue(g._material.renderQueue)._addRenderElement(g)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = d.length; r < s; r++)
+ d[r]._addToRenderQueue(t, i, n, a);
+ c._finishCombineDynamicBatch(t),
+ c._addToRenderQueue(t, i, n, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ct = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._initBatchRenderElements = null,
+ this._staticBatches = null,
+ this._initBatchRenderElements = [],
+ this._staticBatches = {}
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.StaticBatchManager");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._finishInit = function() {
+ for (var t in this._staticBatches)
+ this._staticBatches[t]._finishInit();
+ this._initBatchRenderElements.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._initStaticBatchs = function(t) {
+ throw new Error("StaticBatchManager:must override this function.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addInitBatchSprite = function(t) {
+ for (var e = t._render._renderElements, i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)
+ this._initBatchRenderElements.push(e[i])
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clearRenderElements = function() {
+ for (var t in this._staticBatches)
+ this._staticBatches[t]._clearRenderElements()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._garbageCollection = function(t) {
+ var e = t._staticBatch
+ , i = e._initBatchRenderElements
+ , n = i.indexOf(t);
+ i.splice(n, 1),
+ 0 === i.length && (e.dispose(),
+ delete this._staticBatches[e._key])
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addToRenderQueue = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ for (var a in this._staticBatches) {
+ var r = this._staticBatches[a];
+ r._batchRenderElements.length > 0 && r._updateToRenderQueue(t, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.dispose = function() {
+ this._staticBatches = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._addToStaticBatchQueue = function(e) {
+ e instanceof laya.d3.core.RenderableSprite3D && e._addToInitStaticBatchManager();
+ for (var i = 0, n = e.numChildren; i < n; i++)
+ t._addToStaticBatchQueue(e._childs[i])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.combine = function(e, i) {
+ var n, a = 0, r = 0;
+ if (i)
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = i.length; a < r; a++) {
+ i[a]._addToInitStaticBatchManager()
+ }
+ else
+ e && t._addToStaticBatchQueue(e);
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = t._staticBatchManagers.length; a < r; a++)
+ (n = t._staticBatchManagers[a])._initStaticBatchs(e),
+ n._finishInit()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._staticBatchManagers = [],
+ t
+ }()
+ , St = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex = 0,
+ this._combineRenderElementPool = null,
+ this._initBatchRenderElements = null,
+ this._batchRenderElements = null,
+ this._material = null,
+ this._rootOwner = null,
+ this._key = null,
+ this._manager = null,
+ this._key = t,
+ this._manager = e,
+ this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex = 0,
+ this._combineRenderElementPool = [],
+ this._initBatchRenderElements = [],
+ this._batchRenderElements = [],
+ this._rootOwner = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.StaticBatch");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0,
+ "laya.resource.IDispose": !0
+ }),
+ e._binarySearch = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._batchRenderElements.length - 1, n = 0; e <= i; )
+ n = Math.floor((e + i) / 2),
+ this._compareBatchRenderElement(this._batchRenderElements[n], t) ? i = n - 1 : e = n + 1;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e._compareBatchRenderElement = function(t, e) {
+ throw new Error("StaticBatch:must override this function.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getVertexDecLightMap = function(t) {
+ return t === re.vertexDeclaration ? te.vertexDeclaration : t === ae.vertexDeclaration ? $t.vertexDeclaration : t === qt.vertexDeclaration ? Gt.vertexDeclaration : t === he.vertexDeclaration ? null : t === Ot.vertexDeclaration ? Ut.vertexDeclaration : t === oe.vertexDeclaration ? ie.vertexDeclaration : t === Zt.vertexDeclaration ? Qt.vertexDeclaration : t === se.vertexDeclaration ? ee.vertexDeclaration : t === ae.vertexDeclaration ? $t.vertexDeclaration : t === Yt.vertexDeclaration ? zt.vertexDeclaration : t === he.vertexDeclaration ? null : t === Ot.vertexDeclaration ? Ut.vertexDeclaration : t === le.vertexDeclaration ? ne.vertexDeclaration : t === Zt.vertexDeclaration ? Qt.vertexDeclaration : t
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getCombineRenderElementFromPool = function() {
+ throw new Error("StaticBatch:must override this function.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._addBatchRenderElement = function(t) {
+ this._batchRenderElements.splice(this._binarySearch(t), 0, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._updateToRenderQueue = function(t, e) {
+ this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex = 0,
+ this._getRenderElement(t.getRenderQueue(this._material.renderQueue)._renderElements, t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getRenderElement = function(t, e, i) {
+ throw new Error("StaticBatch:must override this function.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._finishInit = function() {
+ throw new Error("StaticBatch:must override this function.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e._clearRenderElements = function() {
+ this._batchRenderElements.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.dispose = function() {}
+ ,
+ e._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ null
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._render = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return 1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return 0
+ }),
+ t.combine = function(t) {
+ console.log("StaticBatch: discard property,please use StaticBatchManager.combine() function instead."),
+ Ct.combine(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.maxBatchVertexCount = 65535,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Mt = function() {
+ function t(e, i) {
+ if (this._id = 0,
+ this._shaderValues = null,
+ this._shaderDefineValue = 0,
+ this._vertexStride = 0,
+ this._vertexElements = null,
+ this._vertexElementsDic = null,
+ this._id = ++t._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this._id > t.maxVertexDeclaration)
+ throw new Error("VertexDeclaration: VertexDeclaration count should not large than ",t.maxVertexDeclaration);
+ this._shaderValues = new Fe,
+ this._vertexElementsDic = {},
+ this._vertexStride = e,
+ this._vertexElements = i;
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var a = i[n]
+ , r = a.elementUsage;
+ this._vertexElementsDic[r] = a;
+ var s = [t._getTypeSize(a.elementFormat) / 4, 5126, !1, this._vertexStride, a.offset];
+ switch (this._shaderValues.setValue(r, s),
+ r) {
+ case 1:
+ this._addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_COLOR);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_UV0);
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ this._addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_UV1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexDeclaration");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._addShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._shaderDefineValue |= t
+ }
+ ,
+ e._removeShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._shaderDefineValue &= ~t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getVertexElements = function() {
+ return this._vertexElements.slice()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getVertexElementByUsage = function(t) {
+ return this._vertexElementsDic[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.unBinding = function() {}
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "shaderDefineValue", function() {
+ return this._shaderDefineValue
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexStride", function() {
+ return this._vertexStride
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "shaderValues", function() {
+ return this._shaderValues
+ }),
+ t._getTypeSize = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case "single":
+ return 4;
+ case "vector2":
+ return 8;
+ case "vector3":
+ return 12;
+ case "vector4":
+ return 16;
+ case "color":
+ case "byte4":
+ case "short2":
+ return 4;
+ case "short4":
+ return 8;
+ case "normalizedshort2":
+ return 4;
+ case "normalizedshort4":
+ return 8;
+ case "halfvector2":
+ return 4;
+ case "halfvector4":
+ return 8
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getVertexStride = function(e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0; n < e.Length; n++) {
+ var a = e[n]
+ , r = a.offset + t._getTypeSize(a.elementFormat);
+ i < r && (i = r)
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._maxVertexDeclarationBit = 1e3,
+ t._uniqueIDCounter = 1,
+ n(t, ["maxVertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this.maxVertexDeclaration = 2147483647 - 1e3 * Math.floor(2147483.647)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Lt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this.offset = 0,
+ this.elementFormat = null,
+ this.elementUsage = 0,
+ this.offset = t,
+ this.elementFormat = e,
+ this.elementUsage = i
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexElement"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Tt = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexElementFormat"),
+ t.Single = "single",
+ t.Vector2 = "vector2",
+ t.Vector3 = "vector3",
+ t.Vector4 = "vector4",
+ t.Color = "color",
+ t.Byte4 = "byte4",
+ t.Short2 = "short2",
+ t.Short4 = "short4",
+ t.NormalizedShort2 = "normalizedshort2",
+ t.NormalizedShort4 = "normalizedshort4",
+ t.HalfVector2 = "halfvector2",
+ t.HalfVector4 = "halfvector4"
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexElementUsage"),
+ t.POSITION0 = 0,
+ t.COLOR0 = 1,
+ t.NORMAL0 = 3,
+ t.BINORMAL0 = 4,
+ t.TANGENT0 = 5,
+ t.DEPTH0 = 8,
+ t.FOG0 = 9,
+ t.POINTSIZE0 = 10,
+ t.SAMPLE0 = 11,
+ t.COLOR1 = 13,
+ t.VELOCITY0 = 18,
+ t.STARTCOLOR0 = 19,
+ t.STARTSIZE = 20,
+ t.AGEADDSCALE0 = 21,
+ t.ENDCOLOR0 = 23,
+ t.TIME0 = 33,
+ t.RADIUS0 = 28,
+ t.RADIAN0 = 29,
+ t.STARTSPEED = 31,
+ t.RANDOM0 = 34,
+ t.RANDOM1 = 35,
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = e,
+ this._time = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexGlitter");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(24,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector2",2), new Lt(20,"single",33)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , Et = (function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ this._cornerTextureCoordinate = null,
+ this._position = null,
+ this._velocity = null,
+ this._startColor = null,
+ this._endColor = null,
+ this._sizeRotation = null,
+ this._radius = null,
+ this._radian = null,
+ this._ageAddScale = NaN,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ this._cornerTextureCoordinate = t,
+ this._position = e,
+ this._velocity = i,
+ this._startColor = n,
+ this._endColor = a,
+ this._sizeRotation = r,
+ this._radius = s,
+ this._radian = o,
+ this._ageAddScale = l,
+ this._time = h
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexParticle");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "endColor", function() {
+ return this._endColor
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "cornerTextureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._cornerTextureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "sizeRotation", function() {
+ return this._sizeRotation
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "velocity", function() {
+ return this._velocity
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startColor", function() {
+ return this._startColor
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "radius", function() {
+ return this._radius
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "radian", function() {
+ return this._radian
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "ageAddScale", function() {
+ return this._ageAddScale
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(116,[new Lt(0,"vector4",17), new Lt(16,"vector3",0), new Lt(28,"vector3",18), new Lt(40,"vector4",19), new Lt(56,"vector4",23), new Lt(72,"vector3",27), new Lt(84,"vector2",28), new Lt(92,"vector4",29), new Lt(108,"single",24), new Lt(112,"single",33)])
+ }
+ ])
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._position = t
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPosition");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(12,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , Dt = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormal");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(24,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Nt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColor");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(40,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , At = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._blendIndex = n,
+ this._blendWeight = a
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorSkin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(72,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector4",7), new Lt(56,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Bt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._tangent = n,
+ this._blendIndex = a,
+ this._blendWeight = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorSkinSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(88,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector4",7), new Lt(56,"vector4",6), new Lt(72,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , kt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._tangent = n,
+ this._blendIndex = a,
+ this._blendWeight = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorSkinTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(84,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector4",7), new Lt(56,"vector4",6), new Lt(72,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Rt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._tangent = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(56,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Pt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._tangent = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(52,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ot = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(48,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ut = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Texture1");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(56,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector2",15)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Vt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a,
+ this._blendIndex = r,
+ this._blendWeight = s
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Texture1Skin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(88,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector2",15), new Lt(56,"vector4",7), new Lt(72,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ft = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a,
+ this._tangent = r,
+ this._blendIndex = s,
+ this._blendWeight = o
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Texture1SkinSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(104,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector2",15), new Lt(56,"vector4",7), new Lt(72,"vector4",6), new Lt(88,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ht = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Texture1SkinTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ e.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0SkinTangent = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a,
+ this._tangent = r,
+ this._blendIndex = s,
+ this._blendWeight = o
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(100,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector2",15), new Lt(56,"vector4",7), new Lt(72,"vector4",6), new Lt(88,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Gt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a,
+ this._tangent = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Texture1STangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(72,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector2",15), new Lt(56,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , zt = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._tangent = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Texture1Tangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ e.VertexPositionNormalColorTexture0Tangent = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a,
+ this._tangent = r
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(68,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector2",15), new Lt(56,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , jt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate = n,
+ this._blendIndex = a,
+ this._blendWeight = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTextureSkin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(80,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector4",7), new Lt(64,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Wt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate = n,
+ this._tangent = a,
+ this._blendIndex = r,
+ this._blendWeight = s
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTextureSkinSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(96,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector4",7), new Lt(64,"vector4",6), new Lt(80,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Xt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate = n,
+ this._tangent = a,
+ this._blendIndex = r,
+ this._blendWeight = s
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTextureSkinTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(92,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector4",7), new Lt(64,"vector4",6), new Lt(80,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , qt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate = n,
+ this._tangent = a
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTextureSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(64,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Yt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._color = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._color = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate = n,
+ this._tangent = a
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalColorTextureTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "color", function() {
+ return this._color
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(60,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",1), new Lt(40,"vector2",2), new Lt(48,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Jt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._tangent = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(40,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Kt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._tangent = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(36,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Zt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(32,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Qt = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Texture1");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(40,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , $t = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = n,
+ this._blendIndex = a,
+ this._blendWeight = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Texture1Skin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(72,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15), new Lt(40,"vector4",7), new Lt(56,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , te = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = n,
+ this._tangent = a,
+ this._blendIndex = r,
+ this._blendWeight = s
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Texture1SkinSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(88,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15), new Lt(40,"vector4",7), new Lt(56,"vector4",6), new Lt(72,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ee = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Texture1SkinTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ e.VertexPositionNormalTexture0SkinTangent = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = n,
+ this._tangent = a,
+ this._blendIndex = r,
+ this._blendWeight = s
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(84,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15), new Lt(40,"vector4",7), new Lt(56,"vector4",6), new Lt(72,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ie = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = n,
+ this._tangent = a
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Texture1STangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(56,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15), new Lt(40,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ne = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._tangent = null
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Texture1Tangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ e.VertexPositionNormalTexture0Tangent = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = i,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = n,
+ this._tangent = a
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(52,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15), new Lt(40,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ae = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i,
+ this._blendIndex = n,
+ this._blendWeight = a
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTextureSkin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(64,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector4",7), new Lt(48,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , re = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i,
+ this._tangent = n,
+ this._blendIndex = a,
+ this._blendWeight = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTextureSkinSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(80,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector4",7), new Lt(48,"vector4",6), new Lt(64,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , se = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i,
+ this._tangent = n,
+ this._blendIndex = a,
+ this._blendWeight = r
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTextureSkinTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(76,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector4",7), new Lt(48,"vector4",6), new Lt(64,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , oe = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i,
+ this._tangent = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTextureSTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(48,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector4",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , le = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i,
+ this._tangent = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNormalTextureTangent");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(44,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector3",5)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , he = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNTBTexture");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(56,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector3",5), new Lt(36,"vector3",4), new Lt(48,"vector2",2)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ce = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = null,
+ this._blendIndex = null,
+ this._blendWeight = null,
+ this._tangent = null,
+ this.binormal = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = n,
+ this._textureCoordinate1 = a,
+ this._tangent = r,
+ i = i,
+ this._blendIndex = s,
+ this._blendWeight = o
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNTBTexture0Texture1Skin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "tangent", function() {
+ return this._tangent
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendIndex", function() {
+ return this._blendIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "blendWeight", function() {
+ return this._blendWeight
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(96,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector3",5), new Lt(36,"vector3",4), new Lt(48,"vector2",2), new Lt(56,"vector2",15), new Lt(64,"vector4",7), new Lt(80,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , _e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoordinate = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionNTBTextureSkin");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(88,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector3",5), new Lt(36,"vector3",4), new Lt(48,"vector2",2), new Lt(56,"vector4",7), new Lt(72,"vector4",6)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ue = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._normal = null,
+ this._textureCoord0 = null,
+ this._textureCoord1 = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._normal = e,
+ this._textureCoord0 = i,
+ this._textureCoord1 = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionTerrain");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "normal", function() {
+ return this._normal
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoord0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoord0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoord1", function() {
+ return this._textureCoord1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(40,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector3",3), new Lt(24,"vector2",2), new Lt(32,"vector2",15)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , de = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._position = null,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = null,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._textureCoordinate0 = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexPositionTexture0");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "textureCoordinate0", function() {
+ return this._textureCoordinate0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(20,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector2",2)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , fe = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, d) {
+ this._cornerTextureCoordinate = null,
+ this._positionStartLifeTime = null,
+ this._velocity = null,
+ this._startColor = null,
+ this._startSize = null,
+ this._startRotation0 = null,
+ this._startRotation1 = null,
+ this._startRotation2 = null,
+ this._startLifeTime = NaN,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ this._startSpeed = NaN,
+ this._randoms0 = null,
+ this._randoms1 = null,
+ this._simulationWorldPostion = null,
+ this._cornerTextureCoordinate = t,
+ this._positionStartLifeTime = e,
+ this._velocity = i,
+ this._startColor = n,
+ this._startSize = a,
+ this._startRotation0 = r,
+ this._startRotation1 = s,
+ this._startRotation2 = o,
+ this._startLifeTime = l,
+ this._time = h,
+ this._startSpeed = c,
+ this._randoms0 = this.random0,
+ this._randoms1 = this.random1,
+ this._simulationWorldPostion = d
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexShurikenParticleBillboard");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "cornerTextureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._cornerTextureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "random1", function() {
+ return this._randoms1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startRotation2", function() {
+ return this._startRotation2
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "positionStartLifeTime", function() {
+ return this._positionStartLifeTime
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "velocity", function() {
+ return this._velocity
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "random0", function() {
+ return this._randoms0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startSize", function() {
+ return this._startSize
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startColor", function() {
+ return this._startColor
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startRotation0", function() {
+ return this._startRotation0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startRotation1", function() {
+ return this._startRotation1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startLifeTime", function() {
+ return this._startLifeTime
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startSpeed", function() {
+ return this._startSpeed
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "simulationWorldPostion", function() {
+ return this._simulationWorldPostion
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(152,[new Lt(0,"vector4",17), new Lt(16,"vector4",30), new Lt(32,"vector4",32), new Lt(48,"vector4",19), new Lt(64,"vector3",20), new Lt(76,"vector3",22), new Lt(88,"single",31), new Lt(92,"vector4",34), new Lt(108,"vector4",35), new Lt(124,"vector3",36), new Lt(136,"vector4",37)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , pe = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, d) {
+ this._cornerTextureCoordinate = null,
+ this._positionStartLifeTime = null,
+ this._velocity = null,
+ this._startColor = null,
+ this._startSize = null,
+ this._startRotation0 = null,
+ this._startRotation1 = null,
+ this._startRotation2 = null,
+ this._startLifeTime = NaN,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ this._startSpeed = NaN,
+ this._randoms0 = null,
+ this._randoms1 = null,
+ this._simulationWorldPostion = null,
+ this._cornerTextureCoordinate = t,
+ this._positionStartLifeTime = e,
+ this._velocity = i,
+ this._startColor = n,
+ this._startSize = a,
+ this._startRotation0 = r,
+ this._startRotation1 = s,
+ this._startRotation2 = o,
+ this._startLifeTime = l,
+ this._time = h,
+ this._startSpeed = c,
+ this._randoms0 = this.random0,
+ this._randoms1 = this.random1,
+ this._simulationWorldPostion = d
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexShurikenParticleMesh");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.graphics.IVertex": !0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "cornerTextureCoordinate", function() {
+ return this._cornerTextureCoordinate
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "velocity", function() {
+ return this._velocity
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "position", function() {
+ return this._positionStartLifeTime
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "random0", function() {
+ return this._randoms0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startSize", function() {
+ return this._startSize
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startColor", function() {
+ return this._startColor
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startRotation0", function() {
+ return this._startRotation0
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startRotation1", function() {
+ return this._startRotation1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "random1", function() {
+ return this._randoms1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startRotation2", function() {
+ return this._startRotation2
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startLifeTime", function() {
+ return this._startLifeTime
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "startSpeed", function() {
+ return this._startSpeed
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "simulationWorldPostion", function() {
+ return this._simulationWorldPostion
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return t._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(172,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector4",1), new Lt(28,"vector2",2), new Lt(36,"vector4",30), new Lt(52,"vector4",32), new Lt(68,"vector4",19), new Lt(84,"vector3",20), new Lt(96,"vector3",22), new Lt(108,"single",31), new Lt(112,"vector4",34), new Lt(128,"vector4",35), new Lt(144,"vector3",36), new Lt(156,"vector4",37)])
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , me = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._version = null,
+ this._strings = ["BLOCK", "DATA", "STRINGS"],
+ this._materials = null,
+ this._subMeshes = null,
+ this._materialMap = null,
+ this._readData = null,
+ this._mesh = null,
+ this._BLOCK = {
+ count: 0
+ },
+ this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ },
+ this._STRINGS = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ },
+ this._shaderAttributes = null,
+ this._mesh = i,
+ this._materials = n,
+ this._subMeshes = a,
+ this._materialMap = r,
+ this._version = e,
+ this._onLoaded(t)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.loaders.LoadModelV01");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._onLoaded = function(t) {
+ this._readData = t,
+ this.READ_BLOCK();
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._BLOCK.count; e++) {
+ var i = this._readData.getUint16()
+ , n = this._strings[i]
+ , a = this["READ_" + n];
+ if (null == a)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + i + " " + n);
+ if (!a.call(this))
+ break
+ }
+ return this._mesh
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onError = function() {}
+ ,
+ e._readString = function() {
+ return this._strings[this._readData.getUint16()]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ this._readData.getUint16();
+ return this._BLOCK.count = this._readData.getUint16(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_DATA = function() {
+ return this._DATA.offset = this._readData.getUint32(),
+ this._DATA.size = this._readData.getUint32(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ this._STRINGS.offset = this._readData.getUint16(),
+ this._STRINGS.size = this._readData.getUint16();
+ var t = this._readData.pos;
+ this._readData.pos = this._STRINGS.offset + this._DATA.offset;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._STRINGS.size; e++)
+ this._strings[e] = this._readData.readUTFString();
+ return this._readData.pos = t,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_MATERIAL = function() {
+ var t = this._readData.getUint16()
+ , e = (this._readString(),
+ this._readString());
+ return this._materials[t] = "null" !== e ? v.getRes(this._materialMap[e]) : new mi,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_MESH = function() {
+ this._readString();
+ switch (this._version) {
+ case "LAYAMODEL:01":
+ console.log("Warning: The (.lm) file is converted by old fbxTools,please reConverted it use lastest fbxTools version,later we will remove the support of old version (.lm) support.");
+ break;
+ case "LAYASKINANI:01":
+ case "LAYAMODEL:02":
+ var t = this._readData.__getBuffer()
+ , e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , a = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , r = (new Float32Array(t.slice(n + this._DATA.offset, n + this._DATA.offset + a)),
+ this._readData.getUint32())
+ , s = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , o = new Float32Array(t.slice(r + this._DATA.offset, r + this._DATA.offset + s));
+ for (this.mesh._inverseBindPoses = [],
+ e = 0,
+ i = o.length; e < i; e += 16) {
+ var l = new Me(o[e + 0],o[e + 1],o[e + 2],o[e + 3],o[e + 4],o[e + 5],o[e + 6],o[e + 7],o[e + 8],o[e + 9],o[e + 10],o[e + 11],o[e + 12],o[e + 13],o[e + 14],o[e + 15]);
+ this.mesh._inverseBindPoses.push(l)
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("LoadModel:unknown version.")
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_SUBMESH = function() {
+ this._readString(),
+ this._readData.getUint8();
+ var e = this._readString();
+ this._shaderAttributes = e.match(t._attrReg);
+ var i = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , n = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , a = (this._readData.getUint32(),
+ this._readData.getUint32(),
+ this._readData.getUint32())
+ , r = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , s = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , o = this._readData.getUint32()
+ , l = this._readData.__getBuffer()
+ , h = new Oe(this._mesh)
+ , c = this._getVertexDeclaration()
+ , _ = Yi.create(c, r / c.vertexStride, 35044, !0)
+ , u = a + this._DATA.offset
+ , d = l.slice(u, u + r);
+ _.setData(new Float32Array(d)),
+ h._vertexBuffer = _;
+ for (var f = _.vertexDeclaration.getVertexElements(), p = 0; p < f.length; p++)
+ h._bufferUsage[f[p].elementUsage] = _;
+ var m = qi.create("ushort", n / 2, 35044, !0)
+ , g = i + this._DATA.offset
+ , y = l.slice(g, g + n);
+ m.setData(new Uint16Array(y)),
+ h._indexBuffer = m;
+ var v = l.slice(s + this._DATA.offset, s + this._DATA.offset + o);
+ return h._boneIndicesList[0] = new Uint8Array(v),
+ this._subMeshes.push(h),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.READ_DATAAREA = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getVertexDeclaration = function() {
+ for (var t = !1, e = !1, i = !1, n = !1, a = !1, r = !1, s = !1, o = !1, l = !1, h = 0; h < this._shaderAttributes.length; h += 8)
+ switch (this._shaderAttributes[h]) {
+ case "POSITION":
+ t = !0;
+ break;
+ case "NORMAL":
+ e = !0;
+ break;
+ case "COLOR":
+ i = !0;
+ break;
+ case "UV":
+ n = !0;
+ break;
+ case "UV1":
+ a = !0;
+ break;
+ s = !0;
+ break;
+ o = !0;
+ break;
+ case "TANGENT":
+ r = !0;
+ break;
+ case "BINORMAL":
+ l = !0
+ }
+ var c;
+ return t && e && i && n && a && s && o && r ? c = Ht.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n && a && s && o ? c = Vt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && a && s && o && r ? c = ee.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && a && s && o ? c = $t.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n && s && o && r ? c = Xt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n && s && o ? c = jt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && r && l && n && s && o ? c = _e.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && s && o && r ? c = se.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && s && o ? c = ae.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && s && o && r ? c = kt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && s && o ? c = At.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n && a && r ? c = zt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n && a ? c = Ut.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && a && r ? c = ne.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && a ? c = Qt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n && r ? c = Yt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && r && l ? c = he.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && n ? c = Ot.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n && r ? c = le.vertexDeclaration : t && e && n ? c = Zt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && r ? c = Pt.vertexDeclaration : t && e && i && (c = Nt.vertexDeclaration),
+ c
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "mesh", function() {
+ return this._mesh
+ }),
+ t._attrReg = new RegExp("(\\w+)|([:,;])","g"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ge = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.loaders.LoadModelV02"),
+ t.parse = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ t._mesh = n,
+ t._materials = a,
+ t._subMeshes = r,
+ t._materialMap = s,
+ t._version = i,
+ t._readData = e,
+ t.READ_DATA(),
+ for (var o = 0, l = t._BLOCK.count; o < l; o++) {
+ t._readData.pos = t._BLOCK.blockStarts[o];
+ var h = t._readData.getUint16()
+ , c = t._strings[h]
+ , _ = t["READ_" + c];
+ if (null == _)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + h + " " + c);
+ _.call()
+ }
+ t._strings.length = 0,
+ t._readData = null,
+ t._version = null,
+ t._mesh = null,
+ t._materials = null,
+ t._subMeshes = null,
+ t._materialMap = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._readString = function() {
+ return t._strings[t._readData.getUint16()]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_DATA = function() {
+ t._DATA.offset = t._readData.getUint32(),
+ t._DATA.size = t._readData.getUint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ for (var e = t._BLOCK.count = t._readData.getUint16(), i = t._BLOCK.blockStarts = [], n = t._BLOCK.blockLengths = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i.push(t._readData.getUint32()),
+ n.push(t._readData.getUint32())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ var e = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , i = t._readData.getUint16()
+ , n = t._readData.pos;
+ t._readData.pos = e + t._DATA.offset;
+ for (var a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ t._strings[a] = t._readData.readUTFString();
+ t._readData.pos = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_MATERIAL = function() {
+ t._readString(),
+ t._readString();
+ var e = t._readString();
+ return "" !== e && t._materials.push(v.getRes(t._materialMap[e])),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_MESH = function() {
+ t._readString();
+ var e = t._readData.__getBuffer()
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = t._readData.getInt16()
+ , r = t._DATA.offset;
+ for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {
+ var s = r + t._readData.getUint32()
+ , o = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , l = new Float32Array(e.slice(s, s + o))
+ , h = t._readString().match(t._attrReg)
+ , c = t._getVertexDeclaration(h)
+ , _ = Yi.create(c, 4 * l.length / c.vertexStride, 35044, !0);
+ _.setData(l),
+ t._mesh._vertexBuffers.push(_)
+ }
+ var u = r + t._readData.getUint32()
+ , d = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , f = new Uint16Array(e.slice(u, u + d))
+ , p = qi.create("ushort", d / 2, 35044, !0);
+ p.setData(f),
+ t._mesh._indexBuffer = p;
+ var m = t._mesh._boneNames = []
+ , g = t._readData.getUint16();
+ for (m.length = g,
+ i = 0; i < g; i++)
+ m[i] = t._strings[t._readData.getUint16()];
+ var y = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , v = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , b = (new Float32Array(e.slice(r + y, r + y + v)),
+ t._readData.getUint32())
+ , w = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , x = new Float32Array(e.slice(r + b, r + b + w));
+ for (t._mesh._inverseBindPoses = [],
+ i = 0,
+ n = x.length; i < n; i += 16) {
+ var I = new Me(x[i + 0],x[i + 1],x[i + 2],x[i + 3],x[i + 4],x[i + 5],x[i + 6],x[i + 7],x[i + 8],x[i + 9],x[i + 10],x[i + 11],x[i + 12],x[i + 13],x[i + 14],x[i + 15]);
+ t._mesh._inverseBindPoses.push(I)
+ }
+ return t._mesh._skinnedDatas = new Float32Array(16 * x.length),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_SUBMESH = function() {
+ var e = t._readData.__getBuffer()
+ , i = new Oe(t._mesh)
+ , n = t._readData.getInt16()
+ , a = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , r = t._readData.getUint32();
+ i._vertexBuffer = t._mesh._vertexBuffers[n],
+ i._vertexStart = a,
+ i._vertexCount = r;
+ var s = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , o = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , l = t._mesh._indexBuffer;
+ i._indexBuffer = l,
+ i._indexStart = s,
+ i._indexCount = o,
+ i._indices = new Uint16Array(l.getData().buffer,2 * s,o);
+ var h = t._DATA.offset
+ , c = i._subIndexBufferStart
+ , _ = i._subIndexBufferCount
+ , u = i._boneIndicesList
+ , d = t._readData.getUint16();
+ c.length = d,
+ _.length = d,
+ u.length = d;
+ for (var f = 0; f < d; f++) {
+ c[f] = t._readData.getUint32(),
+ _[f] = t._readData.getUint32();
+ var p = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , m = t._readData.getUint32();
+ i._boneIndicesList[f] = new Uint8Array(e.slice(h + p, h + p + m))
+ }
+ return t._subMeshes.push(i),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getVertexDeclaration = function(t) {
+ for (var e = !1, i = !1, n = !1, a = !1, r = !1, s = !1, o = !1, l = !1, h = !1, c = 0; c < t.length; c++)
+ switch (t[c]) {
+ case "POSITION":
+ e = !0;
+ break;
+ case "NORMAL":
+ i = !0;
+ break;
+ case "COLOR":
+ n = !0;
+ break;
+ case "UV":
+ a = !0;
+ break;
+ case "UV1":
+ r = !0;
+ break;
+ o = !0;
+ break;
+ l = !0;
+ break;
+ case "TANGENT":
+ s = !0;
+ break;
+ case "BINORMAL":
+ h = !0
+ }
+ var _;
+ return e && i && n && a && r && o && l && s ? _ = Ht.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a && r && o && l ? _ = Vt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && r && o && l && s ? _ = ee.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && r && o && l ? _ = $t.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a && o && l && s ? _ = Xt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a && o && l ? _ = jt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && o && l && s ? _ = se.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && o && l ? _ = ae.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && o && l && s ? _ = kt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && o && l ? _ = At.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a && r && s ? _ = zt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a && r ? _ = Ut.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && r && s ? _ = ne.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && r ? _ = Qt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a && s ? _ = Yt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && s && h ? _ = he.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && a ? _ = Ot.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a && s ? _ = le.vertexDeclaration : e && i && a ? _ = Zt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && s ? _ = Pt.vertexDeclaration : e && i && n && (_ = Nt.vertexDeclaration),
+ _
+ }
+ ,
+ t._attrReg = new RegExp("(\\w+)|([:,;])","g"),
+ t._strings = [],
+ t._readData = null,
+ t._version = null,
+ t._mesh = null,
+ t._materials = null,
+ t._subMeshes = null,
+ t._materialMap = null,
+ n(t, ["_BLOCK", function() {
+ return this._BLOCK = {
+ count: 0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_DATA", function() {
+ return this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ye = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.loaders.LoadModelV03"),
+ t.parse = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ t._mesh = n,
+ t._subMeshes = a,
+ t._materialMap = r,
+ t._version = i,
+ t._readData = e,
+ t.READ_DATA(),
+ for (var s = 0, o = t._BLOCK.count; s < o; s++) {
+ t._readData.pos = t._BLOCK.blockStarts[s];
+ var l = t._readData.getUint16()
+ , h = t._strings[l]
+ , c = t["READ_" + h];
+ if (null == c)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + l + " " + h);
+ c.call()
+ }
+ t._strings.length = 0,
+ t._readData = null,
+ t._version = null,
+ t._mesh = null,
+ t._subMeshes = null,
+ t._materialMap = null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._readString = function() {
+ return t._strings[t._readData.getUint16()]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_DATA = function() {
+ t._DATA.offset = t._readData.getUint32(),
+ t._DATA.size = t._readData.getUint32()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ for (var e = t._BLOCK.count = t._readData.getUint16(), i = t._BLOCK.blockStarts = [], n = t._BLOCK.blockLengths = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i.push(t._readData.getUint32()),
+ n.push(t._readData.getUint32())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ var e = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , i = t._readData.getUint16()
+ , n = t._readData.pos;
+ t._readData.pos = e + t._DATA.offset;
+ for (var a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ t._strings[a] = t._readData.readUTFString();
+ t._readData.pos = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_MESH = function() {
+ t._readString();
+ var e = t._readData.__getBuffer()
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = t._readData.getInt16()
+ , r = t._DATA.offset;
+ for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {
+ var s, o = r + t._readData.getUint32(), l = t._readData.getUint32(), h = new Float32Array(e.slice(o, o + l)), c = t._readString();
+ switch (t._version) {
+ case "LAYAMODEL:03":
+ s = t._vertexDeclarationMap_Discard[c];
+ break;
+ case "LAYAMODEL:0301":
+ s = t._vertexDeclarationMap[c];
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("LoadModelV03: unknown version.")
+ }
+ if (!s)
+ throw new Error("LoadModelV03: unknown vertexDeclaration.");
+ var _ = Yi.create(s, 4 * h.length / s.vertexStride, 35044, !0);
+ _.setData(h),
+ t._mesh._vertexBuffers.push(_)
+ }
+ var u = r + t._readData.getUint32()
+ , d = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , f = new Uint16Array(e.slice(u, u + d))
+ , p = qi.create("ushort", d / 2, 35044, !0);
+ p.setData(f),
+ t._mesh._indexBuffer = p;
+ var m = t._mesh._boneNames = []
+ , g = t._readData.getUint16();
+ for (m.length = g,
+ i = 0; i < g; i++)
+ m[i] = t._strings[t._readData.getUint16()];
+ t._readData.pos += 8;
+ var y = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , v = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , b = new Float32Array(e.slice(r + y, r + y + v));
+ for (t._mesh._inverseBindPoses = [],
+ i = 0,
+ n = b.length; i < n; i += 16) {
+ var w = new Me(b[i + 0],b[i + 1],b[i + 2],b[i + 3],b[i + 4],b[i + 5],b[i + 6],b[i + 7],b[i + 8],b[i + 9],b[i + 10],b[i + 11],b[i + 12],b[i + 13],b[i + 14],b[i + 15]);
+ t._mesh._inverseBindPoses.push(w)
+ }
+ return t._mesh._skinnedDatas = new Float32Array(16 * b.length),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_SUBMESH = function() {
+ var e = t._readData.__getBuffer()
+ , i = new Oe(t._mesh)
+ , n = t._readData.getInt16()
+ , a = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , r = t._readData.getUint32();
+ i._vertexBuffer = t._mesh._vertexBuffers[n],
+ i._vertexStart = a,
+ i._vertexCount = r;
+ var s = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , o = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , l = t._mesh._indexBuffer;
+ i._indexBuffer = l,
+ i._indexStart = s,
+ i._indexCount = o,
+ i._indices = new Uint16Array(l.getData().buffer,2 * s,o);
+ var h = t._DATA.offset
+ , c = i._subIndexBufferStart
+ , _ = i._subIndexBufferCount
+ , u = i._boneIndicesList
+ , d = t._readData.getUint16();
+ c.length = d,
+ _.length = d,
+ u.length = d;
+ for (var f = 0; f < d; f++) {
+ c[f] = t._readData.getUint32(),
+ _[f] = t._readData.getUint32();
+ var p = t._readData.getUint32()
+ , m = t._readData.getUint32();
+ u[f] = new Uint8Array(e.slice(h + p, h + p + m))
+ }
+ return t._subMeshes.push(i),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._strings = [],
+ t._readData = null,
+ t._version = null,
+ t._mesh = null,
+ t._subMeshes = null,
+ t._materialMap = null,
+ n(t, ["_vertexDeclarationMap_Discard", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclarationMap_Discard = {
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,UV,UV1,TANGENT": zt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,UV,UV1": Ut.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV,UV1,TANGENT": ne.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV,UV1": Qt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,UV": Ot.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV,TANGENT": le.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV": Zt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,TANGENT": Pt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR": Nt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,TANGENT": Kt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL": Dt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,UV": de.vertexDeclaration,
+ POSITION: Et.vertexDeclaration
+ }
+ }
+ , "_vertexDeclarationMap", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclarationMap = {
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,UV,UV1": Ut.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV,UV1,TANGENT": ie.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV,UV1": Qt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,UV,TANGENT": qt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,UV": Ot.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV,TANGENT": oe.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,UV": Zt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR,TANGENT": Rt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,COLOR": Nt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL,TANGENT": Jt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,NORMAL": Dt.vertexDeclaration,
+ "POSITION,UV": de.vertexDeclaration,
+ POSITION: Et.vertexDeclaration
+ }
+ }
+ , "_BLOCK", function() {
+ return this._BLOCK = {
+ count: 0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_DATA", function() {
+ return this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ve = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.loaders.MeshReader"),
+ t.read = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = new f(e);
+ s.pos = 0;
+ var o = s.readUTFString();
+ switch (o) {
+ case "LAYAMODEL:01":
+ case "LAYASKINANI:01":
+ t._readVersion01(s, o, i, n, a, r);
+ break;
+ case "LAYAMODEL:02":
+ ge.parse(s, o, i, n, a, r);
+ break;
+ case "LAYAMODEL:03":
+ case "LAYAMODEL:0301":
+ ye.parse(s, o, i, a, r);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("MeshReader: unknown mesh version.")
+ }
+ i._setSubMeshes(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._readVersion01 = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ new me(t,e,i,n,a,r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , be = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.min = null,
+ this.max = null,
+ this.min = t,
+ this.max = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.BoundBox");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.getCorners = function(t) {
+ t.length = 8;
+ var e = this.min.elements
+ , i = this.max.elements
+ , n = e[0]
+ , a = e[1]
+ , r = e[2]
+ , s = i[0]
+ , o = i[1]
+ , l = i[2];
+ t[0] = new Be(n,o,l),
+ t[1] = new Be(s,o,l),
+ t[2] = new Be(s,a,l),
+ t[3] = new Be(n,a,l),
+ t[4] = new Be(n,o,r),
+ t[5] = new Be(s,o,r),
+ t[6] = new Be(s,a,r),
+ t[7] = new Be(n,a,r)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toDefault = function() {
+ this.min.toDefault(),
+ this.max.toDefault()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this.min.cloneTo(e.min),
+ this.max.cloneTo(e.max)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor(new Be,new Be);
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createfromPoints = function(t, e) {
+ if (null == t)
+ throw new Error("points");
+ var i = e.min
+ , n = e.max
+ , a = i.elements;
+ a[0] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ a[1] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ a[2] = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var r = n.elements;
+ r[0] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ r[1] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ r[2] = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ for (var s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; ++s)
+ Be.min(i, t[s], i),
+ Be.max(n, t[s], n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.merge = function(t, e, i) {
+ Be.min(t.min, e.min, i.min),
+ Be.max(t.max, e.max, i.max)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , we = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this._matrix = null,
+ this._near = null,
+ this._far = null,
+ this._left = null,
+ this._right = null,
+ this._top = null,
+ this._bottom = null,
+ this._matrix = e,
+ this._near = new Te(new Be),
+ this._far = new Te(new Be),
+ this._left = new Te(new Be),
+ this._right = new Te(new Be),
+ this._top = new Te(new Be),
+ this._bottom = new Te(new Be),
+ t._getPlanesFromMatrix(this._matrix, this._near, this._far, this._left, this._right, this._top, this._bottom)
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.BoundFrustum");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.equalsBoundFrustum = function(t) {
+ return this._matrix.equalsOtherMatrix(t.matrix)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.equalsObj = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof laya.d3.math.BoundFrustum) {
+ var e = t;
+ return this.equalsBoundFrustum(e)
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getPlane = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ return this._near;
+ case 1:
+ return this._far;
+ case 2:
+ return this._left;
+ case 3:
+ return this._right;
+ case 4:
+ return this._top;
+ case 5:
+ return this._bottom;
+ default:
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCorners = function(e) {
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._near, this._bottom, this._right).cloneTo(e[0]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._near, this._top, this._right).cloneTo(e[1]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._near, this._top, this._left).cloneTo(e[2]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._near, this._bottom, this._left).cloneTo(e[3]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._far, this._bottom, this._right).cloneTo(e[4]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._far, this._top, this._right).cloneTo(e[5]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._far, this._top, this._left).cloneTo(e[6]),
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint(this._far, this._bottom, this._left).cloneTo(e[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsPoint = function(t) {
+ for (var e = Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front, i = Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front, n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
+ switch (n) {
+ case 0:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(this._near, t);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(this._far, t);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(this._left, t);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(this._right, t);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(this._top, t);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(this._bottom, t)
+ }
+ switch (i) {
+ case Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back:
+ return 0;
+ case Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting:
+ e = Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting
+ }
+ }
+ switch (e) {
+ case Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting:
+ return 2;
+ default:
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsBoundBox = function(e) {
+ for (var i, n = t._tempV30, a = t._tempV31, r = 1, s = 0; s < 6; s++) {
+ if (i = this.getPlane(s),
+ this._getBoxToPlanePVertexNVertex(e, i.normal, n, a),
+ Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(i, n) === Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back)
+ return 0;
+ Ie.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(i, a) === Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back && (r = 2)
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsBoundSphere = function(t) {
+ for (var e = Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front, i = Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front, n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
+ switch (n) {
+ case 0:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndSphere(this._near, t);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndSphere(this._far, t);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndSphere(this._left, t);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndSphere(this._right, t);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndSphere(this._top, t);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ i = Ie.intersectsPlaneAndSphere(this._bottom, t)
+ }
+ switch (i) {
+ case Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back:
+ return 0;
+ case Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting:
+ e = Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting
+ }
+ }
+ switch (e) {
+ case Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting:
+ return 2;
+ default:
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getBoxToPlanePVertexNVertex = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.min
+ , r = a.elements
+ , s = t.max
+ , o = s.elements
+ , l = e.elements
+ , h = l[0]
+ , c = l[1]
+ , _ = l[2];
+ a.cloneTo(i);
+ var u = i.elements;
+ h >= 0 && (u[0] = o[0]),
+ c >= 0 && (u[1] = o[1]),
+ _ >= 0 && (u[2] = o[2]),
+ s.cloneTo(n);
+ var d = n.elements;
+ h >= 0 && (d[0] = r[0]),
+ c >= 0 && (d[1] = r[1]),
+ _ >= 0 && (d[2] = r[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "top", function() {
+ return this._top
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "matrix", function() {
+ return this._matrix
+ }, function(e) {
+ this._matrix = e,
+ t._getPlanesFromMatrix(this._matrix, this._near, this._far, this._left, this._right, this._top, this._bottom)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "near", function() {
+ return this._near
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "far", function() {
+ return this._far
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "left", function() {
+ return this._left
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "right", function() {
+ return this._right
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "bottom", function() {
+ return this._bottom
+ }),
+ t._getPlanesFromMatrix = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t.elements
+ , l = o[0]
+ , h = o[1]
+ , c = o[2]
+ , _ = o[3]
+ , u = o[4]
+ , d = o[5]
+ , f = o[6]
+ , p = o[7]
+ , m = o[8]
+ , g = o[9]
+ , y = o[10]
+ , v = o[11]
+ , b = o[12]
+ , w = o[13]
+ , x = o[14]
+ , I = o[15]
+ , C = e.normal.elements;
+ C[0] = _ + c,
+ C[1] = p + f,
+ C[2] = v + y,
+ e.distance = I + x,
+ e.normalize();
+ var S = i.normal.elements;
+ S[0] = _ - c,
+ S[1] = p - f,
+ S[2] = v - y,
+ i.distance = I - x,
+ i.normalize();
+ var M = n.normal.elements;
+ M[0] = _ + l,
+ M[1] = p + u,
+ M[2] = v + m,
+ n.distance = I + b,
+ n.normalize();
+ var L = a.normal.elements;
+ L[0] = _ - l,
+ L[1] = p - u,
+ L[2] = v - m,
+ a.distance = I - b,
+ a.normalize();
+ var T = r.normal.elements;
+ T[0] = _ - h,
+ T[1] = p - d,
+ T[2] = v - g,
+ r.distance = I - w,
+ r.normalize();
+ var E = s.normal.elements;
+ E[0] = _ + h,
+ E[1] = p + d,
+ E[2] = v + g,
+ s.distance = I + w,
+ s.normalize()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._get3PlaneInterPoint = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.normal
+ , r = i.normal
+ , s = n.normal;
+ Be.cross(r, s, t._tempV30),
+ Be.cross(s, a, t._tempV31),
+ Be.cross(a, r, t._tempV32);
+ var o = Be.dot(a, t._tempV30)
+ , l = Be.dot(r, t._tempV31)
+ , h = Be.dot(s, t._tempV32);
+ Be.scale(t._tempV30, -e.distance / o, t._tempV33),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV31, -i.distance / l, t._tempV34),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV32, -n.distance / h, t._tempV35),
+ Be.add(t._tempV33, t._tempV34, t._tempV36),
+ Be.add(t._tempV35, t._tempV36, t._tempV37);
+ return t._tempV37
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempV30", function() {
+ return this._tempV30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV31", function() {
+ return this._tempV31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV32", function() {
+ return this._tempV32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV33", function() {
+ return this._tempV33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV34", function() {
+ return this._tempV34 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV35", function() {
+ return this._tempV35 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV36", function() {
+ return this._tempV36 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV37", function() {
+ return this._tempV37 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , xe = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.center = null,
+ this.radius = NaN,
+ this.center = t,
+ this.radius = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.BoundSphere");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.toDefault = function() {
+ this.center.toDefault(),
+ this.radius = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.intersectsRayDistance = function(t) {
+ return Ie.intersectsRayAndSphereRD(t, this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.intersectsRayPoint = function(t, e) {
+ return Ie.intersectsRayAndSphereRP(t, this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this.center.cloneTo(e.center),
+ e.radius = this.radius
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor(new Be,new Be);
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromSubPoints = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if (null == e)
+ throw new Error("points");
+ if (i < 0 || i >= e.length)
+ throw new Error("start" + i + "Must be in the range [0, " + (e.length - 1) + "]");
+ if (n < 0 || i + n > e.length)
+ throw new Error("count" + n + "Must be in the range <= " + e.length + "}");
+ var r = i + n
+ , s = t._tempVector3;
+ s.elements[0] = 0,
+ s.elements[1] = 0,
+ s.elements[2] = 0;
+ for (var o = i; o < r; ++o)
+ Be.add(e[o], s, s);
+ var l = a.center;
+ Be.scale(s, 1 / n, l);
+ var h = 0;
+ for (o = i; o < r; ++o) {
+ var c = Be.distanceSquared(l, e[o]);
+ c > h && (h = c)
+ }
+ a.radius = Math.sqrt(h)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createfromPoints = function(e, i) {
+ if (null == e)
+ throw new Error("points");
+ t.createFromSubPoints(e, 0, e.length, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempVector3", function() {
+ return this._tempVector3 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ie = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.math.Collision"),
+ t.distancePlaneToPoint = function(t, e) {
+ return Be.dot(t.normal, e) - t.distance
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distanceBoxToPoint = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.min.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = t.max.elements
+ , o = s[0]
+ , l = s[1]
+ , h = s[2]
+ , c = e.elements
+ , _ = c[0]
+ , u = c[1]
+ , d = c[2]
+ , f = 0;
+ return _ < n && (f += (n - _) * (n - _)),
+ _ > o && (f += (o - _) * (o - _)),
+ u < a && (f += (a - u) * (a - u)),
+ u > l && (f += (l - u) * (l - u)),
+ d < r && (f += (r - d) * (r - d)),
+ d > h && (f += (h - d) * (h - d)),
+ Math.sqrt(f)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distanceBoxToBox = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.min.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = t.max.elements
+ , o = s[0]
+ , l = s[1]
+ , h = s[2]
+ , c = e.min.elements
+ , _ = c[0]
+ , u = c[1]
+ , d = c[2]
+ , f = e.max.elements
+ , p = f[0]
+ , m = f[1]
+ , g = f[2]
+ , y = 0
+ , v = NaN;
+ return n > p ? y += (v = n - p) * v : _ > o && (y += (v = _ - o) * v),
+ a > m ? y += (v = a - m) * v : u > l && (y += (v = u - l) * v),
+ r > g ? y += (v = r - g) * v : d > h && (y += (v = d - h) * v),
+ Math.sqrt(y)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distanceSphereToPoint = function(t, e) {
+ var i = Math.sqrt(Be.distanceSquared(t.center, e));
+ return i -= t.radius,
+ Math.max(i, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distanceSphereToSphere = function(t, e) {
+ var i = Math.sqrt(Be.distanceSquared(t.center, e.center));
+ return i -= t.radius + e.radius,
+ Math.max(i, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndTriangleRD = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = e.origin.elements
+ , o = s[0]
+ , l = s[1]
+ , h = s[2]
+ , c = e.direction.elements
+ , _ = c[0]
+ , u = c[1]
+ , d = c[2]
+ , f = i.elements
+ , p = f[0]
+ , m = f[1]
+ , g = f[2]
+ , y = n.elements
+ , v = y[0]
+ , b = y[1]
+ , w = y[2]
+ , x = a.elements
+ , I = x[0]
+ , C = x[1]
+ , S = x[2]
+ , M = t._tempV30.elements
+ , L = M[0]
+ , T = M[1]
+ , E = M[2];
+ L = v - p,
+ T = b - m,
+ E = w - g;
+ var D = t._tempV31.elements
+ , N = D[0]
+ , A = D[1]
+ , B = D[2];
+ N = I - p,
+ A = C - m,
+ B = S - g;
+ var k = t._tempV32.elements
+ , R = k[0]
+ , P = k[1]
+ , O = k[2]
+ , U = L * (R = u * B - d * A) + T * (P = d * N - _ * B) + E * (O = _ * A - u * N);
+ if (Ce.isZero(U))
+ return 0,
+ !1;
+ var V = 1 / U
+ , F = t._tempV33.elements
+ , H = F[0]
+ , G = F[1]
+ , z = F[2]
+ , j = (H = o - p) * R + (G = l - m) * P + (z = h - g) * O;
+ if ((j *= V) < 0 || j > 1)
+ return 0,
+ !1;
+ var W = t._tempV34.elements
+ , X = W[0]
+ , q = W[1]
+ , Y = W[2]
+ , J = _ * (X = G * E - z * T) + u * (q = z * L - H * E) + d * (Y = H * T - G * L);
+ if ((J *= V) < 0 || j + J > 1)
+ return 0,
+ !1;
+ var K = N * X + A * q + B * Y;
+ return (K *= V) < 0 ? (0,
+ !1) : (K,
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndTriangleRP = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ return t.intersectsRayAndTriangleRD(e, i, n, a, NaN) ? (Be.scale(e.direction, NaN, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(e.origin, t._tempV30, r),
+ !0) : (r = Be.ZERO,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndPoint = function(e, i) {
+ Be.subtract(e.origin, i, t._tempV30);
+ var n = Be.dot(t._tempV30, e.direction)
+ , a = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._tempV30) - Ce.zeroTolerance;
+ if (a > 0 && n > 0)
+ return !1;
+ return !(n * n - a < 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndRay = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.origin
+ , r = a.elements
+ , s = r[0]
+ , o = r[1]
+ , l = r[2]
+ , h = e.direction
+ , c = h.elements
+ , _ = c[0]
+ , u = c[1]
+ , d = c[2]
+ , f = i.origin
+ , p = f.elements
+ , m = p[0]
+ , g = p[1]
+ , y = p[2]
+ , v = i.direction
+ , b = v.elements
+ , w = b[0]
+ , x = b[1]
+ , I = b[2];
+ Be.cross(h, v, t._tempV30);
+ var C = t._tempV30.elements
+ , S = Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30);
+ if (Ce.isZero(S) && Ce.nearEqual(m, s) && Ce.nearEqual(g, o) && Ce.nearEqual(y, l))
+ return Be.ZERO.cloneTo(n),
+ !0;
+ var M = m - s
+ , L = g - o
+ , T = y - l
+ , E = w
+ , D = x
+ , N = I
+ , A = C[0]
+ , B = C[1]
+ , k = C[2]
+ , R = (M * D * k + L * N * A + T * E * B - M * N * B - L * E * k - T * D * A) / S
+ , P = (M * (D = u) * k + L * (N = d) * A + T * (E = _) * B - M * N * B - L * E * k - T * D * A) / S;
+ Be.scale(h, R, t._tempV30),
+ Be.scale(v, P, t._tempV31),
+ Be.add(a, t._tempV30, t._tempV32),
+ Be.add(f, t._tempV31, t._tempV33);
+ var O = t._tempV32.elements
+ , U = t._tempV33.elements;
+ return Ce.nearEqual(U[0], O[0]) && Ce.nearEqual(U[1], O[1]) && Ce.nearEqual(U[2], O[2]) ? (t._tempV32.cloneTo(n),
+ !0) : (Be.ZERO.cloneTo(n),
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPlaneAndTriangle = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(e, i)
+ , s = t.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(e, n)
+ , o = t.intersectsPlaneAndPoint(e, a);
+ return r == Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front && s == Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front && o == Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front : r == Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back && s == Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back && o == Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back : Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndPlaneRD = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e.normal
+ , a = Be.dot(n, t.direction);
+ if (Ce.isZero(a))
+ return 0,
+ !1;
+ var r = Be.dot(n, t.origin);
+ return !((-e.distance - r) / a < 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndPlaneRP = function(e, i, n) {
+ return t.intersectsRayAndPlaneRD(e, i, NaN) ? (Be.scale(e.direction, NaN, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(e.origin, t._tempV30, t._tempV31),
+ t._tempV31,
+ !0) : (Be.ZERO,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndBoxRD = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.origin.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = t.direction.elements
+ , o = s[0]
+ , l = s[1]
+ , h = s[2]
+ , c = e.min.elements
+ , _ = c[0]
+ , u = c[1]
+ , d = c[2]
+ , f = e.max.elements
+ , p = f[0]
+ , m = f[1]
+ , g = f[2]
+ , y = 0
+ , v = Ce.MaxValue;
+ if (Ce.isZero(o)) {
+ if (n < _ || n > p)
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ var b = 1 / o
+ , w = (_ - n) * b
+ , x = (p - n) * b;
+ if (w > x) {
+ var I = w;
+ w = x,
+ x = I
+ }
+ if (y = Math.max(w, y),
+ v = Math.min(x, v),
+ y > v)
+ return -1
+ }
+ if (Ce.isZero(l)) {
+ if (a < u || a > m)
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ var C = 1 / l
+ , S = (u - a) * C
+ , M = (m - a) * C;
+ if (S > M) {
+ var L = S;
+ S = M,
+ M = L
+ }
+ if (y = Math.max(S, y),
+ v = Math.min(M, v),
+ y > v)
+ return -1
+ }
+ if (Ce.isZero(h)) {
+ if (r < d || r > g)
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ var T = 1 / h
+ , E = (d - r) * T
+ , D = (g - r) * T;
+ if (E > D) {
+ var N = E;
+ E = D,
+ D = N
+ }
+ if (y = Math.max(E, y),
+ v = Math.min(D, v),
+ y > v)
+ return -1
+ }
+ return y
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndBoxRP = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.intersectsRayAndBoxRD(e, i);
+ return -1 === a ? (Be.ZERO.cloneTo(n),
+ a) : (Be.scale(e.direction, a, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(e.origin, t._tempV30, t._tempV31),
+ t._tempV31.cloneTo(n),
+ a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndSphereRD = function(e, i) {
+ var n = i.radius;
+ Be.subtract(e.origin, i.center, t._tempV30);
+ var a = Be.dot(t._tempV30, e.direction)
+ , r = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._tempV30) - n * n;
+ if (r > 0 && a > 0)
+ return -1;
+ var s = a * a - r;
+ if (s < 0)
+ return -1;
+ var o = -a - Math.sqrt(s);
+ return o < 0 && (o = 0),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsRayAndSphereRP = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.intersectsRayAndSphereRD(e, i);
+ return -1 === a ? (Be.ZERO.cloneTo(n),
+ a) : (Be.scale(e.direction, a, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(e.origin, t._tempV30, t._tempV31),
+ t._tempV31.cloneTo(n),
+ a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsSphereAndTriangle = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e.center
+ , s = e.radius;
+ t.closestPointPointTriangle(r, i, n, a, t._tempV30),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, r, t._tempV31);
+ return Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV31) <= s * s
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPlaneAndPoint = function(t, e) {
+ var i = Be.dot(t.normal, e) + t.distance;
+ return i > 0 ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front : i < 0 ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back : Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPlaneAndPlane = function(e, i) {
+ Be.cross(e.normal, i.normal, t._tempV30);
+ var n = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._tempV30);
+ return !Ce.isZero(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPlaneAndPlaneRL = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.normal
+ , r = i.normal;
+ Be.cross(a, r, t._tempV34);
+ var s = Be.dot(t._tempV34, t._tempV34);
+ return !Ce.isZero(s) && (Be.scale(r, e.distance, t._tempV30),
+ Be.scale(a, i.distance, t._tempV31),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV32),
+ Be.cross(t._tempV32, t._tempV34, t._tempV33),
+ Be.normalize(t._tempV34, t._tempV34),
+ new Ne(t._tempV33,t._tempV34),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPlaneAndBox = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e.distance
+ , a = e.normal
+ , r = a.elements
+ , s = r[0]
+ , o = r[1]
+ , l = r[2]
+ , h = i.min.elements
+ , c = h[0]
+ , _ = h[1]
+ , u = h[2]
+ , d = i.max.elements
+ , f = d[0]
+ , p = d[1]
+ , m = d[2];
+ t._tempV30.elements[0] = s > 0 ? c : f,
+ t._tempV30.elements[1] = o > 0 ? _ : p,
+ t._tempV30.elements[2] = l > 0 ? u : m,
+ t._tempV31.elements[0] = s > 0 ? f : c,
+ t._tempV31.elements[1] = o > 0 ? p : _,
+ t._tempV31.elements[2] = l > 0 ? m : u;
+ var g = Be.dot(a, t._tempV30);
+ return g + n > 0 ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front : (g = Be.dot(a, t._tempV31)) + n < 0 ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back : Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsPlaneAndSphere = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.radius
+ , n = Be.dot(t.normal, e.center) + t.distance;
+ return n > i ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Front : n < -i ? Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Back : Te.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsBoxAndBox = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.min.elements
+ , n = t.max.elements
+ , a = e.min.elements
+ , r = e.max.elements;
+ return !(i[0] > r[0] || a[0] > n[0]) && (!(i[1] > r[1] || a[1] > n[1]) && !(i[2] > r[2] || a[2] > n[2]))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsBoxAndSphere = function(e, i) {
+ var n = i.center
+ , a = i.radius;
+ Be.Clamp(n, e.min, e.max, t._tempV30);
+ return Be.distanceSquared(n, t._tempV30) <= a * a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.intersectsSphereAndSphere = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.radius + e.radius;
+ return Be.distanceSquared(t.center, e.center) <= i * i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.boxContainsPoint = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.min.elements
+ , n = t.max.elements
+ , a = e.elements;
+ return i[0] <= a[0] && n[0] >= a[0] && i[1] <= a[1] && n[1] >= a[1] && i[2] <= a[2] && n[2] >= a[2] ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.boxContainsBox = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.min.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = t.max.elements
+ , o = s[0]
+ , l = s[1]
+ , h = s[2]
+ , c = e.min.elements
+ , _ = c[0]
+ , u = c[1]
+ , d = c[2]
+ , f = e.max.elements
+ , p = f[0]
+ , m = f[1]
+ , g = f[2];
+ return o < _ || n > p ? 0 : l < u || a > m ? 0 : h < d || r > g ? 0 : n <= _ && p <= p && a <= u && m <= l && r <= d && g <= h ? 1 : 2
+ }
+ ,
+ t.boxContainsSphere = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e.min
+ , a = n.elements
+ , r = a[0]
+ , s = a[1]
+ , o = a[2]
+ , l = e.max
+ , h = l.elements
+ , c = h[0]
+ , _ = h[1]
+ , u = h[2]
+ , d = i.center
+ , f = d.elements
+ , p = f[0]
+ , m = f[1]
+ , g = f[2]
+ , y = i.radius;
+ Be.Clamp(d, n, l, t._tempV30);
+ return Be.distanceSquared(d, t._tempV30) > y * y ? 0 : r + y <= p && p <= c - y && c - r > y && s + y <= m && m <= _ - y && _ - s > y && o + y <= g && g <= u - y && u - o > y ? 1 : 2
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sphereContainsPoint = function(t, e) {
+ return Be.distanceSquared(e, t.center) <= t.radius * t.radius ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sphereContainsTriangle = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.sphereContainsPoint(e, i)
+ , s = t.sphereContainsPoint(e, n)
+ , o = t.sphereContainsPoint(e, a);
+ return 1 == r && 1 == s && 1 == o ? 1 : t.intersectsSphereAndTriangle(e, i, n, a) ? 2 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sphereContainsBox = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e.center.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = e.radius
+ , l = i.min.elements
+ , h = l[0]
+ , c = l[1]
+ , _ = l[2]
+ , u = i.max.elements
+ , d = u[0]
+ , f = u[1]
+ , p = u[2]
+ , m = t._tempV30.elements;
+ m[0],
+ m[1],
+ m[2];
+ if (!t.intersectsBoxAndSphere(i, e))
+ return 0;
+ var g = o * o;
+ return a - h,
+ r - f,
+ s - p,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - d,
+ r - f,
+ s - p,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - d,
+ r - c,
+ s - p,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - h,
+ r - c,
+ s - p,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - h,
+ r - f,
+ s - _,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - d,
+ r - f,
+ s - _,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - d,
+ r - c,
+ s - _,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : (a - h,
+ r - c,
+ s - _,
+ Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30) > g ? 2 : 1)))))))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.sphereContainsSphere = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.radius
+ , n = e.radius
+ , a = Be.distance(t.center, e.center);
+ return i + n < a ? 0 : i - n < a ? 2 : 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.closestPointPointTriangle = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ Be.subtract(n, i, t._tempV30),
+ Be.subtract(a, i, t._tempV31),
+ Be.subtract(e, i, t._tempV32),
+ Be.subtract(e, n, t._tempV33),
+ Be.subtract(e, a, t._tempV34);
+ var s = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._tempV32)
+ , o = Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV32)
+ , l = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._tempV33)
+ , h = Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV33)
+ , c = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._tempV34)
+ , _ = Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV34);
+ if (s <= 0 && o <= 0)
+ i.cloneTo(r);
+ else if (l >= 0 && h <= l)
+ n.cloneTo(r);
+ else {
+ var u = s * h - l * o;
+ if (u <= 0 && s >= 0 && l <= 0) {
+ var d = s / (s - l);
+ return Be.scale(t._tempV30, d, r),
+ void Be.add(i, r, r)
+ }
+ if (_ >= 0 && c <= _)
+ a.cloneTo(r);
+ else {
+ var f = c * o - s * _;
+ if (f <= 0 && o >= 0 && _ <= 0) {
+ var p = o / (o - _);
+ return Be.scale(t._tempV31, p, r),
+ void Be.add(i, r, r)
+ }
+ var m = l * _ - c * h;
+ if (m <= 0 && h - l >= 0 && c - _ >= 0) {
+ var g = (h - l) / (h - l + (c - _));
+ return Be.subtract(a, n, r),
+ Be.scale(r, g, r),
+ void Be.add(n, r, r)
+ }
+ var y = 1 / (m + f + u)
+ , v = f * y
+ , b = u * y;
+ Be.scale(t._tempV30, v, t._tempV35),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV31, b, t._tempV36),
+ Be.add(t._tempV35, t._tempV36, r),
+ Be.add(i, r, r)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.closestPointPlanePoint = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.normal
+ , r = Be.dot(a, i) - e.distance;
+ Be.scale(a, r, t._tempV30),
+ Be.subtract(i, t._tempV30, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.closestPointBoxPoint = function(e, i, n) {
+ Be.max(i, e.min, t._tempV30),
+ Be.min(t._tempV30, e.max, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.closestPointSpherePoint = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.center;
+ Be.subtract(e, n, i),
+ Be.normalize(i, i),
+ Be.scale(i, t.radius, i),
+ Be.add(i, n, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.closestPointSphereSphere = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.center;
+ Be.subtract(e.center, n, i),
+ Be.normalize(i, i),
+ Be.scale(i, t.radius, i),
+ Be.add(i, n, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempV30", function() {
+ return this._tempV30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV31", function() {
+ return this._tempV31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV32", function() {
+ return this._tempV32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV33", function() {
+ return this._tempV33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV34", function() {
+ return this._tempV34 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV35", function() {
+ return this._tempV35 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV36", function() {
+ return this._tempV36 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ce = (function() {
+ function t() {}
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.ContainmentType"),
+ t.Disjoint = 0,
+ t.Contains = 1,
+ t.Intersects = 2
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.math.MathUtils3D"),
+ t.isZero = function(e) {
+ return Math.abs(e) < t.zeroTolerance
+ }
+ ,
+ t.nearEqual = function(e, i) {
+ return !!t.isZero(e - i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fastInvSqrt = function(e) {
+ return t.isZero(e) ? e : 1 / Math.sqrt(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["zeroTolerance", function() {
+ return this.zeroTolerance = 1e-6
+ }
+ , "MaxValue", function() {
+ return this.MaxValue = 3.40282347e38
+ }
+ , "MinValue", function() {
+ return this.MinValue = -3.40282347e38
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }())
+ , Se = function() {
+ function t() {
+ var t = this.elements = new Float32Array(9);
+ t[0] = 1,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ t[2] = 0,
+ t[3] = 0,
+ t[4] = 1,
+ t[5] = 0,
+ t[6] = 0,
+ t[7] = 0,
+ t[8] = 1
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Matrix3x3");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.determinant = function() {
+ var t = this.elements
+ , e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1]
+ , n = t[2]
+ , a = t[3]
+ , r = t[4]
+ , s = t[5]
+ , o = t[6]
+ , l = t[7]
+ , h = t[8];
+ return e * (h * r - s * l) + i * (-h * a + s * o) + n * (l * a - r * o)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.translate = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = n[0]
+ , s = n[1]
+ , o = n[2]
+ , l = n[3]
+ , h = n[4]
+ , c = n[5]
+ , _ = n[6]
+ , u = n[7]
+ , d = n[8]
+ , f = a[0]
+ , p = a[1];
+ i[0] = r,
+ i[1] = s,
+ i[2] = o,
+ i[3] = l,
+ i[4] = h,
+ i[5] = c,
+ i[6] = f * r + p * l + _,
+ i[7] = f * s + p * h + u,
+ i[8] = f * o + p * c + d
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotate = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = n[3]
+ , l = n[4]
+ , h = n[5]
+ , c = n[6]
+ , _ = n[7]
+ , u = n[8]
+ , d = Math.sin(t)
+ , f = Math.cos(t);
+ i[0] = f * a + d * o,
+ i[1] = f * r + d * l,
+ i[2] = f * s + d * h,
+ i[3] = f * o - d * a,
+ i[4] = f * l - d * r,
+ i[5] = f * h - d * s,
+ i[6] = c,
+ i[7] = _,
+ i[8] = u
+ }
+ ,
+ e.scale = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = a[0]
+ , s = a[1];
+ i[0] = r * n[0],
+ i[1] = r * n[1],
+ i[2] = r * n[2],
+ i[3] = s * n[3],
+ i[4] = s * n[4],
+ i[5] = s * n[5],
+ i[6] = n[6],
+ i[7] = n[7],
+ i[8] = n[8]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.invert = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = i[3]
+ , o = i[4]
+ , l = i[5]
+ , h = i[6]
+ , c = i[7]
+ , _ = i[8]
+ , u = _ * o - l * c
+ , d = -_ * s + l * h
+ , f = c * s - o * h
+ , p = n * u + a * d + r * f;
+ p || (t = null),
+ p = 1 / p,
+ e[0] = u * p,
+ e[1] = (-_ * a + r * c) * p,
+ e[2] = (l * a - r * o) * p,
+ e[3] = d * p,
+ e[4] = (_ * n - r * h) * p,
+ e[5] = (-l * n + r * s) * p,
+ e[6] = f * p,
+ e[7] = (-c * n + a * h) * p,
+ e[8] = (o * n - a * s) * p
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transpose = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements;
+ if (t === this) {
+ var n = i[1]
+ , a = i[2]
+ , r = i[5];
+ e[1] = i[3],
+ e[2] = i[6],
+ e[3] = n,
+ e[5] = i[7],
+ e[6] = a,
+ e[7] = r
+ } else
+ e[0] = i[0],
+ e[1] = i[3],
+ e[2] = i[6],
+ e[3] = i[1],
+ e[4] = i[4],
+ e[5] = i[7],
+ e[6] = i[2],
+ e[7] = i[5],
+ e[8] = i[8]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.identity = function() {
+ var t = this.elements;
+ t[0] = 1,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ t[2] = 0,
+ t[3] = 0,
+ t[4] = 1,
+ t[5] = 0,
+ t[6] = 0,
+ t[7] = 0,
+ t[8] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e, i, n;
+ if (i = this.elements,
+ n = t.elements,
+ i !== n)
+ for (e = 0; e < 9; ++e)
+ n[e] = i[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromTranslation = function(t, e) {
+ e.elements;
+ var i = t.elements;
+ e[0] = 1,
+ e[1] = 0,
+ e[2] = 0,
+ e[3] = 0,
+ e[4] = 1,
+ e[5] = 0,
+ e[6] = i[0],
+ e[7] = i[1],
+ e[8] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromRotation = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = Math.sin(t)
+ , a = Math.cos(t);
+ i[0] = a,
+ i[1] = n,
+ i[2] = 0,
+ i[3] = -n,
+ i[4] = a,
+ i[5] = 0,
+ i[6] = 0,
+ i[7] = 0,
+ i[8] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromScaling = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = t.elements;
+ i[0] = n[0],
+ i[1] = 0,
+ i[2] = 0,
+ i[3] = 0,
+ i[4] = n[1],
+ i[5] = 0,
+ i[6] = 0,
+ i[7] = 0,
+ i[8] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromMatrix4x4 = function(t, e) {
+ e[0] = t[0],
+ e[1] = t[1],
+ e[2] = t[2],
+ e[3] = t[4],
+ e[4] = t[5],
+ e[5] = t[6],
+ e[6] = t[8],
+ e[7] = t[9],
+ e[8] = t[10]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.multiply = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements
+ , s = a[0]
+ , o = a[1]
+ , l = a[2]
+ , h = a[3]
+ , c = a[4]
+ , _ = a[5]
+ , u = a[6]
+ , d = a[7]
+ , f = a[8]
+ , p = r[0]
+ , m = r[1]
+ , g = r[2]
+ , y = r[3]
+ , v = r[4]
+ , b = r[5]
+ , w = r[6]
+ , x = r[7]
+ , I = r[8];
+ n[0] = p * s + m * h + g * u,
+ n[1] = p * o + m * c + g * d,
+ n[2] = p * l + m * _ + g * f,
+ n[3] = y * s + v * h + b * u,
+ n[4] = y * o + v * c + b * d,
+ n[5] = y * l + v * _ + b * f,
+ n[6] = w * s + x * h + I * u,
+ n[7] = w * o + x * c + I * d,
+ n[8] = w * l + x * _ + I * f
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookAt = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ Be.subtract(e, i, t._tempV30),
+ Be.normalize(t._tempV30, t._tempV30),
+ Be.cross(n, t._tempV30, t._tempV31),
+ Be.normalize(t._tempV31, t._tempV31),
+ Be.cross(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV32);
+ var r = t._tempV30.elements
+ , s = t._tempV31.elements
+ , o = t._tempV32.elements
+ , l = a.elements;
+ l[0] = s[0],
+ l[3] = s[1],
+ l[6] = s[2],
+ l[1] = o[0],
+ l[4] = o[1],
+ l[7] = o[2],
+ l[2] = r[0],
+ l[5] = r[1],
+ l[8] = r[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.DEFAULT = new t,
+ n(t, ["_tempV30", function() {
+ return this._tempV30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV31", function() {
+ return this._tempV31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV32", function() {
+ return this._tempV32 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Me = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, d, f, p) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 0),
+ void 0 === o && (o = 0),
+ void 0 === l && (l = 0),
+ void 0 === h && (h = 0),
+ void 0 === c && (c = 1),
+ void 0 === _ && (_ = 0),
+ void 0 === u && (u = 0),
+ void 0 === d && (d = 0),
+ void 0 === f && (f = 0),
+ void 0 === p && (p = 1);
+ var m = this.elements = new Float32Array(16);
+ m[0] = t,
+ m[1] = e,
+ m[2] = i,
+ m[3] = n,
+ m[4] = a,
+ m[5] = r,
+ m[6] = s,
+ m[7] = o,
+ m[8] = l,
+ m[9] = h,
+ m[10] = c,
+ m[11] = _,
+ m[12] = u,
+ m[13] = d,
+ m[14] = f,
+ m[15] = p
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Matrix4x4");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.getElementByRowColumn = function(t, e) {
+ if (t < 0 || t > 3)
+ throw new Error("row","Rows and columns for matrices run from 0 to 3, inclusive.");
+ if (e < 0 || e > 3)
+ throw new Error("column","Rows and columns for matrices run from 0 to 3, inclusive.");
+ return this.elements[4 * t + e]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setElementByRowColumn = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (t < 0 || t > 3)
+ throw new Error("row","Rows and columns for matrices run from 0 to 3, inclusive.");
+ if (e < 0 || e > 3)
+ throw new Error("column","Rows and columns for matrices run from 0 to 3, inclusive.");
+ this.elements[4 * t + e] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.equalsOtherMatrix = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements;
+ return Ce.nearEqual(e[0], i[0]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[1], i[1]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[2], i[2]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[3], i[3]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[4], i[4]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[5], i[5]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[6], i[6]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[7], i[7]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[8], i[8]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[9], i[9]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[10], i[10]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[11], i[11]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[12], i[12]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[13], i[13]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[14], i[14]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[15], i[15])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.decomposeTransRotScale = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._tempMatrix4x4;
+ return this.decomposeTransRotMatScale(e, a, n) ? (Ee.createFromMatrix4x4(a, i),
+ !0) : (i.identity(),
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.decomposeTransRotMatScale = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this.elements
+ , r = e.elements
+ , s = i.elements
+ , o = n.elements;
+ r[0] = a[12],
+ r[1] = a[13],
+ r[2] = a[14];
+ var l = a[0]
+ , h = a[1]
+ , c = a[2]
+ , _ = a[4]
+ , u = a[5]
+ , d = a[6]
+ , f = a[8]
+ , p = a[9]
+ , m = a[10]
+ , g = o[0] = Math.sqrt(l * l + h * h + c * c)
+ , y = o[1] = Math.sqrt(_ * _ + u * u + d * d)
+ , v = o[2] = Math.sqrt(f * f + p * p + m * m);
+ if (Ce.isZero(g) || Ce.isZero(y) || Ce.isZero(v))
+ return s[1] = s[2] = s[3] = s[4] = s[6] = s[7] = s[8] = s[9] = s[11] = s[12] = s[13] = s[14] = 0,
+ s[0] = s[5] = s[10] = s[15] = 1,
+ !1;
+ var b = t._tempVector0
+ , w = b.elements;
+ w[0] = f / v,
+ w[1] = p / v,
+ w[2] = m / v;
+ var x = t._tempVector1
+ , I = x.elements;
+ I[0] = l / g,
+ I[1] = h / g,
+ I[2] = c / g;
+ var C = t._tempVector2;
+ Be.cross(b, x, C);
+ var S = t._tempVector1;
+ return Be.cross(C, b, S),
+ s[3] = s[7] = s[11] = s[12] = s[13] = s[14] = 0,
+ s[15] = 1,
+ s[0] = S.x,
+ s[1] = S.y,
+ s[2] = S.z,
+ s[4] = C.x,
+ s[5] = C.y,
+ s[6] = C.z,
+ s[8] = b.x,
+ s[9] = b.y,
+ s[10] = b.z,
+ s[0] * l + s[1] * h + s[2] * c < 0 && (o[0] = -g),
+ s[4] * _ + s[5] * u + s[6] * d < 0 && (o[1] = -y),
+ s[8] * f + s[9] * p + s[10] * m < 0 && (o[2] = -v),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.decomposeYawPitchRoll = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = Math.asin(-this.elements[9]);
+ e[1] = i;
+ Math.cos(i) > Ce.zeroTolerance ? (e[2] = Math.atan2(this.elements[1], this.elements[5]),
+ e[0] = Math.atan2(this.elements[8], this.elements[10])) : (e[2] = Math.atan2(-this.elements[4], this.elements[0]),
+ e[0] = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.normalize = function() {
+ var t = this.elements
+ , e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1]
+ , n = t[2]
+ , a = Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i + n * n);
+ if (!a)
+ return t[0] = 0,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ void (t[2] = 0);
+ 1 != a && (a = 1 / a,
+ t[0] = e * a,
+ t[1] = i * a,
+ t[2] = n * a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transpose = function() {
+ var t, e;
+ return t = this.elements,
+ e = t[1],
+ t[1] = t[4],
+ t[4] = e,
+ e = t[2],
+ t[2] = t[8],
+ t[8] = e,
+ e = t[3],
+ t[3] = t[12],
+ t[12] = e,
+ e = t[6],
+ t[6] = t[9],
+ t[9] = e,
+ e = t[7],
+ t[7] = t[13],
+ t[13] = e,
+ e = t[11],
+ t[11] = t[14],
+ t[14] = e,
+ this
+ }
+ ,
+ e.invert = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements
+ , n = e[0]
+ , a = e[1]
+ , r = e[2]
+ , s = e[3]
+ , o = e[4]
+ , l = e[5]
+ , h = e[6]
+ , c = e[7]
+ , _ = e[8]
+ , u = e[9]
+ , d = e[10]
+ , f = e[11]
+ , p = e[12]
+ , m = e[13]
+ , g = e[14]
+ , y = e[15]
+ , v = n * l - a * o
+ , b = n * h - r * o
+ , w = n * c - s * o
+ , x = a * h - r * l
+ , I = a * c - s * l
+ , C = r * c - s * h
+ , S = _ * m - u * p
+ , M = _ * g - d * p
+ , L = _ * y - f * p
+ , T = u * g - d * m
+ , E = u * y - f * m
+ , D = d * y - f * g
+ , N = v * D - b * E + w * T + x * L - I * M + C * S;
+ 0 !== Math.abs(N) && (N = 1 / N,
+ i[0] = (l * D - h * E + c * T) * N,
+ i[1] = (r * E - a * D - s * T) * N,
+ i[2] = (m * C - g * I + y * x) * N,
+ i[3] = (d * I - u * C - f * x) * N,
+ i[4] = (h * L - o * D - c * M) * N,
+ i[5] = (n * D - r * L + s * M) * N,
+ i[6] = (g * w - p * C - y * b) * N,
+ i[7] = (_ * C - d * w + f * b) * N,
+ i[8] = (o * E - l * L + c * S) * N,
+ i[9] = (a * L - n * E - s * S) * N,
+ i[10] = (p * I - m * w + y * v) * N,
+ i[11] = (u * w - _ * I - f * v) * N,
+ i[12] = (l * M - o * T - h * S) * N,
+ i[13] = (n * T - a * M + r * S) * N,
+ i[14] = (m * b - p * x - g * v) * N,
+ i[15] = (_ * x - u * b + d * v) * N)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.identity = function() {
+ var t = this.elements;
+ t[1] = t[2] = t[3] = t[4] = t[6] = t[7] = t[8] = t[9] = t[11] = t[12] = t[13] = t[14] = 0,
+ t[0] = t[5] = t[10] = t[15] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e, i, n;
+ if (i = this.elements,
+ n = t.elements,
+ i !== n)
+ for (e = 0; e < 16; ++e)
+ n[e] = i[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getTranslationVector = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements;
+ i[0] = e[12],
+ i[1] = e[13],
+ i[2] = e[14]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setTranslationVector = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements;
+ e[12] = i[0],
+ e[13] = i[1],
+ e[14] = i[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getForward = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements;
+ i[0] = -e[8],
+ i[1] = -e[9],
+ i[2] = -e[10]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setForward = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements;
+ e[8] = -i[0],
+ e[9] = -i[1],
+ e[10] = -i[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createRotationX = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = Math.sin(t)
+ , a = Math.cos(t);
+ i[1] = i[2] = i[3] = i[4] = i[7] = i[8] = i[11] = i[12] = i[13] = i[14] = 0,
+ i[0] = i[15] = 1,
+ i[5] = i[10] = a,
+ i[6] = n,
+ i[9] = -n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createRotationY = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = Math.sin(t)
+ , a = Math.cos(t);
+ i[1] = i[3] = i[4] = i[6] = i[7] = i[9] = i[11] = i[12] = i[13] = i[14] = 0,
+ i[5] = i[15] = 1,
+ i[0] = i[10] = a,
+ i[2] = -n,
+ i[8] = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createRotationZ = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = Math.sin(t)
+ , a = Math.cos(t);
+ i[2] = i[3] = i[6] = i[7] = i[8] = i[9] = i[11] = i[12] = i[13] = i[14] = 0,
+ i[10] = i[15] = 1,
+ i[0] = i[5] = a,
+ i[1] = n,
+ i[4] = -n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createRotationYawPitchRoll = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ Ee.createFromYawPitchRoll(e, i, n, t._tempQuaternion),
+ t.createRotationQuaternion(t._tempQuaternion, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createRotationAxis = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = Math.cos(e)
+ , l = Math.sin(e)
+ , h = a * a
+ , c = r * r
+ , _ = s * s
+ , u = a * r
+ , d = a * s
+ , f = r * s
+ , p = i.elements;
+ p[3] = p[7] = p[11] = p[12] = p[13] = p[14] = 0,
+ p[15] = 1,
+ p[0] = h + o * (1 - h),
+ p[1] = u - o * u + l * s,
+ p[2] = d - o * d - l * r,
+ p[4] = u - o * u - l * s,
+ p[5] = c + o * (1 - c),
+ p[6] = f - o * f + l * a,
+ p[8] = d - o * d + l * r,
+ p[9] = f - o * f - l * a,
+ p[10] = _ + o * (1 - _)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createRotationQuaternion = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = i[0]
+ , r = i[1]
+ , s = i[2]
+ , o = i[3]
+ , l = a * a
+ , h = r * r
+ , c = s * s
+ , _ = a * r
+ , u = s * o
+ , d = s * a
+ , f = r * o
+ , p = r * s
+ , m = a * o;
+ n[3] = n[7] = n[11] = n[12] = n[13] = n[14] = 0,
+ n[15] = 1,
+ n[0] = 1 - 2 * (h + c),
+ n[1] = 2 * (_ + u),
+ n[2] = 2 * (d - f),
+ n[4] = 2 * (_ - u),
+ n[5] = 1 - 2 * (c + l),
+ n[6] = 2 * (p + m),
+ n[8] = 2 * (d + f),
+ n[9] = 2 * (p - m),
+ n[10] = 1 - 2 * (h + l)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createTranslate = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ n[4] = n[8] = n[1] = n[9] = n[2] = n[6] = n[3] = n[7] = n[11] = 0,
+ n[0] = n[5] = n[10] = n[15] = 1,
+ n[12] = i[0],
+ n[13] = i[1],
+ n[14] = i[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createScaling = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ n[0] = i[0],
+ n[5] = i[1],
+ n[10] = i[2],
+ n[1] = n[4] = n[8] = n[12] = n[9] = n[13] = n[2] = n[6] = n[14] = n[3] = n[7] = n[11] = 0,
+ n[15] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.multiply = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c;
+ if (a = i.elements,
+ r = t.elements,
+ s = e.elements,
+ a === s)
+ for (s = new Float32Array(16),
+ n = 0; n < 16; ++n)
+ s[n] = a[n];
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ o = r[n],
+ l = r[n + 4],
+ h = r[n + 8],
+ c = r[n + 12],
+ a[n] = o * s[0] + l * s[1] + h * s[2] + c * s[3],
+ a[n + 4] = o * s[4] + l * s[5] + h * s[6] + c * s[7],
+ a[n + 8] = o * s[8] + l * s[9] + h * s[10] + c * s[11],
+ a[n + 12] = o * s[12] + l * s[13] + h * s[14] + c * s[15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromQuaternion = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = t.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = n[3]
+ , l = a + a
+ , h = r + r
+ , c = s + s
+ , _ = a * l
+ , u = r * l
+ , d = r * h
+ , f = s * l
+ , p = s * h
+ , m = s * c
+ , g = o * l
+ , y = o * h
+ , v = o * c;
+ i[0] = 1 - d - m,
+ i[1] = u + v,
+ i[2] = f - y,
+ i[3] = 0,
+ i[4] = u - v,
+ i[5] = 1 - _ - m,
+ i[6] = p + g,
+ i[7] = 0,
+ i[8] = f + y,
+ i[9] = p - g,
+ i[10] = 1 - _ - d,
+ i[11] = 0,
+ i[12] = 0,
+ i[13] = 0,
+ i[14] = 0,
+ i[15] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createAffineTransformation = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements
+ , s = i.elements
+ , o = n.elements
+ , l = r[0]
+ , h = r[1]
+ , c = r[2]
+ , _ = r[3]
+ , u = l + l
+ , d = h + h
+ , f = c + c
+ , p = l * u
+ , m = l * d
+ , g = l * f
+ , y = h * d
+ , v = h * f
+ , b = c * f
+ , w = _ * u
+ , x = _ * d
+ , I = _ * f
+ , C = s[0]
+ , S = s[1]
+ , M = s[2];
+ o[0] = (1 - (y + b)) * C,
+ o[1] = (m + I) * C,
+ o[2] = (g - x) * C,
+ o[3] = 0,
+ o[4] = (m - I) * S,
+ o[5] = (1 - (p + b)) * S,
+ o[6] = (v + w) * S,
+ o[7] = 0,
+ o[8] = (g + x) * M,
+ o[9] = (v - w) * M,
+ o[10] = (1 - (p + y)) * M,
+ o[11] = 0,
+ o[12] = a[0],
+ o[13] = a[1],
+ o[14] = a[2],
+ o[15] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createLookAt = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = a.elements
+ , s = t._tempVector0
+ , o = t._tempVector1
+ , l = t._tempVector2;
+ Be.subtract(e, i, l),
+ Be.normalize(l, l),
+ Be.cross(n, l, s),
+ Be.normalize(s, s),
+ Be.cross(l, s, o),
+ a.identity(),
+ r[0] = s.x,
+ r[4] = s.y,
+ r[8] = s.z,
+ r[1] = o.x,
+ r[5] = o.y,
+ r[9] = o.z,
+ r[2] = l.x,
+ r[6] = l.y,
+ r[10] = l.z,
+ r[12] = -Be.dot(s, e),
+ r[13] = -Be.dot(o, e),
+ r[14] = -Be.dot(l, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createPerspective = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = a.elements
+ , s = 1 / Math.tan(t / 2)
+ , o = 1 / (i - n);
+ r[0] = s / e,
+ r[5] = s,
+ r[10] = (n + i) * o,
+ r[11] = -1,
+ r[14] = 2 * n * i * o,
+ r[1] = r[2] = r[3] = r[4] = r[6] = r[7] = r[8] = r[9] = r[12] = r[13] = r[15] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createOrthoOffCenterRH = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = s.elements
+ , l = 1 / (t - e)
+ , h = 1 / (i - n)
+ , c = 1 / (a - r);
+ o[1] = o[2] = o[3] = o[4] = o[6] = o[7] = o[8] = o[9] = o[11] = 0,
+ o[15] = 1,
+ o[0] = -2 * l,
+ o[5] = -2 * h,
+ o[10] = 2 * c,
+ o[12] = (t + e) * l,
+ o[13] = (n + i) * h,
+ o[14] = (r + a) * c
+ }
+ ,
+ t.translation = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ n[0] = n[5] = n[10] = n[15] = 1,
+ n[12] = i[0],
+ n[13] = i[1],
+ n[14] = i[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempMatrix4x4", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x4 = new t
+ }
+ , "_tempVector0", function() {
+ return this._tempVector0 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector1", function() {
+ return this._tempVector1 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector2", function() {
+ return this._tempVector2 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempQuaternion", function() {
+ return this._tempQuaternion = new Ee
+ }
+ , "DEFAULT", function() {
+ return this.DEFAULT = new t
+ }
+ , "ZERO", function() {
+ return this.ZERO = new t(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Le = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.extents = null,
+ this.transformation = null,
+ this.extents = t,
+ this.transformation = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.OrientedBoundBox");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getCorners = function(e) {
+ var i = t._tempV30.elements
+ , n = t._tempV31.elements
+ , a = t._tempV32.elements
+ , r = this.extents.elements;
+ i[0] = r[0],
+ i[1] = i[2] = 0,
+ n[1] = r[1],
+ n[0] = n[2] = 0,
+ a[2] = r[2],
+ a[0] = a[1] = 0,
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV30, this.transformation, t._tempV30),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV31, this.transformation, t._tempV31),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV32, this.transformation, t._tempV32);
+ var s = t._tempV33;
+ this.transformation.getTranslationVector(s),
+ e.length = 8,
+ Be.add(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[0]),
+ Be.add(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[1]),
+ Be.subtract(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[2]),
+ Be.subtract(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[3]),
+ Be.add(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[4]),
+ Be.add(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[5]),
+ Be.subtract(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[6]),
+ Be.subtract(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV34),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV31, t._tempV34),
+ Be.add(t._tempV34, t._tempV32, e[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.transform = function(t) {
+ Me.multiply(this.transformation, t, this.transformation)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.scale = function(t) {
+ Be.multiply(this.extents, t, this.extents)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.translate = function(e) {
+ this.transformation.getTranslationVector(t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(t._tempV30, e, t._tempV31),
+ this.transformation.setTranslationVector(t._tempV31)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Size = function(t) {
+ Be.scale(this.extents, 2, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getSize = function(e) {
+ var i = this.extents.elements;
+ t._tempV30.x = i[0],
+ t._tempV31.y = i[1],
+ t._tempV32.z = i[2],
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV30, this.transformation, t._tempV30),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV31, this.transformation, t._tempV31),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV31, this.transformation, t._tempV32);
+ var n = e.elements;
+ n[0] = Be.scalarLength(t._tempV30),
+ n[1] = Be.scalarLength(t._tempV31),
+ n[2] = Be.scalarLength(t._tempV32)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getSizeSquared = function(e) {
+ var i = this.extents.elements;
+ t._tempV30.x = i[0],
+ t._tempV31.y = i[1],
+ t._tempV32.z = i[2],
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV30, this.transformation, t._tempV30),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV31, this.transformation, t._tempV31),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV31, this.transformation, t._tempV32);
+ var n = e.elements;
+ n[0] = Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV30),
+ n[1] = Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV31),
+ n[2] = Be.scalarLengthSquared(t._tempV32)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCenter = function(t) {
+ this.transformation.getTranslationVector(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsPoint = function(e) {
+ var i = this.extents.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2];
+ this.transformation.invert(t._tempM0),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e, t._tempM0, t._tempV30);
+ var s = t._tempV30.elements
+ , o = Math.abs(s[0])
+ , l = Math.abs(s[1])
+ , h = Math.abs(s[2]);
+ return Ce.nearEqual(o, n) && Ce.nearEqual(l, a) && Ce.nearEqual(h, r) ? 2 : o < n && l < a && h < r ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsPoints = function(e) {
+ var i = this.extents.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2];
+ this.transformation.invert(t._tempM0);
+ for (var s = !0, o = !1, l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e[l], t._tempM0, t._tempV30);
+ var h = t._tempV30.elements
+ , c = Math.abs(h[0])
+ , _ = Math.abs(h[1])
+ , u = Math.abs(h[2]);
+ Ce.nearEqual(c, n) && Ce.nearEqual(_, a) && Ce.nearEqual(u, r) && (o = !0),
+ c < n && _ < a && u < r ? o = !0 : s = !1
+ }
+ return s ? 1 : o ? 2 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsSphere = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1);
+ var n = this.extents.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = e.radius;
+ this.transformation.invert(t._tempM0),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e.center, t._tempM0, t._tempV30);
+ var l = NaN;
+ i ? l = o : (Be.scale(Be.UnitX, o, t._tempV31),
+ Be.TransformNormal(t._tempV31, t._tempM0, t._tempV31),
+ l = Be.scalarLength(t._tempV31)),
+ Be.scale(this.extents, -1, t._tempV32),
+ Be.Clamp(t._tempV30, t._tempV32, this.extents, t._tempV33);
+ if (Be.distanceSquared(t._tempV30, t._tempV33) > l * l)
+ return 0;
+ var h = t._tempV30.elements
+ , c = h[0]
+ , _ = h[1]
+ , u = h[2]
+ , d = t._tempV32.elements
+ , f = d[0]
+ , p = d[1]
+ , m = d[2];
+ return f + l <= c && c <= a - l && a - f > l && p + l <= _ && _ <= r - l && r - p > l && m + l <= u && u <= s - l && s - m > l ? 1 : 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsOrientedBoundBox = function(e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ e.getCorners(t._corners);
+ var a = this.containsPoints(t._corners);
+ if (0 != a)
+ return a;
+ var r = this.extents.elements;
+ e.extents.cloneTo(t._tempV35);
+ var s = t._tempV35.elements;
+ t._getRows(this.transformation, t._rows1),
+ t._getRows(e.transformation, t._rows2);
+ var o = NaN
+ , l = NaN
+ , h = NaN;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ 3 == i || 3 == n ? (t._tempM0.setElementByRowColumn(i, n, 0),
+ t._tempM1.setElementByRowColumn(i, n, 0)) : (h = Be.dot(t._rows1[i], t._rows2[n]),
+ t._tempM0.setElementByRowColumn(i, n, h),
+ t._tempM1.setElementByRowColumn(i, n, Math.abs(h)));
+ e.getCenter(t._tempV34),
+ this.getCenter(t._tempV36),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV34, t._tempV36, t._tempV30);
+ var c = t._tempV31.elements;
+ c[0] = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._rows1[0]),
+ c[1] = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._rows1[1]),
+ c[2] = Be.dot(t._tempV30, t._rows1[2]);
+ var _ = t._tempV32.elements
+ , u = t._tempV33.elements;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if (_[0] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, 0),
+ _[1] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, 1),
+ _[2] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, 2),
+ o = r[i],
+ l = Be.dot(t._tempV35, t._tempV32),
+ Math.abs(c[i]) > o + l)
+ return 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
+ if (_[0] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(0, n),
+ _[1] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(1, n),
+ _[2] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(2, n),
+ u[0] = t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(0, n),
+ u[1] = t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(1, n),
+ u[2] = t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(2, n),
+ o = Be.dot(this.extents, t._tempV32),
+ l = s[n],
+ Math.abs(Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV33)) > o + l)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
+ var d = (i + 1) % 3
+ , f = (i + 2) % 3
+ , p = (n + 1) % 3
+ , m = (n + 2) % 3;
+ if (o = r[d] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(f, n) + r[f] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(d, n),
+ l = s[p] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, m) + s[m] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, p),
+ Math.abs(c[f] * t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(d, n) - c[d] * t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(f, n)) > o + l)
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsLine = function(e, i) {
+ t._corners[0] = e,
+ t._corners[1] = i;
+ var n = this.containsPoints(t._corners);
+ if (0 != n)
+ return n;
+ var a = this.extents.elements
+ , r = a[0]
+ , s = a[1]
+ , o = a[2];
+ this.transformation.invert(t._tempM0),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e, t._tempM0, t._tempV30),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(i, t._tempM0, t._tempV31),
+ Be.add(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV32),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV32, .5, t._tempV32),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, t._tempV32, t._tempV33);
+ var l = t._tempV33.elements
+ , h = l[0]
+ , c = l[1]
+ , _ = l[2]
+ , u = t._tempV34.elements
+ , d = u[0] = Math.abs(l[0])
+ , f = u[1] = Math.abs(l[1])
+ , p = u[2] = Math.abs(l[2])
+ , m = t._tempV32.elements
+ , g = m[0]
+ , y = m[1]
+ , v = m[2];
+ return Math.abs(g) > r + d ? 0 : Math.abs(y) > s + f ? 0 : Math.abs(v) > o + p ? 0 : Math.abs(y * _ - v * c) > s * p + o * f ? 0 : Math.abs(g * _ - v * h) > r * p + o * d ? 0 : Math.abs(g * c - y * h) > r * f + s * d ? 0 : 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.containsBoundBox = function(e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = e.min
+ , r = e.max;
+ e.getCorners(t._corners);
+ var s = this.containsPoints(t._corners);
+ if (0 != s)
+ return s;
+ Be.subtract(r, a, t._tempV30),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV30, .5, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(a, t._tempV30, t._tempV30),
+ Be.subtract(r, t._tempV30, t._tempV31);
+ var o = this.extents.elements
+ , l = t._tempV31.elements;
+ t._getRows(this.transformation, t._rows1),
+ this.transformation.invert(t._tempM0);
+ var h = NaN
+ , c = NaN;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
+ t._tempM1.setElementByRowColumn(i, n, Math.abs(t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(i, n)));
+ this.getCenter(t._tempV35),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, t._tempV35, t._tempV32);
+ var _ = t._tempV31.elements;
+ _[0] = Be.dot(t._tempV32, t._rows1[0]),
+ _[1] = Be.dot(t._tempV32, t._rows1[1]),
+ _[2] = Be.dot(t._tempV32, t._rows1[2]);
+ var u = t._tempV33.elements
+ , d = t._tempV34.elements;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if (u[0] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, 0),
+ u[1] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, 1),
+ u[2] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, 2),
+ h = o[i],
+ c = Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV33),
+ Math.abs(_[i]) > h + c)
+ return 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
+ if (u[0] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(0, n),
+ u[1] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(1, n),
+ u[2] = t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(2, n),
+ d[0] = t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(0, n),
+ d[1] = t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(1, n),
+ d[2] = t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(2, n),
+ h = Be.dot(this.extents, t._tempV33),
+ c = l[n],
+ Math.abs(Be.dot(t._tempV31, t._tempV34)) > h + c)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
+ var f = (i + 1) % 3
+ , p = (i + 2) % 3
+ , m = (n + 1) % 3
+ , g = (n + 2) % 3;
+ if (h = o[f] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(p, n) + o[p] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(f, n),
+ c = l[m] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, g) + l[g] * t._tempM1.getElementByRowColumn(i, m),
+ Math.abs(_[p] * t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(f, n) - _[f] * t._tempM0.getElementByRowColumn(p, n)) > h + c)
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e.intersectsRay = function(e, i) {
+ Be.scale(this.extents, -1, t._tempV30),
+ this.transformation.invert(t._tempM0),
+ Be.TransformNormal(e.direction, t._tempM0, t._ray.direction),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e.origin, t._tempM0, t._ray.origin),
+ t._boxBound1.min = t._tempV30,
+ t._boxBound1.max = this.extents;
+ var n = Ie.intersectsRayAndBoxRP(t._ray, t._boxBound1, i);
+ return -1 !== n && Be.transformCoordinate(i, this.transformation, i),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getLocalCorners = function(e) {
+ e.length = 8;
+ var i = this.extents.elements;
+ t._tempV30.x = i[0],
+ t._tempV31.y = i[1],
+ t._tempV32.z = i[2],
+ Be.add(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV33),
+ Be.add(t._tempV33, t._tempV32, e[0]),
+ Be.add(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV33),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV33, t._tempV32, e[1]),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV31, t._tempV30, t._tempV33),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV33, t._tempV30, e[2]),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV31, t._tempV30, t._tempV33),
+ Be.add(t._tempV33, t._tempV32, e[3]),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV33),
+ Be.add(t._tempV33, t._tempV32, e[4]),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV33),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV33, t._tempV32, e[5]),
+ Be.scale(e[0], -1, e[6]),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV32, t._tempV30, t._tempV33),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV33, t._tempV31, e[7])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.equals = function(t) {
+ return this.extents == t.extents && this.transformation == t.transformation
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this.extents.cloneTo(e.extents),
+ this.transformation.cloneTo(e.transformation)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByBoundBox = function(e, i) {
+ var n = e.min
+ , a = e.max;
+ Be.subtract(a, n, t._tempV30),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV30, .5, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(n, t._tempV30, t._tempV31),
+ Be.subtract(a, t._tempV31, t._tempV32),
+ Me.translation(t._tempV31, t._tempM0);
+ var r = t._tempV32.clone()
+ , s = t._tempM0.clone();
+ i.extents = r,
+ i.transformation = s
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createByMinAndMaxVertex = function(e, i) {
+ Be.subtract(i, e, t._tempV30),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV30, .5, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(e, t._tempV30, t._tempV31),
+ Be.subtract(i, t._tempV31, t._tempV32),
+ Me.translation(t._tempV31, t._tempM0);
+ return new t(t._tempV32,t._tempM0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getRows = function(t, e) {
+ e.length = 3;
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e[0].elements;
+ n[0] = i[0],
+ n[1] = i[1],
+ n[2] = i[2];
+ var a = e[1].elements;
+ a[0] = i[4],
+ a[1] = i[5],
+ a[2] = i[6];
+ var r = e[2].elements;
+ r[0] = i[8],
+ r[1] = i[9],
+ r[2] = i[10]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getObbtoObbMatrix4x4 = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = e.transformation
+ , s = i.transformation;
+ if (n) {
+ t._getRows(r, t._rows1),
+ t._getRows(s, t._rows2);
+ for (var o = 0; o < 3; o++)
+ for (var l = 0; l < 3; l++)
+ a.setElementByRowColumn(o, l, Be.dot(t._rows2[o], t._rows1[l]));
+ i.getCenter(t._tempV30),
+ e.getCenter(t._tempV31),
+ Be.subtract(t._tempV30, t._tempV31, t._tempV32);
+ var h = a.elements;
+ h[12] = Be.dot(t._tempV32, t._rows1[0]),
+ h[13] = Be.dot(t._tempV32, t._rows1[1]),
+ h[14] = Be.dot(t._tempV32, t._rows1[2]),
+ h[15] = 1
+ } else
+ r.invert(t._tempM0),
+ Me.multiply(s, t._tempM0, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.merge = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.extents
+ , r = e.transformation;
+ t.getObbtoObbMatrix4x4(e, i, n, t._tempM0),
+ i._getLocalCorners(t._corners),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[0], t._tempM0, t._corners[0]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[1], t._tempM0, t._corners[1]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[2], t._tempM0, t._corners[2]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[3], t._tempM0, t._corners[3]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[4], t._tempM0, t._corners[4]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[5], t._tempM0, t._corners[5]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[6], t._tempM0, t._corners[6]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._corners[7], t._tempM0, t._corners[7]),
+ Be.scale(a, -1, t._boxBound1.min),
+ a.cloneTo(t._boxBound1.max),
+ be.createfromPoints(t._corners, t._boxBound2),
+ be.merge(t._boxBound2, t._boxBound1, t._boxBound3);
+ var s = t._boxBound3.min
+ , o = t._boxBound3.max;
+ Be.subtract(o, s, t._tempV30),
+ Be.scale(t._tempV30, .5, t._tempV30),
+ Be.add(s, t._tempV30, t._tempV32),
+ Be.subtract(o, t._tempV32, a),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t._tempV32, r, t._tempV33)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempV30", function() {
+ return this._tempV30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV31", function() {
+ return this._tempV31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV32", function() {
+ return this._tempV32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV33", function() {
+ return this._tempV33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV34", function() {
+ return this._tempV34 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV35", function() {
+ return this._tempV35 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempV36", function() {
+ return this._tempV36 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempM0", function() {
+ return this._tempM0 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_tempM1", function() {
+ return this._tempM1 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_corners", function() {
+ return this._corners = [new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be]
+ }
+ , "_rows1", function() {
+ return this._rows1 = [new Be, new Be, new Be]
+ }
+ , "_rows2", function() {
+ return this._rows2 = [new Be, new Be, new Be]
+ }
+ , "_ray", function() {
+ return this._ray = new Ne(new Be,new Be)
+ }
+ , "_boxBound1", function() {
+ return this._boxBound1 = new be(new Be,new Be)
+ }
+ , "_boxBound2", function() {
+ return this._boxBound2 = new be(new Be,new Be)
+ }
+ , "_boxBound3", function() {
+ return this._boxBound3 = new be(new Be,new Be)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Te = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.normal = null,
+ this.distance = NaN,
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.normal = t,
+ this.distance = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Plane");
+ return t.prototype.normalize = function() {
+ var t = this.normal.elements
+ , e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1]
+ , n = t[2]
+ , a = 1 / Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i + n * n);
+ t[0] = e * a,
+ t[1] = i * a,
+ t[2] = n * a,
+ this.distance *= a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createPlaneBy3P = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.elements
+ , r = i.elements
+ , s = n.elements
+ , o = r[0] - a[0]
+ , l = r[1] - a[1]
+ , h = r[2] - a[2]
+ , c = s[0] - a[0]
+ , _ = s[1] - a[1]
+ , u = s[2] - a[2]
+ , d = l * u - h * _
+ , f = h * c - o * u
+ , p = o * _ - l * c
+ , m = 1 / Math.sqrt(d * d + f * f + p * p)
+ , g = d * m
+ , y = f * m
+ , v = p * m
+ , b = t._TEMPVec3.elements;
+ b[0] = g,
+ b[1] = y,
+ b[2] = v;
+ var w = -(g * a[0] + y * a[1] + v * a[2]);
+ return new t(t._TEMPVec3,w)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.PlaneIntersectionType_Back = 0,
+ t.PlaneIntersectionType_Front = 1,
+ t.PlaneIntersectionType_Intersecting = 2,
+ n(t, ["_TEMPVec3", function() {
+ return this._TEMPVec3 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ee = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.elements = new Float32Array(4),
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ this.elements[0] = t,
+ this.elements[1] = e,
+ this.elements[2] = i,
+ this.elements[3] = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Quaternion");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.scaling = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements;
+ i[0] = n[0] * t,
+ i[1] = n[1] * t,
+ i[2] = n[2] * t,
+ i[3] = n[3] * t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.normalize = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = i[3]
+ , o = n * n + a * a + r * r + s * s;
+ o > 0 && (o = 1 / Math.sqrt(o),
+ e[0] = n * o,
+ e[1] = a * o,
+ e[2] = r * o,
+ e[3] = s * o)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.length = function() {
+ var t = this.elements
+ , e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1]
+ , n = t[2]
+ , a = t[3];
+ return Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i + n * n + a * a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotateX = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements;
+ t *= .5;
+ var a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = n[3]
+ , l = Math.sin(t)
+ , h = Math.cos(t);
+ i[0] = a * h + o * l,
+ i[1] = r * h + s * l,
+ i[2] = s * h - r * l,
+ i[3] = o * h - a * l
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotateY = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements;
+ t *= .5;
+ var a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = n[3]
+ , l = Math.sin(t)
+ , h = Math.cos(t);
+ i[0] = a * h - s * l,
+ i[1] = r * h + o * l,
+ i[2] = s * h + a * l,
+ i[3] = o * h - r * l
+ }
+ ,
+ e.rotateZ = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e.elements
+ , n = this.elements;
+ t *= .5;
+ var a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = n[3]
+ , l = Math.sin(t)
+ , h = Math.cos(t);
+ i[0] = a * h + r * l,
+ i[1] = r * h - a * l,
+ i[2] = s * h + o * l,
+ i[3] = o * h - s * l
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getYawPitchRoll = function(e) {
+ Be.transformQuat(Be.ForwardRH, this, t.TEMPVector31),
+ Be.transformQuat(Be.Up, this, t.TEMPVector32);
+ var i = t.TEMPVector32.elements;
+ t.angleTo(Be.ZERO, t.TEMPVector31, t.TEMPVector33);
+ var n = t.TEMPVector33.elements;
+ n[0] == Math.PI / 2 ? (n[1] = t.arcTanAngle(i[2], i[0]),
+ n[2] = 0) : n[0] == -Math.PI / 2 ? (n[1] = t.arcTanAngle(-i[2], -i[0]),
+ n[2] = 0) : (Me.createRotationY(-n[1], t.TEMPMatrix0),
+ Me.createRotationX(-n[0], t.TEMPMatrix1),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t.TEMPVector32, t.TEMPMatrix0, t.TEMPVector32),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t.TEMPVector32, t.TEMPMatrix1, t.TEMPVector32),
+ n[2] = t.arcTanAngle(i[1], -i[0])),
+ n[1] <= -Math.PI && (n[1] = Math.PI),
+ n[2] <= -Math.PI && (n[2] = Math.PI),
+ n[1] >= Math.PI && n[2] >= Math.PI && (n[1] = 0,
+ n[2] = 0,
+ n[0] = Math.PI - n[0]);
+ var a = e.elements;
+ a[0] = n[1],
+ a[1] = n[0],
+ a[2] = n[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.invert = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = i[3]
+ , o = n * n + a * a + r * r + s * s
+ , l = o ? 1 / o : 0;
+ e[0] = -n * l,
+ e[1] = -a * l,
+ e[2] = -r * l,
+ e[3] = s * l
+ }
+ ,
+ e.identity = function() {
+ var t = this.elements;
+ t[0] = 0,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ t[2] = 0,
+ t[3] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.fromArray = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.elements[0] = t[e + 0],
+ this.elements[1] = t[e + 1],
+ this.elements[2] = t[e + 2],
+ this.elements[3] = t[e + 3]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e, i, n;
+ if (i = this.elements,
+ n = t.elements,
+ i !== n)
+ for (e = 0; e < 4; ++e)
+ n[e] = i[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.equals = function(t) {
+ var e = this.elements
+ , i = t.elements;
+ return Ce.nearEqual(e[0], i[0]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[1], i[1]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[2], i[2]) && Ce.nearEqual(e[3], i[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.lengthSquared = function() {
+ var t = this.elements[0]
+ , e = this.elements[1]
+ , i = this.elements[2]
+ , n = this.elements[3];
+ return t * t + e * e + i * i + n * n
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "x", function() {
+ return this.elements[0]
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "y", function() {
+ return this.elements[1]
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "z", function() {
+ return this.elements[2]
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "w", function() {
+ return this.elements[3]
+ }),
+ t.createFromYawPitchRoll = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = .5 * i
+ , r = .5 * e
+ , s = .5 * t
+ , o = Math.sin(a)
+ , l = Math.cos(a)
+ , h = Math.sin(r)
+ , c = Math.cos(r)
+ , _ = Math.sin(s)
+ , u = Math.cos(s)
+ , d = n.elements;
+ d[0] = u * h * l + _ * c * o,
+ d[1] = _ * c * l - u * h * o,
+ d[2] = u * c * o - _ * h * l,
+ d[3] = u * c * l + _ * h * o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.multiply = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = e.elements
+ , r = i.elements
+ , s = n[0]
+ , o = n[1]
+ , l = n[2]
+ , h = n[3]
+ , c = a[0]
+ , _ = a[1]
+ , u = a[2]
+ , d = a[3]
+ , f = o * u - l * _
+ , p = l * c - s * u
+ , m = s * _ - o * c
+ , g = s * c + o * _ + l * u;
+ r[0] = s * d + c * h + f,
+ r[1] = o * d + _ * h + p,
+ r[2] = l * d + u * h + m,
+ r[3] = h * d - g
+ }
+ ,
+ t.arcTanAngle = function(t, e) {
+ return 0 == t ? 1 == e ? Math.PI / 2 : -Math.PI / 2 : t > 0 ? Math.atan(e / t) : t < 0 ? e > 0 ? Math.atan(e / t) + Math.PI : Math.atan(e / t) - Math.PI : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.angleTo = function(e, i, n) {
+ Be.subtract(i, e, t.TEMPVector30),
+ Be.normalize(t.TEMPVector30, t.TEMPVector30),
+ n.elements[0] = Math.asin(t.TEMPVector30.y),
+ n.elements[1] = t.arcTanAngle(-t.TEMPVector30.z, -t.TEMPVector30.x)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromAxisAngle = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements;
+ e *= .5;
+ var r = Math.sin(e);
+ n[0] = r * a[0],
+ n[1] = r * a[1],
+ n[2] = r * a[2],
+ n[3] = Math.cos(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromMatrix3x3 = function(t, e) {
+ var i, n = e.elements, a = t.elements, r = a[0] + a[4] + a[8];
+ if (r > 0)
+ i = Math.sqrt(r + 1),
+ n[3] = .5 * i,
+ i = .5 / i,
+ n[0] = (a[5] - a[7]) * i,
+ n[1] = (a[6] - a[2]) * i,
+ n[2] = (a[1] - a[3]) * i;
+ else {
+ var s = 0;
+ a[4] > a[0] && (s = 1),
+ a[8] > a[3 * s + s] && (s = 2);
+ var o = (s + 1) % 3
+ , l = (s + 2) % 3;
+ i = Math.sqrt(a[3 * s + s] - a[3 * o + o] - a[3 * l + l] + 1),
+ n[s] = .5 * i,
+ i = .5 / i,
+ n[3] = (a[3 * o + l] - a[3 * l + o]) * i,
+ n[o] = (a[3 * o + s] + a[3 * s + o]) * i,
+ n[l] = (a[3 * l + s] + a[3 * s + l]) * i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFromMatrix4x4 = function(t, e) {
+ var i, n, a = t.elements, r = e.elements, s = a[0] + a[5] + a[10];
+ s > 0 ? (i = Math.sqrt(s + 1),
+ r[3] = .5 * i,
+ i = .5 / i,
+ r[0] = (a[6] - a[9]) * i,
+ r[1] = (a[8] - a[2]) * i,
+ r[2] = (a[1] - a[4]) * i) : a[0] >= a[5] && a[0] >= a[10] ? (n = .5 / (i = Math.sqrt(1 + a[0] - a[5] - a[10])),
+ r[0] = .5 * i,
+ r[1] = (a[1] + a[4]) * n,
+ r[2] = (a[2] + a[8]) * n,
+ r[3] = (a[6] - a[9]) * n) : a[5] > a[10] ? (n = .5 / (i = Math.sqrt(1 + a[5] - a[0] - a[10])),
+ r[0] = (a[4] + a[1]) * n,
+ r[1] = .5 * i,
+ r[2] = (a[9] + a[6]) * n,
+ r[3] = (a[8] - a[2]) * n) : (n = .5 / (i = Math.sqrt(1 + a[10] - a[0] - a[5])),
+ r[0] = (a[8] + a[2]) * n,
+ r[1] = (a[9] + a[6]) * n,
+ r[2] = .5 * i,
+ r[3] = (a[1] - a[4]) * n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.slerp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a, r, s, o, l, h = t.elements, c = e.elements, _ = n.elements, u = h[0], d = h[1], f = h[2], p = h[3], m = c[0], g = c[1], y = c[2], v = c[3];
+ return (r = u * m + d * g + f * y + p * v) < 0 && (r = -r,
+ m = -m,
+ g = -g,
+ y = -y,
+ v = -v),
+ 1 - r > 1e-6 ? (a = Math.acos(r),
+ s = Math.sin(a),
+ o = Math.sin((1 - i) * a) / s,
+ l = Math.sin(i * a) / s) : (o = 1 - i,
+ l = i),
+ _[0] = o * u + l * m,
+ _[1] = o * d + l * g,
+ _[2] = o * f + l * y,
+ _[3] = o * p + l * v,
+ _
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lerp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = n.elements
+ , r = t.elements
+ , s = e.elements
+ , o = r[0]
+ , l = r[1]
+ , h = r[2]
+ , c = r[3];
+ a[0] = o + i * (s[0] - o),
+ a[1] = l + i * (s[1] - l),
+ a[2] = h + i * (s[2] - h),
+ a[3] = c + i * (s[3] - c)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.add = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] + r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] + r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] + r[2],
+ n[3] = a[3] + r[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.dot = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ return i[0] * n[0] + i[1] * n[1] + i[2] * n[2] + i[3] * n[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.rotationLookAt = function(e, i, n) {
+ t.lookAt(Be.ZERO, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookAt = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ Se.lookAt(e, i, n, t._tempMatrix3x3),
+ t.rotationMatrix(t._tempMatrix3x3, a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.invert = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = t.lengthSquared();
+ Ce.isZero(a) || (a = 1 / a,
+ n[0] = -i[0] * a,
+ n[1] = -i[1] * a,
+ n[2] = -i[2] * a,
+ n[3] = i[3] * a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.rotationMatrix = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2]
+ , s = i[3]
+ , o = i[4]
+ , l = i[5]
+ , h = i[6]
+ , c = i[7]
+ , _ = i[8]
+ , u = e.elements
+ , d = NaN
+ , f = NaN
+ , p = n + o + _;
+ p > 0 ? (d = Math.sqrt(p + 1),
+ u[3] = .5 * d,
+ d = .5 / d,
+ u[0] = (l - c) * d,
+ u[1] = (h - r) * d,
+ u[2] = (a - s) * d) : n >= o && n >= _ ? (f = .5 / (d = Math.sqrt(1 + n - o - _)),
+ u[0] = .5 * d,
+ u[1] = (a + s) * f,
+ u[2] = (r + h) * f,
+ u[3] = (l - c) * f) : o > _ ? (f = .5 / (d = Math.sqrt(1 + o - n - _)),
+ u[0] = (s + a) * f,
+ u[1] = .5 * d,
+ u[2] = (c + l) * f,
+ u[3] = (h - r) * f) : (f = .5 / (d = Math.sqrt(1 + _ - n - o)),
+ u[0] = (h + r) * f,
+ u[1] = (c + l) * f,
+ u[2] = .5 * d,
+ u[3] = (a - s) * f)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.DEFAULT = new t,
+ n(t, ["TEMPVector30", function() {
+ return this.TEMPVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "TEMPVector31", function() {
+ return this.TEMPVector31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "TEMPVector32", function() {
+ return this.TEMPVector32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "TEMPVector33", function() {
+ return this.TEMPVector33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "TEMPMatrix0", function() {
+ return this.TEMPMatrix0 = new Me
+ }
+ , "TEMPMatrix1", function() {
+ return this.TEMPMatrix1 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix3x3", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix3x3 = new Se
+ }
+ , "NAN", function() {
+ return this.NAN = new t(NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , De = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._temp = new Uint32Array(1),
+ this.seeds = new Uint32Array(4),
+ this.seeds[0] = t,
+ this.seeds[1] = 1812433253 * this.seeds[0] + 1,
+ this.seeds[2] = 1812433253 * this.seeds[1] + 1,
+ this.seeds[3] = 1812433253 * this.seeds[2] + 1
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Rand");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.getUint = function() {
+ return this._temp[0] = this.seeds[0] ^ this.seeds[0] << 11,
+ this.seeds[0] = this.seeds[1],
+ this.seeds[1] = this.seeds[2],
+ this.seeds[2] = this.seeds[3],
+ this.seeds[3] = this.seeds[3] ^ this.seeds[3] >>> 19 ^ this._temp[0] ^ this._temp[0] >>> 8,
+ this.seeds[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFloat = function() {
+ return this.getUint(),
+ (8388607 & this.seeds[3]) * (1 / 8388607)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getSignedFloat = function() {
+ return 2 * this.getFloat() - 1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "seed", function() {
+ return this.seeds[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.seeds[0] = t,
+ this.seeds[1] = 1812433253 * this.seeds[0] + 1,
+ this.seeds[2] = 1812433253 * this.seeds[1] + 1,
+ this.seeds[3] = 1812433253 * this.seeds[2] + 1
+ }),
+ t.getFloatFromInt = function(t) {
+ return 1 / 8388607 * (8388607 & t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getByteFromInt = function(t) {
+ return (8388607 & t) >>> 15
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ne = (function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ if (this._state0U = NaN,
+ this._state0L = NaN,
+ this._state1U = NaN,
+ this._state1L = NaN,
+ !(t instanceof Array) || 4 !== t.length)
+ throw new Error("Rand:Seed must be an array with 4 numbers");
+ this._state0U = 0 | t[0],
+ this._state0L = 0 | t[1],
+ this._state1U = 0 | t[2],
+ this._state1L = 0 | t[3]
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.RandX");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ e.randomint = function() {
+ var t = this._state0U
+ , e = this._state0L
+ , i = this._state1U
+ , n = this._state1L
+ , a = (n >>> 0) + (e >>> 0)
+ , r = i + t + (a / 2 >>> 31) >>> 0
+ , s = a >>> 0;
+ this._state0U = i,
+ this._state0L = n;
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ o = (t ^= o = t << 23 | (-512 & e) >>> 9) ^ i,
+ l = (e ^= l = e << 23) ^ n;
+ o ^= h = t >>> 18,
+ l ^= c = e >>> 18 | (262143 & t) << 14;
+ return h = i >>> 5,
+ c = n >>> 5 | (31 & i) << 27,
+ o ^= h,
+ l ^= c,
+ this._state1U = o,
+ this._state1L = l,
+ [r, s]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.random = function() {
+ var e = this.randomint()
+ , i = e[0]
+ , n = 1023 << 20 | i >>> 12
+ , a = 0 | (e[1] >>> 12 | (4095 & i) << 20);
+ t._CONVERTION_BUFFER.setUint32(0, n, !1),
+ t._CONVERTION_BUFFER.setUint32(4, a, !1);
+ return De._CONVERTION_BUFFER.getFloat64(0, !1) - 1
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_CONVERTION_BUFFER", function() {
+ return this._CONVERTION_BUFFER = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))
+ }
+ , "defaultRand", function() {
+ return this.defaultRand = new De([0, Date.now() / 65536, 0, Date.now() % 65536])
+ }
+ ])
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.origin = null,
+ this.direction = null,
+ this.origin = t,
+ this.direction = e
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.math.Ray"),
+ t
+ }())
+ , Ae = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this.elements = new Float32Array(2),
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = this.elements;
+ i[0] = t,
+ i[1] = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Vector2");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.fromArray = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.elements[0] = t[e + 0],
+ this.elements[1] = t[e + 1]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements;
+ e[0] = i[0],
+ e[1] = i[1]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "x", function() {
+ return this.elements[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[0] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "y", function() {
+ return this.elements[1]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[1] = t
+ }),
+ t.scale = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] * e,
+ n[1] = a[1] * e
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["ZERO", function() {
+ return this.ZERO = new t(0,0)
+ }
+ , "ONE", function() {
+ return this.ONE = new t(1,1)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Be = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this.elements = new Float32Array(3),
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0);
+ var n = this.elements;
+ n[0] = t,
+ n[1] = e,
+ n[2] = i
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Vector3");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.fromArray = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.elements[0] = t[e + 0],
+ this.elements[1] = t[e + 1],
+ this.elements[2] = t[e + 2]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements;
+ e[0] = i[0],
+ e[1] = i[1],
+ e[2] = i[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.toDefault = function() {
+ this.elements[0] = 0,
+ this.elements[1] = 0,
+ this.elements[2] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "x", function() {
+ return this.elements[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[0] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "y", function() {
+ return this.elements[1]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[1] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "z", function() {
+ return this.elements[2]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[2] = t
+ }),
+ t.distanceSquared = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = i[0] - n[0]
+ , r = i[1] - n[1]
+ , s = i[2] - n[2];
+ return a * a + r * r + s * s
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distance = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = i[0] - n[0]
+ , r = i[1] - n[1]
+ , s = i[2] - n[2];
+ return Math.sqrt(a * a + r * r + s * s)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.min = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = Math.min(a[0], r[0]),
+ n[1] = Math.min(a[1], r[1]),
+ n[2] = Math.min(a[2], r[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.max = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = Math.max(a[0], r[0]),
+ n[1] = Math.max(a[1], r[1]),
+ n[2] = Math.max(a[2], r[2])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformQuat = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements
+ , s = a[0]
+ , o = a[1]
+ , l = a[2]
+ , h = r[0]
+ , c = r[1]
+ , _ = r[2]
+ , u = r[3]
+ , d = u * s + c * l - _ * o
+ , f = u * o + _ * s - h * l
+ , p = u * l + h * o - c * s
+ , m = -h * s - c * o - _ * l;
+ n[0] = d * u + m * -h + f * -_ - p * -c,
+ n[1] = f * u + m * -c + p * -h - d * -_,
+ n[2] = p * u + m * -_ + d * -c - f * -h
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scalarLength = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = e[0]
+ , n = e[1]
+ , a = e[2];
+ return Math.sqrt(i * i + n * n + a * a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scalarLengthSquared = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = e[0]
+ , n = e[1]
+ , a = e[2];
+ return i * i + n * n + a * a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.normalize = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = i[0]
+ , r = i[1]
+ , s = i[2]
+ , o = a * a + r * r + s * s;
+ o > 0 && (o = 1 / Math.sqrt(o),
+ n[0] = i[0] * o,
+ n[1] = i[1] * o,
+ n[2] = i[2] * o)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.multiply = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] * r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] * r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] * r[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scale = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] * e,
+ n[1] = a[1] * e,
+ n[2] = a[2] * e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lerp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = n.elements
+ , r = t.elements
+ , s = e.elements
+ , o = r[0]
+ , l = r[1]
+ , h = r[2];
+ a[0] = o + i * (s[0] - o),
+ a[1] = l + i * (s[1] - l),
+ a[2] = h + i * (s[2] - h)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformV3ToV3 = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._tempVector4;
+ t.transformV3ToV4(e, i, a);
+ var r = a.elements
+ , s = n.elements;
+ s[0] = r[0],
+ s[1] = r[1],
+ s[2] = r[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformV3ToV4 = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = e.elements
+ , l = i.elements;
+ l[0] = a * o[0] + r * o[4] + s * o[8] + o[12],
+ l[1] = a * o[1] + r * o[5] + s * o[9] + o[13],
+ l[2] = a * o[2] + r * o[6] + s * o[10] + o[14],
+ l[3] = a * o[3] + r * o[7] + s * o[11] + o[15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.TransformNormal = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = e.elements
+ , l = i.elements;
+ l[0] = a * o[0] + r * o[4] + s * o[8],
+ l[1] = a * o[1] + r * o[5] + s * o[9],
+ l[2] = a * o[2] + r * o[6] + s * o[10]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformCoordinate = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t._tempVector4.elements
+ , r = e.elements
+ , s = r[0]
+ , o = r[1]
+ , l = r[2]
+ , h = i.elements;
+ a[0] = s * h[0] + o * h[4] + l * h[8] + h[12],
+ a[1] = s * h[1] + o * h[5] + l * h[9] + h[13],
+ a[2] = s * h[2] + o * h[6] + l * h[10] + h[14],
+ a[3] = 1 / (s * h[3] + o * h[7] + l * h[11] + h[15]);
+ var c = n.elements;
+ c[0] = a[0] * a[3],
+ c[1] = a[1] * a[3],
+ c[2] = a[2] * a[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Clamp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.elements
+ , r = a[0]
+ , s = a[1]
+ , o = a[2]
+ , l = e.elements
+ , h = l[0]
+ , c = l[1]
+ , _ = l[2]
+ , u = i.elements
+ , d = u[0]
+ , f = u[1]
+ , p = u[2]
+ , m = n.elements;
+ r = (r = r > d ? d : r) < h ? h : r,
+ s = (s = s > f ? f : s) < c ? c : s,
+ o = (o = o > p ? p : o) < _ ? _ : o,
+ m[0] = r,
+ m[1] = s,
+ m[2] = o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.add = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] + r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] + r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] + r[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.subtract = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] - r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] - r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] - r[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.cross = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = e.elements
+ , r = i.elements
+ , s = n[0]
+ , o = n[1]
+ , l = n[2]
+ , h = a[0]
+ , c = a[1]
+ , _ = a[2];
+ r[0] = o * _ - l * c,
+ r[1] = l * h - s * _,
+ r[2] = s * c - o * h
+ }
+ ,
+ t.dot = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ return i[0] * n[0] + i[1] * n[1] + i[2] * n[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.equals = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ return Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[0]), Math.abs(n[0])) && Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[1]), Math.abs(n[1])) && Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[2]), Math.abs(n[2]))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.ZERO = new t(0,0,0),
+ t.ONE = new t(1,1,1),
+ t.NegativeUnitX = new t(-1,0,0),
+ t.UnitX = new t(1,0,0),
+ t.UnitY = new t(0,1,0),
+ t.UnitZ = new t(0,0,1),
+ t.ForwardRH = new t(0,0,-1),
+ t.ForwardLH = new t(0,0,1),
+ t.Up = new t(0,1,0),
+ t.NAN = new t(NaN,NaN,NaN),
+ n(t, ["_tempVector4", function() {
+ return this._tempVector4 = new ke
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ke = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.elements = new Float32Array(4),
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0);
+ var a = this.elements;
+ a[0] = t,
+ a[1] = e,
+ a[2] = i,
+ a[3] = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Vector4");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ e.fromArray = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.elements[0] = t[e + 0],
+ this.elements[1] = t[e + 1],
+ this.elements[2] = t[e + 2],
+ this.elements[3] = t[e + 3]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t.elements
+ , i = this.elements;
+ e[0] = i[0],
+ e[1] = i[1],
+ e[2] = i[2],
+ e[3] = i[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.length = function() {
+ return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.lengthSquared = function() {
+ return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "x", function() {
+ return this.elements[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[0] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "y", function() {
+ return this.elements[1]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[1] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "z", function() {
+ return this.elements[2]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[2] = t
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "w", function() {
+ return this.elements[3]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.elements[3] = t
+ }),
+ t.lerp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = n.elements
+ , r = t.elements
+ , s = e.elements
+ , o = r[0]
+ , l = r[1]
+ , h = r[2]
+ , c = r[3];
+ a[0] = o + i * (s[0] - o),
+ a[1] = l + i * (s[1] - l),
+ a[2] = h + i * (s[2] - h),
+ a[3] = c + i * (s[3] - c)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformByM4x4 = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = n[0]
+ , r = n[1]
+ , s = n[2]
+ , o = n[3]
+ , l = e.elements
+ , h = i.elements;
+ h[0] = a * l[0] + r * l[4] + s * l[8] + o * l[12],
+ h[1] = a * l[1] + r * l[5] + s * l[9] + o * l[13],
+ h[2] = a * l[2] + r * l[6] + s * l[10] + o * l[14],
+ h[3] = a * l[3] + r * l[7] + s * l[11] + o * l[15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.equals = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ return Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[0]), Math.abs(n[0])) && Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[1]), Math.abs(n[1])) && Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[2]), Math.abs(n[2])) && Ce.nearEqual(Math.abs(i[3]), Math.abs(n[3]))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.normalize = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = t.length();
+ a > 0 && (n[0] = i[0] * a,
+ n[1] = i[1] * a,
+ n[2] = i[2] * a,
+ n[3] = i[3] * a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.add = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] + r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] + r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] + r[2],
+ n[3] = a[3] + r[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.subtract = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] - r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] - r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] - r[2],
+ n[3] = a[3] - r[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.multiply = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] * r[0],
+ n[1] = a[1] * r[1],
+ n[2] = a[2] * r[2],
+ n[3] = a[3] * r[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scale = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements;
+ n[0] = a[0] * e,
+ n[1] = a[1] * e,
+ n[2] = a[2] * e,
+ n[3] = a[3] * e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Clamp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.elements
+ , r = a[0]
+ , s = a[1]
+ , o = a[2]
+ , l = a[3]
+ , h = e.elements
+ , c = h[0]
+ , _ = h[1]
+ , u = h[2]
+ , d = h[3]
+ , f = i.elements
+ , p = f[0]
+ , m = f[1]
+ , g = f[2]
+ , y = f[3]
+ , v = n.elements;
+ r = (r = r > p ? p : r) < c ? c : r,
+ s = (s = s > m ? m : s) < _ ? _ : s,
+ o = (o = o > g ? g : o) < u ? u : o,
+ l = (l = l > y ? y : l) < d ? d : l,
+ v[0] = r,
+ v[1] = s,
+ v[2] = o,
+ v[3] = l
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distanceSquared = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = i[0] - n[0]
+ , r = i[1] - n[1]
+ , s = i[2] - n[2]
+ , o = i[3] - n[3];
+ return a * a + r * r + s * s + o * o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.distance = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements
+ , a = i[0] - n[0]
+ , r = i[1] - n[1]
+ , s = i[2] - n[2]
+ , o = i[3] - n[3];
+ return Math.sqrt(a * a + r * r + s * s + o * o)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.dot = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.elements
+ , n = e.elements;
+ return i[0] * n[0] + i[1] * n[1] + i[2] * n[2] + i[3] * n[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.min = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = Math.min(a[0], r[0]),
+ n[1] = Math.min(a[1], r[1]),
+ n[2] = Math.min(a[2], r[2]),
+ n[3] = Math.min(a[3], r[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.max = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ n[0] = Math.max(a[0], r[0]),
+ n[1] = Math.max(a[1], r[1]),
+ n[2] = Math.max(a[2], r[2]),
+ n[3] = Math.max(a[3], r[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["ZERO", function() {
+ return this.ZERO = new t
+ }
+ , "ONE", function() {
+ return this.ONE = new t(1,1,1,1)
+ }
+ , "UnitX", function() {
+ return this.UnitX = new t(1,0,0,0)
+ }
+ , "UnitY", function() {
+ return this.UnitY = new t(0,1,0,0)
+ }
+ , "UnitZ", function() {
+ return this.UnitZ = new t(0,0,1,0)
+ }
+ , "UnitW", function() {
+ return this.UnitW = new t(0,0,0,1)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Re = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.minDepth = 0,
+ this.maxDepth = 1,
+ this.x = t,
+ this.y = e,
+ this.width = i,
+ this.height = n
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.math.Viewport");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.project = function(t, e, i) {
+ Be.transformV3ToV3(t, e, i);
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = e.elements
+ , r = i.elements
+ , s = n[0] * a[3] + n[1] * a[7] + n[2] * a[11] + a[15];
+ 1 !== s && (r[0] = r[0] / s,
+ r[1] = r[1] / s,
+ r[2] = r[2] / s),
+ r[0] = .5 * (r[0] + 1) * this.width + this.x,
+ r[1] = .5 * (1 - r[1]) * this.height + this.y,
+ r[2] = r[2] * (this.maxDepth - this.minDepth) + this.minDepth
+ }
+ ,
+ e.unprojectFromMat = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.elements
+ , a = e.elements
+ , r = i.elements;
+ r[0] = (n[0] - this.x) / this.width * 2 - 1,
+ r[1] = -((n[1] - this.y) / this.height * 2 - 1);
+ var s = (this.maxDepth - this.minDepth) / 2;
+ r[2] = (n[2] - this.minDepth - s) / s;
+ var o = r[0] * a[3] + r[1] * a[7] + r[2] * a[11] + a[15];
+ Be.transformV3ToV3(i, e, i),
+ 1 !== o && (r[0] = r[0] / o,
+ r[1] = r[1] / o,
+ r[2] = r[2] / o)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.unprojectFromWVP = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ Me.multiply(i, n, t._tempMatrix4x4),
+ a && Me.multiply(t._tempMatrix4x4, a, t._tempMatrix4x4),
+ t._tempMatrix4x4.invert(t._tempMatrix4x4),
+ this.unprojectFromMat(e, t._tempMatrix4x4, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempMatrix4x4", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x4 = new Me
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Pe = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._alphaBlending = 1,
+ this._colorIntensity = 1,
+ this._shaderValue = new Fe
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.resource.models.Sky");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e._setEnvironmentDiffuse = function() {
+ this._environmentDiffuse.loaded ? this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(7, this._environmentDiffuse) : this._environmentDiffuse.on("loaded", this, this._environmentDiffuseLoaded)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._setEnvironmentSpecular = function() {
+ if (this._environmentSpecular.loaded) {
+ var t = this._environmentSpecular.simLodInfo;
+ t && t instanceof Float32Array && this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(9, t),
+ this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(8, this._environmentSpecular)
+ } else
+ this._environmentSpecular.on("loaded", this, this._environmentSpecularLoaded)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._environmentDiffuseLoaded = function() {
+ this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(7, this._environmentDiffuse)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._environmentSpecularLoaded = function() {
+ var t = this._environmentSpecular.simLodInfo;
+ t && t instanceof Float32Array && this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(9, t),
+ this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(8, this._environmentSpecular)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._render = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.destroy = function() {
+ this.__ownerCamera = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "_ownerCamera", null, function(t) {
+ this.__ownerCamera = t,
+ this._environmentDiffuse && this._setEnvironmentDiffuse(),
+ this._environmentSpecular && this._setEnvironmentSpecular()
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "alphaBlending", function() {
+ return this._alphaBlending
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._alphaBlending = t,
+ this._alphaBlending < 0 && (this._alphaBlending = 0),
+ this._alphaBlending > 1 && (this._alphaBlending = 1)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "envDiffuseSHBlue", null, function(t) {
+ this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "colorIntensity", function() {
+ return this._colorIntensity
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._colorIntensity = t,
+ this._colorIntensity < 0 && (this._colorIntensity = 0)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "envDiffuseSHGreen", null, function(t) {
+ this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "envDiffuseSHRed", null, function(t) {
+ this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "environmentDiffuse", function() {
+ return this._environmentDiffuse
+ }, function(t) {
+ t.minFifter = 9728,
+ this._environmentDiffuse = t,
+ this.__ownerCamera && this._setEnvironmentDiffuse()
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "environmentSpecular", function() {
+ return this._environmentSpecular
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._environmentSpecular = t,
+ this.__ownerCamera && this._setEnvironmentSpecular()
+ }),
+ t.MVPMATRIX = 0,
+ t.INTENSITY = 1,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Oe = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._mesh = null,
+ this._boneIndicesList = null,
+ this._subIndexBufferStart = null,
+ this._subIndexBufferCount = null,
+ this._skinAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._bufferUsage = null,
+ this._indexInMesh = 0,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._vertexStart = 0,
+ this._vertexCount = 0,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexStart = 0,
+ this._indexCount = 0,
+ this._indices = null,
+ this._bufferUsage = {},
+ this._mesh = t,
+ this._boneIndicesList = [],
+ this._subIndexBufferStart = [],
+ this._subIndexBufferCount = []
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.resource.models.SubMesh");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return i.imps(e, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0,
+ "laya.resource.IDispose": !0
+ }),
+ e._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 === t ? this._vertexBuffer : null
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getStaticBatchBakedVertexs = function(e, i) {
+ var n, a, r = this._vertexBuffer, s = r.vertexDeclaration, o = s.getVertexElementByUsage(0).offset / 4, l = s.getVertexElementByUsage(3).offset / 4, h = i.meshRender.lightmapScaleOffset, c = 0, _ = 0, u = 0, d = 0, f = 0, p = 0;
+ if (h)
+ if (a = s.getVertexElementByUsage(15))
+ u = s.vertexStride / 4,
+ n = this._vertexCount > 0 ? r.getData().slice(this._vertexStart * u, (this._vertexStart + this._vertexCount) * u) : r.getData().slice(),
+ d = a.offset / 4;
+ else {
+ u = (p = s.vertexStride / 4) + 2,
+ n = this._vertexCount ? new Float32Array(this._vertexCount * (r.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4 + 2)) : new Float32Array(r.vertexCount * (r.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4 + 2)),
+ d = (f = s.getVertexElementByUsage(2).offset / 4) + 2;
+ var m = r.getData();
+ for (c = 0,
+ _ = m.length / p; c < _; c++) {
+ var g = 0;
+ g = this._vertexCount > 0 ? (this._vertexStart + c) * p : c * p;
+ var y = c * u
+ , v = 0;
+ for (v = 0; v < d; v++)
+ n[y + v] = m[g + v];
+ for (v = d; v < p; v++)
+ n[y + v + 2] = m[g + v]
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ u = s.vertexStride / 4,
+ n = this._vertexCount ? r.getData().slice(this._vertexStart * u, (this._vertexStart + this._vertexCount) * u) : r.getData().slice();
+ if (e) {
+ var b = e.worldMatrix
+ , w = t._tempMatrix4x40;
+ b.invert(w);
+ var x = t._tempMatrix4x41
+ , I = i.transform.worldMatrix;
+ Me.multiply(w, I, x)
+ } else
+ x = i.transform.worldMatrix;
+ var C = t._tempQuaternion0;
+ for (x.decomposeTransRotScale(t._tempVector30, C, t._tempVector31),
+ c = 0,
+ _ = n.length / u; c < _; c++) {
+ var S = c * u + o
+ , M = c * u + l;
+ if (Ke.transformVector3ArrayToVector3ArrayCoordinate(n, S, x, n, S),
+ Ke.transformVector3ArrayByQuat(n, M, C, n, M),
+ h) {
+ var L = c * u + d;
+ if (a)
+ Ke.transformLightingMapTexcoordByUV1Array(n, L, h, n, L);
+ else {
+ var T = c * p + f;
+ Ke.transformLightingMapTexcoordByUV0Array(m, T, h, n, L)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ e._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e._render = function(t) {
+ var e, i = 0, n = t.renderElement;
+ if (this._indexCount > 1) {
+ var a = this._boneIndicesList.length;
+ if (a > 1) {
+ for (var r = 0; r < a; r++)
+ (e = n._skinAnimationDatas || this._skinAnimationDatas) && (n._shaderValue.setValue(0, e[r]),
+ t._shader.uploadRenderElementUniforms(n._shaderValue.data)),
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, this._subIndexBufferCount[r], 5123, 2 * this._subIndexBufferStart[r]);
+ E.drawCall += a
+ } else
+ (e = n._skinAnimationDatas || this._skinAnimationDatas) && (n._shaderValue.setValue(0, e[0]),
+ t._shader.uploadRenderElementUniforms(n._shaderValue.data)),
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, this._indexCount, 5123, 2 * this._indexStart),
+ E.drawCall++;
+ i = this._indexCount
+ } else
+ i = this._indexBuffer.indexCount,
+ (e = n._skinAnimationDatas || this._skinAnimationDatas) && (n._shaderValue.setValue(0, e[0]),
+ t._shader.uploadRenderElementUniforms(n._shaderValue.data)),
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, i, 5123, 0),
+ E.drawCall++;
+ E.trianglesFaces += i / 3
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getIndices = function() {
+ return this._indexCount > 0 ? this._indices : this._indexBuffer.getData()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.dispose = function() {
+ this._indexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._mesh = null,
+ this._boneIndicesList = null,
+ this._subIndexBufferStart = null,
+ this._subIndexBufferCount = null,
+ this._skinAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._bufferUsage = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return 1
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer.indexCount / 3
+ }),
+ n(t, ["_tempVector30", function() {
+ return this._tempVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector31", function() {
+ return this._tempVector31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempQuaternion0", function() {
+ return this._tempQuaternion0 = new Ee
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x40", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x40 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x41", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x41 = new Me
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ue = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.defineCounter = 0,
+ this.defines = null,
+ t ? (this.defineCounter = t.defineCounter,
+ this.defines = t.defines.slice()) : (this.defineCounter = 0,
+ this.defines = [])
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.shader.ShaderDefines", null, "ShaderDefines$1");
+ return t.prototype.registerDefine = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.pow(2, this.defineCounter++);
+ return this.defines[e] = t,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ve = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.shader.ShaderInit3D"),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ ci._globalRegDefine("FOG", ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG),
+ ci._globalRegDefine("UV", ci.SHADERDEFINE_UV0),
+ ci._globalRegDefine("COLOR", ci.SHADERDEFINE_COLOR),
+ ci._globalRegDefine("UV1", ci.SHADERDEFINE_UV1),
+ ci._globalRegDefine("DEPTHFOG", ci.SAHDERDEFINE_DEPTHFOG),
+ Oi.addInclude("LightHelper.glsl", "\nstruct DirectionLight\n{\n vec3 Direction;\n vec3 Diffuse;\n};\n\nstruct PointLight\n{\n vec3 Diffuse;\n vec3 Attenuation;\n vec3 Position;\n float Range;\n};\n\nstruct SpotLight\n{\n vec3 Diffuse;\n vec3 Attenuation;\n vec3 Position;\n vec3 Direction;\n float Spot;\n float Range;\n};\n\n\nvec3 NormalSampleToWorldSpace(vec3 normalMapSample, vec3 unitNormal, vec3 tangent)\n{\n\tvec3 normalT = 2.0*normalMapSample - 1.0;\n\n\t// Build orthonormal basis.\n\tvec3 N = normalize(unitNormal);\n\tvec3 T = normalize(tangent- dot(tangent, N)*N);\n\tvec3 B = cross(T, N);\n\n\tmat3 TBN = mat3(T, B, N);\n\n\t// Transform from tangent space to world space.\n\tvec3 bumpedNormal = TBN*normalT;\n\n\treturn bumpedNormal;\n}\n\n\nvoid computeDirectionLight(in vec3 matDif,in vec3 matAmb,in vec4 matSpe,in DirectionLight dirLight,in vec3 ambinentColor,in vec3 normal,in vec3 toEye,out vec3 dif,out vec3 amb,out vec3 spec)\n{\n\tdif=vec3(0.0);//不初始化在IOS中闪烁,PC中不会闪烁\n\tamb=vec3(0.0);\n\tspec=vec3(0.0);\n\tvec3 lightVec=-normalize(dirLight.Direction);\n\t\n\tamb=matAmb*ambinentColor;\n\t\n\tfloat diffuseFactor=dot(lightVec, normal);\n\t\n\tif(diffuseFactor>0.0)\n\t{\n\t vec3 v = reflect(-lightVec, normal);\n\t float specFactor = pow(max(dot(v, toEye), 0.0), matSpe.w);\n\t \n\t dif = diffuseFactor * matDif * dirLight.Diffuse;\n\t spec = specFactor * matSpe.rgb;\n\t}\n\t\n}\n\nvoid computePointLight(in vec3 matDif,in vec3 matAmb,in vec4 matSpe,in PointLight poiLight,in vec3 ambinentColor, in vec3 pos,in vec3 normal,in vec3 toEye,out vec3 dif,out vec3 amb,out vec3 spec)\n{\n\tdif=vec3(0.0);\n\tamb=vec3(0.0);\n\tspec=vec3(0.0);\n\tvec3 lightVec = poiLight.Position - pos;\n\t\t\n\tfloat d = length(lightVec);\n\t\n\tif( d > poiLight.Range )\n\t\treturn;\n\t\t\n\tlightVec /= d; \n\t\n\tamb = matAmb*ambinentColor;\t\n\n\tfloat diffuseFactor = dot(lightVec, normal);\n\n\tif( diffuseFactor > 0.0 )\n\t{\n\t\tvec3 v= reflect(-lightVec, normal);\n\t\tfloat specFactor = pow(max(dot(v, toEye), 0.0), matSpe.w);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\tdif = diffuseFactor * matDif * poiLight.Diffuse;\n\t\tspec = specFactor * matSpe.rgb;\n\t}\n\n\tfloat attenuate = 1.0 / dot(poiLight.Attenuation, vec3(1.0, d, d*d));\n\n\tdif *= attenuate;\n\tspec*= attenuate;\n}\n\nvoid ComputeSpotLight(in vec3 matDif,in vec3 matAmb,in vec4 matSpe,in SpotLight spoLight,in vec3 ambinentColor,in vec3 pos, in vec3 normal,in vec3 toEye,out vec3 dif,out vec3 amb,out vec3 spec)\n{\n\tamb = vec3(0.0);\n\tdif =vec3(0.0);\n\tspec= vec3(0.0);\n\tvec3 lightVec = spoLight.Position - pos;\n\t\t\n\tfloat d = length(lightVec);\n\t\n\tif( d > spoLight.Range)\n\t\treturn;\n\t\t\n\tlightVec /= d; \n\t\n\tamb = matAmb*ambinentColor;\t\n\n\tfloat diffuseFactor = dot(lightVec, normal);\n\n\tif(diffuseFactor > 0.0)\n\t{\n\t\tvec3 v= reflect(-lightVec, normal);\n\t\tfloat specFactor = pow(max(dot(v, toEye), 0.0), matSpe.w);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\tdif = diffuseFactor * matDif * spoLight.Diffuse;\n\t\tspec = specFactor * matSpe.rgb;\n\t}\n\t\n\tfloat spot = pow(max(dot(-lightVec, normalize(spoLight.Direction)), 0.0), spoLight.Spot);\n\n\tfloat attenuate = spot/dot(spoLight.Attenuation, vec3(1.0, d, d*d));\n\n\tamb *= spot;\n\tdif *= attenuate;\n\tspec*= attenuate;\n}\n\n"),
+ Oi.addInclude("Lighting.glsl", "\nstruct DirectionLight\n{\n\tvec3 Color;\n\tvec3 Direction;\n};\n\nstruct PointLight\n{\n\tvec3 Color;\n\tvec3 Position;\n\tfloat Range;\n};\n\nstruct SpotLight\n{\n\tvec3 Color;\n\tvec3 Position;\n\tvec3 Direction;\n\tfloat Spot;\n\tfloat Range;\n};\n\n// U3D中使用衰减纹理,此函数模拟并非正确\n//float U3DAttenuation(in vec3 L,in float invLightRadius)\n//{\n//\tfloat fRatio = clamp(length(L) * invLightRadius,0.0,1.0);\n//\tfRatio *= fRatio;\n//\treturn 1.0 / (1.0 + 25.0 * fRatio)* clamp(4.0*(1.0 - fRatio),0.0,1.0); //fade to black as if 4 pixel texture\n//} \n\n// Same as Just Cause 2 and Crysis 2 (you can read GPU Pro 1 book for more information)\nfloat BasicAttenuation(in vec3 L,in float invLightRadius)\n{\n\tvec3 distance = L * invLightRadius;\n\tfloat attenuation = clamp(1.0 - dot(distance, distance),0.0,1.0); // Equals float attenuation = saturate(1.0f - dot(L, L) / (lightRadius * lightRadius)); \t\n\treturn attenuation * attenuation;\n} \n\n// Inspired on http://fools.slindev.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=21&view=unread#unread\t\nfloat NaturalAttenuation(in vec3 L,in float invLightRadius)\n{\n\tfloat attenuationFactor = 30.0;\n\tvec3 distance = L * invLightRadius;\n\tfloat attenuation = dot(distance, distance); // Equals float attenuation = dot(L, L) / (lightRadius * lightRadius);\n\tattenuation = 1.0 / (attenuation * attenuationFactor + 1.0);\n\t// Second we move down the function therewith it reaches zero at abscissa 1:\n\tattenuationFactor = 1.0 / (attenuationFactor + 1.0); //attenuationFactor contains now the value we have to subtract\n\tattenuation = max(attenuation - attenuationFactor, 0.0); // The max fixes a bug.\n\t// Finally we expand the equation along the y-axis so that it starts with a function value of 1 again.\n\tattenuation /= 1.0 - attenuationFactor;\n\treturn attenuation;\n} \n\nvoid LayaAirBlinnPhongLight (in vec3 specColor,in float specColorIntensity,in vec3 normal,in vec3 gloss, in vec3 viewDir,in vec3 lightColor, in vec3 lightVec,out vec3 diffuseColor,out vec3 specularColor)\n{\n mediump vec3 h = normalize(viewDir-lightVec);\n lowp float ln = max (0.0, dot (-lightVec,normal));\n float nh = max (0.0, dot (h,normal));\n\tdiffuseColor=lightColor * ln;\n\tspecularColor=lightColor *specColor*pow (nh, specColorIntensity*128.0) * gloss;\n}\n\nvoid LayaAirBlinnPhongDiectionLight (in vec3 specColor,in float specColorIntensity,in vec3 normal,in vec3 gloss, in vec3 viewDir, in DirectionLight light,out vec3 diffuseColor,out vec3 specularColor)\n{\n\tvec3 lightVec=normalize(light.Direction);\n\tLayaAirBlinnPhongLight(specColor,specColorIntensity,normal,gloss,viewDir,light.Color,lightVec,diffuseColor,specularColor);\n}\n\nvoid LayaAirBlinnPhongPointLight (in vec3 pos,in vec3 specColor,in float specColorIntensity,in vec3 normal,in vec3 gloss, in vec3 viewDir, in PointLight light,out vec3 diffuseColor,out vec3 specularColor)\n{\n\tvec3 lightVec = pos-light.Position;\n\t//if( length(lightVec) > light.Range )\n\t//\treturn;\n\tLayaAirBlinnPhongLight(specColor,specColorIntensity,normal,gloss,viewDir,light.Color,lightVec/length(lightVec),diffuseColor,specularColor);\n\tfloat attenuate = BasicAttenuation(lightVec, 1.0/light.Range);\n\tdiffuseColor *= attenuate;\n\tspecularColor*= attenuate;\n}\n\nvoid LayaAirBlinnPhongSpotLight (in vec3 pos,in vec3 specColor,in float specColorIntensity,in vec3 normal,in vec3 gloss, in vec3 viewDir, in SpotLight light,out vec3 diffuseColor,out vec3 specularColor)\n{\n\tvec3 lightVec = pos-light.Position;\n\t//if( length(lightVec) > light.Range )\n\t//\treturn;\n\tvec3 normalLightVec=lightVec/length(lightVec);\n\tLayaAirBlinnPhongLight(specColor,specColorIntensity,normal,gloss,viewDir,light.Color,normalLightVec,diffuseColor,specularColor);\n\tfloat spot = pow(max(dot(normalLightVec, normalize(light.Direction)), 0.0), light.Spot);\n\tfloat attenuate = spot*BasicAttenuation(lightVec, 1.0/light.Range);\n\tdiffuseColor *= attenuate;\n\tspecularColor*= attenuate;\n}\n\nvec3 NormalSampleToWorldSpace(vec3 normalMapSample, vec3 unitNormal, vec3 tangent,vec3 binormal)\n{\n\tvec3 normalT =vec3(2.0*normalMapSample.x - 1.0,1.0-2.0*normalMapSample.y,2.0*normalMapSample.z - 1.0);\n\t\n\t// Build orthonormal basis.\n\tvec3 N = normalize(unitNormal);\n\tvec3 T = normalize(tangent);\n\tvec3 B = normalize(binormal);\n\tmat3 TBN = mat3(T, B, N);\n\t\n\t// Transform from tangent space to world space.\n\tvec3 bumpedNormal = TBN*normalT;\n\n\treturn bumpedNormal;\n}\n\n\n"),
+ Oi.addInclude("ShadowHelper.glsl", "uniform sampler2D u_shadowMap1;\nuniform sampler2D u_shadowMap2;\nuniform sampler2D u_shadowMap3;\nuniform vec2\t u_shadowPCFoffset;\nuniform vec4 u_shadowPSSMDistance;\nvec4 packDepth(const in float depth)\n{\n\tconst vec4 bitShift = vec4(256.0*256.0*256.0, 256.0*256.0, 256.0, 1.0);\n\tconst vec4 bitMask\t= vec4(0.0, 1.0/256.0, 1.0/256.0, 1.0/256.0);\n\tvec4 res = mod(depth*bitShift*vec4(255), vec4(256))/vec4(255);\n\tres -= res.xxyz * bitMask;\n\treturn res;\n}\nfloat unpackDepth(const in vec4 rgbaDepth)\n{\n\tconst vec4 bitShift = vec4(1.0/(256.0*256.0*256.0), 1.0/(256.0*256.0), 1.0/256.0, 1.0);\n\tfloat depth = dot(rgbaDepth, bitShift);\n\treturn depth;\n}\nfloat tex2DPCF( sampler2D shadowMap,vec2 texcoord,vec2 invsize,float zRef )\n{\n\tvec2 texelpos =texcoord / invsize;\n\tvec2 lerps = fract( texelpos );\n\tfloat sourcevals[4];\n\tsourcevals[0] = float( unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap,texcoord)) > zRef );\n\tsourcevals[1] = float( unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap,texcoord + vec2(invsize.x,0))) > zRef );\n\tsourcevals[2] = float( unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap,texcoord + vec2(0,invsize.y))) > zRef );\n\tsourcevals[3] = float( unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap,texcoord + vec2(invsize.x, invsize.y) )) > zRef );\n\treturn mix( mix(sourcevals[0],sourcevals[2],lerps.y),mix(sourcevals[1],sourcevals[3],lerps.y),lerps.x );\n}\nfloat getShadowPSSM3( sampler2D shadowMap1,sampler2D shadowMap2,sampler2D shadowMap3,mat4 lightShadowVP[4],vec4 pssmDistance,vec2 shadowPCFOffset,vec3 worldPos,float posViewZ,float zBias )\n{\n\tfloat value = 1.0;\n\tint nPSNum = int(posViewZ>pssmDistance.x);\n\tnPSNum += int(posViewZ>pssmDistance.y);\n\tnPSNum += int(posViewZ>pssmDistance.z);\n\t//真SB,webgl不支持在PS中直接访问数组\n\tmat4 lightVP;\n\tif( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t{\n\t\tlightVP = lightShadowVP[1];\n\t}\n\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t{\n\t\tlightVP = lightShadowVP[2];\n\t}\n\telse if( nPSNum == 2 )\n\t{\n\t\tlightVP = lightShadowVP[3];\n\t}\n\tvec4 vLightMVPPos = lightVP * vec4(worldPos,1.0);\n\t//为了效率,在CPU计算/2.0 + 0.5\n\t//vec3 vText = (vLightMVPPos.xyz / vLightMVPPos.w)/2.0 + 0.5;\n\tvec3 vText = vLightMVPPos.xyz / vLightMVPPos.w;\n\tfloat fMyZ = vText.z - zBias;\n\t/*\n\tbvec4 bInFrustumVec = bvec4 ( vText.x >= 0.0, vText.x <= 1.0, vText.y >= 0.0, vText.y <= 1.0 );\n\tbool bInFrustum = all( bInFrustumVec );\n\tbvec2 bFrustumTestVec = bvec2( bInFrustum, fMyZ <= 1.0 );\n\tbool bFrustumTest = all( bFrustumTestVec );\n\tif ( bFrustumTest ) \n\t*/\n\tif( fMyZ <= 1.0 )\n\t{\n\t\tfloat zdepth=0.0;\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF3\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(shadowPCFOffset.xy),shadowPCFOffset,\tfMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(shadowPCFOffset.x,0),shadowPCFOffset,\tfMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(0,shadowPCFOffset.y),shadowPCFOffset,\tfMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue = value/4.0;\n\t\t} \n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap2,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 2 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D( shadowMap3,vText.xy );\n\t\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF2\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap2,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 2 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D( shadowMap3,vText.xy );\n\t\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n\t\t}\n\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF1\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D( shadowMap2,vText.xy );\n\t\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 2 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D( shadowMap3,vText.xy );\n\t\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF_NO\n\t\tvec4 color;\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcolor = texture2D( shadowMap1,vText.xy );\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcolor = texture2D( shadowMap2,vText.xy );\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 2 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcolor = texture2D( shadowMap3,vText.xy );\n\t\t}\n\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n#endif\n\t}\n\treturn value;\n}\nfloat getShadowPSSM2( sampler2D shadowMap1,sampler2D shadowMap2,mat4 lightShadowVP[4],vec4 pssmDistance,vec2 shadowPCFOffset,vec3 worldPos,float posViewZ,float zBias )\n{\n\tfloat value = 1.0;\n\tint nPSNum = int(posViewZ>pssmDistance.x);\n\tnPSNum += int(posViewZ>pssmDistance.y);\n\t//真SB,webgl不支持在PS中直接访问数组\n\tmat4 lightVP;\n\tif( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t{\n\t\tlightVP = lightShadowVP[1];\n\t}\n\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t{\n\t\tlightVP = lightShadowVP[2];\n\t}\n\tvec4 vLightMVPPos = lightVP * vec4(worldPos,1.0);\n\t//为了效率,在CPU计算/2.0 + 0.5\n\t//vec3 vText = (vLightMVPPos.xyz / vLightMVPPos.w)/2.0 + 0.5;\n\tvec3 vText = vLightMVPPos.xyz / vLightMVPPos.w;\n\tfloat fMyZ = vText.z - zBias;\n\t/*\n\tbvec4 bInFrustumVec = bvec4 ( vText.x >= 0.0, vText.x <= 1.0, vText.y >= 0.0, vText.y <= 1.0 );\n\tbool bInFrustum = all( bInFrustumVec );\n\tbvec2 bFrustumTestVec = bvec2( bInFrustum, fMyZ <= 1.0 );\n\tbool bFrustumTest = all( bFrustumTestVec );\n\tif ( bFrustumTest ) \n\t*/\n\tif( fMyZ <= 1.0 )\n\t{\n\t\tfloat zdepth=0.0;\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF3\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(shadowPCFOffset.xy),shadowPCFOffset,\tfMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(shadowPCFOffset.x,0),shadowPCFOffset,\tfMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(0,shadowPCFOffset.y),shadowPCFOffset,\tfMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue = value/4.0;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap2,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF2\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap2,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF1\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D( shadowMap2,vText.xy );\n\t\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n\t\t}\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF_NO\n\t\tvec4 color;\n\t\tif ( nPSNum == 0 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcolor = texture2D( shadowMap1,vText.xy );\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if( nPSNum == 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcolor = texture2D( shadowMap2,vText.xy );\n\t\t}\n\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n#endif\n\t}\n\treturn value;\n}\nfloat getShadowPSSM1( sampler2D shadowMap1,vec4 lightMVPPos,vec4 pssmDistance,vec2 shadowPCFOffset,float posViewZ,float zBias )\n{\n\tfloat value = 1.0;\n\tif( posViewZ < pssmDistance.x )\n\t{\n\t\tvec3 vText = lightMVPPos.xyz / lightMVPPos.w;\n\t\tfloat fMyZ = vText.z - zBias;\n\t\t/*\n\t\tbvec4 bInFrustumVec = bvec4 ( vText.x >= 0.0, vText.x <= 1.0, vText.y >= 0.0, vText.y <= 1.0 );\n\t\tbool bInFrustum = all( bInFrustumVec );\n\t\tbvec2 bFrustumTestVec = bvec2( bInFrustum, fMyZ <= 1.0 );\n\t\tbool bFrustumTest = all( bFrustumTestVec );\n\t\t*/\n\t\tif ( fMyZ <= 1.0 ) \n\t\t{\n\t\t\tfloat zdepth=0.0;\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF3\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(shadowPCFOffset.xy),shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(shadowPCFOffset.x,0),shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue += tex2DPCF( shadowMap1, vText.xy+vec2(0,shadowPCFOffset.y),shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ );\n\t\t\tvalue = value/4.0;\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF2\t\t\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF1\n\t\t\tvalue = tex2DPCF( shadowMap1,vText.xy,shadowPCFOffset,fMyZ);\n#endif\n#ifdef SHADOWMAP_PCF_NO\t\t\n\t\t\tvec4 color = texture2D( shadowMap1,vText.xy );\n\t\t\tzdepth = unpackDepth(color);\n\t\t\tvalue = float(fMyZ < zdepth);\n#endif\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn value;\n}"),
+ Oi.addInclude("WaveFunction.glsl", "\nuniform vec2 u_WaveInfoD[20];\nuniform vec4 u_WaveInfo[20];\n\nuniform float TEXWAVE_UV_SCALE ;//= 20.0; //每texwidth像素代表的实际距离\n/**\n\t这里的计算都是\n*/\n\n/**\n* 计算一个波形\n* 开始计算的时候都按照z向上,最后输出的时候,颠倒一下。\n* @param tm {float} 毫秒\n*/\nvoid calcGerstnerWave(float curtm, vec3 pos, float deep, vec2 uvpos, out vec3 opos, out vec3 B, out vec3 T, out vec3 N, out float foamS){\n\tfloat tm = curtm/1000.;\n\topos = pos;\n\tvec3 wpos=vec3(0.);\t\t//累加的位置\n\tN=vec3(0.,0.,0.);\t//输出的法线初始化一下\n\tT=vec3(0.,0.,0.);\n\tB=vec3(0.,0.,0.);\n\tvec2 cD ;//= D;\n\t//float deepAtt = max(0.,min(deep,1.0));\n\t//A*=deepAtt; //TODO\n\t\n\tfor( int i=0; i<4; i++){\n\t\tcD = u_WaveInfoD[i];//vec2(wi.winfo[0],wi.winfo[1]);// wi.vDir;\n\t\tfloat Q = u_WaveInfo[i].x;//wi.QorK;\n\t\tfloat A = u_WaveInfo[i].y;//wi.A;\n\t\tfloat W = u_WaveInfo[i].z;//wi.omega;\n\t\tfloat P = u_WaveInfo[i].w;//wi.phi;\n\t\tfloat dop = dot(cD,uvpos);\n\t\tfloat c = cos(dop*W - tm*P);//TODO 优化\n\t\tfloat s = sin(dop*W - tm*P);\n\t\tfloat AWs = A*W*s;\n\t\tfloat AWc = A*W*c;\n\t\tfloat _QxyAWs = -Q*cD.x*cD.y*AWs;\n\t\t\n\t\twpos += vec3(Q*A*cD.x*c,\n\t\t\t\t\tQ*A*cD.y*c,\n\t\t\t\t\tA*s);\n\t\tN += vec3(-cD.x*AWc,\n\t\t\t\t-cD.y*AWc,\n\t\t\t\tQ*AWs);//记得最后1-\n\t\tT += vec3(_QxyAWs,\n\t\t\t\tQ*cD.y*cD.y*AWs,//记得1-\n\t\t\t\tcD.y*AWc\n\t\t\t);\n\t\tB += vec3(Q*cD.x*cD.x*AWs,//记得1-\n\t\t\t\t_QxyAWs,\n\t\t\t\tcD.x*AWc\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t//float v1 = exp(-tan((dop*W - tm*P)/2.+1.07));//除2,+pi/2 这样正好能对齐\n#ifdef USE_FOAM\t\t\n\t\tfloat v1 = 0.5-sin((dop*W - tm*P)/1.+2.0)/2.;\n\t\tfoamS += pow(v1,9.)/4.;\n#endif\n\t}\n\tT.y=1.-T.y; B.x=1.-B.x;N.z=1.-N.z;\n\topos += vec3(wpos.x,wpos.z*min(deep/10.,1.),wpos.y);\n\t//y和z交换一下。现在根据uv计算的位置,所以直接交换yz就行。其他情况下有问题么\n\tT.xyz=T.xzy;\n\tB.xyz=B.xzy;\n\tN.xyz=N.xzy;\n}\n\n\nvoid calcWave(float curtm, vec2 uv, out vec3 B, out vec3 T, out vec3 N){\n\tfloat tm = curtm/1000.;\n\tN=vec3(0.,0.,0.);\t//输出的法线初始化一下\n\tvec2 uvpos = uv*TEXWAVE_UV_SCALE; //TODO 这个范围是什么 就是1?\n\tuvpos.y*=-1.;\n\tvec2 cD;// = D;\n\tconst int NumWaves = 4;\n\tfloat scale = 1./float(NumWaves);\n\tfor( int i=0; i 3 && (this._numberOfPSSM = 3),
+ this._scene = t,
+ this._maxDistance = e,
+ this.PSSMNum = a,
+ this._globalParallelLightDir = i,
+ this._ratioOfDistance = 1 / this._numberOfPSSM;
+ for (var s = 0; s < this._spiltDistance.length; s++)
+ this._spiltDistance[s] = 0;
+ this._shadowMapTextureSize = n,
+ this._shadowPCFOffset.x = 1 / this._shadowMapTextureSize,
+ this._shadowPCFOffset.y = 1 / this._shadowMapTextureSize,
+ this.setPCFType(r),
+ this._statesDirty = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setPCFType = function(t) {
+ switch (this._PCFType = t,
+ this._PCFType) {
+ case 0:
+ this._scene.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF_NO),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF1),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF2),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF3);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this._scene.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF1),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF_NO),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF2),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF3);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._scene.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF2),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF_NO),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF1),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF3);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this._scene.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF3),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF_NO),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF1),
+ this._scene.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PCF2)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getPCFType = function() {
+ return this._PCFType
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setFarDistance = function(t) {
+ this._maxDistance != t && (this._maxDistance = t,
+ this._statesDirty = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getFarDistance = function() {
+ return this._maxDistance
+ }
+ ,
+ e._setGlobalParallelLightDir = function(t) {
+ this._globalParallelLightDir = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getGlobalParallelLightDir = function() {
+ return this._globalParallelLightDir
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getCurrentPSSM = function() {
+ return this._currentPSSM
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getLightCamera = function(t) {
+ return this._lightCameras[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e._beginSampler = function(t, e) {
+ if (t < 0 || t > this._numberOfPSSM)
+ throw new Error("ParallelSplitShadowMap: beginSample invalid index");
+ this._currentPSSM = t,
+ this._update(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.endSampler = function(t) {
+ this._currentPSSM = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ e._calcAllLightCameraInfo = function(t) {
+ if (1 === this._numberOfPSSM)
+ this._beginSampler(0, t),
+ this.endSampler(t);
+ else
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._numberOfPSSM + 1; e < i; e++)
+ this._beginSampler(e, t),
+ this.endSampler(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._recalculate = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._calcSplitDistance(t),
+ this._calcBoundingBox(e, i),
+ this._rebuildRenderInfo()
+ }
+ ,
+ e._update = function(t) {
+ var e = t.nearPlane
+ , i = t.fieldOfView
+ , n = t.aspectRatio;
+ (this._statesDirty || this.lastNearPlane !== e || this.lastFieldOfView !== i || this.lastAspectRatio !== n) && (this._recalculate(e, i, n),
+ this._uploadShaderValue(),
+ this._statesDirty = !1,
+ this.lastNearPlane = e,
+ this.lastFieldOfView = i,
+ this.lastAspectRatio = n),
+ this._calcLightViewProject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._uploadShaderValue = function() {
+ var t = this._scene;
+ switch (this._numberOfPSSM) {
+ case 1:
+ t.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM1),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM2),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM3);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM2),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM1),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM3);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t.addShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM3),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM1),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.shadowMap.ParallelSplitShadowMap.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM2)
+ }
+ var e = t._shaderValues;
+ switch (e.setValue(15, this._shaderValueDistance.elements),
+ e.setValue(16, this._shaderValueLightVP),
+ e.setValue(17, this._shadowPCFOffset.elements),
+ this._numberOfPSSM) {
+ case 3:
+ e.setValue(18, this.getRenderTarget(1)),
+ e.setValue(19, this.getRenderTarget(2)),
+ e.setValue(20, this.getRenderTarget(3));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e.setValue(18, this.getRenderTarget(1)),
+ e.setValue(19, this.getRenderTarget(2));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ e.setValue(18, this.getRenderTarget(1))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._calcSplitDistance = function(t) {
+ var e = this._maxDistance
+ , i = 1 / this._numberOfPSSM
+ , n = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n <= this._numberOfPSSM; n++)
+ this._uniformDistance[n] = t + (e - t) * n * i;
+ var a = e / t;
+ for (n = 0; n <= this._numberOfPSSM; n++) {
+ var r = Math.pow(a, n * i);
+ this._logDistance[n] = t * r
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n <= this._numberOfPSSM; n++)
+ this._spiltDistance[n] = this._uniformDistance[n] * this._ratioOfDistance + this._logDistance[n] * (1 - this._ratioOfDistance);
+ this._shaderValueDistance.x = this._spiltDistance[1],
+ this._shaderValueDistance.y = this._spiltDistance[2],
+ this._shaderValueDistance.z = this._spiltDistance[3],
+ this._shaderValueDistance.w = this._spiltDistance[4]
+ }
+ ,
+ e._calcBoundingBox = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 3.1415926 * t / 180
+ , n = Math.tan(i / 2)
+ , a = NaN
+ , r = NaN
+ , s = NaN
+ , o = 0;
+ for (o = 0; o <= this._numberOfPSSM; o++) {
+ r = (a = (s = this._spiltDistance[o]) * n) * e;
+ var l = this._frustumPos[4 * o + 0].elements;
+ l[0] = -r,
+ l[1] = -a,
+ l[2] = -s,
+ (l = this._frustumPos[4 * o + 1].elements)[0] = r,
+ l[1] = -a,
+ l[2] = -s,
+ (l = this._frustumPos[4 * o + 2].elements)[0] = -r,
+ l[1] = a,
+ l[2] = -s,
+ (l = this._frustumPos[4 * o + 3].elements)[0] = r,
+ l[1] = a,
+ l[2] = -s,
+ (l = this._dimension[o].elements)[0] = r,
+ l[1] = a
+ }
+ var h, c, _, u;
+ for (o = 1; o <= this._numberOfPSSM; o++)
+ h = this._dimension[o].elements,
+ (c = this._boundingBox[o].min.elements)[0] = -h[0],
+ c[1] = -h[1],
+ c[2] = -this._spiltDistance[o],
+ (_ = this._boundingBox[o].max.elements)[0] = h[0],
+ _[1] = h[1],
+ _[2] = -this._spiltDistance[o - 1],
+ (u = this._boundingSphere[o].center.elements)[0] = .5 * (c[0] + _[0]),
+ u[1] = .5 * (c[1] + _[1]),
+ u[2] = .5 * (c[2] + _[2]),
+ this._boundingSphere[o].radius = .5 * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_[0] - c[0], 2) + Math.pow(_[1] - c[1], 2) + Math.pow(_[2] - c[2], 2));
+ c = this._boundingBox[0].min.elements,
+ h = this._dimension[this._numberOfPSSM].elements,
+ c[0] = -h[0],
+ c[1] = -h[1],
+ c[2] = -this._spiltDistance[this._numberOfPSSM],
+ (_ = this._boundingBox[0].max.elements)[0] = h[0],
+ _[1] = h[1],
+ _[2] = -this._spiltDistance[0],
+ (u = this._boundingSphere[0].center.elements)[0] = .5 * (c[0] + _[0]),
+ u[1] = .5 * (c[1] + _[1]),
+ u[2] = .5 * (c[2] + _[2]),
+ this._boundingSphere[0].radius = .5 * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_[0] - c[0], 2) + Math.pow(_[1] - c[1], 2) + Math.pow(_[2] - c[2], 2))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcSplitFrustum = function(t) {
+ this._currentPSSM > 0 ? Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * t.fieldOfView / 180, t.aspectRatio, this._spiltDistance[this._currentPSSM - 1], this._spiltDistance[this._currentPSSM], this._tempMatrix44) : Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * t.fieldOfView / 180, t.aspectRatio, this._spiltDistance[0], this._spiltDistance[this._numberOfPSSM], this._tempMatrix44),
+ Me.multiply(this._tempMatrix44, t.viewMatrix, this._tempMatrix44),
+ this._splitFrustumCulling.matrix = this._tempMatrix44
+ }
+ ,
+ e._rebuildRenderInfo = function() {
+ var t = this._numberOfPSSM + 1
+ , e = 0;
+ if (null == this._renderTarget)
+ for (this._renderTarget = s(t),
+ this._renderTarget[0] = null,
+ e = 1; e < t; e++)
+ this._renderTarget[e] = new rn(this._shadowMapTextureSize,this._shadowMapTextureSize,6408,5121,33189,!1,!1,9728,9728);
+ else if (this._renderTarget.length != t)
+ for (this.disposeAllRenderTarget(),
+ this._renderTarget.length = t,
+ this._renderTarget[0] = null,
+ e = 1; e < t; e++)
+ this._renderTarget[e] = new rn(this._shadowMapTextureSize,this._shadowMapTextureSize,6408,5121,33189,!1,!1,9728,9728);
+ else
+ for (e = 1; e < t; e++)
+ null != this._renderTarget[e] && this._renderTarget[e].width == this._shadowMapTextureSize && this._renderTarget[e].height == this._shadowMapTextureSize || (null != this._renderTarget[e] && this._renderTarget[e].destroy(),
+ this._renderTarget[e] = new rn(this._shadowMapTextureSize,this._shadowMapTextureSize,6408,5121,33189,!1,!1,9728,9728));
+ if (null == this._lightCulling || this._lightCulling.length != t)
+ for (this._lightCulling ? this._lightCulling.length = t : this._lightCulling = s(t),
+ e = 0; e < this._lightCulling.length; e++)
+ this._lightCulling[e] = new we(Me.DEFAULT);
+ if (null == this._lightVPMatrix || this._lightVPMatrix.length != t)
+ for (this._lightVPMatrix ? this._lightVPMatrix.length = t : this._lightVPMatrix = s(t),
+ e = 0; e < this._lightVPMatrix.length; e++)
+ this._lightVPMatrix[e] = new Me;
+ if (null == this._lightCameras || this._lightCameras.length != t)
+ for (this._lightCameras ? this._lightCameras.length = t : this._lightCameras = s(t),
+ e = 0; e < this._lightCameras.length; e++)
+ this._lightCameras[e] = new pn,
+ this._lightCameras[e].name = "lightCamera" + e;
+ if (null == this._shadowQuenes || this._shadowQuenes.length != this._numberOfPSSM)
+ for (this._shadowQuenes ? this._shadowQuenes.length = this._numberOfPSSM : this._shadowQuenes = s(this._numberOfPSSM),
+ e = 0; e < this._shadowQuenes.length; e++)
+ this._shadowQuenes[e] = new _t(this._scene);
+ if (null == this._shaderValueVPs || this._shaderValueVPs.length != t)
+ for (this._shaderValueVPs ? this._shaderValueVPs.length = t : this._shaderValueVPs = s(t),
+ this._shaderValueLightVP = new Float32Array(16 * t),
+ e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ this._shaderValueVPs[e] = new Float32Array(this._shaderValueLightVP.buffer,64 * e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._calcLightViewProject = function(e) {
+ var i = this._boundingSphere[this._currentPSSM]
+ , n = e.transform.worldMatrix;
+ i.radius;
+ i.center.cloneTo(this._tempLookAt3),
+ Be.transformV3ToV4(this._tempLookAt3, n, this._tempLookAt4);
+ var a = this._tempLookAt3.elements
+ , r = this._tempLookAt4.elements;
+ a[0] = r[0],
+ a[1] = r[1],
+ a[2] = r[2];
+ var s = this._tempLightUp.elements
+ , o = e.forward.elements;
+ s[0] = o[0],
+ s[1] = 1,
+ s[2] = o[2],
+ Be.normalize(this._tempLightUp, this._tempLightUp),
+ Be.scale(this._globalParallelLightDir, 4 * i.radius, this._tempPos),
+ Be.subtract(this._tempLookAt3, this._tempPos, this._tempPos);
+ var l = this._lightCameras[this._currentPSSM];
+ l.transform.position = this._tempPos,
+ l.transform.lookAt(this._tempLookAt3, this._tempLightUp, !1);
+ var h = this._tempMax.elements
+ , c = this._tempMin.elements;
+ h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = -1e5,
+ h[3] = 1,
+ c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 1e5,
+ c[3] = 1,
+ Me.multiply(l.viewMatrix, n, this._tempMatrix44);
+ var _ = this._tempValue.elements
+ , u = [];
+ u.length = 8,
+ this._boundingBox[this._currentPSSM].getCorners(u);
+ for (var d = 0; d < 8; d++) {
+ var f = u[d].elements;
+ _[0] = f[0],
+ _[1] = f[1],
+ _[2] = f[2],
+ _[3] = 1,
+ ke.transformByM4x4(this._tempValue, this._tempMatrix44, this._tempValue),
+ c[0] = _[0] < c[0] ? _[0] : c[0],
+ c[1] = _[1] < c[1] ? _[1] : c[1],
+ c[2] = _[2] < c[2] ? _[2] : c[2],
+ h[0] = _[0] > h[0] ? _[0] : h[0],
+ h[1] = _[1] > h[1] ? _[1] : h[1],
+ h[2] = _[2] > h[2] ? _[2] : h[2]
+ }
+ ke.add(this._tempMax, this._tempMin, this._tempValue),
+ _[0] *= .5,
+ _[1] *= .5,
+ _[2] *= .5,
+ _[3] = 1,
+ ke.transformByM4x4(this._tempValue, l.transform.worldMatrix, this._tempValue);
+ var p = Math.abs(-this._tempMax.z)
+ , m = p > this._maxDistance ? p : this._maxDistance;
+ Be.scale(this._globalParallelLightDir, m, this._tempPos);
+ var g = this._tempPos.elements;
+ g[0] = _[0] - g[0],
+ g[1] = _[1] - g[1],
+ g[2] = _[2] - g[2],
+ l.transform.position = this._tempPos,
+ l.transform.lookAt(this._tempLookAt3, this._tempLightUp, !1),
+ Me.createOrthoOffCenterRH(c[0], h[0], c[1], h[1], 1, m + .5 * (h[2] - c[2]), l.projectionMatrix),
+ l.projectionViewMatrix.cloneTo(this._lightVPMatrix[this._currentPSSM]),
+ this._lightCulling[this._currentPSSM].matrix = this._lightVPMatrix[this._currentPSSM],
+ t.multiplyMatrixOutFloat32Array(this._tempScaleMatrix44, this._lightVPMatrix[this._currentPSSM], this._shaderValueVPs[this._currentPSSM])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getLightFrustumCulling = function(t) {
+ return this._lightCulling[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getSplitFrustumCulling = function() {
+ return this._splitFrustumCulling
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getSplitDistance = function(t) {
+ return this._spiltDistance[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setShadowMapTextureSize = function(t) {
+ t !== this._shadowMapTextureSize && (this._shadowMapTextureSize = t,
+ this._shadowPCFOffset.x = 1 / this._shadowMapTextureSize,
+ this._shadowPCFOffset.y = 1 / this._shadowMapTextureSize,
+ this._statesDirty = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getShadowMapTextureSize = function() {
+ return this._shadowMapTextureSize
+ }
+ ,
+ e.beginRenderTarget = function(t) {
+ this._renderTarget[t].start()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.endRenderTarget = function(t) {
+ this._renderTarget[t].end()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getRenderTarget = function(t) {
+ return this._renderTarget[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.disposeAllRenderTarget = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._numberOfPSSM + 1; t < e; t++)
+ this._renderTarget[t] && (this._renderTarget[t].destroy(),
+ this._renderTarget[t] = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, e, "PSSMNum", function() {
+ return this._numberOfPSSM
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = (t = t > 0 ? t : 1) <= 3 ? t : 3,
+ this._numberOfPSSM != t && (this._numberOfPSSM = t,
+ this._ratioOfDistance = 1 / this._numberOfPSSM,
+ this._statesDirty = !0)
+ }),
+ t.multiplyMatrixOutFloat32Array = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a, r, s, o, l, h;
+ for (a = t.elements,
+ r = e.elements,
+ n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ s = a[n],
+ o = a[n + 4],
+ l = a[n + 8],
+ h = a[n + 12],
+ i[n] = s * r[0] + o * r[1] + l * r[2] + h * r[3],
+ i[n + 4] = s * r[4] + o * r[5] + l * r[6] + h * r[7],
+ i[n + 8] = s * r[8] + o * r[9] + l * r[10] + h * r[11],
+ i[n + 12] = s * r[12] + o * r[13] + l * r[14] + h * r[15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ge = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._boundingSphere = null,
+ this._boundingBox = null,
+ this._sizeOfY = null,
+ this._currentLODLevel = 0,
+ this._lastDistanceToEye = NaN,
+ this._originalBoundingSphere = null,
+ this._originalBoundingBox = null,
+ this._originalBoundingBoxCorners = null,
+ this._bUseStrip = !1,
+ this._gridSize = NaN,
+ this._beginGridX = 0,
+ this._beginGridZ = 0,
+ this._LODError = null,
+ t.__init__(),
+ this._currentLODLevel = 0
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.terrain.TerrainLeaf");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return e.calcVertextNorml = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ l = -1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e - 1, i - 1, n, a, r),
+ l += -1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e - 1, i, n, a, r),
+ l += -1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e - 1, i + 1, n, a, r),
+ l += 1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e + 1, i - 1, n, a, r),
+ l += 1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e + 1, i, n, a, r),
+ l += 1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e + 1, i + 1, n, a, r),
+ o = -1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e - 1, i - 1, n, a, r),
+ o += -1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e, i - 1, n, a, r),
+ o += -1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e + 1, i - 1, n, a, r),
+ o += 1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e - 1, i + 1, n, a, r),
+ o += 1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e, i + 1, n, a, r),
+ o += 1 * t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData(e + 1, i + 1, n, a, r),
+ s.x = -l,
+ s.y = 6,
+ s.z = -o,
+ Be.normalize(s, s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcVertextNormlUV = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ a.x = t / i,
+ a.y = e / n,
+ a.z = e / n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcVertextBuffer = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u) {
+ if (1 == u && !t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__) {
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ = new Me;
+ var d = new Me;
+ Me.createRotationY(Math.PI, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__),
+ Me.createTranslate(new Be(0,0,(_ - 1) * r), d),
+ Me.multiply(d, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__),
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX_INV__ = new Me,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__.invert(t.__ADAPT_MATRIX_INV__)
+ }
+ this._gridSize = r,
+ this._beginGridX = e * t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM + n,
+ this._beginGridZ = i * t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM + a;
+ for (var f = o * l, p = 2147483647, m = -2147483648, g = new Be, y = 0, v = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1; y < v; y++)
+ for (var b = 0, w = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1; b < w; b++)
+ t.__VECTOR3__.x = (this._beginGridX + b) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.z = (this._beginGridZ + y) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.y = h[(this._beginGridZ + y) * c + (this._beginGridX + b)],
+ p = t.__VECTOR3__.y < p ? t.__VECTOR3__.y : p,
+ m = t.__VECTOR3__.y > m ? t.__VECTOR3__.y : m,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && Be.transformV3ToV3(t.__VECTOR3__, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, t.__VECTOR3__),
+ s[f] = t.__VECTOR3__.x,
+ s[++f] = t.__VECTOR3__.y,
+ s[++f] = t.__VECTOR3__.z,
+ f++,
+ this.calcVertextNormlUV(this._beginGridX + b, this._beginGridZ + y, c, _, g),
+ s[f] = g.x,
+ s[++f] = g.y,
+ s[++f] = g.z,
+ s[++f] = (n + b) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++f] = (a + y) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++f] = this._beginGridX + b,
+ s[++f] = this._beginGridZ + y,
+ f++;
+ this._sizeOfY = new Ae(p - 1,m + 1),
+ this.calcLODErrors(h, c, _),
+ this.calcOriginalBoudingBoxAndSphere()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcSkirtVertextBuffer = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ this._gridSize = r,
+ this._beginGridX = e * t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM + n,
+ this._beginGridZ = i * t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM + a;
+ var u = o * l
+ , d = 0
+ , f = 0
+ , p = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1
+ , m = new Be
+ , g = 0
+ , y = 0;
+ for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+ for (f = 0; f < p; f++)
+ t.__VECTOR3__.x = (this._beginGridX + f) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.y = 1 == d ? h[this._beginGridZ * c + (this._beginGridX + f)] : -this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.z = (this._beginGridZ + 0) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && Be.transformV3ToV3(t.__VECTOR3__, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, t.__VECTOR3__),
+ s[u] = t.__VECTOR3__.x,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.y,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.z,
+ u++,
+ g = 0 == d ? this._beginGridZ - 1 : this._beginGridZ,
+ this.calcVertextNormlUV(this._beginGridX + f, g, c, _, m),
+ s[u] = m.x,
+ s[++u] = m.y,
+ s[++u] = m.z,
+ s[++u] = (n + f) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = (a + 0) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = this._beginGridX + f,
+ s[++u] = g,
+ u++;
+ for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+ for (f = 0; f < p; f++)
+ t.__VECTOR3__.x = (this._beginGridX + f) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.y = 0 == d ? h[(this._beginGridZ + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) * c + (this._beginGridX + f)] : -this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.z = (this._beginGridZ + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && Be.transformV3ToV3(t.__VECTOR3__, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, t.__VECTOR3__),
+ s[u] = t.__VECTOR3__.x,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.y,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.z,
+ u++,
+ g = 0 == d ? this._beginGridZ + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM : this._beginGridZ + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1,
+ this.calcVertextNormlUV(this._beginGridX + f, g, c, _, m),
+ s[u] = m.x,
+ s[++u] = m.y,
+ s[++u] = m.z,
+ s[++u] = (n + f) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = (a + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = this._beginGridX + f,
+ s[++u] = g,
+ u++;
+ for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+ for (f = 0; f < p; f++)
+ t.__VECTOR3__.x = (this._beginGridX + 0) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.y = 0 == d ? h[(this._beginGridZ + f) * c + (this._beginGridX + 0)] : -this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.z = (this._beginGridZ + f) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && Be.transformV3ToV3(t.__VECTOR3__, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, t.__VECTOR3__),
+ s[u] = t.__VECTOR3__.x,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.y,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.z,
+ u++,
+ y = 0 == d ? this._beginGridX : this._beginGridX - 1,
+ this.calcVertextNormlUV(y, this._beginGridZ + f, c, _, m),
+ s[u] = m.x,
+ s[++u] = m.y,
+ s[++u] = m.z,
+ s[++u] = (n + 0) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = (a + f) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = y,
+ s[++u] = this._beginGridZ + f,
+ u++;
+ for (d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+ for (f = 0; f < p; f++)
+ t.__VECTOR3__.x = (this._beginGridX + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.y = 1 == d ? h[(this._beginGridZ + f) * c + (this._beginGridX + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM)] : -this._gridSize,
+ t.__VECTOR3__.z = (this._beginGridZ + f) * this._gridSize,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && Be.transformV3ToV3(t.__VECTOR3__, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, t.__VECTOR3__),
+ s[u] = t.__VECTOR3__.x,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.y,
+ s[++u] = t.__VECTOR3__.z,
+ u++,
+ y = 0 == d ? this._beginGridX + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1 : this._beginGridX + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM,
+ this.calcVertextNormlUV(y, this._beginGridZ + f, c, _, m),
+ s[u] = m.x,
+ s[++u] = m.y,
+ s[++u] = m.z,
+ s[++u] = (n + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = (a + f) / t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM,
+ s[++u] = y,
+ s[++u] = this._beginGridZ + f,
+ u++
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcOriginalBoudingBoxAndSphere = function() {
+ var e = new Be(this._beginGridX * this._gridSize,this._sizeOfY.x,this._beginGridZ * this._gridSize)
+ , i = new Be((this._beginGridX + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) * this._gridSize,this._sizeOfY.y,(this._beginGridZ + t.LEAF_GRID_NUM) * this._gridSize);
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && (Be.transformV3ToV3(e, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, e),
+ Be.transformV3ToV3(i, t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, i)),
+ this._originalBoundingBox = new be(e,i);
+ var n = new Be;
+ Be.subtract(i, e, n),
+ Be.scale(n, .5, n);
+ var a = new Be;
+ Be.add(e, n, a),
+ this._originalBoundingSphere = new xe(a,Be.scalarLength(n)),
+ this._originalBoundingBoxCorners = s(8, null),
+ this._originalBoundingBox.getCorners(this._originalBoundingBoxCorners),
+ this._boundingBox = new be(new Be(-.5,-.5,-.5),new Be(.5,.5,.5)),
+ this._boundingSphere = new xe(new Be(0,0,0),1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcLeafBoudingBox = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < 8; e++)
+ Be.transformCoordinate(this._originalBoundingBoxCorners[e], t, ei._tempBoundBoxCorners[e]);
+ be.createfromPoints(ei._tempBoundBoxCorners, this._boundingBox)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcLeafBoudingSphere = function(t, e) {
+ Be.transformCoordinate(this._originalBoundingSphere.center, t, this._boundingSphere.center),
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = this._originalBoundingSphere.radius * e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calcLODErrors = function(e, i, n) {
+ this._LODError = new Float32Array(t._maxLODLevel + 1);
+ for (var a = 1, r = 0, s = t._maxLODLevel + 1; r < s; r++) {
+ for (var o = 0, l = 0, h = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM; l < h; l += a)
+ for (var c = 0, _ = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM; c < _; c += a)
+ for (var u = e[(this._beginGridZ + l) * i + (this._beginGridX + c)], d = e[(this._beginGridZ + l) * i + (this._beginGridX + c) + a], f = e[(this._beginGridZ + l + a) * i + (this._beginGridX + c)], p = e[(this._beginGridZ + l + a) * i + (this._beginGridX + c) + a], m = 0; m < a; m++)
+ for (var g = m / a, y = 0; y < a; y++) {
+ var v = y / a
+ , b = e[(this._beginGridZ + l + m) * i + (this._beginGridX + c) + y]
+ , w = v + g <= 1 ? u + (d - u) * v + (f - u) * g : p + (f - p) * (1 - v) + (d - p) * (1 - g)
+ , x = Math.abs(w - b);
+ o = Math.max(o, x)
+ }
+ a *= 2,
+ this._LODError[r] = o
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.determineLod = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = Be.distance(e, this._boundingSphere.center)
+ , s = t._maxLODLevel;
+ if (!a) {
+ if (this._lastDistanceToEye == r)
+ return this._currentLODLevel;
+ this._lastDistanceToEye > r && (s = this._currentLODLevel)
+ }
+ for (var o = s; o >= 1; o--)
+ if (fn.LOD_DISTANCE_FACTOR * this._LODError[o] / r * i < n) {
+ this._currentLODLevel = o;
+ break
+ }
+ return this._lastDistanceToEye = r,
+ this._currentLODLevel
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ if (!t._bInit) {
+ t._planeLODIndex = s(e);
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = null
+ , c = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < e; i++)
+ t._planeLODIndex[i] = new Array(t._maxLODLevel + 1);
+ for (i = 0,
+ r = t._maxLODLevel + 1; i < r; i++)
+ t._planeLODIndex[0][i] = t.calcPlaneLODIndex(i);
+ for (i = 1; i < e; i++)
+ for (l = i * t.LEAF_PLANE_VERTEXT_COUNT,
+ n = 0,
+ o = t._maxLODLevel + 1; n < o; n++) {
+ for (h = t._planeLODIndex[0][n],
+ c = new Uint16Array(h.length),
+ a = 0; a < h.length; a++)
+ c[a] = h[a] + l;
+ t._planeLODIndex[i][n] = c
+ }
+ for (t._skirtLODIndex = s(e),
+ i = 0; i < e; i++)
+ t._skirtLODIndex[i] = new Array(t._maxLODLevel + 1);
+ for (i = 0,
+ r = t._maxLODLevel + 1; i < r; i++)
+ t._skirtLODIndex[0][i] = t.calcSkirtLODIndex(i);
+ for (i = 1; i < e; i++)
+ for (l = i * t.LEAF_SKIRT_VERTEXT_COUNT,
+ n = 0,
+ o = t._maxLODLevel + 1; n < o; n++) {
+ for (h = t._skirtLODIndex[0][n],
+ c = new Uint16Array(h.length),
+ a = 0; a < h.length; a++)
+ c[a] = h[a] + l;
+ t._skirtLODIndex[i][n] = c
+ }
+ t._bInit = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getPlaneLODIndex = function(e, i) {
+ return t._planeLODIndex[e][i]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getSkirtLODIndex = function(e, i) {
+ return t._skirtLODIndex[e][i]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.calcPlaneLODIndex = function(e) {
+ e > t._maxLODLevel && (e = t._maxLODLevel);
+ var i = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1
+ , n = 0
+ , a = null
+ , r = laya.d3.terrain.TerrainLeaf.LEAF_GRID_NUM / Math.pow(2, e);
+ a = new Uint16Array(r * r * 6);
+ for (var s = laya.d3.terrain.TerrainLeaf.LEAF_GRID_NUM / r, o = 0; o < t.LEAF_GRID_NUM; o += s)
+ for (var l = 0; l < t.LEAF_GRID_NUM; l += s)
+ a[n] = (o + s) * i + l,
+ a[++n] = o * i + l,
+ a[++n] = o * i + l + s,
+ a[++n] = o * i + l + s,
+ a[++n] = (o + s) * i + l + s,
+ a[++n] = (o + s) * i + l,
+ n++;
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ t.calcSkirtLODIndex = function(e) {
+ e > t._maxLODLevel && (e = t._maxLODLevel);
+ , n = t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1
+ , a = 0
+ , r = null
+ , s = laya.d3.terrain.TerrainLeaf.LEAF_GRID_NUM / Math.pow(2, e);
+ r = new Uint16Array(4 * s * 6);
+ for (var o = laya.d3.terrain.TerrainLeaf.LEAF_GRID_NUM / s, l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
+ for (var h = 0; h < t.LEAF_GRID_NUM; h += o)
+ r[a] = i + n + h,
+ r[++a] = i + h,
+ r[++a] = i + h + o,
+ r[++a] = i + h + o,
+ r[++a] = i + n + h + o,
+ r[++a] = i + n + h,
+ a++;
+ i += 2 * n
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getHeightFromTerrainHeightData = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return t = t < 0 ? 0 : t,
+ t = t >= n ? n - 1 : t,
+ e = e < 0 ? 0 : e,
+ e = e >= a ? a - 1 : e,
+ i[e * n + t]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.CHUNK_GRID_NUM = 64,
+ t.LEAF_GRID_NUM = 32,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ = null,
+ t.__ADAPT_MATRIX_INV__ = null,
+ t._planeLODIndex = null,
+ t._skirtLODIndex = null,
+ t._bInit = !1,
+ n(t, ["LEAF_PLANE_VERTEXT_COUNT", function() {
+ return this.LEAF_PLANE_VERTEXT_COUNT = (t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1) * (t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1)
+ }
+ , "LEAF_SKIRT_VERTEXT_COUNT", function() {
+ return this.LEAF_SKIRT_VERTEXT_COUNT = 2 * (t.LEAF_GRID_NUM + 1) * 4
+ }
+ , "LEAF_VERTEXT_COUNT", function() {
+ }
+ , "LEAF_PLANE_MAX_INDEX_COUNT", function() {
+ }
+ , "LEAF_SKIRT_MAX_INDEX_COUNT", function() {
+ return this.LEAF_SKIRT_MAX_INDEX_COUNT = 4 * t.LEAF_GRID_NUM * 6
+ }
+ , "LEAF_MAX_INDEX_COUNT", function() {
+ }
+ , "__VECTOR3__", function() {
+ return this.__VECTOR3__ = new Be
+ }
+ , "_maxLODLevel", function() {
+ return this._maxLODLevel = Math.log2(t.LEAF_GRID_NUM)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , ze = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.alphaMap = null,
+ this.detailID = null,
+ this.normalMap = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.terrain.unit.ChunkInfo"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , je = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.diffuseTexture = null,
+ this.normalTexture = null,
+ this.scale = null,
+ this.offset = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.terrain.unit.DetailTextureInfo"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , We = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.ambientColor = null,
+ this.diffuseColor = null,
+ this.specularColor = null
+ }
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.terrain.unit.MaterialInfo"),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Xe = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.utils.Physics"),
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ t._layerCollsionMatrix.length = 31;
+ for (var e = 0; e < 31; e++) {
+ var i = []
+ , n = 31 - e;
+ i.length = n;
+ for (var a = 0; a < n; a++)
+ i[a] = a === n - 1;
+ t._layerCollsionMatrix[e] = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setLayerCollision = function(e, i, n) {
+ t._layerCollsionMatrix[e.number][30 - i.number] = n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getLayerCollision = function(e, i) {
+ return t._layerCollsionMatrix[e.number][30 - i.number]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setColliderCollision = function(t, e, i) {
+ i ? (delete t._ignoreCollisonMap[e.id],
+ delete e._ignoreCollisonMap[t.id]) : (t._ignoreCollisonMap[e.id] = e,
+ e._ignoreCollisonMap[t.id] = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getIColliderCollision = function(t, e) {
+ return !!t._ignoreCollisonMap[e.id]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.rayCast = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1.79e308),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ t._outHitAllInfo.length = 0;
+ for (var r = z.getLayerByNumber(a)._colliders, s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s];
+ if (l.enable && (l.raycast(e, t._outHitInfo, n),
+ -1 !== t._outHitInfo.distance && t._outHitInfo.distance <= n)) {
+ var h = new Ye;
+ t._outHitInfo.cloneTo(h),
+ t._outHitAllInfo.push(h)
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 == t._outHitAllInfo.length)
+ return i.sprite3D = null,
+ void (i.distance = -1);
+ for (var c = Number.MAX_VALUE, _ = 0, u = 0; u < t._outHitAllInfo.length; u++)
+ t._outHitAllInfo[u].distance < c && (c = t._outHitAllInfo[u].distance,
+ _ = u);
+ t._outHitAllInfo[_].cloneTo(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.rayCastAll = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1.79e308),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ i.length = 0;
+ for (var r = z.getLayerByNumber(a)._colliders, s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s];
+ if (l.enable && (t._outHitInfo.distance = -1,
+ t._outHitInfo.sprite3D = null,
+ l.raycast(e, t._outHitInfo, n),
+ -1 !== t._outHitInfo.distance && t._outHitInfo.distance <= n)) {
+ var h = new Ye;
+ t._outHitInfo.cloneTo(h),
+ i.push(h)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._outHitAllInfo = [],
+ t._layerCollsionMatrix = [],
+ n(t, ["_outHitInfo", function() {
+ return this._outHitInfo = new Ye
+ }
+ , "collisionManager", function() {
+ return this.collisionManager = new ni
+ }
+ , "gravity", function() {
+ return this.gravity = new Be(0,-9.81,0)
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , qe = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.utils.Picker"),
+ t.calculateCursorRay = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = e.elements[0]
+ , l = e.elements[1]
+ , h = t._tempVector30
+ , c = h.elements;
+ c[0] = o,
+ c[1] = l,
+ c[2] = i.minDepth;
+ var _ = t._tempVector31
+ , u = _.elements;
+ u[0] = o,
+ u[1] = l,
+ u[2] = i.maxDepth;
+ var d = s.origin
+ , f = t._tempVector32;
+ i.unprojectFromWVP(h, n, a, r, d),
+ i.unprojectFromWVP(_, n, a, r, f);
+ var p = s.direction.elements;
+ p[0] = f.x - d.x,
+ p[1] = f.y - d.y,
+ p[2] = f.z - d.z,
+ Be.normalize(s.direction, s.direction)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.rayIntersectsPositionsAndIndices = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ for (var s = n.vertexStride / 4, o = n.getVertexElementByUsage(0).offset / 4, l = Number.MAX_VALUE, h = -1, c = -1, _ = -1, u = 0; u < a.length; u += 3) {
+ var d = t._tempVector35
+ , f = d.elements
+ , p = a[u] * s
+ , m = p + o;
+ f[0] = i[m],
+ f[1] = i[m + 1],
+ f[2] = i[m + 2];
+ var g = t._tempVector36
+ , y = g.elements
+ , v = a[u + 1] * s
+ , b = v + o;
+ y[0] = i[b],
+ y[1] = i[b + 1],
+ y[2] = i[b + 2];
+ var w = t._tempVector37
+ , x = w.elements
+ , I = a[u + 2] * s
+ , C = I + o;
+ x[0] = i[C],
+ x[1] = i[C + 1],
+ x[2] = i[C + 2];
+ var S = laya.d3.utils.Picker.rayIntersectsTriangle(e, d, g, w);
+ !isNaN(S) && S < l && (l = S,
+ h = p,
+ c = v,
+ _ = I)
+ }
+ if (l !== Number.MAX_VALUE) {
+ r.distance = l,
+ Be.scale(e.direction, l, r.position),
+ Be.add(e.origin, r.position, r.position);
+ var M = r.trianglePositions
+ , L = M[0]
+ , T = M[1]
+ , E = M[2]
+ , D = L.elements
+ , N = T.elements
+ , A = E.elements
+ , B = h + o;
+ D[0] = i[B],
+ D[1] = i[B + 1],
+ D[2] = i[B + 2];
+ var k = c + o;
+ N[0] = i[k],
+ N[1] = i[k + 1],
+ N[2] = i[k + 2];
+ var R = _ + o;
+ A[0] = i[R],
+ A[1] = i[R + 1],
+ A[2] = i[R + 2];
+ var P = n.getVertexElementByUsage(3);
+ if (P) {
+ var O = P.offset / 4
+ , U = r.triangleNormals
+ , V = U[0]
+ , F = U[1]
+ , H = U[2]
+ , G = V.elements
+ , z = F.elements
+ , j = H.elements
+ , W = h + O;
+ G[0] = i[W],
+ G[1] = i[W + 1],
+ G[2] = i[W + 2];
+ var X = c + O;
+ z[0] = i[X],
+ z[1] = i[X + 1],
+ z[2] = i[X + 2];
+ var q = _ + O;
+ j[0] = i[q],
+ j[1] = i[q + 1],
+ j[2] = i[q + 2]
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ return r.position.toDefault(),
+ r.distance = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ r.trianglePositions[0].toDefault(),
+ r.trianglePositions[1].toDefault(),
+ r.trianglePositions[2].toDefault(),
+ r.triangleNormals[0].toDefault(),
+ r.triangleNormals[1].toDefault(),
+ r.triangleNormals[2].toDefault(),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.rayIntersectsTriangle = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t._tempVector30
+ , s = t._tempVector31;
+ Be.subtract(n, i, r),
+ Be.subtract(a, i, s);
+ var o = t._tempVector32;
+ Be.cross(e.direction, s, o);
+ var l;
+ if ((l = Be.dot(r, o)) > -Number.MIN_VALUE && l < Number.MIN_VALUE)
+ return Number.NaN;
+ var h = 1 / l
+ , c = t._tempVector33;
+ Be.subtract(e.origin, i, c);
+ var _;
+ if (_ = Be.dot(c, o),
+ (_ *= h) < 0 || _ > 1)
+ return Number.NaN;
+ var u = t._tempVector34;
+ Be.cross(c, r, u);
+ var d;
+ if (d = Be.dot(e.direction, u),
+ (d *= h) < 0 || _ + d > 1)
+ return Number.NaN;
+ var f;
+ return f = Be.dot(s, u),
+ (f *= h) < 0 ? Number.NaN : f
+ }
+ ,
+ n(t, ["_tempVector30", function() {
+ return this._tempVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector31", function() {
+ return this._tempVector31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector32", function() {
+ return this._tempVector32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector33", function() {
+ return this._tempVector33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector34", function() {
+ return this._tempVector34 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector35", function() {
+ return this._tempVector35 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector36", function() {
+ return this._tempVector36 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector37", function() {
+ return this._tempVector37 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ye = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.distance = NaN,
+ this.trianglePositions = null,
+ this.triangleNormals = null,
+ this.position = null,
+ this.sprite3D = null,
+ this.distance = -1,
+ this.trianglePositions = [new Be, new Be, new Be],
+ this.trianglePositions.length = 3,
+ this.triangleNormals = [new Be, new Be, new Be],
+ this.triangleNormals.length = 3,
+ this.position = new Be
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.utils.RaycastHit");
+ return t.prototype.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t.distance = this.distance,
+ this.trianglePositions[0].cloneTo(t.trianglePositions[0]),
+ this.trianglePositions[1].cloneTo(t.trianglePositions[1]),
+ this.trianglePositions[2].cloneTo(t.trianglePositions[2]),
+ this.triangleNormals[0].cloneTo(t.triangleNormals[0]),
+ this.triangleNormals[1].cloneTo(t.triangleNormals[1]),
+ this.triangleNormals[2].cloneTo(t.triangleNormals[2]),
+ this.position.cloneTo(t.position),
+ t.sprite3D = this.sprite3D
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , Je = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._width = t,
+ this._height = e
+ }
+ a(t, "laya.d3.utils.Size");
+ var e = t.prototype;
+ return r(0, e, "width", function() {
+ return -1 === this._width ? ut.clientWidth : this._width
+ }),
+ r(0, e, "height", function() {
+ return -1 === this._height ? ut.clientHeight : this._height
+ }),
+ r(1, t, "fullScreen", function() {
+ return new t(-1,-1)
+ }),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ke = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "laya.d3.utils.Utils3D"),
+ t._rotationTransformScaleSkinAnimation = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u) {
+ var d = t._tempArray16_0
+ , f = t._tempArray16_1
+ , p = t._tempArray16_2
+ , m = a + a
+ , g = r + r
+ , y = s + s
+ , v = a * m
+ , b = r * m
+ , w = r * g
+ , x = s * m
+ , I = s * g
+ , C = s * y
+ , S = o * m
+ , M = o * g
+ , L = o * y;
+ d[15] = 1,
+ d[0] = 1 - w - C,
+ d[1] = b + L,
+ d[2] = x - M,
+ d[4] = b - L,
+ d[5] = 1 - v - C,
+ d[6] = I + S,
+ d[8] = x + M,
+ d[9] = I - S,
+ d[10] = 1 - v - w,
+ f[15] = 1,
+ f[0] = l,
+ f[5] = h,
+ f[10] = c;
+ var T, E, D, N, A;
+ for (T = 0; T < 4; T++)
+ E = d[T],
+ D = d[T + 4],
+ N = d[T + 8],
+ A = d[T + 12],
+ p[T] = E,
+ p[T + 4] = D,
+ p[T + 8] = N,
+ p[T + 12] = E * e + D * i + N * n + A;
+ for (T = 0; T < 4; T++)
+ E = p[T],
+ D = p[T + 4],
+ N = p[T + 8],
+ A = p[T + 12],
+ _[T + u] = E * f[0] + D * f[1] + N * f[2] + A * f[3],
+ _[T + u + 4] = E * f[4] + D * f[5] + N * f[6] + A * f[7],
+ _[T + u + 8] = E * f[8] + D * f[9] + N * f[10] + A * f[11],
+ _[T + u + 12] = E * f[12] + D * f[13] + N * f[14] + A * f[15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t._createNodeByJson = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if (!n)
+ switch (i.type) {
+ case "Sprite3D":
+ n = new Pi;
+ break;
+ case "MeshSprite3D":
+ n = new gn;
+ break;
+ case "SkinnedMeshSprite3D":
+ n = new vn;
+ break;
+ case "ShuriKenParticle3D":
+ n = new yn;
+ break;
+ case "TrailSprite3D":
+ n = new bn;
+ break;
+ case "Terrain":
+ n = new fn;
+ break;
+ case "Camera":
+ n = new pn;
+ break;
+ case "DirectionLight":
+ n = new mn;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Utils3D:unidentified class type in (.lh) file.")
+ }
+ var r = i.props;
+ if (r)
+ for (var s in r)
+ n[s] = r[s];
+ var o = i.customProps;
+ o && (n instanceof laya.d3.core.Sprite3D ? (n._parseBaseCustomProps(o),
+ n._parseCustomProps(e, a, o, i),
+ n._parseCustomComponent(e, a, i.components)) : n._parseCustomProps(e, a, o, i));
+ var l = i.child;
+ if (l)
+ for (var h = 0, c = l.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var _ = t._createNodeByJson(e, l[h], null, a);
+ n.addChild(_)
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t._computeBoneAndAnimationDatasByBindPoseMatrxix = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s, o, l = 0, h = 0, c = t.length;
+ for (s = 0; s < c; l += t[s].keyframeWidth,
+ h += 16,
+ s++)
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D._rotationTransformScaleSkinAnimation(e[l + 0], e[l + 1], e[l + 2], e[l + 3], e[l + 4], e[l + 5], e[l + 6], e[l + 7], e[l + 8], e[l + 9], n, h),
+ 0 != s && (o = 16 * t[s].parentIndex,
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.mulMatrixByArray(n, o, n, h, n, h));
+ var _ = i.length;
+ for (s = 0; s < _; s++)
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.mulMatrixByArrayAndMatrixFast(n, 16 * r[s], i[s], a, 16 * s)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._computeAnimationDatasByArrayAndMatrixFast = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ for (var a = 0, r = t.length; a < r; a++)
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.mulMatrixByArrayAndMatrixFast(e, 16 * n[a], t[a], i, 16 * a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._computeBoneAndAnimationDatasByBindPoseMatrxixOld = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r, s, o = 0, l = 0, h = t.length;
+ for (r = 0; r < h; o += t[r].keyframeWidth,
+ l += 16,
+ r++)
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D._rotationTransformScaleSkinAnimation(e[o + 7], e[o + 8], e[o + 9], e[o + 3], e[o + 4], e[o + 5], e[o + 6], e[o + 0], e[o + 1], e[o + 2], n, l),
+ 0 != r && (s = 16 * t[r].parentIndex,
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.mulMatrixByArray(n, s, n, l, n, l));
+ var c = i.length;
+ for (r = 0; r < c; r++) {
+ var _ = 16 * r;
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.mulMatrixByArrayAndMatrixFast(n, _, i[r], a, _)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._computeAnimationDatasByArrayAndMatrixFastOld = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = t.length, a = 0; a < n; a++) {
+ var r = 16 * a;
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.mulMatrixByArrayAndMatrixFast(e, r, t[a], i, r)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._computeRootAnimationData = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = 0, r = 0, s = t.length; n < s; a += t[n].keyframeWidth,
+ r += 16,
+ n++)
+ laya.d3.utils.Utils3D.createAffineTransformationArray(e[a + 0], e[a + 1], e[a + 2], e[a + 3], e[a + 4], e[a + 5], e[a + 6], e[a + 7], e[a + 8], e[a + 9], i, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformVector3ArrayByQuat = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = i.elements
+ , s = t[e]
+ , o = t[e + 1]
+ , l = t[e + 2]
+ , h = r[0]
+ , c = r[1]
+ , _ = r[2]
+ , u = r[3]
+ , d = u * s + c * l - _ * o
+ , f = u * o + _ * s - h * l
+ , p = u * l + h * o - c * s
+ , m = -h * s - c * o - _ * l;
+ n[a] = d * u + m * -h + f * -_ - p * -c,
+ n[a + 1] = f * u + m * -c + p * -h - d * -_,
+ n[a + 2] = p * u + m * -_ + d * -c - f * -h
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mulMatrixByArray = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o, l, h, c, _;
+ if (r === n) {
+ for (n = t._tempArray16_3,
+ o = 0; o < 16; ++o)
+ n[o] = r[s + o];
+ a = 0
+ }
+ for (o = 0; o < 4; o++)
+ l = e[i + o],
+ h = e[i + o + 4],
+ c = e[i + o + 8],
+ _ = e[i + o + 12],
+ r[s + o] = l * n[a + 0] + h * n[a + 1] + c * n[a + 2] + _ * n[a + 3],
+ r[s + o + 4] = l * n[a + 4] + h * n[a + 5] + c * n[a + 6] + _ * n[a + 7],
+ r[s + o + 8] = l * n[a + 8] + h * n[a + 9] + c * n[a + 10] + _ * n[a + 11],
+ r[s + o + 12] = l * n[a + 12] + h * n[a + 13] + c * n[a + 14] + _ * n[a + 15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mulMatrixByArrayFast = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s, o, l, h, c;
+ for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
+ o = t[e + s],
+ l = t[e + s + 4],
+ h = t[e + s + 8],
+ c = t[e + s + 12],
+ a[r + s] = o * i[n + 0] + l * i[n + 1] + h * i[n + 2] + c * i[n + 3],
+ a[r + s + 4] = o * i[n + 4] + l * i[n + 5] + h * i[n + 6] + c * i[n + 7],
+ a[r + s + 8] = o * i[n + 8] + l * i[n + 9] + h * i[n + 10] + c * i[n + 11],
+ a[r + s + 12] = o * i[n + 12] + l * i[n + 13] + h * i[n + 14] + c * i[n + 15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.mulMatrixByArrayAndMatrixFast = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r, s, o, l, h, c = i.elements, _ = c[0], u = c[1], d = c[2], f = c[3], p = c[4], m = c[5], g = c[6], y = c[7], v = c[8], b = c[9], w = c[10], x = c[11], I = c[12], C = c[13], S = c[14], M = c[15], L = e, T = e + 4, E = e + 8, D = e + 12, N = a, A = a + 4, B = a + 8, k = a + 12;
+ for (r = 0; r < 4; r++)
+ s = t[L + r],
+ o = t[T + r],
+ l = t[E + r],
+ h = t[D + r],
+ n[N + r] = s * _ + o * u + l * d + h * f,
+ n[A + r] = s * p + o * m + l * g + h * y,
+ n[B + r] = s * v + o * b + l * w + h * x,
+ n[k + r] = s * I + o * C + l * S + h * M
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createAffineTransformationArray = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _) {
+ var u = n + n
+ , d = a + a
+ , f = r + r
+ , p = n * u
+ , m = n * d
+ , g = n * f
+ , y = a * d
+ , v = a * f
+ , b = r * f
+ , w = s * u
+ , x = s * d
+ , I = s * f;
+ c[_ + 0] = (1 - (y + b)) * o,
+ c[_ + 1] = (m + I) * o,
+ c[_ + 2] = (g - x) * o,
+ c[_ + 3] = 0,
+ c[_ + 4] = (m - I) * l,
+ c[_ + 5] = (1 - (p + b)) * l,
+ c[_ + 6] = (v + w) * l,
+ c[_ + 7] = 0,
+ c[_ + 8] = (g + x) * h,
+ c[_ + 9] = (v - w) * h,
+ c[_ + 10] = (1 - (p + y)) * h,
+ c[_ + 11] = 0,
+ c[_ + 12] = t,
+ c[_ + 13] = e,
+ c[_ + 14] = i,
+ c[_ + 15] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformVector3ArrayToVector3ArrayCoordinate = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = t._tempArray4_0
+ , o = e[i + 0]
+ , l = e[i + 1]
+ , h = e[i + 2]
+ , c = n.elements;
+ s[0] = o * c[0] + l * c[4] + h * c[8] + c[12],
+ s[1] = o * c[1] + l * c[5] + h * c[9] + c[13],
+ s[2] = o * c[2] + l * c[6] + h * c[10] + c[14],
+ s[3] = 1 / (o * c[3] + l * c[7] + h * c[11] + c[15]),
+ a[r + 0] = s[0] * s[3],
+ a[r + 1] = s[1] * s[3],
+ a[r + 2] = s[2] * s[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformLightingMapTexcoordByUV0Array = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = i.elements;
+ n[a + 0] = t[e + 0] * r[0] + r[2],
+ n[a + 1] = (t[e + 1] - 1) * r[1] + r[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformLightingMapTexcoordByUV1Array = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = i.elements;
+ n[a + 0] = t[e + 0] * r[0] + r[2],
+ n[a + 1] = 1 + t[e + 1] * r[1] + r[3]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getURLVerion = function(t) {
+ var e = t.indexOf("?");
+ return e >= 0 ? t.substr(e) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._quaternionCreateFromYawPitchRollArray = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = .5 * i
+ , r = .5 * e
+ , s = .5 * t
+ , o = Math.sin(a)
+ , l = Math.cos(a)
+ , h = Math.sin(r)
+ , c = Math.cos(r)
+ , _ = Math.sin(s)
+ , u = Math.cos(s);
+ n[0] = u * h * l + _ * c * o,
+ n[1] = _ * c * l - u * h * o,
+ n[2] = u * c * o - _ * h * l,
+ n[3] = u * c * l + _ * h * o
+ }
+ ,
+ t._createAffineTransformationArray = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = e[0]
+ , r = e[1]
+ , s = e[2]
+ , o = e[3]
+ , l = a + a
+ , h = r + r
+ , c = s + s
+ , _ = a * l
+ , u = a * h
+ , d = a * c
+ , f = r * h
+ , p = r * c
+ , m = s * c
+ , g = o * l
+ , y = o * h
+ , v = o * c
+ , b = i[0]
+ , w = i[1]
+ , x = i[2];
+ n[0] = (1 - (f + m)) * b,
+ n[1] = (u + v) * b,
+ n[2] = (d - y) * b,
+ n[3] = 0,
+ n[4] = (u - v) * w,
+ n[5] = (1 - (_ + m)) * w,
+ n[6] = (p + g) * w,
+ n[7] = 0,
+ n[8] = (d + y) * x,
+ n[9] = (p - g) * x,
+ n[10] = (1 - (_ + f)) * x,
+ n[11] = 0,
+ n[12] = t[0],
+ n[13] = t[1],
+ n[14] = t[2],
+ n[15] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t._mulMatrixArray = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a, r, s, o, l, h = e.elements, c = h[0], _ = h[1], u = h[2], d = h[3], f = h[4], p = h[5], m = h[6], g = h[7], y = h[8], v = h[9], b = h[10], w = h[11], x = h[12], I = h[13], C = h[14], S = h[15], M = n, L = n + 4, T = n + 8, E = n + 12;
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ r = t[a],
+ s = t[a + 4],
+ o = t[a + 8],
+ l = t[a + 12],
+ i[M + a] = r * c + s * _ + o * u + l * d,
+ i[L + a] = r * f + s * p + o * m + l * g,
+ i[T + a] = r * y + s * v + o * b + l * w,
+ i[E + a] = r * x + s * I + o * C + l * S
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getYawPitchRoll = function(e, i) {
+ t.transformQuat(Be.ForwardRH, e, Ee.TEMPVector31),
+ t.transformQuat(Be.Up, e, Ee.TEMPVector32);
+ var n = Ee.TEMPVector32.elements;
+ t.angleTo(Be.ZERO, Ee.TEMPVector31, Ee.TEMPVector33);
+ var a = Ee.TEMPVector33.elements;
+ a[0] == Math.PI / 2 ? (a[1] = t.arcTanAngle(n[2], n[0]),
+ a[2] = 0) : a[0] == -Math.PI / 2 ? (a[1] = t.arcTanAngle(-n[2], -n[0]),
+ a[2] = 0) : (Me.createRotationY(-a[1], Ee.TEMPMatrix0),
+ Me.createRotationX(-a[0], Ee.TEMPMatrix1),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(Ee.TEMPVector32, Ee.TEMPMatrix0, Ee.TEMPVector32),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(Ee.TEMPVector32, Ee.TEMPMatrix1, Ee.TEMPVector32),
+ a[2] = t.arcTanAngle(n[1], -n[0])),
+ a[1] <= -Math.PI && (a[1] = Math.PI),
+ a[2] <= -Math.PI && (a[2] = Math.PI),
+ a[1] >= Math.PI && a[2] >= Math.PI && (a[1] = 0,
+ a[2] = 0,
+ a[0] = Math.PI - a[0]),
+ i[0] = a[1],
+ i[1] = a[0],
+ i[2] = a[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.arcTanAngle = function(t, e) {
+ return 0 == t ? 1 == e ? Math.PI / 2 : -Math.PI / 2 : t > 0 ? Math.atan(e / t) : t < 0 ? e > 0 ? Math.atan(e / t) + Math.PI : Math.atan(e / t) - Math.PI : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.angleTo = function(e, i, n) {
+ Be.subtract(i, e, Ee.TEMPVector30),
+ Be.normalize(Ee.TEMPVector30, Ee.TEMPVector30),
+ n.elements[0] = Math.asin(Ee.TEMPVector30.y),
+ n.elements[1] = t.arcTanAngle(-Ee.TEMPVector30.z, -Ee.TEMPVector30.x)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.transformQuat = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements
+ , a = t.elements
+ , r = e
+ , s = a[0]
+ , o = a[1]
+ , l = a[2]
+ , h = r[0]
+ , c = r[1]
+ , _ = r[2]
+ , u = r[3]
+ , d = u * s + c * l - _ * o
+ , f = u * o + _ * s - h * l
+ , p = u * l + h * o - c * s
+ , m = -h * s - c * o - _ * l;
+ n[0] = d * u + m * -h + f * -_ - p * -c,
+ n[1] = f * u + m * -c + p * -h - d * -_,
+ n[2] = p * u + m * -_ + d * -c - f * -h
+ }
+ ,
+ t.quaterionNormalize = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t[0]
+ , n = t[1]
+ , a = t[2]
+ , r = t[3]
+ , s = i * i + n * n + a * a + r * r;
+ s > 0 && (s = 1 / Math.sqrt(s),
+ e[0] = i * s,
+ e[1] = n * s,
+ e[2] = a * s,
+ e[3] = r * s)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.matrix4x4MultiplyFFF = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a, r, s, o;
+ if (i === e)
+ for (e = new Float32Array(16),
+ n = 0; n < 16; ++n)
+ e[n] = i[n];
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ a = t[n],
+ r = t[n + 4],
+ s = t[n + 8],
+ o = t[n + 12],
+ i[n] = a * e[0] + r * e[1] + s * e[2] + o * e[3],
+ i[n + 4] = a * e[4] + r * e[5] + s * e[6] + o * e[7],
+ i[n + 8] = a * e[8] + r * e[9] + s * e[10] + o * e[11],
+ i[n + 12] = a * e[12] + r * e[13] + s * e[14] + o * e[15]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM = function(e, i, n) {
+ t.matrix4x4MultiplyFFF(e.elements, i, n.elements)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._tempVector3_0 = new Be,
+ t._tempVector3_1 = new Be,
+ t._tempVector3_2 = new Be,
+ t._tempVector3_3 = new Be,
+ t._tempVector3_4 = new Be,
+ t._tempVector3_5 = new Be,
+ t._tempVector3_6 = new Be,
+ t._tempArray4_0 = new Float32Array(4),
+ t._tempArray16_0 = new Float32Array(16),
+ t._tempArray16_1 = new Float32Array(16),
+ t._tempArray16_2 = new Float32Array(16),
+ t._tempArray16_3 = new Float32Array(16),
+ n(t, ["_typeToFunO", function() {
+ return this._typeToFunO = {
+ INT16: "writeInt16",
+ SHORT: "writeInt16",
+ UINT16: "writeUint16",
+ UINT32: "writeUint32",
+ FLOAT32: "writeFloat32",
+ INT: "writeInt32",
+ UINT: "writeUint32",
+ BYTE: "writeByte",
+ STRING: "writeUTFString"
+ }
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Ze = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return a(t, "Laya3D"),
+ t._cancelLoadByUrl = function(e) {
+ i.loader.cancelLoadByUrl(e),
+ t._innerFirstLevelLoaderManager.cancelLoadByUrl(e),
+ t._innerSecondLevelLoaderManager.cancelLoadByUrl(e),
+ t._innerThirdLevelLoaderManager.cancelLoadByUrl(e),
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.cancelLoadByUrl(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._changeWebGLSize = function(t, e) {
+ B.onStageResize(t, e),
+ ut.clientWidth = t,
+ ut.clientHeight = e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.__init__ = function() {
+ var e = b.createMap;
+ e.lh = [Pi, "SPRITE3DHIERARCHY"],
+ e.ls = [Ri, "SPRITE3DHIERARCHY"],
+ e.lm = [an, "MESH"],
+ e.lmat = [ji, "MATERIAL"],
+ e.lpbr = [Hi, "MATERIAL"],
+ e.ltc = [hn, "TEXTURECUBE"],
+ e.jpg = [ln, "nativeimage"],
+ e.jpeg = [ln, "nativeimage"],
+ e.png = [ln, "nativeimage"],
+ e.pkm = [ln, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.lsani = [l, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.lrani = [l, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.raw = [en, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.mipmaps = [en, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.thdata = [vi, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.lt = [bi, "TERRAIN"],
+ e.lani = [fi, "arraybuffer"],
+ e.lav = [pi, "json"],
+ e.ani = [l, "arraybuffer"],
+ v.parserMap.SPRITE3DHIERARCHY = t._loadHierarchy,
+ v.parserMap.MESH = t._loadMesh,
+ v.parserMap.MATERIAL = t._loadMaterial,
+ v.parserMap.TEXTURECUBE = t._loadTextureCube,
+ v.parserMap.TERRAIN = t._loadTerrain,
+ t._innerFirstLevelLoaderManager.on("error", null, t._eventLoadManagerError),
+ t._innerSecondLevelLoaderManager.on("error", null, t._eventLoadManagerError),
+ t._innerThirdLevelLoaderManager.on("error", null, t._eventLoadManagerError),
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.on("error", null, t._eventLoadManagerError)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_BLOCK = function() {
+ return t._readData.pos += 4,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_DATA = function() {
+ return t._DATA.offset = t._readData.getUint32(),
+ t._DATA.size = t._readData.getUint32(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.READ_STRINGS = function() {
+ var e = []
+ , i = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ };
+ i.offset = t._readData.getUint16(),
+ i.size = t._readData.getUint16();
+ t._readData.pos;
+ t._readData.pos = i.offset + t._DATA.offset;
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.size; n++) {
+ var a = t._readData.readUTFString();
+ -1 === a.lastIndexOf(".lmat") && -1 === a.lastIndexOf(".lpbr") || e.push(a)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.formatRelativePath = function(t, e) {
+ var i;
+ if ("." === e.charAt(0)) {
+ for (var n = (t + e).split("/"), a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++)
+ if (".." == n[a]) {
+ var s = a - 1;
+ s > 0 && ".." !== n[s] && (n.splice(s, 2),
+ a -= 2)
+ }
+ i = n.join("/")
+ } else
+ i = t + e;
+ return null != N.customFormat && (i = N.customFormat(i, null)),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t._eventLoadManagerError = function(t) {
+ i.loader.event("error", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls = function(e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t.formatRelativePath(a, r);
+ n && (o += n),
+ e.push({
+ url: o,
+ clas: s
+ }),
+ i[r] = o
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getSprite3DHierarchyInnerUrls = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ var l, h = 0, c = 0;
+ switch (e.type) {
+ case "Scene":
+ var _ = e.customProps.lightmaps;
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = _.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var d = _[h].replace(".exr", ".png");
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(a, r, s, o, d, ln)
+ }
+ break;
+ case "MeshSprite3D":
+ case "TrailSprite3D":
+ case "LineSprite3D":
+ case "SkinnedMeshSprite3D":
+ var f;
+ if (e.instanceParams)
+ (f = e.instanceParams.loadPath) && t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(i, r, s, o, f, an);
+ else {
+ (f = (l = e.customProps).meshPath) && t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(i, r, s, o, f, an);
+ var p = l.materials;
+ if (p)
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = p.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var m = p[h]
+ , g = m.type.split(".")
+ , y = u.window;
+ if (g.forEach(function(t) {
+ y = y[t]
+ }),
+ "function" != typeof y)
+ throw "_getSprite3DHierarchyInnerUrls 错误: " + m.type + " 不是类";
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(n, r, s, o, m.path, y)
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "ShuriKenParticle3D":
+ var v = (l = e.customProps).meshPath;
+ v && t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(i, r, s, o, v, an);
+ var b = l.material;
+ if (b)
+ g = b.type.split("."),
+ y = u.window,
+ g.forEach(function(t) {
+ y = y[t]
+ }),
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(n, r, s, o, b.path, y);
+ else {
+ var w = l.materialPath;
+ if (w)
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(n, r, s, o, w, Ji);
+ else {
+ var x = l.texturePath;
+ x && t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(a, r, s, o, x, ln)
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Terrain":
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(a, r, s, o, e.customProps.dataPath, bi)
+ }
+ var I = e.components;
+ for (var C in I) {
+ var S = I[C];
+ switch (C) {
+ case "Animator":
+ var M = S.avatarPath;
+ if (M)
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(a, r, s, o, M, pi);
+ else {
+ var L = S.avatar;
+ L && t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(a, r, s, o, L.path, pi)
+ }
+ var T = S.clipPaths;
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = T.length; h < c; h++)
+ t._addHierarchyInnerUrls(a, r, s, o, T[h], fi)
+ }
+ }
+ var E = e.child;
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = E.length; h < c; h++)
+ t._getSprite3DHierarchyInnerUrls(E[h], i, n, a, r, s, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._loadHierarchy = function(e) {
+ e.on("loaded", null, t._onHierarchylhLoaded, [e, e._class._getGroup()]),
+ e.load(e.url, "json", !1, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onHierarchylhLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else {
+ var a = e.url
+ , r = Ke.getURLVerion(a)
+ , s = N.getPathcaps(a)
+ , o = []
+ , l = []
+ , h = []
+ , c = {};
+ t._getSprite3DHierarchyInnerUrls(n, o, l, h, c, r, s);
+ var _ = o.length + l.length + h.length
+ , u = _ + 1
+ , d = 1 / u;
+ if (t._onProcessChange(e, 0, d, 1),
+ h.length > 0) {
+ var f = _ / u
+ , p = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, d, f], !1);
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.create(h, y.create(null, t._onHierarchyInnerForthLevResouLoaded, [e, i, p, n, c, o, l, d + f * h.length, f]), p, null, null, 1, !0, i)
+ } else
+ t._onHierarchyInnerForthLevResouLoaded(e, i, null, n, c, o, l, d, f)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onHierarchyInnerForthLevResouLoaded = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else if (n && n.recover(),
+ o.length > 0) {
+ var c = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, l, h], !1);
+ t._innerSecondLevelLoaderManager.create(o, y.create(null, t._onHierarchyInnerSecondLevResouLoaded, [e, i, c, a, r, s, l + h * o.length, h]), n, null, null, 1, !0, i)
+ } else
+ t._onHierarchyInnerSecondLevResouLoaded(e, i, null, a, r, s, l, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onHierarchyInnerSecondLevResouLoaded = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else if (n && n.recover(),
+ s.length > 0) {
+ var h = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, o, l], !1);
+ t._innerFirstLevelLoaderManager.create(s, y.create(null, t._onHierarchyInnerFirstLevResouLoaded, [e, h, a, r]), n, null, null, 1, !0, i)
+ } else
+ t._onHierarchyInnerFirstLevResouLoaded(e, null, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onHierarchyInnerFirstLevResouLoaded = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ e && e.recover(),
+ t.endLoad([i, n])
+ }
+ ,
+ t._loadTerrain = function(e) {
+ e.on("loaded", null, t._onTerrainLtLoaded, [e, e._class._getGroup()]),
+ e.load(e.url, "json", !1, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onTerrainLtLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else {
+ var a, r, s = e.url, o = Ke.getURLVerion(s), l = N.getPathcaps(s), h = [], c = {}, _ = 0, u = 0, d = n.heightData;
+ a = d.url,
+ r = t.formatRelativePath(l, a),
+ o && (r += o),
+ c[a] = r,
+ a = r;
+ var f = n.detailTexture;
+ for (_ = 0,
+ u = f.length; _ < u; _++)
+ h.push({
+ url: f[_].diffuse
+ });
+ var p = n.normalMap;
+ for (_ = 0,
+ u = p.length; _ < u; _++)
+ h.push({
+ url: p[_]
+ });
+ var m = n.alphaMap;
+ for (_ = 0,
+ u = m.length; _ < u; _++)
+ h.push({
+ url: m[_],
+ params: [!1, !1, 6408, !0]
+ });
+ for (_ = 0,
+ u = h.length; _ < u; _++) {
+ var g = h[_].url;
+ r = t.formatRelativePath(l, g),
+ o && (r += o),
+ h[_].url = r,
+ c[g] = r
+ }
+ var v = h.length
+ , b = v + 2
+ , w = 1 / b;
+ t._onProcessChange(e, 0, w, 1);
+ var x = {
+ heightMapLoaded: !1,
+ texturesLoaded: !1
+ }
+ , I = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, w, w], !1);
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.create(a, y.create(null, t._onTerrainHeightMapLoaded, [e, I, n, c, x]), I, null, [d.numX, d.numZ, d.bitType, d.value], 1, !0, i);
+ var C = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, 2 * w, v / b], !1);
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.create(h, y.create(null, t._onTerrainTexturesLoaded, [e, C, n, c, x]), C, null, null, 1, !0, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onTerrainHeightMapLoaded = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ a.heightMapLoaded = !0,
+ a.texturesLoaded && (t.endLoad([i, n]),
+ e.recover())
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onTerrainTexturesLoaded = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ a.texturesLoaded = !0,
+ a.heightMapLoaded && (t.endLoad([i, n]),
+ e.recover())
+ }
+ ,
+ t._loadMesh = function(e) {
+ e.on("loaded", null, t._onMeshLmLoaded, [e, e._class._getGroup()]),
+ e.load(e.url, "arraybuffer", !1, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onMeshLmLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else {
+ var a, r, s = e.url, o = Ke.getURLVerion(s), l = N.getPathcaps(s), h = {}, c = 0, _ = 0, u = 0;
+ (t._readData = new f(n)).pos = 0;
+ switch (t._readData.readUTFString()) {
+ case "LAYAMODEL:02":
+ case "LAYAMODEL:03":
+ case "LAYAMODEL:0301":
+ var d = t._readData.getUint32();
+ t._readData.pos = t._readData.pos + 4,
+ u = t._readData.getUint16(),
+ t._readData.pos = t._readData.pos + 8 * u;
+ var p = t._readData.getUint32();
+ for (u = t._readData.getUint16(),
+ t._readData.pos = d + p,
+ a = [],
+ c = 0; c < u; c++) {
+ var m = t._readData.readUTFString();
+ -1 !== m.lastIndexOf(".lmat") && a.push(m)
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (t.READ_BLOCK(),
+ c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
+ var g = t._readData.getUint16()
+ , v = t._strings[g]
+ , b = t["READ_" + v];
+ if (null == b)
+ throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + g + " " + v);
+ 1 === c ? a = b.call() : b.call()
+ }
+ }
+ for (c = 0,
+ _ = a.length; c < _; c++) {
+ var w = a[c];
+ r = t.formatRelativePath(l, w),
+ o && (r += o),
+ a[c] = r,
+ h[w] = r
+ }
+ if (a.length > 0) {
+ t._onProcessChange(e, 0, .5, 1);
+ var x = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, .5, .5], !1);
+ t._innerSecondLevelLoaderManager.create(a, y.create(null, t._onMeshMateialLoaded, [e, x, n, h]), x, null, null, 1, !0, i)
+ } else
+ e.endLoad([n, h])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onMeshMateialLoaded = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ t.endLoad([i, n]),
+ e.recover()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._getMaterialTexturePath = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = e.length - 4;
+ return e.indexOf(".dds") != a && e.indexOf(".tga") != a && e.indexOf(".exr") != a && e.indexOf(".DDS") != a && e.indexOf(".TGA") != a && e.indexOf(".EXR") != a || (e = e.substr(0, a) + ".png"),
+ e = t.formatRelativePath(n, e),
+ i && (e += i),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t._loadMaterial = function(e) {
+ e.on("loaded", null, t._onMaterilLmatLoaded, [e, e._class._getGroup()]),
+ e.load(e.url, "json", !1, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onMaterilLmatLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else {
+ var a, r = e.url, s = Ke.getURLVerion(r), o = N.getPathcaps(r), l = [], h = {}, c = n.customProps, _ = n.version;
+ if (_)
+ switch (_) {
+ case "LAYAMATERIAL:01":
+ case "LAYAMATERIAL:02":
+ for (var u = n.props.textures, d = 0, f = u.length; d < f; d++) {
+ var p = u[d]
+ , m = p.path;
+ if (m) {
+ var g = m.length - 4;
+ m.indexOf(".exr") != g && m.indexOf(".EXR") != g || (m = m.substr(0, g) + ".png"),
+ a = t.formatRelativePath(o, m),
+ s && (a += s),
+ l.push({
+ url: a,
+ params: p.params
+ }),
+ h[m] = a
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Laya3D:unkonwn version.")
+ }
+ else {
+ var v = c.diffuseTexture.texture2D;
+ if (v && (a = t._getMaterialTexturePath(v, s, o),
+ l.push(a),
+ h[v] = a),
+ c.normalTexture) {
+ var b = c.normalTexture.texture2D;
+ b && (a = t._getMaterialTexturePath(b, s, o),
+ l.push(a),
+ h[b] = a)
+ }
+ if (c.specularTexture) {
+ var w = c.specularTexture.texture2D;
+ w && (a = t._getMaterialTexturePath(w, s, o),
+ l.push(a),
+ h[w] = a)
+ }
+ if (c.emissiveTexture) {
+ var x = c.emissiveTexture.texture2D;
+ x && (a = t._getMaterialTexturePath(x, s, o),
+ l.push(a),
+ h[x] = a)
+ }
+ if (c.ambientTexture) {
+ var I = c.ambientTexture.texture2D;
+ I && (a = t._getMaterialTexturePath(I, s, o),
+ l.push(a),
+ h[I] = a)
+ }
+ if (c.reflectTexture) {
+ var C = c.reflectTexture.texture2D;
+ C && (a = t._getMaterialTexturePath(C, s, o),
+ l.push(a),
+ h[C] = a)
+ }
+ }
+ var S = l.length
+ , M = S + 1
+ , L = 1 / M;
+ if (t._onProcessChange(e, 0, L, 1),
+ S > 0) {
+ var T = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, L, S / M], !1);
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.create(l, y.create(null, t._onMateialTexturesLoaded, [e, T, n, h]), T, ln, null, 1, !0, i)
+ } else
+ t._onMateialTexturesLoaded(e, null, n, null)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onMateialTexturesLoaded = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ t.endLoad([i, n]),
+ e && e.recover()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._loadTextureCube = function(e) {
+ e.on("loaded", null, t._onTextureCubeLtcLoaded, [e]),
+ e.load(e.url, "json", !1, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onTextureCubeLtcLoaded = function(e, i) {
+ if (e._class.destroyed)
+ e.endLoad();
+ else {
+ var n = N.getPathcaps(e.url)
+ , a = [t.formatRelativePath(n, i.px), t.formatRelativePath(n, i.nx), t.formatRelativePath(n, i.py), t.formatRelativePath(n, i.ny), t.formatRelativePath(n, i.pz), t.formatRelativePath(n, i.nz)];
+ t._onProcessChange(e, 0, 1 / 7, 1);
+ var r = y.create(null, t._onProcessChange, [e, 1 / 7, 6 / 7], !1);
+ t._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager.load(a, y.create(null, t._onTextureCubeImagesLoaded, [e, a, r]), r, "nativeimage")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onTextureCubeImagesLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = [];
+ n.length = 6;
+ for (var a = 0; a < 6; a++) {
+ var r = e[a];
+ n[a] = v.getRes(r),
+ v.clearRes(r)
+ }
+ t.endLoad(n),
+ i.recover()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onProcessChange = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ (n = e + n * i) < 1 && t.event("progress", n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.init = function(e, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !0),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !0),
+ M.update3DLoop = function() {
+ ni._triggerCollision()
+ }
+ ,
+ M.cancelLoadByUrl = function(e) {
+ t._cancelLoadByUrl(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ m.isAntialias = a,
+ m.isAlpha = r,
+ m.premultipliedAlpha = s,
+ m.isStencil = o,
+ B.enable() ? (M.changeWebGLSize = t._changeWebGLSize,
+ I.is3DMode = !0,
+ i.init(e, n),
+ z.__init__(),
+ Xe.__init__(),
+ Vi.__init__(),
+ Ve.__init__(),
+ gn.__init__(),
+ U.__init__(),
+ t.__init__(),
+ c.maxTextureCount = 2,
+ (t.debugMode || dt.debugMode) && (t._debugPhasorSprite = new ht)) : alert("Laya3D init error,must support webGL!")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.MESH = "MESH",
+ t._readData = null,
+ t._debugPhasorSprite = null,
+ t.debugMode = !1,
+ n(t, ["_DATA", function() {
+ return this._DATA = {
+ offset: 0,
+ size: 0
+ }
+ }
+ , "_strings", function() {
+ return this._strings = ["BLOCK", "DATA", "STRINGS"]
+ }
+ , "_innerFirstLevelLoaderManager", function() {
+ return this._innerFirstLevelLoaderManager = new b
+ }
+ , "_innerSecondLevelLoaderManager", function() {
+ return this._innerSecondLevelLoaderManager = new b
+ }
+ , "_innerThirdLevelLoaderManager", function() {
+ return this._innerThirdLevelLoaderManager = new b
+ }
+ , "_innerFourthLevelLoaderManager", function() {
+ return this._innerFourthLevelLoaderManager = new b
+ }
+ ]),
+ t
+ }()
+ , Qe = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._childs = [],
+ this._localMatrix = new Float32Array(16),
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !1,
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !1,
+ this._localUpdate = !1,
+ this._worldUpdate = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.animation.AnimationTransform3D", g);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getlocalMatrix = function() {
+ return this._localUpdate && (Ke._createAffineTransformationArray(this._localPosition, this._localRotation, this._localScale, this._localMatrix),
+ this._localUpdate = !1),
+ this._localMatrix
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldTransform = function() {
+ if (!this._worldUpdate) {
+ this._worldUpdate = !0;
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setWorldMatrixAndUpdate = function(t) {
+ if (this._worldMatrix = t,
+ null == this._parent)
+ throw new Error("don't need to set worldMatrix to root Node.");
+ if (null == this._parent._parent)
+ for (var e = this._getlocalMatrix(), i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+ this._worldMatrix[i] = e[i];
+ else
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyFFF(this._parent.getWorldMatrix(), this._getlocalMatrix(), this._worldMatrix);
+ this._worldUpdate = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setWorldMatrixNoUpdate = function(t) {
+ this._worldMatrix = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setWorldMatrixIgnoreUpdate = function(t) {
+ this._worldMatrix = t,
+ this._worldUpdate = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getLocalPosition = function() {
+ return this._localPosition
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setLocalPosition = function(t) {
+ if (this._parent)
+ this._localPosition = t,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ this._onWorldTransform();
+ else {
+ var e = this._entity.owner._transform
+ , i = this._entity.localPosition
+ , n = i.elements;
+ n[0] = t[0],
+ n[1] = t[1],
+ n[2] = t[2],
+ e.localPosition = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getLocalRotation = function() {
+ if (this._localQuaternionUpdate) {
+ var t = this._localRotationEuler;
+ Ke._quaternionCreateFromYawPitchRollArray(t[1] / e._angleToRandin, t[0] / e._angleToRandin, t[2] / e._angleToRandin, this._localRotation),
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !1
+ }
+ return this._localRotation
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setLocalRotation = function(t) {
+ if (this._parent)
+ this._localRotation = t,
+ Ke.quaterionNormalize(this._localRotation, this._localRotation),
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !0,
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !1,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ this._onWorldTransform();
+ else {
+ var e = this._entity.owner._transform
+ , i = this._entity.localRotation
+ , n = i.elements;
+ n[0] = t[0],
+ n[1] = t[1],
+ n[2] = t[2],
+ n[3] = t[3],
+ e.localRotation = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getLocalScale = function() {
+ return this._localScale
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setLocalScale = function(t) {
+ if (this._parent)
+ this._localScale = t,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ this._onWorldTransform();
+ else {
+ var e = this._entity.owner._transform
+ , i = this._entity.localScale
+ , n = i.elements;
+ n[0] = t[0],
+ n[1] = t[1],
+ n[2] = t[2],
+ e.localScale = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getLocalRotationEuler = function() {
+ if (this._locaEulerlUpdate) {
+ Ke.getYawPitchRoll(this._localRotation, e._tempVector3);
+ var t = e._tempVector3
+ , i = this._localRotationEuler;
+ i[0] = t[1] * e._angleToRandin,
+ i[1] = t[0] * e._angleToRandin,
+ i[2] = t[2] * e._angleToRandin,
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !1
+ }
+ return this._localRotationEuler
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setLocalRotationEuler = function(t) {
+ if (this._parent)
+ Ke._quaternionCreateFromYawPitchRollArray(t[1] / e._angleToRandin, t[0] / e._angleToRandin, t[2] / e._angleToRandin, this._localRotation),
+ this._localRotationEuler = t,
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !1,
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !1,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ this._onWorldTransform();
+ else {
+ var i = this._entity.owner._transform
+ , n = this._entity.localRotationEuler
+ , a = n.elements;
+ a[0] = t[0],
+ a[1] = t[1],
+ a[2] = t[2],
+ i.localRotationEuler = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getWorldMatrix = function() {
+ if (this._worldUpdate) {
+ if (null != this._parent._parent)
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyFFF(this._parent.getWorldMatrix(), this._getlocalMatrix(), this._worldMatrix);
+ else
+ for (var t = this._getlocalMatrix(), e = 0; e < 16; ++e)
+ this._worldMatrix[e] = t[e];
+ this._worldUpdate = !1
+ }
+ return this._worldMatrix
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setParent = function(t) {
+ if (this._parent !== t) {
+ if (this._parent) {
+ var e = this._parent._childs
+ , i = e.indexOf(this);
+ e.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ t && (t._childs.push(this),
+ t && this._onWorldTransform()),
+ this._parent = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_tempVector3", function() {
+ return this._tempVector3 = new Float32Array(3)
+ }
+ , "_angleToRandin", function() {
+ return this._angleToRandin = 180 / Math.PI
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , $e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._id = 0,
+ this._enable = !1,
+ this._owner = null,
+ this.started = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._id = e._uniqueIDCounter,
+ e._uniqueIDCounter++
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.Component3D", g);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IUpdate": !0,
+ "laya.resource.IDestroy": !0
+ }),
+ n._initialize = function(t) {
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._enable = !0,
+ this.started = !1,
+ this._load(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._destroy = function() {
+ this._unload(this._owner),
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._destroyed = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._load = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._start = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._lateUpdate = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._preRenderUpdate = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._postRenderUpdate = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ n._unload = function(t) {
+ this.offAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._cloneTo = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "owner", function() {
+ return this._owner
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "enable", function() {
+ return this._enable
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enable !== t && (this._enable = t,
+ this.event("enablechanged", this._enable))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "isSingleton", function() {
+ return e._isSingleton
+ }),
+ e._isSingleton = !0,
+ e._uniqueIDCounter = 1,
+ e
+ }()
+ , ti = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._destroyed = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.GeometryFilter", g);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.resource.IDestroy": !0
+ }),
+ n._destroy = function() {
+ this.offAll(),
+ this._destroyed = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "_isAsyncLoaded", function() {
+ return !0
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_originalBoundingBoxCorners", function() {
+ throw new Error("BaseRender: must override it.")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_originalBoundingSphere", function() {
+ throw new Error("BaseRender: must override it.")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_originalBoundingBox", function() {
+ throw new Error("BaseRender: must override it.")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ei = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._id = ++e._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this._indexInSceneFrustumCullingObjects = -1,
+ this._boundingBox = new be(new Be,new Be),
+ this._boundingBoxCenter = new Be,
+ this._boundingSphere = new xe(new Be,0),
+ this._boundingSphereNeedChange = !0,
+ this._boundingBoxNeedChange = !0,
+ this._boundingBoxCenterNeedChange = !0,
+ this._octreeNodeNeedChange = !0,
+ this._materials = [],
+ this._renderElements = [],
+ this._isPartOfStaticBatch = !1,
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._enable = !0,
+ this._materialsInstance = [],
+ this.lightmapIndex = -1,
+ this.castShadow = !1,
+ this.receiveShadow = !1,
+ this.sortingFudge = 0,
+ this._owner.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatNeedChange)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.render.BaseRender", g);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(s, {
+ "laya.resource.IDestroy": !0
+ }),
+ s._changeMaterialReference = function(t, e) {
+ t && t._removeReference(),
+ e._addReference()
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getInstanceMaterial = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new t.constructor;
+ return t.cloneTo(i),
+ i.name = i.name + "(Instance)",
+ this._materialsInstance[e] = !0,
+ this._changeMaterialReference(this._materials[e], i),
+ this._materials[e] = i,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValuelightMap = function(t) {
+ this._setShaderValueTexture(3, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onWorldMatNeedChange = function() {
+ this._boundingSphereNeedChange = !0,
+ this._boundingBoxNeedChange = !0,
+ this._boundingBoxCenterNeedChange = !0,
+ this._octreeNodeNeedChange = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s._renderRenderableBoundBox = function() {
+ var t = Ze._debugPhasorSprite
+ , i = this.boundingBox
+ , n = e._tempBoundBoxCorners;
+ i.getCorners(n),
+ t.line(n[0], e._greenColor, n[1], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[2], e._greenColor, n[3], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[4], e._greenColor, n[5], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[6], e._greenColor, n[7], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[0], e._greenColor, n[3], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[1], e._greenColor, n[2], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[2], e._greenColor, n[6], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[3], e._greenColor, n[7], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[0], e._greenColor, n[4], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[1], e._greenColor, n[5], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[4], e._greenColor, n[7], e._greenColor),
+ t.line(n[5], e._greenColor, n[6], e._greenColor)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ throw "BaseRender: must override it."
+ }
+ ,
+ s._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ throw "BaseRender: must override it."
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueTexture = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueMatrix4x4 = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e ? e.elements : null)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueColor = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e ? e.elements : null)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueBuffer = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueInt = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueBool = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueNumber = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setShaderValueVector2 = function(t, e) {
+ this._owner._shaderValues.setValue(t, e ? e.elements : null)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._owner._shaderDefineValue |= t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._removeShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._owner._shaderDefineValue &= ~t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s._applyLightMapParams = function() {
+ if (this._lightmapIndex >= 0) {
+ var t = this._owner.scene;
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.getlightmaps()[this._lightmapIndex];
+ e ? (this._addShaderDefine(un.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP),
+ e.loaded ? this._setShaderValuelightMap(e) : e.once("loaded", this, this._setShaderValuelightMap)) : this._removeShaderDefine(un.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(un.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(un.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._updateOctreeNode = function() {
+ var t = this._treeNode;
+ t && this._octreeNodeNeedChange && (t.updateObject(this),
+ this._octreeNodeNeedChange = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._destroy = function() {
+ this.offAll();
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._renderElements.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._renderElements[t]._destroy();
+ for (t = 0,
+ e = this._materials.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._materials[t]._removeReference();
+ this._renderElements = null,
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._materials = null,
+ this._boundingBox = null,
+ this._boundingBoxCenter = null,
+ this._boundingSphere = null,
+ this._lightmapScaleOffset = null,
+ this._destroyed = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "boundingSphere", function() {
+ return this._boundingSphereNeedChange && (this._calculateBoundingSphere(),
+ this._boundingSphereNeedChange = !1),
+ this._boundingSphere
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "material", function() {
+ var t = this._materials[0];
+ if (t && !this._materialsInstance[0]) {
+ var e = this._getInstanceMaterial(t, 0);
+ this.event("materialchanged", [this, 0, e])
+ }
+ return this._materials[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.sharedMaterial = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "sharedMaterial", function() {
+ return this._materials[0]
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._materials[0];
+ e !== t && (this._materials[0] = t,
+ this._materialsInstance[0] = !1,
+ this._changeMaterialReference(e, t),
+ this.event("materialchanged", [this, 0, t]))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "lightmapIndex", function() {
+ return this._lightmapIndex
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._lightmapIndex = t,
+ this._applyLightMapParams()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "lightmapScaleOffset", function() {
+ return this._lightmapScaleOffset
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._lightmapScaleOffset = t,
+ this._setShaderValueColor(2, t),
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "enable", function() {
+ return this._enable
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enable = t,
+ this.event("enablechanged", [this, t])
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "materials", function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._materials.length; t < e; t++)
+ if (!this._materialsInstance[t]) {
+ var i = this._getInstanceMaterial(this._materials[t], t);
+ this.event("materialchanged", [this, t, i])
+ }
+ return this._materials.slice()
+ }, function(t) {
+ this.sharedMaterials = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "sharedMaterials", function() {
+ return this._materials.slice()
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ throw new Error("MeshRender: shadredMaterials value can't be null.");
+ var e = t.length;
+ this._materialsInstance.length = e;
+ for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) {
+ var n = this._materials[i];
+ n !== t[i] && (this._materialsInstance[i] = !1,
+ this._changeMaterialReference(n, t[i]),
+ this.event("materialchanged", [this, i, t[i]]))
+ }
+ this._materials = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "boundingBox", function() {
+ return this._boundingBoxNeedChange && (this._calculateBoundingBox(),
+ this._boundingBoxNeedChange = !1),
+ this._boundingBox
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "boundingBoxCenter", function() {
+ if (this._boundingBoxCenterNeedChange) {
+ var t = this.boundingBox;
+ Be.add(t.min, t.max, this._boundingBoxCenter),
+ Be.scale(this._boundingBoxCenter, .5, this._boundingBoxCenter),
+ this._boundingBoxCenterNeedChange = !1
+ }
+ return this._boundingBoxCenter
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "receiveShadow", function() {
+ return this._receiveShadow
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._receiveShadow !== t && (this._receiveShadow = t,
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_RECEIVE_SHADOW) : this._removeShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_RECEIVE_SHADOW))
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "destroyed", function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ }),
+ e._uniqueIDCounter = 0,
+ n(e, ["_tempBoundBoxCorners", function() {
+ return this._tempBoundBoxCorners = [new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be]
+ }
+ , "_greenColor", function() {
+ return this._greenColor = new ke(0,1,0,1)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ii = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !1,
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !1,
+ this._localUpdate = !1,
+ this._worldUpdate = !0,
+ this._positionUpdate = !0,
+ this._rotationUpdate = !0,
+ this._scaleUpdate = !0,
+ this._parent = null,
+ this._childs = null,
+ this._dummy = null,
+ this.pivot = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._localPosition = new Be,
+ this._localRotation = new Ee(0,0,0,1),
+ this._localScale = new Be(1,1,1),
+ this._localRotationEuler = new Be,
+ this._localMatrix = new Me,
+ this._position = new Be,
+ this._rotation = new Ee(0,0,0,1),
+ this._scale = new Be(1,1,1),
+ this._worldMatrix = new Me,
+ this._forward = new Be,
+ this._up = new Be,
+ this._right = new Be,
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._childs = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.Transform3D", g);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._updateLocalMatrix = function() {
+ if (!this.pivot || 0 === this.pivot.x && 0 === this.pivot.y && 0 === this.pivot.z)
+ Me.createAffineTransformation(this._localPosition, this.localRotation, this._localScale, this._localMatrix);
+ else {
+ var t = e._tempVector30;
+ Be.multiply(this.pivot, this._localScale, t);
+ var i = e._tempVector31;
+ Be.subtract(t, this.pivot, i);
+ var n = e._tempVector32
+ , a = this.localRotation;
+ Be.transformQuat(t, a, n),
+ Be.subtract(n, t, n);
+ var r = e._tempVector33;
+ Be.subtract(this._localPosition, i, r),
+ Be.subtract(r, n, r),
+ Me.createAffineTransformation(r, a, this._localScale, this._localMatrix)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldPositionRotationTransform = function() {
+ if (!this._worldUpdate || !this._positionUpdate || !this._rotationUpdate) {
+ this._worldUpdate = this._positionUpdate = this._rotationUpdate = !0,
+ this.event("worldmatrixneedchanged");
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldPositionRotationTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldPositionScaleTransform = function() {
+ if (!this._worldUpdate || !this._positionUpdate || !this._scaleUpdate) {
+ this._worldUpdate = this._positionUpdate = this._scaleUpdate = !0,
+ this.event("worldmatrixneedchanged");
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldPositionScaleTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldPositionTransform = function() {
+ if (!this._worldUpdate || !this._positionUpdate) {
+ this._worldUpdate = this._positionUpdate = !0,
+ this.event("worldmatrixneedchanged");
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldPositionTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldRotationTransform = function() {
+ if (!this._worldUpdate || !this._rotationUpdate) {
+ this._worldUpdate = this._rotationUpdate = !0,
+ this.event("worldmatrixneedchanged");
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldPositionRotationTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldScaleTransform = function() {
+ if (!this._worldUpdate || !this._scaleUpdate) {
+ this._worldUpdate = this._scaleUpdate = !0,
+ this.event("worldmatrixneedchanged");
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldPositionScaleTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldTransform = function() {
+ if (!(this._worldUpdate && this._positionUpdate && this._rotationUpdate && this._scaleUpdate)) {
+ this._worldUpdate = this._positionUpdate = this._rotationUpdate = this._scaleUpdate = !0,
+ this.event("worldmatrixneedchanged");
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._onWorldTransform()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.translate = function(t, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ i ? (Me.createFromQuaternion(this.localRotation, e._tempMatrix0),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t, e._tempMatrix0, e._tempVector30),
+ Be.add(this.localPosition, e._tempVector30, this._localPosition),
+ this.localPosition = this._localPosition) : (Be.add(this.position, t, this._position),
+ this.position = this._position)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.rotate = function(t, i, n) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0);
+ var a;
+ n ? a = t : (Be.scale(t, Math.PI / 180, e._tempVector30),
+ a = e._tempVector30),
+ Ee.createFromYawPitchRoll(a.y, a.x, a.z, e._tempQuaternion0),
+ i ? (Ee.multiply(this._localRotation, e._tempQuaternion0, this._localRotation),
+ this.localRotation = this._localRotation) : (Ee.multiply(e._tempQuaternion0, this.rotation, this._rotation),
+ this.rotation = this._rotation)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.lookAt = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1);
+ var n, a = t.elements;
+ if (i) {
+ if (n = this._localPosition.elements,
+ Math.abs(n[0] - a[0]) < Ce.zeroTolerance && Math.abs(n[1] - a[1]) < Ce.zeroTolerance && Math.abs(n[2] - a[2]) < Ce.zeroTolerance)
+ return;
+ Ee.lookAt(this._localPosition, t, e, this._localRotation),
+ this._localRotation.invert(this._localRotation),
+ this.localRotation = this._localRotation
+ } else {
+ var r = this.position;
+ if (n = r.elements,
+ Math.abs(n[0] - a[0]) < Ce.zeroTolerance && Math.abs(n[1] - a[1]) < Ce.zeroTolerance && Math.abs(n[2] - a[2]) < Ce.zeroTolerance)
+ return;
+ Ee.lookAt(r, t, e, this._rotation),
+ this._rotation.invert(this._rotation),
+ this.rotation = this._rotation
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "_isFrontFaceInvert", function() {
+ var t = this.scale
+ , e = t.x < 0;
+ return t.y < 0 && (e = !e),
+ t.z < 0 && (e = !e),
+ e
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "owner", function() {
+ return this._owner
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "localRotation", function() {
+ if (this._localQuaternionUpdate) {
+ var t = this._localRotationEuler.elements;
+ Ee.createFromYawPitchRoll(t[1] / e._angleToRandin, t[0] / e._angleToRandin, t[2] / e._angleToRandin, this._localRotation)
+ }
+ return this._localRotation
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._localRotation = t,
+ this._localRotation.normalize(this._localRotation),
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !0,
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !1,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ !this.pivot || 0 === this.pivot.x && 0 === this.pivot.y && 0 === this.pivot.z ? this._onWorldRotationTransform() : this._onWorldPositionRotationTransform()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "worldMatrix", function() {
+ return this._worldUpdate && (null != this._parent ? Me.multiply(this._parent.worldMatrix, this.localMatrix, this._worldMatrix) : this.localMatrix.cloneTo(this._worldMatrix),
+ this._worldUpdate = !1),
+ this._worldMatrix
+ }, function(t) {
+ null === this._parent ? t.cloneTo(this._localMatrix) : (this._parent.worldMatrix.invert(this._localMatrix),
+ Me.multiply(this._localMatrix, t, this._localMatrix)),
+ this.localMatrix = this._localMatrix,
+ this._worldMatrix = t,
+ this._worldUpdate = !1
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "worldNeedUpdate", function() {
+ return this._worldUpdate
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "localMatrix", function() {
+ return this._localUpdate && (this._updateLocalMatrix(),
+ this._localUpdate = !1),
+ this._localMatrix
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._localMatrix = t,
+ this._localMatrix.decomposeTransRotScale(this._localPosition, this._localRotation, this._localScale),
+ this._localUpdate = !1,
+ this._onWorldTransform()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "dummy", function() {
+ return this._dummy
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._dummy !== t && (this._dummy && (this._dummy._entity = null),
+ t && (t._entity = this),
+ this._dummy = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "localPosition", function() {
+ return this._localPosition
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._localPosition = t,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ this._onWorldPositionTransform()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "position", function() {
+ if (this._positionUpdate) {
+ if (null != this._parent) {
+ var t = this._parent.position;
+ Be.multiply(this._localPosition, this._parent.scale, e._tempVector30),
+ Be.transformQuat(e._tempVector30, this._parent.rotation, e._tempVector30),
+ Be.add(t, e._tempVector30, this._position)
+ } else
+ this._localPosition.cloneTo(this._position);
+ this._positionUpdate = !1
+ }
+ return this._position
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (null != this._parent) {
+ Be.subtract(t, this._parent.position, this._localPosition);
+ var i = this._parent.scale.elements
+ , n = i[0]
+ , a = i[1]
+ , r = i[2];
+ if (1 !== n || 1 !== a || 1 !== r) {
+ var s = e._tempVector30
+ , o = s.elements;
+ o[0] = 1 / n,
+ o[1] = 1 / a,
+ o[2] = 1 / r,
+ Be.multiply(this._localPosition, s, this._localPosition)
+ }
+ this._parent.rotation.invert(e._tempQuaternion0),
+ Be.transformQuat(this._localPosition, e._tempQuaternion0, this._localPosition)
+ } else
+ t.cloneTo(this._localPosition);
+ this.localPosition = this._localPosition,
+ this._position = t,
+ this._positionUpdate = !1
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "localScale", function() {
+ return this._localScale
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._localScale = t,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ !this.pivot || 0 === this.pivot.x && 0 === this.pivot.y && 0 === this.pivot.z ? this._onWorldScaleTransform() : this._onWorldPositionScaleTransform()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "localRotationEuler", function() {
+ if (this._locaEulerlUpdate) {
+ this._localRotation.getYawPitchRoll(e._tempVector30);
+ var t = e._tempVector30.elements
+ , i = this._localRotationEuler.elements;
+ i[0] = t[1] * e._angleToRandin,
+ i[1] = t[0] * e._angleToRandin,
+ i[2] = t[2] * e._angleToRandin
+ }
+ return this._localRotationEuler
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._localRotationEuler = t,
+ this._locaEulerlUpdate = !1,
+ this._localQuaternionUpdate = !0,
+ this._localUpdate = !0,
+ !this.pivot || 0 === this.pivot.x && 0 === this.pivot.y && 0 === this.pivot.z ? this._onWorldRotationTransform() : this._onWorldPositionRotationTransform()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rotation", function() {
+ return this._rotationUpdate && (null != this._parent ? Ee.multiply(this._parent.rotation, this.localRotation, this._rotation) : this.localRotation.cloneTo(this._rotation),
+ this._rotationUpdate = !1),
+ this._rotation
+ }, function(t) {
+ null != this._parent ? (this._parent.rotation.invert(e._tempQuaternion0),
+ Ee.multiply(t, e._tempQuaternion0, this._localRotation)) : t.cloneTo(this._localRotation),
+ this.localRotation = this._localRotation,
+ this._rotation = t,
+ this._rotationUpdate = !1
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "scale", function() {
+ return this._scaleUpdate ? (null !== this._parent ? Be.multiply(this._parent.scale, this._localScale, this._scale) : this._localScale.cloneTo(this._scale),
+ this._scaleUpdate = !1,
+ this._scale) : this._scale
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (null !== this._parent) {
+ var i = this._parent.scale.elements
+ , n = e._tempVector30.elements;
+ n[0] = 1 / i[0],
+ n[1] = 1 / i[1],
+ n[2] = 1 / i[2],
+ Be.multiply(t, e._tempVector30, this._localScale)
+ } else
+ t.cloneTo(this._localScale);
+ this.localScale = this._localScale,
+ this._scale = t,
+ this._scaleUpdate = !1
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rotationEuler", null, function(t) {
+ Ee.createFromYawPitchRoll(t.y, t.x, t.z, this._rotation),
+ this.rotation = this._rotation
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "forward", function() {
+ var t = this.worldMatrix.elements;
+ return this._forward.elements[0] = -t[8],
+ this._forward.elements[1] = -t[9],
+ this._forward.elements[2] = -t[10],
+ this._forward
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "up", function() {
+ var t = this.worldMatrix.elements;
+ return this._up.elements[0] = t[4],
+ this._up.elements[1] = t[5],
+ this._up.elements[2] = t[6],
+ this._up
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "right", function() {
+ var t = this.worldMatrix.elements;
+ return this._right.elements[0] = t[0],
+ this._right.elements[1] = t[1],
+ this._right.elements[2] = t[2],
+ this._right
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "parent", function() {
+ return this._parent
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._parent !== t) {
+ if (this._parent) {
+ var e = this._parent._childs
+ , i = e.indexOf(this);
+ e.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ t && (t._childs.push(this),
+ t && this._onWorldTransform()),
+ this._parent = t
+ }
+ }),
+ n(e, ["_tempVector30", function() {
+ return this._tempVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector31", function() {
+ return this._tempVector31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector32", function() {
+ return this._tempVector32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector33", function() {
+ return this._tempVector33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempQuaternion0", function() {
+ return this._tempQuaternion0 = new Ee
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix0", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix0 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_angleToRandin", function() {
+ return this._angleToRandin = 180 / Math.PI
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ni = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._rotation = 0,
+ this._matNeedUpdte = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._matrix = new Me,
+ this._offset = new Ae,
+ this._tiling = new Ae(1,1)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.TransformUV", g);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ i.imps(s, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ s._updateMatrix = function() {
+ e._tempOffsetV3.elements[0] = this._offset.x,
+ e._tempOffsetV3.elements[1] = this._offset.y,
+ Ee.createFromYawPitchRoll(0, 0, this._rotation, e._tempRotationQua),
+ e._tempTitlingV3.elements[0] = this._tiling.x,
+ e._tempTitlingV3.elements[1] = this._tiling.y,
+ Me.createAffineTransformation(e._tempOffsetV3, e._tempRotationQua, e._tempTitlingV3, this._matrix)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t._matrix = this._matrix.clone(),
+ t._offset = this._offset.clone(),
+ t._rotation = this._rotation,
+ t._tiling = this._tiling.clone()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "matrix", function() {
+ return this._matNeedUpdte && (this._updateMatrix(),
+ this._matNeedUpdte = !1),
+ this._matrix
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tiling", function() {
+ return this._tiling
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._tiling = t,
+ this._matNeedUpdte = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "offset", function() {
+ return this._offset
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._offset = t,
+ this._matNeedUpdte = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "rotation", function() {
+ return this._rotation
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._rotation = t,
+ this._matNeedUpdte = !0
+ }),
+ n(e, ["_tempOffsetV3", function() {
+ return this._tempOffsetV3 = new Be(0,0,0)
+ }
+ , "_tempRotationQua", function() {
+ return this._tempRotationQua = new Ee
+ }
+ , "_tempTitlingV3", function() {
+ return this._tempTitlingV3 = new Be(1,1,1)
+ }
+ ])
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.d3.utils.CollisionManager", g),
+ e._onTrigger = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = t.id
+ , l = e.id;
+ if (!t._ignoreCollisonMap[l]) {
+ var h = Xe.collisionManager
+ , c = t._runtimeCollisonTestMap[l];
+ if (null != c)
+ if (c)
+ if (t._collisonTo(e))
+ if (t._runtimeCollisonMap[l]) {
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[r].onTriggerStay(e);
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = n.length; r < s; r++)
+ n[r].onTriggerStay(t);
+ h.event("triggerstay", [t, e])
+ } else {
+ for (t._runtimeCollisonMap[l] = e,
+ t._runtimeCollisonTestMap[l] = !1,
+ e._runtimeCollisonMap[o] = t,
+ a && (e._runtimeCollisonTestMap[o] = !1),
+ r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[r].onTriggerEnter(e);
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = n.length; r < s; r++)
+ n[r].onTriggerEnter(t);
+ h.event("triggerenter", [t, e])
+ }
+ else {
+ var _ = t._runtimeCollisonMap;
+ if (_[l]) {
+ for (delete _[l],
+ delete t._runtimeCollisonTestMap[l],
+ delete e._runtimeCollisonMap[o],
+ a && delete e._runtimeCollisonTestMap[o],
+ r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[r].onTriggerExit(e);
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = n.length; r < s; r++)
+ n[r].onTriggerExit(t);
+ h.event("triggerexit", [t, e])
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[r].onTriggerStay(e);
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = n.length; r < s; r++)
+ n[r].onTriggerStay(t);
+ h.event("triggerstay", [t, e])
+ }
+ else if (t._collisonTo(e)) {
+ for (t._runtimeCollisonMap[l] = e,
+ t._runtimeCollisonTestMap[l] = !1,
+ e._runtimeCollisonMap[o] = t,
+ a && (e._runtimeCollisonTestMap[o] = !1),
+ r = 0,
+ s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[r].onTriggerEnter(e);
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = n.length; r < s; r++)
+ n[r].onTriggerEnter(t);
+ h.event("triggerenter", [t, e])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._triggerCollision = function() {
+ for (var t = z._collsionTestList, i = t.length, n = Xe._layerCollsionMatrix, a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ for (var r = t[a], s = z.getLayerByNumber(r), o = s._colliders, l = s._nonRigidbodyOffset, h = i - 1; h >= a; h--) {
+ var c = t[h];
+ if (n[r][30 - c]) {
+ var _, u, d, f = 0, p = 0, m = 0, g = 0, y = z.getLayerByNumber(c), v = y._colliders, b = y._nonRigidbodyOffset;
+ if (s !== y) {
+ for (f = 0; f < l; f++)
+ if ((_ = o[f]).enable) {
+ for (d = _.owner._scripts,
+ m = 0,
+ g = b; m < g; m++)
+ (u = v[m]).enable && e._onTrigger(_, u, d, u.owner._scripts, !0);
+ for (m = b,
+ g = v.length; m < g; m++)
+ (u = v[m]).enable && e._onTrigger(_, u, d, u.owner._scripts, !1)
+ }
+ for (f = l,
+ p = o.length; f < p; f++)
+ if ((_ = o[f]).enable)
+ for (d = _.owner._scripts,
+ m = 0,
+ g = y._nonRigidbodyOffset; m < g; m++)
+ (u = v[m]).enable && e._onTrigger(u, _, d, u.owner._scripts, !1)
+ } else
+ for (f = 0; f < l; f++)
+ if ((_ = o[f]).enable) {
+ for (d = _.owner._scripts,
+ m = f + 1,
+ g = l; m < g; m++)
+ (u = v[m]).enable && e._onTrigger(_, u, d, u.owner._scripts, !0);
+ for (m = l,
+ g = o.length; m < g; m++)
+ (u = v[m]).enable && e._onTrigger(_, u, d, u.owner._scripts, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }())
+ , ai = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.glitter.SplineCurvePosition", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._CalcVelocity = function(t, e, i) {
+ Be.subtract(t, e, i),
+ Be.scale(i, .5, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Init = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ this._CalcVelocity(i, e, this._tempVector30),
+ this._CalcVelocity(a, n, this._tempVector31),
+ t.prototype.Init.call(this, i, this._tempVector30, a, this._tempVector31)
+ }
+ }(H),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.x = NaN,
+ this.y = NaN,
+ this.z = NaN,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.x = 1,
+ this.y = 1,
+ this.z = 1,
+ this.randomDirection = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.BoxShape", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getShapeBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = .5 * -this.x,
+ e[1] = .5 * -this.y,
+ e[2] = .5 * -this.z;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = .5 * this.x,
+ i[1] = .5 * this.y,
+ i[2] = .5 * this.z
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getSpeedBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = 0,
+ e[1] = 0,
+ e[2] = 0;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = 0,
+ i[1] = 1,
+ i[2] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.generatePositionAndDirection = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements;
+ i ? (i.seed = n[16],
+ nt._randomPointInsideHalfUnitBox(t, i),
+ n[16] = i.seed) : nt._randomPointInsideHalfUnitBox(t),
+ a[0] = this.x * a[0],
+ a[1] = this.y * a[1],
+ a[2] = this.z * a[2],
+ this.randomDirection ? i ? (i.seed = n[17],
+ nt._randomPointUnitSphere(e, i),
+ n[17] = i.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitSphere(e) : (r[0] = 0,
+ r[1] = 0,
+ r[2] = 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ i.x = this.x,
+ i.y = this.y,
+ i.z = this.z,
+ i.randomDirection = this.randomDirection
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(it))
+ , ri = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.radius = NaN,
+ this.arc = NaN,
+ this.emitFromEdge = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.radius = 1,
+ this.arc = 2 * Math.PI,
+ this.emitFromEdge = !1,
+ this.randomDirection = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.CircleShape", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getShapeBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = e[2] = -this.radius,
+ e[1] = 0;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = i[2] = this.radius,
+ i[1] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getSpeedBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = e[1] = -1,
+ e[2] = 0;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = i[1] = 1,
+ i[2] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.generatePositionAndDirection = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.elements
+ , s = e._tempPositionPoint.elements;
+ n ? (n.seed = a[16],
+ this.emitFromEdge ? nt._randomPointUnitArcCircle(this.arc, e._tempPositionPoint, n) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitArcCircle(this.arc, e._tempPositionPoint, n),
+ a[16] = n.seed) : this.emitFromEdge ? nt._randomPointUnitArcCircle(this.arc, e._tempPositionPoint) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitArcCircle(this.arc, e._tempPositionPoint),
+ r[0] = -s[0],
+ r[1] = s[1],
+ r[2] = 0,
+ Be.scale(t, this.radius, t),
+ this.randomDirection ? n ? (n.seed = a[17],
+ nt._randomPointUnitSphere(i, n),
+ a[17] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitSphere(i) : t.cloneTo(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ i.radius = this.radius,
+ i.arc = this.arc,
+ i.emitFromEdge = this.emitFromEdge,
+ i.randomDirection = this.randomDirection
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_tempPositionPoint", function() {
+ return this._tempPositionPoint = new Ae
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(it)
+ , si = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.angle = NaN,
+ this.radius = NaN,
+ this.length = NaN,
+ this.emitType = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.angle = 25 / 180 * Math.PI,
+ this.radius = 1,
+ this.length = 5,
+ this.emitType = 0,
+ this.randomDirection = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.ConeShape", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getShapeBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = this.radius + this.length * Math.sin(this.angle)
+ , i = this.length * Math.cos(this.angle)
+ , n = t.min.elements;
+ n[0] = n[1] = -e,
+ n[2] = 0;
+ var a = t.max.elements;
+ a[0] = a[1] = e,
+ a[2] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getSpeedBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.sin(this.angle)
+ , i = t.min.elements;
+ i[0] = i[1] = -e,
+ i[2] = 0;
+ var n = t.max.elements;
+ n[0] = i[1] = e,
+ n[2] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.generatePositionAndDirection = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r, s = t.elements, o = i.elements, l = e._tempPositionPoint.elements, h = NaN, c = NaN, _ = Math.cos(this.angle), u = Math.sin(this.angle);
+ switch (this.emitType) {
+ case 0:
+ n ? (n.seed = a[16],
+ nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint, n),
+ a[16] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint),
+ h = l[0],
+ c = l[1],
+ s[0] = h * this.radius,
+ s[1] = c * this.radius,
+ s[2] = 0,
+ this.randomDirection ? (n ? (n.seed = a[17],
+ nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempDirectionPoint, n),
+ a[17] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempDirectionPoint),
+ r = e._tempDirectionPoint.elements,
+ o[0] = r[0] * u,
+ o[1] = r[1] * u) : (o[0] = h * u,
+ o[1] = c * u),
+ o[2] = _;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ n ? (n.seed = a[16],
+ nt._randomPointUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint, n),
+ a[16] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint),
+ h = l[0],
+ c = l[1],
+ s[0] = h * this.radius,
+ s[1] = c * this.radius,
+ s[2] = 0,
+ this.randomDirection ? (n ? (n.seed = a[17],
+ nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempDirectionPoint, n),
+ a[17] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempDirectionPoint),
+ r = e._tempDirectionPoint.elements,
+ o[0] = r[0] * u,
+ o[1] = r[1] * u) : (o[0] = h * u,
+ o[1] = c * u),
+ o[2] = _;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ n ? (n.seed = a[16],
+ nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint, n)) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint),
+ h = l[0],
+ c = l[1],
+ s[0] = h * this.radius,
+ s[1] = c * this.radius,
+ s[2] = 0,
+ o[0] = h * u,
+ o[1] = c * u,
+ o[2] = _,
+ Be.normalize(i, i),
+ n ? (Be.scale(i, this.length * n.getFloat(), i),
+ a[16] = n.seed) : Be.scale(i, this.length * Math.random(), i),
+ Be.add(t, i, t),
+ this.randomDirection && (n ? (n.seed = a[17],
+ nt._randomPointUnitSphere(i, n),
+ a[17] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitSphere(i));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ n ? (n.seed = a[16],
+ nt._randomPointUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint, n)) : nt._randomPointUnitCircle(e._tempPositionPoint),
+ h = l[0],
+ c = l[1],
+ s[0] = h * this.radius,
+ s[1] = c * this.radius,
+ s[2] = 0,
+ o[0] = h * u,
+ o[1] = c * u,
+ o[2] = _,
+ Be.normalize(i, i),
+ n ? (Be.scale(i, this.length * n.getFloat(), i),
+ a[16] = n.seed) : Be.scale(i, this.length * Math.random(), i),
+ Be.add(t, i, t),
+ this.randomDirection && (n ? (n.seed = a[17],
+ nt._randomPointUnitSphere(i, n),
+ a[17] = n.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitSphere(i));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ConeShape:emitType is invalid.")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ i.angle = this.angle,
+ i.radius = this.radius,
+ i.length = this.length,
+ i.emitType = this.emitType,
+ i.randomDirection = this.randomDirection
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_tempPositionPoint", function() {
+ return this._tempPositionPoint = new Ae
+ }
+ , "_tempDirectionPoint", function() {
+ return this._tempDirectionPoint = new Ae
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(it)
+ , oi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.radius = NaN,
+ this.emitFromShell = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.radius = 1,
+ this.emitFromShell = !1,
+ this.randomDirection = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.HemisphereShape", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getShapeBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = e[1] = e[2] = -this.radius;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = i[1] = this.radius,
+ i[2] = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getSpeedBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = e[1] = -1,
+ e[2] = 0;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = i[1] = i[2] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.generatePositionAndDirection = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.elements;
+ i ? (i.seed = n[16],
+ this.emitFromShell ? nt._randomPointUnitSphere(t, i) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitSphere(t, i),
+ n[16] = i.seed) : this.emitFromShell ? nt._randomPointUnitSphere(t) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitSphere(t),
+ Be.scale(t, this.radius, t);
+ var r = a[2];
+ r < 0 && (a[2] = -1 * r),
+ this.randomDirection ? i ? (i.seed = n[17],
+ nt._randomPointUnitSphere(e, i),
+ n[17] = i.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitSphere(e) : t.cloneTo(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ i.radius = this.radius,
+ i.emitFromShell = this.emitFromShell,
+ i.randomDirection = this.randomDirection
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(it)
+ , li = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.radius = NaN,
+ this.emitFromShell = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.radius = 1,
+ this.emitFromShell = !1,
+ this.randomDirection = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.module.shape.SphereShape", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getShapeBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = e[1] = e[2] = -this.radius;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = i[1] = i[2] = this.radius
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getSpeedBoundBox = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min.elements;
+ e[0] = e[1] = e[2] = -1;
+ var i = t.max.elements;
+ i[0] = i[1] = i[2] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.generatePositionAndDirection = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ i ? (i.seed = n[16],
+ this.emitFromShell ? nt._randomPointUnitSphere(t, i) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitSphere(t, i),
+ n[16] = i.seed) : this.emitFromShell ? nt._randomPointUnitSphere(t) : nt._randomPointInsideUnitSphere(t),
+ Be.scale(t, this.radius, t),
+ this.randomDirection ? i ? (i.seed = n[17],
+ nt._randomPointUnitSphere(e, i),
+ n[17] = i.seed) : nt._randomPointUnitSphere(e) : t.cloneTo(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ i.radius = this.radius,
+ i.emitFromShell = this.emitFromShell,
+ i.randomDirection = this.randomDirection
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(it)
+ , hi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._batchIndexStart = 0,
+ this._batchIndexEnd = 0,
+ this._skinAnimationDatas = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ return a(e, "laya.d3.core.render.SubMeshRenderElement", ct),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ci = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this._name = NaN,
+ this._attributeMap = null,
+ this._renderElementUniformMap = null,
+ this._materialUniformMap = null,
+ this._spriteUniformMap = null,
+ this._cameraUniformMap = null,
+ this._sceneUniformMap = null,
+ this.sharders = null,
+ this._spriteDefineCounter = 3,
+ this._spriteInt2name = [],
+ this._spriteName2Int = {},
+ this._materialDefineCounter = 1,
+ this._materialInt2name = [],
+ this._materialName2Int = {},
+ this._conchShader = null,
+ this._name = t,
+ this._renderElementUniformMap = {},
+ this._materialUniformMap = {},
+ this._spriteUniformMap = {},
+ this._cameraUniformMap = {},
+ this._sceneUniformMap = {},
+ this.sharders = [],
+ this._spriteInt2name[un.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP] = "LIGHTMAP",
+ this._spriteInt2name[vn.SHADERDEFINE_BONE] = "BONE",
+ this._materialInt2name[mi.SHADERDEFINE_ALPHATEST] = "ALPHATEST";
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, n, null, {}),
+ this._attributeMap = a;
+ var o;
+ for (o in r) {
+ var l = r[o];
+ switch (l[1]) {
+ case 0:
+ this._renderElementUniformMap[o] = l[0];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this._materialUniformMap[o] = l[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._spriteUniformMap[o] = l[0];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this._cameraUniformMap[o] = l[0];
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this._sceneUniformMap[o] = l[0];
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ShaderCompile3D: period is unkonw.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.shader.ShaderCompile3D", L);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._definesToNameDic = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = {}, n = 1, a = 0; a < 32 && !((n = 1 << a) > t); a++)
+ if (t & n) {
+ var r = e[n];
+ r && (i[r] = "")
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ i.withCompile = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a, r, s;
+ if (r = this.sharders[t])
+ if (s = r[i]) {
+ if (a = s[n])
+ return a
+ } else
+ s = r[i] = [];
+ else
+ s = (r = this.sharders[t] = [])[i] = [];
+ var o, l = this._definesToNameDic(t, e._globalInt2name), h = this._definesToNameDic(i, this._spriteInt2name), c = this._definesToNameDic(n, this._materialInt2name);
+ if (laya.d3.shader.ShaderCompile3D.debugMode) {
+ var _ = "";
+ for (o in l)
+ _ += o + " ";
+ var u = "";
+ for (o in h)
+ u += o + " ";
+ var d = "";
+ for (o in c)
+ d += o + " ";
+ console.log("ShaderCompile3DDebugMode---(Name:" + Oi.nameKey.getName(this._name) + " PublicDefine:" + t + " SpriteDefine:" + i + " MaterialDefine:" + n + " PublicDefineGroup:" + _ + " SpriteDefineGroup:" + u + "MaterialDefineGroup: " + d + ")---ShaderCompile3DDebugMode")
+ }
+ var f = {}
+ , p = "";
+ if (l)
+ for (o in l)
+ p += "#define " + o + "\n",
+ f[o] = !0;
+ if (h)
+ for (o in h)
+ p += "#define " + o + "\n",
+ f[o] = !0;
+ if (c)
+ for (o in c)
+ p += "#define " + o + "\n",
+ f[o] = !0;
+ var m = this._VS.toscript(f, [])
+ , g = this._PS.toscript(f, []);
+ return a = Oi.create(p + m.join("\n"), p + g.join("\n"), this._attributeMap, this._sceneUniformMap, this._cameraUniformMap, this._spriteUniformMap, this._materialUniformMap, this._renderElementUniformMap),
+ s[n] = a,
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.precompileShaderWithShaderDefine = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.withCompile(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addMaterialDefines = function(t) {
+ var e = t.defines;
+ for (var i in e) {
+ var n = e[i]
+ , a = parseInt(i);
+ this._materialInt2name[a] = n,
+ this._materialName2Int[n] = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addSpriteDefines = function(t) {
+ var e = t.defines;
+ for (var i in e) {
+ var n = e[i]
+ , a = parseInt(i);
+ this._spriteInt2name[a] = n,
+ this._spriteName2Int[n] = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getMaterialDefineByName = function(t) {
+ return this._materialName2Int[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.registerMaterialDefine = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.pow(2, this._materialDefineCounter++);
+ return this._materialInt2name[e] = t,
+ this._materialName2Int[t] = e,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.registerSpriteDefine = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.pow(2, this._spriteDefineCounter++);
+ return this._spriteInt2name[e] = t,
+ this._spriteName2Int[t] = e,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e._globalRegDefine = function(t, i) {
+ e._globalInt2name[i] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.add = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ return laya.d3.shader.ShaderCompile3D._preCompileShader[t] = new e(t,i,n,a,r,L.includes)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get = function(t) {
+ return laya.d3.shader.ShaderCompile3D._preCompileShader[Oi.nameKey.getID(t)]
+ }
+ ,
+ e._preCompileShader = {},
+ e._globalInt2name = [],
+ e.debugMode = !1,
+ e
+ }()
+ , _i = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.graphics.MeshSprite3DStaticBatchManager", Ct);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getStaticBatch = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a, r;
+ return r = t ? t.id.toString() + i.id.toString() + e.id.toString() + n.toString() : i.id.toString() + e.id.toString() + n.toString(),
+ this._staticBatches[r] ? a = this._staticBatches[r] : this._staticBatches[r] = a = new ui(r,this,t,e,i),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ i._initStaticBatchs = function(t) {
+ this._initBatchRenderElements.sort(e._sortPrepareStaticBatch);
+ for (var i, n, a, r = !1, s = 0, o = 0, l = this._initBatchRenderElements.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var h = this._initBatchRenderElements[o]
+ , c = h.renderObj._getVertexBuffer(0);
+ h._sprite3D;
+ if (n === c.vertexDeclaration && i === h._material) {
+ var _;
+ if (r)
+ a._addCombineBatchRenderObjTest(h) ? (_ = h._staticBatch) !== a && (_ && _._deleteCombineBatchRenderObj(h),
+ a._addCombineBatchRenderObj(h)) : (r = !1,
+ s++);
+ else {
+ var u = this._initBatchRenderElements[o - 1]
+ , d = u.renderObj
+ , f = h.renderObj;
+ d._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount + f._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount > 65535 ? r = !1 : (a = this._getStaticBatch(t, n, i, s),
+ (_ = u._staticBatch) !== a && (_ && _._deleteCombineBatchRenderObj(u),
+ a._addCombineBatchRenderObj(u)),
+ (_ = h._staticBatch) !== a && (_ && _._deleteCombineBatchRenderObj(h),
+ a._addCombineBatchRenderObj(h)),
+ r = !0)
+ }
+ } else
+ r = !1,
+ s = 0;
+ i = h._material,
+ n = c.vertexDeclaration
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e._sortPrepareStaticBatch = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t._render
+ , n = e._render
+ , a = i.lightmapIndex - n.lightmapIndex;
+ if (0 === a) {
+ var r = i.receiveShadow - n.receiveShadow;
+ if (0 === r) {
+ var s = t._mainSortID - e._mainSortID;
+ return 0 === s ? t.renderObj.triangleCount - e.renderObj.triangleCount : s
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , ui = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ this._batchOwnerIndices = null,
+ this._batchOwners = null,
+ this._needFinishCombine = !1,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = 0,
+ this._currentCombineIndexCount = 0,
+ this._vertexDeclaration = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, t, i, n),
+ this._batchOwnerIndices = [],
+ this._batchOwners = [],
+ this._needFinishCombine = !1,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = 0,
+ this._currentCombineIndexCount = 0,
+ this._vertexDeclaration = a,
+ this._material = r
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.graphics.SubMeshStaticBatch", St);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._compareBatchRenderElement = function(t, e) {
+ return t._batchIndexStart > e._batchIndexStart
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addCombineBatchRenderObjTest = function(t) {
+ var e = t.renderObj._vertexCount;
+ return !((e > 0 ? this._currentCombineVertexCount + e : this._currentCombineVertexCount + t.renderObj._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount) > 65535)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addCombineBatchRenderObj = function(t) {
+ var e = t.renderObj
+ , i = e._vertexCount;
+ this._initBatchRenderElements.push(t),
+ t._staticBatch = this,
+ i > 0 ? (this._currentCombineIndexCount += e._indexCount,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount += i) : (this._currentCombineIndexCount = this._currentCombineIndexCount + e._getIndexBuffer().indexCount,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = this._currentCombineVertexCount + e._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount),
+ this._needFinishCombine = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._deleteCombineBatchRenderObj = function(t) {
+ var e = t.renderObj
+ , i = this._initBatchRenderElements.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 !== i) {
+ this._initBatchRenderElements.splice(i, 1),
+ t._staticBatch = null;
+ var n = e._vertexCount;
+ n > 0 ? (this._currentCombineIndexCount = this._currentCombineIndexCount - e._indexCount,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = this._currentCombineVertexCount - n) : (this._currentCombineIndexCount = this._currentCombineIndexCount - e._getIndexBuffer().indexCount,
+ this._currentCombineVertexCount = this._currentCombineVertexCount - e._getVertexBuffer().vertexCount),
+ this._needFinishCombine = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._finishInit = function() {
+ if (this._needFinishCombine) {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ this._initBatchRenderElements[0]._sprite3D._render.lightmapIndex >= 0 ? this._vertexDeclaration = this._getVertexDecLightMap(this._vertexDeclaration) : this._material instanceof laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial && this._material.ambientTexture && (this._vertexDeclaration = this._getVertexDecLightMap(this._vertexDeclaration));
+ var i = new Float32Array(this._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4 * this._currentCombineVertexCount)
+ , n = new Uint16Array(this._currentCombineIndexCount);
+ this._vertexBuffer && (this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._indexBuffer.destroy()),
+ this._vertexBuffer = Yi.create(this._vertexDeclaration, this._currentCombineVertexCount, 35044),
+ this._indexBuffer = qi.create("ushort", this._currentCombineIndexCount, 35044);
+ for (var a = 0, r = this._initBatchRenderElements.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var s = this._initBatchRenderElements[a]
+ , o = s.renderObj
+ , l = o._getStaticBatchBakedVertexs(this._rootOwner ? this._rootOwner._transform : null, s._sprite3D)
+ , h = o.getIndices()
+ , c = s._sprite3D.transform._isFrontFaceInvert
+ , _ = t / (this._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4) - o._vertexStart
+ , u = e
+ , d = u + h.length;
+ s._batchIndexStart = u,
+ s._batchIndexEnd = d,
+ n.set(h, e);
+ var f = 0;
+ if (c)
+ for (f = u; f < d; f += 3) {
+ n[f] = _ + n[f];
+ var p = n[f + 1]
+ , m = n[f + 2];
+ n[f + 1] = _ + m,
+ n[f + 2] = _ + p
+ }
+ else
+ for (f = u; f < d; f += 3)
+ n[f] = _ + n[f],
+ n[f + 1] = _ + n[f + 1],
+ n[f + 2] = _ + n[f + 2];
+ e += h.length,
+ i.set(l, t),
+ t += l.length
+ }
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(i),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this._needFinishCombine = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getCombineRenderElementFromPool = function() {
+ return this._combineRenderElementPool[this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex++] || (this._combineRenderElementPool[this._combineRenderElementPoolIndex - 1] = new hi)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getRenderElement = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n, a, r = this._batchRenderElements.length, s = !0, o = 0; o < r; o++) {
+ var l, h = (a = this._batchRenderElements[o])._sprite3D._render;
+ 0 !== o && (s = (l = (n = this._batchRenderElements[o - 1])._sprite3D._render).lightmapIndex !== h.lightmapIndex || l.receiveShadow !== h.receiveShadow || n._batchIndexEnd !== a._batchIndexStart);
+ var c;
+ if (s) {
+ (c = this._getCombineRenderElementFromPool()).renderObj = this,
+ c._material = this._material,
+ c._batchIndexStart = a._batchIndexStart,
+ c._batchIndexEnd = a._batchIndexEnd;
+ var _ = h.lightmapIndex
+ , u = _ + 1
+ , d = this._batchOwnerIndices[u];
+ d || (d = this._batchOwnerIndices[u] = []);
+ var f, p = d[a._render.receiveShadow ? 1 : 0];
+ void 0 === p ? (d[h.receiveShadow ? 1 : 0] = this._batchOwners.length,
+ (f = new gn(null,"StaticBatchMeshSprite3D"))._scene = e,
+ f._transform = this._rootOwner ? this._rootOwner._transform : null,
+ f._render.lightmapIndex = _,
+ f._render.receiveShadow = a._render.receiveShadow,
+ this._batchOwners.push(f)) : f = this._batchOwners[p],
+ f._render._renderUpdate(i),
+ c._sprite3D = f,
+ t.push(c)
+ } else
+ c._batchIndexEnd = a._batchIndexEnd
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._render = function(t) {
+ var e = t.renderElement
+ , i = e._batchIndexStart
+ , n = e._batchIndexEnd - i;
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, n, 5123, 2 * i),
+ E.drawCall++,
+ E.trianglesFaces += n / 3
+ }
+ ,
+ i.dispose = function() {
+ this._batchOwnerIndices = null,
+ this._batchOwners = null,
+ this._vertexDeclaration = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._indexBuffer.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ this._vertexBuffer
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , di = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ e._nameNumber++,
+ this.loadShaderParams(),
+ this.createResource(),
+ this.alphaBlending = 1,
+ this.colorIntensity = 1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.SkyBox", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._getShader = function(t) {
+ var e = t.scene._shaderDefineValue;
+ return this._shader = this._shaderCompile.withCompile(e, 0, 0),
+ this._shader
+ }
+ ,
+ i.createResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = 36,
+ this._numberIndices = 36;
+ var t = new Uint16Array(this._numberIndices)
+ , i = e._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4
+ , n = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * i)
+ , a = new Be(-.5,.5,.5)
+ , r = new Be(-.5,-.5,.5)
+ , s = new Be(.5,.5,.5)
+ , o = new Be(.5,-.5,.5)
+ , l = new Be(-.5,.5,-.5)
+ , h = new Be(.5,.5,-.5)
+ , c = new Be(-.5,-.5,-.5)
+ , _ = new Be(.5,-.5,-.5)
+ , u = 0;
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, a),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, r),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, s),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, r),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, o),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, s),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, l),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, h),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, c),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, c),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, h),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, _),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, a),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, h),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, l),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, a),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, s),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, h),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, r),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, c),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, _),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, r),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, _),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, o),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, a),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, c),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, r),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, l),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, c),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, a),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, s),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, o),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, _),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, h),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, s),
+ u = this._addVertex(n, u, _);
+ for (var d = 0; d < 36; d++)
+ t[d] = d;
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(e._vertexDeclaration,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addVertex = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.elements;
+ return t[e + 0] = n[0],
+ t[e + 1] = n[1],
+ t[e + 2] = n[2],
+ e + 3
+ }
+ ,
+ i.loadShaderParams = function() {
+ this._sharderNameID = Oi.nameKey.getID("SkyBox"),
+ this._shaderCompile = ci._preCompileShader[this._sharderNameID]
+ }
+ ,
+ i._render = function(t) {
+ this._textureCube && this._textureCube.loaded && (this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._shader = this._getShader(t),
+ this._shader.bind(),
+ t.camera.transform.worldMatrix.cloneTo(e._tempMatrix4x40),
+ e._tempMatrix4x40.transpose(),
+ Me.multiply(t._projectionMatrix, e._tempMatrix4x40, e._tempMatrix4x41),
+ t.camera._shaderValues.setValue(4, e._tempMatrix4x41.elements),
+ this._shader.uploadCameraUniforms(t.camera._shaderValues.data),
+ this._shaderValue.setValue(1, this._colorIntensity),
+ this._shaderValue.setValue(2, this._alphaBlending),
+ this._shaderValue.setValue(3, this.textureCube),
+ this._shader.uploadAttributes(e._vertexDeclaration.shaderValues.data, null),
+ this._shader.uploadMaterialUniforms(this._shaderValue.data),
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, 36, 5123, 0),
+ E.trianglesFaces += 12,
+ E.drawCall++)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this),
+ this._textureCube && (this._textureCube._removeReference(),
+ this._textureCube = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "textureCube", function() {
+ return this._textureCube
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._textureCube !== t && (this._textureCube && this._textureCube._removeReference(),
+ this._textureCube = t,
+ t && t._addReference())
+ }),
+ e._nameNumber = 1,
+ n(e, ["_tempMatrix4x40", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x40 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x41", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x41 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(12,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0)])
+ }
+ ])
+ }(Pe),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._stacks = 16,
+ this._slices = 16,
+ this._radius = 1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ e._nameNumber++,
+ this.loadShaderParams(),
+ this.recreateResource(),
+ this.alphaBlending = 1,
+ this.colorIntensity = 1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.SkyDome", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ s._getShader = function(t) {
+ var e = t.scene._shaderDefineValue;
+ return this._shader = this._shaderCompile.withCompile(e, 0, 0),
+ this._shader
+ }
+ ,
+ s.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = (this._stacks + 1) * (this._slices + 1),
+ this._numberIndices = 3 * this._stacks * (this._slices + 1) * 2;
+ for (var t = new Uint16Array(this._numberIndices), i = e._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4, n = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * i), a = Math.PI / this._stacks, r = 2 * Math.PI / this._slices, s = 0, o = 0, l = 0, h = 0; h < this._stacks + 1; h++)
+ for (var c = Math.sin(h * a), _ = Math.cos(h * a), u = 0; u < this._slices + 1; u++) {
+ var d = c * Math.sin(u * r)
+ , f = c * Math.cos(u * r);
+ n[o + 0] = d * this._radius,
+ n[o + 1] = _ * this._radius,
+ n[o + 2] = f * this._radius,
+ n[o + 3] = -u / this._slices + .75,
+ n[o + 4] = h / this._stacks,
+ o += i,
+ h != this._stacks - 1 && (t[l++] = s + 1,
+ t[l++] = s,
+ t[l++] = s + (this._slices + 1),
+ t[l++] = s + (this._slices + 1),
+ t[l++] = s,
+ t[l++] = s + this._slices,
+ s++)
+ }
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(e._vertexDeclaration,this._numberVertices,35044),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.loadShaderParams = function() {
+ this._sharderNameID = Oi.nameKey.getID("SkyDome"),
+ this._shaderCompile = ci._preCompileShader[this._sharderNameID]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._render = function(t) {
+ this._texture && this._texture.loaded && (this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._shader = this._getShader(t),
+ this._shader.bind(),
+ t.camera.transform.worldMatrix.cloneTo(e._tempMatrix4x40),
+ e._tempMatrix4x40.transpose(),
+ Me.multiply(t._projectionMatrix, e._tempMatrix4x40, e._tempMatrix4x41),
+ t.camera._shaderValues.setValue(4, e._tempMatrix4x41.elements),
+ this._shader.uploadCameraUniforms(t.camera._shaderValues.data),
+ this._shaderValue.setValue(1, this._colorIntensity),
+ this._shaderValue.setValue(2, this._alphaBlending),
+ this._shaderValue.setValue(3, this.texture),
+ this._shader.uploadAttributes(e._vertexDeclaration.shaderValues.data, null),
+ this._shader.uploadMaterialUniforms(this._shaderValue.data),
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, this._indexBuffer.indexCount, 5123, 0),
+ E.trianglesFaces += this._numberIndices / 3,
+ E.drawCall++)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onEnvDescLoaded = function(t) {
+ var e = ""
+ , n = Math.max(t.lastIndexOf("/"), t.lastIndexOf("\\"));
+ n > 0 && (e = t.substr(0, n + 1));
+ var a = i.loader.getRes(t);
+ void 0 != a.ev && this.__ownerCamera ? this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(13, Math.pow(2, a.ev)) : this.__ownerCamera._shaderValues.setValue(13, Math.pow(2, 0)),
+ this.texture = ln.load(e + a.skytex),
+ this.environmentSpecular = en.load(e + a.prefiltedEnv);
+ var r = new Float32Array(a.IrradianceMat);
+ this.envDiffuseSHRed = r.slice(0, 16),
+ this.envDiffuseSHGreen = r.slice(16, 32),
+ this.envDiffuseSHBlue = r.slice(32, 48)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.loadEnvInfo = function(t) {
+ i.loader.load(t, y.create(this, this.onEnvDescLoaded, [t]))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this),
+ this._texture && (this._texture._removeReference(),
+ this._texture = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "texture", function() {
+ return this._texture
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._texture !== t && (this._texture && this._texture._removeReference(),
+ this._texture = t,
+ t && t._addReference())
+ }),
+ e._nameNumber = 1,
+ n(e, ["_tempMatrix4x40", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x40 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x41", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x41 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration = new Mt(20,[new Lt(0,"vector3",0), new Lt(12,"vector2",2)])
+ }
+ ])
+ }(Pe),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._componentsMap = null,
+ this._typeComponentsIndices = null,
+ this._components = null,
+ this._scripts = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._componentsMap = [],
+ this._typeComponentsIndices = [],
+ this._components = [],
+ this._scripts = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.ComponentNode", x);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.addComponent = function(t) {
+ var e, i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 === i)
+ e = [],
+ this._componentsMap.push(t),
+ this._typeComponentsIndices.push(e);
+ else if (e = this._typeComponentsIndices[i],
+ this._components[e[0]].isSingleton)
+ throw new Error("无法单实例创建" + t + "组件," + t + "组件已存在!");
+ var n = p.getInstance(t);
+ return e.push(this._components.length),
+ this._components.push(n),
+ n instanceof laya.d3.component.Script && this._scripts.push(n),
+ n._initialize(this),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ i._removeComponent = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._typeComponentsIndices[t]
+ , n = i[e]
+ , a = this._components[n];
+ this._components.splice(n, 1),
+ a instanceof laya.d3.component.Script && this._scripts.splice(this._scripts.indexOf(a), 1),
+ i.splice(e, 1),
+ 0 === i.length && (this._typeComponentsIndices.splice(t, 1),
+ this._componentsMap.splice(t, 1));
+ for (var r = 0, s = this._componentsMap.length; r < s; r++)
+ for (var o = (i = this._typeComponentsIndices[r]).length - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
+ var l = i[o];
+ if (!(l > n))
+ break;
+ i[o] = --l
+ }
+ a._destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getComponentByType = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ return -1 === i ? null : this._components[this._typeComponentsIndices[i][e]]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getComponentsByType = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 !== i) {
+ var n = this._typeComponentsIndices[i]
+ , a = n.length;
+ e.length = a;
+ for (var r = 0; r < a; r++)
+ e[r] = this._components[n[r]]
+ } else
+ e.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getComponentByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._components[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeComponentByType = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== i && this._removeComponent(i, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeComponentsByType = function(t) {
+ var e = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 !== e)
+ for (var i = this._typeComponentsIndices[e], n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; i.length < a ? a-- : n++)
+ this._removeComponent(e, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.removeAllComponent = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._componentsMap.length; t < e; this._componentsMap.length < e ? e-- : t++)
+ this.removeComponentsByType(this._componentsMap[t])
+ }
+ ,
+ i._updateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._components.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._components[e];
+ !n.started && (n._start(t),
+ n.started = !0),
+ n.enable && n._update(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._lateUpdateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._components.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._components[e];
+ !i.started && (i._start(t),
+ i.started = !0),
+ i.enable && i._lateUpdate(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._preRenderUpdateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._components.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._components[e];
+ !i.started && (i._start(t),
+ i.started = !0),
+ i.enable && i._preRenderUpdate(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._postRenderUpdateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._components.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._components[e];
+ !i.started && (i._start(t),
+ i.started = !0),
+ i.enable && i._postRenderUpdate(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }())
+ , fi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes = null,
+ this._realTimeCurrentTimes = null,
+ this._fullKeyframeIndicesCache = null,
+ this._animationDatasCache = null,
+ this._avatarDatasCache = null,
+ this._skinnedDatasCache = null,
+ this._version = null,
+ this._nodes = null,
+ this._nodesMap = null,
+ this._cachePropertyMap = null,
+ this._nodeToCachePropertyMap = null,
+ this._unCachePropertyMap = null,
+ this._duration = NaN,
+ this._frameRate = 0,
+ this._animationEvents = null,
+ this._publicClipDatas = null,
+ this.islooping = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._fullKeyframeIndicesCache = {},
+ this._animationDatasCache = [],
+ this._avatarDatasCache = [],
+ this._skinnedDatasCache = [],
+ this._animationEvents = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.animation.AnimationClip", S);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.duration = function() {
+ return this._duration
+ }
+ ,
+ n._hermiteInterpolate = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ for (var a = t.data, r = t.outTangent, s = t.next, o = s.data, l = s.inTangent, h = !1, c = NaN, _ = NaN, u = NaN, d = NaN, f = 0, p = n.length; f < p; f++) {
+ var m = r[f]
+ , g = l[f];
+ if (Number.isFinite(m) && Number.isFinite(g)) {
+ if (!h) {
+ var y = e * e
+ , v = y * e;
+ c = 2 * v - 3 * y + 1,
+ _ = v - 2 * y + e,
+ u = v - y,
+ d = -2 * v + 3 * y,
+ h = !0
+ }
+ n[f] = c * a[f] + _ * m * i + u * g * i + d * o[f]
+ } else
+ n[f] = a[f]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getFullKeyframeIndicesWithCache = function(t) {
+ return this._fullKeyframeIndicesCache[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n._cacheFullKeyframeIndices = function(t, e) {
+ this._fullKeyframeIndicesCache[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getAnimationDataWithCache = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._animationDatasCache[t];
+ return i ? i[e] : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._cacheAnimationData = function(t, e, i) {
+ (this._animationDatasCache[t] || (this._animationDatasCache[t] = []))[e] = i
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getAvatarDataWithCache = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._avatarDatasCache[t.id];
+ if (n) {
+ var a = n[e];
+ return a ? a[i] : null
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._cacheAvatarData = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._avatarDatasCache[t.id] || (this._avatarDatasCache[t.id] = []);
+ (a[e] || (a[e] = []))[i] = n
+ }
+ ,
+ n._evaluateAnimationlDatasCacheMode = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ for (var r = 0, s = 0, o = 0, l = a ? a.length : this._nodes.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var h = a ? a[o] : o
+ , c = this._nodes[h]
+ , _ = c._cacheProperty;
+ if (t[h]) {
+ var u, d = e[h], f = d[i.currentFrameIndex], p = 0;
+ if (-1 !== f) {
+ var m = c.keyFrames[f];
+ if (m.next) {
+ a && !_ ? (u = n[h]) || (u = n[h] = new Float32Array(c.keyFrameWidth)) : (u = new Float32Array(c.keyFrameWidth),
+ n[o] = u);
+ var g = NaN
+ , y = m.duration;
+ g = 0 !== y ? (i.currentFrameTime - m.startTime) / y : 0,
+ this._hermiteInterpolate(m, g, y, u)
+ } else {
+ if (a && !_)
+ (u = n[h]) || (u = n[h] = new Float32Array(c.keyFrameWidth));
+ else {
+ if (-1 !== (p = i._lastFrameIndex) && d[p] === f)
+ continue;
+ u = new Float32Array(c.keyFrameWidth),
+ n[o] = u
+ }
+ var v = m.data;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = u.length; r < s; r++)
+ u[r] = v[r]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (a && !_)
+ (u = n[h]) || (u = n[h] = new Float32Array(c.keyFrameWidth));
+ else {
+ if (-1 !== (p = i._lastFrameIndex) && d[p] === f)
+ continue;
+ u = new Float32Array(c.keyFrameWidth),
+ n[o] = u
+ }
+ var b = c.keyFrames[0].data;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = u.length; r < s; r++)
+ u[r] = b[r]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._evaluateAnimationlDatasRealTime = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , s = this._nodes;
+ if (!this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes) {
+ for (this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes = new Int32Array(s.length),
+ a = 0,
+ r = s.length; a < r; a++)
+ this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes[a] = -1;
+ this._realTimeCurrentTimes = new Float32Array(s.length)
+ }
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = n ? n.length : this._nodes.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var o = n ? n[a] : a
+ , l = s[o];
+ e < this._realTimeCurrentTimes[o] && (this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes[o] = -1),
+ this._realTimeCurrentTimes[o] = e;
+ for (var h = this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes[o] + 1, c = l.keyFrames, _ = c.length; h < _; ) {
+ if (c[h].startTime > e) {
+ this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes[o] = h - 1;
+ break
+ }
+ h++
+ }
+ h === _ && (this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes[o] = _ - 1);
+ var u = 0
+ , d = 0
+ , f = i[o];
+ f || (f = i[o] = new Float32Array(l.keyFrameWidth));
+ var p = c[this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes[o]];
+ if (p) {
+ if (p.next) {
+ var m = p.duration
+ , g = NaN;
+ g = 0 !== m ? (e - p.startTime) / m : 0,
+ this._hermiteInterpolate(p, g, m, f)
+ } else {
+ var y = p.data;
+ for (u = 0,
+ d = f.length; u < d; u++)
+ f[u] = y[u]
+ }
+ } else {
+ var v = l.keyFrames[0].data;
+ for (u = 0,
+ d = f.length; u < d; u++)
+ f[u] = v[u]
+ }
+ var b = t[o];
+ b && (n ? U._propertySetFuncs[l.propertyNameID](b, null, f) : U._propertySetFuncs[l.propertyNameID](null, b, f))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._binarySearchEventIndex = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._animationEvents.length - 1, n = 0; e <= i; ) {
+ n = Math.floor((e + i) / 2);
+ var a = this._animationEvents[n].time;
+ if (a == t)
+ return n;
+ a > t ? i = n - 1 : e = n + 1
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addEvent = function(t) {
+ var e = this._binarySearchEventIndex(t.time);
+ this._animationEvents.splice(e, 0, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = new f(e);
+ switch (this._version = n.readUTFString(),
+ this._version) {
+ case "LAYAANIMATION:01":
+ R.parse(this, n);
+ break;
+ case "LAYAANIMATION:02":
+ P.parse(this, n)
+ }
+ this.completeCreate(),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._realTimeCurrentFrameIndexes = null,
+ this._realTimeCurrentTimes = null,
+ this._fullKeyframeIndicesCache = null,
+ this._animationDatasCache = null,
+ this._avatarDatasCache = null,
+ this._skinnedDatasCache = null,
+ this._version = null,
+ this._nodes = null,
+ this._nodesMap = null,
+ this._cachePropertyMap = null,
+ this._nodeToCachePropertyMap = null,
+ this._unCachePropertyMap = null,
+ this._publicClipDatas = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , pi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.Avatar", S);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ n._initCloneToAnimator = function(t, e) {
+ e._avatarNodeMap[t.name] = t,
+ e._avatarNodes.push(t);
+ for (var i = 0, n = t.getChildCount(); i < n; i++)
+ this._initCloneToAnimator(t.getChildByIndex(i), e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseNode = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.props.name;
+ if (e.name = i,
+ e._parent) {
+ var n = t.customProps
+ , a = e.transform;
+ a._localRotationEuler = new Float32Array(3),
+ a.setLocalPosition(new Float32Array(n.translate)),
+ a.setLocalRotation(new Float32Array(n.rotation)),
+ a.setLocalScale(new Float32Array(n.scale)),
+ a._setWorldMatrixAndUpdate(new Float32Array(16))
+ }
+ for (var r = t.child, s = 0, o = r.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = r[s]
+ , h = new U;
+ e.addChild(h),
+ this._parseNode(l, h)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (this._rootNode = new U,
+ e.version) {
+ this._version = e.version;
+ var n = e.rootNode;
+ n && this._parseNode(n, this._rootNode)
+ } else
+ this._parseNode(e, this._rootNode);
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._cloneDatasToAnimator = function(t) {
+ var e = this._rootNode.clone();
+ e.transform._setWorldMatrixIgnoreUpdate(null);
+ t._avatarNodeMap = {},
+ t._avatarNodes = [],
+ this._initCloneToAnimator(e, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = this._rootNode.clone();
+ e._rootNode = i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , mi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._shaderDefineValue = 0,
+ this._disablePublicShaderDefine = 0,
+ this._shaderValues = new Fe,
+ this._values = [],
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this._alphaTest = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.srcBlend = 1,
+ this.dstBlend = 0,
+ this.srcBlendRGB = 1,
+ this.dstBlendRGB = 0,
+ this.srcBlendAlpha = 1,
+ this.dstBlendAlpha = 0,
+ this.blendConstColor = new ke(1,1,1,1),
+ this.blendEquation = 0,
+ this.blendEquationRGB = 0,
+ this.blendEquationAlpha = 0,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.depthWrite = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.BaseMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(s, {
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ s._addShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._shaderDefineValue |= t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._removeShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._shaderDefineValue &= ~t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addDisablePublicShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._disablePublicShaderDefine |= t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._removeDisablePublicShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._disablePublicShaderDefine &= ~t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setBuffer = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getBuffer = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setMatrix4x4 = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e ? e.elements : null),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getMatrix4x4 = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setInt = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getInt = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setNumber = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getNumber = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setBool = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getBool = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setVector2 = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e ? e.elements : null),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getVector2 = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setColor = function(t, e) {
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e ? e.elements : null),
+ this._values[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getColor = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setTexture = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._values[t];
+ this._values[t] = e,
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(t, e),
+ this.referenceCount > 0 && (i && i._removeReference(),
+ e && e._addReference())
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getTexture = function(t) {
+ return this._values[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ s._upload = function() {
+ this._shader.uploadMaterialUniforms(this._shaderValues.data)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getShader = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = (t | e) & ~this._disablePublicShaderDefine;
+ return this._shader = this._shaderCompile.withCompile(n, i, this._shaderDefineValue),
+ this._shader
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setRenderStateBlendDepth = function() {
+ var t = B.mainContext;
+ switch (k.setDepthMask(t, this.depthWrite),
+ 0 === this.depthTest ? k.setDepthTest(t, !1) : (k.setDepthTest(t, !0),
+ k.setDepthFunc(t, this.depthTest)),
+ this.blend) {
+ case 0:
+ k.setBlend(t, !1);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ k.setBlend(t, !0),
+ k.setBlendFunc(t, this.srcBlend, this.dstBlend);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ k.setBlend(t, !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setRenderStateFrontFace = function(t, e) {
+ var i = B.mainContext
+ , n = 0;
+ switch (this.cull) {
+ case 0:
+ k.setCullFace(i, !1);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ k.setCullFace(i, !0),
+ n = t ? e && e._isFrontFaceInvert ? 2305 : 2304 : e && e._isFrontFaceInvert ? 2304 : 2305,
+ k.setFrontFace(i, n);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ k.setCullFace(i, !0),
+ n = t ? e && e._isFrontFaceInvert ? 2304 : 2305 : e && e._isFrontFaceInvert ? 2305 : 2304,
+ k.setFrontFace(i, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e[0]
+ , a = e[1];
+ switch (n.version) {
+ case "LAYAMATERIAL:01":
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0
+ , o = n.props;
+ for (var l in o)
+ switch (l) {
+ case "vectors":
+ var h = o[l];
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = h.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var c = h[r]
+ , _ = c.value;
+ switch (_.length) {
+ case 2:
+ this[c.name] = new Ae(_[0],_[1]);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this[c.name] = new Be(_[0],_[1],_[2]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this[c.name] = new ke(_[0],_[1],_[2],_[3]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("BaseMaterial:unkonwn color length.")
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "textures":
+ var u = o[l];
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = u.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var d = u[r]
+ , f = d.path;
+ f && (this[d.name] = v.getRes(a[f]))
+ }
+ break;
+ case "defines":
+ var p = o[l];
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = p.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var m = this._shaderCompile.getMaterialDefineByName(p[r]);
+ this._addShaderDefine(m)
+ }
+ break;
+ case "cull":
+ case "blend":
+ case "srcBlend":
+ case "dstBlend":
+ case "depthWrite":
+ this[l] = o[l];
+ break;
+ case "renderQueue":
+ switch (o[l]) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ this[l] = o[l]
+ }
+ break;
+ case "LAYAMATERIAL:02":
+ o = n.props;
+ for (l in o)
+ switch (l) {
+ case "vectors":
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = (h = o[l]).length; r < s; r++)
+ switch (c = h[r],
+ (_ = c.value).length) {
+ case 2:
+ this[c.name] = new Ae(_[0],_[1]);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this[c.name] = new Be(_[0],_[1],_[2]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this[c.name] = new ke(_[0],_[1],_[2],_[3]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("BaseMaterial:unkonwn color length.")
+ }
+ break;
+ case "textures":
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = (u = o[l]).length; r < s; r++)
+ (f = (d = u[r]).path) && (this[d.name] = v.getRes(a[f]));
+ break;
+ case "defines":
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = (p = o[l]).length; r < s; r++)
+ m = this._shaderCompile.getMaterialDefineByName(p[r]),
+ this._addShaderDefine(m);
+ break;
+ default:
+ this[l] = o[l]
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("BaseMaterial:unkonwn version.")
+ }
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addReference = function() {
+ t.prototype._addReference.call(this);
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._values.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._values[e];
+ n && n instanceof laya.d3.resource.BaseTexture && n._addReference()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._removeReference = function() {
+ t.prototype._removeReference.call(this);
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._values.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._values[e];
+ n && n instanceof laya.d3.resource.BaseTexture && n._removeReference()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disposeResource = function() {
+ this.blendConstColor = null,
+ this._shader = null,
+ this._shaderValues = null;
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._values.length; t < e; t++) {
+ var i = this._values[t];
+ i && i instanceof laya.d3.resource.BaseTexture && i._removeReference()
+ }
+ this._values = null
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setShaderName = function(t) {
+ var e = Oi.nameKey.getID(t);
+ if (-1 === e)
+ throw new Error("BaseMaterial: unknown shader name.");
+ this._shaderCompile = ci._preCompileShader[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e.name = this.name,
+ e.cull = this.cull,
+ e.blend = this.blend,
+ e.srcBlend = this.srcBlend,
+ e.dstBlend = this.dstBlend,
+ e.srcBlendRGB = this.srcBlendRGB,
+ e.dstBlendRGB = this.dstBlendRGB,
+ e.srcBlendAlpha = this.srcBlendAlpha,
+ e.dstBlendAlpha = this.dstBlendAlpha,
+ this.blendConstColor.cloneTo(e.blendConstColor),
+ e.blendEquation = this.blendEquation,
+ e.blendEquationRGB = this.blendEquationRGB,
+ e.blendEquationAlpha = this.blendEquationAlpha,
+ e.depthTest = this.depthTest,
+ e.depthWrite = this.depthWrite,
+ e.renderQueue = this.renderQueue,
+ e._shader = this._shader,
+ e._disablePublicShaderDefine = this._disablePublicShaderDefine,
+ e._shaderDefineValue = this._shaderDefineValue;
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = e._shaderValues;
+ e._shaderValues.data.length = this._shaderValues.data.length;
+ var r = this._values.length
+ , s = e._values;
+ for (s.length = r,
+ i = 0,
+ n = r; i < n; i++) {
+ var o = this._values[i];
+ if (o)
+ if ("number" == typeof o)
+ s[i] = o,
+ a.data[i] = o;
+ else if ("number" == typeof o && Math.floor(o) == o)
+ s[i] = o,
+ a.data[i] = o;
+ else if ("boolean" == typeof o)
+ s[i] = o,
+ a.data[i] = o;
+ else if (o instanceof laya.d3.math.Vector2) {
+ var l = s[i] || (s[i] = new Ae);
+ o.cloneTo(l),
+ a.data[i] = l.elements
+ } else if (o instanceof laya.d3.math.Vector3) {
+ var h = s[i] || (s[i] = new Be);
+ o.cloneTo(h),
+ a.data[i] = h.elements
+ } else if (o instanceof laya.d3.math.Vector4) {
+ var c = s[i] || (s[i] = new ke);
+ o.cloneTo(c),
+ a.data[i] = c.elements
+ } else if (o instanceof laya.d3.math.Matrix4x4) {
+ var _ = s[i] || (s[i] = new Me);
+ o.cloneTo(_),
+ a.data[i] = _.elements
+ } else
+ o instanceof laya.d3.resource.BaseTexture && (s[i] = o,
+ a.data[i] = o)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "alphaTestValue", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(0)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(0, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "alphaTest", function() {
+ return this._alphaTest
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._alphaTest = t,
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BaseMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_ALPHATEST) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BaseMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_ALPHATEST)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_ALPHATEST = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ALPHATEST")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.CULL_NONE = 0,
+ e.CULL_FRONT = 1,
+ e.CULL_BACK = 2,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(S)
+ , gi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._type = 0,
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._size = null,
+ this._repeat = !1,
+ this._mipmap = !1,
+ this._minFifter = 0,
+ this._magFifter = 0,
+ this._format = 0,
+ this._source = null,
+ this._conchTexture = null,
+ this._wrapModeU = 0,
+ this._wrapModeV = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._repeat = !0,
+ this.mipmap = !0,
+ this.minFifter = -1,
+ this.magFifter = -1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.BaseTexture", S);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return r(0, i, "width", function() {
+ return this._width
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "repeat", function() {
+ return this._repeat
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._repeat !== t && (this._repeat = t,
+ this._source)) {
+ var e = B.mainContext;
+ k.bindTexture(e, this._type, this._source);
+ h.isPOT(this._width, this._height) && this._repeat ? (e.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 10497),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 10497)) : (e.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071))
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", function() {
+ return this._height
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "magFifter", function() {
+ return this._magFifter
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._magFifter = t,
+ t != this._magFifter && this._conchTexture && this._conchTexture.setMaxFifter(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "wrapModeV", function() {
+ return this._wrapModeV
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "size", function() {
+ return this._size
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "wrapModeU", function() {
+ return this._wrapModeU
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "mipmap", function() {
+ return this._mipmap
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._mipmap = t,
+ this._mipmap != t && this._conchTexture && this._conchTexture.setMipMap(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "minFifter", function() {
+ return this._minFifter
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._minFifter = t,
+ this._minFifter != t && this._conchTexture && this._conchTexture.setMinFifter(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "format", function() {
+ return this._format
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "source", function() {
+ return this.activeResource(),
+ this._source
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "defaulteTexture", function() {
+ return sn.grayTexture
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , yi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._subMeshCount = 0,
+ this._boundingBox = null,
+ this._boundingSphere = null,
+ this._boundingBoxCorners = null,
+ this._positions = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._boundingBoxCorners = s(8, null)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.BaseMesh", S);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getPositions = function() {
+ throw new Error("未Override,请重载该属性!")
+ }
+ ,
+ i._generateBoundingObject = function() {
+ this._boundingSphere = new xe(new Be,0),
+ xe.createfromPoints(this._positions, this._boundingSphere),
+ this._boundingBox = new be(new Be,new Be),
+ be.createfromPoints(this._positions, this._boundingBox),
+ this._boundingBox.getCorners(this._boundingBoxCorners)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getRenderElementsCount = function() {
+ throw new Error("未Override,请重载该属性!")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getRenderElement = function(t) {
+ throw new Error("未Override,请重载该属性!")
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "subMeshCount", function() {
+ return this._subMeshCount
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundingBox", function() {
+ return this._boundingBox
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundingBoxCorners", function() {
+ return this._boundingBoxCorners
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundingSphere", function() {
+ return this._boundingSphere
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , vi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._terrainHeightData = null,
+ this._width = 0,
+ this._height = 0,
+ this._bitType = 0,
+ this._value = NaN,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.terrain.TerrainHeightData", S);
+ return e.prototype.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._width = i[0],
+ this._height = i[1],
+ this._bitType = i[2],
+ this._value = i[3];
+ var n, a = NaN;
+ 8 == this._bitType ? (n = new Uint8Array(e),
+ a = 1 / 255) : 16 == this._bitType && (n = new Int16Array(e),
+ a = 1 / 32766),
+ this._terrainHeightData = new Float32Array(this._height * this._width);
+ for (var r = 0, s = this._height * this._width; r < s; r++)
+ this._terrainHeightData[r] = n[r] * a * this._value / 2;
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t, n, a, r, s) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, [n, a, r, s], 1, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , bi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._version = NaN,
+ this._cameraCoordinateInverse = !1,
+ this._gridSize = NaN,
+ this._chunkNumX = 0,
+ this._chunkNumZ = 0,
+ this._heightDataX = 0,
+ this._heightDataZ = 0,
+ this._heightDataBitType = 0,
+ this._heightDataValue = NaN,
+ this._heightDataUrl = null,
+ this._detailTextureInfos = null,
+ this._chunkInfos = null,
+ this._heightData = null,
+ this._materialInfo = null,
+ this._alphaMaps = null,
+ this._normalMaps = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.terrain.TerrainRes", S);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.parseData = function(t) {
+ var e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1];
+ if (this._version = e.version,
+ 1 == this._version) {
+ this._cameraCoordinateInverse = e.cameraCoordinateInverse,
+ this._gridSize = e.gridSize,
+ this._chunkNumX = e.chunkNumX,
+ this._chunkNumZ = e.chunkNumZ;
+ var n = e.heightData;
+ if (this._heightDataX = n.numX,
+ this._heightDataZ = n.numZ,
+ this._heightDataBitType = n.bitType,
+ this._heightDataValue = n.value,
+ this._heightDataUrl = i[n.url],
+ this._materialInfo = new We,
+ e.material) {
+ var a = e.material.ambient
+ , r = e.material.diffuse
+ , o = e.material.specular;
+ this._materialInfo.ambientColor = new Be(a[0],a[1],a[2]),
+ this._materialInfo.diffuseColor = new Be(r[0],r[1],r[2]),
+ this._materialInfo.specularColor = new ke(o[0],o[1],o[2],o[3])
+ }
+ var l = e.detailTexture;
+ this._detailTextureInfos = s(l.length);
+ for (var h = 0; h < l.length; h++) {
+ var c = l[h]
+ , _ = new je;
+ _.diffuseTexture = i[c.diffuse],
+ _.normalTexture = c.normal ? i[c.normal] : null,
+ c.scale ? _.scale = new Ae(c.scale[0],c.scale[1]) : _.scale = new Ae(1,1),
+ c.offset ? _.offset = new Ae(c.offset[0],c.offset[1]) : _.offset = new Ae(0,0),
+ this._detailTextureInfos[h] = _
+ }
+ var u = e.alphaMap;
+ for (this._alphaMaps = s(u.length),
+ h = 0; h < this._alphaMaps.length; h++)
+ this._alphaMaps[h] = e.alphaMap[h];
+ var d = e.normalMap;
+ for (this._normalMaps = s(d.length),
+ h = 0; h < this._normalMaps.length; h++)
+ this._normalMaps[h] = e.normalMap[h];
+ var f = e.chunkInfo;
+ if (this._chunkNumX * this._chunkNumZ != f.length)
+ return alert("terrain data error"),
+ !1;
+ for (this._chunkInfos = s(f.length),
+ h = 0; h < f.length; h++) {
+ var p = f[h]
+ , m = new ze
+ , g = p.alphaMap.length
+ , y = p.detailID.length;
+ if (g != y)
+ return alert("terrain chunk data error"),
+ !1;
+ m.alphaMap = s(g),
+ m.detailID = s(y),
+ m.normalMap = i[this._normalMaps[p.normalMap]];
+ for (var b = 0; b < g; b++) {
+ m.alphaMap[b] = i[this._alphaMaps[p.alphaMap[b]]];
+ var w = p.detailID[b]
+ , x = w.length;
+ m.detailID[b] = new Uint8Array(x);
+ for (var I = 0; I < x; I++)
+ m.detailID[b][I] = w[I]
+ }
+ this._chunkInfos[h] = m
+ }
+ this._heightData = v.getRes(this._heightDataUrl),
+ this.onLoadTerrainComplete(this._heightData)
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onLoadTerrainComplete = function(t) {
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.parseData(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, null, 1, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , wi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._player = null,
+ this._templet = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._player = new o
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.animation.KeyframeAnimations", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._updateAnimtionPlayer = function() {
+ this._player._update(i.timer.delta)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addUpdatePlayerToTimer = function() {
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._updateAnimtionPlayer)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeUpdatePlayerToTimer = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._updateAnimtionPlayer)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged = function(t) {
+ this._owner.displayedInStage && (t ? this._addUpdatePlayerToTimer() : this._removeUpdatePlayerToTimer())
+ }
+ ,
+ n._load = function(t) {
+ t.activeInHierarchy && this._addUpdatePlayerToTimer(),
+ t.on("activeinhierarchychanged", this, this._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._unload = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._unload.call(this, e),
+ e.activeInHierarchy && this._removeUpdatePlayerToTimer(),
+ e.off("activeinhierarchychanged", this, this._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged),
+ this._player._destroy(),
+ this._player = null,
+ this._templet = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "url", null, function(t) {
+ console.log("Warning: discard property,please use templet property instead.");
+ var e = i.loader.create(t, null, null, l);
+ this._templet !== e && (0 !== this._player.state && this._player.stop(!0),
+ this._templet = e,
+ this._player.templet = e,
+ this.event("animationchanged", this))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "player", function() {
+ return this._player
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "templet", function() {
+ return this._templet
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._templet !== t && (0 !== this._player.state && this._player.stop(!0),
+ this._templet = t,
+ this._player.templet = t,
+ this.event("animationchanged", this))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentFrameIndex", function() {
+ return this._player.currentKeyframeIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "currentAnimationClipIndex", function() {
+ return this._player.currentAnimationClipIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "nodeCount", function() {
+ return this._templet.getNodeCount(this._player.currentAnimationClipIndex)
+ }),
+ e
+ }($e)
+ , xi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._clipNames = [],
+ this._clips = [],
+ this._playStartFrames = [],
+ this._playEndFrames = [],
+ this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners = [],
+ this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners = [],
+ this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues = [],
+ this._cacheNodesToSpriteMap = [],
+ this._cacheSpriteToNodesMap = [],
+ this._cacheFullFrames = [],
+ this._publicClipsDatas = [],
+ this._playEventIndex = -1,
+ this._updateTransformPropertyLoopCount = -1,
+ this._lastFrameIndex = -1,
+ this._defaultClipIndex = -1,
+ this._cachePlayRate = 1,
+ this._currentPlayClip = null,
+ this._currentFrameIndex = -1,
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime = 0,
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = -1,
+ this.isCache = !0,
+ this.cacheFrameRate = 60,
+ this.playbackRate = 1,
+ this.playOnWake = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.Animator", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(s, {
+ "laya.resource.IDestroy": !0
+ }),
+ s._getAvatarOwnersByClip = function(t) {
+ var e = this._clips[t]._nodes
+ , i = e.length
+ , n = this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners[t];
+ n.length = i;
+ var a = this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues[t];
+ a.length = i;
+ for (var r = 0; r < i; r++) {
+ for (var s = this._avatarNodes[0], o = e[r], l = o.path, h = 0, c = l.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var _ = l[h];
+ if ("" === _)
+ break;
+ if (!(s = s.getChildByName(_)))
+ break
+ }
+ if (s) {
+ n[r] = s;
+ var u = U._propertyGetFuncs[o.propertyNameID](s);
+ if (u) {
+ var d = new Float32Array(o.keyFrameWidth);
+ for (a[r] = d,
+ h = 0,
+ c = u.length; h < c; h++)
+ d[h] = u[h]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._handleSpriteOwnersByClip = function(t) {
+ var e = this._clips[t]._nodes
+ , i = e.length
+ , n = this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners[t];
+ n.length = i;
+ var a = this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues[t];
+ a.length = i;
+ for (var r = 0; r < i; r++) {
+ var s = this._owner
+ , o = e[r]
+ , l = o.path
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = l.length; h < c; h++) {
+ var _ = l[h];
+ if ("" === _)
+ break;
+ if (!(s = s.getChildByName(_)))
+ break
+ }
+ if (s) {
+ n[r] = s;
+ var u = U._propertyGetFuncs[o.propertyNameID](null, s);
+ if (u) {
+ var d = new Float32Array(o.keyFrameWidth);
+ for (a[r] = d,
+ h = 0,
+ c = u.length; h < c; h++)
+ d[h] = u[h]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._offClipAndAvatarRelateEvent = function(t, e) {
+ t.loaded ? e.loaded || e.off("loaded", this, this._getAvatarOwnersByClip) : t.off("loaded", this, this._getAvatarOwnersAndInitDatasAsync)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getAvatarOwnersByClipAsync = function(t, e) {
+ e.loaded ? this._getAvatarOwnersByClip(t) : e.once("loaded", this, this._getAvatarOwnersByClip, [t])
+ }
+ ,
+ s._offGetSpriteOwnersByClipAsyncEvent = function(t) {
+ t.loaded || t.off("loaded", this, this._getSpriteOwnersByClipAsync)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getSpriteOwnersByClipAsync = function(t, e) {
+ e.loaded ? this._handleSpriteOwnersByClip(t) : e.once("loaded", this, this._handleSpriteOwnersByClip, [t])
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getAvatarOwnersAndInitDatasAsync = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._clips.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._getAvatarOwnersByClipAsync(t, this._clips[t]);
+ for (this._avatar._cloneDatasToAnimator(this),
+ t = 0,
+ e = this._avatarNodes.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._checkAnimationNode(this._avatarNodes[t], this._owner)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._offGetClipCacheFullKeyframeIndicesEvent = function(t) {
+ t.loaded || t.off("loaded", this, this._computeCacheFullKeyframeIndices)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._computeCacheFullKeyframeIndices = function(t) {
+ var e = this._clips[t]
+ , i = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate
+ , n = e._getFullKeyframeIndicesWithCache(i);
+ if (n)
+ this._cacheFullFrames[t] = n;
+ else {
+ n = this._cacheFullFrames[t] = [];
+ var a = e._nodes
+ , r = a.length;
+ n.length = r;
+ for (var s = Math.ceil(e._duration / i - 1e-5) + 1, o = 0; o < r; o++) {
+ var l = a[o]
+ , h = new Int32Array(s);
+ h.fill(-1);
+ for (var c = l.keyFrames, _ = 0, u = c.length; _ < u; _++)
+ for (var d = c[_], f = d.startTime, p = f + d.duration; f <= p; ) {
+ h[Math.ceil(f / i - 1e-5)] = _,
+ f += i
+ }
+ n[o] = h
+ }
+ e._cacheFullKeyframeIndices(i, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._updateAnimtionPlayer = function() {
+ this._updatePlayer(i.timer.delta / 1e3)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged = function() {
+ this._owner.activeInHierarchy ? (i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._updateAnimtionPlayer),
+ this.playOnWake && this.clip && this.play()) : (0 !== this.playState && (this._stoped = !0),
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._updateAnimtionPlayer))
+ }
+ ,
+ s._eventScript = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this._currentPlayClip._animationEvents, n = i.length; this._playEventIndex < n; this._playEventIndex++) {
+ var a = i[this._playEventIndex]
+ , r = a.time;
+ if (!(t <= r && r < e))
+ break;
+ for (var s = this._owner._scripts, o = 0, l = s.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var h = s[o]
+ , c = h[a.eventName];
+ c && c.apply(h, a.params)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setPlayParams = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._currentTime;
+ this._currentTime = t,
+ this._currentFrameIndex = Math.max(Math.floor(this.currentPlayTime / e - 1e-5), 0),
+ this._currentFrameTime = this._currentFrameIndex * e,
+ this._eventScript(i, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setPlayParamsWhenStop = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._currentTime;
+ this._currentTime = t,
+ this._currentFrameIndex = Math.max(Math.floor(t / e - 1e-5), 0),
+ this._currentFrameTime = this._currentFrameIndex * e,
+ this._eventScript(i, t),
+ this._currentPlayClip = null
+ }
+ ,
+ s._revertKeyframeNodes = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues[e]
+ , n = t._nodes;
+ if (this._avatar)
+ for (var a = this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners[e], r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = a[r];
+ o && U._propertySetFuncs[n[r].propertyNameID](o, null, i[r])
+ }
+ else {
+ var l = this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners[e];
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = l.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var h = l[r];
+ h && U._propertySetFuncs[n[r].propertyNameID](null, h, i[r])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onAnimationStop = function() {
+ var t, e, i, n = 0, a = 0;
+ this._lastFrameIndex = -1;
+ var r = this._currentPlayClip._nodes;
+ if (this._avatar) {
+ var s = this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex];
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = s.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var o = s[n];
+ i = (e = (t = r[n]).keyFrames)[e.length - 1].data,
+ o && U._propertySetFuncs[t.propertyNameID](o, null, i)
+ }
+ } else {
+ var l = this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex];
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = l.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var h = l[n];
+ i = (e = (t = r[n]).keyFrames)[e.length - 1].data,
+ h && U._propertySetFuncs[t.propertyNameID](null, h, i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setAnimationClipPropertyToAnimationNode = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = e.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = e[n]
+ , s = t[r];
+ if (s) {
+ var o = this._currentPlayClip._nodes[r]
+ , l = i[r];
+ l && U._propertySetFuncs[o.propertyNameID](s, null, l)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._setAnimationClipPropertyToSprite3D = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = t[i];
+ if (a) {
+ var r = this._currentPlayClip._nodes[i]
+ , s = e[i];
+ s && U._propertySetFuncs[r.propertyNameID](null, a, s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._handleSpriteOwnersBySprite = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._clips[t]
+ , r = i.join("/")
+ , s = a._nodesMap[r];
+ if (s)
+ for (var o = this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners[t], l = a._nodes, h = this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues[t], c = 0, _ = s.length; c < _; c++) {
+ var u = s[c]
+ , d = l.indexOf(u);
+ if (e) {
+ o[d] = n;
+ var f = U._propertyGetFuncs[u.propertyNameID](null, n);
+ if (f) {
+ var p = h[d];
+ p || (h[d] = p = new Float32Array(u.keyFrameWidth));
+ for (var m = 0, g = f.length; m < g; m++)
+ p[m] = f[m]
+ }
+ } else
+ o[d] = null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._evaluateAvatarNodesCacheMode = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ i._evaluateAnimationlDatasCacheMode(t, this._cacheFullFrames[this._currentPlayClipIndex], this, n, r),
+ this._setAnimationClipPropertyToAnimationNode(t, r, n);
+ for (var s = 0, o = this._avatarNodes.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = this._avatarNodes[s].transform;
+ if (l._worldUpdate) {
+ var h = new Float32Array(16);
+ a[s] = h,
+ l._setWorldMatrixAndUpdate(h)
+ } else {
+ var c = l.getWorldMatrix();
+ a[s] = c || e.deafaultMatrix
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._evaluateAvatarNodesRealTime = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ i._evaluateAnimationlDatasRealTime(t, this.currentPlayTime, n, r),
+ this._setAnimationClipPropertyToAnimationNode(t, r, n);
+ for (var s = 0, o = this._avatarNodes.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var l = this._avatarNodes[s].transform;
+ l._worldUpdate ? l._setWorldMatrixNoUpdate(a[s]) : a[s] = e.deafaultMatrix
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._updateAvatarNodesToSpriteCacheMode = function(t, i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = this._cacheSpriteToNodesMap.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = this._cacheSpriteToNodesMap[n]
+ , s = i[r];
+ if (s !== e.deafaultMatrix) {
+ var o = this._avatarNodes[r].transform._entity
+ , l = o.worldMatrix;
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM(this._owner._transform.worldMatrix, s, l),
+ o.worldMatrix = l
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._updateAvatarNodesToSpriteRealTime = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, i = this._cacheSpriteToNodesMap.length; t < i; t++) {
+ var n = this._avatarNodes[this._cacheSpriteToNodesMap[t]]
+ , a = n.transform._entity
+ , r = n.transform;
+ if (r._worldUpdate) {
+ var s = e._tempMatrix4x40;
+ r._setWorldMatrixAndUpdate(s);
+ var o = a.worldMatrix;
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM(this._owner._transform.worldMatrix, s, o),
+ a.worldMatrix = o
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._updatePlayer = function(t) {
+ if (null != this._currentPlayClip && !this._stoped && this._currentPlayClip.loaded) {
+ var e = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate
+ , i = 0;
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount !== E.loopCount && (i = t * this.playbackRate,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime += i);
+ var n = this._currentPlayClip._frameRate
+ , a = this._playStartFrames[this._currentPlayClipIndex] / n
+ , r = Math.min(this._playEndFrames[this._currentPlayClipIndex] / n, this._currentPlayClip._duration) - a;
+ if (!this._currentPlayClip.islooping && this._elapsedPlaybackTime >= r)
+ return this._onAnimationStop(),
+ this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(r, e),
+ void this.event("stopped");
+ if (i += this._currentTime,
+ r > 0)
+ if (i >= r)
+ do {
+ (i -= r) < r && (this._setPlayParams(i, e),
+ this.event("complete")),
+ this._playEventIndex = 0,
+ this._eventScript(0, i)
+ } while (i >= r);
+ else
+ this._setPlayParams(i, e);
+ else
+ this._currentTime = this._currentFrameTime = this._currentFrameIndex = this._playEventIndex = 0,
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._update = function(t) {
+ var e = this._currentPlayClip;
+ if (2 === this.playState && e && e.loaded) {
+ var n = this.playbackRate * i.timer.scale
+ , a = this._cachePlayRate;
+ this._canCache = this.isCache && n >= a;
+ var r, s = -1;
+ if (this._canCache) {
+ if (s = this._currentFrameIndex,
+ this._lastFrameIndex === s)
+ return;
+ if (r = e._getAnimationDataWithCache(a, s),
+ this._avatar) {
+ var o = this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex]
+ , l = e._cachePropertyMap
+ , h = l.length;
+ h > 0 && (r || ((r = []).length = h,
+ e._cacheAnimationData(a, s, r),
+ e._evaluateAnimationlDatasCacheMode(o, this._cacheFullFrames[this._currentPlayClipIndex], this, r, l)),
+ this._setAnimationClipPropertyToAnimationNode(o, l, r)),
+ this._curAvatarNodeDatas = e._getAvatarDataWithCache(this._avatar, this._cachePlayRate, s),
+ this._curAvatarNodeDatas || (this._curAvatarNodeDatas = [],
+ this._curAvatarNodeDatas.length = this._avatarNodes.length,
+ e._cacheAvatarData(this._avatar, this._cachePlayRate, s, this._curAvatarNodeDatas),
+ this._evaluateAvatarNodesCacheMode(o, e, e._publicClipDatas, this._curAvatarNodeDatas, e._unCachePropertyMap)),
+ this._updateAvatarNodesToSpriteCacheMode(e, this._curAvatarNodeDatas)
+ } else {
+ var c = this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex];
+ r || ((r = []).length = this._currentPlayClip._nodes.length,
+ e._evaluateAnimationlDatasCacheMode(c, this._cacheFullFrames[this._currentPlayClipIndex], this, r, null),
+ e._cacheAnimationData(a, s, r)),
+ this._setAnimationClipPropertyToSprite3D(c, r)
+ }
+ } else if (r = e._publicClipDatas,
+ this._avatar) {
+ if (e._evaluateAnimationlDatasRealTime(this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex], this.currentPlayTime, r, e._cachePropertyMap),
+ !this._publicAvatarNodeDatas) {
+ this._publicAvatarNodeDatas = [];
+ var _ = this._avatarNodes.length;
+ this._publicAvatarNodeDatas.length = _;
+ for (var u = 1; u < _; u++)
+ this._publicAvatarNodeDatas[u] = new Float32Array(16)
+ }
+ this._curAvatarNodeDatas = this._publicAvatarNodeDatas,
+ this._evaluateAvatarNodesRealTime(this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex], e, r, this._curAvatarNodeDatas, e._unCachePropertyMap),
+ this._updateAvatarNodesToSpriteRealTime()
+ } else
+ e._evaluateAnimationlDatasRealTime(this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners[this._currentPlayClipIndex], this.currentPlayTime, r, null);
+ this._lastFrameIndex = s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._checkAnimationNode = function(t, e) {
+ t.name !== e.name || e._transform.dummy || e._isLinkSpriteToAnimationNode(this, t, !0);
+ for (var i = 0, n = e._childs.length; i < n; i++)
+ this._checkAnimationNode(t, e.getChildAt(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ s._load = function(t) {
+ t.activeInHierarchy && i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._updateAnimtionPlayer),
+ this._owner.on("activeinhierarchychanged", this, this._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._unload = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._unload.call(this, e),
+ e.activeInHierarchy && i.timer.clear(this, this._updateAnimtionPlayer),
+ this._owner.off("activeinhierarchychanged", this, this._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged),
+ this._curAvatarNodeDatas = null
+ }
+ ,
+ s._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this);
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._clips.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._clips[e]._removeReference();
+ this._currentPlayClip = null,
+ this._clipNames = null,
+ this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners = null,
+ this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners = null,
+ this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues = null,
+ this._clips = null,
+ this._cacheFullFrames = null
+ }
+ ,
+ s._cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e.avatar = this.avatar;
+ this._clips.length;
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._clips.length; i < n; i++)
+ e.addClip(this._clips[i]);
+ if (this.clip && (e.clip = this.clip),
+ this._linkSpritesData) {
+ e._linkSpritesData = {};
+ for (var a in this._linkSpritesData)
+ e._linkSpritesData[a] = this._linkSpritesData[a].slice()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.addClip = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 4294967295),
+ e = e || t.name;
+ var a = this._clipNames.indexOf(e);
+ if (-1 !== a) {
+ if (this._clips[a] !== t)
+ throw new Error("Animation:this playName has exist with another clip.")
+ } else {
+ var r = this._clips.indexOf(t);
+ if (i < 0 || n < 0)
+ throw new Error("Animator:startFrame and endFrame must large than zero.");
+ if (i > n)
+ throw new Error("Animator:startFrame must less than endFrame.");
+ this._clipNames.push(e),
+ this._clips.push(t),
+ this._playStartFrames.push(i),
+ this._playEndFrames.push(n),
+ this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners.push([]),
+ this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners.push([]),
+ this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues.push([]),
+ this._publicClipsDatas.push([]),
+ t._addReference(),
+ r = this._clips.length - 1,
+ this._avatar ? this._avatar.loaded ? this._getAvatarOwnersByClipAsync(r, t) : this._avatar.once("loaded", this, this._getAvatarOwnersByClipAsync, [r, t]) : this._getSpriteOwnersByClipAsync(r, t),
+ t.loaded ? this._computeCacheFullKeyframeIndices(r) : t.once("loaded", this, this._computeCacheFullKeyframeIndices, [r])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.removeClip = function(t) {
+ var e = this._clips.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== e && (this._avatar ? this._offClipAndAvatarRelateEvent(this._avatar, t) : this._offGetSpriteOwnersByClipAsyncEvent(t),
+ this._offGetClipCacheFullKeyframeIndicesEvent(t),
+ this._clipNames.splice(e, 1),
+ this._clips.splice(e, 1),
+ this._playStartFrames.splice(e, 1),
+ this._playEndFrames.splice(e, 1),
+ this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners.splice(e, 1),
+ this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners.splice(e, 1),
+ this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues.splice(e, 1),
+ this._publicClipsDatas.splice(e, 1),
+ t._removeReference())
+ }
+ ,
+ s.removeClipByName = function(t) {
+ var e = this._clipNames.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 !== e) {
+ var i = this._clips[e];
+ this._avatar ? this._offClipAndAvatarRelateEvent(this._avatar, i) : this._offGetSpriteOwnersByClipAsyncEvent(i),
+ this._offGetClipCacheFullKeyframeIndicesEvent(i),
+ this._clipNames.splice(e, 1),
+ this._clips.splice(e, 1),
+ this._playStartFrames.splice(e, 1),
+ this._playEndFrames.splice(e, 1),
+ this._cacheNodesSpriteOwners.splice(e, 1),
+ this._cacheNodesAvatarOwners.splice(e, 1),
+ this._cacheNodesDefaultlValues.splice(e, 1),
+ this._publicClipsDatas.splice(e, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getClip = function(t) {
+ var e = this._clipNames.indexOf(t);
+ return -1 !== e ? this._clips[e] : null
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getClipCount = function() {
+ return this._clips.length
+ }
+ ,
+ s.play = function(t, e) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ !t && -1 == this._defaultClipIndex)
+ throw new Error("Animator:must have default clip value,please set clip property.");
+ t ? (this._currentPlayClipIndex = this._clipNames.indexOf(t),
+ this._currentPlayClip = this._clips[this._currentPlayClipIndex]) : (this._currentPlayClipIndex = this._defaultClipIndex,
+ this._currentPlayClip = this._clips[this._defaultClipIndex]),
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._currentFrameTime = 0,
+ this._elapsedPlaybackTime = 0,
+ this._playEventIndex = 0,
+ this.playbackRate = e,
+ this._stoped = !1,
+ this._currentFrameIndex = 0,
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = E.loopCount,
+ this._lastPlayAnimationClip && this._lastPlayAnimationClip !== this._currentPlayClip && this._revertKeyframeNodes(this._lastPlayAnimationClip, this._lastPlayAnimationClipIndex),
+ this._updatePlayer(0),
+ this._lastPlayAnimationClip = this._currentPlayClip,
+ this._lastPlayAnimationClipIndex = this._currentPlayClipIndex
+ }
+ ,
+ s.stop = function() {
+ 0 !== this.playState && (this._stoped = !0,
+ this.event("stopped"))
+ }
+ ,
+ s._getLinkSpritePath = function(t, e) {
+ e.unshift(t.name);
+ var i = t._parent;
+ i._hierarchyAnimator === this ? this._getLinkSpritePath(i, e) : e.shift()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.linkSprite3DToAvatarNode = function(t, e) {
+ if (e._hierarchyAnimator === this) {
+ if (this._avatar) {
+ var i = this._avatarNodeMap[t];
+ if (i) {
+ this._linkSpritesData = this._linkSpritesData || {};
+ var n = [];
+ return this._getLinkSpritePath(e, n),
+ this._linkSpritesData[t] = n,
+ e._isLinkSpriteToAnimationNode(this, i, !0),
+ !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ throw "Animator:sprite3D must belong to this Animator"
+ }
+ ,
+ s.unLinkSprite3DToAvatarNode = function(t) {
+ if (this._avatar) {
+ var e = t.transform.dummy;
+ if (e) {
+ var i = this._avatarNodeMap[e._owner.name];
+ return t._isLinkSpriteToAnimationNode(this, i, !1),
+ !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "playState", function() {
+ return null == this._currentPlayClip ? 0 : this._stoped ? 0 : 2
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "avatar", function() {
+ return this._avatar
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._avatar !== t) {
+ var e = this._avatar;
+ this._avatar = t;
+ for (var i = this._clips.length, n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ this._offClipAndAvatarRelateEvent(e, this._clips[n]);
+ t && (t.loaded ? this._getAvatarOwnersAndInitDatasAsync() : t.once("loaded", this, this._getAvatarOwnersAndInitDatasAsync))
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "cacheFrameRate", function() {
+ return this._cacheFrameRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._cacheFrameRate !== t) {
+ this._cacheFrameRate = t,
+ this._cacheFrameRateInterval = 1 / this._cacheFrameRate;
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._clips.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._clips[e].loaded && this._computeCacheFullKeyframeIndices(e)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "clip", function() {
+ return this._clips[this._defaultClipIndex]
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = t ? this._clips.indexOf(t) : -1;
+ this._defaultClipIndex !== e && (-1 !== this._defaultClipIndex && this.removeClip(this._clips[this._defaultClipIndex]),
+ -1 !== e && this.addClip(t, t.name),
+ this._defaultClipIndex = e)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "currentFrameIndex", function() {
+ return this._currentFrameIndex
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "cachePlayRate", function() {
+ return this._cachePlayRate
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._cachePlayRate !== t) {
+ this._cachePlayRate = t;
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._clips.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._clips[e].loaded && this._computeCacheFullKeyframeIndices(e)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "currentFrameTime", function() {
+ return this._currentFrameTime
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "currentPlayClip", function() {
+ return this._currentPlayClip
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "currentPlayTime", function() {
+ return this._currentTime + this._playStartFrames[this._currentPlayClipIndex] / this._currentPlayClip._frameRate
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "playbackTime", null, function(t) {
+ if (null != this._currentPlayClip && this._currentPlayClip && this._currentPlayClip.loaded) {
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = E.loopCount;
+ var e = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate;
+ this._currentTime = t,
+ this._currentFrameIndex = Math.floor(this.currentPlayTime / e),
+ this._currentFrameTime = this._currentFrameIndex * e
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "paused", function() {
+ return this._stoped
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._stoped = t,
+ t && this.event("paused")
+ }),
+ n(e, ["deafaultMatrix", function() {
+ return this.deafaultMatrix = new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x40", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x40 = new Float32Array(16)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }($e)
+ , Ii = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._attachSkeleton = null,
+ this._extenData = null,
+ this.attachBones = null,
+ this.matrixs = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.attachBones = [],
+ this.matrixs = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.AttachPoint", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._load = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._load.call(this, e),
+ this._attachSkeleton = e.getComponentByType(Zi)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function(t) {
+ if (this._attachSkeleton && !this._attachSkeleton.destroyed && 0 !== this._attachSkeleton.player.state && this._attachSkeleton.curBonesDatas) {
+ var e = this._attachSkeleton.player
+ , i = this._attachSkeleton.templet;
+ this.matrixs.length = this.attachBones.length;
+ for (var n = this._attachSkeleton.curBonesDatas, a = this.owner.transform.worldMatrix, r = 0, s = this.attachBones.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = 16 * i.getNodeIndexWithName(e.currentAnimationClipIndex, this.attachBones[r])
+ , l = this.matrixs[r];
+ l || (l = this.matrixs[r] = new Me);
+ for (var h = l.elements, c = 0; c < 16; c++)
+ h[c] = n[o + c];
+ Me.multiply(a, l, l)
+ }
+ this.event("complete")
+ }
+ }
+ }($e),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._isRigidbody = !1,
+ this._runtimeCollisonMap = {},
+ this._runtimeCollisonTestMap = {},
+ this._ignoreCollisonMap = {},
+ this.isTrigger = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.physics.Collider", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._clearCollsionMap = function() {
+ for (var t in this._runtimeCollisonMap) {
+ var e = this._runtimeCollisonMap[t];
+ delete e._runtimeCollisonMap[this.id],
+ e._isRigidbody && delete e._runtimeCollisonTestMap[this.id];
+ var i = e.id;
+ delete this._runtimeCollisonMap[i],
+ this._isRigidbody && delete this._runtimeCollisonTestMap[i]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._unload = function(t) {
+ for (var e in this._runtimeCollisonMap) {
+ var i = this._runtimeCollisonMap[e];
+ delete i._runtimeCollisonMap[this.id],
+ i._isRigidbody && delete i._runtimeCollisonTestMap[this.id],
+ delete this._ignoreCollisonMap[e]._ignoreCollisonMap[this.id]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setIsRigidbody = function(t) {
+ if (this._isRigidbody !== t) {
+ this._isRigidbody = t;
+ var e = this._owner;
+ if (e.displayedInStage) {
+ var i = e.layer;
+ i._removeCollider(this),
+ i._addCollider(this)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getType = function() {
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._collisonTo = function(t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.raycast = function(t, e, i) {
+ throw void 0 === i && (i = 1.79e308),
+ new Error("Collider:Must override it.")
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "enable", t.prototype._$get_enable, function(t) {
+ if (this._enable !== t) {
+ this._owner.displayedInStage && (t || this._clearCollsionMap()),
+ this._enable = t,
+ this.event("enablechanged", this._enable)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "isSingleton", function() {
+ return e._isSingleton
+ }),
+ e._isSingleton = !1,
+ e
+ }($e))
+ , Ci = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.Rigidbody", t);
+ return r(0, e.prototype, "enable", t.prototype._$get_enable, function(t) {
+ if (this._enable !== t) {
+ for (var e = this._owner._colliders, i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = e[i];
+ a._setIsRigidbody(t);
+ var r = a._runtimeCollisonMap
+ , s = a._runtimeCollisonTestMap;
+ if (!t)
+ for (var o in r)
+ delete s[o]
+ }
+ this._enable = t,
+ this.event("enablechanged", this._enable)
+ }
+ }),
+ e
+ }($e)
+ , Si = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.Script", $e);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.onTriggerEnter = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.onTriggerExit = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.onTriggerStay = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "isSingleton", function() {
+ return e._isSingleton
+ }),
+ e._isSingleton = !1
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.GlitterRender", ei);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ var t = this._boundingBox.min.elements;
+ t[0] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ t[1] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ t[2] = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var e = this._boundingBox.min.elements;
+ e[0] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e[1] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e[2] = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ var t = this._boundingSphere.center.elements;
+ t[0] = 0,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ t[2] = 0,
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(0, this._owner.transform.worldMatrix);
+ var e = this._owner.getProjectionViewWorldMatrix(t);
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(1, e);
+ var i = this._owner.templet;
+ return this._setShaderValueNumber(3, i.lifeTime),
+ this._setShaderValueNumber(2, i._currentTime),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }())
+ , Mi = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._sharedMesh = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._owner = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.MeshFilter", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._sharedMeshLoaded = function() {
+ this.event("loaded")
+ }
+ ,
+ i._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this),
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._sharedMesh && (this._sharedMesh._removeReference(),
+ this._sharedMesh = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "sharedMesh", function() {
+ return this._sharedMesh
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._sharedMesh;
+ e && e._removeReference(),
+ this._sharedMesh = t,
+ t._addReference(),
+ this.event("meshchanged", [this, e, t]),
+ t.loaded || this._sharedMesh.once("loaded", this, this._sharedMeshLoaded)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_isAsyncLoaded", function() {
+ return this._sharedMesh.loaded
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_originalBoundingBoxCorners", function() {
+ return this._sharedMesh.boundingBoxCorners
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_originalBoundingSphere", function() {
+ return this._sharedMesh.boundingSphere
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "_originalBoundingBox", function() {
+ return this._sharedMesh.boundingBox
+ }),
+ e
+ }(ti)
+ , Li = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t),
+ t.meshFilter.on("meshchanged", this, this._onMeshChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.MeshRender", ei);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._onMeshChanged = function(t, e, i) {
+ i.loaded ? this._boundingSphereNeedChange = this._boundingBoxNeedChange = this._boundingBoxCenterNeedChange = this._octreeNodeNeedChange = !0 : i.once("loaded", this, this._onMeshLoaed)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onMeshLoaed = function(t, e) {
+ this._boundingSphereNeedChange = this._boundingBoxNeedChange = this._boundingBoxCenterNeedChange = this._octreeNodeNeedChange = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingSphereByInitSphere = function(t) {
+ var e = NaN
+ , i = this._owner.transform
+ , n = i.scale.elements
+ , a = Math.abs(n[0])
+ , r = Math.abs(n[1])
+ , s = Math.abs(n[2]);
+ e = a >= r && a >= s ? a : r >= s ? r : s,
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t.center, i.worldMatrix, this._boundingSphere.center),
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = t.radius * e
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundBoxByInitCorners = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._owner.transform.worldMatrix, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t[i], e, ei._tempBoundBoxCorners[i]);
+ be.createfromPoints(ei._tempBoundBoxCorners, this._boundingBox)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ var t = this._owner.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ null == t || null == t.boundingSphere ? this._boundingSphere.toDefault() : this._calculateBoundingSphereByInitSphere(t.boundingSphere)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ var t = this._owner.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ null == t || null == t.boundingBox ? this._boundingBox.toDefault() : this._calculateBoundBoxByInitCorners(t.boundingBoxCorners)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ var e = this._owner.transform;
+ if (e) {
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(0, e.worldMatrix);
+ var i = this._owner.getProjectionViewWorldMatrix(t);
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(1, i)
+ } else
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(0, Me.DEFAULT),
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(1, t);
+ return Ze.debugMode && this._renderRenderableBoundBox(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ti = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._tempRotationMatrix = new Me,
+ this._uvLength = new Ae,
+ this._firstActiveElement = 0,
+ this._firstNewElement = 0,
+ this._firstFreeElement = 0,
+ this._firstRetiredElement = 0,
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._ownerRender = t.particleRender,
+ this._boundingBoxCorners = s(8, null),
+ this._boundingSphere = new xe(new Be,Number.MAX_VALUE),
+ this._boundingBox = new be(new Be(-Number.MAX_VALUE,-Number.MAX_VALUE,-Number.MAX_VALUE),new Be(Number.MAX_VALUE,Number.MAX_VALUE,Number.MAX_VALUE)),
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._isEmitting = !1,
+ this._isPlaying = !1,
+ this._isPaused = !1,
+ this._burstsIndex = 0,
+ this._frameRateTime = 0,
+ this._emissionTime = 0,
+ this._totalDelayTime = 0,
+ this._simulateUpdate = !1,
+ this._bufferMaxParticles = 1,
+ this.duration = 5,
+ this.looping = !0,
+ this.prewarm = !1,
+ this.startDelayType = 0,
+ this.startDelay = 0,
+ this.startDelayMin = 0,
+ this.startDelayMax = 0,
+ this._startLifetimeType = 0,
+ this._startLifetimeConstant = 5,
+ this._startLifeTimeGradient = new Q,
+ this._startLifetimeConstantMin = 0,
+ this._startLifetimeConstantMax = 5,
+ this._startLifeTimeGradientMin = new Q,
+ this._startLifeTimeGradientMax = new Q,
+ this._maxStartLifetime = 5,
+ this.startSpeedType = 0,
+ this.startSpeedConstant = 5,
+ this.startSpeedConstantMin = 0,
+ this.startSpeedConstantMax = 5,
+ this.threeDStartSize = !1,
+ this.startSizeType = 0,
+ this.startSizeConstant = 1,
+ this.startSizeConstantSeparate = new Be(1,1,1),
+ this.startSizeConstantMin = 0,
+ this.startSizeConstantMax = 1,
+ this.startSizeConstantMinSeparate = new Be(0,0,0),
+ this.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate = new Be(1,1,1),
+ this.threeDStartRotation = !1,
+ this.startRotationType = 0,
+ this.startRotationConstant = 0,
+ this.startRotationConstantSeparate = new Be(0,0,0),
+ this.startRotationConstantMin = 0,
+ this.startRotationConstantMax = 0,
+ this.startRotationConstantMinSeparate = new Be(0,0,0),
+ this.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate = new Be(0,0,0),
+ this.randomizeRotationDirection = 0,
+ this.startColorType = 0,
+ this.startColorConstant = new ke(1,1,1,1),
+ this.startColorConstantMin = new ke(1,1,1,1),
+ this.startColorConstantMax = new ke(1,1,1,1),
+ this.gravityModifier = 0,
+ this.simulationSpace = 1,
+ this.scaleMode = 0,
+ this.playOnAwake = !0,
+ this._rand = new De(0),
+ this.autoRandomSeed = !0,
+ this.randomSeed = new Uint32Array(1),
+ this._randomSeeds = new Uint32Array(e._RANDOMOFFSET.length),
+ this.isPerformanceMode = !0,
+ this._emission = new X,
+ this._emission.enbale = !0,
+ this._owner.on("activeinhierarchychanged", this, this._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleSystem", t);
+ var o = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(o, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0,
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ o._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 === t ? this._vertexBuffer : null
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer
+ }
+ ,
+ o._generateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ var t = this._boundingSphere.center.elements;
+ t[0] = 0,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ t[2] = 0,
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ ,
+ o._generateBoundingBox = function() {
+ var t = this._owner.particleRender
+ , i = this._boundingBox.min
+ , n = this._boundingBox.max
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , s = NaN;
+ switch (this.startLifetimeType) {
+ case 0:
+ s = this.startLifetimeConstant;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ s = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var o = o;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = o.gradientCount; a < r; a++)
+ s = Math.max(s, o.getValueByIndex(a));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ s = Math.max(this.startLifetimeConstantMin, this.startLifetimeConstantMax);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ s = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var l = l;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = l.gradientCount; a < r; a++)
+ s = Math.max(s, l.getValueByIndex(a));
+ var h = h;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = h.gradientCount; a < r; a++)
+ s = Math.max(s, h.getValueByIndex(a))
+ }
+ var c = NaN
+ , _ = NaN;
+ switch (this.startSpeedType) {
+ case 0:
+ c = _ = this.startSpeedConstant;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ c = this.startLifetimeConstantMin,
+ _ = this.startLifetimeConstantMax
+ }
+ var u, d, f, p;
+ this._shape && this._shape.enable || (u = d = Be.ZERO,
+ f = Be.ZERO,
+ p = Be.UnitZ);
+ var m = new Be(f.x * c,f.y * c,f.z * c)
+ , g = new Be(p.x * _,p.y * _,p.z * _);
+ if (this._velocityOverLifetime && this._velocityOverLifetime.enbale) {
+ var y = this._velocityOverLifetime.velocity;
+ switch (y.type) {
+ case 0:
+ y.constant;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ new Be(y.gradientX.getAverageValue(),y.gradientY.getAverageValue(),y.gradientZ.getAverageValue());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ y.constantMin,
+ y.constantMax;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ new Be(y.gradientXMin.getAverageValue(),y.gradientYMin.getAverageValue(),y.gradientZMin.getAverageValue()),
+ new Be(y.gradientXMax.getAverageValue(),y.gradientYMax.getAverageValue(),y.gradientZMax.getAverageValue())
+ }
+ }
+ var v, b, w = this._owner.transform, x = w.position, I = e._tempVector39, C = I.elements, S = t.renderMode;
+ switch (this.scaleMode) {
+ case 0:
+ var M = w.scale;
+ v = M,
+ C[0] = M.x,
+ C[1] = M.z,
+ C[2] = M.y,
+ 1 === S && (b = M);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ var L = w.localScale;
+ v = L,
+ C[0] = L.x,
+ C[1] = L.z,
+ C[2] = L.y,
+ 1 === S && (b = L);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ v = w.scale,
+ C[0] = C[1] = C[2] = 1,
+ 1 === S && (b = Be.ONE)
+ }
+ var T, E;
+ switch (this._velocityOverLifetime && this._velocityOverLifetime.enbale || (T = new Be(m.x * s,m.y * s,m.z * s),
+ E = new Be(g.x * s,g.y * s,g.z * s),
+ 2 != this.scaleMode ? (Be.add(u, T, i),
+ Be.multiply(v, i, i),
+ Be.add(d, E, n),
+ Be.multiply(v, n, n)) : (Be.multiply(v, u, i),
+ Be.add(i, T, i),
+ Be.multiply(v, d, n),
+ Be.add(n, E, n))),
+ this.simulationSpace) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Be.add(i, x, i),
+ Be.add(n, x, n)
+ }
+ var D = NaN
+ , N = NaN;
+ switch (this.startSizeType) {
+ case 0:
+ if (this.threeDStartSize) {
+ var A = A;
+ D = Math.max(A.x, A.y),
+ 1 === S && (N = A.y)
+ } else
+ D = this.startSizeConstant,
+ 1 === S && (N = this.startSizeConstant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (this.threeDStartSize) {
+ var B = B;
+ D = Math.max(B.x, B.y),
+ 1 === S && (N = B.y)
+ } else
+ D = this.startSizeConstantMax,
+ 1 === S && (N = this.startSizeConstantMax)
+ }
+ if (this._sizeOverLifetime && this._sizeOverLifetime.enbale) {
+ this._sizeOverLifetime.size;
+ D *= this._sizeOverLifetime.size.getMaxSizeInGradient()
+ }
+ var k = e._tempVector30
+ , R = k.elements
+ , P = NaN
+ , O = NaN;
+ switch (S) {
+ case 0:
+ P = D * e.halfKSqrtOf2,
+ Be.scale(I, D, k),
+ Be.subtract(i, k, i),
+ Be.add(n, k, n);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ var U = e._tempVector31
+ , V = e._tempVector32
+ , F = e._tempVector33
+ , H = e._tempVector34;
+ this._velocityOverLifetime && this._velocityOverLifetime.enbale || (Be.multiply(b, g, V),
+ Be.multiply(b, m, F));
+ var G = N * t.stretchedBillboardLengthScale
+ , z = Be.scalarLength(V) * t.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale + G
+ , j = Be.scalarLength(F) * t.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale + G
+ , W = e._tempVector35
+ , X = e._tempVector36;
+ Be.normalize(V, W),
+ Be.scale(W, z, H),
+ Be.subtract(E, H, H),
+ Be.normalize(F, X),
+ Be.scale(X, j, U),
+ Be.add(T, U, U),
+ P = D * e.halfKSqrtOf2,
+ Be.scale(I, P, k);
+ var q = e._tempVector37
+ , Y = e._tempVector38;
+ Be.scale(W, .5, q),
+ Be.scale(X, .5, Y),
+ Be.multiply(q, I, q),
+ Be.multiply(Y, I, Y),
+ Be.add(i, Y, i),
+ Be.min(i, H, i),
+ Be.subtract(i, k, i),
+ Be.subtract(n, q, n),
+ Be.max(n, U, n),
+ Be.add(n, k, n);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ O = .5 * (D *= Math.cos(.7853981633974483)),
+ R[0] = I.x * O,
+ R[1] = I.z * O,
+ Be.subtract(i, k, i),
+ Be.add(n, k, n);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ O = .5 * (D *= Math.cos(.7853981633974483)),
+ Be.scale(I, O, k),
+ Be.subtract(i, k, i),
+ Be.add(n, k, n)
+ }
+ this._boundingBox.getCorners(this._boundingBoxCorners)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._updateEmission = function() {
+ if (i.stage.isVisibility && this.isAlive)
+ if (this._simulateUpdate)
+ this._simulateUpdate = !1;
+ else {
+ var t = this._startUpdateLoopCount === E.loopCount || this._isPaused ? 0 : i.timer.delta / 1e3;
+ t = Math.min(e._maxElapsedTime, t),
+ this._updateParticles(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o._updateParticles = function(t) {
+ (4 !== this._ownerRender.renderMode || this._ownerRender.mesh) && (this._currentTime += t,
+ this._retireActiveParticles(),
+ this._freeRetiredParticles(),
+ this._totalDelayTime += t,
+ this._totalDelayTime < this._playStartDelay || this._emission.enbale && this._isEmitting && !this._isPaused && this._advanceTime(t, this._currentTime))
+ }
+ ,
+ o._updateParticlesSimulationRestart = function(t) {
+ this._firstActiveElement = 0,
+ this._firstNewElement = 0,
+ this._firstFreeElement = 0,
+ this._firstRetiredElement = 0,
+ this._burstsIndex = 0,
+ this._frameRateTime = t,
+ this._emissionTime = 0,
+ this._totalDelayTime = 0,
+ this._currentTime = t;
+ var e = t;
+ e < this._playStartDelay ? this._totalDelayTime = e : this._emission.enbale && this._advanceTime(t, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._addUpdateEmissionToTimer = function() {
+ i.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._updateEmission)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._removeUpdateEmissionToTimer = function() {
+ i.timer.clear(this, this._updateEmission)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._onOwnerActiveHierarchyChanged = function(t) {
+ this._owner.displayedInStage && (t ? this._addUpdateEmissionToTimer() : this._removeUpdateEmissionToTimer())
+ }
+ ,
+ o._retireActiveParticles = function() {
+ for (; this._firstActiveElement != this._firstNewElement; ) {
+ var t = this._firstActiveElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * this._vertexStride
+ , e = t + this._timeIndex;
+ if (this._currentTime - this._vertices[e] + 1e-4 < this._vertices[t + this._startLifeTimeIndex])
+ break;
+ this._vertices[e] = this._drawCounter,
+ this._firstActiveElement++,
+ this._firstActiveElement >= this._bufferMaxParticles && (this._firstActiveElement = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o._freeRetiredParticles = function() {
+ for (; this._firstRetiredElement != this._firstActiveElement; ) {
+ var t = this._drawCounter - this._vertices[this._firstRetiredElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * this._vertexStride + this._timeIndex];
+ if (this.isPerformanceMode && t < 3)
+ break;
+ this._firstRetiredElement++,
+ this._firstRetiredElement >= this._bufferMaxParticles && (this._firstRetiredElement = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o._burst = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._emission._bursts, a = n.length; this._burstsIndex < a; this._burstsIndex++) {
+ var r = n[this._burstsIndex]
+ , s = r.time;
+ if (!(t <= s && s < e))
+ break;
+ var o = 0;
+ this.autoRandomSeed ? o = w.lerp(r.minCount, r.maxCount, Math.random()) : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[0],
+ o = w.lerp(r.minCount, r.maxCount, this._rand.getFloat()),
+ this._randomSeeds[0] = this._rand.seed),
+ i += o
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ o._advanceTime = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = this._emissionTime;
+ this._emissionTime += t;
+ var a = 0;
+ if (this._emissionTime > this.duration) {
+ if (!this.looping) {
+ for (a = Math.min(this.maxParticles - this.aliveParticleCount, a),
+ i = 0; i < a; i++)
+ this.emit(e);
+ return this._isPlaying = !1,
+ void this.stop()
+ }
+ a += this._burst(n, this._emissionTime),
+ this._emissionTime -= this.duration,
+ this.event("complete"),
+ this._burstsIndex = 0,
+ a += this._burst(0, this._emissionTime)
+ } else
+ a += this._burst(n, this._emissionTime);
+ for (a = Math.min(this.maxParticles - this.aliveParticleCount, a),
+ i = 0; i < a; i++)
+ this.emit(e);
+ var r = this.emission.emissionRate;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ var s = 1 / r;
+ for (this._frameRateTime += s,
+ this._frameRateTime = this._currentTime - (this._currentTime - this._frameRateTime) % this._maxStartLifetime; this._frameRateTime <= e && this.emit(this._frameRateTime); )
+ this._frameRateTime += s;
+ this._frameRateTime = Math.floor(e / s) * s
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o._initBufferDatas = function() {
+ this._vertexBuffer && (this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._indexBuffer.destroy());
+ var t = this._ownerRender
+ , e = t.renderMode;
+ if (-1 !== e && this.maxParticles > 0) {
+ var i, n, a = 0, r = 0, s = 0, o = 0, l = 0, h = t.mesh;
+ if (4 === e) {
+ if (h) {
+ if (h._vertexBuffers.length > 1)
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleSystem: submesh Count mesh be One or all subMeshes have the same vertexDeclaration.");
+ n = pe.vertexDeclaration,
+ this._floatCountPerVertex = n.vertexStride / 4,
+ this._startLifeTimeIndex = 12,
+ this._timeIndex = 16,
+ this._vertexStride = h._vertexBuffers[0].vertexCount;
+ var c = this._bufferMaxParticles * this._vertexStride
+ , _ = c % 65535;
+ if (Math.floor(c / 65535) + 1 > 1)
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleSystem:the maxParticleCount multiply mesh vertexCount is large than 65535.");
+ this._vertexBuffer = Yi.create(n, _, 35048),
+ this._vertices = new Float32Array(this._floatCountPerVertex * _),
+ this._indexStride = h._indexBuffer.indexCount;
+ var u = h._indexBuffer.getData()
+ , d = this._bufferMaxParticles * this._indexStride;
+ for (this._indexBuffer = qi.create("ushort", d, 35044),
+ i = new Uint16Array(d),
+ o = 0,
+ a = 0; a < this._bufferMaxParticles; a++) {
+ var f = a * this._vertexStride;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = u.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[o++] = f + u[r]
+ }
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(i)
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (n = fe.vertexDeclaration,
+ this._floatCountPerVertex = n.vertexStride / 4,
+ this._startLifeTimeIndex = 7,
+ this._timeIndex = 11,
+ this._vertexStride = 4,
+ this._vertexBuffer = Yi.create(n, this._bufferMaxParticles * this._vertexStride, 35048),
+ this._vertices = new Float32Array(this._floatCountPerVertex * this._bufferMaxParticles * this._vertexStride),
+ a = 0; a < this._bufferMaxParticles; a++)
+ l = a * this._floatCountPerVertex * this._vertexStride,
+ this._vertices[l] = -.5,
+ this._vertices[l + 1] = -.5,
+ this._vertices[l + 2] = 0,
+ this._vertices[l + 3] = 1,
+ l += this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertices[l] = .5,
+ this._vertices[l + 1] = -.5,
+ this._vertices[l + 2] = 1,
+ this._vertices[l + 3] = 1,
+ l += this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertices[l] = .5,
+ this._vertices[l + 1] = .5,
+ this._vertices[l + 2] = 1,
+ this._vertices[l + 3] = 0,
+ l += this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertices[l] = -.5,
+ this._vertices[l + 1] = .5,
+ this._vertices[l + 2] = 0,
+ this._vertices[l + 3] = 0;
+ for (this._indexStride = 6,
+ this._indexBuffer = qi.create("ushort", 6 * this._bufferMaxParticles, 35044),
+ i = new Uint16Array(6 * this._bufferMaxParticles),
+ a = 0; a < this._bufferMaxParticles; a++) {
+ o = 6 * a;
+ var p = a * this._vertexStride
+ , m = p + 2;
+ i[o++] = p,
+ i[o++] = m,
+ i[o++] = p + 1,
+ i[o++] = p,
+ i[o++] = p + 3,
+ i[o++] = m
+ }
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this),
+ this._owner.activeInHierarchy && this._removeUpdateEmissionToTimer(),
+ this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._indexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._emission._destroy(),
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._vertices = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._emission = null,
+ this._shape = null,
+ this.startLifeTimeGradient = null,
+ this.startLifeTimeGradientMin = null,
+ this.startLifeTimeGradientMax = null,
+ this.startSizeConstantSeparate = null,
+ this.startSizeConstantMinSeparate = null,
+ this.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate = null,
+ this.startRotationConstantSeparate = null,
+ this.startRotationConstantMinSeparate = null,
+ this.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate = null,
+ this.startColorConstant = null,
+ this.startColorConstantMin = null,
+ this.startColorConstantMax = null,
+ this._velocityOverLifetime = null,
+ this._colorOverLifetime = null,
+ this._sizeOverLifetime = null,
+ this._rotationOverLifetime = null,
+ this._textureSheetAnimation = null
+ }
+ ,
+ o.emit = function(t) {
+ var i = e._tempPosition
+ , n = e._tempDirection;
+ if (this._shape && this._shape.enable)
+ this.autoRandomSeed ? this._shape.generatePositionAndDirection(i, n) : this._shape.generatePositionAndDirection(i, n, this._rand, this._randomSeeds);
+ else {
+ var a = i.elements
+ , r = n.elements;
+ a[0] = a[1] = a[2] = 0,
+ r[0] = r[1] = 0,
+ r[2] = 1
+ }
+ return this.addParticle(i, n, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.addParticle = function(t, e, i) {
+ Be.normalize(e, e);
+ var n = this._firstFreeElement + 1;
+ if (n >= this._bufferMaxParticles && (n = 0),
+ n === this._firstRetiredElement)
+ return !1;
+ lt.create(this, this._ownerRender, this._owner.transform);
+ if (this._currentTime - i >= lt.startLifeTime)
+ return !0;
+ var a = NaN
+ , r = NaN
+ , s = NaN
+ , o = NaN
+ , l = NaN
+ , h = NaN
+ , c = NaN
+ , _ = this._velocityOverLifetime && this._velocityOverLifetime.enbale;
+ if (_) {
+ var u = this._velocityOverLifetime.velocity.type;
+ 2 === u || 3 === u ? this.autoRandomSeed ? (a = Math.random(),
+ r = Math.random(),
+ s = Math.random()) : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[9],
+ a = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ r = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ s = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ this._randomSeeds[9] = this._rand.seed) : _ = !1
+ } else
+ _ = !1;
+ var d = this._colorOverLifetime && this._colorOverLifetime.enbale;
+ if (d) {
+ 3 === this._colorOverLifetime.color.type ? this.autoRandomSeed ? o = Math.random() : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[10],
+ o = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ this._randomSeeds[10] = this._rand.seed) : d = !1
+ } else
+ d = !1;
+ var f = this._sizeOverLifetime && this._sizeOverLifetime.enbale;
+ if (f) {
+ 3 === this._sizeOverLifetime.size.type ? this.autoRandomSeed ? l = Math.random() : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[11],
+ l = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ this._randomSeeds[11] = this._rand.seed) : f = !1
+ } else
+ f = !1;
+ var p = this._rotationOverLifetime && this._rotationOverLifetime.enbale;
+ if (p) {
+ var m = this._rotationOverLifetime.angularVelocity.type;
+ 2 === m || 3 === m ? this.autoRandomSeed ? h = Math.random() : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[12],
+ h = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ this._randomSeeds[12] = this._rand.seed) : p = !1
+ } else
+ p = !1;
+ var g = this._textureSheetAnimation && this._textureSheetAnimation.enable;
+ if (g) {
+ 3 === this._textureSheetAnimation.frame.type ? this.autoRandomSeed ? c = Math.random() : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[15],
+ c = this._rand.getFloat(),
+ this._randomSeeds[15] = this._rand.seed) : g = !1
+ } else
+ g = !1;
+ var y, v = this._firstFreeElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * this._vertexStride, b = lt.startUVInfo[0], w = lt.startUVInfo[1], x = lt.startUVInfo[2], I = lt.startUVInfo[3], C = t.elements, S = e.elements, M = 0, L = 0, T = 0, E = 0, D = 0, N = this._ownerRender;
+ if (4 === N.renderMode) {
+ var A = N.mesh._vertexBuffers[0];
+ y = A.getData();
+ var B = A.vertexDeclaration;
+ L = B.getVertexElementByUsage(0).offset / 4;
+ var k = B.getVertexElementByUsage(1);
+ T = k ? k.offset / 4 : -1;
+ var R = B.getVertexElementByUsage(2);
+ E = R ? R.offset / 4 : -1,
+ M = B.vertexStride / 4,
+ D = 0
+ } else {
+ this._vertices[v + 2] = x,
+ this._vertices[v + 3] = I + w;
+ var P = v + this._floatCountPerVertex;
+ this._vertices[P + 2] = x + b,
+ this._vertices[P + 3] = I + w;
+ var O = P + this._floatCountPerVertex;
+ this._vertices[O + 2] = x + b,
+ this._vertices[O + 3] = I;
+ var U = O + this._floatCountPerVertex;
+ this._vertices[U + 2] = x,
+ this._vertices[U + 3] = I
+ }
+ for (var V = v, F = v + this._floatCountPerVertex * this._vertexStride; V < F; V += this._floatCountPerVertex) {
+ var H = 0;
+ if (4 === N.renderMode) {
+ H = V;
+ var G = M * D++
+ , z = G + L;
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z++],
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z++],
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z],
+ -1 === T ? (this._vertices[H++] = 1,
+ this._vertices[H++] = 1,
+ this._vertices[H++] = 1,
+ this._vertices[H++] = 1) : (z = G + T,
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z++],
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z++],
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z++],
+ this._vertices[H++] = y[z]),
+ -1 === E ? (this._vertices[H++] = 0,
+ this._vertices[H++] = 0) : (z = G + E,
+ this._vertices[H++] = x + y[z++] * b,
+ this._vertices[H++] = I + y[z] * w)
+ } else
+ H = V + 4;
+ switch (this._vertices[H++] = C[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = C[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = C[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startLifeTime,
+ this._vertices[H++] = S[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = S[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = S[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = i,
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startColor[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startColor[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startColor[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startColor[3],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startSize[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startSize[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startSize[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startRotation[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startRotation[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startRotation[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.startSpeed,
+ d && (this._vertices[H + 1] = o),
+ f && (this._vertices[H + 2] = l),
+ p && (this._vertices[H + 3] = h),
+ g && (this._vertices[H + 4] = c),
+ _ && (this._vertices[H + 5] = a,
+ this._vertices[H + 6] = r,
+ this._vertices[H + 7] = s),
+ this.simulationSpace) {
+ case 0:
+ H += 8,
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldPostion[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldPostion[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldPostion[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldRotation[0],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldRotation[1],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldRotation[2],
+ this._vertices[H++] = lt.simulationWorldRotation[3];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleMaterial: SimulationSpace value is invalid.")
+ }
+ }
+ return this._firstFreeElement = n,
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.addNewParticlesToVertexBuffer = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ this._firstNewElement < this._firstFreeElement ? (t = this._firstNewElement * this._vertexStride * this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertices, t, t, (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstNewElement) * this._vertexStride * this._floatCountPerVertex)) : (t = this._firstNewElement * this._vertexStride * this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertices, t, t, (this._bufferMaxParticles - this._firstNewElement) * this._vertexStride * this._floatCountPerVertex),
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertices, 0, 0, this._firstFreeElement * this._vertexStride * this._floatCountPerVertex)),
+ this._firstNewElement = this._firstFreeElement
+ }
+ ,
+ o._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._firstNewElement != this._firstFreeElement && this.addNewParticlesToVertexBuffer(),
+ this._drawCounter++,
+ this._firstActiveElement != this._firstFreeElement && (this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._render = function(t) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = B.mainContext;
+ this._firstActiveElement < this._firstFreeElement ? (e = (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstActiveElement) * this._indexStride,
+ i.drawElements(4, e, 5123, 2 * this._firstActiveElement * this._indexStride),
+ E.trianglesFaces += e / 3,
+ E.drawCall++) : (e = (this._bufferMaxParticles - this._firstActiveElement) * this._indexStride,
+ i.drawElements(4, e, 5123, 2 * this._firstActiveElement * this._indexStride),
+ E.trianglesFaces += e / 3,
+ E.drawCall++,
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && (e = this._firstFreeElement * this._indexStride,
+ i.drawElements(4, e, 5123, 0),
+ E.trianglesFaces += e / 3,
+ E.drawCall++))
+ }
+ ,
+ o.play = function() {
+ if (this._burstsIndex = 0,
+ this._isEmitting = !0,
+ this._isPlaying = !0,
+ this._isPaused = !1,
+ this._emissionTime = 0,
+ this._totalDelayTime = 0,
+ !this.autoRandomSeed)
+ for (var t = 0, i = this._randomSeeds.length; t < i; t++)
+ this._randomSeeds[t] = this.randomSeed[0] + e._RANDOMOFFSET[t];
+ switch (this.startDelayType) {
+ case 0:
+ this._playStartDelay = this.startDelay;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.autoRandomSeed ? this._playStartDelay = w.lerp(this.startDelayMin, this.startDelayMax, Math.random()) : (this._rand.seed = this._randomSeeds[2],
+ this._playStartDelay = w.lerp(this.startDelayMin, this.startDelayMax, this._rand.getFloat()),
+ this._randomSeeds[2] = this._rand.seed);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Utils3D: startDelayType is invalid.")
+ }
+ this._frameRateTime = this._currentTime + this._playStartDelay,
+ this._startUpdateLoopCount = E.loopCount,
+ this.event("played")
+ }
+ ,
+ o.pause = function() {
+ this._isPaused = !0,
+ this.event("paused")
+ }
+ ,
+ o.simulate = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this._simulateUpdate = !0,
+ e ? this._updateParticlesSimulationRestart(t) : (this._isPaused = !1,
+ this._updateParticles(t)),
+ this.pause()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.stop = function() {
+ this._burstsIndex = 0,
+ this._isEmitting = !1,
+ this._emissionTime = 0,
+ this.event("stopped")
+ }
+ ,
+ o.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e.duration = this.duration,
+ e.looping = this.looping,
+ e.prewarm = this.prewarm,
+ e.startDelayType = this.startDelayType,
+ e.startDelay = this.startDelay,
+ e.startDelayMin = this.startDelayMin,
+ e.startDelayMax = this.startDelayMax,
+ e._maxStartLifetime = this._maxStartLifetime,
+ e.startLifetimeType = this.startLifetimeType,
+ e.startLifetimeConstant = this.startLifetimeConstant,
+ this.startLifeTimeGradient.cloneTo(e.startLifeTimeGradient),
+ e.startLifetimeConstantMin = this.startLifetimeConstantMin,
+ e.startLifetimeConstantMax = this.startLifetimeConstantMax,
+ this.startLifeTimeGradientMin.cloneTo(e.startLifeTimeGradientMin),
+ this.startLifeTimeGradientMax.cloneTo(e.startLifeTimeGradientMax),
+ e.startSpeedType = this.startSpeedType,
+ e.startSpeedConstant = this.startSpeedConstant,
+ e.startSpeedConstantMin = this.startSpeedConstantMin,
+ e.startSpeedConstantMax = this.startSpeedConstantMax,
+ e.threeDStartSize = this.threeDStartSize,
+ e.startSizeType = this.startSizeType,
+ e.startSizeConstant = this.startSizeConstant,
+ this.startSizeConstantSeparate.cloneTo(e.startSizeConstantSeparate),
+ e.startSizeConstantMin = this.startSizeConstantMin,
+ e.startSizeConstantMax = this.startSizeConstantMax,
+ this.startSizeConstantMinSeparate.cloneTo(e.startSizeConstantMinSeparate),
+ this.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate.cloneTo(e.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate),
+ e.threeDStartRotation = this.threeDStartRotation,
+ e.startRotationType = this.startRotationType,
+ e.startRotationConstant = this.startRotationConstant,
+ this.startRotationConstantSeparate.cloneTo(e.startRotationConstantSeparate),
+ e.startRotationConstantMin = this.startRotationConstantMin,
+ e.startRotationConstantMax = this.startRotationConstantMax,
+ this.startRotationConstantMinSeparate.cloneTo(e.startRotationConstantMinSeparate),
+ this.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate.cloneTo(e.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate),
+ e.randomizeRotationDirection = this.randomizeRotationDirection,
+ e.startColorType = this.startColorType,
+ this.startColorConstant.cloneTo(e.startColorConstant),
+ this.startColorConstantMin.cloneTo(e.startColorConstantMin),
+ this.startColorConstantMax.cloneTo(e.startColorConstantMax),
+ e.gravityModifier = this.gravityModifier,
+ e.simulationSpace = this.simulationSpace,
+ e.scaleMode = this.scaleMode,
+ e.playOnAwake = this.playOnAwake,
+ e.maxParticles = this.maxParticles,
+ this._emission && (e._emission = this._emission.clone()),
+ this.shape && (e.shape = this.shape.clone()),
+ this.velocityOverLifetime && (e.velocityOverLifetime = this.velocityOverLifetime.clone()),
+ this.colorOverLifetime && (e.colorOverLifetime = this.colorOverLifetime.clone()),
+ this.sizeOverLifetime && (e.sizeOverLifetime = this.sizeOverLifetime.clone()),
+ this.rotationOverLifetime && (e.rotationOverLifetime = this.rotationOverLifetime.clone()),
+ this.textureSheetAnimation && (e.textureSheetAnimation = this.textureSheetAnimation.clone()),
+ e.isPerformanceMode = this.isPerformanceMode,
+ e._isEmitting = this._isEmitting,
+ e._isPlaying = this._isPlaying,
+ e._isPaused = this._isPaused,
+ e._playStartDelay = this._playStartDelay,
+ e._frameRateTime = this._frameRateTime,
+ e._emissionTime = this._emissionTime,
+ e._totalDelayTime = this._totalDelayTime,
+ e._burstsIndex = this._burstsIndex
+ }
+ ,
+ o.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, o, "maxParticles", function() {
+ return this._bufferMaxParticles - 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = t + 1;
+ e !== this._bufferMaxParticles && (this._bufferMaxParticles = e,
+ this._initBufferDatas())
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "isEmitting", function() {
+ return this._isEmitting
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "isAlive", function() {
+ return !!(this._isPlaying || this.aliveParticleCount > 0)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "shape", function() {
+ return this._shape
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shape !== t && (t && t.enable ? this._ownerRender._addShaderDefine(yn.SHADERDEFINE_SHAPE) : this._ownerRender._removeShaderDefine(yn.SHADERDEFINE_SHAPE),
+ this._shape = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "rotationOverLifetime", function() {
+ return this._rotationOverLifetime
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ownerRender;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.angularVelocity;
+ if (!i)
+ return;
+ var n = i.separateAxes
+ , a = i.type;
+ if (t.enbale)
+ a) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ }
+ else
+ switch (a) {
+ case 0:
+ n ? e._setShaderValueColor(35, i.constantSeparate) : e._setShaderValueNumber(34, i.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ n ? (e._setShaderValueBuffer(37, i.gradientX._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(38, i.gradientY._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(39, i.gradientZ._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(40, i.gradientW._elements)) : e._setShaderValueBuffer(36, i.gradient._elements);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ n ? (e._setShaderValueColor(35, i.constantMinSeparate),
+ e._setShaderValueColor(42, i.constantMaxSeparate)) : (e._setShaderValueNumber(34, i.constantMin),
+ e._setShaderValueNumber(41, i.constantMax));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ n ? (e._setShaderValueBuffer(37, i.gradientXMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(44, i.gradientXMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(38, i.gradientYMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(45, i.gradientYMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(39, i.gradientZMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(46, i.gradientZMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(40, i.gradientWMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(47, i.gradientWMax._elements)) : (e._setShaderValueBuffer(36, i.gradientMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(43, i.gradientMax._elements))
+ }
+ } else
+ e._setShaderValueColor(35, null),
+ e._setShaderValueColor(42, null),
+ e._setShaderValueNumber(34, void 0),
+ e._setShaderValueNumber(41, void 0),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(37, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(44, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(38, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(45, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(39, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(46, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(40, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(47, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(36, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(43, null);
+ this._rotationOverLifetime = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "emission", function() {
+ return this._emission
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "emissionTime", function() {
+ return this._emissionTime > this.duration ? this.duration : this._emissionTime
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "aliveParticleCount", function() {
+ return this._firstNewElement >= this._firstRetiredElement ? this._firstNewElement - this._firstRetiredElement : this._bufferMaxParticles - this._firstRetiredElement + this._firstNewElement
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "isPlaying", function() {
+ return this._isPlaying
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "isPaused", function() {
+ return this._isPaused
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifetimeType", function() {
+ return this._startLifetimeType
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ switch (this.startLifetimeType) {
+ case 0:
+ this._maxStartLifetime = this.startLifetimeConstant;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this._maxStartLifetime = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var n = n;
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = n.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, n.getValueByIndex(e));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this.startLifetimeConstantMin, this.startLifetimeConstantMax);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this._maxStartLifetime = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var a = a;
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = a.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, a.getValueByIndex(e));
+ var r = r;
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = r.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, r.getValueByIndex(e))
+ }
+ this._startLifetimeType = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "_originalBoundingSphere", function() {
+ return this._boundingSphere
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifetimeConstant", function() {
+ return this._startLifetimeConstant
+ }, function(t) {
+ 0 === this._startLifetimeType && (this._maxStartLifetime = t),
+ this._startLifetimeConstant = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifetimeConstantMin", function() {
+ return this._startLifetimeConstantMin
+ }, function(t) {
+ 2 === this._startLifetimeType && (this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(t, this._startLifetimeConstantMax)),
+ this._startLifetimeConstantMin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifeTimeGradient", function() {
+ return this._startLifeTimeGradient
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (1 === this._startLifetimeType) {
+ this._maxStartLifetime = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ for (var e = 0, i = t.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, t.getValueByIndex(e))
+ }
+ this._startLifeTimeGradient = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifetimeConstantMax", function() {
+ return this._startLifetimeConstantMax
+ }, function(t) {
+ 2 === this._startLifetimeType && (this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._startLifetimeConstantMin, t)),
+ this._startLifetimeConstantMax = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifeTimeGradientMin", function() {
+ return this._startLifeTimeGradientMin
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (3 === this._startLifetimeType) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ for (this._maxStartLifetime = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e = 0,
+ i = t.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, t.getValueByIndex(e));
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = this._startLifeTimeGradientMax.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, this._startLifeTimeGradientMax.getValueByIndex(e))
+ }
+ this._startLifeTimeGradientMin = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "startLifeTimeGradientMax", function() {
+ return this._startLifeTimeGradientMax
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (3 === this._startLifetimeType) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ for (this._maxStartLifetime = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e = 0,
+ i = this._startLifeTimeGradientMin.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, this._startLifeTimeGradientMin.getValueByIndex(e));
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = t.gradientCount; e < i; e++)
+ this._maxStartLifetime = Math.max(this._maxStartLifetime, t.getValueByIndex(e))
+ }
+ this._startLifeTimeGradientMax = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "velocityOverLifetime", function() {
+ return this._velocityOverLifetime
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ownerRender;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.velocity
+ , n = i.type;
+ if (t.enbale)
+ switch (n) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ }
+ else
+ switch (n) {
+ case 0:
+ e._setShaderValueColor(13, i.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(14, i.gradientX._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(15, i.gradientY._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(16, i.gradientZ._elements);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e._setShaderValueColor(13, i.constantMin),
+ e._setShaderValueColor(17, i.constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(14, i.gradientXMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(18, i.gradientXMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(15, i.gradientYMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(19, i.gradientYMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(16, i.gradientZMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(20, i.gradientZMax._elements)
+ }
+ e._setShaderValueInt(21, t.space)
+ } else
+ e._setShaderValueColor(13, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(14, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(15, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(16, null),
+ e._setShaderValueColor(13, null),
+ e._setShaderValueColor(17, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(14, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(18, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(15, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(19, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(16, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(20, null),
+ e._setShaderValueInt(21, void 0);
+ this._velocityOverLifetime = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "colorOverLifetime", function() {
+ return this._colorOverLifetime
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ownerRender;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.color;
+ if (t.enbale)
+ switch (i.type) {
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ }
+ else
+ switch (i.type) {
+ case 1:
+ var n = i.gradient;
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(22, n._alphaElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(23, n._rgbElements);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ var a = i.gradientMin
+ , r = i.gradientMax;
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(22, a._alphaElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(23, a._rgbElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(24, r._alphaElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(25, r._rgbElements)
+ }
+ } else
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(22, n._alphaElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(23, n._rgbElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(22, a._alphaElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(23, a._rgbElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(24, r._alphaElements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(25, r._rgbElements);
+ this._colorOverLifetime = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "sizeOverLifetime", function() {
+ return this._sizeOverLifetime
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ownerRender;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.size
+ , n = i.separateAxes
+ , a = i.type;
+ if (t.enbale)
+ switch (a) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ }
+ else
+ switch (a) {
+ case 0:
+ n ? (e._setShaderValueBuffer(27, i.gradientX._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(28, i.gradientY._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(29, i.gradientZ._elements)) : e._setShaderValueBuffer(26, i.gradient._elements);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ n ? (e._setShaderValueBuffer(27, i.gradientXMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(31, i.gradientXMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(28, i.gradientYMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(32, i.gradientYMax._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(29, i.gradientZMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(33, i.gradientZMax._elements)) : (e._setShaderValueBuffer(26, i.gradientMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(30, i.gradientMax._elements))
+ }
+ } else
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(27, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(31, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(28, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(32, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(29, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(33, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(26, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(30, null);
+ this._sizeOverLifetime = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "textureSheetAnimation", function() {
+ return this._textureSheetAnimation
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._ownerRender;
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.frame
+ , n = i.type;
+ if (t.enable)
+ switch (n) {
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ }
+ else
+ if (1 === n || 3 === n) {
+ e._setShaderValueInt(48, t.cycles);
+ var a = t.tiles
+ , r = this._uvLength.elements;
+ r[0] = 1 / a.x,
+ r[1] = 1 / a.y,
+ e._setShaderValueVector2(49, this._uvLength)
+ }
+ switch (n) {
+ case 1:
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(50, i.frameOverTimeData._elements);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(50, i.frameOverTimeDataMin._elements),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(51, i.frameOverTimeDataMax._elements)
+ }
+ } else
+ e._setShaderValueInt(48, void 0),
+ e._setShaderValueVector2(49, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(50, null),
+ e._setShaderValueBuffer(51, null);
+ this._textureSheetAnimation = t
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return 1
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer ? this._indexBuffer.indexCount / 3 : 0
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "_originalBoundingBox", function() {
+ return this._boundingBox
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "_originalBoundingBoxCorners", function() {
+ return this._boundingBoxCorners
+ }),
+ e.halfKSqrtOf2 = .71,
+ n(e, ["_RANDOMOFFSET", function() {
+ return this._RANDOMOFFSET = new Uint32Array([592910910, 3276756734, 322376503, 306581307, 1793934638, 3737431713, 2527743459, 2368504881, 4085612399, 3774601268, 326370691, 1494990940, 1089181156, 3159510623, 2941263940, 2786374529, 271901988, 4233252447])
+ }
+ , "_maxElapsedTime", function() {
+ return this._maxElapsedTime = 1 / 3
+ }
+ , "_tempVector30", function() {
+ return this._tempVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector31", function() {
+ return this._tempVector31 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector32", function() {
+ return this._tempVector32 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector33", function() {
+ return this._tempVector33 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector34", function() {
+ return this._tempVector34 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector35", function() {
+ return this._tempVector35 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector36", function() {
+ return this._tempVector36 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector37", function() {
+ return this._tempVector37 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector38", function() {
+ return this._tempVector38 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempVector39", function() {
+ return this._tempVector39 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempPosition", function() {
+ return this._tempPosition = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempDirection", function() {
+ return this._tempDirection = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(ti)
+ , Ei = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._finalGravity = new Be,
+ this._tempRotationMatrix = new Me,
+ e.__super.call(this, t),
+ this._defaultBoundBox = new be(new Be,new Be),
+ this._renderMode = -1,
+ this.stretchedBillboardCameraSpeedScale = 0,
+ this.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale = 0,
+ this.stretchedBillboardLengthScale = 1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleRender", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ var t = this._boundingBox.min.elements;
+ t[0] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ t[1] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ t[2] = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var e = this._boundingBox.min.elements;
+ e[0] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e[1] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e[2] = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ var t = this._owner.particleSystem._boundingSphere
+ , e = NaN
+ , i = this._owner.transform
+ , n = i.scale.elements
+ , a = Math.abs(n[0])
+ , r = Math.abs(n[1])
+ , s = Math.abs(n[2]);
+ e = a >= r && a >= s ? a : r >= s ? r : s,
+ Be.transformCoordinate(t.center, i.worldMatrix, this._boundingSphere.center),
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = t.radius * e
+ }
+ ,
+ n._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ var e = this._owner.particleSystem;
+ if (!i.stage.isVisibility || !e.isAlive)
+ return !1;
+ var n = this._owner.transform;
+ switch (e.simulationSpace) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this._setShaderValueColor(0, n.position),
+ this._setShaderValueColor(1, n.rotation);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleMaterial: SimulationSpace value is invalid.")
+ }
+ switch (e.scaleMode) {
+ case 0:
+ var a = n.scale;
+ this._setShaderValueColor(4, a),
+ this._setShaderValueColor(5, a);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ var r = n.localScale;
+ this._setShaderValueColor(4, r),
+ this._setShaderValueColor(5, r);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._setShaderValueColor(4, n.scale),
+ this._setShaderValueColor(5, Be.ONE)
+ }
+ var s = this._finalGravity.elements
+ , o = Xe.gravity.elements
+ , l = e.gravityModifier;
+ return s[0] = o[0] * l,
+ s[1] = o[1] * l,
+ s[2] = o[2] * l,
+ this._setShaderValueBuffer(7, s),
+ this._setShaderValueInt(11, e.simulationSpace),
+ this._setShaderValueBool(8, e.threeDStartRotation),
+ this._setShaderValueInt(6, e.scaleMode),
+ this._setShaderValueInt(9, this.stretchedBillboardLengthScale),
+ this._setShaderValueInt(10, this.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale),
+ this._setShaderValueNumber(12, e._currentTime),
+ Ze.debugMode && this._renderRenderableBoundBox(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this),
+ this._mesh && (this._mesh._removeReference(),
+ this._mesh = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "boundingBox", function() {
+ return this._owner.particleSystem.isAlive ? (this._boundingBoxNeedChange && (this._calculateBoundingBox(),
+ this._boundingBoxNeedChange = !1),
+ this._boundingBox) : this._defaultBoundBox
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "renderMode", function() {
+ return this._renderMode
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._renderMode !== t) {
+ switch (this._renderMode) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this._removeShaderDefine(yn.SHADERDEFINE_RENDERMODE_MESH)
+ }
+ switch (this._renderMode = t,
+ t) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this._addShaderDefine(yn.SHADERDEFINE_RENDERMODE_MESH);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ShurikenParticleRender: unknown renderMode Value.")
+ }
+ this._owner.particleSystem._initBufferDatas()
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "mesh", function() {
+ return this._mesh
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._mesh !== t && (this._mesh && this._mesh._removeReference(),
+ this._mesh = t,
+ t && t._addReference(),
+ this._owner.particleSystem._initBufferDatas())
+ }),
+ e
+ }(ei)
+ , Di = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._trailRenderElements = null,
+ this._minVertexDistance = NaN,
+ this._widthMultiplier = NaN,
+ this._time = NaN,
+ this._widthCurve = null,
+ this._colorGradient = null,
+ this._textureMode = 0,
+ this._curtime = 0,
+ this._curSubTrailFinishCurTime = 0,
+ this._curSubTrailFinished = !1,
+ this._hasLifeSubTrail = !1,
+ this._trailTotalLength = 0,
+ this._trailSupplementLength = 0,
+ this._trailDeadLength = 0,
+ this._isStart = !1,
+ this._trailRenderElementIndex = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._curSubTrailFinishPosition = new Be,
+ this._curSubTrailFinishDirection = new Be,
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._trailRenderElements = [],
+ this.addRenderElement()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.trail.TrailFilter", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.getRenderElementsCount = function() {
+ return this._trailRenderElements.length
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addRenderElement = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._trailRenderElements.length; t++)
+ if (1 == this._trailRenderElements[t]._isDead)
+ return this._trailRenderElements[t].reActivate(),
+ t;
+ var e = new vt(this);
+ return this._trailRenderElements.push(e),
+ this._trailRenderElements.length - 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getRenderElement = function(t) {
+ return this._trailRenderElements[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function(t) {
+ this._curtime += t.elapsedTime / 1e3,
+ this._owner._render._setShaderValueNumber(3, this._curtime),
+ this._curSubTrailFinished && (this._curSubTrailFinished = !1,
+ this._trailRenderElementIndex = this.addRenderElement(),
+ this.event("trailfilterchange", [this._trailRenderElementIndex, this._trailRenderElements[this._trailRenderElementIndex]]))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.reset = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._trailRenderElements.length; t++)
+ this._trailRenderElements[t].reActivate();
+ this._isStart = !1,
+ this._hasLifeSubTrail = !1,
+ this._curSubTrailFinished = !1,
+ this._curSubTrailFinishCurTime = 0,
+ this._trailTotalLength = 0,
+ this._trailSupplementLength = 0,
+ this._trailDeadLength = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this);
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._trailRenderElements.length; e++)
+ this._trailRenderElements[e]._destroy();
+ this._trailRenderElements = null,
+ this._widthCurve = null,
+ this._colorGradient = null,
+ this._curSubTrailFinishPosition = null,
+ this._curSubTrailFinishDirection = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "widthMultiplier", function() {
+ return this._widthMultiplier
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._widthMultiplier = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "time", function() {
+ return this._time
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._time = t,
+ this._owner._render._setShaderValueNumber(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "widthCurve", function() {
+ return this._widthCurve
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._widthCurve = t;
+ var e = new Float32Array(4 * t.length)
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = t.length; i < n; i++)
+ e[a++] = t[i].time,
+ e[a++] = t[i].inTangent,
+ e[a++] = t[i].outTangent,
+ e[a++] = t[i].value;
+ this._owner._render._setShaderValueBuffer(5, e),
+ this._owner._render._setShaderValueInt(6, t.length)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "minVertexDistance", function() {
+ return this._minVertexDistance
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._minVertexDistance = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "colorGradient", function() {
+ return this._colorGradient
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._colorGradient = t,
+ this._owner._render._setShaderValueBuffer(7, t._colorKeyData),
+ this._owner._render._setShaderValueBuffer(8, t._alphaKeyData),
+ 0 == t.mode ? this._owner._render._addShaderDefine(bn.SHADERDEFINE_GRADIENTMODE_BLEND) : this._owner._render._removeShaderDefine(bn.SHADERDEFINE_GRADIENTMODE_BLEND)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "textureMode", function() {
+ return this._textureMode
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._textureMode = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }(ti)
+ , Ni = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this, t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.trail.TrailRenderer", ei);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ var t = this._boundingBox.min.elements;
+ t[0] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ t[1] = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ t[2] = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var e = this._boundingBox.min.elements;
+ e[0] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e[1] = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ e[2] = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ var t = this._boundingSphere.center.elements;
+ t[0] = 0,
+ t[1] = 0,
+ t[2] = 0,
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = Number.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ai = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._floatCountPerVertex = 6,
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._vertices = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._firstActiveElement = 0,
+ this._firstNewElement = 0,
+ this._firstFreeElement = 0,
+ this._firstRetiredElement = 0,
+ this._currentTime = NaN,
+ this._drawCounter = 0,
+ this.scLeft = null,
+ this.scRight = null,
+ this._numPositionMode = 0,
+ this._numPositionVelocityMode = 0,
+ this._lastTime = NaN,
+ this._needPatch = !1,
+ this._lastPatchAddPos0 = null,
+ this._lastPatchAddPos1 = null,
+ this._lastPatchAddTime = NaN,
+ this.lifeTime = NaN,
+ this.minSegmentDistance = NaN,
+ this.minInterpDistance = NaN,
+ this.maxSlerpCount = 0,
+ this._maxSegments = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._tempVector0 = new Be,
+ this._tempVector1 = new Be,
+ this._tempVector2 = new Be,
+ this._tempVector3 = new Be,
+ this._posModeLastPosition0 = new Be,
+ this._posModeLastPosition1 = new Be,
+ this._posModePosition0 = new Be,
+ this._posModePosition1 = new Be,
+ this._posVelModePosition0 = new Be,
+ this._posVelModeVelocity0 = new Be,
+ this._posVelModePosition1 = new Be,
+ this._posVelModeVelocity1 = new Be,
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._lastTime = 0,
+ this._firstActiveElement = 0,
+ this._firstNewElement = 0,
+ this._firstFreeElement = 0,
+ this._firstRetiredElement = 0,
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._drawCounter = 0,
+ this._needPatch = !1,
+ this._lastPatchAddPos0 = new Be,
+ this._lastPatchAddPos1 = new Be,
+ this.scLeft = new H,
+ this.scRight = new H,
+ this.lifeTime = .5,
+ this.minSegmentDistance = .1,
+ this.minInterpDistance = .6,
+ this.maxSlerpCount = 128,
+ this._maxSegments = 200,
+ this._owner.on("activeinhierarchychanged", this, this._onActiveHierarchyChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.tempelet.GlitterTemplet", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0
+ }),
+ n._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 === t ? this._vertexBuffer : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._initialize = function() {
+ this._vertexBuffer = Yi.create(Tt.vertexDeclaration, 2 * this.maxSegments, 35048),
+ this._vertices = new Float32Array(this.maxSegments * this._floatCountPerVertex * 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onActiveHierarchyChanged = function(t) {
+ t || (this._numPositionMode = 0,
+ this._numPositionVelocityMode = 0,
+ this._firstActiveElement = 0,
+ this._firstNewElement = 0,
+ this._firstFreeElement = 0,
+ this._firstRetiredElement = 0,
+ this._currentTime = 0,
+ this._drawCounter = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateTextureCoordinates = function() {
+ this._firstActiveElement < this._firstFreeElement ? this._updateSubTextureCoordinates(this._firstActiveElement, 2 * (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstActiveElement)) : (this._updateSubTextureCoordinates(this._firstActiveElement, 2 * (this.maxSegments - this._firstActiveElement)),
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && this._updateSubTextureCoordinates(0, 2 * this._firstFreeElement))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateSubTextureCoordinates = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 2 * t, n = 0; n < e; n += 2) {
+ var a = i + n
+ , r = a * this._floatCountPerVertex
+ , s = (a + 1) * this._floatCountPerVertex;
+ this._vertices[r + 3] = this._vertices[s + 3] = (this._vertices[r + 5] - this._currentTime) / this.lifeTime
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._retireActiveGlitter = function() {
+ for (var t = this.lifeTime, e = 2 * this._floatCountPerVertex; this._firstActiveElement != this._firstNewElement; ) {
+ var i = this._firstActiveElement * e + 5;
+ if (this._currentTime - this._vertices[i] < t)
+ break;
+ this._vertices[i] = this._drawCounter,
+ this._firstActiveElement++,
+ this._firstActiveElement >= this.maxSegments && (this._firstActiveElement = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._freeRetiredGlitter = function() {
+ for (var t = 2 * this._floatCountPerVertex; this._firstRetiredElement != this._firstActiveElement; ) {
+ if (this._drawCounter - this._vertices[this._firstRetiredElement * t + 5] < 3)
+ break;
+ this._firstRetiredElement++,
+ this._firstRetiredElement >= this.maxSegments && (this._firstRetiredElement = 0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._calcVelocity = function(t, e, i) {
+ Be.subtract(t, e, i),
+ Be.scale(i, .5, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addNewGlitterSegementToVertexBuffer = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ this._firstActiveElement < this._firstFreeElement ? (t = 2 * this._firstActiveElement * this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertices, t, t, 2 * (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstActiveElement) * this._floatCountPerVertex)) : (t = 2 * this._firstActiveElement * this._floatCountPerVertex,
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertices, t, t, 2 * (this.maxSegments - this._firstActiveElement) * this._floatCountPerVertex),
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && this._vertexBuffer.setData(this._vertices, 0, 0, 2 * this._firstFreeElement * this._floatCountPerVertex)),
+ this._firstNewElement = this._firstFreeElement
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addGlitter = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._needPatch && (this._needPatch = !1,
+ this._addGlitter(this._lastPatchAddPos0, this._lastPatchAddPos1, this._lastPatchAddTime));
+ var n = this._firstFreeElement + 1;
+ n >= this.maxSegments && (n = 0,
+ t.cloneTo(this._lastPatchAddPos0),
+ e.cloneTo(this._lastPatchAddPos1),
+ this._lastPatchAddTime = i,
+ this._needPatch = !0),
+ n === this._firstRetiredElement && console.log("GlitterTemplet:current segement count have large than maxSegments,please adjust the value of maxSegments or add Glitter Vertex Frequency.");
+ var a = t.elements
+ , r = e.elements
+ , s = 0
+ , o = this._firstFreeElement * this._floatCountPerVertex * 2;
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; s++)
+ this._vertices[o + s] = a[s];
+ this._vertices[o + 3] = 0,
+ this._vertices[o + 4] = 0,
+ this._vertices[o + 5] = i;
+ var l = o + this._floatCountPerVertex;
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; s++)
+ this._vertices[l + s] = r[s];
+ this._vertices[l + 3] = 0,
+ this._vertices[l + 4] = 1,
+ this._vertices[l + 5] = i,
+ this._firstFreeElement = n
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {
+ this._currentTime += t / 1e3,
+ this._retireActiveGlitter(),
+ this._freeRetiredGlitter(),
+ this._firstActiveElement == this._firstFreeElement && (this._currentTime = 0),
+ this._firstRetiredElement == this._firstActiveElement && (this._drawCounter = 0),
+ this._updateTextureCoordinates()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._firstNewElement != this._firstFreeElement && this._addNewGlitterSegementToVertexBuffer(),
+ this._drawCounter++,
+ this._firstActiveElement != this._firstFreeElement && (this._vertexBuffer.bindWithIndexBuffer(null),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._render = function(t) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = B.mainContext;
+ this._firstActiveElement < this._firstFreeElement ? (e = 2 * (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstActiveElement),
+ i.drawArrays(5, 2 * this._firstActiveElement, e),
+ E.trianglesFaces += e - 2,
+ E.drawCall++) : (e = 2 * (this.maxSegments - this._firstActiveElement),
+ i.drawArrays(5, 2 * this._firstActiveElement, e),
+ E.trianglesFaces += e - 2,
+ E.drawCall++,
+ this._firstFreeElement > 0 && (e = 2 * this._firstFreeElement,
+ i.drawArrays(5, 0, e),
+ E.trianglesFaces += e - 2,
+ E.drawCall++))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addVertexPosition = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._owner.activeInHierarchy)
+ if (this._numPositionMode < 2)
+ 0 === this._numPositionMode ? (t.cloneTo(this._posModeLastPosition0),
+ e.cloneTo(this._posModeLastPosition1)) : (t.cloneTo(this._posModePosition0),
+ e.cloneTo(this._posModePosition1)),
+ this._numPositionMode++;
+ else {
+ var i = this._tempVector2;
+ this._calcVelocity(t, this._posModeLastPosition0, i);
+ var n = this._tempVector3;
+ this._calcVelocity(e, this._posModeLastPosition1, n),
+ this.addVertexPositionVelocity(this._posModePosition0, i, this._posModePosition1, n),
+ this._posModePosition0.cloneTo(this._posModeLastPosition0),
+ this._posModePosition1.cloneTo(this._posModeLastPosition1),
+ t.cloneTo(this._posModePosition0),
+ e.cloneTo(this._posModePosition1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addVertexPositionVelocity = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (this._owner.activeInHierarchy) {
+ if (0 === this._numPositionVelocityMode)
+ this._numPositionVelocityMode++;
+ else {
+ var a = this._tempVector0;
+ Be.subtract(t, this._posVelModePosition0, a);
+ var r = Be.scalarLength(a);
+ Be.subtract(i, this._posVelModePosition1, a);
+ var s = Be.scalarLength(a)
+ , o = 0
+ , l = l;
+ if (r < l && s < l)
+ return;
+ if (1 === (o = 1 + Math.floor(Math.max(r, s) / this.minInterpDistance)))
+ this._addGlitter(t, i, this._currentTime);
+ else {
+ o = Math.min(o, this.maxSlerpCount),
+ this.scLeft.Init(this._posVelModePosition0, this._posVelModeVelocity0, t, e),
+ this.scRight.Init(this._posVelModePosition1, this._posVelModeVelocity1, i, n);
+ for (var h = 1 / o, c = h, _ = this._currentTime - this._lastTime, u = 1; u <= o; u++) {
+ var d = this._tempVector0;
+ this.scLeft.Slerp(c, d);
+ var f = this._tempVector1;
+ this.scRight.Slerp(c, f);
+ var p = this._lastTime + _ * u / o;
+ this._addGlitter(d, f, p),
+ c += h
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._lastTime = this._currentTime,
+ t.cloneTo(this._posVelModePosition0),
+ e.cloneTo(this._posVelModeVelocity0),
+ i.cloneTo(this._posVelModePosition1),
+ n.cloneTo(this._posVelModeVelocity1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this),
+ this._tempVector0 = null,
+ this._tempVector1 = null,
+ this._tempVector2 = null,
+ this._tempVector3 = null,
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._vertices = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this.scLeft = null,
+ this.scRight = null,
+ this._posModeLastPosition0 = null,
+ this._posModeLastPosition1 = null,
+ this._posModePosition0 = null,
+ this._posModePosition1 = null,
+ this._posVelModePosition0 = null,
+ this._posVelModeVelocity0 = null,
+ this._posVelModePosition1 = null,
+ this._posVelModeVelocity1 = null,
+ this._lastPatchAddPos0 = null,
+ this._lastPatchAddPos1 = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "maxSegments", function() {
+ return this._maxSegments - 1
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = t + 1;
+ e !== this._maxSegments && (this._maxSegments = e,
+ this._vertexBuffer && this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._initialize())
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return 1
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "triangleCount", function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ return this._firstActiveElement < this._firstFreeElement ? t = 2 * (this._firstFreeElement - this._firstActiveElement) - 2 : (t = 2 * (this.maxSegments - this._firstActiveElement) - 2,
+ t += 2 * this._firstFreeElement - 2),
+ t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_originalBoundingSphere", function() {
+ return i.superGet(ti, this, "_originalBoundingSphere")
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_originalBoundingBox", function() {
+ return i.superGet(ti, this, "_originalBoundingBox")
+ }),
+ e
+ }(ti)
+ , Bi = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, o, l, h) {
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._gridSize = NaN,
+ this.memorySize = 0,
+ this._numberVertices = 0,
+ this._maxNumberIndices = 0,
+ this._currentNumberIndices = 0,
+ this._numberTriangle = 0,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._boundingSphere = null,
+ this._boundingBox = null,
+ this._indexArrayBuffer = null,
+ this._boundingBoxCorners = null,
+ this._leafs = null,
+ this._leafNum = 0,
+ this._terrainHeightData = null,
+ this._terrainHeightDataWidth = 0,
+ this._terrainHeightDataHeight = 0,
+ this._chunkOffsetX = 0,
+ this._chunkOffsetZ = 0,
+ this._cameraCoordinateInverse = !1,
+ this._cameraPos = null,
+ this._currentLOD = 0,
+ this._perspectiveFactor = NaN,
+ this._LODTolerance = 0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._owner = t,
+ this._cameraPos = new Be,
+ this._chunkOffsetX = i,
+ this._chunkOffsetZ = n,
+ this._gridSize = a,
+ this._terrainHeightData = r,
+ this._terrainHeightDataWidth = o,
+ this._terrainHeightDataHeight = l,
+ this._leafs = s(this._leafNum),
+ this._cameraCoordinateInverse = h;
+ for (var c = 0; c < this._leafNum; c++)
+ this._leafs[c] = new Ge;
+ this.recreateResource()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.terrain.TerrainFilter", t);
+ var o = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(o, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0
+ }),
+ o._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this),
+ this._owner = null,
+ this._vertexBuffer && this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._indexBuffer && this._indexBuffer.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._currentNumberIndices = 0,
+ this._numberTriangle = 0;
+ this._numberVertices = t * this._leafNum,
+ this._maxNumberIndices = e * this._leafNum,
+ this._indexArrayBuffer = new Uint16Array(this._maxNumberIndices);
+ var i = ue.vertexDeclaration
+ , n = i.vertexStride / 4
+ , a = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * n)
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < this._leafNum; s++)
+ o = s % r,
+ l = Math.floor(s / r),
+ this._leafs[s].calcVertextBuffer(this._chunkOffsetX, this._chunkOffsetZ, o * Ge.LEAF_GRID_NUM, l * Ge.LEAF_GRID_NUM, this._gridSize, a, s * Ge.LEAF_PLANE_VERTEXT_COUNT, n, this._terrainHeightData, this._terrainHeightDataWidth, this._terrainHeightDataHeight, this._cameraCoordinateInverse);
+ for (s = 0; s < this._leafNum; s++)
+ o = s % r,
+ l = Math.floor(s / r),
+ this._leafs[s].calcSkirtVertextBuffer(this._chunkOffsetX, this._chunkOffsetZ, o * Ge.LEAF_GRID_NUM, l * Ge.LEAF_GRID_NUM, this._gridSize, a, this._leafNum * Ge.LEAF_PLANE_VERTEXT_COUNT + s * Ge.LEAF_SKIRT_VERTEXT_COUNT, n, this._terrainHeightData, this._terrainHeightDataWidth, this._terrainHeightDataHeight);
+ this.assembleIndexInit(),
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(i,this._numberVertices,35044,!1),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._maxNumberIndices,35044,!1),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(a),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(this._indexArrayBuffer),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.calcOriginalBoudingBoxAndSphere()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.setLODLevel = function(t) {
+ if (4 != t.length)
+ return !0;
+ var e = (t[0] + 1 << 24) + (t[1] + 1 << 16) + (t[2] + 1 << 8) + (t[3] + 1);
+ return this._currentLOD != e && (this._currentLOD = e,
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.assembleIndexInit = function() {
+ this._currentNumberIndices = 0,
+ this._numberTriangle = 0;
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this._leafNum; e++) {
+ var i = Ge.getPlaneLODIndex(e, 0);
+ this._indexArrayBuffer.set(i, t),
+ t += i.length;
+ var n = Ge.getSkirtLODIndex(e, 0);
+ this._indexArrayBuffer.set(n, t),
+ t += n.length,
+ this._currentNumberIndices += i.length + n.length
+ }
+ this._numberTriangle = this._currentNumberIndices / 3
+ }
+ ,
+ o.isNeedAssemble = function(t, e) {
+ var i = Math.min(t.viewport.width, t.viewport.height) / (2 * Math.tan(Math.PI * t.fieldOfView / 180));
+ return this._perspectiveFactor != i ? (this._perspectiveFactor = i,
+ 1) : this._LODTolerance != fn.LOD_TOLERANCE_VALUE ? (this._LODTolerance = fn.LOD_TOLERANCE_VALUE,
+ 1) : 0 == Be.equals(e, this._cameraPos) ? (this._cameraPos.x = e.x,
+ this._cameraPos.y = e.y,
+ this._cameraPos.z = e.z,
+ 2) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.assembleIndex = function(t, i) {
+ var n = this.isNeedAssemble(t, i);
+ if (n > 0) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < this._leafNum; a++)
+ e._TEMP_ARRAY_BUFFER[a] = this._leafs[a].determineLod(i, this._perspectiveFactor, fn.LOD_TOLERANCE_VALUE, 1 == n);
+ if (this.setLODLevel(e._TEMP_ARRAY_BUFFER)) {
+ this._currentNumberIndices = 0,
+ this._numberTriangle = 0;
+ var r = 0;
+ for (a = 0; a < this._leafNum; a++) {
+ var s = e._TEMP_ARRAY_BUFFER[a]
+ , o = Ge.getPlaneLODIndex(a, s);
+ this._indexArrayBuffer.set(o, r),
+ r += o.length;
+ var l = Ge.getSkirtLODIndex(a, s);
+ this._indexArrayBuffer.set(l, r),
+ r += l.length,
+ this._currentNumberIndices += o.length + l.length
+ }
+ return this._numberTriangle = this._currentNumberIndices / 3,
+ !0
+ }
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.calcOriginalBoudingBoxAndSphere = function() {
+ for (var t = new Ae(2147483647,-2147483647), e = 0; e < this._leafNum; e++)
+ t.x = this._leafs[e]._sizeOfY.x < t.x ? this._leafs[e]._sizeOfY.x : t.x,
+ t.y = this._leafs[e]._sizeOfY.y > t.y ? this._leafs[e]._sizeOfY.y : t.y;
+ var i = new Be(this._chunkOffsetX * Ge.CHUNK_GRID_NUM * this._gridSize,t.x,this._chunkOffsetZ * Ge.CHUNK_GRID_NUM * this._gridSize)
+ , n = new Be((this._chunkOffsetX + 1) * Ge.CHUNK_GRID_NUM * this._gridSize,t.y,(this._chunkOffsetZ + 1) * Ge.CHUNK_GRID_NUM * this._gridSize);
+ Ge.__ADAPT_MATRIX__ && (Be.transformV3ToV3(i, Ge.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, i),
+ Be.transformV3ToV3(n, Ge.__ADAPT_MATRIX__, n)),
+ this._boundingBox = new be(i,n);
+ var a = new Be;
+ Be.subtract(n, i, a),
+ Be.scale(a, .5, a);
+ var r = new Be;
+ Be.add(i, a, r),
+ this._boundingSphere = new xe(r,Be.scalarLength(a)),
+ this._boundingBoxCorners = s(8, null),
+ this._boundingBox.getCorners(this._boundingBoxCorners)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.calcLeafBoudingBox = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._leafNum; e++)
+ this._leafs[e].calcLeafBoudingBox(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.calcLeafBoudingSphere = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._leafNum; i++)
+ this._leafs[i].calcLeafBoudingSphere(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 == t ? this._vertexBuffer : null
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer
+ }
+ ,
+ o._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind();
+ if (0 == t.renderElement._material.blend) {
+ var e = t.camera;
+ this.assembleIndex(e, e.position) && this._indexBuffer.setData(this._indexArrayBuffer)
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ o._render = function(t) {
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(fn.RENDER_LINE_MODEL ? 1 : 4, this._currentNumberIndices, 5123, 0),
+ E.trianglesFaces += this._numberTriangle,
+ E.drawCall++
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, o, "_originalBoundingSphere", function() {
+ return this._boundingSphere
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "_originalBoundingBox", function() {
+ return this._boundingBox
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return this._numberVertices
+ }),
+ r(0, o, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return this._numberTriangle
+ }),
+ n(e, ["_TEMP_ARRAY_BUFFER", function() {
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(ti)
+ , ki = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._terrainSprite3DOwner = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, t),
+ this._terrainSprite3DOwner = t
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.terrain.TerrainRender", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ var t = this._terrainSprite3DOwner.terrainFilter;
+ if (null == t)
+ this._boundingSphere.toDefault();
+ else {
+ var e = t._originalBoundingSphere
+ , i = NaN
+ , n = this._terrainSprite3DOwner.transform
+ , a = n.scale;
+ i = a.x >= a.y && a.x >= a.z ? a.x : a.y >= a.z ? a.y : a.z,
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e.center, n.worldMatrix, this._boundingSphere.center),
+ this._boundingSphere.radius = e.radius * i,
+ t.calcLeafBoudingSphere(n.worldMatrix, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ var t = this._terrainSprite3DOwner.terrainFilter;
+ if (null == t)
+ this._boundingBox.toDefault();
+ else {
+ for (var e = this._terrainSprite3DOwner.transform.worldMatrix, i = t._boundingBoxCorners, n = 0; n < 8; n++)
+ Be.transformCoordinate(i[n], e, ei._tempBoundBoxCorners[n]);
+ be.createfromPoints(ei._tempBoundBoxCorners, this._boundingBox),
+ t.calcLeafBoudingBox(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(0, this._owner.transform.worldMatrix);
+ var e = this._owner.getProjectionViewWorldMatrix(t);
+ return this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(1, e),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._destroy = function() {
+ t.prototype._destroy.call(this),
+ this._terrainSprite3DOwner = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(ei)
+ , Ri = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._time = 0,
+ this._enableLightCount = 3,
+ this._customRenderQueneIndex = 11,
+ this.enableLight = !0,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._renderState = new ut,
+ this._lights = [],
+ this._quenes = [],
+ this._cameraPool = [],
+ this._renderableSprite3Ds = [],
+ this.__loaded = !0,
+ this._lightmaps = [],
+ this._shaderValues = new Fe,
+ this.parallelSplitShadowMaps = [],
+ this._dynamicBatchManager = new xt,
+ this._cullingRenders = [],
+ this._cullingRendersLength = 0,
+ this.enableFog = !1,
+ this.fogStart = 300,
+ this.fogRange = 1e3,
+ this.fogColor = new Be(.7,.7,.7),
+ this.ambientColor = new Be(.212,.227,.259),
+ B.shaderHighPrecision && this.addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_HIGHPRECISION),
+ this.on("display", this, this._display),
+ this.on("undisplay", this, this._unDisplay),
+ this._componentsMap = [],
+ this._typeComponentsIndices = [],
+ this._components = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.scene.Scene", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.webgl.submit.ISubmit": !0,
+ "laya.resource.ICreateResource": !0
+ }),
+ n._setUrl = function(t) {
+ this._url = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getGroup = function() {
+ return this._group
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setGroup = function(t) {
+ this._group = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._display = function() {
+ i.stage._scenes.push(this),
+ i.stage._scenes.sort(e._sortScenes);
+ for (var t = 0, n = this._childs.length; t < n; t++) {
+ var a = this._childs[t];
+ a.active && a._activeHierarchy()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._unDisplay = function() {
+ var t = i.stage._scenes;
+ t.splice(t.indexOf(this), 1);
+ for (var e = 0, n = this._childs.length; e < n; e++) {
+ var a = this._childs[e];
+ a.active && a._inActiveHierarchy()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addChild3D = function(t) {
+ t.transform._onWorldTransform(),
+ t._setBelongScene(this),
+ this.displayedInStage && t.active && t._activeHierarchy()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeChild3D = function(t) {
+ t.transform.parent = null,
+ this.displayedInStage && t.active && t._inActiveHierarchy(),
+ t._setUnBelongScene()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.initOctree = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 6),
+ this.treeSize = new Be(t,e,i),
+ this.treeLevel = a,
+ this.treeRoot = new dt(this,0),
+ this.treeRoot.init(n, this.treeSize)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._prepareUpdateToRenderState = function(t, e) {
+ e.elapsedTime = this._lastCurrentTime ? this.timer.currTimer - this._lastCurrentTime : 0,
+ this._lastCurrentTime = this.timer.currTimer,
+ e.scene = this
+ }
+ ,
+ n._prepareSceneToRender = function(t) {
+ var e = this._lights.length;
+ if (e > 0)
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0; n < e && !(this._lights[n]._prepareToScene(t) && ++i >= this._enableLightCount); n++)
+ ;
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateChilds = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._childs.length; e < i; ++e)
+ this._childs[e]._update(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._preRenderScene = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e._viewMatrix
+ , a = e._projectionMatrix
+ , r = e._projectionViewMatrix
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = e.camera;
+ for (l.useOcclusionCulling ? this.treeRoot ? It.renderObjectCullingOctree(i, this, l, n, a, r) : It.renderObjectCulling(i, this, l, n, a, r) : It.renderObjectCullingNoBoundFrustum(this, l, n, a, r),
+ s = 0,
+ o = this._quenes.length; s < o; s++)
+ this._quenes[s] && this._quenes[s]._preRender(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clear = function(t, e) {
+ var i = e._viewport
+ , n = e.camera
+ , a = i.x
+ , r = n.renderTargetSize.height - i.y - i.height
+ , s = i.width
+ , o = i.height;
+ t.viewport(a, r, s, o);
+ var l = 256
+ , h = n.renderTarget;
+ switch (n.clearFlag) {
+ case 0:
+ var c = n.clearColor;
+ if (c) {
+ t.enable(3089),
+ t.scissor(a, r, s, o);
+ var _ = c.elements;
+ t.clearColor(_[0], _[1], _[2], _[3]),
+ l |= 16384
+ }
+ if (h)
+ switch (c || (l = 16384),
+ h.depthStencilFormat) {
+ case 33189:
+ l |= 256;
+ break;
+ case 36168:
+ l |= 1024;
+ break;
+ case 34041:
+ l |= 256,
+ l |= 1024
+ }
+ t.clear(l),
+ c && t.disable(3089);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ if (h)
+ switch (l = 16384,
+ h.depthStencilFormat) {
+ case 33189:
+ l |= 256;
+ break;
+ case 36168:
+ l |= 1024;
+ break;
+ case 34041:
+ l |= 256,
+ l |= 1024
+ }
+ t.clear(l);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("BaseScene:camera clearFlag invalid.")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._renderScene = function(t, e) {
+ var i, n = e.camera, a = 0, r = 0;
+ for (a = 0; a < 2; a++)
+ (i = this._quenes[a]) && (n.renderTarget ? i._render(e, !0) : i._render(e, !1));
+ if (1 === n.clearFlag) {
+ var s = n.sky;
+ s && (k.setCullFace(t, !1),
+ k.setDepthFunc(t, 515),
+ k.setDepthMask(t, !1),
+ s._render(e),
+ k.setDepthFunc(t, 513),
+ k.setDepthMask(t, !0))
+ }
+ for (a = 2,
+ r = this._quenes.length; a < r; a++)
+ (i = this._quenes[a]) && (i._sortAlpha(e.camera.transform.position),
+ n.renderTarget ? i._render(e, !0) : i._render(e, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._set3DRenderConfig = function(t) {
+ t.disable(3042),
+ k._blend = !1,
+ t.blendFunc(770, 771),
+ k._sFactor = 770,
+ k._dFactor = 771,
+ t.disable(2929),
+ k._depthTest = !1,
+ t.enable(2884),
+ k._cullFace = !0,
+ t.depthMask(1),
+ k._depthMask = !0,
+ t.frontFace(2304),
+ k._frontFace = 2304
+ }
+ ,
+ n._set2DRenderConfig = function(t) {
+ k.setBlend(t, !0),
+ k.setBlendFunc(t, 1, 771),
+ k.setDepthTest(t, !1),
+ k.setCullFace(t, !1),
+ k.setDepthMask(t, !0),
+ k.setFrontFace(t, 2305),
+ t.viewport(0, 0, C.width, C.height)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = n.customProps.lightmaps
+ , r = a.length
+ , s = this._lightmaps;
+ s.length = r;
+ for (var o = 0; o < r; o++)
+ s[o] = v.getRes(e[a[o].replace(".exr", ".png")]);
+ this.setlightmaps(s);
+ var l = n.customProps.ambientColor;
+ l && (this.ambientColor = new Be(l[0],l[1],l[2]));
+ var h = n.customProps.fogColor;
+ h && (this.fogColor = new Be(h[0],h[1],h[2]))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addLight = function(t) {
+ this._lights.indexOf(t) < 0 && this._lights.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeLight = function(t) {
+ var e = this._lights.indexOf(t);
+ e >= 0 && this._lights.splice(e, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateScene = function() {
+ var t = this._renderState;
+ this._prepareUpdateToRenderState(B.mainContext, t),
+ this._updateComponents(t),
+ this._updateChilds(t),
+ this._lateUpdateComponents(t),
+ this._time += t.elapsedTime / 1e3,
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(22, this._time)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateSceneConch = function() {
+ var t = this._renderState;
+ this._prepareUpdateToRenderState(B.mainContext, t),
+ this._updateComponents(t),
+ this._lateUpdateComponents(t),
+ this._prepareSceneToRender(t);
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._cameraPool.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._cameraPool[e];
+ t.camera = n,
+ n._prepareCameraToRender()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._preRenderShadow = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ this.treeRoot ? It.renderShadowObjectCullingOctree(this, e, i, n, a) : It.renderShadowObjectCulling(this, e, i, n, a);
+ for (var r = 0, s = i.length; r < s; r++)
+ i[r] && i[r]._preRender(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._renderShadowMap = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.parallelSplitShadowMaps[0];
+ n._calcAllLightCameraInfo(i);
+ var a = n.PSSMNum;
+ this._preRenderShadow(e, n._lightCulling, n._shadowQuenes, n._lightVPMatrix[0], a),
+ this.addShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_CAST_SHADOW);
+ var r, s, o;
+ if (a > 1)
+ for (var l = 0; l < a; l++)
+ r = n.getRenderTarget(l + 1),
+ n.beginRenderTarget(l + 1),
+ t.clearColor(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ t.clear(16640),
+ t.viewport(0, 0, r.width, r.height),
+ e.camera = o = n.getLightCamera(l),
+ o._prepareCameraToRender(),
+ o._prepareCameraViewProject(o.viewMatrix, o.projectionMatrix),
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = n._lightVPMatrix[l + 1],
+ (s = n._shadowQuenes[l])._preRender(e),
+ s._renderShadow(e, !1),
+ n.endRenderTarget(l + 1);
+ else
+ r = n.getRenderTarget(1),
+ n.beginRenderTarget(1),
+ t.clearColor(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ t.clear(16640),
+ t.viewport(0, 0, r.width, r.height),
+ e.camera = o = n.getLightCamera(0),
+ o._prepareCameraToRender(),
+ o._prepareCameraViewProject(o.viewMatrix, o.projectionMatrix),
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = n._lightVPMatrix[0],
+ (s = n._shadowQuenes[0])._preRender(e),
+ s._renderShadow(e, !0),
+ n.endRenderTarget(1);
+ this.removeShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_CAST_SHADOW)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addTreeNode = function(t) {
+ this.treeRoot.addTreeNode(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeTreeNode = function(t) {
+ this.treeSize && t._treeNode && t._treeNode.removeObject(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setlightmaps = function(t) {
+ this._lightmaps = t;
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._renderableSprite3Ds.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._renderableSprite3Ds[e]._render._applyLightMapParams()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getlightmaps = function() {
+ return this._lightmaps
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChildAt = function(t, e) {
+ if (!(t instanceof laya.d3.core.Sprite3D))
+ throw new Error("Sprite3D:Node type must Sprite3D.");
+ if (!t || this.destroyed || t === this)
+ return t;
+ if (t.zOrder && this._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ e >= 0 && e <= this._childs.length) {
+ if (t._parent === this) {
+ var i = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ this._childs.splice(i, 1),
+ this._childs.splice(e, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, e)),
+ this._childChanged()
+ } else
+ t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t),
+ this._childs === x.ARRAY_EMPTY && (this._childs = []),
+ this._childs.splice(e, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, e),
+ t.parent = this,
+ this._addChild3D(t);
+ return t
+ }
+ throw new Error("appendChildAt:The index is out of bounds")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChild = function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof laya.d3.core.Sprite3D))
+ throw new Error("Sprite3D:Node type must Sprite3D.");
+ if (!t || this.destroyed || t === this)
+ return t;
+ if (t.zOrder && this._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ t._parent === this) {
+ var e = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ e !== this._childs.length - 1 && (this._childs.splice(e, 1),
+ this._childs.push(t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, this._childs.length - 1)),
+ this._childChanged())
+ } else
+ t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t),
+ this._childs === x.ARRAY_EMPTY && (this._childs = []),
+ this._childs.push(t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, this._childs.length - 1),
+ t.parent = this,
+ this._childChanged(),
+ this._addChild3D(t);
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildAt = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getChildAt(t);
+ return e && (this._removeChild3D(e),
+ this._childs.splice(t, 1),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeChild(e.conchModel),
+ e.parent = null),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildren = function(t, e) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 2147483647),
+ this._childs && this._childs.length > 0) {
+ var i = this._childs;
+ if (0 === t && e >= r) {
+ var n = i;
+ this._childs = x.ARRAY_EMPTY
+ } else
+ n = i.splice(t, e - t);
+ for (var a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++)
+ this._removeChild3D(n[a]),
+ n[a].parent = null,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeChild(n[a].conchModel)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addFrustumCullingObject = function(t) {
+ this.treeRoot ? this.addTreeNode(t) : (this._cullingRendersLength === this._cullingRenders.length ? this._cullingRenders.push(t) : this._cullingRenders[this._cullingRendersLength] = t,
+ t._indexInSceneFrustumCullingObjects = this._cullingRendersLength++)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeFrustumCullingObject = function(t) {
+ if (this.treeRoot)
+ this.removeTreeNode(t);
+ else {
+ this._cullingRendersLength--;
+ var e = t._indexInSceneFrustumCullingObjects;
+ if (e !== this._cullingRendersLength) {
+ var i = this._cullingRenders[this._cullingRendersLength];
+ this._cullingRenders[e] = i,
+ i._indexInSceneFrustumCullingObjects = e,
+ t._indexInSceneFrustumCullingObjects = -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRenderQueue = function(t) {
+ return t < 3e3 ? this._quenes[1] || (this._quenes[1] = new _t(this)) : this._quenes[2] || (this._quenes[2] = new _t(this))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addRenderQuene = function() {
+ this._quenes[this._customRenderQueneIndex++] = new _t(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._shaderDefineValue |= t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeShaderDefine = function(t) {
+ this._shaderDefineValue &= ~t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addScript = function(t) {
+ return this._addComponent(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getScriptByType = function(t, e) {
+ return void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this._getComponentByType(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getScriptsByType = function(t, e) {
+ this._getComponentsByType(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getScriptByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._getComponentByIndex(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeScriptByType = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this._removeComponentByType(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeScriptsByType = function(t) {
+ this._removeComponentByType(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeAllScript = function() {
+ this._removeAllComponent()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.render = function(t, e, i) {
+ I._context.ctx._renderKey = 0,
+ this._childs.length > 0 && t.addRenderObject(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.renderSubmit = function() {
+ var t = B.mainContext
+ , e = this._renderState;
+ this._set3DRenderConfig(t),
+ this._prepareSceneToRender(this._renderState);
+ var i, n = 0, a = 0;
+ if (Ze.debugMode || dt.debugMode)
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = this._cameraPool.length; n < a; n++)
+ i = this._cameraPool[n],
+ Ze._debugPhasorSprite.begin(1, i),
+ i.activeInHierarchy && i._renderCamera(t, e, this),
+ Ze._debugPhasorSprite.end();
+ else
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = this._cameraPool.length; n < a; n++)
+ (i = this._cameraPool[n]).activeInHierarchy && i._renderCamera(t, e, this);
+ return this._set2DRenderConfig(t),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e[0];
+ if ("Scene" !== n.type)
+ throw new Error("Scene: the .lh file root type must be Scene,please use other function to load this file.");
+ var a = e[1];
+ Ke._createNodeByJson(this, n, this, a),
+ this.event("hierarchyloaded", [this]),
+ this.__loaded = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.destroyed || (t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._renderState = null,
+ this._lights = null,
+ this._lightmaps = null,
+ this._renderTargetTexture = null,
+ this._shaderValues = null,
+ this._cullingRenders = null,
+ this._dynamicBatchManager = null,
+ this._quenes = null,
+ this._cameraPool = null,
+ this._renderableSprite3Ds = null,
+ this.treeRoot = null,
+ this.treeSize = null,
+ this.parallelSplitShadowMaps = null,
+ this._typeComponentsIndices = null,
+ this._components = null,
+ v.clearRes(this.url),
+ this.loaded || Ze._cancelLoadByUrl(this.url))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRenderType = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.releaseRender = function() {}
+ ,
+ n._addComponent = function(t) {
+ var e, i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 === i)
+ e = [],
+ this._componentsMap.push(t),
+ this._typeComponentsIndices.push(e);
+ else if (e = this._typeComponentsIndices[i],
+ this._components[e[0]].isSingleton)
+ throw new Error("无法单实例创建" + t + "组件," + t + "组件已存在!");
+ var n = p.getInstance(t);
+ e.push(this._components.length),
+ this._components.push(n);
+ return n._initialize(this),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeComponent = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._typeComponentsIndices[t]
+ , n = i[e]
+ , a = this._components[n];
+ this._components.splice(n, 1),
+ i.splice(e, 1),
+ 0 === i.length && (this._typeComponentsIndices.splice(t, 1),
+ this._componentsMap.splice(t, 1));
+ for (var r = 0, s = this._componentsMap.length; r < s; r++)
+ for (var o = (i = this._typeComponentsIndices[r]).length - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
+ var l = i[o];
+ if (!(l > n))
+ break;
+ i[o] = --l
+ }
+ a._destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getComponentByType = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ return -1 === i ? null : this._components[this._typeComponentsIndices[i][e]]
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getComponentsByType = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 !== i) {
+ var n = this._typeComponentsIndices[i]
+ , a = n.length;
+ e.length = a;
+ for (var r = 0; r < a; r++)
+ e[r] = this._components[n[r]]
+ } else
+ e.length = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getComponentByIndex = function(t) {
+ return this._components[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeComponentByType = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0);
+ var i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== i && this._removeComponent(i, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeComponentsByType = function(t) {
+ var e = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 !== e)
+ for (var i = this._typeComponentsIndices[e], n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; i.length < a ? a-- : n++)
+ this._removeComponent(e, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeAllComponent = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._componentsMap.length; t < e; this._componentsMap.length < e ? e-- : t++)
+ this._removeComponentsByType(this._componentsMap[t])
+ }
+ ,
+ n._updateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._components.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var n = this._components[e];
+ !n.started && (n._start(t),
+ n.started = !0),
+ n.enable && n._update(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._lateUpdateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._components.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._components[e];
+ !i.started && (i._start(t),
+ i.started = !0),
+ i.enable && i._lateUpdate(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._preRenderUpdateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._components.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._components[e];
+ !i.started && (i._start(t),
+ i.started = !0),
+ i.enable && i._preRenderUpdate(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._postRenderUpdateComponents = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._components.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._components[e];
+ !i.started && (i._start(t),
+ i.started = !0),
+ i.enable && i._postRenderUpdate(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "_loaded", null, function(t) {
+ this.__loaded = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "fogColor", function() {
+ return this._fogColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._fogColor = t,
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(0, t.elements)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "enableFog", function() {
+ return this._enableFog
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enableFog !== t && (this._enableFog = t,
+ t ? (this.addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG),
+ this.removeShaderDefine(ci.SAHDERDEFINE_DEPTHFOG)) : this.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "url", function() {
+ return this._url
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "loaded", function() {
+ return this.__loaded
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "enableDepthFog", function() {
+ return this._enableDepthFog
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enableDepthFog != t && (this._enableDepthFog = t,
+ t ? (this.addShaderDefine(ci.SAHDERDEFINE_DEPTHFOG),
+ this.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG)) : this.removeShaderDefine(ci.SAHDERDEFINE_DEPTHFOG))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "fogStart", function() {
+ return this._fogStart
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._fogStart = t,
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "fogRange", function() {
+ return this._fogRange
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._fogRange = t,
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "ambientColor", function() {
+ return this._ambientColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._ambientColor = t,
+ this._shaderValues.setValue(21, t.elements)
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scene", function() {
+ return this
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "renderableSprite3Ds", function() {
+ return this._renderableSprite3Ds.slice()
+ }),
+ e._sortScenes = function(t, n) {
+ if (t.parent === i.stage && n.parent === i.stage) {
+ var a = i.stage._childs;
+ return a.indexOf(t) - a.indexOf(n)
+ }
+ return t.parent !== i.stage && n.parent !== i.stage ? e._sortScenes(t.parent, n.parent) : t.parent === i.stage ? -1 : 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.FOGCOLOR = 0,
+ e.FOGSTART = 1,
+ e.FOGRANGE = 2,
+ e.TIME = 22,
+ e
+ }(T)
+ , Pi = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.__loaded = !0,
+ this._projectionViewWorldUpdateLoopCount = -1,
+ this._activeInHierarchy = !1,
+ this._projectionViewWorldMatrix = new Me,
+ this._shaderValues = new Fe,
+ this._colliders = [],
+ this._id = ++e._uniqueIDCounter,
+ this._transform = new ii(this),
+ this.name = t || "Sprite3D-" + e._nameNumberCounter++,
+ this.layer = z.currentCreationLayer,
+ this.active = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.Sprite3D", di);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IUpdate": !0,
+ "laya.resource.ICreateResource": !0,
+ "laya.d3.core.IClone": !0
+ }),
+ n._setUrl = function(t) {
+ this._url = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getGroup = function() {
+ return this._group
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setGroup = function(t) {
+ this._group = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addChild3D = function(t) {
+ t.transform.parent = this.transform,
+ this._hierarchyAnimator && (!t._hierarchyAnimator && t._setHierarchyAnimator(this._hierarchyAnimator, null),
+ this._getAnimatorToLinkSprite3D(t, !0, [t.name])),
+ this._scene && (t._setBelongScene(this._scene),
+ this._activeInHierarchy && t._active && t._activeHierarchy())
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeChild3D = function(t) {
+ t.transform.parent = null,
+ this._scene && (this._activeInHierarchy && t._active && t._inActiveHierarchy(),
+ t._setUnBelongScene()),
+ this._hierarchyAnimator && (t._hierarchyAnimator == this._hierarchyAnimator && t._clearHierarchyAnimator(this._hierarchyAnimator, null),
+ this._getAnimatorToLinkSprite3D(t, !1, [t.name]))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseBaseCustomProps = function(t) {
+ var e = this.transform.localPosition;
+ e.fromArray(t.translate),
+ this.transform.localPosition = e;
+ var i = this.transform.localRotation;
+ i.fromArray(t.rotation),
+ this.transform.localRotation = i;
+ var n = this.transform.localScale;
+ n.fromArray(t.scale),
+ this.transform.localScale = n;
+ var a = t.layer;
+ null != a && (this.layer = z.getLayerByNumber(a))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._parseCustomComponent = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n in i) {
+ var a = i[n];
+ switch (n) {
+ case "Animator":
+ var r = this.addComponent(xi);
+ if (a.avatarPath)
+ r.avatar = v.getRes(e[a.avatarPath]);
+ else {
+ var s = a.avatar;
+ if (s) {
+ r.avatar = v.getRes(e[s.path]);
+ var o = s.linkSprites;
+ o && t.once("hierarchyloaded", this, this._onRootNodeHierarchyLoaded, [r, o])
+ }
+ }
+ for (var l = a.clipPaths, h = l.length, c = 0; c < h; c++)
+ r.addClip(v.getRes(e[l[c]]));
+ r.clip = v.getRes(e[l[0]]);
+ var _ = a.playOnWake;
+ void 0 !== _ && (r.playOnWake = _);
+ break;
+ case "Rigidbody":
+ this.addComponent(Ci);
+ break;
+ case "SphereCollider":
+ var u = this.addComponent(tn);
+ u.isTrigger = a.isTrigger;
+ var d = u.center;
+ d.fromArray(a.center),
+ u.center = d,
+ u.radius = a.radius;
+ break;
+ case "BoxCollider":
+ var f = this.addComponent(Qi);
+ f.isTrigger = a.isTrigger,
+ f.center.fromArray(a.center);
+ var p = f.size;
+ p.fromArray(a.size),
+ f.size = p;
+ break;
+ case "MeshCollider":
+ this.addComponent($i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onRootNodeHierarchyLoaded = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e) {
+ for (var n = this, a = e[i], r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = a[r];
+ if ("" === o)
+ break;
+ if (!(n = n.getChildByName(o)))
+ break
+ }
+ n && t.linkSprite3DToAvatarNode(i, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setHierarchyAnimator = function(t, e) {
+ this._changeHierarchyAnimator(t);
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._childs.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this._childs[i];
+ a._hierarchyAnimator == e && a._setHierarchyAnimator(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearHierarchyAnimator = function(t, e) {
+ this._changeHierarchyAnimator(e);
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._childs.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var a = this._childs[i];
+ a._hierarchyAnimator == t && a._clearHierarchyAnimator(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getAnimatorToLinkSprite3D = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this.getComponentByType(xi);
+ if (n && (n.avatar ? n.avatar._version || t._setAnimatorToLinkAvatar(n, e) : t._setAnimatorToLinkSprite3DNoAvatar(n, e, i)),
+ this._parent && this._parent instanceof laya.d3.core.Sprite3D) {
+ i.unshift(this._parent.name);
+ var a = this._parent;
+ a._hierarchyAnimator && a._getAnimatorToLinkSprite3D(t, e, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setAnimatorToLinkSprite3DNoAvatar = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = t.getClipCount(); n < a; n++)
+ t._handleSpriteOwnersBySprite(n, e, i, this);
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = this._childs.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = this._childs[n]
+ , s = i.length;
+ i.push(r.name),
+ r._setAnimatorToLinkSprite3DNoAvatar(t, e, i),
+ i.splice(s, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._changeHierarchyAnimator = function(t) {
+ this._hierarchyAnimator = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n._isLinkSpriteToAnimationNode = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t._avatarNodes.indexOf(e)
+ , a = t._cacheSpriteToNodesMap;
+ if (i)
+ this._transform.dummy = e.transform,
+ t._cacheNodesToSpriteMap[n] = a.length,
+ a.push(n);
+ else {
+ this._transform.dummy = null;
+ var r = t._cacheNodesToSpriteMap[n];
+ t._cacheNodesToSpriteMap[n] = null,
+ a.splice(r, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setBelongScene = function(t) {
+ this._scene = t;
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._childs.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._childs[e]._setBelongScene(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setUnBelongScene = function() {
+ this._scene = null;
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._childs[t]._setUnBelongScene()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._activeHierarchy = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (this._activeInHierarchy = !0,
+ this._addSelfRenderObjects(),
+ t = 0,
+ e = this._colliders.length; t < e; t++)
+ this._layer._addCollider(this._colliders[t]);
+ for (this.event("activeinhierarchychanged", !0),
+ t = 0,
+ e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++) {
+ var i = this._childs[t];
+ i._active && i._activeHierarchy()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._inActiveHierarchy = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = 0;
+ for (this._activeInHierarchy = !1,
+ this._clearSelfRenderObjects(),
+ t = 0,
+ e = this._colliders.length; t < e; t++) {
+ var i = this._colliders[t];
+ i._clearCollsionMap(),
+ this._layer._removeCollider(i)
+ }
+ for (this.event("activeinhierarchychanged", !1),
+ t = 0,
+ e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++) {
+ var n = this._childs[t];
+ n._active && n._inActiveHierarchy()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addComponent = function(t) {
+ var e, i = this._componentsMap.indexOf(t);
+ if (-1 === i)
+ e = [],
+ this._componentsMap.push(t),
+ this._typeComponentsIndices.push(e);
+ else if (e = this._typeComponentsIndices[i],
+ this._components[e[0]].isSingleton)
+ throw new Error("无法单实例创建" + t + "组件," + t + "组件已存在!");
+ var n = p.getInstance(t);
+ if (e.push(this._components.length),
+ this._components.push(n),
+ n instanceof laya.d3.component.physics.Collider) {
+ this.getComponentByType(Ci) && (n._isRigidbody = !0),
+ this._activeInHierarchy && this._layer._addCollider(n),
+ this._colliders.push(n)
+ } else if (n instanceof laya.d3.component.Animator) {
+ var a = n;
+ this._setHierarchyAnimator(a, this._parent ? this._parent._hierarchyAnimator : null),
+ this._setAnimatorToLinkSprite3DNoAvatar(a, !0, [])
+ } else if (n instanceof laya.d3.component.Rigidbody)
+ for (var r = 0, s = this._colliders.length; r < s; r++)
+ this._colliders[r]._setIsRigidbody(!0);
+ return n instanceof laya.d3.component.Script && this._scripts.push(n),
+ n._initialize(this),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ n._removeComponent = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = 0
+ , a = this._typeComponentsIndices[t]
+ , r = a[e]
+ , s = this._components[r];
+ if (s instanceof laya.d3.component.physics.Collider) {
+ var o = s;
+ this._activeInHierarchy && this._layer._removeCollider(o),
+ this._colliders.splice(this._colliders.indexOf(o), 1)
+ } else if (s instanceof laya.d3.component.Animator) {
+ var l = s;
+ this._clearHierarchyAnimator(l, this._parent ? this._parent._hierarchyAnimator : null)
+ } else if (s instanceof laya.d3.component.Rigidbody)
+ for (i = 0,
+ n = this._colliders.length; i < n; i++) {
+ var h = this._colliders[i];
+ h._setIsRigidbody(!1);
+ var c = h._runtimeCollisonMap
+ , _ = h._runtimeCollisonTestMap;
+ for (var u in c)
+ delete _[u]
+ }
+ for (this._components.splice(r, 1),
+ s instanceof laya.d3.component.Script && this._scripts.splice(this._scripts.indexOf(s), 1),
+ a.splice(e, 1),
+ 0 === a.length && (this._typeComponentsIndices.splice(t, 1),
+ this._componentsMap.splice(t, 1)),
+ i = 0,
+ n = this._componentsMap.length; i < n; i++)
+ for (var d = (a = this._typeComponentsIndices[i]).length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
+ var f = a[d];
+ if (!(f > r))
+ break;
+ a[d] = --f
+ }
+ s._destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {}
+ ,
+ n._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {}
+ ,
+ n._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {}
+ ,
+ n._updateChilds = function(t) {
+ var e = this._childs.length;
+ if (0 !== e)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e; ++i)
+ this._childs[i]._update(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getSortID = function(t, e) {
+ return 1e3 * e.id + t._getVertexBuffer().vertexDeclaration.id
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {
+ t.owner = this,
+ this._activeInHierarchy && (this._updateComponents(t),
+ this._lateUpdateComponents(t),
+ E.spriteCount++,
+ this._childs.length && this._updateChilds(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getProjectionViewWorldMatrix = function(t) {
+ return Me.multiply(t, this.transform.worldMatrix, this._projectionViewWorldMatrix),
+ this._projectionViewWorldMatrix
+ }
+ ,
+ n.loadHierarchy = function(t) {
+ this.addChild(laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.load(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChildAt = function(t, e) {
+ if (!(t instanceof laya.d3.core.Sprite3D))
+ throw new Error("Sprite3D:Node type must Sprite3D.");
+ if (!t || this.destroyed || t === this)
+ return t;
+ if (t.zOrder && this._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ e >= 0 && e <= this._childs.length) {
+ if (t._parent === this) {
+ var i = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ this._childs.splice(i, 1),
+ this._childs.splice(e, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, e)),
+ this._childChanged()
+ } else
+ t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t),
+ this._childs === x.ARRAY_EMPTY && (this._childs = []),
+ this._childs.splice(e, 0, t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, e),
+ t.parent = this,
+ this._addChild3D(t);
+ return t
+ }
+ throw new Error("appendChildAt:The index is out of bounds")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addChild = function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof laya.d3.core.Sprite3D))
+ throw new Error("Sprite3D:Node type must Sprite3D.");
+ if (!t || this.destroyed || t === this)
+ return t;
+ if (t.zOrder && this._set$P("hasZorder", !0),
+ t._parent === this) {
+ var e = this.getChildIndex(t);
+ e !== this._childs.length - 1 && (this._childs.splice(e, 1),
+ this._childs.push(t),
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.removeChild(t.conchModel),
+ this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, this._childs.length - 1)),
+ this._childChanged())
+ } else
+ t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t),
+ this._childs === x.ARRAY_EMPTY && (this._childs = []),
+ this._childs.push(t),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.addChildAt(t.conchModel, this._childs.length - 1),
+ t.parent = this,
+ this._childChanged(),
+ this._addChild3D(t);
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildAt = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getChildAt(t);
+ return e && (this._removeChild3D(e),
+ this._childs.splice(t, 1),
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeChild(e.conchModel),
+ e.parent = null),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.removeChildren = function(t, e) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === e && (e = 2147483647),
+ this._childs && this._childs.length > 0) {
+ var i = this._childs;
+ if (0 === t && e >= r) {
+ var n = i;
+ this._childs = x.ARRAY_EMPTY
+ } else
+ n = i.splice(t, e - t);
+ for (var a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++)
+ this._removeChild3D(n[a]),
+ n[a].parent = null,
+ this.conchModel && this.conchModel.removeChild(n[a].conchModel)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e[0];
+ if ("Sprite3D" !== n.type)
+ throw new Error("Sprite3D: The .lh file root type must be Sprite3D,please use other function to load this file.");
+ var a = e[1];
+ Ke._createNodeByJson(this, n, this, a),
+ this.event("hierarchyloaded", [this]),
+ this.__loaded = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ throw new Error("Sprite3D: Can't be cloned if the Sprite3D has destroyed.");
+ var e = t;
+ e.name = this.name,
+ e._destroyed = this._destroyed,
+ e.timer = this.timer,
+ e._$P = this._$P,
+ e.active = this._active;
+ var i = e.transform.localPosition;
+ this.transform.localPosition.cloneTo(i),
+ e.transform.localPosition = i;
+ var n = e.transform.localRotation;
+ this.transform.localRotation.cloneTo(n),
+ e.transform.localRotation = n;
+ var a = e.transform.localScale;
+ this.transform.localScale.cloneTo(a),
+ e.transform.localScale = a,
+ e.isStatic = this.isStatic;
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = this._componentsMap.length; r < s; r++) {
+ var o = e.addComponent(this._componentsMap[r]);
+ this._components[r]._cloneTo(o)
+ }
+ for (r = 0,
+ s = this._childs.length; r < s; r++)
+ e.addChild(this._childs[r].clone());
+ var l = e.getComponentByType(xi);
+ if (l) {
+ var h = l._linkSpritesData;
+ if (h)
+ for (var c in h) {
+ for (var _ = h[c], u = e, d = 0, f = _.length; d < f && (u = u.getChildByName(_[d])); d++)
+ ;
+ if (u) {
+ var p = l._avatarNodeMap[c];
+ u._isLinkSpriteToAnimationNode(l, p, !0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.clone = function() {
+ var t = new this.constructor;
+ return this.cloneTo(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = !0),
+ !this.destroyed) {
+ laya.display.Node.prototype.destroy.call(this, t);
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0;
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = this._components.length; e < i; e++)
+ this._components[e]._destroy();
+ this._components = null,
+ this._componentsMap = null,
+ this._typeComponentsIndices = null,
+ this._transform = null,
+ this._colliders = null,
+ v.clearRes(this.url),
+ this.loaded || Ze._cancelLoadByUrl(this.url)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._handleSpriteToAvatar = function(t, e) {
+ t._avatarNodes;
+ var i = t._avatarNodeMap[this.name];
+ i && i.name === this.name && !this._transform.dummy && this._isLinkSpriteToAnimationNode(t, i, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setAnimatorToLinkAvatar = function(t, e) {
+ this._handleSpriteToAvatar(t, e);
+ for (var i = 0, n = this._childs.length; i < n; i++) {
+ this._childs[i]._setAnimatorToLinkAvatar(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "activeInHierarchy", function() {
+ return this._activeInHierarchy
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "_loaded", null, function(t) {
+ this.__loaded = t
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "active", function() {
+ return this._active
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._active !== t && (this._active = t,
+ this._parent && (this._parent === this._scene && this._parent.displayedInStage || this._parent._activeInHierarchy) && (t ? this._activeHierarchy() : this._inActiveHierarchy()))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "componentsCount", function() {
+ return this._components.length
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "loaded", function() {
+ return this.__loaded
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "id", function() {
+ return this._id
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "url", function() {
+ return this._url
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "layer", function() {
+ return this._layer
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._layer !== t) {
+ if (!t)
+ throw new Error("Layer value can be null.");
+ if (this._activeInHierarchy) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = this._colliders.length;
+ if (this._layer)
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ this._layer._removeCollider(this._colliders[e]);
+ for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
+ t._addCollider(this._colliders[e])
+ }
+ this._layer = t,
+ this.event("layerchanged", t)
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "scene", function() {
+ return this._scene
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "transform", function() {
+ return this._transform
+ }),
+ e.instantiate = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0);
+ var r = t.clone();
+ e && e.addChild(r);
+ var s = r.transform;
+ if (i) {
+ var o = s.worldMatrix;
+ t.transform.worldMatrix.cloneTo(o),
+ s.worldMatrix = o
+ } else
+ n && (s.position = n),
+ a && (s.rotation = a);
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.MVPMATRIX = 1,
+ e._uniqueIDCounter = 0,
+ e._nameNumberCounter = 0,
+ e
+ }()
+ , Oi = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ if (this._curActTexIndex = 0,
+ this._program = null,
+ this._attributeParams = null,
+ this._uniformParams = null,
+ this._attributeParamsMap = [],
+ this._sceneUniformParamsMap = [],
+ this._cameraUniformParamsMap = [],
+ this._spriteUniformParamsMap = [],
+ this._materialUniformParamsMap = [],
+ this._renderElementUniformParamsMap = [],
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ !t || !i)
+ throw "Shader Error";
+ this._id = ++e._count,
+ this._vs = t,
+ this._ps = i,
+ this._attributeMap = n,
+ this._sceneUniformMap = a,
+ this._cameraUniformMap = r,
+ this._spriteUniformMap = s,
+ this._materialUniformMap = o,
+ this._renderElementUniformMap = l,
+ this.recreateResource()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.shader.Shader3D", _);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._compile(),
+ this.completeCreate(),
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ B.mainContext.deleteShader(this._vshader),
+ B.mainContext.deleteShader(this._pshader),
+ B.mainContext.deleteProgram(this._program),
+ this._vshader = this._pshader = this._program = null,
+ this._attributeParams = null,
+ this._uniformParams = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0,
+ this._curActTexIndex = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._compile = function() {
+ if (this._vs && this._ps && !this._attributeParams && !this._uniformParams) {
+ this._reCompile = !0,
+ this._attributeParams = [],
+ this._uniformParams = [];
+ var t = [this._vs, this._ps]
+ , i = B.mainContext;
+ if (this._program = i.createProgram(),
+ this._vshader = e._createShader(i, t[0], 35633),
+ this._pshader = e._createShader(i, t[1], 35632),
+ i.attachShader(this._program, this._vshader),
+ i.attachShader(this._program, this._pshader),
+ i.linkProgram(this._program),
+ !I.isConchApp && ci.debugMode && !i.getProgramParameter(this._program, 35714))
+ throw i.getProgramInfoLog(this._program);
+ var n, a = 0, r = 0, s = 0;
+ for (s = I.isConchApp ? i.getProgramParameterEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", 35721) : i.getProgramParameter(this._program, 35721),
+ a = 0; a < s; a++) {
+ var o = null;
+ n = {
+ vartype: "attribute",
+ ivartype: 0,
+ attrib: o = I.isConchApp ? i.getActiveAttribEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", a) : i.getActiveAttrib(this._program, a),
+ location: i.getAttribLocation(this._program, o.name),
+ name: o.name,
+ type: o.type,
+ isArray: !1,
+ isSame: !1,
+ preValue: null,
+ indexOfParams: 0
+ },
+ this._attributeParams.push(n)
+ }
+ var l = 0;
+ for (l = I.isConchApp ? i.getProgramParameterEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", 35718) : i.getProgramParameter(this._program, 35718),
+ a = 0; a < l; a++) {
+ var h = null;
+ h = I.isConchApp ? i.getActiveUniformEx(this._vs, this._ps, "", a) : i.getActiveUniform(this._program, a),
+ (n = {
+ vartype: "uniform",
+ ivartype: 1,
+ attrib: o,
+ location: i.getUniformLocation(this._program, h.name),
+ name: h.name,
+ type: h.type,
+ isArray: !1,
+ isSame: !1,
+ preValue: null,
+ indexOfParams: 0
+ }).name.indexOf("[0]") > 0 && (n.name = n.name.substr(0, n.name.length - 3),
+ n.isArray = !0,
+ n.location = i.getUniformLocation(this._program, n.name)),
+ this._uniformParams.push(n)
+ }
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = this._attributeParams.length; a < r; a++)
+ (n = this._attributeParams[a]).indexOfParams = a,
+ n.index = 1,
+ n.value = [n.location, null],
+ n.codename = n.name,
+ n.name = null != this._attributeMap[n.codename] ? this._attributeMap[n.codename] : n.codename,
+ this._attributeParamsMap.push(n.name),
+ this._attributeParamsMap.push(n),
+ n._this = this,
+ n.uploadedValue = [],
+ n.fun = this._attribute;
+ for (a = 0,
+ r = this._uniformParams.length; a < r; a++)
+ switch (n = this._uniformParams[a],
+ n.indexOfParams = a,
+ n.index = 1,
+ n.value = [n.location, null],
+ n.codename = n.name,
+ null != this._sceneUniformMap[n.codename] ? (n.name = this._sceneUniformMap[n.codename],
+ this._sceneUniformParamsMap.push(n.name),
+ this._sceneUniformParamsMap.push(n)) : null != this._cameraUniformMap[n.codename] ? (n.name = this._cameraUniformMap[n.codename],
+ this._cameraUniformParamsMap.push(n.name),
+ this._cameraUniformParamsMap.push(n)) : null != this._spriteUniformMap[n.codename] ? (n.name = this._spriteUniformMap[n.codename],
+ this._spriteUniformParamsMap.push(n.name),
+ this._spriteUniformParamsMap.push(n)) : null != this._materialUniformMap[n.codename] ? (n.name = this._materialUniformMap[n.codename],
+ this._materialUniformParamsMap.push(n.name),
+ this._materialUniformParamsMap.push(n)) : null != this._renderElementUniformMap[n.codename] ? (n.name = this._renderElementUniformMap[n.codename],
+ this._renderElementUniformParamsMap.push(n.name),
+ this._renderElementUniformParamsMap.push(n)) : console.log("Shader:can't find uinform name:" + n.codename + " in shader file."),
+ n._this = this,
+ n.uploadedValue = [],
+ n.type) {
+ case 5124:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform1iv : this._uniform1i;
+ break;
+ case 5126:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform1fv : this._uniform1f;
+ break;
+ case 35664:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform_vec2v : this._uniform_vec2;
+ break;
+ case 35665:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform_vec3v : this._uniform_vec3;
+ break;
+ case 35666:
+ n.fun = n.isArray ? this._uniform_vec4v : this._uniform_vec4;
+ break;
+ case 35678:
+ n.fun = this._uniform_sampler2D;
+ break;
+ case 35680:
+ n.fun = this._uniform_samplerCube;
+ break;
+ case 35676:
+ n.fun = this._uniformMatrix4fv;
+ break;
+ case 35670:
+ n.fun = this._uniform1i;
+ break;
+ case 35674:
+ n.fun = this._uinformMatrix2fv;
+ break;
+ case 35675:
+ n.fun = this._uinformMatrix3fv;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("compile shader err!")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._attribute = function(t, e) {
+ var i = B.mainContext
+ , n = d._enableAtributes
+ , a = t.location;
+ return n[a] || i.enableVertexAttribArray(a),
+ i.vertexAttribPointer(a, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]),
+ n[a] = d._bindVertexBuffer,
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1f = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e ? (B.mainContext.uniform1f(t.location, i[0] = e),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1fv = function(t, e) {
+ if (e.length < 4) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (B.mainContext.uniform1fv(t.location, e),
+ i[0] = e[0],
+ i[1] = e[1],
+ i[2] = e[2],
+ i[3] = e[3],
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ return B.mainContext.uniform1fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec2 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] ? (B.mainContext.uniform2f(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec2v = function(t, e) {
+ if (e.length < 2) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (B.mainContext.uniform2fv(t.location, e),
+ i[0] = e[0],
+ i[1] = e[1],
+ i[2] = e[2],
+ i[3] = e[3],
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ return B.mainContext.uniform2fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] ? (B.mainContext.uniform3f(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3v = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniform3fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (B.mainContext.uniform4f(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2], i[3] = e[3]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4v = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniform4fv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniformMatrix2fv = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniformMatrix2fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniformMatrix3fv = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniformMatrix3fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniformMatrix4fv = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniformMatrix4fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uinformMatrix2fv = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniformMatrix2fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uinformMatrix3fv = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniformMatrix3fv(t.location, !1, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1i = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e ? (B.mainContext.uniform1i(t.location, i[0] = e),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform1iv = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniform1iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_ivec2 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] ? (B.mainContext.uniform2i(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_ivec2v = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniform2iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3i = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] ? (B.mainContext.uniform3i(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec3vi = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniform3iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4i = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.uploadedValue;
+ return i[0] !== e[0] || i[1] !== e[1] || i[2] !== e[2] || i[3] !== e[3] ? (B.mainContext.uniform4i(t.location, i[0] = e[0], i[1] = e[1], i[2] = e[2], i[3] = e[3]),
+ 1) : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_vec4vi = function(t, e) {
+ return B.mainContext.uniform4iv(t.location, e),
+ 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_sampler2D = function(t, i) {
+ var n = i.source || i.defaulteTexture.source
+ , a = B.mainContext
+ , r = t.uploadedValue;
+ if (null == r[0]) {
+ if (this._curActTexIndex > 7)
+ throw new Error("Shader3D: shader support textures max count is 8,can't large than it.");
+ return r[0] = this._curActTexIndex,
+ a.uniform1i(t.location, this._curActTexIndex),
+ a.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[this._curActTexIndex]),
+ n && k.bindTexture(a, 3553, n),
+ this._curActTexIndex++,
+ 1
+ }
+ return a.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[r[0]]),
+ n && k.bindTexture(a, 3553, n),
+ 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._uniform_samplerCube = function(t, i) {
+ var n = i.source || i.defaulteTexture.source
+ , a = B.mainContext
+ , r = t.uploadedValue;
+ if (null == r[0]) {
+ if (this._curActTexIndex > 7)
+ throw new Error("Shader3D: shader support textures max count is 8,can't large than it.");
+ return r[0] = this._curActTexIndex,
+ a.uniform1i(t.location, this._curActTexIndex),
+ a.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[this._curActTexIndex]),
+ n ? k.bindTexture(a, 34067, n) : k.bindTexture(a, 34067, on.grayTexture.source),
+ this._curActTexIndex++,
+ 1
+ }
+ return a.activeTexture(e._TEXTURES[r[0]]),
+ n ? k.bindTexture(a, 34067, n) : k.bindTexture(a, 34067, on.grayTexture.source),
+ 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._noSetValue = function(t) {
+ console.log("no....:" + t.name)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.bind = function() {
+ return _.activeShader = this,
+ _.bindShader = this,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ k.UseProgram(this._program)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadAttributes = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i, n, a = 0, r = 0, s = this._attributeParamsMap.length; r < s; r += 2)
+ n = this._attributeParamsMap[r + 1],
+ null != (i = t[this._attributeParamsMap[r]]) && (e && e[n.name] && e[n.name].bind(),
+ a += n.fun.call(this, n, i));
+ E.shaderCall += a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadAttributesX = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i, n, a = 0, r = 0, s = this._attributeParamsMap.length; r < s; r += 2)
+ n = this._attributeParamsMap[r + 1],
+ null != (i = t[this._attributeParamsMap[r]]) && (e._bind(),
+ a += n.fun.call(this, n, i));
+ E.shaderCall += a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadSceneUniforms = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i, n = 0, a = 0, r = this._sceneUniformParamsMap.length; a < r; a += 2)
+ i = this._sceneUniformParamsMap[a + 1],
+ null != (e = t[this._sceneUniformParamsMap[a]]) && (n += i.fun.call(this, i, e));
+ E.shaderCall += n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadCameraUniforms = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i, n = 0, a = 0, r = this._cameraUniformParamsMap.length; a < r; a += 2)
+ i = this._cameraUniformParamsMap[a + 1],
+ null != (e = t[this._cameraUniformParamsMap[a]]) && (n += i.fun.call(this, i, e));
+ E.shaderCall += n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadSpriteUniforms = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i, n = 0, a = 0, r = this._spriteUniformParamsMap.length; a < r; a += 2)
+ i = this._spriteUniformParamsMap[a + 1],
+ null != (e = t[this._spriteUniformParamsMap[a]]) && (n += i.fun.call(this, i, e));
+ E.shaderCall += n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadMaterialUniforms = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i, n = 0, a = 0, r = this._materialUniformParamsMap.length; a < r; a += 2)
+ i = this._materialUniformParamsMap[a + 1],
+ null != (e = t[this._materialUniformParamsMap[a]]) && (n += i.fun.call(this, i, e));
+ E.shaderCall += n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.uploadRenderElementUniforms = function(t) {
+ for (var e, i, n = 0, a = 0, r = this._renderElementUniformParamsMap.length; a < r; a += 2)
+ i = this._renderElementUniformParamsMap[a + 1],
+ null != (e = t[this._renderElementUniformParamsMap[a]]) && (n += i.fun.call(this, i, e));
+ E.shaderCall += n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ return new e(t,i,n,a,r,s,o,l)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.addInclude = function(t, e) {
+ L.addInclude(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._createShader = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.createShader(i);
+ if (t.shaderSource(n, e),
+ t.compileShader(n),
+ ci.debugMode && !t.getShaderParameter(n, 35713))
+ throw t.getShaderInfoLog(n);
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ e._TEXTURES = [33984, 33985, 33986, 33987, 33988, 33989, 33990, 33991],
+ e._count = 0,
+ n(e, ["shaderParamsMap", function() {
+ return this.shaderParamsMap = {
+ float: 5126,
+ int: 5124,
+ bool: 35670,
+ vec2: 35664,
+ vec3: 35665,
+ vec4: 35666,
+ ivec2: 35667,
+ ivec3: 35668,
+ ivec4: 35669,
+ bvec2: 35671,
+ bvec3: 35672,
+ bvec4: 35673,
+ mat2: 35674,
+ mat3: 35675,
+ mat4: 35676,
+ sampler2D: 35678,
+ samplerCube: 35680
+ }
+ }
+ , "nameKey", function() {
+ return this.nameKey = new D
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Ui = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("BLINNPHONG"),
+ this._albedoIntensity = 1,
+ this._albedoColor = new ke(1,1,1,1),
+ this._setColor(6, new ke(1,1,1,1)),
+ this._setColor(8, new Be(1,1,1)),
+ this._setNumber(9, .078125),
+ this._setColor(10, new Be(1,1,1)),
+ this._setNumber(0, .5),
+ this._setColor(11, new ke(1,1,0,0)),
+ this._enableLighting = !0,
+ this.renderMode = 0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.disableLight = function() {
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disableFog = function() {
+ this._addDisablePublicShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ i._enableLighting = this._enableLighting,
+ i._albedoIntensity = this._albedoIntensity,
+ this._albedoColor.cloneTo(i._albedoColor)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.alphaTest = !0,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Material:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setRenderMode(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALMAP),
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "reflectColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(10)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tilingOffset", function() {
+ return this._getColor(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.elements;
+ 1 != e[0] || 1 != e[1] || 0 != e[2] || 0 != e[3] ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET);
+ this._setColor(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "specularColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(8)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(8, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "albedoColor", function() {
+ return this._albedoColor
+ }, function(t) {
+ var e = this._getColor(6);
+ ke.scale(t, this._albedoIntensity, e),
+ this._albedoColor = t
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "albedoIntensity", function() {
+ return this._albedoIntensity
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (this._albedoIntensity !== t) {
+ var e = this._getColor(6);
+ ke.scale(this._albedoColor, t, e),
+ this._albedoIntensity = t
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "albedoTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP),
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "shininess", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(9)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(9, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "specularTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARMAP),
+ this._setTexture(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "reflectTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(5)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_REFLECTMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.BlinnPhongMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_REFLECTMAP),
+ this._setTexture(5, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "enableLighting", function() {
+ return this._enableLighting
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._enableLighting = t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DIFFUSEMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("NORMALMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("SPECULARMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_REFLECTMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("REFLECTMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TILINGOFFSET"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ADDTIVEFOG")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.SHININESS = 9,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , Vi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("ExtendTerrain"),
+ this.renderMode = 1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial", mi);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._setDetailNum = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM5);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM5);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM5);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM5);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM5),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.ExtendTerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disableLight = function() {
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "diffuseScaleOffset2", null, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(7, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "splatAlphaTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(0)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(0, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseScaleOffset3", null, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(8, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseTexture1", null, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(1, t),
+ this._setDetailNum(1)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.depthTest = 513;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.depthTest = 515;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("ExtendTerrainMaterial:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setRenderMode(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseTexture2", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(2, t),
+ this._setDetailNum(2)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseScaleOffset1", null, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(6, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseTexture3", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(3, t),
+ this._setDetailNum(3)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseTexture4", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(4, t),
+ this._setDetailNum(4)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseTexture5", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(5)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(5, t),
+ this._setDetailNum(5)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseScaleOffset4", null, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(9, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseScaleOffset5", null, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "albedo", function() {
+ return this._getColor(14)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(14, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "ambientColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(12)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "specularColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(13)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(13, t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ExtendTerrain_DETAIL_NUM1"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ExtendTerrain_DETAIL_NUM2"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ExtendTerrain_DETAIL_NUM3"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ExtendTerrain_DETAIL_NUM4"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM5 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ExtendTerrain_DETAIL_NUM5")
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Fi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("GLITTER"),
+ this.renderMode = 1,
+ this._setColor(3, new ke(1,1,1,1)),
+ this._setColor(2, new ke(1,1,1,1))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.GlitterMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.setShaderName = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.setShaderName.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Material:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setRenderMode(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "albedo", function() {
+ return this._getColor(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "color", function() {
+ return this._getColor(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(3, t)
+ }),
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ALBEDO = 2,
+ e.UNICOLOR = 3,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , Hi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ if (this._transformUV = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ !laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial.pbrlutTex) {
+ var t = u.window.__pbrlutdata;
+ if (!t)
+ throw alert("no pbr lutdata, need pbrlut.js"),
+ "no pbr lutdata, need pbrlut.js";
+ var i = en.create(new Uint32Array(t).buffer, 256, 256, 9728, 9728, !1);
+ laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial.pbrlutTex = i
+ }
+ this._setTexture(4, laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial.pbrlutTex),
+ this.setShaderName("PBR"),
+ this._setNumber(0, .5),
+ this.use_groundtruth = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.disableLight = function() {
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disableFog = function() {
+ this._addDisablePublicShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ t.prototype.onAsynLoaded.call(this, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.radicalInverse_VdC = function(t) {
+ var e = new Uint32Array(1);
+ return function(t) {
+ return t = t << 16 | t >>> 16,
+ t = (1431655765 & t) << 1 | (2863311530 & t) >>> 1,
+ t = (858993459 & t) << 2 | (3435973836 & t) >>> 2,
+ t = (252645135 & t) << 4 | (4042322160 & t) >>> 4,
+ t = (16711935 & t) << 8 | (4278255360 & t) >>> 8,
+ e[0] = t,
+ 2.3283064365386963e-10 * e[0]
+ }(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.createHammersleyTex = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new Uint8Array(t * e * 4)
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (a = 0; a < t * e; a++) {
+ var r = this.radicalInverse_VdC(a);
+ i[n++] = 255 * r,
+ i[n++] = 0,
+ i[n++] = 0,
+ i[n++] = 255
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "has_tangent", null, function(t) {
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_HAS_TANGENT)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "roughness", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(6)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(6, t),
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_FIX_ROUGHNESS)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "metaless", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(7)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(7, t),
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_FIX_METALESS)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "pbrlutTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "use_groundtruth", null, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ if (this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_GROUNDTRUTH),
+ !laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial.HammersleyNoiseTex) {
+ var i = this.createHammersleyTex(32, 32);
+ laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial.HammersleyNoiseTex = en.create(i.buffer, 32, 32, 9728, 9728, !1)
+ }
+ this._setTexture(15, e.HammersleyNoiseTex)
+ } else
+ laya.d3.core.material.PBRMaterial.HammersleyNoiseTex = null,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_GROUNDTRUTH)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "transformUV", function() {
+ return this._transformUV
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._transformUV = t,
+ this._setMatrix4x4(8, t.matrix),
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setShaderValue(8, t.matrix.elements, 0)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("PBRMaterial:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "pbrInfoTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(3, t),
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_HAS_PBRINFO)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "testClipZ", null, function(t) {
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_TEST_CLIPZ)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_FIX_METALESS = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("FIX_METALESS"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_FIX_ROUGHNESS = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("FIX_ROUGHNESS"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_HAS_TANGENT = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("HAS_TANGENT"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_HAS_PBRINFO = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("HAS_PBRINFO"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_GROUNDTRUTH = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("USE_GROUNDTRUTH"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TEST_CLIPZ = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("CLIPZ")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.UVANIAGE = 5,
+ e.UVMATRIX = 8,
+ e.UVAGE = 9,
+ e.AOOBJPOS = 14,
+ e.pbrlutTex = null,
+ e.HammersleyNoiseTex = null,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , Gi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("PBRSpecular"),
+ this._setColor(7, new ke(1,1,1,1)),
+ this._setColor(9, new ke(0,0,0,0)),
+ this._setColor(8, new ke(.2,.2,.2,.2)),
+ this._setNumber(10, .5),
+ this._setNumber(11, 1),
+ this._setNumber(12, 0),
+ this._setNumber(13, 1),
+ this._setNumber(14, 1),
+ this._setNumber(15, .001),
+ this._setBool(16, !1),
+ this._setNumber(0, .5)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial", mi);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return r(0, i, "albedoColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(7)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(7, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "specularTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "albedoTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSETEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSETEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "occlusionTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(5)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_OCCLUSIONTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_OCCLUSIONTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(5, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "parallaxTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_PARALLAXTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_PARALLAXTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "emissionColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(9)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(9, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "normalTextureScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(14)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(14, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "parallaxTextureScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(15)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(.005, Math.min(.08, t)),
+ this._setNumber(15, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "occlusionTextureStrength", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(13)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(13, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "specularColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(8)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(8, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "smoothness", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(10)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "smoothnessTextureScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "smoothnessSource", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(12)
+ }, function(t) {
+ 1 == t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SMOOTHNESSSOURCE_DIFFUSETEXTURE_ALPHA) : (this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SMOOTHNESSSOURCE_DIFFUSETEXTURE_ALPHA),
+ t = 0),
+ this._setNumber(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "enableEmission", function() {
+ return this._getBool(16)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSION) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSION),
+ this._setBool(16, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "emissionTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(6)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIONTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIONTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(6, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "tilingOffset", function() {
+ return this._getColor(17)
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.elements;
+ 1 != e[0] || 1 != e[1] || 0 != e[2] || 0 != e[3] ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRSpecularMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET);
+ this._setColor(17, t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALTEXTURE = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("NORMALTEXTURE"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSION = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("EMISSION"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TILINGOFFSET")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.SmoothnessSource_MetallicGlossTexture_Alpha = 0,
+ e.SmoothnessSource_DiffuseTexture_Alpha = 1,
+ e.SMOOTHNESS = 10,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , zi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("PBRStandard"),
+ this._setColor(7, new ke(1,1,1,1)),
+ this._setColor(8, new ke(0,0,0,0)),
+ this._setNumber(9, 0),
+ this._setNumber(10, .5),
+ this._setNumber(11, 1),
+ this._setNumber(12, 0),
+ this._setNumber(13, 1),
+ this._setNumber(14, 1),
+ this._setNumber(15, .001),
+ this._setBool(16, !1),
+ this._setNumber(0, .5)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial", mi);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return r(0, i, "albedoColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(7)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(7, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "albedoTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSETEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSETEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "enableEmission", function() {
+ return this._getBool(16)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSION) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSION),
+ this._setBool(16, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "metallicGlossTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_METALLICGLOSSTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_METALLICGLOSSTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "occlusionTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(5)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_OCCLUSIONTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_OCCLUSIONTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(5, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "parallaxTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_PARALLAXTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_PARALLAXTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "emissionColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(8)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(8, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "normalTextureScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(14)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(14, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "parallaxTextureScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(15)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(.005, Math.min(.08, t)),
+ this._setNumber(15, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "occlusionTextureStrength", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(13)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(13, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "metallic", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(9)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(9, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "smoothness", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(10)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "smoothnessTextureScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t)),
+ this._setNumber(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "smoothnessSource", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(12)
+ }, function(t) {
+ 1 == t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SMOOTHNESSSOURCE_DIFFUSETEXTURE_ALPHA) : (this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SMOOTHNESSSOURCE_DIFFUSETEXTURE_ALPHA),
+ t = 0),
+ this._setNumber(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "emissionTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(6)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIONTEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIONTEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(6, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "tilingOffset", function() {
+ return this._getColor(17)
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.elements;
+ 1 != e[0] || 1 != e[1] || 0 != e[2] || 0 != e[3] ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.PBRStandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET);
+ this._setColor(17, t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALTEXTURE = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("NORMALTEXTURE"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSION = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("EMISSION"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TILINGOFFSET")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.SmoothnessSource_MetallicGlossTexture_Alpha = 0,
+ e.SmoothnessSource_DiffuseTexture_Alpha = 1,
+ e.METALLIC = 9,
+ e.SMOOTHNESS = 10,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ji = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._transformUV = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("SIMPLE"),
+ this._setColor(9, new Be(.6,.6,.6)),
+ this._setColor(10, new Be(1,1,1)),
+ this._setColor(11, new ke(1,1,1,8)),
+ this._setColor(12, new Be(1,1,1)),
+ this._setColor(7, new ke(1,1,1,1)),
+ this._setNumber(0, .5),
+ this._setColor(15, new ke(1,1,0,0)),
+ this.renderMode = 1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.disableLight = function() {
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disableFog = function() {
+ this._addDisablePublicShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(i, n, a) {
+ var r = n[0];
+ if (r.version)
+ t.prototype.onAsynLoaded.call(this, i, n, a);
+ else {
+ var s = n[1]
+ , o = r.props;
+ for (var l in o)
+ this[l] = o[l];
+ e._parseStandardMaterial(s, this, r),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, e);
+ var i = e;
+ this._transformUV && (i._transformUV = this._transformUV.clone())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "ambientColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(9)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(9, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "ambientTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(5)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_AMBIENTMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_AMBIENTMAP),
+ this._setTexture(5, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.alphaTest = !0,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !0,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Material:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setRenderMode(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "reflectColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(12)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tilingOffset", function() {
+ return this._getColor(15)
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.elements;
+ 1 != e[0] || 1 != e[1] || 0 != e[2] || 0 != e[3] ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET);
+ this._setColor(15, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "albedo", function() {
+ return this._getColor(7)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(7, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(10)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "albedoColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(7)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(7, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "specularColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP),
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALMAP),
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "specularTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARMAP),
+ this._setTexture(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "emissiveTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIVEMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIVEMAP),
+ this._setTexture(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "reflectTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(6)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_REFLECTMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_REFLECTMAP),
+ this._setTexture(6, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "transformUV", function() {
+ return this._transformUV
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._transformUV = t,
+ this._setMatrix4x4(13, t.matrix),
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_UVTRANSFORM) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.StandardMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_UVTRANSFORM),
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setShaderValue(13, t.matrix.elements, 0)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DIFFUSEMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_NORMALMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("NORMALMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_SPECULARMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("SPECULARMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_EMISSIVEMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("EMISSIVEMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_AMBIENTMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("AMBIENTMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_REFLECTMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("REFLECTMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_UVTRANSFORM = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("UVTRANSFORM"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TILINGOFFSET"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ADDTIVEFOG")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._parseStandardMaterial = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.customProps
+ , a = n.ambientColor;
+ e.ambientColor = new Be(a[0],a[1],a[2]);
+ var r = n.diffuseColor;
+ e.diffuseColor = new Be(r[0],r[1],r[2]);
+ var s = n.specularColor;
+ e.specularColor = new ke(s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3]);
+ var o = n.reflectColor;
+ e.reflectColor = new Be(o[0],o[1],o[2]);
+ var l = n.albedoColor;
+ l && (e.albedo = new ke(l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3]));
+ var h = n.diffuseTexture.texture2D;
+ h && (e.diffuseTexture = v.getRes(t[h]));
+ var c = n.normalTexture.texture2D;
+ c && (e.normalTexture = v.getRes(t[c]));
+ var _ = n.specularTexture.texture2D;
+ _ && (e.specularTexture = v.getRes(t[_]));
+ var u = n.emissiveTexture.texture2D;
+ u && (e.emissiveTexture = v.getRes(t[u]));
+ var d = n.ambientTexture.texture2D;
+ d && (e.ambientTexture = v.getRes(t[d]));
+ var f = n.reflectTexture.texture2D;
+ f && (e.reflectTexture = v.getRes(t[f]))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ALBEDO = 7,
+ e.UVANIAGE = 8,
+ e.UVMATRIX = 13,
+ e.UVAGE = 14,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , Wi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._diffuseScale1 = null,
+ this._diffuseScale2 = null,
+ this._diffuseScale3 = null,
+ this._diffuseScale4 = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("Terrain"),
+ this.renderMode = 1,
+ this._diffuseScale1 = new Ae,
+ this._diffuseScale2 = new Ae,
+ this._diffuseScale3 = new Ae,
+ this._diffuseScale4 = new Ae,
+ this.ambientColor = new Be(.6,.6,.6),
+ this.diffuseColor = new Be(1,1,1),
+ this.specularColor = new ke(.2,.2,.2,32)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.setDiffuseScale1 = function(t, e) {
+ this._diffuseScale1.x = t,
+ this._diffuseScale1.y = e,
+ this._setColor(6, this._diffuseScale1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setDiffuseScale2 = function(t, e) {
+ this._diffuseScale2.x = t,
+ this._diffuseScale2.y = e,
+ this._setColor(7, this._diffuseScale2)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setDiffuseScale3 = function(t, e) {
+ this._diffuseScale3.x = t,
+ this._diffuseScale3.y = e,
+ this._setColor(8, this._diffuseScale3)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setDiffuseScale4 = function(t, e) {
+ this._diffuseScale4.x = t,
+ this._diffuseScale4.y = e,
+ this._setColor(9, this._diffuseScale4)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setDetailNum = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2),
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.material.TerrainMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disableLight = function() {
+ }
+ ,
+ s.setShaderName = function(e) {
+ t.prototype.setShaderName.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.depthTest = 513;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.depthTest = 515;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("TerrainMaterial:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setRenderMode(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture2", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "ambientColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(10)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture4", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(5)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(5, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture1", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "specularColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(12)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture3", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "splatAlphaTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(0)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(0, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM1 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DETAIL_NUM1"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM2 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DETAIL_NUM2"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM4 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DETAIL_NUM4"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DETAIL_NUM3 = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DETAIL_NUM3")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , Xi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._useVertexDeep = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("Water")
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.material.WaterMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.disableFog = function() {
+ this._addDisablePublicShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_FOG)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ t.prototype.onAsynLoaded.call(this, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "normalTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "underWaterTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "deepColorTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(10)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(10, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "useFoam", null, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_FOAM) : this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_FOAM)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "skyTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(11)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(11, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "deepScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(20)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(20, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "detailTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(9)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(9, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "foamTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(17)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(17, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "waterInfoTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(16)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(16, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "vertexDispTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(4)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setTexture(4, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "currentTm", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(8)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(8, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "waveInfo", function() {
+ return this._getBuffer(12)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setBuffer(12, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "waveInfoD", function() {
+ return this._getBuffer(13)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setBuffer(13, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "waveMainDir", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(14)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(14, t * Math.PI / 180)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "geoWaveUVScale", function() {
+ return this._getNumber(18)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setNumber(18, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "windSpeed", function() {
+ return 0
+ }, function(t) {}),
+ r(0, s, "scrsize", null, function(t) {
+ this._setBuffer(15, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "seaColor", function() {
+ return this._getBuffer(19)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setBuffer(19, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "useVertexDeep", function() {
+ return this._useVertexDeep
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._useVertexDeep = t,
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USEVERTEXHEIGHT) : this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USEVERTEXHEIGHT)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "windDir", function() {
+ return 0
+ }, function(t) {}),
+ r(0, s, "useRefractTexture", null, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_REFRACT_TEX) : this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_REFRACT_TEX)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("PBRMaterial:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_CUBE_ENV = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("CUBE_ENV"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_HDR_ENV = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("HDR_ENV"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_SHOW_NORMAL = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("SHOW_NORMAL"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_FOAM = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("USE_FOAM"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_USE_REFRACT_TEX = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("USE_REFR_TEX")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.UVANIAGE = 5,
+ e.UVMATRIX = 6,
+ e.UVAGE = 7,
+ e.CURTM = 8,
+ e.SKYTEXTURE = 11,
+ e.WAVEINFO = 12,
+ e.WAVEINFOD = 13,
+ e.SCRSIZE = 15,
+ e.WATERINFO = 16,
+ e.SEA_COLOR = 19,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , qi = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ this._indexType = null,
+ this._indexTypeByteCount = 0,
+ this._indexCount = 0,
+ this._canRead = !1,
+ void 0 === n && (n = 35044),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._indexType = t,
+ this._indexCount = i,
+ this._bufferUsage = n,
+ this._bufferType = 34963,
+ this._canRead = a;
+ var r = 0;
+ if ("ushort" == t)
+ this._indexTypeByteCount = 2;
+ else {
+ if ("ubyte" != t)
+ throw new Error("unidentification index type.");
+ this._indexTypeByteCount = 1
+ }
+ r = this._indexTypeByteCount * i,
+ this._byteLength = r,
+ this._bind(),
+ d._gl.bufferData(this._bufferType, r, this._bufferUsage),
+ a ? ("ushort" == t ? this._buffer = new Uint16Array(i) : "ubyte" == t && (this._buffer = new Uint8Array(i)),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * r) : this.memorySize = r
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.graphics.IndexBuffer3D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.setData = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 4294967295);
+ var a = 0;
+ if ("ushort" == this._indexType ? (a = 2,
+ 0 === i && 4294967295 === n || (t = new Uint16Array(t.buffer,i * a,n))) : "ubyte" == this._indexType && (a = 1,
+ 0 === i && 4294967295 === n || (t = new Uint8Array(t.buffer,i * a,n))),
+ this._bind(),
+ d._gl.bufferSubData(this._bufferType, e * a, t),
+ this._canRead)
+ if (0 !== e || 0 !== i || 4294967295 !== n) {
+ var r = this._buffer.length - e;
+ n > r && (n = r);
+ for (var s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ this._buffer[e + s] = t[s]
+ } else
+ this._buffer = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getData = function() {
+ if (this._canRead)
+ return this._buffer;
+ throw new Error("Can't read data from VertexBuffer with only write flag!")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ t.prototype.disposeResource.call(this),
+ this._buffer = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "indexType", function() {
+ return this._indexType
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "indexTypeByteCount", function() {
+ return this._indexTypeByteCount
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "indexCount", function() {
+ return this._indexCount
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "canRead", function() {
+ return this._canRead
+ }),
+ e.INDEXTYPE_UBYTE = "ubyte",
+ e.INDEXTYPE_USHORT = "ushort",
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === n && (n = 35044),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ new e(t,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(d)
+ , Yi = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ this._vertexDeclaration = null,
+ this._vertexCount = 0,
+ this._canRead = !1,
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._vertexDeclaration = t,
+ this._vertexCount = i,
+ this._bufferUsage = n,
+ this._bufferType = 34962,
+ this._canRead = a,
+ this.memorySize = this._byteLength = this._vertexDeclaration.vertexStride * i,
+ this._bind(),
+ d._gl.bufferData(this._bufferType, this._byteLength, this._bufferUsage),
+ a && (this._buffer = new Float32Array(this._byteLength / 4))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.graphics.VertexBuffer3D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i.bindWithIndexBuffer = function(t) {
+ t && t._bind(),
+ this._bind()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setData = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 4294967295),
+ 0 === i && 4294967295 === n || (t = new Float32Array(t.buffer,4 * i,n)),
+ this._bind(),
+ d._gl.bufferSubData(this._bufferType, 4 * e, t),
+ this._canRead)
+ if (0 !== e || 0 !== i || 4294967295 !== n) {
+ var a = this._buffer.length - e;
+ n > a && (n = a);
+ for (var r = 0; r < n; r++)
+ this._buffer[e + r] = t[r]
+ } else
+ this._buffer = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getData = function() {
+ if (this._canRead)
+ return this._buffer;
+ throw new Error("Can't read data from VertexBuffer with only write flag!")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ for (var e = B.mainContext, i = this._vertexDeclaration.getVertexElements(), n = d._enableAtributes, a = 0, r = i.length; a < r; a++)
+ n[a] === this._glBuffer && (e.disableVertexAttribArray(a),
+ n[a] = null);
+ t.prototype.disposeResource.call(this),
+ this._buffer = null,
+ this._vertexDeclaration = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "vertexDeclaration", function() {
+ return this._vertexDeclaration
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "vertexCount", function() {
+ return this._vertexCount
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "canRead", function() {
+ return this._canRead
+ }),
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ return void 0 === n && (n = 35044),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !1),
+ new e(t,i,n,a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(d)
+ , Ji = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("PARTICLESHURIKEN"),
+ this.renderMode = 6
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.onAsynLoaded = function(i, n, a) {
+ var r = n[0];
+ if (r.version)
+ t.prototype.onAsynLoaded.call(this, i, n, a);
+ else {
+ var s = n[1]
+ , o = r.props;
+ for (var l in o)
+ this[l] = o[l];
+ e._parseShurikenParticleMaterial(s, this, r),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "renderMode", null, function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.alphaTest = !0,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.renderQueue = 2e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 0,
+ this.alphaTest = !0,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !0,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthWrite = !1,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 771,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._removeShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 2,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.renderQueue = 3e3,
+ this.depthTest = 513,
+ this.cull = 0,
+ this.blend = 1,
+ this.srcBlend = 770,
+ this.dstBlend = 1,
+ this.alphaTest = !1,
+ this._addShaderDefine(e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Material:renderMode value error.")
+ }
+ this._conchMaterial && this._conchMaterial.setRenderMode(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tintColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TINTCOLOR) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TINTCOLOR),
+ this._setColor(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tilingOffset", function() {
+ return this._getColor(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.elements;
+ 1 != e[0] || 1 != e[1] || 0 != e[2] || 0 != e[3] ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET);
+ this._setColor(3, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShurikenParticleMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP),
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSEMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("DIFFUSEMAP"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TINTCOLOR = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TINTCOLOR"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_ADDTIVEFOG = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("ADDTIVEFOG"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TILINGOFFSET")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._parseShurikenParticleMaterial = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = i.customProps
+ , a = n.diffuseTexture.texture2D;
+ a && (e.diffuseTexture = v.getRes(t[a]));
+ var r = n.tintColor;
+ r && (e.tintColor = new ke(r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TINTCOLOR = 2,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(mi)
+ , Ki = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this.setShaderName("Trail"),
+ this._setColor(2, new ke(1,1,1,1))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.trail.TrailMaterial", mi);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return r(0, s, "tintColor", function() {
+ return this._getColor(2)
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._setColor(2, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "diffuseTexture", function() {
+ return this._getTexture(1)
+ }, function(t) {
+ t ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.trail.TrailMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSETEXTURE) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.trail.TrailMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_DIFFUSETEXTURE),
+ this._setTexture(1, t)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "tilingOffset", function() {
+ return this._getColor(3)
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t.elements;
+ 1 != e[0] || 1 != e[1] || 0 != e[2] || 0 != e[3] ? this._addShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.trail.TrailMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET) : this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.trail.TrailMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET)
+ } else
+ this._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.trail.TrailMaterial.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET);
+ this._setColor(3, t)
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_TILINGOFFSET = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("TILINGOFFSET")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.TINTCOLOR = 2,
+ n(e, ["defaultMaterial", function() {
+ return this.defaultMaterial = new e
+ }
+ , "shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(mi.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , Zi = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._animationSprites = null,
+ this._animationSpritesInitLocalMatrix = null,
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._lastFrameIndex = -1,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._animationSprites = [],
+ this._animationSpritesInitLocalMatrix = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.animation.RigidAnimations", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ n._init = function() {
+ for (var t = this._templet.getNodes(this.currentAnimationClipIndex), e = this._owner, i = t.length, n = 0, a = new Uint16Array(this._templet.getPublicExtData()), r = 0; r < i; r++) {
+ var s = a.slice(n + 1, n + 1 + a[n]);
+ n += a[n] + 1;
+ for (var o = 1; o < s.length; o++) {
+ s[o];
+ e = e._childs[s[o]]
+ }
+ var l = e.getChildByName(t[r].name);
+ if (!l)
+ break;
+ this._animationSprites[r] = l;
+ var h = this._animationSpritesInitLocalMatrix[r];
+ h || (h = this._animationSpritesInitLocalMatrix[r] = new Me),
+ l.transform.localMatrix.cloneTo(h),
+ e = this._owner
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._animtionPlay = function() {
+ this._templet.loaded ? this._init() : this._templet.once("loaded", this, this._init)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._animtionStop = function() {
+ if (this._lastFrameIndex = -1,
+ this._player.returnToZeroStopped) {
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._animationSprites.length; t++)
+ this._animationSprites[t].transform.localMatrix = this._animationSpritesInitLocalMatrix[t]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._effectAnimation = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = this._animationSprites.length; e < i; e++) {
+ for (var n = this._animationSprites[e], a = n.transform.localMatrix, r = a.elements, s = 0; s < 16; s++)
+ r[s] = this._curAnimationDatas[16 * e + s];
+ n.transform.localMatrix = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._load = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._load.call(this, e),
+ this._player.on("stopped", this, this._animtionStop),
+ this._player.on("played", this, this._animtionPlay)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {
+ if (2 === this._player.state && this._templet && this._templet.loaded) {
+ var e = this._player.playbackRate * i.timer.scale
+ , n = this._player.cachePlayRate
+ , a = this._player.isCache && e >= n
+ , r = a ? this.currentFrameIndex : -1;
+ if (-1 === r || this._lastFrameIndex !== r) {
+ var s = this.currentAnimationClipIndex
+ , o = this._templet.getNodes(s)
+ , l = this._templet._animationDatasCache;
+ if (a) {
+ var h = this._templet.getAnimationDataWithCache(n, l, s, r);
+ if (h)
+ return this._curAnimationDatas = h,
+ this._lastFrameIndex = r,
+ void this._effectAnimation(o)
+ }
+ var c = 16 * o.length;
+ a ? this._curAnimationDatas = new Float32Array(c) : (this._tempCurAnimationData || (this._tempCurAnimationData = new Float32Array(c)),
+ this._curAnimationDatas = this._tempCurAnimationData),
+ this._curOriginalData || (this._curOriginalData = new Float32Array(this._templet.getTotalkeyframesLength(s))),
+ a ? this._templet.getOriginalData(s, this._curOriginalData, this._player._fullFrames[s], r, this._player.currentFrameTime) : this._templet.getOriginalDataUnfixedRate(s, this._curOriginalData, this._player.currentPlayTime),
+ Ke._computeRootAnimationData(o, this._curOriginalData, this._curAnimationDatas),
+ a && this._templet.setAnimationDataWithCache(n, l, s, r, this._curAnimationDatas),
+ this._lastFrameIndex = r,
+ this._effectAnimation(o)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._unload = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._unload.call(this, e),
+ this._animationSprites = null,
+ this._animationSpritesInitLocalMatrix = null,
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "url", null, function(t) {
+ console.log("Warning: discard property,please use templet property instead.");
+ var e = i.loader.create(t, null, null, l);
+ this._templet !== e && (0 !== this._player.state && this._player.stop(!0),
+ this._templet = e,
+ this._player.templet = e,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._templet._animationDatasCache || (this._templet._animationDatasCache = []),
+ this.event("animationchanged", this))
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "templet", t.prototype._$get_templet, function(t) {
+ this._templet !== t && (0 !== this._player.state && this._player.stop(!0),
+ this._templet = t,
+ this._player.templet = t,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._templet._animationDatasCache || (this._templet._animationDatasCache = []),
+ this.event("animationchanged", this))
+ })
+ }(wi),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._tempCurBonesData = null,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._lastFrameIndex = -1,
+ this._curMeshAnimationData = null,
+ this._curBonesDatas = null,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._ownerMesh = null,
+ this._boneIndexToMeshList = null,
+ this._oldVersion = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._boneIndexToMeshList = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.animation.SkinAnimations", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnTemplet = function() {
+ this._templet.loaded ? this._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnMesh() : this._templet.once("loaded", this, this._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnMesh)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnMesh = function() {
+ "LAYAANIMATION:02" === this._templet._aniVersion ? this._oldVersion = !1 : this._oldVersion = !0;
+ var t = this._owner.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ t.loaded ? this._computeBoneIndexToMesh(t) : t.on("loaded", this, this._computeBoneIndexToMesh)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._computeBoneIndexToMesh = function(t) {
+ var e = t._boneNames;
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = e.length, n = this._templet._anis, a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++) {
+ var s = this._boneIndexToMeshList[a];
+ s || (s = this._boneIndexToMeshList[a] = []),
+ s.length = i;
+ for (var o = n[a], l = 0; l < i; l++)
+ s[l] = o.bone3DMap[e[l]]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getAnimationDatasWithCache = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ if (r) {
+ var s = r[t];
+ if (s) {
+ var o = s[e.id];
+ return o ? o[a] : null
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setAnimationDatasWithCache = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = i[n] || (i[n] = {})
+ , o = s[t] || (s[t] = {});
+ (o[e.id] || (o[e.id] = []))[a] = r
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onAnimationPlayMeshLoaded = function() {
+ for (var t = this._ownerMesh.meshRender._renderElements, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)
+ t[e]._canDynamicBatch = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onAnimationPlay = function() {
+ this._ownerMesh._render._addShaderDefine(vn.SHADERDEFINE_BONE);
+ var t = this._ownerMesh.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ t.loaded ? this._onAnimationPlayMeshLoaded() : t.once("loaded", this, this._onAnimationPlayMeshLoaded)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._onAnimationStop = function() {
+ this._lastFrameIndex = -1,
+ this._player.returnToZeroStopped && (this._curBonesDatas = null,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._ownerMesh._render._removeShaderDefine(vn.SHADERDEFINE_BONE));
+ for (var t = this._ownerMesh.meshRender._renderElements, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)
+ t[e]._canDynamicBatch = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._load = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._load.call(this, e),
+ this._ownerMesh = e,
+ this._player.on("played", this, this._onAnimationPlay),
+ this._player.on("stopped", this, this._onAnimationStop),
+ this._owner.meshFilter.on("meshchanged", this, this._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnTemplet)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._update = function(t) {
+ var n = this._ownerMesh.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ if (2 === this._player.state && this._templet && this._templet.loaded && n.loaded) {
+ var a = this._player.playbackRate * i.timer.scale
+ , r = this._player.cachePlayRate
+ , s = this._player.isCache && a >= r
+ , o = s ? this.currentFrameIndex : -1;
+ if (-1 === o || this._lastFrameIndex !== o) {
+ var l = this.currentAnimationClipIndex
+ , h = this._templet._animationDatasCache[0]
+ , c = this._templet._animationDatasCache[1];
+ if (s) {
+ var _ = this._getAnimationDatasWithCache(r, n, c, l, o);
+ if (_)
+ return this._curAnimationDatas = _,
+ this._curBonesDatas = this._templet.getAnimationDataWithCache(r, h, l, o),
+ void (this._lastFrameIndex = o)
+ }
+ var u = !1;
+ s && (this._curBonesDatas = this._templet.getAnimationDataWithCache(r, h, l, o),
+ u = !!this._curBonesDatas);
+ var d = this._templet.getNodes(l)
+ , f = 16 * d.length
+ , p = n.InverseAbsoluteBindPoses;
+ this._oldVersion ? this._curMeshAnimationData || (this._curMeshAnimationData = new Float32Array(f)) : this._curMeshAnimationData || (this._curMeshAnimationData = new Float32Array(16 * p.length));
+ var m, g, y = 0, v = 0, b = 0, w = n.getSubMeshCount();
+ if (s) {
+ for (this._curAnimationDatas = [],
+ this._curAnimationDatas.length = w,
+ y = 0; y < w; y++)
+ for (m = this._curAnimationDatas[y] = [],
+ b = (g = n.getSubMesh(y))._boneIndicesList.length,
+ m.length = b,
+ v = 0; v < b; v++)
+ m[v] = new Float32Array(16 * g._boneIndicesList[v].length);
+ u || (this._curBonesDatas = new Float32Array(f))
+ } else {
+ if (!this._tempCurAnimationData)
+ for (this._tempCurAnimationData = [],
+ this._tempCurAnimationData.length = w,
+ y = 0; y < w; y++)
+ for (m = this._tempCurAnimationData[y] = [],
+ b = (g = n.getSubMesh(y))._boneIndicesList.length,
+ m.length = b,
+ v = 0; v < b; v++)
+ m[v] = new Float32Array(16 * g._boneIndicesList[v].length);
+ this._tempCurBonesData || (this._tempCurBonesData = new Float32Array(f)),
+ this._curAnimationDatas = this._tempCurAnimationData,
+ this._curBonesDatas = this._tempCurBonesData
+ }
+ if (this._curOriginalData || (this._curOriginalData = new Float32Array(this._templet.getTotalkeyframesLength(l))),
+ s ? this._templet.getOriginalData(l, this._curOriginalData, this._player._fullFrames[l], o, this._player.currentFrameTime) : this._templet.getOriginalDataUnfixedRate(l, this._curOriginalData, this._player.currentPlayTime),
+ this._oldVersion)
+ s && u ? Ke._computeAnimationDatasByArrayAndMatrixFastOld(p, this._curBonesDatas, this._curMeshAnimationData) : Ke._computeBoneAndAnimationDatasByBindPoseMatrxixOld(d, this._curOriginalData, p, this._curBonesDatas, this._curMeshAnimationData);
+ else {
+ var x = this._boneIndexToMeshList[l];
+ s && u ? Ke._computeAnimationDatasByArrayAndMatrixFast(p, this._curBonesDatas, this._curMeshAnimationData, x) : Ke._computeBoneAndAnimationDatasByBindPoseMatrxix(d, this._curOriginalData, p, this._curBonesDatas, this._curMeshAnimationData, x)
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < w; y++) {
+ var I = n.getSubMesh(y)._boneIndicesList;
+ for (b = I.length,
+ m = this._curAnimationDatas[y],
+ v = 0; v < b; v++)
+ e._splitAnimationDatas(I[v], this._curMeshAnimationData, m[v])
+ }
+ s && (this._setAnimationDatasWithCache(r, n, c, l, o, this._curAnimationDatas),
+ u || this._templet.setAnimationDataWithCache(r, h, l, o, this._curBonesDatas)),
+ this._lastFrameIndex = o
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._preRenderUpdate = function(t) {
+ var e = t.renderElement.renderObj;
+ this._curAnimationDatas ? e._skinAnimationDatas = this._curAnimationDatas[e._indexInMesh] : e._skinAnimationDatas = null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._unload = function(e) {
+ 2 == this.player.state && this._ownerMesh._render._removeShaderDefine(vn.SHADERDEFINE_BONE),
+ this._templet && !this._templet.loaded && this._templet.off("loaded", this, this._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnMesh);
+ var i = this._ownerMesh.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ i.loaded || i.off("loaded", this, this._onAnimationPlayMeshLoaded),
+ t.prototype._unload.call(this, e),
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._tempCurBonesData = null,
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._curMeshAnimationData = null,
+ this._curBonesDatas = null,
+ this._curAnimationDatas = null,
+ this._ownerMesh = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "curBonesDatas", function() {
+ return this._curBonesDatas
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "templet", t.prototype._$get_templet, function(t) {
+ this._templet !== t && (0 !== this._player.state && this._player.stop(!0),
+ this._templet = t,
+ this._player.templet = t,
+ this._computeBoneIndexToMeshOnTemplet(),
+ this._curOriginalData = null,
+ this._curMeshAnimationData = null,
+ this._tempCurBonesData = null,
+ this._tempCurAnimationData = null,
+ this._templet._animationDatasCache || (this._templet._animationDatasCache = [[], []]),
+ this.event("animationchanged", this))
+ }),
+ e._splitAnimationDatas = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = t.length, r = 0; n < a; n++)
+ for (var s = 0; s < 16; s++,
+ r++)
+ i[r] = e[(t[n] << 4) + s]
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(wi))
+ , Qi = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._size = null,
+ this._transformOrientedBoundBox = null,
+ this.center = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._needUpdate = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.physics.BoxCollider", Ii);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._updateCollider = function() {
+ if (this._needUpdate) {
+ var t = this._transformOrientedBoundBox.transformation
+ , i = this._owner.transform
+ , n = i.rotation
+ , a = i.scale
+ , r = this.center.elements;
+ 0 === r[0] && 0 === r[1] && 0 === r[2] ? Me.createAffineTransformation(i.position, n, Be.ONE, t) : (Be.multiply(this.center, a, e._deviationV3),
+ Be.transformQuat(e._deviationV3, n, e._deviationV3),
+ Be.add(i.position, e._deviationV3, e._deviationV3),
+ Me.createAffineTransformation(e._deviationV3, n, Be.ONE, t)),
+ this._transformOrientedBoundBox.transformation = t;
+ var s = this._transformOrientedBoundBox.extents.elements
+ , o = this._size.elements
+ , l = a.elements;
+ s[0] = .5 * o[0] * l[0],
+ s[1] = .5 * o[1] * l[1],
+ s[2] = .5 * o[2] * l[2],
+ this._needUpdate = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldMatrixChanged = function() {
+ this._needUpdate = !0;
+ for (var t in this._runtimeCollisonMap)
+ this._runtimeCollisonTestMap[t] = !0,
+ this._runtimeCollisonMap[t]._runtimeCollisonTestMap[this.id] = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._initialize = function(t) {
+ laya.d3.component.Component3D.prototype._initialize.call(this, t),
+ this._transformOrientedBoundBox = new Le(new Be,new Me),
+ this._size = new Be,
+ this.center = new Be,
+ t.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChanged),
+ this._needUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getType = function() {
+ return 1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._collisonTo = function(t) {
+ switch (t._getType()) {
+ case 0:
+ return 0 !== this.boundBox.containsSphere(t.boundSphere);
+ case 1:
+ return 0 !== this.boundBox.containsOrientedBoundBox(t.boundBox);
+ case 2:
+ var e = t;
+ if (0 !== this.boundBox.containsBoundBox(e._boundBox)) {
+ for (var i = t.mesh._positions, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ if (1 === this.boundBox.containsPoint(i[n]))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !1;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("BoxCollider:unknown collider type.")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.size;
+ this.size.cloneTo(i),
+ e.size = i,
+ this.center.cloneTo(e.center)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.raycast = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1.79e308),
+ this._updateCollider();
+ var n = this._transformOrientedBoundBox.intersectsRay(t, e.position);
+ return -1 !== n && n <= i ? (e.distance = n,
+ e.sprite3D = this._owner,
+ !0) : (e.distance = -1,
+ e.sprite3D = null,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setFromBoundBox = function(t) {
+ Le.createByBoundBox(t, this._transformOrientedBoundBox);
+ var e = this._transformOrientedBoundBox.extents;
+ this._size = new Be(2 * e.x,2 * e.y,2 * e.z),
+ this.center = new Be,
+ Be.add(t.min, t.max, this.center),
+ Be.scale(this.center, .5, this.center),
+ this._needUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "boundBox", function() {
+ return this._updateCollider(),
+ this._transformOrientedBoundBox
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "size", function() {
+ return this._size
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._size = t,
+ this._needUpdate = !0
+ }),
+ n(e, ["_deviationV3", function() {
+ return this._deviationV3 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_obbCenterV3", function() {
+ return this._obbCenterV3 = new Be
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , $i = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._transformBoundingBox = null,
+ this._mesh = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._transformBoundingBox = new be(new Be,new Be),
+ this._needUpdate = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.physics.MeshCollider", Ii);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._updateBoundBoxCollider = function() {
+ if (this._needUpdate) {
+ for (var t = this._owner.transform.worldMatrix, i = this._mesh.boundingBoxCorners, n = 0; n < 8; n++)
+ Be.transformCoordinate(i[n], t, e._tempBoundBoxCorners[n]);
+ be.createfromPoints(e._tempBoundBoxCorners, this._transformBoundingBox),
+ this._needUpdate = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._raycastMesh = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1.79e308);
+ var r = i.transform.worldMatrix
+ , s = e._tempMatrix4x40;
+ r.invert(s);
+ var o = t.origin
+ , l = t.direction
+ , h = e._tempRay0;
+ Be.transformCoordinate(o, s, h.origin),
+ Be.TransformNormal(l, s, h.direction);
+ for (var c = Number.MAX_VALUE, _ = 0, u = this._mesh.getRenderElementsCount(); _ < u; _++) {
+ var d = this._mesh.getRenderElement(_)
+ , f = d._getVertexBuffer(0)
+ , p = f.getData()
+ , m = d._getIndexBuffer().getData()
+ , g = e._tempRaycastHit;
+ if (qe.rayIntersectsPositionsAndIndices(h, p, f.vertexDeclaration, m, g)) {
+ Be.transformCoordinate(g.position, r, g.position);
+ var y = e._tempVector30;
+ Be.subtract(o, g.position, y);
+ var v = Be.scalarLength(y);
+ if (v < a && v < c) {
+ g.distance = v,
+ g.sprite3D = i;
+ var b = g.trianglePositions;
+ Be.transformCoordinate(b[0], r, b[0]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(b[1], r, b[1]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(b[2], r, b[2]);
+ var w = g.triangleNormals;
+ return Be.transformCoordinate(w[0], r, w[0]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(w[1], r, w[1]),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(w[2], r, w[2]),
+ c = v,
+ g.cloneTo(n),
+ !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldMatrixChanged = function() {
+ this._needUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._initialize = function(t) {
+ laya.d3.component.Component3D.prototype._initialize.call(this, t),
+ t.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChanged),
+ this._needUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getType = function() {
+ return 2
+ }
+ ,
+ i._collisonTo = function(t) {
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = this.mesh._positions;
+ switch (t._getType()) {
+ case 0:
+ var a = t;
+ if (0 !== Ie.sphereContainsBox(a.boundSphere, this._boundBox)) {
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = n.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (1 === Ie.sphereContainsPoint(a.boundSphere, n[e]))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !1;
+ case 1:
+ var r = t;
+ if (0 !== r.boundBox.containsBoundBox(this._boundBox)) {
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = n.length; e < i; e++)
+ if (1 === r.boundBox.containsPoint(n[e]))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !1;
+ case 2:
+ var s = t;
+ return 1 !== Ie.intersectsBoxAndBox(s._boundBox, this._boundBox);
+ default:
+ throw new Error("MeshCollider:unknown collider type.")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._cloneTo = function(t) {
+ t.mesh = this._mesh
+ }
+ ,
+ i.raycast = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = 1.79e308),
+ null == this._mesh || !this._mesh.loaded)
+ return !1;
+ var n = Ie.intersectsRayAndBoxRD(t, this._boundBox);
+ return !!(-1 !== n && n <= i && this._raycastMesh(t, this._owner, e, i)) || (e.distance = -1,
+ e.sprite3D = null,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "_boundBox", function() {
+ return this._updateBoundBoxCollider(),
+ this._transformBoundingBox
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "mesh", function() {
+ return this._mesh
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._mesh = t
+ }),
+ n(e, ["_tempRay0", function() {
+ return this._tempRay0 = new Ne(new Be,new Be)
+ }
+ , "_tempVector30", function() {
+ return this._tempVector30 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x40", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x40 = new Me
+ }
+ , "_tempRaycastHit", function() {
+ return this._tempRaycastHit = new Ye
+ }
+ , "_tempBoundBoxCorners", function() {
+ return this._tempBoundBoxCorners = [new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be, new Be]
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , tn = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._originalBoundSphere = null,
+ this._transformBoundSphere = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._needUpdate = !1
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.component.physics.SphereCollider", Ii);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._updateCollider = function() {
+ if (this._needUpdate) {
+ var t = NaN
+ , e = this._owner.transform
+ , i = e.scale;
+ t = i.x >= i.y && i.x >= i.z ? i.x : i.y >= i.z ? i.y : i.z,
+ Be.transformCoordinate(this._originalBoundSphere.center, e.worldMatrix, this._transformBoundSphere.center),
+ this._transformBoundSphere.radius = this._originalBoundSphere.radius * t,
+ this._needUpdate = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldMatrixChanged = function() {
+ this._needUpdate = !0;
+ for (var t in this._runtimeCollisonMap)
+ this._runtimeCollisonTestMap[t] = !0,
+ this._runtimeCollisonMap[t]._runtimeCollisonTestMap[this.id] = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._initialize = function(t) {
+ laya.d3.component.Component3D.prototype._initialize.call(this, t),
+ this._originalBoundSphere = new xe(new Be(0,0,0),.5),
+ this._transformBoundSphere = new xe(new Be(0,0,0),.5),
+ t.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChanged),
+ this._needUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getType = function() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._collisonTo = function(t) {
+ switch (t._getType()) {
+ case 0:
+ return 0 !== Ie.sphereContainsSphere(this.boundSphere, t.boundSphere);
+ case 1:
+ return 0 !== t.boundBox.containsSphere(this.boundSphere);
+ case 2:
+ var e = t;
+ if (0 !== Ie.sphereContainsBox(this.boundSphere, e._boundBox)) {
+ for (var i = e.mesh._positions, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ if (1 === Ie.sphereContainsPoint(this.boundSphere, i[n]))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !1;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("SphereCollider:unknown collider type.")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e.radius = this.radius;
+ var i = e.center;
+ this.center.cloneTo(i),
+ e.center = i
+ }
+ ,
+ i.raycast = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1.79e308),
+ this._updateCollider();
+ var n = this._transformBoundSphere.intersectsRayPoint(t, e.position);
+ return -1 !== n && n <= i ? (e.distance = n,
+ e.sprite3D = this._owner,
+ !0) : (e.distance = -1,
+ e.sprite3D = null,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "center", function() {
+ return this._originalBoundSphere.center
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._originalBoundSphere.center = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "radius", function() {
+ return this._originalBoundSphere.radius
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._originalBoundSphere.radius = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundSphere", function() {
+ return this._updateCollider(),
+ this._transformBoundSphere
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , en = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this.simLodInfo = null,
+ this._src = null,
+ this._buffer = null,
+ this._mipmaps = null,
+ this._recreateLock = !1,
+ this._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._type = 3553
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.DataTexture2D", gi);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s.genDebugMipmaps = function() {
+ var t = [];
+ return t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(131072).fill(4278190335).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(32768).fill(4278223103).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(8192).fill(4278255615).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(2048).fill(4278255360).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(512).fill(4286595072).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(128).fill(4294901760).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(32).fill(4294901888).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(8).fill(0).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(2).fill(4286611584).buffer)),
+ t.push(new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(1).fill(4294967295).buffer)),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onTextureLoaded = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ s._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ if (!this._buffer && !this._mipmaps)
+ throw "create GLTextur err:no data";
+ var t = B.mainContext;
+ t.getExtension("EXT_shader_texture_lod");
+ var i = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , n = this._width
+ , a = this._height
+ , r = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , s = k.curBindTexValue;
+ if (k.bindTexture(t, this._type, i),
+ this._mipmaps) {
+ if (laya.d3.resource.DataTexture2D.lodasatlas) {
+ var o = 0;
+ t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, 6408, this._width, this._height, 0, 6408, 5121, null);
+ for (var l = 0; l < this._mipmaps.length; l++) {
+ if (this._mipmaps[l].byteLength != c * _ * 4)
+ throw "mipmap size error level:" + l;
+ t.texSubImage2D(this._type, 0, e.simLodRect[o++], e.simLodRect[o++], e.simLodRect[o++], e.simLodRect[o++], 6408, 5121, new Uint8Array(this._mipmaps[l]))
+ }
+ this.minFifter = 9729,
+ this.magFifter = 9729
+ } else {
+ var c = this._width
+ , _ = this._height;
+ for (o = 0,
+ t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, 6408, this._width, this._height, 0, 6408, 5121, null),
+ l = 0; l < this._mipmaps.length; l++) {
+ if (this._mipmaps[l].byteLength != c * _ * 4)
+ throw "mipmap size error level:" + l;
+ t.texImage2D(this._type, l, 6408, c, _, 0, 6408, 5121, new Uint8Array(this._mipmaps[l])),
+ _ /= 2,
+ (c /= 2) < 1 && (c = 1),
+ _ < 1 && (_ = 1),
+ this.minFifter = 9987,
+ this.magFifter = 9729
+ }
+ }
+ this.mipmap = !1
+ } else
+ t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, 6408, n, a, 0, 6408, 5121, new Uint8Array(this._buffer));
+ var u = this._minFifter
+ , d = this._magFifter
+ , f = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , p = h.isPOT(n, a);
+ if (!p)
+ throw "data texture must be POT";
+ this._mipmap || this._mipmaps ? -1 !== u || (u = 9987) : -1 !== u || (u = 9729),
+ -1 !== d || (d = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, u),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, d),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, f),
+ this._mipmaps ? t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071) : t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, f),
+ this._mipmap && t.generateMipmap(this._type),
+ r && s && k.bindTexture(t, r, s),
+ this.src && this.src.length > 0 && (this._buffer = null),
+ this.memorySize = p ? n * a * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : n * a * 4,
+ this._recreateLock = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ s.recreateResource = function() {
+ if (this._buffer || null != this._src && "" !== this._src)
+ if (this._needReleaseAgain = !1,
+ this._buffer || this._mipmaps) {
+ if (this._recreateLock)
+ return;
+ this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ } else {
+ this._recreateLock = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n;
+ i && (n = i[0].call(this, e)),
+ n && (this._width = n.width,
+ this._height = n.height,
+ this._buffer = n.data),
+ this._src = t,
+ this._size = new Je(this._width,this._height),
+ this._conchTexture ? alert("怎么给runtime传递datatexture数据") : this.activeResource(),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getPixels = function() {
+ return new Uint8Array(this._buffer)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._recreateLock && (this._needReleaseAgain = !0),
+ this._source && (B.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this._buffer = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "src", function() {
+ return this._src
+ }),
+ e.create = function(t, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ if (void 0 === a && (a = 9729),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 9729),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !0),
+ !t || t.byteLength < i * n * 4)
+ throw "DataTexture2D create error";
+ var o = new e;
+ return o._buffer = t,
+ o._width = i,
+ o._height = n,
+ o._mipmap = s,
+ o._magFifter = a,
+ o._minFifter = r,
+ o._size = new Je(o._width,o._height),
+ o._conchTexture ? alert("怎么给runtime传递datatexture数据") : o.activeResource(),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t, n, a, r, s) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 0),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 9729),
+ void 0 === s && (s = 9729);
+ if ("mipmaps" === A.getFileExtension(t)) {
+ var o = i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, [function(t) {
+ this._mipmaps = [];
+ var e = new Uint32Array(t);
+ this._width = e[0];
+ var i = 512;
+ if (laya.d3.resource.DataTexture2D.lodasatlas && (this._width *= 2,
+ i = 1024),
+ this._width != i)
+ throw console.error("现在只支持512x256的环境贴图。当前的是" + e[0]),
+ "现在只支持512x256的环境贴图。当前的是" + e[0];
+ this._height = e[1];
+ for (var n = laya.d3.resource.DataTexture2D.lodasatlas ? this._width / 2 : this._width, a = this._height, r = 8; ; ) {
+ var s = n * a * 4;
+ if (r + s > t.byteLength)
+ throw "load mipmaps data size error ";
+ var o = new Uint8Array(t,r,s);
+ if (this._mipmaps.push(o),
+ r += s,
+ 1 == n && 1 == a)
+ break;
+ a /= 2,
+ (n /= 2) < 1 && (n = 1),
+ a < 1 && (a = 1)
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ]);
+ if (laya.d3.resource.DataTexture2D.lodasatlas) {
+ o.simLodInfo = new Float32Array(40);
+ for (var l = 0; l < o.simLodInfo.length; )
+ o.simLodInfo[l] = (e.simLodRect[l] + .5) / 1024,
+ l++,
+ o.simLodInfo[l] = (e.simLodRect[l] + .5) / 256,
+ l++,
+ o.simLodInfo[l] = Math.max(e.simLodRect[l] - 1, .1) / 1024,
+ l++,
+ o.simLodInfo[l] = Math.max(e.simLodRect[l] - 1.5, .1) / 256,
+ l++
+ }
+ return o
+ }
+ if ("number" == typeof n)
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, [function(t) {
+ return this._width = n,
+ this._height = a,
+ this._buffer = t,
+ null
+ }
+ ]);
+ if ("function" == typeof n)
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, [n]);
+ throw new Error("unknown params.")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.lodasatlas = !1,
+ n(e, ["simLodRect", function() {
+ return this.simLodRect = new Uint32Array([0, 0, 512, 256, 512, 0, 256, 128, 768, 0, 128, 64, 896, 0, 64, 32, 960, 0, 32, 16, 992, 0, 16, 8, 1008, 0, 8, 4, 1016, 0, 4, 2, 1020, 0, 2, 1, 1022, 0, 1, 1])
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , nn = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._numberVertices = 0,
+ this._numberIndices = 0,
+ this._vertexBuffer = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ e.__super.call(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.PrimitiveMesh", yi);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return i.imps(n, {
+ "laya.d3.core.render.IRenderable": !0
+ }),
+ n._getVertexBuffer = function(t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ 0 === t ? this._vertexBuffer : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getVertexBuffers = function() {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getIndexBuffer = function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer
+ }
+ ,
+ n._getPositions = function() {
+ var t, e = [], i = this._vertexBuffer.vertexDeclaration.getVertexElements(), n = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var a = i[n];
+ if ("vector3" === a.elementFormat && 0 === a.elementUsage) {
+ t = a;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ var r = this._vertexBuffer.getData();
+ for (n = 0; n < r.length; n += this._vertexBuffer.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4) {
+ var s = n + t.offset / 4
+ , o = new Be(r[s + 0],r[s + 1],r[s + 2]);
+ e.push(o)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRenderElement = function(t) {
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRenderElementsCount = function() {
+ return 1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._vertexBuffer && (this._vertexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._vertexBuffer = null),
+ this._indexBuffer && (this._indexBuffer.destroy(),
+ this._indexBuffer = null),
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._beforeRender = function(t) {
+ return this._vertexBuffer._bind(),
+ this._indexBuffer._bind(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n._render = function(t) {
+ B.mainContext.drawElements(4, this._numberIndices, 5123, 0),
+ E.drawCall++,
+ E.trianglesFaces += this._numberIndices / 3
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "_vertexBufferCount", function() {
+ return 1
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "triangleCount", function() {
+ return this._indexBuffer.indexCount / 3
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , an = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._materials = null,
+ this._subMeshes = null,
+ this._vertexBuffers = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._boneNames = null,
+ this._inverseBindPoses = null,
+ this._skinnedDatas = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._subMeshes = [],
+ this._materials = [],
+ this._vertexBuffers = []
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.Mesh", yi);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._getPositions = function() {
+ var t, e, i, n, a, r = [], s = 0, o = 0, l = 0;
+ if (0 !== this._vertexBuffers.length) {
+ var h = this._vertexBuffers.length;
+ for (s = 0; s < h; s++) {
+ for (i = (t = this._vertexBuffers[s]).vertexDeclaration.getVertexElements(),
+ o = 0; o < i.length; o++)
+ if ("vector3" === (n = i[o]).elementFormat && 0 === n.elementUsage) {
+ e = n;
+ break
+ }
+ for (a = t.getData(),
+ o = 0; o < a.length; o += t.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4)
+ l = o + e.offset / 4,
+ r.push(new Be(a[l + 0],a[l + 1],a[l + 2]))
+ }
+ } else {
+ var c = this._subMeshes.length;
+ for (s = 0; s < c; s++) {
+ for (i = (t = this._subMeshes[s]._getVertexBuffer()).vertexDeclaration.getVertexElements(),
+ o = 0; o < i.length; o++)
+ if ("vector3" === (n = i[o]).elementFormat && 0 === n.elementUsage) {
+ e = n;
+ break
+ }
+ for (a = t.getData(),
+ o = 0; o < a.length; o += t.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4)
+ l = o + e.offset / 4,
+ r.push(new Be(a[l + 0],a[l + 1],a[l + 2]))
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ n._setSubMeshes = function(t) {
+ this._subMeshes = t,
+ this._subMeshCount = t.length;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._subMeshCount; e++)
+ t[e]._indexInMesh = e;
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = e[0]
+ , a = e[1];
+ ve.read(n, this, this._materials, this._subMeshes, a),
+ this.completeCreate(),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getSubMesh = function(t) {
+ return this._subMeshes[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getSubMeshCount = function() {
+ return this._subMeshes.length
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRenderElementsCount = function() {
+ return this._subMeshes.length
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRenderElement = function(t) {
+ return this._subMeshes[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._subMeshes.length; t++)
+ this._subMeshes[t].dispose();
+ this._materials = null,
+ this._subMeshes = null,
+ this._vertexBuffers = null,
+ this._indexBuffer = null,
+ this._boneNames = null,
+ this._inverseBindPoses = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "materials", function() {
+ return this._materials.slice()
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "InverseAbsoluteBindPoses", function() {
+ return this._inverseBindPoses
+ }),
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , rn = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h) {
+ this._alreadyResolved = !1,
+ this._surfaceFormat = 0,
+ this._surfaceType = 0,
+ this._depthStencilFormat = 0,
+ this._frameBuffer = null,
+ this._depthStencilBuffer = null,
+ void 0 === n && (n = 6408),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 5121),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 33189),
+ void 0 === s && (s = !1),
+ void 0 === o && (o = !1),
+ void 0 === l && (l = -1),
+ void 0 === h && (h = -1),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._type = 3553,
+ this._width = t,
+ this._height = i,
+ this._size = new Je(t,i),
+ this._surfaceFormat = n,
+ this._surfaceType = a,
+ this._depthStencilFormat = r,
+ this._mipmap = s,
+ this._repeat = o,
+ this._minFifter = l,
+ this._magFifter = h,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._alreadyResolved = !0
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.RenderTexture", gi);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.recreateResource = function() {
+ var t = B.mainContext;
+ this._frameBuffer = t.createFramebuffer(),
+ this._source = t.createTexture();
+ var e = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , i = k.curBindTexValue;
+ k.bindTexture(t, this._type, this._source),
+ t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, 6408, this._width, this._height, 0, this._surfaceFormat, this._surfaceType, null);
+ var n = this._minFifter
+ , a = this._magFifter
+ , r = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071;
+ if (h.isPOT(this._width, this._height) ? (this._mipmap ? -1 !== n || (n = 9987) : -1 !== n || (n = 9729),
+ -1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, n),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, a),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, r),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, r),
+ this._mipmap && t.generateMipmap(this._type)) : (-1 !== n || (n = 9729),
+ -1 !== a || (a = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, n),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, a),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071)),
+ t.bindFramebuffer(36160, this._frameBuffer),
+ t.framebufferTexture2D(36160, 36064, 3553, this._source, 0),
+ this._depthStencilFormat)
+ switch (this._depthStencilBuffer = t.createRenderbuffer(),
+ t.bindRenderbuffer(36161, this._depthStencilBuffer),
+ t.renderbufferStorage(36161, this._depthStencilFormat, this._width, this._height),
+ this._depthStencilFormat) {
+ case 33189:
+ t.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, 36096, 36161, this._depthStencilBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 36168:
+ t.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, 36128, 36161, this._depthStencilBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 34041:
+ t.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, 33306, 36161, this._depthStencilBuffer)
+ }
+ t.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ e && i && k.bindTexture(t, e, i),
+ t.bindRenderbuffer(36161, null),
+ this.memorySize = this._width * this._height * 4,
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.start = function() {
+ B.mainContext.bindFramebuffer(36160, this.frameBuffer),
+ e._currentRenderTarget = this,
+ this._alreadyResolved = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.end = function() {
+ B.mainContext.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ e._currentRenderTarget = null,
+ this._alreadyResolved = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getData = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = B.mainContext;
+ a.bindFramebuffer(36160, this._frameBuffer);
+ if (!(36053 === a.checkFramebufferStatus(36160)))
+ return a.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ null;
+ var r = new Uint8Array(this._width * this._height * 4);
+ return a.readPixels(t, e, i, n, this._surfaceFormat, this._surfaceType, r),
+ a.bindFramebuffer(36160, null),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ if (this._frameBuffer) {
+ var t = B.mainContext;
+ t.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ t.deleteFramebuffer(this._frameBuffer),
+ t.deleteRenderbuffer(this._depthStencilBuffer),
+ this._source = null,
+ this._frameBuffer = null,
+ this._depthStencilBuffer = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "surfaceFormat", function() {
+ return this._surfaceFormat
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "surfaceType", function() {
+ return this._surfaceType
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "depthStencilFormat", function() {
+ return this._depthStencilFormat
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "source", function() {
+ return this._alreadyResolved ? i.superGet(gi, this, "source") : null
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "depthStencilBuffer", function() {
+ return this._depthStencilBuffer
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "frameBuffer", function() {
+ return this._frameBuffer
+ }),
+ e._currentRenderTarget = null,
+ e
+ }()
+ , sn = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._color = null,
+ this._pixels = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._type = 3553,
+ this._width = 1,
+ this._height = 1,
+ this._size = new Je(this.width,this.height),
+ this._color = t,
+ this._pixels = new Uint8Array([255 * t.x, 255 * t.y, 255 * t.z, 255 * t.w])
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.SolidColorTexture2D", gi);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ var t = B.mainContext
+ , e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = this._width
+ , n = this._height
+ , a = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , r = k.curBindTexValue;
+ k.bindTexture(t, this._type, e),
+ t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels);
+ var s = this._minFifter
+ , o = this._magFifter
+ , l = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , c = h.isPOT(i, n);
+ c ? (this._mipmap ? -1 !== s || (s = 9987) : -1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, l),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, l),
+ this._mipmap && t.generateMipmap(this._type)) : (-1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071)),
+ a && r && k.bindTexture(t, a, r),
+ this.memorySize = c ? i * n * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : i * n * 4
+ }
+ ,
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._source && (B.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["magentaTexture", function() {
+ return this.magentaTexture = new e(new ke(1,0,1,1))
+ }
+ , "grayTexture", function() {
+ return this.grayTexture = new e(new ke(.5,.5,.5,1))
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , on = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._color = null,
+ this._pixels = null,
+ this._texCount = 6,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._type = 34067,
+ this._width = 1,
+ this._height = 1,
+ this._size = new Je(this.width,this.height),
+ this._color = t,
+ this._pixels = new Uint8Array([255 * t.x, 255 * t.y, 255 * t.z, 255 * t.w])
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.SolidColorTextureCube", gi);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ var t = B.mainContext
+ , e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = this._width
+ , n = this._height
+ , a = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , r = k.curBindTexValue;
+ k.bindTexture(t, this._type, e),
+ t.texImage2D(34069, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels),
+ t.texImage2D(34070, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels),
+ t.texImage2D(34071, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels),
+ t.texImage2D(34072, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels),
+ t.texImage2D(34073, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels),
+ t.texImage2D(34074, 0, 6408, i, n, 0, 6408, 5121, this._pixels);
+ var s = this.minFifter
+ , o = this.magFifter
+ , l = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , c = h.isPOT(i, n);
+ c ? (this.mipmap ? -1 !== s || (s = 9987) : -1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, l),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, l),
+ this.mipmap && t.generateMipmap(this._type)) : (-1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071)),
+ a && r && k.bindTexture(t, a, r),
+ this.memorySize = c ? i * n * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) * this._texCount : i * n * 4 * this._texCount
+ }
+ ,
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._source && (B.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["magentaTexture", function() {
+ return this.magentaTexture = new e(new ke(1,0,1,1))
+ }
+ , "grayTexture", function() {
+ return this.grayTexture = new e(new ke(.5,.5,.5,1))
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }()
+ , ln = function(e) {
+ function n(t, e, i, a) {
+ this._canRead = !1,
+ this._image = null,
+ this._pixels = null,
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 6408),
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ n.__super.call(this),
+ this._type = 3553,
+ this._repeat = e,
+ this._canRead = t,
+ this._format = i,
+ this._mipmap = a
+ }
+ a(n, "laya.d3.resource.Texture2D", gi);
+ var s = n.prototype;
+ return s._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ if (!this._image)
+ throw "create GLTextur err:no data:" + this._image;
+ var t = B.mainContext
+ , e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = this._width
+ , n = this._height
+ , a = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , r = k.curBindTexValue;
+ switch (k.bindTexture(t, this._type, e),
+ this._format) {
+ case 6407:
+ case 6408:
+ this._canRead ? t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, this._format, i, n, 0, this._format, 5121, this._pixels) : t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, this._format, this._format, 5121, this._image);
+ break;
+ case B.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL:
+ t.compressedTexImage2D(this._type, 0, this._format, this._width, this._height, 0, this._image)
+ }
+ var s = this._minFifter
+ , o = this._magFifter
+ , l = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , c = 0 == this._wrapModeU ? 10497 : 33071
+ , _ = 0 == this._wrapModeV ? 10497 : 33071
+ , u = h.isPOT(i, n);
+ u ? (this._mipmap ? -1 !== s || (s = 9987) : -1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, l),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, l),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, c),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, _),
+ this._mipmap && t.generateMipmap(this._type)) : (-1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071)),
+ a && r && k.bindTexture(t, a, r),
+ this._image.onload = null,
+ this._image = null,
+ this.memorySize = u ? i * n * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : i * n * 4
+ }
+ ,
+ s.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (n) {
+ var a = n[0];
+ void 0 !== a && (this._canRead = a);
+ var r = n[1];
+ void 0 !== r && (this._repeat = r);
+ var s = n[2];
+ void 0 !== s && (this._format = s);
+ var o = n[3];
+ void 0 !== o && (this._mipmap = o);
+ var l = n.wrapModeU;
+ void 0 !== l && (this._wrapModeU = l);
+ var h = n.wrapModeV;
+ void 0 !== h && (this._wrapModeV = h)
+ }
+ switch (this._format) {
+ case 6407:
+ case 6408:
+ this._image = i;
+ var c = i.width
+ , _ = i.height;
+ this._width = c,
+ this._height = _,
+ this._size = new Je(c,_),
+ this._canRead && (I.isConchApp ? i instanceof t.HTMLElement && (this._pixels = new Uint8Array(i.getImageData(0, 0, c, _))) : (u.canvas.size(c, _),
+ u.canvas.clear(),
+ u.context.drawImage(i, 0, 0, c, _),
+ this._pixels = new Uint8Array(u.context.getImageData(0, 0, c, _).data.buffer)));
+ break;
+ case B.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL:
+ var d = new f(i);
+ d.readUTFBytes(4),
+ d.readUTFBytes(2),
+ d.getInt16();
+ d.endian = "bigEndian",
+ this._width = d.getInt16(),
+ this._height = d.getInt16(),
+ this._size = new Je(this._width,this._height);
+ d.getInt16(),
+ d.getInt16();
+ this._image = new Uint8Array(i,d.pos)
+ }
+ this.recreateResource(),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.getPixels = function() {
+ if (this._canRead)
+ return this._pixels;
+ throw new Error("Texture2D: must set texture canRead is true.")
+ }
+ ,
+ s.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._source && (B.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this._image = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "_src", function() {
+ return this.url
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "src", function() {
+ return this.url
+ }),
+ n.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }()
+ , hn = (function(e) {
+ function n(t, e, i, a) {
+ n.__super.call(this, t, e, i, a)
+ }
+ a(n, "laya.d3.resource.Texture2D_caps", ln);
+ var s = n.prototype;
+ s._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ if (!this._image)
+ throw "create GLTextur err:no data:" + this._image;
+ var t = B.mainContext
+ , e = this._source = t.createTexture()
+ , i = this._width
+ , n = this._height
+ , a = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , r = k.curBindTexValue;
+ switch (k.bindTexture(t, this._type, e),
+ this._format) {
+ case 6407:
+ case 6408:
+ this._canRead ? t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, this._format, i, n, 0, this._format, 5121, this._pixels) : t.texImage2D(this._type, 0, this._format, this._format, 5121, this._image);
+ break;
+ case B.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL:
+ t.compressedTexImage2D(this._type, 0, this._format, this._width, this._height, 0, this._image)
+ }
+ var s = this._minFifter
+ , o = this._magFifter
+ , l = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , c = 0 == this._wrapModeU ? 10497 : 33071
+ , _ = 0 == this._wrapModeV ? 10497 : 33071
+ , u = h.isPOT(i, n);
+ u ? (this._mipmap ? -1 !== s || (s = 9987) : -1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, l),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, l),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, c),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, _),
+ this._mipmap && t.generateMipmap(this._type)) : (-1 !== s || (s = 9729),
+ -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, s),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, o),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ t.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071)),
+ a && r && k.bindTexture(t, a, r),
+ this._image.onload = null,
+ this.memorySize = u ? i * n * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) : i * n * 4
+ }
+ ,
+ s.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._source || (this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate())
+ }
+ ,
+ s.clearTexture = function() {
+ this._source && (B.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAsynLoaded = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (n) {
+ var a = n[0];
+ void 0 !== a && (this._canRead = a);
+ var r = n[1];
+ void 0 !== r && (this._repeat = r);
+ var s = n[2];
+ void 0 !== s && (this._format = s);
+ var o = n[3];
+ void 0 !== o && (this._mipmap = o);
+ var l = n.wrapModeU;
+ void 0 !== l && (this._wrapModeU = l);
+ var h = n.wrapModeV;
+ void 0 !== h && (this._wrapModeV = h)
+ }
+ switch (this._format) {
+ case 6407:
+ case 6408:
+ this._image = i;
+ var c = i.width
+ , _ = i.height;
+ this._width = c,
+ this._height = _,
+ this._size = new Je(c,_),
+ this._canRead && (I.isConchApp ? i instanceof t.HTMLElement && (this._pixels = new Uint8Array(i.getImageData(0, 0, c, _))) : (u.canvas.size(c, _),
+ u.canvas.clear(),
+ u.context.drawImage(i, 0, 0, c, _),
+ this._pixels = new Uint8Array(u.context.getImageData(0, 0, c, _).data.buffer)));
+ break;
+ case B.compressEtc1.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL:
+ var d = new f(i);
+ d.readUTFBytes(4),
+ d.readUTFBytes(2),
+ d.getInt16();
+ d.endian = "bigEndian",
+ this._width = d.getInt16(),
+ this._height = d.getInt16(),
+ this._size = new Je(this._width,this._height);
+ d.getInt16(),
+ d.getInt16();
+ this._image = new Uint8Array(i,d.pos)
+ }
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "_src", function() {
+ return this.url
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "src", function() {
+ return this.url
+ }),
+ n.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, n)
+ }
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._type = 34067
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.TextureCube", gi);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._onTextureLoaded = function(t) {
+ this._images = t;
+ for (var e = 2147483647, i = 2147483647, n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
+ var a = t[n];
+ e = Math.min(e, a.width),
+ i = Math.min(i, a.height)
+ }
+ this._width = e,
+ this._height = i,
+ this._size = new Je(e,i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._createWebGlTexture = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ for (t = 0; t < 6; t++)
+ if (!this._images[t])
+ throw "create GLTextur err:no data:" + this._images[t];
+ var e = B.mainContext
+ , i = this._source = e.createTexture()
+ , n = this._width
+ , a = this._height
+ , r = k.curBindTexTarget
+ , s = k.curBindTexValue;
+ k.bindTexture(e, this._type, i),
+ e.texImage2D(34069, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._images[0]),
+ e.texImage2D(34070, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._images[1]),
+ e.texImage2D(34071, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._images[2]),
+ e.texImage2D(34072, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._images[3]),
+ e.texImage2D(34073, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._images[4]),
+ e.texImage2D(34074, 0, 6408, 6408, 5121, this._images[5]);
+ var o = this.minFifter
+ , l = this.magFifter
+ , c = this._repeat ? 10497 : 33071
+ , _ = h.isPOT(n, a);
+ for (_ ? (this.mipmap ? -1 !== o || (o = 9987) : -1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ -1 !== l || (l = 9729),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, o),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, l),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, c),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, c),
+ this.mipmap && e.generateMipmap(this._type)) : (-1 !== o || (o = 9729),
+ -1 !== l || (l = 9729),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10241, o),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10240, l),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10242, 33071),
+ e.texParameteri(this._type, 10243, 33071)),
+ r && s && k.bindTexture(e, r, s),
+ t = 0; t < 6; t++)
+ this._images[t].onload = null,
+ this._images[t] = null;
+ this.memorySize = _ ? n * a * 4 * (1 + 1 / 3) * 6 : n * a * 4 * 6
+ }
+ ,
+ n.recreateResource = function() {
+ null != this._url && (this._createWebGlTexture(),
+ this.completeCreate())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onAsynLoaded = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._onTextureLoaded(e),
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._endLoaded()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disposeResource = function() {
+ this._source && (B.mainContext.deleteTexture(this._source),
+ this._source = null,
+ this.memorySize = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "defaulteTexture", function() {
+ return on.grayTexture
+ }),
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }())
+ , cn = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._hasIndependentBound = !0,
+ e.__super.call(this, t),
+ this._owner.transform.off("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatNeedChange),
+ this._cacheAnimationNodeIndex = [],
+ this._cacheAnimationNode = [],
+ this._localBoundingBoxCorners = s(8, null),
+ this._owner.meshFilter.on("meshchanged", this, this._$3__onMeshChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.SkinnedMeshRender", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._getCacheAnimationNodes = function() {
+ var t = this._cacheMesh._boneNames
+ , e = t.length;
+ this._cacheAnimationNode.length = e,
+ this._cacheAnimationNodeIndex.length = e;
+ for (var i = this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodes, n = this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodeMap, a = 0; a < e; a++) {
+ var r = n[t[a]];
+ this._cacheAnimationNode[a] = r,
+ this._cacheAnimationNodeIndex[a] = i.indexOf(r)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._offComputeBoneIndexToMeshEvent = function(t, e) {
+ t.loaded ? e.loaded || e.off("loaded", this, this._getCacheAnimationNodes) : t.off("loaded", this, this._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncMesh)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncAvatar = function() {
+ this._cacheAvatar.loaded ? this._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncMesh() : this._cacheAvatar.once("loaded", this, this._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncMesh)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncMesh = function() {
+ this._cacheMesh.loaded ? this._getCacheAnimationNodes() : this._cacheMesh.on("loaded", this, this._getCacheAnimationNodes)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._$3__onMeshChanged = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._cacheMesh = i,
+ e && !e.loaded && i.off("loaded", this, this._onMeshLoaded),
+ i.loaded ? this._onMeshLoaded(i) : i.on("loaded", this, this._onMeshLoaded),
+ this._cacheAvatar && (e && this._offComputeBoneIndexToMeshEvent(this._cacheAvatar, e),
+ i && this._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncAvatar())
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onMeshLoaded = function(t) {
+ var e = t.subMeshCount;
+ this._subSkinnedDatas = [],
+ this._subSkinnedDatas.length = e;
+ for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)
+ for (var n = this._subSkinnedDatas[i] = [], a = t.getSubMesh(i)._boneIndicesList, r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++)
+ n[r] = new Float32Array(16 * a[r].length)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setCacheAnimator = function(t) {
+ this._cacheAnimator = t,
+ this._rootBone && (this._rootIndex = t._avatarNodes.indexOf(t._avatarNodeMap[this._rootBone]))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setRootBone = function(t) {
+ this._rootBone = t,
+ this._cacheAnimator && (this._rootIndex = this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodes.indexOf(this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodeMap[t]))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setCacheAvatar = function(t) {
+ this._cacheAvatar !== t && (this._cacheMesh ? (this._cacheAvatar && this._offComputeBoneIndexToMeshEvent(this._cacheAvatar, this._cacheMesh),
+ this._cacheAvatar = t,
+ t && (this._addShaderDefine(vn.SHADERDEFINE_BONE),
+ this._computeBoneIndexToMeshWithAsyncAvatar())) : this._cacheAvatar = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingBox = function() {
+ if (this._hasIndependentBound) {
+ if (this._cacheAnimator) {
+ var e = this._owner.transform
+ , i = e.worldMatrix;
+ if (this._cacheAnimator._canCache) {
+ var n = this._cacheAnimator._curAvatarNodeDatas;
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM(this._cacheAnimator.owner.transform.worldMatrix, n[this._rootIndex], i)
+ } else
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM(this._cacheAnimator.owner.transform.worldMatrix, this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodeMap[this._rootBone].transform.getWorldMatrix(), i);
+ e.worldMatrix = i;
+ null == this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodeMap[this._rootBone] || null == this._localBoundBox ? this._boundingBox.toDefault() : this._calculateBoundBoxByInitCorners(this._localBoundingBoxCorners)
+ }
+ } else
+ t.prototype._calculateBoundingBox.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateBoundingSphere = function() {
+ if (this._hasIndependentBound) {
+ if (this._cacheAnimator) {
+ var e = this._owner.transform
+ , i = e.worldMatrix;
+ if (this._cacheAnimator._canCache) {
+ var n = this._cacheAnimator._curAvatarNodeDatas;
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM(this._cacheAnimator.owner.transform.worldMatrix, n[this._rootIndex], i)
+ } else
+ Ke.matrix4x4MultiplyMFM(this._cacheAnimator.owner.transform.worldMatrix, this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodeMap[this._rootBone].transform.getWorldMatrix(), i);
+ e.worldMatrix = i;
+ null == this._cacheAnimator._avatarNodeMap[this._rootBone] || null == this.localBoundSphere ? this._boundingSphere.toDefault() : this._calculateBoundingSphereByInitSphere(this.localBoundSphere)
+ }
+ } else
+ t.prototype._calculateBoundingSphere.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._updateOctreeNode = function() {
+ var t = this._treeNode;
+ t && t.updateObject(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderUpdate = function(t) {
+ var i, n = this._cacheAnimator, a = this._cacheMesh.subMeshCount, r = this._owner.transform;
+ if (n) {
+ var s = n._canCache
+ , o = this._cacheAnimator._curAvatarNodeDatas
+ , l = n.owner;
+ if (this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(0, l._transform.worldMatrix),
+ i = l.getProjectionViewWorldMatrix(t),
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(1, i),
+ this._cacheMesh && this._cacheMesh.loaded && this._cacheAvatar && this._cacheAvatar.loaded) {
+ var h = 0
+ , c = 0
+ , _ = this._cacheMesh._inverseBindPoses
+ , u = this._cacheMesh._skinnedDatas;
+ if (s)
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = _.length; h < c; h++)
+ Ke._mulMatrixArray(o[this._cacheAnimationNodeIndex[h]], _[h], u, 16 * h);
+ else
+ for (h = 0,
+ c = _.length; h < c; h++)
+ Ke._mulMatrixArray(this._cacheAnimationNode[h].transform.getWorldMatrix(), _[h], u, 16 * h);
+ for (h = 0; h < a; h++) {
+ for (var d = this._cacheMesh.getSubMesh(h)._boneIndicesList, f = d.length, p = this._subSkinnedDatas[h], m = 0; m < f; m++)
+ e._splitAnimationDatas(d[m], u, p[m]);
+ this._renderElements[h]._skinAnimationDatas = p
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(0, r.worldMatrix),
+ i = this._owner.getProjectionViewWorldMatrix(t),
+ this._setShaderValueMatrix4x4(1, i);
+ return Ze.debugMode && this._renderRenderableBoundBox(),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "localBoundBox", function() {
+ return this._localBoundBox
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._localBoundBox = t,
+ t.getCorners(this._localBoundingBoxCorners)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundingSphere", function() {
+ return this._calculateBoundingSphere(),
+ this._boundingSphere
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundingBox", function() {
+ return this._calculateBoundingBox(),
+ this._boundingBox
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "boundingBoxCenter", function() {
+ var t = this.boundingBox;
+ return Be.add(t.min, t.max, this._boundingBoxCenter),
+ Be.scale(this._boundingBoxCenter, .5, this._boundingBoxCenter),
+ this._boundingBoxCenter
+ }),
+ e._splitAnimationDatas = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0, a = t.length, r = 0; n < a; n++)
+ for (var s = t[n] << 4, o = 0; o < 16; o++,
+ r++)
+ i[r] = e[s + o]
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(Li)
+ , _n = function(t) {
+ function e(t, n) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ void 0 === t && (t = .3),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1e3),
+ this._tempVector3 = new Be,
+ this._position = new Be,
+ this._up = new Be,
+ this._forward = new Be,
+ this._right = new Be,
+ this._fieldOfView = 60,
+ this._useUserProjectionMatrix = !1,
+ this._orthographic = !1,
+ this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace = !0,
+ this._renderTargetSize = Je.fullScreen,
+ this._orthographicVerticalSize = 10,
+ this.renderingOrder = 0,
+ this._nearPlane = t,
+ this._farPlane = n,
+ this.cullingMask = 2147483647,
+ this.clearFlag = 0,
+ this.useOcclusionCulling = !0,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix(),
+ i.stage.on("resize", this, this._onScreenSizeChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.BaseCamera", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s._sortCamerasByRenderingOrder = function() {
+ if (this._displayedInStage)
+ for (var t = this.scene._cameraPool, e = t.length - 1, i = 0; i < e; i++)
+ if (t[i].renderingOrder > t[e].renderingOrder) {
+ var n = t[i];
+ t[i] = t[e],
+ t[e] = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._calculateProjectionMatrix = function() {}
+ ,
+ s._onScreenSizeChanged = function() {
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }
+ ,
+ s._prepareCameraToRender = function() {
+ z._currentCameraCullingMask = this.cullingMask;
+ var t = this._shaderValues;
+ t.setValue(0, this.transform.position.elements),
+ t.setValue(5, this.forward.elements),
+ t.setValue(6, this.up.elements)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._prepareCameraViewProject = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._shaderValues;
+ i.setValue(1, t.elements),
+ i.setValue(2, e.elements)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._renderCamera = function(t, e, i) {}
+ ,
+ s.addLayer = function(t) {
+ 29 !== t.number && 30 != t.number && (this.cullingMask = this.cullingMask | t.mask)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.removeLayer = function(t) {
+ 29 !== t.number && 30 != t.number && (this.cullingMask = this.cullingMask & ~t.mask)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.addAllLayers = function() {
+ this.cullingMask = 2147483647
+ }
+ ,
+ s.removeAllLayers = function() {
+ this.cullingMask = 0 | z.getLayerByNumber(29).mask | z.getLayerByNumber(30).mask
+ }
+ ,
+ s.ResetProjectionMatrix = function() {
+ this._useUserProjectionMatrix = !1,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.moveForward = function(t) {
+ this._tempVector3.elements[0] = this._tempVector3.elements[1] = 0,
+ this._tempVector3.elements[2] = t,
+ this.transform.translate(this._tempVector3)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.moveRight = function(t) {
+ this._tempVector3.elements[1] = this._tempVector3.elements[2] = 0,
+ this._tempVector3.elements[0] = t,
+ this.transform.translate(this._tempVector3)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.moveVertical = function(t) {
+ this._tempVector3.elements[0] = this._tempVector3.elements[2] = 0,
+ this._tempVector3.elements[1] = t,
+ this.transform.translate(this._tempVector3, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ var t = this.scene._cameraPool
+ , e = t.length;
+ if (e > 0) {
+ for (var i = e - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (this.renderingOrder <= t[i].renderingOrder) {
+ t.splice(i + 1, 0, this);
+ break
+ }
+ } else
+ t.push(this),
+ this.scene.conchModel && this.scene.conchModel.setCurrentCamera(this.conchModel)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ var t = this.scene._cameraPool;
+ t.splice(t.indexOf(this), 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this._sky && this._sky.destroy(),
+ this.renderTarget = null,
+ i.stage.off("resize", this, this._onScreenSizeChanged),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "sky", function() {
+ return this._sky
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._sky = t,
+ t._ownerCamera = this
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "forward", function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements
+ , e = this._forward.elements;
+ return e[0] = -t[8],
+ e[1] = -t[9],
+ e[2] = -t[10],
+ this._forward
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "position", function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements
+ , e = this._position.elements;
+ return e[0] = t[12],
+ e[1] = t[13],
+ e[2] = t[14],
+ this._position
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "renderTarget", function() {
+ return this._renderTarget
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._renderTarget = t,
+ null != t && (this._renderTargetSize = t.size)
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "up", function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements
+ , e = this._up.elements;
+ return e[0] = t[4],
+ e[1] = t[5],
+ e[2] = t[6],
+ this._up
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "right", function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements
+ , e = this._right.elements;
+ return e[0] = t[0],
+ e[1] = t[1],
+ e[2] = t[2],
+ this._right
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "renderTargetSize", function() {
+ return this._renderTargetSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ null != this.renderTarget && this._renderTargetSize,
+ this._renderTargetSize = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "fieldOfView", function() {
+ return this._fieldOfView
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._fieldOfView = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "nearPlane", function() {
+ return this._nearPlane
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._nearPlane = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "farPlane", function() {
+ return this._farPlane
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._farPlane = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "orthographic", function() {
+ return this._orthographic
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._orthographic = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "orthographicVerticalSize", function() {
+ return this._orthographicVerticalSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._orthographicVerticalSize = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "renderingOrder", function() {
+ return this._renderingOrder
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._renderingOrder = t,
+ this._sortCamerasByRenderingOrder()
+ }),
+ e.CAMERAPOS = 0,
+ e.VPMATRIX = 3,
+ e.CAMERAUP = 6,
+ n(e, ["_invertYScaleMatrix", function() {
+ return this._invertYScaleMatrix = new Me(1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
+ }
+ , "_invertYProjectionMatrix", function() {
+ return this._invertYProjectionMatrix = new Me
+ }
+ , "_invertYProjectionViewMatrix", function() {
+ return this._invertYProjectionViewMatrix = new Me
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(Pi)
+ , un = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._render = null,
+ this._geometryFilter = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.RenderableSprite3D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._addToInitStaticBatchManager = function() {}
+ ,
+ i._setBelongScene = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._setBelongScene.call(this, e),
+ e._renderableSprite3Ds.push(this),
+ this._render._applyLightMapParams()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._setUnBelongScene = function() {
+ var e = this._scene._renderableSprite3Ds
+ , i = e.indexOf(this);
+ e.splice(i, 1),
+ this._render._removeShaderDefine(laya.d3.core.RenderableSprite3D.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP),
+ t.prototype._setUnBelongScene.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function(t) {
+ t.owner = this,
+ this._activeInHierarchy && (this._updateComponents(t),
+ this._render._updateOctreeNode(),
+ this._lateUpdateComponents(t),
+ E.spriteCount++,
+ this._childs.length && this._updateChilds(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._render._destroy(),
+ this._render = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SAHDERDEFINE_LIGHTMAP = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("LIGHTMAP")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.LIGHTMAP = 3,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(Pi)
+ , dn = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._intensityColor = null,
+ this._intensity = NaN,
+ this._shadow = !1,
+ this._shadowFarPlane = 0,
+ this._shadowMapSize = 0,
+ this._shadowMapCount = 0,
+ this._shadowMapPCFType = 0,
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap = null,
+ this._lightmapBakedType = 0,
+ this.color = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._intensity = 1,
+ this._intensityColor = new Be,
+ this.color = new Be(1,1,1),
+ this._shadow = !1,
+ this._shadowFarPlane = 8,
+ this._shadowMapSize = 512,
+ this._shadowMapCount = 1,
+ this._shadowMapPCFType = 0,
+ this._lightmapBakedType = e.LIGHTMAPBAKEDTYPE_REALTIME
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.light.LightSprite", Pi);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = i.color
+ , r = this.color.elements;
+ r[0] = a[0],
+ r[1] = a[1],
+ r[2] = a[2]
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.lightmapBakedType !== e.LIGHTMAPBAKEDTYPE_BAKED && this._scene._addLight(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.lightmapBakedType !== e.LIGHTMAPBAKEDTYPE_BAKED && this._scene._removeLight(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._prepareToScene = function(t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "lightmapBakedType", function() {
+ return this._lightmapBakedType
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._lightmapBakedType !== t && (this._lightmapBakedType = t,
+ this._activeInHierarchy && (t !== e.LIGHTMAPBAKEDTYPE_BAKED ? this._scene._addLight(this) : this._scene._removeLight(this)))
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "shadowPCFType", function() {
+ return this._shadowMapPCFType
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shadowMapPCFType = t,
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap && this._parallelSplitShadowMap.setPCFType(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "intensity", function() {
+ return this._intensity
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._intensity = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "shadow", function() {
+ return this._shadow
+ }, function(t) {
+ throw new Error("LightSprite: must override it.")
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "shadowDistance", function() {
+ return this._shadowFarPlane
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shadowFarPlane = t,
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap && this._parallelSplitShadowMap.setFarDistance(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "shadowPSSMCount", function() {
+ return this._shadowMapCount
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shadowMapCount = t,
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap && (this._parallelSplitShadowMap.PSSMNum = t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "shadowResolution", function() {
+ return this._shadowMapSize
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._shadowMapSize = t,
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap && this._parallelSplitShadowMap.setShadowMapTextureSize(t)
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "diffuseColor", function() {
+ return console.log("LightSprite: discard property,please use color property instead."),
+ this.color
+ }, function(t) {
+ console.log("LightSprite: discard property,please use color property instead."),
+ this.color = t
+ }),
+ e
+ }()
+ , fn = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._terrainRes = null,
+ this._lightmapScaleOffset = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._lightmapScaleOffset = new ke(1,1,0,0),
+ t && (this._terrainRes = t,
+ t.loaded ? this.buildTerrain(t) : t.once("loaded", this, this.buildTerrain))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.terrain.Terrain", Pi);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.terrainRes = v.getRes(e[i.dataPath]);
+ var a = i.lightmapIndex;
+ null != a && this.setLightmapIndex(a);
+ var r = i.lightmapScaleOffset;
+ r && this.setLightmapScaleOffset(new ke(r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setLightmapIndex = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._childs.length; e++) {
+ this._childs[e].terrainRender.lightmapIndex = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setLightmapScaleOffset = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ t.cloneTo(this._lightmapScaleOffset);
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._childs.length; e++) {
+ this._childs[e].terrainRender.lightmapScaleOffset = this._lightmapScaleOffset
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.disableLight = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = this._childs.length; t < e; t++)
+ for (var i = this._childs[t], n = 0, a = i._render.sharedMaterials.length; n < a; n++) {
+ i._render.sharedMaterials[n].disableLight()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.buildTerrain = function(t) {
+ for (var e = t._chunkNumX, i = t._chunkNumZ, n = t._heightData, a = 0, r = 0; r < i; r++)
+ for (var s = 0; s < e; s++) {
+ for (var o = new wn(s,r,t._gridSize,n._terrainHeightData,n._width,n._height,t._cameraCoordinateInverse), l = t._chunkInfos[a++], h = 0; h < l.alphaMap.length; h++) {
+ var c = l.detailID[h].length
+ , _ = c > 0 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][0]].diffuseTexture : null
+ , u = c > 1 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][1]].diffuseTexture : null
+ , d = c > 2 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][2]].diffuseTexture : null
+ , f = c > 3 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][3]].diffuseTexture : null
+ , p = c > 0 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][0]].scale : null
+ , m = c > 1 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][1]].scale : null
+ , g = c > 2 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][2]].scale : null
+ , y = c > 3 ? t._detailTextureInfos[l.detailID[h][3]].scale : null;
+ o.buildRenderElementAndMaterial(c, l.normalMap, l.alphaMap[h], _, u, d, f, t._materialInfo.ambientColor, t._materialInfo.diffuseColor, t._materialInfo.specularColor, p ? p.x : 1, p ? p.y : 1, m ? m.x : 1, m ? m.y : 1, g ? g.x : 1, g ? g.y : 1, y ? y.x : 1, y ? y.y : 1)
+ }
+ o.terrainRender.receiveShadow = !0,
+ o.terrainRender.lightmapScaleOffset = this._lightmapScaleOffset,
+ this.addChild(o)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.width = function() {
+ return this._terrainRes._chunkNumX * Ge.CHUNK_GRID_NUM * this._terrainRes._gridSize
+ }
+ ,
+ n.depth = function() {
+ return this._terrainRes._chunkNumZ * Ge.CHUNK_GRID_NUM * this._terrainRes._gridSize
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getHeightXZ = function(t, i) {
+ if (!this._terrainRes || !this._terrainRes.loaded)
+ return NaN;
+ if (t -= this.transform.position.x,
+ i -= this.transform.position.z,
+ e.__VECTOR3__ || (e.__VECTOR3__ = new Be),
+ e.__VECTOR3__.elements[0] = t,
+ e.__VECTOR3__.elements[1] = 0,
+ e.__VECTOR3__.elements[2] = i,
+ Be.transformV3ToV3(e.__VECTOR3__, Ge.__ADAPT_MATRIX_INV__, e.__VECTOR3__),
+ t = e.__VECTOR3__.elements[0],
+ i = e.__VECTOR3__.elements[2],
+ t < 0 || t > this.width() || i < 0 || i > this.depth())
+ return NaN;
+ var n = this._terrainRes._gridSize
+ , a = parseInt("" + t / n)
+ , r = parseInt("" + i / n)
+ , s = t - a * n
+ , o = i - r * n
+ , l = NaN
+ , h = NaN
+ , c = NaN
+ , _ = NaN
+ , u = NaN
+ , d = this._terrainRes._heightData;
+ return s + o > n ? (l = d._terrainHeightData[(r + 1 - 1) * d._width + a + 1],
+ h = d._terrainHeightData[(r + 1 - 1) * d._width + a],
+ c = d._terrainHeightData[(r - 1) * d._width + a + 1],
+ _ = (n - s) / n,
+ u = (n - o) / n,
+ l + (h - l) * _ + (c - l) * u) : (l = d._terrainHeightData[Math.max(0, r - 1) * d._width + a],
+ h = d._terrainHeightData[Math.min(d._width * d._height - 1, (r + 1 - 1) * d._width + a)],
+ c = d._terrainHeightData[Math.min(d._width * d._height - 1, Math.max(0, r - 1) * d._width + a + 1)],
+ _ = s / n,
+ u = o / n,
+ l + (h - l) * u + (c - l) * _)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "terrainRes", null, function(t) {
+ t && (this._terrainRes = t,
+ t.loaded ? this.buildTerrain(t) : t.once("loaded", this, this.buildTerrain))
+ }),
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, null, 1, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.__VECTOR3__ = null,
+ e
+ }()
+ , pn = (function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ this._long = NaN,
+ this._width = NaN,
+ this._height = NaN,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._long = t,
+ this._width = i,
+ this._height = n,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.BoxMesh", nn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = 24,
+ this._numberIndices = 36;
+ var t = Zt.vertexDeclaration
+ , e = (t.vertexStride,
+ this._long / 2)
+ , i = this._height / 2
+ , n = this._width / 2
+ , a = new Float32Array([-e, i, -n, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, e, i, -n, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, e, i, n, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, -e, i, n, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, -e, -i, -n, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, e, -i, -n, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, e, -i, n, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -e, -i, n, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -e, i, -n, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -e, i, n, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -e, -i, n, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, -e, -i, -n, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, e, i, -n, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, e, i, n, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, -i, n, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, e, -i, -n, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, -e, i, n, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, e, i, n, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, e, -i, n, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, -e, -i, n, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -e, i, -n, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, e, i, -n, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, e, -i, -n, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -e, -i, -n, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1])
+ , r = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8, 12, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 16, 20, 23, 22, 22, 21, 20]);
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(t,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(a),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(r),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "long", function() {
+ return this._long
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._long !== t && (this._long = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "width", function() {
+ return this._width
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._width !== t && (this._width = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", function() {
+ return this._height
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._height !== t && (this._height = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ this._radius = NaN,
+ this._height = NaN,
+ this._slices = 0,
+ this._stacks = 0,
+ void 0 === t && (t = .5),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 2),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 16),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 32),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._radius = t,
+ this._height = i < 2 * t ? 2 * t : i,
+ this._stacks = n,
+ this._slices = a,
+ this.recreateResource(),
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.CapsuleMesh", nn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = (this._stacks + 1) * (this.slices + 1) * 2 + 2 * (this._slices + 1),
+ this._numberIndices = 3 * this._stacks * (this._slices + 1) * 2 * 2 + 2 * this._slices * 3;
+ var t = Zt.vertexDeclaration
+ , e = t.vertexStride / 4
+ , i = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * e)
+ , n = new Uint16Array(this._numberIndices)
+ , a = Math.PI / 2 / this._stacks
+ , r = 2 * Math.PI / this._slices
+ , s = this._height / 2 - this._radius
+ , o = 0
+ , l = 0
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0
+ , _ = 0
+ , u = 0
+ , d = 0
+ , f = 0;
+ for (d = 0; d <= this._stacks; d++)
+ for (f = 0; f <= this._slices; f++)
+ o = this._radius * Math.cos(d * a) * Math.cos(f * r + Math.PI),
+ l = this._radius * Math.sin(d * a),
+ h = this._radius * Math.cos(d * a) * Math.sin(f * r + Math.PI),
+ i[c++] = o,
+ i[c++] = l + s,
+ i[c++] = h,
+ i[c++] = o,
+ i[c++] = l,
+ i[c++] = h,
+ i[c++] = 1 - f / this._slices,
+ i[c++] = (1 - d / this._stacks) * (Math.PI * this._radius / 2 / (this._height + Math.PI * this._radius)),
+ d < this._stacks && (n[_++] = d * (this._slices + 1) + f + (this._slices + 1),
+ n[_++] = d * (this._slices + 1) + f,
+ n[_++] = d * (this._slices + 1) + f + 1,
+ n[_++] = d * (this._slices + 1) + f + this._slices,
+ n[_++] = d * (this._slices + 1) + f,
+ n[_++] = d * (this._slices + 1) + f + (this._slices + 1));
+ for (u += (this._stacks + 1) * (this._slices + 1),
+ d = 0; d <= this._stacks; d++)
+ for (f = 0; f <= this._slices; f++)
+ o = this._radius * Math.cos(d * a) * Math.cos(f * r + Math.PI),
+ l = this._radius * Math.sin(-d * a),
+ h = this._radius * Math.cos(d * a) * Math.sin(f * r + Math.PI),
+ i[c++] = o,
+ i[c++] = l - s,
+ i[c++] = h,
+ i[c++] = o,
+ i[c++] = l,
+ i[c++] = h,
+ i[c++] = 1 - f / this._slices,
+ i[c++] = (d / this._stacks * (Math.PI * this._radius / 2) + (this._height + Math.PI * this._radius / 2)) / (this._height + Math.PI * this._radius),
+ d < this._stacks && (n[_++] = u + d * (this._slices + 1) + f,
+ n[_++] = u + d * (this._slices + 1) + f + (this._slices + 1),
+ n[_++] = u + d * (this._slices + 1) + f + 1,
+ n[_++] = u + d * (this._slices + 1) + f,
+ n[_++] = u + d * (this._slices + 1) + f + this._slices,
+ n[_++] = u + d * (this._slices + 1) + f + (this._slices + 1));
+ for (u += (this._stacks + 1) * (this._slices + 1),
+ f = 0; f <= this._slices; f++)
+ o = this._radius * Math.cos(f * r + Math.PI),
+ l = s,
+ h = this._radius * Math.sin(f * r + Math.PI),
+ i[c++] = o,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = o,
+ i[c++] = l,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = -l,
+ i[c++] = h,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = h,
+ i[c++] = o,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = o,
+ i[c++] = 0,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = 0,
+ i[c++] = h,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = h,
+ i[c++] = 1 - 1 * f / this._slices,
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = 1 - 1 * f / this._slices,
+ i[c++] = Math.PI * this._radius / 2 / (this._height + Math.PI * this._radius),
+ i[c + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = (Math.PI * this._radius / 2 + this._height) / (this._height + Math.PI * this._radius);
+ for (f = 0; f < this._slices; f++)
+ n[_++] = f + u + (this._slices + 1),
+ n[_++] = f + u + 1,
+ n[_++] = f + u,
+ n[_++] = f + u + (this._slices + 1),
+ n[_++] = f + u + (this._slices + 1) + 1,
+ n[_++] = f + u + 1;
+ u += 2 * (this._slices + 1),
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(t,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(i),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "radius", function() {
+ return this._radius
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._radius !== t && (this._radius = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", function() {
+ return this._height
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._height !== t && (this._height = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "stacks", function() {
+ return this._stacks
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._stacks !== t && (this._stacks = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "slices", function() {
+ return this._slices
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._slices !== t && (this._slices = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ this._radius = NaN,
+ this._height = NaN,
+ this._slices = 0,
+ void 0 === t && (t = .5),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 2),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 32),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._radius = t,
+ this._height = i,
+ this._slices = n,
+ this.recreateResource(),
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.CylinderMesh", nn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = this._slices + 1 + 1 + 2 * (this._slices + 1) + (this._slices + 1 + 1),
+ this._numberIndices = 3 * this._slices + 6 * this._slices + 3 * this._slices;
+ for (var t = Zt.vertexDeclaration, e = t.vertexStride / 4, i = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * e), n = new Uint16Array(this._numberIndices), a = 2 * Math.PI / this._slices, r = this._height / 2, s = 0, o = 0, l = 0, h = 0, c = 0, _ = 0, u = 0, d = 0; d <= this._slices; d++)
+ 0 === d && (i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = r,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = 1,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = .5,
+ i[_++] = .5),
+ s = d * a,
+ l = Math.cos(s) * this._radius,
+ h = r,
+ c = Math.sin(s) * this._radius,
+ i[_++] = l,
+ i[_++] = h,
+ i[_++] = c,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = 1,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = .5 + .5 * Math.cos(s),
+ i[_++] = .5 + .5 * Math.sin(s);
+ for (var f = 0; f < this._slices; f++)
+ n[u++] = 0,
+ n[u++] = f + 1,
+ n[u++] = f + 2;
+ o += this._slices + 1 + 1;
+ for (var p = 0; p <= this._slices; p++)
+ s = p * a,
+ l = Math.cos(s + Math.PI) * this._radius,
+ h = r,
+ c = Math.sin(s + Math.PI) * this._radius,
+ i[_++] = l,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = l,
+ i[_++] = h,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = -h,
+ i[_++] = c,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = c,
+ i[_++] = l,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = l,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = 0,
+ i[_++] = c,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = c,
+ i[_++] = 1 - 1 * p / this._slices,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = 1 - 1 * p / this._slices,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_ + 8 * (this._slices + 1) - 1] = 1;
+ _ += 8 * (this._slices + 1);
+ for (var m = 0; m < this._slices; m++)
+ n[u++] = m + o + (this._slices + 1),
+ n[u++] = m + o + 1,
+ n[u++] = m + o,
+ n[u++] = m + o + (this._slices + 1),
+ n[u++] = m + o + (this._slices + 1) + 1,
+ n[u++] = m + o + 1;
+ o += 2 * (this._slices + 1);
+ for (var g = 0; g <= this._slices; g++)
+ 0 === g && (i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = -r,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = -1,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = .5,
+ i[_++] = .5),
+ s = g * a,
+ l = Math.cos(s + Math.PI) * this._radius,
+ h = -r,
+ c = Math.sin(s + Math.PI) * this._radius,
+ i[_++] = l,
+ i[_++] = h,
+ i[_++] = c,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = -1,
+ i[_++] = 0,
+ i[_++] = .5 + .5 * Math.cos(s),
+ i[_++] = .5 + .5 * Math.sin(s);
+ for (var y = 0; y < this._slices; y++)
+ n[u++] = 0 + o,
+ n[u++] = y + 2 + o,
+ n[u++] = y + 1 + o;
+ o += this._slices + 1 + 1,
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(t,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(i),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "radius", function() {
+ return this._radius
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._radius !== t && (this._radius = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "height", function() {
+ return this._height
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._height !== t && (this._height = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "slices", function() {
+ return this._slices
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._slices !== t && (this._slices = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a) {
+ this._long = NaN,
+ this._width = NaN,
+ this._stacks = 0,
+ this._slices = 0,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 10),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 10),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 10),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 10),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._long = t,
+ this._width = i,
+ this._stacks = n,
+ this._slices = a,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.PlaneMesh", nn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = (this._stacks + 1) * (this._slices + 1),
+ this._numberIndices = this._stacks * this._slices * 2 * 3;
+ for (var t = new Uint16Array(this._numberIndices), e = Zt.vertexDeclaration, i = e.vertexStride / 4, n = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * i), a = this._long / 2, r = this._width / 2, s = this._long / this._stacks, o = this._width / this._slices, l = 0, h = 0; h <= this._slices; h++)
+ for (var c = 0; c <= this._stacks; c++)
+ n[l++] = c * s - a,
+ n[l++] = 0,
+ n[l++] = h * o - r,
+ n[l++] = 0,
+ n[l++] = 1,
+ n[l++] = 0,
+ n[l++] = 1 * c / this._stacks,
+ n[l++] = 1 * h / this._slices;
+ var _ = 0;
+ for (h = 0; h < this._slices; h++)
+ for (c = 0; c < this._stacks; c++)
+ t[_++] = (h + 1) * (this._stacks + 1) + c,
+ t[_++] = h * (this._stacks + 1) + c,
+ t[_++] = (h + 1) * (this._stacks + 1) + c + 1,
+ t[_++] = h * (this._stacks + 1) + c,
+ t[_++] = h * (this._stacks + 1) + c + 1,
+ t[_++] = (h + 1) * (this._stacks + 1) + c + 1;
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(e,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(t),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "long", function() {
+ return this._long
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._long !== t && (this._long = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "width", function() {
+ return this._width
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._width !== t && (this._width = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "stacks", function() {
+ return this._stacks
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._stacks !== t && (this._stacks = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "slices", function() {
+ return this._slices
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._slices !== t && (this._slices = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._long = NaN,
+ this._width = NaN,
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._long = t,
+ this._width = i,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.QuadMesh", nn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = 4,
+ this._numberIndices = 6;
+ var t = Zt.vertexDeclaration
+ , e = (t.vertexStride,
+ this._long / 2)
+ , i = this._width / 2
+ , n = new Float32Array([-e, i, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, e, i, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -e, -i, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, e, -i, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
+ , a = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1]);
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(t,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(a),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "long", function() {
+ return this._long
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._long !== t && (this._long = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "width", function() {
+ return this._width
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._width !== t && (this._width = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ this._radius = NaN,
+ this._slices = 0,
+ this._stacks = 0,
+ void 0 === t && (t = .5),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 32),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 32),
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._radius = t,
+ this._stacks = i,
+ this._slices = n,
+ this.activeResource(),
+ this._positions = this._getPositions(),
+ this._generateBoundingObject()
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.resource.models.SphereMesh", nn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i.recreateResource = function() {
+ this._numberVertices = (this._stacks + 1) * (this._slices + 1),
+ this._numberIndices = 3 * this._stacks * (this._slices + 1) * 2;
+ for (var t = new Uint16Array(this._numberIndices), e = Zt.vertexDeclaration, i = e.vertexStride / 4, n = new Float32Array(this._numberVertices * i), a = Math.PI / this._stacks, r = 2 * Math.PI / this._slices, s = 0, o = 0, l = 0, h = 0; h < this._stacks + 1; h++)
+ for (var c = Math.sin(h * a), _ = Math.cos(h * a), u = 0; u < this._slices + 1; u++) {
+ var d = c * Math.sin(u * r + 1 * Math.PI / 2)
+ , f = c * Math.cos(u * r + 1 * Math.PI / 2);
+ n[o + 0] = d * this._radius,
+ n[o + 1] = _ * this._radius,
+ n[o + 2] = f * this._radius,
+ n[o + 3] = d,
+ n[o + 4] = _,
+ n[o + 5] = f,
+ n[o + 6] = u / this._slices,
+ n[o + 7] = h / this._stacks,
+ o += i,
+ h != this._stacks - 1 && (t[l++] = s + (this._slices + 1),
+ t[l++] = s,
+ t[l++] = s + 1,
+ t[l++] = s + this._slices,
+ t[l++] = s,
+ t[l++] = s + (this._slices + 1),
+ s++)
+ }
+ this._vertexBuffer = new Yi(e,this._numberVertices,35044,!0),
+ this._indexBuffer = new qi("ushort",this._numberIndices,35044,!0),
+ this._vertexBuffer.setData(n),
+ this._indexBuffer.setData(t),
+ this.memorySize = 2 * (this._vertexBuffer._byteLength + this._indexBuffer._byteLength),
+ this.completeCreate()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "radius", function() {
+ return this._radius
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._radius !== t && (this._radius = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "slices", function() {
+ return this._slices
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._slices !== t && (this._slices = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "stacks", function() {
+ return this._stacks
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._stacks !== t && (this._stacks = t,
+ this.releaseResource(),
+ this.activeResource())
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = .3),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 1e3),
+ this._viewMatrix = new Me,
+ this._projectionMatrix = new Me,
+ this._projectionViewMatrix = new Me,
+ this._viewport = new Re(0,0,0,0),
+ this._normalizedViewport = new Re(0,0,1,1),
+ this._aspectRatio = t,
+ this._boundFrustumUpdate = !0,
+ this._boundFrustum = new we(Me.DEFAULT),
+ e.__super.call(this, i, n),
+ this.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.Camera", _n);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s._onWorldMatrixChanged = function() {
+ this._boundFrustumUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = i.clearColor;
+ this.clearColor = new ke(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
+ var r = i.viewport;
+ this.normalizedViewport = new Re(r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3])
+ }
+ ,
+ s._calculateProjectionMatrix = function() {
+ if (!this._useUserProjectionMatrix)
+ if (this._orthographic) {
+ var t = this.orthographicVerticalSize * this.aspectRatio * .5
+ , e = .5 * this.orthographicVerticalSize;
+ Me.createOrthoOffCenterRH(-t, t, -e, e, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._projectionMatrix)
+ } else
+ Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * this.fieldOfView / 180, this.aspectRatio, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._projectionMatrix);
+ this._boundFrustumUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s._update = function(t) {
+ this.conchModel && (this.conchModel.setViewMatrix(this.viewMatrix.elements),
+ this.conchModel.setProjectMatrix(this.projectionMatrix.elements)),
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype._update.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._renderCamera = function(t, e, i) {
+ i.parallelSplitShadowMaps[0] && i._renderShadowMap(t, e, this),
+ e.camera = this,
+ this._prepareCameraToRender(),
+ i._preRenderUpdateComponents(e);
+ var n, a;
+ n = e._viewMatrix = this.viewMatrix;
+ var r = this._renderTarget;
+ r ? (r.start(),
+ Me.multiply(_n._invertYScaleMatrix, this._projectionMatrix, _n._invertYProjectionMatrix),
+ Me.multiply(_n._invertYScaleMatrix, this.projectionViewMatrix, _n._invertYProjectionViewMatrix),
+ a = e._projectionMatrix = _n._invertYProjectionMatrix,
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = _n._invertYProjectionViewMatrix) : (a = e._projectionMatrix = this._projectionMatrix,
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = this.projectionViewMatrix),
+ this._prepareCameraViewProject(n, a),
+ e._viewport = this.viewport,
+ i._preRenderScene(t, e, this.boundFrustum),
+ i._clear(t, e),
+ i._renderScene(t, e),
+ i._postRenderUpdateComponents(e),
+ r && r.end()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.viewportPointToRay = function(t, e) {
+ qe.calculateCursorRay(t, this.viewport, this._projectionMatrix, this.viewMatrix, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.normalizedViewportPointToRay = function(t, i) {
+ var n = e._tempVector20
+ , a = this.viewport
+ , r = t.elements
+ , s = n.elements;
+ s[0] = r[0] * a.width,
+ s[1] = r[1] * a.height,
+ qe.calculateCursorRay(n, this.viewport, this._projectionMatrix, this.viewMatrix, null, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.worldToViewportPoint = function(t, e) {
+ Me.multiply(this._projectionMatrix, this._viewMatrix, this._projectionViewMatrix),
+ this.viewport.project(t, this._projectionViewMatrix, e);
+ var n = e.elements;
+ n[0] = n[0] / i.stage.clientScaleX,
+ n[1] = n[1] / i.stage.clientScaleY
+ }
+ ,
+ s.worldToNormalizedViewportPoint = function(t, e) {
+ Me.multiply(this._projectionMatrix, this._viewMatrix, this._projectionViewMatrix),
+ this.normalizedViewport.project(t, this._projectionViewMatrix, e);
+ var n = e.elements;
+ n[0] = n[0] / i.stage.clientScaleX,
+ n[1] = n[1] / i.stage.clientScaleY
+ }
+ ,
+ s.convertScreenCoordToOrthographicCoord = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._orthographic) {
+ var i = ut.clientWidth
+ , n = ut.clientHeight
+ , a = this.orthographicVerticalSize * this.aspectRatio / i
+ , r = this.orthographicVerticalSize / n
+ , s = t.elements
+ , o = e.elements;
+ return o[0] = (-i / 2 + s[0]) * a,
+ o[1] = (n / 2 - s[1]) * r,
+ o[2] = (this.nearPlane - this.farPlane) * (s[2] + 1) / 2 - this.nearPlane,
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e, this.transform.worldMatrix, e),
+ !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "projectionViewMatrix", function() {
+ return Me.multiply(this.projectionMatrix, this.viewMatrix, this._projectionViewMatrix),
+ this._projectionViewMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "aspectRatio", function() {
+ if (0 === this._aspectRatio) {
+ var t = this.viewport;
+ return t.width / t.height
+ }
+ return this._aspectRatio
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (t < 0)
+ throw new Error("Camera: the aspect ratio has to be a positive real number.");
+ this._aspectRatio = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "boundFrustum", function() {
+ return this._boundFrustumUpdate && (this._boundFrustum.matrix = this.projectionViewMatrix),
+ this._boundFrustum
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "needViewport", function() {
+ var t = this.normalizedViewport;
+ return 0 === t.x && 0 === t.y && 1 === t.width && 1 === t.height
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "viewport", function() {
+ if (this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace) {
+ var t = this._normalizedViewport
+ , e = this.renderTargetSize
+ , i = e.width
+ , n = e.height;
+ this._viewport.x = t.x * i,
+ this._viewport.y = t.y * n,
+ this._viewport.width = t.width * i,
+ this._viewport.height = t.height * n
+ }
+ return this._viewport
+ }, function(t) {
+ if (null != this.renderTarget && (t.x < 0 || t.y < 0 || 0 == t.width || 0 == t.height))
+ throw new Error("Camera: viewport size invalid.","value");
+ this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace = !1,
+ this._viewport = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "normalizedViewport", function() {
+ if (!this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace) {
+ var t = this._viewport
+ , e = this.renderTargetSize
+ , i = e.width
+ , n = e.height;
+ this._normalizedViewport.x = t.x / i,
+ this._normalizedViewport.y = t.y / n,
+ this._normalizedViewport.width = t.width / i,
+ this._normalizedViewport.height = t.height / n
+ }
+ return this._normalizedViewport
+ }, function(t) {
+ t.x < 0 && (t.x = 0,
+ console.warn("Camera: viewport.x must large than 0.0.")),
+ t.y < 0 && (t.y = 0,
+ console.warn("Camera: viewport.y must large than 0.0.")),
+ t.x + t.width > 1 && (t.width = 1 - t.x,
+ console.warn("Camera: viewport.width + viewport.x must less than 1.0.")),
+ t.y + t.height > 1 && (t.height = 1 - t.y,
+ console.warn("Camera: viewport.height + viewport.y must less than 1.0.")),
+ this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace = !0,
+ this._normalizedViewport = t,
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "projectionMatrix", function() {
+ return this._projectionMatrix
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._projectionMatrix = t,
+ this._useUserProjectionMatrix = !0
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "viewMatrix", function() {
+ return this.transform.worldMatrix.invert(this._viewMatrix),
+ this._viewMatrix
+ }),
+ n(e, ["_tempVector20", function() {
+ return this._tempVector20 = new Ae
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }())
+ , mn = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._render = new Si(this),
+ this._render.on("materialchanged", this, this._onMaterialChanged);
+ var t = new Fi;
+ this._render.sharedMaterial = t,
+ this._geometryFilter = new Ai(this),
+ t.renderMode = 8,
+ this._changeRenderObject(0)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.glitter.Glitter", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._changeRenderObject = function(t) {
+ var e = this._render._renderElements
+ , i = e[t];
+ i || (i = e[t] = new ct),
+ i._render = this._render;
+ var n = this._render.sharedMaterials[t];
+ n || (n = Fi.defaultMaterial);
+ var a = this._geometryFilter;
+ return i._mainSortID = 0,
+ i._sprite3D = this,
+ i.renderObj = a,
+ i._material = n,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onMaterialChanged = function(t, e, i) {
+ e < t._renderElements.length && this._changeRenderObject(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.removeFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.addFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function(e) {
+ this._geometryFilter._update(e.elapsedTime),
+ t.prototype._update.call(this, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addGlitterByPositions = function(t, e) {
+ this._geometryFilter.addVertexPosition(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.addGlitterByPositionsVelocitys = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._geometryFilter.addVertexPositionVelocity(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.templet
+ , n = this._geometryFilter;
+ i.lifeTime = n.lifeTime,
+ i.minSegmentDistance = n.minSegmentDistance,
+ i.minInterpDistance = n.minInterpDistance,
+ i.maxSlerpCount = n.maxSlerpCount,
+ i._maxSegments = n._maxSegments;
+ var a = e._render
+ , r = this._render;
+ a.sharedMaterials = r.sharedMaterials,
+ a.enable = r.enable,
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.destroyed || (t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._destroy(),
+ this._geometryFilter = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "templet", function() {
+ return this._geometryFilter
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "glitterRender", function() {
+ return this._render
+ }),
+ e.DURATION = 3
+ }(un),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._direction = null,
+ this._updateDirection = !1,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._updateDirection = !1,
+ this._direction = new Be,
+ this.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChange)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.light.DirectionLight", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._initShadow = function() {
+ if (this._shadow)
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap = new He,
+ this.scene.parallelSplitShadowMaps.push(this._parallelSplitShadowMap),
+ this.transform.worldMatrix.getForward(this._direction),
+ Be.normalize(this._direction, this._direction),
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap.setInfo(this.scene, this._shadowFarPlane, this._direction, this._shadowMapSize, this._shadowMapCount, this._shadowMapPCFType);
+ else {
+ var t = this.scene.parallelSplitShadowMaps;
+ t.splice(t.indexOf(this._parallelSplitShadowMap), 1),
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap.disposeAllRenderTarget(),
+ this._parallelSplitShadowMap = null,
+ this.scene.removeShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM1),
+ this.scene.removeShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM2),
+ this.scene.removeShaderDefine(He.SHADERDEFINE_SHADOW_PSSM3)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ t.prototype._addSelfRenderObjects.call(this),
+ this._shadow && this._initShadow()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ var t = this.scene
+ , e = t._shaderValues;
+ e.setValue(4, null),
+ e.setValue(3, null),
+ }
+ ,
+ i._prepareToScene = function(t) {
+ var e = t.scene;
+ if (e.enableLight && this._activeInHierarchy) {
+ var i = e._shaderValues;
+ return e.addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_DIRECTIONLIGHT),
+ Be.scale(this.color, this._intensity, this._intensityColor),
+ i.setValue(4, this._intensityColor.elements),
+ this.transform.worldMatrix.getForward(this._direction),
+ Be.normalize(this._direction, this._direction),
+ i.setValue(3, this._direction.elements),
+ !0
+ }
+ return e.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_DIRECTIONLIGHT),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i._onWorldMatrixChange = function() {
+ this._updateDirection = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "shadow", t.prototype._$get_shadow, function(t) {
+ this._shadow !== t && (this._shadow = t,
+ this.scene && this._initShadow())
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "direction", function() {
+ return console.log("Warning: discard property,please use transform's property instead."),
+ this._updateDirection && (this.transform.worldMatrix.getForward(this._direction),
+ Be.normalize(this._direction, this._direction),
+ this._updateDirection = !1),
+ this._direction
+ }, function(t) {
+ console.log("Warning: discard property,please use transform's property instead.");
+ var e = this.transform.worldMatrix;
+ e.setForward(t),
+ this.transform.worldMatrix = e,
+ Be.normalize(t, t),
+ this._direction = t,
+ this.shadow && this._parallelSplitShadowMap && this._parallelSplitShadowMap._setGlobalParallelLightDir(this._direction)
+ }),
+ e
+ }(dn))
+ , gn = (function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._range = NaN,
+ this._attenuation = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._range = 6,
+ this._attenuation = new Be(.6,.6,.6)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.light.PointLight", dn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ var t = this.scene
+ , e = t._shaderValues;
+ e.setValue(8, null),
+ e.setValue(5, null),
+ e.setValue(6, null),
+ e.setValue(7, null),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_POINTLIGHT)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._prepareToScene = function(t) {
+ var e = t.scene;
+ if (e.enableLight && this._activeInHierarchy) {
+ var i = e._shaderValues;
+ return e.addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_POINTLIGHT),
+ Be.scale(this.color, this._intensity, this._intensityColor),
+ i.setValue(8, this._intensityColor.elements),
+ i.setValue(5, this.transform.position.elements),
+ i.setValue(6, this.range),
+ i.setValue(7, this.attenuation.elements),
+ !0
+ }
+ return e.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_POINTLIGHT),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "range", function() {
+ return this._range
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._range = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "attenuation", function() {
+ return this._attenuation
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._attenuation = t
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ this._updateDirection = !1,
+ this._direction = null,
+ this._spot = NaN,
+ this._range = NaN,
+ this._attenuation = null,
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._updateDirection = !1,
+ this.direction = new Be(0,-1,-1),
+ this._attenuation = new Be(.6,.6,.6),
+ this._spot = 96,
+ this._range = 6,
+ this.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChange)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.light.SpotLight", dn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._onWorldMatrixChange = function() {
+ this._updateDirection = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ var t = this.scene
+ , e = t._shaderValues;
+ e.setValue(14, null),
+ e.setValue(9, null),
+ e.setValue(10, null),
+ e.setValue(12, null),
+ e.setValue(11, null),
+ e.setValue(13, null),
+ t.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_SPOTLIGHT)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._prepareToScene = function(t) {
+ var e = t.scene;
+ if (e.enableLight && this._activeInHierarchy) {
+ var i = e._shaderValues;
+ return e.addShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_SPOTLIGHT),
+ Be.scale(this.color, this._intensity, this._intensityColor),
+ i.setValue(14, this._intensityColor.elements),
+ i.setValue(9, this.transform.position.elements),
+ this.transform.worldMatrix.getForward(this._direction),
+ Be.normalize(this._direction, this._direction),
+ i.setValue(10, this._direction.elements),
+ i.setValue(12, this.range),
+ i.setValue(11, this.spot),
+ i.setValue(13, this.attenuation.elements),
+ !0
+ }
+ return e.removeShaderDefine(ci.SHADERDEFINE_SPOTLIGHT),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "spot", function() {
+ return this._spot
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._spot = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "direction", function() {
+ return console.log("Warning: discard property,please use transform's property instead."),
+ this._updateDirection && (this.transform.worldMatrix.getForward(this._direction),
+ this._updateDirection = !1),
+ this._direction
+ }, function(t) {
+ console.log("Warning: discard property,please use transform's property instead.");
+ var e = this.transform.worldMatrix;
+ e.setForward(t),
+ this.transform.worldMatrix = e,
+ this._direction = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "range", function() {
+ return this._range
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._range = t
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "attenuation", function() {
+ return this._attenuation
+ }, function(t) {
+ this._attenuation = t
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ e.__super.call(this, i),
+ this._geometryFilter = new Mi(this),
+ this._render = new Li(this),
+ this._geometryFilter.on("meshchanged", this, this._onMeshChanged),
+ this._render.on("materialchanged", this, this._onMaterialChanged),
+ t && (this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh = t,
+ t instanceof laya.d3.resource.models.Mesh && (t.loaded ? this._render.sharedMaterials = t.materials : t.once("loaded", this, this._applyMeshMaterials)))
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.MeshSprite3D", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s._changeRenderObjectByMesh = function(t) {
+ var e = this._render._renderElements
+ , i = e[t];
+ i || (i = e[t] = new hi),
+ i._render = this._render;
+ var n = this._render.sharedMaterials[t];
+ n || (n = ji.defaultMaterial);
+ var a = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh.getRenderElement(t);
+ return i._mainSortID = this._getSortID(a, n),
+ i._sprite3D = this,
+ i.renderObj = a,
+ i._material = n,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ s._changeRenderObjectByMaterial = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._render._renderElements[t];
+ e || (e = ji.defaultMaterial);
+ var n = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh.getRenderElement(t);
+ return i._mainSortID = this._getSortID(n, e),
+ i._sprite3D = this,
+ i.renderObj = n,
+ i._material = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ s._changeRenderObjectsByMesh = function() {
+ var t = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh.getRenderElementsCount();
+ this._render._renderElements.length = t;
+ for (var e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ this._changeRenderObjectByMesh(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMeshChanged = function(t) {
+ var e = t.sharedMesh;
+ e.loaded ? this._changeRenderObjectsByMesh() : e.once("loaded", this, this._onMeshLoaded)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMeshLoaded = function(t) {
+ t === this.meshFilter.sharedMesh && this._changeRenderObjectsByMesh()
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMaterialChanged = function(t, e, i) {
+ e < this._render._renderElements.length && this._changeRenderObjectByMaterial(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.removeFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.addFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this.meshRender
+ , r = i.lightmapIndex;
+ null != r && (a.lightmapIndex = r);
+ var s = i.lightmapScaleOffset;
+ s && (a.lightmapScaleOffset = new ke(s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3]));
+ var o, l;
+ if (n.instanceParams)
+ (o = n.instanceParams.loadPath) && (l = v.getRes(e[o]),
+ this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = l,
+ l.loaded ? a.sharedMaterials = l.materials : l.once("loaded", this, this._applyMeshMaterials));
+ else {
+ (o = i.meshPath) && (l = v.getRes(e[o]),
+ this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = l);
+ var h = i.materials;
+ if (h) {
+ var c = a.sharedMaterials
+ , _ = h.length;
+ c.length = _;
+ for (var u = 0; u < _; u++)
+ c[u] = v.getRes(e[h[u].path]);
+ a.sharedMaterials = c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._applyMeshMaterials = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._render.sharedMaterials, i = t.materials, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ e[n] || (e[n] = i[n]);
+ this._render.sharedMaterials = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addToInitStaticBatchManager = function() {
+ e._staticBatchManager._addInitBatchSprite(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._geometryFilter.sharedMesh = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh;
+ var i = this._render
+ , n = e._render;
+ n.enable = i.enable,
+ n.sharedMaterials = i.sharedMaterials,
+ n.castShadow = i.castShadow;
+ var a = i.lightmapScaleOffset;
+ a && (n.lightmapScaleOffset = a.clone()),
+ n.lightmapIndex = i.lightmapIndex,
+ n.receiveShadow = i.receiveShadow,
+ n.sortingFudge = i.sortingFudge,
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ !this.destroyed) {
+ var i = this.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
+ i.loaded || i.off("loaded", this, this._applyMeshMaterials),
+ t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "meshFilter", function() {
+ return this._geometryFilter
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "meshRender", function() {
+ return this._render
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ Ct._staticBatchManagers.push(e._staticBatchManager)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_staticBatchManager", function() {
+ return this._staticBatchManager = new _i
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(un))
+ , yn = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._render = new Ei(this),
+ this._render.on("materialchanged", this, this._onMaterialChanged),
+ this._geometryFilter = new Ti(this),
+ this._createRenderElement(0),
+ t && (this._render.sharedMaterial = t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.particleShuriKen.ShuriKenParticle3D", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s._initParticleVelocity = function(t) {
+ for (var e = new Q, i = t.velocitys, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ e.add(r.key, r.value)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._initParticleColor = function(t) {
+ var e = new K
+ , i = t.alphas
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ e.addAlpha(r.key, r.value)
+ }
+ var s = t.rgbs;
+ for (n = 0,
+ a = s.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var o = s[n]
+ , l = o.value;
+ e.addRGB(o.key, new Be(l[0],l[1],l[2]))
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._initParticleSize = function(t) {
+ for (var e = new Q, i = t.sizes, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ e.add(r.key, r.value)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._initParticleRotation = function(t) {
+ for (var e = new Q, i = t.angularVelocitys, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ e.add(r.key, r.value / 180 * Math.PI)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._initParticleFrame = function(t) {
+ for (var e = new Z, i = t.frames, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ e.add(r.key, r.value)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ s._createRenderElement = function(t) {
+ var e = this._render._renderElements[t] = new ct;
+ e._render = this._render;
+ var i = this._render.sharedMaterials[t];
+ i || (i = Ji.defaultMaterial);
+ var n = this._geometryFilter;
+ e._mainSortID = 0,
+ e._sprite3D = this,
+ e.renderObj = n,
+ e._material = i
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMaterialChanged = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t._renderElements;
+ if (e < n.length) {
+ n[e]._material = i || Ji.defaultMaterial
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.removeFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.addFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._parseCustomProps = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r, s = Math.PI / 180, o = 0, l = 0, h = this.particleRender, c = n.material;
+ if (c)
+ r = v.getRes(i[c.path]);
+ else {
+ var _ = n.materialPath;
+ _ ? r = v.getRes(i[_]) : (r = new Ji).diffuseTexture = i ? v.getRes(i[n.texturePath]) : ln.load(n.texturePath)
+ }
+ h.sharedMaterial = r;
+ var u = n.meshPath;
+ u && (h.mesh = v.getRes(i[u])),
+ h.renderMode = n.renderMode,
+ h.stretchedBillboardCameraSpeedScale = n.stretchedBillboardCameraSpeedScale,
+ h.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale = n.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale,
+ h.stretchedBillboardLengthScale = n.stretchedBillboardLengthScale,
+ h.sortingFudge = n.sortingFudge ? n.sortingFudge : 0;
+ var d = this.particleSystem;
+ d.isPerformanceMode = n.isPerformanceMode,
+ d.duration = n.duration,
+ d.looping = n.looping,
+ d.prewarm = n.prewarm,
+ d.startDelayType = n.startDelayType,
+ d.startDelay = n.startDelay,
+ d.startDelayMin = n.startDelayMin,
+ d.startDelayMax = n.startDelayMax,
+ d.startLifetimeType = n.startLifetimeType,
+ d.startLifetimeConstant = n.startLifetimeConstant,
+ d.startLifeTimeGradient = e._initStartLife(n.startLifetimeGradient),
+ d.startLifetimeConstantMin = n.startLifetimeConstantMin,
+ d.startLifetimeConstantMax = n.startLifetimeConstantMax,
+ d.startLifeTimeGradientMin = e._initStartLife(n.startLifetimeGradientMin),
+ d.startLifeTimeGradientMax = e._initStartLife(n.startLifetimeGradientMax),
+ d.startSpeedType = n.startSpeedType,
+ d.startSpeedConstant = n.startSpeedConstant,
+ d.startSpeedConstantMin = n.startSpeedConstantMin,
+ d.startSpeedConstantMax = n.startSpeedConstantMax,
+ d.threeDStartSize = n.threeDStartSize,
+ d.startSizeType = n.startSizeType,
+ d.startSizeConstant = n.startSizeConstant;
+ var f = n.startSizeConstantSeparate
+ , p = d.startSizeConstantSeparate.elements;
+ p[0] = f[0],
+ p[1] = f[1],
+ p[2] = f[2],
+ d.startSizeConstantMin = n.startSizeConstantMin,
+ d.startSizeConstantMax = n.startSizeConstantMax;
+ var m = n.startSizeConstantMinSeparate
+ , g = d.startSizeConstantMinSeparate.elements;
+ g[0] = m[0],
+ g[1] = m[1],
+ g[2] = m[2];
+ var y = n.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate
+ , b = d.startSizeConstantMaxSeparate.elements;
+ b[0] = y[0],
+ b[1] = y[1],
+ b[2] = y[2],
+ d.threeDStartRotation = n.threeDStartRotation,
+ d.startRotationType = n.startRotationType,
+ d.startRotationConstant = n.startRotationConstant * s;
+ var w = n.startRotationConstantSeparate
+ , x = d.startRotationConstantSeparate.elements;
+ x[0] = w[0] * s,
+ x[1] = w[1] * s,
+ x[2] = w[2] * s,
+ d.startRotationConstantMin = n.startRotationConstantMin * s,
+ d.startRotationConstantMax = n.startRotationConstantMax * s;
+ var I = n.startRotationConstantMinSeparate
+ , C = d.startRotationConstantMinSeparate.elements;
+ C[0] = I[0] * s,
+ C[1] = I[1] * s,
+ C[2] = I[2] * s;
+ var S = n.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate
+ , M = d.startRotationConstantMaxSeparate.elements;
+ M[0] = S[0] * s,
+ M[1] = S[1] * s,
+ M[2] = S[2] * s,
+ d.randomizeRotationDirection = n.randomizeRotationDirection,
+ d.startColorType = n.startColorType;
+ var L = n.startColorConstant
+ , T = d.startColorConstant.elements;
+ T[0] = L[0],
+ T[1] = L[1],
+ T[2] = L[2],
+ T[3] = L[3];
+ var E = n.startColorConstantMin
+ , D = d.startColorConstantMin.elements;
+ D[0] = E[0],
+ D[1] = E[1],
+ D[2] = E[2],
+ D[3] = E[3];
+ var N = n.startColorConstantMax
+ , A = d.startColorConstantMax.elements;
+ A[0] = N[0],
+ A[1] = N[1],
+ A[2] = N[2],
+ A[3] = N[3],
+ d.gravityModifier = n.gravityModifier,
+ d.simulationSpace = n.simulationSpace,
+ d.scaleMode = n.scaleMode,
+ d.playOnAwake = n.playOnAwake,
+ d.maxParticles = n.maxParticles;
+ var B = n.autoRandomSeed;
+ null != B && (d.autoRandomSeed = B);
+ var k = n.randomSeed;
+ null != k && (d.randomSeed[0] = k);
+ var R = n.emission
+ , P = d.emission;
+ if (R) {
+ P.emissionRate = R.emissionRate;
+ var O = R.bursts;
+ if (O)
+ for (o = 0,
+ l = O.length; o < l; o++) {
+ var U = O[o];
+ P.addBurst(new j(U.time,U.min,U.max))
+ }
+ P.enbale = R.enable
+ } else
+ P.enbale = !1;
+ var V = n.shape;
+ if (V) {
+ var F;
+ switch (V.shapeType) {
+ case 0:
+ var H;
+ F = H = new li,
+ H.radius = V.sphereRadius,
+ H.emitFromShell = V.sphereEmitFromShell,
+ H.randomDirection = V.sphereRandomDirection;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ var G;
+ F = G = new oi,
+ G.radius = V.hemiSphereRadius,
+ G.emitFromShell = V.hemiSphereEmitFromShell,
+ G.randomDirection = V.hemiSphereRandomDirection;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ var z;
+ F = z = new si,
+ z.angle = V.coneAngle * s,
+ z.radius = V.coneRadius,
+ z.length = V.coneLength,
+ z.emitType = V.coneEmitType,
+ z.randomDirection = V.coneRandomDirection;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ var X;
+ F = X = new ai,
+ X.x = V.boxX,
+ X.y = V.boxY,
+ X.z = V.boxZ,
+ X.randomDirection = V.boxRandomDirection;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ var K;
+ F = K = new ri,
+ K.radius = V.circleRadius,
+ K.arc = V.circleArc * s,
+ K.emitFromEdge = V.circleEmitFromEdge,
+ K.randomDirection = V.circleRandomDirection;
+ break;
+ default:
+ var Z;
+ F = Z = new ri,
+ Z.radius = V.circleRadius,
+ Z.arc = V.circleArc * s,
+ Z.emitFromEdge = V.circleEmitFromEdge,
+ Z.randomDirection = V.circleRandomDirection
+ }
+ F.enable = V.enable,
+ d.shape = F
+ }
+ var Q = n.velocityOverLifetime;
+ if (Q) {
+ var it, nt = Q.velocity;
+ switch (nt.type) {
+ case 0:
+ var lt = nt.constant;
+ it = tt.createByConstant(new Be(lt[0],lt[1],lt[2]));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ it = tt.createByGradient(this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientX), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientY), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientZ));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ var ht = nt.constantMin
+ , ct = nt.constantMax;
+ it = tt.createByRandomTwoConstant(new Be(ht[0],ht[1],ht[2]), new Be(ct[0],ct[1],ct[2]));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ it = tt.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientXMin), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientXMax), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientYMin), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientYMax), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientZMin), this._initParticleVelocity(nt.gradientZMax))
+ }
+ var _t = new ot(it);
+ _t.space = Q.space,
+ _t.enbale = Q.enable,
+ d.velocityOverLifetime = _t
+ }
+ var ut = n.colorOverLifetime;
+ if (ut) {
+ var dt, ft = ut.color;
+ switch (ft.type) {
+ case 0:
+ var pt = ft.constant;
+ dt = J.createByConstant(new ke(pt[0],pt[1],pt[2],pt[3]));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dt = J.createByGradient(this._initParticleColor(ft.gradient));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ var mt = ft.constantMin
+ , gt = ft.constantMax;
+ dt = J.createByRandomTwoConstant(new ke(mt[0],mt[1],mt[2],mt[3]), new ke(gt[0],gt[1],gt[2],gt[3]));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ dt = J.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._initParticleColor(ft.gradientMin), this._initParticleColor(ft.gradientMax))
+ }
+ var yt = new W(dt);
+ yt.enbale = ut.enable,
+ d.colorOverLifetime = yt
+ }
+ var vt = n.sizeOverLifetime;
+ if (vt) {
+ var bt, wt = vt.size;
+ switch (wt.type) {
+ case 0:
+ bt = wt.separateAxes ? $.createByGradientSeparate(this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientX), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientY), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientZ)) : $.createByGradient(this._initParticleSize(wt.gradient));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (wt.separateAxes) {
+ var xt = wt.constantMinSeparate
+ , It = wt.constantMaxSeparate;
+ bt = $.createByRandomTwoConstantSeparate(new Be(xt[0],xt[1],xt[2]), new Be(It[0],It[1],It[2]))
+ } else
+ bt = $.createByRandomTwoConstant(wt.constantMin, wt.constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ bt = wt.separateAxes ? $.createByRandomTwoGradientSeparate(this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientXMin), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientYMin), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientZMin), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientXMax), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientYMax), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientZMax)) : $.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientMin), this._initParticleSize(wt.gradientMax))
+ }
+ var Ct = new at(bt);
+ Ct.enbale = vt.enable,
+ d.sizeOverLifetime = Ct
+ }
+ var St = n.rotationOverLifetime;
+ if (St) {
+ var Mt, Lt = St.angularVelocity;
+ switch (Lt.type) {
+ case 0:
+ Lt.separateAxes || (Mt = Y.createByConstant(Lt.constant * s));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Lt.separateAxes || (Mt = Y.createByGradient(this._initParticleRotation(Lt.gradient)));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (Lt.separateAxes) {
+ var Tt = Lt.constantMinSeparate
+ , Et = Lt.constantMaxSeparate;
+ Mt = Y.createByRandomTwoConstantSeparate(new Be(Tt[0] * s,Tt[1] * s,Tt[2] * s), new Be(Et[0] * s,Et[1] * s,Et[2] * s))
+ } else
+ Mt = Y.createByRandomTwoConstant(Lt.constantMin * s, Lt.constantMax * s);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ Lt.separateAxes || (Mt = Y.createByRandomTwoGradient(this._initParticleRotation(Lt.gradientMin), this._initParticleRotation(Lt.gradientMax)))
+ }
+ var Dt = new et(Mt);
+ Dt.enbale = St.enable,
+ d.rotationOverLifetime = Dt
+ }
+ var Nt = n.textureSheetAnimation;
+ if (Nt) {
+ var At, Bt = Nt.frame;
+ switch (Bt.type) {
+ case 0:
+ At = q.createByConstant(Bt.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ At = q.createByOverTime(this._initParticleFrame(Bt.overTime));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ At = q.createByRandomTwoConstant(Bt.constantMin, Bt.constantMax);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ At = q.createByRandomTwoOverTime(this._initParticleFrame(Bt.overTimeMin), this._initParticleFrame(Bt.overTimeMax))
+ }
+ var kt, Rt = Nt.startFrame;
+ switch (Rt.type) {
+ case 0:
+ kt = rt.createByConstant(Rt.constant);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ kt = rt.createByRandomTwoConstant(Rt.constantMin, Rt.constantMax)
+ }
+ var Pt = new st(At,kt);
+ Pt.enable = Nt.enable;
+ var Ot = Nt.tiles;
+ Pt.tiles = new Ae(Ot[0],Ot[1]),
+ Pt.type = Nt.type,
+ Pt.randomRow = Nt.randomRow;
+ var Ut = Nt.rowIndex;
+ void 0 !== Ut && (Pt.rowIndex = Ut),
+ Pt.cycles = Nt.cycles,
+ d.textureSheetAnimation = Pt
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._activeHierarchy = function() {
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype._activeHierarchy.call(this),
+ this.particleSystem.playOnAwake && this.particleSystem.play()
+ }
+ ,
+ s._inActiveHierarchy = function() {
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype._inActiveHierarchy.call(this),
+ this.particleSystem.isAlive && this.particleSystem.simulate(0, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e._geometryFilter;
+ this._geometryFilter.cloneTo(i);
+ var n = e._render
+ , a = this._render;
+ n.sharedMaterials = a.sharedMaterials,
+ n.enable = a.enable,
+ n.renderMode = a.renderMode,
+ n.mesh = a.mesh,
+ n.stretchedBillboardCameraSpeedScale = a.stretchedBillboardCameraSpeedScale,
+ n.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale = a.stretchedBillboardSpeedScale,
+ n.stretchedBillboardLengthScale = a.stretchedBillboardLengthScale,
+ n.sortingFudge = a.sortingFudge,
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.destroyed || (t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._destroy(),
+ this._geometryFilter = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "particleSystem", function() {
+ return this._geometryFilter
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "particleRender", function() {
+ return this._render
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_RENDERMODE_MESH = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("RENDERMODE_MESH"),
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_SHAPE = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("SHAPE")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e._initStartLife = function(t) {
+ for (var e = new Q, i = t.startLifetimes, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++) {
+ var r = i[n];
+ e.add(r.key, r.value)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.SIZESCALE = 5,
+ e.GRAVITY = 7,
+ e.SOLSizeGradientZ = 29,
+ e.SOLSizeGradientMax = 30,
+ e.SOLSizeGradientZMAX = 33,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(un.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(un)
+ , vn = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i) {
+ this._subMeshOffset = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, i),
+ this._subMeshOffset = [],
+ this._geometryFilter = new Mi(this),
+ this._render = new cn(this),
+ this._geometryFilter.on("meshchanged", this, this._onMeshChanged),
+ this._render.on("materialchanged", this, this._onMaterialChanged),
+ t && (this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh = t)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.SkinnedMeshSprite3D", t);
+ var s = e.prototype;
+ return s._changeRenderObjectByMesh = function(t) {
+ var e = this._render._renderElements
+ , i = e[t];
+ i || (i = e[t] = new hi),
+ i._render = this._render;
+ var n = this._render.sharedMaterials[t];
+ n || (n = ji.defaultMaterial);
+ var a = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh.getRenderElement(t);
+ return i._mainSortID = this._getSortID(a, n),
+ i._sprite3D = this,
+ i.renderObj = a,
+ i._material = n,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ s._changeRenderObjectByMaterial = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._render._renderElements[t];
+ e || (e = ji.defaultMaterial);
+ var n = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh.getRenderElement(t);
+ return i._mainSortID = this._getSortID(n, e),
+ i._sprite3D = this,
+ i.renderObj = n,
+ i._material = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ s._changeRenderObjectsByMesh = function() {
+ var t = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh.getRenderElementsCount();
+ this._render._renderElements.length = t;
+ for (var e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ this._changeRenderObjectByMesh(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMeshChanged = function(t) {
+ var e = t.sharedMesh;
+ e.loaded ? this._changeRenderObjectsByMesh() : e.once("loaded", this, this._changeRenderObjectsByMesh)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._onMaterialChanged = function(t, e, i) {
+ e < this._render._renderElements.length && this._changeRenderObjectByMaterial(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this.skinnedMeshRender
+ , r = i.lightmapIndex;
+ null != r && (a.lightmapIndex = r);
+ var s = i.lightmapScaleOffset;
+ s && (a.lightmapScaleOffset = new ke(s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3]));
+ var o, l;
+ if (n.instanceParams)
+ (o = n.instanceParams.loadPath) && (l = v.getRes(e[o]),
+ this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = l,
+ l.loaded ? a.sharedMaterials = l.materials : l.once("loaded", this, this._applyMeshMaterials));
+ else {
+ (o = i.meshPath) && (l = v.getRes(e[o]),
+ this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = l);
+ var h = i.materials;
+ if (h) {
+ var c = a.sharedMaterials
+ , _ = h.length;
+ c.length = _;
+ for (var u = 0; u < _; u++)
+ c[u] = v.getRes(e[h[u].path]);
+ a.sharedMaterials = c
+ }
+ var d = i.rootBone;
+ d && a._setRootBone(d);
+ var f = i.boundBox;
+ if (f) {
+ var p = f.min
+ , m = f.max
+ , g = new be(new Be(p[0],p[1],p[2]),new Be(m[0],m[1],m[2]));
+ a.localBoundBox = g
+ } else
+ a._hasIndependentBound = !1;
+ var y = i.boundSphere;
+ if (y) {
+ var b = y.center
+ , w = new xe(new Be(b[0],b[1],b[2]),y.radius);
+ a.localBoundSphere = w
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s._changeHierarchyAnimator = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ var e = this.skinnedMeshRender;
+ e._setCacheAnimator(t);
+ var i = t.avatar;
+ i && e._setCacheAvatar(i)
+ }
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype._changeHierarchyAnimator.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this._scene.removeFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this._scene.addFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ s._applyMeshMaterials = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._render.sharedMaterials, i = t.materials, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ e[n] || (e[n] = i[n]);
+ this._render.sharedMaterials = e
+ }
+ ,
+ s.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e._geometryFilter.sharedMesh = this._geometryFilter.sharedMesh;
+ var i = this._render
+ , n = e._render;
+ n.enable = i.enable,
+ n.sharedMaterials = i.sharedMaterials,
+ n.castShadow = i.castShadow;
+ var a = i.lightmapScaleOffset;
+ a && (n.lightmapScaleOffset = a.clone()),
+ n.receiveShadow = i.receiveShadow,
+ n.sortingFudge = i.sortingFudge,
+ n._rootBone = i._rootBone;
+ var r = i.localBoundSphere;
+ r && (n.localBoundSphere = r.clone());
+ var s = i.localBoundBox;
+ s && (n.localBoundBox = s.clone()),
+ n._hasIndependentBound = i._hasIndependentBound,
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.destroyed || (t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._destroy())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, s, "meshFilter", function() {
+ return this._geometryFilter
+ }),
+ r(0, s, "skinnedMeshRender", function() {
+ return this._render
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ e.SHADERDEFINE_BONE = e.shaderDefines.registerDefine("BONE")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.BONES = 0,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(un.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(un)
+ , bn = (function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = .1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = .3),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 1e3),
+ this._tempMatrix = new Me,
+ this._leftViewMatrix = new Me,
+ this._leftProjectionMatrix = new Me,
+ this._leftProjectionViewMatrix = new Me,
+ this._leftViewport = new Re(0,0,0,0),
+ this._leftNormalizedViewport = new Re(0,0,.5,1),
+ this._leftAspectRatio = i,
+ this._rightViewMatrix = new Me,
+ this._rightProjectionMatrix = new Me,
+ this._rightProjectionViewMatrix = new Me,
+ this._rightViewport = new Re(0,0,0,0),
+ this._rightNormalizedViewport = new Re(.5,0,.5,1),
+ this._rightAspectRatio = n,
+ this._pupilDistande = t,
+ this._leftBoundFrustumUpdate = !0,
+ this._leftBoundFrustum = new we(Me.DEFAULT),
+ this._rightBoundFrustumUpdate = !0,
+ this._rightBoundFrustum = new we(Me.DEFAULT),
+ e.__super.call(this, a, r),
+ this.transform.on("worldmatrixneedchanged", this, this._onWorldMatrixChanged)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.VRCamera", _n);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._onWorldMatrixChanged = function() {
+ this._leftBoundFrustumUpdate = this._rightBoundFrustumUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculatePupilOffset = function() {
+ var t = this._tempVector3;
+ return Be.scale(this.right, this._pupilDistande / 2, t),
+ t.elements
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateLeftProjectionMatrix = function() {
+ if (!this._useUserProjectionMatrix)
+ if (this._orthographic) {
+ var t = this.orthographicVerticalSize * this.leftAspectRatio * .5
+ , e = .5 * this.orthographicVerticalSize;
+ Me.createOrthoOffCenterRH(-t, t, -e, e, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._leftProjectionMatrix)
+ } else
+ Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * this.fieldOfView / 180, this.leftAspectRatio, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._rightProjectionMatrix);
+ this._leftBoundFrustumUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateRightProjectionMatrix = function() {
+ if (!this._useUserProjectionMatrix)
+ if (this._orthographic) {
+ var t = this.orthographicVerticalSize * this.rightAspectRatio * .5
+ , e = .5 * this.orthographicVerticalSize;
+ Me.createOrthoOffCenterRH(-t, t, e, e, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._rightProjectionMatrix)
+ } else
+ Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * this.fieldOfView / 180, this.rightAspectRatio, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._rightProjectionMatrix);
+ this._rightBoundFrustumUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._calculateProjectionMatrix = function() {
+ if (!this._useUserProjectionMatrix)
+ if (this._orthographic) {
+ var t = this.orthographicVerticalSize * this.leftAspectRatio * .5
+ , e = .5 * this.orthographicVerticalSize
+ , i = this.orthographicVerticalSize * this.rightAspectRatio * .5
+ , n = .5 * this.orthographicVerticalSize;
+ Me.createOrthoOffCenterRH(-t, t, -e, e, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._leftProjectionMatrix),
+ Me.createOrthoOffCenterRH(-i, i, n, n, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._rightProjectionMatrix)
+ } else
+ Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * this.fieldOfView / 180, this.leftAspectRatio, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._leftProjectionMatrix),
+ Me.createPerspective(3.1416 * this.fieldOfView / 180, this.rightAspectRatio, this.nearPlane, this.farPlane, this._rightProjectionMatrix);
+ this._leftBoundFrustumUpdate = this._rightBoundFrustumUpdate = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i._renderCamera = function(t, e, i) {
+ e.camera = this,
+ this._prepareCameraToRender(),
+ i._preRenderUpdateComponents(e);
+ var n, a;
+ n = e._viewMatrix = this.leftViewMatrix;
+ var r = this._renderTarget;
+ r ? (r.start(),
+ Me.multiply(_n._invertYScaleMatrix, this._leftProjectionMatrix, _n._invertYProjectionMatrix),
+ Me.multiply(_n._invertYScaleMatrix, this.leftProjectionViewMatrix, _n._invertYProjectionViewMatrix),
+ a = e._projectionMatrix = _n._invertYProjectionMatrix,
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = _n._invertYProjectionViewMatrix) : (a = e._projectionMatrix = this._leftProjectionMatrix,
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = this.leftProjectionViewMatrix),
+ this._prepareCameraViewProject(n, a),
+ e._viewport = this.leftViewport,
+ i._preRenderScene(t, e, this.leftBoundFrustum),
+ i._clear(t, e),
+ i._renderScene(t, e);
+ var s, o;
+ s = e._viewMatrix = this.rightViewMatrix,
+ r ? (r.start(),
+ Me.multiply(_n._invertYScaleMatrix, this._rightProjectionMatrix, _n._invertYProjectionMatrix),
+ Me.multiply(_n._invertYScaleMatrix, this.rightProjectionViewMatrix, _n._invertYProjectionViewMatrix),
+ e._projectionMatrix = _n._invertYProjectionMatrix,
+ o = e._projectionViewMatrix = _n._invertYProjectionViewMatrix) : (o = e._projectionMatrix = this._rightProjectionMatrix,
+ e._projectionViewMatrix = this.rightProjectionViewMatrix),
+ this._prepareCameraViewProject(s, o),
+ e._viewport = this.rightViewport,
+ i._preRenderScene(t, e, this.rightBoundFrustum),
+ i._clear(t, e),
+ i._renderScene(t, e),
+ i._postRenderUpdateComponents(e),
+ r && r.end()
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "rightBoundFrustum", function() {
+ return this._rightBoundFrustumUpdate && (this._rightBoundFrustum.matrix = this.rightProjectionViewMatrix),
+ this._rightBoundFrustum
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftNormalizedViewport", function() {
+ if (!this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace) {
+ var t = this._leftViewport
+ , e = this.renderTargetSize
+ , i = e.width
+ , n = e.height;
+ this._leftNormalizedViewport.x = t.x / i,
+ this._leftNormalizedViewport.y = t.y / n,
+ this._leftNormalizedViewport.width = t.width / i,
+ this._leftNormalizedViewport.height = t.height / n
+ }
+ return this._leftNormalizedViewport
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rightViewport", function() {
+ if (this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace) {
+ var t = this._rightNormalizedViewport
+ , e = this.renderTargetSize
+ , i = e.width
+ , n = e.height;
+ this._rightViewport.x = t.x * i,
+ this._rightViewport.y = t.y * n,
+ this._rightViewport.width = t.width * i,
+ this._rightViewport.height = t.height * n
+ }
+ return this._rightViewport
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "viewport", null, function(t) {
+ if (null != this.renderTarget && (t.x < 0 || t.y < 0 || 0 == t.width || 0 == t.height))
+ throw new Error("VRCamera: viewport size invalid.","value");
+ this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace = !1,
+ this._leftViewport = new Re(0,0,t.width / 2,t.height),
+ this._rightViewport = new Re(t.width / 2,0,t.width / 2,t.height),
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftAspectRatio", function() {
+ if (0 === this._leftAspectRatio) {
+ var t = this.leftViewport;
+ return t.width / t.height
+ }
+ return this._leftAspectRatio
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rightAspectRatio", function() {
+ if (0 === this._rightAspectRatio) {
+ var t = this.rightViewport;
+ return t.width / t.height
+ }
+ return this._rightAspectRatio
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "aspectRatio", null, function(t) {
+ if (t < 0)
+ throw new Error("VRCamera: the aspect ratio has to be a positive real number.");
+ this._leftAspectRatio = t,
+ this._rightAspectRatio = t,
+ this._calculateRightProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rightNormalizedViewport", function() {
+ if (!this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace) {
+ var t = this._rightViewport
+ , e = this.renderTargetSize
+ , i = e.width
+ , n = e.height;
+ this._rightNormalizedViewport.x = t.x / i,
+ this._rightNormalizedViewport.y = t.y / n,
+ this._rightNormalizedViewport.width = t.width / i,
+ this._rightNormalizedViewport.height = t.height / n
+ }
+ return this._rightNormalizedViewport
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "normalizedViewport", null, function(t) {
+ if (t.x < 0 || t.y < 0 || t.x + t.width > 1 || t.x + t.height > 1)
+ throw new Error("VRCamera: viewport size invalid.","value");
+ this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace = !0,
+ this._leftNormalizedViewport = new Re(0,0,t.width / 2,t.height),
+ this._rightNormalizedViewport = new Re(t.width / 2,0,t.width / 2,t.height),
+ this._calculateProjectionMatrix()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftViewport", function() {
+ if (this._viewportExpressedInClipSpace) {
+ var t = this._leftNormalizedViewport
+ , e = this.renderTargetSize
+ , i = e.width
+ , n = e.height;
+ this._leftViewport.x = t.x * i,
+ this._leftViewport.y = t.y * n,
+ this._leftViewport.width = t.width * i,
+ this._leftViewport.height = t.height * n
+ }
+ return this._leftViewport
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "needLeftViewport", function() {
+ var t = this.leftNormalizedViewport;
+ return 0 === t.x && 0 === t.y && 1 === t.width && 1 === t.height
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "needRightViewport", function() {
+ var t = this.rightNormalizedViewport;
+ return 0 === t.x && 0 === t.y && 1 === t.width && 1 === t.height
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftViewMatrix", function() {
+ var t = this._calculatePupilOffset()
+ , e = this._tempMatrix;
+ this.transform.worldMatrix.cloneTo(e);
+ var i = e.elements;
+ return i[12] -= t[0],
+ i[13] -= t[1],
+ i[14] -= t[2],
+ e.invert(this._leftViewMatrix),
+ this._leftViewMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rightViewMatrix", function() {
+ var t = this._calculatePupilOffset()
+ , e = this._tempMatrix;
+ this.transform.worldMatrix.cloneTo(e);
+ var i = e.elements;
+ return i[12] += t[0],
+ i[13] += t[1],
+ i[14] += t[2],
+ e.invert(this._rightViewMatrix),
+ this._rightViewMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftProjectionMatrix", function() {
+ return this._leftProjectionMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftProjectionViewMatrix", function() {
+ return Me.multiply(this.leftProjectionMatrix, this.leftViewMatrix, this._leftProjectionViewMatrix),
+ this._leftProjectionViewMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rightProjectionMatrix", function() {
+ return this._rightProjectionMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "rightProjectionViewMatrix", function() {
+ return Me.multiply(this.rightProjectionMatrix, this.rightViewMatrix, this._rightProjectionViewMatrix),
+ this._rightProjectionViewMatrix
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "leftBoundFrustum", function() {
+ return this._leftBoundFrustumUpdate && (this._leftBoundFrustum.matrix = this.leftProjectionViewMatrix),
+ this._leftBoundFrustum
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ e.__super.call(this),
+ this._geometryFilter = new Di(this),
+ this._render = new Ni(this),
+ this._changeRenderObjectsByMaterial(this._render, 0, Ki.defaultMaterial),
+ this._render.on("materialchanged", this, this._changeRenderObjectsByMaterial),
+ this._geometryFilter.on("trailfilterchange", this, this._changeRenderObjectsByRenderElement)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.trail.TrailSprite3D", t);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ return i._changeRenderObjectsByMaterial = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this._geometryFilter.getRenderElementsCount();
+ this._render._renderElements.length = n;
+ for (var a = 0; a < n; a++)
+ this._changeRenderObjectByMaterial(a, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._changeRenderObjectByMaterial = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._render._renderElements;
+ e || (e = Ki.defaultMaterial);
+ var n = i[t];
+ n || (n = i[t] = new ct),
+ n._sprite3D = this,
+ n.renderObj = this._geometryFilter.getRenderElement(t),
+ n._render = this._render,
+ n._material = e
+ }
+ ,
+ i._changeRenderObjectsByRenderElement = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._render._renderElements
+ , n = i[t];
+ n || (n = i[t] = new ct),
+ n._sprite3D = this,
+ n.renderObj = e,
+ n._render = this._render,
+ n._material = this._render.sharedMaterial
+ }
+ ,
+ i._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.removeFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.addFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._update.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._update(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._parseCustomProps = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._render
+ , r = this._geometryFilter
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = i.materials;
+ if (l) {
+ var h = a.sharedMaterials
+ , c = l.length;
+ for (h.length = c,
+ s = 0; s < c; s++)
+ h[s] = v.getRes(e[l[s].path]);
+ a.sharedMaterials = h
+ }
+ var _ = n.props;
+ r.time = _.time,
+ r.minVertexDistance = _.minVertexDistance,
+ r.widthMultiplier = _.widthMultiplier,
+ r.textureMode = _.textureMode;
+ var u = []
+ , d = i.widthCurve;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = d.length; s < o; s++) {
+ var f = new yt;
+ f.time = d[s].time,
+ f.inTangent = d[s].inTangent,
+ f.outTangent = d[s].outTangent,
+ f.value = d[s].value,
+ u.push(f)
+ }
+ r.widthCurve = u;
+ var p = i.colorGradient
+ , m = new pt;
+ m.mode = p.mode;
+ var g, y, b = [], w = p.colorKeys;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = w.length; s < o; s++)
+ y = w[s],
+ g = new gt(new ft(y.value[0],y.value[1],y.value[2],1),y.time),
+ b.push(g);
+ var x, I, C = [], S = p.alphaKeys;
+ for (s = 0,
+ o = S.length; s < o; s++)
+ I = S[s],
+ x = new mt(I.value,I.time),
+ C.push(x);
+ m.setKeys(b, C),
+ r.colorGradient = m
+ }
+ ,
+ i.reset = function() {
+ this.trailFilter.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ laya.d3.core.Sprite3D.prototype.cloneTo.call(this, t);
+ var e = 0
+ , i = 0
+ , n = t
+ , a = n.trailFilter;
+ a.time = this.trailFilter.time,
+ a.minVertexDistance = this.trailFilter.minVertexDistance,
+ a.widthMultiplier = this.trailFilter.widthMultiplier;
+ var r = this.trailFilter.widthCurve
+ , s = [];
+ for (e = 0,
+ i = r.length; e < i; e++) {
+ var o = new yt;
+ r[e].cloneTo(o),
+ s.push(o)
+ }
+ a.widthCurve = s;
+ var l = new pt;
+ this.trailFilter.colorGradient.cloneTo(l),
+ a.colorGradient = l,
+ a.textureMode = this.trailFilter.textureMode;
+ n.trailRender.sharedMaterial = this.trailRender.sharedMaterial
+ }
+ ,
+ i.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.destroyed || (t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._destroy(),
+ this._geometryFilter = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "trailFilter", function() {
+ return this._geometryFilter
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "trailRender", function() {
+ return this._render
+ }),
+ e.__init__ = function() {
+ }
+ ,
+ e.CURTIME = 3,
+ e.LIFETIME = 4,
+ n(e, ["shaderDefines", function() {
+ return this.shaderDefines = new Ue(un.shaderDefines)
+ }
+ ]),
+ e
+ }(un))
+ , wn = function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ e.__super.call(this, l),
+ this._geometryFilter = new Bi(this,t,i,n,a,r,s,o),
+ this._render = new ki(this)
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.terrain.TerrainChunk", t);
+ var n = e.prototype;
+ return n.buildRenderElementAndMaterial = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h, c, _, u, d, f, p, m, g) {
+ void 0 === c && (c = 1),
+ void 0 === _ && (_ = 1),
+ void 0 === u && (u = 1),
+ void 0 === d && (d = 1),
+ void 0 === f && (f = 1),
+ void 0 === p && (p = 1),
+ void 0 === m && (m = 1),
+ void 0 === g && (g = 1);
+ var y = new Wi;
+ l && (y.diffuseColor = l),
+ o && (y.ambientColor = o),
+ h && (y.specularColor = h),
+ y.splatAlphaTexture = v.getRes(i),
+ y.normalTexture = e ? v.getRes(e) : null,
+ y.diffuseTexture1 = n ? v.getRes(n) : null,
+ y.diffuseTexture2 = a ? v.getRes(a) : null,
+ y.diffuseTexture3 = r ? v.getRes(r) : null,
+ y.diffuseTexture4 = s ? v.getRes(s) : null,
+ y.setDiffuseScale1(c, _),
+ y.setDiffuseScale2(u, d),
+ y.setDiffuseScale3(f, p),
+ y.setDiffuseScale4(m, g),
+ y.setDetailNum(t),
+ 0 != this._render._renderElements.length && (y.renderMode = 2);
+ var b = new ct;
+ b._mainSortID = 0,
+ b._sprite3D = this,
+ b.renderObj = this._geometryFilter,
+ b._material = y,
+ this._render._materials.push(y),
+ this._render._renderElements.push(b)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._clearSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.removeFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._addSelfRenderObjects = function() {
+ this.scene.addFrustumCullingObject(this._render)
+ }
+ ,
+ n._applyMeshMaterials = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._render.sharedMaterials, i = t.materials, n = 0, a = i.length; n < a; n++)
+ e[n] || (e[n] = i[n]);
+ this._render.sharedMaterials = e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.cloneTo = function(t) {
+ console.log("Terrain Chunk can't clone")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.destroy = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.destroyed || (t.prototype.destroy.call(this, e),
+ this._geometryFilter._destroy())
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, n, "terrainFilter", function() {
+ return this._geometryFilter
+ }),
+ r(0, n, "terrainRender", function() {
+ return this._render
+ }),
+ e.load = function(t) {
+ return i.loader.create(t, null, null, e, null, 1, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(un);
+ !function(t) {
+ function e(t, i, n) {
+ this._minX = NaN,
+ this._minZ = NaN,
+ this._cellSize = null,
+ this._heightMap = null,
+ e.__super.call(this, t, n),
+ this._heightMap = i,
+ this._cellSize = new Ae
+ }
+ a(e, "laya.d3.core.MeshTerrainSprite3D", gn);
+ var i = e.prototype;
+ i._disableRotation = function() {
+ var t = this.transform.rotation;
+ t.elements[0] = 0,
+ t.elements[1] = 0,
+ t.elements[2] = 0,
+ t.elements[3] = 1,
+ this.transform.rotation = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getScaleX = function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements
+ , e = t[0]
+ , i = t[1]
+ , n = t[2];
+ return Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i + n * n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._getScaleZ = function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements
+ , e = t[8]
+ , i = t[9]
+ , n = t[10];
+ return Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i + n * n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._initCreateFromMesh = function(t, e) {
+ this._heightMap = G.creatFromMesh(this.meshFilter.sharedMesh, t, e, this._cellSize);
+ var i = this.meshFilter.sharedMesh.boundingBox
+ , n = i.min;
+ i.max;
+ this._minX = n.x,
+ this._minZ = n.z
+ }
+ ,
+ i._initCreateFromMeshHeightMap = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = this.meshFilter.sharedMesh.boundingBox;
+ t.loaded ? (this._heightMap = G.createFromImage(t, e, i),
+ this._computeCellSize(a)) : t.once("loaded", null, function() {
+ n._heightMap = G.createFromImage(t, e, i),
+ n._computeCellSize(a)
+ });
+ var r = a.min;
+ a.max;
+ this._minX = r.x,
+ this._minZ = r.z
+ }
+ ,
+ i._computeCellSize = function(t) {
+ var e = t.min
+ , i = t.max
+ , n = e.x
+ , a = e.z
+ , r = i.x - n
+ , s = i.z - a;
+ this._cellSize.elements[0] = r / (this._heightMap.width - 1),
+ this._cellSize.elements[1] = s / (this._heightMap.height - 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function(t) {
+ this._disableRotation(),
+ laya.d3.core.RenderableSprite3D.prototype._update.call(this, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getHeight = function(t, i) {
+ e._tempVector3.elements[0] = t,
+ e._tempVector3.elements[1] = 0,
+ e._tempVector3.elements[2] = i,
+ this._disableRotation();
+ var n = this.transform.worldMatrix;
+ n.invert(e._tempMatrix4x4),
+ Be.transformCoordinate(e._tempVector3, e._tempMatrix4x4, e._tempVector3),
+ t = e._tempVector3.elements[0],
+ i = e._tempVector3.elements[2];
+ var a = (t - this._minX) / this._cellSize.x
+ , r = (i - this._minZ) / this._cellSize.y
+ , s = Math.floor(r)
+ , o = Math.floor(a)
+ , l = a - o
+ , h = r - s
+ , c = NaN
+ , _ = NaN
+ , u = n.elements
+ , d = u[4]
+ , f = u[5]
+ , p = u[6]
+ , m = Math.sqrt(d * d + f * f + p * p)
+ , g = u[13]
+ , y = this._heightMap.getHeight(s, o + 1)
+ , v = this._heightMap.getHeight(s + 1, o);
+ if (isNaN(y) || isNaN(v))
+ return NaN;
+ if (l + h <= 1) {
+ var b = this._heightMap.getHeight(s, o);
+ return isNaN(b) ? NaN : (c = y - b,
+ _ = v - b,
+ (b + l * c + h * _) * m + g)
+ }
+ var w = this._heightMap.getHeight(s + 1, o + 1);
+ return isNaN(w) ? NaN : (c = v - w,
+ _ = y - w,
+ (w + (1 - l) * c + (1 - h) * _) * m + g)
+ }
+ ,
+ r(0, i, "minX", function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements;
+ return this._minX * this._getScaleX() + t[12]
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "width", function() {
+ return (this._heightMap.width - 1) * this._cellSize.x * this._getScaleX()
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "minZ", function() {
+ var t = this.transform.worldMatrix.elements;
+ return this._minZ * this._getScaleZ() + t[14]
+ }),
+ r(0, i, "depth", function() {
+ return (this._heightMap.height - 1) * this._cellSize.y * this._getScaleZ()
+ }),
+ e.createFromMesh = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r = new e(t,null,a);
+ return t.loaded ? r._initCreateFromMesh(i, n) : t.once("loaded", r, r._initCreateFromMesh, [i, n]),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.createFromMeshAndHeightMap = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = new e(t,null,r);
+ return t.loaded ? s._initCreateFromMeshHeightMap(i, n, a) : t.once("loaded", s, s._initCreateFromMeshHeightMap, [i, n, a]),
+ s
+ }
+ ,
+ n(e, ["_tempVector3", function() {
+ return this._tempVector3 = new Be
+ }
+ , "_tempMatrix4x4", function() {
+ return this._tempMatrix4x4 = new Me
+ }
+ ])
+ }()
+}(window, document, Laya),
+"function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("laya.core", ["require", "exports"], function(t, e) {
+ "use strict";
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
+ value: !0
+ });
+ for (var i in Laya) {
+ var n = Laya[i];
+ n && n.__isclass && (e[i] = n)
+ }
+function(t, e) {
+ "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], e) : t.CryptoJS = e()
+}(this, function() {
+ var t = t || function(t, e) {
+ var i = Object.create || function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return function(e) {
+ var i;
+ return t.prototype = e,
+ i = new t,
+ t.prototype = null,
+ i
+ }
+ }()
+ , n = {}
+ , a = n.lib = {}
+ , r = a.Base = {
+ extend: function(t) {
+ var e = i(this);
+ return t && e.mixIn(t),
+ e.hasOwnProperty("init") && this.init !== e.init || (e.init = function() {
+ e.$super.init.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ ),
+ e.init.prototype = e,
+ e.$super = this,
+ e
+ },
+ create: function() {
+ var t = this.extend();
+ return t.init.apply(t, arguments),
+ t
+ },
+ init: function() {},
+ mixIn: function(t) {
+ for (var e in t)
+ t.hasOwnProperty(e) && (this[e] = t[e]);
+ t.hasOwnProperty("toString") && (this.toString = t.toString)
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return this.init.prototype.extend(this)
+ }
+ }
+ , s = a.WordArray = r.extend({
+ init: function(t, e) {
+ t = this.words = t || [],
+ this.sigBytes = void 0 != e ? e : 4 * t.length
+ },
+ toString: function(t) {
+ return (t || l).stringify(this)
+ },
+ concat: function(t) {
+ var e = this.words
+ , i = t.words
+ , n = this.sigBytes
+ , a = t.sigBytes;
+ if (this.clamp(),
+ n % 4)
+ for (s = 0; s < a; s++) {
+ var r = i[s >>> 2] >>> 24 - s % 4 * 8 & 255;
+ e[n + s >>> 2] |= r << 24 - (n + s) % 4 * 8
+ }
+ else
+ for (var s = 0; s < a; s += 4)
+ e[n + s >>> 2] = i[s >>> 2];
+ return this.sigBytes += a,
+ this
+ },
+ clamp: function() {
+ var e = this.words
+ , i = this.sigBytes;
+ e[i >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - i % 4 * 8,
+ e.length = t.ceil(i / 4)
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = r.clone.call(this);
+ return t.words = this.words.slice(0),
+ t
+ },
+ random: function(e) {
+ for (var i, n = [], a = function(e) {
+ var e = e
+ , i = 987654321;
+ return function() {
+ var n = ((i = 36969 * (65535 & i) + (i >> 16) & 4294967295) << 16) + (e = 18e3 * (65535 & e) + (e >> 16) & 4294967295) & 4294967295;
+ return n /= 4294967296,
+ (n += .5) * (t.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1)
+ }
+ }, r = 0; r < e; r += 4) {
+ var o = a(4294967296 * (i || t.random()));
+ i = 987654071 * o(),
+ n.push(4294967296 * o() | 0)
+ }
+ return new s.init(n,e)
+ }
+ })
+ , o = n.enc = {}
+ , l = o.Hex = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.words, i = t.sigBytes, n = [], a = 0; a < i; a++) {
+ var r = e[a >>> 2] >>> 24 - a % 4 * 8 & 255;
+ n.push((r >>> 4).toString(16)),
+ n.push((15 & r).toString(16))
+ }
+ return n.join("")
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.length, i = [], n = 0; n < e; n += 2)
+ i[n >>> 3] |= parseInt(t.substr(n, 2), 16) << 24 - n % 8 * 4;
+ return new s.init(i,e / 2)
+ }
+ }
+ , h = o.Latin1 = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.words, i = t.sigBytes, n = [], a = 0; a < i; a++) {
+ var r = e[a >>> 2] >>> 24 - a % 4 * 8 & 255;
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(r))
+ }
+ return n.join("")
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.length, i = [], n = 0; n < e; n++)
+ i[n >>> 2] |= (255 & t.charCodeAt(n)) << 24 - n % 4 * 8;
+ return new s.init(i,e)
+ }
+ }
+ , c = o.Utf8 = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ try {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(h.stringify(t)))
+ } catch (t) {
+ throw new Error("Malformed UTF-8 data")
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ return h.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)))
+ }
+ }
+ , _ = a.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = r.extend({
+ reset: function() {
+ this._data = new s.init,
+ this._nDataBytes = 0
+ },
+ _append: function(t) {
+ "string" == typeof t && (t = c.parse(t)),
+ this._data.concat(t),
+ this._nDataBytes += t.sigBytes
+ },
+ _process: function(e) {
+ var i = this._data
+ , n = i.words
+ , a = i.sigBytes
+ , r = this.blockSize
+ , o = a / (4 * r)
+ , l = (o = e ? t.ceil(o) : t.max((0 | o) - this._minBufferSize, 0)) * r
+ , h = t.min(4 * l, a);
+ if (l) {
+ for (var c = 0; c < l; c += r)
+ this._doProcessBlock(n, c);
+ var _ = n.splice(0, l);
+ i.sigBytes -= h
+ }
+ return new s.init(_,h)
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = r.clone.call(this);
+ return t._data = this._data.clone(),
+ t
+ },
+ _minBufferSize: 0
+ })
+ , u = (a.Hasher = _.extend({
+ cfg: r.extend(),
+ init: function(t) {
+ this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t),
+ this.reset()
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ _.reset.call(this),
+ this._doReset()
+ },
+ update: function(t) {
+ return this._append(t),
+ this._process(),
+ this
+ },
+ finalize: function(t) {
+ t && this._append(t);
+ return this._doFinalize()
+ },
+ blockSize: 16,
+ _createHelper: function(t) {
+ return function(e, i) {
+ return new t.init(i).finalize(e)
+ }
+ },
+ _createHmacHelper: function(t) {
+ return function(e, i) {
+ return new u.HMAC.init(t,i).finalize(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ n.algo = {});
+ return n
+ }(Math);
+ return function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib.WordArray;
+ e.enc.Base64 = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ var e = t.words
+ , i = t.sigBytes
+ , n = this._map;
+ t.clamp();
+ for (var a = [], r = 0; r < i; r += 3)
+ for (var s = (e[r >>> 2] >>> 24 - r % 4 * 8 & 255) << 16 | (e[r + 1 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (r + 1) % 4 * 8 & 255) << 8 | e[r + 2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (r + 2) % 4 * 8 & 255, o = 0; o < 4 && r + .75 * o < i; o++)
+ a.push(n.charAt(s >>> 6 * (3 - o) & 63));
+ var l = n.charAt(64);
+ if (l)
+ for (; a.length % 4; )
+ a.push(l);
+ return a.join("")
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ var e = t.length
+ , n = this._map
+ , a = this._reverseMap;
+ if (!a) {
+ a = this._reverseMap = [];
+ for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
+ a[n.charCodeAt(r)] = r
+ }
+ var s = n.charAt(64);
+ if (s) {
+ var o = t.indexOf(s);
+ -1 !== o && (e = o)
+ }
+ return function(t, e, n) {
+ for (var a = [], r = 0, s = 0; s < e; s++)
+ if (s % 4) {
+ var o = n[t.charCodeAt(s - 1)] << s % 4 * 2
+ , l = n[t.charCodeAt(s)] >>> 6 - s % 4 * 2;
+ a[r >>> 2] |= (o | l) << 24 - r % 4 * 8,
+ r++
+ }
+ return i.create(a, r)
+ }(t, e, a)
+ },
+ _map: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
+ }
+ }(),
+ function(e) {
+ function i(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t + (e & i | ~e & n) + a + s;
+ return (o << r | o >>> 32 - r) + e
+ }
+ function n(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t + (e & n | i & ~n) + a + s;
+ return (o << r | o >>> 32 - r) + e
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t + (e ^ i ^ n) + a + s;
+ return (o << r | o >>> 32 - r) + e
+ }
+ function r(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ var o = t + (i ^ (e | ~n)) + a + s;
+ return (o << r | o >>> 32 - r) + e
+ }
+ var s = t
+ , o = s.lib
+ , l = o.WordArray
+ , h = o.Hasher
+ , c = s.algo
+ , _ = [];
+ !function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 64; t++)
+ _[t] = 4294967296 * e.abs(e.sin(t + 1)) | 0
+ }();
+ var u = c.MD5 = h.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = new l.init([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878])
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ for (var s = 0; s < 16; s++) {
+ var o = e + s
+ , l = t[o];
+ t[o] = 16711935 & (l << 8 | l >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (l << 24 | l >>> 8)
+ }
+ var h = this._hash.words
+ , c = t[e + 0]
+ , u = t[e + 1]
+ , d = t[e + 2]
+ , f = t[e + 3]
+ , p = t[e + 4]
+ , m = t[e + 5]
+ , g = t[e + 6]
+ , y = t[e + 7]
+ , v = t[e + 8]
+ , b = t[e + 9]
+ , w = t[e + 10]
+ , x = t[e + 11]
+ , I = t[e + 12]
+ , C = t[e + 13]
+ , S = t[e + 14]
+ , M = t[e + 15]
+ , L = h[0]
+ , T = h[1]
+ , E = h[2]
+ , D = h[3];
+ T = r(T = r(T = r(T = r(T = a(T = a(T = a(T = a(T = n(T = n(T = n(T = n(T = i(T = i(T = i(T = i(T, E = i(E, D = i(D, L = i(L, T, E, D, c, 7, _[0]), T, E, u, 12, _[1]), L, T, d, 17, _[2]), D, L, f, 22, _[3]), E = i(E, D = i(D, L = i(L, T, E, D, p, 7, _[4]), T, E, m, 12, _[5]), L, T, g, 17, _[6]), D, L, y, 22, _[7]), E = i(E, D = i(D, L = i(L, T, E, D, v, 7, _[8]), T, E, b, 12, _[9]), L, T, w, 17, _[10]), D, L, x, 22, _[11]), E = i(E, D = i(D, L = i(L, T, E, D, I, 7, _[12]), T, E, C, 12, _[13]), L, T, S, 17, _[14]), D, L, M, 22, _[15]), E = n(E, D = n(D, L = n(L, T, E, D, u, 5, _[16]), T, E, g, 9, _[17]), L, T, x, 14, _[18]), D, L, c, 20, _[19]), E = n(E, D = n(D, L = n(L, T, E, D, m, 5, _[20]), T, E, w, 9, _[21]), L, T, M, 14, _[22]), D, L, p, 20, _[23]), E = n(E, D = n(D, L = n(L, T, E, D, b, 5, _[24]), T, E, S, 9, _[25]), L, T, f, 14, _[26]), D, L, v, 20, _[27]), E = n(E, D = n(D, L = n(L, T, E, D, C, 5, _[28]), T, E, d, 9, _[29]), L, T, y, 14, _[30]), D, L, I, 20, _[31]), E = a(E, D = a(D, L = a(L, T, E, D, m, 4, _[32]), T, E, v, 11, _[33]), L, T, x, 16, _[34]), D, L, S, 23, _[35]), E = a(E, D = a(D, L = a(L, T, E, D, u, 4, _[36]), T, E, p, 11, _[37]), L, T, y, 16, _[38]), D, L, w, 23, _[39]), E = a(E, D = a(D, L = a(L, T, E, D, C, 4, _[40]), T, E, c, 11, _[41]), L, T, f, 16, _[42]), D, L, g, 23, _[43]), E = a(E, D = a(D, L = a(L, T, E, D, b, 4, _[44]), T, E, I, 11, _[45]), L, T, M, 16, _[46]), D, L, d, 23, _[47]), E = r(E, D = r(D, L = r(L, T, E, D, c, 6, _[48]), T, E, y, 10, _[49]), L, T, S, 15, _[50]), D, L, m, 21, _[51]), E = r(E, D = r(D, L = r(L, T, E, D, I, 6, _[52]), T, E, f, 10, _[53]), L, T, w, 15, _[54]), D, L, u, 21, _[55]), E = r(E, D = r(D, L = r(L, T, E, D, v, 6, _[56]), T, E, M, 10, _[57]), L, T, g, 15, _[58]), D, L, C, 21, _[59]), E = r(E, D = r(D, L = r(L, T, E, D, p, 6, _[60]), T, E, x, 10, _[61]), L, T, d, 15, _[62]), D, L, b, 21, _[63]),
+ h[0] = h[0] + L | 0,
+ h[1] = h[1] + T | 0,
+ h[2] = h[2] + E | 0,
+ h[3] = h[3] + D | 0
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this._data
+ , i = t.words
+ , n = 8 * this._nDataBytes
+ , a = 8 * t.sigBytes;
+ i[a >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - a % 32;
+ var r = e.floor(n / 4294967296)
+ , s = n;
+ i[15 + (a + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (r << 8 | r >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (r << 24 | r >>> 8),
+ i[14 + (a + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8),
+ t.sigBytes = 4 * (i.length + 1),
+ this._process();
+ for (var o = this._hash, l = o.words, h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
+ var c = l[h];
+ l[h] = 16711935 & (c << 8 | c >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (c << 24 | c >>> 8)
+ }
+ return o
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = h.clone.call(this);
+ return t._hash = this._hash.clone(),
+ t
+ }
+ });
+ s.MD5 = h._createHelper(u),
+ s.HmacMD5 = h._createHmacHelper(u)
+ }(Math),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib
+ , n = i.WordArray
+ , a = i.Hasher
+ , r = []
+ , s = e.algo.SHA1 = a.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = new n.init([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520])
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this._hash.words, n = i[0], a = i[1], s = i[2], o = i[3], l = i[4], h = 0; h < 80; h++) {
+ if (h < 16)
+ r[h] = 0 | t[e + h];
+ else {
+ var c = r[h - 3] ^ r[h - 8] ^ r[h - 14] ^ r[h - 16];
+ r[h] = c << 1 | c >>> 31
+ }
+ var _ = (n << 5 | n >>> 27) + l + r[h];
+ _ += h < 20 ? 1518500249 + (a & s | ~a & o) : h < 40 ? 1859775393 + (a ^ s ^ o) : h < 60 ? (a & s | a & o | s & o) - 1894007588 : (a ^ s ^ o) - 899497514,
+ l = o,
+ o = s,
+ s = a << 30 | a >>> 2,
+ a = n,
+ n = _
+ }
+ i[0] = i[0] + n | 0,
+ i[1] = i[1] + a | 0,
+ i[2] = i[2] + s | 0,
+ i[3] = i[3] + o | 0,
+ i[4] = i[4] + l | 0
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this._data
+ , e = t.words
+ , i = 8 * this._nDataBytes
+ , n = 8 * t.sigBytes;
+ return e[n >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - n % 32,
+ e[14 + (n + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = Math.floor(i / 4294967296),
+ e[15 + (n + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = i,
+ t.sigBytes = 4 * e.length,
+ this._process(),
+ this._hash
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = a.clone.call(this);
+ return t._hash = this._hash.clone(),
+ t
+ }
+ });
+ e.SHA1 = a._createHelper(s),
+ e.HmacSHA1 = a._createHmacHelper(s)
+ }(),
+ function(e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib
+ , a = n.WordArray
+ , r = n.Hasher
+ , s = i.algo
+ , o = []
+ , l = [];
+ !function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ for (var i = e.sqrt(t), n = 2; n <= i; n++)
+ if (!(t % n))
+ return !1;
+ return !0
+ }
+ function i(t) {
+ return 4294967296 * (t - (0 | t)) | 0
+ }
+ for (var n = 2, a = 0; a < 64; )
+ t(n) && (a < 8 && (o[a] = i(e.pow(n, .5))),
+ l[a] = i(e.pow(n, 1 / 3)),
+ a++),
+ n++
+ }();
+ var h = []
+ , c = s.SHA256 = r.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = new a.init(o.slice(0))
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this._hash.words, n = i[0], a = i[1], r = i[2], s = i[3], o = i[4], c = i[5], _ = i[6], u = i[7], d = 0; d < 64; d++) {
+ if (d < 16)
+ h[d] = 0 | t[e + d];
+ else {
+ var f = h[d - 15]
+ , p = (f << 25 | f >>> 7) ^ (f << 14 | f >>> 18) ^ f >>> 3
+ , m = h[d - 2]
+ , g = (m << 15 | m >>> 17) ^ (m << 13 | m >>> 19) ^ m >>> 10;
+ h[d] = p + h[d - 7] + g + h[d - 16]
+ }
+ var y = n & a ^ n & r ^ a & r
+ , v = (n << 30 | n >>> 2) ^ (n << 19 | n >>> 13) ^ (n << 10 | n >>> 22)
+ , b = u + ((o << 26 | o >>> 6) ^ (o << 21 | o >>> 11) ^ (o << 7 | o >>> 25)) + (o & c ^ ~o & _) + l[d] + h[d];
+ u = _,
+ _ = c,
+ c = o,
+ o = s + b | 0,
+ s = r,
+ r = a,
+ a = n,
+ n = b + (v + y) | 0
+ }
+ i[0] = i[0] + n | 0,
+ i[1] = i[1] + a | 0,
+ i[2] = i[2] + r | 0,
+ i[3] = i[3] + s | 0,
+ i[4] = i[4] + o | 0,
+ i[5] = i[5] + c | 0,
+ i[6] = i[6] + _ | 0,
+ i[7] = i[7] + u | 0
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this._data
+ , i = t.words
+ , n = 8 * this._nDataBytes
+ , a = 8 * t.sigBytes;
+ return i[a >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - a % 32,
+ i[14 + (a + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = e.floor(n / 4294967296),
+ i[15 + (a + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = n,
+ t.sigBytes = 4 * i.length,
+ this._process(),
+ this._hash
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = r.clone.call(this);
+ return t._hash = this._hash.clone(),
+ t
+ }
+ });
+ i.SHA256 = r._createHelper(c),
+ i.HmacSHA256 = r._createHmacHelper(c)
+ }(Math),
+ function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ return t << 8 & 4278255360 | t >>> 8 & 16711935
+ }
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib.WordArray
+ , a = i.enc;
+ a.Utf16 = a.Utf16BE = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.words, i = t.sigBytes, n = [], a = 0; a < i; a += 2) {
+ var r = e[a >>> 2] >>> 16 - a % 4 * 8 & 65535;
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(r))
+ }
+ return n.join("")
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.length, i = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ i[a >>> 1] |= t.charCodeAt(a) << 16 - a % 2 * 16;
+ return n.create(i, 2 * e)
+ }
+ };
+ a.Utf16LE = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ for (var i = t.words, n = t.sigBytes, a = [], r = 0; r < n; r += 2) {
+ var s = e(i[r >>> 2] >>> 16 - r % 4 * 8 & 65535);
+ a.push(String.fromCharCode(s))
+ }
+ return a.join("")
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ for (var i = t.length, a = [], r = 0; r < i; r++)
+ a[r >>> 1] |= e(t.charCodeAt(r) << 16 - r % 2 * 16);
+ return n.create(a, 2 * i)
+ }
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ if ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer) {
+ var e = t.lib.WordArray
+ , i = e.init;
+ (e.init = function(t) {
+ if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer && (t = new Uint8Array(t)),
+ (t instanceof Int8Array || "undefined" != typeof Uint8ClampedArray && t instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || t instanceof Int16Array || t instanceof Uint16Array || t instanceof Int32Array || t instanceof Uint32Array || t instanceof Float32Array || t instanceof Float64Array) && (t = new Uint8Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength)),
+ t instanceof Uint8Array) {
+ for (var e = t.byteLength, n = [], a = 0; a < e; a++)
+ n[a >>> 2] |= t[a] << 24 - a % 4 * 8;
+ i.call(this, n, e)
+ } else
+ i.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ ).prototype = e
+ }
+ }(),
+ function(e) {
+ function i(t, e, i) {
+ return t ^ e ^ i
+ }
+ function n(t, e, i) {
+ return t & e | ~t & i
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i) {
+ return (t | ~e) ^ i
+ }
+ function r(t, e, i) {
+ return t & i | e & ~i
+ }
+ function s(t, e, i) {
+ return t ^ (e | ~i)
+ }
+ function o(t, e) {
+ return t << e | t >>> 32 - e
+ }
+ var l = t
+ , h = l.lib
+ , c = h.WordArray
+ , _ = h.Hasher
+ , u = l.algo
+ , d = c.create([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13])
+ , f = c.create([5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11])
+ , p = c.create([11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6])
+ , m = c.create([8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11])
+ , g = c.create([0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838])
+ , y = c.create([1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0])
+ , v = u.RIPEMD160 = _.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = c.create([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520])
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
+ var l = e + k
+ , h = t[l];
+ t[l] = 16711935 & (h << 8 | h >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (h << 24 | h >>> 8)
+ }
+ var c, _, u, v, b, w, x, I, C, S, M = this._hash.words, L = g.words, T = y.words, E = d.words, D = f.words, N = p.words, A = m.words;
+ w = c = M[0],
+ x = _ = M[1],
+ I = u = M[2],
+ C = v = M[3],
+ S = b = M[4];
+ for (var B, k = 0; k < 80; k += 1)
+ B = c + t[e + E[k]] | 0,
+ B += k < 16 ? i(_, u, v) + L[0] : k < 32 ? n(_, u, v) + L[1] : k < 48 ? a(_, u, v) + L[2] : k < 64 ? r(_, u, v) + L[3] : s(_, u, v) + L[4],
+ B = (B = o(B |= 0, N[k])) + b | 0,
+ c = b,
+ b = v,
+ v = o(u, 10),
+ u = _,
+ _ = B,
+ B = w + t[e + D[k]] | 0,
+ B += k < 16 ? s(x, I, C) + T[0] : k < 32 ? r(x, I, C) + T[1] : k < 48 ? a(x, I, C) + T[2] : k < 64 ? n(x, I, C) + T[3] : i(x, I, C) + T[4],
+ B = (B = o(B |= 0, A[k])) + S | 0,
+ w = S,
+ S = C,
+ C = o(I, 10),
+ I = x,
+ x = B;
+ B = M[1] + u + C | 0,
+ M[1] = M[2] + v + S | 0,
+ M[2] = M[3] + b + w | 0,
+ M[3] = M[4] + c + x | 0,
+ M[4] = M[0] + _ + I | 0,
+ M[0] = B
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this._data
+ , e = t.words
+ , i = 8 * this._nDataBytes
+ , n = 8 * t.sigBytes;
+ e[n >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - n % 32,
+ e[14 + (n + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (i << 8 | i >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (i << 24 | i >>> 8),
+ t.sigBytes = 4 * (e.length + 1),
+ this._process();
+ for (var a = this._hash, r = a.words, s = 0; s < 5; s++) {
+ var o = r[s];
+ r[s] = 16711935 & (o << 8 | o >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (o << 24 | o >>> 8)
+ }
+ return a
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = _.clone.call(this);
+ return t._hash = this._hash.clone(),
+ t
+ }
+ });
+ l.RIPEMD160 = _._createHelper(v),
+ l.HmacRIPEMD160 = _._createHmacHelper(v)
+ }(Math),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib.Base
+ , n = e.enc.Utf8;
+ e.algo.HMAC = i.extend({
+ init: function(t, e) {
+ t = this._hasher = new t.init,
+ "string" == typeof e && (e = n.parse(e));
+ var i = t.blockSize
+ , a = 4 * i;
+ e.sigBytes > a && (e = t.finalize(e)),
+ e.clamp();
+ for (var r = this._oKey = e.clone(), s = this._iKey = e.clone(), o = r.words, l = s.words, h = 0; h < i; h++)
+ o[h] ^= 1549556828,
+ l[h] ^= 909522486;
+ r.sigBytes = s.sigBytes = a,
+ this.reset()
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ var t = this._hasher;
+ t.reset(),
+ t.update(this._iKey)
+ },
+ update: function(t) {
+ return this._hasher.update(t),
+ this
+ },
+ finalize: function(t) {
+ var e = this._hasher
+ , i = e.finalize(t);
+ e.reset();
+ return e.finalize(this._oKey.clone().concat(i))
+ }
+ })
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib
+ , n = i.Base
+ , a = i.WordArray
+ , r = e.algo
+ , s = r.SHA1
+ , o = r.HMAC
+ , l = r.PBKDF2 = n.extend({
+ cfg: n.extend({
+ keySize: 4,
+ hasher: s,
+ iterations: 1
+ }),
+ init: function(t) {
+ this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t)
+ },
+ compute: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this.cfg, n = o.create(i.hasher, t), r = a.create(), s = a.create([1]), l = r.words, h = s.words, c = i.keySize, _ = i.iterations; l.length < c; ) {
+ var u = n.update(e).finalize(s);
+ n.reset();
+ for (var d = u.words, f = d.length, p = u, m = 1; m < _; m++) {
+ p = n.finalize(p),
+ n.reset();
+ for (var g = p.words, y = 0; y < f; y++)
+ d[y] ^= g[y]
+ }
+ r.concat(u),
+ h[0]++
+ }
+ return r.sigBytes = 4 * c,
+ r
+ }
+ });
+ e.PBKDF2 = function(t, e, i) {
+ return l.create(i).compute(t, e)
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib
+ , n = i.Base
+ , a = i.WordArray
+ , r = e.algo
+ , s = r.MD5
+ , o = r.EvpKDF = n.extend({
+ cfg: n.extend({
+ keySize: 4,
+ hasher: s,
+ iterations: 1
+ }),
+ init: function(t) {
+ this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t)
+ },
+ compute: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this.cfg, n = i.hasher.create(), r = a.create(), s = r.words, o = i.keySize, l = i.iterations; s.length < o; ) {
+ h && n.update(h);
+ var h = n.update(t).finalize(e);
+ n.reset();
+ for (var c = 1; c < l; c++)
+ h = n.finalize(h),
+ n.reset();
+ r.concat(h)
+ }
+ return r.sigBytes = 4 * o,
+ r
+ }
+ });
+ e.EvpKDF = function(t, e, i) {
+ return o.create(i).compute(t, e)
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib.WordArray
+ , n = e.algo
+ , a = n.SHA256
+ , r = n.SHA224 = a.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = new i.init([3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428])
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = a._doFinalize.call(this);
+ return t.sigBytes -= 4,
+ t
+ }
+ });
+ e.SHA224 = a._createHelper(r),
+ e.HmacSHA224 = a._createHmacHelper(r)
+ }(),
+ function(e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib
+ , a = n.Base
+ , r = n.WordArray
+ , s = i.x64 = {};
+ s.Word = a.extend({
+ init: function(t, e) {
+ this.high = t,
+ this.low = e
+ }
+ }),
+ s.WordArray = a.extend({
+ init: function(t, e) {
+ t = this.words = t || [],
+ this.sigBytes = void 0 != e ? e : 8 * t.length
+ },
+ toX32: function() {
+ for (var t = this.words, e = t.length, i = [], n = 0; n < e; n++) {
+ var a = t[n];
+ i.push(a.high),
+ i.push(a.low)
+ }
+ return r.create(i, this.sigBytes)
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ for (var t = a.clone.call(this), e = t.words = this.words.slice(0), i = e.length, n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ e[n] = e[n].clone();
+ return t
+ }
+ })
+ }(),
+ function(e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib
+ , a = n.WordArray
+ , r = n.Hasher
+ , s = i.x64.Word
+ , o = i.algo
+ , l = []
+ , h = []
+ , c = [];
+ !function() {
+ for (var t = 1, e = 0, i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
+ l[t + 5 * e] = (i + 1) * (i + 2) / 2 % 64;
+ var n = (2 * t + 3 * e) % 5;
+ t = e % 5,
+ e = n
+ }
+ for (t = 0; t < 5; t++)
+ for (e = 0; e < 5; e++)
+ h[t + 5 * e] = e + (2 * t + 3 * e) % 5 * 5;
+ for (var a = 1, r = 0; r < 24; r++) {
+ for (var o = 0, _ = 0, u = 0; u < 7; u++) {
+ if (1 & a) {
+ var d = (1 << u) - 1;
+ d < 32 ? _ ^= 1 << d : o ^= 1 << d - 32
+ }
+ 128 & a ? a = a << 1 ^ 113 : a <<= 1
+ }
+ c[r] = s.create(o, _)
+ }
+ }();
+ var _ = [];
+ !function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 25; t++)
+ _[t] = s.create()
+ }();
+ var u = o.SHA3 = r.extend({
+ cfg: r.cfg.extend({
+ outputLength: 512
+ }),
+ _doReset: function() {
+ for (var t = this._state = [], e = 0; e < 25; e++)
+ t[e] = new s.init;
+ this.blockSize = (1600 - 2 * this.cfg.outputLength) / 32
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this._state, n = this.blockSize / 2, a = 0; a < n; a++) {
+ var r = t[e + 2 * a]
+ , s = t[e + 2 * a + 1];
+ r = 16711935 & (r << 8 | r >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (r << 24 | r >>> 8),
+ s = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8);
+ (T = i[a]).high ^= s,
+ T.low ^= r
+ }
+ for (var o = 0; o < 24; o++) {
+ for (M = 0; M < 5; M++) {
+ for (var u = 0, d = 0, f = 0; f < 5; f++) {
+ u ^= (T = i[M + 5 * f]).high,
+ d ^= T.low
+ }
+ var p = _[M];
+ p.high = u,
+ p.low = d
+ }
+ for (M = 0; M < 5; M++)
+ for (var m = _[(M + 4) % 5], g = _[(M + 1) % 5], y = g.high, v = g.low, u = m.high ^ (y << 1 | v >>> 31), d = m.low ^ (v << 1 | y >>> 31), f = 0; f < 5; f++) {
+ (T = i[M + 5 * f]).high ^= u,
+ T.low ^= d
+ }
+ for (L = 1; L < 25; L++) {
+ var b = (T = i[L]).high
+ , w = T.low
+ , x = l[L];
+ if (x < 32)
+ var u = b << x | w >>> 32 - x
+ , d = w << x | b >>> 32 - x;
+ else
+ var u = w << x - 32 | b >>> 64 - x
+ , d = b << x - 32 | w >>> 64 - x;
+ var I = _[h[L]];
+ I.high = u,
+ I.low = d
+ }
+ var C = _[0]
+ , S = i[0];
+ C.high = S.high,
+ C.low = S.low;
+ for (var M = 0; M < 5; M++)
+ for (f = 0; f < 5; f++) {
+ var L, T = i[L = M + 5 * f], E = _[L], D = _[(M + 1) % 5 + 5 * f], N = _[(M + 2) % 5 + 5 * f];
+ T.high = E.high ^ ~D.high & N.high,
+ T.low = E.low ^ ~D.low & N.low
+ }
+ var T = i[0]
+ , A = c[o];
+ T.high ^= A.high,
+ T.low ^= A.low
+ }
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this._data
+ , i = t.words
+ , n = (this._nDataBytes,
+ 8 * t.sigBytes)
+ , r = 32 * this.blockSize;
+ i[n >>> 5] |= 1 << 24 - n % 32,
+ i[(e.ceil((n + 1) / r) * r >>> 5) - 1] |= 128,
+ t.sigBytes = 4 * i.length,
+ this._process();
+ for (var s = this._state, o = this.cfg.outputLength / 8, l = o / 8, h = [], c = 0; c < l; c++) {
+ var _ = s[c]
+ , u = _.high
+ , d = _.low;
+ u = 16711935 & (u << 8 | u >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (u << 24 | u >>> 8),
+ d = 16711935 & (d << 8 | d >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (d << 24 | d >>> 8),
+ h.push(d),
+ h.push(u)
+ }
+ return new a.init(h,o)
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ for (var t = r.clone.call(this), e = t._state = this._state.slice(0), i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ e[i] = e[i].clone();
+ return t
+ }
+ });
+ i.SHA3 = r._createHelper(u),
+ i.HmacSHA3 = r._createHmacHelper(u)
+ }(Math),
+ function() {
+ function e() {
+ return r.create.apply(r, arguments)
+ }
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib.Hasher
+ , a = i.x64
+ , r = a.Word
+ , s = a.WordArray
+ , o = i.algo
+ , l = [e(1116352408, 3609767458), e(1899447441, 602891725), e(3049323471, 3964484399), e(3921009573, 2173295548), e(961987163, 4081628472), e(1508970993, 3053834265), e(2453635748, 2937671579), e(2870763221, 3664609560), e(3624381080, 2734883394), e(310598401, 1164996542), e(607225278, 1323610764), e(1426881987, 3590304994), e(1925078388, 4068182383), e(2162078206, 991336113), e(2614888103, 633803317), e(3248222580, 3479774868), e(3835390401, 2666613458), e(4022224774, 944711139), e(264347078, 2341262773), e(604807628, 2007800933), e(770255983, 1495990901), e(1249150122, 1856431235), e(1555081692, 3175218132), e(1996064986, 2198950837), e(2554220882, 3999719339), e(2821834349, 766784016), e(2952996808, 2566594879), e(3210313671, 3203337956), e(3336571891, 1034457026), e(3584528711, 2466948901), e(113926993, 3758326383), e(338241895, 168717936), e(666307205, 1188179964), e(773529912, 1546045734), e(1294757372, 1522805485), e(1396182291, 2643833823), e(1695183700, 2343527390), e(1986661051, 1014477480), e(2177026350, 1206759142), e(2456956037, 344077627), e(2730485921, 1290863460), e(2820302411, 3158454273), e(3259730800, 3505952657), e(3345764771, 106217008), e(3516065817, 3606008344), e(3600352804, 1432725776), e(4094571909, 1467031594), e(275423344, 851169720), e(430227734, 3100823752), e(506948616, 1363258195), e(659060556, 3750685593), e(883997877, 3785050280), e(958139571, 3318307427), e(1322822218, 3812723403), e(1537002063, 2003034995), e(1747873779, 3602036899), e(1955562222, 1575990012), e(2024104815, 1125592928), e(2227730452, 2716904306), e(2361852424, 442776044), e(2428436474, 593698344), e(2756734187, 3733110249), e(3204031479, 2999351573), e(3329325298, 3815920427), e(3391569614, 3928383900), e(3515267271, 566280711), e(3940187606, 3454069534), e(4118630271, 4000239992), e(116418474, 1914138554), e(174292421, 2731055270), e(289380356, 3203993006), e(460393269, 320620315), e(685471733, 587496836), e(852142971, 1086792851), e(1017036298, 365543100), e(1126000580, 2618297676), e(1288033470, 3409855158), e(1501505948, 4234509866), e(1607167915, 987167468), e(1816402316, 1246189591)]
+ , h = [];
+ !function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 80; t++)
+ h[t] = e()
+ }();
+ var c = o.SHA512 = n.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = new s.init([new r.init(1779033703,4089235720), new r.init(3144134277,2227873595), new r.init(1013904242,4271175723), new r.init(2773480762,1595750129), new r.init(1359893119,2917565137), new r.init(2600822924,725511199), new r.init(528734635,4215389547), new r.init(1541459225,327033209)])
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this._hash.words, n = i[0], a = i[1], r = i[2], s = i[3], o = i[4], c = i[5], _ = i[6], u = i[7], d = n.high, f = n.low, p = a.high, m = a.low, g = r.high, y = r.low, v = s.high, b = s.low, w = o.high, x = o.low, I = c.high, C = c.low, S = _.high, M = _.low, L = u.high, T = u.low, E = d, D = f, N = p, A = m, B = g, k = y, R = v, P = b, O = w, U = x, V = I, F = C, H = S, G = M, z = L, j = T, W = 0; W < 80; W++) {
+ var X = h[W];
+ if (W < 16)
+ var q = X.high = 0 | t[e + 2 * W]
+ , Y = X.low = 0 | t[e + 2 * W + 1];
+ else {
+ var J = h[W - 15]
+ , K = J.high
+ , Z = J.low
+ , Q = (K >>> 1 | Z << 31) ^ (K >>> 8 | Z << 24) ^ K >>> 7
+ , $ = (Z >>> 1 | K << 31) ^ (Z >>> 8 | K << 24) ^ (Z >>> 7 | K << 25)
+ , tt = h[W - 2]
+ , et = tt.high
+ , it = tt.low
+ , nt = (et >>> 19 | it << 13) ^ (et << 3 | it >>> 29) ^ et >>> 6
+ , at = (it >>> 19 | et << 13) ^ (it << 3 | et >>> 29) ^ (it >>> 6 | et << 26)
+ , rt = h[W - 7]
+ , st = rt.high
+ , ot = rt.low
+ , lt = h[W - 16]
+ , ht = lt.high
+ , ct = lt.low
+ , q = (q = (q = Q + st + ((Y = $ + ot) >>> 0 < $ >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + nt + ((Y = Y + at) >>> 0 < at >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + ht + ((Y = Y + ct) >>> 0 < ct >>> 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ X.high = q,
+ X.low = Y
+ }
+ var _t = O & V ^ ~O & H
+ , ut = U & F ^ ~U & G
+ , dt = E & N ^ E & B ^ N & B
+ , ft = D & A ^ D & k ^ A & k
+ , pt = (E >>> 28 | D << 4) ^ (E << 30 | D >>> 2) ^ (E << 25 | D >>> 7)
+ , mt = (D >>> 28 | E << 4) ^ (D << 30 | E >>> 2) ^ (D << 25 | E >>> 7)
+ , gt = (O >>> 14 | U << 18) ^ (O >>> 18 | U << 14) ^ (O << 23 | U >>> 9)
+ , yt = (U >>> 14 | O << 18) ^ (U >>> 18 | O << 14) ^ (U << 23 | O >>> 9)
+ , vt = l[W]
+ , bt = vt.high
+ , wt = vt.low
+ , xt = j + yt
+ , It = z + gt + (xt >>> 0 < j >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)
+ , Ct = mt + ft;
+ z = H,
+ j = G,
+ H = V,
+ G = F,
+ V = O,
+ F = U,
+ O = R + (It = (It = (It = It + _t + ((xt = xt + ut) >>> 0 < ut >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + bt + ((xt = xt + wt) >>> 0 < wt >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + q + ((xt = xt + Y) >>> 0 < Y >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + ((U = P + xt | 0) >>> 0 < P >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ R = B,
+ P = k,
+ B = N,
+ k = A,
+ N = E,
+ A = D,
+ E = It + (pt + dt + (Ct >>> 0 < mt >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + ((D = xt + Ct | 0) >>> 0 < xt >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0
+ }
+ f = n.low = f + D,
+ n.high = d + E + (f >>> 0 < D >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ m = a.low = m + A,
+ a.high = p + N + (m >>> 0 < A >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ y = r.low = y + k,
+ r.high = g + B + (y >>> 0 < k >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ b = s.low = b + P,
+ s.high = v + R + (b >>> 0 < P >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ x = o.low = x + U,
+ o.high = w + O + (x >>> 0 < U >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ C = c.low = C + F,
+ c.high = I + V + (C >>> 0 < F >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ M = _.low = M + G,
+ _.high = S + H + (M >>> 0 < G >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
+ T = u.low = T + j,
+ u.high = L + z + (T >>> 0 < j >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this._data
+ , e = t.words
+ , i = 8 * this._nDataBytes
+ , n = 8 * t.sigBytes;
+ e[n >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - n % 32,
+ e[30 + (n + 128 >>> 10 << 5)] = Math.floor(i / 4294967296),
+ e[31 + (n + 128 >>> 10 << 5)] = i,
+ t.sigBytes = 4 * e.length,
+ this._process();
+ return this._hash.toX32()
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var t = n.clone.call(this);
+ return t._hash = this._hash.clone(),
+ t
+ },
+ blockSize: 32
+ });
+ i.SHA512 = n._createHelper(c),
+ i.HmacSHA512 = n._createHmacHelper(c)
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.x64
+ , n = i.Word
+ , a = i.WordArray
+ , r = e.algo
+ , s = r.SHA512
+ , o = r.SHA384 = s.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ this._hash = new a.init([new n.init(3418070365,3238371032), new n.init(1654270250,914150663), new n.init(2438529370,812702999), new n.init(355462360,4144912697), new n.init(1731405415,4290775857), new n.init(2394180231,1750603025), new n.init(3675008525,1694076839), new n.init(1203062813,3204075428)])
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = s._doFinalize.call(this);
+ return t.sigBytes -= 16,
+ t
+ }
+ });
+ e.SHA384 = s._createHelper(o),
+ e.HmacSHA384 = s._createHmacHelper(o)
+ }(),
+ t.lib.Cipher || function(e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib
+ , a = n.Base
+ , r = n.WordArray
+ , s = n.BufferedBlockAlgorithm
+ , o = i.enc
+ , l = (o.Utf8,
+ o.Base64)
+ , h = i.algo.EvpKDF
+ , c = n.Cipher = s.extend({
+ cfg: a.extend(),
+ createEncryptor: function(t, e) {
+ return this.create(this._ENC_XFORM_MODE, t, e)
+ },
+ createDecryptor: function(t, e) {
+ return this.create(this._DEC_XFORM_MODE, t, e)
+ },
+ init: function(t, e, i) {
+ this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(i),
+ this._xformMode = t,
+ this._key = e,
+ this.reset()
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ s.reset.call(this),
+ this._doReset()
+ },
+ process: function(t) {
+ return this._append(t),
+ this._process()
+ },
+ finalize: function(t) {
+ t && this._append(t);
+ return this._doFinalize()
+ },
+ keySize: 4,
+ ivSize: 4,
+ _createHelper: function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ return "string" == typeof t ? v : g
+ }
+ return function(e) {
+ return {
+ encrypt: function(i, n, a) {
+ return t(n).encrypt(e, i, n, a)
+ },
+ decrypt: function(i, n, a) {
+ return t(n).decrypt(e, i, n, a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ })
+ , _ = (n.StreamCipher = c.extend({
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ return this._process(!0)
+ },
+ blockSize: 1
+ }),
+ i.mode = {})
+ , u = n.BlockCipherMode = a.extend({
+ createEncryptor: function(t, e) {
+ return this.Encryptor.create(t, e)
+ },
+ createDecryptor: function(t, e) {
+ return this.Decryptor.create(t, e)
+ },
+ init: function(t, e) {
+ this._cipher = t,
+ this._iv = e
+ }
+ })
+ , d = _.CBC = function() {
+ function t(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this._iv;
+ if (a) {
+ r = a;
+ this._iv = e
+ } else
+ var r = this._prevBlock;
+ for (var s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ t[i + s] ^= r[s]
+ }
+ var i = u.extend();
+ return i.Encryptor = i.extend({
+ processBlock: function(e, i) {
+ var n = this._cipher
+ , a = n.blockSize;
+ t.call(this, e, i, a),
+ n.encryptBlock(e, i),
+ this._prevBlock = e.slice(i, i + a)
+ }
+ }),
+ i.Decryptor = i.extend({
+ processBlock: function(e, i) {
+ var n = this._cipher
+ , a = n.blockSize
+ , r = e.slice(i, i + a);
+ n.decryptBlock(e, i),
+ t.call(this, e, i, a),
+ this._prevBlock = r
+ }
+ }),
+ i
+ }()
+ , f = (i.pad = {}).Pkcs7 = {
+ pad: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 4 * e, n = i - t.sigBytes % i, a = n << 24 | n << 16 | n << 8 | n, s = [], o = 0; o < n; o += 4)
+ s.push(a);
+ var l = r.create(s, n);
+ t.concat(l)
+ },
+ unpad: function(t) {
+ var e = 255 & t.words[t.sigBytes - 1 >>> 2];
+ t.sigBytes -= e
+ }
+ }
+ , p = (n.BlockCipher = c.extend({
+ cfg: c.cfg.extend({
+ mode: d,
+ padding: f
+ }),
+ reset: function() {
+ c.reset.call(this);
+ var t = this.cfg
+ , e = t.iv
+ , i = t.mode;
+ if (this._xformMode == this._ENC_XFORM_MODE)
+ n = i.createEncryptor;
+ else {
+ var n = i.createDecryptor;
+ this._minBufferSize = 1
+ }
+ this._mode && this._mode.__creator == n ? this._mode.init(this, e && e.words) : (this._mode = n.call(i, this, e && e.words),
+ this._mode.__creator = n)
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._mode.processBlock(t, e)
+ },
+ _doFinalize: function() {
+ var t = this.cfg.padding;
+ if (this._xformMode == this._ENC_XFORM_MODE) {
+ t.pad(this._data, this.blockSize);
+ e = this._process(!0)
+ } else {
+ var e = this._process(!0);
+ t.unpad(e)
+ }
+ return e
+ },
+ blockSize: 4
+ }),
+ n.CipherParams = a.extend({
+ init: function(t) {
+ this.mixIn(t)
+ },
+ toString: function(t) {
+ return (t || this.formatter).stringify(this)
+ }
+ }))
+ , m = (i.format = {}).OpenSSL = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ var e = t.ciphertext
+ , i = t.salt;
+ if (i)
+ n = r.create([1398893684, 1701076831]).concat(i).concat(e);
+ else
+ var n = e;
+ return n.toString(l)
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ var e = l.parse(t)
+ , i = e.words;
+ if (1398893684 == i[0] && 1701076831 == i[1]) {
+ var n = r.create(i.slice(2, 4));
+ i.splice(0, 4),
+ e.sigBytes -= 16
+ }
+ return p.create({
+ ciphertext: e,
+ salt: n
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ , g = n.SerializableCipher = a.extend({
+ cfg: a.extend({
+ format: m
+ }),
+ encrypt: function(t, e, i, n) {
+ n = this.cfg.extend(n);
+ var a = t.createEncryptor(i, n)
+ , r = a.finalize(e)
+ , s = a.cfg;
+ return p.create({
+ ciphertext: r,
+ key: i,
+ iv: s.iv,
+ algorithm: t,
+ mode: s.mode,
+ padding: s.padding,
+ blockSize: t.blockSize,
+ formatter: n.format
+ })
+ },
+ decrypt: function(t, e, i, n) {
+ n = this.cfg.extend(n),
+ e = this._parse(e, n.format);
+ return t.createDecryptor(i, n).finalize(e.ciphertext)
+ },
+ _parse: function(t, e) {
+ return "string" == typeof t ? e.parse(t, this) : t
+ }
+ })
+ , y = (i.kdf = {}).OpenSSL = {
+ execute: function(t, e, i, n) {
+ n || (n = r.random(8));
+ var a = h.create({
+ keySize: e + i
+ }).compute(t, n)
+ , s = r.create(a.words.slice(e), 4 * i);
+ return a.sigBytes = 4 * e,
+ p.create({
+ key: a,
+ iv: s,
+ salt: n
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ , v = n.PasswordBasedCipher = g.extend({
+ cfg: g.cfg.extend({
+ kdf: y
+ }),
+ encrypt: function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = (n = this.cfg.extend(n)).kdf.execute(i, t.keySize, t.ivSize);
+ n.iv = a.iv;
+ var r = g.encrypt.call(this, t, e, a.key, n);
+ return r.mixIn(a),
+ r
+ },
+ decrypt: function(t, e, i, n) {
+ n = this.cfg.extend(n),
+ e = this._parse(e, n.format);
+ var a = n.kdf.execute(i, t.keySize, t.ivSize, e.salt);
+ n.iv = a.iv;
+ return g.decrypt.call(this, t, e, a.key, n)
+ }
+ })
+ }(),
+ t.mode.CFB = function() {
+ function e(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this._iv;
+ if (a) {
+ r = a.slice(0);
+ this._iv = void 0
+ } else
+ var r = this._prevBlock;
+ n.encryptBlock(r, 0);
+ for (var s = 0; s < i; s++)
+ t[e + s] ^= r[s]
+ }
+ var i = t.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend();
+ return i.Encryptor = i.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, i) {
+ var n = this._cipher
+ , a = n.blockSize;
+ e.call(this, t, i, a, n),
+ this._prevBlock = t.slice(i, i + a)
+ }
+ }),
+ i.Decryptor = i.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, i) {
+ var n = this._cipher
+ , a = n.blockSize
+ , r = t.slice(i, i + a);
+ e.call(this, t, i, a, n),
+ this._prevBlock = r
+ }
+ }),
+ i
+ }(),
+ t.mode.ECB = function() {
+ var e = t.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend();
+ return e.Encryptor = e.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._cipher.encryptBlock(t, e)
+ }
+ }),
+ e.Decryptor = e.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._cipher.decryptBlock(t, e)
+ }
+ }),
+ e
+ }(),
+ t.pad.AnsiX923 = {
+ pad: function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.sigBytes
+ , n = 4 * e
+ , a = n - i % n
+ , r = i + a - 1;
+ t.clamp(),
+ t.words[r >>> 2] |= a << 24 - r % 4 * 8,
+ t.sigBytes += a
+ },
+ unpad: function(t) {
+ var e = 255 & t.words[t.sigBytes - 1 >>> 2];
+ t.sigBytes -= e
+ }
+ },
+ t.pad.Iso10126 = {
+ pad: function(e, i) {
+ var n = 4 * i
+ , a = n - e.sigBytes % n;
+ e.concat(t.lib.WordArray.random(a - 1)).concat(t.lib.WordArray.create([a << 24], 1))
+ },
+ unpad: function(t) {
+ var e = 255 & t.words[t.sigBytes - 1 >>> 2];
+ t.sigBytes -= e
+ }
+ },
+ t.pad.Iso97971 = {
+ pad: function(e, i) {
+ e.concat(t.lib.WordArray.create([2147483648], 1)),
+ t.pad.ZeroPadding.pad(e, i)
+ },
+ unpad: function(e) {
+ t.pad.ZeroPadding.unpad(e),
+ e.sigBytes--
+ }
+ },
+ t.mode.OFB = function() {
+ var e = t.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend()
+ , i = e.Encryptor = e.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._cipher
+ , n = i.blockSize
+ , a = this._iv
+ , r = this._keystream;
+ a && (r = this._keystream = a.slice(0),
+ this._iv = void 0),
+ i.encryptBlock(r, 0);
+ for (var s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ t[e + s] ^= r[s]
+ }
+ });
+ return e.Decryptor = i,
+ e
+ }(),
+ t.pad.NoPadding = {
+ pad: function() {},
+ unpad: function() {}
+ },
+ function(e) {
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib.CipherParams
+ , a = i.enc.Hex;
+ i.format.Hex = {
+ stringify: function(t) {
+ return t.ciphertext.toString(a)
+ },
+ parse: function(t) {
+ var e = a.parse(t);
+ return n.create({
+ ciphertext: e
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ var e = t
+ , i = e.lib.BlockCipher
+ , n = e.algo
+ , a = []
+ , r = []
+ , s = []
+ , o = []
+ , l = []
+ , h = []
+ , c = []
+ , _ = []
+ , u = []
+ , d = [];
+ !function() {
+ for (var t = [], e = 0; e < 256; e++)
+ t[e] = e < 128 ? e << 1 : e << 1 ^ 283;
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0, e = 0; e < 256; e++) {
+ var f = n ^ n << 1 ^ n << 2 ^ n << 3 ^ n << 4;
+ f = f >>> 8 ^ 255 & f ^ 99,
+ a[i] = f,
+ r[f] = i;
+ var p = t[i]
+ , m = t[p]
+ , g = t[m]
+ , y = 257 * t[f] ^ 16843008 * f;
+ s[i] = y << 24 | y >>> 8,
+ o[i] = y << 16 | y >>> 16,
+ l[i] = y << 8 | y >>> 24,
+ h[i] = y;
+ y = 16843009 * g ^ 65537 * m ^ 257 * p ^ 16843008 * i;
+ c[f] = y << 24 | y >>> 8,
+ _[f] = y << 16 | y >>> 16,
+ u[f] = y << 8 | y >>> 24,
+ d[f] = y,
+ i ? (i = p ^ t[t[t[g ^ p]]],
+ n ^= t[t[n]]) : i = n = 1
+ }
+ }();
+ var f = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54]
+ , p = n.AES = i.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ if (!this._nRounds || this._keyPriorReset !== this._key) {
+ for (var t = this._keyPriorReset = this._key, e = t.words, i = t.sigBytes / 4, n = 4 * ((this._nRounds = i + 6) + 1), r = this._keySchedule = [], s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ if (s < i)
+ r[s] = e[s];
+ else {
+ h = r[s - 1];
+ s % i ? i > 6 && s % i == 4 && (h = a[h >>> 24] << 24 | a[h >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | a[h >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | a[255 & h]) : (h = a[(h = h << 8 | h >>> 24) >>> 24] << 24 | a[h >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | a[h >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | a[255 & h],
+ h ^= f[s / i | 0] << 24),
+ r[s] = r[s - i] ^ h
+ }
+ for (var o = this._invKeySchedule = [], l = 0; l < n; l++) {
+ s = n - l;
+ if (l % 4)
+ h = r[s];
+ else
+ var h = r[s - 4];
+ o[l] = l < 4 || s <= 4 ? h : c[a[h >>> 24]] ^ _[a[h >>> 16 & 255]] ^ u[a[h >>> 8 & 255]] ^ d[a[255 & h]]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ encryptBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._keySchedule, s, o, l, h, a)
+ },
+ decryptBlock: function(t, e) {
+ i = t[e + 1];
+ t[e + 1] = t[e + 3],
+ t[e + 3] = i,
+ this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._invKeySchedule, c, _, u, d, r);
+ var i = t[e + 1];
+ t[e + 1] = t[e + 3],
+ t[e + 3] = i
+ },
+ _doCryptBlock: function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ for (var l = this._nRounds, h = t[e] ^ i[0], c = t[e + 1] ^ i[1], _ = t[e + 2] ^ i[2], u = t[e + 3] ^ i[3], d = 4, f = 1; f < l; f++) {
+ var p = n[h >>> 24] ^ a[c >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[_ >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & u] ^ i[d++]
+ , m = n[c >>> 24] ^ a[_ >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[u >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & h] ^ i[d++]
+ , g = n[_ >>> 24] ^ a[u >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[h >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & c] ^ i[d++]
+ , y = n[u >>> 24] ^ a[h >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[c >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & _] ^ i[d++];
+ h = p,
+ c = m,
+ _ = g,
+ u = y
+ }
+ var p = (o[h >>> 24] << 24 | o[c >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[_ >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[255 & u]) ^ i[d++]
+ , m = (o[c >>> 24] << 24 | o[_ >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[u >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[255 & h]) ^ i[d++]
+ , g = (o[_ >>> 24] << 24 | o[u >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[h >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[255 & c]) ^ i[d++]
+ , y = (o[u >>> 24] << 24 | o[h >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[c >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[255 & _]) ^ i[d++];
+ t[e] = p,
+ t[e + 1] = m,
+ t[e + 2] = g,
+ t[e + 3] = y
+ },
+ keySize: 8
+ });
+ e.AES = i._createHelper(p)
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ var i = (this._lBlock >>> t ^ this._rBlock) & e;
+ this._rBlock ^= i,
+ this._lBlock ^= i << t
+ }
+ function i(t, e) {
+ var i = (this._rBlock >>> t ^ this._lBlock) & e;
+ this._lBlock ^= i,
+ this._rBlock ^= i << t
+ }
+ var n = t
+ , a = n.lib
+ , r = a.WordArray
+ , s = a.BlockCipher
+ , o = n.algo
+ , l = [57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4]
+ , h = [14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5, 3, 28, 15, 6, 21, 10, 23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8, 16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2, 41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48, 44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32]
+ , c = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28]
+ , _ = [{
+ 0: 8421888,
+ 268435456: 32768,
+ 536870912: 8421378,
+ 805306368: 2,
+ 1073741824: 512,
+ 1342177280: 8421890,
+ 1610612736: 8389122,
+ 1879048192: 8388608,
+ 2147483648: 514,
+ 2415919104: 8389120,
+ 2684354560: 33280,
+ 2952790016: 8421376,
+ 3221225472: 32770,
+ 3489660928: 8388610,
+ 3758096384: 0,
+ 4026531840: 33282,
+ 134217728: 0,
+ 402653184: 8421890,
+ 671088640: 33282,
+ 939524096: 32768,
+ 1207959552: 8421888,
+ 1476395008: 512,
+ 1744830464: 8421378,
+ 2013265920: 2,
+ 2281701376: 8389120,
+ 2550136832: 33280,
+ 2818572288: 8421376,
+ 3087007744: 8389122,
+ 3355443200: 8388610,
+ 3623878656: 32770,
+ 3892314112: 514,
+ 4160749568: 8388608,
+ 1: 32768,
+ 268435457: 2,
+ 536870913: 8421888,
+ 805306369: 8388608,
+ 1073741825: 8421378,
+ 1342177281: 33280,
+ 1610612737: 512,
+ 1879048193: 8389122,
+ 2147483649: 8421890,
+ 2415919105: 8421376,
+ 2684354561: 8388610,
+ 2952790017: 33282,
+ 3221225473: 514,
+ 3489660929: 8389120,
+ 3758096385: 32770,
+ 4026531841: 0,
+ 134217729: 8421890,
+ 402653185: 8421376,
+ 671088641: 8388608,
+ 939524097: 512,
+ 1207959553: 32768,
+ 1476395009: 8388610,
+ 1744830465: 2,
+ 2013265921: 33282,
+ 2281701377: 32770,
+ 2550136833: 8389122,
+ 2818572289: 514,
+ 3087007745: 8421888,
+ 3355443201: 8389120,
+ 3623878657: 0,
+ 3892314113: 33280,
+ 4160749569: 8421378
+ }, {
+ 0: 1074282512,
+ 16777216: 16384,
+ 33554432: 524288,
+ 50331648: 1074266128,
+ 67108864: 1073741840,
+ 83886080: 1074282496,
+ 100663296: 1073758208,
+ 117440512: 16,
+ 134217728: 540672,
+ 150994944: 1073758224,
+ 167772160: 1073741824,
+ 184549376: 540688,
+ 201326592: 524304,
+ 218103808: 0,
+ 234881024: 16400,
+ 251658240: 1074266112,
+ 8388608: 1073758208,
+ 25165824: 540688,
+ 41943040: 16,
+ 58720256: 1073758224,
+ 75497472: 1074282512,
+ 92274688: 1073741824,
+ 109051904: 524288,
+ 125829120: 1074266128,
+ 142606336: 524304,
+ 159383552: 0,
+ 176160768: 16384,
+ 192937984: 1074266112,
+ 209715200: 1073741840,
+ 226492416: 540672,
+ 243269632: 1074282496,
+ 260046848: 16400,
+ 268435456: 0,
+ 285212672: 1074266128,
+ 301989888: 1073758224,
+ 318767104: 1074282496,
+ 335544320: 1074266112,
+ 352321536: 16,
+ 369098752: 540688,
+ 385875968: 16384,
+ 402653184: 16400,
+ 419430400: 524288,
+ 436207616: 524304,
+ 452984832: 1073741840,
+ 469762048: 540672,
+ 486539264: 1073758208,
+ 503316480: 1073741824,
+ 520093696: 1074282512,
+ 276824064: 540688,
+ 293601280: 524288,
+ 310378496: 1074266112,
+ 327155712: 16384,
+ 343932928: 1073758208,
+ 360710144: 1074282512,
+ 377487360: 16,
+ 394264576: 1073741824,
+ 411041792: 1074282496,
+ 427819008: 1073741840,
+ 444596224: 1073758224,
+ 461373440: 524304,
+ 478150656: 0,
+ 494927872: 16400,
+ 511705088: 1074266128,
+ 528482304: 540672
+ }, {
+ 0: 260,
+ 1048576: 0,
+ 2097152: 67109120,
+ 3145728: 65796,
+ 4194304: 65540,
+ 5242880: 67108868,
+ 6291456: 67174660,
+ 7340032: 67174400,
+ 8388608: 67108864,
+ 9437184: 67174656,
+ 10485760: 65792,
+ 11534336: 67174404,
+ 12582912: 67109124,
+ 13631488: 65536,
+ 14680064: 4,
+ 15728640: 256,
+ 524288: 67174656,
+ 1572864: 67174404,
+ 2621440: 0,
+ 3670016: 67109120,
+ 4718592: 67108868,
+ 5767168: 65536,
+ 6815744: 65540,
+ 7864320: 260,
+ 8912896: 4,
+ 9961472: 256,
+ 11010048: 67174400,
+ 12058624: 65796,
+ 13107200: 65792,
+ 14155776: 67109124,
+ 15204352: 67174660,
+ 16252928: 67108864,
+ 16777216: 67174656,
+ 17825792: 65540,
+ 18874368: 65536,
+ 19922944: 67109120,
+ 20971520: 256,
+ 22020096: 67174660,
+ 23068672: 67108868,
+ 24117248: 0,
+ 25165824: 67109124,
+ 26214400: 67108864,
+ 27262976: 4,
+ 28311552: 65792,
+ 29360128: 67174400,
+ 30408704: 260,
+ 31457280: 65796,
+ 32505856: 67174404,
+ 17301504: 67108864,
+ 18350080: 260,
+ 19398656: 67174656,
+ 20447232: 0,
+ 21495808: 65540,
+ 22544384: 67109120,
+ 23592960: 256,
+ 24641536: 67174404,
+ 25690112: 65536,
+ 26738688: 67174660,
+ 27787264: 65796,
+ 28835840: 67108868,
+ 29884416: 67109124,
+ 30932992: 67174400,
+ 31981568: 4,
+ 33030144: 65792
+ }, {
+ 0: 2151682048,
+ 65536: 2147487808,
+ 131072: 4198464,
+ 196608: 2151677952,
+ 262144: 0,
+ 327680: 4198400,
+ 393216: 2147483712,
+ 458752: 4194368,
+ 524288: 2147483648,
+ 589824: 4194304,
+ 655360: 64,
+ 720896: 2147487744,
+ 786432: 2151678016,
+ 851968: 4160,
+ 917504: 4096,
+ 983040: 2151682112,
+ 32768: 2147487808,
+ 98304: 64,
+ 163840: 2151678016,
+ 229376: 2147487744,
+ 294912: 4198400,
+ 360448: 2151682112,
+ 425984: 0,
+ 491520: 2151677952,
+ 557056: 4096,
+ 622592: 2151682048,
+ 688128: 4194304,
+ 753664: 4160,
+ 819200: 2147483648,
+ 884736: 4194368,
+ 950272: 4198464,
+ 1015808: 2147483712,
+ 1048576: 4194368,
+ 1114112: 4198400,
+ 1179648: 2147483712,
+ 1245184: 0,
+ 1310720: 4160,
+ 1376256: 2151678016,
+ 1441792: 2151682048,
+ 1507328: 2147487808,
+ 1572864: 2151682112,
+ 1638400: 2147483648,
+ 1703936: 2151677952,
+ 1769472: 4198464,
+ 1835008: 2147487744,
+ 1900544: 4194304,
+ 1966080: 64,
+ 2031616: 4096,
+ 1081344: 2151677952,
+ 1146880: 2151682112,
+ 1212416: 0,
+ 1277952: 4198400,
+ 1343488: 4194368,
+ 1409024: 2147483648,
+ 1474560: 2147487808,
+ 1540096: 64,
+ 1605632: 2147483712,
+ 1671168: 4096,
+ 1736704: 2147487744,
+ 1802240: 2151678016,
+ 1867776: 4160,
+ 1933312: 2151682048,
+ 1998848: 4194304,
+ 2064384: 4198464
+ }, {
+ 0: 128,
+ 4096: 17039360,
+ 8192: 262144,
+ 12288: 536870912,
+ 16384: 537133184,
+ 20480: 16777344,
+ 24576: 553648256,
+ 28672: 262272,
+ 32768: 16777216,
+ 36864: 537133056,
+ 40960: 536871040,
+ 45056: 553910400,
+ 49152: 553910272,
+ 53248: 0,
+ 57344: 17039488,
+ 61440: 553648128,
+ 2048: 17039488,
+ 6144: 553648256,
+ 10240: 128,
+ 14336: 17039360,
+ 18432: 262144,
+ 22528: 537133184,
+ 26624: 553910272,
+ 30720: 536870912,
+ 34816: 537133056,
+ 38912: 0,
+ 43008: 553910400,
+ 47104: 16777344,
+ 51200: 536871040,
+ 55296: 553648128,
+ 59392: 16777216,
+ 63488: 262272,
+ 65536: 262144,
+ 69632: 128,
+ 73728: 536870912,
+ 77824: 553648256,
+ 81920: 16777344,
+ 86016: 553910272,
+ 90112: 537133184,
+ 94208: 16777216,
+ 98304: 553910400,
+ 102400: 553648128,
+ 106496: 17039360,
+ 110592: 537133056,
+ 114688: 262272,
+ 118784: 536871040,
+ 122880: 0,
+ 126976: 17039488,
+ 67584: 553648256,
+ 71680: 16777216,
+ 75776: 17039360,
+ 79872: 537133184,
+ 83968: 536870912,
+ 88064: 17039488,
+ 92160: 128,
+ 96256: 553910272,
+ 100352: 262272,
+ 104448: 553910400,
+ 108544: 0,
+ 112640: 553648128,
+ 116736: 16777344,
+ 120832: 262144,
+ 124928: 537133056,
+ 129024: 536871040
+ }, {
+ 0: 268435464,
+ 256: 8192,
+ 512: 270532608,
+ 768: 270540808,
+ 1024: 268443648,
+ 1280: 2097152,
+ 1536: 2097160,
+ 1792: 268435456,
+ 2048: 0,
+ 2304: 268443656,
+ 2560: 2105344,
+ 2816: 8,
+ 3072: 270532616,
+ 3328: 2105352,
+ 3584: 8200,
+ 3840: 270540800,
+ 128: 270532608,
+ 384: 270540808,
+ 640: 8,
+ 896: 2097152,
+ 1152: 2105352,
+ 1408: 268435464,
+ 1664: 268443648,
+ 1920: 8200,
+ 2176: 2097160,
+ 2432: 8192,
+ 2688: 268443656,
+ 2944: 270532616,
+ 3200: 0,
+ 3456: 270540800,
+ 3712: 2105344,
+ 3968: 268435456,
+ 4096: 268443648,
+ 4352: 270532616,
+ 4608: 270540808,
+ 4864: 8200,
+ 5120: 2097152,
+ 5376: 268435456,
+ 5632: 268435464,
+ 5888: 2105344,
+ 6144: 2105352,
+ 6400: 0,
+ 6656: 8,
+ 6912: 270532608,
+ 7168: 8192,
+ 7424: 268443656,
+ 7680: 270540800,
+ 7936: 2097160,
+ 4224: 8,
+ 4480: 2105344,
+ 4736: 2097152,
+ 4992: 268435464,
+ 5248: 268443648,
+ 5504: 8200,
+ 5760: 270540808,
+ 6016: 270532608,
+ 6272: 270540800,
+ 6528: 270532616,
+ 6784: 8192,
+ 7040: 2105352,
+ 7296: 2097160,
+ 7552: 0,
+ 7808: 268435456,
+ 8064: 268443656
+ }, {
+ 0: 1048576,
+ 16: 33555457,
+ 32: 1024,
+ 48: 1049601,
+ 64: 34604033,
+ 80: 0,
+ 96: 1,
+ 112: 34603009,
+ 128: 33555456,
+ 144: 1048577,
+ 160: 33554433,
+ 176: 34604032,
+ 192: 34603008,
+ 208: 1025,
+ 224: 1049600,
+ 240: 33554432,
+ 8: 34603009,
+ 24: 0,
+ 40: 33555457,
+ 56: 34604032,
+ 72: 1048576,
+ 88: 33554433,
+ 104: 33554432,
+ 120: 1025,
+ 136: 1049601,
+ 152: 33555456,
+ 168: 34603008,
+ 184: 1048577,
+ 200: 1024,
+ 216: 34604033,
+ 232: 1,
+ 248: 1049600,
+ 256: 33554432,
+ 272: 1048576,
+ 288: 33555457,
+ 304: 34603009,
+ 320: 1048577,
+ 336: 33555456,
+ 352: 34604032,
+ 368: 1049601,
+ 384: 1025,
+ 400: 34604033,
+ 416: 1049600,
+ 432: 1,
+ 448: 0,
+ 464: 34603008,
+ 480: 33554433,
+ 496: 1024,
+ 264: 1049600,
+ 280: 33555457,
+ 296: 34603009,
+ 312: 1,
+ 328: 33554432,
+ 344: 1048576,
+ 360: 1025,
+ 376: 34604032,
+ 392: 33554433,
+ 408: 34603008,
+ 424: 0,
+ 440: 34604033,
+ 456: 1049601,
+ 472: 1024,
+ 488: 33555456,
+ 504: 1048577
+ }, {
+ 0: 134219808,
+ 1: 131072,
+ 2: 134217728,
+ 3: 32,
+ 4: 131104,
+ 5: 134350880,
+ 6: 134350848,
+ 7: 2048,
+ 8: 134348800,
+ 9: 134219776,
+ 10: 133120,
+ 11: 134348832,
+ 12: 2080,
+ 13: 0,
+ 14: 134217760,
+ 15: 133152,
+ 2147483648: 2048,
+ 2147483649: 134350880,
+ 2147483650: 134219808,
+ 2147483651: 134217728,
+ 2147483652: 134348800,
+ 2147483653: 133120,
+ 2147483654: 133152,
+ 2147483655: 32,
+ 2147483656: 134217760,
+ 2147483657: 2080,
+ 2147483658: 131104,
+ 2147483659: 134350848,
+ 2147483660: 0,
+ 2147483661: 134348832,
+ 2147483662: 134219776,
+ 2147483663: 131072,
+ 16: 133152,
+ 17: 134350848,
+ 18: 32,
+ 19: 2048,
+ 20: 134219776,
+ 21: 134217760,
+ 22: 134348832,
+ 23: 131072,
+ 24: 0,
+ 25: 131104,
+ 26: 134348800,
+ 27: 134219808,
+ 28: 134350880,
+ 29: 133120,
+ 30: 2080,
+ 31: 134217728,
+ 2147483664: 131072,
+ 2147483665: 2048,
+ 2147483666: 134348832,
+ 2147483667: 133152,
+ 2147483668: 32,
+ 2147483669: 134348800,
+ 2147483670: 134217728,
+ 2147483671: 134219808,
+ 2147483672: 134350880,
+ 2147483673: 134217760,
+ 2147483674: 134219776,
+ 2147483675: 0,
+ 2147483676: 133120,
+ 2147483677: 2080,
+ 2147483678: 131104,
+ 2147483679: 134350848
+ }]
+ , u = [4160749569, 528482304, 33030144, 2064384, 129024, 8064, 504, 2147483679]
+ , d = o.DES = s.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ for (var t = this._key.words, e = [], i = 0; i < 56; i++) {
+ var n = l[i] - 1;
+ e[i] = t[n >>> 5] >>> 31 - n % 32 & 1
+ }
+ for (var a = this._subKeys = [], r = 0; r < 16; r++) {
+ for (var s = a[r] = [], o = c[r], i = 0; i < 24; i++)
+ s[i / 6 | 0] |= e[(h[i] - 1 + o) % 28] << 31 - i % 6,
+ s[4 + (i / 6 | 0)] |= e[28 + (h[i + 24] - 1 + o) % 28] << 31 - i % 6;
+ s[0] = s[0] << 1 | s[0] >>> 31;
+ for (i = 1; i < 7; i++)
+ s[i] = s[i] >>> 4 * (i - 1) + 3;
+ s[7] = s[7] << 5 | s[7] >>> 27
+ }
+ for (var _ = this._invSubKeys = [], i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ _[i] = a[15 - i]
+ },
+ encryptBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._subKeys)
+ },
+ decryptBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._invSubKeys)
+ },
+ _doCryptBlock: function(t, n, a) {
+ this._lBlock = t[n],
+ this._rBlock = t[n + 1],
+ e.call(this, 4, 252645135),
+ e.call(this, 16, 65535),
+ i.call(this, 2, 858993459),
+ i.call(this, 8, 16711935),
+ e.call(this, 1, 1431655765);
+ for (var r = 0; r < 16; r++) {
+ for (var s = a[r], o = this._lBlock, l = this._rBlock, h = 0, c = 0; c < 8; c++)
+ h |= _[c][((l ^ s[c]) & u[c]) >>> 0];
+ this._lBlock = l,
+ this._rBlock = o ^ h
+ }
+ var d = this._lBlock;
+ this._lBlock = this._rBlock,
+ this._rBlock = d,
+ e.call(this, 1, 1431655765),
+ i.call(this, 8, 16711935),
+ i.call(this, 2, 858993459),
+ e.call(this, 16, 65535),
+ e.call(this, 4, 252645135),
+ t[n] = this._lBlock,
+ t[n + 1] = this._rBlock
+ },
+ keySize: 2,
+ ivSize: 2,
+ blockSize: 2
+ });
+ n.DES = s._createHelper(d);
+ var f = o.TripleDES = s.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ var t = this._key.words;
+ this._des1 = d.createEncryptor(r.create(t.slice(0, 2))),
+ this._des2 = d.createEncryptor(r.create(t.slice(2, 4))),
+ this._des3 = d.createEncryptor(r.create(t.slice(4, 6)))
+ },
+ encryptBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._des1.encryptBlock(t, e),
+ this._des2.decryptBlock(t, e),
+ this._des3.encryptBlock(t, e)
+ },
+ decryptBlock: function(t, e) {
+ this._des3.decryptBlock(t, e),
+ this._des2.encryptBlock(t, e),
+ this._des1.decryptBlock(t, e)
+ },
+ keySize: 6,
+ ivSize: 2,
+ blockSize: 2
+ });
+ n.TripleDES = s._createHelper(f)
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function e() {
+ for (var t = this._S, e = this._i, i = this._j, n = 0, a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
+ i = (i + t[e = (e + 1) % 256]) % 256;
+ var r = t[e];
+ t[e] = t[i],
+ t[i] = r,
+ n |= t[(t[e] + t[i]) % 256] << 24 - 8 * a
+ }
+ return this._i = e,
+ this._j = i,
+ n
+ }
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib.StreamCipher
+ , a = i.algo
+ , r = a.RC4 = n.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ for (var t = this._key, e = t.words, i = t.sigBytes, n = this._S = [], a = 0; a < 256; a++)
+ n[a] = a;
+ for (var a = 0, r = 0; a < 256; a++) {
+ var s = a % i
+ , o = e[s >>> 2] >>> 24 - s % 4 * 8 & 255;
+ r = (r + n[a] + o) % 256;
+ var l = n[a];
+ n[a] = n[r],
+ n[r] = l
+ }
+ this._i = this._j = 0
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, i) {
+ t[i] ^= e.call(this)
+ },
+ keySize: 8,
+ ivSize: 0
+ });
+ i.RC4 = n._createHelper(r);
+ var s = a.RC4Drop = r.extend({
+ cfg: r.cfg.extend({
+ drop: 192
+ }),
+ _doReset: function() {
+ r._doReset.call(this);
+ for (var t = this.cfg.drop; t > 0; t--)
+ e.call(this)
+ }
+ });
+ i.RC4Drop = n._createHelper(s)
+ }(),
+ t.mode.CTRGladman = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ if (255 == (t >> 24 & 255)) {
+ var e = t >> 16 & 255
+ , i = t >> 8 & 255
+ , n = 255 & t;
+ 255 === e ? (e = 0,
+ 255 === i ? (i = 0,
+ 255 === n ? n = 0 : ++n) : ++i) : ++e,
+ t = 0,
+ t += e << 16,
+ t += i << 8,
+ t += n
+ } else
+ t += 1 << 24;
+ return t
+ }
+ var i = t.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend()
+ , n = i.Encryptor = i.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, i) {
+ var n = this._cipher
+ , a = n.blockSize
+ , r = this._iv
+ , s = this._counter;
+ r && (s = this._counter = r.slice(0),
+ this._iv = void 0),
+ function(t) {
+ 0 === (t[0] = e(t[0])) && (t[1] = e(t[1]))
+ }(s);
+ var o = s.slice(0);
+ n.encryptBlock(o, 0);
+ for (var l = 0; l < a; l++)
+ t[i + l] ^= o[l]
+ }
+ });
+ return i.Decryptor = n,
+ i
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function e() {
+ for (var t = this._X, e = this._C, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ r[i] = e[i];
+ e[0] = e[0] + 1295307597 + this._b | 0,
+ e[1] = e[1] + 3545052371 + (e[0] >>> 0 < r[0] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[2] = e[2] + 886263092 + (e[1] >>> 0 < r[1] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[3] = e[3] + 1295307597 + (e[2] >>> 0 < r[2] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[4] = e[4] + 3545052371 + (e[3] >>> 0 < r[3] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[5] = e[5] + 886263092 + (e[4] >>> 0 < r[4] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[6] = e[6] + 1295307597 + (e[5] >>> 0 < r[5] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[7] = e[7] + 3545052371 + (e[6] >>> 0 < r[6] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ this._b = e[7] >>> 0 < r[7] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ var n = t[i] + e[i]
+ , a = 65535 & n
+ , o = n >>> 16
+ , l = ((a * a >>> 17) + a * o >>> 15) + o * o
+ , h = ((4294901760 & n) * n | 0) + ((65535 & n) * n | 0);
+ s[i] = l ^ h
+ }
+ t[0] = s[0] + (s[7] << 16 | s[7] >>> 16) + (s[6] << 16 | s[6] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[1] = s[1] + (s[0] << 8 | s[0] >>> 24) + s[7] | 0,
+ t[2] = s[2] + (s[1] << 16 | s[1] >>> 16) + (s[0] << 16 | s[0] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[3] = s[3] + (s[2] << 8 | s[2] >>> 24) + s[1] | 0,
+ t[4] = s[4] + (s[3] << 16 | s[3] >>> 16) + (s[2] << 16 | s[2] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[5] = s[5] + (s[4] << 8 | s[4] >>> 24) + s[3] | 0,
+ t[6] = s[6] + (s[5] << 16 | s[5] >>> 16) + (s[4] << 16 | s[4] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[7] = s[7] + (s[6] << 8 | s[6] >>> 24) + s[5] | 0
+ }
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib.StreamCipher
+ , a = []
+ , r = []
+ , s = []
+ , o = i.algo.Rabbit = n.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ for (var t = this._key.words, i = this.cfg.iv, n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ t[n] = 16711935 & (t[n] << 8 | t[n] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (t[n] << 24 | t[n] >>> 8);
+ var a = this._X = [t[0], t[3] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, t[1], t[0] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, t[2], t[1] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, t[3], t[2] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16]
+ , r = this._C = [t[2] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[0] | 65535 & t[1], t[3] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[1] | 65535 & t[2], t[0] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[2] | 65535 & t[3], t[1] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[3] | 65535 & t[0]];
+ this._b = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ e.call(this);
+ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++)
+ r[n] ^= a[n + 4 & 7];
+ if (i) {
+ var s = i.words
+ , o = s[0]
+ , l = s[1]
+ , h = 16711935 & (o << 8 | o >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (o << 24 | o >>> 8)
+ , c = 16711935 & (l << 8 | l >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (l << 24 | l >>> 8)
+ , _ = h >>> 16 | 4294901760 & c
+ , u = c << 16 | 65535 & h;
+ r[0] ^= h,
+ r[1] ^= _,
+ r[2] ^= c,
+ r[3] ^= u,
+ r[4] ^= h,
+ r[5] ^= _,
+ r[6] ^= c,
+ r[7] ^= u;
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ e.call(this)
+ }
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, i) {
+ var n = this._X;
+ e.call(this),
+ a[0] = n[0] ^ n[5] >>> 16 ^ n[3] << 16,
+ a[1] = n[2] ^ n[7] >>> 16 ^ n[5] << 16,
+ a[2] = n[4] ^ n[1] >>> 16 ^ n[7] << 16,
+ a[3] = n[6] ^ n[3] >>> 16 ^ n[1] << 16;
+ for (var r = 0; r < 4; r++)
+ a[r] = 16711935 & (a[r] << 8 | a[r] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (a[r] << 24 | a[r] >>> 8),
+ t[i + r] ^= a[r]
+ },
+ blockSize: 4,
+ ivSize: 2
+ });
+ i.Rabbit = n._createHelper(o)
+ }(),
+ t.mode.CTR = function() {
+ var e = t.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend()
+ , i = e.Encryptor = e.extend({
+ processBlock: function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._cipher
+ , n = i.blockSize
+ , a = this._iv
+ , r = this._counter;
+ a && (r = this._counter = a.slice(0),
+ this._iv = void 0);
+ var s = r.slice(0);
+ i.encryptBlock(s, 0),
+ r[n - 1] = r[n - 1] + 1 | 0;
+ for (var o = 0; o < n; o++)
+ t[e + o] ^= s[o]
+ }
+ });
+ return e.Decryptor = i,
+ e
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function e() {
+ for (var t = this._X, e = this._C, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ r[i] = e[i];
+ e[0] = e[0] + 1295307597 + this._b | 0,
+ e[1] = e[1] + 3545052371 + (e[0] >>> 0 < r[0] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[2] = e[2] + 886263092 + (e[1] >>> 0 < r[1] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[3] = e[3] + 1295307597 + (e[2] >>> 0 < r[2] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[4] = e[4] + 3545052371 + (e[3] >>> 0 < r[3] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[5] = e[5] + 886263092 + (e[4] >>> 0 < r[4] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[6] = e[6] + 1295307597 + (e[5] >>> 0 < r[5] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ e[7] = e[7] + 3545052371 + (e[6] >>> 0 < r[6] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0,
+ this._b = e[7] >>> 0 < r[7] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ var n = t[i] + e[i]
+ , a = 65535 & n
+ , o = n >>> 16
+ , l = ((a * a >>> 17) + a * o >>> 15) + o * o
+ , h = ((4294901760 & n) * n | 0) + ((65535 & n) * n | 0);
+ s[i] = l ^ h
+ }
+ t[0] = s[0] + (s[7] << 16 | s[7] >>> 16) + (s[6] << 16 | s[6] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[1] = s[1] + (s[0] << 8 | s[0] >>> 24) + s[7] | 0,
+ t[2] = s[2] + (s[1] << 16 | s[1] >>> 16) + (s[0] << 16 | s[0] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[3] = s[3] + (s[2] << 8 | s[2] >>> 24) + s[1] | 0,
+ t[4] = s[4] + (s[3] << 16 | s[3] >>> 16) + (s[2] << 16 | s[2] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[5] = s[5] + (s[4] << 8 | s[4] >>> 24) + s[3] | 0,
+ t[6] = s[6] + (s[5] << 16 | s[5] >>> 16) + (s[4] << 16 | s[4] >>> 16) | 0,
+ t[7] = s[7] + (s[6] << 8 | s[6] >>> 24) + s[5] | 0
+ }
+ var i = t
+ , n = i.lib.StreamCipher
+ , a = []
+ , r = []
+ , s = []
+ , o = i.algo.RabbitLegacy = n.extend({
+ _doReset: function() {
+ var t = this._key.words
+ , i = this.cfg.iv
+ , n = this._X = [t[0], t[3] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, t[1], t[0] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, t[2], t[1] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, t[3], t[2] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16]
+ , a = this._C = [t[2] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[0] | 65535 & t[1], t[3] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[1] | 65535 & t[2], t[0] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[2] | 65535 & t[3], t[1] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[3] | 65535 & t[0]];
+ this._b = 0;
+ for (u = 0; u < 4; u++)
+ e.call(this);
+ for (u = 0; u < 8; u++)
+ a[u] ^= n[u + 4 & 7];
+ if (i) {
+ var r = i.words
+ , s = r[0]
+ , o = r[1]
+ , l = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8)
+ , h = 16711935 & (o << 8 | o >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (o << 24 | o >>> 8)
+ , c = l >>> 16 | 4294901760 & h
+ , _ = h << 16 | 65535 & l;
+ a[0] ^= l,
+ a[1] ^= c,
+ a[2] ^= h,
+ a[3] ^= _,
+ a[4] ^= l,
+ a[5] ^= c,
+ a[6] ^= h,
+ a[7] ^= _;
+ for (var u = 0; u < 4; u++)
+ e.call(this)
+ }
+ },
+ _doProcessBlock: function(t, i) {
+ var n = this._X;
+ e.call(this),
+ a[0] = n[0] ^ n[5] >>> 16 ^ n[3] << 16,
+ a[1] = n[2] ^ n[7] >>> 16 ^ n[5] << 16,
+ a[2] = n[4] ^ n[1] >>> 16 ^ n[7] << 16,
+ a[3] = n[6] ^ n[3] >>> 16 ^ n[1] << 16;
+ for (var r = 0; r < 4; r++)
+ a[r] = 16711935 & (a[r] << 8 | a[r] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (a[r] << 24 | a[r] >>> 8),
+ t[i + r] ^= a[r]
+ },
+ blockSize: 4,
+ ivSize: 2
+ });
+ i.RabbitLegacy = n._createHelper(o)
+ }(),
+ t.pad.ZeroPadding = {
+ pad: function(t, e) {
+ var i = 4 * e;
+ t.clamp(),
+ t.sigBytes += i - (t.sigBytes % i || i)
+ },
+ unpad: function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.words, i = t.sigBytes - 1; !(e[i >>> 2] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255); )
+ i--;
+ t.sigBytes = i + 1
+ }
+ },
+ t
+Object.getPrototypeOf || (Object.getPrototypeOf = function(t) {
+ if (t !== Object(t))
+ throw TypeError("Object.getPrototypeOf called on non-object");
+ return t.__proto__ || t.constructor.prototype || Object.prototype
+"function" != typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames && (Object.getOwnPropertyNames = function(t) {
+ if (t !== Object(t))
+ throw TypeError("Object.getOwnPropertyNames called on non-object");
+ var e, i = [];
+ for (e in t)
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && i.push(e);
+ return i
+"function" != typeof Object.create && (Object.create = function(t, e) {
+ function i() {}
+ if ("object" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ i.prototype = t;
+ var n = new i;
+ if (t && (n.constructor = i),
+ void 0 !== e) {
+ if (e !== Object(e))
+ throw TypeError();
+ Object.defineProperties(n, e)
+ }
+ return n
+function() {
+ if (!Object.defineProperty || !function() {
+ try {
+ return Object.defineProperty({}, "x", {}),
+ !0
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ }()) {
+ var t = Object.defineProperty;
+ Object.defineProperty = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (t)
+ try {
+ return t(e, i, n)
+ } catch (t) {}
+ if (e !== Object(e))
+ throw TypeError("Object.defineProperty called on non-object");
+ return Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ && "get"in n && Object.prototype.__defineGetter__.call(e, i, n.get),
+ Object.prototype.__defineSetter__ && "set"in n && Object.prototype.__defineSetter__.call(e, i, n.set),
+ "value"in n && (e[i] = n.value),
+ e
+ }
+ }
+"function" != typeof Object.defineProperties && (Object.defineProperties = function(t, e) {
+ if (t !== Object(t))
+ throw TypeError("Object.defineProperties called on non-object");
+ var i;
+ for (i in e)
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i) && Object.defineProperty(t, i, e[i]);
+ return t
+Object.keys || (Object.keys = function(t) {
+ if (t !== Object(t))
+ throw TypeError("Object.keys called on non-object");
+ var e, i = [];
+ for (e in t)
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && i.push(e);
+ return i
+Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function(t) {
+ if ("function" != typeof this)
+ throw TypeError("Bind must be called on a function");
+ var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
+ , i = this
+ , n = function() {}
+ , a = function() {
+ return i.apply(this instanceof n ? this : t, e.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)))
+ };
+ return this.prototype && (n.prototype = this.prototype),
+ a.prototype = new n,
+ a
+Array.isArray = Array.isArray || function(t) {
+ return Boolean(t && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(Object(t)))
+Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if (0 === i)
+ return -1;
+ var n = 0;
+ if (arguments.length > 0 && (n = Number(arguments[1]),
+ isNaN(n) ? n = 0 : 0 !== n && n !== 1 / 0 && n !== -1 / 0 && (n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)))),
+ n >= i)
+ return -1;
+ for (var a = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(i - Math.abs(n), 0); a < i; a++)
+ if (a in e && e[a] === t)
+ return a;
+ return -1
+Array.prototype.lastIndexOf || (Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if (0 === i)
+ return -1;
+ var n = i;
+ arguments.length > 1 && ((n = Number(arguments[1])) !== n ? n = 0 : 0 !== n && n !== 1 / 0 && n !== -1 / 0 && (n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n))));
+ for (var a = n >= 0 ? Math.min(n, i - 1) : i - Math.abs(n); a >= 0; a--)
+ if (a in e && e[a] === t)
+ return a;
+ return -1
+Array.prototype.every || (Array.prototype.every = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n, a = arguments[1];
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ if (n in e && !t.call(a, e[n], n, e))
+ return !1;
+ return !0
+Array.prototype.some || (Array.prototype.some = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n, a = arguments[1];
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ if (n in e && t.call(a, e[n], n, e))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+Array.prototype.forEach || (Array.prototype.forEach = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n, a = arguments[1];
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ n in e && t.call(a, e[n], n, e)
+Array.prototype.map || (Array.prototype.map = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n = [];
+ n.length = i;
+ var a, r = arguments[1];
+ for (a = 0; a < i; a++)
+ a in e && (n[a] = t.call(r, e[a], a, e));
+ return n
+Array.prototype.filter || (Array.prototype.filter = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n, a = [], r = arguments[1];
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ if (n in e) {
+ var s = e[n];
+ t.call(r, s, n, e) && a.push(s)
+ }
+ return a
+Array.prototype.reduce || (Array.prototype.reduce = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (0 === i && 1 === arguments.length)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n, a = 0;
+ if (arguments.length >= 2)
+ n = arguments[1];
+ else
+ for (; ; ) {
+ if (a in e) {
+ n = e[a++];
+ break
+ }
+ if (++a >= i)
+ throw TypeError()
+ }
+ for (; a < i; )
+ a in e && (n = t.call(void 0, n, e[a], a, e)),
+ a++;
+ return n
+Array.prototype.reduceRight || (Array.prototype.reduceRight = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === this || null === this)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = Object(this)
+ , i = e.length >>> 0;
+ if ("function" != typeof t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (0 === i && 1 === arguments.length)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n, a = i - 1;
+ if (arguments.length >= 2)
+ n = arguments[1];
+ else
+ for (; ; ) {
+ if (a in this) {
+ n = this[a--];
+ break
+ }
+ if (--a < 0)
+ throw TypeError()
+ }
+ for (; a >= 0; )
+ a in e && (n = t.call(void 0, n, e[a], a, e)),
+ a--;
+ return n
+String.prototype.trim || (String.prototype.trim = function() {
+ return String(this).replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "")
+Date.now || (Date.now = function() {
+ return Number(new Date)
+Date.prototype.toISOString || (Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ return ("00" + t).slice(-2)
+ }
+ return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + t(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + t(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + t(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + t(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + t(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "." + function(t) {
+ return ("000" + t).slice(-3)
+ }(this.getUTCMilliseconds()) + "Z"
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ function e(e) {
+ return e === t ? N : e
+ }
+ function i(t, e) {
+ for (var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e), n = Object.getPrototypeOf(t); !i && n; )
+ i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e),
+ n = Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
+ return i
+ }
+ function n(t, e, i, n) {
+ e in t && !n && !D || ("function" == typeof i ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0
+ }) : Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !1
+ }))
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i) {
+ Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0
+ })
+ }
+ function r() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var i = "function" == typeof t.valueOf && t.valueOf(e);
+ return i === t ? null : i
+ }
+ var e = S(null);
+ return {
+ clear: function() {
+ e = S(null)
+ },
+ remove: function(e) {
+ var i = t(e);
+ return !(!i || !g(i, "value") || (delete i.value,
+ 0))
+ },
+ get: function(e, i) {
+ var n = t(e);
+ return n && g(n, "value") ? n.value : i
+ },
+ has: function(e) {
+ var i = t(e);
+ return Boolean(i && g(i, "value"))
+ },
+ set: function(i, n) {
+ (t(i) || function(t) {
+ var i = t.valueOf
+ , n = S(null);
+ return Object.defineProperty(t, "valueOf", {
+ value: function(e) {
+ return function(a) {
+ return a === e ? n : i.apply(t, arguments)
+ }
+ }(e),
+ configurable: !0,
+ writeable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1
+ }),
+ n
+ }(i)).value = n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function s(e) {
+ switch (typeof e) {
+ case "undefined":
+ return "undefined";
+ case "boolean":
+ return "boolean";
+ case "number":
+ return "number";
+ case "string":
+ return "string";
+ case "symbol":
+ return "symbol";
+ default:
+ return null === e ? "null" : e instanceof t.Symbol ? "symbol" : "object"
+ }
+ }
+ function o(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ B(t) ? 0 : 0 === t || t === 1 / 0 || t === -1 / 0 ? t : (t < 0 ? -1 : 1) * G(V(t))
+ }
+ function l(t) {
+ return t >>> 0
+ }
+ function h(t) {
+ if (null === t || t === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return Object(t)
+ }
+ function c(t) {
+ var e = o(t);
+ return e <= 0 ? 0 : e === 1 / 0 ? 9007199254740991 : W(e, 9007199254740991)
+ }
+ function _(t) {
+ return "function" == typeof t
+ }
+ function u(t) {
+ return !!/Constructor/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) || !!/Function/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) || "function" == typeof t
+ }
+ function d(t, e) {
+ if (typeof t != typeof e)
+ return !1;
+ switch (typeof t) {
+ case "undefined":
+ return !0;
+ case "number":
+ return t != t && e != e || (0 === t && 0 === e ? 1 / t == 1 / e : t === e);
+ case "boolean":
+ case "string":
+ case "object":
+ default:
+ return t === e
+ }
+ }
+ function f(t, e) {
+ if (typeof t != typeof e)
+ return !1;
+ switch (typeof t) {
+ case "undefined":
+ return !0;
+ case "number":
+ return t != t && e != e || t === e;
+ case "boolean":
+ case "string":
+ case "object":
+ default:
+ return t === e
+ }
+ }
+ function p(t, e) {
+ var i = function(t, e) {
+ return h(t)[e]
+ }(t, e);
+ if (i === N || null === i)
+ return N;
+ if (!_(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return i
+ }
+ function m(t, e) {
+ for (; t; ) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e))
+ return !0;
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ return !1;
+ var i = Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
+ if (i === t)
+ return !1;
+ t = i
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ function g(t, e) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)
+ }
+ function y(t, e) {
+ arguments.length < 2 && (e = p(t, et));
+ var i = e.call(t);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return i
+ }
+ function v(t) {
+ return t.value
+ }
+ function b(t, e) {
+ var i = function(t, e) {
+ if (arguments.length < 2)
+ var i = t.next();
+ else
+ i = t.next(e);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return i
+ }(t, e)
+ , n = i.done;
+ return !0 !== Boolean(n) && i
+ }
+ function w(t, e) {
+ var i = {};
+ return i.value = t,
+ i.done = e,
+ i
+ }
+ function x(t, e, i) {
+ A(function() {
+ e.apply(N, i)
+ })
+ }
+ function I(t) {}
+ function C(t) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t)
+ }
+ function S(t, e) {
+ return Object.create(t, e)
+ }
+ function M() {}
+ function L() {}
+ function T(t, e) {
+ var i = h(t)
+ , n = new L;
+ return a(n, "[[IteratedObject]]", i),
+ a(n, "[[ArrayIteratorNextIndex]]", 0),
+ a(n, "[[ArrayIterationKind]]", e),
+ n
+ }
+ var E, D = !1, N = void 0, A = function(t, e) {
+ return t ? function(e) {
+ t.resolve().then(function() {
+ e()
+ })
+ }
+ : e ? function(t) {
+ e(t)
+ }
+ : function(t) {
+ setTimeout(t, 0)
+ }
+ }(t.Promise, t.setImmediate), B = t.isNaN, k = t.parseInt, R = t.parseFloat, P = Math.E, O = Math.LOG10E, U = Math.LOG2E, V = Math.abs, F = Math.ceil, H = Math.exp, G = Math.floor, z = Math.log, j = Math.max, W = Math.min, X = Math.pow, q = Math.random, Y = Math.sqrt, J = String.prototype.match, K = String.prototype.replace, Z = String.prototype.search, Q = String.prototype.split, $ = Object.create(null);
+ !function() {
+ function i(t) {
+ if (!(this instanceof i))
+ return new i(t,r);
+ if (this instanceof i && arguments[1] !== r)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var e = t === N ? N : String(t);
+ return a(this, "[[SymbolData]]", function(t) {
+ return Array(t + 1).join("x").replace(/x/g, function() {
+ return q() < .5 ? "" : ""
+ })
+ }(128)),
+ a(this, "[[Description]]", e),
+ s[this] = this,
+ this
+ }
+ var r = Object.create(null)
+ , s = {};
+ E = function(t) {
+ return s[t]
+ }
+ ;
+ var o = [];
+ "Symbol"in t && !D || (t.Symbol = i),
+ n(i, "for", function(t) {
+ for (var e = String(t), n = 0; n < o.length; ++n) {
+ var a = o[n];
+ if (d(a["[[key]]"], e))
+ return a["[[symbol]]"]
+ }
+ var r = i(t);
+ return o.push({
+ "[[key]]": e,
+ "[[symbol]]": r
+ }),
+ r
+ }),
+ n(t.Symbol, "iterator", t.Symbol("Symbol.iterator")),
+ n(i, "keyFor", function(t) {
+ if (!(t instanceof i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var e = 0; e < o.length; ++e) {
+ var n = o[e];
+ if (d(n["[[symbol]]"], t))
+ return n["[[key]]"]
+ }
+ return N
+ }),
+ n(t.Symbol, "match", t.Symbol("Symbol.match")),
+ n(t.Symbol, "replace", t.Symbol("Symbol.replace")),
+ n(t.Symbol, "search", t.Symbol("Symbol.search")),
+ n(t.Symbol, "split", t.Symbol("Symbol.split")),
+ n(t.Symbol, "toStringTag", t.Symbol("Symbol.toStringTag")),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "toString", {
+ value: function() {
+ var t = e(this)
+ , i = t["[[Description]]"];
+ return "Symbol(" + (i === N ? "" : i) + t["[[SymbolData]]"] + ")"
+ },
+ configurable: !0,
+ writeable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "valueOf", {
+ value: function() {
+ throw TypeError()
+ },
+ configurable: !0,
+ writeable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1
+ })
+ }();
+ var tt = {}
+ , et = t.Symbol.iterator
+ , it = t.Symbol.match
+ , nt = t.Symbol.replace
+ , at = t.Symbol.search
+ , rt = t.Symbol.split
+ , st = t.Symbol.toStringTag;
+ n(Object, "assign", function(t, e) {
+ var i = h(t);
+ if (arguments.length < 2)
+ return i;
+ for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; ) {
+ var a = arguments[n++];
+ if (a === N || null === a)
+ var r = [];
+ else {
+ var s = h(a);
+ r = C(s)
+ }
+ for (var o = 0; o < r.length; ++o) {
+ var l = r[o]
+ , c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, l);
+ if (c !== N && c.enumerable) {
+ var _ = s[l];
+ i[l] = _
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return i
+ }),
+ function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ return !E(t)
+ }
+ var i = "symbol" == typeof t.Symbol()
+ , a = Object.getOwnPropertyNames
+ , r = Object.keys
+ , s = "object" == typeof window ? a(window) : [];
+ n(Object, "getOwnPropertyNames", function(t) {
+ if ("[object Window]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t))
+ try {
+ return a(t).filter(e)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return s.slice()
+ }
+ return a(t).filter(e)
+ }, !i),
+ n(Object, "getOwnPropertySymbols", function(t) {
+ return a(t).filter(E).map(E)
+ }, !i),
+ n(Object, "keys", function(t) {
+ return r(t).filter(e)
+ }, !i)
+ }(),
+ n(Object, "is", function(t, e) {
+ return d(t, e)
+ }),
+ n(Object, "setPrototypeOf", function(t, e) {
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(e) && "null" !== s(e))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return t.__proto__ = e,
+ t
+ });
+ var ot = Object.prototype.toString;
+ n(Object.prototype, "toString", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ return t === Object(t) && st in t ? "[object " + t[st] + "]" : ot.apply(t, arguments)
+ }),
+ n(t.Symbol.prototype, t.Symbol.toStringTag, "Symbol"),
+ n(Number, "EPSILON", function() {
+ var t, e;
+ for (t = 1; 1 + t !== 1; t /= 2)
+ e = t;
+ return e
+ }()),
+ n(Number, "isFinite", function(t) {
+ return "number" === s(t) && t == t && t !== 1 / 0 && t !== -1 / 0
+ }),
+ n(Number, "isInteger", function(t) {
+ return "number" === s(t) && t == t && t !== 1 / 0 && t !== -1 / 0 && o(t) === t
+ }),
+ n(Number, "isNaN", function(t) {
+ return "number" === s(t) && t != t
+ }),
+ n(Number, "isSafeInteger", function(t) {
+ if ("number" !== s(t))
+ return !1;
+ if (t != t || t === 1 / 0 || t === -1 / 0)
+ return !1;
+ var e = o(t);
+ return e === t && V(e) <= 9007199254740991
+ }),
+ n(Number, "MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", 9007199254740991),
+ n(Number, "MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", -9007199254740991),
+ n(Number, "parseFloat", R),
+ n(Number, "parseInt", k),
+ n(Math, st, "Math"),
+ n(Math, "acosh", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ z(t + Y(t * t - 1))
+ }),
+ n(Math, "asinh", function(t) {
+ if (t = Number(t),
+ d(t, -0))
+ return t;
+ var e = Y(t * t + 1);
+ return z(e === -t ? 0 : t + e)
+ }),
+ n(Math, "atanh", function(t) {
+ return 0 === (t = Number(t)) ? t : z((1 + t) / (1 - t)) / 2
+ }),
+ n(Math, "cbrt", function(t) {
+ if (t = Number(t),
+ B(t / t))
+ return t;
+ var e = X(V(t), 1 / 3)
+ , i = t / e / e;
+ return e + e * (i - e) / (2 * e + i)
+ }),
+ n(Math, "clz32", function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ return 240 & t ? 128 & t ? 0 : 64 & t ? 1 : 32 & t ? 2 : 3 : 8 & t ? 4 : 4 & t ? 5 : 2 & t ? 6 : 1 & t ? 7 : 8
+ }
+ return 4278190080 & (t = l(t)) ? e(t >> 24) : 16711680 & t ? e(t >> 16) + 8 : 65280 & t ? e(t >> 8) + 16 : e(t) + 24
+ }),
+ n(Math, "cosh", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ (X(P, t) + X(P, -t)) / 2
+ }),
+ n(Math, "expm1", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ d(t, -0) ? -0 : V(t) < 1e-5 ? t + .5 * t * t : H(t) - 1
+ }),
+ n(Math, "fround", function(t) {
+ return B(t) ? NaN : 1 / t == 1 / 0 || 1 / t == -1 / 0 || t === 1 / 0 || t === -1 / 0 ? t : new Float32Array([t])[0]
+ }),
+ n(Math, "hypot", function() {
+ for (var t = [], e = 0, i = !1, n = 0; n < arguments.length; ++n) {
+ var a = V(Number(arguments[n]));
+ if (a === 1 / 0)
+ return a;
+ a != a && (i = !0),
+ a > e && (e = a),
+ t[n] = a
+ }
+ if (i)
+ return NaN;
+ if (0 === e)
+ return 0;
+ var r = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) {
+ var s = t[n] / e;
+ r += s * s
+ }
+ return e * Y(r)
+ }),
+ n(Math, "imul", function(t, e) {
+ var i = l(t)
+ , n = l(e)
+ , a = 65535 & i
+ , r = 65535 & n;
+ return a * r + ((i >>> 16 & 65535) * r + a * (n >>> 16 & 65535) << 16 >>> 0) | 0
+ }, "imul"in Math && 0 === Math.imul(1, 2147483648)),
+ n(Math, "log1p", function(t) {
+ return (t = Number(t)) < -1 ? NaN : d(t, -0) ? -0 : V(t) > 1e-4 ? z(1 + t) : (-.5 * t + 1) * t
+ }),
+ n(Math, "log10", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ z(t) * O
+ }),
+ n(Math, "log2", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ z(t) * U
+ }),
+ n(Math, "sign", function(t) {
+ return (t = Number(t)) < 0 ? -1 : t > 0 ? 1 : t
+ }),
+ n(Math, "sinh", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ d(t, -0) ? t : (X(P, t) - X(P, -t)) / 2
+ }),
+ n(Math, "tanh", function(t) {
+ t = Number(t);
+ var e = X(P, 2 * t) - 1
+ , i = X(P, 2 * t) + 1;
+ return d(t, -0) ? t : e === i ? 1 : e / i
+ }),
+ n(Math, "trunc", function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ B(t) ? NaN : t < 0 ? F(t) : G(t)
+ });
+ var lt = function() {
+ var t = {}
+ , e = Symbol();
+ return t[Symbol.match] = function() {
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ "".match(t) === e
+ }();
+ n(String, "fromCodePoint", function() {
+ for (var t = arguments, e = t.length, i = [], n = 0; n < e; ) {
+ var a = t[n]
+ , r = Number(a);
+ if (!d(r, o(r)) || r < 0 || r > 1114111)
+ throw RangeError("Invalid code point " + r);
+ r < 65536 ? i.push(String.fromCharCode(r)) : (r -= 65536,
+ i.push(String.fromCharCode(55296 + (r >> 10))),
+ i.push(String.fromCharCode(r % 1024 + 56320))),
+ n += 1
+ }
+ return i.join("")
+ }),
+ n(String, "raw", function(t) {
+ var e = [].slice.call(arguments, 1)
+ , i = Object(t).raw
+ , n = Object(i)
+ , a = c(n.length);
+ if (a <= 0)
+ return "";
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; ; ) {
+ var o = n[s]
+ , l = String(o);
+ if (r.push(l),
+ s + 1 === a)
+ return r.join("");
+ o = e[s];
+ var h = String(o);
+ r.push(h),
+ s += 1
+ }
+ }),
+ n(String.prototype, "codePointAt", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this)
+ , n = String(i)
+ , a = o(t)
+ , r = n.length;
+ if (a < 0 || a >= r)
+ return N;
+ var s = n.charCodeAt(a);
+ if (s < 55296 || s > 56319 || a + 1 === r)
+ return s;
+ var l = n.charCodeAt(a + 1);
+ return l < 56320 || l > 57343 ? s : 1024 * (s - 55296) + (l - 56320) + 65536
+ }),
+ n(String.prototype, "endsWith", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = e(this)
+ , a = String(n)
+ , r = String(t)
+ , s = a.length
+ , l = i === N ? s : o(i)
+ , h = W(j(l, 0), s)
+ , c = r.length
+ , _ = h - c;
+ return !(_ < 0) && a.substring(_, _ + c) === r
+ }),
+ n(String.prototype, "includes", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = e(this)
+ , a = String(n)
+ , r = String(t)
+ , s = o(i)
+ , l = a.length
+ , h = W(j(s, 0), l);
+ return -1 !== a.indexOf(r, h)
+ }),
+ n(String.prototype, "match", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this)
+ , n = String(i);
+ if (m(t, it))
+ var a = t;
+ else
+ a = new RegExp(t);
+ return a[it](n)
+ }, !lt),
+ n(String.prototype, "repeat", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this)
+ , n = String(i)
+ , a = o(t);
+ if (a < 0)
+ throw RangeError();
+ if (a === 1 / 0)
+ throw RangeError();
+ return new Array(a + 1).join(n)
+ }),
+ n(String.prototype, "replace", function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ return m(t, nt) ? t[nt](n, i) : K.call(n, t, i)
+ }, !lt),
+ n(String.prototype, "search", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this)
+ , n = String(i);
+ if (m(t, at))
+ var a = t;
+ else
+ a = new RegExp(t);
+ return a[at](n)
+ }, !lt),
+ n(String.prototype, "split", function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ return m(t, rt) ? t[rt](n, i) : Q.call(n, t, i)
+ }, !lt),
+ n(String.prototype, "startsWith", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = e(this)
+ , a = String(n)
+ , r = String(t)
+ , s = o(i)
+ , l = a.length
+ , h = W(j(s, 0), l)
+ , c = r.length;
+ return !(c + h > l) && a.substring(h, h + c) === r
+ }),
+ n(String.prototype, et, function() {
+ return function(t, e) {
+ var i = String(t)
+ , n = new M;
+ return a(n, "[[IteratedString]]", i),
+ a(n, "[[StringIteratorNextIndex]]", 0),
+ a(n, "[[StringIterationKind]]", e),
+ n
+ }(this, "value")
+ });
+ var ht = Object.create(tt);
+ M.prototype = ht,
+ n(ht, "next", function() {
+ var t = h(this)
+ , e = String(t["[[IteratedString]]"])
+ , i = t["[[StringIteratorNextIndex]]"];
+ if (i >= e.length)
+ return a(t, "[[StringIteratorNextIndex]]", 1 / 0),
+ w(N, !0);
+ var n = e.codePointAt(i);
+ return a(t, "[[StringIteratorNextIndex]]", i + (n > 65535 ? 2 : 1)),
+ w(String.fromCodePoint(n), !1)
+ }),
+ n(ht, st, "String Iterator"),
+ "flags"in RegExp.prototype || Object.defineProperty(RegExp.prototype, "flags", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = String(this);
+ return t.substring(t.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
+ }
+ }),
+ n(RegExp.prototype, it, function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ return J.call(t, i)
+ }),
+ n(RegExp.prototype, nt, function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ return K.call(t, n, i)
+ }),
+ n(RegExp.prototype, at, function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ return Z.call(t, i)
+ }),
+ n(RegExp.prototype, rt, function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ return Q.call(t, n, i)
+ }),
+ n(Array, "from", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = arguments[2]
+ , a = e(this);
+ if (i === N)
+ var r = !1;
+ else {
+ if (!_(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var s = n;
+ r = !0
+ }
+ var o = p(t, et);
+ if (o !== N) {
+ if (u(a))
+ var l = new a;
+ else
+ l = new Array(0);
+ for (var d = y(t, o), f = 0; ; ) {
+ var m = b(d);
+ if (!1 === m)
+ return l.length = f,
+ l;
+ var g = v(m);
+ if (r)
+ var w = i.call(s, g);
+ else
+ w = g;
+ l[f] = w,
+ f += 1
+ }
+ }
+ var x = h(t)
+ , I = c(x.length);
+ for (l = u(a) ? new a(I) : new Array(I),
+ f = 0; f < I; ) {
+ var C = x[f];
+ w = r ? i.call(s, C, f) : C,
+ l[f] = w,
+ f += 1
+ }
+ return l.length = I,
+ l
+ }),
+ n(Array, "of", function() {
+ var t, i = arguments, n = l(i.length), a = e(this);
+ t = u(a) ? h(t = new a(n)) : new Array(n);
+ for (var r = 0; r < n; )
+ t[r] = i[r],
+ r += 1;
+ return t.length = n,
+ t
+ }),
+ n(Array.prototype, "copyWithin", function(t, e) {
+ var i = arguments[2]
+ , n = h(this)
+ , a = c(n.length);
+ a = j(a, 0);
+ var r, s = o(t);
+ r = s < 0 ? j(a + s, 0) : W(s, a);
+ var l, _ = o(e);
+ l = _ < 0 ? j(a + _, 0) : W(_, a);
+ var u, d;
+ d = (u = i === N ? a : o(i)) < 0 ? j(a + u, 0) : W(u, a);
+ var f, p = W(d - l, a - r);
+ for (l < r && r < l + p ? (f = -1,
+ l = l + p - 1,
+ r = r + p - 1) : f = 1; p > 0; ) {
+ var g = String(l)
+ , y = String(r);
+ if (m(n, g)) {
+ var v = n[g];
+ n[y] = v
+ } else
+ delete n[y];
+ l += f,
+ r += f,
+ p -= 1
+ }
+ return n
+ });
+ var ct = "entries"in Array.prototype && "next"in [].entries();
+ n(Array.prototype, "entries", function() {
+ return T(this, "key+value")
+ }, !ct),
+ n(Array.prototype, "fill", function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1]
+ , i = arguments[2]
+ , n = h(this)
+ , a = c(n.length);
+ a = j(a, 0);
+ var r, s = o(e);
+ r = s < 0 ? j(a + s, 0) : W(s, a);
+ var l, _;
+ for (_ = (l = i === N ? a : o(i)) < 0 ? j(a + l, 0) : W(l, a); r < _; )
+ n[String(r)] = t,
+ r += 1;
+ return n
+ }),
+ n(Array.prototype, "find", function(t) {
+ var e = h(this)
+ , i = o(e.length);
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : N, a = 0; a < i; ) {
+ var r = String(a);
+ if (m(e, r)) {
+ var s = e[r]
+ , l = t.call(n, s, a, e);
+ if (Boolean(l))
+ return s
+ }
+ ++a
+ }
+ return N
+ }),
+ n(Array.prototype, "findIndex", function(t) {
+ var e = h(this)
+ , i = c(e.length);
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : N, a = 0; a < i; ) {
+ var r = String(a);
+ if (m(e, r)) {
+ var s = e[r]
+ , o = t.call(n, s, a, e);
+ if (Boolean(o))
+ return a
+ }
+ ++a
+ }
+ return -1
+ }),
+ n(Array.prototype, "keys", function() {
+ return T(this, "key")
+ }, !ct),
+ n(Array.prototype, "values", function() {
+ return T(this, "value")
+ }, !ct),
+ n(Array.prototype, et, Array.prototype.values);
+ var _t = Object.create(tt);
+ L.prototype = _t,
+ n(_t, "next", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var i, n, r = t["[[IteratedObject]]"], o = t["[[ArrayIteratorNextIndex]]"], h = t["[[ArrayIterationKind]]"], c = l(r.length);
+ if (-1 !== h.indexOf("sparse"))
+ for (var _ = !1; !_ && o < c; )
+ (_ = m(r, i = String(o))) || (o += 1);
+ if (o >= c)
+ return a(t, "[[ArrayIteratorNextIndex]]", 1 / 0),
+ w(N, !0);
+ if (i = o,
+ a(t, "[[ArrayIteratorNextIndex]]", o + 1),
+ -1 !== h.indexOf("value") && (n = r[i]),
+ -1 !== h.indexOf("key+value"))
+ return w([i, n], !1);
+ if (-1 !== h.indexOf("key"))
+ return w(i, !1);
+ if ("value" === h)
+ return w(n, !1);
+ throw Error("Internal error")
+ }),
+ n(_t, st, "Array Iterator"),
+ ["Int8Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Int16Array", "Uint16Array", "Int32Array", "Uint32Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array"].forEach(function(i) {
+ if (i in t) {
+ var a = t[i];
+ n(a, "from", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = arguments[2]
+ , a = e(this);
+ if (!u(a))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i === N)
+ var r = !1;
+ else {
+ if (_(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var s = n;
+ r = !0
+ }
+ var o = p(t, et);
+ if (o !== N) {
+ for (var l = y(t, o), d = [], f = !0; !1 !== f; )
+ if (!1 !== (f = b(l))) {
+ var m = v(f);
+ d.push(m)
+ }
+ for (var g = d.length, w = new a(g), x = 0; x < g; ) {
+ var I = d.shift();
+ if (r)
+ var C = i.call(s, I);
+ else
+ C = I;
+ w[x] = C,
+ ++x
+ }
+ return w
+ }
+ var S = h(t);
+ for (w = new a(g = c(S.length)),
+ x = 0; x < g; )
+ I = S[x],
+ C = r ? i.call(s, I, x) : I,
+ w[x] = C,
+ ++x;
+ return w
+ }),
+ n(a, "of", function() {
+ for (var t = arguments, i = t.length, n = new (e(this))(i), a = 0; a < i; )
+ n[a] = t[a],
+ ++a;
+ return n
+ }),
+ n(a.prototype, "copyWithin", Array.prototype.copyWithin),
+ n(a.prototype, "entries", Array.prototype.entries),
+ n(a.prototype, "every", Array.prototype.every),
+ n(a.prototype, "fill", function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1]
+ , i = arguments[2]
+ , n = h(this)
+ , a = c(n.length);
+ a = j(a, 0);
+ var r, s = o(e);
+ r = s < 0 ? j(a + s, 0) : W(s, a);
+ var l, _;
+ for (_ = (l = i === N ? a : o(i)) < 0 ? j(a + l, 0) : W(l, a); r < _; )
+ n[String(r)] = t,
+ r += 1;
+ return n
+ }),
+ n(a.prototype, "filter", function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1]
+ , i = h(this)
+ , n = c(i.length);
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var a = e, r = i.constructor, s = [], o = 0, l = 0; o < n; ) {
+ var u = i[o];
+ t.call(a, u, o, i) && (s.push(u),
+ ++l),
+ ++o
+ }
+ for (var d = new r(l), f = 0, p = 0; p < s.length; ++p) {
+ var m = s[p];
+ d[f] = m,
+ ++f
+ }
+ return d
+ }),
+ n(a.prototype, "find", Array.prototype.find),
+ n(a.prototype, "findIndex", Array.prototype.findIndex),
+ n(a.prototype, "forEach", Array.prototype.forEach),
+ n(a.prototype, "indexOf", Array.prototype.indexOf),
+ n(a.prototype, "join", Array.prototype.join),
+ n(a.prototype, "keys", Array.prototype.keys),
+ n(a.prototype, "lastIndexOf", Array.prototype.lastIndexOf),
+ n(a.prototype, "map", function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1]
+ , i = h(this)
+ , n = c(i.length);
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var a = e
+ , r = N
+ , s = i.constructor;
+ u(s) && (r = new s(n)),
+ r === N && (r = new Array(n));
+ for (var o = 0; o < n; ) {
+ if (m(i, o)) {
+ var l = i[o]
+ , d = t.call(a, l, o, i);
+ r[o] = d
+ }
+ ++o
+ }
+ return r
+ }),
+ n(a.prototype, "reduce", Array.prototype.reduce),
+ n(a.prototype, "reduceRight", Array.prototype.reduceRight),
+ n(a.prototype, "reverse", Array.prototype.reverse),
+ n(a.prototype, "slice", function(t, e) {
+ var i = h(this)
+ , n = c(i.length)
+ , a = o(t)
+ , r = a < 0 ? j(n + a, 0) : W(a, n)
+ , s = e === N ? n : o(e)
+ , l = s < 0 ? j(n + s, 0) : W(s, n)
+ , _ = l - r
+ , d = i.constructor;
+ if (!u(d))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var f = new d(_), p = 0; r < l; ) {
+ var m = i[r];
+ f[p] = m,
+ ++r,
+ ++p
+ }
+ return f
+ }),
+ n(a.prototype, "some", Array.prototype.some),
+ n(a.prototype, "sort", function() {
+ var t = arguments[0];
+ return Array.prototype.sort.call(this, function(e, i) {
+ return e != e && i != i ? 0 : e != e ? 1 : i != i ? -1 : t !== N ? t(e, i) : e < i ? -1 : e > i ? 1 : 0
+ })
+ }),
+ n(a.prototype, "values", Array.prototype.values),
+ n(a.prototype, et, a.prototype.values),
+ n(a.prototype, st, i)
+ }
+ }),
+ function() {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e(this)
+ , i = arguments[0];
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("[[MapData]]"in t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i !== N) {
+ var n = t.set;
+ if (!_(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var r = y(h(i))
+ }
+ if (a(t, "[[MapData]]", {
+ keys: [],
+ values: []
+ }),
+ r === N)
+ return t;
+ for (; ; ) {
+ var o = b(r);
+ if (!1 === o)
+ return t;
+ var l = v(o);
+ if ("object" !== s(l))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var c = l[0]
+ , u = l[1];
+ n.call(t, c, u)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function r(t, e) {
+ var i;
+ if (e == e)
+ return t.keys.indexOf(e);
+ for (i = 0; i < t.keys.length; i += 1)
+ if (f(t.keys[i], e))
+ return i;
+ return -1
+ }
+ function o() {}
+ function l(t, e) {
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (t["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var i = new o;
+ return a(i, "[[Map]]", t),
+ a(i, "[[MapNextIndex]]", 0),
+ a(i, "[[MapIterationKind]]", e),
+ i
+ }
+ "Map"in t && !D && !function() {
+ try {
+ return new t.Map([]),
+ !1
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ }() && !function() {
+ try {
+ return !(new t.Map).entries().next
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ }() && 1 === new t.Map([["a", 1]]).size || (t.Map = i);
+ n(i.prototype = {}, "clear", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (t["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var i = t["[[MapData]]"];
+ return i.keys.length = 0,
+ i.values.length = 0,
+ N
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "delete", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n = i["[[MapData]]"]
+ , a = r(n, t);
+ return !(a < 0 || (n.keys[a] = $,
+ n.values[a] = $,
+ 0))
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "entries", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t, "key+value")
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "forEach", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (n["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var a = n["[[MapData]]"];
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError("First argument to forEach is not callable.");
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.keys.length; ++r)
+ a.keys[r] !== $ && t.call(i, a.values[r], a.keys[r], n);
+ return N
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "get", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n = i["[[MapData]]"]
+ , a = r(n, t);
+ return a >= 0 ? n.values[a] : N
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "has", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return r(i["[[MapData]]"], t) >= 0
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "keys", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t, "key")
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "set", function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (n["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var a = n["[[MapData]]"]
+ , o = r(a, t);
+ return o < 0 && (o = a.keys.length),
+ d(t, -0) && (t = 0),
+ a.keys[o] = t,
+ a.values[o] = i,
+ n
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "size", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[MapData]]"in t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (t["[[MapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var i = t["[[MapData]]"], n = 0, a = 0; a < i.keys.length; ++a)
+ i.keys[a] !== $ && (n += 1);
+ return n
+ }
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "values", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t, "value")
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, et, function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t, "key+value")
+ }),
+ n(t.Map.prototype, st, "Map");
+ var c = Object.create(tt);
+ o.prototype = c,
+ n(c, "next", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var i = t["[[Map]]"], n = t["[[MapNextIndex]]"], r = t["[[MapIterationKind]]"], o = i["[[MapData]]"]; n < o.keys.length; ) {
+ var l = {
+ key: o.keys[n],
+ value: o.values[n]
+ };
+ if (n = n += 1,
+ a(t, "[[MapNextIndex]]", n),
+ l.key !== $)
+ return "key" === r ? w(l.key, !1) : "value" === r ? w(l.value, !1) : w([l.key, l.value], !1)
+ }
+ return w(N, !0)
+ }),
+ n(c, st, "Map Iterator")
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e(this)
+ , i = arguments[0];
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("[[SetData]]"in t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i !== N) {
+ var n = t.add;
+ if (!_(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var r = y(h(i))
+ }
+ if (a(t, "[[SetData]]", []),
+ r === N)
+ return t;
+ for (; ; ) {
+ var o = b(r);
+ if (!1 === o)
+ return t;
+ var l = v(o);
+ n.call(t, l)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function r(t, e) {
+ var i;
+ if (e == e)
+ return t.indexOf(e);
+ for (i = 0; i < t.length; i += 1)
+ if (f(t[i], e))
+ return i;
+ return -1
+ }
+ function o() {}
+ function l(t, e) {
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (t["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var i = new o;
+ return a(i, "[[IteratedSet]]", t),
+ a(i, "[[SetNextIndex]]", 0),
+ a(i, "[[SetIterationKind]]", e),
+ i
+ }
+ "Set"in t && !D && !function() {
+ try {
+ return !(new t.Set).entries().next
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !0
+ }
+ }() && 1 === new t.Set([1]).size || (t.Set = i);
+ n(i.prototype = {}, "add", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ d(t, -0) && (t = 0);
+ var n = r(i["[[SetData]]"], t);
+ return n < 0 && (n = i["[[SetData]]"].length),
+ i["[[SetData]]"][n] = t,
+ i
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "clear", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (t["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return t["[[SetData]]"].length = 0,
+ N
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "delete", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n = i["[[SetData]]"]
+ , a = r(n, t);
+ return !(a < 0 || (n[a] = $,
+ 0))
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "entries", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t, "key+value")
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "forEach", function(t) {
+ var i = arguments[1]
+ , n = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (n["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ var a = n["[[SetData]]"];
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError("First argument to forEach is not callable.");
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.length; ++r)
+ a[r] !== $ && t.call(i, a[r], a[r], n)
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "has", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return -1 !== r(i["[[SetData]]"], t)
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "size", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!("[[SetData]]"in t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (t["[[SetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var i = t["[[SetData]]"], n = 0, a = 0; a < i.length; ++a)
+ i[a] !== $ && (n += 1);
+ return n
+ }
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "values", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t, "value")
+ }),
+ i.prototype.keys = i.prototype.values,
+ n(i.prototype, et, function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return l(t)
+ }),
+ n(t.Set.prototype, st, "Set");
+ var c = Object.create(tt);
+ o.prototype = c,
+ n(c, "next", function() {
+ var t = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ for (var i = t["[[IteratedSet]]"], n = t["[[SetNextIndex]]"], r = t["[[SetIterationKind]]"], o = i["[[SetData]]"]; n < o.length; ) {
+ var l = o[n];
+ if (n = n += 1,
+ a(t, "[[SetNextIndex]]", n),
+ l !== $)
+ return "key+value" === r ? w([l, l], !1) : w(l, !1)
+ }
+ return w(N, !0)
+ }),
+ n(c, st, "Set Iterator")
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e(this)
+ , i = arguments[0];
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("[[WeakMapData]]"in t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i !== N) {
+ var n = t.set;
+ if (!_(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var o = y(h(i))
+ }
+ if (a(t, "[[WeakMapData]]", new r),
+ o === N)
+ return t;
+ for (; ; ) {
+ var l = b(o);
+ if (!1 === l)
+ return t;
+ var c = v(l);
+ if ("object" !== s(c))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var u = c[0]
+ , d = c[1];
+ n.call(t, u, d)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ "WeakMap"in t && !D || (t.WeakMap = i);
+ n(i.prototype = {}, "delete", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[WeakMapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return i["[[WeakMapData]]"].remove(t)
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "get", function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (n["[[WeakMapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return n["[[WeakMapData]]"].get(t, i)
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "has", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[WeakMapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return i["[[WeakMapData]]"].has(t)
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "set", function(t, i) {
+ var n = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (n["[[WeakMapData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return n["[[WeakMapData]]"].set(t, i),
+ n
+ }),
+ n(t.WeakMap.prototype, st, "WeakMap"),
+ function() {
+ var e = new t.WeakMap
+ , i = t.WeakMap.prototype.set;
+ n(t.WeakMap.prototype, "set", function() {
+ return i.apply(this, arguments),
+ this
+ }, e.set({}, 0) !== e)
+ }()
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e(this)
+ , i = arguments[0];
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("[[WeakSetData]]"in t)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i !== N) {
+ var n = t.add;
+ if (!_(n))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var o = y(h(i))
+ }
+ if (a(t, "[[WeakSetData]]", new r),
+ o === N)
+ return t;
+ for (; ; ) {
+ var l = b(o);
+ if (!1 === l)
+ return t;
+ var c = v(l);
+ n.call(t, c)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ "WeakSet"in t && !D || (t.WeakSet = i);
+ n(i.prototype = {}, "add", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[WeakSetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return i["[[WeakSetData]]"].set(t, !0),
+ i
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "delete", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[WeakSetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return i["[[WeakSetData]]"].remove(t)
+ }),
+ n(i.prototype, "has", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if ("object" !== s(i))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (i["[[WeakSetData]]"] === N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" !== s(t))
+ throw TypeError("Expected object");
+ return i["[[WeakSetData]]"].has(t)
+ }),
+ n(t.WeakSet.prototype, st, "WeakSet"),
+ function() {
+ var e = new t.WeakSet
+ , i = t.WeakSet.prototype.add;
+ n(t.WeakSet.prototype, "add", function() {
+ return i.apply(this, arguments),
+ this
+ }, e.add({}) !== e)
+ }()
+ }(),
+ "ArrayBuffer"in t && (n(ArrayBuffer, "isView", function(t) {
+ return "object" === s(t) && "buffer"in t && t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer
+ }),
+ n(ArrayBuffer.prototype, st, "ArrayBuffer")),
+ "DataView"in t && n(DataView.prototype, st, "DataView"),
+ n(JSON, st, "JSON"),
+ n(tt, et, function() {
+ return this
+ }),
+ function() {
+ function i(t) {
+ var e = {
+ "[[value]]": !1
+ }
+ , i = function() {
+ var t = function(e) {
+ var i = t["[[Promise]]"]
+ , n = t["[[AlreadyResolved]]"];
+ if (n["[[value]]"])
+ return N;
+ if (a(n, "[[value]]", !0),
+ d(e, i)) {
+ var o = TypeError();
+ return h(i, o)
+ }
+ if ("object" !== s(e))
+ return r(i, e);
+ try {
+ var l = e.then
+ } catch (l) {
+ return h(i, l)
+ }
+ return _(l) ? (x(0, f, [i, e, l]),
+ N) : r(i, e)
+ };
+ return t
+ }();
+ a(i, "[[Promise]]", t),
+ a(i, "[[AlreadyResolved]]", e);
+ var n = function() {
+ var t = function(e) {
+ var i = t["[[Promise]]"]
+ , n = t["[[AlreadyResolved]]"];
+ return n["[[value]]"] ? N : (a(n, "[[value]]", !0),
+ h(i, e))
+ };
+ return t
+ }();
+ return a(n, "[[Promise]]", t),
+ a(n, "[[AlreadyResolved]]", e),
+ {
+ "[[Resolve]]": i,
+ "[[Reject]]": n
+ }
+ }
+ function r(t, e) {
+ var i = t["[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]"];
+ return a(t, "[[PromiseResult]]", e),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]", N),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseRejectReactions]]", N),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseState]]", "fulfilled"),
+ c(i, e)
+ }
+ function o(t) {
+ return function(t, e) {
+ var i = {};
+ a(i, "[[Promise]]", t),
+ a(i, "[[Resolve]]", N),
+ a(i, "[[Reject]]", N);
+ var n = function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t["[[Capability]]"];
+ if (n["[[Resolve]]"] !== N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (n["[[Reject]]"] !== N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return a(n, "[[Resolve]]", e),
+ a(n, "[[Reject]]", i),
+ N
+ };
+ return t
+ }();
+ a(n, "[[Capability]]", i);
+ var r = t = new e(n);
+ if (a(i, "[[Promise]]", t),
+ !_(i["[[Resolve]]"]))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!_(i["[[Reject]]"]))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("object" === s(r) && !d(t, r))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return i
+ }(N, t)
+ }
+ function l(t) {
+ return "object" === s(t) && "[[PromiseState]]"in t && t["[[PromiseState]]"] !== N
+ }
+ function h(t, e) {
+ var i = t["[[PromiseRejectReactions]]"];
+ return a(t, "[[PromiseResult]]", e),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]", N),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseRejectReactions]]", N),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseState]]", "rejected"),
+ c(i, e)
+ }
+ function c(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i)
+ x(0, u, [t[i], e]);
+ return N
+ }
+ function u(t, e) {
+ var i, n = t["[[Capabilities]]"], a = t["[[Handler]]"];
+ try {
+ if ("Identity" === a)
+ i = e;
+ else {
+ if ("Thrower" === a)
+ throw e;
+ i = a.call(N, e)
+ }
+ } catch (i) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, i),
+ void I()
+ }
+ I(n["[[Resolve]]"].call(N, i))
+ }
+ function f(t, e, n) {
+ var a = i(t);
+ try {
+ n.call(e, a["[[Resolve]]"], a["[[Reject]]"])
+ } catch (t) {
+ return void I(a["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t))
+ }
+ I()
+ }
+ function p(t) {
+ var e = {
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0,
+ value: N
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "[[PromiseState]]", e),
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "[[PromiseConstructor]]", e),
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "[[PromiseResult]]", e),
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]", e),
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "[[PromiseRejectReactions]]", e);
+ if ("object" !== s(this))
+ throw new TypeError;
+ if (!("[[PromiseState]]"in this))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (this["[[PromiseState]]"] !== N)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return a(this, "[[PromiseConstructor]]", p),
+ function(t, e) {
+ a(t, "[[PromiseState]]", "pending"),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]", []),
+ a(t, "[[PromiseRejectReactions]]", []);
+ var n = i(t);
+ try {
+ e.call(N, n["[[Resolve]]"], n["[[Reject]]"])
+ } catch (t) {
+ n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t)
+ }
+ return t
+ }(this, t)
+ }
+ function m() {
+ var t = function(e) {
+ var i = t["[[AlreadyCalled]]"];
+ if (i.value)
+ return N;
+ i.value = !0;
+ var n = t["[[Index]]"]
+ , a = t["[[Values]]"]
+ , r = t["[[Capabilities]]"]
+ , s = t["[[RemainingElements]]"];
+ try {
+ a[n] = e
+ } catch (t) {
+ return r["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ r["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ return s.value -= 1,
+ 0 === s.value ? r["[[Resolve]]"].call(N, a) : N
+ };
+ return t
+ }
+ n(p, "all", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this)
+ , n = o(i);
+ try {
+ var r = y(t)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ for (var s = [], l = {
+ value: 1
+ }, h = 0; ; ) {
+ try {
+ var c = b(r)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ if (!c)
+ return l.value -= 1,
+ 0 === l.value && n["[[Resolve]]"].apply(N, s),
+ n["[[Promise]]"];
+ try {
+ var _ = v(c)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ try {
+ var u = i.resolve(_)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ var d = m();
+ a(d, "[[AlreadyCalled]]", {
+ value: !1
+ }),
+ a(d, "[[Index]]", h),
+ a(d, "[[Values]]", s),
+ a(d, "[[Capabilities]]", n),
+ a(d, "[[RemainingElements]]", l),
+ l.value += 1;
+ try {
+ u.then(d, n["[[Reject]]"])
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ h += 1
+ }
+ }),
+ p.prototype = {},
+ n(p, "race", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this)
+ , n = o(i);
+ try {
+ var a = y(t)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ for (; ; ) {
+ try {
+ var r = b(a)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ return n["[[Promise]]"];
+ try {
+ var s = v(r)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ try {
+ var l = i.resolve(s)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ try {
+ l.then(n["[[Resolve]]"], n["[[Reject]]"])
+ } catch (t) {
+ return n["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ n(p, "reject", function(t) {
+ var i = o(e(this));
+ return i["[[Reject]]"].call(N, t),
+ i["[[Promise]]"]
+ }),
+ n(p, "resolve", function(t) {
+ var i = e(this);
+ if (l(t) && d(t["[[PromiseConstructor]]"], i))
+ return t;
+ var n = o(i);
+ return n["[[Resolve]]"].call(N, t),
+ n["[[Promise]]"]
+ }),
+ n(p.prototype, "catch", function(t) {
+ return this.then(N, t)
+ }),
+ p.prototype.constructor = p,
+ n(p.prototype, "then", function(t, e) {
+ if (!l(this))
+ throw TypeError();
+ _(t) || (t = "Identity"),
+ _(e) || (e = "Thrower");
+ var i = o(this.constructor)
+ , n = {
+ "[[Capabilities]]": i,
+ "[[Handler]]": t
+ }
+ , a = {
+ "[[Capabilities]]": i,
+ "[[Handler]]": e
+ };
+ return "pending" === this["[[PromiseState]]"] ? (this["[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]"].push(n),
+ this["[[PromiseRejectReactions]]"].push(a)) : "fulfilled" === this["[[PromiseState]]"] ? x(0, u, [n, this["[[PromiseResult]]"]]) : "rejected" === this["[[PromiseState]]"] && x(0, u, [a, this["[[PromiseResult]]"]]),
+ i["[[Promise]]"]
+ }),
+ "Promise"in t && !D || (t.Promise = p),
+ "cast"in t.Promise && (t.Promise.resolve = t.Promise.cast)
+ }(),
+ n(Promise.prototype, st, "Promise"),
+ "Reflect"in t && !D || (t.Reflect = {}),
+ n(Reflect, "apply", function(t, e, i) {
+ if (!_(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ return Function.prototype.apply.call(t, e, i)
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "construct", function(t, e) {
+ return __cons(t, e)
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "defineProperty", function(t, e, i) {
+ try {
+ return Object.defineProperty(t, e, i),
+ !0
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "deleteProperty", function(t, e) {
+ try {
+ return delete t[e],
+ !g(t, e)
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "enumerate", function(t) {
+ return function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ if (Object(t) !== t)
+ return e;
+ for (var i = new Set; null !== t; )
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach(function(n) {
+ if (!i.has(n)) {
+ var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n);
+ a && (i.add(n),
+ a.enumerable && e.push(n))
+ }
+ }),
+ t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
+ return e[et]()
+ }(t = h(t))
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "get", function(t, e, n) {
+ t = h(t),
+ e = String(e),
+ n = n === N ? t : h(n);
+ var a = i(t, e);
+ return a && "get"in a ? Function.prototype.call.call(a.get, n) : t[e]
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor),
+ n(Reflect, "getPrototypeOf", Object.getPrototypeOf),
+ n(Reflect, "has", function(t, e) {
+ return String(e)in h(t)
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "isExtensible", Object.isExtensible),
+ n(Reflect, "ownKeys", function(t) {
+ var e = h(t);
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "preventExtensions", function(t) {
+ try {
+ return Object.preventExtensions(t),
+ !0
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "set", function(t, e, n, a) {
+ t = h(t),
+ e = String(e),
+ a = a === N ? t : h(a);
+ var r = i(t, e);
+ try {
+ return r && "set"in r ? Function.prototype.call.call(r.set, a, n) : t[e] = n,
+ !0
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ }),
+ n(Reflect, "setPrototypeOf", function(t, e) {
+ try {
+ return t.__proto__ = e,
+ Reflect.getPrototypeOf(t) === e
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ })
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ function e(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ a(t) ? 0 : 0 === t || t === 1 / 0 || t === -1 / 0 ? t : (t < 0 ? -1 : 1) * s(r(t))
+ }
+ function i(t, e) {
+ if (typeof t != typeof e)
+ return !1;
+ switch (typeof t) {
+ case "undefined":
+ return !0;
+ case "number":
+ return t != t && e != e || t === e;
+ case "boolean":
+ case "string":
+ case "object":
+ default:
+ return t === e
+ }
+ }
+ var n = void 0
+ , a = t.isNaN
+ , r = Math.abs
+ , s = Math.floor
+ , o = (Math.max,
+ Math.min);
+ !function(t, e, i, n) {
+ "includes"in t && !0 || ("function" == typeof i ? Object.defineProperty(t, "includes", {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0
+ }) : Object.defineProperty(t, "includes", {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !1
+ }))
+ }(Array.prototype, 0, function(t) {
+ var a = arguments[1]
+ , r = function(t) {
+ if (null === t || t === n)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return Object(t)
+ }(this)
+ , s = function(t) {
+ var i = e(t);
+ return i <= 0 ? 0 : o(i, 9007199254740991)
+ }(r.length);
+ if (0 === s)
+ return !1;
+ var l = e(a);
+ if (l >= 0)
+ var h = l;
+ else
+ (h = s + l) < 0 && (h = 0);
+ for (; h < s; ) {
+ if (r[h],
+ i(r[h], t))
+ return !0;
+ h += 1
+ }
+ return !1
+ })
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ function e(t, e, i, n) {
+ e in t && !n || ("function" == typeof i ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0
+ }) : Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
+ value: i,
+ configurable: !1,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !1
+ }))
+ }
+ function i(t) {
+ if (null === t || t === s)
+ throw TypeError();
+ return Object(t)
+ }
+ function n(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ return t = Number(t),
+ o(t) ? 0 : 0 === t || t === 1 / 0 || t === -1 / 0 ? t : (t < 0 ? -1 : 1) * h(l(t))
+ }(t);
+ return e <= 0 ? 0 : c(e, 9007199254740991)
+ }
+ function a(t, e, i) {
+ Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
+ value: i,
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ })
+ }
+ function r(t, e) {
+ var i = [];
+ return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n) {
+ var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n);
+ if (a && a.enumerable)
+ if ("key" === e)
+ i.push(n);
+ else {
+ var r = t[n];
+ "value" === e ? i.push(r) : i.push([n, r])
+ }
+ }),
+ i
+ }
+ var s = void 0
+ , o = t.isNaN
+ , l = Math.abs
+ , h = Math.floor
+ , c = Math.min;
+ e(Object, "entries", function(t) {
+ return r(i(t), "key+value")
+ }),
+ e(Object, "getOwnPropertyDescriptors", function(t) {
+ for (var e = i(t), n = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e), r = {}, s = 0; s < n.length; ++s) {
+ var o = n[s];
+ a(r, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, o))
+ }
+ return r
+ }),
+ e(Object, "values", function(t) {
+ return r(i(t), "value")
+ }),
+ e(String.prototype, "padEnd", function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1]
+ , i = String(this)
+ , a = i.length;
+ if (e === s)
+ var r = "";
+ else
+ r = String(e);
+ "" === r && (r = " ");
+ var o = n(t);
+ if (o <= a)
+ return i;
+ for (var l = o - a, h = ""; h.length < l; )
+ h += r;
+ return i + h.substring(0, l)
+ }),
+ e(String.prototype, "padStart", function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1]
+ , i = String(this)
+ , a = i.length;
+ if (e === s)
+ var r = "";
+ else
+ r = String(e);
+ "" === r && (r = " ");
+ var o = n(t);
+ if (o <= a)
+ return i;
+ for (var l = o - a, h = ""; h.length < l; )
+ h += r;
+ return h.substring(0, l) + i
+ })
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ "window"in t && "document"in t && ("head"in document || (document.head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]),
+ ["abbr", "article", "aside", "audio", "bdi", "canvas", "data", "datalist", "details", "dialog", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup", "main", "mark", "meter", "nav", "output", "picture", "progress", "section", "summary", "template", "time", "video"].forEach(function(t) {
+ document.createElement(t)
+ }),
+ !("dataset"in document.createElement("span")) && "Element"in t && Element.prototype && Object.defineProperty && Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "dataset", {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = Object.create(null), e = 0; e < this.attributes.length; ++e) {
+ var i = this.attributes[e];
+ i.specified && "data-" === i.name.substring(0, 5) && function(e, i) {
+ var n = i.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function(t, e) {
+ return e.toUpperCase()
+ });
+ t[n] = e.getAttribute("data-" + i),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
+ get: function() {
+ return e.getAttribute("data-" + i)
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ e.setAttribute("data-" + i, t)
+ }
+ })
+ }(this, i.name.substring(5))
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ }),
+ function() {
+ if (!("atob"in t && "btoa"in t)) {
+ var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
+ t.atob = function(t) {
+ var i = 0
+ , n = []
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0;
+ if ((t = (t = String(t)).replace(/\s/g, "")).length % 4 == 0 && (t = t.replace(/=+$/, "")),
+ t.length % 4 == 1)
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ if (/[^+/0-9A-Za-z]/.test(t))
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ for (; i < t.length; )
+ a = a << 6 | e.indexOf(t.charAt(i)),
+ 24 === (r += 6) && (n.push(String.fromCharCode(a >> 16 & 255)),
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(a >> 8 & 255)),
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(255 & a)),
+ r = 0,
+ a = 0),
+ i += 1;
+ return 12 === r ? (a >>= 4,
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(255 & a))) : 18 === r && (a >>= 2,
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(a >> 8 & 255)),
+ n.push(String.fromCharCode(255 & a))),
+ n.join("")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.btoa = function(t) {
+ t = String(t);
+ var i, n, a, r, s, o, l, h = 0, c = [];
+ if (/[^\x00-\xFF]/.test(t))
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ for (; h < t.length; )
+ r = (i = t.charCodeAt(h++)) >> 2,
+ s = (3 & i) << 4 | (n = t.charCodeAt(h++)) >> 4,
+ o = (15 & n) << 2 | (a = t.charCodeAt(h++)) >> 6,
+ l = 63 & a,
+ h === t.length + 2 ? (o = 64,
+ l = 64) : h === t.length + 1 && (l = 64),
+ c.push(e.charAt(r), e.charAt(s), e.charAt(o), e.charAt(l));
+ return c.join("")
+ }
+ }
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function e() {
+ var t = i;
+ i = Object.create(null),
+ a = -1,
+ Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e) {
+ var i = t[e];
+ i.element && !function(t) {
+ return t.offsetWidth > 0 && t.offsetHeight > 0
+ }(i.element) || i.callback(Date.now())
+ })
+ }
+ if (!("requestAnimationFrame"in t)) {
+ var i = Object.create(null)
+ , n = 0
+ , a = -1;
+ t.requestAnimationFrame = function(r, s) {
+ var o = ++n;
+ return i[o] = {
+ callback: r,
+ element: s
+ },
+ -1 === a && (a = t.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)),
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ t.cancelAnimationFrame = function(e) {
+ delete i[e],
+ 0 === Object.keys(i).length && (t.clearTimeout(a),
+ a = -1)
+ }
+ }
+ }())
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ function e(t, e) {
+ t && Object.keys(e).forEach(function(i) {
+ if (!(i in t || i in t.prototype))
+ try {
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, i, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, i))
+ } catch (n) {
+ t[i] = e[i]
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function i(t) {
+ var e = null;
+ return 1 === (t = t.map(function(t) {
+ return t instanceof Node ? t : document.createTextNode(t)
+ })).length ? e = t[0] : (e = document.createDocumentFragment(),
+ t.forEach(function(t) {
+ e.appendChild(t)
+ })),
+ e
+ }
+ if ("window"in t && "document"in t) {
+ document.querySelectorAll || (document.querySelectorAll = function(t) {
+ var e, i = document.createElement("style"), n = [];
+ for (document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(i),
+ document._qsa = [],
+ i.styleSheet.cssText = t + "{x-qsa:expression(document._qsa && document._qsa.push(this))}",
+ window.scrollBy(0, 0),
+ i.parentNode.removeChild(i); document._qsa.length; )
+ (e = document._qsa.shift()).style.removeAttribute("x-qsa"),
+ n.push(e);
+ return document._qsa = null,
+ n
+ }
+ ),
+ document.querySelector || (document.querySelector = function(t) {
+ var e = document.querySelectorAll(t);
+ return e.length ? e[0] : null
+ }
+ ),
+ document.getElementsByClassName || (document.getElementsByClassName = function(t) {
+ return t = String(t).replace(/^|\s+/g, "."),
+ document.querySelectorAll(t)
+ }
+ ),
+ t.Node = t.Node || function() {
+ throw TypeError("Illegal constructor")
+ }
+ ,
+ e[0]in t.Node || (t.Node[e[0]] = e[1])
+ }),
+ t.DOMException = t.DOMException || function() {
+ throw TypeError("Illegal constructor")
+ }
+ ,
+ e[0]in t.DOMException || (t.DOMException[e[0]] = e[1])
+ }),
+ function() {
+ function e(t, e, i) {
+ if ("function" == typeof e) {
+ "DOMContentLoaded" === t && (t = "load");
+ var n = this
+ , a = function(t) {
+ t._timeStamp = Date.now(),
+ t._currentTarget = n,
+ e.call(this, t),
+ t._currentTarget = null
+ };
+ this["_" + t + e] = a,
+ this.attachEvent("on" + t, a)
+ }
+ }
+ function i(t, e, i) {
+ if ("function" == typeof e) {
+ "DOMContentLoaded" === t && (t = "load");
+ var n = this["_" + t + e];
+ n && (this.detachEvent("on" + t, n),
+ this["_" + t + e] = null)
+ }
+ }
+ "Element"in t && !Element.prototype.addEventListener && Object.defineProperty && (Event.CAPTURING_PHASE = 1,
+ Event.AT_TARGET = 2,
+ Object.defineProperties(Event.prototype, {
+ get: function() {
+ return 1
+ }
+ },
+ get: function() {
+ return 2
+ }
+ },
+ get: function() {
+ return 3
+ }
+ },
+ target: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.srcElement
+ }
+ },
+ currentTarget: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._currentTarget
+ }
+ },
+ eventPhase: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.srcElement === this.currentTarget ? Event.AT_TARGET : Event.BUBBLING_PHASE
+ }
+ },
+ bubbles: {
+ get: function() {
+ switch (this.type) {
+ case "click":
+ case "dblclick":
+ case "mousedown":
+ case "mouseup":
+ case "mouseover":
+ case "mousemove":
+ case "mouseout":
+ case "mousewheel":
+ case "keydown":
+ case "keypress":
+ case "keyup":
+ case "resize":
+ case "scroll":
+ case "select":
+ case "change":
+ case "submit":
+ case "reset":
+ return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ },
+ cancelable: {
+ get: function() {
+ switch (this.type) {
+ case "click":
+ case "dblclick":
+ case "mousedown":
+ case "mouseup":
+ case "mouseover":
+ case "mouseout":
+ case "mousewheel":
+ case "keydown":
+ case "keypress":
+ case "keyup":
+ case "submit":
+ return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ },
+ timeStamp: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._timeStamp
+ }
+ },
+ stopPropagation: {
+ value: function() {
+ this.cancelBubble = !0
+ }
+ },
+ preventDefault: {
+ value: function() {
+ this.returnValue = !1
+ }
+ },
+ defaultPrevented: {
+ get: function() {
+ return !1 === this.returnValue
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ [Window, HTMLDocument, Element].forEach(function(t) {
+ t.prototype.addEventListener = e,
+ t.prototype.removeEventListener = i
+ }))
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ e = e || {
+ bubbles: !1,
+ cancelable: !1,
+ detail: void 0
+ };
+ var i = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
+ return i.initCustomEvent(t, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.detail),
+ i
+ }
+ "CustomEvent"in t && "function" == typeof t.CustomEvent || (e.prototype = t.Event.prototype,
+ t.CustomEvent = e)
+ }(),
+ window.addEvent = function(t, e, i) {
+ t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener(e, i, !1) : t.attachEvent && (t["e" + e + i] = i,
+ t[e + i] = function() {
+ var n = window.event;
+ n.currentTarget = t,
+ n.preventDefault = function() {
+ n.returnValue = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.stopPropagation = function() {
+ n.cancelBubble = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.target = n.srcElement,
+ n.timeStamp = Date.now(),
+ t["e" + e + i].call(this, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.attachEvent("on" + e, t[e + i]))
+ }
+ ,
+ window.removeEvent = function(t, e, i) {
+ t.removeEventListener ? t.removeEventListener(e, i, !1) : t.detachEvent && (t.detachEvent("on" + e, t[e + i]),
+ t[e + i] = null,
+ t["e" + e + i] = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ function i(t) {
+ return t.length ? t.split(/\s+/g) : []
+ }
+ function n(t, e) {
+ var n = i(e)
+ , a = n.indexOf(t);
+ return -1 !== a && n.splice(a, 1),
+ n.join(" ")
+ }
+ if (Object.defineProperties(this, {
+ length: {
+ get: function() {
+ return i(t[e]).length
+ }
+ },
+ item: {
+ value: function(n) {
+ var a = i(t[e]);
+ return 0 <= n && n < a.length ? a[n] : null
+ }
+ },
+ contains: {
+ value: function(n) {
+ if (0 === (n = String(n)).length)
+ throw SyntaxError();
+ if (/\s/.test(n))
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ return -1 !== i(t[e]).indexOf(n)
+ }
+ },
+ add: {
+ value: function() {
+ var n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).map(String);
+ if (n.some(function(t) {
+ return 0 === t.length
+ }))
+ throw SyntaxError();
+ if (n.some(function(t) {
+ return /\s/.test(t)
+ }))
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ try {
+ var a = t[e]
+ , r = i(a);
+ if (0 === (n = n.filter(function(t) {
+ return -1 === r.indexOf(t)
+ })).length)
+ return;
+ 0 === a.length || /\s$/.test(a) || (a += " "),
+ a += n.join(" "),
+ t[e] = a
+ } finally {
+ var s = i(t[e]).length;
+ this.length !== s && (this.length = s)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ remove: {
+ value: function() {
+ var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).map(String);
+ if (a.some(function(t) {
+ return 0 === t.length
+ }))
+ throw SyntaxError();
+ if (a.some(function(t) {
+ return /\s/.test(t)
+ }))
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ try {
+ var r = t[e];
+ a.forEach(function(t) {
+ r = n(t, r)
+ }),
+ t[e] = r
+ } finally {
+ var s = i(t[e]).length;
+ this.length !== s && (this.length = s)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ toggle: {
+ value: function(a) {
+ var r = arguments[1];
+ try {
+ if (0 === (a = String(a)).length)
+ throw SyntaxError();
+ if (/\s/.test(a))
+ throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
+ var s = i(t[e]).indexOf(a);
+ if (-1 !== s && (!r || void 0 === r))
+ return t[e] = n(a, t[e]),
+ !1;
+ if (-1 !== s && r)
+ return !0;
+ var o = t[e];
+ return 0 === o.length || /\s$/.test(o) || (o += " "),
+ o += a,
+ t[e] = o,
+ !0
+ } finally {
+ var l = i(t[e]).length;
+ this.length !== l && (this.length = l)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function() {
+ return t[e]
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ "length"in this)
+ for (var a = 0; a < 100; ++a)
+ Object.defineProperty(this, String(a), {
+ get: function(t) {
+ return function() {
+ return this.item(t)
+ }
+ }(a)
+ });
+ else
+ this.length = i(t[e]).length
+ }
+ function i(e, i) {
+ "Element"in t && Element.prototype && Object.defineProperty && Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, e, {
+ get: i
+ })
+ }
+ "classList"in document.createElement("span") ? window.getClassList = function(t) {
+ return t.classList
+ }
+ : (window.getClassList = function(t) {
+ return new e(t,"className")
+ }
+ ,
+ i("classList", function() {
+ return new e(this,"className")
+ })),
+ "relList"in document.createElement("link") ? window.getRelList = function(t) {
+ return t.relList
+ }
+ : (window.getRelList = function(t) {
+ return new e(t,"rel")
+ }
+ ,
+ i("relList", function() {
+ return new e(this,"rel")
+ })),
+ function() {
+ if ("DOMTokenList"in t) {
+ var e = document.createElement("span");
+ "classList"in e && (e.classList.toggle("x", !1),
+ e.classList.contains("x") && (t.DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle = function(t) {
+ var e = arguments[1];
+ if (void 0 === e) {
+ var i = !this.contains(t);
+ return this[i ? "add" : "remove"](t),
+ i
+ }
+ return e = !!e,
+ this[e ? "add" : "remove"](t),
+ e
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ }(),
+ "previousElementSibling"in document.documentElement || i("previousElementSibling", function() {
+ for (var t = this.previousSibling; t && t.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE; )
+ t = t.previousSibling;
+ return t
+ }),
+ "nextElementSibling"in document.documentElement || i("nextElementSibling", function() {
+ for (var t = this.nextSibling; t && t.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE; )
+ t = t.nextSibling;
+ return t
+ })
+ }(),
+ "Element"in t && !Element.prototype.matches && (Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ? Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector : Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector ? Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector : Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ? Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector : Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector ? Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector : document.querySelectorAll && (Element.prototype.matches = function(t) {
+ for (var e = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(t), i = e.length; --i >= 0 && e.item(i) !== this; )
+ ;
+ return i > -1
+ }
+ )),
+ window.Element && !Element.prototype.closest && (Element.prototype.closest = function(t) {
+ var e, i = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(t), n = this;
+ do {
+ for (e = i.length; --e >= 0 && i.item(e) !== n; )
+ ;
+ } while (e < 0 && (n = n.parentElement));return n
+ }
+ );
+ var n = {
+ prepend: function() {
+ var t = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ t = i(t),
+ this.insertBefore(t, this.firstChild)
+ },
+ append: function() {
+ var t = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ t = i(t),
+ this.appendChild(t)
+ }
+ };
+ e(t.Document || t.HTMLDocument, n),
+ e(t.DocumentFragment, n),
+ e(t.Element, n);
+ var a = {
+ before: function() {
+ var t = [].slice.call(arguments)
+ , e = this.parentNode;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var n = this.previousSibling; -1 !== t.indexOf(n); )
+ n = n.previousSibling;
+ var a = i(t);
+ e.insertBefore(a, n ? n.nextSibling : e.firstChild)
+ }
+ },
+ after: function() {
+ var t = [].slice.call(arguments)
+ , e = this.parentNode;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var n = this.nextSibling; -1 !== t.indexOf(n); )
+ n = n.nextSibling;
+ var a = i(t);
+ e.insertBefore(a, n)
+ }
+ },
+ replaceWith: function() {
+ var t = [].slice.call(arguments)
+ , e = this.parentNode;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var n = this.nextSibling; -1 !== t.indexOf(n); )
+ n = n.nextSibling;
+ var a = i(t);
+ this.parentNode === e ? e.replaceChild(a, this) : e.insertBefore(a, n)
+ }
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this)
+ }
+ };
+ e(t.DocumentType, a),
+ e(t.Element, a),
+ e(t.CharacterData, a)
+ }
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ "window"in t && "document"in t && (t.XMLHttpRequest = t.XMLHttpRequest || function() {
+ try {
+ return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
+ } catch (t) {}
+ try {
+ return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
+ } catch (t) {}
+ try {
+ return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
+ } catch (t) {}
+ throw Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.")
+ }
+ ,
+ [["UNSENT", 0], ["OPENED", 1], ["HEADERS_RECEIVED", 2], ["LOADING", 3], ["DONE", 4]].forEach(function(e) {
+ e[0]in t.XMLHttpRequest || (t.XMLHttpRequest[e[0]] = e[1])
+ }),
+ function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ if (this._data = [],
+ t)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.elements.length; ++e) {
+ var i = t.elements[e];
+ "" !== i.name && this.append(i.name, i.value)
+ }
+ }
+ if (!("FormData"in t)) {
+ e.prototype = {
+ append: function(e, i) {
+ if ("Blob"in t && i instanceof t.Blob)
+ throw TypeError("Blob not supported");
+ e = String(e),
+ this._data.push([e, i])
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return this._data.map(function(t) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(t[0]) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t[1])
+ }).join("&")
+ }
+ },
+ t.FormData = e;
+ var i = t.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
+ t.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(t) {
+ return t instanceof e && (this.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
+ arguments[0] = t.toString()),
+ i.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ }
+ }())
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ "window"in t && "document"in t && "TextRectangle"in t && !("width"in t.TextRectangle.prototype) && Object.defineProperties(t.TextRectangle.prototype, {
+ width: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.right - this.left
+ }
+ },
+ height: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.bottom - this.top
+ }
+ }
+ })
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ function e(e) {
+ return !!e && ("Symbol"in t && "iterator"in t.Symbol && "function" == typeof e[Symbol.iterator] || !!Array.isArray(e))
+ }
+ function i(t) {
+ return "from"in Array ? Array.from(t) : Array.prototype.slice.call(t)
+ }
+ !function() {
+ function n(t) {
+ var e = ""
+ , i = !0;
+ return t.forEach(function(t) {
+ var n = encodeURIComponent(t.name)
+ , a = encodeURIComponent(t.value);
+ i || (e += "&"),
+ e += n + "=" + a,
+ i = !1
+ }),
+ e.replace(/%20/g, "+")
+ }
+ function a(t, e) {
+ var i = t.split("&");
+ e && -1 === i[0].indexOf("=") && (i[0] = "=" + i[0]);
+ var n = [];
+ i.forEach(function(t) {
+ if (0 !== t.length) {
+ var e = t.indexOf("=");
+ if (-1 !== e)
+ var i = t.substring(0, e)
+ , a = t.substring(e + 1);
+ else
+ i = t,
+ a = "";
+ i = i.replace(/\+/g, " "),
+ a = a.replace(/\+/g, " "),
+ n.push({
+ name: i,
+ value: a
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ var a = [];
+ return n.forEach(function(t) {
+ a.push({
+ name: decodeURIComponent(t.name),
+ value: decodeURIComponent(t.value)
+ })
+ }),
+ a
+ }
+ function r(t) {
+ var s = this;
+ this._list = [],
+ void 0 === t || null === t || (t instanceof r ? this._list = a(String(t)) : "object" == typeof t && e(t) ? i(t).forEach(function(t) {
+ if (!e(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n = i(t);
+ if (2 !== n.length)
+ throw TypeError();
+ s._list.push({
+ name: String(n[0]),
+ value: String(n[1])
+ })
+ }) : "object" == typeof t && t ? Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e) {
+ s._list.push({
+ name: String(e),
+ value: String(t[e])
+ })
+ }) : ("?" === (t = String(t)).substring(0, 1) && (t = t.substring(1)),
+ this._list = a(t))),
+ this._url_object = null,
+ this._setList = function(t) {
+ o || (s._list = t)
+ }
+ ;
+ var o = !1;
+ this._update_steps = function() {
+ o || (o = !0,
+ s._url_object && ("about:" === s._url_object.protocol && -1 !== s._url_object.pathname.indexOf("?") && (s._url_object.pathname = s._url_object.pathname.split("?")[0]),
+ s._url_object.search = n(s._list),
+ o = !1))
+ }
+ }
+ function s(t, e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ this.next = function() {
+ if (i >= t.length)
+ return {
+ done: !0,
+ value: void 0
+ };
+ var n = t[i++];
+ return {
+ done: !1,
+ value: "key" === e ? n.name : "value" === e ? n.value : [n.name, n.value]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function o(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = o.href.replace(/#$|\?$|\?(?=#)/g, "");
+ o.href !== t && (o.href = t)
+ }
+ function s() {
+ _._setList(o.search ? a(o.search.substring(1)) : []),
+ _._update_steps()
+ }
+ if (!(this instanceof t.URL))
+ throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': Please use the 'new' operator.");
+ i && (e = function() {
+ if (l)
+ return new h(e,i).href;
+ var t;
+ try {
+ var n;
+ if ("[object OperaMini]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(window.operamini) ? ((t = document.createElement("iframe")).style.display = "none",
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(t),
+ n = t.contentWindow.document) : document.implementation && document.implementation.createHTMLDocument ? n = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("") : document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument ? ((n = document.implementation.createDocument("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html", null)).documentElement.appendChild(n.createElement("head")),
+ n.documentElement.appendChild(n.createElement("body"))) : window.ActiveXObject && ((n = new window.ActiveXObject("htmlfile")).write(""),
+ n.close()),
+ !n)
+ throw Error("base not supported");
+ var a = n.createElement("base");
+ a.href = i,
+ n.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a);
+ var r = n.createElement("a");
+ return r.href = e,
+ r.href
+ } finally {
+ t && t.parentNode.removeChild(t)
+ }
+ }());
+ var o = function(t) {
+ if (l)
+ return new h(t);
+ var e = document.createElement("a");
+ return e.href = t,
+ e
+ }(e || "")
+ , c = function() {
+ if (!("defineProperties"in Object))
+ return !1;
+ try {
+ var t = {};
+ return Object.defineProperties(t, {
+ prop: {
+ get: function() {
+ return !0
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ t.prop
+ } catch (t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ }() ? this : document.createElement("a")
+ , _ = new r(o.search ? o.search.substring(1) : null);
+ return _._url_object = c,
+ Object.defineProperties(c, {
+ href: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.href
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.href = t,
+ n(),
+ s()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ origin: {
+ get: function() {
+ return "origin"in o ? o.origin : this.protocol + "//" + this.host
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ protocol: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.protocol
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.protocol = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ username: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.username
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.username = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ password: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.password
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.password = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ host: {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = {
+ "http:": /:80$/,
+ "https:": /:443$/,
+ "ftp:": /:21$/
+ }[o.protocol];
+ return t ? o.host.replace(t, "") : o.host
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.host = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ hostname: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.hostname
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.hostname = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ port: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.port
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.port = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ pathname: {
+ get: function() {
+ return "/" !== o.pathname.charAt(0) ? "/" + o.pathname : o.pathname
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.pathname = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ search: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.search
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.search !== t && (o.search = t,
+ n(),
+ s())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ searchParams: {
+ get: function() {
+ return _
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ hash: {
+ get: function() {
+ return o.hash
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ o.hash = t,
+ n()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function() {
+ return o.toString()
+ },
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ valueOf: {
+ value: function() {
+ return o.valueOf()
+ },
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ }
+ }),
+ c
+ }
+ var l, h = t.URL;
+ try {
+ if (h) {
+ if ("searchParams"in (l = new t.URL("http://example.com")))
+ return;
+ "href"in l || (l = void 0)
+ }
+ } catch (t) {}
+ if (Object.defineProperties(r.prototype, {
+ append: {
+ value: function(t, e) {
+ this._list.push({
+ name: t,
+ value: e
+ }),
+ this._update_steps()
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ delete: {
+ value: function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._list.length; )
+ this._list[e].name === t ? this._list.splice(e, 1) : ++e;
+ this._update_steps()
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ get: {
+ value: function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._list.length; ++e)
+ if (this._list[e].name === t)
+ return this._list[e].value;
+ return null
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ getAll: {
+ value: function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i)
+ this._list[i].name === t && e.push(this._list[i].value);
+ return e
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ has: {
+ value: function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._list.length; ++e)
+ if (this._list[e].name === t)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ set: {
+ value: function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = !1, n = 0; n < this._list.length; )
+ this._list[n].name === t ? i ? this._list.splice(n, 1) : (this._list[n].value = e,
+ i = !0,
+ ++n) : ++n;
+ i || this._list.push({
+ name: t,
+ value: e
+ }),
+ this._update_steps()
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ entries: {
+ value: function() {
+ return new s(this._list,"key+value")
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ keys: {
+ value: function() {
+ return new s(this._list,"key")
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ values: {
+ value: function() {
+ return new s(this._list,"value")
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ forEach: {
+ value: function(t) {
+ var e = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
+ this._list.forEach(function(i, n) {
+ t.call(e, i.value, i.name)
+ })
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function() {
+ return n(this._list)
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0
+ }
+ }),
+ "Symbol"in t && "iterator"in t.Symbol && (Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, t.Symbol.iterator, {
+ value: r.prototype.entries,
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, t.Symbol.iterator, {
+ value: function() {
+ return this
+ },
+ writable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ })),
+ h)
+ for (var c in h)
+ h.hasOwnProperty(c) && "function" == typeof h[c] && (o[c] = h[c]);
+ t.URL = o,
+ t.URLSearchParams = r
+ }(),
+ function() {
+ if ("1" !== new t.URLSearchParams([["a", 1]]).get("a") || "1" !== new t.URLSearchParams({
+ a: 1
+ }).get("a")) {
+ var n = t.URLSearchParams;
+ t.URLSearchParams = function(t) {
+ if (t && "object" == typeof t && e(t)) {
+ var a = new n;
+ return i(t).forEach(function(t) {
+ if (!e(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ var n = i(t);
+ if (2 !== n.length)
+ throw TypeError();
+ a.append(n[0], n[1])
+ }),
+ a
+ }
+ return t && "object" == typeof t ? (a = new n,
+ Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e) {
+ a.set(e, t[e])
+ }),
+ a) : new n(t)
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+function(t) {
+ "use strict";
+ function e(t) {
+ if ((t = String(t)).match(/[^\x00-\xFF]/))
+ throw TypeError("Not a valid ByteString");
+ return t
+ }
+ function i(t) {
+ return (t = String(t)).replace(/([\u0000-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDFFF])/g, function(t) {
+ return /^[\uD800-\uDFFF]$/.test(t) ? "�" : t
+ })
+ }
+ function n(t) {
+ return String(t).replace(/[a-z]/g, function(t) {
+ return t.toUpperCase()
+ })
+ }
+ function a(t) {
+ return /^[!#$%&'*+\-.09A-Z^_`a-z|~]+$/.test(t)
+ }
+ function r(t) {
+ return {
+ "accept-charset": !0,
+ "accept-encoding": !0,
+ "access-control-request-headers": !0,
+ "access-control-request-method": !0,
+ connection: !0,
+ "content-length": !0,
+ cookie: !0,
+ cookie2: !0,
+ date: !0,
+ dnt: !0,
+ expect: !0,
+ host: !0,
+ "keep-alive": !0,
+ origin: !0,
+ referer: !0,
+ te: !0,
+ trailer: !0,
+ "transfer-encoding": !0,
+ upgrade: !0,
+ "user-agent": !0,
+ via: !0
+ }[t = String(t).toLowerCase()] || "proxy-" === t.substring(0, 6) || "sec-" === t.substring(0, 4)
+ }
+ function s(t) {
+ return {
+ "set-cookie": !0,
+ "set-cookie2": !0
+ }[t = String(t).toLowerCase()]
+ }
+ function o(t, e) {
+ return "accept" === (t = String(t).toLowerCase()) || "accept-language" === t || "content-language" === t || "content-type" === t && -1 !== ["application/x-www-form-encoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"].indexOf(e)
+ }
+ function l(t) {
+ this._guard = "none",
+ this._headerList = [],
+ t && h(this, t)
+ }
+ function h(t, e) {
+ e instanceof l ? e._headerList.forEach(function(e) {
+ t.append(e[0], e[1])
+ }) : Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(function(e) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(e) || 2 !== e.length)
+ throw TypeError();
+ t.append(e[0], e[1])
+ }) : (e = Object(e),
+ Object.keys(e).forEach(function(i) {
+ t.append(i, e[i])
+ }))
+ }
+ function c(t) {
+ this._headers = t,
+ this._index = 0
+ }
+ function _(t) {
+ this._stream = t,
+ this.bodyUsed = !1
+ }
+ function u(t, a) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1)
+ throw TypeError("Not enough arguments");
+ if (_.call(this, null),
+ this.method = "GET",
+ this.url = "",
+ this.headers = new l,
+ this.headers._guard = "request",
+ this.referrer = null,
+ this.mode = null,
+ this.credentials = "omit",
+ t instanceof u) {
+ if (t.bodyUsed)
+ throw TypeError();
+ t.bodyUsed = !0,
+ this.method = t.method,
+ this.url = t.url,
+ this.headers = new l(t.headers),
+ this.headers._guard = t.headers._guard,
+ this.credentials = t.credentials,
+ this._stream = t._stream
+ } else
+ t = i(t),
+ this.url = String(new URL(t,self.location));
+ if ("method"in (a = Object(a))) {
+ var r = e(a.method);
+ if (function(t) {
+ return "CONNECT" === (t = n(t)) || "TRACE" === t || "TRACK" === t
+ }(r))
+ throw TypeError();
+ this.method = function(t) {
+ var e = n(t);
+ return "DELETE" === e || "GET" === e || "HEAD" === e || "OPTIONS" === e || "POST" === e || "PUT" === e ? e : t
+ }(r)
+ }
+ "headers"in a && (this.headers = new l,
+ h(this.headers, a.headers)),
+ "body"in a && (this._stream = a.body),
+ "credentials"in a && -1 !== ["omit", "same-origin", "include"].indexOf(a.credentials) && (this.credentials = a.credentials)
+ }
+ function d(t, e) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1 && (t = ""),
+ this.headers = new l,
+ this.headers._guard = "response",
+ t instanceof XMLHttpRequest && "_url"in t) {
+ var n = t;
+ return this.type = "basic",
+ this.url = i(n._url),
+ this.status = n.status,
+ this.ok = 200 <= this.status && this.status <= 299,
+ this.statusText = n.statusText,
+ n.getAllResponseHeaders().split(/\r?\n/).filter(function(t) {
+ return t.length
+ }).forEach(function(t) {
+ var e = t.indexOf(":");
+ this.headers.append(t.substring(0, e), t.substring(e + 2))
+ }, this),
+ void _.call(this, n.responseText)
+ }
+ _.call(this, t),
+ e = Object(e) || {},
+ this.url = "";
+ var a = "status"in e ? function(t) {
+ return 65535 & t
+ }(e.status) : 200;
+ if (a < 200 || a > 599)
+ throw RangeError();
+ this.status = a,
+ this.ok = 200 <= this.status && this.status <= 299;
+ var r = "statusText"in e ? String(e.statusText) : "OK";
+ if (/[^\x00-\xFF]/.test(r))
+ throw TypeError();
+ this.statusText = r,
+ "headers"in e && h(this.headers, e),
+ this.type = "basic"
+ }
+ (l.prototype = {
+ append: function(t, i) {
+ if (t = e(t),
+ !a(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("immutable" === this._guard)
+ throw TypeError();
+ "request" === this._guard && r(t) || ("request-no-CORS" !== this._guard || o(t, i)) && ("response" === this._guard && s(t) || (t = t.toLowerCase(),
+ this._headerList.push([t, i])))
+ },
+ delete: function(t) {
+ if (t = e(t),
+ !a(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("immutable" === this._guard)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (("request" !== this._guard || !r(t)) && ("request-no-CORS" !== this._guard || o(t, "invalid")) && ("response" !== this._guard || !s(t))) {
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._headerList.length; )
+ this._headerList[i][0] === t ? this._headerList.splice(i, 1) : ++i
+ }
+ },
+ get: function(t) {
+ if (t = e(t),
+ !a(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._headerList.length; ++i)
+ if (this._headerList[i][0] === t)
+ return this._headerList[i][1];
+ return null
+ },
+ getAll: function(t) {
+ if (t = e(t),
+ !a(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < this._headerList.length; ++n)
+ this._headerList[n][0] === t && i.push(this._headerList[n][1]);
+ return i
+ },
+ has: function(t) {
+ if (t = e(t),
+ !a(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._headerList.length; ++i)
+ if (this._headerList[i][0] === t)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ },
+ set: function(t, i) {
+ if (t = e(t),
+ !a(t))
+ throw TypeError();
+ if ("immutable" === this._guard)
+ throw TypeError();
+ if (("request" !== this._guard || !r(t)) && ("request-no-CORS" !== this._guard || o(t, i)) && ("response" !== this._guard || !s(t))) {
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var n = 0; n < this._headerList.length; ++n)
+ if (this._headerList[n][0] === t) {
+ for (this._headerList[n++][1] = i; n < this._headerList.length; )
+ this._headerList[n][0] === t ? this._headerList.splice(n, 1) : ++n;
+ return
+ }
+ this._headerList.push([t, i])
+ }
+ }
+ })[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
+ return new c(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ (c.prototype = {}).next = function() {
+ return this._index >= this._headers._headerList.length ? {
+ value: void 0,
+ done: !0
+ } : {
+ value: this._headers._headerList[this._index++],
+ done: !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ u.prototype = _.prototype = {
+ arrayBuffer: function() {
+ if (this.bodyUsed)
+ return Promise.reject(TypeError());
+ if (this.bodyUsed = !0,
+ this._stream instanceof ArrayBuffer)
+ return Promise.resolve(this._stream);
+ var t = this._stream;
+ return new Promise(function(e, i) {
+ var n = unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)).split("").map(function(t) {
+ return t.charCodeAt(0)
+ });
+ e(new Uint8Array(n).buffer)
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ blob: function() {
+ return this.bodyUsed ? Promise.reject(TypeError()) : (this.bodyUsed = !0,
+ this._stream instanceof Blob ? Promise.resolve(this._stream) : Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._stream])))
+ },
+ formData: function() {
+ return this.bodyUsed ? Promise.reject(TypeError()) : (this.bodyUsed = !0,
+ this._stream instanceof FormData ? Promise.resolve(this._stream) : Promise.reject(Error("Not yet implemented")))
+ },
+ json: function() {
+ if (this.bodyUsed)
+ return Promise.reject(TypeError());
+ this.bodyUsed = !0;
+ var t = this;
+ return new Promise(function(e, i) {
+ e(JSON.parse(t._stream))
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ text: function() {
+ return this.bodyUsed ? Promise.reject(TypeError()) : (this.bodyUsed = !0,
+ Promise.resolve(String(this._stream)))
+ }
+ },
+ d.prototype = _.prototype,
+ d.redirect = function() {
+ throw Error("Not supported")
+ }
+ ,
+ "fetch"in t || (t.Headers = l,
+ t.Request = u,
+ t.Response = d,
+ t.fetch = function(t, e) {
+ return new Promise(function(i, n) {
+ var a = new u(t,e)
+ , r = new XMLHttpRequest;
+ r._url = a.url;
+ try {
+ r.open(a.method, a.url, !0)
+ } catch (t) {
+ throw TypeError(t.message)
+ }
+ for (var s = a.headers[Symbol.iterator](), o = s.next(); !o.done; o = s.next())
+ r.setRequestHeader(o.value[0], o.value[1]);
+ "include" === a.credentials && (r.withCredentials = !0),
+ r.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ r.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && (0 === r.status ? n(new TypeError("Network error")) : i(new d(r)))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.send(a._stream)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function i(t) {
+ this.scrollview = null,
+ this.page_skin = null,
+ this.chara_infos = [],
+ this.choosed_chara_index = 0,
+ this.choosed_skin_id = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.me.getChildByName("left").visible = !0,
+ this.me.getChildByName("left_en").visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.getChildByName("left").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"]) : (this.me.getChildByName("left").visible = !1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("left_en").visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.getChildByName("left_en").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"]),
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_character_cell), -1, 3),
+ this.page_skin = new e.Page_Skin(this.me.getChildByName("right"))
+ }
+ return i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ e ? this.me.alpha = 1 : t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0),
+ this.choosed_chara_index = 0,
+ this.chara_infos = [];
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; n++)
+ this.chara_infos.push({
+ chara_id: t.UI_Sushe.characters[n].charid,
+ skin_id: t.UI_Sushe.characters[n].skin
+ }),
+ t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id == this.chara_infos[n].chara_id && (this.choosed_chara_index = n);
+ this.choosed_skin_id = this.chara_infos[this.choosed_chara_index].skin_id,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(t.UI_Sushe.characters.length);
+ var a = this.chara_infos[this.choosed_chara_index];
+ this.page_skin.show(a.chara_id, a.skin_id, Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ i.choosed_skin_id = t,
+ a.skin_id = t,
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(i.choosed_chara_index)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_character_cell = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data;
+ r.index = n;
+ var s = this.chara_infos[n];
+ r.inited || (r.inited = !0,
+ r.skin = new t.UI_Character_Skin(a.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("head")));
+ var o = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ o.getChildByName("choose").visible = n == this.choosed_chara_index,
+ r.skin.setSkin(s.skin_id, "bighead"),
+ o.getChildByName("using").visible = n == this.choosed_chara_index,
+ o.getChildByName("label_name").text = cfg.item_definition.character.find(s.chara_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (n != i.choosed_chara_index) {
+ var t = i.choosed_chara_index;
+ i.choosed_chara_index = n,
+ i.choosed_skin_id = s.skin_id,
+ i.page_skin.show(s.chara_id, s.skin_id, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(t) {
+ i.choosed_skin_id = t,
+ s.skin_id = t,
+ r.skin.setSkin(t, "bighead")
+ }, null, !1)),
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(t),
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(n)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (this.me.visible)
+ if (e)
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ var n = this.chara_infos[this.choosed_chara_index];
+ n.chara_id != t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id && (app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "changeMainCharacter", {
+ character_id: n.chara_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id = n.chara_id),
+ this.choosed_skin_id != GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "changeCharacterSkin", {
+ character_id: n.chara_id,
+ skin: this.choosed_skin_id
+ }, function(t, e) {});
+ for (var a = 0; a < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; a++)
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.characters[a].charid == n.chara_id) {
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[a].skin = this.choosed_skin_id;
+ break
+ }
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id = this.choosed_skin_id,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }();
+ e.Page_Waiting_Head = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.skins = [],
+ this.using_id = -1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1), -1, 3)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.chara_id = t,
+ this.when_change = i,
+ this.using_id = e,
+ this.skins = [];
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_id);
+ if (this.skins.push(a.init_skin),
+ a.can_marry && this.skins.push(a.full_fetter_skin),
+ a.skin_lib)
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.skin_lib.length; r++)
+ a.skin_lib[r] && this.skins.push(a.skin_lib[r]);
+ cfg.item_definition.skin.forEach(function(t) {
+ 0 != t.type && 1 != t.type && t.character_id == n.chara_id && n.skins.push(t.id)
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.skins.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.skins[n]
+ , o = a.getChildByName("btn")
+ , l = t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(this.skins[n]);
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ l && s != i.using_id && (i.using_id = s,
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll(),
+ i.when_change && i.when_change.runWith(i.using_id))
+ }, null, !1),
+ o.mouseEnabled = l,
+ r.icon || (r.icon = new t.UI_Character_Skin(o.getChildByName("icon"))),
+ r.icon.setSkin(s, "bighead"),
+ o.getChildByName("chosen").visible = this.using_id == s;
+ var h = o.getChildByName("locked");
+ if (l)
+ h.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ h.visible = !0;
+ var c = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(s);
+ h.getChildByName("info").text = c["lock_tips_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ e.Page_Skin = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.items = [],
+ this.using_id = -1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.title = this.me.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1), -1, 3),
+ this.no_info = this.me.getChildByName("no_info")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.slot_id = i,
+ this.when_change = a,
+ this.items = [];
+ for (var r = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.view), s = 0; s < r.length; s++) {
+ cfg.item_definition.item.get(r[s].item_id).type == i && this.items.push(r[s].item_id)
+ }
+ this.using_id = n,
+ this.title.text = e,
+ this.no_info.visible = 0 == this.items.length,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.items[n]
+ , o = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (s == i.using_id)
+ return o.getChildByName("chosen").visible = !1,
+ i.using_id = 0,
+ void (i.when_change && i.when_change.runWith(0));
+ i.using_id = s,
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll(),
+ i.when_change && i.when_change.runWith(i.items[n])
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.icon || (r.icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(o.getChildByName("icon"))),
+ r.icon.setSkin(cfg.item_definition.item.get(this.items[n]).icon),
+ o.getChildByName("chosen").visible = this.using_id == s
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ e.Page_Items = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.items = [],
+ this.using_id = -1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.head = new t.UI_Head(this.me.getChildByName("head")),
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView_Heng"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1)),
+ this.name = this.me.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.time = this.me.getChildByName("time")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.when_change = n,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.items.push(305501);
+ for (var a = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.view), r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ cfg.item_definition.item.get(a[r].item_id).type == game.EView.head_frame && this.items.push(a[r].item_id)
+ }
+ this.using_id = i,
+ this.me.getChildByName("title").text = e,
+ this.head.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id,
+ this.refresh_info(),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.items[n]
+ , o = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.using_id != s && (i.using_id = s,
+ i.refresh_info(),
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll(),
+ i.when_change.runWith(s))
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.icon || (r.icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(o.getChildByName("icon"))),
+ r.icon.setSkin(cfg.item_definition.item.get(this.items[n]).icon),
+ o.getChildByName("chosen").visible = this.using_id == s
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_info = function() {
+ var t = cfg.item_definition.item.get(this.using_id);
+ this.name.text = t["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.head.head_frame = this.using_id,
+ t.item_expire ? (this.time.visible = !0,
+ this.time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3119) + t.item_expire) : this.time.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ e.Page_Headframe = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.desktop_default = 305044,
+ this.mjp_defalut = 305045,
+ this.lobby_bg_default = 307001,
+ this.type = game.EView.desktop,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.img_desktop = null,
+ this.img_mjp = null,
+ this.seen_lobby_bg_map = null,
+ this.when_change = null,
+ this.desktop_id = -1,
+ this.mjp_id = -1,
+ this.using_id = -1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.scrollview = t.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView_Heng"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.img_desktop = this.me.getChildByName("desktop"),
+ this.img_mjp = this.me.getChildByName("mjp")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.have_red_point = function() {
+ if (!this.seen_lobby_bg_map) {
+ this.seen_lobby_bg_map = {};
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("lobby_bg_list_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = (e = game.Tools.dddsss(e)).split(","), n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.seen_lobby_bg_map[i[n]] = 1
+ }
+ for (var a = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.view), n = 0; n < a.length; n++) {
+ if (3 == cfg.item_definition.item.get(a[n].item_id).type && !this.seen_lobby_bg_map[a[n].item_id])
+ return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_desktop = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.type = game.EView.desktop,
+ this.when_change = n,
+ this.using_id = e,
+ this.mjp_id = i,
+ this.me.getChildByName("title").text = t,
+ this._show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_mjp = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.type = game.EView.mjp,
+ this.when_change = n,
+ this.using_id = i,
+ this.desktop_id = e,
+ this.me.getChildByName("title").text = t,
+ this._show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_lobby_bg = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.type = game.EView.lobby_bg,
+ this.when_change = i,
+ this.using_id = e,
+ this.me.getChildByName("title").text = t,
+ this._show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.type == game.EView.desktop ? this.items.push({
+ item_id: this.desktop_default,
+ owned: !0
+ }) : this.type == game.EView.mjp ? this.items.push({
+ item_id: this.mjp_defalut,
+ owned: !0
+ }) : this.type == game.EView.lobby_bg && this.items.push({
+ item_id: this.lobby_bg_default,
+ owned: !0
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.type == game.EView.desktop || this.type == game.EView.mjp) {
+ var i = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.view);
+ i = i.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.item_id - e.item_id
+ });
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ if (i[n].item_id != this.desktop_default && i[n].item_id != this.mjp_defalut) {
+ cfg.item_definition.item.get(i[n].item_id).type == this.type && this.items.push({
+ item_id: i[n].item_id,
+ owned: !0
+ })
+ }
+ } else
+ this.type == game.EView.lobby_bg && cfg.item_definition.item.forEach(function(i) {
+ i.id != e.lobby_bg_default && 5 == i.category && i.type == e.type && e.items.push({
+ item_id: i.id,
+ owned: t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.id) > 0
+ })
+ });
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length),
+ this.type == game.EView.desktop ? (this.img_mjp.visible = !0,
+ this._update_desktop_preview(this.using_id),
+ this._update_mjp_preview(this.mjp_id)) : this.type == game.EView.mjp ? (this.img_mjp.visible = !0,
+ this._update_desktop_preview(this.desktop_id),
+ this._update_mjp_preview(this.using_id)) : this.type == game.EView.lobby_bg && (this.img_mjp.visible = !1,
+ this._update_lobby_bg_preview(this.using_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.img_desktop.skin),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.img_mjp.skin),
+ this.img_desktop.skin = "",
+ this.img_mjp.skin = "",
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.img_desktop),
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.img_mjp))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.items[n]
+ , o = cfg.item_definition.item.get(s.item_id)
+ , l = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ l.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (i.items[n].owned)
+ if (i.using_id != s.item_id) {
+ switch (i.using_id = s.item_id,
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll(),
+ i.type) {
+ case game.EView.desktop:
+ i._update_desktop_preview(i.using_id);
+ break;
+ case game.EView.mjp:
+ i._update_mjp_preview(i.using_id);
+ break;
+ case game.EView.lobby_bg:
+ i._update_lobby_bg_preview(i.using_id)
+ }
+ i.when_change && i.when_change.runWith(i.using_id)
+ } else
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(s.item_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ l.mouseEnabled = s.owned,
+ l.getChildByName("chosen").visible = this.using_id == s.item_id,
+ l.getChildByName("lock").visible = !s.owned,
+ r.skin || (r.skin = new t.UI_Item_Skin(l.getChildByName("icon"))),
+ r.skin.setSkin(o.icon)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._update_desktop_preview = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(t)
+ , i = "";
+ e || (e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(this.desktop_default));
+ e.res_name;
+ i = "myres2/tablecloth/" + e.res_name + "/preview.jpg",
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.img_desktop),
+ "" != this.img_desktop.skin && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.img_desktop.skin),
+ this.img_desktop.skin = ""),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_desktop, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._update_mjp_preview = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(t)
+ , i = "";
+ e || (e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(this.mjp_defalut)),
+ i = "myres2/mjp/" + e.res_name + "/preview.png",
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.img_mjp),
+ "" != this.img_mjp.skin && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.img_mjp.skin),
+ this.img_mjp.skin = ""),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_mjp, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._update_lobby_bg_preview = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(t)
+ , i = "";
+ e || (e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(this.lobby_bg_default)),
+ i = "myres2/lobby_bg/" + e.res_name + ".jpg",
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.img_desktop),
+ "" != this.img_desktop.skin && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.img_desktop.skin),
+ this.img_desktop.skin = ""),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_desktop, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ e.Page_Desktop = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.items = [],
+ this.using_id = -1,
+ this.current_listening = -1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1))
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.when_change = n,
+ this.items = [];
+ for (var a = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.view), r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ cfg.item_definition.item.get(a[r].item_id).type == game.EView.lizhi_bgm && this.items.push(a[r].item_id)
+ }
+ this.using_id = i,
+ this.current_listening = -1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("no_info").visible = 0 == this.items.length,
+ this.me.getChildByName("title").text = e,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.when_change = null,
+ this.current_listening >= 0 && (view.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(0),
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm()),
+ this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = this.items[i]
+ , r = n.getChildByName("chosen");
+ n.getChildByName("btn_choose").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (e.using_id == a)
+ return e.using_id = 0,
+ e.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(i),
+ void (e.when_change && e.when_change.runWith(0));
+ e.using_id = a,
+ e.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll(),
+ e.when_change && e.when_change.runWith(e.items[i])
+ }, null, !1);
+ var s = n.getChildByName("icon")
+ , o = cfg.item_definition.item.get(this.items[i]);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, o.icon),
+ r.visible = this.using_id == a;
+ var l = n.getChildByName("btn_play")
+ , h = l.getChildAt(0);
+ i == this.current_listening ? h.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_pause.png") : h.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_play.png"),
+ l.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i == e.current_listening ? (e.current_listening = -1,
+ view.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(0),
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm()) : (e.current_listening = i,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayLiqiBgm(o.sargs[0])),
+ e.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("desc").text = o["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ e.Page_Bgm = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function() {
+ function i(i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ this.page_items = null,
+ this.page_headframe = null,
+ this.page_desktop = null,
+ this.page_bgm = null,
+ this.tabs = [],
+ this.tab_index = -1,
+ this.select_index = -1,
+ this.cell_titles = [2193, 2194, 2195, 1901, 2214, 2624, 2856, 2412, 2413, 2826],
+ this.cell_names = [411, 412, 413, 417, 414, 415, 416, 0, 0, 0],
+ this.cell_default_img = ["myres/sushe/slot_liqibang.jpg", "myres/sushe/slot_hule.jpg", "myres/sushe/slot_liqi.jpg", "myres/sushe/slot_mpzs.jpg", "myres/sushe/slot_hand.jpg", "myres/sushe/slot_liqibgm.jpg", "myres/sushe/slot_head_frame.jpg", "", "", ""],
+ this.cell_default_item = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 305501, 305044, 305045, 307001],
+ this.slot_ids = [0, 1, 2, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
+ this.slot_map = {},
+ this._changed = !1,
+ this._locking = null,
+ this._locking = a,
+ this.container_zhuangban0 = i,
+ this.container_zhuangban1 = n;
+ for (var s = this.container_zhuangban0.getChildByName("tabs"), o = function(e) {
+ var i = s.getChildAt(e);
+ l.tabs.push(i),
+ i.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(l,function() {
+ r.locking || r.tab_index != e && (r._changed ? t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3022), Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ r.change_tab(e)
+ }), null) : r.change_tab(e))
+ }
+ )
+ }, l = this, h = 0; h < s.numChildren; h++)
+ o(h);
+ this.page_items = new e.Page_Items(this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_items")),
+ this.page_headframe = new e.Page_Headframe(this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_headframe")),
+ this.page_bgm = new e.Page_Bgm(this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_bgm")),
+ this.page_desktop = new e.Page_Desktop(this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_zhuobu")),
+ this.scrollview = this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_slots").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_view)),
+ this.btn_using = this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_slots").getChildByName("btn_using"),
+ this.btn_save = this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_slots").getChildByName("btn_save"),
+ this.btn_save.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < r.cell_titles.length; i++) {
+ var n = r.slot_ids[i];
+ if (r.slot_map[n]) {
+ var a = r.slot_map[n];
+ if (!a || a == r.cell_default_item[i])
+ continue;
+ e.push({
+ slot: n,
+ item_id: a
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ r.btn_save.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ var s = r.tab_index;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "saveCommonViews", {
+ views: e,
+ save_index: s,
+ is_use: s == t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index ? 1 : 0
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (r.btn_save.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("saveCommonViews", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.commonViewList.length < s)
+ for (var a = t.UI_Sushe.commonViewList.length; a <= s; a++)
+ t.UI_Sushe.commonViewList.push([]);
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.commonViewList[s] = e,
+ t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index == s && r.onChangeGameView(),
+ r.tab_index != s)
+ return;
+ r.btn_save.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ r._changed = !1,
+ r.refresh_btn()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_use = this.container_zhuangban1.getChildByName("page_slots").getChildByName("btn_use"),
+ this.btn_use.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ r.btn_use.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ var e = r.tab_index;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "useCommonView", {
+ index: e
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ r.btn_use.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("useCommonView", i, n) : (t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index = e,
+ r.refresh_btn(),
+ r.refresh_tab(),
+ r.onChangeGameView())
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "locking", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !!this._locking && this._locking.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "changed", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._changed
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.container_zhuangban0.visible = !0,
+ this.container_zhuangban1.visible = !0,
+ e ? (this.container_zhuangban0.alpha = 1,
+ this.container_zhuangban1.alpha = 1) : (t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_zhuangban0, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_zhuangban1, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200)),
+ this.change_tab(t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_tab = function(e) {
+ if (this.tab_index = e,
+ this.refresh_tab(),
+ this.slot_map = {},
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.page_items.close(),
+ this.page_desktop.close(),
+ this.page_headframe.close(),
+ this.page_bgm.close(),
+ this.select_index = 0,
+ this._changed = !1,
+ !(this.tab_index < 0 || this.tab_index > 4)) {
+ if (this.tab_index < t.UI_Sushe.commonViewList.length)
+ for (var i = t.UI_Sushe.commonViewList[this.tab_index], n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.slot_map[i[n].slot] = i[n].item_id;
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.cell_titles.length),
+ this.onChangeSlotSelect(0),
+ this.refresh_btn()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_tab = function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.tabs.length; e++) {
+ var i = this.tabs[e];
+ i.mouseEnabled = this.tab_index != e,
+ i.getChildByName("bg").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.tab_index == e ? "myres/sushe/tab_choosed.png" : "myres/sushe/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ i.getChildByName("num").color = this.tab_index == e ? "#2f1e19" : "#f2c797";
+ var n = i.getChildByName("choosed");
+ t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index == e ? (n.visible = !0,
+ n.x = this.tab_index == e ? -18 : -4) : n.visible = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_btn = function() {
+ this.btn_save.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_save.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.btn_use.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_use.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.btn_using.visible = !1,
+ this._changed ? this.btn_save.visible = !0 : (this.btn_use.visible = t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index != this.tab_index,
+ this.btn_using.visible = t.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index == this.tab_index)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onChangeSlotSelect = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.select_index = t;
+ var i = 0;
+ t >= 0 && t < this.cell_default_item.length && (i = this.cell_default_item[t]);
+ var n = i
+ , a = this.slot_ids[t];
+ this.slot_map[a] && (n = this.slot_map[a]);
+ var r = Laya.Handler.create(this, function(n) {
+ n == i && (n = 0),
+ e.slot_map[a] = n,
+ e.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(t),
+ e._changed = !0,
+ e.refresh_btn()
+ }, null, !1);
+ this.page_items.close(),
+ this.page_desktop.close(),
+ this.page_headframe.close(),
+ this.page_bgm.close();
+ var s = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(this.cell_titles[t]);
+ if (t >= 0 && t <= 2)
+ this.page_items.show(s, t, n, r);
+ else if (3 == t)
+ this.page_items.show(s, 10, n, r);
+ else if (4 == t)
+ this.page_items.show(s, 3, n, r);
+ else if (5 == t)
+ this.page_bgm.show(s, n, r);
+ else if (6 == t)
+ this.page_headframe.show(s, n, r);
+ else if (7 == t || 8 == t) {
+ var o = this.cell_default_item[7]
+ , l = this.cell_default_item[8];
+ this.slot_map[game.EView.desktop] && (o = this.slot_map[game.EView.desktop]),
+ this.slot_map[game.EView.mjp] && (l = this.slot_map[game.EView.mjp]),
+ 7 == t ? this.page_desktop.show_desktop(s, o, l, r) : this.page_desktop.show_mjp(s, o, l, r)
+ } else
+ 9 == t && this.page_desktop.show_lobby_bg(s, n, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_view = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.container
+ , n = t.index
+ , a = i.getChildByName("cell");
+ this.select_index == n ? (a.scaleX = a.scaleY = 1.05,
+ a.getChildByName("choosed").visible = !0) : (a.scaleX = a.scaleY = 1,
+ a.getChildByName("choosed").visible = !1),
+ a.getChildByName("title").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(this.cell_titles[n]);
+ var r = a.getChildByName("name")
+ , s = a.getChildByName("icon")
+ , o = this.cell_default_item[n]
+ , l = this.slot_ids[n];
+ this.slot_map[l] && (o = this.slot_map[l]);
+ var h = cfg.item_definition.item.get(o);
+ h ? (r.text = h["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, h.icon)) : (r.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(this.cell_names[n]),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, this.cell_default_img[n]));
+ var c = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ c.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.select_index != n && (e.onChangeSlotSelect(n),
+ e.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll())
+ }, null, !1),
+ c.mouseEnabled = this.select_index != n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.container_zhuangban0.visible && (e ? (this.page_items.close(),
+ this.page_desktop.close(),
+ this.page_headframe.close(),
+ this.page_bgm.close(),
+ this.container_zhuangban0.visible = !1,
+ this.container_zhuangban1.visible = !1) : (t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_zhuangban0, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_zhuangban1, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.page_items.close(),
+ i.page_desktop.close(),
+ i.page_headframe.close(),
+ i.page_bgm.close(),
+ i.container_zhuangban0.visible = !1,
+ i.container_zhuangban1.visible = !1
+ }))))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onChangeGameView = function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.load_mjp_view();
+ var e = game.GameUtility.get_view_id(game.EView.lobby_bg);
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.show(),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.set_lobby_bg(e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.enable && t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close()
+ })),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_frame = game.GameUtility.get_view_id(game.EView.head_frame)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }();
+ e.Container_Zhuangban = i
+ }(t.zhuangban || (t.zhuangban = {}))
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.good_ids = [],
+ this.used_skin = {},
+ this.seen_skin_map = null,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView_Heng"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.no_info = this.me.getChildByName("no_info")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.have_red_point = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.seen_skin_map) {
+ var i = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("shop_skin_list_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ if (this.seen_skin_map = {},
+ i)
+ for (var n = (i = game.Tools.dddsss(i)).split(","), a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ this.seen_skin_map[n[a]] = 1
+ }
+ var r = !1;
+ return cfg.shops.goods.forEach(function(i) {
+ r || 5 == i.category && t.UI_Shop.goods_on_sell(i.id) && (e.seen_skin_map[i.id] || (r = !0))
+ }),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_price = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = t.getChildByName("container_origin_price")
+ , s = t.getChildByName("container_discount");
+ if (r.visible = !1,
+ s.visible = !1,
+ i >= 1)
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.getChildByName("now_price").text = e.toString(),
+ r.getChildByName("currency").skin = a;
+ else {
+ s.visible = !0,
+ s.getChildByName("discount").text = "-" + (100 - Math.ceil(100 * i)) + "%",
+ s.getChildByName("currency").skin = a;
+ var o = s.getChildByName("now_price")
+ , l = s.getChildByName("origin_price")
+ , h = s.getChildByName("del");
+ l.text = e.toString(),
+ o.text = n.toString(),
+ h.width = l.textField.textWidth + 6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = this.good_ids[n].id
+ , s = cfg.shops.goods.get(r)
+ , o = a.getChildByName("icon");
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o, s.icon),
+ this.used_skin[s.icon] = 1,
+ a.getChildByName("name").text = s["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("desc").text = s["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ var l = a.getChildByName("sell_day")
+ , h = !1;
+ if (s.sell_end_time && "" != s.sell_end_time) {
+ l.visible = !0;
+ var c = game.Tools.ParseTime(s.sell_end_time) - Date.now();
+ c <= 0 ? (l.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2818),
+ h = !1) : ((c /= 1e3) <= 60 ? l.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2819, ["1"]) : (c /= 60) < 60 ? l.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2819, [Math.ceil(c).toString()]) : (c /= 60,
+ l.text = c < 24 ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2820, [Math.ceil(c).toString()]) : game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2821, [Math.ceil(c / 24).toString()])),
+ h = !0)
+ } else
+ l.visible = !1,
+ h = !0;
+ var _ = a.getChildByName("container_buy")
+ , u = a.getChildByName("owned");
+ _.visible = !1,
+ u.visible = !1;
+ var d = !1
+ , f = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(s.currency).icon)
+ , p = 0
+ , m = 0
+ , g = t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(r)
+ , y = [];
+ if (100 == s.category_goods)
+ if (t.UI_Shop.buyed_count(r, !1) > 0)
+ d = !0;
+ else {
+ d = !1;
+ for (var v = s.item_id, b = cfg.shops.goods_package.getGroup(v), w = !0, x = 0; x < b.length; x++) {
+ var I = b[x].good_id
+ , C = b[x].good_count
+ , S = cfg.shops.goods.get(I);
+ if (1 == S.category_goods) {
+ if (!t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(S.item_id)) {
+ w = !1;
+ M = t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(I);
+ p += Math.floor(S.price * C * M),
+ m += Math.floor(S.price * C),
+ y.push({
+ id: I,
+ count: C,
+ dealPrice: Math.floor(S.price * C * M)
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(S.item_id) > 0 && (w = !1);
+ var M = t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(I);
+ p += Math.floor(S.price * C * M),
+ m += Math.floor(S.price * C),
+ y.push({
+ id: I,
+ count: C,
+ dealPrice: Math.floor(S.price * C * M)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ w && (d = !0)
+ }
+ else {
+ var L = cfg.item_definition.item.get(s.item_id);
+ L && L.type == game.EView.lobby_bg ? (d = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(s.item_id) > 0,
+ p = s.price) : (d = t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(s.item_id),
+ p = s.price)
+ }
+ if (d)
+ u.visible = !0;
+ else {
+ _.visible = !0;
+ var T = Math.floor(p * g);
+ 100 == s.category_goods ? this.refresh_price(_, m, Math.ceil(T / m * 100) / 100, T, f) : this.refresh_price(_, p, g, T, f);
+ var E = _.getChildByName("btn_buy");
+ E.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2822, [s["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]]), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ var e = {};
+ e.goods_id = r,
+ e.count = 1,
+ e.deal_price = Math.floor(p * g),
+ 100 == s.category_goods && (e.bill_short_cut = y),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromShop", e, function(e, n) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(E, !1),
+ e || n.error) {
+ if (n && n.error && 501 == n.error.code && 100004 == s.currency)
+ return void t.UI_Pifuquanless.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ return t.UI_Shop.Inst.close(e)
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop.Inst.show(4)
+ }));
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromShop", e, n)
+ } else {
+ if (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(106),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191)),
+ 100 == s.category_goods) {
+ t.UI_Shop.update_buyed_count(r, !1, 1);
+ for (var a = s.item_id, o = cfg.shops.goods_package.getGroup(a), l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
+ var h = cfg.shops.goods.get(o[l].good_id);
+ 1 == h.category_goods && t.UI_Sushe.add_skin(h.item_id)
+ }
+ } else
+ t.UI_Sushe.add_skin(s.item_id);
+ i.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ })
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ E.visible = h
+ }
+ a.getChildByName("btn_detail").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!t.UI_Shop.Inst.locking)
+ if (100 == s.category_goods)
+ d || t.UI_Shop_Pack_Detail.Inst.show(r, Laya.Handler.create(i, i.onPackBuyed, null, !1));
+ else {
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.item.get(s.item_id);
+ e && e.type == game.EView.lobby_bg ? (t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.show(),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.set_lobby_bg(s.item_id, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ t.UI_Shop.Inst.close(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop_Lobby_Yulan.Inst.show(r)
+ }))
+ }))) : t.UI_Shop.Inst.close(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop_Skin_Yulan.Inst.show(r)
+ }))
+ }
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.used_skin = {},
+ this.good_ids = [],
+ cfg.shops.goods.forEach(function(i) {
+ 5 == i.category && t.UI_Shop.goods_on_sell(i.id) && e.good_ids.push({
+ id: i.id,
+ sort: i.sort
+ })
+ }),
+ this.good_ids = this.good_ids.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.sort - e.sort
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.good_ids.length),
+ this.no_info.visible = 0 == this.good_ids.length,
+ this.seen_skin_map = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.good_ids.length; i++)
+ this.seen_skin_map[this.good_ids[i].id.toString()] = 1;
+ var n = "";
+ for (var a in this.seen_skin_map)
+ "" != n && (n += ","),
+ n += a;
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(game.Tools.eeesss("shop_skin_list_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id), game.Tools.eeesss(n))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var t in this.used_skin)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(t));
+ this.used_skin = {}
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onPackBuyed = function(e) {
+ if (this.me.visible && "success" == e.event) {
+ t.UI_Shop.update_buyed_count(e.goods_id, !1, 1);
+ for (var i = cfg.shops.goods.get(e.goods_id).item_id, n = cfg.shops.goods_package.getGroup(i), a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
+ var r = cfg.shops.goods.get(n[a].good_id);
+ 1 == r.category_goods && t.UI_Sushe.add_skin(r.item_id)
+ }
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Shop_Skin = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.change_id = 0,
+ this.skin_path = "",
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.img = t
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "id", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = cfg.item_definition.title.get(t)
+ , n = "";
+ if ((n = i ? i.icon : "extendRes/title/notitle.png") != this.skin_path) {
+ this.skin_path = n,
+ this.change_id++;
+ var a = this.change_id
+ , r = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(n);
+ "" == r ? (this.img.skin = "",
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.loadResImage([this.skin_path], Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a == e.change_id && (e.loaded = !0,
+ e.img.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(e.skin_path))
+ }))) : (this.loaded = !0,
+ this.img.skin = r)
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this.change_id++,
+ this.loaded && "" != this.skin_path && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.skin_path),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.skin_path = "")
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_PlayerTitle = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ this._cell = null,
+ this.id = e,
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.note = t
+ }
+ return e.prototype.bind = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ i.cell || (i.cell = {
+ head: new t.UI_Head(e.getChildByName("head")),
+ btn_check_info: e.getChildByName("btn_checkinfo"),
+ date: e.getChildByName("date"),
+ time: e.getChildByName("time"),
+ btn_del: e.getChildByName("btn_del"),
+ emo: new t.UI_Character_Emo(e.getChildByName("emo")),
+ words: e.getChildByName("word"),
+ name: e.getChildByName("name"),
+ level: e.getChildByName("level"),
+ noteitem: null
+ }),
+ i.cell.btn_check_info && (i.cell.btn_check_info.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(n.commenter.account_id)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ i.cell.btn_del && (i.cell.btn_del.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.cell.btn_del, !0),
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(19), Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.note.delItem(i.cell.noteitem.id)
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.cell.btn_del, !1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this._cell !== i.cell && (i.cell.noteitem && i.cell.noteitem.disbind(),
+ this._cell && (this._cell.noteitem = null),
+ this._cell = i.cell,
+ this._cell.noteitem = this),
+ this.render()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.disbind = function() {
+ this._cell = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setInfo = function(t) {
+ this.timestamp = t.timestamp,
+ this.commenter = t.commenter,
+ this.content = t.content,
+ this.loaded = !0,
+ this.render()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render = function() {
+ if (this._cell) {
+ if (this.loaded) {
+ this._cell.head.id = this.commenter.avatar_id,
+ this._cell.head.head_frame = this.commenter.avatar_frame,
+ this._cell.date.text = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(this.timestamp),
+ this._cell.time.text = game.Tools.time2HourMinute(this.timestamp);
+ var t = JSON.parse(this.content);
+ this._cell.emo.me.visible = !1,
+ this._cell.words.visible = !1,
+ "emo" == t.type ? (this._cell.emo.me.visible = !0,
+ this._cell.emo.setSkin(t.chara, t.index)) : (this._cell.words.visible = !0,
+ this._cell.words.text = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(t.text)),
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this._cell.name, this.commenter),
+ this._cell.level.text = "";
+ var e = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.get(this.commenter.level.id);
+ e && (this._cell.level.text = e["full_name_" + GameMgr.client_language]),
+ this.note.target_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id || this.commenter.account_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id ? this._cell.btn_del.visible = !0 : this._cell.btn_del.visible = !1
+ } else
+ this._cell.head.id = game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(),
+ this._cell.head.head_frame = 305501,
+ this._cell.date.text = "",
+ this._cell.time.text = "",
+ this._cell.emo.me.visible = !1,
+ this._cell.words.visible = !1,
+ this._cell.btn_del.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this._cell.name, {
+ account_id: 0,
+ nickname: "",
+ verified: 0
+ }),
+ this._cell.level.text = "";
+ this._cell.btn_del && game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this._cell.btn_del, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(e, i, n, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ this.target_id = -1,
+ this.comment_allow = -1,
+ this.container_input = i,
+ this.noinfo = n,
+ this.blockemj = new a(r,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(i) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "leaveComment", {
+ target_id: s.target_id,
+ content: JSON.stringify({
+ type: "emo",
+ chara: i.chara,
+ index: i.index
+ })
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("leaveComment", i, n),
+ n && n.error && (2004 == n.error.code ? s.show(s.target_id, 1) : 2005 == n.error.code && s.show(s.target_id, 2))) : e.refresh()
+ })
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.img_input = this.container_input.getChildByName("input"),
+ this.txt_input = this.img_input.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.container_input.getChildByName("emj").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ s.blockemj.show()
+ }, null, !1);
+ var o = 0;
+ this.btn_send = this.container_input.getChildByName("btn_send"),
+ this.btn_send.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var i = s.txt_input.text;
+ i && "" != i && (o > Laya.timer.currTimer || (o = Laya.timer.currTimer + 3e3,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(s.btn_send, !0),
+ i = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(i),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "leaveComment", {
+ target_id: s.target_id,
+ content: JSON.stringify({
+ type: "word",
+ text: i
+ })
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ o = 0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(s.btn_send, !1),
+ i || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("leaveComment", i, n),
+ n && n.error && (2004 == n.error.code ? s.show(s.target_id, 1) : 2005 == n.error.code && s.show(s.target_id, 2))) : (s.txt_input.text = "",
+ e.refresh())
+ })))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ if (this.target_id != t || e != this.comment_allow) {
+ this.target_id = t,
+ this.comment_allow = e,
+ this.blockemj.me.visible = !1,
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.container_input.visible = !1;
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_send, !1),
+ t == GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ this.noinfo.visible = !0,
+ this.noinfo.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2155);
+ else {
+ var i = !1
+ , n = !1;
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.active && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play && (n = !0),
+ n ? (this.noinfo.visible = !0,
+ this.noinfo.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(20)) : 2 == e ? (this.noinfo.visible = !0,
+ this.noinfo.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(17)) : 1 == e ? game.FriendMgr.find(t) ? i = !0 : (this.noinfo.visible = !0,
+ this.noinfo.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(18)) : i = !0,
+ i && (this.container_input.visible = !0,
+ this.img_input.height = 74,
+ this.txt_input.height = 95,
+ this.txt_input.text = "")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.container_input.visible = !1,
+ this.blockemj.me.visible = !1,
+ this.target_id = -1,
+ this.comment_allow = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.me = e,
+ this.label_noinfo = e.getChildByName("noinfo"),
+ this.label_content = e.getChildByName("content");
+ var i = e.getChildByName("btn_change");
+ i && (i.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.Sign_Input.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ return e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.label_noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.label_content.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setSign = function(t) {
+ this.reset(),
+ t && "" != t ? (this.label_content.visible = !0,
+ this.label_content.text = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(t)) : this.label_noinfo.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this._emjs = [],
+ this._character_lst = [],
+ this._character_emjs = {},
+ this._character_id = -1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this._on_btn_emj = e,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.scroll_view_character = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView_Heng"],
+ this.scroll_view_character.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item_character, null, !1)),
+ this.me.getChildByName("close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._locking || i.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_emjs = this.root.getChildByName("emjs"),
+ this.scroll_view_emjs = this.container_emjs.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item_emjs), 100, 4, 0),
+ this.label_w0 = this.container_emjs.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("w0"),
+ this.label_w1 = this.container_emjs.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("w1")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._character_emjs = {},
+ this._character_lst = [],
+ this._character_lst.push(-1);
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.UI_Sushe.characters[i]
+ , a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(n.charid);
+ if (a) {
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < 9; s++)
+ r.push({
+ path: a.emo + "/" + s + ".png",
+ chara: n.charid,
+ index: s
+ });
+ if (n.extra_emoji && n.extra_emoji.length > 0)
+ for (var o = cfg.character.emoji.getGroup(n.charid), s = 0; s < n.extra_emoji.length; s++)
+ for (var l = n.extra_emoji[s], h = 0; h < o.length; h++) {
+ if (o[h].sub_id == l) {
+ r.push({
+ path: a.emo + "/" + l + ".png",
+ chara: n.charid,
+ index: l
+ });
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ this._character_emjs[n.charid] = r,
+ this._character_lst.push(n.charid)
+ }
+ }
+ this._character_lst = this._character_lst.sort(function(e, i) {
+ return (e == t.UI_Sushe.main_chara_info.charid ? 0 : e) - (i == t.UI_Sushe.main_chara_info.charid ? 0 : i)
+ }),
+ this.on_character_change(-1),
+ this.scroll_view_character.reset(),
+ this.scroll_view_character.addItem(this._character_lst.length),
+ this._locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.on_character_change = function(t) {
+ if (this._character_id = t,
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.reset(),
+ this._emjs = [],
+ -1 == t) {
+ for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ this._emjs.push(null);
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.addItem(4, 30);
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("emj_used_" + game.Tools.encode_account_id(GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ if (e && "" != e) {
+ var i = e.split(",");
+ this.label_w0.visible = !0,
+ this.label_w1.y = 187;
+ for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ if (c < i.length) {
+ var n = i[c].split("-")
+ , a = parseInt(n[0])
+ , r = parseInt(n[1])
+ , s = !1
+ , o = this._character_emjs[a];
+ if (o)
+ for (u = 0; u < o.length; u++) {
+ var l = o[u];
+ if (l.chara == a && l.index == r) {
+ s = !0,
+ this._emjs.push(l);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ s || this._emjs.push(null)
+ } else
+ this._emjs.push(null);
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.addItem(4, 187)
+ } else
+ this.label_w0.visible = !1,
+ this.label_w1.y = 0;
+ for (var h = 0, c = 1; c < this._character_lst.length; c++)
+ for (var _ = this._character_emjs[this._character_lst[c]], u = 0; u < _.length; u++)
+ h++,
+ this._emjs.push(_[u]);
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.addItem(h, 150)
+ } else {
+ this.label_w0.visible = !1,
+ this.label_w1.y = 0;
+ for (var _ = this._character_emjs[t], c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ this._emjs.push(null);
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.addItem(4, 30);
+ for (u = 0; u < _.length; u++)
+ this._emjs.push(_[u]);
+ this.scroll_view_emjs.addItem(this._emjs.length - 4, 150)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item_emjs = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this._emjs[n]
+ , o = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ s ? (o.visible = !0,
+ r.skin || (r.skin = new t.UI_Character_Emo(o)),
+ r.skin.setSkin(s.chara, s.index),
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!i._locking) {
+ i._on_btn_emj.runWith(s);
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("emj_used_" + game.Tools.encode_account_id(GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ if (t && "" != t) {
+ var e = t.split(",");
+ t = s.chara + "-" + s.index;
+ for (var n = 1, a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
+ var r = e[a].split("-");
+ if ((parseInt(r[0]) != s.chara || parseInt(r[1]) != s.index) && (t += "," + e[a],
+ ++n >= 4))
+ break
+ }
+ } else
+ t = s.chara + "-" + s.index;
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("emj_used_" + game.Tools.encode_account_id(GameMgr.Inst.account_id), t),
+ i.close()
+ }
+ }, null, !1)) : o.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item_character = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this._character_lst[n]
+ , o = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ if (-1 == s)
+ o.getChildByName("ch").visible = !1,
+ o.getChildByName("emo").visible = !0;
+ else {
+ var l = o.getChildByName("ch");
+ l.visible = !0,
+ r.skin || (r.skin = new t.UI_Character_Skin(l)),
+ r.skin.setSkin(cfg.item_definition.character.get(s).init_skin, "smallhead"),
+ o.getChildByName("emo").visible = !1
+ }
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._locking || i._character_id == s || (i.on_character_change(s),
+ i.scroll_view_character.wantToRefreshAll())
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.getChildByName("chosen").visible = s == this._character_id
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function a(t, e) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.comment_allow = 0,
+ this.comment_list = [],
+ this.input = null,
+ this.nonote = null,
+ this.red_point = null,
+ this.readed = !0,
+ this.last_read_id = -1,
+ this.red_point = e,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.content = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.content.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._render_item, null, !1)),
+ this.page_controller = new capsui.PageController(this.me.getChildByName("page_controller"),Laya.Handler.create(this, this._render_page, null, !1)),
+ this.me.getChildByName("input") && (this.input = new i(this,this.me.getChildByName("input"),this.me.getChildByName("noinfo"),this.me.getChildByName("container_emj"))),
+ this.nonote = this.me.getChildByName("nonote"),
+ this.sign = new n(this.me.getChildByName("sign")),
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar_light").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ a.content.total_height > 0 ? a.scrollbar.setVal(a.content.rate, a.content.view_height / a.content.total_height) : a.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1)
+ })
+ }
+ return a.prototype.init_data = function(t) {
+ this.readed = !0,
+ this.target_id = t,
+ this.comment_list = [],
+ this.nonote.visible = !1,
+ this.red_point && (this.red_point.visible = !1),
+ this.page_controller.reset(),
+ this.content.reset(),
+ this.input && this.input.reset(),
+ this.refresh(),
+ this.sign.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.target_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id && (this.read(),
+ this.red_point && (this.red_point.visible = !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCommentList", {
+ target_id: this.target_id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCommentList", n, a);
+ else {
+ if (i.comment_list = [],
+ i.page_controller.reset(),
+ i.content.reset(),
+ a.comment_id_list) {
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.comment_id_list.length; r++)
+ i.comment_list.push(new e(i,a.comment_id_list[r]));
+ i.page_controller.set_total_page_count(Math.ceil(i.comment_list.length / 10))
+ }
+ i.nonote.visible = 0 == i.comment_list.length,
+ i.comment_allow = a.comment_allow,
+ i.input && i.input.show(i.target_id, i.comment_allow),
+ i.last_read_id = a.last_read_id,
+ i.target_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id && (i.me.visible ? i.read() : i.red_point && (i.red_point.visible = !game.Tools.during_chat_close() && i.comment_list.length > 0 && i.comment_list[0].id != i.last_read_id))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.read = function() {
+ -1 != this.last_read_id && 0 != this.comment_list.length && this.target_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id && this.last_read_id != this.comment_list[0].id && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateReadComment", {
+ read_id: this.comment_list[0].id
+ }, function(t, e) {})
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._render_page = function(t) {
+ if (10 * t >= this.comment_list.length)
+ this.content.reset();
+ else {
+ this.content.reset();
+ var e = this.comment_list.length - 10 * t;
+ e > 10 && (e = 10),
+ this.content.addItem(e),
+ this._fetch_current_page()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._fetch_current_page = function() {
+ for (var e = this, i = [], n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
+ var a = 10 * this.page_controller.current_index + n;
+ if (a >= this.comment_list.length)
+ break;
+ this.comment_list[a].loaded || i.push(this.comment_list[a].id)
+ }
+ i.length > 0 && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCommentContent", {
+ target_id: this.target_id,
+ comment_id_list: i
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCommentContent", i, n);
+ else
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.comments.length; a++)
+ for (var r = n.comments[a], s = 0; s < e.comment_list.length; s++)
+ if (e.comment_list[s].id == r.comment_id) {
+ e.comment_list[s].setInfo(r);
+ break
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = e.index
+ , n = e.container
+ , a = e.cache_data
+ , r = 10 * this.page_controller.current_index + i;
+ r < this.comment_list.length ? this.comment_list[r].bind(n, a) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2156))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.delItem = function(e) {
+ for (var i = -1, n = 0; n < this.comment_list.length; n++)
+ if (this.comment_list[n].id === e) {
+ for (var a = n; a < this.comment_list.length - 1; a++)
+ this.comment_list[a] = this.comment_list[a + 1];
+ this.comment_list.pop(),
+ i = n - 10 * this.page_controller.current_index;
+ break
+ }
+ i >= 0 && i < 10 && (this.content.delItem(i),
+ 10 * this.page_controller.current_index + 10 <= this.comment_list.length && (this.content.addItem(1),
+ this._fetch_current_page())),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "deleteComment", {
+ target_id: this.target_id,
+ delete_list: [e]
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("deleteComment", e, i)
+ }),
+ this.page_controller.set_total_page_count(Math.ceil(this.comment_list.length / 10)),
+ this.nonote.visible = 0 == this.comment_list.length
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }();
+ t.UI_PlayerNote = r
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ if (this.me = e,
+ e.getChildByName("container_tongbi") && (this.label_gold = e.getChildByName("container_tongbi").getChildByName("label_gold"),
+ this.btn_gold = e.getChildByName("container_tongbi").getChildByName("btn_plus"),
+ this.label_gold.text = "0",
+ this.btn_gold.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n && n.run() || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("tongbi") : i && i.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("tongbi", a.run())
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ e.getChildByName("container_huiyu") && (this.label_diamond = e.getChildByName("container_huiyu").getChildByName("label_gold"),
+ this.btn_diamond = e.getChildByName("container_huiyu").getChildByName("btn_plus"),
+ this.label_diamond.text = "0",
+ this.btn_diamond.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n && n.run() || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("huiyu") : i && i.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("huiyu", a.run())
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("container_huiyu").getChildByName("btn_info").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.locking || t.UI_checkhuiyu.Inst.show(e, i, n)
+ }
+ ),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && (e.getChildByName("container_huiyu").getChildByName("btn_info").mouseEnabled = !1)),
+ e.getChildByName("container_huishi")) {
+ this.label_huishi = e.getChildByName("container_huishi").getChildByName("label_gold");
+ var s = e.getChildByName("container_huishi").getChildByName("btn_plus");
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(e.getChildByName("container_huishi").getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.item.find(302014).icon_transparent),
+ this.label_huishi.text = "0",
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n && n.run() || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("huishi") : i && i.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("huishi", a.run())
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ if (e.getChildByName("container_xinyang") && (this.label_xinyang = e.getChildByName("container_xinyang").getChildByName("label_gold"),
+ e.getChildByName("container_xinyang").getChildByName("icon").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/xycoin.png"),
+ this.label_huishi.text = "0"),
+ e.getChildByName("container_fushi")) {
+ this.label_pifuquan = e.getChildByName("container_fushi").getChildByName("label_gold");
+ var o = e.getChildByName("container_fushi").getChildByName("btn_plus");
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(e.getChildByName("container_fushi").getChildByName("btn_info").getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.currency.find(100004).icon),
+ this.label_pifuquan.text = "0",
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n && n.run() || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("pifuquan") : i && i.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("pifuquan", a.run())
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("container_fushi").getChildByName("btn_info").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.locking || t.UI_checkpifuquan.Inst.show(e, i, n)
+ }
+ ),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && (e.getChildByName("container_fushi").getChildByName("btn_info").mouseEnabled = !1)
+ }
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAccountUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ var i = e.update;
+ if (i && i.numerical) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.numerical.length; n++) {
+ var a = i.numerical[n].id
+ , s = i.numerical[n].final;
+ switch (a) {
+ case 100002:
+ r.label_gold && (r.label_gold.text = r.money2Desc(s))
+ }
+ }
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, r, function() {
+ r.label_diamond && (r.label_diamond.text = r.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100001))),
+ r.label_huishi && (r.label_huishi.text = r.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014))),
+ r.label_pifuquan && (r.label_pifuquan.text = r.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100004)))
+ })
+ }
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.label_diamond && (this.label_diamond.text = this.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100001))),
+ this.label_gold && (this.label_gold.text = this.money2Desc(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.gold)),
+ this.label_huishi && (this.label_huishi.text = this.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014))),
+ this.label_xinyang && (this.label_xinyang.text = this.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014))),
+ this.label_huishi && ("chs" != GameMgr.client_type && (this.me.getChildByName("container_huishi").visible = !1),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && this.me.getChildByName("container_xinyang") && (this.me.getChildByName("container_xinyang").visible = !1)),
+ this.label_pifuquan && (this.label_pifuquan.text = this.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100004)));
+ for (var e = -1e7, i = ["container_huiyu", "container_tongbi", "container_huishi", "container_xinyang", "container_fushi"], n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName(i[n]);
+ a && a.visible && (-1e7 == e ? e = a.x : (e -= 290,
+ a.x = e))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.money2Desc = function(t) {
+ if (t < 1e6)
+ return t.toString();
+ if ("en" != GameMgr.client_language) {
+ if (t < 1e8) {
+ for (var e = (t / 1e4).toFixed(3), i = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("." == e[n]) {
+ i = n;
+ break
+ }
+ return (e = i >= 4 ? e.substr(0, 4) : e.substr(0, 5)) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2148)
+ }
+ for (var e = (t / 1e8).toFixed(3), i = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("." == e[n]) {
+ i = n;
+ break
+ }
+ return (e = i >= 4 ? e.substr(0, 4) : e.substr(0, 5)) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2149)
+ }
+ if (t < 1e9) {
+ for (var e = (t / 1e6).toFixed(3), i = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("." == e[n]) {
+ i = n;
+ break
+ }
+ return (e = i >= 4 ? e.substr(0, 4) : e.substr(0, 5)) + "M"
+ }
+ for (var e = (t / 1e9).toFixed(3), i = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("." == e[n]) {
+ i = n;
+ break
+ }
+ return (e = i >= 4 ? e.substr(0, 4) : e.substr(0, 5)) + "B"
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Money = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.label_info = this.content.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ e.scrollbar.setVal(e.content.vScrollBar.value / e.content.vScrollBar.max, e.content.height / e.label_info.height)
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.SetInfo = function(t) {
+ this.label_info.text = t,
+ this.label_info.height = this.label_info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.label_info.height <= this.content.height ? this.scrollbar.me.visible = !1 : (this.scrollbar.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(0, this.content.height / this.label_info.height))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView_Heng"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ return e.prototype.refresh = function(t, e) {
+ this.can_get = t,
+ this.items = e,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(e.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = e.index
+ , n = e.container
+ , a = e.cache_data
+ , r = this.items[i]
+ , s = r.id
+ , o = r.count;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(s)
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.icon || (a.icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(n.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("icon"))),
+ a.icon.setSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(s).icon);
+ var l = n.getChildByName("count");
+ o <= 1 ? l.visible = !1 : (l.visible = !0,
+ l.text = o.toString());
+ n.getChildByName("getted").visible = !this.can_get
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function n(t) {
+ this.select_index = -1,
+ this.right_btn_cd = 0,
+ n.Inst = this,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_left = this.me.getChildByName("left"),
+ this.container_right = this.me.getChildByName("right"),
+ this.container_nomail = this.me.getChildByName("nomail"),
+ this.left_sroll = this.me.getChildByName("left").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.left_sroll.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._renderLeft, null, !1));
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName("right");
+ this.title = a.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.container_content = new e(a.getChildByName("container_info")),
+ this.btn_get = a.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.btn_del = a.getChildByName("btn_del"),
+ this.container_item = new i(a.getChildByName("container_items"))
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(n, "haveRedPoint", {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.mails.length; t++)
+ if (0 == this.mails[t].state)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ n.Init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchMailInfo", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchMailInfo", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (e.mails = [],
+ n.mails)
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.mails.length; a++)
+ e.mails.push(n.mails[a]);
+ e.mails = e.mails.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.create_time;
+ i || (i = 0);
+ var n = e.create_time;
+ return n || (n = 0),
+ n - i
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyNewMail", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.mails.unshift(t.mail)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyDeleteMail", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.mail_id_list.length; i++)
+ if (e.Inst)
+ e.Inst.onDelMail(t.mail_id_list[i]);
+ else {
+ for (var a = -1, r = 0; r < n.mails.length; r++)
+ if (n.mails[r].mail_id == t.mail_id_list[r]) {
+ a = r;
+ break
+ }
+ for (var s = a; s < n.mails.length - 1; s++)
+ n.mails[s] = n.mails[s + 1];
+ n.mails.pop()
+ }
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.left_sroll.reset(),
+ this.right_btn_cd = 0,
+ n.mails.length > 0 ? (this.select_index = 0,
+ this.left_sroll.addItem(n.mails.length),
+ this._renderRight(0, !0),
+ this.container_left.visible = !0,
+ this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.container_nomail.visible = !1) : (this.select_index = 0,
+ this.container_left.visible = !1,
+ this.container_right.visible = !1,
+ this.container_nomail.visible = !0),
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDelMail = function(e) {
+ for (var i = -1, a = 0; a < n.mails.length; a++)
+ if (n.mails[a].mail_id == e) {
+ i = a;
+ break
+ }
+ for (var r = i; r < n.mails.length - 1; r++)
+ n.mails[r] = n.mails[r + 1];
+ if (n.mails.pop(),
+ t.UI_Activity.Inst.enable) {
+ var s = this.select_index;
+ s == n.mails.length && s--,
+ this.left_sroll.delItem(i),
+ n.mails.length <= 0 ? (this.container_left.visible = !1,
+ this.container_right.visible = !1,
+ this.container_nomail.visible = !0) : (this.container_left.visible = !0,
+ this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.container_nomail.visible = !1,
+ this._renderRight(s, !0),
+ this.left_sroll.wantToRefreshItem(s))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.left_sroll.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._renderLeft = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , a = t.container
+ , r = n.mails[i]
+ , s = a.getChildByName("bg");
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.select_index == i ? "myres/lobby/act_choosed.png" : "myres/lobby/act_unchoosen.png");
+ var o = a.getChildByName("state");
+ o.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.select_index != i && 0 == r.state ? "myres/lobby/read_no.png" : "myres/lobby/read_yes.png"),
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (e.select_index != i) {
+ var t = e.select_index;
+ e._renderRight(i, !1),
+ r.state = 1,
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/act_choosed.png"),
+ o.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/read_yes.png"),
+ t >= 0 && e.left_sroll.wantToRefreshItem(t)
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.getChildByName("title").text = r.title
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._renderRight = function(e, i) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (i || this.select_index != e) {
+ var r = n.mails[e];
+ this.select_index = e,
+ this.title.text = r.title,
+ this.container_content.SetInfo(r.content);
+ for (var s = !1, o = [], l = 0; l < r.attachments.length; l++)
+ 100099 != r.attachments[l].id && 100098 != r.attachments[l].id && o.push(r.attachments[l]);
+ r.attachments && r.attachments.length > 0 ? (s = !r.take_attachment,
+ this.container_item.me.visible = !0,
+ this.container_item.refresh(s, o)) : this.container_item.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_get.visible = s,
+ this.btn_del.visible = !s,
+ 0 == r.state && (this.onReadStateChange(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "readMail", {
+ mail_id: r.mail_id
+ }, function() {}),
+ r.state = 1,
+ this.onReadStateChange()),
+ this.right_btn_cd = 0,
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer < a.right_btn_cd || (a.right_btn_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "takeAttachmentFromMail", {
+ mail_id: r.mail_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ a.right_btn_cd = 0,
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("takeAttachmentFromMail", e, i) : (a.btn_get.visible = !s,
+ a.btn_del.visible = s,
+ r.take_attachment = !0,
+ a.container_item.refresh(!1, o),
+ game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: o
+ }, null))
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_del.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer < a.right_btn_cd || (a.right_btn_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "deleteMail", {
+ mail_id: r.mail_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ a.right_btn_cd = 0,
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("deleteMail", e, i) : a.onDelMail(r.mail_id)
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onReadStateChange = function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refreshRedpoint(),
+ t.UI_Activity.Inst.refresh_redpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n.mails = [],
+ n
+ }();
+ t.UI_Mail = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.stars = [],
+ this._id = 0,
+ this.level_v = null,
+ this.level_vmax = null,
+ this.level_bar = null,
+ this.container_huntian = null,
+ this.level_v_huntian = null,
+ this.bgp = null,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.icon = t.getChildByName("icon");
+ for (var e = 1; e <= 3; e++)
+ if (t.getChildByName("star" + e)) {
+ var i = t.getChildByName("star" + e).getChildAt(0);
+ i && this.stars.push(i)
+ }
+ this.container_exp = this.me.getChildByName("exp"),
+ this.container_exp && (this.level_v = this.container_exp.getChildByName("value"),
+ this.level_vmax = this.container_exp.getChildByName("max"),
+ this.level_bar = this.container_exp.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("v")),
+ this.container_huntian = this.me.getChildByName("huntian"),
+ this.container_huntian && (this.level_v_huntian = this.container_huntian.getChildByName("value")),
+ this.bgp = this.me.getChildByName("bgp")
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "id", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.get(t);
+ if (e || (e = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(10101)),
+ this._id = e.id,
+ this.icon.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(e.primary_icon),
+ 10601 == t || 20601 == t) {
+ for (i = 0; i < this.stars.length; i++)
+ this.stars[i].parent.visible = !1;
+ this.container_huntian ? (this.container_exp && (this.container_exp.visible = !1),
+ this.container_huntian.visible = !0) : this.container_exp && (this.container_exp.visible = !0),
+ this.bgp && (this.bgp.visible = !0)
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.stars.length; i++)
+ this.stars[i].visible = i < e.secondary_level,
+ this.stars[i].parent.visible = !0;
+ this.container_huntian && (this.container_huntian.visible = !1),
+ this.container_exp && (this.container_exp.visible = !0),
+ this.bgp && (this.bgp.visible = !1)
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "exp", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.get(this._id);
+ if (this.level_v && (this.level_v.text = Math.floor(t).toString()),
+ this.level_vmax && (this.level_vmax.text = Math.floor(e.end_point).toString()),
+ this.level_bar) {
+ var i = t / e.end_point;
+ i = i < 0 ? 0 : i > 1 ? 1 : i,
+ this.level_bar.x = 145 * i - 153
+ }
+ this.level_v_huntian && (this.level_v_huntian.text = Math.floor(t).toString())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_Level = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.change_id = 0,
+ this.skin_path = "",
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.img = t,
+ this.img.skin = ""
+ }
+ return t.prototype.setSkin = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if ("" != t) {
+ var i = t;
+ if (i != this.skin_path) {
+ this.skin_path = i,
+ this.change_id++;
+ var n = this.change_id
+ , a = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(i);
+ "" == a ? (this.img.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin("extendRes/items/default.jpg"),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.loadResImage([this.skin_path], Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n == e.change_id && (e.loaded = !0,
+ e.img.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(e.skin_path))
+ }))) : (this.loaded = !0,
+ this.img.skin = a)
+ }
+ } else
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this.change_id++,
+ this.loaded && "" != this.skin_path && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.skin_path),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.skin_path = "")
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_Item_Skin = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.me = e,
+ this.img_head = new t.UI_Character_Skin(e.getChildByName("head")),
+ this.img_frame = e.getChildByName("head_frame")
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "id", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._id
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._id = t,
+ this.img_head.setSkin(t, "smallhead")
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "head_frame", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ cfg.item_definition.item.get(t) || (t = 305501);
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(t);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_frame, "extendRes/head_frame/" + e.res_name + ".png")
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Head = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.change_id = 0,
+ this.skin_path = "",
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.img = e,
+ this.origin_rect = t.UIRect.CreateFromSprite(this.img),
+ this.img.skin = ""
+ }
+ return e.prototype.setSkin = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(t);
+ if (n) {
+ var a = n.path + "/" + e + ".png";
+ if (a != this.skin_path) {
+ this.skin_path = a,
+ this.change_id++;
+ var r = this.change_id;
+ if ("" == game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(a)) {
+ 1 == cfg.item_definition.character.get(n.character_id).sex ? this._setLoadedTexture(4e5, e) : this._setLoadedTexture(400001, e),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.loadResImage([this.skin_path], Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r == i.change_id && (i.loaded = !0,
+ i._setLoadedTexture(t, e))
+ }))
+ } else
+ this.loaded = !0,
+ this._setLoadedTexture(t, e)
+ }
+ } else
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this.change_id++,
+ this.loaded && "" != this.skin_path && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(this.skin_path)),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.skin_path = "")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._setLoadedTexture = function(t, e) {
+ var i = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(t);
+ "full" == e || "half" == e ? game.Tools.charaPart(t, this.img, e, this.origin_rect) : this.img.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(i.path + "/" + e + ".png")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Character_Skin = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.change_id = 0,
+ this.skin_path = "",
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.effect = null,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.skin = ""
+ }
+ return t.prototype.setSkin = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1);
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t);
+ if (a) {
+ var r = a.emo + "/" + e.toString() + ".png";
+ if (r != this.skin_path) {
+ this.change_id++;
+ for (var s = this.change_id, o = cfg.character.emoji.getGroup(t), l = "", h = 0; h < o.length; h++)
+ if (o[h].sub_id == e) {
+ 2 == o[h].type && i && (l = o[h].view);
+ break
+ }
+ if ("" != l)
+ this.skin_path = "",
+ this.me.skin = "",
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ n.change_id == s && (n.effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(n.me, "scene/" + l + ".lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1))
+ });
+ else {
+ this.skin_path = r;
+ var c = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(r);
+ "" == c ? (this.me.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin("extendRes/emo/default.png"),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.loadResImage([this.skin_path], Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ s == n.change_id && (n.loaded = !0,
+ n.me.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(n.skin_path))
+ }))) : (this.loaded = !0,
+ this.me.skin = c)
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this.change_id++,
+ this.loaded && "" != this.skin_path && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(this.skin_path)),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.skin_path = ""),
+ this.effect && (this.effect.destory(),
+ this.effect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_Character_Emo = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = null,
+ this.content = null,
+ this.info = null,
+ this._info = "",
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._start_time = 0,
+ this._word_span = 50,
+ this._speed = 1,
+ this._speed_multi = 1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.info = this.content.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = ""
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ for (void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ 1 == e && "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (e = 3),
+ this._speed = e,
+ this._speed_multi = 1,
+ this.info.text = ""; t.indexOf("{name}") > 0; )
+ t = t.replace("{name}", GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname);
+ this._info = t,
+ this._index = 0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.me.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, null, null, 0, !0),
+ this._start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this._word_span = 50,
+ this.info.y = 10,
+ this.info.width = this.content.width,
+ this.content.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i._nextchar()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._nextchar = function() {
+ if (this._info.length <= this._index)
+ return this.content.refresh(),
+ void (this.content.mouseEnabled = !0);
+ if ("[" == this._info[this._index]) {
+ for (var t = -1, e = this._index + 1; e < this._info.length; e++)
+ if ("]" == this._info[e]) {
+ t = e;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == t)
+ return;
+ n = parseInt(this._info.substring(this._index + 1, t));
+ this._index = t + 1;
+ var i = Laya.timer.currTimer - this._start_time;
+ i >= n ? this._nextchar() : Laya.timer.once(n - i, this, this._nextchar)
+ } else if ("<" == this._info[this._index]) {
+ for (var t = -1, e = this._index + 1; e < this._info.length; e++)
+ if (">" == this._info[e]) {
+ t = e;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == t)
+ return;
+ n = parseInt(this._info.substring(this._index + 1, t));
+ this._index = t + 1,
+ this._word_span = n,
+ this._nextchar()
+ } else if ("{" == this._info[this._index]) {
+ for (var t = -1, e = this._index + 1; e < this._info.length; e++)
+ if ("}" == this._info[e]) {
+ t = e;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == t)
+ return;
+ var n = parseFloat(this._info.substring(this._index + 1, t));
+ this._index = t + 1,
+ n > .1 && n < 1e3 && (this._speed_multi = n),
+ this._nextchar()
+ } else {
+ var a = this.info.text
+ , r = this._speed * this._speed_multi
+ , s = r
+ , o = function(t) {
+ return " " != t && "\t" != t && "\r" != t && "\n" != t && "[" != t && "<" != t && "{" != t
+ };
+ if ("en" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ for (; this._index < this._info.length && s > 0 && "[" != this._info[this._index] && "<" != this._info[this._index] && "{" != this._info[this._index]; )
+ if (o(this._info[this._index])) {
+ for (var l = "", e = this._index; e < this._info.length && o(this._info[e]); )
+ l += this._info[e++];
+ this.info.text = a;
+ var h = this.info.textField.textHeight;
+ this.info.text = a + l + " ";
+ var c = this.info.textField.textHeight;
+ if (a.length > 0 && h != c && (a += "\n"),
+ l.length > s) {
+ a += l.substr(0, s),
+ this._index += s,
+ s = 0;
+ break
+ }
+ a += l,
+ s -= l.length,
+ this._index += l.length
+ } else
+ a += this._info[this._index],
+ this._index++,
+ s--;
+ else
+ for (e = 0; e < r && this._index < this._info.length && ("[" != this._info[this._index] && "<" != this._info[this._index] && "{" != this._info[this._index]); e++)
+ a += this._info[this._index],
+ this._index++;
+ this.info.text = a,
+ this.info.height = this.info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.info.height > this.content.height ? this.info.y = this.content.height - this.info.height + 10 : this.info.y = 10,
+ Laya.timer.once(this._word_span, this, this._nextchar)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ t ? (this.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)) : (Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 200, null, null, 0, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_Character_Chat = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this._func_locking = null,
+ this._func_hide = null,
+ this._func_locking = e,
+ this._func_hide = i,
+ this.me = t;
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName("unhit");
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._func_locking && n._func_locking.run() || (a.mouseX < 0 || a.mouseX > a.width || a.mouseY < 0 || a.mouseY > a.height) && (n._func_hide && n._func_hide.run(),
+ n.hide())
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.me.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.hide = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_BlackMask = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this._get_on = e,
+ this._set_on = i,
+ this.btn = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("btn"),
+ this.check = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.label = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("label"),
+ this.btn.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n._set_on.run()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return t.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = this._get_on.run();
+ this.check.visible = t,
+ this.label && (this.label.color = t ? "#cad4f7" : "#9ba1b2")
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function i(t, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.cells = [],
+ this.modes = [],
+ this.id_list = [],
+ this._h = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.is_lobby = i;
+ for (o = 0; o < 5; o++) {
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName("cell" + o);
+ this.cells.push({
+ bgm: "",
+ me: a,
+ flag: a.getChildByName("flag"),
+ name: a.getChildByName("name"),
+ btn_play: a.getChildByName("btn_play"),
+ lock: a.getChildByName("lock")
+ })
+ }
+ this.container_modes = this.me.getChildByName("modes");
+ for (var r = function(t) {
+ return n.is_lobby ? 0 == t ? "list" == view.BgmListMgr.bgm_lobby_mode : "list" != view.BgmListMgr.bgm_lobby_mode : 0 == t ? "list" == view.BgmListMgr.bgm_mj_mode : "list" != view.BgmListMgr.bgm_mj_mode
+ }, s = function(t) {
+ n.is_lobby ? (view.BgmListMgr.bgm_lobby_mode = 0 == t ? "list" : "rand",
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(game.Tools.eeesss("bgm_lobby_mode" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id), view.BgmListMgr.bgm_lobby_mode)) : (view.BgmListMgr.bgm_mj_mode = 0 == t ? "list" : "rand",
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(game.Tools.eeesss("bgm_mj_mode" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id), view.BgmListMgr.bgm_mj_mode));
+ for (var e = 0; e < n.modes.length; e++)
+ n.modes[e].refresh()
+ }, o = 0; o < 2; o++)
+ this.modes.push(new e(this.container_modes.getChildAt(o),new Laya.Handler(this,r,[o]),new Laya.Handler(this,s,[o])))
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "h", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._h
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = 0;
+ this._h = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++)
+ this.cells[i].me.visible = !1,
+ this.cells[i].bgm = "";
+ var n = this;
+ cfg.audio.bgm.forEach(function(i) {
+ if (!(e >= n.cells.length) && (n.is_lobby && "lobby" == i.type || !n.is_lobby && "mj" == i.type)) {
+ var a = e
+ , r = n.cells[e];
+ r.bgm = i.path,
+ r.me.y = (r.me.height + 10) * e,
+ r.me.x = 230,
+ r.me.visible = !0,
+ r.name.text = i["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ !n.is_lobby || t.UI_Lobby.Inst && t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable ? game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.me, !1) : game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.me, !0),
+ i.unlock_item && 0 == t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.unlock_item) ? (r.flag.visible = !1,
+ r.lock.visible = !0,
+ r.btn_play.visible = !1,
+ r.lock.getChildByName("info").text = i["unlock_desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ r.me.getChildByName("btn_choose").visible = !1) : (r.flag.visible = !1,
+ r.lock.visible = !1,
+ r.btn_play.visible = !0,
+ r.btn_play.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ view.BgmListMgr.playing_bgm == i.path ? view.BgmListMgr.onHandStop() : view.BgmListMgr.tryPlayBgm(i.path)
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.me.getChildByName("btn_choose").visible = !0,
+ r.me.getChildByName("btn_choose").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ if (n.is_lobby) {
+ if ((i = view.BgmListMgr.findIndexInLobby(r.bgm)) >= 0) {
+ (s = view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_lobby_list).push(n.cells[a].bgm),
+ view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_lobby_list = s,
+ view.BgmListMgr.playing_bgm == r.bgm && view.BgmListMgr.onHandStop(),
+ r.name.color = "#414A70"
+ } else {
+ for (var t = [], e = 0; e < view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_lobby_list.length; e++)
+ view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_lobby_list[e] != n.cells[a].bgm && t.push(view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_lobby_list[e]);
+ view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_lobby_list = t,
+ r.name.color = "#a2fb4d"
+ }
+ } else {
+ var i = view.BgmListMgr.findIndexInMJ(r.bgm);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ var s = view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_mj_list;
+ s.push(n.cells[a].bgm),
+ view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_mj_list = s,
+ view.BgmListMgr.playing_bgm == r.bgm && view.BgmListMgr.onHandStop(),
+ r.name.color = "#414A70"
+ } else {
+ for (var t = [], e = 0; e < view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_mj_list.length; e++)
+ view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_mj_list[e] != n.cells[a].bgm && t.push(view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_mj_list[e]);
+ view.BgmListMgr.baned_bgm_mj_list = t,
+ r.name.color = "#a2fb4d"
+ }
+ }
+ view.BgmListMgr.saveConfig()
+ }, null, !1)),
+ e++,
+ n._h = r.me.y + r.me.height + 10
+ }
+ }),
+ this.container_modes.y = this._h,
+ this._h += 80,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ for (t = 0; t < this.modes.length; t++)
+ this.modes[t].refresh();
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.cells.length; t++) {
+ var e = this.cells[t];
+ if (e.me.visible) {
+ var i = "" != view.BgmListMgr.playing_bgm && view.BgmListMgr.playing_bgm == e.bgm
+ , n = !1;
+ this.is_lobby && (n = view.BgmListMgr.findIndexInLobby(e.bgm) >= 0),
+ this.is_lobby || (n = view.BgmListMgr.findIndexInMJ(e.bgm) >= 0),
+ e.flag.visible = i,
+ e.btn_play.getChildByName("img").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(i ? "myres/bothui/bf_pause.png" : "myres/bothui/bf_play.png"),
+ e.name.color = n ? "#a2fb4d" : "#414A70"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.UI_Bgm_List = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.skin_id = 0,
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.me.getChildByName("btn_detail");
+ i.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Bag.Inst.locking || t.UI_Bag.Inst.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Skin_Yulan.Inst.show(e.skin_id, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Bag.Inst.show(3)
+ }))
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.icon = new t.UI_Character_Skin(i.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("icon")),
+ this.container_lock = i.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("lock"),
+ this.container_lock_info = this.container_lock.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.label_lock_info = this.container_lock_info.getChildByName("info")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ if (this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.icon.setSkin(this.skin_id, "bighead"),
+ t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(this.skin_id))
+ this.container_lock.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.container_lock.visible = !0;
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(this.skin_id);
+ this.label_lock_info.text = e["lock_tips_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.icon.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function i(t) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.cells = [],
+ this.container_charas = [],
+ this.skin_data = {},
+ this.inited = !1,
+ this.total_h = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content");
+ var n = this.content.getChildByName("templete_cell");
+ n.visible = !1,
+ this.cells = [],
+ cfg.item_definition.skin.forEach(function(t) {
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t.character_id);
+ if (a && a.open) {
+ var r = !0;
+ 0 == t.type ? r = !1 : 1 == t.type && (a.can_marry || (r = !1)),
+ r && (0 == i.cells.length ? i.cells.push(new e(n)) : i.cells.push(new e(n.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone())),
+ i.skin_data[t.character_id] || (i.skin_data[t.character_id] = []),
+ i.skin_data[t.character_id].push(t.id))
+ }
+ });
+ var a = this.content.getChildByName("templete_chara");
+ a.visible = !1,
+ this.container_charas = [];
+ for (var r in this.skin_data)
+ 0 == this.container_charas.length ? this.container_charas.push(a) : this.container_charas.push(a.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone());
+ var s = this.me.getChildByName("show_all");
+ this.checkbox_showAll = s.getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ s.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.checkbox_showAll.visible = !i.checkbox_showAll.visible,
+ i.refresh_force()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ i.content.vScrollBar.value = i.content.vScrollBar.max * t,
+ i.onPanelScroll()
+ }
+ )),
+ this.scrollbar.islong = !1,
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ i.onPanelScroll()
+ }),
+ this.no_info = this.me.getChildByName("no_info"),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < i.cells.length; t++)
+ i.cells[t].onCreate()
+ })
+ }
+ return i.prototype.refresh_force = function() {
+ for (var e = this, i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++)
+ this.cells[i].skin_id = 0,
+ this.cells[i].reset(),
+ this.cells[i].me.visible = !1,
+ this.content.addChild(this.cells[i].me),
+ this.cells[i].me.y = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.container_charas.length; i++)
+ this.container_charas[i].visible = !1,
+ this.container_charas[i].y = 0,
+ this.container_charas[i].height = 0;
+ this.checkbox_showAll.visible;
+ var n = 0
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0;
+ cfg.item_definition.character.forEach(function(i) {
+ var s = i.id;
+ if (e.skin_data[s]) {
+ for (var o = e.skin_data[s], l = [], h = 0, c = 0; c < o.length; c++) {
+ p = o[c];
+ (e.checkbox_showAll.visible || t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(p)) && (t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(p) && h++,
+ l.push(p))
+ }
+ if (0 != l.length) {
+ var _ = e.container_charas[a++];
+ _.visible = !0,
+ _.y = r;
+ var u = _.getChildByName("name");
+ u.text = i["name_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ var d = _.getChildByName("count");
+ d.text = h.toString() + "/" + o.length.toString(),
+ d.x = u.x + u.textField.textWidth + 30;
+ for (var f = _.getChildByName("container_skins"), c = 0; c < l.length; c++) {
+ var p = l[c]
+ , m = e.cells[n++];
+ m.me.visible = !0,
+ f.addChild(m.me),
+ m.me.x = c % 6 * m.me.width,
+ m.me.y = Math.floor(c / 6) * m.me.height,
+ m.skin_id = p,
+ m.show()
+ }
+ var g = f.y + Math.ceil(l.length / 6) * e.cells[0].me.height + 20;
+ _.getChildByName("line").visible = 1 != a,
+ _.height = g,
+ r += g
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ this.total_h = r,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(0, this.total_h > 0 ? this.content.height / this.total_h : 1),
+ this.no_info.visible = this.total_h <= 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onPanelScroll = function() {
+ this.total_h < this.content.height ? this.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1) : this.scrollbar.setVal(this.content.vScrollBar.value / this.content.vScrollBar.max, this.content.height / this.total_h)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_lite = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.cells.length; t++)
+ this.cells[t].me.visible && this.cells[t].show();
+ this.no_info.visible = this.total_h <= 0,
+ this.onPanelScroll()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.inited ? this.refresh_lite() : (this.inited = !0,
+ this.checkbox_showAll.visible = !0,
+ this.refresh_force())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.cells.length; t++)
+ this.cells[t].reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.when_update_data = function() {
+ this.inited = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.UI_Bag_PageSkin = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.items = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.scrollview = t.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item), -1, 6, 10),
+ this.scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.category = e,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.items = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(e),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = e.index
+ , n = e.container
+ , a = e.cache_data;
+ a.skin || (a.skin = new t.UI_Item_Skin(n.getChildByName("btn_detail").getChildByName("content").getChildByName("icon")));
+ var r = this.items[i]
+ , s = cfg.item_definition.item.get(r.item_id)
+ , o = n.getChildByName("btn_detail");
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(r.item_id, 1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ o.getChildByName("count").visible = !1,
+ o.getChildByName("btn_del").visible = !1,
+ a.skin.setSkin(s.icon);
+ var l = o.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("num");
+ r.count <= 1 ? l.visible = !1 : (l.visible = !0,
+ l.text = r.count.toString())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.when_update_data = function() {
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.items = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(this.category),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Bag_PageItem = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.stardust_icon = null,
+ this.stardust_count = 0,
+ this.stardust_detail = 0,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.choose_count = {},
+ this.during_sell = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.scrollview = e.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item), -1, 6, 10),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.stardust_icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(this.me.getChildByName("stardust")),
+ this.label_stardust_count = this.me.getChildByName("stardust").getChildByName("count"),
+ this.label_stardust_delta = this.me.getChildByName("stardust").getChildByName("delta"),
+ this.btn_sell = this.me.getChildByName("btn_sell"),
+ this.btn_sell.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.open_sell),
+ this.label_huanqu = this.me.getChildByName("label_huanqu"),
+ this.container_sell = this.me.getChildByName("container_sell"),
+ this.container_sell.getChildByName("btn_clear").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.clear_choose),
+ this.container_sell.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.close_sell),
+ this.container_sell.getChildByName("btn_sell").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.on_btn_sell),
+ this.btn_sell2 = this.container_sell.getChildByName("btn_sell"),
+ this.btn_clear_choose = this.container_sell.getChildByName("btn_clear")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.during_sell = !1,
+ this.btn_sell.visible = !0,
+ this.label_huanqu.visible = !0,
+ this.container_sell.visible = !1,
+ this.label_stardust_delta.visible = !1,
+ this.choose_count = {},
+ this.stardust_icon.setSkin(cfg.item_definition.item.get(302004).icon_transparent),
+ this.stardust_count = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(game.stardust_id),
+ this.stardust_detail = 0,
+ this.refresh_stardust(),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.items = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.gift),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length),
+ 0 == this.items.length && (this.btn_sell.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.items[n]
+ , o = cfg.item_definition.item.get(s.item_id)
+ , l = a.getChildByName("btn_detail")
+ , h = l.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("num")
+ , c = function() {
+ var t = s.count;
+ if (i.during_sell)
+ if (o.can_sell) {
+ var e = i.choose_count[s.item_id];
+ null == e || 0 == e ? (a.getChildByName("count").visible = !1,
+ a.getChildByName("btn_del").visible = !1) : (a.getChildByName("count").visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("count").getChildAt(0).text = e.toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("btn_del").visible = !0,
+ t -= e),
+ a.getChildByName("btn_detail").getChildByName("content").getChildByName("ban").visible = !1
+ } else
+ a.getChildByName("count").visible = !1,
+ a.getChildByName("btn_del").visible = !1,
+ a.getChildByName("btn_detail").getChildByName("content").getChildByName("ban").visible = !0;
+ else
+ a.getChildByName("count").visible = !1,
+ a.getChildByName("btn_del").visible = !1,
+ a.getChildByName("btn_detail").getChildByName("content").getChildByName("ban").visible = !1;
+ t <= 1 ? h.visible = !1 : (h.visible = !0,
+ h.text = t.toString())
+ };
+ c(),
+ l.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (i.during_sell) {
+ if (!o.can_sell)
+ return;
+ var e = 0;
+ i.choose_count.hasOwnProperty(s.item_id.toString()) ? (e = i.choose_count[s.item_id],
+ i.choose_count[s.item_id]++) : (e = 0,
+ i.choose_count[s.item_id] = 1),
+ i.choose_count[s.item_id] > s.count && (i.choose_count[s.item_id] = s.count),
+ i.stardust_detail += (i.choose_count[s.item_id] - e) * o.sell_reward_count,
+ i.refresh_stardust(),
+ c()
+ } else
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(s.item_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.getChildByName("btn_del").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.during_sell && i.choose_count[s.item_id] && (i.choose_count[s.item_id]--,
+ c(),
+ i.stardust_detail -= o.sell_reward_count,
+ i.refresh_stardust())
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.skin || (r.skin = new t.UI_Item_Skin(l.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("icon"))),
+ r.skin.setSkin(o.icon);
+ var _ = l.getChildByName("content");
+ this.during_sell ? _.scaleX = _.scaleY = .9 : _.scaleX = _.scaleY = 1.1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.open_sell = function() {
+ this.during_sell = !0,
+ this.btn_sell.visible = !1,
+ this.label_huanqu.visible = !1,
+ this.container_sell.visible = !0,
+ this.label_stardust_delta.visible = !0,
+ this.label_stardust_delta.text = "",
+ this.choose_count = {},
+ this.stardust_detail = 0,
+ this.refresh_stardust(),
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close_sell = function() {
+ this.during_sell = !1,
+ this.btn_sell.visible = !0,
+ this.label_huanqu.visible = !0,
+ this.container_sell.visible = !1,
+ this.label_stardust_delta.visible = !1,
+ this.clear_choose(),
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.on_btn_sell = function() {
+ var e = [];
+ for (var i in this.choose_count)
+ this.choose_count[i] > 0 && e.push({
+ item_id: parseInt(i),
+ count: this.choose_count[i]
+ });
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2036), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "sellItem", {
+ sells: e
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("sellItem", e, i) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2037))
+ })
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {}))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.clear_choose = function() {
+ for (var t in this.choose_count) {
+ this.choose_count[t] = 0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.items.length; e++)
+ this.items[e].item_id.toString() == t && this.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(e)
+ }
+ this.stardust_detail = 0,
+ this.refresh_stardust()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_stardust = function() {
+ this.label_stardust_count.text = "x" + this.stardust_count,
+ this.stardust_detail > 0 ? (this.label_stardust_delta.text = "+" + this.stardust_detail.toString(),
+ this.label_stardust_delta.x = this.label_stardust_count.textField.textWidth + 55,
+ this.label_stardust_delta.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_sell2.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_clear_choose.visible = !0) : (this.label_stardust_delta.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_sell2.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_clear_choose.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.when_update_data = function() {
+ this.close_sell(),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.items = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.gift),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length),
+ 0 == this.items.length && (this.btn_sell.visible = !1),
+ this.stardust_count = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(game.stardust_id),
+ this.refresh_stardust()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Bag_PageGift = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.desktop_default = 305044,
+ this.mjp_defalut = 305045,
+ this.lobby_bg_default = 307001,
+ this.tab_index = 0,
+ this.select_index = 0,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.img_desktop = null,
+ this.img_mjp = null,
+ this.btn_save = null,
+ this.seen_lobby_bg_map = null,
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return e.prototype.have_red_point = function() {
+ if (!this.seen_lobby_bg_map) {
+ this.seen_lobby_bg_map = {};
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("lobby_bg_list_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = (e = game.Tools.dddsss(e)).split(","), n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.seen_lobby_bg_map[i[n]] = 1
+ }
+ for (var a = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.view), n = 0; n < a.length; n++) {
+ if (3 == cfg.item_definition.item.get(a[n].item_id).type && !this.seen_lobby_bg_map[a[n].item_id])
+ return !0
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {}
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UI_Bag_PageDesktop = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.CreateFromSprite = function(e) {
+ var i = new t;
+ return i.x = e.x,
+ i.y = e.y,
+ i.width = e.width,
+ i.height = e.height,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UIRect = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ t.GRAY_FILTER = [.3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
+ t.DARK_FILTER = [.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {
+ this._root = null,
+ this._mj_root = null,
+ this._lobby_root = null,
+ this._both_root = null,
+ this._common_root = null,
+ this._error_root = null,
+ this._mj_inited = !1,
+ this._lobby_inited = !1,
+ this._uis = new Array,
+ this._lobby_uis = [],
+ this._mj_uis = [],
+ this._common_uis = [],
+ this._both_uis = [],
+ this._ui_chipenghu = null,
+ this._ui_desktop = null,
+ this._ui_liqizimo = null,
+ this._ui_win = null,
+ this._ui_gameend = null,
+ this._ui_liuju = null,
+ this._ui_lobby = null,
+ this._ui_entrance = null,
+ this._ui_waitingroom = null,
+ this._ui_preventaddiction = null,
+ this._ui_scale = -1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.init = function() {
+ e.Inst = this,
+ this._root = new Laya.Sprite,
+ GameMgr.Inst.addUI(this._root),
+ this._root.addChild(this._lobby_root = new Laya.Sprite),
+ this._root.addChild(this._mj_root = new Laya.Sprite),
+ this._root.addChild(GameMgr.Inst.root_front_scene_effect = new Laya.Sprite),
+ this._root.addChild(this._both_root = new Laya.Sprite),
+ this._root.addChild(this._common_root = new Laya.Sprite),
+ this._root.addChild(this._error_root = new Laya.Sprite),
+ this._ui_scale = -1,
+ this.RefreshShow(),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.RefreshShow)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.openLobbyUI = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this._lobby_inited ? (i && i.runWith(1),
+ e && e.run()) : game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.addLoadListenter(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._lobby_inited = !0,
+ n.AddLobbyUI(n._ui_lobby = new t.UI_Lobby),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Camera_Mode),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_XinShouYinDao),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(n._ui_waitingroom = new t.UI_WaitingRoom),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_PaiPu),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Sushe),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Ob),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Shop),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Friend),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Recharge),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Create_Room),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Bag),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Match_Lobby),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Match_Room),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Treasure),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_TanfangRoot),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Skin_Yulan),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Shop_Lobby_Yulan),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Shop_Skin_Yulan),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_PiPeiYuYue),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Shop_Pack_Detail),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_PlayerInfo),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Introduce),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_TitleBook),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Activity),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Activity_Sign),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Pop_Buy_Multi),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Pop_Buy_Single),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS_T),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_EN),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_Yueka_CHS),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_Yueka_EN),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_Creditcard),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_Wxcode),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Payment_Loading),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Rank),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Pifuquanless),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Diamond_Less),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_NumberInput),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_OpenBox),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_PiPei),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_WaitOb),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Change_Nickname),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Info),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_PiPeiChengGong),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_checkhuiyu),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_checkpifuquan),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Agepending_Chs),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Agepending),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Ageconfirm),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Agesuccess),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_AgeSuccess_Chs),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Agexiane),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Get_Character),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Force_Update),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Overall),
+ n.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Freeze),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Character_star_up),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Config),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Dmm_Kefu),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Need_Bind_Mail),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Bind_Mail0),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Bind_Mail1),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Unbind_Yostar_Mail),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Unbind_Phone),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Bind_Yostar_Mail),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Giftcode),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Rules),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Report_Nickname),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Report_Success),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Gettitle),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Getrewardextends),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_GetReward2),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_ItemDetail),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_InfoLite_Title),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_InfoLite),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_SecondConfirm),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_MyCard_Pay_Info),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Popout),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_Invite),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_LightTips),
+ n.AddBothUI(new t.UI_FlyTips),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Lite_Loading),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Reconnect),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Hanguplogout),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_AnotherLogin),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Disconnect),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_RollNotice),
+ n.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_CloseApp),
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst.me.parent.setChildIndex(t.UI_Loading.Inst.me, t.UI_Loading.Inst.me.parent.numChildren - 2),
+ t.UI_CloseApp.Inst.me.parent.setChildIndex(t.UI_CloseApp.Inst.me, t.UI_CloseApp.Inst.me.parent.numChildren - 1),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(6, n, function() {
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }), i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.openMjDesktopUI = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this._mj_inited ? (i && i.runWith(1),
+ e && e.run()) : game.LoadMgr.loadRes(game.E_LoadType.ui_mj, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._mj_inited = !0,
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_ReplayWheel),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Live_Broadcast),
+ n.AddMJUI(n._ui_desktop = new t.UI_DesktopInfo),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Ob_Replay),
+ n.AddMJUI(n._ui_chipenghu = new t.UI_ChiPengHu),
+ n.AddMJUI(n._ui_liqizimo = new t.UI_LiQiZiMo),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_TingPai),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Replay),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Huleshow),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Info_MD5),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Hangup_Warn),
+ n.AddMJUI(n._ui_liuju = new t.UI_LiuJu),
+ n.AddMJUI(n._ui_win = new t.UI_Win),
+ n.AddMJUI(n._ui_gameend = new t.UI_GameEnd),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_RankChange),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_ScoreChange),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_Vote),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_VoteCD),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_VoteProgress),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_MJReward),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_MJTask_Progress),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_MJReward_Activity),
+ n.AddMJUI(new t.UI_GameStop),
+ n._mj_root.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(6, n, function() {
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }), i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.disableMouse = function() {
+ this._mj_root.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ this._lobby_root.mouseEnabled = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.enableMouse = function() {
+ this._mj_root.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this._lobby_root.mouseEnabled = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.closeUIWithTag_Lobby = function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._lobby_uis.length; e++)
+ this._lobby_uis[e] !== t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst && this._lobby_uis[e] !== t.UI_PiPeiChengGong.Inst && this._lobby_uis[e] && this._lobby_uis[e].enable && (this._lobby_uis[e].enable = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.closeUIWithTag_Both = function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._both_uis.length; e++)
+ this._both_uis[e] && this._both_uis[e].enable && (this._both_uis[e].enable = !1);
+ t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst && t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst.enable && (t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst.enable = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showLobby = function() {
+ this._lobby_root.visible = !0,
+ t.UI_Ob.Inst.enable || t.UI_PaiPu.Inst.enable || (t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.intoMJDesktop = function() {
+ this._lobby_root.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onSceneMJ_Enable = function() {
+ this._mj_root.visible = !0,
+ this.CloseLiuJu(),
+ this.CloseWin(),
+ this.CloseChipenghu(),
+ this.CloseLiqiZimo()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onSceneMJ_Disable = function() {
+ this._mj_root.visible = !1,
+ t.UI_Replay.Inst.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onSceneLobby_Enable = function() {
+ this._lobby_root.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onSceneLobby_Disable = function() {
+ this._lobby_root.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showRemind = function() {
+ null == t.UI_Remind.Inst ? (this.AddLobbyUI(new t.UI_Remind),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ t.UI_Remind.Inst && !t.UI_Remind.Inst.me.destroyed && (t.UI_Remind.Inst.enable = !0)
+ })) : t.UI_Remind.Inst.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showEntrance = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ null == this._ui_entrance ? Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, this, function() {
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Reset_Password),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Mail_Regist),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Reset_PWD_Phone2),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type ? null == t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst && e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_User_Xieyi) : null == t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst && (e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_User_Xieyi),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_User_Xieyi_Dmm)),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Maintenance),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Guajichenfa),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Prohibition),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Choose_Route),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Bind_Phone1),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Bind_Phone0),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Bind_Phone2),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Create_Phone_Account),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Create_Phone_Account_Success),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Canot_Create_Phone_Account),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Add2Desktop),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_DMM_Bgm_Notice),
+ e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Entrance_Error),
+ null == t.UI_Loading.Inst && e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Loading),
+ null == t.UI_Common.Inst && (e.AddCommonUI(new t.UI_Common),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, e, function() {
+ GameMgr.inRelease || (t.UI_Common.Inst.enable = !0)
+ })),
+ t.UI_Remind.Inst && t.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(10),
+ e.AddLobbyUI(e._ui_entrance = new t.UI_Entrance),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, e, function() {
+ var i = "res/atlas" + ("chs" == GameMgr.client_language ? "" : "/" + GameMgr.client_language) + "/myres/start_show.atlas";
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(i),
+ null != t.UI_Remind.Inst && t.UI_Remind.Inst.destroy(),
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_DMM_Bgm_Notice.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e._ui_entrance.show()
+ })) : e._ui_entrance.show()
+ })
+ }) : this._ui_entrance.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowChipenghu = function(t) {
+ this._ui_chipenghu && this._ui_chipenghu.show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.CloseChipenghu = function() {
+ this._ui_chipenghu && (this._ui_chipenghu.enable = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowLiqiZimo = function(t) {
+ this._ui_liqizimo.show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.CloseLiqiZimo = function() {
+ this._ui_liqizimo.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowWin = function(t, e) {
+ this._ui_win.show(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.CloseWin = function() {
+ this._ui_win.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowPreventAddiction = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ null == this._ui_preventaddiction && (this.AddCommonUI(this._ui_preventaddiction = new t.UI_PreventAddiction),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(10, this, function() {
+ e._ui_preventaddiction.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowLiuJu = function(t) {
+ this._ui_liuju.Show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.CloseLiuJu = function() {
+ this._ui_liuju.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowGameEnd = function() {
+ this._ui_gameend.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowWaitingRoom = function() {
+ this._ui_waitingroom.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowErrorInfo = function(e) {
+ var i = new t.UI_ErrorInfo;
+ this._error_root.addChild(i.me),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(10, this, function() {
+ i.showStr(e)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showNetReqError = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = new t.UI_ErrorInfo;
+ this._error_root.addChild(a.me),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ a.showNetReqError(e, i, n)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showFE = function() {
+ var e = new t.UI_ErrorInfo;
+ this._error_root.addChild(e.me),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ e.showFE()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.RefreshShow = function() {
+ var t = Laya.stage.height / 1080;
+ if (Math.abs(t - this._ui_scale) > .01) {
+ this._ui_scale = t;
+ var e = .5 * (Laya.stage.width - 1920 * t);
+ this._root.scale(t, t),
+ this._root.x = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onUIDestory = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ e.push(this._uis),
+ e.push(this._lobby_uis),
+ e.push(this._mj_uis),
+ e.push(this._both_uis),
+ e.push(this._common_uis);
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e[i].length; n++) {
+ if (e[i][n] === t) {
+ e[i][n] = e[i][e[i].length - 1],
+ e.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddLobbyUI = function(t) {
+ this._lobby_root.addChild(t.me),
+ this._uis.push(t),
+ this._lobby_uis.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddMJUI = function(t) {
+ this._mj_root.addChild(t.me),
+ this._uis.push(t),
+ this._mj_uis.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddBothUI = function(t) {
+ this._both_root.addChild(t.me),
+ this._uis.push(t),
+ this._both_uis.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddCommonUI = function(t) {
+ this._common_root.addChild(t.me),
+ this._uis.push(t),
+ this._common_uis.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getWorldPosition = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new Laya.Point(t.x + e.x,t.y + e.y);
+ if (t && t !== this._root)
+ for (t = t.parent; t && t !== this._root; )
+ i = t.toParentPoint(i),
+ t = t.parent;
+ return i.x /= 1920,
+ i.y /= 1080,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UIMgr = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var app;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.tree = null,
+ this.count = 0,
+ this.tree = {
+ code: 0,
+ str: "",
+ isEnd: !1,
+ childs: {},
+ id: 0
+ },
+ this.count = 1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
+ this._add_word(t[e].s, t[e].id)
+ }
+ return t.prototype._add_word = function(t, e) {
+ if (t && "" != t) {
+ for (var i = this.tree, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var a = t.charAt(n);
+ i.childs[a] || (i.childs[a] = {
+ code: a.charCodeAt(0),
+ str: t.substr(0, n + 1),
+ isEnd: !1,
+ childs: {},
+ id: 0
+ },
+ this.count++),
+ i = i.childs[a]
+ }
+ i.isEnd = !0,
+ i.id = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tree_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.count
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.add_extra_word = function(t) {
+ return !!i.test(t) || !(this.count > 1e5) && (this._add_word(t, 999999),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.remove_extra_word = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this.tree, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.charAt(i);
+ if (!e.childs[n])
+ return;
+ e = e.childs[n]
+ }
+ e.isEnd = !1,
+ e.id = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.test_zixulie = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ e.push(this.tree);
+ for (var i = {}, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ for (var a = t.charAt(n), r = e.length, s = 0; s < r; s++) {
+ var o = e[s];
+ if (0,
+ o.childs[a]) {
+ var l = o.childs[a];
+ if (l.isEnd)
+ return {
+ s: l.str,
+ id: l.id
+ };
+ i[l.str] || (i[l.str] = 1,
+ e.push(l))
+ }
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.test_zichuan = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ e.push(this.tree);
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.charAt(i)
+ , a = e.length
+ , r = [];
+ r.push(this.tree);
+ for (var s = 0; s < a; s++) {
+ var o = e[s];
+ if (0,
+ o.childs[n]) {
+ var l = o.childs[n];
+ if (l.isEnd)
+ return {
+ s: l.str,
+ id: l.id
+ };
+ r.push(l)
+ }
+ }
+ e = r
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t._find_near_char = function(t) {
+ return this.near_char_father[t] && this.near_char_father[t] != t ? (this.near_char_father[t] = this._find_near_char(this.near_char_father[t]),
+ this.near_char_father[t]) : t
+ }
+ ,
+ t._build_near_char = function(t) {
+ this.near_char_father = {};
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
+ for (var i = t[e], n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var a = i[n]
+ , r = this._find_near_char(a);
+ n > 0 && (this.near_char_father[r] = this._find_near_char(i[0]))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._remove_biaodian = function(t) {
+ var e = "0".charCodeAt(0)
+ , i = "a".charCodeAt(0);
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var n = "", a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var r = t.charCodeAt(a);
+ (r > 256 || r >= i && r < i + 26 || r >= e && r < e + 10) && (n += t.charAt(a))
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t._normalize_str = function(t) {
+ var e = "0".charCodeAt(0)
+ , i = "a".charCodeAt(0);
+ t = t.toLowerCase();
+ for (var n = "", a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var r = t.charCodeAt(a);
+ (r > 256 || r >= i && r < i + 26 || r >= e && r < e + 10) && (n += this._find_near_char(t.charAt(a)))
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.init = function(t, i) {
+ this._build_near_char(i);
+ for (var n = [], a = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
+ t[r].near ? t[r].s = this._normalize_str(t[r].s) : t[r].s = this._remove_biaodian(t[r].s),
+ t[r].type ? n.push({
+ s: t[r].s,
+ id: r + 3
+ }) : a.push({
+ s: t[r].s,
+ id: r + 3
+ });
+ this.tree_zixulie = new e(n),
+ this.tree_zichuan = new e(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.add_extra_word = function(t, e) {
+ return t = this._remove_biaodian(t),
+ !!this.test(t) || (1 == e ? this.tree_zixulie.add_extra_word(t) : this.tree_zichuan.add_extra_word(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.remove_extra_word = function(t, e) {
+ t = this._remove_biaodian(t),
+ 1 == e ? this.tree_zixulie.remove_extra_word(t) : this.tree_zichuan.remove_extra_word(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.test = function(t) {
+ t = this._remove_biaodian(t);
+ var e = null;
+ if (this.tree_zichuan && (e = this.tree_zichuan.test_zichuan(t)),
+ e)
+ return e;
+ if (this.tree_zixulie && (e = this.tree_zixulie.test_zixulie(t)),
+ e)
+ return e;
+ var i = this._normalize_str(t);
+ if (i != t) {
+ if (this.tree_zichuan && (e = this.tree_zichuan.test_zichuan(i)),
+ e)
+ return e;
+ if (this.tree_zixulie && (e = this.tree_zixulie.test_zixulie(i)),
+ e)
+ return e
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.Taboo = i
+}(app || (app = {}));
+var caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(t, "filename", {
+ get: function() {
+ return "shader_ranshao"
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "attributeMap", {
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ a_BoneIndices: Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDINDICES0,
+ a_BoneWeights: Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDWEIGHT0,
+ a_Position: Laya.VertexElementUsage.POSITION0,
+ a_Normal: Laya.VertexElementUsage.NORMAL0,
+ a_Texcoord: Laya.VertexElementUsage.TEXTURECOORDINATE0
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "uniformMap", {
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ u_CameraPos: [Laya.BaseCamera.CAMERAPOS, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_CAMERA],
+ u_MvpMatrix: [Laya.Sprite3D.MVPMATRIX, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SPRITE],
+ u_WorldMat: [Laya.Sprite3D.WORLDMATRIX, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SPRITE],
+ u_texture1: [this.TEXTURE1, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_texture2: [this.TEXTURE2, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_texture_mask: [this.TEXTURE_MASK, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_alpha_clip: [this.ALPHA_CLIP, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ "u_DirectionLight.Direction": [Laya.Scene.LIGHTDIRECTION, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SCENE],
+ "u_DirectionLight.Diffuse": [Laya.Scene.LIGHTDIRCOLOR, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SCENE],
+ u_bound: [this.BOUND, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL]
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.TEXTURE1 = 1,
+ t.TEXTURE2 = 2,
+ t.ALPHA_CLIP = 4,
+ t.BOUND = 5,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.Shader_RanShao = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {
+ this._init_state = 0,
+ this._items = [],
+ this._loading_num = 0
+ }
+ return e.filterString = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; ) {
+ var n = t.indexOf("\r", i);
+ if (-1 == n) {
+ e += t.substring(i, t.length);
+ break
+ }
+ i < n && (e += t.substring(i, n)),
+ i = n + 1
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.init = function(e) {
+ this._complete = e,
+ 2 != this._init_state ? 0 == this._init_state && (this._init_state = 1,
+ this._loading_num = 0,
+ this._init(t.Shader_RanShao.filename, t.Shader_RanShao.attributeMap, t.Shader_RanShao.uniformMap),
+ this._init(t.Cartoon.filename, t.Cartoon.attributeMap, t.Cartoon.uniformMap),
+ this._init(t.Outline.filename, t.Outline.attributeMap, t.Outline.uniformMap)) : this._complete && this._complete.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._create_complete = function(t) {
+ this._loading_num--,
+ 0 == this._loading_num && (this._init_state = 2,
+ this._complete && this._complete.run())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._init = function(t, i, n) {
+ function a() {
+ if (null != o && null != l) {
+ var e = Laya.Shader3D.nameKey.add(t);
+ Laya.ShaderCompile3D.add(e, l, o, i, n),
+ s._create_complete(t)
+ }
+ }
+ var r = this
+ , s = this
+ , o = null
+ , l = null;
+ this._loading_num++;
+ var h = "shader/" + t + "/" + t + ".vs";
+ Laya.loader.load(h, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, r, function() {
+ l = e.filterString(Laya.loader.getRes(h)),
+ a()
+ })
+ }));
+ var c = "shader/" + t + "/" + t + ".ps";
+ Laya.loader.load(c, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, r, function() {
+ o = e.filterString(Laya.loader.getRes(c)),
+ a()
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.ShaderInitor = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(t, "filename", {
+ get: function() {
+ return "outline"
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "attributeMap", {
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ a_BoneIndices: Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDINDICES0,
+ a_BoneWeights: Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDWEIGHT0,
+ a_Position: Laya.VertexElementUsage.POSITION0,
+ a_Normal: Laya.VertexElementUsage.NORMAL0,
+ a_Texcoord: Laya.VertexElementUsage.TEXTURECOORDINATE0
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "uniformMap", {
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ u_Bones: [Laya.SkinnedMeshSprite3D.BONES, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_RENDERELEMENT],
+ u_CameraPos: [Laya.BaseCamera.CAMERAPOS, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_CAMERA],
+ u_MvpMatrix: [Laya.Sprite3D.MVPMATRIX, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SPRITE],
+ u_WorldMat: [Laya.Sprite3D.WORLDMATRIX, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SPRITE],
+ "u_SpotLight.Position": [Laya.Scene.SPOTLIGHTPOS, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SCENE],
+ "u_DirectionLight.Diffuse": [Laya.Scene.LIGHTDIRCOLOR, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SCENE],
+ u_outline: [this.OUTLINE, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_outline_color: [this.OUTLINE_COLOR, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_outline_alpha: [this.OUTLINE_ALPHA, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL]
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.OUTLINE = 1,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.Outline = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(t, "filename", {
+ get: function() {
+ return "cartoon"
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "attributeMap", {
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ a_BoneIndices: Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDINDICES0,
+ a_BoneWeights: Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDWEIGHT0,
+ a_Position: Laya.VertexElementUsage.POSITION0,
+ a_Normal: Laya.VertexElementUsage.NORMAL0,
+ a_Texcoord: Laya.VertexElementUsage.TEXTURECOORDINATE0
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "uniformMap", {
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ u_Bones: [Laya.SkinnedMeshSprite3D.BONES, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_RENDERELEMENT],
+ u_CameraPos: [Laya.BaseCamera.CAMERAPOS, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_CAMERA],
+ u_MvpMatrix: [Laya.Sprite3D.MVPMATRIX, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SPRITE],
+ u_WorldMat: [Laya.Sprite3D.WORLDMATRIX, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SPRITE],
+ u_texture: [this.TEXTURE, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ "u_DirectionLight.Direction": [Laya.Scene.LIGHTDIRECTION, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SCENE],
+ "u_DirectionLight.Diffuse": [Laya.Scene.LIGHTDIRCOLOR, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_SCENE],
+ u_split: [this.SPLIT, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_color: [this.COLOR, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_color_light: [this.COLOR_LIGHT, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL],
+ u_color_unlight: [this.COLOR_UNLIGHT, Laya.Shader3D.PERIOD_MATERIAL]
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.TEXTURE = 1,
+ t.COLOR = 2,
+ t.SPLIT = 10,
+ t.COLOR_LIGHT = 30,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.Cartoon = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var app;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.None = 0] = "None",
+ t[t.CompleteRegistration = 1] = "CompleteRegistration",
+ t[t.CompleteTutorial = 2] = "CompleteTutorial",
+ t[t.Level_1 = 3] = "Level_1",
+ t[t.Level_2 = 4] = "Level_2",
+ t[t.Level_3 = 5] = "Level_3",
+ t[t.Get_The_Title1 = 6] = "Get_The_Title1",
+ t[t.Purchase_Click = 7] = "Purchase_Click",
+ t[t.Purchase = 8] = "Purchase",
+ t[t.XinShouYinDao = 10] = "XinShouYinDao",
+ t[t.G_Role_create = 1001] = "G_Role_create",
+ t[t.G_Role_login = 1002] = "G_Role_login",
+ t[t.G_Role_logout = 1003] = "G_Role_logout",
+ t[t.G_tutorial_complete = 1004] = "G_tutorial_complete",
+ t[t.G_Purchase = 1005] = "G_Purchase",
+ t[t.G_Purchase_click = 1006] = "G_Purchase_click",
+ t[t.G_Purchase_first = 1007] = "G_Purchase_first",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_1 = 1008] = "G_Role_level_1",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_2 = 1009] = "G_Role_level_2",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_3 = 1010] = "G_Role_level_3",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_4 = 1011] = "G_Role_level_4",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_5 = 1012] = "G_Role_level_5",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_6 = 1013] = "G_Role_level_6",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_7 = 1014] = "G_Role_level_7",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_8 = 1015] = "G_Role_level_8",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_9 = 1016] = "G_Role_level_9",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_10 = 1017] = "G_Role_level_10",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_11 = 1018] = "G_Role_level_11",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_12 = 1018] = "G_Role_level_12",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_13 = 1020] = "G_Role_level_13",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_14 = 1021] = "G_Role_level_14",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_15 = 1022] = "G_Role_level_15",
+ t[t.G_Role_level_16 = 1023] = "G_Role_level_16",
+ t[t.G_get_title_1 = 1024] = "G_get_title_1",
+ t[t.G_get_title_2 = 1025] = "G_get_title_2",
+ t[t.G_get_title_3 = 1026] = "G_get_title_3",
+ t[t.G_get_title_4 = 1027] = "G_get_title_4",
+ t[t.G_get_title_5 = 1028] = "G_get_title_5",
+ t[t.G_get_title_6 = 1029] = "G_get_title_6",
+ t[t.G_get_title_7 = 1030] = "G_get_title_7",
+ t[t.G_get_title_8 = 1031] = "G_get_title_8",
+ t[t.G_get_title_9 = 1032] = "G_get_title_9",
+ t[t.G_get_title_10 = 1033] = "G_get_title_10",
+ t[t.G_get_title_11 = 1034] = "G_get_title_11",
+ t[t.G_tutorial_jump = 1035] = "G_tutorial_jump",
+ t[t.TW_Purchase = 2001] = "TW_Purchase",
+ t[t.TW_Signup = 2002] = "TW_Signup",
+ t[t.TW_Tutorial_Completed = 2003] = "TW_Tutorial_Completed"
+ }(e = t.EBehaviorType || (t.EBehaviorType = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function i() {}
+ return i.init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchClientValue", {}, function(t, i) {
+ if (t || i.error)
+ ;
+ else {
+ if (e._datas = {},
+ i.datas)
+ for (var n in i.datas)
+ e._datas[i.datas[n].key] = i.datas[n].value;
+ e.recharged_count = i.recharged_count
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i._get_type_str = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case e.CompleteRegistration:
+ return "CompleteRegistration";
+ case e.CompleteTutorial:
+ return "CompleteTutorial";
+ case e.Level_1:
+ return "Level_1";
+ case e.Level_2:
+ return "Level_2";
+ case e.Level_3:
+ return "Level_3";
+ case e.Get_The_Title1:
+ return "Get_The_Title1";
+ case e.Purchase_Click:
+ return "Purchase_Click";
+ case e.Purchase:
+ return "Purchase";
+ case e.G_Role_create:
+ return "Role_create";
+ case e.G_Role_login:
+ return "Role_login";
+ case e.G_tutorial_complete:
+ return "tutorial_complete";
+ case e.G_Purchase:
+ return "Purchase";
+ case e.G_Purchase_click:
+ return "Purchase_click";
+ case e.G_Purchase_first:
+ return "Purchase_first";
+ case e.G_Role_level_1:
+ return "Role_level_1";
+ case e.G_Role_level_2:
+ return "Role_level_2";
+ case e.G_Role_level_3:
+ return "Role_level_3";
+ case e.G_Role_level_4:
+ return "Role_level_4";
+ case e.G_Role_level_5:
+ return "Role_level_5";
+ case e.G_Role_level_6:
+ return "Role_level_6";
+ case e.G_Role_level_7:
+ return "Role_level_7";
+ case e.G_Role_level_8:
+ return "Role_level_8";
+ case e.G_Role_level_9:
+ return "Role_level_9";
+ case e.G_Role_level_10:
+ return "Role_level_10";
+ case e.G_Role_level_11:
+ return "Role_level_11";
+ case e.G_Role_level_12:
+ return "Role_level_12";
+ case e.G_Role_level_13:
+ return "Role_level_13";
+ case e.G_Role_level_14:
+ return "Role_level_14";
+ case e.G_Role_level_15:
+ return "Role_level_15";
+ case e.G_Role_level_16:
+ return "Role_level_16";
+ case e.G_get_title_1:
+ return "get_title_1";
+ case e.G_get_title_2:
+ return "get_title_2";
+ case e.G_get_title_3:
+ return "get_title_3";
+ case e.G_get_title_4:
+ return "get_title_4";
+ case e.G_get_title_5:
+ return "get_title_5";
+ case e.G_get_title_6:
+ return "get_title_6";
+ case e.G_get_title_7:
+ return "get_title_7";
+ case e.G_get_title_8:
+ return "get_title_8";
+ case e.G_get_title_9:
+ return "get_title_9";
+ case e.G_get_title_10:
+ return "get_title_10";
+ case e.G_get_title_11:
+ return "get_title_11";
+ case e.G_tutorial_jump:
+ return "tutorial_jump";
+ case e.TW_Purchase:
+ return "o1xcs";
+ case e.TW_Signup:
+ return "o1xcr";
+ case e.TW_Tutorial_Completed:
+ return "o1xcx"
+ }
+ return "unkown"
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fb_trace_force = function(t) {
+ if (!(t < 0 || t > 100)) {
+ var e = this._get_type_str(t);
+ "unkown" != e && window.fbq && window.fbq("trackCustom", e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fb_trace_pending = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._datas && !(t < 0 || t > 100)) {
+ var i = this._get_type_str(t);
+ if ("unkown" != i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ if (this._datas[t] && (n = this._datas[t]),
+ n != e) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < e - n; a++)
+ window.fbq && window.fbq("track", i);
+ this.update_val(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.google_trace_force = function(t, e) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = null),
+ !(t < 1e3 || t >= 1100)) {
+ var i = this._get_type_str(t);
+ if ("unkown" != i) {
+ var n = !1
+ , a = function(t) {
+ n || (n = !0,
+ e && e())
+ };
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ a()
+ }, 1e3),
+ window.gtag && window.gtag("event", i, {
+ event_category: "category0",
+ event_label: "label0",
+ value: 1,
+ event_callback: function() {
+ a()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.google_trace_pending = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._datas && !(t < 1e3 || t >= 1100)) {
+ var i = this._get_type_str(t);
+ if ("unkown" != i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ if (this._datas[t] && (n = this._datas[t]),
+ n != e) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < e - n; a++)
+ window.gtag && window.gtag("event", i, {
+ event_category: "category0",
+ event_label: "label0",
+ value: "value0"
+ });
+ this.update_val(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.tw_trace_force = function(t) {
+ if (!(t < 2e3 || t > 2100)) {
+ var e = this._get_type_str(t);
+ "unkown" != e && window.twttr && window.twttr.conversion && window.twttr.conversion.trackPid && window.twttr.conversion.trackPid(e, {
+ tw_sale_amount: 0,
+ tw_order_quantity: 0
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.tw_trace_pending = function(t, e) {
+ if (this._datas && !(t < 2e3 || t > 2100)) {
+ var i = this._get_type_str(t);
+ if ("unkown" != i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ if (this._datas[t] && (n = this._datas[t]),
+ n != e) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < e - n; a++)
+ window.twttr && window.twttr.conversion && window.twttr.conversion.trackPid && window.twttr.conversion.trackPid(i, {
+ tw_sale_amount: 0,
+ tw_order_quantity: 0
+ });
+ this.update_val(t, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.get_val = function(t) {
+ return this._datas && this._datas[t] ? this._datas[t] : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.update_val = function(e, i) {
+ this._datas && (this._datas[e] = i,
+ t.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateClientValue", {
+ key: e,
+ value: i
+ }, function() {}))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._datas = null,
+ i.recharged_count = 0,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.PlayerBehaviorStatistic = i
+}(app || (app = {}));
+var app;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.lobby = 0] = "lobby",
+ t[t.mj = 1] = "mj"
+ }(e = t.ENetType || (t.ENetType = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._ip = "",
+ this._socket = null,
+ this._session_id = "",
+ this._type = t,
+ this._type == e.lobby ? this._socket = new net.Socket(["Lobby"],Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onReceiveMsgError, null, !1)) : this._socket = new net.Socket(["FastTest"],Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onReceiveMsgError, null, !1))
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "type", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._type
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "ip", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._ip
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "delay", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._socket ? this._socket.getNetworkDelay() : 1e7
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "connected", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._socket.connected
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "session_id", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._session_id
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.connect = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._socket.addSocketLister(e);
+ var n = t.split(":");
+ 2 == n.length && "443" == n[n.length - 1] && (t += i),
+ this._socket.connect((GameMgr.inHttps ? "wss://" : "ws://") + t),
+ this._ip = t,
+ this._session_id = game.Tools.generateUUID()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.sendMsg = function(t, e) {
+ this._socket.sendMessage(".lq." + t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.sendReq = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this._socket.sendRequest(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.addListener = function(t, e) {
+ e.once = !1,
+ this._socket.addMsgListener(".lq." + t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e) {
+ this._socket.removeMsgListener(".lq." + t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ this._socket && (this._socket.close(),
+ this._ip = "")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onReceiveMsgError = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.NetController = i;
+ var n = function() {
+ function n() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(n, "lobby_ip", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._net_lobby ? this._net_lobby.ip : ""
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "lobby_session_id", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._net_lobby ? this._net_lobby.session_id : ""
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "mj_ip", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._net_mj ? this._net_mj.ip : ""
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "lobby_network_delay", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._net_lobby.delay
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "mj_network_delay", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._net_mj.delay
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ n.init = function() {
+ this._net_mj = new i(e.mj)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.setLobbyNet = function(t) {
+ this._net_lobby = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.sendMsg2Lobby = function(t, e) {
+ this._net_lobby.sendMsg(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.isLobbyConnectOK = function() {
+ return !!game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst && game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.connecting
+ }
+ ,
+ n.sendReq2Lobby = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst) {
+ if (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state != game.EConnectState.connecting) {
+ r = "发送" + i + "时,";
+ switch (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state) {
+ case game.EConnectState.none:
+ r += "连接不存在";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.tryconnect:
+ r += "连接正在尝试";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.reconnecting:
+ r += "连接重试重连";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.disconnect:
+ r += "连接已断开"
+ }
+ return t.Log.log(r),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst && (GameMgr.inRelease ? uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2006)) : uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r)),
+ !1
+ }
+ return this._net_lobby.sendReq(e, i, n, a),
+ !0
+ }
+ var r = "发送" + i + "时LobbyNetMgr不存在";
+ return t.Log.log(r),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst && !GameMgr.inRelease && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.AddListener2Lobby = function(t, e) {
+ this._net_lobby.addListener(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.RemoveListener2Lobby = function(t, e) {
+ this._net_lobby.removeListener(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.connect2MJ = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._net_mj.connect(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.sendMsg2MJ = function(t, e) {
+ this._net_mj.sendMsg(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.isMJConnectOK = function() {
+ return game.MJNetMgr.Inst && game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.connecting
+ }
+ ,
+ n.sendReq2MJ = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ if (game.MJNetMgr.Inst) {
+ if (game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state != game.EConnectState.connecting) {
+ r = "发送" + i + "时,";
+ switch (game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state) {
+ case game.EConnectState.none:
+ r += "连接不存在";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.tryconnect:
+ r += "连接正在尝试";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.reconnecting:
+ r += "连接重试重连";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.disconnect:
+ r += "连接已断开"
+ }
+ return t.Log.log(r),
+ GameMgr.inRelease ? "checkNetworkDelay" != i && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2006)) : uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r),
+ !1
+ }
+ return this._net_mj.sendReq(e, i, n, a),
+ !0
+ }
+ var r = "发送" + i + "时MJNetMgr不存在";
+ return t.Log.log(r),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst && !GameMgr.inRelease && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r),
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.AddListener2MJ = function(t, e) {
+ this._net_mj.addListener(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Close2MJ = function() {
+ this._net_mj.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Close2Lobby = function() {
+ this._net_lobby.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n._net_lobby = null,
+ n._net_mj = null,
+ n
+ }();
+ t.NetAgent = n
+}(app || (app = {}));
+var net;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.network_delay = 0,
+ this.byte_ = new Laya.Byte,
+ this.byte_.endian = Laya.Byte.LITTLE_ENDIAN,
+ this.socket_ = new Laya.Socket,
+ this.socket_.endian = Laya.Byte.LITTLE_ENDIAN,
+ this.messages_ = [],
+ this.workingMessage_ = null,
+ this.requestIndex_ = 0,
+ this.requestClientHandle_ = new t.RequestClientHandle(i,new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ n.network_delay = t
+ }
+ )),
+ this.handler_ = {},
+ this.services_ = {},
+ this.socket_.on(Laya.Event.OPEN, this, this._onOpen),
+ this.socket_.on(Laya.Event.MESSAGE, this, this._onReceiveMsg),
+ this.socket_.on(Laya.Event.CLOSE, this, this._onClose),
+ this.socket_.on(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, this._onError),
+ e)
+ for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ this._registerService(e[a])
+ }
+ return e.prototype.connect = function(t) {
+ this.socket_.connectByUrl(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "connected", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.socket_.connected
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype._onOpen = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = null),
+ app.Log.log("socket连接建立成功"),
+ app.Log.info_net("socket open success"),
+ this.when_socket_event && this.when_socket_event.runWith(Laya.Event.OPEN)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._onReceiveMsg = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = null),
+ !t || 0 === t.length)
+ return app.Log.Error("!data || data.length === 0"),
+ void app.Log.info_net("error receive msg: !data || data.length === 0");
+ this.messages_.push(new Uint8Array(t)),
+ this._checkMessage()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._onClose = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = null),
+ app.Log.log("socket关闭 e:" + t),
+ app.Log.info_net("socket关闭 e:" + JSON.stringify(t) + ", code:" + t.code + ", reason:" + t.reason + ", wasClean:" + t.wasClean),
+ this.when_socket_event && this.when_socket_event.runWith(Laya.Event.CLOSE)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._onError = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = null),
+ app.Log.log("socket错误 e:" + t),
+ app.Log.info_net("socket错误 e:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ this.when_socket_event && this.when_socket_event.runWith(Laya.Event.ERROR)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._checkMessage = function() {
+ if (!this.workingMessage_ && 0 !== this.messages_.length)
+ return this.workingMessage_ = this.messages_.shift(),
+ this._handleMsg(this.workingMessage_),
+ this.workingMessage_ = null,
+ this._checkMessage()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._handleMsg = function(e) {
+ var i = {
+ type: e[0]
+ };
+ switch (i.type) {
+ case t.HeaderType.REQUEST:
+ case t.HeaderType.RESPONSE:
+ if (e.length < 3)
+ throw new Error("ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH");
+ i.reqIndex = e[1] + (e[2] << 8),
+ e = e.slice(3);
+ break;
+ case t.HeaderType.NOTIFY:
+ e = e.slice(1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return void console.error("net", "unknown headerType: " + i.type)
+ }
+ switch (i.type) {
+ case t.HeaderType.REQUEST:
+ case t.HeaderType.RESPONSE:
+ var n = t.MessageWrapper.decodeRpc(e);
+ return this.requestClientHandle_.emitResponse(i.reqIndex, n.data);
+ case t.HeaderType.NOTIFY:
+ var a = t.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(e)
+ , r = this.handler_[a.$type.fullName];
+ if (!r)
+ return void app.Log.Error("消息:" + a.$type.fullName + "未被监听");
+ for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ try {
+ r[s].runWith(a)
+ } catch (t) {
+ app.Log.Error("message " + a.$type.fullName + " handle error info:" + t),
+ this.code_error_handler && this.code_error_handler.runWith({
+ method: a.$type.fullName,
+ info: t
+ })
+ }
+ return;
+ default:
+ return void console.error("net", "unknown headerType: " + i.type)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._requestMessage = function(e, i, n) {
+ this.requestIndex_ = (this.requestIndex_ + 1) % 60007,
+ app.Log.info_net("_requestMessage method:" + e + ", index:" + this.requestIndex_),
+ this._sendRpc(e, {
+ header: {
+ type: t.HeaderType.REQUEST,
+ reqIndex: this.requestIndex_
+ },
+ packet: i
+ }),
+ this.requestClientHandle_.waitResponseCb(e, this.requestIndex_, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._registerService = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = t.ProtobufManager.lookupService("lq." + e);
+ if (!n)
+ throw new Error("ERR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND, name=" + e);
+ var a = n.create(function(t, e, n) {
+ i._requestMessage(t.fullName, e, n)
+ });
+ this.services_[e] = a
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._sendMessage = function(e) {
+ if (!this.socket_)
+ throw new Error("ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECT");
+ var i = t.MessageWrapper.encodeHeaderData(e.header)
+ , n = t.MessageWrapper.encodeMessage(e.packet)
+ , a = new Laya.Byte;
+ a.writeArrayBuffer(i),
+ a.writeArrayBuffer(n),
+ this.socket_.send(a.buffer),
+ app.Log.info_net("socket _sendMessage")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._sendRpc = function(e, i) {
+ if (!this.socket_)
+ throw new Error("ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECT");
+ var n = t.MessageWrapper.encodeHeaderData(i.header)
+ , a = t.MessageWrapper.encodeRpc(e, i.packet)
+ , r = new Laya.Byte;
+ r.writeArrayBuffer(n),
+ r.writeArrayBuffer(a),
+ this.socket_.send(r.buffer),
+ app.Log.info_net("socket _sendRpc")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.sendMessage = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.info_net("socket sendMessage msg_type:" + e);
+ var n = t.ProtobufManager.lookupType(e);
+ n ? this._sendMessage({
+ header: {
+ type: t.HeaderType.NOTIFY
+ },
+ packet: n.create(i)
+ }) : app.Log.Error("sendMessage msg_type:" + e + "未找到")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.sendRequest = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ app.Log.info_net("socket sendRequest service_name:" + t + ", rpc_name:" + e);
+ var a = this.services_[t];
+ if (!a)
+ throw new Error("ERR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND, name=FastTest");
+ a[e](i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.addMsgListener = function(t, e) {
+ this.handler_[t] || (this.handler_[t] = []),
+ this.handler_[t].push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.removeMsgListener = function(t, e) {
+ if (this.handler_[t]) {
+ for (var i = this.handler_[t], n = [], a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ i[a] !== e && n.push(e);
+ this.handler_[t] = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.addSocketLister = function(t) {
+ this.when_socket_event = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ app.Log.info_net("socket close"),
+ this.socket_ && this.socket_.close(),
+ this.requestClientHandle_ && this.requestClientHandle_.onClose()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getNetworkDelay = function() {
+ return this.network_delay
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.Socket = e
+}(net || (net = {}));
+var net;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ return function() {}
+ }();
+ t.WaitingEvent = e;
+ var i = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ this._delay = 0,
+ this.waitingData = {},
+ this.checkArray = [],
+ this.delayLst = [],
+ this._responseErrorHandler = t,
+ this._networkDelayHandler = e,
+ Laya.timer.loop(500, this, this.loop)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.emitResponse = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.waitingData[t];
+ if (i) {
+ var n = Date.now();
+ if (this.delayLst.push({
+ timestamp: n,
+ delay: n - i.requestTime
+ }),
+ this.waitingData[t] = null,
+ GameMgr.inRelease)
+ try {
+ i.cb(null, e)
+ } catch (t) {
+ app.Log.Error("net request handle error:" + t),
+ this._responseErrorHandler && this._responseErrorHandler.runWith({
+ method: i.method,
+ info: t
+ })
+ }
+ else
+ i.cb(null, e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.waitResponseCb = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = {
+ method: t,
+ index: e,
+ requestTime: Date.now(),
+ cb: i
+ };
+ this.waitingData[e] = n,
+ this.checkArray.push({
+ timeout: n.requestTime + 15e3,
+ index: n.index
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.loop = function() {
+ var t = this.calcu_preresponse_delay()
+ , e = this.check_waiting_response()
+ , i = 0
+ , n = 0;
+ t >= 0 && (i += .3 * t,
+ n += .3),
+ e >= 0 && (i += e,
+ n += 1),
+ n > 0 && (i /= n,
+ this._delay = i),
+ this._networkDelayHandler && this._networkDelayHandler.runWith(this._delay)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.calcu_preresponse_delay = function() {
+ for (var t = Date.now(), e = 0, i = 0, n = 0, a = 0; a < this.delayLst.length; a++)
+ this.delayLst[a].timestamp + 2e3 < t ? n++ : (e += this.delayLst[a].delay,
+ i++);
+ return n > 0 && (n == this.delayLst.length ? this.delayLst = [] : this.delayLst.slice(n)),
+ i > 0 ? e / i : -1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.check_waiting_response = function() {
+ for (var t = Date.now(), e = 0, i = -1, n = 0; n < this.checkArray.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.checkArray[n];
+ if (this.waitingData[a.index]) {
+ if (t < a.timeout) {
+ i < 0 && (i = t - this.waitingData[a.index].requestTime);
+ break
+ }
+ e += 1;
+ var r = this.waitingData[a.index];
+ this.waitingData[a.index] = null,
+ i = 5e3,
+ this.delayLst.push({
+ delay: 1e4,
+ timestamp: t
+ }),
+ r.cb(new Error("TIMEOUT"))
+ } else
+ e += 1
+ }
+ return e > 0 && (e == this.checkArray.length ? this.checkArray = [] : this.checkArray = this.checkArray.slice(e)),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onClose = function() {
+ this.waitingData = {},
+ this.checkArray = [],
+ this.delayLst = []
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.RequestClientHandle = i
+}(net || (net = {}));
+var net;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.loadProto = function(t) {
+ this.root = protobuf.Root.fromJSON(t),
+ this.root.resolveAll(),
+ console.log("loadProto finished")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookup = function(t, e) {
+ return this.root.lookup(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookupType = function(t) {
+ return this.root.lookupType(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookupEnum = function(t) {
+ return this.root.lookupEnum(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookupTypeOrEnum = function(t) {
+ return this.root.lookupTypeOrEnum(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookupService = function(t) {
+ return this.root.lookupService(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.lookupMethod = function(t) {
+ if ("string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(".")),
+ 0 === t.length)
+ return null;
+ var e = this.lookupService(t.slice(0, -1));
+ if (!e)
+ return null;
+ var i = t[t.length - 1];
+ return e.methods[i]
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ProtobufManager = e
+}(net || (net = {}));
+var net;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.NULL = 0] = "NULL",
+ t[t.NOTIFY = 1] = "NOTIFY",
+ t[t.REQUEST = 2] = "REQUEST",
+ t[t.RESPONSE = 3] = "RESPONSE"
+ }(e = t.HeaderType || (t.HeaderType = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ return function() {}
+ }();
+ t.HeaderData = i;
+ var n = function() {
+ function i() {}
+ return i.initWrapper = function() {
+ this.WrapperCtor = t.ProtobufManager.lookupType("lq.Wrapper"),
+ console.log("Wrapper is " + JSON.stringify(this.WrapperCtor))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.encodeHeaderData = function(t) {
+ switch (t.type) {
+ case e.REQUEST:
+ case e.RESPONSE:
+ return new Uint8Array([t.type, 255 & t.reqIndex, t.reqIndex >> 8]);
+ case e.NOTIFY:
+ return new Uint8Array([t.type])
+ }
+ return new Uint8Array([])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.encodeMessage = function(t) {
+ var e = t.$type;
+ return this.wrap(e.fullName, e.encode(t).finish())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.decodeMessage = function(t) {
+ var e = this.unwrap(t);
+ return this.decode(e.name, e.data)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.encodeRpc = function(t, e) {
+ return this.wrap(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.decodeRpc = function(t) {
+ return this.unwrap(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.wrap = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.WrapperCtor
+ , n = i.create({
+ name: t,
+ data: e
+ });
+ return i.encode(n).finish()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.unwrap = function(t) {
+ return i.WrapperCtor.decode(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.decode = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t.ProtobufManager.lookupType(e);
+ if (!n)
+ throw new Error("ERR_CANNOT_FIND_MESSAGE_TYPE, " + e);
+ return n.decode(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.MessageWrapper = n
+}(net || (net = {}));
+var app;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t._getDate = function() {
+ var t = new Date;
+ return t.getFullYear() + "/" + (t.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + t.getDate() + " " + t.getHours() + ":" + t.getMinutes() + ":" + t.getSeconds() + "." + t.getMilliseconds()
+ }
+ ,
+ t._insertCacheLog = function(t) {
+ this._cache_logs.length < 40 ? this._cache_logs.push(t) : this._cache_logs[this._ceche_index++] = t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.log = function(t) {
+ var e = "[" + this._getDate() + " f:" + Laya.timer.currFrame + "]log: " + t;
+ this._insertCacheLog(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.info = function(t) {
+ var e = "[" + this._getDate() + " f:" + Laya.timer.currFrame + "]info: " + t;
+ this._insertCacheLog(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Error = function(t) {
+ var e = "[" + this._getDate() + " f:" + Laya.timer.currFrame + "]error: " + t;
+ this._insertCacheLog(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.info_net = function(t) {
+ this._getDate(),
+ Laya.timer.currFrame
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getCacheLog = function() {
+ if (0 == this._cache_logs.length)
+ return "nolog";
+ for (var t = "", e = 0; e < this._cache_logs.length; e++) {
+ var i = (this._ceche_index + e) % this._cache_logs.length;
+ 0 != e && (t += "\n"),
+ t += this._cache_logs[i]
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getFunctionName = function(t) {
+ if ("function" == typeof t || "object" == typeof t)
+ var e = ("" + t).match(/function\s*([\w\$]*)\s*\(/);
+ return e && e[1]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.trace = function() {
+ for (var t = "", e = arguments.callee.caller, i = 10; e && i > 0; )
+ "" != t && (t += "\n"),
+ t += e.toString(),
+ e = e.caller,
+ i--;
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t._cache_logs = [],
+ t._ceche_index = 0,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.Log = e
+}(app || (app = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ this.val = null,
+ this.model = null,
+ this.ismoqie = !1,
+ this.ispaopai = !1,
+ this.is_open = !1,
+ this.isDora = !1,
+ this.val = t,
+ this.model = e,
+ this.isDora = !1,
+ this.RefreshDora()
+ }
+ return e.prototype.ShowUp = function() {
+ this.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowBack = function() {
+ this.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(-90,0,180)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ShowRot = function() {
+ this.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,-90,0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.RefreshDora = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi && !this.isDora) {
+ if (this.val.dora && (this.isDora = !0),
+ !this.isDora)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.length; e++)
+ if (mjcore.MJPai.DoraMet(this.val, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[e])) {
+ this.isDora = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (this.isDora) {
+ var i = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_dora3D.clone();
+ this.model.addChild(i),
+ i.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ i.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ i.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ i.active = !0;
+ i.getChildAt(0).addComponent(anim.RunUV)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.ResetShow = function() {
+ this.model.meshRender.sharedMaterial.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, this.GetDefaultColor())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnChoosedPai = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi) {
+ var e = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.choosed_pai;
+ null == e || 0 != mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.val, e) ? this.ispaopai ? this.model.meshRender.sharedMaterial.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector4(1,.78,.78,1)) : this.ismoqie ? this.model.meshRender.sharedMaterial.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector4(.8,.8,.8,1)) : this.model.meshRender.sharedMaterial.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, this.GetDefaultColor()) : this.model.meshRender.sharedMaterial.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector4(.615,.827,.976,1))
+ } else
+ this.model.meshRender.sharedMaterial.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector4(1,1,1,1))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.GetDefaultColor = function() {
+ var e = !1;
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_open_hand() || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.paipu || this.is_open && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand && (e = !0),
+ e ? new Laya.Vector4(1,.917,.663,1) : new Laya.Vector4(1,1,1,1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.ViewPai = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.init_data = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._loaded || (this._loaded = !0,
+ cfg.animation.animation.forEach(function(e) {
+ var i = e.name
+ , n = e.type
+ , a = e;
+ if (a.lifetime /= a.speed,
+ a.keypoint)
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.keypoint.length; r++)
+ a.keypoint[r] /= a.speed;
+ t._map_anim.hasOwnProperty(i) || (t._map_anim[i] = {}),
+ t._map_anim[i][n] = a
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_anim_config = function(t, e) {
+ return this._map_anim[t] ? this._map_anim[t][e] : null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._loaded = !1,
+ t._map_anim = {},
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ModelAnimationController = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.val = null,
+ this.model = null,
+ this.contianer_pai = null,
+ this.pai3D = null,
+ this.shadow = null,
+ this.is_open = !1,
+ this._starttime = 0,
+ this._lifetime = 150,
+ this._index = 0,
+ this._isnew = !1,
+ this.model = new Laya.Sprite3D,
+ e.addChild(this.model),
+ this.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,0),
+ this.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ this.model.active = !0,
+ this.contianer_pai = new Laya.Sprite3D,
+ this.model.addChild(this.contianer_pai),
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ this.contianer_pai.active = !0,
+ this.shadow = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_shadow.clone(),
+ this.model.addChild(this.shadow),
+ this.shadow.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.shadow.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ this.shadow.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.shadow.active = !0
+ }
+ return e.prototype.SetVal = function(e, i) {
+ try {
+ null != this.pai3D && (this.pai3D.model.destroy(),
+ this.pai3D = null),
+ this.val = e,
+ this.pai3D = new t.ViewPai(e,t.DesktopMgr.Inst.CreatePai3D(e)),
+ this.contianer_pai.addChild(this.pai3D.model),
+ this.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ this.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,180,0),
+ this.pai3D.model.active = !0,
+ this.is_open = i,
+ this.pai3D.is_open = i,
+ this.pai3D.ResetShow()
+ } catch (t) {
+ var n = {};
+ n.error = t.message,
+ n.stack = t.stack,
+ n.method = "HandPai3D",
+ n.name = "SetVal";
+ var a = "";
+ this.pai3D && (a += "pai3D",
+ this.pai3D.model && (a += " model",
+ this.pai3D.model.transform && (a += " transform"))),
+ this.contianer_pai && (a += " contianer_pai"),
+ n.iinfo = a,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.SetIndex = function(e, i) {
+ this.model ? this.model.destroyed ? app.Log.Error("SetIndex index:" + e + " model已经被删除") : this.model.transform || app.Log.Error("SetIndex index:" + e + " model.transform不存在") : app.Log.Error("SetIndex index:" + e + " model不存在"),
+ this._isnew = i,
+ this._index = e,
+ this.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(-t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * (e + (i ? .5 : 0)) * 1.01,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.IsNew = function() {
+ return this._isnew
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Stand = function() {
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,.5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,0),
+ this.shadow.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ this.shadow.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.shadow.active = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.FullDown = function() {
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ this.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,.5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ this.shadow.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ this.shadow.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * (t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT + t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS)),
+ this.shadow.active = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Cover = function() {
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(-90,0,0),
+ this.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,.5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,.5 * t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ this.shadow.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ this.shadow.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * -(t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT + t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS)),
+ this.shadow.active = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.DoAnim_FullDown = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.FullDown(),
+ this._lifetime = 120,
+ this._starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.shadow.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var e = Laya.timer.currTimer - t._starttime;
+ if (e >= t._lifetime)
+ t.FullDown(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t);
+ else {
+ var i = e / t._lifetime;
+ t.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90 * i * i,0,0)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.DoAnim_Cover = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.Cover(),
+ this._lifetime = 120,
+ this._starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.shadow.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var e = Laya.timer.currTimer - t._starttime;
+ if (e >= t._lifetime)
+ t.Cover(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t);
+ else {
+ var i = e / t._lifetime;
+ t.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(-90 * i * i,0,0)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.DoAnim_Stand = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.Cover(),
+ this._lifetime = 150,
+ this._starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.shadow.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var e = Laya.timer.currTimer - t._starttime - 300;
+ if (e >= t._lifetime)
+ t.Stand(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t);
+ else if (e >= 0) {
+ var i = e / t._lifetime;
+ t.contianer_pai.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90 * i - 90,0,0)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Destory = function() {
+ null != this.contianer_pai && (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.contianer_pai.destroy(!0),
+ this.pai3D.model.destroy(!0),
+ this.shadow.destroy(!0),
+ this.model.destroy(!0),
+ this.contianer_pai = null,
+ this.pai3D = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.HandPai3D = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ this.player = null,
+ this.origin = null,
+ this.pais = null,
+ this.cx = 0,
+ this.cy = 0,
+ this.x_count = 0,
+ this.last_pai = null,
+ this.last_is_liqi = !1,
+ this.after_liqi = !1,
+ this.waiting_offset = new Laya.Vector2(.4 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,.4 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ this.xwidth = 0,
+ this.last_pai_count = 0,
+ this.dora_yuyin_map = {},
+ this.origin = e,
+ this.pais = new Array,
+ this.player = i
+ }
+ return e.prototype.AddQiPai = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ this.QiPaiPass();
+ var s = new t.ViewPai(e,t.DesktopMgr.Inst.CreatePai3D(e));
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.showingPaopai && (s.ismoqie = n,
+ s.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(s.val)),
+ s.OnChoosedPai(),
+ this.origin.parent.addChild(s.model),
+ this.last_is_liqi && !i && (i = !0);
+ var o = Math.atan(t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT / t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH)
+ , l = 2 * (Math.random() - .5) * 2
+ , h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ i ? (s.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,90 + l,0),
+ c = ((h = Math.sqrt(t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT + t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) / 2 * Math.cos(1.5707963 - o - 3.1415926 * Math.abs(l) / 180) * 2 + .01 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) - t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) / 2) : (s.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,l,0),
+ c = ((h = Math.sqrt(t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT + t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) / 2 * Math.cos(o - 3.1415926 * Math.abs(l) / 180) * 2 + .01 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) - t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) / 2);
+ var _ = 0
+ , u = 0
+ , d = this.cx + c
+ , f = this.cy;
+ if (Math.random() < .2 && (h += _ = Math.random() * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * .025,
+ d += _),
+ this.xwidth = h,
+ u = 2 * (Math.random() - .5) * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * .025,
+ f += u,
+ s.model.transform.localPosition = this.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ s.model.active = !0,
+ s.model.transform.localPosition.x += d,
+ s.model.transform.localPosition.z -= f,
+ a) {
+ var p = s.model.transform.position.clone();
+ this.player.hand3d.transform.position = p.clone();
+ this.player.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ s.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,-((i ? 90 : 0) + l)),
+ s.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111);
+ var m = null;
+ if (i) {
+ var g = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[this.player.seat][game.EView.lizhi_effect];
+ if (g) {
+ var y = cfg.item_definition.view.get(g)
+ , v = "scene/" + y.res_name + ".lh";
+ y.sargs.length < 0 || !y.sargs[0] || "shu" == y.sargs[0] ? (m = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Dapai", this.player.hand_type),
+ Laya.timer.once(m.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ var e = new game.EffectBase(v);
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.trans_container_effect.addChild(e.root);
+ var i = s.model.transform.position.clone();
+ i.y = 0,
+ e.root.transform.position = i,
+ e.root.active = !0;
+ var n = y.audio_id;
+ n && t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(n),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, null, function() {
+ e && !e.destroyed && (Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.destroy())
+ }),
+ e.addLoadedListener(Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ if (s && s.model && !s.model.destroyed) {
+ var t = game.Tools.GetNodeByNameInChildren(e.root, "pai_anim");
+ t && Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, r, function() {
+ if (s && s.model && !s.model.destroyed) {
+ var e = s.model.transform.rotation.clone()
+ , i = s.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone();
+ t.addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.rotation = e,
+ s.model.transform.worldMatrix = i
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, r, function() {
+ if (s && s.model && !s.model.destroyed) {
+ var t = s.model.transform.rotation.clone()
+ , e = s.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone();
+ r.origin.parent.addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.rotation = t,
+ s.model.transform.worldMatrix = e
+ }
+ })
+ })) : (m = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("LiQiPai", this.player.hand_type),
+ Laya.timer.once(m.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ var e = new game.EffectBase(v);
+ r.origin.parent.addChild(e.root);
+ var i = y.audio_id;
+ i > 0 && t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(i),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, e, function() {
+ s && s.model && !s.model.destroyed ? e.root.transform.worldMatrix = s.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone() : (Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.destroy())
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, null, function() {
+ e && !e.destroyed && (Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.destroy())
+ })
+ }))
+ } else
+ m = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Dapai", this.player.hand_type)
+ } else
+ m = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Dapai", this.player.hand_type);
+ this.player.playHandAnimtion(m),
+ Laya.timer.once(m.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(207)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(m.keypoint[1], this, function() {
+ s && s.model && !s.model.destroyed && (r.origin.parent.addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ s.model.transform.localRotationEuler = i ? new Laya.Vector3(90,90 + l,0) : new Laya.Vector3(90,l,0),
+ r.last_pai.model.transform.localPosition = r.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ r.last_pai.model.transform.localPosition.x += d,
+ r.last_pai.model.transform.localPosition.z -= f)
+ })
+ }
+ this.last_pai = s,
+ this.last_is_liqi = i,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetLastQiPai(this.player.seat, s);
+ var b = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_shadow.clone();
+ if (s.model.addChild(b),
+ b.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ b.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ b.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ b.active = !0,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play)
+ if (a) {
+ this.last_pai_val && 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.last_pai_val, e) ? (this.last_pai_count++,
+ 3 == this.last_pai_count && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.addMindVoice(this.player.seat, "ingame_lianda")) : (this.last_pai_val = e.Clone(),
+ this.last_pai_count = 1);
+ var w = !1;
+ if (e.dora && (w = !0),
+ !w)
+ for (var x = 0; x < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.length; x++)
+ if (mjcore.MJPai.DoraMet(e, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[x])) {
+ w = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ var I = e.numValue.toString();
+ w && !this.dora_yuyin_map[I] && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.addMindVoice(this.player.seat, "ingame_baopai"),
+ this.dora_yuyin_map[I] = 1)
+ } else
+ this.last_pai_val = null,
+ this.last_pai_count = 0;
+ else
+ this.last_pai_val = null,
+ this.last_pai_count = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.QiPaiPass = function() {
+ null != this.last_pai && (this.pais.push(this.last_pai),
+ this.x_count++,
+ 6 == this.x_count && this.pais.length <= 12 ? (this.cx = 0,
+ this.cy += 1.05 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,
+ this.x_count = 0) : this.cx += this.xwidth,
+ this.last_pai = null,
+ this.last_is_liqi = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.QiPaiNoPass = function() {
+ this.last_pai && this.last_pai.model.destroy(),
+ this.last_pai = null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ if (this.pais.length > 0) {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].model.destroy(!0);
+ this.pais = new Array
+ }
+ this.cx = this.cy = 0,
+ this.x_count = 0,
+ null != this.last_pai && this.last_pai.model.destroy(!0),
+ this.last_pai = null,
+ this.last_is_liqi = !1,
+ this.after_liqi = !1,
+ this.last_pai_val = null,
+ this.last_pai_count = 0,
+ this.dora_yuyin_map = {},
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnDoraRefresh = function() {
+ if (null != this.last_pai && this.last_pai.RefreshDora(),
+ null != this.pais)
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].RefreshDora()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnChoosedPai = function() {
+ if (null != this.last_pai && this.last_pai.OnChoosedPai(),
+ null != this.pais)
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.Block_QiPai = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ this.origin = null,
+ this.player = null,
+ this.xOffset = 0,
+ this.mings = new Array,
+ this.pais = new Array,
+ this.hengs = new Array,
+ this.origin = t,
+ this.xOffset = 0,
+ this.player = e
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "seat", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.player.seat
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ if (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.pais.length > 0) {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].model.destroy();
+ this.pais = []
+ }
+ this.mings = [],
+ this.hengs = [],
+ this.xOffset = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddMing = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0);
+ try {
+ this.mings.push(e);
+ for (var a = 0, r = new Array, s = 0; s < e.pais.length; s++) {
+ r.push(new t.ViewPai(e.pais[s],t.DesktopMgr.Inst.CreatePai3D(e.pais[s]))),
+ this.pais.push(r[s]),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.showingPaopai && (r[s].ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(r[s].val)),
+ r[s].OnChoosedPai();
+ var o = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_shadow.clone();
+ r[s].model.addChild(o),
+ o.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ o.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ o.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ o.active = !0
+ }
+ var l = 0;
+ if (e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.shunzi) {
+ for (var h = new Array, c = -1, s = 0; s < 3; s++)
+ e.from[s] != this.seat ? c = s : h.push(s);
+ h = h.sort(function(t, i) {
+ return -mjcore.MJPai.Distance(e.pais[t], e.pais[i])
+ }),
+ -1 != c && h.push(c),
+ l = h[0];
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
+ var _ = h[s]
+ , u = r[_];
+ this.origin.parent.addChild(u.model),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition = this.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ e.from[_] != this.seat ? (this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * 1.02,
+ u.ShowRot(),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.z -= .5 * (t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT - t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH),
+ a = this.xOffset,
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * 1.02) : (this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02,
+ u.ShowUp(),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02)
+ }
+ } else if (e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.kezi || e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming) {
+ for (var h = new Array, s = 0; s < e.pais.length; s++)
+ h.push(s);
+ for (s = 0; s < e.pais.length; s++)
+ if (e.from[s] != this.seat) {
+ var d = 0
+ , f = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(this.seat);
+ switch ((t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(e.from[s]) - f + 4) % 4) {
+ case 1:
+ d = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ d = e.pais.length - 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ d = e.pais.length - 1
+ }
+ var p = h[s];
+ h[s] = h[d],
+ h[d] = p;
+ break
+ }
+ l = h[0];
+ for (s = 0; s < e.pais.length; s++) {
+ var _ = h[s]
+ , u = r[_];
+ this.origin.parent.addChild(u.model),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition = this.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ e.from[_] != this.seat ? (this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * 1.02,
+ u.ShowRot(),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.z -= .5 * (t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT - t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) * 1.02,
+ a = this.xOffset,
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT * 1.02) : (this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02,
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ u.ShowUp(),
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02)
+ }
+ } else {
+ l = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
+ u = r[_ = s];
+ 1 == s && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetLastQiPai(this.player.seat, u),
+ app.Log.log("======= SetLastQiPai")),
+ this.origin.parent.addChild(u.model),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition = this.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ 1 == s || 2 == s ? (this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02,
+ u.ShowUp(),
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ a = this.xOffset,
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02) : (this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02,
+ u.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ u.ShowBack(),
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02)
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.hengs.push(a),
+ i) {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(209);
+ var m = new Laya.Sprite3D;
+ this.origin.parent.addChild(m),
+ m.transform.localPosition = r[l].model.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ m.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ m.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1);
+ for (var g = [], y = r[l].model.transform.localPosition.clone(), s = 0; s < r.length; s++) {
+ var v = r[s].model.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ g.push(new Laya.Vector3(v.x - y.x,v.y - y.y,v.z - y.z))
+ }
+ for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ m.addChild(r[s].model),
+ r[s].model.transform.localPosition = g[s].clone();
+ var b = m.transform.position.clone();
+ this.player.hand3d.transform.position = b.clone();
+ this.player.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(m),
+ m.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ m.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111),
+ m.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(-90,0,0);
+ var w = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Fulu", this.player.hand_type);
+ this.player.playHandAnimtion(w),
+ m.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(w.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ m.active = !0
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(w.keypoint[1], this, function() {
+ try {
+ n.origin.parent.addChild(m),
+ m.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ m.transform.position = b,
+ m.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1);
+ for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
+ n.origin.parent.addChild(r[i].model);
+ var a = r[i].model.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ a.x += y.x,
+ a.y += y.y,
+ a.z += y.z,
+ r[i].model.transform.localPosition = a
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ } catch (t) {
+ var s = {};
+ s.error = t.message,
+ s.stack = t.stack,
+ s.method = "AddMing2",
+ s.ming = e.toString(),
+ s.class = "Block_Ming",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(s)
+ }
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(33, this, function() {
+ try {
+ if (null == m || m.destroyed)
+ return;
+ var t = new game.EffectBase("scene/effect_mingpai_default.lh");
+ n.origin.parent.addChild(t.root),
+ t.root.transform.worldMatrix = m.transform.worldMatrix.clone(),
+ t.root.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(180,0,0),
+ t.root.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, t, function() {
+ m && !m.destroyed && (t.root.transform.worldMatrix = m.transform.worldMatrix.clone(),
+ t.root.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(180,0,0))
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, t, function() {
+ t && (Laya.timer.clearAll(t),
+ t.destroy()),
+ m && m.destroy()
+ })
+ } catch (t) {
+ var i = {};
+ i.error = t.message,
+ i.stack = t.stack,
+ i.method = "AddMing4",
+ i.ming = e.toString(),
+ i.class = "Block_Ming",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(i)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ } catch (t) {
+ var x = {};
+ x.error = t.message,
+ x.stack = t.stack,
+ x.method = "AddMing",
+ x.ming = e.toString(),
+ x.class = "Block_Ming",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(x)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddGang = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0);
+ for (var a = function(a) {
+ if (r.mings[a].type == mjcore.E_Ming.kezi && 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(r.mings[a].pais[0], e)) {
+ r.mings[a].type = mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming,
+ r.mings[a].pais.push(e.Clone()),
+ r.mings[a].from.push(r.player.seat);
+ var s = new t.ViewPai(e,t.DesktopMgr.Inst.CreatePai3D(e));
+ r.origin.parent.addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.localPosition = r.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ s.ShowRot(),
+ s.model.transform.localPosition.x -= r.hengs[a],
+ s.model.transform.localPosition.z = s.model.transform.localPosition.z - .5 * (t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT - t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH) * 1.02 + 1.02 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetLastQiPai(r.player.seat, s),
+ r.pais.push(s),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.showingPaopai && (s.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(s.val)),
+ s.OnChoosedPai();
+ var o = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_shadow.clone();
+ if (s.model.addChild(o),
+ o.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ o.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ o.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ o.active = !0,
+ i) {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(209);
+ var l = new Laya.Sprite3D;
+ r.origin.parent.addChild(l),
+ l.transform.localPosition = s.model.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ l.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ l.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1);
+ var h = s.model.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ l.addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0);
+ var c = l.transform.position.clone();
+ r.player.hand3d.transform.position = c.clone();
+ r.player.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(l),
+ l.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ l.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111),
+ l.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(-90,0,0);
+ var _ = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Fulu", r.player.hand_type);
+ r.player.playHandAnimtion(_),
+ l.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(_.keypoint[0], r, function() {
+ l.active = !0
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(_.keypoint[1], r, function() {
+ n.origin.parent.addChild(l),
+ l.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ l.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ l.transform.position = c,
+ n.origin.parent.addChild(s.model),
+ s.model.transform.localPosition = h,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(33, r, function() {
+ if (null != l && !l.destroyed) {
+ var t = new game.EffectBase("scene/effect_mingpai_default.lh");
+ n.origin.parent.addChild(t.root),
+ t.root.transform.worldMatrix = l.transform.worldMatrix.clone(),
+ t.root.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(180,0,0),
+ t.root.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, t, function() {
+ l && !l.destroyed && (t.root.transform.worldMatrix = l.transform.worldMatrix.clone(),
+ t.root.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(180,0,0))
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, t, function() {
+ t && (Laya.timer.clearAll(t),
+ t.destroy()),
+ l && l.destroy()
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ return "break"
+ }
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < this.mings.length; s++) {
+ if ("break" === a(s))
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnDoraRefresh = function() {
+ if (null != this.pais)
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].RefreshDora()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnChoosedPai = function() {
+ if (null != this.pais)
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.Block_Ming = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ this.origin = null,
+ this.player = null,
+ this.xOffset = 0,
+ this.pais = new Array,
+ this.origin = t,
+ this.xOffset = 0,
+ this.player = e
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "seat", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.player.seat
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ if (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.pais.length > 0) {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].model.destroy();
+ this.pais = []
+ }
+ this.xOffset = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.AddBabei = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0);
+ try {
+ var r = new t.ViewPai(e,t.DesktopMgr.Inst.CreatePai3D(e));
+ this.pais.push(r),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.showingPaopai && (r.ismoqie = i,
+ r.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(r.val)),
+ r.OnChoosedPai();
+ var s = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_shadow.clone();
+ r.model.addChild(s),
+ s.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,.5 * -t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS),
+ s.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.53 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH,1,.53 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT),
+ s.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(90,0,0),
+ s.active = !0;
+ if (this.origin.parent.addChild(r.model),
+ r.model.transform.localPosition = this.origin.transform.localPosition.clone(),
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02,
+ r.ShowUp(),
+ r.model.transform.localPosition.x -= this.xOffset,
+ this.xOffset += .5 * t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH * 1.02,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetLastQiPai(this.player.seat, r),
+ n) {
+ var o = r.model.transform.localPosition.clone()
+ , l = r.model.transform.position.clone();
+ this.player.hand3d.transform.position = l.clone();
+ this.player.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(r.model),
+ r.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111),
+ r.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ r.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0);
+ var h = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Dapai", this.player.hand_type);
+ this.player.playHandAnimtion(h),
+ Laya.timer.once(h.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(207)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(h.keypoint[1], this, function() {
+ r && r.model && !r.model.destroyed && (a.origin.parent.addChild(r.model),
+ r.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ r.ShowUp(),
+ r.model.transform.localPosition = o)
+ }),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ }
+ } catch (t) {
+ var c = {};
+ c.error = t.message,
+ c.stack = t.stack,
+ c.method = "Babei",
+ c.class = "Block_Babei",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(c)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnDoraRefresh = function() {
+ if (null != this.pais)
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].RefreshDora()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnChoosedPai = function() {
+ if (null != this.pais)
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.pais.length; t++)
+ this.pais[t].OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.Block_Babei = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.lobby = 1] = "lobby",
+ t[t.mj = 2] = "mj",
+ t[t.lizhi = 3] = "lizhi"
+ }(e = t.E_Bgm_Type || (t.E_Bgm_Type = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function i() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(i, "bgm_lobby_list", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = [];
+ return cfg.audio.bgm.forEach(function(i) {
+ if ("lobby" == i.type && (!i.unlock_item || 0 != uiscript.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.unlock_item))) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.baned_bgm_lobby_list.length; n++)
+ if (t.baned_bgm_lobby_list[n] == i.path)
+ return;
+ e.push(i.path)
+ }
+ }),
+ e
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "bgm_mj_list", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = [];
+ return cfg.audio.bgm.forEach(function(i) {
+ if ("mj" == i.type && (!i.unlock_item || 0 != uiscript.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.unlock_item))) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.baned_bgm_mj_list.length; n++)
+ if (t.baned_bgm_mj_list[n] == i.path)
+ return;
+ e.push(i.path)
+ }
+ }),
+ e
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.init = function() {
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("baned_bgm_lobby_list" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ this.baned_bgm_lobby_list = [],
+ t && "" != t && (this.baned_bgm_lobby_list = t.split(",")),
+ this.bgm_lobby_mode = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("bgm_lobby_mode" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)),
+ this.bgm_lobby_mode && "" != this.bgm_lobby_mode || (this.bgm_lobby_mode = "list");
+ var i = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("baned_bgm_mj_list" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ this.baned_bgm_mj_list = [],
+ i && "" != i && (this.baned_bgm_mj_list = i.split(",")),
+ this.bgm_mj_mode = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("bgm_mj_mode" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)),
+ this.bgm_mj_mode && "" != this.bgm_mj_mode || (this.bgm_mj_mode = "list"),
+ this.type = e.none,
+ this.playing_bgm = ""
+ }
+ ,
+ i.saveConfig = function() {
+ for (var t = "", e = 0; e < this.baned_bgm_lobby_list.length; e++)
+ 0 != e && (t += ","),
+ t += this.baned_bgm_lobby_list[e];
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(game.Tools.eeesss("baned_bgm_lobby_list" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id), t);
+ for (var i = "", e = 0; e < this.baned_bgm_mj_list.length; e++)
+ 0 != e && (i += ","),
+ i += this.baned_bgm_mj_list[e];
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(game.Tools.eeesss("baned_bgm_mj_list" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id), i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.stopBgm = function(i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1e3),
+ this.type == e.lizhi && (this.type = e.none),
+ this.playing_bgm = "",
+ t.AudioMgr.StopMusic(i),
+ uiscript.UI_Config.Inst && uiscript.UI_Config.Inst.onBgmChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onHandStop = function() {
+ var t = [];
+ if (this.type == e.lobby ? t = this.bgm_lobby_list : this.type == e.mj && (t = this.bgm_mj_list),
+ 0 != t.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ if (t[i] != this.playing_bgm)
+ return void this.PlayLobbyBgm(t[i], !0, 0);
+ this.stopBgm(0)
+ } else
+ this.stopBgm(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onBgmPlayOver = function() {
+ this.type == e.lobby ? this.NextLobbyBgm() : this.type == e.mj && this.NextMJBgm()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onBgmChange = function(t, i) {
+ this.playing_bgm = t,
+ i && (this.type = e.lizhi),
+ uiscript.UI_Config.Inst && uiscript.UI_Config.Inst.onBgmChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.tryPlayBgm = function(i) {
+ return this.type != e.lizhi && (!t.AudioMgr.musicMuted && (t.AudioMgr.PlayMusic(i, 1e3, !0),
+ !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._RandNextIndex = function(t, e) {
+ if (0 == e)
+ return -1;
+ if (1 == e)
+ return 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * e);
+ if (n != t)
+ return n
+ }
+ return Math.floor(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.findIndexInLobby = function(t) {
+ if (!t || "" == t)
+ return -1;
+ for (var e = this.bgm_lobby_list, i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ if (e[i] == t)
+ return i;
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayLobbyBgm = function(i, n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1e3),
+ !n && "" != i && i == this.playing_bgm)
+ return !1;
+ this.type = e.lobby;
+ var r = this.findIndexInLobby(i)
+ , s = this.bgm_lobby_list;
+ if (-1 == r) {
+ if (0 == s.length)
+ return !1;
+ var o = Math.random();
+ r = Math.floor(o * s.length)
+ }
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayMusic(s[r], a, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.NextLobbyBgm = function() {
+ var t = this.bgm_lobby_list;
+ if (0 == t.length)
+ return !1;
+ var e = this.findIndexInLobby(this.playing_bgm);
+ return e = "list" == this.bgm_lobby_mode || e >= 0 ? (e + 1) % t.length : this._RandNextIndex(e, t.length),
+ this.PlayLobbyBgm(t[e], !0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.findIndexInMJ = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this.bgm_mj_list, i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ if (e[i] == t)
+ return i;
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayMJBgm = function(i, n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = ""),
+ void 0 === n && (n = !1),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 1e3),
+ !n && "" != i && i == this.playing_bgm)
+ return !1;
+ this.type = e.mj;
+ var r = this.findIndexInMJ(i)
+ , s = this.bgm_mj_list;
+ if (-1 == r) {
+ if (0 == s.length)
+ return !1;
+ r = Math.floor(Math.random() * s.length)
+ }
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayMusic(s[r], a, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.NextMJBgm = function() {
+ var t = this.bgm_mj_list;
+ if (0 == t.length)
+ return !1;
+ var e = this.findIndexInMJ(this.playing_bgm);
+ return e = "list" == this.bgm_mj_mode || e >= 0 ? (e + 1) % t.length : this._RandNextIndex(e, t.length),
+ this.PlayMJBgm(t[e], !0, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.baned_bgm_lobby_list = [],
+ i.bgm_lobby_mode = "list",
+ i.baned_bgm_mj_list = [],
+ i.bgm_mj_mode = "list",
+ i.playing_bgm = "",
+ i.type = e.none,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.BgmListMgr = i
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.start = 1] = "start",
+ t[t.during = 2] = "during",
+ t[t.end = 3] = "end"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function i() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(i, "suffix", {
+ get: function() {
+ return Laya.Browser.window.conch ? ".ogg" : ".mp3"
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.init = function() {
+ GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? Laya.SoundManager.autoStopMusic = !0 : Laya.SoundManager.autoStopMusic = !1,
+ Laya.SoundManager.autoReleaseSound = !1;
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("audioVolume");
+ if (t && "" != t) {
+ (r = parseFloat(t)) < 0 ? r = 0 : r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this._audioVolume = r
+ } else
+ this._audioVolume = 1;
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("musicVolume");
+ if (e && "" != e) {
+ (r = parseFloat(e)) < 0 ? r = 0 : r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this._music_volume = r
+ } else
+ this._music_volume = 1;
+ var i = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("yuyinVolume");
+ if (i && "" != i) {
+ (r = parseFloat(i)) < 0 ? r = 0 : r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this._character_all_volume = r
+ } else
+ this._character_all_volume = 1;
+ var n = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("teshuyuyinVolume");
+ if (n && "" != n) {
+ (r = parseFloat(n)) < 0 ? r = 0 : r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this._teshuyuyinVolume = r
+ } else
+ this._teshuyuyinVolume = this._character_all_volume;
+ var a = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("lizhiVolume");
+ if (a && "" != a) {
+ var r = parseFloat(a);
+ r < 0 ? r = 0 : r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this._lizhiVolume = r
+ } else
+ this._lizhiVolume = 1;
+ var s = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("audioMute");
+ this._audioMuted = !(!s || "" == s) && "true" == s;
+ var o = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("musicMute");
+ this.musicMuted = !(!o || "" == o) && "true" == o;
+ var l = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("lizhiMute");
+ this._lizhiMuted = !(!l || "" == l) && "true" == l;
+ var h = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("yuyinMute");
+ this._character_all_mute = !(!h || "" == h) && "true" == h;
+ var c = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("teshuyuyinMute");
+ this._teshuyuyinMuted = !(!c || "" == c) && "true" == c,
+ this._map_character_mute = {},
+ this._map_character_volume = {},
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayCharactorSound = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.charid
+ , a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(n);
+ if (a) {
+ for (var r = t.level, s = cfg.voice.sound.findGroup(a.sound), o = [], l = 0; l < s.length; l++)
+ s[l].type == e && (s[l].bond_limit && !t.is_upgraded || s[l].level_limit > r || o.push(l));
+ if (0 != o.length) {
+ var h = o[Math.floor(Math.random() * o.length)]
+ , c = a.sound_volume;
+ return c *= this.getCVvolume(n),
+ this.getCVmute(n) && (c = 0),
+ this.yuyinMuted && (c = 0),
+ c *= this.yuyinVolume,
+ {
+ words: s[h]["words_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ sound: this.PlaySound(s[h].path, c, i)
+ }
+ }
+ i && i.run()
+ } else
+ i && i.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayCharactorSound_Teshu = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.charid
+ , a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(n);
+ if (a) {
+ for (var r = t.level, s = cfg.voice.sound.findGroup(a.sound), o = [], l = 0; l < s.length; l++)
+ s[l].type == e && (s[l].bond_limit && !t.is_upgraded || s[l].level_limit > r || o.push(l));
+ if (0 != o.length) {
+ var h = o[Math.floor(Math.random() * o.length)]
+ , c = a.sound_volume;
+ return c *= this.getCVvolume(n),
+ this.getCVmute(n) && (c = 0),
+ (this.teshuyuyinMuted || this.yuyinMuted) && (c = 0),
+ c *= this.teshuyuyinVolume,
+ {
+ words: s[h]["words_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ sound: this.PlaySound(s[h].path, c, i)
+ }
+ }
+ i && i.run()
+ } else
+ i && i.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlaySound = function(t, e, i) {
+ this._audio_id;
+ this._audio_id++;
+ var n = this.suffix
+ , a = Laya.SoundManager.playSound(t + n, 1, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i && i.run(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(a)
+ }));
+ return a && (a.volume = e),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayAudio = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ this._audioMuted || 0 == this._audioVolume)
+ return -1;
+ var a = cfg.audio.audio.get(t);
+ if (!a)
+ return -1;
+ var r = this._audio_id;
+ this._audio_id++;
+ var s = this.suffix
+ , o = Laya.SoundManager.playSound(a.path + s, e, new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n._RemoveAudio(r)
+ }
+ ));
+ return o && (o.volume = this._audioVolume * i),
+ this._audio_list.push({
+ id: r,
+ audio: o
+ }),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ i._RemoveAudio = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._audio_list.length; e++)
+ if (this._audio_list[e].id == t) {
+ var i = this._audio_list[e];
+ this._audio_list[e] = this._audio_list[this._audio_list.length - 1],
+ this._audio_list[this._audio_list.length - 1] = i,
+ i.audio.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(i.audio),
+ this._audio_list.pop()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.StopAudio = function(t) {
+ this._RemoveAudio(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayMusic = function(t, e, i) {
+ return void 0 === e && (e = 1e3),
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ !(!i && this._current_music == t) && (!(!this.lizhiMuted && this._current_lizhi_bgm) && (this._current_music = t,
+ this.onMusicChange(e),
+ !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.StopMusic = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 1e3),
+ this._current_music = "",
+ this._current_lizhi_bgm = "",
+ this._music && (t <= 0 ? (this._music.stop(),
+ this._music = null,
+ this._music_state = e.none) : (this._music_state = e.end,
+ this._music_state_starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this._music_state_lifetime = t))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.PlayLiqiBgm = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = 1e3),
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1),
+ i || this._current_lizhi_bgm != t)
+ return this._current_lizhi_bgm = t,
+ this.onMusicChange(e),
+ !0
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "lizhiVolume", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._lizhiVolume
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ this._lizhiVolume = t,
+ this._music && this._music_state == e.during && this._playing_music == this._current_lizhi_bgm && (this._playing_music_volume = t),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("lizhiVolume", t.toString())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.setCVvolume = function(t, e) {
+ e = e < 0 ? 0 : e > 1 ? 1 : e,
+ this._map_character_volume[t] = e,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("characterVolume" + t, e.toString())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getCVvolume = function(t) {
+ if (!this._map_character_volume.hasOwnProperty(t.toString())) {
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("characterVolume" + t);
+ this._map_character_volume[t] = e && "" != e ? parseFloat(e) : 1
+ }
+ return this._map_character_volume[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setCVmute = function(t, e) {
+ this._map_character_mute[t] = e ? "true" : "false",
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("characterMute" + t, e ? "true" : "false")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getCVmute = function(t) {
+ if (!this._map_character_mute.hasOwnProperty(t.toString())) {
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("characterMute" + t);
+ this._map_character_mute[t] = e && "" != e ? e : "false"
+ }
+ return "true" == this._map_character_mute[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "audioVolume", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._audioVolume
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ this._audioVolume = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("audioVolume", t.toString())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "musicVolume", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._music_volume
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._music_volume = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("musicVolume", t.toString()),
+ this._music && this._music_state == e.during && this._playing_music == this._current_music && (this._playing_music_volume = t)
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "lizhiMuted", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._lizhiMuted
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._lizhiMuted = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("lizhiMute", t ? "true" : "false"),
+ this.onMusicChange()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "musicMuted", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._musicMuted
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._musicMuted = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("musicMute", t ? "true" : "false"),
+ this.onMusicChange()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "audioMuted", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._audioMuted
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._audioMuted = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("audioMute", t ? "true" : "false")
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "yuyinVolume", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._character_all_volume
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._character_all_volume = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("yuyinVolume", t.toString())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "yuyinMuted", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._character_all_mute
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._character_all_mute = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("yuyinMute", t ? "true" : "false")
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "teshuyuyinVolume", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._teshuyuyinVolume
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._teshuyuyinVolume = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("teshuyuyinVolume", t.toString())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "teshuyuyinMuted", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._teshuyuyinMuted
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._teshuyuyinMuted = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("teshuyuyinMute", t ? "true" : "false")
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.refresh_music_volume = function(t) {
+ this._music && this._music_state == e.during && (this._bgm_light = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onMusicChange = function(i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1e3);
+ var a = ""
+ , r = 0
+ , s = !1;
+ "" == a && !this.lizhiMuted && this._current_lizhi_bgm && (a = this._current_lizhi_bgm,
+ r = this.lizhiVolume,
+ s = !0),
+ "" == a && !this.musicMuted && this._current_music && (a = this._current_music,
+ r = this.musicVolume),
+ this._music && a == this._playing_music || (this._music && (this._music.stop(),
+ this._music = null),
+ a && (s ? (this._music = Laya.SoundManager.playMusic("audio/" + a, 0),
+ t.BgmListMgr.onBgmChange(a, !0)) : (this._music = Laya.SoundManager.playMusic("audio/" + a, 1, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._current_music = "",
+ n._playing_music = "",
+ t.BgmListMgr.onBgmPlayOver()
+ })),
+ t.BgmListMgr.onBgmChange(a, !1)),
+ this._music && (this._playing_music = a,
+ this._playing_music_volume = r,
+ this._music.volume = 0,
+ this._music_state = e.start,
+ this._music_state_starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this._music_state_lifetime = i)))
+ }
+ ,
+ i._update = function() {
+ if (this._music && this._music_state != e.none) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this._music_state_starttime;
+ if (this._music_state == e.start) {
+ if (t >= this._music_state_lifetime)
+ this._music_state = e.during,
+ this._music.volume = this._playing_music_volume;
+ else {
+ i = t / this._music_state_lifetime;
+ this._music.volume = this._playing_music_volume * i
+ }
+ this._bgm_light && (this._music.volume *= .1)
+ } else if (this._music_state == e.end) {
+ if (t >= this._music_state_lifetime)
+ this._music_state = e.none,
+ Laya.SoundManager.stopMusic(),
+ this._music = null;
+ else {
+ var i = t / this._music_state_lifetime;
+ this._music.volume = this._playing_music_volume * (1 - i)
+ }
+ this._bgm_light && (this._music.volume *= .1)
+ } else
+ this._bgm_light ? this._music.volume = .1 * this._playing_music_volume : this._music.volume = this._playing_music_volume
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._audio_id = 0,
+ i._audio_list = [],
+ i._audioVolume = 0,
+ i._audioMuted = !1,
+ i._music = null,
+ i._playing_music = "",
+ i._playing_music_volume = 0,
+ i._music_volume = 1,
+ i._musicMuted = !1,
+ i._current_music = "",
+ i._lizhiVolume = 0,
+ i._lizhiMuted = !1,
+ i._current_lizhi_bgm = "",
+ i._music_state = e.none,
+ i._music_state_starttime = 0,
+ i._music_state_lifetime = 0,
+ i._character_all_volume = 1,
+ i._character_all_mute = !1,
+ i._map_character_mute = {},
+ i._map_character_volume = {},
+ i._teshuyuyinVolume = 0,
+ i._teshuyuyinMuted = !1,
+ i._bgm_light = !1,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.AudioMgr = i
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(e, "currentTime", {
+ get: function() {
+ return Math.floor(Date.now() / 1e3)
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.time2YearMounthDate = function(t) {
+ var e = new Date(1e3 * t)
+ , i = "";
+ return i += e.getFullYear() + "/",
+ i += (e.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" : "") + (e.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "/",
+ i += (e.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + e.getDate()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.time2HourMinute = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ var i = new Date(1e3 * t)
+ , n = "";
+ return n += (i.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") + i.getHours() + ":",
+ n += (i.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + i.getMinutes(),
+ e && (n += ":",
+ n += (i.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" : "") + i.getSeconds()),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.time2Desc = function(e) {
+ var i = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1e3) - e;
+ if (i < 600)
+ return t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2013);
+ if (i < 3600) {
+ return (n = Math.floor(i / 10 / 60)).toString() + "0" + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2014)
+ }
+ if (i < 86400) {
+ return (n = Math.floor(i / 60 / 60)).toString() + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2015)
+ }
+ if (i < 604800) {
+ return (n = Math.floor(i / 24 / 60 / 60)).toString() + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2016)
+ }
+ if (i < 2419200) {
+ var n = Math.floor(i / 7 / 24 / 60 / 60);
+ return n.toString() + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2017)
+ }
+ return "1" + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2018)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.timelength2Desc = function(e) {
+ var i = ""
+ , n = e;
+ return n % 60 > 0 && (i = n % 60 + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2019)),
+ (n = Math.floor(n / 60)) % 60 > 0 && (i = n % 60 + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2020) + i),
+ (n = Math.floor(n / 60)) % 24 > 0 && (i = n % 24 + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2021) + i),
+ (n = Math.floor(n / 24)) > 0 && (i = n + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2022) + i),
+ "" == i && (i = "0" + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2019)),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.playState2Desc = function(e) {
+ if (!e)
+ return "";
+ if (!e.game_uuid || "" == e.game_uuid)
+ return "";
+ if (1 == e.category)
+ return t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2023);
+ if (2 == e.category && e.meta) {
+ var i = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(e.meta.mode_id);
+ if (i)
+ return i["room_name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ return 4 == e.category ? t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2025) : ""
+ }
+ ,
+ e.setGrayDisable = function(t, e) {
+ e ? (t.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ t.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(uiscript.GRAY_FILTER)]) : (t.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ t.filters = [])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.generateUUID = function() {
+ var t = (new Date).getTime();
+ return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(e) {
+ var i = (t + 16 * Math.random()) % 16 | 0;
+ return t = Math.floor(t / 16),
+ ("x" == e ? i : 3 & i | 8).toString(16)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "deviceInfo", {
+ get: function() {
+ var e = {};
+ e["client-version"] = t.ResourceVersion.version;
+ var i = [];
+ if (Laya.Browser.onIOS && i.push("iOS"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMac && i.push("mac"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIPad && i.push("iPad"),
+ (Laya.Browser.onAndriod || Laya.Browser.onAndroid) && i.push("android"),
+ Laya.Render.isConchApp ? i.push("onApp") : Laya.Browser.onPC && i.push("pc"),
+ i.length > 0) {
+ for (var n = "", a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ 0 != a && (n += "|"),
+ n += i[a];
+ e.device = n
+ } else
+ e.device = "unknown";
+ return e
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.strWithoutForbidden = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ var i = t;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var n = "0".charCodeAt(0), a = "a".charCodeAt(0), r = "A".charCodeAt(0), s = "", o = 0, l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
+ var h = t.charCodeAt(l);
+ if (!(h > 256) && !(h >= n && h < n + 10 || h >= r && h < r + 26 || h >= a && h < a + 26)) {
+ if (o < l) {
+ c = t.substring(o, l);
+ app.Taboo.test(c) ? s += "******" : s += c
+ }
+ s += t.charAt(l),
+ o = l + 1
+ }
+ }
+ if (o < t.length) {
+ var c = t.substring(o, t.length);
+ app.Taboo.test(c) ? s += "******" : s += c
+ }
+ return s
+ }
+ return app.Taboo.test(i) ? "******" : i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.isStrTaboo = function(t) {
+ var e = !1;
+ return cfg.info.forbidden.forEach(function(i, n) {
+ e || "" == i.word || t.indexOf(i.word) >= 0 && (e = !0)
+ }),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.faceOn = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ a.visible = !1;
+ var s = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(e);
+ if (s) {
+ a.skin = t.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(s.path + "/" + i + ".png");
+ var o = r.width / s[n + "_width"]
+ , l = r.height / s[n + "_height"];
+ a.anchorX = 0,
+ a.anchorY = 0,
+ a.width = s.face_width * o,
+ a.height = s.face_height * l,
+ a.x = (s.face_x - s[n + "_x"]) * o,
+ a.y = (s.face_y - s[n + "_y"]) * l,
+ a.visible = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.charaPart = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1);
+ var s = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(400101);
+ if (s) {
+ var o = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(e);
+ if (o) {
+ i.scaleX = 1,
+ i.width = a.width * o[n + "_width"] / s[n + "_width"],
+ i.height = a.height * o[n + "_height"] / s[n + "_height"],
+ i.x = a.x + (o[n + "_x"] - s[n + "_x"]) * a.width / s[n + "_width"] * i.scaleX,
+ i.y = a.y + (o[n + "_y"] - s[n + "_y"]) * a.height / s[n + "_height"] * i.scaleY;
+ var l = 1
+ , h = i.parent;
+ if (h && (l *= h.scaleX > 0 ? 1 : -1,
+ (h = h.parent) && (l *= h.scaleX > 0 ? 1 : -1)),
+ r && s.direction != o.direction && (i.scaleX = -1),
+ i.scaleX * l > 0 ? t.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(i, o.path + "/" + n + ".png") : o.no_reverse ? (i.scaleX *= -1,
+ t.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(i, o.path + "/reverse/" + n + ".png")) : t.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(i, o.path + "/" + n + ".png"),
+ i.scaleX < 0) {
+ var c = 0;
+ i.anchorX && (c = i.anchorX),
+ i.x += 2 * (o[n + "_center_x"] - c) * i.width
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.showRewards = function(e, i) {
+ for (var n = this, a = [], r = [], s = 0; s < e.rewards.length; s++)
+ 100099 != e.rewards[s].id && (100098 != e.rewards[s].id ? 6 == Math.floor(e.rewards[s].id / 1e5) ? r.push(e.rewards[s].id) : a.push(e.rewards[s]) : uiscript.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2024)));
+ var o = !1
+ , l = 0
+ , h = function() {
+ if (!o && a.length > 0)
+ return uiscript.UI_Getrewardextends.Inst.show(a, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ h()
+ })),
+ void (o = !0);
+ l < r.length ? uiscript.UI_Gettitle.Inst.show(r[l++], Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ h()
+ })) : i && i.run()
+ };
+ h()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.debugFetchMultiAccountBrief = function(t, e, i, n) {}
+ ,
+ e.room_mode_desc = function(e) {
+ var i = "";
+ switch (e) {
+ case 0:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2026);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2027);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2028);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2029);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2026);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2030);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2031);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2032);
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2033);
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ i = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2030)
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get_room_desc = function(e) {
+ if (!e)
+ return {
+ text: "",
+ isSimhei: !1
+ };
+ var i = "";
+ if (e.meta && e.meta.tournament_id) {
+ var n = cfg.tournament.tournaments.get(e.meta.tournament_id);
+ return n && (i = n.name),
+ {
+ text: i,
+ isSimhei: !0
+ }
+ }
+ if (1 == e.category)
+ i += t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2023) + "·";
+ else if (4 == e.category)
+ i += t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2025) + "·";
+ else if (2 == e.category) {
+ var a = e.meta;
+ if (a) {
+ var r = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(a.mode_id);
+ r && (i += r["room_name_" + GameMgr.client_language] + "·")
+ }
+ }
+ var s = e.mode.mode;
+ return i += this.room_mode_desc(s),
+ {
+ text: i,
+ isSimhei: !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get_chara_audio = function(t, e) {
+ if (e && "" != e) {
+ var i = t.charid
+ , n = cfg.item_definition.character.get(i);
+ if (!n)
+ return null;
+ for (var a = t.level, r = cfg.voice.sound.findGroup(n.sound), s = [], o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
+ r[o].type == e && r[o].level_limit <= a && s.push(o);
+ if (0 == s.length)
+ return null;
+ var l = s[Math.floor(Math.random() * s.length)]
+ , h = view.AudioMgr.getCVmute(n.id) ? 0 : view.AudioMgr.getCVvolume(n.id) * n.sound_volume;
+ return view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted ? h = 0 : h *= view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume,
+ {
+ path: r[l].path,
+ volume: h,
+ time_length: r[l].time_length
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.encode_account_id2 = function(t) {
+ var e = 67108863 & (t ^= 6139246);
+ return e = (511 & e) << 17 | e >> 9,
+ e = (511 & e) << 17 | e >> 9,
+ e = (511 & e) << 17 | e >> 9,
+ e = (511 & e) << 17 | e >> 9,
+ (e = (511 & e) << 17 | e >> 9) + (-67108864 & t) + 1e7
+ }
+ ,
+ e.decode_account_id2 = function(t) {
+ var e = 67108863 & (t -= 1e7);
+ return e = (131071 & e) << 9 | e >> 17,
+ e = (131071 & e) << 9 | e >> 17,
+ e = (131071 & e) << 9 | e >> 17,
+ e = (131071 & e) << 9 | e >> 17,
+ e = (131071 & e) << 9 | e >> 17,
+ (-67108864 & t) + e ^ 6139246
+ }
+ ,
+ e.encode_account_id = function(t) {
+ return 1358437 + (7 * t + 1117113 ^ 86216345)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.decode_account_id = function(t) {
+ return ((t - 1358437 ^ 86216345) - 1117113) / 7
+ }
+ ,
+ e.child_align_center = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t.numChildren; n++) {
+ if ((l = t.getChildAt(n)).visible) {
+ var a = l.width;
+ l instanceof Laya.Text ? a = l.textWidth : l instanceof Laya.Label && (a = l.textField.textWidth),
+ i.push(a * l.scaleX)
+ }
+ }
+ for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ r += i[n],
+ e && n < e.length && (r += e[n]);
+ for (var s = t.width / 2 - r / 2, o = 0, n = 0; n < t.numChildren; n++) {
+ var l = t.getChildAt(n);
+ l.visible && (l.x = s + l.pivotX * l.scaleX,
+ s += i[o],
+ e && o < e.length && (s += e[o]),
+ o++)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.sprite_align_center = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = [], a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ if ((h = t[a]).visible) {
+ var r = h.width;
+ h instanceof Laya.Text ? r = h.textWidth : h instanceof Laya.Label && (r = h.textField.textWidth),
+ n.push(r * h.scaleX)
+ }
+ }
+ for (var s = 0, a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ s += n[a],
+ i && a < i.length && (s += i[a]);
+ for (var o = e - s / 2, l = 0, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var h = t[a];
+ h.visible && (h.x = o + h.pivotX * h.scaleX,
+ o += n[l],
+ i && l < i.length && (o += i[l]),
+ l++)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.build_char_map = function() {
+ if (!this.char_map) {
+ for (var t = [], e = "a".charCodeAt(0), i = 0; i < 26; i++)
+ t.push(String.fromCharCode(e + i));
+ for (var n = "A".charCodeAt(0), i = 0; i < 26; i++)
+ t.push(String.fromCharCode(n + i));
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ t.push(i.toString());
+ for (var a = "!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[]|:;<>,.?/~", i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
+ t.push(a[i]);
+ this.char_lst = t,
+ this.char_map = {};
+ for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ this.char_map[t[i]] = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.eeesss = function(t) {
+ this.build_char_map();
+ for (var e = "", i = (Math.floor(t.length / 3) + 17) % t.length, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var a = 2 + 3 * n ^ 11
+ , r = t[(i - n + 2 * t.length) % t.length]
+ , s = this.char_map[r];
+ e += null != s ? this.char_lst[(s + a) % this.char_lst.length] : r
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.dddsss = function(t) {
+ if (!t)
+ return t;
+ this.build_char_map();
+ for (var e = "", i = (Math.floor(t.length / 3) + 17) % t.length, n = [], a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var r = 2 + 3 * a ^ 11
+ , s = t[a]
+ , o = this.char_map[s];
+ null != o ? n.push(this.char_lst[(o - r + 2 * this.char_lst.length) % this.char_lst.length]) : n.push(s)
+ }
+ for (a = i; a >= 0; a--)
+ e += n[a];
+ for (a = t.length - 1; a > i; a--)
+ e += n[a];
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.open_new_window = function(t) {
+ var e = document.createElement("a");
+ e.href = t,
+ e.target = "_blank",
+ e.click(),
+ e.remove()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.formPost = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !1);
+ var n = document.createElement("form");
+ n.action = t,
+ n.target = i ? "_self" : "_blank",
+ n.method = "post",
+ n.style.display = "none";
+ for (var a in e) {
+ var r = document.createElement("textarea");
+ r.name = a,
+ r.value = e[a],
+ n.appendChild(r)
+ }
+ document.body.appendChild(n),
+ n.submit(),
+ n.remove()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.base64ToBlob = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = t.split(","), n = i[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1] || e, a = window.atob(i[1]), r = new ArrayBuffer(a.length), s = new Uint8Array(r), o = 0; o < a.length; o++)
+ s[o] = a.charCodeAt(o);
+ return new Blob([r],{
+ type: n
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.stringContainerSub = function(t, e) {
+ if (!e || "" == e)
+ return !0;
+ if (!t || "" == t)
+ return !1;
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ if (t.charAt(n) == e.charAt(i) && ++i >= e.length)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.strOfLocalization = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = []);
+ var i = cfg.str.str.find(t)[GameMgr.client_language];
+ if (e)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
+ var a = "{" + n + "}";
+ i = i.replace(a, e[n])
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.deal_gateway = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
+ e.push(i),
+ e[i] = e[n],
+ e[n] = i
+ }
+ for (var a = {}, r = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ var s = t[e[i]]
+ , o = s.split(":");
+ if (2 == o.length) {
+ var l = o[0];
+ a[l] || (a[l] = 0),
+ a[l] < 2 && (a[l]++,
+ r.push(s))
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ e.localUISrc = function(t) {
+ return "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (t = GameMgr.client_language + "/" + t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.labelLocalizationPosition = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.textField.textWidth;
+ t.x = a > i ? e + (a - i) / 2 * t.scaleX * (n ? 1 : -1) : e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.labelLocalizationSize = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = t.textField.textWidth;
+ if (n > e) {
+ var a = n / e;
+ t.width = e * a,
+ t.scaleX = t.scaleY = i / a
+ } else
+ t.width = e,
+ t.scaleX = t.scaleY = i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ToCDB = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ 12288 != t.charCodeAt(i) ? t.charCodeAt(i) > 65280 && t.charCodeAt(i) < 65375 ? e += String.fromCharCode(t.charCodeAt(i) - 65248) : e += String.fromCharCode(t.charCodeAt(i)) : e += String.fromCharCode(t.charCodeAt(i) - 12256);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ToDBC = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ 32 == t.charCodeAt(i) && (e += String.fromCharCode(12288)),
+ t.charCodeAt(i) < 127 && (e += String.fromCharCode(t.charCodeAt(i) + 65248));
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get_zone_id = function(t) {
+ if (0 == t)
+ return 0;
+ var e = t >> 23;
+ return e >= 0 && e <= 6 ? 1 : e >= 7 && e <= 12 ? 2 : e >= 13 && e <= 15 ? 3 : -1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.is_same_zone = function(t, e) {
+ if (0 == t || 0 == e)
+ return !0;
+ var i = this.get_zone_id(t)
+ , n = this.get_zone_id(e);
+ return -1 != i && -1 != n && i == n
+ }
+ ,
+ e.titleLocalization = function(t, e) {
+ return e && this.is_same_zone(GameMgr.Inst.account_id, t) ? e : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.calu_word_length = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ t.charCodeAt(i) > 255 ? e += 2 : e += 1;
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.encode_email = function(t) {
+ var e = t.indexOf("@");
+ if (e < 0)
+ return t;
+ var i = "";
+ i += e < 2 ? t.substr(0, e) : t.substr(0, 2);
+ for (var n = 0; n < 6; n++)
+ i += "*";
+ return i += t.substr(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.encode_phonenumber = function(t) {
+ return t.substr(0, 2) + "******" + t.substr(t.length - 4)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.pending_email_vaild = function(t) {
+ return /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.pending_phonenumber_valid = function(t) {
+ if (!t || 11 != t.length)
+ return !1;
+ for (var e = "0".charCodeAt(0), i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.charCodeAt(i) - e;
+ if (n < 0 || n >= 10)
+ return !1
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.isPassedRefreshTime = function(t) {
+ return Math.floor((t + 10800) / 86400) === Math.floor((Math.floor(Date.now() / 1e3) + 10800) / 86400)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.ParseTime = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = "0".charCodeAt(0), n = 0, a = !1, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
+ var s = t.charCodeAt(r) - i;
+ s >= 0 && s <= 9 ? (a = !0,
+ n = 10 * n + s) : a && (a = !1,
+ e.push(n),
+ n = 0)
+ }
+ a && e.push(n);
+ var o = new Date;
+ o.setUTCFullYear(e[0], e[1] - 1, e[2]),
+ o.setUTCHours(e[3], e[4], e[5], 0);
+ var l = o.getTime();
+ if (e.length >= 7) {
+ var h = 3600 * e[6] * 1e3;
+ "+" == t[t.length - 3] ? l -= h : l += h
+ }
+ return l
+ }
+ ,
+ e.CannotPay = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.GetNodeByNameInChildren = function(t, e) {
+ if (t.name == e)
+ return t;
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.numChildren; i++) {
+ var n = this.GetNodeByNameInChildren(t.getChildAt(i), e);
+ if (null != n)
+ return n
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.SetNickname = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.getChildByName("name")
+ , n = t.getChildByName("vip_tag");
+ i.width = t.width;
+ var a = e.nickname;
+ e.account_id && !this.is_same_zone(GameMgr.Inst.account_id, e.account_id) && null != app.Taboo.test(a) && (a = this.strOfLocalization(3060));
+ var r = 0
+ , s = "";
+ if (this.calu_word_length(a) > 16) {
+ for (var o = 0; o < a.length && (a.charCodeAt(o) > 255 ? r += 2 : r += 1,
+ s += a.charAt(o),
+ !(r >= 14)); o++)
+ ;
+ s += ".."
+ } else
+ s = a;
+ i.text = s,
+ i.scaleX = i.scaleY = 1,
+ i.width = i.textField.textWidth;
+ var l = i.width;
+ if (e.verified ? (n.visible = !0,
+ l += n.width,
+ n.scaleX = n.scaleY = 1) : n.visible = !1,
+ l > t.width) {
+ var h = l / t.width;
+ i.scaleX = i.scaleY = h,
+ n.scaleX = n.scaleY = h,
+ l = t.width
+ }
+ if ("left" == i.align)
+ i.x = 0,
+ n.x = i.width * i.scaleX;
+ else {
+ this.child_align_center(t);
+ var c = t.width / 2;
+ i.x = c - l / 2,
+ n.x = i.x + i.width * i.scaleX
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.money2Desc = function(e) {
+ if (e < 1e6)
+ return e.toString();
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "jp" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ if (e < 1e8) {
+ for (var i = (e / 1e4).toFixed(3), n = 0, a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ if ("." == i[a]) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ return (i = n >= 4 ? i.substr(0, 4) : i.substr(0, 5)) + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2148)
+ }
+ for (var i = (e / 1e8).toFixed(3), n = 0, a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ if ("." == i[a]) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ return (i = n >= 4 ? i.substr(0, 4) : i.substr(0, 5)) + t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2149)
+ }
+ if (e < 1e9) {
+ for (var i = (e / 1e6).toFixed(3), n = 0, a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ if ("." == i[a]) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ return (i = n >= 4 ? i.substr(0, 4) : i.substr(0, 5)) + "M"
+ }
+ for (var i = (e / 1e9).toFixed(3), n = 0, a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ if ("." == i[a]) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ return (i = n >= 4 ? i.substr(0, 4) : i.substr(0, 5)) + "B"
+ }
+ ,
+ e.during_chat_close = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.get_platform_currency = function() {
+ var t = [];
+ return GameMgr.inGooglePlay && t.push(1),
+ GameMgr.inChina && (t.push(2),
+ t.push(6)),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && t.push(7),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.EncodePaipuUUID = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = "0".charCodeAt(0), n = "a".charCodeAt(0), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var r = t.charAt(a)
+ , s = r.charCodeAt(0)
+ , o = -1;
+ s >= i && s < i + 10 ? o = s - i : s >= n && s < n + 26 && (o = s - n + 10),
+ e += -1 != o ? (o = (o + 17 + a) % 36) < 10 ? String.fromCharCode(o + i) : String.fromCharCode(o + n - 10) : r
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.DecodePaipuUUID = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", i = "0".charCodeAt(0), n = "a".charCodeAt(0), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var r = t.charAt(a)
+ , s = r.charCodeAt(0)
+ , o = -1;
+ s >= i && s < i + 10 ? o = s - i : s >= n && s < n + 26 && (o = s - n + 10),
+ e += -1 != o ? (o = (o + 55 - a) % 36) < 10 ? String.fromCharCode(o + i) : String.fromCharCode(o + n - 10) : r
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.debugfetchcd = 0,
+ e.char_lst = null,
+ e.char_map = null,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.Tools = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.loading = 1] = "loading",
+ t[t.loaded = 2] = "loaded"
+ }(e = t.E_LoadState || (t.E_LoadState = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._active = !1,
+ this._load_state = e.none
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "active", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._active
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._active = t,
+ this._active ? this.onEnable() : this.onDisable()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "load_state", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._load_state
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t
+ }();
+ t.SceneBase = i
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return Object.defineProperty(e, "version", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._version
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.init = function(e) {
+ this._manifest = {},
+ t.LoadMgr.httpload("version.json", "json", !0, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onManifestLoaded, [e])),
+ Laya.URL.customFormat = this.formatURL
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onManifestLoaded = function(e, i) {
+ if (i.success) {
+ app.Log.log("version.json加载成功");
+ var n = i.data;
+ this._version = n.version,
+ t.LoadMgr.httpload("resversion" + this._version + ".json", "json", !1, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onResVersionLoaded, [e]))
+ } else
+ app.Log.log("version.json加载失败"),
+ e.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.onResVersionLoaded = function(t, e) {
+ if (e.success) {
+ app.Log.log("Resversion.json加载成功");
+ var i = e.data;
+ for (var n in i.res)
+ this._manifest[n] = i.res[n].prefix
+ } else
+ app.Log.log("Resversion.json加载失败");
+ t.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.formatURL = function(t) {
+ return e._manifest.hasOwnProperty(t) ? e._manifest[t] + "/" + t : t
+ }
+ ,
+ e._manifest = {},
+ e._version = "0.0.0",
+ e
+ }();
+ t.ResourceVersion = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.urls = [],
+ this.link_index = -1,
+ this.connect_state = t.EConnectState.none,
+ this.reconnect_count = 0,
+ this.reconnect_span = [500, 1e3, 3e3, 6e3, 1e4, 15e3],
+ this.playerreconnect = !1,
+ this.lasterrortime = 0,
+ this.load_over = !1,
+ this.loaded_player_count = 0,
+ this.real_player_count = 0,
+ this.is_ob = !1,
+ this.ob_token = "",
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyPlayerLoadGameReady", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyPlayerLoadGameReady: " + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.loaded_player_count = t.ready_id_list.length,
+ e.load_over && uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.enable && uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.showLoadCount(e.loaded_player_count, e.real_player_count)
+ }))
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(e, "Inst", {
+ get: function() {
+ return null == this._Inst ? this._Inst = new e : this._Inst
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.OpenConnect = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.show("enter_mj"),
+ t.Scene_Lobby.Inst && t.Scene_Lobby.Inst.active && (t.Scene_Lobby.Inst.active = !1),
+ this.Close(),
+ view.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ this.is_ob = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ s.url = "",
+ s.token = e,
+ s.game_uuid = i,
+ s.server_location = n,
+ GameMgr.Inst.ingame = !0,
+ GameMgr.Inst.mj_server_location = n,
+ GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_token = e,
+ GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_uuid = i,
+ s.playerreconnect = a,
+ s._setState(t.EConnectState.tryconnect),
+ s.load_over = !1,
+ s.loaded_player_count = 0,
+ s.real_player_count = 0,
+ s._fetch_gateway(0)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Close = function() {
+ this.load_over = !1,
+ app.Log.log("MJNetMgr close"),
+ this._setState(t.EConnectState.none),
+ app.NetAgent.Close2MJ(),
+ this.url = ""
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._OnConnent = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("MJNetMgr _OnConnent event:" + e),
+ e == Laya.Event.CLOSE || e == Laya.Event.ERROR ? Laya.timer.currTimer - this.lasterrortime > 100 && (this.lasterrortime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.connect_state == t.EConnectState.tryconnect ? this._try_to_linknext() : this.connect_state == t.EConnectState.connecting ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active ? (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.duringReconnect = !0,
+ this._setState(t.EConnectState.reconnecting),
+ this.reconnect_count = 0,
+ this._Reconnect()) : (this._setState(t.EConnectState.disconnect),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2008)),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()) : this.connect_state == t.EConnectState.reconnecting && this._Reconnect()) : e == Laya.Event.OPEN && (this.connect_state != t.EConnectState.tryconnect && this.connect_state != t.EConnectState.reconnecting || (this._setState(t.EConnectState.connecting),
+ this.is_ob ? this._ConnectSuccessOb() : this._ConnectSuccess()))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._Reconnect = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == t.EConnectState.none || t.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == t.EConnectState.disconnect ? this._setState(t.EConnectState.disconnect) : t.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == t.EConnectState.connecting && GameMgr.Inst.logined ? this.reconnect_count >= this.reconnect_span.length ? this._setState(t.EConnectState.disconnect) : (Laya.timer.once(this.reconnect_span[this.reconnect_count], this, function() {
+ e.connect_state == t.EConnectState.reconnecting && (app.Log.log("MJNetMgr reconnect count:" + e.reconnect_count),
+ app.NetAgent.connect2MJ(e.url, Laya.Handler.create(e, e._OnConnent, null, !1), "local" == e.server_location ? "/game-gateway" : "/game-gateway-zone"))
+ }),
+ this.reconnect_count++) : Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, this._Reconnect)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._try_to_linknext = function() {
+ this.link_index++,
+ this.url = "",
+ app.Log.log("mj _try_to_linknext(" + this.link_index + ") url.length=" + this.urls.length),
+ this.link_index < 0 || this.link_index >= this.urls.length ? (this._setState(t.EConnectState.none),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(59)),
+ this._SendDebugInfo(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst && !view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active && t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()) : (app.NetAgent.connect2MJ(this.urls[this.link_index].url, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._OnConnent, null, !1), "local" == this.server_location ? "/game-gateway" : "/game-gateway-zone"),
+ this.url = this.urls[this.link_index].url)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._fetch_gateway = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.urls = [],
+ this.link_index = -1,
+ app.Log.log("mj _fetch_gateway retry_count:" + e);
+ !function(n) {
+ var a = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ a.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, i, function(n) {
+ !function(n) {
+ var a = JSON.parse(n);
+ if (app.Log.log("mj _fetch_gateway func_success data = " + n),
+ a.maintenance)
+ i._setState(t.EConnectState.none),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2009)),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active || t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut();
+ else if (a.servers && a.servers.length > 0) {
+ for (var r = a.servers, s = t.Tools.deal_gateway(r), o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
+ i.urls.push({
+ name: "___" + o,
+ url: s[o]
+ });
+ i.link_index = -1,
+ i._try_to_linknext()
+ } else
+ e < 1 ? Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ i._fetch_gateway(e + 1)
+ }) : (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(60)),
+ i._SendDebugInfo(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst && !view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active && t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut(),
+ i._setState(t.EConnectState.none))
+ }(n)
+ }),
+ a.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, i, function(n) {
+ app.Log.log("mj _fetch_gateway func_error"),
+ e < 1 ? Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ i._fetch_gateway(e + 1)
+ }) : (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(58)),
+ i._SendDebugInfo(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active || t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut(),
+ i._setState(t.EConnectState.none))
+ });
+ var r = [];
+ r.push("If-Modified-Since"),
+ r.push("0"),
+ n += "?service=ws-game-gateway",
+ GameMgr.inHttps ? n += "&protocol=ws&ssl=true" : n += "&protocol=ws&ssl=false",
+ n += "&location=" + i.server_location,
+ n += "&rv=" + Math.floor(1e7 * Math.random()) + Math.floor(1e7 * Math.random()),
+ a.send(n, "", "get", "text", r),
+ app.Log.log("mj _fetch_gateway func_fetch url = " + n)
+ }(t.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.lb_url)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._setState = function(e) {
+ this.connect_state = e,
+ GameMgr.inRelease || null != uiscript.UI_Common.Inst && (e == t.EConnectState.none ? uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.text = "" : e == t.EConnectState.tryconnect ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.text = "尝试连接麻将服务器",
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.color = "#000000") : e == t.EConnectState.connecting ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.text = "麻将服务器:正常",
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.color = "#00ff00") : e == t.EConnectState.disconnect ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.text = "麻将服务器:断开连接",
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.color = "#ff0000",
+ uiscript.UI_Disconnect.Inst && uiscript.UI_Disconnect.Inst.show()) : e == t.EConnectState.reconnecting && (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.text = "麻将服务器:正在重连",
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_mj.color = "#ff0000",
+ uiscript.UI_Disconnect.Inst && uiscript.UI_Disconnect.Inst.show()))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._ConnectSuccess = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.Log.log("MJNetMgr _ConnectSuccess "),
+ this.load_over = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "authGame", {
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ token: this.token,
+ game_uuid: this.game_uuid
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("authGame", i, n),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd(),
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm();
+ else {
+ app.Log.log("麻将桌验证通过:" + JSON.stringify(n)),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.1);
+ var a = [];
+ view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state = n.state_list;
+ var r = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)
+ , s = n.game_config.mode;
+ view.ERuleMode.Liqi4;
+ s.mode < 10 ? (view.ERuleMode.Liqi4,
+ e.real_player_count = 4) : s.mode < 20 && (view.ERuleMode.Liqi3,
+ e.real_player_count = 3);
+ for (h = 0; h < e.real_player_count; h++)
+ a.push(null);
+ s.extendinfo && (r = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)),
+ s.detail_rule && s.detail_rule.ai_level && (1 === s.detail_rule.ai_level && (r = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)),
+ 2 === s.detail_rule.ai_level && (r = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)));
+ for (var o = t.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(), l = t.GameUtility.get_default_ai_character(), h = 0; h < n.seat_list.length; h++) {
+ var c = n.seat_list[h];
+ if (0 == c)
+ a[h] = {
+ nickname: r,
+ avatar_id: o,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101
+ },
+ character: {
+ charid: l,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: o,
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ }
+ };
+ else {
+ 0;
+ for (var _ = 0; _ < n.players.length; _++)
+ if (n.players[_].account_id == c) {
+ a[h] = n.players[_];
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (h = 0; h < e.real_player_count; h++)
+ null == a[h] && (a[h] = {
+ account: 0,
+ nickname: t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2010),
+ avatar_id: o,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101
+ },
+ character: {
+ charid: l,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: o,
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ }
+ });
+ e.loaded_player_count = n.ready_id_list.length,
+ e._AuthSuccess(a, n.is_game_start, n.game_config.toJSON())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._AuthSuccess = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active ? (this.load_over = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ app.Log.log("重连信息1 round_id:" + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.round_id + " step:" + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.current_step),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.duringReconnect = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.2),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "syncGame", {
+ round_id: view.DesktopMgr.Inst.round_id,
+ step: view.DesktopMgr.Inst.current_step
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("syncGame", e, i),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()) : (app.Log.log("[syncGame] " + JSON.stringify(i)),
+ i.isEnd ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2011)),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()) : (uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.3),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.fetchLinks(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.duringReconnect = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.syncGameByStep(i.game_restore)))
+ })
+ })) : t.Scene_MJ.Inst.openMJRoom(n, e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.initRoom(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)), e, GameMgr.Inst.account_id, view.EMJMode.play, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ i ? Laya.timer.frameOnce(10, a, function() {
+ app.Log.log("重连信息2 round_id:-1 step:" + 1e6),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.duringReconnect = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "syncGame", {
+ round_id: "-1",
+ step: 1e6
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("syncGame " + JSON.stringify(i)),
+ e || i.error ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("syncGame", e, i),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()) : (uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(1),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.fetchLinks(),
+ a._PlayerReconnectSuccess(i))
+ })
+ }) : Laya.timer.frameOnce(10, a, function() {
+ app.Log.log("send enterGame"),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.duringReconnect = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "enterGame", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("enterGame", e, i),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()) : (uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(1),
+ app.Log.log("enterGame"),
+ a._EnterGame(i),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.fetchLinks())
+ })
+ })
+ }))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.1 + .8 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._EnterGame = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("正常进入游戏: " + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.is_end ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2011)),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()) : e.game_restore ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.syncGameByStep(e.game_restore) : (console.log("正常进入游戏:" + Laya.Stat.currentMemorySize / 1024 / 1024 + " MB"),
+ this.load_over = !0,
+ this.load_over && uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.enable && uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.showLoadCount(this.loaded_player_count, this.real_player_count),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.duringReconnect = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.StartChainAction(0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._PlayerReconnectSuccess = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("_PlayerReconnectSuccess data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.isEnd ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2011)),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()) : e.game_restore ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.syncGameByStep(e.game_restore) : (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2012)),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._SendDebugInfo = function() {
+ var t = {};
+ t.type = "未连接了!!!!!!",
+ t.logs = app.Log.getCacheLog(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.postInfo2Server(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OpenConnectObserve = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.is_ob = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.show("enter_mj"),
+ this.Close(),
+ view.AudioMgr.StopMusic(),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ n.server_location = i,
+ n.ob_token = e,
+ n._setState(t.EConnectState.tryconnect),
+ n._fetch_gateway(0)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._ConnectSuccessOb = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.Log.log("MJNetMgr _ConnectSuccessOb "),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "authObserve", {
+ token: this.ob_token
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("authObserve", i, n),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd(),
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm()) : (app.Log.log("实时OB验证通过:" + JSON.stringify(n)),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.3),
+ uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.clearPendingUnits(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "startObserve", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("startObserve", i, n),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd(),
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm();
+ else {
+ var a = n.head
+ , r = a.game_config.mode
+ , s = []
+ , o = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003);
+ view.ERuleMode.Liqi4;
+ r.mode < 10 ? (view.ERuleMode.Liqi4,
+ e.real_player_count = 4) : r.mode < 20 && (view.ERuleMode.Liqi3,
+ e.real_player_count = 3);
+ for (c = 0; c < e.real_player_count; c++)
+ s.push(null);
+ r.extendinfo && (o = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)),
+ r.detail_rule && r.detail_rule.ai_level && (1 === r.detail_rule.ai_level && (o = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)),
+ 2 === r.detail_rule.ai_level && (o = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)));
+ for (var l = t.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(), h = t.GameUtility.get_default_ai_character(), c = 0; c < a.seat_list.length; c++) {
+ var _ = a.seat_list[c];
+ if (0 == _)
+ s[c] = {
+ nickname: o,
+ avatar_id: l,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101
+ },
+ character: {
+ charid: h,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: l,
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ }
+ };
+ else
+ for (var u = 0; u < a.players.length; u++)
+ if (a.players[u].account_id == _) {
+ s[c] = a.players[u];
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ for (c = 0; c < e.real_player_count; c++)
+ null == s[c] && (s[c] = {
+ account: 0,
+ nickname: t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2010),
+ avatar_id: l,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101
+ },
+ character: {
+ charid: h,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: l,
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ }
+ });
+ e._StartObSuccuess(s, n.passed, a.game_config.toJSON(), a.start_time)
+ }
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._StartObSuccuess = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active ? (this.load_over = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ app.Log.log("重连信息1 round_id:" + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.round_id + " step:" + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.current_step),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.startRealtimeLive(a, i)
+ })) : (uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.4),
+ t.Scene_MJ.Inst.openMJRoom(n, e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.initRoom(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)), e, GameMgr.Inst.account_id, view.EMJMode.live_broadcast, Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.9),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, r, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterMJ(),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.95),
+ uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.startRealtimeLive(a, i)
+ })
+ }))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.4 + .4 * t)
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }
+ ,
+ e._Inst = null,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.MJNetMgr = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return e.setItem = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t.Tools.eeesss("e__" + e);
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(e, "FKU!!!"),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(n, t.Tools.eeesss(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.getItem = function(e) {
+ var i = t.Tools.eeesss("e__" + e)
+ , n = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(e);
+ return null != n && "FKU!!!" != n ? (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(e, "FKU!!!"),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(i, t.Tools.eeesss(n)),
+ n) : (null != (n = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(i)) && (n = t.Tools.dddsss(n)),
+ n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.LocalStorage = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.fetching = 1] = "fetching",
+ t[t.success = 2] = "success",
+ t[t.error = 3] = "error"
+ }(e = t.EFetchState || (t.EFetchState = {}));
+ var i;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.tryconnect = 1] = "tryconnect",
+ t[t.connecting = 2] = "connecting",
+ t[t.reconnecting = 3] = "reconnecting",
+ t[t.disconnect = 4] = "disconnect"
+ }(i = t.EConnectState || (t.EConnectState = {}));
+ var n = [500, 1e3, 3e3, 6e3, 1e4, 15e3]
+ , a = function() {
+ function a(t) {
+ this.gateway_urls = [],
+ this.link_index = -1,
+ this._fetch_state = e.none,
+ this._connect_state = i.none,
+ this.open_func = null,
+ this.reconnect_count = 0,
+ this.lasterrortime = 0,
+ this._in_maintenance = !1,
+ this.maintenanceInfo = "",
+ this._is_lobby_net = !1,
+ this._connect_info = null,
+ this._lb_url = t,
+ this._net = new app.NetController(app.ENetType.lobby),
+ this._fetch_state = e.none,
+ this._connect_state = i.none,
+ this._is_lobby_net = !1
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "lb_url", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._lb_url
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "fetch_state", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._fetch_state
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "connect_state", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._connect_state
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.connect_state == i.connecting
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "delay", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.isOK ? this._net.delay : 1e5
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "in_maintenance", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._in_maintenance
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "net", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._net
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ a.prototype.connect = function(t) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (app.Log.log("LobbyNetMgr OpenConnect"),
+ this.in_maintenance)
+ t && t.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ maintenance: this.maintenanceInfo
+ });
+ else if (this.connect_state == i.connecting)
+ t && t.runWith({
+ open: !0
+ });
+ else if (this.connect_state == i.tryconnect || this.connect_state == i.reconnecting)
+ t && (this.open_func = t);
+ else {
+ this.open_func = null;
+ var a = 0;
+ this._net.connected && (this.close(),
+ a = 700),
+ Laya.timer.once(a, this, function() {
+ t && (n.open_func = t),
+ n._set_fetch_state(e.fetching),
+ n._set_connect_state(i.tryconnect),
+ n._fetch_gateway()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.open_func = null,
+ this._set_connect_state(i.none),
+ this._set_fetch_state(e.none),
+ this._net.close(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.set_as_lobby_net = function() {
+ this._is_lobby_net = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.setLobbyNet(this._net)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._set_fetch_state = function(t) {
+ this._fetch_state = t
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._set_connect_state = function(t) {
+ this._connect_state = t,
+ GameMgr.inRelease || this != r.Inst.main_net || r.Inst.refreshCommonShow(),
+ this._is_lobby_net && (this.connect_state != i.reconnecting && this.connect_state != i.disconnect || uiscript.UI_Disconnect.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._fetch_gateway = function() {
+ var n = this;
+ this._set_fetch_state(e.fetching),
+ this.gateway_urls = [],
+ this.link_index = -1;
+ var a = this._lb_url
+ , r = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ r.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(a) {
+ !function(a) {
+ app.Log.log("_fetch_gateway return:" + a);
+ var r = JSON.parse(a);
+ n._set_fetch_state(e.success),
+ r.maintenance ? n.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? (n._in_maintenance = !0,
+ n.maintenanceInfo = r.maintenance.message,
+ n.open_func && n.open_func.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ maintenance: n.maintenanceInfo
+ }),
+ n.open_func = null,
+ n._set_connect_state(i.none)) : n.connect_state == i.reconnecting && n._set_connect_state(i.disconnect) : r.servers && r.servers.length > 0 ? (r.servers,
+ n.gateway_urls = t.Tools.deal_gateway(r.servers),
+ n.link_index = -1,
+ n._try_to_linknext()) : (n.open_func && n.open_func.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ info: t.Tools.strOfLocalization(62)
+ }),
+ n.open_func = null,
+ n.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? n._set_connect_state(i.none) : n._set_connect_state(i.disconnect))
+ }(a)
+ }),
+ r.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(a) {
+ n._set_fetch_state(e.error),
+ n.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? (n.open_func && n.open_func.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ info: t.Tools.strOfLocalization(61)
+ }),
+ n.open_func = null,
+ n._set_connect_state(i.none)) : n.connect_state == i.reconnecting && n._reconnect()
+ });
+ var s = [];
+ s.push("If-Modified-Since"),
+ s.push("0"),
+ a += "?service=ws-gateway",
+ GameMgr.inHttps ? a += "&protocol=ws&ssl=true" : a += "&protocol=ws&ssl=false",
+ a += "&rv=" + Math.floor(1e7 * Math.random()) + Math.floor(1e7 * Math.random()),
+ r.send(a, "", "get", "text", s)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._try_to_linknext = function() {
+ this.link_index++,
+ this.link_index < 0 || this.link_index >= this.gateway_urls.length ? this.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? (this._set_connect_state(i.none),
+ this.open_func && this.open_func.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ info: t.Tools.strOfLocalization(11)
+ }),
+ this.open_func = null) : this.connect_state == i.reconnecting && this._reconnect() : this._net.connect(this.gateway_urls[this.link_index], Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onConnent, null, !1), "/gateway")
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._onConnent = function(e) {
+ e == Laya.Event.CLOSE || e == Laya.Event.ERROR ? Laya.timer.currTimer - this.lasterrortime > 100 && (this.lasterrortime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? this._try_to_linknext() : this.connect_state == i.connecting ? GameMgr.Inst.logined && this._is_lobby_net ? (GameMgr.Inst.logined = !1,
+ this._set_connect_state(i.reconnecting),
+ this.reconnect_count = 0,
+ this._fetch_gateway(),
+ r.Inst.trigger_connect_msg("reconnect")) : (this._set_connect_state(i.none),
+ this.open_func && this.open_func.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ info: t.Tools.strOfLocalization(11) + " tyr"
+ }),
+ this.open_func = null) : this.connect_state == i.reconnecting && this._try_to_linknext()) : e == Laya.Event.OPEN && (this.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? (this._set_connect_state(i.connecting),
+ this.open_func && this.open_func.runWith({
+ open: !0
+ }),
+ this.open_func = null,
+ this._on_first_connect()) : this.connect_state == i.reconnecting ? (this._set_connect_state(i.connecting),
+ r.Inst.OnReconnectSuccess()) : this.connect_state != i.connecting && this.close())
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._reconnect = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.reconnect_count >= n.length ? (app.Log.log("Lobby重连失败"),
+ this._set_connect_state(i.disconnect)) : (Laya.timer.once(n[this.reconnect_count], this, function() {
+ t.connect_state == i.reconnecting && (app.Log.log("LobbyNetMgr _Reconnect count:" + t.reconnect_count),
+ t._fetch_gateway())
+ }),
+ this.reconnect_count++)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._on_first_connect = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ Laya.timer.once(4e3 * i, this, function() {
+ e._net.sendReq("Lobby", "heatbeat", {
+ no_operation_counter: 0
+ }, function() {})
+ });
+ Laya.timer.once(3e4, this, function() {
+ e !== t.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.main_net && e.close()
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ e._connect_info = {
+ lb: e._lb_url,
+ connect: "connect_success",
+ delay: Math.floor(e.delay)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.get_info = function() {
+ return this._connect_info ? this._connect_info : {
+ lb: this.lb_url,
+ connect: this.fetch_state == e.error ? "fetch_failed" : "connect_failed",
+ delay: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e() {
+ this._name = "",
+ this._choosed_index = 0,
+ this._nets = [],
+ this._connect_listeners = []
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(e, "Inst", {
+ get: function() {
+ return null == this._Inst ? this._Inst = new e : this._Inst
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "choosed_index", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._choosed_index
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._name
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "main_net", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._choosed_index < 0 || this._choosed_index >= this._nets.length ? null : this._nets[this._choosed_index]
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = this.main_net;
+ return !!t && t.connect_state == i.connecting
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "lb_url", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = this.main_net;
+ return t ? t.lb_url : ""
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "connect_state", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = this.main_net;
+ return t ? t.connect_state : i.none
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "net_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._nets.length
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.init = function(t, e) {
+ this._name = t,
+ this._nets = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ this._nets.push(new a(e[i]));
+ this._choosed_index = 0;
+ var n = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("route_index");
+ null != n && void 0 != n && "" != n && (this._choosed_index = parseInt(n)),
+ this._choosed_index < 0 && (this._choosed_index = 0),
+ this._choosed_index >= this._nets.length && (this._choosed_index = this._nets.length - 1);
+ var r = this.main_net;
+ r && app.NetAgent.setLobbyNet(r.net)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.changeIndex = function(t) {
+ if (this._choosed_index != t) {
+ this._choosed_index = t,
+ this._choosed_index < 0 && (this._choosed_index = 0),
+ this._choosed_index >= this._nets.length && (this._choosed_index = this._nets.length - 1),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("route_index", this._choosed_index.toString()),
+ this.refreshCommonShow();
+ var e = this.main_net;
+ e && (app.NetAgent.setLobbyNet(e.net),
+ e.connect(null))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OpenConnect = function(t) {
+ var e = this.main_net;
+ e ? e.connect(t) : t.runWith({
+ open: !1,
+ info: "no route"
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Close = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._nets.length; t++)
+ this._nets[t].close()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnReconnectSuccess = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = {};
+ GameMgr.inConch ? i.device_type = "app" : GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? i.device_type = "app-ios" : (Laya.Browser.onPC && (i.device_type = "pc"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIPad && (i.device_type = "ipad"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMobile && (i.device_type = "mobile")),
+ Laya.Browser.onMac && (i.os = "mac"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIOS && (i.os = "ios"),
+ (Laya.Browser.onAndriod || Laya.Browser.onAndroid) && (i.os = "android"),
+ Laya.Browser.onWeiXin && (i.browser = "weixin"),
+ Laya.Browser.onSafari && (i.browser = "safari"),
+ Laya.Browser.onFirefox && (i.browser = "firefox"),
+ Laya.Browser.onEdge && (i.browser = "edge"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMiniGame && (i.browser = "minigame");
+ var n = t.Tools.get_platform_currency();
+ -1 == GameMgr.Inst.sociotype ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "login", {
+ account: GameMgr.Inst.account,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(GameMgr.Inst.password),
+ reconnect: !0,
+ device: i,
+ random_key: GameMgr.device_id,
+ client_version: t.ResourceVersion.version,
+ currency_platforms: n
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2007)) : (app.Log.log("LobbyNetMgr 重连成功"),
+ GameMgr.Inst.logined = !0)
+ }) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "oauth2Login", {
+ type: GameMgr.Inst.sociotype,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.access_token,
+ reconnect: !0,
+ device: i,
+ random_key: GameMgr.device_id,
+ client_version: t.ResourceVersion.version,
+ currency_platforms: n
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2007)) : (app.Log.log("LobbyNetMgr 重连成功"),
+ GameMgr.Inst.logined = !0,
+ e.trigger_connect_msg("reconnect_success"))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refreshCommonShow = function() {
+ if (!GameMgr.inRelease) {
+ var t = this.main_net;
+ if (t && null != uiscript.UI_Common.Inst && uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby) {
+ t.connect_state;
+ var e = this.name + "(" + (this._choosed_index + 1) + ")";
+ t.connect_state == i.none ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.text = "未连接:" + e,
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.color = "#ffffff") : t.connect_state == i.tryconnect ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.text = "尝试连接:" + e,
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.color = "#ffffff") : t.connect_state == i.connecting ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.text = "大厅服务器:" + e,
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.color = "#00ff00") : t.connect_state == i.disconnect ? (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.text = "大厅服务器:" + e + " 断开连接",
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.color = "#ff0000") : t.connect_state == i.reconnecting && (uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.text = "大厅服务器:" + e + " 正在重连",
+ uiscript.UI_Common.Inst.label_net_lobby.color = "#ff0000")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.add_connect_listener = function(t) {
+ this._connect_listeners.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.trigger_connect_msg = function(t) {
+ app.Log.info_net("触发重连");
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._connect_listeners.length; e++)
+ this._connect_listeners[e].runWith(t);
+ "reconnect_success" == t && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "loginBeat", {
+ contract: "DF2vkXCnfeXp4WoGrBGNcJBufZiMN3uP"
+ }, function(t, e) {})
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onLogin = function() {
+ for (i = 0; i < this._nets.length; i++) {
+ var t = this._nets[i];
+ i == this.choosed_index ? t.set_as_lobby_net() : t.close()
+ }
+ if (GameMgr.Inst.need_test_ws) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < this._nets.length; i++)
+ e.push(this._nets[i].get_info());
+ GameMgr.Inst.wsStatics(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OpenAllConnect = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._nets.length; t++)
+ this._nets[t].connect(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.GetLinkInfos = function() {
+ for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this._nets.length; e++) {
+ var i = this._nets[e];
+ t.push({
+ fetch: i.fetch_state,
+ connect: i.connect_state,
+ delay: i.delay,
+ in_maintenance: i.in_maintenance
+ })
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ e._Inst = null,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.LobbyNetMgr = r
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.common = 0] = "common",
+ t[t.scene_mj = 1] = "scene_mj",
+ t[t.lobby = 2] = "lobby",
+ t[t.ui_mj = 3] = "ui_mj",
+ t[t.entrance = 4] = "entrance"
+ }(e = t.E_LoadType || (t.E_LoadType = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function i() {}
+ return i.loadConfig = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ Laya.loader.load("resconfig.json", Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t._res_config = Laya.loader.getRes("resconfig.json")
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getUrls = function(i) {
+ var n = []
+ , a = "res/atlas/";
+ return "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (a += GameMgr.client_language + "/"),
+ i == e.entrance ? (n = [a + "myres/entrance.atlas", a + "myres/necessary.atlas"],
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? n.push("scene/entrance_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".ls") : n.push("scene/entrance.ls"),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && n.push(a + "myres/dmm.atlas")) : i == e.common ? n = [a + "myres.atlas", a + "myres/bothui.atlas"] : i == e.scene_mj ? ("en" == GameMgr.client_language ? n.push("scene/mjdesktop_en.ls") : n.push("scene/mjdesktop.ls"),
+ n.push("scene/mjhandpai.ls")) : i == e.lobby ? (n = [a + "myres/room.atlas", a + "myres/shop.atlas", a + "myres/sushe.atlas", a + "myres/lobby.atlas", a + "myres/match_lobby.atlas", a + "myres/treasure.atlas", a + "myres/yueka.atlas", a + "myres/get_character.atlas"],
+ "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language && (n.push(a + "myres/activity_yijidagong.atlas"),
+ n.push(a + "myres/wanxianggengxin.atlas")),
+ n.push(t.FrontEffect.scene_click_effect_path),
+ n.push(t.FrontEffect.scene_ui_effect_path)) : i == e.ui_mj && (n = [a + "myres/mjdesktop.atlas", a + "myres/mjdesktop/shengduan.atlas"]),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ i._createItem = function(t) {
+ function e(t) {
+ if (h -= t,
+ l >= o.length) {
+ if (h <= 0) {
+ r.loaded = !0,
+ r.precent = 1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < r.complete.length; e++)
+ r.complete[e] && r.complete[e].run()
+ }
+ } else
+ n()
+ }
+ function i(e) {
+ r.precent = (e * o.length + s.length) / t.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < r.progress.length; i++)
+ r.progress[i] && r.progress[i].runWith(r.precent)
+ }
+ function n() {
+ if (o.length > 0) {
+ for (var t = []; h < 1e3 && l < o.length; )
+ t.push(o[l++]),
+ h++;
+ Laya.loader.create(t, Laya.Handler.create(this, e, [t.length], !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, i, null, !1))
+ } else
+ e(1e5)
+ }
+ function a() {
+ r.precent = s.length / t.length,
+ n()
+ }
+ for (var r = {
+ loaded: !1,
+ precent: 0,
+ urls: t,
+ complete: [],
+ progress: []
+ }, s = [], o = [], l = 0, h = 0, c = 0; c < t.length; c++) {
+ var _ = t[c];
+ ".ls" == _.substr(_.length - 3) ? s.push(_) : o.push(_)
+ }
+ return s.length > 0 ? Laya.loader.create(s, Laya.Handler.create(this, a), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ r.precent = (e * o.length + s.length) / t.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < r.progress.length; i++)
+ r.progress[i] && r.progress[i].runWith(r.precent)
+ })) : a(),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.loadRes = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = t; this._items.length <= n; )
+ this._items.push(null);
+ null == this._items[n] && (this._items[n] = this._createItem(this.getUrls(t))),
+ this._items[n].loaded ? e && e.run() : (e && this._items[n].complete.push(e),
+ i && (i.once = !1,
+ this._items[n].progress.push(i)))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.createResImage_web = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (!this._resimage.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
+ var n = ""
+ , a = e.substr(e.length - 3);
+ n = a.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ var r = {
+ loaded: !1,
+ origin_url: e,
+ blob_url: null,
+ complete: [],
+ success: !1
+ };
+ this._resimage[e] = r;
+ var s = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ s.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(t) {
+ for (var e = new Laya.Byte(t), a = new Laya.Byte, s = 0; s < e.length; s++)
+ GameMgr.inRelease ? a.writeByte(73 ^ e.readByte()) : a.writeByte(e.readByte());
+ var o = new Laya.Browser.window.Blob([a.buffer],{
+ type: "image/" + n
+ })
+ , l = Laya.Browser.window.URL.createObjectURL(o);
+ Laya.loader.load(l, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(t) {
+ r.blob_url = t,
+ r.loaded = !0,
+ r.success = !0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < r.complete.length; e++)
+ r.complete && r.complete[e].run();
+ r.complete = []
+ }, [l]), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE)
+ }),
+ s.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(t) {
+ console.log("加载" + e + "失败"),
+ r.loaded = !0,
+ r.success = !1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < r.complete.length; i++)
+ r.complete[i] && r.complete[i].run();
+ r.complete = []
+ }),
+ s.send(t.ResourceVersion.formatURL(e), "", "get", "arraybuffer")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.createResImage_conch = function(t) {
+ if (!this._resimage.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
+ var e = {
+ loaded: !1,
+ origin_url: t,
+ blob_url: null,
+ complete: [],
+ success: !1
+ };
+ this._resimage[t] = e,
+ Laya.loader.load(t, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.blob_url = t,
+ e.loaded = !0,
+ e.success = !0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.complete.length; i++)
+ e.complete && e.complete[i].run();
+ e.complete = []
+ }), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.loadResImage = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (!e && 0 == e.length)
+ return n && n.runWith(1),
+ void (i && i.run());
+ for (var r = 0, s = 0, o = 0, l = 0; l < e.length; l++)
+ e[l] = t.Tools.localUISrc(e[l]);
+ var h = function() {
+ for (o = 0; o < 5 && s < e.length; ) {
+ var t = e[s++];
+ a._resimage.hasOwnProperty(t) || (GameMgr.inConch ? a.createResImage_conch(t) : a.createResImage_web(t));
+ var i = a._resimage[t];
+ i.loaded ? c(!1) : (o++,
+ i.complete.push(Laya.Handler.create(a, c, [!0])))
+ }
+ }
+ , c = function(t) {
+ t && 0 == --o && s < e.length && h(),
+ ++r == e.length ? (n && n.runWith(1),
+ i && i.run()) : n && n.runWith(r / e.length)
+ };
+ h()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getResImage = function(e) {
+ if (e = t.Tools.localUISrc(e),
+ !this._resimage.hasOwnProperty(e))
+ return null;
+ var i = this._resimage[e];
+ return i.loaded && i.success ? Laya.loader.getRes(i.blob_url) : null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getResImageSkin = function(e) {
+ if (e = t.Tools.localUISrc(e),
+ !this._resimage.hasOwnProperty(e))
+ return "";
+ if (!this._resimage[e].loaded)
+ return "";
+ return this._resimage[e].blob_url
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getItemSkin = function(e) {
+ var i = t.GameUtility.get_item_view(e);
+ return this.getResImageSkin(i.icon)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.disposeSceneRes = function(t) {
+ if (null != this._res_config)
+ if (this._res_config.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
+ var e = this._res_config[t];
+ if (e.hasOwnProperty("atlas")) {
+ var i = "res/atlas/";
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (i += GameMgr.client_language + "/");
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.atlas.length; n++)
+ Laya.Loader.clearTextureRes(i + e.atlas[n])
+ }
+ } else
+ app.Log.Error("disposeSceneRes错误,场景不存在");
+ else
+ app.Log.Error("disposeSceneRes错误,未找到配置")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.httpload = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ r.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(t) {
+ a && ("json" == i ? a.runWith({
+ success: !0,
+ data: JSON.parse(t)
+ }) : a.runWith({
+ success: !0,
+ data: t
+ }))
+ }),
+ r.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(t) {
+ console.log("httpload加载" + e + "失败"),
+ a && a.runWith({
+ success: !1
+ })
+ });
+ var s = t.ResourceVersion.formatURL(e)
+ , o = [];
+ n && (o.push("If-Modified-Since"),
+ o.push("0"),
+ s += "?randv=" + Math.floor(1e8 * Math.random()).toString() + Math.floor(1e8 * Math.random()).toString());
+ var l = "text";
+ switch (i) {
+ case "json":
+ l = "text";
+ break;
+ case "arraybuffer":
+ l = "arraybuffer"
+ }
+ r.send(s, "", "get", l, o)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.setImgSkin = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (i.indexOf("extendRes") >= 0) {
+ "" != (a = this.getResImageSkin(i)) && null != a ? (e.skin = a,
+ this.clearImgSkin(e)) : (e.skin = "",
+ this.clearImgSkin(e),
+ this._waiting_load_img_skins.push({
+ img: e,
+ src: i
+ }),
+ this.loadResImage([i], Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < n._waiting_load_img_skins.length; t++)
+ if (n._waiting_load_img_skins[t].img === e && n._waiting_load_img_skins[t].src == i) {
+ e.skin = n.getResImageSkin(i),
+ n._waiting_load_img_skins[t] = n._waiting_load_img_skins[n._waiting_load_img_skins.length - 1],
+ n._waiting_load_img_skins.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ })))
+ } else {
+ i = t.Tools.localUISrc(i);
+ var a = Laya.loader.getRes(i);
+ a ? (e.skin = i,
+ this.clearImgSkin(e)) : (e.skin = "",
+ this.clearImgSkin(e),
+ this._waiting_load_img_skins.push({
+ img: e,
+ src: i
+ }),
+ Laya.loader.load(i, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < n._waiting_load_img_skins.length; t++)
+ if (n._waiting_load_img_skins[t].img === e && n._waiting_load_img_skins[t].src == i) {
+ e.skin = i,
+ n._waiting_load_img_skins[t] = n._waiting_load_img_skins[n._waiting_load_img_skins.length - 1],
+ n._waiting_load_img_skins.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ })))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.clearImgSkin = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._waiting_load_img_skins.length; e++)
+ if (this._waiting_load_img_skins[e].img === t) {
+ this._waiting_load_img_skins[e] = this._waiting_load_img_skins[this._waiting_load_img_skins.length - 1],
+ this._waiting_load_img_skins.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._items = [],
+ i._resimage = {},
+ i._res_config = null,
+ i._waiting_load_img_skins = [],
+ i
+ }();
+ t.LoadMgr = i
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ t.stardust_id = 302004;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.desktop = 1] = "desktop",
+ t[t.mjp = 2] = "mjp",
+ t[t.lobby_bg = 3] = "lobby_bg"
+ }(t.ECommonView || (t.ECommonView = {}));
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.liqibang = 0] = "liqibang",
+ t[t.hupai_effect = 1] = "hupai_effect",
+ t[t.lizhi_effect = 2] = "lizhi_effect",
+ t[t.hand_model = 3] = "hand_model",
+ t[t.lizhi_bgm = 4] = "lizhi_bgm",
+ t[t.head_frame = 5] = "head_frame",
+ t[t.desktop = 6] = "desktop",
+ t[t.mjp = 7] = "mjp",
+ t[t.lobby_bg = 8] = "lobby_bg",
+ t[t.mingpai_zhishi = 10] = "mingpai_zhishi"
+ }(e = t.EView || (t.EView = {}));
+ var i;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.currency = 1] = "currency",
+ t[t.character = 2] = "character",
+ t[t.item = 3] = "item",
+ t[t.skin = 4] = "skin",
+ t[t.title = 5] = "title"
+ }(i = t.EIDType || (t.EIDType = {}));
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.user_xieyi = 1] = "user_xieyi"
+ }(t.EAccountSetKey || (t.EAccountSetKey = {}));
+ var n = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.get_default_ai_character = function() {
+ return 200001
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_default_ai_skin = function() {
+ return 400101
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_view_default_item_id = function(t) {
+ return this.view_default_item[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_view_id = function(t) {
+ var e = uiscript.UI_Sushe.commonViewList[uiscript.UI_Sushe.using_commonview_index];
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ if (e[i].slot == t) {
+ if (e[i].item_id)
+ return e[i].item_id;
+ break
+ }
+ return this.get_view_default_item_id(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_view_res_name = function(t) {
+ var i = cfg.item_definition.view.get(this.get_view_id(t));
+ if (i)
+ return t == e.mjp && view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp ? i.res_name + "_0" : i.res_name;
+ switch (t) {
+ case e.desktop:
+ return "tablecloth_default";
+ case e.mjp:
+ return view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp ? "mjp_default_0" : "mjp_default";
+ case e.mingpai_zhishi:
+ return "mpzs_default"
+ }
+ return "default"
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_id_type = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.floor(t / 1e4);
+ return 10 == e ? i.currency : 20 == e ? i.character : 30 == e ? i.item : 40 == e ? i.skin : 60 == e ? i.title : i.none
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_item_view = function(t) {
+ var e = ""
+ , n = ""
+ , a = "";
+ switch (this.get_id_type(t)) {
+ case i.currency:
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(t);
+ r && (e = r["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n = r.icon,
+ a = r["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ break;
+ case i.character:
+ var s = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t);
+ s && (e = s["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(s.init_skin).path + "/bighead.png",
+ a = s["desc_item_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ break;
+ case i.item:
+ var o = cfg.item_definition.item.get(t);
+ o && (e = o["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n = o.icon,
+ a = o["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ break;
+ case i.skin:
+ var l = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(t);
+ l && (e = l["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n = l.path + "/bighead.png",
+ a = l["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ break;
+ case i.title:
+ var h = cfg.item_definition.title.get(t);
+ h && (e = h["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n = h.icon_item,
+ a = h["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ }
+ return {
+ name: e,
+ icon: n,
+ desc: a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.item_owned = function(t) {
+ var e = this.get_id_type(t);
+ if (e == i.character) {
+ if (a = uiscript.UI_Sushe.characters)
+ for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
+ if (a[r] && a[r].charid == t)
+ return !0
+ } else if (e == i.item) {
+ var n = cfg.item_definition.item.get(t);
+ if (n && (4 == n.category || 5 == n.category)) {
+ if (uiscript.UI_Bag.get_item_count(t) > 0)
+ return !0
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (e == i.skin)
+ return uiscript.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(t);
+ if (e == i.title) {
+ var a = uiscript.UI_TitleBook.owned_title;
+ if (a)
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
+ if (a[r] == t)
+ return !0
+ }
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.view_default_item = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 305501, 305044, 305045, 307001, 0, 0],
+ t
+ }();
+ t.GameUtility = n
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(i, n, a, r) {
+ this.destoryed = !1,
+ this.target = i,
+ this.destoryed = !1,
+ this.pos_offset = a,
+ this.scale = r,
+ this.effect = new t.EffectBase(n),
+ e.effects.push(this),
+ this._update()
+ }
+ return e.regist = function(t) {
+ e.effects.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.update = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.effects.length; e++)
+ this.effects[e].destoryed || (this.effects[e]._update(),
+ this.effects[t++] = this.effects[e]);
+ for (e = this.effects.length - t; e > 0; e--)
+ this.effects.pop()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._update = function() {
+ if (!this.destoryed && this.target) {
+ var t = uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.getWorldPosition(this.target, this.pos_offset);
+ t.x = t.x - .5,
+ t.y = .5 - t.y,
+ this.effect && this.effect.root && (this.effect.root.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(t.x * i.scene_width,t.y * i.scene_height,0),
+ 0 != this.scale ? this.effect.root.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(this.target.scaleX * this.scale,this.target.scaleY * this.scale,1) : this.effect.root.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.destory = function() {
+ this.destoryed || (this.destoryed = !0,
+ this.effect.destroy())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.effects = [],
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UIEffect = e;
+ var i = function() {
+ function i() {
+ this._scene_click_effect = null,
+ this._root_click_effect = null,
+ this._scene_ui_effect = null,
+ this._root_ui_effect = null,
+ this._container_preheat_click_effect = null,
+ this._effect_click_path = "",
+ this._effect_click = null,
+ this._click_audio = 0,
+ this._effects = {}
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "root_click_effect", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._root_click_effect
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "root_ui_effect", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._root_ui_effect
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.init = function() {
+ (i.Inst = new i)._init(),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ e.update()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._init = function() {
+ this._scene_click_effect = Laya.loader.getRes(i.scene_click_effect_path),
+ GameMgr.Inst.root_front_effect.addChild(this._scene_click_effect),
+ this._root_click_effect = this._scene_click_effect.getChildByName("root"),
+ this._container_preheat_click_effect = this._scene_click_effect.getChildByName("contianer_preheat"),
+ this._effect_click = this._container_preheat_click_effect.getChildByName("effect_click"),
+ this._scene_click_effect.visible = !0,
+ Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.bangClickEffect),
+ this.SetClickEffectByLobby(t.GameUtility.get_view_id(t.EView.lobby_bg)),
+ this._scene_ui_effect = Laya.loader.getRes(i.scene_ui_effect_path),
+ this._root_ui_effect = this._scene_ui_effect.getChildByName("root"),
+ GameMgr.Inst.root_front_scene_effect.addChild(this._scene_ui_effect),
+ this._scene_ui_effect.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.SetClickEffectByLobby = function(t, e) {
+ var i = "scene/effect_click_default.lh";
+ this._click_audio = 103,
+ 307003 == t && (i = "scene/effect_click_xuehua.lh"),
+ this.SetClickEffect(i, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.SetClickEffect = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (t != this._effect_click_path) {
+ if ("" != this._effect_click_path) {
+ this._effect_click && this._effect_click.destroy(!0);
+ var n = Laya.loader.getRes(this._effect_click_path);
+ n && n.destoryed && n.destroy(!0),
+ this._effect_click_path = ""
+ }
+ this._effect_click = null,
+ this._effect_click_path = t,
+ Laya.loader.create([this._effect_click_path], Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._effect_click = Laya.loader.getRes(i._effect_click_path),
+ i._effect_click ? (i._container_preheat_click_effect.addChild(i._effect_click),
+ i._effect_click.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ i._effect_click && (i._effect_click.active = !1),
+ e && e.runWith(!0)
+ })) : (app.Log.Error("加载点击特效" + i._effect_click_path + "失败"),
+ e && e.runWith(!1))
+ }))
+ } else
+ e && e.runWith(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.bangClickEffect = function() {
+ if (this._effect_click && !this._effect_click.destroyed) {
+ var e = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseX
+ , n = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseY;
+ (!t.Scene_MJ.Inst.active || uiscript.UI_GameEnd.Inst && uiscript.UI_GameEnd.Inst.enable) && view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(this._click_audio);
+ var a = 0
+ , r = 0;
+ Laya.Browser.width / 1920 < Laya.Browser.height / 1080 ? r = (Laya.Browser.height - Laya.Browser.width / 1920 * 1080) / 2 : a = (Laya.Browser.width - Laya.Browser.height / 1080 * 1920) / 2;
+ var s = e / (Laya.Browser.width - 2 * a) * i.scene_width - i.scene_width / 2
+ , o = i.scene_height - n / (Laya.Browser.height - 2 * r) * i.scene_height - i.scene_height / 2
+ , l = this._effect_click.clone();
+ this._root_click_effect.addChild(l),
+ l.active = !1,
+ l.active = !0,
+ l.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(s,o,1),
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, this, function() {
+ l.destroy(!0)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.create_ui_effect = function(t, i, n, a) {
+ var r = new e(t,i,n,a);
+ return this._root_ui_effect.addChild(r.effect.root),
+ r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.scene_click_effect_path = "scene/scene_click_effect.ls",
+ i.scene_ui_effect_path = "scene/scene_ui_effect.ls",
+ i.scene_width = 32,
+ i.scene_height = 18,
+ i
+ }();
+ t.FrontEffect = i
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.room_invite = 1] = "room_invite"
+ }(t.EFriendMsgType || (t.EFriendMsgType = {}));
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.init = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._friend_list = [],
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchFriendList", {}, function(e, i) {
+ if (e)
+ app.Log.log("获取好友列表时发生错误:" + e);
+ else if (i.error)
+ app.Log.log("获取好友列表时发生错误,错误码:" + i.error.code);
+ else {
+ if (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(i)),
+ i.friends)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.friends.length; n++) {
+ var a = i.friends[n];
+ t._friend_list.push(a)
+ }
+ t.friend_max_count = i.friend_max_count
+ }
+ }),
+ this._friendapply_list = [],
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchFriendApplyList", {}, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ app.Log.log("获取好友申请列表发生错误");
+ else if (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(i)),
+ i.applies)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.applies.length; n++)
+ t._friendapply_list.push(i.applies[n])
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyFriendViewChange", Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onFriendViewChange, null, !1)),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyFriendStateChange", Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onFriendStateChange, null, !1)),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyFriendChange", Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onFriendChange, null, !1)),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyNewFriendApply", Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onFriendApplyChange, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "friend_list", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._friend_list
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "friendapply_list", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._friendapply_list
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.find = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._friend_list.length; e++)
+ if (this._friend_list[e].base.account_id == t)
+ return this._friend_list[e];
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onFriendStateChange = function(t) {
+ app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(t));
+ var e = this.find(t.target_id);
+ null != e ? (t = t.active_state) && (null != t.login_time && void 0 != t.login_time && (e.state.login_time = t.login_time),
+ null != t.logout_time && void 0 != t.logout_time && (e.state.logout_time = t.logout_time),
+ e.state.playing = t.playing,
+ null != t.is_online && void 0 != t.is_online && (e.state.is_online = t.is_online),
+ this.triggerMsg({
+ type: "singlechange",
+ account_id: e.base.account_id
+ })) : app.Log.Error("收到并非好友的人的信息:" + JSON.stringify(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onFriendViewChange = function(t) {
+ var e = this.find(t.target_id);
+ null != e ? (null != t.base.avatar_id && void 0 != t.base.avatar_id && (e.base.avatar_id = t.base.avatar_id),
+ null != t.base.title && void 0 != t.base.title && (e.base.title = t.base.title),
+ null != t.base.nickname && void 0 != t.base.nickname && (e.base.nickname = t.base.nickname),
+ null != t.base.verified && void 0 != t.base.verified && (e.base.verified = t.base.verified),
+ null != t.base.level && void 0 != t.base.level && (e.base.level = t.base.level),
+ null != t.base.level3 && void 0 != t.base.level3 && (e.base.level3 = t.base.level3),
+ null != t.base.avatar_frame && void 0 != t.base.avatar_frame && (e.base.avatar_frame = t.base.avatar_frame),
+ this.triggerMsg({
+ type: "singlechange",
+ account_id: e.base.account_id
+ })) : app.Log.Error("收到并非好友的人的信息:" + JSON.stringify(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.addListener = function(t) {
+ this.removeListener(t),
+ this._listener.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.removeListener = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._listener.length; e++)
+ if (this._listener[e] === t) {
+ this._listener[e] = this._listener[this._listener.length - 1],
+ this._listener.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.triggerMsg = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._listener.length; e++)
+ this._listener[e] && this._listener[e].runWith(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.removeFriend = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._friend_list.length; e++)
+ if (this._friend_list[e].base.account_id == t) {
+ for (var i = e; i < this._friend_list.length - 1; i++)
+ this._friend_list[i] = this._friend_list[i + 1];
+ this._friend_list.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onFriendChange = function(t) {
+ var e = t.account_id;
+ 1 == t.type ? this.find(e) || this.friend_list.push(t.friend) : 2 == t.type && this.removeFriend(e),
+ this.triggerMsg({
+ type: "listchange"
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t._onFriendApplyChange = function(t) {
+ for (e = 0; e < this._friendapply_list.length; e++)
+ if (this._friendapply_list[e].account_id == t.account_id)
+ return void (this._friendapply_list[e].apply_time = t.apply_time);
+ if (this._friendapply_list.push({
+ account_id: t.account_id,
+ apply_time: t.apply_time
+ }),
+ t.removed_id)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._friendapply_list.length; e++)
+ if (this._friendapply_list[e].account_id == t.removed_id) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._friendapply_list.length - 1; i++)
+ this._friendapply_list[i] = this._friendapply_list[i + 1];
+ this._friendapply_list.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.delFriendApply = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._friendapply_list.length; e++)
+ if (this._friendapply_list[e].account_id == t) {
+ for (var i = e; i < this._friendapply_list.length - 1; i++)
+ this._friendapply_list[i] = this._friendapply_list[i + 1];
+ this._friendapply_list.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._friend_list = [],
+ t._listener = [],
+ t._friendapply_list = [],
+ t.friend_max_count = 0,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.FriendMgr = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.add_refrence = function(t, e) {
+ this._refrence_map[t] || (this._refrence_map[t] = []),
+ this._refrence_map[t].push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.remove_refrence = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._refrence_map[t];
+ if (i && 0 != i.length) {
+ for (var n = [], a = !1, r = 0; r < i.length; r++) {
+ var s = i[r];
+ a || s != e ? n.push(s) : a = !0
+ }
+ if (a) {
+ if (this._refrence_map[t] = n,
+ 0 == n.length) {
+ var o = Laya.loader.getRes(t);
+ o && (o.clearTexture ? o.clearTexture() : o.dispose()),
+ Laya.loader.clearRes(t)
+ }
+ } else
+ console.log("资源并未记录2, assetUrl:" + t + ", effectUrl:" + e)
+ } else
+ console.log("资源并未记录1, assetUrl:" + t + ", effectUrl:" + e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.get_count = function(t) {
+ var e = this._refrence_map[t];
+ return e ? e.length : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t._refrence_map = {},
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._loaded = !1,
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._root = null,
+ this._effect = null,
+ this._when_loaded = null,
+ this.url = t,
+ this._loaded = !1,
+ this._destroyed = !1,
+ this._root = new Laya.Sprite3D,
+ this._root.active = !0;
+ var i = this;
+ this._root.on("undisplay", this, function() {
+ i._root.destroyed && (i._destroyed || i.destroy())
+ }),
+ n.try2get_effect(t, Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ null == e._root || e._root.destroyed || e._destroyed ? (t.destroy(!0),
+ n.on_effectbase_destory(e.url, t)) : (e._loaded = !0,
+ t && t instanceof Laya.Sprite3D && (e._effect = t,
+ e._root.addChild(e._effect),
+ e._effect.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ e._effect.active = !0),
+ null != e._when_loaded && e._when_loaded.run())
+ }))
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "loaded", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._loaded
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "destroyed", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._destroyed
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "root", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._root
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "effect_root", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._effect
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.addLoadedListener = function(t) {
+ this.loaded ? t.run() : this._when_loaded = t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ this._destroyed || (this._destroyed = !0,
+ this._root && !this._root.destroyed && this._root.destroy(!0),
+ this._loaded && (this._effect.destroy(!0),
+ n.on_effectbase_destory(this.url, this._effect)))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.clone = function() {
+ return new t(this.url)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.EffectBase = i;
+ var n = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.init = function(t) {
+ var i = this;
+ Laya.loader.load("d3_prefab.json", Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.d3res_map = Laya.loader.getRes("d3_prefab.json");
+ for (var n = i.d3res_map.eternal_res, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
+ var r = n[a];
+ e.add_refrence(r, "eternal_res")
+ }
+ t && t.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.try2get_effect = function(t, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this._effect_status.hasOwnProperty(t) && 0 != this._effect_status[t].status || (this._effect_status[t] = {
+ status: 0,
+ count: 0,
+ listeners: [],
+ gameObjects: []
+ }),
+ 0 == this._effect_status[t].status) {
+ if (this._effect_status[t].listeners.push(i),
+ this._effect_status[t].status = 1,
+ this.d3res_map.hasOwnProperty(t))
+ for (var a = this.d3res_map[t], r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
+ e.add_refrence(a[r], t);
+ Laya.loader.create(t, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._effect_status[t].status = 2;
+ var e = Laya.loader.getRes(t);
+ e.active = !1;
+ var i = [];
+ i.push(e);
+ for (a = 1; a < n._effect_status[t].listeners.length; a++)
+ i.push(e.clone());
+ n._effect_status[t].gameObjects = i;
+ for (var a = 0; a < n._effect_status[t].listeners.length; a++)
+ n._effect_status[t].listeners[a].runWith(i[a]);
+ n._effect_status[t].listeners = []
+ }), null, null, [], 0)
+ } else if (1 == this._effect_status[t].status)
+ this._effect_status[t].listeners.push(i);
+ else if (0 == this._effect_status[t].gameObjects.length)
+ this._effect_status[t].status = 0,
+ this.try2get_effect(t, i);
+ else {
+ var s = this._effect_status[t].gameObjects[0].clone();
+ this._effect_status[t].gameObjects.push(s),
+ i.runWith(s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.on_effectbase_destory = function(t, i) {
+ if (this._effect_status.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
+ for (var n = [], a = this._effect_status[t].gameObjects, r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = a[r];
+ s && !s.destroyed && (s === i ? s.destroy(!0) : n.push(s))
+ }
+ if (n.length <= 0) {
+ if (this._effect_status[t].status = 0,
+ this.d3res_map.hasOwnProperty(t))
+ for (var o = this.d3res_map[t], l = 0; l < o.length; l++)
+ e.remove_refrence(o[l], t)
+ } else
+ this._effect_status[t].gameObjects = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.force_dispose_3d_res = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this.d3res_map[t], i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = Laya.loader.getRes(e[i]);
+ n && n.dispose()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.preheat_3d_effect = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ for (var s = [], o = {}, l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
+ var h = t[l];
+ if (!o[h] && (o[h] = 1,
+ s.push(h),
+ this.d3res_map.hasOwnProperty(h)))
+ for (var c = this.d3res_map[h], _ = 0; _ < c.length; _++) {
+ var u = c[_];
+ e.add_refrence(u, h)
+ }
+ }
+ this._prehead_3d_effect(s, i, n, a, r)
+ }
+ ,
+ t._prehead_3d_effect = function(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ if (0 == t.length)
+ return r && r.runWith(1),
+ void (a && a.run());
+ var o = 0
+ , l = n ? 8 : 5;
+ r && r.runWith(0);
+ var h = function() {
+ if (o >= t.length) {
+ for (f = 0; f < t.length; f++) {
+ var c = t[f];
+ if (s.d3res_map.hasOwnProperty(c))
+ for (var _ = s.d3res_map[c], u = 0; u < _.length; u++)
+ e.remove_refrence(_[u], c)
+ }
+ return r && r.runWith(1),
+ void (a && a.run())
+ }
+ r && r.runWith(o / t.length);
+ for (var d = [], f = 0; f < l && o < t.length; f++)
+ d.push(t[o++]);
+ Laya.loader.create(d, Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, s, function() {
+ for (var t = function(t) {
+ var e = d[t].url
+ , a = Laya.loader.getRes(e);
+ if (a)
+ i.addChild(a),
+ a.transform.position = n ? new Laya.Vector3(1e4,1e4,1e4) : new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ a.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(50, s, function() {
+ var t = Laya.loader.getRes(e);
+ t && t.destroy(!0)
+ });
+ else {
+ var r = {};
+ r.error = "preheart effect url:" + e + " =null",
+ r.stack = "",
+ r.method = "_prehead_3d_effect",
+ r.name = "_prehead_3d_effect",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(r, !1)
+ }
+ }, e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
+ t(e);
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(10, s, function() {
+ h()
+ })
+ })
+ }))
+ };
+ h()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.clear_3d_resource = function(t) {
+ if (this.d3res_map.hasOwnProperty(t))
+ for (var i = this.d3res_map[t], n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var a = i[n];
+ if (0 == e.get_count(a)) {
+ var r = Laya.loader.getRes(a);
+ r && (r.clearTexture ? r.clearTexture() : r.dispose())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.d3res_map = null,
+ t._effect_status = {},
+ t
+ }();
+ t.EffectMgr = n
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e() {}
+ return e.login = function() {
+ var t = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ t.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(t) {
+ var e = JSON.parse(t);
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = "http://www.dmm.com/netgame/channeling/-/login/index/?p=" + e.parameter
+ }),
+ t.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(t) {
+ uiscript.UI_Entrance.Inst.showError("prelogin not found")
+ }),
+ t.send(GameMgr.config_data.system_email_url + "/api/user/dmm_pre_login", "finish_url=" + GameMgr.Inst.link_url, "post")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.recharge = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ uiscript.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.show(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createDMMOrder", {
+ goods_id: e,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error)
+ uiscript.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createDMMOrder", n, a);
+ else {
+ for (var r = cfg.mall.product.getGroup(70), s = 0, o = "", l = 0; l < r.length; l++)
+ r[l].goods_id == e && (s = r[l].currency_price,
+ o = 2 == r[l].product_type ? cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(e).name : cfg.mall.goods.get(e).name);
+ for (var h = GameMgr.Inst.link_url, c = -1, l = h.length - 1; l >= 0; l--)
+ if ("/" == h[l]) {
+ c = l;
+ break
+ }
+ -1 != c && (h = h.substr(0, c) + "/close.html");
+ var _ = {
+ transaction_id: a.transaction_id,
+ dmm_app_id: a.dmm_app_id,
+ dmm_user_id: a.dmm_user_id,
+ token: a.token,
+ order_id: a.order_id,
+ callback_url: a.callback_url,
+ finishpage_url: h,
+ request_time: a.request_time,
+ item_id: e,
+ item_name: o,
+ unit_price: s / 1e3,
+ quantity: 1,
+ is_test: 0
+ };
+ t.Tools.formPost("http://www.dmm.com/netgame/channeling/-/item/index/", _, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close()
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.DmmSDK = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var mjcore;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.p = 0] = "p",
+ t[t.m = 1] = "m",
+ t[t.s = 2] = "s",
+ t[t.z = 3] = "z"
+ }(e = t.E_MJPai || (t.E_MJPai = {}));
+ var i = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.prototype.IsZ = function() {
+ return this.type == e.z
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.IsLaoTou = function() {
+ return this.type != e.z && (1 == this.index || 9 == this.index)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.IsYao = function() {
+ return this.IsZ() || this.IsLaoTou()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.IsSiXi = function() {
+ return this.IsZ() && this.index >= 1 && this.index <= 4
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.IsSanYan = function() {
+ return this.IsZ() && this.index >= 5 && this.index <= 7
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.Clone = function() {
+ var e = new t;
+ return e.type = this.type,
+ e.index = this.index,
+ e.dora = this.dora,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.numValue = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ switch (this.type) {
+ case e.m:
+ t = this.index;
+ break;
+ case e.p:
+ t = 1e4 + this.index;
+ break;
+ case e.s:
+ t = 2e4 + this.index;
+ break;
+ case e.z:
+ t = 3e4 + 10 * this.index
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Create = function(i) {
+ var n = new t;
+ switch ("0" == i.charAt(0) ? (n.dora = !0,
+ n.index = 5) : (n.dora = !1,
+ n.index = +i.charAt(0)),
+ i.charAt(1)) {
+ case "z":
+ n.type = e.z;
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ n.type = e.m;
+ break;
+ case "s":
+ n.type = e.s;
+ break;
+ case "p":
+ n.type = e.p
+ }
+ return n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.RandomCreate = function() {
+ var i = new t
+ , n = Math.random();
+ return n < .22 ? (i.type = e.z,
+ i.index = Math.floor(7 * Math.random()) + 1) : (i.type = n < .48 ? e.p : n < .74 ? e.s : e.m,
+ i.index = Math.floor(9 * Math.random()) + 1),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.isSame = function(t, e) {
+ return t.type == e.type && t.index == e.index && t.dora == e.dora
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Distance = function(t, e) {
+ return t.numValue() - e.numValue()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.DoraMet = function(t, i) {
+ if (t.type != i.type)
+ return !1;
+ var n = i.index + 1;
+ return view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == view.ERuleMode.Liqi4 ? i.type == e.z ? i.index <= 4 ? 5 == n && (n = 1) : 8 == n && (n = 5) : 10 == n && (n = 1) : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == view.ERuleMode.Liqi3 && (i.type == e.z ? i.index <= 4 ? 5 == n && (n = 1) : 8 == n && (n = 5) : i.type == e.s || i.type == e.p ? 10 == n && (n = 1) : (10 == n && (n = 1),
+ 2 == n && (n = 9))),
+ n == t.index
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var t = this.dora ? "0" : this.index.toString();
+ switch (this.type) {
+ case e.m:
+ t += "m";
+ break;
+ case e.p:
+ t += "p";
+ break;
+ case e.s:
+ t += "s";
+ break;
+ default:
+ t += "z"
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.MJPai = i;
+ var n = function() {
+ return function() {}
+ }();
+ t.MJQiPai = n;
+ var a;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.shunzi = 0] = "shunzi",
+ t[t.kezi = 1] = "kezi",
+ t[t.gang_ming = 2] = "gang_ming",
+ t[t.gang_an = 3] = "gang_an",
+ t[t.babei = 4] = "babei"
+ }(a = t.E_Ming || (t.E_Ming = {}));
+ var r = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.pais = [],
+ this.from = []
+ }
+ return t.prototype.Clone = function() {
+ var e = new t;
+ e.type = this.type,
+ e.pais = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < this.pais.length; i++)
+ e.pais.push(this.pais[i].Clone());
+ e.from = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.from.length; i++)
+ e.from.push(this.from[i]);
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var t = "";
+ switch (this.type) {
+ case a.shunzi:
+ t += "shunzi(";
+ break;
+ case a.kezi:
+ t += "kezi(";
+ break;
+ case a.gang_ming:
+ t += "minggang(";
+ break;
+ case a.gang_an:
+ t += "angang(";
+ break;
+ case a.babei:
+ t += "babei("
+ }
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.pais.length; e++)
+ 0 != e && (t += ","),
+ t += this.pais[e].toString();
+ return t += ")"
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.MJMing = r;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.dapai = 1] = "dapai",
+ t[t.eat = 2] = "eat",
+ t[t.peng = 3] = "peng",
+ t[t.an_gang = 4] = "an_gang",
+ t[t.ming_gang = 5] = "ming_gang",
+ t[t.add_gang = 6] = "add_gang",
+ t[t.liqi = 7] = "liqi",
+ t[t.zimo = 8] = "zimo",
+ t[t.rong = 9] = "rong",
+ t[t.jiuzhongjiupai = 10] = "jiuzhongjiupai",
+ t[t.babei = 11] = "babei"
+ }(t.E_PlayOperation || (t.E_PlayOperation = {}));
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.jiuzhongjiupai = 1] = "jiuzhongjiupai",
+ t[t.sifenglianda = 2] = "sifenglianda",
+ t[t.sigangsanle = 3] = "sigangsanle",
+ t[t.sijializhi = 4] = "sijializhi",
+ t[t.sanjiahule = 5] = "sanjiahule"
+ }(t.E_LiuJu || (t.E_LiuJu = {}));
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.liuju = 0] = "liuju",
+ t[t.shaoji = 1] = "shaoji",
+ t[t.zimo = 2] = "zimo",
+ t[t.rong = 3] = "rong",
+ t[t.fangchong = 4] = "fangchong",
+ t[t.beizimo = 5] = "beizimo"
+ }(t.E_Round_Result || (t.E_Round_Result = {}));
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_none = 0] = "E_Dadian_Title_none",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_manguan = 1] = "E_Dadian_Title_manguan",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman = 2] = "E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_beiman = 3] = "E_Dadian_Title_beiman",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman = 4] = "E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_yiman = 5] = "E_Dadian_Title_yiman",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2 = 6] = "E_Dadian_Title_yiman2",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3 = 7] = "E_Dadian_Title_yiman3",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4 = 8] = "E_Dadian_Title_yiman4",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5 = 9] = "E_Dadian_Title_yiman5",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6 = 10] = "E_Dadian_Title_yiman6",
+ t[t.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman = 11] = "E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman"
+ }(t.E_Dadian_Title || (t.E_Dadian_Title = {}))
+}(mjcore || (mjcore = {}));
+var game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.prototype.recover_pre_order = function(t) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.getGoodsInfo = function(t) {
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onGameStart = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.want2BuyItem = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.AppShop = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var app;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t._init = function() {
+ if (null == this._tmpCookie) {
+ this._tmpCookie = {};
+ for (var t = document.cookie.split(";"), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ var i = t[e].split("=");
+ if (i && i.length >= 2) {
+ for (var n = i[0]; " " == n.charAt(0); )
+ n = n.substring(1);
+ this._tmpCookie[n] = i[1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.setCookie = function(t, e) {
+ this._init();
+ new Date;
+ document.cookie = t + "=" + e + ";max-age=" + 2592e3.toString(),
+ this._tmpCookie[t] = e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.getCookie = function(t) {
+ return this._init(),
+ this._tmpCookie.hasOwnProperty(t) ? this._tmpCookie[t] : ""
+ }
+ ,
+ t._tmpCookie = null,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.CookieMgr = e
+}(app || (app = {}));
+var lqc;
+!function(t) {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ var i = new Error(e);
+ throw i.code = t,
+ i
+ }
+ var i = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.table_ = t,
+ this.sheet_ = e,
+ this.rows_ = i || [],
+ this.map_ = {},
+ this.minKey_ = null,
+ this.maxKey_ = null,
+ i.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t[n] - e[n]
+ }),
+ i.length > 0 && (this.minKey_ = i[0][n],
+ this.maxKey_ = i[i.length - 1][n]),
+ i.forEach(function(t) {
+ var e = t[n];
+ a.map_[e] = t
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.get = function(t) {
+ return this.map_[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.find = function(t) {
+ return this.map_[t] || e("ERR_CONFIG_ROW_NOT_FIND", "[unique] " + this.table_ + "." + this.sheet_ + "#" + t),
+ this.map_[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.forEach = function(t) {
+ this.rows_.forEach(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "table", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.table_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheet", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.sheet_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.rows_.length
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "minKey", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.minKey_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "maxKey", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.maxKey_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UniqueSheet = i;
+ var n = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this.table_ = t,
+ this.sheet_ = e,
+ this.rows_ = i || []
+ }
+ return t.prototype.forEach = function(t) {
+ this.rows_.forEach(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "table", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.table_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheet", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.sheet_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.rows_.length
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t
+ }();
+ t.NoKeySheet = n;
+ var a = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.table_ = t,
+ this.sheet_ = e,
+ this.rows_ = i || [],
+ this.groups_ = {},
+ this.rows_.forEach(function(t) {
+ var e = t[n];
+ a.groups_[e] || (a.groups_[e] = []);
+ a.groups_[e].push(t)
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.getGroup = function(t) {
+ return this.groups_[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.findGroup = function(t) {
+ return this.groups_[t] || e("ERR_CONFIG_ROW_NOT_FIND", "[unique] " + this.table_ + "." + this.sheet_ + "#" + t),
+ this.groups_[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.forEach = function(t) {
+ this.rows_.forEach(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.forEachGroup = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ Object.keys(this.groups_).forEach(function(i) {
+ t(e.groups_[i], i)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "table", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.table_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheet", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.sheet_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.rows_.length
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t
+ }();
+ t.GroupSheet = a;
+ var r = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.value_ = t,
+ this.ref_ = null
+ }
+ return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
+ this.ref_ = t
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.value_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "ref", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.ref_
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ReferenceField = r
+}(lqc || (lqc = {}));
+var cfg = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.load = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = {};
+ t.forEach(function(t) {
+ i[t.table] || (i[t.table] = {});
+ var e = [];
+ t.rows.forEach(function(i) {
+ var n = {};
+ t.header.forEach(function(t) {
+ n[t.field_name] = i[t.field_name]
+ }),
+ e.push(n)
+ });
+ var n = null;
+ switch (t.meta.category) {
+ case "unique":
+ n = new lqc.UniqueSheet(t.table,t.sheet,e,t.meta.key);
+ break;
+ case "nokey":
+ n = new lqc.NoKeySheet(t.table,t.sheet,e);
+ break;
+ case "group":
+ n = new lqc.GroupSheet(t.table,t.sheet,e,t.meta.key);
+ break;
+ case "kv":
+ n = {},
+ e.forEach(function(e) {
+ var i = e[t.meta.key];
+ n[i] = e
+ })
+ }
+ n && (i[t.table][t.sheet] = n)
+ }),
+ Object.keys(i).forEach(function(t) {
+ e[t] = i[t]
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+}(), bin;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.prototype.mini_info = function() {
+ return {
+ table: this.table,
+ sheet: this.sheet,
+ meta: this.meta,
+ fields: this.fields.map(function(t) {
+ return {
+ field_name: t.field_name,
+ pb_type: t.pb_type,
+ array_length: t.array_length
+ }
+ }),
+ kvs: this.kvs
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ return function(t) {
+ this.name = t,
+ this.sheets = []
+ }
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ return function(t) {
+ this.name = t,
+ this.sheets = {}
+ }
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.root = new protobuf.Root,
+ this.schemas = [],
+ this.datas = []
+ }
+ return t.pb_classname = function(t, e) {
+ return t + "_" + e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.parseSync = function(a, r) {
+ this.root = protobuf.parse(a, {
+ keepCase: !0
+ }).root;
+ for (var s = this.root.lookupType("lq.config.ConfigTables").decode(r), o = s.schemas, l = {}, h = 0, c = o; h < c.length; h++)
+ for (var _ = (O = c[h]).name, u = 0, d = O.sheets; u < d.length; u++) {
+ C = (F = d[u]).name;
+ l[S = t.pb_classname(_, C)] = F;
+ for (var f = new protobuf.Type(S), p = 0, m = F.fields; p < m.length; p++) {
+ var g = m[p]
+ , y = g.array_length > 0 ? "repeated" : "optional"
+ , v = new protobuf.Field(g.field_name,g.pb_index,g.pb_type,y);
+ f.add(v)
+ }
+ this.root.add(f)
+ }
+ for (var b = {}, w = 0, x = s.datas; w < x.length; w++) {
+ var I = x[w]
+ , _ = I.table
+ , C = I.sheet
+ , S = t.pb_classname(_, C);
+ if (f = this.root.lookupType(S)) {
+ if (l[S]) {
+ b[S] || (b[S] = []);
+ for (var M = 0, L = I.data; M < L.length; M++) {
+ var T = L[M];
+ b[S].push(f.decode(T))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var E = 0, D = o; E < D.length; E++) {
+ var _ = (O = D[E]).name
+ , N = new i(_);
+ this.schemas.push(N);
+ for (var A = function(i) {
+ var n = i.name
+ , a = t.pb_classname(_, n)
+ , r = new e;
+ if (r.table = _,
+ r.sheet = n,
+ r.meta = i.meta,
+ r.fields = i.fields.map(function(t) {
+ return {
+ field_name: t.field_name,
+ array_length: t.array_length,
+ pb_type: t.pb_type,
+ comment: null
+ }
+ }),
+ "kv" === r.meta.category) {
+ var s = b[a];
+ s && (r.kvs = s.map(function(t) {
+ return t[r.meta.key]
+ }))
+ }
+ N.sheets.push(r)
+ }, B = 0, k = O.sheets; B < k.length; B++) {
+ A(F = k[B])
+ }
+ }
+ for (var R = 0, P = o; R < P.length; R++) {
+ var O = P[R]
+ , _ = O.name
+ , N = new n(_);
+ this.datas.push(N);
+ for (var U = 0, V = O.sheets; U < V.length; U++) {
+ var F = V[U]
+ , C = F.name
+ , S = t.pb_classname(_, C);
+ N[C] = b[S]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.exportSchema = function() {
+ return this.schemas
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.exportData = function() {
+ return this.datas
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.BinParser = a;
+ var r = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.schema = {},
+ this.data = {},
+ t.forEach(function(t) {
+ i.schema[t.name] = t
+ }),
+ e.forEach(function(t) {
+ i.data[t.name] = t
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.toFormat = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = [];
+ return Object.keys(this.schema).forEach(function(i) {
+ var n = t.schema[i]
+ , a = t.data[i];
+ a && n.sheets.forEach(function(t) {
+ var i = {};
+ i.table = t.table,
+ i.sheet = t.sheet,
+ i.meta = t.meta,
+ i.header = t.fields.map(function(t) {
+ return {
+ field_name: t.field_name,
+ array_length: t.array_length,
+ pb_type: t.pb_type
+ }
+ }),
+ i.rows = a[t.sheet],
+ e.push(i)
+ })
+ }),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.TSDataFormat = r
+}(bin || (bin = {}));
+var capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._data = null,
+ this._me = null,
+ this.active = !1
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "me", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._me
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "owner", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._me = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "copydata", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._data = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.getNodeClone = function() {
+ var t = Laya.View.createComp(this._data);
+ return this.me.parent.addChild(t),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UICopy = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t._dfs_idmap = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (e.compId && (i[e.compId] = t),
+ e.child)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.child.length; n++) {
+ var a = e.child[n];
+ if (a.props && a.props.name) {
+ var r = t.getChildByName(a.props.name);
+ r && this._dfs_idmap(r, a, i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.createFrameAnimation = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = e;
+ if (!a.animations || 0 == a.animations.length)
+ return null;
+ var r = null;
+ if ("" == n)
+ r = a.animations[0];
+ else
+ for (c = 0; c < a.animations.length; c++)
+ if (a.animations[c].name == n) {
+ r = a.animations[c];
+ break
+ }
+ if (null == r)
+ return null;
+ var s = {}
+ , o = e;
+ if ("" != i)
+ for (var l = i.split("/"), h = 0; h < l.length; h++) {
+ if (!o.child)
+ return null;
+ for (var c = 0; c < o.child.length; c++) {
+ var _ = o.child[c];
+ _.props && _.props.name && _.props.name == l[h] && (o = _)
+ }
+ }
+ this._dfs_idmap(t, o, s);
+ var u = new Laya.FrameAnimation;
+ return u._setUp(s, r),
+ u.stop(),
+ u
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UIAnim = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.render_page = e,
+ this.btn_left = this.me.getChildByName("btn_left");
+ this.btn_left.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.change_page(i.current_index - 1, !1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_right = this.me.getChildByName("btn_right"),
+ this.btn_right.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.change_page(i.current_index + 1, !1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_current_page = this.me.getChildByName("curr_page"),
+ this.btn_page = this.me.getChildByName("btn_page"),
+ this.btn_page.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.page_show_locking || i._show_page_choose()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_pages = this.me.getChildByName("container_pages"),
+ this.container_pages.getChildByName("close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.page_show_locking || i._close_page_choose()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scroll_pages = this.container_pages.getChildByName("bg").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scroll_pages.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._render_page_choose_item, null, !1))
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_pages.visible = !1,
+ this.scroll_pages.reset(),
+ this.btn_left.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_right.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_page.visible = !1,
+ this.page_show_locking = !1,
+ this.current_index = -1,
+ this.label_current_page.text = ""
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.set_total_page_count = function(t) {
+ this.total_count = t,
+ this.me.visible = this.total_count > 0,
+ this.btn_page.visible = this.total_count > 1,
+ this.btn_left.visible = this.current_index > 0,
+ this.btn_right.visible = this.current_index + 1 < this.total_count,
+ this.change_page(this.current_index, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.change_page = function(t, e) {
+ t >= this.total_count && (t = this.total_count - 1),
+ t < 0 && (t = 0),
+ (e || this.current_index != t) && (this.current_index = t,
+ this.btn_left.visible = this.current_index > 0,
+ this.btn_right.visible = this.current_index + 1 < this.total_count,
+ this.label_current_page.text = (this.current_index + 1).toString(),
+ this.render_page && this.render_page.runWith(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._show_page_choose = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (this.total_count <= 1)
+ this.page_show_locking = !1;
+ else {
+ this.container_pages.visible = !0,
+ this.scroll_pages.reset(),
+ this.scroll_pages.addItem(this.total_count);
+ var e = this.container_pages.getChildByName("bg")
+ , i = e.getChildByName("content");
+ this.total_count <= 3 ? (i.height = 54 * this.total_count,
+ e.height = i.height,
+ e.y = this.container_pages.height - e.height) : (i.height = this.container_pages.height,
+ e.height = i.height,
+ e.y = 0),
+ e.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(e, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.page_show_locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._close_page_choose = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = this.container_pages.getChildByName("bg");
+ Laya.Tween.to(e, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ this.page_show_locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.page_show_locking = !1,
+ t.container_pages.visible = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._render_page_choose_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.page_show_locking || (e.change_page(i, !1),
+ e._close_page_choose())
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("page").text = (i + 1).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.PageController = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._data = null,
+ this._me = null,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.lines = []
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "locking", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._locking
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "me", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._me
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "owner", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._me = t,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, this, this.onCreate)
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "choosed_index", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._choosed_index
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.out = this.me.getChildByName("out"),
+ this.bg = this.me.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.line = this.me.getChildByName("line"),
+ this.item_templete = this.me.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/vscroll.png"),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.item_templete.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = this.item_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"], i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ var n = e.getNodeClone();
+ this.content.addChild(n),
+ this.items.push(n)
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ var a = this.line.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ this.content.addChild(a),
+ this.lines.push(a)
+ }
+ this.item_templete.visible = !0,
+ this.item_templete.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t._locking || (t.out.visible ? t.up() : t.down())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.out.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t._locking || t.up()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.init = function(t, e) {
+ this._render = t,
+ this._onChange = e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.reset_show = function(t, e) {
+ this.out.visible = !1,
+ this.line.visible = !1,
+ this.content.visible = !1,
+ this.bg.height = this.item_templete.height,
+ this._value_count = e,
+ this._choosed_index = t,
+ this._render.runWith({
+ index: t,
+ container: this.item_templete
+ }),
+ this._locking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.down = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._locking = !0,
+ this.out.visible = !0;
+ for (n = 0; n < this.items.length; n++)
+ this.items[n].visible = !1;
+ this.content.visible = !1,
+ this.line.visible = !0,
+ this.line.y = this.item_templete.height,
+ this.content.y = this.item_templete.height + this.line.height;
+ for (var e = function(e) {
+ e < i._value_count ? (0 != e && (i.lines[e - 1].visible = !0,
+ i.lines[e - 1].y = i.item_templete.height * e + i.line.height * (e - 1)),
+ i._render.runWith({
+ index: e,
+ container: i.items[e]
+ }),
+ i.items[e].visible = !0,
+ i.items[e].y = (i.item_templete.height + i.line.height) * e,
+ i.items[e].clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t._locking || (t.up(),
+ t._choosed_index != e && (t._choosed_index = e,
+ t._render.runWith({
+ index: e,
+ container: t.item_templete
+ }),
+ t._onChange.runWith(t._choosed_index)))
+ }, null, !1)) : i.items[e].visible = !1
+ }, i = this, n = 0; n < this.items.length; n++)
+ e(n);
+ if (this.content.visible = !0,
+ this.content.alpha = 0,
+ this._value_count <= 3) {
+ a = (this.item_templete.height + this.line.height) * (this._value_count + 1);
+ this.content.height = (this.item_templete.height + this.line.height) * this._value_count,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: a
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150)
+ } else {
+ var a = 4.5 * (this.item_templete.height + this.line.height);
+ this.content.height = 3.4 * (this.item_templete.height + this.line.height),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: a
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ this.line.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.line, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t._locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.up = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._locking = !0;
+ var e = this.item_templete.height;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: e
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.line, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.out.visible = !1,
+ t.line.visible = !1,
+ t.content.visible = !1,
+ t._locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.CDropdown = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), basic;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.Clone = function() {
+ for (var t = new e, i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
+ t.push(this[i]);
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.RemoveAt = function(t) {
+ if (!(t < 0 || t >= this.length)) {
+ var e = this[t];
+ return this[t] = this[this.length - 1],
+ this[this.length - 1] = e,
+ this.pop()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.RemoveX = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.length; e++)
+ if (this[e] === t) {
+ this.RemoveAt(e);
+ break
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(Array);
+ t.Seq = e
+}(basic || (basic = {}));
+var basic;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ return function() {
+ this.key = null,
+ this.val = null
+ }
+ }();
+ t.Pair = e
+}(basic || (basic = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), anim;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e.mat = null,
+ e.tick = 2e3,
+ e.lasttime = 0,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype._load = function(t) {
+ this.mat = t.meshRender.material,
+ this.lasttime = 0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.update = function() {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ else if (this.enable) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.lasttime;
+ t >= this.tick && (t = 0,
+ this.lasttime = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ var e = 0;
+ e = t < this.tick / 2 ? 2 * t / this.tick : 1 - (t - this.tick / 2) / (this.tick / 2);
+ var i = this.mat.albedoColor.clone();
+ i.w = 1 - e,
+ this.mat.albedoColor = i
+ } else
+ this.lasttime = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(Laya.Script);
+ t.Bling = e
+}(anim || (anim = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), anim;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e.mat = null,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype._load = function(t) {
+ this.mat = t.meshRender.material,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.update = function() {
+ if (this.destroyed)
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ else if (this.enable) {
+ if (e.lastupdateframe < Laya.timer.currFrame)
+ if (e.lastupdateframe < Laya.timer.currFrame - 10)
+ e.lastupdateframe = Laya.timer.currFrame,
+ e.lastupdatetime = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ else {
+ e.lastupdateframe = Laya.timer.currFrame;
+ var t = (Laya.timer.currTimer - e.lastupdatetime) / 1e3;
+ e.tilingOffset.w >= -.35 ? e.v += 2.2 * t : e.tilingOffset.w >= -.65 ? (e.v -= 1.6 * t) < .1 && (e.v = .1) : e.v = .3,
+ e.tilingOffset.w -= e.v * t,
+ e.tilingOffset.w < -1 && (e.tilingOffset.w = -.1,
+ e.v = 0),
+ e.lastupdatetime = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ this.mat.tilingOffset = e.tilingOffset.clone()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.tilingOffset = new Laya.Vector4(.8,.2,0,0),
+ e.lastupdateframe = 0,
+ e.lastupdatetime = 0,
+ e.v = 0,
+ e
+ }(Laya.Script);
+ t.RunUV = e
+}(anim || (anim = {}));
+var capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this._me = null,
+ this._root_view = null
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "me", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._me
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "root_view", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._root_view
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "owner", {
+ set: function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._me = t,
+ this._me.frameOnce(2, this, function() {
+ for (var t = e._me; t && !(t instanceof Laya.View); )
+ t = t.parent;
+ e._root_view = t,
+ e._root_view && (e._root_view.on("onenable", e, e._onEnable),
+ e._root_view.on("ondisable", e, e._onDisable)),
+ e.onCreate()
+ })
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype._onEnable = function() {
+ !this.me || this.me.destroyed ? this.onDestroy() : this.onEnable()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._onDisable = function() {
+ !this.me || this.me.destroyed ? this.onDestroy() : this.onDisable()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onCreate = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onEnable = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onDisable = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onDestroy = function() {
+ this._root_view && (this._root_view.off("onenable", this, this._onEnable),
+ this._root_view.off("ondisable", this, this._onDisable))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UIComponent = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e.mousedowned = !1,
+ e.origin_scale_x = 1,
+ e.origin_scale_y = 1,
+ e.starttime = 0,
+ e.origin_x = 0,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.origin_scale_x = this.me.scaleX,
+ this.origin_scale_y = this.me.scaleY,
+ this.me.on("mousedown", this, this.OnMouseDown),
+ this.me.on("mouseup", this, this.OnMouseUp),
+ this.me.on("mouseout", this, this.OnMouseUp),
+ this.me.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.me.scaleX = this.me.scaleY = 1,
+ this.origin_scale_x = this.me.scaleX,
+ this.origin_scale_y = this.me.scaleY
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.mousedowned = !1,
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.me),
+ this.me.destroyed || (this.me.scaleX = this.origin_scale_x,
+ this.me.scaleY = this.origin_scale_y)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnMouseDown = function() {
+ this.mousedowned || (this.mousedowned = !0,
+ this.origin_x = this.me.scaleX,
+ this.starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ Laya.timer.clear(this, this.DoAnim),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.DoAnim))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.OnMouseUp = function() {
+ this.mousedowned && (this.mousedowned = !1,
+ this.origin_x = this.me.scaleX,
+ this.starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ Laya.timer.clear(this, this.DoAnim),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.DoAnim))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.DoAnim = function() {
+ if (this.me && !this.me.destroyed) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.starttime
+ , e = this.mousedowned ? 1.1 : 1;
+ if (t >= 50)
+ this.me.scaleX = this.me.scaleY = e,
+ Laya.timer.clear(this, this.DoAnim);
+ else {
+ var i = t / 50;
+ this.me.scaleX = this.me.scaleY = this.origin_x * (1 - i) + e * i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.CButton = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e.starttime = 0,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.img_round = this.me.getChildByName("flower").getChildByName("round"),
+ this.img_shine = this.me.getChildByName("flower").getChildByName("shine")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.refreshShow(),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.refreshShow)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refreshShow = function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.starttime;
+ t > 2e3 && (t = 0,
+ this.starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ var e = t / 2e3;
+ if (this.img_round && (this.img_round.rotation = 360 * e),
+ e < .5) {
+ i = 2 * e;
+ this.img_shine && (this.img_shine.alpha = i * i)
+ } else {
+ var i = 2 - 2 * e;
+ this.img_shine && (this.img_shine.alpha = i * i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.CLoading = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+ return e.islong = !1,
+ e._drag_scroll = !1,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.scrollpoint = this.me.getChildByName("scrollpoint")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.init = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.handler_change = t,
+ t && (this.me.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !0;
+ var i = e.me.mouseY / e.me.height;
+ t.runWith(i)
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ if (e._drag_scroll) {
+ var i = e.me.mouseY / e.me.height;
+ t.runWith(i)
+ }
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setVal = function(t, e) {
+ t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ (e = e < 0 ? 0 : e) >= 1 ? this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1) : (this.me.visible || (this.me.visible = !0),
+ this.islong ? (this.scrollpoint.height = this.me.height * e,
+ this.scrollpoint.height < 20 && (this.scrollpoint.height = 20),
+ this.scrollpoint.y = (this.me.height - this.scrollpoint.height) * t) : this.scrollpoint.y = this.me.height * t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this._drag_scroll = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.CScrollBar = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+ return e.islong = !1,
+ e._drag_scroll = !1,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.scrollpoint = this.me.getChildByName("scrollpoint")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.init = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.handler_change = t,
+ t && (this.me.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !0;
+ var i = e.me.mouseX / e.me.width;
+ t.runWith(i)
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ if (e._drag_scroll) {
+ var i = e.me.mouseX / e.me.width;
+ t.runWith(i)
+ }
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setVal = function(t, e) {
+ t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t,
+ (e = e < 0 ? 0 : e) >= 1 ? this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1) : (this.me.visible || (this.me.visible = !0),
+ this.islong ? (this.scrollpoint.width = this.me.width * e,
+ this.scrollpoint.width < 20 && (this.scrollpoint.width = 20),
+ this.scrollpoint.x = (this.me.width - this.scrollpoint.width) * t) : this.scrollpoint.x = this.me.width * t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this._drag_scroll = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.CScrollBar_Heng = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t._scrollbar = null,
+ t._drag_scroll = !1,
+ t._container_items = null,
+ t._content = null,
+ t._templete = null,
+ t._items = [],
+ t._item_heights = [],
+ t._total_height = 0,
+ t._rate = 0,
+ t._repeat_x = 1,
+ t._span_x = 0,
+ t._value_count = 0,
+ t._render_func = null,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "rate", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._rate
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._total_height <= this._content.height ? this._content.vScrollBar.value = 0 : this._content.vScrollBar.value = (this._total_height - this._content.height) * t / 1
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "value_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._value_count
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "need_scroll", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._total_height > this._content.height
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "total_height", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._total_height
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "view_height", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._content.height
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "near_bottom", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.total_height <= this.view_height || (1 - this.rate) * this.value_count < .5
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.addItem = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = -1);
+ var i = this._value_count;
+ e <= 0 && (e = this._templete.height);
+ for (n = 0; n < t; n++)
+ this._item_heights.push(e);
+ if (this._value_count += t,
+ this._repeat_x <= 1 ? this._total_height += e * t : this._total_height = e * Math.ceil(this._value_count / this._repeat_x),
+ i > 0)
+ for (var n = 0; n < this._items.length; n++)
+ if (this._items[n].value_index == i - 1) {
+ var a = this._items[n];
+ this._render_func && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: a.value_index,
+ container: a.container,
+ cache_data: a.cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ this._onChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.addItems = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._value_count, i = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ this._item_heights.push(t[n]),
+ i += t[n];
+ if (this._value_count += t.length,
+ this._repeat_x <= 1 && (this._total_height += i),
+ e > 0)
+ for (n = 0; n < this._items.length; n++)
+ if (this._items[n].value_index == e - 1) {
+ var a = this._items[n];
+ this._render_func && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: a.value_index,
+ container: a.container,
+ cache_data: a.cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ this._onChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.delItem = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._items.length; e++)
+ this._items[e].value_index >= t && (this._items[e].value_index == this.value_count - 1 || this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: this._items[e].value_index,
+ container: this._items[e].container,
+ cache_data: this._items[e].cache_data
+ }));
+ this.popItem()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.popItem = function() {
+ if (0 != this._value_count) {
+ var t = this._item_heights[this._item_heights.length - 1];
+ this._total_height,
+ this._rate;
+ this._total_height -= t,
+ this._value_count--,
+ this._item_heights.pop(),
+ this._onChange()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar");
+ i && (i.scriptMap && (this._scrollbar = i.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"]),
+ this._scrollbar || (this._scrollbar = new t.CScrollBar,
+ this._scrollbar.owner = i),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, this, function() {
+ i.on("mousedown", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !0,
+ e.rate = i.mouseY / i.height
+ }),
+ i.on("mousemove", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll && (e.rate = i.mouseY / i.height)
+ }),
+ i.on("mouseup", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ })
+ })),
+ this._content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this._content.vScrollBarSkin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/vscroll.png"),
+ this._container_items = new Laya.Sprite,
+ this._content.addChild(this._container_items),
+ this._container_items.x = this._container_items.y = 0,
+ this._container_items.height = 1e7,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, this, function() {
+ e._content.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ e._content.vScrollBar.on("change", e, e._onChange)
+ }),
+ this._templete = this._content.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this._templete.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.init_scrollview = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = -1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this._repeat_x = i,
+ this._span_x = n,
+ this._render_func = t,
+ this._items.length > 0) {
+ for (r = 0; r < this._items.length; r++)
+ this._container_items.removeChild(this._items[r].container),
+ this._items[r].container.destroy();
+ this._items = []
+ }
+ e <= 0 && (e = this._templete.height);
+ var a = Math.ceil(this._content.height / e) + 2;
+ a *= this._repeat_x;
+ for (var r = 0; r < a; r++)
+ this._items.push({
+ container: this._templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone(),
+ value_index: -1,
+ cache_data: {}
+ }),
+ this._content.removeChild(this._items[r].container),
+ this._container_items.addChild(this._items[r].container)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this._content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this._total_height = 0,
+ this._value_count = 0,
+ this._item_heights = [],
+ this.rate = 0,
+ this._onRateChange(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_render_handler = function(t) {
+ this.reset(),
+ this._render_func = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._onChange = function() {
+ var t = this._content.vScrollBar
+ , e = 1 * t.value;
+ if (this._total_height <= this._content.height)
+ e > 0 ? t.value = 0 : this._onRateChange(0);
+ else if (e > this._total_height - this._content.height)
+ t.value = (this._total_height - this._content.height) / 1;
+ else {
+ var i = e / (this._total_height - this._content.height);
+ this._onRateChange(i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.scrollDelta = function(t) {
+ this.need_scroll && (this._content.vScrollBar.value += t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._onRateChange = function(t) {
+ var e = 0;
+ this._total_height <= this._content.height ? (this._rate = 0,
+ this._scrollbar && this._scrollbar.setVal(0, 1)) : (this._rate = t,
+ this._rate < 0 ? this._rate = 0 : this._rate > 1 && (this._rate = 1),
+ this._scrollbar && this._scrollbar.setVal(t, this._content.height / this.total_height),
+ e = (this._total_height - this._content.height) * this._rate);
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0, a = 0; a < this._item_heights.length; a += this._repeat_x) {
+ if (n + this._item_heights[a] >= e) {
+ i = a;
+ break
+ }
+ n += this._item_heights[a]
+ }
+ for (var r = i % this._items.length, a = 0; a < this._items.length; a += this._repeat_x) {
+ var s = i + a;
+ if (s >= this._value_count || n - e > this._content.height)
+ for (o = 0; o < this._repeat_x; o++) {
+ (l = this._items[(r + a + o) % this._items.length]).container.visible = !1,
+ l.value_index = -1
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var o = 0; o < this._repeat_x; o++) {
+ var l = this._items[(r + a + o) % this._items.length]
+ , h = s + o;
+ h >= this.value_count ? (l.container.visible = !1,
+ l.value_index = -1) : l.value_index != h && (l.container.visible = !0,
+ l.value_index = h,
+ l.container.y = n,
+ l.container.x = (this._templete.width + this._span_x) * o,
+ this._container_items.removeChild(l.container),
+ this._container_items.addChild(l.container),
+ this._render_func && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: h,
+ container: l.container,
+ cache_data: l.cache_data
+ }))
+ }
+ n += this._item_heights[s]
+ }
+ }
+ this.me.event("ratechange")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.wantToRefreshItem = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._items.length; e++)
+ this._items[e].value_index == t && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: t,
+ container: this._items[e].container,
+ cache_data: this._items[e].cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.wantToRefreshAll = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._items.length; t++)
+ this._items[t].value_index >= 0 && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: this._items[t].value_index,
+ container: this._items[t].container,
+ cache_data: this._items[t].cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.CScrollView = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t._scrollbar = null,
+ t._drag_scroll = !1,
+ t._container_items = null,
+ t._content = null,
+ t._templete = null,
+ t._items = [],
+ t._item_widths = [],
+ t._total_width = 0,
+ t._rate = 0,
+ t._repeat_y = 1,
+ t._span_y = 0,
+ t._value_count = 0,
+ t._render_func = null,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "rate", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._rate
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._total_width <= this._content.width ? this._content.hScrollBar.value = 0 : this._content.hScrollBar.value = (this._total_width - this._content.width) * t / 1
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "value_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._value_count
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "need_scroll", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._total_width > this._content.width
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "total_width", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._total_width
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "view_width", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._content.width
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "near_bottom", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.total_width <= this.view_width || (1 - this.rate) * this.value_count < .5
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.addItem = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = -1);
+ var i = this._value_count;
+ e <= 0 && (e = this._templete.width);
+ for (n = 0; n < t; n++)
+ this._item_widths.push(e);
+ if (this._value_count += t,
+ this._repeat_y <= 1 ? this._total_width += e * t : this._total_width = e * Math.ceil(this._value_count / this._repeat_y),
+ i > 0)
+ for (var n = 0; n < this._items.length; n++)
+ if (this._items[n].value_index == i - 1) {
+ var a = this._items[n];
+ this._render_func && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: a.value_index,
+ container: a.container,
+ cache_data: a.cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ this._onChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.addItems = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._value_count, i = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ this._item_widths.push(t[n]),
+ i += t[n];
+ if (this._value_count += t.length,
+ this._repeat_y <= 1 && (this._total_width += i),
+ e > 0)
+ for (n = 0; n < this._items.length; n++)
+ if (this._items[n].value_index == e - 1) {
+ var a = this._items[n];
+ this._render_func && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: a.value_index,
+ container: a.container,
+ cache_data: a.cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ this._onChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.delItem = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._items.length; e++)
+ this._items[e].value_index >= t && (this._items[e].value_index == this.value_count - 1 || this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: this._items[e].value_index,
+ container: this._items[e].container,
+ cache_data: this._items[e].cache_data
+ }));
+ this.popItem()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.popItem = function() {
+ if (0 != this._value_count) {
+ var t = this._item_widths[this._item_widths.length - 1];
+ this._total_width,
+ this._rate;
+ this._total_width -= t,
+ this._value_count--,
+ this._item_widths.pop(),
+ this._onChange()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar");
+ i && (i.scriptMap && (this._scrollbar = i.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar_Heng"]),
+ this._scrollbar || (this._scrollbar = new t.CScrollBar_Heng,
+ this._scrollbar.owner = i),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, this, function() {
+ i.on("mousedown", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !0,
+ e.rate = i.mouseX / i.width
+ }),
+ i.on("mousemove", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll && (e.rate = i.mouseX / i.width)
+ }),
+ i.on("mouseup", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ i.on("mouseout", e, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ })
+ })),
+ this._content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this._content.hScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this._container_items = new Laya.Sprite,
+ this._content.addChild(this._container_items),
+ this._container_items.x = this._container_items.y = 0,
+ this._container_items.width = 1e7,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, this, function() {
+ e._content.hScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ e._content.hScrollBar.on("change", e, e._onChange)
+ }),
+ this._templete = this._content.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this._templete.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.init_scrollview = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = -1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this._repeat_y = i,
+ this._span_y = n,
+ this._render_func = t,
+ this._items.length > 0) {
+ for (r = 0; r < this._items.length; r++)
+ this._container_items.removeChild(this._items[r].container),
+ this._items[r].container.destroy();
+ this._items = []
+ }
+ e <= 0 && (e = this._templete.width);
+ var a = Math.ceil(this._content.width / e) + 2;
+ a *= this._repeat_y;
+ for (var r = 0; r < a; r++)
+ this._items.push({
+ container: this._templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone(),
+ value_index: -1,
+ cache_data: {}
+ }),
+ this._content.removeChild(this._items[r].container),
+ this._container_items.addChild(this._items[r].container)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this._content.hScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this._total_width = 0,
+ this._value_count = 0,
+ this._item_widths = [],
+ this.rate = 0,
+ this._onRateChange(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_render_handler = function(t) {
+ this.reset(),
+ this._render_func = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._onChange = function() {
+ var t = this._content.hScrollBar
+ , e = 1 * t.value;
+ if (this._total_width <= this._content.width)
+ e > 0 ? t.value = 0 : this._onRateChange(0);
+ else if (e > this._total_width - this._content.width)
+ t.value = (this._total_width - this._content.width) / 1;
+ else {
+ var i = e / (this._total_width - this._content.width);
+ this._onRateChange(i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.scrollDelta = function(t) {
+ this.need_scroll && (this._content.hScrollBar.value += t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._onRateChange = function(t) {
+ var e = 0;
+ this._total_width <= this._content.width ? (this._rate = 0,
+ this._scrollbar && this._scrollbar.setVal(0, 1)) : (this._rate = t,
+ this._rate < 0 ? this._rate = 0 : this._rate > 1 && (this._rate = 1),
+ this._scrollbar && this._scrollbar.setVal(t, this._content.width / this.total_width),
+ e = (this._total_width - this._content.width) * this._rate);
+ for (var i = 0, n = 0, a = 0; a < this._item_widths.length; a += this._repeat_y) {
+ if (n + this._item_widths[a] >= e) {
+ i = a;
+ break
+ }
+ n += this._item_widths[a]
+ }
+ for (var r = i % this._items.length, a = 0; a < this._items.length; a += this._repeat_y) {
+ var s = i + a;
+ if (s >= this._value_count || n - e > this._content.width)
+ for (o = 0; o < this._repeat_y; o++) {
+ (l = this._items[(r + a + o) % this._items.length]).container.visible = !1,
+ l.value_index = -1
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var o = 0; o < this._repeat_y; o++) {
+ var l = this._items[(r + a + o) % this._items.length]
+ , h = s + o;
+ h >= this.value_count ? (l.container.visible = !1,
+ l.value_index = -1) : l.value_index != h && (l.container.visible = !0,
+ l.value_index = h,
+ l.container.y = (this._templete.height + this._span_y) * o,
+ l.container.x = n,
+ this._container_items.removeChild(l.container),
+ this._container_items.addChild(l.container),
+ this._render_func && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: h,
+ container: l.container,
+ cache_data: l.cache_data
+ }))
+ }
+ n += this._item_widths[s]
+ }
+ }
+ this.me.event("ratechange")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.wantToRefreshItem = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._items.length; e++)
+ this._items[e].value_index == t && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: t,
+ container: this._items[e].container,
+ cache_data: this._items[e].cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.wantToRefreshAll = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._items.length; t++)
+ this._items[t].value_index >= 0 && this._render_func.runWith({
+ index: this._items[t].value_index,
+ container: this._items[t].container,
+ cache_data: this._items[t].cache_data
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.CScrollView_Heng = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e.origin_x = 1,
+ e.origin_width = 1,
+ e.extend_right = !0,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.origin_x = this.me.x,
+ this.origin_width = this.me.width,
+ this.me.on("change", this, this.refresh_position),
+ this.refresh_position()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_position = function() {
+ var t = this.me.textField.textWidth;
+ t > this.origin_width ? this.me.x = this.origin_x + (t - this.origin_width) / 2 * this.me.scaleX * (this.extend_right ? 1 : -1) : this.me.x = this.origin_x
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.LabelLocalizationPosition = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e.origin_scale = 1,
+ e.origin_width = 1,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.origin_scale = this.me.scaleX,
+ this.origin_width = this.me.width,
+ this.me.on("change", this, this.refresh_size),
+ this.refresh_size()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.change_width = function(t) {
+ this.origin_width = t,
+ this.refresh_size()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_size = function() {
+ var t = this.me.textField.textWidth;
+ if (t > this.origin_width) {
+ var e = t / this.origin_width;
+ this.me.width = this.origin_width * e,
+ this.me.scaleX = this.me.scaleY = this.origin_scale / e
+ } else
+ this.me.width = this.origin_width,
+ this.me.scaleX = this.me.scaleY = this.origin_scale
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIComponent);
+ t.LabelLocalizationSize = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), capsui;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this) || this;
+ return e._total_count = 0,
+ e._func_load = null,
+ e._loading = null,
+ e._duringLoading = !1,
+ e._load_id = 0,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "total_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._total_count
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._total_count = t,
+ this._pendingLoad()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this._load_id = 0,
+ this._total_count = 0,
+ this._duringLoading = !1,
+ this._loading.visible = !1,
+ t.prototype.reset.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this._loading = this.me.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this._loading.visible = !1,
+ t.prototype.onCreate.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.init_nolimitlist = function(t, e) {
+ this._func_load = t,
+ this.init_scrollview(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._onRateChange = function(e) {
+ t.prototype._onRateChange.call(this, e),
+ this._pendingLoad()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pendingLoad = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (!this._duringLoading && this._total_count > this.value_count && (1 - this.rate) * this.value_count <= 3 && this._func_load) {
+ this._duringLoading = !0,
+ this._load_id++;
+ var e = this._load_id;
+ this._func_load.runWith(this.value_count),
+ Laya.timer.once(700, this, function() {
+ t._duringLoading && e == t._load_id && (t._loading.visible = !0)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.loadOver = function(t, e) {
+ this._duringLoading && (this._duringLoading = !1,
+ this._loading && (this._loading.visible = !1),
+ t ? this.addItem(e) : this._total_count = this.value_count)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.popItem = function() {
+ this._total_count--,
+ t.prototype.popItem.call(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.CScrollView);
+ t.NoLimitList = e
+}(capsui || (capsui = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t.inited = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.on_getSkuDetails = function(t) {
+ if (this.goods_info = {},
+ t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ var i = t[e]
+ , n = i.productId;
+ this.goods_info[n] = i
+ }
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("getGPOwnedItems")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on_gp_get_owneditems = function(t) {
+ if (this.orders = [],
+ t) {
+ for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ var e = t[a];
+ this.orders.push({
+ sku: e.sku,
+ data: e.data,
+ sign: e.sign
+ })
+ }
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ var e = n.orders[t];
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "solveGooglePlayOrder", {
+ inapp_purchase_data: JSON.stringify(e.data),
+ inapp_data_signature: e.sign
+ }, function(t, i) {
+ if (t)
+ ;
+ else if (i.error) {
+ var n = i.error.code;
+ if (1901 == n || 1902 == n) {
+ (a = Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr")).call("consumeGPItem", e.data.purchaseToken)
+ }
+ } else {
+ var a = Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr");
+ a.call("consumeGPItem", e.data.purchaseToken)
+ }
+ })
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < this.orders.length; a++)
+ i(a)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on_gp_buy_result = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.productId;
+ this.orders.push({
+ sku: i,
+ data: t,
+ sign: e
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "solveGooglePlayOrder", {
+ inapp_purchase_data: JSON.stringify(t),
+ inapp_data_signature: e
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("solveGooglePlayOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("consumeGPItem", t.purchaseToken)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on_consume_success = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.orders.length; e++)
+ if (this.orders[e].data.purchaseToken == t) {
+ this.orders[e] = this.orders[this.orders.length - 1],
+ this.orders.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on_failed_info = function(t) {
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on_gp_pay_cancel = function() {
+ this.current_order_id && "" != this.current_order_id && (app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "cancelGooglePlayOrder", {
+ order_id: this.current_order_id
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ (t || e.error) && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("cancelGooglePlayOrder", t, e)
+ }),
+ this.current_order_id = "")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.on_gp_buy_error = function(e, i) {
+ if (1 == i)
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "cancelGooglePlayOrder", {
+ order_id: e
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ (t || e.error) && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("cancelGooglePlayOrder", t, e)
+ });
+ else {
+ var n = "";
+ switch (i) {
+ case 2:
+ n = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2222);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ n = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2223);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ n = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2224);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ n = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2225);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ n = t.Tools.strOfLocalization(2226)
+ }
+ "" != n && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.recover_pre_order = function(t) {
+ for (var e = "", n = cfg.mall.product.getGroup(10), a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ if (n[a].goods_id == t) {
+ e = n[a].product_id;
+ break
+ }
+ if ("" == e)
+ return !1;
+ for (var r = function(t) {
+ if (i.orders[t].sku == e) {
+ var n = i.orders[t];
+ return app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "solveGooglePlayOrder", {
+ inapp_purchase_data: JSON.stringify(n.data),
+ inapp_data_signature: n.sign
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ if (t || e.error)
+ if (e && 1902 == e.error.code) {
+ (i = Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr")).call("consumeGPItem", n.data.purchaseToken)
+ } else
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("solveGooglePlayOrder", t, e);
+ else {
+ var i = Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr");
+ i.call("consumeGPItem", n.data.purchaseToken)
+ }
+ }),
+ {
+ value: !0
+ }
+ }
+ }, a = 0; a < i.orders.length; a++) {
+ var s = r(a);
+ if ("object" == typeof s)
+ return s.value
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.getGoodsInfo = function(t) {
+ for (var e = cfg.mall.product.getGroup(10), n = "", a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ if (e[a].goods_id == t) {
+ n = e[a].product_id;
+ break
+ }
+ if ("" == n)
+ return null;
+ if (i.goods_info[n]) {
+ var r = i.goods_info[n];
+ return {
+ currency_code: r.price_currency_code,
+ price: r.price
+ }
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onGameStart = function() {
+ var t = cfg.mall.product.getGroup(10)
+ , e = "";
+ if (t) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ 0 != i && (e += ","),
+ e += t[i].product_id;
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("gp_getSkuDetail", e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.want2BuyItem = function(t, e) {
+ for (var n = "", a = cfg.mall.product.getGroup(10), r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
+ if (a[r].goods_id == t) {
+ n = a[r].product_id;
+ break
+ }
+ "" != n ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createBillingOrder", {
+ goods_id: t,
+ payment_platform: 10,
+ client_type: 1,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(t, a) {
+ if (t || a.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createBillingOrder", t, a),
+ e.runWith(0);
+ else {
+ var r = a.order_id;
+ i.current_order_id = r;
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("gp_buySku", n, r),
+ e.runWith(0)
+ }
+ }) : e.runWith(1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.goods_info = {},
+ i.current_order_id = "",
+ i.orders = [],
+ i
+ }(t.AppShop);
+ t.GooglePlayShop = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.Create = function(t) {
+ var e = null;
+ switch (t.t) {
+ case "s":
+ (e = new i).init(t)
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ChatInfoBase = e;
+ var i = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.init = function(t) {
+ this.val = t.v;
+ var e = uiscript.UI_LobbyChat.Inst.render_text;
+ e.text = this.val,
+ this._height = e.textWidth,
+ this._height = e.textHeight
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "height", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._height
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "width", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._width
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.render = function(t) {
+ var e = t.getChildByName("word");
+ e.text = this.val,
+ e.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(e);
+ t.ChatInfo_Str = i;
+ var n = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.lastTimeStamp = 0,
+ this.account_id = t,
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.lastTimeStamp = 0
+ }
+ return t.prototype.addInfo = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a = e.Create(JSON.parse(i));
+ return null == a ? (app.Log.Error("未找到合适的聊天类型 data:" + i),
+ !1) : (a.timeStamp = t,
+ this.infos.push({
+ info: a,
+ isme: n
+ }),
+ this.lastTimeStamp = t,
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.PersonChat = n;
+ var a = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.infos = []
+ }
+ return t.prototype.addInfo = function(t) {
+ return null != e.Create(t.content) && (this.infos.push(t),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ChannelChat = a;
+ var r = function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.chat_world = null,
+ this.friend_chat = []
+ }
+ return t.init = function() {
+ this.Inst = new t,
+ this.Inst._init()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._init = function() {
+ this.chat_world = new a,
+ this.friend_chat = [],
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyChatMessage", Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onReceiveChat, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._onReceiveChat = function(t) {
+ if (1 == t.type)
+ t.world_chat && this.chat_world.addInfo(t.world_chat);
+ else if (t.private_chat) {
+ var e = t.private_chat
+ , i = 0
+ , n = !1;
+ e.sender_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id ? (n = !0,
+ i = e.target_id) : (n = !1,
+ i = e.sender_id);
+ this.findFriend(i).addInfo(e.timestamp, e.content, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.findFriend = function(t) {
+ for (var e = null, i = 0; i < this.friend_chat.length; i++)
+ if (this.friend_chat[i].account_id == t) {
+ e = this.friend_chat[i];
+ break
+ }
+ return null == e && (e = new n(t),
+ this.friend_chat.push(e)),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ChatMgr = r
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t.scene_path = "scene/lobby.ls",
+ t.ui_effect_list = ["scene/effect_get_character.lh", "scene/effect_get_zhuangban.lh", "scene/effect_heartup.lh", "scene/effect_heartup_favor.lh", "scene/effect_heartlevelup.lh", "scene/effect_item_shine.lh", "scene/effect_item_shine_big.lh", "scene/effect_item_shine1.lh", "scene/effect_item_shine_big1.lh", "scene/touzi_touzi.lh", "scene/touzi_touzi_red.lh", "scene/touzi_qizi.lh", "scene/touzi_chest_disappear.lh", "scene/touzi_chest_appear.lh", "scene/touzi_bank.lh", "scene/touzi_qizi_buff.lh", "scene/touzi_qizi_debuff.lh", "scene/touzi_qizi_enter.lh", "scene/touzi_qizi_lvup.lh"],
+ t.scene_container = null,
+ t.scene = null,
+ t.container_effects = null,
+ t.bg_front_plane = null,
+ t.bg_front_mat = null,
+ t.bg_back_plane = null,
+ t.bg_back_mat = null,
+ t._current_bg = "",
+ t._change_start_time = 0,
+ t._during_change_bg = !1,
+ t._check_idcard = !1,
+ t._load_listener = [],
+ t._progress_listener = [],
+ t._yard_bg_id = 0,
+ t._yard_img_url = "",
+ t._indoor_img_url = "",
+ t._current_effect = null,
+ t._effect_yinghua_path = "scene/effect_lobby_yinghua.lh",
+ t._effect_yinghua = null,
+ t._effect_yard_path = "",
+ t._effect_yard = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.init = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this._load_state = t.E_LoadState.loading;
+ var n = [];
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_girl/full.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_girl/half.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_girl/smallhead.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_girl/bighead.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_girl/waitingroom.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_man/full.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_man/half.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_man/smallhead.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_man/bighead.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/charactor/default_man/waitingroom.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/emo/default.png");
+ for (var a = [302001, 302002, 302003, 302004], r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = cfg.item_definition.item.get(a[r]);
+ n.push(s.icon),
+ s.icon_transparent && "" != s.icon_transparent && n.push(s.icon_transparent)
+ }
+ n.push("extendRes/items/default.jpg"),
+ cfg.level_definition.level_definition.forEach(function(t, e) {
+ n.push(t.primary_icon)
+ }),
+ this._loadaudio(),
+ n.push("extendRes/items/gold0.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/items/gold1.png"),
+ n.push("extendRes/head_frame/default.png"),
+ t.LoadMgr.loadResImage(n, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.LoadMgr.loadRes(t.E_LoadType.common, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.LoadMgr.loadRes(t.E_LoadType.lobby, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ return Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, i, function() {
+ t.EffectMgr.init(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.onProgressUpdate(1),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, i, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.addScene(i.scene_container = new Laya.Sprite),
+ i.scene_container.visible = !0,
+ i._load_state = t.E_LoadState.loaded;
+ for (var e = 0; e < i._load_listener.length; e++)
+ i._load_listener[e] && i._load_listener[e].run();
+ i._load_listener = [],
+ i._progress_listener = []
+ })
+ }))
+ })
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(i, function(t) {
+ return i.onProgressUpdate(.7 + .3 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(i, function(t) {
+ return i.onProgressUpdate(.5 + .2 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return i.onProgressUpdate(.5 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._loadaudio = function() {
+ cfg.audio.audio.forEach(function(t) {
+ "lobby" == t.type && Laya.loader.load(t.path + view.AudioMgr.suffix)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.buildScene = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.scene)
+ return i.runWith(1),
+ void e.run();
+ i.runWith(0),
+ Laya.loader.create(this.scene_path, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.runWith(.3);
+ var a = [];
+ n._indoor_img_url = "scene/Assets/Resource/lobby/indoor.jpg",
+ n._yard_bg_id = t.GameUtility.get_view_id(t.EView.lobby_bg),
+ n._yard_img_url = "scene/Assets/Resource/lobby/" + t.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(t.EView.lobby_bg) + ".jpg",
+ a.push(n._indoor_img_url),
+ a.push(n._yard_img_url),
+ t.FrontEffect.Inst.SetClickEffectByLobby(n._yard_bg_id, null),
+ Laya.loader.create(a, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.scene = Laya.loader.getRes(n.scene_path),
+ n.scene_container.addChild(n.scene),
+ n.container_effects = n.scene.getChildByName("effects"),
+ n.bg_front_plane = n.scene.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("bg_front"),
+ n.bg_front_mat = n.bg_front_plane.meshRender.sharedMaterial,
+ n.bg_back_plane = n.scene.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("bg_back"),
+ n.bg_back_mat = n.bg_back_plane.meshRender.sharedMaterial,
+ n.bg_front_plane.active = !1,
+ i.runWith(.5),
+ n._effect_yinghua_path = n.get_effect_path(0),
+ n._effect_yard_path = n.get_effect_path(n._yard_bg_id);
+ var t = [n._effect_yinghua_path];
+ n._effect_yard_path != n._effect_yinghua_path && t.push(n._effect_yard_path),
+ Laya.loader.create(t, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ i.runWith(.7),
+ n._effect_yinghua = Laya.loader.getRes(n._effect_yinghua_path),
+ n._effect_yard = Laya.loader.getRes(n._effect_yard_path),
+ n._effect_yinghua.active = !1,
+ n._effect_yard.active = !1,
+ n.container_effects.addChild(n._effect_yinghua),
+ n.container_effects.addChild(n._effect_yard),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(8, n, function() {
+ n.scene.visible = !0,
+ i.runWith(.8),
+ n.preheart_effect(e, Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ i.runWith(.8 + .2 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ })
+ }))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(.3 + .3 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(.3 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.preheart_effect = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ app.Log.log("scene_lobby preheart_effect"),
+ t.EffectMgr.preheat_3d_effect(this.ui_effect_list, t.FrontEffect.Inst.root_ui_effect, !0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, n, function() {
+ i.runWith(1),
+ e.run()
+ })
+ }), i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this._during_change_bg = !1,
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.onSceneLobby_Enable(),
+ this.scene && (this.scene.visible = !0),
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm(),
+ this.pending_ui_jump(),
+ uiscript.UI_Invite.Inst.enable = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update, null, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.pending_ui_jump = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = "yard";
+ if ("chs" != GameMgr.client_type || uiscript.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.renzhenged)
+ if (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname && "" != GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname)
+ if (GameMgr.Inst.ingame)
+ i = "indoor",
+ t.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_token, GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_uuid, GameMgr.Inst.mj_server_location, !0, null);
+ else if (uiscript.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.inRoom)
+ i = "indoor",
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWaitingRoom();
+ else if (-1 != GameMgr.Inst.beinvited_roomid) {
+ var n = GameMgr.Inst.beinvited_roomid;
+ GameMgr.Inst.beinvited_roomid = -1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "joinRoom", {
+ room_id: n
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ t || e.error ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("joinRoom", t, e),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby()) : (uiscript.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.updateData(e.room),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWaitingRoom())
+ })
+ } else if ("" != GameMgr.Inst.outsee_paipuid) {
+ var a = GameMgr.Inst.outsee_paipuid;
+ GameMgr.Inst.outsee_paipuid = "";
+ var r = a.split("_")
+ , s = 0
+ , o = 0;
+ if (r.length > 1 && (s = "a" == r[1].charAt(0) ? t.Tools.decode_account_id(parseInt(r[1].substr(1))) : parseInt(r[1])),
+ r.length > 2) {
+ var l = parseInt(r[2]);
+ l && (o = l)
+ }
+ GameMgr.Inst.checkPaiPu(r[0], s, o)
+ } else if (GameMgr.Inst.custom_match_id > 0)
+ i = "indoor",
+ uiscript.UI_Match_Room.Inst.enable || uiscript.UI_Match_Room.Inst.show(GameMgr.Inst.custom_match_id);
+ else {
+ var h = !0;
+ (uiscript.UI_Ob.Inst.enable || uiscript.UI_PaiPu.Inst.enable || uiscript.UI_Match_Room.Inst.enable) && (h = !1,
+ i = "indoor"),
+ h && (uiscript.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0)
+ }
+ else
+ uiscript.UI_Nickname.show();
+ else
+ uiscript.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pending_ui_jump()
+ }));
+ this.change_bg(i, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.AtlasResourceManager.instance.freeAll(),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.onSceneLobby_Disable(),
+ this.scene.visible = !1,
+ t.LoadMgr.disposeSceneRes("lobby"),
+ this._current_bg = "",
+ this.bg_back_mat = null,
+ this.bg_back_plane = null,
+ this.bg_front_mat = null,
+ this.bg_front_plane = null,
+ this.scene.destroy(!0),
+ this._effect_yard && !this._effect_yard.destroyed && (this._effect_yard.destroy(!0),
+ t.EffectMgr.clear_3d_resource(this._effect_yard_path)),
+ this._effect_yard = null,
+ this._effect_yard_path = "",
+ this._effect_yinghua && !this._effect_yinghua.destroyed && (this._effect_yinghua.destroy(!0),
+ t.EffectMgr.clear_3d_resource(this._effect_yinghua_path)),
+ this._effect_yinghua = null,
+ this._effect_yinghua_path = "",
+ this._current_effect = null,
+ this.scene = null,
+ this._yard_img_url = "",
+ t.EffectMgr.force_dispose_3d_res(this.scene_path),
+ this._during_change_bg = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.addLoadListenter = function(e, i) {
+ this._load_state == t.E_LoadState.loaded ? Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ i && i.runWith(1),
+ e && e.run()
+ }) : (i && this._progress_listener.push(i),
+ e && this._load_listener.push(e))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_bg = function(t, e) {
+ if (t != this._current_bg || this._during_change_bg && e) {
+ var i = ""
+ , n = null;
+ "indoor" == t ? (i = this._indoor_img_url,
+ n = this._effect_yinghua) : (i = this._yard_img_url,
+ n = this._effect_yard),
+ this._current_bg = t,
+ Laya.loader.getRes(i) && (this._current_effect != n && (this._current_effect && (this._current_effect.active = !1),
+ this._current_effect = n),
+ "" == this._current_bg && (e = !0),
+ e ? (this.bg_front_plane.active = !1,
+ this._during_change_bg = !1,
+ this._current_effect.active = !0) : (this.bg_front_plane.active = !0,
+ this.bg_front_mat.albedoTexture = this.bg_back_mat.albedoTexture,
+ this.bg_front_mat.albedoColor = new Laya.Vector4(1,1,1,1),
+ this._during_change_bg = !0,
+ this._change_start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer),
+ this.bg_back_mat.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes(i))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.get_effect_path = function(t) {
+ var e = "";
+ switch (t) {
+ case 307002:
+ e = "scene/effect_lobby_xiaritingyuan.lh";
+ break;
+ case 307003:
+ e = "scene/effect_lobby_dongribeijing.lh";
+ break;
+ case 307005:
+ e = "scene/effect_lobby_xiaribeijing.lh";
+ break;
+ default:
+ e = "scene/effect_lobby_yinghua.lh"
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.set_lobby_bg = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this._yard_bg_id != e) {
+ var a = "scene/Assets/Resource/lobby/" + cfg.item_definition.view.get(e).res_name + ".jpg";
+ if (this._yard_img_url != a) {
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this._yard_img_url);
+ var r = "";
+ switch (e) {
+ case 307002:
+ r = "scene/effect_lobby_xiaritingyuan.lh";
+ break;
+ case 307003:
+ r = "scene/effect_lobby_dongribeijing.lh";
+ break;
+ case 307005:
+ r = "scene/effect_lobby_xiaribeijing.lh";
+ break;
+ default:
+ r = "scene/effect_lobby_yinghua.lh"
+ }
+ this._yard_img_url = a,
+ this._yard_bg_id = e,
+ this._effect_yard_path != this._effect_yinghua_path && (this._effect_yard.destroy(!0),
+ t.EffectMgr.clear_3d_resource(this._effect_yard_path),
+ this._effect_yard_path = "",
+ this._effect_yard = null),
+ Laya.loader.create(a, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.loader.create(r, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n._effect_yard_path = r,
+ n._effect_yard = Laya.loader.getRes(r),
+ n._effect_yard_path != n._effect_yinghua_path && (n._effect_yard.active = !1),
+ n.container_effects.addChild(n._effect_yard),
+ t.FrontEffect.Inst.SetClickEffectByLobby(e, Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ "yard" == n._current_bg && n.change_bg("yard", !0),
+ i && i.run()
+ }))
+ }))
+ }))
+ } else
+ i && i.run()
+ } else
+ i && i.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._update = function() {
+ if (this._during_change_bg) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this._change_start_time;
+ if (t >= 200)
+ this._during_change_bg = !1,
+ this.bg_front_plane.active = !1,
+ this._current_effect.active = !0;
+ else {
+ var e = 1 - t / 200;
+ this.bg_front_mat.albedoColor = new Laya.Vector4(1,1,1,e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onProgressUpdate = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._progress_listener.length; e++)
+ this._progress_listener[e].runWith(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.SceneBase);
+ t.Scene_Lobby = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), game;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t.desktop = null,
+ t.camera_main = null,
+ t.scene_path2 = "scene/mjhandpai.ls",
+ t.scene_hand = null,
+ t.root2 = null,
+ t.camera_hand = null,
+ t._common_texture2d_loaded = !1,
+ t._desktop_model_path = "",
+ t._mjp_path = "",
+ t._effect_list = [],
+ t._ui_effect_list = [],
+ t._mjp_textures = [],
+ t._model_list = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? i.ui_effect_list.push("scene/effect_winlose_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh") : i.ui_effect_list.push("scene/effect_winlose.lh"),
+ i.ui_effect_list.push("scene/effect_yiman_queding_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh"),
+ i.ui_effect_list.push("scene/effect_yiman_jihui_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh"),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.init = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.onSceneMJ_Enable()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.onSceneMJ_Disable(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active = !1,
+ this.desktop.visible = !1,
+ t.MJNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ t.LoadMgr.disposeSceneRes("mjdesktop")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.openMJRoom = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.load_common_texture2d(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.load_mainscene(Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.active_common_texture2d(Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ app.Log.log("active_common_texture2d over"),
+ a._load_my_desktop_view(Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ app.Log.log("_load_my_desktop_view over"),
+ a._load_my_mjp_view(Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ app.Log.log("_load_my_mjp_view over"),
+ a._load_player_views(t, e, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ app.Log.log("_load_player_effects over"),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active = !0,
+ a.desktop.visible = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ n.runWith(1),
+ i.run()
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(a, function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(.75 + .25 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(a, function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(.65 + .1 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(a, function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(.6 + .05 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(a, function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(.55 + .05 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(a, function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(.1 + .45 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(.1 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.load_mainscene = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.openMjDesktopUI(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.desktop ? (i.runWith(1),
+ e.run()) : (cfg.audio.audio.forEach(function(t) {
+ "mj" == t.type && Laya.loader.load(t.path + view.AudioMgr.suffix)
+ }),
+ t.LoadMgr.loadRes(t.E_LoadType.scene_mj, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ return Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, n, function() {
+ var t = "scene/mjdesktop.ls";
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (t = "scene/mjdesktop_en.ls"),
+ n.desktop = Laya.loader.getRes(t),
+ n.desktop.ambientColor = new Laya.Vector3(.4,.4,.4);
+ var a = n.desktop.getChildByName("main_camera");
+ GameMgr.Inst.addScene(n.desktop);
+ var r = n.desktop.addChild(new Laya.DirectionLight);
+ r.transform.translate(new Laya.Vector3(0,1,1.7)),
+ r.color = new Laya.Vector3(.5,.5,.5),
+ r.direction = new Laya.Vector3(0,-.933,-.36);
+ var s = Laya.loader.getRes(n.scene_path2);
+ GameMgr.Inst.addScene(s),
+ n.scene_hand = s,
+ n.root2 = s.getChildByName("root"),
+ n.camera_hand = s.getChildByName("camera"),
+ n.camera_hand.useOcclusionCulling = !1;
+ n.desktop.getChildByName("room").addComponent(view.DesktopMgr).mainCamera = a,
+ a.useOcclusionCulling = !1,
+ i.runWith(1),
+ e.run()
+ })
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(.2 + .8 * t)
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(.2 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.load_common_texture2d = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this._common_texture2d_loaded)
+ i && i.runWith(1),
+ e && e.run();
+ else {
+ for (var a = [], r = 0; r < t.EffectMgr.d3res_map.mj_common_texture2d.length; r++)
+ a.push(t.EffectMgr.d3res_map.mj_common_texture2d[r]);
+ Laya.loader.create(a, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._common_texture2d_loaded = !0,
+ e && e.run()
+ }), i, laya.d3.resource.Texture2D_caps)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.active_common_texture2d = function(e, i) {
+ i.runWith(0);
+ for (var n = [], a = 0; a < t.EffectMgr.d3res_map.mj_common_texture2d.length; a++)
+ n.push(t.EffectMgr.d3res_map.mj_common_texture2d[a]);
+ var r = 0
+ , s = function() {
+ if (r >= n.length)
+ return i.runWith(1),
+ void e.run();
+ i.runWith(r / n.length);
+ var t = Laya.loader.getRes(n[r]);
+ t && t.recreateResource(),
+ r++,
+ s()
+ };
+ s()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.clearTexture_commont_texture2d = function() {
+ for (var e = t.EffectMgr.d3res_map.mj_common_texture2d, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = Laya.loader.getRes(e[i]);
+ n && n.clearTexture()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._load_my_mjp_view = function(e, i) {
+ var n = [];
+ n.push("scene/Assets/Resource/tablecloth/" + t.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(t.EView.desktop) + "/Table_Dif.jpg");
+ var a = t.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(t.EView.mjp)
+ , r = "scene/Assets/Resource/mjpai/";
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (r += "en/"),
+ r += a + "/",
+ n.push(r + "mjp.png"),
+ n.push(r + "hand_ui.png"),
+ this._mjp_textures = n,
+ Laya.loader.create(n, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._load_my_desktop_view = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = t.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(t.EView.desktop);
+ "tablecloth_quehunji1" == a && "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_language && (a += "_enjp"),
+ "tablecloth_20chunjie" == a && "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (a += "_en"),
+ "tablecloth_20chunjie" == a && "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language && (a += "_chs_t"),
+ this._desktop_model_path = "scene/" + a + ".lh",
+ Laya.loader.create(this._desktop_model_path, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n._desktop_model = Laya.loader.getRes(n._desktop_model_path),
+ n.desktop.getChildByName("room").getChildByName("container_desktop").addChild(n._desktop_model),
+ n._desktop_model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ n._desktop_model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ n._desktop_model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ n._desktop_model.active = !0,
+ n._desktop_model.isStatic = !0,
+ i.runWith(1),
+ e.run()
+ }), i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._load_player_views = function(e, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this
+ , o = {}
+ , l = {}
+ , h = {}
+ , c = {}
+ , _ = {};
+ if (e) {
+ var u = !1;
+ e && e.mode && e.mode.detail_rule && e.mode.detail_rule.dora3_mode && (u = !0),
+ u && (l["scene/effect_dora3_begin_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh"] = 1,
+ l["scene/effect_dora3_shine.lh"] = 1,
+ _["audio/audio_mj/effect_moshi_baopai" + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1,
+ _["audio/audio_mj/effect_moshi_fanbaopai" + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1);
+ var d = !1;
+ if (e && e.mode && e.mode.detail_rule && e.mode.detail_rule.begin_open_mode && (d = !0),
+ d && (l["scene/effect_peipai_begin_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh"] = 1,
+ _["audio/audio_mj/effect_moshi_baopai" + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1),
+ e && e.mode && e.mode.detail_rule && e.mode.detail_rule.muyu_mode) {
+ o["scene/effect_muyu_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh"] = 1;
+ for (m = 0; m < 6; m++)
+ Laya.loader.create("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + m + ".png");
+ l["scene/effect_muyu_begin_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh"] = 1,
+ _["audio/audio_mj/effect_moshi_baopai" + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1,
+ _["audio/audio_mj/moshi_longzhimuyu" + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ o["scene/effect_mingpai_default.lh"] = 1;
+ o["scene/" + t.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(t.EView.mingpai_zhishi) + ".lh"] = 1;
+ for (var f = t.EView.liqibang, p = t.EView.mingpai_zhishi, m = 0; m < n.length; m++) {
+ var g = n[m];
+ if (g && g.character) {
+ var y = {}
+ , v = g.character
+ , b = cfg.item_definition.character.get(v.charid);
+ if (b && (y[t.EView.hand_model] = b.hand),
+ g.views)
+ for (B = 0; B < g.views.length; B++) {
+ var w = g.views[B].slot
+ , x = g.views[B].item_id;
+ x && (y[w] = x)
+ }
+ for (B = f; B <= p; B++)
+ if (B != t.EView.head_frame && B != t.EView.desktop && B != t.EView.mjp && B != t.EView.lobby_bg && B != t.EView.mingpai_zhishi) {
+ var I = t.GameUtility.get_view_default_item_id(B);
+ if (y[B] && (I = y[B]),
+ B == t.EView.lizhi_bgm) {
+ var C = cfg.item_definition.item.get(I);
+ if (C) {
+ var S = C.sargs[0];
+ S && (_["audio/" + S] = 1)
+ }
+ } else {
+ var M = cfg.item_definition.view.get(I);
+ if (M) {
+ if (B == t.EView.liqibang || B == t.EView.hand_model ? h["scene/" + M.res_name + ".lh"] = 1 : B != t.EView.hupai_effect && B != t.EView.lizhi_effect || (o["scene/" + M.res_name + ".lh"] = 1),
+ M.audio_id) {
+ var L = cfg.audio.audio.get(M.audio_id);
+ L && (_[L.path + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1)
+ }
+ } else
+ switch (B) {
+ case t.EView.liqibang:
+ h["scene/liqi_default.lh"] = 1;
+ break;
+ case t.EView.hand_model:
+ h["scene/hand_human.lh"] = 1;
+ break;
+ case t.EView.hupai_effect:
+ o["scene/effect_hupai_default.lh"] = 1,
+ _["audio/audio_mj/hupai" + view.AudioMgr.suffix] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ 305029 == y[t.EView.hupai_effect] && (o["scene/effect_hupai_yanhua_bang.lh"] = 1);
+ var T = v.skin
+ , E = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(T);
+ if (c[E.path + "/full.png"] = 1,
+ c[E.path + "/half.png"] = 1,
+ E.no_reverse && (c[E.path + "/reverse/full.png"] = 1,
+ c[E.path + "/reverse/half.png"] = 1),
+ v.extra_emoji)
+ for (var D = v.extra_emoji, N = cfg.character.emoji.getGroup(v.charid), A = 0; A < D.length; A++)
+ for (var B = 0; B < N.length; B++)
+ if (N[B].sub_id == D[A]) {
+ var k = N[B];
+ 2 == k.type && (l["scene/" + k.view + ".lh"] = 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._effect_list = [];
+ for (var R in o)
+ this._effect_list.push(R);
+ this._model_list = [];
+ for (var R in h)
+ this._model_list.push(R);
+ var P = [];
+ for (var R in c)
+ P.push(R);
+ this._ui_effect_list = [];
+ for (m = 0; m < i.ui_effect_list.length; m++)
+ this._ui_effect_list.push(i.ui_effect_list[m]);
+ for (var R in l)
+ this._ui_effect_list.push(R);
+ r.runWith(0),
+ t.LoadMgr.loadResImage(P, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.loader.create(s._model_list, Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ t.EffectMgr.preheat_3d_effect(s._effect_list, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.trans_container_effect, !1, Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ t.EffectMgr.preheat_3d_effect(s._ui_effect_list, t.FrontEffect.Inst.root_ui_effect, !0, Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, s, function() {
+ a.run();
+ for (var t in _)
+ Laya.loader.load(t)
+ })
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(s, function(t) {
+ return r.runWith(.65 + .35 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(s, function(t) {
+ return r.runWith(.3 + .35 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(s, function(t) {
+ return r.runWith(.2 + .1 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return r.runWith(.2 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._on_quit = function() {
+ if (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst && uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.onCloseRoom(),
+ uiscript.UI_Win.Inst && (uiscript.UI_Win.Inst.enable = !1),
+ uiscript.UI_ScoreChange.Inst && (uiscript.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.enable = !1),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.active) {
+ if (this._desktop_model && (this._desktop_model.destroy(!0),
+ this._desktop_model = null),
+ t.EffectMgr.force_dispose_3d_res(this._desktop_model_path),
+ this._desktop_model_path) {
+ (n = Laya.loader.getRes(this._desktop_model_path)) && n.destroy(!0),
+ this._desktop_model_path = ""
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this._model_list.length; i++) {
+ var e = this._model_list[i].url;
+ t.EffectMgr.force_dispose_3d_res(e);
+ (n = Laya.loader.getRes(e)) && n.destroy(!0)
+ }
+ this.clearTexture_commont_texture2d();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._mjp_textures.length; i++) {
+ var n = Laya.loader.getRes(this._mjp_textures[i].url);
+ n && n.dispose()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.GameEnd = function() {
+ app.Log.log("Scene_MJ GameEnd"),
+ this._on_quit(),
+ t.MJNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.ingame = !1,
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterLobby()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.ForceOut = function() {
+ app.Log.log("Scene_MJ ForceOut"),
+ this._on_quit(),
+ t.MJNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterLobby()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.ui_effect_list = ["scene/effect_getstar.lh", "scene/effect_losestar.lh", "scene/effect_queshi_bang.lh", "scene/effect_juanzhou.lh", "scene/effect_yiman.lh", "scene/effect_yiman2.lh"],
+ i
+ }(t.SceneBase);
+ t.Scene_MJ = e
+}(game || (game = {}));
+var view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t() {}
+ return t.play = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ t.fastplay = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ t.record = function(t, e) {
+ return void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.fastrecord = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = -1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.ActionBase = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionAnGangAddGang play data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i);
+ if (e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !1),
+ e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[n].PlaySound("act_kan"),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[n].AddGang(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles)),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ });
+ else {
+ var a = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ a.type = mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an,
+ a.from = [i, i, i, i],
+ a.pais = this.getAngangTile(e.tiles);
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < a.pais.length; s++)
+ r.push(-1);
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[n].AddMing(a, r),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ }),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[n].PlaySound("act_kan")
+ }
+ e.operation && Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(e, !1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(i, "emoji_5", 2e3)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionAnGangAddGang fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n);
+ if (e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0),
+ e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].AddGang(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles), !1);
+ else {
+ var r = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ r.type = mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an,
+ r.from = [n, n, n, n],
+ r.pais = this.getAngangTile(e.tiles);
+ for (var s = [], o = 0; o < r.pais.length; o++)
+ s.push(-1);
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].AddMing(r, s, !1)
+ }
+ e.operation && -1 != i && Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation, i)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(e, !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionAnGangAddGang record data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n);
+ if (e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].PlaySound("act_kan"),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].AddGang(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles)),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ });
+ else {
+ var r = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ r.type = mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an,
+ r.from = [n, n, n, n],
+ r.pais = this.getAngangTile(e.tiles);
+ for (var s = [], o = 0; o < r.pais.length; o++)
+ s.push(-1);
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].AddMing(r, s),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ }),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].PlaySound("act_kan")
+ }
+ if (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(n, "emoji_5", 2e3),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && e.operations)
+ for (o = 0; o < e.operations.length; o++)
+ t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operations[o], i, 450);
+ return 1700
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ app.Log.log("ActionAnGangAddGang fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n);
+ if (e.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].AddGang(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles), !1);
+ else {
+ var r = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ r.type = mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an,
+ r.from = [n, n, n, n],
+ r.pais = this.getAngangTile(e.tiles);
+ for (var s = [], o = 0; o < r.pais.length; o++)
+ s.push(-1);
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].AddMing(r, s, !1)
+ }
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && i >= 0 && e.operations)
+ for (o = 0; o < e.operations.length; o++)
+ t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operations[o], i, 450);
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0,
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.getAngangTile = function(e) {
+ var i = [];
+ if ("0" != e.charAt(0) && "5" != e.charAt(0) || "z" == e.charAt(1))
+ for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
+ i.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e));
+ else {
+ var n = 1;
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config) {
+ var a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.mode;
+ if (a && a.extendinfo) {
+ var r = JSON.parse(a.extendinfo);
+ if (r && null != r.dora_count)
+ switch (r.dora_count) {
+ case 0:
+ n = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ n = 1;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ n = "p" == e.charAt(1) ? 2 : 1
+ }
+ }
+ if (a && a.detail_rule && a.detail_rule && null != a.detail_rule.dora_count)
+ switch (a.detail_rule.dora_count) {
+ case 0:
+ n = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ n = 1;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ n = "p" == e.charAt(1) ? 2 : 1
+ }
+ }
+ for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
+ var o = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e);
+ o.dora = 0 != s && s <= n,
+ i.push(o)
+ }
+ }
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionAnGangAddGang = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionBabei play data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !1);
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = mjcore.MJPai.Create("4z");
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].AddBabei(n, e.moqie, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].PlaySound("act_babei");
+ var a = !1;
+ e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (a = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.onBabei(n, a, !1) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].onBabei(e.moqie, a, !1),
+ e.operation && Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(e, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionBabei fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = mjcore.MJPai.Create("4z");
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddBabei(a, e.moqie, !1);
+ var r = !1;
+ e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (r = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.onBabei(a, r, !0) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].onBabei(e.moqie, r, !0),
+ e.operation && -1 != i && Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation, i)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(e, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionBabei record data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = mjcore.MJPai.Create("4z");
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddBabei(a, e.moqie, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].PlaySound("act_babei");
+ var r = !1;
+ if (e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (r = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.onBabei(a, r, !1) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].recordBabei(a, e.moqie, r, !1),
+ e.tingpais && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setTingpai(e.seat, e.tingpais),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && e.operations)
+ for (var s = 0; s < e.operations.length; s++)
+ t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operations[s], i, 450);
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0,
+ 1e3
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ app.Log.log("ActionBabei fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = mjcore.MJPai.Create("4z");
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddBabei(a, e.moqie, !1);
+ var r = !1;
+ if (e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (r = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.onBabei(a, r, !0) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].recordBabei(a, e.moqie, r, !0),
+ e.tingpais && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setTingpai(e.seat, e.tingpais),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && i >= 0 && e.operations)
+ for (var s = 0; s < e.operations.length; s++)
+ t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operations[s], i, 450);
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionBabei = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionChiPengGang play data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ n.type = e.type,
+ n.from = e.froms,
+ n.pais = [];
+ for (r = 0; r < e.tiles.length; r++)
+ n.pais.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles[r]));
+ for (var a = [], r = 0; r < n.pais.length; r++)
+ !e.tile_states || e.tile_states.length <= r ? a.push(0) : a.push(e.tile_states[r]);
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ try {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.lastpai_seat)].QiPaiNoPass(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].AddMing(n, a),
+ n.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0)
+ } catch (t) {
+ var r = {};
+ r.error = t.message,
+ r.stack = t.stack,
+ r.method = "addming600",
+ r.name = "ActionChiPengGang",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(r)
+ }
+ }),
+ i != t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat || n.type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an && n.type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming || (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.last_gang = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ var s = ""
+ , o = "";
+ switch (n.type) {
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.kezi:
+ s = "emoji_4",
+ o = "emoji_3";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.shunzi:
+ s = "emoji_2",
+ o = "emoji_1";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming:
+ s = "emoji_6",
+ o = "emoji_5"
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player, s, 2e3),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = i,
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player, o, 2e3),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.play(e.liqi),
+ e.operation && Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting));
+ var l = "";
+ switch (n.type) {
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.shunzi:
+ l = "act_chi";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming:
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an:
+ l = "act_kan";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.kezi:
+ l = "act_pon"
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].PlaySound(l),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData0(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionChiPengGang fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ a.type = e.type,
+ a.from = e.froms,
+ a.pais = [];
+ for (s = 0; s < e.tiles.length; s++)
+ a.pais.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles[s]));
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < a.pais.length; s++)
+ !e.tile_states || e.tile_states.length <= s ? r.push(0) : r.push(e.tile_states[s]);
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.lastpai_seat)].QiPaiNoPass(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddMing(a, r, !1),
+ a.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0),
+ n != t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat || a.type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an && a.type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming || (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.last_gang = Laya.timer.currTimer),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = n,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.fastplay(e.liqi, 0),
+ e.operation && -1 != i && Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation, i)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData0(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionChiPengGang record data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ a.type = e.type,
+ a.from = e.froms,
+ a.pais = [];
+ for (s = 0; s < e.tiles.length; s++)
+ a.pais.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles[s]));
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < a.pais.length; s++)
+ !e.tile_states || e.tile_states.length <= s ? r.push(0) : r.push(e.tile_states[s]);
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.lastpai_seat)].QiPaiNoPass(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddMing(a, r),
+ a.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0)
+ }),
+ n != t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat || a.type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an && a.type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming || (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.last_gang = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ var o = ""
+ , l = "";
+ switch (a.type) {
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.kezi:
+ o = "emoji_4",
+ l = "emoji_3";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.shunzi:
+ o = "emoji_2",
+ l = "emoji_1";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming:
+ o = "emoji_6",
+ l = "emoji_5"
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player, o, 2e3),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = n,
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player, l, 2e3),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.record(e.liqi);
+ var h = "";
+ switch (a.type) {
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.shunzi:
+ h = "act_chi";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming:
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an:
+ h = "act_kan";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Ming.kezi:
+ h = "act_pon"
+ }
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].PlaySound(h),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && e.operation && t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operation, i, 500),
+ 1700
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ app.Log.log("ActionChiPengGang fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = new mjcore.MJMing;
+ a.type = e.type,
+ a.from = e.froms,
+ a.pais = [];
+ for (s = 0; s < e.tiles.length; s++)
+ a.pais.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles[s]));
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < a.pais.length; s++)
+ !e.tile_states || e.tile_states.length <= s ? r.push(0) : r.push(e.tile_states[s]);
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.lastpai_seat)].QiPaiNoPass(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddMing(a, r, !1),
+ a.type == mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = n,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.fastrecord(e.liqi),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && i >= 0 && e.operation && t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operation, i, 500)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionChiPengGang = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionDealTile play data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = e.tile;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count,
+ 10 == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.addMindVoice(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat, "ingame_remain10"),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.playMindVoice()
+ }));
+ var a = !1;
+ if (e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (a = !0),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ var r = Laya.timer.currTimer - t.DesktopMgr.Inst.last_gang
+ , s = 0;
+ r < 650 && (s = 650 - r),
+ Laya.timer.once(s, this, function() {
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(n), a),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ })
+ } else
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ a ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(n), a) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create("5z"), a),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete();
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = i,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.play(e.liqi),
+ e.operation && t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation),
+ e.doras && e.doras.length > 0 && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !1),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData0(e),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionDealTile fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = e.tile;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count;
+ var r = !1;
+ e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (r = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a), r, !1) : r ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a), r) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create("5z"), r),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = n,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.fastplay(e.liqi, 0),
+ e.operation && -1 != i && t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation, i),
+ e.doras && e.doras.length > 0 && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData0(e),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionDealTile record data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = e.tile;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count;
+ var r = !1;
+ return e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (r = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a), r) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].recordTakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a), r),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = n,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.record(e.liqi),
+ e.doras && e.doras.length > 0 && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && e.operation && t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operation, i),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1,
+ 300
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ app.Log.log("ActionDealTile fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = e.tile;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count;
+ var r = !1;
+ e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (r = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.TakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a), r, !1) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].recordTakePai(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a), r),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = n,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.fastrecord(e.liqi),
+ e.doras && e.doras.length > 0 && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && i >= 0 && e.operation && t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operation, i),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionDealTile = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionDiscardTile play data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !1);
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tile)
+ , a = !(null == e.is_liqi || void 0 == e.is_liqi || !e.is_liqi);
+ if (e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].AddQiPai(n, a, e.moqie),
+ a) {
+ e.is_wliqi ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].PlaySound("act_drich") : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].PlaySound("act_rich");
+ var r = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[i][game.EView.lizhi_bgm];
+ if (r && 0 != r) {
+ var s = cfg.item_definition.item.get(r).sargs[0];
+ t.AudioMgr.lizhiMuted ? t.AudioMgr.PlayLiqiBgm(s, 300, !0) : (t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing && (t.BgmListMgr.PlayMJBgm("", !0),
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayLiqiBgm(s, 300, !0))
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ var o = !1;
+ e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (o = !0),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.OnDiscardTile(n, o, !1) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].onDiscardTile(e.moqie, e.tile, o, !1),
+ e.operation && Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ i == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(e, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ a ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.clearMindVoice() : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.playMindVoice()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionDiscardTile fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tile)
+ , r = !(null == e.is_liqi || void 0 == e.is_liqi || !e.is_liqi)
+ , s = !1;
+ e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (s = !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddQiPai(a, r, e.moqie, !1),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.OnDiscardTile(a, s, !0) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].onDiscardTile(e.moqie, e.tile, s, !0),
+ e.operation && -1 != i && Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation, i)
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.zhenting && void 0 == e.operation && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(e.zhenting),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(e.zhenting)),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(e, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionDiscardTile record data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tile)
+ , r = !(null == e.is_liqi || void 0 == e.is_liqi || !e.is_liqi)
+ , s = !1;
+ if (e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (s = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddQiPai(a, r, e.moqie),
+ r && (e.is_wliqi ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].PlaySound("act_drich") : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].PlaySound("act_rich"),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(n, "emoji_9", 2e3)),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.OnDiscardTile(a, s, !1) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].recordDiscardTile(a, e.moqie, s, !1),
+ e.tingpais && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setTingpai(e.seat, e.tingpais),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && e.operations)
+ for (var o = 0; o < e.operations.length; o++)
+ t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operations[o], i, 450);
+ return 500
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ app.Log.log("ActionDiscardTile fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !0);
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tile)
+ , r = !(null == e.is_liqi || void 0 == e.is_liqi || !e.is_liqi)
+ , s = !1;
+ if (e.tile_state && e.tile_state > 0 && (s = !0),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].AddQiPai(a, r, e.moqie, !1),
+ n == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.OnDiscardTile(a, s, !0) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].recordDiscardTile(a, e.moqie, s, !0),
+ e.tingpais && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setTingpai(e.seat, e.tingpais),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && i >= 0 && e.operations)
+ for (var o = 0; o < e.operations.length; o++)
+ t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operations[o], i, 450)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionDiscardTile = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.close(),
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm();
+ var n = !1;
+ Laya.timer.once(100, this, function() {
+ var a = e.hules
+ , r = 0;
+ if (a[0].zimo) {
+ for (var s = a[0].seat, o = [], l = 0; l < a[0].hand.length; l++)
+ o.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a[0].hand[l]));
+ o = o.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ uiscript.UI_Huleshow.Inst.showZimo([t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(s)]),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ r += 1400,
+ (a[0].title && "" != a[0].title || a[0].title_id) && (Laya.timer.once(r, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_HuCutIn.show(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[s].avatar_id),
+ n = !0
+ }),
+ r += 2e3),
+ Laya.timer.once(r, i, function() {
+ s == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.HulePrepare(o, a[0].hu_tile, a[0].zimo),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(s)].Hule(o, a[0].hu_tile, a[0].zimo, n)
+ }),
+ r += 2800,
+ s == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && (uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(!1))
+ } else {
+ Laya.timer.once(r, i, function() {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
+ e.push(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a[i].seat));
+ uiscript.UI_Huleshow.Inst.showRong(e)
+ }),
+ r += 1500;
+ for (var h = function(e) {
+ var s = a[e].seat;
+ (a[e].title && "" != a[e].title || a[e].title_id) && (Laya.timer.once(r, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_HuCutIn.show(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[s].avatar_id),
+ n = !0
+ }),
+ r += 2e3)
+ }, l = 0; l < a.length; l++)
+ h(l);
+ for (l = 0; l < a.length; l++) {
+ if (a[l].seat == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ for (var c = [], _ = 0; _ < a[l].hand.length; _++)
+ c.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a[l].hand[_]));
+ c = c.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.HulePrepare(c, a[l].hu_tile, a[l].zimo)
+ }
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(r, i, function() {
+ for (var e = 0, i = -1, r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = a[r].seat;
+ if (-1 == i)
+ i = s;
+ else {
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i) > t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(s) && (i = s)
+ }
+ }
+ i >= 0 && (e = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[i][game.EView.hupai_effect]),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ShowHuleEffect(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.lastqipai, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.lastqipai.model.transform.position, e);
+ for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ for (var o = [], l = 0; l < a[r].hand.length; l++)
+ o.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a[r].hand[l]));
+ o = o.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a[r].seat)].Hule(o, a[r].hu_tile, a[r].zimo, n),
+ a[r].seat == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && (uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(!1))
+ }
+ }),
+ r += 2e3
+ }
+ for (l = 0; l < e.delta_scores.length; l++)
+ e.delta_scores[l] > 0 ? (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(l, "emoji_7", -1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onRoundEnd(l, 1)) : e.delta_scores[l] < 0 && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.changeHeadEmo(l, "emoji_8", -1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onRoundEnd(l, 0));
+ Laya.timer.once(r, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWin(e, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionHule fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ e.doras && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoras(e.doras, !1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWin(e, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(t) {
+ return this.play(t),
+ 1e5
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e) {
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWin(e, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionHule = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionLiqi play data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = e.score;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].ShowLiqi(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].SetScore(n, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.score),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionLiqi fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var n = e.seat
+ , a = e.score;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].ShowLiqi(!1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].SetScore(a, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.score),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(t) {
+ return app.Log.log("ActionLiqi record data:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ this.play(t),
+ 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionLiqi fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var i = e.seat
+ , n = e.score;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].ShowLiqi(!1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].SetScore(n, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.score),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionLiqi = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ app.Log.log("ActionLiuJu play data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.close();
+ var n = 0;
+ if (e.liqi ? (n = 1e3,
+ t.ActionLiqi.play(e.liqi)) : n = 500,
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ e.type == mjcore.E_LiuJu.sanjiahule) {
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm();
+ var a = e.seat;
+ Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(i) != a && e.push(i);
+ uiscript.UI_Huleshow.Inst.showRong(e)
+ }),
+ n += 1500,
+ Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.allplayertiles.length; i++)
+ if (i != a) {
+ for (var n = e.allplayertiles[i].split("|"), r = [], s = 0; s < n.length; s++)
+ r.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(n[s]));
+ r = r.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].Huangpai(!0, r, !1)
+ }
+ }),
+ n += 1e3,
+ Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowLiuJu(e),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ })
+ } else
+ Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm();
+ var n = 500;
+ if (e.type == mjcore.E_LiuJu.jiuzhongjiupai) {
+ for (var a = e.seat, r = e.tiles, s = [], o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
+ s.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(r[o]));
+ s = s.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].Huangpai(!0, s, !1)
+ }
+ if (e.type == mjcore.E_LiuJu.sijializhi && e.allplayertiles && e.allplayertiles.length > 0) {
+ for (var l = 0; l < e.allplayertiles.length; l++) {
+ for (var h = e.allplayertiles[l].split("|"), s = [], o = 0; o < h.length; o++)
+ s.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(h[o]));
+ s = s.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(l)].Huangpai(!0, s, !1)
+ }
+ n = 1e3
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(n, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowLiuJu(e),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionLiuJu fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.close(),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1);
+ if (e.liqi && t.ActionLiqi.fastplay(e.liqi, 0),
+ e.type == mjcore.E_LiuJu.jiuzhongjiupai) {
+ for (var n = e.seat, a = e.tiles, r = [], s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
+ r.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(a[s]));
+ r = r.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)].Huangpai(!0, r, !0)
+ }
+ if (e.type == mjcore.E_LiuJu.sanjiahule)
+ for (var n = e.seat, o = 0; o < e.allplayertiles.length; o++)
+ if (o != n) {
+ for (var l = e.allplayertiles[o].split("|"), r = [], s = 0; s < l.length; s++)
+ r.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(l[s]));
+ r = r.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(o)].Huangpai(!0, r, !1)
+ }
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowLiuJu(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(t) {
+ return app.Log.log("ActionLiuJu record data:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ this.play(t),
+ 4e3
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e) {
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowLiuJu(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionLiuJu = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound play data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.BgmListMgr.PlayMJBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change = e.chang,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben = e.ben,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !0,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == t.ERuleMode.Liqi4 ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69 : (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode = t.ERuleMode.Liqi3) && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 50),
+ e.left_tile_count && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoHule(!1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoMoQie(!1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoNoFulu(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.resetFunc(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetChangJuShow(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setBen(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.reset_rounds(),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang);
+ for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[n].Reset(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[n].setSeat(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(n));
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScores(e.scores),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.md5 = e.md5,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.choosed_pai = null,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora = [];
+ var a = 0;
+ 0 == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change && 0 == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju && 0 == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_dora3_mode() && !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_muyu_mode() && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.openDora3BeginEffect(),
+ a = 1300),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_peipai_open_mode() && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.openPeipaiOpenBeginEffect(),
+ a = 1300),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_muyu_mode() && (uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.openMuyuOpenBeginEffect(),
+ a = 1300));
+ var r = !1;
+ void 0 != e.al && null != e.al && (r = e.al),
+ r && (uiscript.UI_AL.Show(),
+ a = 1300),
+ Laya.timer.once(a, this, function() {
+ for (var n = [], a = 0; a < e.tiles.length; a++)
+ n.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles[a]));
+ var r = []
+ , s = [];
+ if (e.opens)
+ for (a = 0; a < e.opens.length; a++)
+ if (e.opens[a].seat == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ r = e.opens[a].tiles,
+ s = e.opens[a].count;
+ break
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.NewGame(n, r, s, !1),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0);
+ for (a = 1; a < 4; a++) {
+ var o = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(a);
+ if (-1 != o) {
+ var l = []
+ , h = [];
+ if (e.opens)
+ for (var c = 0; c < e.opens.length; c++)
+ if (e.opens[c].seat == o) {
+ l = e.opens[c].tiles,
+ h = e.opens[c].count;
+ break
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].NewGame(13 + (o == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju ? 1 : 0), l, h, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_dora3_mode() && Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.openDora3BeginShine()
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, i, function() {
+ if (e.doras && e.doras.length > 0)
+ for (i = 0; i < e.doras.length; i++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.doras[i])),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(i, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[i]);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].OnDoraRefresh();
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ n = {
+ tingpais: e.tingpais0,
+ operation: e.operation
+ };
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData0(n)
+ } else {
+ var n = {
+ tingpais: e.tingpais1
+ };
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(n, !1)
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ }),
+ void 0 != e.operation && Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation)
+ })
+ }),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.fetchLinks()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change = e.chang,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben = e.ben,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !0,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == t.ERuleMode.Liqi4 ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69 : (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode = t.ERuleMode.Liqi3) && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 50),
+ e.left_tile_count && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoHule(!1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoMoQie(!1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoNoFulu(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.resetFunc(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetChangJuShow(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setBen(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.reset_rounds(),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1);
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].Reset(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].setSeat(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(a));
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScores(e.scores),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.md5 = e.md5,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.choosed_pai = null,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora = [];
+ for (var n = [], a = 0; a < e.tiles.length; a++)
+ n.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.tiles[a]));
+ var r = []
+ , s = [];
+ if (e.opens)
+ for (a = 0; a < e.opens.length; a++)
+ if (e.opens[a].seat == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ r = e.opens[a].tiles,
+ s = e.opens[a].count;
+ break
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.NewGame(n, r, s, !0);
+ for (a = 1; a < 4; a++) {
+ var o = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(a);
+ if (-1 != o) {
+ var l = []
+ , h = [];
+ if (e.opens)
+ for (var c = 0; c < e.opens.length; c++)
+ if (e.opens[c].seat == o) {
+ l = e.opens[c].tiles,
+ h = e.opens[c].count;
+ break
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].NewGame(13 + (o == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju ? 1 : 0), l, h, !0)
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.doras && e.doras.length > 0)
+ for (a = 0; a < e.doras.length; a++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.doras[a])),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(a, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[a]);
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].OnDoraRefresh();
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ _ = {
+ tingpais: e.tingpais0,
+ operation: e.operation
+ };
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData0(_)
+ } else {
+ var _ = {
+ tingpais: e.tingpais1
+ };
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setData1(_, !0)
+ }
+ e.operation && -1 != i && Laya.timer.once(100, this, function() {
+ t.ActionOperation.play(e.operation, i + 100)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound record data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ClearOperationShow(),
+ t.BgmListMgr.PlayMJBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change = e.chang,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben = e.ben,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !0,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == t.ERuleMode.Liqi4 ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69 : (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode = t.ERuleMode.Liqi3) && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 50),
+ e.left_tile_count && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.tingpais = [[], [], [], []],
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.reset(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetChangJuShow(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setBen(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang);
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[l].setSeat(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(l));
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.choosed_pai = null,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora = [],
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(216);
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
+ var n = []
+ , a = "tiles" + l.toString();
+ if (e[a] && e[a].length > 0) {
+ for (o = 0; o < e[a].length; o++)
+ n.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e[a][o]));
+ var r = []
+ , s = [];
+ if (e.opens)
+ for (var o = 0; o < e.opens.length; o++)
+ if (e.opens[o].seat == l) {
+ r = e.opens[o].tiles,
+ s = e.opens[o].count;
+ break
+ }
+ l == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.RecordNewGame(n, r, s) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(l)].RecordNewGame(n, r, s)
+ }
+ }
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScores(e.scores),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.md5 = e.md5,
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.reset_rounds(),
+ e.doras && e.doras.length > 0)
+ for (l = 0; l < e.doras.length; l++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.doras[l])),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(l, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[l]);
+ else
+ e.dora && "" != e.dora && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.dora)),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(0, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[0]));
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[l].OnDoraRefresh();
+ if (e.tingpai)
+ for (var l = 0; l < e.tingpai.length; l++)
+ e.tingpai[l].seat != t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setTingpai(e.tingpai[l].seat, e.tingpai[l].tingpais1);
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.paipu && (e.paishan ? (uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.page_paishan.setTiles(e.paishan),
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.page_paishan.refresh()) : uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.page_paishan.setNoInfo()),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && e.operation && t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operation, i, 1e3),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0),
+ 300
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound fastrecord data:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.BgmListMgr.PlayMJBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ClearOperationShow(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change = e.chang,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben = e.ben,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player = e.ju,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !0,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == t.ERuleMode.Liqi4 ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 69 : (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode = t.ERuleMode.Liqi3) && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = 50),
+ e.left_tile_count && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count = e.left_tile_count),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.tingpais = [[], [], [], []],
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.reset(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.SetChangJuShow(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setBen(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ben),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(e.liqibang);
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[l].setSeat(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(l));
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPlayerIndicator(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.choosed_pai = null,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora = [];
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
+ var n = []
+ , a = "tiles" + l.toString();
+ if (e[a] && e[a].length > 0) {
+ for (o = 0; o < e[a].length; o++)
+ n.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e[a][o]));
+ var r = []
+ , s = [];
+ if (e.opens)
+ for (var o = 0; o < e.opens.length; o++)
+ if (e.opens[o].seat == l) {
+ r = e.opens[o].tiles,
+ s = e.opens[o].count;
+ break
+ }
+ l == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat ? t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.RecordNewGame(n, r, s) : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(l)].RecordNewGame(n, r, s)
+ }
+ }
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScores(e.scores),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.md5 = e.md5,
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.reset_rounds(),
+ e.doras && e.doras.length > 0)
+ for (l = 0; l < e.doras.length; l++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.doras[l])),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(l, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[l]);
+ else
+ e.dora && "" != e.dora && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.dora)),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(0, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[0]));
+ for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[l].OnDoraRefresh();
+ if (e.tingpai)
+ for (var l = 0; l < e.tingpai.length; l++)
+ e.tingpai[l].seat != t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setTingpai(e.tingpai[l].seat, e.tingpai[l].tingpais1);
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.paipu && (e.paishan ? (uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.page_paishan.setTiles(e.paishan),
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.page_paishan.refresh()) : uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.page_paishan.setNoInfo()),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && i >= 0 && e.operation && t.ActionOperation.ob(e.operation, i, 1e3),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionNewRound = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound play data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ for (var n = 0, a = 1; a < 4; a++) {
+ var r = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[a].discardcd - Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ r > n && (n = r)
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm();
+ var n = e.players;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.close(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(!1),
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !0);
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < n[a].hand.length; s++)
+ r.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(n[a].hand[s]));
+ r = r.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].Huangpai(n[a].tingpai, r, !1)
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Huleshow.Inst.showLiuJu(n)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(6e3, i, function() {
+ if (e.liujumanguan)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWin(e.scores, !0);
+ else {
+ var i = [];
+ if (e.scores && e.scores.length > 0) {
+ for (a = 0; a < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; a++)
+ i.push({
+ old_score: e.scores[0].old_scores[a],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (a = 0; a < e.scores.length; a++)
+ if (e.scores[a].hasOwnProperty("delta_scores"))
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count && n < e.scores[a].delta_scores.length; n++)
+ i[n].delta += e.scores[a].delta_scores[n]
+ } else
+ for (var a = 0; a < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; a++)
+ i.push({
+ old_score: t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].score,
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ uiscript.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.show(i)
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ActionRunComplete()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastplay = function(e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound fastplay data:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm();
+ var n = e.players;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.close();
+ var a = [!1, !1, !1, !1];
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.reset(),
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.setZhengting(!1);
+ for (l = 0; l < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; l++) {
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < n[l].hand.length; s++)
+ r.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(n[l].hand[s]));
+ r = r.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(l)].Huangpai(n[l].tingpai, r, !0),
+ a[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(l)] = n[l].tingpai
+ }
+ if (e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ e.liujumanguan)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWin(e.scores, !0);
+ else {
+ var o = [];
+ if (e.scores && e.scores.length > 0) {
+ for (l = 0; l < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; l++)
+ o.push({
+ old_score: e.scores[0].old_scores[l],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (l = 0; l < e.scores.length; l++)
+ if (e.scores[l].hasOwnProperty("delta_scores"))
+ for (s = 0; s < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count && s < e.scores[l].delta_scores.length; s++)
+ o[s].delta += e.scores[l].delta_scores[s]
+ } else
+ for (var l = 0; l < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; l++)
+ o.push({
+ old_score: t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(l)].score,
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ uiscript.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.show(o)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.record = function(t) {
+ return app.Log.log("ActionNewRound record data:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ this.play(t),
+ 8e3
+ }
+ ,
+ i.fastrecord = function(e) {
+ t.BgmListMgr.stopBgm(),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing = !1;
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < e.players.length; n++)
+ i.push({
+ seat: n
+ });
+ e.muyu && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.onMuyuChange(e.muyu, !1),
+ uiscript.UI_Huleshow.Inst.showLiuJu(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionNoTile = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.play = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionOperation play data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i);
+ try {
+ if (e) {
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.can_discard = !1;
+ var n = e.operation_list;
+ if (null == n || 0 == n.length)
+ return;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.oplist = n;
+ var a = e.time_fixed
+ , r = e.time_add;
+ (a -= i) < 0 && (r += a,
+ a = 0,
+ r < 0 && (r = 0)),
+ app.Log.log("ActionOperation time_fixed:" + a + " time_add:" + r),
+ a + r >= 2e3 && t.DesktopMgr.Inst._PendingAuto() && uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.showCountDown(a, r)
+ }
+ } catch (t) {
+ var s = {};
+ s.error = t.message,
+ s.stack = t.stack,
+ s.method = "play",
+ s.name = "ActionOperation",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.ob = function(e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ app.Log.log("ActionOperation ob data:" + JSON.stringify(e) + " usetime:" + i);
+ e.seat == t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ var t = e.time_fixed
+ , n = e.time_add;
+ if ((i -= 300) < 0 && (i = 0),
+ (t -= i) < 0 && (n += t,
+ t = 0,
+ n < 0 && (n = 0)),
+ t + n >= 2e3) {
+ for (var a = !1, r = !1, s = !1, o = e.operation_list, l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
+ switch (o[l].type) {
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.peng:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.ming_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong:
+ a = !0;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.an_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.add_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo:
+ r = !0;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.jiuzhongjiupai:
+ r = !0
+ }
+ o[l].type != mjcore.E_PlayOperation.dapai && o[l].type != mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi || (s = !0)
+ }
+ r && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowLiqiZimo(o),
+ a && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowChipenghu(o),
+ (a || r || s) && uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.showCountDown(t, n)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ActionBase);
+ t.ActionOperation = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT = .043225 * .94,
+ t.PAIMODEL_WIDTH = .032775 * .94,
+ t.PAIMODEL_THICKNESS = .0235 * .95 * .94,
+ t.PAI_COUNT = 136;
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.NULL = 0] = "NULL",
+ t[t.AUTH = 1] = "AUTH",
+ t[t.SYNCING = 2] = "SYNCING",
+ t[t.READY = 3] = "READY"
+ }(e = t.ELink_State || (t.ELink_State = {}));
+ var i;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.Liqi4 = 0] = "Liqi4",
+ t[t.Liqi3 = 1] = "Liqi3"
+ }(i = t.ERuleMode || (t.ERuleMode = {}));
+ var n;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.play = 0] = "play",
+ t[t.paipu = 1] = "paipu",
+ t[t.live_broadcast = 2] = "live_broadcast"
+ }(n = t.EMJMode || (t.EMJMode = {}));
+ var a = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var e = a.call(this) || this;
+ return e.rule_mode = i.Liqi4,
+ e.mode = n.play,
+ e.active = !1,
+ e.game_config = null,
+ e.seat = 0,
+ e.dora = [],
+ e.players = null,
+ e.mainrole = null,
+ e.num_left_show = new Array,
+ e.plane_chang = null,
+ e.plane_ju = null,
+ e.trans_container_effect = null,
+ e.effect_pai_canchi = null,
+ e.effect_dora3D = null,
+ e.effect_doraPlane = null,
+ e.effect_shadow = null,
+ e.auto_hule = !1,
+ e.auto_nofulu = !1,
+ e.auto_moqie = !1,
+ e.auto_liqi = !0,
+ e.duringReconnect = !1,
+ e.gameing = !1,
+ e.lastpai_seat = 0,
+ e.lastqipai = null,
+ e.oplist = [],
+ e.liqi_select = [],
+ e.operation_showing = !1,
+ e.myaccountid = 0,
+ e.player_datas = [],
+ e.player_effects = [],
+ e.mjp_res_name = "",
+ e.last_gang = 0,
+ e.gameEndResult = null,
+ e.levelchangeinfo = null,
+ e.activity_reward = null,
+ e.rewardinfo = null,
+ e.choosed_pai = null,
+ e.muyu_info = null,
+ e.muyu_effect = null,
+ e.actionList = [],
+ e.action_index = 0,
+ e.current_step = 0,
+ e.actionMap = null,
+ e.tingpais = [],
+ e.record_show_hand = !1,
+ e.record_show_paopai = !1,
+ e.record_show_anim = !0,
+ e.ptchange = 0,
+ e.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile = !1,
+ e.md5 = "",
+ e.paipu_config = 0,
+ e.ai_level = 1,
+ e.timestoped = !1,
+ e.handles_after_timerun = [],
+ e.doactioncd = 0,
+ e.dochain_fast = !1,
+ e.action_running = !1,
+ e.hangupCount = 0,
+ e.state_cache = {},
+ e.mind_voice_seat = -1,
+ e.mind_voice_type = "",
+ e.during_playing_mind_voice = !1,
+ r.Inst = e,
+ e.actionMap = {},
+ e.actionMap.ActionMJStart = new Laya.Handler(e,function(t) {
+ t.msg;
+ return app.Log.log("ActionMJStart begin"),
+ e.ClearOperationShow(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterMJ(),
+ uiscript.UI_FightBegin.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ e.ActionRunComplete()
+ })),
+ 2e3
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionNewRound = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ app.Log.log("ActionNewRound begin");
+ var n = i.msg
+ , a = i.fast;
+ if (e.ClearOperationShow(),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterMJ(),
+ a)
+ return uiscript.UI_FightBegin.hide(),
+ t.ActionNewRound.fastplay(n, -1),
+ 0;
+ var r = uiscript.UI_FightBegin.hide();
+ return Laya.timer.once(r + 200, e, function() {
+ t.ActionNewRound.play(n)
+ }),
+ n.al && (r += 1300),
+ r + 200 + 1200 + 400
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionDiscardTile = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return i.fast ? (t.ActionDiscardTile.fastplay(n, -1),
+ 0) : (t.ActionDiscardTile.play(n),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, e, e.ActionRunComplete),
+ 500)
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionDealTile = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return i.fast ? (t.ActionDealTile.fastplay(n, -1),
+ 0) : (t.ActionDealTile.play(n),
+ 500)
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionChiPengGang = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return i.fast ? (t.ActionChiPengGang.fastplay(n, -1),
+ 0) : (t.ActionChiPengGang.play(n),
+ 1100)
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionAnGangAddGang = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return i.fast ? (t.ActionAnGangAddGang.fastplay(n, -1),
+ 0) : (t.ActionAnGangAddGang.play(n),
+ 1100)
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionHule = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return t.ActionHule.play(n),
+ 5e3
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionNoTile = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return t.ActionNoTile.play(n),
+ 5e3
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionLiuJu = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return t.ActionLiuJu.play(n),
+ 5e3
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ e.actionMap.ActionBaBei = new Laya.Handler(e,function(i) {
+ e.ClearOperationShow();
+ var n = i.msg;
+ return i.fast ? (t.ActionBabei.fastplay(n, -1),
+ 0) : (t.ActionBabei.play(n),
+ 1e3)
+ }
+ ,null,!1),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyGameEndResult", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ e.gameEndResult = t.result,
+ uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable && uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.close()
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("ActionPrototype", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ if (e.duringReconnect)
+ e.actionList.push(t);
+ else if (e.actionList.length > 0)
+ e.actionList.push(t);
+ else {
+ e.actionList.push(t);
+ var i = e.doactioncd - Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ i < 0 && (i = 0),
+ e.StartChainAction(i)
+ }
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyGameFinishReward", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyGameFinishReward: " + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.levelchangeinfo = t.level_change,
+ e.rewardinfo = t
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyActivityReward", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyActivityReward: " + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.activity_reward = t
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyGameTerminate", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyGameTerminate:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ "user-manual-terminate" != t.reason && uiscript.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show_only_confirm(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2227), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.Reset(),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()
+ })),
+ uiscript.UI_VoteProgress.Inst.enable && uiscript.UI_VoteProgress.Inst.close()
+ })),
+ t.ModelAnimationController.init_data(),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyGamePause", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyGamePause:" + JSON.stringify(t));
+ var i = t.paused;
+ e.setGameStop(i)
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyActivityPoint", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.activity_points, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ n.activity_id == uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.activity_id && (uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.point = n.point)
+ }
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyLeaderboardPoint", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ for (var e = t.leaderboard_points, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ n.leaderboard_id == uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Rank.activity_id && (uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Rank.point = n.point)
+ }
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("PlayerLeaving", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ t && t.seat == e.seat && uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.show()
+ })),
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "round_id", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.index_change + "-" + this.index_ju + "-" + this.index_ben
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "main_role_character_info", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.player_datas[this.seat].character
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "player_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.rule_mode == i.Liqi3 ? 3 : 4
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ r.prototype.seat2LocalPosition = function(t) {
+ if (this.rule_mode == i.Liqi3) {
+ for (var e = this.seat, n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
+ if (t == e)
+ return n;
+ ++e >= 3 && (e = -1)
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ return (t - this.seat + 4) % 4
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.localPosition2Seat = function(t) {
+ if (this.rule_mode == i.Liqi3) {
+ for (var e = this.seat, n = 0; n < t; n++)
+ ++e >= 3 && (e = -1);
+ return e
+ }
+ return (this.seat + t) % 4
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.getPlayerName = function(t) {
+ var e = this.player_datas[t].account_id;
+ if (this.mode == n.paipu && uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.hide_name) {
+ switch (this.seat2LocalPosition(t)) {
+ case 0:
+ return {
+ account_id: e,
+ nickname: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3076),
+ verified: 0
+ };
+ case 1:
+ return {
+ account_id: e,
+ nickname: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3073),
+ verified: 0
+ };
+ case 2:
+ return {
+ account_id: e,
+ nickname: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3074),
+ verified: 0
+ };
+ case 3:
+ return {
+ account_id: e,
+ nickname: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3075),
+ verified: 0
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ account_id: e,
+ nickname: "",
+ verified: 0
+ }
+ }
+ var i = this.player_datas[t].nickname;
+ return e && !game.Tools.is_same_zone(GameMgr.Inst.account_id, e) && null != app.Taboo.test(i) && (i = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3060)),
+ {
+ account_id: e,
+ nickname: i,
+ verified: this.player_datas[t].verified
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "showingPaopai", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.mode != n.play
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ r.prototype.is_dora3_mode = function() {
+ return !!(this.game_config && this.game_config.mode && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule.dora3_mode)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.is_peipai_open_mode = function() {
+ return !!(this.game_config && this.game_config.mode && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule.begin_open_mode)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.is_muyu_mode = function() {
+ return !!(this.game_config && this.game_config.mode && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule.muyu_mode)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.is_open_hand = function() {
+ return !!(this.game_config && this.game_config.mode && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule && this.game_config.mode.detail_rule.open_hand)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.ActionRunComplete = function() {
+ this.action_running = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.StartChainAction = function(t) {
+ this.doactioncd = Laya.timer.currTimer + t,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.DoChainAction)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.DoChainAction = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (this.action_index >= this.actionList.length)
+ this.action_index = 0,
+ this.actionList = [],
+ this.dochain_fast = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clear(this, this.DoChainAction),
+ this.duringReconnect && (app.Log.log("finishSyncGame0"),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "finishSyncGame", {}, function(t, e) {}),
+ this.duringReconnect = !1);
+ else {
+ if (!this.dochain_fast) {
+ if (this.action_running)
+ return;
+ if (Laya.timer.currTimer <= this.doactioncd - Laya.timer.delta)
+ return;
+ Laya.timer.clear(this, this.DoChainAction)
+ }
+ this.action_index == this.actionList.length - 1 && this.duringReconnect && (this.duringReconnect = !1,
+ app.Log.log("finishSyncGame1"),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "finishSyncGame", {}, function(t, e) {})),
+ this.dochain_fast ? this.action_index + 2 < this.actionList.length ? this.DoMJAction(this.actionList[this.action_index++], !0) : (this.dochain_fast = !1,
+ this.DoMJAction(this.actionList[this.action_index++], !1)) : (this.dochain_fast = !1,
+ this.action_index + 4 < this.actionList.length && (this.dochain_fast = !0),
+ this.dochain_fast ? Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ for (var e = t.actionList.length - 1; e >= t.action_index; e--)
+ if ("ActionNewRound" == t.actionList[e].name) {
+ t.action_index = e;
+ break
+ }
+ t.DoMJAction(t.actionList[t.action_index++], !0)
+ }) : this.DoMJAction(this.actionList[this.action_index++], !1))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.DoMJAction = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (this.active) {
+ var n = net.ProtobufManager.lookupType("lq." + t.name);
+ if (!n)
+ throw new Error("ERR_CANNOT_FIND_MESSAGE_TYPE, lq." + t.name);
+ var a = t.step
+ , r = n.decode(t.data);
+ if (app.Log.log("DoMJAction step:" + a + " [" + t.name + "]: " + JSON.stringify(r) + " fast:" + e),
+ a > 1 && a != this.current_step + 1)
+ return app.Log.log("step 不对 强制触发全数据重连 step:" + a + " current_step:" + this.current_step),
+ void this.trySyncGame();
+ var s = 0;
+ if (this.current_step = a,
+ this.actionMap.hasOwnProperty(t.name))
+ try {
+ e || (this.action_running = !0),
+ s = this.actionMap[t.name].runWith({
+ msg: r,
+ fast: e
+ })
+ } catch (e) {
+ var o = {};
+ return o.error = e.message,
+ o.stack = e.stack,
+ o.method = "DoMJAction",
+ o.name = t.name,
+ o.data = t,
+ o.step = a,
+ void GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(o)
+ }
+ else
+ app.Log.Error("没有监听操作:" + t.name);
+ e ? this.DoChainAction() : Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, this, function() {
+ i.StartChainAction(s)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._load = function(e) {
+ this.desktop3D = e,
+ this.desktop3D.getChildByName("all").active = !1;
+ var i = this.desktop3D.getChildByName("poss");
+ this.players = new Array,
+ this.mainrole = i.getChildByName("man_1").addComponent(t.ViewPlayer_Me),
+ this.mainrole.Init(this, 0, game.Scene_MJ.Inst.root2.getChildByName("hands"), i.getChildByName("ming_1").getChildAt(0), i.getChildByName("hai_1").getChildAt(0), i.getChildByName("man_1"), i.getChildByName("babei_1").getChildAt(0)),
+ this.mainrole.trans_hand3D = i.getChildByName("pai_1"),
+ this.mainrole.trans_hand3D.getChildAt(0).active = !1,
+ this.mainrole.trans_hand3D.active = !1,
+ this.mainrole.trans_hand3DCover = i.getChildByName("pai_1_cover"),
+ this.mainrole.trans_hand3DCover.getChildAt(0).active = !1,
+ this.mainrole.trans_hand3DCover.active = !1,
+ this.players.push(this.mainrole);
+ for (var n = 2; n <= 4; n++) {
+ var a = i.getChildByName("man_" + n).addComponent(t.ViewPlayer_Other);
+ a.Init(this, n - 1, i.getChildByName("pai_" + n).getChildAt(0), i.getChildByName("ming_" + n).getChildAt(0), i.getChildByName("hai_" + n).getChildAt(0), i.getChildByName("man_" + n), i.getChildByName("babei_" + n).getChildAt(0)),
+ this.players.push(a)
+ }
+ var r = this.desktop3D.getChildByName("other")
+ , s = r.getChildByName("left");
+ this.num_left_show.push(s.getChildByName("0")),
+ this.num_left_show.push(s.getChildByName("1")),
+ this.SetLeftPaiShow(0);
+ var o = r.getChildByName("chang");
+ this.plane_chang = o.getChildByName("chang"),
+ this.plane_ju = o.getChildByName("ju"),
+ this.SetChangJuShow(0, 0),
+ this.trans_container_effect = this.desktop3D.getChildByName("effect"),
+ this.effect_dora3D = this.trans_container_effect.getChildByName("effect_dora"),
+ this.effect_shadow = this.trans_container_effect.getChildByName("effect_shadow"),
+ this.effect_dora3D.active = !0,
+ this.effect_shadow.active = !0,
+ this.effect_doraPlane = game.Scene_MJ.Inst.root2.getChildByName("hands").getChildByName("effect_dora"),
+ this.effect_doraPlane.active = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.initRoom = function(e, a, s, o, l) {
+ var h = this;
+ uiscript.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.resetData(),
+ this.game_config = e,
+ this.rule_mode = i.Liqi4,
+ e.mode.mode && (e.mode.mode < 10 ? this.rule_mode = i.Liqi4 : this.rule_mode = i.Liqi3),
+ this.mode = o,
+ this.seat = -1,
+ this.player_datas = a,
+ this.gameEndResult = null,
+ this.levelchangeinfo = null,
+ this.activity_reward = null,
+ this.rewardinfo = null,
+ this.active = !0,
+ this.ptchange = 0,
+ this.timestoped = !1,
+ this.action_running = !1,
+ this.hangupCount = 0,
+ this.handles_after_timerun = [],
+ this.muyu_info = null,
+ this.muyu_effect && (this.muyu_effect.destroy(),
+ this.muyu_effect = null),
+ uiscript.UI_GameStop.Inst.close(),
+ this.record_show_anim = !0,
+ this.mode == n.paipu ? this.record_show_hand = this.record_show_paopai = !0 : this.record_show_hand = this.record_show_paopai = !1,
+ this.mode == n.play ? (uiscript.UI_Invite.Inst.enable = !1,
+ 4 == e.category && (GameMgr.Inst.custom_match_id = e.meta.contest_uid)) : uiscript.UI_Invite.Inst.enable = !0,
+ this.myaccountid = s;
+ for (var c = {}, _ = 0; _ < a.length; _++)
+ for (var u = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(a[_].avatar_id), d = cfg.item_definition.character.get(u.character_id), f = cfg.voice.sound.getGroup(d.sound), p = 0; p < f.length; p++)
+ if (a[_].character && 2 == f[p].category && f[p].level_limit <= a[_].character.level) {
+ var m = f[p].path + t.AudioMgr.suffix;
+ c.hasOwnProperty(m) || (c[m] = 1)
+ }
+ for (var g in c)
+ Laya.loader.load(g, null, null, null, 3);
+ for (_ = 0; _ < this.player_datas.length; _++)
+ this.player_datas[_].account_id == s && (this.seat = _);
+ if (-1 == this.seat) {
+ if (this.mode == n.play)
+ return uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2228)),
+ void app.Log.Error(JSON.stringify(a));
+ this.seat = 0
+ }
+ if (uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.enable = this.mode == n.paipu,
+ uiscript.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.enable = !1,
+ r.bianjietishi = !0,
+ o == n.play) {
+ if (e.mode && e.mode.detail_rule) {
+ var y = e.mode.detail_rule;
+ null != y.bianjietishi && (r.bianjietishi = y.bianjietishi)
+ }
+ if (2 == e.category && e.meta) {
+ var v = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(e.meta.mode_id);
+ v && 6 == v.room && (r.bianjietishi = !1)
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_MJTask_Progress.record()
+ }
+ this.mjp_res_name = game.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(game.EView.mjp),
+ this.player_effects = [];
+ for (var b = game.EView.liqibang, w = game.EView.lobby_bg, _ = 0; _ < this.player_datas.length; _++) {
+ for (var x = this.player_datas[_].character, I = {}, C = b; C <= w; C++) {
+ var S = game.GameUtility.get_view_default_item_id(C);
+ I[C] = S
+ }
+ if (x) {
+ var M = this.player_datas[_].views
+ , L = cfg.item_definition.character.get(x.charid);
+ if (L && (I[game.EView.hand_model] = L.hand),
+ M)
+ for (p = 0; p < M.length; p++) {
+ var T = M[p].slot
+ , E = M[p].item_id;
+ E && (I[T] = E)
+ }
+ } else
+ this.player_datas[_].character = {
+ charid: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_character(),
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(),
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ };
+ this.player_effects.push(I)
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.initRoom(),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshSeat(),
+ uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.enable = !0,
+ this.index_change = 0,
+ this.index_ju = 0,
+ this.index_ben = 0,
+ this.index_player = 0,
+ this.gameing = !0,
+ this.left_tile_count = 69,
+ this.duringReconnect = !1,
+ this.current_step = 0,
+ this.action_index = 0,
+ this.dochain_fast = !1,
+ this.actionList = [],
+ this.setAutoHule(!1),
+ this.setAutoMoQie(!1),
+ this.setAutoNoFulu(!1),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.resetFunc(),
+ this.SetChangJuShow(this.index_change, this.index_ju),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setBen(this.index_ben),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1);
+ for (_ = 0; _ < 4; _++)
+ this.players[_].onInitRoom(this.localPosition2Seat(_)),
+ this.players[_].SetScore(0, 0),
+ this.players[_].trans_ind.active = !1,
+ this.players[_].RefreshDir();
+ if (this.RefreshPaiLeft(),
+ uiscript.UI_GameEnd.Inst.forceclose(),
+ uiscript.UI_RankChange.Inst.close(),
+ uiscript.UI_MJReward.Inst.close(),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(6, this, function() {
+ h.Reset(),
+ app.Log.log("场景init结束:" + Laya.Stat.currentMemorySize / 1024 / 1024 + " MB"),
+ l && l.run()
+ }),
+ this.state_cache = {},
+ uiscript.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.activity_id) && (this.state_cache.duanwu_point = uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.point,
+ this.state_cache.duanwu_rank = uiscript.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Rank.point),
+ this.is_muyu_mode()) {
+ var D = "scene/effect_muyu_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh";
+ this.muyu_effect = new game.EffectBase(D),
+ this.muyu_effect.root.active = !1,
+ this.trans_container_effect.addChild(this.muyu_effect.root)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.changeMainbody = function(t) {
+ if (this.mode != n.play) {
+ this.seat = t,
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshSeat(!0);
+ for (var e = 0; e < 4; e++)
+ this.players[e].onInitRoom(this.localPosition2Seat(e)),
+ this.players[e].trans_ind.active = !1,
+ this.players[e].RefreshDir();
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.mode == n.paipu && uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.onChangeMainBody(),
+ this.mode == n.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.onChangeMainbody()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.trySyncGame = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.duringReconnect = !0,
+ this.hangupCount = 0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "syncGame", {
+ round_id: this.round_id,
+ step: 0
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("syncGame", e, i),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()) : (app.Log.log("[syncGame2] " + JSON.stringify(i)),
+ i.isEnd ? (uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2229)),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()) : (t.fetchLinks(),
+ t.Reset(),
+ t.duringReconnect = !0,
+ t.syncGameByStep(i.game_restore)))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.syncGameByStep = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = !1;
+ if (this.timestoped = !1,
+ this.handles_after_timerun = [],
+ this.action_running = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_GameStop.Inst.close(),
+ this.hangupCount = 0,
+ uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e && 5 === e.game_state && (this.timestoped = !0),
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterMJ(),
+ e && e.actions && e.actions.length > 0) {
+ this.actionList = [];
+ var a = -1;
+ null != e.passed_waiting_time && void 0 != e.passed_waiting_time && (a = 1e3 * e.passed_waiting_time);
+ for (var s = 0; s < e.actions.length; s++) {
+ var o = e.actions[s]
+ , l = s == e.actions.length - 1 ? a : -1
+ , h = net.ProtobufManager.lookupType("lq." + o.name);
+ if (!h)
+ throw new Error("ERR_CANNOT_FIND_MESSAGE_TYPE, lq." + o.name);
+ var c = h.decode(o.data);
+ this.current_step = o.step;
+ try {
+ switch (o.name) {
+ case "ActionNewRound":
+ t.ActionNewRound.fastplay(c, l);
+ break;
+ case "ActionDiscardTile":
+ t.ActionDiscardTile.fastplay(c, l);
+ break;
+ case "ActionDealTile":
+ t.ActionDealTile.fastplay(c, l);
+ break;
+ case "ActionChiPengGang":
+ t.ActionChiPengGang.fastplay(c, l);
+ break;
+ case "ActionAnGangAddGang":
+ t.ActionAnGangAddGang.fastplay(c, l);
+ break;
+ case "ActionHule":
+ t.ActionHule.fastplay(c, l),
+ n = !0;
+ break;
+ case "ActionLiuJu":
+ t.ActionLiuJu.fastplay(c, l),
+ n = !0;
+ break;
+ case "ActionNoTile":
+ t.ActionNoTile.fastplay(c, l),
+ n = !0;
+ break;
+ case "ActionBaBei":
+ t.ActionBabei.fastplay(c, l)
+ }
+ } catch (t) {
+ var _ = {};
+ _.error = t.message,
+ _.stack = t.stack,
+ _.method = "syncGameByStep",
+ _.name = o.name,
+ _.data = o,
+ _.step = s,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(_);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ i.duringReconnect = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ n || t.BgmListMgr.PlayMJBgm(),
+ i.DoChainAction()
+ })
+ } else
+ this.duringReconnect = !1,
+ this.timestoped ? this.handles_after_timerun.push(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "confirmNewRound", {}, function(t, e) {})
+ })) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "confirmNewRound", {}, function(t, e) {});
+ app.Log.log("finishSyncGame11"),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "finishSyncGame", {}, function(t, e) {}),
+ r.Inst.fetchLinks(),
+ this.timestoped && uiscript.UI_GameStop.Inst.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setGameStop = function(t) {
+ if (t != this.timestoped)
+ if (this.timestoped = t,
+ this.timestoped)
+ this.handles_after_timerun = [],
+ uiscript.UI_GameStop.Inst.show();
+ else {
+ if (uiscript.UI_GameStop.Inst.close(),
+ this.handles_after_timerun)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.handles_after_timerun.length; e++)
+ this.handles_after_timerun[e].run();
+ this.handles_after_timerun = [],
+ this.hangupCount = 0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.CreatePai3D = function(t) {
+ var e = this.desktop3D.getChildByName("all").getChildByName("mjp").getChildByName(t.toString()).clone()
+ , i = this.desktop3D.getChildByName("all").getChildByName("maque_outline").clone()
+ , n = e
+ , a = new caps.BaseMaterial(caps.Cartoon.filename)
+ , r = "scene/Assets/Resource/mjpai/";
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (r += "en/"),
+ r += this.mjp_res_name + "/mjp.png",
+ a.setTexture(caps.Cartoon.TEXTURE, Laya.loader.getRes(r)),
+ a.setNumber(caps.Cartoon.SPLIT, .4),
+ a.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_LIGHT, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ a.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_UNLIGHT, new Laya.Vector3(.788,.788,.8235)),
+ a.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ n.meshRender.sharedMaterial = a;
+ var s = i;
+ e.addChild(s),
+ s.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ s.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ s.transform.localRotation = new Laya.Quaternion(0,0,0,0);
+ var o = s
+ , l = new caps.Material_Outline(caps.Outline.filename);
+ return l.setColor(caps.Outline.OUTLINE_COLOR, new Laya.Vector3(.165,.192,.204)),
+ l.setNumber(caps.Outline.OUTLINE_ALPHA, .6),
+ l.setNumber(caps.Outline.OUTLINE, .0012),
+ o.meshRender.sharedMaterial = l,
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.RefreshPlayerIndicator = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 4; t++)
+ this.players[t].trans_ind.active = t == this.seat2LocalPosition(this.index_player),
+ this.players[t].RefreshScore(this.mainrole.score)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setAutoHule = function(t) {
+ this.auto_hule = t,
+ this._PendingAuto()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setAutoNoFulu = function(t) {
+ this.auto_nofulu = t,
+ this._PendingAuto()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setAutoMoQie = function(t) {
+ this.auto_moqie = t,
+ this._PendingAuto()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setAutoLiPai = function(t) {
+ this.auto_liqi = t,
+ t && this.gameing && this.mainrole && this.mainrole.LiPai()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setScoreDelta = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 1; e < 4; e++)
+ this.players[e].duringShowDetla = t,
+ this.players[e].RefreshScore(this.mainrole.score)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.SetChangJuShow = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new Laya.Vector4(.2,1,t % 4 * .2,0);
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (i = new Laya.Vector4(1,.25,0,.25 * (t % 4 - 3))),
+ this.plane_chang.meshRender.material.tilingOffset = i;
+ var n = new Laya.Vector4(.25,1,.25 * e,0);
+ this.plane_ju.meshRender.material.tilingOffset = n
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.SetLeftPaiShow = function(t) {
+ t >= 100 ? t = 99 : t < 0 && (t = 0);
+ for (var e = [t % 10, Math.floor(t / 10)], i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = new Laya.Vector4(.1,1,.1 * e[i],0);
+ this.num_left_show[i].meshRender.material.tilingOffset = n
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.RefreshPaiLeft = function() {
+ this.SetLeftPaiShow(this.left_tile_count)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ app.Log.log("DesktopMgr.Reset"),
+ this.operation_showing = !1,
+ this.oplist = [],
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionAnGangAddGang),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionChiPengGang),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionDealTile),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionDiscardTile),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionHule),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionLiqi),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionLiuJu),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionNewRound),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionNoTile),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionOperation),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.reset_rounds(),
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.reset(),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi && (this.effect_pai_canchi.destroy(),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi = null);
+ for (var e = 0; e < 4; e++)
+ this.players[e].Reset();
+ this.tingpais = [[], [], [], []],
+ this.md5 = "",
+ this.current_step = -1,
+ this.muyu_info = null,
+ this.muyu_effect && (this.muyu_effect.root.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this.muyu_effect)),
+ this.mind_voice_seat = -1,
+ this.mind_voice_type = "",
+ this.during_playing_mind_voice = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setScores = function(e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ this.players[t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].SetScore(e[i], e[this.seat])
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._PendingAuto = function() {
+ if (null == this.oplist || 0 == this.oplist.length)
+ return !1;
+ app.Log.log("_PendingAuto");
+ try {
+ var t = !1
+ , e = !1
+ , i = !1
+ , n = !1
+ , a = !1
+ , r = this.operation_showing;
+ this.operation_showing = !0;
+ var s = null;
+ this.liqi_select = [];
+ for (u = 0; u < this.oplist.length; u++) {
+ switch (this.oplist[u].type) {
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.peng:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.ming_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong:
+ t = !0;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.an_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.add_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.babei:
+ e = !0;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.jiuzhongjiupai:
+ e = !0
+ }
+ if (this.oplist[u].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.dapai && (a = !0,
+ s = this.oplist[u].combination),
+ this.oplist[u].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi) {
+ a = !0,
+ this.liqi_select = [];
+ for (var o = 0; o < this.oplist[u].combination.length; o++)
+ this.liqi_select.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(this.oplist[u].combination[o]))
+ }
+ this.oplist[u].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong && (i = !0),
+ this.oplist[u].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo && (n = !0)
+ }
+ var l = this.auto_hule
+ , h = this.auto_nofulu
+ , c = this.auto_moqie;
+ if (l && (i || n))
+ return Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ i ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong,
+ index: 0
+ }, function(t, e) {}) : n && app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo,
+ index: 0
+ }, function(t, e) {})
+ }),
+ this.ClearOperationShow(),
+ !1;
+ if (t) {
+ if (h && !i && !n)
+ return app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ cancel_operation: !0
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ this.ClearOperationShow(),
+ !1;
+ r || uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowChipenghu(this.oplist)
+ } else if (e && (r || uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowLiqiZimo(this.oplist)),
+ a) {
+ if (c && !uiscript.UI_LiQiZiMo.Inst.enable && null != this.mainrole.last_tile)
+ return this.Action_QiPai(this.mainrole.last_tile.val, !0, !0, this.mainrole.last_tile.is_open),
+ !1;
+ if (!r && (this.mainrole.can_discard = !0,
+ s && s.length > 0)) {
+ for (var _ = [], u = 0; u < s.length; u++)
+ _.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(s[u]));
+ this.mainrole.ChiTiSelect(_)
+ }
+ } else
+ this.mainrole.can_discard = !1
+ } catch (t) {
+ var d = {};
+ d.error = t.message,
+ d.stack = t.stack,
+ d.method = "_PendingAuto",
+ d.name = "DesktopMgr",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(d)
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.OperationTimeOut = function() {
+ if (null != this.oplist && 0 != this.oplist.length) {
+ var t = !1
+ , e = !1
+ , i = !1
+ , n = !1
+ , a = !1;
+ this.operation_showing;
+ this.operation_showing = !0;
+ for (s = 0; s < this.oplist.length; s++) {
+ switch (this.oplist[s].type) {
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.peng:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.ming_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong:
+ t = !0;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.an_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.add_gang:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo:
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.babei:
+ e = !0
+ }
+ this.oplist[s].type != mjcore.E_PlayOperation.dapai && this.oplist[s].type != mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi || (a = !0,
+ this.oplist[s].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.dapai && this.oplist[s].combination),
+ this.oplist[s].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong && (i = !0),
+ this.oplist[s].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo && (n = !0)
+ }
+ if (t)
+ i ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: 1e6
+ }, function(t, e) {}) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ cancel_operation: !0,
+ timeuse: 1e6
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ this.ClearOperationShow();
+ else if (n)
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: 1e6
+ }, function(t, e) {});
+ else if (a)
+ if (this.mainrole.during_liqi) {
+ for (var r = -1, s = 0; s < this.mainrole.hand.length; s++)
+ if (this.mainrole.hand[s].valid) {
+ r = s;
+ break
+ }
+ this.Action_LiQi(this.mainrole.hand[r].val, this.mainrole.hand[r] === this.mainrole.last_tile, this.mainrole.hand[r].is_open)
+ } else {
+ var o = null
+ , l = !1
+ , h = !1;
+ if (null == o && this.mainrole.last_tile && this.mainrole.last_tile.valid && (o = this.mainrole.last_tile.val,
+ l = !0,
+ h = this.mainrole.last_tile.is_open),
+ null == o)
+ for (s = this.mainrole.hand.length - 1; s >= 0; s--)
+ if (this.mainrole.hand[s].valid) {
+ o = this.mainrole.hand[s].val,
+ l = !1,
+ h = this.mainrole.hand[s].is_open;
+ break
+ }
+ this.Action_QiPai(o, l, !0, h)
+ }
+ else
+ e && (app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ cancel_operation: !0,
+ timeuse: 1e6
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ this.ClearOperationShow())
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.WhenDoOperation = function() {
+ this.hangupCount = 0,
+ this.ClearOperationShow()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.ClearOperationShow = function() {
+ this.operation_showing = !1,
+ this.oplist = [],
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.CloseLiuJu(),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.CloseWin(),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.CloseChipenghu(),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.CloseLiqiZimo(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t.ActionOperation),
+ uiscript.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.enable = !1,
+ this.mainrole.can_discard = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.closeCountDown()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.WhenLiqiInfo = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ t && Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ var i = t.seat
+ , n = t.score;
+ e.players[e.seat2LocalPosition(i)].ShowLiqi(),
+ e.players[e.seat2LocalPosition(i)].SetScore(n, e.mainrole.score),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(t.liqibang)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.WhenDoras = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (!(null == e || void 0 == e || 0 == e.length || e.length <= this.dora.length) && e) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ this.dora.length > a ? this.dora[a] = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e[a]) : this.dora.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e[a])),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setDora(a, this.dora[a]);
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 4; t++)
+ n.players[t].OnDoraRefresh()
+ }),
+ i || t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(215)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.Action_QiPai = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.dapai,
+ tile: t.toString(),
+ moqie: e,
+ timeuse: uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse,
+ tile_state: n ? 1 : 0
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ t ? app.Log.Error("Action_QiPai 失败") : app.Log.info("Action_QiPai 成功")
+ }),
+ i ? this.ClearOperationShow() : this.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.Action_LiQi = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (!this.liqi_select || 0 == this.liqi_select.length)
+ return !1;
+ for (var n = !1, a = 0; a < this.liqi_select.length; a++)
+ if (0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.liqi_select[a], t)) {
+ n = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ return !!n && (app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi,
+ tile: t.toString(),
+ moqie: e,
+ timeuse: uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse,
+ tile_state: i ? 1 : 0
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ t ? app.Log.Error("Action_LiQi 失败") : app.Log.info("Action_LiQi 成功")
+ }),
+ this.WhenDoOperation(),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.SetLastQiPai = function(t, e) {
+ this.lastqipai = e,
+ this.lastpai_seat = t,
+ this.effect_pai_canchi && (this.effect_pai_canchi.destroy(),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.ShowHuleEffect = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (null != e) {
+ i.y = 0;
+ var r = "scene/effect_hupai_default.lh"
+ , s = 213;
+ if (n) {
+ var o = cfg.item_definition.view.get(n);
+ o && (r = "scene/" + o.res_name + ".lh",
+ s = o.audio_id)
+ }
+ var l = new game.EffectBase(r);
+ this.trans_container_effect.addChild(l.root),
+ l.root.transform.position = i,
+ l.root.active = !0,
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(s),
+ "scene/effect_hupai_yanhua.lh" == r && Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ var t = new game.EffectBase("scene/effect_hupai_yanhua_bang.lh");
+ a.desktop3D.addChild(t.root),
+ t.root.transform.position = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ t.root.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, a, function() {
+ t.destroy()
+ })
+ });
+ var h = !1
+ , c = e.model.parent
+ , _ = e.model.transform.rotation.clone()
+ , u = e.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone();
+ l.addLoadedListener(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!h) {
+ var t = game.Tools.GetNodeByNameInChildren(l.root, "pai_anim");
+ t && (t.addChild(e.model),
+ e.model.transform.rotation = _.clone(),
+ e.model.transform.worldMatrix = u.clone(),
+ Laya.timer.once(1800, a, function() {
+ if (!h) {
+ var t = e.model.transform.rotation.clone()
+ , i = e.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone();
+ c.addChild(e.model),
+ e.model.transform.rotation = t.clone(),
+ e.model.transform.worldMatrix = i.clone()
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, this, function() {
+ if (h = !0,
+ e && e.model) {
+ var t = e.model.transform.rotation.clone()
+ , i = e.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone();
+ c.addChild(e.model),
+ e.model.transform.rotation = t.clone(),
+ e.model.transform.worldMatrix = i.clone()
+ }
+ l.destroy()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.ShowChiPengEffect = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (this.lastqipai.model && this.lastqipai.model.transform) {
+ this.effect_pai_canchi || (this.effect_pai_canchi = new game.EffectBase("scene/" + game.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(game.EView.mingpai_zhishi) + ".lh"),
+ this.trans_container_effect.addChild(this.effect_pai_canchi.root),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi.root.active = !0),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi.root.transform.worldMatrix = this.lastqipai.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone();
+ var e = this.effect_pai_canchi
+ , i = this.lastqipai;
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this.effect_pai_canchi, function() {
+ i.model.activeInHierarchy && i.model.active && i.model.parent.active ? (e.root.transform.worldMatrix = i.model.transform.worldMatrix.clone(),
+ t.effect_pai_canchi.root.active = !0) : t.effect_pai_canchi.root.active = !1
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.CloseChiPngEffect = function() {
+ this.effect_pai_canchi && (Laya.timer.clearAll(this.effect_pai_canchi),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi.destroy(),
+ this.effect_pai_canchi = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setChoosedPai = function(t) {
+ var e = !1;
+ if (e || !t || this.choosed_pai || (e = !0),
+ e || t || !this.choosed_pai || (e = !0),
+ !e && t && this.choosed_pai && 0 != mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.choosed_pai, t) && (e = !0),
+ e && (this.choosed_pai = t ? t.Clone() : null,
+ r.bianjietishi)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ this.players[i].OnChoosePai();
+ uiscript.UI_TingPai.Inst.onChooseTile(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.setTingpai = function(e, i) {
+ for (var n = !1, a = [], r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
+ a.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(i[r].tile));
+ this.tingpais[e].length != a.length && (n = !0);
+ for (r = 0; r < a.length && !n; r++)
+ 0 != mjcore.MJPai.Distance(a[r], this.tingpais[e][r]) && (n = !0);
+ if (n) {
+ this.tingpais[e] = a;
+ for (r = 0; r < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players.length; r++) {
+ if (!(this.localPosition2Seat(r) < 0)) {
+ for (o = 0; o < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_qipai.pais.length; o++) {
+ (l = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_qipai.pais[o]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(l.val),
+ l.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ for (o = 0; o < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_ming.pais.length; o++) {
+ (l = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_ming.pais[o]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(l.val),
+ l.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ for (o = 0; o < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_babei.pais.length; o++) {
+ (l = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_babei.pais[o]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(l.val),
+ l.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ if ((l = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r].container_qipai.last_pai) && (l.ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(l.val),
+ l.OnChoosedPai()),
+ 0 == r)
+ for (var s = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r], o = 0; o < s.hand.length; o++) {
+ (l = s.hand[o]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(l.val),
+ l.RefreshPaoPai()
+ }
+ else
+ for (var s = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[r], o = 0; o < s.hand.length; o++) {
+ var l = s.hand[o].pai3D;
+ this.record_show_hand || l.is_open ? l.ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(l.val) : l.ispaopai = !1,
+ l.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.isPaoPai = function(t) {
+ if (!this.record_show_paopai)
+ return !1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.tingpais.length; e++)
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tingpais[e].length; i++)
+ if (0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.tingpais[e][i], t))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.getPaiLeft = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (var n = this.players[i], a = 0; a < n.container_babei.pais.length; a++)
+ 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(n.container_babei.pais[a].val, t) && e++;
+ for (a = 0; a < n.container_ming.pais.length; a++)
+ 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(n.container_ming.pais[a].val, t) && e++;
+ for (a = 0; a < n.container_qipai.pais.length; a++)
+ 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(n.container_qipai.pais[a].val, t) && e++;
+ n.container_qipai.last_pai && 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(n.container_qipai.last_pai.val, t) && e++
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.mainrole.hand.length; i++)
+ 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.mainrole.hand[i].val, t) && e++;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.dora.length; i++)
+ this.dora[i] && 0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.dora[i], t) && e++;
+ var r = 4 - e;
+ return r < 0 ? 0 : r > 4 ? 4 : r
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.get_gang_count = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.players.length; e++) {
+ if (this.localPosition2Seat(e) >= 0)
+ for (var i = this.players[e].container_ming.mings, n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ i[n].type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_an && i[n].type != mjcore.E_Ming.gang_ming || t++
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.get_babei_count = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.players.length; e++) {
+ this.localPosition2Seat(e) >= 0 && (t += this.players[e].container_babei.pais.length)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.fetchLinks = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "fetchGamePlayerState", {}, function(t, e) {
+ if (t || e.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGamePlayerState", t, e);
+ else {
+ app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(e)),
+ r.player_link_state = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.state_list.length; i++)
+ r.player_link_state.push(e.state_list[i]);
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshLinks()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onShowHandChange = function(t) {
+ if (this.record_show_hand = t,
+ this.gameing)
+ for (var e = 1; e < 4; e++)
+ this.players[e].onShowHandChange(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onShowPaopaiChange = function(e) {
+ if (this.record_show_paopai = e,
+ this.gameing) {
+ this.mainrole.onShowPaopaiChange();
+ for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+ this.players[i].onShowPaopaiChange();
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players.length; i++) {
+ if (!(this.localPosition2Seat(i) < 0)) {
+ for (n = 0; n < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_qipai.pais.length; n++) {
+ (a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_qipai.pais[n]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(a.val),
+ a.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_ming.pais.length; n++) {
+ (a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_ming.pais[n]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(a.val),
+ a.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_babei.pais.length; n++) {
+ (a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_babei.pais[n]).ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(a.val),
+ a.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ var a = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[i].container_qipai.last_pai;
+ a && (a.ispaopai = this.isPaoPai(a.val),
+ a.OnChoosedPai())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onRoundEnd = function(e, i) {
+ var n = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(e);
+ this.players[n].OnRoundEnd(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onMuyuChange = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ this.is_muyu_mode()) {
+ var a = !1;
+ if (this.muyu_info && this.muyu_info.id == e.id || (a = !0),
+ this.muyu_effect && !this.muyu_effect.destroyed)
+ if (i) {
+ if (a) {
+ var r, s;
+ if (this.muyu_info ? (r = this.muyu_effect.clone(),
+ this.muyu_effect.root.parent.addChild(r.root),
+ s = this.muyu_effect,
+ this.muyu_effect = r) : r = this.muyu_effect,
+ this.muyu_info) {
+ s.effect_root.getChildByName("muyu_chuxian").active = !1;
+ var o = s.effect_root.getChildByName("muyu_xiaoshi");
+ o.active = !0;
+ var l = o.getChildByName("mianpian").getChildByName("shuzi")
+ , h = l.meshRender.material;
+ h.renderQueue = 3001,
+ h.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + this.muyu_info.count + ".png"),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, null, function() {
+ s.destroy()
+ })
+ }
+ r.addLoadedListener(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var i = n.seat2LocalPosition(e.seat);
+ r.root.transform.worldMatrix = n.players[i].trans_muyu.transform.worldMatrix,
+ r.root.transform.rotation = n.players[i].trans_muyu.transform.rotation.clone(),
+ r.root.active = !0,
+ r.effect_root.getChildByName("muyu_xiaoshi").active = !1;
+ var a = r.effect_root.getChildByName("muyu_chuxian");
+ a.active = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("baodian").active = !0;
+ var s = a.getChildByName("mianpian");
+ s.active = !0,
+ s.getChildByName("shuzi_anim").active = !1;
+ var o = s.getChildByName("shuzi");
+ o.active = !0;
+ var l = o.meshRender.material;
+ l.renderQueue = 3001,
+ l.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + e.count + ".png"),
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(246)
+ })),
+ this.muyu_info = e
+ } else if (e.count != this.muyu_info.count) {
+ var c = this.muyu_effect.effect_root;
+ c.getChildByName("muyu_xiaoshi").active = !1;
+ var _ = c.getChildByName("muyu_chuxian")
+ , u = _.getChildByName("mianpian");
+ u.getChildByName("shuzi_anim").active = !1;
+ var d = u.getChildByName("shuzi")
+ , f = u.getChildByName("shuzi_anim")
+ , p = f.getChildByName("shuzi_up")
+ , m = f.getChildByName("shuzi_down");
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(d),
+ d.active = !1;
+ var g = d.meshRender.material;
+ g.renderQueue = 3001,
+ g.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + e.count + ".png");
+ var y = p.meshRender.material;
+ y.renderQueue = 3001,
+ y.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + this.muyu_info.count + ".png");
+ var v = m.meshRender.material;
+ v.renderQueue = 3002,
+ v.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + e.count + ".png"),
+ m.active = !1,
+ f.active = !0,
+ this.muyu_info = e,
+ Laya.timer.once(210, d, function() {
+ d.active = !0,
+ f.active = !1
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.muyu_info = e;
+ var b = this.seat2LocalPosition(this.muyu_info.seat);
+ this.muyu_effect.root.active = !0,
+ this.muyu_effect.root.transform.worldMatrix = this.players[b].trans_muyu.transform.worldMatrix,
+ this.muyu_effect.root.transform.rotation = this.players[b].trans_muyu.transform.rotation.clone(),
+ this.muyu_effect.root.active = !0,
+ this.muyu_effect.effect_root.getChildByName("muyu_xiaoshi").active = !1;
+ (_ = this.muyu_effect.effect_root.getChildByName("muyu_chuxian")).active = !0,
+ _.getChildByName("baodian").active = !1;
+ (u = _.getChildByName("mianpian")).active = !0,
+ u.getChildByName("shuzi_anim").active = !1;
+ (l = u.getChildByName("shuzi")).active = !0;
+ (h = l.meshRender.material).renderQueue = 3001,
+ h.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/Assets/Resource/effect/texture/muyu_shuzi_" + e.count + ".png")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.getMindVoicePriority = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case "ingame_yiman":
+ return 100;
+ case "ingame_beiman":
+ return 90;
+ case "ingame_lianda":
+ return 50;
+ case "ingame_baopai":
+ return 30;
+ case "ingame_remain10":
+ return 20
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.addMindVoice = function(t, e) {
+ (!this.mind_voice_type || this.getMindVoicePriority(this.mind_voice_type) < this.getMindVoicePriority(e)) && (this.mind_voice_seat = t,
+ this.mind_voice_type = e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.playMindVoice = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.gameing && (this.mode == n.play || this.mode == n.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play) && this.mind_voice_type && !this.during_playing_mind_voice && (this.during_playing_mind_voice = !0,
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound_Teshu(this.player_datas[this.mind_voice_seat].character, this.mind_voice_type, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.during_playing_mind_voice = !1
+ }))),
+ this.mind_voice_type = null,
+ this.mind_voice_seat = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.clearMindVoice = function() {
+ this.mind_voice_type = null,
+ this.mind_voice_seat = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ r.Inst = null,
+ r.player_link_state = [e.NULL, e.NULL, e.NULL, e.NULL],
+ r.click_prefer = 0,
+ r.double_click_pass = 0,
+ r.en_mjp = !1,
+ r.bianjietishi = !0,
+ r
+ }(Laya.Script);
+ t.DesktopMgr = a
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = new Laya.Vector4(1,1,1,1)
+ , i = new Laya.Vector4(1,.917,.663,1)
+ , n = new Laya.Vector4(.6,.6,.6,1)
+ , a = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var t = a.call(this) || this;
+ return t.mySelf = null,
+ t.acitve = !1,
+ t.val = null,
+ t.valid = !0,
+ t._clickeffect = null,
+ t.during_newgame = !1,
+ t.newgame_start = 0,
+ t.newgame_lifetime = 200,
+ t.during_hule = !1,
+ t.hule_start = 0,
+ t.hule_lifetime = 100,
+ t.isDora = !1,
+ t.ispaopai = !1,
+ t.is_open = !1,
+ t.index = -1,
+ t.pos_x = 0,
+ t.z = 0,
+ t.bedraged = !1,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ r.prototype._load = function(t) {
+ this.mySelf = t,
+ this.mySelf.active = !1,
+ this.isDora = !1,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.Update)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ this.val = null,
+ this.valid = !0,
+ this.index = -1,
+ this.is_open = !1,
+ this._SetColor(e),
+ this.mySelf.active = !1,
+ this.during_newgame = !1,
+ this.during_hule = !1,
+ this.bedraged = !1,
+ this.mySelf.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ null != this._clickeffect && (this._clickeffect.destroy(),
+ this._clickeffect = null),
+ this.acitve = !1,
+ this.isDora = !1,
+ this.mySelf.numChildren > 0 && (this.mySelf.getChildAt(0).active = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.SetVal = function(n, a) {
+ this.val = n,
+ this.valid = !0,
+ this.is_open = a,
+ this._SetColor(a && !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_open_hand() ? i : e);
+ var r = n.type == mjcore.E_MJPai.z ? .1 * (n.index - 1) : n.dora ? 0 : .1 * n.index
+ , s = 0;
+ switch (n.type) {
+ case mjcore.E_MJPai.s:
+ s = -.75;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_MJPai.m:
+ s = -.5;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_MJPai.p:
+ s = -.25;
+ break;
+ default:
+ s = 0
+ }
+ var o = this.mySelf.meshRender.material
+ , l = "scene/Assets/Resource/mjpai/";
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (l += "en/"),
+ l += t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mjp_res_name + "/hand_ui.png",
+ o.albedoTexture = Laya.loader.getRes(l),
+ o.tilingOffset = new Laya.Vector4(.1,.25,r,s),
+ this.mySelf.active = !0,
+ this.acitve = !0,
+ this.RefreshDora()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.LiqiSelect = function(a) {
+ if (!this.mySelf.destroyed) {
+ for (var r = !1, s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
+ if (0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.val, a[s])) {
+ r = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ r ? (this._SetColor(this.is_open && !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_open_hand() ? i : e),
+ this.valid = !0) : (this._SetColor(n),
+ this.valid = !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.ChiTiSelect = function(a) {
+ if (!this.mySelf.destroyed) {
+ for (var r = !1, s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
+ if (0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.val, a[s])) {
+ r = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ r ? (this._SetColor(n),
+ this.valid = !1) : (this._SetColor(this.is_open && !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_open_hand() ? i : e),
+ this.valid = !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.RefreshPaoPai = function() {
+ this.ispaopai ? this._SetColor(new Laya.Vector4(1,.78,.78,1)) : this._SetColor(this.is_open && !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_open_hand() ? i : e)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.SelectEnd = function() {
+ this.mySelf.destroyed || (this._SetColor(this.is_open && !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_open_hand() ? i : e),
+ this.valid = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._SetColor = function(t) {
+ if (!this.mySelf.destroyed) {
+ this.mySelf.meshRender.material.albedoColor = t
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.SetIndex = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.index = t,
+ this.pos_x = 2.55 * t + (e ? .8 : 0),
+ i || (this.mySelf.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(this.pos_x,this.mySelf.transform.localPosition.y,this.z))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.AddClickEffect = function(t) {
+ null != this._clickeffect && (this._clickeffect.destroy(),
+ this._clickeffect = null),
+ this.mySelf.addChild(t),
+ this._clickeffect = t,
+ t.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,2),
+ t.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, this.RemoveClickEffect)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.RemoveClickEffect = function() {
+ null != this._clickeffect && (this._clickeffect.destroy(),
+ this._clickeffect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.AnimNewTile = function() {
+ var t = this.mySelf.meshRender.material
+ , e = t.albedoColor.clone();
+ e.w = 0,
+ t.albedoColor = e,
+ this.during_newgame = !0,
+ this.newgame_start = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.Hule = function() {
+ this.during_hule = !0,
+ this.hule_start = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.acitve = !1,
+ this.mySelf.numChildren > 0 && (this.mySelf.getChildAt(0).active = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.Update = function() {
+ if (this.during_newgame) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.newgame_start
+ , e = this.mySelf.transform.localPosition.clone()
+ , i = (n = this.mySelf.meshRender.material).albedoColor.clone();
+ if (t >= this.newgame_lifetime)
+ e.y = 0,
+ this.mySelf.transform.localPosition = e,
+ i.w = 1,
+ n.albedoColor = i,
+ this.during_newgame = !1;
+ else {
+ a = t / this.newgame_lifetime;
+ e.y = .5 * (1 - a),
+ this.mySelf.transform.localPosition = e,
+ i.w = a,
+ n.albedoColor = i
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.during_hule) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.hule_start
+ , n = this.mySelf.meshRender.material
+ , i = n.albedoColor.clone();
+ if (t >= this.hule_lifetime)
+ i.w = 0,
+ n.albedoColor = i;
+ else {
+ var a = t / this.hule_lifetime;
+ i.w = 1 - a,
+ n.albedoColor = i
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.bedraged) {
+ var r = this.mySelf.transform.localPosition
+ , s = Math.abs(r.x - this.pos_x);
+ if (s > 1e-5) {
+ var o = 2.55 * 25 * Laya.timer.delta / 1e3;
+ o >= s ? this.mySelf.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(this.pos_x,this.mySelf.transform.localPosition.y,this.z) : (this.pos_x < r.x && (o = -o),
+ this.mySelf.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(r.x + o,this.mySelf.transform.localPosition.y,this.z))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.RefreshDora = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi && !this.isDora) {
+ if (this.val.dora && (this.isDora = !0),
+ !this.isDora)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.length; e++)
+ if (mjcore.MJPai.DoraMet(this.val, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora[e])) {
+ this.isDora = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (this.isDora)
+ if (0 == this.mySelf.numChildren) {
+ var i = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.effect_doraPlane.clone();
+ this.mySelf.addChild(i),
+ i.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ i.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ i.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ i.active = !0;
+ i.getChildAt(0).addComponent(anim.RunUV)
+ } else
+ this.mySelf.getChildAt(0).active = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.Cmp = function(t, e) {
+ var i = 10 * (10 * t.val.numValue() + (t.val.dora ? 0 : 1)) + (t.is_open ? 0 : 1)
+ , n = 10 * (10 * e.val.numValue() + (e.val.dora ? 0 : 1)) + (e.is_open ? 0 : 1);
+ return i != n ? i - n : t.index - e.index
+ }
+ ,
+ r
+ }(Laya.Script);
+ t.HandPaiPlane = a
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t.desktop = null,
+ t.seat = 0,
+ t.trans_hand = null,
+ t.trans_paihai = null,
+ t.trans_ming = null,
+ t.trans_liqi = null,
+ t.trans_ind = null,
+ t.trans_dir = null,
+ t.trans_man = null,
+ t.trans_babei = null,
+ t.container_score = null,
+ t.trans_scores = null,
+ t.hand3d = null,
+ t._hand_models = [],
+ t._anim_hands = [],
+ t.trans_muyu = null,
+ t.container_qipai = null,
+ t.container_ming = null,
+ t.container_babei = null,
+ t.score = 0,
+ t.duringShowDetla = !1,
+ t.anim_id = 0,
+ t.trans_liqi_position = null,
+ t.trans_liqi_scale = null,
+ t.liqibang = null,
+ t.liqibang_effects = {},
+ t.hand_type = "hand_human",
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.Init = function(e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ this.desktop = e,
+ this.seat = i,
+ this.trans_hand = n,
+ this.trans_paihai = r,
+ this.trans_ming = a,
+ this.trans_man = s,
+ this.trans_babei = o;
+ for (h = 0; h < this.trans_hand.parent.numChildren; h++)
+ this.trans_hand.parent.getChildAt(h).active = !1;
+ for (h = 0; h < this.trans_ming.parent.numChildren; h++)
+ this.trans_ming.parent.getChildAt(h).active = !1;
+ for (h = 0; h < this.trans_paihai.parent.numChildren; h++)
+ this.trans_paihai.parent.getChildAt(h).active = !1;
+ for (h = 0; h < this.trans_babei.parent.numChildren; h++)
+ this.trans_babei.parent.getChildAt(h).active = !1;
+ this.container_qipai = new t.Block_QiPai(r,this),
+ this.container_ming = new t.Block_Ming(a,this),
+ this.container_babei = new t.Block_Babei(o,this),
+ this.trans_liqi = s.getChildByName("liqi"),
+ this.trans_liqi.active = !1,
+ this.trans_liqi_position = this.trans_liqi.transform.localPosition,
+ this.trans_liqi_scale = this.trans_liqi.transform.localScale,
+ this.trans_dir = s.getChildByName("dir"),
+ this.trans_ind = s.getChildByName("ind"),
+ this.trans_muyu = s.getChildByName("muyu");
+ var l = s.getChildByName("score");
+ this.container_score = l,
+ this.trans_scores = new Array;
+ for (var h = 0; h < 10; h++)
+ this.trans_scores.push(l.getChildByName(h.toString()));
+ this.hand3d = s.parent.getChildByName("hand_" + (i + 1).toString()),
+ this.hand3d.active = !1,
+ this.SetScore(25e3, 25e3),
+ this.RefreshDir()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onInitRoom = function(t) {
+ this.seat = t,
+ -1 != this.seat ? (this.trans_man.active = !0,
+ this.create_liqibang(),
+ this.create_hand()) : this.trans_man.active = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.create_liqibang = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.liqibang && (this.liqibang.destroy(!0),
+ this.liqibang = null);
+ var i = "scene/liqi_default.lh"
+ , n = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[this.seat][game.EView.liqibang];
+ if (n) {
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.view.get(n);
+ a && (i = "scene/" + a.res_name + ".lh")
+ }
+ this.liqibang = Laya.loader.getRes(i).clone(),
+ this.trans_liqi.addChild(this.liqibang),
+ this.liqibang.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.liqibang.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ this.liqibang.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ this.liqibang.active = !0,
+ this.liqibang_effects = {};
+ var r = function(t) {
+ if ("shadow" != t.name) {
+ var i = t.name;
+ if ("effect_" != i.substr(0, 7)) {
+ if (t instanceof Laya.MeshSprite3D) {
+ var n = t;
+ if (n.meshRender && n.meshRender.sharedMaterial) {
+ var a = new caps.BaseMaterial(caps.Cartoon.filename);
+ a.setTexture(caps.Cartoon.TEXTURE, n.meshRender.material.albedoTexture),
+ a.setNumber(caps.Cartoon.SPLIT, .4),
+ a.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_LIGHT, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ a.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_UNLIGHT, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ a.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ n.meshRender.sharedMaterial = a
+ }
+ }
+ for (var s = 0; s < t.numChildren; s++)
+ r(t.getChildAt(s))
+ } else
+ e.liqibang_effects[i.substr(7)] = t
+ }
+ };
+ r(this.liqibang.getChildAt(0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.create_hand = function() {
+ var e = ""
+ , i = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[this.seat][game.EView.hand_model];
+ if (e = cfg.item_definition.view.get(i).res_name,
+ this.hand_type = e,
+ this._anim_hands = [],
+ this._hand_models) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < this._hand_models.length; n++)
+ this._hand_models[n].destroy(!0);
+ this._hand_models = []
+ }
+ var a = "scene/" + e + ".lh"
+ , r = Laya.loader.getRes(a);
+ r.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_liqibang").getChildByName("p") && r.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_liqibang").getChildByName("p").destroy(!0),
+ r.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").getChildByName("p") && r.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").getChildByName("p").destroy(!0);
+ var s = r.getChildAt(0).clone();
+ this.hand3d.addChild(s),
+ s.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ s.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.9,.9,.9),
+ s.transform.localRotation = new Laya.Quaternion(0,0,0,0),
+ this._anim_hands = [s.getComponentByType(Laya.Animator)],
+ this._hand_models = [s];
+ var o = new Laya.Vector3(.9725,.9137,.937);
+ "hand_cat_blue" == e && (o = new Laya.Vector3(216 / 255,210 / 255,206 / 255));
+ var l = s.getChildByName("hand")
+ , h = new caps.BaseMaterial(caps.Cartoon.filename);
+ if (h.setTexture(caps.Cartoon.TEXTURE, l.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterials[0].albedoTexture),
+ h.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_LIGHT, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ h.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_UNLIGHT, o),
+ h.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ h.setNumber(caps.Cartoon.SPLIT, .4),
+ 2 == l.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterials.length) {
+ var c = new caps.BaseMaterial(caps.Cartoon.filename);
+ c.setTexture(caps.Cartoon.TEXTURE, l.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterials[1].albedoTexture),
+ c.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_LIGHT, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ c.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR_UNLIGHT, o),
+ c.setColor(caps.Cartoon.COLOR, new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)),
+ c.setNumber(caps.Cartoon.SPLIT, .4),
+ l.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterials = [h, c]
+ } else
+ l.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterials = [h];
+ var _ = new Laya.Vector3(.6823,.447,.408)
+ , u = .6;
+ "hand_cat_blue" == e && (_ = new Laya.Vector3(83 / 255,65 / 255,63 / 255),
+ u = .9);
+ var d = s.clone();
+ d.getChildByName("node_liqibang").destroy(!0),
+ d.getChildByName("node_tile").destroy(!0),
+ d.getChildByName("Dum_Shadow") && d.getChildByName("Dum_Shadow").destroy(!0),
+ d.getChildByName("Bone021") && d.getChildByName("Bone021").destroy(!0),
+ s.addChild(d),
+ d.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ d.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ d.transform.localRotation = new Laya.Quaternion(0,0,0,0);
+ var f = d.getChildByName("hand")
+ , p = new caps.Material_Outline(caps.Outline.filename);
+ p.setColor(caps.Outline.OUTLINE_COLOR, _),
+ p.setNumber(caps.Outline.OUTLINE_ALPHA, u),
+ p.setNumber(caps.Outline.OUTLINE, .001);
+ var m = new caps.Material_Outline(caps.Outline.filename);
+ m.setColor(caps.Outline.OUTLINE_COLOR, _),
+ m.setNumber(caps.Outline.OUTLINE_ALPHA, u),
+ m.setNumber(caps.Outline.OUTLINE, .001),
+ f.skinnedMeshRender.sharedMaterials = [p, m],
+ this._anim_hands.push(d.getComponentByType(Laya.Animator)),
+ this._hand_models.push(d),
+ this.hand3d.active = !0,
+ this.hand3d.transform.position = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.playHandAnimtion = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.hand3d.active = !0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._anim_hands.length; i++)
+ this._anim_hands[i].play(t.name, t.speed);
+ this.hand3d.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1e-4,1e-4,1),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, this, function() {
+ e.hand3d.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1)
+ }),
+ this.anim_id++;
+ var n = this.anim_id;
+ Laya.timer.once(t.lifetime, this, function() {
+ n == e.anim_id && (e.hand3d.active = !1)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setSeat = function(t) {
+ this.seat = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ this.duringShowDetla = !1,
+ this.container_ming.Reset(),
+ this.container_qipai.Reset(),
+ this.container_babei.Reset(),
+ this.trans_liqi.active = !1,
+ this.hand3d && (this.hand3d.active = !1),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.anim_id = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddQiPai = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ this.container_qipai.AddQiPai(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.QiPaiPass = function() {
+ this.container_qipai.QiPaiPass()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.QiPaiNoPass = function() {
+ this.container_qipai.QiPaiNoPass()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddMing = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ this.container_ming.AddMing(t, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddGang = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ this.container_ming.AddGang(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddBabei = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ this.container_babei.AddBabei(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.ShowLiqi = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = !0),
+ e) {
+ this.hand3d.transform.position = this.trans_liqi.transform.position.clone(),
+ this.trans_liqi.active = !1,
+ this.hand3d.active = !0;
+ var n = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("LiZhi", this.hand_type);
+ this.playHandAnimtion(n),
+ Laya.timer.once(n.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ i.trans_liqi.active = !0,
+ i.trans_man.addChild(i.trans_liqi),
+ i.trans_liqi.transform.localPosition = i.trans_liqi_position,
+ i.trans_liqi.transform.localScale = i.trans_liqi_scale,
+ i.trans_liqi.transform.localRotation = new Laya.Quaternion(0,0,0,1),
+ i.PlayLiqibangEffect("idle")
+ })
+ } else
+ this.trans_liqi.transform.localPosition = this.trans_liqi_position,
+ this.trans_liqi.transform.localScale = this.trans_liqi_scale,
+ this.trans_liqi.active = !0,
+ this.PlayLiqibangEffect("idle")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.SetScore = function(t, e) {
+ this.score = t,
+ this.RefreshScore(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.RefreshDir = function() {
+ if (-1 != this.seat) {
+ var e = new Laya.Vector4
+ , i = 0;
+ i = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == t.ERuleMode.Liqi3 ? (this.seat - t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + 3) % 3 : (this.seat - t.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + 4) % 4,
+ e.z = .25 * i,
+ e.w = 0,
+ e.x = .25,
+ e.y = 1,
+ this.trans_dir.meshRender.material.tilingOffset = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.RefreshScore = function(t) {
+ if (-1 == this.seat)
+ this.container_score.active = !1;
+ else {
+ this.container_score.active = !0;
+ var e = ""
+ , i = 0;
+ if (this.duringShowDetla) {
+ var n = this.score - t;
+ n > 0 ? (e = "+" + n.toString(),
+ i = -.33333) : (e = n.toString(),
+ i = -.66667)
+ } else
+ e = this.score.toString(),
+ i = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < e.length && s < this.trans_scores.length; s++) {
+ var a = 0;
+ switch (e[e.length - s - 1]) {
+ case "-":
+ a = 0;
+ break;
+ case "+":
+ a = 1;
+ break;
+ case "0":
+ a = 2;
+ break;
+ case "1":
+ a = 3;
+ break;
+ case "2":
+ a = 4;
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ a = 5;
+ break;
+ case "4":
+ a = 6;
+ break;
+ case "5":
+ a = 7;
+ break;
+ case "6":
+ a = 8;
+ break;
+ case "7":
+ a = 9;
+ break;
+ case "8":
+ a = 10;
+ break;
+ case "9":
+ a = 11
+ }
+ a /= 12;
+ var r = new Laya.Vector4;
+ r.z = a,
+ r.w = i,
+ r.x = 1 / 12,
+ r.y = 1 / 3,
+ this.trans_scores[s].meshRender.material.tilingOffset = r,
+ this.trans_scores[s].active = !0
+ }
+ for (var s = e.length; s < this.trans_scores.length; s++)
+ this.trans_scores[s].active = !1;
+ if (e.length <= 6) {
+ (o = this.container_score.transform.localPosition.clone()).x = .05355 * (.165 * (e.length - 1) / 2 - .5325),
+ this.container_score.transform.localPosition = o,
+ this.container_score.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.05355,.01512,1)
+ } else {
+ var o = this.container_score.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ o.x = .05355 * -.12,
+ this.container_score.transform.localPosition = o;
+ var l = .56 + (10 - e.length) / 4 * (1 - .56)
+ , h = .9 + (10 - e.length) / 4 * (1 - .9);
+ this.container_score.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(.05355 * l,.01512 * h,1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Hule = function(t, e, i, n) {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Huangpai = function(t, e, i) {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnDoraRefresh = function() {
+ this.container_qipai.OnDoraRefresh(),
+ this.container_ming.OnDoraRefresh(),
+ this.container_babei.OnDoraRefresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnChoosePai = function() {
+ this.container_qipai.OnChoosedPai(),
+ this.container_ming.OnChoosedPai(),
+ this.container_babei.OnChoosedPai()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.PlaySound = function(e) {
+ var i = "";
+ switch (e) {
+ case "act_chi":
+ i = "chi";
+ break;
+ case "act_drich":
+ case "act_rich":
+ i = "lizhi";
+ break;
+ case "act_kan":
+ i = "gang";
+ break;
+ case "act_pon":
+ i = "peng";
+ break;
+ case "act_babei":
+ i = "babei"
+ }
+ "" != i && uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.shout(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(this.seat), i, this.desktop.player_datas[this.seat]),
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(this.desktop.player_datas[this.seat].character, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnRoundEnd = function(t) {
+ 0 == t ? this.PlayLiqibangEffect("defeat") : 1 == t && this.PlayLiqibangEffect("win")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.PlayLiqibangEffect = function(t) {
+ for (var e in this.liqibang_effects)
+ this.liqibang_effects[e].active = e == t
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(Laya.Script);
+ t.ViewPlayer = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t._choose_pai = null,
+ t._mouse_in_pai = null,
+ t._mouse_in_start_time = -1,
+ t.handpool = [],
+ t.hand = [],
+ t.during_liqi = !1,
+ t.effect_click = null,
+ t.trans_hand3D = null,
+ t.trans_hand3DCover = null,
+ t._hand3d = [],
+ t.can_discard = !1,
+ t.last_tile = null,
+ t._prediscard_index = -1,
+ t.mouse_downx = 0,
+ t.mouse_downy = 0,
+ t.mouse_downed = !1,
+ t.during_drag = !1,
+ t.click_on_choosed = !1,
+ t.zd = 0,
+ t.xianggonged = !1,
+ t.screen_left = -7.2,
+ t.screen_right = 44.4,
+ t.screen_top = 16.6,
+ t.screen_bottom = -1.4,
+ t.handrange_top = 2.5,
+ t.handorigin_x = 0,
+ t.handwidth = 2.55,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.Init = function(i, n, a, r, s, o, l) {
+ e.prototype.Init.call(this, i, n, a, r, s, o, l);
+ var h = a.getChildByName("pai");
+ this.effect_click = a.getChildByName("effect_dianji"),
+ a.active = !0,
+ h.active = !1;
+ for (var c = 0; c < 16; c++) {
+ var _ = h.clone();
+ this.trans_hand.addChild(_),
+ _.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ _.transform.localRotation = new Laya.Quaternion(0,0,0,1),
+ _.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ _.active = !1;
+ var u = _.addComponent(t.HandPaiPlane);
+ this.handpool.push(u)
+ }
+ this.ray = new Laya.Ray(new Laya.Vector3,new Laya.Vector3),
+ this.phasorSprite3D = new Laya.PhasorSpriter3D,
+ this.rayCastHit = new Laya.RaycastHit,
+ Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onMouseDown),
+ Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onMouseUp),
+ Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this.onMouseMove),
+ Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onMouseOut)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._AddHandPai = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this.handpool.pop();
+ return n.Reset(),
+ n.SetVal(e, i),
+ n.z = this.zd,
+ this.zd -= .02,
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.play && (n.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(n.val),
+ n.RefreshPaoPai()),
+ this.hand.push(n),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._OnRemovePai = function(t) {
+ t === this._choose_pai && (this._choose_pai = null,
+ this.resetMouseState())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._RemovePai = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.hand.length; e++)
+ if (this.hand[e] === t) {
+ for (var i = this.hand[e], n = e; n < this.hand.length - 1; n++)
+ this.hand[n] = this.hand[n + 1],
+ this.hand[n].SetIndex(n, !1, !0);
+ this.hand.pop(),
+ this._OnRemovePai(i),
+ i.Reset(),
+ this.handpool.push(i);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._RemoveHandPai = function(e, i) {
+ var n = -1;
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_peipai_open_mode && (i = -1),
+ -1 == i || 1 == i)
+ for (a = this.hand.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
+ if (mjcore.MJPai.isSame(e, this.hand[a].val) && this.hand[a].is_open) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == n && (-1 == i || 0 == i))
+ for (var a = this.hand.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
+ if (mjcore.MJPai.isSame(e, this.hand[a].val) && !this.hand[a].is_open) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 != n) {
+ for (var r = this.hand[n], s = n; s < this.hand.length - 1; s++)
+ this.hand[s] = this.hand[s + 1],
+ this.hand[s].SetIndex(s, !1, !0);
+ this.hand.pop(),
+ this._OnRemovePai(r),
+ r.Reset(),
+ this.handpool.push(r)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ e.prototype.Reset.call(this);
+ for (t = 0; t < this.hand.length; t++)
+ this.hand[t].Reset(),
+ this.handpool.push(this.hand[t]);
+ this.hand = [];
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._hand3d.length; t++)
+ this._hand3d[t].Destory();
+ this._hand3d = [],
+ this.zd = 0,
+ this.during_liqi = !1,
+ this.trans_hand3D.active = !1,
+ this.trans_hand3DCover.active = !1,
+ this.last_tile = null,
+ this.can_discard = !1,
+ this._choose_pai = null,
+ this._mouse_in_pai = null,
+ this.xianggonged = !1,
+ this.resetMouseState(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.NewGame = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.RefreshDir();
+ for (var s = [], o = {}, l = 0; l < i.length; l++)
+ o[i[l]] = n[l];
+ for (l = 0; l < e.length; l++) {
+ (c = {}).pai = e[l];
+ var h = e[l].toString();
+ o[h] ? (o[h]--,
+ c.is_open = !0) : c.is_open = !1,
+ s.push(c)
+ }
+ if (a) {
+ s = s.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return 10 * (10 * t.pai.numValue() + (t.pai.dora ? 0 : 1)) + (t.is_open ? 0 : 1) - (10 * (10 * e.pai.numValue() + (e.pai.dora ? 0 : 1)) + (e.is_open ? 0 : 1))
+ });
+ for (l = 0; l < s.length; l++) {
+ var c = this._AddHandPai(s[l].pai, s[l].is_open);
+ c.SetIndex(l, 14 == l, !1)
+ }
+ this.pendingXiangGong(14 == this.hand.length, "NewGame fast")
+ } else {
+ for (var _ = [], l = 0; l < s.length; l++) {
+ var u = Math.floor(Math.random() * l);
+ _.push(_[u]),
+ _[u] = s[l]
+ }
+ for (var d = 0, l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ Laya.timer.once(300 * l, this, function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < 4 && !(d >= _.length); e++) {
+ d++;
+ var i = r._AddHandPai(_[d - 1].pai, _[d - 1].is_open);
+ i.SetIndex(d - 1, !1, !1),
+ i.AnimNewTile()
+ }
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(216)
+ });
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ r.LiPai(),
+ r.last_tile = r.hand[r.hand.length - 1],
+ 14 == r.hand.length && r.hand[r.hand.length - 1].SetIndex(r.hand.length - 1, !0, !1),
+ r.pendingXiangGong(14 == r.hand.length, "NewGame No fast")
+ })
+ }
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.RecordNewGame = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.RefreshDir();
+ for (var n = [], a = {}, r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
+ a[e[r]] = i[r];
+ for (r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
+ (o = {}).pai = t[r];
+ var s = t[r].toString();
+ a[s] ? (a[s]--,
+ o.is_open = !0) : o.is_open = !1,
+ n.push(o)
+ }
+ n = n.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return 10 * (10 * t.pai.numValue() + (t.pai.dora ? 0 : 1)) + (t.is_open ? 0 : 1) - (10 * (10 * e.pai.numValue() + (e.pai.dora ? 0 : 1)) + (e.is_open ? 0 : 1))
+ });
+ for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
+ var o = this._AddHandPai(n[r].pai, n[r].is_open);
+ o.SetIndex(r, 14 == r, !1)
+ }
+ this.pendingXiangGong(14 == this.hand.length, "RecordNewGame"),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.TakePai = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me TakePai " + t.toString() + " doanim:" + i);
+ try {
+ var n = this._AddHandPai(t, e);
+ n.SetIndex(this.hand.length - 1, !0, !1),
+ i && n.AnimNewTile(),
+ this.last_tile = n,
+ this.pendingXiangGong(!0, "TakePai")
+ } catch (t) {
+ var a = {};
+ a.error = t.message,
+ a.stack = t.stack,
+ a.method = "TakePai",
+ a.name = "ViewPlayer_Me",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(a)
+ }
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me TakePai end")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBabei = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.OnDiscardTile(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnDiscardTile = function(t, e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me OnDiscardTile " + t.toString() + " fast:" + i);
+ try {
+ if (this._prediscard_index >= 0 && this._prediscard_index < this.hand.length) {
+ this.hand[this._prediscard_index].val;
+ mjcore.MJPai.isSame(this.hand[this._prediscard_index].val, t) && this.hand[this._prediscard_index].is_open == e ? this._RemovePai(this.hand[this._prediscard_index]) : (this.hand[this._prediscard_index].mySelf.active = !0,
+ this._RemoveHandPai(t, e ? 1 : 0))
+ } else
+ this._RemoveHandPai(t, e ? 1 : 0);
+ this.LiPai(i),
+ this.last_tile = null,
+ this._prediscard_index = -1,
+ this.pendingXiangGong(!1, "OnDiscardTile")
+ } catch (t) {
+ var n = {};
+ n.error = t.message,
+ n.stack = t.stack,
+ n.method = "OnDiscardTile",
+ n.name = "ViewPlayer_Me OnDiscardTile",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddGang = function(t, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me AddGang " + t.toString() + " doanim:" + i);
+ try {
+ e.prototype.AddGang.call(this, t, i);
+ for (var n = this.hand.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
+ if (mjcore.MJPai.isSame(t, this.hand[n].val)) {
+ for (var a = this.hand[n], r = n; r < this.hand.length - 1; r++)
+ this.hand[r] = this.hand[r + 1],
+ this.hand[r].SetIndex(r, !1, !0);
+ this.hand.pop(),
+ this._OnRemovePai(a),
+ a.Reset(),
+ this.handpool.push(a);
+ break
+ }
+ this.LiPai(),
+ this.last_tile = null,
+ this.pendingXiangGong(!1, "AddGang")
+ } catch (t) {
+ var s = {};
+ s.error = t.message,
+ s.stack = t.stack,
+ s.method = "AddGang",
+ s.class = "ViewPlayer_Me",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.LiPai = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1);
+ for (i = 0; i < this.hand.length; i++)
+ this.hand[i].SelectEnd();
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_liqi || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.play) {
+ this.hand.sort(t.HandPaiPlane.Cmp);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hand.length; i++)
+ this.hand[i].SetIndex(i, !1, !e),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.play && this.hand[i].RefreshPaoPai()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddMing = function(t, e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me AddMing " + t.toString() + " doanim:" + i);
+ try {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.pais.length; n++)
+ t.from[n] == this.seat && this._RemoveHandPai(t.pais[n], e[n]);
+ this.container_ming.AddMing(t, i),
+ this.LiPai(),
+ this.last_tile = null,
+ this.pendingXiangGong(t.type == mjcore.E_Ming.kezi || t.type == mjcore.E_Ming.shunzi, "AddMing")
+ } catch (t) {
+ var a = {};
+ a.error = t.message,
+ a.stack = t.stack,
+ a.method = "AddMing",
+ a.class = "ViewPlayer_Me",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(a)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.ChiTiSelect = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.hand.length; e++)
+ this.hand[e].ChiTiSelect(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.LiQiSelect = function(t, e) {
+ this.during_liqi = e;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hand.length; i++)
+ e ? this.hand[i].LiqiSelect(t) : this.hand[i].SelectEnd()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.HulePrepare = function(e, i, n) {
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me HulePrepare " + i.toString() + " zimo:" + n);
+ try {
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1);
+ for (r = 0; r < this.hand.length; r++)
+ this.hand[r].Hule();
+ for (var a = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
+ var s = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand3D);
+ s.SetVal(e[r], !1),
+ s.SetIndex(r, !1),
+ s.Stand(),
+ a.push(s)
+ }
+ this._hand3d = a,
+ this.trans_hand3D.active = !0
+ } catch (t) {
+ var o = {};
+ o.error = t.message,
+ o.stack = t.stack,
+ o.method = "HulePrepare",
+ o.class = "ViewPlayer_Me",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(o)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Hule = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ if (app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me Hule " + i.toString() + " zimo:" + n),
+ n) {
+ var s = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand3D);
+ s.SetVal(i, !1),
+ s.SetIndex(this._hand3d.length, !0),
+ this._hand3d.push(s),
+ s.FullDown(),
+ s.shadow.active = !1,
+ s.model.transform.localPosition.z += .15 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT;
+ var o = s.pai3D.model.transform.position.clone();
+ this.hand3d.transform.position = o.clone(),
+ this.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(s.pai3D.model),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0);
+ var l = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Zimo", this.hand_type);
+ this.playHandAnimtion(l),
+ Laya.timer.once(l.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(227)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(l.keypoint[1], this, function() {
+ s.contianer_pai.addChild(s.pai3D.model),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,180,0),
+ s.FullDown(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, r, function() {
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ShowHuleEffect(s, s.pai3D.model.transform.position, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[r.seat][game.EView.hupai_effect])
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ var h = this._hand3d.length - (n ? 1 : 0)
+ , c = n ? 1100 : 200;
+ Laya.timer.once(c, this, function() {
+ if (0 != r._hand3d.length) {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(223);
+ for (var e = 0; e < h; e++)
+ r._hand3d[e].DoAnim_FullDown()
+ }
+ }),
+ this.trans_hand3D.active = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Huangpai = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me Huangpai tingpai:" + e + " fast:" + n),
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setZhenting(!1);
+ for (o = 0; o < this.hand.length; o++)
+ this.hand[o].Hule();
+ for (var r = [], s = e ? this.trans_hand3D : this.trans_hand3DCover, o = 0; o < this.hand.length; o++) {
+ var l = new t.HandPai3D(s);
+ l.SetVal(this.hand[o].val, !1),
+ l.SetIndex(o, !1),
+ l.Stand(),
+ r.push(l)
+ }
+ var h = r.length;
+ if (n)
+ for (o = 0; o < h; o++)
+ e ? this._hand3d[o].FullDown() : this._hand3d[o].Cover();
+ else
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < h; i++)
+ e ? a._hand3d[i].DoAnim_FullDown() : a._hand3d[i].DoAnim_Cover();
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(223)
+ });
+ this._hand3d = r,
+ s.active = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnDoraRefresh = function() {
+ if (-1 != this.seat) {
+ e.prototype.OnDoraRefresh.call(this);
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.hand.length; t++)
+ this.hand[t].RefreshDora()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.DoDiscardTile = function() {
+ if (app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Me DoDiscardTile"),
+ this.during_liqi) {
+ if (!this.desktop.Action_LiQi(this._choose_pai.val, this._choose_pai === this.last_tile, this._choose_pai.is_open))
+ return;
+ this.during_liqi = !1
+ } else
+ this.desktop.Action_QiPai(this._choose_pai.val, this._choose_pai === this.last_tile, !1, this._choose_pai.is_open);
+ this._prediscard_index = this._choose_pai.index,
+ this._choose_pai.mySelf.active = !1,
+ this._choose_pai = null,
+ this.can_discard = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShowPaopaiChange = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.hand.length; e++)
+ this.hand[e].ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(this.hand[e].val),
+ this.hand[e].RefreshPaoPai()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.pendingXiangGong = function(t, e) {
+ if (!this.xianggonged)
+ try {
+ var i = 13 - 3 * this.container_ming.mings.length;
+ t && i++;
+ for (var n = !1, a = 0; a < this.hand.length; a++)
+ if (this.hand[a].index != a) {
+ n = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ for (var r = "", a = 0; a < this.hand.length; a++)
+ 0 != a && (r += ", "),
+ r += "[" + a + "|" + this.hand[a].index + "]" + this.hand[a].val.toString();
+ if (app.Log.log("hands: " + r),
+ this.hand.length != i || n || this.hand.length + this.handpool.length != 16) {
+ this.xianggonged = !0;
+ var s = {};
+ s.from = e,
+ s.need_discard = t,
+ s.ming_count = this.container_ming.mings.length,
+ s.tile_count = i,
+ s.hand_length = this.hand.length,
+ s.index_error = n,
+ s.hands = r,
+ s.handpool_count = this.handpool.length,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onXiangGongError(s)
+ }
+ } catch (t) {}
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDoubleClick = function() {
+ this.can_discard && (this.during_liqi || this.last_tile && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped || (this.desktop.Action_QiPai(this.last_tile.val, !0, !1, this.last_tile.is_open),
+ this._prediscard_index = this.hand.length - 1,
+ this.last_tile.mySelf.active = !1,
+ this._choose_pai = null,
+ this.can_discard = !1)))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setChoosePai = function(e, i) {
+ if (this._choose_pai !== e) {
+ if (this._choose_pai && this._choose_pai != e) {
+ var n = this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ n.y = 0,
+ this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition = n,
+ this._choose_pai = null
+ }
+ this._choose_pai = e;
+ var a = this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ a.y = .8,
+ this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition = a,
+ i && e.AddClickEffect(this.effect_click.clone()),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setChoosedPai(this._choose_pai.val),
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(204)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.resetMouseState = function() {
+ if (this._mouse_in_pai = null,
+ this.during_drag = !1,
+ this.mouse_downed = !1,
+ this.click_on_choosed = !1,
+ this._choose_pai) {
+ var e = this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition.clone();
+ e.y = 0,
+ this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition = e,
+ this._choose_pai = null
+ }
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.setChoosedPai(null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onMouseDown = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing && !(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped || uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable)) {
+ var e = this.getMouseInfo();
+ e.pai ? (this._choose_pai === e.pai ? this.click_on_choosed = !0 : (this.setChoosePai(e.pai, !0),
+ this.click_on_choosed = !1),
+ this.mouse_downx = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseX,
+ this.mouse_downy = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseY,
+ this.mouse_downed = !0) : this.resetMouseState()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onMouseMove = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play && (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.play || !t.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped) && !uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable && this._choose_pai && this.mouse_downed) {
+ var e = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseX
+ , i = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseY;
+ (e - this.mouse_downx) * (e - this.mouse_downx) + (i - this.mouse_downy) * (i - this.mouse_downy) > 400 && (this.during_drag = !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onMouseUp = function() {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing && !(t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped || uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable)) {
+ var e = this.getMouseInfo();
+ this.mouse_downed = !1,
+ this.during_drag ? (this.during_drag = !1,
+ null == this._choose_pai ? this.resetMouseState() : this.can_discard && !e.inHandRange && this._choose_pai.valid ? (this.DoDiscardTile(),
+ this.resetMouseState()) : this.resetMouseState()) : this.click_on_choosed && this.can_discard && this._choose_pai.valid && (this.DoDiscardTile(),
+ this.resetMouseState())
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onMouseOut = function() {
+ this.mouse_downed = !1,
+ this.click_on_choosed = !1,
+ this.during_drag && (this.during_drag = !1,
+ this.resetMouseState())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.getMouseInfo = function() {
+ var e = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseX
+ , i = Laya.MouseManager.instance.mouseY
+ , n = 0
+ , a = 0;
+ Laya.Browser.width / 1920 < Laya.Browser.height / 1080 ? a = (Laya.Browser.height - Laya.Browser.width / 1920 * 1080) / 2 : n = (Laya.Browser.width - Laya.Browser.height / 1080 * 1920) / 2;
+ var r = e / (Laya.Browser.width - 2 * n) * (this.screen_right - this.screen_left) + this.screen_left
+ , s = i / (Laya.Browser.height - 2 * a) * (this.screen_bottom - this.screen_top) + this.screen_top
+ , o = Math.floor((r - this.handorigin_x) / this.handwidth);
+ o < 0 && (o = 0),
+ o >= this.hand.length && (o = this.hand.length - 1);
+ var l = null;
+ return game.Scene_MJ.Inst.camera_hand.viewportPointToRay(new Laya.Vector2(e,i), this.ray),
+ Laya.Physics.rayCast(this.ray, this.rayCastHit, 300),
+ this.rayCastHit.sprite3D && (l = this.rayCastHit.sprite3D.getComponentByType(t.HandPaiPlane)),
+ {
+ inHandRange: s < this.handrange_top,
+ index: o,
+ x: r,
+ y: s,
+ pai: l
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.update = function() {
+ var e = this.getMouseInfo();
+ if (this.during_drag)
+ if (!t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped)
+ this.resetMouseState();
+ else if (null == this._choose_pai)
+ this.resetMouseState();
+ else {
+ if (!t.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_liqi && e.inHandRange && e.index != this._choose_pai.index) {
+ if (e.index < this._choose_pai.index) {
+ for (i = e.index; i < this._choose_pai.index; i++)
+ this.hand[i].SetIndex(i + 1, !1, !0);
+ for (i = this._choose_pai.index; i > e.index; i--)
+ this.hand[i] = this.hand[i - 1],
+ this.hand[i].SetIndex(i, !1, !0)
+ } else
+ for (var i = this._choose_pai.index; i < e.index; i++)
+ this.hand[i] = this.hand[i + 1],
+ this.hand[i].SetIndex(i, !1, !0);
+ this.hand[e.index] = this._choose_pai,
+ this._choose_pai.SetIndex(e.index, !1, !0)
+ }
+ this._choose_pai.mySelf.parent.setChildIndex(this._choose_pai.mySelf, this._choose_pai.mySelf.parent.numChildren - 1),
+ this._choose_pai.mySelf.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(e.x,e.y,.5)
+ }
+ else if (!this.mouse_downed) {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped)
+ return;
+ if (uiscript.UI_Hangup_Warn.Inst.enable)
+ return;
+ if (Laya.Browser.onPC && !GameMgr.inConch && 0 == t.DesktopMgr.click_prefer && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing)
+ if (null == e.pai)
+ this.resetMouseState();
+ else if (this._mouse_in_pai && this._mouse_in_pai === e.pai) {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer - this._mouse_in_start_time > 10 && (this.setChoosePai(this._mouse_in_pai, !1),
+ this._mouse_in_pai = null)
+ } else
+ this._mouse_in_pai = e.pai,
+ this._mouse_in_start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.ViewPlayer);
+ t.ViewPlayer_Me = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), view;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t.handnum = 0,
+ t.hand = null,
+ t.discardcd = 0,
+ t.debug_new_round_frame = -1,
+ t.debug_reset_frame = -1,
+ t.lipai_id = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.Reset = function() {
+ if (e.prototype.Reset.call(this),
+ null != this.hand) {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.hand.length; t++)
+ this.hand[t].Destory();
+ this.hand = null
+ }
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.discardcd = 0,
+ this.debug_reset_frame = Laya.timer.currFrame
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.ForceSet = function(t) {
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.RefreshDir(),
+ this.hand = [],
+ this.SetNum(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.NewGame = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.RefreshDir(),
+ this.handnum = e,
+ this.hand = [];
+ for (var s = [], o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
+ for (var l = 0; l < n[o]; l++)
+ s.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(i[o]));
+ if (s = s.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return 10 * t.numValue() + (t.dora ? 0 : 1) - (10 * e.numValue() + (e.dora ? 0 : 1))
+ }),
+ a)
+ for (o = 0; o < e; o++) {
+ var h = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand.parent);
+ o < s.length ? (h.SetVal(s[o], !0),
+ h.FullDown(),
+ h.pai3D.OnChoosedPai()) : (h.SetVal(mjcore.MJPai.Create("5z"), !1),
+ h.Stand()),
+ h.SetIndex(o, 14 == o),
+ this.hand.push(h)
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var c = 0, o = 0; o < 4; o++)
+ Laya.timer.once(300 * o, this, function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4 && !(c >= e); i++) {
+ var n = new t.HandPai3D(r.trans_hand.parent);
+ c < s.length ? n.SetVal(s[c], !0) : n.SetVal(mjcore.MJPai.Create("5z"), !1),
+ n.SetIndex(c, !1),
+ r.hand.push(n),
+ n.DoAnim_Stand(),
+ c++
+ }
+ });
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ 14 == e && r.hand[13].SetIndex(13, !0);
+ for (var t = 0; t < r.hand.length; t++)
+ r.hand[t].is_open && (r.hand[t].DoAnim_FullDown(),
+ r.hand[t].pai3D.OnChoosedPai())
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.RecordNewGame = function(e, i, n) {
+ this.Reset(),
+ this.RefreshDir(),
+ this.handnum = e.length,
+ this.hand = [];
+ for (var a = {}, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
+ a[i[r]] = n[r];
+ for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
+ var s = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand.parent)
+ , o = !1;
+ a[e[r].toString()] > 0 && (o = !0,
+ a[e[r].toString()]--),
+ s.SetVal(e[r], o),
+ s.SetIndex(r, 14 == r),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand || o ? (s.FullDown(),
+ s.pai3D.OnChoosedPai()) : (s.Stand(),
+ s.pai3D.ResetShow()),
+ this.hand.push(s)
+ }
+ this.debug_new_round_frame = Laya.timer.currFrame
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._LiPai = function() {
+ this.hand.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var i = 10 * t.val.numValue() + (t.val.dora ? 0 : 1)
+ , n = 10 * e.val.numValue() + (e.val.dora ? 0 : 1);
+ return t.is_open || (i += 1e7),
+ e.is_open || (n += 1e7),
+ i - n
+ });
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.hand.length; t++)
+ this.hand[t].SetIndex(t, !1),
+ this.hand[t].is_open ? this.hand[t].FullDown() : this.hand[t].Stand()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.LiPai = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.lipai_id++,
+ t <= 0)
+ this._LiPai();
+ else {
+ var i = this.lipai_id;
+ Laya.timer.once(t, this, function() {
+ i == e.lipai_id && e._LiPai()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBabei = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.onDiscardTile(t, e ? "4z" : "", e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDiscardTile = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0)) {
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other onDiscardTile moqie:" + t + " fast:" + n);
+ var a = mjcore.MJPai.Create(e);
+ n ? (this._PlayRemoveHandPai(a, i ? 1 : 0, !1),
+ this.LiPai(0)) : t ? (this.hand[this.hand.length - 1].Destory(),
+ this.hand.pop()) : (this._PlayRemoveHandPai(a, i ? 1 : 0, !0),
+ this.discardcd = 1200 + Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.LiPai(1e3))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._RecordRemoveHandPai = function(e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = !0);
+ var a, r, s;
+ n ? (a = 0,
+ r = this.hand.length - 1,
+ s = 1) : (a = this.hand.length - 1,
+ r = 0,
+ s = -1),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_peipai_open_mode && (i = -1);
+ var o = -1;
+ if (-1 == i || 1 == i)
+ for (l = a; l != r + s; l += s)
+ if (this.hand[l].is_open && mjcore.MJPai.isSame(e, this.hand[l].val)) {
+ o = l;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == o && (-1 == i || 0 == i))
+ for (l = a; l != r + s; l += s)
+ if (!this.hand[l].is_open && mjcore.MJPai.isSame(e, this.hand[l].val)) {
+ o = l;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 != o) {
+ this.hand[o].Destory();
+ for (var l = o; l < this.hand.length - 1; l++)
+ this.hand[l] = this.hand[l + 1];
+ this.hand.pop()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._RecordLiPai = function() {
+ this.hand.sort(function(e, i) {
+ var n = 10 * e.val.numValue() + (e.val.dora ? 0 : 1)
+ , a = 10 * i.val.numValue() + (i.val.dora ? 0 : 1);
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand || (e.is_open || (n += 1e7),
+ i.is_open || (a += 1e7)),
+ n - a
+ });
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.hand.length; e++)
+ this.hand[e].SetIndex(e, !1),
+ this.hand[e].is_open || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand ? this.hand[e].FullDown() : this.hand[e].Stand()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.RecordLiPai = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.lipai_id++,
+ t <= 0)
+ this._RecordLiPai();
+ else {
+ var i = this.lipai_id;
+ Laya.timer.once(t, this, function() {
+ i == e.lipai_id && e._RecordLiPai()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.recordBabei = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.recordDiscardTile(t, e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.recordDiscardTile = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ this.seat < 0 || (i ? (this.hand[this.hand.length - 1].Destory(),
+ this.hand.pop()) : this._RecordRemoveHandPai(e, n ? 1 : 0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast && uiscript.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.during_play && (a ? this.RecordLiPai(0) : this.RecordLiPai(1e3)))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.SetNum = function(e) {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0)) {
+ for (app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other SetNum _num:" + e + " _oldnum:" + this.hand.length); this.hand.length < e; ) {
+ var i = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand.parent);
+ i.SetVal(mjcore.MJPai.Create("5z"), !1),
+ i.SetIndex(this.hand.length, !1),
+ i.Stand(),
+ this.hand.push(i)
+ }
+ for (; this.hand.length > e; )
+ this.hand[this.hand.length - 1].Destory(),
+ this.hand.pop();
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other SetNum _chandlength:" + this.hand.length),
+ this.LiPai(0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._PlayRemoveHandPai = function(e, i, n) {
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_peipai_open_mode && (i = -1);
+ var a = -1;
+ if (-1 == i || 1 == i)
+ for (s = 0; s < this.hand.length; s++)
+ if (this.hand[s].is_open && mjcore.MJPai.isSame(this.hand[s].val, e)) {
+ a = s;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == a && (-1 == i || 0 == i)) {
+ for (s = 0; s < this.hand.length; s++)
+ if (!this.hand[s].is_open) {
+ a = s;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 != a) {
+ var r = this.hand.length - a;
+ n && r--,
+ a = Math.floor(Math.random() * r) + a
+ }
+ }
+ if (-1 != a) {
+ this.hand[a].Destory();
+ for (var s = a; s < this.hand.length - 1; s++)
+ this.hand[s] = this.hand[s + 1];
+ this.hand.pop()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddMing = function(i, n, a) {
+ if (void 0 === a && (a = !0),
+ !(this.seat < 0)) {
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other AddMing ming:" + i.toString() + " doanim:" + a);
+ try {
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play) {
+ for (r = 0; r < i.pais.length; r++)
+ i.from[r] == this.seat && this._PlayRemoveHandPai(i.pais[r], n[r], !1);
+ this.LiPai(0)
+ } else {
+ for (var r = 0; r < i.pais.length; r++)
+ i.from[r] == this.seat && this._RecordRemoveHandPai(i.pais[r], n[r]);
+ this.RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ e.prototype.AddMing.call(this, i, n, a)
+ } catch (t) {
+ var s = {};
+ s.error = t.message,
+ s.stack = t.stack,
+ s.method = "AddMing",
+ s.class = "ViewPlayer_Other",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.AddGang = function(i, n) {
+ if (void 0 === n && (n = !0),
+ !(this.seat < 0)) {
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other AddGang " + i.toString() + " doanim:" + n);
+ try {
+ e.prototype.AddGang.call(this, i, n),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play ? (this._PlayRemoveHandPai(i, -1, !1),
+ this.LiPai(0)) : (this._RecordRemoveHandPai(i, -1),
+ this.RecordLiPai(0))
+ } catch (t) {
+ var a = {};
+ a.error = t.message,
+ a.stack = t.stack,
+ a.method = "TakePai",
+ a.class = "ViewPlayer_Other",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnDoraRefresh = function() {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0))
+ if (e.prototype.OnDoraRefresh.call(this),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != t.EMJMode.play)
+ for (i = 0; i < this.hand.length; i++)
+ this.hand[i].pai3D.RefreshDora();
+ else
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hand.length; i++)
+ this.hand[i].is_open && this.hand[i].pai3D.RefreshDora()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.TakePai = function(e, i) {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0)) {
+ app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other TakePai " + e.toString());
+ try {
+ this.LiPai(0);
+ var n = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand.parent);
+ n.SetVal(e, i),
+ n.SetIndex(this.hand.length, !0),
+ i ? (n.FullDown(),
+ n.pai3D.OnChoosedPai()) : (n.Stand(),
+ n.pai3D.ResetShow()),
+ this.hand.push(n)
+ } catch (t) {
+ var a = {};
+ a.error = t.message,
+ a.stack = t.stack,
+ a.method = "TakePai",
+ a.class = "ViewPlayer_Other",
+ a.last_new_round_frame = this.debug_new_round_frame,
+ a.last_reset_frame = this.debug_reset_frame,
+ a.hand_is_null = null == this.hand,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.recordTakePai = function(e, i) {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0)) {
+ this.RecordLiPai(0);
+ var n = new t.HandPai3D(this.trans_hand.parent);
+ n.SetVal(e, i),
+ n.SetIndex(this.hand.length, !0),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand || i ? (n.FullDown(),
+ n.pai3D.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(n.pai3D.val),
+ n.pai3D.OnChoosedPai()) : (n.Stand(),
+ n.pai3D.ResetShow()),
+ this.hand.push(n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Hule = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ if (!(this.seat < 0))
+ if (app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other Hule " + i.toString() + " zimo:" + n),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play) {
+ if (this.SetNum(e.length + (n ? 1 : 0)),
+ n) {
+ var s = this.hand[this.hand.length - 1];
+ s.SetVal(i, !1),
+ s.SetIndex(this.hand.length - 1, !0),
+ s.FullDown(),
+ s.model.transform.localPosition.z += .2 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,
+ s.shadow.active = !1;
+ _ = s.pai3D.model.transform.position.clone();
+ this.hand3d.transform.position = _.clone(),
+ this.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(s.pai3D.model),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111);
+ var o = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Zimo", this.hand_type);
+ this.playHandAnimtion(o),
+ Laya.timer.once(o.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(227)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(o.keypoint[1], this, function() {
+ s.contianer_pai.addChild(s.pai3D.model),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ s.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,180,0),
+ s.FullDown(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, r, function() {
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ShowHuleEffect(s, s.pai3D.model.transform.position, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[r.seat][game.EView.hupai_effect])
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ var l = e.length
+ , h = n ? 1100 : 200;
+ Laya.timer.once(h, this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(223);
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ r.hand[i].SetVal(e[i], !1),
+ r.hand[i].DoAnim_FullDown()
+ })
+ } else {
+ if (n) {
+ var c = this.hand[this.hand.length - 1];
+ c.SetVal(i, !1),
+ c.SetIndex(this.hand.length - 1, !0),
+ c.FullDown(),
+ c.model.transform.localPosition.z += .2 * t.PAIMODEL_HEIGHT,
+ c.shadow.active = !1;
+ var _ = c.pai3D.model.transform.position.clone();
+ this.hand3d.transform.position = _.clone(),
+ this.hand3d.getChildAt(0).getChildByName("node_tile").addChild(c.pai3D.model),
+ c.pai3D.model.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ c.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,0,0),
+ c.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1.1111,1.1111,1.1111);
+ var u = t.ModelAnimationController.get_anim_config("Zimo", this.hand_type);
+ this.playHandAnimtion(u),
+ Laya.timer.once(u.keypoint[0], this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(227)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(u.keypoint[1], this, function() {
+ c.contianer_pai.addChild(c.pai3D.model),
+ c.pai3D.model.transform.localScale = new Laya.Vector3(1,1,1),
+ c.pai3D.model.transform.localRotationEuler = new Laya.Vector3(0,180,0),
+ c.FullDown(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, r, function() {
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.ShowHuleEffect(c, c.pai3D.model.transform.position, t.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_effects[r.seat][game.EView.hupai_effect])
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ if (t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand)
+ ;
+ else {
+ var d = e.length
+ , h = n ? 1100 : 200;
+ Laya.timer.once(h, this, function() {
+ t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(223);
+ for (var e = 0; e < d; e++)
+ r.hand[e].DoAnim_FullDown()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Huangpai = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (!(this.seat < 0))
+ if (app.Log.log("ViewPlayer_Other Huangpai tingpai:" + e + " fast:" + n),
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play)
+ if (n)
+ if (e) {
+ this.SetNum(i.length);
+ for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
+ this.hand[r].SetVal(i[r], !1),
+ this.hand[r].FullDown()
+ } else
+ for (var r = 0; r < this.hand.length; r++)
+ this.hand[r].Cover();
+ else
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ if (t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(223),
+ e) {
+ a.SetNum(i.length);
+ for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ a.hand[n].SetVal(i[n], !1),
+ a.hand[n].DoAnim_FullDown()
+ } else
+ for (var n = 0; n < a.hand.length; n++)
+ a.hand[n].DoAnim_Cover()
+ });
+ else
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand || Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ if (t.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(223),
+ e)
+ for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ a.hand[n].DoAnim_FullDown();
+ else
+ for (var n = 0; n < a.hand.length; n++)
+ a.hand[n].DoAnim_Cover()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShowHandChange = function(e) {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0) && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing) {
+ for (n = 0; n < this.hand.length; n++) {
+ e || this.hand[n].is_open ? (this.hand[n].FullDown(),
+ this.hand[n].pai3D.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(this.hand[n].pai3D.val),
+ this.hand[n].pai3D.OnChoosedPai()) : (this.hand[n].Stand(),
+ this.hand[n].pai3D.ispaopai = !1,
+ this.hand[n].pai3D.ResetShow())
+ }
+ for (var i = !1, n = 0; n < this.hand.length; n++)
+ if (this.hand[n].is_open) {
+ i = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ this.hand.sort(function(e, i) {
+ var n = 10 * e.val.numValue() + (e.val.dora ? 0 : 1)
+ , a = 10 * i.val.numValue() + (i.val.dora ? 0 : 1);
+ return t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand || (e.is_open || (n += 1e7),
+ i.is_open || (a += 1e7)),
+ e.IsNew() && (n += 1e8),
+ i.IsNew() && (a += 1e8),
+ n - a
+ });
+ for (n = 0; n < this.hand.length; n++)
+ this.hand[n].SetIndex(n, this.hand[n].IsNew()),
+ this.hand[n].is_open || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand ? this.hand[n].FullDown() : this.hand[n].Stand()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShowPaopaiChange = function() {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0) && t.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing)
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.hand.length; e++) {
+ var i = !1;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.paipu || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast ? i = this.hand[e].is_open || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play && (i = this.hand[e].is_open),
+ i ? (this.hand[e].pai3D.ispaopai = t.DesktopMgr.Inst.isPaoPai(this.hand[e].pai3D.val),
+ this.hand[e].pai3D.OnChoosedPai()) : this.hand[e].pai3D.ResetShow()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.OnChoosePai = function() {
+ if (!(this.seat < 0)) {
+ e.prototype.OnChoosePai.call(this);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hand.length; i++) {
+ var n = !1;
+ t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.paipu || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.live_broadcast ? n = this.hand[i].is_open || t.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_hand : t.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == t.EMJMode.play && (n = this.hand[i].is_open),
+ n ? this.hand[i].pai3D.OnChoosedPai() : this.hand[i].pai3D.ResetShow()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.ViewPlayer);
+ t.ViewPlayer_Other = e
+}(view || (view = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = t.call(this) || this;
+ return "" != e && i.setShaderName(e),
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.setInt = function(t, e) {
+ this._setInt(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getInt = function(t) {
+ return this._getInt(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setNumber = function(t, e) {
+ this._setNumber(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getNumber = function(t) {
+ return this._getNumber(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setBool = function(t, e) {
+ this._setBool(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getBool = function(t) {
+ return this._getBool(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setVector2 = function(t, e) {
+ this._setVector2(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getVector2 = function(t) {
+ return this._getVector2(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setColor = function(t, e) {
+ this._setColor(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getColor = function(t) {
+ return this._getColor(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setTexture = function(t, e) {
+ this._setTexture(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.getTexture = function(t) {
+ return this._getTexture(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(Laya.BaseMaterial);
+ t.BaseMaterial = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = t.call(this, e) || this;
+ return i.cull = 2,
+ i.blend = 1,
+ i.srcBlend = 770,
+ i.dstBlend = 771,
+ i.alphaTest = !0,
+ i.depthWrite = !0,
+ i.renderQueue = 2,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e
+ }(t.BaseMaterial);
+ t.Material_Clip = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), caps;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i(i) {
+ var n = e.call(this, i) || this;
+ return n.cull = t.BaseMaterial.CULL_FRONT,
+ n.blend = 1,
+ n.srcBlend = 770,
+ n.dstBlend = 771,
+ n.alphaTest = !0,
+ n.depthWrite = !0,
+ n.renderQueue = 2,
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i
+ }(t.BaseMaterial);
+ t.Material_Outline = e
+}(caps || (caps = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), View = laya.ui.View, Dialog = laya.ui.Dialog, EffectAnimation = laya.display.EffectAnimation, ui;
+!function(t) {
+ !function(e) {
+ var i = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var i = e.call(this) || this;
+ return i.effectData = t.anim.alpha_inUI.uiView,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.uiView = {
+ type: "View",
+ props: {},
+ child: [{
+ type: "Image",
+ props: {
+ y: -4,
+ x: 4,
+ skin: "myres/0p.png",
+ anchorY: .5,
+ anchorX: .5
+ },
+ compId: 2
+ }],
+ animations: [{
+ nodes: [{
+ target: 2,
+ keyframes: {
+ y: [{
+ value: -1,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "y",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: 167,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "y",
+ index: 14
+ }, {
+ value: 0,
+ tweenMethod: "backIn",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "y",
+ index: 20
+ }],
+ x: [{
+ value: -1,
+ tweenMethod: "backIn",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "x",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: -360,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "x",
+ index: 14
+ }, {
+ value: 0,
+ tweenMethod: "backIn",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "x",
+ index: 20
+ }],
+ scaleY: [{
+ value: 1,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleY",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: .58,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleY",
+ index: 7
+ }, {
+ value: 2,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleY",
+ index: 20
+ }],
+ scaleX: [{
+ value: 1,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleX",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: .5,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleX",
+ index: 7
+ }, {
+ value: 2,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleX",
+ index: 20
+ }, {
+ value: 1,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "scaleX",
+ index: 31
+ }],
+ rotation: [{
+ value: 0,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "rotation",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: 0,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "rotation",
+ index: 14
+ }],
+ alpha: [{
+ value: 1,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "alpha",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: 1,
+ tweenMethod: "backIn",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "alpha",
+ index: 20
+ }]
+ }
+ }],
+ name: "in",
+ id: 1,
+ frameRate: 60,
+ action: 0
+ }, {
+ nodes: [{
+ target: 2,
+ keyframes: {
+ y: [{
+ value: 0,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "y",
+ index: 0
+ }],
+ x: [{
+ value: 0,
+ tweenMethod: "backIn",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "x",
+ index: 0
+ }, {
+ value: 100,
+ tweenMethod: "linearNone",
+ tween: !0,
+ target: 2,
+ key: "x",
+ index: 10
+ }]
+ }
+ }],
+ name: "out",
+ id: 2,
+ frameRate: 24,
+ action: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ i
+ }(EffectAnimation);
+ e.alpha_inUI = i
+ }(t.anim || (t.anim = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("anim/animtest")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.animtestUI = e
+ }(t.anim || (t.anim = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/bind_mail0")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bind_mail0UI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/bind_mail1")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bind_mail1UI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/bind_yostar_mail")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bind_yostar_mailUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/character_star_up")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.character_star_upUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/config")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.configUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/course")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.courseUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/dmm_buy_pop")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.dmm_buy_popUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/dmm_kefu")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.dmm_kefuUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/fly_tips")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.fly_tipsUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/getcharacter")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.getcharacterUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/getreward")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.getrewardUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/getreward2")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.getreward2UI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/gettitle")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.gettitleUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/gitfcode")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.gitfcodeUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/infolite")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.infoliteUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/infolite_title")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.infolite_titleUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/invite")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.inviteUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/itemdetail")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.itemdetailUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/light_tips")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.light_tipsUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/mycard_pay_info")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.mycard_pay_infoUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/need_bind_mail")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.need_bind_mailUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/otherplayerinfo")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.otherplayerinfoUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/otherplayerinfo_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.otherplayerinfo_enUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/popwindow")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.popwindowUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/report_nickname")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.report_nicknameUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/report_success")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.report_successUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/rules")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rulesUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/rules_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rules_enUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/secondconfirm")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.secondconfirmUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/unbind_phone")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.unbind_phoneUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("both_ui/unbind_yostar_mail")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.unbind_yostar_mailUI = e
+ }(t.both_ui || (t.both_ui = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/android_change")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.android_changeUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/anotherlogin")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.anotherloginUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/bind_phone0")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bind_phone0UI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/bind_phone1")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bind_phone1UI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/bind_phone2")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bind_phone2UI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/canot_create_phone_account")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.canot_create_phone_accountUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/closeapp")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.closeappUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/common")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.commonUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/create_phone_account")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.create_phone_accountUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/create_phone_account_success")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.create_phone_account_successUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/disconnect")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.disconnectUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/dmm_bgm_notice")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.dmm_bgm_noticeUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("Script", laya.display.Sprite),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/errorinfo")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.errorinfoUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/guajichenfa")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.guajichenfaUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/hangup_logout")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.hangup_logoutUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/lite_loading")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.lite_loadingUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/loading")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.loadingUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/preventaddiction")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.preventaddictionUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/reconnect")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.reconnectUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/rollnotice")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rollnoticeUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/shimingrenzheng")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.shimingrenzhengUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/user_xieyi")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.user_xieyiUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/user_xieyi_dmm")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.user_xieyi_dmmUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("common/user_xieyi_enjp")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.user_xieyi_enjpUI = e
+ }(t.common || (t.common = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/account_prohibition")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.account_prohibitionUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/add2desktop")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.add2desktopUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/chooseserver")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.chooseserverUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/choose_language")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.choose_languageUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/choose_route")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.choose_routeUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/entrance")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.entranceUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/error_info")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.error_infoUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/ios_webview_update")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.ios_webview_updateUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/mail_regist")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.mail_registUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/maintenance")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.maintenanceUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/remind")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.remindUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/remind_new")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.remind_newUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/reset_password")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.reset_passwordUI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("entrance/reset_password_phone2")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.reset_password_phone2UI = e
+ }(t.entrance || (t.entrance = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activity")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activityUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activitybase")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activitybaseUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_duanwu_point")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_duanwu_pointUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_duanwu_rank")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_duanwu_rankUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_exchange")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_exchangeUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_exchange_zhongxia")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_exchange_zhongxiaUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_guoqing")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_guoqingUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_jiuji")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_jiujiUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_task")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_taskUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_task_newyear")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_task_newyearUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_task_zhongxia")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_task_zhongxiaUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_tongbi_exchange")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_tongbi_exchangeUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_wanxianggengxin")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_wanxianggengxinUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_wuyi_exchange")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_wuyi_exchangeUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_wuyi_task")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_wuyi_taskUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_xuanshang")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_xuanshangUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_yijidagong")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_yijidagongUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/activity_yueka")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_yuekaUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/guoqing_popout")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.guoqing_popoutUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/activitys/sign")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.signUI = e
+ }(t.activitys || (t.activitys = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/add_room")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.add_roomUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/ageconfirm")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.ageconfirmUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/agepending")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.agependingUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/agepending_chs")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.agepending_chsUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/agesuccess")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.agesuccessUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/agesuccess_chs")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.agesuccess_chsUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/agexiane")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.agexianeUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/bag")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.bagUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/camera_mode")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.camera_modeUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/chang_nickname")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.chang_nicknameUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/checkhuiyu")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.checkhuiyuUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/checkpifuquan")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.checkpifuquanUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/create_room")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.create_roomUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/diamond_less")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.diamond_lessUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/force_update")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.force_updateUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/freeze_ui")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.freeze_uiUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.NoLimitList", capsui.NoLimitList),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/friend")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.friendUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition", capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/get_character")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.get_characterUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("Text", laya.display.Text),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/info")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.infoUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/introduce")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.introduceUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/lobby")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.lobbyUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("Text", laya.display.Text),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/lobbychat")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.lobbychatUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/lobby_overall")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.lobby_overallUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition", capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.NoLimitList", capsui.NoLimitList),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/match_lobby")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.match_lobbyUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.NoLimitList", capsui.NoLimitList),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/match_room")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.match_roomUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/match_shilian")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.match_shilianUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/match_ticket")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.match_ticketUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/nickname")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.nicknameUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/number_input")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.number_inputUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CDropdown", capsui.CDropdown),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/ob")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.obUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/openbox")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.openboxUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/page_sign_chs")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.page_sign_chsUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/page_sign_chs_t")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.page_sign_chs_tUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/page_sign_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.page_sign_enUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/page_sign_jp")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.page_sign_jpUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/paipu")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.paipuUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/buy_yueka_chs")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.buy_yueka_chsUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/buy_yueka_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.buy_yueka_enUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/choose_method_chs")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.choose_method_chsUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/choose_method_chs_t")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.choose_method_chs_tUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/choose_method_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.choose_method_enUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/creditcard")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.creditcardUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/loading")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.loadingUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/payment/wxcode")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.wxcodeUI = e
+ }(t.payment || (t.payment = {}))
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/pifuquan_less")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.pifuquan_lessUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/pipei")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.pipeiUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/pipeichenggong")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.pipeichenggongUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/pipeiyuyue")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.pipeiyuyueUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/playerinfo")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.playerinfoUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/playerinfo_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.playerinfo_enUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/pop_buy_multi")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.pop_buy_multiUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/pop_buy_single")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.pop_buy_singleUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.NoLimitList", capsui.NoLimitList),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/rank")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rankUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/recharge")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rechargeUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar_Heng", capsui.CScrollBar_Heng),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/shop")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.shopUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/shop_lobby_yulan")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.shop_lobby_yulanUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/shop_pack_detail")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.shop_pack_detailUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/shop_skin_yulan")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.shop_skin_yulanUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/sign")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.signUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/skin_yulan")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.skin_yulanUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition", capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/sushe")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.susheUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/sushe_select")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.sushe_selectUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/sushe_select_en")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.sushe_select_enUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/tanfang0")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.tanfang0UI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition", capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/tangfang1")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.tangfang1UI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/titlebook")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.titlebookUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition", capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/treasure")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.treasureUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/visit")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.visitUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition", capsui.LabelLocalizationPosition),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView_Heng", capsui.CScrollView_Heng),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/waitingroom")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.waitingroomUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/waitob")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.waitobUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CLoading", capsui.CLoading),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("lobby/xinshouyindao")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.xinshouyindaoUI = e
+ }(t.lobby || (t.lobby = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/activity_task")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.activity_taskUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/al")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.alUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/chipenghu")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.chipenghuUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollBar", capsui.CScrollBar),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/desktopInfo")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.desktopInfoUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/fightbegin")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.fightbeginUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("Text", laya.display.Text),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/gameend")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.gameendUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/gamestop")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.gamestopUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/hangup_warn")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.hangup_warnUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/huleshow")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.huleshowUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/hu_cutin")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.hu_cutinUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/info_md5")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.info_md5UI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/liuju")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.liujuUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/live_broadcast")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.live_broadcastUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/ob_replay")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.ob_replayUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("Text", laya.display.Text),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/rankchange")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rankchangeUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.UICopy", capsui.UICopy),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CScrollView", capsui.CScrollView),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/replay")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.replayUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/replay_whell")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.replay_whellUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/rewardprogress")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.rewardprogressUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/scorechange")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.scorechangeUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/task_progress")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.task_progressUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/tingpai")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.tingpaiUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/vote")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.voteUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/vote_cd")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.vote_cdUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/vote_progress")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.vote_progressUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {})),
+function(t) {
+ !function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return t.call(this) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.createChildren = function() {
+ View.regComponent("capsui.CButton", capsui.CButton),
+ View.regComponent("capsui.LabelLocalizationSize", capsui.LabelLocalizationSize),
+ t.prototype.createChildren.call(this),
+ this.loadUI("mj/win")
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(View);
+ t.winUI = e
+ }(t.mj || (t.mj = {}))
+}(ui || (ui = {}));
+var uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this._me = null,
+ this._enable = !1,
+ this._valid = !1,
+ this._enable = this._valid = !1,
+ t ? (this._me = t,
+ this._me.visible = !1,
+ this._me.frameOnce(4, this, this._onload)) : console.error("加载UI失败")
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "me", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._me
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "enable", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._valid && this._enable
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._valid && this._enable != t && (this._enable = t,
+ this._me.visible = t,
+ t ? this._onEnable() : this._onDisable())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype._onload = function() {
+ this._valid = !0,
+ this.onCreate(),
+ this.me.frameLoop(1, this, this._update)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._update = function() {
+ this.enable && this.update()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._onEnable = function() {
+ this._valid && (this.me.event("onenable"),
+ this.onEnable())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._onDisable = function() {
+ this._valid && (this.me.event("ondisable"),
+ this.onDisable())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ this._valid && (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.onDestroy(),
+ this._valid = !1,
+ this._me.destroy(!0),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.onUIDestory(this))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.update = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDestroy = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.anim_pop_out = function(t, e) {
+ t.alpha = 0;
+ var i = t.scaleX
+ , n = t.scaleY;
+ t.scaleX = .6 * i,
+ t.scaleY = .6 * n,
+ Laya.Tween.to(t, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: i,
+ scaleY: n
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut, Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ t.scaleX = i,
+ t.scaleY = n,
+ t.alpha = 1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.anim_pop_hide = function(t, e) {
+ t.alpha = 1;
+ var i = t.scaleX
+ , n = t.scaleY;
+ Laya.Tween.to(t, {
+ alpha: 0,
+ scaleX: .6 * i,
+ scaleY: .6 * n
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut, Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ t.scaleX = i,
+ t.scaleY = n,
+ t.alpha = 0,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.anim_alpha_in = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = null),
+ void 0 === r && (r = null);
+ var s = {};
+ for (var o in e)
+ s[o] = t[o],
+ t[o] += e[o];
+ t.alpha = 0,
+ s.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(t, s, i, r, a, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.anim_alpha_out = function(t, e, i, n, a, r) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ void 0 === a && (a = null),
+ void 0 === r && (r = null);
+ var s = {};
+ for (var o in e)
+ s[o] = t[o],
+ e[o] += t[o];
+ e.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(t, e, i, r, Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ for (var i in e)
+ t[i] = s[i];
+ t.alpha = 0,
+ a && a.run()
+ }), n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ t.UIBase = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ var n = t.call(this, i) || this;
+ return n.__activity_name = e,
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "activity_name", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.__activity_name
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.hide = function() {}
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ActivityBase = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t, e, i, n, a, r, s) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.id = e,
+ this.pre_score = i,
+ this.me_score = n,
+ this.next_score = a,
+ this.item_id = r,
+ this.item_count = s
+ }
+ return e.prototype.init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.label_score = this.me.getChildByName("score"),
+ this.shine_point = this.me.getChildByName("shine_point"),
+ this.btn_reward = this.me.getChildByName("reward"),
+ this.reward_shine = this.btn_reward.getChildByName("shine"),
+ this.img_reward = this.btn_reward.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.label_count = this.btn_reward.getChildByName("num"),
+ this.flag_getted = this.btn_reward.getChildByName("getted"),
+ this.line_down = this.me.getChildByName("line_down"),
+ this.line_up = this.me.getChildByName("line_up"),
+ this.line_reward = this.me.getChildByName("line_reward"),
+ this.container_lock = this.me.getChildByName("lock"),
+ this.label_lock_time = this.container_lock.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.btn_reward.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.game_score >= e.me_score && !e.getted ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_reward, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "gainAccumulatedPointActivityReward", {
+ activity_id: i.activity_id,
+ reward_id: e.id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_reward, !1),
+ n || a.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("gainAccumulatedPointActivityReward", n, a) : (i.onGetReward(e.id),
+ e.onGetted())
+ })) : t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(e.item_id)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ this.game_score = t,
+ this.getted = e;
+ var a = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(this.item_id);
+ if (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_reward, a.icon),
+ this.label_score.text = this.me_score.toString(),
+ -1 == this.pre_score)
+ this.line_up.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.line_up.visible = !0;
+ (r = (t - (this.pre_score + this.me_score) / 2) / (this.me_score - this.pre_score) * 2) < 0 ? this.line_up.getChildByName("value").visible = !1 : (r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this.line_up.getChildByName("value").visible = !0,
+ this.line_up.getChildByName("value").scaleY = r)
+ }
+ if (-1 == this.next_score)
+ this.line_down.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.line_down.visible = !0;
+ var r = (t - this.me_score) / (this.next_score - this.me_score) * 2;
+ r < 0 ? this.line_down.getChildByName("value").visible = !1 : (r > 1 && (r = 1),
+ this.line_down.getChildByName("value").visible = !0,
+ this.line_down.getChildByName("value").scaleY = r)
+ }
+ t < this.me_score ? (this.line_reward.getChildByName("value").visible = !1,
+ this.reward_shine.visible = !1,
+ this.shine_point.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_duanwu/point_unshine.png"),
+ this.label_score.color = "#bababa") : (this.line_reward.getChildByName("value").visible = !0,
+ this.reward_shine.visible = !0,
+ this.shine_point.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_duanwu/point_shine.png"),
+ this.label_score.color = "#ffd52b"),
+ this.flag_getted.visible = !!e,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_reward, !1),
+ this.item_count <= 1 ? this.label_count.visible = !1 : (this.label_count.visible = !0,
+ this.label_count.text = this.item_count.toString());
+ var s = n - i
+ , o = 24 * cfg.activity.game_point.get(this.id).unlock_day * 3600 * 1e3;
+ if (s < o) {
+ this.container_lock.visible = !0;
+ var l = (i + o) / 1e3
+ , h = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(l) + " " + game.Tools.time2HourMinute(l);
+ this.label_lock_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2825, [h])
+ } else
+ this.container_lock.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onGetted = function() {
+ this.getted = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.flag_getted.visible = !0;
+ var e = this.flag_getted.getChildByName("bg");
+ e.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(e, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 150);
+ var i = this.flag_getted.getChildByName("gou");
+ i.scaleX = i.scaleY = 0,
+ i.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ game.GameUtility.get_id_type(this.item_id) == game.EIDType.character ? t.UI_Get_Character.Inst.show(this.item_id) : game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: [{
+ id: this.item_id,
+ count: this.item_count
+ }]
+ }, null),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refreshRedpoint(),
+ t.UI_Activity.Inst.refresh_redpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(n.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_duanwu_pointUI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t.atlas_url = "res/atlas/",
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (t.atlas_url += GameMgr.client_language + "/"),
+ t.atlas_url += "myres/activity_duanwu.atlas",
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.init = function(t) {
+ if (this.point = 0,
+ this.getted_rewards = {},
+ this.getted_rewards_count = 0,
+ t)
+ for (var e = t.accumulated_point_list, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ if (n.activity_id == this.activity_id && (this.point = n.point,
+ n.gained_reward_list)) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.gained_reward_list.length; a++)
+ this.getted_rewards[n.gained_reward_list[a]] = 1;
+ this.getted_rewards_count = n.gained_reward_list.length
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onGetReward = function(t) {
+ this.getted_rewards[t] || (this.getted_rewards[t] = 1,
+ this.getted_rewards_count++,
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.enable && this.Inst.refreshRewardsCount())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.max_point = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = Date.now()
+ , i = game.Tools.ParseTime(cfg.activity.activity.get(this.activity_id).start_time)
+ , n = Math.floor((e - i) / 24 / 3600 / 1e3)
+ , a = 0;
+ return cfg.activity.game_point.forEach(function(e) {
+ e.activity_id == t.activity_id && e.unlock_day <= n && (a = a > e.point ? a : e.point)
+ }),
+ a
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.cells = [];
+ var i = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ this.content = i.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.head = this.content.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.label_score = this.head.getChildByName("score"),
+ this.label_reward_count = this.head.getChildByName("reward_count");
+ var a = this.content.getChildByName("cells").getChildByName("task_templete");
+ this.cells = [];
+ var r = [];
+ cfg.activity.game_point.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.activity_id == n.activity_id && r.push(t)
+ });
+ for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++) {
+ var o = null;
+ o = 0 == this.cells.length ? a : a.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone(),
+ this.cells.push(new e(o,r[s].id,s > 0 ? r[s - 1].point : -1,r[s].point,s + 1 < r.length ? r[s + 1].point : -1,r[s].res_id,r[s].res_count))
+ }
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(6, this, function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.cells.length; e++)
+ t.cells[e].init(),
+ t.cells[e].me.y = t.cells[e].me.height * e
+ }),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.getChildByName("cells").height = r.length * a.height,
+ this.toth = this.content.getChildByName("cells").y + r.length * a.height,
+ this.scrollbar = i.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.scrollbar.setVal(t.content.vScrollBar.value / t.content.vScrollBar.max, t.content.height / t.toth)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, this, function() {
+ t.enable || Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t.atlas_url)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[n.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ var t = !1;
+ return cfg.activity.game_point.forEach(function(e) {
+ e.activity_id == n.activity_id && e.point < n.point && !n.getted_rewards[e.id] && (t = !0)
+ }),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ return 1 == cfg.activity.activity.get(n.activity_id).need_popout
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/quehunji_huodong.jpg");
+ for (var t = Date.now(), e = cfg.activity.activity.get(n.activity_id), i = game.Tools.ParseTime(e.start_time), a = 0; a < this.cells.length; a++)
+ this.cells[a].show(n.point, n.getted_rewards[this.cells[a].id], i, t);
+ this.label_score.text = n.point.toString(),
+ this.refreshRewardsCount()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refreshRewardsCount = function() {
+ this.label_reward_count.text = n.getted_rewards_count.toString() + "/" + this.cells.length.toString(),
+ this.label_reward_count.x = "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? 747 : 686
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1;
+ var t = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres2/treasurehead/quehunji_huodong.jpg");
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.atlas_url)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.activity_id = 1014,
+ n.point = 0,
+ n.getted_rewards_count = 0,
+ n
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_duanwu_rankUI) || this;
+ return t.last_refresh_time = -1,
+ t.my_rank = -1,
+ t.datas = [],
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.init = function(t) {
+ if (this.point = 0,
+ this.reward_getted = !1,
+ t)
+ for (var e = t.rank_data_list, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ n.leaderboard_id == this.activity_id && (this.point = n.point,
+ this.reward_getted = n.gained_reward)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ this.head = e.getChildByName("head");
+ var i = e.getChildByName("head");
+ this.label_score = i.getChildByName("score"),
+ this.label_rank = i.getChildByName("rank"),
+ this.label_reward = i.getChildByName("reward"),
+ this.btn_info = i.getChildByName("what"),
+ this.btn_getreward = i.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.label_alreadyget = i.getChildByName("alreadyget"),
+ this.scrollview = e.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.noinfo = e.getChildByName("noinfo"),
+ this.label_alreadyget.visible = !1,
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.btn_getreward.visible = !1,
+ this.label_rank.text = "--",
+ this.label_reward.text = "--",
+ this.label_score.text = "--",
+ i.getChildByName("what").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite_Title.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2776), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2777))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = e.container
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.cache_data
+ , r = this.datas[n];
+ i.getChildByName("rank").text = r.rank.toString(),
+ a.hasOwnProperty("head") || (a.head = new t.UI_Head(i.getChildByName("head"))),
+ a.hasOwnProperty("title") || (a.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName("title"))),
+ r.account_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id ? (a.head.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id,
+ a.head.head_frame = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_frame,
+ a.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(r.account_id, GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title),
+ i.getChildByName("name").text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname,
+ i.getChildByName("bg").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_duanwu/rank_cell_me.png")) : (a.head.id = r.view.avatar_id,
+ a.head.id = r.view.avatar_frame,
+ a.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(r.account_id, r.view.title),
+ i.getChildByName("name").text = r.view.nickname,
+ i.getChildByName("bg").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_duanwu/rank_cell.png")),
+ i.getChildByName("btn_see").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(r.account_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ i.getChildByName("score").text = r.point.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ return !i.reward_getted && i.gainable_time > 0 && i.gainable_time < Date.now() / 1e3
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ return 1 == cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id).need_popout
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/duanwu_rank.jpg"),
+ this.label_score.text = i.point.toString(),
+ this.refresh_my_rank();
+ var n = Date.now() / 1e3
+ , a = 60
+ , r = cfg.leaderboard.leaderboard.get(i.activity_id);
+ r && (a = r.refresh_cd),
+ n < this.last_refresh_time + a && !(this.last_refresh_time < i.gainable_time && n < i.gainable_time) ? (this.scrollview.rate = 0,
+ this.noinfo.visible = 0 == this.datas.length) : (this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.datas = [],
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchRankPointLeaderboard", {
+ leaderboard_id: i.activity_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchRankPointLeaderboard", i, n);
+ else {
+ e.last_refresh_time = n.last_refresh_time;
+ var a = n.items
+ , r = {};
+ if (a)
+ for (s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
+ r[a[s].account_id] || (r[a[s].account_id] = 1,
+ e.datas.push(a[s]));
+ e.datas = e.datas.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.rank - e.rank
+ }),
+ e.scrollview.addItem(e.datas.length),
+ e.noinfo.visible = 0 == e.datas.length;
+ for (var s = 0; s < e.datas.length; s++)
+ if (e.datas[s].account_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id) {
+ e.my_rank = e.datas[s].rank;
+ break
+ }
+ e.refresh_my_rank()
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_my_rank = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , n = cfg.activity.rank_reward.findGroup(1010)
+ , a = -1
+ , r = "(" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2782, [Math.floor((Date.now() / 1e3 - this.last_refresh_time) / 60).toString()]) + ")";
+ if (Date.now() > i.gainable_time && (r = ""),
+ this.my_rank > 0) {
+ this.label_rank.text = this.my_rank.toString() + r;
+ for (l = n.length - 1; l >= 0; l--)
+ if (this.my_rank >= n[l].lower_rank_bound) {
+ a = l;
+ break
+ }
+ } else
+ this.label_rank.text = n[n.length - 1].lower_rank_bound.toString() + "+" + r;
+ if (a >= 0) {
+ for (var s = "", o = n[a].reward.split(","), l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
+ var h = o[l].split("-");
+ if (2 == h.length) {
+ var c = parseInt(h[0])
+ , _ = parseInt(h[1])
+ , u = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(c);
+ "" != s && (s += ","),
+ s += u.name + "x" + _
+ }
+ }
+ this.label_reward.text = s,
+ this.btn_getreward.visible = !i.reward_getted,
+ this.label_alreadyget.visible = i.reward_getted,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_getreward, i.gainable_time > 0 && Date.now() / 1e3 < i.gainable_time),
+ this.btn_getreward.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_getreward, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "gainRankPointReward", {
+ leaderboard_id: i.activity_id,
+ activity_id: i.activity_id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_getreward, !1),
+ n || a.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("gainRankPointReward", n, a) : (i.reward_getted = !0,
+ e.btn_getreward.visible = !1,
+ e.label_alreadyget.visible = !0,
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2211)))
+ })
+ }, null, !1)
+ } else
+ this.label_reward.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2780),
+ this.btn_getreward.visible = !1,
+ this.label_alreadyget.visible = !1,
+ i.gainable_time > 0 && Date.now() / 1e3 > i.gainable_time && (i.reward_getted || (app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "gainRankPointReward", {
+ leaderboard_id: i.activity_id,
+ activity_id: i.activity_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ i.reward_getted = !0)),
+ this.btn_getreward.clickHandler = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1;
+ var t = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres2/treasurehead/duanwu_rank.jpg");
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1010,
+ i.point = 0,
+ i.reward_getted = !1,
+ i.gainable_time = -1,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Rank = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me = e,
+ this.father = i,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_info = e.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.item_icon = this.container_info.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.item_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_name"),
+ this.item_count = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_count"),
+ this.btn_exchange = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_exchange");
+ var a = this.container_info.getChildByName("count");
+ this.currency_icon = a.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.currency_count = a.getChildByName("need_count"),
+ this.left_count = a.getChildByName("left_count"),
+ this.btn_icon = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_icon"),
+ this.btn_icon.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var e = cfg.activity.exchange.get(n.id);
+ e && t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(e.reward_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_getted = this.container_info.getChildByName("getted")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.id
+ , n = cfg.activity.exchange.get(i);
+ this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.item_count.text = "x" + n.reward_count;
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(n.reward_id);
+ a && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, a.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.item.get(n.reward_id);
+ r && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, r.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = r["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var s = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(n.consume_id);
+ s && game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.currency_icon, s.icon),
+ this.currency_count.text = n.consume_count.toString(),
+ this.item_count.x = this.item_name.textField.textWidth * this.item_name.scaleX + this.item_name.x + 40;
+ var o = this.count
+ , l = n.exchange_limit;
+ o = o >= l ? 0 : l - o,
+ this.left_count.text = o + "/" + l,
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.left_count.x = this.left_count.parent.width - 143 : this.left_count.x = this.left_count.parent.width - 120,
+ this.label_getted.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_exchange.visible = !1,
+ 0 != o ? (this.left_count.color = "#37b625",
+ t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(n.consume_id) < n.consume_count ? this.btn_exchange.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)] : this.btn_exchange.filters = [],
+ this.btn_exchange.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_exchange.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(n.consume_id) < n.consume_count ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2230, [s.name])) : (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_exchange, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "exchangeActivityItem", {
+ exchange_id: i
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (i == e.id)
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_exchange, !1),
+ n || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("exchangeActivityItem", n, a);
+ else {
+ if (e.count++,
+ e.father.refreshCurrencyCount(),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, e, function() {
+ e.father.refreshCurrencyCount()
+ }),
+ t.UI_Activity.onExchanged(i),
+ r && r.category == t.EItemCategory.fudai) {
+ if (a.execute_reward) {
+ for (var s = [], o = 0; o < a.execute_reward.length; o++)
+ s.push(a.execute_reward[o].reward);
+ game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: s
+ }, null)
+ }
+ } else
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2231, [e.item_name.text + " " + e.item_count.text]));
+ e.father.refreshAll()
+ }
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)) : (this.left_count.color = "#e3283c",
+ this.btn_exchange.clickHandler = null,
+ this.label_getted.visible = !0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_exchange, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.id = t.exchange_id,
+ this.count = t.count,
+ this.refresh(),
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(t) {
+ function i(e, i) {
+ return t.call(this, e, i) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.head = this.content.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.task_templete = this.content.getChildByName("task_templete"),
+ this.task_templete.visible = !1,
+ this.cells = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
+ this.cells.push(new e(this.task_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone(),this));
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.refresh_scrollbar()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshCurrencyCount = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshView = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this.head.height + 15, i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++)
+ i < t.length ? (this.cells[i].show(t[i]),
+ this.cells[i].me.y = e,
+ e += this.cells[i].me.height) : this.cells[i].me.visible = !1;
+ this.total_h = e,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.refresh_scrollbar(),
+ this.refreshCurrencyCount()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshAll = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.cells.length; t++)
+ this.cells[t].me.visible && this.cells[t].refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.total_h > this.content.height) {
+ var t = this.content.vScrollBar.value / this.content.vScrollBar.max;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.content.height / this.total_h,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.content.height / this.total_h),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Exchange = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_guoqingUI) || this;
+ return t.btn_hs = [],
+ t.btn_vs = [],
+ t.btn_mids = [],
+ t.ids_mid = {},
+ t.ids_h = {},
+ t.ids_v = {},
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Init = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.count = 0,
+ this.rewards = {},
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchActivityFlipInfo", {
+ activity_id: this.activity_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ ;
+ else if (i.count && (t.count = i.count),
+ i.rewards)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.rewards.length; n++)
+ t.rewards[i.rewards[n]] = 1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onTaskDataUpdate = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ for (var e = t, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
+ var a = e[n];
+ this.task_data[a.id.toString()] = a
+ }
+ i.Inst && i.Inst.enable && i.Inst.refresh()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.onRewardGet = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(t);
+ 5 == e.matrix_x || 5 == e.matrix_y ? this.rewards[t] = 1 : this.task_data[t] && (this.task_data[t].rewarded = !0),
+ i.Inst && i.Inst.enable && i.Inst.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.rewardState = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(t);
+ if (5 == e.matrix_x && 5 == e.matrix_y) {
+ if (this.rewards[t.toString()])
+ return 2;
+ var i = 0;
+ for (var n in this.task_data) {
+ if (!this.task_data[n].achieved)
+ break;
+ i++
+ }
+ return 25 != i ? 0 : 1
+ }
+ if (5 == e.matrix_x) {
+ if (this.rewards[t.toString()])
+ return 2;
+ a = 0;
+ for (var n in this.task_data)
+ if (this.task_data[n].achieved) {
+ (r = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(parseInt(n))).matrix_y == e.matrix_y && (a |= 1 << r.matrix_x)
+ }
+ return 31 != a ? 0 : 1
+ }
+ if (5 == e.matrix_y) {
+ if (this.rewards[t.toString()])
+ return 2;
+ var a = 0;
+ for (var n in this.task_data)
+ if (this.task_data[n].achieved) {
+ (r = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(parseInt(n))).matrix_x == e.matrix_x && (a |= 1 << r.matrix_y)
+ }
+ return 31 != a ? 0 : 1
+ }
+ var r = this.task_data[t.toString()];
+ return r ? r.rewarded ? 2 : r.achieved ? 1 : 0 : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(i.activity_id)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ cfg.activity.flip_task.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.activity_id == i.activity_id && (5 == t.matrix_x && 5 == t.matrix_y ? e.id_all = t.id : 5 == t.matrix_x ? e.ids_h[t.matrix_y.toString()] = t.id : 5 == t.matrix_y ? e.ids_v[t.matrix_x.toString()] = t.id : e.ids_mid[(5 * t.matrix_y + t.matrix_x).toString()] = t.id)
+ }),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ e.scrollbar.setVal(e.content.vScrollBar.value / e.content.vScrollBar.max, e.content.height / e.bg.height)
+ }),
+ this.bg = this.content.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.label_count_fan = this.content.getChildByName("count_fan"),
+ this.btn_hs = [],
+ this.btn_vs = [];
+ for (var n = function(n) {
+ a.btn_hs.push(a.content.getChildByName("btn_h" + n)),
+ a.btn_vs.push(a.content.getChildByName("btn_v" + n)),
+ a.btn_hs[n].clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ var a = e.ids_h[n.toString()];
+ t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop.Inst.show(a, i.rewardState(a))
+ }
+ ),
+ a.btn_vs[n].clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ var a = e.ids_v[n.toString()];
+ t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop.Inst.show(a, i.rewardState(a))
+ }
+ )
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < 5; r++)
+ n(r);
+ this.btn_all = this.content.getChildByName("btn_all"),
+ this.btn_all.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ var n = e.id_all;
+ t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop.Inst.show(n, i.rewardState(n))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_mids = [],
+ this.container_mid = this.content.getChildByName("container_mid");
+ var s = this.container_mid.getChildByName("btn_templete");
+ s.visible = !1;
+ for (var o = function(n) {
+ for (var a = function(a) {
+ var r = s.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.x = 146.5 * a,
+ r.y = 146.5 * n,
+ l.btn_mids.push(r),
+ r.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(l,function() {
+ var s = e.ids_mid[(5 * n + a).toString()];
+ if (i.task_data[s]) {
+ var o = 0;
+ i.task_data[s] && (o = i.task_data[s].counter),
+ t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop.Inst.show(s, i.rewardState(s), o)
+ } else
+ i.count <= 0 ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2849)) : t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2848), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ r.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "receiveActivityFlipTask", {
+ task_id: s
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ r.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("receiveActivityFlipTask", n, a) : (i.count = a.count,
+ i.task_data[s.toString()] = {
+ id: s,
+ counter: 0,
+ achieved: !1,
+ rewarded: !1
+ },
+ e.enable && (e.refresh(),
+ t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop.Inst.show(s, 0, 0)))
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ );
+ var o = r.getChildByName("bmask");
+ o.alpha = 0,
+ r.on("mousedown", l, function() {
+ o.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(o, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ r.on("mouseup", l, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(o, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ r.on("mouseout", l, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(o, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ })
+ }, r = 0; r < 5; r++)
+ a(r)
+ }, l = this, r = 0; r < 5; r++)
+ o(r)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.refresh(),
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(0, this.content.height / this.bg.height),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.bg, "myres/activity_fanpai/bg.jpg")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.label_count_fan.text = i.count.toString(),
+ this.label_count_fan.x = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? 336 : 320,
+ this.label_count_fan.y = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? 430 : 426;
+ for (var t = 0; t < 5; t++)
+ for (var e = 0; e < 5; e++) {
+ var n = 5 * t + e
+ , a = this.ids_mid[n.toString()]
+ , r = i.task_data[a.toString()]
+ , s = (_ = this.btn_mids[n]).getChildByName("task");
+ if (_.getChildByName("bmask").alpha = 0,
+ r)
+ if (r.rewarded)
+ _.visible = !1;
+ else if (r.achieved)
+ _.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/state2.png"),
+ s.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ _.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/state1.png"),
+ s.visible = !0;
+ var o = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(a).base_task_id
+ , l = cfg.events.base_task.get(o)
+ , h = r.counter
+ , c = l.target;
+ h > c && (h = c),
+ s.getChildByName("progress").getChildByName("va").scaleX = h / c,
+ s.getChildByName("count").text = h.toString(),
+ s.getChildByName("total").text = c.toString()
+ }
+ else
+ _.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/state0.png"),
+ s.visible = !1
+ }
+ for (d = 0; d < 5; d++) {
+ var _ = this.btn_hs[d]
+ , a = this.ids_h[d]
+ , u = i.rewardState(a);
+ _.skin = 2 == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/getted0.png") : 1 == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/get0.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/look0.png")
+ }
+ for (var d = 0; d < 5; d++) {
+ var _ = this.btn_vs[d]
+ , a = this.ids_v[d]
+ , u = i.rewardState(a);
+ _.skin = 2 == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/getted0.png") : 1 == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/get0.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/look0.png")
+ }
+ var _ = this.btn_all
+ , a = this.id_all
+ , u = i.rewardState(a);
+ _.skin = 2 == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/getted1.png") : 1 == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/get1.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_fanpai/look1.png")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ var t = "res/atlas/";
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (t += GameMgr.client_language + "/"),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t + "myres/activiy_fanpai.atlas"),
+ this.bg.skin && (Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.bg.skin),
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.bg))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.activity_id = 1070,
+ i.rewards = {},
+ i.task_data = {},
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Fanpai = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.activitys.guoqing_popoutUI) || this;
+ return t.reward_state = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.container_items = this.root.getChildByName("container_items"),
+ this.btn_get = this.root.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!e.locking && 1 == e.reward_state) {
+ e.hide();
+ var i = e.task_id;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "completeActivityFlipTask", {
+ task_id: i
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ if (e || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("completeActivityFlipTask", e, n);
+ else {
+ for (var a = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(i).reward.split(","), r = [], s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
+ var o = a[s].split("-");
+ r.push({
+ id: parseInt(o[0]),
+ count: parseInt(o[1])
+ })
+ }
+ game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: r
+ }, null),
+ t.UI_Activity_Fanpai.onRewardGet(i)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.hide()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.hide()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.contianer_tasks = this.root.getChildByName("container_task"),
+ this.label_info = this.root.getChildByName("info")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ void 0 === n && (n = 0),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.task_id = e,
+ this.reward_state = i;
+ var r = cfg.activity.flip_task.get(e);
+ if (5 == r.matrix_x || 5 == r.matrix_y) {
+ this.contianer_tasks.visible = !1,
+ this.label_info.visible = !0;
+ var s = 0;
+ 5 == r.matrix_x && (s += 1),
+ 5 == r.matrix_y && (s += 2),
+ this.label_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2851 + s),
+ this.container_items.y = 210,
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2847)
+ } else {
+ this.contianer_tasks.visible = !0,
+ this.label_info.visible = !1,
+ this.container_items.y = 230;
+ var o = cfg.events.base_task.get(r.base_task_id);
+ this.contianer_tasks.getChildByName("task").text = o["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n > o.target && (n = o.target),
+ this.contianer_tasks.getChildByName("progress").text = n.toString() + "/" + o.target.toString(),
+ this.contianer_tasks.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val").scaleX = n / o.target,
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2846)
+ }
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = 1 != i,
+ this.btn_get.visible = 1 == i;
+ for (var l = r.reward.split(","), h = [], c = function(e) {
+ var i = _.container_items.getChildAt(e);
+ if (e < l.length) {
+ var n = l[e].split("-")
+ , a = parseInt(n[0])
+ , r = parseInt(n[1])
+ , s = i.getChildByName("count");
+ s.text = r.toString(),
+ s.visible = r > 1;
+ var o = i.getChildByName("btn");
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(_, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(a)
+ }, null, !1),
+ o.getChildByName("getted").visible = 2 == _.reward_state;
+ var c = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(a);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o.getChildByName("icon"), c.icon),
+ i.visible = !0,
+ i.y = 76,
+ h.push(30)
+ } else
+ i.visible = !1
+ }, _ = this, u = 0; u < this.container_items.numChildren; u++)
+ c(u);
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_items, h)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Guoping_Pop = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2232), new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_jiujiUI) || this;
+ return t.btn_cd = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchReviveCoinInfo", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchReviveCoinInfo", i, n) : e.has_gained = n.has_gained
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyReviveCoinUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.has_gained = t.has_gained,
+ e.Inst && e.Inst.enable && e.Inst.refresh()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc");
+ var n = this.root.getChildByName("task");
+ this.task = {
+ container: n,
+ bg: n.getChildByName("bg"),
+ container_info: n.getChildByName("info"),
+ item_icon: n.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item"),
+ item_count: n.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item_count"),
+ item_name: n.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item_name"),
+ btn_get: n.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ getno: n.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("noget"),
+ alreadyget: n.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("alreadyget")
+ },
+ this.task.btn_get.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.btn_cd > Laya.timer.currTimer || (e.btn_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "gainReviveCoin", {}, function(n, a) {
+ e.btn_cd = 0,
+ n || a.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("gainReviveCoin", n, a) : (e.task.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ e.task.alreadyget.visible = !0,
+ i.has_gained = !0)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_cd = 0,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.findData = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ return cfg.events.soscoin.forEach(function(e) {
+ e.level_limit == GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level.id && (t = e.id),
+ e.level3_limit == GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level3.id && (t = e.id)
+ }),
+ t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = cfg.events.soscoin.get(this.findData());
+ if (t)
+ if (this.desc.text = t["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ t.gold_num < 1)
+ this.task.bg.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/bg_rules_no.png"),
+ this.task.container_info.visible = !1,
+ this.task.container.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.task.container.visible = !0,
+ this.task.bg.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/bg_rules.png"),
+ this.task.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.task.getno.visible = !1,
+ this.task.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ this.task.alreadyget.visible = !1,
+ this.task.item_count.text = t.gold_num.toString(),
+ i.has_gained ? this.task.alreadyget.visible = !0 : GameMgr.Inst.account_data.gold < t.gold_limit ? this.task.btn_get.visible = !0 : this.task.getno.visible = !0;
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(100002);
+ this.task.item_icon.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(e.icon),
+ this.task.item_name.text = e["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ else
+ this.desc.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2233),
+ this.task.container_info.visible = !1,
+ this.task.bg.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/bg_rules_no.png"),
+ this.task.container.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.has_gained = !1,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Jiuji = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(1004).name, new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_task_newyearUI) || this;
+ return t.activity_id = 1004,
+ t.toth = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[1004]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(1004);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.toth = this.content.getChildByName("fu").y + this.content.getChildByName("fu").height,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.scrollbar.setVal(t.content.vScrollBar.value / t.content.vScrollBar.max, t.content.height / t.toth)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(0, this.content.height / this.toth),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.root.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("head"), "myres2/treasurehead/newyear_task.jpg"),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.content.getChildByName("denglong").getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item"), game.GameUtility.get_item_view(309003).icon),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.content.getChildByName("baozhu").getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item"), game.GameUtility.get_item_view(309004).icon),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.content.getChildByName("fu").getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item"), game.GameUtility.get_item_view(309005).icon)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_NewYear = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_shaiziUI) || this;
+ return t.cells = [],
+ t.location_index = 0,
+ t.during_anim = !1,
+ t.shaizi_count = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.init = function(t) {
+ if (t.richman_data && t.richman_data.length > 0)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.richman_data.length; e++)
+ if (t.richman_data[e].activity_id == i.activity_id) {
+ this.location = t.richman_data[e].location,
+ this.finished_count = t.richman_data[e].finished_count;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(i.activity_id)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.get_cell_pos = function(t, e) {
+ return {
+ x: 60 + 107 * t,
+ y: 87 + 107 * e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_time = this.root.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.label_next = this.root.getChildByName("next"),
+ this.label_next_word = this.root.getChildByName("next_word"),
+ this.label_lap = this.root.getChildByName("lap");
+ var n = this.root.getChildByName("cells");
+ this.cell_templete = n.getChildByName("cell_templete"),
+ this.cell_templete.visible = !1,
+ this.cells = [];
+ for (var a = cfg.activity.richman_info.get(i.activity_id).map_id, r = cfg.activity.richman_map.getGroup(a), s = this.cell_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"], o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
+ this.cells.push(s.getNodeClone());
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < e.cells.length; t++) {
+ var i = e.cells[t]
+ , n = e.get_cell_pos(r[t].pos_x, r[t].pos_y);
+ i.x = n.x,
+ i.y = n.y;
+ var a = i.getChildByName("img");
+ if (a.skin = "",
+ 0 == r[t].type)
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_begin.png");
+ else if (1 == r[t].type)
+ switch (r[t].bonus_type) {
+ case 1:
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_coin.png");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_liwu.png");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_shaizi.png");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_baoyu.png")
+ }
+ else if (2 == r[t].type) {
+ var s = r[r[t].param].pos_x - r[t].pos_x
+ , o = r[r[t].param].pos_y - r[t].pos_y;
+ a.skin = 0 != s ? s > 0 ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_right.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_left.png") : o > 0 ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_down.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_up.png")
+ } else
+ 3 == r[t].type && (a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/cell_shaizi.png"))
+ }
+ }),
+ this.btn_shaizi = this.root.getChildByName("btn_shaizi"),
+ this.btn_shaizi.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.during_anim || t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.shaizi_item_id) <= 0 || e.on_click_shaizi()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.img_shaizi = this.btn_shaizi.getChildByName("shaizi"),
+ this.img_shaizi_start = this.btn_shaizi.getChildByName("word"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_info").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3059))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_count = this.root.getChildByName("count"),
+ this.chess = this.root.getChildByName("chess")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.shaizi_count = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.shaizi_item_id),
+ this.refresh_btn_shaizi(),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.chess.x = this.cells[i.location].x,
+ this.chess.y = this.cells[i.location].y,
+ this.qizi = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.chess, "scene/touzi_qizi.lh", new Laya.Point(54,54), 1),
+ this.chess.visible = !0,
+ this.qizi.effect.root.active = !1,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3056);
+ for (var t = cfg.activity.richman_reward.getGroup(i.activity_id), e = "", n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ t[n].finish_count == i.finished_count + 1 && ("" != e && (e += ","),
+ e += game.GameUtility.get_item_view(t[n].resource_id).name + "x" + t[n].resource_count);
+ "" == e ? (this.label_time.y = 14,
+ this.label_lap.y = 14,
+ this.label_next_word.visible = !1,
+ this.label_next.visible = !1) : (this.label_time.y = 2,
+ this.label_lap.y = 2,
+ this.label_next_word.visible = !0,
+ this.label_next.visible = !0,
+ this.label_next.text = e,
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center([this.label_next_word, this.label_next], 470)),
+ this.label_lap.text = (i.finished_count + 1).toString(),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center([this.label_time, this.label_lap], 470)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_btn_shaizi = function() {
+ this.label_count.text = this.shaizi_count.toString(),
+ this.btn_shaizi.mouseEnabled = this.shaizi_count > 0,
+ this.img_shaizi_start.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.on_click_shaizi = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.img_shaizi_start.visible = !1,
+ this.shaizi_count--,
+ this.label_count.text = this.shaizi_count.toString();
+ var n = null;
+ this.during_anim = !0,
+ this.btn_shaizi.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ t.UI_Freeze.Inst.Show(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "richmanActivityNextMove", {
+ activity_id: i.activity_id
+ }, function(a, r) {
+ if (a || r.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("richmanActivityNextMove", a, r),
+ e.shaizi_count++,
+ e.refresh_btn_shaizi(),
+ e.during_anim = !1,
+ t.UI_Freeze.Inst.Close();
+ else {
+ n = r;
+ var s = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.img_shaizi, "scene/touzi_touzi.lh", new Laya.Point(80,80), 1);
+ e.img_shaizi.skin = "",
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, e, function() {
+ e.img_shaizi.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_shaizi/shaizi" + n.dice + ".png")
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1800, e, function() {
+ s.destory(),
+ e.jump(0, n.paths)
+ }),
+ i.finished_count = r.finished_count
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.jump = function(e, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (e >= n.length)
+ return this.during_anim = !1,
+ this.refresh_btn_shaizi(),
+ void t.UI_Freeze.Inst.Close();
+ if (i.location == n[e].location)
+ if (n[e].rewards && n[e].rewards.length > 0) {
+ var r = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.chess, "scene/touzi_bang0.lh", new Laya.Point(54,54), 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ for (var t = [], r = 0; r < n[e].rewards.length; r++)
+ t.push({
+ id: n[e].rewards[r].resource_id,
+ count: n[e].rewards[r].count
+ });
+ game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: t
+ }, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
+ t[r].id == i.shaizi_item_id && (a.shaizi_count += t[r].count);
+ a.jump(e + 1, n),
+ a.refresh()
+ }))
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ r.destory()
+ })
+ } else if (e + 1 < n.length) {
+ var s = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.chess, "scene/touzi_bang1.lh", new Laya.Point(54,54), 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ a.jump(e + 1, n)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ s.destory()
+ })
+ } else
+ this.jump(e + 1, n);
+ else {
+ var o = (i.location + 1) % this.cells.length;
+ this.chess.visible = !1,
+ this.qizi.effect.root.active = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.chess, {
+ x: this.cells[o].x,
+ y: this.cells[o].y
+ }, 300, Laya.Ease.strongInOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.location = o,
+ a.chess.visible = !0,
+ a.qizi.effect.root.active = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(100, a, function() {
+ a.jump(e, n)
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.qizi && (this.qizi.destory(),
+ this.qizi = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1060,
+ i.shaizi_item_id = 309018,
+ i.location = 0,
+ i.finished_count = 0,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Shaizi = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.id = 0,
+ this.item_id = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_info = e.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.plane_task_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("container_taskname"),
+ this.task_name = this.plane_task_name.getChildByName("taskname"),
+ this.item_icon = this.container_info.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.item_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_name"),
+ this.item_count = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_count"),
+ this.progress_bar = this.container_info.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val"),
+ this.progress_label = this.container_info.getChildByName("progress"),
+ this.btn_get = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.flag_getted = this.container_info.getChildByName("alreadyget"),
+ this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_item").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(i.item_id)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var n = e.id;
+ this.id = n;
+ var a = cfg.activity.task.get(e.id)
+ , r = cfg.events.base_task.get(a.base_task_id);
+ if (this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ this.flag_getted.visible = !1,
+ e.rewarded ? this.flag_getted.visible = !0 : (this.btn_get.visible = !0,
+ e.achieved ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_get, !1),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_get, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "completeActivityTask", {
+ task_id: n
+ }, function(e, a) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_get, !1),
+ e || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("completeActivityTask", e, a);
+ else {
+ if (i.id == n) {
+ i.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ i.flag_getted.visible = !0;
+ var r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2234) + (i.item_name.text + " ") + i.item_count.text;
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(r)
+ }
+ t.UI_Activity.onTaskRewarded(n)
+ }
+ })
+ }, null, !1)) : (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_get, !0),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = null)),
+ this.task_name.text = r["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.task_name.width = this.task_name.textField.textWidth,
+ this.task_name.x = 0,
+ this.task_name.width > this.plane_task_name.width) {
+ var s = this.plane_task_name.width - this.plane_task_name.width + 200
+ , o = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , l = s / .06;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - o;
+ (t -= Math.floor(t / (2e3 + l + 1e3)) * (2e3 + l + 1e3)) <= 2e3 ? i.task_name.x = 0 : t <= l + 2e3 && (i.task_name.x = -.06 * (t - 2e3))
+ })
+ }
+ this.item_id = a.reward_id,
+ this.item_count.text = "x" + a.reward_count;
+ var h = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(a.reward_id);
+ h && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, h.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = h["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var c = cfg.item_definition.item.get(a.reward_id);
+ c && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, c.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = c["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]),
+ this.item_count.x = this.item_name.textField.textWidth + this.item_name.x + 50;
+ var _ = e.counter;
+ _ || (_ = 0),
+ _ > r.target && (_ = r.target),
+ this.progress_bar.scaleX = _ / r.target,
+ this.progress_label.text = _.toString() + "/" + r.target.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.stop_roll = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(t) {
+ function i(e, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = "activity_taskUI"),
+ t.call(this, e, new ui.lobby.activitys[i]) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.prototype.setHead = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.head_url = t,
+ this.head_width = e,
+ this.head_height = i,
+ this.head_width != this.content.width && (this.head_height *= this.content.width / this.head_width,
+ this.head_width = this.content.width),
+ this.head.width = this.head_width,
+ this.head_height = this.head_height
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.head = this.content.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.task_templete = this.content.getChildByName("task_templete"),
+ this.task_templete.visible = !1,
+ this.task_cells = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ this.task_cells.push(new e(this.task_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone()));
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.refresh_scrollbar()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshView = function(t) {
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, this.head_url);
+ for (var e = this.head_height + 15, i = 0; i < this.task_cells.length; i++)
+ i < t.length ? (this.task_cells[i].show(t[i]),
+ this.task_cells[i].me.y = e,
+ e += this.task_cells[i].me.height) : this.task_cells[i].me.visible = !1;
+ this.total_h = e,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.total_h > this.content.height) {
+ var t = this.content.vScrollBar.value / this.content.vScrollBar.max;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.content.height / this.total_h,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.content.height / this.total_h),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.task_cells.length; t++)
+ this.task_cells[t].stop_roll()
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Task = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.id = 0,
+ this.item_id = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_info = e.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.plane_task_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("container_taskname"),
+ this.task_name = this.plane_task_name.getChildByName("taskname"),
+ this.item_icon = this.container_info.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.item_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_name"),
+ this.item_count = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_count"),
+ this.progress_bar = this.container_info.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val"),
+ this.progress_label = this.container_info.getChildByName("progress"),
+ this.btn_get = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.flag_getted = this.container_info.getChildByName("alreadyget"),
+ this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_item").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(i.item_id)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var n = e.id;
+ this.id = n;
+ var a = cfg.activity.period_task.get(e.id)
+ , r = cfg.events.base_task.get(a.base_task_id);
+ if (this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ this.flag_getted.visible = !1,
+ e.rewarded ? this.flag_getted.visible = !0 : (this.btn_get.visible = !0,
+ e.achieved ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_get, !1),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_get, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "completePeriodActivityTask", {
+ task_id: n
+ }, function(e, a) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_get, !1),
+ e || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("completePeriodActivityTask", e, a);
+ else {
+ if (i.id == n) {
+ i.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ i.flag_getted.visible = !0;
+ var r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2234) + (i.item_name.text + " ") + i.item_count.text;
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(r)
+ }
+ t.UI_Activity.onTaskRewarded(n)
+ }
+ })
+ }, null, !1)) : (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_get, !0),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = null)),
+ this.task_name.text = r["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.task_name.width = this.task_name.textField.textWidth,
+ this.task_name.x = 0,
+ this.task_name.width > this.plane_task_name.width) {
+ var s = this.plane_task_name.width - this.plane_task_name.width + 200
+ , o = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , l = s / .06;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - o;
+ (t -= Math.floor(t / (2e3 + l + 1e3)) * (2e3 + l + 1e3)) <= 2e3 ? i.task_name.x = 0 : t <= l + 2e3 && (i.task_name.x = -.06 * (t - 2e3))
+ })
+ }
+ var h = 0
+ , c = 0
+ , _ = a.reward.split("-");
+ h = parseInt(_[0]),
+ c = parseInt(_[1]),
+ this.item_id = h,
+ this.item_count.text = "x" + c;
+ var u = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(h);
+ u && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, u.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = u["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var d = cfg.item_definition.item.get(h);
+ d && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, d.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = d["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]),
+ this.item_count.x = this.item_name.textField.textWidth + this.item_name.x + 50;
+ var f = e.counter;
+ f || (f = 0),
+ f > r.target && (f = r.target),
+ this.progress_bar.scaleX = f / r.target,
+ this.progress_label.text = f.toString() + "/" + r.target.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.stop_roll = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(t) {
+ function i(e, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = "activity_taskUI"),
+ t.call(this, e, new ui.lobby.activitys[i]) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.prototype.setHead = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.head_url = t,
+ this.head_width = e,
+ this.head_height = i,
+ this.head_width != this.content.width && (this.head_height *= this.content.width / this.head_width,
+ this.head_width = this.content.width),
+ this.head.width = this.head_width,
+ this.head_height = this.head_height
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.head = this.content.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.task_templete = this.content.getChildByName("task_templete"),
+ this.task_templete.visible = !1,
+ this.task_cells = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ this.task_cells.push(new e(this.task_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone()));
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.refresh_scrollbar()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshView = function(t) {
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, this.head_url);
+ for (var e = this.head_height + 15, i = 0; i < this.task_cells.length; i++)
+ i < t.length ? (this.task_cells[i].show(t[i]),
+ this.task_cells[i].me.y = e,
+ e += this.task_cells[i].me.height) : this.task_cells[i].me.visible = !1;
+ this.total_h = e,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.total_h > this.content.height) {
+ var t = this.content.vScrollBar.value / this.content.vScrollBar.max;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.content.height / this.total_h,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.content.height / this.total_h),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.task_cells.length; t++)
+ this.task_cells[t].stop_roll()
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Task_Period = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.id = 0,
+ this.item_id = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_info = e.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.plane_task_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("container_taskname"),
+ this.task_name = this.plane_task_name.getChildByName("taskname"),
+ this.item_icon = this.container_info.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.item_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_name"),
+ this.item_count = this.container_info.getChildByName("item_count"),
+ this.progress_bar = this.container_info.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val"),
+ this.progress_label = this.container_info.getChildByName("progress"),
+ this.btn_get = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.flag_getted = this.container_info.getChildByName("alreadyget"),
+ this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_item").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(i.item_id)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var a = e.id;
+ this.id = a;
+ var r = i.FindTaskInfo(a)
+ , s = cfg.events.base_task.get(r.base_task_id);
+ if (this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ this.flag_getted.visible = !1,
+ e.rewarded ? this.flag_getted.visible = !0 : (this.btn_get.visible = !0,
+ e.achieved ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_get, !1),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_get, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "completeRandomActivityTask", {
+ task_id: a
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_get, !1),
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("completeRandomActivityTask", e, i);
+ else {
+ if (n.id == a) {
+ n.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ n.flag_getted.visible = !0;
+ var r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2234) + (n.item_name.text + " ") + n.item_count.text;
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(r)
+ }
+ t.UI_Activity.onTaskRewarded(a)
+ }
+ })
+ }, null, !1)) : (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_get, !0),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = null)),
+ this.task_name.text = s["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.task_name.width = this.task_name.textField.textWidth,
+ this.task_name.x = 0,
+ this.task_name.width > this.plane_task_name.width) {
+ var o = this.plane_task_name.width - this.plane_task_name.width + 200
+ , l = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , h = o / .06;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - l;
+ (t -= Math.floor(t / (2e3 + h + 1e3)) * (2e3 + h + 1e3)) <= 2e3 ? n.task_name.x = 0 : t <= h + 2e3 && (n.task_name.x = -.06 * (t - 2e3))
+ })
+ }
+ this.item_id = r.reward_id,
+ this.item_count.text = "x" + r.reward_count;
+ var c = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(r.reward_id);
+ c && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, c.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = c["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var _ = cfg.item_definition.item.get(r.reward_id);
+ _ && (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.item_icon, _.icon),
+ this.item_name.text = _["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]),
+ this.item_count.x = this.item_name.textField.textWidth + this.item_name.x + 50;
+ var u = e.counter;
+ u || (u = 0),
+ u > s.target && (u = s.target),
+ this.progress_bar.scaleX = u / s.target,
+ this.progress_label.text = u.toString() + "/" + s.target.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.stop_roll = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(t) {
+ function i(e, i) {
+ return void 0 === i && (i = "activity_taskUI"),
+ t.call(this, e, new ui.lobby.activitys[i]) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.FindTaskInfo = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ return this._task_infos || (this._task_infos = {},
+ cfg.activity.random_task_pool.forEach(function(t) {
+ e._task_infos[t.task_id] = t
+ })),
+ this._task_infos[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setHead = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.head_url = t,
+ this.head_width = e,
+ this.head_height = i,
+ this.head_width != this.content.width && (this.head_height *= this.content.width / this.head_width,
+ this.head_width = this.content.width),
+ this.head.width = this.head_width,
+ this.head_height = this.head_height
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.head = this.content.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.task_templete = this.content.getChildByName("task_templete"),
+ this.task_templete.visible = !1,
+ this.task_cells = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ this.task_cells.push(new e(this.task_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone()));
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.refresh_scrollbar()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshView = function(t) {
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, this.head_url);
+ for (var e = this.head_height + 15, i = 0; i < this.task_cells.length; i++)
+ i < t.length ? (this.task_cells[i].show(t[i]),
+ this.task_cells[i].me.y = e,
+ e += this.task_cells[i].me.height) : this.task_cells[i].me.visible = !1;
+ this.total_h = e,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.total_h > this.content.height) {
+ var t = this.content.vScrollBar.value / this.content.vScrollBar.max;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.content.height / this.total_h,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.content.height / this.total_h),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.task_cells.length; t++)
+ this.task_cells[t].stop_roll()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._task_infos = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Task_Random = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return e.call(this, t["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_wanxianggengxinUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ Object.defineProperty(i, "activity_id", {
+ get: function() {
+ return 1078
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.btn = this.me.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.btn_info = this.btn.getChildByName("info")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ var e = t.UI_Activity.getPeriodTaskList(i.activity_id);
+ if (e)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if (!e[n].rewarded && e[n].achieved)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0;
+ var n = t.UI_Activity.getPeriodTaskList(i.activity_id);
+ if (this.btn.visible = !1,
+ n && !(n.length <= 0)) {
+ var a = n[0];
+ if (1078001 == a.id) {
+ var r = cfg.activity.period_task.get(a.id);
+ cfg.events.base_task.get(r.base_task_id);
+ this.btn.visible = !0,
+ a.rewarded ? (this.btn.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ this.btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/wanxianggengxin/btn_gray.png"),
+ this.btn_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2385),
+ this.btn_info.color = "#565150") : a.achieved ? (this.btn.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/wanxianggengxin/btn.png"),
+ this.btn_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2379),
+ this.btn_info.color = "#565150",
+ this.btn.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.btn.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "completePeriodActivityTask", {
+ task_id: a.id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("completePeriodActivityTask", i, n),
+ e.btn.mouseEnabled = !0;
+ else {
+ e.btn.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ e.btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/wanxianggengxin/btn_gray.png"),
+ e.btn_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2385),
+ e.btn_info.color = "#565150",
+ t.UI_Activity.onTaskRewarded(a.id);
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 0
+ , l = r.reward.split("-");
+ s = parseInt(l[0]),
+ o = parseInt(l[1]),
+ game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: [{
+ id: s,
+ count: o
+ }]
+ }, null)
+ }
+ })
+ }, null, !1)) : (this.btn.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ this.btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/wanxianggengxin/btn_gray.png"),
+ this.btn_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2379),
+ this.btn_info.color = "#565150")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Wanxianggengxin = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_wuyi_exchangeUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.label_count_tool = this.head.getChildByName("count0"),
+ this.label_count_glasses = this.head.getChildByName("count1")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshCurrencyCount = function() {
+ this.label_count_tool.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309017).toString(),
+ this.label_count_glasses.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309016).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/banner_2020yuandan_shop.jpg"),
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getExchangeList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1032,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Exchange);
+ t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Reward = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.setHead("myres2/treasurehead/2020tachun.jpg", 974, 326)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ var e = t.UI_Activity.getTaskList(i.activity_id);
+ if (e)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if (!e[n].rewarded && e[n].achieved)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getTaskList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1065,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Task);
+ t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.setHead("myres2/treasurehead/yijidagong_reward.jpg", 974, 326)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ var e = t.UI_Activity.getPeriodTaskList(i.activity_id);
+ if (e)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if (!e[n].rewarded && e[n].achieved)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getPeriodTaskList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1075,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Task_Period);
+ t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task_Period = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.setHead("myres2/treasurehead/yijidagong_task.jpg", 974, 326)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ var e = t.UI_Activity.getRandomTaskList(i.activity_id);
+ if (e)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if (!e[n].rewarded && e[n].achieved)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getRandomTaskList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1074,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Task_Random);
+ t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task_Random = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2235), new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_xuanshangUI) || this;
+ return t.btn_cd = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchDailyTask", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchDailyTask", i, n) : (e.refresh_count = n.refresh_count,
+ e.datas = n.progresses,
+ e.max_daily_task_count = n.max_daily_task_count)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyDailyTaskUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.refresh_count = t.refresh_count,
+ e.datas = t.progresses,
+ e.max_daily_task_count = t.max_daily_task_count,
+ e.Inst && e.Inst.enable && e.Inst.refresh()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.dataUpdate = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.progresses.length; e++)
+ for (var i = t.progresses[e], n = 0; n < this.datas.length; n++)
+ if (!this.datas[n].achieved && this.datas[n].id == i.id) {
+ null != i.achieved && void 0 != i.achieved && (this.datas[n].achieved = i.achieved),
+ null != i.counter && void 0 != i.counter && (this.datas[n].counter = i.counter);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.timerefresh = this.root.getChildByName("nochange"),
+ this.scrollview = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.btn_cd = 0,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.getLocalTime = function() {
+ var t = (new Date).getTime();
+ return t = Math.ceil(t / 1e3),
+ t += 10800,
+ t %= 86400,
+ (t = 86400 - t) < 3600 ? (t = Math.ceil(t / 60),
+ game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2674, [t.toString()]) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2748)) : (t = Math.ceil(t / 3600),
+ game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2674, [t.toString()]) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2747))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.timerefresh.text = this.getLocalTime(),
+ this.scrollview.reset();
+ var t = i.max_daily_task_count;
+ t < i.datas.length && (t = i.datas.length),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = e.index
+ , r = e.container
+ , s = r.getChildByName("bg")
+ , o = r.getChildByName("info")
+ , l = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item")
+ , h = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item_name")
+ , c = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item_count")
+ , _ = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("requirement")
+ , u = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val")
+ , d = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("progress")
+ , f = r.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("btn_change");
+ if (a < i.datas.length) {
+ var p = i.datas[a]
+ , m = cfg.events.dailyevent.get(p.id);
+ if (p.achieved || !m)
+ o.visible = !1,
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/bg_rules_no.png");
+ else {
+ o.visible = !0,
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/bg_rules.png"),
+ f.visible = i.refresh_count > 0,
+ _.text = m["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ c.text = "×" + m.reward_num.toString(),
+ c.parent.getChildAt(6).visible = !1;
+ var g = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(m.reward_type);
+ g && (l.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(g.icon),
+ h.text = g["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var y = cfg.item_definition.item.get(m.reward_type);
+ y && (l.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(y.icon),
+ h.text = y["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]),
+ u.scaleX = p.counter / m.target,
+ d.text = p.counter.toString() + "/" + m.target.toString(),
+ f.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.btn_cd > Laya.timer.currTimer || (n.btn_cd = 1e3 + Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "refreshDailyTask", {
+ task_id: p.id
+ }, function(e, r) {
+ if (n.btn_cd = 0,
+ e || r.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("refreshDailyTask", e, r);
+ else {
+ i.refresh_count = r.refresh_count,
+ i.datas[a] = r.progress;
+ for (var s = [], o = 0; o < i.datas.length; o++)
+ i.datas[o].achieved || s.push(i.datas[o]);
+ i.datas = s,
+ n.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ } else
+ o.visible = !1,
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/bg_rules_no.png")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.refresh_count = 0,
+ i.datas = [],
+ i.max_daily_task_count = 0,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(0)
+ }
+ );
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ n.me.getChildByName("d" + (t + 1)).clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(n,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(t + 1)
+ }
+ )
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 6; a++)
+ i(a)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ s.Inst.black_mask.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.complete && i.complete.runWith(e)
+ })),
+ s.Inst.black_mask.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.me.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.state = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.table = this.me.getChildByName("table")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.target_rotation = e,
+ this.complete = i,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.state = 0,
+ t.UI_Overall.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (0 == n.state ? n.runAnim() : 2 == n.state && n.close())
+ }, null, !1)),
+ s.Inst.black_mask.show(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.table.rotation = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.runAnim = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.state = 1;
+ var e = 2520 + this.target_rotation
+ , i = 2 * e / 6
+ , n = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var a = (Laya.timer.currTimer - n) / 1e3
+ , r = 0;
+ a < 1 ? r = .5 * a * a * i : a < 6 ? r = e - (6 - a) / 5 * i * (6 - a) / 2 : (t.state = 2,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t),
+ r = e),
+ t.table.rotation = r
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ s.Inst.black_mask.close(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.locking = !1,
+ t.UI_Overall.Inst.close(),
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = e,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_count = this.root.getChildByName("count"),
+ this.label_info = this.root.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.item = new t.UI_Item_Skin(this.root.getChildByName("item").getChildByName("icon")),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this
+ , o = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(e);
+ this.item.setSkin(o.icon),
+ this.label_count.text = o.name + "x" + i,
+ this.label_info.text = n,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.complete = a,
+ s.Inst.black_mask.show(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var l = this.label_info.textField.textHeight;
+ this.root.height = 220 + l
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ s.Inst.black_mask.close(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.origin_pos = new Laya.Vector2(484,159),
+ this.dir_x = new Laya.Vector2(66.5,38.5),
+ this.dir_y = new Laya.Vector2(-66.5,38.5),
+ this.id_dice_normal = 309022,
+ this.id_dice_red = 309023,
+ this.qizi_effect_offset = new Laya.Point(-3,7),
+ this.run_id = 0,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.location = 0,
+ this._effects = [],
+ this._jump_yiji = null,
+ this.exp = 0,
+ this.bank_save = 0,
+ this.buff = null,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.label_turn_count = this.me.getChildByName("turn_count"),
+ this.label_turn_count.x = "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? 580 : "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? 550 : 535,
+ this.exp_bar = this.me.getChildByName("exp").getChildByName("val").mask,
+ this.img_title = this.me.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.btn_dice_normal = this.me.getChildByName("btn_normal"),
+ this.btn_dice_normal.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ var e = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.id_dice_normal);
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "richmanActivityNextMove", {
+ activity_id: s.activity_id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("richmanActivityNextMove", n, a),
+ i.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !0) : (i.label_dice_normal.text = (e - 1).toString(),
+ i.onMove(!1, a))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.img_dice_normal = this.btn_dice_normal.getChildByName("img"),
+ this.label_dice_normal = this.me.getChildByName("count_normal"),
+ this.btn_dice_red = this.me.getChildByName("btn_red"),
+ this.btn_dice_red.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ var e = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(i.id_dice_red);
+ s.Inst.page_dice_red.show(Laya.Handler.create(i, function(n) {
+ n ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "richmanAcitivitySpecialMove", {
+ activity_id: s.activity_id,
+ step: n
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("richmanAcitivitySpecialMove", n, a),
+ i.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !0) : (i.label_dice_red.text = (e - 1).toString(),
+ i.onMove(!0, a))
+ }) : (i.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !0)
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.img_dice_red = this.btn_dice_red.getChildByName("img"),
+ this.label_dice_red = this.me.getChildByName("count_red"),
+ this.container_cells = this.me.getChildByName("cells"),
+ this.build_map(),
+ this.label_bank_money = this.me.getChildByName("bank").getChildByName("val"),
+ this.sp_box = this.me.getChildByName("box"),
+ this.chess = this.me.getChildByName("chess"),
+ this.label_coin_buff_val = this.me.getChildByName("coin_buff_val"),
+ this.label_coin_buff_word = this.me.getChildByName("coin_buff"),
+ this.label_coin_buff_val.x = this.label_coin_buff_word.x + this.label_coin_buff_word.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ this.btn_buff = this.me.getChildByName("btn_buff"),
+ this.img_buff = this.btn_buff.getChildByName("img"),
+ this.btn_buff.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.btn_buff_info.visible = !i.btn_buff_info.visible
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_buff_info = this.me.getChildByName("btn_buff_info"),
+ this.buff_info = this.btn_buff_info.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_buff_info.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.btn_buff_info.visible = !i.btn_buff_info.visible
+ }
+ ),
+ this.level_data = cfg.activity.richman_level.getGroup(s.activity_id),
+ this.contianer_buff_fly = this.chess.getChildByName("buff"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_info").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3059))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.get_cell_position = function(t, e) {
+ var i = new Laya.Vector2;
+ return i.x = this.origin_pos.x + this.dir_x.x * t + this.dir_y.x * e,
+ i.y = this.origin_pos.y + this.dir_x.y * t + this.dir_y.y * e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.set_position = function(t, e, i) {
+ t.x = this.origin_pos.x + this.dir_x.x * e + this.dir_y.x * i,
+ t.y = this.origin_pos.y + this.dir_x.y * e + this.dir_y.y * i
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.build_map = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = this.container_cells.getChildByName("templete");
+ e.visible = !1,
+ this.map_data = cfg.activity.richman_map.getGroup(107301);
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < this.map_data.length; n++) {
+ var a = e.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ i.push(a)
+ }
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.map_data.length; e++) {
+ var n = i[e]
+ , a = t.map_data[e];
+ if (t.set_position(n, a.pos_x, a.pos_y),
+ n.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/cell_" + a.bonus_type + ".png"),
+ 6 == a.bonus_type) {
+ var r = t.me.getChildByName("bank");
+ r.x = n.x,
+ r.y = n.y
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.calcu_exp = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 1; e < this.level_data.length; e++)
+ if (t < this.level_data[e].exp)
+ return {
+ level: e - 1,
+ rate: (t - this.level_data[e - 1].exp) / (this.level_data[e].exp - this.level_data[e - 1].exp)
+ };
+ return {
+ level: this.level_data.length - 1,
+ rate: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onShow = function() {
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.run_id++;
+ var e = s.richman_data;
+ if (e) {
+ this.location = e.location,
+ this.set_position(this.chess, this.map_data[this.location].pos_x, this.map_data[this.location].pos_y),
+ this.set_position(this.sp_box, this.map_data[e.chest_position].pos_x, this.map_data[e.chest_position].pos_y),
+ this.sp_box.visible = !0,
+ this.chess.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_buff_info.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_buff.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.img_dice_normal.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.img_dice_red.visible = !0,
+ this.exp = e.exp;
+ var i = this.calcu_exp(this.exp);
+ if (this.exp_bar.scaleX = i.rate,
+ this.img_title.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/title" + i.level + ".png"),
+ this.label_coin_buff_val.text = "+" + this.level_data[i.level].buff + "%",
+ this.bank_save = e.bank_save,
+ this.label_bank_money.text = e.bank_save.toString(),
+ this.contianer_buff_fly.visible = !1,
+ this.label_turn_count.text = e.finished_count.toString(),
+ this.label_dice_normal.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(this.id_dice_normal).toString(),
+ this.label_dice_red.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(this.id_dice_red).toString(),
+ e.buff && e.buff.length > 0) {
+ var n = e.buff[0];
+ 1 == n.type ? 200 == n.effect ? (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3061),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff3.png")) : (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3062),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff0.png")) : 200 == n.effect ? (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3063),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff1.png")) : (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3064),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff2.png")),
+ this.buff = n,
+ this.btn_buff.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.btn_buff.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_buff_info.visible = !1,
+ this.buff = null
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onClose = function() {
+ this.run_id++,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._effects.length; t++)
+ this._effects[t].destory();
+ this._effects = [],
+ this._jump_yiji && (this._jump_yiji.destory(),
+ this._jump_yiji = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onMove = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = this.run_id;
+ if (this.locking = !0,
+ t) {
+ this.img_dice_red.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/rdice" + e.dice + ".png"),
+ this.img_dice_red.visible = !1;
+ var a = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.btn_dice_red, "scene/touzi_touzi_red.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ this._add_effect(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(900, this, function() {
+ i.img_dice_red.visible = !0
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1300, this, function() {
+ i._remove_effect(a),
+ a.destory()
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.img_dice_normal.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/dice" + e.dice + ".png"),
+ this.img_dice_normal.visible = !1;
+ var r = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.btn_dice_normal, "scene/touzi_touzi.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1.2);
+ this._add_effect(r),
+ Laya.timer.once(900, this, function() {
+ i.img_dice_normal.visible = !0
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1300, this, function() {
+ i._remove_effect(r),
+ r.destory()
+ })
+ }
+ var o = s.richman_data
+ , l = o.bank_save;
+ o.bank_save = e.bank_save,
+ o.chest_position = e.chest_position,
+ o.exp = e.exp,
+ o.finished_count = e.finished_count,
+ o.buff = e.buff,
+ o.location = e.location,
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, this, function() {
+ i.run_id == n && (i._move(n, e, 0),
+ i.bank_save = l + e.bank_save_add,
+ i._bank_change(l, l + e.bank_save_add))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._bank_change = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.label_bank_money.text = t.toString();
+ var n;
+ e > t && (n = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.label_bank_money, "scene/touzi_bank.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1),
+ this._add_effect(n),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ i._remove_effect(n),
+ n.destoryed || n.destory()
+ }));
+ for (var a = function(n) {
+ Laya.timer.once(50 * n, r, function() {
+ var a = n / 5
+ , r = Math.floor(t * (1 - a)) + Math.floor(e * a);
+ 5 == n && (r = e),
+ i.label_bank_money.text = r.toString()
+ })
+ }, r = this, s = 1; s <= 5; s++)
+ a(s)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._move = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id)
+ if (i >= e.paths.length)
+ this._on_move_over(e);
+ else {
+ var a = (this.location + 1) % this.map_data.length;
+ this.location = a;
+ var r = this.get_cell_position(this.map_data[a].pos_x, this.map_data[a].pos_y);
+ this.chess.visible = !1,
+ this._jump_yiji || (this._jump_yiji = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.chess, "scene/touzi_qizi.lh", this.qizi_effect_offset, 1)),
+ this._jump_yiji.effect.root.active = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(60, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(n.chess, {
+ x: r.x,
+ y: r.y
+ }, 230, Laya.Ease.linearNone, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(200, n, function() {
+ t == n.run_id && (n.chess.visible = !0,
+ n._jump_yiji.effect.root.active = !1,
+ 0 == n.location && (n.label_turn_count.text = s.richman_data.finished_count.toString()),
+ a == e.paths[i].location ? 0 == i ? n._pending_exp_change(t, e, i) : n._pending_chest_rewards(t, e, i) : n._move(t, e, i))
+ })
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pending_exp_change = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id) {
+ var a = this.exp
+ , r = e.exp;
+ if (this.exp = r,
+ a == r)
+ this._pending_chest_rewards(t, e, i);
+ else if (a >= r) {
+ var s = this.calcu_exp(this.exp);
+ this.exp_bar.scaleX = s.rate,
+ this.img_title.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/title" + s.level + ".png"),
+ this.label_coin_buff_val.text = "+" + this.level_data[s.level].buff + "%",
+ this._pending_chest_rewards(t, e, i)
+ } else {
+ var o = this.calcu_exp(a)
+ , l = this.calcu_exp(r);
+ if (o.level < l.level) {
+ var h = (1 - o.rate) / .002
+ , c = l.rate / .002;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.exp_bar, {
+ scaleX: 1
+ }, h, Laya.Ease.linearNone, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (t == n.run_id) {
+ var a = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(n.chess, "scene/touzi_qizi_lvup.lh", n.qizi_effect_offset, 1);
+ n.exp_bar.scaleX = 0,
+ n.img_title.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/title" + l.level + ".png"),
+ n.label_coin_buff_val.text = "+" + n.level_data[l.level].buff + "%",
+ Laya.Tween.to(n.exp_bar, {
+ scaleX: l.rate
+ }, c, null),
+ n._add_effect(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, n, function() {
+ t == n.run_id && (n._pending_chest_rewards(t, e, i),
+ n._remove_effect(a),
+ a.destory())
+ })
+ }
+ }))
+ } else
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.exp_bar, {
+ scaleX: l.rate
+ }, (l.rate - o.rate) / .002, Laya.Ease.linearNone, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.exp_bar.scaleX = l.rate,
+ n._pending_chest_rewards(t, e, i)
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pending_chest_rewards = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id) {
+ var a = e.paths[i]
+ , r = a.rewards;
+ a.events;
+ if (r)
+ for (var o = function(a) {
+ if (r[a].is_chest) {
+ var o = r[a].resource_id
+ , h = r[a].count
+ , c = 0;
+ if (o >= 302005 && o <= 302012)
+ c = 1;
+ else if (304008 == o)
+ c = 6;
+ else if (304009 == o)
+ c = 3;
+ else {
+ var _ = r[a].origin_count;
+ c = 5e3 == _ ? 4 : 1e4 == _ ? 2 : 2e4 == _ ? 7 : 5
+ }
+ var u = (360 / 7 - 10) * (.5 - Math.random()) + 360 * (c - 1) / 7 + 360 / 7 / 2;
+ return s.Inst.chest_table.show(u, Laya.Handler.create(l, function() {
+ if (n.run_id == t) {
+ var a = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3089);
+ if (100002 == o) {
+ var r = n.calcu_exp(n.exp);
+ r.level > 0 && (a += "\n" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3093 + r.level)),
+ n.buff && 1 == n.buff.type && (a += "\n" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3092))
+ }
+ s.Inst.reward_page.show(o, h, a, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n._pending_chest_get_fly(t, e, i)
+ }))
+ }
+ })),
+ {
+ value: void 0
+ }
+ }
+ }, l = this, h = 0; h < r.length; h++) {
+ var c = o(h);
+ if ("object" == typeof c)
+ return c.value
+ }
+ this._pending_events(t, e, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pending_chest_get_fly = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id) {
+ var a = e.paths[i]
+ , r = (a.rewards,
+ a.events)
+ , s = e.chest_position;
+ r && r.length > 0 && 107305 == r[0] && (s = (this.location - Math.ceil(6 * Math.random()) + this.map_data.length) % this.map_data.length),
+ this.sp_box.visible = !1;
+ var o = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.sp_box, "scene/touzi_chest_disappear.lh", new Laya.Point(0,-16.5), 1);
+ this._add_effect(o),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ if (t == n.run_id) {
+ n._remove_effect(o),
+ o.destory(),
+ n.set_position(n.sp_box, n.map_data[s].pos_x, n.map_data[s].pos_y);
+ var a = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(n.sp_box, "scene/touzi_chest_appear.lh", new Laya.Point(0,-16.5), 1);
+ n._add_effect(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, n, function() {
+ t == n.run_id && (n._remove_effect(a),
+ a.destory(),
+ n.sp_box.visible = !0,
+ n._pending_events(t, e, i))
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pending_events = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id) {
+ var a = e.paths[i]
+ , r = (a.rewards,
+ a.events);
+ if (r && r.length > 0) {
+ var o = r[0]
+ , l = 0;
+ switch (o) {
+ case 107301:
+ l = 4;
+ break;
+ case 107302:
+ l = 1;
+ break;
+ case 107303:
+ l = 0;
+ break;
+ case 107304:
+ l = 3;
+ break;
+ case 107305:
+ l = 5;
+ break;
+ case 107306:
+ l = 2
+ }
+ s.Inst.kawei_table.show(50 * (.5 - Math.random()) + 60 * l, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (107305 != o) {
+ var a = ""
+ , r = ""
+ , s = "";
+ if (107301 == o ? (a = "scene/touzi_qizi_buff.lh",
+ s = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3061),
+ r = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff3.png")) : 107302 == o ? (a = "scene/touzi_qizi_debuff.lh",
+ s = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3062),
+ r = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff0.png")) : 107303 == o ? (a = "scene/touzi_qizi_buff.lh",
+ s = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3063),
+ r = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff1.png")) : 107304 == o && (a = "scene/touzi_qizi_debuff.lh",
+ s = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3064),
+ r = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff2.png")),
+ a) {
+ var l = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(n.chess, a, n.qizi_effect_offset, 1);
+ n._add_effect(l),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, n, function() {
+ n._remove_effect(l),
+ l.destory()
+ }),
+ n.contianer_buff_fly.getChildByName("img").skin = r,
+ n.img_buff.skin = r,
+ n.buff_info.text = s,
+ n.contianer_buff_fly.visible = !0,
+ n.contianer_buff_fly.alpha = 1,
+ n.contianer_buff_fly.y = -47,
+ Laya.Tween.to(n.contianer_buff_fly, {
+ y: -100,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 1500, null, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.contianer_buff_fly.visible = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, n, function() {
+ n.btn_buff.visible = !0,
+ n.btn_buff_info.visible = !1
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, n, function() {
+ n._pending_cell_rewards(t, e, i)
+ })
+ } else
+ n._pending_cell_rewards(t, e, i)
+ } else
+ n._pending_chest_kawei_fly(t, e, i)
+ }))
+ } else
+ this._pending_cell_rewards(t, e, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pending_chest_kawei_fly = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id) {
+ var a = e.paths[i]
+ , r = (a.rewards,
+ a.events,
+ e.chest_position);
+ this.sp_box.visible = !1;
+ var s = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.sp_box, "scene/touzi_chest_disappear.lh", new Laya.Point(0,-16.5), 1);
+ this._add_effect(s),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ if (t == n.run_id) {
+ n._remove_effect(s),
+ s.destory(),
+ n.set_position(n.sp_box, n.map_data[r].pos_x, n.map_data[r].pos_y);
+ var a = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(n.sp_box, "scene/touzi_chest_appear.lh", new Laya.Point(0,-16.5), 1);
+ n._add_effect(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, n, function() {
+ t == n.run_id && (n._remove_effect(a),
+ a.destory(),
+ n.sp_box.visible = !0,
+ n._pending_cell_rewards(t, e, i))
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._pending_cell_rewards = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.run_id) {
+ var a = e.paths[i]
+ , r = a.rewards;
+ a.events;
+ if (r)
+ for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
+ if (!r[o].is_chest) {
+ var l = r[o].resource_id
+ , h = r[o].count
+ , c = this.map_data[this.location].bonus_type
+ , _ = "";
+ if (1 == c) {
+ var u = r[o].origin_count;
+ _ = 5e3 == u ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3084) : 2e3 == u ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3083) : 1e3 == u ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3082) : game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3081);
+ (d = this.calcu_exp(this.exp)).level > 0 && (_ += "\n" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3093 + d.level)),
+ this.buff && 1 == this.buff.type && (_ += "\n" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3092))
+ } else if (2 == c)
+ _ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3085);
+ else if (3 == c)
+ _ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3087);
+ else if (4 == c)
+ _ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3086);
+ else if (6 == c) {
+ _ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3088);
+ var d = this.calcu_exp(this.exp);
+ d.level > 0 && (_ += "\n" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3093 + d.level)),
+ this.buff && 1 == this.buff.type && (_ += "\n" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3092))
+ }
+ return void s.Inst.reward_page.show(l, h, _, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t == n.run_id && n._move(t, e, i + 1)
+ }))
+ }
+ this._move(t, e, i + 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._on_move_over = function(e) {
+ if (e.buff && e.buff.length > 0) {
+ var i = e.buff[0];
+ 1 == i.type ? 200 == i.effect ? (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3061),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff3.png")) : (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3062),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff0.png")) : 200 == i.effect ? (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3063),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff1.png")) : (this.buff_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3064),
+ this.img_buff.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_yijidagong/buff2.png")),
+ this.btn_buff.visible = !0,
+ this.buff = i
+ } else
+ this.btn_buff.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_buff_info.visible = !1,
+ this.buff = null;
+ this.bank_save != e.bank_save && (this._bank_change(this.bank_save, e.bank_save),
+ this.bank_save = e.bank_save),
+ this.btn_dice_normal.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.btn_dice_red.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.label_dice_normal.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(this.id_dice_normal).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._add_effect = function(t) {
+ this._effects.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._remove_effect = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < this._effects.length; i++)
+ this._effects[i] !== t && e.push(this._effects[i]);
+ this._effects = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , s = function(s) {
+ function o() {
+ var t = s.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(o.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_yijidagongUI) || this;
+ return o.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(o, s),
+ o.init = function(t) {
+ if (t.richman_data)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.richman_data.length; e++)
+ if (t.richman_data[e].activity_id == this.activity_id) {
+ this.richman_data = t.richman_data[e];
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = new r(this.me.getChildByName("root")),
+ this.page_dice_red = new e(this.me.getChildByName("rdice")),
+ this.black_mask = new i(this.me.getChildByName("bmask")),
+ this.kawei_table = new n(this.me.getChildByName("kaweitable")),
+ this.chest_table = new n(this.me.getChildByName("chesttable")),
+ this.reward_page = new a(this.me.getChildByName("reward"))
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.page_dice_red.me.visible = !1,
+ this.black_mask.me.visible = !1,
+ this.kawei_table.me.visible = !1,
+ this.chest_table.me.visible = !1,
+ this.reward_page.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.onShow(),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.root.onClose(),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.activity_id = 1073,
+ o
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Yijidagong = s
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2839), new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_yuekaUI) || this;
+ return t.yueka_id = 1010,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? t.yueka_id = 1010 : "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? t.yueka_id = 2010 : "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (t.yueka_id = 3010),
+ i.yueka_ui[t.yueka_id] = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchMonthTicketInfo", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchMonthTicketInfo", i, n);
+ else if (n.month_ticket_info)
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.month_ticket_info.length; a++) {
+ var r = n.month_ticket_info[a];
+ e.yueka_data[r.id] = r
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.GetYuekaData = function(t) {
+ return this.yueka_data[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.GetYuekaLeftDays = function(t) {
+ var e = this.yueka_data[t];
+ return e ? e.end_time < Date.now() / 1e3 ? -2 : Math.floor((e.end_time - Date.now() / 1e3) / 24 / 3600) : -1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.OnBuyedYueka = function(t) {
+ this.GetYuekaLeftDays(t) < 0 && (this.yueka_data[t] = {
+ id: t,
+ last_pay_time: Date.now() / 1e3,
+ end_time: 24 * Math.floor((Date.now() / 1e3 + 10800) / 24 / 3600) * 3600
+ }),
+ this.yueka_data[t].end_time += 2592e3,
+ this.yueka_ui[t] && this.yueka_ui[t].enable && this.yueka_ui[t].refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.YuekaCanGet = function(t) {
+ var e = this.GetYuekaData(t);
+ return !!e && (!(this.GetYuekaLeftDays(t) < 0) && !game.Tools.isPassedRefreshTime(e.last_pay_time))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return !game.Tools.CannotPay()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ return "1" != Laya.LocalStorage.getItem(game.Tools.eeesss("yueka_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)) || i.YuekaCanGet(this.yueka_id)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_buy = this.me.getChildByName("container_buy"),
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("btn_buy").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.on_want_2_buy(e.yueka_id)
+ }
+ ),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.container_buy.getChildByName("img_price"), "myres/yueka/price_dmm.png"),
+ this.container_get = this.me.getChildByName("container_get"),
+ this.btn_get = this.container_get.getChildByName("btn_get"),
+ this.btn_get.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.btn_get.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "payMonthTicket", {
+ ticket_id: e.yueka_id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ e.btn_get.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("payMonthTicket", n, a) : (game.Tools.showRewards({
+ rewards: [{
+ id: a.resource_id,
+ count: a.resource_count
+ }]
+ }, null),
+ i.yueka_data[e.yueka_id].last_pay_time = Date.now() / 1e3,
+ e.enable && e.refresh())
+ })
+ }
+ ),
+ this.img_getted = this.container_get.getChildByName("getted"),
+ this.label_days = this.container_get.getChildByName("left_day")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.refresh(),
+ this.btn_get.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(game.Tools.eeesss("yueka_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id), "1")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var e = i.GetYuekaData(this.yueka_id);
+ e && Date.now() / 1e3 < e.end_time ? (this.container_get.visible = !0,
+ this.container_buy.x = 194,
+ this.container_buy.visible = !0,
+ game.Tools.isPassedRefreshTime(e.last_pay_time) ? (this.btn_get.visible = !1,
+ this.img_getted.visible = !0) : (this.btn_get.visible = !0,
+ this.img_getted.visible = !1),
+ this.label_days.text = Math.floor((e.end_time - Date.now() / 1e3) / 24 / 3600).toString()) : (this.container_buy.x = 345,
+ this.container_get.visible = !1),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.label_days.x = 111 : "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.label_days.x = 155 : "jp" == GameMgr.client_language && (this.label_days.x = 108),
+ t.UI_Activity.Inst.refresh_redpoint(),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refreshRedpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ var t = "res/atlas/";
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (t += GameMgr.client_language + "/"),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t + "myres/yueka.atlas")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.yueka_data = {},
+ i.yueka_ui = {},
+ i
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Yueka = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(1002).name, new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_exchangeUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[1002]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.label_count_bell = this.head.getChildByName("count0"),
+ this.label_count_socks = this.head.getChildByName("count1")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshCurrencyCount = function() {
+ this.label_count_bell.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309001).toString(),
+ this.label_count_socks.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309002).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/christmas_reward.jpg"),
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getExchangeList(1002))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Exchange);
+ t.UI_Christmas_Exchange = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id).name) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.setHead("myres2/treasurehead/christmas_task.jpg", 974, 326)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ var e = t.UI_Activity.getTaskList(i.activity_id);
+ if (e)
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if (!e[n].rewarded && e[n].achieved)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getTaskList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1001,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Task);
+ t.UI_Christmas_Task = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_tongbi_exchangeUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.label_count0 = this.head.getChildByName("count0")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshCurrencyCount = function() {
+ this.label_count0.text = game.Tools.money2Desc(t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309005))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/activity_cj2020_exchange.jpg"),
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getExchangeList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1035,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Exchange);
+ t.UI_Exchange_CJ2020 = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(i.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_exchange_zhongxiaUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[i.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.label_count0 = this.head.getChildByName("count0"),
+ this.label_count1 = this.head.getChildByName("count1"),
+ this.label_count2 = this.head.getChildByName("count2")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshCurrencyCount = function() {
+ this.label_count0.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309021).toString(),
+ this.label_count1.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309020).toString(),
+ this.label_count2.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309019).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/activity_20chunji_kaixue.jpg"),
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getExchangeList(i.activity_id))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1063,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Exchange);
+ t.UI_Exchange_ZhongXia = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(1005).name, new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_exchangeUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[1005]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ e.prototype.onCreate.call(this),
+ this.label_count_0 = this.head.getChildByName("count0"),
+ this.label_count_1 = this.head.getChildByName("count1"),
+ this.label_count_2 = this.head.getChildByName("count2")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshCurrencyCount = function() {
+ this.label_count_0.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309003).toString(),
+ this.label_count_1.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309004).toString(),
+ this.label_count_2.text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(309005).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.head, "myres2/treasurehead/newyear_reward.jpg"),
+ this.refreshView(t.UI_Activity.getExchangeList(1005))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_Activity_Exchange);
+ t.UI_NewYear_Exchange = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, n, a) {
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item"), cfg.item_definition.item.get(e).icon);
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("item_name").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2811, [cfg.item_definition.item.get(e)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]]),
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("count").text = t.UI_Bag.get_item_daily_record(10002, e).toString(),
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("count").color = "#cc66ff",
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("count_max").text = "/" + n.toString(),
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("label_count").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2812) + ": ",
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("info").text = a,
+ this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("btn_icon").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(e)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var r = {};
+ cfg.activity.game_task.forEach(function(t) {
+ if (t.activity_id == i.activity_id && t.reward_id == e) {
+ var n = r[t.reward_count];
+ n || (n = [],
+ r[t.reward_count] = n);
+ var a = t.base_task_id
+ , s = cfg.events.base_task.get(a).param[3];
+ n.push(cfg.fan.fan.get(s)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ }
+ });
+ var s = 0
+ , o = 146;
+ for (var l in r) {
+ var h = this.me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("cell" + s)
+ , c = h.getChildByName("reward");
+ c.text = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language] + " x" + l,
+ c.color = "#cc66ff";
+ for (var _ = h.getChildByName("info"), u = "", d = r[l], f = 0; f < d.length; f++)
+ 0 != f && (u += ","),
+ u += d[f];
+ _.text = u;
+ var p = _.textField.textHeight;
+ _.height = p,
+ _.y = 20,
+ c.y = _.y + p / 2;
+ var m = h.getChildByName("shu");
+ m.y = 5,
+ m.height = p + 30,
+ h.height = p + 40,
+ h.x = 16,
+ h.y = o,
+ o += h.height + 5,
+ s++
+ }
+ return o += 10,
+ this.me.getChildByName("bg").height = o,
+ this.me.height = o,
+ o
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, cfg.activity.activity.get(n.activity_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], new ui.lobby.activitys.activity_task_zhongxiaUI) || this;
+ return t.cells = [],
+ t.toth = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.isopen = function() {
+ return t.UI_Activity.activities[n.activity_id]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ var t = cfg.activity.activity.get(n.activity_id);
+ return !(!t || !t.need_popout)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.scrollbar.islong = !0,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.scrollbar.setVal(t.content.vScrollBar.value / t.content.vScrollBar.max, t.content.height / t.toth)
+ }),
+ this.cells = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ this.cells.push(new e(this.content.getChildByName("content" + i)))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.root.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("head"), "myres2/treasurehead/activity_20chunji_kaixue_exchange.jpg");
+ for (var t = [309019, 309020, 309021], e = 332, i = function(i) {
+ var a = t[i]
+ , r = 0;
+ cfg.item_definition.source_limit.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.item_id == a && 10002 == t.id && (r = t.item_limit)
+ }),
+ n.cells[i].me.y = e,
+ n.cells[i].me.x = 1,
+ e += n.cells[i].show(t[i], r, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2813, [cfg.item_definition.item.get(a)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]])),
+ e += 10
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
+ i(a);
+ this.toth = e,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(0, this.content.height / this.toth)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.activity_id = 1062,
+ n
+ }(t.UI_ActivityBase);
+ t.UI_Task_ZhongXia = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.entrance.choose_routeUI) || this;
+ return t.btns = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("servers").getChildByName("container"),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.close()
+ }, null, !1);
+ for (var i = function(i) {
+ var a = n.root.getChildByName("btn" + i);
+ a.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(n,function() {
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.changeIndex(i),
+ t.UI_Entrance.Inst.updateServer(),
+ e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ n.btns.push(a)
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 3; a++)
+ i(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null);
+ for (o = 0; o < this.btns.length; o++) {
+ var i = this.btns[o];
+ o < game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.net_count ? (i.visible = !0,
+ i.getChildByName("info").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3150) + (o + 1).toString()) : i.visible = !1
+ }
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenAllConnect(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ for (var n = Laya.timer.currTimer, a = Laya.timer.currTimer, r = game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.GetLinkInfos(), s = [], o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
+ s.push(-1);
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer - a > 100 && (r = game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.GetLinkInfos(),
+ a = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
+ var i = e.btns[t]
+ , o = i.getChildByName("time")
+ , l = i.getChildByName("img")
+ , h = r[t];
+ h.connect == game.EConnectState.connecting ? (l.visible = !1,
+ o.visible = !0,
+ h.delay < 1 ? o.text = "--" : o.text = Math.floor(h.delay / 2) + "ms",
+ o.fontSize = 30,
+ h.delay < 300 ? o.color = "#32dd5b" : h.delay < 800 ? o.color = "#ffe154" : o.color = "#e03737",
+ s[t] = h.delay) : h.connect == game.EConnectState.tryconnect ? (l.visible = !0,
+ o.visible = !1,
+ h.fetch == game.EFetchState.success ? l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/connecting.png") : l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/fetching.png"),
+ l.rotation = .5 * (Laya.timer.currTimer - n)) : -1 != s[t] ? (l.visible = !1,
+ o.visible = !0,
+ o.text = Math.floor(s[t] / 2) + "ms",
+ o.fontSize = 30,
+ s[t] < 300 ? o.color = "#32dd5b" : s[t] < 800 ? o.color = "#ffe154" : o.color = "#e03737") : (l.visible = !1,
+ o.visible = !0,
+ o.fontSize = 25,
+ o.color = "#7e818b",
+ h.in_maintenance ? o.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3149) : h.fetch == game.EFetchState.error ? o.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3147) : o.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3148))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Choose_Route = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.entrance.error_infoUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("error").getChildByName("container"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.info.text = e,
+ this.root.getChildByName("einfo").text = i ? app.Log.getCacheLog() : "",
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("no"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("yes"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.showError = function() {
+ this.accept.visible = !1,
+ this.wrong.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.entrance.mail_registUI) || this;
+ return t.during_send_cd = !1,
+ t.last_send_time = 0,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("page_mail_regist"),
+ this.connect_loading = this.me.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this.connect_loading.visible = !1,
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.account = new e(this.content.getChildByName("container_account"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(i.account.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.password0 = new e(this.content.getChildByName("container_mima"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ var t = i.password0.text;
+ return t.length >= 6 && t.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.password1 = new e(this.content.getChildByName("container_mima2"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.password0.text == i.password1.text && (i.password1.text.length >= 6 && i.password1.text.length <= 20)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.code_input = new e(this.content.getChildByName("container_code"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return 6 == i.code_input.text.length
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_close = this.content.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_regist = this.content.getChildByName("btn_regist"),
+ this.btn_regist.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.onRegist()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.content.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking)
+ if ("" != i.account.text) {
+ if (i.account.isOK) {
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send();
+ var e = i.account.text
+ , n = "";
+ game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(e) && (n = "email");
+ var a = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ a.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, i, function(e) {
+ var a = JSON.parse(e);
+ a.error && a.error.code ? (t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showError("", a.error.code),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : "email" == n && t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2810))
+ }),
+ a.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, i, function(e) {
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2790), !1),
+ i.last_send_time = 0
+ }),
+ "email" == n && a.send(GameMgr.config_data.system_email_url + "/api/user/sign_up_code", "type=email&email=" + e, "post")
+ }
+ } else
+ i.account.showError()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.visible = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.container_social = this.content.getChildByName("social"),
+ this.social_btns = [];
+ for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
+ this.social_btns.push(this.container_social.getChildByName("btn" + s)),
+ this.social_btns[s].visible = !1;
+ var n = [];
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && (n = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/weibo.png",
+ type: 2
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/QQ.png",
+ type: 3
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/weixin.png",
+ type: 1
+ }]),
+ "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type && (n = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/facebook.png",
+ type: 13
+ }]),
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_type && (n = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/google.png",
+ type: 8
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/tiwtter.png",
+ type: 10
+ }]),
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_type && (n = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/google.png",
+ type: 8
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/facebook.png",
+ type: 9
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/tiwtter.png",
+ type: 10
+ }]);
+ for (var a = function(e) {
+ var i = r.social_btns[e];
+ e < n.length ? (i.visible = !0,
+ i.getChildAt(0).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(n[e].img),
+ i.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ t.UI_Entrance.trySocio(n[e].type)
+ }
+ ),
+ 1 == n.length ? i.x = 252.5 : i.x = 465 * e / (n.length - 1) - 40) : i.visible = !1
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < n.length; s++)
+ a(s);
+ 2 == n.length && (this.social_btns[0].x = 115,
+ this.social_btns[1].x = 270),
+ this.content.getChildByName("checkbox").visible = "chs" == GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.content.getChildByName("checkbox_chst").visible = "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type ? (this.container_checkbox = this.content.getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.container_checkbox.visible = !0,
+ this.checkbox = this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("btn_lock").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.onchangecheck(!0)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("btn_check").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.onchangecheck(!i.checkbox.visible)
+ }, null, !1)) : "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type && (this.container_checkbox = this.content.getChildByName("checkbox_chst"),
+ this.container_checkbox.visible = !0,
+ this.checkbox = this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("btn_lock0").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/chst_fuwuxieyi.txt")
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("btn_lock1").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/chst_yinsitiaokuan.txt")
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_checkbox.getChildByName("btn_check").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.onchangecheck(!i.checkbox.visible)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.account.reset(),
+ this.password0.reset(),
+ this.password1.reset(),
+ this.last_send_time = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.content, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.content, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.connect_loading.visible = !1,
+ this.onchangecheck(!0),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ e.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onRegist = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.account.text
+ , n = this.code_input.text
+ , a = this.password0.text
+ , r = this.password1.text;
+ if ("" == i && this.account.showError(),
+ "" == n && this.code_input.showError(),
+ "" == a && this.password0.showError(),
+ "" == r && this.password1.showError(),
+ this.account.isOK && this.code_input.isOK && this.password0.isOK && this.password1.isOK) {
+ var s = 0;
+ game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(i) && (s = 1),
+ game.Tools.pending_phonenumber_valid(i) && (s = 2),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.isOK ? t.UI_Entrance.Inst._try_regist_account(i, n, a, s) : (this.connect_loading.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(Laya.Handler.create(e, function(r) {
+ r.open ? t.UI_Entrance.Inst._try_regist_account(i, n, a, s) : r.maintenance ? t.UI_Entrance_Maintenance.Inst.show(r.maintenance) : t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showInfo(r.info),
+ e.connect_loading.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onchangecheck = function(t) {
+ this.checkbox.visible = t,
+ this.btn_regist.visible = t,
+ this.container_social.visible = t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Mail_Regist = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.entrance.maintenanceUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("maintenance").getChildByName("container"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.info.text = e,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Maintenance = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.entrance.account_prohibitionUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("Prohibition").getChildByName("container"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = 0;
+ if (e.u32_params && e.u32_params.length >= 1 && (i = e.u32_params[0]),
+ 1 == i) {
+ var n = {};
+ return n.type = 2,
+ n.ban_end_time = e.u32_params[1] + e.u32_params[2],
+ void t.UI_Guajichenfa.Inst.show(n)
+ }
+ if (3 == i)
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3121);
+ else {
+ var a = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2064) + "\n";
+ if (e.u32_params && e.u32_params.length >= 2)
+ if (0 == e.u32_params[2])
+ a += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2065) + "\n";
+ else {
+ var r = e.u32_params[1] + e.u32_params[2];
+ a += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2066) + game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(r) + " " + game.Tools.time2HourMinute(r) + "\n"
+ }
+ e.str_params && e.str_params.length > 0 && (a += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2067) + e.str_params[0]),
+ this.info.text = a
+ }
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Prohibition = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("no"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("yes"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (i.isOK ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.entrance.reset_passwordUI) || this;
+ return t.sended = !1,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("page_reset_password").getChildByName("root"),
+ this.container_input_mail = this.root.getChildByName("container_input_mail"),
+ this.btn_send = this.container_input_mail.getChildByName("btn_send");
+ var n = !1
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , s = function() {
+ n || Laya.timer.currTimer < r || game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_send, !1)
+ };
+ this.btn_send.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking && "" != i.input_email.text && i.input_email.isOK) {
+ if (game.Tools.pending_phonenumber_valid(i.input_email.text))
+ return i.close(),
+ void t.UI_Entrance_Reset_PWD_Phone2.Inst.show(i.input_email.text);
+ if (!n) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_send, !0),
+ n = !0,
+ a++,
+ r = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1300 * a,
+ Laya.timer.once(1300 * a, i, function() {
+ s()
+ });
+ var e = i.input_email.text
+ , o = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ o.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, i, function(a) {
+ var r = JSON.parse(a);
+ n = !1,
+ s(),
+ r.error && r.error.code ? t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showError("", r.error.code) : (i.sended = !0,
+ i.label_email.text = game.Tools.encode_email(e),
+ i.refresh_show())
+ }),
+ o.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, i, function(e) {
+ n = !1,
+ s(),
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2790), !1)
+ }),
+ o.send(GameMgr.config_data.system_email_url + "/api/user/forget_password", "email=" + i.input_email.text, "post")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.input_email = new e(this.container_input_mail.getChildByName("container_account"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(i.input_email.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || (i.sended ? (i.sended = !1,
+ i.refresh_show()) : i.close())
+ }
+ ),
+ this.container_success = this.root.getChildByName("container_success"),
+ this.container_success.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_email = this.container_success.getChildByName("mail")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.sended = !1,
+ this.refresh_show(),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_show = function() {
+ this.sended ? (this.container_input_mail.visible = !1,
+ this.container_success.visible = !0) : (this.container_input_mail.visible = !0,
+ this.container_success.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Reset_Password = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("no"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("yes"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.showError = function() {
+ this.accept.visible = !1,
+ this.wrong.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.entrance.reset_password_phone2UI) || this;
+ return t.during_send_cd = !1,
+ t.last_send_time = 0,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_phonenumber = this.root.getChildByName("phonenumber"),
+ this.pwd0 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("container_mima"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ var t = i.pwd0.text;
+ return t.length >= 6 && t.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.pwd1 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("container_mima2"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.pwd1.text == i.pwd0.text && (i.pwd1.text.length >= 6 && i.pwd1.text.length <= 20)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.input_code = new e(this.root.getChildByName("container_code"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return 6 == i.input_code.text.length
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send();
+ var e = i.phonenumber
+ , n = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ n.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, i, function(e) {
+ var n = JSON.parse(e);
+ n.error && n.error.code ? (t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showError("", n.error.code),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2833))
+ }),
+ n.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, i, function(e) {
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2790), !1),
+ i.last_send_time = 0
+ }),
+ n.send(GameMgr.config_data.system_email_url + "/api/user/forget_password", "type=phone&phone=" + e, "post")
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.onComfirm()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || (i.close(),
+ t.UI_Entrance_Reset_Password.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.phonenumber = e,
+ this.label_phonenumber.text = e,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ i.refresh_send()
+ }),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onComfirm = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.input_code.text
+ , n = this.pwd0.text
+ , a = this.pwd1.text;
+ if ("" == i && this.input_code.showError(),
+ "" == n && this.pwd0.showError(),
+ "" == a && this.pwd1.showError(),
+ this.input_code.isOK && this.pwd0.isOK && this.pwd1.isOK) {
+ var r = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ r.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(i) {
+ var n = JSON.parse(i);
+ n.error && n.error.code ? (t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showError("", n.error.code),
+ e.last_send_time = 0) : (t.UI_Entrance.Inst.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2834)),
+ e.close())
+ }),
+ r.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(i) {
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2790), !1),
+ e.last_send_time = 0
+ }),
+ r.send(GameMgr.config_data.system_email_url + "/api/user/reset_password/phone", "phone=" + this.phonenumber + "&code=" + this.input_code.text + "&pass=" + GameMgr.encodeP(this.pwd0.text), "post")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance_Reset_PWD_Phone2 = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.choose_method_chsUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.label_price = this.root.getChildByName("price");
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("lst")
+ , n = i.getChildByName("wx")
+ , a = i.getChildByName("alipay")
+ , r = i.getChildByName("alipay_code");
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(null),
+ game.Tools.CannotPay() ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo("暂未开通") : GameMgr.inChina && (GameMgr.inConch ? (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createWechatAppOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createWechatAppOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.call_wechat_app_param;
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onWechatAppOrder", n.appid, n.partnerid, n.prepayid, n.package, n.noncestr, n.timestamp, n.sign)
+ }
+ })) : GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createWechatAppOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createWechatAppOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.call_wechat_app_param
+ , a = n.partnerid + "," + n.prepayid + "," + n.package + "," + n.noncestr + "," + n.timestamp + "," + n.sign;
+ Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("wxpay", a, function() {})
+ }
+ })) : t.UI_Payment_Wxcode.Inst.show(e.goods_id, !0)))
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!e.locking)
+ if (e.close(null),
+ game.Tools.CannotPay())
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo("暂未开通");
+ else if (GameMgr.inChina) {
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0;
+ var i = -1;
+ if (GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 3 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? i = 0 : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (i = 1) : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? i = 1 : 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (i = 0),
+ 1 == i)
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createAlipayScanOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createAlipayScanOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.qr_code;
+ if (GameMgr.inConch) {
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onAlipay_Brower", n)
+ } else
+ GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("alipay_brower", n, function() {}) : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = n
+ }
+ });
+ else if (0 == i) {
+ var n = "";
+ n = GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? "APP" : Laya.Browser.onPC ? "PC_WEB" : "MOBILE_WEB",
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createAlipayOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ alipay_trade_type: n,
+ return_url: GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createAlipayOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.alipay_url;
+ if (GameMgr.inConch) {
+ a = n.split("?");
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onAlipay", a[a.length - 1])
+ } else if (GameMgr.iniOSWebview) {
+ var a = n.split("?");
+ Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("alipay", a[a.length - 1], function() {})
+ } else
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = n
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(null),
+ GameMgr.inChina && t.UI_Payment_Wxcode.Inst.show(e.goods_id, !1))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.getShowedChoose = function() {
+ var e = this.root.getChildByName("lst")
+ , i = e.getChildByName("wx")
+ , n = e.getChildByName("alipay")
+ , a = e.getChildByName("alipay_code");
+ if (game.Tools.CannotPay())
+ return a.visible = !1,
+ n.visible = !0,
+ i.visible = !1,
+ [n];
+ var r = [];
+ if (t.UI_Recharge.open_wx ? GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview || !Laya.Browser.onPC ? i.visible = !1 : (i.visible = !0,
+ r.push(i)) : i.visible = !1,
+ t.UI_Recharge.open_alipay) {
+ var s = -1;
+ GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 3 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? s = 0 : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (s = 1) : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? s = 1 : 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (s = 0),
+ 1 == s ? GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview || !Laya.Browser.onPC ? (n.visible = !0,
+ r.push(n)) : n.visible = !1 : 0 == s ? (n.visible = !0,
+ r.push(n)) : n.visible = !1,
+ 1 == s ? (a.visible = !0,
+ r.push(a)) : a.visible = !1
+ } else
+ n.visible = !1,
+ a.visible = !1;
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.goods_id = e;
+ var a = cfg.mall.goods.get(e);
+ this.label_title.text = a.name,
+ this.label_price.text = a.price,
+ i || (i = ""),
+ this.root.getChildByName("extendinfo").text = i,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var r = this.root.getChildByName("lst")
+ , s = this.getShowedChoose();
+ if (r.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ s.length <= 2)
+ for (o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
+ s[o].y = 50 + 144 * o;
+ else
+ for (var o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
+ s[o].y = 144 * o;
+ r.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ r.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.choose_method_chs_tUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.label_price = this.root.getChildByName("price");
+ this.root.getChildByName("lst").getChildByName("mycard").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(null),
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.show(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createMyCardWebOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createMyCardWebOrder", i, n);
+ else {
+ game.Tools.open_new_window("https://www.mycard520.com.tw/MyCardPay/?AuthCode=" + n.auth_code),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, e, function() {
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ e.extendinfo && "" != e.extendinfo && t.UI_MyCard_Pay_Info.Inst.show(n.order_id, e.extendinfo)
+ })
+ }
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.goods_id = e,
+ this.extendinfo = i,
+ 1010 == e || 2010 == e || 3010 == e) {
+ a = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(e);
+ this.label_title.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ } else {
+ var a = cfg.mall.goods.get(e);
+ this.label_title.text = a.name
+ }
+ cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup("shelves_004").forEach(function(t) {
+ t.goods_id == e && (n.label_price.text = t.price)
+ });
+ var r = this.root.getChildByName("extendinfo");
+ i ? (r.visible = !0,
+ r.text = i) : r.visible = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var s = this.root.getChildByName("lst");
+ s.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ s.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ s.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS_T = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.choose_method_enUI) || this;
+ return t.pay_types = [],
+ t.current_goods_id = 0,
+ t._en_card_ = null,
+ t._adyen_date = {},
+ t._adyen_btn_confirm = null,
+ t._adyen_btn_cancel = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_item_name = this.root.getChildByName("item_name"),
+ this.label_price = this.root.getChildByName("price"),
+ this.label_vip = this.root.getChildByName("vip"),
+ this.label_extendinfo = this.root.getChildByName("extendinfo"),
+ this.scroll_view = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scroll_view.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.pay_types = [],
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? this.pay_types = ["CreditCard", "Paypal", "Docomo", "Au", "Softbank", "WebMoney"] : "en" == GameMgr.client_type && (this.pay_types = ["Paypal", "MasterCard", "Visa", "JCB", "Alipay"])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.current_goods_id = e,
+ 1010 == e || 2010 == e || 3010 == e) {
+ a = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(e);
+ this.label_item_name.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.label_vip.text = a.vip_exp.toString()
+ } else {
+ var a = cfg.mall.goods.get(e);
+ this.label_item_name.text = a.name,
+ this.label_vip.text = a.vip_exp.toString()
+ }
+ var r = "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? "shelves_002" : "shelves_003";
+ cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(r).forEach(function(t) {
+ t.goods_id == e && (n.label_price.text = t.price)
+ }),
+ i || (i = ""),
+ this.label_extendinfo.text = i,
+ this.scroll_view.reset(),
+ this.scroll_view.addItem(this.pay_types.length),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.Purchase_Click),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.G_Purchase_click),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.onClickAtPay(e.pay_types[i])
+ }, null, !1);
+ var a = this.pay_types[i];
+ if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ switch (a) {
+ case "CreditCard":
+ a = "クレジットカード";
+ break;
+ case "Paypal":
+ a = "Paypal(ペイパル)";
+ break;
+ case "Au":
+ a = "auかんたん決済";
+ break;
+ case "Docomo":
+ a = "ドコモ払い";
+ break;
+ case "Softbank":
+ a = "ソフトバンクまとめて支払い";
+ break;
+ case "WebMoney":
+ a = "WebMoney"
+ }
+ n.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("name").text = a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onClickAtPay = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ "CreditCard" == e ? (this.close(),
+ t.UI_Payment_Creditcard.Inst.show(this.current_goods_id)) : "Paypal" != e && "Au" != e && "Docomo" != e && "Softbank" != e && "WebMoney" != e || (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createJP" + e + "Order", {
+ goods_id: this.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error) {
+ if (n)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createJP" + e + "Order", n, a);
+ else if (1991 == a.error.code)
+ t.UI_Agepending.Inst.show();
+ else if (1992 == a.error.code) {
+ var r = JSON.parse(a.error.json_param);
+ t.UI_Agexiane.Inst.show(r.recharged, r.age)
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createJP" + e + "Order", n, a);
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ } else {
+ var s = {};
+ s.type = e,
+ s.lang = "ja",
+ s.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ s.orderId = a.order_id,
+ "Paypal" == e || "WebMoney" == e ? s.itemName = cfg.mall.goods.get(i.current_goods_id).name : "Au" == e && (s.itemName = game.Tools.ToDBC(cfg.mall.goods.get(i.current_goods_id).name)),
+ s.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(s),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ }));
+ else if ("Paypal" == e)
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createENPaypalOrder", {
+ goods_id: this.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createENPaypalOrder", i, n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var a = {};
+ a.type = e,
+ a.lang = "en",
+ a.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ a.orderId = n.order_id,
+ a.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(a),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ });
+ else if ("Alipay" == e)
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createENAlipayOrder", {
+ goods_id: this.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createENAlipayOrder", e, i),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var n = {};
+ n.type = "Adyen.Alipay",
+ n.lang = "en",
+ n.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ n.orderId = i.order_id,
+ n.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ });
+ else if ("MasterCard" == e || "Visa" == e || "JCB" == e) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ null == this._en_card_) {
+ var n = GameMgr.Inst.link_url;
+ "/" == n[n.length - 1] && (n = n.substr(0, n.length - 1));
+ var a = GameMgr.config_data.checkoutShopperUrl;
+ Yo.generateOriginKey({
+ originDomain: n
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ if (t)
+ console.error(t);
+ else {
+ var r = {
+ locale: "en_US",
+ originKey: e.originKeys[n],
+ loadingContext: a + "/checkoutshopper/"
+ }
+ , s = new AdyenCheckout(r)
+ , o = i;
+ o._en_card_ = s.create("card", {
+ onChange: function(t, e) {
+ if (t.isValid) {
+ var i = t.data
+ , n = i.encryptedCardNumber
+ , a = i.encryptedExpiryMonth
+ , r = i.encryptedExpiryYear
+ , s = i.encryptedSecurityCode;
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedCardNumber = n,
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryMonth = a,
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryYear = r,
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedSecurityCode = s,
+ o._adyen_date.isValid = !0,
+ o._adyen_btn_confirm.hidden = !1
+ } else
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedCardNumber = "",
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryMonth = "",
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryYear = "",
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedSecurityCode = "",
+ o._adyen_date.isValid = !1,
+ o._adyen_btn_confirm.hidden = !0
+ }
+ }).mount("#card"),
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !1
+ }
+ })
+ } else
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !1;
+ if (null == this._adyen_btn_confirm) {
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm = document.getElementById("card_confirm"),
+ this._adyen_btn_cancel = document.getElementById("card_cancel");
+ var r = this;
+ this._adyen_btn_cancel.innerText = "Cancel",
+ this._adyen_btn_cancel.onclick = function() {
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !0,
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm.innerText = "Ok",
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm.onclick = function() {
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !0,
+ r._adyen_date.isValid ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createEN" + e + "Order", {
+ goods_id: i.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createEN" + e + "Order", i, n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var a = {};
+ a.type = "Adyen.CreditCard",
+ a.lang = "en",
+ a.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ a.orderId = n.order_id,
+ a.encryptedCardNumber = r._adyen_date.encryptedCardNumber,
+ a.encryptedExpiryMonth = r._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryMonth,
+ a.encryptedExpiryYear = r._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryYear,
+ a.encryptedSecurityCode = r._adyen_date.encryptedSecurityCode,
+ a.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(a),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ }) : t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm.hidden = !0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_EN = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.showed = !1,
+ this.when_close = null,
+ this.when_choose = null,
+ this.datas = [],
+ this.start_rate = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.when_close = e,
+ this.when_choose = i,
+ this.datas = n,
+ this.start_rate = a,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.refresh_item)),
+ this.bg = this.me.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ t.getChildByName("btn_open").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ r.locking || (r.isopen ? r.close() : r.show())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.bg.visible = !1,
+ this.content.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.isopen = !0,
+ this.bg.visible = !0,
+ this.bg.height = 10,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 385
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ this.content.visible = !0,
+ this.content.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.showed || (this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.datas.length),
+ this.showed = !0,
+ this.scrollview.rate = this.start_rate)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refresh_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ e.when_choose && e.when_choose.runWith(e.datas[i]))
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("txt").text = this.datas[i]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 10
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.bg.visible = !1,
+ t.content.visible = !1,
+ t.isopen = !1,
+ t.when_close && t.when_close.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a.dropdown_mouth.locking || a.dropdown_year.locking || (a.dropdown_mouth.isopen && a.dropdown_mouth.close(),
+ a.dropdown_year.isopen && a.dropdown_year.close())
+ }
+ );
+ this.dropdown_mouth = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_month"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a._OnStateChange(),
+ i.runWith("")
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(t)
+ }
+ ),["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"],0);
+ for (var r = new Date(Date.now()), s = [], o = 0; o < 120; o++)
+ s.push((r.getFullYear() + o - 30).toString());
+ this.dropdown_year = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_year"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a._OnStateChange(),
+ n.runWith("")
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(t)
+ }
+ ),s,.262)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.dropdown_mouth.reset(),
+ this.dropdown_year.reset(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t ? this.dropdown_mouth.show() : this.dropdown_year.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._OnStateChange = function() {
+ this.dropdown_year.isopen || this.dropdown_mouth.isopen || (this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function(e) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.creditcardUI) || this;
+ return t.color_wrong = "#FF3030",
+ t.color_hint = "#5A82C8",
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.current_goodsID = 0,
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, e),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root_adyen = this.me.getChildByName("root_adyen");
+ var e = this.root_adyen.getChildByName("card");
+ this.input_cardno = e.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.cardno_wrong = e.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.cardno_ac = e.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("ac"),
+ this.notice_cardno = e.getChildByName("notice"),
+ this.card_imgs = e.getChildByName("card_img"),
+ this.input_cardno.on("blur", this, function() {
+ t.pending_cardno()
+ }),
+ this.input_cardno.on("input", this, function() {
+ t.cardno_wrong.visible && (t.cardno_wrong.visible = !1),
+ t.code_ac.visible && (t.code_ac.visible = !1)
+ });
+ var a = this.root_adyen.getChildByName("date");
+ this.btn_month = a.getChildByName("month"),
+ this.btn_month.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.date_dropdown.show(!0)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.txt_month = this.btn_month.getChildByName("txt"),
+ this.notice_month = a.getChildByName("notice_month"),
+ this.btn_year = a.getChildByName("year"),
+ this.btn_year.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.date_dropdown.show(!1)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.txt_year = this.btn_year.getChildByName("txt"),
+ this.notice_year = a.getChildByName("notice_year");
+ var r = this.root_adyen.getChildByName("code");
+ this.input_code = r.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.code_wrong = r.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.code_ac = r.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("ac"),
+ this.notice_code = r.getChildByName("notice"),
+ this.input_code.on("blur", this, function() {
+ t.pending_code()
+ }),
+ this.input_code.on("input", this, function() {
+ t.code_wrong.visible && (t.code_wrong.visible = !1),
+ t.code_ac.visible && (t.code_ac.visible = !1)
+ }),
+ r.getChildByName("btn_what").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.contianer_cardnumber_hint.show()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root_adyen.getChildByName("paybutton").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.onClickConfirm()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root_adyen.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.contianer_cardnumber_hint = new n(this.me.getChildByName("container_cardnumber")),
+ this.date_dropdown = new i(this.me.getChildByName("container_dropdown"),new Laya.Handler(this,function(e) {
+ "" != e && (t.txt_month.text = e),
+ t.pending_month()
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(e) {
+ "" != e && (t.txt_year.text = e),
+ t.pending_year()
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.current_goodsID = e,
+ this.date_dropdown.me.visible = !1,
+ this.contianer_cardnumber_hint.me.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root_adyen, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.txt_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2729),
+ this.txt_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2730),
+ this.input_cardno.text = "",
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ this.notice_cardno.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2726),
+ this.notice_cardno.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.notice_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2731),
+ this.notice_month.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.notice_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2732),
+ this.notice_year.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.notice_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2736),
+ this.notice_code.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.cardno_wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.card_imgs.visible = !1,
+ this.cardno_ac.visible = !1,
+ this.code_wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.code_ac.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pending_Luhn = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = "0".charCodeAt(0), n = 0; n < t.length; n += 2)
+ e += t.charCodeAt(t.length - n - 1) - i;
+ for (n = 1; n < t.length; n += 2) {
+ var a = 2 * (t.charCodeAt(t.length - n - 1) - i);
+ e += a <= 9 ? a : a - 9
+ }
+ return e % 10 == 0
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.isValidCreditCard = function(t) {
+ var e = this.pending_Luhn(t)
+ , i = parseInt(t.substr(0, 2))
+ , n = (parseInt(t.substr(0, 3)),
+ parseInt(t.substr(0, 4)))
+ , a = (parseInt(t.substr(0, 5)),
+ parseInt(t.substr(0, 6)));
+ if (15 == t.length && (34 == i || 37 == i) && e)
+ return "amex";
+ if (16 == t.length && n >= 3528 && n <= 3589 && e)
+ return "jcb";
+ if (16 == t.length) {
+ if (a >= 51e4 && a <= 559999 && e)
+ return "mastercard";
+ if (n >= 2221 && n <= 2720 && e)
+ return "mastercard"
+ }
+ if (14 == t.length) {
+ if (a >= 3e5 && a <= 303574 && e)
+ return "diner";
+ if (3095 == n)
+ return "diner";
+ if (36 == i)
+ return "diner";
+ if (i >= 38 && i <= 39)
+ return "diner"
+ }
+ return "4" != t.charAt(0) || 13 != t.length && 16 != t.length || !e ? "" : "visa"
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pending_cardno = function() {
+ if (this.input_cardno.text.length >= 13 && this.input_cardno.text.length <= 19) {
+ var t = this.isValidCreditCard(this.input_cardno.text);
+ if ("" != t) {
+ this.cardno_wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.notice_cardno.text = "",
+ this.cardno_ac.visible = !0,
+ this.card_imgs.visible = !0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.card_imgs.numChildren; e++) {
+ var i = this.card_imgs.getChildAt(e);
+ i.visible = i.name == t
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ return this.cardno_wrong.visible = !0,
+ this.cardno_ac.visible = !1,
+ this.notice_cardno.text = "",
+ this.notice_cardno.color = this.color_wrong,
+ this.card_imgs.visible = !1,
+ !1
+ }
+ return this.cardno_wrong.visible = !0,
+ this.cardno_ac.visible = !1,
+ this.notice_cardno.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2727),
+ this.notice_cardno.color = this.color_wrong,
+ this.card_imgs.visible = !1,
+ !1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pending_month = function() {
+ return this.txt_month.text != game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2729) ? (this.notice_month.text = "",
+ !0) : (this.notice_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2733),
+ this.notice_month.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pending_year = function() {
+ return this.txt_year.text != game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2730) ? (this.notice_year.text = "",
+ !0) : (this.notice_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2734),
+ this.notice_year.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pending_code = function() {
+ return this.input_code.text.length >= 3 && this.input_code.text.length <= 4 ? (this.notice_code.text = "",
+ this.code_wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.code_ac.visible = !0,
+ !0) : (this.code_wrong.visible = !0,
+ this.code_ac.visible = !1,
+ this.notice_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2737),
+ this.notice_code.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onClickConfirm = function() {
+ var e = !0;
+ if (this.pending_cardno() || (e = !1),
+ this.pending_month() || (e = !1),
+ this.pending_year() || (e = !1),
+ this.pending_code() || (e = !1),
+ e) {
+ this.close(),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0;
+ var i = this.input_cardno.text
+ , n = this.current_goodsID;
+ window.Multipayment.init(GameMgr.config_data.jp_shop_id),
+ Multipayment.getToken({
+ cardno: this.input_cardno.text,
+ expire: this.txt_year.text + this.txt_month.text,
+ securitycode: this.input_code.text
+ }, function(e) {
+ if ("000" != e.resultCode)
+ !function(e) {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(e)),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }(2742);
+ else {
+ var a = e.tokenObject;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createJPCreditCardOrder", {
+ goods_id: n,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ if (e || n.error)
+ if (e)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createJPCreditCardOrder", e, n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else if (1991 == n.error.code)
+ t.UI_Agepending.Inst.show(),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else if (1992 == n.error.code) {
+ var r = JSON.parse(n.error.json_param);
+ t.UI_Agexiane.Inst.show(r.recharged, r.age),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createJPCreditCardOrder", e, n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var s = {};
+ s.type = "CreditCard",
+ s.lang = "ja",
+ s.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ s.token = a.token,
+ s.orderId = n.order_id,
+ s.cardNo = i,
+ s.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(s),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root_adyen, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_Creditcard = a
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.loadingUI) || this;
+ return e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.wxcodeUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.icon = null,
+ t.label_title = null,
+ t.label_price = null,
+ t.label_method = null,
+ t.loading = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.id = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.onPayResult = function(t) {
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.enable && this.Inst.order_id == t.order_id && this.Inst.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.icon = this.root.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.icon.skin = "",
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close2").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_price = this.root.getChildByName("price").getChildByName("v"),
+ this.label_title = this.root.getChildByName("title").getChildByName("v"),
+ this.label_method = this.root.getChildByName("method"),
+ this.loading = this.root.getChildByName("loading")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.loading.visible = !0,
+ this.id++;
+ var a, r = this.id;
+ a = 1010 == e ? cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(e) : cfg.mall.goods.get(e),
+ this.label_title.text = a.name,
+ this.label_price.text = a.price;
+ var s = "";
+ i ? (this.label_method.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2163),
+ this.label_method.color = "#44b44c",
+ s = "createWechatNativeOrder") : (this.label_method.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2164),
+ this.label_method.color = "#00a9ec",
+ s = "createAlipayScanOrder"),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", s, {
+ goods_id: e,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (n.me.visible && r == n.id)
+ if (e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError(s, e, i),
+ n.close();
+ else {
+ app.Log.log(s + " " + JSON.stringify(i)),
+ n.order_id = i.order_id;
+ var a = i.qrcode_buffer;
+ GameMgr.inConch,
+ Laya.loader.load(a, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ r == n.id && n.me.visible ? (n.icon.skin = a,
+ n.loading.visible = !1) : n.release_code(a)
+ }))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.release_code = function(t) {
+ var e = Laya.loader.getRes(t);
+ e && e.destroy()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.Log.log("wxcode close"),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.order_id = "",
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1,
+ "" != e.icon.skin && (e.release_code(e.icon.skin),
+ e.icon.skin = "")
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_Wxcode = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.buy_yueka_chsUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_title = this.root.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.label_price = this.root.getChildByName("price");
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("lst")
+ , n = i.getChildByName("wx")
+ , a = i.getChildByName("alipay")
+ , r = i.getChildByName("alipay_code");
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(null),
+ game.Tools.CannotPay() ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo("暂未开通") : GameMgr.inChina && (GameMgr.inConch ? (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createWechatAppOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createWechatAppOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.call_wechat_app_param;
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onWechatAppOrder", n.appid, n.partnerid, n.prepayid, n.package, n.noncestr, n.timestamp, n.sign)
+ }
+ })) : GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createWechatAppOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createWechatAppOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.call_wechat_app_param
+ , a = n.partnerid + "," + n.prepayid + "," + n.package + "," + n.noncestr + "," + n.timestamp + "," + n.sign;
+ Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("wxpay", a, function() {})
+ }
+ })) : t.UI_Payment_Wxcode.Inst.show(e.goods_id, !0)))
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!e.locking)
+ if (e.close(null),
+ game.Tools.CannotPay())
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo("暂未开通");
+ else if (GameMgr.inChina) {
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0;
+ var i = -1;
+ if (GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 3 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? i = 0 : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (i = 1) : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? i = 1 : 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (i = 0),
+ 1 == i)
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createAlipayScanOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createAlipayScanOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.qr_code;
+ if (GameMgr.inConch) {
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onAlipay_Brower", n)
+ } else
+ GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("alipay_brower", n, function() {}) : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = n
+ }
+ });
+ else if (0 == i) {
+ var n = "";
+ n = GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? "APP" : Laya.Browser.onPC ? "PC_WEB" : "MOBILE_WEB",
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createAlipayOrder", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ alipay_trade_type: n,
+ return_url: GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createAlipayOrder", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = i.alipay_url;
+ if (GameMgr.inConch) {
+ a = n.split("?");
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onAlipay", a[a.length - 1])
+ } else if (GameMgr.iniOSWebview) {
+ var a = n.split("?");
+ Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("alipay", a[a.length - 1], function() {})
+ } else
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = n
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(null),
+ GameMgr.inChina && t.UI_Payment_Wxcode.Inst.show(e.goods_id, !1))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.getShowedChoose = function() {
+ var e = this.root.getChildByName("lst")
+ , i = e.getChildByName("wx")
+ , n = e.getChildByName("alipay")
+ , a = e.getChildByName("alipay_code");
+ if (game.Tools.CannotPay())
+ return a.visible = !1,
+ n.visible = !0,
+ i.visible = !0,
+ [i, n];
+ var r = [];
+ if (t.UI_Recharge.open_wx ? GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview || !Laya.Browser.onPC ? i.visible = !1 : (i.visible = !0,
+ r.push(i)) : i.visible = !1,
+ t.UI_Recharge.open_alipay) {
+ var s = -1;
+ GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 3 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? s = 0 : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (s = 1) : 1 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type || 2 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type ? s = 1 : 0 == t.UI_Recharge.alipay_type && (s = 0),
+ 1 == s ? GameMgr.inConch || GameMgr.iniOSWebview || !Laya.Browser.onPC ? (n.visible = !0,
+ r.push(n)) : n.visible = !1 : 0 == s ? (n.visible = !0,
+ r.push(n)) : n.visible = !1,
+ 1 == s ? (a.visible = !0,
+ r.push(a)) : a.visible = !1
+ } else
+ n.visible = !1,
+ a.visible = !1;
+ return r
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.goods_id = 1010;
+ var n = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(this.goods_id);
+ this.label_title.text = n.name,
+ this.label_desc.text = t.UI_Activity_Yueka.GetYuekaLeftDays(this.goods_id) >= 0 ? n.desc_detail2 : n.desc_detail,
+ this.label_price.text = n.price,
+ e || (e = ""),
+ this.root.getChildByName("extendinfo").text = e,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var a = this.root.getChildByName("lst")
+ , r = this.getShowedChoose();
+ if (a.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ r.length <= 2)
+ for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ r[s].y = 50 + 144 * s;
+ else
+ for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ r[s].y = 144 * s;
+ a.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ a.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_Yueka_CHS = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.payment.buy_yueka_enUI) || this;
+ return t.pay_types = [],
+ t.current_goods_id = 0,
+ t._en_card_ = null,
+ t._adyen_date = {},
+ t._adyen_btn_confirm = null,
+ t._adyen_btn_cancel = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_item_name = this.root.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.label_price = this.root.getChildByName("price"),
+ this.label_vip_word = this.root.getChildByName("label_vip_exp"),
+ this.label_vip = this.root.getChildByName("vip_exp"),
+ this.label_extendinfo = this.root.getChildByName("extendinfo"),
+ this.scroll_view = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scroll_view.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.pay_types = [],
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? this.pay_types = ["CreditCard", "Paypal", "Docomo", "Au", "Softbank", "WebMoney"] : "en" == GameMgr.client_type && (this.pay_types = ["Paypal", "MasterCard", "Visa", "JCB", "Alipay"])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.current_goods_id = 2010,
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? this.current_goods_id = 2010 : "en" == GameMgr.client_type && (this.current_goods_id = 3010);
+ var n = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(this.current_goods_id);
+ if (n) {
+ this.label_item_name.text = n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ var a = "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? "shelves_002" : "shelves_003";
+ cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(a).forEach(function(t) {
+ t.goods_id == i.current_goods_id && (i.label_price.text = t.price)
+ }),
+ this.label_desc.text = t.UI_Activity_Yueka.GetYuekaLeftDays(this.current_goods_id) >= 0 ? n["desc_detail2_" + GameMgr.client_language] : n["desc_detail_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.label_vip.text = n.vip_exp.toString(),
+ this.label_vip.x = this.label_vip_word.x + this.label_vip_word.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ e || (e = ""),
+ this.label_extendinfo.text = e,
+ this.scroll_view.reset(),
+ this.scroll_view.addItem(this.pay_types.length),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.Purchase_Click),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.G_Purchase_click),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.onClickAtPay(e.pay_types[i])
+ }, null, !1);
+ var a = this.pay_types[i];
+ if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ switch (a) {
+ case "CreditCard":
+ a = "クレジットカード";
+ break;
+ case "Paypal":
+ a = "Paypal(ペイパル)";
+ break;
+ case "Au":
+ a = "auかんたん決済";
+ break;
+ case "Docomo":
+ a = "ドコモ払い";
+ break;
+ case "Softbank":
+ a = "ソフトバンクまとめて支払い";
+ break;
+ case "WebMoney":
+ a = "WebMoney"
+ }
+ n.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("name").text = a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onClickAtPay = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ "CreditCard" == e ? (this.close(),
+ t.UI_Payment_Creditcard.Inst.show(this.current_goods_id)) : "Paypal" != e && "Au" != e && "Docomo" != e && "Softbank" != e && "WebMoney" != e || (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createJP" + e + "Order", {
+ goods_id: this.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error) {
+ if (n)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createJP" + e + "Order", n, a);
+ else if (1991 == a.error.code)
+ t.UI_Agepending.Inst.show();
+ else if (1992 == a.error.code) {
+ var r = JSON.parse(a.error.json_param);
+ t.UI_Agexiane.Inst.show(r.recharged, r.age)
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createJP" + e + "Order", n, a);
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ } else {
+ var s = {};
+ s.type = e,
+ s.lang = "ja",
+ s.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ s.orderId = a.order_id,
+ "Paypal" == e || "WebMoney" == e ? s.itemName = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(i.current_goods_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language] : "Au" == e && (s.itemName = game.Tools.ToDBC(cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(i.current_goods_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language])),
+ s.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(s),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ }));
+ else if ("Paypal" == e)
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createENPaypalOrder", {
+ goods_id: this.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createENPaypalOrder", i, n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var a = {};
+ a.type = e,
+ a.lang = "en",
+ a.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ a.orderId = n.order_id,
+ a.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(a),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ });
+ else if ("Alipay" == e)
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createENAlipayOrder", {
+ goods_id: this.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createENAlipayOrder", e, i),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var n = {};
+ n.type = "Adyen.Alipay",
+ n.lang = "en",
+ n.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ n.orderId = i.order_id,
+ n.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ });
+ else if ("MasterCard" == e || "Visa" == e || "JCB" == e) {
+ if (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ null == this._en_card_) {
+ var n = GameMgr.Inst.link_url;
+ "/" == n[n.length - 1] && (n = n.substr(0, n.length - 1));
+ var a = GameMgr.config_data.checkoutShopperUrl;
+ Yo.generateOriginKey({
+ originDomain: n
+ }, function(t, e) {
+ if (t)
+ console.error(t);
+ else {
+ var r = {
+ locale: "en_US",
+ originKey: e.originKeys[n],
+ loadingContext: a + "/checkoutshopper/"
+ }
+ , s = new AdyenCheckout(r)
+ , o = i;
+ o._en_card_ = s.create("card", {
+ onChange: function(t, e) {
+ if (t.isValid) {
+ var i = t.data
+ , n = i.encryptedCardNumber
+ , a = i.encryptedExpiryMonth
+ , r = i.encryptedExpiryYear
+ , s = i.encryptedSecurityCode;
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedCardNumber = n,
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryMonth = a,
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryYear = r,
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedSecurityCode = s,
+ o._adyen_date.isValid = !0,
+ o._adyen_btn_confirm.hidden = !1
+ } else
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedCardNumber = "",
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryMonth = "",
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryYear = "",
+ o._adyen_date.encryptedSecurityCode = "",
+ o._adyen_date.isValid = !1,
+ o._adyen_btn_confirm.hidden = !0
+ }
+ }).mount("#card"),
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !1
+ }
+ })
+ } else
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !1;
+ if (null == this._adyen_btn_confirm) {
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm = document.getElementById("card_confirm"),
+ this._adyen_btn_cancel = document.getElementById("card_cancel");
+ var r = this;
+ this._adyen_btn_cancel.innerText = "Cancel",
+ this._adyen_btn_cancel.onclick = function() {
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !0,
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm.innerText = "Ok",
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm.onclick = function() {
+ document.getElementById("container_card").hidden = !0,
+ r._adyen_date.isValid ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createEN" + e + "Order", {
+ goods_id: i.current_goods_id,
+ client_type: 0,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ return_url: t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window() ? "Yo://CloseWindow" : GameMgr.Inst.link_url,
+ access_token: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createEN" + e + "Order", i, n),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ var a = {};
+ a.type = "Adyen.CreditCard",
+ a.lang = "en",
+ a.accessToken = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ a.orderId = n.order_id,
+ a.encryptedCardNumber = r._adyen_date.encryptedCardNumber,
+ a.encryptedExpiryMonth = r._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryMonth,
+ a.encryptedExpiryYear = r._adyen_date.encryptedExpiryYear,
+ a.encryptedSecurityCode = r._adyen_date.encryptedSecurityCode,
+ a.openNewWindow = t.UI_Recharge.open_new_window(),
+ Yo.execOrder(a),
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ }) : t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ this._adyen_btn_confirm.hidden = !0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Payment_Yueka_EN = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.tasks = [],
+ this.left_scrollview = null,
+ this.panel_right = null,
+ this.select_index = 0,
+ this.notask = null,
+ this.opening_tasks = [],
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.notask = this.me.getChildByName("notask"),
+ this.left_scrollview = this.me.getChildByName("left").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.left_scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.renderLeft, null, !1)),
+ this.panel_right = this.me.getChildByName("right"),
+ cfg.activity && cfg.activity.activity && ("chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language && cfg.activity.activity.get(t.UI_Activity_Yijidagong.activity_id) && this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Yijidagong),
+ "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language && cfg.activity.activity.get(t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task_Random.activity_id) && this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task_Random),
+ "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language && cfg.activity.activity.get(t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task_Period.activity_id) && this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Wuyi_Task_Period),
+ "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language && cfg.activity.activity.get(t.UI_Activity_Wanxianggengxin.activity_id) && this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Wanxianggengxin)),
+ this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Yueka),
+ this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang),
+ this.addTask(new t.UI_Activity_Jiuji)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.haveRedPoint = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.tasks.length; t++)
+ if (this.tasks[t].isopen() && this.tasks[t].haveRedPoint())
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.need_popout = function() {
+ if (game.Tools.CannotPay())
+ return !1;
+ var t = 0
+ , e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("activity_popout");
+ e && "" != e && (t = parseInt(e));
+ var i = Date.now();
+ if (i < t + 864e5)
+ return !1;
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.tasks.length; n++)
+ if (this.tasks[n].isopen() && this.tasks[n].need_popout())
+ return Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("activity_popout", i.toString()),
+ !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.addTask = function(t) {
+ this.panel_right.addChild(t.me),
+ this.tasks.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.left_scrollview.reset(),
+ this.select_index = 0,
+ this.opening_tasks = [];
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.tasks.length; t++)
+ this.tasks[t].isopen() && this.opening_tasks.push(t);
+ this.opening_tasks.length > 0 ? (this.left_scrollview.me.visible = !0,
+ this.panel_right.visible = !0,
+ this.notask.visible = !1,
+ this.left_scrollview.addItem(this.opening_tasks.length),
+ this.tasks[this.opening_tasks[this.select_index]].show()) : (this.left_scrollview.me.visible = !1,
+ this.panel_right.visible = !1,
+ this.notask.visible = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.select_index >= 0 && this.select_index < this.opening_tasks.length && (this.tasks[this.opening_tasks[this.select_index]].hide(),
+ this.left_scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(this.select_index)),
+ this.select_index = -1,
+ this.left_scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.renderLeft = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = n.getChildByName("bg");
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.select_index == i ? "myres/lobby/act_choosed.png" : "myres/lobby/act_unchoosen.png"),
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (e.select_index != i) {
+ var t = e.select_index;
+ e.select_index = i,
+ t >= 0 && t < e.opening_tasks.length && (e.tasks[e.opening_tasks[t]].hide(),
+ e.left_scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(t)),
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/act_choosed.png"),
+ e.select_index = i,
+ e.tasks[e.opening_tasks[e.select_index]].show()
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("title").text = this.tasks[this.opening_tasks[i]].activity_name,
+ n.getChildByName("title").fontSize = "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? 30 : 34,
+ n.getChildByName("redpoint").visible = this.tasks[this.opening_tasks[i]].haveRedPoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refreshAllLeft = function() {
+ this.left_scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.activityUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.redpoint = null,
+ t.page_huodong = null,
+ t.select_tab = -1,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "haveRedPoint", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !(!this.Inst || !this.Inst.page_huodong.haveRedPoint())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "need_popout", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !(!this.Inst || !this.Inst.page_huodong.need_popout())
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ n.init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.activities = {},
+ this.activity_tasks = {},
+ this.activity_exchange = {},
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchActivityList", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchActivityList", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (n.activities)
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.activities.length; a++)
+ e.activities[n.activities[a].activity_id] = 1;
+ e.activity_is_running(t.UI_Activity_Fanpai.activity_id) && t.UI_Activity_Fanpai.Init()
+ }
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAccountActivityData", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAccountActivityData", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (n.exchange_records)
+ for (r = 0; r < n.exchange_records.length; r++) {
+ var a = n.exchange_records[r];
+ e.activity_exchange[a.exchange_id] = a
+ }
+ if (n.task_progress_list)
+ for (r = 0; r < n.task_progress_list.length; r++) {
+ s = n.task_progress_list[r];
+ e.activity_tasks[s.id] = s
+ }
+ if (n.period_task_progress_list)
+ for (r = 0; r < n.period_task_progress_list.length; r++) {
+ s = n.period_task_progress_list[r];
+ e.activity_period_tasks[s.id] = s
+ }
+ if (n.random_task_progress_list)
+ for (var r = 0; r < n.random_task_progress_list.length; r++) {
+ var s = n.random_task_progress_list[r];
+ e.activity_random_tasks[s.id] = s
+ }
+ t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.init(n),
+ t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Rank.init(n),
+ t.UI_Activity_Fanpai.onTaskDataUpdate(n.flip_task_progress_list),
+ t.UI_Activity_Sign.init(n),
+ t.UI_Activity_Yijidagong.init(n)
+ }
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyActivityTaskUpdate", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ if (e.activity_tasks = {},
+ t.progresses)
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.progresses.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.progresses[i];
+ e.activity_tasks[n.id] = n
+ }
+ }
+ )),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyActivityPeriodTaskUpdate", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ if (e.activity_period_tasks = {},
+ t.progresses)
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.progresses.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.progresses[i];
+ e.activity_period_tasks[n.id] = n
+ }
+ }
+ )),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAccountRandomTaskUpdate", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ if (e.activity_random_tasks = {},
+ t.progresses)
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.progresses.length; i++) {
+ var n = t.progresses[i];
+ e.activity_random_tasks[n.id] = n
+ }
+ }
+ )),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyActivityChange", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ if (t.end_activities)
+ for (n = 0; n < t.end_activities.length; n++) {
+ var i = t.end_activities[n];
+ e.activities[i] && delete e.activities[i]
+ }
+ if (t.new_activities)
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.new_activities.length; n++) {
+ var a = t.new_activities[n];
+ e.activities[a.activity_id] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.accountUpdate = function(t) {
+ if (t.activity_task && t.activity_task.progresses)
+ for (e = 0; e < t.activity_task.progresses.length; e++) {
+ i = t.activity_task.progresses[e];
+ this.activity_tasks[i.id] = i
+ }
+ if (t.activity_period_task && t.activity_period_task.progresses)
+ for (e = 0; e < t.activity_period_task.progresses.length; e++) {
+ i = t.activity_period_task.progresses[e];
+ this.activity_period_tasks[i.id] = i
+ }
+ if (t.activity_random_task && t.activity_random_task.progresses)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.activity_random_task.progresses.length; e++) {
+ var i = t.activity_random_task.progresses[e];
+ this.activity_random_tasks[i.id] = i
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.activity_is_running = function(t) {
+ return !!this.activities[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getTaskList = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ for (var i in this.activity_tasks) {
+ var n = parseInt(i)
+ , a = cfg.activity.task.get(n);
+ a && a.activity_id === t && e.push(this.activity_tasks[i])
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getRandomTaskList = function(e) {
+ var i = [];
+ for (var n in this.activity_random_tasks) {
+ var a = parseInt(n)
+ , r = t.UI_Activity_Task_Random.FindTaskInfo(a);
+ r && r.activity_id === e && i.push(this.activity_random_tasks[n])
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getPeriodTaskList = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ for (var i in this.activity_period_tasks) {
+ var n = parseInt(i)
+ , a = cfg.activity.period_task.get(n);
+ a && a.activity_id === t && e.push(this.activity_period_tasks[i])
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.getExchangeList = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = [];
+ return cfg.activity.exchange.forEach(function(n) {
+ n.activity_id === t && (e.activity_exchange[n.id] ? i.push(e.activity_exchange[n.id]) : i.push({
+ exchange_id: n.id,
+ count: 0
+ }))
+ }),
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onExchanged = function(t) {
+ this.activity_exchange[t] || (this.activity_exchange[t] = {
+ exchange_id: t,
+ count: 0
+ }),
+ this.activity_exchange[t].count++
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onTaskRewarded = function(e) {
+ this.activity_tasks[e] && (this.activity_tasks[e].rewarded = !0),
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.page_huodong.refreshAllLeft(),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.refreshInfo()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onTreasureRateUp = function(t) {
+ var e = "";
+ for (var i in this.activities) {
+ var n = parseInt(i)
+ , a = cfg.activity.activity.get(n);
+ if (a && "chest_up" === a.type) {
+ var r = cfg.activity.chest_up.getGroup(n);
+ r && r.forEach(function(i) {
+ i.chest_id == t && (e = i.img)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onTreasureRateUpRetID = function(t) {
+ var e = 0;
+ for (var i in this.activities) {
+ var n = parseInt(i)
+ , a = cfg.activity.activity.get(n);
+ if (a && "chest_up" === a.type) {
+ var r = cfg.activity.chest_up.getGroup(n);
+ r && r.forEach(function(i) {
+ i.chest_id == t && (e = i.activity_id)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ for (var n = 0; n < 2; n++)
+ this.tabs.push(this.root.getChildByName("tabs").getChildByName("tab" + n.toString())),
+ this.tabs[n].clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._switchTab, [n, !1], !1);
+ this.redpoint = this.tabs[1].getChildByName("redpoint"),
+ this.redpoint.visible = !1,
+ new t.UI_Mail(this.root.getChildByName("page_mail")),
+ this.page_huodong = new e(this.root.getChildByName("page_huodong")),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this._switchTab(0, !0),
+ this.refresh_redpoint(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.page_huodong.hide(),
+ t.UI_Mail.Inst.hide()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._switchTab = function(e, i) {
+ (i || this.select_tab != e) && (this.select_tab = e,
+ this.tabs[0].getChildByName("img").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(0 == e ? "myres/lobby/act_bright.png" : "myres/lobby/act_dark.png"),
+ this.tabs[1].getChildByName("img").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(1 == e ? "myres/lobby/mail_bright.png" : "myres/lobby/mail_dark.png"),
+ 1 == this.select_tab ? (this.page_huodong.hide(),
+ t.UI_Mail.Inst.show()) : (this.page_huodong.show(),
+ t.UI_Mail.Inst.hide()))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_redpoint = function() {
+ this.redpoint.visible = t.UI_Mail.haveRedPoint,
+ this.page_huodong.refreshAllLeft()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n.activities = {},
+ n.activity_tasks = {},
+ n.activity_period_tasks = {},
+ n.activity_random_tasks = {},
+ n.activity_exchange = {},
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Activity = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby["page_sign_" + GameMgr.client_language + "UI"]) || this;
+ return t.cells = [],
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.scene_effect = null,
+ t.btn_effect = null,
+ t.bang_effect = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.init = function(t) {
+ if (this.sign_in_count = 0,
+ this.last_sign_in_time = 0,
+ t && t.sign_in_data)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.sign_in_data.length; e++) {
+ var i = t.sign_in_data[e];
+ i.activity_id == this.activity_id && (this.sign_in_count = i.sign_in_count,
+ this.last_sign_in_time = i.last_sign_in_time)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.need_jump = function() {
+ if (!t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(i.activity_id))
+ return !1;
+ var e = cfg.activity.daily_sign.getGroup(i.activity_id);
+ if (i.sign_in_count > e[e.length - 1].day)
+ return !1;
+ return !game.Tools.isPassedRefreshTime(i.last_sign_in_time)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.dbg = this.me.getChildByName("dbg"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_sign = this.root.getChildByName("btn_sign"),
+ this.btn_sign.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.btn_sign.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_effect && (e.btn_effect.destory(),
+ e.btn_effect = null),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "doActivitySignIn", {
+ activity_id: i.activity_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("doActivitySignIn", i, n),
+ e.btn_confirm.visible = !0) : e.after_sign(n)
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_time = this.root.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.label_count = this.root.getChildByName("count");
+ for (var n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
+ var a = this.root.getChildByName("c" + n);
+ this.cells.push({
+ me: a,
+ day: a.getChildByName("day"),
+ icon: a.getChildByName("icon"),
+ container_count: a.getChildByName("count"),
+ count: a.getChildByName("count").getChildByName("val"),
+ mask: a.getChildByName("m"),
+ getted: a.getChildByName("getted"),
+ btn: a.getChildByName("btn")
+ })
+ }
+ this.container_anim = this.root.getChildByName("container_anim"),
+ this.contianer_fly = this.me.getChildByName("fly")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.dbg.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.dbg, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 150);
+ var n = game.Tools.isPassedRefreshTime(i.last_sign_in_time)
+ , a = cfg.activity.daily_sign.getGroup(i.activity_id);
+ i.sign_in_count > a[a.length - 1].day && (n = !0),
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_sign.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.scene_effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.container_anim, "scene/sign_anim.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), .92),
+ n ? (e.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.btn_confirm, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.btn_effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.btn_confirm, "scene/sign_btn_confirm.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), .92)
+ }))) : (e.btn_sign.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.btn_sign, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.btn_effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.btn_sign, "scene/sign_btn_confirm.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), .92)
+ })))
+ })),
+ this.label_count.text = i.sign_in_count.toString();
+ for (var r = function(n) {
+ var r = s.cells[n];
+ n < a.length ? (r.me.visible = !0,
+ r.day.text = (a[n].day + 1).toString(),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(r.icon, game.GameUtility.get_item_view(a[n].reward_id).icon),
+ a[n].reward_count > 1 ? (r.container_count.visible = !0,
+ r.count.text = a[n].reward_count.toString()) : r.container_count.visible = !1,
+ a[n].day < i.sign_in_count ? (r.me.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_sign/cell1.png"),
+ r.mask.visible = !0,
+ r.getted.visible = !0,
+ r.day.visible = !1) : (r.me.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_sign/cell0.png"),
+ r.mask.visible = !1,
+ r.getted.visible = !1,
+ r.day.visible = !0),
+ r.btn.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ e.locking || t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(a[n].reward_id)
+ }, null, !1)) : r.me.visible = !1
+ }, s = this, o = 0; o < this.cells.length; o++)
+ r(o);
+ this.contianer_fly.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.after_sign = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ i.sign_in_count = t.sign_in_count,
+ this.label_count.text = i.sign_in_count.toString(),
+ i.last_sign_in_time = Date.now() / 1e3;
+ var n = 0;
+ if (t.rewards && t.rewards.length > 0) {
+ for (var a = t.rewards[0].resource_id, r = t.rewards[0].count, s = 0, o = cfg.activity.daily_sign.getGroup(i.activity_id), l = 0; l < this.cells.length && o[l].day < i.sign_in_count; l++)
+ s = l;
+ this.bang_effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.cells[s].icon, "scene/sign_bang.lh", new Laya.Point(50,50), 1),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.cells[s].me, {
+ scaleX: 1.1,
+ scaleY: 1.1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.cells[s].mask.visible = !0,
+ e.cells[s].me.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/activity_sign/cell1.png"),
+ e.cells[s].mask.visible = !0,
+ e.cells[s].getted.visible = !0,
+ e.cells[s].day.visible = !1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.cells[s].me, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongIn)
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.fly(s, a, r)
+ }),
+ n += 1200 - 100 * s
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(n, this, function() {
+ e.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_confirm.alpha = 0,
+ e.btn_confirm.scaleX = .3,
+ e.btn_confirm.scaleY = .3,
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.btn_confirm, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 300, Laya.Ease.backOut, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.btn_effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.btn_confirm, "scene/sign_btn_confirm.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), .92)
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.fly = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = []
+ , r = []
+ , s = 602 + 180 * t
+ , o = 1516 - s;
+ 0 == t ? (a = [.03839144176983065, .08075083371928198, .12677809146845762, .17612483396671413, .2283969297056089, .283157480886999, .3399302237326345, .3982033196112767, .45743350834292495, .5170505919200503, .5764622140107303, .6350588979813836, .6922193038348968, .7473156624081786, .7997193434407075, .848806512718124, .8939638324297688, .9345941581630198, .9701221856021484, 1],
+ r = [1.05486031622015, 1.1025014876540495, 1.1419186222670503, 1.172166328325407, 1.1923688734075806, 1.2017298330120236, 1.1995411430754468, 1.185191475051153, 1.1581738571915925, 1.1180924712970854, 1.0646685603929245, .9977453895348641, .9172922091688747, .8234071781320085, .7163192114206646, .5963887262108871, .46410726823041987, .3200960093896508, .16510311651235937, 0]) : 1 == t ? (a = [.04723788579137449, .09746084645237137, .15032891016852976, .2054657846293835, .26246148737805847, .32087530534184944, .3802390626355255, .44006067309420704, .4998279515287618, .5590126554102042, .6170747266186001, .6734667010299171, .727638252095524, .7790408332023884, .8271323824837878, .8713820529229818, .911274930026759, .9463166990746035, .97603822396657, 1],
+ r = [1.032846013109562, 1.0588804776205825, 1.0775019085468838, 1.0881599790863188, 1.0903615986909767, 1.0836765880741932, 1.0677428999207725, 1.0422713372772845, 1.007049725203436, .9619464952380509, .9069136465458488, .8419890522332127, .7672980842191094, .6830545351858196, .5895608214756582, .48720745630528706, .37647178829799877, .25791600604477544, .1321844151545615, 0]) : 2 == t ? (a = [.06219309888665577, .12570968865850096, .19014236644205387, .255067654997636, .3200487753038433, .3846385644365765, .4483825193677477, .5108219461457295, .5714971929048396, .6299509442734683, .6857315540294893, .7383963922947736, .787515183160727, .832673308415723, .873475052993927, .9095467678844423, .9405399265437158, .9661340513264172, .9860394870960626, 1],
+ r = [1.0108317099989739, 1.0152594675871152, 1.013085194826717, 1.0041536298472304, .988354323974373, .965623343136363, .9359446567660984, .8993511995034158, .8559255932152794, .8058005191790164, .7491587326987733, .6862327149315613, .617303959269344, .5427018922396307, .4628024315306518, .37802618639968705, .28883630836557783, .1957360026999001, .09926571379676351, 0]) : (t = 3) ? (a = [.09292127555173313, .1837520186719537, .2719462772414337, .35698362409166245, .43837222183646257, .5156516551719209, .5883955144158353, .6562137159277155, .7187545470094764, .7757064248969908, .8267993615241047, .871806127837017, .9105431135703715, .9428708805169715, .9686944094492825, .987963042948389, 1.0006701284576172, 1.006852367886271, 1.0065888820369433, 1],
+ r = [.9888174068883858, .9716384575536477, .9486684811065507, .920147280608142, .8863470492577691, .8475700981985328, .8041464136114239, .7564310617295474, .7048014612271225, .6496545431199819, .591403818851698, .5304763776299101, .46730983431957895, .40234924929344157, .33604404158564555, .26884491649408704, .20120082843315673, .13355599935502485, .06634701243896553, 0]) : (a = [.19227950976257466, .3714293899145193, .536455695327166, .6865245154161713, .8209659839480091, .9392768346208134, 1.041121496373269, 1.1263317340475216, 1.194904851588979, 1.2470004863389106, 1.2829360340419496, 1.3031807549220464, 1.3083486214357474, 1.2991899780522072, 1.2765820925723104, 1.2415186869623387, 1.1950985434584933, 1.138513288659109, 1.073034464463419, 1],
+ r = [.9667963900531529, .9280041443759188, .8842321221549966, .8361153118663884, .7843086652777567, .7294808504412643, .6723079758110787, .6134673374543755, .553631240757115, .4934609470621494, .4336007943264137, .37467253915799303, .31726996550737085, .26195380285748554, .20924699400418142, .15963034946439264, .11353862221835313, .07135703291062376, .03341827183098214, 0]),
+ this.contianer_fly.visible = !0;
+ var l = this.contianer_fly.getChildByName("icon")
+ , h = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(e);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(l, h.icon),
+ i > 1 ? (l.getChildByName("count").visible = !0,
+ l.getChildByName("count").getChildByName("val").text = i.toString()) : l.getChildByName("count").visible = !1;
+ var c = this.contianer_fly.getChildByName("btn_bag");
+ c.visible = !1,
+ l.x = s,
+ l.y = 617,
+ l.alpha = 1,
+ l.scaleX = 1,
+ l.scaleY = 1,
+ l.visible = !0;
+ var _ = 800 - 100 * t
+ , u = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , d = function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - u;
+ if (t >= _)
+ l.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clear(n, d);
+ else {
+ _ - t < 100 && (c.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(c, {
+ scaleX: 1.1,
+ scaleY: 1.1
+ }, 100, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(c, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 100, Laya.Ease.strongIn, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ c.visible = !1
+ }))
+ })));
+ var e = Math.min(a.length, r.length)
+ , i = t / _
+ , h = Math.floor((e - 1) * i)
+ , f = (e - 1) * i - h
+ , p = a[h] * (1 - f) + a[h + 1] * f
+ , m = r[h] * (1 - f) + r[h + 1] * f;
+ l.x = s + o * p,
+ l.y = 617 + 321 * (1 - m);
+ if (i > .6) {
+ var g = (i - .6) / .4
+ , y = 1 * (1 - g) + .5 * g;
+ l.scaleX = y,
+ l.scaleY = y
+ } else
+ l.scaleX = 1,
+ l.scaleY = 1
+ }
+ };
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, d)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.btn_effect && (this.btn_effect.destory(),
+ this.btn_effect = null),
+ this.bang_effect && (this.bang_effect.destory(),
+ this.bang_effect = null),
+ this.scene_effect && (this.scene_effect.destory(),
+ this.scene_effect = null),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.dbg, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.btn_effect && (this.btn_effect.destory(),
+ this.btn_effect = null),
+ this.bang_effect && (this.bang_effect.destory(),
+ this.bang_effect = null),
+ this.scene_effect && (this.scene_effect.destory(),
+ this.scene_effect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.activity_id = 1038,
+ i.sign_in_count = 0,
+ i.last_sign_in_time = 0,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Activity_Sign = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.entrance.add2desktopUI) || this;
+ return t.skin = "",
+ t.loaded = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.img = this.root.getChildByName("img"),
+ Laya.Browser.onAndroid || Laya.Browser.onAndriod || GameMgr.inConch ? this.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres2/treasurehead/add2desktop_android.png") : (Laya.Browser.onIOS || GameMgr.iniOSWebview) && (this.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres2/treasurehead/add2desktop_ios.png")),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.loaded = !1,
+ this.img.skin = "",
+ "" != this.skin && Laya.loader.load(this.skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.loaded = !0,
+ e.enable ? e.img.skin = e.skin : (e.loaded = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(e.skin))
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.loaded && (e.loaded = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(e.skin))
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Add2Desktop = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.add_roomUI) || this;
+ return t.txtinput = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.root = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Show = function() {
+ this.Inst._show()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Close = function() {
+ null != this.Inst && this.Inst._hide()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t._hide()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_create").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._btnAddRoom, null, !1),
+ this.txtinput = this.root.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput");
+ for (var e = this.root.getChildByName("numpad"), i = function(i) {
+ var a = e.getChildByName("n" + i)
+ , r = a.getChildByName("s");
+ r.alpha = 0;
+ var s = !1;
+ a.on("mousedown", n, function() {
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ s = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ a.on("mouseup", n, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s && t.txtinput.text.length < t.txtinput.maxChars && (t.txtinput.text = t.txtinput.text + i.toString()),
+ s = !1
+ }),
+ a.on("mouseout", n, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s = !1
+ })
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 10; a++)
+ i(a);
+ var r = (o = e.getChildByName("clear")).getChildByName("s");
+ r.alpha = 0;
+ var s = !1;
+ o.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ s = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s && (t.txtinput.text = ""),
+ s = !1
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s = !1
+ });
+ var o = e.getChildByName("del")
+ , l = o.getChildByName("s");
+ l.alpha = 0;
+ var h = !1;
+ o.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ l.alpha = 0,
+ h = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(l, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ if (Laya.Tween.to(l, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ h) {
+ var e = t.txtinput.text;
+ e.length > 0 && (e = e.substr(0, e.length - 1)),
+ t.txtinput.text = e
+ }
+ h = !1
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(l, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ h = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._hide = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._btnAddRoom = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking || (this._hide(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "joinRoom", {
+ room_id: parseInt(this.txtinput.text)
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("joinRoom", i, n) : (e.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.updateData(n.room),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWaitingRoom())
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Add_Room = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.ageconfirmUI) || this;
+ return t.birth_day = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.nianling = this.root.getChildByName("sheding"),
+ this.shangxian = this.root.getChildByName("shangxian"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "modifyBirthday", {
+ birthday: e.birth_day
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("modifyBirthday", i, n) : (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.birthday = e.birth_day,
+ t.UI_Agesuccess.Inst.show())
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0;
+ var r = "生年月日を" + e + "年" + i + "月に設定しますか?";
+ this.nianling.text = r;
+ var s = new Date;
+ s.setFullYear(parseInt(e), parseInt(i) - 1, 1),
+ s.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0),
+ this.birth_day = Math.floor(s.getTime() / 1e3),
+ n < 0 ? (this.shangxian.visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("xiaofei1").visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("xiaofei0").visible = !1) : (this.shangxian.text = n.toString(),
+ this.shangxian.visible = !0,
+ this.root.getChildByName("xiaofei1").visible = !0,
+ this.root.getChildByName("xiaofei0").visible = !0),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Ageconfirm = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.showed = !1,
+ this.when_close = null,
+ this.when_choose = null,
+ this.datas = [],
+ this.start_rate = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.when_close = e,
+ this.when_choose = i,
+ this.datas = n,
+ this.start_rate = a,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.refresh_item)),
+ this.bg = this.me.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ t.getChildByName("btn_open").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ r.locking || (r.isopen ? r.close() : r.show())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.bg.visible = !1,
+ this.content.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.isopen = !0,
+ this.bg.visible = !0,
+ this.bg.height = 10,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 285
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ this.content.visible = !0,
+ this.content.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.showed || (this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.datas.length),
+ this.showed = !0,
+ this.scrollview.rate = this.start_rate)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refresh_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ e.when_choose && e.when_choose.runWith(e.datas[i]))
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("txt").text = this.datas[i]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 10
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.bg.visible = !1,
+ t.content.visible = !1,
+ t.isopen = !1,
+ t.when_close && t.when_close.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a.dropdown_mouth.locking || a.dropdown_year.locking || (a.dropdown_mouth.isopen && a.dropdown_mouth.close(),
+ a.dropdown_year.isopen && a.dropdown_year.close())
+ }
+ );
+ this.dropdown_mouth = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_month"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a._OnStateChange(),
+ i.runWith("")
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(t)
+ }
+ ),["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"],0);
+ for (var r = new Date(Date.now()), s = [], o = 0; o < 120; o++)
+ s.push((r.getFullYear() - 120 + o).toString());
+ this.dropdown_year = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_year"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a._OnStateChange(),
+ n.runWith("")
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(t)
+ }
+ ),s,1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.dropdown_mouth.reset(),
+ this.dropdown_year.reset(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t ? this.dropdown_mouth.show() : this.dropdown_year.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._OnStateChange = function() {
+ this.dropdown_year.isopen || this.dropdown_mouth.isopen || (this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function(e) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.agependingUI) || this;
+ return t.color_hint = "#5A82C8",
+ t.color_wrong = "#FF3030",
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, e),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close");
+ var e = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root");
+ this.btn_month = e.getChildByName("month"),
+ this.btn_month.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.date_dropdown.show(!0)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.txt_month = this.btn_month.getChildByName("txt"),
+ this.btn_year = e.getChildByName("year"),
+ this.btn_year.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.date_dropdown.show(!1)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.txt_year = this.btn_year.getChildByName("txt"),
+ this.notice_month = e.getChildByName("notice_month"),
+ this.notice_year = e.getChildByName("notice_year"),
+ this.date_dropdown = new i(this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("container_dropdown"),new Laya.Handler(this,function(e) {
+ "" != e && (t.txt_month.text = e),
+ t.pending_month()
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(e) {
+ "" != e && (t.txt_year.text = e),
+ t.pending_year()
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.onClickConfirm()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onClickConfirm = function() {
+ var e = !0
+ , i = "0"
+ , n = "0";
+ if (this.pending_month() || (e = !1),
+ this.pending_year() || (e = !1),
+ i = this.txt_year.text,
+ n = this.txt_month.text,
+ e) {
+ var a = parseInt(i)
+ , r = parseInt(n)
+ , s = new Date
+ , o = 12 * s.getFullYear() + s.getMonth() - 12 * a - r
+ , l = Math.floor(o / 12)
+ , h = 0;
+ h = l < 16 ? 5e3 : l < 20 ? 2e4 : -1,
+ t.UI_Ageconfirm.Inst.show(i, n, h),
+ this.close()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.pending_month = function() {
+ return this.txt_month.text != game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2729) ? (this.notice_month.text = "",
+ !0) : (this.notice_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2733),
+ this.notice_month.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.pending_year = function() {
+ return this.txt_year.text != game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2730) ? (this.notice_year.text = "",
+ !0) : (this.notice_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2734),
+ this.notice_year.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.confirmflag = 0,
+ this.date_dropdown.me.visible = !1,
+ this.notice_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2731),
+ this.notice_month.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.notice_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2732),
+ this.notice_year.color = this.color_hint,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Agepending = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.showed = !1,
+ this.when_close = null,
+ this.when_choose = null,
+ this.datas = [],
+ this.start_rate = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.when_close = e,
+ this.when_choose = i,
+ this.datas = n,
+ this.start_rate = a,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.refresh_item)),
+ this.bg = this.me.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ t.getChildByName("btn_open").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ r.locking || (r.isopen ? r.close() : r.show())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.bg.visible = !1,
+ this.content.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.isopen = !0,
+ this.bg.visible = !0,
+ this.bg.height = 10,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 285
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ this.content.visible = !0,
+ this.content.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.showed || (this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.datas.length),
+ this.showed = !0,
+ this.scrollview.rate = this.start_rate)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refresh_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ e.when_choose && e.when_choose.runWith(e.datas[i]))
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("txt").text = this.datas[i]
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.content, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 10
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.bg.visible = !1,
+ t.content.visible = !1,
+ t.isopen = !1,
+ t.when_close && t.when_close.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a.dropdown_mouth.locking || a.dropdown_year.locking || (a.dropdown_mouth.isopen && a.dropdown_mouth.close(),
+ a.dropdown_year.isopen && a.dropdown_year.close())
+ }
+ );
+ this.dropdown_mouth = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_month"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a._OnStateChange(),
+ i.runWith("")
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ return i.runWith(t)
+ }
+ ),["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"],0);
+ for (var r = new Date(Date.now()), s = [], o = 0; o < 120; o++)
+ s.push((r.getFullYear() - 120 + o).toString());
+ this.dropdown_year = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_year"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a._OnStateChange(),
+ n.runWith("")
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ return n.runWith(t)
+ }
+ ),s,1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.dropdown_mouth.reset(),
+ this.dropdown_year.reset(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t ? this.dropdown_mouth.show() : this.dropdown_year.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._OnStateChange = function() {
+ this.dropdown_year.isopen || this.dropdown_mouth.isopen || (this.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function(e) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.agepending_chsUI) || this;
+ return t.color_hint = "#5A82C8",
+ t.color_wrong = "#FF3030",
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, e),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm");
+ var e = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root");
+ this.btn_month = e.getChildByName("month"),
+ this.btn_month.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.date_dropdown.show(!0)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.txt_month = this.btn_month.getChildByName("txt"),
+ this.btn_year = e.getChildByName("year"),
+ this.btn_year.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.date_dropdown.show(!1)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.txt_year = this.btn_year.getChildByName("txt"),
+ this.notice_month = e.getChildByName("notice_month"),
+ this.notice_year = e.getChildByName("notice_year"),
+ this.date_dropdown = new i(this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("container_dropdown"),new Laya.Handler(this,function(e) {
+ "" != e && (t.txt_month.text = e),
+ t.pending_month()
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(this,function(e) {
+ "" != e && (t.txt_year.text = e),
+ t.pending_year()
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.onClickConfirm()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onClickConfirm = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = !0
+ , n = "0"
+ , a = "0";
+ if (this.pending_month() || (i = !1),
+ this.pending_year() || (i = !1),
+ n = this.txt_year.text,
+ a = this.txt_month.text,
+ i) {
+ var r = parseInt(n)
+ , s = parseInt(a)
+ , o = new Date
+ , l = 12 * o.getFullYear() + o.getMonth() - 12 * r - s
+ , h = Math.floor(l / 12);
+ h < 16 ? 5e3 : h < 20 ? 2e4 : -1;
+ var c = new Date;
+ c.setFullYear(parseInt(n), parseInt(a) - 1, 1),
+ c.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0);
+ var _ = Math.floor(c.getTime() / 1e3);
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "modifyBirthday", {
+ birthday: _
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ e.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("modifyBirthday", i, n) : (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.birthday = _,
+ e.close(),
+ t.UI_AgeSuccess_Chs.Inst.show(e.complete))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.pending_month = function() {
+ return this.txt_month.text != game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2729) ? (this.notice_month.text = "",
+ !0) : (this.notice_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2733),
+ this.notice_month.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.pending_year = function() {
+ return this.txt_year.text != game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2730) ? (this.notice_year.text = "",
+ !0) : (this.notice_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2734),
+ this.notice_year.color = this.color_wrong,
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.confirmflag = 0,
+ this.date_dropdown.me.visible = !1,
+ this.notice_month.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2731),
+ this.notice_month.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.notice_year.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2732),
+ this.notice_year.color = this.color_hint,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Agepending_Chs = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.agesuccessUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Agesuccess = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.agesuccess_chsUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.set_desc = function() {
+ var t = new Date(Date.now())
+ , e = new Date(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.birthday)
+ , i = t.getUTCFullYear() - e.getUTCFullYear();
+ 100 * t.getMonth() + t.getDate() < 100 * e.getMonth() + e.getDate() && i--,
+ i < 8 ? (this.desc.text = "您已通过认证。\n根据《关于防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,未成年人用户每日22时到次日8时无法进行游戏,工作日每日游戏时长不能超过1.5小时,法定节假日每日游戏时长不能超过3小时。\n您不能使用充值服务。",
+ this.desc.align = "left") : i < 16 ? (this.desc.text = "您已通过认证。\n根据《关于防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,未成年人用户每日22时到次日8时无法进行游戏,工作日每日游戏时长不能超过1.5小时,法定节假日每日游戏时长不能超过3小时。\n您的单次充值金额不能超过50元人民币,每月充值金额累计不能超过200元人民币。",
+ this.desc.align = "left") : i < 18 ? (this.desc.text = "您已通过认证。\n根据《关于防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,未成年人用户每日22时到次日8时无法进行游戏,工作日每日游戏时长不能超过1.5小时,法定节假日每日游戏时长不能超过3小时。\n您的单次充值金额不能超过100元人民币,每月充值金额累计不能超过400元人民币。",
+ this.desc.align = "left") : (this.desc.text = "您已通过认证。",
+ this.desc.align = "center")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.set_desc(),
+ this.complete = e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_AgeSuccess_Chs = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.agexianeUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("agepending").getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.xiaofei = this.root.getChildByName("xiaofei"),
+ this.shangxian = this.root.getChildByName("shangxian"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.xiaofei.text = (e / 1e3).toString();
+ var a = 0;
+ a = i < 16 ? 5e3 : 2e4,
+ this.shangxian.text = a.toString(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Agexiane = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, new ui.mj.alUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Show = function() {
+ var e = new i;
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddMJUI(e),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ e.show()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.me.start.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(1300, this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1,
+ t.me.destroy(!0)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_AL = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.android_changeUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!t.locking && (t.hide(null),
+ GameMgr.inConch)) {
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("onAlipay_Brower", "https://www.majsoul.com/#/android_download")
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.hide(Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ t.complete && t.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").gray = !1,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(1, this, function() {
+ i.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").gray = !0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.enable = !1,
+ i.locking = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Android_Change = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.anotherloginUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.hide, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ app.Log.info_net("UI_AnotherLogin close net"),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst && game.MJNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_AnotherLogin = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.daoju = 1] = "daoju",
+ t[t.gift = 2] = "gift",
+ t[t.fudai = 3] = "fudai",
+ t[t.view = 5] = "view"
+ }(e = t.EItemCategory || (t.EItemCategory = {}));
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.bagUI) || this;
+ return t.container_top = null,
+ t.container_content = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.page_item = null,
+ t.page_gift = null,
+ t.page_skin = null,
+ t.select_index = 0,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.init = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAccountUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ var i = e.update;
+ i && i.bag && (t.update_data(i.bag.update_items),
+ t.update_daily_gain_data(i.bag))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.fetch()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.fetch = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._item_map = {},
+ this._daily_gain_record = {},
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchBagInfo", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchBagInfo", i, n);
+ else {
+ app.Log.log("背包信息:" + JSON.stringify(n));
+ var a = n.bag;
+ if (a) {
+ if (a.items)
+ for (h = 0; h < a.items.length; h++) {
+ var r = a.items[h].item_id
+ , s = a.items[h].stack
+ , o = cfg.item_definition.item.get(r);
+ o && (e._item_map[r] = {
+ item_id: r,
+ count: s,
+ category: o.category
+ })
+ }
+ if (a.daily_gain_record)
+ for (var l = a.daily_gain_record, h = 0; h < l.length; h++) {
+ var c = l[h].limit_source_id;
+ e._daily_gain_record[c] = {};
+ var _ = l[h].record_time;
+ e._daily_gain_record[c].record_time = _;
+ var u = l[h].records;
+ if (u)
+ for (var d = 0; d < u.length; d++)
+ e._daily_gain_record[c][u[d].item_id] = u[d].count
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.find_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this._item_map[t];
+ return e ? {
+ item_id: e.item_id,
+ category: e.category,
+ count: e.count
+ } : null
+ }
+ ,
+ n.get_item_count = function(t) {
+ var e = this.find_item(t);
+ if (e)
+ return e.count;
+ if (100001 == t) {
+ var i = 0;
+ return GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100001] && (i += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100001]),
+ GameMgr.inGooglePlay && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101001] && (i += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101001]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101002] && (i += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101002]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101004] && (i += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101004]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101005] && (i += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101005]),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101006] && (i += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101006]),
+ i
+ }
+ if (100004 == t) {
+ var n = 0;
+ return GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100004] && (n += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100004]),
+ GameMgr.inGooglePlay && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102003] && (n += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102003]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102002] && (n += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102002]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102004] && (n += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102004]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102005] && (n += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102005]),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102006] && (n += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102006]),
+ n
+ }
+ return 100002 == t ? GameMgr.Inst.account_data.gold : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.find_items_by_category = function(t) {
+ var e = [];
+ for (var i in this._item_map)
+ this._item_map[i].category == t && e.push({
+ item_id: this._item_map[i].item_id,
+ category: this._item_map[i].category,
+ count: this._item_map[i].count
+ });
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ n.update_data = function(e) {
+ for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
+ var i = e[o].item_id
+ , n = e[o].stack;
+ if (n > 0)
+ this._item_map.hasOwnProperty(i.toString()) ? this._item_map[i].count = n : this._item_map[i] = {
+ item_id: i,
+ count: n,
+ category: cfg.item_definition.item.get(i).category
+ };
+ else if (this._item_map.hasOwnProperty(i.toString())) {
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.item.get(i);
+ a && 5 == a.category && t.UI_Sushe.on_view_remove(i),
+ this._item_map[i] = 0,
+ delete this._item_map[i]
+ }
+ }
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.when_data_change();
+ for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
+ i = e[o].item_id;
+ if (this._item_listener.hasOwnProperty(i.toString()))
+ for (var r = this._item_listener[i], s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ r[s].run()
+ }
+ for (var o = 0; o < this._all_item_listener.length; o++)
+ this._all_item_listener[o].run()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.update_daily_gain_data = function(t) {
+ var e = t.update_daily_gain_record;
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i].limit_source_id;
+ this._daily_gain_record[n] || (this._daily_gain_record[n] = {});
+ var a = e[i].record_time;
+ this._daily_gain_record[n].record_time = a;
+ var r = e[i].records;
+ if (r)
+ for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ this._daily_gain_record[n][r[s].item_id] = r[s].count
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.get_item_daily_record = function(t, e) {
+ return this._daily_gain_record[t] && this._daily_gain_record[t].record_time && game.Tools.isPassedRefreshTime(this._daily_gain_record[t].record_time) && this._daily_gain_record[t][e] ? this._daily_gain_record[t][e] : 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.add_item_listener = function(t, e) {
+ this._item_listener.hasOwnProperty(t.toString()) || (this._item_listener[t] = []),
+ this._item_listener[t].push(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.remove_item_listener = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._item_listener[t];
+ if (i)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ if (i[n] === e) {
+ i[n] = i[i.length - 1],
+ i.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.add_all_item_listener = function(t) {
+ this._all_item_listener.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.remove_all_item_listener = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this._all_item_listener, i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
+ if (e[i] === t) {
+ e[i] = e[e.length - 1],
+ e.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.have_red_point = function() {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_content = this.me.getChildByName("content");
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ n.tabs.push(n.container_content.getChildByName("tabs").getChildByName("btn" + t)),
+ n.tabs[t].clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ e.select_index != t && e.on_change_tab(t)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ i(a);
+ this.page_item = new t.UI_Bag_PageItem(this.container_content.getChildByName("page_items")),
+ this.page_gift = new t.UI_Bag_PageGift(this.container_content.getChildByName("page_gift")),
+ this.page_skin = new t.UI_Bag_PageSkin(this.container_content.getChildByName("page_skin"))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.on_change_tab(e),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ 3 != e && this.page_skin.when_update_data()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.page_skin.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.on_change_tab = function(t) {
+ this.select_index = t;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++)
+ this.tabs[i].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(t == i ? "myres/shop/tab_choose.png" : "myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ this.tabs[i].getChildAt(0).color = t == i ? "#d9b263" : "#8cb65f";
+ switch (this.page_item.close(),
+ this.page_gift.close(),
+ this.page_skin.me.visible = !1,
+ t) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_item.show(e.daoju);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_gift.show();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_item.show(e.view);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.page_skin.show()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.when_data_change = function() {
+ this.page_item.me.visible && this.page_item.when_update_data(),
+ this.page_gift.me.visible && this.page_gift.when_update_data()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.on_skin_change = function() {
+ this.page_skin.when_update_data()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.clear_desktop_btn_redpoint = function() {
+ this.tabs[3].getChildByName("redpoint").visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n._item_map = {},
+ n._item_listener = {},
+ n._all_item_listener = [],
+ n._daily_gain_record = {},
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bag = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.both_ui.bind_mail0UI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_mail = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_mail"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(i.input_mail.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.label_mail = this.root.getChildByName("label_email").getChildByName("info"),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.input_password0 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password0"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password0.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.input_password1 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password1"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text == i.input_password1.text && i.input_password1.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password1.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking && i.input_password0.text == i.input_password1.text) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email) {
+ if (!i.input_mail.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786));
+ e = i.input_mail.text
+ }
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "bindEmail", {
+ email: e,
+ code: i.input_code.text,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(i.input_password0.text)
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindEmail", n, a),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : (t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2785)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email = game.Tools.encode_email(e),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email_verify = 1,
+ i.close())
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email) {
+ if (!i.input_mail.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786));
+ e = i.input_mail.text
+ }
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createEmailVerifyCode", {
+ email: e,
+ usage: 1
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createEmailVerifyCode", e, n),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2810))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").visible = !e,
+ this.complete = i,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ this.input_password0.reset(),
+ this.input_password1.reset(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email ? (this.input_mail.me.visible = !1,
+ this.label_mail.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email,
+ this.label_mail.parent.visible = !0) : (this.input_mail.me.visible = !0,
+ this.input_mail.reset(),
+ this.label_mail.parent.visible = !1),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.root.getChildByName("chsinfo").visible = "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ n.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bind_Mail0 = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.both_ui.bind_mail1UI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_mail = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_mail"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(i.input_mail.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.label_mail = this.root.getChildByName("label_email").getChildByName("info"),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email) {
+ if (!i.input_mail.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786));
+ e = i.input_mail.text
+ }
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "bindEmail", {
+ email: e,
+ code: i.input_code.text,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(GameMgr.Inst.password)
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindEmail", n, a),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : (t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2785)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email = game.Tools.encode_email(e),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email_verify = 1,
+ i.close())
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email) {
+ if (!i.input_mail.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786));
+ e = i.input_mail.text
+ }
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createEmailVerifyCode", {
+ email: e,
+ usage: 1
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createEmailVerifyCode", e, n),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2810))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").visible = !e,
+ this.complete = i,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email ? (this.input_mail.me.visible = !1,
+ this.label_mail.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email,
+ this.label_mail.parent.visible = !0) : (this.input_mail.me.visible = !0,
+ this.input_mail.reset(),
+ this.label_mail.parent.visible = !1),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ n.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bind_Mail1 = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.common.bind_phone0UI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_phone = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_phone"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_phonenumber_valid(i.input_phone.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.label_phone = this.root.getChildByName("label_phone").getChildByName("info"),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.input_password0 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password0"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password0.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.input_password1 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password1"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text == i.input_password1.text && i.input_password1.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password1.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking && i.input_password0.text == i.input_password1.text) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone) {
+ if (!i.input_phone.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786));
+ e = i.input_phone.text
+ }
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "bindPhoneNumber", {
+ phone: e,
+ code: i.input_code.text,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(i.input_password0.text)
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindPhoneNumber", n, a),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : (t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2785)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone = game.Tools.encode_phonenumber(e),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone_verify = 1,
+ i.close())
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone) {
+ if (!i.input_phone.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2838));
+ e = i.input_phone.text
+ }
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createPhoneVerifyCode", {
+ phone: e,
+ usage: 6
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createPhoneVerifyCode", e, n),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2833))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = null),
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ this.input_password0.reset(),
+ this.input_password1.reset(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname && "" != GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname ? this.root.getChildByName("nickname").text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname : this.root.getChildByName("nickname").text = "暂无账号",
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone ? (this.input_phone.me.visible = !1,
+ this.label_phone.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone,
+ this.label_phone.parent.visible = !0) : (this.input_phone.me.visible = !0,
+ this.input_phone.reset(),
+ this.label_phone.parent.visible = !1),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ i.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bind_Phone0 = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.common.bind_phone1UI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_phone = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_phone"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_phonenumber_valid(i.input_phone.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.label_phone = this.root.getChildByName("label_phone").getChildByName("info"),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone) {
+ if (!i.input_phone.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2838));
+ e = i.input_phone.text
+ }
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "bindPhoneNumber", {
+ phone: e,
+ code: i.input_code.text,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(GameMgr.Inst.password),
+ multi_bind_version: !0
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindPhoneNumber", n, a),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone = game.Tools.encode_phonenumber(e),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone_verify = 1,
+ i.close())
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone) {
+ if (!i.input_phone.isOK)
+ return void t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2838));
+ e = i.input_phone.text
+ }
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createPhoneVerifyCode", {
+ phone: e,
+ usage: 6
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createPhoneVerifyCode", e, n),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2833))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ this.complete = i,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname && "" != GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname ? this.root.getChildByName("nickname").text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname : this.root.getChildByName("nickname").text = "暂无账号",
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone ? (this.input_phone.me.visible = !1,
+ this.label_phone.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone,
+ this.label_phone.parent.visible = !0) : (this.input_phone.me.visible = !0,
+ this.input_phone.reset(),
+ this.label_phone.parent.visible = !1),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ n.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bind_Phone1 = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.common.bind_phone2UI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking && i.input_password0.text == i.input_password1.text) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !1;
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createPhoneLoginBind", {
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(i.input_password0.text)
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ e || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindPhoneNumber", e, n) : i.close(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Create_Phone_Account_Success.Inst.show(!1, i.complete),
+ i.complete = null
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.complete && i.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_phone = this.root.getChildByName("label_phone").getChildByName("info"),
+ this.input_password0 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password0"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password0.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.input_password1 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password1"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text == i.input_password1.text && i.input_password1.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password1.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.input_password0.reset(),
+ this.input_password1.reset(),
+ this.label_phone.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bind_Phone2 = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.both_ui.bind_yostar_mailUI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_mail = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_mail"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_email_vaild(i.input_mail.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (i.input_mail.isOK) {
+ e = i.input_mail.text;
+ if (/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(e)) {
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send();
+ var n = i;
+ Yo.authSubmit({
+ account: e,
+ code: i.input_code.text
+ }).then(function(e) {
+ e ? 0 === e.result ? Yo.linkYo({
+ accessToken: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ yostar_uid: e.yostar_uid,
+ yostar_token: e.yostar_token,
+ yostar_username: e.yostar_account
+ }).then(function(i) {
+ 0 == i.result ? (n.close(),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2785)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info || (GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info = {}),
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username = e.yostar_account) : 1 == i.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2865)) : 2 == i.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2866)) : 1e3 == i.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2867)) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2063))
+ }) : 50016 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2676)) : 50009 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2687)) : 50004 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2685)) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2689)) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2689))
+ })
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786))
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786))
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (i.input_mail.isOK) {
+ e = i.input_mail.text;
+ if (/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(e)) {
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send();
+ var n = i;
+ Yo.request({
+ account: e,
+ lang: "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? "ja" : "en"
+ }).then(function(e) {
+ e ? 0 === e.result ? t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2688)) : 50003 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2684)) : 50004 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2685)) : (t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2683)),
+ n.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n.last_send_time = 0) : (t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2683)),
+ n.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n.last_send_time = 0)
+ })
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786))
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2786))
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.input_mail.reset(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ e.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Bind_Yostar_Mail = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.camera_modeUI) || this;
+ return t.scale = 1,
+ t.during_move = !1,
+ t.mouse_x = 0,
+ t.mouse_y = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_illust = this.me.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.container_illust.getChildByName("illust")),
+ this.container_move = this.me.getChildByName("move"),
+ this.container_move.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.during_move = !0,
+ e.mouse_x = e.container_move.mouseX,
+ e.mouse_y = e.container_move.mouseY)
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ if (!e.locking && e.during_move) {
+ var t = e.container_move.mouseX - e.mouse_x
+ , i = e.container_move.mouseY - e.mouse_y;
+ e.move(t, i),
+ e.mouse_x = e.container_move.mouseX,
+ e.mouse_y = e.container_move.mouseY
+ }
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ e.during_move = !1
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ e.during_move = !1
+ }),
+ this.btn_big = this.me.getChildByName("btn_big"),
+ this.btn_big.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.bigger()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_small = this.me.getChildByName("btn_small"),
+ this.btn_small.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.smaller()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_camera = this.me.getChildByName("btn_camera"),
+ this.btn_camera.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.during_move = !1,
+ e.btn_exit_hide.visible = !0,
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.btn_close, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.btn_camera, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.btn_small, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_exit_hide = this.me.getChildByName("btn_exit_hide"),
+ this.btn_exit_hide.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.btn_exit_hide.visible = !1,
+ e.locking = !0,
+ e.during_move = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.btn_close, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.btn_camera, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.btn_small, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.illust_center_x = 998,
+ this.illust_center_y = 558,
+ this.illust.setSkin(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id, "full"),
+ this.scale = 1,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.during_move = !1,
+ this.btn_exit_hide.visible = !1,
+ this.container_illust.x = this.illust_center_x,
+ this.container_illust.y = this.illust_center_y,
+ this.container_illust.scaleX = this.container_illust.scaleY = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_illust, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_small, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_close, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_camera, null),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_illust, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_small, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_close, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_camera, null),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.bigger = function() {
+ 1.1 * this.scale > 1.6 || (this.scale *= 1.1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_illust, {
+ scaleX: this.scale,
+ scaleY: this.scale
+ }, 100, null, null, 0, !0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.smaller = function() {
+ this.scale / 1.1 < .3 || (this.scale /= 1.1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_illust, {
+ scaleX: this.scale,
+ scaleY: this.scale
+ }, 100, null, null, 0, !0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.move = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.container_illust.x + t
+ , n = this.container_illust.y + e;
+ i < this.illust_center_x - 600 ? i = this.illust_center_x - 600 : i > this.illust_center_x + 600 && (i = this.illust_center_x + 600),
+ n < this.illust_center_y - 1200 ? n = this.illust_center_y - 1200 : n > this.illust_center_y + 800 && (n = this.illust_center_y + 800),
+ this.container_illust.x = i,
+ this.container_illust.y = n
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Camera_Mode = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.canot_create_phone_accountUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Canot_Create_Phone_Account = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.chang_nicknameUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.container_input = this.root.getChildByName("container_input"),
+ this.lb = this.container_input.getChildByName("lb"),
+ this.input = this.container_input.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.input_no = this.container_input.getChildByName("no"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.container_input.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.notice = this.container_input.getChildByName("nochange"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onBtnConfrim, null, !1),
+ this.input.on("focus", this, function() {
+ t.lb.visible = !1,
+ t.input_no.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.input.on("blur", this, function() {
+ t.lb.visible = !t.input.text || "" == t.input.text
+ }),
+ this.input.on("input", this, function() {
+ t.input.text && t.input.text
+ }),
+ this.container_no = this.root.getChildByName("container_no"),
+ this.label_count = this.container_no.getChildByName("count"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_input.getChildByName("en_no_space").visible = "en" == GameMgr.client_language
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = Date.now() / 1e3
+ , n = 30 - Math.floor((i - GameMgr.Inst.last_mod_name_time) / 3600 / 24);
+ if (n > 0)
+ this.container_no.visible = !0,
+ this.label_count.text = n.toString(),
+ this.container_input.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.container_input.visible = !0,
+ this.container_no.visible = !1,
+ this.input_no.visible = !1,
+ this.lb.visible = !0,
+ this.input.text = "",
+ this.notice.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2675);
+ var a = this.container_input.getChildByName("price")
+ , r = cfg.item_definition.item.get(302013);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(a.getChildByName("icon"), r.icon);
+ var s = a.getChildByName("count");
+ s.text = "x1",
+ t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302013) > 0 ? (s.color = "#00ff00",
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !1)) : (s.color = "#ff0000",
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !0)),
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(a, [10, 10, 10])
+ }
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.have_invalid_char = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ var i = t.charCodeAt(e);
+ if (!(i >= "a".charCodeAt(0) && i <= "z".charCodeAt(0)) && !(i >= "A".charCodeAt(0) && i <= "Z".charCodeAt(0) || i >= "0".charCodeAt(0) && i <= "9".charCodeAt(0) || i >= 11904 && i <= 40959)) {
+ for (var n = !1, a = 0; a < "~@!#%&()_+={}:;<>".length; a++)
+ if ("~@!#%&()_+={}:;<>"[a] == t[e]) {
+ n = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (!n)
+ return !0
+ }
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtnConfrim = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.locking && "" != this.input.text) {
+ for (var i = this.input.text, n = 0, a = 0, r = 0; r < i.length; r++) {
+ if (i.charCodeAt(r) > 255) {
+ if (n + 2 > 14)
+ break;
+ n += 2
+ } else {
+ if (n + 1 > 14)
+ break;
+ n += 1
+ }
+ a++
+ }
+ if (a == i.length) {
+ var s = this.input.text;
+ this.have_invalid_char(s) || app.Taboo.test(s) ? this.input_no.visible = !0 : (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "modifyNickname", {
+ nickname: s,
+ use_item_id: 302013
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("modifyNickname", i, n),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_confirm, !1)) : (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname = s,
+ GameMgr.Inst.last_mod_name_time = Date.now() / 1e3,
+ t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.refreshBaseInfo(),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refresh(),
+ e.close())
+ }))
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2750))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Change_Nickname = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.character_star_upUI) || this;
+ return t.ress = [],
+ t.effect_path = "scene/scene_shengjiban.ls",
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t.ress = [],
+ t.ress.push(game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/levelup.png")),
+ t.ress.push(game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/bg.jpg")),
+ t.ress.push(game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/bang_heart.png")),
+ Laya.loader.load(t.ress, null, null, "image"),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.blackbg = this.me.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.btn_bigclose = this.me.getChildByName("bigclose"),
+ this.btn_bigclose.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.container_avatar = this.root.getChildByName("container_avatar"),
+ this.avatar0 = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.container_avatar.getChildByName("avatar0")),
+ this.avatar1 = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.container_avatar.getChildByName("avatar1")),
+ this.avatar1.me.visible = !1,
+ this.bg = this.root.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.img_word = this.root.getChildByName("container_hearts").getChildByName("img_word"),
+ this.container_hearts = this.root.getChildByName("container_hearts"),
+ this.hearts = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ this.hearts.push(this.container_hearts.getChildByName("heart" + i));
+ this.bang = this.container_hearts.getChildByName("bang"),
+ this.bang_imgs = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ this.bang_imgs.push(this.bang.getChildAt(i));
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.block_chat = new t.UI_Character_Chat(this.me.getChildByName("chat")),
+ this.container_effect = this.me.getChildByName("container_effect")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.reset(),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.chara_info = t,
+ this.back_func = e;
+ var n = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(this.chara_info.skin);
+ this.avatar1.me.visible = !1,
+ n && this.avatar0.setSkin(this.chara_info.skin, "full");
+ for (var a = 0; a < this.hearts.length; a++)
+ if (a >= 5)
+ this.hearts[a].visible = !1,
+ this.bang_imgs[a].visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.hearts[a].visible = !0,
+ this.hearts[a].x = 314 + 107 * a - 214,
+ this.bang_imgs[a].visible = !0;
+ var r = this.hearts[a].getChildByName("v").mask;
+ a < this.chara_info.level ? r.scaleY = 1 : r.scaleY = 0,
+ t.is_upgraded ? this.hearts[a].getChildByName("v").getChildByName("full").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/heart_gold.png") : this.hearts[a].getChildByName("v").getChildByName("full").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_heart.png")
+ }
+ if (this.bang.visible = !1,
+ this.img_word.visible = !0,
+ this.container_hearts.visible = !0,
+ this.me.in.play(0, !1),
+ this.block_chat.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_bigclose.visible = !1,
+ view.AudioMgr.refresh_music_volume(!0),
+ Laya.loader.create(this.effect_path),
+ this.chara_info.is_upgraded) {
+ var s = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_info.charid).full_fetter_skin;
+ game.LoadMgr.loadResImage([cfg.item_definition.skin.get(s).path + "/full.png"])
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(1400, this, function() {
+ i.bang.visible = !0,
+ i.me.bang.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(1550, i, function() {
+ i.bang.visible = !1,
+ i.chara_info.is_upgraded ? i.change_full_fetter_skin() : i.when_over()
+ }),
+ i.chara_info.is_upgraded || Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ var t = Laya.loader.getRes(i.effect_path);
+ t && (i.container_effect.addChild(t),
+ t.visible = !0),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(113)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.bg.skin = "",
+ this.img_word.skin = "",
+ this.bg.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/bg.jpg"),
+ this.img_word.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/levelup.png");
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.bang_imgs.length; t++)
+ this.bang_imgs[t].skin = "",
+ this.bang_imgs[t].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/bang_heart.png")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_full_fetter_skin = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (this.enable) {
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_info.charid);
+ if (e) {
+ cfg.item_definition.skin.get(e.full_fetter_skin) && (this.avatar1.setSkin(this.chara_info.skin, "full"),
+ this.avatar1.me.visible = !0,
+ this.avatar1.me.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter([0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])],
+ this.avatar1.me.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.avatar1.me, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 1e3, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.enable && (Laya.timer.once(1e3, t, function() {
+ t.avatar0.setSkin(e.full_fetter_skin, "full"),
+ t.avatar1.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, t, function() {
+ t.when_over()
+ })
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, t, function() {
+ var e = Laya.loader.getRes(t.effect_path);
+ e && (t.container_effect.addChild(e),
+ e.visible = !0),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(113)
+ }))
+ })))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.when_over = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = "";
+ if (this.chara_info.is_upgraded)
+ e = "lobby_qiyue";
+ else
+ switch (this.chara_info.level) {
+ case 1:
+ e = "lobby_levelup0";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e = "lobby_levelup1";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ e = "lobby_levelup2";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ e = "lobby_levelup3";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ e = "lobby_levelmax"
+ }
+ var i = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_info.charid)
+ , n = cfg.voice.sound.getGroup(i.sound)
+ , a = 0;
+ if ("" != e) {
+ for (var r = "", s = "", o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
+ if (n[o].type == e) {
+ r = n[o]["words_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ s = n[o].path,
+ a = n[o].time_length;
+ break
+ }
+ if ("" != s) {
+ this.block_chat.show(r);
+ var l = i.sound_volume;
+ view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted ? l = 0 : l *= view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume,
+ view.AudioMgr.getCVmute(i.id) ? l = 0 : l *= view.AudioMgr.getCVvolume(i.id),
+ this.sound_channel = view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(s, l),
+ this.img_word.visible = !1,
+ this.container_hearts.visible = !1
+ }
+ }
+ Laya.timer.once(a + 2e3, this, function() {
+ t.btn_bigclose.visible = !0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.refresh_music_volume(!1);
+ for (e = 0; e < this.ress.length; e++)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.ress[e]);
+ if (this.avatar0.clear(),
+ this.avatar1.clear(),
+ this.chara_info.is_upgraded)
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; e++)
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].charid == this.chara_info.charid) {
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].level = 5,
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].exp = 0,
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].skin = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_info.charid).full_fetter_skin,
+ t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id == this.chara_info.charid && (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id = t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].skin);
+ break
+ }
+ this.chara_info = null,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null);
+ var i = Laya.loader.getRes(this.effect_path);
+ i && i.destroy(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.back_func && this.back_func.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Character_star_up = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.checkhuiyuUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_chongzhi = this.root.getChildByName("btn_buy"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.notice1 = this.root.getChildByName("notice1"),
+ this.notice2 = this.root.getChildByName("notice2"),
+ this.notice3 = this.root.getChildByName("notice3"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_chongzhi.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!e.func_locking || !e.func_locking.run())
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ else {
+ var i = !1;
+ e.func_close && (i = !0,
+ e.func_close.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("huiyu") : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("huiyu", null)
+ }, null, !1))),
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ i || (t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("huiyu") : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("huiyu", null))
+ }))
+ }
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.func_close = i,
+ this.func_locking = n,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.root.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var r = 0;
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100001] && (r += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100001]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101005] && (r += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101005]);
+ var s = 0;
+ GameMgr.inGooglePlay && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101001] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101001]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101002] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101002]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101004] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101004]),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101006] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[101006]),
+ this.notice2.text = r.toString(),
+ this.notice1.text = s.toString(),
+ this.notice3.text = (s + r).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.first = !0,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_checkhuiyu = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.checkpifuquanUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_chongzhi = this.root.getChildByName("btn_buy"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.notice1 = this.root.getChildByName("notice1"),
+ this.notice2 = this.root.getChildByName("notice2"),
+ this.notice3 = this.root.getChildByName("notice3"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_chongzhi.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!e.func_locking || !e.func_locking.run())
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ else {
+ var i = !1;
+ e.func_close && (i = !0,
+ e.func_close.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("pifuquan") : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("pifuquan", null)
+ }, null, !1))),
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ i || (t.UI_Recharge.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Recharge.Inst.refresh_info("pifuquan") : t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("pifuquan", null))
+ }))
+ }
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.func_close = i,
+ this.func_locking = n,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.root.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var r = 0;
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100004] && (r = GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100004]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102005] && (r += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102005]);
+ var s = 0;
+ GameMgr.inGooglePlay && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102001] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102001]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102002] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102002]),
+ GameMgr.inChina && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102004] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102004]),
+ GameMgr.inDmm && GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102006] && (s += GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[102006]),
+ this.notice2.text = r.toString(),
+ this.notice1.text = s.toString(),
+ this.notice3.text = (s + r).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.first = !0,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_checkpifuquan = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this, new ui.mj.chipenghuUI) || this;
+ return e.container_Detail = null,
+ e.btn_cancel = null,
+ e.btn_detail_back = null,
+ e.label_title = null,
+ e.op_btns = new Object,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this.me.getChildByName("container_btns");
+ this.container_btns = t;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.container_btns.numChildren; i++) {
+ var e = this.container_btns.getChildAt(i);
+ this.op_btns[e.name] = e,
+ e.visible = !1,
+ e.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.onClickOpBtn,[e.name])
+ }
+ this.container_Detail = this.me.getChildByName("container_detail"),
+ this.container_Detail.visible = !1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ var n = this.container_Detail.getChildByName("container_chooses").getChildByName("c" + i);
+ n.visible = !1,
+ n.clickHandler = laya.utils.Handler.create(this, this.onClickDetail, [i], !1)
+ }
+ this.btn_detail_back = this.container_Detail.getChildByName("btn_back"),
+ this.btn_detail_back.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.onDetailBack,null,!1),
+ this.btn_cancel = this.me.getChildByName("btn_cancel"),
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !1,
+ this.label_title = this.container_Detail.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("lab_title"),
+ this.label_title.text = ""
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onClickOpBtn = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onClickDetail = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDetailBack = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showOp = function(t) {
+ this.container_Detail.visible = !1,
+ this.container_btns.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = this.container_btns.width, i = 0, n = 0, a = this.container_btns.numChildren - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
+ for (var r = !1, s = this.container_btns.getChildAt(a), o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
+ if (t[o] == s.name) {
+ r = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ r ? (s.visible = !0,
+ s.x = e - s.width,
+ s.y = i,
+ e -= s.width + 0,
+ 3 == ++n && (i -= 180,
+ e = this.container_btns.width,
+ n = 0)) : s.visible = !1
+ }
+ Laya.Tween.from(this.container_btns, {
+ x: 940,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 160)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showDetail = function(t, e) {
+ this.container_btns.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !1;
+ var i = this.container_Detail.getChildByName("container_title")
+ , n = (i.getChildByName("lab_title"),
+ this.container_Detail.getChildByName("container_chooses"))
+ , a = 0
+ , r = n.getChildByName("c0").getChildByName("img0").width
+ , s = .5 * r;
+ this.label_title.text = t;
+ for (var o = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/", l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
+ var h = n.getChildByName("c" + l);
+ if (l < e.length) {
+ for (var c = e[l].split("|"), _ = 0; _ < 4; _++) {
+ var u = h.getChildByName("img" + _);
+ _ < c.length ? (u.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(o + c[_] + ".png"),
+ u.x = _ * r,
+ u.y = 0,
+ u.visible = !0) : u.visible = !1
+ }
+ h.width = c.length * r,
+ 0 != l && (a += s),
+ h.x = a,
+ a += h.width,
+ h.y = -23,
+ h.visible = !0
+ } else
+ h.visible = !1
+ }
+ n.width = a,
+ this.container_Detail.width = a + 240,
+ i.x = .5 * this.container_Detail.width,
+ n.x = 120,
+ this.btn_detail_back.x = this.container_Detail.width - 56,
+ this.container_Detail.visible = !0,
+ this.container_Detail.x = 960 - this.container_Detail.width / 2
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PlayerOperation = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this) || this;
+ return t._data = new Object,
+ t.choosed_op = mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat,
+ t._oplist = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ switch (t[i].type) {
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat:
+ e.push("btn_chi"),
+ this._data.chi = t[i].combination;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.peng:
+ e.push("btn_peng"),
+ this._data.peng = t[i].combination;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.ming_gang:
+ e.push("btn_gang");
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong:
+ e.push("btn_hu")
+ }
+ e.push("btn_cancel"),
+ this._oplist = e,
+ this.showOp(e),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ShowChiPengEffect(),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(202)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onClickOpBtn = function(t) {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play)
+ switch (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(101),
+ t) {
+ case "btn_chi":
+ this.onBtn_Chi();
+ break;
+ case "btn_peng":
+ this.onBtn_Peng();
+ break;
+ case "btn_gang":
+ this.onBtn_Gang();
+ break;
+ case "btn_hu":
+ this.onBtn_Hu();
+ break;
+ case "btn_cancel":
+ this.onBtn_Cancel()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onClickDetail = function(t) {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play && (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(101),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: this.choosed_op,
+ index: t
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDetailBack = function() {
+ this.showOp(this._oplist),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(101)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtn_Chi = function() {
+ this._data.chi.length > 1 ? (this.choosed_op = mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat,
+ this.showDetail(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2038), this._data.chi)) : (app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.eat,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtn_Peng = function() {
+ this._data.peng.length > 1 ? (this.choosed_op = mjcore.E_PlayOperation.peng,
+ this.showDetail(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2039), this._data.peng)) : (app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.peng,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtn_Gang = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.ming_gang,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtn_Hu = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.rong,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtn_Cancel = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputChiPengGang", {
+ cancel_operation: !0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.CloseChiPngEffect(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDoubleClick = function() {
+ this.onBtn_Cancel()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UI_PlayerOperation);
+ t.UI_ChiPengHu = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, new ui.entrance.choose_languageUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.show = function(e) {
+ if (!this._inited) {
+ this._complete = e,
+ this._inited = !0;
+ var n = new i;
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddLobbyUI(n),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ n._show()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.scorllview = this.root.getChildByName("lst").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.lst = [],
+ this.lst.push({
+ name: "简体中文",
+ language: "chs"
+ }),
+ this.lst.push({
+ name: "繁体中文",
+ language: "chs_t"
+ }),
+ this.lst.push({
+ name: "日文",
+ language: "jp"
+ }),
+ this.lst.push({
+ name: "英文",
+ language: "en"
+ }),
+ this.scorllview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ var i = e.index
+ , n = e.container;
+ n.label = t.lst[i].name,
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("lang", t.lst[i].language),
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.me.destroy(!0),
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch || (Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.me.getChildByName("jump").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.me.destroy(!0),
+ i._complete && i._complete.run()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.scorllview.reset(),
+ this.scorllview.addItem(this.lst.length);
+ var t = "当前语言:";
+ switch (GameMgr.client_language) {
+ case "chs":
+ t += "简体中文";
+ break;
+ case "chs_t":
+ t += "繁体中文";
+ break;
+ case "jp":
+ t += "日文";
+ break;
+ case "en":
+ t += "英文";
+ break;
+ default:
+ t += "未知"
+ }
+ this.me.getChildByName("now").text = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i._ips = [],
+ i._inited = !1,
+ i._complete = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ChooseLanguage = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ return e.call(this, new ui.entrance.chooseserverUI) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.show = function(e) {
+ if (!this._inited)
+ if (this._complete = e,
+ this._inited = !0,
+ this._ips = GameMgr.config_data.ip,
+ 1 == this._ips.length)
+ this._linkLobby(0);
+ else {
+ var n = new i;
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddLobbyUI(n),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ n._show()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i._linkLobby = function(t) {
+ var e = this._ips[t];
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.init(e.name, e.region_urls),
+ GameMgr.Inst.need_test_ws ? game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenAllConnect() : game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(null),
+ this._complete.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i._linkLobbyStr = function(t) {
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("test_server_url", t),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.init("自选:" + t, ["http://" + t + "/api/v0/recommend_list"]),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(null),
+ this._complete.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.do_guanzhan = function() {
+ var t = 0
+ , e = []
+ , i = function(t) {
+ var e = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(t.action_data);
+ return {
+ timestamp: t.timestamp,
+ category: t.action_category,
+ name: e.$type.name,
+ data: e
+ }
+ }
+ , n = function() {
+ if (t > 35)
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(e));
+ else {
+ var a = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ a.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(a) {
+ e.push({
+ index: t,
+ split: "==================================================="
+ });
+ var r = new Laya.Byte;
+ r.writeArrayBuffer(a);
+ for (var s = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(r.getUint8Array(0, r.length)), o = 0; o < s.actions.length; o++)
+ e.push(i(s.actions[o]));
+ t++,
+ n()
+ }),
+ a.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(t) {});
+ a.send("guanzhan/" + t, "", "get", "arraybuffer", [])
+ }
+ };
+ n()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.scorllview = this.root.getChildByName("lst").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scorllview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ var n = e.index
+ , a = e.container;
+ a.label = i._ips[n].name,
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ i._linkLobby(n),
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.me.destroy(!0)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.input = this.root.getChildByName("input"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("enter").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i._linkLobbyStr(t.input.text),
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.me.destroy(!0)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.scorllview.reset(),
+ this.scorllview.addItem(i._ips.length);
+ var t = game.LocalStorage.getItem("test_server_url");
+ t && (this.input.text = t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i._ips = [],
+ i._inited = !1,
+ i._complete = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ChooseServer = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.closeappUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter([.3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])],
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.desc.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(22),
+ this.locking = !1,
+ GameMgr.inConch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.setOnBackPressedFunction && Laya.Browser.window.conch.setOnBackPressedFunction(function() {
+ e.locking || t.UI_CloseApp.Inst.show()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_CloseApp = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.common.commonUI) || this;
+ return i.label_net_lobby = null,
+ i.label_net_mj = null,
+ i.label_fps = null,
+ i._fps_count = 0,
+ i._last_time = 0,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this.me.getChildByName("container_net");
+ this.label_net_lobby = t.getChildByName("lobby"),
+ this.label_net_mj = t.getChildByName("mj"),
+ this.label_fps = t.getChildByName("fps"),
+ this.label_net_lobby.text = "",
+ this.label_net_mj.text = "",
+ this.label_fps.text = ""
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this._fps_count = 0,
+ this._last_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.refreshCommonShow()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.update = function() {
+ this._fps_count++;
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this._last_time;
+ t >= 500 && (this.label_fps.text = "fps:" + Math.floor(this._fps_count / t * 1e3),
+ this._fps_count = 0,
+ this._last_time = Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Common = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this._during_drag = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.bar = this.me.getChildByName("val"),
+ this.point = this.me.getChildByName("point"),
+ this.me.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ i._during_drag = !0,
+ e.runWith(i.me.mouseX / i.me.width)
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ i._during_drag && e.runWith(i.me.mouseX / i.me.width)
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ i._during_drag = !1
+ }),
+ this.me.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ i._during_drag = !1
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.refresh = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ e < 0 ? e = 0 : e > 1 && (e = 1),
+ this.bar.width = e * this.me.width,
+ this.point.x = e * this.me.width
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this._get_on = i,
+ this._set_on = n,
+ this._get_val = a,
+ this._set_val = r,
+ this.slider = new e(this.me.getChildByName("slider"),new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ s._set_val.runWith(t),
+ s._set_on.runWith(!0),
+ s.refresh()
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_mute = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("btn"),
+ this.check = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.btn_mute.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ s._set_on.runWith(!s._get_on.run()),
+ s.refresh()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return t.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = this._get_on.run();
+ this._get_val.run();
+ this.check.visible = t,
+ this.slider.bar.gray = !t,
+ this.slider.point.gray = !t,
+ this.slider.refresh(this._get_val.run())
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this._get_on = e,
+ this._set_on = i,
+ this.btn = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("btn"),
+ this.check = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.label = this.me.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("label"),
+ this.btn.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n._set_on.run()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return t.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = this._get_on.run();
+ this.check.visible = t,
+ this.label && (this.label.color = t ? "#cad4f7" : "#9ba1b2")
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return t.prototype.onShow = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ t ? (this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.onShow()) : (this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.me.height = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , r = function(e) {
+ function a(a) {
+ var r = e.call(this, a) || this;
+ r.music_controll = null,
+ r.audio_controll = null,
+ r.lizhi_controll = null,
+ r.yuyin_controll = null,
+ r.teshuyuyin_controll = null,
+ r.btn_detail_music = null,
+ r.container_bgm = null,
+ r.bgm_list_lobby = null,
+ r.bgm_list_mj = null,
+ r.fps_controll = null,
+ r.fpslow_controll = null,
+ r.btn_bgm = null,
+ r.music_controll = new i(r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("music"),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return !view.AudioMgr.musicMuted
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.musicMuted = !t)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return view.AudioMgr.musicVolume
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.musicVolume = t)
+ }
+ )),
+ r.audio_controll = new i(r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("audio"),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return !view.AudioMgr.audioMuted
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.audioMuted = !t)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return view.AudioMgr.audioVolume
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.audioVolume = t)
+ }
+ )),
+ r.lizhi_controll = new i(r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("lizhi"),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return !view.AudioMgr.lizhiMuted
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.lizhiMuted = !t)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return view.AudioMgr.lizhiVolume
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.lizhiVolume = t)
+ }
+ )),
+ r.yuyin_controll = new i(r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("yuyin"),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return !view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted = !t,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.teshuyuyin_controll.me, view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted),
+ r.teshuyuyin_controll.refresh())
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume = t)
+ }
+ )),
+ r.teshuyuyin_controll = new i(r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("teshuyuyin"),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return !view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted && !view.AudioMgr.teshuyuyinMuted
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.teshuyuyinMuted = !t)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ return view.AudioMgr.teshuyuyinVolume
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(r,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || (view.AudioMgr.teshuyuyinVolume = t)
+ }
+ ));
+ var s = function(t) {
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("fpsmode");
+ return 0 == t ? "slow" != e : "slow" == e
+ }
+ , o = function(t) {
+ var e = "fast";
+ e = 0 == t ? "fast" : "slow",
+ Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("fpsmode") != e && (h.Inst.btn_restart.visible = !0,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("fpsmode", e),
+ r.fps_controll.refresh(),
+ r.fpslow_controll.refresh())
+ };
+ return r.block_fps = r.me.getChildByName("other"),
+ r.fps_controll = new n(r.me.getChildByName("other").getChildByName("fps"),new Laya.Handler(r,s,[0]),new Laya.Handler(r,o,[0])),
+ r.fpslow_controll = new n(r.me.getChildByName("other").getChildByName("fpslow"),new Laya.Handler(r,s,[1]),new Laya.Handler(r,o,[1])),
+ r.container_bgm = r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("bgm"),
+ r.bgm_list_lobby = new t.UI_Bgm_List(r.container_bgm.getChildByName("lobby"),!0),
+ r.bgm_list_mj = new t.UI_Bgm_List(r.container_bgm.getChildByName("mj"),!1),
+ r.btn_bgm = r.me.getChildByName("audio").getChildByName("btn_bgm"),
+ r.btn_bgm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ r.container_bgm.visible ? (r.container_bgm.visible = !1,
+ r.btn_bgm.rotation = 0) : (r.container_bgm.visible = !0,
+ r.btn_bgm.rotation = 180),
+ r.refresh()
+ }
+ ),
+ r
+ }
+ return __extends(a, e),
+ a.prototype.onShow = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ this.music_controll.refresh(),
+ this.audio_controll.refresh(),
+ this.lizhi_controll.refresh(),
+ this.yuyin_controll.refresh(),
+ this.teshuyuyin_controll.refresh(),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.teshuyuyin_controll.me, view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted),
+ this.fps_controll.refresh(),
+ this.fpslow_controll.refresh(),
+ this.me.height = 778,
+ this.bgm_list_lobby.show(),
+ this.bgm_list_mj.show(),
+ this.container_bgm.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_bgm.rotation = 0,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onBgmChange = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.bgm_list_lobby.refresh(),
+ this.bgm_list_mj.refresh())
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.openBgmList = function() {
+ this.container_bgm.visible || (this.container_bgm.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_bgm.rotation = 180,
+ this.refresh())
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = 86;
+ this.music_controll.me.y = t,
+ t += 120,
+ this.container_bgm.visible && (this.container_bgm.y = t,
+ t += 20,
+ this.bgm_list_lobby.me.y = 20,
+ t += this.bgm_list_lobby.h,
+ t += 20,
+ this.bgm_list_mj.me.y = this.bgm_list_lobby.me.y + this.bgm_list_lobby.h + 20,
+ t += this.bgm_list_mj.h,
+ t += 20,
+ this.container_bgm.height = 20 + this.bgm_list_lobby.h + 20 + this.bgm_list_mj.h + 20,
+ t += 20),
+ this.audio_controll.me.y = t,
+ t += 120,
+ this.lizhi_controll.me.y = t,
+ t += 120,
+ this.yuyin_controll.me.y = t,
+ t += 120,
+ this.teshuyuyin_controll.me.y = t,
+ t += 120,
+ this.block_fps.y = t,
+ this.me.height = t + this.block_fps.height,
+ h.Inst.panel.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }(a)
+ , s = function(e) {
+ function i(t) {
+ var i = e.call(this, t) || this;
+ i.click1_controll = null,
+ i.click2_controll = null,
+ i.click3_controll = null,
+ i.comment_controlls = [],
+ i.comment_change_cd = 0,
+ i.tile_sets = [],
+ i.click1_controll = new n(i.me.getChildByName("confrontation").getChildByName("click1"),new Laya.Handler(i,i.chupai_getter,[0]),new Laya.Handler(i,i.chupai_setter,[0])),
+ i.click2_controll = new n(i.me.getChildByName("confrontation").getChildByName("click2"),new Laya.Handler(i,i.chupai_getter,[1]),new Laya.Handler(i,i.chupai_setter,[1])),
+ i.click3_controll = new n(i.me.getChildByName("confrontation").getChildByName("click3"),new Laya.Handler(i,function() {
+ return 1 == view.DesktopMgr.double_click_pass
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(i,function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.double_click_pass ^= 1,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("double_click_pass", view.DesktopMgr.double_click_pass.toString()),
+ i.click3_controll.refresh()
+ }
+ ));
+ for (a = 0; a < 3; a++)
+ i.comment_controlls.push(new n(i.me.getChildByName("comment").getChildByName("click" + (a + 1).toString()),new Laya.Handler(i,i.comment_getter,[a]),new Laya.Handler(i,i.comment_setter,[a])));
+ i.contianer_tile_set = i.me.getChildByName("tileset");
+ for (var a = 1; a <= 2; a++)
+ i.tile_sets.push(new n(i.contianer_tile_set.getChildByName("click" + a.toString()),new Laya.Handler(i,i.tile_set_getter,[a]),new Laya.Handler(i,i.tile_set_setter,[a])));
+ return i
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.chupai_getter = function(t) {
+ return view.DesktopMgr.click_prefer == t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.chupai_setter = function(t) {
+ view.DesktopMgr.click_prefer != t && (view.DesktopMgr.click_prefer = t,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("click_prefer", t.toString()),
+ this.click1_controll.refresh(),
+ this.click2_controll.refresh())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.comment_getter = function(t) {
+ return GameMgr.Inst.comment_allow == t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.comment_setter = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ GameMgr.Inst.comment_allow != e && (Laya.timer.currTimer < this.comment_change_cd || (this.comment_change_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateCommentSetting", {
+ comment_allow: e
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("updateCommentSetting", n, a),
+ i.comment_change_cd = 0;
+ else {
+ GameMgr.Inst.comment_allow = e,
+ i.comment_change_cd = 0;
+ for (var r = 0; r < i.comment_controlls.length; r++)
+ i.comment_controlls[r].refresh()
+ }
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.tile_set_getter = function(t) {
+ return 1 == t ? view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp : !view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.tile_set_setter = function(t) {
+ var e = 1 == t;
+ if (e != view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp) {
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("en_mjp", e ? "true" : "false"),
+ view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp = e,
+ GameMgr.Inst.load_mjp_view();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tile_sets.length; i++)
+ this.tile_sets[i].refresh()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShow = function() {
+ this.click1_controll.refresh(),
+ this.click2_controll.refresh(),
+ this.click3_controll.refresh();
+ for (e = 0; e < this.comment_controlls.length; e++)
+ this.comment_controlls[e].refresh();
+ if ("en" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ this.contianer_tile_set.visible = !0;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.tile_sets.length; e++)
+ this.tile_sets[e].refresh();
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.contianer_tile_set, !t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable),
+ this.me.height = 804
+ } else
+ this.contianer_tile_set.visible = !1,
+ this.me.height = 480
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(a)
+ , o = function(t) {
+ function e(e) {
+ var n = t.call(this, e) || this;
+ return n.chara_ids = [],
+ n.cells = [],
+ n.cvs = [],
+ n.templete = n.me.getChildByName("CharacterVoice").getChildByName("templete"),
+ n.templete.visible = !1,
+ cfg.item_definition.character.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.open && (n.chara_ids.push(t.id),
+ n.cells.push(n.templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone()))
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, n, function() {
+ for (var t = function(t) {
+ var e = n.cells[t]
+ , a = n.chara_ids[t];
+ n.cvs.push({
+ img: e.getChildByName("img"),
+ controller: new i(e,new Laya.Handler(n,function() {
+ return !view.AudioMgr.getCVmute(a)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(n,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || view.AudioMgr.setCVmute(a, !t)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(n,function() {
+ return view.AudioMgr.getCVvolume(a)
+ }
+ ),new Laya.Handler(n,function(t) {
+ h.Inst.locking || view.AudioMgr.setCVvolume(a, t)
+ }
+ ))
+ }),
+ e.x = t % 2 == 0 ? -15 : 510,
+ e.y = 110 * Math.floor(t / 2) + 110,
+ e.visible = !0
+ }, e = 0; e < n.chara_ids.length; e++)
+ t(e)
+ }),
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onShow = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.chara_ids.length; t++) {
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_ids[t])
+ , i = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(e.init_skin);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.cvs[t].img, i.path + "/smallhead.png"),
+ this.cvs[t].controller.refresh()
+ }
+ this.me.height = 130 + 110 * Math.ceil(this.chara_ids.length / 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(a)
+ , l = function(e) {
+ function i(n) {
+ var a = e.call(this, n) || this;
+ a.block_other = n.getChildByName("Other"),
+ a.block_renzheng = n.getChildByName("renzheng"),
+ a.block_account = n.getChildByName("account"),
+ a.block_account_en = n.getChildByName("account_en");
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("btn_gift").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_Giftcode.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("btn_rule").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_Rules.Inst.show(0))
+ }
+ );
+ var r = a.block_other.getChildByName("btn_kefu");
+ if (GameMgr.inDmm ? (r.visible = !0,
+ r.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_Dmm_Kefu.Inst.show())
+ }
+ )) : r.visible = !1,
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("jp").visible = !1,
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("en").visible = !1,
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("chs_t").visible = !1,
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("en").visible = !0,
+ 348,
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("en").getChildByName("btn0").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/contact_us.txt")
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("en").getChildByName("btn1").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/term_of_service.txt")
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("en").getChildByName("btn2").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/privacy_policy.txt")
+ }
+ );
+ else if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("jp").visible = !0,
+ 429,
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("jp").getChildByName("btn0").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_liyongguiyue.txt")
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("jp").getChildByName("btn1").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_falv1_dmm.txt") : t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_falv1.txt")
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("jp").getChildByName("btn2").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_yinsixieyi.txt")
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_other.getChildByName("jp").getChildByName("btn3").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_falv2.txt")
+ }
+ );
+ else if ("chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type) {
+ var s = a.block_other.getChildByName("chs_t");
+ s.visible = !0;
+ s.getChildByName("btn_kefu").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3151), Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ var t = "https://ykf-webchat.7moor.com/wapchat.html?accessId=4184be70-95b1-11ea-b027-616616b0ded6";
+ t += "&fromUrl=https://www.maj-soul.com",
+ t += "&urlTitle=网页",
+ t += "&language=EN";
+ var e = {};
+ e["登陆状态"] = "已登录",
+ e["昵称"] = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname,
+ e["游戏ID"] = GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ e["登陆账号名"] = 0 == GameMgr.Inst.sociotype ? game.LocalStorage.getItem("account") : "第三方登陆:" + GameMgr.Inst.sociotype,
+ e["vip等级"] = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.vip;
+ var i = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.get(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level.id);
+ e["四麻段位"] = i ? i.full_name_chs : "无";
+ var n = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.get(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level3.id);
+ e["三麻段位"] = n ? i.full_name_chs : "无",
+ e["平台"] = "网页",
+ e["版本"] = game.ResourceVersion.version;
+ var a = {};
+ a.nickName = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname,
+ t += "&customField=" + JSON.stringify(e),
+ t += "&otherParams=" + JSON.stringify(a),
+ t += "&clientId=" + game.Tools.encode_account_id2(GameMgr.Inst.account_id),
+ game.Tools.open_new_window(t)
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ s.getChildByName("btn0").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/chst_fuwuxieyi.txt"))
+ }
+ ),
+ s.getChildByName("btn1").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/chst_yinsitiaokuan.txt"))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return a.block_account.getChildByName("mail").getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (i.renzheng_clicked = 2,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("bangding_clicked", "2"),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refreshRedpoint(),
+ h.Inst.hide(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.sociotype >= 1 ? t.UI_Bind_Mail0.Inst.show() : t.UI_Bind_Mail1.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_account.getChildByName("phone").getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ i.renzheng_clicked = 2,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("bangding_clicked", "2"),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refreshRedpoint(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.sociotype >= 1 ? t.UI_Bind_Phone0.Inst.show() : t.UI_Bind_Phone1.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_account_en.getChildByName("mail").getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_Bind_Yostar_Mail.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ),
+ a.block_account_en.getChildByName("mail").getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_Unbind_Yostar_Mail.Inst.show())
+ }
+ ),
+ a
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.have_redpoint = function() {
+ if ("chs" != GameMgr.client_language)
+ return !1;
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email || !GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone) {
+ if (0 == this.renzheng_clicked) {
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("bangding_clicked");
+ this.renzheng_clicked = t && "" != t ? "2" == t ? 1 : 2 : 1
+ }
+ return 2 != this.renzheng_clicked
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShow = function() {
+ var e = 273;
+ if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? e = 429 : "en" == GameMgr.client_type ? e = 348 : "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type && (e = 348),
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_type)
+ this.block_renzheng.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.block_renzheng.visible = !0,
+ this.block_renzheng.y = e,
+ e += this.block_renzheng.height;
+ var n = this.block_renzheng.getChildByName("RealName")
+ , a = n.getChildByName("other");
+ if (t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.renzhenged) {
+ var r = (s = n.getChildByName("btn")).getChildByName("label");
+ r.text = "已认证",
+ r.color = "#72f882",
+ a.text = "",
+ s.mouseEnabled = !1
+ } else {
+ a.text = "尚未认证",
+ a.color = "#ff5757";
+ var s = n.getChildByName("btn");
+ s.visible = !0,
+ s.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (h.Inst.hide(),
+ t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst.show())
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ if ("chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type)
+ this.block_account.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ this.block_account.visible = !0,
+ this.block_account.y = e,
+ e += this.block_account.height;
+ l = this.block_account.getChildByName("mail");
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email_verify ? (l.getChildByName("unbind").visible = !1,
+ l.getChildByName("binded").visible = !0,
+ l.getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("mail").text = "(" + GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email + ")") : (l.getChildByName("unbind").visible = !0,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email ? (l.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("l0").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2788),
+ l.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("l1").text = "(" + GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email + ")") : (l.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("l0").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2704),
+ l.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("l1").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2705)),
+ l.getChildByName("binded").visible = !1);
+ var o = this.block_account.getChildByName("phone");
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_type ? o.visible = !1 : (o.visible = !0,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone_verify ? (o.getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Unbind_Phone.Inst.show(),
+ h.Inst.hide()
+ }, null, !1),
+ o.getChildByName("unbind").visible = !1,
+ o.getChildByName("binded").visible = !0,
+ o.getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("phone").text = "(" + GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone + ")",
+ o.getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("info").text = 1 == GameMgr.Inst.phone_login ? "登陆凭证" : "非登录凭证") : (o.getChildByName("unbind").visible = !0,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone ? (o.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("l0").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2788),
+ o.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("l1").text = "(" + GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone + ")") : (o.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("l0").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2704),
+ o.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("l1").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2705)),
+ o.getChildByName("binded").visible = !1)),
+ this.block_account.getChildByName("redpoint").visible = i.have_redpoint()
+ }
+ if (this.block_account_en.visible = !1,
+ ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type || "en" == GameMgr.client_type) && 7 != GameMgr.Inst.sociotype && !GameMgr.inDmm) {
+ this.block_account_en.visible = !0,
+ this.block_account_en.y = e,
+ e += this.block_account_en.height;
+ var l, c = (l = this.block_account_en.getChildByName("mail")).getChildByName("l0"), _ = c.x + c.textField.textWidth + 10;
+ if (GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username) {
+ l.getChildByName("unbind").visible = !1,
+ l.getChildByName("binded").visible = !0,
+ l.getChildByName("binded").x = _,
+ _ = 0;
+ var u = l.getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("mail");
+ u.text = "" + GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username,
+ u.x = _,
+ _ += u.textField.textWidth;
+ var d = l.getChildByName("binded").getChildByName("l2");
+ d.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3003),
+ d.x = 0,
+ _ += d.textField.textWidth
+ } else {
+ l.getChildByName("binded").visible = !1,
+ l.getChildByName("unbind").visible = !0,
+ l.getChildByName("unbind").x = _,
+ _ = 0;
+ var f = l.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("l0");
+ f.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2704),
+ f.x = _,
+ _ += f.textField.textWidth;
+ var p = l.getChildByName("unbind").getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("l1");
+ p.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2705),
+ p.x = _
+ }
+ }
+ this.me.height = e + 100
+ }
+ ,
+ i.renzheng_clicked = 0,
+ i
+ }(a)
+ , h = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.configUI) || this;
+ return t.container_tabs = null,
+ t.pages = [],
+ t.btn_restart = null,
+ t.btn_save = null,
+ t._scrollbar = null,
+ t._scrollpoint = null,
+ t._drag_scroll = !1,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.have_redpoint = function() {
+ return l.have_redpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("Panel"),
+ this.pages.push(new r(this.panel.getChildByName("ConCenter"))),
+ this.pages.push(new s(this.panel.getChildByName("PreCenter"))),
+ this.pages.push(new o(this.panel.getChildByName("CVCenter"))),
+ this.pages.push(new l(this.panel.getChildByName("OtherCenter"))),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this._scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this._scrollpoint = this._scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this._scrollbar && (this._scrollbar.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !0,
+ e.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ e.panel.vScrollBar.value = e._scrollbar.mouseY / e._scrollbar.height * e.panel.vScrollBar.max
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll && (e.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ e.panel.vScrollBar.value = e._scrollbar.mouseY / e._scrollbar.height * e.panel.vScrollBar.max)
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ e._scrollpoint.y = (e._scrollbar.height - e._scrollpoint.height) * e.panel.vScrollBar.value / e.panel.vScrollBar.max
+ })),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.hide()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_logout").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2718), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "logout", {}, function() {}),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ })),
+ e.hide()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_tabs = this.root.getChildByName("ButtonCrew");
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ n.root.getChildByName("ButtonCrew").getChildByName("btn" + t).clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(n,function() {
+ e.locking || e.refresh_tab(t)
+ }
+ )
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ i(a);
+ this.btn_restart = this.root.getChildByName("btn_restart"),
+ this.btn_restart.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("version").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2040) + ":" + game.ResourceVersion.version
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_tab = function(t) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ e = this.container_tabs.getChildByName("btn" + i);
+ this.container_tabs.setChildIndex(e, 0),
+ e.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/tab_unchoose2.png")
+ }
+ var e = this.container_tabs.getChildByName("btn" + t);
+ this.container_tabs.setChildIndex(e, this.container_tabs.numChildren - 1),
+ e.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/tab_choosed2.png");
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
+ this.pages[i].show(i == t);
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this._scrollpoint.y = 0,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this._scrollbar.visible = this.panel.vScrollBar.max > 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(17),
+ this.refresh_tab(0),
+ 1 == e && this.pages[0].openBgmList(),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.container_tabs.getChildByName("btn3").getChildByName("redpoint").visible = l.have_redpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBgmChange = function() {
+ this.enable && this.pages[0].onBgmChange()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Config = h
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.both_ui.courseUI) || this;
+ return i.locking = !1,
+ i.loadover = [],
+ i.urls = ["course/course0.png", "course/course1.png", "course/course2.png", "course/course3.png", "course/course4.png", "course/course5.png", "course/course6.png", "course/course7.png", "course/course8.png"],
+ i.pageindex = 0,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {}
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ void 0 === t && (t = null),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.func_complete = t,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.root.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 120, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.showPage(0);
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ n.loadover.push(!1),
+ Laya.loader.load(n.urls[t], Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, e, function() {
+ e.loadover[t] = !0,
+ e.enable && e.pageindex == t && (e.loading.visible = !1,
+ e.page.source = Laya.loader.getRes(e.urls[t]),
+ e.page.visible = !0),
+ e.enable || Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(e.urls[t])
+ })
+ }))
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < this.urls.length; a++)
+ i(a)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.root.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 120, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.urls.length; e++)
+ t.loadover[e] && Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t.urls[e]);
+ t.func_complete && t.func_complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showPage = function(t) {
+ this.pageindex = t,
+ this.btn_left.visible = 0 != t,
+ this.btn_right.visible = t != this.urls.length - 1,
+ this.loadover[t] ? (this.page.visible = !0,
+ this.page.source = Laya.loader.getRes(this.urls[t]),
+ this.loading.visible = !1) : (this.page.visible = !1,
+ this.loading.visible = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Course = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.create_phone_accountUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ 0 == GameMgr.Inst.sociotype || GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email_verify ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createPhoneLoginBind", {}, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindPhoneNumber", n, a),
+ i.Inst.show(e.complete)) : (t.UI_Create_Phone_Account_Success.Inst.show(!0, e.complete),
+ e.complete = null)
+ }) : (t.UI_Bind_Phone2.Inst.show(e.complete),
+ e.complete = null)
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Create_Phone_Account = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.create_phone_account_successUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.complete = i,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.root.getChildByName("info").visible = e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Create_Phone_Account_Success = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.liqi4 = 1] = "liqi4",
+ t[t.liqi3 = 2] = "liqi3"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.friend_room = 1] = "friend_room",
+ t[t.matching = 2] = "matching"
+ }(i || (i = {}));
+ var n = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t, e, i) {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {}
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , a = function(t) {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = t.call(this, e) || this;
+ i.container_hand = null,
+ i.img_hands = [],
+ i.label_noinfo = null,
+ i.container_title = null,
+ i.container_hand = i.me.getChildByName("container_hand"),
+ i.img_hands = [];
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.container_hand.numChildren; n++) {
+ var a = i.container_hand.getChildAt(n);
+ a.visible = !1,
+ i.img_hands.push(a)
+ }
+ return i.container_title = i.me.getChildByName("container_title"),
+ i.label_noinfo = i.me.getChildByName("label_noinfo"),
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.show = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = null;
+ if (t.statistic_data)
+ for (var a = 0; a < t.statistic_data.length; a++) {
+ var r = t.statistic_data[a];
+ if (e == r.mahjong_category && i == r.game_category) {
+ n = r.statistic;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (n && n.highest_hu) {
+ this.container_hand.visible = !0,
+ this.container_title.visible = !0,
+ this._showDaHe(n.highest_hu.hands, n.highest_hu.ming, n.highest_hu.hupai);
+ var s = 0;
+ if (n.highest_hu.title_id)
+ s = n.highest_hu.title_id;
+ else if (n.highest_hu.title)
+ switch (n.highest_hu.title) {
+ case "满贯":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan;
+ break;
+ case "跳满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman;
+ break;
+ case "倍满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman;
+ break;
+ case "三倍满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman;
+ break;
+ case "累积役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman;
+ break;
+ case "役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman;
+ break;
+ case "两倍役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2;
+ break;
+ case "三倍役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3;
+ break;
+ case "四倍役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4;
+ break;
+ case "五倍役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5;
+ break;
+ case "六倍役满":
+ s = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6
+ }
+ this._setTitle(s),
+ this.label_noinfo.visible = !1
+ } else
+ this.container_hand.visible = !1,
+ this.container_title.visible = !1,
+ this.label_noinfo.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.container_hand.visible = !1,
+ this.label_noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.container_title.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._showDaHe = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = this.img_hands[0].width, a = .5 * n, r = 0; r < this.img_hands.length; r++)
+ this.img_hands[r].visible = !1;
+ for (var s = 0, o = 0, l = "myres2/mjp/" + game.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(game.EView.mjp) + "/ui/", h = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
+ h.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(t[r]));
+ h = h.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return 10 * t.numValue() + (t.dora ? 0 : 1) - (10 * e.numValue() + (e.dora ? 0 : 1))
+ });
+ for (r = 0; r < h.length; r++)
+ this.img_hands[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(l + h[r].toString() + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[s].x = o,
+ this.img_hands[s].y = 0,
+ o += n,
+ this.img_hands[s].visible = !0,
+ s++;
+ if (e && e.length > 0) {
+ o += a;
+ for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
+ var c = e[r];
+ if (")" != c.charAt(c.length - 1)) {
+ if (1 == (u = c.split("|")).length) {
+ p = u[0].charAt(1);
+ "0" == (f = u[0].charAt(0)) && (f = "5");
+ for (v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
+ b = "";
+ b = 0 == v || 3 == v ? "back" : 1 == v && "5" == f && "z" != p ? "0" + p : f + p,
+ this.img_hands[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(l + b + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[s].x = o,
+ this.img_hands[s].y = 0,
+ o += n,
+ this.img_hands[s].visible = !0,
+ s++
+ }
+ } else
+ for (v = 0; v < u.length; v++) {
+ b = u[v].toString();
+ this.img_hands[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(l + b + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[s].x = o,
+ this.img_hands[s].y = 0,
+ o += n,
+ this.img_hands[s].visible = !0,
+ s++
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var _ = "", u = [], d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
+ if ("(" == c.charAt(d)) {
+ _ = c.substring(0, d),
+ u = c.substring(d + 1, c.length - 1).split(",");
+ break
+ }
+ if ("angang" == _) {
+ for (var f = u[0].charAt(0), p = u[0].charAt(1), m = 0, g = 0; g < u.length; g++)
+ "0" == u[g].charAt(0) && m++;
+ m > 0 && (f = "5");
+ for (var y = 0; y < u.length; y++) {
+ b = "";
+ b = 0 == y || 3 == y ? "back" : y <= m ? "0" + p : f + p,
+ this.img_hands[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(l + b + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[s].x = o,
+ this.img_hands[s].y = 0,
+ o += n,
+ this.img_hands[s].visible = !0,
+ s++
+ }
+ } else
+ for (var v = 0; v < u.length; v++) {
+ var b = u[v];
+ this.img_hands[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(l + b + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[s].x = o,
+ this.img_hands[s].y = 0,
+ o += n,
+ this.img_hands[s].visible = !0,
+ s++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ o += a,
+ this.img_hands[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(l + i + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[s].x = o,
+ this.img_hands[s].y = 0,
+ o += n,
+ this.img_hands[s].visible = !0;
+ var w = -.12 * (++s - 14) / 4 + .65;
+ this.container_hand.scaleX = this.container_hand.scaleY = w
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._setTitle = function(t) {
+ for (n = 0; n < this.container_title.numChildren; n++)
+ this.container_title.getChildAt(n).visible = !1;
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ e = [];
+ switch (t) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ e = ["", "", "man", "guan"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ e = ["", "", "tiao", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ e = ["", "", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ e = ["", "san", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ e = ["lei", "ji", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ e = ["", "", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ e = ["liang", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ e = ["san", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ e = ["si", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ e = ["wu", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ e = ["liu", "bei", "yi", "man"]
+ }
+ (i = this.container_title.getChildByName("chs")).visible = !0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.numChildren; n++)
+ i.getChildAt(n).visible = !1;
+ for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("" != e[n]) {
+ (a = i.getChildAt(n)).visible = !0,
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/word_" + e[n] + ".png")
+ }
+ } else if ("en" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ (i = this.container_title.getChildByName("en")).visible = !0;
+ a = i.getChildAt(0);
+ switch (t) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Mangan.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Haneman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Baiman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Sanbaiman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Double Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Triple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Quadruple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Quintuple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Sextuple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ default:
+ a.skin = ""
+ }
+ } else if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ var e = [];
+ switch (t) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ e = ["", "", "man", "guan"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ e = ["", "", "tiao", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ e = ["", "", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ e = ["", "san", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ e = ["shu", "ji", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ e = ["", "", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ e = ["er", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ e = ["san", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ e = ["si", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ e = ["wu", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ e = ["liu", "bei", "yi", "man"]
+ }
+ var i = this.container_title.getChildByName("chs");
+ i.visible = !0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.numChildren; n++)
+ i.getChildAt(n).visible = !1;
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("" != e[n]) {
+ var a;
+ (a = i.getChildAt(n)).visible = !0,
+ a.skin = "jp/myres/word_" + e[n] + ".png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(n)
+ , r = function(i) {
+ function n(e) {
+ var n = i.call(this, e) || this;
+ n.fengge = [],
+ n.radar_triangle = [];
+ var a = n.me;
+ n.fengge.push(a.getChildByName("gong")),
+ n.fengge.push(a.getChildByName("su")),
+ n.fengge.push(a.getChildByName("fang")),
+ n.fengge.push(a.getChildByName("yun"));
+ for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
+ n.radar_triangle.push(a.getChildByName("radar").getChildByName("sanjiao" + s.toString()));
+ var r = n.me.getChildByName("what");
+ if (r && (r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(51))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ for (var s = 0; s < n.fengge.length; s++)
+ n.fengge[s].x = 150;
+ return n
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.show = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this
+ , r = null;
+ if (t.statistic_data)
+ for (var s = 0; s < t.statistic_data.length; s++) {
+ var o = t.statistic_data[s];
+ if (i == o.mahjong_category && n == o.game_category) {
+ r = o.statistic;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ var l = [0, 0, 0, 0];
+ if (r && r.recent_20_hu_summary && r.recent_20_hu_summary.total_count > 0) {
+ var h = r.recent_20_hu_summary.average_hu_point
+ , c = 0;
+ (c = i == e.liqi4 ? (h - 3e3) / 5e3 * 100 : (h - 4e3) / 8e3 * 100) < 0 ? c = 0 : c > 100 && (c = 100),
+ l[0] = c
+ }
+ if (r && r.recent_round && r.recent_round.total_count > 0) {
+ r.recent_round.rong_count + r.recent_round.zimo_count == 0 ? l[1] = 0 : (l[1] = ((r.recent_round.rong_count + r.recent_round.zimo_count) / r.recent_round.total_count - .1) / .3 * 100,
+ l[1] < 0 ? l[1] = 0 : l[1] > 100 && (l[1] = 100));
+ (c = 100 * (1.12 - r.recent_round.fangchong_count / r.recent_round.total_count * 3.4)) < 0 ? c = 0 : c > 100 && (c = 100),
+ l[2] = c
+ }
+ if (r && r.recent_10_hu_summary && r.recent_10_hu_summary.total_fanshu > 0) {
+ c = (c = r.recent_10_hu_summary.total_xuanshang / r.recent_10_hu_summary.total_fanshu * 1.5 * 100) < 0 ? 0 : c > 100 ? 100 : c,
+ l[3] = c
+ }
+ this._showRadar([0, 0, 0, 0]),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(a);
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , e = function() {
+ var i = Laya.timer.currTimer - t;
+ if (i >= 300)
+ a._showRadar(l),
+ Laya.timer.clear(a, e);
+ else {
+ for (var n = Laya.Ease.linearNone(i, 0, 1, 300), r = [], s = 0; s < l.length; s++)
+ r.push(l[s] * n);
+ a._showRadar(r)
+ }
+ };
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, a, e, null, !0)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.reset = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this._showRadar([0, 0, 0, 0])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._showRadar = function(t) {
+ for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
+ this.fengge[e].text = Math.floor(t[e]).toString();
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ var n = this.radar_triangle[e].getChildByName(0 == i ? "nei" : "wai")
+ , a = t[e] / 20
+ , r = t[(e + 1) % t.length] / 20;
+ a <= .2 && (a = .2),
+ a >= 4.8 && (a = 4.8),
+ r <= .2 && (r = .2),
+ r >= 4.8 && (r = 4.8),
+ 1 == i && (a += .3,
+ r += .3);
+ var s = 180 * Math.atan(r / a) / 3.1415926
+ , o = 108 * a / 5
+ , l = 108 * r / 5;
+ n.rotation = s,
+ n.x = .5 * o,
+ n.y = 108 - .5 * l,
+ n.width = n.height = Math.sqrt(o * o + l * l) + 10
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(n)
+ , s = function(t) {
+ function i(i) {
+ var n = t.call(this, i) || this;
+ n.zoushi_points = [],
+ n.zoushi_lines = [],
+ n.mj_category = e.liqi4;
+ for (var a = n.me, r = a.getChildByName("lines"), s = 0; s < r.numChildren; s++)
+ n.zoushi_lines.push(r.getChildAt(s));
+ for (var o = a.getChildByName("points"), s = 0; s < o.numChildren; s++)
+ n.zoushi_points.push(o.getChildAt(s));
+ return "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (i.getChildByName("lb1").getChildByName("w").text = "st",
+ i.getChildByName("lb2").getChildByName("w").text = "nd",
+ i.getChildByName("lb3").getChildByName("w").text = "rd",
+ i.getChildByName("lb4").getChildByName("w").text = "th",
+ i.getChildByName("lb1").getChildByName("w").y = 32,
+ i.getChildByName("lb2").getChildByName("w").y = 32,
+ i.getChildByName("lb3").getChildByName("w").y = 32,
+ i.getChildByName("lb4").getChildByName("w").y = 32),
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.prototype.show = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this
+ , r = null;
+ if (this.mj_category = i,
+ t.statistic_data)
+ for (var s = 0; s < t.statistic_data.length; s++) {
+ var o = t.statistic_data[s];
+ if (i == o.mahjong_category && n == o.game_category) {
+ r = o.statistic;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (r && r.recent_10_game_result) {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ var l = r.recent_10_game_result;
+ this._showZoushi([], 0),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ var t = l.length >= 10 ? 10 : l.length
+ , e = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, a, function() {
+ var i = .01 * (Laya.timer.currTimer - e);
+ i >= t ? (a._showZoushi(l, t),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(a)) : a._showZoushi(l, i)
+ }, null, !0)
+ })
+ } else
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this._showZoushi([], 0);
+ this.me.getChildByName("line4").visible = i == e.liqi4,
+ this.me.getChildByName("lb4").visible = i == e.liqi4
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this._showZoushi([], 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._showZoushi = function(t, i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ n = t.length >= 10 ? t.length - 10 : 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < this.zoushi_points.length; s++)
+ this.zoushi_points[s].visible = !1;
+ for (s = 0; s < this.zoushi_lines.length; s++)
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].visible = !1;
+ for (var a = [], r = Math.floor(i), s = 0; s + n < t.length; s++) {
+ var o = -705 * (9 - s) / 9 + 1755
+ , l = -129 * (4 - t[s + n].rank) / 3 + 991;
+ a.push(new Laya.Vector2(o,l))
+ }
+ for (s = 0; s < a.length && !(s > r); s++) {
+ this.zoushi_points[s].visible = !0,
+ this.zoushi_points[s].x = a[s].x,
+ this.zoushi_points[s].y = a[s].y;
+ var h = this.mj_category == e.liqi4 ? 5e4 : 7e4;
+ if (this.zoushi_points[s].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(1 == t[n + s].rank && t[n + s].final_point >= h ? "myres/point_high.png" : "myres/point.png"),
+ s + 1 < a.length)
+ if (s == r) {
+ var c = i - r;
+ if (c > .001) {
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].visible = !0,
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].x = a[s].x,
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].y = a[s].y;
+ var _ = a[s + 1].y - a[s].y
+ , u = a[s + 1].x - a[s].x
+ , d = 180 * Math.atan(_ / u) / 3.1415926;
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].rotation = d,
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].width = Math.sqrt(u * u + _ * _) * c
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].visible = !0,
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].x = a[s].x,
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].y = a[s].y;
+ var _ = a[s + 1].y - a[s].y
+ , u = a[s + 1].x - a[s].x
+ , d = 180 * Math.atan(_ / u) / 3.1415926;
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].rotation = d,
+ this.zoushi_lines[s].width = Math.sqrt(u * u + _ * _)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(n)
+ , o = function(t) {
+ function n(e, i) {
+ var n = t.call(this, e) || this;
+ return n.type = 0,
+ n.btn = null,
+ n.arrow = null,
+ n.indetail = !1,
+ n.container_detail = null,
+ n.h_hide = 0,
+ n.h_detail = 0,
+ n.type = i,
+ n.btn = n.me.getChildByName("btn"),
+ n.btn.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, n.switchState, null, !1),
+ n.arrow = n.btn.getChildByName("arrow"),
+ n.container_detail = n.me.getChildByName("detail"),
+ n.h_detail = 310,
+ n.h_hide = n.btn.height,
+ n.container_detail.visible = !1,
+ n.indetail = !1,
+ n.me.height = n.btn.height,
+ n.arrow.rotation = 0,
+ n._pos1 = n.container_detail.getChildByName("pos1"),
+ n._pos2 = n.container_detail.getChildByName("pos2"),
+ n._pos3 = n.container_detail.getChildByName("pos3"),
+ n._pos4 = n.container_detail.getChildByName("pos4"),
+ n._knockout = n.container_detail.getChildByName("knockout"),
+ n._changci = n.container_detail.getChildByName("changci"),
+ n._dadian = n.container_detail.getChildByName("dadian"),
+ n._shunwei = n.container_detail.getChildByName("shunwei"),
+ n._lianzhuang = n.container_detail.getChildByName("lianzhuang"),
+ n._hule = n.container_detail.getChildByName("hule"),
+ n._shunwei = n.container_detail.getChildByName("shunwei"),
+ n._hupai = n.container_detail.getChildByName("hupai"),
+ n._zimo = n.container_detail.getChildByName("zimo"),
+ n._fangchong = n.container_detail.getChildByName("fangchong"),
+ n._fulu = n.container_detail.getChildByName("fulu"),
+ n._liqi = n.container_detail.getChildByName("liqi"),
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(n, t),
+ n.prototype.show = function(t, n, a) {
+ this._pos1.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos2.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos3.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos4.text = "--/--",
+ this._knockout.text = "--/--",
+ this._changci.text = "--/--",
+ this._dadian.text = "--/--",
+ this._shunwei.text = "--/--",
+ this._lianzhuang.text = "--/--",
+ this._hule.text = "--/--",
+ this._hupai.text = "--/--",
+ this._zimo.text = "--/--",
+ this._fangchong.text = "--/--",
+ this._fulu.text = "--/--",
+ this._liqi.text = "--/--",
+ n == e.liqi3 ? (this._pos4.visible = !1,
+ this._knockout.y = 140) : (this._pos4.visible = !0,
+ this._knockout.y = 183);
+ var r = t.detail_data;
+ if (r) {
+ var s = null;
+ if (a == i.friend_room ? s = r.friend_room_statistic : a == i.matching && (s = r.rank_statistic.total_statistic.all_level_statistic),
+ s) {
+ var o = 0;
+ n == e.liqi4 ? 1 == this.type ? o = 1 : 2 == this.type && (o = 2) : n == e.liqi3 && (1 == this.type ? o = 11 : 2 == this.type && (o = 12));
+ for (var l = 0; l < s.game_mode.length; l++) {
+ var h = s.game_mode[l];
+ if (h.mode == o) {
+ var c = h.game_count_sum;
+ if (c > 0) {
+ this._pos1.text = (h.game_final_position[0] / c * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._pos2.text = (h.game_final_position[1] / c * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._pos3.text = (h.game_final_position[2] / c * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._pos4 && (this._pos4.text = (h.game_final_position[3] / c * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%"),
+ this._knockout.text = (h.fly_count / c * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._changci.text = c.toString();
+ for (var _ = 0, u = 0; u < 4; u++)
+ _ += (u + 1) * h.game_final_position[u];
+ this._shunwei.text = (_ / c).toFixed(2).toString()
+ } else
+ this._pos1.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos2.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos3.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos4 && (this._pos4.text = "--/--"),
+ this._knockout.text = "--/--",
+ this._changci.text = c.toString(),
+ this._shunwei.text = "--/--";
+ var d = 0
+ , f = 0
+ , p = 0
+ , m = 0;
+ if (h.round_end)
+ for (var g = 0; g < h.round_end.length; g++) {
+ d += h.round_end[g].sum;
+ var y = h.round_end[g].type;
+ y == mjcore.E_Round_Result.zimo && (p += h.round_end[g].sum),
+ y == mjcore.E_Round_Result.rong || y == mjcore.E_Round_Result.zimo ? f += h.round_end[g].sum : y == mjcore.E_Round_Result.fangchong && (m += h.round_end[g].sum)
+ }
+ d > 0 ? (this._hupai.text = (f / d * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._fangchong.text = (m / d * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._fulu.text = (h.ming_count_sum / d * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._liqi.text = (h.liqi_count_sum / d * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%") : (this._hupai.text = "--/--",
+ this._fangchong.text = "--/--",
+ this._fulu.text = "--/--",
+ this._liqi.text = "--/--"),
+ f > 0 ? (this._dadian.text = (h.dadian_sum / f).toFixed(0),
+ this._zimo.text = (p / f * 100).toFixed(2).toString() + "%",
+ this._hule.text = (h.xun_count_sum / f).toFixed(2)) : (this._dadian.text = "--/--",
+ this._zimo.text = "--/--",
+ this._hule.text = "--/--"),
+ null != h.highest_lianzhuang && void 0 != h.highest_lianzhuang ? this._lianzhuang.text = h.highest_lianzhuang : this._lianzhuang.text = "--/--"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.container_detail.visible = !1,
+ this.indetail = !1,
+ this.me.height = this.btn.height,
+ this.arrow.rotation = 0,
+ this.container_detail.alpha = 1,
+ this._pos1.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos2.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos3.text = "--/--",
+ this._pos4 && (this._pos4.text = "--/--"),
+ this._knockout.text = "--/--",
+ this._changci.text = "--/--",
+ this._dadian.text = "--/--",
+ this._shunwei.text = "--/--",
+ this._lianzhuang.text = "--/--",
+ this._hule.text = "--/--",
+ this._hupai.text = "--/--",
+ this._zimo.text = "--/--",
+ this._fangchong.text = "--/--",
+ this._fulu.text = "--/--",
+ this._liqi.text = "--/--"
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.switchState = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.indetail = !this.indetail,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.indetail ? (this.me.height = this.h_detail,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.arrow, {
+ rotation: -180
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ Laya.timer.once(0, this, function() {
+ t.container_detail.visible = !0
+ })) : (Laya.Tween.to(this.arrow, {
+ rotation: 0
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ this.container_detail.visible = !1,
+ this.me.height = this.h_hide)
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(n)
+ , l = function(t) {
+ function n(e, i) {
+ var n = t.call(this, e) || this;
+ n.item_height = 50,
+ n.is_guyi = !1,
+ n.btn = null,
+ n.arrow = null,
+ n.indetail = !1,
+ n.container_detail = null,
+ n.cells = [],
+ n.items = [],
+ n.h_hide = 0,
+ n.h_detail = 0,
+ n.is_guyi = i,
+ n.btn = n.me.getChildByName("btn"),
+ n.btn.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, n.switchState, null, !1),
+ n.arrow = n.btn.getChildByName("arrow"),
+ n.container_detail = n.me.getChildByName("detail");
+ var a = n.container_detail.getChildByName("templete");
+ a.visible = !1,
+ n.items = [],
+ n.cells = [];
+ var r = 0;
+ cfg.fan.fan.forEach(function(t) {
+ i && 1 == t.is_guyi && r++,
+ i || 1 == t.is_guyi || r++
+ });
+ for (var s = 0; s < r; s++)
+ n.cells.push(a.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone());
+ return n
+ }
+ return __extends(n, t),
+ n.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.container_detail.visible = !1,
+ this.indetail = !1,
+ this.me.height = this.btn.height,
+ this.arrow.rotation = 0;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.items.length; t++)
+ this.items[t].label_count.text = "0";
+ this.container_detail.alpha = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(t, n, a) {
+ for (var r = this, s = 0; s < this.cells.length; s++)
+ this.cells[s].visible = !1;
+ var o = 10;
+ this.items = [];
+ var l = -1;
+ cfg.fan.fan.forEach(function(t) {
+ if ((1 != t.is_guyi || r.is_guyi) && !(1 != t.is_guyi && r.is_guyi || 46 == t.id || 34 == t.id && n != e.liqi3 || 17 == t.id && n == e.liqi3 || 62 == t.id && n == e.liqi3)) {
+ if (35 == t.id) {
+ var i = r.cells[r.items.length];
+ i.y = o,
+ o += r.item_height;
+ var a = i.getChildByName("fan")
+ , s = i.getChildByName("count")
+ , h = i.getChildByName("line");
+ if (a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2154),
+ s.text = "0",
+ i.visible = !0,
+ l < 0) {
+ l = 0;
+ for (var c = "", _ = 0; _ < 50; _++)
+ c += "-";
+ h.text = c,
+ l = h.textField.textWidth / 50
+ }
+ if (l > 0) {
+ for (var u = Math.floor((660 - a.textField.textWidth * a.scaleX) / l), c = "", _ = 0; _ < u; _++)
+ c += "-";
+ h.text = c
+ }
+ var d = {
+ id: -1,
+ count: 0,
+ label_count: s
+ };
+ r.items.push(d)
+ }
+ var f = r.cells[r.items.length];
+ f.y = o,
+ o += r.item_height;
+ var p = f.getChildByName("fan")
+ , m = f.getChildByName("count")
+ , g = f.getChildByName("line");
+ if (p.text = t["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ m.text = "0",
+ f.visible = !0,
+ l < 0) {
+ l = 0;
+ for (var c = "", _ = 0; _ < 50; _++)
+ c += "-";
+ g.text = c,
+ l = g.textField.textWidth / 50
+ }
+ if (l > 0) {
+ for (var u = Math.floor((660 - p.textField.textWidth * p.scaleX) / l), c = "", _ = 0; _ < u; _++)
+ c += "-";
+ g.text = c
+ }
+ r.items.push({
+ id: t.id,
+ count: 0,
+ label_count: m
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ this.h_detail = o + 80,
+ this.h_hide = this.btn.height,
+ this.container_detail.visible = !1,
+ this.indetail = !1,
+ this.me.height = this.btn.height,
+ this.arrow.rotation = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s < this.items.length; s++)
+ this.items[s].label_count.text = "0";
+ var h = t.detail_data;
+ if (h) {
+ var c = null;
+ if (a == i.friend_room ? c = h.friend_room_statistic : a == i.matching && (c = h.rank_statistic.total_statistic.all_level_statistic),
+ c && (c = c.fan_achieved),
+ c) {
+ var _ = null
+ , u = 1;
+ n == e.liqi3 && (u = 2);
+ for (s = 0; s < c.length; s++)
+ if (c[s].mahjong_category == u) {
+ _ = c[s];
+ break
+ }
+ if (_) {
+ for (s = 0; s < _.fan.length; s++)
+ for (var d = 0; d < this.items.length; d++)
+ if (this.items[d].id == _.fan[s].fan_id) {
+ this.items[d].count = _.fan[s].sum,
+ this.items[d].label_count.text = this.items[d].count.toString();
+ break
+ }
+ if (null != _.liujumanguan)
+ for (s = 0; s < this.items.length; s++)
+ if (-1 == this.items[s].id) {
+ this.items[s].count = _.liujumanguan,
+ this.items[s].label_count.text = this.items[s].count.toString();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.switchState = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.indetail = !this.indetail,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.indetail ? (this.me.height = this.h_detail,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.arrow, {
+ rotation: -180
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ Laya.timer.once(0, this, function() {
+ t.container_detail.visible = !0
+ })) : (Laya.Tween.to(this.arrow, {
+ rotation: 0
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ this.container_detail.visible = !1,
+ this.me.height = this.h_hide)
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(n)
+ , h = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.game_category = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.father = e,
+ this.btn_friend = this.me.getChildByName("btn_friend"),
+ this.btn_friend.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n.game_category !== i.friend_room && (n.changeTab(i.friend_room),
+ n.father.changeGameCategory(i.friend_room))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_pipei = this.me.getChildByName("btn_pipei"),
+ this.btn_pipei.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n.game_category !== i.matching && (n.changeTab(i.matching),
+ n.father.changeGameCategory(i.matching))
+ }
+ ),
+ game.Tools.labelLocalizationSize(this.btn_pipei.getChildAt(0), 175, 1),
+ game.Tools.labelLocalizationSize(this.btn_friend.getChildAt(0), 175, 1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.changeTab = function(t) {
+ this.game_category !== t && (this.game_category = t,
+ this.refreshShow())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refreshMJ = function(t) {
+ this.btn_pipei.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_friend.x = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? 250 : 290
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refreshShow = function() {
+ this.btn_friend.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.game_category == i.friend_room ? "myres/bothui/tab2_choosed.png" : "myres/bothui/tab2_unchoose.png"),
+ this.btn_friend.getChildAt(0).color = this.game_category == i.friend_room ? "#6a7eb1" : "#48577a",
+ this.btn_pipei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.game_category == i.matching ? "myres/bothui/tab2_choosed.png" : "myres/bothui/tab2_unchoose.png"),
+ this.btn_pipei.getChildAt(0).color = this.game_category == i.matching ? "#6a7eb1" : "#48577a",
+ this.game_category == i.friend_room ? this.me.setChildIndex(this.btn_friend, this.me.numChildren - 1) : this.me.setChildIndex(this.btn_pipei, this.me.numChildren - 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , c = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var c = this;
+ this.me = null,
+ this.panel = null,
+ this.blocks = [],
+ this.tabs = null,
+ this._data = null,
+ this._last_time = 0,
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.mj_category = e.none,
+ this.game_categroy = i.none,
+ this.total_h = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.panel = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar_light").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ c.total_h <= 0 ? c.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1) : c.scrollbar.setVal(c.panel.vScrollBar.value / c.panel.vScrollBar.max, c.panel.height / c.total_h)
+ }),
+ this.blocks.push(new a(this.panel.getChildByName("dahe"))),
+ this.blocks.push(new r(this.panel.getChildByName("fengge"))),
+ this.blocks.push(new s(this.panel.getChildByName("zoushi"))),
+ this.blocks.push(new n(this.panel.getChildByName("blank0"))),
+ this.blocks.push(new o(this.panel.getChildByName("mode1"),1)),
+ this.blocks.push(new o(this.panel.getChildByName("mode2"),2)),
+ this.blocks.push(new l(this.panel.getChildByName("fan"),!1)),
+ this.blocks.push(new l(this.panel.getChildByName("fan_guyi"),!0)),
+ this.blocks.push(new n(this.panel.getChildByName("blank"))),
+ this.tabs = new h(this.me.parent.getChildByName("tabs"),this)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
+ this.blocks[e].reset(),
+ this.blocks[e].me.y = t,
+ t += this.blocks[e].me.height
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.setData = function(t) {
+ this.data = t
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.changeMJCategory = function(t) {
+ var e = t;
+ this.mj_category = e,
+ this.tabs.refreshMJ(e),
+ this.game_categroy = i.matching,
+ this.tabs.changeTab(i.matching),
+ this.refreshShow()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.changeGameCategory = function(t) {
+ t != this.game_categroy && (this.game_categroy = t,
+ this.refreshShow())
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refreshShow = function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll();
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
+ this.blocks[e].reset(),
+ this.blocks[e].show(this.data, this.mj_category, this.game_categroy),
+ this.blocks[e].me.y = t,
+ t += this.blocks[e].me.height;
+ this.total_h = t,
+ this._last_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update, null, !0),
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max, this.panel.height / this.total_h)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.update = function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = (this.panel.vScrollBar.value,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.max,
+ 0); e < this.blocks.length; e++) {
+ var i = this.blocks[e].me.y
+ , n = Math.abs(i - t);
+ if (n < .001)
+ this.blocks[e].me.y = t;
+ else {
+ var a = Math.sqrt(2 * n / (1400 / 22500))
+ , r = Laya.timer.currTimer - this._last_time;
+ if (r >= a)
+ this.blocks[e].me.y = t;
+ else {
+ var s = 1400 / 22500 * .5 * (a - r) * (a - r);
+ this.blocks[e].me.y = i < t ? t - s : t + s
+ }
+ }
+ t += this.blocks[e].me.height
+ }
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this.total_h = t,
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max, this.panel.height / this.total_h),
+ this._last_time = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.UI_PlayerData = c
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ return function(t) {
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ }()
+ , i = function(t) {
+ function e(e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.call(this, e) || this;
+ a._on_change = null,
+ a._current_index = 0,
+ a._toggles = [],
+ a._on_change = n,
+ a._current_index = i;
+ for (var s = function(t) {
+ var e = o.me.getChildByName("toggle_" + t);
+ if (!e)
+ return "break";
+ e.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(o, function() {
+ a.change_index(t)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var i = e.getChildAt(0);
+ t == o._current_index ? (e.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(r.skin_choosed),
+ i.color = r.color_choosed) : (e.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(r.skin_unchoose),
+ i.color = r.color_unchoose),
+ o._toggles.push({
+ btn: e,
+ label: i
+ })
+ }, o = this, l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
+ if ("break" === s(l))
+ break
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "index", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._current_index
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ e.prototype.change_index = function(t) {
+ if (this._current_index != t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._toggles.length; e++)
+ e == t ? (this._toggles[e].btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(r.skin_choosed),
+ this._toggles[e].label.color = r.color_choosed) : (this._toggles[e].btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(r.skin_unchoose),
+ this._toggles[e].label.color = r.color_unchoose);
+ this._current_index = t,
+ this._on_change && this._on_change.runWith(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setTexts = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._toggles.length; e++)
+ e < t.length ? (this._toggles[e].label.text = t[e],
+ this._toggles[e].btn.visible = !0) : this._toggles[e].btn.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(e)
+ , n = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ return null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e
+ }(e)
+ , a = function(e) {
+ function i(i, n, a) {
+ var r = e.call(this, i) || this;
+ r._on_change = null,
+ r._label = null,
+ r._current_num = 0,
+ r._on_change = a;
+ var s = r.me.getChildByName("btn");
+ return s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ t.UI_NumberInput.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2043), Laya.Handler.create(r, function(t) {
+ 0 != t && t != r._current_num && r._on_change && r._on_change.runWith(t)
+ }), null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ r._label = s.getChildAt(1),
+ r.change_num(n),
+ r
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "num", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._current_num
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.change_num = function(t) {
+ this._current_num = t,
+ this._label.text = t.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(e)
+ , r = function(e) {
+ function r() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.create_roomUI) || this;
+ return t.__moshi = null,
+ t.__jushu = null,
+ t.__time = null,
+ t.__test_paipu = null,
+ t.__test_paicount = null,
+ t.__gaojishezhi = null,
+ t.__split_line = null,
+ t.__qishidianshu = null,
+ t.__fandian = null,
+ t.__zimosun = null,
+ t.__guyi = null,
+ t.__chibaopai = null,
+ t.__shiduan = null,
+ t.__fanfu = null,
+ t.__bianjietishi = null,
+ t.__guanzhan = null,
+ t.__ailevel = null,
+ t.__open_hand = null,
+ t.container_top = null,
+ t.container_content = null,
+ t.panel = null,
+ t._scrollbar = null,
+ t._scrollpoint = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t._btn_create_cd = 0,
+ t.tournament_id = 0,
+ t._blocks = [],
+ t._drag_scroll = !1,
+ r.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(r, e),
+ r.Show = function() {
+ this.Inst.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , r = this.me.getChildByName("container_create_room");
+ this.container_top = r.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_content = r.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.panel = this.container_content.getChildByName("panel"),
+ this.__moshi = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("moshi"),0,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ 0 == t ? (e.__qishidianshu.change_num(25e3),
+ e.__fandian.change_num(3e4),
+ e.__chibaopai.setTexts([game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2044), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2045), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2046)])) : (e.__qishidianshu.change_num(35e3),
+ e.__fandian.change_num(4e4),
+ e.__chibaopai.setTexts([game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2044), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2047)]),
+ e.__chibaopai.index > 1 && e.__chibaopai.change_index(1)),
+ e.__zimosun.me.visible = 0 != e.__gaojishezhi.index && 1 == e.__moshi.index,
+ e.__guyi.me.visible = 0 != e.__gaojishezhi.index && 0 == e.__moshi.index,
+ e._refreshShow()
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.__jushu = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("jushu"),2,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {}, null, !1)),
+ this.__time = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("time"),2,null),
+ this.__test_paipu = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("test_paipu"),0,null),
+ this.__test_paicount = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("test_paicount"),0,null),
+ this.__gaojishezhi = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("gaojishezhi"),0,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.__qishidianshu.change_num(0 == e.__moshi.index ? 25e3 : 35e3),
+ e.__fandian.change_num(0 == e.__moshi.index ? 3e4 : 4e4),
+ e.__chibaopai.change_index(1),
+ e.__chibaopai.setTexts(0 == e.__moshi.index ? [game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2044), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2045), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2046)] : [game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2044), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2047)]),
+ e.__shiduan.change_index(0),
+ e.__bianjietishi.change_index(0),
+ e.__ailevel.change_index(0),
+ e.__open_hand.change_index(0),
+ e.__guanzhan.change_index(0),
+ e.__zimosun.change_index(0),
+ e.__fanfu.change_index(0),
+ e.__guyi.change_index(0),
+ e.__split_line.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__qishidianshu.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__fandian.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__zimosun.me.visible = 0 != t && 1 == e.__moshi.index,
+ e.__chibaopai.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__shiduan.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__bianjietishi.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__guanzhan.me.visible = !1,
+ e.__ailevel.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__open_hand.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__fanfu.me.visible = 0 != t,
+ e.__guyi.me.visible = 0 != t && 0 == e.__moshi.index,
+ e._refreshShow()
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.__split_line = new n(this.panel.getChildByName("split_line")),
+ this.__qishidianshu = new a(this.panel.getChildByName("qishidianshu"),25e3,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ (t = 100 * Math.ceil(t / 100)) < 100 && (t = 100),
+ t >= 2e5 && (t = 2e5),
+ t > e.__fandian.num && e.__fandian.change_num(t),
+ e.__qishidianshu.change_num(t)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.__fandian = new a(this.panel.getChildByName("fandian"),3e4,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ (t = 100 * Math.ceil(t / 100)) < 100 && (t = 100),
+ t >= 2e5 && (t = 2e5),
+ t < e.__qishidianshu.num && (t = e.__qishidianshu.num),
+ e.__fandian.change_num(t)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.__zimosun = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("zimosun"),0,null),
+ this.__chibaopai = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("chibaopai"),1,null),
+ this.__shiduan = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("shiduan"),0,null),
+ this.__fanfu = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("fanfu"),0,null),
+ this.__bianjietishi = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("bianjietishi"),0,null),
+ this.__guanzhan = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("guanzhan"),0,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ 1 != t || 0 != e.__jushu.index && 3 != e.__jushu.index || e.__guanzhan.change_index(0)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.__ailevel = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("ailevel"),0,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {}, null, !1)),
+ this.__open_hand = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("open_hand"),0,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {}, null, !1)),
+ this.__guyi = new i(this.panel.getChildByName("guyi"),0,null),
+ this.__shiduan.me.getChildByName("what").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(54))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.__bianjietishi.me.getChildByName("what").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(53))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.panel.getChildByName("moshi").getChildByName("what").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(57))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.panel.getChildByName("zimosun").getChildByName("what").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(63))
+ }, null, !1);
+ for (var s = 2; s < this.panel.numChildren; s++) {
+ var o = this.panel.getChildAt(s)
+ , l = o.getChildByName("what");
+ l && (l.x = 106 - o.getChildByName("img_info").displayWidth - 30,
+ l.y = o.getChildByName("img_info").y)
+ }
+ this._blocks.push(this.__moshi),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__jushu),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__time),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__test_paipu),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__test_paicount),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__gaojishezhi),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__split_line),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__qishidianshu),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__fandian),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__zimosun),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__guyi),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__chibaopai),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__shiduan),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__fanfu),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__bianjietishi),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__guanzhan),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__ailevel),
+ this._blocks.push(this.__open_hand),
+ this.__test_paipu.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__test_paicount.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__split_line.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__qishidianshu.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__fandian.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__zimosun.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__chibaopai.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__shiduan.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__fanfu.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__bianjietishi.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__guanzhan.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__ailevel.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__open_hand.me.visible = !1,
+ this.__guyi.me.visible = !1,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby()
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_content.getChildByName("btn_create").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._btnCreateRoom, null, !1),
+ this._scrollbar = this.container_content.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this._scrollpoint = this._scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this._scrollbar && (this._scrollbar.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !0;
+ var t = e._scrollbar.mouseY / e._scrollbar.height;
+ e.panel.vScrollBar.value = e.panel.vScrollBar.max * t
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ if (e._drag_scroll) {
+ var t = e._scrollbar.mouseY / e._scrollbar.height;
+ e.panel.vScrollBar.value = e.panel.vScrollBar.max * t
+ }
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ e._drag_scroll = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ if (e.enable && e._scrollbar.visible) {
+ var t = e.panel.vScrollBar.max > 0 ? e.panel.vScrollBar.value / e.panel.vScrollBar.max : 0;
+ e._scrollpoint.y = e._scrollbar.height * t
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.tournament_id = 0,
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ cfg.tournament.tournaments.forEach(function(i) {
+ if (0 == e.tournament_id) {
+ var n = t.UI_Bag.find_item(i.game_ticket_id);
+ n && n.count > 0 && (e.tournament_id = i.id)
+ }
+ }),
+ this._refreshShow(),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e._btn_create_cd = 0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._btnCreateRoom = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!(this.locking || Laya.timer.currTimer < this._btn_create_cd)) {
+ var i = 10 * this.__moshi.index + this.__jushu.index;
+ 0 == this.__jushu.index && (i += 4),
+ this._btn_create_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 5e3;
+ var n = 0;
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ n = 4;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ n = 1;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ n = 4;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ case 11:
+ case 12:
+ n = 3;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ n = 1;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ n = 3
+ }
+ var a = {};
+ switch (a.init_point = this.__qishidianshu.num,
+ a.fandian = this.__fandian.num,
+ 0 == this.__moshi.index ? a.dora_count = 0 == this.__chibaopai.index ? 0 : 1 == this.__chibaopai.index ? 3 : 4 : a.dora_count = 0 == this.__chibaopai.index ? 0 : 2,
+ a.shiduan = 0 == this.__shiduan.index,
+ a.fanfu = 2 == this.__fanfu.index ? 4 : 1 == this.__fanfu.index ? 2 : 1,
+ a.bianjietishi = 0 == this.__bianjietishi.index,
+ this.__time.index) {
+ case 0:
+ a.time_fixed = 3,
+ a.time_add = 5;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ a.time_fixed = 5,
+ a.time_add = 10;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ a.time_fixed = 5,
+ a.time_add = 20;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ a.time_fixed = 60,
+ a.time_add = 0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ a.time_fixed = 300,
+ a.time_add = 0
+ }
+ a.ai_level = this.__ailevel.index + 1,
+ a.open_hand = this.__open_hand.index,
+ 1 == this.__moshi.index && (a.have_zimosun = 0 == this.__zimosun.index),
+ 0 == this.__moshi.index && (a.guyi_mode = 1 == this.__guyi.index);
+ GameMgr.inRelease;
+ !0;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createRoom", {
+ player_count: n,
+ mode: {
+ mode: i,
+ ai: !0,
+ detail_rule: a,
+ testing_environment: {}
+ },
+ public_live: !1
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ e._btn_create_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createRoom", i, n) : e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.updateData(n.room),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWaitingRoom()
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._refreshShow = function() {
+ for (var t = this.panel.vScrollBar.max > 0 ? this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max : 0, e = 0, i = 0; i < this._blocks.length; i++)
+ this._blocks[i].me.visible ? (this._blocks[i].me.y = e,
+ e += this._blocks[i].me.height) : this._blocks[i].me.y = 0;
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ e < this.panel.height ? (this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this._scrollbar.visible = !1) : (this.panel.vScrollBar.value = this.panel.vScrollBar.max * t,
+ this._scrollbar.visible = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.Inst = null,
+ r.skin_unchoose = "myres/room/btn_choosen_no.png",
+ r.skin_choosed = "myres/room/btn_choosen.png",
+ r.color_unchoose = "#c1ac8b",
+ r.color_choosed = "#894b4b",
+ r
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Create_Room = r
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this.me = null,
+ this._container_c0 = null,
+ this._img_countdown_c0 = [],
+ this._container_c1 = null,
+ this._img_countdown_c1 = [],
+ this._img_countdown_plus = null,
+ this._img_countdown_add = [],
+ this._start = 0,
+ this._pre_sec = 0,
+ this._fix = 0,
+ this._add = 0,
+ this._pre_time = 0,
+ t.Inst = this,
+ this.me = e,
+ this._container_c0 = this.me.getChildByName("c0");
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c0.push(this._container_c0.getChildByName("num" + i));
+ this._container_c1 = this.me.getChildByName("c1");
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c1.push(this._container_c1.getChildByName("num" + i));
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_add.push(this.me.getChildByName("plus").getChildByName("add_" + i));
+ this._img_countdown_plus = this.me.getChildByName("plus"),
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "timeuse", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.me.visible ? Math.floor((Laya.timer.currTimer - this._start) / 1e3) : 0
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.showCD = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this._start = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this._fix = Math.floor(t / 1e3),
+ this._add = Math.floor(e / 1e3),
+ this._pre_sec = -1,
+ this._pre_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this._show(),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - i._pre_time;
+ i._pre_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped ? i._start += t : i._show()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._show = function() {
+ var t = this._fix + this._add - this.timeuse;
+ if (t <= 0)
+ return view.DesktopMgr.Inst.OperationTimeOut(),
+ void this.reset();
+ if (t != this._pre_sec) {
+ if (this._pre_sec = t,
+ t > this._add) {
+ for (var e = (t - this._add).toString(), i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_c0.length; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c0[i].visible = i < e.length;
+ if (3 == e.length ? (this._img_countdown_c0[0].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[1] + ".png"),
+ this._img_countdown_c0[1].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[0] + ".png"),
+ this._img_countdown_c0[2].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[2] + ".png")) : 2 == e.length ? (this._img_countdown_c0[0].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[1] + ".png"),
+ this._img_countdown_c0[1].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[0] + ".png")) : this._img_countdown_c0[0].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[0] + ".png"),
+ 0 != this._add) {
+ this._img_countdown_plus.visible = !0;
+ for (var n = this._add.toString(), i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_add.length; i++) {
+ var a = this._img_countdown_add[i];
+ i < n.length ? (a.visible = !0,
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/at_" + n[i] + ".png")) : a.visible = !1
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._img_countdown_plus.visible = !1;
+ for (i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_add.length; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_add[i].visible = !1
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._img_countdown_plus.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = t.toString(), i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_c0.length; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c0[i].visible = i < e.length;
+ 3 == e.length ? (this._img_countdown_c0[0].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[1] + ".png"),
+ this._img_countdown_c0[1].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[0] + ".png"),
+ this._img_countdown_c0[2].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[2] + ".png")) : 2 == e.length ? (this._img_countdown_c0[0].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[1] + ".png"),
+ this._img_countdown_c0[1].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[0] + ".png")) : this._img_countdown_c0[0].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/t_" + e[0] + ".png")
+ }
+ if (t > 3) {
+ this._container_c1.visible = !1;
+ for (i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_c0.length; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c0[i].alpha = 1;
+ this._img_countdown_plus.alpha = 1,
+ this._container_c0.alpha = 1,
+ this._container_c1.alpha = 1
+ } else {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(205),
+ this._container_c1.visible = !0;
+ for (i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_c0.length; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c0[i].alpha = 1;
+ this._img_countdown_plus.alpha = 1,
+ this._container_c0.alpha = 1,
+ this._container_c1.alpha = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < this._img_countdown_c1.length; i++)
+ this._img_countdown_c1[i].visible = this._img_countdown_c0[i].visible,
+ this._img_countdown_c1[i].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this._img_countdown_c0[i].skin);
+ s.Inst.me.cd1.play(0, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Inst = null,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.timer_id = 0,
+ this.last_returned = !1,
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return t.prototype.begin_refresh = function() {
+ this.timer_id && clearTimeout(this.timer_id),
+ this.last_returned = !0,
+ this._loop_refresh_delay(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, this, this._loop_show)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close_refresh = function() {
+ this.timer_id && (clearTimeout(this.timer_id),
+ this.timer_id = 0),
+ this.last_returned = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._loop_refresh_delay = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = 2e3;
+ if (game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.connecting && this.last_returned) {
+ var i = app.NetAgent.mj_network_delay;
+ e = i < 300 ? 2e3 : i < 800 ? 2500 + i : 4e3 + .5 * i,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "checkNetworkDelay", {}, function() {
+ t.last_returned = !0
+ }),
+ this.last_returned = !1
+ } else
+ e = 1e3;
+ this.timer_id = setTimeout(this._loop_refresh_delay.bind(this), e)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._loop_show = function() {
+ if (game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state != game.EConnectState.connecting)
+ this.me.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/signal_bad.png");
+ else {
+ var t = app.NetAgent.mj_network_delay;
+ this.me.skin = t < 300 ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/signal_good.png") : t < 800 ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/signal_normal.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/signal_bad.png")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.emj_banned = !1,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.localposition = e,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.btn_banemj = t.getChildByName("btn_banemj"),
+ this.btn_banemj_origin_x = this.btn_banemj.x,
+ this.btn_banemj_origin_y = this.btn_banemj.y,
+ this.img_bannedemj = this.btn_banemj.getChildByName("banned"),
+ this.btn_seeinfo = t.getChildByName("btn_seeinfo"),
+ this.btn_seeinfo_origin_x = this.btn_seeinfo.x,
+ this.btn_seeinfo_origin_y = this.btn_seeinfo.y,
+ this.btn_change = t.getChildByName("btn_change"),
+ this.btn_change_origin_x = this.btn_change.x,
+ this.btn_change_origin_y = this.btn_change.y,
+ this.btn_banemj.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (i.emj_banned = !i.emj_banned,
+ i.img_bannedemj.visible = !i.emj_banned,
+ i.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_seeinfo.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (i.close(),
+ s.Inst.btn_seeinfo(i.localposition))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_change.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (i.close(),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.changeMainbody(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(i.localposition)))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.switch()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function(t, e, i) {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.showinfo = t,
+ this.showemj = e,
+ this.showchange = i,
+ this.emj_banned = !1,
+ this.btn_banemj.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_seeinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.img_bannedemj.visible = !this.emj_banned,
+ this.btn_change.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onChangeSeat = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.showinfo = t,
+ this.showemj = e,
+ this.showchange = i,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.btn_banemj.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_seeinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_change.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.switch = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking || (this.enable ? this.close() : (this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.showinfo ? (this.btn_seeinfo.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_seeinfo.scaleX = this.btn_seeinfo.scaleY = 1,
+ this.btn_seeinfo.x = this.btn_seeinfo_origin_x,
+ this.btn_seeinfo.y = this.btn_seeinfo_origin_y,
+ this.btn_seeinfo.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.from(this.btn_seeinfo, {
+ x: 80,
+ y: 80,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut)) : this.btn_seeinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.showemj ? (this.img_bannedemj.visible = !this.emj_banned,
+ this.btn_banemj.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_banemj.scaleX = this.btn_banemj.scaleY = 1,
+ this.btn_banemj.x = this.btn_banemj_origin_x,
+ this.btn_banemj.y = this.btn_banemj_origin_y,
+ this.btn_banemj.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.from(this.btn_banemj, {
+ x: 80,
+ y: 80,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut)) : this.btn_banemj.visible = !1,
+ this.showchange ? (this.btn_change.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_change.scaleX = this.btn_change.scaleY = 1,
+ this.btn_change.x = this.btn_change_origin_x,
+ this.btn_change.y = this.btn_change_origin_y,
+ this.btn_change.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.from(this.btn_change, {
+ x: 80,
+ y: 80,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut)) : this.btn_change.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.btn_banemj, {
+ x: 80,
+ y: 80,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.btn_seeinfo, {
+ x: 80,
+ y: 80,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.btn_change, {
+ x: 80,
+ y: 80,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.btn_banemj.visible = !1,
+ t.btn_seeinfo.visible = !1,
+ t.btn_change.visible = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.btn_emos = [],
+ this.emos = [],
+ this.allgray = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.btn_chat = this.me.getChildByName("btn_chat"),
+ this.btn_chat.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.switchShow()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar_light").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item), -1, 3),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ e.scrollview.total_height > 0 ? e.scrollbar.setVal(e.scrollview.rate, e.scrollview.view_height / e.scrollview.total_height) : e.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1)
+ }),
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? (t.getChildAt(5).visible = !1,
+ t.getChildAt(6).visible = !0) : (t.getChildAt(5).visible = !0,
+ t.getChildAt(6).visible = !1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.initRoom = function() {
+ var t = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.main_role_character_info
+ , e = cfg.item_definition.character.find(t.charid);
+ this.emos = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+ this.emos.push({
+ path: e.emo + "/" + i + ".png",
+ sub_id: i
+ });
+ if (t.extra_emoji)
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.extra_emoji.length; i++)
+ this.emos.push({
+ path: e.emo + "/" + t.extra_emoji[i] + ".png",
+ sub_id: t.extra_emoji[i]
+ });
+ this.emos = this.emos.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.sub_id - e.sub_id
+ }),
+ this.allgray = !1,
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.emos.length),
+ this.btn_chat.disabled = !1,
+ this.me.x = 1903
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = this.emos[i]
+ , r = n.getChildByName("btn");
+ r.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(a.path),
+ this.allgray ? game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r, !0) : (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r, !1),
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(22),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "broadcastInGame", {
+ content: JSON.stringify({
+ emo: a.sub_id
+ }),
+ except_self: !1
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ e.change_all_gray(!0),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, e, function() {
+ e.change_all_gray(!1)
+ }),
+ e.switchShow()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.change_all_gray = function(t) {
+ this.allgray = t,
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.switchShow = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = 0;
+ e = this.me.x < 1600 ? 1903 : 1382,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ x: e
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.btn_chat.disabled = !1
+ }), 0, !0, !0),
+ this.btn_chat.disabled = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.effect = null,
+ this.container_emo = e.getChildByName("chat_bubble"),
+ this.emo = new t.UI_Character_Emo(this.container_emo.getChildByName("content")),
+ this.root_effect = e.getChildByName("root_effect"),
+ this.container_emo.visible = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = this, n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(t)].character.charid, a = cfg.character.emoji.getGroup(n), r = "", s = 0, o = 0; o < a.length; o++)
+ if (a[o].sub_id == e) {
+ 2 == a[o].type && (r = a[o].view,
+ s = a[o].audio);
+ break
+ }
+ this.effect && (this.effect.destory(),
+ this.effect = null),
+ r ? (this.effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.root_effect, "scene/" + r + ".lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1),
+ Laya.timer.once(3500, this, function() {
+ i.effect.destory(),
+ i.effect = null
+ }),
+ s && view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(s)) : (this.emo.setSkin(n, e),
+ this.container_emo.visible = !0,
+ this.container_emo.scaleX = this.container_emo.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_emo, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 120, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, this, function() {
+ i.emo.clear(),
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.container_emo, {
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, 120, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(3500, this, function() {
+ i.container_emo.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.emo.clear(),
+ this.container_emo.visible = !1,
+ this.effect && (this.effect.destory(),
+ this.effect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , s = function(s) {
+ function o() {
+ var t = s.call(this, new ui.mj.desktopInfoUI) || this;
+ return t.container_doras = null,
+ t.doras = [],
+ t.label_md5 = null,
+ t.container_gamemode = null,
+ t.label_gamemode = null,
+ t.btn_auto_moqie = null,
+ t.btn_auto_nofulu = null,
+ t.btn_auto_hule = null,
+ t.img_zhenting = null,
+ t.btn_double_pass = null,
+ t._network_delay = null,
+ t._timecd = null,
+ t._player_infos = [],
+ t._container_fun = null,
+ t.showscoredeltaing = !1,
+ t.arrow = null,
+ t._btn_leave = null,
+ t._btn_fanzhong = null,
+ t.block_emo = null,
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyGameBroadcast", Laya.Handler.create(t, function(e) {
+ t.onGameBroadcast(e)
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyPlayerConnectionState", Laya.Handler.create(t, function(e) {
+ t.onPlayerConnectionState(e)
+ })),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(o, s),
+ o.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var s = this;
+ o.Inst = this,
+ this.doras = new Array;
+ var l = this.me.getChildByName("container_lefttop")
+ , h = l.getChildByName("container_doras");
+ this.container_doras = h,
+ this.container_gamemode = l.getChildByName("gamemode"),
+ this.label_gamemode = this.container_gamemode.getChildByName("lb_mode"),
+ this.label_md5 = l.getChildByName("MD5"),
+ l.getChildByName("btn_md5change").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (s.label_md5.visible)
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(s.label_md5),
+ s.label_md5.visible = !1,
+ s.container_doras.visible = !0;
+ else {
+ s.label_md5.visible = !0,
+ s.label_md5.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2048) + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.md5,
+ s.container_doras.visible = !1;
+ var t = s;
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, s.label_md5, function() {
+ t.label_md5.visible = !1,
+ t.container_doras.visible = !0
+ })
+ }
+ }, null, !1);
+ for (c = 0; c < h.numChildren; c++)
+ this.doras.push(h.getChildAt(c));
+ for (var c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+ var _ = this.me.getChildByName("container_player_" + c)
+ , u = {};
+ u.container = _,
+ u.head = new t.UI_Head(_.getChildByName("head")),
+ u.name = _.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("name"),
+ u.container_shout = _.getChildByName("container_shout"),
+ u.container_shout.visible = !1,
+ u.illust = u.container_shout.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("illust"),
+ u.illustrect = t.UIRect.CreateFromSprite(u.illust),
+ u.shout_origin_x = u.container_shout.x,
+ u.shout_origin_y = u.container_shout.y,
+ u.emo = new r(_),
+ u.disconnect = _.getChildByName("head").getChildByName("head").getChildByName("disconnect"),
+ u.disconnect.visible = !1,
+ u.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(_.getChildByName("title")),
+ 0 == c ? _.getChildByName("btn_seeinfo").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ s.btn_seeinfo(0)
+ }, null, !1) : u.headbtn = new n(_.getChildByName("btn_head"),c),
+ this._player_infos.push(u)
+ }
+ this._timecd = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_countdown")),
+ this.img_zhenting = this.me.getChildByName("img_zhenting"),
+ this.img_zhenting.visible = !1,
+ this._initFunc(),
+ this.block_emo = new a(this.me.getChildByName("container_chat_choose")),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_change_score").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onBtnShowScoreDelta, null, !1),
+ this._btn_leave = this.me.getChildByName("container_righttop").getChildByName("btn_leave"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("container_righttop").getChildByName("btn_leave").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play) {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing) {
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; i++)
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i].account_id && e++;
+ if (e <= 1)
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(21), Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing) {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; e++) {
+ var i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e];
+ i && null != i.account_id && 0 != i.account_id && t++
+ }
+ 1 == t ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "terminateGame", {}, function(t, e) {
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()
+ }) : game.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()
+ }
+ }));
+ else {
+ var n = !1;
+ if (t.UI_VoteProgress.vote_info) {
+ Math.floor(Date.now() / 1e3 - t.UI_VoteProgress.vote_info.start_time - t.UI_VoteProgress.vote_info.duration_time) < 0 && (n = !0)
+ }
+ n ? t.UI_VoteProgress.Inst.enable || t.UI_VoteProgress.Inst.show() : t.UI_VoteCD.time_cd > Date.now() / 1e3 ? t.UI_VoteCD.Inst.enable || t.UI_VoteCD.Inst.show() : t.UI_Vote.Inst.show()
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("container_righttop").getChildByName("btn_set").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Config.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._btn_fanzhong = this.me.getChildByName("container_righttop").getChildByName("btn_fanzhong"),
+ this._btn_fanzhong.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Rules.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_double_pass = this.me.getChildByName("btn_double_pass"),
+ this.btn_double_pass.visible = !1;
+ var d = 0;
+ this.btn_double_pass.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.double_click_pass) {
+ var e = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ if (d + 300 > e) {
+ if (t.UI_ChiPengHu.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_ChiPengHu.Inst.onDoubleClick();
+ else {
+ var i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.can_discard;
+ t.UI_LiQiZiMo.Inst.enable && (i = t.UI_LiQiZiMo.Inst.onDoubleClick(i)),
+ i && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.onDoubleClick()
+ }
+ d = 0
+ } else
+ d = e
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._network_delay = new i(this.me.getChildByName("img_signal"))
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.onGameBroadcast = function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyGameBroadcast " + JSON.stringify(t));
+ var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(t.seat)
+ , i = JSON.parse(t.content);
+ null != i.emo && void 0 != i.emo && this.onShowEmo(e, i.emo)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.onPlayerConnectionState = function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyPlayerConnectionState msg: " + JSON.stringify(t));
+ var e = t.seat;
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state || (view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state = [view.ELink_State.NULL, view.ELink_State.NULL, view.ELink_State.NULL, view.ELink_State.NULL]),
+ view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state && e < view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state.length && (view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state[e] = t.state),
+ this.enable) {
+ var i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(e);
+ this._player_infos[i].disconnect.visible = t.state != view.ELink_State.READY
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype._initFunc = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._container_fun = this.me.getChildByName("container_func");
+ var e = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_func")
+ , i = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_func2");
+ e.clickHandler = i.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ var i = 0;
+ t._container_fun.x < -400 ? (i = -274,
+ t.arrow.scaleX = 1) : (i = -528,
+ t.arrow.scaleX = -1),
+ Laya.Tween.to(t._container_fun, {
+ x: i
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ e.disabled = !1
+ }), 0, !0, !0),
+ e.disabled = !0
+ }
+ ,null,!1);
+ var n = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autolipai")
+ , a = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autolipai2");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(n, !0),
+ n.clickHandler = a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoLiPai(!view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_liqi),
+ t.refreshFuncBtnShow(n, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_liqi),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("autolipai", view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_liqi ? "true" : "false")
+ }, null, !1);
+ var r = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autohu")
+ , s = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autohu2");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(r, !1),
+ r.clickHandler = s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoHule(!view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_hule),
+ t.refreshFuncBtnShow(r, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_hule)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var o = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autonoming")
+ , l = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autonoming2");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(o, !1),
+ o.clickHandler = l.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoNoFulu(!view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_nofulu),
+ t.refreshFuncBtnShow(o, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_nofulu)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var h = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_automoqie")
+ , c = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_automoqie2");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(h, !1),
+ h.clickHandler = c.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoMoQie(!view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_moqie),
+ t.refreshFuncBtnShow(h, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_moqie)
+ }, null, !1),
+ Laya.Browser.onPC && !GameMgr.inConch ? (e.visible = !1,
+ s.visible = !0,
+ a.visible = !0,
+ l.visible = !0,
+ c.visible = !0) : (e.visible = !0,
+ s.visible = !1,
+ a.visible = !1,
+ l.visible = !1,
+ c.visible = !1),
+ this.arrow = this._container_fun.getChildByName("arrow"),
+ this.arrow.scaleX = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.noAutoLipai = function() {
+ var t = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autolipai");
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_liqi = !0,
+ t.clickHandler.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.resetFunc = function() {
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("autolipai")
+ , e = !0;
+ e = !t || "" == t || "true" == t;
+ var i = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autolipai");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(i, e),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("autolipai", e ? "true" : "false"),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setAutoLiPai(e);
+ var n = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autohu");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(n, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_hule);
+ var a = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_autonoming");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(a, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_nofulu);
+ var r = this._container_fun.getChildByName("btn_automoqie");
+ this.refreshFuncBtnShow(r, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.auto_moqie),
+ this._container_fun.x = -528,
+ this.arrow.scaleX = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.setDora = function(t, e) {
+ if (t < 0 || t >= this.doras.length)
+ console.error("setDora pos错误");
+ else {
+ var i = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/";
+ this.doras[t].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(i + e.toString() + ".png")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.initRoom = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play || view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.live_broadcast) {
+ for (var e = {}, i = 0; i < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; i++) {
+ for (var n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i].character, a = n.charid, r = cfg.item_definition.character.find(a).emo, s = 0; s < 9; s++) {
+ e[o = r + "/" + s.toString() + ".png"] = 1
+ }
+ if (n.extra_emoji)
+ for (s = 0; s < n.extra_emoji.length; s++) {
+ var o = r + "/" + n.extra_emoji[s].toString() + ".png";
+ e[o] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ var l = [];
+ for (var h in e)
+ l.push(h);
+ game.LoadMgr.loadResImage(l, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.block_emo.initRoom()
+ }))
+ }
+ if (this._btn_leave.visible = !0,
+ this._btn_fanzhong.visible = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play) {
+ for (i = 0; i < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; i++) {
+ (c = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i]) && null != c.account_id && 0 != c.account_id && 0
+ }
+ 1 == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.category ? (this._btn_leave.visible = !0,
+ this._btn_fanzhong.visible = !1) : (this._btn_leave.visible = !1,
+ this._btn_fanzhong.visible = !0)
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; i++) {
+ var c = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i];
+ c && null != c.account_id && 0 != c.account_id && 0
+ }
+ if (this.block_emo.me.visible = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play,
+ this._container_fun.visible = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.setLiqibang(0),
+ this.setBen(0),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config) {
+ var _ = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config
+ , u = game.Tools.get_room_desc(_);
+ this.label_gamemode.text = u.text,
+ this.container_gamemode.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.container_gamemode.visible = !1;
+ this.btn_double_pass.visible = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play ? (this._network_delay.begin_refresh(),
+ this._network_delay.me.visible = !0) : this._network_delay.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.onCloseRoom = function() {
+ this._network_delay.close_refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.refreshSeat = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1);
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat;
+ for (var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ var n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(i)
+ , a = this._player_infos[i];
+ if (n < 0)
+ a.container.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ a.container.visible = !0;
+ var r = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(n);
+ if (game.Tools.SetNickname(a.name, r),
+ a.head.id = e[n].avatar_id,
+ a.head.head_frame = e[n].avatar_frame,
+ a.avatar = e[n].avatar_id,
+ 0 != i) {
+ var s = e[n].account_id && 0 != e[n].account_id && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != view.EMJMode.paipu
+ , o = e[n].account_id && 0 != e[n].account_id && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play
+ , l = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != view.EMJMode.play;
+ t ? a.headbtn.onChangeSeat(s, o, l) : a.headbtn.reset(s, o, l)
+ }
+ e[n].title ? a.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(e[n].account_id, e[n].title) : a.title.id = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.refreshNames = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
+ var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(t)
+ , i = this._player_infos[t];
+ if (e < 0)
+ i.container.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ i.container.visible = !0;
+ var n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(e);
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(i.name, n)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.refreshLinks = function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat;
+ for (var t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
+ var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(t);
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play ? this._player_infos[t].disconnect.visible = -1 != e && 0 != t && view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state[e] != view.ELink_State.READY : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.live_broadcast ? -1 == e || 0 == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e].account_id ? this._player_infos[t].disconnect.visible = !1 : this._player_infos[t].disconnect.visible = view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state[e] != view.ELink_State.READY : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.paipu && (this._player_infos[t].disconnect.visible = !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.setBen = function(t) {
+ t > 99 && (t = 99);
+ var e = this.me.getChildByName("container_lefttop")
+ , i = e.getChildByName("num_ben_0")
+ , n = e.getChildByName("num_ben_1");
+ t >= 10 ? (i.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/w_" + Math.floor(t / 10).toString() + ".png"),
+ n.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/w_" + (t % 10).toString() + ".png"),
+ n.visible = !0) : (i.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/w_" + (t % 10).toString() + ".png"),
+ n.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.setLiqibang = function(t) {
+ t > 99 && (t = 99);
+ var e = this.me.getChildByName("container_lefttop")
+ , i = e.getChildByName("num_lizhi_0")
+ , n = e.getChildByName("num_lizhi_1");
+ t >= 10 ? (n.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/w_" + (t % 10).toString() + ".png"),
+ i.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/w_" + Math.floor(t / 10).toString() + ".png"),
+ n.visible = !0) : (i.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/w_" + t.toString() + ".png"),
+ n.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.reset_rounds = function() {
+ this.closeCountDown(),
+ this.showscoredeltaing = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScoreDelta(!1);
+ for (var t = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/", e = 0; e < this.doras.length; e++)
+ this.doras[e].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(t + "back.png");
+ for (e = 0; e < 4; e++)
+ this._player_infos[e].emo.reset();
+ this._timecd.reset(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this.label_md5),
+ this.container_doras.visible = !0,
+ this.label_md5.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.showCountDown = function(t, e) {
+ this._timecd.showCD(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.setZhenting = function(t) {
+ this.img_zhenting.visible = t
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.shout = function(t, e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("shout:" + t + " type:" + e);
+ try {
+ var n = this._player_infos[t]
+ , a = n.container_shout
+ , r = a.getChildByName("img_content")
+ , s = a.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("illust");
+ "" == e ? r.visible = !1 : (r.visible = !0,
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/shout_" + e + ".png")),
+ game.Tools.charaPart(i.avatar_id, s, "half", n.illustrect, !0);
+ var o = 0
+ , l = 0;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ o = -105,
+ l = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ o = 500,
+ l = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ o = 0,
+ l = -300;
+ break;
+ default:
+ o = -500,
+ l = 0
+ }
+ a.visible = !0,
+ a.alpha = 0,
+ a.x = n.shout_origin_x + o,
+ a.y = n.shout_origin_y + l,
+ Laya.Tween.to(a, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ x: n.shout_origin_x,
+ y: n.shout_origin_y
+ }, 70),
+ Laya.Tween.to(a, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, null, null, 600),
+ Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(s.skin),
+ a.visible = !1
+ })
+ } catch (t) {
+ var h = {};
+ h.error = t.message,
+ h.stack = t.stack,
+ h.method = "shout",
+ h.class = "UI_DesktopInfos",
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(h)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.closeCountDown = function() {
+ this._timecd.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.refreshFuncBtnShow = function(t, e) {
+ var i = t.getChildByName("img_choosed");
+ t.getChildByName("out").color = e ? "#3bd647" : "#7992b3",
+ i.visible = e
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.onShowEmo = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this._player_infos[t];
+ 0 != t && i.headbtn.emj_banned || i.emo.show(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.changeHeadEmo = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(t);
+ this._player_infos[n]
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.onBtnShowScoreDelta = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.showscoredeltaing || (this.showscoredeltaing = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScoreDelta(!0),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, this, function() {
+ t.showscoredeltaing = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScoreDelta(!1)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.btn_seeinfo = function(e) {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != view.EMJMode.paipu && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameing) {
+ var i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(e)].account_id;
+ 0 != i && (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config,
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(i, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.mode.mode < 10 ? 1 : 2))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.openDora3BeginEffect = function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.me.getChildByName("container_effects").getChildByName("dora3_begin"), "scene/effect_dora3_begin_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(243),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, t, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.openPeipaiOpenBeginEffect = function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.me.getChildByName("container_effects").getChildByName("dora3_begin"), "scene/effect_peipai_begin_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(243),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, t, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.openDora3BeginShine = function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.me.getChildByName("container_effects").getChildByName("dora3_shine"), "scene/effect_dora3_shine.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(244),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, t, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ o.prototype.openMuyuOpenBeginEffect = function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.me.getChildByName("container_effects").getChildByName("dora3_begin"), "scene/effect_muyu_begin_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(243),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, t, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ o.Inst = null,
+ o
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_DesktopInfo = s
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.diamond_lessUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!e.locking) {
+ var i = e.back;
+ e.onConfrim && e.onConfrim.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(null, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("huiyu", i)
+ })),
+ e.close(null)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.back = i,
+ this.onConfrim = e,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Diamond_Less = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.disconnectUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.txt_info = null,
+ t.txt_dot = null,
+ t.state = 0,
+ t.count = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.txt_info = this.root.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.txt_dot = this.root.getChildByName("text_dot")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ 1 == this.state || (0 == this.state ? (this.enable = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.refreshInfo(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null),
+ Laya.timer.loop(500, this, this.refreshInfo)) : 2 == this.state ? (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.refreshInfo(),
+ Laya.timer.loop(500, this, this.refreshInfo)) : 3 == this.state && (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.refreshInfo(),
+ this.root.scaleX = 1,
+ this.root.scaleY = 1,
+ this.root.alpha = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null),
+ Laya.timer.loop(500, this, this.refreshInfo))),
+ this.state = 1,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.disableMouse()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.state = 2,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ e.state = 3,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(e.root, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.state = 0,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.enableMouse()
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshInfo = function() {
+ this.count = (this.count + 1) % 4;
+ for (var t = "", e = 0; e < this.count; e++)
+ t += ".";
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.disconnect ? (this.txt_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2049),
+ this.txt_dot.text = "") : game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.reconnecting ? (this.txt_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2050),
+ this.txt_dot.text = t) : game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.none || game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.tryconnect ? (this.txt_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2051),
+ this.txt_dot.text = "") : game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.connecting && (game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.none || game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.tryconnect || game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.connecting ? (this.txt_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2052),
+ this.txt_dot.text = "",
+ this.hide()) : game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.disconnect ? (this.txt_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2049),
+ this.txt_dot.text = "") : game.MJNetMgr.Inst.connect_state == game.EConnectState.reconnecting && (this.txt_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2050),
+ this.txt_dot.text = t))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Disconnect = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.common.dmm_bgm_noticeUI) || this;
+ return e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.complete = t;
+ var i = this.me.getChildByName("img");
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(i, "extendRes/emo/e200001/l_1.png"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.complete && this.complete.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_DMM_Bgm_Notice = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.dmm_buy_popUI) || this;
+ return t.func_cancel = null,
+ t.func_confirm = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (t.close(),
+ t.func_confirm && t.func_confirm.run(),
+ t.func_cancel = null,
+ t.func_confirm = null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (t.close(),
+ t.func_cancel && t.func_cancel.run(),
+ t.func_cancel = null,
+ t.func_confirm = null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter([.3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])],
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.locking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ void 0 === n && (n = null),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 960),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 560),
+ this.func_cancel = n,
+ this.func_confirm = i,
+ this.set_desc(e),
+ this.root.x = a,
+ this.root.y = r,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").x = 122,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").x = 384,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ s.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.set_desc = function(t) {
+ this.desc.text = t,
+ this.desc.textField.textHeight > 1.5 * this.desc.fontSize ? this.desc.align = "left" : this.desc.align = "center"
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.dmm_kefuUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Dmm_Kefu = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ this.me = e,
+ t.scene_entrance = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? "scene/entrance_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".ls" : "scene/entrance.ls"
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.scene = Laya.loader.getRes(t.scene_entrance),
+ this.me.addChild(this.scene),
+ this.scene.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.scene.visible = !1,
+ this.scene.destroy(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.scene_entrance = "",
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.round = this.me.getChildByName("round"),
+ this.word = this.me.getChildByName("word"),
+ this.icon = this.me.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.me.visible) {
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var i = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ if (Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ e.round.rotation = (Laya.timer.currTimer - i) / 2e3 * 360
+ }),
+ this.word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2053),
+ 0 == t)
+ this.icon.visible = !1,
+ this.word.y = 150;
+ else
+ switch (this.icon.visible = !0,
+ this.word.y = 195,
+ t) {
+ case 1:
+ case 4:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/weixin.png");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 5:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/weibo.png");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ case 6:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/QQ.png");
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/yostar.png");
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/google.png");
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/facebook.png");
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/tiwtter.png");
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.icon.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/facebook.png");
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.icon.visible = !1,
+ this.word.y = 150
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.saveflag = !0,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.last_mail_time = -1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("jpenroot"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input_account = this.root.getChildByName("container_mail").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.label_account_no = this.root.getChildByName("container_mail").getChildByName("no"),
+ this.input_account.on("input", this, function() {
+ i.label_account_no.visible && (i.label_account_no.visible = !1),
+ "" != i.input_code.text && "" != i.input_account.text && game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_regist, !1)
+ }),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("container_yanzhengma").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.input_code.on("input", this, function() {
+ "" != i.input_code.text && "" != i.input_account.text && game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_regist, !1)
+ }),
+ this.btn_getcode = this.root.getChildByName("sendbutton").getChildByName("btn"),
+ this.btn_getcode.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ var t = i.input_account.text;
+ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(t) ? (Yo.request({
+ account: t,
+ lang: "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? "ja" : "en"
+ }).then(function(t) {
+ t ? 0 === t.result ? r.Inst.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2688)) : 50003 === t.result ? r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2684)) : 50004 === t.result ? r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2685)) : r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2683)) : r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2683))
+ }),
+ i.last_mail_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_code_state()) : i.label_account_no.visible = !0
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_regist = this.root.getChildByName("btn_enter"),
+ this.btn_regist.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ app.Log.log("btn mail login");
+ var t = r.Inst.login_index
+ , e = i.input_account.text;
+ Yo.submit({
+ account: i.input_account.text,
+ code: i.input_code.text
+ }).then(function(i) {
+ t == r.Inst.login_index && (i ? (app.Log.log("mail login submit result:" + i.result),
+ 0 === i.result ? (game.LocalStorage.setItem("mail_account", e),
+ r.onSocioBack(7, i.token, i.uid)) : 50016 === i.result ? (r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2686)),
+ r.Inst.showContainerLogin()) : 50009 === i.result ? (r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2687)),
+ r.Inst.showContainerLogin()) : (r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2689)),
+ r.Inst.showContainerLogin())) : (app.Log.log("mail login submit result: no"),
+ r.Inst.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2689)),
+ r.Inst.showContainerLogin()))
+ }),
+ 1 == i.saveflag ? (game.LocalStorage.setItem("useremail", i.input_account.text),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("saveflag", "true")) : (game.LocalStorage.setItem("useremail", ""),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("saveflag", "false")),
+ i.close(),
+ r.Inst.showLoginLoading(7)
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_info = this.root.getChildByName("sendbutton").getChildByName("label");
+ var n = this.root.getChildByName("checkxieyi");
+ this.checkbox = n.getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ n.getChildByName("btn_check").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.checkbox.visible = !i.checkbox.visible,
+ i.btn_regist.visible = i.checkbox.visible
+ }
+ );
+ var a;
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? (n.getChildByName("en").visible = !1,
+ a = n.getChildByName("jp")) : (n.getChildByName("jp").visible = !1,
+ a = n.getChildByName("en")),
+ n.getChildByName("btn_check").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.checkbox.visible = !i.checkbox.visible,
+ i.btn_regist.visible = i.checkbox.visible
+ }
+ ),
+ a.getChildByName("guize").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_liyongguiyue.txt") : "en" == GameMgr.client_language && t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/term_of_service.txt")
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.getChildByName("yinsi").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/jp_yinsixieyi.txt") : "en" == GameMgr.client_language && t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp.Inst.show("docs/privacy_policy.txt")
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onchangecheck = function(t) {
+ this.checkbox.visible = t,
+ this.btn_regist.visible = t,
+ this.root.getChildByName("checkxieyi").visible = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.input_account.text = "",
+ this.label_account_no.visible = !1,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ this.checkbox.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_regist.visible = !0;
+ var i = game.LocalStorage.getItem("saveflag")
+ , n = game.LocalStorage.getItem("useremail");
+ "true" == i && (this.input_account.text = n,
+ app.Log.log(n)),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_regist, !0),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.refresh_code_state(),
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, this, function() {
+ e.refresh_code_state()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_code_state = function() {
+ var t = 1e8;
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_getcode, !0),
+ this.last_mail_time > 0 && (t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_mail_time),
+ t < 6e4 ? (this.label_info.underline = !1,
+ t = Math.ceil((6e4 - t) / 1e3),
+ this.label_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [t.toString()]),
+ this.label_info.underline = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_getcode, !0)) : (this.label_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2720),
+ this.label_info.underline = !0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_getcode, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.data = null,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.info = this.me.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.label_time = this.me.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.img = this.me.getChildByName("img"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Entrance_Choose_Route.Inst.show()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.update_data(),
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, this, function() {
+ t.update_data()
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ t.refresh()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.update = function() {
+ this.update_data()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.update_data = function() {
+ var t = game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.GetLinkInfos()
+ , e = game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.choosed_index;
+ this.data = t[e],
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3150) + (e + 1).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = this.data;
+ t.connect == game.EConnectState.connecting ? (this.img.visible = !1,
+ this.label_time.visible = !0,
+ t.delay < 1 ? this.label_time.text = "--" : this.label_time.text = Math.floor(t.delay / 2) + "ms",
+ this.label_time.fontSize = 30,
+ t.delay < 300 ? this.label_time.color = "#32dd5b" : t.delay < 800 ? this.label_time.color = "#ffe154" : this.label_time.color = "#e03737") : t.connect == game.EConnectState.tryconnect ? (this.img.visible = !0,
+ this.label_time.visible = !1,
+ t.fetch == game.EFetchState.success ? this.img.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/connecting.png") : this.img.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/entrance/fetching.png"),
+ this.img.rotation = .5 * (Laya.timer.currTimer - this.start_time)) : (this.img.visible = !1,
+ this.label_time.visible = !0,
+ this.label_time.fontSize = 25,
+ this.label_time.color = "#7e818b",
+ t.in_maintenance ? this.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3149) : t.fetch == game.EFetchState.error ? this.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3147) : this.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3148))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onClose = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function(r) {
+ function s() {
+ var t = r.call(this, new ui.entrance.entranceUI) || this;
+ return t.scene = null,
+ t.login_type_tabs = [],
+ t.txt_account = null,
+ t.txt_password = null,
+ t.btn_login_cd = 0,
+ t.login_loading = null,
+ t.route_info = null,
+ t.btn_add2desktop = null,
+ t.page_maillogin = null,
+ t.container_extendInfo = null,
+ t.xieyiflag = 0,
+ t.login_index = 0,
+ t.login_type_tab_index = -1,
+ t.login_account_input_info = {},
+ s.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(s, r),
+ s.trySocio = function(e) {
+ var i = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_sociotype")
+ , n = -1;
+ i && "" != i && (n = parseInt(i));
+ var a = !0;
+ if (n === e)
+ if (e >= 1 && e <= 6) {
+ var r = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_code");
+ r && "" != r && (a = !1,
+ this.onSocioBack(e, r, null))
+ } else if (7 == e)
+ ;
+ else if (e >= 8 && e <= 10) {
+ var s = game.LocalStorage.getItem("yostar_token");
+ s || (s = "");
+ var o = game.LocalStorage.getItem("yostar_uid");
+ o || (o = ""),
+ "" != s && "" != o && (a = !1,
+ this.onSocioBack(e, s, o))
+ }
+ if (a)
+ if (GameMgr.inConch) {
+ var l = Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr");
+ 1 == e ? l.call("wxLogin") : 2 == e ? l.call("weiboLogin") : 3 == e && l.call("qqLogin")
+ } else if (GameMgr.iniOSWebview) {
+ var h = "";
+ switch (e) {
+ case 1:
+ h = "wxLogin";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ h = "wbLogin";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ h = "qqLogin"
+ }
+ if (h) {
+ var c = this;
+ Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative(h, "", function(t) {
+ c.onSocioBack(e + 3, t, null)
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ var _ = window.location.href;
+ if (-1 != _.indexOf("?") && (_ = _.split("?")[0]),
+ 1 == e) {
+ u = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/qrconnect?";
+ u += "appid=wx2a0c2449cab74448",
+ u += "&response_type=code",
+ u += "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURI("https://www.majsoul.com/0?xdsfdl=1-" + _),
+ u += "&scope=snsapi_login",
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = u
+ } else if (2 == e) {
+ u = "https://api.weibo.com/oauth2/authorize?";
+ u += "client_id=399644784",
+ u += "&redirect_uri=https://www.majsoul.com/0?xdsfdl=2-" + _,
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = u
+ } else if (3 == e) {
+ var u = "https://graph.qq.com/oauth2.0/authorize?";
+ u += "response_type=code",
+ u += "&client_id=101480027",
+ u += "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURI("https://www.majsoul.com/0"),
+ GameMgr.Inst.link_url.indexOf("majsoul.com/1") >= 0 ? u += "&state=xdsfdl4" : u += "&state=xdsfdl3",
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = u
+ } else if (7 == e)
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.showMailLogin();
+ else if (8 == e) {
+ d = GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "redirect/";
+ GameMgr.inRelease ? d += GameMgr.client_language : d += "tt",
+ d += "/yo_google.html",
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? Yo.googleJaAuth({
+ redirect_uri: d,
+ openNewWindow: !1
+ }) : Yo.googleAuth({
+ redirect_uri: d,
+ openNewWindow: !1
+ })
+ } else if (9 == e) {
+ d = GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "redirect/";
+ GameMgr.inRelease ? d += GameMgr.client_language : d += "tt",
+ d += "/yo_facebook.html",
+ Yo.facebookAuth({
+ redirect_uri: d,
+ openNewWindow: !1
+ })
+ } else if (10 == e) {
+ var d = GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "redirect/";
+ GameMgr.inRelease ? d += GameMgr.client_language : d += "tt",
+ d += "/yo_tiwtter.html",
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? Yo.twitterJaAuth({
+ redirect_uri: d,
+ openNewWindow: !1
+ }) : Yo.twitterAuth({
+ redirect_uri: d,
+ openNewWindow: !1
+ })
+ } else if (13 == e) {
+ var f = function() {
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("fblogin", "1");
+ var t = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?";
+ t += "client_id=511764882872601",
+ t += "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURI(GameMgr.Inst.link_url),
+ t += "&response_type=token",
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = t
+ };
+ void 0 != FB && null != FB ? FB.getLoginStatus(function(e) {
+ e && "connected" == e.status ? t.UI_Entrance.onSocioBack(13, e.authResponse.accessToken, null) : f()
+ }) : f()
+ } else
+ 14 == e && game.DmmSDK.login()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onSocioBack = function(t, e, i) {
+ app.Log.log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " + t + " " + e),
+ this.Inst && this.Inst._onSocioBack(t, e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var r = this
+ , o = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ this.container_login = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("container_login");
+ var l = function(t) {
+ var e = {
+ container: t,
+ input: t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ lb: t.getChildByName("lb")
+ };
+ return e.input.text = "",
+ e.lb.visible = !0,
+ e.input.on("focus", r, function() {
+ e.lb.visible = !1
+ }),
+ e.input.on("blur", r, function() {
+ e.lb.visible = !e.input.text || "" == e.input.text
+ }),
+ e.input.on("input", r, function() {}),
+ e
+ }
+ , h = this.container_login.getChildByName("chs");
+ this.route_info = new a(h.getChildByName("img_lb")),
+ this.txt_account = l(h.getChildByName("container_account")),
+ this.txt_password = l(h.getChildByName("container_mima")),
+ this.txt_account.input.on(laya.events.Event.KEY_DOWN, this.txt_account.input, function(t) {
+ t.keyCode === Laya.Keyboard.ENTER && r._btn_login()
+ }),
+ this.txt_password.input.on(laya.events.Event.KEY_DOWN, this.txt_account.input, function(t) {
+ t.keyCode === Laya.Keyboard.ENTER && r._btn_login()
+ }),
+ this.login_type_tabs = [];
+ for (var c = function(t) {
+ var e = h.getChildByName("container_tabs").getChildByName("tab" + t);
+ _.login_type_tabs.push({
+ btn: e,
+ word: e.getChildByName("word"),
+ choosen: e.getChildByName("chosen")
+ }),
+ _.login_type_tabs[t].btn.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(_,function() {
+ r.login_type_tab_index != t && r.change_chs_login_tab(t)
+ }
+ )
+ }, _ = this, u = 0; u < 2; u++)
+ c(u);
+ this.container_extendInfo = o.getChildByName("extendinfo"),
+ this.container_extendInfo.visible = !1,
+ h.getChildByName("btn_regist").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Entrance_Mail_Regist.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ h.getChildByName("btn_forgetpassword").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Entrance_Reset_Password.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ h.getChildByName("btn_find_account").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = "https://www.maj-soul.com/find-account/"
+ }
+ ),
+ h.getChildByName("btn_find_account").visible = "chs" == GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.btn_add2desktop = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("btn_add2desktop"),
+ this.btn_add2desktop.visible = (Laya.Browser.onAndriod || Laya.Browser.onAndroid || Laya.Browser.onIOS) && !GameMgr.inConch && !GameMgr.inConch,
+ this.btn_add2desktop.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Add2Desktop.Inst && t.UI_Add2Desktop.Inst.show()
+ }
+ ),
+ h.getChildByName("btn_enter").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._btn_login, null, !1),
+ this.login_loading = new i(o.getChildByName("loading_login")),
+ this.page_maillogin = new n(this.me.getChildByName("mail_login")),
+ this.scene = new e(this.me.getChildByName("scene")),
+ this.container_social = this.container_login.getChildByName("social"),
+ this.social_btns = [];
+ for (u = 0; u < 4; u++)
+ this.social_btns.push(this.container_social.getChildByName("btn" + u)),
+ this.social_btns[u].visible = !1;
+ var d = [];
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && (d = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/weibo.png",
+ type: 2
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/QQ.png",
+ type: 3
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/weixin.png",
+ type: 1
+ }]),
+ "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type && (d = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/facebook.png",
+ type: 13
+ }]),
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_type && (d = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/google.png",
+ type: 8
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/tiwtter.png",
+ type: 10
+ }]),
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_type && (d = [{
+ img: "myres/entrance/google.png",
+ type: 8
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/facebook.png",
+ type: 9
+ }, {
+ img: "myres/entrance/tiwtter.png",
+ type: 10
+ }]);
+ for (var f = function(t) {
+ var e = p.social_btns[t];
+ t < d.length ? (e.visible = !0,
+ e.getChildAt(0).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(d[t].img),
+ e.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(p,function() {
+ s.trySocio(d[t].type)
+ }
+ ),
+ 1 == d.length ? e.x = 220 : e.x = 340 * t / (d.length - 1) + 55) : e.visible = !1
+ }, p = this, u = 0; u < this.social_btns.length; u++)
+ f(u);
+ 2 == d.length && (this.social_btns[0].x = 340 / 3 + 55,
+ this.social_btns[1].x = 680 / 3 + 55),
+ this.me.getChildByName("infos").visible = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language,
+ this.me.getChildByName("copyright").visible = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language && GameMgr.inConch,
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("loading_login").getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.login_loading.me.visible && (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ r.showContainerLogin(),
+ r.btn_login_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 500,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, r, function() {
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(null)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1);
+ var m = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("container_login").getChildByName("dmm");
+ m.getChildByName("btn_enter").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ s.trySocio(14)
+ }
+ );
+ var g = m.getChildByName("checksave")
+ , y = g.getChildByName("checkbox");
+ y.visible = "false" != Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("autologin"),
+ g.getChildByName("btn_check").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ y.visible = !y.visible,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("autologin", y.visible ? "true" : "false")
+ }
+ );
+ var v = o.getChildByName("btn_kefu");
+ v.visible = "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type,
+ v.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(v, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, null, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(v, !1)
+ });
+ var t = "https://ykf-webchat.7moor.com/wapchat.html?accessId=4184be70-95b1-11ea-b027-616616b0ded6";
+ t += "&fromUrl=https://www.maj-soul.com",
+ t += "&urlTitle=网页",
+ t += "&language=EN";
+ var e = {};
+ e["登陆状态"] = "未登录",
+ t += "&customField=" + JSON.stringify(e),
+ game.Tools.open_new_window(t)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.ModelJpEn = function() {
+ var t = this.container_login.getChildByName("jpen")
+ , e = t.getChildByName("btn_enter");
+ e.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ !function(t) {
+ 1 == t && s.trySocio(7)
+ }(!0)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var i = t.getChildByName("checksave")
+ , n = i.getChildByName("checkbox");
+ n.visible = "false" != Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("autologin"),
+ i.getChildByName("btn_check").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n.visible = !n.visible,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("autologin", n.visible ? "true" : "false")
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? (this.container_social.visible = !1,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("dmm").visible = !0,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("chs").visible = !1,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("jpen").visible = !1) : (this.container_social.visible = !0,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("dmm").visible = !1,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type ? (this.container_social.x = 40,
+ this.container_social.y = 475,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("chs").visible = !0,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("jpen").visible = !1,
+ this.route_info.onEnable()) : (this.container_login.getChildByName("chs").visible = !1,
+ this.container_login.getChildByName("jpen").visible = !0,
+ this.ModelJpEn())),
+ -1 != GameMgr.Inst.beinvited_roomid ? (this.container_extendInfo.visible = !0,
+ this.container_extendInfo.getChildAt(0).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2054) + ":" + GameMgr.Inst.beinvited_roomid) : "" != GameMgr.Inst.outsee_paipuid ? (this.container_extendInfo.visible = !0,
+ this.container_extendInfo.getChildAt(0).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2055)) : this.container_extendInfo.visible = !1;
+ var e = this.login_index;
+ if (GameMgr.Inst.fb_login_info && "connected" == GameMgr.Inst.fb_login_info.status)
+ this.showLoginLoading(13),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ if (e == t.login_index) {
+ var i = GameMgr.Inst.fb_login_info.authResponse;
+ t._loginby_sociocode(e, 13, i.accessToken)
+ }
+ });
+ else {
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("version").text = game.ResourceVersion.version;
+ var i = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_sociotype")
+ , n = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("ssssoooodd");
+ n || (n = "");
+ var a = -1;
+ if (i && "" != i && (a = parseInt(i)),
+ app.Log.log("sociotype:" + a),
+ a < 0 || a > 14)
+ this.showContainerLogin();
+ else if (0 == a)
+ "" != n ? (this.showLoginLoading(0),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ e == t.login_index && t._try_socio_check(e, a, n)
+ })) : this.showContainerLogin();
+ else if (a >= 1 && a <= 6) {
+ var r = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_code");
+ r || (r = ""),
+ "" != r || "" != n ? (this.showLoginLoading(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e == t.login_index && (r && "" != r ? t._loginby_sociocode(e, a, r) : t._try_socio_check(e, a, n))
+ })) : this.showContainerLogin()
+ } else if (a >= 7 && a <= 10 && "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type && Yo.login) {
+ var s = game.LocalStorage.getItem("yostar_token");
+ s || (s = "");
+ var o = game.LocalStorage.getItem("yostar_uid");
+ o || (o = ""),
+ "" != o && "" != s ? (this.showLoginLoading(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e == t.login_index && t._login_2_yostar(e, a, s, o)
+ })) : this.showContainerLogin()
+ } else if (13 == a || 14 == a) {
+ var l = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_code");
+ l || (l = ""),
+ "" != l || "" != n ? (this.showLoginLoading(a),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e == t.login_index && (l && "" != l ? t._loginby_sociocode(e, a, l) : t._try_socio_check(e, a, n))
+ })) : this.showContainerLogin()
+ } else
+ this.showContainerLogin()
+ }
+ this.scene.show(),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._onSocioBack = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = this.login_index;
+ this.showLoginLoading(t),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ a == n.login_index && (e && "" != e ? (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", "false" == Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("autologin") ? "" : t.toString()),
+ i ? n._login_2_yostar(a, t, e, i) : (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_code", e),
+ n._loginby_sociocode(a, t, e))) : n.showContainerLogin())
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.showContainerLogin = function() {
+ if (-1 == this.login_type_tab_index) {
+ var t = game.LocalStorage.getItem("login_type_tab")
+ , e = game.LocalStorage.getItem("account")
+ , i = game.LocalStorage.getItem("password");
+ if (this.login_account_input_info = {},
+ e && i && "" != e && "" != i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ t && "" != t && (n = parseInt(t)),
+ this.login_account_input_info[n] = {
+ account: e,
+ password: i
+ },
+ this.change_chs_login_tab(n)
+ } else
+ this.change_chs_login_tab(0)
+ } else
+ this.change_chs_login_tab(this.login_type_tab_index);
+ this.container_login.visible = !0,
+ this.login_loading.close(),
+ this.login_index++
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.showLoginLoading = function(t) {
+ this.container_login.visible = !1,
+ this.login_loading.show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.change_chs_login_tab = function(t) {
+ this.login_type_tab_index >= 0 && (this.login_account_input_info[this.login_type_tab_index] = {
+ account: this.txt_account.input.text,
+ password: this.txt_password.input.text
+ }),
+ t || (t = 0),
+ this.login_type_tab_index = t;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.login_type_tabs.length; e++)
+ this.login_type_tabs[e].word.color = e == t ? "#446fdb" : "#84827b",
+ this.login_type_tabs[e].choosen.visible = e == t;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ this.txt_account.lb.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3138),
+ this.txt_account.input.restrict = "",
+ this.txt_account.input.maxChars = 50;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.txt_account.lb.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3132),
+ this.txt_account.input.restrict = "0-9",
+ this.txt_account.input.maxChars = 11;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ this.txt_account.lb.text = "",
+ this.txt_account.input.restrict = "",
+ this.txt_account.input.maxChars = 50
+ }
+ var i = this.login_account_input_info[t]
+ , n = ""
+ , a = "";
+ i && (n = i.account,
+ a = i.password),
+ n && "" != n ? (this.txt_account.input.text = n,
+ this.txt_account.lb.visible = !1) : (this.txt_account.input.text = "",
+ this.txt_account.lb.visible = !0),
+ a && "" != a ? (this.txt_password.input.text = a,
+ this.txt_password.lb.visible = !1) : (this.txt_password.input.text = "",
+ this.txt_password.lb.visible = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._btn_login = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.txt_account.input.text
+ , n = this.txt_password.input.text;
+ if (i && "" != i)
+ if (n && "" != n) {
+ if (!(Laya.timer.currTimer < this.btn_login_cd))
+ if (this.multiLogin())
+ this.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2058));
+ else {
+ this.btn_login_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ this.showLoginLoading(0);
+ var a = this.login_index;
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(r) {
+ Laya.timer.once(800, e, function() {
+ a == e.login_index && (r.open ? s.Inst._try_login_account(a, i, n) : (r.maintenance ? t.UI_Entrance_Maintenance.Inst.show(r.maintenance) : e.showInfo(r.info),
+ e.showContainerLogin(),
+ e.btn_login_cd = 0))
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ } else
+ this.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2057));
+ else
+ this.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2056))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._try_regist_account = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "signup", {
+ account: t,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(i),
+ code: e,
+ type: n
+ }, function(e, r) {
+ if (e)
+ a.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2059), e),
+ app.Log.Error(e.message);
+ else if (r.error)
+ a.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2060), r.error.code),
+ app.Log.Error(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2219, [JSON.stringify(r)]));
+ else {
+ var s = n - 1;
+ a.login_account_input_info[s] = {
+ account: t,
+ password: i
+ },
+ a.change_chs_login_tab(s),
+ a._try_login_account(a.login_index, t, i)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._try_login_account = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (e == this.login_index) {
+ if (this.multiLogin())
+ return this.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2058)),
+ void this.showContainerLogin();
+ var r = {};
+ GameMgr.inConch ? r.device_type = "app" : GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? r.device_type = "app-ios" : (Laya.Browser.onPC && (r.device_type = "pc"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIPad && (r.device_type = "ipad"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMobile && (r.device_type = "mobile")),
+ Laya.Browser.onMac && (r.os = "mac"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIOS && (r.os = "ios"),
+ (Laya.Browser.onAndriod || Laya.Browser.onAndroid) && (r.os = "android"),
+ Laya.Browser.onWeiXin && (r.browser = "weixin"),
+ Laya.Browser.onSafari && (r.browser = "safari"),
+ Laya.Browser.onFirefox && (r.browser = "firefox"),
+ Laya.Browser.onEdge && (r.browser = "edge"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMiniGame && (r.browser = "minigame");
+ var s = game.Tools.get_platform_currency();
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("account", i),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("password", n),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("login_type_tab", this.login_type_tab_index.toString()),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "login", {
+ account: i,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(n),
+ reconnect: !1,
+ device: r,
+ random_key: GameMgr.device_id,
+ client_version: game.ResourceVersion.version,
+ gen_access_token: !0,
+ currency_platforms: s,
+ type: this.login_type_tab_index
+ }, function(r, s) {
+ e == a.login_index && (a.btn_login_cd = 0,
+ r ? (a.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2061), r),
+ a.showContainerLogin()) : s.error ? (503 == s.error.code ? t.UI_Entrance_Prohibition.Inst.show(s.error) : a.showError("", s.error.code),
+ a.showContainerLogin()) : (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", "0"),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("account", i),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("password", n),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("login_type_tab", a.login_type_tab_index.toString()),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account = i,
+ GameMgr.Inst.password = n,
+ GameMgr.Inst.sociotype = 0,
+ a._onLoginSuccess(0, s)))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._login_2_yostar = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (t == this.login_index) {
+ app.Log.log("login_2_yostar sociotype:" + e + " token:" + i + " uid:" + n);
+ var r = this
+ , s = function(t) {
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2677));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2678));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2679));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2680));
+ break;
+ default:
+ r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2676))
+ }
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ r.showContainerLogin()
+ };
+ Yo.login && Yo.login({
+ uid: n,
+ token: i
+ }).then(function(o) {
+ t == a.login_index && (o ? (app.Log.log("yo login data.result:" + o.result),
+ 0 == o.result ? (game.LocalStorage.setItem("yostar_token", i),
+ game.LocalStorage.setItem("yostar_uid", n),
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken = o.accessToken,
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_uid = n,
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info = o,
+ r._loginby_sociocode(t, e, o.accessToken, n)) : s(o.result)) : (app.Log.log("yo login data.result: no"),
+ s(-1)))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._loginby_sociocode = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ if (void 0 === a && (a = ""),
+ e == this.login_index)
+ if (app.Log.log("_loginby_sociocode0 sociotype:" + i + ", code:" + n + ", uid:" + a),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.isOK) {
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_code", ""),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ app.Log.log("_loginby_sociocode1 sociotype" + i + " code:" + n + " uid:" + a);
+ var s = {
+ type: i,
+ code: n
+ };
+ a && (s.uid = a),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "oauth2Auth", s, function(t, n) {
+ e == r.login_index && (t ? (app.Log.log("oauth2Auth err:" + t),
+ r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2059), t),
+ app.Log.Error(t.message),
+ r.showContainerLogin()) : (app.Log.log("oauth2Auth res: " + JSON.stringify(n)),
+ n.error ? (r.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2062), n.error.code),
+ r.showContainerLogin()) : r._try_socio_check(e, i, n.access_token)))
+ })
+ } else
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(s) {
+ e == r.login_index && (s.open ? r._loginby_sociocode(e, i, n, a) : (s.maintenance ? t.UI_Entrance_Maintenance.Inst.show(s.maintenance) : r.showInfo(s.info),
+ r.showContainerLogin()))
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._try_socio_check = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (e == this.login_index)
+ return this.multiLogin() ? (this.showInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2058)),
+ void this.showContainerLogin()) : void (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.isOK ? Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ e == a.login_index && (app.Log.log("_try_socio_check sociotype" + i + " access_token:" + n),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "oauth2Check", {
+ type: i,
+ access_token: n
+ }, function(t, r) {
+ e == a.login_index && (t ? (a.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2059), t),
+ app.Log.Error(t.message),
+ a.showContainerLogin()) : (app.Log.log("oauth2Check res: " + JSON.stringify(r)),
+ r.error ? (a.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2062), r.error.code),
+ a.showContainerLogin()) : r.has_account ? a._try_login_socio(e, i, n) : a._try_regist_socio(e, i, n)))
+ }))
+ }) : game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(r) {
+ e == a.login_index && (r.open ? a._try_socio_check(e, i, n) : (r.maintenance ? t.UI_Entrance_Maintenance.Inst.show(r.maintenance) : a.showInfo(r.info),
+ a.showContainerLogin()))
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._try_regist_socio = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (t == this.login_index) {
+ app.Log.log("_try_regist_socio sociotype" + e + " access_token:" + i);
+ var a = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("__ad_s");
+ a && (GameMgr.Inst._ad_str = a);
+ var r = {};
+ r.type = e,
+ r.access_token = i,
+ GameMgr.Inst._ad_str && (r.advertise_str = GameMgr.Inst._ad_str),
+ 7 == e && (r.email = game.LocalStorage.getItem("mail_account")),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "oauth2Signup", r, function(a, r) {
+ t == n.login_index && (a ? (app.Log.log("oauth2Signup err:" + a),
+ n.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2059), a),
+ app.Log.Error(a.message),
+ n.showContainerLogin()) : (app.Log.log("oauth2Signup res: " + JSON.stringify(r)),
+ r.error ? (n.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2060), r.error.code),
+ app.Log.Error(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2219, [JSON.stringify(r)])),
+ n.showContainerLogin()) : (app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.CompleteRegistration),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.G_Role_create),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.tw_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.TW_Signup),
+ n._try_login_socio(t, e, i))))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._try_login_socio = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (e == this.login_index) {
+ if (this.multiLogin())
+ return this.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2058)),
+ void this.showContainerLogin();
+ app.Log.log("_try_login_socio sociotype" + i + " access_token:" + n);
+ var r = {};
+ GameMgr.inConch ? r.device_type = "app" : GameMgr.iniOSWebview ? r.device_type = "app-ios" : (Laya.Browser.onPC && (r.device_type = "pc"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIPad && (r.device_type = "ipad"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMobile && (r.device_type = "mobile")),
+ Laya.Browser.onMac && (r.os = "mac"),
+ Laya.Browser.onIOS && (r.os = "ios"),
+ (Laya.Browser.onAndriod || Laya.Browser.onAndroid) && (r.os = "android"),
+ Laya.Browser.onWeiXin && (r.browser = "weixin"),
+ Laya.Browser.onSafari && (r.browser = "safari"),
+ Laya.Browser.onFirefox && (r.browser = "firefox"),
+ Laya.Browser.onEdge && (r.browser = "edge"),
+ Laya.Browser.onMiniGame && (r.browser = "minigame");
+ var s = game.Tools.get_platform_currency();
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "oauth2Login", {
+ type: i,
+ access_token: n,
+ reconnect: !1,
+ device: r,
+ random_key: GameMgr.device_id,
+ client_version: game.ResourceVersion.version,
+ currency_platforms: s
+ }, function(r, s) {
+ e == a.login_index && (a.btn_login_cd = 0,
+ r ? (app.Log.log("oauth2Login err:" + r),
+ a.showError(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2061), r),
+ a.showContainerLogin()) : (app.Log.log("oauth2Login res: " + JSON.stringify(s)),
+ s.error ? (503 == s.error.code ? t.UI_Entrance_Prohibition.Inst.show(s.error) : a.showError("", s.error.code),
+ a.showContainerLogin()) : (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", "false" == Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("autologin") ? "" : i.toString()),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("ssssoooodd", n),
+ GameMgr.Inst.sociotype = i,
+ GameMgr.Inst.access_token = n,
+ a._onLoginSuccess(i, s))))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._onLoginPengdingPhone = function(t, e) {}
+ ,
+ s.prototype._onLoginSuccess = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (app.Log.log("登陆:" + JSON.stringify(i)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_id = i.account_id,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data = i.account,
+ t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.renzhenged = i.is_id_card_authed,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource = {},
+ i.account.platform_diamond)
+ for (var a = i.account.platform_diamond, r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[a[r].id] = a[r].count;
+ if (i.account.skin_ticket && (GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100004] = i.account.skin_ticket),
+ i.account.platform_skin_ticket)
+ for (var s = i.account.platform_skin_ticket, r = 0; r < s.length; r++)
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_numerical_resource[s[r].id] = s[r].count;
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_refresh_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.game_info && (GameMgr.Inst.ingame = !0,
+ GameMgr.Inst.mj_server_location = i.game_info.location,
+ GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_token = i.game_info.connect_token,
+ GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_uuid = i.game_info.game_uuid),
+ i.access_token && (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", "false" == Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("autologin") ? "" : e.toString()),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("ssssoooodd", i.access_token),
+ GameMgr.Inst.sociotype = e,
+ GameMgr.Inst.access_token = i.access_token);
+ var o = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.LocalStorage.removeItem("__ad_s"),
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst.show("load_lobby"),
+ n.enable = !1,
+ n.scene.close(),
+ t.UI_Entrance_Mail_Regist.Inst.close(),
+ n.login_loading.close(),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.openLobbyUI(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.afterLogin(),
+ n.route_info.onClose(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.anti_addiction && t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowPreventAddiction(),
+ n.destroy(),
+ n.disposeRes(),
+ t.UI_Add2Desktop.Inst && (t.UI_Add2Desktop.Inst.destroy(),
+ t.UI_Add2Desktop.Inst = null)
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(n, function(e) {
+ return t.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.2 * e)
+ }, null, !1))
+ });
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_type || i.account.phone_verify ? o.run() : (t.UI_Entrance_Mail_Regist.Inst.close(),
+ this.login_loading.close(),
+ this.container_login.visible = !1,
+ t.UI_Bind_Phone1.Inst.show(!0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchPhoneLoginBind", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? n.showError(e, i.error) : 0 == i.phone_login ? t.UI_Create_Phone_Account.Inst.show(o) : t.UI_Canot_Create_Phone_Account.Inst.show(o)
+ })
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.showMailLogin = function() {
+ this.page_maillogin.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.showInfo = function(e) {
+ var i = "";
+ e && (i += e),
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error.Inst.show(i, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.showError = function(e, i, n) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ void 0 === n && (n = "");
+ var a = "";
+ e && (a += e),
+ -1 != i && (a.length > 0 && (a += ","),
+ cfg.info.error.get(i) ? a += cfg.info.error.get(i)[GameMgr.client_language] : a += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2063) + "(" + i + ")"),
+ n && (a += ", info:" + n),
+ t.UI_Entrance_Error.Inst.show(a, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.updateServer = function() {
+ this.route_info.update()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.multiLogin = function() {
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("dolllt");
+ return !(!t || "" == t) && game.Tools.currentTime < parseFloat(t) + 1.5
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.disposeRes = function() {
+ Laya.Loader.clearTextureRes("res/atlas/myres/entrance.atlas");
+ var t = "";
+ t = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? "scene/Assets/Resource/entrance/icon_color_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".png" : "scene/Assets/Resource/entrance/icon_color.png",
+ Laya.loader.getRes(t).dispose(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.Inst = null,
+ s
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Entrance = r
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.errorinfoUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.blackbg = this.me.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.btn_cancel = this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel"),
+ this.btn_restart = this.root.getChildByName("btn_restart"),
+ this.btn_cancel.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, null, !1),
+ this.btn_restart.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_restart.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !1,
+ this.blackbg.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.showStr = function(t) {
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !0,
+ this.info.text = t,
+ this._show()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.showNetReqError = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !0;
+ var n = "";
+ if (e && "" != e) {
+ var a = "";
+ if (a = e.message ? e.message : e,
+ "错误:" + a,
+ "TIMEOUT" == a && (a = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(11)),
+ n += a,
+ !GameMgr.inRelease)
+ switch (n += "\n",
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.connect_state) {
+ case game.EConnectState.none:
+ n += "服务器未连接";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.tryconnect:
+ n += "服务器正在尝试连接";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.reconnecting:
+ n += "服务器正在重连";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.connecting:
+ n += "服务器连接正常";
+ break;
+ case game.EConnectState.disconnect:
+ n += "服务器断开连接"
+ }
+ } else if (i && i.error && i.error.code) {
+ !1;
+ var r = i.error.code
+ , s = cfg.info.error.get(r);
+ s ? (n += s[GameMgr.client_language],
+ s.chs) : (n += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2068) + r,
+ "一个未收录的异常:" + r)
+ }
+ this.info.text = n,
+ this._show()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.showFE = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(14),
+ this.blackbg.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_restart.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.me.destroy(!0)
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ErrorInfo = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.build = 1] = "build",
+ t[t.showing = 2] = "showing"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.mj.fightbeginUI) || this;
+ return t.cells = [],
+ t.effect_winlose = null,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.show = function(i) {
+ var a = this;
+ app.Log.log("UI_FightBegin show"),
+ null != this._Inst && this._Inst.destroy(),
+ this._state = e.build;
+ var r = new n;
+ this._Inst = r,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddMJUI(r),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ i && i.run(),
+ a._state == e.build ? (a._state = e.showing,
+ r._onShow()) : a._state == e.none && r && (r.destroy(),
+ a._Inst = null)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.hide = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (app.Log.log("UI_FightBegin hide"),
+ this._state == e.showing) {
+ var i = this._Inst._onHide();
+ return Laya.timer.once(i, this, function() {
+ t._Inst.destroy(),
+ t._Inst = null
+ }),
+ this._state = e.none,
+ i
+ }
+ return this._state = e.none,
+ 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ app.Log.log("UI_FightBegin onCreate");
+ for (var e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
+ var i = this.me.getChildByName("container_" + e.toString());
+ this.cells.push({
+ container: i,
+ body: i.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("body").getChildByName("body"),
+ rect: t.UIRect.CreateFromSprite(i.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("body").getChildByName("body")),
+ name: i.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("name"),
+ x: i.x,
+ y: i.y,
+ rank: new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("rank")),
+ title: new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("title"))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._onShow = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ app.Log.log("UI_FightBegin _onShow"),
+ this.me.alpha = 1;
+ for (var e = function(t) {
+ var e = i.cells[t]
+ , n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(t);
+ if (-1 == n)
+ e.container.getChildByName("illust").visible = !1,
+ e.container.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !1;
+ else {
+ e.container.getChildByName("illust").visible = !0,
+ e.container.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !0;
+ var a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[n];
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(e.name, a),
+ game.Tools.charaPart(a.avatar_id, e.body, "half", e.rect, !0),
+ e.rank.id = a[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.mode.mode < 10 ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ e.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(a.account_id, a.title)
+ }
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ r = 1491,
+ s = 860;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ r = 2056,
+ s = 726;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ r = -757,
+ s = -875;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ r = -1298,
+ s = 612
+ }
+ e.container.visible = !0,
+ e.container.x = r,
+ e.container.y = s,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.container, {
+ x: e.x,
+ y: e.y
+ }, 400, Laya.Ease.strongIn)
+ })
+ }, i = this, n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ e(n);
+ Laya.timer.once(700, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(225)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ var e = "";
+ e = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? "scene/effect_winlose_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh" : "scene/effect_winlose.lh",
+ t.effect_winlose = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(t.me.getChildByName("container_effect"), e, new Laya.Point(0,0), 1)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(2200, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.main_role_character_info, "game_start")
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._onHide = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ var e = "UI_FightBegin _onHide ";
+ if (this.cells) {
+ e += "count=" + this.cells.length;
+ for (a = 0; a < this.cells.length; a++)
+ this.cells[a] ? e += "T" : e += "N"
+ } else
+ e += "nocells";
+ app.Log.log(e);
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ var e = n.cells[t];
+ if (!e)
+ return "continue";
+ var i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.localPosition2Seat(t);
+ if (-1 == i)
+ e.container.getChildByName("illust").visible = !1,
+ e.container.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !1;
+ else {
+ e.container.getChildByName("illust").visible = !0,
+ e.container.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !0;
+ var a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i];
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(e.name, a)
+ }
+ var r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ r = 1491,
+ s = 860;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ r = 2056,
+ s = 726;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ r = -757,
+ s = -875;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ r = -1298,
+ s = 612
+ }
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.container, {
+ x: r,
+ y: s
+ }, 400, Laya.Ease.strongIn),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, n, function() {
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(e.body.skin),
+ e.container.visible = !1
+ })
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 4 && a < this.cells.length; a++)
+ i(a);
+ return this.effect_winlose && this.effect_winlose.destory(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(t.me, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 300)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(400, this, function() {
+ t.enable = !1
+ }),
+ 500
+ }
+ ,
+ n._Inst = null,
+ n._state = e.none,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_FightBegin = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.both_ui.fly_tipsUI) || this;
+ return i.templete = null,
+ i.clone = null,
+ i.last_tips = null,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.ShowTips = function(t) {
+ this.Inst && this.Inst._fly_tips(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.templete = this.me.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.templete.visible = !1,
+ this.clone = this.templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._fly_tips = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0;
+ var i = this.clone.getNodeClone();
+ i.text = t;
+ var n = 540;
+ this.last_tips && (n = Math.max(n, this.last_tips.y + 50)),
+ i.y = n,
+ i.visible = !0,
+ this.last_tips = i,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i, {
+ y: n - 150,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 1500, Laya.Ease.linearNone, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.last_tips === i && (e.last_tips.destroy(!0),
+ e.last_tips = null,
+ e.enable = !1)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_FlyTips = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.force_updateUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Pending = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.Inst.enable || (Laya.timer.currTimer > this.last_pending_time + 6e4 && !this.need_jump && (this.last_pending_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ game.LoadMgr.httpload("version.json", "json", !0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ if (t.success) {
+ var i = t.data;
+ if (i.force_version) {
+ var n = i.force_version.split(".")
+ , a = 1e3 * (1e3 * parseInt(n[0]) + parseInt(n[1])) + parseInt(n[2])
+ , r = game.ResourceVersion.version.split(".");
+ a > 1e3 * (1e3 * parseInt(r[0]) + parseInt(r[1])) + parseInt(r[2]) && (e.need_jump = !0)
+ }
+ }
+ }))),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e.Inst.enable || !t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable || t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable || t.UI_PiPeiChengGong.Inst.enable || t.UI_Loading.Inst.enable || e.need_jump && e.Inst.show()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || (Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.last_pending_time = 0,
+ i.need_jump = !1,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Force_Update = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.lobby.freeze_uiUI) || this;
+ return e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.Show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.Close = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Freeze = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.cells = [],
+ this.fun_change = null,
+ this.noinfo = null,
+ this.sortlist = [],
+ this.count_limit = null,
+ this.me = t;
+ var i = this.me.getChildByName("scrollview");
+ this.nolimitlist = i.scriptMap["capsui.NoLimitList"],
+ this.nolimitlist.init_nolimitlist(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._loadInfo, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.setItem(t.index, t.container)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.fun_change = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onListenerMsg, null, !1),
+ this.noinfo = this.me.getChildByName("noinfo"),
+ this.cells = [],
+ this.count_limit = this.me.getChildByName("count_limit"),
+ this.count_limit.text = "--/--"
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ game.FriendMgr.addListener(this.fun_change),
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ game.FriendMgr.removeListener(this.fun_change),
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.findcell = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.cells.length; e++)
+ if (this.cells[e].container === t)
+ return this.cells[e];
+ return null
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setItem = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.me.visible) {
+ var r = this.findcell(i);
+ null == r && (r = {
+ container: i,
+ head: new t.UI_Head(i.getChildByName("head")),
+ level: new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("rank")),
+ level3: new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("rank3")),
+ title: new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName("title")),
+ btn_check: i.getChildByName("check"),
+ btn_delete: i.getChildByName("delete"),
+ btn_ob: i.getChildByName("ob"),
+ name: i.getChildByName("name"),
+ state: i.getChildByName("state"),
+ account_id: 0
+ },
+ this.cells.push(r));
+ var s = game.FriendMgr.friend_list[this.sortlist[e]];
+ r.head.id = s.base.avatar_id,
+ r.head.head_frame = s.base.avatar_frame;
+ var o = s.base.level || {
+ id: 10101,
+ score: 0
+ };
+ r.level.id = o.id;
+ var l = s.base.level3 || {
+ id: 20101,
+ score: 0
+ };
+ r.level3.id = l.id,
+ r.title.id = s.base.title,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(r.name, s.base);
+ var h = r.state
+ , c = "";
+ if (s.state.is_online) {
+ var _ = game.Tools.playState2Desc(s.state.playing);
+ "" != _ ? (h.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2069, [_]),
+ h.color = "#a9d94d",
+ c = s.state.playing.game_uuid) : (h.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2071),
+ h.color = "#58c4db")
+ } else
+ h.text = game.Tools.time2Desc(s.state.logout_time) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2072),
+ h.color = "#8c8c8c";
+ var u = s.base.account_id;
+ r.account_id = s.base.account_id,
+ r.btn_check.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(u)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn_delete, !1),
+ r.btn_delete.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn_delete, !0),
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2073, [s.base.nickname]), Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "removeFriend", {
+ target_id: u
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn_delete, !1),
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("removeFriend", e, i) : game.FriendMgr.removeFriend(u)
+ })
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn_delete, !1)
+ }, null, !1), 1111, 560)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var d = r.btn_ob;
+ if ("" != c) {
+ var f = 0;
+ d.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : Laya.timer.currTimer < f || (f = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast.fetchInfo(c, Laya.Handler.create(n, function(e) {
+ f = 0,
+ e.success && a.Inst.close(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast.goToWatch(c, e.data, u)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(d, !1)
+ } else
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(d, !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onListenerMsg = function(t) {
+ var e = this.nolimitlist.rate;
+ this.refresh(),
+ this.nolimitlist.rate = e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._loadInfo = function(t) {
+ this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, game.FriendMgr.friend_list.length - this.nolimitlist.value_count)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.sortlist = [];
+ for (var t = game.FriendMgr.friend_list, e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
+ this.sortlist.push(e);
+ this.sortlist = this.sortlist.sort(function(e, i) {
+ var n = t[e]
+ , a = 0;
+ if (n.state.is_online) {
+ a += "" != (o = game.Tools.playState2Desc(n.state.playing)) ? 6e10 : 3e10,
+ a += -n.state.login_time
+ } else
+ a += n.state.logout_time;
+ var r = t[i]
+ , s = 0;
+ if (r.state.is_online) {
+ var o = game.Tools.playState2Desc(r.state.playing);
+ s += "" != o ? 6e10 : 3e10,
+ s += -r.state.login_time
+ } else
+ s += r.state.logout_time;
+ return s - a
+ }),
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.nolimitlist.total_count = game.FriendMgr.friend_list.length,
+ this.noinfo.visible = 0 == this.nolimitlist.total_count,
+ 300 == game.FriendMgr.friend_max_count ? this.count_limit.visible = !1 : (this.count_limit.text = t.length + "/" + game.FriendMgr.friend_max_count,
+ this.count_limit.visible = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.playerinfos = [],
+ this.load_index = 0,
+ this.playerinfo_loaded = [],
+ this.me = t;
+ var i = this.me.getChildByName("scrollview");
+ this.nolimitlist = i.scriptMap["capsui.NoLimitList"],
+ this.nolimitlist.init_nolimitlist(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._loadInfo, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.setItem(t.index, t.container, t.cache_data)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.noinfo = this.me.getChildByName("noinfo")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setItem = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (this.me.visible) {
+ n.hasOwnProperty("name") || (n.head = new t.UI_Head(i.getChildByName("head")),
+ n.level = new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("rank")),
+ n.level3 = new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("rank3")),
+ n.name = i.getChildByName("name"),
+ n.state = i.getChildByName("state"),
+ n.btn_check = i.getChildByName("check"),
+ n.btn_agree = i.getChildByName("agree"),
+ n.btn_reject = i.getChildByName("reject"),
+ n.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName("title")));
+ var r = this.playerinfo_loaded[e];
+ n.head.id = r.info.avatar_id,
+ n.head.head_frame = r.info.avatar_frame,
+ n.level.id = r.info.level.id;
+ var s = r.info.level3 || {
+ id: 20101,
+ score: 0
+ };
+ n.level3.id = s.id,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(n.name, r.info),
+ n.title.id = r.info.title;
+ var o = r.account_id;
+ n.state.text = game.Tools.time2Desc(r.apply_time),
+ n.btn_check.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(o)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_agree, !1),
+ n.btn_agree.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_agree, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "handleFriendApply", {
+ target_id: o,
+ method: 1
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_agree, !1),
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("handleFriendApply", e, i) : a.removeItem(o)
+ })
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_reject, !1),
+ n.btn_reject.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_reject, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "handleFriendApply", {
+ target_id: o,
+ method: 2
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(n.btn_reject, !1),
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("handleFriendApply", e, i) : a.removeItem(o)
+ })
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.removeItem = function(t) {
+ for (var e = -1, i = 0; i < this.playerinfo_loaded.length; i++)
+ if (this.playerinfo_loaded[i].account_id == t) {
+ e = i;
+ for (var n = i; n < this.playerinfo_loaded.length - 1; n++)
+ this.playerinfo_loaded[n] = this.playerinfo_loaded[n + 1];
+ this.playerinfo_loaded.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ game.FriendMgr.delFriendApply(t),
+ -1 != e && this.nolimitlist.delItem(e),
+ a.Inst.refreshRedpoint(),
+ this.noinfo.visible = 0 == this.playerinfo_loaded.length
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._loadInfo = function(e) {
+ for (var i = this, n = [], a = 0; a < 20 && a + this.load_index < this.playerinfos.length; a++)
+ n.push(this.playerinfos[this.load_index + a].account_id);
+ 0 == n.length ? this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchMultiAccountBrief", {
+ account_id_list: n
+ }, function(e, a) {
+ if (e || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchMultiAccountBrief", e, a),
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ else {
+ for (var r = 0, s = 0; s < n.length; s++)
+ if (i.playerinfos[i.load_index + s].account_id == a.players[r].account_id) {
+ var o = i.playerinfos[i.load_index + s];
+ if (o.info = a.players[s],
+ i.playerinfo_loaded.push(o),
+ ++r >= a.players.length)
+ break
+ }
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, r),
+ i.load_index += n.length
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.playerinfos = [],
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list.length; t++) {
+ for (var e = game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list[t].account_id, i = game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list[t].apply_time, n = !1, a = 0; a < this.playerinfos.length; a++)
+ if (this.playerinfos[a].account_id == e) {
+ n = !0,
+ this.playerinfos[a].apply_time < i && (this.playerinfos[a].apply_time = i);
+ break
+ }
+ n || this.playerinfos.push({
+ account_id: game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list[t].account_id,
+ apply_time: game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list[t].apply_time
+ })
+ }
+ this.playerinfos = this.playerinfos.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.apply_time - e.apply_time
+ }),
+ this.playerinfo_loaded = [],
+ this.load_index = 0,
+ this.nolimitlist.total_count = this.playerinfos.length,
+ this.noinfo.visible = 0 == this.playerinfos.length
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.playerinfos = [],
+ this.searchend = !1,
+ this.timecd = {},
+ this.searchnext = !1,
+ this.me = t;
+ var i = this.me.getChildByName("scrollview");
+ this.nolimitlist = i.scriptMap["capsui.NoLimitList"],
+ this.nolimitlist.init_nolimitlist(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._loadInfo, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.setItem(t.index, t.container, t.cache_data)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.input = this.me.getChildByName("input").getChildAt(0),
+ this.btn_search = this.me.getChildByName("search"),
+ this.btn_search.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ "" != e.input.text && (e.playerinfos = [],
+ e.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ e.searchnext = !1,
+ e.searchend = !1,
+ e.nolimitlist.total_count = 1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_search, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, e, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_search, !1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input.prompt = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3108)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.playerinfos = [],
+ this.input.text = "",
+ this.searchend = !0,
+ this.timecd = {},
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_search, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setItem = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (this.me.visible)
+ for (var r = function(r) {
+ var o = "p" + r;
+ if (!n.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
+ var l = {
+ container: i.getChildByName(o),
+ head: new t.UI_Head(i.getChildByName(o).getChildByName("head")),
+ add_1: i.getChildByName(o).getChildByName("add_1"),
+ btn_add: i.getChildByName(o).getChildByName("add"),
+ name: i.getChildByName(o).getChildByName("name"),
+ title: new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName(o).getChildByName("title"))
+ };
+ n[o] = l
+ }
+ var h = n[o]
+ , c = 2 * e + r;
+ if (c >= s.playerinfos.length)
+ h.container.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ h.container.visible = !0;
+ var _ = s.playerinfos[c];
+ h.head.id = _.info.avatar_id,
+ h.head.head_frame = _.info.avatar_frame,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(h.name, _.info),
+ h.title.id = _.info.title;
+ var u = _.account_id;
+ if (game.FriendMgr.find(u))
+ h.add_1.visible = !0,
+ h.add_1.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2075),
+ h.btn_add.visible = !1;
+ else if (_.info.added)
+ h.add_1.visible = !0,
+ h.add_1.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2076),
+ h.btn_add.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ h.add_1.visible = !1,
+ h.btn_add.visible = !0;
+ var d = 0;
+ s.timecd.hasOwnProperty(u.toString()) && (d = s.timecd[u.toString()] + 1e4 - Laya.timer.currTimer) < 0 && (d = 0);
+ var f = h.btn_add;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(f),
+ d > 0 && (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(f, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(d, f, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(f, !1)
+ })),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(f, !1),
+ f.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(s, function() {
+ a.timecd[u.toString()] = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "applyFriend", {
+ target_id: u
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("applyFriend", e, i)
+ }),
+ h.add_1.visible = !0,
+ h.add_1.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2076),
+ h.btn_add.visible = !1,
+ _.info.added = !0
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ }, s = this, o = 0; o < 2; o++)
+ r(o)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._loadInfo = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ e >= 50 ? this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0) : this.input.text.length <= 1 ? this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "searchAccountByPattern", {
+ search_next: this.searchnext,
+ pattern: this.input.text
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ if (e || n.error)
+ return t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("searchAccountByPattern", e, n),
+ void i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ var a = i.playerinfos.length;
+ if (i.searchend = n.is_finished,
+ i.searchend ? i.nolimitlist.total_count = Math.ceil(i.playerinfos.length / 2) : (i.nolimitlist.total_count = Math.ceil(i.playerinfos.length / 2) + 1,
+ i.searchnext = !0),
+ n.match_accounts && 0 != n.match_accounts.length || n.decode_id) {
+ var r = [];
+ if (0 == i.nolimitlist.value_count && n.decode_id && n.decode_id != GameMgr.Inst.account_id && r.push(n.decode_id),
+ n.match_accounts)
+ for (var s = 0; s < n.match_accounts.length; s++)
+ r.push(n.match_accounts[s]);
+ 0 == r.length ? i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchMultiAccountBrief", {
+ account_id_list: r
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ if (e || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchMultiAccountBrief", e, n),
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ else {
+ if (!n.players || 0 == n.players.length)
+ return void i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ for (var s = -1, o = 0; o < n.players.length; o++) {
+ if (r[o] != n.players[o].account_id) {
+ s = a + o;
+ break
+ }
+ i.playerinfos.push({
+ account_id: r[o],
+ info: n.players[o]
+ })
+ }
+ -1 != s ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2074, [(s + 1).toString()])),
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0)) : i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, Math.ceil(i.playerinfos.length / 2) - i.nolimitlist.value_count)
+ }
+ })
+ } else
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, 0)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var t = a.call(this, new ui.lobby.friendUI) || this;
+ return t.page_friend = null,
+ t.page_apply = null,
+ t.page_search = null,
+ t.root = null,
+ t.top = null,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.redpoint = null,
+ t.label_id = null,
+ t.currentpage = -1,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ r.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ r.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var a = this;
+ this.top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.page_friend = new e(this.root.getChildByName("page_friend")),
+ this.page_apply = new i(this.root.getChildByName("page_apply")),
+ this.page_search = new n(this.root.getChildByName("page_find"));
+ for (var r = 0; r < this.root.getChildByName("tabs").numChildren; r++) {
+ var s = this.root.getChildByName("tabs").getChildAt(r);
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.showpage, [r], !1),
+ this.tabs.push(s)
+ }
+ this.redpoint = this.root.getChildByName("tabs").getChildByName("btn_applylist").getChildByName("redpoint"),
+ this.redpoint.visible = !1,
+ this.page_friend.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_apply.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_search.me.visible = !1,
+ this.top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking || a.close(Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby()
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_id = this.root.getChildByName("id").getChildByName("id")
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this.currentpage = -1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.showpage(0)
+ }),
+ this.refreshRedpoint(),
+ this.label_id.text = game.Tools.encode_account_id2(GameMgr.Inst.account_id).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.refreshRedpoint = function() {
+ this.redpoint.visible = game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list && game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list.length > 0
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.currentpage && (this.tabs[this.currentpage].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ this.currentpage = -1),
+ this.page_friend.close(),
+ this.page_apply.onDisable(),
+ this.page_search.onDisable()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.showpage = function(t) {
+ if (this.currentpage != t) {
+ if (-1 != this.currentpage)
+ switch (this.tabs[this.currentpage].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ this.currentpage) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_friend.close();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_apply.onDisable();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_search.onDisable()
+ }
+ switch (this.currentpage = t,
+ this.tabs[this.currentpage].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/tab_choose.png"),
+ this.currentpage) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_friend.show();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_apply.onEnable();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_search.onEnable()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Friend = a
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e, i) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.anim_in = e,
+ this.anim_out = i,
+ this.img_title = this.me.getChildByName("img_title")
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.img_title.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(cfg.achievement.achievement.find(t).icon),
+ this.anim_in && this.anim_in.play(0, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.hide = function() {
+ this.anim_out.play(0, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.mj.gameendUI) || this;
+ return t.btn_next = null,
+ t.btn_back = null,
+ t.btn_close = null,
+ t.players = [],
+ t.root = null,
+ t.illust = null,
+ t.origin_illust_rect = null,
+ t.step = 0,
+ t.second_step = 0,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.page_gettitle = null,
+ t.newachievements = [],
+ t.duringshowing = !1,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.illust = this.root.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.origin_illust_rect = t.UIRect.CreateFromSprite(this.illust),
+ this.btn_next = this.root.getChildByName("btn_next"),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.onConfirm()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.enable = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(i.illust.skin),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_back = this.root.getChildByName("btn_back"),
+ this.btn_back.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.enable = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(i.illust.skin),
+ t.UI_Replay.Inst.onBack()
+ }
+ );
+ for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("p" + n.toString());
+ this.players.push({
+ root: a,
+ name: a.getChildByName("name"),
+ label_score: a.getChildByName("val"),
+ container_score: a.getChildByName("container_score"),
+ label_g0: a.getChildByName("img_g0").getChildByName("val"),
+ label_g1: a.getChildByName("img_g1").getChildByName("val"),
+ x: a.x,
+ img_mySelf: a.getChildByName("myself"),
+ head: new t.UI_Head(a.getChildByName("head"))
+ })
+ }
+ this.page_gettitle = new e(this.root.getChildByName("gettitle"),this.me.title_in,this.me.title_out)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameEndResult;
+ if (null == i)
+ return t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2077)),
+ void game.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd();
+ this.duringshowing = !0,
+ this.page_gettitle.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 1e3);
+ for (o = 0; o < this.players.length; o++)
+ this.players[o].root.visible = !1;
+ var n = [];
+ n = i.players;
+ var a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[n[0].seat];
+ game.Tools.charaPart(a.avatar_id, this.illust, "full", this.origin_illust_rect),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play && a.character && Laya.timer.once(1800 + 800 * n.length - 500, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(a.character, "game_top")
+ });
+ for (var r = function(e) {
+ var i = n[e]
+ , a = s.players[e];
+ i.gold >= 0 ? (a.label_g0.text = "+" + i.gold,
+ a.label_g0.color = "#4ea583") : (a.label_g0.text = i.gold.toString(),
+ a.label_g0.color = "#ff3451"),
+ i.grading_score >= 0 ? (a.label_g1.text = "+" + i.grading_score,
+ a.label_g1.color = "#4ea583") : (a.label_g1.text = i.grading_score,
+ a.label_g1.color = "#ff3451"),
+ a.label_g1.text = (i.grading_score >= 0 ? "+" : "") + i.grading_score;
+ var r = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(i.seat);
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(a.name, r),
+ a.head.id = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i.seat].avatar_id,
+ a.head.head_frame = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[i.seat].avatar_frame;
+ var o = i.total_point / 1e3;
+ o > 0 ? (a.label_score.text = "+" + o.toString(),
+ a.label_score.color = "#45c36a") : (a.label_score.text = o.toString(),
+ a.label_score.color = "#f94538");
+ for (var l = i.part_point_1.toString(), h = 0; h < a.container_score.numChildren; h++)
+ a.container_score.getChildAt(h).visible = !1;
+ for (var c = 0; c < l.length && c < a.container_score.numChildren; c++) {
+ var _ = a.container_score.getChildByName((a.container_score.numChildren - 1 - c).toString())
+ , u = l.charAt(c);
+ _.skin = "-" == u ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_minus.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_" + u + ".png"),
+ _.visible = !0
+ }
+ a.root.visible = !1,
+ a.img_mySelf.visible = i.seat == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat,
+ i.seat == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ptchange = i.grading_score),
+ Laya.timer.once(1800 + 800 * e, s, function() {
+ a.root.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(a.root, {
+ x: -200
+ }, 200, 0, null, Laya.Ease.strongIn),
+ 0 == e ? view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(218) : view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(219)
+ })
+ }, s = this, o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
+ r(o);
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_back.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(1800 + 800 * n.length, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.paipu ? (e.btn_close.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_back.visible = !0) : e.btn_next.visible = !0
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play && (Laya.timer.once(3500, this, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.updateAccountInfo()
+ }),
+ 4 == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.category && Laya.timer.once(1100, this, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.custom_match_id = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.meta.contest_uid
+ }),
+ t.UI_PaiPu.reset()),
+ this.step = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onConfirm = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.locking)
+ if (0 == this.step)
+ this.step = 30,
+ this.onConfirm();
+ else if (30 == this.step)
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.levelchangeinfo) {
+ var i = !1
+ , n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config;
+ if (2 == n.category) {
+ var a = n.meta;
+ if (a) {
+ var r = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(a.mode_id);
+ r && (i = 100 == r.room || 200 == r.room || 210 == r.room || 220 == r.room)
+ }
+ }
+ i ? (this.step = 50,
+ this.onConfirm()) : (this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.closeRankList(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_RankChange.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.step = 31,
+ e.btn_next.visible = !0
+ }))
+ })))
+ } else
+ this.step = 50,
+ this.onConfirm();
+ else if (31 == this.step)
+ t.UI_RankChange.Inst.close(),
+ this.step = 50,
+ this.onConfirm();
+ else if (50 == this.step)
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo.match_chest ? (this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.closeRankList(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_MJReward.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.step = 51,
+ e.btn_next.visible = !0
+ }))
+ }))) : (this.step = 60,
+ this.onConfirm());
+ else if (51 == this.step)
+ t.UI_MJReward.Inst.close(),
+ this.step = 60,
+ this.onConfirm();
+ else if (60 == this.step) {
+ var s = t.UI_MJTask_Progress.needShow();
+ if (app.Log.log("pengding need show lst:" + s.length),
+ s.length > 0) {
+ var o = 0
+ , l = this
+ , h = function() {
+ l.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ l.closeRankList(Laya.Handler.create(l, function() {
+ o = t.UI_MJTask_Progress.Inst.show(s, o, Laya.Handler.create(l, function() {
+ l.btn_next.visible = !0,
+ o < s.length ? l.btn_next.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(l,function() {
+ h()
+ }
+ ) : (l.step = 70,
+ l.btn_next.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(l,function() {
+ l.onConfirm()
+ }
+ ))
+ }))
+ }))
+ };
+ h()
+ } else
+ this.step = 70,
+ this.onConfirm()
+ } else if (70 == this.step) {
+ var c = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.activity_reward;
+ c && c.activity_reward && c.activity_reward.length > 0 ? (this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.closeRankList(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_MJReward_Activity.Inst.show(c, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.step = 80,
+ e.btn_next.visible = !0
+ }))
+ }))) : (this.step = 80,
+ this.onConfirm())
+ } else
+ 80 == this.step ? (this.step = 81,
+ this.onConfirm()) : 81 == this.step && (this.enable = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.illust.skin),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.GameEnd())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.forceclose = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.closeRankList = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (this.duringshowing) {
+ this.duringshowing = !1;
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.players.length; n++)
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.players[n].root, {
+ x: 100
+ }, 200, 0, null, Laya.Ease.backIn);
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.illust, {}, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(i.illust.skin),
+ game.Tools.charaPart(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id, i.illust, "full", i.origin_illust_rect),
+ i.illust.getChildAt(0).visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(i.illust, {}, 200, 100)
+ })),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(228),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ e.run()
+ })
+ } else
+ e.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_GameEnd = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.gamestopUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.blackbg = this.me.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_dots = this.root.getChildByName("dots")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.enable) {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play ? (this.blackbg.visible = !0,
+ this.blackbg.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackbg, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 200)) : this.blackbg.visible = !1,
+ this.root.scaleX = this.root.scaleY = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ var i = 0;
+ Laya.timer.loop(1e3, this, function() {
+ for (var t = "", n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ t += ".";
+ i = (i + 1) % 4,
+ e.label_dots.text = t
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_GameStop = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.getrewardUI) || this;
+ return t.items = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("items");
+ this.container_items = i;
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.numChildren; n++) {
+ var a = i.getChildAt(n);
+ this.items.push({
+ container: a,
+ icon: new t.UI_Item_Skin(a.getChildByName("icon")),
+ count: a.getChildByName("count"),
+ name: a.getChildByName("name")
+ })
+ }
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.complete = e;
+ for (var n = function(e) {
+ if (e < t.length) {
+ a.items[e].container.visible = !0;
+ var n = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(t[e].id);
+ a.items[e].icon.setSkin(n.icon),
+ a.items[e].name.text = n.name,
+ a.items[e].count.text = t[e].count.toString(),
+ a.items[e].container.x = a.container_items.width / 2 - 210 * (t.length - 1) / 2 + 210 * e,
+ a.items[e].container.y = 72,
+ a.items[e].container.scaleX = 0,
+ a.items[e].container.scaleY = 0,
+ a.items[e].container.alpha = 0,
+ a.items[e].name.alpha = 0,
+ a.items[e].count.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(a.items[e].container, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ i.items[e].name.alpha = 1,
+ i.items[e].count.alpha = 1
+ }), 150 * e + 400)
+ } else
+ a.items[e].container.visible = !1
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < this.items.length; r++)
+ n(r);
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ this.root.alpha = 1,
+ this.root.scaleY = 1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.in.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(400 + 150 * t.length, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.btn_close.visible = !0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.complete && t.complete.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Getrewardextends = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.getreward2UI) || this;
+ return t.items = [],
+ t.datas = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("items");
+ this.container_items = i;
+ for (var n = function(n) {
+ var r = i.getChildAt(n);
+ a.items.push({
+ container: r,
+ icon0: new t.UI_Item_Skin(r.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("icon0")),
+ count0: r.getChildByName("count0"),
+ name0: r.getChildByName("name0"),
+ icon1: new t.UI_Item_Skin(r.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("icon1")),
+ count1: r.getChildByName("count1"),
+ name1: r.getChildByName("name1")
+ }),
+ r.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(a,function() {
+ e.locking || t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(e.datas[n].reward.id)
+ }
+ )
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < i.numChildren; r++)
+ n(r);
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.datas = t,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ for (var i = function(i) {
+ if (i < t.length) {
+ var a = t[i];
+ n.items[i].container.visible = !0;
+ var r = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(a.reward.id);
+ if (n.items[i].icon0.setSkin(r.icon),
+ n.items[i].name0.text = r.name,
+ n.items[i].count0.text = a.reward.count.toString(),
+ a.replace) {
+ var s = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(a.replace.id);
+ n.items[i].icon1.setSkin(s.icon),
+ n.items[i].name1.text = s.name,
+ n.items[i].count1.text = a.replace.count.toString(),
+ n.items[i].icon1.me.visible = !0,
+ n.items[i].name1.visible = !0,
+ n.items[i].count1.visible = !0,
+ n.items[i].icon1.me.alpha = 0,
+ n.items[i].name1.alpha = 0,
+ n.items[i].count1.alpha = 0
+ } else
+ n.items[i].icon1.me.visible = !1,
+ n.items[i].name1.visible = !1,
+ n.items[i].count1.visible = !1;
+ n.items[i].container.x = -210 * (t.length - 1) / 2 + 210 * i + 788,
+ n.items[i].container.y = 0,
+ n.items[i].container.scaleX = 0,
+ n.items[i].container.scaleY = 0,
+ n.items[i].container.alpha = 0,
+ n.items[i].name0.alpha = 0,
+ n.items[i].count0.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(n.items[i].container, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ e.items[i].name0.alpha = 1,
+ e.items[i].count0.alpha = 1
+ }), 150 * i + 400)
+ } else
+ n.items[i].container.visible = !1
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < this.items.length; a++)
+ i(a);
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ this.root.alpha = 1,
+ this.root.scaleY = 1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.in.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(400 + 150 * t.length, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.btn_close.visible = !0,
+ e.anim_change()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.anim_change = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , i = 1;
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var n = Laya.timer.currTimer - e;
+ if ((n -= 2600 * Math.floor(n / 2600)) < 800)
+ i = 1;
+ else if (n < 1300) {
+ i = 1 - (a = (n - 800) / 500)
+ } else if (n < 2100)
+ i = 0;
+ else {
+ var a = (n - 800 - 500 - 800) / 500;
+ i = a
+ }
+ for (var r = 0; r < t.datas.length; r++)
+ r < t.items.length && t.datas[r].replace && (t.items[r].icon0.me.alpha = i,
+ t.items[r].name0.alpha = i,
+ t.items[r].count0.alpha = i,
+ t.items[r].icon1.me.alpha = 1 - i,
+ t.items[r].name1.alpha = 1 - i,
+ t.items[r].count1.alpha = 1 - i)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_GetReward2 = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.both_ui.gettitleUI) || this;
+ return e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.icon = this.root.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.complete = e,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, cfg.item_definition.title.get(t).icon),
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ this.root.alpha = 1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.in.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.btn_close.visible = !0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.complete && t.complete.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Gettitle = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.get_characterUI) || this;
+ i.Inst = t;
+ return t.atlas_url = "res/atlas/",
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (t.atlas_url += GameMgr.client_language + "/"),
+ t.atlas_url += "myres/get_character.atlas",
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ this.bg = i.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.btn_next = i.getChildByName("btn_next"),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ );
+ var n = i.getChildByName("container_illust");
+ this.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(n.getChildByName("illust"));
+ var a = null;
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (a = n.getChildByName("container_name_chs"),
+ n.getChildByName("container_name_en").visible = !1) : (a = n.getChildByName("container_name_en"),
+ n.getChildByName("container_name_chs").visible = !1),
+ this.label_name = a.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.label_cv = a.getChildByName("label_cv"),
+ this.chat = new t.UI_Character_Chat(n.getChildByName("chat")),
+ this.container_effect = this.me.getChildByName("effect"),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, this, function() {
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes("res/atlas/" + game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/get_character.atlas"))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close_sound = function() {
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = null),
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.bg.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/bg.jpg"),
+ this.character_id = t;
+ var n = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t);
+ this.illust.setSkin(n.init_skin, "full"),
+ this.label_name.text = n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.label_cv.text = "cv:" + n["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.chat.close(!0),
+ this.close_sound(),
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.illust.me.parent.alpha = 1,
+ this.illust.me.parent.y = -8,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.JSin.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(70 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ i.effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(i.container_effect, "scene/effect_get_character.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(107)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(5200, this, function() {
+ var t = ""
+ , e = ""
+ , a = 0;
+ if (cfg.voice.sound.getGroup(n.sound).forEach(function(i) {
+ "lobby_selfintro" == i.type && (t = i.path,
+ e = i["words_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a = i.time_length)
+ }),
+ "" != t) {
+ var r = n.sound_volume;
+ view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted ? r = 0 : r *= view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume,
+ view.AudioMgr.getCVmute(n.id) ? r = 0 : r *= view.AudioMgr.getCVvolume(n.id),
+ i.sound_channel = view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(t, r, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.sound_channel = null
+ }))
+ }
+ "" != e && i.chat.show(e),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.btn_next.visible = !0
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.me.JSout.play(0, !1),
+ this.chat.close(!1),
+ this.close_sound(),
+ Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1,
+ t.complete && t.complete.run()
+ }),
+ this.effect && (this.effect.destory(),
+ this.effect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.illust.clear(),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/star_up/bg.jpg")),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.atlas_url),
+ this.effect && (this.effect.destory(),
+ this.effect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Get_Character = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.gitfcodeUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input = this.root.getChildByName("input"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.btn_cd > Laya.timer.currTimer || (e.btn_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "useGiftCode", {
+ code: e.input.text
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ e.btn_cd = 0,
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("useGiftCode", i, n) : game.Tools.showRewards(n, null)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input.on("input", this, function() {
+ e.btn_confirm.visible = 12 == e.input.text.length
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input.text = "",
+ this.btn_cd = 0,
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Giftcode = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.guajichenfaUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.desc = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.title = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("title")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me.getChildByName("root"), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ 2 == e.type) {
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (t.UI_Entrance.Inst && t.UI_Entrance.Inst.enable ? i.close() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var n = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(e.ban_end_time) + " " + game.Tools.time2HourMinute(e.ban_end_time, !1);
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3040),
+ this.desc.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3041, [n]),
+ this.desc.fontSize = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language ? 28 : 33
+ } else
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3038),
+ this.desc.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3039),
+ this.desc.fontSize = "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? 28 : "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? 22 : 33
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.me.getChildByName("root"), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Guajichenfa = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.hangup_logoutUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.hide, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ app.Log.info_net("UI_Hanguplogout close net"),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst && game.MJNetMgr.Inst.Close(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Hanguplogout = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.hangup_warnUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.blackbg = this.me.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.hangupCount = 0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "clearLeaving", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("clearLeaving", i, n) : e.close()
+ }))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.blackbg.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackbg, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackbg, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Hangup_Warn = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.hu_cutinUI) || this;
+ return t.illust = null,
+ t.rect = null,
+ t.effect = null,
+ t.secen = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.show = function(e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.destroy(),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddMJUI(this.Inst = new i);
+ var a = Laya.timer.currFrame;
+ Laya.loader.create("scene/hucutin.ls", Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var t = 5 + a - Laya.timer.currFrame;
+ t < 0 && (t = 1),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(t, n, function() {
+ n.Inst._onShow(e)
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.illust = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("container_illust").getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.rect = t.UIRect.CreateFromSprite(this.illust),
+ this.effect = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("effect"),
+ this.secen = Laya.loader.getRes("scene/hucutin.ls"),
+ this.effect.addChild(this.secen),
+ this.secen.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._onShow = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.Tools.charaPart(t, this.illust, "half", this.rect, !0),
+ this.me.cutin.play(0, !1),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(206),
+ Laya.timer.once(1100, this, function() {
+ e.secen.visible = !1
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1800, this, function() {
+ e._onHide()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._onHide = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.illust.skin),
+ this.destroy(),
+ i.Inst = null
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_HuCutIn = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.mj.huleshowUI) || this;
+ return i.black_mask = null,
+ i.container_rong = null,
+ i.container_zimo = null,
+ i.container_liuju = null,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.black_mask = this.me.getChildByName("black_mask"),
+ this.container_rong = this.me.getChildByName("container_rong"),
+ this.container_zimo = this.me.getChildByName("container_zimo"),
+ this.container_liuju = this.me.getChildByName("container_liuju")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showRong = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_liuju.visible = !1,
+ this.container_zimo.visible = !1,
+ this.container_rong.visible = !0;
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ i.push(this.container_rong.getChildByName(n.toString())),
+ i[n].visible = !1;
+ this.black_mask.alpha = 0;
+ for (var a = function(e) {
+ var n = i[t[e]];
+ n.visible = !0,
+ n.alpha = 0,
+ n.scaleX = 3,
+ n.scaleY = 3,
+ Laya.Tween.to(n, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongIn, null, 300, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(300 + 30 * e, r, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t[e]].PlaySound("act_ron")
+ }),
+ Laya.Tween.to(n, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 0, Laya.Ease.strongIn, null, 1200)
+ }, r = this, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ a(n);
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showZimo = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_liuju.visible = !1,
+ this.container_rong.visible = !1,
+ this.container_zimo.visible = !0;
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ i.push(this.container_zimo.getChildByName(n.toString())),
+ i[n].visible = !1;
+ this.black_mask.alpha = 0;
+ for (var a = function(e) {
+ var n = i[t[e]];
+ n.visible = !0,
+ n.alpha = 0,
+ n.scaleX = 3,
+ n.scaleY = 3,
+ Laya.Tween.to(n, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongIn, null, 300, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, r, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t[e]].PlaySound("act_tumo")
+ }),
+ Laya.Tween.to(n, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 0, Laya.Ease.strongIn, null, 1200)
+ }, r = this, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ a(n);
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showLiuJu = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_liuju.visible = !0,
+ this.container_zimo.visible = !1,
+ this.container_rong.visible = !1;
+ for (var i = [], n = [], a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ i.push(this.container_liuju.getChildByName(a.toString())),
+ i[a].visible = !1,
+ n.push(this.container_liuju.getChildByName("no" + a)),
+ n[a].visible = !1;
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ this.container_liuju.getChildByName("t" + a).visible = !1;
+ this.black_mask.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.black_mask, {
+ alpha: .4
+ }, 150);
+ var r = this.container_liuju.getChildByName("title");
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150);
+ for (var s = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/", a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
+ this.container_liuju.getChildByName("t" + a).visible = !1
+ }
+ for (var o = function(e) {
+ var n = (e + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju) % view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count
+ , a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)
+ , r = l.container_liuju.getChildByName("t" + a);
+ if (t[n].tings && t[n].tings.length > 0) {
+ var o = i[a];
+ r.visible = !0;
+ for (var h = [], c = 0; c < t[n].tings.length; c++)
+ h.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(t[n].tings[c].tile)),
+ h[c].dora = !1;
+ h = h.sort(mjcore.MJPai.Distance);
+ for (c = 0; c < r.numChildren; c++) {
+ var _ = r.getChildAt(c);
+ c < h.length ? (_.visible = !0,
+ _.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + h[c].toString() + ".png"),
+ _.x = 17 + 66 * c) : _.visible = !1
+ }
+ var u = 34 + 60 * h.length + 6 * (h.length - 1);
+ if (r.width = u,
+ r.width < 350 || 2 == a || 0 == a ? r.x = o.x + o.width / 2 - u / 2 : 1 == a ? r.x = o.x + 350 - u : 3 == a && (r.x = o.x + o.width / 2 - 175),
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongIn, null, 300, !0),
+ o.visible = !0,
+ o.alpha = 0,
+ o.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/show_tingpai.png"),
+ Laya.Tween.to(o, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongIn, null, 300, !0),
+ n == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ var d = game.Tools.get_chara_audio(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[n].character, "gameend_tingpai");
+ d && Laya.timer.once(300, l, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(d.path, d.volume, null)
+ })
+ }
+ } else if (r.visible = !1,
+ n == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat) {
+ var f = game.Tools.get_chara_audio(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[n].character, "gameend_noting");
+ f && Laya.timer.once(300, l, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(f.path, f.volume, null)
+ })
+ }
+ }, l = this, h = 0; h < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; h++)
+ o(h);
+ Laya.timer.once(4500, this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Huleshow = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.content = null,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.btn_open = this.me.getChildByName("btn_open"),
+ this.title = this.btn_open.getChildByName("info_title"),
+ this.arrow = this.me.getChildByName("btn_open").getChildByName("arrow"),
+ this.container_content = this.btn_open.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.content = this.container_content.getChildAt(0),
+ this.new_flag = this.me.getChildByName("new"),
+ this.btn_cd = 0,
+ this.isopen = !1,
+ this.btn_open.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.switchShow, null, !1)
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "h", {
+ get: function() {
+ var t = 0;
+ return this.isnew && (t += 8),
+ t += 90,
+ this.isopen && (t += 40,
+ t += this.content_h),
+ t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.onEnable = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.announcement_id = t.id,
+ this.title.text = t.title,
+ this.content.text = t.content,
+ this.content_h = this.content.textHeight,
+ this.isopen = i,
+ this.isnew = e,
+ this.btn_cd = 0,
+ this.isopen ? (this.container_content.alpha = 1,
+ this.container_content.visible = !0,
+ this.arrow.rotation = 0) : (this.container_content.visible = !1,
+ this.arrow.rotation = -180),
+ this.isnew ? (this.new_flag.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_open.y = 8) : (this.new_flag.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_open.y = 0),
+ this.me.height = this.h
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.announcement_id > 0 && this.isopen && this.isnew && (app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "readAnnouncement", {
+ announcement_id: this.announcement_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ i.read_list.push(this.announcement_id),
+ i.Inst.onReadStateChange()),
+ this.announcement_id = -1,
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.switchShow = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ Laya.timer.currTimer < this.btn_cd || (this.btn_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 200,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.isopen = !this.isopen,
+ this.isopen ? (this.container_content.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_content, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, null, null, 0, !0),
+ this.arrow.rotation = 0) : (this.isnew && (this.isnew = !1,
+ this.new_flag.visible = !1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.btn_open, {
+ y: 0
+ }, 100, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ i.read_list.push(this.announcement_id),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "readAnnouncement", {
+ announcement_id: this.announcement_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ i.Inst.onReadStateChange()),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_content, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 200, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.container_content.visible = !1
+ }), 0, !0),
+ this.arrow.scaleY = 1,
+ this.arrow.rotation = -180),
+ this.me.height = this.h)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.infoUI) || this;
+ return t.items = [],
+ t._last_time = 0,
+ t.complete = null,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.lobbyPopout = function() {
+ if (!this.first || !this.announcements || 0 == this.announcements.length)
+ return !1;
+ for (var e = !1, i = [], a = 0; a < n.announcements.length; a++)
+ i.push(a);
+ for (var r = {}, a = 0; a < n.announcement_sort.length; a++)
+ r[n.announcement_sort[a].toString()] = a;
+ return i = i.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , a = n.announcements[t].id.toString();
+ i = r.hasOwnProperty(a) ? r[a] : 1e3 + t;
+ var s = 0
+ , o = n.announcements[e].id.toString();
+ return s = r.hasOwnProperty(o) ? r[o] : 1e3 + e,
+ i - s
+ }),
+ this.announcements.length > 0 && (e = !this.isAnnouncementReaded(this.announcements[i[0]].id)),
+ !!e && (this.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "haveRedPoint", {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.announcements.length; t++)
+ if (!this.isAnnouncementReaded(this.announcements[t].id))
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ n.Init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.read_list = [],
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAnnouncement", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAnnouncement", i, n) : e._refreshAnnouncements(n)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAnnouncementUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, this._refreshAnnouncements, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ n._refreshAnnouncements = function(t) {
+ if (t.announcements && (this.announcements = t.announcements),
+ t.sort && (this.announcement_sort = t.sort),
+ t.read_list) {
+ this.read_list = [];
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.read_list.length; e++)
+ this.read_list.push(t.read_list[e])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.isAnnouncementReaded = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.read_list.length; e++)
+ if (this.read_list[e] == t)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.item_templete = this.panel.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.items = [],
+ this.item_templete.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(i) {
+ var a = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.complete = i;
+ var r = 0;
+ if (n.announcements.length > this.items.length) {
+ r = 5;
+ for (var s = this.items.length; s < n.announcements.length; s++) {
+ var o = this.item_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ this.items.push(new e(o))
+ }
+ }
+ this.root.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(r, this, function() {
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < n.announcements.length; i++)
+ e.push(i);
+ for (var r = {}, i = 0; i < n.announcement_sort.length; i++)
+ r[n.announcement_sort[i].toString()] = i;
+ e = e.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var i = 0
+ , a = n.announcements[t].id.toString();
+ i = r.hasOwnProperty(a) ? r[a] : 1e3 + t;
+ var s = 0
+ , o = n.announcements[e].id.toString();
+ return s = r.hasOwnProperty(o) ? r[o] : 1e3 + e,
+ i - s
+ });
+ for (i = 0; i < a.items.length; i++)
+ if (i >= e.length)
+ a.items[i].me.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ a.items[i].me.visible = !0;
+ var s = n.announcements[e[i]];
+ a.items[i].onEnable(s, !n.isAnnouncementReaded(s.id), 0 == i)
+ }
+ a.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ a.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ a.panel.refresh(),
+ a._last_time = 0,
+ a.duringshow = !0,
+ a.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ a.root.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(a.root, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.duringshow = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.stopScroll();
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.items.length; t++)
+ this.items[t].me.visible && this.items[t].onDisable()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.update = function() {
+ if (this.duringshow) {
+ for (var t = 0, e = (this.panel.vScrollBar.value,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.max,
+ 0); e < this.items.length; e++)
+ if (this.items[e].me.visible) {
+ var i = this.items[e].me.y
+ , n = Math.abs(i - t);
+ if (n < .001)
+ this.items[e].me.y = t;
+ else {
+ var a = Math.sqrt(2 * n / (1400 / 22500))
+ , r = Laya.timer.currTimer - this._last_time;
+ if (r >= a)
+ this.items[e].me.y = t;
+ else {
+ var s = 1400 / 22500 * .5 * (a - r) * (a - r);
+ this.items[e].me.y = i < t ? t - s : t + s
+ }
+ }
+ t += this.items[e].h
+ }
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this._last_time = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onReadStateChange = function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refreshRedpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n.announcements = [],
+ n.announcement_sort = [],
+ n.read_list = [],
+ n.first = !0,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Info = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.infoliteUI) || this;
+ return t.panel = null,
+ t.desc = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.desc = this.panel.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.desc.text = e,
+ this.desc.height = this.desc.textField.textHeight,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_InfoLite = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.infolite_titleUI) || this;
+ return t.panel = null,
+ t.desc = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.title = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.desc = this.panel.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.title.text = e,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.desc.text = i,
+ this.desc.height = this.desc.textField.textHeight,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_InfoLite_Title = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.info_md5UI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1);
+ var e = this.root.getChildByName("content");
+ e.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ e.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("content")
+ , n = i.getChildByName("desc");
+ n.height = n.textField.textHeight,
+ i.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Info_MD5 = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.introduceUI) || this;
+ return t._blackmask = null,
+ t._root = null,
+ t._content = null,
+ t._locking = !1,
+ t._cells = [],
+ t._templete = null,
+ t._label_title = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._blackmask = new t.UI_BlackMask(this.me.getChildByName("bmask"),Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return e._locking
+ }, null, !1),Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, null, !1)),
+ this._root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this._content = this._root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this._content.vScrollBar.visible = !1;
+ var i = this._content.getChildByName("templete");
+ i.visible = !1,
+ this._templete = i,
+ this._cells = [],
+ cfg.rank_introduce.rank.forEach(function(t, n) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
+ var r = i.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ e._cells.push(r)
+ }
+ }),
+ this._label_title = this._root.getChildByName("title")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this._locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this._blackmask.show(),
+ this._content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this._root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.refresh_show(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this._label_title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(1 == t ? 2794 : 2793);
+ var i = 0
+ , n = [181, 165, 165, 165]
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0
+ , s = 0;
+ switch (GameMgr.client_language) {
+ case "chs":
+ s = 0;
+ break;
+ case "jp":
+ s = 4;
+ break;
+ case "en":
+ s = 8;
+ break;
+ case "chs_t":
+ s = 12
+ }
+ for (var o = this._templete.getChildByName("info"), l = 0, h = 0; h < 4; h++)
+ o.text = cfg.rank_introduce[1 == t ? "rank" : "rank3"].get(1).info[s + h],
+ n[h] = o.textField.textWidth,
+ l += n[h];
+ for (h = 0; h < 4; h++)
+ n[h] = 600 * n[h] / l + (0 == h ? 76 : 0);
+ cfg.rank_introduce[1 == t ? "rank" : "rank3"].forEach(function(t, o) {
+ a = 0;
+ for (var l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
+ var h = e._cells[i++];
+ h.x = a,
+ h.y = r,
+ h.width = n[l],
+ h.height = 76;
+ var c = h.getChildByName("bound");
+ c.x = 0,
+ c.y = 0,
+ c.width = h.width,
+ c.height = h.height;
+ var _ = h.getChildByName("info");
+ _.width = h.width / .7 - 20,
+ _.x = .5 * h.width,
+ _.scriptMap["capsui.LabelLocalizationSize"].change_width(_.width),
+ _.text = t.info[l + s],
+ a += h.width - 3
+ }
+ r += 73
+ }),
+ this._content.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this._root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Introduce = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.me = e,
+ e.visible = !1,
+ this.me.x = 543,
+ this.me.y = -260,
+ this.data = n,
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ a.locking = !0,
+ a.me.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(a.me, {
+ y: -44
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongInOut, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ })),
+ a.me.getChildByName("name").text = n.nickname;
+ var e = "";
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? e += "Room:" : (e += game.Tools.room_mode_desc(n.mode.mode)) && (e += ":"),
+ e += n.room_id.toString(),
+ a.me.getChildByName("room").text = e,
+ a.me.getChildByName("banned").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.locking || (i.addBanned(n.account_id),
+ a.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.me.getChildByName("cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.locking || (i.onCancel(n.account_id),
+ a.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.me.getChildByName("join").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ if (!a.locking)
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ else {
+ if (i.onCancel(n.account_id),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.active)
+ GameMgr.Inst.beinvited_roomid = n.room_id,
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut(),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Lobby(),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Both();
+ else {
+ var e = !1
+ , r = Laya.Handler.create(a, function(i) {
+ i ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "joinRoom", {
+ room_id: n.room_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("joinRoom", i, n),
+ e && (t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0)) : (t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Lobby(),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Both(),
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.updateData(n.room),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWaitingRoom())
+ }) : e && (t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0)
+ }, null, !1);
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.enable ? (e = !0,
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.tryToClose(r)) : t.UI_PiPei.Inst.enable ? t.UI_PiPei.Inst.tryToClose(r) : r.runWith(!0)
+ }
+ a.close()
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(n.time + 18e4 - Laya.timer.currTimer, a, function() {
+ a.locking || (a.close(),
+ i.onCancel(n.account_id))
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ return e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ y: -260
+ }, 150, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst.onBlockClose(t)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.destory = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.me.destroy(!0),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.both_ui.inviteUI) || this;
+ return t.templete = null,
+ t._blocks = null,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.onNewInvite = function(e) {
+ var i = JSON.parse(e)
+ , n = i.account_id;
+ if (!(this._banneds.hasOwnProperty(n.toString()) && Laya.timer.currTimer < this._banneds[n.toString()] + 3e5 || t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst && t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.enable && t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.room_id == i.room_id || t.UI_PiPeiChengGong.Inst.enable || t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable || t.UI_Match_Room.Inst.enable)) {
+ for (var a = {
+ time: Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ room_id: i.room_id,
+ mode: i.mode,
+ account_id: i.account_id,
+ nickname: i.nickname
+ }, r = 0; r < this._invites.length; r++)
+ if (this._invites[r].account_id == n) {
+ for (var s = r; s < this._invites.length - 1; s++)
+ this._invites[s] = this._invites[s + 1];
+ this._invites.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ this._invites.push(a),
+ this.Inst.enable && this.Inst.popout(a)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.addBanned = function(t) {
+ this._banneds[t.toString()] = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.onCancel(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.onCancel = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._invites.length; e++)
+ if (this._invites[e].account_id == t) {
+ for (var i = e; i < this._invites.length - 1; i++)
+ this._invites[i] = this._invites[i + 1];
+ this._invites.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.templete = this.me.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.templete.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this._blocks = [];
+ for (var t = n._invites, e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ Laya.timer.currTimer < t[i].time + 12e4 && e.push(t[i]);
+ t = n._invites = e;
+ for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
+ this.popout(t[i])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this._blocks.length; t++)
+ this._blocks[t].destory();
+ this._blocks = []
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.popout = function(t) {
+ if (t.mode && t.room_id) {
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < this._blocks.length; n++)
+ this._blocks[n].data.account_id == t.account_id && i.push(this._blocks[n]);
+ for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.onBlockClose(i[n]);
+ var a = this.templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ this._blocks.push(new e(a,t))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBlockClose = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this._blocks.length; e++)
+ if (t === this._blocks[e]) {
+ this._blocks[e] = this._blocks[this._blocks.length - 1],
+ t.destory(),
+ this._blocks.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n._invites = [],
+ n._banneds = {},
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Invite = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.entrance.ios_webview_updateUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.show = function(e) {
+ var n = new i;
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddLobbyUI(n),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ n._show(e)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._show = function(t) {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("text").text = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_IOS_Webview_Update = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.origin_h = this.me.height
+ }
+ return t.prototype.SetExtH = function(t) {
+ this.me.height = t < 0 ? this.origin_h : this.origin_h + t
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.both_ui.itemdetailUI) || this;
+ return t.bounds = [],
+ t.container_way = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.container_icon = null,
+ t.btn_open = null,
+ t.item_id = 0,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.name = this.root.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(this.root.getChildByName("item").getChildByName("icon")),
+ this.container_icon = this.root.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.btn_open = this.root.getChildByName("btn_open"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_open.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.close();
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.item.get(i.item_id);
+ e && 1 == e.category && (1 == e.type && t.UI_OpenBox.Inst.show(i.item_id),
+ 2 == e.type && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "openRandomRewardItem", {
+ item_id: i.item_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("openRandomRewardItem", e, i) : t.UI_GetReward2.Inst.show(i.results)
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.bounds.push(new e(this.root.getChildByName("bg0"))),
+ this.bounds.push(new e(this.root.getChildByName("bg0").getChildByName("left"))),
+ this.bounds.push(new e(this.root.getChildByName("bg0").getChildByName("right"))),
+ this.bounds.push(new e(this.root.getChildByName("bound"))),
+ this.container_way = this.root.getChildByName("way")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = 0),
+ this.item_id = e;
+ var a = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(e);
+ this.name.text = a.name,
+ this.desc.text = a.desc,
+ this.icon.setSkin(a.icon),
+ this.btn_open.visible = !1,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.container_way.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var r = 0
+ , s = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e);
+ if (s)
+ if (1 == s.category && (1 != s.type && 2 != s.type || 1 == i && (this.btn_open.visible = !0)),
+ 2 == i) {
+ var o = s.access;
+ if (o) {
+ this.container_way.visible = !0,
+ this.container_way.y = 540,
+ this.container_way.getChildByName("wd").visible = !0,
+ this.container_way.getChildByName("line").visible = !0;
+ for (u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
+ h = this.container_way.getChildByName("cell" + u);
+ if (0 == u) {
+ h.visible = !0;
+ var l = parseInt(o);
+ (c = h.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(s.accessinfo);
+ _ = h.getChildByName("check");
+ 1 == l ? _.visible = !1 : 11 == l ? (_.visible = !0,
+ _.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (n.close(),
+ t.UI_Sushe_Visit.Inst.close(),
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.close(null),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, n, function() {
+ t.UI_Bag.Inst.show(1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)) : 3 == l && (_.visible = !0,
+ _.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (n.close(),
+ t.UI_Sushe_Visit.Inst.close(),
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.close(null),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, n, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop.Inst.show(1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ _.visible ? c.scriptMap["capsui.LabelLocalizationSize"].change_width(430) : c.scriptMap["capsui.LabelLocalizationSize"].change_width(628)
+ } else
+ h.visible = !1
+ }
+ r = 80
+ } else
+ this.container_way.visible = !1
+ } else if (1 == i && 5 == s.category)
+ for (u = 0; u < 5; u++) {
+ var h = this.container_way.getChildByName("cell" + u);
+ if (this.container_way.visible = !0,
+ this.container_way.y = 510,
+ this.container_way.getChildByName("wd").visible = !1,
+ this.container_way.getChildByName("line").visible = !0,
+ 0 == u) {
+ h.visible = !0;
+ var c = h.getChildByName("info");
+ 9 == s.type ? c.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3120) : c.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3065);
+ var _;
+ (_ = h.getChildByName("check")).visible = !0,
+ _.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (n.close(),
+ t.UI_Bag.Inst.hide(null),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, n, function() {
+ 9 == s.type ? (t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0,
+ t.UI_Config.Inst.show(1)) : t.UI_Sushe.Inst.show(1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ r = 50
+ } else
+ h.visible = !1
+ }
+ else
+ this.container_way.visible = !1;
+ for (var u = 0; u < this.bounds.length; u++)
+ this.bounds[u].SetExtH(r)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ItemDetail = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.light_tipsUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.info.text = t,
+ this.root.height = 120 + this.info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.root.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, this, function() {
+ e.close()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show_dmm = function(e, i) {
+ var n = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(e)
+ , a = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(e);
+ this.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8003) + "\n" + n.name + (a - i).toString() + "→" + a)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_LightTips = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.normal = 0] = "normal",
+ t[t.detail = 1] = "detail",
+ t[t.liqiing = 2] = "liqiing"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this) || this;
+ return t.c_gang = null,
+ t.com_add_gang = null,
+ t.com_an_gang = null,
+ t.liqi_data = null,
+ t._oplist = [],
+ t.state = e.normal,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.com_add_gang = [],
+ this.com_an_gang = [],
+ this.liqi_data = [];
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ switch (t[n].type) {
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.babei:
+ i.push("btn_babei");
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.add_gang:
+ this.com_add_gang = t[n].combination;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.an_gang:
+ this.com_an_gang = t[n].combination;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.liqi:
+ i.push("btn_lizhi"),
+ this.liqi_data = t[n].combination;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo:
+ i.push("btn_zimo");
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_PlayOperation.jiuzhongjiupai:
+ i.push("btn_jiuzhongjiupai")
+ }
+ this.com_add_gang.length + this.com_an_gang.length > 0 && i.push("btn_gang"),
+ i.push("btn_cancel"),
+ this._oplist = i,
+ this.showOp(i),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.state = e.normal,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(202)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onClickOpBtn = function(t) {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play)
+ switch (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(101),
+ t) {
+ case "btn_gang":
+ this.onBtn_Gang();
+ break;
+ case "btn_lizhi":
+ this.onBtn_Liqi();
+ break;
+ case "btn_zimo":
+ this.onBtn_Zimo();
+ break;
+ case "btn_cancel":
+ this.onBtn_Cancel();
+ break;
+ case "btn_jiuzhongjiupai":
+ this.onBtn_Liuju();
+ break;
+ case "btn_babei":
+ this.onBtn_BaBei()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDetailBack = function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play && (this.showOp(this._oplist),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(101))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onClickDetail = function(e) {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(101),
+ this.enable = !1,
+ e < this.com_add_gang.length ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.add_gang,
+ index: e,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.an_gang,
+ index: e - this.com_add_gang.length,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBtn_Gang = function() {
+ if (this.com_an_gang.length + this.com_add_gang.length == 1)
+ 1 == this.com_an_gang.length ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.an_gang,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.add_gang,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse,
+ index: 0
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ this.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < this.com_add_gang.length; n++)
+ i.push(this.com_add_gang[n]);
+ for (n = 0; n < this.com_an_gang.length; n++)
+ i.push(this.com_an_gang[n]);
+ this.showDetail(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2078), i),
+ this.state = e.detail
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onLiqiBack = function() {
+ this.container_btns.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.LiQiSelect(null, !1),
+ this.state = e.normal
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBtn_Liqi = function() {
+ this.container_btns.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_cancel.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_cancel.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onLiqiBack);
+ for (var t = [], i = 0; i < this.liqi_data.length; i++)
+ t.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(this.liqi_data[i]));
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.LiQiSelect(t, !0),
+ this.state = e.liqiing
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBtn_Zimo = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.zimo,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBtn_BaBei = function() {
+ var e = !1
+ , i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole;
+ i.last_tile && "4z" === i.last_tile.val.toString() && (e = !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.babei,
+ moqie: e,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBtn_Liuju = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ type: mjcore.E_PlayOperation.jiuzhongjiupai,
+ index: 0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onBtn_Cancel = function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.can_discard || (app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "inputOperation", {
+ cancel_operation: !0,
+ timeuse: t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst._timecd.timeuse
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.WhenDoOperation()),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDoubleClick = function(t) {
+ return this.state == e.detail ? (this.onDetailBack(),
+ !1) : this.state == e.liqiing ? (this.onLiqiBack(),
+ !1) : !!t || (this.onBtn_Cancel(),
+ !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UI_PlayerOperation);
+ t.UI_LiQiZiMo = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.common.lite_loadingUI) || this;
+ return e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.liujuUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.img_title = null,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.img_title = this.root.getChildByName("title")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.Show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.data = t;
+ var i = ""
+ , n = "";
+ switch (t.type) {
+ case mjcore.E_LiuJu.jiuzhongjiupai:
+ i = "jiuzhongjiupai",
+ n = "gameend_jiuzhongjiupai";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_LiuJu.sanjiahule:
+ i = "sanjiahule";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_LiuJu.sifenglianda:
+ i = "sifenglianda",
+ n = "gameend_sifenglianda";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_LiuJu.sijializhi:
+ i = "sijializhi";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_LiuJu.sigangsanle:
+ i = "sigangsanle",
+ n = "gameend_sigangliuju"
+ }
+ this.img_title.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/" + i + ".png"),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.from(this.root, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 500),
+ "" != n && (t.type == mjcore.E_LiuJu.jiuzhongjiupai ? view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[t.seat].character, n) : view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.main_role_character_info, n)),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play ? Laya.timer.once(4e3, this, this.onBtnConfirm) : Laya.timer.once(4e3, this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtnConfirm = function() {
+ null != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameEndResult ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowGameEnd(),
+ this.enable = !1) : (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "confirmNewRound", {}, function(t, e) {})
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_LiuJu = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e, i = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this._show_hand = !1,
+ this._show_paopai = !1,
+ this._show_replay = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this._btn_out = this.me.getChildByName("btn_out"),
+ this._btn_out.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.switch()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_shoupai").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._show_hand = !i._show_hand,
+ i._choosed_show_hand.visible = i._show_hand,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.onShowHandChange(i._show_hand)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._choosed_show_hand = this.me.getChildByName("btn_shoupai").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_paopai").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._show_paopai = !i._show_paopai,
+ i._choosed_show_paopai.visible = i._show_paopai,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.onShowPaopaiChange(i._show_paopai)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._choosed_show_paopai = this.me.getChildByName("btn_paopai").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_showbar").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.locking || t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.anim_time > Laya.timer.currTimer || "RecordHule" != n.Inst.last_action_name && "RecordLiuJu" != n.Inst.last_action_name && "RecordNoTile" != n.Inst.last_action_name && ("RecordNewRound" == n.Inst.last_action_name && n.Inst.during_do_cd || (i._show_replay = !i._show_replay,
+ i._choosed_show_replay.visible = i._show_replay,
+ i._show_replay ? n.Inst.enterReplay() : n.Inst.closeReplay()))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._choosed_show_replay = this.me.getChildByName("btn_showbar").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("label_word").visible = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language,
+ this.me.getChildByName("img_set").visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language
+ }
+ return e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this),
+ this._show_hand = !1,
+ this.me.x = -258,
+ this._btn_out.disabled = !1,
+ this._choosed_show_hand.visible = this._show_hand,
+ this._show_paopai = !1,
+ this._choosed_show_paopai.visible = this._show_paopai,
+ this._show_replay = !1,
+ this._choosed_show_replay.visible = this._show_replay
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.switch = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = -258;
+ this.me.x < -100 && (e = -5),
+ this._btn_out.disabled = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ x: e
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t._btn_out.disabled = !1
+ }), 0, !0, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.gameing = 1] = "gameing",
+ t[t.replay = 2] = "replay"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.mj.live_broadcastUI) || this;
+ return t.state = e.none,
+ t.segments = [],
+ t._time0 = 0,
+ t._time_start = 0,
+ t.segment_index = 0,
+ t.unit_index = 0,
+ t.during_asknew = !1,
+ t.retry_loadtime = 0,
+ t.segment_end_millisecond = 0,
+ t.guanzhanconfig = null,
+ t.do_unit_cd = 0,
+ t.time_stop_length = 0,
+ t.time_stop_start_time = 0,
+ t._last_action_name = "",
+ t.have_gameend = !1,
+ t.is_realtime = !1,
+ t.pending_units = [],
+ a.Inst = t,
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyObserveData", Laya.Handler.create(t, function(e) {
+ t.pending_units.push(e)
+ })),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.fetchInfo = function(e, i) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameLiveInfo", {
+ game_uuid: e
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameLiveInfo", n, a),
+ i && i.runWith({
+ success: !1
+ })) : (app.Log.log("fetchGameLiveInfo res:" + JSON.stringify(a)),
+ a.left_start_seconds ? t.UI_WaitOb.Inst.show(e, a.left_start_seconds, i) : i && i.runWith({
+ success: !0,
+ data: a
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.goToWatch = function(e, i, n) {
+ var r = this;
+ app.Log.log("goToWatch res:" + JSON.stringify(i)),
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst.show("enter_mj"),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.active && (game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.active = !1);
+ for (var s = i.live_head, o = [null, null, null, null], l = 0; l < s.players.length; l++) {
+ for (var h = -1, c = 0; c < s.seat_list.length; c++)
+ if (s.seat_list[c] == s.players[l].account_id) {
+ h = c;
+ break
+ }
+ -1 != h ? o[h] = s.players[l] : app.Log.Error("goToWatch " + JSON.stringify(s.players[l]) + "未找到位置")
+ }
+ var _ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)
+ , u = s.game_config.mode;
+ u.extendinfo && (_ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)),
+ u.detail_rule && u.detail_rule.ai_level && (1 === u.detail_rule.ai_level && (_ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)),
+ 2 === u.detail_rule.ai_level && (_ = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)));
+ for (l = 0; l < o.length; l++)
+ null == o[l] && (o[l] = {
+ nickname: _,
+ avatar_id: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(),
+ level: {
+ id: 10101
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101
+ },
+ character: {
+ charid: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_character(),
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(),
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ }
+ });
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.openMJRoom({
+ mode: u
+ }, o, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.initRoom(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(s.game_config)), o, n, view.EMJMode.live_broadcast, Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.7),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, r, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterMJ(),
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.8),
+ a.Inst.startLive(e)
+ })
+ }))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ return t.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.7 * e)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "during_do_cd", {
+ get: function() {
+ return Laya.timer.currTimer < this.do_unit_cd
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "during_play", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.state == e.gameing
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "last_action_name", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._last_action_name
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.guanzhanconfig = new i(this.me.getChildByName("config"))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.pending_units = []
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._doRecord = function(t, e, i) {
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ClearOperationShow(),
+ this._last_action_name = t,
+ t) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ return view.ActionNewRound.record(e, i);
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ return view.ActionDiscardTile.record(e, i);
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ return view.ActionDealTile.record(e, i);
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ return view.ActionChiPengGang.record(e, i);
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ return view.ActionAnGangAddGang.record(e, i);
+ case "RecordHule":
+ return view.ActionHule.record(e);
+ case "RecordLiuJu":
+ return view.ActionLiuJu.record(e);
+ case "RecordNoTile":
+ return view.ActionNoTile.record(e);
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ return view.ActionBabei.record(e)
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._doFastRecord = function(t, e, i) {
+ try {
+ switch (this._last_action_name = t,
+ t) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ view.ActionNewRound.fastrecord(e, i);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ view.ActionDiscardTile.fastrecord(e, i);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ view.ActionDealTile.fastrecord(e, i);
+ break;
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ view.ActionChiPengGang.fastrecord(e, i);
+ break;
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ view.ActionAnGangAddGang.fastrecord(e, i);
+ break;
+ case "RecordHule":
+ view.ActionHule.fastrecord(e);
+ break;
+ case "RecordLiuJu":
+ view.ActionLiuJu.fastrecord(e);
+ break;
+ case "RecordNoTile":
+ view.ActionNoTile.fastrecord(e);
+ break;
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ view.ActionBabei.fastrecord(e)
+ }
+ } catch (i) {
+ var n = {};
+ return n.error = i.message,
+ n.stack = i.stack,
+ n.method = "ui_live_broadcast doFastRecord",
+ n.name = t,
+ n.data = e,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(n),
+ 1e6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._doUnit = function(e, i, n) {
+ if (i) {
+ if (1 == e.category)
+ return this._doFastRecord(e.name, e.data, n),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped || (this.time_stop_length = 0),
+ 0;
+ if ("GameNewRoundState" == e.name) {
+ for (r = 0; r < e.data.seat_states.length; r++)
+ view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state[r] = e.data.seat_states[r];
+ t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshLinks()
+ } else
+ "NotifyGameEndResult" == e.name ? (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameEndResult = e.data.result,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowGameEnd()) : "NotifyPlayerConnectionState" == e.name ? t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.onPlayerConnectionState(e.data) : "GameEndAction" == e.name ? 3 == e.data.state && t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(16), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()
+ })) : "NotifyGamePause" == e.name && (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setGameStop(e.data.paused),
+ this.time_stop_start_time > 0 && (this.time_stop_length += e.timestamp - this.time_stop_start_time),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped ? this.time_stop_start_time = e.timestamp : this.time_stop_start_time = -1);
+ return -1
+ }
+ if (1 == e.category) {
+ var a = this._doRecord(e.name, e.data, n);
+ return view.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped || (this.time_stop_length = 0),
+ a
+ }
+ if ("GameNewRoundState" == e.name) {
+ for (var r = 0; r < e.data.seat_states.length; r++)
+ view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state[r] = e.data.seat_states[r];
+ t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshLinks()
+ } else
+ "NotifyGameEndResult" == e.name ? (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameEndResult = e.data.result,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowGameEnd()) : "NotifyGameBroadcast" == e.name ? t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.onGameBroadcast(e.data) : "NotifyPlayerConnectionState" == e.name ? t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.onPlayerConnectionState(e.data) : "GameEndAction" == e.name ? 3 == e.data.state && t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(16), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.ForceOut()
+ })) : "NotifyGamePause" == e.name && (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setGameStop(e.data.paused),
+ this.time_stop_start_time > 0 && (this.time_stop_length += e.timestamp - this.time_stop_start_time),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped ? this.time_stop_start_time = e.timestamp : this.time_stop_start_time = -1);
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._parseUnit = function(t) {
+ var e = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(t.action_data);
+ return {
+ timestamp: t.timestamp,
+ category: t.action_category,
+ name: e.$type.name,
+ data: e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._loadUnit = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = new Laya.HttpRequest;
+ a.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, function(e) {
+ if (i) {
+ var a = new Laya.Byte;
+ a.writeArrayBuffer(e);
+ for (var r = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(a.getUint8Array(0, a.length)), s = [], o = 0; o < r.actions.length; o++)
+ s.push(n._parseUnit(r.actions[o]));
+ i.runWith({
+ success: !0,
+ id: t,
+ units: s
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ a.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, function(e) {
+ i && i.runWith({
+ success: !1,
+ id: t
+ })
+ });
+ a.send(e, "", "get", "arraybuffer", [])
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.startLive = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameLiveInfo", {
+ game_uuid: e
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error || a.left_start_seconds)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameLiveInfo", n, a),
+ i._forceQuit();
+ else {
+ var r = a;
+ i.segment_index = 0,
+ i.segments = [],
+ i._time0 = r.now_millisecond,
+ i._time_start = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ var s = 0
+ , o = !1;
+ i.game_uuid = e,
+ i.enable = !0,
+ i.guanzhanconfig.reset(),
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.enable = !1,
+ i.do_unit_cd = 0,
+ i.have_gameend = !1,
+ i.is_realtime = !1,
+ i.me.getChildByName("f_realtime").visible = !1;
+ for (var l = function(e) {
+ if (!o)
+ if (app.Log.log("loadover0 " + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ e.success) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.segments.length; n++)
+ if (i.segments[n].segment_id == e.id) {
+ i.segments[n].units = e.units,
+ i.segments[n].loaded = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ app.Log.log("loadover1"),
+ s++,
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.8 + s / i.segments.length * .2),
+ s == i.segments.length && i._onFirstLoadOver()
+ } else
+ app.Log.log("loadover2"),
+ o = !0,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(15)),
+ i._forceQuit()
+ }, h = 0; h < r.segments.length; h++) {
+ var c = r.segments[h].segment_id
+ , _ = r.segments[h].segment_uri;
+ i.segments.push({
+ segment_id: c,
+ uri: _,
+ units: [],
+ loaded: !1
+ }),
+ i._loadUnit(c, _, Laya.Handler.create(i, l))
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.clearPendingUnits = function() {
+ this.pending_units = []
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.startRealtimeLive = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.segment_index = 0,
+ this.segments = [],
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.guanzhanconfig.reset(),
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.enable = !1,
+ this.do_unit_cd = 0,
+ this.have_gameend = !1,
+ this.is_realtime = !0,
+ this._time0 = 1e3 * e,
+ this._time_start = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName("f_realtime");
+ a.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var t = (Laya.timer.currTimer - n._time_start) / 1e3;
+ t -= 4 * Math.floor(t / 4),
+ a.alpha = t < 2 ? t / 2 * .7 + .3 : .7 * (1 - (t - 2) / 2) + .3
+ });
+ for (var r = [], s = 0; s < i.actions.length; s++)
+ r.push(this._parseUnit(i.actions[s]));
+ for (s = 0; s < this.pending_units.length; s++)
+ r.push(this._parseUnit(this.pending_units[s].unit));
+ this.pending_units = [],
+ this.segments.push({
+ segment_id: 1,
+ units: r,
+ loaded: !0
+ }),
+ this._onFirstLoadOver()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._onFirstLoadOver = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ if (this._fastSync() && (app.Log.log("fastSync over"),
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, this, function() {
+ if (t.is_realtime) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.pending_units.length; e++)
+ t.segments[0].units.push(t._parseUnit(t.pending_units[e].unit));
+ t.pending_units = []
+ }
+ t._timeDoAction(!1)
+ }, null, !0),
+ !this.is_realtime)) {
+ var e = this.segments[this.segments.length - 1].units
+ , i = e[e.length - 1].timestamp;
+ this.segment_end_millisecond = i,
+ Laya.timer.loop(3700, this, function() {
+ t._askNewSegment()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._unitIsTimeLast = function(t, e) {
+ if (t >= this.segments.length)
+ return !0;
+ var i = this.segments[t];
+ if (!i.loaded)
+ return !0;
+ if (i.units.length <= e)
+ return this._unitIsTimeLast(t + 1, 0);
+ var n = this._time0 + Laya.timer.currTimer - this._time_start
+ , a = i.units[e];
+ return a.timestamp > n || 2 == a.category && this._unitIsTimeLast(t, e + 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._getTimeStop = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = 0;
+ if (i > 0 && (n = this._time0 + Laya.timer.currTimer - this._time_start - i),
+ t >= this.segments.length)
+ return n;
+ var a = this.segments[t];
+ if (!a.loaded)
+ return n;
+ if (a.units.length <= e)
+ return this._getTimeStop(t + 1, 0, i);
+ var r = a.units[e]
+ , s = this._time0 + Laya.timer.currTimer - this._time_start;
+ if (r.timestamp > s)
+ return n;
+ if (1 == r.category)
+ return 0;
+ if ("NotifyGamePause" == r.name) {
+ var o = 0;
+ return i > 0 && (o += r.timestamp - i),
+ i = r.data.paused ? r.timestamp : -1,
+ o + this._getTimeStop(t, e + 1, i)
+ }
+ return this._getTimeStop(t, e + 1, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._timeDoAction = function(i) {
+ if (this.state != e.gameing)
+ return !1;
+ if (this.segment_index >= this.segments.length)
+ return !1;
+ var n = this.segments[this.segment_index];
+ if (!n.loaded)
+ return !1;
+ if (this.segment_index == this.segments.length - 1 && this.unit_index >= n.units.length)
+ return !1;
+ var a = n.units[this.unit_index]
+ , r = this._time0 + Laya.timer.currTimer - this._time_start;
+ if (a.timestamp > r && !this.is_realtime)
+ return !0;
+ if ("NotifyGameEndResult" == a.name)
+ return !0;
+ if (1 == a.category && this.during_do_cd)
+ return !0;
+ var s = this._unitIsTimeLast(this.segment_index, this.unit_index + 1);
+ s && (r -= this._getTimeStop(this.segment_index, this.unit_index + 1, this.time_stop_start_time));
+ var o = 0;
+ if (o = this.is_realtime ? (o = Laya.timer.currTimer + GameMgr.Inst.server_time_delta - this._time0 - a.timestamp) < 0 ? 0 : o : r - a.timestamp,
+ t.UI_Loading.Inst && t.UI_Loading.Inst.enable && t.UI_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ i)
+ s ? this._doUnit(a, !0, o) : this._doUnit(a, !0, -1);
+ else {
+ var l = this._doUnit(a, !1, o);
+ l > 0 && (this.do_unit_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + l)
+ }
+ return this.unit_index++,
+ this.unit_index >= n.units.length && !this.is_realtime && (this.unit_index = 0,
+ this.segment_index++),
+ this._timeDoAction(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._askNewSegment = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.have_gameend && !(this.during_asknew || this.retry_loadtime >= 3) && this.segments[this.segments.length - 1].loaded) {
+ this._time0 + Laya.timer.currTimer - this._time_start + 15e3 < this.segment_end_millisecond || (this.during_asknew = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameLiveLeftSegment", {
+ game_uuid: this.game_uuid,
+ last_segment_id: this.segments[this.segments.length - 1].segment_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (e.during_asknew = !1,
+ i || n.error)
+ e.retry_loadtime++,
+ e.retry_loadtime >= 3 && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameLiveLeftSegment", i, n);
+ else {
+ e.retry_loadtime = 0;
+ var a = n.segments;
+ e.segment_end_millisecond = n.segment_end_millisecond;
+ for (var r = function(t) {
+ if (t.success)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.segments.length; i++)
+ if (e.segments[i].segment_id == t.id) {
+ e.segments[i].units = t.units;
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.units.length; n++)
+ if ("NotifyGameEndResult" == t.units[n].name) {
+ e.have_gameend = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ e.segments[i].loaded = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ }, s = e.segments[e.segments.length - 1].segment_id, o = 0; o < a.length; o++) {
+ var l = a[o].segment_id
+ , h = a[o].segment_uri;
+ l <= s || (e.segments.push({
+ segment_id: l,
+ uri: h,
+ units: [],
+ loaded: !1
+ }),
+ e._loadUnit(l, h, Laya.Handler.create(e, r, null, !1)))
+ }
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._forceQuit = function() {
+ this.state = e.none,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ GameMgr.Inst.EnterLobby()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._fastSync = function() {
+ var i = -1
+ , n = -1;
+ this.time_stop_start_time = -1,
+ this.time_stop_length = 0;
+ var a = this._time0 + Laya.timer.currTimer - this._time_start;
+ this.is_realtime && (a = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ for (var r = 0; r < this.segments.length; r++)
+ for (var s = this.segments[r], o = 0; o < s.units.length; o++)
+ s.units[o].timestamp <= a && "RecordNewRound" == s.units[o].name && (i = r,
+ n = o);
+ if (app.Log.log("_fastSync1: segment=" + i + ", unit=" + n),
+ -1 == i) {
+ i = 0;
+ for (var s = this.segments[0], o = 0; o < s.units.length; o++)
+ if ("RecordNewRound" == s.units[o].name) {
+ i = 0,
+ n = o,
+ this._time0 = s.units[o].timestamp - 50;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return app.Log.log("_fastSync2: segment=" + i + ", unit=" + n),
+ -1 == n ? this.is_realtime ? (this.state = e.gameing,
+ this.segment_index = 0,
+ this.unit_index = 0,
+ !0) : (app.Log.Error("给的数据没有RecordNewRound"),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(15)),
+ this._forceQuit(),
+ !1) : (this.state = e.gameing,
+ this.segment_index = i,
+ this.unit_index = n,
+ this._timeDoAction(!0),
+ !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onChangeMainbody = function() {
+ this.state == e.gameing ? (this.do_unit_cd = 0,
+ this._fastSync()) : this.state == e.replay && t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.onChangeMainBody()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onScoreChangeConfirm = function() {
+ if (this.state == e.gameing) {
+ if (this.do_unit_cd = 0,
+ this.segment_index >= this.segments.length)
+ return !1;
+ var i = this.segments[this.segment_index];
+ if (!i.loaded)
+ return !1;
+ if (this.segment_index == this.segments.length - 1 && this.unit_index >= i.units.length)
+ return !1;
+ var n = i.units[this.unit_index];
+ "NotifyGameEndResult" == n.name && (t.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.enable = !1,
+ this._doUnit(n, !1, 0))
+ } else
+ this.state == e.replay && (t.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.nextStep(!0))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.enterReplay = function() {
+ this.state = e.replay;
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n <= this.segment_index && n < this.segments.length && this.segments[n].loaded; n++)
+ for (var a = this.segments[n].units, r = 0; r < a.length && !(n == this.segment_index && r >= this.unit_index); r++) {
+ var s = a[r];
+ 1 == s.category && i.push({
+ name: s.name,
+ data: s.data
+ })
+ }
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.show(i),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ClearOperationShow()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.closeReplay = function() {
+ this.state = e.gameing,
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.close(),
+ this.do_unit_cd = 0,
+ this._fastSync()
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.loadingUI) || this;
+ return t.tips = [],
+ t.tips_showindex = 0,
+ t.tips_changeCD = 0,
+ t.current_progress = 0,
+ t.pre_t = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.img_loading = this.me.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this.container_waitother = this.me.getChildByName("waitother"),
+ this.waitother_label0 = this.container_waitother.getChildByName("count0"),
+ this.waitother_label1 = this.container_waitother.getChildByName("count1"),
+ this.label_tips = this.me.getChildByName("tips"),
+ this.progress_bar = this.me.getChildByName("progress"),
+ this.progress_val = this.progress_bar.getChildByName("bar").mask,
+ this.img_flower = this.progress_bar.getChildByName("flower"),
+ this.progress_label = this.progress_bar.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("v"),
+ this.img_desktop = this.me.getChildByName("desktop"),
+ this.img_left = this.me.getChildByName("left"),
+ this.img_mid = this.me.getChildByName("mid"),
+ this.img_right = this.me.getChildByName("right"),
+ cfg.str.str.forEach(function(e) {
+ "fighttips" == e.type && t.tips.push(e[GameMgr.client_language])
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ if (this.pre_t = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.current_progress = 0,
+ this.progress_val.width = 0,
+ this.img_flower.x = 0,
+ this.progress_label.x = -40,
+ this.img_loading.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/necessary/" + e + ".png"),
+ !this.enable) {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Both(),
+ this.enable = !0;
+ for (var i = 1; i < this.tips.length; i++) {
+ var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
+ , a = this.tips[n];
+ this.tips[n] = this.tips[i],
+ this.tips[i] = a
+ }
+ this.tips_showindex = 0,
+ this.tips_changeCD = Laya.timer.currTimer + 5e3,
+ this.label_tips.text = this.tips[0],
+ this.img_loading.visible = !0,
+ this.container_waitother.visible = !1,
+ this.starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.me.getChildByName("black").visible = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_desktop, "myres2/loading_3que1/desktop" + Math.floor(2 * Math.random()) + ".png"),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_left, "myres2/loading_3que1/left" + Math.floor(5 * Math.random()) + ".png"),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_mid, "myres2/loading_3que1/mid" + Math.floor(5 * Math.random()) + ".png"),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_right, "myres2/loading_3que1/right" + Math.floor(5 * Math.random()) + ".png")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = null),
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t && t.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.update = function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.pre_t;
+ this.pre_t = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.refresh_flower(),
+ this.refresh_progress(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.showLoadCount = function(t, e) {
+ this.img_loading.visible = !1,
+ this.container_waitother.visible = !0,
+ this.waitother_label0.text = t.toString(),
+ this.waitother_label1.text = e.toString();
+ for (var i = this.container_waitother.displayWidth / this.container_waitother.scaleX + 40, n = 0; n < this.container_waitother.numChildren; n++) {
+ var a = this.container_waitother.getChildAt(n);
+ a.x = i,
+ i += a.textField.textWidth
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setProgressVal = function(t) {
+ this.current_progress = t
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_flower = function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.starttime;
+ t > 2e3 && (t = 0,
+ this.starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer);
+ var e = t / 2e3;
+ this.img_flower.rotation = 360 * e,
+ this.tips_changeCD <= Laya.timer.currTimer && (this.tips_changeCD = Laya.timer.currTimer + 5e3,
+ this.tips_showindex = (this.tips_showindex + 1) % this.tips.length,
+ this.label_tips.text = this.tips[this.tips_showindex])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_progress = function(t) {
+ var e = this.progress_bar.width * (.8 * this.current_progress + .2);
+ if (this.progress_val.width >= e)
+ this.progress_val.width = e;
+ else {
+ var i = (e - this.progress_val.width) / this.progress_bar.width
+ , n = Math.sqrt(4 * i) * t / 1e3;
+ n >= i ? this.progress_val.width = e : this.progress_val.width += n * this.progress_bar.width
+ }
+ this.progress_label.x = this.progress_val.width - 40,
+ this.progress_label.text = (this.progress_val.width / this.progress_bar.width * 100).toFixed(0) + "%",
+ this.img_flower.x = this.progress_val.width
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Loading = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.money = null,
+ this.rank = null,
+ this.small_rank = null,
+ this.rank_show_type = 0,
+ this.btn_report2019 = null,
+ this.me = e;
+ var n = e.getChildByName("container_name");
+ this.name = n.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.rank = new t.UI_Level(n.getChildByName("rank")),
+ this.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(n.getChildByName("img_title")),
+ this.small_rank = new t.UI_Level(n.getChildByName("btn_small_rank")),
+ this.money = new t.UI_Money(e,Laya.Handler.create(h.Inst, h.Inst.Hide, null, !1),Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return h.Inst.locking
+ }, null, !1),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ return h.Inst.enable = !0
+ })
+ }
+ )),
+ n.getChildByName("btn_info").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.show(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(13)
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_activity").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (t.UI_Activity.Inst.show(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(18))
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_rank").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (t.UI_Rank.Inst.show(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(18))
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_info").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || t.UI_Info.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_set").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || t.UI_Config.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_help").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || t.UI_Rules.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_xinshouyindao").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_XinShouYinDao.Inst.show(0, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ h.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ })))
+ }, null, !1),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_camera").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Camera_Mode.Inst.show()
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_sign").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || t.UI_Activity_Sign.Inst.show()
+ }
+ ),
+ n.getChildByName("btn_small_rank").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (0 == i.rank_show_type ? i.rank_show_type = 1 : i.rank_show_type = 0,
+ i.show_rank(),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("rank_show_type", i.rank_show_type.toString()))
+ }
+ );
+ var a = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("rank_show_type");
+ this.rank_show_type = "1" == a ? 1 : 0;
+ var r = "";
+ if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_language && (r = "https://mjjpgs.mahjongsoul.com:3100/"),
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language && (r = "https://mjengs.mahjongsoul.com:3100/"),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language && (r = "https://repo2019.majsoul.com/#/report/"),
+ this.btn_report2019 = e.getChildByName("btn_report"),
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && Date.now() < 1589058e6) {
+ this.btn_report2019.visible = !1;
+ var s = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/report2019.png");
+ Laya.loader.load(s, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.btn_report2019.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_report2019.getChildByName("img").skin = s
+ })),
+ this.btn_report2019.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.show(),
+ game.LoadMgr.httpload(r + "api/report/id/" + GameMgr.Inst.access_token + "?type=" + GameMgr.Inst.sociotype, "json", !0, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ t.UI_Lite_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ e.success ? t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3117), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = r + "#/report/" + e.data.report_id
+ }), null) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3116))
+ }))
+ }
+ )
+ } else
+ this.btn_report2019.visible = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var e = GameMgr.Inst.account_data;
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this.name, e),
+ this.title.id = e.title,
+ this.show_rank(),
+ this.money.onEnable(),
+ this.refreshRedpoint(),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_sign").visible = t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(t.UI_Activity_Sign.activity_id)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refreshRedpoint = function() {
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_activity").getChildByName("redpoint").visible = t.UI_Mail.haveRedPoint || t.UI_Activity.haveRedPoint,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_info").getChildByName("redpoint").visible = t.UI_Info.haveRedPoint,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_set").getChildByName("redpoint").visible = t.UI_Config.have_redpoint()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_rank = function() {
+ var t = "level"
+ , e = "level3";
+ 1 == this.rank_show_type && (t = "level3",
+ e = "level"),
+ this.rank.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[t].id,
+ this.small_rank.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[e].id
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.btn_dajiangsai = t.getChildByName("btn_dajiangsai"),
+ this.btn_yibanchang = t.getChildByName("btn_yibanchang"),
+ this.btn_yourenfang = t.getChildByName("btn_yourenfang"),
+ this.btn_yibanchang.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.setPage(1),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_yourenfang.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.setPage(2),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(2)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_dajiangsai.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(3),
+ h.Inst.setPage(3)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onEnable = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.btn_yibanchang.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_dajiangsai.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_yourenfang.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_yibanchang.alpha = 1,
+ this.btn_dajiangsai.alpha = 1,
+ this.btn_yourenfang.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.timer.once(e, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(104),
+ i.btn_yibanchang.x = 700,
+ i.btn_yibanchang.y = 405,
+ i.btn_yibanchang.scaleX = .2,
+ i.btn_yibanchang.scaleY = .2,
+ i.btn_yibanchang.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_yibanchang.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.btn_yibanchang, {
+ x: 1183,
+ y: 368,
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 233, function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return Laya.Ease.backOut(t, e, i, n, 1)
+ })
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(e + 100, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(104),
+ i.btn_dajiangsai.x = 700,
+ i.btn_dajiangsai.y = 530,
+ i.btn_dajiangsai.scaleX = .2,
+ i.btn_dajiangsai.scaleY = .2,
+ i.btn_dajiangsai.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_dajiangsai.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.btn_dajiangsai, {
+ x: 1110,
+ y: 547,
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 233, function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return Laya.Ease.backOut(t, e, i, n, 1)
+ })
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(e + 200, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(104),
+ i.btn_yourenfang.x = 700,
+ i.btn_yourenfang.y = 634,
+ i.btn_yourenfang.scaleX = .2,
+ i.btn_yourenfang.scaleY = .2,
+ i.btn_yourenfang.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_yourenfang.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.btn_yourenfang, {
+ x: 1123,
+ y: 736,
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 233, function(t, e, i, n) {
+ return Laya.Ease.backOut(t, e, i, n, 1)
+ })
+ });
+ var n = !1
+ , a = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(13);
+ if (t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(a.activity_id)) {
+ var r = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("art1_1011_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ , s = 0;
+ r && "" != r && (s = parseInt(r)),
+ n = Date.now() > s + 864e6
+ }
+ this.btn_dajiangsai.getChildByName("redpoint").visible = n,
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onDisable = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.btn_yibanchang, {
+ x: -500,
+ y: 450,
+ scaleX: -1,
+ scaleY: -1
+ }, 200, e, null, Laya.Ease.backIn),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.btn_dajiangsai, {
+ x: -500,
+ y: 150,
+ scaleX: -1,
+ scaleY: -1
+ }, 200, e, null, Laya.Ease.backIn),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.btn_yourenfang, {
+ x: -500,
+ y: -150,
+ scaleX: -1,
+ scaleY: -1
+ }, 200, e, null, Laya.Ease.backIn),
+ Laya.timer.once(200 + e, this, function() {
+ i.me.visible = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_back = t.getChildByName("btn_back"),
+ this.btn_back.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.func_back && e.func_back.run()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.title = t.getChildByName("title")
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ this.title.text = t,
+ game.Tools.labelLocalizationPosition(this.title, 345, this.title.width, !0),
+ this.func_back = e,
+ this.me.visible || (this.me.visible = !0,
+ h.Inst.me.page_title_in.play(0, !1)),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible && (h.Inst.me.page_title_out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.p0 = e.getChildByName("p0"),
+ this.p0.getChildByName("content").vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.content0 = this.p0.getChildByName("content");
+ for (var n = GameMgr.Inst.account_data, a = function(e) {
+ var a = r.p0.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + e)
+ , s = a.getChildByName("container")
+ , o = s.getChildByName("btn")
+ , l = a.getChildByName("stop")
+ , c = 0;
+ c = e < 4 ? 1 + 3 * e : 15;
+ var _ = cfg.desktop.matchmode.find(c);
+ _.is_open ? (o.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ s.filters = [],
+ l.visible = !1,
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var a = !0
+ , r = "";
+ a && !_.is_open && (a = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(1306));
+ var s = !0
+ , o = !0
+ , l = !0
+ , c = !0
+ , u = !0
+ , d = !0
+ , f = n.level.id
+ , p = n.level3.id
+ , m = n.gold;
+ cfg.desktop.matchmode.forEach(function(t) {
+ var i = e + 1;
+ 5 == i && (i = 6),
+ t.room == i && ((!t.glimit_floor || m >= t.glimit_floor) && (u = !1),
+ (-1 == t.glimit_ceil || m <= t.glimit_ceil) && (d = !1),
+ t.mode < 10 ? ((!t.level_limit || f >= t.level_limit) && (s = !1),
+ (!t.level_limit_ceil || f <= t.level_limit_ceil) && (o = !1)) : ((!t.level_limit || p >= t.level_limit) && (l = !1),
+ (!t.level_limit_ceil || p <= t.level_limit_ceil) && (c = !1)))
+ }),
+ (s || o) && (l || c) ? (a = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(103)) : u ? (a = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(101)) : d && (a = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(102)),
+ a ? (i.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, i, function() {
+ h.Inst.page_east_north.show(_.room)
+ })) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r)
+ }
+ }, null, !1)) : (o.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ s.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)],
+ l.visible = !0),
+ s.getChildByName("btn_tips").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ i.locking || t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(e < 4 ? 4 + e : 64))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < 5; s++)
+ a(s)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.content0.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(102),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ h.Inst.page_title.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2079), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || h.Inst.setPage(0)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.p0.alpha = 1,
+ this.p0.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < 5; e++)
+ this.p0.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + e).alpha = 1;
+ Laya.timer.once(100, this, function() {
+ t.p0.visible = !0,
+ h.Inst.me.rank_in.play(0, !1)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible && (this.locking = !0,
+ h.Inst.me.rank_out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_create_room = e.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn0").getChildByName("btn"),
+ e.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn0").getChildByName("btn_tips").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(10)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_add_room = e.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn1").getChildByName("btn"),
+ e.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn1").getChildByName("btn_tips").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(9))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_create_room.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Create_Room.Show()
+ })))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_add_room.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_NumberInput.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2080), Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "joinRoom", {
+ room_id: e
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("joinRoom", e, i) : (h.Inst.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.updateData(i.room),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowWaitingRoom())
+ })
+ }), null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_language && (e.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn0").getChildByName("del").visible = !1,
+ e.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn1").getChildByName("del").visible = !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ h.Inst.page_title.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2023), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || h.Inst.setPage(0)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.btn_add_room.alpha = 1,
+ this.btn_create_room.alpha = 1,
+ this.btn_create_room.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_add_room.visible = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(102),
+ h.Inst.me.friend_in.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible && (this.locking = !0,
+ h.Inst.me.friend_out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , s = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.btns = [],
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ this.content = t.getChildByName("content");
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ var i = n.content.getChildByName("btn" + t);
+ n.btns.push(i),
+ i.getChildByName("container").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || e.locking || (e.onClickAt(t),
+ i.getChildByName("redpoint").visible = !1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ i.getChildByName("container").getChildByName("btn_tips").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || e.locking || e.onShowInfo(t)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ i(a)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ h.Inst.page_title.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2025), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || h.Inst.setPage(0)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.infos.push("dahuishi"),
+ this.infos.push("xiuxianchang");
+ o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(33);
+ t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id) && this.infos.push("dora3");
+ o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(34);
+ t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id) && this.infos.push("peipai_open");
+ o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(13);
+ t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id) && this.infos.push("guyi");
+ o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(35);
+ t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id) && this.infos.push("muyu");
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.btns.length; i++)
+ if (i < this.infos.length) {
+ this.btns[i].alpha = 1,
+ this.btns[i].visible = !0;
+ var n = this.btns[i].getChildByName("redpoint")
+ , a = this.btns[i].getChildByName("container").getChildByName("tips")
+ , r = this.btns[i].getChildByName("container").getChildByName("name");
+ if ("dahuishi" == this.infos[i])
+ n.visible = !1,
+ a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2471),
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_saishidating.png");
+ else if ("xiuxianchang" == this.infos[i])
+ n.visible = !1,
+ a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2471),
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_xiuxian.png");
+ else if ("dora3" == this.infos[i]) {
+ var s = !1
+ , o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(33);
+ if (t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id)) {
+ c = 0;
+ (l = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("art0_10133_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)) && "" != l && (c = parseInt(l)),
+ s = Date.now() > c + 864e6
+ }
+ n.visible = s,
+ a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2774),
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_dora3.png")
+ } else if ("peipai_open" == this.infos[i]) {
+ var s = !1
+ , o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(34);
+ if (t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id)) {
+ c = 0;
+ (l = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("art0_10134_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)) && "" != l && (c = parseInt(l)),
+ s = Date.now() > c + 864e6
+ }
+ n.visible = s,
+ a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2774),
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_peipai.png")
+ } else if ("muyu" == this.infos[i]) {
+ var s = !1
+ , o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(35);
+ if (t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id)) {
+ c = 0;
+ (l = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("art0_10135_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)) && "" != l && (c = parseInt(l)),
+ s = Date.now() > c + 864e6
+ }
+ n.visible = s,
+ a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2774),
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_muyu.png")
+ } else if ("guyi" == this.infos[i]) {
+ var s = !1
+ , o = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(13);
+ if (t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(o.activity_id)) {
+ var l = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("art1_1011_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ , c = 0;
+ l && "" != l && (c = parseInt(l)),
+ s = Date.now() > c + 864e6
+ }
+ n.visible = s,
+ a.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2774),
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? "myres/lobby/w_luandou2.png" : "myres/lobby/w_luandou.png")
+ }
+ } else
+ this.btns[i].visible = !1;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(102),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ h.Inst.me["match_in" + this.infos.length].play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible && (h.Inst.me.match_out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onClickAt = function(e) {
+ var i = this.infos[e];
+ if ("dahuishi" == i) {
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ return void t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Match_Lobby.Inst.show()
+ }))
+ } else if ("xiuxianchang" == i) {
+ var n = cfg.desktop.matchmode.find(29)
+ , a = GameMgr.Inst.account_data
+ , r = "";
+ (v = !0) && !n.is_open && (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(1306));
+ var s = !0
+ , o = !0
+ , l = !0
+ , c = !0
+ , _ = !0
+ , u = !0
+ , d = a.level.id
+ , f = a.level3.id
+ , p = a.gold;
+ cfg.desktop.matchmode.forEach(function(t) {
+ 100 == t.room && ((!t.glimit_floor || p >= t.glimit_floor) && (_ = !1),
+ (-1 == t.glimit_ceil || p <= t.glimit_ceil) && (u = !1),
+ t.mode < 10 ? ((!t.level_limit || d >= t.level_limit) && (s = !1),
+ (!t.level_limit_ceil || d <= t.level_limit_ceil) && (o = !1)) : ((!t.level_limit || f >= t.level_limit) && (l = !1),
+ (!t.level_limit_ceil || f <= t.level_limit_ceil) && (c = !1)))
+ }),
+ (s || o) && (l || c) ? (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(103)) : _ ? (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(101)) : u && (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(102)),
+ v ? (this.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, this, function() {
+ h.Inst.page_east_north.show(n.room)
+ })) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r)
+ } else {
+ var m = 0
+ , g = "";
+ switch (i) {
+ case "dora3":
+ m = 33,
+ g = "art0_10133_";
+ break;
+ case "guyi":
+ m = 13,
+ g = "art1_1011_";
+ break;
+ case "peipai_open":
+ m = 34,
+ g = "art0_10134_";
+ break;
+ case "muyu":
+ m = 35,
+ g = "art0_10135_"
+ }
+ if (m) {
+ var y = cfg.desktop.matchmode.find(m)
+ , v = !0
+ , r = ""
+ , b = !0
+ , w = !0
+ , x = !0
+ , I = !0
+ , C = (a = GameMgr.Inst.account_data).level.id
+ , S = (a.level3.id,
+ a.gold);
+ cfg.desktop.matchmode.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.room == y.room && ((!t.glimit_floor || S >= t.glimit_floor) && (x = !1),
+ (-1 == t.glimit_ceil || S <= t.glimit_ceil) && (I = !1),
+ t.mode < 10 && ((!t.level_limit || C >= t.level_limit) && (b = !1),
+ (!t.level_limit_ceil || C <= t.level_limit_ceil) && (w = !1)))
+ }),
+ b || w ? (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(103)) : x ? (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(101)) : I && (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(102)),
+ v && !y.is_open && (v = !1,
+ r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(1306)),
+ v ? (this.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, this, function() {
+ h.Inst.page_east_north.show(y.room)
+ })) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(r),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem(g + GameMgr.Inst.account_id, Date.now().toString())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onShowInfo = function(e) {
+ var i = this.infos[e];
+ "dahuishi" == i ? t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(56)) : "xiuxianchang" == i ? t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2841)) : "dora3" == i ? t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2850)) : "muyu" == i ? t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3050)) : "guyi" == i ? t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2775)) : "peipai_open" == i && t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3029))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , o = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.btns = [],
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.room_type = -1,
+ this.list_mode = [],
+ this._last_fetch_time = 0,
+ this._last_fetch_success = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data;
+ this.p1 = e.getChildByName("p1"),
+ this.p1.getChildByName("content").vScrollBar.visible = !1,
+ this.content1 = this.p1.getChildByName("content");
+ for (var n = function(e) {
+ var n = a.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + e);
+ n.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ if (!i.locking && i.list_mode[e].met) {
+ var n = i.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + e).getChildByName("flag_yuyue");
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.matchYuYued(i.list_mode[e].id) ? t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.cancelPiPei(i.list_mode[e].id) : t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.addMatch(i.list_mode[e].id) && (n.visible = !0),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(8 + e)
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("btn_tips").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ if (!i.locking)
+ if (200 == i.room_type)
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2851));
+ else if (210 == i.room_type)
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3030));
+ else if (220 == i.room_type)
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3051));
+ else {
+ var n = 0;
+ switch (e) {
+ case 0:
+ n = 2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ n = 3;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ n = 24;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ n = 25
+ }
+ t.UI_InfoLite.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(n))
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.btns.push(n)
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < 4; r++)
+ n(r);
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.me.on("cancelPiPei", this, function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < i.list_mode.length; e++)
+ i.list_mode[e].id == t && (i.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + e).getChildByName("flag_yuyue").visible = !1)
+ }),
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.me.on("pipeiover", this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < 4; t++)
+ i.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + t).getChildByName("flag_yuyue").visible = !1
+ })
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ var n = "";
+ cfg.desktop.matchmode.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.room == e && (n = t["room_name_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ }),
+ h.Inst.page_title.show(n, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (i.close(),
+ 1 == e || 2 == e || 3 == e || 4 == e || 6 == e ? h.Inst.page_rank.show() : h.Inst.page_match.show())
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.room_type = e,
+ this.content1.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(102),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0;
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ this.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + a).getChildByName("count").text = "--",
+ this.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + a).alpha = 1;
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.loop(1e3, this, this._fetchPlayerCount),
+ this.content1.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.list_mode = [],
+ cfg.desktop.matchmode.forEach(function(t, e) {
+ if (0 != t.mode && i.room_type == t.room) {
+ var n = !0
+ , a = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[t.mode < 10 ? "level" : "level3"].id;
+ t.level_limit && a < t.level_limit && (n = !1),
+ t.level_limit_ceil && a > t.level_limit_ceil && (n = !1),
+ i.list_mode.push({
+ mode: t.mode,
+ id: t.id,
+ met: n
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ this._last_fetch_time = 0,
+ this._last_fetch_success = !0,
+ this._fetchPlayerCount();
+ for (var a = 0; a < this.btns.length; a++) {
+ var r = this.btns[a];
+ if (a < this.list_mode.length) {
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.getChildByName("flag_yuyue").visible = t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.matchYuYued(this.list_mode[a].id),
+ r.getChildByName("unmet").visible = !this.list_mode[a].met,
+ r.getChildByName("btn").mouseEnabled = this.list_mode[a].met;
+ var s = "";
+ switch (this.list_mode[a].mode) {
+ case 1:
+ s = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sirendong.png");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ s = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sirennan.png");
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ s = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sanrendong.png");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ s = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sanrennan.png")
+ }
+ r.getChildByName("img").skin = s
+ } else
+ r.visible = !1
+ }
+ h.Inst.me["east_north_in" + this.list_mode.length].play(0, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible && (this.locking = !0,
+ h.Inst.me.east_north_out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(t)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._fetchPlayerCount = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.isOK && this._last_fetch_success && !(Laya.timer.currTimer < this._last_fetch_time + 7e3)) {
+ this._last_fetch_time = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < this.list_mode.length; n++)
+ this.list_mode[n].met && i.push(this.list_mode[n].id);
+ this._last_fetch_success = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCurrentMatchInfo", {
+ mode_list: i
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error) {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCurrentMatchInfo", i, n);
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ e.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + a).getChildByName("count").text = "--";
+ e._last_fetch_success = !1
+ } else
+ try {
+ app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(n));
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.matches.length; a++) {
+ for (var r = n.matches[a].mode_id, s = n.matches[a].playing_count, o = -1, l = 0; l < e.list_mode.length; l++)
+ if (e.list_mode[l].id == r) {
+ o = l;
+ break
+ }
+ -1 != o && (e.p1.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("btn" + o).getChildByName("count").text = s.toString())
+ }
+ e._last_fetch_success = !0
+ } catch (i) {}
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , l = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = e;
+ for (var n = function(n) {
+ e.getChildAt(n).clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ h.Inst.locking || (0 == n ? h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.show(0)
+ })) : 5 == n ? h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop.Inst.show()
+ })) : 3 == n ? h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_PaiPu.Inst.show()
+ })) : 1 == n ? h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Friend.Inst.show()
+ })) : 2 == n ? h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Ob.Inst.show()
+ })) : 4 == n ? h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Bag.Inst.show()
+ })) : 6 == n && h.Inst.Hide(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Treasure.Inst.show()
+ })))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < 7; r++)
+ n(r)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.me.getChildAt(1).getChildByName("redpoint").visible = game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list && game.FriendMgr.friendapply_list.length > 0,
+ this.me.getChildAt(5).getChildByName("redpoint").visible = t.UI_Shop.Inst && t.UI_Shop.Inst.have_red_point(),
+ this.me.getChildAt(4).getChildByName("redpoint").visible = t.UI_Bag.Inst && t.UI_Bag.Inst.have_red_point(),
+ this.me.getChildAt(6).getChildByName("redpoint").visible = t.UI_Treasure.Inst && t.UI_Treasure.Inst.have_red_point()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , h = function(h) {
+ function c() {
+ var t = h.call(this, new ui.lobby.lobbyUI) || this;
+ return t.top = null,
+ t.page0 = null,
+ t.page_rank = null,
+ t.page_friend = null,
+ t.page_match = null,
+ t.page_east_north = null,
+ t.btns = null,
+ t.page_title = null,
+ t.chat_id = 0,
+ t.container_chat = null,
+ t.chat_block = null,
+ t.character_skin = null,
+ t.nowpage = 0,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.sound_channel = null,
+ t.firstIn = !0,
+ t._check_idcard = !1,
+ c.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(c, h),
+ c.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var h = this;
+ this.top = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_top")),
+ this.page0 = new i(this.me.getChildByName("page0")),
+ this.page_rank = new a(this.me.getChildByName("container_pages").getChildByName("page_rank")),
+ this.page_friend = new r(this.me.getChildByName("container_pages").getChildByName("page_friend")),
+ this.page_match = new s(this.me.getChildByName("container_pages").getChildByName("page_match")),
+ this.page_east_north = new o(this.me.getChildByName("container_pages").getChildByName("page_east_north")),
+ this.page_title = new n(this.me.getChildByName("container_pages").getChildByName("container_title")),
+ this.btns = new l(this.me.getChildByName("container_btns")),
+ this.character_skin = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.me.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("illust")),
+ this.container_chat = this.me.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("chat"),
+ this.container_chat.visible = !1,
+ this.chat_block = new t.UI_Character_Chat(this.container_chat),
+ this.me.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ c.login_helloed && (h.sound_channel ? h.stopsay() : h.say("lobby_normal"))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.showEnter(),
+ t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.beginload(),
+ t.UI_Invite.Inst.enable = !0,
+ this.firstIn && (this.firstIn = !1,
+ t.UI_PaiPu.init(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "loginBeat", {
+ contract: "DF2vkXCnfeXp4WoGrBGNcJBufZiMN3uP"
+ }, function(t, e) {})),
+ this.bi_trace(),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, this, function() {
+ t.UI_Create_Room.Inst.enable || t.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.enable || Laya.loader.clearTextureRes("res/atlas/" + game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/room.atlas")),
+ t.UI_Activity.Inst.enable || Laya.loader.clearTextureRes("res/atlas/" + game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/yueka.atlas"))
+ }),
+ t.UI_Force_Update.Pending()
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.page0.onDisable(0),
+ this.page_rank.close(),
+ this.page_friend.close(),
+ this.page_match.close(),
+ this.page_title.close(),
+ this.page_east_north.close(),
+ this.character_skin.clear(),
+ this.stopsay()
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.showEnter = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.refreshInfo(),
+ this.page0.me.visible = !0,
+ this.page_rank.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_friend.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_match.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_title.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_east_north.me.visible = !1,
+ this.nowpage = 0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.in.play(0, !1),
+ this.page0.onEnable(567),
+ this.btns.onEnable(),
+ Laya.timer.once(700, this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.pending_lobby_jump()
+ }),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("yard", !1),
+ c.login_helloed || Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ c.login_helloed = !0,
+ t.say("lobby_playerlogin")
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.refreshInfo = function() {
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data;
+ this.top.refresh(),
+ this.character_skin.setSkin(GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id, "full"),
+ this.character_skin.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.Hide = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ switch (this.locking = !0,
+ this.nowpage) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page0.onDisable(0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_rank.close();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_friend.close();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.page_match.close()
+ }
+ this.page_east_north.close(),
+ this.page_title.close(),
+ this.me.out.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ t && t.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.setPage = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.locking && this.nowpage != t) {
+ switch (this.locking = !0,
+ this.nowpage) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page0.onDisable(0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_rank.close(),
+ this.page_title.close();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_friend.close(),
+ this.page_title.close();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.page_match.close(),
+ this.page_title.close()
+ }
+ this.nowpage = t;
+ var i = 750;
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ switch (e.nowpage) {
+ case 0:
+ e.page0.onEnable(0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ e.page_rank.show();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e.page_friend.show();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ e.page_match.show(),
+ i = 500
+ }
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(i, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.say = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = t.UI_Sushe.main_chara_info;
+ this.chat_id++;
+ var a = this.chat_id
+ , r = view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(n, e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, i, function() {
+ i.chat_id == a && i.stopsay()
+ })
+ }));
+ r && (this.chat_block.show(r.words),
+ this.sound_channel = r.sound)
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.stopsay = function() {
+ this.chat_block.close(!1),
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.bi_trace = function() {
+ 0 == app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.get_val(app.EBehaviorType.XinShouYinDao) && (app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.update_val(app.EBehaviorType.XinShouYinDao, 2),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_tutorial_jump, 1),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.tw_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.TW_Tutorial_Completed, 1)),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Purchase, app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_tutorial_complete, 1),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_Purchase, app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count > 0 && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_Purchase_first, 1),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.tw_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.TW_Purchase, app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count);
+ var t = 0;
+ switch (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level.id) {
+ case 10101:
+ t = 1;
+ break;
+ case 10102:
+ t = 2;
+ break;
+ case 10103:
+ t = 3;
+ break;
+ case 10201:
+ t = 4;
+ break;
+ case 10202:
+ t = 5;
+ break;
+ case 10203:
+ t = 6;
+ break;
+ case 10301:
+ t = 7;
+ break;
+ case 10302:
+ t = 8;
+ break;
+ case 10303:
+ t = 9;
+ break;
+ case 10401:
+ t = 10;
+ break;
+ case 10402:
+ t = 11;
+ break;
+ case 10403:
+ t = 12;
+ break;
+ case 10501:
+ t = 13;
+ break;
+ case 10502:
+ t = 14;
+ break;
+ case 10503:
+ t = 15;
+ break;
+ case 10601:
+ t = 16
+ }
+ 10102 === GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level.id && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Level_2, 1),
+ 10103 === GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level.id && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Level_3, 1);
+ for (var e = 0; e < t; e++)
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_Role_level_1 + e, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ c.prototype.pending_lobby_jump = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this._check_idcard && (this._check_idcard = !0,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && !t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.renzhenged))
+ return t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ !0;
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_type && !GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone)
+ return t.UI_Bind_Phone1.Inst.show(!0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ !0;
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_type && 1 != GameMgr.Inst.phone_login && !GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email_verify)
+ return 0 == GameMgr.Inst.sociotype ? t.UI_Bind_Mail1.Inst.show(!0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })) : t.UI_Bind_Mail0.Inst.show(!0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ !0;
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_type && !GameMgr.Inst.account_data.birthday)
+ return t.UI_Agepending_Chs.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ !0;
+ if (GameMgr.inDmm && !GameMgr.Inst.account_setting[game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi.toString()] && t.UI_User_Xieyi_Dmm.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateAccountSettings", {
+ setting: {
+ key: game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi,
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_setting[game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi.toString()] = 1,
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_Dmm.Inst.destroy(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_Dmm.Inst = null,
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst) {
+ if (!GameMgr.Inst.account_setting[game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi.toString()])
+ return t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateAccountSettings", {
+ setting: {
+ key: game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi,
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_setting[game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi.toString()] = 1,
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst.destroy(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst = null,
+ e.pending_lobby_jump()
+ })),
+ !0;
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst.destroy(),
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi.Inst = null
+ }
+ return !!t.UI_Info.lobbyPopout() || (t.UI_Activity_Sign.Inst && t.UI_Activity_Sign.Inst.need_jump() ? (t.UI_Activity_Sign.Inst.show(),
+ !0) : !!t.UI_Activity.need_popout && (t.UI_Activity.Inst.show(),
+ !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ c.Inst = null,
+ c.login_helloed = !1,
+ c
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Lobby = h
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.channel = 1] = "channel",
+ t[t.person = 2] = "person"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function(t) {
+ function i() {
+ var n = t.call(this, new ui.lobby.lobbychatUI) || this;
+ return n.render_text = null,
+ n.btn_switch = null,
+ n.container_main = null,
+ n.left_heads = null,
+ n.chattype = e.none,
+ n.chat_account_id = 0,
+ i.Inst = n,
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShow = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onHide = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onReceivePersonMsg = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onReceiveWorldMsg = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.firstRefresh = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_LobbyChat = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.match_id = 0,
+ this.contest_id = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.root = t.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_name = this.root.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_starttime = this.root.getChildByName("starttime");
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("infos");
+ this.panel = i.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.label_info = this.panel.getChildByName("label_info"),
+ this.scrollbar = i.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ e.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close1").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_enter").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ n.Inst.enter_match(e.match_id, e.contest_id))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.label_name.text = e.contest_name,
+ this.label_starttime.text = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(e.start_time) + " " + game.Tools.time2HourMinute(e.start_time, !0) + " " + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2081) + " " + game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(e.finish_time) + " " + game.Tools.time2HourMinute(e.finish_time, !0),
+ this.match_id = e.unique_id,
+ this.contest_id = e.contest_id,
+ this.label_info.text = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(e.public_notice, !0),
+ this.label_info.height = this.label_info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = this.label_info.height > this.panel.height,
+ this.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.label_info.height > this.panel.height) {
+ var t = this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.panel.height / this.label_info.height,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.panel.height / this.label_info.height),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.have_data = !1,
+ this.match_infos = {},
+ this.match_ids = [],
+ this.only_follow = !1,
+ this.all_match_list = [],
+ this.follow_changed = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ e.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("btn_checkmatchID").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_NumberInput.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2082), Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ for (var a = -1, r = 0; r < i.all_match_list.length; r++)
+ if (i.match_infos[i.all_match_list[r]].contest_id == e) {
+ a = i.all_match_list[r];
+ break
+ }
+ -1 != a ? n.Inst.enter_match(a, e) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestByContestId", {
+ contest_id: e
+ }, function(a, r) {
+ a || r.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCustomizedContestByContestId", a, r) : r.contest_info ? (n.Inst.enter_match(r.contest_info.unique_id, e),
+ i.match_infos[r.contest_info.unique_id] || (i.match_infos[r.contest_info.unique_id] = r.contest_info,
+ i.all_match_list.push(r.contest_info.unique_id))) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2083) + e)
+ })
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input = e.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ e.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("btn_searchname").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.refresh_match_list(-1, i.input.text)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input.on(laya.events.Event.KEY_DOWN, this, function(t) {
+ t.keyCode == Laya.Keyboard.ENTER && i.refresh_match_list(-1, i.input.text)
+ }),
+ this.check_follow = e.getChildByName("check_follow").getChildByName("check"),
+ e.getChildByName("check_follow").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.check_follow.visible = !i.check_follow.visible,
+ i.only_follow = i.check_follow.visible,
+ i.refresh_match_list()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.noinfo = this.me.getChildByName("noinfo"),
+ this.nolimitlist = e.scriptMap["capsui.NoLimitList"],
+ this.nolimitlist.init_nolimitlist(new Laya.Handler(this,this.load_info), new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.label_id = this.me.getChildByName("id").getChildByName("id"),
+ this.clearData()
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onShow = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.have_data ? this.only_follow && this.follow_changed ? this.refresh_match_list() : this.nolimitlist.wantToRefreshAll() : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestList", {
+ start: 0,
+ count: 100
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCustomizedContestList", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(n)),
+ n = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)),
+ e.have_data = !0,
+ n.contests)
+ for (a = 0; a < n.contests.length; a++) {
+ r = n.contests[a];
+ e.match_infos[r.unique_id] || (e.all_match_list.push(r.unique_id),
+ e.match_infos[r.unique_id] = r),
+ e.match_infos[r.unique_id].follow = !1
+ }
+ if (n.follow_contests)
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.follow_contests.length; a++) {
+ var r = n.follow_contests[a];
+ e.match_infos[r.unique_id] || (e.all_match_list.push(r.unique_id),
+ e.match_infos[r.unique_id] = r),
+ e.match_infos[r.unique_id].follow = !0
+ }
+ e.refresh_match_list()
+ }
+ }),
+ this.follow_changed = !1,
+ this.label_id.text = game.Tools.encode_account_id2(GameMgr.Inst.account_id).toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.clearData = function() {
+ this.have_data = !1,
+ this.match_infos = {},
+ this.all_match_list = [],
+ this.match_ids = [],
+ this.only_follow = !1,
+ this.check_follow.visible = !1,
+ this.follow_changed = !1,
+ this.nolimitlist.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.load_info = function(e) {
+ for (var i = this, n = [], a = 0, r = 0; r < 20 && r + e < this.match_ids.length; r++) {
+ var s = this.match_ids[r + e];
+ null == this.match_infos[s].public_notice && n.push(s),
+ a++
+ }
+ 0 == n.length ? this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, a) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo", {
+ uid_list: n
+ }, function(e, a) {
+ if (e || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo", e, a.error),
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ else {
+ app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(a));
+ var r = 0;
+ if (a.extend_list)
+ for (var s = 0; s < a.extend_list.length; s++) {
+ var o = a.extend_list[s];
+ i.match_infos[o.unique_id].public_notice = o.public_notice,
+ r++
+ }
+ r != n.length ? (i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2084))) : i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, r)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_match_list = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = -1),
+ void 0 === e && (e = ""),
+ this.match_ids = [],
+ -1 != t)
+ this.match_ids.push(t);
+ else
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.all_match_list.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.all_match_list[n]
+ , r = this.match_infos[a];
+ if (!this.only_follow || r.follow) {
+ var s = !0;
+ if ("" != e) {
+ var o = r.contest_name;
+ game.Tools.stringContainerSub(o, e) || (s = !1)
+ }
+ s && this.match_ids.push(a)
+ }
+ }
+ this.match_ids = this.match_ids.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var n = i.match_infos[t]
+ , a = i.match_infos[e];
+ if ((1 == n.contest_type && 3 != n.state) == (1 == a.contest_type && 3 != a.state)) {
+ if (n.state == a.state)
+ return 1 == n.state ? n.start_time - a.start_time : 2 == n.state ? n.finish_time - a.finish_time : a.finish_time - n.finish_time;
+ return (2 == n.state ? -1 : n.state) - (2 == a.state ? -1 : a.state)
+ }
+ return a.contest_type - n.contest_type
+ }),
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ 0 == this.match_ids.length ? -1 != t ? this.show_noinfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2083) + t) : this.only_follow ? this.show_noinfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2085)) : this.show_noinfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2086)) : (this.nolimitlist.total_count = this.match_ids.length,
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index
+ , i = t.container
+ , a = this.match_ids[e]
+ , r = this.match_infos[a];
+ i.getChildByName("follow").visible = r.follow;
+ var s = i.getChildByName("name");
+ s.text = r.contest_name;
+ var o = i.getChildByName("official")
+ , l = i.getChildByName("bg")
+ , h = i.getChildByName("content")
+ , c = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(r.public_notice, !0);
+ if (c && c.length > 0) {
+ if (h.text = c,
+ h.textField.textHeight > 110) {
+ for (var _ = 0, u = 200 < c.length ? 200 : c.length, d = 0; _ < u; )
+ d = (_ + u) / 2,
+ h.text = c.substring(0, d) + "...",
+ h.textField.textHeight <= 110 ? _ = d + 1 : u = d;
+ h.text = c.substring(0, d - 1) + "..."
+ }
+ } else
+ h.text = "";
+ i.getChildByName("prepare").visible = !1,
+ i.getChildByName("start").visible = !1,
+ i.getChildByName("end").visible = !1;
+ var f = i.getChildByName("id");
+ f.text = "ID:" + r.contest_id;
+ var p, m = 0;
+ switch (r.state) {
+ case 1:
+ p = i.getChildByName("prepare"),
+ m = r.start_time;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ p = i.getChildByName("start"),
+ m = r.finish_time;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ p = i.getChildByName("end"),
+ m = r.finish_time
+ }
+ p && (p.visible = !0,
+ p.getChildByName("time").text = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(m) + " " + game.Tools.time2HourMinute(m, !0)),
+ i.getChildByName("check").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.Inst.pop_out_notice(r)
+ }, null, !1);
+ i.getChildByName("btn_enter").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.Inst.enter_match(a, r.contest_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ 1 == r.contest_type ? (l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/match_bg1.png"),
+ o.visible = !0,
+ s.x = 130,
+ s.color = "#e5935b",
+ f.color = "#e5935b",
+ i.getChildByName("check").getChildByName("join").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/btn_enter1.png")) : (l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/match_bg0.png"),
+ o.visible = !1,
+ s.x = 35,
+ s.color = "#daae72",
+ f.color = "#daae72",
+ i.getChildByName("check").getChildByName("join").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/invite_btn1.png"))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.change_match_follow = function(t, e) {
+ this.match_infos[t] && (this.match_infos[t].follow = e,
+ this.follow_changed = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_noinfo = function(t) {
+ this.noinfo.text = t,
+ this.noinfo.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.get_match_data = function(t) {
+ return this.match_infos[t]
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.lobby.match_lobbyUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var n = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (n.content.clearData(),
+ n.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, n, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.content = new i(this.me.getChildByName("root")),
+ this.pop_info = new e(this.me.getChildByName("pop_info"))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.pop_info.me.visible = !1,
+ this.content.onShow(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.content.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.content.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.enter_match = function(e, i) {
+ this.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ t.UI_Match_Room.Inst.show(e)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.change_match_follow = function(t, e) {
+ this.content.change_match_follow(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.clear_data = function() {
+ this.content.clearData()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pop_out_notice = function(t) {
+ this.pop_info.show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Match_Lobby = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.datas = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.root = t.getChildByName("root_chs"),
+ t.getChildByName("root_en").visible = !1) : (this.root = t.getChildByName("root_en"),
+ t.getChildByName("root_chs").visible = !1),
+ this.scrollview = this.root.getChildByName("container_infos").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item)),
+ this.light_scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("container_infos").getChildByName("light_scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.light_scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ e.refresh_scorllbar()
+ }),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close1").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.datas = [],
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2087),
+ infos: [game.Tools.room_mode_desc(e.mode)],
+ isdefault: [!0]
+ });
+ var n = e.mode < 10
+ , a = e.detail_rule
+ , r = null != a.time_fixed ? a.time_fixed : 5
+ , s = null != a.time_add ? a.time_add : 20;
+ if (this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2088),
+ infos: [r.toString() + "+" + s.toString() + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2019)],
+ isdefault: [!0]
+ }),
+ n) {
+ o = "3";
+ if (null != a.dora_count)
+ switch (a.dora_count) {
+ case 0:
+ o = "0";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ o = "3";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ o = "4"
+ }
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2089),
+ infos: [o],
+ isdefault: ["3" === o]
+ })
+ } else {
+ var o = "2";
+ if (null != a.dora_count)
+ switch (a.dora_count) {
+ case 0:
+ o = "0";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ o = "2"
+ }
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2089),
+ infos: [o],
+ isdefault: ["2" === o]
+ })
+ }
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2090),
+ infos: [game.Tools.strOfLocalization(0 === a.shiduan ? 2091 : 2092)],
+ isdefault: [0 !== a.shiduan]
+ });
+ var l = function(t, e, n, r, s) {
+ var o = n;
+ null != a[e] && (o = a[e]),
+ i.datas.push({
+ name: t,
+ infos: [o ? r : s],
+ isdefault: [o === n]
+ })
+ }
+ , h = function(t, e, n) {
+ var r = n;
+ null != a[e] && (r = a[e]),
+ i.datas.push({
+ name: t,
+ infos: [r.toString()],
+ isdefault: [r === n]
+ })
+ };
+ if (h(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2093), "init_point", n ? 25e3 : 35e3),
+ h(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2094), "fandian", n ? 3e4 : 4e4),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2095), "can_jifei", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ h(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2096), "tianbian_value", 0),
+ h(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2097), "liqibang_value", 1e3),
+ h(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2098), "changbang_value", n ? 300 : 200),
+ n) {
+ var c = 1e3
+ , _ = 1500
+ , u = 3e3;
+ null != a.noting_fafu_1 && (c = a.noting_fafu_1),
+ null != a.noting_fafu_2 && (_ = a.noting_fafu_2),
+ null != a.noting_fafu_3 && (u = a.noting_fafu_3),
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2099),
+ infos: [c.toString(), _.toString(), u.toString()],
+ isdefault: [1e3 === c, 1500 === _, 3e3 === u]
+ })
+ } else {
+ var c = 1e3
+ , _ = 2e3;
+ null != a.noting_fafu_1 && (c = a.noting_fafu_1),
+ null != a.noting_fafu_2 && (_ = a.noting_fafu_2),
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2099),
+ infos: [c.toString(), _.toString()],
+ isdefault: [1e3 === c, 2e3 === _]
+ })
+ }
+ if (h(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2100), "jingsuanyuandian", n ? 25e3 : 35e3),
+ n) {
+ var d = null != a.shunweima_2 ? a.shunweima_2 : 5
+ , f = null != a.shunweima_3 ? a.shunweima_3 : -5
+ , p = null != a.shunweima_4 ? a.shunweima_4 : -15
+ , m = -(d + f + p);
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2101),
+ infos: [(m > 0 ? "+" : "") + m.toString(), (d > 0 ? "+" : "") + d.toString(), (f > 0 ? "+" : "") + f.toString(), (p > 0 ? "+" : "") + p.toString()],
+ isdefault: [15 === m, 5 === d, -5 === f, -15 === p]
+ })
+ } else {
+ m = -((d = null != a.shunweima_2 ? a.shunweima_2 : 0) + (f = null != a.shunweima_3 ? a.shunweima_3 : -15));
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2101),
+ infos: [(m > 0 ? "+" : "") + m.toString(), (d > 0 ? "+" : "") + d.toString(), (f > 0 ? "+" : "") + f.toString()],
+ isdefault: [15 === m, 0 === d, -15 === f]
+ })
+ }
+ if (l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2102), "bianjietishi", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2103), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2104)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2105), "have_liujumanguan", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2106), "have_qieshangmanguan", !1, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2107), "have_biao_dora", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2108), "have_gang_biao_dora", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2109), "have_li_dora", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2110), "have_gang_li_dora", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2111), "ming_dora_immediately_open", !1, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2103), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2104)),
+ n && l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2112), "have_sifenglianda", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2113), "have_sigangsanle", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ n && l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2114), "have_sijializhi", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2115), "have_jiuzhongjiupai", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ n && l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2116), "have_sanjiahele", !1, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2117), "have_toutiao", !1, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2103), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2104)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2118), "have_helelianzhuang", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2119), "have_helezhongju", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2120), "have_tingpailianzhuang", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2121), "have_tingpaizhongju", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2122), "have_yifa", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2123), "have_nanruxiru", !0, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2092), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2091)),
+ l(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2210), "disable_multi_yukaman", !1, game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2103), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2104)),
+ n) {
+ var g = "";
+ g = a.guyi_mode ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2103) : game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2104),
+ this.datas.push({
+ name: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3035),
+ infos: [g],
+ isdefault: [!a.guyi_mode]
+ })
+ }
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.datas.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index
+ , i = t.container;
+ i.getChildByName("name").text = this.datas[e].name;
+ for (var n = this.datas[e].infos, a = this.datas[e].isdefault, r = 0; r < n.length && r < 4; r++) {
+ var s = i.getChildByName("item" + r);
+ s.visible = !0,
+ s.getChildByName("label_name").text = n[r],
+ s.getChildByName("label_name").color = a[r] ? "#402031" : "#03751a"
+ }
+ for (r = n.length; r < 4; r++)
+ i.getChildByName("item" + r).visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_scorllbar = function() {
+ this.scrollview.need_scroll ? (this.light_scrollbar.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.light_scrollbar.height * this.scrollview.view_height / this.scrollview.total_height,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = this.scrollview.rate * this.light_scrollbar.height * (1 - this.scrollview.view_height / this.scrollview.total_height)) : this.light_scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.root = t.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close1").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("info")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var n = e.code;
+ if (this.title.text = "",
+ this.info.text = "",
+ 2511 == n)
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2205),
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2206);
+ else if (2518 == n) {
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2207);
+ var a = JSON.parse(e.json_param)
+ , r = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(a.required_level);
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2208, [r["full_name_" + GameMgr.client_language]])
+ } else if (2519 == n) {
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2207);
+ a = JSON.parse(e.json_param);
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2209, [a.max_game_count])
+ }
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.input = this.root.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_cancel = this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel"),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_cancel.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.hide(null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_hidename = this.root.getChildByName("hidename"),
+ this.sp_checkbox = this.container_hidename.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("checkbox");
+ var i = this.container_hidename.getChildByName("w0");
+ this.container_hidename.getChildByName("w1").x = i.x + i.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ this.container_hidename.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.sp_checkbox.visible = !e.sp_checkbox.visible,
+ e.refresh_share_uuid()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show_share = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2124),
+ this.sp_checkbox.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ this.input.editable = !1,
+ this.uuid = e,
+ this.refresh_share_uuid(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.btn_confirm.getChildAt(0).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2127),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_share_uuid = function() {
+ var t = game.Tools.encode_account_id(GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ , e = this.uuid;
+ this.sp_checkbox.visible ? this.input.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2126) + ": " + GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "?paipu=" + game.Tools.EncodePaipuUUID(e) + "_a" + t + "_2" : this.input.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2126) + ": " + GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "?paipu=" + e + "_a" + t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_check = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2128),
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ this.container_hidename.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.getChildAt(0).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2129),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ var t = e.input.text.split("=")
+ , i = t[t.length - 1].split("_")
+ , n = 0;
+ i.length > 1 && (n = "a" == i[1].charAt(0) ? game.Tools.decode_account_id(parseInt(i[1].substr(1))) : parseInt(i[1]));
+ var a = 0;
+ if (i.length > 2) {
+ var r = parseInt(i[2]);
+ r && (a = r)
+ }
+ GameMgr.Inst.checkPaiPu(i[0], n, a)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input.editable = !0,
+ this.input.text = "",
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t
+ }
+ return t.prototype.onEnterRoom = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function() {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {}
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.match_id = -1,
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.show_index = [],
+ this.me = e,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item));
+ var n = this.me.getChildByName("only_system");
+ this.only_system_flag = n.getChildByName("check"),
+ n.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.only_system_flag.visible = !i.only_system_flag.visible,
+ i.refresh_all_info()
+ }
+ ),
+ n.visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.txt_input = this.me.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_send = this.me.getChildByName("send"),
+ this.btn_send.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ "" != i.txt_input.text && (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_send, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, i, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_send, !1)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "sayChatMessage", {
+ content: i.txt_input.text
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("sayChatMessage", e, i)
+ }),
+ i.txt_input.text = "")
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.txt_input.on(laya.events.Event.KEY_DOWN, this, function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == Laya.Keyboard.ENTER) {
+ if (!i.btn_send.mouseEnabled)
+ return;
+ if ("" == i.txt_input.text)
+ return;
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_send, !0),
+ Laya.timer.once(5e3, i, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_send, !1)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "sayChatMessage", {
+ content: i.txt_input.text
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("sayChatMessage", e, i)
+ }),
+ i.txt_input.text = ""
+ }
+ }),
+ this.btn_send.visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.me.getChildByName("input").visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.container_get_word_height = e.getChildByName("container_get_word_height"),
+ this.test_height_div = new Laya.HTMLDivElement,
+ this.container_get_word_height.addChild(this.test_height_div),
+ this.test_height_div.pos(0, 0),
+ this.test_height_div.width = this.container_get_word_height.width,
+ this.test_height_div.style.lineHeight = 30,
+ this.test_height_div.style.valign = "top",
+ this.test_height_div.style.width = this.container_get_word_height.width,
+ this.test_height_div.style.align = "left",
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyCustomContestAccountMsg", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ t.unique_id == i.match_id && i.addInfos(2, t)
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyCustomContestSystemMsg", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ t.unique_id == i.match_id && i.addInfos(1, t)
+ })),
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar_light"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ i.refresh_scrollbar()
+ })
+ }
+ return e.prototype.on_enter_room = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.match_id = _.Inst.match_id,
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.show_index = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.only_system_flag.visible = !1,
+ this.txt_input.text = "",
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "joinCustomizedContestChatRoom", {
+ unique_id: this.match_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2130));
+ else if (n.chat_history)
+ for (var a = n.chat_history.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
+ var r = n.chat_history[a]
+ , s = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(r)
+ , o = s.$type.name;
+ "NotifyCustomContestSystemMsg" == o ? e.addInfos(1, s) : "NotifyCustomContestAccountMsg" == o && "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type && e.addInfos(2, s)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.on_leave_room = function() {
+ this.match_id = -1,
+ this.show_index = [],
+ this.infos = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "leaveCustomizedContestChatRoom", {}, function(t, e) {
+ t || e.error
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.addInfos = function(t, e) {
+ this.infos.push({
+ type: t,
+ content: e,
+ height: 0
+ });
+ var i = this.get_content_str(this.infos[this.infos.length - 1]);
+ this.test_height_div.innerHTML = i;
+ var n = this.scrollview.near_bottom
+ , a = this.test_height_div.contextHeight + 10;
+ this.infos[this.infos.length - 1].height = a,
+ 1 != t && 0 != this.only_system_flag.visible || (this.show_index.push(this.infos.length - 1),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(1, a),
+ n && (this.scrollview.rate = 1)),
+ 1 == t && (1 == e.type ? _.Inst.page_ob.setNeedFetch() : 2 == e.type && _.Inst.page_paipu.setNeedFetch())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_all_info = function() {
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.show_index = [];
+ for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this.infos.length; e++)
+ 1 != this.infos[e].type && 0 != this.only_system_flag.visible || (this.show_index.push(e),
+ t.push(this.infos[e].height));
+ this.scrollview.addItems(t),
+ this.scrollview.rate = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.get_content_str = function(t) {
+ var e = "";
+ if (1 == t.type) {
+ if (e += "",
+ e += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2131),
+ 1 == t.content.type) {
+ for (var i = t.content.game_start.players, n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ 0 != n && (n == i.length - 1 ? e += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2132) : e += "、"),
+ 0 === i[n].account_id ? e += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2133) : e += i[n].nickname;
+ e += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2134)
+ } else if (2 == t.content.type) {
+ e += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2135);
+ for (var i = t.content.game_end.players, n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ 0 != n && (e += ","),
+ e += "[" + (n + 1).toString() + "]",
+ 0 === i[n].account_id ? e += game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2133) : e += i[n].nickname,
+ e += "(" + (i[n].total_point > 0 ? "+" : "") + i[n].total_point / 1e3 + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2136) + ")"
+ }
+ e += ""
+ } else if (2 == t.type) {
+ e += "" + t.content.sender + "",
+ t.content.verified && (e += ""),
+ e += ":";
+ var a = t.content.content;
+ e += "" + (a = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(a)) + ""
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = e.index
+ , n = e.container
+ , a = n.getChildByName("container_content").getChildByName("content");
+ null == a && ((a = new Laya.HTMLDivElement).name = "content",
+ n.getChildByName("container_content").addChild(a),
+ a.pos(0, 0),
+ a.width = this.test_height_div.width,
+ a.style.lineHeight = this.test_height_div.style.lineHeight,
+ a.style.valign = this.test_height_div.style.valign,
+ a.style.width = a.width,
+ a.style.align = this.test_height_div.style.align);
+ var r = this.infos[this.show_index[i]];
+ n.height = r.height,
+ a.innerHTML = this.get_content_str(r);
+ var s = n.getChildByName("btn_click");
+ 1 == r.type ? s.clickHandler = null : (s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.content.account_id && t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(r.content.account_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ s.width = n.width,
+ s.height = n.height,
+ s.pos(0, 0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.scrollview.need_scroll) {
+ var t = this.scrollview.rate;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.scrollview.view_height / this.scrollview.total_height,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.scrollview.view_height / this.scrollview.total_height),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.scrollbar.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , s = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.tab_index = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.chat = new r(t.getChildByName("chat")),
+ this.btn_chat = t.getChildByName("btn_chat"),
+ this.btn_chat.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 1 != e.tab_index && e.change_tab(1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_info = t.getChildByName("btn_info"),
+ this.btn_info.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 0 != e.tab_index && e.change_tab(0)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_notice = t.getChildByName("notice"),
+ this.panel = this.container_notice.getChildByName("panel"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.label_content = this.panel.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.container_notice.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this.scrollpoint = this.scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ e.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }),
+ this.me.getChildByName("nochat").visible = !1
+ }
+ return t.prototype.on_enter_room = function() {
+ this.chat.on_enter_room()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.on_leave_room = function() {
+ this.chat.on_leave_room()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.set_notice = function(t) {
+ this.label_content.text = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(t, !0),
+ this.label_content.height = this.label_content.textField.textHeight,
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this.scrollbar.visible = this.label_content.height > this.panel.height,
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.refresh_scrollbar()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refresh_scrollbar = function() {
+ if (this.label_content.height > this.panel.height) {
+ var t = this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max;
+ this.scrollpoint.height = this.scrollbar.height * this.panel.height / this.label_content.height,
+ this.scrollpoint.y = t * this.scrollbar.height * (1 - this.panel.height / this.label_content.height)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.change_tab = function(t) {
+ if (this.tab_index = t,
+ game.Tools.during_chat_close()) {
+ this.chat.me.visible = !1;
+ var e = this.me.getChildByName("nochat");
+ 1 == t ? (e.visible = !0,
+ e.text = "功能维护中,祝大家新年快乐") : e.visible = !1
+ } else
+ this.chat.me.visible = 1 == t,
+ this.me.getChildByName("nochat").visible = !1;
+ this.btn_chat.getChildByName("inchoose").visible = 1 == t,
+ this.container_notice.visible = 0 == t,
+ this.btn_info.getChildByName("inchoose").visible = 0 == t
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , o = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.player_count = 1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.label_rank = e.getChildByName("rank"),
+ this.label_my_near_point_word = e.getChildByName("my_near_point"),
+ this.label_my_near_point_value = this.label_my_near_point_word.getChildByName("v"),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word = e.getChildByName("my_near_rank"),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_value = this.label_my_near_rank_word.getChildByName("v"),
+ this.label_my_match_count = e.getChildByName("my_match_count").getChildByName("v"),
+ this.btn_start = e.getChildByName("btn_start"),
+ this.label_btn = this.btn_start.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.btn_start.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_start, !0),
+ _.Inst.during_waiting_match ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "stopCustomizedContest", {}, function(e, n) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_start, !1),
+ e || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("stopCustomizedContest", e, n) : (_.Inst.during_waiting_match = !1,
+ i.refresh_start_btn())
+ }) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "startCustomizedContest", {
+ unique_id: _.Inst.match_id
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_start, !1),
+ e)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("startCustomizedContest", e, null);
+ else if (n.error) {
+ var a = n.error;
+ 2511 == a.code || 2519 == a.code || 2518 == a.code ? _.Inst.showError(a) : t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("startCustomizedContest", "", n)
+ } else
+ _.Inst.during_waiting_match = !0,
+ i.refresh_start_btn()
+ })
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_online = e.getChildByName("count_online"),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyCustomContestState", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ t.unique_id == _.Inst.match_id && (_.Inst.match_data.state = t.state,
+ i.refresh_start_btn())
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ return e.prototype.on_enter_room = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = _.Inst.match_data;
+ _.Inst.player_report;
+ this.me.getChildByName("starttime").getChildByName("date").text = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(e.start_time),
+ this.me.getChildByName("starttime").getChildByName("time").text = game.Tools.time2HourMinute(e.start_time, !0),
+ this.me.getChildByName("endtime").getChildByName("date").text = game.Tools.time2YearMounthDate(e.finish_time),
+ this.me.getChildByName("endtime").getChildByName("time").text = game.Tools.time2HourMinute(e.finish_time, !0);
+ var i = [];
+ if (i.push(game.Tools.room_mode_desc(e.game_mode.mode)),
+ e.game_mode.detail_rule) {
+ var n = e.game_mode.detail_rule;
+ 0 === n.shiduan ? i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2137)) : i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2138));
+ var a = null != n.time_fixed ? n.time_fixed : 5
+ , r = null != n.time_add ? n.time_add : 20;
+ i.push(a.toString() + "+" + r.toString() + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2019));
+ switch (null != n.dora_count ? n.dora_count : 3) {
+ case 0:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2044));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2047));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2045));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2046))
+ }
+ } else
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2138)),
+ i.push("5+20" + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2019)),
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2045));
+ for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
+ var o = this.me.getChildByName("rule" + s);
+ s >= i.length ? o.visible = !1 : (o.visible = !0,
+ o.getChildByName("label_name").text = i[s])
+ }
+ this.me.getChildByName("check_rule").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ _.Inst.show_rule()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.refresh_my_rank(),
+ this.refresh_start_btn(),
+ this.player_count = 0,
+ this.label_online.text = "1",
+ this.nxt_refresh_count_time = 1,
+ this.refresh_online(),
+ Laya.timer.loop(3e3, this, function() {
+ t.refresh_online()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.on_leave_room = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_my_rank = function() {
+ var t = _.Inst.match_data
+ , e = _.Inst.player_report
+ , i = 0;
+ t.rank_rule && (i = t.rank_rule);
+ var n = 5;
+ if (this.label_my_near_point_word.visible = !0,
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.visible = !0,
+ 2 == i ? (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2139, ["5"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2499)) : 1 == i ? (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2139, ["3"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2499)) : 12 == i ? (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3054, ["2"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3055, ["2"]),
+ n = 2) : 13 == i ? (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3054, ["3"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3055, ["3"]),
+ n = 3) : 14 == i ? (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3054, ["4"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3055, ["4"]),
+ n = 4) : 15 == i ? (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3054, ["5"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3055, ["5"]),
+ n = 3) : 0 == i && (this.label_my_near_point_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2139, ["-"]),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2499)),
+ this.label_my_near_point_word.fontSize = 27,
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.fontSize = 27,
+ this.label_my_near_point_word.textField.textWidth > this.label_my_near_point_word.width && (this.label_my_near_point_word.fontSize = 27 * this.label_my_near_point_word.width / this.label_my_near_point_word.textField.textWidth),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_word.textField.textWidth > this.label_my_near_rank_word.width && (this.label_my_near_rank_word.fontSize = 27 * this.label_my_near_rank_word.width / this.label_my_near_rank_word.textField.textWidth),
+ e) {
+ this.label_rank.text = null == e.rank || 0 == e.rank ? "--" : e.rank.toString(),
+ this.label_my_near_point_value.text = null == e.point ? "--" : (e.point / 1e3).toString();
+ var a = ""
+ , r = !1;
+ if (e.game_ranks)
+ for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ "" != a && (a += "/"),
+ s < e.game_ranks.length ? (a += e.game_ranks[s].toString(),
+ r = !0) : a += "-";
+ else
+ for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ "" != a && (a += "/"),
+ a += "-";
+ r ? this.label_my_match_count.text = e.total_game_count.toString() : (this.label_my_near_point_value.text = "--",
+ this.label_my_match_count.text = "--"),
+ this.label_my_near_rank_value.text = a
+ } else {
+ this.label_rank.text = "--",
+ this.label_my_near_point_value.text = "--",
+ this.label_my_match_count.text = "--";
+ for (var a = "", s = 0; s < n; s++)
+ "" != a && (a += "/"),
+ a += "-";
+ this.label_my_near_rank_value.text = a
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_online = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = this.player_count;
+ e <= 0 ? this.label_online.text = "--" : (e > 50 && e < 100 ? e += Math.floor(10 * Math.random() - 5) : e >= 100 && (e = Math.floor(e * (.12 * Math.random() + .94) + 7 * Math.random() - 3)),
+ this.label_online.text = e.toString()),
+ Laya.timer.currTimer >= this.nxt_refresh_count_time && (app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo", {
+ unique_id: _.Inst.match_id
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.player_count = 1 : t.player_count = i.online_player
+ }),
+ this.player_count < 100 ? this.nxt_refresh_count_time = Laya.timer.currTimer + 5e3 : this.player_count < 500 ? this.nxt_refresh_count_time = Laya.timer.currTimer + 24e3 * (this.player_count - 100) / 400 : this.nxt_refresh_count_time = Laya.timer.currTimer + 29e3)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_start_btn = function() {
+ var t = _.Inst.match_data;
+ 1 == t.state ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_start, !0),
+ this.label_btn.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2140),
+ this.btn_start.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/match_btn2.png")) : 2 == t.state ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_start, !1),
+ _.Inst.during_waiting_match ? (this.label_btn.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2141),
+ this.btn_start.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/match_btn3.png")) : (this.label_btn.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2142),
+ this.btn_start.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/match_btn2.png"))) : 3 == t.state && (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_start, !0),
+ this.label_btn.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2143),
+ this.btn_start.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/match_lobby/match_btn2.png"))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , l = function(e) {
+ function i(i) {
+ var n = e.call(this, i) || this;
+ return n.label_name = i.getChildByName("name"),
+ n.check_follow = i.getChildByName("check_follow"),
+ n.label_follow = n.check_follow.getChildByName("word"),
+ n.check_flag = n.check_follow.getChildByName("check"),
+ n.check_follow.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ _.Inst.follow = !_.Inst.follow,
+ n.check_flag.visible = _.Inst.follow,
+ n.label_follow.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(n.check_flag.visible ? 2144 : 2145),
+ t.UI_Match_Lobby.Inst.change_match_follow(_.Inst.match_id, _.Inst.follow);
+ var e = n.check_flag.visible ? "followCustomizedContest" : "unfollowCustomizedContest";
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", e, {
+ unique_id: _.Inst.match_id
+ }, function() {})
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.container_left = new s(i.getChildByName("container_left")),
+ n.container_right = new o(i.getChildByName("container_right")),
+ n
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onEnterRoom = function() {
+ var t = _.Inst.match_data;
+ _.Inst.player_report;
+ this.label_name.text = t.contest_name,
+ this.container_left.set_notice(t.private_notice),
+ this.container_left.change_tab(0),
+ this.container_left.on_enter_room(),
+ this.container_right.on_enter_room(),
+ this.check_flag.visible = _.Inst.follow,
+ this.label_follow.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(this.check_flag.visible ? 2144 : 2145)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.on_leave_room = function() {
+ this.container_left.on_leave_room(),
+ this.container_right.on_leave_room()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(a)
+ , h = function(e) {
+ function i(t) {
+ var i = e.call(this, t) || this;
+ return i.next_index = -1,
+ i.record_list = [],
+ i.last_fetch_time = -1e8,
+ i.nolimitlst = t.scriptMap["capsui.NoLimitList"],
+ i.nolimitlst.init_nolimitlist(Laya.Handler.create(i, i.load_next, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(i, i.render_item, null, !1)),
+ i.me.getChildByName("checkother").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ _.Inst.pop_check_paipu.show_check()
+ }, null, !1),
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onEnterRoom = function() {
+ this.last_fetch_time = -1e8,
+ this.match_id = _.Inst.match_id,
+ this.record_list = [],
+ this.next_index = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.currTimer > this.last_fetch_time + 6e4 && (this.next_index = -1,
+ this.record_list = [],
+ this.nolimitlst.reset(),
+ this.nolimitlst.total_count = 1,
+ this.last_fetch_time = Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setNeedFetch = function() {
+ this.last_fetch_time = -1e8
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.load_next = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = {
+ unique_id: this.match_id
+ };
+ this.next_index >= 0 && (i.last_index = this.next_index),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestGameRecords", i, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCustomizedContestGameRecords", i, n),
+ e.nolimitlst.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ else {
+ var a = 0;
+ if (n.record_list) {
+ a = n.record_list.length;
+ for (var r = 0; r < a; r++)
+ e.record_list.push(n.record_list[r])
+ }
+ null != n.next_index && n.next_index >= 0 ? (e.next_index = n.next_index,
+ a > 0 ? (e.nolimitlst.total_count = e.record_list.length + 1,
+ e.nolimitlst.loadOver(!0, a)) : (e.nolimitlst.total_count = e.record_list.length,
+ e.nolimitlst.loadOver(!0, a))) : (e.nolimitlst.total_count = e.record_list.length,
+ e.nolimitlst.loadOver(!0, a))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ for (var i = this, n = e.index, a = e.container, r = this.record_list[n], s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
+ var o = a.getChildByName("p" + s.toString());
+ if (r.result.players.length <= s)
+ o.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ o.visible = !0;
+ var l = o.getChildByName("chosen")
+ , h = o.getChildByName("rank")
+ , c = o.getChildByName("rank_word")
+ , u = o.getChildByName("name")
+ , d = o.getChildByName("score")
+ , f = r.result.players[s];
+ d.text = f.part_point_1;
+ for (var p = 0, m = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2133), g = 0, y = !1, v = 0; v < r.accounts.length; v++)
+ if (r.accounts[v].seat == f.seat) {
+ p = r.accounts[v].account_id,
+ m = r.accounts[v].nickname,
+ g = r.accounts[v].verified,
+ y = r.accounts[v].account_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id;
+ break
+ }
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(u, {
+ account_id: p,
+ nickname: m,
+ verified: g
+ }),
+ l.visible = y,
+ d.color = y ? "#ffc458" : "#b98930",
+ u.getChildByName("name").color = y ? "#dfdfdf" : "#a0a0a0",
+ c.color = h.color = y ? "#57bbdf" : "#489dbc";
+ var b = o.getChildByName("rank_word");
+ if ("en" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ switch (b.y = 51,
+ s) {
+ case 0:
+ b.text = "st";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ b.text = "nd";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ b.text = "rd";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ b.text = "th"
+ }
+ else
+ b.y = 46
+ }
+ }
+ var w = new Date(1e3 * r.end_time)
+ , x = "";
+ x += w.getFullYear() + "/",
+ x += (w.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" : "") + (w.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "/",
+ x += (w.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + w.getDate() + " ",
+ x += (w.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") + w.getHours() + ":",
+ x += (w.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + w.getMinutes(),
+ a.getChildByName("date").text = x,
+ a.getChildByName("check").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (_.Inst.during_waiting_match ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2146)) : GameMgr.Inst.checkPaiPu(i.record_list[n].uuid, 0, 0))
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.getChildByName("share").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || _.Inst.pop_check_paipu.show_share(i.record_list[n].uuid)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var I = a.getChildByName("room")
+ , C = game.Tools.get_room_desc(r.config);
+ I.text = C.text
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(a)
+ , c = function(e) {
+ function i(t) {
+ var i = e.call(this, t) || this;
+ return i.live_datas = [],
+ i.last_fetch_time = -1e6,
+ i.scrollview = i.me.getChildByName("scrollview").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ i.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(i, i.render_scrollview, null, !1)),
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onEnterRoom = function() {
+ var t = _.Inst.match_data;
+ this.match_id = t.unique_id,
+ this.match_name = t.contest_name,
+ this.is_sima = t.game_mode.mode < 10,
+ this.last_fetch_time = -1e6
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.currTimer > this.last_fetch_time + 1e4 && (this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.live_datas = [],
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList", {
+ unique_id: this.match_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (n.live_list)
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.live_list.length; a++)
+ e.live_datas.push(n.live_list[a]);
+ e.scrollview.addItem(e.live_datas.length),
+ e.last_fetch_time = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setNeedFetch = function() {
+ this.last_fetch_time = -1e6
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_scrollview = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.live_datas[n];
+ a.getChildByName("mode").text = this.match_name;
+ var o = new Date(1e3 * s.start_time)
+ , l = o.getHours() + ":";
+ o.getMinutes() < 10 && (l += "0"),
+ l += o.getMinutes().toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("time").text = l;
+ for (var h = this.is_sima ? 4 : 3, c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+ var u = "p" + c
+ , d = a.getChildByName(u);
+ if (c >= h)
+ d.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ if (d.visible = !0,
+ !r[u]) {
+ var f = {};
+ f.level = new t.UI_Level(d.getChildByName("rank")),
+ f.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(d.getChildByName("title")),
+ f.name = d.getChildByName("name"),
+ r[u] = f
+ }
+ if (c < s.players.length) {
+ var p = s.players[c];
+ r[u].level.id = p[this.is_sima ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ r[u].title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(p.account_id, p.title),
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(r[u].name, p)
+ } else
+ r[u].level.id = this.is_sima ? 10101 : 20101,
+ r[u].title.id = 0,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(r[u].name, {
+ account_id: 0,
+ nickname: game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2133),
+ verified: 0
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ a.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ _.Inst.during_waiting_match ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2147)) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo", {
+ unique_id: _.Inst.match_id
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo", e, n) : n.observer_level && 1 == n.observer_level ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createGameObserveAuth", {
+ game_uuid: s.uuid
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? t.UI_Live_Broadcast.fetchInfo(s.uuid, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ e.success && t.UI_Live_Broadcast.goToWatch(s.uuid, e.data, s.players[0].account_id)
+ })) : game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnectObserve(n.token, n.location)
+ }) : t.UI_Live_Broadcast.fetchInfo(s.uuid, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ e.success && t.UI_Live_Broadcast.goToWatch(s.uuid, e.data, s.players[0].account_id)
+ }))
+ })
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(a)
+ , _ = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var t = a.call(this, new ui.lobby.match_roomUI) || this;
+ return t.tabs = [],
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.match_data = null,
+ t.player_report = null,
+ t.tab_index = -1,
+ t.during_waiting_match = !1,
+ r.Inst = t,
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.add_connect_listener(new Laya.Handler(t,function(e) {
+ t.enable && "reconnect_success" == e && t.refresh_data()
+ }
+ )),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ r.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var a = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.label_match_title = this.container_top.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.label_match_id = this.container_top.getChildByName("id"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking || (a.during_waiting_match ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "stopCustomizedContest", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("stopCustomizedContest", e, i) : (r.Inst.during_waiting_match = !1,
+ a.page_main.container_right.refresh_start_btn(),
+ a.close())
+ }) : a.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_main = this.me.getChildByName("main"),
+ this.tabs = [];
+ for (var s = function(t) {
+ o.tabs.push(o.container_main.getChildByName("tabs").getChildAt(t)),
+ o.tabs[t].clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(o, function() {
+ a.locking || a.tab_index != t && null != a.match_data && a.change_tab(t)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, o = this, _ = 0; _ < 3; _++)
+ s(_);
+ this.page_main = new l(this.container_main.getChildByName("page_main")),
+ this.page_paipu = new h(this.container_main.getChildByName("page_paipu")),
+ this.page_ob = new c(this.container_main.getChildByName("page_ob")),
+ this.pop_rule = new e(this.me.getChildByName("pop_rule")),
+ this.pop_check_paipu = new n(this.me.getChildByName("pop_check_paipu")),
+ this.pop_no_access = new i(this.me.getChildByName("pop_no_access")),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRoomGameStart", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ a.enable && (app.Log.log("NotifyRoomGameStart:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ a.onGameStart(t))
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.match_id = t,
+ GameMgr.Inst.custom_match_id = this.match_id,
+ this.refresh_data()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.refresh_data = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.page_main.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_paipu.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_ob.me.visible = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "enterCustomizedContest", {
+ unique_id: this.match_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("enterCustomizedContest", i, n) : (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(n)),
+ e.match_data = n.detail_info,
+ e.player_report = n.player_report,
+ e.label_match_id.text = "ID:" + e.match_data.contest_id,
+ e.follow = n.is_followed,
+ e.page_main.onEnterRoom(),
+ e.page_ob.onEnterRoom(),
+ e.page_paipu.onEnterRoom(),
+ e.change_tab(0))
+ }),
+ this.change_tab(-1),
+ this.pop_check_paipu.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pop_no_access.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pop_rule.me.visible = !1,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_main, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ this.label_match_id.text = "ID:--",
+ this.label_match_id.x = this.label_match_title.textField.textWidth * this.label_match_title.scaleX + this.label_match_title.x + 10,
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.match_data = null,
+ this.match_id = -1,
+ GameMgr.Inst.custom_match_id = -1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_main, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.change_tab(-1),
+ t.UI_Match_Lobby.Inst.show()
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "leaveCustomizedContest", {}, function() {}),
+ this.page_main.on_leave_room()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.change_tab = function(t) {
+ switch (this.tab_index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_main.close();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_paipu.close();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_ob.close()
+ }
+ switch (this.tab_index = t,
+ this.tab_index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_main.show();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_paipu.show();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.page_ob.show()
+ }
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.tabs.length; e++)
+ this.tabs[e].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(t == e ? "myres/shop/tab_choose.png" : "myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ this.tabs[e].getChildAt(0).color = t == e ? "#d9b263" : "#8cb65f"
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show_rule = function() {
+ this.pop_rule.show(this.match_data.game_mode)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onGameStart = function(e) {
+ this.match_data = null,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.during_waiting_match = !1,
+ this.page_main.on_leave_room(),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Match_Lobby.Inst.clear_data(),
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(e.connect_token, e.game_uuid, e.location, !1, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.showError = function(t) {
+ this.pop_no_access.show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ r
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Match_Room = _
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.cd = 300,
+ this.pre_t = 0,
+ this.items = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.templete = t.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.templete.visible = !1
+ }
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.items.length; t++)
+ this.items[t].destroy(!0);
+ this.items = [],
+ this.pre_t = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.fly = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone()
+ , n = i.getChildByName("icon")
+ , a = i.getChildByName("count")
+ , r = t.getChildByName("icon")
+ , s = t.getChildByName("count");
+ n.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(r.skin),
+ a.text = s.text,
+ n.x = r.x,
+ a.x = s.x,
+ this.items.push(i);
+ var o = this.pre_t + this.cd - Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ o < 120 && (o = 120),
+ i.visible = !1;
+ var l = t.parent.localToGlobal(new Laya.Point(t.x,t.y));
+ Laya.timer.once(o, this, function() {
+ i.visible = !0,
+ i.x = l.x,
+ i.y = l.y,
+ i.alpha = 10;
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , n = e;
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, i, function() {
+ var e = Laya.timer.currTimer - t;
+ if (e >= 600) {
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.items.length; a++)
+ if (n.items[a] === i) {
+ for (var r = a; r < n.items.length - 1; r++)
+ n.items[r] = n.items[r + 1];
+ break
+ }
+ i.destroy(!0),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(i)
+ } else {
+ var s = e / 600;
+ i.y = l.y - 50 * s,
+ i.alpha = s < .7 ? 1 : (1 - s) / .3
+ }
+ })
+ }),
+ this.pre_t = o + Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ }();
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.small = 1] = "small",
+ t[t.big = 2] = "big",
+ t[t.passed = 3] = "passed"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var e = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.match_shilianUI) || this;
+ return e.container_top = null,
+ e.money = null,
+ e.root = null,
+ e.container_step = null,
+ e.steps = [],
+ e.container_down = null,
+ e.btn_start = null,
+ e.btn_getreward = null,
+ e.btn_rule = null,
+ e.btn_quit = null,
+ e.container_tips = null,
+ e.rand_tips = [],
+ e.container_result = null,
+ e.shine = null,
+ e._gray_filter = null,
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.reward_fly = null,
+ e._inmatch = !1,
+ e._step_index = 0,
+ e._can_reward = !1,
+ e._fail = !1,
+ e._gray_filter = new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER),
+ n.Inst = e,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {}
+ ,
+ n.prototype.setStepState = function(t, i) {
+ var n = this.steps[t];
+ i == e.none ? (n.root.scaleX = n.root.scaleY = 1,
+ n.passed.visible = !1,
+ n.container_info.y = 98,
+ n.qidian.visible = !1,
+ n.fandian.visible = !1,
+ n.contianer_reward.visible = !0,
+ n.contianer_reward.alpha = 1,
+ n.star.visible = !1,
+ n.container_main.filters = []) : i == e.big ? (n.root.scaleX = n.root.scaleY = 1.1,
+ n.passed.visible = !1,
+ n.container_info.y = 144,
+ n.qidian.visible = !0,
+ n.qidian.alpha = 1,
+ n.fandian.visible = !0,
+ n.qidian.alpha = 1,
+ n.contianer_reward.visible = !0,
+ n.contianer_reward.alpha = 1,
+ n.star.visible = !1,
+ n.container_main.filters = []) : i == e.small ? (n.root.scaleX = n.root.scaleY = .85,
+ n.passed.visible = !1,
+ n.container_info.y = 98,
+ n.qidian.visible = !1,
+ n.fandian.visible = !1,
+ n.contianer_reward.visible = !1,
+ n.star.visible = !0,
+ n.star.alpha = 1,
+ n.container_main.filters = []) : i == e.passed && (n.root.scaleX = n.root.scaleY = .85,
+ n.passed.visible = !0,
+ n.container_info.y = 98,
+ n.qidian.visible = !1,
+ n.fandian.visible = !1,
+ n.contianer_reward.visible = !1,
+ n.star.visible = !0,
+ n.star.alpha = 1,
+ n.container_main.filters = [this._gray_filter])
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show_backin = function(t, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this._inmatch = !0,
+ this._fail = n,
+ this._can_reward = i,
+ this._step_index = t;
+ for (var r = 0; r < this.steps.length; r++)
+ r < t ? this.setStepState(r, e.passed) : r == t ? this.setStepState(r, e.big) : this.setStepState(r, e.small);
+ this._show_init(),
+ n ? (this.btn_start.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_quit.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_getreward.visible = !1,
+ this.shine.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_rule.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1,
+ a.showResult(!1)
+ })) : (this.btn_start.visible = !i,
+ this.btn_getreward.visible = i,
+ this.btn_quit.visible = !0,
+ this.container_result.visible = n,
+ this.shine.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_rule.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show_newin = function(i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this._inmatch = i,
+ this._step_index = n,
+ this._can_reward = a,
+ this._fail = r;
+ for (var o = 0; o < this.steps.length; o++) {
+ i ? o < n ? this.setStepState(o, e.passed) : o == n ? this.setStepState(o, e.big) : this.setStepState(o, e.small) : this.setStepState(o, e.none);
+ var l = this.steps[o];
+ l.root.alpha = 0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(l.root, {
+ y: 150
+ }, 200, 60 * o, null, Laya.Ease.strongOut)
+ }
+ this.btn_start.visible = i && !a,
+ this.btn_quit.visible = i,
+ this.btn_getreward.visible = i && a,
+ this.container_result.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_rule.visible = !0,
+ this.shine.visible = !1,
+ this._show_init(),
+ this.container_top.alpha = 1,
+ this.root.alpha = 1,
+ this.container_down.alpha = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_down, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ s.locking = !1,
+ i || (i = !0,
+ s.matchStart())
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.matchStart = function() {
+ this._inmatch = !0,
+ this.btn_start.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_start.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.btn_start, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200),
+ this._step_index = 0,
+ this._can_reward = !1,
+ this.btn_quit.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_quit.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.btn_quit, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200),
+ this.steps[0].anim_small2big.play(0, !1);
+ for (var t = 1; t < this.steps.length; t++)
+ this.steps[t].anim_middle2small.play(0, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype._show_init = function() {
+ for (var t = this, e = 0, i = 0; i < this.rand_tips.length; i++)
+ this.rand_tips[i].visible = i == e;
+ Laya.timer.loop(8e3, this, function() {
+ ++e >= t.rand_tips.length && (e = 0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.rand_tips.length; i++)
+ t.rand_tips[i].visible = i == e
+ }),
+ this.money.onEnable()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.reward_fly.reset(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ y: 100
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(i),
+ i.enable = !1,
+ i.locking = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.showResult = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.container_result.visible = !0;
+ (e ? this.me.success_in : this.me.fail_in).play(0, !1),
+ this.container_result.getChildByName("success").visible = e,
+ this.container_result.getChildByName("fail").visible = !e,
+ this.container_result.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var n = e ? i.me.success_out : i.me.fail_out;
+ i.locking = !0,
+ n.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, i, function() {
+ i.close(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ })
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.getRewardSuccess = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.steps[t];
+ this.locking = !0;
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.rewards.length; n++)
+ this.reward_fly.fly(i.rewards[n]);
+ t + 1 < this.steps.length ? (this._step_index = t + 1,
+ this._can_reward = !1,
+ i.anim_big2small.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ i.container_main.filters = [e._gray_filter]
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(700, this, function() {
+ e.steps[t + 1].anim_small2big.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.btn_start.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_start.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.btn_start, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150)
+ })
+ })) : (this._can_reward = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(300 * i.rewards.length + 200, this, function() {
+ e.showResult(!0)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Match_Shilian = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.title = t.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.bar_v = t.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("v").mask,
+ this.label_add = t.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("num"),
+ this.icon = t.getChildByName("icon")
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo.match_chest
+ , e = cfg.desktop.chest.get(t.chest_id);
+ this.bar_v.width = 384 * t.origin / e.exp_step,
+ this.label_add.text = "",
+ this.title.text = e["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, e.icon),
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.doanim = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo.match_chest
+ , n = cfg.desktop.chest.get(i.chest_id)
+ , a = i.final - i.origin + (i.is_graded ? n.exp_step : 0);
+ this.label_add.text = "+" + a.toString(),
+ this.label_add.scaleX = this.label_add.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.label_add, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut);
+ var r = i.is_graded ? 1 : i.final / n.exp_step;
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ var a = (r - i.origin / n.exp_step) / .001;
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.bar_v, {
+ width: 384 * r
+ }, a),
+ Laya.timer.once(a + 500, e, function() {
+ i.is_graded ? game.Tools.showRewards(i, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.bar_v.width = 0;
+ var a = i.final / n.exp_step
+ , r = a / .001;
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.bar_v, {
+ width: 384 * a
+ }, r),
+ Laya.timer.once(r + 200, e, function() {
+ t.run()
+ })
+ })) : t.run()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.icon)
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ this.me = e,
+ this.title = e.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.bar_v = e.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("v").mask,
+ this.label_add = e.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("num"),
+ this.icon = e.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.container_gift = e.getChildByName("gift"),
+ this.container_gift.visible = !1,
+ this.container_item = this.container_gift.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.icon_gift = this.container_item.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.gift_num = this.container_gift.getChildByName("num"),
+ this.container_item.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(cfg.desktop.settings.account_friendship_bar_reward_id.int_value)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo.character_gift;
+ this.bar_v.width = 384 * t.origin / cfg.desktop.settings.account_friendship_bar_length.int_value,
+ this.label_add.text = "";
+ var e = cfg.desktop.settings.account_friendship_bar_reward_id.int_value
+ , i = cfg.item_definition.item.find(e);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, i.icon_transparent),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon_gift, i.icon),
+ this.container_gift.visible = !1,
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.doanim = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo.character_gift;
+ this.label_add.text = "+" + n.add,
+ this.label_add.scaleX = this.label_add.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.label_add, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut);
+ var a = cfg.desktop.settings.account_friendship_bar_length.int_value
+ , r = n.is_graded ? 1 : n.final / a;
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ var s = (r - n.origin / a) / .001;
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.bar_v, {
+ width: 384 * r
+ }, s),
+ Laya.timer.once(s + 500, i, function() {
+ n.is_graded ? (i.container_gift.x = i.icon.x,
+ i.container_gift.y = i.icon.y,
+ i.container_gift.alpha = 1,
+ i.container_gift.visible = !0,
+ i.container_item.scaleX = 1,
+ i.container_item.scaleY = 1,
+ i.container_item.alpha = 0,
+ i.gift_num.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.container_item, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 300, null, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(300, i, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.container_gift, {
+ x: i.icon.x + 200
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.container_item, {
+ scaleX: .7,
+ scaleY: .7
+ }, 200, null, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(i.gift_num, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ i.bar_v.width = 0;
+ var t = n.final / a
+ , r = t / .001;
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.bar_v, {
+ width: 384 * t
+ }, r),
+ Laya.timer.once(r + 200, i, function() {
+ e.run()
+ })
+ })
+ }))
+ }))
+ })
+ }))) : e.run()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.icon)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.hearts = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.container_hearts = t.getChildByName("hearts");
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.container_hearts.numChildren; e++) {
+ var i = this.container_hearts.getChildAt(e);
+ this.hearts.push({
+ me: i,
+ mask: i.getChildByName("v").mask
+ })
+ }
+ this.label_num = t.getChildByName("num")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo;
+ this.target_level = e.main_character.level,
+ this.target_exp = e.main_character.exp;
+ var i = t.UI_Sushe.main_chara_info;
+ this.chara_info = i,
+ this.current_exp = i.exp,
+ this.current_level = i.level;
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.hearts.length; n++)
+ n < i.level ? this.hearts[n].mask.scaleY = 1 : n == i.level ? this.hearts[n].mask.scaleY = i.exp / cfg.level_definition.character.get(i.level + 1).exp * .82 + .1 : this.hearts[n].mask.scaleY = 0,
+ this.chara_info.is_upgraded ? this.hearts[n].me.getChildByName("v").getChildByName("h").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/heart_gold.png") : this.hearts[n].me.getChildByName("v").getChildByName("h").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_heart.png");
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_hearts, [10, 10, 10, 10]),
+ this.label_num.text = "",
+ this.chara_info.level = this.target_level,
+ this.chara_info.exp = this.target_exp
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.doanim = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo.main_character;
+ i ? (this.current_level < 5 ? this.label_num.text = "+" + i.add.toString() : this.label_num.text = "",
+ this.label_num.scaleX = this.label_num.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.label_num, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ i.level < this.current_level ? t.run() : i.level == this.current_level && i.exp < this.current_exp ? t.run() : (this.anim_complete = t,
+ this.current_level < 5 ? Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ e._exp_up()
+ }) : this.anim_complete && this.anim_complete.run())) : t.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._exp_up = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.current_level
+ , n = this.current_exp / cfg.level_definition.character.get(i + 1).exp
+ , a = 0;
+ a = i != this.target_level ? 1 : this.target_exp / cfg.level_definition.character.get(this.target_level + 1).exp;
+ var r = this.hearts[i];
+ r.mask.scaleY = n;
+ var s = (a - n) / .0015;
+ Laya.Tween.to(r.mask, {
+ scaleY: .82 * a + .1
+ }, s, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible && (i != e.target_level ? Laya.timer.once(500, e, function() {
+ t.UI_Character_star_up.Inst.show(e.chara_info, null),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, e, function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < e.hearts.length; t++)
+ t < e.target_level ? e.hearts[t].mask.scaleY = 1 : t == e.target_level ? e.hearts[t].mask.scaleY = e.target_exp / cfg.level_definition.character.get(e.target_level + 1).exp * .92 : e.hearts[t].mask.scaleY = 0;
+ e.anim_complete && e.anim_complete.run()
+ })
+ }) : e.anim_complete && e.anim_complete.run())
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var t = a.call(this, new ui.mj.rewardprogressUI) || this;
+ return r.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ r.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.page_box = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_box")),
+ this.page_jiban_gift = new i(this.me.getChildByName("container_jibanliwu")),
+ this.page_jiban = new n(this.me.getChildByName("container_jiban"))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rewardinfo;
+ this.page_jiban.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_jiban_gift.me.visible = !1,
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.page_box.show(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.page_box.me, {
+ x: -50
+ }, 150),
+ n.main_character ? (this.page_jiban.show(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.page_jiban.me, {
+ x: -50
+ }, 150, 60)) : n.character_gift && (this.page_jiban_gift.show(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.page_jiban_gift.me, {
+ x: -50
+ }, 150, 60)),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ i.page_box.doanim(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ n.main_character ? i.page_jiban.doanim(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ e.run()
+ })) : n.character_gift ? i.page_jiban_gift.doanim(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ e.run()
+ })) : e.run()
+ })
+ }))
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.page_box.close(),
+ this.page_jiban_gift.close(),
+ this.page_jiban.close(),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ r
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_MJReward = a
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.icon = this.me.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.name = this.me.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.count = this.me.getChildByName("count")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, null);
+ var i = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(e.id);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, i.icon),
+ this.name.text = i.name,
+ this.count.text = "+" + e.count,
+ this.count.alpha = 0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.count, {
+ x: -60
+ }, 150, 400)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(t) {
+ function i() {
+ var e = t.call(this, new ui.mj.activity_taskUI) || this;
+ return e.cells = [],
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.complete = null,
+ e.activity_reward = [],
+ e.index = 0,
+ i.Inst = e,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(i, t),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.cells = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ this.cells.push(new e(this.root.getChildByName("task" + i)));
+ this.btn = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close_one()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.complete = e;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++)
+ this.cells[i].me.visible = !1;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.index = 0,
+ this.activity_reward = t.activity_reward,
+ this.show_one(this.activity_reward[0])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show_one = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.root.alpha = 1;
+ for (r = 0; r < this.cells.length; r++)
+ this.cells[r].me.visible = !1;
+ for (var i = t.rewards, n = function(t) {
+ t < a.cells.length && Laya.timer.once(600 * t, a, function() {
+ e.cells[t].show(i[t])
+ })
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
+ n(r);
+ var s = 600 * ((i.length > this.cells.length ? this.cells.length : i.length) + 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(s, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close_one = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.index++,
+ t.index < t.activity_reward.length ? t.show_one(t.activity_reward[t.index]) : (t.enable = !1,
+ t.complete && t.complete.run())
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_MJReward_Activity = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.task_progressUI) || this;
+ return t.tasks = [],
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.record = function() {
+ this.datas = [];
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.datas.length; e++)
+ this.datas.push({
+ id: t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.datas[e].id,
+ counter: t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.datas[e].counter,
+ achieved: t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.datas[e].achieved
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.needShow = function() {
+ var e = [];
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play)
+ for (var i = t.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.datas, n = 0; n < this.datas.length; n++)
+ if (!this.datas[n].achieved)
+ for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
+ if (i[a].id == this.datas[n].id) {
+ (i[a].achieved || i[a].counter != this.datas[n].counter) && e.push({
+ id: this.datas[n].id,
+ oc: this.datas[n].counter,
+ nc: i[a].counter,
+ achieved: i[a].achieved
+ });
+ break
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.tasks = [];
+ for (var e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
+ var i = this.root.getChildByName("task" + e);
+ this.tasks.push({
+ container: i,
+ bg: i.getChildByName("bg"),
+ item_icon: i.getChildByName("item"),
+ item_name: i.getChildByName("item_name"),
+ item_count: i.getChildByName("item_count"),
+ desc: i.getChildByName("requirement"),
+ progress_bar: i.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val"),
+ progress_label: i.getChildByName("progress"),
+ img_finish: i.getChildByName("finished")
+ })
+ }
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.hide()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.compelte = n,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {}, null, !1));
+ for (var r = 0, s = 0, o = function() {
+ r == ++s && (a.locking = !1,
+ a.btn_close.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, a, function() {
+ a.locking || (a.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ a.hide())
+ }))
+ }, l = function(t) {
+ var n = h.tasks[t];
+ if (t + i < e.length) {
+ var s = e[t + i];
+ n.container.visible = !0;
+ var l = cfg.events.dailyevent.get(s.id)
+ , c = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(l.reward_type);
+ c && (n.item_icon.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(c.icon),
+ n.item_name.text = c["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]);
+ var _ = cfg.item_definition.item.get(l.reward_type);
+ _ && (n.item_icon.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(_.icon),
+ n.item_name.text = _["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]),
+ n.desc.text = l["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n.item_count.text = l.reward_num.toString(),
+ n.img_finish.visible = !1,
+ n.progress_bar.scaleX = s.oc / l.target,
+ n.progress_label.text = s.oc.toString() + "/" + l.target.toString();
+ var u = 0
+ , d = ((u = s.achieved ? 1 : s.nc / l.target) - s.oc / l.target) / 1 * 1e3;
+ r++,
+ Laya.timer.once(600, h, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(n.progress_bar, {
+ scaleX: u
+ }, d, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ var t = s.nc;
+ t > l.target && (t = l.target),
+ n.progress_label.text = t.toString() + "/" + l.target.toString(),
+ s.achieved ? (n.img_finish.visible = !0,
+ n.img_finish.alpha = 0,
+ n.img_finish.scaleX = n.img_finish.scaleY = 2,
+ Laya.timer.once(200, a, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(n.img_finish, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 120, Laya.Ease.strongIn, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ o()
+ }))
+ })) : o()
+ }))
+ })
+ } else
+ n.container.visible = !1
+ }, h = this, c = 0; c < this.tasks.length; c++)
+ l(c);
+ return r + i
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.compelte.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.datas = [],
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_MJTask_Progress = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.mycard_pay_infoUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ t.order_id = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (t.close(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "verifyMyCardOrder", {
+ order_id: t.order_id,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.locking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.order_id = e,
+ this.root.getChildByName("desc").text = i,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_MyCard_Pay_Info = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.need_bind_mailUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.sociotype >= 1 ? t.UI_Bind_Mail0.Inst.show() : t.UI_Bind_Mail1.Inst.show())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.root.getChildByName("info").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2808),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Need_Bind_Mail = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.nicknameUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ t.btn_cd = 0,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.show = function() {
+ var e = new i;
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.AddLobbyUI(e),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(5, this, function() {
+ e.show()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.lb = this.root.getChildByName("lb"),
+ this.input = this.root.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.yes = this.root.getChildByName("yes"),
+ this.no = this.root.getChildByName("no"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onBtnConfrim, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_logout").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2718), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "logout", {}, function() {}),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.Browser.window.conch ? Laya.Browser.window.conch && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit && Laya.Browser.window.conch.exit() : Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.input.on("focus", this, function() {
+ e.lb.visible = !1,
+ e.yes.visible = !1,
+ e.no.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.input.on("blur", this, function() {
+ e.lb.visible = !e.input.text || "" == e.input.text
+ }),
+ this.input.on("input", this, function() {
+ e.input.text && e.input.text
+ }),
+ this.root_xinshou = this.me.getChildByName("root_xinshou"),
+ this.root_xinshou.getChildByName("btn_no").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close_course()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root_xinshou.getChildByName("btn_yes").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Rules.Inst.show(1, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.destroy(),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.pending_ui_jump()
+ })))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("en_no_space").visible = "en" == GameMgr.client_language
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.yes.visible = !1,
+ this.no.visible = !1,
+ this.root_xinshou.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close_nickname = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.root.visible = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.destroy(),
+ t.UI_XinShouYinDao.Inst.show(0, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.pending_ui_jump()
+ }))
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show_course = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root_xinshou.visible = !0,
+ this.root_xinshou.getChildByName("name").text = this.input.text + " " + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2150),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root_xinshou, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close_course = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root_xinshou, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.destroy(),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.pending_ui_jump()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.have_invalid_char = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
+ var i = t.charCodeAt(e);
+ if (!(i >= "0".charCodeAt(0) && i <= "9".charCodeAt(0)) && !(i >= "a".charCodeAt(0) && i <= "z".charCodeAt(0) || i >= "A".charCodeAt(0) && i <= "Z".charCodeAt(0) || i >= 11904 && i <= 40959)) {
+ for (var n = !1, a = 0; a < "~@!#%&()_+={}:;<>".length; a++)
+ if ("~@!#%&()_+={}:;<>"[a] == t[e]) {
+ n = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (!n)
+ return !0
+ }
+ }
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtnConfrim = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.locking && "" != this.input.text) {
+ for (var i = this.input.text, n = 0, a = 0, r = 0; r < i.length; r++) {
+ if (i.charCodeAt(r) > 255) {
+ if (n + 2 > 14)
+ break;
+ n += 2
+ } else {
+ if (n + 1 > 14)
+ break;
+ n += 1
+ }
+ a++
+ }
+ if (a == i.length) {
+ var s = this.input.text;
+ if (this.have_invalid_char(s) || app.Taboo.test(s))
+ this.no.visible = !0;
+ else if (!(Laya.timer.currTimer < this.btn_cd)) {
+ this.btn_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 700;
+ var o = {};
+ o.nickname = s,
+ GameMgr.Inst._ad_str && (o.advertise_str = GameMgr.Inst._ad_str),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createNickname", o, function(i, n) {
+ e.btn_cd = 0,
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createNickname", i, n) : (app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.Level_1),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname = s,
+ GameMgr.Inst.fetch_login_info(),
+ GameMgr.inDmm || (GameMgr.Inst.account_setting[game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi.toString()] = 1),
+ e.close_nickname())
+ }),
+ GameMgr.inDmm || app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateAccountSettings", {
+ setting: {
+ key: game.EAccountSetKey.user_xieyi,
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }, function(t, e) {});
+ var l = t.UI_Sushe.characters
+ , h = Math.floor(Math.random() * l.length);
+ t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id = t.UI_Sushe.characters[h].charid,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "changeMainCharacter", {
+ character_id: t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id = t.UI_Sushe.characters[h].skin
+ }
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2750))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Nickname = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.number_inputUI) || this;
+ return t.title = null,
+ t.txtinput = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.root = null,
+ t._when_inputed = null,
+ t._when_cancel = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t._btn_cancel()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._btn_confirm, null, !1),
+ this.txtinput = this.root.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title");
+ for (var e = this.root.getChildByName("numpad"), i = function(i) {
+ var a = e.getChildByName("n" + i)
+ , r = a.getChildByName("s");
+ r.alpha = 0;
+ var s = !1;
+ a.on("mousedown", n, function() {
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ s = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ a.on("mouseup", n, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s && t.txtinput.text.length < t.txtinput.maxChars && (t.txtinput.text = t.txtinput.text + i.toString()),
+ s = !1
+ }),
+ a.on("mouseout", n, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s = !1
+ })
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 10; a++)
+ i(a);
+ var r = (o = e.getChildByName("clear")).getChildByName("s");
+ r.alpha = 0;
+ var s = !1;
+ o.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ s = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s && (t.txtinput.text = ""),
+ s = !1
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s = !1
+ });
+ var o = e.getChildByName("del")
+ , l = o.getChildByName("s");
+ l.alpha = 0;
+ var h = !1;
+ o.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ l.alpha = 0,
+ h = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(l, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ if (Laya.Tween.to(l, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ h) {
+ var e = t.txtinput.text;
+ e.length > 0 && (e = e.substr(0, e.length - 1)),
+ t.txtinput.text = e
+ }
+ h = !1
+ }),
+ o.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(l, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ h = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ void 0 === n && (n = null),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.title.text = e,
+ this._when_cancel = n,
+ this._when_inputed = i,
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._btn_confirm = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking || this._hide(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var e = t._when_inputed;
+ t._when_inputed = null,
+ t._when_cancel = null;
+ var i = 0;
+ t.txtinput.text && "" != t.txtinput.text && (i = parseInt(t.txtinput.text)),
+ i || (i = 0),
+ e && e.runWith(i)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._btn_cancel = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking || this._hide(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var e = t._when_cancel;
+ t._when_inputed = null,
+ t._when_cancel = null,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_NumberInput = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.obUI) || this;
+ return t.modes = [],
+ t.mode_index = 0,
+ t.mode0_list = [],
+ t.mode1_list = [],
+ t.live_datas = [],
+ t.live_show_datas = [],
+ t.fetch_id = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking || e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby()
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.scrollview = this.root.getChildByName("scrollview").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.dropdown0 = this.root.getChildByName("dropdown0").scriptMap["capsui.CDropdown"],
+ this.dropdown1 = this.root.getChildByName("dropdown1").scriptMap["capsui.CDropdown"],
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_dropdown0").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking || e.dropdown0.locking || e.dropdown0.down()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_dropdown1").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking || e.dropdown1.locking || e.dropdown1.down()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_scrollview, null, !1)),
+ this.dropdown0.init(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_dropdown0, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onDropdown0Change, null, !1)),
+ this.dropdown1.init(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_dropdown1, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onDropdown1Change, null, !1)),
+ this.modes = [],
+ this.mode_index = 0,
+ cfg.game_live.select_filters.forEach(function(t) {
+ if (1 == t.open) {
+ 1 == t.initial && (e.mode_index = e.modes.length);
+ var i = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(t.mode_id);
+ e.modes.push({
+ id: t.id,
+ name0: t["name1_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ name1: t["name2_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ sima: !i || i.mode < 10
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ this.btn_fresh = this.root.getChildByName("btn_refresh"),
+ this.btn_fresh.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking || (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_fresh, !0),
+ e.refresh_content(),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, e, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_fresh, !1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.check_friend = this.root.getChildByName("check_friend").getChildByName("checkbox"),
+ this.check_friend.visible = !1,
+ this.root.getChildByName("check_friend").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking || (e.check_friend.visible = !e.check_friend.visible,
+ e.onShowDataChange())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.noinfo = this.root.getChildByName("noinfo"),
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this._locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_fresh, !1),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, 0),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e._locking = !1
+ }),
+ -1 == this.mode_index && (this.mode_index = 0);
+ var i = this.modes[this.mode_index].name0
+ , n = this.modes[this.mode_index].name1;
+ this.mode0_list = [],
+ this.mode1_list = [];
+ for (var a = 0, r = 0, s = 0; s < this.modes.length; s++) {
+ for (var o = !1, l = 0; l < this.mode0_list.length; l++)
+ if (this.mode0_list[l] == this.modes[s].name0) {
+ o = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ o || (this.modes[s].name0 == i && (a = this.mode0_list.length),
+ this.mode0_list.push(this.modes[s].name0)),
+ this.modes[s].name0 == i && (this.modes[s].name1 == n && (r = this.mode1_list.length),
+ this.mode1_list.push(this.modes[s].name1))
+ }
+ this.dropdown0.reset_show(a, this.mode0_list.length),
+ this.dropdown1.reset_show(r, this.mode1_list.length),
+ this.refresh_content()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this._locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, 0),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i._locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_dropdown0 = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index;
+ t.container.getChildAt(0).text = this.mode0_list[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDropdown0Change = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = this.mode0_list[t], n = this.mode1_list[this.dropdown1.choosed_index], a = 0; a < this.modes.length; a++)
+ this.modes[a].name0 == i && e.push(this.modes[a].name1);
+ this.mode1_list = e;
+ for (var r = -1, a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ if (e[a] == n) {
+ r = a;
+ break
+ }
+ -1 == r && (r = 0),
+ this.dropdown1.reset_show(r, this.mode1_list.length),
+ this.refresh_content()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_dropdown1 = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index;
+ t.container.getChildAt(0).text = this.mode1_list[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDropdown1Change = function(t) {
+ this.refresh_content()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_scrollview = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = this.live_show_datas[n];
+ a.getChildByName("mode").text = this.modes[this.mode_index].name0 + "·" + this.modes[this.mode_index].name1;
+ var o = new Date(1e3 * s.start_time)
+ , l = o.getHours() + ":";
+ o.getMinutes() < 10 && (l += "0"),
+ l += o.getMinutes().toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("time").text = l;
+ for (var h = this.modes[this.mode_index].sima, c = h ? 4 : 3, _ = 0; _ < 4; _++) {
+ var u = "p" + _
+ , d = a.getChildByName(u);
+ if (!r[u]) {
+ var f = {};
+ f.level = new t.UI_Level(d.getChildByName("rank")),
+ f.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(d.getChildByName("title")),
+ f.name = d.getChildByName("name"),
+ r[u] = f
+ }
+ if (_ >= c)
+ d.visible = !1;
+ else if (d.visible = !0,
+ _ < s.players.length) {
+ var p = s.players[_];
+ r[u].level.id = p[h ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ r[u].title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(p.account_id, p.title),
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(r[u].name, p)
+ } else
+ r[u].level.id = h ? 10101 : 20101,
+ r[u].title.id = 0,
+ r[u].name.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2133)
+ }
+ a.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._locking || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_Live_Broadcast.fetchInfo(s.uuid, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ e.success && t.UI_Live_Broadcast.goToWatch(s.uuid, e.data, s.players[0].account_id)
+ })))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onShowDataChange = function() {
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.live_show_datas = [];
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.live_datas.length; t++)
+ if (this.check_friend.visible) {
+ for (var e = !1, i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (!(i >= this.live_datas[t].players.length)) {
+ var n = this.live_datas[t].players[i].account_id;
+ if (game.FriendMgr.find(n)) {
+ e = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ e && this.live_show_datas.push(this.live_datas[t])
+ } else
+ this.live_show_datas.push(this.live_datas[t]);
+ 0 == this.live_show_datas.length ? this.noinfo.visible = !0 : (this.noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.live_show_datas.length))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_content = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.live_datas = [],
+ this.mode_index = 0;
+ for (var i = this.mode0_list[this.dropdown0.choosed_index], n = this.mode1_list[this.dropdown1.choosed_index], a = 0; a < this.modes.length; a++)
+ this.modes[a].name0 == i && this.modes[a].name1 == n && (this.mode_index = a);
+ var r = 1e5 * Math.random();
+ this.fetch_id = r,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameLiveList", {
+ filter_id: this.modes[this.mode_index].id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameLiveList", i, n);
+ else {
+ if (e.fetch_id != r)
+ return;
+ e.live_datas = [];
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.live_list.length; a++) {
+ n.live_list[a].players,
+ GameMgr.client_language;
+ e.live_datas.push(n.live_list[a])
+ }
+ e.onShowDataChange()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Ob = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.rounds = [],
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.renderInfo, null, !1)),
+ this.btn_up = this.me.getChildByName("up"),
+ this.btn_down = this.me.getChildByName("down"),
+ this.btn_up.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(-100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_down.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ e.btn_up.visible = e.scrollview.rate > 0,
+ e.btn_down.visible = e.scrollview.need_scroll && e.scrollview.rate < 1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.rounds = e;
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.caluH(e[n]);
+ a,
+ this.scrollview.addItem(1, a)
+ }
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 120, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.btn_up.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_down.visible = this.scrollview.need_scroll
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 120, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.caluH = function(t) {
+ var e = t.actions[t.actions.length - 1];
+ if ("RecordNoTile" == e.name) {
+ for (var i = e.data, n = [], a = 0; a < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; a++)
+ n.push({
+ old_score: i.scores[0].old_scores[a],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (a = 0; a < i.scores.length; a++)
+ for (var r = 0; r < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; r++)
+ n[r].delta += i.scores[a].delta_scores[r];
+ for (var s = [], a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ n[a].delta > 0 && s.push(a);
+ return 120 + (0 == s.length ? 0 : 40 * (s.length - 1))
+ }
+ return "RecordLiuJu" == e.name ? 120 : "RecordHule" == e.name ? e.data.hules[0].zimo ? 120 : 180 + 40 * (e.data.hules.length - 1) : 120
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.renderInfo = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this, i = t.index, a = t.container, r = this.rounds[i], s = 0; s < r.actions.length; s++)
+ if ("RecordNewRound" == r.actions[s].name) {
+ var o = void 0;
+ o = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language ? ["东", "南", "西", "北"] : "jp" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? ["東", "南", "西", "北"] : ["East", "South", "West", "North"],
+ a.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("chang").text = o[r.actions[s].data.chang % 4],
+ a.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("ju").text = (r.actions[s].data.ju + 1).toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("ben").text = r.actions[s].data.ben.toString();
+ for (var l = 0, h = a.getChildByName("container_title"), c = [3, 3, 50, 3, 0], _ = 0; _ < h.numChildren; _++) {
+ l += (f = h.getChildAt(_)).textField.textWidth * f.scaleX,
+ l += c[_]
+ }
+ for (var u = h.width / 2 - l / 2, d = 0; d < h.numChildren; d++) {
+ var f = h.getChildAt(d);
+ f.x = u,
+ u += f.textField.textWidth * f.scaleX + c[d],
+ "haolong" == f.font ? f.y = 34 : f.y = 31
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ var p = r.actions[r.actions.length - 1]
+ , m = p.data
+ , g = a
+ , y = a.getChildByName("line")
+ , v = a.getChildByName("liuju")
+ , b = a.getChildByName("win")
+ , w = a.getChildByName("lose");
+ if (y.visible = !1,
+ v.visible = !1,
+ b.visible = !1,
+ w.visible = !1,
+ "RecordNoTile" == p.name) {
+ for (var x = [], s = 0; s < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; s++)
+ x.push({
+ old_score: m.scores[0].old_scores[s],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (s = 0; s < m.scores.length; s++)
+ for (E = 0; E < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; E++)
+ x[E].delta += m.scores[s].delta_scores[E];
+ for (var I = [], s = 0; s < x.length; s++)
+ x[s].delta > 0 && I.push(s);
+ if (g.height = 120 + (0 == I.length ? 0 : 40 * (I.length - 1)),
+ m.liujumanguan) {
+ b.visible = !0;
+ (M = b.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2170),
+ M.color = "#8d8fac";
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ s < I.length ? (L.visible = !0,
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(I[s]).nickname,
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + x[I[s]].delta.toString()) : L.visible = !1
+ }
+ } else if (b.visible = !0,
+ b.getChildByName("info").text = "",
+ v.visible = !0,
+ v.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2171),
+ v.color = "#8d8fac",
+ m.scores)
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ s < I.length ? (L.visible = !0,
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(I[s]).nickname,
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + x[I[s]].delta.toString()) : L.visible = !1
+ }
+ } else if ("RecordLiuJu" == p.name) {
+ var S = ["", game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2172), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2173), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2174), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2175), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2176)];
+ v.visible = !0,
+ v.text = S[m.type],
+ v.color = "#8d8fac",
+ g.height = 120
+ } else if ("RecordHule" == p.name)
+ if (p.data.hules[0].zimo) {
+ b.visible = !0;
+ (M = b.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2177),
+ M.color = "#ea3694";
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ if (0 == s) {
+ L.visible = !0;
+ T = m.hules[0].seat;
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(T).nickname;
+ D = m.delta_scores[T];
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + D.toString()
+ } else
+ L.visible = !1
+ }
+ g.height = 120
+ } else {
+ b.visible = !0;
+ (M = b.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2178),
+ M.color = "#ef3538";
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ if (s < m.hules.length) {
+ L.visible = !0;
+ T = m.hules[s].seat;
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(T).nickname;
+ D = m.delta_scores[T];
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + D.toString()
+ } else
+ L.visible = !1
+ }
+ y.visible = !0,
+ y.y = 80 + 40 * m.hules.length,
+ w.visible = !0,
+ w.y = 83 + 40 * m.hules.length;
+ for (var M = w.getChildByName("info"), C = w.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ var L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ if (0 == s) {
+ L.visible = !0;
+ for (var T = 0, E = 0; E < m.delta_scores.length; E++)
+ m.delta_scores[E] < m.delta_scores[T] && (T = E);
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(T).nickname;
+ var D = m.delta_scores[T];
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = D.toString()
+ } else
+ L.visible = !1
+ }
+ g.height = 180 + 40 * (p.data.hules.length - 1)
+ }
+ else
+ v.visible = !0,
+ v.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3036),
+ v.color = "#8ADB97",
+ g.height = 120;
+ g.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (n.Inst.jumpRound(i),
+ e.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ a.getChildByName("bg").height = a.height - 4
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.have0 = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.renderInfo, null, !1)),
+ this.btn_up = this.me.getChildByName("up"),
+ this.btn_down = this.me.getChildByName("down"),
+ this.btn_up.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(-100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_down.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ e.btn_up.visible = e.scrollview.rate > 0,
+ e.btn_down.visible = e.scrollview.need_scroll && e.scrollview.rate < 1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.have0 = i,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(e + (i ? 1 : 0)),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 100, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.btn_up.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_down.visible = this.scrollview.need_scroll
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 100, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.renderInfo = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , a = t.container;
+ a.getChildByName("num").text = (i + (this.have0 ? 0 : 1)).toString(),
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (n.Inst.jumpXun(i + (e.have0 ? 0 : 1)),
+ e.close())
+ }, null, !1);
+ var r = a
+ , s = [];
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? (s.push(r.getChildByName("xun")),
+ s.push(r.getChildByName("num"))) : (s.push(r.getChildByName("num")),
+ s.push(r.getChildByName("xun"))),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center(s, 115, [10]);
+ for (var o = 1; o < r.numChildren; o++) {
+ var l = r.getChildAt(o);
+ "haolong" == l.font ? l.y = 42 : l.y = 39
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.mj.ob_replayUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.label_chang = null,
+ t.label_ju = null,
+ t.label_xun = null,
+ t.img_play = null,
+ t.img_stop = null,
+ t.btn_preround = null,
+ t.btn_nextround = null,
+ t.page_chang = null,
+ t.page_xun = null,
+ t.origin_actions = [],
+ t.rounds = [],
+ t.round_index = 0,
+ t.action_index = 0,
+ t.locking_time = 0,
+ t.anim_time = 0,
+ t._auto_play = !1,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "auto_play", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._auto_play
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._auto_play = t,
+ this.img_play.visible = !t,
+ this.img_stop.visible = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ var n = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("round");
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.page_chang.locking || (t.locking,
+ t.auto_play && (t.auto_play = !1),
+ t.page_xun.enable && t.page_xun.close(),
+ t.page_chang.enable ? t.page_chang.close() : t.page_chang.show(t.rounds))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_chang = n.getChildByName("chang"),
+ this.label_ju = n.getChildByName("ju");
+ var a = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("turn");
+ this.label_xun = a.getChildByName("xun"),
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.page_xun.locking || (t.auto_play && (t.auto_play = !1),
+ t.page_chang.enable && t.page_chang.close(),
+ t.page_xun.enable ? t.page_xun.close() : t.page_xun.show(t.rounds[t.round_index].xun.length, 0 != t.rounds[t.round_index].xun[0]))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.page_chang = new e(this.me.getChildByName("info_chang")),
+ this.page_xun = new i(this.me.getChildByName("info_xun")),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("play").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.auto_play = !t.auto_play
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("nextstep").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? t.auto_play && (t.auto_play = !1) : t.nextStep()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("prestep").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.preStep()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("nextturn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.nextXun()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("preturn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.preXun()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_preround = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("preround"),
+ this.btn_preround.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.preRound()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_nextround = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("nextround"),
+ this.btn_nextround.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking,
+ t.nextRound()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.img_play = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("play").getChildByName("play"),
+ this.img_stop = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("play").getChildByName("pause")
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._isRoundEnd = function(t) {
+ return "RecordNoTile" == t || "RecordLiuJu" == t || "RecordHule" == t
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.origin_actions = e,
+ this.auto_play = !1,
+ this.page_chang.enable = !1,
+ this.page_chang.me.visible = !1,
+ this.page_xun.enable = !1,
+ this.page_xun.me.visible = !1,
+ this.initData(),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ t.UI_ReplayWheel.Inst.enable = !0
+ })),
+ this.round_index = this.rounds.length - 1,
+ this.action_index = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length - 1,
+ this._refreshBarshow()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.reset(),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_ReplayWheel.Inst.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.initData = function() {
+ var t = null;
+ this.rounds = [];
+ for (var e = this.origin_actions, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ null == t && (t = {
+ xun: [],
+ actions: []
+ }),
+ t.actions.push(n),
+ this._isRoundEnd(n.name) && (this.pengding_xun(t),
+ this.rounds.push(t),
+ t = null)
+ }
+ null != t && (this.pengding_xun(t),
+ this.rounds.push(t)),
+ this.action_index = -1,
+ this.round_index = -1,
+ this.label_chang.text = "东",
+ this.label_ju.text = "1",
+ this.label_xun.text = "0",
+ this.auto_play = !1;
+ var a = [];
+ "en" != GameMgr.client_language ? (a.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun")),
+ a.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn"))) : (a.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn")),
+ a.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun"))),
+ this.btn_nextround.visible = this.rounds.length > 1,
+ this.btn_preround.visible = this.rounds.length > 1,
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center(a, 80, [5])
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.auto_play = !1,
+ this.page_chang.enable && this.page_chang.close(),
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.pengding_xun = function(t) {
+ t.xun = [];
+ for (var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat, i = !1, n = 0; n < t.actions.length; n++) {
+ var a = t.actions[n];
+ "RecordNewRound" == a.name ? a.data.ju == e && (i = !0,
+ t.xun.push(n)) : "RecordDealTile" == a.name || "RecordChiPengGang" == a.name ? a.data.seat == e && (i || (i = !0,
+ t.xun.push(n))) : "RecordDiscardTile" != a.name && "RecordAnGangAddGang" != a.name && "RecordBaBei" != a.name || (i = !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.get_currentxun = function() {
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ if (0 == t.xun.length)
+ return 1;
+ for (var e = t.xun.length, i = 0; i < t.xun.length; i++)
+ if (this.action_index < t.xun[i]) {
+ e = i;
+ break
+ }
+ return e < 0 && (e = 0),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.nextStep = function(t) {
+ if (void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ (t || !(this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)) && !(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length)) {
+ if (this.round_index < 0 || this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length <= this.action_index + 1 ? (this.round_index++,
+ this.action_index = 0,
+ this.round_index == this.rounds.length && (this.round_index = 0)) : this.action_index++,
+ this.btn_nextround.visible = this.rounds.length > 1,
+ this.btn_preround.visible = this.rounds.length > 1,
+ this.action_index > 0 && "RecordDiscardTile" == this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[this.action_index - 1].name) {
+ var e = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[this.action_index - 1].data.seat;
+ e != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(e)].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ this.locking_time = Laya.timer.currTimer + this.doRecord(this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[this.action_index]),
+ this._refreshBarshow()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._refreshBarshow = function() {
+ var t = "";
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ t += "东";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t += "南";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t += "西";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t += "北"
+ }
+ else if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ t += "東";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t += "南";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t += "西";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t += "北"
+ }
+ else
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ t += "East";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t += "South";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t += "West";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t += "North"
+ }
+ this.label_chang.text = t,
+ this.label_ju.text = (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + 1).toString();
+ this.label_xun.text = this.get_currentxun().toString();
+ var e = [];
+ "en" != GameMgr.client_language ? (e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun")),
+ e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn"))) : (e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn")),
+ e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun"))),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center(e, 80, [5]),
+ function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = 1; n < t.numChildren; n++)
+ 1 != n && (i += 3),
+ i += (r = t.getChildAt(n)).textField.textWidth * r.scaleX;
+ for (var a = t.width / 2 - i / 2, n = 1; n < t.numChildren; n++) {
+ var r = t.getChildAt(n);
+ r.x = a,
+ a += r.textField.textWidth * r.scaleX + 3,
+ "haolong" == r.font ? r.y = e + 3 : r.y = e
+ }
+ }(this.label_chang.parent, 40)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.doRecord = function(t) {
+ try {
+ var e = 0;
+ switch (t.name) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionNewRound.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time + (this._auto_play,
+ 0);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionDiscardTile.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time + (this._auto_play ? 500 : 0);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionDealTile.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time + (this._auto_play ? 500 : 0);
+ break;
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionChiPengGang.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time + (this._auto_play ? 500 : 0);
+ break;
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionAnGangAddGang.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time + (this._auto_play ? 200 : 0);
+ break;
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionBabei.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time + (this._auto_play ? 200 : 0);
+ break;
+ case "RecordHule":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionHule.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time;
+ break;
+ case "RecordLiuJu":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionLiuJu.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time;
+ break;
+ case "RecordNoTile":
+ this.anim_time = view.ActionNoTile.record(t.data),
+ e = this.anim_time
+ }
+ return this.anim_time += Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ e
+ } catch (e) {
+ var i = {};
+ return i.error = e.message,
+ i.stack = e.stack,
+ i.method = "UI_Ob_Replay doRecord",
+ i.name = t.name,
+ i.data = t.data,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(i),
+ 1e6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.doFastRecord = function(t) {
+ try {
+ switch (t.name) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ view.ActionNewRound.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ view.ActionDiscardTile.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ view.ActionDealTile.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ view.ActionChiPengGang.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ view.ActionAnGangAddGang.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordHule":
+ view.ActionHule.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordLiuJu":
+ view.ActionLiuJu.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordNoTile":
+ view.ActionNoTile.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ view.ActionBabei.fastrecord(t.data)
+ }
+ } catch (i) {
+ var e = {};
+ return e.error = i.message,
+ e.stack = i.stack,
+ e.method = "UI_Ob_Replay doRecord",
+ e.name = t.name,
+ e.data = t.data,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(e),
+ 1e6
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.update = function() {
+ !this.auto_play || this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer || this.round_index >= 0 && this.round_index < this.rounds.length && this.action_index + 1 < this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length && this.nextStep()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.jumpToLastRoundXun = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else {
+ this.round_index = (this.round_index - 1 + this.rounds.length) % this.rounds.length;
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length - 3;
+ t < 1 && (t = 1),
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.nextXun = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ if (this.action_index != t.actions.length - 1) {
+ var e = 0;
+ if (0 == t.xun.length)
+ e = t.actions.length - 1;
+ else if (t.xun[0] > this.action_index)
+ e = t.xun[0];
+ else {
+ var i = this.get_currentxun();
+ e = i == t.xun.length ? t.actions.length - 1 : t.xun[i]
+ }
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.preXun = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ if (0 != this.action_index) {
+ var e = 0;
+ if (0 == t.xun.length)
+ e = 0;
+ else if (t.xun[0] > this.action_index)
+ e = 0;
+ else {
+ var i = this.get_currentxun() - 1;
+ e = 0 == i ? 0 : t.xun[i - 1]
+ }
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, e)
+ } else
+ this.jumpToLastRoundXun()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.preStep = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ 0 != this.action_index ? this._jumpStep(this.round_index, this.action_index - 1) : this.jumpToLastRoundXun()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.nextRound = function() {
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1) : this._jumpStep((this.round_index + 1) % this.rounds.length, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.preRound = function() {
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1) : this._jumpStep((this.round_index - 1 + this.rounds.length) % this.rounds.length, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.jumpRound = function(t) {
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1) : t < 0 || t >= this.rounds.length || this._jumpStep(t, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.jumpXun = function(t) {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ var e = this.rounds[this.round_index]
+ , i = 0;
+ i = 0 == e.xun.length ? 0 : 0 == t ? 0 : e.xun[t - 1],
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onWheelClick = function() {
+ if (!this.page_chang.locking && !this.page_xun.locking)
+ return this.page_chang.enable || this.page_xun.enable ? (this.page_chang.enable && this.page_chang.close(),
+ void (this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close())) : void this.nextStep()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._jumpStep = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.rounds[t];
+ this.round_index = t;
+ for (var n = 0; n < e; n++) {
+ if (n > 0 && "RecordDiscardTile" == this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[n - 1].name) {
+ (a = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[n - 1].data.seat) != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ this.doFastRecord(i.actions[n])
+ }
+ if (e == i.actions.length - 1)
+ this.action_index = e - 1,
+ this.nextStep();
+ else {
+ if (e > 0 && "RecordDiscardTile" == this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[e - 1].name) {
+ var a = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[e - 1].data.seat;
+ a != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ this.doFastRecord(i.actions[e]),
+ this.action_index = e,
+ this._refreshBarshow()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onChangeMainBody = function() {
+ var t = this.round_index
+ , e = this.action_index;
+ this.initData(),
+ this.reset(),
+ t >= this.rounds.length || t < 0 || this._jumpStep(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.Inst = null,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.openboxUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ t.datas = [],
+ t.choosed_index = -1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.blackBg = this.me.getChildByName("backbg"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.box_name = this.root.getChildByName("box_name"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.scroll_view = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scroll_view.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item), -1, 4),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!e.locking && -1 != e.choosed_index) {
+ var i = e.datas[e.choosed_index].item_id
+ , n = e.datas[e.choosed_index].count;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "openManualItem", {
+ item_id: e.box_id,
+ count: n,
+ select_id: i
+ }, function(e, a) {
+ if (e || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("openManualItem", e, a);
+ else {
+ var r = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(i);
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2781, [r.name, n.toString()]))
+ }
+ }),
+ e.close()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.blackBg.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackBg, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.box_id = e,
+ this.choosed_index = -1,
+ this.datas = [];
+ for (var n = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e), a = cfg.item_definition.item_manual_pool.findGroup(n.iargs[0]), r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
+ this.datas.push({
+ item_id: a[r].res_id,
+ count: a[r].res_count
+ });
+ this.scroll_view.reset(),
+ this.scroll_view.addItem(this.datas.length),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !0),
+ this.box_name.text = n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackBg, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = this.datas[i].item_id
+ , r = this.datas[i].count
+ , s = n.getChildByName("btn");
+ if (s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.choosed_index == i ? e.changeSelect(-1) : e.changeSelect(i)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s.getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.item.get(a).icon),
+ r <= 1)
+ s.getChildByName("num").visible = !1;
+ else {
+ var o = s.getChildByName("num");
+ o.visible = !0,
+ o.text = r.toString()
+ }
+ s.getChildByName("chosen").visible = this.choosed_index == i
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.changeSelect = function(t) {
+ var e = this.choosed_index;
+ this.choosed_index = t,
+ -1 != e && this.scroll_view.wantToRefreshItem(e),
+ -1 != this.choosed_index && this.scroll_view.wantToRefreshItem(this.choosed_index),
+ -1 == e && -1 != this.choosed_index && game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !1),
+ -1 != e && -1 == this.choosed_index && game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_OpenBox = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? new ui.both_ui.otherplayerinfoUI : new ui.both_ui.otherplayerinfo_enUI) || this;
+ return t.account_id = 0,
+ t.origin_x = 0,
+ t.origin_y = 0,
+ t.root = null,
+ t.title = null,
+ t.level = null,
+ t.btn_addfriend = null,
+ t.btn_report = null,
+ t.illust = null,
+ t.name = null,
+ t.detail_data = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.tab_info4 = null,
+ t.tab_info3 = null,
+ t.tab_note = null,
+ t.tab_img_dark = "",
+ t.tab_img_chosen = "",
+ t.player_data = null,
+ t.tab_index = 1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tab_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tab_dark.png")) : (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tabheng_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tabheng_dark.png")),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.origin_x = this.root.x,
+ this.origin_y = this.root.y,
+ this.container_info = this.root.getChildByName("container_info"),
+ this.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(this.container_info.getChildByName("title")),
+ this.name = this.container_info.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.level = new t.UI_Level(this.container_info.getChildByName("rank")),
+ this.detail_data = new t.UI_PlayerData(this.container_info.getChildByName("data")),
+ this.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.root.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("illust")),
+ this.btn_addfriend = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_add"),
+ this.btn_addfriend.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.btn_addfriend.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_report.x = 343,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "applyFriend", {
+ target_id: e.account_id
+ }, function(t, e) {})
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_report = this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_report"),
+ this.btn_report.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.UI_Report_Nickname.Inst.show(e.account_id)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.note = new t.UI_PlayerNote(this.root.getChildByName("container_note"),null),
+ this.tab_info4 = this.root.getChildByName("tab_info4"),
+ this.tab_info4.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || 1 != e.tab_index && e.changeMJCategory(1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tab_info3 = this.root.getChildByName("tab_info3"),
+ this.tab_info3.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || 2 != e.tab_index && e.changeMJCategory(2)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tab_note = this.root.getChildByName("tab_note"),
+ this.tab_note.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type && (game.Tools.during_chat_close() ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo("功能维护中,祝大家新年快乐") : e.container_info.visible && (e.container_info.visible = !1,
+ e.tab_info4.skin = e.tab_img_dark,
+ e.tab_info3.skin = e.tab_img_dark,
+ e.tab_note.skin = e.tab_img_chosen,
+ e.tab_index = 3,
+ e.note.show()))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.locking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = 1),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(14),
+ this.account_id = e,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.root.y = 560,
+ this.player_data = null,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.detail_data.reset(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAccountStatisticInfo", {
+ account_id: e
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAccountStatisticInfo", e, i) : (n.detail_data.setData(i),
+ n.changeMJCategory(n.tab_index))
+ }),
+ this.note.init_data(e),
+ this.refreshBaseInfo(),
+ this.btn_report.visible = e != GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ this.tab_index = i,
+ this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.tab_info4.skin = 1 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_info3.skin = 2 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_note.skin = this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.note.close(),
+ this.tab_note.visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.player_data ? (this.level.id = this.player_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this.level.exp = this.player_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score) : (this.level.id = 1 == this.tab_index ? 10101 : 20101,
+ this.level.exp = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refreshBaseInfo = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.title.id = 0,
+ this.illust.me.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this.name, {
+ account_id: 0,
+ nickname: "",
+ verified: 0
+ }),
+ this.btn_addfriend.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_report.x = 343,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAccountInfo", {
+ account_id: this.account_id
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAccountInfo", i, n);
+ else {
+ var a = n.account;
+ e.player_data = a,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(e.name, a),
+ e.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(a.account_id, a.title),
+ e.level.id = a.level.id,
+ e.level.id = e.player_data[1 == e.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ e.level.exp = e.player_data[1 == e.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score,
+ e.illust.me.visible = !0,
+ e.illust.setSkin(a.avatar_id, "waitingroom"),
+ game.Tools.is_same_zone(GameMgr.Inst.account_id, e.account_id) && e.account_id != GameMgr.Inst.account_id && null == game.FriendMgr.find(e.account_id) ? (e.btn_addfriend.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_report.x = 520) : (e.btn_addfriend.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_report.x = 343),
+ e.note.sign.setSign(a.signature)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.changeMJCategory = function(t) {
+ this.tab_index = t,
+ this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.detail_data.changeMJCategory(t),
+ this.tab_info4.skin = 1 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_info3.skin = 2 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_note.skin = this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.note.close(),
+ this.player_data ? (this.level.id = this.player_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this.level.exp = this.player_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score) : (this.level.id = 1 == this.tab_index ? 10101 : 20101,
+ this.level.exp = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable && (this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ this.detail_data.close(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.detail_data.close(),
+ this.illust.clear(),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.level.icon.skin)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.lobby.lobby_overallUI) || this;
+ return i.onClick = null,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.btn = this.me.getChildByName("btn"),
+ this.btn.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.onClick && t.onClick.run()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.onClick = t,
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.onClick = null,
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Overall = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e, i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.title = this.me.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.input = this.me.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.me.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_cancel = this.me.getChildByName("btn_cancel"),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_cancel.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.hide(null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_hidename = this.me.getChildByName("hidename"),
+ this.sp_checkbox = this.container_hidename.getChildByName("checkbox").getChildByName("checkbox");
+ var i = this.container_hidename.getChildByName("w0");
+ this.container_hidename.getChildByName("w1").x = i.x + i.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ this.container_hidename.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.sp_checkbox.visible = !e.sp_checkbox.visible,
+ e.refresh_share_uuid()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show_share = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2124),
+ this.sp_checkbox.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ this.input.editable = !1,
+ this.uuid = e,
+ this.refresh_share_uuid(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.container_hidename.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_confirm.getChildAt(0).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2127),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_share_uuid = function() {
+ var t = game.Tools.encode_account_id(GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ , e = this.uuid;
+ this.sp_checkbox.visible ? this.input.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2126) + ": " + GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "?paipu=" + game.Tools.EncodePaipuUUID(e) + "_a" + t + "_2" : this.input.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2126) + ": " + GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "?paipu=" + e + "_a" + t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_check = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : (this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2128),
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ this.container_hidename.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.getChildAt(0).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2129),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ var t = e.input.text.split("=")
+ , i = t[t.length - 1].split("_")
+ , n = 0;
+ i.length > 1 && (n = "a" == i[1].charAt(0) ? game.Tools.decode_account_id(parseInt(i[1].substr(1))) : parseInt(i[1]));
+ var a = 0;
+ if (i.length > 2) {
+ var r = parseInt(i[2]);
+ r && (a = r)
+ }
+ GameMgr.Inst.checkPaiPu(i[0], n, a)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input.editable = !0,
+ this.input.text = "",
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(), n = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.blackbg = t.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.root = t.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input = this.root.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (game.Tools.calu_word_length(e.input.text) > 30 ? e.toolong.visible = !0 : (e.close(),
+ r.addCollect(e.uuid, e.start_time, e.end_time, e.input.text)))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.toolong = this.root.getChildByName("toolong")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.uuid = e,
+ this.start_time = i,
+ this.end_time = n,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input.text = "",
+ this.toolong.visible = !1,
+ this.blackbg.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackbg, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackbg, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }();
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.ALL = 0] = "ALL",
+ t[t.FRIEND = 1] = "FRIEND",
+ t[t.RANK = 2] = "RANK",
+ t[t.MATCH = 4] = "MATCH",
+ t[t.COLLECT = 100] = "COLLECT"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var a = function() {
+ function i(t) {
+ this.uuid_list = [],
+ this.type = t,
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return i.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.count = 0,
+ this.true_count = 0,
+ this.have_more_paipu = !0,
+ this.uuid_list = [],
+ this.duringload = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.loadList = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ if (!this.duringload && this.have_more_paipu) {
+ if (this.duringload = !0,
+ this.type == e.COLLECT) {
+ for (var n = [], a = 0, s = 0; s < 10; s++) {
+ var o = this.count + s;
+ if (o >= r.collect_lsts.length)
+ break;
+ a++;
+ var l = r.collect_lsts[o];
+ r.record_map[l] || n.push(l),
+ this.uuid_list.push(l)
+ }
+ n.length > 0 ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameRecordsDetail", {
+ uuid_list: n
+ }, function(e, s) {
+ if (i.duringload = !1,
+ r.Inst.onLoadStateChange(i.type, !1),
+ e || s.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameRecordsDetail", e, s);
+ else if (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(s)),
+ s.record_list && s.record_list.length == n.length) {
+ for (var o = 0; o < s.record_list.length; o++) {
+ var l = s.record_list[o].uuid;
+ r.record_map[l] || (r.record_map[l] = s.record_list[o])
+ }
+ i.count += a,
+ i.count >= r.collect_lsts.length && (i.have_more_paipu = !1,
+ r.Inst.onLoadOver(i.type)),
+ r.Inst.onLoadMoreLst(i.type, a)
+ } else
+ i.have_more_paipu = !1,
+ r.Inst.onLoadOver(i.type)
+ }) : (this.duringload = !1,
+ this.count += a,
+ this.count >= r.collect_lsts.length && (this.have_more_paipu = !1,
+ r.Inst.onLoadOver(this.type)),
+ r.Inst.onLoadMoreLst(this.type, a))
+ } else
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameRecordList", {
+ start: this.true_count,
+ count: 10,
+ type: this.type
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (i.duringload = !1,
+ r.Inst.onLoadStateChange(i.type, !1),
+ n || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameRecordList", n, a);
+ else if (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(a)),
+ a.record_list && a.record_list.length > 0) {
+ for (var s = a.record_list, o = 0, l = 0; l < s.length; l++) {
+ var h = s[l].uuid;
+ if (i.type == e.RANK && s[l].config && s[l].config.meta) {
+ var c = s[l].config.meta;
+ if (c) {
+ var _ = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(c.mode_id);
+ if (_ && 5 == _.room)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ o++,
+ i.uuid_list.push(h),
+ r.record_map[h] || (r.record_map[h] = s[l])
+ }
+ i.count += o,
+ i.true_count += s.length,
+ r.Inst.onLoadMoreLst(i.type, o),
+ i.have_more_paipu = !0
+ } else
+ i.have_more_paipu = !1,
+ r.Inst.onLoadOver(i.type)
+ });
+ Laya.timer.once(700, this, function() {
+ i.duringload && r.Inst.onLoadStateChange(i.type, !0)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.removeAt = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.uuid_list.length - 1; e++)
+ e >= t && (this.uuid_list[e] = this.uuid_list[e + 1]);
+ this.uuid_list.pop(),
+ this.count--,
+ this.true_count--
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }()
+ , r = function(r) {
+ function s() {
+ var t = r.call(this, new ui.lobby.paipuUI) || this;
+ return t.top = null,
+ t.container_scrollview = null,
+ t.scrollview = null,
+ t.loading = null,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.pop_otherpaipu = null,
+ t.pop_collectinput = null,
+ t.label_collect_count = null,
+ t.noinfo = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.current_type = e.ALL,
+ s.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(s, r),
+ s.init = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.paipuLst[e.ALL] = new a(e.ALL),
+ this.paipuLst[e.FRIEND] = new a(e.FRIEND),
+ this.paipuLst[e.RANK] = new a(e.RANK),
+ this.paipuLst[e.MATCH] = new a(e.MATCH),
+ this.paipuLst[e.COLLECT] = new a(e.COLLECT),
+ this.collect_lsts = [],
+ this.record_map = {},
+ this.collect_info = {},
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCollectedGameRecordList", {}, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ ;
+ else {
+ if (i.record_list) {
+ for (var n = i.record_list, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
+ var r = {
+ uuid: n[a].uuid,
+ time: n[a].end_time,
+ remarks: n[a].remarks
+ };
+ t.collect_lsts.push(r.uuid),
+ t.collect_info[r.uuid] = r
+ }
+ t.collect_lsts = t.collect_lsts.sort(function(e, i) {
+ return t.collect_info[i].time - t.collect_info[e].time
+ })
+ }
+ i.record_collect_limit && (t.collect_limit = i.record_collect_limit)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ s.onAccountUpdate = function() {
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.enable && (this.Inst.label_collect_count.text = this.collect_lsts.length.toString() + "/" + this.collect_limit.toString())
+ }
+ ,
+ s.reset = function() {
+ this.paipuLst[e.ALL] && this.paipuLst[e.ALL].reset(),
+ this.paipuLst[e.FRIEND] && this.paipuLst[e.FRIEND].reset(),
+ this.paipuLst[e.RANK] && this.paipuLst[e.RANK].reset(),
+ this.paipuLst[e.MATCH] && this.paipuLst[e.MATCH].reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.addCollect = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ if (!this.collect_info[e])
+ if (this.collect_lsts.length + 1 > this.collect_limit)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2767));
+ else {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "addCollectedGameRecord", {
+ uuid: e,
+ remarks: a,
+ start_time: i,
+ end_time: n
+ }, function(t, e) {});
+ var o = {
+ uuid: e,
+ remarks: a,
+ time: n
+ };
+ this.collect_info[e] = o,
+ this.collect_lsts.push(e),
+ this.collect_lsts = this.collect_lsts.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return r.collect_info[e].time - r.collect_info[t].time
+ }),
+ s.Inst.onCollectChange(e, -1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.removeCollect = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.collect_info[t]) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "removeCollectedGameRecord", {
+ uuid: t
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ delete this.collect_info[t];
+ for (var i = -1, n = 0; n < this.collect_lsts.length; n++)
+ if (this.collect_lsts[n] == t) {
+ this.collect_lsts[n] = this.collect_lsts[this.collect_lsts.length - 1],
+ i = n;
+ break
+ }
+ this.collect_lsts.pop(),
+ this.collect_lsts = this.collect_lsts.sort(function(t, i) {
+ return e.collect_info[i].time - e.collect_info[t].time
+ }),
+ s.Inst.onCollectChange(t, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby()
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_scrollview = this.me.getChildByName("scrollview"),
+ this.scrollview = this.container_scrollview.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.setItemValue(t.index, t.container)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.container_scrollview.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ var t = s.paipuLst[e.current_type];
+ (1 - e.scrollview.rate) * t.count < 3 && (t.duringload || (t.have_more_paipu ? t.loadList() : 0 == t.count && (e.noinfo.visible = !0)))
+ }),
+ this.loading = this.container_scrollview.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this.loading.visible = !1,
+ this.container_scrollview.getChildByName("checkother").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.pop_otherpaipu.me.visible || e.pop_otherpaipu.show_check()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tabs = [];
+ for (var a = 0; a < 5; a++)
+ this.tabs.push(this.container_scrollview.getChildByName("tabs").getChildAt(a)),
+ this.tabs[a].clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.changeTab,[a, !1]);
+ this.pop_otherpaipu = new i(this.me.getChildByName("pop_otherpaipu")),
+ this.pop_collectinput = new n(this.me.getChildByName("pop_collect")),
+ this.label_collect_count = this.container_scrollview.getChildByName("collect_limit").getChildByName("value"),
+ this.label_collect_count.text = "0/20",
+ this.noinfo = this.container_scrollview.getChildByName("noinfo")
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(20),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.pop_otherpaipu.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pop_collectinput.me.visible = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_scrollview, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.loading.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.changeTab(0, !0),
+ this.label_collect_count.text = s.collect_lsts.length.toString() + "/" + s.collect_limit.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_scrollview, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.changeTab = function(t, i) {
+ var n = [e.ALL, e.RANK, e.FRIEND, e.MATCH, e.COLLECT];
+ if (i || n[t] != this.current_type) {
+ if (this.loading.visible = !1,
+ this.noinfo.visible = !1,
+ this.current_type = n[t],
+ this.current_type == e.COLLECT && s.paipuLst[this.current_type].reset(),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.current_type != e.COLLECT) {
+ var a = s.paipuLst[this.current_type].count;
+ a > 0 && this.scrollview.addItem(a)
+ }
+ for (var r = 0; r < this.tabs.length; r++) {
+ var o = this.tabs[r];
+ o.getChildByName("img").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(t == r ? "myres/shop/tab_choose.png" : "myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ o.getChildByName("label_name").color = t == r ? "#d9b263" : "#8cb65f"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.setItemValue = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.enable) {
+ var a = s.paipuLst[this.current_type];
+ if (a || !(e >= a.uuid_list.length)) {
+ for (var r = s.record_map[a.uuid_list[e]], o = 0; o < 4; o++) {
+ var l = i.getChildByName("p" + o.toString());
+ if (o < r.result.players.length) {
+ l.visible = !0;
+ var h = l.getChildByName("chosen")
+ , c = l.getChildByName("rank")
+ , _ = l.getChildByName("rank_word")
+ , u = l.getChildByName("name")
+ , d = l.getChildByName("score")
+ , f = r.result.players[o];
+ d.text = f.part_point_1 || "0";
+ for (var p = 0, m = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2133), g = 0, y = !1, v = 0; v < r.accounts.length; v++)
+ if (r.accounts[v].seat == f.seat) {
+ p = r.accounts[v].account_id,
+ m = r.accounts[v].nickname,
+ g = r.accounts[v].verified,
+ y = r.accounts[v].account_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id;
+ break
+ }
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(u, {
+ account_id: p,
+ nickname: m,
+ verified: g
+ }),
+ h.visible = y,
+ d.color = y ? "#ffc458" : "#b98930",
+ u.getChildByName("name").color = y ? "#dfdfdf" : "#a0a0a0",
+ _.color = c.color = y ? "#57bbdf" : "#489dbc";
+ var b = l.getChildByName("rank_word");
+ if ("en" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ switch (o) {
+ case 0:
+ b.text = "st";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ b.text = "nd";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ b.text = "rd";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ b.text = "th"
+ }
+ } else
+ l.visible = !1
+ }
+ var w = new Date(1e3 * r.end_time)
+ , x = "";
+ x += w.getFullYear() + "/",
+ x += (w.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" : "") + (w.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "/",
+ x += (w.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + w.getDate() + " ",
+ x += (w.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") + w.getHours() + ":",
+ x += (w.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + w.getMinutes(),
+ i.getChildByName("date").text = x,
+ i.getChildByName("check").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : GameMgr.Inst.checkPaiPu(r.uuid, GameMgr.Inst.account_id, 0))
+ }, null, !1),
+ i.getChildByName("share").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || n.pop_otherpaipu.me.visible || (n.pop_otherpaipu.show_share(r.uuid),
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(21))
+ }, null, !1);
+ var I = i.getChildByName("room")
+ , C = game.Tools.get_room_desc(r.config);
+ I.text = C.text;
+ var S = "";
+ if (1 == r.config.category)
+ S = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2023);
+ else if (4 == r.config.category)
+ S = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2025);
+ else if (2 == r.config.category) {
+ var M = r.config.meta;
+ if (M) {
+ var L = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(M.mode_id);
+ L && (S = L["room_name_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ }
+ }
+ if (s.collect_info[r.uuid]) {
+ var T = s.collect_info[r.uuid]
+ , E = i.getChildByName("remarks_info")
+ , D = i.getChildByName("input")
+ , N = D.getChildByName("txtinput")
+ , A = i.getChildByName("btn_input")
+ , B = !1
+ , k = function() {
+ B ? (E.visible = !1,
+ D.visible = !0,
+ N.text = E.text,
+ A.visible = !1) : (T.remarks && "" != T.remarks ? E.text = game.Tools.strWithoutForbidden(T.remarks) : E.text = S,
+ E.visible = !0,
+ D.visible = !1,
+ A.visible = !0)
+ };
+ k(),
+ A.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ B = !0,
+ k()
+ }, null, !1),
+ N.on("blur", this, function() {
+ B && (game.Tools.calu_word_length(N.text) > 30 ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2765)) : N.text != T.remarks && (T.remarks = N.text,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "changeCollectedGameRecordRemarks", {
+ uuid: r.uuid,
+ remarks: N.text
+ }, function(t, e) {}))),
+ B = !1,
+ k()
+ });
+ (R = i.getChildByName("collect")).clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ s.removeCollect(r.uuid)
+ }, null, !1),
+ R.getChildByName("img").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/collect_star.png")
+ } else {
+ i.getChildByName("input").visible = !1,
+ i.getChildByName("btn_input").visible = !1,
+ i.getChildByName("remarks_info").visible = !0,
+ i.getChildByName("remarks_info").text = S;
+ var R = i.getChildByName("collect");
+ R.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.pop_collectinput.show(r.uuid, r.start_time, r.end_time)
+ }, null, !1),
+ R.getChildByName("img").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/collect_star_gray.png")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onLoadStateChange = function(t, e) {
+ this.current_type == t && (this.loading.visible = e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onLoadMoreLst = function(t, e) {
+ this.current_type == t && this.scrollview.addItem(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onLoadOver = function(t) {
+ if (this.current_type == t) {
+ 0 == s.paipuLst[this.current_type].count && (this.noinfo.visible = !0)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onCollectChange = function(t, i) {
+ if (this.current_type == e.COLLECT)
+ i >= 0 && (s.paipuLst[e.COLLECT].removeAt(i),
+ this.scrollview.delItem(i));
+ else
+ for (var n = s.paipuLst[this.current_type].uuid_list, a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ if (n[a] == t) {
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(a);
+ break
+ }
+ this.label_collect_count.text = s.collect_lsts.length.toString() + "/" + s.collect_limit.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.Inst = null,
+ s.paipuLst = {},
+ s.collect_lsts = [],
+ s.record_map = {},
+ s.collect_info = {},
+ s.collect_limit = 20,
+ s
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PaiPu = r
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.pifuquan_lessUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.onConfrim && e.onConfrim.runWith(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("pifuquan", e.back)
+ })),
+ e.close(null))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.back = i,
+ this.onConfrim = e,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Pifuquanless = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.during = 1] = "during",
+ t[t.success = 2] = "success"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.pipeiUI) || this;
+ return t.state = e.none,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRoomGameStart", Laya.Handler.create(t, function(e) {
+ t.enable && (app.Log.log("NotifyRoomGameStart:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.onGameStart(e))
+ })),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("ttt"),
+ this.btn = this.root.getChildByName("btn"),
+ this.btn.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (e.btn.disabled = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "cancelMatch", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("cancelMatch", i, n) : e.close()
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn.disabled = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.tryToClose = function(i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.state == e.none ? (this.enable = !1,
+ i.runWith(!0)) : this.state == e.during ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "cancelMatch", {}, function(e, a) {
+ e || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("cancelMatch", e, a),
+ i.runWith(!1)) : (n.enable = !1,
+ i.runWith(!0),
+ n.close())
+ }) : this.state == e.success && i.runWith(!1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.btn.disabled = !1,
+ this.root.scaleX = this.root.scaleY = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ var a = 0;
+ this.state = e.none,
+ Laya.timer.loop(1e3, this, function() {
+ var t = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2151);
+ a = (a + 1) % 4;
+ for (var e = 0; e < a; e++)
+ t += ".";
+ n.info.text = t
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, this, function() {
+ n.state = e.during,
+ n.enable && !n.locking && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "matchGame", {
+ match_mode: i
+ }, function(i, a) {
+ (i || a.error) && (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("matchGame", i, a),
+ n.close(),
+ n.state = e.none)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onGameStart = function(i) {
+ this.state = e.success,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !1,
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(i.connect_token, i.game_uuid, i.location, !1, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onMatchTimeout = function(i) {
+ this.close(),
+ this.state = e.none,
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2152), null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PiPei = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.pipeichenggongUI) || this;
+ return t.blackbg = null,
+ t.root = null,
+ t.shine = null,
+ t.img_duanwei = null,
+ t.img_mode = null,
+ t.label_time = null,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.blackbg = this.me.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.shine = this.root.getChildByName("shine"),
+ this.img_duanwei = this.root.getChildByName("duanwei"),
+ this.img_mode = this.root.getChildByName("mode"),
+ this.label_time = this.root.getChildByName("time"),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyMatchGameStart", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyMatchGameStart:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.show(e)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(115, 1, 1.4),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Lobby(),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, this, function() {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.closeUIWithTag_Lobby()
+ }),
+ this.blackbg.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackbg, {
+ alpha: .7
+ }, 150, null),
+ this.shine.alpha = 0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.shine, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 500)
+ }));
+ var n = e.match_mode_id
+ , a = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(n);
+ if (a) {
+ switch (a.room) {
+ case 1:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_tongzhijian.png");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_yinzhijian.png");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_jinzhijian.png");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_yuzhijian.png");
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? "myres/lobby/w_luandou2.png" : "myres/lobby/w_luandou.png");
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_wangzuo.png");
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_xiuxian.png");
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_dora3.png");
+ break;
+ case 210:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_peipai.png");
+ break;
+ case 220:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_muyu.png");
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = ""
+ }
+ switch (a.mode) {
+ case 1:
+ this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sirendong.png");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sirennan.png");
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sanrendong.png");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/w_sanrennan.png");
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.img_mode.skin = ""
+ }
+ if (a.level_limit > GameMgr.Inst.account_data.level.id) {
+ (r = {}).type = "匹配成功显示问题",
+ r.account_data = GameMgr.Inst.account_data,
+ r.msg = e,
+ GameMgr.Inst.postInfo2Server(r)
+ }
+ } else
+ this.img_duanwei.skin = "",
+ this.img_mode.skin = "";
+ if (!t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.matchYuYued(n)) {
+ var r = {};
+ r.type = "匹配成功显示问题2",
+ r.account_data = GameMgr.Inst.account_data,
+ r.msg = e,
+ r.yuyued = t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.getAllYuYue(),
+ GameMgr.Inst.postInfo2Server(r)
+ }
+ this.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2153) + "(3)",
+ Laya.timer.once(1300, this, function() {
+ i.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2153) + "(2)"
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(2300, this, function() {
+ i.label_time.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2153) + "(1)"
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(3300, this, function() {
+ i.label_time.text = "Go!!!"
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(4e3, this, function() {
+ i.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.onPiPeiOver(),
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(e.connect_token, e.game_uuid, e.location, !1, null)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PiPeiChengGong = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.bg = t.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.label_mode = this.bg.getChildByName("mode"),
+ this.label_duanwei = this.bg.getChildByName("duanwei"),
+ this.btn_close = this.bg.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.Inst.matchLocking(e.match_id) || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.match_id = -1,
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.setData = function(e, n) {
+ this.build_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.match_id = e,
+ this.pos = n,
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var a = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(e);
+ if (a) {
+ switch (this.label_duanwei.text = a["room_name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.room) {
+ case 1:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#d26f69";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#cfcdd2";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#dbb036";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#3db98d";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#8264fb";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#ff2b72";
+ break;
+ case 100:
+ case 200:
+ case 210:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#91af5c";
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.label_duanwei.color = "#d28eed"
+ }
+ this.label_mode.text = game.Tools.room_mode_desc(a.mode)
+ } else
+ this.label_duanwei.text = "",
+ this.label_mode.text = "";
+ this.during_close = !1,
+ this.me.x = 0,
+ this.me.y = this.me.height * n,
+ this.bg.x = 5,
+ this.bg.alpha = 1;
+ var r = this;
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "matchGame", {
+ match_mode: e
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ (e || n.error) && (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("matchGame", e, n),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(r.bg, {
+ x: 60,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ var t = r.match_id
+ , e = r.pos;
+ r.match_id = -1,
+ r.pos = -1,
+ r.me.visible = !1,
+ i.Inst.onCloseOver(t, e)
+ })))
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.changePos = function(t) {
+ if (this.pos = t,
+ !this.during_close) {
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this);
+ var e = this.me.y
+ , i = t * this.me.height
+ , n = Math.abs(e - i) / 1;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ y: i
+ }, n)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ if (!this.during_close) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.during_close = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "cancelMatch", {
+ match_mode: this.match_id
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("cancelMatch", n, a),
+ e.during_close = !1) : t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(e.bg, {
+ x: 60,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.during_close = !1;
+ var t = e.match_id
+ , n = e.pos;
+ e.match_id = -1,
+ e.pos = -1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ i.Inst.onCloseOver(t, n)
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.pipeiyuyueUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.bg = null,
+ t.label_time = null,
+ t.img_arrow = null,
+ t.panel_content = null,
+ t.cell_templete = null,
+ t.btn_open = null,
+ t.cells = [],
+ t.current_count = 0,
+ t.inopen = !0,
+ t.start_time = 0,
+ t.bg_width0 = 337,
+ t.bg_width1 = 515,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.bg = this.root.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.label_time = this.root.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.img_arrow = this.root.getChildByName("arrow"),
+ this.panel_content = this.root.getChildByName("lst"),
+ this.cell_templete = this.panel_content.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.cell_templete.visible = !1;
+ for (var n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
+ var a = this.cell_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ this.cells.push(new e(a))
+ }
+ this.btn_open = this.root.getChildByName("btn_open"),
+ this.btn_open.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.inopen = !i.inopen,
+ i.refreshshow()
+ }, null, !1),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyMatchTimeout", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyMatchTimeout:" + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2152), null),
+ i.onPiPeiOver()
+ })),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.add_connect_listener(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ i.enable && i.onPiPeiOver()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.addMatch = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (this.current_count >= 6)
+ return t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3004)),
+ !1;
+ if (this.matchYuYued(e))
+ return !0;
+ for (var n = -1, a = 0; a < this.cells.length; a++)
+ if (-1 == this.cells[a].match_id) {
+ n = a;
+ break
+ }
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ 0 == this.current_count && (this.inopen = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.bg.width = this.bg_width1,
+ this.bg.height = 60,
+ this.start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.label_time.text = "00:00",
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, this, function() {
+ if (!t.UI_PiPeiChengGong.Inst.enable) {
+ var e = Laya.timer.currTimer - i.start_time;
+ e /= 1e3;
+ var n = ""
+ , a = Math.floor(e / 60);
+ a < 10 && (n += "0"),
+ n += a,
+ n += ":",
+ (a = Math.floor(e) % 60) < 10 && (n += "0"),
+ n += a,
+ i.label_time.text = n
+ }
+ }));
+ this.cells[n].setData(e, this.current_count),
+ this.current_count++,
+ this.refreshshow()
+ }
+ return !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refreshshow = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.bg),
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.panel_content);
+ var e = this.cell_templete.height;
+ if (this.img_arrow.rotation = this.inopen ? 0 : 180,
+ this.inopen)
+ if (this.bg.width < this.bg_width1 - .001)
+ if (this.panel_content.visible = !1,
+ 0 == this.current_count)
+ this.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ o = (this.bg_width1 - this.bg.width) / 1;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ width: this.bg_width1
+ }, o, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.bg.width = t.bg_width1,
+ t.refreshshow()
+ }))
+ }
+ else {
+ this.bg.width = this.bg_width1;
+ var i = this.bg.height
+ , n = 70 + this.current_count * e
+ , a = Math.abs(i - n);
+ if (a < 10)
+ this.bg.height = n,
+ this.panel_content.height = this.bg.height - 60,
+ this.panel_content.visible = !0,
+ 0 == this.current_count && (this.enable = !1);
+ else {
+ o = a / 1;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: n
+ }, o, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.bg.height = n,
+ 0 == t.current_count && (t.enable = !1)
+ })),
+ this.panel_content.height = i - 59,
+ this.panel_content.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.panel_content, {
+ height: n - 60
+ }, o)
+ }
+ }
+ else if (0 == this.current_count)
+ this.enable = !1;
+ else if (this.bg.height > 60.001) {
+ o = (this.bg.height - 60) / 1;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ height: 60
+ }, o, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.bg.height = 60,
+ t.refreshshow()
+ })),
+ this.panel_content.visible = !0,
+ this.panel_content.height = this.bg.height - 60,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.panel_content, {
+ height: .1
+ }, o, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.panel_content.visible = !1
+ }))
+ } else {
+ this.panel_content.visible = !1,
+ this.bg.height = 60;
+ var r = this.bg.width
+ , s = this.bg_width0;
+ if (this.bg.width < s + 10)
+ this.bg.width = s;
+ else {
+ var o = Math.abs(r - s) / 1;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ width: s
+ }, o, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.bg.width = s
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.matchYuYued = function(t) {
+ return -1 != this.getMatchID(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.getMatchID = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.cells.length; e++)
+ if (this.cells[e].match_id === t)
+ return e;
+ return -1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.getAllYuYue = function() {
+ for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this.cells.length; e++)
+ t.push(this.cells[e].match_id);
+ return t
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.matchLocking = function(t) {
+ var e = this.getMatchID(t);
+ return -1 != e && (Laya.timer.currTimer < this.cells[e].build_time + 200 || !!this.cells[e].during_close)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.cancelPiPei = function(t) {
+ if (!this.matchLocking(t)) {
+ var e = this.getMatchID(t);
+ -1 != e && this.cells[e].close()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCloseOver = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++)
+ -1 != this.cells[i].match_id && this.cells[i].pos >= e && this.cells[i].changePos(this.cells[i].pos - 1);
+ this.current_count--,
+ this.refreshshow(),
+ this.me.event("cancelPiPei", t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onPiPeiOver = function() {
+ this.enable = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.cells.length; t++)
+ this.cells[t].me.visible = !1,
+ this.cells[t].match_id = -1,
+ this.cells[t].pos = -1;
+ this.current_count = 0,
+ this.me.event("pipeiover")
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.change_cd = 0,
+ t.Inst = this,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.input = e.getChildByName("input"),
+ e.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var t = n.input.text;
+ t == GameMgr.Inst.account_data.signature || (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.signature = t,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "modifySignature", {
+ signature: t
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ n.change_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 3e4,
+ i.Inst.note.sign.setSign(t)),
+ n.me.visible = !1
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.input.on("input", this, function() {
+ if (n.input.text && "" != n.input.text) {
+ for (var t = n.input.text, e = 0, i = 0, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ if (t.charCodeAt(a) > 255) {
+ if (e + 2 > 180)
+ break;
+ e += 2
+ } else {
+ if (e + 1 > 180)
+ break;
+ e += 1
+ }
+ i++
+ }
+ i != t.length && (n.input.text = t.substr(0, i))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.input.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.signature
+ }
+ ,
+ t.Inst = null,
+ t
+ }();
+ t.Sign_Input = e;
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? new ui.lobby.playerinfoUI : new ui.lobby.playerinfo_enUI) || this;
+ return t.origin_x = 0,
+ t.origin_y = 0,
+ t.root = null,
+ t.title = null,
+ t.level = null,
+ t.input = null,
+ t.name = null,
+ t.detail_data = null,
+ t.tab_info4 = null,
+ t.tab_info3 = null,
+ t.tab_note = null,
+ t.note_readpoint = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.havenewcomment = !1,
+ t.tab_img_dark = "",
+ t.tab_img_chosen = "",
+ t.tab_index = 1,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tab_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tab_dark.png")) : (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tabheng_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tabheng_dark.png")),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.origin_x = this.root.x,
+ this.origin_y = this.root.y,
+ this.container_info = this.root.getChildByName("container_info"),
+ this.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(this.container_info.getChildByName("title")),
+ this.name = this.container_info.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.level = new t.UI_Level(this.container_info.getChildByName("rank")),
+ this.detail_data = new t.UI_PlayerData(this.container_info.getChildByName("data")),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_title").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_TitleBook.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_changenickname").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Change_Nickname.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.Tools.labelLocalizationSize(this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_changenickname").getChildAt(0), 180, .9),
+ this.container_info.getChildByName("btn_rank").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Introduce.Inst.show(i.tab_index)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tab_info4 = this.root.getChildByName("tab_info4"),
+ this.tab_info4.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || 1 != i.tab_index && i.changeMJCategory(1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tab_info3 = this.root.getChildByName("tab_info3"),
+ this.tab_info3.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || 2 != i.tab_index && i.changeMJCategory(2)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tab_note = this.root.getChildByName("tab_note"),
+ this.tab_note.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type && (game.Tools.during_chat_close() ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo("功能维护中,祝大家新年快乐") : i.container_info.visible && (i.container_info.visible = !1,
+ i.tab_info4.skin = i.tab_img_dark,
+ i.tab_info3.skin = i.tab_img_dark,
+ i.tab_note.skin = i.tab_img_chosen,
+ i.tab_index = 3,
+ i.note.show()))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.note_readpoint = this.tab_note.getChildByName("redpoint"),
+ this.note_readpoint.visible = !1,
+ this.note = new t.UI_PlayerNote(this.root.getChildByName("container_note"),this.note_readpoint),
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.input = new e(this.me.getChildByName("container_sign_input")),
+ this.input.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 1),
+ this.locking || (this.enable = !0,
+ this.root.alpha = 0,
+ this.root.y = this.origin_y + 100,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ y: this.origin_y
+ }, 200, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.detail_data.reset(),
+ this.tab_index = e,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAccountStatisticInfo", {
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAccountStatisticInfo", e, n) : (app.Log.log(JSON.stringify(n)),
+ i.detail_data.setData(n),
+ i.changeMJCategory(i.tab_index))
+ }),
+ this.note.init_data(GameMgr.Inst.account_id),
+ this.refreshBaseInfo(),
+ this.input.me.visible = !1,
+ this.tab_index = this.tab_index,
+ this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.tab_info4.skin = 1 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_info3.skin = 2 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_note.skin = this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.note.close(),
+ this.tab_note.visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_type,
+ this.level.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this.level.exp = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refreshBaseInfo = function() {
+ var t = GameMgr.Inst.account_data;
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this.name, t),
+ this.title.id = t.title,
+ this.note.sign.setSign(t.signature)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.changeMJCategory = function(t) {
+ this.tab_index = t,
+ this.container_info.visible = !0,
+ this.detail_data.changeMJCategory(t),
+ this.tab_info4.skin = 1 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_info3.skin = 2 == this.tab_index ? this.tab_img_chosen : this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_note.skin = this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.note.close(),
+ this.level.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this.level.exp = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[1 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 0,
+ y: this.origin_y + 100
+ }, 200, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.enable = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.detail_data.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PlayerInfo = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.info = t.getChildByName("text"),
+ t.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, [1], !1),
+ t.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, [0], !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.func_confirm = i,
+ this.info.text = e,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ i.func_confirm && i.func_confirm.runWith(e),
+ i.func_confirm = null
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.info = t.getChildByName("text"),
+ this.title = t.getChildByName("ttt"),
+ t.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, [1], !1),
+ t.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, [0], !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.title.text = e,
+ this.func_confirm = n,
+ this.info.text = i,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.me, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ i.func_confirm && i.func_confirm.runWith(e),
+ i.func_confirm = null
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function(t) {
+ function n() {
+ var e = t.call(this, new ui.both_ui.popwindowUI) || this;
+ return e.pop_notitle = null,
+ e.pop_withtitle = null,
+ n.Inst = e,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(n, t),
+ n.PopOutWithTitle = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.Inst.enable = !0,
+ this.Inst.pop_withtitle.show(t, e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ n.Inst.enable = !1,
+ i && i.runWith(t)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.PopOutNoTitle = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.Inst.enable = !0,
+ this.Inst.pop_notitle.show(t, Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ i.Inst.enable = !1,
+ e && e.runWith(t)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.pop_notitle = new e(this.me.getChildByName("notitle")),
+ this.pop_withtitle = new i(this.me.getChildByName("title")),
+ this.pop_notitle.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pop_withtitle.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Popout = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.pop_buy_multiUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.name = this.root.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_item = this.root.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.buyed = this.container_item.getChildByName("buyed"),
+ this.icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(this.container_item.getChildByName("icon")),
+ this.label_count = this.root.getChildByName("count"),
+ this.container_danjia = this.root.getChildByName("danjia"),
+ this.container_left_count = this.root.getChildByName("left"),
+ this.label_refresh_info = this.root.getChildByName("refresh_info"),
+ this.container_price = this.root.getChildByName("price"),
+ this.btn_buy = this.root.getChildByName("btn_buy"),
+ this.btn_buy.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.on_buy, null, !1);
+ for (var i = ["-10", "-1", "+1", "+10"], n = function(t) {
+ var n = a.root.getChildByName(i[t])
+ , r = n.getChildByName("s");
+ r.alpha = 0;
+ var s = !1;
+ n.on("mousedown", a, function() {
+ r.alpha = 0,
+ s = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0)
+ }),
+ n.on("mouseup", a, function() {
+ if (Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s)
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ e.on_num_change(-10);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ e.on_num_change(-1);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ e.on_num_change(1);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ e.on_num_change(10)
+ }
+ s = !1
+ }),
+ n.on("mouseout", a, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(r, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 50, null, null, 0, !0, !0),
+ s = !1
+ })
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
+ n(r);
+ this.owned_count = this.root.getChildByName("owned_count")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.buy_info = e,
+ this.handle_buy = i,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.buy_info.single_count || (this.buy_info.single_count = 1);
+ for (var a = ["-10", "-1", "+1", "+10"], r = [-10, -1, 1, 10], s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
+ var o = this.root.getChildByName(a[s])
+ , l = r[s] * this.buy_info.single_count;
+ o.getChildAt(1).text = (l > 0 ? "+" : "") + l.toString()
+ }
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon").skin = this.buy_info.currency_icon,
+ this.buy_info.show_has ? (this.owned_count.visible = !0,
+ this.owned_count.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2212, [t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(this.buy_info.item_id).toString()])) : this.owned_count.visible = !1;
+ var h = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(e.item_id);
+ this.name.text = h.name,
+ this.desc.text = h.desc,
+ this.icon.setSkin(this.buy_info.icon),
+ this.count = 1,
+ this.refresh(),
+ this.label_refresh_info.visible = this.buy_info.mounthly,
+ this.buy_info.buy_limit < 0 ? (this.container_left_count.visible = !1,
+ this.container_danjia.x = 393) : (this.container_left_count.visible = !0,
+ this.container_danjia.x = 300,
+ this.container_left_count.getChildByName("count").text = (this.buy_info.mounthly ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2184) : "") + (this.buy_info.buy_limit - this.buy_info.buyed_count).toString()),
+ this.container_danjia.getChildByName("icon").skin = this.buy_info.currency_icon,
+ this.container_danjia.getChildByName("price").text = this.buy_info.single_price.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.handle_buy && (this.handle_buy = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.on_buy = function() {
+ this.locking || (this.handle_buy && this.handle_buy.runWith(this.count),
+ this.close())
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.on_num_change = function(t) {
+ this.count += t,
+ this.buy_info.buy_limit && this.buy_info.buy_limit >= 0 && this.count + this.buy_info.buyed_count > this.buy_info.buy_limit && (this.count = this.buy_info.buy_limit - this.buy_info.buyed_count),
+ this.count * this.buy_info.single_count >= 999 && (this.count = Math.floor(999 / this.buy_info.single_count)),
+ this.count < 1 && (this.count = 1),
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.label_count.text = (this.count * this.buy_info.single_count).toString();
+ var e = this.buy_info.buy_limit;
+ null != e && e < 0 ? (this.buyed.visible = !1,
+ this.icon.me.filters = [],
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, this.buy_info.single_price * this.count > this.buy_info.my_currency_count)) : this.buy_info.buy_limit <= this.buy_info.buyed_count ? (this.buyed.visible = !0,
+ this.icon.me.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.DARK_FILTER)],
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, !0)) : (this.buyed.visible = !1,
+ this.icon.me.filters = [],
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, this.buy_info.single_price * this.count > this.buy_info.my_currency_count)),
+ this.refresh_cost(this.count * this.buy_info.single_price)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_cost = function(t) {
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("label0"),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon");
+ var e = this.container_price.getChildByName("count");
+ e.text = t.toString(),
+ e.color = t <= this.buy_info.my_currency_count ? "#00ff00" : "#ff0000",
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_price, [10, 5])
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Multi = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.pop_buy_singleUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.name = this.root.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_item = this.root.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.buyed = this.container_item.getChildByName("buyed"),
+ this.icon = this.container_item.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.container_price = this.root.getChildByName("price"),
+ this.btn_buy = this.root.getChildByName("btn_buy"),
+ this.btn_buy.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.on_buy, null, !1),
+ this.txt_owned_count = this.root.getChildByName("owned_count")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.buy_info = e,
+ this.handle_buy = i,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var a = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(this.buy_info.item_id);
+ this.name.text = a.name,
+ this.desc.text = a.desc,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, this.buy_info.icon),
+ this.refresh_cost(this.buy_info.single_price);
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e.item_id)
+ , s = !1;
+ r && r.is_unique && t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(r.id) > 0 && (s = !0),
+ !s && (this.buy_info.buy_limit < 0 || this.buy_info.buyed_count < this.buy_info.buy_limit) ? (this.buyed.visible = !1,
+ this.icon.filters = [],
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, this.buy_info.single_price > this.buy_info.my_currency_count)) : (this.buyed.visible = !0,
+ this.buyed.skin = s ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/owned.png") : this.buy_info.buyed_img,
+ this.icon.filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.DARK_FILTER)],
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, !0)),
+ this.buy_info.show_has ? (this.txt_owned_count.visible = !0,
+ this.txt_owned_count.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2212, [t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(this.buy_info.item_id).toString()])) : this.txt_owned_count.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_cost = function(t) {
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("label0");
+ var e = this.container_price.getChildByName("icon")
+ , i = this.container_price.getChildByName("count");
+ i.text = t.toString(),
+ i.color = t <= this.buy_info.my_currency_count ? "#00ff00" : "#ff0000",
+ e.skin = this.buy_info.currency_icon,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_price, [10, 5])
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.on_buy = function() {
+ this.locking || (this.handle_buy && this.handle_buy.run(),
+ this.close())
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Single = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var e = t.call(this, new ui.common.preventaddictionUI) || this;
+ return e.container_tips = null,
+ e.container_time = null,
+ e.label_time = null,
+ e.next_show_tip_time = 0,
+ e.tips0 = null,
+ e.tips1 = null,
+ e.tips2 = null,
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.container_tips = this.me.getChildByName("container_tips"),
+ this.container_time = this.me.getChildByName("container_time"),
+ this.label_time = this.container_time.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.tips0 = this.container_tips.getChildByName("l0"),
+ this.tips1 = this.container_tips.getChildByName("l1"),
+ this.tips2 = this.container_tips.getChildByName("l2"),
+ Laya.timer.loop(1e3, this, this.timePass)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.next_show_tip_time = 0;
+ var t = Math.ceil(((Laya.timer.currTimer - GameMgr.Inst.account_refresh_time) / 1e3 + GameMgr.Inst.account_data.anti_addiction.online_duration) / 60);
+ this.refreshTime(t),
+ this.caluNextTipsTime(t),
+ this.container_tips.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.timePass = function() {
+ var t = Math.ceil(((Laya.timer.currTimer - GameMgr.Inst.account_refresh_time) / 1e3 + GameMgr.Inst.account_data.anti_addiction.online_duration) / 60);
+ this.refreshTime(t),
+ t >= this.next_show_tip_time && (this.tips0.visible = t < 180,
+ this.tips1.visible = t >= 180 && t < 300,
+ this.tips2.visible = t >= 300,
+ t < 180 && (this.tips0.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2157, [Math.floor(t / 60).toString()])),
+ this.container_tips.visible = !0,
+ this.caluNextTipsTime(t))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.caluNextTipsTime = function(t) {
+ this.next_show_tip_time = t < 180 ? 60 * Math.ceil((t + 1) / 60) : t < 300 ? 30 * Math.ceil((t - 180 + 1) / 30) + 180 : 15 * Math.ceil((t - 300 + 1) / 15) + 300
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refreshTime = function(t) {
+ var e = Math.floor(t / 60)
+ , i = t % 60
+ , n = "";
+ e < 10 && (n += "0"),
+ n += e.toString(),
+ n += ":",
+ i < 10 && (n += "0"),
+ n += i,
+ this.label_time.text = n
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_PreventAddiction = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.rankUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.title = null,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.nolimitlist = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.usedskin = [],
+ t.container_self = null,
+ t.self_head = null,
+ t.self_level = null,
+ t.self_title = null,
+ t.self_name = null,
+ t.tab_index = 0,
+ t.datas = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.nolimitlist = this.root.getChildByName("content").scriptMap["capsui.NoLimitList"],
+ this.nolimitlist.init_nolimitlist(Laya.Handler.create(this, this._loadInfo, null, !1), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.setItemValue(t.index, t.container, t.cache_data)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_self = this.root.getChildByName("self"),
+ this.self_head = new t.UI_Head(this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("head")),
+ this.self_level = new t.UI_Level(this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("rank")),
+ this.self_title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("title")),
+ this.self_name = this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("name"),
+ this.container_self.visible = !1,
+ this.datas.push({
+ items: [],
+ self_rank: 0,
+ fetch_time: -1e8,
+ version: 0
+ }),
+ this.datas.push({
+ items: [],
+ self_rank: 0,
+ fetch_time: -1e8,
+ version: 0
+ });
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ var i = n.root.getChildByName("tabs").getChildAt(t);
+ i.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(n,function() {
+ e.locking || e.tab_index != t && e.change_tab(t)
+ }
+ ),
+ n.tabs.push({
+ btn: i,
+ label: i.getChildAt(0)
+ })
+ }, n = this, a = 0; a < 2; a++)
+ i(a);
+ this.title = this.root.getChildByName("title")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setItemValue = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (this.enable) {
+ var r = i.getChildByName("rank_img")
+ , s = i.getChildByName("rankno");
+ e < 3 ? (s.visible = !1,
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/rank_" + (e + 1).toString() + ".png")) : (s.visible = !0,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ s.text = (e + 1).toString());
+ var o = this.datas[this.tab_index].load_item[e].detail;
+ n.hasOwnProperty("head") || (n.head = new t.UI_Head(i.getChildByName("head"))),
+ n.head.id = o.avatar_id,
+ n.head.head_frame = o.avatar_frame,
+ this._addusedskin(n.head.img_head.skin),
+ n.hasOwnProperty("rank") || (n.level = new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("rank"))),
+ n.level.id = o[0 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this._addusedskin(n.level.icon.skin),
+ n.hasOwnProperty("title") || (n.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName("title"))),
+ n.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(o.account_id, o.title),
+ this._addusedskin(n.title.img.skin);
+ var l = i.getChildByName("rankscore");
+ l.text = o[0 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score.toString(),
+ i.getChildByName("pt").x = l.x + l.scaleX * l.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(i.getChildByName("name"), o),
+ i.getChildByName("btn_see").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(o.account_id, a.tab_index + 1)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.usedskin = [],
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.change_tab(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.usedskin.length; t++)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.usedskin[t]);
+ this.usedskin = []
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_tab = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.tab_index = e,
+ this.title.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(0 == this.tab_index ? 2796 : 2795),
+ this.nolimitlist.reset(),
+ this.container_self.visible = !1;
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.tabs.length; n++)
+ this.tabs[n].btn.mouseEnabled = e != n,
+ this.tabs[n].btn.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(e == n ? "myres/bothui/info_tabheng_chosen.png" : "myres/bothui/info_tabheng_dark.png"),
+ this.tabs[n].label.color = e == n ? "#d9b263" : "#8cb65f";
+ this.datas[e].fetch_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.datas[e].items = [],
+ this.datas[e].load_item = [],
+ this.datas[e].version++,
+ this.datas[e].during_load = !1,
+ this.datas[e].load_index = 0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchLevelLeaderboard", {
+ type: e + 1
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchLevelLeaderboard", n, a);
+ else {
+ for (var r = a.items.length, s = 0; s < r; s++)
+ i.datas[e].items.push(a.items[s]);
+ i.datas[e].self_rank = a.self_rank,
+ i.tab_index == e && (i.nolimitlist.total_count = i.datas[e].items.length,
+ i.setMeRank(),
+ i.container_self.visible = !0)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._loadInfo = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (e >= this.datas[this.tab_index].items.length)
+ this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ else {
+ var n = this.datas[this.tab_index];
+ if (!n.during_load) {
+ var a = []
+ , r = n.load_index
+ , s = e + 20;
+ if (s > n.items.length && (s = n.items.length),
+ s <= r)
+ this.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, 0);
+ else {
+ for (var o = r; o < s; o++)
+ a.push(n.items[o].account_id);
+ var l = n.version;
+ n.during_load = !0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchMultiAccountBrief", {
+ account_id_list: a
+ }, function(e, s) {
+ if (e || s.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchMultiAccountBrief", e, s),
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!1, 0);
+ else {
+ if (n.version != l)
+ return;
+ n.during_load = !1;
+ s.players.length;
+ for (var o = 0, h = 0; h < a.length && !(n.items[r + h].account_id == s.players[o].account_id && (n.load_item.push({
+ account_id: n.items[r + h].account_id,
+ level: n.items[r + h].level,
+ detail: s.players[o]
+ }),
+ ++o >= s.players.length)); h++)
+ ;
+ n.load_index += a.length,
+ i.nolimitlist.loadOver(!0, o)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._addusedskin = function(t) {
+ for (var e = !1, i = 0; i < this.usedskin.length; i++)
+ if (t == this.usedskin[i]) {
+ e = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ e || this.usedskin.push(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setMeRank = function() {
+ if (this.enable) {
+ this.container_self.visible = !0;
+ var t = this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("rank_img")
+ , e = this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("rankno")
+ , i = this.datas[this.tab_index].self_rank;
+ i <= 0 ? (e.visible = !1,
+ t.visible = !1) : i <= 3 ? (e.visible = !1,
+ t.visible = !0,
+ t.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/rank_" + i.toString() + ".png")) : i <= 999 ? (e.visible = !0,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ e.text = i.toString(),
+ e.fontSize = 60) : (e.visible = !0,
+ t.visible = !1,
+ e.text = "999+",
+ e.fontSize = 45),
+ this.self_head.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id,
+ this.self_head.head_frame = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_frame,
+ this.self_level.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[0 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this.self_title.id = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this.self_name, GameMgr.Inst.account_data);
+ var n = this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("rankscore");
+ n.text = GameMgr.Inst.account_data[0 == this.tab_index ? "level" : "level3"].score.toString(),
+ this.container_self.getChildByName("self").getChildByName("pt").x = n.x + n.scaleX * n.textField.textWidth + 10
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Rank = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.stars = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.container_rank = t.getChildByName("rank"),
+ this.icon_new = this.container_rank.getChildByName("icon_new"),
+ this.icon_old = this.container_rank.getChildByName("icon_old");
+ for (var e = 1; e <= 3; e++)
+ this.stars.push(this.container_rank.getChildByName("star" + e).getChildAt(0));
+ this.container_bar = this.me.getChildByName("bar"),
+ this.barshine = this.container_bar.getChildByName("fullshine"),
+ this.barval = this.container_bar.getChildByName("container").mask,
+ this.scores = this.me.getChildByName("score"),
+ this.f_jinji = this.me.getChildByName("f_jinji"),
+ this.f_jiangduan = this.me.getChildByName("f_jiangduan"),
+ this.f_shengduan = this.me.getChildByName("f_shengduan"),
+ this.continue_add = this.me.getChildByName("+"),
+ this.label_add = this.continue_add.getChildByName("score"),
+ this.continue_minus = this.me.getChildByName("-"),
+ this.label_minus = this.continue_minus.getChildByName("score")
+ }
+ return t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.icon_new.alpha = 1,
+ this.icon_new.visible = !1,
+ this.icon_old.alpha = 1,
+ this.icon_old.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.stars.length; t++)
+ this.stars[t].scaleX = this.stars[t].scaleY = 1,
+ this.stars[t].alpha = 1,
+ this.stars[t].visible = !1;
+ this.barshine.visible = !1,
+ this.barshine.alpha = 1,
+ this.f_jinji.visible = !1,
+ this.f_jiangduan.visible = !1,
+ this.f_shengduan.visible = !1,
+ this.scores.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.showInit = function() {
+ this.reset(),
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var t = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.levelchangeinfo
+ , e = t.origin.id
+ , i = t.origin.score
+ , a = t.final.id;
+ t.final.score;
+ this.container_bar.visible = 10601 != e && 20601 != e;
+ var r = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(e)
+ , s = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(a)
+ , o = i / r.end_point * .78;
+ n.Inst.me,
+ this.barval;
+ if (this.barval.scaleY = o,
+ this.icon_old.visible = !0,
+ this.icon_old.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(r.primary_icon),
+ 10601 == e || 20601 == e)
+ for (l = 0; l < this.stars.length; l++)
+ this.stars[l].parent.visible = !1;
+ else
+ for (var l = 0; l < this.stars.length; l++)
+ this.stars[l].parent.visible = !0,
+ this.stars[l].visible = !0,
+ this.stars[l].alpha = l < r.secondary_level ? 1 : 0;
+ this.icon_new.visible = !1,
+ this.icon_new.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(s.primary_icon),
+ this.icon_old.scaleX = this.icon_old.scaleY = 1,
+ this.continue_add.visible = !1,
+ this.continue_minus.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.showLevelChange = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.levelchangeinfo
+ , i = e.origin.id
+ , a = e.origin.score
+ , r = e.final.id
+ , s = e.final.score
+ , o = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(i)
+ , l = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(r)
+ , h = a / o.end_point * .78
+ , c = s / l.end_point * .78
+ , _ = n.Inst.me
+ , u = this.barval
+ , d = 0;
+ if (this.scores.text = 10601 == i || 20601 == i || 10601 == r || 20601 == r ? s.toString() : s.toString() + "/" + l.end_point.toString(),
+ this.scores.visible = !0,
+ this.scores.alpha = 0,
+ u.scaleY = h,
+ i == r) {
+ var f = Math.abs(h - c) / 3e-4;
+ f > 50 && (Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: c
+ }, f),
+ t.play_exp_audio(f)
+ }),
+ d += f),
+ d += 100
+ } else if (o.primary_level < l.primary_level) {
+ var p = (.78 - h) / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: .78
+ }, p),
+ t.play_exp_audio(p)
+ }),
+ d += p,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ t.barshine.visible = !0,
+ _.ani0.play(0, !1)
+ }),
+ d += _.ani0.count * _.ani0.interval,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ n.Inst.ShengDuan()
+ }),
+ d = -1
+ } else if (o.primary_level > l.primary_level) {
+ this.icon_new.visible = !0,
+ this.icon_new.alpha = 0,
+ this.icon_new.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(l.primary_icon);
+ var m = h / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, m),
+ t.play_exp_audio(m)
+ }),
+ d += m,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ var e = t.stars[0]
+ , i = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.parent, "scene/effect_losestar.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(100, t, function() {
+ e.alpha = 0
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, t, function() {
+ i.destory()
+ })
+ }),
+ d += 1200,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ t.f_jiangduan.visible = !0,
+ _.ani_jiangduan.play(0, !1)
+ }),
+ d += 2300;
+ var g = (.78 - c) / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ u.scaleY = .78,
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: c
+ }, g),
+ t.play_exp_audio(g)
+ }),
+ d += g
+ } else if (o.secondary_level < l.secondary_level) {
+ var y = (.78 - h) / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: .78
+ }, y),
+ t.play_exp_audio(y)
+ }),
+ d += y,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ t.barshine.visible = !0,
+ _.ani0.play(0, !1)
+ }),
+ d += _.ani0.interval * _.ani0.count,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ t.f_jinji.visible = !0;
+ var e = 2 == l.secondary_level ? t.stars[1] : t.stars[2]
+ , i = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.parent, "scene/effect_getstar.lh", new Laya.Point(-.5,0), 1.2);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(218),
+ Laya.timer.once(100, t, function() {
+ e.alpha = 1
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, t, function() {
+ i.destory()
+ })
+ }),
+ d += 1200;
+ var v = c / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ t.barshine.visible = !1,
+ u.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: c
+ }, v),
+ t.play_exp_audio(v)
+ }),
+ d += v
+ } else if (o.secondary_level > l.secondary_level) {
+ var b = h / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, b),
+ t.play_exp_audio(b)
+ }),
+ d += b,
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ t.f_shengduan.visible = !0;
+ var e = 2 == l.secondary_level ? t.stars[2] : t.stars[1]
+ , i = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.parent, "scene/effect_losestar.lh", new Laya.Point(-.5,0), 1.2);
+ Laya.timer.once(100, t, function() {
+ e.alpha = 0
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, t, function() {
+ i.destory()
+ })
+ }),
+ d += 1800;
+ var w = (.78 - c) / 3e-4;
+ Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ u.scaleY = .78,
+ Laya.Tween.to(u, {
+ scaleY: c
+ }, w),
+ t.play_exp_audio(w)
+ }),
+ d += w
+ }
+ return d >= 0 && (Laya.timer.once(d, this, function() {
+ Laya.Tween.to(t.scores, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ptchange > 0 && (t.label_add.text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ptchange.toString(),
+ t.continue_add.visible = !0,
+ t.continue_add.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(t.continue_add, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150)),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ptchange < 0 && (t.label_minus.text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.ptchange.toString(),
+ t.continue_minus.visible = !0,
+ t.continue_minus.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(t.continue_minus, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150))
+ }),
+ d += 150),
+ d
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.shengduanOver = function() {
+ var t = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.levelchangeinfo
+ , e = t.origin.id
+ , i = t.origin.score
+ , a = t.final.id
+ , r = t.final.score
+ , s = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(e)
+ , o = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(a)
+ , l = (s.end_point,
+ r / o.end_point * .78);
+ n.Inst.me,
+ this.barval;
+ if (this.f_jinji.visible = !1,
+ this.icon_old.visible = !0,
+ this.barshine.visible = !1,
+ this.icon_old.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(o.primary_icon),
+ 10601 == a || 20601 == a) {
+ for (h = 0; h < this.stars.length; h++)
+ this.stars[h].parent.visible = !1;
+ this.container_bar.visible = !1
+ } else {
+ for (var h = 0; h < this.stars.length; h++)
+ this.stars[h].parent.visible = !0,
+ this.stars[h].visible = !0,
+ this.stars[h].alpha = h < o.secondary_level ? 1 : 0;
+ this.container_bar.visible = !0
+ }
+ this.icon_new.visible = !1,
+ this.barval.scaleY = l,
+ this.scores.alpha = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.play_exp_audio = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ t < 0 || (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(220),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.play_exp_audio(t - 150)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this._effect_book = null,
+ this.me = t,
+ this._ui = n.Inst.me,
+ this.black = this.me.getChildByName("black"),
+ this.shine = this.me.getChildByName("shine"),
+ this.book_shine = this.me.getChildByName("book_shine"),
+ this.btn_open = this.me.getChildByName("btn_open"),
+ this.container_main = this.me.getChildByName("main"),
+ this.call = this.container_main.getChildByName("call"),
+ this.contianer_name = this.container_main.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_name = this.contianer_name.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_time = this.container_main.getChildByName("time"),
+ this.btn_close = this.container_main.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.rank = this.container_main.getChildByName("rankbg").getChildByName("rank")
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.black.visible = !0,
+ this.black.alpha = 0,
+ this._ui.ani1.play(0, !1),
+ this.btn_open.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(105)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(625, this, function() {
+ t.btn_open.visible = !0,
+ t._effect_book = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(t.book_shine, "scene/effect_juanzhou.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, t, function() {
+ t.btn_open.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(t, t.openBook)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.openBook = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._effect_book && this._effect_book.destory(),
+ this.container_main.visible = !0;
+ var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.levelchangeinfo
+ , i = e.final.id
+ , n = (e.final.score,
+ new Date);
+ this.label_time.text = n.getFullYear() + "." + (n.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "." + n.getDate();
+ var a = cfg.level_definition.level_definition.find(i)
+ , r = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname;
+ this.label_name.text = r,
+ this.contianer_name.width = this.label_name.x + this.label_name.textWidth + 34,
+ this.call.x = 30 + this.contianer_name.x + this.contianer_name.width,
+ this.rank.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(a.primary_icon),
+ this._ui.ani2.play(0, !1),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = null,
+ Laya.timer.once(8 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(228)
+ });
+ for (var s = [29, 43, 56, 104], o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
+ Laya.timer.once(s[o] / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(104)
+ });
+ Laya.timer.once(88 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ var e = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(t.rank.parent, "scene/effect_queshi_bang.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 0);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(229),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, t, function() {
+ e.destory()
+ })
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(this._ui.ani2.interval * this._ui.ani2.count, this, function() {
+ t.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(t, t.closeBook, null, !0)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.closeBook = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(228),
+ n.Inst.pagerank.shengduanOver(),
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1,
+ this._ui.ani3.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(this._ui.ani3.interval * this._ui.ani3.count, this, function() {
+ t.me.visible = !1,
+ n.Inst.AnimOver()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.mj.rankchangeUI) || this;
+ return t.atlas = "res/atlas/myres/mjdesktop/shengduan.atlas",
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.pagerank = new e(this.me.getChildByName("rank_change")),
+ this.pagerankup = new i(this.me.getChildByName("rankup")),
+ this.pagerank.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pagerankup.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.atlas)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.pagerank.showInit(),
+ this.pagerankup.me.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.pagerank.me, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 100, 0),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ var t = i.pagerank.showLevelChange();
+ t > 0 && Laya.timer.once(t, i, function() {
+ i.AnimOver()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.atlas)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.ShengDuan = function() {
+ this.pagerankup.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.AnimOver = function() {
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.atlas),
+ this.complete.run()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.Inst = null,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_RankChange = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.name = this.root.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_item = this.root.getChildByName("item"),
+ this.buyed = this.container_item.getChildByName("buyed"),
+ this.icon = this.container_item.getChildByName("icon"),
+ this.container_price = this.root.getChildByName("price"),
+ this.btn_buy = this.root.getChildByName("btn_buy")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show_recharge = function(e, i) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var r;
+ cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(e).forEach(function(t) {
+ t.goods_id == i && (r = t)
+ });
+ var s = cfg.mall.goods.get(i);
+ this.name.text = s.name,
+ this.desc.text = s.desc,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, s.icon),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon").visible = !1;
+ var o = null;
+ n.Inst.app_shop && (o = n.Inst.app_shop.getGoodsInfo(i)),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("count").text = o ? o.price : r.price,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_price, [20]),
+ this.buyed.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.container_item, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, !1),
+ this.btn_buy.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking || (a.close(),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(a.btn_buy, !0),
+ n.Inst.want_to_recharge(i))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_exchange = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }));
+ var a = cfg.exchange.exchange.get(e);
+ this.name.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.desc.text = a["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, a.icon),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon").skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(cfg.item_definition.currency.get(a.source_currency).icon),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon").visible = !0;
+ var r = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(a.source_currency);
+ this.buyed.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.container_item, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, r < a.source_value);
+ var s = this.container_price.getChildByName("count");
+ s.text = a.source_value.toString(),
+ s.color = r < a.source_value ? "#ff0000" : "#00ff00",
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_price),
+ this.btn_buy.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.close();
+ var a = Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_buy, !0),
+ n.Inst.want_to_exchange(e)
+ });
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8004), a) : a.run()
+ }
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show_searchexchange = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null);
+ var a = cfg.exchange.searchexchange.get(e);
+ this.name.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.desc.text = a["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.icon, a.icon),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon").skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(cfg.item_definition.currency.get(a.source_currency).icon),
+ this.container_price.getChildByName("icon").visible = !0;
+ var r = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(a.source_currency);
+ this.buyed.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.container_item, !1),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_buy, r < a.source_value);
+ var s = this.container_price.getChildByName("count");
+ s.text = a.source_value.toString(),
+ s.color = r < a.source_value ? "#ff0000" : "#00ff00",
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_price),
+ this.btn_buy.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.close();
+ var a = Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_buy, !0),
+ n.Inst.want_to_searchexchange(e)
+ });
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8004), a) : a.run()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.current_id = 0,
+ this.my_vip_id = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.container_title = t.getChildByName("container_title"),
+ this.current_title_big = this.container_title.getChildByName("current_title_big"),
+ this.current_title_small = t.getChildByName("container_next").getChildByName("current_title_small"),
+ this.next_title = t.getChildByName("container_next").getChildByName("next_title"),
+ this.next_info = t.getChildByName("container_next").getChildByName("next_info"),
+ this.label_infos = [];
+ for (var i = t.getChildByName("container_infos"), n = 0; n < i.numChildren; n++)
+ this.label_infos.push(i.getChildAt(n));
+ this.label_require = t.getChildByName("require"),
+ this.label_value = t.getChildByName("value"),
+ this.btn_left = t.getChildByName("btn_left"),
+ this.btn_left.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.current_id--,
+ e.refresh()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_right = t.getChildByName("btn_right"),
+ this.btn_right.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.current_id++,
+ e.refresh()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_bar = t.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("v"),
+ this.bar_v = t.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("v").mask,
+ this.btn_get_reward = t.getChildByName("btn_get_reward"),
+ this.container_reward = t.getChildByName("container_reward")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var e = 0;
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.vip && (e = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.vip),
+ this.current_id = 1,
+ cfg.vip.vip.forEach(function(i) {
+ e >= i.charge && (t.current_id = i.id)
+ }),
+ this.my_vip_id = this.current_id;
+ var i = cfg.vip.vip.get(this.current_id);
+ if (i) {
+ var n = cfg.vip.vip.get(this.current_id + 1);
+ n ? (this.label_value.text = e.toString() + "/" + n.charge.toString(),
+ this.bar_v.width = this.container_bar.width * e / n.charge,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.current_title_small, i.img),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.next_title, n.img),
+ this.next_info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2158, [(n.charge - e).toString()]),
+ this.next_info.visible = !0,
+ this.next_title.visible = !0,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.me.getChildByName("container_next"), [0, 30, 0])) : (this.label_value.text = e.toString(),
+ this.bar_v.width = this.container_bar.width,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.current_title_small, i.img),
+ this.next_info.visible = !1,
+ this.next_title.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.me.getChildByName("container_next"), [0, 30, 0]))
+ } else
+ this.me.getChildByName("container_next").visible = !1;
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = cfg.vip.vip.get(this.current_id);
+ if (i) {
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.current_title_big, i.img),
+ this.btn_left.visible = null != cfg.vip.vip.get(this.current_id - 1),
+ this.btn_right.visible = null != cfg.vip.vip.get(this.current_id + 1),
+ 0 == i.charge ? this.label_require.text = "" : this.label_require.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2159, [i.charge.toString()]);
+ for (var a = [], r = 0; r < i.rewards.length; r++)
+ "" != i.rewards[r] && a.push(i.rewards[r]);
+ if (0 == a.length)
+ this.container_reward.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_get_reward.visible = !1,
+ this.label_require.visible = !0,
+ this.container_title.y = 334;
+ else {
+ this.container_reward.visible = !0,
+ this.container_title.y = 88;
+ for (var s = this.container_reward.getChildByName("container_item"), o = function(i) {
+ var r = s.getChildAt(i);
+ if (a.length > i) {
+ var o = r.width * a.length + (a.length < 1 ? 0 : 0 * (a.length - 1))
+ , h = s.width / 2 - o / 2 + (r.width + 0) * i;
+ r.x = h,
+ r.y = 0,
+ r.visible = !0;
+ var c = a[i]
+ , _ = parseInt(c.split("-")[0])
+ , u = parseInt(c.split("-")[1]);
+ r.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(l, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(_)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var d = r.getChildByName("count");
+ u > 1 ? (d.visible = !0,
+ d.text = u.toString()) : d.visible = !1;
+ var f = game.GameUtility.get_item_view(_);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(r.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("icon"), f.icon);
+ var p = r.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("getted");
+ n.vip_reward_getted ? n.vip_reward_getted[l.current_id - 1] ? (p.visible = !0,
+ l.label_require.visible = !0,
+ l.btn_get_reward.visible = !1) : (p.visible = !1,
+ l.my_vip_id >= l.current_id ? (l.btn_get_reward.visible = !0,
+ l.label_require.visible = !1,
+ l.btn_get_reward.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(l, function() {
+ var i = e.current_id;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "gainVipReward", {
+ vip_level: i - 1
+ }, function(a, r) {
+ a || r.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("gainVipReward", a, r) : (n.vip_reward_getted[i - 1] = 1,
+ e.refresh(),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2211)))
+ })
+ }, null, !1)) : (l.btn_get_reward.visible = !1,
+ l.label_require.visible = !0)) : (p.visible = !1,
+ l.label_require.visible = !0,
+ l.btn_get_reward.visible = !1)
+ } else
+ r.visible = !1
+ }, l = this, r = 0; r < s.numChildren; r++)
+ o(r)
+ }
+ for (var h = i["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language].split("\\n"), r = 0; r < this.label_infos.length; r++)
+ r < h.length ? (this.label_infos[r].text = h[r],
+ this.label_infos[r].visible = !0) : this.label_infos[r].visible = !1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.lobby.rechargeUI) || this;
+ return t.money = null,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.goods_sheleve_id = "",
+ t.tab_index = -1,
+ t.items = [],
+ t.app_shop = null,
+ t.tab_infos = [],
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.vip_reward_getted = null,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchVipReward", {}, function(t, i) {
+ if (t || i.error)
+ ;
+ else if (e.vip_reward_getted = {},
+ i.gained_vip_levels)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.gained_vip_levels.length; n++)
+ e.vip_reward_getted[i.gained_vip_levels[n]] = 1
+ }),
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_type) {
+ (i = document.createElement("link")).rel = "stylesheet",
+ i.href = GameMgr.config_data.checkoutShopperUrl + "/checkoutshopper/sdk/2.1.0/adyen.css";
+ (n = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).appendChild(i);
+ (i = document.createElement("link")).rel = "stylesheet",
+ i.href = game.ResourceVersion.formatURL("css/adyen_custom.css");
+ (n = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).appendChild(i);
+ (i = document.createElement("script")).src = GameMgr.config_data.checkoutShopperUrl + "/checkoutshopper/sdk/2.1.0/adyen.js";
+ (n = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(i, n)
+ } else if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_type) {
+ var i = document.createElement("script");
+ i.src = GameMgr.config_data.jp_shop_js;
+ var n = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
+ n.parentNode.insertBefore(i, n)
+ }
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyPayResult", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ var i = e.goods_id;
+ if (1010 == i || 2010 == i || 3010 == i) {
+ var n = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(i)
+ , r = "";
+ 0 === e.pay_result ? (r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2161, [n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]]),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count++,
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Purchase, app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count)) : r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2160, [n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]]),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(r),
+ t.UI_Activity_Yueka.OnBuyedYueka(i),
+ a.Inst && a.Inst.enable && a.Inst.change_tab(a.Inst.tab_index)
+ } else {
+ var n = cfg.mall.goods.get(i)
+ , r = "";
+ 0 === e.pay_result ? (r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2161, [n.name]),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count++,
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Purchase, app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.recharged_count)) : r = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2160, [n.name]),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(r)
+ }
+ t.UI_Payment_Wxcode.onPayResult(e),
+ t.UI_MyCard_Pay_Info.Inst.enable && t.UI_MyCard_Pay_Info.Inst.close()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.on_new_recharge_refresh = function(e) {
+ if (e.new_recharged_list) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.new_recharged_list.length; i++)
+ t.UI_Recharge.new_recharge_list[e.new_recharged_list[i]] = 1;
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.enable && this.Inst.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.open_new_window = function() {
+ return !((Laya.Browser.onIOS || Laya.Browser.onMac) && Laya.Browser.onSafari)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.on_want_2_buy = function(e) {
+ var i = "";
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? i = "shelves_005" : "chs" == GameMgr.client_type ? i = "shelves_001" : "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? i = "shelves_002" : "en" == GameMgr.client_type ? i = "shelves_003" : "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type && (i = "shelves_004");
+ var n;
+ if (cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(i).forEach(function(t) {
+ t.goods_id == e && (n = t)
+ }),
+ game.Tools.CannotPay())
+ t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS.Inst.show(e, "");
+ else if (GameMgr.iniOSWebview)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2169), null);
+ else if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_type)
+ if (t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.renzhenged || GameMgr.Inst.player_in_haiwai) {
+ var r = ""
+ , s = "";
+ if (a.payment_info && "" != a.payment_info && (0 == a.payment_info_show_type && (r = a.payment_info),
+ 1 == a.payment_info_show_type && (s = a.payment_info)),
+ r && "" != r)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(r, null);
+ else {
+ 0 == t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS.Inst.getShowedChoose().length ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(104), null) : n.is_monthcard ? t.UI_Payment_Yueka_CHS.Inst.show(s) : t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS.Inst.show(e, s)
+ }
+ } else
+ t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng.Inst.show();
+ else if ("chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type) {
+ var r = ""
+ , s = "";
+ a.payment_info && "" != a.payment_info && (0 == a.payment_info_show_type && (r = a.payment_info),
+ 1 == a.payment_info_show_type && (s = a.payment_info)),
+ r && "" != r ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(r, null) : GameMgr.Inst.account_data.email_verify ? t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_CHS_T.Inst.show(e, s) : t.UI_Bind_Mail0.Inst.show(!1)
+ } else
+ "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? GameMgr.Inst.account_data.birthday ? GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8e3, [Math.floor(n.currency_price / 1e3).toString()]), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.DmmSDK.recharge(e)
+ })) : n.is_monthcard ? t.UI_Payment_Yueka_EN.Inst.show("") : t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_EN.Inst.show(e, "") : t.UI_Agepending.Inst.show() : "en" == GameMgr.client_type && (n.is_monthcard ? t.UI_Payment_Yueka_EN.Inst.show("") : t.UI_Payment_ChooseMethod_EN.Inst.show(e, ""))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var n = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || n.close(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.func_back ? n.func_back.run() : t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.money = new t.UI_Money(this.container_top,null,Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return n.locking
+ }, null, !1),null),
+ this.container_content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.container_tab = this.container_content.getChildByName("tabs"),
+ this.tabs = [];
+ for (var a = function(t) {
+ var e = r.container_tab.getChildAt(t);
+ r.tabs.push(e),
+ e.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ n.tab_index != t && n.change_tab(t)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < this.container_tab.numChildren; s++)
+ a(s);
+ var o = this.container_content.getChildByName("right");
+ this.container_right = o,
+ this.scrollview = o.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_good_shelves, null, !1), -1, 4),
+ this.page_vip = new i(this.container_content.getChildByName("page_vip")),
+ this.buy_single = new e(this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_single")),
+ GameMgr.inConch && GameMgr.inGooglePlay && (this.app_shop = new game.GooglePlayShop,
+ this.app_shop.onGameStart())
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ this.func_back = i,
+ this.money.onEnable(),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.tab_infos = [],
+ GameMgr.config_data.goods_sheleve_id && "" != GameMgr.config_data.goods_sheleve_id && a.open_payment && (GameMgr.inDmm ? this.goods_sheleve_id = "shelves_005" : "chs" == GameMgr.client_type ? this.goods_sheleve_id = "shelves_001" : "jp" == GameMgr.client_type ? this.goods_sheleve_id = "shelves_002" : "en" == GameMgr.client_type ? this.goods_sheleve_id = "shelves_003" : "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_type && (this.goods_sheleve_id = "shelves_004"),
+ this.tab_infos.push("huiyu"),
+ this.tab_infos.push("pifuquan")),
+ this.tab_infos.push("tongbi"),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_type && this.tab_infos.push("huishi"),
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_type && this.tab_infos.push("vip");
+ for (var r = 0; r < this.tabs.length; r++)
+ if (r < this.tab_infos.length)
+ switch (this.tabs[r].visible = !0,
+ this.tab_infos[r]) {
+ case "huiyu":
+ this.tabs[r].getChildByName("label_name").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2165);
+ break;
+ case "tongbi":
+ this.tabs[r].getChildByName("label_name").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2166);
+ break;
+ case "huishi":
+ this.tabs[r].getChildByName("label_name").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2201);
+ break;
+ case "vip":
+ this.tabs[r].getChildByName("label_name").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2167);
+ break;
+ case "pifuquan":
+ this.tabs[r].getChildByName("label_name").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2857)
+ }
+ else
+ this.tabs[r].visible = !1;
+ this.refresh_info(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ i.tab_index = -1,
+ e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.refresh_info = function(t) {
+ this.buy_single.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < this.tab_infos.length; i++)
+ if (this.tab_infos[i] == t) {
+ e = i;
+ break
+ }
+ this.change_tab(e)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.change_tab = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.tab_index = t;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++)
+ this.tabs[i].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(t == i ? "myres/shop/tab_choose.png" : "myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ this.tabs[i].getChildAt(0).color = t == i ? "#d9b263" : "#8cb65f";
+ this.container_right.visible = !1,
+ this.page_vip.close(),
+ this.items = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ "huiyu" == this.tab_infos[t] ? (this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.change_render_handler(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_good_shelves, null, !1)),
+ cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(this.goods_sheleve_id).forEach(function(t) {
+ (t.is_monthcard || 2 != cfg.mall.goods.get(t.goods_id).type) && e.items.push(t.goods_id)
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)) : "pifuquan" == this.tab_infos[t] ? (this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.change_render_handler(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_good_shelves, null, !1)),
+ cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(this.goods_sheleve_id).forEach(function(t) {
+ t.is_monthcard || 1 == cfg.mall.goods.get(t.goods_id).type || e.items.push(t.goods_id)
+ }),
+ this.items.push(4001),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)) : "tongbi" == this.tab_infos[t] ? (this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.change_render_handler(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_recharge, null, !1)),
+ cfg.exchange.exchange.forEach(function(t) {
+ e.items.push(t.id)
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)) : "huishi" == this.tab_infos[t] ? (this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.change_render_handler(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_searchexchange, null, !1)),
+ cfg.exchange.searchexchange.forEach(function(t) {
+ e.items.push(t.id)
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)) : "vip" == this.tab_infos[t] && this.page_vip.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.render_recharge = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = cfg.exchange.exchange.get(this.items[i])
+ , r = n.getChildByName("btn");
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.buy_single.show_exchange(e.items[i])
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.getChildByName("label_name").text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(r.getChildByName("icon"), a.icon),
+ r.filters = [];
+ var s = r.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("currency");
+ s.visible = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, cfg.item_definition.currency.get(a.source_currency).icon),
+ r.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = a.source_value.toString(),
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(r.getChildByName("btn_buy")),
+ r.getChildByName("shouchong").visible = !1,
+ r.getChildByName("desc").text = "",
+ r.getChildByName("left_days").visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.render_searchexchange = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = cfg.exchange.searchexchange.get(this.items[i])
+ , r = n.getChildByName("btn");
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.buy_single.show_searchexchange(e.items[i])
+ }, null, !1),
+ r.getChildByName("label_name").text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(r.getChildByName("icon"), a.icon),
+ r.filters = [];
+ var s = r.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("currency");
+ s.visible = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, cfg.item_definition.currency.get(a.source_currency).icon),
+ r.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = a.source_value.toString(),
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(r.getChildByName("btn_buy")),
+ r.getChildByName("shouchong").visible = !1,
+ r.getChildByName("desc").text = "",
+ r.getChildByName("left_days").visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.render_good_shelves = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , r = e.container
+ , s = r.getChildByName("btn");
+ if ("pifuquan" == this.tab_infos[this.tab_index] && 8 == n) {
+ var o = cfg.exchange.fushiquanexchange.get(this.items[n])
+ , l = r.getChildByName("btn");
+ l.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var e = Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ var e = {
+ item_id: o.target_currency,
+ icon: o.icon,
+ currency_icon: game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(o.source_currency).icon),
+ single_price: o.source_value,
+ single_count: o.target_value,
+ my_currency_count: t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100004),
+ mounthly: !1,
+ buy_limit: -1,
+ buyed_count: 0,
+ show_has: !1
+ };
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Multi.Inst.show(e, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "exchangeDiamond", {
+ id: o.id,
+ count: e
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("exchangeDiamond", e, i) : GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show_dmm(o.target_currency, o.target_value) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191))
+ })
+ }))
+ });
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8004), e) : e.run()
+ }, null, !1),
+ l.getChildByName("label_name").text = o["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(l.getChildByName("icon"), o.icon),
+ l.filters = [];
+ var h = l.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("currency");
+ h.visible = !0,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(h, cfg.item_definition.currency.get(o.source_currency).icon),
+ l.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = o.source_value.toString(),
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(l.getChildByName("btn_buy")),
+ l.getChildByName("shouchong").visible = !1,
+ l.getChildByName("desc").text = "",
+ l.getChildByName("left_days").visible = !1
+ } else {
+ var c;
+ if (cfg.mall.goods_shelves.getGroup(this.goods_sheleve_id).forEach(function(t) {
+ t.goods_id == i.items[n] && (c = t)
+ }),
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.on_want_2_buy(i.items[n])
+ }, null, !1),
+ c.is_monthcard) {
+ u = cfg.mall.month_ticket.get(this.items[n]);
+ s.getChildByName("label_name").text = u["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s.getChildByName("icon"), u.icon),
+ s.filters = [],
+ s.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("currency").visible = !1;
+ d = null;
+ this.app_shop && (d = this.app_shop.getGoodsInfo(this.items[n])),
+ s.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = d ? d.price : c.price,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(s.getChildByName("btn_buy")),
+ s.getChildByName("shouchong").visible = !1,
+ s.getChildByName("desc").text = u["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ s.getChildByName("desc").color = "#f56aff";
+ var _ = t.UI_Activity_Yueka.GetYuekaLeftDays(this.items[n]);
+ _ >= 0 ? (s.getChildByName("left_days").visible = !0,
+ s.getChildByName("left_days").getChildByName("val").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2840, [_.toString()])) : s.getChildByName("left_days").visible = !1
+ } else {
+ var u = cfg.mall.goods.get(this.items[n]);
+ s.getChildByName("label_name").text = u.name,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s.getChildByName("icon"), u.icon),
+ s.filters = [],
+ s.getChildByName("left_days").visible = !1,
+ s.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("currency").visible = !1;
+ var d = null;
+ this.app_shop && (d = this.app_shop.getGoodsInfo(this.items[n])),
+ s.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = d ? d.price : c.price,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(s.getChildByName("btn_buy")),
+ !u.first_extend_add || a.new_recharge_list[u.cny] ? (s.getChildByName("shouchong").visible = !1,
+ s.getChildByName("desc").text = u.normal_desc,
+ s.getChildByName("desc").color = "#f17828") : (s.getChildByName("shouchong").visible = !0,
+ s.getChildByName("desc").text = u.first_desc,
+ s.getChildByName("desc").color = "#f56aff")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.want_to_exchange = function(e) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "exchangeCurrency", {
+ id: e
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("exchangeCurrency", i, n);
+ else if (GameMgr.inDmm) {
+ var a = cfg.exchange.exchange.get(e);
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show_dmm(a.target_currency, a.target_value)
+ } else
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.want_to_searchexchange = function(e) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "exchangeChestStone", {
+ id: e,
+ count: 1
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("exchangeChestStone", e, i) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.want_to_recharge = function(e) {
+ this.app_shop && (t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !0,
+ this.app_shop.want2BuyItem(e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Payment_Loading.Inst.enable = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.open_payment = !1,
+ a.payment_info_show_type = 1,
+ a.payment_info = "",
+ a.open_wx = !0,
+ a.wx_type = 0,
+ a.open_alipay = !0,
+ a.alipay_type = 0,
+ a.new_recharge_list = {},
+ a.vip_reward_getted = null,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Recharge = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.common.reconnectUI) || this;
+ return e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_ok").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.enable = !1,
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_token, GameMgr.Inst.mj_game_uuid, GameMgr.Inst.mj_server_location, !0, null)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Reconnect = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.entrance.remind_newUI) || this;
+ return i.process = null,
+ i._created = !1,
+ i._v = 0,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.process = this.me.getChildByName("process"),
+ this.process.text = this._v.toString() + "/10",
+ this._created = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setprocess = function(t) {
+ this._v = t,
+ this._created && (this.process.text = t.toString() + "/10")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Remind = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.rounds = [],
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.renderInfo, null, !1)),
+ this.btn_up = this.me.getChildByName("up"),
+ this.btn_down = this.me.getChildByName("down"),
+ this.btn_up.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(-100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_down.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ e.btn_up.visible = e.scrollview.rate > 0,
+ e.btn_down.visible = e.scrollview.need_scroll && e.scrollview.rate < 1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.rounds = e;
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.caluH(e[n]);
+ a,
+ this.scrollview.addItem(1, a)
+ }
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 120, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.btn_up.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_down.visible = this.scrollview.need_scroll
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 120, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.caluH = function(t) {
+ var e = t.actions[t.actions.length - 1];
+ if ("RecordNoTile" == e.name) {
+ for (var i = e.data, n = [], a = 0; a < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; a++)
+ n.push({
+ old_score: i.scores[0].old_scores[a],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (a = 0; a < i.scores.length; a++)
+ for (var r = 0; r < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; r++)
+ n[r].delta += i.scores[a].delta_scores[r];
+ for (var s = [], a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ n[a].delta > 0 && s.push(a);
+ return 120 + (0 == s.length ? 0 : 40 * (s.length - 1))
+ }
+ return "RecordLiuJu" == e.name ? 120 : e.data.hules[0].zimo ? 120 : 180 + 40 * (e.data.hules.length - 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.renderInfo = function(t) {
+ for (var e = this, i = t.index, n = t.container, a = this.rounds[i], s = 0; s < a.actions.length; s++)
+ if ("RecordNewRound" == a.actions[s].name) {
+ var o = void 0;
+ o = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language ? ["东", "南", "西", "北"] : "jp" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? ["東", "南", "西", "北"] : ["East", "South", "West", "North"],
+ n.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("chang").text = o[a.actions[s].data.chang % 4],
+ n.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("ju").text = (a.actions[s].data.ju + 1).toString(),
+ n.getChildByName("container_title").getChildByName("ben").text = a.actions[s].data.ben.toString();
+ for (var l = 0, h = n.getChildByName("container_title"), c = [3, 3, 50, 3, 0], _ = 0; _ < h.numChildren; _++) {
+ l += (f = h.getChildAt(_)).textField.textWidth * f.scaleX,
+ l += c[_]
+ }
+ for (var u = h.width / 2 - l / 2, d = 0; d < h.numChildren; d++) {
+ var f = h.getChildAt(d);
+ f.x = u,
+ u += f.textField.textWidth * f.scaleX + c[d],
+ "haolong" == f.font ? f.y = 34 : f.y = 31
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ var p = a.actions[a.actions.length - 1]
+ , m = p.data
+ , g = n
+ , y = n.getChildByName("line")
+ , v = n.getChildByName("liuju")
+ , b = n.getChildByName("win")
+ , w = n.getChildByName("lose");
+ if (y.visible = !1,
+ v.visible = !1,
+ b.visible = !1,
+ w.visible = !1,
+ "RecordNoTile" == p.name) {
+ for (var x = [], s = 0; s < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; s++)
+ x.push({
+ old_score: m.scores[0].old_scores[s],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (s = 0; s < m.scores.length; s++)
+ for (E = 0; E < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; E++)
+ x[E].delta += m.scores[s].delta_scores[E];
+ for (var I = [], s = 0; s < x.length; s++)
+ x[s].delta > 0 && I.push(s);
+ if (g.height = 120 + (0 == I.length ? 0 : 40 * (I.length - 1)),
+ m.liujumanguan) {
+ b.visible = !0;
+ (M = b.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2170),
+ M.color = "#8d8fac";
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ s < I.length ? (L.visible = !0,
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(I[s]).nickname,
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + x[I[s]].delta.toString()) : L.visible = !1
+ }
+ } else if (b.visible = !0,
+ b.getChildByName("info").text = "",
+ v.visible = !0,
+ v.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2171),
+ m.scores)
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ s < I.length ? (L.visible = !0,
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(I[s]).nickname,
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + x[I[s]].delta.toString()) : L.visible = !1
+ }
+ } else if ("RecordLiuJu" == p.name) {
+ var S = ["", game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2172), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2173), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2174), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2175), game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2176)];
+ v.visible = !0,
+ v.text = S[m.type],
+ g.height = 120
+ } else if (p.data.hules[0].zimo) {
+ b.visible = !0;
+ (M = b.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2177),
+ M.color = "#ea3694";
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ if (0 == s) {
+ L.visible = !0;
+ T = m.hules[0].seat;
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(T).nickname;
+ D = m.delta_scores[T];
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + D.toString()
+ } else
+ L.visible = !1
+ }
+ g.height = 120
+ } else {
+ b.visible = !0;
+ (M = b.getChildByName("info")).text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2178),
+ M.color = "#ef3538";
+ for (var C = b.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ if (s < m.hules.length) {
+ L.visible = !0;
+ T = m.hules[s].seat;
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(T).nickname;
+ D = m.delta_scores[T];
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = "+" + D.toString()
+ } else
+ L.visible = !1
+ }
+ y.visible = !0,
+ y.y = 80 + 40 * m.hules.length,
+ w.visible = !0,
+ w.y = 83 + 40 * m.hules.length;
+ for (var M = w.getChildByName("info"), C = w.getChildByName("player"), s = 0; s < C.numChildren; s++) {
+ var L = C.getChildAt(s);
+ if (0 == s) {
+ L.visible = !0;
+ for (var T = 0, E = 0; E < m.delta_scores.length; E++)
+ m.delta_scores[E] < m.delta_scores[T] && (T = E);
+ L.getChildByName("name").text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(T).nickname;
+ var D = m.delta_scores[T];
+ L.getChildByName("point").text = D.toString()
+ } else
+ L.visible = !1
+ }
+ g.height = 180 + 40 * (p.data.hules.length - 1)
+ }
+ g.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (r.Inst.jumpRound(i),
+ e.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.getChildByName("bg").height = n.height - 4
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.have0 = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.renderInfo, null, !1)),
+ this.btn_up = this.me.getChildByName("up"),
+ this.btn_down = this.me.getChildByName("down"),
+ this.btn_up.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(-100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_down.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.scrollview.scrollDelta(100)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview.me.on("ratechange", this, function() {
+ e.btn_up.visible = e.scrollview.rate > 0,
+ e.btn_down.visible = e.scrollview.need_scroll && e.scrollview.rate < 1
+ }),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.have0 = i,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(e + (i ? 1 : 0)),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 100, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.btn_up.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_down.visible = this.scrollview.need_scroll
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 100, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.renderInfo = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container;
+ n.getChildByName("num").text = (i + (this.have0 ? 0 : 1)).toString(),
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || (r.Inst.jumpXun(i + (e.have0 ? 0 : 1)),
+ e.close())
+ }, null, !1);
+ var a = n
+ , s = [];
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? (s.push(a.getChildByName("xun")),
+ s.push(a.getChildByName("num"))) : (s.push(a.getChildByName("num")),
+ s.push(a.getChildByName("xun"))),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center(s, 115, [10]);
+ for (var o = 1; o < a.numChildren; o++) {
+ var l = a.getChildAt(o);
+ "haolong" == l.font ? l.y = 42 : l.y = 39
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = e,
+ this._btn_out = this.me.getChildByName("btn_out"),
+ this._btn_out.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.switch()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._choosed_show_hand = this.me.getChildByName("btn_shoupai").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_shoupai").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._choosed_show_hand.visible = !i._choosed_show_hand.visible,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.onShowHandChange(i._choosed_show_hand.visible)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._choosed_show_paopai = this.me.getChildByName("btn_paopai").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_paopai").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._choosed_show_paopai.visible = !i._choosed_show_paopai.visible,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.onShowPaopaiChange(i._choosed_show_paopai.visible)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._choosed_show_anim = this.me.getChildByName("btn_anim").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_anim").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i._choosed_show_anim.visible = !i._choosed_show_anim.visible,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_anim = i._choosed_show_anim.visible
+ }
+ ),
+ this._choosed_hide_name = this.me.getChildByName("btn_hidename").getChildByName("choosed"),
+ this._btn_hide_name = this.me.getChildByName("btn_hidename"),
+ this._btn_hide_name.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i._choosed_hide_name.visible = !i._choosed_hide_name.visible,
+ r.Inst.hide_name = !i._choosed_hide_name.visible,
+ t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshNames()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.me.getChildByName("label_word").visible = "chs" == GameMgr.client_language,
+ this.me.getChildByName("img_set").visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language
+ }
+ return e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this),
+ this.me.x = -258,
+ this._btn_out.disabled = !1,
+ this._choosed_show_hand.visible = !0,
+ this._choosed_show_paopai.visible = !0,
+ this._choosed_show_anim.visible = !0,
+ 2 & view.DesktopMgr.Inst.paipu_config ? (this._choosed_hide_name.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this._btn_hide_name, !0)) : (this._choosed_hide_name.visible = !0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this._btn_hide_name, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.switch = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = -258;
+ this.me.x < -100 && (e = -5),
+ this._btn_out.disabled = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ x: e
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t._btn_out.disabled = !1
+ }), 0, !0, !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.tiles = [],
+ this.container_input = null,
+ this.tile_count = 0,
+ this.gray_filter = null,
+ this.dora_filter = null,
+ this.lidora_filter = null,
+ this.noinfo = !0,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.root = e.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.content = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "";
+ var n = this.content.getChildByName("tile_templete");
+ n.visible = !1;
+ for (var a = 0; a < 100; a++) {
+ var r = n.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone();
+ r.visible = !1,
+ this.tiles.push(r)
+ }
+ this.container_input = this.content.getChildByName("input"),
+ this.gray_filter = new Laya.ColorFilter([.6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]),
+ this.dora_filter = new Laya.ColorFilter([.35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]),
+ this.lidora_filter = new Laya.ColorFilter([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]),
+ this.container_input.getChildByName("btn_what").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || t.UI_Info_MD5.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.setTiles = function(t) {
+ this.tile_count = Math.floor(t.length / 2);
+ for (var e = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/", i = 0; 2 * i + 1 < t.length; i++)
+ this.tiles[i].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(e + t.charAt(2 * i) + t.charAt(2 * i + 1) + ".png"),
+ this.tiles[i].visible = !0;
+ for (i = this.tile_count; i < this.tiles.length; i++)
+ this.tiles[i].visible = !1;
+ this.noinfo = !1,
+ this.container_input.getChildByName("txtinput").text = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.noinfo || this.setInfo())
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setInfo = function() {
+ if (!this.noinfo) {
+ var t = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.left_tile_count
+ , e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.dora.length
+ , i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.get_gang_count() + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.get_babei_count();
+ i > 0 && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.waiting_lingshang_deal_tile && i--;
+ var n = this.tile_count - i - 14;
+ n < 0 && (n = 0);
+ for (var a = this.tiles[0].width, r = this.tiles[0].height + 10, s = 0; s < n; s++) {
+ var o = 0;
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == view.ERuleMode.Liqi3 ? o = s % 12 * a + 5 * Math.floor(s % 12 / 3) : o += 2 + s % 12 * a + 5 * Math.floor(s % 12 / 4),
+ this.tiles[s].x = o,
+ this.tiles[s].y = Math.floor(s / 12) * r,
+ this.tiles[s].filters = n - s <= t ? [] : [this.gray_filter]
+ }
+ for (var l = Math.ceil(n / 12) * r + 20, s = n; s < this.tile_count; s++) {
+ var h = this.tiles[s];
+ h.x = (s - n) % 12 * a,
+ h.y = Math.floor((s - n) / 12) * r + l,
+ h.filters = []
+ }
+ for (var c = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == view.ERuleMode.Liqi3 ? 8 : 4, s = 0; s < e; s++)
+ this.tiles[this.tile_count - c - 1 - 2 * s].filters = [this.dora_filter],
+ this.tiles[this.tile_count - c - 2 - 2 * s].filters = [this.lidora_filter];
+ for (s = 0; s < i; s++)
+ this.tiles[this.tile_count - 1 - s].filters = [this.gray_filter];
+ l += Math.ceil((this.tile_count - n) / 12) * r,
+ this.container_input.y = l + 80,
+ this.content.refresh()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setNoInfo = function() {
+ this.noinfo = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking || (this.noinfo ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2179)) : (this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.refresh(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 120, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking || (this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 120, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function(r) {
+ function s() {
+ var t = r.call(this, new ui.mj.replayUI) || this;
+ return t.label_chang = null,
+ t.label_ju = null,
+ t.label_xun = null,
+ t.img_play = null,
+ t.img_stop = null,
+ t.btn_preround = null,
+ t.btn_nextround = null,
+ t.page_chang = null,
+ t.page_xun = null,
+ t.btn_change_score = null,
+ t.paipuconfig = null,
+ t.page_paishan = null,
+ t.data = null,
+ t.gameResult = null,
+ t.rounds = [],
+ t.round_index = 0,
+ t.action_index = 0,
+ t.locking_time = 0,
+ t._auto_play = !1,
+ t.hide_name = !1,
+ s.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(s, r),
+ Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "auto_play", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._auto_play
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this._auto_play = t,
+ this.img_play.visible = !t,
+ this.img_stop.visible = t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ s.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var r = this
+ , s = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("round");
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.page_chang.locking || (r.auto_play && (r.auto_play = !1),
+ r.page_xun.enable && r.page_xun.close(),
+ r.page_paishan.me.visible && r.page_paishan.close(),
+ r.page_chang.enable ? r.page_chang.close() : r.page_chang.show(r.rounds))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.label_chang = s.getChildByName("chang"),
+ this.label_ju = s.getChildByName("ju");
+ var o = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("turn");
+ this.label_xun = o.getChildByName("xun"),
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.page_xun.locking || (r.auto_play && (r.auto_play = !1),
+ r.page_chang.enable && r.page_chang.close(),
+ r.page_paishan.me.visible && r.page_paishan.close(),
+ r.page_xun.enable ? r.page_xun.close() : r.page_xun.show(r.rounds[r.round_index].xun.length, 0 != r.rounds[r.round_index].xun[0]))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("paishan").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.page_paishan.locking || (r.auto_play && (r.auto_play = !1),
+ r.page_chang.enable && r.page_chang.close(),
+ r.page_xun.enable && r.page_xun.close(),
+ r.page_paishan.me.visible ? r.page_paishan.close() : r.page_paishan.show())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.page_chang = new e(this.me.getChildByName("info_chang")),
+ this.page_xun = new i(this.me.getChildByName("info_xun")),
+ this.page_paishan = new a(this.me.getChildByName("info_paishan")),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("play").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.auto_play = !r.auto_play
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("nextstep").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? r.auto_play && (r.auto_play = !1) : r.nextStep()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("prestep").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.preStep()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("nextturn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.nextXun()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("preturn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.preXun()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_preround = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("preround"),
+ this.btn_preround.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.preRound()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_nextround = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("nextround"),
+ this.btn_nextround.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.nextRound()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.img_play = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("play").getChildByName("play"),
+ this.img_stop = this.me.getChildByName("root").getChildByName("play").getChildByName("pause"),
+ this.btn_change_score = this.me.getChildByName("btn_change_score"),
+ this.btn_change_score.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.onBtnShowScoreDelta()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.paipuconfig = new n(this.me.getChildByName("config"))
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onEnable = function() {
+ this.paipuconfig.reset(),
+ t.UI_ReplayWheel.Inst.enable = !0,
+ 2 & view.DesktopMgr.Inst.paipu_config ? this.hide_name = !0 : this.hide_name = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ t.UI_ReplayWheel.Inst.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._isRoundEnd = function(t) {
+ return "RecordNoTile" == t || "RecordLiuJu" == t || "RecordHule" == t
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.initData = function(t) {
+ this.data = t;
+ var e = t.game
+ , i = t.record
+ , n = null
+ , a = 0;
+ this.rounds = [];
+ for (var r = 0; r < e.records.length; r++) {
+ a += e.records[r].length;
+ var s = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(e.records[r])
+ , o = s.$type.name
+ , l = {
+ name: o,
+ data: s
+ };
+ null == n && (n = {
+ xun: [],
+ actions: []
+ }),
+ n.actions.push(l),
+ this._isRoundEnd(o) && (this.pengding_xun(n),
+ this.rounds.push(n),
+ n = null)
+ }
+ null != n && app.Log.Error("最后一份牌谱没有结束"),
+ this.gameResult = i,
+ this.action_index = -1,
+ this.round_index = -1,
+ this.label_chang.text = "东",
+ this.label_ju.text = "1",
+ this.label_xun.text = "0",
+ this.auto_play = !1;
+ var h = [];
+ "en" != GameMgr.client_language ? (h.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun")),
+ h.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn"))) : (h.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn")),
+ h.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun"))),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center(h, 80, [5]),
+ app.Log.log("牌谱大小:" + a + "B")
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.auto_play = !1,
+ this.page_chang.enable && this.page_chang.close(),
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.page_paishan.me.visible && (this.page_paishan.me.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onBack = function() {
+ this.locking_time = 0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length - 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.pengding_xun = function(t) {
+ t.xun = [];
+ for (var e = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat, i = !1, n = 0; n < t.actions.length; n++) {
+ var a = t.actions[n];
+ "RecordNewRound" == a.name ? a.data.ju == e && (i = !0,
+ t.xun.push(n)) : "RecordDealTile" == a.name || "RecordChiPengGang" == a.name ? a.data.seat == e && (i || (i = !0,
+ t.xun.push(n))) : "RecordDiscardTile" != a.name && "RecordAnGangAddGang" != a.name && "RecordBaBei" != a.name || (i = !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.get_currentxun = function() {
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ if (0 == t.xun.length)
+ return 1;
+ for (var e = t.xun.length, i = 0; i < t.xun.length; i++)
+ if (this.action_index < t.xun[i]) {
+ e = i;
+ break
+ }
+ return e < 0 && (e = 0),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.nextStep = function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ (e || !(this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)) && !(this.round_index > this.rounds.length)) {
+ if (this.round_index == this.rounds.length && (this.round_index = -1),
+ this.round_index < 0 || this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length <= this.action_index + 1) {
+ if (this.round_index + 1 >= this.rounds.length)
+ return view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameEndResult = this.gameResult.result,
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowGameEnd(),
+ void this.action_index--;
+ this.round_index++,
+ this.action_index = 0
+ } else
+ this.action_index++;
+ if (this.btn_nextround.visible = this.rounds.length > 1,
+ this.btn_preround.visible = this.rounds.length > 1,
+ this.action_index > 0 && "RecordDiscardTile" == this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[this.action_index - 1].name) {
+ var i = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[this.action_index - 1].data.seat;
+ i != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i)].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ var n = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[this.action_index];
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_anim || this._isRoundEnd(n.name) ? this.locking_time = Laya.timer.currTimer + this.doRecord(n) : (this.doFastRecord(n),
+ this.locking_time = Laya.timer.currTimer + 500),
+ this._refreshBarshow()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._refreshBarshow = function() {
+ var t = "";
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ t += "东";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t += "南";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t += "西";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t += "北"
+ }
+ else if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language)
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ t += "東";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t += "南";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t += "西";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t += "北"
+ }
+ else
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ t += "East";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ t += "South";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ t += "West";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ t += "North"
+ }
+ this.label_chang.text = t,
+ this.label_ju.text = (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + 1).toString();
+ this.label_xun.text = this.get_currentxun().toString();
+ var e = [];
+ "en" != GameMgr.client_language ? (e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun")),
+ e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn"))) : (e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("turn")),
+ e.push(this.label_xun.parent.getChildByName("xun"))),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center(e, 80, [5]),
+ function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = 1; n < t.numChildren; n++)
+ 1 != n && (i += 3),
+ i += (r = t.getChildAt(n)).textField.textWidth * r.scaleX;
+ for (var a = t.width / 2 - i / 2, n = 1; n < t.numChildren; n++) {
+ var r = t.getChildAt(n);
+ r.x = a,
+ a += r.textField.textWidth * r.scaleX + 3,
+ "haolong" == r.font ? r.y = e + 3 : r.y = e
+ }
+ }(this.label_chang.parent, 40)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._get_autoplay_delay = function(t) {
+ switch (t.name) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ return 0;
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ return 500;
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ return 200
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.doRecord = function(t) {
+ try {
+ var e = 0;
+ switch (t.name) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ e = view.ActionNewRound.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ e = view.ActionDiscardTile.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ e = view.ActionDealTile.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ e = view.ActionChiPengGang.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ e = view.ActionAnGangAddGang.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ e = view.ActionBabei.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordHule":
+ e = view.ActionHule.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordLiuJu":
+ e = view.ActionLiuJu.record(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordNoTile":
+ e = view.ActionNoTile.record(t.data)
+ }
+ return this.auto_play && (e += this._get_autoplay_delay(t)),
+ "RecordNewRound" != t.name && "RecordDealTile" != t.name || this.page_paishan.refresh(),
+ e
+ } catch (e) {
+ var i = {};
+ return i.error = e.message,
+ i.stack = e.stack,
+ i.method = "ui_replay doRecord",
+ i.name = t.name,
+ i.data = t.data,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(i),
+ 1e6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.doFastRecord = function(t) {
+ try {
+ switch (t.name) {
+ case "RecordNewRound":
+ view.ActionNewRound.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDiscardTile":
+ view.ActionDiscardTile.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordDealTile":
+ view.ActionDealTile.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordChiPengGang":
+ view.ActionChiPengGang.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordAnGangAddGang":
+ view.ActionAnGangAddGang.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordHule":
+ view.ActionHule.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordLiuJu":
+ view.ActionLiuJu.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordNoTile":
+ view.ActionNoTile.fastrecord(t.data);
+ break;
+ case "RecordBaBei":
+ view.ActionBabei.fastrecord(t.data)
+ }
+ "RecordNewRound" != t.name && "RecordDealTile" != t.name || this.page_paishan.refresh()
+ } catch (i) {
+ var e = {};
+ return e.error = i.message,
+ e.stack = i.stack,
+ e.method = "ui_replay doRecord",
+ e.name = t.name,
+ e.data = t.data,
+ GameMgr.Inst.onFatalError(e),
+ 1e6
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.update = function() {
+ !this.auto_play || this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer || this.round_index >= 0 && this.round_index < this.rounds.length && this.action_index + 1 < this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length && this.nextStep()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.jumpToLastRoundXun = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else {
+ this.round_index = (this.round_index - 1 + this.rounds.length) % this.rounds.length;
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions.length - 3;
+ t < 1 && (t = 1),
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.nextXun = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ if (this.action_index != t.actions.length - 1) {
+ var e = 0;
+ if (0 == t.xun.length)
+ e = t.actions.length - 1;
+ else if (t.xun[0] > this.action_index)
+ e = t.xun[0];
+ else {
+ var i = this.get_currentxun();
+ e = i == t.xun.length ? t.actions.length - 1 : t.xun[i]
+ }
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, e)
+ } else
+ this.nextStep()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.preXun = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ var t = this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ if (0 != this.action_index) {
+ var e = 0;
+ if (0 == t.xun.length)
+ e = 0;
+ else if (t.xun[0] > this.action_index)
+ e = 0;
+ else {
+ var i = this.get_currentxun() - 1;
+ e = 0 == i ? 0 : t.xun[i - 1]
+ }
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, e)
+ } else
+ this.jumpToLastRoundXun()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.preStep = function() {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ this.rounds[this.round_index];
+ 0 != this.action_index ? this._jumpStep(this.round_index, this.action_index - 1) : this.jumpToLastRoundXun()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.nextRound = function() {
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1) : this._jumpStep((this.round_index + 1) % this.rounds.length, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.preRound = function() {
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1) : this._jumpStep((this.round_index - 1 + this.rounds.length) % this.rounds.length, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.jumpRound = function(t) {
+ this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close(),
+ this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer ? this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1) : t < 0 || t >= this.rounds.length || this._jumpStep(t, 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.jumpXun = function(t) {
+ if (this.locking_time > Laya.timer.currTimer)
+ this.auto_play && (this.auto_play = !1);
+ else if (!(this.round_index >= this.rounds.length || this.round_index < 0)) {
+ var e = this.rounds[this.round_index]
+ , i = 0;
+ i = 0 == e.xun.length ? 0 : 0 == t ? 0 : e.xun[t - 1],
+ this._jumpStep(this.round_index, i)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onWheelClick = function() {
+ if (!this.page_chang.locking && !this.page_xun.locking)
+ return this.page_chang.enable || this.page_xun.enable ? (this.page_chang.enable && this.page_chang.close(),
+ void (this.page_xun.enable && this.page_xun.close())) : void this.nextStep()
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype.onChangeMainBody = function() {
+ var t = this.round_index
+ , e = this.action_index;
+ this.initData(this.data),
+ this.reset(),
+ t >= this.rounds.length || t < 0 || this._jumpStep(t, e)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._jumpStep = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.rounds[t];
+ this.round_index = t;
+ for (var n = 0; n < e; n++) {
+ if (n > 0 && "RecordDiscardTile" == this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[n - 1].name) {
+ (a = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[n - 1].data.seat) != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ this.doFastRecord(i.actions[n])
+ }
+ if (e == i.actions.length - 1)
+ this.action_index = e - 1,
+ this.nextStep();
+ else {
+ if (e > 0 && "RecordDiscardTile" == this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[e - 1].name) {
+ var a = this.rounds[this.round_index].actions[e - 1].data.seat;
+ a != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ this.doFastRecord(i.actions[e]),
+ this.action_index = e,
+ this._refreshBarshow()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ s.prototype._lipai_all = function() {
+ for (var t = 1; t < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players.length; t++)
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.players[t].RecordLiPai(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ s.Inst = null,
+ s
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Replay = r
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.replay_whellUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = 0;
+ this.me.getChildByName("wheel").on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, function(i) {
+ !function(i) {
+ if (!(Laya.timer.currTimer < e)) {
+ e = Laya.timer.currTimer + 50;
+ var n = i.delta;
+ n > 0 ? (t.UI_Replay.Inst.enable && t.UI_Replay.Inst.preXun(),
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.enable && !t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.locking && t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.preXun()) : n < 0 && (t.UI_Replay.Inst.enable && t.UI_Replay.Inst.nextXun(),
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.enable && !t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.locking && t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.nextXun())
+ }
+ }(i)
+ }),
+ this.me.getChildByName("wheel").on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, function(e) {
+ t.UI_Replay.Inst.enable && t.UI_Replay.Inst.onWheelClick(),
+ t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.enable && !t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.locking && t.UI_Ob_Replay.Inst.onWheelClick()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ReplayWheel = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.report_nicknameUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.close(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "userComplain", {
+ target_id: e.account_id,
+ type: 1
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("userComplain", e, i) : t.UI_Report_Success.Inst.show()
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.account_id = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Report_Nickname = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.report_successUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Report_Success = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.common.rollnoticeUI) || this;
+ return i.speed = .18,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.init = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchRollingNotice", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error || t.receiveInfo(i.notice)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRollingNotice", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ t.receiveInfo(e.notice)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.receiveInfo = function(t) {
+ this.current_notice = t,
+ this.try2Show()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.try2Show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ null != this.current_notice && (1e3 * this.current_notice.end_time < Laya.timer.currTimer + GameMgr.Inst.server_time_delta ? this.current_notice = null : this.Inst.enable || this.Inst.show(this.current_notice.content, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.current_notice && Laya.timer.once(1e3 * t.current_notice.repeat_interval, t, t.try2Show)
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.label = this.panel.getChildByName("label")
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ this.label.text = t,
+ this.complete = e,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.root.visible = !0,
+ this.origin_x = this.panel.width + 500 * this.speed,
+ this.target_x = -(500 * this.speed + this.label.textField.textWidth),
+ this.start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.__update, null, !0),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.complete && this.complete.run(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.enable = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.__update = function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.start_time;
+ t >= (this.origin_x - this.target_x) / this.speed ? (this.root.visible = !1,
+ this.close()) : this.label.x = this.origin_x - this.speed * t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e.current_notice = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_RollNotice = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.tabs = [],
+ this.scrollview = null,
+ this.tab_index = -1,
+ this.me = t;
+ for (var i = this.me.getChildByName("tabs"), n = this.me.getChildByName("fans").getChildByName("content").getChildByName("templete").getChildByName("decs"), a = 1; a <= 8; a++) {
+ var r = i.getChildByName("tab_" + a);
+ this.tabs.push({
+ choosed: r.getChildByName("unchoose"),
+ unchoosed: r.getChildByName("choosed"),
+ ids: [],
+ heights: []
+ }),
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._changeTab, [a - 1], !1)
+ }
+ cfg.fandesc.fandesc.forEach(function(t) {
+ if (t.show) {
+ var i = t.tag - 1;
+ i >= 0 && i < e.tabs.length && (e.tabs[i].ids.push(t.id),
+ n.text = t["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.tabs[i].heights.push(n.textField.textHeight + 240))
+ }
+ }),
+ this.scrollview = this.me.getChildByName("fans").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e._showItem(t.index, t.container)
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ return t.prototype.onEnter = function() {
+ this.tab_index = -1,
+ this._changeTab(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._changeTab = function(t) {
+ if (t != this.tab_index) {
+ this.tab_index = t;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.tabs.length; e++)
+ this.tabs[e].choosed.visible = e == t,
+ this.tabs[e].unchoosed.visible = e != t;
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItems(this.tabs[t].heights)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._showItem = function(t, e) {
+ var i = cfg.fandesc.fandesc.get(this.tabs[this.tab_index].ids[t]);
+ e.getChildByName("name").text = i["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("decs").text = i["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("limit").text = i["desc2_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ var n = e.getChildByName("tiles");
+ n.y = 100 + e.getChildByName("decs").textField.textHeight,
+ e.height = this.tabs[this.tab_index].heights[t];
+ for (var a = i.case, r = 0, s = 0, o = "myres2/mjp/" + game.GameUtility.get_view_res_name(game.EView.mjp) + "/ui/", l = 0; l < n.numChildren; l++) {
+ var h = n.getChildAt(l);
+ if (r >= a.length)
+ h.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ var c = "";
+ "b" == a[r] ? (c = "back",
+ r++) : (c = a[r] + a[r + 1],
+ r += 2),
+ h.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(o + c + ".png"),
+ h.visible = !0,
+ h.x = s,
+ h.y = 0,
+ s += h.width
+ }
+ for (; r < a.length && "|" == a[r]; )
+ s += 20,
+ r++
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.loadover = [],
+ this.urls = [game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course0.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course1.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course2.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course3.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course4.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course5.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course6.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course7.png"), game.Tools.localUISrc("course/course8.png")],
+ this.pageindex = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.page = this.me.getChildByName("page"),
+ this.btn_pre = this.me.getChildByName("pre"),
+ this.btn_next = this.me.getChildByName("next"),
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.loading = this.me.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this.btn_pre.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || 0 != e.pageindex && e.showPage(e.pageindex - 1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.pageindex != e.urls.length - 1 && e.showPage(e.pageindex + 1)
+ }, null, !1);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.urls.length; i++)
+ this.loadover.push(!1);
+ this.label_count = this.me.getChildByName("count")
+ }
+ return t.prototype.onEnter = function() {
+ this.pageindex = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.showPage(this.pageindex),
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ for (var e = function(e) {
+ i.loadover.push(!1),
+ Laya.loader.load(i.urls[e], Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, t, function() {
+ t.loadover[e] = !0,
+ t.me.visible && t.pageindex == e && (t.loading.visible = !1,
+ t.page.source = Laya.loader.getRes(t.urls[e]),
+ t.page.visible = !0),
+ t.me.visible || Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t.urls[e])
+ })
+ }))
+ }, i = this, n = 0; n < this.urls.length; n++)
+ e(n)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.urls.length; t++)
+ this.loadover[t] && Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.urls[t])
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.showPage = function(t) {
+ this.pageindex = t,
+ this.btn_pre.visible = 0 != t,
+ this.btn_next.visible = t != this.urls.length - 1,
+ this.loadover[t] ? (this.page.visible = !0,
+ this.page.source = Laya.loader.getRes(this.urls[t]),
+ this.loading.visible = !1) : (this.page.visible = !1,
+ this.loading.visible = !0),
+ this.label_count.text = (this.pageindex + 1).toString() + "/" + this.urls.length.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? new ui.both_ui.rulesUI : new ui.both_ui.rules_enUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.blackmask = null,
+ t.page_rule = null,
+ t.page_course = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.tab_index = 0,
+ t.func_close = null,
+ t.tab_fan = null,
+ t.tab_course = null,
+ t.tab_img_dark = "",
+ t.tab_img_chosen = "",
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tab_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tab_dark.png")) : (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tabheng_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/info_tabheng_dark.png")),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.blackmask = this.me.getChildByName("bmask"),
+ this.page_rule = new e(this.root.getChildByName("page_fan")),
+ this.page_course = new i(this.root.getChildByName("page_course")),
+ this.tab_fan = this.root.getChildByName("tab_fan"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("tab_fan").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.changeTab(0)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tab_course = this.root.getChildByName("tab_course"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("tab_course").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.changeTab(1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.page_course.onEnter(),
+ this.page_rule.onEnter(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.blackmask.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackmask, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 150),
+ this.tab_index = -1,
+ this.changeTab(e),
+ this.func_close = i
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.changeTab = function(t) {
+ t != this.tab_index && (this.tab_index = t,
+ 0 == this.tab_index ? (this.page_course.close(),
+ this.page_rule.show(),
+ this.tab_course.skin = this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.tab_fan.skin = this.tab_img_chosen) : (this.page_course.show(),
+ this.page_rule.close(),
+ this.tab_course.skin = this.tab_img_chosen,
+ this.tab_fan.skin = this.tab_img_dark))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.page_course.close(),
+ this.page_course.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackmask, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.func_close && e.func_close.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ a.Inst = null,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Rules = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.scorechangeUI) || this;
+ return t.black_mask = null,
+ t.viewplayers = [],
+ t.container_arrow = null,
+ t.btn_confirm = null,
+ t.count_down = null,
+ t.label_waitingother = null,
+ t.change_num = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.black_mask = this.me.getChildByName("black_mask");
+ for (var e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
+ for (var i = this.me.getChildByName("player_" + e), n = [], a = 0; a < 7; a++)
+ n.push(i.getChildByName("container_score").getChildByName(a.toString()));
+ var r = {
+ name: i.getChildByName("name"),
+ txt_delta: i.getChildByName("label_delta"),
+ container_head: i.getChildByName("head"),
+ container: i,
+ x: i.x,
+ y: i.y,
+ rank_x: i.getChildByName("rank").x,
+ rank_y: i.getChildByName("rank").y,
+ head: new t.UI_Head(i.getChildByName("head")),
+ container_rank0: i.getChildByName("rank"),
+ rank0: i.getChildByName("rank").getChildByName("val"),
+ rank0_wei: i.getChildByName("rank").getChildAt(1),
+ container_rank1: i.getChildByName("rank1"),
+ rank1: i.getChildByName("rank1").getChildByName("val"),
+ rank1_wei: i.getChildByName("rank").getChildAt(1),
+ img_scores: n,
+ muyu: i.getChildByName("muyu")
+ };
+ this.viewplayers.push(r)
+ }
+ this.container_arrow = this.me.getChildByName("container_arrow"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.me.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.count_down = this.btn_confirm.getChildByName("countdown"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onBtnConfirm, null, !1);
+ this.container_arrow.getChildByName("nums");
+ this.label_waitingother = this.me.getChildByName("waitingother")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != view.EMJMode.paipu || view.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_anim) {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.black_mask.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.black_mask, {
+ alpha: .5
+ }, 120);
+ for (var i = [], n = [], a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
+ i.push(a),
+ n.push(a);
+ i = i.sort(function(e, i) {
+ return 100 * (t[i].old_score - t[e].old_score) + e - i
+ }),
+ n = n.sort(function(e, i) {
+ return 100 * (t[i].old_score + t[i].delta - t[e].old_score - t[e].delta) + e - i
+ });
+ for (var r = !1, a = 0; a < this.viewplayers.length; a++) {
+ this.viewplayers[a].container.visible = !1
+ }
+ for (var s = function(a) {
+ var s = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(a)
+ , l = o.viewplayers[s];
+ l.container.visible = !0;
+ var h = 0
+ , c = 0;
+ switch (s) {
+ case 0:
+ c = -80;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ h = -80;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ c = 80;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ h = 80
+ }
+ l.container.x = l.x + h,
+ l.container.y = l.y + c,
+ l.container.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(l.container, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ x: l.x,
+ y: l.y
+ }, 100, null, null, 120);
+ var _ = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[a]
+ , u = t[a]
+ , d = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(a);
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(l.name, d),
+ l.head.id = _.avatar_id,
+ l.head.head_frame = _.avatar_frame,
+ o.setScore(l.img_scores, u.old_score);
+ for (var f = 0, p = 0; p < i.length; p++)
+ if (i[p] == a) {
+ f = p + 1;
+ break
+ }
+ for (var m = 0, p = 0; p < n.length; p++)
+ if (n[p] == a) {
+ m = p + 1;
+ break
+ }
+ l.container_rank0.visible = !0,
+ l.container_rank0.x = l.rank_x,
+ l.container_rank0.y = l.rank_y,
+ l.rank0.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/s_" + f.toString() + ".png"),
+ l.rank0_wei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/s_" + f.toString() + "_" + f.toString() + ".png"),
+ l.container_rank0.alpha = 1,
+ l.txt_delta.visible = !1,
+ 0 != u.delta && (r = !0,
+ u.delta > 0 ? (l.txt_delta.text = "+" + u.delta,
+ l.txt_delta.color = "#64cf42") : (l.txt_delta.text = u.delta.toString(),
+ l.txt_delta.color = "#d61111"),
+ l.txt_delta.visible = !0,
+ l.txt_delta.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(l.txt_delta, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 100, null, null, 250)),
+ l.container_rank1.visible = !1,
+ l.muyu.visible = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat == a,
+ Laya.timer.once(2500, o, function() {
+ r && (Laya.Tween.to(l.container_rank0, {
+ x: l.rank_x - 50,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 70, Laya.Ease.strongIn),
+ Laya.timer.once(300 + 300 * (4 - m), e, function() {
+ l.rank0.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/s_" + m.toString() + ".png"),
+ l.rank0_wei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/s_" + m.toString() + "_" + m.toString() + ".png"),
+ Laya.Tween.to(l.container_rank0, {
+ x: l.rank_x,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 70, Laya.Ease.strongIn),
+ 1 == m ? (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(218),
+ Laya.timer.once(70, e, function() {
+ l.container_rank1.visible = !0,
+ l.rank1.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/s_1.png"),
+ l.rank1_wei.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/s_1_1.png"),
+ l.container_rank1.x = l.rank_x,
+ l.container_rank1.y = l.rank_y,
+ l.container_rank1.scaleX = l.container_rank1.scaleY = l.container_rank0.scaleX,
+ l.container_rank1.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(l.container_rank1, {
+ scaleX: 1.7,
+ scaleY: 1.7,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 500, Laya.Ease.strongOut)
+ })) : view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(219)
+ }))
+ })
+ }, o = this, a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
+ s(a);
+ this.container_arrow.visible = !0;
+ for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
+ for (var l = a + 1; l < 4; l++)
+ this.container_arrow.getChildByName(a.toString() + l.toString()).visible = !1,
+ this.container_arrow.getChildByName(l.toString() + a.toString()).visible = !1;
+ if (Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ e.change_num = [];
+ for (var i = e.calu_line(t), n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i[n].b)
+ , r = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(i[n].a)
+ , s = a.toString() + r.toString()
+ , o = e.container_arrow.getChildByName(s);
+ o.alpha = 0,
+ o.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(o, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 100)
+ }
+ }),
+ r)
+ for (var h = 0, a = 0; a < 33; a++)
+ Laya.timer.once(1200 + 30 * a, this, function() {
+ h % 5 == 0 && view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(222);
+ for (var i = ++h / 33, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ if (0 != t[n].delta) {
+ var a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat2LocalPosition(n)
+ , r = Math.ceil(t[n].delta * i);
+ if (33 != h) {
+ var s = t[n].delta - r;
+ e.viewplayers[a].txt_delta.text = s > 0 ? "+" + s : s.toString()
+ } else
+ e.viewplayers[a].txt_delta.visible = !1;
+ e.setScore(e.viewplayers[a].img_scores, t[n].old_score + r)
+ }
+ });
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ this.label_waitingother.visible = !1;
+ var c = r ? 4500 : 1200;
+ Laya.timer.once(c, this, function() {
+ e.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_confirm.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(e.btn_confirm, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 100);
+ for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ i.push(t[n].delta + t[n].old_score);
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.setScores(i),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play) {
+ e.count_down.text = "(3)",
+ e.count_down.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_confirm.getChildByName("confirm").x = 161;
+ for (var a = function(t) {
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3 * t, e, function() {
+ e.btn_confirm.visible && (e.count_down.text = "(" + (3 - t).toString() + ")")
+ })
+ }, n = 0; n < 3; n++)
+ a(n);
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, e, function() {
+ e.btn_confirm.visible && e.onBtnConfirm()
+ })
+ } else
+ e.count_down.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_confirm.getChildByName("confirm").x = 127
+ })
+ } else
+ this.onBtnConfirm()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setScore = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = e.toString(), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ t[n].visible = !1;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.length && n < t.length; n++) {
+ var a = t[n];
+ a.visible = !0;
+ var r = i.charAt(i.length - 1 - n);
+ a.skin = "-" == r ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_minus.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_" + r + ".png")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.calu_line = function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
+ i.push(t[n].delta);
+ for (; ; ) {
+ for (var a = -1, r = -1, s = -1, n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var o = -1
+ , l = -1;
+ i[h = n] < 0 && (i[o = (h - 1 + i.length) % i.length] > 0 && (l = Math.min(-i[h], i[o])) > s && (s = l,
+ a = o,
+ r = h),
+ i[o = (h + 1) % i.length] > 0 && (l = Math.min(-i[h], i[o])) > s && (s = l,
+ a = o,
+ r = h))
+ }
+ if (!(s > 0))
+ break;
+ e.push({
+ a: a,
+ b: r,
+ score: s
+ }),
+ i[a] -= s,
+ i[r] += s
+ }
+ for (; ; ) {
+ for (var a = -1, r = -1, s = -1, n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ var h = n
+ , o = -1
+ , l = -1;
+ i[h] < 0 && i[o = (h + 2) % i.length] > 0 && (l = Math.min(-i[h], i[o])) > s && (s = l,
+ a = o,
+ r = h)
+ }
+ if (!(s > 0))
+ break;
+ e.push({
+ a: a,
+ b: r,
+ score: s
+ }),
+ i[a] -= s,
+ i[r] += s
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBtnConfirm = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play)
+ if (null != view.DesktopMgr.Inst.gameEndResult)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowGameEnd(),
+ this.enable = !1;
+ else {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.Reset(),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.timestoped ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.handles_after_timerun.push(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "confirmNewRound", {}, function(t, e) {})
+ })) : app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "confirmNewRound", {}, function(t, e) {})
+ }),
+ this.label_waitingother.visible = !0;
+ var i = 0;
+ Laya.timer.loop(500, this, function() {
+ for (var t = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2180), n = 0; n < i; n++)
+ t += ".";
+ i = (i + 1) % 4,
+ e.label_waitingother.text = t
+ })
+ }
+ else if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.paipu)
+ t.UI_Replay.Inst.nextStep(!0),
+ this.enable = !1;
+ else if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.live_broadcast) {
+ this.label_waitingother.visible = !0;
+ var n = 0;
+ Laya.timer.loop(500, this, function() {
+ for (var t = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2180), i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ t += ".";
+ n = (n + 1) % 4,
+ e.label_waitingother.text = t
+ }),
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.onScoreChangeConfirm()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ScoreChange = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.secondconfirmUI) || this;
+ return t.func_cancel = null,
+ t.func_confirm = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (t.close(),
+ t.func_confirm && t.func_confirm.run(),
+ t.func_cancel = null,
+ t.func_confirm = null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (t.close(),
+ t.func_cancel && t.func_cancel.run(),
+ t.func_cancel = null,
+ t.func_confirm = null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter([.3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, .3086, .6094, .082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])],
+ this.desc = this.root.getChildByName("desc"),
+ this.locking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n, a, r) {
+ var s = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ void 0 === n && (n = null),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 960),
+ void 0 === r && (r = 560),
+ this.func_cancel = n,
+ this.func_confirm = i,
+ this.set_desc(e),
+ this.root.x = a,
+ this.root.y = r,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").x = 122,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").x = 384,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ s.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show_only_confirm = function(e, i, n, a) {
+ var r = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ void 0 === n && (n = 960),
+ void 0 === a && (a = 560),
+ this.func_confirm = i,
+ this.set_desc(e),
+ this.root.x = n,
+ this.root.y = a,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").x = 253,
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").visible = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ r.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.set_desc = function(t) {
+ this.desc.text = t,
+ this.desc.textField.textHeight > 1.5 * this.desc.fontSize ? this.desc.align = "left" : this.desc.align = "center"
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.shimingrenzhengUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_name = this.root.getChildByName("input_name").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.input_id = this.root.getChildByName("input_id").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.renzheng()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = null),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_dalu_id = function(t) {
+ if (!/^(([1][1-5])|([2][1-3])|([3][1-7])|([4][1-6])|([5][0-4])|([6][1-5])|([7][1])|([8][1-2]))\d{4}(([1][9]\d{2})|([2]\d{3}))(([0][1-9])|([1][0-2]))(([0][1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|([3][0-1]))\d{3}[0-9xX]$/.test(t))
+ return !1;
+ var e = t.substr(6, 4)
+ , i = t.substr(10, 2)
+ , n = t.substr(12, 2)
+ , a = Date.parse(i + "-" + n + "-" + e)
+ , r = Date.now()
+ , s = new Date(e,i,0).getDate();
+ if (a > r || n > s)
+ return !1;
+ for (var o = new Array(7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2), l = new Array("1","0","X","9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2"), h = t.split(""), c = 0, _ = 0; _ < 17; _++)
+ c += parseInt(h[_]) * o[_];
+ return h[17].toUpperCase() == l[c % 11].toUpperCase()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.get_dalu_age = function(t) {
+ var e = t.substr(6, 4)
+ , i = t.substr(10, 2)
+ , n = t.substr(12, 2);
+ return Date.parse(i + "-" + n + "-" + e)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_hk_id = function(t) {
+ if (10 != t.length)
+ return !1;
+ if ("(" != t.charAt(7) && "(" != t.charAt(7))
+ return !1;
+ if (")" != t.charAt(9) && ")" != t.charAt(9))
+ return !1;
+ var e = 0;
+ t = t.toUpperCase();
+ var i = "A".charCodeAt(0)
+ , n = "Z".charCodeAt(0)
+ , a = "0".charCodeAt(0)
+ , r = t.charCodeAt(0);
+ if (r < i || r > n)
+ return !1;
+ e += 8 * (r - i + 1);
+ for (var s = 1; s <= 6; s++) {
+ var o = t.charCodeAt(s) - a;
+ if (o < 0 || o > 9)
+ return !1;
+ e += o * (8 - s)
+ }
+ return 0 == (e %= 11) ? "0" == t.charAt(8) : 1 == e ? "A" == t.charAt(8) : 11 - e == t.charCodeAt(8) - a
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_tw_id = function(t) {
+ if (10 != t.length)
+ return !1;
+ t = t.toUpperCase();
+ for (var e = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVXYWZIO", i = -1, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if (e.charAt(n) === t.charAt(0)) {
+ i = n;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == i)
+ return !1;
+ for (var a = i + 10, r = Math.floor(a / 10), s = a % 10, o = "0".charCodeAt(0), l = r + 9 * s, n = 1; n <= 8; n++) {
+ var h = t.charCodeAt(n) - o;
+ if (h < 0 || h > 9)
+ return !1;
+ l += h * (9 - n)
+ }
+ var c = t.charCodeAt(9) - o;
+ return !(c < 0 || c > 9) && l % 10 == (10 - c) % 10
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_aomen_id = function(t) {
+ return /^[1|5|7][0-9]{6}\([0-9Aa]\)/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_huzhao = function(t) {
+ return /^1[45][0-9]{7}|([P|p|S|s]\d{7})|([S|s|G|g]\d{8})|([Gg|Tt|Ss|Ll|Qq|Dd|Aa|Ff]\d{8})|([H|h|M|m]\d{8,10})$/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_taibaozheng = function(t) {
+ return /\d{10}\(B\)/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_taibaozheng2 = function(t) {
+ return /^([0-9]{8}|[0-9]{10})$/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_gangao_tongxingzheng = function(t) {
+ return /^[HMhm]{1}([0-9]{10}|[0-9]{8})$/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_tai_tongxingzheng = function(t) {
+ return /^[a-zA-Z][0-9]{9}$/.test(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test_id = function(t) {
+ return !!this.test_dalu_id(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.renzheng = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , n = this.input_name.text;
+ if (n = n.replace("·", ""),
+ /^([\u4e00-\u9fa5]){2,10}$/.test(n)) {
+ var a = this.input_id.text;
+ a = (a = game.Tools.ToCDB(a)).replace(" ", "");
+ this.test_id(a) ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "updateIDCardInfo", {
+ fullname: this.input_name.text,
+ card_no: a
+ }, function(n, r) {
+ n || r.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("updateIDCardInfo", n, r) : (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.birthday = e.get_dalu_age(a),
+ i.renzhenged = !0,
+ e.close(),
+ t.UI_AgeSuccess_Chs.Inst.show(e.complete))
+ }) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2183))
+ } else
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2181))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.renzhenged = !1,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_ShiMingRenZheng = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.shopUI) || this;
+ return t.money = null,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.heads = [],
+ t.currencys = {},
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.shop_index = -1,
+ t.items = [],
+ t.usd_item_icon = {},
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchShopInfo", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchShopInfo", i, n) : e.shopinfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)).shop_info
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyShopUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.shopinfo = t.shop_info,
+ e.Inst && e.Inst.enable && e.Inst.refresh_info()
+ }, null, !1))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.buyed_count = function(t, e) {
+ if (!this.shopinfo)
+ return 0;
+ var i = [];
+ if (e) {
+ if (!this.shopinfo.zhp)
+ return 0;
+ i = this.shopinfo.zhp.buy_records
+ } else
+ i = this.shopinfo.buy_records;
+ if (!i || 0 == i.length)
+ return 0;
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ if (i[n].id == t)
+ return i[n].count;
+ return 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.update_buyed_count = function(t, e, i) {
+ if (!this.shopinfo)
+ return 0;
+ var n;
+ e ? (this.shopinfo.zhp || (this.shopinfo.zhp = {}),
+ this.shopinfo.zhp.buy_records || (this.shopinfo.zhp.buy_records = []),
+ n = this.shopinfo.zhp.buy_records) : (this.shopinfo.buy_records || (this.shopinfo.buy_records = []),
+ n = this.shopinfo.buy_records);
+ for (var a = !1, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
+ if (n[r].id == t) {
+ n[r].count = i,
+ a = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ a || n.push({
+ id: t,
+ count: i
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.goods_on_sell = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.shops.goods.get(t);
+ if (!e)
+ return !1;
+ var i = Date.now();
+ return !(e.sell_start_time && "" != e.sell_start_time && game.Tools.ParseTime(e.sell_start_time) > i) && !(e.sell_end_time && "" != e.sell_end_time && game.Tools.ParseTime(e.sell_end_time) < i)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.goods_discount_value = function(t) {
+ var e = cfg.shops.goods.get(t);
+ if (!e)
+ return 1;
+ if (!e.discount_start_time || "" == e.discount_start_time)
+ return 1;
+ if (!e.discount_end_time || "" == e.discount_end_time)
+ return 1;
+ var i = Date.now();
+ if (game.Tools.ParseTime(e.discount_start_time) > i)
+ return 1;
+ if (game.Tools.ParseTime(e.discount_end_time) < i)
+ return 1;
+ var n = e.discount / 1e4;
+ return n < 0 ? 1 : n > 1 ? 1 : n
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.money = new t.UI_Money(this.container_top,Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.close(t)
+ }, null, !1),Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return e.locking
+ }, null, !1),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ var t = e.shop_index;
+ return Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ i.Inst.show(t)
+ })
+ }
+ )),
+ this.container_content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.container_tab = this.container_content.getChildByName("tabs"),
+ this.tabs = [];
+ for (var n = function(t) {
+ var i = a.container_tab.getChildByName("btn" + t);
+ a.tabs.push(i),
+ i.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ e.shop_index != t && e.change_tab(t)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, a = this, r = 0; r < this.container_tab.numChildren; r++)
+ n(r);
+ var s = this.container_content.getChildByName("right");
+ this.container_right = s,
+ this.timerefresh = s.getChildByName("head0").getChildByName("time"),
+ this.scrollview = s.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1), -1, 4),
+ this.heads = [];
+ for (r = 0; r < 4; r++)
+ this.heads.push(this.container_content.getChildByName("right").getChildByName("head" + r));
+ this.btn_refreshZHP = this.heads[0].getChildByName("refresh"),
+ this.heads[0].getChildByName("refresh").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2204), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.refresh_zhp()
+ }), null)
+ }, null, !1),
+ t.UI_Bag.add_item_listener(302002, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 1 == e.shop_index && e.refresh_head_show()
+ }, null, !1)),
+ t.UI_Bag.add_item_listener(302003, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 2 == e.shop_index && e.refresh_head_show()
+ }, null, !1)),
+ t.UI_Bag.add_item_listener(302004, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 3 == e.shop_index && e.refresh_head_show()
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.page_skin = new t.UI_Shop_Skin(this.container_content.getChildByName("skin_shop"))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.have_red_point = function() {
+ return this.page_skin.have_red_point()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.getLocalTime = function() {
+ var t = (new Date).getTime();
+ return t = Math.ceil(t / 1e3),
+ t += 10800,
+ t %= 86400,
+ (t = 86400 - t) < 3600 ? (t = Math.ceil(t / 60),
+ game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2674, [t.toString()]) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2748)) : (t = Math.ceil(t / 3600),
+ game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2674, [t.toString()]) + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2747))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.usd_item_icon = {},
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ this.refresh_info(e),
+ this.money.onEnable(),
+ this.timerefresh.text = this.getLocalTime(),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.tabs[4].getChildByName("redpoint").visible = this.page_skin.have_red_point()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t in this.usd_item_icon)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(t));
+ this.usd_item_icon = {}
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_info = function(t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = 0),
+ i.shopinfo ? this.change_tab(t) : this.change_tab(-1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_tab = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ i.shopinfo || (t = -1),
+ this.shop_index = t;
+ for (l = 0; l < this.tabs.length; l++)
+ this.tabs[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(t == l ? "myres/shop/tab_choose.png" : "myres/shop/tab_unchoose.png"),
+ this.tabs[l].getChildAt(0).color = t == l ? "#d9b263" : "#8cb65f";
+ if (this.container_right.visible = !1,
+ this.page_skin.close(),
+ 4 == this.shop_index)
+ this.page_skin.show(),
+ this.tabs[4].getChildByName("redpoint").visible = !1;
+ else {
+ if (this.container_right.visible = !0,
+ this.refresh_head_show(),
+ this.items = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ 0 == this.shop_index) {
+ var n = i.shopinfo.zhp;
+ if (n) {
+ if (n.goods)
+ for (l = 0; l < n.goods.length; l++)
+ this.items.push({
+ shop_item_id: n.goods[l],
+ buyed_count: 0,
+ sort: l
+ });
+ if (n.buy_records)
+ for (l = 0; l < n.buy_records.length; l++)
+ for (var a = n.buy_records[l], r = 0; r < this.items.length; r++)
+ this.items[r].shop_item_id == a.id && (this.items[r].buyed_count = a.count)
+ }
+ } else if (1 == this.shop_index || 2 == this.shop_index) {
+ cfg.shops.goods.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.category == e.shop_index && e.items.push({
+ shop_item_id: t.id,
+ buyed_count: 0,
+ sort: t.sort
+ })
+ }),
+ this.items = this.items.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.sort - e.sort
+ });
+ if ((o = i.shopinfo).buy_records)
+ for (l = 0; l < o.buy_records.length; l++)
+ for (var a = o.buy_records[l], s = 0; s < this.items.length; s++)
+ this.items[s].shop_item_id == a.id && (this.items[s].buyed_count = a.count)
+ } else if (3 == this.shop_index) {
+ cfg.shops.goods.forEach(function(t) {
+ 4 == t.category && e.items.push({
+ shop_item_id: t.id,
+ buyed_count: 0,
+ sort: t.sort
+ })
+ }),
+ cfg.shops.goods.forEach(function(t) {
+ if (3 == t.category) {
+ if (t.sell_end_time && "" != t.sell_end_time) {
+ if (game.Tools.ParseTime(t.sell_end_time) - Date.now() <= 0)
+ return
+ }
+ e.items.push({
+ shop_item_id: t.id,
+ buyed_count: 0,
+ sort: t.sort + 1e5
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ this.items = this.items.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.sort - e.sort
+ });
+ var o = i.shopinfo;
+ if (o.buy_records)
+ for (var l = 0; l < o.buy_records.length; l++)
+ for (var a = o.buy_records[l], h = 0; h < this.items.length; h++)
+ this.items[h].shop_item_id == a.id && (this.items[h].buyed_count = a.count)
+ }
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_head_show = function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.heads.length; e++)
+ this.heads[e].visible = this.shop_index == e;
+ if (0 == this.shop_index) {
+ var n = i.shopinfo.zhp;
+ if (n) {
+ var a = this.heads[0].getChildByName("refresh")
+ , r = this.heads[0].getChildByName("noinfo")
+ , s = this.heads[0].getChildByName("count");
+ if (a.visible = !1,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ s.text = "",
+ n.free_refresh && n.free_refresh.count < n.free_refresh.limit)
+ a.visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("pay").visible = !1,
+ a.getChildByName("free").visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("free").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2185),
+ s.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2186) + (n.free_refresh.limit - n.free_refresh.count);
+ else if (n.cost_refresh && n.cost_refresh.count < n.cost_refresh.limit) {
+ var o = cfg.shops.zhp_refresh_price.get(n.cost_refresh.count + 1);
+ if (o) {
+ a.visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("free").visible = !1;
+ var l = a.getChildByName("pay");
+ l.visible = !0;
+ var h = l.getChildByName("count")
+ , c = l.getChildByName("icon")
+ , _ = l.getChildByName("money");
+ h.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2187),
+ s.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2188) + (n.cost_refresh.limit - n.cost_refresh.count),
+ c.skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(cfg.item_definition.currency.get(100001).icon),
+ _.text = "×" + o.refresh_price.toString(),
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(a.getChildByName("pay"), [30])
+ } else
+ r.visible = !0
+ } else
+ r.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.heads[0].visible = !1
+ } else if (this.shop_index >= 1 && this.shop_index <= 3) {
+ var u = void 0;
+ switch (this.shop_index) {
+ case 1:
+ u = 302002;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ u = 302003;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ u = 302004
+ }
+ var d = this.heads[this.shop_index];
+ this.currencys[this.shop_index] || (this.currencys[this.shop_index] = new t.UI_Item_Skin(d.getChildByName("icon"))),
+ this.currencys[this.shop_index].setSkin(cfg.item_definition.item.get(u).icon_transparent),
+ d.getChildByName("count").text = "×" + t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(u).toString()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = e.index
+ , r = e.container
+ , s = e.cache_data;
+ s.skin || (s.skin = new t.UI_Item_Skin(r.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("icon")));
+ var o, l, h = this.items[a], c = 0, _ = !1;
+ if (0 == this.shop_index)
+ l = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(100002).icon,
+ o = cfg.shops.zhp_goods.get(h.shop_item_id),
+ c = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.gold;
+ else {
+ var u = (o = cfg.shops.goods.get(h.shop_item_id)).currency;
+ l = 10 == Math.floor(u / 1e4) ? cfg.item_definition.currency.get(u).icon : cfg.item_definition.item.get(u).icon_transparent,
+ c = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(u),
+ _ = 4 == o.category
+ }
+ var d = r.getChildByName("btn");
+ if (d.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ else if (o.need_amount) {
+ e = {
+ item_id: o.item_id,
+ icon: o.icon,
+ currency_icon: game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(l),
+ single_price: o.price,
+ my_currency_count: c,
+ mounthly: _,
+ buy_limit: o.buy_limit,
+ buyed_count: h.buyed_count,
+ show_has: o.show_has
+ };
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Multi.Inst.show(e, Laya.Handler.create(n, function(e) {
+ var a = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ 0 == n.shop_index ? i.Inst.want_to_buy_zhp(h.shop_item_id, e) : i.Inst.want_to_buy_othershop(h.shop_item_id, e)
+ });
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8004), a) : a.run()
+ }))
+ } else {
+ var e = {
+ item_id: o.item_id,
+ icon: o.icon,
+ currency_icon: game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(l),
+ single_price: o.price,
+ my_currency_count: c,
+ buy_limit: o.buy_limit,
+ buyed_count: h.buyed_count,
+ show_has: o.show_has,
+ buyed_img: game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/buyed.png")
+ };
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Single.Inst.show(e, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ var e = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ 0 == n.shop_index ? i.Inst.want_to_buy_zhp(h.shop_item_id, 1) : i.Inst.want_to_buy_othershop(h.shop_item_id, 1)
+ });
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8004), e) : e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ d.getChildByName("label_name").text = o["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ s.skin.setSkin(o.icon),
+ this.usd_item_icon[o.icon] = 1,
+ o.buy_limit >= 0) {
+ var f = cfg.item_definition.item.get(o.item_id);
+ if (4 == o.category)
+ if (h.buyed_count >= o.buy_limit) {
+ (g = d.getChildByName("buyed")).visible = !0,
+ f && f.is_unique ? g.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/owned.png") : g.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/buyed.png"),
+ d.getChildByName("icon").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.DARK_FILTER)],
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)],
+ d.getChildByName("count").visible = !0,
+ d.getChildByName("count").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2189) + "0"
+ } else {
+ d.getChildByName("icon").filters = [],
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = [],
+ d.getChildByName("buyed").visible = !1,
+ d.getChildByName("count").visible = !0;
+ m = o.buy_limit - h.buyed_count;
+ d.getChildByName("count").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2189) + m
+ }
+ else {
+ var p = !0;
+ if (f && f.is_unique && t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(f.id) > 0 && (p = !1),
+ h.buyed_count >= o.buy_limit && (p = !1),
+ p) {
+ d.getChildByName("icon").filters = [],
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = [],
+ d.getChildByName("buyed").visible = !1,
+ d.getChildByName("count").visible = !0;
+ var m = o.buy_limit - h.buyed_count;
+ d.getChildByName("count").text = m > 1 ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2190) + m.toString() : ""
+ } else {
+ d.getChildByName("icon").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.DARK_FILTER)],
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)];
+ var g = d.getChildByName("buyed");
+ f.is_unique ? g.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/owned.png") : g.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/buyed.png"),
+ g.visible = !0,
+ d.getChildByName("count").visible = !1
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ d.getChildByName("icon").filters = [],
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = [],
+ d.getChildByName("buyed").visible = !1,
+ d.getChildByName("count").visible = !1;
+ if (o.sell_end_time && "" != o.sell_end_time) {
+ d.getChildByName("time_limit").visible = !0;
+ var y = d.getChildByName("count");
+ y.visible = !0;
+ var v = game.Tools.ParseTime(o.sell_end_time) - Date.now();
+ v <= 0 ? y.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2818) : (v /= 1e3) <= 60 ? y.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2819, ["1"]) : (v /= 60) < 60 ? y.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2819, [Math.ceil(v).toString()]) : (v /= 60,
+ y.text = v < 24 ? game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2820, [Math.ceil(v).toString()]) : game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2821, [Math.ceil(v / 24).toString()]))
+ } else
+ d.getChildByName("time_limit").visible = !1;
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("currency").skin = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(l),
+ d.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = o.price,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(d.getChildByName("btn_buy"))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.want_to_buy_zhp = function(e, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromZHP", {
+ goods_id: e,
+ count: n
+ }, function(r, s) {
+ if (r || s.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromZHP", r, s);
+ else {
+ if (GameMgr.inDmm) {
+ var o = cfg.shops.zhp_goods.get(e);
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show_dmm(o.item_id, 1)
+ } else
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191));
+ if (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(106),
+ 0 == a.shop_index)
+ for (c = 0; c < a.items.length; c++)
+ if (a.items[c].shop_item_id == e) {
+ a.items[c].buyed_count += n,
+ a.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(c);
+ break
+ }
+ var l = i.shopinfo.zhp;
+ if (l) {
+ l.buy_records || (l.buy_records = []);
+ for (var h = !1, c = 0; c < l.buy_records.length; c++)
+ if (l.buy_records[c].id == e) {
+ l.buy_records[c].count += n,
+ h = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ h || l.buy_records.push({
+ id: e,
+ count: n
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.want_to_buy_othershop = function(e, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromShop", {
+ goods_id: e,
+ count: n,
+ deal_price: cfg.shops.goods.get(e).price * n
+ }, function(r, s) {
+ if (r || s.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromShop", r, s);
+ else {
+ if (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(106),
+ 0 != a.shop_index)
+ for (h = 0; h < a.items.length; h++)
+ if (a.items[h].shop_item_id == e) {
+ a.items[h].buyed_count += n,
+ a.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(h);
+ break
+ }
+ i.shopinfo.buy_records || (i.shopinfo.buy_records = []);
+ for (var o = i.shopinfo.buy_records, l = !1, h = 0; h < o.length; h++)
+ if (o[h].id == e) {
+ o[h].count += n,
+ l = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (l || o.push({
+ id: e,
+ count: n
+ }),
+ s.rewards && s.rewards.length > 0)
+ game.Tools.showRewards(s, null);
+ else if (GameMgr.inDmm) {
+ var c = cfg.shops.goods.get(e);
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show_dmm(c.item_id, n)
+ } else
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_zhp = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_refreshZHP, !0);
+ var n = i.shopinfo.zhp
+ , a = 0
+ , r = 0;
+ n && (n.free_refresh && n.free_refresh.count && (a = n.free_refresh.count),
+ n.cost_refresh && n.cost_refresh.count < n.cost_refresh.limit && (r = n.cost_refresh.count)),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "refreshZHPShop", {
+ free_refresh: a,
+ cost_refresh: r
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(e.btn_refreshZHP, !1),
+ n || a.error) {
+ if (a && a.error && 501 == a.error.code)
+ return void t.UI_Diamond_Less.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, e.close), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ i.Inst.show(0)
+ }));
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("refreshZHPShop", n, a)
+ } else {
+ i.shopinfo.zhp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a.zhp));
+ i.shopinfo.zhp;
+ 0 == e.shop_index && e.change_tab(0)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.shopinfo = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Shop = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.shop_lobby_yulanUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_info = this.me.getChildByName("container_info"),
+ this.label_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_desc = this.container_info.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.container_right = this.me.getChildByName("container_right"),
+ this.container_buy = this.container_right.getChildByName("container_buy"),
+ this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop.Inst.show(4)
+ }))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.goods_id = e,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("yard", !1),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_right, {
+ x: 100
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_info, {
+ x: -100
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(350, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.refresh_buy()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_price = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.getChildByName("container_origin_price")
+ , r = t.getChildByName("container_discount");
+ if (a.visible = !1,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ i >= 1)
+ a.visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("now_price").text = e.toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("currency").skin = n;
+ else {
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.getChildByName("discount").text = "-" + (100 - Math.ceil(100 * i)) + "%",
+ r.getChildByName("currency").skin = n;
+ var s = r.getChildByName("now_price")
+ , o = r.getChildByName("origin_price")
+ , l = r.getChildByName("del");
+ o.text = e.toString(),
+ s.text = Math.floor(e * i).toString(),
+ l.width = o.textField.textWidth + 6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_buy = function() {
+ for (var e = this, n = cfg.shops.goods.get(this.goods_id), a = cfg.item_definition.item.get(n.item_id), r = a["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]; r.indexOf("{name}") > 0; )
+ r = r.replace("{name}", GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname);
+ if (r = r,
+ this.label_desc.text = r,
+ this.label_name.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(n.item_id) > 0)
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("container_discount").visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("container_origin_price").visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("btn_buy").visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("owned").visible = !0;
+ else {
+ var s = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(n.currency).icon);
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("owned").visible = !1,
+ this.refresh_price(this.container_buy, n.price, t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(n.id), s);
+ var o = this.container_buy.getChildByName("btn_buy");
+ o.visible = !0,
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var a = Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(106),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191)),
+ e.refresh_buy(),
+ t.UI_Bag.remove_item_listener(n.item_id, a)
+ });
+ t.UI_Bag.add_item_listener(n.item_id, a),
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2822, [n["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]]), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromShop", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_id,
+ count: 1,
+ deal_price: Math.floor(n.price * t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(n.id))
+ }, function(r, s) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(o, !1),
+ r || s.error) {
+ if (s && s.error && (t.UI_Bag.remove_item_listener(n.item_id, a),
+ 501 == s.error.code && 100004 == n.currency))
+ return void t.UI_Pifuquanless.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, e.close), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.set_lobby_bg(n.item_id, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ i.Inst.show(n.id)
+ }))
+ }));
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromShop", r, s)
+ }
+ })
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_info, {
+ x: -100
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_right, {
+ x: 100
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.set_lobby_bg(game.GameUtility.get_view_id(game.EView.lobby_bg))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Shop_Lobby_Yulan = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.shop_pack_detailUI) || this;
+ return t.locking = !1,
+ t.goods_id = 0,
+ t.packs = [],
+ t.origin_total_price = 0,
+ t.discount_pack = 0,
+ t.now_total_price = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.scrollview = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_cell)),
+ this.container_total_price = this.root.getChildByName("container_total_price"),
+ this.container_discount = this.root.getChildByName("container_discount"),
+ this.container_final_price = this.root.getChildByName("container_final_price"),
+ this.btn_buy = this.root.getChildByName("btn_buy"),
+ this.btn_buy.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,this.onBuy),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onBuy = function() {
+ if (!this.locking) {
+ this.close();
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < this.packs.length; i++)
+ this.packs[i].owned || e.push({
+ id: this.packs[i].goods_id,
+ count: 1,
+ dealPrice: this.packs[i].now_price
+ });
+ var n = this.when_buy_event
+ , a = this.goods_id;
+ n.runWith({
+ event: "begin",
+ goods_id: a
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromShop", {
+ goods_id: this.goods_id,
+ count: 1,
+ bill_short_cut: e,
+ deal_price: this.now_total_price
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromShop", e, i) : (view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(106),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191)),
+ n.runWith({
+ event: "success",
+ goods_id: a
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.goods_id = e,
+ this.when_buy_event = i;
+ var a = cfg.shops.goods.get(this.goods_id);
+ if (a && 100 == a.category_goods) {
+ var r = cfg.shops.goods_package.getGroup(a.item_id);
+ if (r && 0 != r.length) {
+ this.packs = [],
+ this.origin_total_price = 0;
+ for (var s = "", o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
+ var l = r[o].good_id
+ , h = r[o].good_count
+ , c = cfg.shops.goods.get(l)
+ , _ = c.price;
+ 0 == o && (s = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(c.currency).icon));
+ var u = t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(l)
+ , d = Math.floor(_ * u)
+ , f = !1;
+ 1 == c.category_goods && (f = t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(c.item_id)),
+ this.packs.push({
+ goods_id: l,
+ count: h,
+ origin_price: _,
+ discount: u,
+ now_price: d,
+ owned: f
+ }),
+ f || (this.origin_total_price += d)
+ }
+ this.discount_pack = t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(this.goods_id),
+ this.now_total_price = Math.floor(this.origin_total_price * this.discount_pack),
+ this.container_total_price.getChildByName("value").text = this.origin_total_price.toString(),
+ this.container_total_price.getChildByName("currency").skin = s,
+ this.container_discount.getChildByName("value").text = "-" + (100 - Math.ceil(100 * this.discount_pack)) + "%",
+ this.container_final_price.getChildByName("value").text = this.now_total_price.toString(),
+ this.container_final_price.getChildByName("currency").skin = s,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.packs.length),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {}
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_price = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.getChildByName("container_origin_price")
+ , r = t.getChildByName("container_discount");
+ if (a.visible = !1,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ i >= 1)
+ a.visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("now_price").text = e.toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("currency").skin = n;
+ else {
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.getChildByName("discount").text = "-" + (100 - Math.ceil(100 * i)) + "%";
+ var s = r.getChildByName("now_price");
+ r.getChildByName("currency0").skin = n,
+ r.getChildByName("currency1").skin = n;
+ var o = r.getChildByName("origin_price")
+ , l = r.getChildByName("del");
+ o.text = e.toString(),
+ s.text = Math.floor(e * i).toString(),
+ l.width = o.textField.textWidth + 6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.render_cell = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index
+ , i = t.container
+ , n = this.packs[e]
+ , a = cfg.shops.goods.get(n.goods_id);
+ if (1 == a.category_goods) {
+ i.getChildByName("head").getChildByName("flag_skin").visible = !0;
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(a.item_id);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(i.getChildByName("head").getChildByName("icon"), r.path + "/bighead.png")
+ } else
+ i.getChildByName("head").getChildByName("flag_skin").visible = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(i.getChildByName("head").getChildByName("icon"), a.icon);
+ if (i.getChildByName("name").text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ i.getChildByName("desc").text = a["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ n.owned)
+ i.getChildByName("container_buy").visible = !1,
+ i.getChildByName("owned").visible = !0;
+ else {
+ i.getChildByName("container_buy").visible = !0,
+ i.getChildByName("owned").visible = !1;
+ var s = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(a.currency).icon);
+ this.refresh_price(i.getChildByName("container_buy"), n.origin_price, n.discount, s)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Shop_Pack_Detail = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e;
+ !function(t) {
+ t[t.none = 0] = "none",
+ t[t.down = 1] = "down",
+ t[t.move = 2] = "move"
+ }(e || (e = {}));
+ var i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.shop_skin_yulanUI) || this;
+ return t.skin_cells = [],
+ t.mouse_state = e.none,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.container_illust = this.me.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.illust = this.container_illust.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.container_info = this.me.getChildByName("container_info"),
+ this.label_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_character = this.container_info.getChildByName("character"),
+ this.label_desc = this.container_info.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.container_right = this.me.getChildByName("right"),
+ this.container_buy = this.container_right.getChildByName("container_buy"),
+ this.container_chooses = this.container_right.getChildByName("container_chooses");
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.container_chooses.numChildren; n++) {
+ var a = this.container_chooses.getChildAt(n);
+ this.skin_cells.push({
+ me: a,
+ mask: a.mask,
+ content: a.getChildByName("content"),
+ icon: a.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("icon"),
+ gray_mask: a.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("gray")
+ })
+ }
+ this.btn_choose = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_choose");
+ var r = function() {
+ i.onChangeAngle(30 * Math.floor((i.target_angle + 15) / 30))
+ };
+ this.btn_choose.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ i.locking || (i.mouse_state = e.down,
+ i.last_mouse_x = i.btn_choose.mouseX)
+ }),
+ this.btn_choose.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ i.mouse_state == e.down ? function() {
+ for (var t = i.btn_choose.mouseX, e = 0; e < i.skin_cells.length; e++) {
+ var n = i.skin_cells[e];
+ if (n.me.visible && n.me.x <= t && t <= n.me.x + n.me.width) {
+ if (n.goods_index == i.choosed_goods_index)
+ return;
+ i.onChangeAngle(30 * n.goods_index);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }() : i.mouse_state == e.move && r(),
+ i.mouse_state = e.none
+ }),
+ this.btn_choose.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ var t = i.btn_choose.mouseX
+ , n = t - i.last_mouse_x;
+ i.mouse_state == e.down && Math.abs(n) > 10 && (i.mouse_state = e.move),
+ i.mouse_state == e.move && (i.onChangeAngle(i.target_angle - 180 * n / 400),
+ i.last_mouse_x = t)
+ }),
+ this.btn_choose.on("mouseover", this, function() {
+ i.mouse_state == e.move && r(),
+ i.mouse_state = e.none
+ }),
+ this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close(Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ t.UI_Shop.Inst.show(4)
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_left = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_left"),
+ this.btn_right = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_right"),
+ this.btn_left.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.choosed_goods_index <= 0 || i.onChangeAngle(30 * (i.choosed_goods_index - 1))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_right.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.choosed_goods_index >= i.goods_lst.length - 1 || i.onChangeAngle(30 * (i.choosed_goods_index + 1))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onChangeAngle = function(t) {
+ t < 0 && (t = 0),
+ t > 30 * this.goods_lst.length - 30 && (t = 30 * this.goods_lst.length - 30),
+ this.target_angle = t;
+ var e = Math.floor((t + 15) / 30);
+ e != this.choosed_goods_index && (this.choosed_goods_index = e,
+ this.onCenterCharacterChange())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_scroll = function() {
+ for (var t = 30 * Math.floor(this.current_angle / 30) - 90, e = [], i = 0; i < this.skin_cells.length; i++)
+ e.push(!1);
+ for (var n = this.container_chooses.width / 2, i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
+ var a = t + 30 * i
+ , r = a - this.current_angle;
+ if (Math.abs(r) < 89) {
+ var s = a / 30
+ , o = s % this.skin_cells.length;
+ if (s >= 0 && s < this.goods_lst.length) {
+ e[o] = !0;
+ var l = this.skin_cells[o];
+ if (this.skin_cells[o].goods_index != s) {
+ var h = this.goods_lst[s];
+ l.me.visible = !0,
+ l.goods_index = s,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(l.icon, h.icon + "/waitingroom.png")
+ }
+ for (var c = Math.cos(r * Math.PI / 180), _ = 0; _ < 4; _++)
+ c *= c;
+ l.gray_mask.alpha = 1 - c,
+ l.me.x = Math.sin((r - 15) * Math.PI / 180) * n + n,
+ l.me.width = (Math.sin((r + 15) * Math.PI / 180) - Math.sin((r - 15) * Math.PI / 180)) * n,
+ l.mask.width = l.me.width,
+ l.content.x = l.me.width / 2,
+ l.me.y = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.skin_cells.length; i++)
+ e[i] || (this.skin_cells[i].goods_index = -1,
+ this.skin_cells[i].me.visible = !1,
+ this.skin_cells[i].me.width = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_price = function(t, e, i, n) {
+ var a = t.getChildByName("container_origin_price")
+ , r = t.getChildByName("container_discount");
+ if (a.visible = !1,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ i >= 1)
+ a.visible = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("now_price").text = e.toString(),
+ a.getChildByName("currency").skin = n;
+ else {
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.getChildByName("discount").text = "-" + (100 - Math.ceil(100 * i)) + "%",
+ r.getChildByName("currency").skin = n;
+ var s = r.getChildByName("now_price")
+ , o = r.getChildByName("origin_price")
+ , l = r.getChildByName("del");
+ o.text = e.toString(),
+ s.text = Math.floor(e * i).toString(),
+ l.width = o.textField.textWidth + 6
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_buy = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = cfg.shops.goods.get(this.goods_lst[this.choosed_goods_index].goods_id);
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(i.item_id))
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("container_discount").visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("container_origin_price").visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("btn_buy").visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("owned").visible = !0;
+ else {
+ var a = game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(game.GameUtility.get_item_view(i.currency).icon);
+ this.container_buy.getChildByName("owned").visible = !1,
+ this.refresh_price(this.container_buy, i.price, t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(i.id), a);
+ var r = this.container_buy.getChildByName("btn_buy");
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2822, [i["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]]), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromShop", {
+ goods_id: e.goods_lst[e.choosed_goods_index].goods_id,
+ count: 1,
+ deal_price: Math.floor(i.price * t.UI_Shop.goods_discount_value(i.id))
+ }, function(a, s) {
+ if (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r, !1),
+ a || s.error) {
+ if (s && s.error && 501 == s.error.code && 100004 == i.currency)
+ return void t.UI_Pifuquanless.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(e, e.close), Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ n.Inst.show(i.id)
+ }));
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromShop", a, s)
+ } else
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(106),
+ t.UI_Sushe.add_skin(i.item_id),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191)),
+ e.refresh_buy()
+ })
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.container_buy),
+ this.container_buy.y = 640,
+ this.container_buy.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_buy, {
+ y: 570,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.update_anim = function() {
+ if (this.current_angle != this.target_angle) {
+ var t = Math.abs(this.target_angle - this.current_angle)
+ , e = .005 / 30 * t * t + .1
+ , i = Laya.timer.delta * e;
+ i >= t ? this.current_angle = this.target_angle : this.target_angle > this.current_angle ? this.current_angle += i : this.current_angle -= i,
+ this.refresh_scroll()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_skin = function() {
+ var t = this.goods_lst[this.choosed_goods_index]
+ , e = (cfg.shops.goods.get(t.goods_id),
+ cfg.item_definition.skin.get(t.skin_id));
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.illust, e.path + "/full.png");
+ var i = 1e3 / e.full_height;
+ this.illust.height = 1e3,
+ this.illust.width = e.full_width * i,
+ this.illust.x = 620 - e.full_center_x * e.full_width * i,
+ this.illust.y = 40,
+ this.label_name.text = e["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.label_character.text = cfg.item_definition.character.get(e.character_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ for (var n = e["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]; n.indexOf("{name}") > 0; )
+ n = n.replace("{name}", GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname);
+ this.label_desc.text = n,
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.container_illust),
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.container_info),
+ this.container_illust.x = -200,
+ this.container_illust.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_illust, {
+ x: 0,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.linearNone),
+ this.container_info.x = -200,
+ this.container_info.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_info, {
+ x: 0,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.linearNone)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCenterCharacterChange = function() {
+ this.refresh_skin(),
+ this.refresh_buy(),
+ this.btn_left.visible = this.choosed_goods_index > 0,
+ this.btn_right.visible = this.choosed_goods_index < this.goods_lst.length - 1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === i && (i = -1),
+ this.goods_lst = [],
+ this.current_angle = 0,
+ this.choosed_goods_index = 0,
+ cfg.shops.goods.forEach(function(e) {
+ 5 == e.category && 1 == e.category_goods && t.UI_Shop.goods_on_sell(e.id) && (n.goods_lst.push({
+ goods_id: e.id,
+ skin_id: e.item_id,
+ icon: cfg.item_definition.skin.get(e.item_id).path
+ }),
+ e.id == i && (n.choosed_goods_index = n.goods_lst.length - 1,
+ n.current_angle = 30 * n.choosed_goods_index))
+ }),
+ this.target_angle = this.current_angle,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.onCenterCharacterChange(),
+ this.refresh_scroll(),
+ this.mouse_state = e.none,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update_anim),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_right, {
+ x: 100
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(350, this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_right, {
+ x: 100
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_illust, {
+ x: -100
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_info, {
+ x: -100
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (t = 0; t < this.skin_cells.length; t++)
+ this.skin_cells[t].icon.skin = "",
+ this.skin_cells[t].me.visible = !1,
+ this.skin_cells[t].me.width = 0,
+ this.skin_cells[t].mask.width = 0,
+ this.skin_cells[t].goods_index = -1;
+ this.illust.skin = "";
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.goods_lst.length; t++)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(this.goods_lst[t].icon + "/waitingroom.png")),
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(this.goods_lst[t].icon + "/full.png"));
+ this.goods_lst = []
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Shop_Skin_Yulan = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.skin_yulanUI) || this;
+ return t.scale = 1,
+ t.during_move = !1,
+ t.mouse_start_x = 0,
+ t.mouse_start_y = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.illust = this.me.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.skin = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.illust.getChildByName("illust")),
+ this.container_move = this.me.getChildByName("move"),
+ this.container_move.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e.during_move = !0,
+ e.mouse_start_x = e.container_move.mouseX,
+ e.mouse_start_y = e.container_move.mouseY
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ e.during_move && (e.move(e.container_move.mouseX - e.mouse_start_x, e.container_move.mouseY - e.mouse_start_y),
+ e.mouse_start_x = e.container_move.mouseX,
+ e.mouse_start_y = e.container_move.mouseY)
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ e.during_move = !1
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ e.during_move = !1
+ }),
+ this.btn_big = this.me.getChildByName("btn_big"),
+ this.btn_big.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.bigger()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_small = this.me.getChildByName("btn_small"),
+ this.btn_small.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.smaller()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_info = this.me.getChildByName("container_info"),
+ this.label_name = this.container_info.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.label_character = this.container_info.getChildByName("character"),
+ this.label_desc = this.container_info.getChildByName("info")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.when_close = i,
+ this.skin.setSkin(e, "full"),
+ this.illust_start_x = this.illust.x,
+ this.illust_start_y = this.illust.y,
+ this.illust_center_x = 1017,
+ this.illust_center_y = 629,
+ this.scale = 1,
+ this.illust.scaleX = this.illust.scaleY = 1,
+ this.illust.x = this.illust_center_x,
+ this.illust.y = this.illust_center_y;
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(e);
+ this.label_name.text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.label_character.text = cfg.item_definition.character.get(a.character_id)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ for (var r = a["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language]; r.indexOf("{name}") > 0; )
+ r = r.replace("{name}", GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname);
+ this.label_desc.text = r,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_small, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_close, null),
+ this.illust.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.from(this.illust, {
+ x: this.illust_center_x - 100,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ this.container_info.alpha = 0,
+ this.container_info.x = -100,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_info, {
+ x: 0,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.backOut),
+ this.during_move = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_info, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_small, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_close, null),
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.when_close && e.when_close.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.skin.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.bigger = function() {
+ 1.1 * this.scale > 1.5 || (this.scale *= 1.1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ scaleX: this.scale,
+ scaleY: this.scale
+ }, 100, null, null, 0, !0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.smaller = function() {
+ this.scale / 1.1 < .5 || (this.scale /= 1.1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ scaleX: this.scale,
+ scaleY: this.scale
+ }, 100, null, null, 0, !0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.move = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.illust.x + t
+ , n = this.illust.y + e;
+ i < this.illust_center_x - 600 ? i = this.illust_center_x - 600 : i > this.illust_center_x + 600 && (i = this.illust_center_x + 600),
+ n < this.illust_center_y - 1200 ? n = this.illust_center_y - 1200 : n > this.illust_center_y + 800 && (n = this.illust_center_y + 800),
+ this.illust.x = i,
+ this.illust.y = n
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Skin_Yulan = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.scale = 1,
+ this.during_move = !1,
+ this.mouse_start_x = 0,
+ this.mouse_start_y = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.container_illust = e,
+ this.illust = this.container_illust.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.container_move = t.getChildByName("move"),
+ this.container_move.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ i.during_move = !0,
+ i.mouse_start_x = i.container_move.mouseX,
+ i.mouse_start_y = i.container_move.mouseY
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ i.during_move && (i.move(i.container_move.mouseX - i.mouse_start_x, i.container_move.mouseY - i.mouse_start_y),
+ i.mouse_start_x = i.container_move.mouseX,
+ i.mouse_start_y = i.container_move.mouseY)
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ i.during_move = !1
+ }),
+ this.container_move.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ i.during_move = !1
+ }),
+ this.btn_big = t.getChildByName("btn_big"),
+ this.btn_big.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.bigger()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_small = t.getChildByName("btn_small"),
+ this.btn_small.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.smaller()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_close = t.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.when_close = e,
+ this.illust_start_x = this.illust.x,
+ this.illust_start_y = this.illust.y,
+ this.illust_center_x = this.illust.x + 984 - 446,
+ this.illust_center_y = this.illust.y + 11 - 84,
+ this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !1,
+ this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name_en").visible = !1,
+ this.container_illust.getChildByName("btn").visible = !1,
+ i.Inst.stopsay(),
+ this.scale = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ x: this.illust_center_x,
+ y: this.illust_center_y
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_small, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.btn_close, null),
+ this.during_move = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !0 : this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name_en").visible = !0,
+ this.container_illust.getChildByName("btn").visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ x: this.illust_start_x,
+ y: this.illust_start_y,
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_big, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_small, null),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.btn_close, null),
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.when_close.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.bigger = function() {
+ 1.1 * this.scale > 1.5 || (this.scale *= 1.1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ scaleX: this.scale,
+ scaleY: this.scale
+ }, 100, null, null, 0, !0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.smaller = function() {
+ this.scale / 1.1 < .5 || (this.scale /= 1.1,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.illust, {
+ scaleX: this.scale,
+ scaleY: this.scale
+ }, 100, null, null, 0, !0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.move = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this.illust.x + t
+ , n = this.illust.y + e;
+ i < this.illust_center_x - 600 ? i = this.illust_center_x - 600 : i > this.illust_center_x + 600 && (i = this.illust_center_x + 600),
+ n < this.illust_center_y - 1200 ? n = this.illust_center_y - 1200 : n > this.illust_center_y + 800 && (n = this.illust_center_y + 800),
+ this.illust.x = i,
+ this.illust.y = n
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.susheUI) || this;
+ return t.contianer_illust = null,
+ t.illust = null,
+ t.container_name = null,
+ t.label_name = null,
+ t.label_cv = null,
+ t.container_page = null,
+ t.container_look_illust = null,
+ t.page_select_character = null,
+ t.page_visit_character = null,
+ t.origin_illust_x = 0,
+ t.chat_id = 0,
+ t._select_index = 0,
+ t.container_chat = null,
+ t.sound_channel = null,
+ t.chat_block = null,
+ t.illust_showing = !0,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.init = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCharacterInfo", {}, function(n, a) {
+ if (n || a.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCharacterInfo", n, a);
+ else {
+ if (app.Log.log("fetchCharacterInfo: " + JSON.stringify(a)),
+ (a = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a))).main_character_id && a.characters) {
+ if (i.characters = [],
+ a.characters)
+ for (r = 0; r < a.characters.length; r++)
+ i.characters.push(a.characters[r]);
+ if (i.skin_map = {},
+ a.skins)
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.skins.length; r++)
+ i.skin_map[a.skins[r]] = 1;
+ i.main_character_id = a.main_character_id
+ } else
+ i.characters = [],
+ i.characters.push({
+ charid: 200001,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: 400101,
+ is_upgraded: !1,
+ extra_emoji: []
+ }),
+ i.characters.push({
+ charid: 200002,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: 400201,
+ is_upgraded: !1,
+ extra_emoji: []
+ }),
+ i.skin_map[400101] = 1,
+ i.skin_map[400201] = 1,
+ i.main_character_id = 200001;
+ i.send_gift_count = 0,
+ i.send_gift_limit = 0,
+ a.send_gift_count && (i.send_gift_count = a.send_gift_count),
+ a.send_gift_limit && (i.send_gift_limit = a.send_gift_limit),
+ e.run()
+ }
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAllCommonViews", {}, function(e, n) {
+ if (e || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAllCommonViews", e, n);
+ else {
+ i.using_commonview_index = n.use,
+ i.commonViewList = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
+ var a = n.views;
+ if (a)
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
+ var s = a[r].values;
+ s && (i.commonViewList[a[r].index] = s)
+ }
+ GameMgr.Inst.load_mjp_view()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.on_data_updata = function(e) {
+ if (e.character) {
+ var i = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.character));
+ if (i.characters)
+ for (var n = i.characters, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
+ for (var r = !1, s = 0; s < this.characters.length; s++)
+ if (this.characters[s].charid == n[a].charid) {
+ this.characters[s] = n[a],
+ t.UI_Sushe_Visit.Inst && t.UI_Sushe_Visit.Inst.chara_info && t.UI_Sushe_Visit.Inst.chara_info.charid == this.characters[s].charid && (t.UI_Sushe_Visit.Inst.chara_info = this.characters[s]),
+ r = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ r || this.characters.push(n[a])
+ }
+ if (i.skins) {
+ for (var o = i.skins, a = 0; a < o.length; a++)
+ this.skin_map[o[a]] = 1;
+ t.UI_Bag.Inst.on_skin_change()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.chara_owned = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.characters.length; e++)
+ if (this.characters[e].charid == t)
+ return !0;
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ n.skin_owned = function(t) {
+ return this.skin_map.hasOwnProperty(t.toString())
+ }
+ ,
+ n.add_skin = function(t) {
+ this.skin_map[t] = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(n, "main_chara_info", {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.characters.length; t++)
+ if (this.characters[t].charid == this.main_character_id)
+ return this.characters[t];
+ return null
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ n.on_view_remove = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.commonViewList.length; e++)
+ for (var i = this.commonViewList[e], n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ if (i[n].item_id == t) {
+ i[n].item_id = game.GameUtility.get_view_default_item_id(i[n].slot);
+ break
+ }
+ cfg.item_definition.item.get(t).type == game.EView.head_frame && GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_frame == t && (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_frame = game.GameUtility.get_view_default_item_id(game.EView.head_frame))
+ }
+ ,
+ Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, "select_index", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._select_index
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.contianer_illust = this.me.getChildByName("illust"),
+ this.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("illust").getChildByName("illust")),
+ this.container_chat = this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("chat"),
+ this.chat_block = new t.UI_Character_Chat(this.container_chat),
+ this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!i.page_visit_character.me.visible || !i.page_visit_character.cannot_click_say)
+ if (i.sound_channel)
+ i.stopsay();
+ else {
+ if (!i.illust_showing)
+ return;
+ i.say("lobby_normal")
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_name = null,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.container_name = this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("container_name"),
+ this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("container_name_en").visible = !1) : (this.container_name = this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("container_name_en"),
+ this.contianer_illust.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !1),
+ this.label_name = this.container_name.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.label_cv = this.container_name.getChildByName("label_CV"),
+ this.origin_illust_x = this.contianer_illust.x,
+ this.container_page = this.me.getChildByName("container_page"),
+ this.page_select_character = new t.UI_Sushe_Select,
+ this.container_page.addChild(this.page_select_character.me),
+ this.page_visit_character = new t.UI_Sushe_Visit,
+ this.container_page.addChild(this.page_visit_character.me),
+ this.container_look_illust = new e(this.me.getChildByName("look_illust"),this.contianer_illust)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(15),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.page_visit_character.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_look_illust.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < n.characters.length; i++)
+ if (n.characters[i].charid == n.main_character_id) {
+ e = i;
+ break
+ }
+ 0 == t ? (this.change_select(e),
+ this.show_page_select()) : (this._select_index = -1,
+ this.illust_showing = !1,
+ this.contianer_illust.visible = !1,
+ this.page_select_character.show(1))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.starup_back = function() {
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.change_select(this._select_index),
+ this.show_page_visit(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.go2Lobby = function() {
+ this.close(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.illust_showing && t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.contianer_illust, {
+ x: -30
+ }, 150, 0),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.illust.clear(),
+ this.stopsay(),
+ this.container_look_illust.me.visible && this.container_look_illust.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.hide_illust = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.illust_showing && (this.illust_showing = !1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.contianer_illust, {
+ x: -30
+ }, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.contianer_illust.visible = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.open_illust = function() {
+ if (!this.illust_showing)
+ if (this.illust_showing = !0,
+ this._select_index >= 0)
+ this.contianer_illust.visible = !0,
+ this.contianer_illust.alpha = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.contianer_illust, {
+ x: -30
+ }, 200);
+ else {
+ for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < n.characters.length; i++)
+ if (n.characters[i].charid == n.main_character_id) {
+ e = i;
+ break
+ }
+ this.change_select(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show_page_select = function() {
+ this.page_select_character.show(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show_page_visit = function(t) {
+ this.page_visit_character.show(n.characters[this._select_index], t)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.change_select = function(e) {
+ this._select_index = e,
+ this.illust.clear(),
+ this.illust_showing = !0;
+ var i = n.characters[e];
+ this.label_name.text = cfg.item_definition.character.get(i.charid)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.label_cv.text = "CV" + cfg.item_definition.character.get(i.charid)["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language] : this.label_cv.text = "CV:" + cfg.item_definition.character.get(i.charid)["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.illust.setSkin(i.skin, "full"),
+ this.contianer_illust.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.contianer_illust),
+ this.contianer_illust.x = this.origin_illust_x,
+ this.contianer_illust.alpha = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.contianer_illust, {
+ x: -30
+ }, 230),
+ this.stopsay()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onChangeSkin = function(t) {
+ n.characters[this._select_index].skin = t,
+ this.change_select(this._select_index),
+ n.characters[this._select_index].charid == n.main_character_id && (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id = t),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "changeCharacterSkin", {
+ character_id: n.characters[this._select_index].charid,
+ skin: t
+ }, function(t, e) {})
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.say = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = n.characters[this._select_index];
+ this.chat_id++;
+ var a = this.chat_id
+ , r = view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(i, t, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, e, function() {
+ a == e.chat_id && e.stopsay()
+ })
+ }));
+ r && (this.chat_block.show(r.words),
+ this.sound_channel = r.sound)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.stopsay = function() {
+ this.chat_block.close(!1),
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.to_look_illust = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.container_look_illust.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.page_select_character.show(0)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.characters = [],
+ n.skin_map = {},
+ n.main_character_id = 0,
+ n.send_gift_count = 0,
+ n.send_gift_limit = 0,
+ n.commonViewList = [],
+ n.using_commonview_index = 0,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Sushe = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.scrollview = null,
+ this.select_index = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_visit").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.Inst.locking || i.Inst.close(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.show_page_visit(!1)
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_look").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.Inst.locking || i.Inst.close(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.to_look_illust()
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_character_cell), -1, 3)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ e ? this.me.alpha = 1 : t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0),
+ this.select_index = t.UI_Sushe.Inst.select_index,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(t.UI_Sushe.characters.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_character_cell = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data;
+ r.index = n,
+ r.inited || (r.inited = !0,
+ a.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.onClickAtHead(r.index)
+ }
+ ),
+ r.skin = new t.UI_Character_Skin(a.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("head")));
+ var s = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ s.getChildByName("choose").visible = n == this.select_index,
+ r.skin.setSkin(t.UI_Sushe.characters[n].skin, "bighead"),
+ s.getChildByName("using").visible = t.UI_Sushe.characters[n].charid == t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id,
+ s.getChildByName("label_name").text = cfg.item_definition.character.find(t.UI_Sushe.characters[n].charid)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onClickAtHead = function(e) {
+ if (this.select_index == e) {
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].charid != t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id)
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2769));
+ else {
+ var i = t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id;
+ t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id = t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].charid,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "changeMainCharacter", {
+ character_id: t.UI_Sushe.main_character_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.avatar_id = t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].skin;
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; n++)
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[n].charid == i && this.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(n);
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(e)
+ }
+ } else {
+ var a = this.select_index;
+ this.select_index = e,
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(a),
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(e),
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.change_select(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible && (e ? this.me.visible = !1 : t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ x: 0
+ }, 200, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.me.visible = !1
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? new ui.lobby.sushe_selectUI : new ui.lobby.sushe_select_enUI) || this;
+ return t.bg_width_head = 988,
+ t.bg_width_zhuangban = 1819,
+ t.bg2_delta = -29,
+ t.container_top = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.tabs = [],
+ t.tab_index = 0,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || (1 == i.tab_index && i.container_zhuangban.changed ? t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3022), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.close(),
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.go2Lobby()
+ }), null) : (i.close(),
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.go2Lobby()))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.bg2 = this.root.getChildByName("bg2"),
+ this.bg = this.root.getChildByName("bg");
+ for (var n = this.root.getChildByName("container_tabs"), a = function(e) {
+ r.tabs.push(n.getChildAt(e)),
+ r.tabs[e].clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ i.locking || i.tab_index != e && (1 == i.tab_index && i.container_zhuangban.changed ? t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3022), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.change_tab(e)
+ }), null) : i.change_tab(e))
+ }
+ )
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < n.numChildren; s++)
+ a(s);
+ this.container_head = new e(this.root.getChildByName("container_heads")),
+ this.container_zhuangban = new t.zhuangban.Container_Zhuangban(this.root.getChildByName("container_zhuangban0"),this.root.getChildByName("container_zhuangban1"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.locking
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.tab_index = e,
+ 0 == this.tab_index ? (this.bg.width = this.bg_width_head,
+ this.bg2.width = this.bg.width + this.bg2_delta,
+ this.container_zhuangban.close(!0),
+ this.container_head.show(!0),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 200)) : (this.bg.width = this.bg_width_zhuangban,
+ this.bg2.width = this.bg.width + this.bg2_delta,
+ this.container_zhuangban.show(!0),
+ this.container_head.close(!0),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 200)),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ });
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.tabs.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.tabs[n];
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(n == this.tab_index ? "myres/sushe/btn_shine2.png" : "myres/sushe/btn_dark2.png");
+ var r = a.getChildByName("word");
+ r.color = n == this.tab_index ? "#552c1c" : "#d3a86c",
+ r.scaleX = r.scaleY = n == this.tab_index ? 1.1 : 1,
+ n == this.tab_index && a.parent.setChildIndex(a, this.tabs.length - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.change_tab = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.tab_index = e;
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.tabs.length; n++) {
+ var a = this.tabs[n];
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(n == e ? "myres/sushe/btn_shine2.png" : "myres/sushe/btn_dark2.png");
+ var r = a.getChildByName("word");
+ r.color = n == e ? "#552c1c" : "#d3a86c",
+ r.scaleX = r.scaleY = n == e ? 1.1 : 1,
+ n == e && a.parent.setChildIndex(a, this.tabs.length - 1)
+ }
+ this.locking = !0,
+ 0 == this.tab_index ? (this.container_zhuangban.close(!1),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ width: this.bg_width_head
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.open_illust(),
+ i.container_head.show(!1)
+ })),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg2, {
+ width: this.bg_width_head + this.bg2_delta
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut)) : 1 == this.tab_index && (this.container_head.close(!1),
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.hide_illust(),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg, {
+ width: this.bg_width_zhuangban
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.container_zhuangban.show(!1)
+ })),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.bg2, {
+ width: this.bg_width_zhuangban + this.bg2_delta
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongOut)),
+ Laya.timer.once(400, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ 0 == this.tab_index ? t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.container_head.close(!0)
+ })) : t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.container_zhuangban.close(!0)
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; e++) {
+ var i = t.UI_Sushe.characters[e].skin
+ , n = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(i);
+ n && Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.LoadMgr.getResImageSkin(n.path + "/bighead.png"))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Sushe_Select = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.speed = .001,
+ this.hearts = [],
+ this.heart_masks = [],
+ this.exp_limits = [],
+ this.preframe_time = 0,
+ this.heart_count = 5,
+ this.during_change = !1,
+ this.btn_heart = null,
+ this.label_val = null,
+ this.is_upgraded = !1,
+ this.val_show_starttime = -1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.container_hearts = this.me.getChildByName("hearts");
+ for (n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
+ var i = this.container_hearts.getChildByName("h" + n);
+ this.hearts.push(i),
+ this.heart_masks.push(i.getChildByName("v").mask)
+ }
+ this.bg_hearts = this.me.getChildByName("bg_hearts"),
+ this.exp_limits = [];
+ for (var n = 0; n < 5; n++)
+ this.exp_limits.push(cfg.level_definition.character.find(n + 1).exp);
+ this.btn_heart = this.me.getChildByName("btn_heart"),
+ this.label_val = this.container_hearts.getChildByName("heartval"),
+ this.btn_heart.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.is_upgraded || (e.label_val.visible ? e.label_val.visible = !1 : (e.label_val.visible = !0,
+ e.val_show_starttime = Laya.timer.currTimer))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.is_upgraded ? this.bg_hearts.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/sushe/heart_full.png") : this.bg_hearts.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/sushe/heart_normal.png"),
+ this.current_level = t.level,
+ this.current_exp_rate = t.exp / this.exp_limits[this.current_level],
+ this.isupgrad = t.is_upgraded,
+ this.label_val.visible = !1,
+ this.refresh_heart(this.current_level, this.current_exp_rate, t.is_upgraded),
+ this.during_change = !1,
+ this.preframe_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.update)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.update = function() {
+ if (this.label_val.visible) {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer - this.val_show_starttime >= 5e3 && (this.label_val.visible = !1)
+ }
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.preframe_time;
+ this.preframe_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ this.during_change && (this.target_level != this.current_level ? (this.during_change = !1,
+ this.current_level = this.target_level,
+ this.current_exp_rate = this.target_exp_rate,
+ this.refresh_heart(this.target_level, this.target_exp_rate, this.isupgrad)) : (this.current_exp_rate += t * this.speed,
+ this.target_exp_rate < this.current_exp_rate ? (this.during_change = !1,
+ this.current_level = this.target_level,
+ this.current_exp_rate = this.target_exp_rate,
+ this.refresh_heart(this.target_level, this.target_exp_rate, this.isupgrad)) : this.refresh_heart(this.target_level, this.current_exp_rate, this.isupgrad)))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.refresh_heart = function(t, e, i) {
+ this.is_upgraded = i,
+ this.label_val.text = "";
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.heart_count; n++) {
+ var a = this.heart_masks[n];
+ this.current_level > n ? a.scaleY = 1 : this.current_level == n ? (a.scaleY = .82 * e + .1,
+ this.label_val.x = this.hearts[n].x,
+ this.label_val.text = Math.ceil(e * this.exp_limits[n]).toString() + "/" + this.exp_limits[n].toString()) : a.scaleY = 0,
+ this.hearts[n].getChildByName("v").getChildByName("h").skin = i ? game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/heart_gold.png") : game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_heart.png")
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.after_give = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = t.exp / this.exp_limits[t.level]
+ , a = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(this.hearts[this.current_level], e ? "scene/effect_heartup_favor.lh" : "scene/effect_heartup.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ if (Laya.timer.once(2e3, null, function() {
+ a.destory()
+ }),
+ t.level > this.current_level) {
+ this.target_level = this.current_level,
+ this.target_exp_rate = 1,
+ this.during_change = !0;
+ var r = (1 - this.current_exp_rate) / this.speed;
+ Laya.timer.once(r + 200, this, function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(i.hearts[i.current_level], "scene/effect_heartlevelup.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, null, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ }),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(111)
+ })
+ } else
+ t.level == this.current_level && n > this.current_exp_rate ? (this.target_level = t.level,
+ this.target_exp_rate = n,
+ this.during_change = !0) : Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ i.target_level = t.level,
+ i.target_exp_rate = n,
+ i.during_change = !0
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.items = [],
+ this.tab_index = 0,
+ this.gift_choose_index = -1,
+ this.content_inshow = !1,
+ this.give_cd = 0,
+ this.sound_channel = null,
+ this.content = t,
+ this.block_exp = i,
+ this.container_tabs = e,
+ this.btn_gift = this.container_tabs.getChildByName("send"),
+ this.btn_gift.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 2 != n.tab_index && n.change_tab(2)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_qiyue = this.container_tabs.getChildByName("sign"),
+ this.btn_qiyue.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 1 != n.tab_index && n.change_tab(1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview = this.content.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1), -1, 4),
+ this.container_qiyue = this.content.getChildByName("page_qiyue"),
+ this.container_gift = this.content.getChildByName("page_gift"),
+ this.content.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.change_tab(0)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.content.visible = !1,
+ this.content_inshow = !1,
+ this.tab_index = 0,
+ this.gift_choose_index = -1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.reset(),
+ this.chara_info = t,
+ this.btn_gift.visible = t.level < 5;
+ var e = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t.charid);
+ this.btn_qiyue.visible = !t.is_upgraded && e.can_marry > 0,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(this.container_tabs, [7]),
+ this.change_tab(0)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.change_tab = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (this.items = [],
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.container_gift.visible = !1,
+ this.container_qiyue.visible = !1,
+ this.tab_index = e,
+ 1 == e) {
+ this.btn_qiyue.getChildByName("chosen").visible = !0,
+ this.btn_qiyue.getChildByName("label").color = "#000000";
+ for (var n = cfg.item_definition.character.get(this.chara_info.charid).star_5_material.split(","), a = !0, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
+ for (var s = n[r].split("-"), l = s[0].split("|"), h = 0, c = 0, _ = 0; _ < l.length; _++)
+ h = parseInt(l[_]),
+ c += t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(h);
+ var u = parseInt(s[1]);
+ u > c && (a = !1),
+ this.items.push({
+ id: h,
+ need: u,
+ count: c
+ })
+ }
+ if (this.container_qiyue.visible = !0,
+ this.chara_info.level >= 5) {
+ this.container_qiyue.getChildByName("nomet").visible = !1;
+ var d = this.container_qiyue.getChildByName("container_tupo_btn")
+ , f = d.getChildByName("send");
+ f.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._tupo, null, !1),
+ a ? game.Tools.setGrayDisable(f, !1) : game.Tools.setGrayDisable(f, !0),
+ d.visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.container_qiyue.getChildByName("container_tupo_btn").visible = !1,
+ this.container_qiyue.getChildByName("nomet").visible = !0
+ } else
+ this.btn_qiyue.getChildByName("chosen").visible = !1,
+ this.btn_qiyue.getChildByName("label").color = "#cfcdcc";
+ if (2 == e) {
+ this.btn_gift.getChildByName("chosen").visible = !0,
+ this.btn_gift.getChildByName("label").color = "#000000",
+ this.items = t.UI_Bag.find_items_by_category(t.EItemCategory.gift),
+ this.container_gift.visible = !0;
+ this.container_gift.getChildByName("send").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this._send_gift, null, !1),
+ this.gift_choose_index = -1,
+ this.refresh_gift_bottom_btns()
+ } else
+ this.btn_gift.getChildByName("chosen").visible = !1,
+ this.btn_gift.getChildByName("label").color = "#cfcdcc",
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null),
+ o.Inst.closechat(!1);
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length),
+ 1 == e || 2 == e ? this.content_inshow || (this.content_inshow = !0,
+ this.content.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.content),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.content, {
+ y: -50
+ }, 150, 0, null, Laya.Ease.strongIn)) : this.content_inshow && (this.content_inshow = !1,
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.content),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.content, {
+ y: -50
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.content.visible = !1
+ }), Laya.Ease.strongIn))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index
+ , i = t.container;
+ 2 == this.tab_index ? this.render_item_gift(e, i) : 1 == this.tab_index && this.render_item_qiyue(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item_qiyue = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this.items[e]
+ , a = cfg.item_definition.item.get(n.id);
+ i.getChildByName("name").visible = !1;
+ var r = i.getChildByName("counts");
+ r.visible = !0,
+ r.getChildByName("count_need").text = "/" + n.need.toString();
+ var s = r.getChildByName("count_have");
+ s.text = n.count.toString(),
+ s.color = n.count >= n.need ? "#00ff00" : "#ff0000",
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(r);
+ var o = i.getChildByName("btn");
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(n.id, 2)
+ }, null, !1),
+ o.getChildByName("choosed").visible = !1,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o.getChildByName("icon"), a.icon),
+ o.getChildByName("num").visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item_gift = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = this.items[e].item_id
+ , r = cfg.item_definition.item.get(a)
+ , s = i.getChildByName("name");
+ s.text = r["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ s.visible = !0,
+ i.getChildByName("counts").visible = !1;
+ var o = i.getChildByName("btn")
+ , l = o.getChildByName("choosed");
+ l.visible = this.gift_choose_index == e,
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (n.gift_choose_index != e) {
+ var i = n.gift_choose_index;
+ n.gift_choose_index = e,
+ l.visible = !0,
+ i >= 0 && i < n.items.length && n.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(i),
+ n.refresh_gift_bottom_btns()
+ } else
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(a)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o.getChildByName("icon"), r.icon);
+ var h = o.getChildByName("num");
+ this.items[e].count > 1 ? (h.text = this.items[e].count.toString(),
+ h.visible = !0) : h.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_gift_bottom_btns = function() {
+ var e = t.UI_Sushe.send_gift_limit - t.UI_Sushe.send_gift_count;
+ e < 0 && (e = 0),
+ this.container_gift.getChildByName("count").text = e.toString();
+ var i = this.container_gift.getChildByName("send");
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i, !1),
+ game.Tools.sprite_align_center([this.container_gift.getChildByName("label_send"), this.container_gift.getChildByName("count")], 450, [10])
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._tupo = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ else {
+ var i = this.container_qiyue.getChildByName("container_tupo_btn").getChildByName("send");
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "upgradeCharacter", {
+ character_id: this.chara_info.charid
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("upgradeCharacter", n, a),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i, !1)) : (o.Inst.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, e, function() {
+ if (e.chara_info.is_upgraded = !0,
+ t.UI_Character_star_up.Inst.show(e.chara_info, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.starup_back()
+ })),
+ a.character) {
+ var i = a.character;
+ if (i.extra_emoji) {
+ e.chara_info.extra_emoji = [];
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.extra_emoji.length; n++)
+ e.chara_info.extra_emoji.push(i.extra_emoji[n])
+ }
+ }
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close_audio = function() {
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null),
+ o.Inst.closechat(!1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._send_gift = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null);
+ else if (!(this.gift_choose_index < 0 || this.gift_choose_index >= this.items.length || Laya.timer.currTimer < this.give_cd)) {
+ var i = this.chara_info.charid
+ , n = this.items[this.gift_choose_index].item_id;
+ if (99 != cfg.item_definition.item.get(n).type && t.UI_Sushe.send_gift_limit - t.UI_Sushe.send_gift_count <= 0)
+ t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2213), null);
+ else {
+ this.give_cd = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e4;
+ var a = this.container_gift.getChildByName("send");
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(a, !0),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "sendGiftToCharacter", {
+ character_id: i,
+ gifts: [{
+ item_id: n,
+ count: 1
+ }]
+ }, function(r, s) {
+ if (r || s.error)
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(a, !1),
+ e.give_cd = 0,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("sendGiftToCharacter", r, s);
+ else {
+ if (app.Log.log("sendGiftToCharacter: " + JSON.stringify(s)),
+ e.chara_info.charid == i) {
+ if (2 == e.tab_index)
+ for (u = 0; u < e.items.length; u++)
+ if (e.items[u].item_id == n) {
+ if (e.items[u].count <= 1) {
+ for (var l = u; l < e.items.length - 1; l++)
+ e.items[l] = e.items[l + 1];
+ e.items.pop(),
+ e.gift_choose_index = -1,
+ e.scrollview.reset(),
+ e.scrollview.addItem(e.items.length)
+ } else
+ e.items[u].count--,
+ e.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(u);
+ break
+ }
+ var h = cfg.item_definition.item.get(n).type == cfg.item_definition.character.get(i).favorite;
+ if (s.level > e.block_exp.current_level) {
+ o.Inst.locking = !0;
+ var c = (1 - e.block_exp.current_exp_rate) / e.block_exp.speed;
+ e.block_exp.after_give(s, h),
+ Laya.timer.once(c + 600, e, function() {
+ e.chara_info.level = s.level,
+ e.chara_info.exp = s.exp,
+ t.UI_Character_star_up.Inst.show(e.chara_info, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.starup_back()
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, e, function() {
+ o.Inst.close()
+ }),
+ e.give_cd = 0
+ });
+ for (var _ = function(i) {
+ var n = 50 * (i + 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(n + c + 600, e, function() {
+ e.sound_channel && (e.sound_channel.volume *= .5),
+ 3 == i && (t.UI_Sushe.Inst.stopsay(),
+ o.Inst.closechat(!0))
+ })
+ }, u = 0; u < 4; u++)
+ _(u)
+ } else {
+ if (e.block_exp.after_give(s, h),
+ e.give_cd = 0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(a, !1),
+ !e.sound_channel) {
+ var d = "";
+ d = cfg.item_definition.character.get(i).favorite == cfg.item_definition.item.get(n).type ? "lobby_gift_favor" : "lobby_gift";
+ var f = view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound(e.chara_info, d, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.sound_channel = null,
+ o.Inst.closechat(!1)
+ }));
+ o.Inst.chat(f.words),
+ e.sound_channel = f.sound,
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.stopsay()
+ }
+ e.chara_info.exp = s.exp
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (u = 0; u < t.UI_Sushe.characters.length; u++)
+ if (t.UI_Sushe.characters[u].charid == i) {
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[u].level = s.level,
+ t.UI_Sushe.characters[u].exp = s.exp;
+ break
+ }
+ e.give_cd = 0
+ }
+ 99 != cfg.item_definition.item.get(n).type && t.UI_Sushe.send_gift_count++,
+ e.refresh_gift_bottom_btns()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function n(n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.head = null,
+ this.emos = [],
+ this._scrollbar = null,
+ this._scrollpoint = null,
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this.me = n,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.block_exp = new e(n.getChildByName("container_heart")),
+ this.block_gift = new i(n.getChildByName("container_gift"),n.getChildByName("tabs"),this.block_exp),
+ this.container_intro = n.getChildByName("intro"),
+ this.content = this.container_intro.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.head = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.container_intro.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("container_head").getChildByName("head"));
+ var r = this.content.getChildByName("container_emj").getChildByName("container").getChildByName("emo_templete");
+ r.visible = !1;
+ for (var s = 0; s < 20; s++)
+ this.emos.push(new t.UI_Character_Emo(r.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"].getNodeClone())),
+ this.emos[s].me.x = s % 4 * 184,
+ this.emos[s].me.y = 184 * Math.floor(s / 4);
+ this.content.getChildByName("container_emj").height = 652,
+ this.content.getChildByName("container_head").getChildByName("btn_skin").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ o.Inst.open_skin(new Laya.Handler(a,a.change_skin))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._scrollbar = this.container_intro.getChildByName("scrollbar"),
+ this._scrollpoint = this._scrollbar.getChildByName("scrollpoint"),
+ this._scrollbar && (this._scrollbar.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ a._drag_scroll = !0;
+ var t = a._scrollbar.mouseY / a._scrollbar.height;
+ a.content.vScrollBar.value = a.content.vScrollBar.max * t
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mousemove", this, function() {
+ if (a._drag_scroll) {
+ var t = a._scrollbar.mouseY / a._scrollbar.height;
+ a.content.vScrollBar.value = a.content.vScrollBar.max * t
+ }
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mouseup", this, function() {
+ a._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this._scrollbar.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ a._drag_scroll = !1
+ }),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ var t = a.content.vScrollBar.value / a.content.vScrollBar.max;
+ a._scrollpoint.y = a._scrollbar.height * t
+ }))
+ }
+ return n.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this.content.getChildByName("container_text")
+ , i = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t.charid);
+ if (e.getChildByName("height").text = i["desc_stature_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("birth").text = i["desc_birth_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("age").text = i["desc_age_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("bloodtype").text = i.desc_bloodtype,
+ e.getChildByName("cv").text = i["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("hobby").text = i["desc_hobby_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ e.getChildByName("desc").text = i["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ var n = [new Laya.ColorFilter([.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])];
+ e.getChildByName("height").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("height").filters = n,
+ e.getChildByName("birth").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("birth").filters = n,
+ e.getChildByName("age").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("age").filters = n,
+ e.getChildByName("bloodtype").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("bloodtype").filters = n,
+ e.getChildByName("cv").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("cv").filters = n,
+ e.getChildByName("hobby").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("hobby").filters = n,
+ e.getChildByName("desc").font = "en_shuhun",
+ e.getChildByName("desc").filters = n
+ }
+ for (o = 0; o < 12; o += 2) {
+ var a = e.getChildAt(o);
+ e.getChildAt(o + 1).x = a.textField.textWidth * a.scaleX + a.x + 10
+ }
+ this.head.setSkin(t.skin, "bighead");
+ this.content.getChildByName("container_emj").y = e.getChildByName("desc").textField.textHeight * e.getChildByName("desc").scaleY + 561 - 194;
+ for (var r = [], s = {}, o = 0; o < 9; o++)
+ r.push({
+ sub_id: o,
+ unlock_desc: "",
+ time_limit: !1,
+ after_unlock_desc: "",
+ sort: o
+ }),
+ s[o] = 1;
+ if (t.extra_emoji && t.extra_emoji.length > 0)
+ for (o = 0; o < t.extra_emoji.length; o++)
+ s[t.extra_emoji[o]] = 1;
+ var l = cfg.character.emoji.getGroup(t.charid);
+ if (l)
+ for (o = 0; o < l.length; o++) {
+ var h = l[o];
+ 1 == h.unlock_type ? r.push({
+ sub_id: h.sub_id,
+ unlock_desc: h["unlock_desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ time_limit: !1,
+ after_unlock_desc: "",
+ sort: h.sub_id
+ }) : 3 == h.unlock_type ? r.push({
+ sub_id: h.sub_id,
+ unlock_desc: h["unlock_desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ time_limit: !1,
+ after_unlock_desc: "",
+ sort: h.sub_id + 1e4
+ }) : 2 == h.unlock_type && s[h.sub_id] && r.push({
+ sub_id: h.sub_id,
+ unlock_desc: h["unlock_desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ time_limit: !0,
+ after_unlock_desc: h["after_unlock_desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ sort: h.sub_id + 5e4
+ })
+ }
+ r = r.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.sort - e.sort
+ }),
+ this.content.getChildByName("container_emj").height = 100 + 184 * Math.ceil(r.length / 4);
+ for (o = 0; o < this.emos.length; o++)
+ if (o >= r.length)
+ this.emos[o].me.visible = !1;
+ else {
+ var c = r[o]
+ , _ = c.sub_id;
+ this.emos[o].me.visible = !0,
+ this.emos[o].setSkin(t.charid, _),
+ s.hasOwnProperty(_.toString()) ? (this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("lock").visible = !1,
+ this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("time_limit").visible = c.time_limit,
+ c.after_unlock_desc ? (this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("info").visible = !0,
+ this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("info").text = c.after_unlock_desc) : this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("info").visible = !1) : (this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("lock").visible = !0,
+ this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("info").visible = !0,
+ this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("info").getChildByName("info").text = c.unlock_desc,
+ this.emos[o].me.getChildByName("time_limit").visible = c.time_limit)
+ }
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this._drag_scroll = !1,
+ this.block_exp.show(t),
+ this.block_gift.show(t),
+ this.me.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.change_skin = function(e) {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.onChangeSkin(e),
+ this.head.setSkin(e, "bighead")
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.emos.length; t++)
+ this.emos[t].clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.sounds = [],
+ this.chara_info = null,
+ this.current_play_index = -1,
+ this.current_soundchannel = null,
+ this.volume_fixed = 0,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1))
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.chara_info = e,
+ this.sounds = [];
+ for (var i = cfg.voice.sound.getGroup(cfg.item_definition.character.get(e.charid).sound), n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.sounds.push(i[n]);
+ this.volume_fixed = cfg.item_definition.character.get(e.charid).sound_volume,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.sounds.length),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ view.AudioMgr.refresh_music_volume(!0),
+ this.current_play_index = -1,
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.stopsay()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible && (this.me.visible = !1,
+ view.AudioMgr.refresh_music_volume(!1),
+ this.current_soundchannel && (this.current_soundchannel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.current_soundchannel),
+ this.current_soundchannel = null,
+ this.current_play_index = -1,
+ o.Inst.closechat(!1)))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = this
+ , i = t.index
+ , n = t.container
+ , a = this.sounds[i];
+ n.getChildByName("desc").text = a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ var r = n.getChildByName("btn_play")
+ , s = r.getChildByName("img");
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.current_play_index == i ? "myres/bothui/bf_pause.png" : "myres/bothui/bf_play.png"),
+ r.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (e.current_play_index == i)
+ e.current_soundchannel && (e.current_soundchannel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(e.current_soundchannel),
+ e.current_soundchannel = null),
+ o.Inst.closechat(!1),
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_play.png"),
+ e.current_play_index = -1;
+ else {
+ var t = e.current_play_index;
+ e.current_play_index = i,
+ t >= 0 && t < e.sounds.length && e.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(t),
+ e.current_soundchannel && (Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(e.current_soundchannel),
+ e.current_soundchannel.stop(),
+ e.current_soundchannel = null),
+ s.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_pause.png");
+ var n = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ , r = Laya.SoundManager.playSound(a.path + view.AudioMgr.suffix, 1, new Laya.Handler(e,function() {
+ var t = n + 2e3 - Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ t < 0 && (t = 0),
+ Laya.timer.once(t, e, function() {
+ if (e.current_soundchannel == r) {
+ e.current_soundchannel = null;
+ var t = e.current_play_index;
+ e.current_play_index = -1,
+ t >= 0 && t < e.sounds.length && e.scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(t),
+ o.Inst.closechat(!1)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ));
+ e.current_soundchannel = r,
+ view.AudioMgr.getCVmute(e.chara_info.charid) ? e.current_soundchannel.volume = 0 : e.current_soundchannel.volume = e.volume_fixed * view.AudioMgr.getCVvolume(e.chara_info.charid),
+ view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted ? e.current_soundchannel.volume = 0 : e.current_soundchannel.volume *= view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume,
+ o.Inst.chat(a["words_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ }
+ }, null, !1);
+ var l = n.getChildByName("lock");
+ !this.chara_info.is_upgraded && a.bond_limit ? (l.visible = !0,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ l.getChildByName("info").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3067)) : this.chara_info.level >= a.level_limit ? (l.visible = !1,
+ r.visible = !0) : (l.visible = !0,
+ r.visible = !1,
+ l.getChildByName("info").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2192, [a.level_limit.toString()]))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.skins = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.root = t.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.scrollview = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1), -1, 3)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null),
+ this.chara_info = e,
+ this.when_change = i,
+ this.skins = [];
+ var a = cfg.item_definition.character.get(e.charid);
+ if (this.skins.push(a.init_skin),
+ a.can_marry && this.skins.push(a.full_fetter_skin),
+ a.skin_lib)
+ for (var r = 0; r < a.skin_lib.length; r++)
+ a.skin_lib[r] && this.skins.push(a.skin_lib[r]);
+ cfg.item_definition.skin.forEach(function(t) {
+ 0 != t.type && 1 != t.type && t.character_id == e.charid && n.skins.push(t.id)
+ }),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.skins.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.when_change = null,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data
+ , s = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ r.skin || (r.skin = new t.UI_Character_Skin(s.getChildByName("icon")));
+ a.getChildByName("using").visible = this.skins[n] == this.chara_info.skin;
+ var o = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(this.skins[n]);
+ r.skin.setSkin(this.skins[n], "bighead");
+ var l = s.getChildByName("locked");
+ t.UI_Sushe.skin_owned(this.skins[n]) ? (l.visible = !1,
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.skins[n] != i.chara_info.skin && i.when_change && i.when_change.runWith(i.skins[n]),
+ i.close()
+ }, null, !1)) : (l.visible = !0,
+ l.getChildByName("info").text = o["lock_tips_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ s.clickHandler = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , s = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.info = this.me.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.me.on("mousedown", this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ })
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.info.text = t,
+ this.me.height = 120 + this.info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.scaleY = 0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, this, function() {
+ e.close()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.close = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.me, {
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , o = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.visitUI) || this;
+ return t.tabs = [],
+ t.page_intro = null,
+ t.page_sound = null,
+ t.block_chat = null,
+ t.pop_skin = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.current_page = -1,
+ t.chara_info = null,
+ t.tab_img_dark = "",
+ t.tab_img_chosen = "",
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "cannot_click_say", {
+ get: function() {
+ return 1 == this.current_page || null != this.page_intro.block_gift.sound_channel
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.back2select()
+ }, null, !1),
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/sushe/bf_chosen.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/sushe/bf_unchooesd.png")) : (this.tab_img_chosen = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/sushe/bf_chosen_en.png"),
+ this.tab_img_dark = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/sushe/bf_unchooesd_en.png")),
+ this.container_right = this.me.getChildByName("right");
+ for (var i = function(t) {
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (o.tabs.push(o.container_right.getChildByName("btn_page" + t)),
+ o.container_right.getChildByName("btn_page" + t + "_en").visible = !1) : (o.container_right.getChildByName("btn_page" + t).visible = !1,
+ o.tabs.push(o.container_right.getChildByName("btn_page" + t + "_en"))),
+ o.tabs[t].clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(o, function() {
+ e.locking || e.current_page != t && e.change_page(t)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, o = this, l = 0; l < 2; l++)
+ i(l);
+ this.page_intro = new n(this.container_right.getChildByName("page_intro")),
+ this.page_sound = new a(this.container_right.getChildByName("sound")),
+ this.block_chat = new t.UI_Character_Chat(this.me.getChildByName("chat")),
+ this.block_chat.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pop_skin = new r(this.me.getChildByName("pop_skin")),
+ this.info_levelup = new s(this.me.getChildByName("levelup"))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.chara_info = e;
+ for (var a = 0; a < this.tabs.length; a++)
+ this.tabs[a].skin = this.tab_img_dark;
+ this.page_intro.close(),
+ this.page_sound.close(),
+ this.current_page = -1,
+ this.change_page(0),
+ this.block_chat.me.visible = !1,
+ this.pop_skin.me.visible = !1,
+ this.info_levelup.me.visible = !1,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_right, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.block_chat.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }),
+ i && Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ n.chara_info.is_upgraded ? n.info_levelup.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2196)) : n.info_levelup.show(cfg.level_definition.character.get(n.chara_info.level)["unlock_desc_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_right, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.block_chat.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.page_sound.me.visible && e.page_sound.close(),
+ e.page_intro.block_gift.close_audio()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.back2select = function() {
+ this.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ t.UI_Sushe.Inst.show_page_select()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.change_page = function(t) {
+ if (this.current_page >= 0)
+ switch (this.tabs[this.current_page].skin = this.tab_img_dark,
+ this.current_page) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_intro.close();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_sound.close()
+ }
+ if (this.current_page = t,
+ this.current_page >= 0)
+ switch (this.tabs[this.current_page].skin = this.tab_img_chosen,
+ this.current_page) {
+ case 0:
+ this.page_intro.show(this.chara_info);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.page_sound.show(this.chara_info)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.open_skin = function(t) {
+ this.pop_skin.show(this.chara_info, t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.chat = function(t) {
+ this.block_chat.show(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.closechat = function(t) {
+ this.block_chat.close(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Sushe_Visit = o
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me = e,
+ this.effect_root = i,
+ this.btn_next = e.getChildByName("btn_next"),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, [!1], !1),
+ this.bg_sakura = e.getChildByName("bg_sakura"),
+ this.container_item = e.getChildByName("item");
+ var a = this.container_item.getChildByName("btn");
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(n.item_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.icon = new t.UI_Item_Skin(a.getChildByName("icon_origin")),
+ this.label_count = this.icon.me.getChildByName("count"),
+ this.label_name = this.container_item.getChildByName("name_origin")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.item_id = e;
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e);
+ this.icon.setSkin(r.icon),
+ r.category == t.EItemCategory.view ? (this.bg_sakura.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(n.effect_root, "scene/effect_get_zhuangban.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ Laya.timer.once(2e3, null, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ }),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(110)
+ })) : (this.bg_sakura.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(250, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(109)
+ })),
+ i > 1 ? (this.label_count.visible = !0,
+ this.label_count.text = i.toString()) : this.label_count.visible = !1,
+ this.label_name.text = r["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.me.alpha = 1,
+ this.me.y = 574,
+ a.Inst.me.WPin.play(0, !1),
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(10 / 24 * 1e3 + 200, this, function() {
+ n.btn_next.visible = !0,
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.visible = !0,
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ n.close(!0)
+ }, null, !1)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ a.Inst.me.WPout.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(5 / 24 * 1e3 + 500, this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ t ? a.Inst.show_result() : a.Inst.show_next()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ this.me = e,
+ this.effect_root = i,
+ this.btn_next = this.me.getChildByName("btn_next"),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, [!1], !1);
+ var n = e.getChildByName("jianying");
+ this.jianying_girl = n.getChildByName("jianying_girl"),
+ this.jianying_boy = n.getChildByName("jianying_boy");
+ var a = e.getChildByName("container_illust");
+ this.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(a.getChildByName("illust"));
+ var r = null;
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (r = a.getChildByName("container_name_chs"),
+ a.getChildByName("container_name_en").visible = !1) : (r = a.getChildByName("container_name_en"),
+ a.getChildByName("container_name_chs").visible = !1),
+ this.label_name = r.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.label_cv = r.getChildByName("label_cv"),
+ this.chat = new t.UI_Character_Chat(a.getChildByName("chat"))
+ }
+ return e.prototype.close_sound = function() {
+ this.sound_channel && (this.sound_channel.stop(),
+ Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this.sound_channel),
+ this.sound_channel = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.character_id = t;
+ var i = cfg.item_definition.character.get(t);
+ this.illust.setSkin(i.init_skin, "full"),
+ this.label_name.text = i["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.label_cv.text = "cv" + i["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language] : this.label_cv.text = "cv:" + i["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.chat.close(!0),
+ this.jianying_boy.visible = 2 == i.sex,
+ this.jianying_girl.visible = 1 == i.sex,
+ this.close_sound(),
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.illust.me.parent.alpha = 1,
+ this.illust.me.parent.y = -8,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ a.Inst.me.JSin.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(100 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ e.effect = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(e.effect_root, "scene/effect_get_character.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(107)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(6450, this, function() {
+ var t = ""
+ , n = ""
+ , r = 0;
+ if (cfg.voice.sound.getGroup(i.sound).forEach(function(e) {
+ "lobby_selfintro" == e.type && (t = e.path,
+ n = e["words_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ r = e.time_length)
+ }),
+ "" != t) {
+ var s = i.sound_volume;
+ view.AudioMgr.yuyinMuted ? s = 0 : s *= view.AudioMgr.yuyinVolume,
+ view.AudioMgr.getCVmute(i.id) ? s = 0 : s *= view.AudioMgr.getCVvolume(i.id),
+ e.sound_channel = view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(t, s, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.sound_channel = null
+ }))
+ }
+ "" != n && e.chat.show(n),
+ e.btn_next.visible = !0,
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.visible = !0,
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ e.close(!0)
+ }, null, !1)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ a.Inst.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ a.Inst.me.JSout.play(0, !1),
+ this.chat.close(!1),
+ this.close_sound(),
+ Laya.timer.once(800, this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.illust.clear(),
+ t ? a.Inst.show_result() : a.Inst.show_next()
+ }),
+ this.effect && (this.effect.destory(),
+ this.effect = null)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.effects = [],
+ this.me = e;
+ var n = e.getChildByName("tubiao");
+ this.single_item = n.getChildByName("item1"),
+ this.container10 = n.getChildByName("container10"),
+ this.btn_confirm = e.getChildByName("confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.close(),
+ a.Inst.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_again = e.getChildByName("again"),
+ this.btn_again.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.close();
+ var e = a.Inst.chest_id;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "openChest", {
+ chest_id: a.Inst.chest_id,
+ count: 1,
+ use_ticket: !0
+ }, function(n, r) {
+ n || r.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("openChest", n, r),
+ i.close()) : (t.UI_Treasure.on_chest_count_change([{
+ faith_id: cfg.chest.chest.find(e).faith_id,
+ count: r.faith_count
+ }]),
+ a.Inst.show(e, r.results))
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ if (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ 1 == e.length)
+ this.single_item.visible = !0,
+ this.container10.visible = !1,
+ this.render_item(e[0], this.single_item);
+ else {
+ this.single_item.visible = !1,
+ this.container10.visible = !0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.container10.numChildren; i++) {
+ var n = this.container10.getChildAt(i);
+ i < e.length ? (n.visible = !0,
+ this.render_item(e[i], n)) : n.visible = !1
+ }
+ }
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ a.Inst.me.XMJGin.play(0, !1);
+ var r = cfg.chest.chest.get(a.Inst.chest_id).ticket_id
+ , s = 0;
+ r && (s = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(r)),
+ s > 0 && 1 == e.length ? (this.btn_again.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_confirm.x = 1140,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.btn_again.getChildByName("price").getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.item.get(r).icon_transparent),
+ this.btn_again.getChildByName("price").getChildByName("count").text = "x1") : (this.btn_again.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.x = 968)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.effects.length; t++)
+ this.effects[t].destory();
+ this.effects = []
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = i.getChildByName("btn");
+ a.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ 30 == Math.floor(e.reward.id / 1e4) && t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(e.reward.id)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var r = a.getChildByName("icon_origin")
+ , s = a.getChildByName("icon_final")
+ , o = i.getChildByName("name_orgin")
+ , l = i.getChildByName("name_final")
+ , h = a.getChildByName("gold_bg");
+ if (h.visible = !1,
+ 20 == Math.floor(e.reward.id / 1e4)) {
+ var c = cfg.item_definition.character.get(e.reward.id)
+ , _ = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(c.init_skin);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(r, _.path + "/smallhead.png"),
+ r.getChildByName("count").visible = !1,
+ o.text = c["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ Laya.timer.once(10 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ h.visible = !0,
+ h.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("tanfang/gold_bound.png"),
+ n.effects.push(game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(h, n.container10.visible ? "scene/effect_item_shine.lh" : "scene/effect_item_shine_big.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1))
+ })
+ } else {
+ 4 != (u = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e.reward.id)).category && 5 != u.category || Laya.timer.once(10 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ h.visible = !0,
+ h.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("tanfang/pink_bound.png"),
+ n.effects.push(game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(h, n.container10.visible ? "scene/effect_item_shine1.lh" : "scene/effect_item_shine_big1.lh", new Laya.Point(0,0), 1))
+ }),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(r, u.icon);
+ d = r.getChildByName("count");
+ e.reward.count > 1 ? (d.visible = !0,
+ d.text = e.reward.count.toString()) : d.visible = !1,
+ o.text = u["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ if (e.replace) {
+ if (s.visible = !0,
+ l.visible = !0,
+ 20 == Math.floor(e.replace.id / 1e4)) {
+ var c = cfg.item_definition.character.get(e.replace.id)
+ , _ = cfg.item_definition.skin.get(c.init_skin);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, _.path + "/smallhead.png"),
+ s.getChildByName("count").visible = !1,
+ l.text = c["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ } else {
+ var u = cfg.item_definition.item.get(e.replace.id);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s, u.icon);
+ var d = s.getChildByName("count");
+ e.replace.count > 1 ? (d.visible = !0,
+ d.text = e.replace.count.toString()) : d.visible = !1,
+ l.text = u["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]
+ }
+ var f = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ r.alpha = o.alpha = 1,
+ s.alpha = l.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - f;
+ if ((t -= 2600 * Math.floor(t / 2600)) < 800)
+ r.alpha = o.alpha = 1,
+ s.alpha = l.alpha = 0;
+ else if (t < 1300) {
+ e = (t - 800) / 500;
+ r.alpha = o.alpha = 1 - e,
+ s.alpha = l.alpha = e
+ } else if (t < 2100)
+ r.alpha = o.alpha = 0,
+ s.alpha = l.alpha = 1;
+ else {
+ var e = (t - 800 - 500 - 800) / 500;
+ r.alpha = o.alpha = e,
+ s.alpha = l.alpha = 1 - e
+ }
+ })
+ } else
+ s.visible = !1,
+ l.visible = !1,
+ r.alpha = 1,
+ o.alpha = 1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var t = a.call(this, new ui.lobby.tangfang1UI) || this;
+ return r.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ r.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.btn_next = this.me.getChildByName("btn_next"),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.show_next()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.tf_wupin = new e(this.me.getChildByName("tanfang_wupin"),this.me.getChildByName("effect_wuping")),
+ this.tf_juese = new i(this.me.getChildByName("tanfang_juese"),this.me.getChildByName("effect_juese")),
+ this.btn_pass = this.me.getChildByName("btn_pass"),
+ this.btn_pass.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.show_result()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.final_result = new n(this.me.getChildByName("container_final_info")),
+ this.left_tree = this.me.getChildByName("left_tree"),
+ this.right_tree = this.me.getChildByName("right_tree"),
+ this.container_liuxing = this.me.getChildByName("container_scene").getChildByName("liuxing"),
+ this.container_jianying_sakura = this.me.getChildByName("tanfang_juese").getChildByName("jianying").getChildByName("scene_jianying_sakura")
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.chest_id = t,
+ this.results = e;
+ for (s = 1; s < this.results.length; s++) {
+ var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (s + 1))
+ , a = this.results[s];
+ this.results[s] = this.results[n],
+ this.results[n] = a
+ }
+ for (var r = !1, s = 0; s < this.results.length; s++)
+ if (20 == Math.floor(this.results[s].reward.id / 1e4)) {
+ r = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ var o = !this.enable;
+ if (this.enable = !0,
+ this.tf_wupin.me.visible = !1,
+ this.tf_juese.me.visible = !1,
+ this.final_result.me.visible = !1,
+ this.left_tree.visible = !0,
+ this.right_tree.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ this.index = 0,
+ o) {
+ if (this.me.XMin_new.play(0, !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(20 / 24 * 1e3, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(108)
+ }),
+ this.me.getChildByName("container_scene").getChildByName("light").visible = !1,
+ Laya.timer.once(1200, this, function() {
+ i.me.getChildByName("container_scene").getChildByName("light").visible = !0,
+ i.me.light.play(0, !0)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1250, this, function() {
+ i.btn_next.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_pass.visible = !0
+ }),
+ r && Math.random() < .8) {
+ var l = "scene/scene_tanfang_liuxing.ls";
+ Laya.loader.create(l, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, i, function() {
+ i._scene_liuxing = Laya.loader.getRes(l),
+ i.container_liuxing.addChild(i._scene_liuxing),
+ i._scene_liuxing.visible = !0
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ var h = "scene/scene_jianying_sakura.ls";
+ Laya.loader.create(h, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i._scene_jianying_sakura = Laya.loader.getRes(h),
+ i.container_jianying_sakura.addChild(i._scene_jianying_sakura),
+ i._scene_jianying_sakura.visible = !1
+ }))
+ } else if (Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.btn_next.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_pass.visible = !0
+ }),
+ r && Math.random() < .8) {
+ var c = "scene/scene_tanfang_liuxing.ls";
+ Laya.loader.create(c, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ i._scene_liuxing = Laya.loader.getRes(c),
+ i.container_liuxing.addChild(i._scene_liuxing),
+ i._scene_liuxing.visible = !0
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.close(),
+ this._scene_liuxing && (this._scene_liuxing.destroy(!0),
+ this._scene_liuxing = null),
+ this._scene_jianying_sakura && (this._scene_jianying_sakura.destroy(!0),
+ this._scene_jianying_sakura = null),
+ this.me.light.stop(),
+ t.UI_Treasure.Inst.refresh_show()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show_next = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ this.index < this.results.length ? (20 == Math.floor(this.results[this.index].reward.id / 1e4) ? (this.tf_juese.show(this.results[this.index].reward.id),
+ Laya.timer.once(400, this, function() {
+ t._scene_jianying_sakura && (t._scene_jianying_sakura.visible = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(2500, t, function() {
+ t._scene_jianying_sakura && (t._scene_jianying_sakura.visible = !1)
+ }))
+ })) : this.tf_wupin.show(this.results[this.index].reward.id, this.results[this.index].reward.count),
+ this.index++) : this.show_result()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show_result = function() {
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_pass.visible = !1,
+ this.index = this.results.length,
+ this.final_result.show(this.results)
+ }
+ ,
+ r
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Tanfang = a
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.tanfang0UI) || this;
+ return t.need_show_loading = !1,
+ t.loadover = !1,
+ t.waiting_to_show = !1,
+ t.results = null,
+ t.chect_id = -1,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.loading = this.me.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.beginload = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (!this.loadover) {
+ var i = "res/atlas/";
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (i += GameMgr.client_language + "/"),
+ this.urls = [i + "tanfang.atlas"],
+ Laya.loader.create(this.urls, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.root.addChild((new t.UI_Tanfang).me),
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(8, e, function() {
+ e.loadover = !0,
+ e.waiting_to_show && e.show_result()
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8005), Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a._show(e, i, n)
+ })) : this._show(e, i, n)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this.loading.visible = !1,
+ this.need_show_loading = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ a.need_show_loading && (a.loading.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.waiting_to_show = !1,
+ this.chect_id = e,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "openChest", {
+ chest_id: e,
+ count: i,
+ use_ticket: n
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("openChest", i, n),
+ a.close()) : (a.results = n.results,
+ t.UI_Treasure.on_chest_count_change([{
+ faith_id: cfg.chest.chest.find(e).faith_id,
+ count: n.faith_count
+ }]),
+ a.loadover ? a.show_result() : a.waiting_to_show = !0)
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.test = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.loading.visible = !1,
+ this.need_show_loading = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, this, function() {
+ t.need_show_loading && (t.loading.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.waiting_to_show = !1,
+ this._test10(),
+ this.loadover ? this.show_result() : this.waiting_to_show = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, this, function() {
+ t.beginload()
+ }),
+ this.enable = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.need_show_loading = !1,
+ this.loading.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.urls.length; e++)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.urls[e].url);
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t.UI_Get_Character.Inst.atlas_url),
+ this.enable = !1,
+ view.BgmListMgr.PlayLobbyBgm()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show_result = function() {
+ this.need_show_loading = !1,
+ this.loading.visible = !1,
+ t.UI_Tanfang.Inst.show(this.chect_id, this.results),
+ view.BgmListMgr.stopBgm()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._test10 = function() {
+ this.results = [{
+ reward: {
+ id: 200001,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 200001,
+ count: 1
+ },
+ replace: {
+ id: 302002,
+ count: 75
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 200002,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 302007,
+ count: 3
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 302012,
+ count: 7
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 303041,
+ count: 10
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 305007,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 305002,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 305013,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }, {
+ reward: {
+ id: 305017,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype._test1 = function() {
+ this.results = [{
+ reward: {
+ id: 200001,
+ count: 1
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_TanfangRoot = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(t) {
+ function e() {
+ var i = t.call(this, new ui.mj.tingpaiUI) || this;
+ return i.container_tiles = null,
+ i.root = null,
+ i.container_effect = null,
+ i.items = [],
+ i.bg = null,
+ i.btn_show = null,
+ i.state = -1,
+ i.zhengting = !1,
+ i.tingPaiDiscardInfos = [],
+ i.tingPaiInfos = [],
+ i.pre_yiman = !1,
+ i.pre_beiman = !1,
+ i.mousedowned = !1,
+ e.Inst = i,
+ i
+ }
+ return __extends(e, t),
+ e.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.container_tiles = this.root.getChildByName("container_tiles");
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.container_tiles.numChildren; t++) {
+ var e = this.container_tiles.getChildAt(t);
+ this.items.push({
+ container: e,
+ tile: e,
+ zhengting: e.getChildByName("flag_zhenting"),
+ container_left: e.getChildByName("container_left"),
+ count: e.getChildByName("container_left").getChildAt(0),
+ noyi: e.getChildByName("noyi"),
+ fanfu: e.getChildByName("fanfu")
+ }),
+ this.items[t].container.visible = !1
+ }
+ this.bg = {
+ bg: this.root.getChildByName("bg0"),
+ bound: this.root.getChildByName("bound"),
+ mask: this.root.getChildByName("bg0").mask,
+ right: this.root.getChildByName("bg0").getChildByName("right"),
+ bar: this.root.getChildByName("bg0").getChildByName("bar")
+ },
+ this.container_effect = this.me.getChildByName("container_effect"),
+ this.btn_show = this.me.getChildByName("btn_show"),
+ this.btn_show.on("mousedown", this, this._setMouseDown, [!0]),
+ this.btn_show.on("mouseup", this, this._setMouseDown, [!1]),
+ this.btn_show.on("mouseout", this, this._setMouseDown, [!1]),
+ this.btn_show.visible = !1,
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.root.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_show.visible = !1,
+ this.mousedowned = !1,
+ this.zhengting = !1,
+ this.state = -1,
+ this.tingPaiDiscardInfos = [],
+ this.tingPaiInfos = [],
+ this.pre_yiman = !1,
+ this.pre_beiman = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setData0 = function(t) {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi) {
+ var e = !1;
+ if (t.operation)
+ for (var i = t.operation, n = 0; n < i.operation_list.length; n++)
+ if (i.operation_list[n].type == mjcore.E_PlayOperation.dapai) {
+ e = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ if (e)
+ if (t.tingpais && t.tingpais.length > 0) {
+ this.btn_show.visible = 1 == t.tingpais.length,
+ this.tingPaiDiscardInfos = [];
+ for (n = 0; n < t.tingpais.length; n++) {
+ for (var a = [], r = 0; r < t.tingpais[n].infos.length; r++) {
+ var i = t.tingpais[n].infos[r]
+ , s = {
+ tile: mjcore.MJPai.Create(i.tile),
+ haveyi: i.haveyi,
+ yiman: i.yiman,
+ count: i.count,
+ fu: i.fu,
+ biao_dora_count: i.biao_dora_count,
+ yiman_zimo: i.yiman_zimo,
+ count_zimo: i.count_zimo,
+ fu_zimo: i.fu_zimo
+ };
+ a.push(s)
+ }
+ this.tingPaiDiscardInfos.push({
+ tile: mjcore.MJPai.Create(t.tingpais[n].tile),
+ zhengting: t.tingpais[n].zhenting,
+ infos: a
+ })
+ }
+ this.state = 0
+ } else
+ this.btn_show.visible = !1,
+ this.state = -1
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setData1 = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ if (t.tingpais && t.tingpais.length > 0) {
+ this.btn_show.visible = view.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi;
+ var n = this.tingPaiInfos;
+ this.tingPaiInfos = [];
+ for (h = 0; h < t.tingpais.length; h++) {
+ var a = t.tingpais[h]
+ , r = {
+ tile: mjcore.MJPai.Create(a.tile),
+ haveyi: a.haveyi,
+ yiman: a.yiman,
+ count: a.count,
+ fu: a.fu,
+ biao_dora_count: a.biao_dora_count,
+ yiman_zimo: a.yiman_zimo,
+ count_zimo: a.count_zimo,
+ fu_zimo: a.fu_zimo
+ };
+ this.tingPaiInfos.push(r)
+ }
+ if (this.state = 1,
+ !e) {
+ for (var s = !1, o = {}, l = 0, h = 0; h < n.length; h++) {
+ o[_ = n[h].tile.toString()] || (o[_] = 1,
+ l++)
+ }
+ for (var c = 0, h = 0; h < this.tingPaiInfos.length; h++) {
+ var _ = this.tingPaiInfos[h].tile.toString();
+ if (!o[_]) {
+ s = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ 1 == o[_] && (o[_] = 2,
+ c++)
+ }
+ c != l && (s = !0),
+ s && (this.pre_yiman = !1,
+ this.pre_beiman = !1);
+ for (var u = 0, d = !1, h = 0; h < this.tingPaiInfos.length; h++)
+ (this.tingPaiInfos[h].yiman || this.tingPaiInfos[h].haveyi && this.tingPaiInfos[h].count + this.tingPaiInfos[h].biao_dora_count >= 13) && u++,
+ (this.tingPaiInfos[h].yiman_zimo || this.tingPaiInfos[h].count_zimo + this.tingPaiInfos[h].biao_dora_count >= 13) && u++,
+ (this.tingPaiInfos[h].yiman || this.tingPaiInfos[h].haveyi && this.tingPaiInfos[h].count + this.tingPaiInfos[h].biao_dora_count >= 8) && (d = !0),
+ (this.tingPaiInfos[h].yiman_zimo || this.tingPaiInfos[h].count_zimo + this.tingPaiInfos[h].biao_dora_count >= 8) && (d = !0);
+ if (!this.pre_yiman) {
+ var f = ""
+ , p = -1;
+ u == 2 * this.tingPaiInfos.length ? (f = "scene/effect_yiman_queding_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh",
+ p = 240) : u > 0 && (f = "scene/effect_yiman_jihui_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".lh",
+ p = 239),
+ u > 0 && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.addMindVoice(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat, "ingame_yiman"),
+ "" != f && (this.pre_yiman = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ var t = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(i.container_effect, f, new Laya.Point(0,0), 1);
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(p),
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, i, function() {
+ t.destory()
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ this.pre_beiman || this.pre_yiman || d && (this.pre_beiman = !0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.addMindVoice(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat, "ingame_beiman"))
+ }
+ } else
+ this.btn_show.visible = !1,
+ this.state = -1,
+ this.tingPaiInfos = []
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._show = function(t, e) {
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi) {
+ for (a = 0; a < this.items.length; a++)
+ this.items[a].container.visible = !1;
+ t = t.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return mjcore.MJPai.Distance(t.tile, e.tile)
+ });
+ var i = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/"
+ , n = 1;
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.mode.detail_rule && view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.mode.detail_rule.fanfu && (n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config.mode.detail_rule.fanfu) <= 1 && (n = 1);
+ for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
+ if (this.items[a].container.visible = !0,
+ this.items[a].zhengting.visible = e,
+ this.items[a].tile.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(i + t[a].tile.toString() + ".png"),
+ this.items[a].count.text = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPaiLeft(t[a].tile).toString() + ("en" == GameMgr.client_language ? " " : "") + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2197),
+ this.items[a].zhengting.visible = e,
+ this.items[a].container.x = 80 + 120 * a,
+ this.items[a].container.y = 45,
+ n <= 1) {
+ var r = t[a].haveyi || t[a].yiman || t[a].count > 0;
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.during_liqi && (r = !0),
+ this.items[a].noyi.visible = !r,
+ this.items[a].fanfu.visible = !1
+ } else {
+ this.items[a].noyi.visible = !1;
+ var s = t[a].count;
+ t[a].yiman && (s *= 13),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mainrole.during_liqi && s++,
+ this.items[a].fanfu.visible = s < n
+ }
+ this.items[a].container_left.visible = !this.items[a].noyi.visible && !this.items[a].fanfu.visible
+ }
+ var o = 210 + 80 * t.length + 40 * (t.length - 1);
+ this.bg.bg.width = o,
+ this.bg.bound.width = o,
+ this.bg.bar.width = o + 80,
+ this.bg.mask.width = o,
+ this.bg.right.x = o - 20,
+ this.root.x = 960 - o / 2,
+ this.root.visible = !0
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onChooseTile = function(t) {
+ if (0 == this.state && t && this.tingPaiDiscardInfos && view.DesktopMgr.bianjietishi) {
+ for (var e = -1, i = 0; i < this.tingPaiDiscardInfos.length; i++)
+ if (0 == mjcore.MJPai.Distance(this.tingPaiDiscardInfos[i].tile, t)) {
+ e = i;
+ break
+ }
+ -1 == e ? this.root.visible = !1 : this._show(this.tingPaiDiscardInfos[e].infos, this.tingPaiDiscardInfos[e].zhengting)
+ } else
+ this.root.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._setMouseDown = function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("_setMouseDown " + t),
+ this.mousedowned != t && (this.mousedowned = t,
+ t ? 1 == this.state && this.tingPaiInfos && this.tingPaiInfos.length > 0 ? this._show(this.tingPaiInfos, this.zhengting) : 0 == this.state && this.tingPaiDiscardInfos && 1 == this.tingPaiDiscardInfos.length ? this._show(this.tingPaiDiscardInfos[0].infos, this.tingPaiDiscardInfos[0].zhengting) : this.root.visible = !1 : this.root.visible = !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.setZhengting = function(t) {
+ this.zhengting = t
+ }
+ ,
+ e.Inst = null,
+ e
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_TingPai = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.titlebookUI) || this;
+ return t._root = null,
+ t._scrollview = null,
+ t._blackmask = null,
+ t._locking = !1,
+ t._showindexs = [],
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.Init = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchTitleList", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchTitleList", i, n);
+ else {
+ e.owned_title = [];
+ for (var a = 0; a < n.title_list.length; a++) {
+ var r = n.title_list[a];
+ e.owned_title.push(r),
+ 600005 == r && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Get_The_Title1, 1),
+ r >= 600005 && r <= 600015 && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_get_title_1 + r - 600005, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.title_update = function(e) {
+ for (i = 0; i < e.new_titles.length; i++)
+ this.owned_title.push(e.new_titles[i]),
+ 600005 == e.new_titles[i] && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Get_The_Title1, 1),
+ e.new_titles[i] >= 600005 && e.new_titles[i] <= 600015 && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_get_title_1 + e.new_titles[i] - 600005, 1);
+ if (e.remove_titles && e.remove_titles.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.remove_titles.length; i++) {
+ for (var n = e.remove_titles[i], a = 0; a < this.owned_title.length; a++)
+ if (this.owned_title[a] == n) {
+ this.owned_title[a] = this.owned_title[this.owned_title.length - 1],
+ this.owned_title.pop();
+ break
+ }
+ n == GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title && (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title = 600001,
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable && t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refresh(),
+ t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.enable && t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.refreshBaseInfo())
+ }
+ this.Inst.enable && this.Inst.show()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this._blackmask = new t.UI_BlackMask(this.me.getChildByName("bmask"),Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return e._locking
+ }, null, !1),Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, null, !1)),
+ this._scrollview = this._root.getChildByName("content").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this._scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ e.setItemValue(t.index, t.container)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this._root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking || (e._blackmask.hide(),
+ e.close())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this._noinfo = this._root.getChildByName("noinfo")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this._locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this._blackmask.show(),
+ i.owned_title.length > 0) {
+ this._showindexs = [];
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.owned_title.length; n++)
+ this._showindexs.push(n);
+ this._showindexs = this._showindexs.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var n = t
+ , a = cfg.item_definition.title.get(i.owned_title[t]);
+ a && (n += 1e3 * a.priority);
+ var r = e
+ , s = cfg.item_definition.title.get(i.owned_title[e]);
+ return s && (r += 1e3 * s.priority),
+ r - n
+ }),
+ this._scrollview.reset(),
+ this._scrollview.addItem(i.owned_title.length),
+ this._scrollview.me.visible = !0,
+ this._noinfo.visible = !1
+ } else
+ this._noinfo.visible = !0,
+ this._scrollview.me.visible = !1;
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this._root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this._locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this._root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this._scrollview.reset()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.setItemValue = function(t, e) {
+ var n = this;
+ if (this.enable) {
+ var a = i.owned_title[this._showindexs[t]]
+ , r = cfg.item_definition.title.find(a);
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(e.getChildByName("img_title"), r.icon),
+ e.getChildByName("using").visible = a == GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title,
+ e.getChildByName("desc").text = r["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ e.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a != GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title ? (n.changeTitle(t),
+ e.getChildByName("using").visible = !0) : (n.changeTitle(-1),
+ e.getChildByName("using").visible = !1)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var s = e.getChildByName("time")
+ , o = e.getChildByName("img_title");
+ if (1 == r.unlock_type) {
+ var l = r.unlock_param[0]
+ , h = cfg.item_definition.item.get(l);
+ s.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3121) + h.item_expire,
+ s.visible = !0,
+ o.y = 0
+ } else
+ s.visible = !1,
+ o.y = 10
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.changeTitle = function(e) {
+ var n = this
+ , a = GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title
+ , r = 0;
+ r = e >= 0 && e < this._showindexs.length ? i.owned_title[this._showindexs[e]] : 600001,
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title = r;
+ for (var s = -1, o = 0; o < this._showindexs.length; o++)
+ if (a == i.owned_title[this._showindexs[o]]) {
+ s = o;
+ break
+ }
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable && t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refresh(),
+ t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.enable && t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.refreshBaseInfo(),
+ -1 != s && this._scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(s),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "useTitle", {
+ title: 600001 == r ? 0 : r
+ }, function(i, r) {
+ (i || r.error) && (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("useTitle", i, r),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.title = a,
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable && t.UI_Lobby.Inst.top.refresh(),
+ t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.enable && t.UI_PlayerInfo.Inst.refreshBaseInfo(),
+ n.enable && (e >= 0 && e < n._showindexs.length && n._scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(e),
+ s >= 0 && s < n._showindexs.length && n._scrollview.wantToRefreshItem(s)))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i.owned_title = [],
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_TitleBook = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.root = t.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.label_info = this.panel.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.panel.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = cfg.chest.chest.get(e);
+ this.label_info.text = i["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ this.label_info.height = this.label_info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showinfo = function(e) {
+ this.label_info.text = e,
+ this.label_info.height = this.label_info.textField.textHeight,
+ this.panel.refresh(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.label_count = t.getChildByName("count"),
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1), -1, 4),
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || n.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.chest_id = e,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.items = [],
+ cfg.chest.chest_shop.forEach(function(n) {
+ n.chest_id == e && (n.check_activity && !t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(n.check_activity) || i.items.push({
+ id: n.id,
+ sort: n.sort
+ }))
+ }),
+ this.items = this.items.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.sort - e.sort
+ }),
+ this.refresh_currency(),
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.items.length)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.want_refresh = function() {
+ this.scrollview.wantToRefreshAll()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = e.index
+ , a = e.container
+ , r = (e.cache_data,
+ this.items[n].id)
+ , s = cfg.chest.chest_shop.get(r)
+ , l = !1;
+ game.GameUtility.item_owned(s.item_id) && (l = !0);
+ var h = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ h.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (s.need_amount) {
+ e = {
+ item_id: s.item_id,
+ icon: s.icon,
+ currency_icon: game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/xycoin.png"),
+ single_price: s.price,
+ my_currency_count: i.currency_count,
+ mounthly: !1,
+ buy_limit: -1,
+ buyed_count: 0,
+ show_has: !1
+ };
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Multi.Inst.show(e, Laya.Handler.create(i, function(e) {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromChestShop", {
+ goods_id: r,
+ count: e
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromChestShop", i, n);
+ else {
+ var a = cfg.chest.chest_shop.get(r);
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show_dmm(a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], e) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2161, [a["name_" + GameMgr.client_language] + "x" + e])),
+ o.on_chest_count_change([{
+ faith_id: n.chest_id,
+ count: n.faith_count
+ }]),
+ o.Inst.xy.want_refresh(),
+ o.Inst.money.onEnable(),
+ o.Inst.money.label_xinyang && (o.Inst.money.label_xinyang.text = o.get_chest_currency(cfg.chest.chest.get(o.Inst.chest_id).faith_id).toString())
+ }
+ })
+ }))
+ } else {
+ var e = {
+ item_id: s.item_id,
+ icon: s.icon,
+ currency_icon: game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/lobby/xycoin.png"),
+ single_price: s.price,
+ my_currency_count: i.currency_count,
+ buy_limit: 1,
+ buyed_count: l ? 1 : 0,
+ show_has: !1,
+ buyed_img: game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/shop/owned.png")
+ };
+ t.UI_Pop_Buy_Single.Inst.show(e, Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "buyFromChestShop", {
+ goods_id: r,
+ count: 1
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("buyFromChestShop", e, i);
+ else {
+ var n = cfg.chest.chest_shop.get(r);
+ game.GameUtility.get_id_type(n.item_id) == game.EIDType.character ? t.UI_Get_Character.Inst.show(n.item_id) : GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show_dmm(n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language], 1) : t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2161, [n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]])),
+ o.on_chest_count_change([{
+ faith_id: i.chest_id,
+ count: i.faith_count
+ }]),
+ o.Inst.xy.want_refresh(),
+ o.Inst.money.onEnable(),
+ o.Inst.money.label_xinyang && (o.Inst.money.label_xinyang.text = o.get_chest_currency(cfg.chest.chest.get(o.Inst.chest_id).faith_id).toString())
+ }
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ h.getChildByName("label_name").text = s["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(a.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("icon"), s.icon),
+ l ? (h.getChildByName("buyed").visible = !0,
+ h.getChildByName("icon").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.DARK_FILTER)],
+ h.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)]) : (h.getChildByName("buyed").visible = !1,
+ h.getChildByName("icon").filters = [],
+ h.getChildByName("btn_buy").filters = []),
+ h.getChildByName("btn_buy").getChildByName("label_gold").text = s.price.toString(),
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(h.getChildByName("btn_buy")),
+ h.getChildByName("xianding").visible = null != s.check_activity && s.check_activity > 0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_currency = function() {
+ this.currency_count = o.get_chest_currency(this.chest_id),
+ this.label_count.text = this.currency_count.toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function e(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.cells = [],
+ this.init_h = 0,
+ this.total_h = 0,
+ this.charas = [],
+ this.looks = [],
+ this.gifts = [],
+ this.used_cell_count = 0,
+ this.in_up = {},
+ this.me = t,
+ this.father = e,
+ this.content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.templete = this.content.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.templete.visible = !1,
+ this.cells = [];
+ for (var n = this.templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"], a = 0; a < 150; a++) {
+ var r = n.getNodeClone();
+ this.cells.push(r)
+ }
+ this.container_character = this.content.getChildByName("container_character"),
+ this.container_look = this.content.getChildByName("container_look"),
+ this.container_present = this.content.getChildByName("container_present"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.me.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ i.content.vScrollBar.value = i.content.vScrollBar.max * t,
+ i.onPanelScroll()
+ }
+ )),
+ this.content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, this.onPanelScroll)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.onPanelScroll = function() {
+ this.total_h < this.content.height ? this.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1) : this.scrollbar.setVal(this.content.vScrollBar.value / this.content.vScrollBar.max, this.content.height / this.total_h)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.refresh_data = function(e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = t.UI_Activity.onTreasureRateUpRetID(o.Inst.chest_id)
+ , a = 0 != n;
+ this.in_up = {};
+ var r = cfg.activity.chest_up.getGroup(n);
+ r && r.forEach(function(t) {
+ if (t.chest_id == e)
+ for (var n = t.up_items, a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
+ i.in_up[n[a]] = 1
+ }),
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_chs").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_en").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_jp").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_chs_up").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_en_up").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_jp_up").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_chs_t_up").visible = !1,
+ this.content.getChildByName("desc_chs_t").visible = !1;
+ var s = this.content.getChildByName("desc_" + GameMgr.client_language + (a ? "_up" : ""));
+ if (s.visible = !0,
+ this.init_h = s.height + 10,
+ 0 != this.used_cell_count) {
+ for (c = 0; c < this.used_cell_count; c++)
+ this.cells[c].visible = !1;
+ this.used_cell_count = 0
+ }
+ if (this.charas = [],
+ this.looks = [],
+ this.gifts = [],
+ cfg.chest.preview.forEach(function(n) {
+ if (n.chest_id == e && (!n.check_activity || t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(n.check_activity)))
+ switch (n.type) {
+ case "chara":
+ i.charas.push({
+ item_id: n.item_id,
+ check_activity: n.check_activity
+ });
+ break;
+ case "skin":
+ i.looks.push({
+ item_id: n.item_id,
+ check_activity: n.check_activity
+ });
+ break;
+ case "gift":
+ i.gifts.push({
+ item_id: n.item_id,
+ check_activity: n.check_activity
+ })
+ }
+ }),
+ this.total_h = this.init_h,
+ this.used_cell_count = 0,
+ this.charas.length > 0) {
+ this.container_character.visible = !0,
+ this.container_character.y = this.total_h,
+ this.container_character.height = 174 + 170 * (Math.ceil(this.charas.length / 6) - 1),
+ this.total_h += this.container_character.height;
+ for (var l = function(t) {
+ var e = h.charas[t].item_id
+ , n = h.charas[t].check_activity
+ , a = h.cells[h.used_cell_count++];
+ h.container_character.addChild(a),
+ a.x = t % 6 * 162 + 135,
+ a.y = 15 + 170 * Math.floor(t / 6),
+ a.visible = !0;
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.character.find(e)
+ , s = cfg.item_definition.skin.find(r.init_skin)
+ , o = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ o.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(h, function() {
+ i.me.visible = !1,
+ i.father.page_character.show(i.charas, t)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o.getChildByName("icon"), s.path + "/smallhead.png"),
+ o.getChildByName("xianding").visible = null != n && n > 0,
+ o.getChildByName("up").visible = h.in_up[e]
+ }, h = this, c = 0; c < this.charas.length; c++)
+ l(c);
+ this.total_h += 25
+ } else
+ this.container_character.visible = !1;
+ if (this.looks.length > 0) {
+ this.container_look.visible = !0,
+ this.container_look.y = this.total_h,
+ this.container_look.height = 174 + 170 * (Math.ceil(this.looks.length / 6) - 1),
+ this.total_h += this.container_look.height;
+ for (var _ = function(e) {
+ var i = u.looks[e].item_id
+ , n = u.looks[e].check_activity
+ , a = u.cells[u.used_cell_count++];
+ u.container_look.addChild(a),
+ a.x = e % 6 * 162 + 135,
+ a.y = 15 + 170 * Math.floor(e / 6),
+ a.visible = !0;
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.item.find(i)
+ , s = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(u, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(i)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s.getChildByName("icon"), r.icon),
+ s.getChildByName("xianding").visible = null != n && n > 0,
+ s.getChildByName("up").visible = u.in_up[i]
+ }, u = this, c = 0; c < this.looks.length; c++)
+ _(c);
+ this.total_h += 25
+ } else
+ this.container_look.visible = !1;
+ if (this.gifts.length > 0) {
+ this.container_present.visible = !0,
+ this.container_present.y = this.total_h,
+ this.container_present.height = 174 + 170 * (Math.ceil(this.gifts.length / 6) - 1),
+ this.total_h += this.container_present.height;
+ for (var d = function(e) {
+ var i = f.gifts[e].item_id
+ , n = f.gifts[e].check_activity
+ , a = f.cells[f.used_cell_count++];
+ f.container_present.addChild(a),
+ a.x = e % 6 * 162 + 135,
+ a.y = 15 + 170 * Math.floor(e / 6),
+ a.visible = !0;
+ var r = cfg.item_definition.item.find(i)
+ , s = a.getChildByName("btn");
+ s.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(f, function() {
+ t.UI_ItemDetail.Inst.show(i)
+ }, null, !1),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(s.getChildByName("icon"), r.icon),
+ s.getChildByName("xianding").visible = null != n && n > 0,
+ s.getChildByName("up").visible = f.in_up[i]
+ }, f = this, c = 0; c < this.gifts.length; c++)
+ d(c);
+ this.total_h += 25
+ } else
+ this.container_present.visible = !1;
+ for (c = this.used_cell_count; c < this.cells.length; c++)
+ this.cells[c].visible = !1;
+ this.content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this.content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ this.content.refresh(),
+ this.scrollbar.reset(),
+ this.scrollbar.setVal(0, this.content.height / this.total_h)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150)
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , a = function() {
+ function e(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.head_cells = [],
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.target_x = 0,
+ this.detail_height = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.father = i,
+ this.container_right = this.me.getChildByName("right"),
+ this.btn_left = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_left"),
+ this.btn_left.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n._change_choose_target_x(n.target_x + 180)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_right = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_right"),
+ this.btn_right.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ n._change_choose_target_x(n.target_x - 180)
+ }
+ ),
+ this.panel_choose = this.container_right.getChildByName("panel_choose"),
+ this.container_choose = this.panel_choose.getChildByName("container_choose"),
+ this.head_templete = this.container_choose.getChildByName("templete"),
+ this.head_templete.visible = !1;
+ for (var a = this.head_templete.scriptMap["capsui.UICopy"], r = 0; r < 16; r++) {
+ var s = a.getNodeClone();
+ s.visible = !1,
+ this.head_cells.push(s)
+ }
+ var o = this.container_right.getChildByName("intro");
+ this.intro_content = o.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.intro_scorll = o.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.intro_scorll.init(Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ n.intro_content.vScrollBar.value = n.intro_content.vScrollBar.max * t
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.intro_content.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.intro_content.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ var t = n.intro_content.vScrollBar.value / n.intro_content.vScrollBar.max
+ , e = n.intro_content.height / n.detail_height;
+ n.intro_scorll.setVal(t, e)
+ }),
+ this.container_left = this.me.getChildByName("left"),
+ this.container_illust = this.container_left.getChildByName("container_illust"),
+ this.illust_h = this.container_illust.getChildByName("illust_h"),
+ this.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(this.illust_h.getChildByName("illust")),
+ this.illust_x = this.container_illust.x,
+ this.container_left.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (n.me.visible = !1,
+ n.reset(),
+ n.father.page_total.show())
+ }, null, !1);
+ var l = null;
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? (l = this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name"),
+ this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name_en").visible = !1) : (l = this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name_en"),
+ this.container_illust.getChildByName("container_name").visible = !1),
+ this.label_name = l.getChildByName("label_name"),
+ this.label_cv = l.getChildByName("label_CV")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ this.charas = e;
+ for (var a = function(t) {
+ var e = r.head_cells[t];
+ if (t < r.charas.length) {
+ var a = r.charas[t].item_id
+ , s = cfg.item_definition.character.find(a)
+ , o = cfg.item_definition.skin.find(s.init_skin);
+ e.visible = !0;
+ var l = e.getChildByName("btn");
+ l.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(r, function() {
+ i != t && (n.head_cells[i].getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("chosen").visible = !1,
+ i = t,
+ e.getChildByName("btn").getChildByName("chosen").visible = !0,
+ n._refresh_detail(a, !1))
+ }, null, !1),
+ l.getChildByName("chosen").visible = t == i,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(l.getChildByName("icon"), o.path + "/smallhead.png"),
+ e.x = e.width * t
+ } else
+ e.visible = !1
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < this.head_cells.length; s++)
+ a(s);
+ this._refresh_detail(e[i].item_id, !0),
+ this.container_choose.width = this.head_cells[0].width * e.length,
+ this.container_choose.x = 0,
+ this._refresh_leftright_btn(),
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_left, {
+ x: -30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_right, {
+ x: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.audio_channel && (this.audio_channel.stop(),
+ this.audio_channel = null),
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.container_choose),
+ this.illust.clear()
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._refresh_detail = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.audio_channel && (this.audio_channel.stop(),
+ this.audio_channel = null),
+ this.illust.clear();
+ var n = cfg.item_definition.character.find(t);
+ this.label_name.text = n["name_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.label_cv.text = "CV" + n["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language] : this.label_cv.text = "CV:" + n["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language];
+ var a = this.intro_content.getChildByName("container_text");
+ if (a.getChildByName("height").text = n["desc_stature_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("birth").text = n["desc_birth_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("age").text = n["desc_age_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("bloodtype").text = n.desc_bloodtype,
+ a.getChildByName("cv").text = n["desc_cv_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("hobby").text = n["desc_hobby_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ a.getChildByName("desc").text = n["desc_" + GameMgr.client_language],
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ var r = [new Laya.ColorFilter([.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])];
+ a.getChildByName("height").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("height").filters = r,
+ a.getChildByName("birth").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("birth").filters = r,
+ a.getChildByName("age").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("age").filters = r,
+ a.getChildByName("bloodtype").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("bloodtype").filters = r,
+ a.getChildByName("cv").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("cv").filters = r,
+ a.getChildByName("hobby").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("hobby").filters = r,
+ a.getChildByName("desc").font = "en_shuhun",
+ a.getChildByName("desc").filters = r
+ }
+ for (f = 0; f < 12; f += 2) {
+ var s = a.getChildAt(f);
+ a.getChildAt(f + 1).x = s.textField.textWidth * s.scaleX + s.x + 10
+ }
+ var o = a.getChildByName("desc").textField.textHeight * a.getChildByName("desc").scaleY
+ , l = this.intro_content.getChildByName("audio");
+ l.y = 340 + o,
+ this.detail_height = 560 + o;
+ for (var h = ["lobby_selfintro", "lobby_playerlogin", "lobby_normal"], c = [], _ = -1, u = function(e) {
+ var n = l.getChildByName("audio" + e).getChildByName("btn_play")
+ , a = n.getChildByName("img");
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_play.png"),
+ c.push(a),
+ n.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(d, function() {
+ if (_ == e)
+ i.audio_channel && (i.audio_channel.stop(),
+ i.audio_channel = null),
+ _ = -1,
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_play.png");
+ else {
+ -1 != _ && (i.audio_channel && (i.audio_channel.stop(),
+ i.audio_channel = null),
+ c[_].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_play.png"),
+ _ = -1),
+ _ = e,
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_pause.png");
+ var n = view.AudioMgr.PlayCharactorSound({
+ charid: t,
+ level: 1
+ }, h[e], Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.audio_channel && (i.audio_channel.stop(),
+ i.audio_channel = null),
+ _ = -1,
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/bothui/bf_play.png")
+ }));
+ i.audio_channel = n.sound
+ }
+ }, null, !1)
+ }, d = this, f = 0; f < 3; f++)
+ u(f);
+ switch (this.intro_content.vScrollBar.stopScroll(),
+ this.intro_content.refresh(),
+ this.intro_scorll.reset(),
+ this.intro_scorll.setVal(0, this.intro_content.height / this.detail_height),
+ this.intro_content.vScrollBar.value = 0,
+ t) {
+ case 200005:
+ this.illust_h.y = -40;
+ break;
+ case 200006:
+ this.illust_h.y = -60;
+ break;
+ case 200009:
+ this.illust_h.y = -50;
+ break;
+ case 200011:
+ case 200014:
+ case 200022:
+ this.illust_h.y = -80;
+ break;
+ case 200023:
+ this.illust_h.y = -100;
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.illust_h.y = 0
+ }
+ this.illust.setSkin(n.init_skin, "full"),
+ e ? (this.container_illust.alpha = 1,
+ this.container_illust.x = this.illust_x) : (this.container_illust.x = this.illust_x - 50,
+ this.container_illust.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_illust, {
+ x: this.illust_x,
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 400, Laya.Ease.strongOut, null, 0, !0))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._refresh_leftright_btn = function() {
+ this.container_choose.x >= 0 ? (this.container_choose.x = 0,
+ this.btn_left.visible = !1) : this.btn_left.visible = !0,
+ this.container_choose.width <= this.panel_choose.width ? this.btn_right.visible = !1 : this.container_choose.x <= this.panel_choose.width - this.container_choose.width ? (this.container_choose.x = this.panel_choose.width - this.container_choose.width,
+ this.btn_right.visible = !1) : this.btn_right.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype._change_choose_target_x = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ if (t > 0 && (t = 0),
+ this.container_choose.width > this.panel_choose.width && t < this.panel_choose.width - this.container_choose.width && (t = this.panel_choose.width - this.container_choose.width),
+ this._refresh_leftright_btn(),
+ this.target_x = t,
+ Laya.Tween.clearAll(this.container_choose),
+ t != this.container_choose.x) {
+ var i = Math.abs(t - this.container_choose.x) / .5;
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_choose, {
+ x: t
+ }, i, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e._refresh_leftright_btn()
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , r = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.me = t,
+ this.btn_close = this.me.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.page_total = new n(this.me.getChildByName("page_total"),this),
+ this.page_character = new a(this.me.getChildByName("page_character"),this)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.chest_id = e,
+ this.page_total.refresh_data(e),
+ this.page_total.me.visible = !0,
+ this.page_character.me.visible = !1,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.me, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.page_character.reset()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , s = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.id = 0,
+ this.count = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.root = e.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_num0 = this.root.getChildByName("num0"),
+ this.label_num1 = this.root.getChildByName("num1"),
+ this.label_num2 = this.root.getChildByName("num2"),
+ this.label_num3 = this.root.getChildByName("num3"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cancel").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)],
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ i.close();
+ var e = Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "exchangeChestStone", {
+ id: i.id,
+ count: i.count
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ if (e || n.error) {
+ if (n && n.error && 501 == n.error.code)
+ return void t.UI_Diamond_Less.Inst.show(Laya.Handler.create(o.Inst, o.Inst.close), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("yard", !1),
+ o.Inst.show()
+ }));
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("exchangeChestStone", e, n)
+ } else
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2191))
+ })
+ });
+ GameMgr.inDmm ? t.UI_Dmm_Buy_Pop.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(8004), e) : e.run()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.id = 3001,
+ this.count = Math.ceil(e / 200);
+ var n = cfg.exchange.searchexchange.find(this.id);
+ this.label_num0.text = (n.source_value * this.count).toString(),
+ this.label_num1.text = (n.target_value * this.count).toString(),
+ this.label_num2.text = (n.source_value * this.count).toString(),
+ this.label_num3.text = (n.target_value * this.count).toString(),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , o = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.lobby.treasureUI) || this;
+ return t.tab_index = 0,
+ t.map_img = {},
+ t.last_seen_up_activity = null,
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.on_chest_count_change = function(t) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
+ this.chest_count[t[e].faith_id] || (this.chest_count[t[e].faith_id] = {
+ count: 0
+ }),
+ this.chest_count[t[e].faith_id].count = t[e].count;
+ this.Inst && this.Inst.enable && this.Inst.refresh_currency()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.get_chest_currency = function(t) {
+ if (!this.chest_count[t])
+ return 0;
+ var e = this.chest_count[t].count;
+ return e < 0 && (e = 0),
+ e
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.have_red_point = function() {
+ if (!this.last_seen_up_activity) {
+ this.last_seen_up_activity = {};
+ var e = game.Tools.dddsss(Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("treasure_up_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id));
+ if (e)
+ for (var i = e.split(","), n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.last_seen_up_activity[i[n]] = 1
+ }
+ var a = 1e3;
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (a += 1);
+ var r = t.UI_Activity.onTreasureRateUpRetID(a)
+ , s = t.UI_Activity.onTreasureRateUpRetID(a + 2);
+ return !(!r || this.last_seen_up_activity[r]) || !(!s || this.last_seen_up_activity[s])
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var n = this;
+ this.contianer_content = this.me.getChildByName("content"),
+ this.tabs = [];
+ for (var o = function(t) {
+ var e = l.contianer_content.getChildByName("tabs").getChildByName("tab" + t);
+ l.tabs.push(e),
+ e.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(l,function() {
+ n.locking || n.tab_index != t && n.change_tab(t)
+ }
+ )
+ }, l = this, h = 0; h < 2; h++)
+ o(h);
+ this.img_head = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("btn_xiangqing").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.tips.show(1e3)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("btn_xiangqing").visible = !1,
+ this.container_top = this.me.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_back").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || n.close(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.money = new t.UI_Money(this.container_top,Laya.Handler.create(this, this.close, null, !1),Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return n.locking
+ }, null, !1),Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ return Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("yard", !1),
+ a.Inst.show()
+ })
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.tips = new e(this.me.getChildByName("tips")),
+ this.xy = new i(this.me.getChildByName("xy"),this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_single"),this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_multi")),
+ this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_xunmi_chs").visible = !1,
+ this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_huiyu_jp").visible = !1,
+ this.buy_xunmi = new s(this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_xunmi_chs"));
+ var c = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container_shop");
+ this.label_currency = c.getChildByName("btn_shop").getChildByName("count"),
+ c.getChildByName("btn_shop").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || n.xy.show(cfg.chest.chest.get(n.chest_id).faith_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ c.getChildByName("btn_what").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.tips.showinfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(55))
+ }, null, !1),
+ c.getChildByName("btn_what").visible = !1,
+ this.preview = new r(this.me.getChildByName("preview")),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("btn_preview").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.preview.show(n.chest_id)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.xyexchange = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container_shop").getChildByName("btn_xy"),
+ this.container_buy_huiyu = this.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_huiyu_jp"),
+ this.root_buy_huiyu = this.container_buy_huiyu.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root_buy_huiyu.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking || (n.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(n.root_buy_huiyu, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.locking = !1,
+ n.container_buy_huiyu.visible = !1
+ })))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root_buy_huiyu.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(n.root_buy_huiyu, null),
+ n.close(Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ t.UI_Recharge.Inst.show("huiyu", Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("yard", !1),
+ a.Inst.show()
+ })),
+ n.container_buy_huiyu.visible = !1
+ }, null, !1))
+ }),
+ this.root_buy_huiyu.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(n.root_buy_huiyu, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.locking = !1,
+ n.container_buy_huiyu.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.locking = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.contianer_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ this.tips.me.visible = !1,
+ this.preview.me.visible = !1,
+ this.xy.me.visible = !1,
+ this.buy_xunmi.me.visible = !1,
+ this.container_buy_huiyu.visible = !1,
+ "chs" == GameMgr.client_language && (this.container_top.getChildByName("container_xinyang").visible = !1),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }),
+ this.map_img = {},
+ this.change_tab(0);
+ var i = 1e3;
+ "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && (i += 1);
+ var n = t.UI_Activity.onTreasureRateUpRetID(i)
+ , a = t.UI_Activity.onTreasureRateUpRetID(i + 2);
+ this.last_seen_up_activity = {},
+ n && (this.last_seen_up_activity[n] = 1),
+ a && (this.last_seen_up_activity[a] = 1);
+ var r = "";
+ for (var s in this.last_seen_up_activity)
+ "" != r && (r += ","),
+ r += s;
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("treasure_up_" + GameMgr.Inst.account_id, game.Tools.eeesss(r)),
+ this.root_buy_huiyu.getChildByName("btn_cancel").filters = [new Laya.ColorFilter(t.GRAY_FILTER)]
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.change_tab = function(t) {
+ this.tab_index = t;
+ for (var e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+ this.tabs[e].getChildAt(0).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/treasure/treasure_btn" + e + "_" + (e == t ? "chosed" : "unchose") + ".png"),
+ this.tabs[e].mouseEnabled = e != t;
+ this.refresh_show()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.refresh_show = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = 1e3 + 2 * this.tab_index;
+ "jp" != GameMgr.client_type && "en" != GameMgr.client_type || i++,
+ this.chest_id = i;
+ var n = cfg.chest.chest.get(this.chest_id).faith_id;
+ this.label_currency.text = a.get_chest_currency(n).toString();
+ var r = cfg.chest.chest.get(i)
+ , s = t.UI_Activity.onTreasureRateUp(this.chest_id);
+ "" != s ? (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_head, s),
+ this.map_img[s] = 1) : (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.img_head, r.img),
+ this.map_img[r.img] = 1),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1").getChildByName("txt1").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2708),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1").getChildByName("txt2").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2709),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10").getChildByName("txt1").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2710),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10").getChildByName("txt2").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2711);
+ var o = r.ticket_id
+ , l = 0;
+ o && (l = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(o));
+ var h = function(t) {
+ var e = t.getChildByName("txt1")
+ , i = t.getChildByName("txt2")
+ , n = t.getChildByName("icon")
+ , a = e.textField.textWidth + 10 + n.width + 10 + i.textField.textWidth;
+ e.x = 360 - a / 2,
+ n.x = e.x + e.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ i.x = n.x + n.width + 10
+ }
+ , c = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1");
+ if (h(c),
+ l >= 1) {
+ var _ = c.getChildByName("btn_tanfang").getChildByName("price");
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(_.getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.item.get(o).icon_transparent),
+ _.getChildByName("count").text = "x1",
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(_)
+ } else {
+ var u = c.getChildByName("btn_tanfang").getChildByName("price")
+ , d = cfg.item_definition.item.get(r.currency);
+ d && game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(u.getChildByName("icon"), d.icon_transparent);
+ var f = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(r.currency);
+ f && game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(u.getChildByName("icon"), f.icon),
+ u.getChildByName("count").text = "x" + r.price,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(u)
+ }
+ c.getChildByName("btn_tanfang").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : l >= 1 ? t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(i, 1, !0) : "chs" == GameMgr.client_type ? t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014) < r.price ? e.buy_xunmi.show(r.price - t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014)) : t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(i, 1, !1) : t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100001) < r.price ? (e.container_buy_huiyu.visible = !0,
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.root_buy_huiyu, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))) : t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(i, 1, !1)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var p = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10");
+ h(p);
+ var m = p.getChildByName("btn_tanfang").getChildByName("price")
+ , g = cfg.item_definition.item.get(r.currency);
+ g && game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(m.getChildByName("icon"), g.icon_transparent);
+ var y = cfg.item_definition.currency.get(r.currency);
+ y && game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(m.getChildByName("icon"), y.icon),
+ m.getChildByName("count").text = "x" + r.price10,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(m),
+ p.getChildByName("btn_tanfang").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : "chs" == GameMgr.client_type ? t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014) < r.price10 ? e.buy_xunmi.show(r.price10 - t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(302014)) : t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(i, 10, !1) : t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100001) < r.price10 ? (e.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_huiyu_jp").visible = !0,
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.root_buy_huiyu, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))) : t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(i, 10, !1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.money.onEnable(),
+ this.money.label_xinyang && (this.money.label_xinyang.text = a.get_chest_currency(n).toString()),
+ "jp" != GameMgr.client_language && "en" != GameMgr.client_language || this.jpproject()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.jpproject = function() {
+ var e = this
+ , i = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container_shop")
+ , n = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1").getChildByName("txt1")
+ , a = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1").getChildByName("txt2")
+ , r = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10").getChildByName("txt1")
+ , s = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10").getChildByName("txt2");
+ i.getChildByName("btn_shop").visible = !1,
+ i.getChildByName("btn_what").visible = !1,
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("container_huishi").visible = !1,
+ this.xyexchange.visible = !0,
+ this.xyexchange.getChildByName("count").text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2712),
+ this.xyexchange.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.xy.show(cfg.chest.chest.get(e.chest_id).faith_id)
+ }, null, !1);
+ var o = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1").getChildByName("btn_tanfang").getChildByName("price")
+ , l = this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10").getChildByName("btn_tanfang").getChildByName("price");
+ n.fontSize = 27,
+ a.fontSize = 27,
+ r.fontSize = 27,
+ s.fontSize = 27;
+ var h = 1001;
+ 1 == this.tab_index && (h += 2),
+ this.chest_id = h;
+ var c = cfg.chest.chest.get(h)
+ , _ = c.ticket_id
+ , u = 0;
+ _ && (u = t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(_));
+ var d = function(t) {
+ var e = t.getChildByName("txt1")
+ , i = t.getChildByName("txt2")
+ , n = t.getChildByName("icon")
+ , a = e.textField.textWidth + 10 + n.width + 10 + i.textField.textWidth;
+ e.x = 360 - a / 2,
+ n.x = e.x + e.textField.textWidth + 10,
+ i.x = n.x + n.width + 10
+ };
+ d(this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1")),
+ d(this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10")),
+ u >= 1 ? (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o.getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.item.get(_).icon_transparent),
+ o.getChildByName("count").text = "x1",
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(o)) : (game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(o.getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.currency.find(c.currency).icon),
+ o.getChildByName("count").text = "x" + c.price,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(o)),
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(l.getChildByName("icon"), cfg.item_definition.currency.find(c.currency).icon),
+ l.getChildByName("count").text = "x" + c.price10,
+ game.Tools.child_align_center(l),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container1").getChildByName("btn_tanfang").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : u >= 1 ? t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(h, 1, !0) : t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100001) < c.price ? (e.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_huiyu_jp").visible = !0,
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.root_buy_huiyu, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))) : t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(h, 1, !1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.contianer_content.getChildByName("container10").getChildByName("btn_tanfang").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UI_PiPeiYuYue.Inst.enable ? t.UI_Popout.PopOutNoTitle(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(204), null) : t.UI_Bag.get_item_count(100001) < c.price10 ? (e.me.getChildByName("pop_buy_huiyu_jp").visible = !0,
+ e.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(e.root_buy_huiyu, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))) : t.UI_TanfangRoot.Inst.show(h, 10, !1)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.contianer_content, {
+ y: 30
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150),
+ this.tips.me.visible = !1,
+ this.preview.me.visible && this.preview.close(),
+ this.xy.me.visible && this.xy.close(),
+ Laya.timer.once(150, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ for (var t in this.map_img)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(t);
+ game.LoadMgr.clearImgSkin(this.img_head),
+ this.img_head.skin = ""
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.refresh_currency = function() {
+ this.label_currency.text = a.get_chest_currency(cfg.chest.chest.get(this.chest_id).faith_id).toString(),
+ this.xy.me.visible && this.xy.refresh_currency()
+ }
+ ,
+ a.chest_count = {},
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Treasure = o
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function t(t, e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me = t,
+ this.func_pending = e,
+ this.txtinput = t.getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.wrong = t.getChildByName("wrong"),
+ this.accept = t.getChildByName("accept"),
+ this.txtinput.on("focus", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1
+ }),
+ this.txtinput.on("blur", this, function() {
+ i.wrong.visible = !1,
+ i.accept.visible = !1,
+ "" != i.txtinput.text && (!i.func_pending || i.func_pending.run() ? i.accept.visible = !0 : i.wrong.visible = !0)
+ }),
+ this.reset()
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "text", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.txtinput.text
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isOK", {
+ get: function() {
+ return !this.func_pending || this.func_pending.run()
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.txtinput.text = "",
+ this.wrong.visible = !1,
+ this.accept.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.both_ui.unbind_phoneUI) || this;
+ return n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var i = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.input_phone = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_phone"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return game.Tools.pending_phonenumber_valid(i.input_phone.text)
+ }
+ )),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.input_password0 = new e(this.root.getChildByName("input_password"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.input_password0.text.length >= 6 && i.input_password0.text.length <= 20
+ }
+ )),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show("注意!解除手机绑定以后该账号将永久冻结,无法登录和使用,请确认以后再进行操作!该操作不可撤销!", Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ var e = i.input_phone.text;
+ i.close(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "unbindPhoneNumber", {
+ phone: e,
+ code: i.input_code.text,
+ password: GameMgr.encodeP(i.input_password0.text)
+ }, function(n, a) {
+ i.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("bindPhoneNumber", n, a),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : (GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone = game.Tools.encode_phonenumber(e),
+ GameMgr.Inst.account_data.phone_verify = 1,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, null, function() {
+ t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show_only_confirm("解绑成功", Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url
+ }))
+ }))
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!i.locking) {
+ var e = i.input_phone.text;
+ i.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ i.during_send_cd = !0,
+ i.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ i.refresh_send(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "createPhoneVerifyCode", {
+ phone: e,
+ usage: 8
+ }, function(e, n) {
+ e || n.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("createPhoneVerifyCode", e, n),
+ i.last_send_time = 0) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2833))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || i.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = null),
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ this.input_password0.reset(),
+ this.input_phone.me.visible = !0,
+ this.input_phone.reset(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_confirm, !0),
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ "" != i.input_code.text && i.input_password0.isOK && i.input_phone.isOK ? game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_confirm, !1) : game.Tools.setGrayDisable(i.btn_confirm, !0),
+ i.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.complete && e.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Unbind_Phone = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.both_ui.unbind_yostar_mailUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.mail = this.root.getChildByName("mail"),
+ this.input_code = this.root.getChildByName("input_code").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.btn_send_code = this.root.getChildByName("btn_send_code"),
+ this.label_send_code = this.btn_send_code.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!e.locking) {
+ var i = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username;
+ e.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ e.during_send_cd = !0,
+ e.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ e.refresh_send();
+ var n = e;
+ Yo.authSubmit({
+ account: i,
+ code: e.input_code.text
+ }).then(function(e) {
+ e ? 0 === e.result ? Yo.unlinkYo({
+ accessToken: GameMgr.Inst.yostar_accessToken,
+ yostar_uid: e.yostar_uid,
+ yostar_token: e.yostar_token,
+ yostar_username: e.yostar_account
+ }).then(function(e) {
+ 0 == e.result ? (n.close(),
+ t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3008)),
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info || (GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info = {}),
+ GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username = "") : 1 == e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3009)) : 2 == e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3010)) : 3 == e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3011)) : 1e3 == e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3012)) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2063))
+ }) : 50016 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2676)) : 50009 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2687)) : 50004 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2685)) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2689)) : t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2689))
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_send_code.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ if (!e.locking) {
+ var i = GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username;
+ e.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ e.during_send_cd = !0,
+ e.last_send_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ e.refresh_send();
+ var n = e;
+ Yo.request({
+ account: i,
+ lang: "jp" == GameMgr.client_language ? "ja" : "en"
+ }).then(function(e) {
+ e ? 0 === e.result ? t.UI_LightTips.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2688)) : 50003 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2684)) : 50004 === e.result ? t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2685)) : (t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2683)),
+ n.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n.last_send_time = 0) : (t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2683)),
+ n.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ n.last_send_time = 0)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.last_send_time = 0
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.input_code.text = "",
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.mail.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3006, [GameMgr.Inst.yostar_login_info.yostar_username]),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.during_send_cd ? this.refresh_send() : (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)),
+ this.btn_confirm.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, function() {
+ e.refresh_send()
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(e)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_send = function() {
+ if (this.during_send_cd) {
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer - this.last_send_time;
+ t >= 6e4 ? (this.during_send_cd = !1,
+ this.btn_send_code.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2787)) : this.label_send_code.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2682, [Math.ceil(60 - t / 1e3).toString()])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ i.Inst = null,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Unbind_Yostar_Mail = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.user_xieyiUI) || this;
+ t.current_index = 0,
+ i.Inst = t;
+ for (var n = [], a = 0; a < 15; a++)
+ n.push("user_xieyi/" + (a + 1) + ".txt");
+ return Laya.loader.load(n),
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("info"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close(!0)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_left = this.root.getChildByName("left"),
+ this.btn_left.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.current_index <= 1 || (t.current_index--,
+ t.refresh())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_right = this.root.getChildByName("right"),
+ this.btn_right.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.current_index >= 15 || (t.current_index++,
+ t.refresh())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close(!1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").visible = "chs" != GameMgr.client_type
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ this.complete = e,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, null),
+ this.current_index = 1,
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ var t = Laya.loader.getRes("user_xieyi/" + this.current_index + ".txt");
+ this.info.text = t || game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2198),
+ this.btn_left.visible = this.current_index > 1,
+ this.btn_right.visible = this.current_index < 15
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.enable = !1,
+ i.info.text = "",
+ e && i.complete && i.complete.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDestroy = function() {
+ i.Inst = null,
+ this.info.textField.destroy(!0),
+ this.info.destroy(!0)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.user_xieyi_dmmUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("panel"),
+ this.label_content1 = this.panel.getChildByName("content1"),
+ this.label_content2 = this.panel.getChildByName("content2"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.panel.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.refresh_scroll_bar()
+ }),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (t.close(),
+ t.complete && t.complete.run())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_disagree").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", ""),
+ Laya.Browser.window.location.href = GameMgr.Inst.link_url)
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_scroll_bar = function() {
+ var t = this.label_content1.height + this.label_content2.height;
+ t > 0 ? this.scrollbar.setVal(this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max, this.panel.height / t) : this.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.complete = e,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.label_title.text = "",
+ this.label_content1.text = "loading...",
+ this.label_content1.height = 60,
+ this.label_content2.text = "",
+ this.label_content2.height = 0,
+ this.label_content2.y = 0,
+ this.panel.refresh();
+ var n = 1e5 * Math.random();
+ this.id = n;
+ var a = "docs/jp_liyongguiyue.txt";
+ Laya.loader.load(a, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (i.me.visible && i.id == n) {
+ var t = Laya.loader.getRes(a);
+ if (t) {
+ var e = t
+ , r = e.indexOf("\n");
+ i.label_title.text = e.substring(0, r);
+ var s = e.indexOf("\n", e.length / 2 + r);
+ s < 0 && (s = e.length),
+ i.label_content1.text = e.substring(r + 1, s),
+ i.label_content1.height = i.label_content1.textField.textHeight,
+ s + 1 < e.length && (i.label_content2.text = e.substring(s + 1),
+ i.label_content2.height = i.label_content2.textField.textHeight,
+ i.label_content2.x = i.label_content1.x,
+ i.label_content2.y = i.label_content1.height + i.label_content1.y),
+ i.panel.refresh(),
+ i.refresh_scroll_bar()
+ }
+ }
+ })),
+ this.refresh_scroll_bar()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.label_content1.text = "",
+ e.label_content2.text = ""
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_Dmm = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.common.user_xieyi_enjpUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_title = this.root.getChildByName("title"),
+ this.panel = this.root.getChildByName("panel"),
+ this.label_content1 = this.panel.getChildByName("content1"),
+ this.label_content2 = this.panel.getChildByName("content2"),
+ this.scrollbar = this.root.getChildByName("scrollbar").scriptMap["capsui.CScrollBar"],
+ this.scrollbar.init(null),
+ this.panel.vScrollBarSkin = "",
+ this.panel.vScrollBar.on("change", this, function() {
+ t.refresh_scroll_bar()
+ }),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh_scroll_bar = function() {
+ var t = this.label_content1.height + this.label_content2.height;
+ t > 0 ? this.scrollbar.setVal(this.panel.vScrollBar.value / this.panel.vScrollBar.max, this.panel.height / t) : this.scrollbar.setVal(0, 1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.label_title.text = "",
+ this.label_content1.text = "loading...",
+ this.label_content1.height = 60,
+ this.label_content2.text = "",
+ this.label_content2.height = 0,
+ this.label_content2.y = 0,
+ this.panel.refresh();
+ var n = 1e5 * Math.random();
+ this.id = n,
+ Laya.loader.load(e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (i.me.visible && i.id == n) {
+ var t = Laya.loader.getRes(e);
+ if (t) {
+ var a = t
+ , r = a.indexOf("\n");
+ i.label_title.text = a.substring(0, r);
+ var s = a.indexOf("\n", a.length / 2 + r);
+ s < 0 && (s = a.length),
+ i.label_content1.text = a.substring(r + 1, s),
+ i.label_content1.height = i.label_content1.textField.textHeight,
+ s + 1 < a.length && (i.label_content2.text = a.substring(s + 1),
+ i.label_content2.height = i.label_content2.textField.textHeight,
+ i.label_content2.x = i.label_content1.x,
+ i.label_content2.y = i.label_content1.height + i.label_content1.y),
+ i.panel.refresh(),
+ i.refresh_scroll_bar()
+ }
+ }
+ })),
+ this.refresh_scroll_bar()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1,
+ e.label_content1.text = "",
+ e.label_content2.text = ""
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_User_Xieyi_enjp = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.voteUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "voteGameEnd", {
+ yes: !0
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("voteGameEnd", e, i) : i.success || (t.UI_VoteCD.time_cd = i.vote_cd_end_time,
+ t.UI_VoteCD.Inst.show())
+ }),
+ e.close())
+ }
+ ),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_cannel").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.root.scaleX = this.root.scaleY = 1,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Vote = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.vote_cdUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ t.locking || t.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.label_time = this.root.getChildByName("time")
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, this, function() {
+ var t = Math.floor(i.time_cd - Date.now() / 1e3);
+ t < 0 && (t = 0);
+ var n = Math.floor(t / 60)
+ , a = t % 60;
+ e.label_time.text = n + ":" + (a < 10 ? "0" : "") + a
+ });
+ this.root.getChildByName("desc").fontSize = "chs" != GameMgr.client_language && "chs_t" != GameMgr.client_language ? 28 : 33
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.time_cd = 0,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_VoteCD = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.mj.vote_progressUI) || this;
+ return i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.btn_agree = this.root.getChildByName("btn_agree"),
+ this.btn_agree.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.btn_agree.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_disagree.visible = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "voteGameEnd", {
+ yes: !0
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ (i || n.error) && (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("voteGameEnd", i, n),
+ e.btn_agree.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_disagree.visible = !0)
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.btn_disagree = this.root.getChildByName("btn_disagree"),
+ this.btn_disagree.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || (e.btn_agree.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_disagree.visible = !1,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2MJ("FastTest", "voteGameEnd", {
+ yes: !1
+ }, function(i, n) {
+ (i || n.error) && (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("voteGameEnd", i, n),
+ e.btn_agree.visible = !0,
+ e.btn_disagree.visible = !0)
+ }))
+ }
+ ),
+ this.container_block = this.root.getChildByName("container_block"),
+ this.time_bar = this.root.getChildByName("bar").getChildByName("val"),
+ this.btn_close = this.root.getChildByName("btn_close"),
+ this.btn_close.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }
+ ),
+ this.info = this.root.getChildByName("info"),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2MJ("NotifyEndGameVote", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ var n = i.vote_info;
+ i.vote_info = t,
+ e.enable ? e.refresh() : n && n.start_time == t.start_time || e.show()
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.refresh(),
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ Laya.timer.loop(50, this, function() {
+ var t = i.vote_info.start_time
+ , n = Date.now() - 1e3 * t
+ , a = 1e3 * i.vote_info.duration_time
+ , r = a <= 0 ? 0 : n / a;
+ r = 1 - (r = r < 0 ? 0 : r > 1 ? 1 : r),
+ e.time_bar.scaleX = r,
+ n >= a + 2e3 && (Laya.timer.clearAll(e),
+ e.close())
+ }),
+ t.UI_Vote.Inst.enable && t.UI_Vote.Inst.close(),
+ t.UI_VoteCD.Inst.enable && t.UI_VoteCD.Inst.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ for (var t = i.vote_info.results, e = [], n = -1, a = 0; a < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; a++)
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[a].account_id && e.push(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[a].account_id);
+ for (var r = e.length, s = (490 - 20 * (r - 1)) / r, o = this.container_block.width / 2 - 245, a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
+ var l = this.container_block.getChildByName("b" + a);
+ a < r ? (l.visible = !0,
+ l.x = o + a * (s + 20),
+ l.width = s,
+ a < t.length ? (t[a].yes ? l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/vote_agree.png") : l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/vote_disagree.png"),
+ t[a].account_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id && (n = t[a].yes ? 1 : 0)) : l.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/vote_default.png")) : l.visible = !1
+ }
+ -1 == n ? (this.btn_agree.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_disagree.visible = !0,
+ this.info.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_close.visible = !1) : (this.btn_agree.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_disagree.visible = !1,
+ this.info.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_close.visible = !0,
+ this.info.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(0 == n ? 3048 : 3049))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_VoteProgress = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.friends = [],
+ this.sortlist = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.blackbg = t.getChildByName("blackbg"),
+ this.blackbg.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking || e.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root = t.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.scrollview = this.root.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(Laya.Handler.create(this, this.render_item, null, !1)),
+ this.noinfo = this.root.getChildByName("noinfo")
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.friends = [],
+ this.sortlist = [];
+ for (var i = game.FriendMgr.friend_list, n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.sortlist.push(n);
+ this.sortlist = this.sortlist.sort(function(t, e) {
+ var n = i[t]
+ , a = 0;
+ if (n.state.is_online) {
+ a += "" != (o = game.Tools.playState2Desc(n.state.playing)) ? 3e10 : 6e10,
+ a += -n.state.login_time
+ } else
+ a += n.state.logout_time;
+ var r = i[e]
+ , s = 0;
+ if (r.state.is_online) {
+ var o = game.Tools.playState2Desc(r.state.playing);
+ s += "" != o ? 3e10 : 6e10,
+ s += -r.state.login_time
+ } else
+ s += r.state.logout_time;
+ return s - a
+ });
+ for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
+ this.friends.push({
+ f: i[n],
+ invited: !1
+ });
+ this.noinfo.visible = 0 == this.friends.length,
+ this.scrollview.addItem(this.friends.length),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.me.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.render_item = function(e) {
+ var i = e.index
+ , n = e.container
+ , r = e.cache_data;
+ r.head || (r.head = new t.UI_Head(n.getChildByName("head")),
+ r.name = n.getChildByName("name"),
+ r.state = n.getChildByName("label_state"),
+ r.btn = n.getChildByName("btn_invite"),
+ r.invited = n.getChildByName("invited"));
+ var s = this.friends[this.sortlist[i]];
+ r.head.id = s.f.base.avatar_id,
+ r.head.head_frame = s.f.base.avatar_frame,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(r.name, s.f.base);
+ var o = !1;
+ if (s.f.state.is_online) {
+ var l = game.Tools.playState2Desc(s.f.state.playing);
+ "" != l ? (r.state.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2069, [l]),
+ r.state.color = "#a9d94d",
+ r.name.color = "#a9d94d") : (r.state.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2071),
+ r.state.color = "#58c4db",
+ r.name.color = "#58c4db",
+ o = !0)
+ } else
+ r.state.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2072),
+ r.state.color = "#8c8c8c",
+ r.name.color = "#8c8c8c";
+ s.invited ? (r.btn.visible = !1,
+ r.invited.visible = !0) : (r.btn.visible = !0,
+ r.invited.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn, !o),
+ o && (r.btn.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn, !0);
+ var e = {
+ room_id: a.Inst.room_id,
+ mode: a.Inst.room_mode,
+ nickname: GameMgr.Inst.account_data.nickname,
+ verified: GameMgr.Inst.account_data.verified,
+ account_id: GameMgr.Inst.account_id
+ };
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "sendClientMessage", {
+ target_id: s.f.base.account_id,
+ type: game.EFriendMsgType.room_invite,
+ content: JSON.stringify(e)
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? (game.Tools.setGrayDisable(r.btn, !1),
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("sendClientMessage", e, i)) : (r.btn.visible = !1,
+ r.invited.visible = !0,
+ s.invited = !0)
+ })
+ }, null, !1)))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.tabs = [],
+ this.tab_index = 0,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.blackmask = this.me.getChildByName("blackmask"),
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.page_head = new t.zhuangban.Page_Waiting_Head(this.root.getChildByName("container_heads")),
+ this.page_zhangban = new t.zhuangban.Container_Zhuangban(this.root.getChildByName("container_zhuangban0"),this.root.getChildByName("container_zhuangban1"),new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ return i.locking
+ }
+ ));
+ for (var n = this.root.getChildByName("container_tabs"), a = function(e) {
+ r.tabs.push(n.getChildAt(e)),
+ r.tabs[e].clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(r,function() {
+ i.locking || i.tab_index != e && (1 == i.tab_index && i.page_zhangban.changed ? t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3022), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.change_tab(e)
+ }), null) : i.change_tab(e))
+ }
+ )
+ }, r = this, s = 0; s < n.numChildren; s++)
+ a(s);
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_close").clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ i.locking || (1 == i.tab_index && i.page_zhangban.changed ? t.UI_SecondConfirm.Inst.show(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3022), Laya.Handler.create(i, function() {
+ i.close(!1)
+ }), null) : i.close(!1))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.blackmask.alpha = 0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackmask, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.tab_index = 0,
+ this.page_zhangban.close(!0),
+ this.page_head.show(!0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) {
+ var n = this.tabs[i];
+ n.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(i == this.tab_index ? "myres/sushe/btn_shine2.png" : "myres/sushe/btn_dark2.png");
+ var a = n.getChildByName("word");
+ a.color = i == this.tab_index ? "#552c1c" : "#d3a86c",
+ a.scaleX = a.scaleY = i == this.tab_index ? 1.1 : 1,
+ i == this.tab_index && n.parent.setChildIndex(n, this.tabs.length - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.change_tab = function(t) {
+ var e = this;
+ this.tab_index = t;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) {
+ var n = this.tabs[i];
+ n.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(i == t ? "myres/sushe/btn_shine2.png" : "myres/sushe/btn_dark2.png");
+ var a = n.getChildByName("word");
+ a.color = i == t ? "#552c1c" : "#d3a86c",
+ a.scaleX = a.scaleY = i == t ? 1.1 : 1,
+ i == t && n.parent.setChildIndex(n, this.tabs.length - 1)
+ }
+ this.locking = !0,
+ 0 == this.tab_index ? (this.page_zhangban.close(!1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.page_head.show(!1)
+ })) : 1 == this.tab_index && (this.page_head.close(!1),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ e.page_zhangban.show(!1)
+ })),
+ Laya.timer.once(400, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.me.visible && (e ? (this.page_head.close(!0),
+ this.page_zhangban.close(!0),
+ this.me.visible = !1) : (app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "readyPlay", {
+ ready: a.Inst.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ dressing: !1
+ }, function(t, e) {}),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.page_head.close(!1),
+ this.page_zhangban.close(!1),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.me.visible = !1
+ }))))
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function() {
+ function t(t) {
+ this.modes = [],
+ this.me = t,
+ this.bg = this.me.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.scrollview = this.me.scriptMap["capsui.CScrollView"],
+ this.scrollview.init_scrollview(new Laya.Handler(this,this.render_item))
+ }
+ return t.prototype.show = function(t) {
+ this.me.visible = !0,
+ this.scrollview.reset(),
+ this.modes = t,
+ this.scrollview.addItem(t.length);
+ var e = this.scrollview.total_height;
+ e > 380 ? (this.scrollview._content.y = 10,
+ this.bg.height = 400) : (this.scrollview._content.y = 390 - e,
+ this.bg.height = e + 20),
+ this.bg.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.render_item = function(t) {
+ var e = t.index
+ , i = t.container.getChildByName("info");
+ i.fontSize = 40,
+ this.modes[e].length <= 5 ? i.fontSize = 40 : this.modes[e].length <= 9 ? i.fontSize = 55 - 3 * this.modes[e].length : i.fontSize = 28,
+ i.text = this.modes[e]
+ }
+ ,
+ t
+ }()
+ , a = function(a) {
+ function r() {
+ var e = a.call(this, new ui.lobby.waitingroomUI) || this;
+ return e.skin_ready = "myres/room/btn_ready.png",
+ e.skin_cancel = "myres/room/btn_cancel.png",
+ e.skin_start = "myres/room/btn_start.png",
+ e.skin_start_no = "myres/room/btn_start_no.png",
+ e.label_rommid = null,
+ e.player_cells = [],
+ e.btn_ok = null,
+ e.btn_invite_friend = null,
+ e.btn_add_robot = null,
+ e.btn_dress = null,
+ e.beReady = !1,
+ e.room_id = -1,
+ e.owner_id = -1,
+ e.tournament_id = 0,
+ e.max_player_count = 0,
+ e.players = [],
+ e.container_rules = null,
+ e.container_top = null,
+ e.container_right = null,
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.mousein_copy = !1,
+ e.popout = null,
+ e.room_link = null,
+ e.btn_copy_link = null,
+ e.last_start_room = 0,
+ e.invitefriend = null,
+ e.pre_choose = null,
+ e.ai_name = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003),
+ r.Inst = e,
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRoomPlayerReady", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyRoomPlayerReady:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.onReadyChange(t.account_id, t.ready, t.dressing)
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRoomPlayerUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyRoomPlayerUpdate:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.onPlayerChange(t)
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRoomGameStart", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ e.enable && (app.Log.log("NotifyRoomGameStart:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.onGameStart(t))
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyRoomKickOut", Laya.Handler.create(e, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyRoomKickOut:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ e.onBeKictOut()
+ })),
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.add_connect_listener(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.enable && e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ e
+ }
+ return __extends(r, a),
+ Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "inRoom", {
+ get: function() {
+ return -1 != this.room_id
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "robot_count", {
+ get: function() {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.players.length; e++)
+ 2 == this.players[e].category && t++;
+ return t
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ r.prototype.resetData = function() {
+ this.room_id = -1,
+ this.owner_id = -1,
+ this.room_mode = {},
+ this.max_player_count = 0,
+ this.players = []
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.updateData = function(t) {
+ if (t) {
+ this.room_id = t.room_id,
+ this.owner_id = t.owner_id,
+ this.room_mode = t.mode,
+ this.public_live = t.public_live,
+ this.tournament_id = 0,
+ t.tournament_id && (this.tournament_id = t.tournament_id),
+ this.ai_name = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003),
+ this.room_mode.detail_rule && (1 === this.room_mode.detail_rule.ai_level && (this.ai_name = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)),
+ 2 === this.room_mode.detail_rule.ai_level && (this.ai_name = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004))),
+ this.max_player_count = t.max_player_count,
+ this.players = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < t.persons.length; i++) {
+ var e = t.persons[i];
+ e.ready = !1,
+ e.cell_index = -1,
+ e.category = 1,
+ this.players.push(e)
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < t.robot_count; i++)
+ this.players.push({
+ category: 2,
+ cell_index: -1,
+ account_id: 0,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101,
+ score: 0
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101,
+ score: 0
+ },
+ nickname: this.ai_name,
+ verified: 0,
+ ready: !0,
+ dressing: !1,
+ title: 0,
+ avatar_id: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin()
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.ready_list.length; i++)
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.players.length; n++)
+ if (this.players[n].account_id == t.ready_list[i]) {
+ this.players[n].ready = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ } else
+ this.resetData()
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onReadyChange = function(t, e, i) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.players.length; n++)
+ if (this.players[n].account_id == t) {
+ this.players[n].ready = e,
+ this.players[n].dressing = i,
+ this._onPlayerReadyChange(this.players[n]);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onPlayerChange = function(t) {
+ t = t.toJSON();
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++)
+ 0 != this.players[i].category && e.push(this.players[i]);
+ if (this.players = e,
+ t.update_list)
+ for (i = 0; i < t.update_list.length; i++) {
+ for (var n = t.update_list[i], a = n.account_id, r = !0, s = 0; s < this.players.length; s++)
+ if (this.players[s] && this.players[s].account_id == a) {
+ n.avatar_id && (this.players[s].avatar_id = n.avatar_id),
+ n.title && (this.players[s].title = n.title),
+ n.nickname && (this.players[s].nickname = n.nickname),
+ n.verified && (this.players[s].verified = n.verified),
+ n.level && (this.players[s].level = n.level),
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[s]),
+ r = !1;
+ break
+ }
+ if (r) {
+ var o = -1;
+ if (this.enable) {
+ for (var l = [!1, !1, !1, !1], h = 0; h < this.players.length; h++)
+ -1 != this.players[h].cell_index && (l[this.players[h].cell_index] = !0);
+ for (s = 0; s < this.max_player_count; s++)
+ if (!l[s]) {
+ o = s;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ n.cell_index = o,
+ n.ready = !1,
+ n.dressing = !1,
+ n.category = 1,
+ this.players.push(n),
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[this.players.length - 1])
+ }
+ }
+ if (t.remove_list)
+ for (i = 0; i < t.remove_list.length; i++)
+ for (var a = t.remove_list[i], s = 0; s < this.players.length; s++)
+ if (this.players[s] && this.players[s].account_id == a) {
+ for (var c = this.players[s].cell_index, _ = s; _ < this.players.length - 1; _++)
+ this.players[_] = this.players[_ + 1];
+ this.players.pop(),
+ this._clearCell(c);
+ break
+ }
+ for (var u = [!1, !1, !1, !1], i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++)
+ -1 != this.players[i].cell_index && (u[this.players[i].cell_index] = !0);
+ for (i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++)
+ if (1 == this.players[i].category && -1 == this.players[i].cell_index)
+ for (s = 0; s < this.max_player_count; s++)
+ u[s] || (this.players[i].cell_index = s,
+ u[s] = !0,
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[i]));
+ if (null != t.robot_count && void 0 != t.robot_count) {
+ var d = t.robot_count;
+ d < this.robot_count && this.pre_choose && 2 == this.pre_choose.category && (this.pre_choose.category = 0,
+ this._clearCell(this.pre_choose.cell_index),
+ this.pre_choose = null);
+ for (i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++) {
+ var f = this.players[i];
+ 2 == f.category && (0 == d ? (this.players[i].category = 0,
+ this._clearCell(f.cell_index)) : d--)
+ }
+ for (; d > 0; ) {
+ for (var p = -1, i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++)
+ if (0 == this.players[i].category) {
+ p = i;
+ break
+ }
+ if (-1 == p) {
+ if (!(this.players.length < this.max_player_count)) {
+ app.Log.Error("同步机器人数量有问题");
+ break
+ }
+ d--;
+ for (var c = -1, m = [!1, !1, !1, !1], i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++)
+ m[this.players[i].cell_index] = !0;
+ for (s = 0; s < this.max_player_count; s++)
+ if (!m[s]) {
+ c = s;
+ break
+ }
+ this.players.push({
+ category: 2,
+ cell_index: c,
+ account_id: 0,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101,
+ score: 0
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101,
+ score: 0
+ },
+ nickname: this.ai_name,
+ verified: 0,
+ ready: !0,
+ title: 0,
+ avatar_id: game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(),
+ dressing: !1
+ }),
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[this.players.length - 1])
+ } else
+ d--,
+ this.players[p].category = 2,
+ this.players[p].cell_index = p,
+ this.players[p].account_id = 0,
+ this.players[p].level = {
+ id: 10101,
+ score: 0
+ },
+ this.players[p].level3 = {
+ id: 20101,
+ score: 0
+ },
+ this.players[p].nickname = this.ai_name,
+ this.players[p].verified = 0,
+ this.players[p].ready = !0,
+ this.players[p].title = 0,
+ this.players[p].avatar_id = game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(),
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[p])
+ }
+ }
+ if (t.owner_id) {
+ if (this.owner_id = t.owner_id,
+ this.enable)
+ if (this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ this.refreshAsOwner();
+ else
+ for (s = 0; s < this.players.length; s++)
+ if (this.players[s] && this.players[s].account_id == this.owner_id) {
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[s]);
+ break
+ }
+ } else if (this.enable)
+ if (this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id)
+ this.refreshAsOwner();
+ else
+ for (s = 0; s < this.players.length; s++)
+ if (this.players[s] && this.players[s].account_id == this.owner_id) {
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[s]);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onBeKictOut = function() {
+ this.resetData(),
+ this.enable && (this.enable = !1,
+ this.pop_change_view.close(!1),
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0,
+ t.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(52)))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var a = this;
+ this.last_start_room = 0;
+ var r = this.me.getChildByName("root");
+ this.container_top = r.getChildByName("top"),
+ this.container_right = r.getChildByName("right"),
+ this.label_rommid = this.container_top.getChildByName("label_roomid");
+ for (var s = function(e) {
+ var i = r.getChildByName("player_" + e.toString())
+ , n = {};
+ n.index = e,
+ n.container = i,
+ n.container_flag = i.getChildByName("flag"),
+ n.container_name = i.getChildByName("container_name"),
+ n.name = i.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("name"),
+ n.btn_t = i.getChildByName("btn_t"),
+ n.container_illust = i.getChildByName("container_illust"),
+ n.illust = new t.UI_Character_Skin(i.getChildByName("container_illust").getChildByName("illust")),
+ n.host = i.getChildByName("host"),
+ n.title = new t.UI_PlayerTitle(i.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("title")),
+ n.rank = new t.UI_Level(i.getChildByName("container_name").getChildByName("rank")),
+ n.is_robot = !1;
+ var s = 0;
+ n.btn_t.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(o, function() {
+ if (!(a.locking || Laya.timer.currTimer < s)) {
+ s = Laya.timer.currTimer + 500;
+ for (var t = 0; t < a.players.length; t++)
+ if (a.players[t].cell_index == e) {
+ a.kickPlayer(t);
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ n.btn_info = i.getChildByName("btn_info"),
+ n.btn_info.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(o, function() {
+ if (!a.locking)
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.players.length; i++)
+ if (a.players[i].cell_index == e) {
+ a.players[i].account_id && a.players[i].account_id > 0 && t.UI_OtherPlayerInfo.Inst.show(a.players[i].account_id, a.room_mode.mode < 10 ? 1 : 2);
+ break
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ o.player_cells.push(n)
+ }, o = this, l = 0; l < 4; l++)
+ s(l);
+ this.btn_ok = r.getChildByName("btn_ok");
+ var h = 0;
+ this.btn_ok.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer < h + 500 || (h = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ a.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id ? a.getStart() : a.switchReady())
+ }, null, !1);
+ var c = 0;
+ this.container_top.getChildByName("btn_leave").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.timer.currTimer < c + 500 || (c = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ a.leaveRoom())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_invite_friend = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_friend"),
+ this.btn_invite_friend.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking || a.invitefriend.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_add_robot = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_robot");
+ var _ = 0;
+ this.btn_add_robot.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking || Laya.timer.currTimer < _ || (_ = Laya.timer.currTimer + 1e3,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "modifyRoom", {
+ robot_count: a.robot_count + 1
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error && 1111 != i.error.code) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("modifyRoom_add", e, i),
+ _ = 0
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_help").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking || t.UI_Rules.Inst.show()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_dress = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_view"),
+ this.btn_dress.clickHandler = new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ a.locking || a.beReady && a.owner_id != GameMgr.Inst.account_id || (a.pop_change_view.show(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "readyPlay", {
+ ready: a.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ dressing: !0
+ }, function(t, e) {}))
+ }
+ );
+ var u = this.container_right.getChildByName("btn_copy");
+ u.on("mouseover", this, function() {
+ a.mousein_copy = !0
+ }),
+ u.on("mouseout", this, function() {
+ a.mousein_copy = !1
+ }),
+ u.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.popout.visible || (GameMgr.Inst.BehavioralStatistics(12),
+ a.popout.visible = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(a.popout, null))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.container_rules = new n(this.container_right.getChildByName("container_rules")),
+ this.popout = this.me.getChildByName("pop"),
+ this.room_link = this.popout.getChildByName("input").getChildByName("txtinput"),
+ this.room_link.editable = !1,
+ this.btn_copy_link = this.popout.getChildByName("btn_copy"),
+ this.btn_copy_link.visible = !1,
+ GameMgr.inConch ? (this.btn_copy_link.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_copy_link.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.majsoul.mjmgr").call("setSysClipboardText", a.room_link.text),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(a.popout, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.popout.visible = !1
+ })),
+ t.UI_FlyTips.ShowTips(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2125))
+ }, null, !1)) : GameMgr.iniOSWebview && (this.btn_copy_link.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_copy_link.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("copy2clip", a.room_link.text, function() {}),
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(a.popout, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.popout.visible = !1
+ })),
+ t.UI_FlyTips.ShowTips(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2125))
+ }, null, !1)),
+ this.popout.visible = !1,
+ this.popout.getChildByName("btn_cancel").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(a.popout, Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ a.popout.visible = !1
+ }))
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.invitefriend = new e(this.me.getChildByName("invite_friend")),
+ this.pop_change_view = new i(this.me.getChildByName("pop_view"))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.show = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this.mousein_copy = !1,
+ this.beReady = !1,
+ this.invitefriend.me.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_add_robot.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_invite_friend.visible = !1,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_dress, !1),
+ this.pre_choose = null,
+ this.pop_change_view.close(!0);
+ for (o = 0; o < 4; o++)
+ this.player_cells[o].container.visible = o < this.max_player_count;
+ for (o = 0; o < this.max_player_count; o++)
+ this._clearCell(o);
+ for (o = 0; o < this.players.length; o++)
+ this.players[o].cell_index = o,
+ this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[o]);
+ this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id ? (this.btn_ok.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.skin_start),
+ this.refreshAsOwner()) : (this.btn_ok.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.skin_ready),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_ok, !1)),
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? this.label_rommid.text = "#" + this.room_id.toString() : this.label_rommid.text = this.room_id.toString();
+ var i = [];
+ i.push(game.Tools.room_mode_desc(this.room_mode.mode));
+ var n = this.room_mode.detail_rule;
+ if (n) {
+ var a = 5
+ , r = 20;
+ if (null != n.time_fixed && (a = n.time_fixed),
+ null != n.time_add && (r = n.time_add),
+ i.push(a.toString() + "+" + r.toString() + game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2019)),
+ 0 != this.tournament_id) {
+ var s = cfg.tournament.tournaments.get(this.tournament_id);
+ s && i.push(s.name)
+ }
+ if (null != n.init_point && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2199) + n.init_point),
+ null != n.fandian && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2094) + ":" + n.fandian),
+ n.guyi_mode && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3028)),
+ null != n.dora_count)
+ switch (n.dora_count) {
+ case 0:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2044));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2047));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2045));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2046))
+ }
+ null != n.shiduan && 1 != n.shiduan && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2137)),
+ 2 === n.fanfu && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2763)),
+ 4 === n.fanfu && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2764)),
+ null != n.bianjietishi && 1 != n.bianjietishi && i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2200)),
+ this.room_mode.mode >= 10 && this.room_mode.mode <= 14 && (null != n.have_zimosun && 1 != n.have_zimosun ? i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2202)) : i.push(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2203)))
+ }
+ this.container_rules.show(i),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 200);
+ for (var o = 0; o < this.player_cells.length; o++)
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.player_cells[o].container, {
+ x: 80
+ }, 150, 150 + 50 * o, null, Laya.Ease.backOut);
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.btn_ok, {}, 100, 600),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.container_right, {
+ x: 20
+ }, 100, 500),
+ Laya.timer.once(600, this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1
+ });
+ var l = game.Tools.room_mode_desc(this.room_mode.mode);
+ this.room_link.text = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2221, [this.room_id.toString()]),
+ "" != l && (this.room_link.text += "(" + l + ")"),
+ this.room_link.text += ": " + GameMgr.Inst.link_url + "?room=" + this.room_id
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.leaveRoom = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking || app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "leaveRoom", {}, function(i, n) {
+ i || n.error ? t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("leaveRoom", i, n) : e.hide(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ t.UI_Lobby.Inst.enable = !0
+ }))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.tryToClose = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "leaveRoom", {}, function(n, a) {
+ n || a.error ? (t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("leaveRoom", n, a),
+ e.runWith(!1)) : (i.enable = !1,
+ i.pop_change_view.close(!0),
+ e.runWith(!0))
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.hide = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_top, {
+ y: -30
+ }, 150);
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.player_cells.length; n++)
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.player_cells[n].container, {
+ x: 80
+ }, 150, 0, null);
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.btn_ok, {}, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.container_right, {
+ x: 20
+ }, 150),
+ Laya.timer.once(200, this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }),
+ document.getElementById("layaCanvas").onclick = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onDisbale = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this);
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.player_cells.length; t++)
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.player_cells[t].illust.skin);
+ document.getElementById("layaCanvas").onclick = null
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.switchReady = function() {
+ this.owner_id != GameMgr.Inst.account_id && (this.beReady = !this.beReady,
+ this.btn_ok.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.beReady ? this.skin_cancel : this.skin_ready),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_dress, this.beReady),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "readyPlay", {
+ ready: this.beReady,
+ dressing: !1
+ }, function(t, e) {}))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.getStart = function() {
+ this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id && (Laya.timer.currTimer < this.last_start_room + 2e3 || (this.last_start_room = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "startRoom", {}, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("startRoom", e, i)
+ })))
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.kickPlayer = function(e) {
+ if (this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id) {
+ var i = this.players[e];
+ 1 == i.category ? app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "kickPlayer", {
+ account_id: this.players[e].account_id
+ }, function(t, e) {}) : 2 == i.category && (this.pre_choose = i,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "modifyRoom", {
+ robot_count: this.robot_count - 1
+ }, function(e, i) {
+ (e || i.error) && t.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("modifyRoom_minus", e, i)
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._clearCell = function(t) {
+ if (!(t < 0 || t >= this.player_cells.length)) {
+ var e = this.player_cells[t];
+ e.container_flag.visible = !1,
+ e.container_illust.visible = !1,
+ e.name.visible = !1,
+ e.container_name.visible = !1,
+ e.btn_t.visible = !1,
+ e.host.visible = !1,
+ this.refreshStart()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._refreshPlayerInfo = function(t) {
+ var e = t.cell_index;
+ if (!(e < 0 || e >= this.player_cells.length)) {
+ var i = this.player_cells[e];
+ i.container_illust.visible = !0,
+ i.container_name.visible = !0,
+ i.name.visible = !0,
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(i.name, t),
+ i.btn_t.visible = this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id && t.account_id != GameMgr.Inst.account_id,
+ this.owner_id == t.account_id && (i.container_flag.visible = !0,
+ i.host.visible = !0),
+ i.illust.setSkin(t.avatar_id, "waitingroom"),
+ i.title.id = game.Tools.titleLocalization(t.account_id, t.title),
+ i.rank.id = t[this.room_mode.mode < 10 ? "level" : "level3"].id,
+ this._onPlayerReadyChange(t)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype._onPlayerReadyChange = function(t) {
+ var e = t.cell_index;
+ if (!(e < 0 || e >= this.player_cells.length)) {
+ var i = this.player_cells[e];
+ this.owner_id == t.account_id ? i.container_flag.visible = !0 : i.container_flag.visible = t.ready,
+ this.refreshStart()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.refreshAsOwner = function() {
+ if (this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id) {
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.players.length; e++)
+ 0 != this.players[e].category && (this._refreshPlayerInfo(this.players[e]),
+ t++);
+ this.btn_add_robot.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_invite_friend.visible = !0,
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_invite_friend, t == this.max_player_count),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_add_robot, t == this.max_player_count),
+ this.refreshStart()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.refreshStart = function() {
+ if (this.owner_id == GameMgr.Inst.account_id) {
+ this.btn_ok.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(this.skin_start),
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_dress, !1);
+ for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.players.length; e++)
+ if (0 != this.players[e].category && (!this.players[e] || this.players[e].account_id != this.owner_id)) {
+ if (!this.players[e] || null == this.players[e].ready || void 0 == this.players[e].ready || !this.players[e].ready)
+ return void game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_ok, !0);
+ t++
+ }
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_ok, t + 1 != this.max_player_count)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ r.prototype.onGameStart = function(t) {
+ game.Tools.setGrayDisable(this.btn_ok, !0),
+ this.enable = !1,
+ game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(t.connect_token, t.game_uuid, t.location, !1, null)
+ }
+ ,
+ r.Inst = null,
+ r
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_WaitingRoom = a
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function(e) {
+ function i() {
+ var t = e.call(this, new ui.lobby.waitobUI) || this;
+ return t._sec = 0,
+ t._start_time = 0,
+ i.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(i, e),
+ i.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.label_sec = this.root.getChildByName("sec"),
+ this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.locking || t.close(Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ t._func && t._func.runWith({
+ success: !1
+ })
+ }))
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ this._func = n,
+ this.label_sec.text = i.toString(),
+ this._sec = i,
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_out(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ a.locking = !1,
+ a._start_time = Laya.timer.currTimer,
+ Laya.timer.loop(100, a, function() {
+ var i = Math.ceil((1e3 * a._sec - (Laya.timer.currTimer - a._start_time)) / 1e3);
+ i <= 0 && (i = 0),
+ a.label_sec.text = i.toString(),
+ 0 == i && a.close(Laya.Handler.create(a, function() {
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast.fetchInfo(e, n)
+ }))
+ })
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.close = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ t.UIBase.anim_pop_hide(this.root, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking = !1,
+ i.enable = !1,
+ e && e.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ i.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ i
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_WaitOb = e
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ return function() {}
+ }()
+ , i = function() {
+ function e(t) {
+ this.me = t,
+ this.me.visible = !1,
+ this.label0 = this.me.getChildByName("label0"),
+ this.num0_init = this.me.getChildByName("num0_init"),
+ this.num0_add = this.me.getChildByName("num0_add"),
+ this.label1 = this.me.getChildByName("label1"),
+ this.num1_init = this.me.getChildByName("num1_init"),
+ this.num1_add = this.me.getChildByName("num1_add"),
+ this.me_x_start = this.me.x
+ }
+ return e.prototype.show = function(e, i, n) {
+ var a = this;
+ if (this.me.visible = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode != view.EMJMode.play)
+ return 0;
+ if (!t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.activity_id))
+ return 0;
+ var r = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.game_config;
+ this.label0.visible = !1,
+ this.num0_init.visible = !1,
+ this.num0_add.visible = !1,
+ this.label1.visible = !1,
+ this.num1_init.visible = !1,
+ this.num1_add.visible = !1;
+ var s = 0;
+ return s += 0,
+ Laya.timer.once(e + s, this, function() {
+ a.me.visible = !0,
+ a.me.alpha = 0,
+ a.me.x = a.me_x_start - 200,
+ Laya.Tween.to(a.me, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ x: a.me_x_start
+ }, 200)
+ }),
+ s += 600,
+ Laya.timer.once(e + s, this, function() {
+ var e = 300;
+ e = a.func_show(a.label0, a.num0_init, a.num0_add, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.state_cache.duanwu_point, i, n, t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.max_point(), e);
+ var s = !1;
+ if (t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Rank.activity_id)) {
+ var o = r.meta;
+ if (o) {
+ var l = cfg.desktop.matchmode.get(o.mode_id);
+ l && l.can_sumup && l.gcarry > 0 && (s = !0)
+ }
+ }
+ s && (e += 30,
+ a.func_show(a.label1, a.num1_init, a.num1_add, view.DesktopMgr.Inst.state_cache.duanwu_rank, i, n, -1, e))
+ }),
+ s += 1800
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.func_show = function(t, e, i, n, a, r, s, o) {
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == view.ERuleMode.Liqi3 && (a = Math.floor(a / 3),
+ r = Math.floor(r / 3));
+ var l = n + a;
+ if (s >= 0 && l > s && (l = s),
+ n = n + a - r,
+ s >= 0 && n > s && (n = s),
+ (r = l - n) < 0 && (r = 0),
+ t.visible = !0,
+ i.visible = !0,
+ e.visible = !0,
+ e.text = l.toString(),
+ i.text = r > 0 ? "+" + r.toString() : "",
+ t.x = o,
+ o += t.textField.textWidth * t.scaleX,
+ e.x = o,
+ o += 10,
+ o += e.textField.textWidth * e.scaleX,
+ i.x = o,
+ o += i.textField.textWidth * i.scaleX,
+ e.text = n.toString(),
+ t.alpha = 0,
+ e.alpha = 0,
+ i.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(t, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, null, null, 0),
+ Laya.Tween.to(e, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, null, null, 0),
+ Laya.Tween.to(i, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 150, null, null, 0),
+ r > 0) {
+ for (var h = function(t) {
+ var a = Math.floor(t / 10 * r);
+ Laya.timer.once(1200 + 50 * t, c, function() {
+ i.text = "+" + (r - a).toString(),
+ e.text = (n + a).toString()
+ })
+ }, c = this, _ = 0; _ < 10; _++)
+ h(_);
+ Laya.timer.once(1700, this, function() {
+ i.text = "",
+ e.text = l.toString()
+ })
+ }
+ return o
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , n = function(n) {
+ function a() {
+ var t = n.call(this, new ui.mj.winUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.label_chang = null,
+ t.winner_name = null,
+ t.img_mode = null,
+ t.container_hand = null,
+ t.img_hands = [],
+ t.container_dora = null,
+ t.img_doras = [],
+ t.container_lidora = null,
+ t.img_lidoras = [],
+ t.container_fan_yiman = null,
+ t.container_fan_liuju = null,
+ t.container_fan_8 = null,
+ t.container_fan_12 = null,
+ t.container_fan_15 = null,
+ t.fan_imgs = [],
+ t.fu_imgs = [],
+ t.img_yiman = null,
+ t.score_imgs = [],
+ t.btn_confirm = null,
+ t.container_title = null,
+ t.container_score = null,
+ t.container_fan = null,
+ t.container_fu = null,
+ t.count_down = null,
+ t.illust = null,
+ t.illust_rect = null,
+ t.muyu = null,
+ t.liujumanguan = !1,
+ t.data = null,
+ t.current_index = 0,
+ t.effect_yiman = null,
+ a.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(a, n),
+ a.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.winner_name = this.root.getChildByName("container_name").getChildAt(0),
+ this.img_mode = this.root.getChildByName("he"),
+ this.container_hand = this.root.getChildByName("container_hand"),
+ this.illust = this.root.getChildByName("xiaojiejie"),
+ this.illust_rect = t.UIRect.CreateFromSprite(this.illust),
+ this.img_hands = [];
+ for (n = 0; n < this.container_hand.numChildren; n++) {
+ (e = this.container_hand.getChildAt(n)).visible = !1,
+ this.img_hands.push(e)
+ }
+ this.container_dora = this.root.getChildByName("container_dora"),
+ this.img_doras = [];
+ for (n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
+ e = this.container_dora.getChildByName("img" + n);
+ this.img_doras.push(e)
+ }
+ this.container_lidora = this.root.getChildByName("container_lidora"),
+ this.img_lidoras = [];
+ for (n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
+ var e = this.container_lidora.getChildByName("img" + n);
+ this.img_lidoras.push(e)
+ }
+ this.container_fan_yiman = this.root.getChildByName("container_fan_yiman"),
+ this.container_fan_liuju = this.root.getChildByName("container_fan_liuju"),
+ this.container_fan_8 = this.root.getChildByName("container_fan_8"),
+ this.container_fan_12 = this.root.getChildByName("container_fan_12"),
+ this.container_fan_15 = this.root.getChildByName("container_fan_15"),
+ this.btn_confirm = this.root.getChildByName("btn_confirm"),
+ this.count_down = this.btn_confirm.getChildByName("countdown"),
+ this.container_title = this.root.getChildByName("container_title"),
+ this.container_score = this.root.getChildByName("container_score");
+ for (n = 0; n < 6; n++)
+ this.score_imgs.push(this.container_score.getChildByName("s" + n.toString()));
+ this.img_yiman = this.root.getChildByName("container_fanfu").getChildByName("yiman"),
+ this.container_fan = this.root.getChildByName("container_fanfu").getChildByName("fan");
+ for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)
+ this.fan_imgs.push(this.container_fan.getChildByName("n" + n.toString()));
+ this.container_fu = this.root.getChildByName("container_fanfu").getChildByName("fu");
+ for (var n = 0; n < 3; n++)
+ this.fu_imgs.push(this.container_fu.getChildByName("n" + n.toString()));
+ this.container_Activity_Point = new i(this.root.getChildByName("container_activity_point")),
+ this.btn_confirm.clickHandler = new laya.utils.Handler(this,this.onConfirm),
+ this.muyu = this.root.getChildByName("muyu")
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ this.liujumanguan = i,
+ this.data = e,
+ this.current_index = 0,
+ this.liujumanguan ? this._showLiuJuManGuan(e[0]) : this._showHule(e.hules[0]),
+ this.enable = !0,
+ t.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.enable && (t.UI_Live_Broadcast.Inst.do_unit_cd = 0)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onConfirm = function() {
+ if (Laya.timer.clearAll(this),
+ this.btn_confirm.disabled = !0,
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(this.illust.skin),
+ this.effect_yiman && (this.effect_yiman.destory(),
+ this.effect_yiman = null),
+ this.liujumanguan)
+ if (this.current_index < this.data.length - 1)
+ this.current_index++,
+ this._showLiuJuManGuan(this.data[this.current_index]);
+ else {
+ this.enable = !1;
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; i++)
+ e.push({
+ old_score: this.data[0].old_scores[i],
+ delta: 0
+ });
+ for (i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++)
+ for (var n = 0; n < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; n++)
+ e[n].delta += this.data[i].delta_scores[n];
+ t.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.show(e)
+ }
+ else if (this.current_index < this.data.hules.length - 1)
+ this.current_index++,
+ this._showHule(this.data.hules[this.current_index]);
+ else {
+ this.enable = !1,
+ t.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.setLiqibang(0);
+ for (var e = [], i = 0; i < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count; i++)
+ e.push({
+ old_score: this.data.old_scores[i],
+ delta: this.data.delta_scores[i]
+ });
+ t.UI_ScoreChange.Inst.show(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.setTitle = function(t) {
+ for (n = 0; n < this.container_title.numChildren; n++)
+ this.container_title.getChildAt(n).visible = !1;
+ if ("chs" == GameMgr.client_language || "chs_t" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ e = [];
+ switch (t) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ e = ["", "", "man", "guan"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ e = ["", "", "tiao", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ e = ["", "", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ e = ["", "san", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ e = ["lei", "ji", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ e = ["", "", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ e = ["liang", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ e = ["san", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ e = ["si", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ e = ["wu", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ e = ["liu", "bei", "yi", "man"]
+ }
+ (i = this.container_title.getChildByName("chs")).visible = !0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.numChildren; n++)
+ i.getChildAt(n).visible = !1;
+ for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("" != e[n]) {
+ (a = i.getChildAt(n)).visible = !0,
+ a.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/word_" + e[n] + ".png")
+ }
+ } else if ("en" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ (i = this.container_title.getChildByName("en")).visible = !0;
+ a = i.getChildAt(0);
+ switch (t) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Mangan.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Haneman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Baiman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Sanbaiman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Double Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Triple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Quadruple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Quintuple Yakuman.png";
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ a.skin = "en/myres/Sextuple Yakuman.png"
+ }
+ } else if ("jp" == GameMgr.client_language) {
+ var e = [];
+ switch (t) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ e = ["", "", "man", "guan"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ e = ["", "", "tiao", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ e = ["", "", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ e = ["", "san", "bei", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ e = ["shu", "ji", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ e = ["", "", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ e = ["er", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ e = ["san", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ e = ["si", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ e = ["wu", "bei", "yi", "man"];
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ e = ["liu", "bei", "yi", "man"]
+ }
+ var i = this.container_title.getChildByName("chs");
+ i.visible = !0;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.numChildren; n++)
+ i.getChildAt(n).visible = !1;
+ for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
+ if ("" != e[n]) {
+ var a;
+ (a = i.getChildAt(n)).visible = !0,
+ a.skin = "jp/myres/word_" + e[n] + ".png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.setFanFu = function(t, e) {
+ this.container_fan.visible = this.container_fu.visible = !0,
+ this.container_fan.alpha = this.container_fu.alpha = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ if (0 == t)
+ this.fan_imgs[i].visible = !1;
+ else {
+ n = t % 10;
+ t = Math.floor(t / 10),
+ this.fan_imgs[i].visible = !0,
+ this.fan_imgs[i].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + n.toString() + ".png")
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if (0 == e)
+ this.fu_imgs[i].visible = !1;
+ else {
+ var n = e % 10;
+ e = Math.floor(e / 10),
+ this.fu_imgs[i].visible = !0,
+ this.fu_imgs[i].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_" + n.toString() + ".png")
+ }
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_fan, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200),
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.container_fu, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._showInfo_mj = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.container_Activity_Point.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 500);
+ var n = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(e.seat);
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this.winner_name, n);
+ var a = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e.seat].character
+ , r = new t.UIRect;
+ r.x = this.illust_rect.x,
+ r.y = this.illust_rect.y,
+ r.width = this.illust_rect.width,
+ r.height = this.illust_rect.height,
+ 401902 == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e.seat].avatar_id && (r.x -= 100,
+ r.y += 100,
+ r.width *= .9,
+ r.height *= .9),
+ game.Tools.charaPart(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e.seat].avatar_id, this.illust, "full", r),
+ 2 == e.mode ? this.img_mode.visible = !1 : (this.img_mode.visible = !0,
+ 0 == e.mode ? this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/pg_zimo.png") : this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/pg_he.png"));
+ for (var s = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/", o = this.img_hands[0].width, l = .5 * o, h = 0; h < this.img_hands.length; h++)
+ this.img_hands[h].visible = !1;
+ for (var c = 0, _ = 0, u = [], h = 0; h < e.hand.length; h++)
+ u.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.hand[h]));
+ u = u.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return 10 * t.numValue() + (t.dora ? 0 : 1) - (10 * e.numValue() + (e.dora ? 0 : 1))
+ });
+ for (h = 0; h < u.length; h++)
+ this.img_hands[c].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + u[h].toString() + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[c].x = _,
+ this.img_hands[c].y = 0,
+ _ += o,
+ this.img_hands[c].visible = !0,
+ c++;
+ if (e.ming && e.ming.length > 0) {
+ _ += l;
+ for (h = 0; h < e.ming.length; h++) {
+ var d = e.ming[h];
+ if (")" != d.charAt(d.length - 1)) {
+ if (1 == (p = d.split("|")).length) {
+ y = p[0].charAt(1);
+ "0" == (g = p[0].charAt(0)) && (g = "5");
+ for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
+ C = "";
+ C = 0 == x || 3 == x ? "back" : 1 == x && "5" == g && "z" != y ? "0" + y : g + y,
+ this.img_hands[c].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[c].x = _,
+ this.img_hands[c].y = 0,
+ _ += o,
+ this.img_hands[c].visible = !0,
+ c++
+ }
+ } else
+ for (x = 0; x < p.length; x++) {
+ C = p[x].toString();
+ this.img_hands[c].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[c].x = _,
+ this.img_hands[c].y = 0,
+ _ += o,
+ this.img_hands[c].visible = !0,
+ c++
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var f = "", p = [], m = 0; m < d.length; m++)
+ if ("(" == d.charAt(m)) {
+ f = d.substring(0, m),
+ p = d.substring(m + 1, d.length - 1).split(",");
+ break
+ }
+ if ("angang" == f) {
+ for (var g = p[0].charAt(0), y = p[0].charAt(1), v = 0, b = 0; b < p.length; b++)
+ "0" == p[b].charAt(0) && v++;
+ v > 0 && (g = "5");
+ for (var w = 0; w < p.length; w++) {
+ C = "";
+ C = 0 == w || 3 == w ? "back" : w <= v ? "0" + y : g + y,
+ this.img_hands[c].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[c].x = _,
+ this.img_hands[c].y = 0,
+ _ += o,
+ this.img_hands[c].visible = !0,
+ c++
+ }
+ } else
+ for (var x = 0; x < p.length; x++) {
+ C = p[x];
+ this.img_hands[c].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[c].x = _,
+ this.img_hands[c].y = 0,
+ _ += o,
+ this.img_hands[c].visible = !0,
+ c++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ += l,
+ 2 != e.mode && (this.img_hands[c].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + e.hupai + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[c].x = _,
+ this.img_hands[c].y = 0,
+ _ += o,
+ this.img_hands[c].visible = !0,
+ c++);
+ var I = (.72 - .92) * (c - 14) / 4 + .92;
+ this.container_hand.scaleX = this.container_hand.scaleY = I;
+ for (h = 0; h < 5; h++) {
+ C = "back";
+ h < e.doras.length && (C = e.doras[h]),
+ this.img_doras[h].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_doras[h].x = h * o,
+ this.img_doras[h].y = 0
+ }
+ if (e.lidoras && 2 != e.mode) {
+ this.container_lidora.visible = !0;
+ for (h = 0; h < 5; h++) {
+ C = "back";
+ h < e.lidoras.length && (C = e.lidoras[h]),
+ this.img_lidoras[h].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_lidoras[h].x = h * o,
+ this.img_lidoras[h].y = 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.container_lidora.visible = !0;
+ for (h = 0; h < 5; h++) {
+ var C = "back";
+ this.img_lidoras[h].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(s + C + ".png"),
+ this.img_lidoras[h].x = h * o,
+ this.img_lidoras[h].y = 0
+ }
+ }
+ var S = e.fan_names.length
+ , M = 100;
+ this.container_fan_yiman.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_8.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_15.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_12.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_liuju.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_yiman.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_8.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_15.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_12.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_liuju.visible = !1;
+ var L = null;
+ (L = 2 == e.mode ? this.container_fan_liuju : e.yiman ? this.container_fan_yiman : S <= 8 ? this.container_fan_8 : S <= 12 ? this.container_fan_12 : this.container_fan_15).visible = !0;
+ for (h = 0; h < L.numChildren; h++)
+ L.getChildAt(h).visible = !1;
+ for (var T = [], h = 0; h < e.fan_names.length; h++) {
+ var E = e.fan_names[h]
+ , D = 0
+ , N = e.fan_ids[h];
+ 9999 != N && (D = cfg.fan.fan.get(N).show_index);
+ var A = {
+ name: E,
+ index: D
+ };
+ if (e.fan_value && e.fan_value.length > h && (A.value = e.fan_value[h]),
+ 10 == N)
+ switch ((e.seat - view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count) % view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count) {
+ case 0:
+ A.sound = "fan_dong";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ A.sound = "fan_nan";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ A.sound = "fan_xi";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ A.sound = "fan_bei"
+ }
+ else if (11 == N)
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4 == (e.seat - view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count) % view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count)
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ A.sound = "fan_doubledong";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ A.sound = "fan_doublenan";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ A.sound = "fan_doublexi";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ A.sound = "fan_doublebei"
+ }
+ else
+ switch (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_change % 4) {
+ case 0:
+ A.sound = "fan_dong";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ A.sound = "fan_nan";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ A.sound = "fan_xi";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ A.sound = "fan_bei"
+ }
+ else if (N >= 31 && N <= 34) {
+ var B = A.value;
+ B > 13 && (B = 13),
+ A.sound = 0 == B ? "" : "fan_dora" + B
+ } else
+ 9999 == N ? A.sound = "fan_liujumanguan" : N >= 0 && (A.sound = cfg.fan.fan.get(N).sound);
+ T.push(A)
+ }
+ T = T.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.index - e.index
+ }),
+ M += 500;
+ for (var k = function(t) {
+ var e = game.Tools.get_chara_audio(a, T[t].sound);
+ Laya.timer.once(M, R, function() {
+ var i = L.getChildAt(t)
+ , n = i.getChildByName("l_name");
+ if (n.text = T[t].name,
+ n.width = 242,
+ game.Tools.labelLocalizationSize(n, 242, .8),
+ void 0 !== T[t].value && null !== T[t].value) {
+ i.getChildAt(2).visible = !0;
+ var a = T[t].value.toString();
+ 2 == a.length ? (i.getChildAt(3).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + a[1] + ".png"),
+ i.getChildAt(3).visible = !0,
+ i.getChildAt(4).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + a[0] + ".png"),
+ i.getChildAt(4).visible = !0) : (i.getChildAt(3).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + a[0] + ".png"),
+ i.getChildAt(3).visible = !0,
+ i.getChildAt(4).visible = !1)
+ }
+ i.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.from(i, {
+ x: 169,
+ y: 184,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 100, Laya.Ease.strongOut),
+ e ? (view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(e.path, e.volume),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(211, 1, .5)) : view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(211, 1, 1)
+ }),
+ M += e && e.time_length > 500 ? e.time_length : 500
+ }, R = this, h = 0; h < S && h < L.numChildren; h++)
+ k(h);
+ this.container_fan.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fu.visible = !1,
+ this.img_yiman.visible = !1,
+ e.fan && e.fu ? (M += 300,
+ Laya.timer.once(M, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(208),
+ i.setFanFu(e.fan, e.fu)
+ })) : e.yiman && (M += 700,
+ Laya.timer.once(M, this, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(208),
+ i.img_yiman.alpha = 0,
+ i.img_yiman.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.img_yiman, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200)
+ })),
+ this.container_score.alpha = 0;
+ for (h = 0; h < this.score_imgs.length; h++)
+ this.score_imgs[h].visible = !1;
+ if (M += 700,
+ this.container_score.scaleX = this.container_score.scaleY = 2,
+ Laya.timer.once(M, this, function() {
+ for (var t = 0, n = e.score; 0 != n; ) {
+ var a = n % 10;
+ if (n = Math.floor(n / 10),
+ i.score_imgs[t].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_" + a.toString() + ".png"),
+ i.score_imgs[t].visible = !0,
+ ++t >= i.score_imgs.length)
+ break
+ }
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.container_score, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2
+ }, 200, Laya.Ease.strongIn),
+ view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(221)
+ }),
+ this.container_title.visible = !1,
+ e.title_id) {
+ M += 700;
+ var P = 0
+ , O = 0
+ , U = "";
+ switch (e.title_id) {
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan:
+ U = "gameend_manguan",
+ P = 214;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman:
+ U = "gameend_tiaoman",
+ P = 214;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman:
+ U = "gameend_beiman",
+ P = 201;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman:
+ U = "gameend_sanbeiman",
+ P = 201;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman:
+ U = "gameend_leijiyiman",
+ O = 2,
+ P = 226;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman:
+ U = "gameend_yiman1",
+ O = 1,
+ P = 226;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2:
+ U = "gameend_yiman2",
+ O = 2,
+ P = 226;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3:
+ U = "gameend_yiman3",
+ O = 2,
+ P = 226;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4:
+ U = "gameend_yiman4",
+ O = 2,
+ P = 226;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5:
+ U = "gameend_yiman5",
+ O = 2,
+ P = 226;
+ break;
+ case mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6:
+ U = "gameend_yiman6",
+ O = 2,
+ P = 226
+ }
+ var V = game.Tools.get_chara_audio(a, U);
+ Laya.timer.once(M, this, function() {
+ i.setTitle(e.title_id),
+ i.container_title.visible = !0,
+ i.container_title.alpha = 0,
+ i.container_title.scaleX = i.container_title.scaleY = 3,
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.container_title, {
+ alpha: 1,
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2
+ }, 300, Laya.Ease.strongIn),
+ Laya.timer.once(300, i, function() {
+ 0 != P && view.AudioMgr.PlayAudio(P)
+ }),
+ V && Laya.timer.once(500, i, function() {
+ view.AudioMgr.PlaySound(V.path, V.volume)
+ }),
+ 0 != O && Laya.timer.once(300, i, function() {
+ var t, e;
+ "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? (t = i.root.getChildByName("effect_yiman_en"),
+ e = "scene/effect_yiman2.lh") : 1 == O ? (t = i.root.getChildByName("effect_yiman"),
+ e = "scene/effect_yiman.lh") : (t = i.root.getChildByName("effect_yiman2"),
+ e = "scene/effect_yiman2.lh"),
+ i.effect_yiman = game.FrontEffect.Inst.create_ui_effect(t, e, new Laya.Point(0,0), 25)
+ })
+ }),
+ (e.yiman || "累积役满" == e.title) && (M += 500)
+ }
+ if (this.muyu.visible = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info) {
+ var F = !1;
+ 0 == e.mode ? F = !0 : 1 == e.mode && (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat && (F = !0),
+ e.seat == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat && (F = !0)),
+ F && (M += 700,
+ Laya.timer.once(M, this, function() {
+ i.muyu.visible = !0,
+ i.muyu.alpha = 0;
+ var t = (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat - view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count) % view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count;
+ i.muyu.skin = "myres/mjdesktop/muyu_seat" + t + ".png",
+ Laya.Tween.to(i.muyu, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 250)
+ }))
+ }
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play && e.seat == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.seat && e.mode <= 1 && t.UI_Activity.activity_is_running(t.UI_Activity_DuanWu_Point.activity_id)) {
+ for (var H = !1, h = 0; h < view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas.length; h++) {
+ var G = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[h];
+ if (!G || !G.account_id) {
+ H = !0;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ H ? this.container_Activity_Point.me.visible = !1 : M += this.container_Activity_Point.show(M, e.point_sum, e.score)
+ } else
+ this.container_Activity_Point.me.visible = !1;
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !1,
+ M += 300,
+ this.btn_confirm.disabled = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(M, this, function() {
+ if (i.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_confirm.alpha = 1,
+ Laya.Tween.from(i.btn_confirm, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 200),
+ i.btn_confirm.disabled = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.paipu)
+ i.count_down.visible = !1,
+ i.btn_confirm.getChildByName("confirm").x = 127;
+ else {
+ i.count_down.visible = !0,
+ i.btn_confirm.getChildByName("confirm").x = 161;
+ for (var t = function(t) {
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3 * t, i, function() {
+ i.btn_confirm.disabled || (i.count_down.text = "(" + (3 - t).toString() + ")")
+ })
+ }, e = 0; e < 3; e++)
+ t(e);
+ Laya.timer.once(3e3, i, function() {
+ i.btn_confirm.disabled || i.onConfirm()
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._showInfo_record = function(e) {
+ this.container_Activity_Point.me.visible = !1,
+ this.root.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.root, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 300);
+ var i = view.DesktopMgr.Inst.getPlayerName(e.seat);
+ game.Tools.SetNickname(this.winner_name, i);
+ var n = new t.UIRect;
+ n.x = this.illust_rect.x,
+ n.y = this.illust_rect.y,
+ n.width = this.illust_rect.width,
+ n.height = this.illust_rect.height,
+ 401902 == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e.seat].avatar_id && (n.x -= 100,
+ n.y += 100,
+ n.width *= .9,
+ n.height *= .9),
+ game.Tools.charaPart(view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_datas[e.seat].avatar_id, this.illust, "full", n),
+ 2 == e.mode ? this.img_mode.visible = !1 : (this.img_mode.visible = !0,
+ 0 == e.mode ? this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/pg_zimo.png") : this.img_mode.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/pg_he.png"));
+ for (var a = "myres2/mjp/" + GameMgr.Inst.mjp_view + "/ui/", r = this.img_hands[0].width, s = .5 * r, o = 0; o < this.img_hands.length; o++)
+ this.img_hands[o].visible = !1;
+ for (var l = 0, h = 0, c = [], o = 0; o < e.hand.length; o++)
+ c.push(mjcore.MJPai.Create(e.hand[o]));
+ c = c.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return 10 * t.numValue() + (t.dora ? 0 : 1) - (10 * e.numValue() + (e.dora ? 0 : 1))
+ });
+ for (o = 0; o < c.length; o++)
+ this.img_hands[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + c[o].toString() + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[l].x = h,
+ this.img_hands[l].y = 0,
+ h += r,
+ this.img_hands[l].visible = !0,
+ l++;
+ if (e.ming && e.ming.length > 0) {
+ h += s;
+ for (o = 0; o < e.ming.length; o++) {
+ var _ = e.ming[o];
+ if (")" != _.charAt(_.length - 1)) {
+ if (1 == (d = _.split("|")).length) {
+ m = d[0].charAt(1);
+ "0" == (p = d[0].charAt(0)) && (p = "5");
+ for (b = 0; b < 4; b++) {
+ x = "";
+ x = 0 == b || 3 == b ? "back" : 1 == b && "5" == p && "z" != m ? "0" + m : p + m,
+ this.img_hands[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[l].x = h,
+ this.img_hands[l].y = 0,
+ h += r,
+ this.img_hands[l].visible = !0,
+ l++
+ }
+ } else
+ for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
+ x = d[b].toString();
+ this.img_hands[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[l].x = h,
+ this.img_hands[l].y = 0,
+ h += r,
+ this.img_hands[l].visible = !0,
+ l++
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var u = "", d = [], f = 0; f < _.length; f++)
+ if ("(" == _.charAt(f)) {
+ u = _.substring(0, f),
+ d = _.substring(f + 1, _.length - 1).split(",");
+ break
+ }
+ if ("angang" == u) {
+ for (var p = d[0].charAt(0), m = d[0].charAt(1), g = 0, y = 0; y < d.length; y++)
+ "0" == d[y].charAt(0) && g++;
+ g > 0 && (p = "5");
+ for (var v = 0; v < d.length; v++) {
+ x = "";
+ x = 0 == v || 3 == v ? "back" : v <= g ? "0" + m : p + m,
+ this.img_hands[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[l].x = h,
+ this.img_hands[l].y = 0,
+ h += r,
+ this.img_hands[l].visible = !0,
+ l++
+ }
+ } else
+ for (var b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
+ x = d[b];
+ this.img_hands[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[l].x = h,
+ this.img_hands[l].y = 0,
+ h += r,
+ this.img_hands[l].visible = !0,
+ l++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ h += s,
+ 2 != e.mode && (this.img_hands[l].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + e.hupai + ".png"),
+ this.img_hands[l].x = h,
+ this.img_hands[l].y = 0,
+ h += r,
+ this.img_hands[l].visible = !0,
+ l++);
+ var w = (.72 - .92) * (l - 14) / 4 + .92;
+ this.container_hand.scaleX = this.container_hand.scaleY = w;
+ for (o = 0; o < 5; o++) {
+ x = "back";
+ o < e.doras.length && (x = e.doras[o]),
+ this.img_doras[o].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_doras[o].x = o * r,
+ this.img_doras[o].y = 0
+ }
+ if (e.lidoras && 2 != e.mode) {
+ this.container_lidora.visible = !0;
+ for (o = 0; o < 5; o++) {
+ x = "back";
+ o < e.lidoras.length && (x = e.lidoras[o]),
+ this.img_lidoras[o].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_lidoras[o].x = o * r,
+ this.img_lidoras[o].y = 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.container_lidora.visible = !0;
+ for (o = 0; o < 5; o++) {
+ var x = "back";
+ this.img_lidoras[o].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc(a + x + ".png"),
+ this.img_lidoras[o].x = o * r,
+ this.img_lidoras[o].y = 0
+ }
+ }
+ var I = e.fan_names.length;
+ this.container_fan_yiman.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_8.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_15.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_12.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_liuju.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_yiman.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_8.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_15.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_12.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fan_liuju.visible = !1;
+ var C = null;
+ (C = 2 == e.mode ? this.container_fan_liuju : e.yiman ? this.container_fan_yiman : I <= 8 ? this.container_fan_8 : I <= 12 ? this.container_fan_12 : this.container_fan_15).visible = !0;
+ for (o = 0; o < C.numChildren; o++)
+ C.getChildAt(o).visible = !1;
+ for (var S = [], o = 0; o < e.fan_names.length; o++) {
+ var M = e.fan_names[o]
+ , L = e.fan_ids[o]
+ , T = 0;
+ 9999 != L && (T = cfg.fan.fan.get(L).show_index);
+ var E = {
+ name: M,
+ index: T
+ };
+ e.fan_value && e.fan_value.length > o && (E.value = e.fan_value[o]),
+ S.push(E)
+ }
+ S = S.sort(function(t, e) {
+ return t.index - e.index
+ });
+ for (o = 0; o < I && o < C.numChildren; o++) {
+ var D = C.getChildAt(o)
+ , N = D.getChildByName("l_name");
+ if (N.text = S[o].name,
+ N.width = 242,
+ game.Tools.labelLocalizationSize(N, 242, .8),
+ void 0 !== S[o].value && null !== S[o].value) {
+ D.getChildAt(2).visible = !0;
+ var A = S[o].value.toString();
+ 2 == A.length ? (D.getChildAt(3).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + A[1] + ".png"),
+ D.getChildAt(3).visible = !0,
+ D.getChildAt(4).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + A[0] + ".png"),
+ D.getChildAt(4).visible = !0) : (D.getChildAt(3).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/h_" + A[0] + ".png"),
+ D.getChildAt(3).visible = !0,
+ D.getChildAt(4).visible = !1)
+ }
+ D.visible = !0
+ }
+ this.container_fan.visible = !1,
+ this.container_fu.visible = !1,
+ this.img_yiman.visible = !1,
+ e.fan && e.fu ? this.setFanFu(e.fan, e.fu) : e.yiman && (this.img_yiman.alpha = 0,
+ this.img_yiman.visible = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.img_yiman, {
+ alpha: 1
+ }, 200));
+ for (o = 0; o < this.score_imgs.length; o++)
+ this.score_imgs[o].visible = !1;
+ for (var B = e.score.toString(), o = 0; o < B.length && !(o >= this.score_imgs.length); o++)
+ this.score_imgs[o].skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/mjdesktop/ww_" + B.charAt(B.length - 1 - o) + ".png"),
+ this.score_imgs[o].visible = !0;
+ if (this.container_score.alpha = 1,
+ this.container_score.scaleX = this.container_score.scaleY = 1.2,
+ this.container_title.visible = !1,
+ e.title_id && (this.setTitle(e.title_id),
+ this.container_title.visible = !0,
+ this.container_title.alpha = 1,
+ this.container_title.scaleX = this.container_title.scaleY = 1.2),
+ this.muyu.visible = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info) {
+ var k = !1;
+ if (0 == e.mode ? k = !0 : 1 == e.mode && (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_player == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat && (k = !0),
+ e.seat == view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat && (k = !0)),
+ k) {
+ this.muyu.visible = !0,
+ this.muyu.alpha = 1;
+ var R = (view.DesktopMgr.Inst.muyu_info.seat - view.DesktopMgr.Inst.index_ju + view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count) % view.DesktopMgr.Inst.player_count;
+ this.muyu.skin = "myres/mjdesktop/muyu_seat" + R + ".png"
+ }
+ }
+ this.count_down.text = "",
+ this.btn_confirm.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_confirm.disabled = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.alpha = 1,
+ this.count_down.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_confirm.getChildByName("confirm").x = 127
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._showHule = function(t) {
+ var i = new e;
+ if (i.seat = t.seat,
+ i.hand = t.hand,
+ t.ming && (i.ming = t.ming),
+ i.hupai = t.hu_tile,
+ i.mode = t.zimo ? 0 : 1,
+ i.fan_names = [],
+ i.fan_ids = [],
+ t.yiman) {
+ for (var n = t.fans, a = function(t) {
+ var e = ""
+ , a = -1;
+ n[t].id ? (a = n[t].id,
+ e = cfg.fan.fan.get(a)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]) : (e = n[t].name,
+ cfg.fan.fan.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.name_chs == e && (a = t.id,
+ e = t["name_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ })),
+ i.fan_ids.push(a),
+ i.fan_names.push(e)
+ }, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
+ a(r);
+ i.fan = 0,
+ i.fu = 0,
+ i.yiman = !0
+ } else {
+ i.fan_value = [];
+ for (var n = t.fans, s = function(t) {
+ var e = ""
+ , a = -1;
+ n[t].id ? (a = n[t].id,
+ e = cfg.fan.fan.get(a)["name_" + GameMgr.client_language]) : (e = n[t].name,
+ cfg.fan.fan.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.name_chs == e && (a = t.id,
+ e = t["name_" + GameMgr.client_language])
+ })),
+ i.fan_ids.push(a),
+ i.fan_names.push(e),
+ i.fan_value.push(n[t].val)
+ }, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
+ s(r);
+ i.fan = t.count,
+ i.fu = t.fu,
+ i.yiman = !1
+ }
+ if (t.title && "" != t.title)
+ switch (i.title = t.title,
+ i.title) {
+ case "满贯":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan;
+ break;
+ case "跳满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_tiaoman;
+ break;
+ case "倍满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_beiman;
+ break;
+ case "三倍满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_sanbeiman;
+ break;
+ case "累积役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_leijiyiman;
+ break;
+ case "役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman;
+ break;
+ case "两倍役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman2;
+ break;
+ case "三倍役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman3;
+ break;
+ case "四倍役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman4;
+ break;
+ case "五倍役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman5;
+ break;
+ case "六倍役满":
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_yiman6
+ }
+ t.title_id && (i.title_id = t.title_id);
+ var o = 0;
+ o = t.zimo ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.rule_mode == view.ERuleMode.Liqi4 ? t.qinjia ? 3 * t.point_zimo_xian : t.point_zimo_qin + 2 * t.point_zimo_xian : t.qinjia ? 2 * t.point_zimo_xian : t.point_zimo_qin + t.point_zimo_xian : t.point_rong,
+ i.score = o,
+ i.doras = t.doras,
+ i.point_sum = t.point_sum,
+ t.liqi && (i.lidoras = t.li_doras),
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play ? this._showInfo_mj(i) : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.paipu ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_anim ? this._showInfo_mj(i) : this._showInfo_record(i) : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.live_broadcast && this._showInfo_mj(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype._showLiuJuManGuan = function(t) {
+ var i = new e;
+ i.seat = t.seat,
+ i.hand = t.hand,
+ i.ming = t.ming,
+ i.mode = 2,
+ i.fan_names = [game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2105)],
+ i.fan_ids = [9999],
+ i.fan = i.fu = 0,
+ i.score = t.score,
+ i.title_id = mjcore.E_Dadian_Title.E_Dadian_Title_manguan,
+ i.doras = t.doras,
+ i.yiman = !1,
+ i.point_sum = 0,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.play ? this._showInfo_mj(i) : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.paipu ? view.DesktopMgr.Inst.record_show_anim ? this._showInfo_mj(i) : this._showInfo_record(i) : view.DesktopMgr.Inst.mode == view.EMJMode.live_broadcast && this._showInfo_mj(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ a.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ Laya.timer.clearAll(this)
+ }
+ ,
+ a
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_Win = n
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
+ var t = function(e, i) {
+ return (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
+ __proto__: []
+ }instanceof Array && function(t, e) {
+ t.__proto__ = e
+ }
+ || function(t, e) {
+ for (var i in e)
+ e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i])
+ }
+ )(e, i)
+ };
+ return function(e, i) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e
+ }
+ t(e, i),
+ e.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,
+ new n)
+ }
+}(), uiscript;
+!function(t) {
+ var e = function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ this.btn_next_flag = 0,
+ this.btn_prev_flag = 0,
+ this.maskflag = 0,
+ this.locking = !1,
+ this.loadover = [],
+ this.pageid = [],
+ this.pageindex = 0,
+ this.pagecorrect = 0,
+ this.pagewrong = 0,
+ this.effectnext = 1,
+ this.effectprev = 0,
+ this.container_chat = null,
+ this.chat_block = null,
+ this.me = e,
+ this.blackground = this.me.getChildByName("bg"),
+ this.page = this.me.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("content"),
+ this.skip_text = this.me.getChildByName("skipimg"),
+ this.img_correct = this.me.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("correct"),
+ this.img_error = this.me.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("error"),
+ this.btn_next = this.me.getChildByName("nextbutton"),
+ this.btn_next_flag = 0,
+ this.btn_prev = this.me.getChildByName("prevbutton"),
+ this.btn_prev_flag = 0,
+ this.btn_exit = this.me.getChildByName("exit"),
+ this.btn_back = this.me.getChildByName("back"),
+ this.loading = this.me.getChildByName("loading"),
+ this.buttonCrew = this.me.getChildByName("buttonCrew"),
+ this.btn1 = this.buttonCrew.getChildByName("btn1"),
+ this.btn2 = this.buttonCrew.getChildByName("btn2"),
+ this.btn3 = this.buttonCrew.getChildByName("btn3"),
+ this.buttonCrew.visible = !1,
+ this.yijibg = this.me.getChildByName("yjbg"),
+ this.Dialogue = this.me.getChildByName("Dialogue"),
+ this.Dtext = this.Dialogue.getChildByName("content").getChildByName("info"),
+ this.Dnamet = this.Dialogue.getChildByName("name"),
+ this.Dnamet.scaleX = this.Dnamet.scaleY = "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? 1.8 : 1.3,
+ this.Shead = this.Dialogue.getChildByName("head"),
+ this.mask = this.me.getChildByName("content").mask,
+ this.chat_block = new t.UI_Character_Chat(this.me.getChildByName("Dialogue")),
+ this.btn_prev.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || 0 != i.pageindex && i.data && i.data.datas && (i.effectprev = 1,
+ i.btn_next_flag = 0,
+ i.btnprev())
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_next.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (!i.locking && i.data && i.data.datas && i.pageindex != i.data.datas.length - 1) {
+ i.effectnext = 1;
+ var t;
+ if (i.btn_prev_flag = 0,
+ 0 == i.btn_next_flag) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < i.data.datas.length; e++)
+ i.data.datas[e].page_id == i.data.datas[i.pageindex].next && (i.pagecorrect = e,
+ 0 == (t = parseFloat(i.data.datas[e].effect)) && (t = 2),
+ 1 == t && (t = 0));
+ i.showPage(i.pagecorrect, t)
+ } else
+ i.btn_next_flag = 0,
+ i.showPage(i.pagecorrect, 0)
+ }
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn1.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.changepage(i.pageindex, 0)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn2.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.changepage(i.pageindex, 1)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn3.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || i.changepage(i.pageindex, 2)
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.btn_back.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.locking || 0 != i.pageindex && i.data && i.data.datas && (i.effectprev = 1,
+ i.btnprev())
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ return e.prototype.btnvisible = function(t, e) {
+ this.buttonCrew.visible != e && (e ? i.Inst.me.ani1.play(0, !0) : i.Inst.me.ani1.stop()),
+ this.buttonCrew.visible = e;
+ for (var n = 1; n < t + 1; n++) {
+ var a = "btn" + n;
+ this.buttonCrew.getChildByName(a).visible = e
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.btnprev = function() {
+ var t;
+ if (this.data.datas[this.pageindex].prev) {
+ for (e = 0; e < this.data.datas.length; e++)
+ this.data.datas[e].page_id == this.data.datas[this.pageindex].prev && (t = parseFloat(this.data.datas[this.pageindex].effect),
+ this.pageindex = e,
+ 0 == t && (t = 2));
+ this.showPage(this.pageindex, t)
+ } else if (0 == this.btn_prev_flag) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < this.pageid.length; e++)
+ this.pageid[e] == this.pageindex && (this.pageindex = this.pageid[e - 1]);
+ this.showPage(this.pageindex, 1)
+ } else
+ this.btn_prev_flag = 0,
+ this.showPage(this.pagewrong, 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.show = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("indoor", !1),
+ this.effectnext = 1,
+ this.effectprev = 0,
+ this.me.visible = !0;
+ var e = "res/atlas/" + game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui.atlas");
+ Laya.loader.load(e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.blackground.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/blackboard.png"),
+ t.img_correct.getChildByName("text").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/correct.png"),
+ t.img_correct.getChildByName("circle").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/correct_circle.png"),
+ t.img_error.getChildByName("text").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/error.png"),
+ t.img_error.getChildByName("circle").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/error_circle.png"),
+ t.btn_next.getChildByName("next").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/arrow.png"),
+ t.btn_prev.getChildByName("next").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/arrow.png"),
+ t.Dialogue.getChildByName("textbg").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/bubble.png"),
+ t.Dialogue.getChildByName("textbg").sizeGrid = "51,41,65,128",
+ t.Dialogue.getChildByName("namebg").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/bg_name.png"),
+ t.me.getChildByName("skipimg").skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/skip.png"),
+ t.mask.skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/Maskimg.png");
+ for (var e = t.me.getChildByName("buttonCrew").getChildByName("choose_shine"), i = 0; i < e.numChildren; i++) {
+ e.getChildAt(i).skin = game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui/choose_box_shine.png")
+ }
+ }));
+ var i = "docs/xinshouyindao_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".json";
+ this.data = null,
+ Laya.loader.load(i, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.data = Laya.loader.getRes(i);
+ for (var e = 0, n = function(i) {
+ t.data.datas[i].page_id.length <= 13 && (t.pageid[e] = i,
+ e++),
+ t.loadover.push(!1);
+ var n = game.Tools.localUISrc(t.data.datas[i].img);
+ Laya.loader.load(n, Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {
+ Laya.timer.frameOnce(3, t, function() {
+ t.loadover[i] = !0,
+ t.me.visible && t.pageindex == i && (t.loading.visible = !1,
+ t.page.source = Laya.loader.getRes(n),
+ t.page.visible = !0),
+ t.me.visible || Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(n)
+ })
+ }))
+ }, a = 0; a < t.data.datas.length; a++)
+ n(a);
+ t.loadover[0] = !0,
+ t.showPage(t.pageindex, 0)
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.showPage = function(t, e) {
+ this.pageindex = t,
+ this.btn_prev.visible = 0 != t,
+ this.btn_next.visible = t != this.data.page_count - 1,
+ this.yijibg.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_exit.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_back.visible = !1,
+ this.btnvisible(3, !1),
+ this.img_correct.visible = !1,
+ this.img_error.visible = !1,
+ t > 0 ? (this.blackground.visible = !0,
+ this.skip_text.visible = !1,
+ this.btn_prev.visible = !0) : (this.blackground.visible = !1,
+ this.skip_text.visible = !0),
+ t == this.data.datas.length - 1 && (this.btn_exit.visible = !0),
+ this.chat_block.show(this.data.datas[t].text, "en" == GameMgr.client_language ? 10 : 5),
+ this.Dnamet.text = this.data.datas[t].name;
+ var i = "extendRes/emo/" + this.data.datas[t].head;
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.Shead, i),
+ this.loadover[t] ? ("1" == this.data.datas[t].bg ? (i = "extendRes/charactor/" + this.data.datas[t].img,
+ game.LoadMgr.setImgSkin(this.yijibg, i),
+ this.yijibg.scaleX = parseFloat(this.data.datas[t].flip),
+ this.blackground.visible = !1,
+ this.yijibg.visible = !0,
+ this.page.visible = !1) : (this.page.visible = !0,
+ this.page.source = Laya.loader.getRes(game.Tools.localUISrc(this.data.datas[t].img))),
+ this.loading.visible = !1) : (this.page.visible = !1,
+ this.loading.visible = !0),
+ this.data.datas[t].answers && null != this.data.datas[t].answers && this.buttonChoose(t),
+ this.pinshan(t, e),
+ t == this.data.datas.length - 1 && (app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.CompleteTutorial, 1),
+ 0 == app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.get_val(app.EBehaviorType.XinShouYinDao) && (app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.update_val(app.EBehaviorType.XinShouYinDao, 1),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.G_tutorial_complete, 1),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.tw_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.TW_Tutorial_Completed, 1)))
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.pinshan = function(t, e) {
+ var i = this
+ , n = this.buttonCrew.visible;
+ this.btn_next.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ this.btn_prev.mouseEnabled = !1,
+ this.buttonCrew.visible = !1,
+ 1 == e ? (this.mask.x = 1700,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.mask, {
+ x: -260
+ }, 250, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.btn_next.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.btn_prev.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.buttonCrew.visible = n,
+ i.effectnext = 0
+ }))) : 0 == e ? (this.mask.x = -2220,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.mask, {
+ x: -260
+ }, 250, null, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ i.btn_next.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.btn_prev.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ i.buttonCrew.visible = n,
+ i.effectprev = 0
+ }))) : (this.mask.visible = !1,
+ this.mask.x = -260,
+ this.btn_next.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.btn_prev.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.buttonCrew.visible = n)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.buttonChoose = function(t) {
+ this.btnvisible(3, !0),
+ this.btn_next.visible = !1;
+ for (var e = 0; e < 3; e++)
+ if (null != this.data.datas[t].answers[e].flag) {
+ if ("correct" == this.data.datas[t].answers[e].flag) {
+ this.img_correct.x = this.data.datas[t].answers[e].x,
+ this.img_correct.y = this.data.datas[t].answers[e].y,
+ this.img_correct.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_next.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_next_flag = 1,
+ this.btnvisible(3, !1),
+ i.Inst.me.correct.play(0, !1);
+ for (n = 0; n < this.data.datas.length; n++)
+ this.data.datas[n].page_id == this.data.datas[t].next && (this.pagecorrect = n,
+ this.btn_prev.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_prev_flag = 1,
+ this.pagewrong = this.pagecorrect - 4)
+ }
+ if ("wrong" == this.data.datas[t].answers[e].flag) {
+ this.img_error.x = this.data.datas[t].answers[e].x,
+ this.img_error.y = this.data.datas[t].answers[e].y,
+ this.img_error.visible = !0,
+ this.btn_back.visible = !0,
+ i.Inst.me.error.play(0, !1);
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.data.datas.length; n++)
+ this.data.datas[n].page_id == this.data.datas[t].next && (this.btn_prev_flag = 1,
+ this.pagewrong = n);
+ this.btnvisible(3, !1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.changepage = function(t, e) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.data.datas.length; i++)
+ this.data.datas[i].page_id == this.data.datas[t].answers[e].jump && (this.pageindex = i);
+ this.showPage(this.pageindex, 2)
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.onEnter = function() {
+ this.pageindex = 0,
+ this.btn_back.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.btn_prev.mouseEnabled = !0,
+ this.mask.visible = !0
+ }
+ ,
+ e.prototype.close = function() {
+ this.me.visible = !1;
+ for (var t = 0; t < this.data.datas.length; t++)
+ this.loadover[t] && Laya.loader.clearTextureRes(game.Tools.localUISrc(this.data.datas[t].img));
+ this.loadover = [],
+ Laya.loader.clearTextureRes("res/atlas/" + game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui.atlas")),
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.change_bg("yard", !1),
+ this.chat_block.close(!1),
+ this.mask.visible = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ e
+ }()
+ , i = function(i) {
+ function n() {
+ var t = i.call(this, new ui.lobby.xinshouyindaoUI) || this;
+ return t.root = null,
+ t.blackmask = null,
+ t.page_course = null,
+ t.locking = !1,
+ t.func_close = null,
+ n.Inst = t,
+ t
+ }
+ return __extends(n, i),
+ n.pre_load = function() {
+ var t = this
+ , e = "res/atlas/" + game.Tools.localUISrc("myres/course_ui.atlas");
+ Laya.loader.load(e, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {}));
+ var i = "docs/xinshouyindao_" + GameMgr.client_language + ".json";
+ Laya.loader.load(i, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ for (var e = Laya.loader.getRes(i), n = 0; n < e.datas.length; n++) {
+ var a = game.Tools.localUISrc(e.datas[n].img);
+ Laya.loader.load(a, Laya.Handler.create(t, function() {}))
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onCreate = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this.root = this.me.getChildByName("root"),
+ this.blackmask = this.me.getChildByName("bmask"),
+ this.page_course = new e(this.root.getChildByName("xinshouzhidao")),
+ this.root.getChildByName("skipbutton").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1),
+ this.root.getChildByName("xinshouzhidao").getChildByName("exit").clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ t.close()
+ }, null, !1)
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.show = function(e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ void 0 === e && (e = 0),
+ void 0 === i && (i = null),
+ this.locking = !0,
+ this.enable = !0,
+ this.page_course.onEnter(),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_in(this.root, {
+ y: 0
+ }, 300, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ n.locking = !1
+ })),
+ this.blackmask.alpha = 0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackmask, {
+ alpha: .3
+ }, 150),
+ this.changeTab(),
+ this.func_close = i
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.changeTab = function() {
+ this.page_course.show()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.onDisable = function() {
+ this.page_course.close()
+ }
+ ,
+ n.prototype.close = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.locking = !0,
+ Laya.Tween.to(this.blackmask, {
+ alpha: 0
+ }, 150),
+ t.UIBase.anim_alpha_out(this.root, {
+ y: 0
+ }, 150, 0, Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ e.locking = !1,
+ e.enable = !1,
+ e.func_close && e.func_close.run()
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ n.Inst = null,
+ n
+ }(t.UIBase);
+ t.UI_XinShouYinDao = i
+}(uiscript || (uiscript = {}));
+var GameMgr = function() {
+ function t() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.stage = null,
+ this.uimgr = null,
+ this.root_ui = null,
+ this.root_scene = null,
+ this.root_front_scene_effect = null,
+ this.root_front_effect = null,
+ this.logined = !1,
+ this.link_url = "",
+ this.account = "",
+ this.password = "",
+ this.sociotype = 0,
+ this.player_name = "",
+ this.access_token = "",
+ this.account_id = -1,
+ this.account_setting = {},
+ this.account_data = null,
+ this.account_numerical_resource = {},
+ this.yostar_accessToken = "",
+ this.yostar_uid = "",
+ this.yostar_login_info = {},
+ this.player_in_haiwai = !1,
+ this.mjp_view = "",
+ this.mjp_item_id = 0,
+ this.mj_server_location = "",
+ this.mj_game_token = "",
+ this.mj_game_uuid = "",
+ this.ingame = !1,
+ this.beinvited_roomid = -1,
+ this.outsee_paipuid = "",
+ this.custom_match_id = 0,
+ this.account_refresh_time = 0,
+ this._current_scene = null,
+ this._scene_lobby = null,
+ this._scene_mj = null,
+ this.duringPaipu = !1,
+ this._statisticinfo = {},
+ this._last_heatbeat_time = 0,
+ this._pre_mouse_point = new Laya.Point(0,0),
+ this._fastin = !1,
+ this.comment_allow = 0,
+ this.server_time_delta = 0,
+ this.client_endpoint = null,
+ this._ad_str = "",
+ this._mail_account = "",
+ this.phone_login = -1,
+ this.fb_login_info = null,
+ this.runtime_id = "",
+ this.need_test_ws = !1,
+ this._tracker = null,
+ t.Inst = this,
+ t._inRes = !!Laya.Browser.window.conch || (!document.getElementById("environment") || "dev" != document.getElementById("environment").innerText),
+ Laya3D.init(1920, 1080, !0),
+ Laya.stage.scaleMode = Laya.Stage.SCALE_SHOWALL,
+ Laya.Browser.onMobile ? Laya.stage.screenMode = Laya.Stage.SCREEN_HORIZONTAL : Laya.stage.screenMode = Laya.Stage.SCREEN_NONE,
+ Laya.stage.alignH = Laya.Stage.ALIGN_CENTER,
+ Laya.stage.alignV = Laya.Stage.ALIGN_MIDDLE,
+ Laya.stage.bgColor = "#000000",
+ t._inRes || Laya.Stat.show(),
+ this.pendinglink() ? Laya.Browser.window.location.href = this.link_url : (Laya.loader.load("client_language.txt", Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ var i = Laya.loader.getRes("client_language.txt");
+ t.client_type = t.client_language = "en" === i ? "en" : "jp" === i ? "jp" : "chs_t" === i ? "chs_t" : "chs",
+ e.init(),
+ t.iniOSWebview ? Laya.timer.once(500, e, function() {
+ e.load0()
+ }) : e.load0()
+ })),
+ this.runtime_id = game.Tools.generateUUID())
+ }
+ return Object.defineProperty(t, "inRelease", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._inRes
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "inConch", {
+ get: function() {
+ return Laya.Browser.window.conch
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "iniOSWebview", {
+ get: function() {
+ return Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "inHttps", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.iniOSWebview || "https:" == Laya.Browser.window.location.protocol
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "inChina", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._in_china
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "inGooglePlay", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._in_google_play
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "ClientRegion", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._client_region
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(t, "inDmm", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._in_dmm
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }),
+ t.encodeP = function(t) {
+ return CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(t, "lailai").toString()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.init = function() {
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("fpsmode");
+ e && "" != e || (e = !Laya.Browser.onMobile || t.inConch || t.iniOSWebview ? "fast" : "slow",
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("fpsmode", e)),
+ Laya.stage.frameRate = e;
+ var i = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("dddddcv");
+ i && "" != i || (i = game.Tools.generateUUID(),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("dddddcv", i)),
+ t.device_id = i,
+ Laya.Browser.window.onerror = this.handleWindowError,
+ this.root_scene = new Laya.Sprite,
+ this.root_ui = new Laya.Sprite,
+ this.root_front_effect = new Laya.Sprite,
+ Laya.stage.addChild(this.root_scene),
+ Laya.stage.addChild(this.root_ui),
+ Laya.stage.addChild(this.root_front_effect),
+ this.logined = !1,
+ this._current_scene = null,
+ this.duringPaipu = !1,
+ this._scene_lobby = new game.Scene_Lobby,
+ this._scene_mj = new game.Scene_MJ,
+ view.AudioMgr.init();
+ var n = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("click_prefer");
+ view.DesktopMgr.click_prefer = n && "1" == n ? 1 : 0;
+ var a = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("double_click_pass");
+ if (view.DesktopMgr.double_click_pass = a && "1" == a ? 1 : 0,
+ "en" == t.client_language) {
+ view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp = !0;
+ "false" == game.LocalStorage.getItem("en_mjp") && (view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp = !1)
+ } else
+ view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp = !1;
+ var r = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_room");
+ r && "" != r && (this.beinvited_roomid = parseInt(r)),
+ this.outsee_paipuid = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_paipu"),
+ this.outsee_paipuid || (this.outsee_paipuid = ""),
+ this.trasform_storage(),
+ "chs_t" == t.client_type && Math.random() < .1 && (this.need_test_ws = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.trasform_storage = function() {
+ (t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_st")) && "" != t && (this._fastin = !0,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", t),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_st", ""));
+ (t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_xdsfdl")) && "" != t && (this._fastin = !0,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", t),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_xdsfdl", ""));
+ (t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_uid")) && "" != t && (game.LocalStorage.setItem("yostar_uid", t),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.removeItem("_pre_uid"));
+ var t = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_token");
+ t && "" != t && (game.LocalStorage.setItem("yostar_token", t),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.removeItem("_pre_token"));
+ var e = Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("_pre_state");
+ !e || "" == e || "xdsfdl3" != e && "xdsfdl4" != e || (this._fastin = !0,
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", "3"),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_st", "")),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_state", "")
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.load0 = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(30),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", "30", function() {});
+ t._client_region = "mainland",
+ game.ResourceVersion.init(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(40),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", "40", function() {});
+ var i = "res/atlas/bitmapfont.atlas";
+ "jp" == t.client_language ? i = "res/atlas/bitmapfont/jp.atlas" : "en" == t.client_language ? i = "res/atlas/bitmapfont/en.atlas" : "chs_t" == t.client_language && (i = "res/atlas/bitmapfont/chs_t.atlas"),
+ Laya.loader.create(i, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ var i = [];
+ i = "jp" == t.client_language ? ["jp_haolong", "jp_jiye"] : "en" == t.client_language ? ["en_haolong", "en_hanyi", "en_shuhun"] : "chs_t" == t.client_language ? ["chst_fengyu", "chst_haolong", "chst_youyuan"] : ["fengyu", "hanyi", "haolong", "youyuan", "youyuan_bold"];
+ var n = 0
+ , a = function() {
+ n++,
+ window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(Math.floor(40 + n / i.length * 20)),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", Math.floor(40 + n / i.length * 20).toString(), function() {}),
+ n == i.length && Laya.timer.frameOnce(2, e, e.load1)
+ };
+ if ("chs" == t.client_language)
+ for (var r = function(t) {
+ var n = new Laya.BitmapFont;
+ n.loadFont("bitmapfont/" + i[t] + ".fnt", Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ n.setSpaceWidth(10),
+ Laya.Text.registerBitmapFont(i[t], n),
+ a()
+ }))
+ }, s = 0; s < i.length; s++)
+ r(s);
+ else
+ for (var o = function(n) {
+ var r = new Laya.BitmapFont;
+ r.loadFont("bitmapfont/" + t.client_language + "/" + i[n] + ".fnt", Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ r.setSpaceWidth(10),
+ Laya.Text.registerBitmapFont(i[n], r),
+ a()
+ }))
+ }, s = 0; s < i.length; s++)
+ o(s)
+ }))
+ })),
+ "chs_t" == t.client_type && this.load_fblogin()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.load_fblogin = function() {
+ "chs_t" == t.client_type && t.inRelease && (Laya.Browser.window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
+ FB.init({
+ appId: "511764882872601",
+ cookie: !0,
+ xfbml: !0,
+ version: "v7.0"
+ }),
+ FB.AppEvents.logPageView()
+ }
+ ,
+ function(t, e, i) {
+ var n, a = t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
+ t.getElementById("facebook-jssdk") || ((n = t.createElement("script")).id = "facebook-jssdk",
+ n.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js",
+ a.parentNode.insertBefore(n, a))
+ }(document))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.load1 = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.LoadMgr.httpload("config.json", "json", !1, Laya.Handler.create(this, function(i) {
+ if (window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(70),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", "70", function() {}),
+ i.success) {
+ var n = i.data;
+ t.config_data = n,
+ Laya.loader.load("res/proto/liqi.json", new Laya.Handler(e,function() {
+ window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(80),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", "80", function() {});
+ var i = Laya.loader.getRes("res/proto/liqi.json");
+ if (i) {
+ net.ProtobufManager.loadProto(i),
+ net.MessageWrapper.initWrapper(),
+ app.NetAgent.init(),
+ window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(85),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", "85", function() {});
+ var n = "";
+ n = "uiconfig/ui_" + t.client_language + ".json",
+ "en" != t.client_type && "jp" != t.client_type || e.loadUStarLogin(),
+ t.config_data.dmm && (t._in_dmm = !0,
+ t._in_china = !1),
+ Laya.loader.load(n, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ var i = Laya.loader.getRes(n);
+ Laya.View.uiMap = i,
+ (new caps.ShaderInitor).init(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ window && window.conch && window.loadingView.loading(100),
+ t.iniOSWebview && Laya.Browser.window.wkbridge.callNative("setloadrate", "100", function() {}),
+ e.initUIRoot()
+ }))
+ }))
+ } else
+ console.error("load protobuf failed: liqiDescriptor is null")
+ }
+ ))
+ } else
+ app.Log.Error("未找到配置文件:config.json")
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.loadUStarLogin = function() {
+ var e = document.createElement("script");
+ e.src = t.config_data.yo_service_url + "/js/" + t.config_data.yo_sdk_js;
+ var i = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
+ i.parentNode.insertBefore(e, i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.loadExcel = function(e) {
+ var i = this;
+ Laya.loader.load("res/proto/config.proto", new Laya.Handler(this,function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(1);
+ Laya.loader.load("res/config/lqc.lqbin", new Laya.Handler(i,function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(2);
+ var i = Laya.loader.getRes("res/proto/config.proto");
+ if (i) {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(3);
+ var n = Laya.loader.getRes("res/config/lqc.lqbin");
+ if (n) {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(4);
+ var a = new Laya.Byte;
+ a.writeArrayBuffer(n);
+ var r = new bin.BinParser;
+ r.parseSync(i, a.getUint8Array(0, a.length)),
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(5);
+ var s = new bin.TSDataFormat(r.exportSchema(),r.exportData());
+ cfg.load(s.toFormat()),
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(6),
+ e && e.run();
+ var o = []
+ , l = "chs";
+ switch (t.client_language) {
+ case "chs":
+ l = "chs";
+ break;
+ case "en":
+ l = "us";
+ break;
+ case "jp":
+ l = "jp";
+ break;
+ case "chs_t":
+ l = "chs_t"
+ }
+ cfg.info.forbidden.forEach(function(t) {
+ "" != t.word && (l && t[l] || o.push({
+ s: t.word,
+ type: t["type_" + l],
+ near: t["near_" + l]
+ }))
+ });
+ var h = [];
+ cfg.info.near.forEach(function(t) {
+ for (var e = [], i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
+ var n = t["word" + i];
+ n && "" != n && e.push(n)
+ }
+ h.push(e)
+ }),
+ app.Taboo.init(o, h)
+ } else
+ console.error("load bincontent failed: bindata is null")
+ } else
+ console.error("load configProto failed: configProto is null")
+ }
+ ), null, Laya.Loader.BUFFER)
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.pendinglink = function() {
+ var t = "";
+ document.getElementById("game_link") && (t = document.getElementById("game_link").innerText),
+ t && (this.link_url = t);
+ var e = Laya.Browser.window.location.href
+ , i = {}
+ , n = !1;
+ if (e) {
+ e.indexOf("#") > 0 && (e = e.substr(0, e.indexOf("#")));
+ var a = e.indexOf("?");
+ if (a >= 0) {
+ n = !0,
+ t || (this.link_url = e.substr(0, a));
+ for (var r = e.substring(a + 1, e.length), s = (r = (r = r.replace("#_=_", "")).replace("#", "")).split("&"), o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
+ if ((a = s[o].indexOf("=")) > 0) {
+ var l = s[o].substring(0, a)
+ , h = s[o].substring(a + 1, s[o].length);
+ i[l] = h
+ }
+ } else
+ this.beinvited_roomid = -1,
+ this.outsee_paipuid = "";
+ t || (this.link_url.indexOf("index.html") >= 0 && (this.link_url = this.link_url.substr(0, this.link_url.indexOf("index.html"))),
+ "/" != this.link_url.charAt(this.link_url.length - 1) && (this.link_url += "/"))
+ }
+ var c = "";
+ for (var _ in i)
+ "mv_" == _.substr(0, 3) || ("utm_" == _.substr(0, 4) ? ("" != c && (c += "&"),
+ c += _ + "=" + i[_]) : "h" == _ ? (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_sociotype", "14"),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_code", i[_])) : Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_" + _, i[_]));
+ return c && (Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("__ad_s", c),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("__ad_t", Date.now().toString())),
+ n
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.addScene = function(t) {
+ this.root_scene.addChild(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.addUI = function(t) {
+ this.root_ui.addChild(t)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.initUIRoot = function() {
+ this.uimgr = new uiscript.UIMgr,
+ this.uimgr.init(),
+ this.showEntrance()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.showEntrance = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ if ("chs_t" == t.client_type && t.inRelease) {
+ "1" == Laya.LocalStorage.getItem("fblogin") && (FB.getLoginStatus(function(e) {
+ t.Inst.fb_login_info = e
+ }),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("fblogin", "0"))
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_ChooseServer.show(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ if (e._fastin)
+ e.loadExcel(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ game.LoadMgr.loadRes(game.E_LoadType.entrance, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.uimgr.showEntrance(),
+ game.LoadMgr.loadConfig(),
+ e._scene_lobby.init(null)
+ }))
+ }));
+ else {
+ var i = "res/atlas" + ("chs" == t.client_language ? "" : "/" + t.client_language) + "/myres/start_show.atlas";
+ Laya.loader.create(i, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ e.uimgr.showRemind();
+ var t = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ e.loadExcel(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(7),
+ game.LoadMgr.loadRes(game.E_LoadType.entrance, Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(8);
+ var i = t + 3e3 - Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ i <= 60 && (i = 60),
+ Laya.timer.once(i, e, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst && uiscript.UI_Remind.Inst.setprocess(9),
+ e.uimgr.showEntrance(),
+ game.LoadMgr.loadConfig(),
+ e._scene_lobby.init(null)
+ })
+ }))
+ }))
+ }))
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.fetch_login_info = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ game.FriendMgr.init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Mail.Init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.Init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Activity_Jiuji.Init(),
+ uiscript.UI_TitleBook.Init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Bag.init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Shop.init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Activity.init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Activity_Yueka.Init(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchCommentSetting", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchCommentSetting", e, i) : t.comment_allow = i.comment_allow
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAccountSettings", {}, function(e, i) {
+ if (e || i.error)
+ ;
+ else if (t.account_setting = [],
+ i.settings)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.settings.length; n++)
+ t.account_setting[i.settings[n].key] = i.settings[n].value
+ }),
+ this.last_mod_name_time = 0,
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchModNicknameTime", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error || i.last_mod_time && (t.last_mod_name_time = i.last_mod_time)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchMisc", {}, function(t, e) {
+ if (t || e.error)
+ cfg.mall.goods.forEach(function(t) {
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.new_recharge_list[t.cny] = 1
+ });
+ else {
+ if (e.recharged_list)
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.recharged_list.length; i++)
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.new_recharge_list[e.recharged_list[i]] = 1;
+ e.faiths && uiscript.UI_Treasure.on_chest_count_change(e.faiths)
+ }
+ }),
+ this.player_in_haiwai = !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.gameInit = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ view.BgmListMgr.init(),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchServerTime", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error ? uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchServerTime", e, i) : t.server_time_delta = 1e3 * i.server_time - Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchServerSettings", {}, function(t, e) {
+ if (t || e.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchServerSettings", t, e);
+ else if (app.Log.log("fetchServerSettings: " + JSON.stringify(e)),
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_payment = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.payment_info = "",
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_wx = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.wx_type = 0,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_alipay = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.alipay_type = 0,
+ e.settings && e.settings.payment_setting) {
+ var i = e.settings.payment_setting;
+ i.open_payment && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_payment = !0),
+ null != i.payment_info_show_type && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.payment_info_show_type = i.payment_info_show_type),
+ null != i.payment_info && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.payment_info = i.payment_info),
+ i.wechat && (i.wechat.disable_create && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_wx = !1),
+ null != i.wechat.payment_source_platform && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.wx_type = i.wechat.payment_source_platform)),
+ i.alipay && (i.alipay.disable_create && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_alipay = !1),
+ null != i.alipay.payment_source_platform && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.alipay_type = i.alipay.payment_source_platform))
+ }
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchConnectionInfo", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error || (t.client_endpoint = i.client_endpoint)
+ }),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchPhoneLoginBind", {}, function(e, i) {
+ e || i.error || (t.phone_login = i.phone_login)
+ }),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.init(),
+ this.account_data.nickname && this.fetch_login_info(),
+ uiscript.UI_Info.Init(),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAccountUpdate", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(e) {
+ app.Log.log("NotifyAccountUpdate :" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ var i = e.update;
+ if (i) {
+ if (i.numerical)
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.numerical.length; n++) {
+ var a = i.numerical[n].id
+ , r = i.numerical[n].final;
+ switch (a) {
+ case 100001:
+ t.account_data.diamond = r;
+ break;
+ case 100002:
+ t.account_data.gold = r;
+ break;
+ case 100099:
+ t.account_data.vip = r
+ }
+ (a >= 101001 || a <= 102999) && (t.account_numerical_resource[a] = r)
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_Sushe.on_data_updata(i),
+ i.daily_task && uiscript.UI_Activity_Xuanshang.dataUpdate(i.daily_task),
+ i.title && uiscript.UI_TitleBook.title_update(i.title),
+ i.new_recharged_list && uiscript.UI_Recharge.on_new_recharge_refresh(i),
+ (i.activity_task || i.activity_period_task || i.activity_random_task) && uiscript.UI_Activity.accountUpdate(i),
+ i.activity_flip_task && uiscript.UI_Activity_Fanpai.onTaskDataUpdate(i.activity_flip_task.progresses)
+ }
+ }, null, !1)),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAnotherLogin", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ uiscript.UI_AnotherLogin.Inst.show()
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAccountLogout", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ uiscript.UI_Hanguplogout.Inst.show()
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyClientMessage", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ app.Log.log("收到消息:" + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ t.type == game.EFriendMsgType.room_invite && uiscript.UI_Invite.onNewInvite(t.content)
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyServerSetting", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ if (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_payment = !1,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.payment_info = "",
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_wx = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.wx_type = 0,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_alipay = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Recharge.alipay_type = 0,
+ t.settings && t.settings.payment_setting) {
+ var e = t.settings.payment_setting;
+ e.open_payment && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_payment = !0),
+ null != e.payment_info_show_type && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.payment_info_show_type = e.payment_info_show_type),
+ null != e.payment_info && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.payment_info = e.payment_info),
+ e.wechat && (e.wechat.disable_create && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_wx = !1),
+ null != e.wechat.payment_source_platform && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.wx_type = e.wechat.payment_source_platform)),
+ e.alipay && (e.alipay.disable_create && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.open_alipay = !1),
+ null != e.alipay.payment_source_platform && (uiscript.UI_Recharge.alipay_type = e.alipay.payment_source_platform))
+ }
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyVipLevelChange", Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ uiscript.UI_Sushe.send_gift_limit = t.gift_limit,
+ game.FriendMgr.friend_max_count = t.friend_max_count,
+ uiscript.UI_Shop.shopinfo.zhp.free_refresh.limit = t.zhp_free_refresh_limit,
+ uiscript.UI_Shop.shopinfo.zhp.cost_refresh.limit = t.zhp_cost_refresh_limit,
+ uiscript.UI_PaiPu.collect_limit = t.record_collect_limit
+ })),
+ app.NetAgent.AddListener2Lobby("NotifyAFKResult", new Laya.Handler(this,function(t) {
+ uiscript.UI_Guajichenfa.Inst.show(t)
+ }
+ )),
+ Laya.timer.loop(36e4, this, function() {
+ if (game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.isOK) {
+ var e = (Laya.timer.currTimer - t._last_heatbeat_time) / 1e3;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "heatbeat", {
+ no_operation_counter: e
+ }, function() {}),
+ e >= 3e3 && uiscript.UI_Hanguplogout.Inst.show()
+ }
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.loop(1e3, this, function() {
+ var e = Laya.stage.getMousePoint();
+ e.x == t._pre_mouse_point.x && e.y == t._pre_mouse_point.y || (t.clientHeatBeat(),
+ t._pre_mouse_point.x = e.x,
+ t._pre_mouse_point.y = e.y)
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.loop(1e3, this, function() {
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("dolllt", game.Tools.currentTime.toString())
+ }),
+ uiscript.UI_RollNotice.init()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.afterLogin = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.onLogin(),
+ this.gameInit(),
+ this.logined = !0;
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_room", ""),
+ Laya.LocalStorage.setItem("_pre_paipu", ""),
+ t.Inst.account_data.nickname && "" != t.Inst.account_data.nickname || uiscript.UI_XinShouYinDao.pre_load(),
+ this._scene_lobby.addLoadListenter(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ game.FrontEffect.init(),
+ uiscript.UI_Sushe.init(Laya.Handler.create(e, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(1),
+ Laya.timer.once(500, e, function() {
+ e.ingame ? game.MJNetMgr.Inst.OpenConnect(e.mj_game_token, e.mj_game_uuid, e.mj_server_location, !0, null) : e.EnterLobby()
+ })
+ }))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.2 + .7 * t)
+ }, null, !1)),
+ app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.google_trace_force(app.EBehaviorType.G_Role_login)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.updateAccountInfo = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchAccountInfo", {}, function(i, n) {
+ if (i || n.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchAccountInfo", i, n);
+ else {
+ app.Log.log("UpdateAccount: " + JSON.stringify(n)),
+ t.Inst.account_refresh_time = Laya.timer.currTimer;
+ for (var a in n.account) {
+ if (t.Inst.account_data[a] = n.account[a],
+ "platform_diamond" == a)
+ for (var r = n.account[a], s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ e.account_numerical_resource[r[s].id] = r[s].count;
+ if ("skin_ticket" == a && (t.Inst.account_numerical_resource[100004] = n.account[a]),
+ "platform_skin_ticket" == a)
+ for (var r = n.account[a], s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
+ e.account_numerical_resource[r[s].id] = r[s].count
+ }
+ uiscript.UI_Lobby.Inst.refreshInfo(),
+ n.account.room_id && t.Inst.updateRoom(),
+ 10102 === t.Inst.account_data.level.id && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Level_2, 1),
+ 10103 === t.Inst.account_data.level.id && app.PlayerBehaviorStatistic.fb_trace_pending(app.EBehaviorType.Level_3, 1)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.updateRoom = function() {
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchRoom", {}, function(t, e) {
+ t || e.error ? uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchRoom", t, e) : uiscript.UI_WaitingRoom.Inst.updateData(e.room)
+ })
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.EnterMJ = function() {
+ this._current_scene !== this._scene_mj && (this._current_scene && this._current_scene.active && (this._current_scene.active = !1),
+ this._current_scene = this._scene_mj,
+ this._current_scene.active = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.EnterLobby = function() {
+ var t = this;
+ this._current_scene !== this._scene_lobby ? (this._current_scene && (this._current_scene.active = !1),
+ this._current_scene = this._scene_lobby,
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.show("enter_lobby"),
+ this._scene_lobby.buildScene(Laya.Handler.create(this, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ t._current_scene.active = !0,
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.load_common_texture2d()
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(this, function(t) {
+ return uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(t)
+ }, null, !1))) : (uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(),
+ this._current_scene.active = !0)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.checkPaiPu = function(t, e, i) {
+ var n = this;
+ app.Log.log("checkPaiPu game_uuid:" + t + " account_id:" + e.toString() + " paipu_config:" + i),
+ this.duringPaipu ? app.Log.Error("已经在看牌谱了") : (this.duringPaipu = !0,
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.show("enter_mj"),
+ 2 & i && (t = game.Tools.DecodePaipuUUID(t)),
+ app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "fetchGameRecord", {
+ game_uuid: t
+ }, function(t, a) {
+ if (t || a.error)
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showNetReqError("fetchGameRecord", t, a),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(null),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby(),
+ n.duringPaipu = !1;
+ else {
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.1);
+ var r = a.head
+ , s = [null, null, null, null]
+ , o = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)
+ , l = r.config.mode;
+ if (l.testing_environment)
+ return uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(3169)),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(null),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby(),
+ void (n.duringPaipu = !1);
+ l.extendinfo && (o = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)),
+ l.detail_rule && l.detail_rule.ai_level && (1 === l.detail_rule.ai_level && (o = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2003)),
+ 2 === l.detail_rule.ai_level && (o = game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2004)));
+ var h = !1;
+ r.end_time && r.end_time > 1576112400 && (h = !0);
+ for (x = 0; x < r.accounts.length; x++) {
+ var c = r.accounts[x];
+ if (c.character) {
+ var _ = c.character
+ , u = {};
+ if (h) {
+ var d = c.views;
+ if (d)
+ for (p = 0; p < d.length; p++)
+ u[d[p].slot] = d[p].item_id
+ } else {
+ var f = _.views;
+ if (f)
+ for (var p = 0; p < f.length; p++) {
+ var m = f[p].slot
+ , g = f[p].item_id;
+ u[m - 1] = g
+ }
+ }
+ var y = [];
+ for (var v in u)
+ y.push({
+ slot: parseInt(v),
+ item_id: u[v]
+ });
+ c.views = y,
+ s[c.seat] = c
+ } else
+ c.character = {
+ charid: c.avatar_id,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: cfg.item_definition.character.get(c.avatar_id).init_skin,
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ },
+ c.avatar_id = c.character.skin,
+ c.views = [],
+ s[c.seat] = c
+ }
+ for (var b = game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_skin(), w = game.GameUtility.get_default_ai_character(), x = 0; x < s.length; x++)
+ null == s[x] && (s[x] = {
+ nickname: o,
+ avatar_id: b,
+ level: {
+ id: 10101
+ },
+ level3: {
+ id: 20101
+ },
+ character: {
+ charid: w,
+ level: 0,
+ exp: 0,
+ views: [],
+ skin: b,
+ is_upgraded: !1
+ }
+ });
+ var I = Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.active && (game.Scene_Lobby.Inst.active = !1),
+ game.Scene_MJ.Inst.openMJRoom(r.config, s, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ n.duringPaipu = !1,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.paipu_config = i,
+ view.DesktopMgr.Inst.initRoom(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r.config)), s, e, view.EMJMode.paipu, Laya.Handler.create(n, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.initData(t),
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.enable = !0,
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, n, function() {
+ n.EnterMJ()
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1500, n, function() {
+ view.DesktopMgr.player_link_state = [view.ELink_State.READY, view.ELink_State.READY, view.ELink_State.READY, view.ELink_State.READY],
+ uiscript.UI_DesktopInfo.Inst.refreshLinks(),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close()
+ }),
+ Laya.timer.once(1e3, n, function() {
+ uiscript.UI_Replay.Inst.nextStep(!0)
+ })
+ }))
+ }), Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ return uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.setProgressVal(.1 + .9 * t)
+ }, null, !1))
+ })
+ , C = {};
+ C.record = r,
+ a.data && a.data.length ? (C.game = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(a.data),
+ I.runWith(C)) : game.LoadMgr.httpload(a.data_url, "arraybuffer", !1, Laya.Handler.create(n, function(t) {
+ if (t.success) {
+ var e = new Laya.Byte;
+ e.writeArrayBuffer(t.data);
+ var i = net.MessageWrapper.decodeMessage(e.getUint8Array(0, e.length));
+ C.game = i,
+ I.runWith(C)
+ } else
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.ShowErrorInfo(game.Tools.strOfLocalization(2005) + a.data_url),
+ uiscript.UI_Loading.Inst.close(null),
+ uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showLobby(),
+ n.duringPaipu = !1
+ }))
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.BehavioralStatistics = function(t, e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = 1);
+ var i = t.toString();
+ this._statisticinfo.hasOwnProperty[i] || (this._statisticinfo[i] = 0),
+ this._statisticinfo[i] += e
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.clientHeatBeat = function() {
+ (Laya.timer.currTimer - this._last_heatbeat_time) / 1e3 > 2400 && game.LobbyNetMgr.Inst.isOK && app.NetAgent.sendReq2Lobby("Lobby", "heatbeat", {
+ no_operation_counter: 0
+ }, function() {}),
+ this._last_heatbeat_time = Laya.timer.currTimer
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.getHangUpTime = function() {
+ return Laya.timer.currTimer - this._last_heatbeat_time
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype._get_trace_common_info = function(t, e) {
+ var i = {};
+ i.client_type = "web";
+ var n = game.Tools.deviceInfo;
+ return i.device_type = n.device,
+ i.client_version = i.res_version = game.ResourceVersion.version,
+ i.account_id = this.account_id,
+ i.client_ip = this.client_endpoint,
+ i.connect_lobby = app.NetAgent.lobby_ip,
+ i.connect_game = app.NetAgent.mj_ip,
+ i.session_id = app.NetAgent.lobby_session_id,
+ i.app_runtime_id = this.runtime_id,
+ i.log_category = t,
+ i.level = e,
+ i
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onFatalError = function(e, i) {
+ void 0 === i && (i = !0),
+ app.Log.Error("onFatalError");
+ var n = this._get_trace_common_info("business", "fatal");
+ n.content = {},
+ n.content.fatalerror = e,
+ t.inRelease && (n.content.logs = app.Log.getCacheLog()),
+ t.inRelease ? this.logUp(n) : app.Log.Error(JSON.stringify(n)),
+ i && uiscript.UIMgr.Inst.showFE()
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.onXiangGongError = function(e) {
+ app.Log.Error("相公了");
+ var i = this._get_trace_common_info("web_xianggong", "error");
+ i.content = {},
+ i.content.detail = e,
+ t.inRelease && (i.content.logs = app.Log.getCacheLog()),
+ t.inRelease ? this.logUp(i) : app.Log.Error(JSON.stringify(i))
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.wsStatics = function(e) {
+ var i = this._get_trace_common_info("ws_stats", "info");
+ i.content = {},
+ i.content.route = e,
+ t.inRelease && this.logUp(i)
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.postInfo2Server = function(t) {}
+ ,
+ t.prototype.logUp = function(e) {
+ if ("chs_t" == t.client_type && Laya.Browser.window.Tracker) {
+ this._tracker || (this._tracker = new Laya.Browser.window.Tracker("cn-hongkong.log.aliyuncs.com","majsoul-hk-client","client"));
+ for (var i in e) {
+ var n = e[i];
+ "object" == typeof n ? this._tracker.push(i, JSON.stringify(n)) : this._tracker.push(i, n)
+ }
+ this._tracker.logger()
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.handleWindowError = function(t, e, i, n, a) {
+ return !1
+ }
+ ,
+ t.prototype.load_mjp_view = function() {
+ var e = game.GameUtility.get_view_id(game.EView.mjp)
+ , i = "mjp_default"
+ , n = cfg.item_definition.view.get(e);
+ if (n && (i = n.res_name),
+ view.DesktopMgr.en_mjp && (i += "_0"),
+ this.mjp_item_id = e,
+ i != this.mjp_view) {
+ var a = "res/atlas/";
+ "chs" != t.client_language && (a += t.client_language + "/"),
+ "" != this.mjp_view && Laya.loader.clearRes(a + "myres2/mjp/" + this.mjp_view + "/ui.atlas"),
+ this.mjp_view = i,
+ Laya.loader.load([a + "myres2/mjp/" + this.mjp_view + "/ui.atlas"])
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ t._inRes = !0,
+ t.error_url = "",
+ t.Inst = null,
+ t.config_data = {},
+ t.device_id = "",
+ t._in_china = !0,
+ t._in_google_play = !1,
+ t._in_dmm = !1,
+ t._client_region = "mainland",
+ t.client_language = "chs",
+ t.client_type = "chs",
+ t
+new GameMgr,
+function(t, e) {
+ function i(e, i, n) {
+ this.uri_ = "http://" + i + "." + e + "/logstores/" + n + "/track?APIVersion=0.6.0",
+ this.params_ = new Array,
+ this.httpRequest_ = t.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : t.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : void 0
+ }
+ i.prototype = {
+ push: function(t, e) {
+ t && e && (this.params_.push(t),
+ this.params_.push(e))
+ },
+ logger: function() {
+ for (var e = this.uri_, i = 0; this.params_.length > 0; )
+ e += i % 2 == 0 ? "&" + encodeURIComponent(this.params_.shift()) : "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.params_.shift()),
+ ++i;
+ try {
+ this.httpRequest_.open("GET", e, !0),
+ this.httpRequest_.send(null)
+ } catch (i) {
+ t && t.console && "function" == typeof t.console.log && (console.log("Failed to log to ali log service because of this exception:\n" + i),
+ console.log("Failed log data:", e))
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ t.Tracker = i
+}(window, document);
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13eb4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args'),
+ commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage'),
+ https = require('https'),
+ qstr = require('querystring'),
+ url = require('url'),
+ fs = require('fs'),
+ pbjs = require("protobufjs/cli/pbjs"),
+ WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client,
+ MS_HOST = 'mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com',
+ opts = [{
+ name: 'help',
+ alias: 'h',
+ description: 'Display this usage guide',
+ type: Boolean
+ }, {
+ name: 'servers',
+ alias: 'l',
+ description: 'Get server list',
+ type: Boolean
+ }, {
+ name: 'server',
+ alias: 's',
+ description: 'Use custom server within check',
+ type: String
+ }, {
+ name: 'trueserver',
+ alias: 'S',
+ description: 'Use custom server without check',
+ type: String
+ }, {
+ name: 'update',
+ alias: 'u',
+ description: 'Update protocol',
+ type: Boolean
+ }, {
+ name: 'info',
+ alias: 'i',
+ description: 'Get info',
+ type: Boolean
+ }, {
+ name: 'docs',
+ alias: 'd',
+ description: 'Generate documentation from liqi.json',
+ type: Boolean
+ }],
+ sections = [{
+ header: 'Mahjong Soul RPC client',
+ content: 'RPC client for Mahjong Soul API'
+ }, {
+ header: 'Options',
+ optionList: opts
+ }],
+ args = commandLineArgs(opts);
+let ProtoBuf = require("protobufjs");
+const getServers = (serv = null, nocheck = false) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if (serv && nocheck) {
+ resolve([serv]);
+ } else {
+ let ms_opts = {
+ hostname: MS_HOST,
+ port: 443,
+ path: '/version.json',
+ method: 'GET'
+ };
+ // Запрос версии
+ const reqVersion = https.request(ms_opts, (resVersion) => {
+ resVersion.on('data', (dataVersion) => {
+ let resVers = JSON.parse(dataVersion);
+ //console.log('Version:', JSON.stringify(resVers, null, 2));
+ ms_opts.path = `/v${resVers.version}/config.json`;
+ // Запрос конфигурации
+ const reqConfig = https.request(ms_opts, (resConfig) => {
+ resConfig.on('data', (dataConfig) => {
+ let resCfg = JSON.parse(dataConfig);
+ //console.log('Config:', JSON.stringify(resCfg, null, 2));
+ const mainland = url.parse(resCfg.ip[0].region_urls[0]);
+ ms_opts.hostname = mainland.hostname;
+ ms_opts.port = mainland.port;
+ ms_opts.data = {
+ service: 'ws-gateway',
+ protocol: 'ws',
+ ssl: 'true'
+ };
+ ms_opts.path = `${mainland.pathname}?${qstr.stringify(ms_opts.data)}`;
+ // Запрос серверов
+ const reqServers = https.request(ms_opts, (resServers) => {
+ resServers.on('data', (dataServers) => {
+ let resServs = JSON.parse(dataServers);
+ //console.log('Servers:', JSON.stringify(resServs, null, 2));
+ if (serv && !nocheck) {
+ if (resServs.servers.indexOf(serv) >= 0) {
+ resolve([serv]);
+ } else {
+ reject(`Wrong server: ${serv}`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolve(resServs.servers);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ reqServers.on('error', (e) => {
+ reject(`Error: ${e.message}`);
+ });
+ reqServers.end();
+ });
+ });
+ reqConfig.on('error', (e) => {
+ reject(`Error: ${e.message}`);
+ });
+ reqConfig.end();
+ });
+ });
+ reqVersion.on('error', (e) => {
+ reject(`Error: ${e.message}`);
+ });
+ reqVersion.end();
+ }
+ });
+// version URL https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/version.json
+const getLastVersion = () => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let ms_opts = {
+ hostname: MS_HOST,
+ port: 443,
+ path: '/version.json',
+ method: 'GET'
+ };
+ const reqVersion = https.request(ms_opts, (resVersion) => {
+ let dataVersion = '';
+ resVersion.on('data', (chunk) => {
+ dataVersion += chunk;
+ });
+ resVersion.on('end', () => {
+ let resVers = JSON.parse(dataVersion);
+ resolve(resVers.version);
+ });
+ });
+ reqVersion.on('error', (e) => {
+ reject(`Error: ${e.message}`);
+ });
+ reqVersion.end();
+ });
+const sendRequest = (server, package_name, service_name, method_name, params, idx = 1) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const proto = ProtoBuf.loadSync('liqi.json'),
+ client = new WebSocketClient(),
+ service = proto.lookup(`${package_name}.${service_name}`),
+ method = service.methods[method_name].resolve(),
+ req = method.resolvedRequestType,
+ res = method.resolvedResponseType,
+ wrapper = proto.lookupType(`${package_name}.Wrapper`);
+ let req_str = wrapper.create({
+ //name: `${req.name}`,
+ name: `${package_name}.${req.name}`,
+ //data: params
+ data: req.encode(params).finish()
+ });
+ let meth_str = wrapper.create({
+ name: `${package_name}.${service_name}.${method_name}`,
+ data: wrapper.encode(params).finish()
+ //data: wrapper.encode(req_str).finish()
+ });
+ let msg = wrapper.encode(meth_str).finish(),
+ pkt_type = [Number(2)],
+ idx_bytes = to_bytes(idx);
+ let header = pkt_type.concat(idx_bytes),
+ pkt = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(header), Buffer.from(msg)]);
+ console.log(`method: .${package_name}.${service_name}.${method_name}`);
+ console.log(`request: ${JSON.stringify(params, null, 2)}`);
+ client.on('connect', function(connection) {
+ console.log('WebSocket Client Connected');
+ connection.on('error', function(error) {
+ reject(error.toString());
+ });
+ connection.on('close', function() {
+ console.log('Connection Closed');
+ });
+ connection.on('message', function(message) {
+ console.log(message);
+ if (message.type === 'binary') {
+ let r = message.binaryData.slice(3),
+ msg = res.decode(r);
+ resolve(msg);
+ connection.close(connection.CLOSE_REASON_NORMAL, 'Close');
+ }
+ });
+ const sendPacket = (packet) => {
+ if (connection.connected) {
+ console.log('Send data: ', packet.toString('hex'));
+ connection.sendBytes(packet);
+ }
+ };
+ sendPacket(pkt);
+ });
+ client.connect(`wss://${server}`);
+ });
+const random = (arr) => {
+ return arr[Math.floor((Math.random() * arr.length))];
+const to_bytes = (x) => {
+ return [(x & 255), x >> 8];
+if (!args || args.help) {
+ console.log(commandLineUsage(sections));
+} else {
+ if (args.update) {
+ console.log('Protocol update:');
+ getLastVersion().then(
+ resGameVersion => {
+ console.log(` Game version: ${resGameVersion}`);
+ // Resource version URL https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/resversion(version).json
+ const resvers_opts = {
+ hostname: MS_HOST,
+ port: 443,
+ path: `/resversion${resGameVersion}.json`,
+ method: 'GET'
+ };
+ const reqVersion = https.request(resvers_opts, (resVersion) => {
+ let dataProto = '';
+ resVersion.on('data', (chunk) => {
+ dataProto += chunk;
+ });
+ resVersion.on('end', () => {
+ const resJSON = JSON.parse(dataProto),
+ liqiVersion = resJSON.res['res/proto/liqi.json'].prefix;
+ let res_list = '';
+ Object.keys(resJSON.res).forEach((res_id) => {
+ res_list += `https://${MS_HOST}/${resJSON.res[res_id].prefix}/${res_id}\n`;
+ });
+ fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/res_list.txt`, res_list);
+ console.log(' Save res_list.txt');
+ console.log(` Liqi version: ${liqiVersion}`);
+ // Resource version URL https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/(versionLiqi)/res/proto/liqi.json
+ const proto_opts = {
+ hostname: MS_HOST,
+ port: 443,
+ path: `/${liqiVersion}/res/proto/liqi.json`,
+ method: 'GET'
+ };
+ const reqProto = https.request(proto_opts, (resProto) => {
+ let dataProto = '';
+ resProto.on('data', (chunk) => {
+ dataProto += chunk;
+ });
+ resProto.on('end', () => {
+ let resJSON = JSON.parse(dataProto);
+ fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/liqi.json`, JSON.stringify(resJSON, null, 2));
+ console.log(' Save liqi.json');
+ // Если нужен proto раскомментить
+ /*
+ pbjs.main(['-t', 'proto3', `${__dirname}/liqi.json`, '-o', `${__dirname}/liqi.proto`], function(err, output) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ console.log(' Save to proto');
+ });
+ */
+ });
+ });
+ reqProto.on('error', (e) => {
+ console.log(`Error: ${e.message}`);
+ });
+ reqProto.end();
+ });
+ });
+ reqVersion.on('error', (e) => {
+ console.log(`Error: ${e.message}`);
+ });
+ reqVersion.end();
+ },
+ errGameVersion => {
+ console.log(`Error: ${errGameVersion}`);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ if (args.servers) {
+ getServers().then(
+ resServer => {
+ console.log('Server list:');
+ for (let i in resServer) {
+ console.log(` ${resServer[i]}`);
+ }
+ console.log(`Random server: ${random(resServer)}`);
+ },
+ errServer => {
+ console.error(errServer);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ if (args.info) {
+ if (!fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/liqi.json`)) {
+ console.log('Protocol file not found. Run update with option --update');
+ } else {
+ getServers((args.server ? args.server : args.trueserver), args.trueserver).then(
+ resServer => {
+ let server = random(resServer);
+ if (server) {
+ console.log(`Use server: ${server}`);
+ let idx = Math.floor(60007 * Math.random()),
+ params = {
+ //account_id: 117411310
+ code: '526091',
+ operation: 0
+ };
+ //sendRequest(server, 'lq', 'Lobby', 'fetchConnectionInfo', params, idx).then(
+ sendRequest(server, 'lq', 'Lobby', 'verfifyCodeForSecure', params, idx).then(
+ resSend => {
+ console.log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(resSend, null, 2)}`);
+ },
+ errSend => {
+ console.error(`Error: ${errSend}`);
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ console.error(`Wrong server: ${args.server}`);
+ }
+ },
+ errServer => {
+ console.error(errServer);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (args.docs) {
+ if (!fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/liqi.json`)) {
+ console.log('Protocol file not found. Run update with option --update');
+ } else {
+ const liqi = require(`${__dirname}/liqi.json`),
+ types = new RegExp(/uint32|bool|string|int32/);
+ let doc = "# MahjongSoul protocol documentation\n\n"
+ items = liqi.nested.lq.nested;
+ for (const [key, item] of Object.entries(items)) {
+ doc += `## ${key}\n\n`;
+ if (item.fields) {
+ let fields = [];
+ for (let [name, field] of Object.entries(item.fields)) {
+ fields[field.id] = {
+ name: name,
+ type: field.type
+ };
+ }
+ if (fields.length > 0) {
+ doc += "|#|Field name|Field type|\n|:-:|-|-|\n";
+ for (let i = 1; i <= fields.length; i++) {
+ if (fields[i]) {
+ doc += `|${i}|${fields[i].name}|${(types.test(fields[i].type) ? fields[i].type : '['+fields[i].type+'](#'+fields[i].type+')')}|\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ doc += "No fields\n";
+ }
+ doc += "\n";
+ } else if (item.methods) {
+ const methods = item.methods;
+ for (const [key, method] of Object.entries(methods)) {
+ doc += `* ${key}([${method.responseType}](#${method.responseType}) return [${method.requestType}](#${method.requestType})\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/liqi.md`, doc);
+ console.log('Save liqi.md');
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liqi.json b/liqi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21394c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liqi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10043 @@
+ "nested": {
+ "lq": {
+ "nested": {
+ "NotifyRoomGameStart": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_url": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "connect_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyMatchGameStart": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_url": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "connect_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "match_mode_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyRoomPlayerReady": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ready": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyRoomPlayerDressing": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "dressing": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyRoomPlayerUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "update_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remove_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "owner_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "robot_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyRoomKickOut": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NotifyMatchTimeout": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NotifyFriendStateChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "active_state": {
+ "type": "AccountActiveState",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyFriendViewChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "base": {
+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyFriendChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "friend": {
+ "type": "Friend",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyNewFriendApply": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "apply_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "removed_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyClientMessage": {
+ "fields": {
+ "sender": {
+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyAccountUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "update": {
+ "type": "AccountUpdate",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyAnotherLogin": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NotifyAccountLogout": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NotifyAnnouncementUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "announcements": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Announcement",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "sort": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyNewMail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mail": {
+ "type": "Mail",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyDeleteMail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mail_id_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyReviveCoinUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "has_gained": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyDailyTaskUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "max_daily_task_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "refresh_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyActivityTaskUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyActivityPeriodTaskUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyAccountRandomTaskUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyNewComment": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NotifyRollingNotice": {
+ "fields": {
+ "notice": {
+ "type": "RollingNotice",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyGiftSendRefresh": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NotifyShopUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "shop_info": {
+ "type": "ShopInfo",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyVipLevelChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "gift_limit": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "friend_max_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "zhp_free_refresh_limit": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "zhp_cost_refresh_limit": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "buddy_bonus": {
+ "type": "float",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "record_collect_limit": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyServerSetting": {
+ "fields": {
+ "settings": {
+ "type": "ServerSettings",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyPayResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "pay_result": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "order_id": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "goods_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "new_month_ticket": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "resource_modify": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ResourceModify",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "ResourceModify": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "final": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyCustomContestAccountMsg": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "sender": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "verified": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyCustomContestSystemMsg": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "game_start": {
+ "type": "CustomizedContestGameStart",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "game_end": {
+ "type": "CustomizedContestGameEnd",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyCustomContestState": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyActivityChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "new_activities": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Activity",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "end_activities": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyAFKResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ban_end_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Error": {
+ "fields": {
+ "code": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "u32_params": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "str_params": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "json_param": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Wrapper": {
+ "fields": {
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "type": "bytes",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "fields": {
+ "family": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "address": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "port": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCommon": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "ResCommon": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "update": {
+ "type": "AccountUpdate",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AntiAddiction": {
+ "fields": {
+ "online_duration": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountMahjongStatistic": {
+ "fields": {
+ "final_position_counts": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "recent_round": {
+ "type": "RoundSummary",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "recent_hu": {
+ "type": "HuSummary",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "highest_hu": {
+ "type": "HighestHuRecord",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "recent_20_hu_summary": {
+ "type": "Liqi20Summary",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "recent_10_hu_summary": {
+ "type": "LiQi10Summary",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "recent_10_game_result": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameResult",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "RoundSummary": {
+ "fields": {
+ "total_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rong_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "zimo_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "fangchong_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "HuSummary": {
+ "fields": {
+ "total_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "dora_round_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "total_fan": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "HighestHuRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "fanshu": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "doranum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "hands": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "ming": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "hupai": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "title_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Liqi20Summary": {
+ "fields": {
+ "total_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "total_lidora_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "average_hu_point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "LiQi10Summary": {
+ "fields": {
+ "total_xuanshang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "total_fanshu": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "rank": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "final_point": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountStatisticData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mahjong_category": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "game_category": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "statistic": {
+ "type": "AccountMahjongStatistic",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountLevel": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "score": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ViewSlot": {
+ "fields": {
+ "slot": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Account": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "login_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "logout_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "room_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "anti_addiction": {
+ "type": "AntiAddiction",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "signature": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 8
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 9
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "gold": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "diamond": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "avatar_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "vip": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "birthday": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "phone": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 16
+ },
+ "phone_verify": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 17
+ },
+ "platform_diamond": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlatformDiamond",
+ "id": 18
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 21
+ },
+ "level3": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 22
+ },
+ "avatar_frame": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 23
+ },
+ "skin_ticket": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 24
+ },
+ "platform_skin_ticket": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlatformSkinTicket",
+ "id": 25
+ },
+ "verified": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 26
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "PlatformDiamond": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "PlatformSkinTicket": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountOwnerData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unlock_characters": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "numerical": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NumericalUpdate",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "character": {
+ "type": "CharacterUpdate",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "bag": {
+ "type": "BagUpdate",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "achievement": {
+ "type": "AchievementUpdate",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "shilian": {
+ "type": "AccountShiLian",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "daily_task": {
+ "type": "DailyTaskUpdate",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "TitleUpdate",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "new_recharged_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "activity_task": {
+ "type": "TaskUpdate",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "activity_flip_task": {
+ "type": "TaskUpdate",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "activity_period_task": {
+ "type": "TaskUpdate",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "activity_random_task": {
+ "type": "TaskUpdate",
+ "id": 12
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "NumericalUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "final": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "CharacterUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "characters": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Character",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "skins": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "finished_endings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "rewarded_endings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AchievementUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AchievementProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "DailyTaskUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "fields": {
+ "new_titles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remove_titles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "TaskUpdate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameMetaData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "room_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "mode_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "contest_uid": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountPlayingGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "category": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "GameMetaData",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AccountCacheView": {
+ "fields": {
+ "cache_version": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "login_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "logout_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "is_online": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "room_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "avatar_id": {
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+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "vip": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "playing_game": {
+ "type": "AccountPlayingGame",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "level3": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "avatar_frame": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "verified": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "ban_deadline": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 16
+ },
+ "comment_ban": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 17
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "PlayerBaseView": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "avatar_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "level3": {
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+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "avatar_frame": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "verified": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "PlayerGameView": {
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
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+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "character": {
+ "type": "Character",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "level3": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "avatar_frame": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "verified": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "views": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ViewSlot",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameMode": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ai": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "extendinfo": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "detail_rule": {
+ "type": "GameDetailRule",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "testing_environment": {
+ "type": "GameTestingEnvironmentSet",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameTestingEnvironmentSet": {
+ "fields": {
+ "paixing": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "left_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameDetailRule": {
+ "fields": {
+ "time_fixed": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "time_add": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "shiduan": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "init_point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "fandian": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "can_jifei": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tianbian_value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "liqibang_value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "changbang_value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "noting_fafu_1": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "noting_fafu_2": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "noting_fafu_3": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "have_liujumanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "have_qieshangmanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "have_biao_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 16
+ },
+ "have_gang_biao_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 17
+ },
+ "ming_dora_immediately_open": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 18
+ },
+ "have_li_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 19
+ },
+ "have_gang_li_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 20
+ },
+ "have_sifenglianda": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 21
+ },
+ "have_sigangsanle": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 22
+ },
+ "have_sijializhi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 23
+ },
+ "have_jiuzhongjiupai": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 24
+ },
+ "have_sanjiahele": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 25
+ },
+ "have_toutiao": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 26
+ },
+ "have_helelianzhuang": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 27
+ },
+ "have_helezhongju": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 28
+ },
+ "have_tingpailianzhuang": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 29
+ },
+ "have_tingpaizhongju": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 30
+ },
+ "have_yifa": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 31
+ },
+ "have_nanruxiru": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 32
+ },
+ "jingsuanyuandian": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 33
+ },
+ "shunweima_2": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 34
+ },
+ "shunweima_3": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 35
+ },
+ "shunweima_4": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 36
+ },
+ "bianjietishi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 37
+ },
+ "ai_level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 38
+ },
+ "have_zimosun": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 39
+ },
+ "disable_multi_yukaman": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 40
+ },
+ "fanfu": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 41
+ },
+ "guyi_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 42
+ },
+ "dora3_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 43
+ },
+ "begin_open_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 44
+ },
+ "jiuchao_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 45
+ },
+ "muyu_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 46
+ },
+ "open_hand": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 47
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Room": {
+ "fields": {
+ "room_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "owner_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "mode": {
+ "type": "GameMode",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "max_player_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerGameView",
+ "id": 5
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "is_playing": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "public_live": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "robot_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "tournament_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameEndResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerItem",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "PlayerItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "part_point_1": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "part_point_2": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "grading_score": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "gold": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameConnectInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "connect_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ItemGainRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
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+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
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+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "update_items": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
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+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ItemGainRecords",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "reward": {
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "replace": {
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "replace": {
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "mail_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ },
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+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "id": 7
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "reference_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "gold_earn_sum": {
+ "type": "float",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "round_count_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "dadian_sum": {
+ "type": "float",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "round_end": {
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+ "type": "RoundEndData",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "ming_count_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "liqi_count_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "xun_count_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "highest_lianzhuang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "score_earn_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RankScore",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
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+ "type": "uint32",
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+ },
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+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "AccountStatisticByFan",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "liujumanguan": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "AccountStatisticByFan",
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+ },
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+ "id": 3
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+ "type": "AccountFanAchieved",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "AccountDetailStatistic",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "AccountDetailStatistic",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "type": "CustomizedContestStatistic",
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+ },
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+ "type": "AccountDetailStatistic",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "RankData",
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+ },
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+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "month_refresh_time": {
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "AccountDetailStatistic",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "AccountDetailStatistic",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "month_refresh_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
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+ },
+ "browser": {
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+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "NULL": 0,
+ "AUTH": 1,
+ "SYNCING": 2,
+ "READY": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "title": {
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+ },
+ "content": {
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+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
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+ },
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+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "mode": {
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+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "logout_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "is_online": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "playing": {
+ "type": "AccountPlayingGame",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
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+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
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+ },
+ "state": {
+ "type": "AccountActiveState",
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "action_data": {
+ "type": "bytes",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "actions": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameLiveUnit",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "fields": {}
+ },
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+ },
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+ "id": 4
+ },
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+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
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+ "id": 1
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+ },
+ "end_time": {
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+ },
+ "repeat_interval": {
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+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
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+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "string",
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+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
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+ },
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+ "id": 5
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
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+ "type": "uint32",
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+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "id": 1
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+ "id": 2
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
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+ }
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "create_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "finish_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "open": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "rank_rule": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "game_mode": {
+ "type": "GameMode",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "private_notice": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "observer_switch": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "CustomizedContestPlayerReport": {
+ "fields": {
+ "rank_rule": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rank": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "point": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "game_ranks": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "total_game_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "end_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "type": "GameConfig",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "accounts": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AccountInfo",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "result": {
+ "type": "GameEndResult",
+ "id": 12
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "AccountInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "avatar_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "character": {
+ "type": "Character",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "level3": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "avatar_frame": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "verified": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "views": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ViewSlot",
+ "id": 11
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "CustomizedContestGameStart": {
+ "fields": {
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Item",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Item": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "CustomizedContestGameEnd": {
+ "fields": {
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Item",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Item": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "total_point": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Activity": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "end_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ExchangeRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "exchange_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivityAccumulatedPointData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "point": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "gained_reward_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivityRankPointData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "leaderboard_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "point": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "gained_reward": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "gainable_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameRoundHuData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "hupai": {
+ "type": "HuPai",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "fans": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Fan",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "score": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "xun": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "title_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "fan_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "fu_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "yakuman_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "biao_dora_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "red_dora_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "li_dora_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "babei_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "xuan_shang_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "HuPai": {
+ "fields": {
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Fan": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "fan": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameRoundPlayerResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "hands": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "ming": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "liqi_type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "is_fulu": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "is_liujumanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "lian_zhuang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "hu": {
+ "type": "GameRoundHuData",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameRoundPlayer": {
+ "fields": {
+ "score": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rank": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "result": {
+ "type": "GameRoundPlayerResult",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameRoundSnapshot": {
+ "fields": {
+ "ju": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ben": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameRoundPlayer",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameFinalSnapshot": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "category": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "mode": {
+ "type": "GameMode",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "GameMetaData",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "calculate_param": {
+ "type": "CalculateParam",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "create_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "finish_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "seats": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameSeat",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "rounds": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameRoundSnapshot",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "account_views": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerGameView",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "final_players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "FinalPlayer",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "afk_info": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AFKInfo",
+ "id": 14
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "CalculateParam": {
+ "fields": {
+ "init_point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "jingsuanyuandian": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "rank_points": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameSeat": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "notify_endpoint": {
+ "type": "NetworkEndpoint",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "client_address": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "is_connected": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "FinalPlayer": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "total_point": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "part_point_1": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "part_point_2": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "grading_score": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "gold": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "AFKInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "deal_tile_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "moqie_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordCollectedData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remarks": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "end_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ContestDetailRule": {
+ "fields": {
+ "init_point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "fandian": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "can_jifei": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tianbian_value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "liqibang_value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "changbang_value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "noting_fafu_1": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "noting_fafu_2": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "noting_fafu_3": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "have_liujumanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "have_qieshangmanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "have_biao_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 16
+ },
+ "have_gang_biao_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 17
+ },
+ "ming_dora_immediately_open": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 18
+ },
+ "have_li_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 19
+ },
+ "have_gang_li_dora": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 20
+ },
+ "have_sifenglianda": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 21
+ },
+ "have_sigangsanle": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 22
+ },
+ "have_sijializhi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 23
+ },
+ "have_jiuzhongjiupai": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 24
+ },
+ "have_sanjiahele": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 25
+ },
+ "have_toutiao": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 26
+ },
+ "have_helelianzhuang": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 27
+ },
+ "have_helezhongju": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 28
+ },
+ "have_tingpailianzhuang": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 29
+ },
+ "have_tingpaizhongju": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 30
+ },
+ "have_yifa": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 31
+ },
+ "have_nanruxiru": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 32
+ },
+ "jingsuanyuandian": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 33
+ },
+ "shunweima_2": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 34
+ },
+ "shunweima_3": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 35
+ },
+ "shunweima_4": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 36
+ },
+ "bianjietishi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 37
+ },
+ "ai_level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 38
+ },
+ "have_zimosun": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 39
+ },
+ "disable_multi_yukaman": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 40
+ },
+ "guyi_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 41
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ContestDetailRuleV2": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_rule": {
+ "type": "ContestDetailRule",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "extra_rule": {
+ "type": "ExtraRule",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "ExtraRule": {
+ "fields": {
+ "required_level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "max_game_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameRuleSetting": {
+ "fields": {
+ "round_type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "shiduan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "dora_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "thinking_type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "use_detail_rule": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "detail_rule_v2": {
+ "type": "ContestDetailRuleV2",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Lobby": {
+ "methods": {
+ "fetchConnectionInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResConnectionInfo"
+ },
+ "signup": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSignupAccount",
+ "responseType": "ResSignupAccount"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "requestType": "ReqLogin",
+ "responseType": "ResLogin"
+ },
+ "emailLogin": {
+ "requestType": "ReqEmailLogin",
+ "responseType": "ResLogin"
+ },
+ "oauth2Auth": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOauth2Auth",
+ "responseType": "ResOauth2Auth"
+ },
+ "oauth2Check": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOauth2Check",
+ "responseType": "ResOauth2Check"
+ },
+ "oauth2Signup": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOauth2Signup",
+ "responseType": "ResOauth2Signup"
+ },
+ "oauth2Login": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOauth2Login",
+ "responseType": "ResLogin"
+ },
+ "dmmPreLogin": {
+ "requestType": "ReqDMMPreLogin",
+ "responseType": "ResDMMPreLogin"
+ },
+ "createPhoneVerifyCode": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "createEmailVerifyCode": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "verfifyCodeForSecure": {
+ "requestType": "ReqVerifyCodeForSecure",
+ "responseType": "ResVerfiyCodeForSecure"
+ },
+ "bindPhoneNumber": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBindPhoneNumber",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "unbindPhoneNumber": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUnbindPhoneNumber",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchPhoneLoginBind": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchPhoneLoginBind"
+ },
+ "createPhoneLoginBind": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "bindEmail": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBindEmail",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "modifyPassword": {
+ "requestType": "ReqModifyPassword",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "bindAccount": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBindAccount",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "logout": {
+ "requestType": "ReqLogout",
+ "responseType": "ResLogout"
+ },
+ "heatbeat": {
+ "requestType": "ReqHeatBeat",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "loginBeat": {
+ "requestType": "ReqLoginBeat",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "createNickname": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateNickname",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "modifyNickname": {
+ "requestType": "ReqModifyNickname",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "modifyBirthday": {
+ "requestType": "ReqModifyBirthday",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResSelfRoom"
+ },
+ "createRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateRoom",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateRoom"
+ },
+ "joinRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqJoinRoom",
+ "responseType": "ResJoinRoom"
+ },
+ "leaveRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "readyPlay": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRoomReady",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "dressingStatus": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRoomDressing",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "startRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRoomStart",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "kickPlayer": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRoomKick",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "modifyRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqModifyRoom",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "matchGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqJoinMatchQueue",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "cancelMatch": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCancelMatchQueue",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchAccountInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqAccountInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResAccountInfo"
+ },
+ "changeAvatar": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChangeAvatar",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchAccountStatisticInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqAccountStatisticInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResAccountStatisticInfo"
+ },
+ "fetchAccountCharacterInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResAccountCharacterInfo"
+ },
+ "shopPurchase": {
+ "requestType": "ReqShopPurchase",
+ "responseType": "ResShopPurchase"
+ },
+ "fetchGameRecord": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGameRecord",
+ "responseType": "ResGameRecord"
+ },
+ "fetchGameRecordList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGameRecordList",
+ "responseType": "ResGameRecordList"
+ },
+ "fetchCollectedGameRecordList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCollectedGameRecordList"
+ },
+ "fetchGameRecordsDetail": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGameRecordsDetail",
+ "responseType": "ResGameRecordsDetail"
+ },
+ "addCollectedGameRecord": {
+ "requestType": "ReqAddCollectedGameRecord",
+ "responseType": "ResAddCollectedGameRecord"
+ },
+ "removeCollectedGameRecord": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord",
+ "responseType": "ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord"
+ },
+ "changeCollectedGameRecordRemarks": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks",
+ "responseType": "ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks"
+ },
+ "fetchLevelLeaderboard": {
+ "requestType": "ReqLevelLeaderboard",
+ "responseType": "ResLevelLeaderboard"
+ },
+ "fetchMultiAccountBrief": {
+ "requestType": "ReqMultiAccountId",
+ "responseType": "ResMultiAccountBrief"
+ },
+ "fetchFriendList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResFriendList"
+ },
+ "fetchFriendApplyList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResFriendApplyList"
+ },
+ "applyFriend": {
+ "requestType": "ReqApplyFriend",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "handleFriendApply": {
+ "requestType": "ReqHandleFriendApply",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "removeFriend": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRemoveFriend",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "searchAccountById": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSearchAccountById",
+ "responseType": "ResSearchAccountById"
+ },
+ "searchAccountByPattern": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSearchAccountByPattern",
+ "responseType": "ResSearchAccountByPattern"
+ },
+ "fetchAccountState": {
+ "requestType": "ReqAccountList",
+ "responseType": "ResAccountStates"
+ },
+ "fetchBagInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResBagInfo"
+ },
+ "useBagItem": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUseBagItem",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "openManualItem": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOpenManualItem",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "openRandomRewardItem": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOpenRandomRewardItem",
+ "responseType": "ResOpenRandomRewardItem"
+ },
+ "composeShard": {
+ "requestType": "ReqComposeShard",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchAnnouncement": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResAnnouncement"
+ },
+ "readAnnouncement": {
+ "requestType": "ReqReadAnnouncement",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchMailInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResMailInfo"
+ },
+ "readMail": {
+ "requestType": "ReqReadMail",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "deleteMail": {
+ "requestType": "ReqDeleteMail",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "takeAttachmentFromMail": {
+ "requestType": "ReqTakeAttachment",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchAchievement": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResAchievement"
+ },
+ "buyShiLian": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBuyShiLian",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "matchShiLian": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "goNextShiLian": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "updateClientValue": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUpdateClientValue",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchClientValue": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResClientValue"
+ },
+ "clientMessage": {
+ "requestType": "ReqClientMessage",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCurrentMatchInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCurrentMatchInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResCurrentMatchInfo"
+ },
+ "userComplain": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUserComplain",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchReviveCoinInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResReviveCoinInfo"
+ },
+ "gainReviveCoin": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchDailyTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResDailyTask"
+ },
+ "refreshDailyTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRefreshDailyTask",
+ "responseType": "ResRefreshDailyTask"
+ },
+ "useGiftCode": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUseGiftCode",
+ "responseType": "ResUseGiftCode"
+ },
+ "fetchTitleList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResTitleList"
+ },
+ "useTitle": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUseTitle",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "sendClientMessage": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSendClientMessage",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchGameLiveInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGameLiveInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResGameLiveInfo"
+ },
+ "fetchGameLiveLeftSegment": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGameLiveLeftSegment",
+ "responseType": "ResGameLiveLeftSegment"
+ },
+ "fetchGameLiveList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGameLiveList",
+ "responseType": "ResGameLiveList"
+ },
+ "fetchCommentSetting": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommentSetting"
+ },
+ "updateCommentSetting": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUpdateCommentSetting",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCommentList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCommentList",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCommentList"
+ },
+ "fetchCommentContent": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCommentContent",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCommentContent"
+ },
+ "leaveComment": {
+ "requestType": "ReqLeaveComment",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "deleteComment": {
+ "requestType": "ReqDeleteComment",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "updateReadComment": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUpdateReadComment",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchRollingNotice": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ReqRollingNotice"
+ },
+ "fetchServerTime": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResServerTime"
+ },
+ "fetchPlatformProducts": {
+ "requestType": "ReqPlatformBillingProducts",
+ "responseType": "ResPlatformBillingProducts"
+ },
+ "cancelGooglePlayOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCancelGooglePlayOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "openChest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqOpenChest",
+ "responseType": "ResOpenChest"
+ },
+ "buyFromChestShop": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBuyFromChestShop",
+ "responseType": "ResBuyFromChestShop"
+ },
+ "fetchDailySignInInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResDailySignInInfo"
+ },
+ "doDailySignIn": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "doActivitySignIn": {
+ "requestType": "ReqDoActivitySignIn",
+ "responseType": "ResDoActivitySignIn"
+ },
+ "fetchCharacterInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCharacterInfo"
+ },
+ "changeMainCharacter": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChangeMainCharacter",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "changeCharacterSkin": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChangeCharacterSkin",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "changeCharacterView": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChangeCharacterView",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "sendGiftToCharacter": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSendGiftToCharacter",
+ "responseType": "ResSendGiftToCharacter"
+ },
+ "sellItem": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSellItem",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCommonView": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommonView"
+ },
+ "changeCommonView": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChangeCommonView",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "saveCommonViews": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSaveCommonViews",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCommonViews": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommonViews",
+ "responseType": "ResCommonViews"
+ },
+ "fetchAllCommonViews": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResAllcommonViews"
+ },
+ "useCommonView": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUseCommonView",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "upgradeCharacter": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUpgradeCharacter",
+ "responseType": "ResUpgradeCharacter"
+ },
+ "addFinishedEnding": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFinishedEnding",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "receiveEndingReward": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFinishedEnding",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "gameMasterCommand": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGMCommand",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchShopInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResShopInfo"
+ },
+ "buyFromShop": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBuyFromShop",
+ "responseType": "ResBuyFromShop"
+ },
+ "buyFromZHP": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBuyFromZHP",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "refreshZHPShop": {
+ "requestType": "ReqReshZHPShop",
+ "responseType": "ResRefreshZHPShop"
+ },
+ "fetchMonthTicketInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResMonthTicketInfo"
+ },
+ "payMonthTicket": {
+ "requestType": "ReqPayMonthTicket",
+ "responseType": "ResPayMonthTicket"
+ },
+ "exchangeCurrency": {
+ "requestType": "ReqExchangeCurrency",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "exchangeChestStone": {
+ "requestType": "ReqExchangeCurrency",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "exchangeDiamond": {
+ "requestType": "ReqExchangeCurrency",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchServerSettings": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResServerSettings"
+ },
+ "fetchAccountSettings": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResAccountSettings"
+ },
+ "updateAccountSettings": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUpdateAccountSettings",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchModNicknameTime": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResModNicknameTime"
+ },
+ "createWechatNativeOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateWechatNativeOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateWechatNativeOrder"
+ },
+ "createWechatAppOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateWechatAppOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateWechatAppOrder"
+ },
+ "createAlipayOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateAlipayOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateAlipayOrder"
+ },
+ "createAlipayScanOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateAlipayScanOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateAlipayScanOrder"
+ },
+ "createAlipayAppOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateAlipayAppOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateAlipayAppOrder"
+ },
+ "createJPCreditCardOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateJPCreditCardOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder"
+ },
+ "createJPPaypalOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateJPPaypalOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateJPPaypalOrder"
+ },
+ "createJPAuOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateJPAuOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateJPAuOrder"
+ },
+ "createJPDocomoOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateJPDocomoOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateJPDocomoOrder"
+ },
+ "createJPWebMoneyOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateJPWebMoneyOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateJPWebMoneyOrder"
+ },
+ "createJPSoftbankOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateJPSoftbankOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder"
+ },
+ "createENPaypalOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateENPaypalOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateENPaypalOrder"
+ },
+ "createENMasterCardOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateENMasterCardOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateENMasterCardOrder"
+ },
+ "createENVisaOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateENVisaOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateENVisaOrder"
+ },
+ "createENJCBOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateENJCBOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateENJCBOrder"
+ },
+ "createENAlipayOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateENAlipayOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateENAlipayOrder"
+ },
+ "createDMMOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateDMMOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateDmmOrder"
+ },
+ "createIAPOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateIAPOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateIAPOrder"
+ },
+ "createMyCardAndroidOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateMyCardOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateMyCardOrder"
+ },
+ "createMyCardWebOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateMyCardOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateMyCardOrder"
+ },
+ "verifyMyCardOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqVerifyMyCardOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "verificationIAPOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqVerificationIAPOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResVerificationIAPOrder"
+ },
+ "createYostarSDKOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateYostarOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateYostarOrder"
+ },
+ "createBillingOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateBillingOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateBillingOrder"
+ },
+ "solveGooglePlayOrder": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSolveGooglePlayOrder",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "solveGooglePayOrderV3": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSolveGooglePlayOrderV3",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchMisc": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResMisc"
+ },
+ "modifySignature": {
+ "requestType": "ReqModifySignature",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchIDCardInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResIDCardInfo"
+ },
+ "updateIDCardInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqUpdateIDCardInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchVipReward": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResVipReward"
+ },
+ "gainVipReward": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGainVipReward",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestList",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestList"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo"
+ },
+ "enterCustomizedContest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqEnterCustomizedContest",
+ "responseType": "ResEnterCustomizedContest"
+ },
+ "leaveCustomizedContest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestByContestId": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId"
+ },
+ "startCustomizedContest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqStartCustomizedContest",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "stopCustomizedContest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "joinCustomizedContestChatRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom",
+ "responseType": "ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom"
+ },
+ "leaveCustomizedContestChatRoom": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "sayChatMessage": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSayChatMessage",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestGameRecords": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords"
+ },
+ "fetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList"
+ },
+ "followCustomizedContest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqTargetCustomizedContest",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "unfollowCustomizedContest": {
+ "requestType": "ReqTargetCustomizedContest",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchActivityList": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResActivityList"
+ },
+ "fetchAccountActivityData": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResAccountActivityData"
+ },
+ "exchangeActivityItem": {
+ "requestType": "ReqExchangeActivityItem",
+ "responseType": "ResExchangeActivityItem"
+ },
+ "completeActivityTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCompleteActivityTask",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "completeActivityFlipTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCompleteActivityTask",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "completePeriodActivityTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCompleteActivityTask",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "completeRandomActivityTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCompleteActivityTask",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "receiveActivityFlipTask": {
+ "requestType": "ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask",
+ "responseType": "ResReceiveActivityFlipTask"
+ },
+ "fetchActivityFlipInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchActivityFlipInfo"
+ },
+ "gainAccumulatedPointActivityReward": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchRankPointLeaderboard": {
+ "requestType": "ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard",
+ "responseType": "ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard"
+ },
+ "gainRankPointReward": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGainRankPointReward",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "richmanActivityNextMove": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRichmanNextMove",
+ "responseType": "ResRichmanNextMove"
+ },
+ "richmanAcitivitySpecialMove": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRichmanSpecialMove",
+ "responseType": "ResRichmanNextMove"
+ },
+ "richmanActivityChestInfo": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRichmanChestInfo",
+ "responseType": "ResRichmanChestInfo"
+ },
+ "createGameObserveAuth": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCreateGameObserveAuth",
+ "responseType": "ResCreateGameObserveAuth"
+ },
+ "refreshGameObserveAuth": {
+ "requestType": "ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth",
+ "responseType": "ResRefreshGameObserveAuth"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResConnectionInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "client_endpoint": {
+ "type": "NetworkEndpoint",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSignupAccount": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResSignupAccount": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqLogin": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "reconnect": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "device": {
+ "type": "ClientDeviceInfo",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "random_key": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "client_version": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "gen_access_token": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "currency_platforms": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResLogin": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "account": {
+ "type": "Account",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "game_info": {
+ "type": "GameConnectInfo",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "has_unread_announcement": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "access_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "signup_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "is_id_card_authed": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqEmailLogin": {
+ "fields": {
+ "email": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "reconnect": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "device": {
+ "type": "ClientDeviceInfo",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "random_key": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "client_version": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "gen_access_token": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "currency_platforms": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBindAccount": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode": {
+ "fields": {
+ "phone": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "usage": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode": {
+ "fields": {
+ "email": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "usage": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqVerifyCodeForSecure": {
+ "fields": {
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResVerfiyCodeForSecure": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "secure_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBindPhoneNumber": {
+ "fields": {
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "phone": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "multi_bind_version": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUnbindPhoneNumber": {
+ "fields": {
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "phone": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchPhoneLoginBind": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "phone_login": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind": {
+ "fields": {
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBindEmail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "email": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqModifyPassword": {
+ "fields": {
+ "new_password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "old_password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "secure_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqOauth2Auth": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "uid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResOauth2Auth": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "access_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqOauth2Check": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "access_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResOauth2Check": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "has_account": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqOauth2Signup": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "access_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "email": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "advertise_str": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResOauth2Signup": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqOauth2Login": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "access_token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "reconnect": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "device": {
+ "type": "ClientDeviceInfo",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "random_key": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "client_version": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "currency_platforms": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqDMMPreLogin": {
+ "fields": {
+ "finish_url": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResDMMPreLogin": {
+ "fields": {
+ "parameter": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqLogout": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "ResLogout": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqHeatBeat": {
+ "fields": {
+ "no_operation_counter": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqLoginBeat": {
+ "fields": {
+ "contract": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqJoinMatchQueue": {
+ "fields": {
+ "match_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCancelMatchQueue": {
+ "fields": {
+ "match_mode": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqAccountInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "account": {
+ "type": "Account",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "room": {
+ "type": "Room",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCreateNickname": {
+ "fields": {
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "advertise_str": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqModifyNickname": {
+ "fields": {
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "use_item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqModifyBirthday": {
+ "fields": {
+ "birthday": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResSelfRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "room": {
+ "type": "Room",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCreateRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "player_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "mode": {
+ "type": "GameMode",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "public_live": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResCreateRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "room": {
+ "type": "Room",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqJoinRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "room_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResJoinRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "room": {
+ "type": "Room",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRoomReady": {
+ "fields": {
+ "ready": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRoomDressing": {
+ "fields": {
+ "dressing": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRoomStart": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "ReqRoomKick": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqModifyRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "robot_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChangeAvatar": {
+ "fields": {
+ "avatar_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqAccountStatisticInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountStatisticInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "statistic_data": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AccountStatisticData",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "detail_data": {
+ "type": "AccountDetailStatisticV2",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountCharacterInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unlock_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqShopPurchase": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResShopPurchase": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "update": {
+ "type": "AccountUpdate",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGameRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "head": {
+ "type": "RecordGame",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "type": "bytes",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "data_url": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGameRecordList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "start": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameRecordList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "total_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "record_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RecordGame",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResCollectedGameRecordList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "record_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RecordCollectedData",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "record_collect_limit": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGameRecordsDetail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameRecordsDetail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "record_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RecordGame",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqAddCollectedGameRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remarks": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "end_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAddCollectedGameRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remarks": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqLevelLeaderboard": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResLevelLeaderboard": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "items": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Item",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "self_rank": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Item": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqMultiAccountId": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResMultiAccountBrief": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFriendList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "friends": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Friend",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "friend_max_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFriendApplyList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "applies": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "FriendApply",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "FriendApply": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "apply_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqApplyFriend": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqHandleFriendApply": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "method": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRemoveFriend": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSearchAccountByPattern": {
+ "fields": {
+ "search_next": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "pattern": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResSearchAccountByPattern": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "is_finished": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "match_accounts": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "decode_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqAccountList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountStates": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "states": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AccountActiveState",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSearchAccountById": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResSearchAccountById": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "player": {
+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResBagInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "bag": {
+ "type": "Bag",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUseBagItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqOpenManualItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "select_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqOpenRandomRewardItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResOpenRandomRewardItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "results": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "OpenResult",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqComposeShard": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAnnouncement": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "announcements": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Announcement",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "sort": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "read_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResMailInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "mails": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Mail",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqReadMail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mail_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqDeleteMail": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mail_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqTakeAttachment": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mail_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAchievement": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AchievementProgress",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResTitleList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "title_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUseTitle": {
+ "fields": {
+ "title": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBuyShiLian": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUpdateClientValue": {
+ "fields": {
+ "key": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResClientValue": {
+ "fields": {
+ "datas": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Value",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "recharged_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Value": {
+ "fields": {
+ "key": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqClientMessage": {
+ "fields": {
+ "timestamp": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "message": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCurrentMatchInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mode_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResCurrentMatchInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "matches": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "CurrentMatchInfo",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "CurrentMatchInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mode_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "playing_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUserComplain": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqReadAnnouncement": {
+ "fields": {
+ "announcement_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResReviveCoinInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "has_gained": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResDailyTask": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "progresses": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "has_refresh_count": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "max_daily_task_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "refresh_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRefreshDailyTask": {
+ "fields": {
+ "task_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResRefreshDailyTask": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "progress": {
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "refresh_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUseGiftCode": {
+ "fields": {
+ "code": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResUseGiftCode": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rewards": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSendClientMessage": {
+ "fields": {
+ "target_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGameLiveInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameLiveInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "left_start_seconds": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "live_head": {
+ "type": "GameLiveHead",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "segments": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameLiveSegmentUri",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "now_millisecond": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGameLiveLeftSegment": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "last_segment_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameLiveLeftSegment": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "live_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "segments": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameLiveSegmentUri",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "now_millisecond": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "segment_end_millisecond": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGameLiveList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "filter_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameLiveList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder": {
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+ "ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder": {
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+ "ResCreateENMasterCardOrder": {
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+ "ResCreateENVisaOrder": {
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+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "type": "Character",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "skins": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "main_character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "send_gift_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "send_gift_limit": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "finished_endings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "rewarded_endings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChangeMainCharacter": {
+ "fields": {
+ "character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChangeCharacterSkin": {
+ "fields": {
+ "character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "skin": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChangeCharacterView": {
+ "fields": {
+ "character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "slot": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSendGiftToCharacter": {
+ "fields": {
+ "character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "gifts": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Gift",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Gift": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResSendGiftToCharacter": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "exp": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSellItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "sells": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Item",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Item": {
+ "fields": {
+ "item_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResCommonView": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "slots": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Slot",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Slot": {
+ "fields": {
+ "slot": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChangeCommonView": {
+ "fields": {
+ "slot": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "value": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSaveCommonViews": {
+ "fields": {
+ "views": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ViewSlot",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "save_index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "is_use": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCommonViews": {
+ "fields": {
+ "index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResCommonViews": {
+ "fields": {
+ "views": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ViewSlot",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAllcommonViews": {
+ "fields": {
+ "views": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Views",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "use": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Views": {
+ "fields": {
+ "values": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ViewSlot",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUseCommonView": {
+ "fields": {
+ "index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUpgradeCharacter": {
+ "fields": {
+ "character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResUpgradeCharacter": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "character": {
+ "type": "Character",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFinishedEnding": {
+ "fields": {
+ "character_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "story_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "ending_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGMCommand": {
+ "fields": {
+ "command": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResShopInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "shop_info": {
+ "type": "ShopInfo",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBuyFromShop": {
+ "fields": {
+ "goods_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "bill_short_cut": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "BillShortcut",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "deal_price": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResBuyFromShop": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rewards": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBuyFromZHP": {
+ "fields": {
+ "goods_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqPayMonthTicket": {
+ "fields": {
+ "ticket_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResPayMonthTicket": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "resource_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "resource_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqReshZHPShop": {
+ "fields": {
+ "free_refresh": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "cost_refresh": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResRefreshZHPShop": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "zhp": {
+ "type": "ZHPShop",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResMonthTicketInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "month_ticket_info": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "MonthTicketInfo",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqExchangeCurrency": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResServerSettings": {
+ "fields": {
+ "settings": {
+ "type": "ServerSettings",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountSettings": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "AccountSetting",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUpdateAccountSettings": {
+ "fields": {
+ "setting": {
+ "type": "AccountSetting",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResModNicknameTime": {
+ "fields": {
+ "last_mod_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResMisc": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "recharged_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "faiths": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "MiscFaithData",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "MiscFaithData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "faith_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqModifySignature": {
+ "fields": {
+ "signature": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResIDCardInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "is_authed": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqUpdateIDCardInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "fullname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "card_no": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResVipReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "gained_vip_levels": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGainVipReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "vip_level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "start": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "contests": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "CustomizedContestBase",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "follow_contests": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "CustomizedContestBase",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "uid_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "extend_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "CustomizedContestExtend",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "observer_level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqEnterCustomizedContest": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResEnterCustomizedContest": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "detail_info": {
+ "type": "CustomizedContestDetail",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "player_report": {
+ "type": "CustomizedContestPlayerReport",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "is_followed": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "online_player": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId": {
+ "fields": {
+ "contest_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "contest_info": {
+ "type": "CustomizedContestAbstract",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqStartCustomizedContest": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "chat_history": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "bytes",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSayChatMessage": {
+ "fields": {
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "live_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GameLiveHead",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "last_index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "next_index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "record_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RecordGame",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqTargetCustomizedContest": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unique_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResActivityList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "activities": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Activity",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAccountActivityData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "exchange_records": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ExchangeRecord",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "task_progress_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "accumulated_point_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActivityAccumulatedPointData",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "rank_data_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActivityRankPointData",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "flip_task_progress_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "sign_in_data": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActivitySignInData",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "richman_data": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActivityRichmanData",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "period_task_progress_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "random_task_progress_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TaskProgress",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "ActivitySignInData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "sign_in_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "last_sign_in_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "BuffData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remain": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "effect": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivityRichmanData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "finished_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "chest_position": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "bank_save": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "exp": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "buff": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "BuffData",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqExchangeActivityItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "exchange_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResExchangeActivityItem": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "execute_reward": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ExecuteReward",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCompleteActivityTask": {
+ "fields": {
+ "task_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask": {
+ "fields": {
+ "task_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResReceiveActivityFlipTask": {
+ "fields": {
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchActivityFlipInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "rewards": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "reward_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard": {
+ "fields": {
+ "leaderboard_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "items": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Item",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "last_refresh_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Item": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rank": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "view": {
+ "type": "PlayerBaseView",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGainRankPointReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "leaderboard_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRichmanNextMove": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResRichmanNextMove": {
+ "fields": {
+ "paths": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PathData",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "dice": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "finished_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "step": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "buff": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "BuffData",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "bank_save": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "chest_position": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "exp": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "bank_save_add": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 11
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "RewardData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "resource_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "origin_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "is_chest": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "PathData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "location": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rewards": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RewardData",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "events": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "BuffData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "remain": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "effect": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRichmanSpecialMove": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "step": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRichmanChestInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResRichmanChestInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "items": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ItemData",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "ItemData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqCreateGameObserveAuth": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResCreateGameObserveAuth": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth": {
+ "fields": {
+ "token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResRefreshGameObserveAuth": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ttl": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionMJStart": {
+ "fields": {}
+ },
+ "NewRoundOpenedTiles": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tiles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "MuyuInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "count_max": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionNewRound": {
+ "fields": {
+ "chang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ju": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "ben": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "tiles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "dora": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "liqibang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tingpais0": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiDiscardInfo",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "tingpais1": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "al": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "md5": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "left_tile_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "opens": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NewRoundOpenedTiles",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 16
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordNewRound": {
+ "fields": {
+ "chang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ju": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "ben": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "dora": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "liqibang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "tiles0": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tiles1": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tiles2": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "tiles3": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "tingpai": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPai",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "md5": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "paishan": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "left_tile_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 16
+ },
+ "opens": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NewRoundOpenedTiles",
+ "id": 17
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 18
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "TingPai": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tingpais1": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameSnapshot": {
+ "fields": {
+ "chang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ju": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "ben": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "index_player": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "left_tile_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "hands": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "liqibang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerSnapshot",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "PlayerSnapshot": {
+ "fields": {
+ "score": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "liqiposition": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "tilenum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "qipais": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "mings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "Fulu",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "Fulu": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tile": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "from": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionPrototype": {
+ "fields": {
+ "step": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "type": "bytes",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameDetailRecords": {
+ "fields": {
+ "records": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "bytes",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "OptionalOperation": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "combination": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "OptionalOperationList": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "operation_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "OptionalOperation",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "time_add": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "time_fixed": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "LiQiSuccess": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "score": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "liqibang": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "FanInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "val": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "HuleInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "hand": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "ming": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "hu_tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "zimo": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "qinjia": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "li_doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "yiman": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "fans": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "FanInfo",
+ "id": 12
+ },
+ "fu": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 13
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 14
+ },
+ "point_rong": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 15
+ },
+ "point_zimo_qin": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 16
+ },
+ "point_zimo_xian": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 17
+ },
+ "title_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 18
+ },
+ "point_sum": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 19
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "TingPaiInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "haveyi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "yiman": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "fu": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "biao_dora_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "yiman_zimo": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "count_zimo": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "fu_zimo": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "TingPaiDiscardInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "infos": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameEnd": {
+ "fields": {
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionDiscardTile": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "is_liqi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "moqie": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "tingpais": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "is_wliqi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 11
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordDiscardTile": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "is_liqi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "moqie": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "tingpais": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "doras": {
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+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "is_wliqi": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 9
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 11
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 12
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionDealTile": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "LiQiSuccess",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tingpais": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiDiscardInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordDealTile": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "left_tile_count": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "LiQiSuccess",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
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+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 11
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionChiPengGang": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "froms": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "LiQiSuccess",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tingpais": {
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+ "type": "TingPaiDiscardInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tile_states": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordChiPengGang": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "froms": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "LiQiSuccess",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
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+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tile_states": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionAnGangAddGang": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 4
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
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+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tingpais": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 9
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordAnGangAddGang": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
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+ "id": 3
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "operations": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionBaBei": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "operation": {
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 4
+ },
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+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "zhenting": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "tingpais": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "moqie": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 9
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 11
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordBaBei": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "operations": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "OptionalOperationList",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "moqie": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 8
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 10
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 11
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionHule": {
+ "fields": {
+ "hules": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "HuleInfo",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "old_scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "delta_scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "wait_timeout": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "gameend": {
+ "type": "GameEnd",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordHule": {
+ "fields": {
+ "hules": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "HuleInfo",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "old_scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "delta_scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "wait_timeout": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "gameend": {
+ "type": "GameEnd",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 7
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 8
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionLiuJu": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "gameend": {
+ "type": "GameEnd",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "tiles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "LiQiSuccess",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "allplayertiles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordLiuJu": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "gameend": {
+ "type": "GameEnd",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "tiles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "liqi": {
+ "type": "LiQiSuccess",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "allplayertiles": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NoTilePlayerInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "tingpai": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "hand": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "tings": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "TingPaiInfo",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NoTileScoreInfo": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "old_scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "delta_scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "hand": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "ming": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "doras": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "score": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ActionNoTile": {
+ "fields": {
+ "liujumanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NoTilePlayerInfo",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NoTileScoreInfo",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "gameend": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RecordNoTile": {
+ "fields": {
+ "liujumanguan": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NoTilePlayerInfo",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "scores": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "NoTileScoreInfo",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "gameend": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "muyu": {
+ "type": "MuyuInfo",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "PlayerLeaving": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "FastTest": {
+ "methods": {
+ "authGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqAuthGame",
+ "responseType": "ResAuthGame"
+ },
+ "enterGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResEnterGame"
+ },
+ "syncGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSyncGame",
+ "responseType": "ResSyncGame"
+ },
+ "finishSyncGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "terminateGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "inputOperation": {
+ "requestType": "ReqSelfOperation",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "inputChiPengGang": {
+ "requestType": "ReqChiPengGang",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "confirmNewRound": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "broadcastInGame": {
+ "requestType": "ReqBroadcastInGame",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "inputGameGMCommand": {
+ "requestType": "ReqGMCommandInGaming",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "fetchGamePlayerState": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResGamePlayerState"
+ },
+ "checkNetworkDelay": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "clearLeaving": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "voteGameEnd": {
+ "requestType": "ReqVoteGameEnd",
+ "responseType": "ResGameEndVote"
+ },
+ "authObserve": {
+ "requestType": "ReqAuthObserve",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ },
+ "startObserve": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResStartObserve"
+ },
+ "stopObserve": {
+ "requestType": "ReqCommon",
+ "responseType": "ResCommon"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqAuthGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResAuthGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "players": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "PlayerGameView",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "seat_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "is_game_start": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "game_config": {
+ "type": "GameConfig",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "ready_id_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GameRestore": {
+ "fields": {
+ "snapshot": {
+ "type": "GameSnapshot",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "actions": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActionPrototype",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "passed_waiting_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "game_state": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "last_pause_time_ms": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResEnterGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "is_end": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "step": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "game_restore": {
+ "type": "GameRestore",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSyncGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "round_id": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "step": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResSyncGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "is_end": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "step": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "game_restore": {
+ "type": "GameRestore",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqSelfOperation": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "tile": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "cancel_operation": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "moqie": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 5
+ },
+ "timeuse": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ },
+ "tile_state": {
+ "type": "int32",
+ "id": 7
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqChiPengGang": {
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "index": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "cancel_operation": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "timeuse": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqBroadcastInGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "except_self": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqGMCommandInGaming": {
+ "fields": {
+ "json_data": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGamePlayerState": {
+ "fields": {
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "state_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "GamePlayerState",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqVoteGameEnd": {
+ "fields": {
+ "yes": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResGameEndVote": {
+ "fields": {
+ "success": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "vote_cd_end_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "type": "Error",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ReqAuthObserve": {
+ "fields": {
+ "token": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ResStartObserve": {
+ "fields": {
+ "head": {
+ "type": "GameLiveHead",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "passed": {
+ "type": "GameLiveSegment",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyNewGame": {
+ "fields": {
+ "game_uuid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "player_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyPlayerLoadGameReady": {
+ "fields": {
+ "ready_id_list": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyGameBroadcast": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyGameEndResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "result": {
+ "type": "GameEndResult",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyGameTerminate": {
+ "fields": {
+ "reason": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyPlayerConnectionState": {
+ "fields": {
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "type": "GamePlayerState",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyAccountLevelChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "origin": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "final": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyGameFinishReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "mode_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "level_change": {
+ "type": "LevelChange",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "match_chest": {
+ "type": "MatchChest",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "main_character": {
+ "type": "MainCharacter",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "character_gift": {
+ "type": "CharacterGift",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "LevelChange": {
+ "fields": {
+ "origin": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "final": {
+ "type": "AccountLevel",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "MatchChest": {
+ "fields": {
+ "chest_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "origin": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "final": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "is_graded": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ },
+ "rewards": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "MainCharacter": {
+ "fields": {
+ "level": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "exp": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "add": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "CharacterGift": {
+ "fields": {
+ "origin": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "final": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "add": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ },
+ "is_graded": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 4
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyActivityReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_reward": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActivityReward",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "ActivityReward": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "rewards": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "RewardSlot",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyActivityPoint": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_points": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "ActivityPoint",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "ActivityPoint": {
+ "fields": {
+ "activity_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyLeaderboardPoint": {
+ "fields": {
+ "leaderboard_points": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "LeaderboardPoint",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "LeaderboardPoint": {
+ "fields": {
+ "leaderboard_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "point": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyGamePause": {
+ "fields": {
+ "paused": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyEndGameVote": {
+ "fields": {
+ "results": {
+ "rule": "repeated",
+ "type": "VoteResult",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "start_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 2
+ },
+ "duration_time": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "nested": {
+ "VoteResult": {
+ "fields": {
+ "account_id": {
+ "type": "uint32",
+ "id": 1
+ },
+ "yes": {
+ "type": "bool",
+ "id": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NotifyObserveData": {
+ "fields": {
+ "unit": {
+ "type": "GameLiveUnit",
+ "id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liqi.md b/liqi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63bc17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liqi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3986 @@
+# MahjongSoul protocol documentation
+## NotifyRoomGameStart
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyMatchGameStart
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyRoomPlayerReady
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyRoomPlayerDressing
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyRoomPlayerUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyRoomKickOut
+No fields
+## NotifyMatchTimeout
+No fields
+## NotifyFriendStateChange
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyFriendViewChange
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyFriendChange
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyNewFriendApply
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyClientMessage
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyAccountUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyAnotherLogin
+No fields
+## NotifyAccountLogout
+No fields
+## NotifyAnnouncementUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyNewMail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyDeleteMail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyReviveCoinUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyDailyTaskUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyActivityTaskUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyActivityPeriodTaskUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyAccountRandomTaskUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyNewComment
+No fields
+## NotifyRollingNotice
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyGiftSendRefresh
+No fields
+## NotifyShopUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyVipLevelChange
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyServerSetting
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyPayResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyCustomContestAccountMsg
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyCustomContestSystemMsg
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyCustomContestState
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyActivityChange
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyAFKResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Error
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Wrapper
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NetworkEndpoint
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCommon
+No fields
+## ResCommon
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AntiAddiction
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountMahjongStatistic
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountStatisticData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountLevel
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ViewSlot
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Account
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountOwnerData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameMetaData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountPlayingGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountCacheView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## PlayerBaseView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## PlayerGameView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameMode
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameTestingEnvironmentSet
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameDetailRule
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Room
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameEndResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameConnectInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ItemGainRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ItemGainRecords
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Item
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Bag
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## BagUpdate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RewardSlot
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## OpenResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RewardPlusResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ExecuteReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Mail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AchievementProgress
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountStatisticByGameMode
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountStatisticByFan
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountFanAchieved
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountDetailStatistic
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountDetailStatisticByCategory
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountDetailStatisticV2
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountShiLian
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ClientDeviceInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GamePlayerState
+## Announcement
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## TaskProgress
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameConfig
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountActiveState
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Friend
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameLiveUnit
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameLiveSegment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameLiveSegmentUri
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameLiveHead
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameNewRoundState
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameEndAction
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameNoopAction
+No fields
+## CommentItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RollingNotice
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## BillingGoods
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## BillShortcut
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## BillingProduct
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Character
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## BuyRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ZHPShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## MonthTicketInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ShopInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ChangeNicknameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ServerSettings
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## PaymentSetting
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## AccountSetting
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ChestData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ChestDataV2
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## FaithData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestBase
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestExtend
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestAbstract
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestDetail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestPlayerReport
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestGameStart
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## CustomizedContestGameEnd
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Activity
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ExchangeRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActivityAccumulatedPointData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActivityRankPointData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameRoundHuData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameRoundPlayerResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameRoundPlayer
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameRoundSnapshot
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameFinalSnapshot
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordCollectedData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ContestDetailRule
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ContestDetailRuleV2
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameRuleSetting
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## Lobby
+* fetchConnectionInfo([ResConnectionInfo](#ResConnectionInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* signup([ResSignupAccount](#ResSignupAccount) return [ReqSignupAccount](#ReqSignupAccount)
+* login([ResLogin](#ResLogin) return [ReqLogin](#ReqLogin)
+* emailLogin([ResLogin](#ResLogin) return [ReqEmailLogin](#ReqEmailLogin)
+* oauth2Auth([ResOauth2Auth](#ResOauth2Auth) return [ReqOauth2Auth](#ReqOauth2Auth)
+* oauth2Check([ResOauth2Check](#ResOauth2Check) return [ReqOauth2Check](#ReqOauth2Check)
+* oauth2Signup([ResOauth2Signup](#ResOauth2Signup) return [ReqOauth2Signup](#ReqOauth2Signup)
+* oauth2Login([ResLogin](#ResLogin) return [ReqOauth2Login](#ReqOauth2Login)
+* dmmPreLogin([ResDMMPreLogin](#ResDMMPreLogin) return [ReqDMMPreLogin](#ReqDMMPreLogin)
+* createPhoneVerifyCode([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode](#ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode)
+* createEmailVerifyCode([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode](#ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode)
+* verfifyCodeForSecure([ResVerfiyCodeForSecure](#ResVerfiyCodeForSecure) return [ReqVerifyCodeForSecure](#ReqVerifyCodeForSecure)
+* bindPhoneNumber([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqBindPhoneNumber](#ReqBindPhoneNumber)
+* unbindPhoneNumber([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUnbindPhoneNumber](#ReqUnbindPhoneNumber)
+* fetchPhoneLoginBind([ResFetchPhoneLoginBind](#ResFetchPhoneLoginBind) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* createPhoneLoginBind([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind](#ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind)
+* bindEmail([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqBindEmail](#ReqBindEmail)
+* modifyPassword([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqModifyPassword](#ReqModifyPassword)
+* bindAccount([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqBindAccount](#ReqBindAccount)
+* logout([ResLogout](#ResLogout) return [ReqLogout](#ReqLogout)
+* heatbeat([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqHeatBeat](#ReqHeatBeat)
+* loginBeat([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqLoginBeat](#ReqLoginBeat)
+* createNickname([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCreateNickname](#ReqCreateNickname)
+* modifyNickname([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqModifyNickname](#ReqModifyNickname)
+* modifyBirthday([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqModifyBirthday](#ReqModifyBirthday)
+* fetchRoom([ResSelfRoom](#ResSelfRoom) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* createRoom([ResCreateRoom](#ResCreateRoom) return [ReqCreateRoom](#ReqCreateRoom)
+* joinRoom([ResJoinRoom](#ResJoinRoom) return [ReqJoinRoom](#ReqJoinRoom)
+* leaveRoom([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* readyPlay([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqRoomReady](#ReqRoomReady)
+* dressingStatus([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqRoomDressing](#ReqRoomDressing)
+* startRoom([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqRoomStart](#ReqRoomStart)
+* kickPlayer([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqRoomKick](#ReqRoomKick)
+* modifyRoom([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqModifyRoom](#ReqModifyRoom)
+* matchGame([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqJoinMatchQueue](#ReqJoinMatchQueue)
+* cancelMatch([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCancelMatchQueue](#ReqCancelMatchQueue)
+* fetchAccountInfo([ResAccountInfo](#ResAccountInfo) return [ReqAccountInfo](#ReqAccountInfo)
+* changeAvatar([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqChangeAvatar](#ReqChangeAvatar)
+* fetchAccountStatisticInfo([ResAccountStatisticInfo](#ResAccountStatisticInfo) return [ReqAccountStatisticInfo](#ReqAccountStatisticInfo)
+* fetchAccountCharacterInfo([ResAccountCharacterInfo](#ResAccountCharacterInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* shopPurchase([ResShopPurchase](#ResShopPurchase) return [ReqShopPurchase](#ReqShopPurchase)
+* fetchGameRecord([ResGameRecord](#ResGameRecord) return [ReqGameRecord](#ReqGameRecord)
+* fetchGameRecordList([ResGameRecordList](#ResGameRecordList) return [ReqGameRecordList](#ReqGameRecordList)
+* fetchCollectedGameRecordList([ResCollectedGameRecordList](#ResCollectedGameRecordList) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchGameRecordsDetail([ResGameRecordsDetail](#ResGameRecordsDetail) return [ReqGameRecordsDetail](#ReqGameRecordsDetail)
+* addCollectedGameRecord([ResAddCollectedGameRecord](#ResAddCollectedGameRecord) return [ReqAddCollectedGameRecord](#ReqAddCollectedGameRecord)
+* removeCollectedGameRecord([ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord](#ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord) return [ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord](#ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord)
+* changeCollectedGameRecordRemarks([ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks](#ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks) return [ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks](#ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks)
+* fetchLevelLeaderboard([ResLevelLeaderboard](#ResLevelLeaderboard) return [ReqLevelLeaderboard](#ReqLevelLeaderboard)
+* fetchMultiAccountBrief([ResMultiAccountBrief](#ResMultiAccountBrief) return [ReqMultiAccountId](#ReqMultiAccountId)
+* fetchFriendList([ResFriendList](#ResFriendList) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchFriendApplyList([ResFriendApplyList](#ResFriendApplyList) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* applyFriend([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqApplyFriend](#ReqApplyFriend)
+* handleFriendApply([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqHandleFriendApply](#ReqHandleFriendApply)
+* removeFriend([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqRemoveFriend](#ReqRemoveFriend)
+* searchAccountById([ResSearchAccountById](#ResSearchAccountById) return [ReqSearchAccountById](#ReqSearchAccountById)
+* searchAccountByPattern([ResSearchAccountByPattern](#ResSearchAccountByPattern) return [ReqSearchAccountByPattern](#ReqSearchAccountByPattern)
+* fetchAccountState([ResAccountStates](#ResAccountStates) return [ReqAccountList](#ReqAccountList)
+* fetchBagInfo([ResBagInfo](#ResBagInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* useBagItem([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUseBagItem](#ReqUseBagItem)
+* openManualItem([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqOpenManualItem](#ReqOpenManualItem)
+* openRandomRewardItem([ResOpenRandomRewardItem](#ResOpenRandomRewardItem) return [ReqOpenRandomRewardItem](#ReqOpenRandomRewardItem)
+* composeShard([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqComposeShard](#ReqComposeShard)
+* fetchAnnouncement([ResAnnouncement](#ResAnnouncement) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* readAnnouncement([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqReadAnnouncement](#ReqReadAnnouncement)
+* fetchMailInfo([ResMailInfo](#ResMailInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* readMail([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqReadMail](#ReqReadMail)
+* deleteMail([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqDeleteMail](#ReqDeleteMail)
+* takeAttachmentFromMail([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqTakeAttachment](#ReqTakeAttachment)
+* fetchAchievement([ResAchievement](#ResAchievement) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* buyShiLian([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqBuyShiLian](#ReqBuyShiLian)
+* matchShiLian([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* goNextShiLian([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* updateClientValue([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUpdateClientValue](#ReqUpdateClientValue)
+* fetchClientValue([ResClientValue](#ResClientValue) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* clientMessage([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqClientMessage](#ReqClientMessage)
+* fetchCurrentMatchInfo([ResCurrentMatchInfo](#ResCurrentMatchInfo) return [ReqCurrentMatchInfo](#ReqCurrentMatchInfo)
+* userComplain([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUserComplain](#ReqUserComplain)
+* fetchReviveCoinInfo([ResReviveCoinInfo](#ResReviveCoinInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* gainReviveCoin([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchDailyTask([ResDailyTask](#ResDailyTask) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* refreshDailyTask([ResRefreshDailyTask](#ResRefreshDailyTask) return [ReqRefreshDailyTask](#ReqRefreshDailyTask)
+* useGiftCode([ResUseGiftCode](#ResUseGiftCode) return [ReqUseGiftCode](#ReqUseGiftCode)
+* fetchTitleList([ResTitleList](#ResTitleList) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* useTitle([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUseTitle](#ReqUseTitle)
+* sendClientMessage([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSendClientMessage](#ReqSendClientMessage)
+* fetchGameLiveInfo([ResGameLiveInfo](#ResGameLiveInfo) return [ReqGameLiveInfo](#ReqGameLiveInfo)
+* fetchGameLiveLeftSegment([ResGameLiveLeftSegment](#ResGameLiveLeftSegment) return [ReqGameLiveLeftSegment](#ReqGameLiveLeftSegment)
+* fetchGameLiveList([ResGameLiveList](#ResGameLiveList) return [ReqGameLiveList](#ReqGameLiveList)
+* fetchCommentSetting([ResCommentSetting](#ResCommentSetting) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* updateCommentSetting([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUpdateCommentSetting](#ReqUpdateCommentSetting)
+* fetchCommentList([ResFetchCommentList](#ResFetchCommentList) return [ReqFetchCommentList](#ReqFetchCommentList)
+* fetchCommentContent([ResFetchCommentContent](#ResFetchCommentContent) return [ReqFetchCommentContent](#ReqFetchCommentContent)
+* leaveComment([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqLeaveComment](#ReqLeaveComment)
+* deleteComment([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqDeleteComment](#ReqDeleteComment)
+* updateReadComment([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUpdateReadComment](#ReqUpdateReadComment)
+* fetchRollingNotice([ReqRollingNotice](#ReqRollingNotice) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchServerTime([ResServerTime](#ResServerTime) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchPlatformProducts([ResPlatformBillingProducts](#ResPlatformBillingProducts) return [ReqPlatformBillingProducts](#ReqPlatformBillingProducts)
+* cancelGooglePlayOrder([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCancelGooglePlayOrder](#ReqCancelGooglePlayOrder)
+* openChest([ResOpenChest](#ResOpenChest) return [ReqOpenChest](#ReqOpenChest)
+* buyFromChestShop([ResBuyFromChestShop](#ResBuyFromChestShop) return [ReqBuyFromChestShop](#ReqBuyFromChestShop)
+* fetchDailySignInInfo([ResDailySignInInfo](#ResDailySignInInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* doDailySignIn([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* doActivitySignIn([ResDoActivitySignIn](#ResDoActivitySignIn) return [ReqDoActivitySignIn](#ReqDoActivitySignIn)
+* fetchCharacterInfo([ResCharacterInfo](#ResCharacterInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* changeMainCharacter([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqChangeMainCharacter](#ReqChangeMainCharacter)
+* changeCharacterSkin([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqChangeCharacterSkin](#ReqChangeCharacterSkin)
+* changeCharacterView([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqChangeCharacterView](#ReqChangeCharacterView)
+* sendGiftToCharacter([ResSendGiftToCharacter](#ResSendGiftToCharacter) return [ReqSendGiftToCharacter](#ReqSendGiftToCharacter)
+* sellItem([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSellItem](#ReqSellItem)
+* fetchCommonView([ResCommonView](#ResCommonView) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* changeCommonView([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqChangeCommonView](#ReqChangeCommonView)
+* saveCommonViews([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSaveCommonViews](#ReqSaveCommonViews)
+* fetchCommonViews([ResCommonViews](#ResCommonViews) return [ReqCommonViews](#ReqCommonViews)
+* fetchAllCommonViews([ResAllcommonViews](#ResAllcommonViews) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* useCommonView([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUseCommonView](#ReqUseCommonView)
+* upgradeCharacter([ResUpgradeCharacter](#ResUpgradeCharacter) return [ReqUpgradeCharacter](#ReqUpgradeCharacter)
+* addFinishedEnding([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqFinishedEnding](#ReqFinishedEnding)
+* receiveEndingReward([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqFinishedEnding](#ReqFinishedEnding)
+* gameMasterCommand([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqGMCommand](#ReqGMCommand)
+* fetchShopInfo([ResShopInfo](#ResShopInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* buyFromShop([ResBuyFromShop](#ResBuyFromShop) return [ReqBuyFromShop](#ReqBuyFromShop)
+* buyFromZHP([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqBuyFromZHP](#ReqBuyFromZHP)
+* refreshZHPShop([ResRefreshZHPShop](#ResRefreshZHPShop) return [ReqReshZHPShop](#ReqReshZHPShop)
+* fetchMonthTicketInfo([ResMonthTicketInfo](#ResMonthTicketInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* payMonthTicket([ResPayMonthTicket](#ResPayMonthTicket) return [ReqPayMonthTicket](#ReqPayMonthTicket)
+* exchangeCurrency([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqExchangeCurrency](#ReqExchangeCurrency)
+* exchangeChestStone([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqExchangeCurrency](#ReqExchangeCurrency)
+* exchangeDiamond([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqExchangeCurrency](#ReqExchangeCurrency)
+* fetchServerSettings([ResServerSettings](#ResServerSettings) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchAccountSettings([ResAccountSettings](#ResAccountSettings) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* updateAccountSettings([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUpdateAccountSettings](#ReqUpdateAccountSettings)
+* fetchModNicknameTime([ResModNicknameTime](#ResModNicknameTime) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* createWechatNativeOrder([ResCreateWechatNativeOrder](#ResCreateWechatNativeOrder) return [ReqCreateWechatNativeOrder](#ReqCreateWechatNativeOrder)
+* createWechatAppOrder([ResCreateWechatAppOrder](#ResCreateWechatAppOrder) return [ReqCreateWechatAppOrder](#ReqCreateWechatAppOrder)
+* createAlipayOrder([ResCreateAlipayOrder](#ResCreateAlipayOrder) return [ReqCreateAlipayOrder](#ReqCreateAlipayOrder)
+* createAlipayScanOrder([ResCreateAlipayScanOrder](#ResCreateAlipayScanOrder) return [ReqCreateAlipayScanOrder](#ReqCreateAlipayScanOrder)
+* createAlipayAppOrder([ResCreateAlipayAppOrder](#ResCreateAlipayAppOrder) return [ReqCreateAlipayAppOrder](#ReqCreateAlipayAppOrder)
+* createJPCreditCardOrder([ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder](#ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder) return [ReqCreateJPCreditCardOrder](#ReqCreateJPCreditCardOrder)
+* createJPPaypalOrder([ResCreateJPPaypalOrder](#ResCreateJPPaypalOrder) return [ReqCreateJPPaypalOrder](#ReqCreateJPPaypalOrder)
+* createJPAuOrder([ResCreateJPAuOrder](#ResCreateJPAuOrder) return [ReqCreateJPAuOrder](#ReqCreateJPAuOrder)
+* createJPDocomoOrder([ResCreateJPDocomoOrder](#ResCreateJPDocomoOrder) return [ReqCreateJPDocomoOrder](#ReqCreateJPDocomoOrder)
+* createJPWebMoneyOrder([ResCreateJPWebMoneyOrder](#ResCreateJPWebMoneyOrder) return [ReqCreateJPWebMoneyOrder](#ReqCreateJPWebMoneyOrder)
+* createJPSoftbankOrder([ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder](#ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder) return [ReqCreateJPSoftbankOrder](#ReqCreateJPSoftbankOrder)
+* createENPaypalOrder([ResCreateENPaypalOrder](#ResCreateENPaypalOrder) return [ReqCreateENPaypalOrder](#ReqCreateENPaypalOrder)
+* createENMasterCardOrder([ResCreateENMasterCardOrder](#ResCreateENMasterCardOrder) return [ReqCreateENMasterCardOrder](#ReqCreateENMasterCardOrder)
+* createENVisaOrder([ResCreateENVisaOrder](#ResCreateENVisaOrder) return [ReqCreateENVisaOrder](#ReqCreateENVisaOrder)
+* createENJCBOrder([ResCreateENJCBOrder](#ResCreateENJCBOrder) return [ReqCreateENJCBOrder](#ReqCreateENJCBOrder)
+* createENAlipayOrder([ResCreateENAlipayOrder](#ResCreateENAlipayOrder) return [ReqCreateENAlipayOrder](#ReqCreateENAlipayOrder)
+* createDMMOrder([ResCreateDmmOrder](#ResCreateDmmOrder) return [ReqCreateDMMOrder](#ReqCreateDMMOrder)
+* createIAPOrder([ResCreateIAPOrder](#ResCreateIAPOrder) return [ReqCreateIAPOrder](#ReqCreateIAPOrder)
+* createMyCardAndroidOrder([ResCreateMyCardOrder](#ResCreateMyCardOrder) return [ReqCreateMyCardOrder](#ReqCreateMyCardOrder)
+* createMyCardWebOrder([ResCreateMyCardOrder](#ResCreateMyCardOrder) return [ReqCreateMyCardOrder](#ReqCreateMyCardOrder)
+* verifyMyCardOrder([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqVerifyMyCardOrder](#ReqVerifyMyCardOrder)
+* verificationIAPOrder([ResVerificationIAPOrder](#ResVerificationIAPOrder) return [ReqVerificationIAPOrder](#ReqVerificationIAPOrder)
+* createYostarSDKOrder([ResCreateYostarOrder](#ResCreateYostarOrder) return [ReqCreateYostarOrder](#ReqCreateYostarOrder)
+* createBillingOrder([ResCreateBillingOrder](#ResCreateBillingOrder) return [ReqCreateBillingOrder](#ReqCreateBillingOrder)
+* solveGooglePlayOrder([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSolveGooglePlayOrder](#ReqSolveGooglePlayOrder)
+* solveGooglePayOrderV3([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSolveGooglePlayOrderV3](#ReqSolveGooglePlayOrderV3)
+* fetchMisc([ResMisc](#ResMisc) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* modifySignature([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqModifySignature](#ReqModifySignature)
+* fetchIDCardInfo([ResIDCardInfo](#ResIDCardInfo) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* updateIDCardInfo([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqUpdateIDCardInfo](#ReqUpdateIDCardInfo)
+* fetchVipReward([ResVipReward](#ResVipReward) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* gainVipReward([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqGainVipReward](#ReqGainVipReward)
+* fetchCustomizedContestList([ResFetchCustomizedContestList](#ResFetchCustomizedContestList) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestList](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestList)
+* fetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo([ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo](#ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo)
+* fetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo([ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo](#ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo)
+* enterCustomizedContest([ResEnterCustomizedContest](#ResEnterCustomizedContest) return [ReqEnterCustomizedContest](#ReqEnterCustomizedContest)
+* leaveCustomizedContest([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo([ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo](#ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo)
+* fetchCustomizedContestByContestId([ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId](#ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId)
+* startCustomizedContest([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqStartCustomizedContest](#ReqStartCustomizedContest)
+* stopCustomizedContest([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* joinCustomizedContestChatRoom([ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom](#ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom) return [ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom](#ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom)
+* leaveCustomizedContestChatRoom([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* sayChatMessage([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSayChatMessage](#ReqSayChatMessage)
+* fetchCustomizedContestGameRecords([ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords](#ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords)
+* fetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList([ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList](#ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList) return [ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList](#ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList)
+* followCustomizedContest([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqTargetCustomizedContest](#ReqTargetCustomizedContest)
+* unfollowCustomizedContest([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqTargetCustomizedContest](#ReqTargetCustomizedContest)
+* fetchActivityList([ResActivityList](#ResActivityList) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* fetchAccountActivityData([ResAccountActivityData](#ResAccountActivityData) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* exchangeActivityItem([ResExchangeActivityItem](#ResExchangeActivityItem) return [ReqExchangeActivityItem](#ReqExchangeActivityItem)
+* completeActivityTask([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCompleteActivityTask](#ReqCompleteActivityTask)
+* completeActivityFlipTask([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCompleteActivityTask](#ReqCompleteActivityTask)
+* completePeriodActivityTask([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCompleteActivityTask](#ReqCompleteActivityTask)
+* completeRandomActivityTask([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCompleteActivityTask](#ReqCompleteActivityTask)
+* receiveActivityFlipTask([ResReceiveActivityFlipTask](#ResReceiveActivityFlipTask) return [ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask](#ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask)
+* fetchActivityFlipInfo([ResFetchActivityFlipInfo](#ResFetchActivityFlipInfo) return [ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo](#ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo)
+* gainAccumulatedPointActivityReward([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward](#ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward)
+* fetchRankPointLeaderboard([ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard](#ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard) return [ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard](#ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard)
+* gainRankPointReward([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqGainRankPointReward](#ReqGainRankPointReward)
+* richmanActivityNextMove([ResRichmanNextMove](#ResRichmanNextMove) return [ReqRichmanNextMove](#ReqRichmanNextMove)
+* richmanAcitivitySpecialMove([ResRichmanNextMove](#ResRichmanNextMove) return [ReqRichmanSpecialMove](#ReqRichmanSpecialMove)
+* richmanActivityChestInfo([ResRichmanChestInfo](#ResRichmanChestInfo) return [ReqRichmanChestInfo](#ReqRichmanChestInfo)
+* createGameObserveAuth([ResCreateGameObserveAuth](#ResCreateGameObserveAuth) return [ReqCreateGameObserveAuth](#ReqCreateGameObserveAuth)
+* refreshGameObserveAuth([ResRefreshGameObserveAuth](#ResRefreshGameObserveAuth) return [ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth](#ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth)
+## ResConnectionInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSignupAccount
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResSignupAccount
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqLogin
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResLogin
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqEmailLogin
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBindAccount
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqVerifyCodeForSecure
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResVerfiyCodeForSecure
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBindPhoneNumber
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUnbindPhoneNumber
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchPhoneLoginBind
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBindEmail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqModifyPassword
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOauth2Auth
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResOauth2Auth
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOauth2Check
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResOauth2Check
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOauth2Signup
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResOauth2Signup
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOauth2Login
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqDMMPreLogin
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResDMMPreLogin
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqLogout
+No fields
+## ResLogout
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqHeatBeat
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqLoginBeat
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqJoinMatchQueue
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCancelMatchQueue
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqAccountInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateNickname
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqModifyNickname
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqModifyBirthday
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResSelfRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqJoinRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResJoinRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRoomReady
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRoomDressing
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRoomStart
+No fields
+## ReqRoomKick
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqModifyRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChangeAvatar
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqAccountStatisticInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountStatisticInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountCharacterInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqShopPurchase
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResShopPurchase
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGameRecordList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameRecordList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCollectedGameRecordList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGameRecordsDetail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameRecordsDetail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqAddCollectedGameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAddCollectedGameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqLevelLeaderboard
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResLevelLeaderboard
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqMultiAccountId
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResMultiAccountBrief
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFriendList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFriendApplyList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqApplyFriend
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqHandleFriendApply
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRemoveFriend
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSearchAccountByPattern
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResSearchAccountByPattern
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqAccountList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountStates
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSearchAccountById
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResSearchAccountById
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResBagInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUseBagItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOpenManualItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOpenRandomRewardItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResOpenRandomRewardItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqComposeShard
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAnnouncement
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResMailInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqReadMail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqDeleteMail
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqTakeAttachment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAchievement
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResTitleList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUseTitle
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBuyShiLian
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUpdateClientValue
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResClientValue
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqClientMessage
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCurrentMatchInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCurrentMatchInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUserComplain
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqReadAnnouncement
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResReviveCoinInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResDailyTask
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRefreshDailyTask
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResRefreshDailyTask
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUseGiftCode
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResUseGiftCode
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSendClientMessage
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGameLiveInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameLiveInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGameLiveLeftSegment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameLiveLeftSegment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGameLiveList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameLiveList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCommentSetting
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUpdateCommentSetting
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCommentList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCommentList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCommentContent
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCommentContent
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqLeaveComment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqDeleteComment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUpdateReadComment
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRollingNotice
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResServerTime
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqPlatformBillingProducts
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResPlatformBillingProducts
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateBillingOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateBillingOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSolveGooglePlayOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSolveGooglePlayOrderV3
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCancelGooglePlayOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateWechatNativeOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateWechatNativeOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateWechatAppOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateWechatAppOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateAlipayOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateAlipayOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateAlipayScanOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateAlipayScanOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateAlipayAppOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateAlipayAppOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateJPCreditCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateJPPaypalOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateJPPaypalOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateJPAuOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateJPAuOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateJPDocomoOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateJPDocomoOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateJPWebMoneyOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateJPWebMoneyOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateJPSoftbankOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateYostarOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateYostarOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateENPaypalOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateENPaypalOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateENJCBOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateENJCBOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateENMasterCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateENMasterCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateENVisaOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateENVisaOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateENAlipayOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateENAlipayOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateDMMOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateDmmOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateIAPOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateIAPOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqVerificationIAPOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResVerificationIAPOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateMyCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateMyCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqVerifyMyCardOrder
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqOpenChest
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResOpenChest
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBuyFromChestShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResBuyFromChestShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResDailySignInInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqDoActivitySignIn
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResDoActivitySignIn
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCharacterInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChangeMainCharacter
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChangeCharacterSkin
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChangeCharacterView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSendGiftToCharacter
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResSendGiftToCharacter
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSellItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCommonView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChangeCommonView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSaveCommonViews
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCommonViews
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCommonViews
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAllcommonViews
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUseCommonView
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUpgradeCharacter
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResUpgradeCharacter
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFinishedEnding
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGMCommand
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResShopInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBuyFromShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResBuyFromShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBuyFromZHP
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqPayMonthTicket
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResPayMonthTicket
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqReshZHPShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResRefreshZHPShop
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResMonthTicketInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqExchangeCurrency
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResServerSettings
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountSettings
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUpdateAccountSettings
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResModNicknameTime
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResMisc
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqModifySignature
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResIDCardInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqUpdateIDCardInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResVipReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGainVipReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqEnterCustomizedContest
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResEnterCustomizedContest
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqStartCustomizedContest
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSayChatMessage
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqTargetCustomizedContest
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResActivityList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAccountActivityData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqExchangeActivityItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResExchangeActivityItem
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCompleteActivityTask
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResReceiveActivityFlipTask
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchActivityFlipInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGainRankPointReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRichmanNextMove
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResRichmanNextMove
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRichmanSpecialMove
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRichmanChestInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResRichmanChestInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqCreateGameObserveAuth
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResCreateGameObserveAuth
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResRefreshGameObserveAuth
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionMJStart
+No fields
+## NewRoundOpenedTiles
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## MuyuInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionNewRound
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordNewRound
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameSnapshot
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionPrototype
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameDetailRecords
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## OptionalOperation
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## OptionalOperationList
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## LiQiSuccess
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## FanInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## HuleInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## TingPaiInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## TingPaiDiscardInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameEnd
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionDiscardTile
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordDiscardTile
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionDealTile
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordDealTile
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionChiPengGang
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordChiPengGang
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionAnGangAddGang
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordAnGangAddGang
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionBaBei
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordBaBei
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionHule
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordHule
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionLiuJu
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordLiuJu
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NoTilePlayerInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NoTileScoreInfo
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ActionNoTile
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## RecordNoTile
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## PlayerLeaving
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## FastTest
+* authGame([ResAuthGame](#ResAuthGame) return [ReqAuthGame](#ReqAuthGame)
+* enterGame([ResEnterGame](#ResEnterGame) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* syncGame([ResSyncGame](#ResSyncGame) return [ReqSyncGame](#ReqSyncGame)
+* finishSyncGame([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* terminateGame([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* inputOperation([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqSelfOperation](#ReqSelfOperation)
+* inputChiPengGang([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqChiPengGang](#ReqChiPengGang)
+* confirmNewRound([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* broadcastInGame([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqBroadcastInGame](#ReqBroadcastInGame)
+* inputGameGMCommand([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqGMCommandInGaming](#ReqGMCommandInGaming)
+* fetchGamePlayerState([ResGamePlayerState](#ResGamePlayerState) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* checkNetworkDelay([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* clearLeaving([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* voteGameEnd([ResGameEndVote](#ResGameEndVote) return [ReqVoteGameEnd](#ReqVoteGameEnd)
+* authObserve([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqAuthObserve](#ReqAuthObserve)
+* startObserve([ResStartObserve](#ResStartObserve) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+* stopObserve([ResCommon](#ResCommon) return [ReqCommon](#ReqCommon)
+## ReqAuthGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResAuthGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## GameRestore
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResEnterGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSyncGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResSyncGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqSelfOperation
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqChiPengGang
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqBroadcastInGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqGMCommandInGaming
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGamePlayerState
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqVoteGameEnd
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResGameEndVote
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ReqAuthObserve
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## ResStartObserve
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyNewGame
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyPlayerLoadGameReady
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyGameBroadcast
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyGameEndResult
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyGameTerminate
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyPlayerConnectionState
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyAccountLevelChange
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyGameFinishReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyActivityReward
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyActivityPoint
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyLeaderboardPoint
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyGamePause
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyEndGameVote
+|#|Field name|Field type|
+## NotifyObserveData
+|#|Field name|Field type|
diff --git a/liqi.proto b/liqi.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fa3023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liqi.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,3999 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package lq;
+message NotifyRoomGameStart {
+ string game_url = 1;
+ string connect_token = 2;
+ string game_uuid = 3;
+ string location = 4;
+message NotifyMatchGameStart {
+ string game_url = 1;
+ string connect_token = 2;
+ string game_uuid = 3;
+ uint32 match_mode_id = 4;
+ string location = 5;
+message NotifyRoomPlayerReady {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ bool ready = 2;
+message NotifyRoomPlayerDressing {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ bool dressing = 2;
+message NotifyRoomPlayerUpdate {
+ repeated PlayerBaseView update_list = 1;
+ repeated uint32 remove_list = 2;
+ uint32 owner_id = 3;
+ uint32 robot_count = 4;
+message NotifyRoomKickOut {
+message NotifyMatchTimeout {
+message NotifyFriendStateChange {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ AccountActiveState active_state = 2;
+message NotifyFriendViewChange {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ PlayerBaseView base = 2;
+message NotifyFriendChange {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ Friend friend = 3;
+message NotifyNewFriendApply {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 apply_time = 2;
+ uint32 removed_id = 3;
+message NotifyClientMessage {
+ PlayerBaseView sender = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ string content = 3;
+message NotifyAccountUpdate {
+ AccountUpdate update = 1;
+message NotifyAnotherLogin {
+message NotifyAccountLogout {
+message NotifyAnnouncementUpdate {
+ repeated Announcement announcements = 1;
+ repeated uint32 sort = 2;
+message NotifyNewMail {
+ Mail mail = 1;
+message NotifyDeleteMail {
+ repeated uint32 mail_id_list = 1;
+message NotifyReviveCoinUpdate {
+ bool has_gained = 1;
+message NotifyDailyTaskUpdate {
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 1;
+ uint32 max_daily_task_count = 2;
+ uint32 refresh_count = 3;
+message NotifyActivityTaskUpdate {
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 1;
+message NotifyActivityPeriodTaskUpdate {
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 1;
+message NotifyAccountRandomTaskUpdate {
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 1;
+message NotifyNewComment {
+message NotifyRollingNotice {
+ RollingNotice notice = 1;
+message NotifyGiftSendRefresh {
+message NotifyShopUpdate {
+ ShopInfo shop_info = 1;
+message NotifyVipLevelChange {
+ uint32 gift_limit = 1;
+ uint32 friend_max_count = 2;
+ uint32 zhp_free_refresh_limit = 3;
+ uint32 zhp_cost_refresh_limit = 4;
+ float buddy_bonus = 5;
+ uint32 record_collect_limit = 6;
+message NotifyServerSetting {
+ ServerSettings settings = 1;
+message NotifyPayResult {
+ uint32 pay_result = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+ uint32 goods_id = 3;
+ uint32 new_month_ticket = 4;
+ repeated ResourceModify resource_modify = 5;
+ message ResourceModify {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 final = 3;
+ }
+message NotifyCustomContestAccountMsg {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 account_id = 2;
+ string sender = 3;
+ string content = 4;
+ uint32 verified = 5;
+message NotifyCustomContestSystemMsg {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ string uuid = 3;
+ CustomizedContestGameStart game_start = 4;
+ CustomizedContestGameEnd game_end = 5;
+message NotifyCustomContestState {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 state = 2;
+message NotifyActivityChange {
+ repeated Activity new_activities = 1;
+ repeated uint32 end_activities = 2;
+message NotifyAFKResult {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 ban_end_time = 2;
+ string game_uuid = 3;
+message Error {
+ uint32 code = 1;
+ repeated uint32 u32_params = 2;
+ repeated string str_params = 3;
+ string json_param = 4;
+message Wrapper {
+ string name = 1;
+ bytes data = 2;
+message NetworkEndpoint {
+ string family = 1;
+ string address = 2;
+ uint32 port = 3;
+message ReqCommon {
+message ResCommon {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ResAccountUpdate {
+ Error error = 1;
+ AccountUpdate update = 2;
+message AntiAddiction {
+ uint32 online_duration = 1;
+message AccountMahjongStatistic {
+ repeated uint32 final_position_counts = 1;
+ RoundSummary recent_round = 2;
+ HuSummary recent_hu = 3;
+ HighestHuRecord highest_hu = 4;
+ Liqi20Summary recent_20_hu_summary = 6;
+ LiQi10Summary recent_10_hu_summary = 7;
+ repeated GameResult recent_10_game_result = 8;
+ message RoundSummary {
+ uint32 total_count = 1;
+ uint32 rong_count = 2;
+ uint32 zimo_count = 3;
+ uint32 fangchong_count = 4;
+ }
+ message HuSummary {
+ uint32 total_count = 1;
+ uint32 dora_round_count = 2;
+ uint32 total_fan = 3;
+ }
+ message HighestHuRecord {
+ uint32 fanshu = 1;
+ uint32 doranum = 2;
+ string title = 3;
+ repeated string hands = 4;
+ repeated string ming = 5;
+ string hupai = 6;
+ uint32 title_id = 7;
+ }
+ message Liqi20Summary {
+ uint32 total_count = 1;
+ uint32 total_lidora_count = 2;
+ uint32 average_hu_point = 3;
+ }
+ message LiQi10Summary {
+ uint32 total_xuanshang = 1;
+ uint32 total_fanshu = 2;
+ }
+ message GameResult {
+ uint32 rank = 1;
+ int32 final_point = 2;
+ }
+message AccountStatisticData {
+ uint32 mahjong_category = 1;
+ uint32 game_category = 2;
+ AccountMahjongStatistic statistic = 3;
+message AccountLevel {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 score = 2;
+message ViewSlot {
+ uint32 slot = 1;
+ uint32 item_id = 2;
+message Account {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ string nickname = 2;
+ uint32 login_time = 3;
+ uint32 logout_time = 4;
+ uint32 room_id = 5;
+ AntiAddiction anti_addiction = 6;
+ uint32 title = 7;
+ string signature = 8;
+ string email = 9;
+ uint32 email_verify = 10;
+ uint32 gold = 11;
+ uint32 diamond = 12;
+ uint32 avatar_id = 13;
+ uint32 vip = 14;
+ int32 birthday = 15;
+ string phone = 16;
+ uint32 phone_verify = 17;
+ repeated PlatformDiamond platform_diamond = 18;
+ AccountLevel level = 21;
+ AccountLevel level3 = 22;
+ uint32 avatar_frame = 23;
+ uint32 skin_ticket = 24;
+ repeated PlatformSkinTicket platform_skin_ticket = 25;
+ uint32 verified = 26;
+ message PlatformDiamond {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+ message PlatformSkinTicket {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+message AccountOwnerData {
+ repeated uint32 unlock_characters = 1;
+message AccountUpdate {
+ repeated NumericalUpdate numerical = 1;
+ CharacterUpdate character = 2;
+ BagUpdate bag = 3;
+ AchievementUpdate achievement = 4;
+ AccountShiLian shilian = 5;
+ DailyTaskUpdate daily_task = 6;
+ TitleUpdate title = 7;
+ repeated uint32 new_recharged_list = 8;
+ TaskUpdate activity_task = 9;
+ TaskUpdate activity_flip_task = 10;
+ TaskUpdate activity_period_task = 11;
+ TaskUpdate activity_random_task = 12;
+ message NumericalUpdate {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 final = 3;
+ }
+ message CharacterUpdate {
+ repeated Character characters = 2;
+ repeated uint32 skins = 3;
+ repeated uint32 finished_endings = 4;
+ repeated uint32 rewarded_endings = 5;
+ }
+ message AchievementUpdate {
+ repeated AchievementProgress progresses = 1;
+ }
+ message DailyTaskUpdate {
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 1;
+ }
+ message TitleUpdate {
+ repeated uint32 new_titles = 1;
+ repeated uint32 remove_titles = 2;
+ }
+ message TaskUpdate {
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 1;
+ }
+message GameMetaData {
+ uint32 room_id = 1;
+ uint32 mode_id = 2;
+ uint32 contest_uid = 3;
+message AccountPlayingGame {
+ string game_uuid = 1;
+ uint32 category = 2;
+ GameMetaData meta = 3;
+message AccountCacheView {
+ uint32 cache_version = 1;
+ uint32 account_id = 2;
+ string nickname = 3;
+ uint32 login_time = 4;
+ uint32 logout_time = 5;
+ bool is_online = 6;
+ uint32 room_id = 7;
+ uint32 title = 8;
+ uint32 avatar_id = 9;
+ uint32 vip = 10;
+ AccountLevel level = 11;
+ AccountPlayingGame playing_game = 12;
+ AccountLevel level3 = 13;
+ uint32 avatar_frame = 14;
+ uint32 verified = 15;
+ uint32 ban_deadline = 16;
+ uint32 comment_ban = 17;
+message PlayerBaseView {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 avatar_id = 2;
+ uint32 title = 3;
+ string nickname = 4;
+ AccountLevel level = 5;
+ AccountLevel level3 = 6;
+ uint32 avatar_frame = 7;
+ uint32 verified = 8;
+message PlayerGameView {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 avatar_id = 2;
+ uint32 title = 3;
+ string nickname = 4;
+ AccountLevel level = 5;
+ Character character = 6;
+ AccountLevel level3 = 7;
+ uint32 avatar_frame = 8;
+ uint32 verified = 9;
+ repeated ViewSlot views = 10;
+message GameMode {
+ uint32 mode = 1;
+ bool ai = 4;
+ string extendinfo = 5;
+ GameDetailRule detail_rule = 6;
+ GameTestingEnvironmentSet testing_environment = 7;
+message GameTestingEnvironmentSet {
+ uint32 paixing = 1;
+ uint32 left_count = 2;
+message GameDetailRule {
+ uint32 time_fixed = 1;
+ uint32 time_add = 2;
+ uint32 dora_count = 3;
+ uint32 shiduan = 4;
+ uint32 init_point = 5;
+ uint32 fandian = 6;
+ bool can_jifei = 7;
+ uint32 tianbian_value = 8;
+ uint32 liqibang_value = 9;
+ uint32 changbang_value = 10;
+ uint32 noting_fafu_1 = 11;
+ uint32 noting_fafu_2 = 12;
+ uint32 noting_fafu_3 = 13;
+ bool have_liujumanguan = 14;
+ bool have_qieshangmanguan = 15;
+ bool have_biao_dora = 16;
+ bool have_gang_biao_dora = 17;
+ bool ming_dora_immediately_open = 18;
+ bool have_li_dora = 19;
+ bool have_gang_li_dora = 20;
+ bool have_sifenglianda = 21;
+ bool have_sigangsanle = 22;
+ bool have_sijializhi = 23;
+ bool have_jiuzhongjiupai = 24;
+ bool have_sanjiahele = 25;
+ bool have_toutiao = 26;
+ bool have_helelianzhuang = 27;
+ bool have_helezhongju = 28;
+ bool have_tingpailianzhuang = 29;
+ bool have_tingpaizhongju = 30;
+ bool have_yifa = 31;
+ bool have_nanruxiru = 32;
+ uint32 jingsuanyuandian = 33;
+ int32 shunweima_2 = 34;
+ int32 shunweima_3 = 35;
+ int32 shunweima_4 = 36;
+ bool bianjietishi = 37;
+ uint32 ai_level = 38;
+ bool have_zimosun = 39;
+ bool disable_multi_yukaman = 40;
+ uint32 fanfu = 41;
+ uint32 guyi_mode = 42;
+ uint32 dora3_mode = 43;
+ uint32 begin_open_mode = 44;
+ uint32 jiuchao_mode = 45;
+ uint32 muyu_mode = 46;
+ uint32 open_hand = 47;
+message Room {
+ uint32 room_id = 1;
+ uint32 owner_id = 2;
+ GameMode mode = 3;
+ uint32 max_player_count = 4;
+ repeated PlayerGameView persons = 5;
+ repeated uint32 ready_list = 6;
+ bool is_playing = 7;
+ bool public_live = 8;
+ uint32 robot_count = 9;
+ uint32 tournament_id = 10;
+message GameEndResult {
+ repeated PlayerItem players = 1;
+ message PlayerItem {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ int32 total_point = 2;
+ int32 part_point_1 = 3;
+ int32 part_point_2 = 4;
+ int32 grading_score = 5;
+ int32 gold = 6;
+ }
+message GameConnectInfo {
+ string connect_token = 2;
+ string game_uuid = 3;
+ string location = 4;
+message ItemGainRecord {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ItemGainRecords {
+ uint32 record_time = 1;
+ uint32 limit_source_id = 2;
+ repeated ItemGainRecord records = 3;
+message Item {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+ uint32 stack = 2;
+message Bag {
+ repeated Item items = 1;
+ repeated ItemGainRecords daily_gain_record = 2;
+message BagUpdate {
+ repeated Item update_items = 1;
+ repeated ItemGainRecords update_daily_gain_record = 2;
+message RewardSlot {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message OpenResult {
+ RewardSlot reward = 1;
+ RewardSlot replace = 2;
+message RewardPlusResult {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ Exchange exchange = 3;
+ message Exchange {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 exchange = 3;
+ }
+message ExecuteReward {
+ RewardSlot reward = 1;
+ RewardSlot replace = 2;
+ uint32 replace_count = 3;
+message Mail {
+ uint32 mail_id = 1;
+ uint32 state = 2;
+ bool take_attachment = 3;
+ string title = 4;
+ string content = 5;
+ repeated RewardSlot attachments = 6;
+ uint32 create_time = 7;
+ uint32 expire_time = 8;
+ uint32 reference_id = 9;
+message AchievementProgress {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 counter = 2;
+ bool achieved = 3;
+ uint32 date = 4;
+message AccountStatisticByGameMode {
+ uint32 mode = 1;
+ uint32 game_count_sum = 2;
+ repeated uint32 game_final_position = 3;
+ uint32 fly_count = 4;
+ float gold_earn_sum = 5;
+ uint32 round_count_sum = 6;
+ float dadian_sum = 7;
+ repeated RoundEndData round_end = 8;
+ uint32 ming_count_sum = 9;
+ uint32 liqi_count_sum = 10;
+ uint32 xun_count_sum = 11;
+ uint32 highest_lianzhuang = 12;
+ uint32 score_earn_sum = 13;
+ repeated RankScore rank_score = 14;
+ message RoundEndData {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 sum = 2;
+ }
+ message RankScore {
+ uint32 rank = 1;
+ int32 score_sum = 2;
+ uint32 count = 3;
+ }
+message AccountStatisticByFan {
+ uint32 fan_id = 1;
+ uint32 sum = 2;
+message AccountFanAchieved {
+ uint32 mahjong_category = 1;
+ repeated AccountStatisticByFan fan = 2;
+ uint32 liujumanguan = 3;
+message AccountDetailStatistic {
+ repeated AccountStatisticByGameMode game_mode = 1;
+ repeated AccountStatisticByFan fan = 2;
+ uint32 liujumanguan = 3;
+ repeated AccountFanAchieved fan_achieved = 4;
+message AccountDetailStatisticByCategory {
+ uint32 category = 1;
+ AccountDetailStatistic detail_statistic = 2;
+message AccountDetailStatisticV2 {
+ AccountDetailStatistic friend_room_statistic = 1;
+ RankStatistic rank_statistic = 2;
+ CustomizedContestStatistic customized_contest_statistic = 3;
+ AccountDetailStatistic leisure_match_statistic = 4;
+ message RankStatistic {
+ RankData total_statistic = 1;
+ RankData month_statistic = 2;
+ uint32 month_refresh_time = 3;
+ message RankData {
+ AccountDetailStatistic all_level_statistic = 1;
+ repeated RankLevelData level_data_list = 2;
+ message RankLevelData {
+ uint32 rank_level = 1;
+ AccountDetailStatistic statistic = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ message CustomizedContestStatistic {
+ AccountDetailStatistic total_statistic = 1;
+ AccountDetailStatistic month_statistic = 2;
+ uint32 month_refresh_time = 3;
+ }
+message AccountShiLian {
+ uint32 step = 1;
+ uint32 state = 2;
+message ClientDeviceInfo {
+ string device_type = 1;
+ string os = 2;
+ string os_version = 3;
+ string browser = 4;
+enum GamePlayerState {
+ NULL = 0;
+ AUTH = 1;
+ SYNCING = 2;
+ READY = 3;
+message Announcement {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ string title = 2;
+ string content = 3;
+message TaskProgress {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 counter = 2;
+ bool achieved = 3;
+ bool rewarded = 4;
+message GameConfig {
+ uint32 category = 1;
+ GameMode mode = 2;
+ GameMetaData meta = 3;
+message AccountActiveState {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 login_time = 2;
+ uint32 logout_time = 3;
+ bool is_online = 4;
+ AccountPlayingGame playing = 5;
+message Friend {
+ PlayerBaseView base = 1;
+ AccountActiveState state = 2;
+message GameLiveUnit {
+ uint32 timestamp = 1;
+ uint32 action_category = 2;
+ bytes action_data = 3;
+message GameLiveSegment {
+ repeated GameLiveUnit actions = 1;
+message GameLiveSegmentUri {
+ uint32 segment_id = 1;
+ string segment_uri = 2;
+message GameLiveHead {
+ string uuid = 1;
+ uint32 start_time = 2;
+ GameConfig game_config = 3;
+ repeated PlayerGameView players = 4;
+ repeated uint32 seat_list = 5;
+message GameNewRoundState {
+ repeated uint32 seat_states = 1;
+message GameEndAction {
+ uint32 state = 1;
+message GameNoopAction {
+message CommentItem {
+ uint32 comment_id = 1;
+ uint32 timestamp = 2;
+ PlayerBaseView commenter = 3;
+ string content = 4;
+ uint32 is_banned = 5;
+message RollingNotice {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ string content = 2;
+ uint32 start_time = 3;
+ uint32 end_time = 4;
+ uint32 repeat_interval = 5;
+message BillingGoods {
+ string id = 1;
+ string name = 2;
+ string desc = 3;
+ string icon = 4;
+ uint32 resource_id = 5;
+ uint32 resource_count = 6;
+message BillShortcut {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 deal_price = 3;
+message BillingProduct {
+ BillingGoods goods = 1;
+ string currency_code = 2;
+ uint32 currency_price = 3;
+ uint32 sort_weight = 4;
+message Character {
+ uint32 charid = 1;
+ uint32 level = 2;
+ uint32 exp = 3;
+ repeated ViewSlot views = 4;
+ uint32 skin = 5;
+ bool is_upgraded = 6;
+ repeated uint32 extra_emoji = 7;
+message BuyRecord {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ZHPShop {
+ repeated uint32 goods = 1;
+ repeated BuyRecord buy_records = 2;
+ RefreshCount free_refresh = 3;
+ RefreshCount cost_refresh = 4;
+ message RefreshCount {
+ uint32 count = 1;
+ uint32 limit = 2;
+ }
+message MonthTicketInfo {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 end_time = 2;
+ uint32 last_pay_time = 3;
+message ShopInfo {
+ ZHPShop zhp = 1;
+ repeated BuyRecord buy_records = 2;
+ uint32 last_refresh_time = 3;
+message ChangeNicknameRecord {
+ string from = 1;
+ string to = 2;
+ uint32 time = 3;
+message ServerSettings {
+ PaymentSetting payment_setting = 3;
+message PaymentSetting {
+ uint32 open_payment = 1;
+ uint32 payment_info_show_type = 2;
+ string payment_info = 3;
+ WechatData wechat = 4;
+ AlipayData alipay = 5;
+ message WechatData {
+ bool disable_create = 1;
+ uint32 payment_source_platform = 2;
+ bool enable_credit = 3;
+ }
+ message AlipayData {
+ bool disable_create = 1;
+ uint32 payment_source_platform = 2;
+ }
+message AccountSetting {
+ uint32 key = 1;
+ uint32 value = 2;
+message ChestData {
+ uint32 chest_id = 1;
+ uint32 total_open_count = 2;
+ uint32 consume_count = 3;
+ uint32 face_black_count = 4;
+message ChestDataV2 {
+ uint32 chest_id = 1;
+ uint32 total_open_count = 2;
+ uint32 face_black_count = 3;
+message FaithData {
+ uint32 faith_id = 1;
+ uint32 total_open_count = 2;
+ uint32 consume_count = 3;
+ int32 modify_count = 4;
+message CustomizedContestBase {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 contest_id = 2;
+ string contest_name = 3;
+ uint32 state = 4;
+ uint32 creator_id = 5;
+ uint32 create_time = 6;
+ uint32 start_time = 7;
+ uint32 finish_time = 8;
+ bool open = 9;
+ uint32 contest_type = 10;
+message CustomizedContestExtend {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ string public_notice = 2;
+message CustomizedContestAbstract {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 contest_id = 2;
+ string contest_name = 3;
+ uint32 state = 4;
+ uint32 creator_id = 5;
+ uint32 create_time = 6;
+ uint32 start_time = 7;
+ uint32 finish_time = 8;
+ bool open = 9;
+ string public_notice = 10;
+message CustomizedContestDetail {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 contest_id = 2;
+ string contest_name = 3;
+ uint32 state = 4;
+ uint32 creator_id = 5;
+ uint32 create_time = 6;
+ uint32 start_time = 7;
+ uint32 finish_time = 8;
+ bool open = 9;
+ uint32 rank_rule = 10;
+ GameMode game_mode = 11;
+ string private_notice = 12;
+ uint32 observer_switch = 13;
+message CustomizedContestPlayerReport {
+ uint32 rank_rule = 1;
+ uint32 rank = 2;
+ int32 point = 3;
+ repeated uint32 game_ranks = 4;
+ uint32 total_game_count = 5;
+message RecordGame {
+ string uuid = 1;
+ uint32 start_time = 2;
+ uint32 end_time = 3;
+ GameConfig config = 5;
+ repeated AccountInfo accounts = 11;
+ GameEndResult result = 12;
+ message AccountInfo {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 seat = 2;
+ string nickname = 3;
+ uint32 avatar_id = 4;
+ Character character = 5;
+ uint32 title = 6;
+ AccountLevel level = 7;
+ AccountLevel level3 = 8;
+ uint32 avatar_frame = 9;
+ uint32 verified = 10;
+ repeated ViewSlot views = 11;
+ }
+message CustomizedContestGameStart {
+ repeated Item players = 1;
+ message Item {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ string nickname = 2;
+ }
+message CustomizedContestGameEnd {
+ repeated Item players = 1;
+ message Item {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ string nickname = 2;
+ int32 total_point = 3;
+ }
+message Activity {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ uint32 start_time = 2;
+ uint32 end_time = 3;
+ string type = 4;
+message ExchangeRecord {
+ uint32 exchange_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ActivityAccumulatedPointData {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ int32 point = 2;
+ repeated uint32 gained_reward_list = 3;
+message ActivityRankPointData {
+ uint32 leaderboard_id = 1;
+ int32 point = 2;
+ bool gained_reward = 3;
+ uint32 gainable_time = 4;
+message GameRoundHuData {
+ HuPai hupai = 1;
+ repeated Fan fans = 2;
+ uint32 score = 3;
+ uint32 xun = 4;
+ uint32 title_id = 5;
+ uint32 fan_sum = 6;
+ uint32 fu_sum = 7;
+ uint32 yakuman_count = 8;
+ uint32 biao_dora_count = 9;
+ uint32 red_dora_count = 10;
+ uint32 li_dora_count = 11;
+ uint32 babei_count = 12;
+ uint32 xuan_shang_count = 13;
+ message HuPai {
+ string tile = 1;
+ uint32 seat = 2;
+ uint32 liqi = 3;
+ }
+ message Fan {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 fan = 3;
+ }
+message GameRoundPlayerResult {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ repeated string hands = 2;
+ repeated string ming = 3;
+ uint32 liqi_type = 4;
+ bool is_fulu = 5;
+ bool is_liujumanguan = 6;
+ uint32 lian_zhuang = 7;
+ GameRoundHuData hu = 8;
+message GameRoundPlayer {
+ int32 score = 1;
+ uint32 rank = 2;
+ GameRoundPlayerResult result = 3;
+message GameRoundSnapshot {
+ uint32 ju = 1;
+ uint32 ben = 2;
+ repeated GameRoundPlayer players = 3;
+message GameFinalSnapshot {
+ string uuid = 1;
+ uint32 state = 2;
+ uint32 category = 3;
+ GameMode mode = 4;
+ GameMetaData meta = 5;
+ CalculateParam calculate_param = 6;
+ uint32 create_time = 7;
+ uint32 start_time = 8;
+ uint32 finish_time = 9;
+ repeated GameSeat seats = 10;
+ repeated GameRoundSnapshot rounds = 11;
+ repeated PlayerGameView account_views = 12;
+ repeated FinalPlayer final_players = 13;
+ repeated AFKInfo afk_info = 14;
+ message CalculateParam {
+ uint32 init_point = 1;
+ uint32 jingsuanyuandian = 2;
+ repeated int32 rank_points = 3;
+ }
+ message GameSeat {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 account_id = 2;
+ NetworkEndpoint notify_endpoint = 3;
+ string client_address = 4;
+ bool is_connected = 5;
+ }
+ message FinalPlayer {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ int32 total_point = 2;
+ int32 part_point_1 = 3;
+ int32 part_point_2 = 4;
+ int32 grading_score = 5;
+ int32 gold = 6;
+ }
+ message AFKInfo {
+ uint32 deal_tile_count = 1;
+ uint32 moqie_count = 2;
+ uint32 seat = 3;
+ }
+message RecordCollectedData {
+ string uuid = 1;
+ string remarks = 2;
+ uint32 start_time = 3;
+ uint32 end_time = 4;
+message ContestDetailRule {
+ uint32 init_point = 5;
+ uint32 fandian = 6;
+ bool can_jifei = 7;
+ uint32 tianbian_value = 8;
+ uint32 liqibang_value = 9;
+ uint32 changbang_value = 10;
+ uint32 noting_fafu_1 = 11;
+ uint32 noting_fafu_2 = 12;
+ uint32 noting_fafu_3 = 13;
+ bool have_liujumanguan = 14;
+ bool have_qieshangmanguan = 15;
+ bool have_biao_dora = 16;
+ bool have_gang_biao_dora = 17;
+ bool ming_dora_immediately_open = 18;
+ bool have_li_dora = 19;
+ bool have_gang_li_dora = 20;
+ bool have_sifenglianda = 21;
+ bool have_sigangsanle = 22;
+ bool have_sijializhi = 23;
+ bool have_jiuzhongjiupai = 24;
+ bool have_sanjiahele = 25;
+ bool have_toutiao = 26;
+ bool have_helelianzhuang = 27;
+ bool have_helezhongju = 28;
+ bool have_tingpailianzhuang = 29;
+ bool have_tingpaizhongju = 30;
+ bool have_yifa = 31;
+ bool have_nanruxiru = 32;
+ uint32 jingsuanyuandian = 33;
+ int32 shunweima_2 = 34;
+ int32 shunweima_3 = 35;
+ int32 shunweima_4 = 36;
+ bool bianjietishi = 37;
+ uint32 ai_level = 38;
+ bool have_zimosun = 39;
+ bool disable_multi_yukaman = 40;
+ uint32 guyi_mode = 41;
+message ContestDetailRuleV2 {
+ ContestDetailRule game_rule = 1;
+ ExtraRule extra_rule = 2;
+ message ExtraRule {
+ uint32 required_level = 1;
+ uint32 max_game_count = 2;
+ }
+message GameRuleSetting {
+ uint32 round_type = 1;
+ bool shiduan = 2;
+ uint32 dora_count = 3;
+ uint32 thinking_type = 4;
+ bool use_detail_rule = 5;
+ ContestDetailRuleV2 detail_rule_v2 = 6;
+service Lobby {
+ rpc fetchConnectionInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResConnectionInfo);
+ rpc signup (ReqSignupAccount) returns (ResSignupAccount);
+ rpc login (ReqLogin) returns (ResLogin);
+ rpc emailLogin (ReqEmailLogin) returns (ResLogin);
+ rpc oauth2Auth (ReqOauth2Auth) returns (ResOauth2Auth);
+ rpc oauth2Check (ReqOauth2Check) returns (ResOauth2Check);
+ rpc oauth2Signup (ReqOauth2Signup) returns (ResOauth2Signup);
+ rpc oauth2Login (ReqOauth2Login) returns (ResLogin);
+ rpc dmmPreLogin (ReqDMMPreLogin) returns (ResDMMPreLogin);
+ rpc createPhoneVerifyCode (ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc createEmailVerifyCode (ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc verfifyCodeForSecure (ReqVerifyCodeForSecure) returns (ResVerfiyCodeForSecure);
+ rpc bindPhoneNumber (ReqBindPhoneNumber) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc unbindPhoneNumber (ReqUnbindPhoneNumber) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchPhoneLoginBind (ReqCommon) returns (ResFetchPhoneLoginBind);
+ rpc createPhoneLoginBind (ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc bindEmail (ReqBindEmail) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc modifyPassword (ReqModifyPassword) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc bindAccount (ReqBindAccount) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc logout (ReqLogout) returns (ResLogout);
+ rpc heatbeat (ReqHeatBeat) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc loginBeat (ReqLoginBeat) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc createNickname (ReqCreateNickname) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc modifyNickname (ReqModifyNickname) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc modifyBirthday (ReqModifyBirthday) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchRoom (ReqCommon) returns (ResSelfRoom);
+ rpc createRoom (ReqCreateRoom) returns (ResCreateRoom);
+ rpc joinRoom (ReqJoinRoom) returns (ResJoinRoom);
+ rpc leaveRoom (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc readyPlay (ReqRoomReady) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc dressingStatus (ReqRoomDressing) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc startRoom (ReqRoomStart) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc kickPlayer (ReqRoomKick) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc modifyRoom (ReqModifyRoom) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc matchGame (ReqJoinMatchQueue) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc cancelMatch (ReqCancelMatchQueue) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchAccountInfo (ReqAccountInfo) returns (ResAccountInfo);
+ rpc changeAvatar (ReqChangeAvatar) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchAccountStatisticInfo (ReqAccountStatisticInfo) returns (ResAccountStatisticInfo);
+ rpc fetchAccountCharacterInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResAccountCharacterInfo);
+ rpc shopPurchase (ReqShopPurchase) returns (ResShopPurchase);
+ rpc fetchGameRecord (ReqGameRecord) returns (ResGameRecord);
+ rpc fetchGameRecordList (ReqGameRecordList) returns (ResGameRecordList);
+ rpc fetchCollectedGameRecordList (ReqCommon) returns (ResCollectedGameRecordList);
+ rpc fetchGameRecordsDetail (ReqGameRecordsDetail) returns (ResGameRecordsDetail);
+ rpc addCollectedGameRecord (ReqAddCollectedGameRecord) returns (ResAddCollectedGameRecord);
+ rpc removeCollectedGameRecord (ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord) returns (ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord);
+ rpc changeCollectedGameRecordRemarks (ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks) returns (ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks);
+ rpc fetchLevelLeaderboard (ReqLevelLeaderboard) returns (ResLevelLeaderboard);
+ rpc fetchMultiAccountBrief (ReqMultiAccountId) returns (ResMultiAccountBrief);
+ rpc fetchFriendList (ReqCommon) returns (ResFriendList);
+ rpc fetchFriendApplyList (ReqCommon) returns (ResFriendApplyList);
+ rpc applyFriend (ReqApplyFriend) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc handleFriendApply (ReqHandleFriendApply) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc removeFriend (ReqRemoveFriend) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc searchAccountById (ReqSearchAccountById) returns (ResSearchAccountById);
+ rpc searchAccountByPattern (ReqSearchAccountByPattern) returns (ResSearchAccountByPattern);
+ rpc fetchAccountState (ReqAccountList) returns (ResAccountStates);
+ rpc fetchBagInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResBagInfo);
+ rpc useBagItem (ReqUseBagItem) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc openManualItem (ReqOpenManualItem) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc openRandomRewardItem (ReqOpenRandomRewardItem) returns (ResOpenRandomRewardItem);
+ rpc composeShard (ReqComposeShard) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchAnnouncement (ReqCommon) returns (ResAnnouncement);
+ rpc readAnnouncement (ReqReadAnnouncement) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchMailInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResMailInfo);
+ rpc readMail (ReqReadMail) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc deleteMail (ReqDeleteMail) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc takeAttachmentFromMail (ReqTakeAttachment) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchAchievement (ReqCommon) returns (ResAchievement);
+ rpc buyShiLian (ReqBuyShiLian) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc matchShiLian (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc goNextShiLian (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc updateClientValue (ReqUpdateClientValue) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchClientValue (ReqCommon) returns (ResClientValue);
+ rpc clientMessage (ReqClientMessage) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCurrentMatchInfo (ReqCurrentMatchInfo) returns (ResCurrentMatchInfo);
+ rpc userComplain (ReqUserComplain) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchReviveCoinInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResReviveCoinInfo);
+ rpc gainReviveCoin (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchDailyTask (ReqCommon) returns (ResDailyTask);
+ rpc refreshDailyTask (ReqRefreshDailyTask) returns (ResRefreshDailyTask);
+ rpc useGiftCode (ReqUseGiftCode) returns (ResUseGiftCode);
+ rpc fetchTitleList (ReqCommon) returns (ResTitleList);
+ rpc useTitle (ReqUseTitle) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc sendClientMessage (ReqSendClientMessage) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchGameLiveInfo (ReqGameLiveInfo) returns (ResGameLiveInfo);
+ rpc fetchGameLiveLeftSegment (ReqGameLiveLeftSegment) returns (ResGameLiveLeftSegment);
+ rpc fetchGameLiveList (ReqGameLiveList) returns (ResGameLiveList);
+ rpc fetchCommentSetting (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommentSetting);
+ rpc updateCommentSetting (ReqUpdateCommentSetting) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCommentList (ReqFetchCommentList) returns (ResFetchCommentList);
+ rpc fetchCommentContent (ReqFetchCommentContent) returns (ResFetchCommentContent);
+ rpc leaveComment (ReqLeaveComment) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc deleteComment (ReqDeleteComment) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc updateReadComment (ReqUpdateReadComment) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchRollingNotice (ReqCommon) returns (ReqRollingNotice);
+ rpc fetchServerTime (ReqCommon) returns (ResServerTime);
+ rpc fetchPlatformProducts (ReqPlatformBillingProducts) returns (ResPlatformBillingProducts);
+ rpc cancelGooglePlayOrder (ReqCancelGooglePlayOrder) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc openChest (ReqOpenChest) returns (ResOpenChest);
+ rpc buyFromChestShop (ReqBuyFromChestShop) returns (ResBuyFromChestShop);
+ rpc fetchDailySignInInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResDailySignInInfo);
+ rpc doDailySignIn (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc doActivitySignIn (ReqDoActivitySignIn) returns (ResDoActivitySignIn);
+ rpc fetchCharacterInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResCharacterInfo);
+ rpc changeMainCharacter (ReqChangeMainCharacter) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc changeCharacterSkin (ReqChangeCharacterSkin) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc changeCharacterView (ReqChangeCharacterView) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc sendGiftToCharacter (ReqSendGiftToCharacter) returns (ResSendGiftToCharacter);
+ rpc sellItem (ReqSellItem) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCommonView (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommonView);
+ rpc changeCommonView (ReqChangeCommonView) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc saveCommonViews (ReqSaveCommonViews) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCommonViews (ReqCommonViews) returns (ResCommonViews);
+ rpc fetchAllCommonViews (ReqCommon) returns (ResAllcommonViews);
+ rpc useCommonView (ReqUseCommonView) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc upgradeCharacter (ReqUpgradeCharacter) returns (ResUpgradeCharacter);
+ rpc addFinishedEnding (ReqFinishedEnding) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc receiveEndingReward (ReqFinishedEnding) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc gameMasterCommand (ReqGMCommand) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchShopInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResShopInfo);
+ rpc buyFromShop (ReqBuyFromShop) returns (ResBuyFromShop);
+ rpc buyFromZHP (ReqBuyFromZHP) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc refreshZHPShop (ReqReshZHPShop) returns (ResRefreshZHPShop);
+ rpc fetchMonthTicketInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResMonthTicketInfo);
+ rpc payMonthTicket (ReqPayMonthTicket) returns (ResPayMonthTicket);
+ rpc exchangeCurrency (ReqExchangeCurrency) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc exchangeChestStone (ReqExchangeCurrency) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc exchangeDiamond (ReqExchangeCurrency) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchServerSettings (ReqCommon) returns (ResServerSettings);
+ rpc fetchAccountSettings (ReqCommon) returns (ResAccountSettings);
+ rpc updateAccountSettings (ReqUpdateAccountSettings) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchModNicknameTime (ReqCommon) returns (ResModNicknameTime);
+ rpc createWechatNativeOrder (ReqCreateWechatNativeOrder) returns (ResCreateWechatNativeOrder);
+ rpc createWechatAppOrder (ReqCreateWechatAppOrder) returns (ResCreateWechatAppOrder);
+ rpc createAlipayOrder (ReqCreateAlipayOrder) returns (ResCreateAlipayOrder);
+ rpc createAlipayScanOrder (ReqCreateAlipayScanOrder) returns (ResCreateAlipayScanOrder);
+ rpc createAlipayAppOrder (ReqCreateAlipayAppOrder) returns (ResCreateAlipayAppOrder);
+ rpc createJPCreditCardOrder (ReqCreateJPCreditCardOrder) returns (ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder);
+ rpc createJPPaypalOrder (ReqCreateJPPaypalOrder) returns (ResCreateJPPaypalOrder);
+ rpc createJPAuOrder (ReqCreateJPAuOrder) returns (ResCreateJPAuOrder);
+ rpc createJPDocomoOrder (ReqCreateJPDocomoOrder) returns (ResCreateJPDocomoOrder);
+ rpc createJPWebMoneyOrder (ReqCreateJPWebMoneyOrder) returns (ResCreateJPWebMoneyOrder);
+ rpc createJPSoftbankOrder (ReqCreateJPSoftbankOrder) returns (ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder);
+ rpc createENPaypalOrder (ReqCreateENPaypalOrder) returns (ResCreateENPaypalOrder);
+ rpc createENMasterCardOrder (ReqCreateENMasterCardOrder) returns (ResCreateENMasterCardOrder);
+ rpc createENVisaOrder (ReqCreateENVisaOrder) returns (ResCreateENVisaOrder);
+ rpc createENJCBOrder (ReqCreateENJCBOrder) returns (ResCreateENJCBOrder);
+ rpc createENAlipayOrder (ReqCreateENAlipayOrder) returns (ResCreateENAlipayOrder);
+ rpc createDMMOrder (ReqCreateDMMOrder) returns (ResCreateDmmOrder);
+ rpc createIAPOrder (ReqCreateIAPOrder) returns (ResCreateIAPOrder);
+ rpc createMyCardAndroidOrder (ReqCreateMyCardOrder) returns (ResCreateMyCardOrder);
+ rpc createMyCardWebOrder (ReqCreateMyCardOrder) returns (ResCreateMyCardOrder);
+ rpc verifyMyCardOrder (ReqVerifyMyCardOrder) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc verificationIAPOrder (ReqVerificationIAPOrder) returns (ResVerificationIAPOrder);
+ rpc createYostarSDKOrder (ReqCreateYostarOrder) returns (ResCreateYostarOrder);
+ rpc createBillingOrder (ReqCreateBillingOrder) returns (ResCreateBillingOrder);
+ rpc solveGooglePlayOrder (ReqSolveGooglePlayOrder) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc solveGooglePayOrderV3 (ReqSolveGooglePlayOrderV3) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchMisc (ReqCommon) returns (ResMisc);
+ rpc modifySignature (ReqModifySignature) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchIDCardInfo (ReqCommon) returns (ResIDCardInfo);
+ rpc updateIDCardInfo (ReqUpdateIDCardInfo) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchVipReward (ReqCommon) returns (ResVipReward);
+ rpc gainVipReward (ReqGainVipReward) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestList (ReqFetchCustomizedContestList) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestList);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo (ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo (ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo);
+ rpc enterCustomizedContest (ReqEnterCustomizedContest) returns (ResEnterCustomizedContest);
+ rpc leaveCustomizedContest (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo (ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestByContestId (ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId);
+ rpc startCustomizedContest (ReqStartCustomizedContest) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc stopCustomizedContest (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc joinCustomizedContestChatRoom (ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom) returns (ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom);
+ rpc leaveCustomizedContestChatRoom (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc sayChatMessage (ReqSayChatMessage) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestGameRecords (ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords);
+ rpc fetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList (ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList) returns (ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList);
+ rpc followCustomizedContest (ReqTargetCustomizedContest) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc unfollowCustomizedContest (ReqTargetCustomizedContest) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchActivityList (ReqCommon) returns (ResActivityList);
+ rpc fetchAccountActivityData (ReqCommon) returns (ResAccountActivityData);
+ rpc exchangeActivityItem (ReqExchangeActivityItem) returns (ResExchangeActivityItem);
+ rpc completeActivityTask (ReqCompleteActivityTask) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc completeActivityFlipTask (ReqCompleteActivityTask) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc completePeriodActivityTask (ReqCompleteActivityTask) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc completeRandomActivityTask (ReqCompleteActivityTask) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc receiveActivityFlipTask (ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask) returns (ResReceiveActivityFlipTask);
+ rpc fetchActivityFlipInfo (ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo) returns (ResFetchActivityFlipInfo);
+ rpc gainAccumulatedPointActivityReward (ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchRankPointLeaderboard (ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard) returns (ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard);
+ rpc gainRankPointReward (ReqGainRankPointReward) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc richmanActivityNextMove (ReqRichmanNextMove) returns (ResRichmanNextMove);
+ rpc richmanAcitivitySpecialMove (ReqRichmanSpecialMove) returns (ResRichmanNextMove);
+ rpc richmanActivityChestInfo (ReqRichmanChestInfo) returns (ResRichmanChestInfo);
+ rpc createGameObserveAuth (ReqCreateGameObserveAuth) returns (ResCreateGameObserveAuth);
+ rpc refreshGameObserveAuth (ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth) returns (ResRefreshGameObserveAuth);
+message ResConnectionInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ NetworkEndpoint client_endpoint = 2;
+message ReqSignupAccount {
+ string account = 1;
+ string password = 2;
+ string code = 3;
+ uint32 type = 4;
+message ResSignupAccount {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqLogin {
+ string account = 1;
+ string password = 2;
+ bool reconnect = 3;
+ ClientDeviceInfo device = 4;
+ string random_key = 5;
+ string client_version = 6;
+ bool gen_access_token = 7;
+ repeated uint32 currency_platforms = 8;
+ uint32 type = 9;
+message ResLogin {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 account_id = 2;
+ Account account = 3;
+ GameConnectInfo game_info = 4;
+ bool has_unread_announcement = 5;
+ string access_token = 6;
+ uint32 signup_time = 7;
+ bool is_id_card_authed = 8;
+message ReqEmailLogin {
+ string email = 1;
+ string password = 2;
+ bool reconnect = 3;
+ ClientDeviceInfo device = 4;
+ string random_key = 5;
+ string client_version = 6;
+ bool gen_access_token = 7;
+ repeated uint32 currency_platforms = 8;
+message ReqBindAccount {
+ string account = 1;
+ string password = 2;
+message ReqCreatePhoneVerifyCode {
+ string phone = 1;
+ uint32 usage = 2;
+message ReqCreateEmailVerifyCode {
+ string email = 1;
+ uint32 usage = 2;
+message ReqVerifyCodeForSecure {
+ string code = 1;
+ uint32 operation = 2;
+message ResVerfiyCodeForSecure {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string secure_token = 2;
+message ReqBindPhoneNumber {
+ string code = 1;
+ string phone = 2;
+ string password = 3;
+ bool multi_bind_version = 4;
+message ReqUnbindPhoneNumber {
+ string code = 1;
+ string phone = 2;
+ string password = 3;
+message ResFetchPhoneLoginBind {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 phone_login = 2;
+message ReqCreatePhoneLoginBind {
+ string password = 1;
+message ReqBindEmail {
+ string email = 1;
+ string code = 2;
+ string password = 3;
+message ReqModifyPassword {
+ string new_password = 1;
+ string old_password = 2;
+ string secure_token = 3;
+message ReqOauth2Auth {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ string code = 2;
+ string uid = 3;
+message ResOauth2Auth {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string access_token = 2;
+message ReqOauth2Check {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ string access_token = 2;
+message ResOauth2Check {
+ Error error = 1;
+ bool has_account = 2;
+message ReqOauth2Signup {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ string access_token = 2;
+ string email = 3;
+ string advertise_str = 4;
+message ResOauth2Signup {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqOauth2Login {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ string access_token = 2;
+ bool reconnect = 3;
+ ClientDeviceInfo device = 4;
+ string random_key = 5;
+ string client_version = 6;
+ repeated uint32 currency_platforms = 8;
+message ReqDMMPreLogin {
+ string finish_url = 1;
+message ResDMMPreLogin {
+ string parameter = 1;
+message ReqLogout {
+message ResLogout {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqHeatBeat {
+ uint32 no_operation_counter = 1;
+message ReqLoginBeat {
+ string contract = 1;
+message ReqJoinMatchQueue {
+ uint32 match_mode = 1;
+message ReqCancelMatchQueue {
+ uint32 match_mode = 1;
+message ReqAccountInfo {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+message ResAccountInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ Account account = 2;
+ Room room = 3;
+message ReqCreateNickname {
+ string nickname = 1;
+ string advertise_str = 2;
+message ReqModifyNickname {
+ string nickname = 1;
+ uint32 use_item_id = 2;
+message ReqModifyBirthday {
+ int32 birthday = 1;
+message ResSelfRoom {
+ Error error = 1;
+ Room room = 2;
+message ReqCreateRoom {
+ uint32 player_count = 1;
+ GameMode mode = 2;
+ bool public_live = 3;
+message ResCreateRoom {
+ Error error = 1;
+ Room room = 2;
+message ReqJoinRoom {
+ uint32 room_id = 1;
+message ResJoinRoom {
+ Error error = 1;
+ Room room = 2;
+message ReqRoomReady {
+ bool ready = 1;
+message ReqRoomDressing {
+ bool dressing = 1;
+message ReqRoomStart {
+message ReqRoomKick {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+message ReqModifyRoom {
+ uint32 robot_count = 1;
+message ReqChangeAvatar {
+ uint32 avatar_id = 1;
+message ReqAccountStatisticInfo {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+message ResAccountStatisticInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated AccountStatisticData statistic_data = 2;
+ AccountDetailStatisticV2 detail_data = 3;
+message ResAccountCharacterInfo {
+ repeated uint32 unlock_list = 1;
+message ReqShopPurchase {
+ string type = 1;
+ uint32 id = 2;
+message ResShopPurchase {
+ Error error = 1;
+ AccountUpdate update = 2;
+message ReqGameRecord {
+ string game_uuid = 1;
+message ResGameRecord {
+ Error error = 1;
+ RecordGame head = 3;
+ bytes data = 4;
+ string data_url = 5;
+message ReqGameRecordList {
+ uint32 start = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 type = 3;
+message ResGameRecordList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 total_count = 2;
+ repeated RecordGame record_list = 3;
+message ResCollectedGameRecordList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated RecordCollectedData record_list = 2;
+ uint32 record_collect_limit = 3;
+message ReqGameRecordsDetail {
+ repeated string uuid_list = 1;
+message ResGameRecordsDetail {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated RecordGame record_list = 2;
+message ReqAddCollectedGameRecord {
+ string uuid = 1;
+ string remarks = 2;
+ uint32 start_time = 3;
+ uint32 end_time = 4;
+message ResAddCollectedGameRecord {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqRemoveCollectedGameRecord {
+ string uuid = 1;
+message ResRemoveCollectedGameRecord {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks {
+ string uuid = 1;
+ string remarks = 2;
+message ResChangeCollectedGameRecordRemarks {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqLevelLeaderboard {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+message ResLevelLeaderboard {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Item items = 2;
+ uint32 self_rank = 3;
+ message Item {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ AccountLevel level = 2;
+ }
+message ReqMultiAccountId {
+ repeated uint32 account_id_list = 1;
+message ResMultiAccountBrief {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated PlayerBaseView players = 2;
+message ResFriendList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Friend friends = 2;
+ uint32 friend_max_count = 3;
+message ResFriendApplyList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated FriendApply applies = 2;
+ message FriendApply {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 apply_time = 2;
+ }
+message ReqApplyFriend {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+message ReqHandleFriendApply {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ uint32 method = 2;
+message ReqRemoveFriend {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+message ReqSearchAccountByPattern {
+ bool search_next = 1;
+ string pattern = 2;
+message ResSearchAccountByPattern {
+ Error error = 1;
+ bool is_finished = 2;
+ repeated uint32 match_accounts = 3;
+ uint32 decode_id = 4;
+message ReqAccountList {
+ repeated uint32 account_id_list = 1;
+message ResAccountStates {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated AccountActiveState states = 2;
+message ReqSearchAccountById {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+message ResSearchAccountById {
+ Error error = 1;
+ PlayerBaseView player = 2;
+message ResBagInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ Bag bag = 2;
+message ReqUseBagItem {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+message ReqOpenManualItem {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 select_id = 3;
+message ReqOpenRandomRewardItem {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+message ResOpenRandomRewardItem {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated OpenResult results = 2;
+message ReqComposeShard {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+message ResAnnouncement {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Announcement announcements = 2;
+ repeated uint32 sort = 3;
+ repeated uint32 read_list = 4;
+message ResMailInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Mail mails = 2;
+message ReqReadMail {
+ uint32 mail_id = 1;
+message ReqDeleteMail {
+ uint32 mail_id = 1;
+message ReqTakeAttachment {
+ uint32 mail_id = 1;
+message ResAchievement {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated AchievementProgress progresses = 2;
+message ResTitleList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated uint32 title_list = 2;
+message ReqUseTitle {
+ uint32 title = 1;
+message ReqBuyShiLian {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+message ReqUpdateClientValue {
+ uint32 key = 1;
+ uint32 value = 2;
+message ResClientValue {
+ repeated Value datas = 1;
+ uint32 recharged_count = 2;
+ message Value {
+ uint32 key = 1;
+ uint32 value = 2;
+ }
+message ReqClientMessage {
+ uint32 timestamp = 1;
+ string message = 2;
+message ReqCurrentMatchInfo {
+ repeated uint32 mode_list = 1;
+message ResCurrentMatchInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated CurrentMatchInfo matches = 2;
+ message CurrentMatchInfo {
+ uint32 mode_id = 1;
+ uint32 playing_count = 2;
+ }
+message ReqUserComplain {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+message ReqReadAnnouncement {
+ uint32 announcement_id = 1;
+message ResReviveCoinInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ bool has_gained = 2;
+message ResDailyTask {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated TaskProgress progresses = 2;
+ bool has_refresh_count = 3;
+ uint32 max_daily_task_count = 4;
+ uint32 refresh_count = 5;
+message ReqRefreshDailyTask {
+ uint32 task_id = 1;
+message ResRefreshDailyTask {
+ Error error = 1;
+ TaskProgress progress = 2;
+ uint32 refresh_count = 3;
+message ReqUseGiftCode {
+ string code = 1;
+message ResUseGiftCode {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated RewardSlot rewards = 6;
+message ReqSendClientMessage {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ string content = 3;
+message ReqGameLiveInfo {
+ string game_uuid = 1;
+message ResGameLiveInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 left_start_seconds = 2;
+ GameLiveHead live_head = 3;
+ repeated GameLiveSegmentUri segments = 4;
+ uint32 now_millisecond = 5;
+message ReqGameLiveLeftSegment {
+ string game_uuid = 1;
+ uint32 last_segment_id = 2;
+message ResGameLiveLeftSegment {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 live_state = 2;
+ repeated GameLiveSegmentUri segments = 4;
+ uint32 now_millisecond = 5;
+ uint32 segment_end_millisecond = 6;
+message ReqGameLiveList {
+ uint32 filter_id = 1;
+message ResGameLiveList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated GameLiveHead live_list = 2;
+message ResCommentSetting {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 comment_allow = 2;
+message ReqUpdateCommentSetting {
+ uint32 comment_allow = 1;
+message ReqFetchCommentList {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+message ResFetchCommentList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 comment_allow = 2;
+ repeated uint32 comment_id_list = 3;
+ uint32 last_read_id = 4;
+message ReqFetchCommentContent {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ repeated uint32 comment_id_list = 2;
+message ResFetchCommentContent {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated CommentItem comments = 2;
+message ReqLeaveComment {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ string content = 2;
+message ReqDeleteComment {
+ uint32 target_id = 1;
+ repeated uint32 delete_list = 2;
+message ReqUpdateReadComment {
+ uint32 read_id = 1;
+message ReqRollingNotice {
+ RollingNotice notice = 1;
+message ResServerTime {
+ uint32 server_time = 1;
+message ReqPlatformBillingProducts {
+ uint32 shelves_id = 1;
+message ResPlatformBillingProducts {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated BillingProduct products = 2;
+message ReqCreateBillingOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 payment_platform = 2;
+ uint32 client_type = 3;
+ uint32 account_id = 4;
+message ResCreateBillingOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqSolveGooglePlayOrder {
+ string inapp_purchase_data = 2;
+ string inapp_data_signature = 3;
+message ReqSolveGooglePlayOrderV3 {
+ string order_id = 1;
+ string transaction_id = 2;
+ string token = 3;
+ uint32 account_id = 4;
+message ReqCancelGooglePlayOrder {
+ string order_id = 1;
+message ReqCreateWechatNativeOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string account_ip = 4;
+message ResCreateWechatNativeOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string qrcode_buffer = 2;
+ string order_id = 3;
+message ReqCreateWechatAppOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string account_ip = 4;
+message ResCreateWechatAppOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ CallWechatAppParam call_wechat_app_param = 2;
+ message CallWechatAppParam {
+ string appid = 1;
+ string partnerid = 2;
+ string prepayid = 3;
+ string package = 4;
+ string noncestr = 5;
+ string timestamp = 6;
+ string sign = 7;
+ }
+message ReqCreateAlipayOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string alipay_trade_type = 4;
+ string return_url = 5;
+message ResCreateAlipayOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string alipay_url = 2;
+message ReqCreateAlipayScanOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+message ResCreateAlipayScanOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string qrcode_buffer = 2;
+ string order_id = 3;
+ string qr_code = 4;
+message ReqCreateAlipayAppOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+message ResCreateAlipayAppOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string alipay_url = 2;
+message ReqCreateJPCreditCardOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateJPCreditCardOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateJPPaypalOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateJPPaypalOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateJPAuOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateJPAuOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateJPDocomoOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateJPDocomoOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateJPWebMoneyOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateJPWebMoneyOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateJPSoftbankOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateJPSoftbankOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateYostarOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ uint32 order_type = 4;
+message ResCreateYostarOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateENPaypalOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateENPaypalOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateENJCBOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateENJCBOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateENMasterCardOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateENMasterCardOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateENVisaOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateENVisaOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateENAlipayOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string return_url = 4;
+ string access_token = 5;
+message ResCreateENAlipayOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqCreateDMMOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 account_id = 2;
+ uint32 client_type = 3;
+message ResCreateDmmOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+ string transaction_id = 3;
+ string dmm_user_id = 4;
+ string token = 5;
+ string callback_url = 6;
+ string request_time = 9;
+ string dmm_app_id = 10;
+message ReqCreateIAPOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+ string access_token = 4;
+message ResCreateIAPOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string order_id = 2;
+message ReqVerificationIAPOrder {
+ string order_id = 1;
+ string transaction_id = 2;
+ string receipt_data = 3;
+ uint32 account_id = 4;
+message ResVerificationIAPOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+message ReqCreateMyCardOrder {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 client_type = 2;
+ uint32 account_id = 3;
+message ResCreateMyCardOrder {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string auth_code = 2;
+ string order_id = 3;
+message ReqVerifyMyCardOrder {
+ string order_id = 1;
+ uint32 account_id = 2;
+message ReqOpenChest {
+ uint32 chest_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ bool use_ticket = 3;
+message ResOpenChest {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated OpenResult results = 2;
+ uint32 total_open_count = 3;
+ uint32 faith_count = 4;
+message ReqBuyFromChestShop {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ResBuyFromChestShop {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 chest_id = 2;
+ uint32 consume_count = 3;
+ uint32 faith_count = 4;
+message ResDailySignInInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 sign_in_days = 2;
+message ReqDoActivitySignIn {
+ uint32 activity_id = 2;
+message ResDoActivitySignIn {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated RewardData rewards = 2;
+ uint32 sign_in_count = 3;
+ message RewardData {
+ uint32 resource_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+message ResCharacterInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Character characters = 2;
+ repeated uint32 skins = 3;
+ uint32 main_character_id = 4;
+ uint32 send_gift_count = 5;
+ uint32 send_gift_limit = 6;
+ repeated uint32 finished_endings = 7;
+ repeated uint32 rewarded_endings = 8;
+message ReqChangeMainCharacter {
+ uint32 character_id = 1;
+message ReqChangeCharacterSkin {
+ uint32 character_id = 1;
+ uint32 skin = 2;
+message ReqChangeCharacterView {
+ uint32 character_id = 1;
+ uint32 slot = 2;
+ uint32 item_id = 3;
+message ReqSendGiftToCharacter {
+ uint32 character_id = 1;
+ repeated Gift gifts = 2;
+ message Gift {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+message ResSendGiftToCharacter {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 level = 2;
+ uint32 exp = 3;
+message ReqSellItem {
+ repeated Item sells = 1;
+ message Item {
+ uint32 item_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+message ResCommonView {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Slot slots = 2;
+ message Slot {
+ uint32 slot = 1;
+ uint32 value = 2;
+ }
+message ReqChangeCommonView {
+ uint32 slot = 1;
+ uint32 value = 2;
+message ReqSaveCommonViews {
+ repeated ViewSlot views = 1;
+ uint32 save_index = 2;
+ uint32 is_use = 3;
+message ReqCommonViews {
+ uint32 index = 1;
+message ResCommonViews {
+ repeated ViewSlot views = 1;
+message ResAllcommonViews {
+ repeated Views views = 1;
+ uint32 use = 2;
+ Error error = 3;
+ message Views {
+ repeated ViewSlot values = 1;
+ uint32 index = 2;
+ }
+message ReqUseCommonView {
+ uint32 index = 3;
+message ReqUpgradeCharacter {
+ uint32 character_id = 1;
+message ResUpgradeCharacter {
+ Error error = 1;
+ Character character = 2;
+message ReqFinishedEnding {
+ uint32 character_id = 1;
+ uint32 story_id = 2;
+ uint32 ending_id = 3;
+message ReqGMCommand {
+ string command = 1;
+message ResShopInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ ShopInfo shop_info = 2;
+message ReqBuyFromShop {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ repeated BillShortcut bill_short_cut = 3;
+ uint32 deal_price = 4;
+message ResBuyFromShop {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated RewardSlot rewards = 2;
+message ReqBuyFromZHP {
+ uint32 goods_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ReqPayMonthTicket {
+ uint32 ticket_id = 1;
+message ResPayMonthTicket {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 resource_id = 2;
+ uint32 resource_count = 3;
+message ReqReshZHPShop {
+ uint32 free_refresh = 1;
+ uint32 cost_refresh = 2;
+message ResRefreshZHPShop {
+ Error error = 1;
+ ZHPShop zhp = 2;
+message ResMonthTicketInfo {
+ repeated MonthTicketInfo month_ticket_info = 1;
+message ReqExchangeCurrency {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ResServerSettings {
+ ServerSettings settings = 1;
+message ResAccountSettings {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated AccountSetting settings = 2;
+message ReqUpdateAccountSettings {
+ AccountSetting setting = 1;
+message ResModNicknameTime {
+ uint32 last_mod_time = 1;
+message ResMisc {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated uint32 recharged_list = 2;
+ repeated MiscFaithData faiths = 3;
+ message MiscFaithData {
+ uint32 faith_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+message ReqModifySignature {
+ string signature = 1;
+message ResIDCardInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ bool is_authed = 2;
+ string country = 3;
+message ReqUpdateIDCardInfo {
+ string fullname = 1;
+ string card_no = 2;
+message ResVipReward {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated uint32 gained_vip_levels = 2;
+message ReqGainVipReward {
+ uint32 vip_level = 1;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestList {
+ uint32 start = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated CustomizedContestBase contests = 2;
+ repeated CustomizedContestBase follow_contests = 3;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo {
+ repeated uint32 uid_list = 1;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestExtendInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated CustomizedContestExtend extend_list = 2;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestAuthInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 observer_level = 2;
+message ReqEnterCustomizedContest {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ResEnterCustomizedContest {
+ Error error = 1;
+ CustomizedContestDetail detail_info = 2;
+ CustomizedContestPlayerReport player_report = 3;
+ bool is_followed = 4;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestOnlineInfo {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 online_player = 2;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestByContestId {
+ uint32 contest_id = 1;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestByContestId {
+ Error error = 1;
+ CustomizedContestAbstract contest_info = 2;
+message ReqStartCustomizedContest {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ReqJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ResJoinCustomizedContestChatRoom {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated bytes chat_history = 2;
+message ReqSayChatMessage {
+ string content = 1;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestGameLiveList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated GameLiveHead live_list = 2;
+message ReqFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+ uint32 last_index = 2;
+message ResFetchCustomizedContestGameRecords {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 next_index = 2;
+ repeated RecordGame record_list = 3;
+message ReqTargetCustomizedContest {
+ uint32 unique_id = 1;
+message ResActivityList {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Activity activities = 2;
+message ResAccountActivityData {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated ExchangeRecord exchange_records = 2;
+ repeated TaskProgress task_progress_list = 3;
+ repeated ActivityAccumulatedPointData accumulated_point_list = 4;
+ repeated ActivityRankPointData rank_data_list = 5;
+ repeated TaskProgress flip_task_progress_list = 6;
+ repeated ActivitySignInData sign_in_data = 7;
+ repeated ActivityRichmanData richman_data = 8;
+ repeated TaskProgress period_task_progress_list = 9;
+ repeated TaskProgress random_task_progress_list = 10;
+ message ActivitySignInData {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ uint32 sign_in_count = 2;
+ uint32 last_sign_in_time = 3;
+ }
+ message BuffData {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 remain = 2;
+ uint32 effect = 3;
+ }
+ message ActivityRichmanData {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ uint32 location = 2;
+ uint32 finished_count = 3;
+ uint32 chest_position = 4;
+ uint32 bank_save = 5;
+ uint32 exp = 6;
+ repeated BuffData buff = 7;
+ }
+message ReqExchangeActivityItem {
+ uint32 exchange_id = 1;
+message ResExchangeActivityItem {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated ExecuteReward execute_reward = 2;
+message ReqCompleteActivityTask {
+ uint32 task_id = 1;
+message ReqReceiveActivityFlipTask {
+ uint32 task_id = 1;
+message ResReceiveActivityFlipTask {
+ uint32 count = 1;
+ Error error = 2;
+message ReqFetchActivityFlipInfo {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+message ResFetchActivityFlipInfo {
+ repeated uint32 rewards = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ Error error = 3;
+message ReqGainAccumulatedPointActivityReward {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ uint32 reward_id = 2;
+message ReqFetchRankPointLeaderboard {
+ uint32 leaderboard_id = 1;
+message ResFetchRankPointLeaderboard {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated Item items = 2;
+ uint32 last_refresh_time = 3;
+ message Item {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ uint32 rank = 2;
+ PlayerBaseView view = 3;
+ uint32 point = 4;
+ }
+message ReqGainRankPointReward {
+ uint32 leaderboard_id = 1;
+ uint32 activity_id = 2;
+message ReqRichmanNextMove {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+message ResRichmanNextMove {
+ repeated PathData paths = 1;
+ uint32 dice = 2;
+ uint32 location = 3;
+ uint32 finished_count = 4;
+ uint32 step = 5;
+ repeated BuffData buff = 6;
+ uint32 bank_save = 7;
+ uint32 chest_position = 8;
+ uint32 exp = 9;
+ uint32 bank_save_add = 10;
+ Error error = 11;
+ message RewardData {
+ uint32 resource_id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 origin_count = 3;
+ uint32 is_chest = 4;
+ }
+ message PathData {
+ uint32 location = 1;
+ repeated RewardData rewards = 2;
+ repeated uint32 events = 3;
+ }
+ message BuffData {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 remain = 2;
+ uint32 effect = 3;
+ }
+message ReqRichmanSpecialMove {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ uint32 step = 2;
+message ReqRichmanChestInfo {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+message ResRichmanChestInfo {
+ repeated ItemData items = 1;
+ Error error = 2;
+ message ItemData {
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ }
+message ReqCreateGameObserveAuth {
+ string game_uuid = 1;
+message ResCreateGameObserveAuth {
+ Error error = 1;
+ string token = 2;
+ string location = 3;
+message ReqRefreshGameObserveAuth {
+ string token = 1;
+message ResRefreshGameObserveAuth {
+ Error error = 1;
+ uint32 ttl = 2;
+message ActionMJStart {
+message NewRoundOpenedTiles {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ repeated string tiles = 2;
+ repeated uint32 count = 3;
+message MuyuInfo {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ uint32 count = 2;
+ uint32 count_max = 3;
+ uint32 id = 4;
+message ActionNewRound {
+ uint32 chang = 1;
+ uint32 ju = 2;
+ uint32 ben = 3;
+ repeated string tiles = 4;
+ string dora = 5;
+ repeated int32 scores = 6;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 7;
+ uint32 liqibang = 8;
+ repeated TingPaiDiscardInfo tingpais0 = 9;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tingpais1 = 10;
+ bool al = 11;
+ string md5 = 12;
+ uint32 left_tile_count = 13;
+ repeated string doras = 14;
+ repeated NewRoundOpenedTiles opens = 15;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 16;
+message RecordNewRound {
+ uint32 chang = 1;
+ uint32 ju = 2;
+ uint32 ben = 3;
+ string dora = 4;
+ repeated int32 scores = 5;
+ uint32 liqibang = 6;
+ repeated string tiles0 = 7;
+ repeated string tiles1 = 8;
+ repeated string tiles2 = 9;
+ repeated string tiles3 = 10;
+ repeated TingPai tingpai = 11;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 12;
+ string md5 = 13;
+ string paishan = 14;
+ uint32 left_tile_count = 15;
+ repeated string doras = 16;
+ repeated NewRoundOpenedTiles opens = 17;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 18;
+ message TingPai {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tingpais1 = 2;
+ }
+message GameSnapshot {
+ uint32 chang = 1;
+ uint32 ju = 2;
+ uint32 ben = 3;
+ uint32 index_player = 4;
+ uint32 left_tile_count = 5;
+ repeated string hands = 6;
+ repeated string doras = 7;
+ uint32 liqibang = 8;
+ repeated PlayerSnapshot players = 9;
+ bool zhenting = 10;
+ message PlayerSnapshot {
+ int32 score = 1;
+ int32 liqiposition = 2;
+ uint32 tilenum = 3;
+ repeated string qipais = 4;
+ repeated Fulu mings = 5;
+ message Fulu {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ repeated string tile = 2;
+ repeated uint32 from = 3;
+ }
+ }
+message ActionPrototype {
+ uint32 step = 1;
+ string name = 2;
+ bytes data = 3;
+message GameDetailRecords {
+ repeated bytes records = 1;
+message OptionalOperation {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ repeated string combination = 2;
+message OptionalOperationList {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ repeated OptionalOperation operation_list = 2;
+ uint32 time_add = 4;
+ uint32 time_fixed = 5;
+message LiQiSuccess {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ int32 score = 2;
+ uint32 liqibang = 3;
+message FanInfo {
+ string name = 1;
+ uint32 val = 2;
+ uint32 id = 3;
+message HuleInfo {
+ repeated string hand = 1;
+ repeated string ming = 2;
+ string hu_tile = 3;
+ uint32 seat = 4;
+ bool zimo = 5;
+ bool qinjia = 6;
+ bool liqi = 7;
+ repeated string doras = 8;
+ repeated string li_doras = 9;
+ bool yiman = 10;
+ uint32 count = 11;
+ repeated FanInfo fans = 12;
+ uint32 fu = 13;
+ string title = 14;
+ uint32 point_rong = 15;
+ uint32 point_zimo_qin = 16;
+ uint32 point_zimo_xian = 17;
+ uint32 title_id = 18;
+ uint32 point_sum = 19;
+message TingPaiInfo {
+ string tile = 1;
+ bool haveyi = 2;
+ bool yiman = 3;
+ uint32 count = 4;
+ uint32 fu = 5;
+ uint32 biao_dora_count = 6;
+ bool yiman_zimo = 7;
+ uint32 count_zimo = 8;
+ uint32 fu_zimo = 9;
+message TingPaiDiscardInfo {
+ string tile = 1;
+ bool zhenting = 2;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo infos = 3;
+message GameEnd {
+ repeated int32 scores = 1;
+message ActionDiscardTile {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ string tile = 2;
+ bool is_liqi = 3;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 4;
+ bool moqie = 5;
+ bool zhenting = 6;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tingpais = 7;
+ repeated string doras = 8;
+ bool is_wliqi = 9;
+ uint32 tile_state = 10;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 11;
+message RecordDiscardTile {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ string tile = 2;
+ bool is_liqi = 3;
+ bool moqie = 5;
+ repeated bool zhenting = 6;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tingpais = 7;
+ repeated string doras = 8;
+ bool is_wliqi = 9;
+ repeated OptionalOperationList operations = 10;
+ uint32 tile_state = 11;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 12;
+message ActionDealTile {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ string tile = 2;
+ uint32 left_tile_count = 3;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 4;
+ LiQiSuccess liqi = 5;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ bool zhenting = 7;
+ repeated TingPaiDiscardInfo tingpais = 8;
+ uint32 tile_state = 9;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 10;
+message RecordDealTile {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ string tile = 2;
+ uint32 left_tile_count = 3;
+ LiQiSuccess liqi = 5;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ repeated bool zhenting = 7;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 8;
+ uint32 tile_state = 9;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 11;
+message ActionChiPengGang {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ repeated string tiles = 3;
+ repeated uint32 froms = 4;
+ LiQiSuccess liqi = 5;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 6;
+ bool zhenting = 7;
+ repeated TingPaiDiscardInfo tingpais = 8;
+ repeated uint32 tile_states = 9;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 10;
+message RecordChiPengGang {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ repeated string tiles = 3;
+ repeated uint32 froms = 4;
+ LiQiSuccess liqi = 5;
+ repeated bool zhenting = 7;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 8;
+ repeated uint32 tile_states = 9;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 10;
+message ActionAnGangAddGang {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ string tiles = 3;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 4;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ bool zhenting = 7;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tingpais = 8;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 9;
+message RecordAnGangAddGang {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ uint32 type = 2;
+ string tiles = 3;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ repeated OptionalOperationList operations = 7;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 8;
+message ActionBaBei {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ OptionalOperationList operation = 4;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ bool zhenting = 7;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tingpais = 8;
+ bool moqie = 9;
+ uint32 tile_state = 10;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 11;
+message RecordBaBei {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ repeated OptionalOperationList operations = 7;
+ bool moqie = 8;
+ uint32 tile_state = 10;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 11;
+message ActionHule {
+ repeated HuleInfo hules = 1;
+ repeated int32 old_scores = 2;
+ repeated int32 delta_scores = 3;
+ uint32 wait_timeout = 4;
+ repeated int32 scores = 5;
+ GameEnd gameend = 6;
+ repeated string doras = 7;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 8;
+message RecordHule {
+ repeated HuleInfo hules = 1;
+ repeated int32 old_scores = 2;
+ repeated int32 delta_scores = 3;
+ uint32 wait_timeout = 4;
+ repeated int32 scores = 5;
+ GameEnd gameend = 6;
+ repeated string doras = 7;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 8;
+message ActionLiuJu {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ GameEnd gameend = 2;
+ uint32 seat = 3;
+ repeated string tiles = 4;
+ LiQiSuccess liqi = 5;
+ repeated string allplayertiles = 6;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 7;
+message RecordLiuJu {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ GameEnd gameend = 2;
+ uint32 seat = 3;
+ repeated string tiles = 4;
+ LiQiSuccess liqi = 5;
+ repeated string allplayertiles = 6;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 7;
+message NoTilePlayerInfo {
+ bool tingpai = 3;
+ repeated string hand = 4;
+ repeated TingPaiInfo tings = 5;
+message NoTileScoreInfo {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ repeated int32 old_scores = 2;
+ repeated int32 delta_scores = 3;
+ repeated string hand = 4;
+ repeated string ming = 5;
+ repeated string doras = 6;
+ uint32 score = 7;
+message ActionNoTile {
+ bool liujumanguan = 1;
+ repeated NoTilePlayerInfo players = 2;
+ repeated NoTileScoreInfo scores = 3;
+ bool gameend = 4;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 5;
+message RecordNoTile {
+ bool liujumanguan = 1;
+ repeated NoTilePlayerInfo players = 2;
+ repeated NoTileScoreInfo scores = 3;
+ bool gameend = 4;
+ MuyuInfo muyu = 5;
+message PlayerLeaving {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+service FastTest {
+ rpc authGame (ReqAuthGame) returns (ResAuthGame);
+ rpc enterGame (ReqCommon) returns (ResEnterGame);
+ rpc syncGame (ReqSyncGame) returns (ResSyncGame);
+ rpc finishSyncGame (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc terminateGame (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc inputOperation (ReqSelfOperation) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc inputChiPengGang (ReqChiPengGang) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc confirmNewRound (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc broadcastInGame (ReqBroadcastInGame) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc inputGameGMCommand (ReqGMCommandInGaming) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc fetchGamePlayerState (ReqCommon) returns (ResGamePlayerState);
+ rpc checkNetworkDelay (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc clearLeaving (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc voteGameEnd (ReqVoteGameEnd) returns (ResGameEndVote);
+ rpc authObserve (ReqAuthObserve) returns (ResCommon);
+ rpc startObserve (ReqCommon) returns (ResStartObserve);
+ rpc stopObserve (ReqCommon) returns (ResCommon);
+message ReqAuthGame {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ string token = 2;
+ string game_uuid = 3;
+message ResAuthGame {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated PlayerGameView players = 2;
+ repeated uint32 seat_list = 3;
+ bool is_game_start = 4;
+ GameConfig game_config = 5;
+ repeated uint32 ready_id_list = 6;
+message GameRestore {
+ GameSnapshot snapshot = 1;
+ repeated ActionPrototype actions = 2;
+ uint32 passed_waiting_time = 3;
+ uint32 game_state = 4;
+ uint32 start_time = 5;
+ uint32 last_pause_time_ms = 6;
+message ResEnterGame {
+ Error error = 1;
+ bool is_end = 2;
+ uint32 step = 3;
+ GameRestore game_restore = 4;
+message ReqSyncGame {
+ string round_id = 1;
+ uint32 step = 2;
+message ResSyncGame {
+ Error error = 1;
+ bool is_end = 2;
+ uint32 step = 3;
+ GameRestore game_restore = 4;
+message ReqSelfOperation {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 index = 2;
+ string tile = 3;
+ bool cancel_operation = 4;
+ bool moqie = 5;
+ uint32 timeuse = 6;
+ int32 tile_state = 7;
+message ReqChiPengGang {
+ uint32 type = 1;
+ uint32 index = 2;
+ bool cancel_operation = 3;
+ uint32 timeuse = 6;
+message ReqBroadcastInGame {
+ string content = 1;
+ bool except_self = 2;
+message ReqGMCommandInGaming {
+ string json_data = 1;
+message ResGamePlayerState {
+ Error error = 1;
+ repeated GamePlayerState state_list = 2;
+message ReqVoteGameEnd {
+ bool yes = 1;
+message ResGameEndVote {
+ bool success = 1;
+ uint32 vote_cd_end_time = 2;
+ Error error = 3;
+message ReqAuthObserve {
+ string token = 1;
+message ResStartObserve {
+ GameLiveHead head = 1;
+ GameLiveSegment passed = 2;
+message NotifyNewGame {
+ string game_uuid = 1;
+ repeated string player_list = 2;
+message NotifyPlayerLoadGameReady {
+ repeated uint32 ready_id_list = 1;
+message NotifyGameBroadcast {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ string content = 2;
+message NotifyGameEndResult {
+ GameEndResult result = 1;
+message NotifyGameTerminate {
+ string reason = 1;
+message NotifyPlayerConnectionState {
+ uint32 seat = 1;
+ GamePlayerState state = 2;
+message NotifyAccountLevelChange {
+ AccountLevel origin = 1;
+ AccountLevel final = 2;
+ uint32 type = 3;
+message NotifyGameFinishReward {
+ uint32 mode_id = 1;
+ LevelChange level_change = 2;
+ MatchChest match_chest = 3;
+ MainCharacter main_character = 4;
+ CharacterGift character_gift = 5;
+ message LevelChange {
+ AccountLevel origin = 1;
+ AccountLevel final = 2;
+ uint32 type = 3;
+ }
+ message MatchChest {
+ uint32 chest_id = 1;
+ uint32 origin = 2;
+ uint32 final = 3;
+ bool is_graded = 4;
+ repeated RewardSlot rewards = 5;
+ }
+ message MainCharacter {
+ uint32 level = 1;
+ uint32 exp = 2;
+ uint32 add = 3;
+ }
+ message CharacterGift {
+ uint32 origin = 1;
+ uint32 final = 2;
+ uint32 add = 3;
+ bool is_graded = 4;
+ }
+message NotifyActivityReward {
+ repeated ActivityReward activity_reward = 1;
+ message ActivityReward {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ repeated RewardSlot rewards = 2;
+ }
+message NotifyActivityPoint {
+ repeated ActivityPoint activity_points = 1;
+ message ActivityPoint {
+ uint32 activity_id = 1;
+ uint32 point = 2;
+ }
+message NotifyLeaderboardPoint {
+ repeated LeaderboardPoint leaderboard_points = 1;
+ message LeaderboardPoint {
+ uint32 leaderboard_id = 1;
+ uint32 point = 2;
+ }
+message NotifyGamePause {
+ bool paused = 1;
+message NotifyEndGameVote {
+ repeated VoteResult results = 1;
+ uint32 start_time = 2;
+ uint32 duration_time = 3;
+ message VoteResult {
+ uint32 account_id = 1;
+ bool yes = 2;
+ }
+message NotifyObserveData {
+ GameLiveUnit unit = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887ea13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "name": "ms",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "description": "Mahjong Soul RPC client",
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+ },
+ "author": "",
+ "license": "ISC",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "bytebuffer": "^5.0.1",
+ "command-line-args": "^5.1.1",
+ "command-line-usage": "^6.0.2",
+ "protobufjs": "^6.8.8",
+ "websocket": "^1.0.30"
+ }
diff --git a/res_list.txt b/res_list.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cacae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res_list.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9767 @@
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/scene/Assets/Resource/effect/mesh/luoxuan ping-Helix001.lm
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/jp/extendRes/skin_shop/haitanpaiduilibao2_shop .jpg
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/extendRes/items/jingbing_0 .png
+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/scene/Assets/Resource/table/hand/Materials/Majiang_Hand_Girl_Fingernail_001 _Low.lmat
+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/scene/Assets/Resource/lizhibang/liqi_jiaozi/New Material.lmat
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/jp/extendRes/items/jingbing_0 .png
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/scene/Assets/Resource/lizhibang/liqi_bianpao/New Material.lmat
+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/scene/Assets/Resource/Materials/Majiang_Hand_Girl_Fingernail_001 _Low.png
+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/scene/Library/unity default resources-Plane.lm
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/en/extendRes/items/jingbing_0 .png
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+https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/v0.8.1.w/en/extendRes/skin_shop/haitanpaiduilibao2_shop .jpg